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Polymer International 47 (1998) 89È144

Featured Article
A Review of Biodegradable Polymers:
Uses, Current Developments in the
Synthesis and Characterization of
Biodegradable Polyesters, Blends of
Biodegradable Polymers and Recent
Advances in Biodegradation Studies

Wendy Amass,* Allan Amass & Brian Tighe

Speciality Polymer Research Group, CEAC, Aston University, Aston Triangle, Birmingham B4 7ET, UK

(Received 27 May 1998 ; accepted 10 July 1998)

Abstract : This review considers the uses of biodegradable polymers in terms of

their relevance within current plastic waste management of packaging materials,
biomedical applications and other uses ; research papers and patents are cata-
logued. The chemical synthesis of polyesters and the microbial production of
poly(hydroxyalkanoate)s, including recent publications in these areas, are
covered and methods of characterization and structural analysis are outlined.
Current research into two- and three-component blends is reviewed as a method
of reducing overall costs and modifying both properties and biodegradation rates
of materials. Finally, there is a summary of degradation processes. Both abiotic
and biotic reactions are discussed, together with the development of biodegrada-
tion test methods, particularly with respect to composting. ( 1998 Society of
Chemical Industry

Polym. Int. 47, 89È144 (1998)

Key words : biodegradation ; biodegradable polyesters ; packaging ; synthesis ;

characterization ; blends

1 INTRODUCTION position associated with living organisms (bacteria,

fungi, etc.) or their secretion products. However, it is
Within this review, biodegradation will be deÐned as by necessary to consider abiotic reactions (e.g. photo-
Albertsson and Karlsson1 as an event which takes place degradation, oxidation and hydrolysis) that may also
through the action of enzymes and/or chemical decom- alter the polymer before, during or instead of biodegra-
dation because of environmental factors. Albertsson and
* To whom all correspondence should be addressed. Karlsson2 have also recognized that nature can be used
( 1998 Society of Chemical Industry. Polymer International 0959È8103/98/$17.50 Printed in Great Britain
90 W . Amass, A. Amass, B. T ighe

as a model in the design of degradable polymeric has been revolutionized by oil-based polymers such as
materials, because it can combine polymeric materials polyethylene (PE), polypropylene (PP), polystyrene (PS),
with di†erent degradation times into a hierarchical poly(ethylene terephthalate) (PET) and poly(vinyl
system that optimizes both energy and material proper- chloride) (PVC). Despite the major advances in the syn-
ties. Naturally occurring biopolymers are susceptible to thesis, manufacture and processing of these materials,
environmental degradation factors and their breakdown two major problems still confront the industry : the use
may be caused by a combination of these ; for example, of non-renewable, oil-based chemicals for the manufac-
wood is both oxidized and hydrolysed. Tailoring the ture of commodity polymers and the ultimate fate of the
properties of polymers to a wide range of uses and waste materials.
developing a predetermined service life for the materials
have become increasingly important and Albertsson 2.1.1 Plastic waste management. The need to confront
and Karlsson suggest four di†erent strategies : the problem of recycling packaging material of all types
