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Lagrangian Analysis and Quantum Mechanics

A Mathematical Structure Related to

Asymptotic Expansions and the Maslov Index

Jean Leray

English translation by Carolyn Schroeder

The MIT Press

Cambridge, Massachusetts
London, England
Copyright C) 1981 by The Massachusetts Institute of Technology

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Library of Congress Cataloging In Publication Data

Leray, Jean, 1906-
Lagrangian analysis and quantum mechanics.
Bibliography: p.
Includes indexes.
1. Differential equations, Partial-Asymptotic theory. 2. Lagrangian functions.
3. Maslov index. 4. Quantum theory. I. Title.
QA377.L4141982 515.3'53 81-18581
ISBN 0-262-12087-9 AACR2
To Hans Lewy

Preface xi
Index of Symbols xiii
Index of Concepts xvii

I. The Fourier Transform and Symplectic Group

Introduction 1

§1. Differential Operators, The Metaplectic and Symplectic Groups 1

0. Introduction 1

1. The Metaplectic Group Mp(l) 1

2. The Subgroup Spz(l) of MP(l) 9

3. Differential Operators with Polynomial Coefficients 20

§2. Maslov Indices; Indices of Inertia; Lagrangian Manifolds and

Their Orientations 25

0. Introduction 25
1. Choice of Hermitian Structures on Z(1) 26
2. The Lagrangian Grassmannian A(l) of Z(1) 27
3. The Covering Groups of Sp(l) and the Covering Spaces of A(l) 31
4. Indices of Inertia 37
5. The Maslov Index m on A2 (1) 42
6. The Jump of the Maslov Index m(A., A..) at a Point (ti, A.')
Where dim;, n A.' = 1 47
7. The Maslov Index on Spa (l); the Mixed Inertia 51
8. Maslov Indices on A,(/) and Sp,,(/) 53
9. Lagrangian Manifolds 55
10. q-Orientation (q = 1, 2, 3, ..., cc) 56

§3. Symplectic Spaces 58

0. Introduction 58
1. Symplectic Space Z 58
2. The Frames of Z 60
3. The q-Frames of Z 61
4. q-Symplectic Geometries 65
Conclusion 65
viii Contents

II. Lagrangian Functions; Lagrangian Differential Operators

Introduction 67
§1. Formal Analysis 68

0. Summary 68
1. The Algebra W(X) of Asymptotic Equivalence Classes 68
2. Formal Numbers; Formal Functions 73
3. Integration of Elements of .FO(X) 80
4. Transformation of Formal Functions by Elements of Sp2(l) 86
5. Norm and Scalar product of Formal Functions with Compact
Support 91
6. Formal Differential Operators 97
7. Formal Distributions 102

§2. Lagrangian Analysis 104

0. Summary 104
1. Lagrangian Operators 105

2. Lagrangian Functions on V 109

3. Lagrangian Functions on V 115

4. The Group Sp2(Z) 123

5. Lagrangian Distributions 123

§3. Homogeneous Lagrangian Systems in One Unknown 124

0. Summary 124
1. Lagrangian Manifolds on Which Lagrangian Solutions of aU = 0
Are Defined 124
2. Review of E. Cartan's Theory of Pfaffian Forms 125
3. Lagrangian Manifolds in the Symplectic Space Z and in Its
Hypersurfaces 129
4. Calculation of aU 135
5. Resolution of the Lagrangian Equation aU = 0 139
6. Solutions of the Lagrangian Equation aU = 0 mod(1/v2) with
Positive Lagrangian Amplitude: Maslov's Quantization 143
7. Solution of Some Lagrangian Systems in One Unknown 145
Contents ix

8. Lagrangian Distributions That Are Solutions of a Homogeneous

Lagrangian System 151

Conclusion 151

§4. Homogeneous Lagrangian Systems in Several Unknowns 152

1. Calculation of Em_a' U,, 152

2. Resolution of the Lagrangian System aU = 0 in Which the Zeros of
det ao Are Simple Zeros 156
3. A Special Lagrangian System aU = 0 in Which the Zeros of det ao
Are Multiple Zeros 159

III. Schrodinger and Klein-Gordon Equations for One-Electron

Atoms in a Magnetic Field

Introduction 163

§1. A Hamiltonian H to Which Theorem 7.1 (Chapter II, §3)

Applies Easily; the Energy Levels of One-Electron Atoms with the
Zeeman Effect 166

1. Four Functions Whose Pairs Are All in Involution on E3 Q+ E3

Except for One 166
2. Choice of a Hamiltonian H 170
3. The Quantized Tori T(l, m, n) Characterizing Solutions, Defined
mod(1/v) on Compact Manifolds, of the Lagrangian System
aU = (aL2 - L2)U = (am - Mo)U = 0 mod (1/v2) 174
4. Examples: The Schrodinger and Klein-Gordon Operators 179

§2. The Lagrangian Equestion aU = 0 mod(1/v2) (a Associated to H,

U Having Lagrangian Amplitude >, 0 Defined on a Compact V) 184
0. Introduction 184
1. Solutions of the Equation aU = 0 mod(1/v2) with Lagrangian
Amplitude >,0 Defined on the Tori V[L0, M0] 185
2. Compact Lagrangian Manifolds V, Other Than the Tori V[L0, M0],
on Which Solutions of the Equation aU = 0 mod(1/v2) with
Lagrangian Amplitude 30 Exist 190
3. Example: The Schrodinger-Klein-Gordon Operator 204
Conclusion 207
x Contents

§3. The Lagrangian System

a U = (am - const.) U = (aL2 - const.) U = 0
When a Is the Schrodinger-Klein-Gordon Operator 207

0. Introduction 207
1. Commutivity-of the Operators a, aL=, and am Associated to the
Hamiltonians H (§1, Section 2), L2, and M (§1, Section 1) 207
2. Case of an Operator a Commuting with aL2 and am 210
3. A Special Case 221
4. The Schrodinger-Klein-Gordon Case 226
Conclusion 230

§4. The Schrodinger-Klein-Gordon Equation 230

0. Introduction 230
1. Study of Problem (0.1) without Assumption (0.4) 231
2. The Schrodinger-Klein-Gordon Case 234
Conclusion 237

IV. Dirac Equation with the Zeeman Effect

Introduction 238

§1. A Lagrangian Problem in Two Unknowns 238

1. Choice of Operators Commuting mod(1!v3) 238

2. Resolution of a Lagrangian Problem in Two Unknowns 240

§2. The Dirac Equation 248

0. Summary 248
1. Reduction of the Dirac Equation in Lagrangian Analysis 248
2. The Reduced Dirac Equation for a One-Electron Atom in a
Constant Magnetic Field 254
3. The Energy Levels 258
4. Crude Interpretation of the Spin in Lagrangian Analysis 262
5. The Probability of the Presence of the Electron 264
Conclusion 266

Bibliography 269

Only in the simplest cases do physicists use exact solutions, u(x), of

problems involving temporally evolving'systems. Usually they use asymp-
totic solutions of the type
u(v, x) = a(v, x)evw(x), (1)

the phase (p is a real-valued function of x E X = R';
the amplitude a is a formal series in 1/v,
w 1

a(v, x)
=a V

whose coefficients a, are complex-valued functions of x;

the frequency v is purely imaginary.
The differential equation governing the evolution,

a(v,x 1 a lu(v,x) = 0, (2)


is satisfied in the sense that the left-hand side reduces to the product of
e'V and a formal series in l /v whose first terms or all of whose terms vanish.
The construction of these asymptotic solutions is well known and called
the WKB method:
The phase q has to satisfy a first-order differential equation that is non-
linear if the operator a is not of first order.
The amplitude a is computed by integrations along the characteristics
of the first-order equation that defines cp.
In quantum mechanics, for example, computations are first made as if

where h is Planck's constant,

were a parameter tending to ioo; afterwards v receives its numerical value

Physicists use asymptotic solutions to deal with problems involving
equilibrium and periodicity conditions, for example, to replace problems
of wave optics with problems of geometrical optics. But cp has a jump and
a has singularities on the envelope of characteristics that define cp: for
example, in geometrical optics, a has singularities on the caustics, which
xii Preface

are the images of the sources of light; nevertheless geometrical optics

holds beyond the caustics.
V P. Maslov introduced an index (whose definition was clarified by
I. V. Arnold) that described these phase jumps, and he showed by a con-
venient use of the Fourier transform that these amplitude singularities are
only apparent singularities. But he had to impose some "quantum con-
ditions." These assume that v has some purely imaginary numerical value
vo, in contradiction with the previous assumption about v, namely, that
v is a parameter tending to i oo. The assumption that v tends to i oo is
necessary for the Fourier transform to be pointwise, which is essential for
Maslov's treatment. A procedure, avoiding that contradiction and guided
by purely mathematical motivations, that makes use of the Fourier trans-
form, expressions of the type (1), Maslov's quantum conditions, and the
datum of a number vo does exist, but no longer tends to define a function
or a class of functions by its asymptotic expansion. It leads to a new
mathematical structure, lagrangian analysis, which requires the datum of a
constant vo and is based on symplectic geometry. Its interest can appear
only a posteriori and could be quantum mechanics. Indeed this structure
allows a new interpretation of the Schrodinger, Klein-Gordon, and Dirac
equations provided

vo = ii = 2h1, where h is Planck's constant.

Therefore the real number 2ni/vo whose choice defines this new mathe-
matical structure can be called Planck's constant.
The introductions, summaries, and conclusions of the chapters and
parts constitute an abstract of the exposition.
Historical note. In Moscow in 1967 I. V. Arnold asked me my thoughts
on Maslov's work [10, 11]. The present book is an answer to that question.
It has benefited greatly from the invaluable knowledge of J. Lascoux.
It introduces vo for defining lagrangian functions on V (chapter II, §2,
section 3) in the same manner as Planck introduced h for describing the
spectrum of the blackbody. Thus the book could be entitled
The Introduction of Planck's Constant into Mathematics.

January 1978
College de France
Paris 05
Index of Symbols

A I,§1,definition 1.2*
C field of the complex numbers; = C\{0}
E3 3-dimensional euclidean space
I II,§1,1
N set of the natural numbers (i.e., integers > 0)
R field of the real numbers
R+ set of the real positive numbers
Sn n-dimensional sphere
Z ring of the integers

A element of A: I; II
B bounded set: I; II
A, B, C functions of M, coefficients of the
operator: III,§1,example 4
E neutral element of a group: I; II
atomic energy level: III; IV
F any function: II
the function in III,§1,(4.23)
G group: I; II
function: III; IV
H hamiltonian: II,§3,1; II,§3,definition 6.1
Hess hessian: I,§1,definition 2.3
Ik,Jk elements of E3: III,§1,1
Inert index of inertia: I,§1,2; I,§2,4; I,§2,definition 7.2

* Each chapter (1, II, III, IV) is divided into parts (§l, §2, §3, ... ), which in turn are divided
into sections (0, I, 2, ... ). References to elements of sections (for example, theorems,
equations, definitions) in the same chapter, part, and section are by one or two numbers:
in the latter case the first number refers to the section and is followed by a period. References
to elements of sections in another chapter, part, and/or section are by a string of numbers
separated by commas. For example, a reference in chapter !, §2, section 3 to the one theorem
in this chapter, part, and section is simply theorem 3; to the one theorem in this chapter
and part but section 4 is theorem 4; to the one theorem in this chapter but §3 of section 4
is §3,theorem 4; and to the one theorem in chapter II, §3, section 4 is II,§3,theorem 4.
Similarly, a reference in chapter !, §2, section 3 to the first definition (of more than one)
in chapter II, §3, section 4 is II,§3,definition 4.1.
xiv Index of Symbols

matrices: II,§4,3; IV,§1,1

characteristic curve: II,§3,definition 3.1; III,§1,(2.14)
function: III,§1,4
L, M, P, Q, R functions: 1II,§ 1,1
N function of (L, M): III,§1,(2.9); NL and N,M are its
R (I, II), Ro (III, IV) frame in symplectic geometry: I,§3,2; I,§3,3

SP(1) symplectic group: I,§1,definition 1.1

SPz(1) the covering group, of order 2, of the symplectic
group: I,§l,definition 2.1
S element of Sp2(1)
T torus: III,§ 1,3
U lagrangian function on V: II,§2,3
UR formal functions on V: II,§2,2
U(1) unitary group: I,§2,2
V lagrangian manifold: I,§2,9; I,§3,1
W hypersurface of Z
W(1) subset of U(1): I,§2,lemma 2.1
X' Z spaces: I,§1,1; I,§3,1

a differential, formal or lagrangian operator:

I,§1,definition 3.1; II,§l,definition 6.2; II,§2,
definition 1.1
arg argument
d differentiation
d'x Lebesgue measure
det determinant
e 2.71828.. .
neutral element of a group: I
interior product: I1,§3,2
quantum number: IV,§1,example 2
dimension of X : 1; II (dimension of X = 3 in III,
Index of Symbols xv

1, m, n quantum numbers: III; IV

m, MR Maslov index: I,§1,definition 1.2; I,§1,(2.15);
I,§2,definition 5.3; I,§2,theorem 5; I,§3,theorem 1;
S element of Sp(1): I; II
function: III; IV
function: II,§3,(3.10) ; 11,§3,(3.13); 111,§ 1,(2.6)
element of U (1) : I
transpose of u: I,§2,2
formal number or function: II,§1,2
element of W(1)
elements of X
elements of Z

I I,§ 1,1
space of formal or lagrangian functions or
distribution: II,§1,2; II,§1,7; II,§2,2; II,§2,3; II,§2,5
Hilbert space: I,§1,1
Lie derivative: II,§3,definition 3.2
Schwartz spaces: I,§1,1

r arc: 1,§2
curve: III,§1,(2.5)
A laplacian (A0 is the spherical laplacian):
A lagrangian grassmannian: I,§2,2; I,§3,1
A exterior product
rI projection : II,§1,theorem' 2.1
apparent contour, EsP: I,§1,definition 1.3
Y,,: I,§2,9
ER : I,§3,2
b,'I',0 Euler angles: III,§1,(1.12)
C) open set in Z: II,§1,6; II,§2,1
xvi Index of Symbols

function : III,§1,(2.8)
open set in E3 Q E3: III,§1,1
amplitude: II,§1,2
#0 lagrangian amplitude: II,§2,theorem 2.2
Y arc or homotopy class
11, 11 v invariant measure of V: II,§3,definition 3.2
K characteristic vector: II,§3,definition 3.1
A element of A: I; II
A,p functions : III,§1,(2.10)
V element of I: II,§1,1
Vp i/h = 2ni/h (h e R+): II,§2,3; II,§3,6
it 3.14159...
ni jth homotopy group: I,§2,3
a[ ],Ori Pauli matrices: IV,§1,(1.6); IV,§1,(1.7)
X ri/d `x
phase: I,§2,9; I,§3,2; II,§1,2
V lagrangian phase: I,§3,1
m,m pfaffian forms
toi III,§1,(1.7)

Atomic Symbols: III; IV; passim (see III,§1,4, Notations)

speed of light
Planck's constant
potential vector
magnetic field
Q Bohr magneton
E charge
p mass
Index of Concepts

asymptotic class
characteristic curve K
characteristic vector K

energy E
Euler angles (1),`I',0
formal number, functions u, UR
frames R;(1,,12,13);(JI;J2;J3)
groups Sp(1); U(1)
hamiltonian H
hessian Hess
homotopy 1j

index of inertia Inert

interior product i4

lagrangian amplitude #0
lagrangian function U
lagrangian manifold V
lagrangian operator a
lagrangian phase
Lie derivative Sf
Maslov index m
matrix J(k) Q

operator a
Planck's constant VO = i/h
quantum numbers 1, m,n,j
spaces X, Z, ', A r, ,9", ,9,
symplectic space z
I The Fourier Transform and Symplectic Group


Chapter I explains the connection between two very classical notions: the
Fourier transform and the symplectic group.
It will make possible the study of asymptotic solutions of partial differen-
tial equations in chapter II.

§1. Differential Operators, the Metaplectic and Symplectic Groups

0. Introduction
Historical account. The metaplectic group was defined by I. Segal [14];
his study was taken up by D. Shale [15]. V C. Buslaev [3, 11] showed
that it made Maslov's theory independent of the choice of coordinates.
A. Well [18] studied it on an arbitrary field in order to extend C. Siegel's
work in number theory.
Summary. We take up the study of the metaplectic group in order to
specify its action on '(R'), .*'(R'), and 9'(R') (see theorem 2) and its
action on differential operators (see theorem 3.1).
1. The Metaplectic Group Mp(1)
Let X be the vector space R' (1 > 1) provided with Lebesgue measure d'x.
Let X * be its dual, and let < p, x> be the value obtained by acting p e X
Spaces of functions and distributions on X. The Hilbert space. °(X) con-
sists of functions f : X - C satisfying

Ifi = (tf2dIx)
If (x) I' < ao.

The Schwartz space 9'(X) [13] consists of infinitely differentiable,

rapidly decreasing functions f : X - C. That is, for all pairs of 1-indices
(q, r)

IfI9,r = Sup
Ix°(c'xlrf(x)I < 00.

The topology of\ Y(X) is defined by a countable fundamental system of

2 I,§1,1

neighborhoods of 0, each depending on a pair of 1-indices (q, r) and a

rational number E > 0 as follows:

4t(q, r, E) = {f I IfI,, r < E}.

The bounded sets B of .9'(X) are thus all subsets of bounded sets of .'(X)
of the following form:

B({be,.}) = {fI If I,., < ba.rdq,r}, q,rEN', bq1 re1 +.

The Schwartz space 59''(X) is the dual of Y (X) [13]; its elements are
the tempered distributions: such an element f' is a continuous linear
The value of f' on f will be denoted by fx f'(x) f (x) d'x, although the
value of f' at x is not in general defined. The bound of f' on a bounded
set B in ,9'(X) is denoted by

If'IB = Sup I f f'(x) f(x) d'xI.

The continuity of f' is equivalent to the condition that f' is bounded:
I f' I e < oc dB. The topology of 59''(X) is defined by a fundamental system
of neighborhoods of 0, each depending on a bounded set B of 99'(X) and
a number e > 0, as follows:
"(B, E) _{ f I I f' B<_ E}.
Unlike the above, this topology cannot be given by a countable fundamen-
tal system of neighborhoods of zero.
Let us recall the following theorems.. °(X) can be identified with a sub-
space of .So'(X ):

The Fourier transform is a continuous automorphism of ,9''(X) whose
restrictions to ,Y(X) and 5o(X) are, respectively, a unitary automorphism
and a continuous automorphism.
Y (X) is dense in Y'(X ).
For the proof of the last theorem, see L. Schwartz [13] : chapter VII, §4,
the commentary on theorem IV, and chapter III, §3, theorem XV; alter-
natively, see chapter VI, §4, theorem IV, theorem XI and its commentary.
Differential operators associated with elements of Z(l) = X (D X*. Let
v be an imaginary number with argument n/2: v/i > 0.
Let a° be a linear function, a°: Z(1) --). R. Let a°(z) = a°(x, p) be its
value at z = x + p [z e Z(1), x e X, p c X*]. The operator

a = a° (x, -l
v ox

is a self-adjoint endomorphism of .9"(X ): the adjoint of a, which is an

endomorphism of So(X ), is the restriction of a to So(X ). The operators a
and the functions a° are, respectively, elements of two vector spaces sy and
.sad°. These spaces are both of dimension 21 and are naturally isomorphic:

We say that a is the differential operator associated to a° E .d°. By (1.2),

sl°, which is the dual of Z(1), will be identified with Z(1).
The commutator of a and b e sl is
[a, b] = ab - ba E C;
c c- C denotes the endomorphism of 9"(X):
c:fHcf df E Y' (X ).

In order to study this commutator, we give Z(l) the symplectic structure

] defined by

[z, z'] = (P, x'> - < P x>,

where z = x + p, z' = x' +p',xand x'cX,and pand p'eX*.
Each function a° e sl° is defined by a unique element a' in Z(l) such that
a°(z) = [a', z]. (1.1)

This gives a natural isomorphism

Z(1) E) a' H a° e °. (1.2)

The commutator of a and b c- d is clearly

[a, b] = I [a', b'

where the right-hand side is defined by the symplectic structure.

An automorphism S of .'(X) transforms each a e d into an operator
b = SaS-', defined by the condition
bSf = Saf Vf c 9"(X).
b 0 0 if a 0 0. In general, b 0 d.
Definition 1.1. G(1) is the group of continuous automorphisms S of 9"(X)
that transform sad into itself in the sense that
SaS ' e..4 Va e si.

G(1) is clearly a semigroup. If S E G(1),

a i--+ SaS
is clearly an automorphism of d. Therefore S-' E G(1), and G(l) is a group.
Under the natural isomorphism Z(1) - sad, the automorphism (1.5) of
d becomes an automorphism of the vector space Z(1):
s:a F--' sa 1. (1.6)

Since S commutes with the automorphisms of .9'(X) given by c e C, and

since [a, b] E C, we have

[SaS-', SbS-1] = [a, b],

or, considering (1.3) and the equivalence of (1.5) and (1.6),

[sa', sb'] = [a', b']

Therefore s is an automorphism of the symplectic space Z(1).
The group of automorphisms of the symplectic space Z(1) is called the
symplectic group and is denoted Sp(l):
S E SP (I).

By (1.1),

[sa', z] = [a', s-'z] = (a° o s-')(z)

In summary:
LEMMA 1. 1.Under the natural isomorphisms of sat, Z(1), and a7°, the
a -- SaS-'
of si, which is defined for all S E G(1), becomes
an automorphism s of Z(1), s : a' f--' sa', s e Sp(l),
an automorphism of sl' given by a° i--> a° o s-1.
The function S f--' s is a natural morphism
G(1) - Sp(1). (1.7)

LEMMA 1.2. The kernel of the morphism (1.7) is a subgroup of G(1) con-
sisting of automorphisms of 9'(X) of the form
f - cf, where f c .9'(X) and c e IC (complex plane minus the origin).
Remark. This subgroup will be written as t.
Proof. All c c t commute with all a e sad and thus belong to the kernel.
Conversely, let S be an element of the kernel. Therefore S is an auto-
morphism of 9"(X) commuting with all a E sad. Let p e X*. We have

-y<P.x) =0.

Therefore, since S and (1/v)(0/8x) + p commute,

1 a
+ p )Se-'<P-'> = 0.

By integration of this system of differential equations,

Se_v<P,x> = c(p)e-'(P,'), where c:X* - C.
Taking the derivative with respect to p, we see that the gradient of c, cp,
exists and satisfies
- vS[xev<P.x>I = -vxSe-''<P.x>

+ Cpe-v(P.x).

equivalently, since S and multiplication by x commute,

cp = 0.
c(p) is independent of p and will be denoted c. Let F be the Fourier trans-
form and let g = F-1 f e ."(X). By the definition of F,

f(x) = (iL)'I2
e-'<P.X>g(p)d'p. (1.8)
Since Se-v<o.=>
= ce-v<P X>, we obtain

Sf = Cf Vf E .9'(X).

Now 9'(X) is dense in .9''(X). Therefore S = c e C. This proves the lemma.

Some other subgroups of G(l) will be needed in proving that the map
G(l) - Sp(l) is an epimorphism. They are
i. the finite group generated by the Fourier transforms in one of the
coordinates (some base of the vector space X having been fixed);
ii. the group consisting of automorphisms of .9''(X) of the form
f -. e°Qf,
where Q is a real quadratic form mapping X -. R;
iii. the group consisting of automorphisms of .9''(X) of the form
f' -* f, where f (x) = det T f'(Tx), T an automorphism of X.
Each of these groups has a restriction to .9'(X) that gives a group of
automorphisms of .9'(X) and a restriction to .*'(X) that gives a group of
unitary (that is, isometric and invertible) transformations of .i*'(X). The
following definition uses these properties.
Definition 1.2. Let A be the collection of elements A each consisting of
1°) a quadratic form X Q+ X R, whose value at (x, x') e X Q+ X is
A (x, x') = Z <Px, x> - <Lx, x'> + Z <Qx', x'), (1.9)

where, if `P denotes the transpose of P,

P = `P:X -. X*, L:X,-. X*, Q = `Q:X -+ X*,
det L A 0;
2°) a choice of arg det L = nm(A), m(A) e Z, which allows us to define
A(A) = det L by arg A(A) = (rz/2)m(A).
1,§ 1,1 7

Remark. det L is calculated using coordinates in X* dual to the co-

ordinates in X and is independent of coordinates chosen such that
dx' n . A dx' = d'x.
Remark. m(A) will be identified with the Maslov index by 2,(2.15) and

To each A we associate SA, an endomorphism of Y(X) defined by

(SAf)(x) [IV,,
A(A) I rzi]`I2
where f' E ,9(X), arg[i]t'2 = nl/4. (1.10)

Clearly SA is a product of elements belonging to the groups (i), (ii), and

(iii). Therefore SA is an automorphism of Y (X) that extends by continuity
to a unitary automorphism of A (X) and to an automorphism of 9"(X).
These three automorphisms will be denoted SA; SA e G(l).
The image sA of SA in Sp(l) is characterized as follows (where Ax is the
gradient of A with respect to x):
(x, p) = sA(x', p') is equivalent to
p = Ax(x, x'), p' = -Ax.(x, x').
Proof of (1.11). Let f' e Y (X). a(SAf')/(3x and SA(df'/dx) are calculated
by differentiation of (1.10) and integration by parts; the result of these
calculations gives the following relations among differential operators of

Px = - SA('Lx)SA', + Qx} SA' = Lx;

V 8x - SA (v Ox


(X, P) = SA(x', P'),

these relations mean

P - Px = -'Lx', p' + Qx' = Lx bx' E X, p' e X
This is proposition (1.11).
Definition 1.3. We shall write Esp for the set of s e Sp(l) such that x and
x' are not independent on the 21-dimensional plane in Z(l) Q Z(l) de-
termined by the equation

(x, P) = s(x', p').

Let us recall the well-known theorem that the set of sA characterized by
(1.11) is Sp(l)\ESp.

Proof. Clearly sA 0 Esp. Conversely, let s e Sp(l). On the 21-dimensional

plane in Z(l) Q Z(1) determined by the equation

(x, P) = s(x', p')

we have, since s is symplectic,
<p, dx> - <dp, x> = <p', dx'> - <dp', x'>.

? d [<P, x> - <p', x'>] _ <p, dx> - <p', dx'>.

We assume s 0 Esp. Then x and x' are independent on the above 21-
dimensional plane. On this plane we define

A(x, x') = i <p, x> - 1 <p', x'>. (1.12)

We therefore have
dA = <p, dx> - <p', dx'>, that is,
p = As, p = -As..
x and Ax have to be independent. Hence det;k(AX X ') i4 0. Therefore
s = 5A, which completes the proof.
The sA clearly generate Sp(1). Thus:
LEMMA 1.3. The natural morphism G(l) - Sp(l) is an epimorphism.
By lemma 1.2, G(1) is a Lie group and
G(1)/t = Sp(l ). (1.13)

[C is the center of G(l) because the center of Sp(l) is just the identity

Definition 1.4. The metaplectic group Mp(l) is the subgroup of G(l)

I,§1,1-I,§1,2 9

consisting of those elements whose restriction to ff (X) is a unitary auto-

morphism of ,*°(X).
We have SA e Mp(l) VA. Now the SA generate Sp(l), so the natural
Mp(l) - Sp(1)
is an epimorphism. By (1.13), all elements of G(l) can be written uniquely
in the form
cS, where S e Mp(l), c > 0.
Writing R+ for the multiplicative group of real numbers > 0, we obtain
G(l) = R+ x Mp(l). (1.14)

The study of G(l) therefore reduces to that of Mp(l), which has the follow-
ing properties:
THEOREM 1. Mp(l) is a group of automorphisms of S°'(X) whose restric-
tions to.W'(X) are unitary automorphisms.
1°) Let S' be the multiplicative group of complex numbers of modulus 1.

Mp(1)/S' = Sp(l). (1.15)

2°) Let EMp be the hypersurface of Mp(l) that projects onto Esp. Every
element of Mp(l)\EMp can be written as cSA, where c e S' and SA is given
by an expression of the form (1.10).
3°) The restriction of every S e Mp(l) to So(X) is an automorphism of

Proof of 1°): (1.13) and (1.14); S' is identified with a subgroup of Mp(l).
. Proof of 2°). Let S e Mp(l)\EMp . Then the image of S in Sp(l) is some
element sA, A e A; SSA' e S' by (1.15).
Proof of 3°). By 2°), S = cSA, . . SAC . Now the restrictions of c,

SA, , ... , SA, to °(X) are automorphisms of , °(X ).

2. The Subgroup Sp2(l) Of MP(l)

Definition 2.1. We denote by Spz(l) the subgroup of Mp(l) that is
generated by the SA.
10 I,§1,2

The purpose of this section is to prove that Sp2(l) is a covering group

of Sp(l) of order 2.
In order to prove this, we calculate inverses and compositions of the
elements SA .

Definition 2.2. - Given A E A, we define A* e A as follows:

A*(x, x') = -A(x', x), 1(A*) = i'A(A),
m(A*) = l - m(A).
LEMMA 2.1. SA 1 = SA*; thus sA1 = SA+.

Proof. This amounts to proving the equivalence of the following two

conditions for any f and f' EY(X):

f(x) - _ (±)"2A(A) evA(x.x') f'(x')d`x',


f (x) = ) 0(A)
Using the expression for A given by (1.9), this is the same as the equivalence
of the following two conditions:

f(x) = J

f'(x') = (jj)'detLI jev<1x'>f(x)dIx.

The equivalence is deduced from the Fourier inversion formula; the

lemma follows.
To compute compositions of the SA, we will find an explicit expression
for SA(e°`° ), where (p' is a second-degree polynomial. This is made possible
by the following definition.
Definition 2.3. Choose linear coordinates in X such that d'x =
dx' A ... A dx' and choose the dual coordinates in X*. The following
notions are independent of this choice.
Let cp be a real function, twice differentiable:
cp : X -+ R.
1,§1,2 11

Hess,,((p) denotes the hessian of cp, the determinant of its second derivatives.
Alternatively this is the determinant of the quadratic form

Inertz((p) denotes the index of inertia of this form. It is defined") when
Hess((p) 0. Clearly
Inert(-q') = I - Inert(q),
arg Hess((p) = n Inert(g) mod 2n.
This formula makes possible the definition
arg Hess((p) = n Inert(q). (2.1)

Thus, for example,

[Hess (9)]112 = IHess((p)I112itnert(N).


If op is a real quadratic form,

rp: X a x i-- I<Rx, x>, where R = 1R: X - X*,
then Hess((p) and Inert((p) will be denoted Hess(R) and Inert(R). Hess(R) is
the determinant of the symmetric matrix R. Inert(R) is the number of
negative eigenvalues of R. Clearly
Inert(R) = Inert(R-1), [Hess(R)]1J2[Hess(-R-1)]112 = it.

LEMMA 2.2. Let 9' be a real second-degree polynomial. Let A e A be such

that Hessx.(cp'(x') + A(x, x')) A 0. Denote by 9(x) the critical value of the

Xax't--* A (x,x') + V (x');

rp is a second-degree polynomial. We have
SA(e'11) A)]-1l2e"°.
= A(A)[Hessx.(cp' + (2.4)

Remark 2.1. This lemma assumes v/i > 0. Up to this point, it was
sufficient to assume v/i real and nonzero.
Proof. We know that

'It is the number of negative eigenvalues of the linear symmetric operator dx F--. dcp_
12 I,§1,2

exp [ - 2] dx = 2n.
Therefore if c e C and I arg p I< n1/2,

x + c)2l dx = Iarg f < .

We then have, for any p e C,

fex[_vx - 2(x + c)zl dx

= ev(O J exp - 2u [vp + µ(x + c)] )} dx = e (P

where (p is the critical value of the function

x i- p'(x) - px, where gyp' p (x + c)2.


The Fourier transform F is the automorphism of 9 defined by

(Ff')(p) =
Je<>f(x)dlxdf' E.5(X) (2.5)

We then have, for I = 1, I arg p I < n1/2,

Fe°`° = vIvI evv; = e"'4

11P 1/71-

Since F is a continuous automorphism of 5''(X), the preceding formula

remains valid for p = -Ev, r e $; then
f 1'/E if r > 0
iJIEI if r < 0.

In other words, when I = 1, the following result holds: Let p': X -' R be
a real second-degree polynomial such that Hess p' 0; let p(p) be the
critical value of the polynomial
xicp'(x) - CP,x>,
we have
1,§1,2 13

[Hess p']-1ne"*. (2.6)

Fe°`° =
Let us show that, since relation (2.6) holds for I = 1, it holds for all I >, 1.
It suffices to choose the coordinates x' in X such that

(P'(x) = i (pi(x').

Now using the definitions (1.9) of A, (1.10) of SA, and (2.5) of F, we have
in the case P = Q = 0,
(Snf') (x) = A(A) (Ff ') (Lx).
Then (2.6) establishes (2.4) in this case. From the definitions of A and SA,
the general case is clearly equivalent to this one.
Before taking compositions of the SA,we consider compositions of
the sA:

LEMMA 2.3. 1°) Let A and A' E A. The condition

$ASA' 0 E5p (2.7)

is equivalent to the condition

Hess,, [A(x, x') + A'(x', x")] : 0 (the Hessian is constant). (2.8)

2°) This condition is equivalent by lemma 2.1 to the existence of A" E A

such that
SASA.sA.. = e [identity element of Sp(l)]. (2.9)

A" is defined by the condition that the critical value of the polynomial
x' + A(x, x') + A'(x', x") + A"(x", x)
be zero.

3°) Just as (1.9) defines A by P, Q, L, let A' and A" be defined by P, Q', L'
and P", Q", L". The condition (2.8) for the existence of A" is expressed as
1' + Q is invertible.
A" can be defined by the formulas

P" + Q' = L'(P' + Q)-"L', P + Q = 1L(P' + Q)-1L,

14 I,§1,2

Remark 2.2. Writing A + A' + A" for A(x, x') + A'(x', x") + A"(x", x),
we have
Inertx(A + A' + A") = A' + A")
= Inert,-.(A + A' + A"). (2.11)

Hess x .(A + A' + A") = A2(A'*) (2.12)

Proof of I°). By (1.11), the relations

(x, P) = SA(x', P'), (x', p') = p")

may be written

p = Ax(x, x'), p' = -As (x, x') = A'x,(x', x"),

p" -A'x.,(x' x").
It results from the elimination of p' and x' in these relations that

(x, P) = SASA'(x", p")

The condition (2.7) that SASA' 0 Esp is then equivalent to each of the
following conditions:
The elimination of p' and x' in the preceding step leaves x and x"
The relation
A, (x, x') + A'x-(x', x") = 0
leaves x and x" independent.
For any x and x", there exists an x' satisfying this relation.
Now in (1.9), det L A 0. Therefore (2.7) is equivalent to (2.8).
Proof of 2°). Assumption (2.9) means that any two of the following
three relations implies the third:

(x, P) = SA(x', P'), (x', P) = SA,(X", p"), (x", P") = P)

Then by (1.11), each of the next three relations implies the other two:
(A+A'+A")x=0, (A+A'+A")x.,=0,
I,§1,2 is

A + A' + A" = A(x, x') + A'(x', x") + A"(x", x).
Now by Euler's formula, these three relations imply
(A + A' + A")s, = 0, that is, (A + A')x. = 0, implies A + A' + A", = 0.
Proof of 30). We have

Hessx.(A + A' + A") = Hess(P' + Q),

which gives the first statement. For the other, the three pairwise equivalent
relations (2.13) can be written
(P+Q")x-`Lx' -L'x"=0,
-Lx + (P' + Q)x' -`L'x" = 0,
(210) clearly expresses the equivalence of these three relations.
Proof of Remark 2.2. By (2.10), the symmctric matrices

P" + Q', (P' + Q)-1, P + Q"

can be transformed one into the other. They therefore have the same
inertia. This is (2.11).
By (2.10)3,

Hess(P' + Q) = (det L) (det L')/(-1)' det L".

By definition 2.2, this is (2.12).
Definition 2.4. Given
3A, SA SA' SA" = e,

we define
Inert(sA, 5A,, sA.-) = Inertx(A + A' + A") [see (2.11)]. (2.14)

We define
16 I,§1,2

Inert(SA, SA,, SA,.) = Inert(sA, SA,, SA,.).

Moreover, we define the Maslov index of SA, m(SA) E Z4, by

m(SA) = m(A) mod 4. (2.15)

§2,8 will connect this with the index that V. I. Maslov actually introduced.
Lemma 2.1 and (2.15) have these obvious consequences:
Inert(sA,l, sA.', sA 1) = I - Inert(sA, SA., SA..), (2.16)
m(SA 1) = 1 - m(SA), m(-SA) = m(SA) + 2 mod 4.
We can at last study compositions of the SA.
LEMMA 2.4. Consider a triple A, A', A" of elements of A such that
SASA, SA,. = e. (2.17)

SASA'SA.. = ±E [E is the identity element of Mp(1)]. (2.18)

We have

if and only if
Inert(SA, SA,, SA,.) = m(SA) - m(SA,.) mod4. (2.20)

Remark. Condition (2.17), which is equivalent to (2.18), implies (2.20)

mod 2.

Proof. Let Y E X. Formula (1.10) holds if f' is replaced by the Dirac

measure with support y, given by
6'(x) = 6(x - y).
We obtain
(SA.(>)(x) (21ri 0(A )eA (s y)
from which follows, by lemmas 2.2 and 2.3,2°),
I,§1,2 17


iA(A)A(A'){Hessx.[A(x, x')
(SASAb'x) =

+ A'(x',
Multiplying this by f'(y)d'y, where f' c- Y (X), and integrating, we get
SASA' f' = [Hessx,(A + A' +

which gives, by lemma 2.1 and formula (2.12),

Now specify the sign. By definition 2.4,

arg[Hessx.(A + A' + A")] 1j2 = Z Inert(SA, SA., SA..) mod 2n.

By definition 1.2, (2.16), and lemma 2.1,

arg A(A) = 2m(SA), arg A(A') = 2m(SA,) = 2 [l -

n 1 n
= [l - m(SA..)] mod 2n.


arg(± 1) = [Inert(SA, SA., SA..) - m(SA) + m(SA.1) - M(SA")] mod 271,

which proves the lemma.

Recall that Sp2 (1) denotes the group generated by the SA.
LEMMA 2.5. Every element of Sp2(1) is a product of two of the SA.
Proof. By lemma 2.1, every element of Sp2(1) is a product of the SA.
It then suffices to prove that given U, V, W c A, there exist B and C in A
such that

SUSvSW = SBSS. (2.21)

Now, by lemmas 2.3,1°) and 2.4, for every W e A and every T a generic
element of A, SWST belongs to {SA} and is generic. Therefore, for T


which gives (2.21) with

Sg = SUSVST E {SA}, SC = ST1Sk E {SA}.

The restriction to Sp2(0 of the natural morphism Mp(l) - Sp(1) is

clearly a natural morphism:

SP2(1) - SP(1)-
LEMMA 2.6. The kernel of this morphism is the subgroup
S° = {E, -E}.
Sp2(1)/S° = Sp(1).

Proof. By the preceding lemma, the kernel of this morphism is the

collection of the SASA.(A, A' c- A) such that sASA. = e. From this, by lemma

Therefore, by (1.11),

A'(x, x') = A*(x, x') Vx, x' c- X.

Consequently by definition 1.2.

A(A') = ±1 (A*),
SA, _ ±SA.; therefore SASH- = ±E.
LEMMA 2.7. The group Sp2(1) is connected.
Proof. Given k e Z4 (additive group of integers mod 4), let Dk be the
collection of SA such that
m(A) = k, or equivalently, i-kA(A) > 0.
The collection of quadratic forms A satisfying A2(A) > 0 [or A2(A) < 0]
is connected. Each Dk is thus a connected set in Sp2(1).
Given k e Z4, let SA and SA, be such that
1,§1,2 19

m(SA) - -k mod 4;
p' + Q has one eigenvalue equal to zero and I - 1 eigenvalues > 0.
Let B and B' be elements of A near A and A' and such that
Hess,,,(B + B') 0.

Inerts,(B + B') takes the values 0 and 1. Since m is locally constant,

M(SB) = m(SA), m(Sa.l) = m(SA1).

We define B" E A by E. By (2.20), takes the values k and

k + 1 in any neighborhood of the element of Sp2(1). This

element thus belongs to Dk n Dk+1:

pk n Dk+ 1 zA 0,

which gives the lemma.

The above lemmas prove the following theorem. Part 1 of the theorem
reduces the study of Mp(l) to that of Spz(I). Its equivalent can be found in
the work of D. Shale and A. Weil, but the proof we have given has es-
tablished various other results that will be indispensible to us. One of
these is part 3 of the theorem. This will be used in §2,8.
THEOREM 2. 1°) The elements SA of Mp(l) that are defined by (1.10) generate
a subgroup Sp2(l) of Mp(l). Sp2(l) is a covering group (see Steenrod [17],
1.6, 14.1) of the group Sp(l) of order 2. It is a group of automorphisms of
E/(X) that extend to unitary automorphisms of,Y(X) and to automorphisms
Of 99'(X).
2°) The formulas (2.11) and (2.14) define the inertia of every triple s, s', s"
of elements of Sp(l)\Esp such that
ss's" = e [identity element of Sp(l)].
The inertia is a locally constant function (discontinuous on Esp) with values
in {0, 1, ... , 1} satisfying

Inert(s, s', s") = Inert(s", s, s') _

=I- Inert(s"-1
s'-1, s-1).

Let Esp2 be the hypersurface of Sp2(l) that is mapped onto Esp in Sp(l)
under the natural projection. The elements SA defined by (1.10) are the
elements of Sp2(l)\Esp= . Let S, S', S" be a triple of such elements satisfying
20 I,§1,2-I,§1,3

SS'S" = E [identity element of Sp2(1)].

Let s, s', s" be the images of these elements under the natural projection onto
Sp(l). We define

Inert(S, S', S") = Inert(s, s', s").

3°) Formula (2.15) and definition 1.2 define the Maslov index m on
Sp2(1)\Y-SD,. It is a locally constant function (discontinuous on 1sP2) with
values in Z4. It satisfies
m(S-') = 1 - m(S), m(-S) = m(S) + 2 mod4,
Inert(S, S', S") = m(S) - m(S'-1) + m(S") mod 4.
Remark 2.3. We shall see later that m is characterized by the last formula
and the property of being locally constant.
Remark 2.4. Sp2(1) contains the three subgroups of G(l) defined in section
1 by (i) Fourier transformation, (ii) quadratic forms, and (iii) automor-
phisms of X.
Proof. Let S be an element of one of the three subgroups. It is easy to
find A E A such that
SSA = S,,., where A' E A.

Remark 2.5. It can be shown that every S E Sp2(!) is of the form

S = S1S2S3S4,
where S3 E (i), that is, S3 is a Fourier transformation in at most
I coordinates; S, and S4 E (ii), that is, they are of the form f' i-+ e"4f',
where Q is a real quadratic form; and S2 E (iii), that is, S2 has the form
f' i-- det T f' o T, where T is an automorphism of X.
3. Differential Operators with Polynomial Coefficients
By definition 1.1, the elements of Sp2(1) transform differential operators
with polynomial coefficients into operators of the same type. Section 3
describes this transformation more explicitly.
Let a+ and a- be two polynomials in 1/v, x, and p:
a+(v, a. (v, x)pa,
x, p) _ a (v, p, x) _ >paaa (v, x)
I,§1,3 21

(a a multi-index). We consider the two differential operators

a+ (v, x,
vax ) :f a, (v' vex
x )af ( )'

a (v, ,x :f [aa (v, .)f( )]-

ax vex

LEMMA 3.1. These two operators are identical, that is,

x1 a
) =a l v1- a xJ1
,vax 'vax, '
if and only if there exists a polynomial a° in 1/v, x, and p such that
+ aax,
a (v, x, P) _ [exp 12v

/] a '(v, x, p)-

[ exp 2v- -ax-,ap-
1 a a
a (v, p, x) a°(v, x, p).

The notation is the following:

, a = ij a2
(xi and pi dual coordinates in X and X*);
ax ap 1 ax api

ap/ = °° 1 k/ a a Y.k
,( k=°k!ax,
Proof. Relation (3.3) defines a bijection a- i-- a+ such that, for all
x l a )Y<P,x>
a+(v, x, p) = e v<P,x>a+
(v V ax

v(P,x>a- 1a x) ev<P,x>
(v' vex '
- 1a1 \
P + vaxJ aQ (v, x)
- [eXp v \Ox, ap )] a (v, p, x),

since, by Taylor's formula, for every polynomial P: X/ C and every

function f : X - C,
P (p Y P.
P(P) (vex) f (x)
+ v ax)f (x)
22 I,§1,3

_ [exp!(. ap)] [P(P)f (x)]

The bijection a- r-+ a+ can then be defined by the relation
(v, x, p)
_ exp-1 a a\ )]a-(v, p, x)
[ v ax' ap
This is what the lemma asserts.
Definition 3.1. Let a be a differential operator that can be expressed as
in (3.1) and (3.2). It is defined by the polynomial a° in (1/v, x, p) that
satisfies (3.4). We say that a is the differential operator associated to the
polynomial a°.

Theorem 3.1 will describe the transform SaS-1 of a by Sc Sp2(1);

Lemma 1.1 has already dealt with the case in which a° is linear in (x, p).
The proof of this theorem will use the following properties.
LEMMA 3.2. If a and b are the operators associated to the polynomials
a° and b°, then the operator
is associated to the polynomial co, where

c°(v, x, p) _ }[exp 2v \ay' ap)

2v Cax' aqM
[a°(v, x, P)b°(v, y, q)] Y='- (3.5)
Proof. If b°(v, x, p) only depends on p, then the polynomial co associated
to c = ab is

c°(v, x, P) _ [exp - 2v
ax' ap
)][a4 (v, x, P)b°(P)]
2v (ax p + aq)] [a+(v, x, P)b°(q)]}
_ 1 a a
{[exp P)b°(q)}q=r
2v ax ap)] [a°(v, x,

Similarly, if h°(v, x, p) only depends on x, then the polynomial associated

to c = ab is

c°(v, x, P) = {[ex-(- , a aY P
)] [a°(v, x, P)b°(Y)]Lx .

Thus if b+(x,p) = b'(x)b"(p), then the polynomial associated to c = ab is

c°(v, x, P) = [exp - 2v ax aq)] {Lexp 2v (P' a-)]

[a°(v, x, p)b'(y)]

- {[exp
2v ax' aq) 2v (ay aq) + 2v (ay' P)]
[a°(v, x, }y_}-
This is (3.5) since, by (3.4),

- 2v (ax' 4)] [b b°(Y, q)

This implies lemma 3.2, which has the following obvious consequence:
LEMMA 3.3. The operator
c = 2(ab + ba)
is associated to the polynomial
1 o a 1 o a
x, p) _ cosh
[2V(8Y'2 2v ax aq)]
[a°(v, x, P)b°(v, y, q)]lq=p

If b is linear in (y, q), then

Oy, ap - = 0,

from which follows

cosh[ ] a°b° = a°b°
therefore we have the following lemma.
LEMMA 3.4. If b is linear in (x, p), then the operator associated to a° b° is
(ab + ba).
24 I,§1,3

This lemma enables us to prove the following theorem.

THEOREM 3.1. The transform SaS-1 of a by S is the differential operator
associated to the polynomial a° o s -I [S E Sp2(l); s is the image of S in Sp(l)].

Proof. Let b be a differential operator associated to a polynomial b°

that is linear or affine in (x, p); lemma 1.1 shows that theorem 3.1 holds
for b. To prove the theorem by induction on the degree of a° in (x, p),
it suffices to prove that, if the theorem holds for a°, then it holds for a°b°.
Since the theorem holds for a° and b°, the operators associated to the
a°b° and (a°b°) o s-1 = (a° o s-1)(b° o s-1)
are, respectively, by lemma 3.4,
4(ab + ba);
2(SaS-1SbS-1 + SbS-1SaS-1) = 4S(ab + ba)S-1.
The theorem thus holds for a°b°, which completes the proof.
We supplement this by a theorem about adjoint operators.
Definition 3.2. Recall that.,Y(X) has a scalar product:

(f 19) = jf(x)d1x bf, 9 E Af (X),


where g(x) is the complex conjugate of g(x). Two differential operators a

and b are said to be adjoint if

(af I 9) = (f I b9) df, 9 E -*'(X). (3.6)

THEOREM 3.2. Two differential operators a and b associated to two poly-

nomials a° and b° are adjoint if and only if
b°(v,x, p) = a°(v,x, p) VvCiR, xcX, pEX*. (3.7)

Proof. It is clear that (3.6) is equivalent to

b (v, p, x) = a+(v, x, p),

that is to say, since v is pure imaginary, to
I,§1,3-1,§2,0 25

\l r 1 a
)]QVx, p),
-2v (ax, )Jb°(v, x, P) exp -2v (-a ax, a
P/ P

and hence to (3.7).

Theorems 3.1 and 3.2 obviously have the following corollary.

COROLLARY 3.1. If a* is the adjoint of a, then VS E Sp2(l), Sa*S-1 is the

adjoint of SaS -1.
Theorem 3.2 clearly has the following corollary, which will be important
COROLLARY 3.2. The operator a associated to a polynomial a° is self-
adjoint if and only if the polynomial a° is real valued Vv e iR, x e X, p e X*.

§2. Maslov Indices; Indices of Inertia; Lagrangian Manifolds and

Their Orientations

0. Introduction
Historical account. Following V. C. Buslaev [3], [11], §1 has defined a
Maslov index mod4 on Sp2(l) by (2.15) and has connected it by (2.20) to
an index of inertia that is a function of a pair of elements of Sp(l).
On the other hand, V. 1. Arnold [1], [11] defined another Maslov index
on the covering space of the lagrangian grassmannian A(l) of Z(l); this
index is connected to the preceding one and to a second index of inertia
that is a function of a triple of points of A(l). J. M. Souriau [16] has given
a variant of the definition of the Maslov index that is considered in this
Summary. Chapter I, §3. and chapter II use these two Maslov indices and
a third index of inertia, which is a function of an element of Sp(l) and a
point of A(l).
We review and modify the various definitions of these indices (Arnold's,
section 5; Maslov's, section 6; Buslaev's, section 7) so as to clarify their
properties (sections 4-8). In §3 those properties that will be used in
chapter II are set forth.
First of all we must recall and supplement the topological properties
of Sp(l) and A(l) (theorem 3). To study these properties we follow Arnold
in employing a hermitian structure on Z(l) (sections 1 and 2).
26 I,§2,1

1. Choice of Hermitian Structures on Z(1)

Let (. I ) be the scalar product defining a hermitian structure on Z(1);
Im(zIz')= -Im(z'Iz)
is a symplectic structure on Z(1). Now in §1,1, a symplectic structure
[ , - ] was defined on Z(1).
LEMMA I.I. Restriction to X defines a homeomorphism between the set
of hermitian structures ( I -) on Z(1) such that
Im(z I z') = [z, z'], ix = X*, (1.1)

and the set of euclidean structures on X.

