Sei sulla pagina 1di 148



Sketch for " t h e C H A R IO T"

孔e Vam思re Tarot" by M ichael W . Ford and
Thomas MacDonald
誠 玄 祇 把 Do呀 d. Priest Marchozelos
^ P»H«phorus/Black Order of the Dragon

T 7 if G " 的
\Vheti M o r u in g s tn r d c s c e m ls
R o h u i in D a r k n e s s
T h erio tiick sh m io x o s e n c i r c l e
In the m id st o f A z n Iu c c I is m to tJw r M ICH A EL W. FO RD
L e g io n ,
M nnw . com p ete gnmoiTe H ig h
Luciferian Arte and 化 e practice
Vampyric Magick Qlippothic
A z o th o z i m v r r u p t i h l e Sorcerv,
C h o r o n 之o n .
AKHKHARU - V am pyre M agick
AKHKHARU - Vampyre Magick
The Extended V am pire G ate The Extended Vampire Gate

CofnTi^rt C 2007 •2008 b)- Michael W. Ford
八ritten and Illustrated by Michael、V. Ford PART ONE: PreparaHo打of 化 e Milui and Will
•The Biack C^agon TUmat' and ,\、 amph、 Ti' KariNE
part of this book^ in part oi
transmitted, or utilized, in am*♦ form « < THE BLACK ORDER OF THE DRAGON: CREED OF DARKNESS
inchuiing photocopying^ recording LtCIFERlAN VMLL A S D IMMORTAUTt
stor巧 e and retrieval system, withou TIAMAT
巧 AKSOME RAYS •Tlie Astni Body of the BeW
ANGRA M AIW U - Doctrine of the Adversary

PART TWO: Developing the Practice of V

謙Prince of Ih, Powws th.



•• The Spirit 分 BUckencd Fire •Satan the Advmary)


ffUnwi tchcT4f t乂 om SIGHT VAMPVR巧M
n, 乂咕 f .A b ,
?打 Subconscious * Leviathan)

Mi w

AN INVOCATION TO UUTH •The Serpents of Ganuliel
• Th< Pith of Pe5ire and Seif-Mastery THE R 订 E OF VAMPYRIC W 化L •The Essence of the Ps>xlv?
THE RUE OF THE RAVENS OF DEATH - Astral Pro^eeikm of the
KUNDAUNISH AiCn • 心Ai the Black Flame

Vampvric Order of Azariel
Sphere of N如 t
OF MACVA MATER DAEMONUM • The attamment of
for Lucifenan Angel
The Vampire Gat:e proved to be a unkjue and concise work on
i the foundations and theories of Vampyric Magick as 切ught in
PART 打VE; BARARU RUSU - r/te g/acA : 扔Y化
The BUck Order of the Dragon. As that book was pu村ishe^, my
Vafftpyrif Sofcen/' Chaldea 打and Sum erian work with the Guild continued along wi化 The Ord巧 of
Conjurations & DevoHo打als of Shadow Phosphorus. The aspects of Vampirism irism contained h<
here are
speciHcaUy or intentionally malice or negative • 化ese of course
SCMERIAN k CHALDEAN DARKNESS are opinions held by those wanting to embrace the vampiric, yet
CHALDEAN k ASSYRIAN DEMONS putting on what Anton Szandor LaVey called 'The Good guy
HKH • r 片£ W C 4N T >m 〇iV Of badge". 了hose who want to subscribe to the safe standards of
nf£ MGwr sp/wr AKH/c片巧 JudeoChristian GuUt and white-bunny pseudohappiness. The
INCANTATION OF AKHKHARU Vampyre Magick, an extreme gnosis which places the
PREPARATION OF THE HAG-DEMON (Labartu) Luciferian at the center of the predatory spiritualist paradigm -
ALAKU LABARTU •The Astral Vampyric Ri化 of Feeding affirms the beast like and warlike angeiic aspect of the self - to
TO REND AN ENEMY TO SLOW SICKNESS embrace it and shape it to your Will and to use the primal
SEV阶 阳 ANTOMS OF FLAME darkness as a cloak of empowerment. The Akhkharu grimoire
ENSORCELLING THE SEVEN GODS OF DARKNESS does not endorse bloodletting or sacrifice, nor malice or harm to
INVOCATION OF THE SEVEN GODS OF DARKNESS othe巧. What 巧 does endorse is 化inking as a Goddess 沉 God
and using the balance of Darkness and Light to seek the path of
continued existence time.
INVOCATION OF THE SPIRITS OF THE EARTH Part Three w "l prove mesn^口ghil to those Ludferians who seek
INVOCATION OF THE SPIRITS OF WATER a path of Lilithian Sa化nism or rather • Luciferian Vampyrism.
INVOCATION OF THE SEVEN DAEMONS OF DARKNESS The LiUth ritual of Magna Mater Daemonum is not merdy a
Vampire ritual • it is the compliment • the very equal to the
PART SIX- BRIEF LEXICON O F VAMPYRE Azarucel working. Those females w^ho conduct the devotionais
S 巧 Cl 巧 of the 民ite of Magna Ma化r Daemonum wiU find it explosive
and powerful to their own lives as women and Luciferians.
This grimoire ;s a foundation for those who wish to explore the
PAyr 巧 VEN; Images from The Vampvre Tarot Vampyric, Luciferian pei^spective • my study and practice of
ancient Chaldean, Persian, 目abvlonian and Sumerian
demonology has given a primal foundation of the Draconian
臥ack F!ame - the essence of Tiamat and the path against all
othe 巧.
The UHppothic Workings wU! prove useful to duwe wishing to
expand their Luciferian perspectives of the world of matter -
L of hiNivrn • io ilrink Ww
U hh vou to、、 AhN 貧批^
皆 h ‘^ thocup、f M mIo" hkU'rv ",u n m tl、
U、KV prvM’w
、呵 ‘w占 "; 护 一 II,护、^,品 - Ivii'K •、l " " " 、
i、叩 ‘,
T*ntt> whoV skHU-i in \〇 sa, Sh . J . v . not op.v.r
homfh r•細 h w h ,v ,U 、,h " 如 tiWt;" h‘、 w^ ‘1 片irlimtU
hunwn AulU w ui、vith h,T U.H twmi shi、 hoWs •, slailU 叫 、 hikl
w 化 从 X、! from which she ari!、 ks. rtwn、 >»iv numerous
implr^oMhc p-tMrom 化 乂 T,
TV rWrk V^mp、 He W the WU、 k iVUcr oMhc nrtwon 巧
incivhi^ hrrr The sv口iM s have numorous ami nuMninp
\>hKh aruKlucs U、r H、 UNuh\mci、 !、
u、nl in NU^ick

W Ford
、 U、 W: lW

rho Vw ipyiv is a nighNborn predatory spirit which is

born of Ihc dcsiro ot• 化c Luciferidn Mind. The
Wimpyw who pra^ices and refmos hi?i or
her own co n scio u sn ess 、vi化 Uvhniqu,
meditation and contn^l will tVvus the mind K> take the
form he or she wishes by nijijht - to drain Enewy from
化〇 Aura 川 *、 notlu、r human* l^rotJ'Uory SpiriKialbim is
the pnurUa、 ot Fnorj; y \ ampvnsm - tho goal is U!^ing
!H、W 、氏、
su ch t、 r ciwhnuod ivfininj;and God^Goddoss
crvMtion tvehn叫化、 s' XO\ is a word ivpivsonting
p n v o ss.
BtSm. * • 、
Preparation of the M ind and W ill

TUnut 心 1 化 fw 化e BOTD 1995

affirmed Gods. Luciferians and Vampvre Magickians
do not "borrow" magickal power, they TAKE IT FOR
w Vampyric M agkk and -1:

undmtand what the differences actuaHv is the difference.
towards your approach- \jet's start in
From their own moral standpoint - which is a greater
• Magidc and Sorcery, "evU", foundational belief that gives affirmation to

from a word which means to "encircie", to blend the soul into something you forfeit vour own
w了 * i.n control spirits- Sorcery is the art of individual Mind and Will to, not knowing
片 、uba)fwcious created and non- consequence? Is this no different from the m
叫I?、'inwou% createa dementals and spirits to serve trusting the serpent who is to use it for substance and
v"iir 从山, vour desire, U is the art of hansformation
• ♦ growth? Is the lesser "evU" loving the self and
into ^ Therionick, or beast form. Consider the imagery consciousness and seeking to remain individual,
分 如 nvin、 they almost always have numerous anima!
♦ y independent and strong? To know balance you have to
and rept"e part、 experience and mas化r 化e darkn巧s - this is what the
Mjgkk in the Luciferian and Vampyric sense means Gods have created all from - DARKNESS. You must
Ascmd and transform into divine consciousness, to develop your inner Fire (i,e. Black Flame) create
M thtf Adverwv* As you can see, the differences are your desire from darkness itself-
•ummari说d in the approach'
Slaves cower from the darkness, sheep who want
You 献 , Ludferians and Left Hand Pa化 practitioners something stronger to take care of them,
coiM er thote practicing the narrow-minded practices
of the Ftight Hand Path or White Magic 化 being Luciferians embrace the darkness and use their own
wlWoathing, These types embrace a light to shape their world here and now.
mof f«king to "asc州 d" into Godhead, to
and devoured by somcthi口g perceived as This is 比e difference between Luciferians and 0化e巧
by tife White Magic practitione巧 "borrow " who practice Right Hand Path or White Magick.
their pm w from^mething perceived as greater, ntde
only made greater when they
will to it.
TH 巨 VAMPIRE GAT 巨 • The Vampyw Magickian is
L u d f(« fts Vampyn art? not greedy, Greed
is not specifically
'anting rmre than y • Lunft'rians NliUD 化 is
par*t of every Luciferian thought-pattem practice•户: 夺.’
- ami wi^om to ascend their self-
meant for those who seek a mo 巧
paradigm in the design of the possibility of
spiritua! immortahty. The Dark Magicks
here are actual and empowering, yet may find issue
with those depending on their own practice and focus,
1 wanted to present a me化odology of Vampyric
Practicetothosedaringenoughtobecom ethroughit
The main canon of Luciferian Witchcraft is indeed
\KX)N and LIBER H\"HI - all three make specific
reference 仿 the type of magickal practice here • some book will introduce vou to the modem relevance
mav find the ciphers which lead one to the threshold and the possibility of 化e realitv of vampiri沉 1. This
of the Crooked Serpent. practice of vampirism is based on 出e Nietzsche and
Darwin foundations of survival of the fittest.
VAMPYRISM WARNING: this book is a grimoire. It Vamp\Te Magickian as it is defined here is within
gives practical instructions on the possibility of realm of the Luciferian ideology and practice outlined
practice from a Luciferian perspective. It i in LUCFERIAX WITCHCRA打 ,LI阳 R HVHI
e\il or simply destructive. The most powerful BOOK OF THE WITCH MOOX. dark magickal
can be received in this work is that of path is not necessarily a pa化 which aH Ludferians
creation. The Yampyre Magickian should create must seek, but if the spirit is within them, thev mav do
opposed to d巧troying. The au 化or and pubUsher
accept no responsibility for use/misuse of this book* ideological stands on foundations
化a t
You are the onlv God that is.

All Deific Masks, Archetypes, powers spirits

must manifest through vou. Therefore, remain
your consciousness, you must be the strongest
to keep your foundation identity. See #1.
As a Luciferian your primary focus is the
retention of knouiedge that through experience
5 wisdom, with that the assumption of

•巧• \
pOH巧 fir%t into打laNv and then e 乂ternally as y〇g
•巧公 • %fv fit. The Vdmpyre Magickian is huit、 、 ! just as a Spirit. 1his i、t anirse Impends on the
I u u tfn a n , 化eiv is no in the ii、
itu,U、rv lovfl o 倉the Vampyrr Ma好ckUn \1iuh ot
iJwK如 al founJatU'ns mily the aJiiptalion 〇f this typo ol pnu tico will iiuUvtl taki, lime ami tocus to
how twrgv and intent are understood anj Achieve.
Pmjet ting y^ur ionschmsness out uf your botiy cdn
a triKhtcnin^ experience al first I earn to con化ol your
l.uciffr in the grimoirv tradition ot tho Midiile Ages is
briMthin^, heart rate and to trust yt>ur instincts. This
con、 itieivd a spirit 〇n iu ‘ air, iis his ck 、
nu>nt is Air just will provide you with cHpoweHul rm、thod ot practUe
as his Bride Lilith; additionally he is tho bringor of drul more th‘… t、 nyUiing ht'lp i、
hU>ve ivsuUs.
light as his iiirection is 化 east Lucifer c、s a vampyiic
spirits Ahrinun 化f Prince of Darkness, llis wisdom unter tho astral pldiw, your mutie k、cus is of
infernal and is hidi^n. course consuming energy in this state. As your
consciousness moves out of your physical shell, you
AH symbolism of Vampyrism or Vampirism wdl n(> doubt be expose! to the astral pidne as it is.
spelled is reflective of the spirit ami astr 巧I plmu‘. The I'here is no st>t i)r defined ekments wHhin 化e astTdl
rume Lucifuge means "Fly the Light" diui reflects 化e pUne • there are predators though. In this mitidtory
rHxtumal nature of many Luciforian spirits. Just process, yuu wil! ali趴 your mind set ds a Vampyre
Lucifer was the brightest of angels, upon his initiation Magickian or Sorcerer, thus creating the part for you to
and Ull he w化 encircled in darkness. Thus lu、 has tht? become a predator yourself.
highest articulation and know^tlge, the (Jevialion and
perverseness of the darkest aspects. I ie is both beast Your physical Iwdy is surrouiuU,d and conn仇ted by
and serpent and he may t^ike many forms as well an astral body. Tliis is slightly larger than the physical
Lucifer is Proteus and changes at will. and can be seen in ritual settings, some types of
photo护aphy an J by certain settings of light rhe astral
Astral plane when entered will provide body is aWeetfd by food, rm、ntal state, psychical
otfiting and challenging^ initiatory experience. You liLMlth and more.
mubt be willing to trust your instincts and above all
If yH)u are impaired phyhicaWy, y"u ruHHJ ru)t be in the
know yourM^lf.
ctsln、 l phiuv This is "u、 priKvss ufdoveloping 化e will.
Tl…w vvh^ ritual pradke shape shifting
Astral beings may expericfKV the past —like rocordinj^s
umi^sU…d, yi…r li…Uations a iv 、 et by 严 . This
in specific areas;vdsa through vvtilN ciiul enter Jiuk " >1
v^\ Ond rt«H 15 ami thM Kh

、、n、ct"u、uAl unvtorM、
"、\!u、got ThelXtk Von、、
T M w H hm ji m o rr ,p in U M !
or \、 tr,、!ViH、rj: \ l !、 、^r^t,、
n、hng tho cornvpt 、 "u 1

v« cofttTol the o\似 U an 、 ;|>n、
*hi、!、 i、t 仪 tuUv nw、 U、 manitvM tho
prvvx、 * ot \,、
n、p作、 'in、 、、nd dw aI八、、
rbing、、t onorgv

巧〇如111、 P 公。 i* the Far l cvMKvpt ot ^pintUAl Utr fv

h A 诗 OUT UfMXtrV While tho\ ma\ v^r nwv o iv rp Vhi、 v、 rv! i * 、o!wnk、nlv PrttTTevi h、 or rpUteU
important u、 our sUuiv tv、 tht、 、 v〇 !\1 a i r 、 vh、c h 、\、 n nuMn AS片 <^nor); Y AX、vdl
如 iivtf pMCtKV: i^、 K、 ot the oarUost nu、 nh\、 n、ng ot Qi i, in Uw \n、、 kxi^
如 CoiUik U片 a 、 !、、 lx、 M\t AT\、 un、! 47^ B.C The *
巧•UorkKv NUittcr 八 、
or Ch\ IS u xiixxl UtvbrcMth th e 巧 w x 、、oi life
lOB^tvxvki or spirit ot the niatcrw itM'U In the practk、 、 o f 、 〇 j: a. spxiHcAUv \hriirwinic
Thixkx^s vknMiu ani intv> mattvr. 、 oga the \ ucitorian c\>ntn'U Ihc flou %M liK'brMth
Q» (ikther SpnMw^rid. that kx>k5 up\o throughout tht'ir K 、i 、. gn 、、、 inj; stTvM\j?«Mr frv'm Mining
Thtv be \<ehned in Lucit^nan VVitchcratt tho flo、 v ot this cnorjjv lhn、ugh ihe diftorvnt ch^krds
uoel or the Intvlkvt - HkA\ W h" 。 〇 i 、 。 口 b o 、、 M、 trv、 U〇 vt. U 巧 a part ot the u rm w *
\ r ^ or the Liiithi^n Daemon - thus nwv be AbM、 rK\K、fKl U5ied mAgwKAHv
M A jtnaXU terCW m om im .
t h e e tw M lb k s 、\ in ess*H 、s h o r t - Aas u ritten About bv the Chiivso phUv〜 、 p、 T Mo
sfintual ninarva but in Lucitvrian i and noxious that would anso hxMn a 、vrp ^、
〇< wi5viom ot possessing t h i s 、
vod、i 、 \ c r e i t t 、 v、 tbunev1 d o e p e m 、 ugh , l A t w o n 〇 ^wAs
"V and spiiituaHy. uiuUTsUxxt as being A part ot 八vfvthing 柄
nwk'riA! andoven 叩 iriUiAl、vorid
V苗 or Hxirtd or Matter is thw ot Ahnnwn the
WAS N >t unviorshxxt ,、 s the onorjjy sunvunding the
Dtrino^. Our nuitenai unixerso
inwn K 一、 sh 卸 rtv U巧 er than the ph、 、K\、 I K、 ,\
plane、 、 hich
the othorKr K\l\ •ihe AstTA•巧 MKV、 vhkh m^mUins
Xlnetmird pUne next level of o\perio,KV
human K x h . U 、 '、 n be d iiw t h 、 vntrv4k\f t'y
cl 〜 kod ♦

minvl. Ps\xhic oivrjjN or Hh、oiXTj;\ sumMatxhng

众e fla 山 hmiUbons ot 化 、 \orKi.
h"n、 、 n K xl、 is tTAnsK'nvd f^Mi、、vhat 、 、、、Alt h、《 Wf;gv
thrvHigh n^tiix^ v>r slooping. NVhon a \ m
< fc r< m p tfH ig 、
川 hin th e pr<K:tKV
h«9ed uithin the iMk)
astra! form at night, they are gaining a replenished
system of energy which is very pure. THE L U C I F E 民I A N CREED

The Luciferian must have a clear point of focus on how

化is practice of vampirism works in day to day life.
This will be a foundation for those beyond any specific
magical practice to establishing a working mind set in
predaU)ry spiritualism.

The Luciferian unde巧tands that devouring spiritua

energy is a powerful aspect magick, it is easily
validated from a subjective experience, yet such power I am a Luciferian and of Seba and Set
comes with a price. If you abuse it, no doubt will you I am a vessel of Ahriman and Az.
find much loss and pain on the path - you will in turn I worship my own self-progressing divinity.
be devoured- I deny all religions which would sacrifice the sense of
I recognize that religion must stai*t within and be a
Vampirism is a preda化ry spiritual path - yet it is not
mirror of my desire.
/ • 了 野 .掛 absolute. Luciferians as predators or Vampyre
I affirm my Body as a Temple of Darkness and Fire-
r ; 杂 ’ ;;; Magicians are able to hold lasting relationships - we
I af巧rm my Soul as 化e Daemon-God upon 化e Throne
S 4 ,心、 一 do not prey on each other - we don't harm people or
in 化is Black Tower.
act ou坛ide of the laws of our government Luciferians
The Twin Serpents are my key to continued vitality
life - we want more of it. and initiation,
I will seek to raise and 化en crea化 my desire
Theosophist Franz Hartmann explained in a lecture on ear化.
Cremation that the Astral Body is developed based on I recogni之e my Eye is but 化e Eye of Set,
and life, that a vampire may be created by a That as the Serpent I shall command my presence

•分 Willed focus and developed craving. The Vampyre upon earth.


4 Magickian may utilize a similar process to affirm the I shall be a manifestation of 化e ArchDaevas upon
wil!化wards transformation, thus becoming an astral earth.
vampyre and 化e inherent and core-driven spiritual My actions 111 be 化ought out and I vill exercise
predator- Will in each action.
1recognize there is no 0化灯 God 化an my self,
I am 化e Serpent THE BLACK 0 民DE 民 OF THE DRAGON
Urvan ameretat me nemahya I - (7 u,0巧Wp wy fm所所训 Creed of Darkness

Vangh Da^a uz-dii I •(/ shall raise up the Daemon

ui 化in)
▲V♦ V

We drink from the Sun at Midnight, the Wood congealed

under a pale moon. We drink from the ecstasies o f the
QUppoth, and leave strengthened and xvhole. We seek to go
forih in die night itj 化€farm o f the be^t, drinking from the
ivaters under tlie Moon. We devour paradise and ha化in the
blood o f the moon,
Our brothers are Yatus, Sorcerers o f Ahrimanic Witchcraft;
our sisters are Pairikas, daughters o f A之AVe are the People
oftheU e(D ru j),w e(irethe^oseofdem oti , flesh-awaktned
and ancient, forever seeking to fiifiher iUuminate the Black
Fhme. Our rehgion is Sorcery, Omt which is ensorceUed

our practice o f 寺atuk-Dinoih (Witchcraft). UJi: is the great
gift o f Ahriman, as isolate consciousness (the sou!
is sepmvte from t}ie Natural Order. The BLACK ORDER
OF 了HE DRAGON is eHtirriy spirifua! in nature, aimed at
the Hieory o f gaining ^mmortoUty VM the psyche. It is the

m m
r •二 path of exhaustion, c f ivhen the Spirit and fk sh ore
That spark wi化itj 化awaken the senses.
sfronger 7仍化 msi辦 加 d 献 mmn 口fi•州.
From u, Hc!t as shadou、 do i 脚!in化nothingness
♦ 一 ■ ♦

Tht cm essence of the serpent is the Eye uH ch hides uithin

To reach a cup to sate Wie deepesHftirst
沁 flesh. t discover the Five Fhmes o f Artgra Mainyu
执r pawrr Ch'fln, o/n如hmgn巧s and science.,
rtd servitonofthevoidjoinm m ybeing...
w 棘 《 t o irhidi oiphcwfes <md cn n o w n a s f/i£ To awaken and rise from the Sea:
mastery qf presence. The take my Divi打 e Leader洗ip upon the Earth•••
It is the Spirit of U卽t u、hich is se!户iWumimtioTh Hie Black
Who is the teachrr commanding and striking down the
Tht luciftrian rtalizes the ego must be stripped and burnt
tcwy to rmcii/ rfie Blade qf Jmmorto/ Being. T7ns
"Jw•巧" or "Serpenf 巧巧一iridun IS fllzToys mutoffng,
changing, becoming.
The snpent then ertscfrcels the spine to become the
Lucifirrian \々 ti is the Satori, which is (w end!巧 s (M ice of
Wood o f fire. ••
You jmn^ sip the 〇
/ 舶 5 fwp 抑 yow s/w" werer
♦ ♦

.成 二
your fill
乂 As the seif is 站[ipoys progressing and mu m化fl

dad版 Bem《
Tlr serpent hungers fo r
Thcfse wko•紀I become the 知 s 言奇the shades o f 化e void"
如 0 Bawaf arr 执f iiroters 〇 / Sef's end占巧 pmi巧

、 、 參 J being..
♦ V分, 'i I am of Ahriman's flesh ....
Tfiiieol/巧出t 注如irhkh cloaks the hunger o f struggk :
冉Mffjjwf« ffr 丸 ?! irfedf ttiircfs 化^ 《 flze 〇 / 化^ Eyf•
a the thirst within called Trshna, to 抑 !irUo tht
ami 换 Grao/ qfOngon's B /o ir ..
h em r^ EjftofSei does his form be\

The Will of the Luciferian essential in the

development of the mind and body of the practitioner
of vampirism. The Black Order of the Dragon
recognizes both the masculine and feminine demonic
archetypes of the path of Luciferian Witch订aft, namely
Samael and Lilith. In the auspices of the Vamp\Tic
Path, it is Ahriman (the Black Dragon) and Tiamat (the
Red Dragon). While Tiamat in this aspect is 化e
primordial form of Lili化, she appear "Black" from 化e
wisdom of endless time. It is tfiat Samael, LiUth and
Levia化an are joined in primal union - hence Tiamat is
化e coUected Sumerian Adversary. She is the mother of
darkness, dragons and vampirism.

Vampirism is a cone巧 t which begins in the

su bconsciou s. It is a p ow er w hich hunge 巧,化 at which
seeks to co n su m e all. It has no concern for m l 巧 or for
thr spiritual ii^ws - it is "u 、 o! tho law of tht‘ pnsonor i乂vauso they CtUinol obey laws, a ^ood
talon. This vm- hungci • is rvh、 ti、d A/ l,ili化 example o i *1 I udh'rinn is 〇 u〇 who runs a
svmMiiallv Tiamat, it 化0 lu川gcr tor amlinuovi sucVi'sslul husinos'' or is Iho hisui o! a cluntv tor
"Mena, this physiccil or spiritual world, lliis iMthMvd vvomiM、 . l>!vy are tiu* \viMk, prvthUors <m、
hunger, IS manUost in our dcsiiv to lU hiovo our god!、 thi、 stn 、
iw. l! is as sin 、
pk> ,、s that.
in this !ik • h、 possess Wo an J to K vom o nusU'rs oj 2. I.ook for ways to always ^ain knowledge.
化is world This Is \vhv the symbols in l,ucUt、ridn !\porU 、 n、 o I、tlu、patluva\ initiatUm. I'ook

• WitchcMft an,strong - BoIm I, du、l.onJ of Uu、hiirlh is wisdom I…m oxpiTioiut、 ,j Iw .u ’s tost v〇nrsi、U
ono such、 vrnbol of power ami sUvi^Ui. lliis wav - long trips, i、 \U>nsi\v owrdso U、 voiir
uip‘、 dty, Lollogo spiviHi , ai乂 ys
IVi\lat〇n* Spiritualilv, the instinctual spiritual failh of s!u、r^ k 、 ncnK〇y 〇urst、 lf,BuiMinKtlu>mindluiHJ,
devouring <ind absorbing spirits viii tho practice ol thHmm orUl Spirit.
nwgkk, dWinos the chardcU’risHcs of Uu、Lud^rian 3. or Life Lnergy is around all of u*. Drain i
、、 w k s to be as a God. Vampirism or Vampyrism, and grow strong from it.
depondinj^ on vour prcforonco, is neither <) UnL、sy Y^u ‘、 bsurb ciUMgv trom tiu us ilsoll - using
path n^r one of role playing* I ho 1,ud^rian 八ighasl、 ,Uu、 IX'mon ot tiu、l;vil llyr - tlu、
aMitinuaHy sock h、 develop and tvfino the sl化 via l;yc tvptvsonts the soul, uso this menUUv connect
magick ami roal world oxpt'rionce, cvcntu,、llv with ovvrything around you, Oiu、 ot our symbol、
a paA dost、 to that 川 du、 Rlack O n Ji、r uf the Aapop i、r Apophi、 1、tlu、l)ovil Sorpont ot AncierU
Dragon. Hgypt. VVe seek to toast and drain oil liU,Mra 、 ,
the i、stral pl,HU、 a n J in 山I、Hesh. lo join us is to lx、
1, All living beings continue existence hidden nu、sHy in s ik UHv, to Iv tho vvH、lt an、ong
feeding on another. sluvp,
VVo are predators, as l,uci(Vri4、 i、 I lum witv9
t'UMnjIlv I、sak'tv not; a Ck、U U、Ivliovi*
< ■

化e power of the archetype strength. Siimaol or will savt、Uu'ir w uls , 川 tlu、、 、•!川 、 i、
ndii、K tsunan'i、
hurric*、 m、 s, b li/ 乂 anJs, and all coiKvivaWo viisd、 U>rs
Ahriman is iruKvd a symbol of s U v n a n J
upon its ^wn civaUoi、 . Wouki thi、 bo *、 sprit w u
cunning. The food chain shouki never Iv i件u、roil
m nikl ^piM、 vour arms U、 ?IX hn iHu'lp you to Miovv
You can adhere to piv山、 tory spirUui'lity stil! b〇
i\\M whilo you sUvp, \o u r droams ^\o\\ Ihmvv with
a very prodiutive member of sixiety. Tlw
tluM•川urvs ‘、 lul shorlcowin^s a world ‘、round \ou?
LuciferUn weaves their webs within the 奮 abric 川 The hon Ago is hotv, Kali is a\\aki、 m、J and sluMs WM\
iht? society thev live in. A LudftTMH who is "lk 、
• •
!i儿 thirsty.
or "A U)nJ 化V lu、r山" wuuM nol lx、
Medkxri^ ha» always accepted, yet TIAMAT
and related consumed and
considered acceptable. Remind yourself of the
called American "slacker" generation,化e wonderful
if being a college student,
yailed upon to be someone who continually seeks
to underachieve, h this a highlight of our culture?
We live in a woHd which views a na扣ra! disaster yet
stiH finds a wav to blame "someone". We did not do

enough to wam them, we did not help fast enough,

everyone should have moved faster? \Vhv is 化 is? That
natu巧 devou巧 and deans巧 a bit of the earth, actually
f a small fraction we must rush 化 blame others? Nature
dictates survival;出is life onlv flesh vou will
have. Make the best of it.
How can one make best of their life? How does one
find the strength to imitate iiUo something else? What
is a Luciferian, a Satanist a Vampire. Here, I will
attempt to describe the essence, what you will find in
those BORN into this path. Those who u口derstand the
beautv in d巧tructkm and creation. Those who balance
Spiritual hope, desire and equal it with their creative
W出 to become and manifest their w ish eso n ea iih . a!l starts wi化 acknowledgement
w姐 be hated; humans ha化 the idea of alone and potential
poss化ility of self (Godhood). Tiamat the first draconian
knprovement Save it for a new year some wUl say, d arkn ess, 出e vampire which is t
^Thk year I wiD lose weight"", ""this year I will finish Lilith and SamaeL guided • Leviathan- She i
you hear the sheep sound this off. Yet all others, Tiamat w as in giant drag<HV a
thev alwa» fail the possibility which strive sea dragon that had the head of or bger.
wings, claws and a scaly tale appears
Ahriman as 化e Dragon. Here is the Advei"sary, she i was indeed a powerful goddess, a sorcerous being
rtieNightandtheAbvss. who could create fierce monsters and empower them
accordingly. In her ba 巧le against the Gods including
Tiamat can give life and create what she wishes, much Marduk, Tiamat first created vampiric beings. It was
like Ahriman created 化e ArchDaevas 化 counter written that she beget serpents who were unsparing of
creation. 了iamat was a sorce巧ss, a powerful fkst fang and sharp of tooth. She filled their bodies with
Witch who was both Vampire and Goddess to a ll venom instead of blood, initiating transformation.
demonic feminine is equally important to the
Adversarial formula in Luciferian Witchcraft as it is "Tlw g 作 at dragon u)as thtvivH dotvn, the oM scfpent, he
化e balance which acknowledges the female generative who is called the devU nnd Satan, the deceiver o f the whole
principle as the foundation of all actions and purpose. ivoWcL He zvas 化 roum dou,n to the eatili and his angels
The associative name of Tiamat was Tamtu, both fhwM, 巧 doztw z(,
i•化Wm" - 民 evelations.
names referring to the primeval sea and the dragon
which personified it. Tiamat is thus very close to the Tiamat cloaked ferocious dragons in fearsome rays,
idea of the Hebraic Leviathan, the Dragon of the that she encircled them in the Luciferian Light they

Abv巧>The Sea is also connected to the aby 巧 and thus bore mantles of radiance (Black Flame) and made them
出e subconscious. Godlike. Tiamat thus lifted up Kingu or Qingu as the
Leader of these Vampiric beings, she cast a spell which
In Corey's "Ancient Fragmen杉" and George Barton's made him the Lord of the Gods, his word would
起 Law and she gave him the Tablet of Destinies. Kingu
TIAMAT/ The creation and origin of Tiamat was that
化ere was a time when 化ere was no 化 ing but darkness went forth to battle and was later defeated. His blood
and 化e aby巧 of wa化巧, where two hideous beings was used to beget the human race according to legend.
who were produced from a two-fold principle. There
were also men who had wings, or two faces, one body Let's consider the path of Tiamat and its relation 化
or who had both sexes and the legs of a goat, horns vampirism and the Luciferian Path. Rahab is a name
w巧e serpent Uke, ckagon-men. Over these presided associated with dragon and serpent, such is a巧ocia化d
Omoroca, being Ummu Khubur or Tiamat, the Mother as an antagonist against the a 巧ociated "god" of 化e
of darkness. Hebraic and early Christian culture. The primal
dragon is an atavistic* force in the blood, brain and
Tiamat was exalted to the rank of divinity, called "The deepest memories of the human race* As Tiamat was
god who has taken hold of e v il", 化at she remained in
*巧*3 darkness and controlling the forces of chaos. Tiamat ,化 • dMp things of S tU n ••- RtvtIW ionr Ch.2

first this force arises again in the Judeo^ The Beast or Dragon, much like the Assyrian Tiamat of
ChriAan texts ot Revelations,化 山 6 。沪 ?。 ^ red old, can represent the Luciferian who has mastered the
ketkis ami tm ham、 ami cm his heads aspects of Ahrimanic Yoga, which is the power of the
amms the manifestation of Samael demons of the flesh and mind. The control of demons
Lucifer as the great Dragoa no doubt a calling from in the body rela 化 to the chakra points which can
The abvss
< is of course svmbohc
♦ of the focused to heighten individual mind and bodv po
imvard at the 巧lation of the This can be affected by astral energy- - life enere
dragoa as opposed to some outward poss化Uity* Chi as it is called. The sea is a source of evil as all is up
the taking - reality can be shaped by dreams. Think
Abvss is consUlered "e 、i广 as like the Ocean, about that sentence carefully. What vou think can be
• •

mankind cannot control it or force restrictions on it. To done todav can be made reality tomo订ow.
within the abv巧 is to dwdJ in the dreams of the
dreams, we can form our desires on a Let's consid 巧 化 e focus phrase of The BLACK ORDER
pathway to becoming flesh or reality. Sorcery i OF THE DR.AGOX:
->%方 .
which d«K>tes endrdin占 casting lo枉 and visualizing
? •蹇 出e result If you lay out conditions to occur, aligning
Situations to n\o\e in tfus direction, this is indeed The Words of 化 e Dragon Tiamat
Rituals ali妒 出 ought and some believe the / nm Wwf w,/nch yaw h诚 爪 ray from 0化ers
controUed bv this subconscious activated J 化<? Eye irhidi seduces 〇// zrWun garf.
/ am the iv ice erf which power is formed.
/ flm Wie fhowghf o/u、hfch fs exist beyond
should of being a manifestation of We are legion yet we come from one sou\
gorv for instance: IS onJy iWf/rin you.
、 ou are pomf ami he^nmng,
beast coming up out o f the , hazing ten Jioms A::of/i〇2 化 Wit’ 如 vu w .
md heath. On his horns CHTUTis, 巧/tii 仍j /zis /n wflfwre Cfln you wntierstorui my s;^riMn flW化!>1 巧.
•The beast which / saw was like a /n dof«g such you Mmiers切mi yemrsW/-
IfiDpgnit and 脉 知 mmr 版 执 cw 分 。始 r, cnii t o mw 化 In unde巧tamiing yourse!fyou u i。 be able 化utUize aU
S k tht mouth o f • liatL The drag(m gave him lri$ pcnver, his your sew乂s flnJ sJb7/s to mflskr iWi山
如 护 。 Kf 化化ofi/y., - ReveUtions ycu m 化i‘5 uvrW.

m m
As that Tiamat is the Goddess of chaos, the Creation Tablet and is said to be from UMMU
the subconscious Kingu represents her KHUBUR.
empowered Will to Form in life. The Dragon is intense
possibility, waiting for i权 means to become real by We see here reference to her in the Assyrian Creation
vour desire and belief, Wi出 化 e Tiamat - foundation of
* Tablets:
vampirism, you may more easily move through the
Egy ptian or Ahrimanic aspects of Luciferian Sorcery - 1, "At a time when above the heaven was not named,
to utilize the predatory spiritual aspects of each. 2. (And) beneath the earth had no existence,
3. The abyss was first their generator;
OMOROCA 4. Mummu Tiamat was the bringer forth- of them all;
TIAMAT created life and brought it from darkness, she
also the Mother of all Gods, yet her primal form i
Tiamat is 化e foundational force of chaos which uplifts
the demonic combination of a dragon with horns, cruel
and gives power to fiends and Adversarial Powers of
fangs, a serpent or scaly tale, wings with the talon feet.
the Aby巧, From 化e aby巧 of primal water did forms
She seeks to devour the Gods themselves, thus she
arise, joined with beast and serpent parts in a hybrid of recognizes she is the First, the Goddess which should
darkn巧f5. be viewed in a creative and destructive balance-

"TTierf uws fl hmfWR H,/udt fhere ejnsfcrf Kof/n•巧g In the battle against Marduk, Tiamat is said
darkness, and an abyss o f uxiters, wherein resided most vanquished in form, her life 村ood taken away to a
hideous beings, uiio ivere produced o f a hvchjbld secret place. In a Vampyric consideration, the blood of
principk•••human figures jvere to be seen wi化 the legs and
Tiamat being held in the North can represent the Work
horns 方 巧 AMAT by George Barton
of the Magickian to embark upon the left hand pa化化
find the blood which awakens and causes ascension
Tiamat is the primal aspect of the Serpent itself - the
bito a Godlike state.
spark of inteliigence and poss化ility of Ufe through
Willed desire. This primal legend, associated with
seen in the tablets, that Tiamat can Will her life
Babylon^ mentions the Goddess of Darkness being of
anew again, she took the form of a giant Serpent-like
the element of Water, also the Moon, Her name was
Aapep of Egypt, to attack Marduk.
, which descends allegedly from the Third
most M妒 iHcance that the ideological every secret ot their wijidom. He Uught to
outkv^k ok the N'ampvre or Luciferian is to dispel the undorst*、 nd writing and ink and paper .…下he name of
•and "Evil, . The Dragon is a powerful the fifth is Kasvado; ho discovered to the sons of men

svmbol ot strength, oi prinwl resiUenoe and tuture every wickevl stroke of spirits and demons..,, the stroke
pos^ibiUtv ba^\i on WiU, That which has 化〇 po\v巧 which is given in midday by the offspring of the
on?ate (s<^fvvr\) and destroy is a Goddess or God itself. serpent the name of 乂 vhkh is Taba^.' " The name of
泰 化t、 ten 化 is Azazel."
which bring the Black Flanie of Spirit, of
mtvlUgefKe and perception, aiv those who awaken
possibilitw The fallen angels or watchers frv>m the
Book ot Enoch easily offer forth vampyric and
Ludlvnan traits of character, from origins to what they
Are M e ti> bestow to humanitw

ability of subtlety and articulah?

spe巧:h; it is aWe to not just be 化e devouring force, yet
•净> 4 creative and intelligent spirit- The sequent can
communicate to not only primal instinct, the hunger
for continuecl existence, yet the feelings of the spirit
and mind of humanity.

