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Intercondylar humerus The purpose of this paper is to highlight the controversies in

the management of this relatively uncommon injury, its associated

fractures: current concepts complications and final outcome.

and controversies SPECIFIC ANATOMY

Vivek Trikha, MS (Ortho)* The ulnotrochlear joint serves as a semi-constraint hinge joint
Tarun Goyal, MS (Ortho)** with motion in flexion and extension. In addition, there are five
degrees of varus or valgus laxity in response to applied force.18,19
The forearm rotation takes place at radiocapitellar joint. The
articular surface of distal humerus is inclined at about carrying
Abstract angle of 11–17° of valgus angulations (Figure 1). Trochleo-
Intrercondylar distal humerus fractures are uncommon injuries with less
capitellum forms a tie arch, supported by the inverted Y-shaped
than satisfactory result in a large number of cases despite numerous
medial and lateral columns. Most distal humerus intra-articular
advancements in surgical techniques. Anatomical and stable internal fixa-
fractures split through the trochlear waist, causing comminu-
tion with early postoperative mobilization is expected to improve the func-
tion and often leading to narrowing of the trochlea after inter-
tional outcomes. The present discussion is an attempt to understand the
nal fixation.18 Restoration of the width of the distal articular
current standards of care in surgical management of this complex injury.
surface is essential to regain full range of motion.
Distal humerus may be visualized to be composed of two
Keywords Intercondylar humerus, techniques, olecranon osteotomy, TRAP
columns: medial column extending from the medial supracondy-
lar ridge and ending at medial epicondyle, about 1 cm proximal
to the trochlea, lying in the long axis of the humerus. The lat-
eral column ends at the capitellum, which projects about 30–40
INTRODUCTION degrees anteriorly from the long axis of humerus (Figure 2). The
posterior aspect of the lateral column distally is extra-articular,
The distal humerus fractures are relatively uncommon com- thus, allowing distal placement of the plate. The lateral condyle
prising about 2% of all adult fractures and about one third of lies at approximately 20° of valgus relative to the humeral shaft
humerus fractures.1–5 Majority of the distal humerus fractures and the medial condyle lies at 40° of varus. If a line is drawn
(96%) have a complex pattern involving both the columns and along the anterior surface of the shaft of humerus on a lateral pro-
the articular surface (AO type C injuries).6 The incidence of jection of the elbow and extended distally it cuts lateral condyle
this fracture pattern has been increasing in older age group, into two parts, anterior one-third, and posterior two-thirds.
which is attributed to osteoporosis.7–10 The contemporary treat-
ment of displaced intercondylar fractures of distal humerus is
based on observations that open reduction and internal fixation CLASSIFICATIONS
of these fractures yield superior outcomes vis-à-vis closed ma-
nipulation and immobilization.11–14 This has been associated with A number of classification systems have been developed for
lower risk of mal-union, non-union, joint stiffness, secondary os- distal humerus fractures (Figures 3 and 4). These systems sub-
teoarthritis and better return to near normal range of motion.15–17 categorize fractures according to the articular surface involve-
There are marginally raised instances of wound infection and ment and the presence and extent of comminution. The most
neurovascular injury. Perfect congruity of the articular surfaces commonly followed is the Orthopedic Trauma Association/AO
and early postoperative mobilization should be the aim to restore classification (Table 1). An important shortcoming of these
range of motion as close to normal as possible. classification systems used for the distal humerus fractures is
Thus, it is well recognized that open reduction and stable that they do not address the closeness of the fracture line from
internal fixation is the optimal treatment for distal humerus the joint surface and the fractures with a coronal split. Both
intra-articular fractures. But several areas in the management these features have an important prognostic implication.
of these injuries are not clear. There are controversies regarding
the ideal surgical approach, placement of the plates, role of
locking and pre-contoured plates, role of ulnar nerve transposi- TREATMENT
tion and prophylaxis for heterotopic ossification.
Earlier, the results of the operative treatment were poor because
of the inability to achieve stable internal fixation, which pro-
*Assistant Professor, JPN Apex Trauma Center, **Senior Resident, AIIMS, longed the time required in cast immobilization and thus, resulted
New Delhi. in a stiff elbow. With better understanding of the distal humerus
Correspondence: Dr. Vivek Trikha, L-381, Sarita Vihar, New Delhi – 110076. anatomy it is now possible to achieve stable internal fixation
E-mail: with early postoperative mobilization, yielding satisfactory range

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Trikha and Goyal

Figure 1 Anatomy of the distal part of the humerus.

