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Restrepo et al.
Imaging Evaluation of Neonatal Soft-Tissue Tumors

Pediatric Imaging

Up-To-Date Practical Imaging

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Evaluation of Neonatal Soft-Tissue

Tumors: What Radiologists Need
to Know
Ricardo Restrepo1 OBJECTIVE. The purposes of this article are to provide an up-to-date overview of neo-
Michael L. Francavilla2,3 natal soft-tissue tumors, including information regarding their unique nature, and to present
Robert Mas 4 practical imaging techniques and characteristic imaging findings.
Edward Y. Lee5 CONCLUSION. Neonatal soft-tissue tumors are a unique set of neoplasms that often
have characteristic clinical and imaging findings. Imaging evaluation, mainly with ultrasound
Restrepo R, Francavilla ML, Mas R, Lee EY and MRI, plays an important role in the initial diagnosis, staging, preoperative assessment,
and follow-up evaluation. Clear understanding of practical imaging techniques combined
with up-to-date knowledge of characteristic imaging findings can help the radiologist pro-
vide a timely and accurate diagnosis of these neoplasms and can lead to optimal neonatal pa-
tient care.

eonatal soft-tissue tumors are scribes their clinical presentation and charac-

N congenital neoplasms discovered

during the first month of life [1].
Because of their rarity, these tu-
teristic imaging findings.

Unique Nature of Neonatal Soft-Tissue

mors often pose diagnostic challenges for cli- Tumors
nicians and specialists, including radiologists. Neonatal soft-tissue tumors have three
From an epidemiologic point of view, there main characteristics that make them differ-
has been no unified method of reporting neo- ent from soft-tissue tumors presenting in old-
natal soft-tissue tumors [1]. As a result, the ex- er children and adults.
Keywords: congenital tumors, neonatal tumors, act prevalence, sites of origin, and pathologic First, the underlying cause is different in
soft-tissue tumors nature of the tumors are unknown [1–4]. that preconceptional and transplacental on-
Neoplasms, except for infantile hemangi- cogenesis plays a major role in the etiopatho-
omas, are uncommon in neonates. The most genesis of neonatal soft-tissue tumors. A
Received October 24, 2016; accepted after revision commonly reported neonatal neoplasms, ex- high incidence of chromosomal changes and
January 13, 2017. cluding hemangiomas, are neuroblastoma and some inherited and spontaneous gene muta-
teratoma, followed by soft-tissue tumors [1, 3, tions can also play a role in the inherited pre-
Department of Radiology, Nicklaus Children’s Hospital,
Miami, FL.
5, 6]. Neonatal soft-tissue neoplasms, which disposition to malignancy in this young pa-
have a reported incidence between 8% and tient population [1, 9–11].
Department of Radiology, Children’s Hospital of Philadel- 10%, can be classified into three main catego- Second, some neonatal soft-tissue neo-
phia, 34th St and Civic Center Blvd, Philadelphia, PA ries: benign tumors, which include infantile plasms have well-established associations
19104. Address correspondence to M. L. Francavilla
hemangioma, congenital hemangioma, fibro- with congenital malformations that probably
matosis coli, and lipoblastoma; tumors with in- were initiated in utero by the transplacental
Perelman School of Medicine at the University of termediate behavior (i.e., histologically benign passage of mutagenic and carcinogenic stim-
Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA. but locally aggressive with little to no metastat- uli [12–14]. Some of these associations are
ic potential), which include infantile myofibro- also related to chromosomal abnormalities,
Ross University School of Medicine, Miramar, FL.
ma, myofibromatosis, solitary fibrous tumor, commonly trisomies [1].
Department of Radiology, Boston Children’s Hospital kaposiform hemangioendothelioma, and fibro- Third, some neoplasms in neonates have a
and Harvard Medical School, Boston, MA. sarcoma; and malignant tumors, which include unique neonatal oncogenic grace period, re-
rhabdomyosarcoma, neuroblastoma, and con- ferring to the less aggressive biologic behav-
AJR 2017; 209:195–204 genital leukemia [1, 7, 8]. ior and better prognosis in which age per se
This article provides an overview of the becomes an important prognostic factor inde-
unique nature of neonatal soft-tissue tumors pendent of the histologic features and extent of
© American Roentgen Ray Society and the practical imaging approach and de- the tumor. Neonatal neuroblastoma and infan-

