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Full Name: Emily Alejandra Arroyo Contreras.

Code: 1340970.
Program: social work.
Teacher: Matamoros Flórez Johanna Paola.

The Human

Behavior is the set of

behaviors by means of the formation of the personality is based on
which the human being Human behavior is interrelation with the physical, social and cultural
expresses or manifests his constituted by a series environment.
way of being, in the of factors that
different activities he determine the
performs. development of
Human Behavior.

Each of the human beings we have attitudes toward almost all the things or people of the
world in which we have thought at some time, these are the ways of reacting (behaviors,
behaviors) to some stimulus produced by a living being or by something else ; When the
answer is born verbally, it is called opinion. Attitudes are composed of three elements:
cognitive, emotional and behavioral. Attitudes correspond to the psychic expressions of the
human being: thinking, feeling and will (Momoy, 1994). The three components of attitudes
are often in contradiction with each other: It is thought that smoking is wrong but smoking
is done. Being behavioral attitudes, they can be developed or modified. All of us can
remember experiences where someone, dad, mom, teacher, doctor or priest, has tried to
convince us to change a habit, attitude or behavior with respect to something and
sometimes have achieved the development or change of behavior

human behavior is sometimes affected by a series of disorders, for example, when the child
misbehaves persistently, in a way that causes serious problems at home, at school, or with
peers, he may be diagnosed with oppositional defiant disorder (TOD). Oppositional defiant
disorder usually begins before 8 years of age, but not after 12 years. Children with
oppositional defiant disorder are more likely to present a defiant or oppositional attitude to
well-known people, such as family members, caregivers, or teachers. Children with
oppositional defiant disorder show these behaviors more often than other children of the
same age. Examples of challenging opposition disorder include the following: Be angry or
lose your temper often, Discuss with adults or refuse to follow their rules or orders often,
Show resentful or spiteful often, Annoy others deliberately or bother other people, Blame
people often for mistakes or misbehavior.

however, this disorder can be treated in the following way: The treatment for the defiant
negative disorder consists mainly of family interventions, but it can include other types of
psychotherapy and training, both for the child and for the parents. Often, the treatment lasts
several months or more. It is important to treat any problem that occurs at the same time,
such as a learning disorder, because if it is not treated, this can generate or worsen the
symptoms of the defiant negativist disorder. In general, medications are not given alone to
treat the defiant-defiant disorder, unless the child also has another mental health disorder. If
the child also has other disorders, such as attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, anxiety or
depression, medications can help improve these symptoms.

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