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Energy 181 (2019) 1023e1035

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Solar power in district heating. P2H flexibility concept

Armands Gravelsins, Ieva Pakere*, Anrijs Tukulis, Dagnija Blumberga
Riga Technical University, Institute of Energy Systems and Environment, Azenes street 12/1, Riga, Latvia

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: District heating (DH) systems present a great opportunity to increase the proportion of renewable energy
Received 6 January 2019 used in both heating and cooling. Renewable energy can be integrated into DH to account for heat load
Received in revised form and also for power production, which in cogeneration systems is used for both heat generation and
22 May 2019
Accepted 30 May 2019
The main aim of this research is to determine whether (and also how) to integrate solar PV panels into
Available online 3 June 2019
DH systems to achieve an economically feasible, flexible energy production solution by using a power-to-
heat concept. To reach greater depth in this research, the system dynamics (SD) approach was used.
District heating system
The results show that it is not profitable to install larger PV panels than are needed to provide for
Power-to-heat summer electricity use. However, use of the power-to-heat concept can expand the flexibility of a solar
Solar power power system and increase the overall efficiency or economic feasibility when the power generated
System dynamics modelling exceeds consumption. When integrating a larger PV area, the surplus power can either be transferred
back to the grid or used for heat production via a heat pump. On average, about 47% of excess power is
converted into heat and 53% is sent to the grid. Results show that policies both in the form of subsidies
for PV panels and increases in the price of heat can significantly influence the results.
© 2019 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction systems.
The flexibility of energy systems that use integrated intermit-
Globally, nearly 80% of produced energy comes from fossil fuels, tent energy sources is crucial [2]. As the installed capacity of solar
which promotes climate change, water and air pollution, and nat- energy production technologies has grown, the alignment of en-
ural resource depletion. Renewable energy sources (RES) play an ergy production and consumption has lately become a much-
increasingly important role in the energy sectors in most European discussed topic [3]. There are several ways of increasing the capa-
countries, particularly in those wishing both to improve the overall bility of systems to adjust production to consumption: accumulate
quality of the environment and to decrease their dependency on the power for periods when the demand increases, apply demand
imported fossil fuels. side management to align power consumption with power pro-
Due to the rapid development of technologies, solar energy is duction and/or convert the power to different types of energy [3].
becoming increasingly widespread in various countries, but The main technology for direct power accumulation is the battery.
particularly in Europe. The price of solar power panels has Power can be stored in a variety of ways such as compressed air
decreased by around 85% between 2009 and 2018, which has energy storage, flywheels, superconducting magnetic energy stor-
resulted in a sharp increase of installed solar power capacity. age, etc. [4]. However, most of these technologies are not yet fully
Around 140 million Euros have been invested in PV technologies, adapted for commercial use and are often not cost effective.
which is the largest share from all investments in RES [1]. Solar
power is an important element in 100% cost effective renewable 1.1. Development of power-to-heat concept
power systems. However, generated solar power is dependent on
the available solar radiation and not on actual power consumption, There is another solution for utilizing the power from RES when
which indicates the necessity redesign the operation of energy the power consumption is lower than the production rate. This
amount of generated solar power can be defined as surplus power,
which due to legislative or economic reasons cannot be fed into the
* Corresponding author. grid. When this occurs, one possibility is to convert power to heat
E-mail address: (I. Pakere). (power-to-heat (P2H) concept) via electric boilers or heat pumps
0360-5442/© 2019 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
1024 A. Gravelsins et al. / Energy 181 (2019) 1023e1035

Nomenclature i order of delay function

IR investment rate, EUR/yr
B1eB3 balancing loops LHP heat pump load, %
CA avoided costs for grid power, EUR/hr OCPV PV operating costs, EUR/hr
CAPP2H power-to-heat capacity, kW PPV PV price, EUR/m2
CCDR capital cost discard rate, EUR/yr/yr PRA accumulated profit, EUR
CCIR capital cost increment rate, EUR/yr/yr P2H power-to-heat
CCPV PV capital costs, EUR/yr PUC public utilities commission
CHP combined heat and power R1-R3 reinforcing loops
COP heat pumps coefficient of performance RBTG revenue from selling power back-to-grid, EUR/hr
CRHP heat pump capacity requirement, kW/m2 RES renewable energy sources
CS system costs, EUR/hr RP2H revenue from selling P2H heat, EUR/hr
DH district heating RS system revenue, EUR/hr
DR discount rate, % SB Subsidies in PV technologies, %
EBTG surplus power back to the grid, kWh/hr SCOM PV commissioning, m2/yr
ED power demand for self-consumption, kWh/hr SD system dynamics
EG power from grid, kWh/hr SDE PV decommissioning, m2/yr
EHD heat demand, kWh/hr SHPR profit share in new PV, %
EHP power-to-heat production, kWh/hr SI solar irradiation, kWh/m2/hr
EMAX maximum power demand possible for P2H, kWh/hr SO ordering of PV area, m2/yr
EP2H surplus power for P2H, kWh/hr SOPV ordered PV area, m2
EPV PV power production, kWh/hr SPV PV area, m2
ES PV power surplus, kWh/hr TGP grid power price, EUR/MWh
ESC PV power for self-consumption, kWh/hr TMC commissioning time, yr
FLHPV PV full load hours, hr/yr TME economic lifetime of investment, yr
FOCPV PV fixed operating costs, EUR/MW/yr TMPV PV service life, yr
HP heat pump TSP power sales price, EUR/MWhe
HTC comparable heat tariff, EUR/MWhe VOCPV variable operating costs of PV, EUR/MWh
HTH company's heat tariff, EUR/MWhth hPV PV efficiency, %
HTP2H indicated P2H tariff, EUR/MWhth

