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The things I like about the article is that it argued that globalism deserves to be
recognized as a separate ideological family. It also states the six core claims of
globalization that help me understand more about globalization, itself. Like the
first core claim, Globalization is about the liberalization and global integration of
markets because serves to solidify as ‘fact’ what is actually a contingent political
initiative. It persuades large segments of the public that its account of
globalization represents an objective diagnosis of the ‘real world’ rather than a
claim contributing to the emergence of the very conditions it purports to

2. What I liked least about the article is the six core claim, entitled globalization
requires war on terror because it is a considerable risk of causing irreparable
damage to the conceptual coherence of globalism. Just like The Hard Edge of
American Values said “The purpose of US power is not power itself; it is the
fundamentally liberal purpose of sustaining the key characteristics of an orderly
world. Those characteristics include basic political stability; the idea of liberty,
pragmatically conceived; respect for property; economic freedom; and
representative government. At this moment in time it is American power, and
American Power only, that can serve as an organizing principle for the
worldwide expansion of a liberal civil society”.

3. The best part is the fourth core claim that says globalization benefits everyone
because as we all know globalization has contributed a lot to the worldwide
economies in various positive ways and unbelievable advancement in the
science and technologies has given amazing opportunity to the businesses to
easily spread across the territorial boundaries. It has many benefits including an
unprecedented expansion of investment and trade; the opening up to
international trade of the world’s most populous regions and opportunities for
more developing countries to improve their standards of living; the increasingly
rapid dissemination of information, technological innovation, and the
proliferation of skilled jobs.

4. The importance/message of this article to me is that it explained globalization

by a set of six core claims that play crucial semantic and political roles.
Globalism not only represents a set of political ideas and beliefs coherent
enough to warrant the status of a new ideology, but also constitutes the
dominant ideology of our time against which all of its challengers must define
themselves. As Michael Freeden’s said ‘it is far too early to pronounce on
globalism’s status as an ideology’

5. I will recommend this to the current and next generation. Simply, because we
are the future that will maintain and improve our society. Maybe, I will also share
this information to my family to enlighten them about this matter.

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