is recognized by governments and the European Com-
(1) the use of cheap, synthetic, bulk polymers with munity Waste Management Legislation is the Ðrst
the addition of a biodegradable or photo- attempt to unify the approach to the problem by all the
oxidizable component ; member states. The targets from the EU directive are
(2) chemical modiÐcation of the main polymer chain shown in Table 1.3
of synthetic polymers by the introduction of In the UK, overall recovery targets for all packaging
hydrolysable or oxidizable groups ; waste have been set for each year (1998È2001) with the
(3) the use of biodegradable polymers and their obligation from 2001 onwards of over 50% recovery, of
derivatives, with poly(hydroxyalkanoate)s which at least half must be met by recycling, and up to
(PHAs) being the most studied ; 16% of each material, e.g. plastics, must be recycled. It
(4) tailor make new hydrolysable structures, e.g. is estimated that 200 000 t of post-consumer plastic
polyesters, polyanhydrides and polycarbonates. waste were recovered in 1997 by incineration for energy
or by recycling ; as the consumption of plastics for pack-
All four approaches are considered within this review.
aging in the UK is about 2 ] 106 t year~1, this rep-
Current research interest in biodegradable polymers
resents only 10% recovery.
is connected with well-deÐned areas of use. Biodegrad-
In the UK, Valuplast is the organization responsible
able plastics o†er one solution to managing packaging
for implementing industryÏs obligations under the new
waste. However, biomedical applications of biodegrad-
recycling legislation. The aim is to increase the annual
able and biocompatible polymers generate an enormous
recycling capacity from the current 100 000 to 300 000 t
amount of research and interest. Uses in this Ðeld range
by 2001, with upwards of 500 000 t year~1 of post-use
from wound dressings, drug delivery applications, surgi-
plastics being recycled by 2005. Many companies have
cal implants and other medical devices. There are also
registered with Valpak, an organization that has under-
agricultural uses, e.g. for controlled release of fertilizers
taken to manage their recycling responsibilities. The
and pesticides, applications in the automotive industry
implications for raw material producers and converters
and as surfactants.
as well as packagers and retailers is considerable and a
As well as the uses of biodegradable polymers, this
review of the legislation seems inevitable.
review will include sections on the chemical synthesis of
“Plastics RecoveryÏ examining data from 1995 is the
polyesters, the microbial production of poly(hydroxy-
most recent report available on plastic consumption
alkanoate)s (PHAs), blends of these biodegradable
and recovery in Western Europe.4 It is produced by the
polymers, methods of characterization and structural
Association of Plastics Manufacturers in Europe
analysis and, Ðnally, recent research into the rates and
(APME) and this is the seventh year that data from
mechanisms of the biodegradation of relevant polymeric
manufacturers, trade associations, waste management
materials. The latest published papers which have bio-
organizations and government bodies have been
medical applications and relevant patents for the review
analysed in this way. The UK is shown to be the fourth
are included as appendices.
TABLE 1. Targets for EC waste management

