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Part Two:

Release the Stagnant Energy

Once your rate of vibrational frequency is on the rise, you need to create some
space. You cannot attract new things into your life when it's filled with old,
outdated stuff. Why?

Because there's no room. Clearing the clutter is one of the quickest and easiest
ways to release the stagnant energy that clogs up our lives and inhibits
abundance. When we are overwhelmed with too much physical, psychological
and/or emotional stuff, we don't have the positive energy we need to move
forward toward our burning passions.

So how do we fix it?

We begin to make the outward changes that say to the universe, “I'm clear and
open to more.” When our lives are clean, clear and orderly, our positive
vibrational energy increases and is released through the thoughts and feelings
we manifest.

It is this manifestation of positive energy that allows the universe to attract more
of the same into our lives. Like attracts like.

Clearing out your physical and emotional spaces brings clarity. It clears away the
mud, releases the stagnant energy and opens you to a new and brighter future
filled with everything your heart desires. “I know that you can do all things,” says
Job 42:2, “and that no purpose of yours can be thwarted.”

The first step?

You clean. Physically and emotionally. That's how you bring order to your life and
make the space available that can then be filled. A life of abundance requires we
make room for that abundance.

To clear out the negative energy so you can manifest abundance in your life
means you must change the way you think, which will change the way you feel,
which will change your life. It's not wishful thinking or self-delusion. It's the Law
of Attraction.

It takes intention. And it takes action.

If you are depressed or confused or indecisive or afraid or angry, it's time to DO.
It's time to clean. If your mind and energy are muddied, you cannot be your best
self, and when you're not your best self, you're not attracting the best to you.

It's time to declutter!

Chapter Three: Making Room for More

“What you are is what you have been. Who you will be is
what you do now.”
- Buddha

Week 2: Clearing Your Physical Space


The first move toward manifesting abundance is decluttering your physical

space. Having clean and tidy physical spaces tells the universe that your life is in
order- that you have plenty of space for all those good things you're trying to
invite in.

This means it's time to toss out everything cluttering up your environment, to get
rid of anything that no longer serves you. If you're like most of us, the list of
meaningless stuff you've been hanging on to for lots of different reasons (or for
no reasons at all) is much, much longer than it should be.

The universe always seeks to fill a void. When you clear out the physical clutter,
you clear the negative energy and create space for all the universe is waiting to
give you.

Lesson One: Clear Out the Junk

“By thought, the thing you want is brought to you.

By action, you receive it.”
- Wallace D. Wattles


We all have it. A drawer full of random stuff, aptly called the “junk drawer.” Even
the name of that little (or big) drawer reflects the way we allow things of little
value to clutter up our lives. Sure, some of it we need. But we also need to get
organized. We need to clear the negative energy and bring order into our lives.

Too much stuff equals too much stress. Getting it organized releases the
accompanying stress. When you tackle your stuff, you're tackling the stress and
the weight that goes with it.

When you are organized, life is calmer. You breathe a little easier. And the
universe sees the available space it needs to bring the abundance you long for.


It's time to grab your journal and tackle your junk drawer. Let's bring a bit of order
(and some positive vibrational energy) into your life:

Ÿ Empty the entire contents of the drawer onto a nearby counter so you can see
everything you have.

Ÿ Pick through what you have to determine what you want to keep: the menus,
matches, notepads, keys, etc.

Ÿ Throw the rest away: the outdated receipts and coupons, the errant notes and
tattered lists. Pay attention to what you're tossing. Identifying the culprits of
your clutter will help to stop their assault.

Ÿ Sort through what's left and decide if this is the best place to store it. Maybe the
Band-Aids would best be placed in the medicine cabinet. Should the keys you
rarely use be stored somewhere else?

Ÿ Place a simple desk or silverware organizer inside the drawer. (If you're a
creative sort you can make your own organizer from pieces of a cardboard box,
which means you can create the exact size of compartments you need.)

Ÿ Replace the useful items into the compartments within the drawer. (We will no
longer call this stuff junk, my friends)

Ÿ Take a few moments to admire your work. Breathe in and enjoy the empty
spaces left. If there aren't any, rethink the remaining items. What can go?

Now take a few more moments to record your reflections in your journal. How did
the exercise make you feel? Cleaner, lighter, more in control? Do you feel the
positive energy?

When you get rid of the old and make room for the new, you create space for
more. Not more stuff, but more abundance- more of what you want. Clearing the
spaces of your life gives you the room you need to experience everything else the
universe is out there preparing to deliver.

Set your Code book aside for the day. If you're feeling energized and want to
continue, choose a few more drawers to declutter. If you're feeling especially
emboldened, go a little crazy and clean out an entire closet!