(HP) [5] and use it in either the local [6] or the large-scale heating load management and grid-interconnectivity are the key factors in
systems [7]. Fig. 1 shows the interaction between heat production developing more flexible renewable energy system solutions [10].
costs and electricity prices for different heat generation technolo- The potential of P2H systems in different European countries
gies. This demonstrates that P2H is feasible when the electricity have been analysed by Yilmaz et al. [11]. Authors have calculated
price is lower than the heat production costs incurred when using the P2H potential for Germany, Denmark, France, Austria, the
other heat generation technologies [8]. Netherlands and Italy by analysing changes in hourly power and
In the past few years, a number of authors have developed the heat load. Other authors have applied a similar methodology for
smart grid concept [9] where power, heating and cooling networks estimating the potential of P2H technology for Sweden [12] and
are combined and analysed as an integrated system. Consumption other Nordic countries [13]. Sandberg et al. [14] have lately dis-
cussed P2H as a solution using different power tariff structures and
conclude that, while this could increase the share of wind power in
DH, it would also decrease the share of energy through
Heat production

The P2H concept has been analysed in a microeconomic


perspective by Ehrlich et al. [15]. The authors conclude that,

without additional government support, the financial benefits of
P2H systems at the household level are negligible. Therefore, it is
reasonable to analyse such systems at the district or regional level,
but until now, there has been little research on large-scale P2H
integration in district heating systems [8]. Hypothetically, DH
would be a suitable application for P2H because electricity can be
Heat only boilers
directly used for heat generation and transmission in a boiler
house, while the surplus power can be converted to heat and fed
into the heat supply system.

P2H potential 1.2. Solar power and P2H concept in baltic countries

The use of solar and wind energy in Baltic countries is not yet
Electricity price
widespread for energy production [16,17]. Solar panels are mainly
Fig. 1. Heat production cost and electricity price interact for different heat generation used in household applications and there have been several
technologies (CHP-combined heat and power) [8]. research papers analysing the operation of solar power systems in
A. Gravelsins et al. / Energy 181 (2019) 1023e1035 1025

