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Reservoir Characterization of the Hollín and Napo

Formations, Westem Oriente Basin, Ecuador

Howard J. White Jose A. Rodas

Robert A. Skopec Onp: Ecuador Eller¿,~{ Companu
Quito, Ecuador
Felix A. Ramirez
Guido Bonilla
Oryx Ellergy Company
DalIas, Texas, U.5.A. Petroecuador
Quito, Ecuador

r-rhe Oriente basin of Ecuador has produced a substantial amount of oil over the past 20 years. Nearly
.1 3 billion bbl of oil have been recovered from the principal reservoirs in the Cretaceous Napo and Hollin
formations. Subtle north-south structures, commonly associated with Andean-related faulting, have trapped
much of the recoverable hydrocarbons in the thicker sandstones deposited within the Hollin and Napa reser-
voirs. East to west thinning of these reservoir units also contributes to the formation of stratigraphic traps. Both
the Hollin and Napo formations comprise successíons of eastward-sourced fluvial and deltaíc sedimentary
deposíts that prograded westward into shoreline and marine shelf parasequences. The Albían Hollin reservoir
interval consists of a dominant alluvial plain sandstone sequence (Maín Hollín sandstone) that occupíes much
of the Oriente basin. In the westem Oriente, the uppermost Hollin section grades vertically into open marine
strata with isolated tidal- and storm-influenced sandstone bodies. The overlying Napo stratigraphy also
consists of sand-rich fluvial and deltaic deposits in the eastem Oriente and abruptly changes to marine shales
and limestones and lowstand valley-fill sandstones in the westem part of the basin. Extensíve structural and
stratigraphic trap potential remains within the Napo and Hollín strata in the Oriente basin. High-resolution
geophysical techníques and detailed geologic reservoir characterization facilitate successful exploitation of
these remaining reserves.


E n los últimos veinte años la Cuenca Oriente del Ecuador ha producido una cantidad sustancial de
hidrocarburos. Alrededor de tres mil millones de barriles de petroleo han sido recuperados de los reser-
varios principales de las formaciones cretácicas Hollín y Napo. Estructuras sutiles orientadas norte-sur,
comunmente asociadas con fallamiento de edad Andina, han entrampado la mayoría de los hidrocarburos
recuperables dentro de los espesos depósitos arenosos de los reservorios de Napo y Hollin. La formación de
trampas estratigraficas ha estado favorecida por los adelagazamientos este-oeste de dichas unidades reservo-
rios. Las formaciones Napo y Hollín comprenden una sucesión de sedimentos deltaicos y fluviales alimen-
tados desde el este, los cuales progradaron hacia el oeste integrando parasecuencias de zonas de playa y
marino-plataformicas, El reservorio Albense Hollin consiste de una secuencia predomínantemente arenosa de
planicie aluvial (Arenisca Hollín Principal) la cual se encuentra ocupando la mayoría de la Cuenca Oriente. En
el occidente del Oriente, la sección superior de Hollín grada verticalmente a sedimentos marino-abiertos con
cuerpos arenosos influenciados por mareas y tormentas. La sobreyacente estratigrafía de Napo tambíen
consiste, en el este del Oriente, de depósitos deltaicos y fluviales ricos en arena, los cuales cambian abrupta-
mente a calizas y lutitas marinas, y areniscas "lowstand" de relleno de valle en la parte oeste de la cuenca.
Existe enorme potencial en trampas estructurales y estratigraficas dentro de los estratos Napo y Hollín de la
Cuenca Oriente. Las técnicas geofísicas de alta resolución y la caracterización geologica de los reservoríos
facilitaran una explotación exitosa de las reservas remanentes.

Whíte, H. J., R. A. Skopec, F. A. Rarnirez, J. A. Rodas, and G. Bonilla, 1995, Reservoir char- 573
acteristics of the Hollin and Napo formations, westem Oriente basín, Ecuador, in A. J.
Tankard, R. Suárez S., and H. J. Welsink, Petroleum basins of South Arnerica: AAPG
Memoir 62, p. 573-596.
574 vV1zite et al.

Figure 1-overview of the

' .......,
\ Oriente basin, Ecuador,
showing structural features,
distribution of producing fields,
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location of cross sections
shown in Figures 7,15, and 16,
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and specific weUs referred to in
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INTRODUCTION greater than 80,000 km/. It is contiguo~s with. the

Puntamayo basin oí Colombia and the Maranon ba~m of
The Oriente basin of Ecuador produces a substantiaI Peru. Stratigraphically and structurally, the Onente
amount oí oil and provides attractive expIoration oppor- preserves a complex Phaner?zoic g:,?logic history
tunities. The Hollin and Napo sandstone reservoirs have beginning with earliest Paleozoic deposition and culmí-
proven to be consistent producers since initiaI produc- nating with Tertiary deposits shed from the And~an foId
tion was first established in August 1972. The Napo and thrust belt. Figure 2 shows the general stratigraphy
sandstone has a cumuIative production (December 1992) of the Oriente basin. The succession is subdivided into
of 1.17 billion bbl, and the Hollin Formation has a cumu- several unconformity-bounded sequences: Paleozoic-
lative production of 1.70 billion bbl. Production estimates Jurassic stratigraphy, the Cretaceous Hollin and ~apo
for the next 20 years are about 2 bi1lionbbl, which will be formations, and Upper Cretaceous-Quatemary sedimen-
derived from the currently producing fieIds with addi- tary sequence. . .
tional reserves from fields in the process of development. The sedimentary fill rests on Precambnan 19neous
This paper presents an integrated geologic study oí and metamorphic basement that has been intersected by
the Hollin and Napo sandstone reservoirs in the greater several wells in the eastern Oriente adjacent to the
Oriente basin, with emphasis on the western Oriente. Guyana shield. The Silurian-jurassic interval consists of
Figure 1 illustrates the regional setting of the Oriente several thousand meters of carbonates, shaIes, and
foreland basin in front of the Andean foId and thrust subordinate sandstones and conglomerates that have
belt, as well as the distribution of producing fields. been structurally deformed during several episodes ?f
uplift and extension. Examples of the pre-HoIhn
STRUCTURAL AND STRATIGRAPHIC structure are documented by Balkwill et al. (1995). The
uppennost strata of this intervaI to th~ Jurassi~
SETTING Chapiza Formation and the assocla~ed Mlsa.hualh
The Oriente basin of eastern Ecuador is part of the volcanics. In parts of the western Oriente ba~ln, the
upper Amazon River drainage basin and covers an area Hollin-Napo interval unconformably overlies the
Reserooir Characterization, Hollin and Napo Formations, Oriente Basin, Ecuador 575

eastem margin is masked by basin margin arehes related

to the Guyana shield (Figure 1). Structural arches shown
on the regional map of Dashwood and Abbotts (1990)
Tertiary indicate two east-west trending arches extending
westward from the Guyana shield. Interval isopach
maps confirm the existence of these two intrabasin
highs-the Aguarico arch to the north and the Cononaco
platform or arch to the south. The arches are believed to
have provided sediments as well as localized the Hollín
Cretaceous and Napo fluvial systems. Reservoirs within the Hollín
and Napo formations are structuraIIy less deformed than
the underIying strata. Nevertheless, Hollín and Napo
structures are large enough to form prolific hydrocarbon
traps. A complex of major reverse fauIts mark the
western limit of the present-day basin adjacent to the
Jurassic Napo uplift. Most of the majar oil fields occur east of this
complex in structural traps that parallel the north-south
struetural grain. The source rocks for these reservoirs are
believed to be the organic-rich Napa shales which have
Triassic be en extensively tested for maturity, as reported by
Dashwood and Abbotts (1990).
Permian The overlying Upper Cretaceous-Paleogene sedimen-
tary rocks in the Oriente basin were the first to be influ-
enced by incipient Andean movement. The Tena and
Tiyuyacu formations (Figure 2) are the earliest strata of
Pennsylvanian the post-Napo basin fill and consist of interbedded
shales, sandstones, and minor conglomerates. The basal
Mississippian sandstone of the Tena Formation in the westem Oriente
was probably deríved by erosion and local reworking of
uppermost Napo. Late Tena and Tiyuyacu deposition
Devonian Pumbuiza consisted of episodes of continental redbeds and limited
incursions of marine deposition. Deposition continued
Fm with the Orteguaza and post-Orteguaza formations and
consisted mainly of clay-rich continental strata eroded
from the Andean volcanics. These continental sedimen-
8i1urian tary rocksmark the infill of the Andean foreland basin
and comprise over 1600 m of section in the western
Oriente. The Andean volcanic are eontrolled much of the
Tertiary sedimentation along the western margin of the
Ordovician Oriente basin.


