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Consparacy Of Mirza:
Jhelumi: against the
Finality Of Holy Prophet
and lame defence of Mirza:
Jhelumi to vail his
conspiracy. A REQUEST TO
Saiyid Zahi:r Naqvi
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Consparacy Of Mirza: Jhelumi: against the Finality Of Holy Prophet and lame defence of Mirza: Jhelumi
to vail his conspiracy.

In one of his lectures , the man from Jhelum said that he shall cease to declare Mah:mu:di: Mirza:’is as
Ca:fir if they cease to declare Muslims , Mirza: Jhelumi and his followers as Ca:fir.

But he further said that he is sure that Mah:mu:di: Mirza:’is shall never cese to declare Muslims et
cetera as Ca:fir since if it is supposed that Mah:mu:di: Mirza:’is cease to declare Muslims et cetera as
Ca:fir then it is implied that Mirza: Qa:dia:ni: is not a Prophet.

But he further said that that as it is impossible for Mah:mu:di Mirza:’is to cease to declare Muslims et
cetera as Ca:fir since if a person denies that Mirza: Qa:diani and remains a Muslim then Mirza: Qa:diani
cannot be a Prophet.

When it was pointed out Mah:mu:di: Mirza:’is cannot become Muslim just by ceasing to declare
Muslims et cetera as Ca:fir, since Mah:mu:di: Mirza:’is believe in more that one beliefs of Cufr.

Mirza: Jhelumi: attempted to defend himself that by saying that he was using the Principle of Ta’:li:q Bil
Muh:a:l [ Hinging from an Impossible].

This Hinging from Impossible is incorrect.

Since Mah:mu:di: Mirza:’is are Ca:fir REGARDLESS of the case whether Mah:mu:di: Mirza:’is continue to
declare all the Muslims Et cetera as Ca:fir or cease to declare all Muslims et cetera as Ca:fir.

Since they deny the Finality and Lasthood of Holy Prophet [PBUH].

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We ask all the followers of Mirza: Jhelumi: that to chose one of the two views:-

1] If Mah:mu:di: Mirza:’is shall cease to declare Muslim et cetera as Ca:fir then Mirza: Jhelumi: shall cease
to declare Mah:mu:di: Mirza:’is as Ca:fir; but it is impossible that they cease to declare Muslims et cetera
as Ca:fir by the Principle of Suspension by/from Impossible [Ta’:li:q Bil Muh:a:l].
2] If Mah:mu:di: Mirza:’is shall cease to declare Muslims et cetera as Ca:fir EVEN THEN Muslims shallContinue to declare
them as Ca:fir since the cessation declaration in the discussion is not HINGED with/by/from the stated above Impossible
[Ta’:li:q Bil Muh:a:l].

Since they cannot be declared as Muslim unless and other wise they cease to believe in each and every
Belief of Cufr in general and cease to deny the Finality and Lasthood of Holy Prophet in Particular.

3]Finally it is to be noted that if a person or a group of people believe in several beliefs of Cufr , then it is
incorrect to hinge the cessation of their Tcfi:r on the cessation of only one of several beliefs of Cufr,
whether the cessation of this particular belief of Cufr is impossible [Muh:a:l] or it is not. A person who
do such a thing actually does not accept other beliefs of the person or group as Cufr which are really

So such a person is also a Ca:fir beyond doubt.

It may be noted that Mirza: Jhelumi: not only played this mischievous trick in favour of Ma:mu:di:
Mirza:’is but also in Favour of Nus:airiah as well.

The very same Mirza: said that if Nus:airiah cease to declare others as C:afir , he shall cease to declare
then he shall cease to declare them as Ca:fir.

But he gives a surety that they shall not cease to exercise Tacfi:r of Muslims et cetera .

But the mischief is that he does not declare them as Ca:fir for believing in the Incarnation of God , which
is pure Shirc.

All Muslims shall continue to declare incarnists as C:afir regardless of the Tacfi:r of Muslims by these

So followers of Mirza Jhelumi: are requested to reconsider and to think


Mirza: Jhelumi: is not accepting his garlic error rather he is attempting to present apologies for the Pure

So he has neither has any right to defend Divine Unicity nor has any right to defend the Finality of Holy

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Instead of working in defense of Finality and Lasthood of Holy Prophet , he is trying to make soft corners
in the heart of his disciples for the believer in the perpetual continuity of advents of Prophets

Instead of working in defense of Unicity Of G-d , he is trying to make soft corners in the heart of his
disciples for the believer in the Divine Incarnation [‘Astagh:farullah].


Instead of working in defense of Unicity
Of G-d , he is trying to make soft corners
in the heart of his disciples for the
believer in the Divine Incarnation
1] Mirza: Jhelumi: Said:-

He declares only two groups as Ca:fir. They are Nus:airis and Qa:dianis [Mah:mu:di: Mirza:’ites].