An interesting translation of the names of some of the

Fallen Angels b\ George Barton an? given here:

了he name of the third is Gadrel He discovered every

stroke of death to the children of men. He seduced
Eve. and discovered to the children of men the
instruments erf death, the coat of mail, the shield, and
the swonl for slaughter every instrument of death
children of men. The name of the fourth
discovered to the children of men
k'eetness, and pointed out to them
T h e A 化 al B ody 〇n h e Beast

# #

previously Vampyre NU典 kian

who wants to drain astral •
to the hichest etfect
■ 、

should consider doin《 s M?ductive

. If it is • 、 should consider takin;• 知
term Beast Detnonk 6 幻xre from
demonic descripticHTts 〇*•m ythoio^
anou ituai
s will a l i ^ mind with riamat •
the Dra 识。 Mother of Vampire?.
altar, which
dare into, 、 ou will also want w.
VarcoUci-Astwihad abov X)ve it
symbolizing the po, the predator
gateway liUth,
anon, You
nutiation. •Sieil
bol o r talisman 巧presenting

dagger up

you Dark Qhttm ^ ImMMMortat tiuMger.

ypu wh^ C8M e m it m J
hnrx如 ytw 仿。c'o<A 沁巧〇。5 禾arsamf rnys/ A N G 民A M AINYU
Mo化er ofdarkn饼 , I shal! transform into Wieferocious be化t Doctrine of the Adve巧ary
of my desire. I shaU c h 化e myse!f in the cfitftonic depths of
the denmu: liesirf ! hold within.! sh/i!! go forth and drink r
BA n 或 a ) r A b A R 〇) / \ n
from my victim/'

Close vour eves and visualize vour astral body

expanding around your form, transforming and
shaping to your desire* Feel the flow of the astral
around you as you will it to grow in power- Let your
emotions guide i长 transformation and feel the ecstasy
of becoming. Let vour astral body outshine 打om the
Blackened hame 化e one who vou wish to meet and
drain in the dreaming body-
AUow the Black Flame to illuminate in the Ajna
Chakra, recite facing now the mi打or:

Let all who look upon me collapse in utter terror!

Recite 9 times.
Within the L 口dfeirian Doctrines of predatory
spirituality, the natuw of the Adept is to mas化r this
Imagine now your as杜ai tendrils arising from your
world in which we live in* There is no desire for the
astral cloak and it transforms into a black shadow -
other which detracts from the masten^ of the physical,
emanating 化e demonic form you have taken. Feel the
rather a careful balance. Ludferians are bv all account
tendrils transform irUo serpents which are long in fang
spiritual in nature, by sorcery \ve encircle our desire
and venomous.
and belief through gnosis, utilize meditation
techniques and aethyrs within the subconscious. By all
"Ttamt, Mother of Serpents who has made me in myself
化ese things, we never abandon the physical or 出e
Ckxihke, shall go forth to drink from Uie astral blood of
________ __ U is my iviU to drink front and becottte realities of our existence.
The spirit of Angra M ain y u , Ahriman, is d扣kness
night. I am a vessel o f the immortal dragon
End of Ritual and shadow, Luciferians are deeply involved in the
mHhixK lit wxery arunhw own 甲 呼 二 f w武 t,
Ahriman, so sought to briMk open llu•抑 es of heaven
IUrknt一 in a 、
ha也,w A 巧护 ndi*d by 化〇 叩 扑 t,w、 s of
and devour his brother Ahura Ma/da, the Sun,
"ur iHumiwtion, thus wisJom bt•护 h tiarkn价 V C)化‘
A、 pfct ol thf Order <、* 化e 化 巧 I和 t八…um"wh> Morals • MonUity changes based on culture and time.
thi^ light within iMch Adq>t, to romplimiMil an Whdt is amoral now will not be 50 years from now.
HuleiHtulent and 'o p p cW ' 岭产 t>nmiividuaK By all not harm those who have not crossed you, respect
Au'ounK 化c BOTl) 4 in山化i 4 Black 如 hot)! - ^ssoivi animals and childivn as bo化 hold d strong sense of
Aiv given in darkness, thm> i* m、visiWi、masti?r honesty.
un山叮 At* jicope of Muiiy dw* thf shadow cast tlown
upon the* 护ourul in which the Ad叩 t 片lmJ 、 Guilt - If you think through an action, and are
kruiwUnlgi? of ihooiHMTiy is 巧wntitil. The Lucifwidn compelled to take it - feel no guilt. Guilt is an emotion
must study 化e W4ys of 化1> 州户my • mono化cistic which drains your energy as well as creates other
RighU UndPa A rvhgiow • Christianity, W aK Such mistakes in its wake. Reject guilt, it is an emotion of
belwf indoctrinati、 化0 Wi?ak iind ig n o ra n t, 化 us feeble minded, knee bending Ciiristians.
should be kept out oHhe mind entirely, save it poison
vou 似 叩 irihul death. U any化in换 化 e Luc如 rian Know Thyself - sec to know yourself, in every way.
should swk to devour Ae very essence of 化〇 TrilxU Study your strengths;weaknesses and seek to develop

Christian Gixi, to drink deep of its knowkdge of war, and master both. Do not ignore 化at which you dislike
natural disaster, disease. If you compare tho about you, confront it and master it Self-knowledge
n、IUi巧 of our worU with 化0 Christian concept du、ir becomes self-love and allows you to become a stronger
God dormant. being. I hink before you act!
take your attention to ''The Bible of the
Aiivervirv" and •Uiciferian Witchcraft" and Know your enemy - learn about that which you
despise;know its workings, purpose and point of

、pcdtK、 Uv thf Yatuk Dinoih. The Ten Precc^pts of

ZoJuk ind thf Ten Adominations of Akht - Jadu view. This will aid you always in confrontation.
drtpliy therrin tho v m foundation of this work, tho Love and compassion must bo guarded, never love
Lucifehw Path anJ ihe key to the gates of hell sonu'thing which poses danger ft)r you• 目uild 化e
Heaven and Hell are indeeti spiritual realities, energy within through discipline, will and self-love.
<、 physical sensations. By achieving and Utilize methods which can a tool for your

de\〇uring wt* may reAch the heighN of both, which becoming. Fhe elements of Luciferian and Ahrimanic
equally are powerful Remember the deific fora、 of Mastery wUh reganJs to 化c Sou! are follmvs.

IH I WTICk \ \M fiR IS M
It pNVvhoK乂 K'al 化 卢 v,t vdn、p t r i ^ , w
^K vhvk khih dtkkmv^tk^n ih i the —.
CoU th at th e r^ 心 IX、o^ther kww ihfe、
at reMwve K' pcdktKV
Kaw kix>vsW\i^v b\ LnlecovtK^ vvith other
户火 tKV !、 th e
peofie • UicAUv a w、 ww、 Y、 Hi Wrw、 w
'^ a i i i n i ^ Of w u 、Ui冷 jik I 、、
化 um uw
iK>l th at 〜 、 、
nvu、 Takf wvrvl
KVVV O f、 i I :火itv The V\\>fvi dKWWiU^
h*kh fVv\s thrvHi^h 、Wb(%KH:VHctioiWv is: " A ^vn>?ptK>tv

viith thtf KkK m disc約u a w 、 t 、乂urwWcstaivHii^. This vsouU tv e\acttv

jirU ecnoboiviw prdkcbcv riptK>n Lucit灼山、化 th wUh
LiNm HVHL the o U k r 化 the ie lt o r ' r .
K the hr* ;
w ith THe s^b[ IS a misuivWrsKKKi arwu pr瓜 hcv
VivW>aevdN 4ixi vieitk the^XH、於\t bAivi pii此
分 pvA ", BMv be m:u\tt\i cuhivaWvi pWdiUTA w e conskWteU the fouixiatkw ot
afti K\h. and e w n t u c U e r i^ i thought. Thu^ c d n r ^
we subf^tivv tv^ised
it IS calWvi 。斬 in^u>g a n d so cial " p o i thdl 〜化
成 W OtM A p r^^v uv^tter ilf it p it^ u r ^ a n o th e i m an > pdiit The Kx»Aia6 on
vfN fc> oH ma 4 p^、 sKdi 山t t Kv tfutkhle ic/tu ck ^ecid n Nhixt is K)
a^uidlh coivivc 心i in >ver 1 \M GOD A\C>THFKt IS \O O TM tR
乂w!v thtN w e r^ 、似 I CK^ a b o 、tbw t W心 : bi
w " 八、 、伯 从 t\ 化乂
lk>W kApcaivWssh drvi Ka、i { ^ du\ uiKvwwv 以 。片
H iw 、 ou w ivtKV^ wKen VV>fVwv fcevl their bosiN or 麟 oMect 心
xm l m S Jiivct nwnhfli^ ^ I V 、
•的 从 、 、曲
t k、 rvc〇t$nLw
dtnJ olKec >ef>aiate. vou Ale ts ik> sturvct Ih^ o^
^ifff^Kukhts CVfWCtK、 、 v w divt lv> tK»f
n tbe ntuAl vUvW 4k)iw <inwt iKe ruW ol btftK
fckw vnfeM w、从 t dJotw dkIKt Wwe 於 worii A w
EN ERG Y AND BLOOD • Life Essence

Yampync S\p\$ 、 have made reference to Qi or Chi, as打al energy.

Lift、 energy is taken from human beings wHhout
harming 化 em. Life energy is 化〇 aura and the very
essen ccw h ich ;ssU gh tlylargerA an A oh u m an b(x1y.
llie mind directly influences the amount and strength
of this Chi energy. Whether you find subjective
BUa Sun confirmation in the existence of Chi or not;please take
note of the psychological foundations of Predatory
Spiritualism. This process aligns ttie mind to a specifi
type of Luciferian thinking - a way of approach.
Approaching 化 ings in a certain way wUl effect what
Wit: Drtm of ViUl Brea化 you get in return. If you stai^t a small budding project
for your house because you want a recording room -
you wUl no doubt work with a higher sense of u巧ency
than if you are building it for your annoying aunt who
coming to live with you. The Power of Positive
化inking means a ! 〇t anyone as a Luciferian should

Servitor feed from 化 eper approach life in a positive and productive way.
To tend fortH my Sluder

Control of emotions essential in any successful

agical practice. With the psychological and otherwise
p a ss^ k dangers in the Luciferian pa化, it is important
AkNkKaru to have the control approach to the actual practice. A
good place to sttid is 八hrimanic Yoga as descHbed in
WftiU which m*y used 化 nurk 化 e UlUiTun uwd in
draining. The Chakras an 、 importanHn chanm、ling and focusing
Chi mui 化 I、(、 ssociiUiuns of 化I、ArchDiU、\\、 s theroin. To
stall with Tiiromi…, moving upwnrdthrough 化0 spine
of calm and suggestions based on practice
will ivrlainly activate dogn\a - do w hat works for you.
in me « ,托口口 T h « will give a feeiing
nwng anu devahon as you move up to each
•JUibiW! chakra. The Luciferian who visualiz 巧 the
twtn wrpenb cod upward around 化e spine, out of 化e
shouKJers and the connection to Akoman in the Ajna
Chakra *nd shorUv after the Ahrima口 aspect above
will no UiHibt hold some results driven

Contrv^ of nerv ous movements

strength fourniddon 如化e
ly A e chakras but the 化 tral t
When perform ing Ahrimamc Yoga, foe化 i
spiwUng th ro u ^ your spine, allow
compiv^seiJ when breathing into a sphere and then
化 trod w o rd in g ly . You m ay tr> this befo 托 skepm 绰 I
provide^ 4 powerful preparation and relaxation
P « c tk « 〜 h k h wW your dreams oi: nightmares.

^ Luctfeiian Path, it is essential to the slowed

^dv your short and long
schooL career and what vou
w fK 。 , " L , practitioner of
知 I OW end - not focu?^ s 芭 加 1 姑 d material
^ Other. focusing too much on one

tnA pc^l ould

leno^ the praetke at magtek and
ends they wish to diM exe. There
pr»ctk« to DToce^i • 心 ^一

^ ■
Sorcerv it fe imper地 V
tfo l jxm
w ith 】farces 、 t control
one 一 I me process
or posture wbkh relaxes your body to the
? %-oa can M bet%%-wi Ttn
jn d the icYoga
HVHD foundation hkh Tc
more relaxed and stale of

to profecX keep the spine straight and

a posa tion Hith your arms and legs held straight
▼oar 3 shoaid be restine at woux side. Focus
h sn ^ up out of excellent method of
slow your heart rate by breathing
fhkh will control vour ini山 torv
0 •
;pon the Locifehan or Vampyre
M j^ k i a n Path. Breathe steadih* and
sdlbttss ar
and state of mind.

«*f«nenc* ,
^ ---------------- ----------------------------------------------------—

fR tp \ ia \ c T H f 化 巧 R i AX s p 化 r r thjvu 兵h a cv 、 、
U \l 巧w titv , spiral
Kh\v . Uu 六 巧v n t po 〜 " " t i ! estaWish
〜也 心 art Liber A 、! 、tr、U bodv.
ntuab th护h)cht 仕 UP
hj,ch wtU ? <impl^ A|tw thtf ltTUi々IW 出杉
irvct QVdi公 oi 试 知 讯 ukI 执ack F^nw bum sc 矣
rwt that i 1、

jihijuknv、 、n d i Aivund w u . 、 w th«f <rwtifst
Fdctn^ bast Luciier U ^ t tvdJX'r v>t fchem all. Now vvu c^n
乂 of bn^ht as - 心w
bU :k oil rvprv^>entin^ thi? BtdcW Ftditv. with、 >ut s it h»ii Jktwr
M an cvd 、 tsiiom a ir
1 下沁 ittiffttion to lucifCT JS Po this Ujcht t o 《、pon\i
«rhil and li朵
ht t than
stnmgtk, inv 令>ratirt^ insipirabon prvvess ot selt-<l^Uiv: ditu,MX but Litisr
L u co^ 处ren^thtfo i t Im agine ( 、in
tnibator o t h w , 吐uit vv?u oiv 虹ir drui b ^ u 处ttl

G o d d ^ afKi lovtr jix i

the <ea This the Blvick 化 uTw, thi^ b的化 OS A
short usin^ both osptjcts ^^uailv. jpx, ws brt寒h 仪
Ludher is the b n n ^ o i which e ^ tib lii^ ' but dl乂、ma 护山fv
iKisdom and knc 〜 m ^ this b •win^ bodv 比 loukevi. »r

U ort^epertt wbi> of the Sun and U如 tnin^ will eWctrxh' Hv nx, 讯 It

巧rst tcundation down trom this ^one^t It^ht Ftxas th«f li^rftt
Luotmon BLk K muv* downward thivu^h vour tnatw 山 bodv
4nd fchfiHJL如 w a r Umbfii ortvl surrourhiin^ 如!r
«KircIeU arounU v、 ni have INUUlt^
、 ou iSLy^ t >tr;ii bwxiv kvkinjt
it tiKCU^ chakra : It is not
skull. chaii«fn^tn^ post VImioiIla; bnlliiifivx

tiuwnwarU biKn^ hold ot ami
tjssence out as j Kill ot 狂如t trocn ifci t >0
4iidi im p It with worn a s e *
qpiicl:lr €tafi|B—
hmw ^
w l shMpms into • d m PART TWO:
' ^ vour entire js tn l bodvA fv>\ ^lopini ;the Praetke of V

^ r i n c ^ <rf the Po>^er» of th< \ a (Sanwd - locifen

n few c m M the bominf

fa r m an lite This is L
V 〇 r S ta m i or L a d k r• who
Camaene the pangd
p ktm \ i6 ei
1 ll« bahnoe <rf your raer light a
m othate vo a r light
rail «id shape the darkness bssed o n 〜
vneh to ach ^, , Siy n ^xnr mind:
A h*p & 臣MMr«
〇 r#
a G | ^ 廣 I Cod. /IwnlB
S ld m m
mmek mrr巧 at I cmL I tm hetk hoik *s
ts LIrndfer

AfeHM liblh W Ihr 4iHbK» 方

m ie i n k m d ih n m m d 4ev m r the
分。 aoifeU 麵 ••MkvgeMi'•

Vampyrism is a lifelong approach and process point of

continual power accumulation. From the Sanskrit
word PRABHU, meaning master comes from 化e root
bhu meaning "to become, hence to rule".
The Vampvre Prabhu Rakshasa is a title of a Vamp\Te
Magickian who has 化e ability to shapeshift in dreams
and the astral plane, who may go forth and absorb
Prana using the various methods
grow mow powerful from it
The traditional lore of Rakshasha presents a blood
drinking demon who a村e to shape shift and
strongest the dark moon. ho
night This is a traditional vampiric spirit has
parallels with other mytholog\- in various points of the


Sit in a chair, legs directly in front of you and finger

As shadow emerges tips touching each other. Your hand from the thumb to
the forefinger should be raised vour
Hunger arises
level and your two hands touching should form
the Daemon be raised up 〇( triangie shdpe 、、•化h vou looking downward at
Power from the Black Sun
Start a carefu: breathing technique, one'
then add a fe、 v more seconds between breathes. You
vou will be able our r
rate- If vou are ever ituation erf vous
•c^crasptiiK wiA\ e
pcm m W itt. BOOfc:

c Jipproad^
The «rvTtar be Med «r
shocdd ha¥e v »

fiirsicaikedv o r似
公 to tm妒 %TCTa^irmg ana moving a he»utifu2
N>dK loev%enc oui ^
'oc wdl



v iB ^ fb c task - !
^v^icstKsr w o r n

miivi ttsri: prcip^
i i>w n f^^ <lmiAd be
■ htai t « rv ^
、’《 np^,

j —lr 巧 <^^^
一 put some
Using Varcolaci • Astavidad Black
wi出 巧 hke a bat leather hacking the Dragon, sit in the meditative
You will want your eves and visuahze the Varcolad sigii until it
salh a. bh od or 5exuaJ fluid vivid in your
harge of vour w n being
Visualize 挪
should created, holding it send it outward
based on what ♦
servitor to embodv. .\sto\idad sigii through the
Light a single candle, you may u You mav use this servib

norHrbimxmgixinft ritual masturba

masturbation consciousness through it and move towards
.\nomt the sigit<»byect . If it is around 3 anx they
♦ • bkxxi, fluid 況 saliva. morer than likely. If will have
You mu5t name the servitor - for insti cycle dose to when they a U! be in deep sleep.
calling it NOXUMBRA would be us^ul if
are using it at night to drain from someone. You Send ritor forth; after a
wiQ want to hoki the sigil astral minutes Allow the astral body of
into 也 giving it the initiai charge flow back into you and wiA it the enerev it drained
needs. from the chosen person. Feel part of
Recxie the mantra of the name until it making you stronger- Allow the senator
umnteUigible and 1 seemingly forget the the ot兵ct of what you have made for 化
it to vou in such a wav
•Ir 知 MMT 方 Liii化 方 Vampires I empower
}fcm d b ^
vampiric servitor o f
You viUU ierve irt the 识 巧 of dnnidn《 the astra! blood
Vou viU r U to me and I will grow stronger"


the MI民 民 O民 OF A民 ASHK

rUuA! of Awshk should be a focus

於msfornwtion‘ The Druj indeed d 口护
liecoming ami ever changing* It is no doubt that
sc'rpent is a s\ mK^l of chaos but also encircled
tn州ed order and wisdom-

will the svmbol

transfomwtion* Fa心 which
is the Ian沪lage of the
serpent the barbarous tongue. Create your
tongue, it should be a language which
汾methin公to v 。。• it must stimula化 thwe imaginatioiv

Vampvre Magickian may 、4tuk Dinoih

曲 and
and the DruK' Demana from Ludterian itchcratt
H \>U in workings not but
\ amp)Tism as w ell

dem on、 、
created Zun aiv 如 t

Ahura M azda 、B、


了、 、nonkk Shad, ^Vith • mbol E、 e

The \\in\pyrk Astral Body

V々W fo 沉怕Itni AmsWc m rn.v 梦
cult of Astovitiad or Astwihad found
Rente ^ times:
paragraph describing it:
•Py Chism^ <md AmshJc hdwW hiYmm, fl rpnif

n ,!7 所 /t’ r (? 佩 ,- / S r t r / M r j ! 油 〇 Wn, /(/iv

Focus now on the Eye opening within the mirror, then
(IS it says Hint, u,hi、n hia luvui atrokes n ^!(w U is kWmrgy,
within Your mind. This eve mav sorpent-iiko
H,/!州 !7 0 " (•別V人 •()《t,/Msyhvr, n, /uv! /fi’ /(x)知川
anything elw YOU wish, it must be a focus on what you
his eyes !!c (iHves mvri}/ the lifb, nmUluy aiN ih h ,nHt" - T he
wish to become, what to transform into.

an exa'Uont way of developing your astral Astwihad or Astovidad is the darkness bringer who t
the vessel in which you will go out in the dream. excellent model for the Vampyre Magickian
Yatus (sorcerer) who wisht\s to develop tine shadow
""ban am I ahamwn"* •recite 9 times. terrifying aspect of his astral body.
End of ritual
The Vampyre Magickian who is focused on either
experiencing a sexual ritual with a partner or a chosen
victim of dream sorcery may uHli之e 化e shadow of
Astwihad to grow strong.

U巧 a 巧 mbol of VarcoUd-Astovidad 巧gi!
Astwihad shadow the desire 化at you are this atavistic
daemon, the spirit of darkne 巧.

Once you are able to raise the astral body above your
or where you are resting, send it foi^th to whom
vou have chosen.


Touching the astral of a sleeping person w山 drain

*v, The very symbol of Nightmare Vatnpyrism, when the
their energy- As Astwihad enters, touch their shadow
astral body becomes cloaked in darkness. Envision this

and breathe deeply in - drain 比em enough and fly
symbol, the Vampiric Shades encircling you and your
away into the night
astral body transforming into a great bestial shado
Sight in the dream will drain them, focus and call their
Envision the form you wish - a collection of specific 化仕al body into yours. The eyes are very poweiiul in
animals • you may wish batlike wings, the head of a terms of feeding and sorcery.
wolf cov巧ed in shadow, burning yellow eyes, a corpse
Uke visage or skeleU>n face, dog Kke legs which are I will wri沁 no more of looking directly into 化e eyes in
silent when walking, etc. Make your form as terrible the nightmare, nothing more can be written here..
and equally as useful as you wish. Many of its
attributes should be relating to how you will travel or
what you intend to do in the nightmare-

Recite the "Nirang-I aharman adar sama" to focus

before the working. No ceremonial structure is needed
for workings after this - they will be primarily based
in 化e dreaming place.

Feel you astral body transform and turn as black

shadow, twisting and shaping to what you wish it to
resem村e. Sorcery requires successful belief, give 化e
L Tb。神 irit of BU 遂 gned Fire *1^ 、如 r



化eht a powerful state

Luciferian spirit is centered in the
leldting to the astral bodv itself. The

witches Sabbat the Luciferian 'Vitchcraft tradition

dreaming al conclave, the
level of initiation
The Sabbat lies behind a

is the Goddess of \ ampires.

of draining astral ener^^ should be
evervdav life - intent
inwnortaUtv. Much o f the \ ampTism or
VjunpHirism f r o m 。 Luctfeian around
如 Ahrimanic daevas, vatuk dinoiK

One mav practice \ampui<m in the toilw ing

•brush up against
, ___

handing something to irnlhidu^ ,

王 Sight fim a 如 a serpent evtend 鸣 trc€n yc ^
*ww4. -------- 三 their bodv, drain 砖 献 w o e w tft
the e v e )- of AighasJv Ahninamc 的 乂

《 in 口tua! dum ber •加公 w 巧

Of word created
TTtis is fo c u sed on Akoman tf^ H v i l 一
4 Dreaming or N 卸 俯 w* 恥
化>5* ntmwful
powerfu, but but al5〇the
於价巧 t
Evil night ccumulating
vourseif tem an is devouring
the path of darkness leads to light that light 15 aiwavs
Ma!'occhk) is the evfl eve. The evil has long been a
symbol ol envy but also power The eye rep 】
rr the glare, the stronger the spirit, ^ I m t is g o o d ? E verythin g that heightens the 批 ling
Yatukan or Persian Ahrimank or primal screen . p ew er in m an, th e u、" i to poicer, pow er dself.* -
there are •enJ daevas evil eve: Sur Nietzsche
Qushmih Arashk Akoman s
symbol B often an Eye representing "The Evil Mind". and opinions states of mind
Hakim Be\ wrote that the Yezidi tribes would be not s 口bjuga 忙 all of your scxalled morals
cauboQs not to wear Blue, as 巧is the color of Shaitaix ideological com er — it could
thnr lord. It was agreed that wearing this color possibilities. This does not mean howev巧 that
ward 地 eviT 〜 oold be offensive In many rituals should shift par 。山 gms 舟 what
THE BOOK OF THE WITCH MOON specifically constantly - just be flexible enough 把 gro
UBER XEHEBKAU, tfie Tuats or unden% orld hells^ of
ancient Egypt have serpent-devils who seduce PHYSICAL ENERGY VAMFYRISM •
their Eve and devour
This type of vampyrism is 化e process which requires a
uraming energy IS best
Dest done by connection discipline to practice, a feeding focus with those whom
sight In a crowded roonx a concert, a mail, a gathering come ini with.
point watch for those who exhibit a lot of charisma and have reached into their energy field will flow
energy - kxk into their solar plex with vour eves. vour own astral bexiv with vour Iweath. The
一Ich then their breathing cycle*、 Vith your breathing practicing yoga and the discipline
and imagine dieir life essmee draining associated with it will teach you the points erf bodily
and men枉 tal control.

the Luciferian relation Establishing contact -

ainpinsm devouring God. Appling Darwinist handed to you, brushing up against individual
rindpWsi this magical will aid the inidatorv energv wiA both your nose and mouth
being like Lucifer in the capaeiK i
seek to be. !t is on
Thinking of energy as a flowing current with
norgv tlo'vmg
vour mind be 知 n 、 vith each broa化 visualizing
energy flow ing thn>ugh your body, much like
lu w Wk\i. contact
、、 HitM4t h、e\K、 k sk、、vlvI vour circulaton* svstem. It is sujtjsested Aat
、o u 、、lU HpH 4 si抑 t 5 Control during this nuxie practice that vou visualize it
i the howewr n'num diligent on and Will it to alter color to a burning red or
within. v^lk、、 、-, rcpivsenting the essence of tiw Black
Flame、 In Noctunwl or Sorcery workin护 • you
化OWING ENERG、 IN PHYSICAL mav alter it shadow and darkness aorordinglw
、Vhen esuW 诚 cvnnection bv phvs^M
drawing will become Developing tendrils from the astral i5^ depending
pnxvss. pMctkvd d%uiv with the cHsdpUne, pow er and experience of the vampv巧、 U
pc\>ple. FnsuTV th%^t you remain vou have praetkA i touch vdmpyrism for some time,
\E\了R attempt to use \\、 mpvrism your level and power will increase acvoixUnglv、 Sight
(fchniques on a l〇\ ^ one or another l.uciK'rian or vampvnsm done so bv envisioning a tendril
pCACtking Vampvre Magkkian. It is the rvspect and your own astral Kxiy to entering your
kxindaboo for ommunKation and o>n^dei\、" o n 、 It is imperative to harm anviw .

\thin vou>
> it is necoss.\n♦ energy fiUevi irnih klual.
cvfn•山、 point in the evening v\nd Will 、Vi化 eyes, lock into solar pl^\u<v Imagine
haos、 Here an? A fo、v teiuirik from vour
♦ bodvV mto their
i oruer Willing your astral bodv.♦
、口nison. Watch and lietormine their brvathing c> cle. vcki
vv"l dMin according to
Sii calm comtortabk pv *、v e\h、 Ue. drawing b
knees back breathing deeply through K>th voui
vow brMthtng iH>se. Bring this breath cxwtant unhl \\mr lungs
Kxti5 〇f> « single purpe ^thoT 巧。ed. Imagine t«x lrils An? TvkMsed and
vour mind
'believe" in the subjective "spirit" world if
xhly movemenls vou view it a psychological link OR BOTH,
Repeat if ncc«ssa Practice, practice and practice. Record r e s u lt

RITUAL VAMPYRISM n • The Dragon o f the Abyss (The Subconscious •

Utilizing a mirror (symbolic of Lilith) have an
of the individual in question readv- D REAM VAMPYRISM
include photo but could be a drawing
paper, depending on your Utilizing Ahrimanic Yoga techniques (Uber
ability and predilection. If you have something HVHI) gain complete and calm control of the
vour chosen, have it in the rite - hold it and •This calm should be near perfect
Meditate on your chosen victim before
Calling the Vamp\Tic forces in terms of ritual sleeping. Visualize how you wish to drain their
focus • visualize forces coming to you, acting energy.
according to your Will. Starting with your mind and face, visualize
Ima知 说 vour victim in the mirror* Send your as 仕ai body shape shifting into whatever
forth astral shadow imagine form you desire- This may be a demonic form or
brvaUng into their astral body through 化e object an specific animal - this is your choice.
and the mirror. Focus on a mi打or or on the image, lie back on
Draw in 9 deep breaths from both your nostrils your bed and close your eyes. Each b巧a化
and mouth. Exhale slowly, controlling your should be a focus on your astral body rising.
bodily movements. Keep calm during rituai, Entering sleep, your dreams wUl
、 ou mav conduct this several times and intense and hungering - this is a prime
days. You may notice by this process indication of your subconscious being focused on
the focus individual wiU grow tired and sick. Use your atavistic and vampyric desires-
caubon in ritual focused vampirism. If you astral project without sleeping, control
Responsibilit)* is of course the most important. your movement and move in. Imagine the entire
never be harmed by any vampyric process, see it as clearly as if you were there.
Belief is the key to any successful magical
essential •taWishing a link working- Drain and leave the victim sleeping.
n current It does not matter if vou

Vampyrc Magickian who is preparing to feed

於佔村ish who will be fed from. Once this h化
盼 n tie化rm in ed , 化 e Magickian must practice a form
of mediation to gain con 仕ol of the body and further
strengthen 化e subconscious d巧ire to drain. At 化e
point of sleep, your focus should be on the one you
intend to visit •民 em em ber, 化e goaMs never to harm
another - it is to drain enough energy to grow strong
from without harming your subjects own astral
energy. Balance and know your limitations.


