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META TITLE: CBD is known to curb appetite, boost metabolism, and prevent
overeating. It is considered as a modern-day “miracle” cure by many people.
Keywords: CBD, cannabidiol, endocannabiniod system, appetite, metabolism, fat,
weight loss

Image source: shutter stock images

Cannabidiol — better known as CBD — is a compound that is derived from cannabis.

CBD is known to curb appetite, protect the heart and brain, reduce anxiety, quash
depression and it even helped people with epilepsy and Lyme disease. Its vast health
benefits have created a potential tsunami of demand for CBD products. Although the
FDA recently declared CBD an illegal, it is still considered as a modern-day “miracle”
cure by many people.

Numerous case-studies, as well as peer-reviewed research results, found that

cannabinoid can actually help with obesity and related metabolic disorders and
diabetes. It reduces the body mass index (BMI), lowers body weight, and reduces the
waist circumferences.
So, why not leave all the back-breaking workouts and those extreme diets and switch
to CBD for weight loss?
Read on to explore the effects of CBD on weight loss.

How Does CBD Work?

CBD, or cannabidiol, is one of the 113 known beneficial cannabinoids found in
marijuana. CBD, along with numerous other health benefits, is also associated with
weight loss. How it works for weight-loss may sound paradoxical. But an explanation
may lie within the functions of the endocannabinoid system. When you use CBD in
either oil, topical, or supplement form, it activates the body’s natural endocannabinoid
system-which consists of a complex network of receptors found throughout the body
primarily in the nervous and immune system. Research shows that it plays an
important role in mediating our appetite and metabolism.
Let us take a closer look at the endocannabinoid system’s role in controlling appetite
and metabolism.
Turns On Fat Browning in the Body
There are two types of fat in the body-White, which is the predominant one,
responsible for storing and energy, and also insulates and provides a cushion to the
body organs, and Black, which is responsible for generating heat and energy by
burning calories. Healthy people have more brown fat than overweight and obese
people. White fat can be converted to brown fat by exercise, diet, or supplements.
However, recent research in the scientific journal Molecular and Cellular Biochemistry
shows that CBD can convert white (or bad) fat into brown fat, which increases the
body’s ability to burn calories and reduce weight.
It works by:
1. Stimulating the genes and increasing the production of enzymes that cause the
breakdown and oxidation of fat.
2. Increasing the number and activity of fat cell’s mitochondria, which in turn helps
to burn more calories.
3. Decreasing the production of proteins involved in lipogenesis.

Suppresses Appetite
This compound is a holy grail for weight loss. While many people think that cannabis
is linked with increased appetite and hunger. It is true, but the effect is associated with
the component tetrahydrocannabinol (THC). THC activates the CB1 receptors in the
body which somehow increases appetite. On the other hand, CBD indirectly
deactivates CB1 receptors by acting on other molecules which block them off.
Deactivating these receptors may help to prevent overeating and curb the appetite.

Boosts Metabolism:
Research suggests that CBD may boost body metabolism leading to reduced body
mass index (BMI) and lower body weight.
A recent study of CBD on animals found that this effect is linked with the
endocannabinoid system. It interacts with receptors that help to boost metabolism.

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