AJR:209, July 2017 195

Restrepo et al.

tile hemangioma are examples of neoplasms tion or MRI is contraindicated, CT may be eated borders. At color Doppler US imaging,
that can completely regress [1, 4, 5, 15–17]. valuable in lieu of MRI. IH is markedly vascular with high- and low-
resistance arterial and venous waveforms
Imaging Modalities and Techniques Spectrum of Neonatal Soft-Tissue (Fig. 1). At MRI, IH is seen as circumscribed
The two best imaging modalities available Tumors nodules or plaques that are hyperintense (al-
for evaluating neonatal soft-tissue tumors are Benign Neonatal Soft-Tissue Tumors though less than fluid) on T2-weighted MR
ultrasound (US) and MRI, which are particu- Infantile hemangioma—Infantile heman- images and heterogeneous with fatty ele-
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larly useful at this age because they spare the gioma (IH) is a common benign neoplasm of ments on T1-weighted MR images. Flow
neonate from ionizing radiation. endothelial cells that reportedly occurs in ap- voids and rapid, vivid contrast enhancement
After careful physical examination, US proximately 3–10% of the pediatric population are typical [28, 33] (Fig. 1). Calcifications are
should be the first imaging modality used to as- [24–27]. Associated risk factors for IH include typically not seen with IH.
sess soft-tissue tumors in neonates. US is read- female sex, white ethnic background, prema- Most IHs, because they involute sponta-
ily available and inexpensive. It also allows turity, and multiple gestations [24, 28]. IH has neously, require no treatment. Intervention is
real-time imaging, which can be performed been associated with several syndromes and reserved for lesions at risk of ulceration, dis-
portably and does not require sedation. The congenital malformations, such as PHACES figurement, or functional impairment. Pro-
less ossified neonatal skeleton and relatively syndrome (posterior fossa malformations, hem- pranolol therapy has become the cornerstone
little subcutaneous fat in this age group typi- angiomas, arterial anomalies, cardiac defects, of treatment of IH with less frequent alterna-
cally allow reasonable visualization of deeper eye anomalies, sternal cleft, supraumbilical ra- tive use of laser therapy, steroids, or surgical
structures. For evaluation of neonatal soft-tis- phe) and perineal PELVIS syndrome (heman- procedures [28, 34].
sue tumors, US images should be obtained with gioma, external genitalia malformations, lipo- Neoplasms potentially mimicking IH ow-
a high-resolution transducer (7–15 MHz) with myelomeningocele, vesicorenal abnormalities, ing to skin discoloration and rapid growth
either a linear array or sector transducer. Gray- imperforate anus, skin tag) [29, 30]. clinically and hypervascularity at imag-
scale imaging is useful for characterizing the Rarely fully developed at birth, IH typical- ing include congenital hemangioma, myofi-
nature of the lesions (i.e., cystic or solid) and ly arises from a precursor lesion and appears as broma, kaposiform hemangioendothelioma,
the relation to adjacent structures. Color Dop- an area of dermal discoloration or telangiecta- congenital fibrosarcoma, neuroblastoma, and
pler technique is helpful for differentiating vas- sia. IH follows a characteristic clinical course in congenital leukemia.
cular from nonvascular soft-tissue tumors. which it proliferates during the first few months Congenital hemangioma—Congenital hem-
For further characterization after US, of life and then undergoes involution in the first angioma is an uncommon benign vascular tu-
MRI is the next imaging modality of choice. few years, leaving a scar of fibroadipose tissue mor that, unlike IH, grows during fetal life and
The major advantages of MRI are its superi- [28, 31]. The soft tissues of the head and neck is fully developed at birth [28, 32]. The follow-