Latvia [18,19]. The authors of these papers identify the main pa- R3), which promote the development of the system. However, two
rameters affecting solar system feasibility including the efficiency balancing loops (B1 and B2) hinder the development of the system.
rate and price of solar panels, the level of government support and The main measurement of the system is profitability. A higher
the structure of electricity tariffs. profitability level leads to a higher interest on the part of the
In order to initiate the installation of RES, there should be well- Company to invest in additional PV capacity. This, in turn, leads to
planned regulatory framework and national support for carbon- more solar energy being produced, which further leads to more
free technologies [20]. Best & Burk [21] present the roles of pol- surplus power when the PV is producing close to maximum ca-
icies and preferences in the national adoption of solar and wind pacity. If there is a significant amount of surplus energy, there is the
energy technologies. These authors have found that carbon pricing option to use it for heat generation. Thus, with more surplus energy,
is an important factor in the early adoption of solar energy. Similar more heat can be generated. This results in higher income levels,
support schemes should be analysed for Baltic countries in order to which make the system more profitable. This is the first reinforcing
achieve a higher share for solar and wind energy in the energy loop (R1).
market. The 2nd reinforcing loop (R2) is similar. If there is more surplus
Moller et al. [8] analysed the possible increase in system flexi- energy, more power can be sold back to the grid (BTG). This in-
bility by implementing policy incentives for DH in Baltic countries. creases the income from the PV system making it more profitable.
The authors compare the levelized costs of heat for several sce- The 3rd reinforcing loop (R3) shows that by increasing the PV
narios combining biomass CHP, electric boilers, heat storage and oil energy production rate, the company is able to cover a greater share
boilers for covering the peak load. The results showed that inte- of power self-consumption. This allows it to avoid the costs that
gration of different energy storage systems results in the lower would result from purchasing power from the grid. This also helps
levelized costs of heat. However, the current policies in the Baltic to make the system more profitable.
countries do not support increased system flexibility from coupling Although the reinforcing loops promote the development of the
DH and power generation. system, there are also two balancing loops trying to hinder the
Taking into account the significant decrease of PV prices, the development of the system. Balancing Loop 1 (B1) is related to the
development of the smart grid and P2H, the goal of this research is PV costs. The installation of more PV panels results in higher capital
to determine whether the integration of solar PV panels into DH and operating costs, making the system less profitable. Balancing
systems is economically feasible. The authors evaluate if it is Loop 2 (B2) works by the same principle, but it takes into account
reasonable to integrate the PV system for on-site power con- the P2H technology costs and their impact on the system.
sumption (that is, the energy used to produce power) and convert The system is profitable when the reinforcing loops are stronger
the surplus solar power to heat. The P2H concept is a possible so- than the balancing loops, meaning that revenues need to be higher
lution to increase the flexibility of solar power systems. than costs. Therefore, it is necessary to determine the capacity at
which maximum revenue is generated at a minimal cost.
2. Methodology Based on literature, it is assumed that technology costs for PV
and P2H technologies will decrease [1]. The hourly data of a DH
For more in-depth research of the PV technology integration company's heat demand, power consumption and solar irradiation
into DH, the authors have used the system dynamics (SD) approach. is used in the model.
SD solves complex problems such as the development of renewable The dynamic hypothesis is that, by integrating solar energy and
energy systems that use several dynamic variables [22]. SD P2H technologies, it is possible to improve the economic indicators
modelling is useful for evaluating the relationship between dy- of the DH company.
namic factors (dependency, energy demand, cost changes, etc. [23])
and the effect of different policies on RES [24].
2.2. Model structure
SD theory is based on the study of the relationship between
system behaviour and the underlying structure of the system. This
The SD model consists of five connected sub-models. Stocks and
means that an analysis of the system's structure may lead to a
flows are the main elements of every sub-model. The stocks accu-
deeper understanding of the causes which lead to certain behav-
mulate the particular value over time, while flows increase or
iour which, in turn, allows any problematic behaviour existing in
decrease this accumulated value.
the system [25] to be further addressed.
For the purposes of this research, the SD model was developed
to analyse the complexity of the DH company's energy balance and 2.2.1. Installed PV area sub-model
tariffs for different energy types. It also include forecasts for energy The installed PV area sub-model describes the total installed PV
and changes in the price of PV technology. This model is based on area. Fig. 3 shows the model structure. In cases where the PV sys-
solar power integration, which is used to cover power used to tem operation is profitable, more PV is installed to cover a larger
produce heat for a DH company. area. If not, then the PV area slowly decreases due to decom-
missioning of the existing PV panels.
2.1. System dynamic behaviour Two flows regulate the PV area stocke PV commissioning and
decommissioning. This structure shows the extent of PV area at any
The aim of this research is to evaluate whether it is reasonable to given moment. Stock value is calculated according to (1) below:
integrate a PV system into a DH company's system in order to cover
part of the company's power self-consumption and convert the ðt
surplus solar energy into heat. In addition, the model makes it SPV ðtÞ ¼ ½SCOM  SDE dt þ SPV ðt0 Þ (1)
possible to compare different technologies that can be used to t0
produce heat energy from surplus energy.
To identify the main driving forces of the system, the causal loop where SPV e PV area, m2; SCOM e PV commissioning, m2/yr; SDE e
diagram was constructed. The causal loop diagram describes PV decommissioning, m2/yr.
mutual connections among the elements of the system. Other stocks of the system are calculated using the same
The system (see Fig. 2.) consists of three reinforcing loops (R1 e principle.
1026 A. Gravelsins et al. / Energy 181 (2019) 1023e1035

Income from BTG

Income from P2H
System income + +


R1 +
+ +
+ P2H costs P2H
Other P2H costs Other PV costs Power sales price
+ +
+ +
System costs + PV costs B2
System - +
PV energy surplus
Profitability B1 Heat tariff +
PV capacity
PV efficiency
+ + PV energy share in
PV energy + self consumption
R3 +
Avoided costs from Solar irradiation
Grid power + grid power + Power demand for
purchase price self consumption

Fig. 2. Causal loop diagram for PV panel integration in a DH company.