Remember that all that stuff- the stuff you're probably not using anyway- is just
weighing you down. Take a deep breath and repeat after me, “Out with the old
(which wasn't working for me anyway) and in with the new!”


“I attract to my life whatever I give my attention,

energy and focus to, whether positive or negative.”
-Michael Losier


Too much stuff is stressful. Physically, mentally and emotionally. But what about

When it comes to our digital lives, although we hate to admit it, most of us are
overwhelmed. TMI. Too much information. It drains our energy and saps our souls.
Partially because it's always (and I do mean ALWAYS) there. Too. Much. Stuff.

Sure, we love our technology. Most of us would be lost without it. What would we
do if we had to put our phones and notebooks and iPads away for a day? (I can
hear your digital distress at that suggestion from here!)

The truth is, however, that our digital clutter is just as damaging, just as defeating
and just as negative energy-inducing as our physical and emotional clutter. It
interrupts us, distracts us and keeps us tuned in technologically but distanced
from our true selves. It's time we be a bit more mindful of our technological
dalliances and clear out the digital dust.


Let's start with your computer and clear out some of the source of your digital
distractions. Be sure to record your reflections in your journal once you're done.

Ÿ Clean out your email inbox. It's an easy first step. Set up your filters and
unsubscribe to all that stuff you're no longer interested in. Try to keep your
inbox down to 30-40 messages. Why have all those notes screaming at you
each time you open your email? If you've read it and dealt with it, delete it. If
you've read it and may want to read it again, archive it. If you've read it and you
need to deal with it later, mark it as “unread.” Just make sure you go back and
deal with it when you have time.

Ÿ Declutter your desktop. Do you really need all those

files/documents/icons/apps scattered across your screen? The answer is no.
Keep the shortcuts you need and get rid of the rest. And while you're at it, find a
new, upliftingly energizing, joy-giving wallpaper- one that will make you smile
each time you fire up your computer.

Ÿ Get the social media apps off your desktop. You can access them when you
want them, but having them staring you in the face each time you sit down at
your computer is far too tempting. And distracting. And energy draining.

Ÿ Take a look at your documents. Are they filed away as they should be? If not, get
them filed. If you don't have a filing system, make some folders and get
organized. You won't be dragged down by too many loose documents, and you
won't waste time finding the documents you need.

Ÿ Turn off your notifications. It's hard to find your focus when you're being
“binged” at 50 times a day. You can check to see what you've been missing when
you have time. You don't need anyone coming at you without being invited in.

Ÿ Check your social media interactions. (This is BIG!) Are you seeing a lot of
negative posts? A lot of drama and complaints? A lot of Chicken Little/ the
World is Falling hysteria? If so, it's time to let these people go. Hide their posts.
Unfriend them. Do whatever you need to do to keep this negativity out of your
feed and out of your life.

Ÿ Consider rethinking what you do with your down time. Rather than sitting in
front of your computer or with your phone in hand, read a book. Take a walk. Pet
the dog. Real relaxation, which is a sure way to raise your positive vibrational
energy, comes from a quieted mind, and your computer isn't the way to get

Now spend some time in your journal. How does it feel to have “unplugged” a
little? Can you see how we've allowed technology to clutter up our lives? 2
Corinthians 1:12 tells us we must behave with “simplicity and godly sincerity, not
by earthly wisdom but by the grace of God.”

Make a mental commitment to simplify - to keep your digital life clear and
uncluttered. Just as you're working on cleaning up the rest of your life to allow
your positive vibrations to grow, determine to do the same with your technology.

Now set your Code book aside for the day. If you want to do a little more digital
dusting, spend some time on your phone.

Lesson Three: Declutter Your Health Habits

“It's really important that you feel good. Because this feeling good
is what goes out as a signal into the universe and starts to attract
more of itself to you. So the more you can feel good, the more
you will attract the things that help you feel good and that
will keep bringing you up higher and higher.”

- Joe Vitale


Our bodies are our temples. We know this. What you might not know, however, is
that cluttering up your body with things that aren't good for you creates negative
energy in your life. Decluttering your health habits clears out the bad energy and
allows positive energy to take its place. Decluttered physical health manifests
positive energy vibrations, which, in turn, manifests more positive energy
vibrations. It's win, win!

When your body is cluttered - with too much food, drink or negativity- negative
energy builds up, overflows and affects your health. When your body is clear from
such physically damaging clutter, you'll not only be healthier, but you'll
encourage delivery of all the universe has in store for you.

Cleaning out your pantry area is a great way to start to declutter your health. You
set yourself up for success by getting rid of unhealthy foods, and it's a great way to
invite order into your life, which raises your positive energy levels.

