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Gayos, Kyla Mae K.

Q2A - CoWorld

Philippines and Globalization: A Sneak Peek

Globalization is described as the mobility of products and services, individuals, capital and
expertise across boundaries. It directs whether a country progresses or not. As of today,
globalization is always associated with the development of information-communications
technology, it is considered a major factor that determines the parameters limitations within which
nations - big or small, developed and developing will operate. It is evident in our country that
globalization is occurring, this is by the general increase in trade of goods and services within the
global scale. In addition, the rapid growth of ICT services in the country also proves that
globalization is apparent in the Philippines.

Moreover, I am confident that in the future, let’s say 50 years from now, if we continue to
thrive and develop as a country, the Philippines can shift from developing to developed country.
This long term vision of us, it serves as a guide for engaging with international development
partners, with this, we can have more opportunities whether it be on jobs or businesses. If this
will carry on, then problems in our country could be resolved, such as starvation, loss of jobs and
even poverty can be rapidly decreased. Throughout our history, there certain excellent turning
points that shaped and enabled us to attain domestic redemption and national advancements
have been made possible because of the Filipino’s collective efforts. I am aware that 50 years is
a lot of time to achieve both inclusive and exclusive growth, with the aid of the government to
actively find ways to create opportunities for its people, by delivering to the Filipinos the services
they rightfully deserved. As globalization pursues, we can hope that Philippines will progress.

Furthermore, globalization can be regarded as a process and often convoluted process

by which motion is estimated by limits, shifting alliances and the contradictory patterns therefore
it has three integral parts which are the following: first, is the economic part or aspect wherein
globalization had encouraged more trades and it had increased the flow of capital among nations,
for instance, businesses seek their funding from foreign banks that offer the most competitive
interest rate (Bhagwati, 2004). Secondly, socio-cultural aspect, nowadays, ICT helps people for
information exchange and mass media is widespread. This is very vital since it assists people to
reduce communication barriers so that people with different cultures and languages to understand
each other. Lastly, the political aspect in which political disagreements was no longer individual
problems between conflicting nations, globalization inspires nation to develope a healthy and
friendly connection to be able for nations to work together and improve the quality of life, hence
achieving world harmony.

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