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Cult or Mafia? Ayatollah, Rockefeller or Rothschild?!

“After CFR-gate & IRIB-gate, even the 3% talk about Ayatollah Rockefeller or How
Islamists make Love with Zionists & Rockefellers! Now even the Mullah Media talk about
Islamic Corruption, Islamic Lies, Islamic Crooks, Islamic Thieves, or Islamic Regime of
Crooks & Thieves, and say: Islamic leaders/ managers are a bunch of crooks & thieves, who
steal oil money & people‟s money! The soup is too salty, and that‟s why they confess to such
things. Now all sane people and all Iranians (+97%) know & hate Rouhanis, Islamists and
Arabic-Islamic Regimes of Crooks & Thieves & Terrorists. But USA, UK and France protect
& support Islamists -from Savage Saudi Arabia & ISIS to Arabic-Islamic Regime of Mullahs.
The story of their Zionist Monster Monsanto & GMOs in Arabic-Islamic Regimes is so
laughable, and so informative. After the Islamists‟ love affair with Their Zionist IMF, now
their Zionist Monster Monsanto has become the Ayatollah Monsanto! Now even the 3%
and Mullah Media talk about the love story of „Rockefellers & Ayatollahs & Monsanto, or
how Islamists go to bed with Zionists!”, some wise Iranians say. They also add: “We Iranians
care about facts & true stories. Recent events – from Nuclear Turkmenchay to CFR-gate &
IRIB-gate – are facts & true stories, not myths or conspiracy theories. Recent events are so
important. But if you want to know more about recent events and also about „Islamic Lies,
Islamic Paradoxes, and Islamic Values of Arabic Animal Farms, you should know
modern history and Jewish-British Cults, including Hojatieh. Hojatieh is a Cult or Mafia, a
small part of the Masonic Mafia. And it‟s what their own Islamic media said ! In 1980s,
Mullahs and Khomeini talked about American Islam (!) and a group of Mullahs who work for
Imperialists! In 1980s, when Mullahs and their media wanted to say: He is a Freemason, He is
an illuminati, He is a Jewish-Arab Spy or He is a CIA/ MI6, they just said: He is a Hojatieh !
/ He is Hojjatieh ! „Hojatieh or Hojjatieh is a Jewish-British Cult and a Masonic Lodge;
British Masons & Crypto-Jews created Hojatieh‟ ! And it‟s what their own Islamist historians
say! In 1980s, Hojatieh was a synonym for Freemasonry, British Islam, American Islam !,
CIA‟s Islam, MI6‟s Islam or Masonic Islam! Even now in 2016 & 2015, their own Mullah
Media say: „During 1980s, the Hojatieh represented American Islam. In 1980s, Khomeini said
the Hojatieh are American / British agents and if the Hojatieh control the Islamic regime, it
would be equal to the Death of Islamic Revolution (!!) But now, Zarif is Hojatieh! IRGC is
Hojatieh! Basiji leaders are Hojatieh! Islamic leaders are Hojatieh! Now the Hojatieh control
Islamic Regime‟ ! And it‟s what their own media say! Now if you google for „Hajatieh‟, you
can find many things including what their own Historians say about Hojatieh, Jewish Islam &
Crypto-Jews ! All Iranians know what Khomeini and Mullah Media said about Hojatieh in
1980s. At that time, Mullahs said: The Hojatieh is Masonic & Savaki ! The Hojatieh is
illuminati !, and the Hojatieh is behind all the Satanic-Islamic activities‟ ! But now they are
so proud that The Islamic Regime is Hojatieh! In 1980s, the Mullah media used „the label of
being a Hojatieh‟ ! and said being a Hojatieh is equal to „being an illuminati, being a Crypto
Jew, being a Savaki, being a CIA / MI6 spy or being a Traitor! But now in 2010s, their Javad
Zarif openly says that He is a Hojatieh! Now their own Islamists & Islamic media say: „Javad
Zarif is Hojatieh, and Khamenei loves him! .. Khamenei loves Hojatieh; all Khamenei‟s men
are Hojatieh‟ ! Now even the 3% say: Khamenei loves Hojatieh (because) Khamenei is
Hojatieh; Khamenei is Hojjatieh Leader! Now if you search the internet, you can see that even
the 3% talk about the story of „Javad MadarShahi & Khamenei‟ ! Javad MadarShahi is
Khamenei‟s advisor & Khamenei‟s aide, but Javad MadarShahi is a Hojatieh, and also a
Savak agent! And it‟s what their own Islamic media and even Basijis („Ezzat Shahi‟ etc) say!
It‟s also funny and important to note that Basijis are Shahi or Savaki; even their family names
are MadarShahi (Mother of Shah), Ezzat Shahi (Honor of Shah) or Shah-Baz (Hawk of Shah)!
It‟s so funny, and informative! Now if you search the internet, you can see that many talk
about the Hojatieh General Salimi, who died in 2016 (below pix) The people media say:
„General Salimi was a Hojatieh, a notorious member of the Hojatieh Lodge ! But he was
Khamenei‟s advisor & Khamenei‟s close friend ! All Khamenei‟s men are Masons‟ ! (2016)
Now in 2016, even the Mullah media talk about the Hojatieh Lodge!, which is a Masonic
Lodge, and say: ?the Hojjatieh was affiliated to Freemasons and British Intelligence service
(!) The Hojatieh was condemned in 1980s, but now (the Hojjatieh Lodge control the Mullah
regime)‟ ! Their own historians say: The Hojjatieh Lodge Born out of the 1953 Coup .. After
the 1953 Coup, the CIA & MI6 created the Hojatieh, Savak and other Evil organizations to
control Iran .. the Hojatieh worked with Savak & CIA/ MI6 .. Hojatieh is Arabic-Islamic
Freemasonry .. Hojatieh is a cult of Islamic Masons & Crypto Jews!”. They also add: “In
2009, the MI6/ CIA and Hojatieh created the 2009 Coup and killed Iran‟s people. But
Who is Hojjatieh?! In 1980s, their own Mullah media talked about Who is Hojjatieh?!, which
meant: Who is British Spy? Who is illuminati?! Who is Crypto-Jew?! In 1980s, their own
Basijis wrote books against Hojatieh, and listed the members of Hojatieh! In fact, they already
showed Who is Hojatieh! For instance, they said: the notorious members of Hojjatieh are Ali-
Akbar Parvaresh, Javad MadarShahi, Nahavandian, Ali-Akbar Velayati, Haddad Adel,
Ahmad Tavakoli, Sayad Shirazi, Salimi and many other generals of Army/ IRGC .. Ayatollah
Mesbah, Ayatollah Khazali and Ayatollah Jannati are high-ranking members of Hojatieh .. In
Tehran, Hojjatieh and Islamic Masons had two Cultic schools, Alavi and Nikan. In 1979, even
Khomeini stayed at the school belonging to the Hojatieh! Many leaders / managers of
Islamic Regime that emerged after 1979 – ie pigs like Kharazi, Faraj Dabaq (Sorush), Haddad
Adel, Nahavandian, Taghi Banki, Kolahdooz, Khamooshi and many other Basijis- come from
the Hojatieh‟s Alavi & Nikan. They are called The graduates of the Hojatieh! And it‟s what
Islamists said in the past ! But now in 2016, Islamists are so proud of the Hojatieh! Islamists
are so proud that Khamenei‟s men & Rouhani‟s men are Masons! The Basiji media proudly
say that Nahavandian, Javad Zarif, Haddad Adel, Velayati, Basiji leaders & IRGC leaders are
Hojatieh! Now in their Islamic Animal Farm, their Islamic slogans/ values have changed, and
now they talk about „The Propaganda of Khomeini against Hojatieh‟ ! Now their own fucking
Imam Khomeini has become a Propagandist who misled / misinformed people about Hojatieh
& Freemasonry! In 1980s, they talked about Hojatieh members who infiltrate the Islamic
regime! But now they are so proud that their Islamic Regime is Masonic & Jewish &
Arabic ( = Hojatieh = Anti-Iran) ! Their Islamic Animal Farm is so ridiculous & Orwellian.
Now The Hojatieh create Islamic Turkmenchay, But Islamists are so proud that the Hojatieh‟s
Zarif & Khamenei create Turkmenchay! In 1980s, they attacked The Hojatieh‟s Ayatollahs
including Mesbah, Makarem, Khazali, Jannati and other Crypto Jews! But now The
Hojatieh‟s Ayatollahs are their Big Brothers! Now Basijis are very proud of the Hojatieh‟s
Ayatollahs including Mesbah, Makarem, Khazali, Jannati & other Arabic Masons! In 1980s, a
Basiji called Emad Baghi wrote a famous book against Hojatieh. Baghi was already a
Hojatieh, but in 1980s he made a U-turn, became Anti-Hojatieh !, and wrote a book against
Hojatieh. But Baghi makes a U-turn regularly ! Now Baghi has made a U-turn again!, and
defends Hojatieh ! Basijis, British Masons & Mullahs love U-turn or 180 Degree Change!