1 By 30/6/2001, between 50% and 65% by weight of

2 USES OF BIODEGRADABLE POLYMERS packaging waste will be recovered
2 Within this general target and within the same time
2 .1 Biodegradable plastics for packaging limits, between 25% and 45% by weight of packaging
materials in packaging waste will be recycled
3 Within 2 above, a minimum of 15% of each material
Synthetic polymers have become technologically signiÐ- must be recycled, e.g. plastic packaging
cant since the 1940s and packaging is one industry that


A review of biodegradable polymers 91

largest consumer of plastics in Western Europe, using which seek to double the amount of plastic packaging
3É3 ] 106 t in 1995 of the total 24É3 ] 106 t demand recycled by the year 2001, although a quadruple
(UK demand in 1997 was 4 ] 106 t). The consumption increase is more in line with EU targets. There are also
of plastics for packaging between 1993 and 1995 emerging technologies for plastic feedstock recycling,
remained at about 40% of the total. Despite the huge which can take mixed plastic waste and turn it back
demand for plastics in this and other industries, poly- into naphtha, monomers or other oil derivatives. A
mers account for only 0É6% by weight of total waste. It large-scale reÐnery-type operation is required to make
has been estimated that plastics make up about 8% of these pyrolysis and hydrogenation procedures viable,
municipal solid waste (MSW)4 and this represents the but it is anticipated that the necessary economic climate
ultimate fate of about 63% of all plastic waste. Remo- will exist within the next 10 years.9
ving plastics from packaging would create problems, Some polymer manufacturers have their own recy-
not solve them, as a German study has estimated the cling organizations, e.g. Petcore, the European PET
dramatic increase in terms of weight and volume of container recycling organization. PET container collec-
using non-plastic packaging and also the additional tion for recycling in Europe has increased on average by
energy consumption required.5 However, total plastic 40% year-on-year from 13 000 t in 1991 to 86 000 t in
waste in Europe in 1995 was estimated at 16 ] 106 t 1997 although there has been a 10% annual growth in
and, because of its low density and hence large volume, PET usage. However, the percentage increase in PET
it has considerable environmental impact. Table 2 recycling in the UK was only 21% in 1997 and expected
shows the Ðgures for di†erent disposal methods. to be the same for 1998, because there is no funding
The three main strategies available for the manage- mechanism to cover the cost of material collection as
ment of plastic waste are incineration, recycling and exists in other European countries. The new packaging
landÐll. Over 25% of the 16 ] 106 t of plastic waste was legislation is bound to increase the UK totals, and recy-
recovered in 1995 either as energy (D17%) or by recy- clers are known to have excess capacity. However, the
cling ([9%). Plastic waste disposal to landÐll represent- depressed price of virgin PET and all vinyl polymers
ed a 14% fall from the 13É3 ] 106 t lost in 1994. Reviews makes it difficult for collectors and recyclers to run
of polymer waste management have been published by schemes proÐtably at the moment.
several authors.6,7 The use of degradable plastics is, as The non-statutory requirements given to local
yet, a minor factor in this overall strategy, but develop- authorities by central government suggest a Ðvefold
ment of photo- and biodegradable polymers has con- increase in materials collected from households in the
siderable implications for medical, food and agricultural next 4 years. Today about 40% of local authorities have
packaging.8 packaging collection programmes, but it has been esti-
Incineration has the advantage that the plastics have mated that 80% of homes will have to participate in
high caloriÐc value, but incineration plants have to be some form of kerbside collection by 2001. The two main
modiÐed for efficient combustion of the polymers and challenges of plastic recycling are the separation and
regulation of the gas emissions to ensure that no toxic identiÐcation of the vast range of plastic items and the
gases are released. Energy recovery through inciner- production of recycled material that has reproducible
ation is an essential part of an overall waste manage- performance and is economically viable. The slight dete-
ment scheme. rioration in the performance characteristics of a speciÐc
“In-houseÏ recycling and interception of bulk waste at polymer only becomes signiÐcant after 5È8 cycles, but
supermarkets, etc. are strategies that will have to be this closed loop recycling does not occur. Thus PET
extended to meet the new British packaging regulations, and PVC recyclates are used as Ðbres for thermal insu-
lation (duvets, anoraks) and PS, PP and PE are reused
for a range of office accessories, cassette cases, crates,
TABLE 2. European plastic waste disposal (1995) pipes and refuse bags. Legislation prevents the use of
recycled polymers in direct food contact packaging, and
Plastic fate Amount (103 t) % plastics with high technical speciÐcations cannot be
made from recyclates.
Landfill 11354 70·7
Plastic identiÐcation codes are one aid to separation
Incineration without 517 3·2
that has been introduced, and mechanical sorting based
Waste exported from 166 1·0 on the speciÐc gravity of the di†erent polymers is well
Western Europe for developed, although this will not e†ectively separate
recovery PVC and PET. Infrared technology is used to “recog-
Energy recovery 2698 16·8 nizeÏ PVC from PET bottles, and both UV and surface
Feedstock recycling 99 0·6 dielectrics have been used to identify di†erent polymers.
Mechanical recycling 1222 7·6 Recently, Pira International has introduced a full-scale
Total 16056 100 automated plant for the identiÐcation and separation of
articles from mixed waste, using Ñuorescent tracers in


