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Name : Nurul Eirina Nasya Binti Noorafandi

Student ID : 2019871194

Group : EH220 3I

Title : Procedure for Experiment 3


1) To determine the quantity of Cr (VI) present in a polluted water sample

2) To determine whether the water sample is suitable for drinking and agricultural purposes.


1) Chromium (VI) solutions

2) Distilled water
3) Lake water sample


1) Spectrophotometer
2) Silica cuvette
3) 5ml volumetric pipette
4) 25ml volumetric flask


1) Calculate volumes of Cr (VI) needed to diluted with distilled water to achieve the desired
concentrations which are 15. 30, 60, 75, 100, and 300ppm.
2) Result is then tabulated.
3) Volume of Cr (VI) required to achieve 15ppm is measured using a pipette and put into 25ml
volumetric flask.
4) Add distilled water until it reaches the calibration mark. Close with its lid and shake it well.
5) Steps 3 and 4 is repeated for the consecutive concentrations of Cr (VI).
6) To determine the absorbance value using the spectrometer, fill a silica cuvette with approximately
10ml distilled water as a blank sample, and place it inside the spectrometer slot. A zeroing step is
done to ensure that all data obtained is accurate.
7) To start with the diluted Cr (VI) solutions, make sure to rinse the silica cuvette with a little
amount of each solutions to avoid error in the reading.
8) The six standard Cr (VI) solutions is then measured for their respective absorbance value.
9) Fill a silica cuvette with lake water sample and place it in the spectrometer slot to measure its
absorbance value. Repeat a few time to get the average value to ensure accurateness and
consistency of data.
10) Calculate the concentration of Cr (VI) at the wanted value.

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