or tissue contrast resolution, multiplanar ca- are the sites of origin in 60% of cases, followed ing three types of congenital hemangioma have
pability, and utility for evaluating extensive by the trunk, extremities, and viscera [32]. IH is been described, according to natural course:
lesions. MRI can further help to characterize usually solitary, but as many as 15% of pediat- rapidly involuting, partially involuting, and
the tumor, accurately evaluate its relations to ric patients with IH have multiple lesions [32]. noninvoluting [32, 35, 36]. The rapidly involut-
adjacent vital structures, acquire information IH presents typically as a focal nodule or ing type starts to involute earlier and faster than
for local staging, and plan subsequent treat- raised plaque with bright red discoloration does IH. The noninvoluting type has a static
ment. In addition, MRI is the imaging modal- and associated skin thickening clinically course and never regresses. The partially in-
ity of choice for posttreatment local surveil- (Fig. 1). IH has a unique immunohistochemi- voluting type behaves like the rapidly involut-
lance of neonatal soft-tissue tumors. Three cal marker, Glut-1, an erythrocyte-type glu- ing initially, but the involution is subsequently
main disadvantages of MRI in the neonatal cose transporter protein, which helps dif- aborted [32, 35]. With an equal sex distribution,
period are the limited availability, fairly high ferentiate IH from other vascular lesions in the principal locations of congenital hemangi-
cost, and potential need for sedation. atypical cases. The term “miliary hemangio- oma are the extremities near a joint and the su-
When a suspected neonatal soft-tissue tu- matosis” is used when there are more than 30 perficial soft tissues of the head and neck. Deep
mor is located in an extremity, coronal large- papular punctate lesions, which can be red to soft-tissue involvement seldom occurs.
FOV imaging of both extremities should be blue. Miliary hemangiomatosis is usually as- The diagnosis of congenital hemangio-
followed by acquisition of axial small-FOV sociated with extracutaneous hemangiomas, ma is typically made clinically when soli-
images of the ROI to obtain both global and which most commonly involve the liver [28]. tary violaceous superficial nodules or bossed
detailed views of the abnormality. Gadolin- Most IHs with a typical clinical history plaques with superficial telangiectasia and
ium-based IV contrast enhancement helps and appearance at physical examination re- a distinct peripheral pale halo are detected
to improve tumor conspicuity. DWI comple- quire no imaging evaluation. When atypical [32, 36] (Fig. 2). Pathologically, congenital
ments anatomic MRI by adding information or when treatment is contemplated, imaging hemangioma is similar to IH, but congenital
about the cellularity of the tumor. Such func- may be requested to assess the extent, depth, hemangioma is Glut-1–negative [32].
tional information has been used with vary- and relation to adjacent structures. US usual- The imaging features of congenital hem-
ing results and clinical benefits [18–23]. ly suffices in the evaluation of focal lesions, angioma and IH are similar. Congenital hem-
CT plays a limited role in the diagnosis whereas MRI may be necessary for the more angioma, however, is usually confined to the
of soft-tissue tumors because of poor tissue extensive segmental type (Fig. 1). At US, IH subcutaneous fat and dermis, has a more het-
contrast resolution and the use of ionizing ra- appears as a heterogeneous but predominant- erogeneous parenchyma, is less defined with
diation. However, in neonates in whom seda- ly hyperechoic nodule with fairly well-delin- more infiltrative margins, and more common-

