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Redes neuronales

Las redes neuronales se entrenan alimentando datos, y luego ajustando las

conexiones entre
capas hasta que la salida calculada de la red coincida con la salida conocida.
Video Redes Neuronales:
Definition of AI
Intelligence: The abulity to learn and solve problems.
AI: Artificial intelligence is the intelligence exhibited by machines or software
The science and engineering of making intelligent.
The study and desing of intelligent agents, where an intelligent agent is a
that perceives its environmen and take actions that maximize its chances of
ANDREW NG. AI the second revolution
4 scholls of thoughts (Russel y Norving
Thinking humanly.... computer think machine whith mind... requires to determine how
think the human
Thinking rationally ... Models for thinking rationally... codify " right thinking"
whith logic
Acting Humanly ... the computer do things
Acting rationally ... intelligent agents (mean)
Aplications AI
PNL (Natural Language Processing)
Leverage deep natural networks (usa redes neuronales profundas) to handle speech
recognition and natural language understanding
(para manejar la comprensi�n del lenguaje natural y reconocimiento de voz)
Machine transaltion translate russian to english, first system using machanical
translation (correspondencia uno uno) failed
today, statical machine transladation leverages the vast amounts of available
translated corpuses(1)
corpuses( ejemplos reales de traducci�n de lengua).
Recommendation system ... spam or not spam ... clasificadores de bayes
Netflix y Amazon history of your clients and your compras and recomended
Computer vision reconocimiento de escritura (lectura de cheques, de emails
Face detection ( Viola - Jones method) patrones rectangulares de caracteristicas
detecta la imagen 24 *24 pixel
todav�a existen fallas ( Iluminaci�on variables, orientaci�n y oclusi�n de objetos)
Face recognition
iluminaci�n oclusion and orientacion expresi�n facial diferente. software de
etiquetado de rostros
computer vision
Autonomus driving the idea is that all car will to be autonomus
game play
Alpha go: Deep learning (aprendizaje profundo)
reinforcement learning aprendizaje de refuerzo
search algorithms algoritmos de busqueda
Detecci�n de fraudes buscadores web an�lisis de redes sociales busqueda
de rutas
Fundaci�n de la AI e historia
math, economics neuroscience psychology philosophy, computer engeneering control
theory and cybernetics Ling�istics
Aristotel 400 AC mente como una maquina
Logic methods of reasoning
Mind as physical system that operates as set of rules.
Foundations of learning, language , rationality.
herramient for manipulate logic
Prepositional Logic and first order logic.
sentaron bases para los algoritmos.
The first algoritmo is the Euclides algorit
probability teory


Formal theory of rational decisions maximizar pago o utilidades

combined theory probability whit theori for decision making under uncertainty.
Game theory
Markov decision processes


How brains and computers are similar or dissimilar.


How do we think and act?

psicolog�a cognitiva ve al cerebro como una informaci�n
Thinkinglanguage memory

Computer engineering
How thr powerful machine to make AI possible

Control Theory

Design simple optimal agents receiving feedback fron the enviroment

Today Control system design systems that maxim an objective over time

Linguistica computacional o comprens�on del lenguaje natural para compresion
lenguaje natural en la inteligencia artificial


1940-1950 circuit Boolean Mc Culloch & Pitts

Early AI programs, samuel's checkers program
1956 Mc Carthy acu�� el t�rmino de inteligencia artificial
Expert systems AI become an industry
AI Winter
Los agentes estan en todas partes y los datos en todas partes para aceleran los
descubrimientosy la investigacion
y el progeso en AI para la ciencia y sociedad

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