Profit share Commissioning time PV service life

in new PV

Ordered PV
PV area area
Ordering of PV PV
PV area commissioning decommissioning

PV price
PV price reduction Reduction rate %
rate per year

Fig. 3. Installed PV area sub-model.

The decision about additional PV panel area installation is based

on economic considerations such as total revenue and costs of SOPV
SCOM ¼ (3)
installed PV system. If the operation is profitable, it is assumed that TMC
part of the profit will be redirected towards installation of new PV
panels. The amount of installed area is calculated by dividing the where SOPV e ordered PV area, m2; TMC e commissioning time, yr.
available funds with the PV price. The ordering of new PV panels is PV decommissioning describes the amount of PV panels
determined by the following “if” function: decommissioned after the end of their service life:

SO ¼ if ðPRA > 0; PRA , SHPR =PPV ; 0Þ (2) SPV

SDE ¼ (4)
where SO e ordering of PV area, m /yr; PRA e accumulated profit,
EUR; SHPR e profit share in new PV, %; PPV e PV price, EUR/m2. where TMPV e PV service life, yr.
There is a time delay before PV panels are delivered, installed The PV panel price is assumed to decrease in the future [1]. The
and become fully functional. Therefore, there are two stocks e or- decrease is modelled by building one stock with one outflow. Fig. 4
dered PV area and PV area. These stocks are regulated by the flow e shows the modelled PV panel price decrease during a 10 year
PV commissioning. After the commissioning time (a time necessary period (see Fig. 5).
to deliver and install the equipment) passes, the ordered PV panels The main input parameters (profit share in new PV, commis-
move to the PV area stock: sioning time, PV service life, PV price, etc.) are shown in Table 1.
A. Gravelsins et al. / Energy 181 (2019) 1023e1035 1027


PV price, EUR/m2



2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025 2026

Fig. 4. Simulated PV price decrease.

PV efficiency
Solar irradiation

PV PV power
area production PV power for self
Surplus power P2H tariff
BTG Heat demand

Power from
P2H Power Max power Comparable
grid COP
capacity sales price demand heat tariff
for P2H
Power demand for
self consumption
PV power surplus Surplus power for
P2H Companie s
heat tariff
Heat tariff
Heat tariff increase increase rate

Fig. 5. PV power production and consumption sub-model.

2.2.2. Power production and consumption sub-model The generated PV power is calculated as:
The power production and consumption sub-model reveals the
following flows: EPV ¼ SPV ,hPV ,SI (5)

 how much power is produced with the installed PV area; where EPV e PV power production, kWh/hr; hPV e PV efficiency, %;
 how much of the produced power is used for self-consumption; SI e solar irradiation.
 how much of the produced power remains as surplus power, The PV panel efficiency is based on previous research [26,27],
which can be either BTG, or used in heat generation via HP. but the hourly solar irradiation data are obtained from the

Table 1
Input data for baseline scenario.

Input parameter Unit Value Source

Starting price for PV panels EUR/m 180 [27]
PV panel price reduction %/year 5 [27,28]
PV commissioning time years 1 [29]
Service life of PV years 25 [29]
PV panel efficiency % 16 [30]
Profit share in new PV % 25 [28]
Solar irradiation kWh/m2/hr Hourly data Meteorological database [31]
Electricity consumption kWh Hourly data Data from DH company
Electricity needed for heat demand kWh Hourly data Data from DH company
Heat tariff increase % 2 Data from DH company
Heat tariff for end users EUR/MWh 50 Data from DH company
HP COP e 3 [32,33]
Electricity price EUR/MWh Hourly data Data from electricity market
HP price EUR/kW 800 [32,33]
Service life of HP equipment years 20 [32]
HP capacity requirement kWh/m2 0.2 [32]
Full electricity price EUR/MWh Hourly data Average mark-up
1028 A. Gravelsins et al. / Energy 181 (2019) 1023e1035

meteorological database [31].