Now in 2016, their Basiji TV (Ofogh TV = IRIB‟s Ofogh channel) airs a program in which
Basijis make love with so-called Neo-Liberals & Masons! Do you know what‟s the name of
this program? The official name of this program is 180 Degree! Can you believe it? After
Nuclear Turkmenchay, Basiji TV airs a program called 180 Degree or U-turn, in which
Islamists openly make love with so-called Neo-Liberals & Zionists! Can you believe it?! It‟s
so laughable, but it‟s not a joke! Arab Islamists, Masons and Mullahs make a U-turn
regularly! They are so stupid, and just reveal their Jang-e Zargari (= Phony war) and the true
face of Islamists! Arab Islamists or Saudis are little savages & little stooges. Now even idiots
can see why Basiji & Islamists = Saudi Arab Barbarians = Britain‟s stooges! Recent events
clearly show why Ayatollah = Arab Zionists = Saudis = CFR‟s stooges, or why Mullahs =
America’s puppets = Savage Saudis = Zionists = Arab Barbarians = Sworn enemies of
Iran & Iranians. Now in June 2016, Iran‟s people talk about „Haddad Adel, Great Satan’s
Bride, Khamenei, Rockefellers & Monsanto„ ! The West and Western media censor all
news & recent events, including the story of „Haddad Adel & Khamenei & CIA‟, simply
because recent events explain why Khamenei is Great Satan’s son or why Islamists are
Satan’s whores = Satan’s brides! Haddad Adel is Hojatieh. Islamists like Javad Zarif and
Haddad Adel are Savaki & Savaki-zadeh / Mason-zadeh! And it‟s what their own Islamists
say! Now if you want to know Who is Khamenei, you should simply ask: Who is Javad
MadarShahi?! Who is Haddad Adel?! Who is Hojatieh? Who is Savaki?! Who is Tazi, Saudi
or Arab Barbarian?! Who is Crypto Jew?! Who is Islamic Zionist?! Who is Illuminati?! Who
is AN, Lari-Jani or Hassan Freemason (Rouhani)?! Who is CIA Gary Sick, Leverett, Noam
Chomsky, Brzezinski, Rockefeller or Monsanto?!”.

As some wise Iranians say: “Iran‟s problems are just part of the Global Problems, the whole
world‟s problems. Mullahs are just a small part of the Anti-Iran Mafia, the Masonic Mafia.
Now even idiots can see why „Basijis & Khamenei are Rockefeller‟s children. After CFR-gate
& IRIB-gate, even idiots can see why Khamenei is the Wall Street‟s son! Now even the 3% /
idiots can see how the Ayatollah Rockefeller‟s Khamenei implements Zionist IMF Plans, and
tries to create The Islamic Wall Street! Now even idiots can see How CIA‟s Khamenei &
Arab Islamists try to create the Islamic Wall Street or the Arabic Wall Street! Recent years
& recent events speak volume about Islamic Capitalism & Arabic-Islamic Wall Street! Now
even idiots talk about the Jewish Side of Khamenei & Arab Islamists! Now even the 3% talk
about the love story of „Islamists and their Zionist IMF & Monsanto‟ ! Now even idiots can
see How „Islamists make love with the Zionist Monster Monsanto‟ ! Now Ayatollahs and
Islamists openly defend their Hazrat-e Rockefeller !, Hazrat-e Rothschild !, Hazrat-e IMF or
Hazrat-e Monsanto ! (Hazrat-e = Holy Prophet; Majesty) Now even the Mullah media talk
about Rockefeller Mafia & Monsanto Mafia in Arabic-Islamic Regimes! (June 2016) It‟s so
important that they talk about Rockefeller Mafia, Monsanto Mafia, GMOs and Zionist Mafia
in their Islamic regime! Now even the 3% and Mullah media talk about „The Role of
Rockefellers & Zionists in Arabic-Islamic Regimes‟ ! (June 2016) or „The Role of Zionist
Monsanto in Islamic Regime ! (June 2016) They actually say: Javad Zarif is Rockefeller‟s
son! Khamenei is Monsanto‟s son! Rouhani is Rothschild‟s son! Now If you read the Mullah
media‟s articles, you can see that they actually confess: Khamenei is the Wall Street’s son !
Islamists and Khamenei are Monsanto‟s children! What the Marxist & Islamist media say
about Monsanto & Rockefellers is quite clear, but as Iranian people truly & sarcastically say:
if Monsanto is Zionist !, then Ayatollahs and Arab Islamists are Zionists ! If IMF, CFR,
Rockefellers or Monsanto is a Zionist entity ! , then Arab leader or Ayatollah is a Zionist
entity ! If CFR or Rockefeller is Zionist !, then Khamenei is Zionist ! No one can reject this
strong Iranian Logic. Now even the 3% talk about How Monsanto, CFR & IMF are
running the Islamic Regimes!, simply because Recent Events are quite revealing! Now even
idiots can see How Rockefellers, Zionists and Freemasons are running Islamic Regime of
Mullahs and other Islamic regimes of Arabs! Now in June 2016, the Mullah media say:
„the Zionist Monsanto and GMOs are polluting Iran .. the (Islamic Zionists and their
Godfather Rockefeller & Monsanto) are poisoning Iranians .. Islamic regimes import GMOs
including GM wheat & GM corn from Zionist companies in US & EU .. This is Arab Islam! ..
the Islamic regime destroys Iran‟s agriculture, and imports foods & fruits from Zionist GMO
companies. The Islamic regime imports more than 90% of cooking oil & oil seeds from
Zionist GMO companies in US & EU .. (This is their Islamic independence !) .. the 48% of
rice in this Islamic regime is GM rice ! .. The Islamic regime and its Islamic Agriculture
are run by the Zionist Monsanto and Zionist GMO seeds! .. In the AN era (after 2004),
Monsanto and GMO seeds entered Iran .. (Anti-Iran Arabs and their Jewish Spy
AhmadiNejad (AN) were) stooges of the Zionist Monster .. In the AN era, more than 1.3
millions hectares of Iran‟s agricultural lands were polluted by the Zionist Monsanto & GMO
seeds .. (This Jewish Spy AhmadiNejad (AN) and other Islamic Zionists = Arab Barbarians)
used Zionist GMO seeds in Iran, polluted Iran, poisoned Iranian people, and created the
highest rate of Cancer in Iran‟s history .. These Anti-Iran Islamists (are) Rockefeller‟s
stooges who poisoning Iranians .. The Islamic Regime has only (created) Air Pollution,
Water Pollution, Food Pollution, Environmental Pollution, Dust Pollution and other
Pollutions .. Islamists – with the help of Monsanto & Rockefeller Brothers Fund- produce
GM rice and other GMOs in Iran!‟ (June 2016) It‟s what their own Mullah media say! Now
the soup is too salty, and that‟s why they say such things (We have already written about
GMOs and Monsanto (search Archive), and we will write more about them later) Now even
stupid animals can see that all Arabic-Islamic regimes are Anti-Iran & Anti-Iranian. Now
even idiots can see that Mullahs are Arabs or Tazi, not Iranians. Now even the 3% / idiots can
see what MI6 Ayatollah, CIA Arab, CFR-gate & IRIB-gate mean! Ayatollahs are Arabs or
British-Jewish Masons, not Iranians. The West and Non-Iranian pigs love Ayatollahs and
Arab Animals. But Iran‟s people hate them, and make jokes about them. After CFR-gate &
IRIB-gate & all recent events, Ali Khamenei should be called: Sayyid Ali Rockefeller !,
Sayyed Ali Rothschild !, Sayyid Ali IMF !, Sayyid Ali Monsanto !, Sayyed Ali Zionist ,
Sayyed Ali Illuminati, Sayyid Ali Freemason, Sayyed Ali Turkmenchay, Sayyid Ali Saudi
etc. Iranians are not blind or stupid, and that‟s why they make many good jokes, and say for
instance: All Iranians know and hate Ali Rockefeller (Khamenei); But UK & CIA love Ali
Illuminati (Khamenei) ! All Iranians know and hate Ali Rothschild (Khamenei); But CIA
& Marxists & Rockefellers love Ali Monsanto (Khamenei) ! Ali Rockefeller Khamenei is
Fetneh! Ali Freemason Khamenei loves Fenteh, because the real Fetneh is Ali Illuminati
Khamenei ! The True Fetneh is Ali Rothschild Khamenei ! Iranian people are not blind or
stupid, and they know What is Nofuz (= infiltration), and Who is Nofuzi ( = infiltrator) ! The
real Nofuzi is Ali Rockefeller Khamenei ! Ali IMF (Khamenei) loves his Zionist IMF ! Now
even idiots can see How Ali IMF or Ali Zionist (Khamenei) implements Zionist IMF Plans!
Now even the 3% can How Ali Saudi (Khamenei) licks the ass of Little Savage Saudi Arabia!
Now even the 3% can see how Ali Monsanto (Khamenei) makes love with Monsanto &
Rockefellers! Now even idiots can see the true face of Ali Rockefeller Khamenei ! Now even
idiots can see why Ali IMF Khamenei is the Wall Street’s son! Recent events clearly show
the true face of Ali Rothschild Khamenei !”. They also add: “Now Iranian people and all
normal humans – in all around the world- are so angry at corrupt politicians & Big Brothers.
