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Implementing Outdoor Activities to Improve Students’ Ability in

Writing Factual Description

(A Classroom Action Research to Year - 10 Students of “SMAN 9 Pontianak” in

Academic Year 2017/2018)



Mustika Khairani



Implementing Outdoor Activities to Improve Students’ Ability in
Writing Factual Description

(A Classroom Action Research to Year - 10 Students of “SMAN 9 Pontianak” in

Academic Year 2017/2018)


Submitted to fulfill one of the requirements for the Sarjana Degree Examination of
English Language Education Study Program, Languages and Arts Education
Department, Teacher Training and Education Faculty, Tanjungpura University


Mustika Khairani




Praise and gratitude I pray to the presence of Allah SWT, God Almighty who has

granted His mercy and has provided the health as well as strength so that the writer

enable to finish this thesis entitled “Implementing Outdoor Activities to Improve

Students’ Ability in Writing Factual Description (A Classroom Action Research on the

Tenth Grade Students of SMA Negeri 9 Pontianak in Academic Year 2017/2018)” as

one of requirements for obtaining Sarjana Degree Examination to English Language

Education Study Program, Language and Arts Education Department, Teacher

Training Education Faculty, Tanjungpura University.

The writer would like to deliver her gratitude to Dr. Rahayu Apriliaswati,

M.Ed.TESOL as the main supervisor, and to Eusabinus Bunau, S.Pd, M.Si as the

second and academic supervisor who have made their time to give the valuable

guidance, opinion, direction as well as corrections, advices and suggestions for her in

finishing the thesis. The writer also would like to send her gratitude to Urai Salam,

MCALL,Ph.D. as the main examiner and Drs. Luwandi M. Hum as the second

examiner for their beneficial inputs in order to make this thesis better during her

seminar on research design.

Furthermore, the writer would like to massively thank and appreciate to:

a. Dr. H. Martono, M.Pd., the dean of Teacher Trainig and Education Faculty of


b. Drs. Nanang Heryana, M.Pd., the chairman of Language and Arts Education


c. Urai Salam, MCALL, Ph.D., the chairman of English Education Study


d. The Lectures of English Education Study Program who had taught the writer

during her study at Teacher Training and Education Faculty of Tanjungpura


e. The staffs of Teacher and and Education Faculty of Tanjungpura University.

f. Ibrahim, M.Pd., the headmaster of SMAN 9 Pontianak.

g. Edi Budiardi, S.Pd., and Emy Safarini, S.Pd as the English teachers of SMAN

9 Pontianak.

h. All of the students of SMAN 9, especially the students of Year-10 of MIA 2 for

their participation and cooporation in helping the writer to conduct this thesis.

The lovely ones, the writer’s parent, Usman Effendi and Wiwiek Mutmainah.

The writer’ siblings, Yundha Effendi, Edwin Pradesa, and Dzulfiqar Effendi. Thanks

for being the support system, for counltess prayers, advices, motivation and the

morality, financial support during her study until she finished this thesis.

The very best friend, Auliyah Tania Alkadrie who can always be counted on.

Uswatun Hasanah, Jeng Anggi Priyatni, Poppy Iga Mauludiyana, Nofila Cici Viranci,

Ghinna Dini Setiawati, Dintania Meydianda, Ahmad Lukmanul Hakim, Dhonny

Alfian, Uray Ahmad Fahrezi, Hafaz Wahyudin as one and only Headquarter for the

writer to have the precious, joyful, and unforgettable college life. Fika Lesmana Aji,

Thesar Safarullah, Dinda Ria Harmonis, Cici Afriani, Nadya Arisca, Uliana Sara

Marpaung for their helps, contribution, companion during the writer’s study until

finished the thesis. Oasis and the Smiths for their music and lyrics during her thesis


The last, the writer hopes that this thesis can give some advantages for the

readers especially students of English Education study program in Tanjungpura

Univeristy. The writer realizes that this thesis still has some weaknesess, that is why

the writer is looking for the criticism, comments, and suggestions in order to make this

thesis better.

Pontianak, August 2018

The Writer

Mustika Khairani

Mustika Khairani (2018): Implementing Outdoor Activities to Improve Students’
Ability in Writing Factual Description (A Classroom Action Research to the
Tenth Grade Students of SMAN 9 Pontianak in Academic Year 2017/2018)
Supervisor I : Dr. Rahayu Apriliaswati, M.Ed.,TESOL
Supervisor II : Eusabinus Bunau, S.Pd, M.Si

The research was set out in order to know how the implementing outdoor
activities improved students’ ability in writing factual description to the year-10
students at Class MIA 2 of SMAN 9 Pontianak in academic year 2017/2018. This
research was conducted through Classroom Action Reseacrh (CAR) in three cycles.
The subjects of this research were the tenth grade English teacher and 36 students of
MIA 2. In collecting the data, the researcher used field note, observation checklist, and
students’ writing test. The result showed that implementing outdoor activities improved
students’ ability in writing factual description. Furthermore, Minds on of Five Sense
Writing in outdoor activities improved students’ability of using noun phrase with
adjectives, also the Action stage of Five Sense Writing in outdoor activities could
improve students’ ability of using the simple present tense. Moreover, the students’
motivation was improved by implementing the the Action stage of Five Sense Writing
in Outdoor Activities. The action of Five sense Writing improved the students’
enthusiasm as well as their activeness. In conclusion, Outdoor Activities improved
students’ ability in writing factual description due to the nature’s exixstences in outdoor
areas for the students to collect the factual data, especially in the process of pre-writing.
Therefore, the writer positively recommends the teacher to implement outdoor
activities as one of various techniques in teaching and learning process, especially in
teaching writing factual description.


ACKNOWLEDGMENTS ....................................................................................................... i
ABSTRACT .............................................................................................................................iv
TABLE OF CONTENTS ....................................................................................................... v
CHAPTER I ............................................................................................................................ 1
A. Research Background......................................................................................... 1

B. Research Problems ............................................................................................. 5

C. Research Purposes .............................................................................................. 6

D. Research Scope .................................................................................................. 7

E. Research Significances....................................................................................... 9

CHAPTER II ......................................................................................................................... 10
A. Teaching Writing in EFL Context ................................................................... 10

B. Experiential Learning ....................................................................................... 15

C. Outdoor Activities ............................................................................................ 17

D. Factual Description .......................................................................................... 18

E. Teaching Writing of Factual Description by Five Sense Writing in Outdoor

Activities ................................................................................................................. 21

CHAPTER III ....................................................................................................................... 26

A. Research Design ............................................................................................... 26

B. Subject of Research .......................................................................................... 28

C. Procedure of Classroom Action Research ....................................................... 28

D. Technique and Tools of Data Collection ......................................................... 32

E. Techniques of Data Analysis ........................................................................... 34

CHAPTER IV........................................................................................................................ 40
A. Research Finding.............................................................................................. 40

B. Description of Cycle ........................................................................................ 48

C. Discussion ........................................................................................................ 65

CHAPTER V ......................................................................................................................... 80
A. Conclusion ....................................................................................................... 80

B. Suggestion ........................................................................................................ 81

Bibliography .......................................................................................................................... 83
A. APPENDIX 1 ............................................................................................................. 87
1. Lesson plan Cycle 1 ......................................................................................... 87

2. Lesson Plan Cycle 2 ....................................................................................... 105

3. Lesson Plan Cyce 3 ........................................................................................ 122

B. APPENDIX II .......................................................................................................... 138

1. The Result of Students’ Individual Score on the First Cycle ......................... 138

2. The Result of Students’ Individual Score on the Second Cycle .................... 140

3. The Result of Students’ Individual Score on the Third Cycle ....................... 143

C. APPENDIX III ........................................................................................................ 145

1. Field Note Cycle 1 ......................................................................................... 145

2. Field Note Cycle 2 ......................................................................................... 148

3. Field Note Cycle 3 ......................................................................................... 151

D. APPENDIX IV ........................................................................................................ 154

1. Observation Checklist Cycle 1 ....................................................................... 154

2. Observation Checklist Cycle 2 ....................................................................... 157

2. Observation Checklist Cycle 3 ....................................................................... 159

E. APPENDIX V .......................................................................................................... 163

1. Documentation Cycle 1 .................................................................................. 163

2. Documentation Cycle 2 .................................................................................. 164

3. Documentations Cycle 3 ................................................................................ 165

F. APPENDIX VI ........................................................................................................ 166

1. Students’ writings cycle 1 .............................................................................. 166

2. Students’ writings cycle 2 .............................................................................. 169

3. Students’ writings cycle 3 .............................................................................. 173

Figure I: The cycle of experiental learning..................................................................11
Figure II: The cycle of classroom action research.......................................................29


Table I: Guided Questions .......................................................................................... 23

Table II: The Table of Specification ........................... Error! Bookmark not defined.
Table III: Analytic Evaluation Rubric......................... Error! Bookmark not defined.
Table III: The Summary of Teaching and Learning Process Through Outdoor
Activities ..................................................................................................................... 74


A. Research Background

Indonesia has implemented full-day school program since 2017 where high

school students should spend eight hours a day at school. According to Hildebrand

(2010), full-day school program makes the students’ reading achievement better

than students whose school half a day, but on the other achievements such as

mathematics and writing are not significant. Whereas, writing is one of the skills in

learning English language that should be mastered by Foreign Language students.

The foreign language students’ problems in writing English appear because

they are lacking of practices. Students’ problems in writing English keep arising

because they are not enough familiar with English language and they do not have

enough practice of it (Dwivedi & Chakravarthy, 2015). This problem also happened

to the year-10 students of senior high school 9 Pontianak when the writer did the

pre-research observation. The lack of practices did not only make the students

difficult to start collecting and organizing their ideas in a text, but also to master

what related language features that should be used according to the text. When the

writer was doing pre-research observation during the teaching practice, poor

motivation of students also found. Dislen (2013) stated that poor motivation is

influenced by the hours of language lesson, they feel exhausted and their level of

will diminishes. The pre-research observation also showed that when the students

had poor motivation, they were not interested and being passive to follow teaching

and learning process. Lacking of practices and poor motivation will able to mislead

both students and teacher to achieve the instructional objectives.

Previously, the teacher used the group discussion and printed pictures as the

teaching strategy and material for the students to teach writing of factual description.

Unfortunately, the teacher admitted that the group discussion only made some of

students took part but the rest were passive and not interested. As a consequence,

the students could not finish the assignment on time. Teacher also said that using

printed pictures as material to teach writing factual description did not work well on

students because the teacher was not always able to print all of it which made not all

of the students could get the pictures.

One of the learning objectives that year-10 students of senior high school

students should master based on the Curriculum 2013 is they are demanded to be

able to write factual description appropriately, as well as mastering its social

function, language feature, and the structure of the text (Minister of education and

culture, 2016). Unfortunately, the problems such as lacking of practices, enthusiasm

and poor motivation as well as the activeness detained the year -10 students to

achieve that one of learning objectives.

Based on the interview with the English teacher, in their writing of factual

description, the students still had difficulties in using noun phrase with more than

one adjectives, for example students still wrote a black Italian big bag, whereas it

should have been a big black Italian bag. Furthermore, the students were still

confused in using present tense as the language feature of factual description,

especially the subject verb agreement.

In overcoming the problems, outdoor activity was offered as a teaching

technique to the year-10 English teacher at SMA Negeri 9 Pontianak. Outdoor

activity is undertaken in the place that is outside of the classroom that might not be

gotten by the students inside the classroom. Gustafssonet al (2011) see outdoor

activity as a technique where the purpose is to “....foster learning through the

interplay between experience and reflection, based on practical observation in

authentic situations” (p. 68). Outdoor activity provides an environment which is rich

in things that can be utilized as teaching material. The outdoors’s existences such as

weather, sounds, smells, and textures develop and boost students’ learning

environment (Conway, 2009). In addition, Green views of outdoor are able to make

students’ score higher on the test of concentration and self-discipline (Taylor, Kuo,

& Sullivan, 2001). Furthermore, Gustaffssonet (2011) states that it can also be a

good tool for teachers to vary their teaching and give it another dimension which

can also affect the learning aspect. The Outdoor activity which is going to be applied

is Five Sense Writing.

Five Sense Writing is not only expected to make students to be able to

communicate their ideas effectively. It is also able to make students to think

critically by using various forms of descriptive writing (Kilburn, 2012). The five

sense is used to gain the awareness of the natural environment for students. The

curriculum expectations of the implementation Five Sense Writing in learning

language especially writing are able to make students to generate, gather and

organize ideas and information. The students will also reflect on and identify their

strengths as writers, areas for improvement, and the strategies they found most

helpful at different stages in the writing process.

Identifying the areas for improvement that the students will do in implementing

the Five Sense Writing enables them to reflect on their own debility, which in this

case is their use of present tense and noun phrase with adjectives in writing factual

description. Due to the fact that outdoor activity has so many advantages for both of

the students and teacher in their learning and teaching process, it has no wonder that

there are so many researcher that Implement Outdoor Activity as the strategy for

teaching and learning. A’isah’s (2010) study which is entitled “The Implementation

of Outdoor Activity to Improve English Writing Ability of Students at SMP

Suryonugroho Surabaya” revealed that students’ ability in writing factual

description can improve by implementing outdoor activity effectively. It helps

students especially in writing factual description structurally and based on the text


Moreover, she also stated that outdoor activity could give the students ideas to

write because they see the object visually. Sri’s (2015) study which title Improving

Student’s Writing Skill in factual description by Using Outdoor Activity claimed

that outdoor activity can improve students’ writing skill which is proved by the

students’ scores improvement, the more excitement of learning that students have,

the more they can easily understand what they are learning. Rochmawati and Zuchri

(2016) stated that by implementing the outdoor activity, it is able to make the

students more understand easily when they are being in outdoor, and they can apply

the knowledge that has been delivered by the teacher when they see the real object

to be described.

Nevertheless, some of those previous studies mentioned above have same

method in conducting research, have same purpose in improving students’ writing

skill through outdoor activity. Therefore, the differences of this proposed research

is about its aim. This research aims to improve students’ ability in writing factual

description, especially the students’ use of present tense as the language feature of

factual description, and their use of adjectives by implementing outdoor activity.

B. Research Problems

1) General Research Problem

How does implementing Outdoor Activities improve students’ ability in

writing factual description to the year-10 students of “SMAN 9 Pontianak” in

academic year 2017/2018?

2) Specific Research Problems

a. How does implementing Minds On of Five Sense Writing in Outdoor

Activities improve students’ ability of using noun phrase with adjectives in

writing factual description to the year-10 students of “SMAN 9 Pontianak”

Pontianak in academic year 2017/2018?

b. How does implementing Action of Five Sense Writitng in Outdoor Activities

improve students’ ability of using present tense in writing factual description

to the year-10 students of “SMAN 9 Pontianak” in academic year


c. How does implementing Action stage of Five Sense Writing in Outdoor

Activities improve students’ motivation in writing factual description to the

year-10 students of “SMAN 9 Pontianak” in academic year 2017/2018??

d. How does implementing Action stage of Five Sense Writing in Outdoor

Activities improve students’ enthusiasm in writing factual description to the

year-10 students of “SMAN 9 Pontianak” in academic year 2017/2018?

e. How does implementing Action stage of Five Sense Writing in Outdoor

Activities improve students’ activeness in writing factual description to the

year-10 students of “SMAN 9 Pontianak” in academic year 2017/2018?

C. Research Purposes

1. General Research Purpose

Based on the question stated above, the purpose of this research is to find

out how the use of implementing outdoor activity improves students’ ability

in writing factual description to the year-10 students of “SMAN 9 Pontianak”

in academic year 2017/2018.

2. Specific Research Purposes

a. How implementing Minds On stage of Five Sense Writing in Outdoor

Activity improves students’ ability of using noun phrase with adjectives in

writing factual description to the year-10 students of “SMAN 9

Pontianak”in academic year 2017/2018?

b. How implementing Action stage of Five Sense Writing in Outdoor

Activities improves students’ ability of using present tense in writing

factual description to the year-10 students of “SMAN 9 Pontianak”in

academic year 2017/20118?

c. How implementing Action stage of Five Sense Writing in Outdoor

Activities improves students’ motivation in writing factual description to

the year-10 students of “SMAN 9 Pontianak” in academic year 2017/2018?

d. How implementing Action stage of Five Sense Writing in Outdoor

Activities improves students’ enthusiasm in writing factual description to

the year-10 students of “SMAN 9 Pontianak” in academic year 2017/2018?

e. How implementing Action stage of Five Sense Writing in Outdoor

Activities improves students’ activeness to the year-10 students of “SMAN

9 Pontianak” in academic year 2017/2018?

D. Research Scope

Conducting a research should avoid misunderstanding, because of that the

terminology should be stated. Some explanations of terms that are used in this

research are explained below:

1. Factual Description

Factual description is a text which its purpose is to describe an object. It

could be a person, a place, an animal. Factual description has an opening

statement, the series of paragraphs, and the conclusion for its structure. It

also has grammatically featured, they are present tense for its language

form, adjectives, and topic sentence.

2. Outdoor activity

Outdoor activity in this research is getting students out, and provides

them with challenging, exciting and different experiences to help them


3. Five Sense Writing

Five Sense Writing in this research is one of outdoor activities in which

the students gain awareness of the natural environment by using all their

own five senses into the written form, descriptive writing or factual

description. Minds On, Action, and Consolidation are the steps of Five

Sense Writing.

4. Natural Writing

Natural Writing in this research is a strategy which is included to the

Action stage of Five Sense Writing as the addition stratgey in which the

students will utilize the objects from nature for writing assignments.

5. Marking Using a System

Marking Using a System is one of the way that teacher offers as his or

her feedback to the students and purposes to make them enable for having

more motivation in writing factual description. This is also included to the

Action stage of Five Sense Writing as the addition.

6. Description

Description is a stratgey which is included in the step of Action of Five

Sense writing purposing to enable the students in strengthening their ability

of using adjectives.

E. Research Significances

The result of this research will give some benefits for students and teacher,

as mentioned below:

1. For the students

The writer hopes that the implementation of outdoor activities can be a

learning strategy to help the students improve their writing factual

description ability.

