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Subject : English Language

Year : 5 Amanah (mixed ability)

Enrolment : 28 pupils

Date/Day : 25h June 2019 (Tuesday)

Time : 9:15 am – 10:15 pm (60 minutes)

Theme : World of Stories

Topic : Unit 7 (King’s Decision)

Focused Skill : Listening and Speaking

Previous Knowledge : Pupils have basic knowledge about the

Content Standard : 1.1 By the end of the 6-year primary schooling, pupils will be
able to pronounce words and speak with the correct stress,
rhythm and intonation.

Learning Standard : 1.1.3 Able to speak on related topics with guidance.

Learning Objectives : By the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to:

1. Talk about the different rooms in the castle based on

the pictures with keywords given by the teacher.
2. Match the rooms in the castle according to the
descriptions given by the teacher.

Vocabulary : the king’s chamber, art gallery, courtyard, banquet hall,

kitchen, throne room

Cross Curriculum Elements : Language

Educational Emphases:

i) Moral Values : respect

ii) Thinking Skills : analysing, generating ideas, understanding, memorizing

iii) Multiple Intelligences : interpersonal, intrapersonal

iv) Entrepreneurship : initiative

Resources/Teaching Aids : pictures of the places in the palace, worksheets

Stages/Time Content Activities Remarks

To arouse pupil’s interests Teacher: Preparation Phase

by showing them a crown I. Wears a crown in
and asking them who the front of the class
teacher is. and points at it. Materials:
II. Asks the students - crown
Example of questions: if they know who
Set Induction - Who am I? the teacher is HOTS:
(5 minutes) (teachers points at acting as. - Analysis
the crown she is III. highlights today’s
wearing) lessons.
Answer: “The King”

To introduce the topic .

I. Pastes the maps of
Learning about the rooms in the rooms in the Imagination Phase
Presentation the palace and their palace on the white
(15 minutes) descriptions. board. PAK 21: Discussion
II. asks the students
to say the name of HOTS:
the rooms after the - Analysis
teacher does while - Generating
pointing at the map ideas
with the correct
pronunciation. Multiple intelligences:

Example: Intrapersonal

 The King’s
chamber HOTS: analysis
 Courtyard
 Art Gallery
 Kitchen
 Throne
 Banquet Hall
III. Discusses the
function of each Materials: map of the
place and room rooms and places in
based on the the castle, cards with
descriptions descriptions of the
labelled on each rooms and the places
place. in the castle.

- Quiz on the rooms 1. The students sit in Developmennt Phase

and places in the their respective
palace. groups. PAK 21
2. Teacher gives - Collaboration and
Practice instructions
- discussion
(15 minutes) whereby she will
show a random
Assessment for
picture of the
learning objective (1)
places in the
Materials: flashcards
3. The groups will
with pictures of places
compete to be the
in the palace.
first to be able to
say the name of
Multiple intelligence:
the room/place
correctly by raising
their hands the
- Applying
4. The group picked
- Evaluating
must say the name
correctly in unison.
Then, they are
required to state
the function of the
5. If the group fails, a
chance will be
given to other
6. The teacher will
facilitate the
students by giving
out keywords.

Assessing the pupils’ 1. The worksheet are Action Phase

understanding of what they given individually. - Implementation
have learned about the 2. The students are - Continuous
Production sentences by completing a required to practice
(20 minutes) worksheet on matching the complete the
descriptions of the rooms worksheet by PAK 21:
with the correct pictures. matching the - critical thinking
descriptions of the
rooms with the
correct pictures by HOTS:
drawing lines to the - applying
correct answer.
3. The teacher Assessment for
facilitates the learning objective (2)
students and
collects the
worksheet at the
end of the period.

- Summary 1. Teacher asks the

Closure - Recap the lesson pupils about what
(5 minutes) they have learnt
2. Teacher highlights
the topic and recap
the lesson.

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