92 W . Amass, A. Amass, B. T ighe

various polymers which are then identiÐed using ultra- Their potential use was also seen for plastic items that
violet light. Efficiencies of 95% have been achieved at could not easily be separated from other materials, e.g.
sort speeds of six articles per second. nappies and sanitary towels. In 1990 the manufacture of
However, recycling from MSW is even more techni- blow-moulded bottles using Biopol for packaging
cally difficult and so far has proved uneconomic. Land- shampoo was started in Germany by Wella AG, Darm-
Ðll sites are the main destination of plastic waste and stadt.12 Hocking and Marchessault13 have reviewed the
the fate of even organic solids depends on the manage- actual and potential uses of PHB and PHBV for e.g.
ment of the site. The lack of air and water in the bulk of motor oil containers, Ðlm formation and paper-coating
the material means that paper has been found intact materials. The last two applications are based on biode-
even after 7 years. However, within these sites, tem- gradable latex produced from PHAs with medium-
peratures up to 70¡C can occur and anaerobic degrada- length b-side chains.14 The patents taken out over the
tion can produce methane and other degradation last 10 years, which are summarized in Appendix II.1,
products. Some bulk plastics undergo photochemical give some indication of the range of possible uses.
degradation, but most are not degraded. Synthetic biodegradable poly(a-ester)s, e.g. poly(lactic
Composting MSW has been attempted by some local acid) (PLA), poly(glycolic acid) (PGA) and copolymers
authorities. This involves separating some of the landÐll of these, have been manufactured for biomedical uses
and, after preliminary screening, mechanically shred- since the 1970s. These and other polyesters known to
ding the solid waste. The moisture content is then biodegrade, e.g. poly(caprolactone) (PCL), have been
increased by the addition of sewage sludge and the mix investigated as packaging materials. In order to opti-
is slowly agitated and aerated. After 5 days and screen- mize the properties of all these biodegradable materials
ing, a large percentage of the material can be left to and reduce costs, di†erent research strategies have been
mature for use as compost. However, the plastic adopted. Block and statistical copolymers have been
material is unchanged. synthesized and blending studies have been carried out
In the 1970s, work was started in the US and else- to obtain compatible mixtures of components which
where to produce photodegradable and biodegradable still biodegrade. The use of plasticizers to increase the
plastics for the packaging industry. The requirements Ñexibility of polymers and the use of Ðllers to reduce the
were : cost are two advantages of the blending approach. A
further bonus comes from components that are photo-
(1) non-toxic materials with non-toxic degradation
or biodegradable and induce this behaviour in com-
products that would not a†ect the drainage
ponents that do not degrade as pure materials.
water from landÐll sites ;
The main constraint on the use of biodegradable
(2) polymers with suitable mechanical properties for
polymers for bulk packaging is the di†erence in the
speciÐc uses ;
price of these polymers compared with that of bulk-
(3) economic viability ;
produced, oil-based plastics. The current cost of
(4) degradation control of the plastics via polymer
Biopol} is approximately £8000 per tonne, compared
modiÐcation ;
with the current UK prices of commodity polymers of
(5) processability.
between £500 per tonne (PVC and PP) and £600 per
The source of these materials was of two main types : tonne (HDPE and high-impact PS). Current low oil
natural materials known to biodegrade and synthetic prices, increased recycling capacity and improved tech-
biodegradable polymers. Starch and cellulose are two nologies for the separation of plastics and their reuse
natural materials that have been extensively investi- make the use of biodegradable polymers for most pack-
gated for use as packaging material and they have the aging requirements uneconomic.9
added advantage of being renewable sources of poly- There are several problems besides cost associated
meric material. The processability of the starch has been with certain biodegradable polymers as packaging.
a major problem and the cellulose has to be signiÐ- PGA and PLA are highly susceptible to bulk hydro-
cantly modiÐed both to increase its biodegradability lysis, so this limits the range of contents for the pack-
and to optimize its mechanical properties. aging, and rigorous storage conditions must be used.
Poly(hydroxyalkanoate)s (PHAs), which are produced Microbial polyesters are relatively resistant to chemical
in plant cells and can be synthesized biochemically by hydrolysis but are susceptible to bacteriological attack,
fermentation, are another source of natural polymers. which restricts their use as packing for foodstu†.
Poly(3-hydroxybutyrate) (PHB) and the copolymer However, PHBV has excellent gas barrier properties15
poly(3-hydroxybutyrate-co-3-hydroxyvalerate) (PHBV) and Scherzer16 has recently reported the development
are produced commercially by Monsanto and sold as of barrier layers against oxygen transmission using
Biopol}. PHBV copolymers were Ðrst manufactured by radiation-cured methacrylated gelatin. The layers
ICI in 1983 (see Section 3)10 and were originally showed extremely low oxygen permeability, high resist-
intended as biodegradable substitutes for oil-based ance against boiling water and good adhesion charac-
polyoleÐns in plastic containers, Ðlms and bottles.11 teristics. It is postulated that, using substrate foils of