Cambrian Characterization of the Hollin and Napo reservoirs
includes data from seisrnic, well logs, eore descriptions,
and petrophysícal analyses. Over 1100 m of core were
examined. Regional mapping of the Ecuador Oriente
Precambrian Igneous/metamorphic basin focused on depositional environments, paleoshore-
line trends, facies distribution, and reservoir continuity.
Figure 2-Stratigraphic column for the Oriente basin. The Hollin Formation occurs throughout the Oriente
basin. It thickens from a zero edge along the eastern
margin to nearly 200 m thick, forming a sand-rích
Jurassic Chapiza and Misahualli volcanícs, but elsewhere blanket composed of several depositional sequences,
the Cretaeeous rocks overlie Paleozoie strata and Figure 3 is an isopach map of Hollin strata from its
Precambrian basement. pinchout in the eastem Oriente to the depocenter in the
The Hollin-Napo interval consists of up to sao m of southwestem part of the basin.
continental and marine sandstones, shales, and carbon- In the western Oriente basin, the Hollin can be subdi-
ates. The basin deepens toward the southwest, while its vided into the Main Hollin sandstone and the thinner
576 vVhite el al.


Open Marine (O - 25m)

(O' 35m) Shorezone (O - 15m)
enastal Plain (O - 15m)

Braid Plain (10 140m)

HOLLlN stacken, low sinuosity
SANOSTONE 75m ~~~~I braided strearn sandstones
(10 -155m) and interbedded levee


Alluvial valley ti"

(O - 40m)

PRE-HOlLlN Sediments, igneous
Figure 3-lsopach map 01 the entire Hollin sequence.
Contour interval is 25 m.
Figure 4-Hollin stratigraphic colurnn, western Oriente
Upper Hollin sandstone. General Hollin stratigraphy is basin, showing the five depositional systerns cornprising
described elsewhere (Wasson and Sinclair, 1927; the complete Hollin sequence.
Tschopp, 1953; Campbell, 1970; Canfield et al., 1982;
Dashwood and Abbotts, 1990; Canfield, 1991). The
Hollin is Albian in age, although the basal strata oí the by isolated Hollín outcrops near Puyo. Valley fill
Main Hollin ll1ay date to the late Aptian. Faunal and thickness varíes up to 40 m, reflecting the original topo-
flora taxa, although sparse, suggest that the Hollin is time graphic relief. The resulting depositional surface was a
transgressive and trace the overall sea level rise during very low relief, gently tilted surface over which braid-
late Hollin and early Napo deposition. The Hollín in the plain deposition occurred.
western Oriente basin consists oí fi ve successive deposi-
tional sequences: three sequences in the Main Hollin Braidplain Deposition
Sandstone and two in the Upper Hollin Formation The dominant depositional package in the Main
(Figure 4). Hollin consists of stacked cross-bedded sandstone and
subordinate intervals of interbedded mudstone and
Main Hollin Sandstone sandstone (Figures 4, 5) of Albian age. The upper part of
this interval forms the main oil reservoirs in the westem
Valley FilI Deposition Oriente basin.
The initial Main Hollin sediments occupied substan- There are three lithofacies types in the braidplain
tial relief that was eroded into the underIying [urassic sequence. The first and predominant ane consists of
strata, Several wells penetrate this valley fíll succession, stacked channel sandstones that range in thickness from
including Oso #1 and Entre Ríos Xl. The sedimentary 3 m to more than 10 m. The sandstones are quartzose in
rocks are interpreted to be paleovalley fluvial deposits of composition and fine to very coarse grained. Granule
channel sandstone and flood basin shales; no cores of this eonglomeratic lag occasionally overlies channel seour
interval have been taken. Figure 5 shows these character- surfaees. Channel units generalIy have a uniform grain
istics in the Oso #1 well. This interpretation is also size distribution without any obviaus fining-upward
supported by Pungarayacu cores in the Napo uplift and trend. Internally, the sandstone units are structured by
Reserooir Chnracterizaiicn, Hollín and Napa Formations, Oriente Basin, Ecuador 577

These sedimentary facies are attributed to deposition

in a braided alluvial plain environrnent. The overall
UPPER OPEN MARINE facies architecture resembles the Platte River and Bijou
HOLLlN Creek models of Miall (1977) and Cant (1982). In this
FORMATION SHOREZONE environrnent, the planar and trough cross bed sets are
COASTAL interpreted as straight and sinuous-crested mid-channel
PLAIN bars. River discharge may have been seasonally variable,
ALlUVIAL but the sand bedload was sufficiently high to account for
_~~~~~~~ .... BRAID PLAIN the stacked braid bars that dominate the Main Hollin. In
addition to sediment suppIy, local topography, precipita-
tion, and vegetation also influenced fluvial deposition.
Facies two, interbedded mudstone and sandstone, are
attributed to channel, overbank levee, and crevasse spIay
deposition. The third facies, dorninantly thick
MAIN mudstones, is inferred to have originated as channel
HOLLlN abandonment intervals and laterally equivalent tlood
SANDSTONE basin deposits.