2. For the teacher

The writer hopes that the implementation of outdoor activities can be a

teaching strategy for teacher, which is not only able to improve the students’

ability but also the teacher’s performance in teaching.



A. Teaching Writing in EFL Context

Teaching writing is not an easy thing to do, moreover to EFL students.

Kirby and Crovitz (2013) state that teaching writing is challenging; it may

be one of the toughest jobs a teacher faces. It means that teacher needs to do

a hard work in order to guide the students how to utilize their imaginaries

for their writing skills. Writing is also the way how people organize the ideas

to be written. The ideas that students have in their mind are various, because

of that writing is a challenging activity to be taught. Therefore, the teacher

must consider the approaches in teaching writing. According to Nation,

(2009), there are four principles for teaching writing:

a. The Meaning-focused Input

b. The Meaning-focused Output

c. The Language-focused Learning

d. The Language-focused Development

e. The Fluency Development

In this research, the principle which is related to the implemented strategy

by the teacher is the Meaning-focused Input. The Meaning-focused input is

about bringing the experience and knowledge to the students’ writings.

Nation (2009) also says that writing is most likely to be succesful and

meaningful for the students if they are well prepared for what they are going

to write, this preparation can be done through the choice of topic, or even

through previous work done on the topic either in the first or second

language. In this research, the topic writing for the students is describing a

specific place which is a small park at SMAN 9 Pontianak.

The writer also has to make sure that the students are succesful in doing

the assignments or tasks, because of that designing the kind of task which is

going to be given is needed. Nation (2009) states that there are several ways

in which the teacher could do to design the task. First is the teacher could

think of a topic that the students are familiar with, such as a recent exciting

event. The teacher then is able to get the students talking about the event, so

that the ideas and the organisation of the ideas are clear in order that the

students have an oral command of the language which is needed to describe

the event. When the students are asked to learn from things which they are

familiar with, the students then have only to concetrate on turning their ideas

so they can put theirs into a written form.

Second, the teacher could think of a topic and then put the students into

groups that consist of three or four. Then, every group has to make a plan

and to produce one piece of writing. Nation (2009) says that by helping each

other, the students in each group are able to produce a piece of writing which

is going to be much better than any of them could have produce a writing by

working alone. Third, the teacher is able to find or even make a guided

composition exercise, such as a series of pictures with accompanying

questions and useful languagee items.The last is the teacher chooses a topic

and then lets the students get on with their writing. The students are possible

to ask some questions or ask for help when they need it, but they are usually

or mainly left to work independently.

Therefore, the suitable task and related to the students’ assignments in

this research is experience task. Nation (2009) states that experience task is

defined as one kind of task which the teacher has to make sure when she or

he gives it to the students, the students are not overloaded by having to think

about several different things at the same time. The experience task itself is

not only able to allow the students the chance to concentrate on the part of

the task that they need to learn. But, it also helps the students perform a

normal language activity in a normal way with high chance of succes.

Furthermore, the teacher also has to be able to give the explanation about

how to write appropriately. Because of that, the students must know the

process of writing. According to Kane (1988), there are three steps to write.

The first step is thinking which involves choosing a subject, the second step

is doing, and third is doing again which is same as revising. Besides,

Kamehameha (2007), states that there are 5 steps of the writing process.

There are pre-writing, drafting & writing, sharing & responding, revising &

editing, and publishing. In this research, mostly the activity that had been

done by the teacher and the students led to the process of writing number

one, which is pre-writing. Pre-writing is about starting the writing and

organizing the ideas. The more organized the writing, the more the writing

is understandable. Kamehameha Schools (2007) claims that pre-writing is

getting ready to write, decide the topic, brainstorm, and organize the ideas.

Here, the students organized the ideas by being given some guided questions

which are about the elements of the parks at SMAN 9 Pontianak.

The aim of teaching writing is to make the students be able to write the

text based on the generic structure and grammatical features of the text. It

purposes to make the students able to organize their structured ideas and

orderly. Because of that, the teacher must know what aspects that needed

to asses students’ writings. According to Raimes (2002), there are nine

aspects in assesing students’ writings, they are:

a. Syntax

Syntax in the form of students’ writing is assesed based on how

sentence structure, sentence boundaries, stylistic word choices which

are made by the students.

b. Grammar

Grammar in the form of students’ writing is assessed based on how the

students use such as the rule of verbs, articles, pronouns in their


c. Mechanics

Mechanics consist of handwriting, spelling, and punctuation, etc.

d. Organization

Teacher assests students’ writings based on how well they organize the

paragraphs, topic and support, cohesion and unity.

e. Word Choice

Students’ writing are assessed based on the vocabulary, idiom, tone

that they use in their writing

f. Purpose

There is a purpose which is mentioned by them in their writing, in

order to make their writing clear.

g. Audience

Who is the reader of their writing is also important, students should

pay attention to their writing in order to make the content appropriate

to the reader.

h. The Writer’s process

Getting ideas, getting started, drafts and revising are the processes of

the writing before they want to write the text. Those processes are steps

to achieve well-prepared writing.

i. Content

The content of writing consists of the relevance, validity, originally,

logic, etc.

In this research, the writer focused on the students’ grammar which

was their verb agreemnt of present tense and also the content of their


B. Experiential Learning

Experiential learning which is also known as Kolb’s theory is defined

as theory where students learn from their own experiences. Bartle (2015)

represents experiential learning as a four-stage cycle where learning begins

with experiences that let the students to observe, review and reflect on what

they have practised, and then reflect to connect their experiences to theory

or previous experiences consciously. Those experiences are structured to

require the students to take initiative, make decisions and be responsible for

results, “the results of the learning are personal and form the basis for future

experience learning” (Bartle, 2015, p.3). Furthermore, Sharlanova (2004)

states that the experiential learning theory involves studying in four phases

connected with doing, sensing, observing, reflecting, thinking and planning.

In which these phases also connected to the four-stage cyclic process, and

the four stages which Chan & Lam (2013) presented namely concrete

exeriences, reflection, abstract conceptualisation and active ecperimentation.

The experiential learning cycle is showed below in figure 1:

Figure I: The cycle of Experiential Learning

Taken from Lam and Chan (2005, p. 4)

Lam and Chan (2005) also define each of the cycle description.

“Concrete Experience means doing. Through participation in

learning activities, students get hand-on experience on
problem-solving tasks. The experience is personal and invloves
individual affections. Reflection is observing. Students recall
their memory or look at records of the learning activities, they
review and reflect on the process either individually or in a
group. Learners observe other’s behaviours during activities as
well. Abstract conceptualisation means thinking where the
students generalize knowledge and theory from the previous
experience based on the reflection. Active experiment is
planning in which students then modify existing concepts and
knowldege with the new theory come up apply in later

According to Lam and Chan (2005), there are three major elements in

experiential learning. First element is meaning making, this element

described as learning through real life experiences allows students to relate

their knowledge to their daily lives. “Students can easier assimilate their

knowledge to apply what they have learned. Providing a context and giving

students situations make them know the meaning of the tasks” (p.2). The

second is paradigm shifting which refers to the change of students’ implicit

ideas, assumptions and beliefs. The last is self-understanding “by reflecting

on their own performance regularly and in a guided manner, students pay

more attention to their own thinking. This kind of meta-thinking is especially

important in personal change and growth” (p.2). The major elements in

experiential learning explain the process of the activities in this research will

be done.

C. Outdoor Activities

Outdoor activity is all about bringing students outside the classroom to

learn by experiencing interesting, challenging the teaching technique that

teacher offers. The outdoor activity gives the students and teacher to feel

new situation for teaching and learning process. Outdoor activity lets

students to be more actively do the tasks or assignments which are given by

the teacher, because its natural objects, green view, and also school ground

is able to make them freely to pour their ideas and creativities in writing.

According to Squire (2011), writing in outdoor is able to make the students

feel that they have a potency for being an author, enlarge and explain the

thinking of the aim of the “why they should write thinking”, and addict them

to write based on their willing without being forced. Moreover, Kilburn

(2012) states that regular learning time outdoors are able to improve the lives

of all students in multiple ways. For example, their emoional contentment,

physical health, and intellectual development. Kliburn (2012) also mentions

that the regular learning time outdoors can contribute the increased focus and

higher accompolishment of academic. The case of experience of learning

outdoors enables to reach those some reluctant learners inside the classroom

so they can have more relevant and different opportunity to the learners.

In this research, there is Five Sense Writing that is going to be

implemented as an outdoor activity which is described more in the teaching

writing of factual description by implementing Five Sense Writing in

outdoor activities session.

D. Factual Description

Factual description is one of the texts which have to be learned by senior

high school students. Based on the rule of Minister of Education and Culture

(2016), the year-10 students have to be able to analyze the function of social,

text structure, and the form of language of factual description about a person,

a place, a history building, another object which is based on the context use.

Factual Description aims at giving information, the context of this kind

of text is the description of a particular thing, animal, person, or others.

Schacter (2006) claims that factual description text is a result of visualization

like a person, place, or any other things which are described in written form.

It means that visual things are needed if somebody wants to write factual

description, whether it is in their imagination or they directly see it. Kane

(2000) also states that description focuses on visual perception and organizes

which are being seen a significant pattern. Scachter (2010) states that factual

description is characterized by 5 indicators, they are sensory details, the

precise language which means that the language that writer use must

specific, after that comparison, strong verbs, and hyperbole. According to

Anderson (1997) and Anderson (1997) the features of a factual description


a. Constructing a factual description

Constructing a factual description means that it has an opening paragraph

to introduce the subject which is going to be described by the writer, and

then followed by a series of paragraph that consist of each paragraph

describing one feature of the subject. Each paragraph usually begins with

a topic sentence that previews the detail that will be contained in the

remainder of the paragraph. Then the final section is about the conclusion.

b. Grammatical Feature of a factual description consists of verbs in the

present tense, adjectives to describe the feature of the subject, and the topic

sentence to begin the paragraphs and organize the various aspects of the


Two of grammatical features of a factual description are verbs in the

present tense and the adjectives to describe the feature of the subject.

According to Uchiyama (2006), Present Tense is used when the action is

general, it happens all the time, or habitually, in the past, present and future.

It means that the action is not only happening now, and the statement of

present tense is always true. Uchiyama (2006) also states that simple present

tense is very often used to express general truths and factual statements, it is

used to state a fact or ask a question without any time reference. There are

three forms of simple present tense, first is affirmative (positive sentences),

second is negative sentences, and third is question sentences.

In the other hand, adjectives in factual description are used to describe the

feature of the subject. Fowler (2010) state that an adjective modifies a noun

or pronoun by providing descriptive or specific detail. Adjectives do not

modify verbs, other adjectives, or adverbs. Adjectives usually precede the

noun or pronoun they modify. Adjectives do not have to agree in number or

gender with the nouns they describe. Adjectives answer the following

questions. The types of adjectives are descriptive adjectives, proper

adjectives, limiting adjectives, interrogative adjectives, coordinate

adjectives, compound adjectives, and determiners as adjectives. Moreover,

Fowler (2010) also state that a single noun can be described as a list of

adjectives. When more than one adjective is used to modify a noun, it is

important to consider the order in which the adjectives appear. Following is

the usual order of adjectives in a series for an object:

a. Determiners: articles (a, the), demonstratives (this, those), and

possessives (his, our, Mary’s, everybody’s), amounts(one, five, many,

few), order (first, next last)

b. Coordinate adjectives (subjective evaluations or personal opinions):

nice, nasty, packed, pitiful

c. Adjectives describing size: big, huge, little, tiny

d. Adjectives describing shape: long, short, round, square

e. Adjectives describing age: young, old, modern, ancient

f. Adjectives describing color: blue, green, red, white

g. Adjectives describing material: cardboard, plastic, silver, gold

In writing factual description, students are demanded to be able to

master its grammatical features. The grammatical features of factual

description are present tense and adjectives, in order to make appropriate

factual description students need to pay attention to both of them.

E. Teaching Writing of Factual Description by Five Sense Writing in Outdoor


The teacher needs to have various strategies in teaching writing. Teacher

should remember that the various strategies have to be based on related learning

theory, so that the teacher and students can apply their learning into their daily

life. According to Spalie, Utaberta, Abdullah, Tahir & Ani (2011) the purpose of

learning is not valued by how you can get a high score in the school, but how the

students can use their knowledge into their daily life.

The teacher will use text-based instruction to arrange the lesson plan. The

text-based instruction has 4 stages, they are building knowledge of the text,

modelling of the text, joint construction of the text, and individual construction.

According to Nugraha and Hafrizon (2009) building knowledge of the text is

“where the students are introduced to the social context of an

authentic model of the text type being studied, explore feature of the
general cultural context in which the text type is used and the social
purposes the text – type achieves explore the immediate context of
situation by investigating the register of a model text which has been
selected on the basic of the course objective and learner need” (p.23).

In this stage, the teacher brings the students outside the classroom in order

to explore the students’ general knowldege of the text by by Minds on step of

Five Sense Writing. When the first time the teacher takes a class outside, it is

worthwhile spending time getting children used to gathering and doing circle-

based activities (Robertson, 2014). Then, the teacher gives the students 10

minutes to collect the data about school parks by answering the guided questions.

The guided questions are provided below:

Table I: Guided Questions

Pre Writing Draft Sentences

How many parks Nineteen parks There are nineteen parks in

does your school my school


Where are the In senior high school The parks are in Senior

parks? nine High School Nine

What are the 1x1,5m. Square and The dimensions of the

dimensions of the small small square parks are

parks? 1x1,5m.

What are the special The flowers and the wall The special features of the

features of the paintings pars are flowers and wall

parks? paintings

What are in the Colorful flowers, There are colorful

parks? bamboo fence, black flowers,bamboo fence and

plastic vases black plastic vases.

How the students Hanging on the trees, The students arrange the

arrange the flowers? and put the black plastic flowers by hanging them

flowers vases on the on the tree, or just putting

ground them on the ground.

The second stage is modelling of the text, Hafrizon (2009) also explains

that modelling of the text is where the students enquire the structural pattern

and language form of the model, the students will also compare the model

with other examples of the text type. In this stage, the students are explained

about the grammatical features and the structures of factual description

through Action! Step of Five Sense Writing which adapted from Kilburn

(2012). In this step, the group of students learn about how to write

appropriately based on the process of writing, such as pre-writing, drafting,

and revising about school parks based on the guided questions which already

answered by the students. After that, students and the teacher together

analyse the sentence form of present tense and the noun phrase with

adjectives in the factual description.

These guided questions are made first to brainstorm and organize the

ideas that students gain from directly looking at the park situation. Second,

the teacher shows how to make it into paragraph. Third, the students and the

teacher will have sharing and responding to the text. Forth, the students

together revise and proofread the writing. Fifth, the students show the text to

the teacher.

The third stage is Joint Construction. Hafrizon (2009) claims that it is

the stage where the students start contributing to the construction of whole

examples of text-type. Joint construction lets the teacher “reduces the

contribution to text construction, as the students move closer to being able

to control the text-type independently” (p.24). In this stage, the students will

do the activity named Natural Writing. According to Malkoc and Montalvan

(1986), Natural Writing is defined as a fun activity for students because it

utilizes the objects from nature for the writing assignments.

In Natural Writing, students are going to write a description about one

of two parks. The details of factual description should distinguish this park

from another one. Then, the students leave the written description between

the two parks. All of the students should move to another park according to

the teacher’s direction when he calls “time”. After that, the students read the

description on the park they move to. The students are told to observe the

two parks and place the written description they think fits one of the park.

The students return to the first park when the teacher calls “time” again.” If

the person reads your description and places it on the correct

park, ask the reader which details led to the correct identification. If the

wrong description is there, find out what information was lacking to make a

correct choice; or find out whether the fault lay in the person’s failure to read

the description accurately or completely.

The last stage is independent construction, this stage is where the

students do the task individually. The students are asked to write a factual

description about one of parks in SMAN Negeri 9 Pontianak. The students

will be freely to choose which one of the parks that they are going to write

about. They will write it on the paper which is sticked on the wooden

clipboard while directly being in the park.



In this chapter, the writer explains the research design which is going to be

used in conducting the topic “Implementing Outdoor Activity to Improve

Students’ Ability in Writing Factual Description.” This research methodology

consists of the form of research, research subject, and the procedure of Classroom

Action Research, technique and tools of data collection, and also the technique of

data analysis.

A. Research Design

Since the writer purpose is to change the behaviour of students and teacher

in order to have a better achievement on writing factual description, so the

suitable research method is Classroom Action Research (CAR). CAR is one of

research strategy which is mostly conducted by the teachers in order to solve

the classroom problems which have been identified or recognized. CAR is a

research strategy that teachers can use to investigate a problem or area of

interest specific to their professional context which aims to solve a specific and

practical school problems (Burns, 2010).

In addition, instead of waiting for a command from administrators to tell

them what to do, CAR lets educators or teachers rely on themselves in order to

know what is happening and what should happen in their own classrooms

(Nugent, Malik, & Hollingsworth, 2012). It means that only the teachers know

what the problems are and how to solve those problems in their own classroom.

In Classroom Action Research, there are some steps which should be

implemented. The steps are planning, action, observation and reflection. Burns

(2010) states that planning is about identifying a problem and develop a plan of

action in order to bring about improvements in a specific area of the research


Meanwhile, action means applying what has been planned at one stage, “the

plan is a carefully considered one which involves some deliberate interventions

into your teaching situation that you put into action over an agreed period of

time” (Burns, 2010, p.8). Then, observation is about observing systematically

the effects of the action and documenting the context, actions and opinions of

those involved (Burns, 2010). The last is reflection which means reflecting on,

evaluating and describing the effects of the actions in order to make sense of

what has happened and to understand the issue which have explored clearer.

The Classroom Action Research adapted and taken from Coats (2005, p.5)

process could be seen below:

Figure 2: The Cycle of Classroom Action Research

B. Subject of Research

a. Students participant

The research was conducted to the year-10 students of SMA Negeri 9

Pontianak in academic year 2017/2018. The subject of this research was

the students in class X MIA 2 that consists of 36 students. They were 25

students of female and 11 male students.

b. English teacher

The writer contributed with the English teacher of SMA Negeri 9

Pontianak. He has been teaching English for 13 years. His age is 40 years

old and graduated from English Department in Teaching English Language

and Education Faculty of Tanjungpura University.

