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Sto. Domingo, Hannah Louise L.

GS-Thesis Program

Title 1: “Level of Stress and Extent of Utilization of Coping Styles by Perioperative Nurses in a Selected
Tertiary Hospital”

The researcher is interested in pursuing this study as clinical stress has been a concern for those in the medical
field. Particularly in the operating room, the clinical area of the researcher, there is continuous turnover of
nurses and shortage of staff. She wants to find out the level of stress of perioperative nurses given the
circumstances they are currently faced with as well was what coping styles they utilize to manage their stress.
This phenomenon in the hospital has been a concern because the demand for nurses is not congruent to the
actual staff present in the different units most especially in the operating room. On the average, the operating
room caters to 30-60 cases in a day, and with insufficient manpower, the caregivers will be truly affected. With
this, the researcher wants to determine the relationship between stress levels as guided by psychologist Philip
Zimbardo and coping styles as guided by Richard Lazarus in the perioperative setting.

Title 2: “Level of Well-Being of Perioperative Nurses”

Given the current status of nursing in the Philippines where there is shortage of staff and where supply cannot
meet the demand, nurses are expected to render longer hours, work extra shifts, and adjust to everyday
changes in the area. Even if these changes are inevitable, these may have a significant effect on the well-being
of staff nurses specifically perioperative nurses. As well-being is a dynamic concept, it involves different
dimensions and health-related behaviors.

Carol Ryff, a well-known psychologist, has developed a scale in order to measure psychological well-being. The
aspects of psychological well-being involve the following: self-acceptance, the establishment of quality ties to
other, a sense of autonomy in thought and action, the ability to manage complex environments to suit personal
needs and values, the pursuit of meaningful goals and a sense of purpose in life, and continued growth and
development as a person. The researcher would like to find out the level of psychological being of perioperative
nurses under the circumstances they are faced with in the operating room.

Title 3: “Extent of Utilization of Caritas Processes by Generation Z Student Nurses”

Rationale: The researcher is interested in pursuing this study given that she is a nurse educator handling
students belonging to Generation Z. Students classified under this population are those born in the years 1995
until 2004. She wants to explore how the student nurses utilize the 10 Caritas Processes guided by Jean
Watson’s theory. Today’s young generation has been exposed to rapid changes and advancements in science
and technology. In the area, student nurses have unlimited access to information that will help in caring for
their respective patients. Not only do they have patients’ medical records but also digital references to aid
them. However, in spite of the ease and convenience, students have become more focused on their gadgets
and preoccupied with new technology. This may have a significant effect on how they render care to their
patients. The researcher wants to be able to determine the perspective of students as to the extent of how
they utilize the 10 caritas processes in today’s setting based on their generation.

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