f Coastal Plain Deposition

. ~

The contact between the Main and Upper Hollin

~~~=~~~$.~~$ formations has historically been picked on electric logs at
~ ITID GlAUCONITIC ss the base of the thicker shales overlying the stacked sand-
stones of the Main Hollin. Detailed core examination of
~ this contact in the westem Oriente basin demonstrates
JO SHAlE that, instead of the stacked sandstones at the top of the
Main Hollín, this sequence is frequently a fining-upward
succession of planar to trough cross-bedded sandstones
VALLEY and thin mudstones. These sandstones are slightly finer
FILL than the braided sandstones, thin upward, and are rhyth-
micallv interbedded with nurnerous, thin, laminated
PRE-HOLLlN mudst~nes (Figure éc). Rooted horizons are occasionally
present in the sandstones. The distinctive appearance of
these lithofacies (at least in cored intervals) indícates
Figure 5-Hollin lithofacies and depositional systems coastal plain deposition. The package ranges up to 15 m
within the Oso #1 well, Block 7, western Oriente basin. The in thickness in the western Oriente.
depositional systems have been interpreted in more than
100 Oriente wells.
The coastal plain depositional sequence is interpreted
to represent the overall abandonment of the Main Hollin
fluvial system. As such, a lower energy, higher sinuosity
planar tabular and trough cross beds in sets 30-100 cm or fluvial and estuary depositional system is envisaged for
thicker (Figure 6a). Cross bed slip faces commonly these capping sediments. The interval's fining upward
display a grain size segregation typical of avalanche character, the occurrence of planar and trough cross
processes. Sandstone units are separated by erosion bedding and ripple Iamination, the rhythmic mudstone
surfaces with carbonaceous shale laminae and mudstone interbeds, and the occasional rooting are interpreted to
beds up to 30 cm thick. Macerated plant debris often have originated in a meandering stream system that
occurs as concentrations along cross bed laminae. Día- likely entered a coastlíne estuary setting.
genetic kaolinite is dispersed throughout the sandstones. The features observed in the coastal plain deposition
The resulting gamma ray signature is that of a shaly of the Main Hollín are similar to the meandering fluvial
sandstone rather than the high-porosity sandstones that to estuary profiles recognized by Smith (1987). The
typify the Main Hollín. interbedded sandstones and mudstones in the top part of
The second facies type consists of fining-upward the estuary profile exemplify features observed in tidally
channel units of finer grained sandstones and influenced sediments, although the tidal reworking is
interbedded mudstones generally less than 30 cm thick. minor (microtidal) in the coastal plain deposits.
These sandstones are more poorly sorted than the first
sandstone facies and are dominated by trough cross Upper Hollín Formation
Facies three comprises mudstones and mudstone
Shore Zone Deposition
interbedded with thin sandstones. The sandstone
interbeds are fine to very fine grained and often ripple The upper Hollin transgressively overlies the coastal
laminated. The mudstones are massive to faintly plain veneer of the Main Hollin sandstone. It has been
laminated and often dolomitic. This facies is up to 13 m generally interpreted as a marine deposit (Dashwood
thick (e.g., Oso #1 well, Figure 5). and Abbotts, 1990; Canfield, 1991). This transgressive
578 W1zite et al.

Figure 6-Core photographs from the Main and Upper Hollín formations. Photographed slabs are from eonventional1 O-cm
whole-diameter cores. (a) Typieal planar cross bedding within the braided fluvial facies. (b) Cross-bedded sandstones and
thin mudstones of the eoastal plain facies. (e) Interbedded sandstones and shales of the tidally reworked Upper Hollín shore
zone facies. (d) Open marine glaueonitie sandstones beneath the eapping /imestones of the Upper Hollin.
Reserooir Chamcterizanon, Hollin and Napo Formations, Oriente Basin, Ecuador 579

blanket oecurs throughout the Oriente basin, except in always interbedded with marine shelf shales (lenticular-
the extreme northeast. It consists of two distinctive litho- bedded burrowed mudstone). The guartzitic beds origi-
facies associations. The lower shore zone deposition nated as nearshore, tidallv reworked marine sands. The
comprises a sandstone and shale eomplex that varies up glauconite-rieh sands accumulated more seaward of the
to 15 m thick in the western Oriente. The upper open shoreline as storm-generated sand waves. These shoals
marine sequence eaps the overall abandonment of the ineorporated whatever quartz sand reached the middle
Hollin depositional system. shelf position, as well as the glauconite-replaced fecal
The shore zone lithofacies eonsist of fine- to medium- material derived on the shelf, and anv reworked inverte-
grained planar to trough eross-bedded sandstones, very brate shell debris. It is likelv that fossil abundance
fine to fine-grained ripple laminated sandstones, and increased awav from the clastic shoreline. The shelf area
burrowed lenticular-bedded mudstones. Above the basal beyond the glauconitic shoals provided sites for thin but
mudstones, the shore zone locally displays a vertical widespread carbonate deposition.
profile of staeked cross-bedded and ripple-laminated The fossiliferous, mieritic lirnesto ne and marls
sandstone with minor shale interbeds. A few kilometers capping the Upper Hollin record the final phase of
away, the profile may be dominantly lenticular Hollín deposition as the sea transgressed eastward over
mudstone and isolated, thin sandstones of limited the Cretaceous Oriente margino Because of the typical
reservoir quality. The majority of the ripple sandstones thickness of the limestones (less than 2 m), seismic
contain abundant c1ay drapes within the lamination. The amplitude contrast at the top of the Hollin is generally
coarser sandstones oecasionally exhibit strongly obligue minimal. The acoustic contrast does inerease loeallv
cross-bedding orientations. Lenticular mudstones are where limestone thickness increases. .,
moderately to weakly burrowed (Chondrites, Putnolites,
and minor Teichichnusi with rare ripple-Iaminated Pungarayacu Area
sandstone lenses.
A variety of shoreline to shallow marine depositional The Pungarayacu coneession is located on the
environments combined to create the shore zone litho- basinward margin of the Napo uplift. It is noted for a
facies. A eontinued transgression of the tidally influ- large, shallow, heavy oil reservoir that has been
eneed eoastal plain resulted in the formation of sand- evaluated by Petroecuador (Alrneida et al., 1983). The
dominated bay head deltas, estuaries, and subtidal Pungarayacú #2 well is representative of the entire Hollin
shoals. Muddy tidal flat and shallow marine mud depo- section in this area west of the Oriente basin. Eight
sition loeally dominate the shore zone lithofacies. braided ehannel sandstone packages are present in the
Main Hollín. Significant mudstone intervals separate
Open Marine Deposition several of the upper ehannel sequences. These
The open marine suecession completes the trangres- mudstones indicate periodic abandonment and aggrada-
sive Upper Hollín depositional sequence. It may range tion of the alluvial plain. The Iower channels, above the
up to 15 m in thiekness. The lithofacies consists of glau- Misahualli volcanics, are sand rich and devo id of
conitic and quartzose sandstone, limestone, marl, and interbedded mudstone. Figure 7 shows a north-south
shale. Ripple-larninated, very fine to fine-grained oriented cross section through three of the Pungarayaeu
quartzose sandstones are commonly thin bedded and wells. Rapid facies changes occur within the distal or
moderately burrowed and occur at the base oí the open westward fluvial components of the Main Hollin. The
marine succession. In the upper part of the open marine abundanee of mudstone suggests that the braidplain
sequence, glauconite-rich sandstones (Figure 6d) are depositional system responsible for the Main Hollín
capped by a thin veneer oí micritic and fossiliferous lime- became a mixed sand and mud system as it prograded
stones and marls. The sandstones are typically very fine westward. The Upper Hollin is represented by relatively
to fine-grained quartz with fine- to medium-grained thin mud-rich beds, subordinate quartzose and glau-
glauconi te which vary up to 1 In in individual bed conitie sandstone, and capping limestone,
thiekness and form sharp-based tabular units. Mudstone Hollín stratigraphy is well exposed along the
rip-up clasts occasionally overlie scour surfaces. Sedi- Hollin-Loreto road in the Pungarayaeu area on the Napo
mentary strnctures include trough cross bedding, ripple uplift (see de Souza Cruz, 1989). A composite section of
Iamínation, and flaser bedding. Bioturbation often oblit- the Main and Upper Hollin strata exposed in the roadcut
erates all primary sedimentary structures. This unit is shown in Figure 8. The Main Hollin consists princi-
contains an open marine biota, including arnmonites and pally of the braidplain facies, which unconformably
both thick- and thin-shelled bivalves. In the glauconitic overlies the Misahualli volcanics. The braidplain succes-
sandstones, the glauconite content is loeally in excess oí sion is locally saturated with oil. The outcrop shows
50% oí the framework grains. Capping limestones (fossil- well-developed levee and floodplain deposits (Figure 8).
iferous wackestones) and marl beds general1y measure The lower braided channel sandstones in this seetion are
less than 2 m thick and are welllithified. Vuggy porosity comparable with the Bijou Creek model. The capping
due to shell dissolution occurs sporatical1y. beds of the Main Hollin are correlative with the coastal
The basal quartzitic sandstone and shale oí the open plain sandstones observed in cores from the western
marine facies are interpreted to be oí subtidal shoal Oriente. Shale interbeds in the eoastal plain facies are
origino These sandstones are generally thinner than the both more numerous and thicker than those observed in
overlying glauconitic shoal deposits and are almost the braidplain deposits.
580 White ei al.



R• 64" 2Qoo' nm
Napa Fm


.' .

1.5km 0.6km
Figure 7-Hallin sandstone cross section, Pungarayacu concession, eastern Napo uplift.lnferred correlations demonstrate
the more frequent facies changes in the western Oriente. See Figure 1 for location.

The Upper Hollin deposits present in this roadcut are shows the lithologies and stratigraphic relationships of
part of the shore zone deposition. Individual channels the Napa in the westem Oriente basin. The Napo T, D,
have a lenticular geometry 30-150 m or more wide and and M sandstone units are related to a series of regres-
1-3 111 thick. The strata are interpreted to be of tidal flat sive-transgressive cyeles that built the Napo stratigraphy.
and tidal channel origino N o exposures of the open There were at least four such cydes in the western
marine facies of the Upper Hollin were observed here, Oriente basin. Only the T and U intervals deposited
such as the glauconitic sandstones or carbonates. De sands in the western Oriente basin. To the east in the
Souza Cruz (1989) interpreted the Main Hollin as origi- central Oriente (e.g., Shushufindi field), these sequences
nating from braided fluvial and eolian paleoenviron- are indistinguishable because of their stacked, sand-rich
ments.We see little evidence for eolian deposition. We character which resulted in their amalgamation.
agree with de Souza Cruz that the Upper Hollin in this Mapping of the Napa transgressive shales (referred to as
outcrop is estuarine, although the tidal range need not the lower, middle, and upper Napa shales) define a
have been macrotidal. northeast-southwest Napo shoreline trend within the
westem Oriente basin.
Seismic reflection data show that Napa stratigraphy
has substantial acoustic contrasts that can be resolved,
NAPO STRATIGRAPHY AND depending on data quality and signal processing. The
DEPOSITIONAL SYSTEMS most conspicuous acoustic change is at shale-limestone
interfaces. The sandstones generally have gradational
The Napa Formation consists oí organic-rich shales, contacts. The least resolvable acoustic contrasts occur
bioclastic grainstones and packstones, and terrigenous within the U and T sandstones where they thin
sandstones believed to have been deposited in fluvial, westward and are difficult to distinguish seismically.
deltaíc, marginal marine, and marine shelf environments Geophysical modeling of the U sandstone shows a subtle
during the Late Cretaceous. The Napa Formation amplitude increase where the sandstone is weH
conformably overlies the Upper Hollin Formation and is developed. A marked amplitude increase also occurs
in tum overlain unconformably by the Tena Formation where the U sandstone is replaced laterally by limestone.
(Maastrichtian-Paleocene). Total Napo thickness exceeds Seismic models for the T sandstone indicate subtle
275 mover much of the westem Oriente basin. Figure 9 amplitude decrease where the sandstone is weH
Reserooir Characterization, Hollin and Napa Formations, Oru.tnie Basin, Ecuador 581






Napo u SS

Figure 8-Roadeut stratigraphy exposed along the Hollin-
Loreto road, eastern Napa uplift. See Figure 1 for loeation. SHALE

developed; however, the overlying B limestone is a Upper

strong reflector that tends to mask the T sandstone. On 15m
this basis, subtle amplitude anomalies in the western Hollín
Oriente basin are attributed to the U sandstone. --'" ._0 '"._ . -.:~ -lo.

Amplitude versus offset (AVO) analysis of the U ..........

sandstone indicates that there is no significant offset due
to hydrocarbon-bearing lithologies. Main
...... 1
". o'· "." ..
Napo T and U Sandstones Hollin .. "

.. ......
' .. "

Stacked fluvial and deltaic sandstones comprise the

Napo T and U reservoirs of Shushufindi and Libratador
fields in the central Oriente (Canfield et al., 1982). These
intervals quickly thin and become separated by thicker
marine shales in Sacha and Auca fields (Canfield, 1991).
From these fields westward, both the T and U sand-
stones exhibit different lithofacies (and depositional envi- Figure 9-Composite lag of Hollin and Napo formations,
ronments) than in the central Oriente. Quartzose sand- western Oriente basin.
stones occur in each of the westem Oriente Napo cores
582 Vv7zite ei al.

bedded sandstones dominate the lower half of the Napo

Sea level Depositlenal T and U sandstone packages. In the upper half of the
Curve Lithology Environment
profi1e, the sandstone beds are thinner, .f~ner grained,
Rise Mid to üuter ripp1e larninated, and gene rally glaucorutic. Mudstone
70 Shelf interbeds are intermittent within the sandstones.
Capping the T and U intervals are more burrowed
mudstone. minor sandstone (locally thicker and medium
zrained). and 1imestone interbeds. Laminated sha1es
~eparate the sandstone interva1s from thick carbonate
Shallow wackestone and rnudstone (B and A limestones, respec-
Carbonate Shelf tivelv),
50 Situated between thick intervals of marine limestones
and mudstones, the Napo T and U sandstone packages
show a channe1-like deve1opment, locally exceeding 10
m thick, that is attributab1e to fluvial channe1, shoreline
40 estuarv, and subtidal shoal origino Channe1s and shoals
within this setting were probably controlled by the range
Shallow marme of tida1 energy, the shoreline configuration (embayrnents
and estuaries), and the physiography of the marine shelf
~~~f30 Storm Shoals (de Boer et al., 1988; Terwindt, 1988). Westward-flowing
streams de1ivered sediment to these Napo shorelines.
The initial stacked sandstones of these prograding
channe1s is inferred to be of fluvial point bar or deltaic
Tidal Shoals Overlying the channe1 sandstones, the beds exhibit
reworking by tidal currents that progressively controlled
sand distribution seaward of the fluvial-dominated
deposition. As in the Upper Hollin, the variety of tidal
Estuary Channel environrnents recognized includes tidal flat, tidal creek,
and subaqueous tidal shoals. Dimensions of these shoals
can range up to hundreds of meters in width, hundreds
Mid to Outer of meters to several kilometers in 1ength, and more than
Shelf 5 m in thickness. Positioning of these sandstone bodies
was probab1y influenced by paleotopographic highs on
the N apo marine shelf. Glauconitic sandstone shoals are
Figure 1o-1dealized Napa depasitianal package resulting mixed with quartzose shoa1s in the upper parts of the
frorn sedimentatian fallawing sea level drap en the Napa Napo T and U sequences. The cycle of progradation
marine shelf. dominated by channe1 and tidal shoal sedimentation was
rep1aced vertically by mud-dominated marine conditions
examined. G1auconitic sandstones, lamin ated to foIlowed by transgressive bioclastic and micritic
burrowed mudstones, and fossiliferous limestones are limestone deposition (Figure 11).
common components of both T and U sequences. The
quartzose sandstones exhibit the following characteris-
tics: O) abrupt basal contacts, (2) bed thicknesses from 30 CRETACEOUS PALEOGEOGRAPHY
cm to 1 m, (3) medium to very fine grain size, (4) 1arge
scale planar and trough cross bedding to ripple 1amina- The four principal sandstone packages deposited in
tion, (5) abundant cIay drapes along laminations, and (6) the western part of the Oriente basin during
occasional disruption due to burrowíng. The glauconitic Aptian-Maastrichtian time were the Main Hollin, Upper
sandstones are similar to those of the Upper Hollin and Hollin, Napo T, and Napo U intervals. The Main Hollin
typically occur in the upper parts of both the T and U is the thickest and most widespread of these intervals. It
successions. Cross beds commonly occur in oblique was deposited initialiy on an irregular erosional surface.
orientations and less often in strongly oblique, or The valley fil1 deposits smoothed this relief and created
herringbone, orientation. an alluvial plain that was dominated by braided rivers.
Figure 10 shows a typical vertical profile through the The provenance for the Main Hollín sandstones is
Napo T and U sequences. A varying complex of thin believed to have been the Guyana shield and its
fossiliferous límestones, burrowed silty mudstones, and Paleozoic cover. Grain size decreases from east to west.
thin quartzose sandstones form an intervalless than 5 m However, isolated outcrops of Hollin valiey fill deposits
thick that commonly occurs aboye the laminated shales in the uplifts west of Puyo contain gravel- to cobble-sized
below both the T and U. The sandstones abruptly overlie clasts of locally derived igneous basement demonstrating
this complexo Stacked, fine- to medíum-grained, cross- the influence of possible local source areas during early
Reserooir Characterization, Hollin andNapa Formaiions, Oriente Basin, Ecuador 583