C. Procedure of Classroom Action Research

The procedure of Classroom Action Research is divided into three steps

which those three steps have to be done in each cycle. The steps are

planning, action, observation and reflection.

In this research, the writer collaborated with one of English teachers of

SMA Negeri 9 Pontianak. As stated by Coats (2005) CAR activities are best

carried out with colleagues. The procedures continued until it would have

reached the satisfactions of the teacher and the writer expects it to be. Before

implementing the procedures, the writer discussed the problems which had

been facing by the students in writing factual description, the writer also

had an interview with the teacher about the previous technique that had been

used. After that, the writer offered the teacher to implement outdoor activity

to improve students’ ability in writing factual description. Then, the teacher

and writer collaborated to conduct the research. The following steps of

conducting the research are described as follows:

a. Plan

In this first step of Classroom Action Research process, the writer

began to plan the action. The teacher and the writer designed a lesson plan

for teaching and learning activity which was based on Genre-based

approach. The lesson plan was going to be applied for the year- 10

students of SMA Negeri 9 Pontianak. The lesson plan itself focused on

how the outdoor activities implemented as a teaching technique to teach

writing. The lesson plan consisted of instructional objectives, teaching

material, teaching procedures, assessment procedures, and media of

teaching activity.

b. Act

Then, the teacher and the writer started to apply the lesson plan which

was already designed. In this step, the teacher taught in the gathering

place which was the school ground while the writer acted as the observer

to observe the teaching and learning process, the process of teaching and

learning is described as follow:

1. Building knowledge of the text:

This step showed where the students were introduced to the social

or their experience of the text. They related and associated the prior

knowledge of their own with the topic which was being delivered by

the teacher. The writer started to do the outdoor activity. The first

activity was the first step of Five Sense Writing which was Minds On.

Here the students were asked to make some circles that consist of four

or five (based on the amount of students in classroom). Then, they

observed and collected the data by going toward the parks at SMA

Negeri 9 Pontianak to answer the guided questions.

2. Modelling of the text

In this step, the teacher started to show the factual description. The

teacher would take one of students’ writing to be analysed together.

The students and the teacher analysed the sentence pattern, the noun

phrase with adjectives, and also the structure of the texts by applying

the Action stage of Five Sense Writing.

3. Joint construction of the text

In this step, the students started contributing with the text, which was

factual description. The students were demanded to be able to master

the grammatical features of factual description, especially how to use

the noun phrase with more than one adjectives and present tense

appropriately. Here, the teacher implemented the Natural Writing to

the Five Sense Writing in outdoor activities. While the teacher and the

students were having the process, the writer was being the observer.

The steps of the activity are provided in appendix I.

4. Independent construction of the text

Here, the students were asked to write their own factual description

individually. The students wrote the factual description about their

most favourite park at SMA N 9.

c. Observing

In this section, the writer observed the teaching and learning process

which was being performed in implementing Outdoor Activity by both

the students and the teacher. The writer did the observation using

observation checklist, and field notes. Moreover, the writer also did the

observation for students’ writing performance that was scored based on

the scoring rubric.

d. Reflection

In this reflection stage, the writer would analyse the result. After

analysing the result, the writer and the teacher were together decided

whether it already reached the criteria of success or not. When the

criteria of success were not satisfied yet, the writer and the teacher

would discuss to conduct the plan for the next cycle.

D. Technique and Tools of Data Collection

a. Technique of Data Collection

There are two kinds of data in the classroom action research, they are

quantitative data and qualitative data. The quantitative data is the mean

score of the students’ writings and qualitative data is the descriptions

about the students’ attitude and behaviour while the action is given.

1) Teaching and learning process

Observation: The technique that involves systematically selecting,

watching and recording behaviour and characteristics of living

beings, objects or phenomena. Chesterfield (2002) states that

observation is able to give more detailed information and related

information that can also mention facts that cannot be mentioned on

interview. Here, the writer used the observation checklist to notice

students’ improvement by being implemented the outdoor activities

in writing the factual description. The kind of observation that was

used in this research was participant observation where the writer did

not only become the passive observer, but also took some roles in

certain situation and participated in the case that were going to be


2) Students’ mean score

The data collected by taking the students’ mean score in writing

factual description.

b. Tools of Data Collection

1) Teaching and Learning Process

The classroom observation was taken from observation checklist

which covered the teaching procedures and students’ participant in

writing activities. Observation checklist table was used by the

writer to notice the students’ improvement in writing factual

description by being implemented the outdoor activities. Burns

(2010) states that events checklist focuses on recording specific

phases or activities in a lesson. For additional description, the writer

used the field note in order to take some notes about the teaching

and learning while in progress, such as the students’ participation,

students’ interaction, behaviour and how the implementation of

outdoor activities toward the students’ ability in writing factual

description. The participant observation is stated descriptively to

support the primary data, the mean score.

2) Writing Test

The teacher measured the improvement of students’ ability in

writing factual description by giving the certain test. Jraa (2014)

states that students’ scores of the test and writing assessments are

able to display that usefully supplement other forms of data

collection. Here, the students’ score from the test was used to find the

mean score.

3) Scoring Table

The teacher measured the improvement of students’ ability in

writing factual description by giving them certain test and gave the

score based on the prepared scoring table.

E. Techniques of Data Analysis

In every meeting the teacher and the collaborator observed the students

learning activity, enthusiasm, activeness, and motivation to write. So, the

writer could be able to solve the problem objectively by using the suitable

techniques in conducting this research.

a. Teaching and learning process

The observation checklists were done in every meeting to record the

students’ attitude and their development in writing factual description

through the outdoor activities. The students’ improvement would be

significant if they had a good behaviour toward the technique that is

applied in the teaching and learning activity.

Here, the writer analysed the qualitative data by using coding

technique. Burns (2010) states that coding the data means looking for

the main themes or concepts that will help to throw light on the research

questions, puzzles, or dilemmas.

After coding the data, the writer described it and interpreted the data

which had been collected. Description is about the various data in

findings related aspects of the study which included the teacher and

students’ performance, the setting or condition of teaching and learning

process. Interpretation was the process of attaching meaning to the data.

Interpretation demanded fair and careful judgments. Often the same data

could be interpreted in different ways. So, it was helpful to involve

others or take time to hear how different people interpret the same


b. Students’ mean score

In order to get and achieve the greater confidence with the research

findings, the writer elaborated the data analysis which was taken from

both results, writing tasks as the secondary data and the observation as

the primary data. From the writing test, the writer counted the mean

score of the students’ writing tests. The formula to count the mean score

is provided below:

M = ∑x / N

Note: M = Mean Score

X= Sum of Individual Score

N = Number of students.

(Taken from Singh, 2006, p286)

The individual score and mean score of students’ writing test are

categorized based on the following table.

Table II: The Table of Specification

The score Classification

80-100 Good to excellent

70-79 Average to Good

60-69 Average

50-59 Poor to Average

0-49 Poor

The teacher also assessed the student’s work by using writing scoring

rubric which is taken from Hill (as cited in Brown, 2000) can be seen


Table III: Analytic Evaluation Rubric

Aspect Score Performance Description Weighting

The topic is complete and clear

Content (C)
4 and the details are relating to the 20

-Details The topic is complete and clear

3 but the details are almost relating

to the topic

The topic is complete and clear

2 but the details are not relating to

the topic

The topic is not clear and the

1 details are not relating to the


Identification is complete and

4 description are arranged with

Organization proper connectives

Identification is almost complete

- 3 and description are arranged 20

Identification with almost proper connectives

-Description Identification is complete and

2 descriptions are arranged with

few misuse of connectives

Identification is not complete

1 and descriptions are arraned with

misuse of connectives

Very few gramatical or

agreement inaccuracies

(G) Few grammatical or agreement

3 inaccuracies but not affect on

meaning 30
-Use present
Numerous grammatical or
tense 2
agreement inaccuracies
Frequent grammatical or
agreement inaccuracies

Effective choice of words and

Vocabulary word forms

(V) 30
Few misuse of vocabularies,

(Adjectives) 3 word forms, but not change the


Limited range confusing words
and word form

Very poor knowledge of words,

1 word forms, and not


Score = 𝑋 10 Modified from Brown (2000)


A. Research Finding

The writer used the Classroom Action Research (CAR) in order to bring about

changes and improvement toward students’ ability in writing the factual description

toward the year- 10 students of MIA 2 at SMAN 9 Pontianak. As stated on the

chapter one, the students had difficulties to write the factual description especially

in using the verb agreement of present tense and the noun phrase with adjectives.

This problems were led by the long duration of time that students should spend at

the school and the monotonous teacher’s teaching strategy, so it caused the students

to be more passive and lack of motivation during the teaching and learning process.

This research was conducted in three cycles. Based on the data observation as

well as the students’ score of writing factual description, the implementation of

outdoor activities improved the students’ ability of using the noun phrase with

adjectives and also present tense in writing the factual description. The ability of

students in using noun phrase with adjectives was improved through the Minds on

stage of Five Sense Writing in Outdoor Activities. Also, the Action stage of Five

Sense Writing could improve students’ ability in using present tense. Moreover, the

Action stage of Five Sense Writing in Outdoor Activities could improve students’

motivation, enthusiasm as well as their activeness.

The writer decided to explain the teaching and learning process while the teacher

was implementing the activity, the steps and strategy added was provided on

following explanations:

1. Implementing Five Sense Writing in Outdoor Activities improved students’

ability of Using Noun Phrase with Adjectives and also the present tense in

Writing Factual Description

Students’ ability of using noun phrase in writing factual description improved

by applying the Five Sense Writing of outdoor activity. This activity has Minds

On, Action! and Consolidation for its stages.

a. Minds On improved students’ ability of using noun phrase with

adjectives in writing factual description

Students ability in using noun phrase with adjectives improved by applying

the Minds On stage of Five Sense Writing in outdoor activities. Minds On stage

had some strategies such as: a) Distributing the guided questions and b)


1) Distributing the guided questions

In the stage of Minds on, the teacher distributed the guided questions

about the characteristics that the object (park) might have. The teacher distributed

the guided questions to make the students got the highlight of what to write in

the factual description and ease them to identify the adjectives which the parks

have. They also given 10 minutes to walk and looking at the parks at the same

time in order to match and suit between the guided questions and the things that

they got after using their five senses such as, hands for holding the objects, eyes

for looking at the objects, and so on. This case absolutely eased the students to

describe the parks and using the noun phrase with adjectives because they not

anymore only imagining the object that they want to describe like they used to,

but they now could visually looking at the real objects at the same time. Thus,

the teacher consistently distributed the guided questions to be answered by the

students in every cycle. The example of guided questions could be seen below.

Table IV: The Guided Questions

How many parks does Nineteen parks There are nineteen

your school have? parks in my school

Where are the parks? In senior high school nine The parks are in Senior

High School Nine

What are the 1x1,5m. Square and small The dimensions of the

dimensions of the small square parks are

parks? 1x1,5m.

What are the special The flowers and the wall The special features of

features of the parks? paintings the pars are flowers and

wall paintings

What are in the parks? Colorful flowers, bamboo There are colorful

fence, black plastic vases flowers, bamboo fence

and black plastic vases.

How the students Hanging on the trees, and The students arrange

arrange the flowers? put the black plastic the flowers by hanging

flowers vases on the them on the tree, or just

ground putting them on the


2) Doing the Description to strengthen the students’ use in using noun phrase

with adjectives

Students’ ability in using noun phrase with adjectives improved by using

this strategy. This strategy aimed at strengthening and attracting the

students’ use of adjectives in a fun way. Here, the teacher told the students

to write a one-sentence description of park, that they like on a piece of

paper, using at least one adjective in the description. Then, the students

took turns reading the description aloud. The rest of the class tried to

guess which park was being described. Here, the students were

competing to guess the identification of their classmates. This strategy

was applied in the third cycle which able to strengthen them in guessing

which park that matched with description writings of their friends.

b. Action stage of Five Sense Writing in Outdoor Activities Improved

students’ ability of using Present Tense in Writing Factual Description

Students’ writing factual description ability, especially in using present

tense improved by implementing the action stage of Five Sense Writing in

Outdoor Activities. The teacher also put some strategies into Action stage of

Five Sense Writing in Outdoor Activities such as: a) Analysing the sentence

pattern of present tense b) peer feedback and the last is c) Natural Writing.

The further explanation is provided below:

a. Analysing the sentence pattern of present tense in the factual description

The students understanding of using simple present tense, especially its

verb agreement improved by analysing the pattern of sentence in the

factual description. Rather than explaining the formula of simple present

tense, the teacher directly and the students together analyzed the sentence

pattern of present tense from students’ own writings. The teacher took

one of the students writing and made it example. Here, the students not

only able to know the verb-agreement of present tense itself, but also able

to know their mistake in using the present tense or even reflected from

their friend’s mistake. Thus, the teacher kept applying this strategy since

the first cycle to the last cycle.

b. Peer Feedback

The students writing in the first cycle still not really structured, so in the

next cycle the writer and the teacher implemented the peer feedback. The

peer feedback not only able to make the students writing more structured

but this strategy also able to make the students learn each other from the

peers in using the simple present tense. The group of students could

together help their friends in giving the feedback about how to write and

using present tense. Here, the students exchange their writings and learn

together. So, the students could apply their knowledge that they got after

analysing the sentence pattern of present tense in the factual description

to their friends’ writings.

c. Action stage of Five Sense Writing in Outdoor Activities improved

Students’ enthusiasm in writing factual description

Natural writing is strategy which was added to this step explained below:

1) Natural Writing

Natural Writing improves students’ enthusiasm in writing factual

description. Based on the data collection. The students did not show the

tension but instead they enjoyed the every steps of natural writing process

cheerfully. The students emitted a lot of self-confidence in doing the

activity, for example they were not only brave to ask the other groups

about what information was lacking in their writing of factual description

about the park until they could make wrong choice in choosing the park

and the suitable factual description . But, they also explained surely about

how the other groups’ writings could work so they could be able to choose

the right one. The students’ energy level while writing factual description

also higher rather than when they were in the classroom, furthermore the

nature objects in their surrounding supported their enthusiasm because

they did not need to imagine the invisible things anymore.

When the teacher told the group of students to handle the written factual

description on the piece of paper which owned by another group, they

easily made choice and they were dare to take the risk in placing the one

they thought fit the suitable park. They had the energy to concretely show

their ideas and finish the things they started.

d. Implementing Action stage of Five Sense Writing in outdoor activities

improves students’ activeness in writing factual description

Students’ activeness in writing factual description improved by

implementing the Action stage of Five Sense Writing. It could be seen when

students engaged while they were told to analyse the sentence pattern of

present tense in the factual description. Most of them also well participated

when the teacher tried to ask them about the sentence pattern of present tense

and the noun phrase with adjectives which used by their friends in the factual


There were also one of the students in every three different groups arguing

whether the guided questions already answered by their friends or not.

Furthermore, all of the students in groups collaborated in doing the peer edit

by asking the questions to their own self, such as “What do I like about my

friends’ work?” “What suggestions can I make that might improve my

partner’s work?” Then, they could be able to collaborate in correcting others’

works for each other.

e. Implementing Action stage of Five Sense Writing in outdoor activities

improves students’ motivation in writing factual description

Students’ motivation improved by implementing the Action stage of Five

Sense Writing. It was shown when the students had the continued effort

toward the goal in following the teaching and learning process, especially

when finishing the Natural Writing activity even though there was obstacle,

which was the hot weather. Even though in the first cycle the weather was a

bit hot, the students kept being enthusiastic in following the activity. One of

the examples of persistence that students had shown was they had their

vigour or spirit in pursuing the goal, which in this case was to be correct

when choosing the suitable park with the written factual description.

Based on the data collection, the writer also found that the students’

intensity were different. Those who had greater intensity were mostly the

female students. It could be seen when almost all of the female students

learnt regularly, participated in the discussion, and did the positive

behaviour. But this case did not mean that the male students lacked of

intensity, it just was only there were some of them who already had the

ability and higher prior knowledge of English even though without much

effort that they spent. Then, this stage also has one strategy, the strategy was

Marking Using a System. The following explanation is provided below:

a) Marking Using a System

This strategy was really useful for the students, it was because the

teacher did not correct their mistakes but showed them where the

mistake was and what type of mistake it was. The mistakes were there

mostly because of their carelessness. So, the learners should correct their

mistakes themselves after the teacher had marked them. This marks

made the students encouraged them in continuing the effort until they

felt satisfied and having the right sentences in writing factual

description. The teacher gave some signs such as “T” means the students

had to revise their tense, verb group, agreement. Meanwhile, “V” means

the students need to add the needed verb between subject and the

adjective. The teacher also used “NP” on students writing which means

the students should revise their adjectives order.

B. Description of Cycle

The following is the description of the result of observation on each cycle:

1. The First Cycle (March 7th, 2018)

There are planning, acting, observing, and reflection stages in every cycle of

classroom action research. The description of the implementation of this research

described as follows:

a. Planning Stage

In the planning stage, the teacher and the collaborator planned the

instruments before conducting the research, such as lesson plan which

consisted of media, techniques, handout, and scoring table. The text-based

instruction was planned by the teacher and the collaborator as an approach for

implementing the lesson plan.

In building knowledge of the text, the teacher and the writer planned to ask

the students to make a line before going outside. After being in the outdoor

space, the students were asked to sit in circle that consisted of six people. The,

they were asked to observe and collect the data by answering the guided

questions. They were told to do it while looking and walking at the park at the

same time.

In the modelling of the text, the teacher and the collaborator planned to

utilize the answer of guided questions which was based on the students’ data

collection about their school parks as one of media to for make the factual

description. Then, the collaborator and the teacher planned to do the activity

named Description where the students would be told to use at least 2 of

adjectives in writing the factual description. After that, the students would

analyse the language form which is the simple present tense especially the

verb agreement and the use of noun phrase with adjectives from the text that

already made the students.