To calculate how much of a DH company's power demand can be HTC ¼ if ðHTH  HTPtH ; HTH , COP; 0Þ (11)
covered by generated PV energy, it is necessary to take into account
how much power is needed from the grid, as well as how much where HTH e company's heat tariff, EUR/MWhth; HTP2H e indicated
surplus solar power is still left after self-consumption is covered P2H tariff, EUR/MWhth; COP e HP coefficient of performance.
(6e8). The variable, called maximum power demand possible for P2H,
was introduced into the model in order to prevent a situation
ESC ¼ if ðEPV  ED ; ED ; EPV Þ (6) whereby more surplus energy would be transformed into heat than
required by the heat demand.
EG ¼ if ðED > EPV ; ED  EPV ; 0Þ (7) EHD
EMAX ¼ (12)
ES ¼ if ðEPV > ED ; EPV  ED ; 0Þ (8)
where EHD eheat demand, kWh/hr.
where ESC e PV power for self-consumption, kWh/hr; EG e power It is assumed that the DH Company's regular tariff will increase
from grid, kWh/hr; ES e PV. over time. The tariff increase is modelled the same way as the PV
Surplus power, kWh/hr; ED e power demand for self- price decrease in section 2.2.1.
consumption, kWh/hr.
The hourly power consumption data of the particular DH com- 2.2.3. P2H capacity sub-model
pany studied is used in the modelling process. The HP is used as P2H technology to convert PV surplus energy
The surplus energy (PV power production minus the DH com- into heat. Fig. 6 shows the end-to-end relationships in the P2H
pany's self-consumption) is transformed into heat or fed into the capacity sub-model. To understand how much capacity is necessary
grid. The decision on whether to feed surplus power BTG or to use it for P2H technologies, a HP capacity factor is introduced. This vari-
in heat generation is based on economic considerations. The po- able describes the HP capacity requirement per one square meter of
tential income from both options is compared, and the more installed PV area that is necessary to cover the full load when PV is
profitable option is selected. If the heat tariff is higher, the surplus working at peak capacity. As PV panels are working at full capacity
PV power is converted to heat taking into account the restrictions of only a few hours per year, it is impractical and expensive to install
heat demand and installed P2H technological capacity. The decision HP capacity to cover the full power load. Thus, the HP capacity
uses the following functions: factor describes how much of the full HP capacity requirement is
installed (e.g. if HP capacity requirement is 0.2 kW/m2 and HP load

EBTG ¼ if ðTSP > HTC ; ES ; if ðES > EMAX ; if ðEMAX > CAPPtH ; ES  CAPPtH ; ES  EMAX Þ;
if ðES > CAPPtH ; ES  CAPPtH ; 0ÞÞÞ

is 10%, only 0.02 kW/m2 will be installed). The HP load is one of the
variables the impact of which is analysed in different scenarios.
The initial P2H capacity is calculated as follows:
EPtH ¼ if ðTSP >HTC ;0;if ðES >EMAX ;if ðEMAX >CAPPtH ;CAPPtH ;EMAX Þ;
where CRHP eHP capacity requirement, kW/m2; LHP e HP load, %.
where EBTG e surplus power B, kWh/hr; EP2H e surplus power for The P2H technology capacity is modelled as a stock with one
P2H, kWh/hr; TSP e price of power for sale, EUR/MWhe; HTC e inflow and one outflow. The inflow P2H commissioning is calcu-
comparable heat tariff, EUR/MWhe; EMAX e maximum power de- lated the same as initial capacity (13) except that the additional P2H
mand possible for P2H, kWh/hr; CAPP2H e P2H capacity, kW.
The hourly electricity price is determined using historical data
from the power market with future price forecasts.
To compare which of the options are more profitable, it was
necessary to compare the power tariff with the heat tariff. Since the
heat tariff is expressed per heat energy produced, in order to Heat pump PV
compare it with the power tariff, the coefficient of performance capacity area P2H
(COP) for HP, which would be used to transform surplus power into requirement service life
heat, was introduced. In addition, two different heat tariffs were
compared e the DH company's regular tariff (approved by the
public utilities commission (PUC)) and the calculated P2H tariff. In P2H
cases when the P2H tariff is higher than the one approved by the capacity
PUC, it is disadvantageous to transform surplus PV power to heat.
commissioning decommissioning
However, if the P2H tariff is lower than the tariff approved by PUC
Ordering of
and when it is more profitable than selling power BTG, surplus PV PV area
energy is transformed into heat by using P2H technologies. The Heat pump load
heat produced by the P2H technology is sold at the PUC approved
tariff. Fig. 6. P2H capacity sub-model.
A. Gravelsins et al. / Energy 181 (2019) 1023e1035 1029

the different scenarios when PV panels are subsidized (same is

done in the P2H technology capital cost sub-model).
The capital cost increment rate and discard rate is calculated in
Economic the following manner:
Discount PV
rate area IR,DR
CCIR ¼  (15)
1  1=ðð1 þ DRÞTME
Capital cost Capital cost
increment rate discard rate
Ordering of
PV area PV price where CCIR e capital cost increment rate, EUR/yr/yr; CCDR e capital
Subsidies PV cost discard rate, EUR/yr/yr; IR e investment rate, EUR/yr; i e order
of delay function (i ¼ 6).
Cummulative The investment rate calculates the necessary capital investment
investment for new capacities in later steps of the simulation (17).
Investment rate

Fig. 7. PV capital cost sub-model. IR ¼ PPV ,SO ,ð1  SBÞ (17)

In this example, the capital cost calculation is displayed only for
PV panels, because the calculation for the HP is similar.
capacity is installed for the new PV area, not the initial one. The P2H
decommissioning is calculated similar to formula (4).