We all can see what is happening in Europe, America, Africa or Asia. Now the good Turks
talk about Donmeh Erdogan or Donmeh Saudi Arabia! They refer to Islamic Masons or Secret
Jews as Donmeh! Now even Non-Iranians say many good things. Even Basijis and their
Historians say: „Crypto Jews are (Turk & Tazi Barbarians); Crypto Jews of Mashhad are
Turkish Crypto-Jews who went to Mashhad‟ ! But it‟s funny & important to note that
Khamenei is a Turk who went to Mashhad ! So maybe Basiji Historians actually say:
Khamenei is a Crypto Jew, a Donmeh! As you know, their own Gary Sick & Akbar Ganji, in
their „Who is Ali Khamenei‟, openly said : In 1960s, for the first time in Iran‟s history, a
(Masonic Mullah) openly defended the Brotherhood, and translated The Brotherhood‟s books
in Persian (Do you know who was this man?) This man was Ali Khamenei‟ ! It‟s exactly what
their own Akbar Ganji said in his Masonic article „Who is Ali Khamenei‟ ! And then the
CIA‟s Gary Sick confirmed Ganji‟s article, and said: Because of what Akbar Ganji said in
„Who is Ali Khamenei‟, we Americans (and all Freemasons should love and) support
Khamenei‟ ! (2015) It‟s obvious why the CIA and Gary Sick love and support Islamists or
The Brotherhood‟s children! It‟s obvious why the Ayatollah Brotherhood defends CFR and
Rockefellers, and create the 2009 Massacre, Islamic Turkmenchay, Yemen-gate, Saudi-gate,
CFR-gate etc. Now even idiots can see why the West, Ayatollahs & Arab barbarians are Anti-
Iran & Anti-Persia”.

As some wise Iranians say: “All Cult leaders, including Saudis & Rajavi & Khamenei, are the
same shit. All Cult leaders have Foruqe Javidan ! (= Eternal Sunshine)! They refer to their
Turkmenchay or Great Defeats/ Disasters as Foruqe Javidan ! (Eternal Sunshine !) All
informed people know Rajavi‟s Eternal Sunshine, and its consequences. The ex-members of
Rajavi Cult say: If Rajavi had (even 1% honesty or honor), Rajavi had to Die of Shame after
his Eternal Sunshine .. All changes in Cult of Rajavi -including Doubt, Disillusionment,
Decline and finally Destruction & Death of Rajavi Cult- happened after Rajavi‟s Eternal
Sunshine‟ ! And now Khamenei’s Eternal Sunshine remind you of Rajavi‟s. Khamenei’s
Eternal Sunshine is his Nuclear Turkmenchay, Yemen-gate, Saudi-gate, CFR-gate, IRIB-
gate and all recent events. After his Turkmenchay & all recent events, Khamenei should Die
of Shame, if he has even 1% honesty or honor. The stupid Basiji say: Khomeini (had 1%
honesty ! because) Khomeini died of shame after his great defeat and drinking his cup of
poison‟ ! Even their Basiji historians talk about the death of Khomeini and the rise of
Khamenei, an old member of the Hojatieh Lodge, to the leadership of Islamic Regime! A very
few Cult leaders are 1% honest, but 99% dishonest & Satanic; they are like Khomeini. But
other Cult leaders are 101% Dishonest & Satanic! They are like Saudis, Rajavi or Khamenei.
After all recent events, if Khamenei has 1% honesty or honor, Khamenei should Die of
Shame; but Khamenei is a typical Masonic Cult leader, a typical MI6/ CIA Cult leader. All
MI6 Cults have Foruqe Javidan ! (Eternal Sunshine), and stupidly try to justify their Big
Defeats, their Big Lies & their Big Paradoxes! Instead of Dying of Shame, they play the
„Shame Game‟, ie they shame their followers to make them more susceptible to further
manipulation! But such tactics make Cult members realize that What they thought was true or
good is not really true or good ! It‟s called Disillusionment or Death, Cult Death! After
Khamenei‟s Eternal Sunshine!, Islamists and Basiji should Die of Shame.And now their
rank and file are dying or becoming disillusioned”. They also add: “Cult leaders create
Turkmenchay or Great Farcical Disasters, and then instead of Dying of Shame, they play the
Shame Game with their slaves! It‟s a typical tactic in all CIA cults. Khamenei and his cult
members are not new or special things. All brainwashed cult members kill themselves for Cult
or Cult leaders! Rajavists burned & killed themselves for Rajavi! Arab Islamists, ISIS, Saudis
& Al-Qaeda are suicide bombers, ie they kill themselves for their cults! So what Basijis do is
not a new or special thing. DAESH, Basiji, Islamist, Rajavist, Saudi Terrorists or Suicide
bombers are Cultists, ie brainwashed members of Cults. If they kill themselves for their
Cults, they are merely Satanic Martyrs or Masonic Martyrs! They can call themselves
Saudi, DAESH, Basiji, Mujahed, Modafe Harem or Modafe Harem-sara! But it just makes
people laugh. Now Basijis = CIA‟s Arab Islamists go to IRIB and say: we Basijis are not
defenders of Iran (Modafe Iran), but we are defenders of Arabs (!!) we are defenders of
Harem‟ ! (2016) Now CIA‟s Basijis and their Masonic Martyrs openly call themselves
Modafe Harem & Modafe Arab! (Modafe = defender) But all Iranians already knew that
Basiji is Modafe Harem-sara (Defender of the Harem of Cult )! As you know, the Harem or
Harem-sara is the King‟s whorehouse, the Cult whorehouse or the whorehouse of Cult
leaders! But now the CIA/ MI6 ask Basijis to call themselves the Harem‟s defenders! It‟s so
ridiculous. Basijis are stupid Arabs, not Iranians. If they were Iranians, they would at least call
themselves Modafe Iran or Modafe Iranians! But they officially say that they are not
defenders of Iran (Modafe Iran), but they are Modafe Arab = Modafe Harem-sara = Modafe
Mason! Now even idiots can see the true face of Savage Arabs, Locust-eaters, Lizard-eaters
and Arab Barbarians. Now even idiots can see that The Savage Saudi Arabia is the House of
Satan. Now even idiots can see why Iranians truly said: The Savage Arabia is the House of
Satan / Ahriman & Zahak! But Arab Islamists including Mullah & Basiji are Satanists, and
worship Savage Arabia, Savage Saudi Arabia! Now even idiots can see why Islamists are
Anti-Iran, or why Saudi Barbarians & DAESH & Ayatollahs are Anti-Iran Tazi ( = Savage
Arab Jews) As you all know, In Iran, the Tazi language is Ajnabi language. All Iranians
including our Great Ferdowsi fought & fight against Tazi language, and preserved Persian
Language. But Khamenei, Haddad Adel & Islamic Freemasons love and worship Ajnabi
language / Tazi language (= Jewish / Arabic language), simply because Islamists and
Khamenei are Ajnabi & Nokar-e Ajnabi. They are Tazi, Arab-worshiper or Ajnabi-parast.
They are Crypto-Jews and Hojatieh. The story of this Tazi Mason Haddad Adel is so
informative. Qolam-Ali Haddad Adel, that Iranians call him Olaq-Ali Hadad is a Hijatieh, a
Savak agent and a Tazi protégé of Hussein Nasr & Farah Pahlavi! And it‟s what their
Islamic Media say! This Islamic Freemason Haddad Adel loves London, UK & US (ie Great
Satan!) ! His children, His Arabic-Islamist Daughters, live and study in USA, in the land of
Great Satan! Now in June 2016, this Tazi Freemason Haddad Adel goes to IRIB and openly
says: one of my daughter is Khamenei’s bride; and one of my daughter is Great Satan’s
bride! ( = CIA‟s bride !) My daughter is a Basiji & Islamist, but she lives in USA (!) and she
has married to an American guy (ie a CIA agent !) who works in Microsoft & Great
Satan’s companies in USA! (June 2016) The West censors such news/ facts, because such
facts are so informative : On the one hand, Islamists chant Anti-American slogans and pretend
they hate Great Satan! But on the other hand, Islamists go to bed with Great Satan and
become Great Satan’s bride! or Great Satan‟s whores! Islamists are such Hypocrites.
Islamists are such CIA agents. Now all Iranians use many F-words (Foshe Khar-Madar) to
curse Haddad Adel & Arab Islamists! Now even the 3% say: Haddal Adel is a CIA agent, a
Nofuzi ! All Iranians hate Haddad Adel & Arab Islamists so much. All Iranians know that
Haddad Adel = Khamenei. Haddal Adel is a close friend & family member of Khamenei. So
when Haddad Adel is such a stupid Mason, Hojatieh, Nofuzi or CIA agent, then it‟s obvious
Who is Ali Khamenei !”. They also add: “Khamenei’s Eternal Sunshine is badly Shining !
Now the Mullah Media say: (and in the past their own stupid Karrubi said: ) Haddal Adel
worked for Savak & Hussein Nasr & Farah Pahlavi ! .. Haddad Adel is Hussein Nasr’s
protégé (= Kif-kesh Hussein Nasr! )‟ ! Karrubi used the term Kif-kesh, which reminds
Iranians of Ko(..)-kesh, Ja(..)-kesh and F-words! In the past, Karrubi used the term Kif-kesh!
But now all Iranians, even the 3%, use many witty F-words – including Ko(..)-kesh or Ja(..)-
kesh- to curse Haddad Adel & Arab Islamists”. They also add: “All Basiji leaders including
this Olaq-Ali (Haddad Adel) are Tazi & Masonic Crypto Jews. Only a Tazi can name his
child BentolHoda or Vahab! All Iranians -even religious Iranians- never use such Tazi names.