化巧- Sexual desire - 化 e hag inspires nightma化s and

the vampire who projects in 化is form causes terror in
the victim which spills out astral energy, the hag then
drains 化is energy before releasing and flying out.
Think about your flesh wrinkling/ grayi巧 in col饥'
巧es burning Wack..
Wo// or VV外巧roif/-Inten'se sexual d巧i巧 抓 d lust 0手
Lycanthropy is aggression ami 決: la
desire, the form of the werewolf will cause panic vv
chasing w u r victim in the n 帥 tmare. Once 产 u 护祈
proximity 化eir terror will 柳 1 w w a地 al e芒 巳
which you can devour • roturn arK

技 n iftm a re. qnintual

• VVo抑 "fc/Pw 沪w oid
^^nger, desire for continutxi oMstt^nce
R : ;::: : : ; a of an in 如 ,

Varcoiaci is tht
who d巧ires 化e power of night, 化e lust for 化e moon LEAVING THE PHYSICAL BODY
which is the accumulation of dreams and memories,
Affrrtc柄 c S;n>ff- Usually a Out of Body Experience As you will rise 打om your body, 化e巧 is a focus of 化e
Vampyre who eHher feels guilty about 化eir practice of element of which you will raise. The astral body is in
en巧gy draining or is seeking ano化er affectionately i direct control of the consciousness, t:he mind 巧self.
dreams - generally non-threatening. element of Air is attributed to Lucifer (Samael) and
Shadow or Black Shape- Fear inspiring vampyre, Lilith, the spirit of night and vampires. This is the OBE
化ose who unconsciously project or are seeking energy the Out of Body Experience Vampyre*
without thought for shapeshifting-
Demonic /onw-Appearing in atavistic f o r m s ' 化is Recite quietly with a candle for working:
vampyre is hungering for life energy and generally
appears in astral conclaves or Witches Sabbat's. "LiUth, Sdtrina, Ahy^ou and aU o f thy names, Mother
When practicing 化e as打al ritual of the vampyre, you Night and Vampiric Hu 巧ger, Bl巧 s iny spirit 化 the gift of
must lock in to 化e as打al body of the one you seek. flight. Lilith, M other o f Air Spirits, I shal! go forth in die
Reach in, visualize 化is before you sleep and drink form o f my choosing to chink o f Ute life in the night"
deep from 化e sleeper. The sensations of reaching in化
化e astral body are both elec杜ifying and powerful The As you grow more adept with as打al projection you
vampyre must ensure that their own body is not will be able to rise from the 幻esh and take 化e form
Gained into 化e victim, rather the control and you wish. As a Luciferian or spirit of L化化, you may
unconscious discipline keeps the astral vampyre wish to take demonic forms - if you wish to crawl on
focused and directed towards one goal. 化e roof of the one in which you will drink from, you
Once you have established the person of your desire, may wish to have insect legs. If you have a favorUe
you will want to prepare both the body and mind for to怡m animal, it may be a combination of 化at and
化e working. something else.
Do note that no matter what people want to believe,
化e mind is directly affec化d by the body and its sta化 As you lay back in your bed or chamber, complete the
therein. If you resist food during the day and retire 化 steps of stiUness and with your b化athing' imagine
sleep wi出out eating, hunger will run its course in your your astral body twisting and mutating into 化at form
body, affecting the subconscious. If focused on you wish - move the center of h, where your
someone around a vampiric rite;your mind will consciousness is projected, upward through your
active therein. throat. As you do this, your eyes should be dosed and
visualize youi*self rising out with each bn?ath.
Slowly, with each breath, edge yourself out of your OF THE
body and look around with your astral eyes. You may
now pass 化rough walls and rise up in the night Let ABY%IC DRAGON
your form be as 化订ifying or as beautiful as you wish.
Ride out as a Luciferian Witch, a Vampyre Magickian
who shall feed from ano化er.

The Wreathing Serpent

Vampiric Rituals are by definition not lending
power from ano 化er. It is a predatory pa化 - awaken,
conjure, encircle, devour, accumulate and ascend. As a
L u d ferian , 化e balance of Light and 化e High
articulation of the self is the most significant - see the 沪W,巧 •解s/!的 my s/'化记?<’ 巧 加 s!re. / am t/化Beast
shall rise from the sea, cloak in the radiance of my
Ritual of Azal'ucel,化e shadow is equally important oivn divinity/'
on a self<巧ation level. The same may be said with the
Ritual of Magna Mater Daemonum. 义 The C alling of the Depths
a rite focusing on 化e summoning of 化e
dragon, the forces of 化e subconscious, as Tiam a!:, 化e
The practitioner will hold a dagger to 化e Sou化,
Mo化er of Vampires. It then moves forward to
making each direction counter-clockwise.
empowering 化e self as Vampire, Tiamat's chos巧
vessel. Use 出is ritual like TH巨RITUAL OF TIAMAT
(to open the gates of hell, or the abyss)
in LIBER HVHI, but 出is would be a much more Facing the South-
simplified focus rite. The four Infernal Powers
"民 ahab, Ange! o f Violence, Proud Serpent of 01 丸 艮 ise
symbolic of the raw primal aspects of the from your depths and swell in my spirit. Let Pride of w!iat I
subconscious. The Dragon commands that which can do invigorate me to become more! Let your spirit not be
sleeps wi化in. queUed, but like the storm-wind and the evi^wind crash
upon t!ie fin m m e n t and lightning strike m]/ 巧 irit! Aumken
1, Enter 化e Temple 0 Rflhflb, serpent u,ho cufs down dzy enemies nnd 瓜1, 〇
their 巧 sence!"
Such a ritual would be in a chamber where much of Facing the East-
your magical work already happens. This type of rite ''Samael O D ragon-Father o f Old; Lion o f the Sun, Come
is directed at inward energy and is centered around fotih and fill m y body u ith Poison instead o f blood - let it
become the elixir fo r immortality. Samael, who is t}\e
Atavisms • the Abyssic Dead is relating to the
Dragon, Yaltabnoth, Chaos hunger, Lion-Serpent, ascend
subconscious. Utilize the Varcolaci/Astwihad sigil and
through me and I shall be granted the Kingship as Lord of
focus intently, One may use die Leviathan sigil also,
the Earth"
above a mirror directly above the altar facing the West. Facing the North-
'Tianiat, ancient Drngotwnother, zvho shall guide my
么 An打ouncement of Self 州 ns/圆 加 /cm 化 n /ewdows i(,ho shfl/i ckwk me
i巧 fearscnne rays o f the Black Sun, Who sliaU illuminate my
w! am Vmpyre, the Serpent who comes fo tih to aw aken as (I MrmWc 〇 / 民 口 诚 Vmce fls B!爪 fc 如 rfcen flrtd
Dragon before thee. 1 ccdUo the darkness and the O ceans of rem州 iber you r blood! From the Notih, let your blood hear
the Abyss!! call to the darkness to rise us and notu'isli ,j!y t,〇 !• 扣 凹 d j/owr s/w// fo 化 cemi 卸 me.
Tiamaf, ! shal! become a gidtit serpent in spirit, hear your
The Luciferian m ust understand by 化e 巧rst aspect of
srwkfs 7巧化!n 爪f, My wisdom shflU bf os s/mrp 口nd crwe/ fls initiation upon this path demands that the Self i
fangs, that I may drain those who shall substain my
Kalized as the m ost important The Luciferian must
immortal spirit/'
now devour those aspects of the consciousn巧s. Take
Facing the West- in the s 打ength and gift of each draconian power,化eir
"Levintlum, whose mouth is fiUed u,Hh bu m in g Inmps, fi巧 surging in your consciousne 巧,
whose nostrils blow smoke, whose glare is o f Blackened "So it is done^ and the ritual is complete.
Flam e, 民ise up through me. O' Drngoti o f CoiUng and
immortnl Tiwe, let me ^v(dk path against all others.
Awaken in me Fugitive Serpent, 0 W readwd Dmgon,
whose hunger is tiever satiated. I cal! you fo r 化 "
You will w ant to begin the process of moving 化e astral
tendrils from your body and extend out. You may try
4. The Empowerment
化is process at first by moving throughout 化e room
and onward.
"lhohUhisdnggt、rk)W tem irrorofnight,u,ith itIa n n o im c e
that m}/ pouvr shnU grow with time and my padi is clear. I
As you come into the place of the cho巧n ves巧1, reach
sluiH m 化 the enrth as dte Beast frotn 化 e Sea, yet 1 shall be
down to their side. If they are barely sleeping, your
nnd ailw unto dw utihwwing, I slmU 如 ink and be
pr巧ence may startle them awake. If SO/ you may
sated, that al! life energy shall fill me u,ith pozver, The
a s t back into your body. As you grow comfortable
darkness siml! feed my shadoiv and I siml! be a terror to my
with this m agickal type of working you may reside
en m y r
and observe them, your pwsence perhaps even
Drink from 化e Chalice facing the mirror:
frightening them as they cannot see but sense you. It is
"TTik IS B/oorf 〇/ «,/!〇s/wU sen,e wy h/e
化at uneasy feeling often obtained from being in so-
As Dragon o/mflMy ybrms do I nmwMHce my 7,msfer onii
called haunted locations or during a ritual,Allow
deification. 1 drink this and become as a Dragon o f the Black
yourself to m ove down to the sleeping person and
Flame. Hail Tiamat!''
their unconscious mind will most hkely respond and
Drink deep and focus on those elements you wish to
you will see it in their astral body.
grow in yourself.
It may ripple and retract from you. Send a tendril into
5. The Devouring
化em and slowly breath inward, drawing some life
energy into yours. After several moments, it is best to
from contort • nrv( leviathan
your energy twcic Rise UP and rv fu m M A S T E R Y O F D a RJCNES
body. form w i l l h e l slm ngc-r
nigh^oirest w i l l h e l

» ♦ 一
Spnf ol df Immnriil
H ptfiir tfv ooife of iKr <
0# \mvf4m.
" I k' w or wNHf%w veffywir
conducted in a suitable amount with darkness itself, O eternal dragcm born o f falling insight
Levia化an is 化e Aby巧ic Serpent which awakens the W hose kingdom is called M l to some
巧 irit to immortal possibility. Let m y paradise be found
livia 化an, like fiam at is a powerful symbol of Spacious d arh t 巧 s mastered!
balance of devouring h u n g e r, 出e primal demonic
darkness of eternal existence, and creative, articulate SO IT SHALL B拉
and shining brilliance. Let consider the aspects of
Leviathan in JOB:
"Out of his mouth go burning latnps, m d sparks o f fire I
out. Out of Itis nostrik goe 化 smoke as from a seeding-
As mentioned previous. Prana is vital breath or life-
caldron. His' breath khuM h coa!s, and a 如 me g o e 化 out of
force. There are e 巧entially Four Stages of breathing in
his mou化 "
Yoga. Breathing is life and is essential in the mastery of
Vampyrism and self-creation. The Vampyre Magickian
Leviathan, called Ourabourus understands that control of the body and mind is
Elder ancient darkness encircle me
essential s 怡p in the process of mastery, not only i
Crooked Serpent o f endless hunger Vampyrism yet also in Magick itself* Puraka
Awaken and coil within my spirit Sanskrit word which means inhalation of breath and is
Wreathing serpent, touch (ind illum im te m y spirit
associated w ith Yoga, The Vampyre Magickian may
Envenom me, change my eyes (utd !et it behold
use this m ethod to absorb Prana with the techniqu巧 of
Darkness... Yoga. The exam ple of the Three Stages of Draining
1 seek life, immortal serpent nioakel Puna is no doubt a predatory and vampyric act: it is
Let me shed tny skin, d m 巧 ing form s as needed 化e process of announcing to the self the in怡nt and
Sharpen my instincts eterm lly. over compelling instinctual drive of gaining power.

Coding Darkn巧 s, ivho hnutUs the (ibyss eternal!}/ The Vampyre Magickian may identify with the title or
It is my will to see with your eyes name of 民A K SH A SA , a vampire or meat eating
Blackened flame in the night demon or PISH A C H A , ano 化er Vampire.
To consume and drain is to live
To coil and strike when die time is right
Sharpen my instinct in the dreatn and flesh
PRAN A - Akom an and Az-Teh - The Pa化 of Desire anH


a public setting a single inhalation or drawing O F THE DEPTHS
of breath is called Puraka, This process is about
locking onto your target, piercing the Aura in a
visual or physical sense and in one breath
drawing in Prana or Chi, This energy will ride
the tendrils of sight or touch and illuminate your
astral body,

1 KUMBHAKA (A Pause after Inhaling)

Kumbhaka is a process of sending the astral
tendrils in deeper into the aura of a target, the
challenge of this is to ensure the Prana drained
does not revece back into 化e target
Vampy化 must not only remain single minded in
the process and s化ps of this yet must also pause
to send the astraUendrils in deeper to drain
mo化 Prana from 化e target


Exhalation after drawing in Prana is the two fold

proc巧s of not only exhalation yet also disconnection Ahrimanic Yoga is a collective 化eory which appli巧
from 化e target. Keeping the abdominal muscles under practical control techniques from a left hand path
control, standing erect or sitting with your back peupective. Each specific energy cen化r, a chakra is
straight will no doubt aid this process , attrii)uted to a specific ArchDaeva and possess巧 its
quality and attribute. The specifics of color relate
the Luciferian Path in how your own magick is take shape in significantly diffewnt ways than you
developed. It is significant to use color in your raising
may at fi巧t consider. This guide is meant to 化sist in
of 化e serpent 化rough 化ese centers, also in how you formulating a foundation for working wkh 化e
control and develop youcelf in the use of these ArchDaevas and their powers associated wi化化e 之據
化pects. Understand 化at the ArchDaevas of the Chakras,
Chakras ai*e unde巧tood primarily through energy
points; feelings, aspects of instinct, all of these various THE ESSENCE OF AHRIMANIC YOGA
aspects may be explored accordingly.
Ahrimanic Yoga is Luciferian in approach yet utilize
It is significant for any practitioner of the left hand the traditional techniques of control and pow巧
path to utilize 化e tools which build and develop building. The difference is the Luciferian seeks to
discipline. It is perhaps even more significant for such ascend and become a God not only in the spiritual
an Adept who d巧ir巧 to become a vessel for the sense but the physical sense, Th巧e is not complete
Luciferian gnosis - a god in the flesh. detachment through many stages of this practice, as
化e Luciferian wishes to ascend and DEVOUR this
The foundation of Ahrimanic Yoga is found in world. The flesh is a gift and 化e stages of life should
traditional systems of Yoga and associative exercises be experienced accordingly. You must begin to relate
involving the a巧ociation and control of the Chakra k) the daevas as a pai*t of your body and extensions of
points. Hie Kundalini or "Fire Serpent" as it is called is your spirit w hen working in this aspect of Magick,
化e flash of consciousness and raw energy associated
wi化化e Feminine, or 化e inspiring point. The power of THE Q U IN TESSEN CE OF AHRIMANIC YOG A
Kundalini is found in humanities inherent nature to
Ahrimanic Yoga is non-union with the infinite through
化e "demonic" or "Aeshma inspired" from Avestan
meditation, raising the Luciferian up 化 be a God.
沁xts. A巧hma, bom in Hebraic magickal traditions as
A Luciferian who practices Ahrimanic Yoga is freed
the son of a Daemonic force and a Lilith - awakened
from the right hand path guilt-triggered devi巧 of
female, is equally as impre巧ive in its deepe;
Karma or the law of cause and effect, yet is connec怡d
associations of power. Thus, Aeshma, also known as
with the step by step process of shaping the world to
Eshem or K巧hem, holds the power of the ArchDaevas
化e desire of the practitioner.
化 compel control in 化e world of humanity >

The Luciferian has control over his life-force and mind

The ArchDaevas should be understood in a wide
through the ArchDaevas. He can dematerialize to the
variety of guises, &eir forms aw many and often they
astral plane at will, the Luciferian Spirit is thus shaped
such ways. The Luciferian will be able to project out V A M PY 民IC MOTHER
了 •本W , ,..
of the body and take the form of whatever he or she
wishes. This is a power held by Samael t:he Lion*
Serpent, whose many forms associate his power of
being 化e Prince of the Powers of the Air.

The Luciferian practices discipline of body and mind.

He attains control over his body and mind,
ll meditates on Om and the essence of the Dragon.
Ahrimanic Yoga illumines, transforms and assists 化e
Yogi to attain the highest point of ascension as a God
who shapes the world by his or her desire and Will.
process of Ahrimanic Yoga will sharpen the
senses, increase the effectiveness of Magick and
Sorcery wiU be a gift from t:he practitioner - change by
化e Mind will be quickened and empowered with 比e
energy you gain in this proce巧.

is the one whose name means ''the black and her

color is expressively blue or black. While Kali a
balanced p e rs p e c tiv e on ii 巧 tructive and ^reitiv e
values, we will focus towards the dei巧c aspects 巧la的
to vampyrism. human skulls and sometimes has trident
khatva打ga which is a skull-staff.
Kali is a manifestation like the Manichaean Az, the In the Aghora 1:radition Kali is called Smashan Tara
demo打ess who awakens humanity as well the the and continually drinks blood. She wea巧 a garla打d of
falie打a打gel. Kali incidentally is one of the names of fresh severed heads which colo巧 blood over her
Lilith. The CO打sort of Kali is Shiva, the Lord 〇f blackened skin ;she has a skirt made of human arms
Destruction, who is below her. a打d we过rs snakes as well.

Kali is a primal force of life ,calle 过 the F ire Serpent

or Shakti、 a word relating to power. S h a k ti is the
fire sei^pent Ku打dali打i、 the very inspiring force
which unites the chakras. K ali is a g reat protecting
force yet also a destructive or consuming force.

The form of Kali is powerful and strong. She

appears as a woma打. hideous、 em ancipated having
four arms a打d fa 打gs, she has a long to n 客u e, blood
i^ed and is a Goddess which devours a ll beings. The
lower left arm holds a severed head from a giant she
destroyed, the upper left arm holds a sword called a
khadga which is the weapon which strik es aw巧
ignorance. Her upper right arm som etim es holds
noos巧•She is often depicted holding a bowl of blood
Kali is the destroyer of Negativity; she blesses her
as well.
CMd 化n with insight and power from w恤 in. In Cult
of Kali, Karl NE writes that the most 巧cred temple of
Her hands are thin a deathly, blackened claws or
Kali is called the Kalighat;it is located in a suburb of
化zor sharp nails at the end. T a n tra t:raditions
Calcu巧a. It is said that this 怡mple is so crowded with
sometimes show Virya-Kali who is su rrou 打ded by
immense light. She appears w化h six faces and her pilgrims offering things to Kali, from sweetmeats to
spices. In the courtyard a goat is beheaded daily for
hair is w巧 athed i 打打re. She is always a 过orned in
Kali. Kali has long been a Godd巧s who is adorned i
blood and is continually offered 化.
Ahriman,化 at 化e Dragon may not rise. She inspi化s
THE FIRE SERPENT and enflames the druj to coil upward and ascend.
The Daeva or Spirit of Darkn巧s in the Feminine is "A^d, again, the zticked feh shoutecUhus:、民ise up,
known as Shakti, the Fire Serpent This is the activator thou father o f us! fo r in that conflict 1 will shed thus
which connects and unites all other Chakra points and much z>exation on the righteous man and the laboring
ArchDaevas. We will call Shakti Je h -A z , 化 e whore that through ni]/ deeds, life tvill not he wanted,
who Stic Ahriman from slumber and inspires action. and I will destroy their living soids; I ivill vex the
The feelings a巧odated with arousing the fire serpent u)ater, I 了viU vex the plants, I wiU ^ex 化 e fire of
are haii^s standing on end, boundless energy (such a Ohnnazd, I zvillmake the ^i,hoIe creation of Ohmazd
feeling when in meditative states) and your feel A 巧d s/化 so rccownterf 化ose 巧利 deeds 巧second
instinctual callings • direct communion with Ahriman f/mC/ 机flt die 的,d sp如 f Zi, 0S deZ切 !ted (md s柄rted up
(associated with the Crown Chakra) and A 之-Jeh (The from that confusion; and Jw kissed Jeh upon the head,
Fire s巧pent). Once Ahriman has been illuminated he and the pollution ivhich 巧le]/ ccill menstruation
becomes one with the Fire Serpent, his power and became npp口rent in Jeh." - Bundahishn
forms increase in the spirit and body. Let us look at the
my化ology surrounding Ahriman and the "Fire The Kiss of Menstruation is that which is caused by
Serpent" or whore Jeh-Az* Ahriman, during this lunar cycle the Witch may use
blood to enhance her workings; specifically around m

''Jlie wicked evil spirit was not able to lift up his head sorcerous, atavistic or lycanthropic workings. Thus
until the nicked ]eh came, at the completion o f the Ahriman's gift was given by Az-Jeh and the gift of
three thousand years. And she shouted to the evil inspiration; in short she was the muse. It was during
spirit thus: •民ise up, diou father o f us! fo r I will cause this point that he found the motivation to ascend and
that conflict in t!ie world w!化 refrom tJje 化 stress and develop further.
injury of Ohmazd and the archangels u,iU arise , 、
And she tivice recounted severaUy her own evil deeds, Ahiiman utilized sorcery and appearance 化 equally
and it pleased him not; and that wicked erAl spirit rose stir the imagination of Az-Jeh as well He took the
not from 化 at confusion, throi巧 h Jbar o f the righteous form from a primal Dragon-Lizard to a handsome
man/' male youth to arouse her. Here we see the in化rplay of
the Masculine and Feminine - imagination, desire and
H巧e we can see 化at without 化e interplay and ill equally utili 之ed to stimulate.
spiritual fire of the Daemonic Feminine, the bride of
"The form o f die evil spirit was a log-like lizard’s
化e sleep of the renovation" - Selections of the
(vazak) hod}/, and fie appeared a young nm 巧 o f fifteen
y e(n sk ijeh ,m td t!m tb ro u g h H h e^ o u g h tso fleh to
him. Afterwards, the evil spirit, with the confederate
Ahriman is not for the des打uction of 化e universe,
加mcms, 从€ hwmwn’es, 口 /le 如 z(,化e
rather the mastery of it. He shapes his own world and
sk}/; mid he kcUhem up, frau ght with mrdicious
chooses not to allow the natural order of timeless
intentions. He stood upon one- 化 ird o f the inside o f
being to control his creations. what 化e
the sky, and he sprat巧 , like a snake, out o f the sk]/
Luciferian does in the life he or she h化 now; shape it
down 化 如厂从, "• Bundahisn
according to desire.

Ahriman and 化e ArchDaevas were inspired and

united bv Az-]eh, she instilled and illuminated the fire
within each. It is her companionship which motivated The senses are signi巧cant in Magick and Yoga as 化巧
the Druj 化 move again and give their 巧re to humanity. are avenues of direct experience. In early practice of
discipline the student must leam to experience wi化
"Ahriman came on, scorching and burning ini:o it" and
化ese avenues and control the body through the mind.
"high巧t predominance of Ahriman, for he came on,
Vampyrism, the Mind 化e crown for which all
wi山 all 化e streneth
strength which he had, for 也e emerges. The Magickian must be able to use the mind
disfigurement of t:he creatuires; and he took as much as
to control the body and the astral energy drained and
one-化ird of 化e base of the sky, in a downward
naturally created by the body. It is 巧sential in tim巧 of
direction, irUo a confined and captive sta 怡, so that it
pi^actice to use the discipline gained in such rituals to
was all dark and apart from the light, for it itself,
command awakening.
at the coming of the adversary, his enemy among the
s杜uggles for creation." - Selections from the Zadspram SO U N D 巧 onic Black Magick)
Ahriman was the rebellious Archon would is not
bound by restriction; he is the sorcerous darkn 巧s Let us first undei*stand 化e nature of sound in relation
which creates and destroys. to 化e Kundalini or fire serpent Prana is 化e life force
or breath of life itselt It giv巧 aU vital 化ought and
" 化is is opposing the renovation of the universe, for material life , 化 is also the invis化le web in which
the greatest of all the other means of the fiend, when travel beyond physical life. The articulation of sound
he has come in, are of like origin and strength this day. in relation to awakening and raising 化e Fire Se巧ent is
a developmental proce巧. In Kundalini Yoga, Para i

化e primal voice as well as 化 e divine voice. The fou;
stages of sound according 化 化 e K undalini Yoga
proc巧s is Pa;ra, 化e primal voice, Pasyanti, being
associated with the Manipura Chakra, utilizing this
The mantra w hich instills power and realization is 化e
stage of sound will p化sent 化 6 Luciferian w ith colors
simple 'T ', it m ust not be more complicated than this.
and "feelings" associated wi化 sound. Madhyama is
Moving through the Chakras is a continual point of
associated with the head and Vaikhari is associated
transformation. As each chakra is pierced by the
with 化e throat and mouth. These specific stages of
Kundalini, or Az-Jeh as we shall call this Fire Serpent,
sound are related to the ArchDaevas as the voice of
union is brought to each ArchDaeva and Chakra point
化eir caHing. In Luciferian workings, "Staotas" or
This will em pow er the Luciferian and awaken both
mantras a巧 used to empower rituals, calling and physical and spiritual senses.
channeling energy by sound.
Pisacavesa is the Demonic way which is considei*ed
THE C H A K R A S dangerous in Kundalini practice. This practice brings
forth the dem onic presence, your shadow 饥 "evd
Ahriman as the model for the Luciferian is significant genius" if you w ill This is your higher self and its
as it is the aim of the practitioner. The Adept shadow, the very hungering aspect of your mind and
essentially becomes "like" or a vessel of Ahrim an. Let's spirit. Once your Crown or Ahriman Chakra is pierced
consider the first creation of Ahriman, M itokht, called by the Fire Serpent, or Az-Jeh, you move the serpent
"falsehood" and is a 巧ociated with the w ord Druj, or back dow nw ard to the Taromat Chakra to then form
"lie". Upon 化e c化ation of M itokht arose Akoman your astral body into a Beast of Prey.
which is the ArchDaeva a巧ociated w ith the Ajna dangerous w orking as sometime one may grow
Chakra. Andar, the Spirit of Rebellion and the Black depressed or angry if practicing without moving out of
Flame, who is of the Heart Chakra which is Anahata, the process ascending upward 化 化 e Ahriman
the word meaning "unstruck" and relates to 化e Crown. The Vam pyre upon absorbing vital breath may
spiritual nature of Andar or Indra. Savar or Sovar is move this energy or prana upward, causing great
化e Leader of Daevas and is related to the Throat pleasure, Do not be concerned wi化 化 e fearful
Chakra, Vishuddi, meaning "to purify" and relates to Kundalini practitioners who would not embi^ace 出eir
mastery of voice and communication. Nakahed or Luciferian nature; it is out duty to drink the spirit of
Naikiyas is the ArchDaeva of want and desi巧, oneness, to devour it ami possess it rather than be at
associated with the Manipura Chakra • one w 化h it. By this process alone, you become as what
call Azo化o z , 化e beginning and end, the
Yaltabaoth spirit. While the V am pyre will not drain his disciple, this
me化od may be employed in a public setting wi出 little
VAMPYRIC D R A IN IN G O F C H A K R A S to di*aw at:tention to you. The Vampyi^e Magickian may
also pei*fonn this ceremony in private, allowing time
THE TEN 民IL OF D A 民K N E S S A N D and no distractions to empower 化e working itee化
CHAKRAS Creating Tendrils is a meaningful act which alters the
subtle lx)dy of the Vampyre to produce spid巧 like
Among Kundalini Yoga practitioners there is a mode tendrils w hich em erge from the as打al body, seeking to
of practice called Vedhadiksa, being that the Master, pierce the target and slowly drain it of vital energy.
through practice and the sense of perfection is able to This is a process which is slow at first, gradually
巧说ding up and moving in deep巧 over time and
utilize his consciousness to pierce and illuminate the
consciousn巧s of the disciple. The Vam pyre Magickian contact. The Tw o types of Tenril contacts are:
will use the disciplines of Yoga and the selflie巧ne 巧 of
化e path to become a devouring power and center of
Surface Piercing: M ay be done ov巧 a distance once
contact has been m ade with target. Once you touch
being. Every act must increase personal and magickal
p ow er, 化e Vampyre must be of the sound mind of something w hich connects you 化 the astral body. The
accumulating power and personal strength. The draining process is slow, often cumbersome yet can
give powerful bursts of energy and prana.
process of Ahrimanic Yoga may focus and absorb
energy from this very process of accumulation,
practice of the Swan of traditional Yoga is replaced D巧p Piercing: W hen several of the Vampyre Tendrils
pierce the Astral Body, allowing a quick and stunrdng
with the practice of the Dragon, or Azhish.
practice is when the Vampyre may use the techniques absorption of Prana o r 〔hi. This may be conducted in
of yoga to pierce the astral body of the chosen opfer 饥 close proxim ity or wi出 an advanced Vampyre
victim to drain their astral body. The Vampyre does Magickian.
not drain or attack another Vampyre as this type of Vampyre feeding sessions must be focused on building
practice would defeat the purpose of the Luciferian 化e aura of the Magickian. Just as in heal出 working
Path. Only in extreme circumstances would ano 化巧 you create a positive flow of energy during Vampyric
Vampyre attack ano 化er or drain their astral body w饥kings your mediations will focus specifically on 3
without consent darker transformative proce巧.
ENTERING A N O T H E 民s ' V IT A L BREATH or to take the shape of something pi说sing depending
your operation.
The Vampyre Magickian, having something connec 沁d Focus now on draw ing first one tendril from the body
to the target may choose to undertake a working 沁 of darkness' see it twist and form Uke spidCT iike legs
enter another individual Aura by means of the As 打al emerging from the darkness. Visualize another and
Body. Mediations upon the Vampyric shadow will then another until you have a multitude of tendrils.
grow and expand the body of darkness, the Vampyre Touching the item of the target, be it image, clothing
will use the chakra points of meditation to control and something of connection; imagine them wi化in your
focus 化e astral body. mind. W ith each breath focus on them with a q山et
The key 沁 entering the Aura of another is by mantra, " I vvUl enter' we shall join"' wi化 each brea化
imagry of Ahriman, the Adversary itself. This vital push your consciousness out of your physical body,
spiritual force' a巧ocia 沁d with the Crown Chakra i allow your spirit, cloaked in darkness to travel within
available to 化e magickian once the Seven ArchDaevas this body of your design.
have been properly awakened, when the Fire Serpent As you visualize the darkness moving into 化e
or Az has awakened and brought in union all 化e proximity of the target, extend your tendrils. Visualize
aspects of 化e Body of 化e Luciferian, the tendrils entering the aura; imagine a violent
Once 化e Luciferian has entered the Crow n Chakra piercing into the aura, like a serpent striking its prey-
化ere is a great vital fiery energy, the union of As the tendrils enter the astral bodv focus on whom
Ahriman and A之-Jeh, A eA d versaryaw aken ed - the individual is, their characteristics, begin drawing
surge is exhilairating however the Vampyre must not in with deep focused breathing their Prana or energ\\
fail to utilize this awakening to achieve more pow 巧 As you breathe in, visuali之e their energy 巧owing from
and strength. 化e tendrils into your astral body. This energy w出 be a
Once the union is made, the Vampyre m ust Will 化e different color and feel than your own astral body. The
fiery body and the Draconian ArchDaevas to produce surge of energy, depending on how deep and strong
darkness and shadow to surround the Astral Body your connection is, will send feelings of power and
itself, using brea化ing controL slow and precise strength. Flow this energy into your and feel
exhaling s化ps, the astral body may rise in the form of your own aura with this life spirit! When your break
whatever the Vampyre desires, the Blackened Fire away, visualize the body of darkness removing the
Kundalini or Az-Jeh is cloaked by darkness. As you tendrils and m ove back to your body.
visualize this shadow, allow it to form and shape beast Awakening from this state requires discipline to not
like or reptile combinations according to your desire, loose excess energy.
You w ill want to circulate 杜ve energy arv过b len 过化 with 了H E C H A K R A S A N D V A M F m S M
youT own natural energy. W hile breathing, focus
化e energy flowing about your body and adapting
your mind, with e&ch heartbeat the energy s 打engthens Luciferian Chakras
:ad)Q ukn
your aura and spiritual body of darkness.
Once you grow strong in this practice, the Vampyre A k o tn 姐灿ovAcd的Chakn
Magickian will use energy accumulated in 打aditional
magickal workings and sorcery to strengthen the S燃 R ( exp化巧iv。 Chdcn

ceremoni巧 performed, no matter how sm all or large.

A n d d r (Heart) Chakra

(rebellion, command) Chakra
A esh m a(S eK u al) Chakra

AW (root)Qukn

Chakras are the Energy Centers of the body, each

relate to specific power points in which one may
utilize to grow in power. You may also focus on these
to drain others during vampyric workings, It is of
course significant not to attempt to harm another, as
化is is against com m on vampyric workings. In this
part we w ill explain the Chakras and the Subtle
Bodies- It is im portant to note before beginning that
among psychic vam pires with two trains of 化ought in
terms of Predatory Spiritualism, Some may wish
absorb energy through the Ajna Chakra and the Sacral
Chakra — these relate to specific Daevas associated
with t:he path.
巧 a k R A 瓦 說 h〇觀民厂令兰 ^ h r im a n

Saha訂姐a C hakra - Ahriman - Crown - Anagh

fe品 h (Endless I^arkn 严 * The D a w a k e S
J adversary'
,一 ^ self-deification and illumination
一-一乂 •〜IlG
evei地 , M crow n chakra, is located at 化e 化p of the
U d and deals w i 化 化 e experience of self.化alization,
wisdonv understanding, and enlightenment,
Enlightenment is the culmination of all the other
chakras and thus is depicted by a white wi化 a fiery
red illumination, Self-Knowledge and Identity. This is
tlie crown chakra that relates to consciousness as pure
awaren巧 s , 化e power of 巧 If as God. It is a connection
化e greater world b 巧 end, t:o a timeless, immortal
V IO L E T /P U R P L E go v 巧 ns th e CROWN chakra, at the
top of 化e head.