In join construction, the teacher and the collaborator planned to implement

the Natural Writing to the step of Action in the Five Sense Writing. Here, the

teacher and the students planned to divide the students into some pairs. The

teacher would ask the teams to be able to judge the validity of the sentences

in the factual description.

In the independent construction, the teacher and the collaborator planned

to make the students to be able to write the factual description individually,

they were freely to choose the favourite park in the school that they can


b. Acting stage

The acting stage was conducted on 7th March, 2018. The English subject

was started at 10.35 a.m in the morning. In the first minutes of the lesson, the

English teacher started it by greeting, checking the students attendance, telling

the learning objectives and activities which were going to be done to the

students. Two of thirty six students were absent. When the teacher told them

that they were going to learn outside the classroom, the students got excited

and interested which could be seen by the cheer of them. The students took

much time to wear their own shoes when they were going to the school park.

Furthermore, the teacher did not tell the students to make a line which made

the class noisy. In the park, not all of the students could not sit because the

size of the park was not enough. In building knowledge, the students were

motivated to collect the data by answering the guided questions about the

school parks, but they took more than ten minutes to do it. After collecting the

data, the students gathered again to listen the explanation from the teacher.

In modelling of the text, most of them gave attention to the teacher’s

analysis about the language feature and noun phrase with adjectives in factual

description. Although most of the students gave the attention to the teacher’s

explanation in the modelling of the text, there were still some students could

not understand how to use verb agreement of present tense and still confused

about the noun phrase with adjectives. Actually, the teacher had to make the

factual description about the park based on the guided question together with

the students. But, because of the lack of the time, the students were directly

given the text that the teacher already made by himself. It was caused when

there were some students who got excited and motivated only in the first

minute. In another hand, there were some students who were brave in raising

their hands when asked to analyse one of sentences in factual description.

Those students were able to understand how to use the present tense and noun

phrase with adjectives by doing the analysis of the sentences in factual

description because most of them were motivated in listening to the teacher’s

explanation during the modelling of the text processed.

In the joint construction of the text, the students were told to work in

groups. The students were really excited and interested to name their group.

When the teacher told the instruction of what to do to the students, most of

them paid attention to the instruction, but there were some students who were

still confused about the instruction. For example, they seemed still confused

when the teacher said “time” as a sign that they should move to another place,

but there were 2 groups who did not move at all and asked the teacher what

they should do. Because of that, the teacher should re-explained the

instruction. After explaining the instruction more than two times, finally the

students started to choose the suitable written factual description of their

friends with the right park. Here, the students were noisy when they were

discussing the sentences with their own friends. After the discussion finished,

the students were asked to stay in their places. The teacher asked group by

group to judge the sentences that made them decided why they chose this park

as the right one. The first team got 100 point because they were able to judge

the validity of the first sentence as a correct park, so did the second third, fifth,

sixth group except the forth group. The forth group was wrong in choosing

the correct park because they said the group who wrote this was lack in giving

the detail description about the park. Here, it showed that the forth group still

was not sure about their own answer. The Natural Writing activity was still

going on, it was finished at 11.07 a.m., and the group who got the highest

score was the first group. This first group consisted of the students who mostly

were motivated and interested in following the teaching and learning process.

In the independent construction, the students were asked to write their own

factual description about their favourite park individually. The students felt

free to choose the position where they wanted to write as long as the teacher

could reach out. When the teacher told the instruction, there was a student who

asked about how many paragraphs they should write. When the ball almost

rang, there were some students who already finished and few who did not. The

ones who had not finished the task were the students unmotivated when in the

modelling of the text. Then, the teacher collected the worksheets of the

students without doing the reflection.

c. Observing Stage

In this stage, the teacher and the writer worked together in calculating the

students mean score. The mean score of the students in the first cycle was

65,47 which was categorized as average, meanwhile the standard minimum

score of English subject was 75. This result was categorized as unsatisfied by

teacher and the collaborator. Many students did mistake in writing factual

descriptions, such as combining the auxiliary verb and the verb agreement of

present tense. Instead of writing “the park has beautiful flower” the students

still wrote “the park is has beautiful flower”. This problem appeared because

the students only analysed the sentences in the factual description, but not

having time to write the factual description in the modelling of the text. The

indicator of the lesson especially using present tense in the first cycle have not

achieved yet.

Based on the observation checklist and field note that was collected by the

collaborator, the weaknesses and the problems were observed. One of the

weaknesses was the unpredictable weather, sometimes the weather was hot

but in an hour the weather could be shady. For the problems, the students

wasted times for doing activities which were not included in the lesson plan,

such as wearing their own shoes, spending more than 10 minutes to collect the

data about the parks in the building knowledge, the size of the parks who was

not enough to be a place for all of the students that made some students stood

up and some sat on the ground.

Furthermore, there were few students only motivated and gave the attention

to the teacher in the first minute of the lesson made not all of the students

could not follow the teaching and learning process well. The unclear

instructions delivered by the teacher also made the students confused and

asked about that many times. When discussing the correctness of the sentences

the students were noisy, and their lines were messy. That is why those

problems should be avoided. The ways to solve the problems could be

discussed with the teacher in the reflecting stage.

d. Reflecting stage

After conducting the action of this research, the teacher and the

collaborator together decided to conduct second cycle because of the

behaviour of the students had not shown the progress to reach out the ability


Those are why the teacher and the collaborator planned the second cycle

which should be conducted based on the following actions:

1) In order to make students to have motivation not only in the first minute of

the lesson but during the teaching and learning process, the teacher will

apply the “Marking Using a System” by Nation (2009) to the students when

they already finished their writing. Furthermore, the teacher will also plan

to motivate the students by praising their works, rather than directly to their

selves. For example the teacher will say “the introduction is clear and more

organized” than “you did a great job”.

2) In order to make the students writing more structured, the teacher will

implement the questioning in gathering ideas, peer feedback in reviewing,

and editing to the students.

3) In order to make the time more organized well, the teacher already said in

the first cycle that the students should already gather in the outdoor place

which already decided by teacher and together with the students in starting

the English subject.

4. In order to use the time effectively, the teacher will not ask the students to

write the factual description in the modelling of the text. But the teacher

will only ask the students to check whether the text already answers the

questions on the guided questions or not.

2. The Second Cycle (14th March, 2018)

The second cycle was conducted based on the reflection which already

discussed with the teacher and the collaborator. This cycle was held in a week

after the first cycle (14th March, 2018). The planning, acting, observing, and the

reflection in the first cycle are represented below:

a. Planning

Referring to the reflection of the first cycle, the writer planned to conduct

the second cycle on March, 14th 2018. Before conducting the research, the

teacher together with the collaborator made the lesson plan which was going

to be applied. The writer and the teacher planned to use a Marking Using a

Graph to the students in order to make them keep being motivated during the

teaching and learning process and also to ease the teacher in controlling the

students. Since the students’ writing have not yet structured, the teacher and

the collaborator implementing the questioning in gathering ideas, projection

into dialogue in organizing the ideas, peer feedback in reviewing, and editing

to the students. Furthermore, the steps which provided by Five Sense of

Writing was not Since telling the students to write their own factual

description individually in the modelling text consumed much time, the

teacher and the collaborator planned to use the exist factual description which

already been made by one of the students in the first cycle. It is hoped that all

of the students are able to analyse the simple present tense and the noun phrase

with adjectives in the factual description.

b. Acting

As usual, the teacher started the class by greeting, checking the students’

attendance, and also telling the activities that were going to be done. There

were two of thirty six students attended the occasion at Dinas Pendidikan. The

students were motivated to sat on the ground near the parks in SMA N 9

Pontianak, it could be seen with their cheer while they were excited seeing the

teacher walking toward them. Students were more aimed in starting the

activity and the lesson of today; the students could be in the gathering place

and directly did the instruction given by the teacher. The time was not

consumed uselessly like in the first cycle.

In the building knowledge, the teacher gave the students the text and asked

them to check it whether it already contained the answer of questioning or not.

They did it while walking and looking at the park directly, they were really

enthusiast. The questioning was the list of questions which the teacher already

gave to the students in collecting the data of factual description. In modelling

of the text, the students did the peer feedback in reviewing the factual

description. Then, the students were asked to do the editing of factual

description. Here they repaired the sentence which had not been right, whether

it was about the grammar mistake or not.

In join construction, the students were active in doing the Natural Writing.

Since the students already knew what to do and understood the instructions,

the teacher was easily to control them. In this activity, the students were

motivated and excited to be in between the two parks that they were going to

describe. In Natural Writing, the students were told to have two objects, which

here were parks. Then the students were asked to choose one of them. After

choosing, the groups of students that consist of six were demanded to write

the factual description about the park that they already chosen and put the

paper between the two parks. The others group were asked by the teacher to

guess and put the paper on the ground which was suitable with the description.

The students who worked in group were seen that they were really serious

when writing the text about park. They were silently clever in writing the

factual description.

For example, one of the best group did the Natural Writing by firstly

collecting the data and then going to the another place to write it, so the others

group could not guess which park that they were going to describe easily.

When the teacher said “time” as a sign that the students must put their own

paper between the two parks, they were rashly put it. Even though there was

still a bit noise when they were doing this Natural Writing, but it was not as

noise as the first cycle. The joint construction finished at 10.54, at this time

there was a group that still wrong to suit between the factual description and

the park.

After that, the teacher asked them to go to their own favourite park in order

to tell the students to write the factual description about their favourite park at

SMA N 9 Pontianak. Here, the teacher had a problem because the students

were hard to control them. For example, the teacher had to go to one park and

another. But, the students could finish their writings on time and back to the

class without any obstacle.

c. Observing

In this stage, the teacher and writer together observed the field note and the

observation checklist. There was a student who did not have a friend in doing

the peer review, the students made a bit noisy when doing the natural writing

and a group could not guess the park based on the factual description which

written by the another group. Furthermore, the teacher had a difficulty to

control all of the students in different park. The writer and teacher found that

in this cycle the teaching and learning process was applied better than in this

first cycle. But, the students still had difficulty in using the present tense to

write the factual description.

Referring that students’ behaviour during the teaching and learning process

was better than in the first cycle, so the score of them was improved. It was

75. It already achieved the standard minimum of English subject and

categorized as average to good. The students’ writings of factual description

were better than in the first cycle, the students’ use of present tense and the

noun phrase with adjectives have been better.

d. Reflecting

After conducting the first and the second cycle of this research, the teacher

and the writer together decided to conduct the third cycle in order to have the

better improvement. The following actions are going to be implemented by

the teacher and the students, those are:

1) In order to ease the teacher in controlling the students when writing the

factual description in the different parks, the teacher will decide to divide

which parks should be written by the students. For example, there will be

six students that are going to write the factual description about XII IIS 2

Park, and the other students have to write factual description about the

others parks which are near from each other.

2) Because doing the peer feedback consumed much time and made the

students looking for the feedback from another pair, the teacher and the

writer will make the students to give the feedback in group. Here, the

teacher will ask the students in group to give feedback about the text to

another group.

3) Because natural writing consumed much time when being done in pair and

made the students’ are difficult to be controlled, the writer and the teacher

planned to make the students do it in group.

4) The teacher will give some error of grammar sentences in factual

description for the students in order to make them be able to judge the

validity of sentences in the factual description by reviewing, giving

feedback, and discussing together.

3. The Third Cycle (21st March, 2018)

a. Planning Stage

Referring to the second cycle reflection, the writer and the teacher decided

to set up the new plans for conducting the third cycle. The writer and the

teacher planned to implement the third cycle on 21st March 2018. The duration

of teaching and learning process that would be done was ninety minutes. Here,

the writer and the teacher also made a third lesson plan, the media, and the

handout. The writer and the teacher also considered to choose which parks

that were going to be described by the students, so they would not difficult to

be controlled. The teacher prepared the text which still needed to be fixed by

the students, especially the grammar. The lesson plan would be applied based

on the text-based instruction which represented the teaching and learning


In building knowledge of the text, the students would be asked to check the

factual description which already be given by the teacher whether it already

contained the answer of questioning or not while walking and looking at the

park at the same time. Then, the students would be asked to do a “peer

feedback” which was going to be done in groups not in pair. Then, the students

together would do the editing toward the factual description which already

given feedback by the students in the stage of the modelling of the text.

In the joint construction, the students would still do the natural in group but

not in pair anymore. It was hoped for the students in order not to look at other’s

work again. If there is a group of students could not match between the

description with the park which already written and put by another group, the

teacher would not tell that group to ask about what information was lacking

until made them choose incorrect choice. But, the teacher would discuss about

this with all of the students, so they would understand and know about which

details of factual description that led to correct identification. Then, the

students would be asked to write factual description about park which is

already decided by the teacher. For example, some students would write about

XII IIS 1 park and some XII MIA 2 park, and so on. So, the students would

be much easier to be controlled.

b. Action Stage

The action stage was conducted on 21st March, 2018. The teacher and the

students were already in the gathering place outside of the classroom. As

usual, the teacher began the class by greeting the students and asked who did

not attend the class to the secretary of the classroom. There were two of 36

students who were absent because of attending the occasion in Dinas

Pendidikan office. The students sat on the ground while listening to the

teacher’s instruction. The students were engaged during the teaching and

learning process, it could be seen when they were enthusiastically and

motivated in listening to the teacher’s explanation about what they would do

today. In the building knowledge of the text, the students were asked to do a

questioning while they were walking and looking at the parks at the same time.

In the modelling of the text, the students were asked to check the factual

description which already given by the teacher whether it already contained

the answer of the questioning that they already made before. After checking

the factual description, the students reviewed the text by giving feedback to

the each other group. The students and the teacher discussed the factual

description together after they already finished the review.

In the joint construction, the students asked to do the natural writing. The

students wrote the factual description about one of the two parks which was

based on the teacher’s recording. After finishing their writings, the students

were asked to put theirs between the two parks. Then, they moved to another

park based on the teacher’s recording when the teacher calls “time”. When the

students were already in the parks which were based on the teacher’s

recording, they were asked to read the description. Then, the students placed

the written text on the park which they thought it suit with the description.

After that, the teacher said “time” again and the students returned to their first

position. The teacher asked them whether another group who already read

their description placed rightly the written description on the right park or not.

The students and the teacher discussed about which details that led to the

correct identification in the factual description and found out what information

that was lacking and made the students chose the wrong choice.

In the individual construction, the students were asked to write the factual

description about the parks which were based on the teacher’s recording. The

students were sitting and writing in the park at the same time. After finishing

the teaching and learning process, the students went back to the class.

c. Observation Stage

The teacher and the collaborator worked together in calculating the

students mean score. The mean score of this cycle was 82,56. This result was

already satisfied for the teacher and the collaborator. It was categorized as the

writer and the teacher got the highest mean score in this cycle. This affected

by the behaviour of students that getting better from cycle one and two.

Based on the observation checklist and field not which already collected

by the collaborator, the third cycle showed that the students were engaged that

led them to be active and motivated in following the teaching and learning

process. The students enjoyed their beings when they were learning in

outdoor. They were also showing their interest, motivation, enthusiast in

following the teaching and learning process that made them did not display

the tension. Due to many visual things such as nature things which the students

could see led them enable to get inspired in writing their own factual


d. Reflection Stage

In the reflection stage, the teacher and the writer were together in exploring

and evaluating the action which already done indicated that the

implementation of outdoor activity improved the process of teaching and

learning for students’ ability in writing the factual description. This also

showed that the problems and weaknesses in cycle one and two had already

been solved and minimized by the teacher and the writer in the cycle three.

Based on the evaluation and exploration which already done by the teacher

and the writer, the process of teaching and learning process of this cycle

showed that the behaviour of students especially being passive and lack of

motivation were not displayed by the students anymore. This case led the

students to be able to get the higher score in doing the writing factual

description assignment from the teacher, the students’ mean score 82.56 also

already reached the Minimum Accomplishment Criteria (MCC) (75). The

teacher and the writer decided to make this cycle as the last cycle.

C. Discussion

This research was conducted in three cycles which each cycle had planning,

action, observation, and reflection for the stages. There was one meeting in every

cycle which had 2 x 45 minutes for the duration. The teaching and learning process

in every cycles had shown the progress of improvement in writing factual

description. In this research, the writer acted as the collaborator and observer to

observe what was happening in the teaching and learning process as well as to take

some notes. The data was collected in the form of observation checklist, field note

and the students’ worksheets of writing.

According to the collected data, the students’ have had behaviour changes that

showed the implementation of outdoor activities improved students’ ability in

writing factual description. The students did not show the lack of motivation and

their passiveness while they were being in outdoor classroom in the teaching and

learning process. The students’ will improved when they were excited and felt

comfortable and did not show the tension when they were following the teaching

and learning process. The atmosphere which provided by outdoor existences such

as the natural things made the students be able to learning by doing that they did not

get when they were learning inside the classroom. It meant that the outdoor activities

enabled the students to explore more about their strengths which able to make them

reflect on their own areas for improvement, and the strategies that they found most

helpful at different stages in the writing process. Those natural things which were

the main materials for the students made them enable to learn through involvement

with the material itself, rather than by memorizing a set of facts. This was also in

line with the statement of Bartle (2015) about experiential theory, he said that

learning started with experiences that allowed the students to observe, review, and

reflect on what they have practised as well as reflected to connect or relate their

experiences to the theory or previous experiences. It led the students to be much

easier in assimilating and interpretation to apply the knowledge which they have

learnt, so in this research it did not only improve the students score from cycle one

to cycle three but also the attitude of students toward the learning as well.

Moreover, the writer also found some surprising findings while observing the

teaching and learning process. It was found that the relationship between the teacher

and the students was stronger. In implementing the outdoor activity, the students

were given so much freedom in exploring the natures objects which already

provided by outdoor existence. Due to the students did more exploration, therefore

their curiosity increased. When the students’ curiosity increased, the teacher was

motivated in giving the answers and confirmation toward the curiosity of them. The

relationship is more powerful when it comes to changing a student’s behaviour for

the better.