Only a Tazi, who is 100% Ajnabi, can use Tazi names like BentolHoda, Vahab, Abu-Vahab
or Abu-Lahab! All Iranians are aware of this issue. If you want to know why Basijis &
Islamists are 100% Arab & Ajnabi (= Anti-Iran & Anti-Persian), you can simply take a look
at their names or their family names! They name their children BentolHoda, BentolJoha !,
Vahab, Abu-Vahab or Abu-Lahab! When hearing such Tazi names, Iran‟s people just say:
What?! Abu-Vahab?! Abu-Lahab ?! BentolHoda?! Who is this Motherfucker Arab,
Haddad or Abu-Lahab?! Who is this Arab-Islamic whore BentolHoda Rothschild of
Microsoft?! In 2009, CIA‟s Arabs & Crypto Jews like Abu-Lahab & Abu-Vahab killed
Iran‟s people in Iran‟s streets. Ayatollahs and Basijis = Saudis = Arab Barbarians; they
showed their true colors after 1979, specially in 2009 to 2016. So it‟s obvious why all
Iranians hate Arab Islamists or Arab barbarians. Now even the good Arabs know and hate
Arab Islamists or Arab barbarians. We Iranians don‟t judge people by their race or religion.
We know that good Arabs or good Jews exist, and they know why we Iranians hate Arab
barbarians, Jewish barbarians and all Bad guys. All normal humans can see why Zionists and
Islamist-Arab pigs such as Mullahs, Saudis, DAESH and Al-Qaeda are Satan‟s children, MI6
/ CIA children. Now many can see why IRGC / Basij, Wahhabism, Mullahism, Taliban,
Saudi, DAESH or Hojatieh is a Jewish-British Cult, a Satanic Cult or a CIA Cult. Now it‟s
clear What is Conspiracy, and What is Mafia, Cult (= Ferqeh) or Fetneh !”.

“Many have already talked about „Cult-making projects„, and why & how the Masons and
the UK‟s Evil Empire were making Cults in recent centuries. Some refer to Cults as New
Religious Movements (NRMs) ! The story of „Freemasons and NRMs‟ is a long story. In the
UK and the US, mind-control projects, cult-making projects and Orwellian projects were
called scientific projects! The Masonic Sciences, like Masonic Religions, are so Orwellian. In
the Barbarian West, almost all good things have become Orwellian or British / Barbarian !”,
some wise Iranians say. They also add: “US leaders and British leaders are The People
Eaters = The Human Eaters. They cannot think or live like Humans (Mesle Adam!) simply
because they have a long history of Barbarism, Cannibalism, Satanism and Savagery in the
UK and the West. The Human Eaters are not humans; they pollute and poison all good things,
maybe because Barbarism is part of their DNA ! Their Wendy Sherman and other People
Eaters & Freemason Barbarians in the US and the UK are shameless Barbarians, and
Inhumanity & Savagery & Barbarism is part of their DNA = their Barbarian traditions /
Culture. They try to pollute the whole world. MI6 cults or CIA cults are polluting
everywhere. Their cults use the same methods in the whole world – from California and
Texas to Ashraf Camp, Sohanak or Cult town / Cult campus in all around the world. Their
Cults typically isolate people, to prevent „Reality Check‟ ! Their Cults typically instill the
belief that Outsiders (= non-cult people) are dangerous and wrong! Their Cults typically
create a Cult campus to isolate members. Liberty Camp or Ashraf Camp is a typical Cult
campus. In America, you can see many cult towns/ campus like Liberty Camp! If you search
the internet, you can see US experts talk about US Cults and also cult temple, cult castle, Cult
Campus or cult towns in America. In Cult town or cult campus the only people you are
communicating with are the members of the cult. And it‟s obvious why „Cult members
become the person‟s only social contact and feedback mechanism. It‟s obvious why Cults cut
off members from the outside world. It‟s obvious why Cults use Filtering & Censorship &
Controlling information. You can see This kind of isolation in all cults. Cults isolate their
members to prevent them from the Reality ! By Controlling information and By Filtering &
Censorship, the Cult is the only voice which knows what is right and what is good ! All
people should know „How Cults Work„. Cults even tell you what to eat and what to wear !
Cults want to Own Your Mind & Body. Thought Reform is an umbrella term for any number
of manipulative techniques used to get people to do something they wouldn‟t otherwise do.
All people show know Cult indoctrination methods. All cults try to create a Sharp
distinction between ‘Cult members’ ( = Khodi) and ‘Outside World’ (= Qeyr-e Khodi). In
all Cults, „us‟ (ie Cultists = Khodi) are good and saved !, but „them‟ (ie all humans & all
things that don‟t belong to the Cult) are Bad and create Corruption (Fesad/ Enheraf !)
Building more and more complete control over all aspects of life is an essential part of all
cults. They even try to control what you read or watch! Only Cult books, Cult films, Cult TVs
or Cult websites are allowed to read or watch! Almost all books, websites or TV channels are
forbidden because they mislead you and corrupt your mind ! In all cults, Lie is Truth, but
Truth corrupts your mind ! In all cults, the real Truths & Facts corrupt your mind ! Cult books
are holy texts !, but all other books are Bad & Harmful = Zalleh ! All cults use the same
tactics. So all people should know Cult brainwashing techniques. All people should know
why and how Cults Isolate people. Liberty Camp is a typical cult campus. MEK and IRGC,
like all CIA cults, have their own cult towns. In the fucking Ghalibaf‟s era, the Cult of IRGC /
Basij has built many Cult towns (Shah-rak) in Tehran! Ghalibaf is a Hojatieh, from Mashhad !
In recent years and in the fucking Ghalibaf‟s era, Tehran‟s gardens are destroyed, and instead,
Cult Campus and Cult towns (= Shah-rak) are built in Northern Tehran! Cult towns like Shah-
rak-e Mahalati, Shah-rak-e Velayat etc are IRGC Cult towns. It‟s funny and important to note
that a place like Sohanak (in Northern Tehran) was already belong to the Cult of Bahai, and
now the Cult of Basiji control this cult town! Such similarities can explain many things about
the Cult of Bahai, the Cult of Basiji and other CIA-British cults. Hojatieh, Basiji or Bahai are
the same shit. But Mullahs are worse than Pahlavis. This fact that now almost all hills and
mountains of Northern Tehran -from West to East- have been polluted by Cult towers & Cult
buildings is shocking. It‟s really shocking. Most of these new buildings are empty now. But
these stupid towers and apartments just remind you of the pictures of North Korea,
Communist countries and Capitalist America‟s cult towns! This Jewish-Islamic motherfucker,
Ghalibaf, is a Hojjatieh Freemason. He is destroying Northern Tehran, which was a beautiful
place with many beautiful gardens. This Masonic motherfucker, Ghalibaf, is trying to destroy
Tehran‟s identity. It‟s his mission! And it‟s what their Mullah media say! His role model is
Communist & Capitalist America! This CIA motherfucker, Ghalibaf, is destroying
Tehran‟s gardens & Tehran‟s mountains, and doing their Masonic Cult-town-building projects
(Shah-rak sazi) in Mountains, Jungles or Gardens of Tehran! Now if you take a look at
Northern-Western Tehran, around Chitgar and that new Lake, you can easily get a shock. A
stupid mixture of Communism & Capitalism & MI6/ CIA Cult Towns is really shocking.
Iranian people and average Iranians don‟t live, and cannot live, in such silly cult towns. Only
Basijis, Cultists, Tazis and non-Iranian pigs can live there. They build such silly cult towns
because it‟s what CIA & MI6 want. When you take a look at Sohanak and its mountains, and
how stupid Basijis live in those cult towns in Northern Tehran‟s mountains, you can easily see
how they isolate Basijis = Cultists. IRGC cult town is a weaker version of Liberty Camp,
North Korea‟s towns or America‟s cults towns. The people who live in IRGC cult towns are
not like Tehran‟s people or Iran‟s people. They are Arabs, Tazis or Cultists. The Islamic
regime‟s rallies in Tehran are so silly & Orwellian. You cannot see any normal people or any
real Iranians in these rallies, because when they have a rally or an event, their Basijis are
bussed from their Cult towns to Tehran! It‟s so silly & Orwellian; but the West and CIA/ MI6
media defend them, and pretend that these Cultists & Anti-Iranian Arabs are Iranian people!”.
They also add: “the soup is too salty; so even US pigs and their CNN talk about „Armageddon
and Hojjatieh‟ ! (CNN) and say: „Ayatollah Jannati leads the Hojjatieh .. Ayatollah Janati and
Mesbah are reported to be the highest ranking members of the Hojjatieh .. Tavassoli, a former
chief of staff of Khomeini, says: „the Islamic government and the leaders of IRGC have been
hijacked by the Hojjatieh‟ ! .. The Hojjatieh has been described as „an underground Masonic
messianic cult which hopes to quicken the coming of Apocalypse .. In a clear parallel with
Jewish views of Armageddon, Islamists believe in (Jewish Apocalypse & Armageddon) ..
the Hojjatieh holding the tyrannical control of power in Iran „believe their Lord will reappear
only when Iran has become full of oppression and tyranny! .. But that‟s just the tip of the
iceberg. What follows will chill you to the bone‟ ! (CNN) It‟s what their own fucking CNN
say! US Zionists and Jewish pigs wish that the World becomes full of Corruption,
Oppression & Tyranny! The US Jewish fanatics openly say in their websites: We Jews
make po-rn films (!!) and do (x & y) because we Jews want to corrupt people and to (quicken)
the coming of Apocalypse & Armageddon‟ ! Now if you search the internet, you can find
many things about „ Druidism and Judaism„ !, and how their cults try to pollute the world”.