Proof. (i) The restriction to X of a hermitian structure on Z(1) satisfying
(1.1) is euclidean since
[x, X] = 0 Vx, X' E X.

Observe that, by (1.1),

(z I z') = [iz, z] + i[z, z'],
and in particular
(XIX')= [ix, X] Vx, X, C- X.


ix =
lax z E X.

(ii) A given (- I ) on X defines

by (1.4), the restriction of i to X,

i,: X -> X*;
the restriction of i to X
i2: X* -+ X,
because i2 = -il' since i2 = -1;
hence the automorphism i of Z(1),
1,§2,1-1,§2,2 27

i(x, P) = (i2P, ilx); (1.5)

finally, by (1.2), the hermitian structure on Z(1).

The restriction to X of hermitian structures on Z(1) satisfying (1.1) is
thus an injective mapping of the set of such structures into the set of
euclidean structures on X.
(iii) It is bijective. Indeed, the automorphism i of Z(1) defined by the
given ( I ) on X, that is, by (1.5), satisfies

i2 = -1, [iz, z'] = [iz', z],

since `i1 = i1, `i2 = i2; the function ( I
), which (1.2) defines on Z(1),
is clearly linear in z e C', and
satisfies (z', z) = (z', z),
hence is sesquilinear,
satisfies Ix + iyI2 = IxI2 + IyJ2,
and indeed defines a hermitian structure.
Lemma 1.1 has as the following corollary.
LEMMA 1.2. The set of hermitian structures on Z(1) satisfying (1.1) is an
open convex cone. It is therefore connected.
Remark 1. We choose arbitrarily one of these hermitian structures on
Z(1), which we shall use to define topological notions (the Maslov indices).
By the preceding lemma, these notions will not depend on this choice.
2. The Lagrangian Grassmannian A(1) of Z(1)
Definition 2.1 A subspace of Z(1) is called isotropic when the restriction of
[ , ] to this subspace is identically zero, that is, by (1.1), when the res-
triction of the hermitian structure on Z(1) is a euclidean structure on this

Every orthonormal frame of an isotropic subspace of dimension k is thus

composed of vectors orthogonal in Z(1); hence k < 1.
Definition 2.2. The isotropic subspaces of maximal dimension I are
called lagrangian subspaces; the collection of lagrangian subspaces A(1) is
called the lagrangian grassmannian:
28 I,§2,2

Let A E A(l) and let r be an orthonormal frame of A. It is a frame of Z(1):

the elements of Z(1) (respectively A) are linear combinations with complex
(respectively real) coefficients of the vectors that make up r.
Let U(1) denote the group of unitary automorphisms u of Z(l) (that is,
uu* = e, where u* = 'u, and e is the identity). By (1.1),
U(1) C Sp(1).

Further let A' E A(l) and let r' be an orthonormal frame of A'. There is a
unique element u in U(l) such that
r = ur'
from which follows
A = ua.'.
The group U(1) thus acts transitively on A(l). The same holds a fortiori
for Sp(l); whence 1°) of the lemma below, where St(l) [respectively, 0(l)]
denotes the stabilizer of X* in Sp(l) [respectively, U(1)], that is, the
subgroup of s such that sX * = X *.
Now 0(l) is clearly the orthogonal group. Lemma 2.3 characterizes
St(l); part 2 shows why the stabilizer of X* interests us more than that of

LEMMA 2.1. 1 ° We have

A(l) = Sp(l)/St(l) = U(1)/0(1). (2.1)

2°) Let W(l) be the set of symmetric elements w in U(1), that is, the set
of elements w such that 'w = w; thus w c- W(1) means w = 'w = w-'. The
U(l) a u- U'u = w E W(l)

U(1)/0(1) = A(l) a2 = UX*

defines a natural homeomorphism

z c- a. is equivalent to z + w(A)z = 0.
I,§2,2 29

z = x + iy, where x and y c X.
10 sp(w(A),
where sp(w) is the spectrum of w, a 0-chain of the unit circle S'. Then
e + w(A)x,
z e 2 is equivalent toy = i (2.5)
e - w(it)
where i(e + w(A)]/[e - w(.)] is a real symmetric matrix (that is, equal to
its transpose).
3°) dim(.1 n A') is the multiplicity of 1 in sp(w(,)w-1(.1')).
Remark 2.1. Part 3 is preparation for the topological definition of the
Maslov index (section 5).
The proof of lemma 2.1 is based on the following lemma. Writing
u E U(l) in terms of its eigenvectors and eigenvalues, the proof of lemma 2.2
is clear.

LEMMA 2.2. 1°) Let u c- U(l). A necessary and sufficient condition for
u e W(l) is that all of its eigenvectors can be chosen to be real.
2°) Every surjective mapping
F : S1 - S' (S' is the unit circle in C)
defines a surjective mapping
W(l) a w i-+ F(w) E W(l).

Proof of lemma 2.1,2°). The diagram (2.2) defines a mapping (2.3) since, if
u and uv c- U(l) have the same image in A(l) = U(l)/O(l), then v c- 0(l), and

uv `(uv) = uv `v `u = U 'U.

By lemma 2.2,2°), given w c- W(l), there exists some u c- W(l) such that
w = u2. Then w = u 'u, and so the map (2.3) is surjective.
Since a. = uX *, where u c- U(l), the condition z c- ) means u-'z c- X*, or
Re(u-lz) = 0, or u-1z + u-12 = 0, or z + w2 = 0. The map (2.3) is
therefore injective.
30 I,§2,2

Proof of lemma 2.1,3°). Let w = w(,1), w' = w(A'). Then A n A' is given
by the equations
z+w2=0, z+w'2=0;
that is,
r) A': w-'z =w'-'z, z= WE.

Let T be the analytic subspace of Z(l) given by the equation

T: w-'z = w'-'z.
Then dim, T = k, where k is the multiplicity of 1 in sp(ww'-'). The equation
of An A' in Tjs
By lemma 2.2,2°), there exists a u c- W(l) such that
-w=U2 =u-'u.
Thus the equation of A n A' in T may be written
The isomorphism

therefore maps A n A' onto the real part Rk of Ck, and so

dim, A n A' = k.
LEMMA 2.3. The stabilizer St(l) of X * in Sp(l) has the following properties:
1°) The elements s of St(l) are characterized as follows:

s(x', P) = (x, P)
is equivalent to
x = slx', P = 'Si'(P' + s2x'), (2.6)

where sl is an arbitrary automorphism of X and s2 = 's2 is an arbitrary

symmetric morphism X -+ X*.
2°) An element s of St(l) is the projection of two elements S of Sp2(l)
defined by
I,§2,2-I,§2,3 31

(Sf)(W ) _ ,/d et s1 1 =sI,X (2.7)

Remark 2.2. We denote by St2(1) the subgroup of Sp2(1) whose projection

onto Sp(1) is St(1). By Remark 2.5 in §1, St2(1) is the set of S E Sp2(1) that
act pointwise on .°(X): the value of Sf at a point x of X depends only on
the behavior of fat a point x' of X (in fact on the value of f at x').
The elements of the stabilizer of X* in the group of auto-
Proof of 1 °).
rnorphisms of the vector space Z(1) are the mappings (x', p') i-- (x, p)
defined by

x = six', p = s*(p + s2x'),

where sl and s* are automorphisms of X and X* and s2 is a morphism
X -a X*. These elements belong to Sp(1) when
t -1
s = S1 t
S2 = S2.

Proof of 2°). Formula (2.7) defines an automorphism S of Y'(X) that

belongs to Sp2(1) by Remark 2.4 in §1. Clearly

x-(Sf) = S[f -s1x'], S[tsl1 (-'V ax'

+ S2x'J1 f].
I ax(Sf) =
Hence, for any a in .sd (§1,1),
a°(X,- )(Sf) = Sao(s1x', ts11
la + S2x' f,
vax v8x
that is, by (2.6),

S -1 aS is associated to a° o s,
and so s is the natural image in Sp(1) of ± S E Sp2(1).
3. The Covering Groups of Sp(1) and the Covering Spaces of A(1)
The properties of these covering groups and spaces (2) follow from prop-
erties of n1 [Sp(1)] and n1 [A(1)], which are obtained by studying n1 [U(1)].
Here ik denotes the kth homotopy group, (see Steenrod [17]; we note that
N. Steenrod uses the expression symplectic groups in a different sense than
we do.)

2See Steenrod [17], 1.6, 14.1.

32 I,§2,3

LEMMA 3.1. 1°) The inclusion O(l) c St(l) induces an isomorphism

rzk[O(1)] ' nk[St(l)] t1k E N.

2°) The inclusion U(l) c Sp(l) induces an isomorphism

lrk[U(1)] it,k[Sp(l)] Vk E N.

3°) The morphism

3Y 1 d(det u)
nl [U(1)] --r EZ (3.1)
27ri det u

is a natural isomorphism:
ir,[U(1)] Z.

Proof of 1°). The elements s of St(l) are characterized by (2.6); those for
which s2 = 0 form a subgroup GL(l) of St(l). The inclusions
O(l) c GL(l) c St(l)
induce natural morphisms

ltk[O(1)] itk[GL(l)] 7rk[St(l)].

The second morphism is an isomorphism, since

St(l) = GL(l) x R", where n = 1(1 + 1)/2.
It has to be shown that i is an isomorphism. Now GL(l) acts transitively
on the set Q+ of positive definite quadratic forms on X, and O(l) is the
stabilizer of one of them. Hence
GL(l)/O(l) = Q+, where Q+ is convex.
The exactness of the homotopy sequence of this fibration (see Steenrod
[17], 17.3, 17.4) proves that i is indeed an isomorphism.
Proof of 2°). The inclusions
U(l) c Sp(l), St(l) n U(l) = 0(1) c St(l)
define a mapping (see Steenrod [17], 17.5) of the fibration
U(l)/O(l) = A(l) into Sp(l)/St(l) = A(1);
its restriction to A(l) is the identity. This mapping induces a morphism of

the homotopy sequences of these two fibrations (see Steenrod [17], 17.3,
17.11, 17.5):

nk+I[A(l)] -4 nk[O(l)] 4 nk[U(l)] p' nk[A(l)] ... no[o(l)]

l i° 1 io Ii, i i° i i°
7rk+i[A(l)] 4 n,[St(l)] - nk[Sp(l)] P rzk[A(l)] ... no[St(l)]
This diagram, in which the lines are exact, is thus commutative. Since the
mappings io are isomorphisms, it follows that the mappings it are neces-
sarily isomorphisms.
Proof of 3°). (Steenrod [17], 25.2, proves part of this by other means.) We
denote by det (that is, determinant) the epimorphism
U(l) 3 u E- det u c S' (3.2)

and by SU(l) its kernel. Since u c SU(l) when det u = 1, we have

U(l)/SU(l) = S';
(3.2) is the natural projection of U(l) onto S'. The homotopy sequence of
this fibration contains the following, which is thus exact:

it1[SU(l)] -4 ni[U(l)] -°' rrl[S1] * no[SU(l)]; (3.3)

here p is induced by the morphism (3.2). Since SU(l) is connected,

iro[SU(l)] is trivial. Let us compute n1[SU(l)].
SU(l) acts transitively on the sphere
521-1:Izl = 1.

The stabilizer of the vector (1, 0, ... , 0) in C' is SU(l - 1); thus
SU(l)/SU(l - 1) = S21-1

The homotopy sequence of this fibration contains the following, which is

thus exact:
it2 [S21-1]
nl [SU(l - 1)] '' 7r1 [SU(l)] _v
nl [Su i]
where 7x1[521-'] and n2[S21-'] are trivial for l 3 2 (see Steenrod [17],
21.2). Thus i' is an isomorphism. Now 7r, [SU(1)] is trivial, since SU(1) is
trivial, and so
it1[SU(l)] is trivial. (3.4)
34 I,§2,3

Since 1r1 [S U(1)] and no [S U(1)] are trivial in the exact sequence (3.3), p is
an isomorphism. Now

I frd- EZ
is an isomorphism.
The composition of p, which is induced by (3.2), with this isomorphism
is an isomorphism n1 [U(1)] -+ Z, which clearly is defined by (3.1).

LEMMA 3.2. 1 °) The composition of the natural isomorphism n [A(1)] 1

n1 [W(1)] [cf. (2.3)] and the morphism

7ri f ddetw)EZ (3.5)

is a natural isomorphism (Arnold [1]):

[A(1)] ^' Z.
2°) The fibration Sp(l)/St(l) = A(1) defines a monomorphism

p : Z '=' it1 [Sp(1)] - nl (A(1)] = Z, (3.6)

which is multiplication by 2 on Z.
Proof of 1 °). The homeomorphism (2.3) allows us to define
det ). = det w e S 1; (3.7)

the mapping
A(l)a2"detA c- S' (3.8)

is clearly an epimorphism. By (2.2) we have

det A = det z u, if i = uX *.
Hence for all u e U(1)
det(uA) = det 2 u det A. '(3.9)

The mapping (3.8) thus defines a fibration on which U(1) permutes the
fibers. The fibration is
A(1)/SA(l) = S 1,
I§23 35

where SA(1) denotes the variety in A(l) defined by the equation

SA(l) : det w = 1.
The exactness of the homotopy sequence of this fibration proves the
exactness of the sequence

71, [SA(l)] -4 n, [A(l)] A n, [S1]. (3.10)


p: n, [A(l)] - n, [S1]
is induced by
det:W(l) - Si,
p is an epimorphism. Let us compute n, [SA(l)].
SU(1) acts transitively on SA(1) and X * E SA(l). The stabilizer of X * in
SU(1) is SO(1), the connected component of the identity element of O(l),
and so we have the fibration
SU(1)/SO(l) = SA(l).
The exactness of its homotopy sequence implies the exactness of
n, [SU(l)] 4 n, [SA(1)] 4 no[SO(l)],
where n, [SU(1)] and no [SO(1)] are trivial, by (3.4) and the fact that SO(1)
is connected. Thus n, [SA(1)] is trivial, and so pin (3.10) is an isomorphism
Now p is induced by the mapping (3.8). Taking its composition with the

7t, [S'] 3Fr-, 1

2ni z

we obtain an isomorphism 7r, [A(1)] - Z, defined by (3.5).

Proof of 2°). In (3.6) the isomorphism Z ^- n, [Sp(l)] is the composition
of the isomorphisms defined by parts 2 and 3 of lemma 3.1. The isomor-
phism n, [A(l)] Z is the composition of the isomorphism (3.5) and the
one that induces the homeomorphism of A(l) and W(1). Proving part 2 of
lemma 3.2 is thus the same as proving the following:
The fibration U(1)/0(1) = W(l) induces a morphism
36 1,§2,3

P: Z i i[U(1)] - n [W(l)] "' Z (3.11)

that is multiplication by 2 on Z.
This fibration is defined by the mapping
U(1) 9 u "_w = u `u, which satisfies det w = (det u)2.
Since the isomorphisms entering into (3.11) are defined by (3.1) and (3.5),
we have

Z3 1 Yd(det u)1--. 1 fd(detu)'cZ.

2ni det u 27ci (det u)

This morphism p: Z - Z is evidently multiplication by 2.

The two preceding lemmas have the following theorem as an immediate
consequence. It is clearly independent of the hermitian structure on Z(1)
used above.
Definition 3. a and Q are the generators of n,[Sp(l)] and n, [A(l)] whose
natural images in Z are 1.
THEOREM 3. 1°) Sp(l) has a unique covering group, Spq(l), of order q
(q = 1, 2, ... , .x) [namely: the number of points having the same projection
onto Sp(l) is q]; a acts on Spq(I); a' does not act as the identity on Spq(1)
unless r = 0 mod q.
2°) A(l) has a unique covering space, Aq(l), of order q; fi acts on A,(1);
l' does not act as the identity on Aq(I) unless r = 0 mod q.
3°) Spq(l) acts transitively on A2,(1):

(aSq)) .2q = Sq(Q2A2q) = f32(SgA2q), where A2q E A2q(I), Sq E Spq(1). (3.12)

Example 3.1. A2(0 is the set of oriented (in the euclidean sense) lagran-
gian subspaces of Z(1); Sp(l) acts on A2(1).

Example 3.2. Sp2(1) acts on A4(l). This result is essential for the theory of
asymptotic expansions (chapter II).
Notation 3. Denote by s the projection of Sc Spq(l) onto Sp(l); by A the
projection of Aq c- NO onto A(l); by A2 the projection of A2q E A2,(1)
onto A2(1); by e the identity element of Sp(l); and by E the identity element
of Spq(1).
I,§2,3-I,§2,4 37

Let us choose an element X of A,,(1) projecting onto X * in A(l); XQ

denotes its projection onto A9(1).

4. Indices of Inertia
Definition of the index of inertia Inert(,, A', ).") of a triple (A, A', A") of
elements of A(1) pairwise transverse. We have

A0+A'=A' A"=A" $+A=Z(1).

The conditions
Z E A, Z' E A', Z" E Z + Z' + Z" = 0
therefore define three isomorphisms
A" 3 Z" a--I Z' E A'

whose product is the identity. By (4.1)

[z, z'] = [z', z"] = [z", Z]; (4.3)

this number is the value of a quadratic form at z e A (at z' E A' or at z" e A').
The isomorphisms (4.2) transform each one of these forms into the others.
Thus they all have the same index of inertia, which will be denoted
Inert(A, A',1").

LEMMA. The quadratic form

A3z -+ [z, z'] ER
is nondegenerate (that is, has no zero eigenvalues).
Proof. Take a second triple
C E A, C' E A', C" e A" such that C + C' + C" = 0.
Since A', and A" are lagrangian, the bilinear form
y r"] y
(Z, r) i- [Z, 4'] = [yr', Z"] = [Z", 4] = [C, Z'] = [Z , = [S", Z]
is symmetric and, hence, is the polar form of the quadratic form
Z H [Z, Z'].
38 1,§2,4

If this were degenerate, then there would exist z -A 0 such that

zeA, [z, C] = 0 VC'eA,
that is,
zeA n A'.
contrary to hypothesis.
Thus Inert(-, , ) has the following properties:
Inert(., A") = Inert(A', A", 1) = l - Inert(2,).", A'). (4.4)

Inert( , , ), which is defined when its arguments are pairwise transverse,

is locally constant on its domain of definition.
Inert(sA, sA', s2") = Inert(A, 2', A") Vs E Sp(l). (4.5)

Formulas (2.11) and (2.14) of 1,§1 defined Inert(s, s', s") for
s, s', s" E Sp(l)\Esp, s s' s" = e. (4.6)

The following relation exists between these two indices of inertia:

THEOREM 4. Under assumption (4.6),

Inert(s, s', s") = Inert(sX *, X *, s"-1 X *). (4.7)

Remark 4.1. The condition s 0 Esp is equivalent to the following: sX*

and X* are transverse.
Proof. We return to the notation of I,§1,2 (specifically that of lemma
2.3), setting

s = SA, s = SA , Sri = SA,. ;

sA : (x', p') h-. (x, p) means p = Px - `Lx', p' = Lx - Qx';

sA., : (x, p) i - (x", p") means p" = P"x" - `L"x, p = L"x" - Q"x.
The equations of the subspaces
A=sX*, J' = X*, s"-1X*
are then
1: p = Px,
2':x, = 0, p _ _Qx
I,§2,4 39

Condition (4.1),

Z = (x, p) E A, Z" _ (x", p") E A", Z + Z" E A',

may be written

z = (x, Px), z" = (-X, Q"x),

from which follows
[z", z] = <(P + Q")x, x>.
Hence, by definition (2.14) in §1,
Inert(., Z, A") = Inert(P + Q") = Inert,,(A + A' + A")
= Inert(s, s', s").
The two lemmas below express the index of inertia Inert in terms of the
Kronecker index KI. After we have defined the Maslov index m in terms
of the Kronecker index in section 5, lemma 6.1 will deduce the relation
between the indices of inertia and the Maslov index from these lemmas.
LEMMA 4.1. Sp(l) acts transitively on the set of pairs of transverse elements
of A(l).

Remark 4.2. Therefore every triple of pairwise transverse elements of

A(l) has the form
(sl, sX, sX *).
We recall that
Inert(sA, sX, sX*) = Inert(A, X, X*).
Proof. Since Sp(l) acts transitively on A(l), it suffices to show that the
stabilizer St(l) of X* acts transitively on the set of elements of A(1) trans-
verse to X*. The element s of St(l) defined by (2.6) transforms
X:p' = 0into sX:p = `si ls2si lx,
where s2 : X X* is symmetric. Now the condition that the equation
p = s3x define an element of A(1) is clearly that s3 : X - X* be symmetric.
Notation 4. Recall that the spectrum of u e U(1), sp(u), is a 0-chain in
S1. Let
40 I,§2,4

SP(1) = sp(w), (4.8)

where w is the image of) under the natural homeomorphism (2.3).

Denote by (exp iB) the point in S1 with the coordinate exp iO (0 E R)
and by l(exp iO) the 0-chain consisting of this point with multiplicity
1(1 e Z). We have, for example,
sp(X*) = sp(e), sp(X) = sp(-e), (4.9)
sp(e) = 1(1), sp(-e) = l(-1).
Let a denote a 1-chain in S1, Jul its support, a6 its boundary, and KI
the Kronecker index (see Lefschetz [9] or any theory of chain intersection).
Recall that the integer KI[a1, 60]
is defined when a, and a0 are a 1-chain and a 0-chain in S1 such that
is zero if I ao I n I6, I = 0,
is linear in 60 and a,,
is equal to 1 if 6, is a positively oriented arc and 6o is an interior point
of this arc,

satisfies KI[a1, aft] _ -KI[61, aa1].

LEMMA 4.2. Let a and a* be two 1-chains in S1 such that
a6 = sp(ti) - sp(X*), au* = sp(ti) - sp(X), (4.10)

6 - 6* belongs to the half-circle in S1, where Im(z) > 0. (4.11)

Inert(;., X, X*) = KI[a,(-1)] - KI[a*, (1)]. (4.12)

Remark 4.3. Lemma 5.1 will use this decomposition of Inert.

Proof. Let

Z = x + iy e 2, Z' E X, Z" E X*

be such that
z+z'+z"=0, where x, y e X.
I,§2,4 41

i = - x, z" = - iy,
[z,, z"] = Im(z' I z") = - (x v)

Let w be the natural image of A under (2.3). By (2.5)

y= i e+
wx (e is the identity).

Since w is unitary and symmetric, i(e + w)/(e - w) is real and symmetric.

Hence Inert(1, X, X*) is the index of inertia of the quadratic form
ie + w
X=3xi-' -I x ER,
that is, the number of positive eigenvalues of the real symmetric matrix
i(e + w)/(e - w).
Now the positive real axis is the image of the half-circle in S', where
Im z < 0, under the homographic transformation
1 + exp iO
S 3 (exp i0) i--* i - E R. (4.13)
1 - exp i0
We orient it positively: it forms a chain x in S'. Since (4.13) transforms the
eigenvalues of w into those of i(e + w)/(e - w),
Inert(1, X, X*) = KI[y, sp(w)].
Let r be a chain in S' with boundary
ar = sp(w) - sp(ie).

Inert(;., X, X*) = KI[x, ar] _ -KI[r, OZ]

= KI[r, (-1)] - KI[r, (1)].
Let a and a* be 1-chains in S' such that a - r and a* - r are defined as

a(a - r) = sp(ie) - sp(e),

a - r belongs to the arc 0 E [0, n/2] in S' (exp i0) t;
a(Q* - r) = sp(ie) - sp(-e),
a* - r belongs to the arc 0 E [n/2, n] in S'.
42 I,§2,4-I,§2,5


KI[ r - z, (- 1)] = KI[Q* - T, (1)] = 0,

the preceding expression for Inert(A, X, X*) is equivalent to (4.12). Now
or and rr* satisfy conditions (4.10) and (4.11) and are determined by them
up to the addition of 1-cycles y and y* in S' such that y - y* belongs to
the half-circle in S', where Im z > 0. Since y and y* are then homologous,
KI[y, (-1)] = KI[;,*, (01
Thus (4.12) holds for any pair (a, a*) satisfying (4.10) and (4.11).
5. The Maslov Index m on A(1)
We are going to supplement Arnold's definition [1], but first we shall use
the following preliminary definition.
Definition 5.1 of the index M on A4(1). Let (v,, v') be an element of
A,,(l) x A,,(1) = A',(1), that is, a pair of elements of A.,(1). Let v and
w(v) be the natural images of v., in A(1) and W(l) [cf. (2.3)], and let v'
and w' = w(v') be the images of v.. By lemma 2.1, 3°), the condition that
v and v' be transverse can be expressed as

(1) 0 sp(ww'-');
sp(ww'-1), which we denote sp(v, v'), is a 0-chain in S' (see Lefschetz [9]).
The mapping
F n (vim, vim) - sp(v, V)

maps the arc r onto a 1-chain in S1 denoted sp(r). If

ar = 0, tip) - (µ., Nx),

asp(r) = sp(, ti') - sp(µ, µ').

,Z and 2' are transverse, u and µ' are transverse;
then by lemma 2.1, 3°),
(1) Ojasp(r)I.
1,§2,5 43

Thus KI[sp(r), (1)] is defined. It is an integer depending only on the

homotopy class of r, that is, on OF. We denote it

M[A. p ., p.] = KI[sp(r), (1)] e Z. (5.2)

Remark. By Remark 1, M is independent of the choice of the hermitian

structure on Z(l) used in its definition.
Properties of M. M is defined under hypothesis (5.1). M is locally con-
stant on its domain of definition. M has the obvious additive property

+ M[ux, v , ti's] = vti> v ], (5.3)

which implies
Ar] = 0.
M has the invariance property
M[S%c,SA':'; i ,p' ] = dS E (5.5)

If /3 is the generator of n, [A (1)] (cf. definition 3), then

fl`Ate; µx, µx] = M[A,;x;µ.,µ'] + r - r' dr,r'EZ.


Proof of (5.5). Assuming hypothesis (5.1), s1. and sip' are transverse, and
the mapping
S r-4 M[S)., S;",; per,, ux] e Z
is defined and locally constant. Therefore it is constant since Sp,c (1) is
Proof of (5.6). Choose the arc r to be differentiable and such that

Clearly one can define 1 continuous functions

O:F=(v,x,vj- U;(vz,,v.)ER, j = 1, 1,

such that
sp(v, v') (expi9,); O (/1'A, /x'A ) = O A) mod 27r.
44 I,§2,5

Definition (5.2) of M gives

AlA.,2,] 2nfd6'

2n jrd(0j)
1 ddet(ww'-1)
2ni J r det(ww - 1)
1 f d(det w) 1r d(det w') _
-r r
2iri r det w 2ni J r -d-et w'
by (3.5) and definition 3. Hence (5.6) follows by the additive property
(5.3) of M.
In order to recover assumption (4.11) of lemma 4.2, we need the following
Definition 5.2 X., is the point of A,,,(1) that projects onto X in A(1) and
that may be joined to X* by an arc y of Ax (l) whose spectrum sp(y)
belongs to the half-circle in S', where lm(z) > 0.
Definition 5.3. The Maslov index is the function m given by

m(;,, 4) = M(2,, 4; X *, X.).

This allows us to formulate lemma 4.2 as follows.
LEMMA 5.1. For any triple ,) , A of elements of A,,,(I),
2', 2")
Inert(2, = m(A., m(2., 1 ) + m(2,, 2 ,, ). (5.7)

Proof. By (5.6), the right-hand side of (5.7) depends only on (2, A', 2"). By
Remark 4.2 and the invariance property (5.5) it suffices to establish the
following special case of (5.7):

Inert(2, X, X*) = m(;.,, X.) - m(1.,, X*) + m(X,,, X*). (5.8)

Definition 5.3 of m and the additive property (5.3) of M give

m(1.,,, X.) = X* , X.]
m(2, , X*) - m(X., X*) = M(1.z, X*; X*].
Definition 5.1 of these two values of M makes use of two arcs r and
r* of A'(1) such that
iar = (2,w, Xx) - (X*, XJ, OF* = (A,, X*) - (X', X*).
1,§2,5 45

We choose these arcs as cartesian products,

f=y x x,,,,, r*=y* x x*,,,

where y and y* are then arcs of AW(1) such that

ny=gym X,* oy* = L -X".

We have
Definition 5.2 of X,,allows us to choose y and y* such that sp(y - y*)
belongs to the half-circle in S', where Im(z) ? 0.
a = sp(y), a* = sP(y*)
Since the homeomorphism defined by (2.3) has the values
w(X) _ -e, w(X*) = e,
definition 5.1 of M gives
M[A , X*, Xj = KI[a, (-1)],
M[A, X**; X., X*] = KI[a*, (1)]
The formula (5.8) to be proved is thus identical to formula (4.12), which
holds because or - a* = sp(y - y*) satisfies condition (4.11).
LEMMA 5.2. We have

m(L, X.) + m(7.'', n.") = 1. (5.9)

Proof. Substitute the expression (5.7) for Inert into (4.4).

The following lemma supplements lemma 5.1.
LEMMA 5.3. Every function

n:Oq, A) i-+ n(2q, Aq)

defined for Aq, Aq e Aq(1), and A' transverse,

with values in an abelian group,
locally constant on its domain of definition,
such that, for pairwise transverse ., A', A",
46 1,§2,5

).q) + n() , )) = 0, (5.10)

is identically zero.
Proof. By (5.10), n is constant in a neighborhood of any pair (:tq, 2q),
transverse or not. Therefore n is constant on Aq (l), which is connected.
By (5.10), its value is 0.

We have proved the following theorem.

THEOREM 5. 1°) The Maslov index (definitions 5.1-5.3) is the only function

m:(A ),2x)F-'m().
M ( ; ., )EZ
defined on pairs of transverse elements of A. (1) that is locally constant on its
domain and makes the following decomposition of the index of inertia

Inert(A, )',.2.") = m(A,,, 2x) - m(2,°, Ate) + m(A', A ). (5.7)

2°) Taking into account definition 5.2, this function has the following
m(da A') + m(2', A,°) = 1; (5.9)

m(s), SA') = m(Am, Ax) VS E Sp. (1); (5.11)

m(l'2,,, /I''A') = m(J.., %;°) + r - r' Vr, r' E Z; (5.12)

m(X*,, Xj = 0, Xm) = 1. (5.13)

Proof of 1 °). Lemmas 5.1 and 5.3.

Proof of (5.9). Lemma 5.2.

Proof of (5.11) and (5.12). Definition 5.3 of m, (5.5), and (5.6).

Proof of (5.13). Definition 5.3 of m and (5.4); (5.9).

Remark 5.1. Formula (5.7) clearly implies the following: If A, A', 2"'
are four pairwise transverse elements of A(l), then
Inert(A, 2', 2") - Inert(., A', 2) + Inert(., %", ti") - Inert(,', A", A"') = 0.
Remark 5.2. We call any transverse pair (p., µ,) E AI(1) such that

M[2 x., A ; p, , µz] = m(1. , A') VA, A' E Ax(1)

I,§2,5-1,§2,6 47

a basis. For example, (X *, X_) is a basis. By the additive property (5.3) of

M, the condition that (pm, i') be a basis can be expressed as

m(pm, t4) = 0.
6. The Jump of the Maslov Index m(),,,, , d' ) at a Point (2, A'), Where
dim 2n2'= 1
Maslov [11] defined his index, up to an additive constant, by the expression
of its jump across the hypersurface YA2 in A'(1), which is the set of pairs
(L , ).) of nontransverse elements of A.(1). Theorem 6 will make the
expression for this jump explicit.
First of all let us establish some properties of U(1). By y we denote a
differentiable arc of U(1):

7:1- 1, 119 0 F- U (O) E U (I), ue = du 00.

LEMMA 6.1. Let exp(i/(0)) be a simple eigenvalue of u(O) and let z(O) be a
corresponding eigenvector. Then

% = (u_1(o)uZ(o)Iz(o)).

Remark 6.1. Recall that if U is a Lie group with generic element u,

infinitesimal transformations Xk, and Maurer-Cartan forms CO, then
u-1 du (hence, in particular, u-1ue) may be written

u-1 du = Iwk(u, du)Xk;


see E. Cartan [4].

Remark 6.2. Since U(1) is the unitary group, (1/i)u-1(O)u9 is an arbitrary
I x l self-adjoint matrix characterizing the vector ug tangent to U(1) at

Proof. Since exp(i>!i(O)) is a simple eigenvalue, k(0) is a differentiable

function of 0, and the vector z(0), which is defined up to a scalar factor, may
be chosen to be a differentiable function of 6. Then differentiating the
u(0)z(0) = z(0)exp(ii(0))
48 I,§2,6

and multiplying on the left by (1/i)u-'(0), we obtain

lu luez + l zo = -u- ' zo exp(io) + z(6)Oe

t i

Taking the scalar product with z eliminates ze and gives (6.1) because
(u-ize exp(ii) I z) = (Z e I exp(- i/i) uz) _ (z e l z)
since u is unitary.
Denote by Eu the set of u e U(1) such that (1) e sp(u); recall that (1)
denotes the point of S' c C with coordinate 1.
The following lemma has the sole purpose of interpreting the assumption
of lemma 6.3 geometrically.
LEMMA 6.2. If u(o) E Eu, (1) is a simple value of sp u(o), and z(o) is a
corresponding eigenvector, then the condition that uo define a direction
tangent to Eu at u(o) takes the form

1 = 0. (6.2)

Proof. u(o) is a regular point of E,,,. By lemma 6.1, every direction

tangent to Eu at u(o) satisfies (6.2). The hyperplane of directions satisfying
(6.2) thus contains the tangent plane to Eu at u(o); but Eu is a hypersurface
in U(l).
LEMMA 6.3. If the arc y in U(1) intersects E. only at the point u(o), if the
eigenvalue I of u(o) is simple, and if the corresponding eigenvector z(o)

(U'O)UZOZO)) 0

(i.e., if y is not tangent to Eu), then

KI[sp y, (1)] = sign( U-'(o)uoz(o)

I I z(o) . (6.3)

Proof. Let exp(iir(O)) be the eigenvalue of u(O) near 1. Evidently

KI[spy,(1)] = sign/e(o) if Le(o) j4 0,
so (6.3) follows from (6.1).
I,§2,6 49

Notation. EA2 denotes the set of nontransverse (1t, X):

EA3 AZ(1).

F denotes a differentiable arc in A2(1):

[-1, 1[3 0 i-- (,(6), A'(B)) e A2(1).
w(9) and w'(B) denote the natural images of ,(O) and )'(O) E A(1) in W(1):
see (2.3).

LEMMA 6.4. If the arc F in A2(1) intersects EA2 only at the point (L(o),
A'(o)) and if

dim ),(o) n ).'(o) = 1, z(o) E ).(o) n ti (o),

(w'-'(o)z(o)lz(o)) 9 I nw''-' (o)z(o) z(o)


KI[sp T', (1)] = sign WOW-1(o)z(o) I z(o))

l f
_ (ww'-'o)zo)Izo))}.

Proof. The image of the arc r E A2(1) in U(1) is the arc

y : [-1, 11 -3 B u(O) = w(O)w' 1(B).

By definition,
KI[spF, (1)] = KI[spy, (1)].
By lemma 2.1,3°), intersects Ev only at the point A = o, and 1 is a
simple value of sp u(o). By lemma 2.1,2°),

z(o) + w(o)z(o) = o, z(o) + w'(o)z(o) = o,


z(o) - u(o)z(o).

u-1ue = u-1wew-lu - wew'-1;
50 I,§2,6

thus, because u is unitary,

(u-'(o)uez(o)I z(o)) = (wew-'(o)z(o)j z(o)) - (wBw'-'(o)z(o)Iz(o))
Hence, by lemma 6.3,

KI[spy,(1)] = sign{(WW '(o)z(o) I z(o)) - (ww'1(o)z(o) Iz(o)l,

and (6.4) follows.

LEMMA 6.5. Let

0 Hz(0)
be differentiable mappings of [-1, 11 into A(l) and Z(l) such that
Z(O) E 2(B).


= [ze,z(0)]
Proof. By lemma 2.1,2°),

zo + wee + wee = o.
(wow-1 z I z)
(ze I z) - + (wee I z) = 0,
(wze I z) = (Ze I _ -(291 Z) _ -(Ze II Z).
From (1.1), (6.5) follows.

The left-hand side of (6.4) can be expressed in terms of the Maslov index
by (5.2) and definition 5.3; the right-hand side of (6.4) can be expressed
in terms of the symplectic form [ , ] by lemma 6.5. Hence the following
theorem, which will allow us to establish theorem 3.2 of §3.
I,§2,6-I,§2,7 51


[-1, 1]30(Z,z')eZ2(l)
be two differentiable mappings such that

zEA, z'E) for each 0;

z = z' : 0 for 0 = 0; :i and 2' are transverse for 0 : 0;
the function
[-1, 1] -3 0H[z,z']ER
vanishes only at 0 = 0 and vanishes only to first order. Then there exists a
constant c e Z such that
C for [z, z'] < 0
1 +cfor[z,z']>0.
7. The Maslov Index on Spm(1); the Mixed Inertia

S, S', S" E Sp.(l)\Esp" be such that

SS'S" = E (the identity element);
let s, s', s" be their projections onto Sp(l). Formula (4.7) of theorem 4.1,
which relates the definitions of the inertia on A(l) and Sp(l), and formula
(5.7) of theorem 5, which relates the inertia on A(l) to the Maslov index,
yield, by the invariance property of the Maslov index (5.11),
Inert(s, s', s") = m(SX*, X*) - m(S'-1X*, X*) + m(S"X*, X*).
We rewrite this formula as (7.3), by virtue of the following definition:
Definition 7.1 of the Maslov index on Sp,(l). If S e SpJ)\Esp. we define
m(S) = m(SX*, X*). (7.2)

This definition makes sense by Remark 4.1: S Esp. is equivalent to

the condition that SX* and X* be transverse.
Let us supplement this formula with a lemma analogous to lemma 5.3:
52 1,§2,7

LEMMA 7. Every function

defined for S e Spq(l)\Espg,
with values ip an abelian group,
locally constant on its domain of definition,
such that
n(S) - n(S'-1) + n(S") = 0 when SS'S" = E,
is identically zero.
This lemma, combined with theorem 5 and (3.12) gives the following
THEOREM 7.1. 1°) The Maslov index defined by (7.2) is the only function
m: Z
that is locally constant on its domain and that makes the following decom-
position of the index of inertia possible: under hypothesis (7.1),
Inert(s, s', s") = m(S) - m(S'-1) + m(S"). (7.3)

2°) This function has the following properties:

M(S) + m(S- `) = 1, (7.4)

m(a'S) = m(S) + 2r, (7.5)

where a is the generator of 7r, [Sp(l)] (definition 3).

Definition 7.2 of the mixed inertia. Let
s e Sp(l)\Esp; A, 2' a A(l), transverse to X* and such that 2 = s2'. (7.6)

The mixed inertia is defined by the formula

Inert(s, 1, A') = Inert(sX*, X*, A) = Inert(X*, s-1X*, 1'), (7.7)

the last two terms being equal because of the invariance (4.5) of the inertia.
The following theorem is evident.
THEOREM 7.2. Under assumption (7.6),
I,§2,7-I,§2,8 53

Inert(s-', A', A) = I - Inert(s, A, i.'), (7.8)

Inert(s, A, A') = m(S) - m(A.z X*00 ) + m(A', X*o) (7.9)

if A,, = SA',, and if s is the projection of S E Sp,,(1).

Now we express the mixed inertia in terms of the inertia of a quadratic
form, as we did for Inert(s, s', s") (§l,definition 2.4) and Inert(., A', A")
(§2,4). This result will be used in section 10.

THEOREM 7.3. Under assumption (7.6), we have s = sA(§1,1) and, by (2.5),

the equation of A' is p' = cp;,,(x'), where cp' is a quadratic form on X. Then

Inert(s, A, A') = Inert(A(o, ) + (p'( )). (7.10)

Proof. By (7.7) and the definition of Inert(., A', A") (section 4),
Inert(s, A, A') = Inert(X*, s-'X*, 1.')
is the inertia of the quadratic form
x' i-- [z, z']

for z = (x, p), i = (x', p'),

(X, P) E X*, S(X', P) E X*, (X + X', p + p')
Relations (7.11) may be rewritten

x=o, p' =-A(o,x'), p+p'=cp.,,(x+x'),


x = o, p = Ax.(o, x') +
This implies
[z, z'] = <p, x'> = 2A(o, x') + 2N'(x'),
and therefore (7.10).
8. Maslov Indices on A,(/) and SpJ1)
Let Aq, A' E Aq(1) and S E Spq(1) be the projections of A,, A, E A,,(1) and
S., E Sp,,(1). By (5.12) and (7.5) (where a and /i are the generators of
n' [Sp(l)] and n, [A(1)] ), the relations
m(Aq, Xq) = m(tir, mod q, m(S) = m(S,,,) mod2q, (8.1)
54 I,§2,8

define functions m. They are again called Maslov indices. From theorems
5, 7.1, and 7.2 and lemmas 5.3 and 7, they evidently have the following
THEOREM 8. 1°) The Maslov index defined by (8.1)1 is the only function

defined on transverse pairs of elements of Aq(l) that is locally constant on

its domain and that makes the following decomposition of the index of
inertia possible:
Inert(.lq, 'q, n,9) = .19) - .1q) + m(),9, )9) mod q. (8.2)

2°) The Maslov index defined by (8.1), is the only function

m: Spq(l)\EsPq H Z2q

that is locally constant on its domain and that makes the following decom-
position of the index of inertia possible:
Inert(s, s', s") = m(S) - m(Sr-1) + m(S") mod 2q. (8.3)

3°) These functions have the following properties:

m(.,q, :t9) + m(ti9, ).q) = I mod q, m(S) + m(S 1) = I mod 2q, (8.4)

Inert(s, A, ).') = m(S) - m(A2q, XZq) + m().Zq, XZq) mod 2q (8.5)

if S E Spq, ),Zq = S.'Iq. We recall that Spq(l) acts on A2q(l).

By §1,theorem 2,3°), assuming q = 2, theorem 8,2°) identifies:

the Maslov index that formula (2.15) of §1 defines on Sp2(l) mod 4,

the Maslov index that (7.2) and (8.1) define on Spq(l) mod 2q.
Definition 8. Let A E A (§1,definition 1.2). Let us give a definition of
SA E Spq(l)\EsPq that coincides with that of §1 for q = 2.
Recall that m(sA) is defined mod 2. By formula (2.15) of §1, m(sA) = m(A)
mod 2. Then by (7.5), there exists a unique element of Spq\EsPq, denoted
S.4. such that
its projection onto Sp(l) is sA ; m(SA) = m(A) mod 2q. (8.6)
I,§2,8-I,§2,9 55

The mapping

is clearly surjective and, if q = oc, bijective. If q -A co, the condition

S,, = Se.
is equivalent to the following:
A(x, x') = A'(x, x') Vx, x' e X, m(A) = m(A') mod 2q.
9. Lagrangian Manifolds
An isotropic manifold in Z(l) is a manifold on which
d<p, dx> = 0; i.e., >dp; A dx1 = 0; i.e., d[z, dz] = 0. (9.1)
Its tangent plane is isotropic, and hence it has dimension < 1.
A lagrangian manifold V is an isotropic manifold such that
Let V be the universal covering space of V (see Steenrod [17], 14.7).
Evidently (9.1) means that there exist functions
cp : V R, 1k: l - R,
defined up to additive constants, such that
dcp = <p, dx>, VI(x, p) = (0(x, p) - i<p, x>, dtji = z[z, dz]

cp is the phase of V and i(i its lagrangian phase.

The I-plane A(z) tangent to V at z = (x, p) e V is obviously lagrangian.
The apparent contour Ev of V is the set of z E V such that %(z) is not
transverse to X*. On V\E,, and on its tangent l-planes, x may serve as a
local coordinate. By (9.2), the equations of V and its tangent I-planes are

V: p = (p.(x), .l(z):dpi = i cps,x. dxk. (9.3)


Each element of Sp(l),

S: Z(l) -3 Z' f-+ sz' = z E Z(I),
56 1,§2,9-1,§2,10

maps every lagrangian manifold V' in Z(1) into a lagrangian manifold V

in Z(l), with lagrangian phase
O(z) = i/i'(z') + const. for z = sz'.
If z = (x, p) and z' = (x', p'), the phases o and cp' of V and V' are then
related by
(p (x) -
i < p, x> = cp'(x') - 1 < p', x'> + const. (9.4)

If s = sA 0 Esp(,), then p = Ax, p' _ -Ax, by §1,(1.11), and so

tp(x) = cp'(x') + A(x, x') + const,

p = (px = Ax, p' = (px, = -Ax..

LEMMA 9. Let SA e Sp(l)\Esp; let z' _ (x', p') e V'\E,,, be such that
sAZ' = z = (x, p) e V\E,,, where V = sAV'.
Evidently these relations define a diffeomorphism x' -+ x of the local
coordinates of V and V'. Its jacobian takes the form
d'x _ Hessx.[A(x, x') + cp'(x')]
A2(A) (9.6)
(In the calculation of Hess,,, x and x' are viewed as independent.)
Proof. By (9.5), the diffeomorphism x' f-- x satisfies
cp', (x') + As (x, x') = 0.
Then (9.6) follows, because, from §1,1,

A2(A) = det(-Ax:x,,).
10. q-Orientation (q = 1 , 2, 3, ... , co)
The notions defined in this section enable us to supply a complement to
formula (9.6). This is theorem 10, which will be crucial in the sequel.
By a q-orientation of A E A(l) we mean a choice of a it2q E A2q(l) with
natural projection A.
A q-oriented lagrangian manifold, denoted Vq, is a lagrangian manifold
V together with a continuous mapping
V -3 Z H A2q(Z) E A2q(1)
I,§2,10 57

that, when composed with the natural mapping

A2q(1) - A(1),

gives the mapping

V -3 z f--' A(z) e A(1), where ).(z) is the tangent 1-plane to V at z.

Each element of Spq(1) maps a q-oriented lagrangian manifold Vq into

A q-orientation of V is characterized by the values taken by the locally
constant function
V\Ey zf m(Xzq, 2q) E Z2,-
By (5.12), a change in this q-orientation is equivalent to the addition of
a constant E Z2q to the function m.
The statement of theorem 10 will be simplified by the following
Definition 10. The argument of d'x at a point of Vq, where the tangent
1-plane is A2q e A2q(l), is defined by the formula

arg d`x = rcm(XZq, ).Zq) mod 2q7[. (10.1)

For example, by (5.13),

argd'x = 0 on X2y. (10.2)


SA E Spq(1)\Espq (definition 8),

and let Vq be a q-oriented lagrangian manifold in Z(1); denote
Vq = SA Vq .

Let ) 2q and 2q be the tangent planes to V9 and Vq at z' and z = sAZ'. In

formula (8.5), taking S = SA and s = SA, we have, by (8.6) and §1,
definition 1.2,

m(S) = m(A) = arg(t (A)).

By theorem 7.3 and equation (9.3) for ).'we obtain that Inert(s, is the
inertia of the symmetric matrix
58 I,§2,10-I,§3,1

x,; x [A(x, x') + T'(x')]

By §1,definition 2.3 of arg Hess, this is

1 arg Hessx, [A(-x, x') + p'(x')].


Thus, by (8.4), formula (8.5) may be written

m(Xzq, 2q) - m(XZq, A'2q) _ argHessx.[A + lp]

- 1 arg A2 (A) mod 2q,

whence, by definition 10, we have the following theorem.
THEOREM 10. If Vq and Vy are two q-oriented lagrangian manifolds such
Vq = SAV4, where SA e Spq(l)\Espq,

then not only are the two terms of (9.6) equal, but so are their arguments
mod 2gir.

It is the special case q = 2 of this theorem that will be used (see §3,
corollary 3).

§3. Symplectic Spaces

0. Introduction
Symplectic geometry makes it possible to state the preceding results in
the following form, which will be used in chapter II.
Z(l) has been provided with a symplectic structure, and moreover with
a particular frame consisting of a pair (X, X*) of transverse lagrangian
I-planes. It is important to state conclusions that are independent of this
choice of a particular frame.
1. Symplectic Space Z
A symplectic space Z consists of R21 together with a symplectic form, that
is, a form
I,§3,1 59

x Rz1a(z,z')"[z,z']ER
that is bilinear, alternating, real valued, and nondegenerate. We then have
[z, z'] = - [z', z];
[z, z'] = 0 for a given z and all z' R21 only if z = 0.
Z(l) is provided with the symplectic structure defined in §1,1; the
isomorphism of the symplectic structures of Z and Z(l) is obvious and
has the following consequences.
The subspaces of Z on which [ , ] vanishes identically are called
isotropic ; their dimension is <, 1.
The isotropic subspaces of dimension 1 are called lagrangian subspaces.
The collection of lagrangian subspaces A(Z) is called the lagrangian
grassmannian of Z; A(Z) is homeomorphic to A(l) and therefore has a
unique covering space Aq(Z) of order q c- {1, 2, ..., oo}.
The projection of Aq E Aq(Z) onto A(Z) is denoted A. The following
definition (see §2,4) makes sense on Z.
Definition 1.1. Let A, A', A" e A(Z) be pairwise transverse.
Inert(A, A', A") is the index of inertia of the nondegenerate quadratic form
z H [z, z'] = [Z', Z,] = [z", z], (1.1)
z E A, Z C -A" Z" E z + Z' + Z" = 0.
Clearly its values belong to {0, 1, ... , 1), and
Inert(A, A', A") = Inert(.', A", A) = 1 - Inert(A, A", A'). (1.2)

Let Y.^9 denote the set in A9(Z) consisting of pairs of nontransverse

elements of Aq(Z). By theorem 8 and (8.1), we have the following theorem.
THEOREM 1. For each q c {1, 2, ... , oo}, there is a unique function
m : A9 (Z)\1^, -, Zq,

called the Maslou index, that is locally constant on its domain and that

Inert(A, A', A") = m(A.q, A) - m(Aq, A') + m(AQ, Aq) mod q. (1.3)

It has the following properties:

60 I,§3,1-I,§3,2

Aq) = I modq, (1.4)

m(Aq, Aq) = m(A, Ate,) mod q. (1.5)

Theorem 6 of §2 applies to the jump of this Maslov index across Ego.