w E

Figure 11-Napo regressive-transgressive cycle of sedimentation showing rapid progradation followed by sea level rise
with marine onlap,

Hollin sediInentation. The westward extent of the TIME Ma EUSTATIC CURVE STRATlGRAPHY
shoreline during braidplain deposition is unknown 80 -----------
because the Andean fold and thrust belt has now Rlsil
completely overprinted this area west of the Napo uplift. CAMPANIAN
The physiography conceptualized for the Main Hollin en
braidplain is a very low relief, low gradient system. The ew
multiple river systems comprising the Hollin alluvial ~ SANTONIAN
plain carried a high volume of fine to very coarse sand ce
that was efficiently distributed over the entire alluvial w
1- CONIACIAN -------------
plain. The source of the quartzose sand is further S n
envisaged to have been a much higher relief esearpment TURONIAN
of Paleozoic sandstones and igneous basement. Several
examples of such settings inelude the valley sandur . ,T San OI~e ..'
deposits of southern Iceland (Bluck, 1974), the Scott CENOMANIAN
outwash deposits of Alaska (Boothroyd, 1972), the
Canterbury plain of New Zealand (Brown and Wilson,
1988), and the Pantanal escarpment and alluvial plain in
Brazil (Short and Blair, 1986). What these alluvial plains
have in cornmon is a high sand supply and a braided 100
channel network eapable of distributing the high bed ::;)
load. Regional to local tectonics and vegetation would c:.:I

also have had an important impact on the resulting ~

c:.:I 105
depositional system. The alluvial plain gradient varies in >-
these examples from several meters per kilometer to less ce
than 0.01 m/km in the Pantanal basin.
The Aptian-Maastrichtian eustatic sea level curve
(Figure 12) reeords significant sea level Iows that are APTlAN
eorrelated with the regressive-transgressive para-
sequences of the Upper Hollin, Napo T, and Napo U JURASSIC Chapiza/Mlsahualll
(Maeel1ari, 1988). The Main Hollin eoastal plain and
Upper Hollin shore zone depositional systems are Figure 12-Correlation of Napo stratigraphy with global
believed to have been deposited during the late Albian sea level change for the Early-Late Cretaceous. The T and
U sandstone packages correspond to the significant sea
sea level rise that inundated the Main Hollín braidplain. levellows during the Cenomanian and Turonian, respec-
There is no evidence in the Oriente cores for a significant tively.
sea level fall at this time. Deposition of the Upper Hollín
Fonnation reflects gradual eastward encroachment of the
sea and progressive destruction of the delta plain to form formation of the early Andean orogenic belt. A passive
neritic tidal shoals. Figure 12 shows a more substantial margin shelf apparently received the Hollín and Napa
sea level drop in the Late Turonian at the start of Napo U sedirnentation. Limited exposures of phosphatic shales
sedimentation, suggesting a marked westward shift of and cherts in the northwestem Napa uplift suggest the
the shoreline. It is envisaged that Upper Hollin and existence of a shelf slope break and Late Cretaceous
Napo deposition took place on a broad, relatively stable upwelling prior to its destruction during Andean defor-
continental shelf west of the Guyana craton and prior to mation.
584 vVhite et al.