196 AJR:209, July 2017

Imaging Evaluation of Neonatal Soft-Tissue Tumors

ly exhibits perilesional edema and fat strand- predominantly hyperechoic mass, reflecting excision is usually reserved for tumors involv-
ing (Fig. 2). Calcification, not seen in IH, can its fatty nature; however, more hypoechoic ing vital structures.
occasionally be present in congenital heman- lesions can be seen when the stromal myx- Solitary fibrous tumor—Solitary fibrous
giomas [28, 36, 37]. Congenital hemangiomas oid component predominates. Anechoic cys- tumor, formerly called hemangiopericytoma,
can be managed with laser therapy or surgery. tic spaces can also be present [49] (Fig. 4A). is a highly vascularized soft-tissue neoplasm.
Fibromatosis colli—Fibromatosis colli is At MRI, T1-weighted imaging is key, show- These lesions were originally thought to arise
a benign fibrous tumor arising in the ster- ing a fatty mass with internal strands of myx- from pericytes, but more recent analysis fa-
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nocleidomastoid muscle of infants and neo- oid tissue (Fig. 4B). The myxoid component vors a fibroblastic cell origin. Therefore, this
nates. Histologically, it is composed of a dis- may be mildly enhancing [49]. On fat-sup- tumor is now included in the group of fibro-
organized proliferation of fibroblasts. The pressed T2-weighted images, lipoblastoma blastic and myofibroblastic tumors. Approxi-
mass usually arises in the first 2 weeks of may remain hyperintense when the lesion mately 10–20% exhibit aggressive behavior,
life and may be seen at birth. Approximately has an abundant myxoid component, poten- such as local invasion, recurrence, and me-
20% of cases are associated with torticollis. tially mimicking a cystic lesion; however, tastases [59–61]. There are two main types of
Fibromatosis colli is generally unilateral and the presence of enhancement on T1-weighted solitary fibrous tumor, according to age at pre-
more common on the right. Neonates with MR images confirms its solid nature. Intra­ sentation: infantile (< 1 year) and adult. The
this anomaly typically have a history of birth lesional septations and cystic elements can infantile type has a less aggressive course and
trauma, difficult delivery, developmental hip be seen on both T1- and T2-weighted MR sometimes spontaneously regresses [8, 62].
dysplasia, or breech presentation. images [45, 49, 51, 52]. Calcification and os- Solitary fibrous tumor can involve any loca-
US is the imaging modality of choice for the sification are not typical features of lipoblas- tion, including the viscera. In the soft tissues,
diagnosis and follow-up of fibromatosis colli. toma. Complete resection is the treatment of it most commonly involves the lower extremi-
It shows focal or diffuse fusiform enlargement choice of lipoblastoma because incomplete ties, followed by the craniocervical region [8].
of the sternocleidomastoid muscle, usually the resection can lead to tumor recurrence [47]. At US, solitary fibrous tumor is typically hy-
lower two-thirds, with normal adjacent soft tis- poechoic and homogeneous in echogenicity.
sues. Fibromatosis colli has circumscribed bor- Neonatal Soft-Tissue Tumors With As the tumor enlarges, it can become hetero-
ders and homogeneous or heterogeneous pa- Intermediate Behavior geneous and may have an internal cystic com-
renchyma [38–40] (Fig. 3). Ninety percent of Infantile myofibroma and myofibroma- ponent. At MRI, a solitary fibrous tumor is ho-
cases have a thin, hypoechoic rim. Calcifica- tosis—Infantile myofibroma (solitary) and mogeneous with low to intermediate signal
tions have been rarely reported [40]. Because myofibromatosis (multicentric) are the most intensity on T1-weighted images and is inho-
of the typical location and rapid regression, fur- common fibrous tumors of infancy with an mogeneous with variable signal intensity on