Definition 1.2. - A lagrangian manifold V in Z is a manifold of dimension
I on which
d[z, dz] = 0; (1.6)

its tangent 1-plane is lagrangian. In other words, on the universal covering

space V there exists a function
0: R such that d = [z, dz], (1.7)
called the lagrangian phase, which is defined up to an additive constant.
2. The Frames of Z
A framet3t of Z is an isomorphism
respecting [ , ]. If R and R' are two such frames, then RR'-t is called the
change of frame:
RR'-t E Sp(l). (2.2)

Clearly, if A, A', A" E A(Z), then RA, R1.', RE' E A(1) and

Inert(A, A', A') = Inert(RA, RA', RA"). (2.3)

If V is a lagrangian manifold in Z, then RV is a lagrangian manifold in

Z(1) with phase tpR given by

(pR(z) = O(z) + '< p, x>, where Rz = (x, p) E X ®X Z(1). (2.4)

The apparent contour of V relative to the frame R is the set ER of points

in V at which the tangent l-plane is not transverse to R X *.
On V\ER, x may serve as a local coordinate.
By lemma 9 of §2 we have the following theorem.

'The use of the letter R to denote a frame comes from the initial of the French word repere.
[Translator's note]
1,§3,2-I,§3,3 61

THEOREM 2. Let x and x' be the local coordinates defined on V\(ER U ER,)
by two frames R and R' such that RR'-' a Sp(l)\Esp. Then there exists
A (§1,2) such that SA = RR'-'; let rp'(x') = cpR,(z) be the phase of R'V.
Then the local diffeomorphism X 3 x' r+ x e X has the jacobian

d`x _ Hessx.[A(x, x') + cp'(x')]

d'x' A2(A)
(In the calculation of Hess,., x and x' are viewed as independent.)
Remark 2. The frames we have just defined do not allow us to fix the
q-orientations if q > 1.
3. The q-Frames of Z
The q-frames of Z do allow this: each q-frame (q E [1, 2, ... , oe}) consists

i. an isomorphism jf:Z -+ Z(l) respecting

ii. a homeomorphism hR: A2q(Z) -+ A2,(1) whose natural image is the
homeomorphism A(Z) - A(1) induced by jR.
If R and R' are two such frames, then the change of frame RR'-'
consists of

1. S = .1RIR'1 E SP(1),
ii. H = hRhR., a homeomorphism of A2,(1) whose natural image is the
homeomorphism of A2(l) induced by s (cf. §2, example 3.1).
To define H knowing s it suffices to give HX Zq E AZq(l) with the projection
sXz E A2().
There are q elements of Spq(l) with image s e Sp(l). By §2,(3.12), they
map X *4 into the q elements of A2q(l) with image sX*2 e A2(1).
The unique element S E Sp,(1) with images E Sp(l) and such that SX Zq =
HX 2q thus induces the homeomorphism H of A2q(l). It characterizes
RR'-', which we denote S :
RR'-1 E SPq(l)

R denotes either jR or hR; we write

(x,p)EX O+ X* = Z(1),
R : A2q(Z) 3 %.2q t--+ R22q E AZq(l).
62 I,§3,3

m(A2q, )'2q) = m(RA2q, RA'2q) mod 2q VA 1,, A'2q E A2q(Z). (3.2)

R maps a q-oriented lagrangian manifold V in Z into another in Z(1).

If A2q E A2q(Z) is the tangent plane to V at z, we define
m,e(z) = m(R-'Xzqi A2q)E Z2q. (3.3)

If x is the local coordinate of V\ER (q-oriented) defined by the q-frame

R, we define
argd'x = nmR(z) mod 2gir. (3.4)

Example 3. On R -1X24, arg d`x = 0 mod 2gir by §2,(10.2).

Theorem 10 of §2 evidently allows us to supplement theorem 2 as


THEOREM 3.1. In the statement of theorem 2, suppose that V = Vq is

q-oriented and that R and R' are q -frames. Then
RR' -' = SA E SP q(l) (3.5)

and the arguments of the two sides of (2.5) are equal mod 2g7r.
Let us recall that §1 gave the definitions 1.2 and 2.3 of arg A(A) and
arg Hess. By §2,(8.6),

m(A) = m(SA) mod 2q.

The following special case of this theorem will be used in part (iii) of
the proof of theorems 4.1-4.3 of II,§1.
COROLLARY 3. If q = 2, the half-measure [d'x]'/2 on the lagrangian
2-oriented manifold V is defined by
arg[d`x]1/2 = mR(z) mod 2n.

We have

[dIx]1/2 = ,A) {Hess..[A(x, x') + 9'(x/)]11/2[d'x']1/2. (3.7)

In a neighborhood of a point of ER, where dim). n R-1X* = 1, mR(z)

has the following expression, which follows from §2, theorem 6.
I,§3,3 63

THEOREM 3.2. Let ).(z) be the tangent 1-plane to the lagrangian manifold
dim(.nR-'X*)> 0.
We stay in a neighborhood of a point of ER at which
dim(ti n R-'X*) = 1;
then for z e ER, the projection of R)i(z) onto X parallel to X* is a
1°) There exists a regular measure w on V such that for z E ER, for all
j and all k
dx' A A dxj-' A dpK A dxj+' A . A dx' = cj cKrJ. (3.9)

2°) If V = V9 is q-oriented, there exists a constant c E Z2, such that

mR(z) = c mod 2q for d'x/m < 0,
mR(z) = 1 + c mod 2q for d'x/ra > 0,
provided that d'xl'm vanishes to the first order where it vanishes (namely
on ER).

Remark. A regular measure to on V is a differential form of maximal

degree 1 on V with everywhere nonvanishing coefficient.
Proof of 1°). The cj entering into (3.8) are not all zero. Say c, # 0;
then, on V at z,
dxZ A .. A dx' * 0; 3k such that dpk A dxz A . . A dx' 0. (3.11)

Since Ejdpj A dxj = 0 on V, we have, for all k,

dp1 A dx' A dxZ A dxk A dx'
+dpkAdxkAdx2A . (3.12)

where the cap suppresses the term it covers. By (3.8)

dx' = -Ckdxk mod(dx2, ... , dzk, ... , dx').

64 I,§3,3


w= dp1 Adx2 A...Adx',


we may write (3.12) as

C I Ck m= d pk A dx 2 A ... A dx', (3.13)

which is (3.9) for j = 1.

By (3.11), (3.13) implies

m i4 0on Vatz.
Using the expression

dx' = --- dx' mod (dx2, ... , dx', ... , dx')


in the right-hand side of (3.13), we obtain (3.9) for j > 1 and c; 0 0. If

j > I and c; = 0, then the two sides of (3.9) are obviously zero.
Proof of 2°). Suppose cl 0 0 at a point of ER. By (3.9), for z e V near
this point, we can choose the coordinates (pl, x z, ... , x') of Rz in Z(1)
as coordinates on V. Then on V, x1 and p are functions of (pl, x2, ... ,
x'). The equation of ER is
axl(P1, x2, ... , x') 0.

Let t"'(z) be the vector in A(z) having the coordinates

(dpi = 1,dx2 =...=dx'=0).
Then in Z(1), RS'(z) has the coordinates

(dxi ax1(P1,x2, ...,x')

dx2 = 0, ...,dx' = 0,
= aPl
z )
dp; _

Let C(z) be the vector on R - 1 X * such that

RC(z) = dx = 0, dp = aP(Pl, x2, x')

I,§3,3-I,Conclusion 65

1'(z) is ayyfunctioyyn of z c V. Then

b(z) = b'(z) for Z E Y-R ;

ax I 'x (3.14)
'(z)] = [RC(z), RC'(z)] = dpl _ P,

because, in view of (3.9), the obvious relation

dx' A ... A dx' = Ox'(P),x2, ...,x')dpl A dx2 A...Adx`onV


Ox' d'x

Now by §2, theorem 6, for z r= V\ER,

c for C'(z)] < 0

mR(z) = m(R 1X , A,,(z)) =
1 + c for [Oz), Nz)] > 0,

c a constant c- Z. Considering (3.14), (3.10) follows.

4. q-Symplectic Geometries

If R is a q-frame, clearly the group

R-' Spq(l)R = Spq(Z)
acts on Z and its lagrangian manifolds while preserving their q-orienta-
tions; this group is independent of R by (3.1).
F. Klein defined a geometry by specifying a manifold and a Lie group
acting on that manifold.
Each of the groups Spq(Z), where q c (1, 2, ... , cc }, thus defines a
geometry on Z which it is convenient to call the q-symplectic geometry.


This chapter in §1 defined a unitary representation of the group Sp2(!)

in the Hilbert space K(X), where dim X = 1. As a result of §2, in §3 the
study of this group was subsituted by that of the isomorphic group Sp2(Z)
that defines the 2-symplectic geometry of Z, where dim Z = 21. Earlier §2
66 I,Conclusion

and §3 detailed the properties of the index of inertia and the Maslov index,
already introduced in §1. The interest of these various properties is to make
possible the definition and study of a new structure, lagrangian analysis,
which is the subject of the next chapter.
I I Lagrangian Functions; Lagrangian Differential Operators

Summary. In Chapter I we studied only differential operators with

polynomial coefficients and functions defined on all of R' = X.
The aim of chapter II is to extend those results. In §2, we consider a
symplectic space Z of dimension 21 provided with a 2-symplectic geometry.
We define
lagrangian functions and lagrangian distributions, on which Sp2(Z) acts
lagrangian operators, more general than differential operators, which
are transformed by Sp2(Z) like differential operators with polynomial
coefficients (see I,§l,theorem 3.1).

Each lagrangian function U is defined on a lagrangian manifold V in

Z; in each 2-frame R, U has an expression UR, a function with formal
values defined on V\ER. In each frame R, a lagrangian operator has an

+ V, X,1Ia-lJ1
= V ax

that is a formal differential operator of order < oc, acting locally on the
A change of frame
S = RR"' e Sp2(l) (see 1,§3,3)
is a local operator that transforms
UR, into UR = aR' into aR = SQR'S-1,
and hence transforms
aR, UR' into aR UR = S(aR. UR.).

It follows that lagrangian operators act on lagrangian functions and on

lagrangian distributions.
All the expressions aR of a single lagrangian operator a are readily
obtained from a single formal function a° defined on Z.
In geometry, a change of frame leaves invariant (or changes linearly)
the value of a scalar (or vector) function at a point; but an essential
68 II,Introduction-11,§1, 1

characteristic of lagrangian analysis is the following: at each point z

of V, the group Sp2(l) of changes of frame acts on the germs of expres-
sions UR of a lagrangian function U and not on the values at z of these
expressions. U. = SUR, may have singularities on ER, but has none on
ER.\ER, n ER, whereas the singularities of UR, are on ER.. Thus the singu-
larities of the expressions UR of U are not singularities of U; they may be
described as apparent singularities. Their nature can be made explicit by
making use of the Maslov index.
Historical account. V. P. Maslov [10] elucidated this essential charac-
teristic of lagrangian analysis, even though he only studied the projections
of lagrangian functions onto X without defining either lagrangian oper-
ators or lagrangian functions explicitly. He only used a subgroup of
Sp 2(1), depending on a choice of coordinates of X : the subgroup generated
by Fourier transforms in a single coordinate.

§1. Formal Analysis

0. Summary
In section 1 we define and study asymptotic equivalence classes of functions.
In section 2 we define formal functions; formal functions defined on X
with compact support are asymptotic equivalence classes. Then we may
integrate them (section 3) and transform them by Sp2(l) and by differential
operators, whose definition can be generalized (sections 4 and 6). We
deduce (sections 4 and 6) that Sp2(l) and formal differential operators act
locally on formal functions defined on lagrangian manifolds V or their
covering spaces V; these functions may be compactly supported or not.
In section 5 we study their scalar product.
Formal functions on V, which are no longer asymptotic equivalence
classes, enable us to define lagrangian functions in §2.
1. The Algebra ' (X) of Asymptotic Equivalence Classes
The algebra -4(X) Let I be the purely imaginary half-line
I = ill, 301EC.
I(X) denotes the algebra of mappings
f:I x X-3 (v,x)F-- f(v,x)EC
II,§1,1 69

all of whose x-derivatives are continuous in (v, x) and satisfy

81 dq,rEN`;
Sup x9
8x J
f(v, x) < oc
(v,x)EI X X

Sp2(l) and the differential operators with polynomial coefficients in

(1/v, x),

a+ (, x, -1-alOx/I=-
a_v, 1

act on V (X ).
If 1 = dim X = 0, 24(X) is denoted :#?: thus.1 is the algebra of bounded
continuous mappings I - C.
The algebra (X) Let N E R. Let -IN(X) be the set of f e .4(X) such
that the mapping
(v, x) - vNf(v, x)
still belongs to ,4(X). Clearly 24N(X) is an ideal in 2(X) that shrinks as
N grows; hence -4,)(X) = is an ideal in 24(X). We define
the algebra 16(X) as follows:
W(X) = 24(X)i2x(X) (1.2)

l'(X) is an algebra over C; its elements are called asymptotic equivalence

classes. The condition that the elements f and f of .(X) belong to the
same class is
f - f'E2N(X) dNeR+.

"eN(X) = -qN(X)114.(X)
is an ideal in 16(X) that shrinks as N grows:

f w,(X) = to}.

Let f and f e :4(X) with classes f and f' e''(X ). To express the equiva-
lent relations
f - f e 24N(X), f- ' e'6,(X), where N 5 cc, (1.5)
70 II,§1,1

we shall write one of the following:

f=f modvN, f = f' modf'E f modvN. (1.6)

If I = dim X = 0, '(X) is denoted W. Clearly '(X) is a subalgebra of

the algebra of functions X W.
Thus an element f of '(X) has a restriction to any subset of X and a
Supp(f) X. (1.7)

Remark 1. Let F be an entire holomorphic function

F:Ci - C such that F(O) = 0;
for every fi c fi, the F(fl , ... , f,) are in the same class, denoted
j). Thus d. f eW(X)(j = 1, ..., J), F(f,,...,.Tj) Ew(X).

Let F be a Holder function

F : C' -p C such that F(O) = 0.
We similarly define

F(.Ti , ... , .fi) E W bfi E W, j = 1, ... , J.

For example, if f e ', then j f1, Re f, and Im f are defined. f c W is
real if Imf = 0; then f+ (the positive part) and f_ are defined. f = 0
is written 0 1 and defines a partial ordering on Re W, the set of real
elements of 1W: let f and E Re 16; f > 0 and g > 0 imply f + j > 0
and f g > 0; 12 0; f 0 (that is, -.r > 0) excludes f > 0 (that is,
0<f 0). However, f' may satisfy neither f < 0 nor f > 0.
Let F be a Holder (and increasing) function
F : R - R such that F(0) = 0;
df E Re W we have F(f) E Re q' (the order relation on Re q' being
In particular we have the Schwarz inequality

llz r J

dri, 9i e 1K.
II,§1,1 71

The differential operators with polynomial coefficients in (1/v, x) given


l al _( l a
a=a+rlv,x,vax/-a \ vex'x

are clearly endomorphisms of -4(X), -4N(X ), 'K(X ), and 'N(X ). They act
locally: the restriction of of to an open set S in X only depends on the
restriction off to this open set:
Supp(a.T) c Supp(.T)
As in §1,3, the differential operator
1 al= a-
a = a+(v, x, --) (v, 1- a , x)
vax vax
is associated to the polynomial a° in (1/v, x, p) given by

a°(v, x, P) = lexp - 2v Cax' 6)] a+ (v, x, P)

1 8 a
= [exp ] a- (v, p, x).
2v Cax' Op
Integration is defined on '(X): if f c .J.A(X ), the function

v i-- f f(v, x)d:x

belongs to S. Its asymptotic equivalence class, which depends only on
the class f of f, is denoted

J(v, x) d'x c 16;

f is called the asymptotic integral.
The scalar product (I) is a sesquilinear form on '(X) x W(X) with
values in W defined by

(T, 9) = ff(v,x)g(v,x)dlx,
where f e f c'(X), g c 4 c'(X); (1.9)
72 II,§1,1

g(v, x) is the complex conjugate of g(v, x); v = -v. Thus

(J,f) _ (f, 9)
The seminorm II is the function W(X) - 16 with values >, 0 defined by

llf l + llg , I(f,g)l -< g11 in 16.

LEMMA 1.1. Sp2(1) forms a group of automorphisms of c(X) that are

unitary, that is, preserve seminorms and scalar products.
Proof. Let SA E Sp2(1)\Esp2. Its definition in I,§1 by the integral (1.10)
shows that SA transforms the asymptotic equivalence class f' into the
class SA,' defined by the asymptotic integral
(27riJL2A(A) evA(x.x'f(x,)d'x'.
(SAf')(x) =
fX /
This formula makes sense because multiplication by e"A, where vA is
purely imaginary, clearly preserves asymptotic equivalence. The SA act
on '(X), composition being the same as when they act on Y(X ). Now
they generate the group Sp2(1); thus this group acts on W(X).
Since Sp2(l) is unitary on ,'(X), it is unitary on W(X).
Theorems 3.1 and 3.2 of i,§1 and their corollaries give the following.
LEMMA 1.2. The transform SaS-'
of the differential operator a by
S e Sp2(l) is the differential operator associated to a° o s-1; s denotes the
image of S in Sp(1); s acts on the space Z(1) of vectors (x, p).
LEMMA 1.3. A necessary and sufficient condition for the differential
operators a and b to be adjoint is that

b°(v,x,p)=a (( P
In particular, a is self-adjoint when a°(v, x, p) has real values for
V E I, (X, P) E Z(1).

S transforms adjoint operators into adjoint operators.

II,§1,2 73

2. Formal Numbers; Formal Functions

Theorem 2.2 connects the following definitions with the previous ones.
A formal number is a formal series

u = u(v) = Y- E 1',e°`0', (2.1)

jE rEN

where J is a finite set, aj, e C, qj e R, and cpj -A cpk if j -A k.

The expression (2.1) for a formal number is unique, by definition.
The set of formal numbers is a commutative algebra F for which the
addition and multiplication rules are obvious.
We give the topology defined by the following neighborhood system
.NV(N, e) of the origin:

NE N, eeR+, uE,N'(N,e)means Ylajrj <e dr4N.


A formal function on X is a mapping u : X -+ . that can be put into

the form
u = u(v) = V (2.2)

where J is a finite set, ajr: X -+ C, cpj: X - R, and ajr and cpj are infinitely
The mapping of u may be put in the form (2.2) in many ways at a point
where two of the cpj are equal in a neighborhood of that point. The value
of u(v) at x is denoted

u(v , x ) = E E aJr(rx) evNj(x)

. (2.3)

Moreover, u(v) has a support

Suppu(v) c USuppaj,r. (2.4)


The set .F(X) of formal functions on X is an algebra over .f, which

is commutative. The set of formal functions on X with compact support
is a subalgebra .FO(X) of .F (X).
The cpj are called phases, the aj = ErEN(xjr/vr) amplitudes.
74 II,§1,2

The set F° [respectively, of elements of F [respectively,

.F(X )] with vanishing phase forms a subalgebra of. [respectively, . (X )].
Let Z denote a symplectic space with a 2-symplectic geometry, V a
lagrangian manifold in Z (I,§3,1 and 4), and V the universal covering of V.
A formal function UR on V consists of
i. a 2-frame R of Z
ii. a mapping

UR = UR (v) = r- e"'PR : V -
rEN V r

4pR is the phase of R V (I,§3,2),
ar : V - C is infinitely differentiable.


Supp UR = U Supp ar (2.6)


Given R and V, the set of these formal functions UR is a vector space

over 3F°, denoted F (V R); the set of those of its functions with compact
support is a subspace 3F°(V, R).
We give F(17, R) the topology defined by the following neighborhood
system /V(K, p, r, e) of the origin:
K is a compact set in V; p,reN,eE1(i+;
UR e .A'^(K, p, r, e) means that the derivatives of the as (s < r)
of orders < p have modulus < e on K.
ER denotes the apparent contour of V for the frame R (I,§3,2). ER
denotes the apparent contour of V, that is, the set of points of V that
project onto ER. We shall deduce the properties of -flV\ER, R) from
those of .f°(V\ER, R). The latter will be deduced from the properties of
.F°(X) using the morphism resulting from the composition of the two
morphisms that will be defined in theorems 2.1 and 2.2, respectively.
Notation. If z e Z and Rz = (x, p), then we write x = RXz. The com-
position of the natural projection V - V and the restriction of RX to V
is denoted 1 : V -p X.
II,§1,2 75

THEOREM 2.1. There exists a natural morphism

]ZR: o(V\ER, R) - .9Fo(X) (2.7)

called the projection. It is defined as follows. Let UR E .F o(V\ER, R);

u = FIR UR is given by

u(v, x) _ X UR(v, z). (2.8)


Remark 2. IIR is a monomorphism if any period of cPR is non vanishing.

Proof. Formula (2.8) makes sense because RXIx n Supp UR is a finite

set, since Supp UR is compact in V\ER and I is a local homeomorphism
V\ER . X.

THEOREM 2.2. There exists a natural monomorphism of the algebra .F,(X)

into the algebra W (X) that allows the convention
.Fo(X) c 'e(X).
It is defined as follows. Let

u =
e"`lj E J`o(X ); (2.10)


T'-1 a
uN E Y-','ev4:I xX -C.
jEJ r=O

1°) There exist functions f c P4(X) such that f - uN = 0 mod 1/vN VN.
2°) All these functions belong to the same asymptotic equivalence class
f e (X); the mapping u i-- f defines a natural morphism E--' r, (X).
3°) This morphism is a monomorphism.

Proof of 1°). It suffices to consider the case in which (2.10) reduces to

u(V, X) = I a'(x) e°O(X).


For all g e M (X) vanishing outside a compact set of X we use the norm
IgI, = Sup (1 a } g , where v E I, X E X, +sj < r. (2.13)
V, z. r \ V 8x
76 II,§1,2

We choose an increasing sequence of numbers


such that

2'I xre"' I r < µr, lim u, = oG, (2.14)

and we choose a sequence of continuous functions go, E, , ...: I -+ R+

such that
0 < E,(v) < 1,
Er(v) = 0 for IvI < µr, (2.15)

Er(v) = 1 for 2µr < I i ' ! .

Now we define

f(v , x )_
e, (v) -( ) eV(p(x) . ( 2. 16)

This series converges since, from (2.14)2 and (2.15)2, the number of non-
zero terms is finite on any bounded interval in the domain of definition
of v. In accordance with (2.11), we define
UN(V, X) (2.17)
r=0 V

By (2.15)3, for 2µN < IV 1,

lore I r
If(V) - uN+l(V)I N < '=L
Y_ I

Now (2.14)1, (2.15)1, and (2.15)2 imply

E,(v)2'Ia,e"'I, < IvI.
Hence, for 2µN < I VI,

If(V) - UN+1(V)IN < E 2rVIr 2IVIN 2 - (1/IVI) IN

r=N+1 I

because 1 I vI ; thus

If - UNIN = 0 mod N. (2.18)

11,§ 1,2 77

Let us prove a more general statement :

VM, N e N. (2.19)

If M < N, (2.19) follows from (2.18) and the fact that increases with
M. If N < M, (2.19) follows from the relations

If - U11 < If - UMI M + J UM - UNIM,

I f - uMI M = 0 mod vM, and hence mod vN,

I M-1a
I UM - UNI M = 0 mod
because UM - UN = Y-
, e°v.

Since the supports of f and of the uN belong to Supp u = U Supp ar,

which is compact, (2.19) implies

x°(f - UN)IM = 0 mod VM,N,geN;



f e R(X), f-UN=0modI V

Proof of 2°). If f and f' c- .V(X) and satisfy

f - uN = f' - UN = 0 mod VN,


f - f' = 0 mod N V

Proof of 3°). Assume

U - I = 0;

UN(V1 x) = 0 mod N VN e N, Vx e X.
78 II,§1,2

It has to be proved that

u(v, x) = 0 Vx E X.

It suffices to consider the following case: u is a formal number. Assume

that in expression (2.1)
aJ, = 0 for r < N dj E J;
then we have

_ Vy ae"i = 0 mod VN+

uN+1(V)jQJ 1


lim I aJNe'lli = 0,

which implies
aJN=0 Vj.

Theorem 2.2 follows.

COROLLARY 2. Asymptotic integration, elements of Sp2(l), and differential
operators with polynomial coefficients are morphisms

0(X) - T, fFo(X) - `6(X), .F0(X) -. .FO(X).

The end of this section describes the properties of these morphisms. We

use the following theorem in §2, 3 to study the norm of lagrangian functions.
THEOREM 2.3. 1°) Let

u= x E 'F0
rcN Vr

he a formal number with vanishing phase. The condition that it be real,

uERey°, is

a; is real, that is, i-'a, is real `dr.

The condition u > 0 is

II,§1,2 79

0< , that is, i`as > 0,

where s is the first r such that a.: 0. Thus every u E Re F ° satisfies

either u > 0 or u <, 0. Hence > defines an order relation on Re go.
2°) The condition u'12 E Re .° is equivalent to the following:
u c .f °; u > 0; the integer s (defined above) is even.

Notation. u'12 may be chosen in two ways; we take u'/2 > 0.

Proof. Let U = Z,EN(a,/V') E .F°; let s be the first r such that a, 0.
If a,v-' is real valued for every r, the proof of theorem 2.2 constructs a
real-valued function f c u, so that u c Re go. It follows that

Re u = Re Im u = E Im a ,
rEN '

Thus u c Re .y ° if and only if a,v-' is real for every r.

Let us study uSince
2 as mod 1
u = v2s V2s+1

the assumption u112 c Re ° implies:

s is even, as/i' > 0, u e Re y ° (see remark 1).
For the converse, it evidently suffices to prove the following:
u1j2 e Re.y ° when a° > 0 and u e ReJF°.
This is clear because the condition
. V.

is equivalent to the condition f3 = a° and to certain conditions giving

(i°/i, (for each r = 1, 2, ....) as a real linear function Of 0tr and Mr-1
(0 < t < r).
Now u'12 E Re .F° implies u > 0 (see remark 1). Hence, if u e Re F
then ;v` > 0 implies u > 0. Thus u c Re _F' satisfies either u > 0 or
80 II,§1,3

3. Integration of Elements of .po(X)

The essential properties of formal functions will be deduced from the
following theorem, which supplements some classical results (the method
of stationary phase). Its proof requires the use of lemmas 3.4 and 3.5 in
place of the lemma of Marston Morse [12], by which a function with a
nondegenerate critical point is transformed locally into a quadratic form
by a change of coordinates. We briefly recall the other lemmas needed
for the proof of this theorem.
By corollary 2, asymptotic integration is a morphism

:.F0(X) - W.

u(v, x) d`x e 9
when the phases of'u are all constant. Theorem 3 shows that

vy2 ju(v , x) d`x c- .F

in the important case considered in corollary 3.

THEOREM 3. Let u E .FO(X).

1°) The value of f xu(v, x)d`x depends only on the restriction of u to an

arbitrarily small neighborhood of the set of critical points of the phases
of u; this value is 0 if this set is empty.
20) Let

u(v) = e" ° e FO(X),
rrN v

where cp has a single nondegenerate critical point xc on Supp u. Let cpc =

cp(xc) be the critical value of p; arg i112 = nl/4 and v Hessc cp be the value
of ,/Hess at xc (I,§1,definition 2.3). Then
f u (v, x) d`x = /I

r (3.2)
Jx (I2VI

II,§1,3 81

I0((p a) = ao(xc), (3.3)0

I,(cp, a) = II
r 2(r-s)

S=O ;=0 (r - s + j)!j !

1*r S+; 81
ax) F0'(x)xs(x)1 ))x=x

4), dD*, and O have the following definitions.

Notation. The second-order Taylor expansion of cp at xc is written

(p(x)=qc+ 1(x-xc)+O(x), (3.4)

where O vanishes to third order at xc and b is a quadratic form X -+ R;

b* is its "dual" form, that is,
(D* (p) is the critical value of the function x H (D(x) + <p, x). (3.5)

In other words, if M is the value of the matrix ((piX,) at xc, then

b(x) = z<Mx, x>, *(p) _ -i<p, M-'p>,

where M = 'M: X - X*. (3.6)

The following is evident.

COROLLARY 3. Let u e .F0(X). If all the critical points of all the phases
of u are nondegenerate on Supp u, then

vq2 f u(v,x)d'xe9;
the phases of 0 2 f x u d'x are the critical values of the phases of u on Supp U.
It clearly suffices to prove theorem 3 when u is replaced by a function
f given by
f(v, x) = a(x)e'1*), (3.7)

where a e !2(X) (that is, x is infinitely differentiable and has compact

support). The theorem then results from the following lemmas, the first
of which proves part 1 of the theorem.
LEMMA 3.1. We denote by xc the critical points of (p belonging to Supp f
If they are all nondegenerate, then

a(0)e°1'(")d'x mod N
82 II,§1,3

is a linear function of the values of the derivatives of a of order <2N at

the points xc.
Proof. This amounts to proving the following:

If a vanishes to order 2N at the points xc, then f f d`x = 0 mod N.


Now (3.8)o is obvious. Suppose (3.8)N holds. If a vanishes to order

2(N + 1) at the points xc, then there exist fi e 9 such that

8icpxi, vanishes to order 2N + 1 at the points xc.

Hence by (3.8)N,

ae"°d'x = - f v
i Oxi
e"'d`x = 0 mod 1

which proves (3.8)N+,

The next lemma is proved similarly.
LEMMA 3.2. Let a e 9(X) (Schwartz space; see I,§1,1). Let (b be a non-
degenerate quadratic form X - R. Then

a(x)e"m's)d'x mod N
is a linear function of the values of the derivatives of a of order <2N at 0.
More explicit is the following.
LEMMA 3.3. Let a e .9'(X). Let 4) be a nondegenerate quadratic form
X - R. Then

o (x)e"m(x)d'x
(2mi)h/2 (D*r modvl .
[Hess(D]-1/2I rev' x(x)
IVI ) rtN I ( x =0

Proof. We know (see I,§1, proof of lemma 2.2) that

e-'``1 ' dx = 1p 1 '2 for larg pj < 7t/2.

II,§1,3 83

Hence, by differentiating with respect to µ,

r° x 2i e-uX'/2dx = 2 µ(2µ)'l/z (20f r!

-l/zµ rexp?µd
/ `7`
2 xz.
L z=0

xzr+1 dx = 0 `dr E N.

Thus for any I x I diagonal complex matrix M, with nonzero eigenvalues

whose arguments e I - n/2, n/2I, and for any polynomial P : X - C,
= (2ir)'/z[Hess cQ -112[eY',(a/3X)P(x)]x=o, (3.9)

(D,(x) = i<Mx, x>, 'P (P) = i< P, MC 1P);

arg Hess (Dc is the sum of the arguments of the eigenvalues of ct . More
explicitly, we write

where v e ill, x[ and b+ and D are two quadratic forms X -+ R, in-

dependent of v; (p+ is positive definite; we assume D is nondegenerate.
The assumption that the matrix M, is diagonal is superfluous because
a change of coordinates reduces two such forms to

+(x) = >x, fi(x) _ > cix; , where ci 0.

i i
Let e c -9(X) be such that s(x) = 1 for x near 0. Lemma 3.2 and (3.9)
C J(x)P(x)e v(x) &.(x)dix
\ - uz
= CHess - V
(D+ [e' (era:)P(x)]s=o mod `1 ; (3.10)

argHess((D - (1/v)(D.+) is the sum of the arguments of the eigenvalues

84 I1,§1,3

of b - (1/v)1+, which belong to 10, its. The argument of -v = Ivl/i

is -n/2. The right-hand side is a function of 1/v, which is holomorphic
for 1/v = 0. Hence, mod 1/v', it is an element of F whose limit, when 1 +
vanishes, is

[Hess mod

from the Taylor series of this function; arg Hess d) is given by I,§1, defini-
tion 2.3. Thus, mod 1/v°°, the left-hand side of (3.10) is an element of F;
by lemma 3.2, its limit, when 1 + vanishes, is



= [Hess(D]-in[ecu")m'(a/Ox)P(x)]x=o modvI ; (3.11)

lemma 3.3 follows by approximating a at the origin by its partial Taylor

series P and applying lemma 3.2.
Lemma 3.3 proves part 2 of theorem 3 in the particular case where
the phase cp is a quadratic form 1. The general case is deduced from this
special case by applying the following lemma to the remainder of a partial
Taylor series. The proof of the lemma is analogous to that of lemma 3.1.
LEMMA 3.4. Let

0e 10, 11, xeX.

a: (0, X)HOC(o,x)eC

be infinitely differentiable with compact support, vanishing to order 2N

when x vanishes. Let
cp : (0, x) i-- cp (0, x) c- R

be infinitely differentiable and such that on Supp a, for every 0,

II,§1,3 85

(p: x r-+ 9(0, x) has only one critical point, which occurs at the origin and
is nondegenerate. Then

JdOJc(Ox)evcP(0x)d1x = 0 mod
o x

From this lemma we deduce the following.

LEMMA 3.5. Let [p : X - R be infinitely differentiable with only one critical
point, which occurs at the origin and is nondegenerate, and critical value
(p (0) = 0, (px(0) = 0, Hess (p(0) 0.


cp(x) = I(x) + O(x)

be its second-order Taylor expansion at the origin: 4) is a quadratic form;
O vanishes to third order at the origin.
Let a:X - C be infinitely differentiable, with support that is compact.

Y `O'(x)a(x)evO(x)d`x mod (3.13)

Jx j=0 j! x v

This series converges in .`f since, by lemma 3.3,

vi f Oj(x)a(x)e''m(x) d'x = 0 mod v-('/2)-[(i+l)/2]


where [ . ] denotes the integer part of . - that is, the greatest integer

Proof. By (3.12) and Taylor's formula,

e= 2N-1 vlOJ

+v 2N (1 -
(2N - 1)!
O2Ne 0. (3.14)

Lemma 3.4 gives

v2N f
f1(1 - 0) 2N-1
0 mod N (3.15)
xX o v

since O2N vanishes to order 6N at the origin. When N tends to infinity,

(3.14) and (3.15) imply (3.13).
86 II,§1,3-II,§1,4

Proof of theorem 3,2°). We may replace u by a function f given by

(3.7); qp has a single critical point that is nondegenerate. We may assume
that this critical point is the origin and the critical value is zero. Then by
(3.13) and lemma 3.3,

a(x)e,9(Y) drx_


(Hess (D)-112 1
,1 r !j ! vr-i f
I [®'(x)a(x)]jmod 1
x=0 v


where r, j e N. Denote the exponent of v by q = r - j. Since O(x) = 0

mod Ixt3, the condition { }x=o : 0 implies 3j
- 2r, that is j < 2q. Let

Iq(o; a) _ 2
1 (')
i=0 (q + j)i j

in particular,
Io((p; a) = 00).
Now (3.16) can be written

ess) 12
gIq((p; a),

whence part 2 of the theorem follows.

4. Transformation of Formal Functions by Elements of Sp2(l)
Each S E Sp2(l) induces an automorphism
S: ''(X) -+ W(X)
(see section 1) whose restriction to
.FO(X) c '(X) (theorem 2.2)
is a monomorphism:
S :.F0(X) - W(X).
Theorems 4.1, 4.2, and 4.3 develop the properties of this monomorphism.
THEOREM 4.1. Let Z be a 2-symplectic space, V a lagrangian manifold in
Z, R' a 2 -frame of Z, and
II,§1,4 87

S E Sp2(l);

R = SR' is then a 2 -frame of Z (I,§3,3).

1°) There exists an isomorphism, induced by S and denoted S,
u ER,, R') , o(V\ER u ER,, R), (4.2)

characterized by the two following properties:

i. It is local. That is, if
UR. E. '0(V\ER u ER', R'), UR = SUR, E'F0(V\ER U ER', R),
then UR(v, 1), the value of UR at z e I, is a linear function of the values
of UR. and its derivatives at the same point f.
ii. The following diagram is commutative:
y0(V\ER u ER,, R') - 'Fo(V\ER U Z`R., R) (4.2)
nRl 1-14

Fo( X)
) W(X ) (4 . 1)

It thus defines a morphism

S o IIR, = rIR o S:.FO(V\ER u ER,, R') - '0(X). (4.3)

2°) The composition law of the morphisms (4.1) and (4.2) is that of Sp2(l).

Remark 4. The restriction of (4.1),

S:IIR. O(V\ER u ER,, R') - IIRAO(V\ER U ER,, R) - .FO(X), (4.4)

is thus an isomorphism. While (4.2) is local, (4.4) is not local, but only
pointwise: If
U' E IIR,.,O(V\ER U R'), u = Su',
then the value u(v, x) at x e X is a linear function of the values of u'
and its derivatives at the points of the finite set RXRX'x n Suppu'.
The local character of the morphism (4.2) is made explicit as follows.
THEOREM 4.2. Let

UR. = 11x,e°(0" E'0(V\ER U ER., R').

rEN V'

88 II,§1,4

UR = SUR. E .Fo(V\LR U ER,, R), where R = SR',

is given at i by
x3r+1/2 1
UR(V, E (dtX vroA(=)
(4 . 6)
Z) = rEN Vr JR,, (' ; a) e


x=RXZ, x'=Rzz, (4 . 7)
[dtx] 112 is defined in I,§3,corollary 3.

'IR.r is a linear function of the derivatives of the as (s <, r) of order < 2(r - s)
on V Its coefficients are infinitely differentiable functions of z E V\LR.;
these functions depend on V, R', and S.

JR.OIZ, x) = 00(2) (4.8)

Formula (4.6) retains a meaning for all UR. E y (V \ER, , R') and i E
V\ER U ER' ; therefore the following theorem results from the preceding

THEOREM 4.3. Formula (4.6) defines an isomorphism induced by S and

denoted S:
S:.F(V\ER U ER., R') , .F(V\ER u ER., R). (4.9)

The composition law of these isomorphisms is that of the group Sp2(l).

Proof of the preceding theorems. Let UR. E Ao(V\ER V ER., R') be such
that the restriction
I : Supp UR. --+ X of RX : V X
is a diffeomorphism, with inverse denoted AX 1
The case S 0 Esp,. Then S = S,1 (I,§1,1). Let OR. be expressed by (4.5);

U' = rIR. Ua.

is given at x' by

u'(v, x') = E lxr(x')eVP'(x'),

r (4.10)
rEN l

II,§1,4 89

a;(x') = a,(RX 1 x'), cp'(x') = cpR,(RX 1 x') for x' e Supp u',

a; (x') = 0 for x' 0 Supp u' = RX Supp UR..

Since u' e po(X) c '(X), we have u = Su' e '(X). By I,§1,(1.10), we
have the following expression for u at x :
_ ()2
IVI U1 / )e"1n(x,X)+w'(x)]dlx'.
u(v' x) - f
2niA(A) X rEN Vr
ar(x (4.11)

We apply theorem 3 to this asymptotic integral.

i. For each x e X let us find the critical points of the phase
X -3 x' -- A(x, x') + 1p' (x') e R (4.12)

in Supp u'; that is, the x' e Supp u' such that
As.+9',,=0. (4.13)

Let us write
i = AX 1x', R'z = (x', p'); that is, p' = q . e X*. (4.14)

Relation (4.13) becomes

By I,§1,(1.11), this means that there exists p e X* such that

(x, P) = sA(x', P') -

Thus (4.13) is equivalent to

x= RxR'-1(x', p') = RXR' 1(x', p').

By (4.14) this says that (4.13) is equivalent to
Therefore, on Supp u' the critical points of the phase (4.12) are the points
x' = I' i, where 1 e RX 1x n Supp UR.. (4.15)

This set is finite since Supp UR. is a compact set in V\ER and RX is a local
diffeomorphism in a neighborhood of this compact set.
ii. Let us find the critical values of the phase (4.12). At a critical point
x' defined by (4.15), let
90 II,§1,4

Iii = (x, P), R = (X" p');

from the preceding formulas,

p= Ax, p' = -Ax..

Hence, since A is a quadratic form in (x, x'),

A(x, x') = z <p, x> - i <p', x'>,

that is, in view of I,§3,(2.4),
A(x, x') = cPR(z) - APR (z), where cpR,(z) = cp'(x').

Therefore at the critical point x' defined by (4.15), the value of the phase
(4.12) is (PR(4
iii. The square root of the Hessian of this phase (4.12) is given by I,§3,

{Hess..[A(x, x') + (p'(X)]}l,Z = (4.16)

While calculating Hess.-, x and x' are viewed as independent. Afterwards

we give x and x' the values x = RXi and x' = RXi so that x and x' are
local coordinates of the same point i e V\tR u R. Taking these values
for x and x' in the right-hand side, it follows from (4.16) that
Hess.. [A (x, x') + p'(x')] : 0.
Consequently theorem 3 can be applied to the calculation of (4.11).
iv. Completion of the proof. This application of theorem 3 to (4.11) gives
U(V, X) _ Y_ UR(V, z), (4.17)

UR has the same support as OR. ;
defining x = RXi and x' = RXi, the value of OR at Z is

UR(v, i) = A(A)[Hess..(A + gy0')]_1/2 Y 1 I,(A + (p'; x') e"*-('). (4.18)


Now on one hand, (4.17) means

U = nRUR,
II,§1,4-II,§1,5 91

but on the other hand, by (4.16), (4.18) is equivalent to (4.6). Indeed, by

(3.3) Ir(A + (p'; a') is the value of a linear function of the derivatives of
the as(s < r) of order <2(r - s); the coefficients of this function are
rational functions of the derivatives of cp'; the common denominator of
these rational functions is [Hessx.(A + (p')]3i, whose value is given by
Thus theorems 4.1 and 4.2 hold for SA E Sp2(1)\Esp2
The case where S E Esp2. By I,§1,lemma 2.5, given S e Esp, there exist
SA and SA' E Sp2(1)\Esp2 such that

S = SA, SA.

Since the morphisms (4.1) and (4.2) are composed like the elements of
Sp2(l) that induce them, the compositions of the morphisms induced by
SA and SA, depend only on S = SA.SA; these are then morphisms induced
by S. Given UR. such that Supp UR c V\±R' U ESR', we can choose SA
sufficiently close to the identity so that tSAR, n Supp UR, = 0, whence
follow theorems 4.1 and 4.2, which imply theorem 4.3.
5. Norm and Scalar Product of Formal Functions with Compact Support
Let V and V' be two lagrangian manifolds in Z, V and V' their universal
covering spaces, R a 2-frame of Z, c°R and wR the phases of R V and R V,
0 and 0' the lagrangian phases of V and V. Let

UR = Y- laR reYWR E fo(V\iR, R),

reN V'

UR = is aR sev'6 E Col V'\i' , R),


with projections
U = IIRUR, u' = IIRU'R.
Definition 5.1. Under assumption (5.1) the scalar product of UR and
UR is the asymptotic class
(UR I UR) = (u I u') E (5.2)

where (u I u') is defined by the asymptotic integral (1.9). Thus

(URI UR) and (UR UR) are complex conjugates and the Schwarz inequality
92 II,§1,5

(UR I UR)I (UR I UR)112(UR I UR)1f2.

The seminorm of UR is (UR UR)112 = iI u 0; this seminorm satisfies

the triangle inequality.
THEOREM 5.I. The value of (UR I UR) depends only on the behavior
of UR and UR at the pairs of points of V and V' projecting onto the same
point of V n V'. This value is 0 if V n V' = 0.
2°) If V = V', which implies cpR = (pR, then

(UR Ua)

= Y ( .1)5 aR..(z)aR.s(z a .°F, (5.4)

.,s V zEV ;.Z

i and i are the points of Supp UR and Supp OR' projecting onto z.
In (5.4), fi(i) - O(z) is one of the periods of 0:

cY = 2 f [z, dz], where y is a cycle in V.


Thus the phases of (UR I UU) are these periods c., of 0.

3°) If V and V' are transverse, then

vy2(OR I UR) a (5.5)

If V and V are transverse and intersect at a single point z that is the pro-
jection of a single point i of Supp UR and a single point i of Supp UU, then

2 li (UR I UR)

Hess ' 3.-112P, a°[0()-OV')]'

aR, aR


(p and (p' are defined near Rxz by

W(x) = (PR(RXIx n V), V(x) = (6(RX1x n
Hess((p - (p) = {Hessx[(p(x) - (p'(x)]}x°R:z ;
II,§1,5 93

P, is a sesquilinear function of the values of the derivatives of OCR, . and

YR,s (s < r) o f order < , 2(r - s) at 2 and z' ;
the coefficients of this function depend on the behavior of V and V' at z;
PO(aR, aR) = a R,o(Z)aR.o(fl (5.7)

4°) [Invariance under Sp2(1)]. Let S E Sp2(1). Under the assumption

OR E .FO(V`tR U ±SR, R), U' c- FO(V'\ R V t'SR, R),
which is stronger than (5.1), we have

(UR I UR) _ (SUR I SUR). (5.8)

Proof of 1°), 2°), and 3°). u and u' can be written in the form

u(v, x) = Y vv(v, x)e""AX) where vi(v, x) _ Y_ I, v;.,();

jEJ rEN '

u'(v, x) = Y dk(v, where vk(v, x) _ lr vk,r(X);


J and K are finite sets. By part 1 of theorem 3,

(u I u') _ f u(v, x)u'(v, x) d'x

depends only on the behavior of the pairs vie"wJ, vke"c1 at the critical
points of cps - wk, that is, at the points
X E X such that ca,, = cpk,.

In other words, (OR I UR) depends only on the behavior of OR and UU

at pairs of points (z, z') E V x V' such that
Al = Iii' = (x, c'p ) = (x, 9"J
These pairs are the pairs of points of V x V' projecting onto a single
point z of Vn V. 1°) and 2°) follow, as does 3°), by (3.2) and (3.3).
Proof of 4°). Lemma 1.1 and part 1 of theorem 4.1.
The invariance of (UR UR) under Sp2(1) stated in part 4 of theorem
5.1 raises the following problem: to give invariant expressions of the
right-hand sides of (5.4) and (5.6). Theorems 5.2 and 5.3 will give such
expressions mod(1/v).
94 II,§ 1, 5

Notation. Let , and n' be regular positive measures on V and V'; we


argil = argil' = 0.
We assume_V and V' are both given 2-orientations: If z e V, x = Rxi,
d'(Rxz) = d'x
is a function V - R
'1 n

vanishing on iR whose argument is given by I, §3, corollary 3:

arg d'(Rxz) = rcmR(z) mod 4ic.

We define Qo : V - C by
f3 (2) = aR,o(2), where 2 e

Definition 5.2. From formulas (4.6) and (4.8) of theorem 4.2, Qo is

invariant when we replace R by SR without changing V ; $o is called
the lagrangian amplitude of UR. This amplitude depends on the choice
of the measure n and the 2-orientation of V.
Substituting the expression (5.9) for aR,o and ax o into (5.4), we obtain
the following.
THEOREM 5.2. Suppose V = V', which implies ii = ii"; let Qo and Qo denote
the lagrangian amplitudes of UR and U. Then

(URIUR)= r

mod 1, (5.10)

where i and 2' are the points of Supp UR and Supp UU projecting onto z.
Notation. (Continued) Let 0 and 0' be the lagrangian phases of V
and V'[1, §3,(1.7)]. We make the same assumptions as in part 3 of theorem
5.1. Let il, and , E A,(Z) be tangent to the 2-oriented manifolds V
and V' at i and 2', respectively; let A and A' be their natural images in
A(Z). Let 10 (and lo) be the measure on A (and %') that is translation
invariant and equal to P1 (and rl') at i (and V and V' are assumed trans-
verse (as in part 3 of theorem 5.1); thus
II,§1,5 95

Z = A Q+ A'; 110 A no is a measure on Z. (5.11)

By (5.1) and part 1 of theorem 5.1, the two sides of (5.6) are zero unless
we assume
z E V\ER, z' E V'\R, (5.12)

that is,
RA and RI' are transverse to X*.
Substituting the expression (5.9) for aR.o and aR.o into (5.6) we obtain,
under assumption (5.12),

Cvl J112 (UR I UR)

]112 r ]1o2

[Hess( - Wr)] 112

[ d`

xz) xz )

mod 1 . (5.13)

Lemma 5 transforms this formula into the following.

THEOREM 5.3. If V and V' are each given a 2-orientation, are transverse,
and intersect only at a point z that is the projection of a single point i of
Supp UR and of a single point f of Supp UR, then


q Od
l2 mod

where m is the Maslov index, defined mod 4 (I,§3,3) and rlo A 11o and d 21z
are the measures on Z defined, respectively, by (5.11) and (5.15).
LEMMA 5. 1°) The symplectic structure of Z defines a measure on Z that
is invariant under translations and under Sp(Z):

d21z (dx A dp)1 = (-1)1(1 -1112d1x A d'p, (5.15)

96 II,§1,5

Rz = (x, p), dx n dp = > dxj n dpj ;


{xj} and { pj} are dual coordinates on X and X *.

2°) Under assumption (5.12), with the notation (5.9),
d'(Rxz) d'(Rxz ) d21z
Hess((p (5.16)
no Ano

d'(Axz) d'(Rz )I
arg Hess(rp - (p') = nm(1.4i A4) mod 4n. (5.17)
C n n'
Proof of 1°). The value of dp n dx on a pair of vectors z, z' is [z, z j
Proof of (5.16). Since RA and RA' are lagrangian and transverse to X
by (5.12), their equations have the form
RA:p = O(x), R.Z':p = (D ,(x), (5.18)

where 0 and 0' are two quadratic forms X -+ R. Since A and A' are trans-

Hess( - (D') 0.