As some wise Iranians say: “AhmadiNejad (AN) was a Crypto Jew. But AN was just one of
many Crypto Jews in this Arabic-Islamic regime. The list of Crypto Jews of Islamic Regime
is a long list, and even their own Islamic historians talk about this long list! Many Ayatollahs
are actually Jews, as many Saudis, Turkish leaders or Arabs leaders are Crypto Jews =
Donmeh. Many Marxists are Jews or Crypto-Jews. Many of the so-called Western / American
intellects are Crypto-Jews. Noam Chomsky is a Crypto Jew, that means: Noam Chomsky
is a Jew, with a Jewish family, but he poses as an Anti-J-e-w! Saudis, Ayatollahs, Noam
Chomsky and AhmadiNejad are Crypto-Jews, ie they are Jews who pose as Anti-J-e-ws! We
Iranians think all Jews are not bad guys. At least in Iran, many Jews (many Iranian Jews) are
not bad guys. We Iranians are not Anti-J-e-w, because We don‟t judge people by their race or
religion; it‟s part of our Iranian Legacy. Persians or Iranians are the first Civilized &
Cultured people, who fought against Racism, Sadism, Inhumanity, Intolerance and
other Evil things. And this is a fact, an undeniable fact. But unfortunately, the West and
Savage Arabs/ Jews are so ungrateful, and so shameless”. They also add: “Crypto Jews are
Big Liars. The Jewish Lodge of Hojjatieh says: Hojjatieh is Anti-Bahai & Anti-Marxist‟ ! But
in the real world, Hojjatieh is Anti-Iran & Anti-Persian. Now if you search the internet, you
can see that many talk about „Crypto Jews of Mashhad‟ or „Mashhad‟s Jews‟ ! Their own
Historians say that the UK and British Colonialism brought Jews (Arabic Jews & Turkish
Jews) to Mashhad, and Many Jews became Ayatollah, Hajji or Mullah! And it‟s what their
own Islamic historians say! The Islamic Jews or Crypto Jews created many Cults, including
Hojatieh! Mullah Halabi, the founder of Hojjatieh, was Islamic Jew. Iranians focus on his
family name, and sarcastically ask: Why he called himself Halabi?! Was he a Pit Halabi ?! ( =
a Tin Butt) But this Jewish Ayatollah was not a Pit Halabi ! He was actually a Jewish-Arabic
man from Halab of Syria. In Iran, family names have special meanings. For instance, Tehran-i
means „from Tehran‟; Shiraz-i means „from Shiraz‟; Halab-i means „from Halab‟. As you
know, Halab is a city of Syria. In fact, Mullah Halabi was a Jewish Arab from Syria.
„Ayatollah Halabi was a Jewish-Arab Spy who worked for the UK .. Mullah Halabi worked
for MI6 and Savak ! And it‟s what their own historians say. They say many things about
Mashhad‟s Jews and the Hojatieh Lodge in Mashhad ! For instance they say: the founding
board and board of directors of the Hojatieh Lodge lived in Mashhad .. In Mashhad, the
Jews developed a considerable Jewish education system! .. The UK & Islamic Masons &
Jewish Masons created an event which became known as the Allahdad ! .. Many Mashhad
Jews live in Is-rael and New York .. About 10,000 Mashhad Crypto-Jews live in Is-rael ! ..
About 4,000 Mashhad Crypto-Jews live now in a New York suburb .. Jewish Mullahs and
Islamic Jews run the Hajji Synagogue in Jerusalem‟ ! It‟s funny that they talk about Jewish
Hajji or Hajji Jew ! The Ayatollah Jew or the Jewish Ayatollah is some one like Mesbah,
Makarem, MahdaviKani, Haeri, VaezTabasi, Khazali, Jannati and other Masonic Mullahs (As
we said before) it‟s obvious why Ayatollahs and Arab Mullahs/ Muftis dress like Jewish
Rabbis! Rabbis = Jewish Mullahs are like Rabies virus that infect all stupid animals!” They
also add: “The Hojjatieh Lodge is Jewish. The Hojjatieh Lodge is the Islamic Coalition
Society (Motalifeh) and the Hojjatieh-founded Haqqani School. And it‟s what their own
historians say. Their own Mullah Media say: „Javad Zarif is Hojjatieh; Nahavandian is
Hojjatieh; Ahmad Tavakoli is Hojjatieh .. AN‟s men and Rouhani‟s men are Hojjatieh or
Crypto-Jews‟ ! The Cult of Hojjatieh, like the Cult of Bahai, is a Jewish-Masonic Cult. They
believe that sin and corruption must reach their height to create the conditions for the
Jewish Armageddon and the return of their Jewish Imam! Now they go to IRIB &
publish films/ videos in the internet, and openly say that the Hojatieh‟s Imam Mahdi is Israeli
!, and his mother is a Jew of Jerusalem (= Zion) ! Can you believe it?! You can easily find
their films/ videos in the internet. It‟s so shameful & so ridiculous and that they themselves
refer to their Imam as Prince of Jerusalem !, Prince of Rome !, Prince of Zion ! or Prince of
Israel ! & Bani-Israel ! This is CIA‟s Islam, Zionist Islam! Now their own Islamist historians
talk about the Jewish Kabbalah!, and say: the Hojjatieh‟s Mehdi is the Jewish Messiah of the
Kabbalah (!) Mahdi or Mehdi is a Hebrew word, and both Mehdi and Messiah have the same
Jewish-Hebrew root (!) Hojjatieh‟s Mahdi is son of Israel‟ ! Can you believe it?! Islamists
openly refer to their Prophets / Imams as Princes of Jerusalem or Princes of Israel & Bani-
Israel ! This is Masonic Islam or Arabic-Jewish Islam! Now Islamist Cinema & Islamist TVs
praise Bani-Israel !, and make film about them & worship them. But do you know what
Bani-Israel means?! Bani-Israel officially and literally means: „Son of Israel ! Children of
Israel ! Can you believe it?! Islamists are such Hypocrites. Islamists are such Zionists.
Islamists are Children of Israel, Children of Zion & Zionists, and it‟s what they themselves
say! But most people, especially non-Iranians, cannot believe such facts because such facts
are so Shocking & Unbelievable for them! The Cult of Bani-Israel is the Cult of Saudis, the
Cult of Wahhabi, the Cult of ISIS/ ISIL, the Cult of Hojjatieh, the Cult of Ayatollahs and the
Cult of Arab Islamists”. They also add: “Islamists have different groups/ cults. They have One
Big Brother, but different groups/ cults ! The West and the UK created all of them. The West
and the UK created Ayatollahs & Arab Freemasons to control & manipulate the Middle East.
And it‟s what Islamists say! They write articles like „Did you know X or Y was a Freemason !
or „Hojatieh Lodge: 60 Years in the Shadow‟ ! Their Basiji historians talk about a book
published in 2005, in AN‟s era, authored by Sajadi, a leader of the Hojatieh Lodge! In the
book, titled „The Decade of Reappearance‟ this British Spy Sajadi predicts DAESH/ ISIS/
ISIL and a Bloody war in Syria under the command of Salafi (!), and finally the assassination
of Saudi King by al-Qaeda ! And such events lead to the Armageddon! And it‟s what Basiji
historians say! But it‟s obvious why Masons can predict DAESH / ISIS ! British spies know
CIA / MI6 plans!”. They also add: “Now even Islamists say Hojjatieh and Crypto-Jews
believe in the spread of tyranny and oppression; If you stand in the way of tyranny and
oppression then you delay the coming of the Armageddon & the coming of Jewish Imam, the
Hojjatieh argue! It‟s funny that Arab Islamists love Jewish beliefs of Zionists! Their own
Islamic media say: „In 1980s, Khamenei & Hojatieh were the representative of American
Islam! .. In 1983, Khomeini attacked Hojjatieh and said, ?There is a group whose thesis is that
we should let conditions become worse so that the Imam arrives sooner! But for what reason
would the Imam come? Remove these Deviations! … After Khomeini‟s speech, the Hojatieh
members said they are Khomeinist ! .. Resalat newspaper was the media of the Hojatieh
Lodge .. In 1980s, a fake movement was born to purge all members of the Hojatieh Lodge! ..
But now in 2010s, the Hojatieh Lodge control Islamic regime! All Khamenei‟s men are
Hojatieh .. The Hojatieh‟s Haddad Adel, Javad Zarif and Nahavandian worship London &
New York, and enjoy their many trips to London & Masonic Lodges in London & New York
! Nahavandian is Rouhani’s aide. Nahavandian is a Hojatieh, and a CIA Islamist with
US Green Card ! Now even the good Turks / Arabs say: „Turkey or Saudi Arabia is a
Zionist state controlled by the Donmeh ! Now many talk about „Jewish Control Of Turkey‟,
„Jewish Control Of Saudi Arabia‟, Donmeh Arabia or Donmeh Arabs! Now many can see the
Donmeh March, the Hojatieh March, the Masonic March”.