1 Corinthians 3:16-17 tells us that we are God's temple. His spirit dwells within us.
To connect with God, we need to eat right, thereby honoring this temple He
created. A healthy, streamlined cooking and eating plan attracts the divinely
created positive energy you need to attract whatever it is you want.


Complete the following health decluttering exercise. Be sure to record your

reflections in your journal once you're done.

Ÿ Take a few minutes to get a good overview of your pantry or food cupboard. See
what you have and how it is (or isn't!) organized.

Ÿ Tackle one shelf at a time. Take everything from the shelf you're working on and
check the expiration dates. Throw away anything expired.

Ÿ Toss the junk food. It's junk. It's unhealthy and it slows you down. Sure, it's a

tasty snack that makes you happy for a minute, but it results in a sluggish, less
energy-filled you.

Ÿ Wipe the shelf clean.

Ÿ Before you return the items to the shelf, consider a new organization.
Organizing by size and height looks good visually, but organizing into types of
food is more user-friendly. Group together similar containers of food, such as
canned items, bags of snack foods, cereal and pasta boxes, sauce and oil
bottles, etc.

Ÿ Make use of any sturdy storage containers you have. You can store your
opened dry goods in a tidier fashion and they will stay fresher longer.

Ÿ Step back and survey your handiwork. The cleanliness and organization is a
nod to cleaner eating habits, a raised level of positive energy and a universe
waiting to fill those orderly spaces with abundance.

Ÿ Commit to maintaining your organization by decluttering each time you

restock your shelves.

Ÿ Reflect in your journal. How does your newly cleaned space look? How does it
feel to get rid of the disorder? Can you feel the increase in energy?

Set your Code book aside for the day. If you'd like more practice in clearing your
health, tackle your refrigerator!


“Energy is contagious, positive and negative alike.

I will forever be mindful of what and who I am allowing
into my space.”
-Alex Elle


Getting rid of old, useless stuff can (and should!) include getting rid of old,
useless relationships. The damage they do to our positive energy flow is

There is no doubt that we are directly impacted by the people we choose to

spend time with. Sadly, many of us find ourselves spending time with people
who aren't good for us. Be they co-workers, acquaintances, friends or family,
these energy-draining, smile-stealing individuals drag us down. And you know
who they are.

Stop letting them rain on your positivity parade!

Sure, it's tough to declutter your relationships. But the Bible tells us to “make no
friendship with a man given to anger, nor go with a wrathful man, lest you learn
his ways and entangle yourself in a snare” (Proverbs 22:24-25).

It's time to un-ensnare!

You owe it to yourself in your pursuit of abundance to surround yourself with

people who support you. People who love you. If you're serious in attracting
abundance, you must surround yourself with others who attract abundance.


Ÿ Draw a vertical line down the middle of a page in your journal. On the left side
of the page list the names of people who freely love and support you. They are
positive and happy and fun to be around.

Ÿ Now think of the Debbie-Downers in your life - the negative, constantly-

complaining energy-sappers who aren't much fun at all. Write their names on
the right.

Ÿ Spend a few moments looking at the names. Do not feel guilty! You aren't
going to share this with anyone. This is just for you. It's important to identify
and then deal with who it is in your life that adds to your positive energy flow

and who it is that brings that positive energy flow to a screeching halt.

Ÿ Spend at least 15 minutes thinking about the positive people listed on the left.
See their faces. Hear their laughter. Conjure up a good memory for each and
every person who loves you and adds to your joy.

Ÿ Now think objectively about the names of those on the right. Do not feel anger.
Do not feel resentment. Those negative thoughts will only deplete your energy.
Strive to see these people objectively APART from you and your relationship
with them.

Ÿ Consider the following truths about all those Negative Nellies on the right.

1. People don't change. Not really. Even if they want to. Even if you want them
to. So if this person is dragging you down, let him (or her) go.

2. If you can't let this person go- he's your boss or brother-in-law, for example,
then think about how you can establish some boundaries. What exactly about
this person and your relationship with him/her is so draining? Too much
gossip? Too much drama? Too much selfishness? Decide what you will and will
not tolerate and learn to disengage when the boundaries are crossed.

3. Consider that this person may depend on you because you're one of the few
who puts up with his/her stuff. Stop it.

4. Perhaps this energy-drainer is projecting his own inadequacies onto you. If

so, see his attacks for what they are, a means of making himself feel better by
condemning you.