By (5.11), each z E Z decomposes uniquely as the sum of a vector in

A and a vector in A':
Rz = (x + x', is(x) + 'D (x')) E Z(1),

where x and x' e X are unique. It follows by (5.15) that

d2'Z = + x'] A d'[''x(x) +' '.(x')]
_ (-1)1(1-1W2d'[x + x'] A d'[d'x(x) - a)s(x)]
(- l)t(t+1)/2 Hess((D - cD')d'x A d'x'
_ (-1)tu+1U2 Hess((D - tb') d'(Rx()d'(Rx(') no A no,
no no

where e A, ('e A'; hence (5.16) follows.

Proof of (5.17). By definition [I,§3,corollary 3, (3.2) and (3.3)]

argd(RxZ) = nmR(z) = nm(X4, RA4) mod 41r;

II,§1,5-II,§1,6 97


nm(A4, ,a) - arg d`(xz) + arg d`(Rxz )

n n
= nm(14,,a) - nm(X*a, RA4) + m(X a*, Rya)
= n Inert(X *, RA', R)) mod 4n
by I,§2,(8.2). Then, by the definition of arg Hess [I,§1,(2.1)], to prove
(5.17) it suffices to show that
Inert(q) - tb') = Inert(X*, R)', R)). (5.19)

Proof of (5.19). Let us write down the equations of R..., RA', and X*:
RA:p = (D .,(x), R)':p' _ Dx(x'), X*:x" = 0.
The definition of Inert (I,§2,4) makes use of
z E R1., z' E RA', z" E X* such that z + z' + z" = 0.

z = (x, P), z' = (x', P), z , = W" P");

x+x'=0, x"=0, p+p'+p"=0,
_ - (cb (x), x> + (b' (x), x> = 2 b'(x) - 2 b(x).
Inert(R), R)', X*) = Inert(O' - 0).
(5.19) follows by I,§2,(4.4) and I,§1,definition 2.3, of the inertia of a form.

6. Formal Differential Operators

Definition 6.1. Let 0 be an open set in Z. Let denote the set of
formal functions with vanishing phase

a° = 1 1r ar (6.1)
rEN v
98 II,§1,6

such that the

a, : 0 C

are infinitely differentiable. We give the vector space y °(0) the topology
defined by the following system of neighborhoods .N'(K, p, r, e) of the
K is compact in 0; p, r e N, Ee

a° E A' (K, p, r, E) means that on K the derivatives of x5 (s < r) of order

p have modulus <E.
Let us say that a° is a polynomial if
(v, z) i-- a°(v, z)

is a polynomial in 1/v and in the 21 coordinates of z. By the Weierstrass

theorem the set of polynomials in.F °(Z) is dense in. °(Q).
y °(S2(1)) is defined similarly by replacing 0 by a domain S2(l) of Z(1) _
Every 1-frame R of Z (hence, a fortiori, every 2-frame R) induces an
.97'(Q) 3 a " aR e °(SZ(1)), where Q(I) = RSZ,

defined by the formula

a°(v, z) = aR(v, Rz) Vv, z.

The formulas (3.4) I,§1,

a,+, (v, x, P)
r 1 08x' 8
] a° R(v,.x, p),
= CeXp 2v 8p
aR (v, P, X) =L Cexp 2v
- - `\8x
a 8p
I] ae(v, x, P)
define two automorphisms of y °(Z(l)) that are inverse to each other:
o +
aRHaR, o -
Definition 6.2 of formal differential operators rests on the following
II,§t,6 99

LEMMA 6.1. Let

u = ae"°e.F(X),where a = E lrar.
reN V

At a critical point x of the phase cp we have

u(v, x) = 0 mod vlhl(z .
(v ax
Proof. It suffices to consider the case a = a°. Then at a critical point
of q ,

a) u = vlh Phe"W (h is a multi-index),

where PP is a polynomial in the derivatives of a of order e 10, IhII and
in the derivatives of vcp of order e 12, h] (since qpx = 0). Each monomial
in Pti is a product of derivatives whose orders sum to I hI. Hence the power
of v in such a monomial is <, Ih1/2. The lemma follows.

Definition 6.2. Let

(y, x) = qq(x) - qq(y) - <9,,(y), x - y> (6.5)

denote the remainder of the first-order Taylor series of the phase cP of

(6.4) at the point y. To an element a° of .F°(SZ) and to a frame R, let us
associate the local endomorphism aR of .F(X) and .F°(X), called a formal
differential operator, defined by the two equivalent formulas

(ax u) (v, y)
Ja'lhPhR ( l
x)e°o(Y,xl] lx=Y
(V, X, P) l )h [a(v, e"w(Yl
hl1 v
\ P=Wr(y)

l aR
1 a h [IhIc2_ vo(y.x ) "W(Y) (6.6)
h \v 2Ph
(v , p, x)a(v, x)e
J x=v
P W,(y)

By lemma 6.1, each of these two formulas makes sense when

(y, (py) e SZ(l): we say that aR is defined on S1(l) = R.
Proof of the equivalence of these two formulas. Leibniz's formula gives
(compare I,§l,proof of lemma 3.1)
100 II,§1,6

p, x)(

Y p)h v(v,
h! (V ax)h[aIhla_(v

1 a1zj+klaR(v, p, x) 1 a
(, x )
= f j!k! (ap)'+k(v axy v ax
1 alk'aR (v, x,, p) (1
akll(V, X)
=: k! (ap) v OX)


j! (ap)'(v ax)'
[exp v ax ap
a a
] aR (v,= aRp,(v, x,x.p).
Justification of definition 6.2. Let us show that it is equivalent to the defi-
nition in section 1 when a° is a polynomial, that is, when aR is a classical
differential operator with polynomial coefficients in (1/v, x). In this case
(6.6) means

v<P,x-Y>]}Y x
(aRU)(v, X)
{a+ .
= v' x, P + V aX) `U(v' x)e
= e-ti<P,s-Y>aR
aR (V, X, P + (V, X, ax)U(V, X).
V ax) `u(v, V

Then, taking a+ (v, x, av/ax) = a- (v, av/ax, x) in the sense of section 1,

we have

(aRU)(v, x) = aR (V, X, X) U(V9 X).

V ax) U(v' x) = aR (v' V ax'

Notation. Denote

(aRU)(v, x) = aR (V, x,
ax) u(v, x) = aR (
V aX,
X) U(V, X).

Definition 6.3. Let V c Q, a° E Let aR denote the unique local

endomorphism of R) such that
aRfIR = IIRaR. (6.7)

aR, being local, extends to an endomorphism of.F(V\ER, R), which has

the following properties.
11,§1,6 101

THEOREM 6. 1°) The formal differential operator aR is local (in the sense
of part 1 of theorem 4.1); hence
Supp(aRUR) c Supp UR n Supp(a°).
2°) The mapping
`-V°(SZ) X .-(V\tR, R) 3 (aR, UR) r--+ aRUR E y (V\ER, R)

is continuous.
3°) Each S E Sp2(1) transforms aR into an operator

defined as follows:

aSR(SUR) = S(aRUR) for all UR E U 'SR, R).

aR and its transform aSR are associated to the same function a°, which
a°(v, z) = aR(v, Rz) = asR(v, SRz) Vv, x. (6.9)

4°) The formal differential operators aR and bR are adjoint, that is,

(aRUR, UR) = (UR, bRUR) 'UR, UR,

if and only if
b°(v, z) = aa(vz)z) Vv, z.

5°) If aR and bR are two differential operators associated to elements a°

and b° of 3 °(Z), then their composition cR = aR o bR is associated to the
element c° of.F°(Z) defined by the formula

c°(v, z) {[exp
- 2v (az' a?
)J [a°(v, z)b°(v, z')] }Z=: ; (6.10)

Cazl a 'N x' tip'/-\ - \ex p


where Rz = (x, p), Rz' = (x', p'), is clearly independent of R.

Remark 6. co = a° o b° + (1/2v)(a°, b°) mod(1/v2), (,) being the
Poisson bracket; see II,§3,(3.14).
102 II,§1,6-II,§1,7

Proof of 1°). The definition of aR.

Proof of 2°). Use the definition of aR and the definitions of the topologies
of .F°(Q) (section 6) and of R) (section 2).

Proof of 3°.), 4°), and 5°). Apply I,§1 (theorem 3.1, theorem 3.2, and
lemma 3.2) to the special case in which a° is a polynomial. This special
case implies the general case, since (6.8) is continuous and the polynomials
are everywhere dense in.&°(SZ).
Corollaries 3.1 (adjoint of an operator) and 3.2 (self-adjoint operator)
of I,§1 clearly apply to formal differential operators.
7. Formal Distributions
In sections 1 and 2, it is not possible to replace .9(X) by .99'(X): the proof
of theorem 2.2 breaks down because So'(X), unlike Y(X), does not have
a countable fundamental system of neighborhoods of 0.
Definition 7.1. The algebra R) is the set of functions
that are infinitely differentiable and compactly supported. x = RXZ is
used as a local coordinate on V\ER.
Given a compact set K of V\ER and a positive number b, for every
1-index r, we let

B(IC, {b,}) = {f e R) Supp f c IC, < b,f.

The subsets of these B(K, {b,}) are by definition the bounded sets of
-9 U \tR, R).
Definition 7.2. The vector space R) is the set of linear mappings
f' : (V\R, R) - C
that are bounded on each bounded set of -9.
These f' are distributions; they have supports and derivatives of all
orders with respect to x = RXZ ; these derivatives are distributions. We
make the convention -9 c -9'; -9' is a vector space over the algebra -9.
II,§1,7 103

The value of f' E -9' at f e -9 is denoted

f'(z)f(f)d'x, where x = AXi.


V ax

is defined on .9' by the requirement that it be self-adjoint:

[1f'()]JdI x = IIV

f ff,
f (Z) ax f (z
Given a bounded set B in -9(V\ER, R), we let

I FIB = Sup f7 f'(zf(Z)dix < 00.


The topology of 9'(V\ER, R) is defined by the following fundamental

system of neighborhoods of 0, each depending on a bounded set B of
-9 and on a number e > 0:
Al" (B, e) = { f' I If'IB , e}.
The f' with compact support form a subspace 2 of -9' that clearly is
dense in -9'. It can be proved (as in L. Schwartz [13], chapter VI, §4,
theorem IV, theorem XI and its comment) that -9 is dense in !'o, and thus
R) is dense in R).

Definition 7.3. A formal distribution UR on V consists of

i. a 2-frame R of Z,
ii. a formal series

- «r
reN V
a "),tR

where (PR is the phase of R V and a, e R).

Supp UR = U Supp a" c V.

104 II,§1,7-II,§2,0

The set of formal distributions UR on V forms a vector space

R). Its topology is defined by the following fundamental
system of neighborhoods of 0, each depending on a bounded set B of
R) and on two numbers c > 0, N > 0:
1''(B,s,N) _ {URIIa,IB < efor r < N}.
. -o(V\ER, R) is dense in . '(V\ER, R).
By (4.6), the isomorphism (4.9) defined by S = RR'-' E Sp2(l) extends to
an isomorphism
S:.f '(V\ER V ER., R') - .y'(V\ER U ER., R)
that is continuous and local. Similarly, by (6.6), the formal differential
operator aR extends to an endomorphism
aR:R) - R)
that is continuous and local and satisfies theorem 6.
The scalar product of UR and UR, a formal function and distribution
on the same V\ER, is defined by formula (5.4) of theorem 5.1 when
Supp UR n Supp UR is compact; it is invariant under Sp2(l) (part 4 of
theorem 5.1) and satisfies theorem 5.2.

§2. Lagrangian Analysis

0. Summary
Synthesizing the properties of formal functions and formal differential
operators from §1, we define and study lagrangian operators, lagrangian
functions and distributions, and their scalar products in §2. These three
notions make up the structure called lagrangian analysis.
In section 1, we define lagrangian operators and study their inverses.
In section 2, we define lagrangian functions on the covering space V
of a lagrangian manifold V; their scalar product (' ) is defined when

their supports are compact.

This makes it possible to define lagrangian functions on V in section 3;
their scalar product is defined when the intersection of their support is
II,§2,0-II,§2,1 105

compact; section 3 requires the datum of a number v° e iJO, 001; it uses

the "restriction" of v to the value v° in the expressions UR of a formal
function U.
This process of defining lagrangian functions on V has a theoretical
justification, which is the possibility of defining their scalar product (I.),
and a pragmatic justification, namely, the process of many "approximate
calculations." An example is quantum physics, where 2ni/h plays the role
of our variable v e ill, 001, h being Planck's constant; here h is taken to
be infinitely small without comparing the orders of magnitude of the
numerical values taken by the terms coming into play when h is given its
physical value; h is given this physical value after completing the calcula-
tions in which h is assumed to be infinitely small. Another historical
example is celestial mechanics; H. Poincare has elucidated how such a
process is an approximate calculation capable of predicting celestial
phenomena with extreme precision using divergent series in which
ultimately only the first terms have to be retained. V. P. Maslov wants to
obtain "asymptotics" by the same process, that is, by making approximate
calculations. In chapter III, we shall apply this process to cases in which it
is certainly not an approximate calculation, and we shall recover numerical
results that are in agreement with experimental results. Therefore, to make
this process coherent is "a problem that poses itself and not a problem that
one poses" in the sense that H. Poincare meant it.
1. Lagrangian Operators
Let Z be a symplectic space and Q an open set in Z.
Definition 1.1. Let a° e ,y °(Q) (II,§I,defnition 6.1). Let

a R= aR( v, x'
1 8 1_ _(v, 1 8 )
v ax J - V X x

be the formal differential operator associated to a° and to the 1-frame

R (II,§l,definition 6.2). The lagrangian operator associated to a° is the
collection a = {aR } of these formal differential operators aR (a° given;
R arbitrary); aR is called the expression of a in the frame R.
Theorem 2.3 will justify this terminology.
We say that a is defined on Q. We define
Supp(a) = Supp(a°)
106 II,§2,

a(v,z) = ceC Vv, Z'

then a is denoted
Formula (2.9) will justify the following definition.
Definition 1.2. Two lagrangian operators a and b associated to a° and
b° e F°(S2) are adjoint when
b°(v, z) = a°(v, z) Vv, z;

equivalently, by II,§1,theorem 6,4°), a and b are adjoint when aR and

bR are adjoint for every R.
Notation. The adjoint of a is denoted a*.
Formula (1.2) and the resulting formula (2.2) will justify the following
Definition 1.3. The composition a° o b° of a° and b° e f °(S2) is given by

(a° o b°)(v, z) _ {(exp - 2v[a_,

1 1

)I a°(v, z) b°(v,

where ° , is defined by II,§1,(6.11). (1.1)

[aZ 3z'
The composition a o b of the lagrangian operators a and b is the lagrangian
operator associated to a° o b°.
By part 5 of II,§1,theorem 6,
(a o b)R = aR o bR. (1.2)

Since composition of the aR is associative, composition of the a° and

composition of the a are associative. It is easy to verify this directly by
observing that (1.1) implies

(a° o b° o c°)(v, z)
l a a l a a 1 a a
exp -
2v az' aZ' - 2v LaZ' az" - 2v az ' 0z"
a°(v, z)-b°(v, z")}z.z-=. . (1.3)
II,§2,1 107

This formula easily extends to the composition of any number of elements

Supp(a o b) c Supp(a) n Supp(b), (1.4)

(a° o b°)(v, z) = a°(v, z) b°(v, z) mod 1, (1.5)


the right-hand side being the product in F ° of the values of a° and b°:

(a° o a°)(v, z) = Fcosh 2v rLa z l a°(v, z). a°(v, z') (1.6)

L J =-_
The set of lagrangian operators defined on S2 is thus a noncommutative
algebra F °(S2) over the algebra 9' of formal numbers with vanishing
phase; 3 °(S2) has an identity element.
THEOREM 1.1. (Inverse of a lagrangian operator) The operator a has an
inverse in the algebra of lagrangian operators defined on S2 if and only if
a°(v, z) : 0 mod Vz E S2. (1.7)

Recall that, by definition, a°(v, z) is a formal series:

a°(v, z) = Y_ 1, a,(z) (1.8)

,EN t'

Condition (1.7) means

a°(z) j4 0 Vz E S2. (1.7a)

Proof. The equivalent conditions (1.7) and (1.7a) are necessary by (1.5).
Conversely, if these conditions hold, a right inverse a' of a is an operator
associated to an element

a'(v, ') = Y v,a'(-)


of °(S2) satisfying

{(exp - 2vf ez-,c oz'

)a°(v, z)a'0(v, z')}Z=Z. = 1,
that is.
108 II,§2,1

ao(z)ao(z) = 1,/ ((1.10)0

a0(z)ar(z) = Cr(z), (1.10)r

where cr(z) is a linear combination of the

)'a,(z)] z

such that 0 < Isl = Isl = r - t - t', t' < r. These conditions determine
a'. Therefore a has a right inverse and, similarly, a left inverse; these are
identical since the composition of elements of F °(Q) is associative. The
theorem follows.
The definition of scalar products (sections 2 and 3) will use the following.

Definition 1.4. A partition of unity is a collection (aj} of lagrangian

operators defined on Z such that Uj Supp a3 = Z is a locally finite covering
of Z and

a, = 1 (identity operator). (1.11)

This partition is said to be finer than an open covering Uk S2k = X

of X when every Supp a3 belongs to at least one of the Stk.
THEOREM 1.2. (Partition of unity) 1°) There exist partitions of unity
finer than a given open covering of X.
2°) These can be chosen so that the operators a3 are self-adjoint.
3°) More precisely, these partitions of unity can be chosen such that each
a, has the form
a, = b* o b;, Supp b; = Supp a3,
where b3 is a lagrangian operator and b# is its adjoint.
Proof of 1 °) and 2°). It suffices to prove the theorem when the operators
a; are replaced by C'-functions a;°:Z -+ R that are independent of v.
It is thus a classical result.
Proof of 3°). Given a covering Uk S2k = X, we choose Cr-functions
b°: Z -+ R such that
Y [b°(z)]2 = 1, Suppb° c S2k for some k.
II,§2,1-II,§2,2 109

It follows by (1.6) that

b° o bV = Y 2
where (3,:Z -+ R, flo = 1.

Let us try to find

o I
Vzr Y., where Yr : Z - R, yo = 1,

such that

c°oc° = Yb°ob°,

that is,

cosh 1
2v Yv
az aZa, J "" r v
zr Pr'

This condition defines Yr as a function of Pr and of the

[()5 [J)s
Y(Z)J Y, (z)]

such that

0 < I s l - Is l = 2(r - t - t'), 0 < t < r;

thus co exists, is unique, and has an inverse by theorem 1.1. Now
bi=b*, c=c*, Ybobi=coc;
therefore the

ai = (bioc-1)*o(bioc-1)
constitute a partition of unity finer than the given covering Uk S2k = X.
2. Lagrangian Functions on V
Let Z be a symplectic space provided with a 2-symplectic geometry. Let
V be a lagrangian manifold in Z and let V be its universal covering space.
Theorem 4.1 of §1 justifies the following definition.
Definition 2.1. A lagrangian.function 0 on V is defined by the datum of
110 II,§2,2

a formal function UR on V\ER for each 2-frame R, these formal functions

UR = RR'-'V,, on V\ER U ER. VR, R'.

UR is called the expression of U in the frame R.

The support of U, Supp U, is the subset of V defined by the condition
Supp UR = (V\ER) n Supp U VR.

This definition makes sense since S = RR'-' is local.

The set of lagrangian functions on V and the subset of those with
compact support are vector spaces over F; they are denoted F(P) and
.FF(V). Their dimension is infinite, as is proven by the following theorem.
THEOREM 2.1. (Existence) Every UR. E F0(V\ ER., R') is the expression
in R' of a lagrangian function U on V with compact support.
Proof. Let R be any 2-frame. Let
S= RR'-' E Sp2(l), UR = SUR. ;

UR is a formal function defined on V\ER U ER, which is identically zero

in a neighborhood of ER.. We extend its definition by making the following
UR = 0 on ER,\R n ER..
Then OR becomes a formal function defined on V \ER ; U = { UR } is
clearly a lagrangian function and
Supp U = Supp UR..
II,§l,theorem 4.2 proves the following.
THEOREM 2.2. (Structure) Let iG be the lagrangian phase of V, rl a positive
regular measure on V, and x = 1 L E X, where i e V. We make the con-
vention [rl] "2 > 0. We give V a 2-orientation; recall that [d'x] is defined
by I,§3,corollary 3 using the Maslov index.
We have
[' -d
yr YRr( )E (2.1)
rEN /
II,§2,2 111

on V\iR, where the YRr are infinitely differentiable functions V -+ C.

flRO is independent of R, is denoted f3o, and is called the lagrangian
Remark 2.1. In (2.1), the exponent 3r + i cannot be decreased: see
III,§3,theorem 4.2, where the polynomial f, has degree 3r and the rational
function g, poles of order 3r.
II,§1,theorem 6 justifies the following definition.
Definition 2.2. Let n be an open neighborhood of V. Let a be a lagrangian
operator on n and U a lagrangian function on V. Let R and R' be 2-frames
and S = RR'-' E Sp2(l). Then
aRUR = S(aR' UR,);
thus the formal functions aRUR form a lagrangian function, which we
shall denote a V.
In other words
THEOREM 2.3. The algebra of lagrangian operators a, b defined on SZ V
acts on the vector space f (V) [and .FO(V)] of lagrangian functions U
[with compact support] defined on V;
a(bU) = (a o b)U ; (2.2)

Supp(aU) = Supp U n fl-' Supp a, (2.3)

ft being the projection of V onto V c Z.

Definition 2.3 of the scalar product (I ). Let U E .FO(V) and
Let us first assume that the following condition holds:
There exists a 2-frame R such that
Supp U n ER = 0, Supp U' n Ex = 0'
This condition means
UR E 9'0(P \i,, R), UR E R).
We then define
(U U') _ (UR UR) E r6 for each R satisfying (2.4). 2.5)
112 II,§2,2

The right-hand side is an asymptotic class by II,§1,definition 5.1. It is

independent of R by part 4 of II,§1,theorem 5.1.
Let U and U' no longer satisfy (2.4). Let
Y ai = 1, > aj. = 1 (2.6)
be two partitions of unity (definition 1.4) sufficiently fine (theorem 1.2)
so that for every choice of (j, j') there correspond 2-frames Ri,i, satisfying
the condition
Supp ai n ER;.; = 0, Supp d, n ER,., = 0;
(ai U I a;. U') is defined Vj, j'.

We define
(UI U') _ Y_ (aaUIaj.(Y)E`'.
The right-hand side is independent of the choice of partitions of unity
(2.6); indeed, if


is a second choice satisfying (2.7), then

Y_ (aiUl a,, C')
i1 j,

(ai OR,, R;.r) = (ai o bk UR;.r ai, o b,',, UR;.r)

i.f, k, k'

_ Y (bk U l bkXP),

since Ri,i. can be replaced by Rk,k' .

THEOREM 2.4. (Scalar product) 1°) The scalar product (- .) is a function I

of pairs U and U' of lagrangian functions on V and V' with compact

support. It is sesquilinear over F ° and takes values in ' (asymptotic
equivalence classes).
(UJU') and (U'IU) are complex conjugate and depend only on the
II,§2,2 113

behavior of U and U' at the pairs of points of V and V' projecting onto the
same point of V n V.
If VnV'=0,then (UIU')=0.
(aUI U') = (UJa* U') if the lagrangian operators a and a* are adjoint.

2°) If V = V', which implies Vi = 0i', then

(UI U') E', (2.10)

the phases of (U I U') being the periods of 0 (that is, the values of i f 7[z, dz]
on the cycles y of V);

flo(z)flo(z Y(t')]g mod (2.11)

(U I U') = V

where the notation is that of theorem 2.2 and z and z are the points of
Supp U and Supp U' projecting onto z in V. We have
0 '< (U I U) E'. (2.12)

The seminorm of U,
0 U U)112 E

satisfies the triangle and Schwarz inequalities:

(U U')I (Ui U)112.(U'

U,)112 in W.

3°) If V and V are transverse (where V and V are given 2-orientations),


v1/2(U U') E '; (2.13)

1riJt/2 (U I U')
C2lvl 1/2
no A no
= I d21z
Y 0 (z mod 1
:Evn v,

no A no and d are the measures on Z defined at the point z c- V n V'
by II,§1,(5.11) and II,§1,(5.15) respectively,
1 and 2' are the points of Supp U and Supp U' projecting onto z,
114 II,§2,2

m is the Maslov index defined mod 4 (I,§3,theorem 1),

A4 and , are the 2-oriented lagrangian planes tangent to f/ and fl' at
i and i', respectively.
Proof of 1°). Use definition 2.3, part 1 of II,§1,theorem 5.1, part 4 of
§1,theorem 6, and definition 1.2 of the adjoint of a lagrangian operator.
Proof of (2.10). Use §l,definition 2.3 and §1,(5.4).

Proof of (2,11). Use §1,theorem 5.2 and the fact that aU mod(1/v) is
multiplication of U by the function ao.
Proof of (2.12). We use a partition of unity [part 3 of theorem 1.2]
Yb*obi = 1

sufficiently fine so that for every j there exists a frame Ri satisfying

Supp bi n IR, = 0.
We have
(UI U) = >(bJUR I biUR.) > 0 (§1,definition 5.1).

Proof of the Schwarz inequality. By §l,definition 5.1, we have the tri-

angle and Schwarz inequalities in R [§1,(5.3)] and in W (§I,remark 1);

(UIU') _ (bi UR, I bi UR;)

(bi UR; bi QR )

2 )1/2
(bi UR, I bi UR, )1' (b, UR, I bi UR,


[(bJUR,IbJURJ)] 11 (b, UR, I b, OR

[ 1 J

The triangle inequality follows from the Schwarz inequality.

Proof of 3°). Use §l,theorem 5.3.
II,§2,2-II,§2,3 115

Remark 2.2. If V = V', (U U') is defined by the right-hand side of §1,

(5.4) under the assumption.
Supp U n ER = 0, Supp U' n ER = 0-
If this assumption is not satisfied, the right-hand side is a divergent
integral in view of theorem 2.2 (structure).
Thus definition 2.3 of (- I ) gives a meaning to this divergent integral.
3. Lagrangian Functions on V
We are interested in functions on V rather than functions on V, that is,
multiforms on V. The definition of lagrangian functions on V requires
the datum of a number vo ; it will be convenient (see, for instance, Maslov's
quantization, II,§3,6) to choose vo E i]0, oo[.
The first homotopy group n, [ V ] acts on V: V is the quotient of V by
n1[V]. Clearly
it,/[ V] leaves ER invariant /VR;

(YZ) = OM + cy! (PR(YZ) = (PR(Z) + C

where c., = 1 J [z, dz] dy e n 1 [ V];

that is,

q0 /-, = 0 - Cy! (PR0Y-1 =(PR-CY.

Definition 3.1 of the group n, [V] of automorphisms of Let

OR = Y aRrr evv- E f (V\i,! R), Y E n, [ V]. (3.1)


Define the transform of OR by y not as

UR o 7-1 = e-vcy aRr Y

y V

but as

yIIR = e(°-V,)C, UR o Y-1 = e-vocr Y aR.r 0 Y evWR E R). (3.2)


116 II,§2,3

Y' (Y UR) = (Y"01R,

so n1 [V ] is a group of automorphisms of .y (V\ER, R).

It clearly follows from definition (3.2) and the definition of the operator
S E Spz(1) in II,§1 (lemma 1.1, part 1 of theorem 4.1, and theorem 4.3)
that S and y commute: If
UR. E .f(V\±R. U :R, R') and R = SR',

Y(SUR') = S(YUR,). (3.3)

If UR are the expressions of a lagrangian function U on V, then yUR

are the expressions of a lagrangian function on V; denote it by yU. Then
(Y OR = yUR and n1[V] is a group of automorphisms of .F().
Clearly Vy e 7r, [ V], V O e (V ), Va a lagrangian operator,
Supp(yU) = y Supp U; (3.4)

y and a commute, that is,

Y(aU) = a(yU). (3.5)

Definition 3.2. A lagrangian function on V is a lagrangian function U

on V having the following three properties, which are clearly pairwise
equivalent and thus independent of the choice of the 2-frame R :
i. U is invariant under n1 [V], that is,
yU = U Vy E n1 [V] (see definition 3.1);

ii. a "°`YaR,, o Y-1 is independent of y c- n1 [V] Vr E N;

iii. the function

UR = URe(vo-v)WRI

called the restriction of UR to vo, takes the same value at all points of
V having the same projection onto V Therefore we may write:
UR : V \ER - .y °.

The set of lagrangian functions on V[with compact support in V] is a

Hence it is the set of points in V projecting onto a closed subset of V,
II,§2,3 117

which will be called the support of U in V and denoted Supp U. Then

Supp UR =Supp U\ER n Supp U, t1R.

The set of lagrangian functions on V [with compact support in V] is a

vector space over the algebra .F', It is denoted .y (V) [.y°(V )].
Clearly, by (3.5) the following theorem holds.
THEOREM 3.1. The algebra of lagrangian operators a, b defined on 0 V
acts on the space .y (V) of lagrangian functions on V;
(a o b)U = a(bU), Supp(aU) c Suppa n Supp U.
The scalar product of lagrangian functions on V will be defined using
the following lemma and definitions.
LEMMA 3.1. There exists a natural epimorphism

.y°(v)3CJ-+U Y YUE.y°(V). (3.7)


Proof. Definition (3.7) makes sense: it defines U by a finite sum, since for
every 2 e V, there are only finitely many y such that yz e Supp U.
Clearly U is invariant under n1[V] and has compact support.
Since y commutes with partitions of unity (definition 1.4, theorem 1.2),
to prove (3.7) is an epimorphism it suffices to prove the following: Every
U E FO (V) with support in a simply connected subset w of V is the image
under (3.7) of an element U of .y°(17). This is proved as follows.
The connected components of the subset of V projecting onto w are the
transforms of any one of these components (b by the elements y of n1 [ V ].
Let U be the lagrangian function on V that vanishes outside th and equals
U in th; then yU vanishes outside y(b and equals U = yU in y(b, hence
U = Y yU.
Let us express the notion of restriction to v° more explicitly.
Definition 3.3. Let 5 be the ideal of F generated by the elements
e°9 - e'ow cp e R.

Each element of .5 may be written uniquely:

118 II,§2,3

I aJ(e`'PJ - ev0 j), J finite, ai E F °, gyp; E R.


.F is the direct sum of f and F °. Let us call the projection of F onto .F °

the restriction of F to vo:
.FE) U = E c e"ip' F- 3 u ° = E a i e"O (P; E -IF' = -F/J.

In particular, if U E flV), then the restriction of UR(v, 2) E to vo is the

value UR (v, z) of the restriction UR of UR to vo at the point z, the projection
of z onto V.
Definition 3.4. Any additive subgroup M of ' having the properties
.F c M c 16, M = 47-(complex conjugate)
is called a submodule of 16. Multiplication in the algebra W makes .elf a
module over the algebra .S.
In particular,
ERimply ue"°E.11.
Let .' be the submodule of M whose elements are
uJ(e°°i - ev00,), J finite, u, E .i, (p; E R.

Let us call the quotient

..lf -+ -# / .N = ..lf °
the restriction of Al to vo; tf° is a module over the algebra F°. Since
.N' = .N', conjugation in .,lf ° is induced by complex conjugation in M.
Example 3.1. If ..l' = .IF, then J(° _ -IFo
Example 3.2. Let (1/IvI)s9, ... denote the images of 9, ... under the

16 Z) J-+ 1IsfE16, sER+.


If .4Y = (1/Ivls).F, then tf° = (1/Ivl3),a-'°.

Definition 3.5 of the scalar product ( I ). Let V and V' be two lagrangian
manifolds in Z. Let.,# be a submodule of ' (definition 3.4) such that
II,§2,3 119

(UI U') E .,H, V U E .f°(V), U' E .F°(V') (3.8)

For any U E .F°(V), U' E -FO (V'), there exist U E .`°(V), U' e .f° (V') such

U = E TO,
U' =YEn1[V'I
E y' U'
according to lemma 3.1. By definition, the scalar product of U and U' is
(U I U') = (U I U')°, the restriction of (U I Cl') E .,H to v0. (3.9)

Thus the scalar product has values in Mo.

This definition makes sense by the following lemma.
LEMMA 3.2. (UI U')° depends only on U and U'.
Proof. Let

be a partition of unity (definition 1.4); we have

(UI U') _ (b;CI Ib;U');

it then suffices to prove that (bU I b;U')° depends only on

E yb;U = bjU and E y'b;U' = b;U'.
YEn,[Vl YeAdv ]

By theorem 1.2, it suffices to prove the lemma when the following two
conditions hold:
i. There exists a 2-frame R such that

UR E 10'0(1 \'R, R), UR E R).

ii. There exist two simply connected open sets, w in V and w' in V', that
are projected injectively into X under RX and contain the supports of U
and U:
SuppUcwcV, SuppU'cci cV.
The connected components of the subset of V projecting onto w are the
open sets yw in V, where y e nl[V] (see the proof of lemma 3.1). Given
x e RX Supp U, let
120 II,§2,3

z be the unique point of co such that Rxz = x,

i be the unique point of to projecting onto z in V.
By definition 2.3, §1,(1.9), and definition 5.1,

(U I U') = (fl UR)(V, X) - MR UR)(V, x)d'x. (3.10)


By definition (§1,theorem 2.1), if x E Supp(HRUR) = Rx Supp U, then

(nR UR) (v, x) = E UR(V, Y ' Z),

that is, by (3.2)

(nRUR)(v, x) = E e('0-Vk' YUR(v, Z)'

YE1 11 VI

We substitute this expression for 11R UR and the analogous expression for
11RUR into (3.10). Using definition 3.4 of .N' and (3.7), we obtain the

(U I U') = UR(v, Z) - UR(v, Z )d'x mod Al (3.11)

under the assumptions (i) and (ii).
This formula (3.11) proves lemma 3.2 and is of use in proving the
following theorem, part 1 of which is clear.
THEOREM 3.2. (Scalar product) 1°) Let V and V' be two lagrangian
manifolds in Z. The scalar product (- I -) is a function of pairs U and U'
of lagrangian functions on V and V' that is sesquilinear over F°.
(U U') is defined when Supp U n Supp U' is compact.
(U I U') e tl°, a module over .F' depending on V and V'.
(U U') depends only on the behavior of U and U' in a neighborhood of
Supp U n Supp U'.
(U I U') = 0 when Supp U n Supp U' = 0.
(U I U') and (U' l U) are conjugate.
(aU I U') = (U I a* U') when a and a* are adjoint lagrangian operators.
2°) Suppose V = V. Then (U I U') E .F° (algebra of formal numbers with
vanishing phase):
0 <, (U I U), equality implying U = 0. (3.12)
II,§2,3 121

The norm of U,

0I IUII = (UIU)112 E.°, (3.13)

satisfies the triangle and Schwarz inequalities:

11U + U'II , IIUII + 11 U'11, I(UIU')I, IIUII'IIU'Ilin.Fo;

if the equality holds, then U and U' are proportional: either U = 0 or there
exists a c .F ° such that U' = a.U. Let

Ue(v, z) = a,,0(2)e°-O-() mod - (3.14)


mod 1 (3.15)

where z denotes any one of the points of V projecting onto z in V; (3.15)

assumes V is given a 2-orientation that defines the Maslov index MR(z) and
arg d'x (1,§3,corollary 3); the lagrangian amplitude fo is independent of
the choice of R, but depends on the choice of >l, a regular measure on V such
that arg rl = 0. Then, using analogous notation for U' and denoting Rxz by

xR,o(z)xe,°(z)d'x = flo(z)#0' (z)'1 (3.16)

is a regular differential form on V, which is independent of R, and

(U I U') = J aR,o(z)xR,o(z)d`x = J 0(Z)flo(z), mod-.

v (3.17)
3°) Suppose V and V are transverse. Then
v'12 (UIU')E.F
E [Hess(cp
zE Vn V'
- T')] "'OCR, 0(z)xeo(z)e"°[wR(=) wK(=)] mod-

^ 12
nodziZ mod-; (3.19)
zCVnV' V

in (3.18),
122 II,§2,3

p and cp' are defined near Rz by

(P(x) = (PR(1 x'X n P), (P'(x) _ 9R(RXlx n P')>
Hess(cp - cp) _ {Hesss[gp(x) - (P'(x)]}x = R1Z>

in (3.19), -

>G is the lagrangian phase of V,

ti4 e A4(Z) is the 2-oriented lagrangian plane tangent to P at 2,
m is the Maslov index defined mod 4 (I,§3,theorem 1),
'lo A '1o and d 21z are the measures on Z defined by (5.11) and (5.15) (§1).
Proof of (3.16). Use §1,(5.9).

Proof of (3.17). Using a sufficiently fine partition of unity Ej b* o b, = 1,

it suffices to prove (3.17) under the assumptions (i) and (ii) used in the
proof of lemma 3.2, which imply (3.11). Since V = V', formula (3.11) can
be written

(U I U') = j UR(v, z)URU (v, z)d'x, (3.20)

and hence proves (3.17).
Proof of (3.12). Using the same partition of unity, it suffices to prove
(3.12) when (3.20) holds. Then (3.12) is evident, as well as the following
more precise statement: If U # 0, then

(UI U) = '.Y co OE' ,whereseN, 0[2, > 0-

=2s V

Proof of (3.13). Use the preceding formula and part 2 of §1,theorem 2.3.
Proof of the Schwarz inequality. Suppose U and U' are not proportional.
Then there exists a e .°" and s a N such that
U=aU'+ v

where the lagrangian amplitudes $' and /3 of U' and U" are not propor-
tional. A classical calculation gives

U12.II U'l12 U')12 U,, III - I(U' I U")12].

- I(UI = IVI2s[I
I1,§2,3-II,§2,5 123

It then suffices to prove that the right-hand side is > 0 in 3F°. In other
words, it suffices to prove that U and U' satisfy the strict Schwarz in-
equality when their lagrangian amplitudes fl° and j30 ' are not proportional.
Thus, from (3.17), we have

U112.1 U' I - I(U 101 2 = I!l°(Z)12q. fy I a(Z)12n


Hence, from the classical Schwarz inequality,

11U112.1 U'112 - I(UIu')12 = po mod1,where 0 < paER.

Thus, by II,§1,theorem 2.3,

1(U I U')1 < 11 U . I U111.

Proof of the triangle inequality. Use the Schwarz inequality.

Proof of 3°). Using a partition of unity, we may assume that (U I U') is
expressed by (3.11). Then (3.18) follows from part 3 of theorem 5.1 (§1)
and (3.19) of theorem 5.3 (§1).

Remark 3. Without assumption (i) (made in the proof of lemma 3.2),

the integral in the right-hand side of (3.20) diverges (see theorem 2.2 on
the structure of lagrangian functions). Thus definition 3.5 of (1) gives a
meaning to this divergent integral.
4. The Group Sp2(Z)
The group Sp2(Z) of automorphisms of the 2-symplectic geometry of Z
(see I,§3,4) clearly transforms lagrangian operators into lagrangian opera-
tors. The images of lagrangian functions under this group are lagrangian
functions. The group leaves the scalar product invariant.
5. Lagrangian Distributions
Lagrangian distributions are defined by replacing functions by distribu-
tions (§1,7) in definitions 2.1, 3.1, and 3.2. Theorems 2.1, 2.2 (the !'R, being
distributions), 2.3, and 3.1 apply to distributions just as to functions.
Definition 2.3 and theorem 2.4,2°) apply to the scalar product (U 1 U')
124 II,§2,5-II,§3,1

of U and U', a lagrangian function and a distribution both defined on a

lagrangian manifold V when Supp U n Supp U' is compact.
Definition 3.5 and theorem 3.2,2°) apply to the scalar product (U I U')
of U and U', a lagrangian function and a distribution both defined on a
lagrangian manifold V, when Supp U n Supp' U' is compact.

§3. Homogeneous Lagrangian Systems in One Unknown

0. Summary
The existence of an inverse a-' of a lagrangian operator a under the
assumption of theorem 1.1 of §2 shows that it is the homogeneous lagran-
gian systems in one (§3) or several (§4) unknowns whose study is non-
trivial. §3 and §4 begin this study, which will be concluded in chapters III
and IV with the special cases of the Schrodinger equation and the Dirac
equation, the latter of which is a system in four unknowns.
1. Lagrangian Manifolds on Which Lagrangian Solutions of a U = 0
Are Defined

Let a be the lagrangian operator associated to a formal function

a° : S2 .FO (S2 an open set in Z)

whose value at z is

a°(v, z) = E 1 ar(z).

THEOREM 1. The support of a solution U of the equation aU = 0 is a

lagrangian manifold V on which ao = 0.
Proof. Consider a point in V at which ao i4 0. Replace Q by a neighbor-
hood of this point on which ao 0. Then a-' exists on S2 and aU = 0
implies U = 0 on S2.
We shall assume that ao is real valued and that the subset of S2 where
ao = 0 is a regular hypersurface W given by the equation
W : H(z) = 0, HZ 0.

V is therefore a submanifold of W such that

dim V = l; d[z, dz] = 0 on V.
II,§3,1-II,§3,2 125

V is studied by applying E. Cartan's theory of differential forms to the

pfaffian form [z, dz].
2. Review of E. Cartan's Theory of Pfaffian Forms")
We first recall some well-known results that are set forth, in particular, in
the treatise of Y. Choquet-Bruhat [6].
Let co be a differential form defined on Z that in section 2 will be any
infinitely differentiable manifold of finite dimension. E. Cartan expresses
co locally using a minimal number of functions

The number n of these functions is called the rank of w. These functions

are the first integrals (independent and maximal in number) of a com-
pletely integrable system of pfaffian equations called the characteristic
system of co. E. Cartan explicitly describes this system.
In other words, this characteristic system is equivalent to
there exists a differential form za such that
w(z, dz) = m(f (z), df (z)), where f = (fl, ... , f,)
Let co be a pfaffian form defined on Z (that is, a differential form of
degree 1 in the differentials). Let i, denote the interior product [6] with
a tangent vector of Z; the characteristic system of dw may be written
icdw(z, dz) = 0 V. (2.1)

The rank of dco is even; denote it by 2n. Let

be 2n independent first integrals of (2.1) locally. Then there exists a dif-
ferential form m' such that
dw(z, dz) = m'(f (z), df (z)):

evidently dm' = 0. Then m' = dm locally. In other words, locally there

exist a pfaffian form m of 2n variables and a function fo such that

' See Cartan [5].

126 11,§3,2

w(z, dz) = dfo(z) + rm(f (z), df(z)), where f = (fl, ... , f2.)- (2.2)

The rank of w is evidently 2n or 2n + 1 depending on whether fo is a

composition with f = (f1, . . , fen) or not. In the first case it is possible

to choose w such that fo = 0.

Let us state some less familiar facts with which E. Cartan [5] (chapter
XII, "Les equations qui admettent un invariant integral relatif") has sup-
plemented this result; we recall their proofs.
LEMMA 2. Let w be a pfaffian form; let 2n be the rank of dw. Locally there
exist 2n + 1 numerical functions fo, . : . , f2,, such that

w(z, dz) = dfo(z) + I f2j-1(z)df2j(z); (2.3)


fl, - - - , f2, are 2n independent first integrals of the characteristic system

of dw.

Remark 2.1. f1, . . . , fen is not an arbitrary sequence of first integrals of

this characteristic system: see remark 2.2.
Proof. Let f2 be a first integral of the characteristic system of do). The
restriction of dw to the hypersurfaces f2 = const. has even rank <2n, so
its rank is 52(n - 1). Let f4 be a first integral of the characteristic system
of this restricted form. Continuing in this fashion, the restriction of dw to
the manifolds
f2 = const., .. , f2; = const.
has rank < 2(n - j) and therefore vanishes for some value J of j such that
J <, n. In other words,
dw = U on the manifolds f2 = const., .. , f2, = const.
Then there exists a function fo such that
w = dfo mod(df2, . , df2,);
that is,
w = dfo + I f2i-1 df2;.

But do) has rank 2n, so J = n and f1, ... , fen are 2n independent first
integrals of the characteristic system of dw.
II,§3,2 127

E. Cartan has supplemented this lemma by using the notion of the Poisson
bracket as follows.
Definition 2. Let co be a pfaffian form that has been put in the form (2.3).
Let g and g' be two first integrals of the characteristic system of dw. Each
is then a composition:
z"g(z) = G[f1(z), ...,f2.(z)], z"g'(z) = G'[f1(z), ...,f2. (z)]
Then there exists a composition of the same type, called the Poisson
bracket of g and g' and denoted (g, g'), such that
n(dw)n-1 A dg n dg' = (g, g')(dw)". (2.4)

This bracket

(g, g') _ -(g" g),

which is bilinear and independent of the choice of f = { f1, ... , may
be expressed as follows, using one such choice:
8G 3G' 8G' aG
(g, g') (Z) _ (2.5)
1 af2;-1 Oft; - 42j-1 8f2; I=I(z)
Hence every triple g, g', g" of such first integrals satisfied the Jacobi

(g, (g', g")) + (g', (g", g)) + (g", (g, g')) = 0.

g and g' are said to be in involution when (g, g') = 0.
Remark 2.2. By (2.4), the pairs fJ,fk (1 < j < k) in the expression (2.3)
for w are in involution with the exception of the pairs f2j_1, f2j; these

(f2;-1, f2;) - 1.
Remark 2.3. Let g1, . . ., g9 be independent first integrals of the charac-
teristic system of dw. The restriction of w to a manifold
91 = const., ... , gq = const.

reduces the rank of dw by an even number that E. Cartan [5], chapter

XII, section 124, has made explicit: it is 2 (q - r) if all the Poisson brackets
(ga, gk) (j, k E 11, ... , q}) are compositions with g 1, ... , gq and if the
128 II,§3,2

exterior form

Y- (9j. Ak
j, k

in the variables , ... ,Q has rank 2r on this manifold.

In particular (q = n, r = 0), we obtain the following theorem, which
will enable us to establish theorem 3.1. These theorems shed some light
on the beginning of the study of the Schrodinger equation.
THEOREM 2. Let w be a pfaffian form; let 2n be the rank of d(o.
1°) Locally, the characteristic system of d(o has n-tuples { f2, f4,
f2ri} of independent first integrals that are pairwise in involution.
2°)) Given one {of these n-tuples, a quadrature locally gives n{+ (1 functions
f0, f1, f3, , f2n-1 such that to is expressed by (2.3); f1, f2, f3, , f2'.
are independent first integrals of the characteristic system of d(O.
Proof of 1°). Lemma 2 and remark 2.2.
Proof of 2°). By assumption,
df2 A df4 A ... A df2 (dw)..-1 yj, k.
0, A df2j A df2k = 0
In other words, there exist differential forms Oj such that

(dw)n 1 = Y Oj A df2 A ... df2j ... A df2,.


(^ suppresses the term that it covers). This relation expresses the existence
of pfaffian forms Oj such that

dw = Oj n df2j,

or equivalently, the condition

dw = 0 mod(df2, . . , df2,.),

that is, the existence of a function fo such that

to = dfo for f2 = const., ... , f2n = const.,
or the existence of n + I functions fo, f1, f3, f2,.-1 satisfying (2.3).
II,§3,3 129

3. Lagrangian Manifolds in the Symplectic Space Z and in Its


w(z, dz) = z[z, dz], (3.1)

that is, in a frame R

w(z, dz) = 2' <p, dx> - ' 2<dp, x> = <p, dx> - zd <P, x>,
where Rz = (x, p); (3.2)

dw evidently has rank 21; its characteristic system is dz = 0.

Lagrangian manifolds V in Z are manifolds of dimension 1 on which
do) = 0. These are manifolds given by local equations

P = (PR,s(x) (3.3)

outside the apparent contour ER of V, where (PR is the phase of V in R; coR

is an arbitrary function when V is arbitrary.
Given x e V, it is possible to choose R such that x ER and use the local
equations (3.3) in a neighborhood of x.
But if we want to use a single frame, we must supplement the preceding
result as follows (x' and pp will denote dual coordinates of x and p).
LEMMA 3.1. The lagrangian manifolds in Z that project under RX : z r+ x
to a manifold in X of dimension k S 1 given by equations
x'=F;(x',.-..,xk), k+1 j<1, (3.4)

are the manifolds in V given by local equations (3.4) and

A =
a(PR(xl, ... , xk)
! OF.
j=k+1 ax
; 1 i < k, (3. 5)

where coR is the phase of V in R and x'.... , xk, Pk+11 ... , p, are local
coordinates on V; cp, is an arbitrary function of x', ... , xk when V is
If k = 1, the equations of V reduce to (3.3).
If k = 0, Visa plane:
x = const., p arbitrary, cpR = const.
130 II,§3,3

+ 1 d< p, x> = < p, dx >
2 + I \\\
Pi + F; P;J dx'.
1=k+I ax
Then dw = 0 on V if and only if there exists, on V, a function WR of
(x', ... , xk) satisfying (3.5). The condition dim V = ! is that
(x`, xk, pk+I, , pI) be independent on V. Obviously cpR is the phase
of V.

Notation. Given a function f : Z R and a frame R, fR denotes the

function Z(!) R such that fR(x, p) = f (z) for Rz = (x, p); that is,
fROR = f. Put

JR,xk afl, fR,x = (fR.x', ...,fR,x,)

W is a hypersurface in Z given by the equation

W: H(z) = 0, Hz # 0. (3.6)

ww andfw are the restrictions of w and f to W.

LEMMA 3.2. (E. Cartan) dww has rank 2! - 2; its characteristic system is
Hamilton's system

dx' __ dpk
on W dj, k e {1, ..., !}, (3.7)
HR,Pi(x, P) HR,x°(x, P)

where the vector (HR,P, - HR.x) is evidently tangent to W.

Proof. The condition
(d(ow)'-' A dfw = 0 on W (3.8)

may be written
(dw)'-' A df n dH = O on W.

