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1. INTRODUCTION- You need to rephrase the statement in your
own words with overall information.

-Avoid imitation of statement

- Figures are not allowed in introduction part but you can explain time span.


The line graph vividly illustrates the information regarding_ _ _ _ _ _

The tabular chart compares population growth and migration_ _ _ _ _ _

The pie chart represent the proportion of gases contained in natural gas_ _ _ _ _

The bar graph depicts the ins and outs of_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

The diagram demonstrates the information regarding _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

The Flow chart reveals the steps of / stages of / process of _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

The presented maps depict transformation of an island after being

constructed and accomplished by various tourist _ _ _ _ _ _ _

1. Body Part
Pick only three types of figures

Peak (Highest)

Middle (moderate)
Peal ( Lowest)
31.Took a dip of – decrease but goes up again.

32.Stabilized at roughly 30 %- remained flat

33.Plateaued- stable/ plateau

34.Surpass- pass another and go beyod in amount level or degree.

35.Exceed- To go beyond in quantity, amount, degree.


. Compare and combine the combination

. Pick the common information from body part

Can start with: - To recapitulate, Overall

1.Line graph-

The graph below shows the consumption of three spreads

The graph below shows the consumption of three spreads from 1981 to 2007.
from 1981 to 2007.
Summarize the information by selecting and reporting the
main features, and make comparisons where relevant.

Modal Answer:
The line graph vividly illustrates the amount of 3 kinds of spreads (margarine,
low fat & reduced spreads and butter) which were consumed over 26 years
from 1981 to 2007. Units have been calibrated in grams.

Having the first glance on the chart, with regards to the amount of butter used.
It began at around 140 grams and then peaked 160 grams in 1986 before
falling dramatically to about 50 grams in the last year. Likewise,
approximately 90 grams of margarine eaten in the first year after which the
figure fluctuated slightly and dropped to a low of 40 grams in 2007.

Scrutinizing the graph further, the consumption of low fats & reduced spreads
only started in 1986 at about 10 grams. This figure, which reached a high of
just over 80 grams five years later. Fell slightly in the final years to
approximately 70 grams in 2007.

To recapitulate, the consumption of margarine and butter decreased over

period given while for low fat and reduced spreads. It rose. At the start of the
period , butter was the most popular spread, which was replaced by
margarine from 1991 to 2001, and following that low fat and reduced spreads
b ecame the most widely used spread in the final years.
2.Bar Graph / Histogram

The chart below show the expenditure of

two countries on consumer goods in

The chart vividly illustrates the amount of money spent on five consumer
goods (cars, computers, books, perfume and cameras) in France and the UK in
2010. Units have been calibrated in pounds sterling.

Having the first glance on the chart, In terms of cars, people in the UK spent
about £ 450,000 on this as opposed to the French who spent 400,000.
Similarly, the British spent more money on books than the French (about
400,000 and 300,000 respectively). In the UK, expenditure on cameras ( Just
over 350,000) was over double that of France . which was only 150,000.

Scrutinizing the graph further, The amount spent on the remaining goods was
higher in France. Above 350,000 was spent by the French on computers which
was slightly more than the British who spent exactly 350,000. Neither of the
countries spent much on perfume which accounted for 200,000 of expenditure
in France but under 150,000 in the UK.

Overall, the UK spent more money on consumer goods than France in the
period given. Both the British and the French spent most of their money on
cars whereas the least amount of money was spent on perfume in the UK
compared to cameras in France. Furthermore, the most significant difference
in expenditure between the two countries was on cameras.
Modal Answer

The two pie charts apparently represent the information regarding five types
of energy production in France in 1995 and 2005.

Having the first glance on the chart, energy produced by coal comprised of
29.80 % in the first year and this showed only a very slight increase about a
mere 1% to 30.9% in 2005. Likewise, in 1995, gas generated 29.63% which
rose marginally to 30.1% to 10 years later.

With regards to the remaining methods of producing energy, there was an

approximate 5 % growth in production from both nuclear power and other
sources to 10.10% and 9.10% respectively. Petrol, on the other hand, was the
only source of energy which decreased in production from 29.27% in 1995 to
around a fifth (19.55%) in 2005.

To recapitulate, in both years the most significant sources of energy were gas
and coal, which together accounted for over half the production of energy
while nuclear and other kinds of energy sources generated the least amount of
energy in France. In all types energy production there was only minimal
change over the 10 year period.