*Note that the capitellum is projected 30–40° anteriorly from the long axis of the humerus. Line drawn from anterior shaft cuts the lateral condyle into
one-third and two-thirds.

al co

lu m

A A1 A2 A3
“Tie arch

Figure 2 The two columns of distal humerus. The trochlea and the capitel-
lum form the horizontal “tie arch” in between the two columns.

B B1 B2 B3

1 2

C C1 C2 C3

Figure 4 AO/OTA classification for the distal humerus.

3 4

Figure 3 Riseborough and Radin classification.

with neurovascular injuries or compartment syndrome and frac-
tures in multiple injury patients.
of motion in the majority of the cases. Proper pre-operative im-
aging and templating is a useful prerequisite to anatomical Operative Technique
fracture fixation. Patient may be positioned either in lateral decubitus position
Displaced intra-articular fractures in which the articular in- with shoulder and arm flexed at 90° and placed on an arm rest;
congruity exceeds 2 mm are best treated by internal fixation. or in prone position with arm placed abducted on a side table.
Other indications for surgery include open fractures, fractures Pneumatic tourniquet is used to provide a clear operative field

JCOT Vol 1 No 2 58
Intercondylar humerus fractures: current concepts and controversies

Table 1 Various classification systems for intercondylar fractures of humerus.

Riseborough and Radin classification AO classification/Müller’s classification Jupiter and Mehne

1. Type I: Undisplaced fracture 1. Type C1: Classic bicondylar fractures “T” or 1. Grade I: Intra-articular fractures.
2. Type II: Mild displacement. Trochlea and “Y” type, simple with no comminution. 2. Grade II: Extra-articular,
capitellum displaced but not rotated 2. Type C2: C1 with supracondylar communition. intracapsular fractures.
3. Type III: Moderate displacement. Trochlea 3. Type C3: C1 or C2 with intracondylar comminution. 3. Grade III: Extracapsular fractures.
and capitellum are both displaced and rotated Intracapsular fractures are
4. Type IV: Severe comminution. Type III with subdivided into:
significant intracondylar comminution A: Single column
B: Bicolumnar
C: Capitellar
D: Trochlear