卵肌C A T IO N
balanced in
Personality Traits; leaders, strong/ wise,
personal power.
Violet relates to se lf knowledg 苗 巧 严 产 【 ,u货I or
!ys the union w ith your highe; sel ' t品 如 巧 in
! ^ l i c A sp e 化 The viole w 滅 邮 化
^ laminating us to our spiritual se thoughts
•一… and
culu inner
uuiei strength and p
… 、、- I •u r i;i 。化恤北
11 "iut 《 in护
feelings giving us inspiration in a
nhances artistic talent a n d c 化a tiv i, ___ 11
- exhalting rtie gift of Ahriman and A z-Jeh IN D IG O g o v ern s the BROW chakra or third eye, in
- an aMity 沁 balance the appropria怡 r o u 怡 for 化e the centre o f the forehead.
benefit of the higher self and Therionick d esires.
INTUITION, M Y ST IC ISM and spiritual awakening,

DEVOURING- Achieves ease of id e n tity , hunger Personality T ra its : Intuitive, fearless, practical, strong
becomes greater if not balanced. D ra in in g should be willed, id ealistic, w ise, and a truth seeker.
conducted in deep sleep cycles.
扔rf!如 relates to self respons化iility - being responsible
Non-Devouring (self work)- W isdom , L u ciferia n W化
for one’s o w n d estiny chosen by the Will of the
Balance, spiritual insight from ex p erien ce w ith youj
individual U n d erstan d in
inge that divinity is self-
Luciferic Angel or higher in tellect
associated an d should not fall p巧y 化 村 inding
religious p aths. T h e A jna chakra rela怡s to the spin扣al
eye of the L u ciferia n , being able to mas怡r an inner and
sometimes o u ter spiritual sense. If 化e practitioner is
CHAKRA 6: AJNA - A K O M A N atheistic in ap p ro a ch then it is the attunement of the
Mind and B o d y as the source of all Magick.
Aspects of in d ig o

Ajna Chakra • ArchDaeva: A k o m an - T h ird - intuitive

Dushmat:a (Evil Though。 • Spiritual S ig h t and 化e Evil faith fu l to desires and goals
Mind, immortal consciousness, spiritual •com m anding ch arac 怡r 打aits
independence. The six化 chakra is lo cated betw een the - disciplined m ind
eyebrows at the third eye position re la tin g to mind;
intuition, and heigh化ned 巧" aw areness, an awakened
GOD or GODDE巧 . Light as t:he B lack Flame,
DEVOU民IN G - T ap p in g into another consciousness/
Archetypal identity, oriented to in d iv id u al p ow er•町k Third Eye A s Vam pyre, Drinking from the Ajna
chakra is known 化 the brow ch ak ra o r third Chakra brin g s an elevated level of pow巧 and sleeping‘
L 一
Non-Devouring • 民eading though 权 through b〇d\,
B/«e is the color of 化 e spirit and i*elates to 化K
language, divinatory workings.
e x p re ssio n , speech, communication, the ability
communicate our needs and requii*ements.

positive aspects of blue

T H R O A T C H A K 民A - S O Y A R - Ability to utilize the word of the serpent to change
Vishuddha Chakra - ArchDaeva: Savar - Throat - perception.
Dushukhta (Evil Word) - 化e voice w hich commands, - trustwoi^thy and decisive.
communicates and by V化ration manifests the world it - Instinctual and able to express a巧ociation with
d巧ires. The fifth chakra is located at the throat and others.
relates to communication, creativity, and self
identification. The color here is blue. The Vampyre DEVOURING- Seduction voice, u% 化is in
Magickian may use this chakra here to awaken the vampyric rituals with staota, vibrate sounds in the
打ait of being devious and manipulative to targets to black mirror to seduce and send forth your vampiric
di*ain Prana or Life Force. Sound and the power of 化e tendrils.
voice' Oeative identity, oriented to self-expression. Non-Devouring (self work)- Sound' voice,巧duction
This is 化e chakra located in the throat and is 比us and persuasion.
related to communication, seduction through voice;
creativity. Here we experience the world symbolicall}?
化rough V化i^ation, such as the vibration of sound CHAK民A 4: AN AH ATA - ANDAR
repi*esenting language or the Staota ritual.

化 UE governs the THROAT chakra. KNOWLEDGE

Anahata Chakra - ArchDaeva: Andar • hear*t and
center -Understanding, the union of 血e Black Flame
with the desire of the spirit The fouilh chakra is
Personality Traits: Loyal, tactful, affectionate/ located over the heart and relates to love, balance,
inspiring, inventive, caring, Word weaving companion, and self expression, Green, and
sometimes pink, is the color of 化is chakra. Using this
Chakra in a Vampyric setting wUl give 化e Magickian
jo cause paranoia and indecision in ano化er,
化e mental gate to draining energy. Air, Social identic
oriented to self-acceptance This chakra is called 出e
heart chakra and is tihe middle chakra in a system of CHAKRA 3 ; M A N IP U 民A - NAIKIYAS
seven. This Chakra relates to Andar and the Pa比 The Navel Chakra -Naonehaithva
Rebellion and spiritually distanced workings.
Manipura Chakra - ArchDaeva Naonghaithya - Solar
GREEN governs the HEART chakra.
plexus - Dushvarshta (Evil Deed)- rebellion, desire for
BALANCE, LO V E, 沈 UF CONTROL POWER 巧 command in earth and spirit, willpow巧• The third
CAUSE CONFUSION chakra is located at the solar plexus and relates to will,
power, and social identification. This chakra^s color is
Personality Traits: Understanding, self-con 打oiled, yellow. A lack of energy here may result in depression
adaptable, sympa化etic, companionate/ generous;
and confusion. Black Flame of consciousness, Ego
humble, nature loving, and romantic. identity, oriented to self-dei巧cation. This chakra is
Green chakra relates to love/self love. known as the power located in the solar plexus.

positive aspects of gree:

- compassion to 化ose who deserve it YELLOW governs 化 e SOLA民 PLEXUS chakra,
•generosity when needed situated below the ribs.
•harmony/balance or the ability to cause WISDOM, CLARITY, SELF-ESTEEM
discord in target
- loving or causing paranoia in target to weaken Personality Traits: 0 〇〇<1-1111111〇巧丈 optimistic,
psychic defenses. confident, practical, and intellectual.

VeUow is a creative color and rela怡s to seif worth and

DEVOURING- Draining energy in crowds or social
Ego consciousness. This is the area of the personality,
situations,化e aMity to focus and pull in Chi or energy 化e ego and the intellect Focus on this Chakra as it
through focus even in distracting situations. Build self- giv巧 us clarity of thought increases awareness, and
stimulates interest and curiosity, Yellow energy is
Non-Devouring (self work)- The balance of opposite
巧lated to the ability to perceive and understand,
- darkness and light, Ego - higher articulation
yellow energy connects us to our mental seif - 化is is a
(inteUigence, Luciferian Angel), Demonic aspect powerful Chakra in one on one vampyrism as the
(carnal instincts, Ahrimanic Daemon).
center is pierced by thought.
pn^itive aspects of yellow Orange is the color of success and results. Brings a
- confident 巧nse of pow er to our workday and streng化ens our
appetite for life force and Prana itself! This Chakra
- alert
connects us to our senses and helps to remove 謝
- optimistic
inh化itions and m akes us independent and social. You
- good humored
may use this A eshm a chakra to pierce an Aura in a


holiday • beach setting or night club. Another type is
DEVOU民ING- Drains from Ego and builds the me化ly a social setting in which you may use the
巧sence of self from a conscious level. Aeshma chakra. 幽
Non-Devouring (self work)- Consciousne 巧 and
empow巧ment of self. Unde巧tanding the sense o f 'T , Aspects of orange
- sociable 於*••讀
- creative and self illuminated
CHAKRA 2: S V A D H IS T H A N A - A E S H M A - feelings of Pow er
The Sacral Chakra - independent
Svadhis化a打a Chakra -ArchDaeva: A eshm a • navel
area, slightly below - reason, emotion, aggre 巧ion, DEVOURING- Draining through sexual contact or
obtainment, lust The second chakra is located just from the elevation of the Black and RedSerpents-
slightly below 化e navel, or belly buCon. This chakra is sexual vigor and dreaming projection i.e, succubus.
化e cen化r of our sexual drive and emotions. The color Focus on your sexual attraction towards your target,
of this chakra is orange. Water, Emotional identity and think of the horrifying form you will take befo巧
instinct, 饥iented to self-gratification visitation. Once you have done this, visualize
The second chakra, located in the abdomen, lower before sleep and imagine yourself flying out 化 that ^ 5

back, and sexual organs, is related to the element form.

water, and to emotions, wrath and sexuality. No打-Devouiring (self work)- Vigor and prow巧s,
instinctual drive, knowledge of (:he self and emotions
ORANGE governs 化e SACRAL chakra situa 化d in the
lower abdomen.


CHAKRA 1: M ULADH A A - Tarom at
民 £ pects of red:

- security
ArchDaeva: Taromati 一 Bundahishn describes - courage
•strength of will w
Taromat or Taromati as "The demon-Taromat [is he
who] produces disobedience" and the Greater - aggressive
Bundahishn "The dev Taromaiti [is she who] produces
scomfulne巧"• The e 巧ence of Taromat is a demone巧 DEVOURING- Draining through 化uch and grasping
which instills rebellion and choice. root chakra is ot)jects, this type of Vampyrism is 出e easiest as it
located at the base of the spine. This chakra deals wi比 stimulates the nervous sys 化m early on. This is usually
human potential and is stimulated through spiritual the 巧巧t elem ent of a practicing vampyre.
and mental rebellion, primitive energy; survival needs
atavistic memory, Discontentment and our No打-Devouring (self work)- Focus on the antinomian
锥 .
foundations. Earth ;Physical identity, material body. aspects of self, know who you are what you wish to
Located at the base of the spine, this chakra forms our achieve.
foundation. It represents the element earth, and is Spiritual energy is mentally drained from people
化erefoK related to our survival instinc 权, and to our through astral contact, as well as clairvoyance among
sense of grounding and connection to our bodies and 0化ers. The powers of as 打al hunting through dream
the physical plane including our ability to rebel against and drinking the spirihial blood is 0 氏LY best
monotheistic or enslaving principles mentally and d巧cribed through the experience itself. The symbol of
spiritually. 化e vampyre w ho drinks blood from sleeping hi
(Opfei*s) is not far removed from 化e astral vampyre
Red is the color associated with this chakra. Look for predak)r • Known as Varcolaci - who drains Hfeforce
elements of Vitality' Self-Confidence and Courage. 1
from the sleeping humans as打al body. The initiate also
focuses via dream control shape shi化ng and recording
Common Personality Traits: Courageous, confident
如earning events in a magical journal, this defin巧 the
and strong willed.
imagination in its strength and weakn^s,
Red relates to motio打, movement, desire and strength. this be real, this is based upon discipline and
It is the area of survival and stability and your place on belief. What would be the purpose of inv巧ting belief
化is earth. The color red provides the power from 化e in such a concept? By acknowledging and af化m a
earth and 化e Will itself, giving energy on all levels. concept as a reality do we make this thing a reality, it
This is the area of coiling of Az-Jeh or the Fire Serpent. crea怡s a foundation or view of 化ought within the

mind. By continually striving for self-mastery and pa rt XH REe :t h e v a m p y r ic w it c h
pi^edatory spirituality, we become a part of 化 e force a n d D A E M Q N IC F F M tnt ^
we call 化e Dragon. It answers through us>
Through 化e nightside,化e Luciferian 化rough will
practice, can shiftshape, to hunt amoung the shadows.
The forms can be several/ Varcolaci (a form of demonic
bat-wolf and dragon r巧emblance), to wolf and bat.
This is a mental discipline of utilizing the imagination
according to ones desire, thus a high potential for
magical development. Please refer to the foundations
of the Luciferian Path as the gateway to the mind - the
imagination being considered "Iblis" or Satan, thus
Angra Mainyu.

A Focusing and Cleansing Rite ofLilith

The following w ork is dedicated to invoking the essence of the

Demonic F e m i n i n e , 化e spirit and shades of Uli出化e
Adversary. While 化e equality of Samael and Lilith (or Ahriman
and Az-]eh) is significant, some Luciferians and vampyres,
d巧pite gender, should find t:he workin巧 and empowermen坛of
Lil她 suitable towards the Great Work itself.
1. You may face the direction of the Nor出; 比e powers are
hi the North. Visualize a purple - black flood of light and
within the center a burning red center • vibrate

V isu a lize th is blackened flame m oving downward and

growing red and full of energy 巧 巧 巧 aches \OUT
genitals, V化 巧 恰 "NAAMAH"
L 民aise 化is ene巧 y up to the hea巧 area aru^, d S
hands together and vibrating:"^AGGERETH

Touch the left arm and vibrate: LAMAS

;•了 ouch 化e right arm and vib巧恰 L山 巧

>, F a c e the W est and vibrate: "MAHALA巧

A民D A T邮
the south and vibrate:
!• Face the East and vib巧 化 叩 师
r folTTtf
品 e 化e north, visualize beastlik^nd 滅 : theri叫 ck品
5 bats, wolves, cats and burni ..
" you, from the darkness comes ircle。仰 邸 .
e 柳 it of I'ii加 : visua 。之e it filling y
OUR MOTHE 民 W H O BO TH D EV O U R S A N D G IV ES 11巧占 AN in v o c a t io n to LILITH
LA ,
K E" u- A C d l m g 化 化 e N o c tu r n a l Sp 诚 s o f L il 加
W ho b le s s e s t h e s e e k e r w i 比 比 e s p irit o f 出i i o n

O ffe rin g : O n th e N ig h t o f th e D a rk M oon have a bowl

of h o n e y , ja s m in e , m y r r h o r a n y herb specified by your

w o rk in g s , s p r in k le w 拙 d rie d o r w 別 menstrual b i) 〇
is p o ssib le .
♦•二 • J

化 e s o u n d s w h ic h i^ecrea 怡 化 e sound o f w ind, or the

insects o f n ig h t* Y o u m a y use the natural sounds of
your e n v ir o n m e n t i f fo r tu n a 怡 to be in a secluded area.

N o w L is te n to 化 e V o ic e o f P rim a l Darkn㈱
C o ld a n d p a le fa c e o f m y daughters who thirst
〔ailed d e a 化 to th e u n k n o w n / those w ho are not o f me
V e t e c s ta s y a n d lif e 化 化 ose w h o know me
W o r s h ip m e w i 化 h o w lin g and copulation
I W o rs h ip m e w i 化 s c re e c h in g and shattering t辨
诚 d a rk n e s s e te rn a l a s p ir it w h ic h cannot 换於邮
*, W h o s e ta lo n s a re lik e p ie rc in g arrows 钻門己

Wh hose spirit may ride the winds of 出言 was ^ 茂r ?
Wh ; 吼 ay go fo r 比 置 w 加 emess and by cirea y晋 a

I 三n L im h , Mother of H a rlo ts , M other 0 总

b r in g in g s p ir its , shades and torturous
! ,1 I a m L ilit h , in fe rn a l Godciess c r o : dnJ
a 1 o p e n fo r th Z e m a g a 巧先出化 P 沁言出e Heaved
t刪 b e a u ty, I s h a ilb e the G od 祈 。 f 化e
and the D e p A s o f j 加 抑 V
Of darkness and dragon部 忠
B y A g g e re th , D a u g h t e ^ ^ , ^
:ra t B at M a h la t
B y a ll rtiy fo rm s a n d c h ild r e n e te r n a lly w a n d e rin g TH E 民IT E O F MAGNA MATER
W h o are as beasts d r in k in g fr o m th e w o u n d o f night
B lo o d m o o n , L ilit h I b e c o m e
B le 巧 m e w i 出 th e s p ir it o f p a s s io n , o f d iv in a t io n and The a1:tainirient of Lilith as the Daemonic
T he A r t o f th e V a m p y re Fem inine or Luciferian Angel
G ra n t m e th e fo rm s a n d k n o w le d g e o f th e B easts of
P re y , 化a t I m a y c lo th e m y s e lf in th e m d u r in g 也e
Prepa巧d May 11 化 2008 during extensive UlUh - Qlippo化
h o u rs o f sle e p .
working. This rite ascends and upholds 化e balance of 化e
Bless m y W o rk a n d L ife O S p ir it o f B la c k e n e d Flame
Adversary in the form of Lilith. THE INVOCATION including
1 am the G odless W h o re a n d th e Q u e e n o f C haos! the BARBAROUS NAMES t:o obtain the higher articulation of
化e Luciferian Angel, the Divine and Demonic feminine of
TAKE NOW 化 ULL BOWL (Kapnld) or Chalice fiUed ivith LILITH, our Mother. To be not confused wi比 any a巧ociation of
Blood (not literal blood) or chose 巧 sacrament: 巧xuality or preference, rather affirms 化e instinctual guide of
化e Daemon as equal in the Adversary. Shall "Azal'iicer affirm
化e union of the spiritual elements of Samael and Lilith, or
In th is ch a lice is th e b lo o d o f lif e
Ahriman and Az-Jeh.
F ro m w h ic h I d r in k o f e a c h n ig h t
I sh a ll g ra n t m y s p ir it to th e p o w e rs o f th e A ir
I sh a ll a w a ke n m y s p ir it to th e p o w e rs o f W a te r TH E O A T H
I sh a ll a w a ke n m y s p ir it to th e p o w e rs o f F ire Thee I invoke, the Deathless One.
I sh a ll aw a ken m y B o d y to th e p o w e rs o f E a rth ! 0 Unclean One, and Spirit of Defilement, I seek y〇i

Thee, that did ascend to the heavens and dwells in the earth
Thee, which is crowned among Beasts of Prey
Thee, who reins in Darkness and Conquers Light
Thee, who bears the light of her Mate, Samael
Thou Art KI-S^KIl^-LILLA-KE, whom no man has seen in flesh
Thou Art Lamashtu,化e blood drinking one
She w ho seek s etern a l Hfe and 化 e pie 化 UKS of 化e flesh
Thou Ar*t K A L I, w h o d evou rs all in blackness and haun坛
cremation grounds
------------------------------ -------------- - - 73J
She who rejoic巧 in 化e immortal spirit! 冲而於"或 sp/nhw! imfepem扣nre,巧於化cm,化tml ptew
Thou know the just and Unjust vampyric sorcery and Wie Wlumimted spirit.
Thou who brings in union 化e Male and Female year me now. M ake all S p in 权 attend to me; so that aU of 化e
诚 er above the earth and below the earth, to 化e coW depths of water
Thou who produces 化e Fruit of Wisdom and the knowledge of 化e height of m ountains, upon deseit winds where desolate
Good and Evil spirits may h a u n t 〇 U n cle a n O ne, and Spirit of Defilement,
Thou who doth stir men to War whirling air and of Blackest Fire, every Spell and Power of the
Adversary shall be obedient unto Me.
Had Babalon the great 化e mo化er of harlots and abominations
of the earth.
I am Mo化er and Daugh怡r, whom is Wisdom and Lust 1invoke Thee -
I am Sister and Lover, whom is Passion and Instinct KALI • "Godd 巧 s of Blackened Fire, who drinks the 村ood of
Hear me now, I am the Angel of the Abvss, called Tiamat,出e all •Mother!'"
Dragon of Power ODAM - "Night blood - black, she who 巧news 田onthly"
I am Anti化eoi, she who devours a]I Gods! SEKHMET - ''Lion Goddess, Mother of Spilling Blood and
I am Goddess, none o化er shall I bow before Passion o f L if e "

AIR ARDAT L IL I - "I am the servitor of the Godd巧s, of thr说

phases of the Moon, I shall visit those desiring in the night;
issue fo巧h phantom children"
松 UUN - "Hail the horro 巧 of the plagues of mankind"
SHADAD • " 化 overmas化r, empowering strength, destruction PHTHONOS -"E y e of Immortal, Burning Fire"
and nusterv" ■

BABALON • "The Godd巧s and Mother of Lust and Pleasure'

HAY*YEH - "Demon Reversed, Independence and Power"
ABITO - "The Hi*e which awakens the clay of spirit"
TETRA G RA M M A TO N - "I am Goddess and the Unified"
SATRINA - "Who巧 Kiss is 巧re"
L IL IT U - "I am the Queen of the Powers of the Air"
LILI • "O, Fiver in a dark chamber, come for化" THE D E A T H L E S S O N E .
PABAD BA -LELO TH • "Thou are Vampyre, Succubi, Dread riic omcepf is 〇
/ dw sp/nfs 〇
/ Fi•化 Lili化 化 邮 、'wnger Moi去n,虹
in 化e Night" succuh « 山 0heZem,扣t’ IS 口(扛niediw/ire. Sheis themu乂 •the
The concept o f t}w 巧 irits o f the mr, astral h n iy libenUecI, .ft?如"!巧 n,i<f desifT. 口wt’knifnfo/Fireretoks
the constraint 拼 in g jbrih in any Jbntt wisfwd. Jlie Powers o f the A ir 。 !泌foher 此,
sfw 州R, nmh,
n"ipync "ohm, o/consi'mi巧,
U6 ■

Hear me now, Make aN Spirits attend 化 me; so that all spirits of 批
ether: above the earth arui below the earth, to the co!d depths of w巧^ G O R G O - A B I Z U - '^D evouring Mother from the Abyss,come
and the height of mountains, upon desert w inds w here desolate
forth from 化 e w a 化 rv p alace of night, let us feast upon 化e pool
spirits may haunt O Unclean O ne, and S p ir it o f D efilem en t, 〇f of life!" •
whirling air and of Blackest Fire, every Spell and Pow er of the
Adversary shall be obedient unto Me.
n 讼omc啤 f 〇
/ VVr?心r, Wje rfr口gOH-serpenf n•
幻m口Und Wiefl吟ssic
趴 此 巧 rises卢om 沁口化s 〇 / 化e oc如f技
W ATER H巧r me now. M ake all Spiri 长 attend to me; so that all spirits of 化e
ether: above tine earth and below tine earth, to the cold depths of watei
and the height of m ountains, upon desert winds where desolate
Unvoke thee-
spiri长 may haunt, O U n cle a n O ne, and Spirit of Defilement, of
whirling air and of Blackest Fire, every Spell and Power 〇 { the
TIAMA了- "The First, Mo化er of VampyreS/ of Demons and Adve巧ary shall be obedient unto Me.

化e powers of Chaos!"

ANTAURA - ''Who comes from the depths of the sea;She EARTH

who 巧ts flesh, drinks blood, who holds the power to ruin 出e 1Invoke Thee-
eves,出ere darken 比e head, seethe and writhe as serpent"
KEPHIDO - "Mother of the Earth, who calms and enrages the
beasts of the eai*th"
HECATE - "Maiden, Mo化er and〔rone, by 化e power of
Three" AMOZRPHO - ''Who begets Lilin in the darkness'
TILTOI - "W ho resides in the howling winds of 化e desert"
LILITH BUZNAI - "Angel of Pa巧ion and Beauty, bkss
HAQASH - "W ho guides Hyenas and Predators in the Night'
flesh wUh life e化mal"
nt, Woman of Harlotry, End of all Flesh, End of Days
AILO - "Who seduc 巧 the flesh to the pleasures of life"
TATROTA - "Who once di*ank the Ufe spirit of the cherubs' ABNIQTA - "W ho haunts mountains and lonely places"
AG民AT BAT M A H LA T - "Igrath the daughter of
PIRTSHA • "By dreams shall I come 化 any who call" Mahalath, P 巧 y upon 化e sleep巧"
DIANA • "Who is beautiful in the sight of the moon" MORRIGA N ,"W ho in love and joy haunts the fields of
ABYZOU - "Who aris巧 from the abyss, who drink 化e 1舶- battle"
spirit of the young" ALBASTI ^ ''Ladv• of Red, Ladv of Blood, Goddess of fever

HYSTE民A • "From the Primal, she who coils like a snake, roar and hunger"
Hke a lion, hi巧 like a dragon"
Hear roe now, Make all spin 怯att饥 d to m e; so that aU spirits of 與
ether: above the earth and below the earth, to the cold depths of
and 化c height of mountains, upon d eseii w ind s w here desolate PELONITH - Lilith who seduces air
spirits may haunt, O Unclean O n e, a n d S p ir it o f D efilem en t ;
whirling air and of Blackest Fire, every Spell and Pow er of the
MACH A L O T H • "Serpent Goddess upon a Scorpion, she
Adversarv shall be obedient unto Me.
who unleashes the 化preyed"
Tht concept o f Eofih is the Goddess o f Pred/Jtory Betjsts sue)! as Oii^t
rmrf iw/ws, T7!e EnrW! godrfess is hof/i rf«,
own>ig 打加 NEG A • "Serpent Goddess, who fornicates wi化化e si说ping
nurturing. and is muse illuminated"

NAAM A H - "By who by musick and dance stirs the spirit

SPIRIT and desires"
LILITH - "Thou Ai*t Mo化er of Belzebouel, Xachael, Zazael, 0
I Invoke thee- thou Mother of Ahriman rise up through

LILITH - "Godd巧s of Beasts and 目irds of Pi^ey" THE A T T A IN M E N T

ISHETH ZENUNIM - "The Woman of Whoi^edom, who
liberates" 1. I a m S h e ! T h e D e a th le s s O ne! H a v in g the sight of
AZJEH - "Godd巧s of Blackn巧 s and Spiritual Hunger, whose S p ir it, w h o s e fe e t a re th e ta lo n s o f the b ird , who
spirit is not constrained" is s 仕o n g w it h th e Im m o rta l, Blackened Fire!

TAVARI - "Nightmare and vision bringer" 2. I a m S he! T h e L ie w h o is e ve r changing and

u n c o n q u e ra b le !

TEHOM - "From the abvss I shall arise" 3> I a m S h e ! W h o re jo ic e s in 化e fo rn ica tio n in the
W o r ld !
CYB化 E - "Who is Mo化er PeKonified 4,I a m S he! W h o re jo ic 巧 irU h e Abstinence in the
W o r ld f o r th e jo u rn e y o f s 打e ngth o f W dl, w ho is
THIS 巧 TH E M O T H 巧 O F G O D S ! b e a u tifu l u n to h e rs e lf!
讯 IS IS TH E G O D D ESS O F S 巧 R IT S ! 5. I a m S h e ! W h o lig h te n e th and 化u n d e re th , 化e
THIS 按 B A B A L O N T H E G 民E A T , T H 巨 M O T H E R OF G o d d e s s o f S to rm s !
THE E V IL W O M E N A N D O F T H E U N C L E A N 6. I a m S h e ! W h o s e to n g u e is fo rk e d , whose words
TH IN G S O F T H E E A R T H ! a re s w e e t!
THIS 投 SHE W H O M T H 目W IN D S F E A R ! 六 I a m S h e ! T h e L u s t o f W h o re d o m !
8. I a m S h e ! T h e B e a u ty o f M o 化erhood!
HEAR ME- ___^
9. I am She! The W isdom o f A g e!
30.1 am 细 e/ W hose L o in s a re A 巧a m e a n d iv h
body is d a rk n 巧s/ G O D D ESS
I IJ a m 就 ef W h o g iv e s a n d d e v o u r s th e b!
and s p irit w i 化 j 〇y7
The CO打cept of " 投过, ,from a Luciferian perspective is
the very fo u n d atio n of The Black Flame, it is the fire
HEKASl HEKASl HEKAS! from h eav en w hich h as 打o form rather is the
SOITSHAIX 目E 口ONE! archetype of th e self. K ia, as Spare wrote i打 "The
Book of P le a su re" th a t the Kia expwss化 le from
conceivable id e a s is not the eternal Kia, which
devours all belief. T here are two specific aspects of
松 a as 打ot o 打 ly a L uciferian fbrce yet also at its core

a Vampyric fire w hich is a fbu 打datio 打 of the path.

The very subconscious itself is deeply rooted in the
M ankhaea 打 A z, th e Mo 化 er of Vampy巧 s and
Demo打ic or reb ellio u s spirits.
A ll fo rm s o f li f e a;re t;o u c h e d b y th e S p ir it o f th e D a rk
Godd 巧 s, s h e ,lik e A h r im a n ,h e r m a te ,is p ro te a n in
fb rm : c h a 打g in g ,m u t a t in g s h a p in g 化 h e r d 巧ire and
化a t c o n t in u a l f lu x in w h ic h th e B lackened F ire
gives a ll s p ir it s .

''Az (H yle) h e r s e lf m in gled h e r own self into them.

And that one p a it that fe ll on the ocean_an ugly,
ravenous, a n d fea rfu l mo打 ster came o f 化 ,a打dit
crawled out o f th e ocean a打 d began to do harm
the w orld"-Shabuhragan

, whose v ery foundation is asseiting her desire

11打化 all liv in g th in g s , mingled herself according 化
化 e S h a b u h ra 邑a n w ith all plants, trees a 打d animals.
She th e 打 gave som e of h e r burning spirit and
created a L ev ia th a n ic or 了 ia 化 at —inspi巧 d form of
darkness w h ic h cam e fo r th fr o m th e a b y s s o r oceaij
T h is is t:he v e ry essence o f s p ir it c r a w lin g fo rth
and TALTO,
o u r m inds; th e e v e r b u r n in g 打e e d to c re a te and
In "F o 化 lo re o f th e H o ly Land" L ilith ’s names are
w r itte n as A M IZ . A M IZ U ,A V IT U , B ITU A 扎 ABRO,
•IK. IL S . K A L E E , K A K A S 比 KEM A , L IU T 比
The im age o f "S 化a lin g th e F ir e fV o m Heaven" br S A T R IN A H a n d H IL T H O H . O ther versions name
A u s ti 打Spare p re s e n ts a s p ir it fo r m e d a s a part fei her as A B Y Z U ,A L IO 、A L U ,ARDAD. U L I ,GALLU,
and abyssic m a n ife s ta tio n 、 a f a lle n angel ami G E LO U ^ G IL O U , LA M A S S U , ZARIEL and
s p iritu a l 打re g iv in g p o w e r to o t h e r fa lle n an巧lit Z E P H O N IT H .
beings h o ld in g o th e r s k u lls . T h e s h e lls ai*e giving 化
by th a t L u cife i^ia n S p ir it w h o h a d th e coui^agMo L ilit h is a ls o k n o w n as L A B A R T U , LILD TH A ,
seek his o r h e r d e s ire a n d 打e s h . H e re w e see 化 L A M A S H T U ,L I L I ,L I L I T ,L IL L U ,
c加responding in te r p la y o f th e A d v e r s a r y from a L IL L A K E a n d th e M A ID O F L IL L A .
fe m in in e pei^spective — she d r iv e s a n d m a n ife sts all.
The N ig h tm a r e n a m e s o f L ilit h p 巧sent her as the
Az. Uie v e ry G oddess o f o u r p a t h w h o has 阳any devouress a re g iv e 打 as such: Bogyw olf* Nightjar.
names e n te re d c re a tio n a lo n g w 化h A h rim a n a叫 Soreech O w l ,S h e ,
W o lf,Queen o f Zemargad,The
gave th e g ift o f fir e or s p ih t to a ll th in g s . 山 N ig h t H a g ,th e C h ild S te a lin g W itch ,化e Flying
according to M a n ic h a e a n m y th o lo g y is the fa D em oness a n d th e M a id o f Desolation.
V am pyre. h e r fir e a n d c o re e s s e n c e n o t 0打ly i 打spi巧J
m o tio n yet also d e v o u rs . Az is c a lle d in the A u s tin S p a re u n d e rs to o d th e essence of 化e Witch
S h a buhragan th e "m a n c o n s u m in g " s p ir it who fel C u lt a n d th e b a la n c e d in 化iaU )ry perspectives of 化e
heaven o n to th e e a r th and in s p ir e d it wi化 G oddess in b o th b e a u tifu l and horrifying
m onsters fro m h e r o w n s e lf. m a n ife s ta tio n s . S he is presented in numerous
illu s tr a tio n s a s th e W itc h W om an appearing 化 a
The tra n s fo rm a tiv e aspect of th e Goddess i« hag, s e d u c tiv e ly g le a m in g a t the object of her desire-
p a ra m o u n t to th e v e ry essence o f s o rc e ry 化sell The W itc h is m u c h "1化e" L iU th or Az is a creative
L ilith , b e in g th e S u m e ria n , H e b r a ic a n d traditional force y e t a ls o one w h ic h consumes and devou巧化
nam e o f th e G oddess h o ld s m any n a m e s . Elijah grow s tr o n g e r - 化 is n o t a lu s t fo r dea化,rather the
nam es th e m as: A B E K O , A B I T O , A M IZ O , BATNA ve ry d e s ire to liv e !
E L IO , IT A ,IZ O R P O , K A L I , K E A , K O K O S ,L 比ITH.
Is h ta r, a Goddess o f a n c ie n t B a b y lo n ia n
Chaldean m ythology, w a s d u a l in n a tu r e and powe^ th a t w h ic h is s lig h tly in 巧ach. Magick should
She held the p o w e r o f f e r t ilit y , lo v e and war alw ays p o s itio n y o u to seek fo r more, to 打 ever be
com plete in fu lfillm e n t, due 化 化 e point 化at the
Associated w 化h th e p la n e t V e n u s . I s h t a r even heh
in d iv id u a l m u s t c o n tin u a lly seek more power,
a d a rke r side. She h e ld p o w e r to c a u s e Vam pyres to
rise, the dead to ris e u p a 打d d e v o u r th e liv in g .
D esire as s y m b o liz e d as A z or L il 化h holds
language a ll it s o w n . T he process of Magick and
The tale o f Is h t:a r d e s c e n d in g to H ades the S orcery is a c c o m p lis h e d successfully when the
u nd erw orld she to ld th e g a te k e e p e r- in d iv id u a l is a b le to cre a te th e ir own symbolic or
barbarous^ la n g u a g e based on th e ir dynamics of
"P o rte r,open th y door; sexual化y* T h is is th e h e a rt o f the works of AO Spare
Open th y door, th a t I m a y e n te r. and th e W 化c h C u l t . 民e a ch in g intx) a打0化er i:ea化y is
I f thou dost n o t open th e d o o r, a n d ific a n n o te n te r . 化e s u b c o n s c io u s d e s ire in seeking the eternal belief,
I w ill a tta c k Uie d o o r I w i ll b r e a k d o w n it s bars, th a t d e s ire n e v e r re a c h e d y e t i 打tim e ly or untimely
I w ill a tta c k th e in c lo s u re ,I w i l l le a p o v e r its fences ma 打n e rs — q u e n c h e d fo r a m om ent.
I w ill cause th e dead to ris e a 打d d e v o u r th e living; O ften, d u r in g th e p le th o ra o f rite s centered around
I w ill give to th e dead p o w e r o v e r th e liv in g ." 化e goddess, th e S a m a e lia n urge to unite attributes
the D a e m o n to re a c h u p tow ards the Goddess,
The Q ueen o f th e U n d e rw o rld , E r e s h k ig a l,was a d u rin g t h is a c t th e one becom es Beast w ith Chioa 仰
p o w e rfu l Goddess w ith v a m p y r ic and sorcero化 C ain a w a k e n in g - th is is th e Sorcerer his or her self.
tra its . H e r h u sb a n d , N e r g a l w a s th e G o d o f Mars. I t is n o tic e a b le t h a t one is n o t gi^eater t;han the 0化er
Darkness* W a r a n d D e a th . E r e s h k ig a l h a d a servant u n it y c a n th e y become grea 化r and ONE.
nam ed N a m ta r,w h o h a d th e p o w e r 化 unleash 说 C a ll th is A z o th o z o r th e C irc le o f Self.
diseases o r dem ons.
U n d e rs ta n d in g th e G oddess is es巧n tia l 化 the
U n d e rsta n d th a t b e lie f is a p o w e r fu l a n d d riv e poi扣 L u c ife ria 打 p a th - 打o t o n ly in understanding, yet
化 any p ra c t 化io n e r o f M a g ic k - to b e su cce ssfu l you deeper in t o r e a liz a tio n o f H e r p o te n tia l Not ju st as
m u st suspend d o u b t, e n fla m in g y o u r s e lf in the a B a b a lo n ia n D a e m o n e s s , she is equal in a ll forms 化
desire o f th e a c t it s e lf - f o r g e t t in g r e s u lt- The Will S a m a e l,t h in k o f th e in s p ira tio n a l point o f her power
its e lf w ill cause c o m p le tio n . T h e B o o k o f P le a su w by - G oddess c ro w n e d in th e blood s p ilt upon her
AO Spare rea d s " B e lie f is e te r n a l d e s ir e " ,化 us an b化
ecstasy o f th e a c t a n d p ro c e s s , th e e te r n a l yearnin?
146 !47
INVOCATION OF H ECATE Beautiful a n d s tro n g b e y o n d m easure, Thou Mother of
A Rite o f Dedication at!d EttsorceUhtg o f the Lumr lif e a n d re n e w a l
current - the Queen o f W itch craft H ecate Y o u th fu l a n d v ir g in a l. T h o u M a id e n o f the M oonlit
g ard e ns
H e c a te , I in v o k e t h e e G o d d e s s o f t h e C r o s s r o a d s

C e l 巧 r i a l C h 化o n ia n a n d A b y 巧 i c O n e , G o d d e 巧 o f 比6 E p ik a lo u m e se te n e n to keneo pnevm ati, deinan ;

S a ffro n R o b e aoratan, P a n to k r a to r a , 化e ro p o ia n ka i eremopoian, e
S h e w h o l o v 巧 s o li t u d e , S e p u l c h r a l O n e h e a r m y calls!
m is o n ta , o ik ia n efsta 化ousan2

P h o s p h o r o s , s h e w h o b e a r s t h e T o r c h e s o f B la c k e n e d
1 in v o k e th e e H e k a te , she w h o d w e lle 化 in 化e void
F ir e !
a n d s h a d o w e d place,
0 化o u t r ip l e s h a d o w o f d a r k n e s s i n v i g o r a t e d !
the te rrib le m a k e r o f h o r r o r and desolation, Antania!
H u n tre s s o f N ig h t a n d F o r l o r n d r e a d !
She w h o d e v o u rs life a n d g ro w s s打onger still!
H e c a te , t h e o n e w h o h o l d s h e r s e l f f a r o f f !
N y k tip o lis k h th o n ie !
I in v o k e 化 e e , 0 C h 化 o n i a n G o d d e s s o f t h e M o o n !
W hose p o w e rs a re o f H a d e s , E a rth and the Heavens!
W h o is th e D e m o n e 巧 o f t h e M a n e s o f D a r k n 巧 s
To H e r th a t is b o th D e a th a n d S p iritu a l Im m o rta lity,
H e a rk e n to m e H ecate! Crataeis!
Who b巧tow s pale m o o n r e fle c tio n o f th e faces o f 化e
0 G o d d e 巧 o f E ld e r O a k a n d Watei^s U)uched by the
M oon!
Priest o r P riestess, i t m a tte r s n o t
T h e ro b ro m o n , she w h o in s p ire s beasts to how l!
Yet w ho can b rin g h e r b e a u ty a n d p a s s io n fo rth
H a il th o u , T r ip le M o o n 'd , M o rm o , G 饥go and blood
H ail thou, T rip le s h a d o w o f s p le n d o r a n d im m ortal
c o n s u m in g M o th e r!
Send fo r th th y E m p u s a e a n d L a m ia e to guard m y pa 化!
W ho seeks 化e kiss w h ic h b r in g s b lo o d
1 in v o k e th e e , H e c a te , C o m e fort:h and be present at
o u r u n h a llo w e d rites
N y k 怡ria, She o f 化e N ig h t, B e a u tifu l, H a u n tin g ,
So i t is done!
B u rn in g E y e s
Hideous and m a licio u s, T h o u w is e Q u e e n o f death and
sh a d o w w itc h c r a ft
Prytania! She w h o is im m o r ta l/ p a le a n d b e a u tifu l
call Upon you who is in the ^mpty Spirit wmeone, invisible, Almighty,
above a ll G o d s ! whocrea化 s summer dmi desert who hates Ahouse that is stable、,•A!eis托 r
Crowley's translation, publishixi in MoonchiKl.
♦ ' 一

NOX DI NOCTI 印 antasma. Attend 把 me! I 巧ek in sleep to wand巧 化 ,

命 In v o c a tio n o f 化 e P o w e r o f 出 e D a rk M k h 化o n ia f
A Vampync ; Darkness, Vam pyres awakened by So 化 shall be!
The Gods of Nig 化 〇f the Crone.