A review of biodegradable polymers 93

biodegradable polymers, the methacrylated gelatins homopolymers such as polystyrene are more correctly
would be suited as barrier adhesives in laminates for deÐned as a measure of hydrolytic attack. Biodegrada-
completely biodegradable food packaging. tion occurs through the action of or in association with
Another recent paper by Suominen et al.17 reports living organisms and its measurement is based on stan-
their investigation into the migration of microbes in dardized tests developed over the last 30 years. PLA
food-packaging paper and board coated with PE, and PGA, which are used as absorbable suture material,
mineral pigment or a biodegradable polymer. Confocal are hydrolysed in vitro and in vivo in days, while PHAs
laser-scanning microscopy was used to examine the are broken down much more slowly. Holland20 produc-
spatial distribution of microscopically observable bac- ed the hydrolysis data for these polymers using physio-
terial cells. The paper and paperboard studied were an logical conditions and on which Table 3 is based. The
efficient barrier against translocation of microbes and it uses of these polymers would be extended considerably
was concluded that there was limited access to free if a wider range of degradation proÐles were available.
water within the cellulose. However, there were rela- PHAs have the most potential, because although their
tively high concentrations of microbes residing between rate of abiotic hydrolysis is relatively slow, microbial
the paperboard and its polymer coating, which on the hydrolysis is more rapid and can be manipulated by
coating facing the food is a potential site for leakage variations in processing techniques, molecular weight of
into the food. The need for high-hygienic-quality the polymer, copolymer composition and blending.21
surface-sizing chemicals was emphasized and mineral- Although there have been considerable advances in con-
coating pigments were found to be a source of microbes trolled synthesis, the chemical synthesis techniques for
and thus to be discouraged. these polymers have not yet produced tailor-made bio-
The relative merits of the di†erent methods of manag- polymers with the Ðne structure (e.g. chirality, monomer
ing plastic waste materials are eventually related to cost sequence, tacticity) necessary to match enzyme speci-
and legislation. This paper will review the current situ- Ðcity in degradation reactions in di†erent microbial
ation in the development of biodegradable blends of environments.
materials for uses including packaging.
2.2.1 Speciality packaging. Speciality packing is poten-
2.1.2 Use of renewable resources. Renewable sources of tially the largest use of biodegradable polymers. Poly-
polymeric materials o†er an answer to maintaining sus- meric materials and blends that have undergone
tainable development of economically and ecologically toxicological and cytocompatibility testing for in vivo
attractive technologies. The e†ect on the US economy use and are biodegradable have obvious beneÐts as
of substituting production of corn-based polymer resins packaging materials for pharmaceutical products, drugs
for petroleum-based polymers has been analysed by and wound dressings. The physiomechanical properties
Beach et al.18 and the use of agricultural materials and plus the gas and liquid barrier properties of these
biomass has been reviewed by Mulhaupt.19 Mulhaupt materials are obviously important, as is a knowledge of
concluded that although Germany is at the forefront of the conditions and rate of biodegradation. However, if
green technology and a wide range of biodegradable processable biodegradable pure materials or blends
pharmaceutical and novel surfactant materials can be could be manufactured, the economic imbalance
made from renewable materials, it is only as com- between these materials and bulk-produced packaging
ponents of packaging and as natural Ðbre composites materials would not be so great in this specialist pack-
that these materials are currently viable in terms of aging application.
price and performance.
2.2.2 Surgical Ðxation (sutures, clips, bone pins and
2 .2 Biomedical uses plates). The development of the uses of PGA, PLA and
PGLAs for surgical Ðxation has been summarized by
The most widely researched biodegradable polymers are Holland and Tighe.21 These materials have been used
the poly(a-ester)s (e.g. PLA, PGA) and the microbial increasingly from the late 1960s as absorbable, synthetic
poly(hydroxyalkanoate)s (e.g. P3HB, P3HV). These sutures because they could be produced as strong Ðla-
have been shown to be non-toxic and biocompatible ments and were shown to degrade rapidly. The most
both as polymers and as their degradation products, widely used absorbable sutures are Dexon}, a multi-
which in most cases occur naturally in the body. They Ðlament PGA material, Vicryl}, a copolymer with
have a range of pharmaceutical and biomedical uses composition PLLA (8%)-co-PGA (92%) and PDS},
based on these characteristics and their physicochemical poly(p-dioxanone).
properties. The use of biodegradable implants for the Ðxation of
The extremes of degradation rates between soluble fractured bones and joints has been reviewed by
macromolecules such as poly(vinyl alcohol) (PVA), Hofmann22 and contrasted with the use of metal pins
which has a half-life of weight loss measured in hours, and clips. About 40 di†erent biodegradable polymers
and the almost completely inert high-molecular-weight and copolymers are currently being used as alternatives