5. Decide not to engage with his/her negativity. Period. There's an old adage:
“Misery loves company.” But you're not looking for misery. You're looking for
abundance! Another old adage is “Seek and ye shall find.” Leave the Debbie
Downers behind. Get out there and seek more positive relationships. You'll

Set your Code book aside. Spend the rest of the day focusing on the positive
relationships that bring you joy!


“The best way to overcome undesirable or negative thoughts

and feelings is to cultivate the positive ones.”

-William Walker Atkinson


A cluttered life blocks the positive energy flow and abundance you're looking for.
We've established that when you have a cluttered environment, there simply isn't
the space you need for abundance to fill. Rather than more money, better
relationships and nicer things, you end up with a life jam-packed with old and
tattered stuff.

An earnest search for abundance boils down to one vital rule. When you clear
space in your life with the intention of raising your positive energy vibrations, you
release the negative energy that has been holding you back.


This exercise will take anywhere from half an hour to a full day (or more!) Take as
little or as much time as you have, but don't procrastinate. Your intention is to
raise your positive vibrational flow and to invite abundance into your life. Putting
this lesson off (or not doing it at all!) will slow your advance toward abundance.

Ÿ Get yourself two trash bags. That's right. Trash bags.

Ÿ Starting at one end of your home, start filling the bags.

Ÿ Fill one with trash, the stuff you can throw away: old mail and magazines, the
grungy bathmat you keep meaning to replace, the stained tee-shirt that
doesn't belong in your vision of a new life and the Tupperware that lost its lid
long, long ago. Anything and everything that is old and useless, that has worn
out its welcome in your new and improved high-energy life… Get. Rid. Of. It.

Ÿ Fill the second with the items you will donate, those that clutter up your space
because you don't know what else to do with them: the electric can opener that
you never (ever) use, the dusty candles you never burn, the pair of shoes that
hurt your feet, the sixteen mini-shampoos left over from holiday travel. Let.
Them. Go.

Ÿ As you work your way from room to room, think about the abundant life you
want to live. Feel the cleansed energy flowing through you and your home.
Something magical and mysterious happens when you get rid of what no
longer serves you. You open yourself up to new things that will serve you. And
serve you well.

Ÿ Once you're done (including the tasks of trashing the trash and donating the
donations) spend a few moments writing in your journal. Sit back, breathe in
the freshness of this clean and orderly space. Are you breathing easier? Do you
feel the weight that has been lifted? Does the energy in the room (and in you)
feel lighter?

Your home is your castle, a part of what makes you, you. Let it be a clean and
orderly sanctuary for your soul. Let it vibrate with the positive, fresh energy that
God and His universe provides. Let it be a space of peace and harmony, one in
which you can relax, think clearly and, most importantly, dream.

Set your work aside for today. Your weekend review is coming up.

“Your imagination is your preview of life's coming attractions.”
-Albert Einstein


Now that your home, health, finances and relationships have been decluttered,
it's time to dream! (Aren't you glad we're not going to clean this weekend?)

Technically, nothing is wrong with stuff. We all have it. Some of it we love. It
brings us joy, makes us smile and warms our hearts because it's special and it's
ours. The stuff that wears us down, however, the stuff that is old and tired and just
too much is overwhelming and filled with negative energy.

The stuff that delights us and makes us happy is filled with positive energy, which
is what we're after. It's what attracts even more positive energy our way. It brings
us abundance.


Now that you've cleared out the old, tired stuff and have room for the abundance
that's out there waiting, it's time to go shopping. Not to buy, but to dream. The
ability to dream about what we want our lives to look like is unique to human
beings. The dreams we dream, those mental images we conjure, are a vital key to
the reality we create.

So get out there this weekend and shop! Dream BIG and be sure to take your

Ÿ Decide what it is your abundance will look like: a new wardrobe, an awesome
vacation, a new car, a new house? Whatever it is you want, that's what you
should shop for.

Ÿ As you shop, make notes of what you see and how the idea of having those
things in your life makes you feel.

Ÿ Notice the rise in your positive energy flow as you consider having these special
items in your life. How we feel – our thoughts of health, wealth and happiness-
is what delivers health, wealth and happiness to us.

Ÿ Call a friend to meet you for lunch, or at least treat yourself to a special meal -
whatever you want, whatever makes you happy. You're embarking on a brand
new life. Treat yourself well and the universe will do the same.

Ÿ Enjoy!

Ÿ Be sure to take the time throughout your new-life, shopping extravaganza to

record your reflections in your journal.

Dreaming is important. It's a way to mentally clear out the old clutter and focus
on what it is we want. Visualizing a new life (and all the good stuff we want in it)
is a direct path to making that life a reality.

Set your Code book aside now and enjoy the rest of your weekend. Next week
we begin our quest to declutter our mental spaces.


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