ther evaluation with other imaging modalities incidence of 1 in 150,000 live births [14]. T2-weighted images. Enhancement tends to
or biopsy is not routinely performed. Fibroma- Approximately 50% of cases present in the be homogeneous in small tumors and hetero-
tosis colli lesions enlarge over the first month of neonatal period [8]. Histologically, the le- geneous in large tumors [59] (Fig. 6). Although
life but usually resolve spontaneously or with sions are composed of spindle-shaped fibro- some tumors regress spontaneously, persistent
physical therapy [41]. blasts [53]. The typical presentation is one or or enlarging tumors may require resection.
Lipoblastoma—Lipoblastoma is a rare be- more firm dermal or subcutaneous nodules Kaposiform hemangioendothelioma—Ka-
nign tumor that occurs exclusively in early of different sizes and sometimes skin discol- posiform hemangioendothelioma (KHE) is a
childhood with several reports of congeni- oration. The multicentric form is more fre- rare locally aggressive vascular tumor in the
tal occurrences [42–48]. Lipoblastoma tends quently seen in boys and involves the soft tis- pediatric population. KHE contains endo-
to occur most frequently in the extremities sues of the head and neck, trunk, and viscera. thelium-derived spindle cells with minimal
and trunk, followed by the cervicofacial re- In the absence of visceral involvement, this atypia and infrequent mitosis without met-
gion, retroperitoneum, mesentery, and medi- tumor has a benign self-limiting course with astatic potential. It presents early in child-
astinum [42, 47, 49, 50]. Lipoblastoma typi- frequent spontaneous resolution and a low hood and is often congenital [32, 63–65].
cally is encapsulated and has no metastatic recurrence rate [31, 54–56]. The most common location of tumor is the
potential. When unencapsulated, the tumor is The US appearance, based on scant reports, trunk, followed by the extremities and cervi-
referred to as lipoblastomatosis [42, 47, 50]. is a solid mass with an anechoic center and a cofacial region. The typical presentation is a
Histologically, lipoblastoma is composed of thick wall but no significant vascularity (Fig. large mass and thrombocytopenia, known as
myxoid stroma surrounding adipocytes in 5). Associated calcifications have been report- the Kasabach-Merritt phenomenon. When it
various stages of maturity [42, 50]. Young- ed [53, 57]. At MRI, these tumors tend to be involves the skin, KHE appears as a raised
er patients have a larger myxoid component. of low signal intensity on T1-weighted im- plaque with bluish-reddish discoloration that
Clinically, lipoblastoma presents as a firm ages and of variable but predominantly high can be confused with a hemangioma [31, 66].
but somewhat compressible superficial mass signal on T2-weighted images [58]. Contrast- At imaging, KHE appears as an ill-de-
without skin discoloration; lipoblastomatosis enhanced T1-weighted MR images may show fined mass in the superficial or deep soft tis-
is usually deeply seated and infiltrating [42]. targetlike peripheral enhancement [54, 55]. sues [66]. US shows a poorly defined, vascular
The imaging characteristics of lipoblas- The borders of the tumor are usually sharp mass with variable (low to high) echogenici-
toma parallel the histologic composition of but can be poorly defined, infiltrating adja- ty [67]. KHE tends to be deeply infiltrating,
the lesion. Lipoblastoma is circumscribed, cent soft-tissue structures and eroding bone. and MRI is often required to assess the ex-
but the margins are indistinct and infiltrat- Because infantile myofibroma and myofibro- tent of the lesion. MRI typically shows an in-
ing in lipoblastomatosis [49]. US shows a matosis often regress spontaneously, surgical distinct mass that is isointense or hypointense