Other language you can use in the pie chart……………….

.The lion’s share was acquired by _____________

. The biggest chunk was comprised by____________

. The expenses done on furniture sector soared up to 23% in 2001

. ________was another major expense in 1972 at 11%

. Comprised by

. Consisted of

. Acquired by

. Composed by

. Obtained by


The table
table below
below gives information
gives information onspending
on consumer consumer spending
on different items in
five different itemsinin
countries five different countries in 2002.

Percentage of national consumer expenditure by category –

2002 of national consumer expenditure by category – 2002
The tabular chart vividly compares the information regarding the proportion
of national expenditure in Ireland, Italy, Spain, Sweden and Turkey on three
categories of items in 2002.

Having the first glance on the chart, In terms of food, drinks and tobacco,
Turkey spent the most at 32.14%. The expenditure of Ireland was also high
(28.91%) compared to Sweden which spent the least (15.77%). Spain and
Italy spent 18.80% and 16.36% respectively. Italy spent more than the other
countries on clothing and footwear (9%) as opposed to lowest expenditure
which could be seen in Sweden at 5.40%.

Furthermore, the other three countries spent an average around 6.5%. The
lowest expenditure was on leisure time and education which accounted for
under 5% in all countries. Turkey spent most on these items at just 4.35% of
their national expenditure which is around double that of Spain which spent
the least at just 1.98%.

Overall, all countries spent most on foods, drinks and tobacco, which are
almost three times that of the other items. The lowest expenditure was on
leisure and education in the five countries. The expenditure of Turkey overall
was higher than the other countries.
The chart below shows the process of waste paper
The chart below shows the process of waste paper recycling.
The flow chart shows how waste paper is recycled. It is clear that there
are six distinct stages in this process, from the initial collection of waste
paper to the eventual production of usable paper.

At the first stage in the paper recycling process, waste paper is collected
either from paper banks, where members of the public leave their used
paper, or directly from businesses. This paper is then sorted by hand
and separated according to its grade, with any paper that is not suitable
for recycling being removed. Next, the graded paper is transported to a
paper mill.

Stages four and five of the process both involve cleaning. The paper is
cleaned and pulped, and foreign objects such as staples are taken out.
Following this, all remnants of ink and glue are removed from the paper
at the de-inking stage. Finally, the pulp can be processed in a paper
making machine, which makes the end product: usable paper.

NOTE: No need to give conclusion.


The maps illustrate the how Meadow side village and Fonton, which is a
neighboring town, have developed over 3 different time periods (1962, 1985
and the present).

In 1962, both Meadow side and Fonton were completely separate with no
roads or rail connecting them. While Fonton had a railway line running
through it to the north.

Meadow side, located to the west of Fonton, only had a small road from the
west. By 1985, there was a considerable growth in the size of Meadow side
village and Fonton.The small road in Meadow side village had been converted
into a main road and was also extended to the east to connect with Fonton.

Meadow side, moreover, had also developed a housing estate in the west, a
leisure complex and a super market in the south. Currently, both Meadow
side, which is now a suburb, and Fonton are joined. The railway line, which
runs through Fonton, has been extended to the west where a train station has
been built. To the north of the station a hotel has been constructed and
opposite the station. To the south, there is now a business park.

Overall, Meadow side village increased in the size and has become Meadow
side suburb as it merged together with Fonton. Furthermore, there have been
significant changes in infrastructure housing and facilities over the period
These diagrams illustrate the process of making cement first, followed by a visual
explanation of concrete’s production. While cement is made through a sequence
of much more passages, concrete’s production seems to be easier as it requires
less features.

First of all, limestone and clay are the materials used in cement production; these
need to be crushed, and once a powder is obtained and mixed, it goes into a
rotating heater. Subsequentially to this, the heated powder is smashed tanks to a
grinder and cement is obtained. This is usually conserved in bags.

Finally, concrete production can start. However, the process requires four
materials instead of the two used in cement production. The suggested
proportions are a half of gravel, a quarter of sand and the last quarter divided
between 15% of cement and 10% of water. These have to be poured in a rotating
concrete mixer.
Thesis statements
1.Adv/Dis - there are many merits and demerits of such things.

2.Ag/Dis- there are various positive aspects of this which

convince me to agree.

3. opinion- many people have opinion

4.+ve/-ve- although this trend has some benefits, I would argue

that there are more drawbacks. of the most controversial issues today relates to -------------

in the essay, I am going to examine this question from both points
of view.