• Ap all-powrful and Immortal Godd制 0

献 诚 巧 cL is 置6 Greek manifestation of LILITH,
忠 直 fand Patron Godde巧 of the Pa化 • Know that Hecah
:ears many masks, she reveals what you can understand ai^
urilize within yourself.

Upon the hour of Midnight, I do invoke thee

NOX, Mother of Mysteries, Father of Serpents
To the Selene who is Luna who is before t:he Pi巧 s of
I invoke 化ee m o st p o w e rfu l, w is e a n d im m o rta l
Triple Moon'd splendor of darkness and pale ivory
Who fortifi巧 my w 饥 ks of Magick and Encircling
I have 化e Spirit-Thirst as your child
Satisfy my d巧 ir巧 as I go forth in Shadow
To walk trice around thy circle against the Sun
Do I enter the palace of m an 巧 and shadows
Torch'Bearer, who 巧 巧 re is 化 e Black Flame
^ iv e n by 化 e Ancient to 化 e Arte of 化 e Dae讯 on!
Thou Mother art crowned in Oak Thorn and Coiled
u /u . S e rp e n ts ,
ravening w olves and d〇P^
Hungering Goddess seeking the Skull-Cups of 邮 口 d
O ffe r a D r in k to me 153
O U P P 饥 巧 1〔 L U C 刷 民 IA N



a d v a n c ed VA M PYRis

cn 巧Hed P 巧chic vam p^ism is directly associated

於化化 e predatoiy spurit as i t i s developed m the
W nscious. It m ust be considered 化如vampyrism is
L.n巧at饥y proce 巧, like Luciferian WUchcTa托 which
igv巧 quelled or 巧怡d. The Vampyre Magickian will
巧ove forward- Transform 贫 tion over time will
^ ^ e the course and mode of initiation;but the aim
化 韦 為 the sam e - power and spirihial contimiatkm.

Q邮 pothic Vam pyrism holds 巧levance to the

Vampyre M a g ic k ia n a s iM s a s权怡 of delvi雌 化 e
depths of the subconscious and as some considered the
infernal realm s - from which the subconscious mind
Opens to.

The ArchDem ons and Qlippothic servitor demons

manifest in the earth in numerous ways; however tj^e
very ro le in which 化 巧 manifest is d敞 rent 比an t e


instance, t:he ArchDemons rule 比e specific

ippo 化 ic S p h e 巧 s ini a transcendent
transcenaeiu manner, ‘
uicuui、'〜that is,
诉 V切 k ' 。 如
Wisible A us
to ,,。 各 A us 1but
to … 如 wiq 相 ns are
relations are made
made through
invocation a n d th e assumption of 直e s,忠 d wd
QUppo化 ic servito巧 or demons can e : 了
巧ade visible or m ore associative than the others.

reason fo r this is 化a t 化e y a re m o r e a d v a n c e d an( su b co n scio u s re p re s e n ta tio n s are g iv e n form .
ascension oriented - fa lle n o r a w a k e n e d p o w e rs . V a m p yre u s e s a s tr a l te n d r ils to d e v o u r th e ir energies,
thus c a u s in g th e s e a s p e c 杉 o f energy to m anifest in
The Q lip p o 出ic S p irits 3 巧 v e ry p o w e r f u l a n d beneficia your s u b c o n s c io u s . O nce th is energy has been
to the V am pyre M a g ic k ia n w h o c a n ta p th e ir powers, consum ed b y th e a s s o c ia tiv e b e s tia l o r dem onic 化pect
drain them o r s im p ly g a in th e m a c c o r d in g to utilizing in y o u r m in d , th e c o n s c io u s w a k in g m in d makes use
化e ArchDem ons a n d th e ir s p ir it s , T hese specific of th is k n o w le d g e a n d a llo w s i t to be m anifest in your
orders o f dem ons ru le 490 le a g u e s o f s p ir its . A s U 袖 self as i t is .
is 化e M o 化er o f D e m on s a n d V a m p ir ic S p ir its , she has
480 s p iri坛• The M o o n is 化 e s p h e re a tt r ib u te d to h 化 The S i打a A c h r a is a n a m e fo r d e m o n ic pow ers w hich
The sphere o f 化e S un is s a id to h a v e s e v e n tim es the are s tr u c tu re d in a n in v e rs e s e p h iro t o r tree o f dea&.
num ber o f the o th e r d e m o n s . The h o m e o f S i 仕a A c h r a is th e le ft side, in the abyss
and is r u le d o v e r b y S A M A E L a n d L IL IT H .
The m ethodology o f w o r k in g w it h th e Q lip p o 出ic
demons is to tu rn p o is o n in to a b e n e fic ia l m edicine of It is s a id th e S itr a A c h r a h a s n o e n e rg y o f i 杉o w n b u t is
in itia tio n. One m ust m ove th r o u g h th e A v 巧se a v a m p y ric e n e r g y fo rc e w h ic h d ra in s the socalled
S e p h iro th , 化e so -ca lle d fa lle n r e s 仕ic tio n s o f 比e d ivin e lig h t . E n te r in g a n d w o r k in g w ith the forces of
universe, w h 巧e 化ere sle e p s a n a n c ie n t d ra g o n . Seven Si打a A c h ra a re b e n e fic ia l to 化e L u c ife ria n M agickian
heads d w e ll there, y e t th r o u g h th e s e v e n 化e eight 巧 he o r s h e u n d e r s ta n d s th e in fe rn a l and ch 化onic
arises. This p o w e r is e巧e n tia l to th e d e v e lo p m e n t and fo u n d a tio n a l a s p e c ts o f th e m in d and s p ir it they
em pow erm ent o f 化e V a m p y re M a g ic k ia n . should b e re s p e c te d a n d e x p lo re d .


The Q lip p o 化 is fro m th e w o r d " k e lip a h " w h ic h is

"p e d " o r "s h e ll". In L u c ife r ia n a n d V a m p y r ic Magiclc
the sorcerer fills these s h e lls w it h e n e r g y a n d absorbs
比 This is best d e s c rib e d in th e f o llo w in g manner,
when in v o k in g or e v o k in g s p e c ific e n e rg ie s of
Q lip p o th ic dem ons these s y m b o lic s h e lls o r specific
SA M A E :L A N D CORo n z o

作 e V a m p y re a t th e h e a rt and center is a e。. .

,,c u m u la to r o f e n e rg y , u s in g it along w ith i t s ™

化 o r 巧 a n a 化 tr a n s fo r m 化 e lfin to a G odlike 識 。
印 e tw o p r im a r y m a n 舶 s ta tio n s Of 化e A d v 巧sarv f
化e L u d fe r ia n P a 化 a re S am ael and L ilith • 孔 e th ird i 。
L e v ia th a n , th e D r a g o n o f th e A byss w h ic h encircles
and causes b o 化 to jo in .
C o ro n z o n as d e s c rib e d in ''B o o k o f the W itch Moon'
indeed a V a m p y r ic m a n ife s ta tio n o f the desire to gain
pow er w i 化 in 化 e a b y s s . A s th e L u c ife ria n enters and
invokes 化 e 巧 巧 n e e o f C o ro n z o n , there is a seeming
p o w e r-s u rg e of e m o t io n s , 化e ir shadow tendrils
e n te rin g th e s u b c o n s c io u s a n d e n e rg izin g them w ith
化e s p ir it - w is d o m o f C o ro n z o n . I t is at this vita l
m om e n t th a t th e V a m p y ire m u s t d ra in 化ese tendrils
and c a ll C o ro n z o n w ith in . C o ro n zo n is not the
n e g a tiv e -d 巧 t r o y in g fo rc e perceived, i*a化er it
empowers and cha 巧 巧 化 e Magickian who is able 化
perceive 化f r o m a L u c ife r ia n perspective*

Kenne 化 G r a n t in " N 帥 ts id e o f EdeiV' w rote that

C h o ro n z o n ( C r o w le y 's
s p e llin g ) is the Gate o e
Abyss, the fiery illumina 化r like U r i e n s , 化1
ShaktUhe Elder U m h ascends th ro u g h th三
of the Magickian and transforms 化em into 吉 化化e

Rather 化 an Coronzon or 化 化 了 Q
Way" of enlightenm ent, it is t e 化 化 印 e
恥 5柳 〇
/ S flw ad 机e BZac/c b?/抓f ^ n h g h te n m e n t upon 化e L e ft 严 _ 巧 either
Luc恥 rian is brought to the point ot no
a u th o r.
you assume 化e c ro w n o f 化e fa lle n o n e a n d be as a
W y rm is a ls o th e serpent. If you consider 化e
God o r Goddess o r y o u b e co m e p re y to its power
s v m b o lism o f th e 7 h e a d e d dragon it is ind 巧d pr护
There is no in b e tw e e n ,
C h ris tia n in its p o w e r fu l m anifestation. Kenneth G 巧nt
m entions C o ro n 之o n o nce, d e s c rib in g i t fro m
refei^s to a S u m e ria n m e n tio n in g :
in fe rio r C h ristia n p e rsp e ctive :
"TJieJhst by a Scorpion
口le secwaf by a VV/nWmg Ooss or T7mnderbo!t
Corcmzo口{/br so /s 化e unme 〇 / Wmf m妙 !fy 加础), The third b}/ a Leopard or H}/em
cmyi巧 g man’s felicity, and perceiving WuU substance of The Foufih by a Serpent
nm 's!於 ser piJti ms ffvil oful uuperfcd respect to his The Fifth by a 民 巧 ing Lion
purer essence, began to assfii! w(w nud so prevailed. B]i The Sixth by a 民 ehelhous Gim t
(iffhuimg so, ttm beawie accursed in the sight of God, Q,ul The Seventh by Typhon, Angel of the Fatal Wind''
so hst both tite gmien of FeUcity and the judgement of his Seven, in r e la tio n to m y 比o lo g y and 化e lu cife ria n
under伽 ding, but not utterly the favour of God. Bid k path is p a r a m o u n t W ith in the Black O rd 巧 of 化e
!ras driven fofih (as your scriptures record) unto the ear化 D ragon, th e C u lt of A h rim a n or Y atuik-D ino 化
H加如 H, fls cozvrcd bmmWes. 艮 如 we ms扣If approach s o rc e ry and L u c ife ria n M agick from
u、hen Admn was expeUed, the Lord gave inUo 化 e ivoWd her ancient P e rs ia n p e rs p e c tiv e - to open the gateways to
"m e , 邮 如 0 诚 ? ' 片c r y A n g W fc : k e e p e r s , W h f c / !m e 口 。
the A rc h D a e v a s w h o a re seven in c lu d in g A 巧hma 化
Pnnees" -E n o ch ia n M a g ic k of D r, John Dee by 化e w ie ld e r o r d ir e c to r o f th e fo rce o f 化e daevas.
G eoffrey James

In som e 民a b b in ic te x ts , S am ael is called the Shadow of

C oronzon d id n o t e n v y m a n , r a th e r lo o k e d u p o n it as Dea 化. In th e M id r a s h K o n e n S a m a e lis a ttr 化uted 化
pathetic and w ith o u t g re a te r s u b s ta n c e th o u g h t along 化e P rin c e o f th e T h ir d G a te o f Gehenna, w hich opens
w i 化 U lith 化 o ffe r th e g if t o f G o d h o o d to th o se who on J e ru s a le m . I n th e B e re s h it Rabbah, a d a 巧ica ljud a ic
w o u ld be brave e n o u g h . T h is is th e e sse n ce o f Magick 权xt, p re s e n ts S a m a e l as th e G u a rd ia n Angel of Rome,
• the self^e m po w e rm en t to ra is e y o u r s e lf u p lik e a God 化us a s s o c ia te d w it h E sa u , w h o m Kenne 化 G nint in
o r G odd 巧s, to m o ve b e y o n d th a t to a c tu a lly BE a God "N ig h ts id e o f E d e n " re la te s to "re d " o r "b lo o d " and
o r Goddess. 化us th e a c c u m u la tio n p o w e r. Samael in Hebraic
化tro lo g y is th e A n g e l o f M a rs, w h o p 巧sides over
Samael, the A n g e l o f P o is o n is c a lle d s o d u e to his storm s, w a 沁r , fir e , w a r a n d chaos.
connection and a 巧o c ia tio n w it h s e rp e n ts . T h is is 比e
fo r m o fw is d o m a n d p i* e d a U ) r y s tr e n g A ,th e p a ^ io n 〇
f The b a la n c e a n d 山lio n o f Sam ael and L 出th, or the
the Black 州 ed Flam e its e lf, h is k n o w n 化 a t 化 0 Dragon Y a tu k ih ''A h r im a n a n d A z-Jeh is essential in in itia tio n
_ ^ ■ i«
stages o f M a g ic k a l tra n s fo rm a tio n - T h e F ire which not w ith o u t d a n g e r, y e t b e n e ficia l and rewarding in a
w as g iv e n to h u m a n ity w a s d o n e so in s e v e ra l phases, s p iritu a l a n d p h y s ic a l sense.
化e m y 化o lo g ic a l trib a l le g e n d o f E v e b e in g r id d 如 by
化e S erpent to b eget C a in as d o n e w it h th e spiritual The V a m p y r ic P a th f u r 化e r s o lid ifi 巧 化 e power and
b le n d in g o r jo in in g o f S a m a e l a n d L ilU h v ia 化e beauty o f th e A d v e r s a r y • 化e V am pyre 打ansforms his
serpent. T he W a tch e rs jo in e d w it h th e k n o w le d g e of or h e r m in d a n d th u s s p ir it in to a pw datory being -
Samael and L ilith , th u s is th e n a tu r e a n d process of s o m e th in g s 打u c tu r e d in society to be changed and
in itia tio n . m a k in g h u m a n s lik e sheep. Just as W a n shall always
Rabbi Isaac ben Jacob h a -K o h e n w r o te a n interesting be, ch ao s a n d s tr ife , so s h a ll 化e in stin ct o f Therion be
a巧o ciated w ith th e A d v e rs a ry in th e 1 3 * c e n tu ry : p re s e n t I t is a p a r t o f o u r subconscious m in d , 化e
lo ca tio n o f th e T ru e W ill o f 化e Luciferian.
"民(ibbi !smic then explains that ^vJten Admn and Eve sinned
in Nie Garden, it aiused two sexun! miHikening among the Being a S p ir it u a l P re d a to r 巧q u i 巧s discipline, restraint
two pni巧o f ’twins,, This urns the aw akening iti which tk and th e in te llig e n c e to 化m a in balanced. Operate
州ake, either called Ndfmsie! or GamHei took pari - the event w ith in th e la w s o f y o u r society and 1巧m to be
that caused evil to become its oum en tity capable of p ro d u c tiv e .

The qu巧tion is dwti hou, did Samael (utd Lilith becom

paired together? Samael u,as an archangel o f 民m e &
origim!!}/ one o f die JhUen angels in the Book o f Enoch.
U!idi, on the oHier hand, zvas (m ancient N ear Eastern deity
xoho ums mentioned in Isaiah 34:14, and is knoum as &
danger to infimts."
•5巧mod fl巧 d 。7/化

e ve n t o f in itia tio n , th e p ro c e s s is n o t e v il and

s h o u ld n o t be s h u n n e d . I t is S a m a e l a n d L ilit h are the
b rin g e rs o f L ig h t a n d D a r k n e s s , 化 e y in it ia t e hum anity
化 be as G o d s a n d be a b le to t r a n s fo r m th e ir own
m in d s a c c o rd in g ly * T h e r e s p o n s ib ility is p a ra m o u n t -


The Black Order of the Di^agcmj

T h e W o r k o f t h e V atnpi/re •hnmortal s,
了!化S p ir it o f t h e A d v e r s a r y j o i w d tn

liA 166
The 22 Pa化 s of 比 e Qlippho化
〔T K 过肿 巧 • )。心- b

and their Servitors:

^ARteL chAlqloel The Q lip p o th a re sphei^es and avenu 巧 o f prim al

DWOAQtel 怎€lzeB u
LudFuqc, energy w h ic h m a y b e c o n s u m e d and used 化 empower
sbAmil the V a m p y re M a g ic k ia n . M o s t fear 化e q lip p o 出 as a
产 place o f d e a th a n d n e g a tiv ity , h o w e ve r 化巧e en巧gks
I are p r im a l a n d re p re s e n t v a rio u s elem ents o f 化e self,

N e p tu n e - K E T H E R
細 AB 幻、 *• SATAN o r M O L O C H

f)L^oeu: 〔e m p b lo ch ASCAROC T H A M E L (T h A M A L ):
ty 州 如 ‘ •BAOOOn,
、从 A Z A Z A e L + L U F U G IE L
Dual g ia n ts , b e s tia l a ta v is tic dem ons w ith Bat Wings.
peLrhAqo This is a f o r m o f th e A d v e rs a ry . These s p irits seek to
A化 c o n tin u a lly jo in t h e ir b o d ie s w ith 0化er sp irits and
, .A R A B , ,
fore 巧 ■ b o th sexual v a m p ii'e s , d ra in in g energy
P A R F A K 1C A S
'S€RAPeL 、

th ro u g h th e heat and d e s ire b u ilt energy and by

tCOAle化 possession. W o r k in g as a V a m p y re in this sphere
i*epi:esents th a t y o u m u s t seek to undeirstand 出e sexual
liLicb (ksires w it h in y o u r s e lf, th e fir e o f b eing and w h a t your
巧!yehAokY drives a re . S a ta n is th e 巧e ry aspect o f the Adversary,
u n d e rs ta n d in th e h e a t o f e m o tio n 化a t you must
always c a lm a n d c o lle c t y o u rs e lf a t tim es - drain w ith
T caution, c o n tr o l w i l l k e e p th e C h i/P ra n a w ith in .

r)AA 〇*)Ab
U llc b
P lu to - C H O K M A H Mars - G E B U R A H
C H A IG ID E L (C h IG D A L ): gal巧 ( G L 郎 ):
C H E D E ZIE L + IT Q U E Z IE L + G O L E B R IE L H d u b r ie l GA M E L IE L + L E B 民E X IE L + EBAIKIEL + BARASH化L
+ A L H A Z IE L + LU FE X 圧 L 目um ers w ith F la m e , these sp irits relate to war and
Blackened dem onic g ia n t-s p irits w it h v e n o m o u s aggression, fo r th e V a m p y re M agickian 化is can simply
s巧pents coiled a ro u n d them . be the e n e rg y o r m o tiv a tio n to action, They are also
called Z a p h ie l, a n d th e ir fo rm s are those of enormous
black heads lik e a v o lc a n o e ru p tin g .
- B IN A H
SATERI 化 (S A T A R A L ): The S u n - T IP H E 民E T H
S A T U 民N 圧 L + A B N E X LE LT A G A R IE L + ASTER 化L 化L P H E G O R
+ REQ 民A Z 圧 L + A B H O L Z 圧 L + L A R E Z 圧 L T A G A R IR IM (T G R R M ):
B inah are ca lle d 出e S a te ria l o r H a ra s ie ^ th e D e s 打oyers T A U M E S H R IE L + G O B R A Z IE L + RAQUEZIEL +
w hose fo rm s and appearances a re g ig a n tic b la c k veiled 郎 B R E Q U E L + M E P H IS O P H 圧L
H eads w ith H o m s , a n d h id e o u s e ye s b u r n in g blood These d e m o n s a re k n o w n as Zam ieL and they are great
red seen th ro u g h the v e il, a n d th e y a re fo llo w e d by black g ia n ts , o p p o s in g each o 化er. Th 巧 rda 化 to
e v il centaurs o r b e stia l fig u re s . U s in g d a rk n e s s and 出e c巧a tiv e ch a o s.
n ig h t to take fo rm a n d p ro je c t in d re a m s .

Venus - N E T Z A C H
J u p ite r - C H E S E D BAAL
A S T A 民O T H H A R A B -S E R A P E L ( H 民B -S R R A L):
G A M E H IO T H (G A M C h A T h ): HELEB 民lE L + R 巨T E 民lE L + B A 民U C H IE L + SATORIEL

G A B E D R 圧L + A M D 巧 R 圧L + M A L E X 圧L + 民E F R E Z IE L + R E P T O R ^ L + ASTORIEL +

C H E D E B R 圧L + A i 〇T H I E L + T H E R I E L L A B R E Z IE L

G agh S h e k e la h , 化e O nes o f C h a o s , a n d t h e ir fo rm s are G horeb Z e re q , o r D is p e rs in g Ravens. Their form is that

化ose o f 出e b la ck, c a t-h e a d e d G ia n ts . T h e y a 化 also of 化e h id e o u s D e m o n -h e a d e d Ravens rising from a

volcano, a ls o c a lle d G e tz p h ie L Shapeshifting into black
ca lle d A z ie l, C h a z a rie l a n d A g n ie l and re la te d to
ravens, th e f lig h t o f th e b ir d in the night, the element
d e v o u rin g forces.
of fii"e a n d a ir w it h re g a rd s to in 化ation.
M e rcu ry - H O D
These a re th e nam es of the Twelve
S A M A E L (S M A L): Princes a n d T rib e s of 化 e Qlippo化 who
SH EO U EL + M O L E B R IE L + A F L U X 民lE L + are the h e a d s o f th e months of 化 e year,
BAIRIRON - A R 化 S (March 20 • April 巧叫
Deceivers [Jugglers o f s k u lls ], w h o s e fo r m s a re 出at of
a dull Demon-headed, dog-like beasts* •Active Fire
They are from the Dragon Spirit, the one of
巧ames, the Fourth Evil Force; Samaelthe Black.
The M oon - Y E S O D
L 化 IT H
Their colors are black and they appear as a
G A M A L IE L (G M L IA L ):
GED 巧 R IEL + M A T E R IE L + L A P R E Z I 巨L +
A D IM IR O N - T A U R U S ( A p r il 20 - M ay 20)
-Fixed E a rth
G am aliel, o r the O bscene O n e s , w h o s e fo r m are those
Whose c o lo rs a re b lo o d , m ix e d w i 化 w ater and
o f c o rru p tin g , lo a 化so m e b u U -m e n , jo in e d together.
d u ll y e llo w a n d g ra y . T h e ir fo rm is that o f lion
T h 巧e dem ons are a ls o c a lle d N a c h a s h ie l, Evi
li 之
ards w h o th e V a m p y r e M a g ic k ia n m ay use to
Serpents, and O b rie L T h e s p ir its o f th is s p h e re aw of
d rin k o f th e v it a lit y o f th o se in large public
化e B lin d D ra g o n -fo rc e c a lle d L e v ia th a n or
化e rin g s .
Oui^abourus. In Q lip p o th ic w o r k in g s , th is sphere
relates k) L IL IT H .
T之化LADIM IRON — GEMINI (May 21,june
The Earth • MALKUTH
- M u ta b le A i r
D em ons w h o s e c o n g e a le d b lo o d ;bronze and
N A H E M O T H (N H M A T h ):
crim son. T h e y a re lik e sa va g e 打iangular-headed
N O BR EX 圧 L + H E T E R IE L + M O L I D I E L + A A I N 圧L +
dogs w h o s e te e th te a r 化 e Um bs o f those i
T H A U H E D R 化L
n ig h tm a re s . T h is is re s tra in e d desires - they are
L ili 比, the E v il W o m a n , W h o h a s m a n y fo r m s , ch a n ts
given s u b s ta n c e b y s u c h s h e lls . V a m p y 巧s may
a fte rw a rd s to a b la c k s k in n e d and fu r covered,
enter th e n ig h t m a r e o f a n o th e r b y e voking 化ese
m o n k e y -lik e d e m o n w h o s e e y e s a re p it c h b la c k *
s p irits , s e n d in g a n d b in d in g d o g fo rm -s ig ils and
d ra in in g lif e e n e r g y in 化 e n ig h tm a n ? .
SCHECHIRIRON - CANCER y u n e 21 - J u lv OBI民IR O N — L IB R A (S ep 化m ber 23rd * 成仿始《
•A ctive W ater
-Active A ir
S p iri杉whose form s are b la c k th e ir fo r m b le n d e d
gray a n d b lo a te d G o b lin s w h o se are a ir spirits. In
o f reptile, insect and lik e 化e c ra b a n d th e lo b s 化r,
using th e s p ir 化s o f L u c ifu g e th e V am pvre
vet Demon-faced. The V a m p y re M a g ic k ia n m a y
M agickian m a y d r in k fr o m th e ir o w n fountain of
seek atavistic k n o w le d g e th r o u g h d re a m s w i 化
life ;
c o n s u m in g th e ir in s tin c ts and s p iritu a l
化巧e demons, also d ra in in g e m o tio n s fro m detachm ent fr o m th e p h y s ic a l w o rld . Tliese
0化ers w hen sleeping. spiri怡 a id in a s 打a l p ro je c tio n .

N E C H E S H E T H I 民O N — S C O R 巧 0 (0 c to b e r2 3
SH 化 H A B I 民O N • L E O (J u ly 巧 - A u g u s t 22) -N o v 21)
•Fixed Fii*e -Fixed W a te r
S p iri杉whose colors are fie r y ' y e llo w a n d 化 e y A copper d a r k b r o w n , b lo o d ie d c o lo r 化e ir forms
appear as m erciless w o lv e s a n d ja c k a ls , h o w lin g are d e m o n ic h u m a n h e a d e d insec 杉. Dea 化
among flam es and se e kin g to d e v o u r th o s e in becomes tr a n s fo r m a tio n . U se th e Necheshethiron
出e ir pa 化• M as 怡r 化ese s p ih ts b y e v o k in g when th e ir v e il o f th e liv in g a n d the dead is thin.
Shelhabiron and e n te rin g th e n ig h tm a r e ,
visualize y o u r d e v o u rin g a w o lf a n d its b lo o d , N A C H A S H 瓜 O N — S A G IT T A 民IU S (N o v 2 2 -
using a belt m ade o f its s k in . Y o u c a n tr a n s fo r m December 21)
yourself a cco rd in g ly a n d ris e u p as a b e a s t •Muta 村e 巧re
Th巧e d e m o n s a p p e a r as d o g -h e a d e d serpen 杉.
They are s w if t a n d s e e m to em anate fire in 化e
T Z E P H A R IR O N - V IR G O ( A u g u s t 23rd - triangle. D r in k d e e p fr o m th e m in evocation,

September 22nd) d ra w ing in th e 巧re o f th e s p a rk o f 化e abvss, if

binding th e m to a s ig il a fte r e v o k in g , send 化em
•M utable Ear 化
forth to b u m y o u r ta r g e t w it h in n e r desire • 化en
E a ilh colors, d a rk fo 巧St g re e n s , ta n , a n d th e ir
arising to d r a in th e m s e x u a lly . Y o u m av guard
form is p a rtia lly liv in g y e t d e c a y in g c o rp s e s a n d
vourself fr o m a tta c k s in th e re ve rse m anner.
zom bie lik e ghouls. T h 巧 e a 化 化 0 CO打 u p te d
s p iri坛o f the shad 巧 o f th e d e a d . D r in k fr o m
D A G D A G IR O N - C A P R IC O R N (December
比ese corpses in 化e d 化a m a n d g a in th e p o w e r o f
n d -J a n ] 9 化)
s ig h t Evoke T z e p h a riro n in e v o c a tio n w o r k in g s . 175
-A ctive ta rtn
Their colo 巧 are re d d is h and b rig h t, t:
hey appear
IS d evo u rin g flat-shaped fis h lik e p ira n h a s w h o
In 化e c e n te r o f 化e c irc le is found SAMAEL and
seek to devcHir. Use th e m 化 g u a rd y o u r
ASMOD 巨US. S a m a e l a p p e a 巧 38 化e D e v " of the Tarot,
when projecting a s lra lly .
d evo u rin g a n d c o n s u m in g life energy • souls are
KXhI oi th is fo rc e . A s m o d a i o r Asm odeus appears
B E H E M IR O N - A Q U A R IU S (Jan 20 - F eb 17)
bloated o r b e s tia l m a n , c ro u c h in g b u t arises to crush
•Fixed A ir others w ith a b lo o d d r ip p in g mace o r spear. He drains
These dem ons have lim b s w h o s e a rm s a re life force in th is m a n n e r.
derived from Behem oth, a n d th e c o lo r o f th e ir
form s are black and b ro w n , th e y a p p e a r as a w fu l The A n g le is 化e E v il A dam or Cain
beasts;like h ip p o p o ta m u s a n d a n e le p h a n t, b u t the son, a g o a t-h e a d e d , skeleton-1 化e giant,
crushed, o r as if th e ir s k in w a s s p re a d o u t fla t The th o u s a n d - h e a d e d H y d ra serpent; and 化e
over 化e body o f a g ig a n tic c o c k ro a c h . T h e y are Elder L ilit h , w if e o f S a m a e l, a w o m a n w ith an
sp irits o f A e a ir a n d w la t e t o b e g e t t in g t h e n e w - e v e r< h a n g in g a n d d is to rte d countenance who i
Behemoth is the p o in t o f m aster}^ o f th e e a rth at tim es H A G —Y o u n g M a id e n , Beaten Whore,
from A e s p irit b y c o n tin u a l fo rc e . Vam pire w o m a n , b e a s t b ir d , o w l, etc ,

N E S H IM IR O N - P IS C E S (F e b 18 - M a r c h 19^^) The N o rfh e 巧S t A n g le is A g g e re th , the daugh 化r

•M utable W ater of M a c h a lo th , a fie n d is h w i 忙h w i 比 serpent hair,

Thev N 巧h im iro n a p p e a r as s ta g n a n t w a te r y standing in a c h a r io t d r a w n b y an ox and an ass,

b lu e , 出e ir form s are as h id e o u s h a g - w o m e n , She is fe a tu 化 d in 化 e L U C IF E R IA N TAROT.

alm ost skeletons, u n ite d to th e b o d ie s o f S e rp e n ts

and Fishes. The fis h s w im o u t o f t h e ir s e x u a l The N o W ! u ,
c別 A n g le is a la rg e S corpion w 地 a

organs as w e ll The V a m p v re M a g ic k ia n m a y fearful c o u n te n a n c e , b u t s ta n d in g u p rig h t

w巧e a n d fo r m e d o f p u 仕e fy in g w a te r, dripping*
d ra in and u tiliz e th e m to d r a in o th e rs f r o m th e
W ith h im c o m e s th e u n n a m e a b le one, Abbadon
dream* T h e ir in s tin c 坛 a n d e m o tio n s a re
or A p o lly o n th e D e s 仕o y e r, a n d h is appearance
•erful persu 化io n to o ls a g a in s t a n o th e r . T h e y
and sym bol a re of a clo s e lv -v e ile d , black,
m ake excellent s e rv ito rs as w e ll. T h e y d e m a n d a
gigantic s h a p e c o v e re d w it h w h ir lin g and cutting
sexual (m 化tu rb a tio n o r c o p u la tio n ) s a c r ific e -
wheels w h ic h a re r a 之o r s h a rp , a n d in his hand is
upon th e ir talism an .
a vast w heel w hence com e as it w hirls,
multitudes of cat-like demons. Behind him T H E Q L IP P O T H IC RITES
comes Maamah, a crouching woman with an EwfwMg Gntes o/Eoch Hel!
bestial body crawling along the ground like BZ巧认Sun o/d!e Adversary
insect and eating the earth.

