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We consider why you’re applying to

a program.
In your essay, discuss your interest in the major you've selected so we understand why
you’ve chosen it and, if applicable, how you developed this interest. We look for experiences
related to this major in your activities, honors, and awards. If you select a second-choice
major (which we highly recommend!), we want to know why you're interested in it, too. In
some cases, we may determine that your second-choice major or another program will be a
better fit. You'll only be considered for these programs if you aren't competitive for your
first choice.

We look at your achievements outside

the classroom.
We’re looking for students who have the personal qualities to succeed on and contribute to
our campus. In addition to strong academic success, you should be able to demonstrate some
impact or level of accomplishment in your school, your community, your state, or nationally.
Activities should indicate your strengths and skills, such as leadership ability, perseverance,
creativity, generosity, determination, motivation, concern, and intellectual curiosity.

We analyze the opportunities given to you.

We’ll consider the high school curriculum, Advanced Placement courses, honors courses, and
extracurricular activities that are available specifically to you.

We consider your background.

This includes diversity, veteran status, geographic location, and first-generation status. We
want to continue to provide an atmosphere that values students who have a unique set of
experiences and knowledge.
We listen to your story.
Take advantage of your opportunity to explain any unique circumstances that may
demonstrate qualities or skills you have that can help you succeed. Additionally, if you have
1 semester or course in which your performance doesn't match the rest of your semesters or
courses, you may want to explain the circumstances.

Tips for Writing Your Essay

Be memorable.
The essay part of the application is important because it gives us more insight into
who you are and who you want to be. Make us remember you!

Be prepared.
Take time to think about and brainstorm your message. Create an outline, write a
good first draft, and edit multiple times.

Be yourself.
We want to know more about you, so be honest and let us into your world. Instead of
making broad statements about what you want to do, give specific examples from
high school or extracurricular activities. And don’t be afraid to add your personal
style and voice to your writing!

Be focused.
You only have a couple of paragraphs to tell us about your experiences and goals.
It's not necessary for you to repeat information that’s already elsewhere in your
application. Concentrate on explaining how those credentials and qualifications will
lead to a successful future here.

Be current.
Keep your essay focused on recent experiences. What you've done in the last few
years is more relevant than experiences you had in elementary or middle school.

Be professional.
Submitting a sloppy-looking essay with spelling errors and glaring mistakes sends us
the message that you’re not serious about Illinois. Proofread your essays and ask
your counselor, your English teacher, or a parent to take a second look.

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