and minimize blood loss. Tourniquet should be deflated after

60–90 minutes to minimize the chances of tourniquet palsies.
No surgical approach to distal humerus fracture is perfect.
Visualization of the distal humerus articular surface comes at
the cost of sacrificing important bony or tendinous structures
that may be associated with long term complications or difficult
postoperative rehabilitation.
Olecranon osteotomy is the most commonly used approach
for the fixation of these fractures. It provides extensive exposure
of the articular surfaces and precise assessment of fracture anat-
omy. It is advisable to make it an intra-articular chevron osteot-
omy starting about 2 cm distal to the tip, with the apex directed
distally, to facilitate its further reduction and fixation. It is fixed
with tension band wiring with double tightening loops or by
using screws with predrilling.17 Dorsal midline longitudinal in- Figure 5 Outline of the TRAP Approach: The line (A) showing the outline
cision is used, starting well proximal to the olecranon depending of the flap reflecting the triceps along with a sleeve of periosteum and
the anconeus muscle (B).
upon the level of supracondylar extension, to end in midline
about 5 cm distal to the tip of olecranon. The incision curves
slightly laterally over the prominence of the elbow to avoid in terms of articular exposure and functional outcomes whether
wound complications. Midline approach provides the best ex- a triceps splitting approach or an olecranon osteotomy is per-
posure of the distal humerus and preserves more cutaneous formed.20,21 Triceps splitting approach is also used in cases
nerves than the medial or lateral incisions. where primary prosthetic total elbow replacement is kept as an
Olecranon osteotomy may lead to denervation of anconeus alternative to fixation, especially in grossly comminuted frac-
muscle. Anconeus act as a stabilizer of the lateral side of tures.22 It also avoids complications related to the union of os-
the elbow preventing varus and posterolateral instability. To teotomy site. Also, the unfractured olecranon may be used as
avoid this complication, Athwal et al described anconeus flap template to re-assemble the fragments of trochlea. Triceps split-
trans-olecranon approach which preserves anconeus from ting approach can be extended distally with olecranon osteotomy
denervation.20 and reflection of the olecranon medially with intact medial soft
The anconeus flap trans-olecranon approach involves dis- tissue attachments.23
section through the Kochers interval (between the anconeus Triceps reflecting anconeus pedicle (TRAP) approach com-
and the extensor carpi ulnaris), and raising the anconeus off bines features of Kochers and Bryan-Morreys24 exposure by re-
the olecranon. An apex distal chevron osteotomy of the ole- flecting the triceps tendon and anconeus medially to laterally,
cranon is combined with this proximally based flap of the an- thus skeletonizing the olecranon and gaining exposure to the
coneus muscle. This leaves the anconeus attached to the articular surface (Figure 5). The anconeus is released from its
triceps and the proximal olecranon preserves its innervation attachment on lateral epicondyle while maintaining its fascial
and the blood supply. continuity with the triceps. This is less extensive exposure avoid-
To gain distal exposure in the triceps splitting approach the ing complications of olecranon osteotomy and stripping of the
split is extended distally along the triceps insertion raising full ligament support on the lateral aspect of the elbow joint.25–30
thickness medial and lateral sleeves from the olecranon, maintain- TRAP approach is also friendlier as regard the future total elbow
ing continuity with the flexor carpi ulnaris and anconeus. Al- arthroplasty. Triceps tendon needs to repair back to the olecra-
though originally debated, it is now clear that there is no difference non at the end of the repair. The disadvantage of this approach

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Trikha and Goyal

includes prolonged rehabilitation, and chances of triceps weak- Placement of Plates

