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Lark Murry

God Calls You by Name

Genesis 12:1-4
Scripture Text: Genesis 12:1-4
1 Now the LORD said to Abram, “Go from your country and your kindred and your father's

house to the land that I will show you. 2 And I will make of you a great nation, and I will
bless you and make your name great, so that you will be a blessing. 3 I will bless those who
bless you, and him who dishonors you I will curse, and in you all the families of the earth
shall be blessed.” 4 So Abram went, as the LORD had told him, and Lot went with him.
Abram was seventy-five years old when he departed from Haran.

Topic: God Calls You by Name

There was a small boy staying far from his father. He had never seen his father, ever
since by the time he was born his father had to the place where he was working. After
the period of some years the father called his son through phone and told him to come
where he was staying “son, come to me here and stay with me. I believe that you will
enjoy and feel good once you arrived here. This place is just so beautiful; you will be
amazed by looking around. I will tell you how to come. And the boy went as his father
said even though his had never seen his father but he just obeyed him”.

1. I AM Sending You (v.1)

In the time of Ancient era land, family, and inheritance were the most significant
elements. Land and family were the most things that they gave important for people
who cultivates for their livelihood. Even in our modern generation for farmers land
has big value or can create huge conflicts. On the other hand people who dwell in the
city, these represented their political identity. Ur is the place where Abraham was
called. It was the largest city of Northern Chaldea and commercial centre of the
country and as well as the centre of political power. And according to the record of
Genesis Abraham was from rich background. Probably His father or family had lot of
livelihood and enough land comparing to other in that reign.
At this condition God told Abraham to move out from the land and family. I believe
that it will be so hard to depart and go away from his family. God told him that he will
show a land where to go. And for Abraham he was not sure of where he will be going
because when he was called by God place was not told or mentioned of where to go. It
was like going without direction or target. On top of that he had to separate from

It was a situation where people forsake God and doing what was evil. They were
worshiping unknown gods idols. However God called out Abraham by his name.
Abraham was idolatry and doesn’t know the true God, but God graciously called him.
Friends always remember, when God calls you He does not just call you as an
unknown person. When God calls He doesn’t look of who you are, but in spite of all
weakness God call you to send you where he will be showing you. And He calls you
by your name.

2. You Will be a Channel of Blessing (v.2-3)

In verse 2 and 3 we see a promise God was making to Abraham who was worshiper of
idols at that time. We see God called out Abraham with a promise “I will make you
great nation, and bless the nations through you”. At the time when God called him he
was 75 in age. At this age God promised to make him a great nation and great name. It
was a promise of blessing the entire world through one man “I will bless those who
bless you”. In other word I will make you a channel of blessing to others. God knew
that the world has to be blessed. They were in need of blessing. Being the Father of
mankind He can’t see His children in a pathetic situation, who were longing for

In Abraham’s era, the world was filled with disobedience people, who did all kinds of
evil in the sigh of God. However, greater than the disobedience of the people, God
saw them with love and care for them. Therefore, God called Abraham and promised
to bless the whole world through him (Gen 12:2). The purpose of calling Abraham
was to bless the nations through him. He was called to shine among the nations that
the world might see how God cares and love the whole mankind. God also promised
that He will be blessing those who noticed Abraham “I will bless those who bless
you” (Gen 12:3).

Friends when God calls you, He calls you with a purpose and it is to make a blessing
to others. God wants to bless others through you. In our generation God calls you to
share the light of Jesus to the one who are in the darkness. Abraham was called to
blessed the nations in his time; you are called to bless the nations in our generation in
His name. He is calling you to bring those who are yet to understand His love and the
gift of salvation. You are called to shine to show the way for those who are in
confusing by being in darkness. Many people are still in the dark and confusion, and
you are called for them “let your light shine” (Matt 5:16)

3. What is Your Response (v. 4)

When we see in verse 4 we see submission took place by Abraham. He obeyed the
word of God and moved forward to the unknown place. Now Abraham left everything
as God mentioned when he was called (v.1). He left his father’s house, land and
identity of the old person to become and get new identity (v.2-3). Abraham obeyed
without question.

He was 75 in age and God was telling him to make a great nation and bless the entire
nations through him. Even at that point Abraham got the courage to become great
nation and bless the universe through him. And therefore he moved out from the land
and family but he doesn’t know where he will be going. He was blind in mind of
where to go, but he believed in what God told him. Abraham had never seen God, but
he just obeyed the voice of the Lord by faith. And by the obedience of Abraham the
world had been bless as God said. Abraham was counted as the righteous man
“Abraham believed God and it was counted to him as righteousness” (Rom 4:3) and a
friend of God because he fully relayed on the voice of the Lord. For Abraham the
voice that he heard spoken by unseen God was the guide for his journey to reach the
new land and a new life.

Here the question is how can Abraham put it into action of the unknown voice? What
make him to do that? Perhaps it might be like in a dream where he didn’t know who
was speaking to him. Abraham didn’t know where he will be going. He was blind in
idea but his faith was not blind.

By faith he obeyed what he had been hear from God. Faith is not based on feeling or
emotions, but faith is based on the word of God (Rom 10:17). God spoke to Abraham
and told him what he would do for him if he would trust and obey. And Abraham
responded with faith and obedience (Heb 11:8-10) and therefore he was counted
righteous (Rom 4:3). Dear friends, faith is unseen. However, our unseen faith can be
shown in action. Because it produce in our characters when we really have faith.
Abraham did as we have seen his action in verse 4.

Faith, we should be shown in action. If we are not showing in action then something is
wrong of what we believe. Faith always goes with action. I other words it is hand in
hand. It goes together. So when you say that God is called you, you must also show in
action. And the call of you by God is to bless others. So always obey His calling
without any hesitation, because God wants to send you and use you as a channel to
others, put your faith into action.

Go and bless the nations in His Name. You are called to bless the nations.

May the Spirit of God help us to understand His word.

God bless you… Amen.

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