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on T1-weighted images and hyperintense on bility of differentiating into skeletal muscle. subcutaneous soft tissues with variable vascu-
T2-weighted images. KHE is avidly but het- RMS accounts for more than 60% of soft-tis- larity. MRI or CT is necessary to identify and
erogeneously enhancing with involvement of sue sarcomas in older children, and it is rare as stage the primary tumor (Fig. 10A). Neonatal
multiple tissue planes (Fig. 7). Perilesional fat a congenital tumor [7, 78, 79]. Neonatal RMS neuroblastoma is often initially observed be-
stranding and edema (Fig. 7) and the presence is usually of the embryonal type and presents cause many tumors regress or undergo benign
of Kasabach-Merritt phenomenon are impor- as a rapidly growing firm mass with occasion- transformation. For enlarging tumors, chemo-
tant features of KHE [68]. The treatment of al skin discoloration, which causes it to be therapy followed by resection of the primary
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KHE is challenging, requiring a multidisci- confused with a hemangioma [73, 80]. RMS tumor is the current management.
plinary approach that includes pharmacother- most commonly occurs in the gluteal region, Congenital leukemia—Congenital leuke-
apy with steroids, vincristine, or interferon perineum, thighs, and craniofacial and geni- mia is rare but is one of the most common
and embolization or surgery [32]. tourinary regions [81–83] (Fig. 9). A distinct malignancies and a leading cause of death of
Fibrosarcoma—Fibrosarcoma is a rare ma- presentation of neonatal RMS with typical fa- malignancy among neonates [4]. Although
lignant mesenchymal neoplasm composed of tal outcome is characterized by alveolar his- occasionally transient and with reports of
proliferating fibroblasts. This tumor is local- tology, multiple skin and subcutaneous nod- spontaneous remissions, neonatal leukemia
ly invasive and has little or no metastatic po- ules, and skin discoloration due to metastasis carries a worse prognosis than leukemia oc-
tential [69–71]. The incidence of fibrosarcoma (Fig. 10), the so-called blueberry muffin syn- curring later in childhood. Although acute
peaks twice, once in infants and young chil- drome [31, 84, 85]. Neonates with RMS usu- lymphocytic leukemia is the most common
dren (infantile form) and again in children ally have a worse prognosis than do older chil- type in older children, acute myeloid leuke-
10–15 years old (adult form) [69]. Approxi- dren with RMS [86]. mia accounts for approximately two-thirds
mately 30% of cases are congenital [15, 69]. At imaging, neonatal RMS can be solid or of cases of acute leukemia in neonates. A tu-
The prognosis of the infantile form is more fa- partially cystic owing to necrosis. It can be moral syndrome with organomegaly is seen
vorable because it is characterized by risk of well defined or infiltrative, but it usually does in 80% of cases, and skin and subcutaneous
local recurrence, in contrast to the metastasis not invade adjacent bone (Fig. 9). At US, cys- nodules (blueberry muffin syndrome) are ob-
associated with the adult form [15, 72]. Most tic and solid components with various de- served in approximately 60% of cases [4, 6,
infantile fibrosarcomas are located in the ex- grees of internal vascularity are usually pres- 91] (Figs. 10B and 10C).
tremities, particularly distally (Fig. 8), fol- ent. At MRI, neonatal RMS typically has There are no specific imaging findings
lowed by the trunk and neck. Neonates with intermediate signal intensity on T1-weighted of neonatal leukemia, but US may show the
fibrosarcoma typically present with rapidly images and intermediate to high signal in- widespread solid nodules in the subcutaneous
growing large, hard, fixed masses that stretch tensity on T2-weighted images [87]. The sol- soft tissues and dermis, which should prompt
and discolor the skin, potentially simulating a id portion of the tumor is avidly enhancing evaluation of the internal organs. Organomeg-
hemangioma [69, 73] (Fig. 8). [87]. The current treatment of neonatal RMS aly due to diffuse organ infiltration can also
The imaging features of fibrosarcoma can is resection, often after chemotherapy. be present (Figs. 10B and 10C). The diagnosis
mimic those of congenital hemangioma and Neuroblastoma—Neuroblastoma is one of neonatal leukemia is based on analysis of a
other sarcomas [74–76]. At US, infantile fibro- of the most common malignant neonatal peripheral smear and bone marrow aspirate.
sarcoma typically appears as a fairly homoge- neoplasms, and 16% of cases are diagnosed Chemotherapy is the treatment of choice, but
neous hyperechoic solid hypervascular mass within the first month of life [4, 88]. Neuro- such management poses therapeutic, ethical,
(Fig. 8). Anechoic cystic spaces due to internal blastoma is a small round blue-cell tumor of and prognostic challenges in neonates [4].
necrosis can be seen. MRI shows a predomi- neuroendocrine origin usually occurring in
nantly solid mass that is isointense to hyperin- the adrenal glands. However, the first mani- Conclusion
tense on T1-weighted images and hyperintense festation in the neonatal period can be mul- Neonatal soft-tissue neoplasms are those
on T2-weighted images [77]. Variable cys- tiple firm superficial soft-tissue nodules (Fig. diagnosed in the first month of life. Imaging
tic components are also often present [69, 73] 10), sometimes with purple skin discolor- evaluation is mostly performed with US and
(Fig. 8). Infantile fibrosarcoma is intensely en- ation, the so-called blueberry muffin syn- MRI. Although some tumors may have char-
hancing after gadolinium administration [69]. drome. Neoplasms with blueberry muffin acteristic imaging findings that can point to
Bony invasion, poor margination, neurovascu- and blueberry muffin–like manifestations the correct diagnosis, biopsy or even excision
lar involvement, and size larger than 6 cm are include IH, myofibromatosis, alveolar RMS, may be required for a definitive diagnosis.
poor prognostic factors [69]. The diagnosis of metastatic neuroblastoma, and congenital Some neonatal soft-tissue tumors may spon-
infantile fibrosarcoma may be suggested when leukemia. Unlike the neuroblastoma found taneously regress and carry a better progno-
a large, enhancing soft-tissue mass is present in in older children, neonatal neuroblastoma sis. However, the management of benign but
an extremity of a neonate [69]. Infantile fibro- may spontaneously regress or undergo be- locally aggressive and malignant neonatal
sarcoma is highly chemosensitive, and surgery nign transformation [4, 16, 89, 90]. soft-tissue tumors is often challenging and
is reserved for cases in which complete nonmu- Metastases of neuroblastoma to the soft tis- may require a combination of chemothera-
tilating resection can be achieved [2, 4]. sues have no specific imaging features, but be- py and resection by a multidisciplinary team.
cause of their small size and widespread dis-
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200 AJR:209, July 2017