As some wise Iranians say: “Now it‟s quite clear that Anti-Iran Mafia or Masonic Mafia is not
a Myth. Mullahs, „Arab Islamists and Islamic Masons in Middle East‟ are a small part of the
Global Masonic Mafia. The story of „Islamic Freemasons in Middle East‟ is a long story, and
many have already written about it. But many don‟t know the story of „Islamic Freemasons in
the US and the West‟, which is so informative, and can show you „How Freemasons create
Islamists or Islamic Cults in the West and the whole World‟. Now If you search the internet,
you can see US experts write good articles like [1]: „Freemasonry and the Muslim
Movement in America„ ! They talk about „The influence of Freemasonry in the US Nation of
Islam! [1] They say: The order of Freemasonry is the grandfather of (all cults and) all
fraternal organizations [1] British Masons tried to fool and manipulate Black Slaves in
America. So even „African-Americans have transformed Freemasonry into social and
religious cults‟ [1] The CIA & British Freemasons used Masonic-Islamic cults to control and
manipulate Black Americans & Black Slaves [1] It‟s a sad story, a story of Control. The US
Nation of Islam is a Masonic-Islamic Cult [1] Elijah Muhammad himself had been a
Freemason and a member of the Masonic Lodge! [1] This Islamic Freemason Elijah
Muhammad (1897- 1975) is exactly like UK‟s Mullahs & Saudis, and many of his teachings
and theologies were based on Freemasonry! [1] In One of his speeches entitled „A True
Mason„ (!!), Elijah Muhammad says: a Mason cannot be a good Mason unless he knows
Quran (!!) It‟s the only book that will make a true Mason (!!)‟ [1] Can you believe it?! This
Islamic Freemason Elijah Muhammad, the Leader of US Nation of Islam, also says: „the only
way to understand Islam is in the higher degrees of Masonry‟ !! [1] Can you believe it?! This
is CIA‟s Islam, MI6‟s Islam or Masonic Islam! It‟s so laughable & ridiculous that US
Islamists say: a True Mason is a true Muslim!, or a True Muslim is a True Mason! [1] Now
many talk about an Orwellian book, „The Secrets of Freemasonry‟ !, written by Islamic
Mason Elijah Muhammad ! [1] In this book, this stupid charlatan Elijah Muhammad states:
There are 360 degrees of knowledge (!), and the Masons have 33 degrees of that
knowledge (!!) (But Jewish Islamists or Arabs) have 360 degrees of that knowledge‟ !! [1]
Can you believe it?! Now many sarcastically talk about „Beyond 33rd degree‟ ! Elijah
Muhammad‟s bullshit are not jokes, but can make good jokes: Brits talk about ‟33rd degree
Masons‟, but according to Elijah Muh., a 360th degree Mason is Islamic Freemason! Saudi or
Ayatollah is a 360th degree Mason! Elijah Muhammad is a bad joke, but can show you How
CIA & Masons control and manipulate Religions. Islamists drew a great deal of their
teachings from Freemasonry, and applied them to the Nation of Islam! [1] Elijah Muhammad
also used Masonry to reassure his followers (and his Masonic Masters) that he was the
?savior? of the black man in America! [1] And it‟s what Americans say. It‟s the Tragic-
Orwellian story of Control in America. Elijah Muhammad was a CIA Islamist, who said:
„Many of the founding fathers of America are high degree Masons (!) They have sworn oaths
not to reveal secrets‟ ! [1] Many know that the founding fathers of America were Freemasons,
and the American Revolution was a Masonic Revolution. In fact, the American Revolution
was like the Islamic Revolution of 1979! Their anti-UK slogans soon changed, and their Great
Satan Britain, which was their greatest Enemy, became the US‟s closest friend ! All Masonic
Revolutions are the same shit. Now, after 250 years!, many Americans say: Freemasons
control America ! In America, almost everything is Masonic or Orwellian! Even the Black
leaders, the Marxist leaders, Alternative media/ journalists, Noam Chomsky and the Nation
of Islam‟s leaders are Freemasons! Louis Farrakhan made several references to Freemasonry
in his speech at the Million Man March! [1] In this speech, Louis Farrakhan defends Masons
& Washington, and says: the first President of this land, George Washington, who was a
Grand Master of the Masonic order (!!) laid the foundation, the cornerstone of this Capitol
Building where we stand‟ ! [1] This Islamic Mason Louis Farrakhan also adds: „Oh, Black
Man. The secret of the Masonic Order is the secret of Religion (!!) .. Most of the founders or
leaders of the Black Muslim movements are Freemasons‟ ! [1] It‟s a great confession. The
story of Islamic Masons in America is a long story. Some of them changed their names to the
Nubian Islamic Hebrews! [1] They again changed their name in 1972 to the Ansarullah
Community! [1] And now you can see them in Yemen and Arabia! It‟s funny that Americans
talk about Islamic Hebrews! [1] Terms like Islamic Hebrews, Islamic Jews or Crypto Jews are
synonyms. They create Islamist Cults, and say: the Islamist Cults „are based on the true
teachings of Freemasonry! [1] Unfortunately, such facts are not myths or conspiracy theories.
ISIS, Saudis, Mullahs, Elijah Muhammad, Taliban, Ayatollahs, MEK, Ansarullah, Hezbollah,
Hojatieh and Muslim Brotherhood and other Islamic Freemasons are the same shit, and the
children of the same Big Brother. US Islamists say: Jewish Islamists are the true seed of the
Quraish Tribe, the Jewish Arabs! [1] Islamists are so stupid. They are the Barbarian Britain‟s
Brothers, and they are so happy that the UK made Freemasonry a religion! [1] If you read
history, you can see why & How the MI6 & CIA created many Masonic-Islamic cults
including the Muslim Brotherhood, Hojatieh, Fadayan Islam (Devotees of Islam), Nation of
Islam, Ansarullah, Saudi, Hezbollah, Basiji, Bahaii, Mujahed, Taliban, Al-Qaede, ISIS/ ISIL,
Wahhabis, Ayatollahs and other Islamic masons. The Middle East is full of Islamic
Freemasons. But even in the US and the UK, the Islamic groups grew out of Freemasonry [1]
Islamists mix Freemasonry with Islam! [1] In fact, the real problems are very Bigger than
Mullahs or Basjis. The real problems are very very Bigger than Khamenei, Pahlavi,
Khomeini, Hojatieh, Saudis or ISIS. Khamenei and Arab Islamists are just very little pawns in
the Devil‟s Game = the West‟s Game”. They also add: “It‟s funny that now even MIT
university defends Freemasonry! If you search the internet, you can find MIT‟s articles like
[2]: „Difficult Questions About Freemasonry‟ ! or „Is Freemasonry a cult?‟ !, in which MIT
guys defend Masons and say: „Freemasonry is not a cult .. Freemasonry is a good religion‟ !
[2] Apparently, MIT is a Masonic cesspit, and MIT stands for ‘Masonic Institute of
Technology’ ! When a stupid Jewish Mason like Noam Chomsky is a hero of MIT, then it‟s
obvious why MIT is a Masonic cesspit that just aids CIA & Big Brother in creating Orwellian
Technology. The US‟s Masonic universities can remind you of the Masonic-Islamic College
of El-Azhar in Cairo! And it‟s obvious why all Masonic cesspits -from MIT to El-Azhar- say:
There is no conflict between Freemasonry and Islam and other Religions! [2] MIT guys even
say: Masons freed Latin America! Bolivar was a Mason ! [2] They defend Venezuelan
Freemasons – from Bolivar to Chavez ! [2] They proudly say: Freemasons played essential
roles in creating the New World [2] Freemasons created the United States! [2] American
Revolution was Masonic! [2] They are so proud that „US presidents were Masons‟ ! [2] They
proudly say: Many of the Founding Fathers who wrote the Constitution of the United States
were Freemasons! [2] MIT guys are so proud that their Founding Fathers are Freemasons! [2]
They openly say: Why Can‟t Christians Pray in Lodge? Of course Christians can pray in
Masonic Lodge! ! [2] Christian prayer is a Lodge prayer ! [2] Those who receive the degrees
of Scottish Rite Freemasonry are Christian Heroes! [2] MIT guys just show why MIT stands
for ‘Masonic Institute of Technology’ and why MIT helps Big Brother in creating Orwellian
Technology. Pigs like Rothschild and Rockefeller are like Babak Zanjani or Saudi Prince.
They are not really important. Pigs like Rothschild and Rockefeller are merely symbols.
According to dictionaries, Symbol = someone or something that represents a particular thing.
Pigs like Rothschild and Rockefeller are symbols of the Masonic Mafia & The Evil Empire.
The Big Brother‟s whores create Conspiracy theories to fool, mislead and misinform people.
Idiots worship Conspiracy theories; but the wise people and normal humans care about facts
and true stories, not myths or Conspiracy theories”.