6.on one side of the argument there are people who argue that
the benefits of considerably outweigh its disadvantages .the main
reason for believing this is that ------------ it is also possible to say
that ---------one good illustration of this is---------.

7.on the other hand, it is possible to make the opposing case. It is

often argued that in fact---------- people often have this opinion
because ------------- a second point is that ----------a particularly
good example here is---------

8. As we have seen, there are no easy answers to this question.

On balance, however, I tend to believe that------------

1. I firmly disagree to the statement and this has umpteen demerits

along with contain merits which I shall discuss in the upcoming (
looming) paragraphs.

10.Under the mountain of disadvantages this has certain

advantages as well as------------
Starting of paragraphs
Argumentative and Descriptive
Body Paragraph 1- Firstly, to justify my viewpoint I would like
to pen down,______

- Multifarious points endorse my perspective______

- To the brighter side_______

Body Paragraph 2- Laying emphasis on my vantage point_____

- Further, to bolster my vantage point______

Body Paragraph 3- On the contrary,_______

- In the paradox,______
- On the flip side,________
- In the other school of thoughts,_____
- To the darker side,________

# Dogmatic task

Body Paragraph1- Some people reckon that,_____

Body paragraph2- On the contrary, an array of masses holds the

opposite notion______

Body Paragraph3- According to my perspective, I would like to

assert that______

-In zest, I conclude that_______
-In gist, I conclude that_______
-Eventually, conclusion can be drawn from above
-Hammering the last nail_______

Our globe is broadly segregated into two halves the occidental and the oriental. So
there are bound to be differences or disparities on the economical and cultural front
as well as likewise both aspects have their own importance and imperative. I would
like to pen down that in the upcoming paragraphs.


Modern era is an era of stress and strain, struggle and strife. So relation and
recreation are must and better lifestyle comes as savior that proved to be great
stress buster, Anotherwise men would become a mental wreck. The plethora of
sanguine aspects of better lifestyle convinced me to agree with the statement.


Time spins and with every spin, there is a change, changes bring in then, wake a
number conflicts and doubts and controversies especially related to past and
present, traditional and modern. But no school of thought has ever suggested that in
order to move with the modern and contemporary world, we should replace or
discord what is old and traditional and the issue of rising level of
congestion has no expectations.


In fact we can have optimal and fruitful utilization of resources. The traditional and
modernism bought at tandem with each other, only then it will be beneficial,
otherwise under or over estimation of either worth and value, none of two should be
inappropriate and inadequate. Social networking sites are not waterloo but excess of
everything is detrimental. So, what is required is logical, Balanced and pragmatic
approach towards the same.


Phrases you could use
When giving factual information
Generally Now, let me see
Usually Surprisingly enough
Most of the time Actually
On the whole Interestingly enough
Phrases you could use to introduce your own opinion
In my opinion Well, personally speaking
I personally think It seems that
I believe that From my point of view
I feel that as I see it
To my mind I`m quite convinced that
Obviously I`m fairly certain that
Your sentences will need to follow logically, so that ideas need to organize
using appropriate connective words and phrases such as:
So although
Next however
Also not only
Beside this on the other hand
As well as yet
And then otherwise
Perhaps I should mention what`s more
Afterwards though

Phrases you could see when giving examples:

For instance for one thing

Take the way to give you an idea
Take for example namely
Phrases you could use to complete:
So in the end finally
So, to finish off
All in all I`d like to finish with

Phrases you could use when comparing and contrasting:

The main difference just a little different
One of the differences totally different
In contrast/on the other hand slightly different
Similarly/likewise whereas/while
Phrases you could use when speculating:
It may/could/might/(well)be that maybe
It`s quite possible that I guess
I imagine that I suppose
Perhaps I expect

Phrases you could use when justifying

That’s why you see

Besides to be honest
So let me explain
Because the reason why
What I mean is What I’m saying is

Phrases you could use to give yourself time to think in the discussion:

Now, let me think the best way I can answer this is

It’s difficult to say exactly, but Mm, that’s difficult question. Let me see
That’s an interesting question I’ll have to think about that
How shall I put it? Let’s put it this way