Imaging Evaluation of Neonatal Soft-Tissue Tumors
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Fig. 1—Infantile hemangioma.
A, 6-week-old premature girl with focal infantile hemangioma born with focal reddish macule in area that grew over time. Clinical photograph shows round raised
superficial red nodule (arrow) in midline of upper back.
B, Same patient as in A. Transverse gray-scale ultrasound image shows raised hypoechoic solid nodule (arrows) involving dermis and superficial subcutaneous soft tissues.
C, Same patient as in A and B. Transverse color Doppler ultrasound image shows markedly increased vascularity of nodule and its deep feeding vessels.
D, 25-day-old girl born with segmental infantile hemangioma. Clinical photograph shows large raised red plaque involving anterolateral aspect of forearm and wrist.
E, Same patient as in D. Coronal T1-weighted MR image shows extensive plaquelike mass involving dermis and subcutaneous soft tissues with component isointense to
muscle (asterisks) with interspersed hyperintense elements of fat (black arrow). Prominent flow voids (white arrow) correspond to arteries. Prominent arteries are also
F, Same patient as in D and E. Coronal contrast-enhanced fat-suppressed T1-weighted MR image shows marked and homogeneous enhancement of hemangioma (arrows).

AJR:209, July 2017 201

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Fig. 2—1-day-old boy with rapidly involuting congenital hemangioma.
A, Clinical photograph shows large mass in right popliteal fossa with bluish and reddish discoloration with peripheral pale halo.
B, Transverse gray-scale ultrasound image shows solid mass (calipers) with indistinct borders (arrow) in some areas.
C, Transverse color Doppler ultrasound image shows marked internal hypervascularity of mass.

Fig. 3—3-week-old girl with fibromatosis colli who

presented with torticollis.
A and B, Longitudinal gray-scale ultrasound image
of right side of neck (B) shows marked fusiform
enlargement of sternocleidomastoid muscle (caliper
set 2) compared with normal contralateral (A) muscle
(caliper set 1).