As some wise Iranians say: “Unfortunately, Mullahs or Arab Islamists are not new or special
irrational animals. The Celtic barbarians in France, the Druidic Barbarian in England, and
the British / Jewish Barbarians of America are worse than Mullahs. They are actually the
fathers / godfathers of Mullahs. Celts are European Barbarians, and Celtic = Barbaric. Celts
and Druids are People Eaters. But these savage barbarous people are the roots of the West,
the ancestors of the West. The savage barbarous people who lived in Britain and Europe
created many Barbarian Cults, known as Celtic or Druidic cults & secret societies. The main
Celtic-Druidic cult is Freemasonry & Illuminati, which is the Mother of Nazism, Fascism,
KKK and all Cults. The top authority in Masonry is always the Big Brother! Celtic or Druidic
countries are Barbarian countries like Britain and France, who have created many great
Crimes against Humanity in all around the world. Now in 2016, their Western media report:
The Savage France Demands Google Censor Internet Worldwide! France is a Fascist
country. Now in 2016, their own media report: The UK and France demand Google wipe
out & Censor search results! France is like Britain, that means: France is Fascist; France is
Freemason; France is Barbarian; France is Orwellian. Britain or France is The Animal
Farm. In French Animal Farm, their media report: France defends „Right To Censor„ !
(2016) Now Britain and France try to Censor The Internet Globally! France and Britain are
the mother and father of Mullahs! And now All Iranians say: Fuck the father & mother of
Mullahs!, that means: Fuck Britain & Fuck France! Now France shows its true face. Now
their own mass media report: „Google goes to France‟s highest court (because) France asks
Google to Censor all search results! .. France Wants To Impose the French Censorship
Laws On Google Worldwide ! .. France Fines Google For Failing To Censor Search Results
Worldwide ! (2016) The Fucking France is so Orwellian. The Fascist France is the Animal
Farm. Now Google censors the links and search results based on your IP address ! (ie
based on your location / your country! ) But France says it‟s not enough !, and Google should
censors all search results globally! And it‟s what their own Media say! Now the West‟s good
guys say: Searching on a European edition of Google, such as Google France or Google
UK is like Searching on Chinese edition of Google, Google China ! „ ! (2016) But France
says it‟s not enough !, because „Outside the EU, this censorship will not be in place‟ !, and
Google should filter/ censor all links globally! France is so Fascist. France is worse than
Nazi Germany. Now they talk about „Right To Be Forgotten‟ (RTBF) = Right To Be Censor
or Right To Censor Everything ! They ask Google to create a Censorship button! = RTBF
button! France defends Censorship & Censors! France is such a Fascist country. France is
such a stupid Animal Farm. Now the West‟s good guys say: If you live in France or UK, (you
can see) they censor all search results .. Google France or Google UK censor everything ..
France pushing Google to censor the global internet ! .. French Fascists/ Freemasons can
demand Google remove certain links from showing up when people search! .. This „Right To
Be Forgotten‟ (RTBF) is now being used by many Fascists/ Freemasons trying to hide true
information they just don‟t like being known‟ ! (2016) Now all sane people can see that the
so-called French Rights or The French Human Rights are Fascist-Barbarian rights such as
RTBF, Right To Be Fascist !, Right To Be Barbarian!, Right To Be Censor ! , Right To Be
People Eater !, Right To Be Psychopath !, Right To Be Sadist !, Right To Be Terrorist or
Imperialist ! Now even idiots can see that France is the Land of Censorship, Dictatorship,
Barbarism, Fascism & Freemasonry. France‟s good guys say: Google tried to appease the
French regulators ( = French Fascists/ French Freemasons) earlier this year with a big
change where even if you went to from France (rather than the default of, Google still censor the links based on your IP address! But French regulators
said not good enough, and told Google it needed to censor globally! (2016) Now many talk
about the Great Firewall of France! Now many can see the Great Fascism of France! The
Fucking France is not merely an Enemy of Iranian people. But The Fascist France is the
Enemy of the Internet. The Fucking France is the Enemy of Good guys in all around the
world. Now even the West‟s good guys ridicule France, make jokes, and say: „Hi French
Google! I‟d like Tiananmen Square to be forgotten worldwide. Thanks China‟s censors! .. Hi
France! I‟d like Nazism and Hitler to be forgotten worldwide! Bye, your Nazi Brothers!
(2016)”. They also add: “The CIA and the Barbarian Britain & France created ISIS, Saudis
and Mullahs. The Barbarian Britain & France still help Islamists -from Saudis & ISIS to
Mullahs. The Zionist France is the Friend of Islamists. The Savage France is the Enemy of
Iranian people. The Zionist France is the supporter of Mullahs! France is the Land of
Barbarism & Freemasonry. Now even the West‟s good guys talk about „France?s
Guillotining of Global Free Speech‟ and France?s Guillotining of Freedom & Democracy!
They know what France?s Guillotining of Freedom or France?s Guillotining of Human
Values means! They know why France = Fascism, France = Freemasonry, France = Orwellian
Tyranny & Censorship. French Freemasons or French Barbarians are so-called leaders of
France! They are so stupid. France & Britain openly defend Censors, Dictators and Fascists
because Britain & France are worse than Hitler, Mussolini and Stalin; And it‟s what the
West‟s good guys say in 2016. They even talk about The West Worldwide Censorship
Plan; they know what The French Worldwide Censorship Plan means. Now Google and
France help Mullahs. Now USA, Google, Britain & France help Islamic Fascists. Now the
West & Google help Islamists in censoring the Internet and all Search results in Iran.
The West‟s good guys say: The Fascist horrific „Right To Be Forgotten‟ (RTBF) concept was
initially announced by EU, UK and France .. Nazis are better than France & Britain .. In the
near future, Europeans will say: „Nazi Germany, Russia & China had more Freedom &
Democracy than France & Britain‟ ! (2016) The West‟s barbarians try to pollute the world.
The West and all Cults promote a vision of an ideal „new life‟ or „new self‟ ! All Cults say
that their Cult is the one and only way to Salvation! No one goes from rational person to
Cult member overnight. And all cuts are not small groups. Some cults are mass cults, ie they
do mass brainwashing, mass surveillance, mass indoctrination, mass filtering & censorship
and mass control. They use cult methods in a large scale, a global scale”.

“Now Islamic Barbarians, Jewish Barbarians and Christian Barbarians are the same shit. But
unfortunately, many think Jewish Barbarians or Christian Barbarians are good barbarians!,
while Islamic barbarians are bad; or Islamic barbarians are good barbarians!, while Christian
Barbarians or Jewish Barbarians are bad. Many don‟t know Barbarian Beliefs, Barbarian
Cults, British Barbarians, British Cults or Orwellian Ideology. Unfortunately, many don‟t
know Why & How the US & the UK create Cults, and How Cults control & manipulate
people. For having a better world, all people should know Cults & „Cult methods of
influencing and brainwashing people”, some wise Iranians say. We have already written about
Cult and Ideology (check Archive) But as the wise Iranians say: “Many still don‟t know Cult
or Mafia, and how it works. If you study about „The Cults in America „, you can see the true
face of America, ie the true face of a third-world, backward, Orwellian, fascist & fanatic
country. The US experts say: About 5,000 Cults operate in the United States alone! Cults are
tools of Control, and America is a Jungle of Cults! Cults use brainwashing or mind control
techniques to indoctrinate people. Cults are factories that produce Sheeple & mind-
controlled Slaves. You can define Cult as a Religious Mafia or an Ideological Mafia. Cult
is a synonym for Control, Indoctrination, Brainwashing, Slavery etc. Cults „destroying their
followers‟ ability to think critically and to make independent decisions. It‟s so important.
Cults have Big Brother. In each cult, Big Brother is omnipotent and the Cult is infallible. The
Cult Leader is Big Brother, Imam, Godfather or a manufactured Prophet who says to his
followers: Choose the right! Follow the Prophet! Just Do it! Obedience is the first law of
Heaven! As you know, Obedience is the first law of Satan & Slavery, but Cults praise
Obedience & Slavery. Sheeple and stupid slaves obey their Leaders, and say: Obedience &
Slavery is a sign of Wisdom ( = Basirat ! ) ! They even say: Slavery is Salvation! Cult is a
factory that produces slaves, proud slaves! Cults demand unquestioning devotion and
submission. In all Cults, normality, normal life, normal thinking or critical thinking is sin or
evil, but Control, Slavery & Submission bring you Salvation! In all Cults, they have Velayat
(= Big Brother‟s Control) and Zob dar Velayat (= unquestioning submission/ devotion) !
Velayat = Bardegy = Slavery is an essential part of all cults. If you take a look at American
Cults -or British cults including the Cult of Rajavi, the Cult of Khamenei, the Cult of Saudi,
the Cult of IRGC/ Savak/ Basiji/ Bahai / Hojatieh/ ISIS etc- you can see the same patterns. All
Cult leaders say: Doubt is evil, you should submit to the will of the Leader ( = the will of Cult
/ Velayat); the Cult and devotion to the Cult is the only thing that will bring you
Salvation!“. As some wise Iranians say: “Khamenei is a Cult leader, a typical cult leader.