ening or failure of repair. Placement of plates is one of the most controversial topics in the
Triceps sparing (paratricipital) approach provides limited ex- treatment of the distal humerus fractures. Some authors have
posure of the distal articular surface of the humerus. Its use is recommended orthogonal placement of plates (at 90° to each
thus limited to type A fractures and some type C1 and C2 frac- other), one on medial column, and the other posterolaterally.7,39,40
tures. An advantage of this approach is that it can be easily con- Others have recommended parallel placement of plates on the
verted to olecranon osteotomy approach, in cases where the medial and lateral columns respectively.41,42 There is no clear
exposure is found to be inadequate. biomechanical superiority of one plate design over the other.
Radial nerve may be at risk of damage by undue proximal The plates are best applied according to the fracture configura-
extension of the triceps splitting approach.31 Fractures extend- tion. The orthogonal placement of plates is advantageous in low
ing high up to mid or proximal shaft, or segmental humerus type fractures and coronal fractures since the lateral plate can
shaft fracture associated with distal humerus fracture will require be placed far more distally. The plate applied on the medial
olecranon osteotomy combined with triceps splitting approach column (in sagittal plane) also avoids ulnar nerve fiddling.
for adequate exposure.25,32 Alternately a combined olecranon Disadvantages of placing plates on the columns includes addi-
osteotomy, lateral paratricipital sparing, deltoid insertion split- tional subperiosteal stripping that is required along the supra-
ting approach may be used.33 condylar ridges, with its potential complications such as damage
to the blood supply of the distal fragments and increased risk of
Transposition of Ulnar Nerve non-union or delayed union. Also, it needs greater deal of tem-
Identification of ulnar nerve at the time of surgery is important plating of the plates in two planes. Thus, it may be convenient
to prevent inadverant injury but may lead to perineural scar- to use pelvic reconstruction plates, especially for the medial
ring.9,12,34 Dissection and anterior transposition of ulnar nerve is column. They have less strength as compared to dynamic com-
mandatory in cases where pre-operative damage extends to the pression plates but do not alter mechanics of the medial col-
nerve trunk, or there is intra-operative contusion or retraction umn. Lateral column plates require less templating and the
injury, when there is anticipation that the implants will cause stronger dynamic compression plates can be easily used.
mechanical impingement on the nerve or may require future Placing the two plates at right angle to each other was initially
removal, cases where medial column plate is applied on the pos- said to enhance stability.7,13 AO/ASIF group recommends or-
terior surface of the column, and in cases of mal-union or non- thogonal placement of plates for fracture fixation.22,27 O’Driscoll
union where there is risk of tardy ulnar nerve palsy. Evidence in in his review paper concluded that the parallel is stronger than
favor of routine transposition of ulnar nerve is lacking.35,36 or at least as strong as perpendicular placement of the plates.27
The ulnar nerve is first localized proximally where it emerges He pointed out that most common mode of failure is the non-
beneath the triceps tendon from the medial intermuscular sep- union of the fragments at the supracondylar level. Based on his
tum. It is important to release the ulnar nerve proximally up findings he laid down several technical objectives to be achieved
to the level of medial intramuscular septum and arcade of during parallel plating to maximize the potential for union. He
Struthers, the cubital tunnel is then divided completely and emphasized maximization of fixation in the distal fragment by
distally the aponeurosis between the humeral and ulnar origins screws put through the plate along with good supracondylar
of the flexor carpi ulnaris is enlarged. The nerve is followed for metaphyseal contact to achieve union.
at least 7 cm after the flexor pronator mass is entered, up to Sanders et al used dynamic compression plate in the sagittal
its first motor branch, to avoid the chances of failure and devel- plane for the fixation of the lateral column for primary stability
opment of postoperative compressive ulnar neuropathy. If followed by the fixation of the medial column by reconstruc-
ulnar neuritis is present pre-operatively, in addition to the ex- tion plates placed posteriorly in coronal plane.13 Sanchez-Sotelo
tensive release of the soft tissue, ulnar neurolysis should also et al treated 34 patients with complex distal humeral fractures
be carried out. with two parallel plates both applied in sagittal plane. They em-
Wang et al and several other authors recommended routine phasized that this principle of parallel plating maximizes fixa-
subcutaneous anterior transposition of ulnar nerve.14 In their tion in the articular fragments and stability at the supracondylar
20 cases they reported no case of ulnar compression syndrome. level.43
Helfet and Schmeling reported a 7% incidence of ulnar neurop- Plate is applied first to the lateral column followed by the fix-
athy when routine transposition of ulnar nerve in not performed. ation of the medial column. The thicker lateral column, where
Subperiosteal elevation of the ulnar nerve combined with ole- plate requires less templating as compared to the medial column,
cranon osteotomy may avoid risk of ulnar nerve damage due to provides ideal site for primary fixation.
lack of exposure and risk of perineural fibrosis secondary to its Thus, placement of the plates on the columns can be in part
isolation.37,38 Chen et al in their study comparing 89 patients in dictated by the fracture patterns (Figures 6–13). Whereas in the
whom anterior transposition was done with 48 patients in whom simple T type intercondylar split with large fragment it may be
anterior transposition was not done, found that there was a four easier to apply the plates on the posterior aspects of both the
times higher risk of ulnar neuritis when ulnar nerve transposition columns, or one on the medial column and second plate poste-
was done (p < 0.0003).35 Additionally they found that the place- rolaterally. In low types of fractures, and in those with more com-
ment of medial implant does not mandate anterior transposition. minution it is more useful to proceed with more stripping of the