In the process of Classroom Action Research, the findings of research showed

satisfying improvement. It could be seen from the students’ mean scores. In the first

cycle of research, the mean score was 65,47 which was categorized as average, then

in the second cycle it improved to 75,41 and categorized as average to good. Finally

in the last cycle of research, the students mean score was 82,56 which categorized

as good to excellent. The improvement also could be seen from the students’ mean

scores of specific writings. For mean score of content in the students writings from

cycle one to three, they were 61,03; 72,14; 82,14. Then, for the organization of

students’ writing from cycle one to three, they were 59,56;70,71; 81,61. Mean while

for the grammar which was present tense, the students mean scores from cycle one

to three were 63,24; 77,14; 80,16. Finally, for the vocabulary which was noun phrase

with adjectives, the students mean scores from cycle one to three were 71,32; 75;


Based on the observation data, the weakness when applying this research was the

unpredictable weather. It could not be refused that the weather played important role

to implement this research. But, the hot weather could be handled by bringing the

students to the shady place, like sitting under the trees. For example like in the first

cycle, there were some students who were moaning about the hot weather. But, this

case could be anticipated when the teacher and the collaborator brought the students

outside of the classroom which had bigger ground and had some trees.

The writer also found the result of coding process in teaching and learning

activity, the writer found two main patterns that were included when the writer was

applying the outdoor activities. Those two main patterns were the strategy of

learning and activeness.

a. Strategy of learning

Strategy of learning here represented the way the students could make their own

way to learn when they were being in outside of the classroom, especially when

they were being surrounded with natures. The students were more inspired when

they were trying to write the factual description. For example, some of students

when doing the nature writing chose for not being near to the park which should

be described by them. This thing was done by them was because they did not want

to make the other groups knew which park they were describing. They were also

doing the questioning as well as the peer review before writing the actual factual

description. The natures and atmosphere when the students were being outside of

the classroom also made them be able to realize that there were so many things

could be described. Due to the students felt that they had their own way of learning,

they were more expressive in delivering their ideas. They were also easier to get

the highlight of the today’s lesson. This proved that the students felt free to apply

the strategy of learning which they liked and they felt suit to them.

b. Students’ Behaviour

Based on the observation checklists and field notes data in the every cycles of this

research, the writer could got some students’ positive behaviours toward the

outdoor learning, such as:

1. Students’ excitement

The students got excited when they knew that they were going to learn English

outside. This excitement made them more active in following the teaching and

learning process. If they were active, it was surely because they had motivation

in participating today’s lesson. This thing was so rare to be found when they

were being inside of the classroom. The students should be controlled and told

many times to learn, to join, or even to deliver their ideas while the teaching

and learning in process. This was not excluding for the reluctant learners, those

students were more expressive and creative. The students who were usually

liked to go outside and excused to go to the restroom when they were not

actually wanted to go there were not found any more when the teacher was

applying the outdoor activity. The students were more active and motivated

when they were told to give their ideas in writing the factual description.

2. Students’ Motivation

In the implementation of outdoor activities, the students had done some

interesting and attractive activities. Two of the activities were Natural Writing

and Marking Using a System. Natural Writing was done in groups which

actually already made the students motivated in doing the activity, moreover

with the close friends. Then, Natural Writing also demanded the students to

have more moves which here avoided them from being passive. The students

were also seen excited when they made a strategy to get the right answer in

choosing the suitable which one of two factual description to the park. They

unconsciously get used to think, and discuss with their own group together

before doing it. Ultimately, writing in a group was able to be a form of

motivation for students as they become excited about working in team as well

as the chance to giving feedback and learning for each other. Furthermore,

students motivation could able getting better was because they were given

Marking Using a System toward their factual description writing. The teacher

did not correct the students’ mistakes in their writings but he showed them

where the mistake was and what type of mistake it was. Therefore, the students

made the continued effort by having curiosity and encouragement to right their

writing. Besides, the students were also excited and had the competition feeling

between their friends for being the fastest to get their writing right.

3. Students’ Activeness

One of the behaviour changes of students had was their activeness. The students

showed they were engaged when they were told to analyse the sentence pattern

of present tense in the factual description. Furthermore, there were some

students who arguing whether the guided questions already been completly

answered or not by the other groups. The students who before tend to be passive

and only wanted to listen the teacher’s explanation and felt doubt even shy to

ask, finally able to be more active and braver.


Diagnose Phase Cycle 1 Cycle 2 Cycle 3

 Students were difficult in PLAN PLAN PLAN

using verb agreement of
 To improve students’  Applying Minds On stage of  The students would be asked to check the
present tense to write
writing ability in using verb Five sense writing by giving a factual description which already be given
factual description.
agreement of present tense hook of today’s lesson to the by the teacher whether it already
 Students were difficult in
to write factual description students and telling them to contained the answer of questioning or not
using noun phrase with
 To improve students in observe the parks and walking while walking and looking at the park at
adjectives to write factual
using noun phrase with to get the data about the park the same time.
adjectives to write factual at the same time.  The students would still do the natural in
 Students were lack of
description  Applying questioning, peer group but not in pair anymore.
motivation in starting the
 To improve students’ feedback,and editing to the  The students would be asked to write
lesson and following the
motivation un starting the Action! Step of Five sense factual description about park which is
teaching and learning
lesson and following the writing in order to reinforce already decided by the teacher
teaching and learning students knowledge about ACT
 Students did not show
process. how to write factual
their activeness in  Teacher asks the students to do a
following the teaching “Questioning” in gathering the ideas to
and learning process. write a factual description.

 To improve students’  Applying Natural Writing to  Teacher and the students together check
activation in writing factual the Action step of Five Sense the factual description wheter it already
description Writing in order to reconfirm contains the answer of “questioning” or
ACT students’ understanding done not.
by group. ACT  Teacher asks the students to do a “Peer
 Introducing the topic of the
 Distributing the Guided feedback” in reviewing the factual
lesson by giving a hook,
Questions to the students. description in a group
then telling the students to
 Analyzing the sentence  Teacher and the students are together do
get the data by answering
pattern of present tense in the “editing” toward the factual
the guided questions while
the factual description description.
walking and looking at the
 Applying the peer  Students do the Natural Writing in
parks at the same time.
feedback in correcting groups
 Making the factual
each others’ writings  Every groups of students write a factual
description based on the
 .Doing the natural writing description about one of two parks at the
students’ answers of guided
questions about the park
OBSERVE  The teacher asks the students to put their
 Guiding the students to
own writing between the two parks
analayze the simple present  The teacher still had
tense sentences and the difficulty in controlling
noun phrase with adjectives all of the students when

in the factual description they were being in  The teacher calls”time” as a sign that
based on the guided outdoors students should move to another park
questions which already  The students were noisy based on the teacher’s according.
answered. when they were doing the  The students read the description on the
 Asking the students to name naturalw writing park that the students move to.
their own group. REFLECT  The students read the description on the
 Every groups of students are park that the students move to.
 The teacher will decide to
asked to determine whether  The students return to their first position
divide which parks
the sentences in factual when the teacher calls “time” again.
should be written by the
description that are given by  The teacher asks the students whether
students. For example,
the teacher are correct or another group who already read their
there will be six students
not. If it is not right, then description place rightly the written
that are going to write the
they should be able to description on the right park or not.
factual description about
correct them. If it is indeed  The teacher discuss with the students
XII IIS 2 park, and the
correct, and the students can about which details that led to the correct
other students have to
judge the validity they will identification and find out what
write factual description
get the point. On the first information was lacking to make a
about the others parks
dictation, the students correct choice ;or find out whether the
which are near from each
focused on listening to the
other.The teacher

main point and general idea provided gap fill listening fault lay in the student’s failure to read
of the story. text as the additional the description accurately or completely.
 Teacher the students to technique in listening for  The teacher asks the students to write
determine how many specific information in simple factual description and tells them
vertical feet/scores they are the third cycle. to sit on the parks based on the teacher’s
going to award.  The teacher and the writer recording.
 will make the students to
The teacher asks the OBSERVE
students to write simple  All of the students were motivated to
give the feedback in
factual description by using write their own factual description.
simple present tense as group. Here, the teacher  The students showed their excitement
language feature and noun when writing the factual description
will ask the students in
phrase with adjectives about the park which already based on the
group to give feedback
appropriately about one of teacher’s recording.
their favorite parks in the about the text to another  Most of the students enjoyed the teaching
school individually. and learning process.
 .  The students did not realized when the
 Because natural writing
OBSERVE time of teaching and learning was over
consumed much time because they were fun and really enjoy
 Some teaching and learning
when being done in pair durimg teaching and learning process.
activities were not applied

in this cycle, like making and made the students’ are REFLECT
the factual description
difficult to be controlled,  The teaching learning process in the third
based on the answers of
the writer and the teacher cycle was satisfying. The weaknesses
guided questions. The
found in the first cycle and second cycle
students did not implemet planned to make the
had been successfully minimized by the
the line-up routined toward
students do it in group. teacher and the students.
the gathering place,the
 The teacher will give  The students’ listening ability in using
teacher also did not ask the
present tense and noun phrase was
students to sit on the ground some error of grammar
improved from the first cycle to the third
and make a circle that
sentences in factual cycle.
consist of six. Students were
description for the  The structure of students’ writings of
not asked to re-write the
factual desription were improved from
factual description with the students in order to make
first cycle to the third cycle.
correct form.
them be able to judge the  The students behaviour such as activiness
 The students took much

validity of sentences in and motivation were shown in the first
time in wearing their shoes.
cycle to the third.
 The students did not apply the factual description by
the line-up routine when reviewing, giving
going to the park.

 The students took more than feedback, and discussing
ten minutes in collecting the together.
data by answering the
guided questions
 There were about six
students who beefed about
the hot weather.
 Not all of the students could
sit on the ground.
 The students did not sit in
 The students’ motivation
only appeared in the first
minute of the teaching and
learning activity.
 The students asked some
questions about the
instructions more than two

 The students were noisy
when discuccing the
correctness of the sentences
in factual description with
their friends.
 The line of the students
were messy.
 There was one group who
still confused to count their
own scores
 There were few students
who asked about how many
paragraphs should be made
because it was not in the

 In order to make students to

have motivation not only in
the first minute of the lesson

but during the teaching and
learning process, the teacher
will apply the “Marking
Using a Graph” by Nation
(2009) to the students when
they already finished their
 In order to make the
students writing more
structured, the teacher will
implement the questioning
in gathering ideas,
projection into dialogue in
organizing the ideas, peer
feedback in reviewing, and
editing to the students.
 In order to make the time
more organized well, the
teacher already said in the

first cycle that the students
should already gather in the
outdoor place which already
decided by teacher and
together with the studens in
starting the English subject.
 In order to use the time
effectively, the teacher will
not ask the students to write
the factual description in the
modelling of the text. But
the teacher will only ask the
students to check whether
the text already answers the
“questioning” or not.



A. Conclusion

Based on the explanation in the previous chapter about the result of improving

students’ writing ability through outdoor activities as the strategy applied to the

year-10 students of SMAN 9 Pontianak, it can be concluded that the implementation

of outdoor activities improved students’ ability in writing factual description.

The progress that students had made and also the data that teacher got proved that

the students’ ability in writing factual description improved. The outdoor activity is

very useful and interesting for teaching and learning activity, which is able to make

the students to be more active, motivated in following the teaching and learning

process. Due to the activeness and motivation that students have, it is easier for the

teacher in making the students focus on her explanation, instruction in the teaching

and learning process. This also led the means score were getting higher in each


In the first cycle, the students mean score was 64,53 (average), then in the second

cycle 75,29 (average to good), and in the third cycle the mean score was 87,05 (good

to excellent). According the result, the writer inputs the suggestion in order to make

other researcher able to take any lesson from this research.

B. Suggestion

After making conclusion of this research, it is hoped that the writer is able to give

some suggestions about the implementing outdoor activities to improve students’

ability in writing factual description:

1. Outdoor activities are recommended for English teacher to be implemented not

only for improving writing skill, but 3 others skills of English as well.

2. The teacher should consider the place, weather, and materials before

implementing outdoor activities. In Pontianak, which hot weather is dominated

the day. So, the shady place and large ground at school are needed. The students

do not need many materials to be provided, because the nature does have. The

teacher can provide the clipboard and the handout.

3. It is better for the teacher to tell the students to gathering at the place which is

already decided together after bells ringing, rather than the teacher should go to

the classroom and going to the gathering place together with the students. It will

not consume much time, so the teacher can manage it well.

4. In the 3 steps of Five Sense Writing in outdoor activities, it is recommend for the

teacher to add one suitable technique to the Action step which has same purpose

in order to make the students more active and motivated in following the teaching

and learning process. For example, Natural Writing.

5. It is recommended for the teacher to be able to add some strategies in teaching

writing, for example doing the questioning for gathering ideas, doing projection

into dialogue for organizing the ideas, doing peer feedback or group feedback for

reviewing, and the last is Editing to the Action step of Five Sense Writing. So,

the students will get more understanding about how to write factual description.

6. It is recommended for the teacher to be able to give clear instruction related to

the writing process and activities to the students in order to avoid them from

being confused.

7. It is recommended for the teacher to choose suitable outdoor activities so the

implementation of it will not disturb time allocation, it aims to create conducive

situation during the teaching and learning process.

8. The reflection at the end of the class has to be done because the students will be

able to share their feeling and thinking, and the obstacle or difficulties while

applying the outdoor activities. The reflection result makes the writer to get the

inputs for the improvement in the next cycle.


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1. Lesson plan Cycle 1


(General-Based Approach)

Satuan Pendidikan : SMA 9 PONTIANAK

Mata Pelajaran : Bahasa Inggris

Kelas/ Semester : X/ 2

Materi Pokok : Factual Description

Alokasi Waktu : 2 x 45 menit (1 pertemuan)


1. Menghayati dan mengamalkan ajaran agama yang dianutnya

2. Menghayati dan mengamalkan perilaku jujur, disiplin, tanggungjawab, peduli

(gotong royong, kerjasama, toleran, damai), santun, responsif dan pro-aktif

dan menunjukkan sikap sebagai bagian dari solusi atas berbagai permasalahan

dalam berinteraksi secara efektif dengan lingkungan sosial dan alam serta

dalam menempatkan diri sebagai cerminan bangsa dalam pergaulan dunia

3. Memahami, menerapkan, menganalisis pengetahuan faktual, konseptual,

prosedural berdasarkan rasa ingin tahunya tentang ilmu pengetahuan,

teknologi, seni, budaya, dan humaniora dengan wawasan kemanusiaan,

kebangsaan, kenegaraan, dan peradaban terkait penyebab fenomena dan

kejadian, serta menerapkan pengetahuan prosedural pada bidang kajian yang

spesifik sesuai dengan bakat dan minatnya untuk memecahkan masalah.

4. Mengolah, menalar, dan menyaji dalam ranah konkret dan ranah abstrak

terkait dengan pengembangan dari yang dipelajarinya di sekolah secara

mandiri, dan mampu menggunakan metoda sesuai kaidah keilmuan



3.4 Membedakan fungsi sosial, 3.4.1 Mengidentifikasi penggunaan

struktur teks, dan unsur noun phrase with adjectives

kebahasaan beberapa teks dan word order of adjectives

deskriptif lisan dan tulis dengan didalam teks deskriptif

memberi dan meminta informasi 3.4.2 Mengidentifikasi penggunaan

terkait tempat wisata dan kalimat present tense didalam

bangunan bersejarah terkenal, teks deskriptif

pendek dan sederhana, sesuai Menggunakan kalimat

dengan konteks penggunaannya present tense didalam teks

4.4.1 Menangkap makna secara deskriptif sederhana dengan

kontekstual terkait fungsi sosial, tepat

struktur teks, dan unsur noun phrase

kebahasaan teks deskriptif, lisan dan word order dalam

dan tulis, pendek dan sederhana menulis teks deskriptif

terkait tempat wisata dan sederhana dengan tepat

bangunan bersejarah terkenal



a. Siswa dapat menunjukkan sikap termotivasi, aktif dalam mempelajari

Bahasa Inggris dengan cara berusaha menggunakan Bahasa Inggris selama

pembelajaran dan mengikuti proses pembelajaran dengan antusias.


a. Siswa dapat membuat pola kalimat present tense didalam factual

description sederhana dengan tepat melalui kegiatan Analyzing the

sentence, Peer Feedback, and Editing dari Five Sense Writing di aktifitas


b. Siswa dapat membuat kalimat dengan kata sifat yang terkait dengan taman

disekolah didalam factual description sederhana dengan tepat melalui

Distributing Guided Question and Description dari Five Sense Writing in

Outdoor Activities.


Siswa dapat menulis factual description sederhana dengan menggunakan

kata kerja dalam simple present tense serta kata sifat terkait dengan taman

disekolah dengan tepat melalui kegiatan Natural Writing dari Five Sense

Writing di Outdoor Activities.


1. Teks untuk bahan berdiskusi siswa-siswi:

Parks in My School

Identification There are nineteen small square parks in my school.

(opening statement The parks are not very big but quite ideal for students

introducing the to decorate. The special features about the parks are the

subject) flowers, and the paintings on the small square wall.

The small square wall is a place where some students


(series of in every classes are freely to paint. In every public

holiday, the students get chances to pain the wall based

describing the on the theme. In celebrating the Independence day of

Indonesia, the school creates a competition about wall
painting. The students usually paint Indonesian flag

paintings, Indonesian food painting, and even national

heroes. Beside the wall paintings, there are also

flowers in the parks.

There are so many flowers that students have in the

parks. For the flowers, students have Roses, Yasmin,

Orchid and many more. Usually, students plant the

flowers, but sometimes they just put them on the black

plastic vase. The students arrange the flowers and

plants in two ways. The first way is hanging the black

plastic flower vases on the tree and the second way is

they can just put them on the ground with good


The best features about my schools parks are the

flowers and small square wall painting. The features

will be always good if the students can take care for

their own parks.

2. Simple Present Tense :

Subject Auxilary Main

verb Verb

+ The paint the wall.