Then by (2.4) and (2.5), where we choose f2J_1 = p; and f2J = x' in order to
identify (2.3) and (3.2), condition (3.8) may be written

(fR,P,HR,xj - HR.P;fR.x;) = 0 for H. = 0. (3.9)

II,§3,3 131

It does not hold identically; thus (dcow)'_1 # 0. But (dcow)' = 0; thus the
rank of d( ow 2(I - 1). Hence the equivalent relations (3.8) and (3.9)
mean that fw is a first integral of the characteristic system of do)w. Hence
this system is Hamilton's system (3.7).
Remark 3. As local coordinates on W we shall use 21 - 2 independent
first integrals of Hamilton's system (3.7) and a function t such that (3.7)
may be written
dx = HR,p(x, p)dt, dp = -HR. x(x, p)dt. (3.10)

Definition 3.1. Given a function g: Z - R, define g_ E Z at the point z by

dg = [dz, 9Z] (3.11)

in other words,

R9z = (9R,P, -9R,x) (3.12)

Hamilton's system (3.10) may then be written

dz = H_ dt. (3.13)

By (2.5), where we choose f2J_1 = p3 and f2J = x' in order to identify (2.3)
and (3.2), the Poisson bracket of g and g' is

(9, g') = <9R.x, 9R,,> - <9R,x, 9x,,> = [9z, 9=]. (3.14)

The tangent vector K = H. of W is called the characteristic vector. The

curves in W tangent to this vector at each point of W, that is, the solutions
of Hamilton's system (3.7), are called characteristic curves.
The following classical theorem explicitly describes the lagrangian
manifolds in W, that is, the resolution of the nonlinear first-order equation

HR(x, (Px) = 0,
in which the unknown is a function (p.
THEOREM 3.1. 1°) Hamilton's system (3.7) has (I - 1)-tuples

of independent first integrals that are pairwise in involution, that is,

(dw)'-Z A dh; A dh,, = 0 on W Vj, k e 11, . . ., I - 1; . (3.15)
132 II,§3,3

Given one of these (1 - 1)-tuples, a quadrature locally defines l functions

go,91, ,91-1
such that
w=dgo+ g3dh3 on W. (3.16)

g1, ... y1_1, h1, ... , hi-1 constitute 2(l - 1) independent first integrals of
Hamilton's system (3.7). If t is defined by (3.10), then

t, h1, ...,h1-1,91, ...,9,-1 (3.17)

form local coordinates on W; go is a function of these coordinates.

2°) Lagrangian manifolds V in W are manifolds in Z that locally
i. are fibered by the characteristic curves
t arbitrary,
h 1 = const., ... , h1 _ 1 = const.,
g, = const., ... , g1 _ 1 = const.,

ii. have the lagrangian manifolds in the space Z(1 - 1) with the coordinates

x' = (h1, ... , h,-1), P = (91, ... , 91-1) (3.18)

as a base for this fibration.

3°) If the local coordinates (3.17) are used on W, we have the following
local equations of a lagrangian manifold V in W, after suitably permuting the
indices ( 1 , ... , 1 - 1), choosing k e (0, ... , l - 1} and choosing 1 - k
real numerical functions of k variables Fo, F,.,,, ... , F,_1:
h;=F;(h1,...,hk), k+ 1 <,j,<l- 1
V: 3Fo(h1, ... , hk) OF. 1 (3.19)
91 = g;, . k;
ah1 ;_k+1 ahi

t, h 1, ... , hk, 9k + 1 , , g, -1 are local coordinates on V. The lagrangian

. - .

phase of V is given by

V/(t, h1, .. , hk, 9k+1 . .

, 91-1)
=9o(t,h,,...,hk,9k+1,...,g1-1)+Fo(h1,...,hk). (3.20)
II,§3,3 133

If k = I - 1, the system (3.19) means

<i<l-1. (3.21)

If k = 0, it means
It = const., g arbitrary, F0 = const. (3.22)

Proof of 1°). Use theorem 2 and lemma 3.2.

Proof of 2°). By (3.16), the condition that dw = 0 on V is equivalent to
the following: the mapping
V3zH(h1i...,h;-1;g1,---,g,-,)EZ(1-1) (3.23)

sends V onto a manifold B in Z(l - 1) satisfying Edh; A dg; = 0. Then

B has dimension <1 - 1. A necessary and sufficient condition for
dim V = I is that
i. dimB = I - 1, that is, B be lagrangian;
ii. (3.23) map a characteristic curve of V onto each point of B.
Proof of 3°). Lemma 3.1, where
Z, x, p, V, dcpR = <p, dx> on V,

are replaced by
Z(1 - 1), x', p' [see (3.18)], B, dFo = Y_ g;dh; on B,

so that (3.16) gives

w=dgo+dFoon V.Now w=day.
Section 4 will use the following definition.
Definition 3.2. Given a lagrangian manifold V in W, let us call a regular
measure q on V that is invariant under the characteristic vector K of W an
invariant measure on V ; in other words, an invariant measure on V is any
differential form q defined on V that is homogeneous of degree l in the
differentials and is annihilated by the Lie derivative Y. in the direction
of K:

Y.q = 0. (3.24)
134 II,§3,3

Since, by definition,

YKg = i drl + d(i,,q) and drl = 0,

(3.24) means

d(i,,j) = 0. 3.25)

THEOREM 3.2. 1°) Using the local coordinates x = Rxz on V\ER, the con-
dition that
rl(z, dz) = XR(x)d'x, where xR : V\ER - R, (3.26)

be an invariant measure on V may be written

fa /
ax, XR(x)HR.P(x, coR,x) = 0. (3.27)

By (3.10), this means that along the characteristics generating V

dxR 0HR,PJ(x, (PR,.)

XR = 0 (3.28)
dt + j ax,

more explicitly,

dXRR +
L =1
j P)

+ j H.,,,,, (x, P)1PR,.,x' XR = 0- (3.29)

j=1k=1 P=WR>

2°) Using the local coordinates (3.17) on V, the condition that

rl = r(t, h, g)dt n d'-'h n d'-lg, where z: V - R, (3.30)

be an invariant measure on V may be expressed in these words:

the function i is independent of t. (3.31)

Proof of 1°). In the specified coordinates, the components of K are

dx = HR,p/lx, (PR.x),

(3.27) reexpresses (3.25).

Proof of 2°). In the specified coordinates, the components of K are

II,§3,3-II,§3,4 135

(dt, dh, dg) = (1, 0, 0);

(3.31) reexpresses (3.25).

4. Calculation of aU
The definition of a lagrangian operator, that is, formula (6.6) of §1, can be
expressed more explicitly as follows.
Notation 4. Let a be a lagrangian operator associated to a formal
a°(v, -) = I a°(-)
r.N yr

defined on S2 c Z. Let W be a hypersurface of Q given by the equation

W:H(z)=0, HZ:0.
Let V be a lagrangian manifold in W. Let q be its phase in a frame R.

be an infinitely differentiable function; x = RXz will serve as a local

coordinate on V\ER .
Let us exclude the following case: the operator a vanishes on W; namely,
by (6.6): a°(v, x, p) and all its derivatives vanish on W.
Let rl = XRd'x be a positive invariant measure on V (section 3).
THEOREM 4. 10) We have

aR v'
v fix
= etiNR(x)Lr
(X, )x), (4.1)

where Lr is a differential operator of order < r depending on a, V, and R;

Lo(x) = ao(x, APR,J.
2°) If a° = H, then

L° = 0, L, (X,Oxa = Xa2dt(«X-112),

where d/dt is the derivative along the characteristic curves of W [see (3.10)],
that is, the Lie derivative s,.
136 II,§3,4

3°) More generally, suppose that ao vanishes to nth order on W.

Then there exists m E N such that
1 <m<n, -


) (aXReZ)ifm oc.
L.(X'ax)a(X)- ,RZM(-,dt
The differential operator M depends on a and W but is independent of
V and R. It is not identically zero on W. Its order is <m, with equality
holding only if m = n.
In general, m = 1. Hence, if n > 1, then L, is generally multiplication
by a nonzero function.
4°) If a° = H and if HR is polynomial in p of degree s with principal
part H('), then
1/a (4.s)

l \3x' L)1 R
L(x, P) HR (x, p).

Thus if s = 2, formulas (4.3) and (4.5) explicitly describe a.

Proof of 1°). Formula (6.6) of §1 is made explicit as follows. By formula
(6.3) of §1,

aR (v, x, 1 1 a(X)evw.(x) _ 1 eYw.(x)l, (v, x, 1 a(x), (4.6)

v 3x f rEN v \ aXJ
where lr, a formal function of v, is the differential operator of order r:

lr (VI x,
r 1 2-111 ° (a Jo
aRx1p1+Jo+...+: (v, x, 9R.x'
k k! r.Jo.....J' I !J° !... Jk! Ox

the sum EH,J°,...,j, extends over the collection of (k + 2)-tuples

(I, J°, ... , Jk) of 1-indices satisfying the condition
II,§3,4 137

III+IJoI+... +IJkI - k=r, 2 <IJ1, ..., 2<IJkI; (4.8)

this condition clearly implies

III + IJoI + k < r, 2 < IJkI < r + 1 fork 3 1.
Formulas (4.6) and (4.7) clearly imply (4.2) and (4.1), where L, is in-
dependent of v, while lr depends on v.
Proof of 2°). (4.2) gives Lo = 0. We have L, = Ir. For r = 1, condition
(4.8) means

either k = 0, III = 0, I J° I = 1;
or k = 0, III=1, IJoI=0;
or k=1, III=0, IJoI=0, J1I=2.
d c'a 1

X, fix) a HR.P(X, coR,x) + 2 j H,,,., (X, p)

+jIi k-1

HR,p p, (x, P)(PR,x'x' t ;


this relation is equivalent to (4.3)2 by (3.10) and (3.29).

Proof of 3°). Let k e N; there exists a function °b°: S2 -+ C such that
a°o = °b° H"° ,

no = n and °b° is not identically zero on W if n oc,
no = k + 1 and °b° = 0 on W if n = oc.

a° o b° = a° b° mod I[[see §2, (1.5)],

there exists a lagrangian operator c such that

aR (v' X' V OX o6R (v' X' v ex) o [Hit (v' X' V

= VCR (V, X, V OX
138 II,§3,4

If c° does not vanish on W, let 'b° = co, n, = 0. If co vanishes on W,

we apply the same reasoning to c as has been applied to a.
Proceeding by recursion, we obtain a decomposition of the De Paris
type [7]:
_ h 1^I

aR CV, X,
V (X j Vj'bR X,
X) O [HR CV, x,
V (x)]

mod 1
Vk+ 1

hk, nj> 0
nj=k+ Iwhen 0onW.
By part 1 of the theorem,
HR v. x, [a(x)eP,(z)]
= 0 mod i. (4.9)
v ax)

m(k) = inf (J + n j

if m(k) > k, we then have

aR (v, x 1 (1 0 mod

But we assumed that a does not vanish identically on W. Therefore we can

choose k such that
m(k) 5 k.
We define m = m(k); let J be the collection of j such that
j + nj = m.
By 1°), jbR (v, x, (1/v)a/ax) is mod(1/v) multiplication by the function V.
Then, by (4.9), the De Paris decomposition gives

aR Cv X, 1 S) [a(x)evv-(Y)]
V ax

[2(x)e°'"(s)] mod +i
jY vj ib0(Z)[HR (V. X, v (x
II,§3,4-II,§3,5 139

1 <m<, n,
J is finite and nonempty,
0 e J if and only if m = n,
jb° does not vanish on W.
Therefore, by (4.3)2 the relations (4.4) hold with

LmC' - YjEJib°(z)XR'I\ Jm ,(aXRlf2

L. is not zero; its order is <m; its order is m if and only if m = n.

In general, c° does not vanish on W, and therefore n, = 0, m(k) = 1,
Proof of 4°). a° = H, so 1, = L,. By (4.7), where a° = H, we can supple-
ment condition (4.8) by the relation III + IJOI + + IJkI < s; that is,
If r > s, it cannot be satisfied ; thus L, = 0.
If r = s, it requires k = 0; (4.8) becomes

and (4.7) becomes

L3(X, p) _ HR'z'pl (X, P),

the sum extending over the collection of 1-indices I such that

III <- S.
In other words,
L(X, p) _ )H(Xp),
(i-, P/
where it is possible to replace E j=O by XT .0, which gives (4.5).

5. Resolution of the Lagrangian Equation a U = 0

By theorem 1, solutions of this equation are defined on lagrangian sub-
manifolds V of the manifold given by the equation ao = 0.
140 II,§3,5

Notation 5. Assume that the equation

defines a hypersurface in Z. Let W be one of the parts of this hypersurface
where it is regular. Let

1 °WA
UR = xR re

be the expression in a frame R of a solution defined on a lagrangian

manifold V in W. Notation 4 is kept.
By theorem 4, the condition that aU = 0 on V\ER may be written
Ml [XR 1l2(X)aR.r(X) + XR 1J2 j'm+s (X' aR.r-s(X) = 0
\ s=1 \
Vr E N; (5.1)r

the first of these equations may be written

dt)fJo(z) = 0, where Qo(z) = (5.1)0
is the lagrangian amplitude of U, which is independent of R.
Theorem 2.2 of §2 supplements equations (5.1) as follows:
XR 3r- 112OCR
r is infinitely differentiable on V, (5.2)

even at the points of ER; recall that XR1 = 0 on ER.

Remark 5.1. If ao vanishes to nth order on W, where n > 1, then, in
general, the operator M is multiplication by a nonzero function
M : W -+ C. Thus the equations (5.1) imply that the support of U is a
lagrangian submanifold of the manifold in Z determined by the equations
H(z) = M(z) = 0.
The study of this case requires a generalization of sections 3 and 4: it
is necessary to construct lagrangian submanifolds V of a given manifold
W in Z when the codimension of W is > 1; it is necessary to describe
explicitly aU when U is defined on such a lagrangian manifold V. We
shall not study this case and exclude it.
II,§3,5 141

Let us show how conditions (5.1) and (5.2) enable us to solve the equation
aU = 0 using a single frame R.
LEMMA 5. Let K be an arc of a characteristic generating V. Assume that
the principal coefficient of M does not vanish on K.
1°) Let z' c- K. Let U' be a solution of the lagrangian equation aU' = 0
defined in a neighborhood of z' in V. Then there exists a neighborhood of
K in V on which the equation aU = 0 has a unique solution U such that
U = U' in a neighborhood of z'.
2°) Let R be a frame such that ER is transverse to K and XR' does not
vanish to infinite order on K n ER. Then UR is the expression in R of a
lagrangian solution U of the equation aU = 0 in a neighborhood of K
if and only if UR satisfies (5.1) and (5.2).

Notation used by the proof. VK is a neighborhood of K in V of the form

VK=B x I,
B is the ball Ibi 1 in R`-',
I is the segment ItI < const. in R;
the segments b x I are the characteristics;
0 x I is the given characteristic K, z' _ (0, 0);
U; Ij = I is a finite covering of I, V = B x Ij, j an integer.
Proof of 1°). We make a choice of VK and Vj having the following
properties :

U' is defined on V0;

to each V; there is associated a frame R; such that V; n ER = 0;
I, is the segment j - I < t < j + 1.
If U has been defined on Vo u V, u . . . u V _ 1 (j > 0), then using
(5.1) in the frame Ri makes it possible to extend successively the definitions
of OCR,, 0, ... , aR.,r, ... , UR, U to Y; these extensions are unique.

Proof of 2°). The expression UR of a lagrangian function U, defined in

a neighborhood of K, satisfies (5.1) and (5.2). It remains to prove the
Let R be a frame, V,, a neighborhood of K, and
142 II,§3,5

UR = ; IaR,,e
rcN V

a formal function defined on VK\ER n VK satisfying (5.1) and (5.2).

It has to be proved that, in a neighborhood of K, UR is the expression
of a lagrangiani function.
Let z e K. By 1°), there exists a unique lagrangian function U defined
in a neighborhood of K whose expression in R is UR in some neighborhood
of z'. It has to be proved that in some neighborhood of K, its expression
in R is still UR.
Since this expression, like UR, satisfies (5.1) and (5.2), it suffices to
prove the following uniqueness theorem: If the formal function (5.3)
vanishes in a neighborhood of a point of K, then it vanishes in a neigh-
borhood of K.
We choose VK and V having the following properties:
Ij is the segment j - 1 < t j;
VK n ER = UjB,, where Bj = VV n Vj+1 = B x j.
Assume we have proved that
UR=O onVouV1u...u(VJ\BJ), j>0.
By (5.2), xR 1naR,, has an infinite number of derivatives on B, that all
vanish; then (5.1) gives successively

aR.o = 0, aR,1 = 0, ... , aR.r = 0, ... , UR = 0 on VV+1\Bj+1

This lemma shows that the differential operators M and L, have very
special properties. The following is a consequence of part 2 of this lemma.
THEOREM 5. Let W be a hypersurface in Z on which do = 0: assume that
the operator a is not zero and that the principal coefficient of M does not
vanish. Let V be a lagrangian manifold in W. Let R be a frame. Let p =
LRd`x be an invariant positive measure on V; assume that XR 1 does not
vanish to infinite order on ER and that ER is transverse to the characteristics
of W generating V. Then
II,§3,5-II,§3,6 143

is the expression in R of a lagrangian solution U defined on the universal

covering space V of V if and only if UR satisfies (5.1) and (5.2).

Remark 5.2. Lemma 5 and theorem 5 evidently apply to solutions U

of the equation
aU = 0 mod sG1V,

defined mod(1/v`) on V.
6. Solutions of the Lagrangian Equation aU = 0 mod(1/v2) with
Positive Lagrangian Amplitude: Maslov's Quantization
Definition 6.1. We call an infinitely differentiable function
H: S2 - R (S2 an open subset of Z)
such that H. 0 on the hypersurface W given by the equation
W: H(z) = 0
a hamiltonian.
In classical mechanics, Hamilton's system (3.7) governs the movement
of particles and, more generally, that of holonomic mechanics.
Let a be the lagrangian operator associated to a hamiltonian H; then it is
self-adjoint (§1,6). Solving the equation

amounts to finding lagrangian manifolds in W having an invariant measure
that we assume is chosen > 0.
Indeed, by (4.3), equation (5.1)0 is written

dfl0 =0
and means that the lagrangian amplitude of U is constant on each of
the characteristics generating V. In other words, floe is invariant.
We require it to be > 0. In other words, we require that the lagrangian
amplitude Qo of U satisfy the condition

Io > Jo- (6.1)

144 II,§3,6

(Recall that this is the case in physics, where the amplitude should change
more slowly than e°' and not oscillate around the value 0.)
Definition 3.2 (§2) of lagrangian functions on V requires the datum
of a purely imaginary number vo that will be denoted by

vo=, h>0, (6.2)

in chapter III because in quantum physics 2nh is chosen to be Planck's


xR,o = flo , where f3o 3 0,

the condition that U be lagrangian on V mod(1/v) amounts to


being defined (that is, uniform) on V. From the definitions of (d'x)112 and
,111/2 (I,§3,corollary 3 and II,§2,theorem 2.2), this condition is the following.

Definition 6.2. A lagrangian manifold V satisfies Maslov's quantum

condition when the function

APR where vo = i/h,

2ni - 4mR,
is defined mod 1 on V; this condition is independent of the choice of the
frame R.

Remark 6. If V is oriented, in the euclidean sense, MR is defined mod 2

on V. Then Maslov's quantum condition assigns to each period 1 f ,,[z, dz]
of 0, that is, to each period < p, dx> of r°R, one of the two values 0 or
nh mod 2nh.
If V has a 2-orientation, mR will be defined on V mod 4 and this
condition requires that cpR and t be defined on V mod 2nh. This will
not be the case in the applications that are given in chapter III.
We have just proved the following theorem.
THEOREM 6. 1 °) Let a be the operator associated to a hamiltonian H. A
lagrangian solution U of the equation
I1,§3,6-II,§3,7 145

aU=0mod z

with lagrangian amplitude >-O can be defined mod(1/v) on a manifold V

if and only if V simultaneously has the following three properties:
i. V is a lagrangian manifold in the hypersurface W: H(z) = 0;
ii. V has an invariant positive measure (invariant under the characteristic
vector of H);
iii. V satisfies Maslbv's quantum condition.
2°) The datum of V having these three properties defines U up to a constant
factor if and only if the invariant measure on V is unique, that is, if every
function that is infinitely differentiable on V and constant on each of the
characteristics generating V is constant on V.
This theorem will be applied in III,§2.
7. Solution of Some Lagrangian Systems in One Unknown
Theorems 7.1 and 7.2 supplement theorem 6. They are applied in 111,§1 and
III,§3, respectively.

THEOREM 7.1. Let a(') (j = 1, . , l) be lagrangian operators associated to

l hamiltonians
H('): fl -. R (S2 an open subset of Z)
that are independent and pairwise in involution; that is,
d1l"' A .. A dH(') 0, (dw)1-2 A dH(') A dH(k) = 0 Vj, k, (7.1)

where (o = j[z, dz].

1°) The system

a(')U=...=ac1'U=0 V

has a lagrangian solution U defined mod(1/v) on the connected manifold

V if and only if V simultaneously satisfies the following two properties:
i. V is a connected component of the manifold in Z given by the equations
V: H111(z) _ ... = H(1)(z) = 0, (7.3)

which imply that V is lagrangian.

146 II,§3,7

ii. V satisfies Maslov's quantum condition (definition 6.2).

Then the lagrangian amplitude of U is constant when
(see remark 7) (7.4)
n dHcl) A A dH(l
is chosen as the measure on V.
Thus, when V has been chosen, then U is defined mod(1/v) up to a constant
numerical factor.
2°) The Lie derivatives £f 1 in the direction of the characteristic vectors
i of the H111 commute. If V is compact, then V is a torus whose translation
group is generated by the infinitesimal transformations IKj.
Remark 7. Recall that d21z is defined by §1,(5.15); (7.4) means that ry
is the restriction to V of any form 1z on Z such that
dHc11 A ... A dH11) A ?1z = d21z;

rl is clearly independent of the choice of ?1z; rl is invariant under each K.

Proof of 1°). From theorem 1, the support of U belongs to one on the
connected components V of the manifold given by the equations (7.3).
Conversely, let V be one on these components. The rank of do) is 21
because its characteristic system is dz = 0. By theorem 2 (E. Cartan),
locally there exist functions go, . . . , g, such that

= dgo + Y- gj dH c>> ;

then the restriction a, of w to V satisfies

dcoy = 0.
Now dim V = l; thus V is a lagrangian manifold.
Moreover this result could be deduced from (3.22) of theorem 3.1, 3°).
Let R be a frame of Z; let (x, p) = Rz; the condition that H(') and H(k)
be in involution is expressed
all(j) OH (k) OH (k) 3H1;i
ax' ap/-Cax'-ap/-0'
that is,
II,§3,7 147

Y,,; H(k) = 0, (7.5)

where $4, is the Lie derivative in the characteristic direction of H('):

Kj = 8H(j) , -
8p Ox

From (7.5) follows

5 K, d H(') = 0;
moreover the definition of the Lie derivative gives
hence, by the definition (7.4) of rj,

YKl7 =Q VJ.

Then in view of theorem 4,2°), the condition that a lagrangian function

U defined on V satisfy

a(i)U = .. = a(()U = 0 mod 12

is that its lagrangian amplitude /J satisfy

YK'YO = 0 Vi;

since the H(') are independent, that is, since they satisfy (7.1)1, this condi-
tion can be expressed as
/Jo is constant on V.
Then, by section 6, the condition that U be lagrangian on V mod(1/v)
is equivalent to Maslov's quantum condition.
Proof of 2°). By §2,(1.1), the commutator of a(') and a(k),
ja(i), a(k)I = a(1) o a(k) - a(k) o a(1)

is the operator associated to the formal function

- 2 {sinh H(j)(z)H(k)(Z')j
2v a]
[-Oz-, az' -Z

since .H(') and H(k) are in involution, this formal function vanishes
148 II,§3,7

mod(1/v2). It is an odd function of v, so it vanishes mod(1/v3), from which


Jaci), a(k)] = 0 mod 3 .

From theorem 4,2°),

aR) (aeYWrt) = V evWR yR2 xi (ayR 1/2) mod V2 da.

so that

aci) a(k) ae°wR

Re R]( ) = V12 eYwR yRlie y /a,
I -1/2) mod 1 .

thus, by (7.6),

[yxh zJ = 0
Then, if V is compact, the infinitesimal transformations , Yx'
generate an abelian group of homeomorphisms of V, whence 2°).
We supplement theorem 7.1 as follows.
THEOREM 7.2. Let a(') (j = 1, , 1) be lagrangian operators that commute
with each other and are equal mod(1/v2) to operators associated to l inde-
pendent hamiltonians H(') [that is, satisfying (7.1)1]; these hamiltonians are
then in involution [that is, satisfy (7.1)2]. Let us study the problem of defining
mod(1/vr+'), on a connected manifold V, a lagrangian solution U of the

a(1)U = = a(')U = 0 mod 1 2, r , 1. (7.7)r

Assume that conditions i) and ii) of theorem 7.1 are satisfied; indeed they
are necessary. Then this problem has a solution U if and only if, in addition,
the following two conditions are satisfied:
iii. A solution of (7.7)r_ 1 has to exist on V (we assume it is explicitly known).
iv. A function f -+ C that is defined by integration of a closed pfaffian form
on V\ER, and by the condition that it have polar singularities on ER, has to
be a function V - C. (Knowledge of this function explicitly solves the
II,§3,7 149

When (i), (ii), (iii), and (iv) are satisfied, then the solution U of (7.7), is
defined on V up to a factor that is a formal number with vanishing phase.
Preliminary to the proof. Let R be a frame of Z; let V satisfy (i). We
restate theorem4,1°),2°) as follows. Let /3: V\ER -+ C; then

a(i)+(v x, 1 O
(Xx2 (x) 3(x)e'`°",

;C'n/2(x)ev9-(s) rY (7.8)
V' Mr (x' OX) /3(x),

where Mi is a differential operator of order <, r, depending on a(i) and V:

The assumption that the operators a(i) commute obviously may be stated
as follows:
X lMjs+l, =0 Vj, k, r. (7.9)

Proof. Let U be a lagrangian function defined on V with lagrangian

amplitude /30 = 1. Let

UR(v, x) = vR/2ev(R(x) 1x (7.10)

l rENV

be its expression in the frame R, where fio = 1, fr: V\ER - C. Suppose

that U is given mod(1/v') and satisfies (7.7)x_1: #0, ..., Nr-i are given
and by (7.8) satisfy

Y Mj /3S_, = 0 for j = 1, ... , 1, s = 1, ... , r. (7.11)


The condition that U satisfy (7.7)r is

r+ 1
MisQr+1-s = 0 dj ; (7.12)

this condition is a system of I equations that defines

M1 Qr Vj; i.e., Y,, /jx Vj; i.e., dflr,

by means of / 0, ... , /3r_1. Since the Mil = SP, i commute, the condition
of local integrability of this system, that is, the condition that the ex-
150 II,§3,7

pression for d/3, given by this system be a closed pfaffian form, is expressed
r+1 r+1
M i o Y Msflr+1-s - M i o MS J3,+1-s = 0
s=2 s=2

or, replacing s by s + 1, by

Y- [Mil, M;+lll'r-s + Y- lMy+1, Mil/3r-s

S=1 s=1

+ E (MS+1 ° Mil ` Ms+1 ° Mi)i3r-s = 0. (7.13)


Now, with t and s replaced by t + 1 and r - s + 1, (7.11) implies


M+1 //
° Ml'r-s + Ms+lk ° Mr+1Yr-s-1
- 0,
where Es.r signifies Es-1 Ei-i ; that is, I,, extends over the set of integer
pairs (s, t) such that
1 ' < s, 1 ' < t, s +t < r.
In other words, (7.11) implies
r r s-1
MS+1 ° Mi#.-s + MS r+1 0 Mt+1flr-s = 0,
s=1 s-2 r-1
and similarly
r r s-1
Ms+1 ° M1 /3, s +
Mk Mr+1
J Mk
° Ms r+1 /3, s = 0,
S=1 s=2 t=1

so that the condition (7.13) of local integrability may be written

r s
Y- [r tMt +1,
Ms-r+lli3r-s = 0.
s=1 1=0

Thus it is satisfied by the assumption of commutivity (7.9).

Then the system (7.12) defines a function
(ar P \±l - C
up to the addition of a function that is locally constant on V\ER. By
this choice of /3, in (7.10), UR locally becomes the expression in R of a
lagrangian solution of (7.7), on V\ER.
II,§3,7-II,§3,Conc1usion 151

Then, by lemma 5,1°), which holds for systems mod(1/v'+Z), there

exists a lagrangian solution of (7.7), on V whose expression in R is UR,
up to the addition to /3, of some function that is constant on each com-
ponent of V\ER. By theorem 5, the addition of this function to P. makes
xR 3r1, infinitely differentiable on V; /3, is then defined up to the addition
of a function that is constant on V, that is, a multiple of fo.
By assumption (ii), Maslov's condition is satisfied; by section 6, U
is lagrangian on V mod(1/vr+1) if and only if fi, is a function: V --+ C. The
theorem follows.
8. Lagrangian Distributions That Are Solutions of a Homogeneous
Lagrangian System
Theorem 1 and lemma 5,1°) apply to solutions that are lagrangian dis-
tributions; condition (5.2) should then be stated as follows:
xR3'-1J2aR,r is a distribution on V.
Without trying to extend either lemma 5,2°) or theorem 5 to dis-
tributions, we merely remark that theorems 7.1 and 7.2 apply to solutions
that are lagrangian distributions. Hence the following theorem holds.
THEOREM 8. (Regularity) Under the assumption of theorem 7.2, every
lagrangian distribution U that is a solution of the system (7.7), is a lagrangian
function mod(I/v'+1)
V. P. Maslov [10] called the "solutions defined mod 1/v" studied in sections
6 and 7 "asymptotics". But there is no reason for them to be equal mod(1/v) to
a lagrangian solution U of the equation aU = 0 (see theorem 7.2 and III, §3),
and there is no reason for the expression UR of one such solution U to be the
asymptotic expansion of a solution of the differential operator or pseudodif-
ferential operator that aR can formally define. This is shown by the examples
considered in chapter III.
The most evident feature of this lagrangian analysis, which was motivated
by the study of V. P. Maslov's treatise [10], is that it is a new structure.
It is formal. Therefore, in physics, this analysis could be reasonably
applied only to the nonobservable quantities of quantum theory.
152 II,§4,1

§4. Homogeneous Lagrangian Systems in Several Unknowns

Let us generalize the simplest results of §3: theorems 4, 5, 6, and 7.1.

1. Calculation of Em _1 am U. 11

We shall extend a result of [8], section 8, and elucidate its proof; by doing
this we shall generalize theorem 4 of §3.
Notation 1. Let a be a p x p matrix whose elements a" (m, n = 1, ... ,
p) are lagrangian operators associated to formal functions with vanishing
phase; they are elements of a matrix

a° = I v, a,°, where a,° : S2 -+ C"'.


Let W be a hypersurface in f) given by the equation

W: H(z) = 0, where H. 0 on W.
Let V be a lagrangian manifold in W; let WR be its phase in a frame R.

b(x, p) = ao(z) c(x, p) = a° (z) for (x, p) = Rz. (1.1)

Let a = {al, ..., a,,} be a vector whose components are infinitely dif-
ferentiable functions

am. r \Y'R - C;
x will serve as a local coordinate on V\ER,
Let q = XRd`x be a positive invariant measure on V (§3,3).
THEOREM 1. 10) We have

aR (v' x' V ax
[a(x)eYwR(x)] =
v evwR(x)L,
{ x,
`\ Ox
)x) , (1.2)

where L, is a p x p matrix whose elements are differential operators of

order <r; they depend on V, a, and R;
Lo(x) = b(x, (PR,.). (1.3)

2°) Suppose detb = H. There exist two nonzero p-vectors f and g that
are functions of z e Z such that on W
II,§4,1 153

bf = 0, 1bg = 0; i.e.: 0, > gnb" = 0; (1.4)

M=1 n=l

choose these (which is possible) so that on W,

fmg" is the minor of b' in the matrix b;
that is,

dH = Y fmg" dbn mod H. (1.5)


(g, u> g"un for any vector u = (u1, .. . uµ).


Evidently, by (1.3) and (1.4),

(g(x,'PR.X), Lo(x)a(x)> = 0.
This formula is supplemented by the following, where y is an arbitrary
function V\ER -- C, and where d1dt is the derivative along the characteristic
curves of W, that is, the Lie derivative PK :

(x, (PR,X), L1(x,

fl [1'(x)f(x, (PR,.)]

XR2 AX, R,x)Y(X). (1.7)

d (Y CR 112)
Here J(x, p) is defined on W by the formula

J=z [(g" bm)fm + bn (g", f,.) + 9"(bn, fm)] + , gncnfm (1.8)

m,n m.n

in which denotes the Poisson bracket, defined by §3, (3.14).

J has the following properties, all obvious except for the first:
Remark 1.1. J only depends on b and c and the restrictions fw and gw
Remark 1.2. Multiplying f by h: Z -+ C\{0} multiplies gw by h-' and
adds d(log h)/dt to J.
Remark 1.3. If the matrix b is symmetric and the matrix c is antisymmetric,
then J = 0, since it is possible to choose f = g.
154 II,§4,1

Remark 1.4. Suppose the matrices b and is are self-adjoint. In particular,

this is the case when the matrix a is self-adjoint, that is, when
a' = (an,,)* dm, n.

Then the values of J are purely imaginary, since it is possible to choose

9 = f
Proof of the theorem. Part 1 follows from §3, theorem 4. To prove part 2,

a = aR, (P = (PR(X),

a6 m x , p)
b' = b n ( x, 1Pz), b nz = na ,
a9n(x, P)
Op = w:

so that
I n
abm 1

b x, + E b P; (px,x;, , -'9; - 9Xt + L 9P,(Pxix"

ax` J=1 j=1

where x' and p; are the components of x and p (1, j = 1, ... , 1). By the
definition of a+ in §1, (6.3)-(6.6),

an m (V, x,
V ax
e"'bn (x, Pz)am + eV b P' as
bnP,P;(Px'x' + bn ;Pl + cn I or. 1J
+ (2

hence, by (1.9) and the definition (1.2) of L 1,

\g, L 1(X' ax) a)

9nbnpl aXm + Qn( I .
npj +
J,m,n m.n V

Thus, by choosing am = If,,, it follows from (1.5) that

11,§4, 1 155

<9,Lj(yf)> =YHp+[2I ;n9nbp'-xm


2im,n9nasi(bv;fm)+ E9ncnfnl ;
hence by (1.5) and the definition of d/dt on W,

<9, LI(yf)> = do + 2 E aa;xp;y + Jy, (1.10)



J 2 E 9nbnp ; 2 Y axjbnp fm + 9nCnfm
j, m, n j, m, n M' n

Now, by §3, (3.28),

a 1 dx1e.
Y- Hpj _ dt
ax, XR

hence (1.10) is equivalent to (1.7). Moreover, by (1.4),

(Yg-b-) a I = 0;
hence (1.11) can be written
_ bn m 9n

afm ab ag nm
J= 1
Y- + 9 Cn fm-
2j mn axj axj axj m,n

m p; np; 9v,

By (1.9), this is
fm n 9n

J=1 Y- ,nx'
nx' 9xn ' +
9 Cn fm, (1.12)
2j,mn m,n

n p;

156 II,§4,1-II,§4,2


m n
r"PI gPl (Px'x' = 0,

Jmpr bnp 9;;

since the above determinant is an antisymmetric function of (i, j). Clearly,

(1.12) is equivalent to (1.8).
Proof of remark 1.1. (1.8) can be written
J= 2 [(9n, 9n(bf, Jm)] + E 9ncm fm - 11

m,n m,n

Now, by (1.4) there exist regular functions F. such that

Ybnlm = HFn.

Hence, on W, where H = 0,

J= d9n + fm)J + 9ncmfm;

m,n m,n

thus J only depends on b, c, f, and the restriction of g to W.

2. Resolution of the Lagrangian System aU = 0 in Which the Zeros of
det a°° Are Simple Zeros
Section 5 of §3 is easily extended in this case.
Notation 2. Notation 1 is kept. By theorem 1,1°), solutions of the system

t a' U. = 0 (2.1)

are defined on lagrangian manifolds V in the hypersurface W given by

the equation
W : H = 0, where H = det b (by assumption, H. 0 on W). (2.2)


UR = 1
OfR,,e N
II,§4,2 157

be the expression, in a frame R, of a solution

of the system (2.1), which will be written
aU = 0;
the U. are lagrangian functions defined on V c W; the a,,r are functions
V\ER -+ C". In view of theorem 1, the condition aU = 0 on V\ER may
be written

Lo(x)aR,r(x) + L, \x' Oz) xR,

s(x) = 0 Vr e N. (2.3),
s= 1

By (1.6), it implies

9(x, PR,x), Y- Ls
x, )R.Sx)) = 0. (2.4),

Let M 0 be one of the matrices V - C"x" such that the relation

Lo(x)a(x) = a'(x), where <g(x, (PR,..), a'(x)> = 0 and a(x), Y(x) c- 0.
is equivalent to the existence of y : V\ER -* C such that

a(x) + Y(x)f(x, (PR.x) = M0(x)a'(x).

Then, under condition (2.4),, equation (2.3)r may be written

aR,r(x) + YR,r(x)f(x, (PR,.) + I Mo(x)L., (X, X)aR,r-s(x) = 0, (2.5),

s= 1

and, by (1.7), equation (2.4)r+1 may be written

d 112
(YR,rXR 112) + JYR,rXR
r a
U 1J2
+ 9(x, (PR,x), E Ns+ X, Ox)aR,r-s(x ) XR- = 0, (2.6)r


N3+1 Cx, ax) a(x) L 1 Cx, )[M0(x)L(x. )(x)]

- Ls+1 x, a(x).
158 II,§4,2

Theorem 2.2 in §2 supplements equations (2.5), and (2.6), as follows (r e N):

aR.,XR 3P-1/2 and thus YR,,XR 3r-"Z are infinitely differentiable on f/, (2.7),
even at the points of tR; recall that XR' = 0 on ER.
Lemma 5 of-§3 is easily extended. It shows that the conditions (2.5),,
(2.6) and (2.7), make it possible to solve the system aU = 0 using a single
frame R. More precisely (compare §3, theorems 5 and 6), the following
theorem holds.
THEOREM 2.1. Let V be a lagrangian manifold in the hypersurface W
defined by (2.2); let V be its universal covering space. Let R be a frame.
Let n = xRd'x be a positive invariant measure on V; assume that xR' does
not vanish to infinite order on ER ; assume that ER is transverse to the
characteristics of W that generate V. Then

UR = Y 1IR
,e'9 x

is the expression in R of a lagrangian solution U = (Ul, ... , U"), defined

on V [or on V], of the system aU = 0 if and only if, for every r E N,
the vectors OCR, : V\tR -+C" and the functions YR,, : V\ER -. C satisfy
the conditions:
(2.5),, (2.6),, (2.7), [and YR,e"ow.: V\'R _' C]

Remark 2. This theorem applies to solutions of the system

aU = 0

They are defined mod(1/vs+') up to the addition of where

ae'-O-: V -. C" [or V -+ C"].
Evidently we have the following theorem.
THEOREM 2.2. [Reduction mod(1/v2) of a system to an equation] We
keep the assumption of theorem 1, 2°), which defines H and J. The existence
of a solution on V c W [or on V] of the lagrangian system

aU = 0 mod- , that is,

an Um = 0 mod - , (2.1)2
II,§4,2-II.§4,3 159

is equivalent to the existence of a solution on V [or V] of the lagrangian


a' U' = 0 mod 1 2,

where a' is the lagrangian operator associated to the formal function

To each solution U of the system (2.1)2 there corresponds a solution U'

of the equation (2.8) such that

U = U'f mod 1.

In chapter IV, a reduction theorem analogous to the preceding one

will be used in the special case of Dirac's equation.
3. A Special Lagrangian System a U = 0 in Which the Zeros of det ao
Are Multiple Zeros
The following extension of theorem 7.1 of §3 is used in chapter IV. (Theo-
rem 7.2 of §3 admits an analogous extension.)
THEOREM 3. Let a(k) (k = 1, . . . , 1) be µ x µ matrices whose elements
are lagrangian operators. Assume ac" is associated mod(1/v2) to the matrix

H(k)E + J(k)
where E is the µ x µ identity matrix, H(k) : 0 -. C, and j(k) : 0 - C"' is a
p x µ matrix. Let V be the manifold given by the equations
V: H")(z) = ... = Hcn(z) = 0. (3.1)

Assume that the a(k) commute mod(1/v3) and that

dH"l) A . A dHm" 0 in a neighborhood of V.
Then the following hold.
1°) The hamiltonians HW are pairwise in involution: V is a lagrangian
manifold; the measure on V
160 II,§4,3

d 21z
dH'1' A A dH"' V

is invariant Vk under the characteristic vector x'kl of H'kl, which is tangent

to V. If V is compact, then V is a torus whose translation group is generated
by the infinitesimal transformations
2°) Let U = (U1, ... , UU) be a vector whose components U. are
lagrangian functions; U satisfies the lagrangian system

a'k) U = 0 mod
if and only if U is defined on V and the lagrangian amplitudes /3 =
(/31, ... , of its components satisfy the system of first-order partial dif-
ferential equations
(H(k), Q) + J(k)$ = 0, where Q) = ./ 4k) /3

and is the Poisson bracket (3.14) of §3. This system is equivalent to a

completely integrable system
d/3 = w/3, that is, d/i = Y-wn /3m,

where the elements w' of the p x p matrix co are pfaffian forms defined
on V. In addition to (3.3), /3 has to satisfy the "quantum condition"
d`xl /3e"°w': VEER - C°

Remark 3. The condition that (3.3) be completely integrable may be

stated as follows:
dw=wna, (3.6)

where CO A w is the matrix whose elements are the Y wh A (am, . Hence it is

satisfied; it is equivalent to
(H(`', J(k') - (H'k' J''') + j(i)j(k) - J'k) J(n = 0 Vi, k,

where by assumption (H'`', H(k') = 0, and by definition

(H')J(kl) _ Y H(') j(k) _ J(k)

x' pj
j=1 j=1
II,§4,3 161

in an arbitrary frame R; (3.6) or (3.7) is equivalent to the condition that

the a(') commute mod(1/v3).

Proof of 1°). ... , p) be lagrangian functions defined on

Let Um(m = 1,
V with lagrangian amplitudes fl,,,; let U = (U1i ... , and f3 =
(/3,, . , (i ). By theorem 4 of §3,

2evw. L(k)
aR+(k) CV, x, x a mod vz , (3.8)
v 8x) U v

where L(k) is a u x p matrix whose elements are first order differential

operators; the principal part of L(k) is L,,mE, where 2,&, is the Lie derivative
in the direction of the characteristic vector x(k) of H(k) and E is the u x it
identity matrix. By assumption, the a(k) commute mod(1/v3). Thus the
L(k)(x, a/ax) commute. Thus their principal parts commute. Therefore
the )c (k) are tangent to the manifold V given by equation (3.1). [See the proof
of theorem 7.1, 1°) of §3).]

Proof of 2°). By (3.8), the system (3.2) is equivalent to the system

L(k) (x, ax) Q = 0 Vk; (3.9)

since the 2 commute, it is possible to find local coordinates t 1, ... , t,

on V such that


By theorem 4 of section 3,

L(k) J(k) (3.11)

(X, 8x) +
at k
Thus system (3.9), in which the unknown function 13: V -+ C" has to
satisfy (3.5), is equivalent to the system
d/3 =w/3,
on V, where

Y J(k) dtk (3.12)

162 II,§4,3

is a it x u matrix whose elements are pfaffian forms. Since the a)) com-
mute, the Lik) defined by (3.8) commute, which by (3.11) is expressed
OJ(k' OJ(i) + j(i)j(k)
- J(k)Jci) = 0 (3.13)
Oti - Otk
or, by (3.12), d(w = 0.) A co. This is the condition of complete integrability
of the system (3.4). By (3.10), this condition is also expressed by (3.7).
III Schrodinger and Klein-Gordon Equations for
One-Electron Atoms in a Magnetic Field


Summary. The most interesting problems in the theory of linear and

homogeneous partial differential equations are the eigenvalue problems.
Their essential feature is that they have solutions only exceptionally.
Examples of lagrangian problems having the same feature are given in
this chapter. These problems assume
1 = 3, Z(3) = X Q+ X*, X = X* = E3 (euclidean space).
They concern the lagrangian operator a associated to some convenient
hamiltonian: this hamiltonian gives rise to a Hamilton system admitting
two first integrals defined on Z(3), namely, the length L and") one of the
components M of the vector x A p in V.
H may be the hamiltonian(2) of the nonrelativistic or relativistic electron
under the simultaneous influence of the electric field of a stationary atomic
nucleus and a constant magnetic field (Zeeman effect). Then H depends
on a parameter: the energy level E of the electron. The operator a is the
Schrodinger or (in the relativistic case) the Klein-Gordon operator. The
energy levels for which our lagrangian problems have a solution coincide
with those defined by the problems that are classically studied regarding
these operators.
The advantage of the lagrangian point of view is its simplicity. By applying
theorem 7.1 of II, §3, these energy levels are obtained in §1 by a quadrature.
The latter is easily calculated in the Schrodinger and Klein-Gordon cases
using the method of residues.
In §1, we determine solutions defined mod(1/v) on a compact lagrangian
manifold of the lagrangian system:
a U = (aL2 - const.) U = (aM - const.) U = 0 mod 1, (1)

where aL= and am are the lagrangian operators associated to the first
integrals L2 and M. Here theorem 7.1 is applied. Three integers introduced
by the Maslov quantization,
1, m, n such that I m < I < n,

'The author uses A - to denote the vector product in V. [Translator's note]

'Or the hamiltonian of the harmonic operator: see §3, remark 4.3.
164 III,Introduction

characterize the equations having solutions (thus the energy levels) and
also the solutions. These are Schrodinger's three quantum numbers. The
lagrangian manifolds on which these solutions are defined are 3-dimen-
sional tori T(l, m, n) [see theorem 7.1, 2°)], given by the equations
T(l, m, n): H(x, p) L2(x, p) - const. = M - const. = 0.
These constants have the same values as in (1) and depend on (1, m, n).
In §2, we determine solutions of the lagrangian equation

a U = 0 mod 12 (2)

that are defined mod(]/v) on a compact lagrangian manifold V and that have
lagrangian amplitude > 0. This amounts to a formal problem analogous to
the boundary-value problem whose study constitutes the classical study of
the Schrodinger equation; the condition concerning behavior at infinity in
the classical problem is now replaced by the condition that V is compact.
Always, the condition of existence is the same: it is characterized by a triple
of quantum integers; but the solution corresponding to such a tripel is not
necessarily unique.
In §3, we determine solutions defined on a compact lagrangian manifold
of the lagrangian system
aU = (aL2 - const.)U = (aM - const.)U = 0, (3)

where the constants are formal numbers that are real mod(]/v2) and H
is the hamiltonian of the relativistic or nonrelativistic electron; then a, aLs,
and aM commute. Here theorem 7.2 is applied. Solutions again are charac-
terized by a triple of quantum integers (1, m, n). Solutions of problem (1) are,
mod(]/v), those of problem (3).
In §4, we recall the problem classically posed regarding the Schrodinger
and Klein-Gordon equations: to find a function
that is square integrable-as is its gradient-and that satisfies the partial
differential equation
au = 0. (4)

In §4, we recall the resolution of this problem in order to show how it

III,Introduction 165

differs essentially from that of the preceding problems. We observe that all
these problems define the same energy levels, but we do not explain why this
The difficulties encountered in §2 and the length of the calculations
used in §3 and §4 contrast with the simplicity of §1; §1 justifies the following
CONCLUSION Applying the Maslov quantization (I1,§3,6 and 7) to an
atom with one electron placed in a constant magnetic field gives the ob-
servable quantities the same values as does wave mechanics. However, the
Maslov quantization is directly related to corpuscular mechanics, hence to
the old quantum theory. Nevertheless it does not have the shortcomings of
the old theory. It has a logical justification (chapters I and II); it does not
require the determination of the nonquantized trajectories of the electron,
but only the knowledge of the classical first integrals L and M of Hamilton's
system, which defines these trajectories.
The probabilistic interpretation of this quantization is the following:
In the state defined by a choice of a triple of quantum integers (1, m, n),
the point (x, p), representing both the position x and the momentum p of the
electron, belongs to a 3-dimensional torus T(l, m, n) in the 6-dimensional
space Z(3) = E3 O+ E3; the probability that (x, p) belongs to a subset of
T(l, m, n) is defined by the invariant measure q on this torus T(1, m, n)
[see §1,(3.16)].

Remark. Let
(1, m, n) 0 (1', m', n')

be two distinct triples of quantum integers. They define (§1) tori whose
intersection is empty:
T(l, m, n) n T(1', m', n') = 0.
Let U and U' be two lagrangian functions defined on T(1, m, n) and
T(1', m', n'), respectively. Then their scalar product is [II,§2,theorem

(UI U') = 0.
Historical note. V. P. Maslov did not give this application of his quanti-
zation. He only studied the case of quantum numbers tending toward
infinity, that is, the "correspondence principle" in quantum mechanics.
166 III,§1,1

§1. A Hamiltonian H to Which Theorem 7.1 (Chapter II, §3)

Applies Easily; the Energy Levels of a One-Electron Atom, with
the Zeeman Effect

Theorem 7.1 of II,§3 assumes that I functions on 0 c Z(1) are given

that are pairwise in involution. In chapter III, we choose I = 3 and choose
a classical triple of such functions.
1. Four Functions Whose Pairs Are All in Involution on E3 m E3
Except for One
Let X = X* = E3 denote 3-dimensional euclidean space. Let us apply
chapter II to
1=3, Z(3)=E3rE3,
thus making a choice of a frame Ro of Z : theorem 5 of II, §3 spares us
the use of another frame.
But in E3 we use both a fixed orthonormal frame (I,, 12, 13) and a
moving orthonormal frame. Let
xeX=E3, PEX*=E3;
let (x,, x2, x3) and (pl, P2, p3) be the coordinates of x and pin (1,, I2113):

P = Y_ Pj1j'

Let us define five functions of (x, p):

R(x) = Ixl, P(p) = I pI, Q(x, p) = <p, x>, L(x, p) = Ix A PI,

M(x, p) = x1p2 - x2 p, (third component of x A p);
they are connected by the obvious relations
L2 + Q2 = P2R2, IMI _< L, 0 _< P, 0 <, R. (1.2)

Then the vector 13 has a priviledged role: it will be, for example, the
direction of the magnetic field producing the Zeeman effect.
In E 3 Q E 3, the characteristic system of d< p, dx) is
dx = dp = 0.
Every function E3 m E3 -+ R is a first integral of this system. Thus the
III,§ 1,1 167

Poisson bracket ( , -)(definition 2 of II,§3) of two such functions is defined.