Upper Hollín Paleogeography

Late Albian

(C) Shorezone (O) Dpen Marine

Main Hollln Paleogeography

Early Albian

(A) Braid Plain (8) coastat Plain

Figure 13-Hollin paleogeography in Albian time. (A) Braided alluvial plain. (8) Initial transgression during Main Hollin
coastal plain deposition. (C) Upper Hollín shore zone deposition in tidally influenced nearshore environments. (O) Open
marine sedimentation ending Hollin sedimentation.

Figures 13 and 14 show a series of block diagrams that Hollin depositional systems. Wells suggest that the
summarize the paleogeography during Hollín and Napo shoreline was close to the Guyana shield at the end of
time. The Albian braided alluvial plain was built on the Hollin deposition. The late Albian maximum flooding
edge of the Guyana shield and eovered the Oriente basin event (Lower Napo Shale) essentiaily closed Hollin sedi-
farther west than the Napo uplift. The position of the mentation.
Albian shoreline has been obliterated by Andean defor- The Napo Formation eonsists of severa! transgressive-
mation. Inundation by a late Albian sea level rise estab- regressive paekages related to Late Cretaeeous eustatie
lished fluvial, deltaic, estuary, and tidal shoal environ- sea level fluctuations (Figure 12) (Haq et al., 1988),
ments (Figures 13b, e, d). The delta and estuarine sand including the Napo T and U (Figure 14). The sueeessive
aecumulations now forro exeellent hydroearbon reser- parasequenees in the Upper Hollín and Napo formations
voirs in addition to the Main Hollin. Sand sedimentation were deposited in a basin with a ramp margin (see Van
rates are inferred to have been very rapid within the Wagoner et al., 1988). This model implies that relative sea
Reservoir Characterízation, Hollin and Napo Formaiions, Oriente Basin, Ecuador 585

Middle Turonian Late Turonian

(e) Middle Napo

(A) Lower Napa

Figure 14-Napo paleogeography during Cenomanian-Turonian time. (A) Early Cenomanian marine shelf deposition dornl-
nating much of the Oriente. (8) Napo T sandstone deposition in the western Oriente. (e) Transgressive marine mud deposi-
tion (Middle Napo Shale). (O)Turonian marine shelf sedimentation prior to sea levellowering and deposition of the Napo U
sandstone cycle.

level did not fall below the shelf break, which precludes RESERVOIR CHARACTERIZATION
lowstand sediments within lowstand fan or prograding
wedge settings. The Hollin and Napo shore zone to shelf Reservoir-Scale Heterogeneity of the Hollin
facies tract transgressed and regressed several times. The Lithofacies
quartzose sandstones of the Upper Hollin, T, U, and M
sequences were deposited after maximum sea level fall The Coca-Payarnino and Gacela fields in the north-
and within depocenters (eroded valleys) created during western Oriente basin have sufficient well density to
falling sea level. Eventually both the T and U were allow detailed stratigraphic correlation. Well spacings
inundated and covered with limestone shoals and shelf range up to 3 km in the Gacela field and average about
muds during the subsequent sea level rise. The ramp 1 km along the Coca-Payamino structure. The NNW-SSE
margin model permits major shifts of the shoreline, espe- orientation of the Coca-Payamino is nearly orthogonal to
cially where the rate of sedimentation exceeded the rate the east-west depositional pattern interpreted for the
oí subsidence. Hollin strata. Figure 15 is a simplified cross section
586 W1zite et al.

Coca Payamino Payamino Payamino Payamino
6 4 2 1 5mmDm~rrmm~




o_ _ _1 Km
------..-.;...................> .'.

limestone/Marls fiIIII Glauconitic Sandstone [J Quartzarenite F:":-:-:j Shale

Figure 15-Stratigraphie eross section of the Hollin lithofacies in the Coca-Payamino .fi~ld, western Oriente bas!n. litho~a­
cíes have been determinad from eored intervals in the fleld, The top 01the Upper Hollín IS commonly a succession of thín,
fossiliferous limestones. See Figure 1 for Joeation.

through Coca-Paya mino field and illustrates the local intervals. Two sandstone types are present: quartzose
variation of depositional facies interpreted for each well sandstones occur in each facies, while glauconitic sand-
along the structure. Overall, the Coca #4 well contains stones occur only in Upper Hollin and Napo intervals.
the thickest development of the coastal and shelf Figure 17 shows the framework and diagenetic charac-
sequences mainly because of thicker shore zone sand- teristics of the Hollin and Napo sandstones.
stones. A relatively thin veneer of coastal deposits is Quartzose sandstones (Figure 17a) volumetrically
present in each well, except in Coca #7, where the equiv- dominate the arenaceous deposits. Grain size varies
alent interval is dominated bv a braided channel. The substantial1y within a single cored intervalo The coarsest
Main Hollín remains consistent throughout the structure. detritus in cores or outcrops occurs in the braidplain
Figure 16 shows the overalllithofacies variations depositional system of the Main Hollin succession. In the
between two wells in the Gacela area immediately south Tiguino #3 core, for example, the braided stream sand-
of the Coca-Payamino field. In the Gacela #1 well, both stones contain beds dominated by coarse to very coarse
the glauconitic sandstones of the shelf and the tidal sand- quartz grains, as well as local quartz granule conglom-
stones of shore zone origin are thicker than their counter- erate lag. The average grain size of the Main Hollin is
parts in the Gacela #2 welL The shelf sandstones in the medium grained. Bímodal grain size segregation in slip-
Gacela #2 are not as glauconite rich as those in Gacela #1 face laminae is typical of much of the cross bedding. The
and have retained significant reservoir porosity. Finally, westem Oriente Pungarayacu area has the finest grained
the coastal plain deposits in Gacela #1 appear to be Hollin channel sandstones encountered in the Oriente
absent in Gacela #2. The coastal plain facies is believed to area. Excellent porosity and hydrocarbon staining occur
interfinger with braided channellithologies. throughout the Oriente in the fine-grained to granule
These two field examples suggest that the Main Hollin textured lithologies. Sandstones in the Upper Hollin and
braided stream sandstones are remarkably consistent in Napo suceessions also vary signifieantly in grain size, but
character across each field. The coastal plain, shore zone, generally within the very fine to medium-grained size
and open marine units, by comparison, show significant range; they have locally excel1ent porosity and perme-
compartmentalization that is largely a function oí deposi- ability (Figure 17b).
tional environment, Optimum field development must Glaueonitic sandstones of the Upper Hollin shelf
account for this lateral and vertical heterogeneity. facies tract and each of the Napo intervals consist oí a
framework of glaueonite and quartz grains (Figure 17c).
Sandstone Petrography Glauconite content varíes from trace to dominant,
Typically, the glauconite grains are about 200 um larger
A representative suite of sandstone samples frorn than associated quartz grains. Whereas the quartz in the
Hollin and Napa facies was examined using standard shelf sand shoal facies was reworked from deltaie and
petrographic techniques. From this analysis, it is shore zone deltas, the glauconite was locally derived by
concluded that similar sandstone framework and diage- diagenetie replaeement of biogenie material. Glauconite
netic characteristics occur in each of the reservoir grains are easily compacted under moderate overburden
Reserooir Characterizatum, Hollin andNapa Formations, Oriente Basin, Ecuador 587

w GA¡i lAE





~:::::::===:::::::==~-=ti=:i MAIN HOlUN


.' " " o,'. '.'

