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12-Week TNT TSC Training Program

Here is a general twelve-week progression we use, which may change based on

previous experience, strength, or injury:

In weeks 1-5, snatch 2x per week in form of 5L/5R EMOTM with a test size bell for the
amount of time listed below:

 Week 1—Session 1: 10-min ; Session 2: 12-min

 Week 2—10-min ; 14-min
 Week 3—10-min ; 16-min
 Week 4—10-min ; 18-min
 Week 5—10-min ; 20-min
During these 5-weeks, add heavy repetitive swings once each week for multiple sets of
up to 12 reps, but usually 2-5 reps.

 Week 6—
 Session 1: 10L/10R EMOTM with test size bell for as many minutes as you
can with proper technique (10 minutes is good)
 Session 2: Go two bell sizes lighter than what you used for session 1
(Open Division men 16kg and women 10kg) for as many as possible, no
set downs, with good form, in form of 10L/10R/10L/10R, etc, etc. Try to
build up to 30-min or 1,000 reps over the course of a couple years of
following this program.
 Week 7-10—Go back to weeks 2-5 workouts except use a bell two sizes larger
than competition bell (Open Division men 32kg and women 20/22kg)
 Week 8 and Week 10—Add a third day of snatching with test size bell. Perform
100-200 reps as fast as possible, again with good form (we usually don’t set the
bell down)
 Week 7 and 9—Add a third day of snatching a light bell just to loosen up. Go for
length of time (80% rule) and think of it as a long easy jog
 Week 11—
 Session 1: Use the 2 bell sizes up and go 10/10 EMOTM for time (making it
7 minutes is great, but use the 80% rule).
 Session 2: Use the bell 2 sizes down and perform 16L/16R for speed (try to
get all 32 reps in 1 minute) perform this for no more than 10 minutes. 6-7
minutes usually suffices.
 NOTE: Geoff Neupert taught me to point my thumb forward instead of
backward at the bottom of a snatch. I’ve noticed this has increased my
ability to snatch faster by 2 reps per minute.
 Session 3: Perform accelerated eccentric swings for 4 sets of 8 followed by
3 sets of 5 heavy swings, immediately followed by 2 more sets of 8
accelerated eccentric swings. Concentrate on standing faster out of the
hinge during the two later sets than during the first 4 sets. Use appropriate
rest i.e. a good recovery so you can feel powerful, usually 3-4 minutes.
 Week 12—Repeat the accelerated eccentric swing day from week 11. Perform a
second day of accelerated eccentric swings with the same set/rep scheme, and
change the heavy swing to 1 dead swing and 2 repetitive swings for 3 sets.
Again, follow this up with another 2 sets of accelerated eccentric swings working
on the speed at which you stand up out of your hinge. NOTE: The heavy bell
needs to be an absolute minimum of 2 sizes larger than your accelerated
eccentric bell. For example, I use a 32kg bell for accelerated eccentrics and the
Beast or double 32kg for heavy swings. Melissa uses a 20kg for accelerated
eccentric swings and 36kg or 40kg for heavy swings.I wouldn’t snatch at all
during week 12.

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