2.2.5. Cost, revenue and profit sub-model

2.2.4. Capital cost sub-model To evaluate the economic benefits, it is important to calculate
For PV and P2H technology implementation, one of the main the costs and revenue of PV system integration in the DH system.
barriers is high capital costs which cannot be overlooked. The The costs of the system include PV costs and HP costs. Costs
capital cost sub-model (see Figs. 7 and 8) shows calculations of the consists of capital costs (section 2.2.4.) and operating costs e both
capital costs for existing and new capacities. fixed and variable. The operating costs for the PV panels are
The capital costs is a stock with two flows e inflow, which in- calculated according to (18).
creases the capital costs when a new PV area is installed, and
outflow, which decreases the capital costs, when those are refun- OCPV ¼ EPV ,ðVOCPV þ FOCPV =FLHPV Þ (18)
ded (see Fig. 7). The initial capital costs for the initial PV area are
calculated according to (14): where OCPV e PV operating costs, EUR/hr; VOCPV e variable oper-
ating costs PV, EUR/MWh; FOCPV e fixed operating costs PV, EUR/
SPV ,PPV ,ð100  SBÞ,DR MW/yr; FLHPV e PV full load hours, hr/yr.
CCPV ¼  (14)
1  1=ðð1 þ DRÞTME The same approach is used when calculating HP operating costs.
Total revenue consist of two elements: revenue from electricity
sold BTG and revenue from HP heat energy sold to consumers.
where CCPV e PV capital costs, EUR/yr; SB e subsidies in PV tech-
nologies, %; DR e discount rate, %; TME e economic lifetime of in-
vestment, yr.
The subsidies are implemented in the model to later compare

Variable Surplus power

Fixed operating Companies
PV operating BTG
operating costs PV heat tariff
costs PV costs P2H heat
Power production
sales price
Revenue from Revenue from
PV full selling power BTG selling P2H heat
load hours PV power PV PV power for self
production capital consumption
PV costs

P2H System System Avoided costs for

P2H heat capital costs revenue grid power
P2H full production costs
load hours P2H costs

Grid power
Fixed Variable price
operating P2H operating operating Profit
costs P2H costs costs P2H

Fig. 8. Cost, revenue and profit sub-model.

1030 A. Gravelsins et al. / Energy 181 (2019) 1023e1035

production via HP without covering self-consumption.

RPtH ¼ EHP ,HTH (20) Scenarios 8 to 12 describe the situation with additional support
for renewable technologies in the form of subsidies for investment
where RBTG e revenue from selling power BTG, EUR/hr; RP2H e in PV panels and HP. Scenarios 13 to 16 show the impact of in-
revenue from selling P2H heat, EUR/hr; EHP e P2H heat production, creases in power and/or heat tariff as they directly impact the
kWh/hr. economic benefits of power conversion to heat.
There is an additional category called “avoided costs”. Since the
company is producing its own power with PV, the amount of power
2.5. Model validation outlier
generated is the same amount they do not have to buy from the
grid. Avoided costs are calculated as follows:
The extreme conditions test was done to see how the model
CA ¼ ESC ,TGP (21) responds to extreme values. This test showed that by radically
changing the main input data, the model behaviour is normal and
where CA e avoided costs for grid power, EUR/hr; TGP e grid power the balancing loops limit the outlying results. Fig. 9 shows the
price, EUR/MWh. changes in installed PV capacity by putting extreme values (10
Profit is calculated, by taking into account costs, revenue and times larger e 10 000 m2) for the initial PV area.
avoided costs: Fig. 9 shows that by installing too great a PV capacity from the
initial launch of the system, the system cannot be economically
PR ¼ RS  CS þ CA (22) justified and the total accumulated profit is negative. That is to say,
there is a loss. This shows that the balancing loops (costs) are
where RS e system revenue, EUR/hr; CS e system costs, EUR/hr. stronger than reinforcing loops (profit). In cases where the extreme
The revenue growth is only observed at times when the PV condition test was done for all input parameters, the model showed
system is producing power, while fixed costs are the same that it can balance itself and deliver reliable results even for
throughout the year. To compare revenue and costs, it is necessary extremely low and high input values.
to compare the annual values. Each year based on the annual profit,
the investment decision is made whether to invest in additional PV 3. Results
panels or not. Therefore, the revenue and costs are reset.
This section presents the results for different solar power system
2.3. Assumptions and input data configurations and the impact of applied policies and increases in
energy tariffs. The simulation is conducted for a 10 year period to
Table 1 shows the main input data for the baseline scenario and show the long term dynamic of the obtained results.
also includes the unit, the exact value and the source for each input
parameter. 3.1. Baseline scenario