JCOT Vol 1 No 2 60
Intercondylar humerus fractures: current concepts and controversies

tissue from the supracondylar ridges and place the plates on One–third tubular plates are not recommended for use in fix-
the medial and lateral columns in order to reach more distally. ation due to higher incidences of implant failure. Locking plates
In low fracture configurations plates may be given a perpendic- or pre-contoured distal humeral plates are perhaps more stable
ular bend at the distal end to place long screws from the medial implants in osteoporotic bones or in a setting of metaphyseal
or lateral epicondyles through the medial and lateral columns. communition.27,40,45,46
Stoffel et al used locking plates for the stabilization of these It is imperative to restore intercondylar distance as well as
fractures. They concluded that the parallel placement of plates to distal humeral length even in face of gross intracondylar commu-
be superior to perpendicular placement in terms of stability.44 nition. Highly comminuted fractures where bone loss precludes
This arrangement is especially helpful while using two locking the anatomical stabilization of trochlea, its reconstruction using
plates.40 autologous bone graft is recommended to restore elbow stability.
In such cases, the screws should not provide interfragmentary
compression to prevent the collapse at fracture site.
Open fractures are best managed by thorough debridement
and irrigations, followed by stable internal fixation, within
6 hours of injury. In grossly contaminated fractures, those with
massive soft tissue cover loss or open fractures reporting late, it
is prudent to do internal fixation as a secondary procedure
once the wound is free of infection.44
Patients with non-union and mal-union of these types of
fractures require rigid internal fixation of the fracture fragments
after removal of interposing fibrous tissues, and possibility of
bony gaps reconstruction using autologous bone graft. These are
followed by aggressive elbow joint arthrolysis and soft tissue
release, depending upon joint contractures. Significant improve-
Figure 6 High intercondylar fracture humerus.
ment in range of motion and joint stiffness can be expected


Figure 7 Follow-up radiographs after triceps - reflecting anconeus pedi-

cle (TRAP) approach and bicolumnar plating. Figure 9 Pre-operative radiographs.


Figure 8 Clinical follow-up of the same patient showing good range of motion (ROM).

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Trikha and Goyal


Figure 10 Bicolumnar plating using olecranon osteotomy.


Figure 11 Follow-up radiographs of intercondylar humerus. Figure 13 Postoperative radiographs with 90–90 plating.

A B Postoperatively, the elbow should be moved actively through-

out its range of motion to rule out any impingement of hard-
ware, confirm stability of the construct and to define the goals of
postoperative physiotherapy. If full extension is limited due to im-
pingement by the olecranon a portion of its tip may be excised.

Rehabilitation and Outcome

Early postoperative rehabilitation is recommended to avoid the
formation of intra-articular adhesions and peri-articular fibro-
sis that will make elbow stiff. Aitken et al in their retrospective
study concluded that the most important indicator of end result
is the starting point of physiotherapy.11 Usually postoperatively
the limb is rested in a dorsally applied above elbow splint. After
Figure 12 Pre-operative radiographs.
the postoperative pain has subsided in about a two days time,
active and active assisted range of motion for elbow flexion/
extension and supination/pronation should be started. This is
following these procedures.47 Rigid internal fixation in these initially started in horizontal plane to eliminate the effect of
cases consistently results in union of delayed or mal-unions. gravity. No passive flexion is allowed at this time and up to
Intra-operative specimens for culture are helpful in these patients 6 weeks to allow fracture healing and reduce chances of hetero-
to rule out chances of infection. Active infection is a contrain- topic bone formation. Passive gravity assisted extension is com-
dication to such procedures. In cases of non-unions rendered menced at the end of 1 week. With stable fixation splint may be
non-salvageable due to excess comminution, bone loss or poor discarded after 1 week. Strengthening begins at 10 weeks. Active
bone quality total elbow replacement is best alternative espe- range of motion is regained during the first 2 months. Addi-
cially in low demand or in elderly.48 tional flexion and extension may be gained for up to 5 months