" ...... ,' • O" ••••••• ','::' •

. " ..
: : '
.' ",' ,,'. "

. . " "

. : ..... : ., . . '. . ... :.... . . . ',. ... . '.

- -
.' .
40 '" ,'..
" ••••• ,' ••••• ''0,'',,'

. o,,· " '



o', "
o" .- " "

'- .....
. . ......
. ',.
. . ..... ..... . :: ... ',

, .. : ' .: ',' '. .. ,: ',,: :, :':,. . :'
" ' ,',' " .. ..

: ,': .:"
'. '
'. '.'

, ' , " "


. . '.
'" ••• '
" .'

ti mestone/Marls [ll]] Glauconitic

Sandstone D Mudstone o Quartzarenite

Figure 16-Stratigraphic correlation in Gacela field 5 km southwest of Coca-Payamino. Thickness and Iithofacies variations
are especially noticeable in the coastal plain and open marine facies.

pressure and may form a pseudomatrix that occludes the The burial diagenetic history of the Cretaceous
original primary porosity. Where the percentage of glau- reservoir sandstones reflects several processes that
conite is less than about 20% of the sandstone occurred in the following order:
framework, the quartz-dominated framework retains
much of the original porosity, resulting in significant • Limited mechanical compaction of framework
reservoir potential. In contrast, the dark green laterally f grains
equivalent glauconitic sandstones are tight due to • Early calcite and pyrite precipitation
framework grain compaction. • Dissolution of unstable framework grains
Quartz dominates the detrital framework in al1 sand- (feldspars)
stones except the glauconite-rich shelf facies. The quartz • Precipitation of silica overgrowths
is generally monocrystalline and less cornrnonly poly- • Precipitation of kaolinite clay minerals
crystalline; it has a strong undulose extinction. Feldspars
and micas are subordinate to rare, but more abundant in Calcite precipitation occludes the initial porosity in
the Napo T and U sandstones. Feldspar composition thin sandstone beds, especially adjacent to shale
varíes from sodic plagiodase to potassic feldspar. Unless interbeds where it forms small, spherulitic concretions.
encased in early calcite cementation, most surviving These calcite-cemented sandstones show no evidence of
feldspar grains exhibit moderate to extensive secondary mechanical compactíon, suggesting that protective
leaching. Secondary leaching during burial diagenesis cementation occurred at an ear1y stage. Pyrite precipita-
helped reduce the feldspar contento The provenance is tion in the forro of concretionary cements or framboids
believed to be the feldspar-rích granitic Guyana are characteristically associated with the organic debris
basement to the east. However, the possibility of a trapped within the sandstones and shales. Early mechan-
quartzose Paleozoic sandstone source overlying the ical compaction is again limited to isolated grain ínter-
basement is also possible. Other components of the penetrations. Organic debris and pyrite crystals are
sandstone include heavy rninerals such as zircon and concentrated along stylolite-like surfaces.
coalified plant debris. Silica overgrowths are ubiquitous throughout the
588 ~VJ¡ite et al.

Figure 17-Petrography 01 Hollin and Napo reservoir sandstones as seen in thin section photomicrographs and scanning
electron micrographs. (a) Plane Iight view 01 Main Hollin braidplain sandstone. (b) Quartzose sandstone 01 Napo U interval.
(c) Glauconitic sandstone of the Upper Hollin open marine facies. (e) Diagenetic kaolinite occupying isolated pores in thin
section. (1) Scanning electron micrograph 01 secondary silica overgrowths and kaolinite clay mineral.
Reserooir Characterizaiion, Hollin and Napo Formations, Oriente Basin, Ecuador 589

quartz arenites of the Hollin and Napo sequence and this interval. In the quartz-dominated Main Hollín,
provide the framework support that has preserved sediment texture is the primary factor controlling pore
porosity to reservoir depths in the Oriente basin. geometry and connectivity.
Although the overgrowths (Figure 17d) make up only a Figure 18a shows the porosity-permeability data for
small percentage of the sandstones, they strengthen the the entire Upper Hollín in a single Coca-Payamino well.
highly porous sandstones while only slightly reducing Permeability ranges over SLX orders of magnitude, and
overall primary porosity. Mechanical testing of these no distinct trends are discernible in the overall data set.
sandstones documents the high compressive strength The poorest permeabilities are associated with glau-
required to break the strong silica-cemented framework. conitic sandstones and clay-rich interbeds. Figures 18b
The amount of porosity attributable to framework-grain and 18c ilIustrate the wide range of measured porosity
dissolution is not significant compared to the primary and permeability in this highly heterogeneous
intergranular porosity preserved by silica overgrowth. Iorrnation. Quartz-rich zones are of high reservoir
Precipitation of kaolinite day minerals followed over- quality and comparable to those found in the Main
growth formation. The kaolinite typical1y fil1s smal1 Hollin. Median values for porosity and permeability are
c1usters of pores, but does not seriously affect sandstone 8.6% and 1.67 md, respectively. A histogram of grain
permeability (Figure 17e). Kaolinite diagenesis density (Figure 18d) further demonstrates the diversity
succeeded silica overgrowth formation (Figure 17f), but of minerals present in this interval,
preceded oil emplacement. Such relationships are Mercury injection extended range capilIary pressure
common and invariably associated with the oil-water data were generated to examine reservoir rock quality,
contact where differentially stained sandstones may determine size and sorting of pore throats, and evaluate
occur below the base of the oil-saturated sandstones. seal capacity. Shales within the Upper Hollín (Figure 19)
are microporous and considered to be effective seals.
Petrophysical Characteristics Because of inhíbiting diagenetic effects, glauconitic sand-
stones have bimodal pore throat size distributions and
complex pore geometries (Figure 20). Further reduction
Electric Log Response
in reservoir quality can result from extensive diagenetic
The stratigraphic and sedimentologic characterization pyrite and the abundance of detrital cIay drapes and
of the Napo and Hollin reservoirs has been facilitated by coalified plant debris.
using core studies combined with electrical log evalúa- Figure 21a shows the porosity-permeability data for
tions. Many of the mineralogic characteristics observed the Main Hollín Formation in a single Coca-Payamino
in cores have a petrophysicallog response. Carbona- well. A clear cluster of data in the 15-20% porosity range
ceous debris on cross bed slip faces induces a stronger and greater than 100 rnd permeability demonstrates
shaly gamma ray response than would be expected from excellent reservoir quality. The Main Hollin is a "clean"
core examination. A clean gamma ray deflection is uniform sandstone, although thin, impermeable c1ay-rich
typical of a clean sandstone, but a higher gamma interbeds are not uncommon. Figures 21b, e, and d illus-
response may indicate relatively c1ean sandstones conta- trate the guartz-dominated nature of the Main Hollin.
minated with carbonaceous laminae, shaly sandstone, or Medían values for porosity and permeability are 18.6%
carbonaceous limestone or marl. Glauconite and pyrite and 1013 md, respectively. Mercury injection data
reduce the resistivity. The glauconite-rich sandstones (Figure 22) show unimodal well-sorted and well-
result in sorne of the lowest resistivity responses on connected pores, further substantíating hígh reservoir
observed logs. Pyrite is locally abundant as a dissemi- guality. Most pore throat radii are larger than 1 um, with
nated replacement fabric or as concretions in all litholo- most pores greater than 10 um in width.
gies. Dolomitic shales tend to have higher resistivity than Anisotropy within the Maín Hollin causing direc-
nondolomitic shales due to carbonate cementation of tional preferences in permeability is mínimal. Horizontal
pore space. These shales are the most resistive clastic and vertical permeabilities were rneasured on full-
lithofacies in the Oriente basin. diameter core to determine the potential for reservoír
Fluid chemistry is also reflected in log response, and fluid coning. In the quartz-rich zones of the Main Hollin,
its effects limit the usefulness of resistivity or SP curves horizontal and vertical permeabilities are almost egual
for facies correlation. Low salinities within the Main (Figure 23). This indicates that cross bedding and other
Hollin succession limit the reliability of the SP curve and sedimentologíc features do not create anisotropy in this
also moderately affect the resistivity curve. The presence sand body.
of oil is noticeable regardless of lithology.
Rock Mechanics
Porosity-Permeability Relationships, Pore Uniaxial and triaxial compression testing was
Geometry, and Capillarity performed on four lithologiesfrom the Hollin formation:
Multiple rock types occur in the Hollin formation shale, limestone, glauconític sandstone, and quartzose
because of variations in deposítional environment. The sandstone. These data were critical in the assessment of
most important factors affecting porosity preservation borehole stability and other engineering evaluations
are lithology, compaction, and diagenesis. Porosity and useful for horizontal drilling parameters (Ramirez and
permeability generally correlate in the Upper Hollín Rodas, 1992). Mohr-Coulomb failure criterla were estab-
despite sígnificant mineralogic differences throughout lished under triaxial load on four samples for ea eh
590 W1zíte et al.