And at 化e Angle is a winged lion and

a winged ho巧e drawing in like a chariot the
youngest Lilith, the wife of Asmodai/Asmodeus.
如 e is dark, middle eastern woman to the waist
and a man below it, and she appears as though
digging down, with her hands, 巧gures of souls
in化 Hell.


Q em atiel;w hose fo rm is th a t o f a v a s t b la c k ­
headed D ragon-serpent a n d h e h a s s o rc e ro u s
know ledge and p o w e r o v e r th e fo rc e o f K e th e r o f
the In te rna l and Avei^se S e p h iro th ,

B e lia l, a black, b lo a te d M a n -d ra g o n w h o s p its

f li 巧• H e w h o denies G o d a n d c a re s f o r p o w e r
and freedom ; and he th a t k n o w s th e fo rc e o f th e
avene C hokm ah.

0 化ie l o r G o th ie l, a b la c k b lo a te d m a n -in s e c t
ho 打化le o f aspect; he has 化 e p o w e r a v e rs e

Samael th e B la ck. A ll o f 化巧 e a 化 o f g ig a n tic

stature and te rrib le a s p e c t D ra g o n lik e A h r im a n
o r T ia m a t H u n g e rin g fo r lif e a n d a s tr a l e n e rg y .
忡 神 器
S ;班 BEa巧
m alku th

NAC 難 品 志 解 端 端 故 化

I seek 化 e lower spirit of Therionick spirits

call to 化 ee to manifest to my desire, 0 demoni

hord 巧 :


Hail 化 ou, Mo化er of 化e Undead

Who walk in bo化 shadow and flesh

u 師 轉
I ensorcel the names of shades, demonic orders to take

f o r m a c c o rd in g to m y d 巧ire:

To w hom seduc 巧 the fle洗 of dreams
W ho drinks deep 化eir 巧 irit I

HaiHhou Godd 巧 s of the Undead
Who lacerates the souHo Uck w地 eager tongu
A’AIN 化L, .
W hose e y e s a re b la c k e n e d p o o ls reflected g

Whose skin is corpse p a le a n d flu s h e d w it h 化e blood A N I N V O C A T I O N TO U L 打 H,
o f th e m o o n T h e S erp en ts of Gamaliel
T h e M o o n - YESOD
Nachash, U m p e s ta T h a u h e d rie l C a lle d th e c u rs e d Palace o f the M oon
HaU 化〇11 G odd 巧s o f Beasts, D e m o n s a n d th e Undead 印e S phere o f P h a n to m s , w o lv e s and hungering spiri坛
Come thou fo r 比 L IL IT H , Q U E E N O F T H E 化 ACK
W ho appears b e a u tifu l, re d lip s a n d b la c k e n e d talons M o th e r o f D arkness
Whose throne is the B la ck O n y x a n d c o ile d a b o u t w 化 E S H E T H Z E N U N IM
s e rp e n ts O f b o n e -w h ite s k in a n d b u rn in g 村ackened eves
W ho m ay see th ro u g h o w ls a n d w o lv e s E S H E T H Z E N U N IM •
T h ro u g h L io n s a n d B e a sts o f P re y W h o s e h a ir is m id n ig h t black
L ilith , w h o appears w ith fir e f r o m th e w a is t down E S H E T H Z E N U N IM
L ilith ;w h o rid e s u p o n a te r r ib le b e a s t W h o s e b o d y is a d o rn e d w ith c o ilin g serpents
L ili 化 w h o appea 巧 as a b la c k s k in n e d a n d f u r cov 巧ed E S H E T H Z E N U N IM
M o n ke yJike d e m o n , w h o s e e ye s a re b la c k as p i 忙h Whose m o u th is b lo o d s tre a k e d and stin kin g o f death
G ive u n to me, y o u r c h ild , th e p o w e r o f th e B la c k Ear比 E S H E T H Z E N U N IM
To Shape s h ift u n to m y d e s ire W hose h a n d s a re c ru e l ta lo n s , snatching the pre\- i
To h a u n t and c o m m a n d s h a d e s a n d m a n 巧 n ig h tm a re s
W ho shall g u id e m y p a th o f y o u r B la c k A rte . E S H E T H Z E N U N IM
H a d 化〇11 L ili 出 I s u m m o n th e e f o it h W h o s e fe e t a n d le g s are o f the Beast
Bestial M o 出e r w h o bal:hes in th e b lo o d o f y o u 化 E S H E T H Z E N U N IM
K I- S I- K IL - L IL - L A - K E W h o s e w in g s c a m ’ 化o u fo rth in n ig h t
Q u e e n o f th e C irc le o f th e A dversary ♦

S h e is 化 e d e v o u r e d She is th e Dragon!
H a il she w h o is e te m a U y h u n g ry fo r hum an flesh
HaU she w h o is e te m a U v th irs ty fo r hum an 村cod!
L I L I T H , ! W E L C O M E 十H 巧 dO D D ESS OF RED
L IL IT H , I W E LC O M E T H E E G O D D E S S O F ALL A n d b rin g s 化e m to 化e service of 化e Child of
R EBEL S P IR IT S ! D arkness
H a y-ya h H e h -V a u -Y o d -H e h ! E m p o w e r m e in th y B u rn in g Flame of Life eternal!
I ensorcel the nam es o f shades, d e m o n ic o rd e rs to take is sp o ke n and done!
fo rm a c c o rd in g to m y d e s ire : T h o u s p ir it o f L iv in g Flame, embrace me!


Thou obscene ones, w h o a re c o r r u p tin g beast like
shapes, m o v e a n d a p p e a r.
H a il th o u N a ch ash ie L S e rp e n ts o f D a rkn e ss
M ove and a p p e a r
O b rie l, m a n ife st! T lio u c h ild r e n o f L ilith !
L ilith I in v o k e th e e !
I seek the p o w e r o f Y e s o d , I s e e k th y g u id a n ce !
Y ou are free a n d lib e ra te d in th is w o r ld
A ll o f 化\ ' d e m o n s a n d lilin s
Thy v a m p y ric L ilith , w h o ca u se s th e h e a irts o f men 化
d e s ire
W h o a p p e a r in 化e d re a m o f th e n ig h t
A n d v is io n o f th e d a y
W ho b u m s a n d d e v o u rs w it h n ig h tm a re
W ho in itia te s h e r c h ild re n to b u r n a n d d e v o u r w i 出
n ig h tm a re
A tta c k in g a n d d r a in in g a ll s h e d e s ire s
L i 。出 is w e lc o m e h e re b y n ig h t a n d d a y
She is 化e M o 化e r o f D a rk n e s s , w h o r id e s a s 打ange
H a il M o th e r o f N ig h t
W h o s u m m o n s d e m o n s a n d d e v ils ,
T h e E s s e n c e o f th e Psyche
M E R C U R Y 〜H O D

I in v o k e th e B la c k e n e d F ire o f Transformation
I call u n to th e essence o f Samael, thou Angel of Poison
W h o a w a k e n s h is c h ild re n as Serpents!
S A M A E L , ascend

I ensorcel th e n a m e s o f shades, dem onic orders 化take

fo r m a c c o rd in g to m y desire:

O p e n n o w V o rte x o f P ow er: THEUNIEL
I s e e k th e s p ir it o f Blackened Fire
S e rp e n t-A n g e l o f tw e lv e wings!
I llu m in a t o r a n d p o iso n sp irit!
P rin c e o f 化 e P o w e rs o f 化e A il!

S H E O L IE L - H a il th o u deceivers!
M O L E B R IE L - M o v e a n d A p p e a r s p irits o f desolation
A F L U X 民化心 F ro m th e abvss w e shall arise!
L IB R ID IE L - A s c e n d s p ir it o f darkness!
T h o u S a m a e l, M ig h tie s t Archon
S a m a e l, w h o ris e s fro m desolate creation
L e t n o t h in g s ta n d in th e w a y o f yo u r power!
L e t n o t h in g s ta n d in th e w a y o f m v creation
THE CADUCEUS OF A ZH I D AH AKA I s p e a k th e s e w o rd s w e become one
The Vampyre Immortal of Ahriman 1 a m th e o n lvV G o d 化at is
Black Order of 化 e D ragon D e m o n ic H o rd e s I su m m o n thee:
S H F D U E L M O l 怎 B 民化L , A F U JX R 化L ,U B R 瓜化L
Had 化〇56 who juggle the skulls of prey
t h e r i t e o f t h e r a v e n s o f d ea th ^
Rejoice to 化e house of the darkened spirit
A s t r a l P r o je c tio n o f 化e Raven

ADRAMALACH - Whose furnaces are the devourin, V E N U S - NETZACH 去;,

K in g o f Fire, w h o s e th ir s t is e te rn a l, I invoke th说 Vortex of THEUM化L!
Thou ai*t 化e A n g e l o f 化e T h ro n e HARAB-S 巨RAPEL, Thou i*avens of death!
W ho was y iu m in a te d b y B la c k e n e d Flam e
W ho re n o u n c e d ig n o ra n c e 1ensorcel th e n a m e s o f shades' dem onic ord 巧s to take

防se th ro u g h m e as I e n te r th y P a la ce form according to my desire:

A w a k e n in m y s p ir it
Shall m y re lig io n be c o n s u m in g e n e rg y o f prey H化 EB民记L RETERIEL BARUCH祀L, SATOR化U
To becom e a G o d o f S p ir it a n d F le s h
It is M y W ill to b e as S a m a e l!
I s ta n d w it h in th y Palace o f D arkn 巧s!
It is m y W ilU o be as A d ra m a le c h !
G H O R E B Z E R E Q , th o u dem on headed ravens
H e a rke n to m e ! Be a t o n e w ith m y Body of Darkn 巧s
Send th v w o lv 巧 a n d h o u n d s o f d a rk n e s s to me!
L e t m e ta k e th e fo rm o f shadow and night!
That I sh a ll take 化e ir fo r m in 化 e n ig h tm a re at
p le a s u re
H E L E B 民lE L —T h o u h u n g e rin g shade!
T o h u n t a n d te a r a t m y p r e y RETE 民lE L - W h o s e w in g s o f darkness summon forth
A n d d r in k d e e p o f t h e ir b lo o d ! th e c o ld w in d !
I re jo ice in m y p r e d a to r y s p ir it ! B A R U C H IE L - W h o s e so u n d is tha t o f death!
S A T O R IE L - W h o s e fa n g s pierce the flesh of the
s le e p in g !
R E F R E Z IE L • W h o s e e y 巧 b u m in 村ackened pools
b u r n in g w ith blood!
R E P T O R IE L - S e rp 巧Its clo a ke d in darkness, arise!
A S T O R IE L - S h a d o w s a ris in g fro m the void!
L A B R E Z IE L • S p irits o f Fire!
G e tz p h ie l - R a ve n s o f D eath A tte n 出
G ran f me 化e p o w e r o f tra n s 仿r m a r io n a n d file fJigh THE CEREMONY OF THE 化 ACK SUN
dream s! The Palace of Shades
f f a " A o u B A A L L o r d o f T y re f
W ho 说 a!fa 巧 are s ta in e d w ith th e b lo o d 〇jf th e living!
Whose s p ir it d rin k s th e jfife fo rc e to e x a lt existence!
B A A L L o rd o f T y re h e a r m e /
/ invoice thy majesty and etern al h u n g e r fo r iifeJ
W hose aJ虹巧 m a n y c o p u la tio n s a re h a d !
M E L , L O K 口 O F T H E E A S 了A T T E N D M E !
i shaJI have th e s p ir it o f th y p a s t s a c rific e s !
L e t th e s p ir it e n e rg y fill m e !
So i t shaJJ be d o n e !

Hail 化 ou. Black Sun of Vampvric Awakening!

Had 化 〇11, Black Sun of Adversarial Fire!
Had 出〇 11, Tiphen? 化 , 化 e place of Shades and Manes!

I ensorcel 化e nam es of shades, demonic orders to take

form according to my desire:


民巳目民E G U E L , M E P H IS O P H IE L

T A G A R I R IM , H o rd e s o f 化e Black Sun!

T A U M H S l IK IE L D e m o n s o f S p irit consumed!
GOB 民A Z I 化 - W h o w a lk e te r n a lly in n ig h t! 民ITUAL O F THE GATE OF GOLAHEB
R A Q U E Z 圧L •• W h o k n o w 化e w a y s o f D a rk n e 巧! The V a m p y ric E 巧ence of 化e Black Flame
民巧REQUEL • W h o d ra in s h a d o w s o f v ita lity !
M E P H IS O P H IE L - S p irits w h o e x tin g u is h lig h t!

I shall e n te r th e p la c e o f th e D e a d !
H a il th o u F ir e T e m p le , m akers o f weapons of war!
Z A M IE L W ackened G ia n ts o f P o w e r! E n c irc le and
U S IE L - O p e n th y v o rte x o f power!
em pow er me fo r I am b ro th e r a n d fr ie n d o f Darkness
G ran t me 化e k n o w le d g e a n d w is d o m o f th e dead!
G O L A H E B - S p irits o f F ire Hearken!
ZO M IE Lv A w a k e n R e v o lt o f G o d !
I ensorcel th e n a m e s o f shades, dem onic orders to take
L o rd o f the D ead, w h o g a th e 巧 a n d c o n s u m e s shad 巧
f o r m a c c o rd in g to m y desire:
G ra n t m e 化e p o w e r o f N e c ro m a n c y
T h a t I m a y conveirse w it h th e s p ir its o f n ig h t
W h o sh a ll com e to m e in d re a m s
Those w h o g o f o r t h to r u le in s杜ength, W ar making
Belphegor, w hose p rie s ts g a v e y o u b lo o d a n d s p irit
d e m o n s o f lu s t and fire!
W ho 化em selves a 化 th e 打e s h o f th e d e a d
G A M E L IE L • W h o m a k e the sw 饥ds o f death!
G ra n t m e 化e w is d o m o f th y s p ir it !
LE B R E X IE L - W h o m a k e s th e mace fa ll into the skull
o f th e enem y!
E B A IK IE L - W h o s e F ire s re fin e the s p irit unto greater
p o w e rs !
B A R A S H IE L - W h o m a k e s th e A th am e and Da欺 rs of
P o w e r!

Z A P H IE L - T h o u fo rc e w h ic h e ru p ts as a volcano! I
化a il use th is fo rc e to fo rg e m y w eapons o f Power,
voice a n d w o r d s o f P o w e r! M v Blackened Fire w ill be

fa n n e d b v th e fu e l o f souls I devour!

1 in v o k e 化 et? A S M O D E U S
H a iU h o u , th t、O n e a d o rn e d in B U dojnetl Fire,
声也 M m 乂巧 ^
b o d im e n t of Samael,
thou em
Powerful King of Hell!
Thou who 化 巧 as Asmodai!
Give unto me the ring of immortality
, It ,]D〇n 化 e dragon s km fe-like spi
W the astral plane and the sleeping -1-
I shall enter

I know thy 巧 cret nam e and power

Thou A巧 hma, thou who unites the Pow er of the Six!
DEVOURING A S T A R O T H , T h o u S p ir it o f Inspiration, Let me drink
T h e V a m p y r ic O r d e r o f A z a r ie l unto y o u r C u p o f F ilth , o f the 村ood which is the life,
th e fir e o f angels devoure 出
Thou A stai^te • A s ta ro th , w h o is empowered w ith the
w is d o m o f h e a v e n a n d h e ll, w h o knows there is no
a b s o lu te b e y o n d 'T '.

OPEN FO R TH T H E G A T E O F C H A O S ! Who rid e s u p o n th e D ra g o n o f Darkness, Fallen Angel

o f S idon!
G A M E H IO T H : G A G H S H E K E L A H , C a t h 巧 ded giants Thou G ra n d D u k e o f H e ll w h o knows 化e past and
w h o w ith sharp fa n g , te a r a n d d e v o u r s p irits and fu tu re !
d rin k d e e p th e ir fir e !
G iv e u n to m e th e se rp e n t o f thy left hand;
O o n e a s trid e th e h e llis h dragon!
I ensorceU he nam es o f sh ad e s, d e m o n ic o rd e rs 化 take 民u le r o f w e a p o n s , a rb i杜ess o f the battle!
fo rm a c c o rd in g to m y d e s ire :
F ra m e r o f a ll d e cre e s, w e a re r o f the a o w n of
d o m in io n !
G A B E D R 圧 L , A M D E B R 圧 L , M A L E X IE T L ,
T h o u ai*t th e bes 沁w 巧 o f streng 出!
C H E D 巧 R 圧L , A ’O T H IE L , T H E R IE L , I e n te r n o w the T h o u a it s tro n g , 0 A 巧aro 化,
Palace o f t:he D is tu rb e rs , o f C h a o s !
T h o u c a n s t v io le n tly a tta in m v desire!
0 G u tira , w h o ai^t g ir t w it h b a ttle , w h o art dothed with
A 幻 EL, C H A Z A R IE L A N D A G N 圧 L , H e a r voice:
te rro r,
T h o u O rd e r o f A z a r ie l!
Thou w ie ld e s t th e s c e p te r a n d the decision, the con打ol
G A B E D R 圧 L - W h o b ite d e e p in t o 化 e s p irit!
o f e a rth and
A M D E B R I 化 - W h o te a r 化 e s p ir it to co n su m e !
M A L E X IE L • W h o b v s ic k n e s s d r a in life !
C H E D 巧 R 圧 L - W h o b y 化 e w e ig h t o f th e d e a d tear
H e a rk e n A sta ro th !
in to th e s le e p in g b o d y !
A O T H 圧 L • W h o is d e a 化 b y 化 e c o n s u m p tio n o f Life!
- B lo o d -d re n c h e d G o d s o f th e T a lo n !

L e t m e d e v o u r th e t:h o u g h t o f 订e a tio n , th e F ire o f life

its e lf! L e n d m e 化y p o w e r O o r d e r o f d e v o u re rs !
THE INVOCATION OF S A T H A R 化 W h o e x is t in th e darkness of the sphere of
A Ca 化n g to 化e S a tu rn ia n S p h e re o f N ig h t n ig h t a n d death!
民E Q R A Z E L W h o d e stro y and devour life!
SA T U R N - B IN A H A B H O L Z IE L - H o m e d Gods of Wisdom!
O PEN FO R TH T H E P A L A C E O F D E A T H A N D L A R E Z IE L - W h o consum e by dreams!
W 怯D O M , S A T U R N :
H A R A S IE L , d e s tr o y in g p o w e rs envenom my mind!
S A T E R E L - S A T H A R 化 L - W h o e n c ir c l 巧 比 e g o th 圧 L , b la c k e n e d in s e c t shadow,’who is
F ire w i 出 D a rk n 巧s a n d S h a d o w , w h o a w a k e n s p u trid a n d d e a 化 lik e , g ra n t m e 化e pow 奸 and
to G o d h o o d ! H e a r m e a n d le t m e e n te r th v w is d o m o f B inah!
P alace o f N ig h t!
I ensorceU he n a m 巧 o f s h a d e s , d e m o n ic o rd e rs to tak Darkness B r in g e r , L o r d o f N ig h t w ho b rin 巧 the pow巧
fo rm a c c o rd in g to m y d e s ire : o f th e B la c k e n e d F la m e u p o n ear化, I invoke thee!
B r in g m e th e p o w 巧 o f N ight!
S A T U R M E L , A B N E X E L T A G A 民化L , A S T E R IE L
R E Q R A Z 圧L , A B H O L Z 记L , L A 民E Z 化L

T h o u S p irits o f P o w e r' h e a r m e n o w a n d e m p o w 巧讯y

rite o f v a m p y ric a s c e n s io n ! D e s tr o y in g A n g e ls of
D a rk n 巧s, g ia n t v e ile d h e a d s w i t h h o r n s o f p o w 巧,
b u rn in g eyes o f fir e a n d b la c k o il a s c e n d th r o u g h me;
g a th e r a b o u t m e th e c e n ta u rs a n d b e a s ts o f darkness!
L e t m e ta ke fo rm s in n ig h t a n d g o f o r t h to d e v o u r in
d re a m s !
S H E I 民E IL - T h o u B e a s ts w h o a re G o d s !
S A T U R N IE L O f化 e S cy化 e o f v e ile d sle e p !
A B N E X E L W h o g o f o r 化i n n ig h t !
T A G A R IE L W h o s e E ye s s u r r o u n d a n d d r in k deep!
巧 E R IT E O F d e v o u r in g ro h
, , enter ^

S S S S T ™ C化 峨 麵 0化 啼

^ C H A IG ID E L !! H a il th o u G iants Who breed

I ensorcel th e n am es of shades, demonic orders

f o r m a c c o rd in g to m y desire: take

C H E D 口 圧 U IT Q U E Z 忙 L , G O l EBRIEl D I :
A LH A ^E U LT E X 耽 R耽 ’
Xhou r e b e llio u s s p ir it , A rc h o n and Manifestation
o f D a rk n e s s , I in v o k e thee!
V O R TE X O F V A M P IR IC S H A D 按 : GHOG 耽 ,
化ose w h o c o n s u m e th e s p irits o f 化e temples of
化 e fa ls e G o d , A tte n d !
H a iU h o u , D e m o n ic S e rv a n ts o f Beelzebuth, who
aw G ia n ts a w a k e n e d b y b lo o d and 打esh, who are
encircled w it h S e rp e n ts a n d 化e w isdom of He 化
C H E D E Z IE L • W h o is 化e W isdom of the Grave
Of Divinity Fallen aw akened!
Wherein there is no God yet the Self IT Q U E Z IE L - W h o is th e m u ltitu d e of Legions!
G O LEBR 化 L • W h o lik e G h o g id go forth to the empty

p a la c e s o f G od!
D U B R IE L - W h o s p re a d th e s p irit o f darkness forth!
A L H A Z I 化 • W h o a re th o s e w h o illu 如 nateothe 朽0^

LU 巧 XIE:L • W ho bv Ni 扑 t
O 化ou G hogiel, ca lle d th e D u k e s o f Esau
W ho is O g, th e K in g o f B ashan
H a il 比ou im m o rta l o n e ! THE D 民ACONI AN RITE OF THE
I conjure 化e P ow er o f a s s u m in g fo rm s a c c o rd in g ADVERSARY
化 m v d e s ire !
H earken and rise u p , B E L IA L , th o u b lo a te d NEPTUNE - KETHER
dragon-m an w h o is the p o w e r o f lif e a n d d e a th !
H a il th o u , V a m p y re b o m ! I seek th e p o w e r's o f OPENING THE BLACKENED 巧 化 沈 HERE OF
the A ir, o f 巧ies a n d p e s tile n c e ! I s h a li a w a k e as KETHER:
化e d e v o u rin g fo rc e o f life ! Recite w h ile e n v is io n in g the Opening of the
BEELZEBU B Gate, fe e l y o u r s e lf m a n ife s tin g there. These are
H a il th o u ;F lv G od o f O ld ! H a il th o u . L o r d o f Black the d e m o n ic s e rv a n ts o f T h a m ie l, the Adversarial
M a g ic k ia n s ! power o f th is s p h e re .
Beelzebub, L o rd o f W is d o m a n d P o w e r o f N ig h t and THAM巧 L …TH A M IEL.. .FORCE OF CHAOS MADE
化e 目u m in g H e a t o f 出 e N o o n tid e S u n ! O R D ER !

B at-w in ge d G od o f th e C h a lic e o f L ife , o ffe r m e 化e I 抓 so rce l th e n a m e s o f sh a d 巧, demonic ord 胶化 take

p o f B la c k B lo o d ! f o r m a c c o rd in g to m y d 巧ire:
L e t m e d rin k o f th y D iv in it y a n d W is d o m ! " T H A D E K IE L A B 民A X S IE L , M A H A Z 圧U AZAZA 也
L U F U G IE L "
" C A T H A 民圧L H e a rk e n to m e Blackened Light
of the Adv巧 sary广
THADEKIEL, Hod faU州 SpfnX is Darbiess
encircling Fire ofLifel
ABRAXSIEL FflUen Spmf, I诚 0is L帥 fempozi如 ng
MAHAZIEL, FflUen Spirit, who consumes and
devours to liivjbreivr!
AZAZA会L, FnUen Sp!nf, who kncm巧 theWeapons

/ Pouw r'
LUFUG化 L FflUen Spfrif, u 如0/lies 巧 ainstthf Light,
Night Bringer!
Q E M A T IE L , O 化o u V a s t a n d F ie rc e som e
D ragon-S erpent, w h o s e fa ce is s h a d o w a n d 了h e i n v o c a t i o n OF SAMA化 t h e
b e a rd e d , 化y se rp e n t to n g u e s h a ll w h is p e r 比e B LA C K
w o rd s o f M a k in g a n d D e v o u rin g !
Q E M A T R 化 L O p e n 化e g a te s o f K n o w le d g e to
me and g iv e m e 化e p o w e r o f K e th e r! I se e k 化e
in fe rn a l re a lm s w i 化 in a n d b e y o n d !

HaU A o u S A T A N , S T O R M B 民IN G E R ! H a il 化ou

M o lo c h , F ire S p ir it!
G ia n ts o f S p irit, 〇th o u N o c tu r n a l o n e s , ris e
th y 巧re o f h u n g e r a n d im m o 巧a lit y , lo o k th o u g h
m y eyes and illu m in a te m e w it h th y g ifts ! I seek
化e p o w e r o f jo in in g w it h o th e r s p ir its ,
c o n s u m in g a n d g r o w in g s 仕o n g in t h y F ire !
Just as Y ou M O L O C H d e v o u re d s p ir it s in y o u r fire so
s h a ll I!
E m p o w e r m e w ith th e B la c k e n e d F ire o f th e Im m ortal
S p irit, th a t w ith w is d o m a n d s ig h t I m a y d e v o u r 出e
s p ir it o f w h o m I s e e k !
I t is m y w ill to h a ve th e p la c e in d a rk n e s s w h ic h I shall
c re a te
A T e m p le o f S p ir it f o r w h ic h I d w e ll
I t is m y w ill to a tta in 化 e u n io n o f T h a m ie l, the
A d v e rs a ria l F o rc e
L ig h t b la c k c a n d le upon a lta r w i 出 Sigil of
In fe rn a l U n io n (a b o v e ) and Varcolaci-Astwihad
Sigil (b e lo w ).
Have p illo w o r m e d ita tin g sp o t in fro n t of altar.
V isu a lize S a m a e l th e B la c k as a gigantic black
dragon, t e r r 化 le and p o w e rfu l in appearance,
blood re d eyes and c ru e l fangs and talons.
筑 m ae/ the 反扣dc fro m a v a m p y ric p e rs p e c tiv e is
化e primaJ aspect 1权 - se ek in g to devour
and gain pow er, strength and security. INVOCATION OF SAMA化 比 e BUOC


TTie iV/agfclcian shouJd h a v e th e a J ta r fa c in g 化e
iV o jt h , 化e d u a i d ire c tio n o f b o th Sam aeJ and
"T o th e h e a rt o f C haos I sum m on 比ee!
um h. To the in fe r n a l d a rk n e s s to th y throne I seek
To 化e oceans o f b lo o d a n d 化e life which flows
th e re in !
I c a ll th e e , p rim a l devourer!
I conjure 出 ee, G o d o f 化 e H id d e n Source o f Life!
I w a lk th r o u g h th e h e lls to seek 化ee
In fe rn a l D i^a g o n , L o r d o f 化e Blackened Fire
巧a sh th y H g h tn in g 巧res in k ) m y spirit
I se e k th y c u p o f im m o rta lity

I p ro n o u n c e th e w o r d o f Ascension!
H e h -V a u .Y o d -H e h !

H e 化 in 化 e B la c k e n e d F ire o f S pirit
I w h is p e r th e w o r d s o f p rim a l sorcery
T o ra is e u p as 化ee

Samael th e B la c k , w h o s e 巧 sence is before

D ra c o n ia n N ig h tm a r e , p rim a l hunger
W h o is fla s h e d w it h b lo o d and life!
1 s e e k u n io n w ith thee!

T h o u B la c k e n e d D ra g o n ;w hose cloak is erf


e 化 d e v o u r 化e stro n g from 化e
s p ir it o f lig h t

D rin k , consum e a n d g ro w !

/ open m y eyes as 化e L io n h e a d e d s e rp e n t' T H E Z O D IA C K O F TH E IN 巧民NAL

M y teeth shaW s in k d e e p in to m y v ic tim !
Let the life fo rc e flo w u n to m e ! P 民IN C E S A N D TRIBES
打lere iis n o o th e r G o d b e s id e m e !
1 am 化e d e s tro y in g fo rc e These are th e n a m e s o f th e tw elve Princes and Tribes
f am d ie L ife B rin g e r! who are 化 6 h e a d s o f th e M o n 化s of the Year. The
H a il th o u , E n d o f A ll F le sh Zodiack o f th e Q lip p o 化 are categori之
ed in traditional
F ather o f S erpents w h o ta ke s a w a y th e S o u ls zodiac s ig n s a n d d a te s. The 打ibes of the qlippo出
fro m F lesh provide p o w e r fu l fo u n ta in s of atavistic and
W ho d e v o u 巧 化 ose w h o h a v e n o lig h t w ith in 0化e r w o r ld ly e n e rg ie s and w isdom gained from
I a w a ke n in 化e N ig h t as 化 e B la c k S u n encircling th e ir p o w e r, A ritu a l w orking involving
B u rn in g a n d iJ J u m in a tin g in th e e sse n ce o f th巧e Q lip p o th ic T rib e s m ust: be self-designed and Uke
p o w e r! all ritu a l w o r k in g s • s tru c tu re d to 化e psyche of the
p ra c titio n e r. U s in g th e a 巧o d a tiv e color, imagery and
fo u n d a tio n r it u a ls s u c h as ''T h e Lesser Encircling Rite
目A IR JR O N , D ra g o n -L io n p re d a to rs !
of 化e L u c ife r ia n " and "C a s tin g 化e Circle of the
H e a rke n to m e , 化e liv in g e m b o d im e n t o f
D ragon'' w i l l a s s is t in these w orkings. The powerful
S am ael!
ritual ''H V H I : T h e In v o c a tio n o f the God of the Averse
L e t m e g ro w s 打o n g in 化e lig h t o f th e b la c k s u n !
Tree, th e A d v e r s a r y " is a s tru c tu re d w orking invoking
In d a rk n 巧 s I e x p a n d !"
the h id d e n n a m e o f th e J u d e o C h ris tia n "God" and 比e
in c o m m u n ic a b le n a m e o f Sam ael 化e Adv 巧sarv, b
part V o f th e r it e , th e Q lip p o th ic Summoning utilizes
p o w e rfu l im a g e r y a n d B a rb a ro u s names of pow 巧 to
invoke th e fo rc e s o f th e Q lip p o 化,

The QUppothic O rd ers are called unclean and evil, yet those
who drink fro m th ese Therionick ecstasies will now tile power
of 化 巧 e sheUs o r h u sk s of shadow. The Vampyre Magickian
must seek to ab so rb the powers and make their powers
a巧ocia 化d to y o u r ow n p sy ch e , 化us becoming a part of you. As
a God or cre a to r, b y sum m onm g, empow巧ing and devouring
these powei^s y o u expand your own spirit and mind•巧ease
consider o r i*atiier b e w arned 化 at Qlippo化ic ^irite may seek to
devour you r sp irit if you do not absorb theirs. The Luciferian or
V a m p y re M a g ick ia n m u stb e ru th le ssin ^ n te n ta n d d e v o u r-
you are sim p ly ca u sin g your own ascension as a

Godd巧 s!
m m

The gateway to each QUppothic 打ibe is associated wi化 each
sign of the Zodiac. Obviously, 化e most resourceful way to enter
each cell is to use the timing of the gate based on the dates of 龄
astrological connection. You may enter each gateway
performing sn invocation which beholds the attributes of the
demonic powers of each particular tribe. The Tribes of
T H E G A T E S A N D S IG IL S O F T H E T 民IB E S OFTHE Qlippoth rule 490 legions of spiri长 except for Tagaririmwhose
Q L IP P O T H domination is estimated at sevenfold 化at of the others. Lilith
holds domination over 480 legions, thus is the number of her
The symbolism of 化e Gate or Pathways and the Sigils of 出e power in the times of night.
demonic forces of the Qlippoth are associat:ed with entry into
the darkn巧s of each particular pathway. When preparing for THE SIGIL
workings, you may create a gate on parchment or on a floor in
cha化 if able. How you do it is honestly up to your own The sigil of each Demonic Tribe and Prince is associated with a
prefewnce. The sigils should be drawn on parchment or in a specific form or type of energy or power. The mind of the
similar 饥anner. If working with the forces for an extended sorce化r is the key to how these powers manifest. The sigils are
amount of time or if you have a deep resonance with them, you very simple, almost barbaric in 化eir formation beside the cirdei
may seek 化 have 化inscribed in metal, wood or clay. The treason for this is to strip away the extensive aspec怯of
magick and to reach the core attribu化 of sorcery: to make

dreams flesh (\^e. to becom e so m e th in g rea\ o r resu\t oTiente^i^ I FO RCES
Using the elem ents to em pow er you r w o rk in g s and sigUs
be extremely beneficial for th e M a g ick ia n w h o is unafraid ate SVx S te p s ste p s \t\ evocatton ot
"g e 巧ing dirty", I have spent n u m ero u s y e a r s wotWmg 〔 A iSTW G 了™ C IR C L 它 OF t™ D民 励 轉 \>\eot 化e
''primaV' elements: hu m an b o n es, toad re m a in s , anim al bones M v e r s a r y ),
serpents and other associative elem ents- J h e L e sse r ErvcArc\lng Kite oi the Aidvenary 巧化\€ oH\\e
A d v ersary)
A R C H -D E M O N S 、 T h e iTWOcation of A 艺aVucel 巧 ible oi 化e Adve巧扣的
4 . T he O p e n in g o i th e A stral Gate
The Deacons of the T w elv e S ig n s, o r A rch-D em ons are 5, 下h e C o n ju r a tio n of 化 e 7 2 Spirits of 化e
attr 化u 化d to specific days of co n ju ra tio n . T h e a ttr 化 utions of the
SViem ham forascVie (Lucifetian Goetia) • d 〔a\Ui\g Mdv
Goetic dem ons are under 化 e ru le o f P a im o n , A m aim on, E 軟m
D e m o n s (sig ils g iv e n in L.Goetia as well). OR'^HYKl*
and Uriens. You m av u 巧 the in v o c a 村o n s fro m L u c if 巧 ian Goetia
T h e I n v o c a tio n o f th e God of tbe Averse Tree ,
or the w orkings m entioned b efo re.
A d v e r s a iy ' ( L ib e r H V H l).
VAMPYR 巧 M A N D 民ITU AL W ORKINGS 6. In v o ld n g 化 e T r 化 e o f theQ lip p o 化
Qlippo化ic forces by definition and by me 化 od of evocation are
vampiric and i*equire 1舶 force or energy to bring 化em to i
manifestation. They 巧quire blood of 化 e magickian during 化e
operation to mani若 est. Spirits do manifest from 化 e Chi or Qi
energy of 化e sorcerer as well, Each spirit requi化s a 村ood
offering to manifest - 化is may be a simple cut on the arm of the
sorcerer (no harming or animals, children or o也 ei*s!). The blood
offering wili give the spirits energy to manifest in forin."
invoking or calling them inward, an initial offering may be
requiwd however once they emerge in the mind they w加 feed
from your energy accordin劫y. To avoid any prolonged pa巧sitic
effect, the Vampyre may use techniques 1 have provided 化
devour them accordingly - absorbing their wisdom and causing
it 化 manifest in 化e psyche. Be it known I do not advocate blood
offerings: how you perform sorcery is up to you however it you
feel compelled to pnictice you should foUow simple guidelines
and do not harm another living being.
化 A N E T : M a rs

別G N : A r i巧

Ari巧 0 •4 M arch 21 • 巧 Ip o s
Aries 5 • 9 M arch 26 - 巧 G la 巧 a -la b o la s
A n 巧 10 • 14 M arch 30 - A p ril 3 F u rfu r
Ari巧 巧 - 巧 April 4 • 8 M arax
Ari巧 20 • 24 April 9 • 14 R e n o v e
A n 巧 巧 • 巧 A p r in 5 - 巧 B o tis

IN C E N S E : S u lfu r , M u s k

The Bairion are derived fro m th e F o u l :

化 E v il, o r 民eb el Spirit,
nam ely Sam ael the Black. T h e A d v e r s a r ia l S p ir it h a s shared his
fire and initial form w ith th is trib e o f Q lip p o th ic D em o n s, or
rebel spiri 权 T his is T H E E M P E R O 民 o f 化 e " L u c ife r ia n Tarot";
his Fire is m ingled w 化h h is B rid e , L ilith to b e g e t a fo rm terrible
and strong. T h eir co lo rs are d u ll re d a n d b la c k , a n d th eir form is
that o f a D ragon-Lion.