2.4. Analysed scenarios The baseline scenario represents the configuration of a

1000 m2 PV area and the HP with a starting capacity of 20 kW. The
The developed SD model evaluates different solar power system solar power production is modelled on an hourly basis according to
configurations and policy instruments for renewable energy sup- the available solar radiation. It is further aligned with the hourly
port. Table 2 summarizes the analysed scenarios. power consumption and the market price of electricity.
Scenarios 1, 2 and 5 represent the situation with different PV Fig. 10 shows the results of solar power production and uti-
areas and without integrated HP for P2H concept. Solar power is lisation of surplus solar power. The solar fraction reaches around
only used for self-consumption coverage or sent BTG. 20% of total power consumption in the first year and drops to 13% in
Scenarios 3,4, 6 and 7 show the impact of different installed HP 10th year. Around 81% of produced solar power is used directly for
capacities for PV areas of 1000 m2 and 500 m2. The used values self-consumption; therefore, the remaining part is surplus power,
describe the part of the PV load that could be directly used for heat which can be either transmitted BTG or converted to heat via HP

Table 2
Overview of analysed scenarios.

Scenario Initial PV area HP capacity factor PV subsidies HP subsidies Electricity price increase Heat price increase

m2 e % % % %

Base scenario 1000 0,1 0 0 0 0

Sc 1 100 0 0 0 0 0
Sc 2 1000 0 0 0 0 0
Sc 3 1000 0,05 0 0 0 0
Sc 4 1000 0,2 0 0 0 0
Sc 5 500 0 0 0 0 0
Sc 6 500 0,05 0 0 0 0
Sc 7 500 0,1 0 0 0 0
Sc 8 1000 0,1 20 0 0 0
Sc 9 1000 0,1 40 0 0 0
Sc 10 1000 0,1 0 20 0 0
Sc 11 1000 0,1 0 40 0 0
Sc 12 1000 0,1 40 40 0 0
Sc 13 1000 0,1 0 0 20 0
Sc 14 1000 0,1 0 0 50 0
Sc 15 1000 0,1 0 0 0 20
Sc 16 1000 0,1 0 0 0 50
A. Gravelsins et al. / Energy 181 (2019) 1023e1035 1031

Fig. 9. Extreme condition test for initial installed PV area 10 000 m2. a-PV energy share in self-consumption and share of surplus PV power; b-changes of accumulated profit.

Fig. 10. Solar power production, surplus power utilisation and changes of PV area in the Base scenario.

when the electricity price is low. panel system is the installed PV area, which is usually chosen ac-
The installed PV area within a 10-year period decreases from cording to power consumption. In this research, several scenarios
1000 m2 to 630 m2, because it is assumed that not all PV panels will with different installed PV areas are analysed (see Table 2). If the
last the whole lifetime predefined by manufacturer. If PV panels installed area is below a certain size, all of the generated solar
would prove to be economically beneficial, the company would be power is directly used on site for self-consumption (Scenario 1). In
interested in investing in more PV panels, and the PV area would order to increase the share of solar energy in the total power
increase in the case when the investment rate is larger than the consumption, it is necessary to install a larger area of solar panels.
decommissioning rate. In this case, there will be periods when the generated solar power
Around 47% of surplus power is converted to heat and fed into exceeds the actual power consumption and a surplus of power
the DH network, and the rest is transmitted BTG. However, the use occurs.
of power for heat production is strongly limited by the HP capacity. Fig. 11 shows the share of PV energy in self-consumption and
Part of the surplus power is sold BTG due to insufficient HP capacity. Fig. 12 shows the surplus solar power in different PV area scenarios.
There is no surplus power in Scenario 1 where only 100 m2 of PV
panels are installed. For the installed area of 1000 m2, the share of
3.2. Installed PV area and generated solar power surplus power reaches around 16% in total power consumption.
This amount is smaller after 10 years in 2026 as the installed PV
One of the main parameters affecting the operation of the solar
1032 A. Gravelsins et al. / Energy 181 (2019) 1023e1035


PV energy in self
consumption, %
2017 2019 2021 2023 2025
Sc 1 Sc 2 Sc 5

Fig. 11. PV power in self-consumption for different PV area scenarios.