Permeability Histogram
_ .Median Value (1.67)
90 90
-----·Geom. Avurage (1.93) I
-Cumulativu Fraquency
so I SO ~
_ - - Cumulativu Capacity los! I
I 70 l-
70 44Samples I 'O
'é I
~ 60 I 60
Q I ~
Q. Gl
~ SO I
50 Q.
al I -;
i 40
40 .3
u: 30
I 30 ~
I fi
20 I 20 O

10 10

.02 .71 23. 724.

Horizontal Permeability (22S0 psi): md
5.0 10.0 15.0 20.0 25.0
Poroslty (2250 psi): %

(e) Porosity Histogram (d) Grain Density Histogram

100 100 1


90 90 90 90

80 80iñ SO so i
o u
_ 70 70 !:o 70 70
i ... 'éal
~ 60 60 c:
Gl ~ 60 60
Q. Gl
o.. Qi
~ so 500. ~ SO 50 6-
s=-'40 - .Median Valua (8.6) -ti e
CIl - .Madian Valua (2.66) u:
•• -- ·Aritb. Avurage (8.8)
4(1.3 6-al 40 •••• ··Arith. Avuraga (2.67) 40 ~
! 30 --Cumulalivu Fl'8quency u
It 30 -Cumulativu Fraquancy
30 :¡
LL. 30 III
- - - Cumulalivu Capacity lO$! o. 44Samples E
III :1
20 44Samples 20 O 20 20 O

10 10 10 10

.0 4.0 8.0 12.0 16.0 20.0 24.0 2.40 2.50 2.60 2.70 2.80 2.90
Poroslty (22S0 psi): 0/0 Graln Density: gmlcc

Figure 18-Porosity-permeability relationships 01 the Upper Hollin Forrnation. (a) Porosity versus perrneability (to nitrogen
at an estirnated net ef1ective reservoir pressure 012250 psi). (b) Permeability histogram 01 alllitholaeies 01 the Upper Hollin.
(e) Porosity histogram 01 alllithologies. (d) Grain density histogram for the Upper Hollin.

lithology. Compressive strengths were measured at based on "fresh state" water-oil relative permeability
9520-25)70 psi for shale, 16,700-28,040 psi for limestone, measurements. Wettability índices in the Upper Hollin
8370-27,550 psi for low-percentage glauconitic support the theory of intermediate to slightly oil-wet
sandstone, and 5100-16,870 psi for clean sandstone conditions. Asphaltinic oils (up to 15.2% asphaltene by
(Figure 24). Tensile strengths ranged from 1760 psi for weight) are cornmon near the oil-water contacto Hollin
shale to 660 psi for c1eansandstone. wetting tendencies could have significant impact on
production (fluid flow characteristics) and reservoir
Wettability development scenarios, such as water flood potential.
Both the Upper and Main Hollin demonstrate inter-
mediate to oil-wetting tendencies based on qualitative
and quantitative índicators, Localized development of CONCLUSIONS
mixed wettability or preferentially oil-wet characteristics
can be mineralogy specific, that is, glauconite-rich rocks Core descriptions have shown that four depositional
tend to show stronger oil-wet conditions. Complex pore systems comprise Hollin stratigraphy: braidplain and
geometries formed by small, irregular pore throats lead coastal deposits of the Main Hollin Sandstone, and shore
to high immobile saturation of the wetting phase. Irre- zone and open marine shelf facies in the Upper Hollin
ducible water saturation tends to be low, with an average Formation. This reconstruction enlarges on previous
of 15%, and residual oil saturation ranges from 25 to 40% interpretations of marine-influenced Hollin fluvial depo-
Reserooir Characteriauion. Hollin andNapo Formaiions, Oriente Basin, Ecuador 591

(a) Injection Preesure vs. Mercury seturetton

100,000-r~"!!'l'!!"!!'~"'l"!!":!"~!!"!"!"!!"!".!I'!!"!"'!"!!"!!"!"!"'!!"!"!!"'!"!!"!!"~ -_

, ,
10,000 :: :: : : ::: :: = : :
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:- -- -: - --: --- ,.:

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- - - - -: - - - - - - - ---

: 1






- - - - -: - - - - - - - -- - :- _. ,-


o 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100
Mercury Saturation, percent pore spaee

(b) Pore Size Distribution

Mercury Injection Data
Injectlon Pressure: 0-50000 psi

Permeability to Alr, mD: 0.0013
80 Porosity, pereent: 2.7
le o


o 0.0025 0.01 0.05 0.1 0.5 1 5 10 50 100 -----Ine.

Pore Radius, microns (1/4 deeadelbar)

Figure 19-Petrophysical properties of Upper Hollín shales. (a) Mercury saturation versus injection pressure. (b) Pore size
distribution of reservoir seals in the Upper Hollin.
592 ~Vhite et al.

(a) Injection Pressure vs. Mercury Saturation

- 1111~11~~~I~I~~~~I~~IIIIil~I~I~II~III~~~~~~;~
- - - ~ - - - - ~ - - - - ~ - - - - ~ - - - -;- - - - -: - - - - ~ - - - - ~ - - - 1 -

____ -'1 _+__ I-_~ _ _ ",. I I_ --4-

I I I 1 I I I
1 I I I J

: ~--;!¡~-_!'~¡~!_'~~!~_~1~~~¡~~~"¡;~1~1~~~-1¡

1 1 1 I 1 1 I I
-+ ... .. ~ .. _ _ _ _ __ -1- - - - -1- - - - -4 - - - --i-
1 1 I 1 I 1
1 I I I I I

, "-'¡~~'~¡'~'~¡~§'~¡':'¡~1"l¡~¡~I~~~'l"'¡¡~

_ _ l' ~ _ - __ ~ _ - - - - - _1_ - - - -.- - - - -1- - - - -4 - - - - -'l-

I l 1 l ' I I I
_ _ .J ~ l. ,_ _ _ _ \-. 1 1 __ - -~ -1 _ - _ - -f_

1 1 I I I 1 I 1
I 1 I I I I 1 1 1
1 1 1 J I ' , I ,

100 : : :: : ¡ :: :: :::: r:: :::: C: _: e::: : ~:: ::: ~ ~ ~ : ~ ~ ~ =::::~ ~ -: : ::~ ~

~ ~~~:~:~~~~~~~:~-~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
- r - - - -,- - o-o - -¡- - - - -.- - - - , - - - -, - - - - ..,-
__ l,. L _ ~ __ 1 -1 .J ..1 -J -

1 I I I I I I
__ l. l 1 1 1 ~ _, J __ ~ - ..1 _
1 , 1 1 1 1 , I
l I I 1 I I 1 1 1
I J 1 1 I I I I I

10 : : : : 1 : : =: r : : : : e: : : : e : =: :t::: =: : :1: : : :. :J = =: : J : : : : ~:

_- ~~~~i~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~§~~~~~~~~~j~~~~~~
- - - - 1- - - - - - - - - - -:- - - -:- - --~-1 1- ~ ~ ._~: ~ ~ ~~ ~
_ _ .. .. _ - _ - r - - - - t- - - - -1_ - - - -1- - - - ""1 - - - - .. - - - - "1 -
1 1 1 1 1 I I I ,
_ _ 4 ~ "" '- _ . 1 1 - -t __ - _ ... - - - - >4-
, l ' 1 I 1 1 1
1 l ' ~ I I I I

o 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 100
Mercury satureuon, percent poro 6PBGO

(b) Pore Size Dlstrlbutlon

Mercury Injection Data
Injectlon Pressure: 0-5‫סס‬oo psi

Permeability to Air, mD: 33.3
80 Porosity, percent: 18.5
8ca nano
In 70
o. 60
c- ic o
O 50


olo. 30
.:E 20

O 0.01 0.05 0.1 0.5 1 3 10 SO 100 ........... tne,
Pore Radius, microns (1/4 decade/bar)