94 W . Amass, A. Amass, B. T ighe

TABLE 3. Comparative weight loss for different of their use are ligating clips and bone pins produced
biodegradable polymers, given as time for 10% from Lactomer}, P(LLA/GA70/30), and from various
weight loss at 37ÄC and pH 7·4 polydioxanones and polyoxalates, and high-strength
bone implants of PGA, PLA and PGLA. Tunc and co-
Polymer t (h) workers23,24 have published a series of papers on the
use of an “OrientrusionÏ process for realigning PLA
Vicryl} absorbable suture 450 (18·8 days)
(PLLA (8%)-co -PGA molecules to create a strong matrix with a Ðvefold
(92%)) increase in tensile strength over unprocessed PLA.
Dexon} 550 (22·9 days) PHBV has piezoelectric properties similar to those of
(PGA suture material) natural bone.25 Electric stimulation can be used to
PDS} 1200 (50·0 days) repair and strengthen bone and there is a potential use
(poly(p -dioxanone) suture for reinforced PHB composites, with bone-matching
material) mechanical properties, as fracture Ðxative plates. Theo-
PHBV (20% HV) 4·7%=5500 (229·1 days) retically, growth and healing of the bone can be stimu-
(M ¼ 3 Ã 105) lated as the polymer slowly degrades, with no need of a
PHBV (12% HV) 5·6%=5500 (229·1 days)
replacement operation. The most recent developments
(M ¼ 3·5 Ã 105)
w that have been reported on using biodegradable
PHB (0% HV) 18%=2500 (104·2 days)
(M ¼ 8 Ã 105) materials for surgical implants are summarized in
w Appendix I.1.

2.2.3 Controlled drug delivery. This is the most impor-

to metal implants. The disadvantages of metal implants tant and versatile application of these polymers. Con-
are cited as the need for “stress protectionÏ, the sensi- trolled drug delivery has applications not only in
tivity of patients to metals (particularly nickel) and the medicine but also in veterinary and agrochemical Ðelds.
need for a removal operation. The use of self-reinforced Active ingredients from pesticides to contraceptives can
PGA and polydioxanone, a polyester variation, as be delivered by sustained release with the ultimate bio-
implants was also assessed and the main difficulties degradation of the carrier medium.
were listed as loss of sti†ness in the material, in a time Drug delivery proÐles of the concentration of the
interval which is not long enough to guarantee bone drug in plasma against time can be used to compare
healing, and the development of a sterile sinus over the traditional methods of drug delivery (oral, intravenous)
implantation site. It is recognized that designs and and controlled release. Figure 1 is based on a Ðgure
assembling principles of metal implants in orthopaedic from the review of Holland and Tighe21 and illustrates
surgery cannot be directly transferred to biodegradable typical drug delivery proÐles, showing the advantages of
polymers. However, Hofmann states that these poly- controlled drug delivery.
mers can be used to treat osteochondral fractures and The initial drug release systems involved incorpor-
other deÐned injuries and a standard set of possible ation of the active substance into a polymer matrix,
indicators for their use is given. Some speciÐc examples which was implanted into the patient in various ways,

Fig. 1. PlasmaÈdrug concentration proÐles for various methods of administration.