PV energy surplus, %





2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025 2026

Sc 2 Sc 5

Fig. 12. Surplus power in different PV area scenarios.

area decreases. installation, the accumulated profit per m2 of PV area is used as the
The main factors that determine the use of surplus power in this main indicator. Fig. 14 and Fig. 15 show the results for different
research is the hourly electricity price and the HP capacity to scenarios without use of HP when all the surplus power is sent to
convert P2H. Around 20% of solar power exceeds the consumption BTG. The highest value is obtained for Scenario 1 with an installed
and the power needs to be redirected when analysing the solar panel area of 100 m2. The total accumulated profit after 10
1000 m2 PV panel area scenario. Fig. 13 shows the surplus power year period is 18 EUR/m2. Fig. 14 shows that Scenario 2 is not
converted to heat depending on the installed HP capacity. When profitable during the analysed period, but PV installation of 500 m2
the HP capacity factor is 0.1, almost half of the surplus power is results in 10 EUR/m2 accumulated profit.
converted to heat. In case of higher HP capacity, up to around 74% of When comparing scenarios with the same area but different
surplus power is used for heat production as it is more beneficial policies for the surplus power utilisation (Scenario 2 without HP
than the BTG option. In this particular case study, all of this and Base scenario with HP), the results show that it is more prof-
generated heat can be used in DH in order to cover the summer itable to convert part of the surplus power to heat. Scenario 2 re-
heat load. sults in 5.5 EUR/m2 accumulated profit, but Base scenario results
In order to compare the different scenarios with and without HP in a 3.7 EUR/m2 profit.

PV surplus power share for





2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025 2026

0 (Sc 2) 0,05 (Sc 3) Base scenario 0,2 (Sc 4)

Fig. 13. Surplus power used in heat production depending on the installed HP capacity factor.
A. Gravelsins et al. / Energy 181 (2019) 1023e1035 1033

Fig. 14. Specific accumulated profit for scenarios without HP installation.

different grant policies. The obtained results are compared with the
Base scenario. The subsidies for PV panel installations (20% and
40%) show higher accumulated profit increases compared with
those that include support for HP. The highest value of 88.25 EUR/
m2 is obtained for Scenario 12 when support is considered for both
PV panels and HP. 40% subsidies for PV panel installation only
(Scenario 9) show profits reaching 78.26 EUR/m2.
The leading factor that influences profitability of the PV instal-
lation is when the costs of power are replaced by solar energy costs.
The heat tariff and electricity price also significantly impact the
benefits of power transformation to heat. Fig. 17 shows the impact
that increases in the price of heat and power have on the accu-
Fig. 15. Specific accumulated profit for scenarios with HP installation. mulated profit of PV system. If the price of heat increases by 20%,
the accumulated profit increases by 71% in Scenario 15. However,
an increase in the power price does not result in such a steady
As indicated in Fig. 15, higher accumulated profit values are increase of accumulated profit.
obtained for the Base scenario and Scenario 6 (PV 500 m2 combined The share of surplus power converted to heat does not increase
with HP). In addition, lower specific accumulated profit is evident in cases of additional support for investment costs and higher heat
in Scenario 4 and Scenario 7 in which case higher HP capacities are tariff. This is due to low HP capacity, which is insufficient to convert
taken into account. all the power to heat.

3.3. Support policies and tariff changes

4. Conclusions
Several authors concluded that the P2H concept could be more
beneficial with additional support policies or different tariff struc- Solar energy is widely discussed as a solution for sustainable
tures [8,12,13]. Therefore, this research include scenarios with development of the DH and energy sectors. Many DH systems use
additional support in the form of subsidies both for the purchase solar energy for heat production, which is economically justified.
and installation of PV panels and HP. The significant decrease of the price of PV panels promotes
Fig. 16 shows the accumulated profit per installed PV area for expansion of solar power integration for different applications. In

Fig. 16. Specific accumulated profit for different scenarios with support policies.
1034 A. Gravelsins et al. / Energy 181 (2019) 1023e1035


Accumulated pro it,



2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025 2026


Base scenario Power price 20% (Sc 13)
Power price 50% (Sc 14) Heat price 20% (Sc 15)
Heat price 50% (Sc 16)

Fig. 17. Specific accumulated profit for different scenarios with increased power and heat tariffs.

this research, the authors evaluated the PV installation for DH Acknowledgement

system self-consumption with additional P2H technology for sur-
plus power utilisation when it is not beneficial to transmit power This research is funded by the Ministry of Economics of the
back to the grid. Republic of Latvia, project “Development of heat supply and cooling
The results of the Baseline scenario showed that it is not prof- systems in Latvia” (project No. VPP-EM-EE-2018/1e0002).
itable to install a larger PV area than needed for summer electricity
consumption. In the Baseline scenario, the total installed PV References
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