Figure 2o-Petrophysical properties of Upper Hollin glauconitic sandstones. (a) Mercury saturation versus injection
pressure. (b) Pare size distribution.
Reserooir Chamcterizaiion, Hotlin ami Napo Fonnations. Oriente Basin, Ecuador 593

(b) Permeability Histogram

100 100
Median Valua (1013) f
90 f 90
- - - - - Gecm. Average (840.) I
SO - - Cumulaliva Fl8qllllncy
- - - Cumulativa Capacity Los! I
.. 70 I
79 Samplas 70 1-
c: I 'O
l: 60
Ql I 60 'E
o. I ~
~ 50

e I


30 I
I 40.3
20 200

10 10

S.9E-4 .02 .71 23. 724. 23170
0.001 .....- - - - - - - ......J Horizontal Permeability (2250 psi): md
0.0 5.0 10.0 15.0 20.0 25.0
Porosity (2250 psi): %

(e) Porosity Histogram (d) Grain Density Histogram

1OOT"';:=:::====~---;¡r_:(""T 100
·Median Valua (18.6)
90 90 90 90
- - - - - .Arith.Average (17.4)

80 --Cumulative Fl8quency
- - - Cumulative Capacity Lost
SO ~ 80 80 e
_ 70 u
79 Samplas 70 ::
.. 70 70 ¡
e o-
l: SO
60 'E
Ql ~ so 60 ~
o. l:Ql o. i
~ 50 500. ~ 50 50 5-GI
c: ; e
:::l 40 40.9
g. 40 - Median Valua (2.65) u:
~ ~
----- Arith.Averaga (2.65) >
u. 30 30 'ti u: 30 - Cumulative Frequency i
ClI 30 '3
Q, 798amples
20 20 o 20 20 o

10 10 10 10

O"'~;:¡¡¡~:;:p~~~ o o 1Ih-I-~"l"!"!"'I""l"'I"If"!"'I"I'~~"f"I"'I"I"!"'I"'I'.J- O
.0 4.0 8.0 12.0 16.0 20.0 24.0 2.40 2.50 2.60 2.70 2.80 2.90 3.00
Porosity (2250 psi): % Graln Density: gmlcc

Figure 21-Porosity-permeability relationships 01 the Main Hollin quartzose sandstones. (a) Porosity versus permeability (to
nitrogen at an estimated net effective reservoir pressure of 2250 psi). (b) Permeability histogram 01 quartzose sandstone. (e)
Porosity histogram tor sandstones. (d) Grain density histogram tor the principal reservoir sandstones.

sition. Sandstones in overlying Napo strata in the depositional system of the Upper Hollín succession has
western Oriente basin are al so divided into two variable sandstone distribution, with local good quality
sequences (T and U intervals). reservoir development. The capping open marinesand-
The Hollin braidplain depositional system is a stones are moderately prospective, especial1y where
sandstone-dominated unit that comprises most of the glauconite content is low. Stratigraphic trapping
Hollin succession. It is also themost prolific reservoir potential is implied by the heterogeneity of these litho-
zone in the western part of the basin. The braided fluvial facies.
sandstone units have excellent continuity and connec- Fluviodeltaic Napo sandstones are prolific producers
tivity, as shown by analysis of closely spaced wells. of oil from fields in the central part of the Oriente basin.
However, shale interbeds and thicker channel abandon- These stacked channel and shore zone sandstones have
ment mudstones adversely influence local perrneability. reservoir characteristics similar to the underlying Hollín
It is believed that the braidplain deposits are most fluvial sandstone reservoirs, albeit with local hetero-
productive in structural traps where there is limited geneities. Toward the west, the Napo sandstones occupy
stratigraphic trapping potential. valley-like, topographic lows; these sandstones have
The coastal plain depositional system consists of locally significant reservoir potential.
braided and meandering river sediments, overbank A better understanding of the Hollin and Napo
floodplain strata, and deltaic-estuarine deposits. Even stratigraphy and distribution of reservoir quality sand-
between closely spaced wells, sandstone-shale ratios stones will help to optimize wellbore placement during
may be variable. Similarly, the overlying shore zone field development. This understanding has been further
594 Wllite ei al.

(a) lnjection Pressure vs. Mercury Saturation



I I I 1 • 1 ~ ,
_ _ _ _ .... _ ~ ._ ~I __ .- .__ 1 __ - _ -t - - - - -t - - - - .. - - R - .. - - - - r - - -
I I I I 1 I , I
I 1 I I 1 1 , I


____ ~ • 1 ... _ _ - _ .. - - - - .. - - - - ... - - - - t- - - -

1 l l i t t j ,
_ _ __ 1- ~ 1__ .• __ 1 __ .__ .... ..l .L. L L- - -
1 1 1 I I I I I
I 1 I I I 1 I I
1 I 1 I I I I I

~~~ ~~~~~~¡~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~ 1~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ -
____ 1
=:= ===
_ -'- - - -

-:-- --;- --:~-~-~----f----~----~----:- ---:----

1 , 1 I I I I I

~ ¡¡~j¡ ¡'~~' H: j1 ~: 1J,,' ~!'~ ¡~!: 11 ¡¡ ¡;: ~~ ¡~'~:~~~~

_ _ _ _ ,_ _ _ _ _ _ ... .. __ - _ .. - _ - - ~ - - - -t- - - - -1- - --

t 1 I I I I 1 1
__ -1- 1 .... .¡ .. - _ - - ~ - - - - h - - - -1- .- - -
I I I I J I 1 I
j I I , , I 1 I

o 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100
Mercury Saturation, percent pore space

(b) Pare Size Distribution

Mercury Injection Data
Injsetlon Pressure: 0-50000 psi

Permeability to Air, mO: 5220
80 Porosity, pereent: 20.8
le o


10 ~-_.---_ . . -.-- .. ---- -------- -- -------- -------- -

o 0.0025 0.01 0.05 0.1 0.5 1 5 10 50 100 -+-Inc.

Pore Radius, microns (114 decadelbar)

Figure 22-Petrophysical relationships of the Main Hollin sandstones. (a) Mercury saturation versus injection pressure. (b)
Pare size distributian trom mercury injeetion data.
Reserooir Characterization, Hollín ami Napo Formations, Oriente Basin. Ecuador 595

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inualuable assistance in making Hollin and Napo eores change, in e K. Wilgus, B. S. Hastings, C. A. Ross, H. Posa-
available. The core examinaiion in Ecuador (Quito and Lago mentier, J. Van Wagoner, and C. G. Sto e Kendall, eds.,
Agrio) was undertaken by the principal author, Ed Robbs and Sea-level change: an integrated approach: SEPM Special
Felix Ramirez (Oryx Energy, Dalias), and Mariana Lascano Publication 42, p. 71-108.
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596 vVlzite ei al.

(a) (b)
Linear Coheaion = 4750 psi
Linear Cohnion '" 2460 psi
Angle o, Intemal Friction = 40.4 degrees Angle o, Intemal Friction = 32.9 degrees

25000 25000 .


éñ en
20000 Q. 20000
0fJ) cñ

en -



s: 10000
en en
5000 5000

O o-4-&..f.""l¡,..;..--.;.--...¡-......--¡._..........¡....l...........
O 5000 10000 15000 20000 25000 30000 o 5000 10000 15000 20000 25000 30000
Normal Stress, PSI Normal Stress, PSI
(e) (d)

25000 16000

en ~ 12000

15000 ...

en éii
ca 8000 -- ----- -
cv 10000 CD
en (J)

o O I I I I
O 5000 10000 15000 20000 25000 30000 O 4000 8000 12000 16000 20000
Normal Stress, PSI Principal Stress, PSI
Figure 24-Mohr-Coulomb failure eriteria for the Main and Upper Hollin lithologies. (a) Upper Hollin shale. (b) Upper Hollin
Iimestone. (e) Glaueonitie sandstone (high quartz content, Upper Hollin). (d) Main Hollin reservoir sandstone.

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Authors' Mailing Addresses
Howard J. White
Felix A. Ramirez Guido Bonilla
Oryx Energy Company Petroecuador
13155 Noel Road J. Lean M y Av. Orellana
Dalias, Texas 75240-5067 Quito
U.5.A. Ecuador

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