The paints the wall


- The do not paint the wall


The does not paint the wall


? Do The paint the wall


Does The paint the wall


3. Word order of Adjectives

a. Determiners: articles (a, the), demonstratives (this, those), and

possessives (his, our, Mary’s, everybody’s), amounts(one, five, many,
few), order (first, next last)
b. Coordinate adjectives (subjective evaluations or personal opinions): nice,
nasty, packed, pitiful
c. Adjectives describing size: big, huge, little, tiny
d. Adjectives describing shape: long, short, round, square
e. Adjectives describing age: young, old, modern, ancient
f. Adjectives describing color: blue, green, red, white
g. Adjectives describing material: cardboard, plastic, silver, gold
Examples: The small square wall. (Small= Size, Square= Shape, Wall=Noun)

The black plastic vase. (Black=color, plasti=Origin, vase=Noun)

4. Guided Questions for Factual Description Writing

Pre Writing Draft Sentences

How many parks does Nineteen parks There are nineteen parks in

your school have? my school

Where are the parks? In senior high school nine The parks are in Senior High

School Nine

What are the 1x1,5m. Square and small The dimensions of the small

dimensions of the square parks are 1x1,5m.


What are the special The flowers and the wall The special features of the

features of the parks? paintings pars are flowers and wall


What are in the parks? Colorful flowers, bamboo There are colorful

fence, black plastic vases flowers,bamboo fence and

black plastic vases.

How the students Hanging on the trees, and The students arrange the

arrange the flowers? put the black plastic flowers by hanging them on

flowers vases on the the tree, or just putting them

ground on the ground.


1. Genre-based Approach (sesuai Permendikbud 58 Tahun 2014)

2. Outdoor Activities

a. Five Sense Writing

b. Natural Writing

3. Inquiry-based learning


1. Media : Handout, clipboard, marker, students’ worksheets

2. Sumber : Buku Into Nature


Pendahuluan  Guru menyapa siswa dalam Bahasa Inggris

 Guru memeriksa kehadiran siswa
 Guru menyampaikan rencana kegiatan Five Sense Writing,


o Siswa akan melakukan slangkah Minds On

o Siswa akan melakukan langkah Action!

o Siswa akan melakukan langkah Consolidation.

Kegiatan a. Building knowledge of field

Dengan bimbingan guru siswa melakukan langkah

Inti (60’)
pertama dari kegiatan Five Sense of Writing, yaitu Minds On.

Berikut cara penerapannya:

1. Guru memeberi a hook untuk pelajaran hari ini, seperti:

“Can something be described in five words?”

2. Guru memberi tau siswa tentang Learning Goal untuk

pelajaran hari inis:

a. Dengan bimbingan guru, siswa disampaikan

penggunaan, kegunaan, dan akurasi tentang menggunakan

setiap kata untuk mendeskripsikan fikiran, perasaan

tentang taman yang mereka jumpai melalui indera yang


b. Dengan bimbingan guru, siswa akan disampaikan

bahwa mereka akan mengeksplorasi bagaimana

menggunakan descriptive words dengan efektif untuk

menyampaikan fikiran tentang taman yang akan


c. Dengan bimbingan guru, siswa disampaikan bahwa

mereka akan memilih sebuah taman dan menggunakan

descriptive words untuk berkomunikasi tentang

bagaimana mereka melihatnya melalui indra yang berbeda

dan menulis sebuah factual description melalui kata-kata

deskripsi tersebut.

3. Introduction (Discuss human communication):

a. Dengan bimbingan guru, siswa diberitahu bahwa “sekali

kita belajar menggunakan bahasa, kita memilih kata-kata

untuk mengrepresentasikan hal-hal yang kita alami

menggunakan 5 indera” (contohnya, beautiful, stinky,

warm, loud, dan lain lain).

b. Modelling of the text

Dengan bimbingan guru siswa melakukan langkah kedua

dari kegiatan Five Sense of Writing, yaitu Action!. Berikut

cara penerapannya:

a. Dengan bimbingan guru, siswa dibawa keluar kelas

untuk menuju ke tempat yang sudah ditentukan


b. Dengan bimbingan guru, siswa dibentuk dalam beberapa


c. Dengan bimbingan guru, siswa didistribusikan the

guided questions, dan diberi waktu 10 enit untuk

menjawab the guided questions sambil berjalan dan

meliihat taman taman yang ada disekolah.

d. Dengan bimbingan guru, siswa dibagi dalam bentuk

berpasang-pasangan. Siswa diminta untuk

mendeskripsikan taman yang sudah ditentukan oleh guru

dalam lima kata yang terpisah. Siswa-siswa tersebut akan

membaca kata-kata yang sudah dibuat dengan nyaring.

Pasangan yang lain akan memberikan komen dari

deskripsi tersebut. Apakah deskripsi itu akurat? Apakah

itu lengkap?

e. Dengan bimbingan guru, siswa diminta untuk berdiskusi

tentang akurasi dan kelengkapan dari deskripsi secara


f. Guru membaca sebuah teks factual description yang telah

dibuat oleh guru.

g. Dengan bimbingan guru siswa menganalisis pola kalimat

present tense serta noun phrase with adjectives dalam

teks factual description berdasarkan guided questions

yang telah dibuat tentang taman disekolah.

h. Joint Construction

Siswa melakukan langkah Action dari Five Sense Writing

yaitu Natural Writing. Berikut penerapannya:

o Siswa diminta untuk membentuk kelompok yang

terdiri dari 6 orang.

o Siswa diminta untuk memberi nama untuk

kelompoknya masing-masing.

o Siswa diminta untuk menulis teks factual

description tentang satu dari dua objek yang ber-

tipe sama yang ada ditaman, seperti : lukisan

dinding yang ada ditaman

o Siswa diminta untuk meletakkan teks factual

tersebut dintara dua taman-tamn tersebut.

o Ketika guru berkata “time (waktu)” setiap siswa

harus menukarkan posisinya berdasarkan arahan

dari guru.

o Ketika guru berkata “time (waktu) lagi, siswa

harus kembali kepada posisi sebelumnya. Jika

ada seorang siswa yang membaca teks factual

description, siswa yang lain dapat menunjukkan

atau meletakkan atau menuliskan objek di teks

factual descriptionnya, maka siswa tersebut

diminta untuk menanyakan si pembaca tentang

bagian yang mana yang menunjukkan identifkasi

yang benar. Tetapi, jika siswa tersebut tidak dapat

menunjukkan atau meletakkan atau menuliskan

objek diteks factual desription, maka siswa

tersebut diminta untuk menanyakan informasi

apa yang kurang yang membuat siswa yang lain

salah dalam memilih objek.

Independent construction

Siswa diminta untuk menulis teks deskriptif sederhana

tentang sebuah taman disekolah dengan pola kalimat bahasa

simple present tense dan menggunakan noun phrase with

adjectives dengan benar dan tepat.

a) Guru dan siswa melakukan refleksi pembelajaran

b) Guru mengumpulkan hasil kerja siswa


H. Penilaian Hasil Pembelajara

Penilaian Pengetahuan dan Keterampilan:

Indikator: 4.10.1 Menulis teks factual descritption sederhana tentang taman

dengan memperhatikan struktur teks (identification,description, and conclusion),

dan unsur kebahasaan (present tense, adjectives), secara benar dan sesuai dengan

konteks. -

Aspect Score Performance Description Weighting

Content (C) The topic is complete and clear

30% 4 and the details are relating to the 2x

-Topics topic

-Details The topic is complete and clear

3 but the details are almost relating

to the topic

The topic is complete and clear

2 but the details are not relating to

the topic

The topic is not clear and the

1 details are not relating to the


Identification is complete and

4 description are arranged with

proper connectives
Identification is almost complete
n (O) 20%
3 and description are arranged
with almost proper connectives
Identificatio 2x
Identification is cont complete
2 and descriptions are arranged
with few misuse of onnectives
Identification is not complete

1 and descriptions are arraned with

misuse of connectives

Very few gramatical or
Grammar agreement inaccuracies

(G) Few grammatical or agreement

20% 3 inaccuracies but not affect on

-Use meaning 3x

present Numerous grammatical or

tense agreement inacuracies

-Agreement Frequent grammatical or

agreement inaccuracies

Effective choice of words and

word forms

Few misuse of vocabularies,

3 word forms, but not change the

(V) 15% 3x
Limited range confusing words
-Adjectives 2
and word form

Very poor knowledge of words,

1 word forms, and not


Score = 40
𝑋 10 (Modified from Brown (2000)


Task 1: Join Construction (write your factual description about your favorite

small park using your five senses!)

Task 2: Independent Construction

Write a descriptive text about your favorite park at SMA Negeri 9 Pontianak. It could
be XMIA1’s park, XIIS1’ park, others class, or even your own class’s.

Remember to include:

- The descriptive techniques (content=topic and details)

- A clear structure (organization=identification and description)
- A good grammar (present tense)
- The best vocabulary (adjectives) and sentence structure that you are capable of

2. Lesson Plan Cycle 2


(General-Based Approach)

Satuan Pendidikan : SMA 9 PONTIANAK

Mata Pelajaran : Bahasa Inggris

Kelas/ Semester : X/ 1

Materi Pokok : Factual Description

Alokasi Waktu : 2 x 45 menit (1 pertemuan)


1. Menghayati dan mengamalkan ajaran agama yang dianutnya

2. Menghayati dan mengamalkan perilaku jujur, disiplin, tanggungjawab, peduli

(gotong royong, kerjasama, toleran, damai), santun, responsif dan pro-aktif

dan menunjukkan sikap sebagai bagian dari solusi atas berbagai permasalahan

dalam berinteraksi secara efektif dengan lingkungan sosial dan alam serta

dalam menempatkan diri sebagai cerminan bangsa dalam pergaulan dunia

3. Memahami, menerapkan, menganalisis pengetahuan faktual, konseptual,

prosedural berdasarkan rasa ingin tahunya tentang ilmu pengetahuan,

teknologi, seni, budaya, dan humaniora dengan wawasan kemanusiaan,

kebangsaan, kenegaraan, dan peradaban terkait penyebab fenomena dan

kejadian, serta menerapkan pengetahuan prosedural pada bidang kajian yang

spesifik sesuai dengan bakat dan minatnya untuk memecahkan masalah.

4. Mengolah, menalar, dan menyaji dalam ranah konkret dan ranah abstrak

terkait dengan pengembangan dari yang dipelajarinya di sekolah secara

mandiri, dan mampu menggunakan metoda sesuai kaidah keilmuan



3.4 Membedakan fungsi sosial, 3.4.1 Mengidentifikasi penggunaan

struktur teks, dan unsur noun phrase with adjectives

kebahasaan beberapa teks dan word order of adjectives

deskriptif lisan dan tulis dengan didalam teks deskriptif

memberi dan meminta informasi 3.4.2 Mengidentifikasi penggunaan

terkait tempat wisata dan kalimat present tense didalam

bangunan bersejarah terkenal, teks deskriptif

pendek dan sederhana, sesuai Menggunakan kalimat

dengan konteks penggunaannya present tense didalam teks

deskriptif sederhana dengan

4.4.1 Menangkap makna secara
kontekstual terkait fungsi sosial,

struktur teks, dan unsur noun phrase

kebahasaan teks deskriptif, lisan dan word order dalam

dan tulis, pendek dan sederhana menulis teks deskriptif

terkait tempat wisata dan sederhana dengan tepat

bangunan bersejarah terkenal



Siswa dapat menunjukkan sikap termotivasi, aktif dalam mempelajari

Bahasa Inggris dengan cara berusaha menggunakan Bahasa Inggris selama

pembelajaran dan mengikuti proses pembelajaran dengan antusias.


c. Siswa dapat membuat pola kalimat present tense didalam factual

description sederhana dengan tepat melalui kegiatan Five Sense Writing

dari outdoor activities.

d. Siswa dapat membuat kalimat dengan kata sifat yang terkait dengan taman

disekolah didalam factual description sederhana dengan tepat melalui

kegiatan Five Sense Writing dari outdoor activities.


Siswa dapat menulis factual description sederhana dengan menggunakan

kata kerja dalam simple present tense serta kata sifat terkait dengan taman

disekolah dengan tepat melalui kegiatan Natural Writing di langkah Action!

Dari Five Sense Writing di outdoor activities.


1. Teks untuk bahan berdiskusi siswa-siswi:

Parks in My School

Identification My school has a very big playground. It has a boundary

(opening statement huge wall. There are many trees around it under which

introducing the we sit and talk on matters of interest to us.


There are many small beuatiful flower plants too. We


(series of have a children playing area in a corner which has

some swings and slides for small children. We uses

describing the the playground for our physical training exercise and
drills. We also play many games like football, volley
ball, hand ball etc. on the ground. Sometimes the inter

school games are also played in our playground. Our

school gives special importance to games and so it

insists that all students should take part in all games.

During the lunch break, we sit under the shady tree

and eat our big delicious snacks there. Our school

annual sports meet is held on our playground. Even

on the Republic day and Independence Day, we

arranges flag hoisting program on our ground.

We keep our playground clean. It is very useful for

us. We learn all types of games and sports with

discipline and sportsmanship here. I am proud of my

school playground.

2. Simple Present Tense :

Subject Auxilary Main

verb Verb

+ The paint the wall.


The paints the wall


- The do not paint the wall


The does not paint the wall


? Do The paint the wall


Does The paint the wall


3. Word order of Adjectives

a. Determiners: articles (a, the), demonstratives (this, those), and

possessives (his, our, Mary’s, everybody’s), amounts(one, five, many,
few), order (first, next last)
h. Coordinate adjectives (subjective evaluations or personal opinions): nice,
nasty, packed, pitiful
i. Adjectives describing size: big, huge, little, tiny
j. Adjectives describing shape: long, short, round, square
k. Adjectives describing age: young, old, modern, ancient
l. Adjectives describing color: blue, green, red, white
m. Adjectives describing material: cardboard, plastic, silver, gold
Examples: The small square wall. (Small= Size, Square= Shape, Wall=Noun)

The black plastic vase. (Black=color, plasti=Origin, vase=Noun)

4. Guided Questions for Factual Description Writing

Pre Writing Draft Sentences

How many parks does Nineteen parks There are nineteen parks in

your school have? my school

Where are the parks? In senior high school nine The parks are in Senior High

School Nine

What are the 1x1,5m. Square and small The dimensions of the small

dimensions of the square parks are 1x1,5m.


What are the special The flowers and the wall The special features of the

features of the parks? paintings pars are flowers and wall


What are in the parks? Colorful flowers, bamboo There are colorful

fence, black plastic vases flowers,bamboo fence and

black plastic vases.

How the students Hanging on the trees, and The students arrange the

arrange the flowers? put the black plastic flowers by hanging them on

flowers vases on the the tree, or just putting them

ground on the ground.


3. Genre-based Approach

4. Questioning, Projection into the dialogue, Peer feedback, editing, and Natural


5. Experiential Learning


1. Media : Karton, clipboard, marker, students’ worksheets

2. Sumber : Teaching ESL Reading and Writing, Brigh Ideas- A teacher

resource Manual


Pendahuluan  Guru menyapa siswa dalam Bahasa Inggris

(10’)  Guru memeriksa kehadiran siswa

 Guru memperlihatkan dan mendeskripsikan salah satu

taman kepada siswa

 Guru menyampaikan kemampuan yang akan dicapai peserta

didik, yaitu:

o Siswa dapat menulis factual description tentang sebuah

Taman disekolah dengan pola kalimat bahasa simple

present tense dan menggunakan noun phrase with

adjectives dengan benar dan tepat.

Kegiatan  Building knowledge of field

Inti (60’) Dengan bimbingan guru siswa melakukan langkah

pertama dari kegiatan Five Sense of Writing, yaitu Minds On.

Berikut cara penerapannya:

1. Guru memeberi a hook untuk pelajaran hari ini, seperti:

“Can this flower be described in five words?”

o Dengan bimbingan guru, siswa diberi waktu

sepuluh menit dalam mengumpulkan data

tentang taman yang ada disekolah dengan

melakukan questioning:

 How many parks does your school


 Where are the parks?

 What are the dimensions of the parks?

 What are the special features of the


 What are in the parks?

 How do the students arrange the parks?

 Modelling of the text

 Dengan bimbingan guru, siswa dibawa keluar kelas

untuk menuju ke tempat yang sudah ditentukan


 Dengan bimbingan guru, siswa dibentuk dalam

beberapa kelompok,

 Dengan bimbingan guru, siswa didistribusikan the

guided questions, dan diberi waktu 10 enit untuk

menjawab the guided questions sambil berjalan dan

meliihat taman taman yang ada disekolah.

 Dengan bimbingan guru, siswa dibagi dalam bentuk

berpasang-pasangan. Siswa diminta untuk

mendeskripsikan taman yang sudah ditentukan oleh

guru dalam lima kata yang terpisah. Siswa-siswa

tersebut akan membaca kata-kata yang sudah dibuat

dengan nyaring. Pasangan yang lain akan memberikan

komen dari deskripsi tersebut. Apakah deskripsi itu

akurat? Apakah itu lengkap?

 Dengan bimbingan guru, siswa diminta untuk

berdiskusi tentang akurasi dan kelengkapan dari

deskripsi secara berkelompok.

 Guru membaca sebuah teks factual description yang

telah dibuat oleh guru.

 Dengan bimbingan guru siswa menganalisis pola

kalimat present tense serta noun phrase with adjectives

dalam teks factual description berdasarkan guided

questions yang telah dibuat tentang taman disekolah.

 Siswa dilihatkan sebuah teks factual description dari

guru, siswa menganalisis language feature dan noun

phrase with adjectives yang ada didalam teks tersebut.

 Guru mememeriksa beberapa teks yang telah dibuat

oleh beberapa group untuk dilakukannya Marking

Using a System.

 Dengan bimbingan guru, siswa mengumpulkan lagi

teks mereka yang sudah dikoreksi oleh guru melalui

Marking Using System.