What he says is like what all cult leaders say. In all Masonic Cults and all American Cults you
can see the same Jewish-British-Masonic things. Some primary characteristics of a Cult or a
Jewish-British Cult include: Charismatic Leader (ie Big Brother), Use of Censorship &
Filtering, Isolation (physical or psychological isolation), Demand for Devotion &
Submission, Strict Censorship & Control over people‟s life, and a Sharp distinction between
‘Cult members’ (Khodi) and ‘Non-Cult people (Qeyr-e Khodi); In the Cult language, „us‟
= Khodi = Cultists, and „them‟ = all people who are not Cultists. In the Cult language, „us‟ =
Cultists are good and saved !, but „them‟ = all humans who are not members of the Cult are
bad and going to Hell ! All cults are the same shit, and say the same things. All Cults say:
our Cult members are saved, but Non-Cult people are bad or lost souls (Monharef !)! In
all cults, questions & doubts are systematically „turn around‟ so that the doubter feels wrong,
worthless, „Evil‟ for questioning! The member is loved again when he renounces those
doubts and submits to the will of the Leader!”. They also add: “The Cult of Khamenei is a
typical British Cult. ISIS / DAESH, Saudis or Basijis are typical cultists. They are not new or
special things. Cultists (ie Cult members) are devoted to the Leader. The Cult leader is Imam,
and there is no questioning of his decisions, his Crimes or his Turkmenchay! All CIA cult
leaders – from Saudis to Mullahs- are the same shit. The so-called Cult apologists like Noam
Chomsky try to whitewash CIA Cult leaders. They try to create a Cult of Personality around
all Dictators. The CIA pigs like Noam Chomsky and Leveretts trying to reduce Dictators to a
mere puppet. All Masonic Cults or Jewish-British cults are exactly like what you can see in
The Mad Max film. The Mad Max world is the world of British Barbarians and British
Cults“. They also add: “British Barbarians say: Knowledge is power; so all people should be
ignorant sheeple! In British Ministry of Truth, they chant : Ignorance is power! Ignorance is
Strength! All Jewish-British Cults are based on a Satanic Ideology = Orwellian Ideology .
Almost all American Cults are Jewish-British Cults. Now even almost all Islamic cults are
Jewish-British Cults. USA is so Orwellian. The CIA Masons stupidly say: our Secret Society
is a Private Society! A better term than „secrecy‟ is privacy‟ ! (2016) Their Orwellian tactics
are so childish. They defend cults, and say: a true believer wants to sacrifice Everything for
the good of Cult / Religion ! In all MI6 / CIA Cults, they say: a true believer willing to
sacrifice all human values for the good of Religion / Cult ! This Jewish-British Belief, This
CIA Masonic-Barbaric Belief creates Saudi, Basiji, DAESH or Islamic Barbarians. In all
Jewish-British cults, mind-controlled slaves giving up se-x or anything the Cult leaders want!
They even kill themselves for Cult & cult leaders! So, what Basijis do in the Cult of
Khamenei is not a new or special thing”. They also add: “the West‟s barbarians say: „Without
the option of ( x or y or z ), a lie cannot be uncovered ! This is why cults should isolate people
and to separate members from the real world ! Cults should say: All people are bad or
corrupted, and only the Cult can save you! The worldview given by the cult is the only truth,
and nothing else can be accepted! All Cult leaders follow such Western advices! All Cults
make demands on people to fit the Cult‟s standards, and anything seen not to fit the Cult
Standards is seen as Evil or Fetneh! This monopoly on Truth & Judgment is a
characteristic of all cults. All cults say Orwellian things. They say: Barbarians are moral
people! Barbarism is a good means! All Cults use any means to gain their ends. Marxists,
Mullahs, Saudis or Islamists are not new or special things. They are exactly like American
Cults & Masonic-Jewish Cults. Mafia or Cult is a kind of Secret Society, and they try to
deceive people, and make them Sheeple or Slaves. But If you live like a human, not a sheeple
or slave, cults cannot deceive you”.

A some wise Iranians say: “Now if you do some research, or even search the internet, you can
find many good things about „Brainwashing, Mind Control, Thought Control and the Cults‟.
Most cults are religious cults. Satanism is a religion, and Satanists are religious people. They
just refer to their God as Satan or Lucifer! Satanic cults are religious cults. But being
religious or irreligious is not important. Some cults are irreligious cults or even Anti-
religion cults. Many sadists and barbarians are Anti-Religion! They are worse than religious
fanatics/ terrorists. But they all are members of Cults. Their cults are The Cult of Racism, The
Cult of Fascism, The Cult of Barbarism & Druidism, The Cult of People Eaters, The Cult of
Money & Power etc. All normal humans should know How Cults work, and which bonds can
bind them to Cults. Unfortunately, many don‟t know How cults indoctrinate people. They
think cults convert normal humans to brainwashed devotees overnight ! But „no one goes
from rational person to brainwashed man overnight; instead the indoctrination is a series of
small steps‟ ! And it‟s what their own experts say! Cults don‟t say: We are Satan‟s children;
we want to deceive you! But Cults say: we are Children of God; we want to help you! In
America, there are many silly & satanic cults such as Evangelism, Mormonism and The
Children of God ! America‟s good guys truly say: „Gradually they lose any real humility,
fully believing they are God‟s sole spokesman to the world ! .. Reality is whatever they are
teaching! Apostasy is going back to believing non-Cultic views! It‟s a great sin in all cults‟ !
In fact, all Cults are like Mafia; All Cults, and the Masonic Mafia, are like Hotel California:
you can easily check in, but you can never check out! In his 1984, George Orwell talks about
Cults, Big Brother’s cults, and truly says: „(Cults praise) the power of not grasping
analogies, of failing to perceive logical errors, of misunderstanding the simplest arguments if
they are inimical to (Cult) ! .. Crimestop means protective stupidity! But stupidity is not
enough. On the contrary, orthodoxy in the full sense demands a control over one‟s own
mental processes as complete as that of a contortionist over his own body! (Cult) rests
ultimately on the belief that Big Brother is omnipotent and that the Party is infallible. But
since in reality Big Brother is not omnipotent and the Party is not infallible, there is need for a
moment-to-moment flexibility in the treatment of facts! The key word here is BlackWhite ..
this word has two mutually contradictory meanings! Applied to an opponent, it means the
habit of impudently claiming that black is white, in contradiction of the plain facts. Applied
to a (Cult) member, it means a loyal willingness to say that black is white when (Cult)
discipline demands this! But it means also the ability to believe that black is white, and more,
to know that black is white, and to forget that one has ever believed to the contrary! This
demands a continuous alteration of the past, made possible by the system of thought which
(is) known as Doublethink‟ ! In his „1984, George Orwell talked about British Cults, Masonic
Cults or Big Brother‟s Cults. Even in this new stupid film „The Mad Max‟ you can see the
British Death Cult and part of Britain‟s Barbarian traditions”. They also add: “Now many
Humans are becoming aware. Now many talk about the Satanic Cults in America – from Ku
Klux Klan (KKK) to Scientology and Mormonism. America is really a Jungle of Cults!
America‟s good guys are like Iranian people and other good guys in all around the world. But
unfortunately, many American people are stupid Sheeple. Many Americans -including US
Leaders, Obama, Clinton, Rockefellers, Noam Chomsky, Donald Trump & their fans- are
psychos, sadists, racists, masons, satanists, fanatics or fascists. Unfortunately, America is full
of fanatics & Sheeple. In America, they have many cults, and they refer to „Cult of X‟ as
Church of X ! Americans have Church of Satan, Church of Ahriman !, Church of Scientology
and many other churches/ cults, which are actually Church of Psychos, Church of Sadists,
Church of Barbarians or Church of Cannibals! Now even US experts say: America is the
Land of Satanic Cults .. In America, many Cults (have) celebrity members (like Tom Cruise)
Tom Cruise is a cult Psycho (and can show you) How a celebrity can use his fame to the Big
Brother‟s advantage! If you study about Satanism or Cults in Texas, California, Nebraska
and other states of America, you understand many things better. Books like The Franklin
Cover-up say a lot about the Satanic America. The Franklin Cover-up is a book By John
DeCamp, a Republican Senator! He is a Senator, a CIA agent, and a close friend of the CIA
director! His book is about Child Abuse, Satanism and Cannibalism in Nebraska, and
speaks volumes about American Barbarians & American Barbarism. American leaders/
cult leaders – from Ayatollah Obama and Charles Manson to Bush & Romney & Donald
are barbarians or psychopaths. American Barbarians and British Barbarians are The People
Eaters, the Human-eaters. They are worse than Locust-eaters & Lizard-eaters (ie Savage
Arabs) If you read history, you can see that the West or the UK is the Land of The People
Eaters = The Human-eaters. French Barbarians and British Barbarians still live like their
savage barbarous ancestors. Now their Barbarian Cults, their Jewish-Celtic Cults, their
Druidic Cults specially Freemasonry/ Illuminati is the Mother of all Satanic Cults and secret
societies. Now The People Eaters desperately try to fool & control all people, and to convert
the human world into the Barbaric-Satanic world, the Mad Max world. Their Cults try to
control your Free Will & your Humanity. But even their own experts say: After
Brainwashing, free will itself remains intact, but its basis has changed! The basis of people‟s
free will is their belief system and worldview. People make their choices and decisions, based
on their beliefs & values. If a cult can influence and change a person‟s beliefs, then it can
influence and change a person‟s will, and the choices people make‟ ! In fact, they try to
deceive you. But if you use your brain, doing Research & Reality Check, and stop living like
Sheeple, then they can never deceive you”.

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