JCOT Vol 1 No 2 62
Intercondylar humerus fractures: current concepts and controversies

postoperatively. Works requiring strenuous efforts should be Ulnar nerve injury is the most common nerve involved in this
avoided for 10 weeks. type of fractures.35,36 It may present at the time of injury, post-
Most patients may feel some sense of easy fatigability and operatively or late in the postoperative period. Associated risk
exercise intolerance many years after surgery, as full recovery factors include wide fracture displacement, long tourniquet time,
of flexor and extensor muscle strength is not achieved in most and poor soft tissue handling during surgery and mal-union or
cases despite adequate physiotherapy. Union is anticipated by non-union.
3 months. Loss of extension strength is reported to be around Normal range of motion is uncommon after such injuries.
25% irrespective of the surgical approach. But this is not as re- But most of the studies have reported good to excellent outcomes
markably perceived by a sedentary or a light worker as is the im- in more than three–fourth of their patients (Table 2) (based on the
proved range of pain free motion provided by the surgery.14 functional outcome criteria used by Jupiter et al or Cassenbaum
Various scoring systems are used for the grading of results, et al).13 Incidences of restriction of supination and pronation
such as those by Cassebaum,49 Jupiter,22 Aitken,11 and are low.1,3,34,48,52
Krishnamoorthy.15 Most commonly used is that of Jupiter which Other significant complications associated with these fractures
uses loss of extension, range of flexion, pain, and disability in include joint osteoarthrosis, complications related to olecranon os-
its criteria. Most authors report good to excellent results in teotomy including non-union, heterotropic ossification, hardware
about 75% of the patients.11,13,17,30,34,47,49–51 removal for prominence, avascular necrosis, and elbow instability.

Complications Newer Options for Treatment

The average rate of non-union following bicolumnar fractures Recently locked compression plates have been popularized that
is rated at 6%.3,39,52,53 It is more common in low fracture config- utilize fixed angle screws that are believed to provide superior fix-
urations, unstable internal fixation or failure of internal fixation. ation in osteopenic bones.46 They have an additional advantage
It is assessed after 6 months of postoperative period. It generally of unicortical screw placement that avoids risk of screw tips
requires revision surgery with repeat internal fixation and elbow projecting into the joints. Pre-contoured plates have also been
release procedures to improve range of motion.3,51 Non-union made available for the medial and lateral columns. These locked
in most cases involves the supracondylar part of the fracture compression plates and distal humerus plates are more useful
whereas the intercondylar part usually unites well.27 in patients with osteoporotic bones, metaphyseal comminution,
Deep infections are uncommon occurring on an average in or very low type of intra-articular fractures.40,61,62
3% of patients.8 Risk factors include open fractures with massive Illizarov fixation has been proposed as an option for the in-
contamination and devascularized segments of bone and soft fected non-unions of distal radius.63 It may be studied as a pri-
tissues. Urgent debridement is mandatory. In refractory cases and mary modality in the setting of grossly comminuted or infected
those with failure of fixation, removal of implant is required. open injuries.

Table 2 Review of literature regarding the functional results after intercondylar humerus fractures.

Author (year) No. of Plate placement Average Outcome assessment % with excellent
fractures follow-up followed and good
(months) outcomes
Jupiter (1985)22 34 Not specified 70 Jupiter 79
Gabel (1987)54 10 Not specified 26 Gabels 90
Henley (1987)39 24 Not specified 19 Jupiter and Cassebaum 92
Holdsworth (1990)50 38 Lateral plate—posterior 37 Jupiter 76
Medial plate—saggital
Sanders (1992)13 13 Plates placed posteriorly on both columns > 24 Cassebaum 92
Papaioannou (1995)55 54 Not specified 48 Cassebaum 78
Kundel (1996)3 99 Lateral plate—posterior 40 Cassebaum 52
Medial plate—saggital
Pajarinen (2002)56 18 Not specified 25 OTA 56
Ozdemir (2002)57 34 Not specified 82 Jupiter 62
Gupta (2002)2 55 Plates placed posteriorly on both columns 48 Aitken 93
Aslam (2004)58 26 Not specified 35 Broberg/Morrey 70
Ahmed (2006)59 20 Lateral plate—posterolaterally 31 Broberg/Morrey 72
Medial plate—saggital
Clement (2006)60 28 Plates placed posteriorly on both columns 56 DASH, Mayo, and physical SF–36 87

OTA: Orthopedic Trauma Association; DASH: Disabilities of arm, shoulder and hand score; SF-36: Medical Outcomes General Health Survey (SF-36).

JCOT Vol 1 No 2 63
Trikha and Goyal

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