 Dengan bimbingan guru, siwa melakukan “peer-

feedback” dalam meng-reviewing teks factual

description yang sudah di Marking using system oleh


 Dengan bimbingan guru, siswa bersama-sama

melakukan “editing” teks factual description

 Joint Construction

Siswa melakukan Natural Writing. Berikut penerapannya:

o Siswa diminta untuk bekerja dalam bentuk


o Siswa diminta untuk menulis teks factual

description tentang satu dari dua objek yang

ber-tipe sama yang ada ditaman, seperti :

lukisan dinding yang ada ditaman

o Siswa diminta untuk meletakkan teks factual

tersebut dintara dua taman tersebut.

o Ketika guru berkata “time(waktu)” setiap siswa

harus menukarkan posisinya berdasarkan

arahan dari guru.

o Ketika guru berkata “time(waktu) lagi, siswa

harus kembali kepada posisi sebelumnya. Jika

ada seorang siswa yang membaca teks factual

description, siswa yang lain dapat menunjukkan

atau meletakkan atau menuliskan objek di teks

factual descriptionnya, maka siswa tersebut

diminta untuk menanyakan si pembaca tentang

bagian yang mana yang menunjukkan

identifkasi yang benar. Tetapi, jika siswa

tersebut tidak dapat menunjukkan atau

meletakkan atau menuliskan objek diteks

factual desription, maka siswa tersebut diminta

untuk menanyakan informasi apa yang kurang

yang membuat siswa yang lain salah dalam

memilih objek.

Independent construction

Siswa diminta untuk menulis teks deskriptif sederhana

tentang sebuah taman disekolah yang paling mereka sukai

dengan pola kalimat bahasa simple present tense dan

menggunakan noun phrase with adjectives dengan benar dan


c) Guru dan siswa melakukan refleksi pembelajaran

d) Guru mengumpulkan hasil kerja siswa


H. Penilaian Hasil Pembelajaran

1. PENGETAHUAN dan KETERAMPILAN (Indikator:4.10.1):

Menulis teks deskriptif sederhana tentang taman dengan memperhatikan struktur

teks (identification,description, and conclusion), dan unsur kebahasaan (present

tense, adjectives), secara benar dan sesuai dengan konteks.

Aspect Score Performance Description Weighting

The topic is complete and clear

4 and the details are relating to the


The topic is complete and clear

Content (C) 3 but the details are almost relating

30% to the topic

-Topics The topic is complete and clear

-Details 2 but the details are not relating to

the topic

The topic is not clear and the

1 details are not relating to the


Identification is complete and

Organizatio 4 description are arranged with

n (O) 20% proper connectives

- Identification is almost complete

Identificatio 3 and description are arranged 2x

n with almost proper connectives

- Identification is cont complete

Description 2 and descriptions are arranged

with few misuse of onnectives

Identification is not complete

1 and descriptions are arraned with

misuse of connectives

Very few gramatical or

Grammar agreement inaccuracies

(G) Few grammatical or agreement

20% 3 inaccuracies but not affect on

-Use meaning 3x

present Numerous grammatical or

tense agreement inacuracies

-Agreement Frequent grammatical or

agreement inaccuracies

Effective choice of words and

word forms

Vocabulary Few misuse of vocabularies,

(V) 15% 3 word forms, but not change the 3x

-Adjectives meaning

Limited range confusing words

and word form

Very poor knowledge of words,

1 word forms, and not


Score = 𝑋 10 (Modiefied from Brown (2000))


Task 1: Join Construction

Write a description of one of the objects that has been given by your teacher.

Your details should distinguish this object from its partner. Leave the written

on the same position!

You should finish the writing before the teacher says “time”.

Task 2: Independent Construction

Write a descriptive text about your favorite park at SMA Negeri 9 Pontianak. It could
be XMIA1’s park, XIIS1’ park, others class, or even your own class’s.

Remember to include:

- The descriptive techniques (content=topic and details)

- A good grammar (present tense)
- The best vocabulary (adjectives) and sentence structure that you are capable of

3. Lesson Plan Cyce 3


(General-Based Approach)

Satuan Pendidikan : SMA 9 PONTIANAK

Mata Pelajaran : Bahasa Inggris

Kelas/ Semester : X/ 1

Materi Pokok : Factual Description

Alokasi Waktu : 2 x 45 menit (1 pertemuan)


1. Menghayati dan mengamalkan ajaran agama yang dianutnya

2. Menghayati dan mengamalkan perilaku jujur, disiplin, tanggungjawab, peduli

(gotong royong, kerjasama, toleran, damai), santun, responsif dan pro-aktif

dan menunjukkan sikap sebagai bagian dari solusi atas berbagai permasalahan

dalam berinteraksi secara efektif dengan lingkungan sosial dan alam serta

dalam menempatkan diri sebagai cerminan bangsa dalam pergaulan dunia

3. Memahami, menerapkan, menganalisis pengetahuan faktual, konseptual,

prosedural berdasarkan rasa ingin tahunya tentang ilmu pengetahuan,

teknologi, seni, budaya, dan humaniora dengan wawasan kemanusiaan,

kebangsaan, kenegaraan, dan peradaban terkait penyebab fenomena dan

kejadian, serta menerapkan pengetahuan prosedural pada bidang kajian yang

spesifik sesuai dengan bakat dan minatnya untuk memecahkan masalah.

4. Mengolah, menalar, dan menyaji dalam ranah konkret dan ranah abstrak

terkait dengan pengembangan dari yang dipelajarinya di sekolah secara

mandiri, dan mampu menggunakan metoda sesuai kaidah keilmuan



3.4 Membedakan fungsi sosial, 3.4.1 Mengidentifikasi penggunaan

struktur teks, dan unsur noun phrase with adjectives

kebahasaan beberapa teks dan word order of adjectives

deskriptif lisan dan tulis dengan didalam teks deskriptif

memberi dan meminta informasi 3.4.2 Mengidentifikasi penggunaan

terkait tempat wisata dan kalimat present tense didalam

bangunan bersejarah terkenal, teks deskriptif

pendek dan sederhana, sesuai Menggunakan kalimat

dengan konteks penggunaannya present tense didalam teks

deskriptif sederhana dengan

4.4.1 Menangkap makna secara
kontekstual terkait fungsi sosial,

struktur teks, dan unsur noun phrase

kebahasaan teks deskriptif, lisan dan word order dalam

dan tulis, pendek dan sederhana menulis teks deskriptif

terkait tempat wisata dan sederhana dengan tepat

bangunan bersejarah terkenal



Siswa dapat menunjukkan sikap motivasi, dan aktif dalam mempelajari

Bahasa Inggris dengan cara berusaha menggunakan Bahasa Inggris selama

pembelajaran dan mengikuti proses pembelajaran dengan antusias.


a. Siswa dapat membuat pola kalimat present tense didalam factual

description sederhana dengan tepat melalui Observation 1 from Teacher’s

resource book.

b. Siswa dapat membuat kalimat dengan kata sifat yang terkait dengan taman

disekolah didalam factual description sederhana dengan tepat melalui

Description dari buku Azar Grammar Series.


Siswa dapat menulis factual description sederhana dengan menggunakan

kata kerja dalam simple present tense serta kata sifat terkait dengan taman

disekolah dengan tepat melalui Naatural Writing.


1. Teks untuk bahan berdiskusi siswa-siswi:

Parks in My School

Identification The small park of class XII social sceience one is one

(opening statement of nineteen parks at school. The park is located in the

introducing the forefron of teacher’s room.


There is a snall square painting in the small park with

a blue backrgound. There are also pictures of tall
(series of
buildinng, air baloons and windmills in the paintings.
There is not only painting, but also flowers in this
describing the
clean small park.

I hope this park of eleven science one can be more

beautiful and clean. I also hope this class can keep the


2. Simple Present Tense :

Subject Auxilary Main

verb Verb

+ The paint the wall.


The paints the wall


- The do not paint the wall


The does not paint the wall


? Do The paint the wall


Does The paint the wall


3. Word order of Adjectives

a. Determiners: articles (a, the), demonstratives (this, those), and

possessives (his, our, Mary’s, everybody’s), amounts(one, five, many,
few), order (first, next last)
n. Coordinate adjectives (subjective evaluations or personal opinions): nice,
nasty, packed, pitiful
o. Adjectives describing size: big, huge, little, tiny
p. Adjectives describing shape: long, short, round, square
q. Adjectives describing age: young, old, modern, ancient
r. Adjectives describing color: blue, green, red, white
s. Adjectives describing material: cardboard, plastic, silver, gold
Examples: The small square wall. (Small= Size, Square= Shape, Wall=Noun)

The black plastic vase. (Black=color, plasti=Origin, vase=Noun)

4. Guided Questions for Factual Description Writing

Pre Writing Draft Sentences

How many parks does Nineteen parks There are nineteen parks in

your school have? my school

Where are the parks? In senior high school nine The parks are in Senior High

School Nine

What are the 1x1,5m. Square and small The dimensions of the small

dimensions of the square parks are 1x1,5m.


What are the special The flowers and the wall The special features of the

features of the parks? paintings pars are flowers and wall


What are in the parks? Colorful flowers, bamboo There are colorful

fence, black plastic vases flowers,bamboo fence and

black plastic vases.

How the students Hanging on the trees, and The students arrange the

arrange the flowers? put the black plastic flowers by hanging them on

flowers vases on the the tree, or just putting them

ground on the ground.


1. Genre-based Approach

2. Questioning, Projection into the dialogue, Peer feedback, editing, Five Sense

Writing, and Natural Writing

3. Experiential Learning


1. Media : Karton, clipboard, marker, students’ worksheets

2. Sumber : Teaching ESL Reading and Writing, Brigh Ideas- A teacher

resource Manual


Pendahuluan  Guru menyapa siswa dalam Bahasa Inggris

(10’)  Guru memeriksa kehadiran siswa

 Guru memperlihatkan dan mendeskripsikan salah satu

taman kepada siswa

 Guru menyampaikan kemampuan yang akan dicapai peserta

didik, yaitu:

o Siswa dapat menulis factual description tentang sebuah

taman disekolah dengan pola kalimat bahasa simple

present tense dan menggunakan noun phrase with

adjectives dengan benar dan tepat.

Kegiatan  Building knowledge of field

Inti (60’) Dengan bimbingan guru siswa melakukan Questioning

dalam meng-Gathering Ideas agar siswa dapat

mempertimbangkan bagian-bagian penting untuk memulai

topik (taman) pelajaran. Berikut cara penerapannya:

a. Dengan bimbingan guru, siswa diberi waktu sepuluh menit

dalam mengumpulkan data tentang taman yang ada

disekolah dengan melakukan questioning:

1. How many parks does your school have?

2. Where are the parks?

3. What are the dimensions of the parks?

4. What are the special features of the parks?

5. What are in the parks?

6. How do the students arrange the parks?

 Modelling of the text

Dengan bimbingan guru siswa melakukan langkah

pertama dari kegiatan Five Sense of Writing, yaitu Minds On.

Berikut cara penerapannya:

1. Guru memeberi a hook untuk pelajaran hari ini, seperti:

“Can something be described in five words?”

2. Guru memberi tau siswa tentang Learning Goal untuk

pelajaran hari inis:

a. Dengan bimbingan guru, siswa disampaikan

penggunaan, kegunaan, dan akurasi tentang menggunakan

setiap kata untuk mendeskripsikan fikiran, perasaan

tentang taman yang mereka jumpai melalui indera yang


b. Dengan bimbingan guru, siswa akan disampaikan

bahwa mereka akan mengeksplorasi bagaimana

menggunakan descriptive words dengan efektif untuk

menyampaikan fikiran tentang taman yang akan


c. Dengan bimbingan guru, siswa disampaikan bahwa

mereka akan memilih sebuah taman dan menggunakan

descriptive words untuk berkomunikasi tentang

bagaimana mereka melihatnya melalui indra yang berbeda

dan menulis sebuah factual description melalui kata-kata

deskripsi tersebut.

3. Introduction (Discuss human communication):

a. Dengan bimbingan guru, siswa diberitahu bahwa “sekali

kita belajar menggunakan bahasa, kita memilih kata-kata

untuk mengrepresentasikan hal-hal yang kita alami

menggunakan 5 indera” (contohnya, beautiful, stinky,

warm, loud, dan lain lain).

c. Modelling of the text

Dengan bimbingan guru siswa melakukan langkah kedua

dari kegiatan Five Sense of Writing, yaitu Action!. Berikut

cara penerapannya:

a. Dengan bimbingan guru, siswa dibawa keluar kelas

untuk menuju ke tempat yang sudah ditentukan


b. Dengan bimbingan guru, siswa dibentuk dalam beberapa


c. Dengan bimbingan guru, siswa didistribusikan the

guided questions, dan diberi waktu 10 enit untuk

menjawab the guided questions sambil berjalan dan

meliihat taman taman yang ada disekolah.

d. Dengan bimbingan guru, siswa dibagi dalam bentuk

berpasang-pasangan. Siswa diminta untuk

mendeskripsikan taman yang sudah ditentukan oleh guru

dalam lima kata yang terpisah. Siswa-siswa tersebut akan

membaca kata-kata yang sudah dibuat dengan nyaring.

Pasangan yang lain akan memberikan komen dari

deskripsi tersebut. Apakah deskripsi itu akurat? Apakah

itu lengkap?

e. Dengan bimbingan guru, siswa diminta untuk berdiskusi

tentang akurasi dan kelengkapan dari deskripsi secara


f. Guru membaca sebuah teks factual description yang telah

dibuat oleh guru.

g. Dengan bimbingan guru siswa menganalisis pola kalimat

present tense serta noun phrase with adjectives dalam

teks factual description berdasarkan guided questions

yang telah dibuat tentang taman disekolah.

 Joint Construction

Siswa melakukan steps Action! In the five sense writing.

Berikut penerapannya:

o Observation 1:

a. Siswa dibagi menjadi beberapa kelompok.

b. Guru menunjuk beberapa siswa untuk menjadi tim

sekertaris yang bertujuan untuk membantu kelompok yang


c. Siswa diberi waktu sepuluh sampai lima belas menit untuk

melihat suatu taman yang sudah ditentukan oleh guru.

d. Siswa diminta untuk menulis kalimat present tense tentang

suatu taman disekolah.

e. Kelompok yang mempunyai pola kalimat present tense

yang benar adalah pemenangnya.

o Match Description:

a. Siswa diminta untuk menulis kalimat tentang taman

disekolah, menggunakan setidaknya satu adjective

didalam deskripsi.

Independent construction

Siswa diminta untuk menulis teks deskriptif sederhana

tentang sebuah taman disekolah yang paling mereka sukai

dengan pola kalimat bahasa simple present tense dan

menggunakan noun phrase with adjectives dengan benar dan


e) Guru dan siswa melakukan refleksi pembelajaran
f) Guru mengumpulkan hasil kerja siswa


H. Penilaian Hasil Pembelajaran

1. PENGETAHUAN dan KETERAMPILAN (Indikator:4.10.1):

Menulis teks deskriptif sederhana tentang taman dengan memperhatikan struktur

teks (identification, description, and conclusion), dan unsur kebahasaan (present

tense, adjectives), secara benar dan sesuai dengan konteks. -Task (2)

Aspect Score Performance Description Weighting

The topic is complete and clear

4 and the details are relating to the

Content (C)
The topic is complete and clear
3 but the details are almost relating 2x
to the topic
The topic is complete and clear

2 but the details are not relating to

the topic

The topic is not clear and the

1 details are not relating to the


Identification is complete and

4 description are arranged with

proper connectives
Identification is almost complete
n (O) 20%
3 and description are arranged
with almost proper connectives
Identificatio 2x
Identification is cont complete
2 and descriptions are arranged
with few misuse of onnectives
Identification is not complete

1 and descriptions are arraned with

misuse of connectives

Very few gramatical or

Grammar agreement inaccuracies

(G) Few grammatical or agreement 3x

20% 3 inaccuracies but not affect on


-Use Numerous grammatical or
present agreement inacuracies

tense Frequent grammatical or

-Agreement agreement inaccuracies

Effective choice of words and

word forms

Few misuse of vocabularies,

3 word forms, but not change the

(V) 15% 3x
Limited range confusing words
-Adjectives 2
and word form

Very poor knowledge of words,

1 word forms, and not


Score = 𝑋 10 (Modiefied from Brown (2000))


Task 1: Join Construction

Write a description of one of the objects that has been given by your teacher.

Your details should distinguish this object from its partner. Leave the written

on the same position!

You should finish the writing before the teacher says “time”.

Task 2: Independent Construction

Write a descriptive text about parks at SMA Negeri 9 Pontianak.. Students in circle
one should write factual description about XII IIS 2 park, circle 2 should write XII
MIA 3 park, circle 3 should write aboit XII MIA 2 Park, and so on.

