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Prankinvasion method-revelead-how-to-make-a-girl-horny-kissing-prank-in-bed-kiss-a-



My friend Stacy and I will be showing you guys exactly how to kiss to turn a girl on
while you do it you guys have seen me kiss girls on the street in malls in libraries and
that's one thing but the hardest part is actually kissing her and turn it on enough to go
home with her she's acting just like this can you want to steal her lip pressure on yours
which is kind of pulling back then pull back as well but if you feel her lips I'm yours or
she put her hand on you like you seen a lot of my videos a lot of things girls will grab
me pull me in or they'll squeeze on my shoulder or mess up my hair which I want to do
you know if you're on the street you know Domino's really turns a girl on if you're just
eat your kind of scared if you're kind of scared a lot of times to girl will sense that and
she'll pull back and so you want to be really congruent with with kind of having a level
of dominance and when she's not pulling away like that and let's say you don't just
want a number that's that you want to take her on an instant day or take her home that
exact same day actually filled Keno Keno is the art of touching grab her ass right here
import into that's going to really turn her on and she's definitely going to go home with
you that same day when she kisses me I rest don't like when they just down there
talking to me it's like really uncomfortable and it's not me it's not exactly the most girls
it's kind of like us girls are more romantic even though so kind of Kiss first maybe a
couple seconds just like with your lips and then put your tongue in tongue first which I
usually do then it's hurting really good tips kissing is a lot I like to say like dancing right
you want to kind of see how she kisses because all girls kiss in a different way I've
been doing this for about a year now and what you learned doing this a lot is that all
girls kiss differently so you want to kind of be able to it's like dancing you want to kind
of move with her and see if she turns her off so don't be afraid to use the environment
that surrounds you seen a lot of my videos something there's a wall sometimes there's
a pole I don't know but don't be afraid of girls getting really into it getting really into it
you can take her and kind of put up against the wall like this trial so that's something
you can do in that really turns a girl on if you want to build sexual escalation and take
her home that same night as important as how this is how not to get so some common
mistakes a lot of guys romantic is this they go in for the ass grab what you want to stay
away from it unless you're kissing her for a good 5-10 seconds sometimes you don't
even want to do it we just depends on the girl like you don't start biting her laugh or
doing something crazy like that man want to keep it if it's specially if you're doing this in
the daytime like a lot of guys going to do it if you're kissing a girl on her lunch break
created with it you wanted to kiss her pretty normally like if shown you in this video and
then kind of ended with an ask if you even ended with an ask her if you don't have to
do that another guys make his day tilt their head the wrong way sometimes it's kind of
cute when it happens that happened to me in a few videos but you want to tilt your
head the right way to the right a lot of guys make a mistake of keeping their head
straight that's the worst because then your noses will like hit you don't want to go to the
last because all girls go to the right so you always want to tell your head to the right to
the right and it'll fit perfectly and it's part of the whole dance you kind of want to stay
with each other and then kind of fun to match it to kiss you much longer are products
like Altoids I like small Wintergreen Altoids or Listerine strips if you can get a few in
your mouth before you kiss her so maybe do it like kind of secretly Alphas in my mouth
now watch what happens when I kiss her trials a girl's going to kiss you for a lot longer
when she tastes that because it's
Videos but you want to tilt your head the right way I want to go to the right a lot of guys
make the mistake of keeping her head straight that's the worst because then your
noses will like hit you don't want to go to the last because all girls go to the right so you
always want to tell your head to the right to the right and it'll fit perfectly and it's part of
the whole dance you kind of want to stay with each other and then kind of fun to match
it our products like Altoids I like small Wintergreen Altoids or Listerine strips so if you
can get a few in your mouth so maybe do it like kind of secretly she didn't see. Try a
girl's going to kiss you for a lot longer when she tastes that because it's a it's a really
great surprise and and a few of my videos I actually did this technique and kisses were
much longer so these aren't the only products that work just try not to mince on you
garnek good to me pretend I'm a girl turn on the girl I like that and we just get like five
stops moving way too fast so she says it hurts to move too quickly so they'll cancer or
before they can still even try to go in to stop biting biting necks is awesome but you do
that in seduction you want to build attraction build comfort and then Seducer some of
these techniques are great for seduction a don't want to mix up attraction and
seduction because they're two completely different things. Let me check out that's how
it is and we know each other and she'll get so scared you'll never get her number you'll
never know to keep your eyes closed at all times let's talk about proximity and Body
Language a little bit you want to Don't Be Afraid as a guy to get really close to her like
this is is me like this are doing the whole life Hunchback thing you kiss or just get really
close to her trial Ann kaser just like trials trials trials trials trials trial

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