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Sex education do you think kids learning sex education is a good thing the positive impact of

learning sex education is important, because thinking about sex education conjures up all those

uncomfortable moments as an adolescence when we kids had to sit at our desks and listen to our

health teachers talk about thing that we joked about with our friends but never wanted to have a

conversation about with adults. but things have changed a lot since then .These are kids wanting

to experience sex but do not know the negative impacts on both of the kids without using

protection and not knowing about the safety after it was revealed that a new zealand primary

school had held a sex education class for eleven and 12 and 13 years old where students were

told about oral and anal sex flavoured condoms and pleasure points despite parents being told in

writing beforehand that pupils would only be taught the basics.There should be a sex education

class and every high school and middle school in the district because every high schooler and

middle schooler be getting knowledge from a older adult that can prepare to use protection and

not using protection and i think this topic is going to matter to me because i feel like that every

kid and high school and middle school should have a sex class talking about the important

reasons why kids should not have sex without protection There should be a sex educated class

in every high school and middle school anytime you have sex even when it's protected sex there

a chance of pregnancy sex is a personal decision one that you should make and not be pressured

into you ca always say no to sex even you ve said yes before there should be a sex- education

class and every every high school and middle school be getting knowledge from a older adult

that can prepared to use protection and not using protection. Sex is a natural part of life, girls

should have sex ed because their is a negative impact on when girls don’t get taught sex ed, 50%

of girls that don’t get taught about sex will have another 50% on getting pregnant before they hit

the age of 20. Not getting taught sex ed can impact a teenage girl life in a negative way.
As this graph shows, the amount of students in school that are getting taught sex-ed at

school and which gender says certain things to prevent from sex happening. As you can

see on this graph that mostly the females know how to say no when the dude is trying to

pure pressure the girl into having sex, a lot of men can not say no to sex because its

what half of them want in there mind, and think that will satisfy him as the make and the

female. Another way girls should be taught sex ed its a decrease the dropout rate when

girls drop out of high school and get pregnant. There should be a sex education class

in every high school and middle schooler in the district because getting knowledge from

a older adult that can prepare to use protection and not using protection. Anytime you

have sex even when it's protected sex there a chance of pregnancy. Rates have

declined in recent years in large due to better education usually it's the results of poor

sexual education with leads to carefree attitudes about sex teenagers who don't talk

about sex with their parents will inevitably learn about it some other way and perhaps

from unreliable source teenagers are hormonal and love to take risks so despite all the
warnings they still engage in unprotected sex furthermore since most teens are

uninformed about when they are fertile. As they grow up, young people face important

decisions about relationships, sexuality, and sexual behavior. The decisions they make can

impact their health and well-being for the rest of their lives. Young people have the right to lead

healthy lives, and society has the responsibility to prepare youth by providing them with

comprehensive sexual health education that gives them the tools they need to make healthy

decisions. But it is not enough for programs to include discussions of abstinence and

contraception to help young people avoid unintended pregnancy or disease. Comprehensive

sexual health education must do more. It must provide young people with honest, age-

appropriate information and skills necessary to help them take personal responsibility for their

health and overall their life.Sex education should help a lot of girls out in a positive way. Girls

should be taught sex education because it can help them from early parenthood. Sex ed can affect

the couple in a positive way by the female knowing the important ways of having sex correctly

in a positive way and not a negative way without protection. A girl not knowing the positive

ways from not getting information from an adult about sex can lead to early parenthood and

which result in them into dropping out trying to provide for their babies they cant work and can’t

get a education at the same time. Most dropouts which are girls come from early parenthood

when they are in high school.Sex education should help a lot of girls out in a positive way. Girls

should be taught sex education because it can help them from early parenthood. Sex ed can affect

the couple in a positive way by the female knowing the important ways of having sex correctly

in a positive way and not a negative way without protection. A girl not knowing the positive

ways from not getting information from an adult about sex can lead to early parenthood and

which result in them into dropping out trying to provide for their babies they cant work and can’t
get a education at the same time. Most dropouts which are girls come from early parenthood

when they are in high school.My conclusion is that every kid and high school and middle school

should have a sex education or sex class talking about the important reasons why kids should not

have sex without protection There should be a sex education class and every highschool and

middle school in the district.middle schoolers and high schoolers needs a lot of knowledge to

understand sex education so they can see how it works and sometimes they can ask a adult like

their parents and they can be prepare them for .There should be a sex education class in every

high school and middle school because anytime you have sex even when it's protected sex there

a chance of getting pregnant sex is a personal decision one that you should make and not be

pressured into you can always say no to sex even you've said no before When it comes to the

general approach to teaching sex and sexuality in the schools, Americans divide almost evenly.

Respondents were asked to choose which of two statements was closer to their belief one “When

it comes to sex, teenagers need to have limits set; they must be told what is acceptable and what

is not.” Or to “ultimately teenagers need to make their own decisions, This matters to me

because one person told me that sex education matters because without it, we'd still be giggling

uncomfortably whenever anything to do with sex is mentioned". The word "sex" seems to be a

problem, but it shouldn't be. sexuality is an intrinsic part of being human and sexual development

is a normal part of growing up. Some primary schools call the topic "growing up" and this can be

more meaningful to young children and more comfortable for adults. It doesn't matter what it is

called as long as it is happening, and by "it" we mean learning about family, friendships, staying

safe, healthy relationships, puberty, sexual health and more. That's why sex education programs

need to be informed by evidence as well as include all the information and skills young people

need to make healthy decisions. Providing young people with the skills and tools to make
healthy decisions about sex and relationships is far more effective than denying them

information and simply telling them not to have sex.

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