This means that he does not declare Lahorites [Paigh:a:mites/ La:ho:ri: Mirza:’ites] and Di:nda:r Tah:ri:c as C:afir.
Similarly this means that he does not declare Daru:z as C:afir since he has imposed the condition of Onliness.

2] Mirza: Jhelumi: Said:

He declares Mah:mudi: Mirza:’ites and Nus:airis as Ca:fir due to the reason that both of the two groups declare
Muslims, Mirza]]: Jhelumi: and his followers as Ca:fir. This is as a last resort.


This means that Mirza: Jhelumi does not declare each one of the two as Ca:fir on any other belief but on the
reason that each one of the two declare Muslims , Mirza: Jhelumi and his followers as Ca:fir. This is the only

He has used the English world RESORT.

The meaning of resort is :

A] If you resort to a course of action that you do not really approve of, you adopt it because you cannot see any
other way of achieving what you want.

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B] If you achieve something without resort to a particular course of action, you succeed without carrying out that
action. To have resort to a particular course of action means to have to do that action in order to achieve

The word resort does shew the mentality of Mirza: Jhelumi. It is now clear that what he means when he says that
he declare Qa:dianis [Mah:mu:di: Mirza:’is] as Ca:fir as a LAST RESORT.

3] Mirza: Jhelumi said :

If Qa:dianis [Mahmudi: Mirza:’is] shall cease to declare Muslims etc. as Ca:fir then he shall also cease to declare
them as C:fir. Similarly he said it for Nus:airiah.


This means that he does not declare Mah:mu:dis as Ca:fir on the ground that they believe in the belief that
Muh:ammad PBUH is not the Last Prophet.

Similarly this means that he does not declare Nus:airiah as Ca:fir on their belief of Shirc of Incarnation.

Further as Lahori Mirza:’is does not declare others as Ca:fir then this means that Mirza: Jhelumi: does not declare
them as Ca:fir [‘Astagh:farullah].

3] Mirza: Jhelumi Said:

How ever it is certain that none of the two stated above sects shall cease to declare Muslims, Mirza: Jhelumi and
his folllowes as Ca:fir.

Since if a person does not believe that Mirza: Qa:diani: is a Ca:fir yet continues to be a Muslim then Mirza: Qa:diani
cannot be a Prophet.

[Please Note That Mirza: Jhelumi: is not declaring these followers of Mirza: Qa:diani as Ca:fir in their belief of
Continuity Of Prophethood (‘Ijra: ‘An Nabu:vah] which is the Fundamental Cufr. Neglecting this , Mirza: Jhelumi: is
attempting to declare them as Ca:fir on the issue that they declare Muslims , Mirza: Jhelumi: and his disciples as
Ca:fir. Not a single time Mirza: Jhelumi: (Mirza the Second) said that these followers of Mirza: Qa:diani: (Mirza: the
First) are Ca:fir since they deny the Finality and Lasthood of Holy Prophet].


Qa:dianis [Mah:mu:dites] are Ca:fir since they deny the FINALITY AND LASTHOOD /LASTNESS Of Holy Prophet.

As Holy Prophet is the Last and Final Prophet then no person after Him can become a Prophet, that is it is
impossible for any person to become a Prophet after Holy Prophet.

Neglecting this BASIC NECESSITY OF ISLAM , Mirza Jhelumi is trying to convince his listeners that Mahmudites
[Mah:mu:di Mirzais] shall never cease to exercise their only Cufr that is declaration of Believers in the Finality of
Holy Prophet as Ca:fir [NA’:U:DH:UBILLAH].

As there are several beliefs of Cufr of Mah:mudites , it is evident that UNLESS AND OTHERWISE Mah:mudites reject
each and every Cufr in which the believe in and accept ‘Isla:m the shall continue to be Ca:fir. There fore it is a Cufr

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in itself to assert that they hold only one belief of Cufr and that is they believe that all those who believe in the
Finality Of Holy Prophet [PBUH] (571CE-632CE) as Ca:fir. This means that the asserter does not consider there
other beliefs of Cufr in which they believe in, as Cufr.

Mirza: Jhelumi: Said:-

He is using the Principle of Ta’:liq Bil Muh:a:l


As there are more than one cufr of Mah:mudites , Mirza Jhelumi cannot hinge the event of cessation of their
siTacfi:r on their only one belief of Cufr.

Even if Mah:mudites begin to disbelieve in Mirza: Qa:diani as Prophet they shall be declared as Ca:fir Since if some
one does not believe in Mirza: Qa:diani as a Prophet but disbelieves in the FINALITY AND LASTHOOD of Holy
Prophet and expects a new Prophet in Future even then he is a Ca:fir.

