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Goodyear hospital awards several Valley EMS crews

Abrazo West Campus bodies of Matthew Pad- while more than 20 alleged-
honored local Emergency zunas and Vanessa Pla- ly show Mr. Johnson hitting
Medical Services person- ma, both 37, were found in- the child.
nel for heroic work during side a home around 10 a.m.
its annual EMS Heroes Wednesday in the city’s Des- NORTH PHOENIX
awards luncheon on the ert Cedars subdivision.
hospital campus. Police said it’s unclear Pedestrian killed
“As a Level 1 Trauma what led up to the shooting, in collision
Center, the Abrazo West but they consider Ms. Pla-
Campus serves the West ma the murder victim and A 59-year-old man was
Valley and patients from Mr. Padzunas the suicide struck and killed while walk-
as far away as the Arizo- suspect. They also said a re- ing across a Phoenix street.
na/California border,” said cords check shows Mr. Pad- The incident occurred
Abrazo West CEO Christi- zunas was arrested in June around 2:30 p.m. Wednes-
na Oh. “It is absolutely our for disorderly conduct after day near 19th Avenue and
privilege to recognize the allegedly throwing water on Bell Road.
first responders who are his wife. Phoenix police said Dan-
on the front lines of med- Maricopa is located about iel Niles was entering the
ical emergencies in our Clinical Excellence Award was presented to Buckeye Fire-Medical-Rescue and Buckeye Valley Fire District for the 35 miles south of Phoenix. crosswalk against a red light
community.” difficult field delivery of an OB patient. [Submitted photo/Abrazo West Campus] when an SUV struck him.
Award winners include: PHOENIX Mr. Niles was taken to
Goodyear Fire Depart- the life of another. was the investigative lead. the hospital and was pro-
ment received the Com- Gila Bend Fire Depart-
tion provided by Abrazo
West Campus in Goodyear. Woman, nounced dead.
munity Action Award, ment and Air Methods GILA COUNTY boyfriend The driver remained on
which honors an Emergen- Careflight 381 earned the PHOENIX scene and was no injured.
cy Medical Service provid- Lifesaving Award for an Crews battle accused of Police said speeding and
er or individual active in outstanding call/incident/ 1 in custody after fires across abusing her impairment don’t appear to
providing EMS care, local rescue by EMS person- stabbing man to multiple young son
be factors. The investigation
public education or injury nel for a lifesaving act in is ongoing
prevention training for the which quick thinking, fast death buildings
community. Award recipi- action, and heroism were PHOENIX (AP) — A PIMA COUNTY
ents have formed positive demonstrated. They have PHOENIX (AP) — Phoe- MIAMI (AP) — Firefight- Phoenix woman and her
community and local hos- made a positive change in nix police said one per- ers from multiple agencies onboyfriend are facing child Police ID teen
pital relationships. They the life of others through son was killed and another Thursday battled to contain abuse charges for alleged- found shot to
exemplify outstanding pro- their professionalism and wounded in shooting which a fire involving five buildings
ly hitting and punching her
fessionalism, leadership, lifesaving efforts. homicide investigators be- in downtown Miami, a small 6-year-old death
dedication to duty, and ser- “Our community Emer- lieve may have been related town about 70 miles east of son because
vice to the community. gency Medical Service to an earlier altercation. Phoenix. he was hav- The Tucson Police Depart-
Buckeye Fire-Medi- providers are vital links in The incident happened Miami Police Chief Keith ing trouble ment is actively investigating
cal-Rescue and Buckeye the life-saving teams who Wednesday night near 24th Thompson said cause of the pronouncing a fatal shooting that occurred
Valley Fire District re- care for sick and injured Street and McDowell Road. fire near Live Oak Street and words and on the city’s south side.
ceived the Clinical Ex- patients in their most vul- A police spokesman said Miami Avenue was under in- reading sen- Around 6 a.m. Wednesday,
cellence Award for an in- nerable moments,” Ms. Oh one person was found dead vestigation. William Johnson tences. officers responded to the
dividual or agency that said. “It is truly an hon- with a stab wound, a man News video showed fire Police said area of Calle Joya de Ven-
demonstrates commit- or to see our hospital staff considered a suspect was trucks shooting water onto Nicole Lynne tura and Avenida Selva Del
ment to the principles of and these local EMS he- found nearby with a gun- the roofs and sides of sever- Marker, 26, Ocote for reports of a dead
quality improvement, cus- roes working side-by-side shot wound and a third al buildings, one of which ap- and William male lying on the ground.
tomer service, and excel- to provide life-saving care person considered “an in- peared to be gutted. Johnson, 28, Upon arrival, officers lo-
lence in EMS. The winner for our loved ones, friends vestigative lead” also was Mr. Thompson said one fire- were taken cated a 15-year-old boy with
significant demonstrated and neighbors.” located. fighter suffered a minor injury. into custody obvious signs of gunshot
professionalism in the per- Abrazo West Campus is The suspect, identified The Arizona Department Tuesday. trauma.
formance of his/hers du- a state Level I trauma cen- as Raven Makuau, 36, was of Transportation said it hadNicole Marker Neither He was pronounced dead
ties. The person or group ter and a teaching hos- booked into jail on a sec- no report of the fire causing had an attor- on-scene and later identified
has personally or organiza- pital, with doctors from ond-degree murder charge. delays of traffic on U.S. 60, an
ney at their initial court ap- as Erik Isaac Nañez.
tionally improved the qual- Abrazo’s general surgery Jose Carlos Valencia, 49, east-west highway that bisects
pearance. Detectives believe mul-
ity of patient care to the and internal medicine res- was pronounced dead at Miami. Police said their investi- tiple people were pres-
community. idency programs complet- the hospital. gation began in April when ent when the shooting took
Avondale Fire & Med- ing rotations through the Detective Luis Samu- PINAL COUNTY they were called to the boy’s place.
ical, Tolleson Fire De- dio said investigators de- school about a burn on his Neighbors told detectives
partment, Phoenix Fire
trauma center, working
alongside emergency and termined that Mr. Valencia Married couple right arm that he says was the gunshots were heard the
Department and Ameri- trauma care physicians. was involved in an alterca- identified in caused by Mr. Johnson. previous evening and sever-
can Medical Response re- The hospital’s trauma tion earlier in the day with A probable cause state- al people and vehicles were
ceived the Siren Award. center recently marked Mr. Makuau. Police had murder-suicide ment said police watched seen leaving immediately af-
The award recognizes a its fifth anniversary, with originally said the investi- several hours of video clips ter the shots.
team of individuals from critically injured patients gative lead was involved in MARICOPA (AP) — Po- recorded inside and outside No 911 calls were made
one or multiple agencies from across southwestern the fight. lice have released the names the child’s home. that night. Detectives are
who performed exception- Arizona being transport- Mr. Samudio said Mr. of a married couple who Police said three of the currently following up on
al or heroic actions and ex- ed for treatment at Abra- Makuau was released from died in a murder-suicide in 2,200 video clips allegedly leads, but are asking any-
emplary teamwork in sav- zo West. the hospital and was de- Maricopa, south of Phoenix. show Ms. Marker punching one with information to call
ing or attempting to save Editor’s Note: Informa- tained for questioning, as Maricopa police said the the boy in the face and chest 88-CRIME.

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September 20, 2019 11:11 am (GMT +7:00) Powered by TECNAVIA

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