By formula (3.14), of II,§3,

(L, M) = (L, Q) = (L, R) = (M, Q) = (M, R) = 0, (Q, R) = R. (1.3)

From theorem 2 (E. Cartan) of II,§3, a quadrature locally defines four
real numerical functions f o, f 1, f 3, f 5 on E 3 (D E 3 such that
<p,dx> = dfo + f1dL + f3dM + f5dR. (1.4)

Let us now define the functions ff explicitly. Let (J1i J2, J3) be the
orthonormal moving frame, defined for L 0, such that
x=RJ1i x n p=LJ3,
which implies
p = QR-1J1 +LR-'J2, P 0 0, R 0.

Let w1, w2, and w3 be the infinitesimal components of the displacement

of that frame relative to itself (G. Darboux-E. Cartan); these are the
pfaffian forms

wl = <J3, dJ2> = -<J2, dJ3>, w2 = <J1, dJ3>,

w3 = <J2,dJ1>

such that

dJ1 = w3J2 - w2J3, dJ2 = ())1J3 - w3J1,

dJ3 = w2J1 - w1J2.
Recall that exterior differentiation of these relations gives the equations
dw1 = 0)3 A w2, d()2 = w1 A w3, dw3 = w2 A w1 (1.8)

(which are the structural equations of the orthogonal group).

By (1.7), differentiating (1.5)1 gives

dx = (dR)J1 + Rw3J2 - Rw2J3, (1.9)

from which follows

< p, dx> = QR-1 dR + Lw3 (1.10)

by (1.6).
In order to transform this formula into a formula of the form (1.4),
168 III,§ 1,1

let us introduce the Euler angles CD, `P, and O; these are the parameters
of the frame (J1, J2, J3) that are defined as follows for J3 ±13, that
is, IMl < L:
0 is the angle between 13 and J3 ; 0 < 0 < it;
a rotation by CD around 13 transforms (11,12, 13) into (I1, 12, 13) such
12sinO = 13 A J3;
a rotation by 0 around 12 transforms (Ii,12, I3) into (I' l, I2, J3);
a rotation by `P around J3 transforms (Il, I2, J3) into (J1, J2, J3).
It is obvious that
M = L cos 0, (1.11)

CD and `P are defined mod 2n. We have the classical formulas:

J1 = (cosCDcos`Pcos0 - sin (D sin `P)I1
+ (sin CD COST cos 0 + cos CD sin T)12 - cos `P sin 013 ,

J2 = (- cosCsin`PcosO - sin (D cos')11 (1.12)

+ (- sin Csin `PcosO +cos(D cos'F)12 + sin `P sinO13,
J3 = cos(1) sin 011 + sin CDsin 012 + cos013;
wl = - cos`PsinOdC + sin `PdO,
cot = sin `P sin 0 dC + cos `P dO, (1.13)
cos = cos 0 dC + d'.
By (1.11) and (1.13)3, the explicit expression we sought for formula
(1.10) is

p, dx> = Q R + Ld`P + MdC. (1.14)

This fundamental formula is of the form (1.4), in agreement with E. Cartan's

theorem, which is our guide.
Complementary formulas. By (1.7), differentiating (1.6) gives
dp = [d(QR-') - LR-1w3]J1 + [d(LR-1) + QR-'0)3]J7.
+ [LR-1co1 - QR-'w2]J3. (1.15)
1II,§ 1,1 169

By (1.9), d3x = dx1 A dx2 A dx3 is given by

d3x = R2(dR) A a)2 A (A3; (1.16)

hence, by (1.15),

d3x A d3p = LR
A dQ A dL A (01 A (02 A (J)3,

or, replacing the o )j their expressions (1.13) and eliminating O by means

of (1.11),

d 3x A d 3 p= dL A dM A dQ A R A dD A d`P. (1.17)

Let 516 be an open subset of Z(3) = E3 Q E3 on which

we can use the coordinates
L, M, Q, R, D, `P
on 516, where 4) and `I' are defined mod 2n.
Remark 1 . L O on S16 ; thus by (1.2)1, P O, R 0.

LEMMA 1. Let V be a lagrangian manifold in 06 (dim V = 3). Let us

replace each of the preceding functions and differential forms by its
restriction to V.
1°) The apparent contour ER. of V is the surface in V where
ER°:dR A w2 A w3 = 0 on V. (1.18)

2°) In a neighborhood of a point of ER°, there exists a differential form

m on V of degree 3, that is nowhere zero, such that on ER.
dQ A cot A 0)3/m > 0, dL A dR A cot/rw >1 0,
dRAco3Awl/w>, 0, (1.19)

where the three left-hand-side functions do not vanish simultaneously.

There exists a constant c such that, in a neighborhood of this point of V,
the Maslov index MR. has the value
`c when dR A 2 A (D3/rv < 0
MR° jl (1.20)
1 + c when dR A cot A (J)3/0 > 0.
170 III,§1,1-III,§ 1,2

Proof of 1°). Use expression (1.16) for d'x.

Proof of 2°). Let us calculate the jump of mR. across ERo by applying
theorem 3.2 of I,§3. By (1.9), (1.15), and (1.18), the components d;x and
dap of dx and dp in the frame (J1, J2, J3) satisfy on V, at the points of

dtp A d2x A d3x = R2[d(QR-') - LR-'w3] A w2 A w3

d1x A d2p A d3x = -RdR A [d(LR-') + QR-'w3] A w2
d1x A d2x A dap = (dR) A 0-)3 A [Lw1 - Qw2]
The existence of w satisfying (1.19) and (1.20) follows by this theorem
(theorem 3.2, of I,§3).
2. Choice of a Hamiltonian H

be an infinitely differentiable function in involution with L and M, that is,

by (1.14), a composition with the functions L, M, Q, and R:
H(x, p) = H[L(x, p), M(x, p), Q(x, p), R(x)]. (2.1)

H[ ] is an infinitely differentiable function defined on an open subset 04

of the space R4 with the coordinates L, M, Q, R. Assume that, on 524
0 < R, I MI < L, (HQ, HR) (0, 0) when H = 0. (2.2)

HQ denotes the function aH[L, M, Q, R]/8Q.

By (1.3), the three functions H, L, and M of (x, p) are pairwise in involu-
tion, so that the results of II,§3 can be applied explicitly to the lagrangian
operator a associated to H.
From theorem 2 (E. Cartan) of II,§3, a quadrature locally defines four
real numerical functions on 526,

111,§ 1,2 171

such that
< p, dx> = dgo + g1 dL + 92 dM + g3 dH. (2.3)

We shall use this formula when H = 0; it is made explicit by lemma 2,

H = 0.
According to (1.14), the quadrature is the definition of the function 0 by

Notation. Let W be the hypersurface in 06 given by the equation

W : H(x, p) = 0
(Compare II,§3). Let (Lo, M0) be a pair of real numbers such that IM01
< Lo; let V[L0, M0] denote any connected component of the subset of
W given by the equations

V [LO, MO] : H(x, p) = 0, L(x, p) = Lo, M(x, p) = Mo. (2.4)

W is the union of the V [La, M0]. By theorem 7.1, of II,§3, V [LO, M0] is
a lagrangian manifold. It is the topological product of
the 2-dimensional torus with the coordinates D and T mod 27r,
a connected curve I [Lo , M0] in the open half-plane with the coordinates
Q, R > 0.
The equation of this curve is

T [L0, MO]: H[L0, MO, Q, R] = 0. (2.5)

By (2.2)3, this curve does not have any singular points.

Let us define a real numerical function t of [L, M, Q, R] on W up to the
addition of a function of (L, M) by the condition
dt = RHQ[L,IM, on F [L, M]; (2.6)
Q, R] Q, R]
when the curve T[L, M] is a closed curve, then t is defined modc[L, M],

c [L, M] _ _ dQ . (2.7)
[L' - fr[L,M] RHQ -fr[L,M] RHR'
172 III,§1,2

t is monotone on F; (L, M, t, (D, `P) forms a system of local coordinates on

Let us define another real numerical function S2 on W up to the addition of
a function of (L, M) by

A2 = Q R on F[L, M]; (2.8)

when the curve F[L, M] is a closed curve, then S2 is defined

mod2nN[L, M] where

N[L , M] = 1 f r[LM] R
1 dR
>0 Q . (2 . 9)

S2 is not monotone on F. Let its differential be denoted by

dc2[L, M, t] = Q R + 1 [L, M, t] dL + µ[L, M, t] dM. (2.10)

The properties of the functions ) and µ thus defined will be specified in §2.
Now we can give the explicit expression of the restriction of (2.3) to W.
LEMMA 2. 1°) The restriction of the pfaffian form

to Wis
cow=d(S2+L`P+MD)-O +`P)dL-(µ+(D)dM. (2.11)

2°) The characteristic system of dww is Hamilton's system:

dx dp
H(x, p) = 0. (2.12)
HH(x, P) H,,(x, p) '
Its first integrals are compositions with the functions
L, M,2+`P,µ+ b; (2.13)

L and M are in involution; 2 + `P and p + (D are also in involution.

3°) On the solution curves of this system, that is, the characteristic curves
of W, we have
dx _ -- dp _ dR _ dP _ d(D
dt = H,(x,
p) HH(x, p) RHQ[L, M, R, Q] HL[' ] HM[' ]
III,§1,2 173

dQ ,dL=dM=0.

4°) On W
d 3x A d 3
PI _ dL n dM n dt n d(D n d`)'. (2.15)
dH w

Proof of 1°). Use the expression (1.14) for <p, dx> in Z and the ex-
pression (2.10) for Q dR/R on W.
Proof of 2°). Lemma 3.2 of II,§3 (E. Cartan) proves that (2.12) is the
characteristic system of dww and that dww has rank 4. Now, by (2.11),
dww, =dL n d(.1 +`Y)+dM n d(µ+(D);
thus the four functions (2.13) are first integrals of this system (see E.
Cartan's definition of a characteristic system, II,§3,2). The pair (L, M)
and (2 + `F, p + 1) are in involution by remark 2.2 of II,§3.
Proof of 3°). The same lemma (E. Cartan) and the expression (1.14) for
<p, dx> prove that the characteristic system of dw,, is
dR d`P _ dD dQ _ dL _ dM
RHQ[L,M,Q,R] HL[ HM['] RHR['] 0 0 '
H = 0;

thus this system is equivalent to (2.12). Obviously

dx _ <x, dx> _ R dR
HP(x, p) <x, HP(x, p)> <x, LP>HL + <x, MP>HM + <x, QP>HQ
Since x A (p + sx) is independent of the real variable s,
d(x A p) = 0 for dx = 0, dp parallel to x;

<x, LP> = <x, MP> = 0.


<x, Q> = R2.

The preceding five relations imply
174 III,§1,2-III,§1,3

dx _ dR _ d'Y _ d) _ _ dQ
dL = dM = 0
Hp(x, p) RHQ[L, M, Q, R] HL HM RHR'

and thus (2.14), by (2.6) and (2.12).

Proof of 4°). Formula (1.17) can be written

d 3x n d3 p= dL n dM n dH n dR n d(l) n d'Y,

where, for H = 0,
= dt mod(dL, dM)

by (2.14); hence (2.15) holds, the following meaning being given to its
left member:
d3x A dap
dH 1W

denotes the restriction ww to W of any form w of degree 5 such that

dH A m = d 3 x A d 3 p ; ww is clearly independent of the choice of w.
3. The Quantized Tori T(1, m, n) Characterizing Solutions, Defined
mod(1/v) on Compact Manifolds, of the Lagrangian System

mod v 1 (3.1)

a, aL2, and ay denote the lagrangian operators associated, respectively, to

the hamiltonians

H, L2, M,
which are in involution; Lo and MO are two real constants such that
IM0I < Lo.
From theorem 7.1 of II,§3, solutions of this system are lagrangianfunc-
tions U with constant lagrangian amplitude, defined mod(1%v) on those
manifolds V[L0, M0] defined by (2.4), whether compact or not, that
satisfy Maslov's quantum condition (II,§3, definition 6.2). V[L0, M0] is
chosen to be connected. The measure nv on V, which is invariant under
the characteristic vectors of H, L2 - Lo, and M - M0, and which serves
to define the lagrangian amplitude, is
III,§1,3 175

nv = dt A d' A dW (3.2)

from (2.15) and formula (7.4) of II,§3.

Recall the statement of Maslov's quantum condition: The function

cOR° - 1 MRo
(whereh =
is real

has to be uniform on V mod 1.

By (2.11), where L = Lo and M = M0, the phase cpR, of V [L0, M0]
(defined in I,§2,9 and I,§3,1) is
(pR0 = 0 + LOT + MO(D. (3.4)

Let us calculate the Maslov index of V [L0, M0].

LEMMA 3. 1°) The apparent contour ER0 of V[L0, M0] is the union
E, u E2 of two surfaces in V[L0, M0] given by the equations
E, :'Y = 0 mod 7r; E2 :HQ[L, M, Q, R] = 0.
2°) The Maslov index m of V[L0, M0] is

mR° _
[i-p] - [V [L0, M0] (3.5)

up to the addition of an integer constant; [ ] denotes the integer part.

Proof. Apply lemma 1. By (1.11) and (1.13),
0)1 = - cos'I' sin O dW, 0w2 = sin W sin O dcb,
L00)3 = L0 d'I' + M0 da)
on V[L0i M0]; hence, by (2.6),
dR A w2 A 0)3 = -RHQsin'I'sin0dt A d'I' A dD, (3.6)

dQ A 032 A W3 = RHR sin W sin O dt A d'I' A d(D, (3.7)

dR A w3 A 0), = -RHQcos'I'sinOdt A d'! A dcb, (3.8)

where R sin O : 0 by (2.2), and (2.2)2 .

By lemma 1,1°), ER° is given by the equation
HQ sinW = 0,
from which follows part 1 of lemma 3.
176 III,§1,3

In a neighborhood of a point of E1\E1 U E2, HQ cos `P # 0; in lemma

1,2°), we can choose

w = dR n w3 n w1; dR n W2 n w3/w = tan `P,

whence by this lemma

mRo = [i: `Pl + const.

n J

By (2.2)3, in a neighborhood of a point of E2\E1 U E2' HR sin `P 0;

in lemma 1,2°), we can choose
w = dQ A wz A 0)3; dR A 0)2 A m3/m = - HQ/HR,

MR,, = const. - C1 arctan ]. (3.10)


The global expression for mRo follows from the two local expressions (3.9)
and (3.10).
By (3.4) and (3.5), Maslov's quantum condition may be formulated as
follows: The function

+ Lo _
HQ 1 `P Mo do
1 arctan
h 2n 4n HR h 2 27c it 2n
is defined mod 1 on V[L0, Mo].
If V[L0, Mo] is compact, that is, if the curve F[L0, Mo] is a closed
curve, by (2.9) this condition is that
IN[Lo, M] LO - 1,
0 + 1,
2 2 h°
be three integers. Denote them by
n-1, 1, m

in order to recover the classical notation of quantum physics. Since N > 0

and IMOI < Lo, we have
If V[L0, Mo] is not compact, Maslov's quantum condition is that
III,§1,3 177

Lo-2=1, 1MO=m

be two integers such that Iml _< 1.

Thus the conclusion of this section is the following theorem.
THEOREM 3. The connected manifolds on which the solutions of the lagran-
gian system (3.1) are defined are
1°) The compact manifolds V [L,, M0] defined by (2.4) such that there
exist three integers
1, in, n

satisfying the conditions

Imll<n, (3.11)

Lo = h(1 + z), Mo = hm, Lo + N[LO, M0] = hn; (3.12)

thus V[L0, M0] is a torus, which will be denoted by T(1, m, n); the co-
ordinates at a point of this torus are
t mod c [L 0, M0] defined by (2.6)-(2.7), `P mod 27t, b mod 2n.

2°) The noncompact manifolds Y [L,, M0] defined by (2.4) such that
there exist two integers
1, m

satisfying the conditions

Imi < 1, (3.14)

Lo=h(l+z), Mo=hm; (3.15)

thus V[L0, M0] is a product of

a 2-dimensional torus with the coordinates `P mod 2n, D mod 2n,
a line, half-line, or segment with coordinate t.
We provide V [Lo, M0], whether compact or noncompact, with the follow-
ing measure, which is invariant under the characteristic vectors of H,
L2 - L0,and M - Mo:
tlv = dt n d(D A d`Y; (3.16)
178 111,§1,3

then the solutions of (3.1) defined on V[L°, M°] are lagrangian functions
with constant lagrangian amplitude.
Remark 3.1. From now on, we shall limit ourselves to the study of com-
pact lagrangian manifolds (for example, that of the electron belonging to
an atom).
Remark 3.2. The characteristic vectors of LZ - Lo and M - M° are
KL2_L0:dL=dM=dt=0, d'h=2L°, d(D = 0, (3.17)

1M_MU:dL = dM = dt = 0, d'P = 0, d(D = 1, (3.18)

respectively. It is immediately verified that these vectors leave q, invariant.

Proof of (3.17). It follows from (1.2),, then (1.5), and (1.6), and finally
(1.5), and (1.12) that KL2_LQ is the vector tangent to V[L°, M°] such that
M, t, T, (D)
dx = 2LLP = 2(R2p - Qx) = 2LRJZ = 2LOx(L,

This proves (3.17).

Proof of (3.18). It follows from (1.1), then (1.5), and (1.12), that Km-m, is
the vector tangent to V[L°, M°] such that
8x(L, M, t,'P, (D)
dx = (-x2, x1, 0) =

Remark 3.3. In agreement with theorem 7.1,2°) of II,§3, when the mani-
fold V[L°i M°] is compact, hence a torus, the characteristic vector of H
[see (2.14)],
x:dL=dM=0, dt = 1, dP=HL, d'P=HM, (3.19)

and those of L2 - Lo and M - M° generate a group of translations of

V[L°, M°], namely, the translations in the following coordinates [see
(2.7) and 111,§2,(1.5) and 111,§2,(2.3)]:

t modc[L°, M°],
'P + A[L0, M0, t] - M t mod 2n,
c[L0, M0]
:p + p - NM t mod 2ir.
111,§ 1,4 179

4. Examples: The Schrodinger And Klein-Gordon Operators

Let us choose
[ P,
H (x, p) =- - K[R' M 2 (4 1)

where K: R+ Q+ R --+ R is a given function. In other words,

H [ L , M, Q, R ] = Q2 - K[R, M]]
[L2 + . (4 . 2)
2 1 2

Theorem 3 can be applied immediately.

The condition that (2.4) define at least one compact hypersurface
V [LO, M0], which is a torus, is that the function
be positive between two consecutive zeros R1 and R2 (0 < R1 < R2).
Then (2.9) defines
N[L,, M0] = 1 /K[R M0] - Lo dR 0.
rz R R

Remark 4.1. if K is an affine function of M, then, by (4.1),

7x' = 0,

and consequently [II,§1,definition 6.2 and II,§1,(6.3)], the expression in

Ro of the operator associated to H is

a 2vzA 2R2K[R'v(xlax z - x2ax )J,


A = 1:3J=' a2iax;,
the multiplication by any function of R commutes with the operator

1(XI a - Xz a
Cxz ax,
Example 4. We call the operator associated to the hamiltonian
180 III,§1,4

H(x , p)=2 [P2 +A(M)-2B M-+C M)1 (4. 6)

R Rz
where A, B, and C:R -+ R are some given functions, the Schrodinger-
Klein-Gordon operator. Let

AO = A(Mo), Bo = B(Mo), Co = C(Mo).

The condition that there exist at least one compact manifold V[LO, Mo]
defined by (2.4) may be expressed as follows:

Ao>0, L2O+Co>0, Bo>-,/A0V/L+C (4.7)

When it is satisfied, V [Lo, Mo] is unique, and by (4.3),

f~ - AOR,
N [Lo, Mo] = 2n + 2Bo R - Lo - Co R ,

where the integral is calculated along a cycle of C enclosing the cut

JR1 i R21; taking residues at R = oo and R = 0 gives

N[Lo, Mo] = BO - v[L:o + Co > 0.

v' Ao
The statement of theorem 3 becomes the following.
THEOREM 4.1. Let a be the Schrodinger-Klein-Gordon operator, that is,
the operator associated to the hamiltonian (4.6). Let aLl and am be the
operators associated to the hamiltonians L 2 and M. Then the lagrangian

aU = (aL: - Lo) U = (am - MO)U = 0 mod aV

has solutions defined on a compact manifold if and only if there exists a

triple of integers (l, m, n) such that
Lo=h(l+Z), Mo=hm, (4.10)

Iml l < n, (I + )z + Coh-z

> 0,
(4 . 11)
AO =Boh-z[n-l-I+ (l+1)2+Coh-z] z

If this condition is satisfied, this compact manifold is unique: it is the

torus T(l, m, n) given by the equations
III,§1,4 181

T(l, m, n): H(x, p) = L(x, p) - Lo = M(x, p) - Mo = 0. (4.12)

We provide this torus with the invariant measure (3.16); then the solutions of
(4.9) defined mod(l/v) on T(l, m, n) are the lagrangianfunctions with constant
lagrangian amplitude.

Notation. (Related to physics and used only at the end of this section)
In E3, we choose an electric potential sago : E3 -+ R and a magnetic
potential vector ('41, d2, a3): E3 - E3 satisfying the physical law

= 0; (4.13)
i=i axi
they are time independent.
The trajectories in E3 of the relativistic or nonrelativistic electron of
mass µ and electric charge -F < 0 are the solutions of Hamilton's
system, defined by the hamiltonian given by
H(x,p) = 1 CPi +
- Fsdo(x) (4.14)
2µi=1 J
in the nonrelativistic case, and by
H(x, p) = 2µ iY-i [pj + - 2µc2 [E + 2 + iµc2 (4.15)

in the relativistic case. Here

c is the speed of light,
E is a constant, which is the energy of the electron whose position x and
momentum p satisfies H(x, p) = 0 (energy including the rest mass µc2 in
the relativistic case).
By (4.113)

a'x, ap) H(x, p) = 0.

Then by// I1,§1,(6.3) and II,§l,definition 6.2, in the nonrelativistic case the
operator associated to H is the Schrodinger operator

a= v2 0 + ce Ed'(x) v ax j + c2
E (x)1 -E - Fdo(x), (4.16)
2µ i i
182 III,§1,4

and in the relativistic case it is the Klein-Gordon operator

a= 2Lyz + 2z 1 0 + E2 I d2] - 2-t- [E + Ed0]2 + µ2z


Let us choose these hamiltonians and operators as follows: d0 is the

electric potential of a nucleus with atomic number Z, placed at the origin;
the magnetic field is constant, parallel to the third coordinate axis, and
of intensity .* . In other words,
SIo(W ) = R , -Zrxz, z(x) = Z. x1, S13 = 0.


Let us neglect the . Z terms, as is done in physics; the hamiltonians

(4.14) and (4.15) of the electron become hamiltonians of the form (4.6)

[P2 + c .M - 2µE - Zl
H(x, p) = Z 2µR2 (4.19)
in the nonrelativistic case, and

Hx P2+Ec M+ µz c 2 Ez_2e2ZE-e4Zz (4.20)

( ' P)

' I
cz c2R c2R2
in the relativistic case.
The Schrodinger operator becomes
a=2µ[v A+E (xla3Z-xzOX -2µE-2RZ(4.21)
the Klein-Gordon operator becomes

+ ec xl aX2 + µzcz - Ez 2e2ZE

- czR e4Zz
- czR
1 1
a= xz zl.
2µ vz 8x1 cz


Relation (4.11)3 defines E as a function of (l, m, n); in the course of this

calculation, two constants, which are classical in physics, appear.
- the dimensionless fine-structure constant,
he 137,
III7§1,4 183

p= , the Bohr magneton (j3.)(° has the dimensions of energy),

as well as the function given by

F(n, k) = 1
. (4.23)
1 + 2

The statement of theorem 4.1 becomes the following.

THEOREM 4.2. Let a be the Schrodinger operator (4.21) or the Klein-Gordon
operator (4.22), H being (4.19) or (4.20). Let aL= and aM be the operators
associated to L2 and M. For certain values of the constants E, Lo, and M0,
the lagrangian system

aU = (aL2 - Lo )U = (am - Mo)U = 0 mod z (4.9)

has solutions defined mod(1/v) on compact manifolds. These values of E,

Lo, and MO are expressed as functions of a triple of integers (1, m, n) such that

ml < I < n and, in the Klein-Gordon case, l + z 3 aZ;

these expressions for E, Lo, and MO are
-ucZ azZz
E_ 2n2 + j3.*'m in the Schrodinger case, (4.24)

E2 = uc2(uc2 + 2f3.°m)F2(n, l + Z) in the Klein-Gordon case, (4.25)

Lo = h(l + Z), Ma = hm. (4.26)

These solutions of (4.9) are defined on the tori (4.12). Let us provide these
tori with the invariant measure (3.16); then these solutions are lagrangian
functions, defined on these tori, with constant lagrangian amplitude.
Remark 4.2. Physicists, neglecting j32 and j3a2, simplify (4.25) as follows:
±E uc2F(n, I + Z) + f.#°m.
The minus sign concerns antimatter (u < 0).
Remark 4.3. The energy levels (4.24) and (4.25) are those given by the
study of the partial differential equation
184 I I I,§ 1,4-III,§2,0

au = 0,
whose unknown u:E3\{0} -+ C and its gradient have to be square in-
tegrable (III,§4).

§2. The Lagrangian Equation aU = 0 mod(1/vs)

(a Associated to H, U Having Lagrangian Amplitude > 0
Defined on a Compact V)

0. Introduction
Summary. In §1, we studied problem (1) (introduction to chapter III),
that is, a system of three lagrangian equations. In §2, we study the first of
these three equations and, more precisely, problem (2) (introduction to
chapter III).
Each solution of problem (1) is a solution of problem (2), by theorem 3
of §1. In the exceptional case of a hamiltonian H independent of M (for
example, Schrodinger and Klein-Gordon without a magnetic field), a
rotation in E3 acting simultaneously on x and p obviously transforms
solutions of problem (1) into solutions of problem (2) that are no longer
solutions of problem (1). Without considering this exceptional case,
theorem 1 of §2 constructs solutions of problem (2) that are not solutions
of problem (1): a solution of problem (2) defined on a torus T(l, m, n) (theorem
3 of §1) is not necessarily unique up to a constant multiplicative factor.
On the other hand, theorem 2 shows that even if H depends on some
parameters, these tori T(l, m, n) are, in general, the only compact lagrangian
manifolds V on which solutions of problem (2) are defined. Moreover,
theorem 3.1 specifies that in the Schrodinger and Klein-Gordon cases
problems (1) and (2) define the same energy levels: the classical levels.
Remark. Theorem 1 of §2 does not have any physical significance: it takes
into account the condition that some numbers, which in the Schrodinger
and Klein-Gordon cases are measurements of physical quantities, take
rational values.
CONCLUSION. Let us call a problem that when posed for the Schrodinger-
Klein-Gordon equation has the essential features of the classical problem
(4) (introduction to chapter III) a well-posed problem. Problem (1) is well-
posed by theorem 4.2 of §1. From the preceding remark, the main result of
§2 is that problem (2) is not well-posed.
III,§2,1 185

1. Solutions of the Equation aU = 0 mod(1/v2) with Lagrangian

Amplitude -> 0 Defined on the Tori V [L0 , Mo)

In section 2 of §1 we chose H and defined the manifolds

W:H=0, V[L0,Mo]:H=L-Lo=M-Mo=0.
Any compact lagrangian manifold V in W is a union of characteristics K
of H (whose paramter t varies from - cc to + oo); V is thus a union of
compact closures K of such characteristics.
Properties of a characteristic K of H with compact closure K. By (2.13)
of §1, such a characteristic K stays on a torus V[L0, Mo] and is given by
the equations
K:`Y-To+).[L0,M0,t]=(D -(o+p[L0,M0,t]=0
(0o, `1'o constants)
on this torus. Recall that the coordinates of a point of V[L0, M0],

(`1', 4), t),

are defined

(mod 2n, mod 2n, mod co), where co = c[L0, Mo].

More explicitly, let R3 be given the coordinates (`Y, D, t) and let Z3 be
the additive group of triples of integers (S, q, () acting on R3 as follows:
Z3 -3 ((1, q, C): (P, 4), t) i -+ (P + 2nd, 1) + 2n7, t + c0S);
the quotient of R3 by this group Z3 is V[L0, Mo]: there exists a natural

R3 -' R3/Z3 = V[Lo, M0]. (1.2)

Given a function
F: (L,

M, t M, t].
186 III,§2,1

By the definitions (2.8) of 0 and (2.9) of N in §1,

O0[L, M, t] = 2nN[L, M];
then, by (1.3) and §1,definition (2.10) of .. and
2ndN[L, M] = AA [L, M, t] dL + A,u[L, M, t] dM;
that is,
A,,l = 2nNL, 0,u = 2nNM.

NL,, = NL[LO, MO], NMo = NM[L,, MO]

We can now describe K.
LEMMA 1.1. 1°) Assume NL° and NM° are rational:

NL° _ -L1 NMo = Ml,

N,' N,
where (L,, M, N1) E Z3, G.C.D.(L,, M1, N,) = 1 (1.6)

(that is, L,, M,, and N, are integers with greatest common divisor 1). Then
K = K is a closed curve given by the equations (1.1).
More precisely, the equations (1.1) define an open curve R (that is, a
curve homeomorphic to R) in R3. By (1.5) and (1.6), the subgroup 2 of Z3
generated by (L1, M,, N,) leaves ft invariant; we have
K=K=R/Z. (1.7)

2°) Assume that NL° and N,M° are connected by a unique affine relation
L, NL,, + M, NMO = N, (1.8)

where (L,, M,, N,) E Z3, G.C.D.(L,, M,, N,) = 1.

Then K is the 2-dimensional torus T 2 defined in V [L., M0] by the equation

L,{`P - To + 2[L0, M0, t]} + M,{0 - b0 + u[L0, M0, t]} = 0.


More precisely, equation (1.9) defines a surface R2 in R3 homeomorphic

to R2. By (1.5) and (1.8), the subgroup 22 of Z3 given by the equation

Z:LjI +M,q+N1 = 0 (1.10)

III,§2,1 187

acts on 1l2. We have

T2 = It2/22. (1.11)

In order to describe the generators of Z2, let

L2 = G.C.D.(M,, N1), M2 = G.C.D.(L1, N1),
N2 = G.C.D.(L,, M1). (1.12)

M2 and N2 divide L1i G.C.D.(M2, N2) = 1 by (1.8)3; then there exists an

integer L3 and similarly integers M3 and N3 such that
L1 = L3 M2 N2, M1 = L2 M3 N2 , Ni = L2 M2 N3. (1.13)

Z2 is generated by its three elements

(0, M2N3, -M3N2), (-L2N3, 0, L3N2), (L2M3, -L3M2, 0),

which evidently are connected by the relation

L3(0, MZN3, -M3N2) + M3(-L2N3, 0, L3N2)

+ N3(L2M3, -L3M2, 0) = 0. (1.15)

3°) Suppose there is no affine relation with integer coefficients connecting

NL° and NMO. Then K is the torus V[L0, Mo].
Proof. The subset of R3 whose natural image in V[L0, Mo] is K is
defined by the condition

C ` I ' - To +.[LO, MO, t]b - 0o + u[Lo, MO, t] E G,

2n 2rc JJ

where G is the image of Z 3 in the additive group R 2 under the morphism

Z33( b)~'(S + NLOS,fl + NM00ER2.

Then K is the natural image in V[L0, Mo] of the closed subset of R3
defined by the condition
C`I' - To +2 [Lo, M0, t] (D - .bo + 2[Lo, Mo, E
where G is the closure of G; G is a closed subgroup of R2.
Three cases occur: (1°) G is discrete, (2°) dim 6 = 1, (3°) 6 = R2.
188 III,§2,1

1°) G is discrete, that is, C = G. This is the case if and only if NL° and
NM° are rational (use the rapidity of convergence to an irrational number
of its rational approximations given by its continued fraction develop-
ment), that is, if and only if (1.6) holds. Then K = K; the elements of the
subgroup Z of Z3 leaving invariant the curve R c R3 given by the
equations (1.1) are the rl, l;) in Z3 such that

N1 = L1C, N,tl = M1 C-
By (1.6)4, N1 divides C. Thus Z is generated by (L1, M1, N1) E Z3.
2°) dim G = 1. Then G is the set of (0, t) e R2 satisfying a condition
of the form
L10 + M1t E Z, where L1, M1 E R; (1.17)

by the definition of G, G is the subgroup (1.17) of R2 if and only if (1.8) is

satisfied and G is not discrete, that is, by (1°), if and only if NL° and NM°
are connected by a unique affine relation with integer coefficients, which
is (1.8).
Assuming this hypothesis, by definition (1.16) of k and definition (1.17)
of G, K is the image under (1.2) of the manifold R2 in R3 given by equation
(1.9); obviously (1.10) defines the subgroup Z2 of Z3 that leaves A2
invariant; and (1.10) implies by (1.8)3 and (1.12) that
L2, M2, and N2 divide , ri, and t;, respectively. (1.18)

By (1.13), the three elements (1.14) are contained in Z2. On one hand,
(1.14)1 generates the subgroup of Z2 given by the equation

because G.C.D.(M2N3, M3N2) = 1 by (1.12)1, (1.13)2, and (1.13)3. Thus
G.C.D.(N3, M3) = 1, which implies that the values taken by in the
subgroup of 22 generated by the elements (1.14)2 and (1.14)3 are all the
multiples of L2. Thus, by (1.18), the three elements (1.14) of Z2 generate
3°) R2. By (1°) and (2°), G = R2 if and only if NL° and NM° are
not connected by any affine relation with integer coefficients. If G = R2,
then K is the image of R3 under (1.2); thus K = V[L0, M0].
Invariant measures on V[L0, M0]. Recall that V[L0, M0] has a measure
> 0 that is invariant under the characteristic vector K of H [(3.2) of §1] :
III,§2,1 189

tlv = dt A dO A dW.
Every measure on V [LO, M0] that is invariant under K is the product of
tlv and a function V[L0, Mo] -+ R that is invariant under K, that is,
constant on the closures k of the characteristics K of H staying on
V[Lo, Mo].
Then the following lemma is an obvious consequence of lemma 1.1.
LEMMA 1.2. 1°) Suppose that NL° and NM,, are the rational numbers (1.6).
Then the characteristics of H staying on V[L0, Mo] are the closed curves
given by the equations

K(c1, c2): `P + %[Lo, Mo, t] = c1, b + p[Lo, Mo, t] = c2;

el and c2 are constants defined mod

= L2N3, 2n -
= 2n
M2 N3,

respectively, where

L2 = G.C.D.(M1, N1), M2 = G.C.D.(L1, N1),

N3 = N1/L2M2 E Z.
The measures on V[L0, Mo] that are invariant under the characteristic
vector K of H are given by

F(`f' + )[Lo, Mo, t], cD + p[Lo, Mo, t])r)v, (1.19)

where is an arbitrary function with periods 27r(M2/N1) and 27t(L2/N,)

in the first and second arguments, respectively.
2°) Suppose that NL, and NM,, are connected by the unique affine relation
(1.8). Then the closures K of the characteristics K of H staying on
V[L0, Mo] are the tori given by the equations
T2(co): L1 {`P + ).[Lo, Mo, t] + M1 {db + p[Lo, Mo, t]} = co, (1.20)

where co is a constant defined mod 27t. The measures on V[L0, Mo] that
are invariant under the characteristic vector K of H are given by
F[L1(`P + A) + M1(b + u)]'lv, (1.21)

where F[ ] is an arbitrary function with period 2n.

3°) Suppose that there is no affine relation with integer coefficients con-
necting NL,, and NM,. Then the closure K of each characteristic K of H
190 111,§2,1-11 1,§2,2

staying on V[L0, Mo] is V[LO, Mo]. Every measure on V[L0, Mo] that is
invariant under the characteristic vector x of H is given by
const. g v . (1.22)

The following theorem is an easy consequence.

THEOREM 1. 1°) The tori V[L0, Mo] on which a lagrangian solution U of
the equation

aU = 0 mod (a is the operator associated to H)

with lagrangian amplitude >,0 may be defined are defined by the condition
(3.11), (3.12) of §1: there exist three integers
such that

Iml 1<n,
Lo = h(l + i), Mo = hm, Lo + N[LO, Mo] = hn.
2°) A necessary and sufficient condition for the solution U defined on such
a torus to be unique up to a constant factor is that the derivatives of N,

NL[LO, Mo], NM[LO, Mo],

are not connected by any affine relation with integer coefficients.
Proof. By theorem 6 of II,§3, the condition that there exist such a solu-
tion on V[LQ, Mo] is Maslov's quantum condition. The condition that it
be unique is the condition that the invariant measure nv on V[L0, Mo]
be unique (up to a constant factor). In section 3 of §1, Maslov's quantum
condition is formulated as (3.11)-(3.12). The condition that the invariant
measure be unique is given in lemma 1.2.
2. Compact Lagrangian Manifolds V, Other Than the Tori V [Lo , Mo],
on Which Solutions of the Equation a U = 0 mod( I/v2) with Lagrangian
Amplitude >,0 Exist
We shall show that such manifolds V exist only exceptionally.
The calculation of their Maslov index (lemmas 2.3 and 2.4) uses the
following properties.
III,§2,2 191

Other properties of the characteristics K of H with compact closures.

Differentiating the definition (2.10) (§1) of A and p gives

R dQ n dR + dJ n dL + dp n dM = 0,

where L, M, Q, R are functions of (L, M, t) satisfying H[L, M, Q, R] = 0;

whence, by elimination of dQ:

thus there exist three real numerical functions p, a, and r of (L, M, t),
defined when HQ * 0, such that

dA _ -
RddR + p dL + a dM,

,u = - dR + a dL + T dM.
By the expression (1.5) for A. and O,u and definition (2.6) of tin §1, these
relations imply
A,p = 21tNL1, A,a = 21tNLM, O,t = 21tNMz, (2.2)

A,[L, M, t] _ -HL[L, M, Q, R], p, _ -HM. (2.3)

Let us describe explicitly the singular part of p, a, t, and PT - a2 when

HQ = 0; by (2.1),

p = RLHL
+ L, a = RMHL + M = RLHM + AL,
T = + AM;

pt - a2 = RH [RLHLPM - RMHLPL - RLHMI.M +


+ i.L/M - MAL-
192 III,§2,2

Since H[L, M, Q, R] = 0,
When HR :j6 0, these relations make it possible to eliminate RL and RM
from the preceding expressions for p, a, T, and pr - 62; by assumption
(2.2) of §1,

HR # 0 when HQ = 0;
LEMMA 2.1. The functions
2 2

PT - a2 +
1 _
RHQ HR [Hi 12M - HLHM(uL + AM) + H2 AL]
are bounded in a neighborhood of the points where HQ = 0.
Properties of compact lagrangian manifolds V in W. V is generated by
characteristics of H with compact closure, which thus stay on tori
V[L0, Mo]; then the functions
L, M, N = N [L, M], c = c [L, M]
are defined on V.
Let V2 be the open subset of V where dL A dM 96 0 if it is not empty.
When dL A dM = 0 on V, let Vt be the open subset of V where (dL, dM)
: 0 if it is not empty t3) Then Vt and V2 are lagrangian manifolds, not
necessarily compact, that are generated by characteristics K of H with
compact closures k; they contain these closures.
When V2 and Vt do not exist, then V is one of the tori V[L0, Mo]. By
the following lemma, Vt and V2 only exist if the graph
N : (L, M) i--+ N [L, M]

contains a rectilinear segment with rational direction.

Thus the consequence of theorem 2 stated in the introduction (§2,0)
follows from this lemma.

'This notation means that dL and d.41 are not simultaneously zero. [Translator's note]
III,§2,2 193

LEMMA 2.2. 1 °) On V2, N is an aff ne function of (L, M). More precisely,

L1dL + M1dM + N1dN = 0, (2.6)

where (L1, M1, N1) E Z3, G.C.D.(L1, M1, N1) = 1.

V2 is defined in W by the datum of a function F of two variables and by the
`P + I[L, M, t] + FL[L, M] _'V + µ[L, M, t] + Fr,[L, M] = 0. (2.7)

More precisely, in the space R5 with the coordinates (L, M, `P, 'V, t),
equations (2.7) define a 3-dimensional manifold P2. By (1.5), where
NL = -L1/N1, NM = -M,/N,,
the elements q, c) of the subgroup Z of Z3 generated by (L1, M, , N,) E Z3
act on V2 as follows:

(5, n, C): (L, M, T, (D, t) i-- (L, M, `P + 2irS,'V + 2nq, t + c [L, M] S ). (2.8)

We have

V2 = V2/Z (2.9)

V2 has a measure that is invariant under the characteristic vector of H,

given by
qv = dL A dM A dt.
2°) On V1, L, M, and N are affine functions of a single variable s. More

dL -dM=dN=ds (2.10)
L1 M1 N1

where (L1, M1) 0, (L1, M1, N1) E Z3, G.C.D.(L1, M1, N1) = 1.
V, is defined in W by the datum of three functions of s-the affine functions
L and M satisfying (2.10) and F-and by the equations
L = L(s), M = M(s),
L1{`P + %[L, M, t]} + M1{dV + u[L, M, t]} + F,(s) = 0.
More precisely, equations (2.11) define a 3-dimensional manifold V1 in R5
194 III,§2,2

on which the subgroup V2 of Z3 given by equation (1.10) acts according to

(2.8). Recall that this subgroup is generated by its three elements (I.14).
We have
V,=V,/Z2. (2.12)

V, has a measure that is invariant under the characteristic vector of H,

given by
qv = (M, d'1' - L, d(D) A ds A dt.
3°) The phases of V, and VZ in the frame Ro (section 1 of §1) are given by
(pR0 =Q+L''+MD+F. (2.13)

Remark 2.1. (2.8) and (2.10) in §1 define

12 up to the addition of a function F of (L, M)

, and µ up to the addition of its derivatives FL and FM.
Given V, or V,, it is possible to choose 0 such that
in (2.7), (2.11), and (2.13).
In order to quantize V, we shall use only the following consequence of
(2.13) and the definitions (2.7) of c[L, M] and (2.9) of N in §1: choosing
F to be zero, the function

NR° - 2nNc[Lt M] - LT - MO (2.14)

is defined on V, and on V2.

Preliminary to the proof. Formula (2.11) of §1 shows that theorem 3.1 of
II,§3 applies with

1=3, h,=L, h2=M,

go=S2+LT+MO, 91 = -''-A, 9z= -(D -u,
the phase cpR, replacing the lagrangian phase.
Hence any lagrangian manifold V in W is given locally by equations of
one of the four following types:
III,§2,2 195

T +i +FL[L,M] =0+,u +F,,t=0; (2.15)1

M = f(L), `V + A + fL(L)(D + u) + FL(L) = 0; (2.15)2

the result of the permutation of (L, T), (M, 0) in (2.15)2; (2.15)3

L = const., M = const.; (2.15)4

F and f are functions of one or two variables. The phase (PR. of V is

expressed by (2.13), where F = 0 in the fourth case.
Proof of 1°). Locally, V2 is given by equations of the form (2.15)1. Hence
V2 is generated by characteristics K staying on disjoint tori V[L0, Mo].
Their closures K are disjoint and are contained in V2 ; dim V2 = 3, so that
dim K = 1.
Then by lemma 1.1 the values of NL and NM on V are rational numbers.
Thus the functions NL and NM are constant on Vand satisfy (1.6), which
expresses (2.6), whence 1°) and (2.13).

Proof of 2°). Locally, V1 is given by equations of the form (2.15)2 or

(2.15)3, that is, equations of the form
L = L(s), M = M(s),
L5(s)('Y + A) + MS(s)(G + u) + F,(s) = 0,
where (Lc, MS) -0 0. For each value of s, let T(s) be the manifold in W
given by equations (2.16): dim T(s) = 2.
Since V1 is generated by characteristics given by the equations
L = const., M = const., 'Y + A = const., 0 + µ = const.
and contains their closures, V1 contains the closures T(s) of the T(s).
Let us determine the T(s).
By expression (1.5) for i,A and D,µ and since L.,NL + M.,NM = Ns,
T(s) is the image in W of the set of ('Y, 0, t) E R3 such that
'Y + A[L, M, t] + MS 0 + p [L, M, t]
L, + 1 Fs E G(s),
2n 271 27[

where G(s) is the image of Z 3 in the additive group R under the morphism
Msrl + N5 .
196 III,§2,2

Then T(s) is the image in W of the set of ('F, (D, t) e R3 such that
LS'I' Ms(D + µ[L, M, t] + IFS
+ ..[L, M, t] + e G(s),
n 2n 2n

where G(s) is the closure of G(s) and thus a closed subgroup of R.

G(s) = R, and thus T(s) is the 3-dimensional torus V[L(s), M(s)] unless
G(s) is discrete, that is, unless there exists (L M,, N,) E Z3 such that
L' - MS _ N.
G.C.D.(L M,, N,) = 1.
L, M, N,
Since dim V, = 3, this must be the case for every s. The functions
MS/LS and NS/LS have rational values; thus they are constants. The integers
L,, M, , and N, are independent of s; and s can be chosen so as to arrive at
(2.10); thus 2°) and (2.13) hold.
Quantization of V. Let us impose Maslov's quantum condition on V. In
order to express this condition, let us calculate the Maslov index MR,, of
V2 and of V, using lemma 1 of §1.
We make F = 0 in lemma 2.2 (see remark 2.1).
LEMMA 2.3. 1 °) The functions p, a, r are defined on V2. Let R be the
one-point compactification of R. Then the function F : V2 -. $ given by
pL2 + 2aLM + TM'
L(L2-M2)(pi-a2) E $
F(L , M , t) = (2 . 17 )

is defined on V2\E", E" being the subset of V2, where

(2 . 18 )
M2 LM L2

2°) If V2\E" is connected, then

1'I' + 1 arctan F(L, M, t)

mR° = 17r the integer part of ) (2.19)

on its universal covering space.

3°) The function

M& - n - 2 c[L, M] (2 . 20)

is defined (that is, uniform) on V2.

III,§2,2 197

Remark 2.2. Assume a function

N: (L, M) i-4 N[L, M] satisfying (2.6)
is given. Choose H satisfying (2.9) of §1. If this choice is generic, then
dim E" = 1, V2\E" is connected.

Proof of 1°). Recall that (L, M, t) are local coordinates on V2. By (2.2)
and (2.6),

1 °) follows.

Proof of 2°). The apparent contour of V2. Formulas (1.11) and (1.13)
in §1 give the relation
W2 A G)3
sin E)

=Lsin`Ydb Ad`Y+L2 -M2(MdL-LdM)A(Ld`Y+Md(b)


on W. Differentiating (2.7), where F = 0, gives

d'Y + pdL+adM =dD+adL+tdM =0 moddR
on V2, from definition (2.1) of p, a, and T. By (2.6) of §1,

dR = RHQdt mod(dL,dM),
dR A w2 A w3 = G(L, M, t,'Y) dL A dM A dt (2.22)
R sin 0
where G denotes the function

G = -HQ[L(pt - a')sin`Y + pL2 L2aLM2 zM2cos'Yl,

which is regular on V2 by lemma 2.1. Then by lemma 1 of §1, the apparent

contour ER°of V2 is

198 III,§2,2

where E" is defined by (2.18) and E' is the surface in V2\E" given by the
E': tan 'P + F(L, M, t) = 0, (2.23)

where F is defined. by (2.17).

Calculation of mRa. Formulas (1.11) and (1.13) in §1 give

0CO3 A wl

= Lcos`Pd(D A d'P - Ly- 2(MdL- LdM) A (Ld'P + Md(b)


on W, from which, by the same calculations used to deduce (2.22) from


dR A (03 A wl = Gy,(L, M, t, T) dL A dM A dt. (2.25)
k -sin 0
Relations (2.22), (2.25) and lemma 1 of §1 give
mR = const. for G/Gy, < 0,
mR = 1 + const. for G/Gs, > 0
in a neighborhood of a point of E'. This result obviously holds for any
function G vanishing to first order on E', for example, the function

G = 1'P + 1 arctan F(L, M, t) mod 1.

n n

Thus, on V2\E", m,0 is expressed locally by (2.19), up to an additive

constant; 2°) follows.
Proof of 3°). First suppose that H and S2 are generic (remark 2.2). Then
V2\E" is connected and
LHL + MHM : O for HQ = 0,
which implies by lemma 2.1 that the function
f = pL 2 + 2QLM + TM 2: V2\E" - k
III,§2,2 199

is defined. By (2.19), the function

- 1 `l, - 1 arctan F is defined on V2\E"; (2.26)
n n

by the definition of F, where I M I < L from assumption (2.2) of §1, we have

F/f < 0
in a neighborhood of the points where F = 0; F = 0 is equivalent to
f = 0, so that
arctan F + arctan f is defined on V2\E"; (2.27)

we see that

arctan f + arctan f = const.; (2.28)

by lemma 2.1, 1/f = 0 is equivalent to HQ = 0 and

H f <0

in a neighborhood of the points where HQ = 0; thus

arctan + arctan H4 is defined on V2\E"; (2.29)


now, from the orientation of I'[(2.9) of §1],

arct a n HR + 27zc[Lt M] is d efine d on ['[L, M] . (2 . 30)

The formulas (2.26)-(2.30) prove 3°) for H generic; 3°) follows.

LEMMA 2.4. 1°) Define a constant No and a function r on Vl by the
L1M-M1L=No, (2.31)

T + +Mlr=dD+µ-Llr=0. (2.32)

The functions (r, s, t) are coordinates of the points of V1. A function

F : V1 - $ is defined by the formula
200 III,§2,2

_ N2
F(r, s, t) (2.33)
L(L2 - M2)(pL1 + 2aL,M, + TM;)
when V, is generic.
2°) If V, is generic (No # 0; HL2L1 + 2HLML,M, + MM2M2 0 for
HQ = 0), then

MR° = [!w + arctan F(r, s, t)] ([ ] is the integer part). (2.34)

3°) The function (2.20) is defined on V,.
Proof of 1°). Formula (2.11)2, where F = 0 (remark 2.1), justifies the
definition (2.32) of r. By (2.2) and (2.10),

A,(pL2 + 2oL,M, + TM2) = 2n[L1NL2 + 2L,M,NLM + M2 NM2]

= 2n ds2 = 0.