VOCAB that can be used in writing module

Decrease: Lessen, mitigate, alleviate, allay, appease, soothe, curtail, decline, abbreviate, reduce,
shorten, dropping, diminishing, slowing, dwindling, plunged, slowing, sinking, sagging, subsidy,
slacking, lowering, shrinking, depreciating, running down, dying away, withering away, wearing off,
momentum, slumping, in a slump going down.
tion ,dilation.
Comprise: constitute
Although: in spite of the fact that
Contrast: compared, striking difference,
Therefore: as a result of this/consequently/hence
However: no matter how/to whatever degree/evident by what means, under any circumstances ,
nevertheless ,at all events, yet ,somewhere , in spite of that, all the same, anyhow ,regardless,
whatever happens
Accordingly: in consequences, consequently, equally, respectively, proportionately by duty,
correspondingly, in accordance, subsequently, in respect to, thus, hence, therefore , as a result ,
resultantly ,as the case may be, a consequences, on the ground, under the circumstances.
Overall:total,widespread,inclusive,extensive,broad,.wide,sweeping, through ,full ,general ,gross
,aggregate ,integral
,refined,processed,upgrade,modernized, brought up, repaired, rectified.
Initially: at first, at the beginning, originally , primal, maiden, opening, introductory ,inceptive
,premier ,leading ,in the beginning
Equivalent: comparable, equal ,same ,like, matching , identical ,duplicate, even, one and the same
,regular, even ,uniform ,to the same degree, without distinction ,coordinate ,alike ,corresponding.
Stopped: Discontinued, released ,expelled.
Moreover, too, in addition, likewise, as well, additionally ,similarly ,in like manner, along with over
and above, together with.
Fast, swiftly ,speedily ,quickly ,now, at short, notice, instantly ,shortly ,straightway ,shooting
,suddenly ,at a great rate, without delay, promptly.
Comparison: Likening , collating ,analyzing ,relative, estimation, relation ,testing by a criterion,
measuring, corresponding, correlating, drawing parallels, relating, dividing, opposition.
Finally, conclusively, decisively, with conviction, in a final manner, definitely, enduringly, once and for
all, for good, assuredly ,irrevocably.
Since, as much as, so much as, where in fact, while, although, while on the contrary, thought but on
the other hand.
Finish, summing up.
Sum up:
Review, conclude, summarize.
Too , likewise ,besides ,as well ,in addition ,similarly ,in like manner, along with, more than that, over
and above.
Usually, commonly, ordinarily, as a matter of course, repeatedly, traditionally, naturally, normally, as
a rule , conventionally.
Below I will list various buildings and features and verbs we could describe
their change.

Buildings– demolished, knocked-down, flattened, replaced, renovated, built,

constructed, reconstructed, developed, extended, expanded, relocated,
converted and modernized.


The government demolished the industrial estate and developed a sports


They removed the shops and replaced it with a skyscraper.

A port was constructed at the edge of the river.

The factory in the city centre was demolished and relocated to the north of
the city.

The old warehouses were replaced with new hotels.

The factory was converted into apartments.

Trees and Forests- cleared, cut-down, chopped-down, removed, planted.


The forest was cut-down and replaced with a shopping centre.

The trees were cleared to make way for houses.

Roads, bridges and railways lines- constructed, built, extended, expanded

and removed.
The main road was extended and a new bridge built over the river.

Leisure facilities- opened, set up, developed.


A skate park was set up next to the swimming pool.

A park was developed beside the forest.

Below are some examples of general statements we could use to describe

change in towns and cities.

1. Over the period, the area witnessed dramatic changes.

2. From 1995 to 2005, the city centre saw spectacular developments.
3. The village changed considerably over the time period.
4. During the 10 year period, the industrial area was totally transformed.
5. Over the past 20 years, the residential area was totally reconstructed.
6. Over the time period, the old docks were totally redeveloped.
7. Between 1995 and 2005, the old houses were rebuilt.
8. The central business district was completely modernised during the time


The forest to the south of the river was cut down.

A golf course was constructed to the north of the airport.

The houses in the south-west of the town were demolished.

The green fields to the north-west of the city were redeveloped as a park.

The airport in the centre of the city was relocated to the north-east of the

The school to the south-east was knocked down and a new one built to
the east of the forest.

Finally, you will also be expected to use prepositions of place, e.g.

at/in/on/by/beside/to/off/from, to describe where things are.


Dramatic changes took place in the city centre.

To the south of the town, there is a golf course surrounded by trees.

A new school was built next to the swimming pool.

The old road running from north to south was replaced by a new motorway.

A marina was built on the banks of the river.

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