If some one says that Finality of Holy Prophet is Z:anni even then the person is a Ca:fir.

This means that Mirza: Jhelumi is toying and playing with the Fundamental of ‘isla:m.

Any one who agrees with Mirza: Jhelumi cannot be a Muslim.

One who says that he shall cease to declare Mah:mudites as Ca:fir if they shall cease to declare Muslims as Ca:fir ,
then such a person cannot believe in the FINALITY of Holy Prophet. If he is saying so then he is deceiving Muslims.

The Fallacy Of Mirza: Jhelumi: in Support of Mah:mudites.

In his lecture Mirza: Jhelumi attempted to provide a proof that Mah:mudites shall never cease to declare Muslims
as Ca:fir which Mirza: Jhelumi: attempted to shew that it is there only Cufr.

In his attempt to prove his claim that they shall never cease to declare Muslims, Mirza: Jhelumi: and his followers
as Ca:fir, Mirza: Jhelumi: did use the Principle of Ta’:li:q Bil Muh:a:l [Principle of Suspension from/By Impossible].

But Mirza: Jhelumi: did not declare other beliefs of Mah:mudi: Mirza:’is as Cufr , which are Cufr with Certainty and
certitude. So he said that If they (Mah:mudites/Mah:mudi: Mirza:’is) shall cease to declare Muslims etc. as Ca:fir,
then he (i.e Mirza Jhelumi:) shall cease to declare Muslims as Ca:fir, instead of saying that he would cease to
declare them as Ca:fir , if and only if they would cease to believe in each and every belief of Cufr.

If Mah:mu:dites cease to believe in only one belief of Cufr, in which they believe in, yet do continue to believe in
other beliefs of Cufr in which they believe in, then they shall be declared as C:afir.

Since if a person or a group initially believed in several beliefs of Cufr, then they finally began to disbelieve in only
one of there beliefs of Cufr and continued to believe in each all beliefs of Cufr other that it then they are still Ca:fir.

Since in order to become a Muslim , it is a Necessary Condition to disbelieve in each and every belief of Cufr, and
then to accept ‘Isla:m, in the meaning that if a Non Muslim accepts ‘isla:m yet continues to believe in only one
belief of Cufr and gives up all the beliefs of Cufr beside that one, he/she remains a Non Muslim.

There are more beliefs of Cufr on ah:mu:dites, and some of them are listed below:-

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1] Mahmu:dites do believe that Holy Prophet is not the Last and Final Prophet . [‘Astagh:farullah Va
Na’:u:dh:ubillah]. [They believe in the coninuety of Prophethood. (NA’:UDH:UBILLAH)]

2] Mah:mu:dites believe that Saiyiduna: ‘I:sa: [‘:AS] was impaled on Xylon or on Cross but was not crucified.

According to them he was rescued latter after his impalement before his crucifixion.

This is a Cufr. Since he was rescued by G0d Himself before his impalement on Xylon or Cross or else. He was made
to Ascend to heavens by G-d.

3] Mah:mudites believe that the Noun ‘Ah:mad in Su:rah S:af is not the other Proper Personal Noun of Holy
Prophet [PBUH] but it is the part of composite noun of Mirza: Gh:ula:m ‘Ah:mad Qa:diani [Na’:udh:ubillah Va

4] Mah:mu:dites believe that the alleged ‘Ilha:ma:t equal to Vah:y . [Na’:udh:billah Va ‘astagh:farullah].

There are some other Cufrs but the stated above are sufficient to shew that the declaration of Muslims as Ca:fir by
Mah:mudites is not there only Cufr as it was purported by Mirza: Jhelumi: in his lecture.

Mirza: Jhelumi: deliberately confused the difference between the continuation of one belief of Cufr and Existence
of other beliefs of Cufr beside the former mentioned Cufr.

If some one continue to declare a group as Ca:fir on the continuation of only one of their several Cufrs and does
not declare them as Ca:fir on each and every Cufr in which they believe in , then such a person himself is a Ca:fir

If some one does not believe that a belief of cufr is cufr then this is also a cufr.


It is hoped that it is now clear that as Mirza: Jhelumi: is attempting to purport that that there is only one Cufr of
Mah:mudites, and he is saying that that shall never cease to believe in that Cufr, so as a last resort he is compelled
to declare them as Ca:fir, means nothing else but that Mirza: Jhelumi: is not declareing them as C:afir on their
other beliefs of Cufr. This means that Mirza: is playing and toying with his followers and is deceiving them.

Mirza: Jhelumi has claimed that his words are golden words in regard to Mah:mudi: Mirza:’is but in reality they are
gray words.

May ‘ALL-H save us from the deception and fallacies of Mirza: Jhelumi: .

Shall the followers of Mirza: Jhelumi Think Again about Mirza Jhelumi????????????????????????????????????????

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