Proof of 2°). The apparent contour of V1. Differentiating (2.32) gives

d'P+(pL1 +aM,)ds+M,dr=dI +(aL, +TM,)ds-L,dr
= 0 mod dR
by (2.10) and definition (2.1) of p, a, T. Whence by (2.21)
dR A w2 A cu3 = G(s, t, 'P)ds A dr n dt, (2.35)
G(s,t,'F) = HQ[L(pL2 + 2aL,M, + TM1)sin'P + L2 N0M2cos'If

since dR = mod(dL, dM), that is, modds. By 1°) and lemma 2.1,
the function G: V, - $ is defined and regular on V, Thus, by lemma I of
§1, the apparent contour ER° of V, is given by the equation
ER,,: tan 'P + F(r, s, t) = 0.
Calculation of mR°. The same calculation used to deduce (2.35) from
(2.21) enables us to deduce the formula
dR A (a3 A 0), = Gyi(s, t,'P)ds A dr n dt
R sin 0
III,§2,2 201

from (2.24). Applying lemma 1 of §1 as is done in lemma 2.4, it follows that

mR° can be expressed by (2.34).
Proof of 3°). Suppose that V1 is generic. By (2.34),

- 1'f, - 1 arctan F(r, s, t) is defined on V1. (2.36)

mR° n it

From (2.33), where I M I < L by assumption (2.2) of §1, and from lemma 2.1,
F = 0 is equivalent to H. = 0, and

FHR < 0

in a neighborhood of the points of V1 where H. = 0; thus

arctan F + arctan HQ is defined on V1. (2.37)


Formulas (2.30), (2.36), and (2.37) prove that the function (2.20) is defined
on generic V1, hence on every V1.
LEMMA Z.S. 1°) VZ satisfies Maslov's quantum condition if and only if, on
Vz, the functions L, M, and N are connected by a relation

L1CL-2+M1M+Nl(N+21 =f+N0, (2.38)

L1, MI, N1, No E Z, N1 : 0, G.C.D.(L1, M1, N1) = 1. (2.39)

2°) V1 satisfies Maslov's quantum condition if and only if, on V1, the
functions L, M, and N are connected by the three relations

(L1, M1, N1) A L - 2, M, N + = h(Lo, Mo, No), (2.40)

\ 62I

where A denotes the vector product in E3 and

L1,M1,N1,Lo,MO,NoEZ, Li + MI :g 0,
G.C.D.(L1i M1, N1) = 1, LoLI + MOM1 + NON1 = 0.
Thus only two of the three relations (2.40) are independent.
202 III,§2,2

Preliminary to the proof. A manifold V satisfies Maslov's quantum con-

dition (II,§2, definition 6.2) if and only if the function

21 (PR - 4 mR is defined mod 1 on V.


Then by (2.14) and (2.20), V, or V2 satisfies this condition if and only if

the function
L 1 `F M0 (N j )-t (2.42)
h +2) 2n+ h2n+(h +2 c[L,M]
is defined mod 1 on V, or V2.

Proof of 1°). By lemma 2.2,1°) the function (2.42) is defined on V2i

V2 = V2/2, where Z is generated by
(L1, M1, N1)
and acts on V2 according to (2.8). Thus Maslov's quantum condition is

( +2)L, +M, + +')N, EZ;

whence 11°). \
Proof of 2°). By lemma 2.2,2°) the function (2.42) is defined on V,
V, = P, /22, where 22 is generated by
(0, M2N3, -M3N2), (-L2N3, 0, L3N2), (L2M3, -L3M2, 0),
L2, ... , N3 being defined by (1.12) and (1.13), and Z2 acts on V, according
to (2.8). Thus Maslov's quantum condition is
M2 N3 - (iNNi + 2) M3 N2 E Z,

-(L +2)L2N3+(N+2)L3N2GZ,
( + )L2M3 - L3M2 E z.

By (1.13), this quantum condition is equivalent to the condition (2.40)-

(2.41) supplemented by the following one: Lo, M0, and No are multiples of
L2, M2, and N2, respectively. Now
III,§2,2 203

L2 = G.C.D.(M,, N,), ... ;

thus this last condition is a result of (2.41); 2°) follows.
THEOREM 2. Assume that the lagrangian equation
aU = 0 mod (a the operator associated to H)

has a solution U that has a lagrangian amplitude > 0 and is defined mod (1/v)
on some compact lagrangian manifold V other than the tori V[L0, Mo]
studied in theorem 1; then the graph of the function
N: (L, M) -- N[L, M] [see III,§1,(2.9)]

contains a rectilinear segment given by a pliickerian equation

(LI, MI, N,) A (L - h, M, N + Z I = h(Lo, M0, NO) (2.40)

such that

L1, M1, N1, Lo, Mo, No E Z, Li + M1 36

G.C.D.(L1, Ml, N1) = 1, LOLL + MOM, + NON1 = 0.
COROLLARY. The condition

is necessary and sufficient for there to exist such a segment in a planar
domain belonging to the graph of N and satisfying an equation

L;(L-2) +M,M+Nf(N+hl=hNo, (2.43)


E,, Mi, Ni E Z, L' 1 + 1 0 0,


G.C.D.(L'I, M,, Ni) = 1, No a R.
Remark 2.3. This corollary makes it easier to apply the theorem (see
section 3).
Proof of the theorem. By II,§3,theorem 6, V must satisfy Maslov's quan-
tum condition. Since V is not one of the tori V[L0, Mo], V must contain
204 III,§2,2-III,§2,3

a lagrangian manifold V2 or V1 satisfying this quantum condition. Then

by lemma 2.5 the graph of the function N contains
either a rectilinear segment with the equations (2.40)-(2.41) or
a planar domain with the- equation (2.38)-(2.39) and hence such a

Proof of the corollary. The condition No E Z evidently emplies that such

a segment exists. Conversely, assume that in the space R3 with coordinates
(L, M, N), the plane with the equations (2.43)-(2.44) contains a line with
the equations (2.40)-(2.41). This assumption is expressed by the four

L1L'1 + M1Mi + N1Ni = 0,

N0 =
MiNo - NiMo = Nj'L0 - LiNo = LIMO - MiL0
L1 M, N1

(two of the last three result from the other two). These relations imply
NaEZsince G.C.D.(L1,M1,N1)= 1.
3. Example: The Schrodinger-Klein-Gordon Operator
Let us choose a to be the operator associated to the hamiltonian H defined
by (4.6) of §1, where A is assumed to be an affine function of M, B and C are
assumed to be constant, and B > 0.
In §1, we studied the system
aU = (aL: - L')U = (am= - M0)U = 0 mod Z

and recovered the classical energy levels. In studying the single equation

aU = 0 mod Z V

we shall find again the same condition for existence, thus the same classical
energy levels.

THEOREM 3.1. The lagrangian equation

aU = 0 modv1 (3.1)
III,§2,3 205

has a solution U with lagrangian amplitude >,O defined mod(1/v) on a

compact manifold V if and only if there exists a triple of integers (1, m, n)
satisfying condition (4.11) of §l,theorem 4.1.

Remark 3. Under this condition, neither the unicity of V nor the unicity
of U up to a constant factor is assured.
Proof. Under condition (4.11) of §1, the existence of such a solution of
(3.1) is assured by theorem I and also by theorem 4.1 of §1.
By theorem 1, there exists such a solution of (3.1) defined on a torus
V[L0, MO] only if this condition is assumed.
By theorem 2 and formula (4.8) of §1, which gives the value of the func-
tion N as

N[L, M]
.11/1 M
- + C,

the existence of such a solution on a manifold V other than a torus

V[L0, Mo] requires that the graph of N contains a line segment. Thus it
requires that one of the three following cases occur.
First case: A(M) = Aa is independent of M; C = 0.
Then by (3.2) the graph of N is the plane with the equation

L+N= B

Theorem 2 and its corollary require the existence of an integer n such that

Then condition (4.11) of §1,theorem 4.1 is satisfied since it is independent

of I for C = 0 and independent of m for A(M) independent of M.
Second case: C = 0; A depends on M.
By (3.2), the only lines contained in the graph of N are given by the

M = Mo, N + L = Ao, where MO = const., Ao = A(M0). (3.3)

Their pluckerian equations are then

206 III,§2,3

(1,0,-1) A (L-2,M,N+21=(MO,-
A ,1l'10).
Theorem 2 requires the existence of integers m and n such that

MO = Aim,
$ f= hn. (3.4)

From (3.3) and (3.4) it follows that

n > I m I because N > 0 and L > I MI by assumption [see (2.2) of §1].
Thus condition (4.11) of §1 is satisfied.
Third case: A = Ao is independent of M; C 0 0.
By (3.2), the only lines contained in the graph of N are given by the

L=Lo, N= -v'Lo+C,
where Lo = const., Lo + C > 0.
Their pliickerian equations are
/ "[LO
(0,1,0)A(L-2,M,N+2 =I = C+2,0,2-Lol.
\ // `f o
Theorem 2 requires the existence of integers 1 and n such that

0 < 1 because 0 < Lo; I < n because N > 0 by assumption.

Thus condition (4.11) of §1 is satisfied.
THEOREM 3.2. Choose a to be the Klein-Gordon operator (4.22) of §1. Sup-
pose the magnetic, field .$ 0 0. Then the tori T(l, m, n) defined by (4.12) of
§1 are the only compact manifolds on which there exists a lagrangian solution
U of the equation

a U = 0 mod i

with lagrangian amplitude >,0.

III,§2,3-III,§3,1 207

Proof. The proof of theorem 3.1 shows that the necessary condition
stated in theorem 2 can not be satisfied when a is the Klein-Gordon
operator (C 0 0) and ' 0 (A depends on M).

We do not pursue this difficult study of the equation aU = 0 mod(1/v2).

In particular, we do not describe the lagrangian manifolds other than the
tori T(l, m, n) on which there exist solutions of the Klein-Gordon equation
when .f = 0 or solutions of the Schrodinger equation.

§3. The Lagrangian System

aU = (am - const.) U = (aL - const.) U = 0
When a Is the Schrodinger-Klein-Gordon Operator

0. Introduction
In §3, we study the lagrangian system that was solved mod(l/v2) in §1.
In section 1, we determine the condition under which theorem 7.2 of II,
§3 applies.
In sections 2, 3, and 4, we apply this theorem under assumptions that
become more and more strict. These assumptions finally amount to the
assumption that a is the Schrodinger-Klein-Gordon operator. Existence
theorem 4.1 is finally obtained.
Remark 0. A Voros orally pointed out that these properties of the
Schrodinger and Klein-Gordon equations extend to the case where the
electric potential is any positive-valued function of the variable R, if the
energy level E is not constrained to be a real number, and if it can be taken
to be any formal number with vanishing phase.
1. Commutivity of the Operators a, aL2, and am Associated to the
Hamiltonians H (§1, Section 2), L2, and M (§1, Section 1)
We want to determine when theorem 7.2 of II,§3 applies to these operators,
that is, when they commute.
LEMMA 1. 10) am and a (thus, in particular, am and aL=) commute.
2°) aL, and a commute if and only if
HM2Q = HM2R = 0 YL, M, Q, R. (1.1)
208 III,§3,1

Proof. Let a and a' be the lagrangian operators associated to two hamil-
tonians H and H'. By formula (1.1) of II,§2, their commutator
a 0 a' - a'oa
is associated to the formal function given by

-2 r
1 1

(2r + 1)! (2V) 2r+1

XxpX'ap H(x, p)H'(x', P')
P =P

Suppose H and H' are in involution, which is the case for H(§1,2), L2, and
M(§1,1) by (1.3) of §1. Then the first term of (1.2) is zero. If H' is a poly-
nomial of degree 2 in (x', p'), then all of the other terms evidently are zero;
thus a and a' commute and part 1 of the lemma follows. Suppose that
H' is a polynomial that is homogeneous of degree 4 in (x', p'). Then by
(1.2), a o a' - a' o a is associated to H"/v3 where H" is the hamiltonian
given by

H(x, p)H'(x', p')

H"(x, p) 24 (ax /-)' x /-)]
Two applications of Taylor's formula show that the term of H'(x' + y,
p' + q) that is homogeneous of degree 1 in (x', p') and degree 3 in (y, q) is

6 [(q, aP / + \Y, ax
)] 3H (x', P') _ [('aq) + (X ay)] H'(y, q);
thus, if H' is homogeneous of degree 2 in each of its two variables, then

H"(x, p) = 4 [(p' HP (ap' ax)> - \x' Hz, (ap' ax)!] H(x, p).
In particular, if H' = L2, that is, H'(x', p') = Ix' A p'I2, then

H"(x, p)
1 /
=2PA --+XA
a a a
a \ H(x, P). (1.3)
P Ox ' a P ax/J

In this formula, for each j the pair of operators

r p n ca + x A z) and Op n commutes.
P ; z)
III,§3,1 209

The operator

Cpna +xn x

is an infinitesimal rotation acting on x and p; thus it annihilates L, Q, and

R. Obviously,.

Cp A a + X A Xl M(X, P) = x3P - P3x.

P f
Suppose H is a composition with L, M, Q, and R [§1,(2.1)]. Then (1.3)

H "(x, p) = 2 (a A X, HMX3P - HMP3X )


X2 X3 X1 X2 X3

X F = P1 P2 P3 , YF = P1 P2 P3

F,, FX2 FT, Fp,

Fp2 Fp3

for any function F of (x, p). The preceding expression for H" may be
12 aax9/HM 1 0
H"(x, p) =
3 - 2a P3

Now, the linear differential operators I and Y evidently annihilate P2, Q,

and R 2, hence L2, by (1.2) of §1; moreover,
-M = -l-L2 9M 1aL2
219X3 2 eP3
Thus, letting !2F denote the functional determinant
aL2 of aL2 of
1F ax3,

ax3 OP3 aP3

the expression for H" becomes

H"(x, p) = 4'!HM2
210 III,§3,1-III,§3,2

Now, the linear differential operator .9 evidently annihilates L and M;


z9Q=P2x3-R2P3 and R -9R = Qxj - R2P3x3;

thus the preceding expression for H" becomes

i z 2
H"(x, p) = i (P2HM2Q + R HM2R) x3 - R HM2RP3x3 - 2R HM2QP3

By §1.1, p3/x3 is independent of (L, M, Q, R). Thus the condition

H"(x, p) = 0 Vx, p

is equivalent to (1.1), which proves part 2 of the lemma.

2. Case of an Operator a Commuting with aL2 and am
Suppose (1.1) holds. Lemma 1 proves that theorem 7.2 of II,§3 applies to
the lagrangian system

aU = (aL2 - cL)U = (am - cM)U = 0 mod 1 2, r


where cL and cm are two formal numbers with vanishing phase such that

CL -Lo=cM-M°=Omod v2. (2.2)

The lagrangian operators aL2 and am have the following expressions ail
and am' in R° by I,§1,3 and the formula

1 O0x, a
ap)] L
(x, p) = C1 +


.(p2R2 - Q2)
a a 1

+ 8v2

=PZRZ - QZ - 2Q- 2v2



aL2(v' x' vex v (A0 2,J (2.3)

III,§3,2 211

where (4)

=R2A->xx- aXi OXk
-2zx. axek
j, k i
is the spherical laplacian (2.24), which acts on the restrictions of functions
to spheres R = const.;
aM (V, =
x, v8X ) V xl aX2 - x2aX

which is an infinitesimal rotation.

Let us require that the unknown U be defined mod(1/vr+') on a compact
lagrangian manifold V. By theorem 3 of §1,
i. V is necessarily one of the tori
V = V[L0, M0] = T(l, m, n); H = L2 - L2 = M - M0 = 0,
which part 1) of this theorem defines.
ii. The lagrangian amplitude /30 of U is necessarily constant.
If (30 = 0, (2.1), reduces to (2.1)r_1: hence we impose the condition
J30 = const.: 0. (2.5)

The problem defined by the system (2.1),, condition (2.5), and the
condition that V be compact will be called problem (2.1),.
Notation. The invariant measure is given by (3.16) of theorem 3 of §1;
d3x by (1.16) and (3.6) of §1; arg d3x = nmRO by definition [(3.4) of I,§3];
MR. is given by (3.5) of §1; arg rl, = 0 by definition; hence the value of the
function x, defined and used in II,§3, and the value of its argument are,

x= = [R3HQ[LOi M0, Q, R] sin 'Psin ®]-', where O = const.;
arg x = - arg HQ - arg sin T,
where arg H. = -n[(1/n) arctan(HQ/HR)], arg sin 'P = n['P/n].
(Recall that [ ] is the integer part.)
The apparent contour of V is

'As usual: 0 = Ej(a/ax;)Z.

212 III,§3,2

ER°: HQ sin `I' = 0; thus X: V\ERO - R. (2.7)

Let U be a lagrangian function on V with lagrangian amplitude

f30 = const.: 0.
Its expression in Ro will be denoted

UR0 (v) = fZ-#(v)e"R-, where fl(v) _ Y . 2.8)

By the structure theorem 2.2 and definition 3.2 of lagrangian functions in

II,§2, the function
X-3,135: V C

is regular even on ERO

Let Dt,, DL, and DM be operators such that

LaU]RO = V A e"-PR, DHl3,


L(ae - Lo) U]R" =

DH, DL, and DM commute since a, a,!, and am commute.

Let us use the local coordinates (R, `P, (D) on V\ERO.

LEMMA 2.1. 1°) With this choice of coordinates,

DM = a(D.

2°) If U is a solution of the equation

(am - cM)U = 0 mod r1 2, (2.11)


where cm is a formal number with vanishing phase such that

cm = MO modhv,
III,§3,2 213


cm = M. mod r+21

$ depends, mod(1/v'+'), only on the coordinates (R, `I').

Proof of 1°). Let us calculate DM by using theorem 4 of II,§3: in this
theorem, the hamiltonian M - Mo is substituted for H. By (3.18) of §1, the
characteristics of this hamiltonian are given by the equations
dt=dT=0;that is,dR=dP=0.
The parameter of these characteristics is b, which is substituted for tin this
theorem. We obtain (2.10).
Proof of 2°).For r = 0, 2°) is obvious. Proceeding by induction on r, we
can assume 2°) is true when r is replaced by r - 1. Then

cM=Mo+Mr+1 M,+1 C.

By (2.9) and (2.10), (2.11) is equivalent to

M,+i f o ,where J3o = const.: 0.

Now, fi, is a function of (D having period 27r; thus

M,+1 =0, 00& =0,

from which 2°) follows.
Notation. From now on, we assume that (i depends only on the variables
(R, `I'). By (2.10), DH and DR° commute with a/a(D and thus act on functions
LEMMA 2.2. 1°) In the local coordinates (R, `P, (D),

DL $ = 2L o d-r ra _ F11 _s X (2 . 12)

d`If aT v J 4v

where T is the v ariable

T = cot F
214 III,§3,2

and F is the operator with polynomial coefficients given by

FQ = F, /i + [F2

F, and F2 being the polynomials in T given by

5M2x2 Z LO +M0 Mo2) F-2 (T = (MO T2+ LO)(T2 +1).
F1 (z)
8Lo(Lo - ) 2Lo(L2O - M02)

2°) Let U be a lagrangian function that is defined on the torus Y [LO, M0],
has a lagrangian amplitude Qo j6 0, and is a solution of the system

(aL2 - cL) U = (am - MO) U = 0 mod, (2.13)

where CL is a formal number, with vanishing phase, such that

cL = L p mod V2'

Let E be the set of points on the curve F[LO, M0] [(2.5) of §1], where

cL = Lo - 4v2 mod v,+2 (2.14)


fl(v, R, `F) = g(v, R)f(v, T) mod vr+j,


g being some formal function with vanishing phase defined on

I'[L0, M0]\E
and f being defined as follows.
3°) There exists a unique formal function f defined on R, of the form

f (v, T) _ sf, (T), where r e


such that
III,§3,2 215

df = 1 Ff' (2.17)
dT V

fo = 1, fs is a real polynomial in z, of degree 3s, having the parity of s,



= 1 + vF2(IdT - fd } (2.19)

[I is the complex conjugate off ; (2.19) expresses f2s using f1, 1 f2s-11 .
Any solution of (2.17) mod(l/v') is, mod(1/v'), the product of f and a
formal number with vanishing phase.
Remark 2. Let U' be the formal function of x that is homogeneous of
degree 0, is defined for
M0R < L0'/xi + x2,
and is given by

Uvx= f(v ) ev(LOT+Mom) (2.20)

(' ) \/sinq '

U' satisfies

(Xi-a 0U' = R2 (Lo + 4v2) U'.

V 2 - x2 as )U


Proof of 1 °). Let us calculate DL using theorem 4 of II,§3 : in this theorem

the hamiltonian L2 - Lo is substituted for H. By (3.17) of §1, the charac-
teristics of this hamiltonian are given by the equations
dt = dD = 0; that is, dR = dQ> = 0.
The parameter of these characteristics is `Y/2Lo, which is substituted for t
in this theorem. The right-hand side of formula (4.5)2 in this theorem has to
be replaced by

1/a a\l 2 r 1 /a a\ 1/a a\2l
ax' ap/ J L (x' P) = Ll + 2 x' ap + 8 ax ap/ J

216 III,§3,2

This theorem gives

DLL = 2Lo a# + 1 [x_1/2A0x1/2) - 2 fl], (2.22)

where A° is defined by (2.4) in terms of the coordinates (x1, x2, x3).

By (1.5) and (1.12) of §1, we have

R a
= x a
J=1 'axJ
; thus R2 a22
= 2: XJxk

using the coordinates (R, T, (D) in the left-hand sides and the coordinates
(x1i x2, x3) in the right-hand sides. Then definition (2.4) of 0° is formulated

0 R2A-R2 2R-a. (2.24)

° Mk' oR

Now, formulas (1.5) and (1.12) of §1 give

R = - sin O cos `P, where cos O = MO by §1, (1.11);


hence, on V,
Cot 2 O
)= +
KRX, '1' J = 0, R2 `
\T W
, 1
/ `P '

R20'P = cot (1 - cot201

The expression for R 2 t acting on functions of (R, `P) follows. Substituted
into (2.24), it gives
Cot 2 0) 2

0° = C1 + T a.j + cot `P1 - sm2 P) (2.25)

on these functions; hence, from (2.6),

X-112Ao(NX112) = ,/sin `P Do (1V

I sT.
-2L°dTFfl + a13, (2.26)

by a trivial calculation. Thus (2.12) follows from (2.22).

III,§3,2 217

Proof of 2°). By lemma 2.1, /3 locally depends only on the variables

(R, `P). By this lemma and (2.12), fi° depends only on R; by (2.5), )3o is not
identically zero.
For r = 0, 2°) is evident. Proceeding by induction on r, we can assume
that P°, ... , Pr_, are polynomials in r whose coefficients are functions of
R and that 2°) is true when r is replaced by r - 1. Then
5 2L v0Lr+1 modv,l 2,
CL L°2 where L,+1 E C;
4v2 +
thus equation (2.13)1 may be written

Vc# + 4i,2 - 2Lr+1r+1 1 33 = 0 mode,+2

By the induction hypothesis, this equation holds mod(1/v'+ 1); thus, by

(2.12), it may be written
duir = (Fflr_ ) dT + L,+ 1 fo dT for R = const.
Then, since F is an operator with polynomial coefficients, fl, is the sum of
a polynomial in T = cot W and the function Lr+ 11 P, where f o # 0. But
13r is a function of IF with period 21r. Hence

Lr+ 1 = 0, Fir is a polynomial in T;

thus (2.27) may be written

df3 = (FfJ) A mod v,l for R = const.


If 3°) isv true, (2.15) follows.

Proof of 3°). The condition that (2.16) satisfy (2.17) mod(1/v') may be

fo = const., df, = Ff,-1 for s = 1, ... , r - 1.


Thus f, is a polynomial of degree 3s in r containing an arbitrary constant

of integration. Then f is well defined up to multiplication by a formal
number with vanishing phase.
Let us choose the constants of integration to be real. Then the f, are real.
218 III,§3,2

There exists a unique choice of the constants of integration of the f 2,- 1

such that the f, have the parity of r.
Proof of (2.19). Let f be the complex conjugate off. Since v is purely
imaginary and F is real, (2.17) implies

dT v
FI, dT
(f) = v (IFf - fFf
that is, by the definition of F,

d(ff)= (F2L) - fdlll.

1[WdT F2Cf4I

dT v dT dT AdCF2df
dT v dT dT JJ


if -

T- f df
dT = SseN
, where co = 1,

that is, since the f, are real, for all s e N

c2s+1 = 0,
2s 2s-1 d
Z 2F2 Y (-1)sf,'dTf2s-1-s' + C2,
s =o ,'=o
If s > 0, this formula expresses f2s using f1, ... , f2s-1 and c2s, which is
cancelled by an appropriate choice of the constant of integration of f2,.
Proof of (2.21)2. By (2.12) and (2.17),

DJ 4vf'

that is, by the definition (2.9) of DL,

[a2(vx, - L+ 1(f fe^) 0

or, bythe expression (2.3) for at= and the expression (2,6) for x, since Do acts
on the restrictions of functions to spheres R = const. and since cpR can be
expressed by (3.4) of §1, where Q only depends on R,

Do - Lo - 4v2} U'(v, x) = 0
III,§3,2 219

where U' is defined by (2.20); U' is homogeneous of degree 0 in x; (2.21)2

follows from this by the definition (2.24) of A0.

Proof of (2.21)1. From the definition (2.16) off and the expression (2.10)
for DM it follows that

DMf = 0,
or, by the definition (2.8)-(2.9) of DM,
(a+ - Mo)(f = 0.
In the beginning of section 2, we obtained

+ -1( xl x2 - X2 -8x° J
/ 1

Thus a;, annihilates functions of the single variable R. Then by the

expression (2.6) for X and the expression (3.4) of §1 for (PR., the preceding
relation is equivalent to (2.21)1.
LEMMA 2.3. There exists an operator D, acting on formal functions g
defined on ['[LO, Mo]\E, such that

DH[f(v, `P)g(v, R)] _ .f (v, `V)Dg(v, R). (2.28)


D.' R, d
D= , (2.29)
.N y` M
where DS(R, d/dR) is a differential operator defined on ['[L0, M0]\E and

Do = RHQ (2.30)

Proof. Since DH commutes with DL, which is expressed by (2.12),

Fl DH [ f (v,'I')g(v, R)]
d'I' Ca V

= DH
d`I' O-T
- 1 F .f (v, `')g(v, R)0.

Thus by lemma 2.2,3°), DH[ fg] is multiplication of f by a formal function,

which is defined on ['[L0, M0]\E and denoted Dg.
220 111,§3, 2

Theorem 4 of II,§3 proves that D has the form

DH = DH,., (R,
sGN vS T, 8R , 8`I')
where DH S is a differential operator. It follows that D has the form (2.29).
Since the characteristics of H satisfy (2.14) of §1, the same theorem proves
D1(fg)dt = d(fg) mod I for dR = RHQdt, dP = HLdt.


f=1mod!; V


DNg = RHQ dR mode .

This relation is equivalent to (2.30).

THEOREM 2. 10) Problem (2.1)r, defined at the beginning of section 2, is
solvable if and only if

CL =Lo -4v2,
cm =Mo.

2°) Problem (2.1), is equivalent to problem (2.31)r, which is stated as

follows: To define a formal function mod(1/vr+1) on F[Lo, Mo]\E,
g(v) _ gs, where go = 1, gs: F[Lo, Mo]\E -+ C,

such that

Dg = 0 mod(1/vr+'),

(HQ)3rg is regular, mod(1/vr+1), on F[Lo, Mo].
Any formal function satisfying condition (2.31)r is, mod(1/vr+l), the product
of g and a formal number with vanishing phase.
The condition that g be a solution to (2.31)r evidently is equivalent to the
following :
III,§3,2-III,§3,3 221

g is a solution of problem (2.3

RHQdg,/dR + E;=1 D,g,-, = 0 on r[L0, M0]\E, (2.32),

(HQ)3rg, is regular on r[Lo, M0].
On r[L0, M0]\E, define the formal function
U"(v) = /R3HQ,

where S2 is defined by (2.8) of §1. Define U' by remark 2 and lemma 2.2. Then
U'(v)U"(v) is the expression URo of a solution U of problem (2.1)r. Every
solution of the system (2.1), defined on V[LO, M0] is, mod(1/vr+l), the
product of that solution and a formal number.
3°) Suppose that g is a solution of problem (2.31)r_1. Then there exists a
function gr: r[L0, MO] \i -* C satisfying (2.32) where r is replaced by
its universal covering space 1'". The function g, is defined up to an additive
constant; moreover, gr is defined on F[L0, Mo]\E if and only if the equivalent
problems (2.1), and (2.31), are solvable.

Proof of 1°). Use lemmas 2.1,2°) and 2.2,2°).

Proof of 2°). Use (2.6), (2.8), lemmas 2.1,2°), 2.2,2°), and 2.3, and theo-
rems 5 and 7.2 of II,§3.
Proof of 3°). Use the above theorems.
3. A Special Case
In order to supplement theorem 2, choose

H[L, M, Q, R] = 2 {P2 K[R, M] 5


2RZ {L2 + Q2 - K [R, M] }

as in §1,4, and choose K to be an affine function of M. Then condition (1.1)
is satisfied. By (4.5) of §1, the expression in Ro of the operator associated to

a 2v2A - 2RZKLR,v(x18x- x2i?x)j. (3.2)

\\ 2 1
222 III,§3,3

Lo + Q2 - K[R, Mo] = 0 on the curve I,[L0, Mo]. (3.3)

E is the set of points on this curve where Q = 0.

LEMMA 3. We have

D R [dR V G]
where G acts on functions
g:11[Lo, Mo]\E -+ C
and is given by

G1 and G2 being functions defined on I'[L0, Mo]\E given by

Gl(R, Q) = GQR), G2(R, Q) _ -2 Q , (3.6)


G3(R) = 32R(KR)2 + g(K - L2)(KR + RKR2).

Proof. The operator D may be described as follows with the aid of II,§3,
theorem 4: in formula (4.5) of this theorem, s = 2 and

2 ox ' ap
P) = [ 2
= 2 P2; (3.7)
L eap
the equations (2.14) of §1 giving the characteristics imply that

dR = dt, d'1' = L0 dt;

then, by the definition (2.9) of D11, when /3 only depends on the coordinates
(R, Yf) of V, this theorem gives

DH/3dt = d/3 + -1 X-1r2A(fX112)dt

I1I,§3,3 223

for dt, dR, and d`' satisfying (3.8); in other words,

__ /3 Q / _LO 2vX '120(QX'n

By (2.6)

x = [QR sin IF sin O] O = const.;

therefore, by the definition (2.24) of Do, which acts on the restrictions
of functions to spheres R = const.,

X 112 0(flX112)
= RZ sin A.
is-in -IF

+ R(8RZ

Replacing Do by its expression (2.26) and substituting the result into

(3.9) yields
DH l - QoQ
R OR + QR (8R2
2v +R 2
8 Q

+R d'Y 8r
1 )1 2

)(v, R,'1') = f(v,'Y)g(v, R),

where f is the formal function of 'Y defined by lemma 2.2 and g is a formal
function defined on I'[L0, Mo]\E. In accordance with lemma 2.3, we

DH(fg) = fDg

Dg _
_ Q 9 QR) + 8v QR1.
R IdR + 2v IQ (RZdRZ + 2R dR/ (
By a trivial calculation, we deduce the expression (3.4) for D, with G
expressed by (3.5) and G1 and G2 given by

_1d RdQ 1R dQz GZ
4 dR [QZ dR + 8 Q3 (dR) 2Q
224 III,§3,3

Now by the equation (3.3) for F[Lo, Mo],

Q2 = K[R, Mo] - Lo
hence the expression (3.6) for G, follows.

The preceding lemma permits a statement of the properties of problem

(2.3) to which problem (2.1), has been reduced by theorem 2.
Definition 3. A function g: F[L0, Mo]\E - C is said to be even or odd

9(Q, R) = ±g(-Q, R) V(± Q, R) E I'[Lo, Mo]\E.

THEOREM 3.1. (Complement to theorem 2) Assume (3.1).
1°) If problem (2.31), has a solution g such that go = 1, then it has a
unique solution such that

go = 1, gs is real and has the parity of s (s < r),


99 = 1 - I
R (9 dg
do) mod 1

Formula (3.10) means that, for 2 < 2s < r,
2s R 2s-1 d
(-1)5925 s95 = Q S'o(-1)sg,'dR92s-1-5; (3.11)
thus it expresses 92, using g1, ... , 92,-1
2°) If problem (2.31)2,_, has a solution, then problem (2.31)2, has a

Remark 3. The formal function U" defined on F[Lo, Mo]\E by theorem

2,2°) is evidently given by

U"(v) = g e °o . ( 3 . 12)

It satisfies

0 U"(v R) = R Z { K [R Mo] - Lo - 4v2 U (v, R), (3.13)

where A is the laplacian, specifically (d 2 /dR 2) + (2/R)(d/dR).

III,§3,3 225

Proof of 1°). Assume that 1°) has been proved when r - 1 is substituted
for r and that problem (2.3)r is solvable. Then, by theorem 2,2°) and
lemma 3, gr is defined up to a constant of integration by the conditions
= Ggr_1 on F[L0, Mo]\E, Q3rgr is regular on F[L0, M0].


Now, G changes parity. If r is odd, then a convenient choice of the constant

of integration makes gr real and odd. If r = 2s is even, then 92, is even and
can be chosen to be real.
We have
dg _ modvrl1,
dR 1

By a trivial calculation analogous to the proof of (2.19), we deduce (3.10),

up to the addition of a formal number E,(c,/v`), which is canceled by
conveniently choosing the constants of integration of the g2,-
Proof of 2°). Assume that r = 2s is even and that problem (2.31)2s_1
is solvable. By theorem 2,3°), problem (3.14)2s has a solution g2s when t
is replaced by its universal covering space t. The proof of (3.11) remains
valid; (3.11) proves that 92s is defined on F[L0, Mo]\E; thus 92., is a
solution of problem (3.14)2..
Proof of remark 3. By the expression (3.2) for a and theorem 2,2°),

{v2A RZK[R'v xzax

) ][U(v,x)U (vex)] 0,
z 1

where U' is homogeneous in x of degree 0 and U" only depends on R.

This implies
A(U'. U") = U'- AU" + U" - AU' ;
hence (3.13) follows by (2.12)2.

Notation.Let [R 1, R21 c R c C be the set of values taken by R on

F[L0, Mo]\E. Let o. be a simply connected neighborhood of the real
closed segment [R 1, R21 in the complex plane C; R E C.
THEOREM 3.2. Assume that K is holomorphic in co. Then Q, defined by
(3.3), is holomorphic in (t)\[R1, R21.
226 III,§3,3-III,§3,4

1°) If problem (2.31)25 has a solution g, then, for all r _< 2s,

Q3i94, R) = (-Q)3'g.(-Q, R)
is the value of a junction of R that is holomorphic in w. In particular, 92,
is a function of R that is meromorphic in w, with poles R1 and R2.
2°) Problem (2.31)25+1 is solvable [and thus problem (2.31)25+2 also]
if and only if the primitive of (Gg2i)dR is defined (that is, uniform) in
w\[R1, R2].
Proof. Suppose 1°) is true. [1°) is evident for s = 0]. Then, by (3.14),
the function g25+1: I'[L0, Mo]\t - C is obviously the restriction of the
primitive of (Gg2s)dR to the edges of the cut [R1, R2] in C, which is
defined on the universal covering space of w\[R1, R2]. Obviously, 925+1
is defined on I'[L0, Mo]\E if and only if this primitive is defined on
w\[R1, R2)
Assume that this condition is satisfied.
With a convenient choice of the constant of integration, this primitive
925+1 is an odd meromorphic function of Q in a neighborhood of R1
and R2. Like Q, it takes opposite values on the edges of the cut [RI, R2].
For R near R1 or R2i Q is near 0 and g25 is an even function of Q having
a pole of order 6s at Q = 0. From (3.3), (3.5), (3.6), and (3.14),

ddQ 1 = dQ G925 = 2-93-n 925 la - 4dQ[ RKR

Q ddQ2s
, where KR 0.

Thus g25+1 is locally an odd function of Q having a pole of order 3(2s + 1)

at Q = 0.
Consequently Q3c2s+ng25+1 is holomorphic in w.

g25+2 is defined by (3.11). Then Q3(2,+2 '92,+2 is holomorphic in a).

Consequently 1°) holds when s is replaced by s + 1.
4. The SchrSdinger-Klein-Gordon Case
In order to establish, for any r, the solvability of problem (2.1) which
we have reduced to problem (2.31) an appropriate assumption is clearly
Assume that K is a second-degree polynomial:
K[R,M] = -R2A(M) + 2RB(M) - C(M).
III,§3,4 227

In other words, the expression of a in R0 is the Schrodinger-Klein-Gordon

operator (§1,4) and A, B, and C are affine functions of M.
Then in theorem 3.2, co = C. In the definition (3.5) of the operator G,
G3 is a polynomial in R of degree 3 and G1 and G2 are functions of R
holomorphic in C\[R 1, R21 and at infinity, where G1 vanishes to second
order. If g is holomorphic in C\[R1, R2] and at infinity, then so is the
primitive of (Gg)dR. Then all the g, exist and are holomorphic in
C\[R1i R21 and at infinity. Since g, is holomorphic at infinity and since
Q 3rg, is holomorphic in C, Q 3'g, is a polynomial in R of degree 3r. Thus we
have proven the following two theorems.
THEOREM 4.1. (Existence and uniqueness) Assume that the expression
of a in R0 is the Schrodinger-Klein-Gordon operator (example 4 of §1).
1°) The condition that the lagrangian system
aU = (aL2 - CL)U = (am - cM)U = 0, (4.1)

where cL and cm are two formal numbers such that

CL o-cM-M0=0mod v2,

have a solution defined on a compact lagrangian manifold V is the following:

i. CL = Lo + (1/4v2), CM = MO ;
ii. V is one of the lagrangian tori V [L0, M0] = T(l, m, n) defined by
theorem 4.1 of §1.

2°) There exists a lagrangian solution U of (4.1) defined on such a torus

V having lagrangian amplitude

Any lagrangian solution of (4.1) defined on V is the product of U and a
formal number with vanishing phase.
Remark 4.1. The projection of V on X is
Vx : R 1 x < Rz> MoJxJ < Lo xzl +
where R1 and R2 are the two roots of the equation
228 III,§3,4

(A0, Bo, and Co are the values of A, B, and Cat Mo.)

THEOREM 4.2. (Structure) There exists a unique solution U of (4.1)
defined on such a torus V having the following structure: Its expression
UR,, in the frame Ro (§1,1) has the form

U& M = U'(v) U"(v). (4.3)

Using the local coordinates x e V, on V, U'(v) is a formal function of x

that is homogeneous of degree 0 and satisfies

I x1
a z
- xz as i
1 U'(v , X ) = M U'( v, x ) ,


V2 AU U'(v, x).
(v' x) Rz l L0 + 40 J
U"(v) is a formal function of R satisfying

V x) M0] - Lo _ 4vz} U"(v, x).

=1 4.5)

U' and U" are defined by the formulas

U' v x fv' t)ev(r.ovV+Mom)

( ' ) ,sin`' '
U"(v, x) = g(v, Q, R)evo,

where T = cot `P and Q is the function of R defined by (2.8) of §1; arg sin 'Y
and arg Q have jumps of +n at the points 'P = 0 mod 7r on R and Q = 0
on ['[L0, M0], which are oriented in the directions dP > 0 and Q dR > 0.

f(v) _ ?r fr g(v) =rfNI .rgr


are formal functions with vanishing phase defined on R and on

I'[L0, M0]\E, respectively, by the following set of properties:
dg 1
df = 1 Ff, = Gg, (4.7)
dT v dR v
III,§3,4 229

the differential operators F and G being given by

Ff = F1J + dT[Fzd-r Gg G1g

+ dR
where F1 and F2 are the even polynomials in T of degree 2 and 4 defined by
lemma 2.2,1°); QSG1 and QG2 are the polynomials in R of degree 3 and 1
defined by (3.6); fo = 1, go = 1; the functions f, and g, are real and have
the parity of r;

Jf = 1 +

Fz f d f - f df )
dT dT
99 = 1 +

dR - 9

These formulas (4.9) give the even functions f2, and 92, in terms of fl,
, f2,-1 and g1, .. , 925-1. The odd functions fzs+1 and 92,+1 are defined
by the quadratures

df2 +l = (Ffzs)dT, dg25+1 = (Gg2,)dR.

f, is a polynomial in T of degree 3r. Q3rg, is a polynomial in R of degree 3r.

Remark 4.2. Thus g25+1 - G2dg2 /dR is the odd function on

F[L0, M0]\E that is the primitive of the differential form G1g2,dR,
namely, of a form II'(R)Q-65-sdR, where IT is a polynomial of degree
6s + 3. By the preceding theorem, this primitive shall be
where fI is a polynomial of degree 6s + 3. Let us give a more direct proof
of this essential fact.
LEMMA 4. For each s e N, the differentiation
d fl(R)
dR Qzs+,
- fI'(R)
Qzs+3 (4.10)

(Q2 a polynomial in R of degree 2, discriminant Q 0) defines an auto-

morphism fI " IT of the vector space of polynomials of degree 2s + 1.
Proof.Let Fl be a polynomial of degree 2s + 1; fI(R)Q-2s-1 is holo-
morphic at infinity; thus its derivative has a double zero at infinity.
Consequently (4.10) defines a polynomial fI' of degree 2s + 1. Hence the
II " rI'
230 III,§3,4-III,§4,O

is an endomorphism of a finite-dimensional vector space. Now it is

evidently a monomorphism; thus it is an isomorphism.

This §3 is concerned with finding, for dim X = 3, a lagrangian system, with

one lagrangian unknown, having a solution defined on a compact lagrangian
manifold unique up to a multiplicative factor. In this §3, we have found a
system of this type: the system used in wave mechanics for studying atoms
(or ions) with a unique and spinless electron.
Remark 4.3. Replacing the Schrodinger-Klein-Gordon hamiltonian by
the harmonic oscillator hamiltonian for E3,

H(x,p)2 [P2+AR2-2B],
that is, choosing
K[R, M] = -AR4 + 2BR2
where A and B are affine functions of M, one obtains another lagrangian
system (2.1) belonging to the same type.
This can be shown by computations similar to those performed above,
where R2 plays the role that R played above.
The energy levels are still those of wave mechanics.
Remark 4.4. Of course, the study of the harmonic oscillator in R is
simpler; in E3, for A and B independent of M, it gives new lagrangian
solutions for the operator associated to the harmonic oscillator, but
again the same energy levels.

§4. The Schrodinger-Klein-Gordon Equation

0. Introduction

The following classical boundary-value problem will be called problem

(0.1): To find nonzero square-integrable functions

that have square-integrable gradients and that are solutions of the

differential equation
I1I,§4,0-I1I,§4,1 231

au=0, (0.1)

where a is the differential operator associated to the hamiltonian

H[L, M, Q, R] = 21 P2 - R2 K [R, M]} , (0.2)

K being an affine function of M [compare (3.1) and (3.2) of §3]. This

operator is defined by substituting vo = i/h for v in the lagrangian opera-
tor associated to H [(4.5) of §1]. Hence it is

a 2V2 - 2RZKrR,

o(x1ax2 - x2az1)]
In section 2, we assume (compare §3,4)
K[R,M] = -R2A(M) + 2RB(M) - C(M), (0.4)

where A, B, and C are affine functions of M. Then a is the Schrodinger-

Klein-Gordon operator.
In §4, we briefly recall the solution of the classical problem (0.1) in order
to observe two facts:
i. There are formal analogies between its solution and that of the lag-
rangian problem (2.1) of §3, which is to solve
aU = (aL= - CL)U = (aM - c;,i)U = 0 on compact V.
ii. The condition for the existence of a solution to this lagrangian problem
[or to this problem mod(1/v2), namely, to (3.1) of §1] is the same as that
for the classical boundary-value problem (0.1) in the Schrodinger-Klein-
Gordon case, that is, under assumption (0.4).
This assumption is essential.
Remark 0. For a suitable choice of A, B, and C, the Schrodinger-
Klein-Gordon equation is the Schrodinger or Klein-Gordon equation
(4.21) or (4.22) in § 1, where the . 2 terms have been omitted. It is customary
to treat the terms of these equations that are linear in .' by "perturbation"
theory. We do not do this, but we rigorously solve problem (0.1) in order
to show that assertion (ii) is rigorous.
1. Study of Problem (0.1) without Assumption (0.4)

Review of the properties of spherical harmonics ui,m. The set of poly-

nomials in x c- E' that are harmonic and homogeneous of degree 1 is a
232 III,§4,1

vector space over C of dimension 21 + 1. A basis consists of the poly-

R'ui,m, I and m integers, lml '< 1,

defined by the following system, where ul.m is homogeneous of degree 0

and thus satisfies R2 Au' = A0u' [see (2.4) and (2.24) of §3]:

Aui.m + R21(l + 1)u',, = 0, I x1 axa - x2ax )u',m = imui.m. (1.1)

\ z i

Let S2 be the unit sphere in E3 and let a be the usual measure on S2.
a = 1(1 + 1) f IU.ml2a
J'S2 S2

and for all (1,, ml) (112, m2)


x Ul2'm2/ O = fS2 U13,m1Ul2,"2Q = 0.

J a

where < , > is the (sesquilinear) scalar product.

The restrictions of the ul,m to S2 form a complete system of functions

on S2 : every square-integrable function u : E3 -+ C with square-integrable
gradient has a unique expansion
u ul,mul, m,

where the u;',,, are functions only of the variable R > 0, such that

u12d3x = Y 114",mlafo R2luml2dR < o0

JET l,mJ.

2 + ac
a, a. J u,%ml2dR
d3x =
L ax
I'm 2

ml2a R2 d
+E I
l.m I 2

Resolution of problem (0.1). By (0.3) and (1.1), the condition that u be a

solution of problem (0.1) is formulated as
II1,§4,1 233

K[R, hm] - 1(1 + 1) u';,m(R) = 0
(d 2 + R dR)u` m(R) + Rz {

for all 1, m. By writing Ru;,m = v, we may evidently state that result as


THEOREM 1.1. Problem (0.1) is equivalent to problem (1.3), which is to

find integers 1, m and nonzero functions v:10, + oo I - R such that
Iml <, 1,

hzK[R,hm] - 1(1 + 1)}v = 0
dRZ + Ry

+00 (I+' z)V2dR< oo, ()2dR < oo.

fo a

Remark 1.1. Thus problem (0.1) is solvable if and only if the following
problem is solvable: To find two integers 1, m and a nonzero square-
integrable function u: E3 -+ C with square-integrable gradient such that

au = 0, Dou + 1(1 + 1)u = 0, (x, Y - x2 _ ) u = imu. (1.5)

z i

Recall that system (1.5) plays an essential role in physics.

Remark 1.2. Equations (1.1) and (1.2) and the system (1.5) are obtained
formally by replacing
v, U', U" U


uium, u
in equations (2.21) and (3.13) and in the system (2.1) of §3, where account
is taken of theorem 3 of §1 and theorem 2 of §3, which require
234 11 1,§4,1-111,§4,

Lo=h(l+2Mo=hm, cL LO -4vz,

that is, by (2.3) of §3,

aL:-CL v2Ap-h2[l+2 2vh][1+2+2vh]

= -h2[Ao + l(l + 1)] for v = i/h,

+ (
v X1
1 8 d) - hm.
2 -X2- 1

Assume that K is a holomorphic function of R at the origin. Let

Co = -K[0, hm], y = .%(l +
+ Coh-2. (1.6)

Apply Fuchs's theorem, that is, the theory of regular points of analytic
ordinary differential equations: see, for instance, [19], section 10.3.
Fuchs's theorem constructs two independent solutions of equation (1.3).
If 27 is not an integer, the respective quotients of these solutions with
R±Y+I/2 are holomorphic at the origin. If y is purely imaginary, then
every nonzero solution of (1.3) makes the integrals (1.4) diverge at the
origin. The same is true if y = 0 (see Fuchs). Assume y > 0. The solution
v of (1.3) that is a product of Ry4 2 and a holomorphic function at the
origin makes the integrals (1.4) converge at the origin, while the other
solutions of (1.3) make them diverge (see Fuchs). Thus, since problem
(1.3) is equivalent to problem (0.1), the following theorem holds.
THEOREM 1.2. If K is holomorphic at the origin, then problem (0.1) is
solvable if and only if the following problem is solvable: To find two integers
l and m such that

Iml <l, y>0,

and such that the nonzero solution v of (1.3), whose quotient with Rl+1r2 is
holomorphic at the origin, satisfies

v2dR < oo,
f ()2dR
2. The Schrodinger-Klein-Gordon Case
< oc. (1.7)

In this case, that is, under assumption (0.4), the preceding theorem can
be supplemented. Let
III,§4,2 235

MO = hm, AO = A(M0), Bo = B(M0), Co = C(M0),

a= Aoh-1, = Boh-z.
Equation (1.3) becomes the confluent hypergeometric equation:
d 2V
+ yZ R1/41z 0,
dR2 + [ R

where a2, fl, and y e R, y > 0. If a2 > 0, then choose a > 0.

Let v be the nonzero solution of (2.2) such that vR-Y-112 is an entire

function of R ; it is defined up to a multiplicative constant (Fuchs).

LEMMA 2. The convergence of the integrals (1.7) is equivalent to the
following condition:

+ 2 - }' is a positive integer. (2.3)

aProof. Express v by

v(R) = RY+1/2e-aR E CsR', cs E C. (2.4)


Substituting into (2.2), we obtain (Fuchs) the recurrence formula defining

the cs in terms of co :

s(s + 2y)c5 = 2[a(s + y - z) - fl]c_1

Condition (2.3) holds if and only if
E c5Rs is a polynomial.