The Bairion are asso ciated w ith A rie s , th e a s tr o lo g ic a l element

of Fire. A s the p lan etary ru le r o f B a ir io n is M a r s , th ere is some
a 巧ociation w ith A sm o d eu s a s w e ll. T h is is a fie ry , vital and
creative tribe of sp irits, w h ich in s p ir e s p ir it u a l re b e llio n . As 出ey
are im pulsive, m istak es an d m is u n d e r s ta n d in g s m ay occur if
not taken carefu lly. T h e s p irits o f B a ir io n m a y b e invoked wi出
BAY.RI^ON ch an ted in th e fo r m o f a M a n tr a , th e Magickian
may hold the 民u by sto n e to so H d ify th is p r o c e s s . Bairion will -M A R S
inspire 化 e co n scio u s m in d to g a 化 e r th e le a d e 巧 h ip qualiti巧
you m ay h ave, to b rin g th e m to th e s u r fa c e . •hce of Demons CALEB 1 evoke 化巧!Be liberated and open
forth 化y gate!


S p ir its o f D a r k n e s s , th o u D r a g o n - L io n s a n d ap p ear!
ad im iro n
Bairion (pronounced BAY-RION), Bairion, Bairion 1 summon
plan et :e a r t h (a n d V e n u s)

By 化€ names of the Infernal Powers of Paimon, Amaimcm, SIG N : T A U R U S

Egym and Uriens!
1 offer now my blood (Qi or Chi energy) to clothe you in my Taurus 0 - 4 April 20 - 24 Salleos
desire! Taurus 5 - 9 April 25 - 29 Bathim
Taurus 19 -1 4 April 30 •May 4 Valefor
CHARGING TH E SIGIL: 了aurus 巧 -1 9 May 5 - 9 Aim
Taurus 20 - 24 May 10 -1 4 Bime
Taurus 25 - 29 May 15 •20 Astaro化
IN C E N S E : B e n z io n o r P a tc h o u li

Whose colors are like 村ood mixed with water, a dull yellow
and gray. Their form is that of a Lion-Lizard,
emanations of Yaltabaoth in 化e form of the UoivSerpent.

Focus on the Sigil wWtin ^te cirde, make your 0保 ring there.
Visualize the form o f the Demon.

BAIRION! I summon 化ee to bring me pow er and wisdom

That which I desire! I am the only God that is!

H e a r k e n a n d c o m e to m y a id O s e r p e n t o f d a r k n e s s and
B la c k e n e d F i r e ! "

S p ir it s o f D a r k n e s s , t h o u L io n -S e r p e n ts move and appear?

Adimiron (p ro n o u n c e d A di-m i 打i-on), Adimiron, Adimiron I

sum m on thee!

目y th e n a m e s o f th e In fern al Powers of Paimon, Amaimon,

E g y m and Uriens!

I offer n o w m y b lo o d (Q i o r Chi energy) to clothe you i



Focus cm SigihvWtin the circle, make

V,sM(W!’2e /brm of 成e Dfmcm.
• •

Adimiron! I summon thee to bring me power and nisdom

That which 1 desire! 1 am Ae cmlv God that is!
Hearken and come to my aid 0 serpent oi darkness and
Demoness and Vampyre N A H EM O T H I evoke 化ee! Be
liberated and open forth thy gate!

NOBREX 化 L + HETEJU 化 + M O U D 化 L + A 'A IN 化 L +


PLANET; Mercury


Omini 0 •4 May 21 •巧 Buff
Gemini 5 • 9 Mfv 26 •別 F〇f «
Gemini 10 • 14 June 1 •5 Goap
Gemini 15* 19fune 6 - 1 0 Marax
Gemini 20 •24 fune n •巧 Mwbas
Gemini 巧 •巧 fune 化 • 21 Botis

INCENSE: S ton x

Their colors are limpid Wood, bronze and crimson. They are like
Mvsge trian沪 lar-hedded dogs and wolflike beings,
nearly identical to the demonic shades of '"Satanic Copulations*
from ADAMU • Luciferian Tantra and Sex Magick.


扣 Me of 比 e P ow ers o f 化e Air, SAMAIXI evoke thee! Be
liberated and open forth 化y gate!
S p i r i t s o f D a r k n e s s , t h o u W o l f - H k e a n d T h e r i o n i c k p o w ers,
m ove an d ap p ear! SCHECHIRIRON
Tzelladimiron (pronounced Ta-zella-dee-mai-ron), 化A N E T : M o o n
T之dladimiron T之eUadirniron I summon thee!
SIGN: C a n c e r
By the names of the Infernal Powers of Paimon, Amaimon,
巨gym and Uriens! g o e t ic d e m o n s :
Cancer 0 - 4 June 22 - 26 Gamigin
I offer now my blood (Qi or Chi energy) to clothe you in
Cancer 5 •9 June 27 - July 1 Amon
Cancer 10 •14 ]uly 2 - 7 Remove
C H A R G IN G T H E S I G 比 : Cancer 15 -1 9 July 8 - 1 2 Forneus
Cancer 20 - 24 July 13 -1 7 Leraje
Cancer 25 •29 July IS •22 Marchosias
IN C E N S E : J a s m in e , S a n d le w o o d

Their colors are black, and their form blended of Reptile, Insect,
and SheU-Hsh, such as the crab and 化e lobs化r, vet demoivhced


Focus (m ^te S墙 l withbt the circle, umke }f〇ur qffming

Visuali之e the fb n u o f the Demon.

Tzelladimiron! I summon thee to bring me power and wisdom

That which 1 desire! I am the only God that is!

H e a rk e n a n d c o m e to m y a id O s e r p e n t o f d a r k n e s s and
B la c k e n e d F i r e !''

奸 irit5 of Darkne 巧 , thou Insect and R巧 tUUn Power,

an d appear!

Gam aliel (p ro n o u n c e d Gama-U-el), Gamaliel Gamaliel!

su m m on thee!

the n a m e s o f th e In fern al Powe 巧 of Paimon,

E g y m and Uriens!

1offer now my blood (Qi or Chi energy) to clothe you inmy



Visualize the Jb m of the Demon.
-TH E MOON Gamaliel! I sum m on thee to bring me power and wisdom

That which I desi巧!I am 化e onlv God that is!

Prince of D em ons, GAMAUEIw, w ho is given power by
L 化打 H I evoke 化ee! Be 1化 erated and op en forth thy gate! Hearken and com e to mv aid O serpent oi darkness and
Blacicened Fire广



S IG N ; I^eo

Leo 0 •4 Jujy 巧 -2 7 Baal
Leo 5 - 9 July 28 - Aug. 1 Beleth
Leo 10 •14 August 2 - 7 Paimon
Leo 巧 - 巧 August 8 •12 Belial
Leo 20 •24 AugusHS -1 7 Asmodai
Leo 巧 • 巧 August 巧 -22 Purson
IN C E N S E : O lib a n u m , R o s e

Their coloc are fiery and yellow, and their form like merciless
wolves and jackals.


打ince of D em o n s, TAGARIRIM , I evoke 化ee!BHibwi*ed
and open forth 化y gate!
S p ir it s o f D a r k n e s s , th o u m e r c i l e s s w o l v e s a n d j a c k a l s , m ove TZEPHARIRON
an d ap p ear!
化AN ET; M e r c u r y
Tagaririm (pronounced TA-GAR-R^RIM), Tagarrim, Tagaririm
I summon thee! SIGN: V ir g o
By the names of the Infernal Powers of Paimon, Amaimon,
Egym and Uriens! g o e t ic d e m o n s :
Virgo 0 - 4 A u g u st 23 - 27 B u er
1 offer now my blood (Qi or Chi energy) to clolihe you in Virgo 5 - 9 A u g u st 2 8 - S e p t. 1 Foras
d巧ii^e! Virgo 10 - 1 4 S e p te m b e r 2 - 7 M arax
Virgo 巧 • 19 S e p te m b e r 8 - 1 2 G oap
C H A R G IN G T H E S IG IL : Virgo 20 - 24 S e p te m b e r 13 - 1 7 M arbas
川rgo 巧 - 巧 S e p 化 m b e r 18 - 22 Botis

INCENSE: S to ra x , F ra n k in c e n s e

Whose colors are like those of 化G Ear化, and 化eir form 化e

partially living yet decaying corpses.

Focus on t}w Sigil wUhi巧 the cirde, rmke your offiring there.
Visualize the form o f Demon.

Tagaririm! I summon thee to bring me power and wisdom

That which I desire! 1 am the only God that is!

H eark en an d co m e to m y a id O s e r p e n t o f d a r k n e s s and
B la ck e n e d F ir e !"
Spirits o f D a rk n e s s ^ th o u U nd ead Manes and Animated
C o r p s e s , m o v e and appear!

T巧忡ariron (pronounced Ta-zeph-far,

ri-ron),Tzephariron, m
Tzephariron I summon thee!

Bv the names of the Infernal Powers of Paimon, Amaimon, m

Egym and Uriens!

1offer now my blood (Qi or Chi energy) to do化e youin my



Focus on the Sigil within the circle, make your 0雅 rir巧 there.
Visualize the form of the Demon.

Tzephariron! I summon thee to bring me power and wisdom

•MERCURY That which I desire! I am 比e onlv God that is!

Hearken and come to my aid 0 s巧pent of darkness and

Prince of 比e Powers of 化 e Air, SAMAEL I evoke 化 ee! Be
Blackened Fire!"
1化crated and open forth thy gate!

230 231
PLAN E T: Venus

S IG N ; L ib ra

G O E T IC D E M O N S :
Ubra 0 •4 Sep化mber 23 •27 之epar
Libra 5 •9 September 巧 •Oct. 2 Salleos
Ubra KM4 October 3 - 7 Beri化
Lib巧巧 > 巧 October 8 •12 Allegos
Libra 20 - 24 October 巧 •17 Ba化 im
Libra 巧 • 巧 OctoberlS •22 Agai^es
IN C E N S E : B e n z io n , O ra n g e B lo s s o m

Whose colors ai*e Hke clouds, and 化 eir form like grey, bloated

the o p e n i n g o f t h e a stra l gate

阳 nee 〇n h e D em ons and Powers of Night. HAJUB'
化RAPEL I evok e th ee! Be liberated jnd open forth 戍,护(e!

A ST O R 化 L +LA B 民EZ 化 L
Spirits o f D arkn 巧 s , 化 ou h id d en sh a d o w s a n d creatuires of
d arkn ess' m ove an d ap p ear! PLANET: P L U T O 将
OBIRIRON pronounced Obir-ri-ron), GBIRIRON, OBIRIRON, I
SIGN: S c o rp io
summon thee! 纖

g o e t ic d e m o n s :
By 出e nam巧 of the Infernal Powe;rs of Paimori/ Amaimon,
Egym and Uriens! Scorpio 0 •4 October 23 - 27 Ipos
Scorpio 5 - 9 October 巧 - Nov. 1 Glasya-laboUs
I offer now my blood (Qi or Chi energy) to clothe you in my Scorpio 10 -1 4 November 2 - 6 Marax
desire! Scorpio 巧 - 巧 Novemb 巧 7 -12 Renove
Scorpio 2 0 . 2 4 November 巧 •17 Botis
C H A R G IN G T H E S I G I L : Scorpio 巧 - 巧 November 巧 -22 Bifrcms

Their color is like copper, and their form like that of a de\ilish
andalmost human-headed kisect.

Focus on the Si辨 withift the circle, make your 0欣 ring Hiere.
Visualize the fbrm o f the Demcm.
OBIRIRON! I summon t:hee to bring me power and wisdom

That which I desire! 1 am the only God that is!

Hearken and come to my aid O serpent of darkness and

Blackened 巧化!"
ifits o f D a r k n e s s , th o u dem onic insect,化ou semblance of
human flesh, move and appear!

N e ch e sh e th iro n (pronounced Nedveslvthi‘ron、

N e ch e sh e th iro n , Necheshethiron, 1 summon thee!

gv the n a m e s o f th e In fern al Powers of Paimon, Amaimon,

• E g y m and Uriens!

I offer n ow m y b lo o d (Q i or Chi en 巧gy) to clothe you in my

d 巧 i巧!


Focus on S 皆 / w!•化 in 抓 ? drdc, wwkyouro部如打《成化

THE OPENING OF THE A ST 民AL GATE Necheshethiron! I summon thee to bring me po、vCTandwisdom

•PLUTO That which 1 desire! 1 am the onlv God that is!

Prince of 化e Demons and Powe 巧 of N ight, CHAIGID 化 I Hearken and come to mv aid O serpent of darkness and
evoke thee! Be liberated and open forth thy gate! Blackened Fire!"

P L A N E T ; J u p ite r

別 G N : S a g itta riu s

G O E T IC D E M O N S ;
Sagittarius 0 •4 November 23 - 27 Barba化s
Sagittarius 5 •9 November 巧 - Dec. 2 Buer
Sagittarius 10 -14 December 3 •7 Vassago
Sagittarius 巧 •19 December 8 •11 Sh)Ias
Sagittarius 20 - 24 December 12 -16 Sitri
Sagittarius 巧 - 巧 December] 7 •21 See 化
IN C E N S E : S a ffro n , C lo v e

Whose colors are like serpen坛, and their form like dog-headed


Prince of the D em ons and Powers of Night, GAMEHIOTHI
evoke theef Be liberated and open forth thy gate!

Spirits of Darkness^ thou Therionick Serpents, move and DAGDAGI 民ON

plan et; S a tu rn
Nachashiron (pronounced Nash-a-shi-ron), Nachashiron,
Nachashiron, I summon thee! §IGN: C a p ric o rn
目y 化e names of 化e Infernal Powe巧 of Paimon, Amaimon,
G O n iC D E M O N S :
m and Uriens!
Capricorn 0 •4 December 22 - 化 Sabnock
I offer now my blood (Qi or Chi energy) to clothe you in Capricorn 5 - 9 December 27 - 31 Vine
desire! Capricorn 10 -1 4 January 1 - 5 Haagenti
Capricorn 巧 •19 January 6 •10 Balaam
Capricorn 20 - 24 January 11 - 巧 Orobas
邸 ricom 巧 • 巧 January 16 -1 9 Andras
INCENSE: M y r r h

帅ose colo巧 are wddish and gleaming, and their formlike

anddevouring flat-headed fish.

on t}w Sigil within tlie circle, make your 0诉 ring there.

Visualize the fbnn o f the Demon.

Nachashiron! I summon thee to bring me power and wisdom

That which I desire! I am the only God that is!

Hearken and come to my aid O serpent of darkness and

Blackened Fire!"
ifi巧of Darkness, 化 ou aby化ic dweHers, move anda|Tp«ar!
pagdagiron (pronounced Dag-da-giron), Da的a知cm,
D agdagiron I summon thee!

the names of the Infernal Powers of Paimon, Amaimon,

E gym and Uriens!

1口巧巧 now m y b lo o d (Qi or Chi energy) 化 dothe you i



Focus on ^te Sig^ within the circle, make }f〇ur offmng thm.
ybrm却献 Ofmon.

Dagdagiron! I summon thee to bring me power and wbdoin

That which I desii^e! I am the only God that is!
-S A T U R N
Hearken and come to my aid O serpent of darkness and
Prince 〇n h e Demons and Powers of d ea 化, SATER 化 LI
Blackened Fire!"
evoke 化e d Be Hberated and open for 化 化 y gate!
Aquarius 10 • 14 januan^ 30 - Feb. 3 Crocell
Aquarius 15 • 19 February 4 •8 DanUlion
Aquarius 2 0 -2 4 Fetruan^ 9 • 13 Focalor
Aquarius 巧 •巧 February U •18 Z 巧 ar

name is derived from Behemoth, and their colo巧 are
Wack and browru and 比eir forms those of awful beasts like
hippopotamus, and an elephant, but crushed flat
skin was spread out flat over the body of a gigantic


扣nee of 化e D em on s and 化 wers of dea化 SATERl化 1
evoke thee! Be liberated and op«n forth thy 护沁
SpiliH of Darkness, th o " abyssic d w ellers' m ove and appear!
Behemiron (pronounced Behe-mi-ron), Behemiron, Behemiron j
summon thee! n A N E T : NEPTUNE

Bv 化e names of the Infernal Powers of Paimon, Amaimon, S IG N : P IS C E S

m and Uriens!
g o e t ic d e m o n s :
I offer now my 村ood (Qi or Chi energy) to clothe you in mv pise巧 0 •4 Februan•巧 .23 Barba化s
desire! 巧sees 5 - 9 Februarv 24 •巧 Bu巧

Pisces 10 •14 March 1 •5 Vassago

C H A R G IN G T H E S I G 比 : Pisces 巧 • 巧 March 6 •10 Stol化
巧sc巧 20 - 24 March 11 •15 Sitri
Pise巧 巧 - 巧 March 化 -20 Seere
IN C E N S E : A m b e r

Whose colors are of a s化gnant gleaming watery hue, and 化如

forms like hideous women, almost skeletons, united
bodies of serpents and fishes.

Focus on die Sigil wi化in t!ie circle, make your 0诉 ring there.
Visualize 巧
le form o f the Demon.

Behemiron! I sum m on thee to b rin g m e p o w e r and wisdom

That w hich I desire! I am 化e o n ly G od th a t is!

H 巧rken and come to m y a id O s e rp e n t o f darkness and

目lackened F ire !"
Behold th o u ,A b m w 、 B b c k e n fd Sun who in murder and lovf!
H iil 曹hou M jh a /ie K d f 、ouring sh會d f of the spirit of Rlackentd
Fire, H a il th o u A 'li/e U Thou Watcher nude He,h,who t*« k tn s
h u m in it> ! H aU 書hou 1一u fu g i,l,thou who fUeMhe I 仙 t , *h o b
VIUdom and f lig h t T h a d fk ie l, thou ad、cr ,a r U l ,p iH t,!
Sp irits of Darkness, move and appear!

Neshimiron (pronounced Nesh-i,

mi.ron), Neshimiron,
Neshimiron I summon thee!

Thy Goddesses of Darkness, thou devouring succubi,化ou

Crone-age mothers arise!

Thy women of seduction and the draining 〇nife to beget mo巧

life arise!

By the names of the Infernal Powells of Paimon, Amaimon,


Egym and Uriens!

I offer now ly blood (Qi or Chi energy) to clo化e you in my


C H A R G IN G T H E S IG 比;


Prince of the Demons and Pow ers o f th e Adversary^
THAM化 L I evoke 化ee! Be liberated and o p e n fo d h thy gate!



I 1

C h a ld e a n M a g ic h a s p ro v id e d an ancient and potent system of

sore 巧 y w ith a p rim a ry fo cu s on the underworld and demons.
F k stly , to u n d e 巧 ta n d th e balance found in such ancient
cu ltu res, th e p r im a r y so u rce of these cuneiform inscriptions
cam e fr o m th e s c r ib e s o f A 巧 urbanipal, a litera 化 king of ancient
As巧 ria n tim e s . T h e D e m o n G od s, m entioned num 巧ous times
as b e in g S e v e n in p rim a ry pow er, are the foundation points
along w i 化 化 e E g y p tia n S e t and Apophis as the first Vampyres.
The G o d s o f th e a n c ie n t B abylon ian s and Assyrians were often
complex in nature co m p a re d 化 theology' their

d em on s w e r e e q u a lly co m p le x .

The g e n e r a l te r m fo r C h a ld e a n dem ons is Utuq, rather ^

go d e e p e r in to th e c o n c e p ts am i explore the tfiJe巧 must

con ju re u p th e a n c ie n t c rren t of 巧讯
of the psyche. The
e m b r a c e d a s p o w e rs o f nature
252 253
Maskim demons are quite powerful, more so than the AHHAZU • A robbing spirit m巧ning "化 seize", bom a
othere, often possessing dual or Adversarial naUires. This is 化e vamp^ic perspective an astral fiend who goes forth 化 pierce
and drain 化e astraUight of 化e sleeping.
Luciferian current in practice before 化e word cou】d even be
perceived. Look even to Tiamat our Vampyric Mother, who is j^AMTARU • 化6 Demon of ? 巧村1饥化 manifested as a God of
darkness and hunger personi巧ed, yet a powerful Sorceress and ihe Underworld, who serves Ewshkigal. This powerful demon
the Mother of 化e Gods. w巧 able to send forth plagues to the earth and 化 other
Of似1, sorting out magickians will ask me if "The individuals.
Necronomicon" is real. So many learned Magickians are quick E化 SHKIGAL - The "Great Lady Under the Earth", the bride
化 stamp it out saying it is mereiy a fictional work. My response of Nergal, the God of the Underworld, War and the planet
has always been that the outline and structure of the rituals in Mars, The Goddess of 化e Underworld is considered a primal
the book as well as 化e demons mentioned are historical from vampyric force. In the Tal€ of Ishtar descending into the
Chaldean ;n origin. The workings presented here will be Underworld, EreshkigaHnsists 化at she leav巧 piec巧 of clothing
meaningful to 化o说 who wish to practice potent sorceries at 化e gates. This is one eariy foundation of Vampyric Magick -
associated with the Adversarial cu打ent. the use of clothing to drain and 巧ther Chi or Energy.
CHALDEAN 公 A S S Y R IA N D E M O N S Ereshkigal is perhaps the shadow aspect of Ishtar, her own True
Will or Luciferian Angel. The key to this is 化e process oHshtar
The MASKIM are divided in化 seven d a 巧巧, hence a pa巧ing through the seven ga化s, finally to emerge andface the
foundation for the Seven Headed Dragon of the Apocalypse. Daemoness Eireshkigal.
Maskim means "layer of ambushes" or "ensnare 巧", these
demons dwelt in the bowels of the earth, more powerful and LABARTU - A Hag-Demon, associated with a Vampy巧.
化rrifying 化an any other god or demon class in this ancient UTUG-HUL - Evil Spirit
magickal lore. These same demons are also associated with the A-LA-HUL - Evil Demon
luminari巧, being "phan化ms of 打ame" and demons "of the
ignked sphei^es", drawing an exact parallel association with the GIDIM-HUL - Evil Ghost
lore of Ahriman creating ArchDaevas and attaching them 化出e MULLA-HUL • Ev 。Dev。
planets, granting Aeshma or Eshm the power of bringing and LILUU - Phantom (feminine)
focusing their power.
I 化ITUM - Nightwiraith
The Babylonians had an unde巧tanding that there were
ARDAT-LILII - Handmaid of the Phantom
numerous types and classes of demons, all having specific
powe。, LABASSU • The Spec化r

THE ALU - This was a devil or storm demon, a rebellious spirit KINGU - The Vampyre who was general of Tiamat s army of
It is said 化at 化is spirit spreads itself over a man and chaos. He was given the power of her Will and the keeper of the
overpowers him on his bed, drinking blood from his breast. Tablets of Destiny* It was the blood of Kingu in which man was
made - thus empowering our daemonic hen包ge as the
THE GALLU - Associated with UlHh as w e ll, 化 is demon has
Children of Tiamat!
巧lation to 出e word Mula meaning "Star" and is vi別b!e by 化e
light it gives 0 化
LABAR7XJ - TT^e Phantom (being the m asculine or feminine,
tradidonaUhe HAG DEMON)

AKHKHARU • The Akhkharu is an ancient dem on-vam pire

who appea 巧in a cla巧of 化ree vam piric d aem ons called the
!nnin and "The Enormous Uruku", These beings wei*e
associated with the nightmare and astral p lan e d u e to their
abvssic natures and air-spirit bodies. The A ccad ian w ord for
Akhkharu is Rapganmekhab, the second is the Phantom and the
Accadian word is Rapganme and in A ssyrian L abartu. The
Accadian name for the third caJIed the S p ectre is Rapganm ea
and in A巧urian Labassu. The A khkharu, o r V a m p ire is an
ancient bJood-drinking sp irit An in terestin g con n ection
between the Akhkharu and devouring co rp ses is related to 化e
element of Fire.
LAMASHTU - A female V am pi 巧巧p irit o f A n cie n t Sum eria.
THE WORM - The Legend of die Worm of ancient Sumerian
and Babvlonia presen怯 a Vampire type serpent which emerged
from 化e ma巧hes,化king for Wood to drink. Specifically, SIPTU M U SH U UTUKKU AKHKHARU
Ma巧h巧 are considered a fetid place where demons and ghosts
dwe化 where sickness and death haunts those who drift o巧near THE INCANTATION OF THE NIGHT SPIRIT
it The Worm is a巧ociated with the term Drauga of ancient AKHKHARU
Persia, being also Worm or Dragon. The Worm in this instance To cloth the self in primal darkn巧s
obviously a powerful serpent-dragon who seeks blood.
The V am pyre M agickian, utilizing the ancient current of the
Attuning one with the Vampvre-primordial force is essential in
Adversary w ill evoke the shade of the Akhkharu and invoke it
align 比e mind-set or pai^adigm of the magickian. The Worm
within his or her o w ti body, once coiling in the mind,
had a巧ociation with tee出 problems, when the gums bled.
absorb it and assu m e its forgotten streams of wisdom •
Utilizing the primal aspect of the Worm as the Vampyric
nature of the predatory blood drinker of the desert and
primordial a巧ociating with self•片ansformation.
forbidden w astelands.

The C ircle of 目abvlonian

> Sorcery• is called Zisurru, which is
made of flo u r and acts as a boundary against socalled "evil"
巧 irits. T h e V am p y 巧 MagickUn utili之es 化ese primal me化ods
of sore 巧 y to encircle his being and to focus and channel
spirit an d on e 巧 y of invocation into the dreie.
I have gone forth from the Grave
The Siptu Mushu Utukku Akhkhani or Incantation of the Nighi 了o seek 化e blood which is 化e We
Spirit Akhkhani is a working designed to ensorcel or gather i e
forms of darkness 1 seek, Uke the whirlwind 〇{ storms
primal shadow of darkness to become a pai^t of the sorcerer The
intent is to partly transform the sorcerer as a vampyric force To rise up and go forth from 化e Grave
who will absorb 化e powe巧 he or she seeks. I shall seek ictim by the web oi night
PREPARATION 下0 grow stronger with the energy as the law of 化e takm
The Sorcerer mav create a circle composed of flour in the a化a of
I shaU ride upon the evU wind村asts
working- Sprinkle dead matter around the circle of flour,
making an offering to darkness, Let the hour of darkness 1 shaU go foirth from 化e grave
approach on the light of the dark or new moon. The Sorcerer SO m s DON。
will encircle his area with the flour and illuminate single black
candle. KAKAMA!

/ cfl//抑化 AKHKHAKU 化e,此 r to drdf 化 come声)rW!
/ call forth AKHKHARU in strength to rise up, to embrace
Hflsfen 化 Mrt巧dt 0>f/e enter 化roug/i o/my ski川
/ Mffer Wie o/Dnr/aiess
GreflfflMff 化 Kv听 / A/CHKHARU / mroice
! shaU tmnsjbmt itiU) a vessel o f Darkness fdr Eternity
Fly upOfUlw Evi! Wind
r 〇Rise wp户ow DesoMte P如res, 化 Wmt 的 m!【f WiWrspi如
I am 化e God w hich Seizes m an and w om an :59
p r e p a r a t io n o f t h e h a g -d e m o n
r (Labartu)

Krine a single black candle;use the following incantation -

郎 lize the form bei巧 created 化 you call U forth. Then once
V仪韦ca p ta tio n is 巧o k e n ' w hen you feel the presence of the
the I w dose your 巧巧过 nd call it in - absorbing it completely
己t h 巧 itate once this is done, save Labartu overcomes you.

Demoness f r o m th e U n d e rw o rld come forth!
1 巧u in g fr o m th e A b o d e o f Bel
I c o n ju r e th e e 民u s h in g H a g Demon!
Labar化 w h o s e h e a d is th a t o f a demon
Who 化 s h a p e is as th e W h irlw in d
W hose face is the deep shadow of the Forat
W hose h a n d is claws and blades cruel and sharp
W hose foot is silent
dome th o u fo 地 化 讯 e!
The Astral Vampyric Rite of Feeding (T o Seize, to H old)

Vampyre Sorcerer may create a sigil representing

Labartu,山e Vampyre Hag-Demon of ancient Chaldean
化 assume the asba] form of this spirit and seek one to feed fro^n (E m b ra ce , to Bite)
their Chi or Energy in A erim eofnight
Holding the sigil a single red candle should be lit, the S A H A L U U S U LTU
invocation said ami focus on the work. Visuali之e the victim,狂
(To d ra w fo i^ th fr o m th e V e in - i^efening to Chi,
you recite each line carefully and slowly, see your astral bodv
changing shape and rising up, going to perform the task. With o r S p ir it Energy)
each chant visualize and feel the action be^ng performed in
spirit notice what you see around you, all you feel. As you K A T U P U 民S 打 U KALAPU
d巧w energy from the, feel it flow back to your physical body, (T o E n d , to M ove away)
meditating in your Temple of Chaos,

(C o rd , re fe re n c e to th e A s tra l C ord connecting to the
P h y s ic a l B o d y, to fly back)
(A p p e a r as S p ir it fo r m L A B A R T U )


This Incantation should be empioyed wHh caution • what you

B A 'A 民U U T U T U
perform as a curse you cannot take aw巧, As a Spiritual
(T o h u n t th e c h o s e n ) Predator, a Vampyre the cuirses you lay to someone to perish
haunt vou if unsure of action. NEVER PERFORM A
A L A K U L A M S A T I S U D D IN N U CURSING 民ITE "to see if it works", the results can BACKFIRE
(T o g o f o r t h , to 幻y ) and cause you much pain. Be warned.

Holding a piece of material, hair, photo or

EREBU to the intended, have a wax candle in the image of a
(T o e n te r) pillar candle. It should be black or purple. Holding the candle
over a black flame, you will hold the item in your harul and join
both together. Bwa^ing calmly, speak over flame each night
Z A 民A B U P A R A K U
(T o R es 打a in , to h a v e p o w e r o v e r )
( A p p e a r as S p ir it fo rm TE LA L)

until candle melted and destroyed.

' Bury it w 化

h fresh
meat in the earth. Forget about the victim . Each night the ri扣al ATU
p e r fo r m e d , envision their energy 护ow in g low er as your (to See)
drain it, visuali之 e their continued w eakness, sick n 於s and lack of
energy. Draw it in during the rite.
B A 'A R U U T U T U

INCANTATION: (T o h u n t th e chosen)

The EWl S p irit w i 化in m e h a th s e t a n e t A L A K U L A M S A T I S U D D IN N U

The E vy D e m on vW thin m e h a th s e t a n e t (T o g o f o it h , to fly )
The E vd G h o s t w it h in m e h a th s e t a n e t
The E v il D e v il w it h in m e h a th s e t a n e t E 民E B U m

The E v il G o d w ith in m e h a th s e t a n e t
(T o e n te r)
The EvU F ie n d w it h in m e h a th s e t a n e t
The E v il H a g -D e m o n w it h in m e h a th s e t a n e t
Z A R A B U P A 民A K U
So 化a t th is v ic tim w d l f a ll s ic k o f h e a d a c h e
(T o 民e s tra in , to h a v e p o w e r over)
So th a t th is v ic tim (n a m e ) s h a ll f a ll s ic k o f fe v e r

T E L A L ! T h o u B u ll o f D a rk n e s s
T E L A L ! T h o u w h o d e v o u rs fle s h a n d m a k e s b lo o d (T o S eize, to H o ld )

f lo w !
T E L A 。 W h o d r in k s th e b lo o d o H if e ! U TLU NASAKU
T E L A L , w h o in ju re s th e im a g e s o f th e G o d s ! (E m b ra c e , to Bite)
T E L A L w h o b e g e ts s e rp e n ts !
T E L A L , w h o fe e d s u p o n B l o o d I e n s o r c e l th e e !
(Visualize 化e victim, as you recite ea ch lin e carefu lly and (T o d r a w f o r t h f r o m 化 e v e in - I'eferring 化 S pirit-
slowly, see your astrai body ch an g in g sh a p e a n d rising up, E n e rg y)
going to perform the task- W ith each ch a n t, v isu a liz e and feel
the action being performed in spirit, n o tice w h a t y o u see around
you, aU you feel. As you draw in en erg y fro m th e, feel it 巧ow
(T o o p p K S S , 化 frig h te n 化 break)
back to your physical body, m ed ita tin g in y o u r Tem ple of W.
(To draw fcwth from 化e vein hold - referring to
(To cause des片uction, to Drain, to Smite)
The Seven Maskim or Ensarers are demons which dwellin 化e
bowls of the eaiih, yet are considei*ed so much more powerful
出an othe巧. These demonic fore巧 take specific sitapes
animals or beasts of prey and so-called hostile elements,
N A S A K U N A Z A K U N IK U description of these seven gods is as follows:
To Bi化 To D巧 troy to SI巧 ) these seven the first is the South wind...
The second 至 5 a dragon, whose mou化 is opened"
K A T U P U R S IT U K A L A P U That none can measure.
The third is a grim leopard, which carries off 化e young ...
(To End, to Move away)
The foui^th a 化rrible Sh化bu …
The fifth is a furious Wolf, who knoweth not 化 flee,
K U P IK U R T U L A M S A T I The sixth is a rampant... which marches against god and king.
(Cord, reference to the Astral Cord connecting to the The seventh is a storm, an evil wind, which tak^vengeance""-
Physical Body, to fly back) 民C Thompson, The Seven Evil Spiri杉
目eing powerful Daemons, th巧e forces a巧 antmomian powers
E N D 民IT E which are not bound to perceptions of specific morar'good" or
"evil", 化ey are considered "evU" simply due to 化eir association
with elements and predatory animals. The Sh化bu mentioned in
later Babylonian versions presents a serpent, while the
rampant... is mentioned as a Giant. The association with the
Nephillim may be present here, the giants who devour flesh
and drink blood.
The dwelling of the Gods of Darkn巧s is a Vampyric rite of
a巧uming the forces of nature within and outside of 化e mind •
body - soul The Vampyi*e Magickian who desires a type of
"transmogrification" who sh月11 become some化ing 0化巧占ased
on ancient powe巧 and Gods of Darkn巧s. After the
mythological time of Tiamat,化e Primal Vampyress and creator,

I 巧lUhee Seven Phank>ms of the Celestial Spheres!
thtrr the power% o f h erechildren. The Seven Gods o f Daricness NAMTAR OPEN THE GATES TO THE ABYSS!
nuiy hold reiatimi to the pOWipowers the Uter legend
巧 on o f the ApocjJypse. The Circle
C (rf Sorcery
en and tracing the in v o c a t io n o f t h e p o w e r s of the
und in to keep the gods - rather to encircle
•nd control the energy 如 the ritua! itself, caWing it within
atnorb The Vampvre Adept mav look to the rites o f the Yatuk Spirits of the Abyss 1 conjure thee!
Dinoih to 巧 nd corrwpondencCT to the Seven and the
From 化e depths of the palace of 化6 Aby巧 1cal! thee!
A r c h « created bv Ahriman, given control to the
narcetou% spirit Awhma, w ho focuses and directs their power Male they are not, female they a巧 not!
Thw » the work of the Vampvre Magickian - to control these In the midst of the abyss is 化eir path, against all 0化e巧!
fnrew within and u州ize their atrv’ssk power to grow and
expand in wisdom and ^trenpth, thus becoming DAEMON. Baleful powers of the darkness 1 call thee, Rise up as I ensorcei thee!

