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Deutscher Akademischer Austausch Dienst

German Academic Exchange Service
Германская служба академических обменов

Gutachten zu Stipendienanträgen von ausländischen Studierenden,

Graduierten, Doktoranden und Promovierten
Reports on scholarship applications submitted by foreign students, gra duates, doctoral students and postdocs
Рекомендация к заявке на стипендию от иностранных студентов, выпускников, аспирантов и молодых ученых
Gutachten für / Report for / : Mikhnevich Valery
Рекомендация для: (Name der Bewerberin/des Bewerbers / Applicant's name / ФИО
Name des Gutachters/der Gutachterin: Akira Imada
Referee's name / ФИО рекомендующего лица
Stellung / Position / Должность: professor
Fach / Subject / Специальность: artificial intelligence, evolutionary programming, genetic algorithms,
artificial neural networks
Hochschule / University / Наименование вуза: Brest State Technical University, Belarus
Anschrift / Address / Адрес: 224000, Republic of Belarus, Brest, Moskovskaya Str. 267

1. Woher und wie lange kennen Sie die Bewerberin / den Bewerber? Since when and in what
capacity have you known the applicant? Как долго Вы знакомы с соискателем и насколько хорошо
Вы его знаете?

I know the applicant well enough to write this recommendation. I have been teaching Mikhnevich
Valery since the spring in 2010. Now he is attending my course ‘Contemporary Intelligent Information
Technology.’ Despite my lecture is given in English, Valery has no problem at all in understanding the
topic given in my talk, which shows his good knowledge of English. After lecture we often have small
discussion individually over the topic in the lecture, which proves his interest in the subject. I am also
in charge of its practice course. During the courses Valery fulfills all the tasks with a good result in
time and get an excellent marks.

Besides those practices assigned as semester curriculum, he is interesting in looking for another
topic and making it as other projects. Recently he showed me one of such projects, ‘Bio-inspired
model which review a program schedule. Valery wants to write a paper on this theme under my

2. Die Bewerberin/der Bewerber zählt(e) zu den besten Studierenden/Doktoranden (in %):

The applicant is/was among the best students/doctoral students (in %):
Соискатель относится (относился) к числу лучших студентов / аспирантов (в %):

5% 10% 20% 30% keine Aussage möglich / no assessment possible /

затрудняюсь ответить

3. Wodurch zeichnet sich die Bewerberin/der Bewerber fachlich und persönlich aus und wie
beurteilen Sie ihr/sein Potential? How does the applicant stand out in academic and personal
terms and how would you assess his/her potential? Чем отличается соискатель в
профессиональном и личном плане и как Вы оцениваете его потенциал?

During our practices Valery has proved himself as a competitive programmer and has always
fulfilled his exercises with a good result by sincerely doing his best on my assignment.

Personal features of the applicant are, this sincerity, seeking to be unique, respect to teaching
stuffs, to be friendly and inquisitive. I noticed Mikhnevich Valery possesses high scientific and
human quality.

4. Wie beurteilen Sie die Vorbereitung, Durchführbarkeit, Relevanz und den Zeitplan des
Vorhabens? How would you assess the preparation, feasibility, relevance and schedule of the
project in question? Как Вы оцениваете подготовку, возможность осуществления,
актуальность и план проекта соискателя для стажировки в Германии?

The possible project of the applicant would be ‘Designing an artificial agent who can make a
decision in an e-Business scenario. We have already not a few such proposals. Some claim them
as intelligent. But Human intelligence is more flexible and/or more spontaneous. So one of the
goals is how we introduce a human like intelligence to such an agent.

5. Welche Bedeutung hat das beantragte Stipendium für den wissenschaftlichen und beruflichen
Werdegang der Bewerberin/des Bewerbers und/oder ihre/seine Heimatinstitution? Of what
significance is the aspired scholarship to the applicant's academic and professional career and/or to
his/her home institution? Какое значение будет иметь для соискателя и для ее (его) института
данная стипендия в научном плане и для профессионального роста.

Studying in Germany will give Valery much more opportunities to develop his capability as a computer
engineer than in the case of continuing his research works in Belarus. In our country, we tend to put
too much emphasis on theoretical studies or modeling, partly due to a lack of enough fund to be
practical. We want him to challenge this project in a good environment in research and expect him to
successfully put sophisticated projects into practice.

When he returns to Belarus after this project, we are sure he will feed back a great contribution to our
country with what he learns in Germany.

6. Zusätzliche Informationen, die für die Entscheidung über das Stipendium von Bedeutung sein
könnten / Additional information that could be of importance to the scholarship award decision /
Дополнительная информация, которая может иметь значение для решения о выделении

Valery is a suitable candidate for receiving a scholarship because he has good English communicative
skills and it is easy for him to comprehend lectures.

7. Befürwortung / Degree of approval / Степень поддержки

Befürwortung mit Nachdruck Befürwortung Befürwortung mit Einschränkung

Emphatic approval Approval Conditional approval
Безусловно поддерживаю Поддерживаю Поддерживаю в ограниченной

______________________________ __________________________________________
Ort, Datum Unterschrift des Gutachters/der Gutachterin, Stempel
Place, Date Referee's Signature, Stamp or Seal
Место, дата Подпись рекомендующего лица, печать

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