Remember to include:

- The descriptive techniques (content=topic and details)

- A good grammar (present tense)
The best vocabulary (adjectives) and sentence structure that you are capable of


1. The Result of Students’ Individual Score on the First Cycle

No. Students Content Organization Grammar(1- Vocabulary Total Score Category

(1-4) (1-4) 4) (1-4)

1. AVW 2 2 2 2 20 50 POOR TO

2. AF 3 2 2 3 25 63 AVERAGE

3. AB 3 3 3 3 30 75 AVERAGE

4. ARF 3 2 2 3 25 63 AVERAGE

5. BBG 2 2 2 2 20 50 POOR TO

6. CAQ 3 3 3 3 30 75 AVERAGE

7. CBH 3 2 2 3 25 63 AVERAGE

8. DY 3 3 3 3 30 75 AVERAGE

9. DUF 4 3 3 3 32 80 GOOD TO

10. DSW 3 3 3 3 30 75 AVERAGE


11. DMA 3 3 3 3 30 75 AVERAGE


12. EVP 2 2 2 2 20 50 POOR TO


13. FV 3 3 2 3 27 68 AVERAGE

14. GKD 2 3 3 3 28 70

15. GH 2 2 2 3 23 POOR TO

16. GH 2 3 3 3 28 70 AVERAGE

17. HM 3 3 3 3 30 75 AVERAGE

18. I 2 2 2 3 23 58 POOR TO

19. KRP 3 2 2 3 25 63 AVERAGE

20. MPT

21. MFM 2 3 3 3 28 70 AVERAGE


22. NAR 2 2 3 3 26 68 AVERAGE

23. NOP 2 2 3 3 26 68 AVERAGE

24. NO 2 2 2 3 25 63 AVERAGE

25. NR 2 3 3 3 28 70 AVERAGE

26. OD

27. OHK 2 2 2 2 20 50 POOR TO


28. PC 2 2 3 3 26 68 AVERAGE

29. PP 2 2 2 2 20 50 POOR TO

30. PRA 3 3 3 3 30 75 AVERAGE


31. RAPN 2 2 3 3 26 68 AVERAGE

32. RH 2 2 2 3 23 POOR TO

33. SEA 2 2 3 3 26 68 AVERAGE

34. TP 3 2 2 3 25 63 AVERAGE

35. VR 2 2 3 3 26 68 AVERAGE

36. YTA 2 2 2 3 25 63 AVERAGE

83 81 86 97 2226

61,03 59,56 63,24 71,32 65,47

2. The Result of Students’ Individual Score on the Second Cycle

No. Students Content Organization Grammar(1- Vocabulary Total Score Category
(1-4) (1-4) 4) (1-4)

1. AVW 3 3 4 3 33 GOOD TO

2. AF 3 3 3 4 33 GOOD TO

3. AB 3 3 4 3 33 GOOD TO

4. ARF 3 3 3 3 30 AVERAGE

5. BBG 3 3 3 3 30 AVERAGE

6. CAQ 3 3 3 3 30 AVERAGE

7. CBH

8. DY 3 3 3 3 30 AVERAGE

9. DUF 3 3 3 3 30 GOOD TO

10. DSW 3 3 4 4 36 GOOD TO


11. DMA 3 3 3 3 30 AVERAGE


12. EVP 3 2 3 3 28 AVERAGE


13. FV 3 3 3 4 33 GOOD TO

14. GKD 3 2 3 3 28 AVERAGE


15. GH 2 2 3 3 26 65 AVERAGE

16. GH 2 2 3 3 26 65 AVERAGE

17. HM 3 3 4 3 33 GOOD TO

18. I 3 2 3 3 28 70 AVERAGE

19. KRP 1 1 2 2 16 40 POOR

20. MPT 3 3 3 3 30 75 AVERAGE

21. MFM 3 3 3 3 30 75 AVERAGE

22. NAR 3 3 3 3 30 75 AVERAGE

23. NOP 2 2 2 3 23 POOR TO


24. NO 3 3 3 3 30 75 AVERAGE

25. NR 3 3 3 3 3 GOOD TO

26. OD 3 3 3 3 30 75 AVERAGE

27. OHK 3 3 3 3 30 75 AVERAGE

28. PC 3 3 3 3 30 75 AVERAGE

29. PP 4 4 3 3 34 GOOD TO

30. PRA 3 3 3 3 30 75 AVERAGE

31. RAPN 3 3 3 3 30 75 AVERAGE

32. RH 3 3 3 3 30 75 AVERAGE

33. SEA 3 3 3 3 30 75 AVERAGE

34. TP 3 4 3 3 32 GOOD TO

35. VR 3 3 4 3 83 GOOD TO

36. YTA 3 3 3 3 30 75 AVERAGE

TOTAL 101 99 108 105 2636

72,14 70,71 77,14 75 75,31

3. The Result of Students’ Individual Score on the Third Cycle

No. Students Conten Organizatio Grammar( Vocabula Total Score CATEGORY

t (1-4) n (1-4) 1-4) ry (1-4)

1. AVW 3 3 3 3 30 75 Average to good

2. AF 2 2 3 3 30 75 Average to good

3. AB 2 2 3 3 30 75 Average to good

4. ARF 2 2 3 3 30 75 Average to good

5. BBG 2 2 3 3 30 75 Average to good

6. CAQ 4 4 3 3 34 85 Good to

7. CBH 4 4 3 3 34 85 Good to

8. DY 3 3 3 4 32 80 Good to

9. DUF 4 4 4 3 37 93 Good to

10. DSW

11. DMA 4 4 4 3 37 93 Good to


12. EVP 2 2 3 3 30 75 Average to good

13. FV 3 3 3 4 33 83 Good to

14. GKD 4 4 4 3 37 93 Good to


15. GH 4 4 3 3 34 85 Good to

16. GH 2 2 3 3 30 75

17. HM 4 4 3 3 34 85 Good to

18. I 2 2 3 3 30 75 Average to good

19. KRP 2 2 3 3 30 75 Average to good

20. MPT 4 4 3 3 34 85 Good to


21. MFM 4 4 4 3 37 93 Good to


22. NAR 4 4 3 3 34 85 Good to


23. NOP 4 4 3 3 34 85 Good to


24. NO 3 3 3 4 32 80 Good to

25. NR 4 4 4 3 37 93 Good to

26. OD 3 3 4 3 33 83 Good to

27. OHK 4 4 3 3 34 85 Good to

28. PC 4 4 3 3 34 85 Good to

29. PP 4 4 3 3 34 85 Good to

30. PRA 4 4 3 3 34 85 Good to


31. RAPN 3 3 3 4 33 83 Good to


32. RH 3 3 4 4 3 90 Good to

33. SEA

34. TP 3 3 3 4 30 83 Good to

35. VR 3 3 3 3 30 75 Averahe to good

36. YTA 3 3 3 3 30 75 Average to good

109 111 109 116 2807

80,14 81,61 80,14 85,29 82,56


1. Field Note Cycle 1

Date/Cycle : Monday, March 5th 2018/ Cycle 1

Time : 10.15-11.35

Class : X MIA 2

Number of students present : 34 145

(2 students were absent)
Aspects Descriptions

Students’ action: In building knowledge of the text:

- Students’ motivation  The male students were the most interested knowing that
- Students’ interest they were going to learn outside of the classroom
- Students’activeness  Most of the students were being curious about the next
activities that they would have.
 The students were showing their willingness to go to the
gathering place (school park).
 Most of the students were participated in guessing what
the topic of the lesson was.
 All of the students were active in collecting the data by
answering the guided questions about the school park.
Modelling and deconstructing of the text:

 Most of the students gave attention to the teacher’s

analysis about the language feature and noun phrase
with adjectives in some sentences of the factual
 Some students were active and interested in raising their
hands when asked to analyse one of sentences in factual
description by the teacher.
 The students who were active and intereseted in paying
attention to the teacher were able to analyse the use of
present tense and noun phrase with adjectives in factual
Joint Construction of the Text:

 The students were motivated in listening to the teacher’s
 There were three group of students who always active in
determining the correctness of the sentences in factual
 Most of the students were interested in determining how
many scores they would have.
 Most of the groups got high scores which made them
more motivated.
Independent Construction of the Text:

 About 8 people still were not motivated to write their own

factual description.

The atmosphere of  Most of the students were fun and excited in doing
teaching and learning outdoor activities, especially the climbing grammar
process: mountain.
 Most of the students felt free and were not tense in doing
- Fun
the outdoor activities.
- Free
The problems that Building Knowledge of the Text:
appeared in teaching and
 The students took much time in wearing their shoes.
learning process:
 The students did not apply the line-up routine when going
to the park.
 The students took more than ten minutes in collecting the
data by answering the guided questions
Modelling and deconstructing of the text:

 There were about six students who beefed about the hot
 Not all of the students could sit on the ground.
 The students did not sit in circle.
 The students’ motivation only appeared in the first minute
of the teaching and learning activity.
Joint Construction of the Text:

 The students asked some questions about the instructions

more than two times.
 The students were noisy when discussing the correctness
of the sentences in factual description with their friends.
 The line of the students was messy.
 There was one group who still confused to count their own
Independent Construction of the Text.

 There were few students who asked about how many

paragrpahs should be made because it was not in the
2. Field Note Cycle 2

Date/Cycle : Wednesday, March 14th 2018/ Cycle 2

Time : 10.15-11.35

Class : X MIA 2

Number of students present : 34 (2 one student joint “dispen”)

Aspects Descriptions

Students’ action: In building knowledge of the text:

- Students’ motivation  Most of the students were excited when seeing the
- Students’ interest teacher walked toward them in the gathering place. It
- Students’ activeness could be seen when they called the teacher “Sir” loudly.
 The students were initiatively in making circles and
sitting on the small ground.
 Most of the students were active in gathering ideas by
doing the questioning.
Modelling and deconstructing of the text:

 Most of the students were active in checking the factual

 There were 3 students raised their hands to let their
friends and the teacher know that there were some parts
of factual description were not according to the
 The students were motivated doing the peer review with
their friends in reviewing the factual description.
 The students did together the”editing” with friends in
their own circle.
Joint Construction of the Text:

 The students were excited to be in between the two parks

that they were going to describe that could be seen by
how the group of the students did not want to other

group know which one of the parks that they were going
to describe.
 The students were enthusiast when writing the
descriptive about the park that other group would guess.
 The groups of students actively wanted to be the first
ones to finish the writing.
 When the teacher said “time” as a sign that students
should stop their writing, they put the paper immediately
and excitedly. So, it made a bit noise.
 The groups of students were excited in putting the paper
in the middle of two parks.
Independent Construction of the Text:

 All of the students were motivated to do the independent

 All of the students were interested in writing factual
description that could be seen how they ran to choose their
favourite park.
The atmosphere of  The students felt fun when they were being outside of the
teaching and learning classroom, it was proved by the teacher when asking them
process: about how they felt after the class was over.
 The students felt most fun when they were able to learn
- Fun and joyful
and play at the same time, “I understand the lesson fast
when the situation of learning and teaching felt fun and
not boring”. Most of the students agreed with that one
student’s statement.

The problems that Building Knowledge of the Text:
appeared in teaching and
 The teacher was late for 5 minutes to go to the gathering
learning process:
place, where the students already gathered.
Modelling and deconstructing of the text:

 There was a student who did not have friends in doing the
peer review.
Joint Construction of the Text:

 The students were a bit noisy when doing the natural

writing, especially when they wanted to be the ones who
could put the paper on the park firstly.
 One group could not guess the park based on the factual
description that their mates made correctly.
Independent Construction of the Text.

 The teacher had a difficulty to controll all of the students.

3. Field Note Cycle 3

Aspects Descriptions

Students’ action: In building knowledge of the text:

- Students’ motivation  All of the students were already in the gathering place
- Students’ interest enthusiastically.
- Students’ activeness  The students were motivated in beginning the lesson, it
could be seen when they welcomed the teacher with

 The students were active when the teacher asked them
to guess what they would do.
 Most of the students were active in gathering ideas by
doing the questioning, they even initiatively walked on
the park.
Modelling and deconstructing of the text:

 There were female students in different groups were

arguing each other about a student’s statement when she
said that there was something had not been answered in
the text from guided question.
 The students were motivated and active doing the peer
review with their friends in reviewing the factual
description, it could be seen when a student walked to
ask her friends in another group about the text.

Joint Construction of the Text:

 The six group of students able to control their own group

 Most of the students wanted to be the first who put the
factual description on the park that they thought it suited
with the text.
 About twenty students their hands when the teacher told
them that their friends already correctly placed the text
on the right park or not.
 Almost two students in each group could explain which
details of the factual description which already be
written by them led to correct identification actively.

 Most of the students realized and could identify what
information was lacking in writing the factual
Independent Construction of the Text:

 All of the students were motivated to write their own

factual description.
 The students showed their excitement when writing the
factual description about the park which already based on
the teacher’s recording.
The atmosphere of  There was a female student said “is the class already over?
teaching and learning I did not realize, it was so fast!” and seem her friends felt
process: the same”

- Fun and joyful

The problems that Building Knowledge of the Text:
appeared in teaching and
 The teacher was being called by the administrative
learning process:
because there was a guest wanted to meet him, so the
students had to wait for him for a while.
Modelling and deconstructing of the text:

 There were three male boys looked at other’s group work,

when doing the peer editing, and it made a little bit noise.
Joint Construction of the Text:

 There was a group who was too rush in doing the natural
Independent Construction of the Text.

 Few students were difficult to sit on the park with their


1. Observation Checklist Cycle 1


Date/Day :5th March 2018/ Wednesday

Skill : Writing

Observer’s name : Mustika Khairani

No. Teaching and learning activities/components observed Yes No


1. Teacher greets and checks students’ presence 

2. Teacher asks the students to implement line-up routine toward 

the gathering place.

3. Teacher asks the students to sit on the ground and make a cricle 

that consist of six.

4. Teacher shows and describe one of school parks at SMA N 9 

Pontianak to the students

5. Teacher tells the ability that students will master, “They are 

able to use simple present tense and noun phrase with

adjectives in writing factual description appropriately.

6. Teacher tells the activities that are going to be done, such as: 

- Five Sense Writing

- Natural Writing

Whilst- Activities

11 Teacher asks the students to collect the data about parks at 

SMA N 9 by answerig the guided questions, such as:

- How many parks does your school have?

- Where are the parks?

- What are the dimensions of the parks?

- What are the special features of the parks?

- How do the students arrange the parks?

12 Teacher and the students together make the factual description 

based on the answers of the guided questions.

13 Teacher guides the students to analyse the simple present tense 

sentences and the noun phrase with adjectives in factual

description about school parks based on the guided questions

which already answered.

14 Teacher asks the students to name their own group. 

15 Every groups of students are asked to determine whether the 

sentences in factual description that are given by the teacher are

correct or not. If it is not right, then they should be able to

correct them. If it is indeed correct, and the students can judge

the validity they will get the point.

16 Teacher asks the students to determine how many ertical 

feet/scores they are going to award.

17 Students are asked to re-write that factual description with the 

correct form.


18 The teacher asks the students to write simple factual description 

by using simple present tense as language feature and noun

phrase with adjectives appropriately about one of their favorite

parks in the school individually.

20. The teacher collects the students’ works. 

2. Observation Checklist Cycle 2


Date/Day : March 14, 2018/ Wednesday

Skill : Writing

Observer’s name : Mustika Khairani

No. Teaching and learning activities/components observed Yes No


1. Teacher greets and checks students’ presence 

3. Teacher asks the students to sit on the ground and make a circle 

that consist of six.

4. Teacher tells the ability that students will master to use simple 

present tense and noun phrase with adjectives in writing factual

description appropriately.

Whilst- Activities

5. Teacher asks the students to do a “Questioning” in gathering 

the ideas to write a factual description:

6 Teacher and the students together check the factual description 

wheter it already contains the answer of “questioning” or not.

7 Teacher asks the students to do a “Peer feedback” in reviewing 

the factual description

8 Teacher and the students are together do the “editing” toward 

the factual description.

9 Students do the Natural Writing in groups 

10 Every groups of students write a factual description about one 

of two parks at the school.

11. The teacher asks the students to put their own writing between 

the two parks.

12. The teacher calls ”time” as a sign that students should move to 

another park based on the teacher’s according.

13. The students read the description on the park that the students 

move to.

14. The students look at the park and place the written description 

that they think fits the object (park) on the park.

15. The students return to their first position when the teacher calls 

“time” again.

16. The teacher asks the students whether another group who 

already read their description place rightly the written

description on the right park or not.

17. The teacher discuss with the students about which details that 

led to the correct identification and find out what information

was lacking to make a correct choice ;or find out whether the

fault lay in the student’s failure to read the description

accurately or completely.


18 The teacher asks the students to write simple factual description 

by using simple present tense as language feature and noun

phrase with adjectives appropriately about one of their favorite

parks in the school individually.

19. The teacher collects the students’ works. 

2. Observation Checklist Cycle 3


Date/Day : March 21, 2018/ Wednesday

Skill : Writing

Observer’s name : Mustika Khairani

No. Teaching and learning activities/components observed Yes No


1. Teacher greets and checks students’ presence 

3. Teacher asks the students to sit on the ground and make a circle 

that consist of six.

4. Teacher tells the ability that students will master to use simple 

present tense and noun phrase with adjectives in writing factual

description appropriately.

Whilst- Activities

5. Teacher asks the students to do a “Questioning” in gathering 

the ideas to write a factual description.

6 Teacher and the students together check the factual description 

wheter it already contains the answer of “questioning” or not.

7 Teacher asks the students to do a “Peer feedback” in reviewing 

the factual description in a group.

8 Teacher and the students are together do the “editing” toward 

the factual description.

9 Students do the Natural Writing in groups 

10 Every groups of students write a factual description about one 

of two parks at the school.

11. The teacher asks the students to put their own writing between 

the two parks.

12. The teacher calls ”time” as a sign that students should move to 

another park based on the teacher’s according.

13. The students read the description on the park that the students 

move to.

14. The students look at the park and place the written description 

that they think fits the object (park) on the park.

15. The students return to their first position when the teacher calls 

“time” again.

16. The teacher asks the students whether another group who 

already read their description place rightly the written

description on the right park or not.

17. The teacher discusses with the students about which details that 

led to the correct identification and find out what information

is lacking to make a correct choice ;or find out whether the fault

lay in the student’s failure to read the description accurately or



10 The teacher asks the students to write simple factual description 

and tells them to sit on the parks based on the teacher’s


11 The teacher collects the students’ works. 

1. Documentation Cycle 1
“ Minds On” stage of Five Sense Writing in Outdoor Activities process
could be seen below:

Students in group were reading the guided

questions together in order to make the factual
description before walking and looking at the Students started to observe and answer the
park at the same time. guided questions in order to guide them to write
the factual description, they did it in group.

2. Documentation Cycle 2

“The Action stage of Five Sense Writing in Otdoor Activities could be seen below:

This picture was taken by the writer when the The students wrote the text which should be
students did the natural writing, they seriously related about one of the parks.
observed in order to distingusih the other’s
group writing; which one of the parks matches
the text.

The teacher did the marking using graph in order to make

the students know their mistakes and how they solve it by
their own in writing the factual description. The teacher was
holding one of the student’s writings.

3. Documentations Cycle 3

After being in the park which was based on the teacher’s recording, the
students were told to place the written text on the park which they thought it
suited with the description.

Two of the groups’ writings were placed on the park by the students, and waited to be
decided by another group whether they placed the right text or not.


1. Students’ writings cycle 1

2. Students’ writings cycle 2

3. Students’ writings cycle 3


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