It implies a2 > 0; thus a > 0 and thus the integrals (1.7) converge.
Now let us prove that (1.7) does not hold when (2.3) is not satisfied.
Case when a > 0: If EScSR' is not a polynomial, then, for an ap-
propriate choice of the sign of co,
cs > 0 for s near + oc.
Let E E 10, a[. From (2.5) we have

scs > 2ec5_ 1 for s near + oe ;

thus ESc,R' > c'e2,1 for R near + oc, where c' = const. > 0,
and the integral (1.7)1 diverges.
236 III,§4,2

Case when az < 0: The classical integral expression for v gives an

asymptotic expression for v which is also classical: for R near + oc,
v(R) = ceaRR-Pla + ce-aRRP1a + . .

where c and care constants and a is purely imaginary. Hence the integral
(1.7)1 diverges. (See Whittaker and Watson, [19], chapter XVI, "The Con-
fluent Hypergeometric Function: Asymptotic Expansion.")
Case when a = 0, f < 0: By (2.5),

v(R) = Ry' 1/2 c,R5, where cs > 0 Vs;


thus the integral (1.7)1 diverges.

Case when a = 0, $ > 0: R-r-'/zV satisfies a differential equation
with linear coefficients. Laplace's expression for its solution gives

v(R) _v k JT
I t-2y-'e`2 R(-t-')dt

where T is the boundary of a half-strip in C containing the cut I - oo, 0[.

By replacing T by a path on which Re(t - t-') -< 0 (=0 only for t = i)
and assuming that R is near + oo, we obtain the asymptotic value
v(R) = R+ ce-2i,/2%1R] + ...

Thus integral (1.7)1 diverges.

Theorem 1.2 and lemma 2, where a and $ are defined by (2.1) and y
by (1.6), prove the following.
THEOREM 2. When a is the Schrodinger-Klein-Gordon operator, then, for
each of the following problems, namely,
1°) the classical problem (0.1) that we have just reviewed,
2°) the lagrangian problem (2.1) in §3,

aU = (aL: - cL)U = (am - cM)U = 0 on compact V,

3°) the same problem mod(1 jv2), that is, problem (3.1) in 41,

the condition that there exist a solution is the same: the existence of a
triple of integers (l, m, n) satisfying condition (4.11) of §1, theorem 4.

Remark 2. A comparison of theorem 1.2 and theorem 3.1, 1°) of §1

III,§4,2-1I I,§4,Conclusion 237

proves that the preceding theorem does not hold for every operator a
associated to a hamiltonian H of the form (0.2).

Although the classical boundary-value problems and the lagrangian prob-

lems are completely independent, they define the same energy levels for the
Schrodinger and Klein-Gordon equations.
As a matter of fact the experimental values of the energy levels agree
with those of the Dirac equation, which is studied in the following chapter.
I Dirac Equation with the Zeeman Effect

In §1, we solve, mod(1/v2), a homogeneous lagrangian problem in several
unknowns. That is one of the simplest problems to which theorem 3 of
II,§4 can be applied. The resolution of this problem introduces the qua-
druple of quantum numbers that arises in the study of the Dirac equation.
In §2, we use lagrangian analysis to reduce the Dirac equation mod(1/v2)
to the simpler system solved in §1. This reduction is analogous to the
reduction theorem 2.2 of II,§4. Thus we prove that the lagrangian solutions
of the Dirac equation (one-electron atoms in a magnetic field) defined
mod(l/v2) on compact manifolds have energy levels that are exactly those
for which the classical solution of this equation exists (taking into account
the Zeeman effect and even the Paschen-Back effect).

§1. A Lagrangian Problem in Two Unknowns

In this §1, we give an application of II,§4,theorem 3.

1. Choice of Operators Commuting mod(1/v3)
As in III,§1,1, we let
X = X* = E3, x,pcE3,
R(x) = Ix P(p) _ Cpl, Q(x, p) = <p, x>, L(x, p) = Ix A Ph

so that
L2 + Q2 = P2R2. (1.2)

Let (M1, M2, M3 = M) be the components of x A p.

By III,§l,(1.3), the following formulas define three functions H"1, H«
and H13j that are pairwise in involution (see [1I,§l,2):
p) = H[L(x, p), M(x, p), Q(x, p), R(x)],
P) = L2 (x, p), H13 (x,
P) = M(x, P)
To use theorem 3 of I1,§4, we must choose three it x it matrices
and J(3) that are functions of (x, p) c E3 O+ W. These must be such that
the matrices of lagrangian operators associated to the three matrices

H'k)E + J'k) (E the p x p identity matrix) (1.4)

IV,§ 1,1 239

commute mod (1 /0).

Since the H(k) are in involution, it follows by remark 3 of II,§4 that this
commutivity condition is equivalent to the condition that for all i, k,
(H(h J(k)) - (H(k) J( )) + J(n J(k) - j(k) j(i) = 0, (1.5)j k

where (, ) is the Poisson bracket.

We choose p = 2. Then the values of the J(k) are matrices acting on
vectors in the space C2, which we provide with a hermitian structure.
We choose the iJ(k" to be self-adjoint. (The vectors in C2 are called spinors.)

Notation. Let ao = 1 be the 2 x 2 identity matrix. Every 2 x 2 self-

adjoint matrix has the form x0c0 + or, where xo is a real number and a
is a self-adjoint matrix with zero trace:
x3 x1 - ix2
Q = Q[x1, X2, x3]
x1 + 1x2 -x3
= x1Q1 + x262 + x363, (1.6)

(x1, x2, x3) e E3


Q1 =
(01 10),
62 =
i 00, Q3 = (0
-- )
are the Pauli matrices, which satisfy the relations
Qk = 1, Cork = -ak(ri, Q1Q2Q3 = i. (1.7)

It follows that
Q2[x] _ N2. (1.8)

Remark 1.1. Recall the consequences of (1.8): Let u2 be a measure-

preserving automorphism of C2, that is, u2 E SU(2); u2Q[x]u2 1 is self-
adjoint and has zero trace; thus it is of the form a[y]. Let y = ux. Then
Q[ux] = u2Q[x]uj
By (1.8), u preserves Ixl2. More precisely, u is a rotation in E3, that is,
u E SO(3), whence we obtain a morphism
SU(2) 3 a2 H u e SO(3),
240 IV,§1,1-IV,§1,2

which proves that SU(2) is the covering group of SO(3) of order 2. It is

the universal covering group of SO(3) (see Steenrod [17], p. 115).
LEMMA 1. Assume

J(1j = if a3 + iga[x A p],

is a datum, where

f(x, p) = f [L(x, p), M(x, p), Q(x, p), R(x)], g = g[L, M, Q, R].
Then (1.5) is satisfied by choosing

J(2) = 0, P) =
- 2Q3. (1.10)

Remark 1.2. Relations (1.5) evidently remain valid when arbitrary com-
plex numbers (that is, their products with the identity matrix denoted
by co = 1) are added to the H)`) and P'`).
(H12!, J(1)) = 0 because, by III,§1,1, L is in involution
Proof of (1.5)1.2.
with Q, R, and M = M3, and similarly with M1 and M2.
Proof of (1.5)1,3. Since M is in involution with L, Q, and R,
(H)3), J(1))
= ig(M, a[x A P]) = iga[-M2, M1, 0] (1.11)

because an immediate and classical calculation gives

(M. M1) = -M2, (M, M2) = M1.

Moreover, (1.7) implies
a3a[x A p] - o[x A p]a3 = 2icr[-M2, M1, 0];
whence, by the definitions (1.9) and (1.10) of Jj1) and J(3),
J(3)J(l) _ j(l)j(3) _ -iga[-M2, Ml, 0]; (1.12)

(1.5)1,3 results from (1.11) and (1.12).

The proof of (1.5)2,3 is evident.

2. Resolution of a Lagrangian Problem in Two Unknowns

Notation. Let

af.s' aL2, am
IV,§1,2 241

be the 2 x 2 matrices of lagrangian operators associated to the 2 x 2


H[L, M, Q, R] + v f [L, M, Q, R]a3 +'g[L, M, Q, R]a[x A P],

L2, M. (2.1)

Let us study the solutions U = (U1, U2) of the system

2i Lol')
at,gU = (aLl - Lo - J

= (a,M - Mo - 'm'+ 2v a3) U = 0 mod z,


where Ul and U2 are two lagrangian functions defined on a compact

lagrangian manifold V, l' and m' are real numbers near 0 whose squares
are negligible, and Lo and Mo are two real numbers. (The interest of this
system is shown by lemma 1 and remark 1.2.)
As in 111,§ 1, let V [Lo, Mo] denote the lagrangian manifold in E3 Q E3
given by the equations

V [Lo, Mo] : H [Lo, Mo, Q, R] = L(x, P) - Lo = M(x, P) - Mo = 0.


When this manifold is compact, it is a torus whose points have the co-
t modc[L0,M0], 'P mod 27r, (D mod 27r.

F[Lo, Mo], t, and c[Lo, Mo] are defined in III,§1 by (2.5), (2.6), and
(2.7), respectively. Assume that on V [Lo, Mo]
(f - ZHN)c[L, M] and Lgc[L, M]
are near zero and have negligible squares. For V[L0, Mo], and hence
I'[L0, M0], compact, let

.fo =7<NM[Lo,Mo] + I .f[Lo,Mo,Q,R]dt,


go = Lo g[Lo, Mo, Q, R] dt, (2.4)

J r[L,,M0]
27re[L0, Mo] = fo + 2 o.fogo + go > 0,
242 IV,§1,2

where IMOI < L0. We shall see that f0, g0i and c have negligible squares.
THEOREM 2. The compact manifolds V in E3 Q+ E3 on which solutions U
of the system (2.2) are defined are the tori V [L0, M0] such that
Lo=h(l+i-I'), M0=h(m-rn'),
h(l + i) + N [h(1 + 4), hm] = fin ± hs[h(1 + ' ), hm],
where 1, m - i, and n are three integers satisfying the inequalities

Iml l+z, 1<n; (2.6)

V and m' are numbers near 0 that are arbitrary unless m = I + '-z. Then
they must be chosen so that
IM01 < L0.
Remark 2.1. U will be denoted by U+ or U_ depending on whether
(2.5)3 holds with the choice + or -. The lagrangian amplitude
A, f2) of U = U+ will be denoted by /3± . It satisfies the relations
/3±(t + c[L0, M0], `E, (D) = c±i #+(t,'p, (D),
lf+(t, `Y + Zit, (D) = c±2 f3±(t, IF, (D), (2.8)

fl±(t,'I','D + 2n) = c±3 f3± (t, Y', (D)

The are complex numbers with modulus 1 given by
Cfi = e 2rzi(l'NL[Lu.Mo]+m'N.d[Lo,Mo]+e[Lo,Mo])
e2nil '
C+2 =
±3 = -e 2nim '
Proof. By lemma I and remark 1.2, theorem 3 of l1,fi4 can be applied.
Then the V on which a solution U of the system (2.2) is defined are the
covering spaces of the manifolds V given by the equations (2.3). The
compact V are the tori V [L0, M0]. Let us determine when U is defined
on V [L0, M0], that is, when
(j)'2e0ofl: V [L0, M0] -' C2, (2.10)

where R0 is the frame we are using,

arg rl = 0, arg d 3x = mR,,
and mRo and rpR are the Maslov index and the phase of V[L0, M0] in R0.
IV,§1,2 243

By (3.5) and (3.4) of IIL§1,

mRo =
- I arctan HR1, where [ ] = integer part, (2.11)

where 0 is defined in III,§1 by (2.8).
We now finish applying theorem 3 of II,§4. By the remarks 3.2 and
3.3 of III,§1, the characteristic vectors K, KL2, and KM of the hamiltonians
H, L Z, and M are
K:dt = 1, d'P = HL, d(D = Hy;
KL':dt=0, d`P =2L0, dD=0;
KM:dt=0, d'!=0, dl = 1.
Then by this theorem the system (2.2) is equivalent to the condition
+H ' aT
a0 +H ; Q + ifQ0 + igQ[x n P]I3 = 0,

- il'/3 = 0, --
im'/3 +
r3 f l = 0.

In other words, it is equivalent to the pfaffian system

df1 + i{ fa3dt + gx[x A p]dt - l'(dT - HLdt)
- (m' - za3)(d(D - HM dt)}Q = 0, (2.12)

which is guaranteed to be completely integrable by this theorem. By (1.5)

of III,§1,

x A p = LOJ3;
thus by (1.12)3 and (1.11) of III,§1,

(r[X A p] = L [Q, cos 4) sine + Q2 sin 0 sine + Q3 cos O],


cos o = MO (2.13)

Then, by (1.7),
244 I V,§ 1,2

Q[x A p] = L001(cos 0 + ir3 sin (D) sin 0 + L0Q3 cos O

= Loule'm°3sin O + L0Q3 cos O
= Loe im°,/2(o1 sin 0 + Q3 cos O)eio";12

Moreover, the functions of [L, M, t], 7., and µ, which are defined by
(2.10) of III,§1, satisfy

,= - HL, µt = - H (2.14)

by (2.3) of 111,§2. Let

/3 = e-i°3m;2+ir(1F+x)+iM(m+µ)y (2.15)

Then the system (2.12) may be written

dy + i[(f - ZHM)Q3 + Log(Q1 sin 0 + r3 cos O)]ydt = 0. (2.16)

It has now become evident that this system is completely integrable:

here y is independent of 0 and 'Y and is only a function of t.
Condition (2.10), which is that U be defined on V[L0, M0], is then
formulated as

evoL2+voLoY`+voMom-io3m/2+ii'(`Y+x)+im'(mtµ). . V C2.
( ex )1j2

Now S2, A, and p only depend on t and, by (1.4) and (1.5) of III,§2, increase

AtS2 = 2tN[Lo, M0], A,.1 = 2rzNL[Lo, M0],

Ap = 2nNM[Lo, Mo]
when t increases by c[L0, M0N is defined by (2.9) of 111,§ 1.
Let vo = i/h (h > 0); then, by (2.11), condition (2.10) that U be la-
grangian on V may be formulated as follows, since e-"3 = -1: There
exists e e R such that

y(t + c[L0, M0]) = e2" y(t), (2.18)

= M0+m'-z=0mod 1.
IV,§1,2 245

The search for solutions y of (2.16) satisfying (2.18) is a classical problem:

(f - 4Hm)r3 + Log(Q1 sin 0 + o3 cos O)

is a self-adjoint matrix with zero trace; it is a periodic function of t; the
period is c[L0, Mo]; then the 2 x 2 matrix u(t) defined by
du + i[(f - IHM)Q3 + Log(Q1 sin 0 + o3 cos O)]u dt = 0,
u(0) = 1,
is a unitary matrix with determinant 1, that is, u c- SU(2); it satisfies
u(t + c[L0, Mo]) = u(t)u(c[L0, MO]);
the general solution of (2.16) is
y(t) = u(t)d, where 6 E C2;
y satisfies (2.18) if and only if 6 is one of the eigenvectors of the matrix
u(c[L0, Mo]) E SU(2). Let
e±2aie[Lo.Mo] (0 -< e[Lo, Mo] (2.21)
be the eigenvalues of u(c[L0, M0]). Then, in (2.18),
e = +e[L0, Mo].
Thus, there exists a lagrangian solution U of (2.2) defined on the torus
V[L0, Mo] if and only if there exist three integers 1, m - Z, and n such that

ILo+1'+1N[Lo, MO]+1'NL+m'NM=n+e[Lo,MO],

Lo + I' - 2 = 1, Mo + m' = m, where IMo < Lo. (2.22)

This assertion does not assume that 1', m', (f - HM)c[L, M], and
Lgc[L, M] have negligible squares on V[L0, Mo]. z
U and /l will be denoted by U± and #± depending on whether (2.22)
holds with ±e[L0, Mo]. By (2.15), (2.17), and (2.18), where e =
+e[L0, Mo], fl± satisfies (2.8), where the c±k have the values (2.9).
Assume that the squares of 1' and m' and the squares of the derivatives
of he are negligible. Then (2.22) reduces to (2.5). The integers 1, m - Z,
and n must satisfy condition (2.5)3, which is independent of l' and m'.
Since 1 and n are integers, since a is near 0, and since N > 0, (2.5)3 implies
246 IV,§1,2

I < n. Since 1' and m' are near 0, (2.5)1 and (2.5)2 imply Iml < 1 + Z, which
completes the proof of (2.6).
It remains to prove that (2.4) is an approximate expression for
e[Lo, Mo]. Since we have assumed that, on V[Lo, M0],
(f - 1HM)c[L, M] and Lgc[L, M]
are near zero and have negligible squares, the solution of (2.20), modulo
these squares, is

u = 1 - i [ r (f + Z pt) dt a3 + L0 g dt (a, sin 0 + a3 cos O)

0 fo
by (2.14)2. In other words, choosing the right-hand side to be in SU(2),
like u,
u = e-i[fo(J+j,. 2)dta3+L0S0gdt(a,sin0+a,cos®)

Thus, by (2.17), definition (2.21) of e[Lo, Mo], and definition (2.4) of

fo and go, the eigenvalues +2rce[Lo, Mo] are approximately the eigen-
values of the self-adjoint matrix with zero trace given by
for3 + go(al sin 0 + a3 cos 0).
Now, by (1.7) and (2.13), its square is

(fo + go cos 0)2 + go sine 0 = f o + 2 Mo fogo + go ;


hence the approximate expression (2.4)2 for e[Lo, Mo] follows.

Remark 2.2. The-quantum numbers
1, m, n, ±1

become those used in the classical solutions of the Dirac equation by

imposing a condition
stricter than (2.6)
less strict than the condition that, on account of (2.7), would result from
the choice 1' = m' = 0, namely,
lmI<l - Z, 1 <n. (2.6)*

This condition is as follows.

IV,§1,2 247

Definition 2. In III,§1, we solved a system in one unknown, analogous

to the system (2.2) when 1' and m' are chosen to be zero. In III,§1, the
lagrangian amplitude of the unknown is necessarily constant. It is in
conformity with the nature of the amplitude a and of the phase v0q
in physics: a must vary more slowly than e"OQR. Let us make the present
situation as similar as possible: consider a quadruple
1, m, n, +1

satisfying the condition (2.5)3 for the existence of a solution of (2.2) that is
lagrangian on V[L0, M0]; this condition is independent of (l', m'); require
that at (1', m') the function
(l',m')i_4Ic±1-112+Ict2-12+ c13+12ER
takes on values close to its minimum; in other words, by (2.9) and since
l'2 and m'2 are negligible in comparison with I' and m', at (l', m') the
(I', m') i-- l'2 + m 2 + [l'NL + m'N,f + E]2

takes on values close to its minimum; if such a choice, namely,

(1', m') near + 2 (NL, NM),


satisfies the condition (2.7), then and only then will we say that the
quadruple (l, m, n, + 1) is admissible.
In §2 (Dirac equation), the following case arises.
Example 2. (NL, NM) is near (-1, 0); thus (1', m') is near (+ e/2, 0).
By (2.7), the admissible quadruples (1, m, n, ± 1) are those that satisfy
condition (2.5)3 and the condition
0<I<n, Iml±2 (2.23)

(the signs correspond).

It is customary in quantum mechanics to let

and to use quadruples of quantum numbers
(1, m, n, j = I + 2).
248 IV,§1,2-IV,§2,1

They are admissible if they satisfy (2.5)3 and

0'< 1<n, Im( _< j. (2.24)

Then for each admissible choice of (1', m') there correspond solutions
U of (2.2) that are equal up to a proportionality factor. This factor is a
constant e C.

§2. The Dirac Equation

0. Summary
The Dirac equation is a system in 4 unknowns. Theorems 2.1 and 2.2
of II,§4 do not apply in this case because the zeros of det ao are double
Theorem 1, whose statement resembles that of theorem 2.2 of II,§4,
reduces, mod(1/v2), this system in 4 unknowns to a self-adjoint system
in 2 unknowns.
By suppressing terms that are negligible in view of the order of magni-
tude of the magnetic field, this system is transformed in section 2 into
the reduced Dirac equation, which is a system of the form solved in §1.
In section 3, we observe that the energy levels defined by this reduced
Dirac equation in lagrangian analysis are those defined by the classical
resolution of the Dirac equation, even when the magnetic field is strong
enough to produce the Paschen-Back effect.
But the probability of the presence of an electron obtained in section 4
differs from that obtained in wave mechanics; it is connected with the first
quantum theory.
1. Reduction of the Dirac Equation in Lagrangian Analysis
Suppose we are given two infinitely differentiable mappings and a con-
A : E3 \{0} - R + ; B : E3 -. E3 ; C E R+.

Let a' and a" be the two 2 x 2 matrices of lagrangian operators whose
expressions in Z(3) = E3 Q+ E3 are

a A(x)+a[vex+B(x)l, a"=A(x)-a rax+B(x)1'

IV,§2,1 249

where a- is the 2 x 2 matrix defined by (1.6) of §1; a' and a" are self-adjoint.
They are associated to the self-adjoint matrices
A(x) + a[p + B(x)] and A(x) - a[p + B(x)].
The Dirac equation is the system
a'U' = CU", a"U" = CU', (1.1)

in which the unknowns U' and U" are vectors. Let us require that the two
components of each of these vectors be lagrangian functions, the four of
them defined on a single compact lagrangian manifold V in Z(3) = E3 Q E3.
The Dirac equation (1.1) is evidently equivalent to
i. the system
[C2 - a" o a'] U' = 0
in the unknown U',
ii. the system
[C2 - a'oa"]U" = 0 (1.3)

in the unknown U".

The calculation of C2 - a" o a' and C2 - a' o a" is easy and standard.
In order to state the result, let
H(x,p)=21 p+B(x)I2+ 2 -2Az(x),

J'(x, P) = 2o[t n B(x)] + 01A.],

J" = 2a[" A B - 2a [Ax


a n B = curl B;

Z[C2 - a" o a'] is the matrix associated to the 2 x 2 matrix

H+1J'; V
250 IV,§2,1

z [C 2 - a' o a"] is the matrix associated to the 2 x 2 matrix

H + 1J".

Remark 1.1. These matrices are not self-adjoint; but one is the adjoint
of the other.
Notation. Let W be the hypersurface in E3 Q E3 given by the equation
W: H(x, p) = 0. (1.5)

Let #3' and /3" be the lagrangian amplitudes of U' and U":
#':V-CZ fl":V-'C2.
By theorem 4 of II,§3, equation (1.2) is equivalent, mod(l/v2), to the
conditions :

df +J'13'=0,
where d/dt is the Lie derivative 2' in the direction of the characteristic
vector x of V Similarly, (1.3) is equivalent, mod(1/v2), to the conditions:
+ J11 9 11 0. ( 1 . 7)

By (1.1), /3' and /3" satisfy the two equivalent relations

{A(x) + a[p + B(x)] }/i' = C$", {A - a[p + B] } f3" = C/' (1.8)

on V. The equivalence of (1.2) and (1.3) proves the equivalence of the

equations (1.6) and (1.7). Relation (1.8) evidently transforms the solutions
of one of these equations into the solutions of the other.
The definition (1.5) of W means that there exists a function

p:W -R+
such that
A = C cosh 2p, p + B = C sinh 2p.
IV,§2,1 251


a[ p+ B], so that C2
=1 (1.10)
i C sink 2p

by (1.8) of §1. It follows that

Ce ±2pT = A ± a [ p + B].
Relation (1.8) connecting fl' and ji" is then written
#" = e2ptf'.
It means that there exists a function
#:V_+ C2
such that

fl'=e-PTY, p"=e"fl.
The equivalent relations (1.6) and (1.7) may then be written

d +JfJ=0, (1.11)

where the 2 x 2 matrix J is given by

J = epT d (e - PT) + eptJ'e-pt =

e - pT d (epT) + e-PTJ"epT. (1.12)
dt dt

Let us show how this definition of J is equivalent to (1.14), which makes

the following theorem evident.
THEOREM 1. Solving the systems (1.2) and (1.3) (which are equivalent to
the Dirac equation) mod(1/v2) on V is equivalent to solving the system

aU=0mod12 V

in two unknowns, where a is the matrix of lagrangian operators associated

to the 2 x 2 matrix

H+1J. V
252 IV,§2,1

H is defined by (1.4)1 and J by

J(x,P)=2Or[a A B]+2A+Ca[(p+ B)AAx].. (1.14)

Remark 1.2. 1 J, and thus a, are self-adjoint, which shows by remark 1.1

the advantage of substituting (1.13) for (1.2)-(1.3).

Proof of (1.14). By the definitions (1.4) and (1.12) of J', J", and J, it
suffices to prove the following formulas, where < , > is the scalar product
in E3 and curl B = a/ax A B:

2 fe ° dt(e PT) + e ,dt(ePT)} 2(A - C)a[curlB

_ i A
2A+Ca[(p+ B)AAx]
+ 2<p + B, curlB>ztanhp (1.15)

4 {ePTQ[curlB]e-°T + e-ITQ[curlB]ePT}

= 2Au[curl B] - 2<p + B,curl B>itanhp, (1.16)

{e°TQ[Ax]e-PT - e-PTa[Ax]ePT} = 2Q[(p + B) A A.J. (1.17)

Remark 1.3. The Pauli relations [(1.7) of §1] may be written
Q[x]Q[Y] = <x, Y> + iQ[x A y] dx, y E E3. (1.18)

It follows, in particular, that

Q[x]u[Y] + a[Y]a[x] = 2<x, y>, (1.19)

Q[x]Q[Y] - a[Y]Q[x] = 2ia[x A y]. (1.20)

Proof of (1.15). Since T2 = 1 and p is a number,

e±°' = cosh p ± i sinh p.
IV,§2,1 253

e4:°' dt (e±P'`) = p±t dPcosh p ± dt sinh p

= +t dt + e+Pi dt sinh p,


2 [et-_te't ) + e PT (e°`)1 = -t dt sinh 2 p. (1.21)


In order to calculate t(dt/dt), differentiate the definition (1.10) oft:

C dt sinh 2p + 2Ct cosh 2p = a dt (p + B)1.

It follows by (1.9) and (1.10) that
CZtdtsinhz2p = -2dd + Q[p + B]u dt(P + B)
whence by (1.18) and considering that A 2 = C2 + l p + B 12 on W,

C2td[sinh22p = iar(P + B) A dt (p + B)1. (1.22)

By the definition of d/dt [(3.10) of II,§3], J

dx dp
= Hn(X, P), = -HX(X, p);
dt dt

hence, by some easy calculations,

dt(p+B)= -(p+B) A curt B+AAx,

(p + B) A d-(p + B) = p + B12curt B - <p + B, curlB>(p + B)
+ A(p + B) A A,,.
Therefore, since
2Ccosh 2 p = C[cosh2p + 1] = A + C, l p + B12 = A2 - C2,
(1.22) may be written
254 1V,§2,1-IV,§2,2

2CT di sinh 2 p = i(A - C )a[curl B] - i< p + B, curl B>T tanh p

+i A+Ca[(p+B)n Aj
by (1.10); (1.15) follows by (1.21).

Proof of (1.16) and (1.17). Let y E E3;

e±°Ta[Y]e+vt = a[Y] cosh2 p
± Z{zo[y] - 7[y]T}sinh2p - Tu[y]rsinh2p. (1.23)

Now by the definition (1.10) oft and the commutation formula (1.20),

(Ta[y] - a[y]t} sinh 2p = ic[(p + B) A y]. (1.24)

By (1.10) and (1.19),

TQ[Y] = Csinh2p(P + B,y> - a[Y]T,


TQ [Y]T =
C sinh 2p
(p + B, Y>T - of y]. (1.25)

By (1.24) and (1.25), (1.23) may be written

Ce±pt j[y]e+PT= AQ[Y] - (p + B,y>Ttanhp ± ii[(p + B) A y],
whence the two formulas

2 {e°Ta[Y]e-nt + e-°'Q[Y]e°T} = Au[y] - (p + B, y>ttanhp,

{eP'u[Y]e °T - e °tcr[Y]e°T} = ia[(p + B) A Y],


which prove (1.16) and (1.17), respectively.

2. The Reduced Dirac Equation for a One-Electron Atom in a Constant
Magnetic Field

Let us choose A, B, and C such that the function H defined by (1.4),

is the hamiltonian of such an electron: H has to be the function defined
IV,§2,2 255

by the formulas (4.15) and (4.18) of III,§1, up to the factor p. Thus,

A is a function of R, the function R i-- RA(R) is affine,
B = '(-bx2, bx1, 0), where b e R.
In the expression (1.4)1 for H, neglect B2, as is done in (4.20) of III,§1.
In the expression (1.14) for J, similarly neglect the term

Ax] in comparison with 2 [ B],

i A 1 C a[B A ax A

because, on V, xAx/(A + C) will be negligible in comparison with 1. Then

the expressions (1.4) and (1.14) for H and J reduce to
H(x, p) = -[P2 + bM + C2 - A2(R)], (2.1)

where b and C E R and R i4 RA(R) is affine,

The matrix of lagrangian operators associated to the matrix

H + 1 J,

where H and J are defined by (2.1) and (2.2), will be denoted by a, and
called the reduced Dirac operator.
Remark 2. Thus H, defined by (2.1), becomes the function defined by
formula (4.20) of III,§1, up to the factor p. It follows that
E-Yf ,

c is the speed of light,
p and E are the mass and charge of the electron,
Z is the atomic number of the nucleus,
E is the energy level of the atom, which is close to µc2,
.' is the intensity of the magnetic field.
We replace the study of the Dirac equation by the study of the system
256 IV,§2,2

a,U=(aLl -Lo- v'Lol')U=(aM-Mo- im'+Zva3)U=0,

JJ f
(2 .3)

where the vector U has two components, which are lagrangian functions
defined on a compact lagrangian manifold V in E3 O E3, and where I'
and m' are real and have negligible squares.
Theorem 2 of §1, can be applied to system (2.3); its statement becomes
more precise by means of the following two lemmas.
LEMMA 2.1. An approximate value for the function a defined by (2.4)3 of
§1 is

e[L0,MO]= 2 (1+NL)2+2Mo(1+NL)NM+N,K, (2.4)



NL = NL[Lo, MO], NM = NM[LO, Mo]

Proof. Let us explicitly give the values of fo and go, defined by (2.4)1
and (2.4)2 in §1. By (2.1),

H[L, M, Q, R] = L22+ Q2 + 2M + ZCZ zA2(R), (2.5)


L b
HL=R, HM=2,
now by (2.3) of III,§2,

A, = - HL, p, = - HM ;
by (1.5) of III,§2, we have, writing F for F [L,, Mo],

A, dt = 0,.1 = 27rNL, p,dt=A,p=27rNM;

Jr Jr.

dt = -21rNL, 2dt = -27rNM;

Jr, Jr.
IV,§2,2 257

the last formula and formula (2.4)1 of §1, where f = b/2 by the choice
(2.2) of J, give

.fo = - iNm. (2.7)

By the choice (2.2) of J and the definition §1, (2.4)2 of go,

_ _Lo AR
g0 2 rR(A+C)dt;
now by (2.14) of III,§1 and (2.5), we have, on F,
dt = > 0, HQ = R
th us dt = > 0; (2 . 9)

hence relations (2.8) and (2.6)1 may be written

90 = 2 Jr Q A C'
2 n NL = - Jr. Q R (2 . 10)

Let us calculate an approximate value forgo, namely, its value for b = 0.

By (2.5), in that case the equation of I, is
F:Q2 = A'(R)A"(R) - Lo,


A'(R) = RA(R) + CR, A"(R) = RA(R) - CR; (2.11)

A' and A" are affine functions; by remark 2, A' is increasing and A'(R) > 0
for R > 0; it follows by an easy calculation using residues that
(' L° AR
Q A' dR = 2n; (2.12)
now by (2.11)1,

A' R A+C'
then the relations (2.10) and (2.12) prove that
go = -R(1 + NL). (2.13)

Formulas (2.7) and (2.13) and formula (2.4)3 of §1 prove the lemma.
258 IV,§2,2-IV,§2,3

The assumptions made in §1,2, including those of §1, example 2, are

satisfied, as it is proved by the following lemma.
LEMMA 2.2. The values of the physical quantities defining A, B, and C
(remark 2) are such that for the energy levels E used in section 3,

fo = -7rN,H, go = -7r(1 + NL), NL', NLM, NM2

are small in comparison with 1.
Proof. N[-,,] is expressed by (4.8) of III,§1, where Ao, Bo, and Co
are defined by identifying formulas (4.6) and (4.20) in III,§1:

N [Lo, Mo] = aZrUC2(1c2 Mo/h) - 1-in

L 2
E2fi J
- [(L)2 - a2Z2]' (2.14)

where Z, c, p, e, E, and ,Y are the physical quantities defined by remark 2,

z 1
is the dimensionless fine-structure constant (2.15)
he ~ 13 7

( means of the order of magnitude of), and

is the Bohr magneton. (2.16)


In section 3, we choose
0 < (µc2 /E) - 1 ^_, a2Z2 /(2n2), where n is an integer,
the magnetic energy /3,Y to be very small in comparison with µc2, and
2Mo/h to have integer values which are not large,
Lo/h > 2.
The lemma follows.
3. The Energy Levels
Notation. Formulas (4.23) and (4.25) of III,§1 have already defined and
used the function F given by

F(n, k) (3.1)
Z 2

(-n ZZ )
IV,§2,3 259

Note the sign of its derivatives:

F,, > 0, Fk > 0.
Using F, it is possible to give the relation
hk + N [hk, hm] = hn, (3.2)

where N is expressed by (2.14), the form

E2 = Uc2[pc2 + 2/3.,Ym]F2(n, k).
In other words, to the degree of approximation used here, and assuming
E > 0,
E = Uc2F(n, k) + f3.3f°m. (3.3)

In these formulas, a is the fine-structure constant (2.15) and /3 is the Bohr

magneton (2.16).

THEOREM 3. The energy levels E for which system (2.3) (where l' and m'
are real and have negligible squares) has admissible lagrangian solutions
(definition 2 of §1) on a compact lagrangian manifold are defined by the
quadruples of quantum numbers
j±Z, m, n (3.4)

such that
m- ?, and n are integers (3.5)


lml <j, 0<l<n. (3.6)

Up to some negligible quantities, E is expressed as a function of these

quantum numbers as follows:

z fl2 z
± Fk J3U C22 + 24 + / (3.7)
2 Fk + 214+ 1

The + sign is the same in (3.4) and (3.7).

Remark 3.1. For ,Y = 0, since Fk > 0, (3.7) reduces to
260 IV,§2,3

E = µc2F(n, k),

k=j +ZEZ.
Proof. By theorem 2 of §1, the energy levels E such that the system
(2.3) has solutions defined on compact lagrangian manifolds are those
that satisfy condition (2.5) of § 1. From the approximate value of e [Lo , M0]
given by lemma 2.1, these values of E are approximately those satisfying
the condition
h(I + Z) + N[h(I + Z), hm]
=din (3.10)

ml I + Z, 1 < n; 1, m - Z, n integers; 1 + NL and NM small.

Then by the equivalence of the relations (3.2) and (3.3), a crude ap-
proximation for E is
r 2nzzz
E µc2F(n, 1 + z) µcz [1 - (3.11)

which is sufficient to justify the use of lemma 2.2.

From example 2 of §1, admissible solutions of the system (2.3) cor-
respond to a choice of 1, m, n, and E satisfying (3.10) if and only if
ImI <l±Z,
which amounts to (3.6) and (3.4), where the ± sign is the same in (3.4) and
Let us now express E as a function of (1, m, n).
Since (3.2) is equivalent to (3.3), on the one hand (3.10) may be written

E=µczF(n±Z (1+NL)z+214m1(1+NL)NM+Ny,I+ZI
+ ;
on the other hand, the following two relations are equivalent (for all
dk, dm, dn):

(1 + NL)dk + NMdm = dn, Fkdk) + /3.$" dm = 0.

IV,§2,3 261

This equivalence means that

µc z µC2Fk fl
L NM '
whence since F. > 0,

F,, (1 + NL)2 + 214+ 1(1 + NL) NM + NM

4m °
aAC2 fj2O2
Fk2 Fk I + µ2C4
+ 2l + 1

Thus (3.12) is equivalent to (3.7).

Remark 3.2. The energy levels obtained by theorem 3 are exactly those
obtained by the classical theory of the Dirac atom: see, for example,
Bethe and Salpter [2]. For ,° = 0, their formula (14.29), p. 68, can be
identified with our formula (3.8) and, for ,Y A 0, their formulas (46.12),
(46.13), and (46.15), p. 211, can be identified with our formula (3.7): see
table for the correspondence between their notation and ours.

Bethe-Salpeter [2] Leray (Remark 2 and Section 3)
Eo = mc2 µc2
E+ µc2F(n, 1 + 1)
E_ PC2F(n, 1)

(E+ + E_) µc2F(n, ( + )

AE=E+-E_ µC2 Fk


c2 J(° fl2 *,2

f3t°m ± Z Fk + 214m+ 1 Fkµc2
+ u24

Remark 3.3. When Q.)° is small in comparison with uc2Fk, formula

(3.7) evidently may be written
262 IV,§2,3-IV,§2,4

E = µc2F(n, k) + R.Jfgm, where g = (j + z)(l + z);

g is Lande's factor [see Bethe-Salpeter [2], (46.4) and (46.6) p. 209].
4. Crude Interpretation of the Spin in Lagrangian Analysis
The crude approximation consists of neglecting [ii' (pct) in comparison
with az; cz itself, and hence F,,, in comparison with 1.

Remark 4.1. Wave mechanics suceeds in evaluating the energy levels of

the helium atom at the cost of this crude approximation: see a summary
of these very laborious calculations in Bethe-Salpeter [2], chapter II.
In the equation H = 0, this approximation identifies the hamiltonian
H of the relativistic electron [(4.20) of III,§1] with the nonrelativistic
hamiltonian [(4.19) of III,§1], where .J° = 0. In this second hamiltonian,
E denotes the nonrelativistic energy.
The crude statement of theorem 3 is the following.
THEOREM 4.1. Let (j = I ± ?, 1, m, n) be a quadruple of quantum numbers
defining a system (2.3) that has admissible lagrangian solutions on a compact
lagrangian manifold V; it is a quadruple satisfying (3.5)-(3.6). The crude
expressions for the nonrelativistic energy E and for Lo and Mo as functions
of this quadruple are

E -µc2 z 27n, Lo = h(1 + z), MO = hm. (4.1)

The crude equations for V are

z z
V:H=0,where H=2µ
-E R
L=h(l+z), M=hm.

Remark 4.2. In the case

mI =j=1+i,
we have, by (4.2) and the definition of L and M (III,§1,1), that, on V,
M I = L; thus x3 = p3 = 0;
dim V = 2, contrary to the definition that dim V = 3.
IV,§2,4 263

In order to give a meaning to this result, other than by reintroducing

nonzero 1' and m', one perhaps has to use the notion of a lagrangian dis-
tribution and to refer to some of the papers of Voros [25], [26].
Notation. Let SO (3) be the group of rotations p : E3 -+ E3 leaving the
origin invariant. Let it act on E3 ® E3 as follows:

p(x, p) = (px, pp), where (x, p) e E3 © E3.

Let SO(2) be the subgroup of rotations leaving 13 (III,§1,1) that is, the
direction of the magnetic field, invariant. SO(2) evidently leaves V in-
variant. More precisely, by sections 1 and 2 of I,§1,
V = SO(2) x T2,
where T2 is a 2-dimensional torus, every point of which is left invariant
by SO(2). Recall (remark 1.1 of §1) that the universal covering group of
SO(3) is SU(2), which is a covering group of order 2. Let SU(1) be the
covering group of SO(2) of order 2. Then we have the commutative
SU(1) c-, SU(2)
l 1
SO(2) c-. SO(3)
where the vertical arrows represent natural projections of covering groups;
the horizontal arrows are inclusions. Let
V2 = SU(1) x T2.
V2 is a covering space of V of order 2; SU(1) acts on V2, leaving each
point of T2 invariant.
Definition 4. Let V be a lagrangian manifold, c°R0 its phase in a 2-frame
R0, and ji a function f,' - C. By theorem 2.2 of II,§2,
f7 1!2

OR. = dix 1
/3e A,

is the expression in Ro of a lagrangian function U defined mod(1/v) on

V. The definition of a lagrangian function on V (definition 3.2 of II,§2)
may be generalized as follows: Let V be any one of the covering spaces
of V; 0 is said to be lagrangian on V when the restriction of OR. to v0.
264 IV,§2,4-IV,§2,5

UR = (-q--)

is a mapping 17\iR0 - C.
The calculations that establish the conditions (3.11) in III,§1 prove the
following theorem.
THEOREM 4.2. The conditions (3.4)-(3.6), which are satisfied by the quad-
ruples of quantum numbers defining solutions of (2.3), express the existence
of a function with constant lagrangian amplitude defined mod(1/v) on
V2 but not on V.

Conclusion. Let V be the lagrangian manifold given by equation (4.2).

Let U be a function with constant lagrangian amplitude defined mod(1/v)
on V The following is a crude interpretation of the spin:
U is lagrangian on V in the spin 0 case (Schrodinger);
U is lagrangian on V2 (and not on V) in the spin i case (Dirac).
5. The Probability of the Presence of the Electron
Recall that x is the position and p the momentum of an electron; thus
With the conventions of remark 2, let

which is the length called the radius of the Bohr atom in the first quantum
theory. Let
Zx R, _ ZR
x'=Rl, R,
where Z is the atomic number of the nucleus.
THEOREM 5. The position x of the electron with quantum numbers (j =
I ± Z, 1, m, n) stays in the projection VX of V[L0, M0] onto X; VX is a
subset of X lying between two spheres and outside of a cone of revolution
around the magnetic field; the center of these spheres and the vertex of
this cone coincide with the nucleus of the atom.
Assume that on V [LO, M0] c E3 Q E3 the probability of the presence
of the electron is proportional to the invariant measure 7v [see the con-
IV,§2,5 265

clusion of the introduction to chapter III]. Then on Vx the probability of

the presence of the electron is crudely
1 1+2 d3x'/
2713 712 R,2 + 2n2R' - (1 + 1)2n2 V (1 + 4)2(x12 + x22) - m2R,2

A crude definition of Vx is that Vx is the subset of X where the above

radicals are all real.
Remark 5.1. If Iml = 1 + Z, then VX is the disk where
x3 = 0, R'2
- 2n2 R' + (1 + 21)2 n2 < 0.
The probability of the presence of the electron on this disk is
1 1 d2x'
2712 712 tiI -R'2 + 2n2R' - (l + 1)2n2
Proof. On V [L 0, Mo] the probability of the presence of the electron
is, by definition,
dt dt A d`P A dD, since 'i = dt A d`F A dD.
By (1.5), (1.11), and (1.12), of III,§1, the projection Vx of V[L0, Mo]
onto X is the set of points x in X for which
sin O, where cos O = o
R Lo

and the second-degree equation in Q,

H[LO, Mo, Q, R] = 0, (5.3)

has real roots.

Thus Vx is indeed a subset of X lying between two spheres and outside
a cone of revolution whose centers and vertex are at 0.
Formulas (1.5), (1.6), and (1.12) of III,§l show that every point x inside
Vx is the projection of 4 points (t, T, (D) in V [Lo, Mo]. By (1.16) and (3.6)
of III,§1 and by (2.9),

d3x = - QR sin q' sin 0 dt A d`V A d (D, dt = > 0,
266 IV,§2, 5-IV,Conc1usion

where I QI is defined by giving x. Then on Vx the probability of the presence

of the electron is
1 RdR]-' d'x
( 54 )
n2 [ r Q

By (1.12), of III,§1.

x3 = R cos'P sin 0;
therefore, from (5.2)2,

RJsin'Pf sin0 = 1 [Lo(x1 + x2) - M'R2]12,where Ma = m

Lo La 1+2

The definition of Q by equations (5.3) and (4.2), where E has the value
(4.1) and P2 = (Q2 + L2)/R2, crudely gives

Q n [-Ri2 + 2n2R' - (1 + '-)2n2]1j2. (5.6)

It follows that

RQR _ 2n (5.7)
Formulas (5.5), (5.6), and (5.7) give the probability (5.4) its crude ex-
pression (5.1).
Now, VX, being the subset of X where (5.5) and Q are real, is crudely
defined by the condition that the radicals entering into (5.1) be real.
Remark 5.2. The probability of the presence of the electron defined by
theorem 5 is extremely different from that defined by wave mechanics,
but closely connected to the first quantum mechanics: the electron stays
in a compact subset VX of X that is the union of the trajectories used by
the first quantum mechanics; the probability of its presence results as
simply as possible from the equations characterizing V.


This survey has elucidated Maslov's quantization. On the one hand,

theorem 3 of IV,§2 proves that it is related to classical wave mechanics
IV,Conclusion 267

and preserves its essential results; on the other hand, remark 5.2 of IV,
§2 proves that it is related to the first quantum theory and preserves the
simplicity of its calculations. Chapters I and II have shown how Maslov's
quantification replaces the Bohr-Sommerfeld quantization by a quantiza-
tion that mathematical motivations justify.
We considered only one-electron atoms (or ions). Let us review very
briefly how quantum mechanics has studied several-electrons atoms. It
has been by using the Schrodinger equation.
i. There are rich theoretical results (by T. Kato, B. Simon, and many other
mathematicians); but they do not lead to numerical results.
ii. There are some numerical results (by E. A. Hylleraas, C. L. Pekeris,
and many other physicists) that strikingly agree with experimental results;
but their mathematical accuracy is not completely established.
[In its present state Maslov's quantification can reobtain neither (i)
nor (ii).]
iii. There is also a very crude method that foresees the behavior of the
plasmas; it pays attention to only one of the electrons, to which is applied
the theory of one-electron atoms. V P. Maslov asserts that such a proce-
dure becomes more efficient when his quantification is used.
That last fact and the fact that (i), (ii), and (iii) together do not at all
constitute a complete theory show how also physics called for a coherent
elucidation of Maslov's quantification and for the required tools.

1. Cited Publications
[1] Arnold, V. I.
On a characteristic class intervening in quantum conditions, Funct. Anal. App!. 1 :1-14,
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[2] Bethe, H., and Salpeter, E.
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[8] Carding, L., Kotake, T., and Leray, J.
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approchees, Bull. soc. math. France 92:263-361, 1964 (introduction and chapter 7).
[9] Lefschetz, S.
Algebraic topology, Amer. Math. Soc. Colloq. Publications 27, 1942 (chapter 111, §5).
[10] Maslov, V. P.
Perturbation Theory and Asymptotic Methods, Moscow: M.G.U., 1965 (in Russian and
English translation).
[11] Maslov, V. P.
Theorie des perturbations et methodes asymptotiques, suivie de deux notes complementaires
de V. I. Arnold, et V. C. Buslaev, Paris: Dunod, 1972 (translated by J. Lascoux and R. Senor).
[12] Morse, M., and Cairns, S.
Critical Point Theory in Global Analysis and Differential Geometry, New York: Academic
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[13] Schwartz, L.
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[14] Segal, 1. E.
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[15] Shale, D.
Linear symmetries of free boson fields, Trans. Amer. Math. Soc. 103:149-167, 1962.
[16] Souriau, J. M.
Construction explicite de 1'indice de Maslov. Applications. 4" International Colloquium on
Group Theoretical Methods in Physics, University of Nijmegen, 1975.
[17] Steenrod, N.
The Topology of Fiber Bundles, Princeton: Princeton University Press, 1951 (§2, §15).
270 Bibliography

[18] Weil, A.
Sur certains groupes d'operateurs unitaires, Acta math. 111:143-211, 1964.
[19] Whittaker, E. T., and Watson, G. N.
Modern Analysis, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1927.

2. Related Publications
[20] Crumeyrolle, A. -
Revetements spinoriels du groupe symplectique et indices de Maslov, C. R. Acad. Sci.
Paris 280: 1753-1756, 1975; Algebre de Clifford symplectique et revetement spinoriel du
groupe symplectique, C. R. Acad. Sci. Paris 280:1689-1692, 1975.
[21] Crumeyrolle, A.
Algebre de Clifford symplectique, revctements du groupe symplectique, indices de Maslov
et spineurs symplectiques, J. math. pures appl. 56:205-230, 1977.
[22] Dazord, P.
La classe de Maslov-Arnold; L'operateur canonique de Maslov, Seminaire de Geometrie;
University Claude Bernard [Lyon 1], 1975/76; Une interpretation geometrique de la classe
de Maslov-Arnold, J. math. pores appl. 56:231-250, 1977.
[23] Guillemin, V., and Sternberg, S.
Geometric Asymptotics, Providence; American Mathematical Society, 1977.
[24] Malgrange, B.
Integrales asymptotiques et monodromie, Ann. Sci. Ecole Norm. Sup. 7 (4):405-430, 1974.
[25] Voros, A.
The W.K.B: Maslov method for non-separable systems, Colloques internationaux du
C.N.R.S., 237: Geometrie symplectique et physique mathematique. Aix-en-Provence, 1974.
[26] Voros, A.
Asymptotic h-expansions of stationary quantum states, Ann. Inst. Henri Poincare 26A:
343-370, 1977.

3. Preliminary Publications
[27] Leray,J.
Solutions asymptotiques des equations aux dbrivees partielles (unc adaptation du traite de
V. P. Maslov), Convegno internazionale: metodi valutativa nella flsica matematica; Accad.
Naz. dei Lincei, Roma, 1972.
[28] Lcray,J.
Complement a la thborie d'Arnold de I'indice de Maslov, Convegno di geometrica simplettica
et fisica matematica, 1stituto di Alta Matematica, Roma, 1973.
[29] Leray, J.
Solutions asymptotiques et groupe symplectique, Colloque sur les operateurs de Fourier
integraux et les equations aux derivees partielles, Nice; Lecture Notes, Springer-Verlag, 1974.
[30] Leray, J.
Solutions asymptotiques et physique mathbmatique, Colloques internationaux du C.N.R.S.,
237: Geometrie symplectique et physique mathematique; Aix-en-Provence, 1974.
[31] Leray, J.
Solutions asymptotiques de 1'equation de Dirac, Trends in Applications of Pure Mathematics
to Mechanics, Conference at the University of Lecce, London: Pitman, 1975
[32] Leray, J.
Analyst lagrangienne et mecanique quantique, Seminaire du College de France, 1976-1977,
and R.C.P. 25, Strasbourg, 1978.
Bibliography 271

[33] Leray,J.
The meaning of Maslov's asymptotic method: the need of Planck's constant in mathematics,
Bulletin of the American Mathematical Society, to appear, 1981. (Symposium on the Mathe-
matical Heritage of Henri Poincare, April 1980).
The present publication is a revised version of [32], which encompasses [27]-[31], and
[33] constitutes a comment of the present publication.

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