Fig. 4—6-week-old boy with painless foot lump since

birth that proved to be lipoblastoma.
A, Transverse gray-scale ultrasound image of
right foot shows well-defined solid mass (calipers)
in plantar aspect of mid foot. Mass is echogenic,
suggesting fatty composition, and has anechoic
cystic areas (arrows) containing mucous material.
B, Short-axis T1-weighted MR image shows mass
(calipers) that is isointense to subcutaneous fat,
confirming fatty nature of mass.

Fig. 5—4-week-old boy with infantile myofibroma that presented as hard lump in upper back. Transverse high-
resolution gray-scale ultrasound image shows small nodule (arrows) with heterogeneous echogenicity but with
anechoic center (asterisk) involving dermis, subcutaneous soft tissues, and fascia of underlying paraspinal
muscle. D = dermis, M = muscle.

202 AJR:209, July 2017

Imaging Evaluation of Neonatal Soft-Tissue Tumors

Fig. 6—3-week-old boy with visible painless neck

mass due to solitary fibrous tumor.
A, Axial STIR MR image shows solid round mass
(arrows) with hypointense center (asterisk) and
peripheral hyperintensity in subcutaneous soft tissues
anterior to left sternocleidomastoid muscle (M).
B, Axial gadolinium-enhanced T1-weighted MR image
shows mild heterogeneous enhancement (asterisks)
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by mass (arrows). M = left sternocleidomastoid



Fig. 7—2-week-old girl with kaposiform hemangioendothelioma who presented with enlarged right thigh and violaceus discoloration.
A, Axial STIR MR image shows diffuse enlargement and edema of right thigh due to infiltrating soft-tissue mass (asterisks) with soft-tissue edema.
B, Axial gadolinium-enhanced T1-weighted MR image shows enhancement of infiltrating thigh mass (asterisks) and dermal thickening (arrow).

Fig. 8—3-week-old boy with congenital infantile fibrosarcoma that presented at birth as painless, rapidly growing hand mass. (Courtesy of Moreno LÁ, Fundacion
Hospital de la Misericordia, Bogota, Colombia)
A, Clinical photograph shows mass has bluish discoloration and tense overlying skin.
B, T1-weighted MR image shows large mass (white arrows) involving anterior and posterior hand compartments with homogeneous parenchyma. Mass encases
extensor tendons and erodes second and third metacarpals (black arrows).
C, Fat-saturated T2-weighted MR image shows mass to be homogeneously hyperintense (arrows). Because of congenital nature, rapid growth, skin discoloration, and
vascularity, lesion was initially thought to represent congenital hemangioma.

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Fig. 9—2-day-old girl with widespread metastatic rhabdomyosarcoma detected in utero. Coronal
T2-weighted MR image shows large mass (calipers) with solid and cystic (asterisk) component. Multiple
pulmonary and hepatic metastatic lesions (arrows) are also present. Patient also had many subcutaneous
nodules throughout body.
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Fig. 10—Soft-tissue metastases.
A, 12-day-old girl with neuroblastoma presenting as superficial soft-tissue nodules. Axial T2-weighted MR image of chest shows lobulated mass (NB) hyperintense to
muscle in left paraspinal region with extension into chest wall and spinal canal (asterisks). Intraspinal component is obliterating CSF space and compressing cord (black
arrow). Metastatic foci (white arrows) are present in subcutaneous soft tissues and muscle.
B, 3-week-old boy with leukemia who presented with palpable chest wall lumps. Transverse gray-scale ultrasound image shows two sharp round hypoechoic solid
nodules (arrows) in subcutaneous soft tissues of anterior chest wall. R = rib.
C, Same patient as in B. Longitudinal gray-scale ultrasound image shows hepatomegaly (caliper set 1) and nephromegaly (arrows).

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