PREPARATION: Let the Sorcerer prepare 化e rite wi化 a bowl Dragons of the Abyss, of timeless existence 1call ihee!
or 化uriWf of black flame bum the incense of sulfur and myrrh. h is my Will for us U) become ONE in my Circle!
The circle may be traced of flour, sprinkled with the dead NAMTAR B 民ING FO民TH THE POWE民S OF THE ABYSS!
matter of toad or bones of an associated animal. Before the rite
Spirits of the Abyss REMEMBER!
hegiav seven black candl巧 lit 片/ space constrains, one is
workable) and take some bone or dead matter, placing it over IN V O C A T IO N O F T H E PO W ERS OF THE
the candle or thurible, burning it As the flame ignites the dead AIR
matter and it turns to smoke recite "ba nam 重aharman" and
"DRU.I.l-NASLT, sanctifying the working 化 化 e spin坛 of Spirits of the Empywan I conjure thee!
primal darkness. Seven Spirits of the Air, who rush forth where they wish!
Use a rope or beads which are seven in number, touch each Where no man nor woman may bar entrance!
during the invocation.
Who seek the beds of sleeping at Ni^t!
INVOCATION OF THE SEVEN G O D S OF Who devour life bv Dav!
D A RK N ESS 1 ensorcei thee Seven Pow巧s of the Air! 領游
TH E O P E N IN G O F T H 亡A B Y S S For are as !, the Powe巧 of Darkness and Light made
M igh ty w in d s w h ich h u n t the heavens, 1 summon 化说!
Thick d o u 过s o f d a rk n e ss w ho m ake twil邮 t the sky I summon
Raging storms come forth from the aby巧! 化ee!
I call Aee Seven Gods of Burning Spheres! G us 坛 o f W in d s w h o ca st gloom over the Day, 1 summon thee!
I call thee Seven Gods of Mai巧'olence! IM K H U L L U , E v il W in d and Pow ers of the Air 1 Summon thee!
I call thee Seven PhanU)ms of the 巧ames!
From 化e Heights of the Empyrean to the Flash of Lightning 1
call thee! Spirits of the Wa化r I conjure thee!
Arise to m e , 化at NONE may oppose me! Xhou Depths of the Ocean and places of VVa化r do you sleep!
NAMTAR BRING FORTH THE POWE民S OF THE WIND! 1 summon thee Daemons of the Depths!
Spirits oHhe Powers oHhe Air REMEMBER! Dragons of the Depths do encircle me and rise up!
IN V O C A T IO N O F T H E P O W E R S O F T H E I conjure thee Spirits of Wa化r!
Spirits of 化e Infernal I conjure thee!
Spirits of the Depths REMEMBER!
Thou Spirits of Caves and 化e places of the Black Eadh I conjure
Mountain Spirits I call thee, resting where the light does not OF DARKNESS
Seven a化化 ev!
Maskim,比ou ensorcelle巧 of power who dwell in t:he Air! Powers of Primal Darkne巧!
Gigim,化ou powere of darkness! Thou greatest powers of 化6 elements and 化e Underworld and
Utuq. thou powers of the desert! Heavens!
To the Seven dwelling in 化e Dark places. Smell the Dead 了hou Great Ensorcellers!
Thou Great Vampires and Devouring Be化ts!
Hearken 化化e Smoke! Come thou foi*th!
了he Seven who proceed from 化e W巧tem Mountains!
The Fi巧t who is 化e Sou化 Wind!
The Second who is a Dngon whose mouth devours!
Spirits of 化e Infernal Realms 艮EMEMBE巧!
The Third the Grim Leopard, who ca打ies off 化e Young!
The Forth the Terrible and Fierce Sh化bu 化e Serpent!
The Fif化 化 e Ravening and Furious Wolf!
Spirits of 比e Eaith I conjure thee!
The Sixth who a Rampant Beast,Giant who marches against
The Seven who go forth upon 化e Earth 1 conjure 化ee! other Gods and Kings!
The Seven who proceed from 化e Eai"th 1 conjure thee! The Seven 化 who is a Storm,化e Evil Wind who carries forth
The Seven who unfold 化emselves in 化e Eai^th 1 conju 巧化 ee! Spirits!

M i 却 It C h ild 化 n, M essan 护 rs of N am tar! summon 化ee!
Spiri怯of 化e Black Ear化 REMEMBER!
270 271
7?tron6,be3巧巧 £re5hJdg3j J CO巧 theef PA R T SD(:
Se\-en Evil G od s!
Seven Evil Daemons!
Seven Vampyric Immortals.' SI>EC 脱
No door mav hold l:hem back?

No Window may keep 化em ouH

Like Serpents th e y slither!

S i ' 平 woman, nipples and more. The Alp also terrorizes the
LEXICON OF VAM PI 民E SP E C IE S Sleeper with 化s eyes, which burn w化h unnatu巧Uight
is not a I如raI mythological dictionary, it one based on
A巧 O V ID A T • Astovidat is known in Ancient Persian lore
Vampyre concepts which are based on the magickal workings here.
ADZE - An African Vampire spirit who travels in the form of
A S W A N G • A vampyi^e from 化e Philippines who is a
a H巧巧y. This Vampire is said to go forth to graveyards and in
化e jungle in this fiery form, when deciding to feed it takes 化e app巧ring person during the day, at night will go for化 with the
form of a human with burning eyes and a bloodred mou化. An aid of birds to find a suitable victim. It's 化ngue elongates and
astral vampyre may take several forms during their projection, drinks blood from the sleeping human - it is said if the Asvsrang
many a化 awa巧 of 化eir predatory state wWle some do it licks the shadow of a person he or she will die soon after.
unconsciously. Adze is a useful manifestation for the Vampyre B A O B H A N -S 打 H - Scottish Female Vampyres, they seduce
Magickian 化 a巧ume. men and drain their blood.
AKHKHARU - A Chaldean and Sumerian Vampyre spirit
BHUT A - An Indian Vampire which is bom from a cruel
a巧ocia化d with the ancient demonology of the region, The dea化•It wande 巧 at night and searching for 村ood. It is also said
Akhkharu is a black 町agickal state of self-transformation im〇a
to Kanimate dead bodies. Trad化onal Vampyre Magickians
spiritual daemon which seeks prana or chi from the sleeping in
may use a form of Necromancy to gain communication with the
a dreaming state.
shades of the dead.
ALGUL - An Ai*abic grave haunting vampire, who devours B R A H M A H P U 民 US H - Cruel and Aghori-type vampyr巧
corpses and drinks blood This word is related to ALGOL,化e who drink the blood from the skull and consume 化e fl巧h from
dual stai*s - Algol 出e 目uming chaos star with the inverted 化e face, often dancing wi化 the en仕ails around their
pentagram, rela怡s to 出e powe巧 of the Adversary and the Th巧e Indian Vampyres may be viewed as those seeking to
Luciferian who is able to tap into and wield this force.
devour the souls of their victims, drawing their en知gy and
ALUGA - A powerful Vampire demon associated with Aigul, power accordingly.
加 s name means "Ho巧e leach", Some consider the Aluga to be B H A Y A N K A R A - 了化etan vampires who说 name means
a powerful demon-vampire.
ALP • A German vampire spirit who torments the dreams of C H IL D R E N O F JU D A S - Vampi巧s in Romania who were
men, women and children. The forms of the Alp are many, it said to be descended from the bloodline of Judas. They are said
has been known to assume the body of a cat, a demonic-dog, an to be red haired, like "Judas" •民ed hair was considered symbolic
old lady (hag form) and even a pig. The Alp is the type of astral of the Egyptian Set and Cain 化e first Witch anil Satanist They
vampyre which is a巧umed by those seeking to feed from 化e bite their victims and drain l:hem of blood in one consuming act,
Pi*ana or vital breath of another. It is mentioned in "Der leaving on 化e corpse 化e "Devil's Stigmata" as an XXX, which
Kaltmacher" that the Alp enters and drains a human by using marks the coins of sUver given for 化e blood of Christ.
its tongue which becomes a serpent and drinks from the spirit
E M P U S A - G 化ek Vampire Women, daugh化rs of Hecate who
within. It is also known to drink blood in dreams from the beast
aw initia化d into 化e predatory ad of Vampyrism.
ia巧d with Cain (being red) and the witch. The Nachzehrer
Vampyres are powerful astral 疗aveJers who using 化e phases of ^ 巧ges once death occurs and will fi巧t tear at its shroud and
化e moon, may go forth 化 feed on the energy of others during claw from the grave. Ifit is unable to it will f巧d on its own
night hours.
ERESHKIGAL Queen of the underwor化 bride of NergaK
NEUNTOTER- a name meaning "Nine kUlef' and
She held a巧ociation or power with the Seven Demon-Gods of
帥巧sents that it takes nine days and nigh怯 for 化e body and 一 &巧
Ancient Babylonia.
聲irit to transform into a vampire in the grave, befo巧 rising to
HECTA了E - The VVUch Mother Hecate sometimes spelled consume life blood or en 巧gy. Vampyi*e Magickians and
Hekate. This the Goddess of the Underworld; she is the Yatukih Sorcerers have used the Ritual of Druj Nasu for Nine
power of the Crossroads, relating to the Goddess. Hecate is Days and Nights.
considered to origina化 from the dark aspects of the Moon
Goddess Arthemis. Heca^ associated also with Mania and N OSFERATU- Plague cairi«:. Associated with Vampires.
Medusa, she has snak巧 in her hair, she holds triple aspec权 of PA CU PA U - This is 化 e Lord of Herds, being a powerful
化e Moon as 化e Maiden, Mother and Crone. Hecat:e is shown
vampire who is the chief of ghouls and vampires who prowl
wi化 Torches; she is bound with the Manes, the shadows of the 调
places of execution and burial places. Pacupati is the ancient
dead and guides them with her 目lackened Fire. Hecate is a
name from Mrityu, dea 化 and 化e modem attribution SIVA.
Vampvre Goddess, like Lilith. She drinks the blood of the living
and enjoys the howling of wolves. 巧 N A N G A L - A Vampire Witch who has died in Childbirth
and who comes to drink 化e blood of children and takes the t 4

LAMIA - Lamiae were considered to be ancient vampyres w

form of a corpse-Uke face with many bloody entrails dragging
who had the power of removing their eyes. They may appear as
behind her.
lovely women to young men who they seduce, then devour
them. Lamia a巧 also called Empusas and Laruae. Lamiae are PANANGGALAN- A monstrous vampire which draws
aJso called Struges which are vampvre birds of U1 omen, who ecstasy from drinking the blood of children, also for the blood
drink the blood of children lying in their cribs. of women at childbii^th. This Indian Vampyre is said to be kept
away with the custom of placing thorns about the rooms of
M O R O II - Being blood drinking Vampires who 3巧 able 化
houses at the time of birth. This vampyre no doubt related 仿
shape shift into a variety of Wdled forms such as a wolf, dog/
化e spiri杉 of Lilith or in India - 化e Heb巧ic UU化 being d巧wn
cat and human. They are able to iiUegrate into society and
化 the blood of youth and men.
folklore mentions their flesh was inhabited by demonic forces. 磯
P R IC O L IC l- A vampire that uses a wolf peU, may 打ansform
M O R M O - A greek vampvre who considered a hideous
into a wolf. This spirit drinks blood from the moon. From a
demon巧s, associated with Hecate. modern peirspective, this relates lunar and feminine
NACHTTOTER- "night-killer" representing a vampire vampyrism • involving blood rUes.
associated with night and drinking 化e blood in the hours of P 民I C U U C S - A Wallachian vampire who is able assume
darkness. 化e form of a Wack wo此
N A C H Z E H R E R - Associated vvi化 specific magicaMtems, the
Nachzehrer is said to be bom with a caul. The red caul is also
2T7 追
I vampyre which can assume the form of an astral predator,
STRIGES- Knowi a« Birds erf 111 Omens, Striges drink
taking the form of a 巧erce and ravening woir
bkxxi of children Iving in their cradles at night. S
modem WMe are Vampyre Magkkwrw who take the form
Mackened birds to go forth and drain astral energy by night
STRIGOII- Strigoii are associated with ev il spirits who lake
the forms of "wis at night in Romanian folklore. It is suggested I M A G E S A N D M A G IC K OF THE
that Stigi,ii are associated vvi化 "Stregd* which is a "Witch", V A M P Y R E TAROT
drawing AMocUtion to the primal Ulith and Labaitu.
UIMER- A Polish Vampire which holds a unique perspective
on vampirism. This is a nesting vampire who builds a nest in a Since 化 e e m e rg e n c e o f the Black O rder of 化e Dnigon
tomb or other safe area. The Upier is not a mindless vampire, in 1993, th e re h a v e been specific w orkings conducted
rather its intent is to avoid detection and move among the living w ith e n c irc le th e n a tu re and s p iritu a l foundation of the
to gain the substarnre it requires. The Upier feeds during the V a m p y ric P a th in reference to progre 巧ive and self-
daWight hours and operates between noon and midnight. Once
d e v e lo p m e n ta l M a g ic k .
it returns to its nest, it is said to 巧II its basin with blood and
The V a m p y r e T a ro t is a presentation of 化e prim al
sleep in 化e liquid. The VVampir is also an associated vampire,
having a forked tongue which U uses to feed from 化s victims. e ne rgies a s s o c ia te d w it h 化e s p iritu a l self-liberation of
化e L u c ife r ia n p a th . It is, w ith o u t doubt, the core
VARCOLACI- The Varcolaci are astral vampires associated
who are shape shifters. They are able to assume many diffe巧nt fo u n d a tio n o f th e L u c ife ria n m in d - that all beings
forms and are associated with 化e astral plane. It is written in g ro w s 打o n g e r fr o m co n s u m in g energy in one form or
Romanian folklore that Varcolaci are able to assume various a n o th e r.
forms, from small woif-dragon spirits, winged ghosborgoat- V a m p y ris m is accelerated in its developm ental phase
legged demons. The cosmic vampire Varcolaci are said to be fro m th e d ir e c t in s tin c tu a l d riv e o f the True WiU or 化
results of when a woman spins her thread in the dark, if casting
spells when thev are working. This is a bridge for the Varcolaci
L u c ife ria n s c a ll AZAL'UCEL, The Daemon or
to wander through 化e portals of the cosmos. Folklore maintains M a g n a M a te r D a e m o n u m . Once in com m unication
that 化e Varcolaci or S\.arcolaci drink blood from the moon and w ith y o u r D a e m o n , y o u w ill sUsh through duality.
heavenly bodies. From a modem Vampyric Magick pe巧pective, S im p ly p u t, i t w i l l n o t e xist any longer.
the Varcolaci assume as仕al form to gain energy from sleepers,
rather from the moon. The light of 化e moon serves Varcolaci,
T h e ta r o t as p re s e n te d here o n ly displays one of 化e
invigorates the vamp\Te vet it does not necessarily drink blood
m a n y p o s s ib ilitie s fo r th is typ e o f sorcery. It is d ark as
from it
it e v o k e s th e p r im a l n a tu re and inherent w ish of 化e
s o rc e re r. T h e s p ir it itseU shape-shifts and 讯oves w ith
Slovenian Vampire whose first part of the name means "woW",
th e f lu id sp ace o f th e a stra l plane. In 化e n ig h t, w hen
the second part relating to hair. The Vourdalak or Volkodlak is
____ __一 • _. ^


化e m in d is free to rise and e xp a n d u 口to its d e s ir e , 比e

vampvre emerges to d ra in e n e rg y a n d to use i t to
ascend as an im m o rta l god o r g o d d e 巧.
It was 化e Daem onic F e m in in e w h ic h ta u g h t us the
nature o f the vam pvre, to W ill life e v e rla s tin g . W ith o u t
restrictions o f the com m on re lig io n s o f th e d a y , the
Vam pyre o r L u cife ria n was 化e b a c k g ro u n d or
w o rk in g 化rough 比e m a in stre a m , d ir e c tin g h is o r her
w ill accordingly.
understand the n a tu re o f th e V a m p y re , th e m in d
i 权d f m ust define, assodate and a f 巧r m th e v a m p y r ic as
not simply some u n n a tu ra l o r p e rv e rs e p a ra d ig m ,
rather a n atural w irin g o f h is o r h e r m e n ta l state . The
Vampyric p e c p e c tiv e is actually h e a lth y and
encouraging to the M in d w is h in g to c o n tin u e e x is tin g
in time.
As seen here, the d iu s tra tio n s fo r th e V a m p y r e T a ro t
w ill prove evocative, h a u n tin g and s t ir e m o tio n s
usually kept in a d a rk place.
It is im p o rta n t to 出in k in te rm s o f th e V a m p y r e as 比e
top o f i:he foo d chain • jite r a lly . M o d e l y o u r o w n
in itia tio n after the Gods -- H ecate, A z -J e h , A h rim a n -
Samael, Aeshma and a ll o f those fo rc e s p re s e n t in the
Abvss and 化e w o rld a ro u n d us. E m b ra c e th e m
p a il o f y o u 巧e lf and co m m a n d y o u r d e s ire s to 巧esh!

G reec
of Lai
take tl
drink deep of 化e mvs 化ries of the night. The G od d ess Az,
shown h肿 /5 化0 primai concupiscen 化 化 e pow er o f n igh t and
化(? desire for immortal existence • awareness in time.
Med徊化 upon the dmeJess spirit and how you consider aU 化6
options in your life. Entering the night and rising forth into
darkness will empower the mind of the Vampyre to a great
extent • there the totaJ freedom of the dream and
commanding 化e nightmare vWU bring much energy to the
aethyric body of the Adept.
Az-Jeh ho/ds the very power of the Moon, she is the Triple
aspect blended into one shade of instinctual hunger and desire.
Her face, strong and dassicat intends the ^deal that somethings
are spoken pJafnJy as some are implied, This is the nature of
initiation - the Daemonum Mater communicates with the Black
Adept in such a manner.
The Luefferian Tarot presents The Crone as the 巨arth awakened
sorceress snd witch, her 巧ves burn which betrav her 打ail form.
The shadows of her vvra^thJike and theronick sh a d o w serve her
accordingly. Thi’s image is A z ascended/ the spirit not bound.
Uis her 拼ackened 打化 which is shai^ed witii all beings. She is
ako the taker, she wiU drain 化ose who are not of her Wood
during 化e hours 〇/ n帥 t for she IS the Bride of Ahriman or


T hom as M acD onald Pri巧t Marchozd说
T h e O rd er o f Phosphorus/Black Order of the Dragon
He化 in is 化e fragmentation of weakness and the consummation
of 目lood and 化e Ni钟 tmares which crown the Vampyw
Magicldan. Who drmks from the Cup of Az-Jeh and in the night
assumes 化e form in which to reach her shall awaken as
- 283
beholding the inner fire like never before. This image,
aetheric forms who have transcended 巧esh - the Goddess
ushers forth her children, those who take the iron crown of the
Vampyre, whose hungers are made manifest in this world now.
Her Forms are manV/ the 目lack Sun awakens the Vampy巧
MagicJdan to see beyond the veiJ and to rise up through 化e

Thom as MacDonald, Priest Marchozelos
T h e O rder o f Phosphorus/BIack Order of the Dragon

The Stately Godd巧s, dmeless ami immortal rises through 比e

astral plane to feed and seek the blood which is the life. Her
sigiL 山e SkiiH of the Undeaii drinking from 比e Cup of the
Goddess Ulith - A之, pres州 te a powerful gnosis to achieve
〔巧么适 ^ N D T有E VA M m E

恭满 L:

Vamp)^r/W ampyhri by Karl NE

巧 7


P ^ P ^ m K I m !

To Nightmare Dnrkn化 s
Passions and Hunger defined
Send forth thy body of shadow T he B la c k A d e p t o r V a m p ire Magickian may seek to utilize the
That 巧one viny see nor hear sh a d o w -su b sta n ce of the astral plane 化 further expand
co n scio u sn e ss. T h e A dept must seek to move beyond all
0 巧ly the daivhig against windoios co n cep ts o f a b so lu 把 o r "good " vs. "evil" as these have no
Entering and hovering above b e a rin g to th e p ro ce 巧 of self-transformation. The Vampvre is to
i*each d e e p in to 化 e subconscious 化 d o 化 the astral body or
Them embrace sh ad o w in th e T herionick f o r m s , 巧presenting our primal

When the forces of chaos expand n atu re.
民itu a ls c o n c e rn in g sexual vampyrism are beneficial to the Black
Who controls it shnll be the eye A d ep t w h o is a b le by force of Will and the discipline of control
Inwioiinl Varcolac 化 d ra in th ro u g h this type of contact
T h e M o ro ii are associated with 民omanian folklore and are
De(Uh may no longer touch v a m p ire s w h o after death are reanimated by demonic forces.
T he le g e n d o f M oroii is that upon rising from the grave
d eath , to sh a p e sh ift into a varieh* of shadow forms such as
b la ck c a t, d og , woK, horse and of course a man. They are ables^: 巧

in te g ra te b a ck into society and do not need to return to 出e i r 勺

g ra v es fo r a p eriod of time. They are practitioners of sorcery and
拉 are a b le to uHli之e nocturnal spdls 仿 cause inhabitants in a
h o u se to sle e p w hile they drink the blood they need.
F ro m a m d gickal perspective, The Moroii are 化e Vampyre
M ag ick id n w h o upon initiation (dea化) arise from their graves
(the a b y 巧 ), h av e dt'monic forces within them (Therionick Rite

of 化e Beast), 3巧 aWe to work w 化hin society "ife, famiiy, career,
etc) yet have 化e power to shape shift (astral projection, con打ol "A s this energy is of a predominantly sexual nature 出e
of the shadow). vampire becom e inc巧asingly charged wi化 sexual
Kenneth Grant, highly knowledgeable in the application of 化0 obsessions that lead to hi inevitable destruction. But he may
left hand path magick (specifically from a Thelemic point of prolong his mortal existence for many years beyond the
view) makes i*eference to the process of this type of magick in normal life-span, and, aher death he Hornes an even
Cults of the 訊 adow: greater menace when his shadow is no longer bound to a
physical body/' - Kenneth Grant, Cults of the Shadow

"The shadow survives the bodily death of the individual

While the Vampyi*e Magickian can become charged with sexual
for a comparatively long time. It lives on a s the pitris or
obsessions, these can be controlled by development of discipline
manes, ancestral spirits that respond to magical
and practice by the Black Adept This process, ou山ned in
evocation. If the shadow is strongly developed and is
Ahrimanic Yoga, centers and focuses the daemonic forces
under the control of a black magician, it can be
aroused by the Shakti or A^Jeh (i.e. Lilith) so thanhey are
projected iiUo the aura of sleeping people and ob巧ss
them with sexual fantasies that can drive them 化 ci^eative and self-sustaining rather than destructive. The
madness and suicide. It is then withdrawn bv the Vampyre Magickian, w化h speculation of the outer mysteries of
the BOTD, are said to exist separate from 化e body after death,
vampii^e who dispa化bed it and he nourishes himself on
the energy which the shadow has 'collected '/'- Kenneth existing in the astral plane. Some may seek to align their own
Grant, Cults of 化e Shadow shadow with anothers' consciousness that upon physical death
化ey may survive. Some consider 化is act barbaric and evil, it is
The Vampyre Magickian does not rela 化 to physical death in just a proc巧 s of the Luciferian to ensu巧 survival and self,
化is process, ra化er the Adept seeks to elevate and cause 化e preservation of the psyche.
astral body to assume the shadow form to go foi^th and feed on
the aethyric while sleepミ ng. This type of nightmare sorcery, EXT 民EME PARADIGM
mentioned previously causes numerous visitations and often
The Spiritual Predator
horrific perceptions bv those involved.
The Vampyre Magickian in 比is specific
Sexual Vampyrism is often misunderstood and underrated in grim oire will offer a sinister and overmasting
terms of practice. What modern practitioners of Magick must
elem ent of predatory spiritualism. The
understand,化e left hand path is not destructive - rather 巧 is
more self-creative and preservative than the right hand path; Luciferian is not nece巧arily in agreement
this being the case due to the survivalist inherent will of the w ith the methods des灯化ed here - 化is is of
independent mind of the Black Adept. Aleister Crowley was course an ex打eme gnosis of Magick which
indeed a powerful thinker who brought the system of modem
magick to 化e forefront, yet s 化pped in his hacks when it came requires restraint and caution. Proceed at your
comprehending the nature of the Adversary. own risk.

Feedi 打 g and Projecting th rou gh N igh t As you are able to rise up in 化e shadow body, itis now 化6 time
to project into the form you desire - be it Therionick, Angelic or
Prepare with "Formulation of the Shadow" aft:er a settling and whatever you desire is. Perhaps you fancy taking the form of a
focus se巧ion of Ahrimanic Yoga. The Vampyre will seek this
* from one of the Witches Sabbat illus杆ations of Austin
rite to lay foundation to the shadow, to extend the shadow body Osman Spare, perhaps it is your pit bull or even a black bird -
outside the self for longer amounts of time. You will want to what matters is that you find it stimulating to the imagination.
place youKelfin a scene or surrounding of your desire - it may
be a 化mple, a graveyard, an underground cavern or a tower of While sitting in an upright position, you may use some subtle
darkness. and ambient music which will guide you along. Going forth as
shadow requires significant attention.
Upon raising it allow yourself to go out of your window. Some
Black Adepts are able to project outward quickly and go
through the Qlippothic sphe巧s. Ensuring your body of
darkness is protected by discipline and wi山go foilh.


As projecting into the chamber of the individual you desire, you

will want to specifically be around them more, this is a
working which allows longer periods of time ou长ide of the
body, seeking patterns and control to 饥ter ano比er
If the individual in question has utilized workings or spe化化
keep a force out - it is not impossible to 巧move their defenses
based on the s打eng出 of 比e Magickian. You will need 化
F o cu s o n th e s ig il b e fo re , th is is B a th o r y e n s o r c e lle d by visualize a beast like talon as vour arm and strike down what
M o r o ii a n d S tre g h o i • th e p o w e r s o f L if e a n d U n d e a 出 you are hindered by. Often, Vampyre Magickians will send
• th e V a m p y re A s c e n d e d . 若or 化 shadow servitors first 化 gain entry ancUo strike down
The Vampyre may wish to slowly en化r 化e aura and body of
Prana or Life ene巧 V to drink from. There wUI be some sense of
presence by the sleeper - read their 化ough校by this dream, yet
do not allow them to know you unless is your desire. Within
化e 目lack Order of the Dragon, there are methods to actually T H E E Y E O F A ZA G A STU ILU U M N U
doak the body of shadow and to invert the mind storm of the

sleeper if they seek to resist. If attacked by shadow, the S p e c u la tio n o f the Immortal Mind and Spirit
Vampyre may use simUar yet dangerous techniques to devour P o sse ssio n and Devouring
much of the conscious which will harm the projecting the shade.


Black M a gick ia n o f C h a o s
AZAGASTU ILU LIMNU - Deific Mask of the Vampyre
Magickian, utilizing Sumerian gnosis to mask chaos into order.

We 巧nd in Babyionian and A巧yrian mythology reference to an

old God called A之ag-As-Tu, meaning "Lord Azag/ Enchan 化r or
Incanter" which relates to a genius of plants. "Tu" is a word for
Enchanter or Sorcerer. In modern interpretations, the Vampyre
mav 化la 化 this God to a Lord of the Earth, who is

knowledgeable of 化e path of sorcery. Ili Limnu is an "Evil

God" who was considered to be originally a p o w eiM daemon
of Tiamat's brood, which could not be conve 巧ed or redeemed in
Marduk's war.
Magick and Vampyrism is succe巧ful when the imagination of
the Sorcewr able to be set free, in a non-restric 化d sense. In
utilizing invocations and a paradigm of focus, the imagination
may empower the working with creative design. After all,
creation is a power of the Luciferian.
Using 出is type of visualization ritual will align the W 山 and
intent of 化e Vampyre 化 the shadow workings of the path. The The Sigil of Azag化hUlu Limnu
of "Azatho比" from the Cthulhu Mythos and Necronomicon
clearly presents a focused, energi之ed m odern archetype —
entirely useful and powerful unto the mind. AZAGASTU ILU LINMNU - Focus on yourself in its prime
aspects of 化 e mind, who you are and what makes you
Visualize yourself as the Eye of the Immortal - the Vampyre individual Take awav一 tho化 elements of the social condition •
ascended. This is 化e psyche liberated from f le s h , 化 e Daemon
go beneath and above 化ose aspects to who you
and Mind as one.
spiritual being. The 目
lack A dept should u tilize im ag in ation of sickness focus on the sigil (you may use ALGOL or
c 巧a 化a seem ing 怡m p!e or place w h e 巧 th e sp irit m ay re s id e other sigUs —once you pick one, stick wirt^^foTawhde.
Visualize yourself within this place created based on your
desire. It may be a beautiful Luciferian palace filled with As you proceed in your disciplined workings, projecting out for
shining and blue lightning, cen化ring on your being. It may be periods of time will become easier, You may seek to enter the
an infernal temple wherein you are surrounded by daemonic mind of another - this practice is considered dangerous as you
imagery. may become enveloped in magickal attack from trying to
invade their consciousness. It may be probable at the moment of
Take away your form, feel it fade • your physical body, your dea化 you may en化r you ve巧el forcefully and seek 化 overtake
arms, face until you are nothing but a mass of darkness. This and devour much of their consciousn巧s.
shadow may form and pro化an shapeshift according to the
moment - beast, serpent, bat a combination, rabid dogs, wolves If the Vampyre Magickian chooses 化is path or focus - you will
or any化ing meaningful to your therionick desires. Call the want to have no reservations about - invade and devour
shadow back to chaos and darkness, much the SigiL Visualize accordingly. Obviously the巧 is no gua巧ntee to the outcome 併
your psyche, spirit or burning eye emerge from the darkness - if you w 巧1 be able to en化r - the s打onger the individuaUhe less
this is everything YOU are as an individual, your spirituaUty, likely you will be able to attain penetration into the
your mental strengths and your singular desire to continue consciousness,
existence in time.

目ecome AZAGASTU ILU OMNU - the Azothoz, the first of the

Circle of Sorcery , 化e embodiment of Samael and Lilith, of

Leviathan, of Ahriman and A之Je h - you are the hungering

chaos from wills itself from the abyss.

You will want to spend much time in a disciplined manner

every week with this image • you must fully 打ansform youirself
via imagination through the as打al plane — crystallizing this
essence of you, In times of physical sickness you will want to
focus on this sigil and eye at every moment possible - the idea
is to Will vou巧elf into continued existence.

Pe化r J. Ca灯oil wrote in LIBER AOM concerning the reference

of The Black Rite where consciousness may invade another. The
Vampyre Magickian, if seeking to continue on the earth plane
may attempt this practice by the use of this rite - focus on an
individual whom you may know well and slowly project
yourself outward continually to them. As m entioned previously
296 一
b ib l io g r a p h y

EncKhian Magick of Dr. John Dee by G e^fre> Jam es Llewellyn

The Book 〇mea州 化 Austin Osman Sparc
Nichtside of Eden, Kenneth Grant
By Francois Lenormant
7Tio Devils ami Evil Spirits of Babylonia translated by R.C. Thompsoi
ZURVAN - A Zoroas 杆wn Dilemma by R.C. Zaehner
Der Kal加 acher by Karl NE
Cult of Kali by Karl NE
The Biblt、of 化〇 Adversary by M ichael W. Ford
Ludferian W itchcraft by M ichael W. Ford
Book o f 化 e Witch Moon by M ichael W. Ford
i"onology and Devil Loi*e by M.D, C onw ay

For fifteen y e a n du化or M ichael W. Ford h化 w orked vvi& d w B lack O rd 巧 of

the Dragon and V am pyric / Luciferian M r. F ord , b ein g a fou n d er of
Uie BOTD, w orked n i 化in m any extrem e S atan ic a 口d L e ft H and Pa出
cuIT州 ts o f initiation since the em e巧ence o f th e B O T D . M r. F ord is the
founder o f T he O rder o f Phosphorus and has sp e n t 化e p a st few years
w orking in developing 化6 order and w ork in g w ith in 出e C h u rch of
A dversarial Light, a religious church co n ce p t b ased o n th e d o ctrin e of
Luciferianism . Mr. Ford is 化e ow ner and M a n a g in g D ir e c 化r o f The
Luciferian A potheca, a left hand path and d ark m ag ick sto re. M ich a el is also
a m usician and records a 化urns w ith sev eral p rojects.
M ichael currently resides near H ouston, Texas.


A Special 化ank you to Hope Marie, Satrina, to whom t:his book

is dedicated. Dualkarnain, Lathotyp, Kevin Rockhill and all of
化ose who I have 化e pleasure of worki口g w 她 - all of you are Michael W. Ford. Akh^a
amazing! Thomas MacDonald for his contributions to the BOTD Self-portra化巧 D巧uga'
and TOPH - for his art and the forthcoming "V am py 化 Tarot". ^ with Arashk

Into the void
By Abyssic hunger instilled
Perfect in darkness
When night embraced
When shadows came to me
Drifting upward
To join the fam ily
Bound in corporeal bodies

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