A review of biodegradable polymers 95

and a di†usion mechanism produced the maintained could di†use rapidly, at rates that were independent of
drug release followed by bulk hydrolysis of the polymer. the blend composition. However, the rate of release of
Controlled drug release has become the main applica- macromolecular particles of lysozyme was controlled by
tion of (D,L)LA/GA copolymers and the best results, for blend composition.
relatively small drug molecules, have been obtained Park et al.29 have recently reported on a new class of
using PLGA copolymers with 20È50 mol% GA and biodegradable compounds containing fatty acid dimer-
molecular weights of approximately 25 000. However, based polyanhydrides, e.g. poly(fatty acid dimerÈsebacic
modern techniques allow the incorporation of drugs acid) (P(FADÈSA)). They were reported to have the
which vary in nature and molecular size (from low- right physicochemical and mechanical properties for
molecular-weight steroids to polypeptides (M \ drug delivery devices and to undergo pure surface
22 000)). A di†usion mechanism is too slow for the erosion. The erosion characteristics of a polymer are
release of large molecules, so an erosion release mecha- very important and Park et al. investigated the degrada-
nism may be required for some polymer matrices. Cur- tion mechanism and the release proÐle and mechanism
rently it is claimed that drug loadings of upwards of at various pH values. Disc-shaped devices, incorpor-
50% w/w and drug release rates from 170 mg day~1 to ating three model compounds with di†erent hydrophi-
20 lg day~1 can be achieved. licity (mannitol, inulin and stearic acid), were fabricated
Polylactones such as PCL and PVL are also used for and the release was studied in the range pH 1È9. All
drug delivery. However, the most recent emphasis has three model compounds were released faster in alkaline
been to blend PCL with PLLA and PGA or to produce solution (release rate decreased pH 9 [ pH 7É4 [ pH
block copolymers to control biodegradation and drug 1È5). This was thought to be dependent on base-
release characteristics. The slower hydrolysis rates of catalysed polyanhydride erosion, but it was found that
microbially produced polyesters suggest that PHB, erosion was not the sole controlling mechanism for
PHV and their PHBV copolymers can be used to drug release. In acidic solution the erosion of the poly-
extend the range of drug delivery systems and Poulton anhydride was negligible but the highly water-soluble
and Aktar26 have reviewed the potential of PHAs in compounds were released rapidly. The release rate at all
this Ðeld. The relatively high melting temperature and pH values mirrored hydrophilicity, decreasing from the
rapid crystallization rate of PHB homopolymer make it very water-soluble mannitol to inulin to the lipophilic
difficult to entrap the drug. PHBV copolymers are also stearic acid. Pure erosion release proÐles matched most
semicrystalline, but di†erent solid matrices are produc- closely the behaviour of the stearic acid. Molecular
ed by their slower crystallization rates. Release of low- weight was also found to be a factor in the drug release.
molecular-weight drugs (drug loading [5%) from these 100% of the low-molecular-weight mannitol was rel-
materials is shown to occur by water penetration and eased within 6 weeks, but, after an initial fast release,
pore formation and is largely independent of erosion. only 60%È70% of the high-molecular-weight inulin was
However, surface erosion is particularly viable for drug produced over this period and this was attributed to
delivery systems and with lower drug loading more hindered di†usion through water-Ðlled pores in the disc.
e†ective entrapment occurs, and although it has been No overall kinetic model was devised to Ðt the observed
shown that porosity is initially poor, surface erosion behaviour at all pH values and it was concluded that
does occur followed by greater water penetration. Other both bulk and surface erosion occurred but the balance
PHAs may provide drug delivery materials, as medium- depended on the pH of the medium and the nature of
chain PHAs have lower melting points and are more the incorporated drug.
rubber-like than PHB. The various factors that control Chiellini et al.30,31 have reviewed the synthesis and
the rate of hydrolysis of PHAs have been extensively semi-synthesis of multifunctional polymers and evalu-
studied by Holland20 and Yasin et al.27 PHBV has been ated both their biodegradation and bioerosion. They
used for drug delivery both as tablets and as micro- have also assessed their potential for controlled drug
capsules, although the biodegradation mechanism has release in pharmaceutical and agricultural areas and in
been found to be more complicated than the random particular focused on hydrophilic and/or water-soluble
chain ester hydrolysis of other polyesters. polymeric materials and their blends.
Poly(orthoester)s, polyanhydrides and their blends The most common methods of sustained drug
are other groups of biodegradable polymers used for delivery are as injectable micro- or nanospheres or as
drug delivery and Thomas et al.28 have studied micro- subcutaneous implant systems,32,33 which involve some
sphere production based on a blend of a soft, rapidly di†usion or erosion matrix. However, some novel
degrading polyanhydride, poly(carboxyphenoxyvaleric methods have been devised recently. Giordano et al.34
acid) (PCPV), and a rigid, slowly degrading polymer, have manufactured and characterized non-porous, Ñex-
poly(carboxyphenoxyhexane) (PCPH). Incorporating ible, thin Ðlms made of PLLA and P(D,L)LGA (75 : 25
the soft polymer increased the density of the micro- and 50 : 50) to which foetal human retinal pigment epi-
spheres produced, but its rapid degradation led to a thelium (RPE) cells were found to adhere when cultured
microporous structure from which small drug particles in vitro. Films of controlled thickness and reproducible


96 W . Amass, A. Amass, B. T ighe

surface morphology were produced. This technique has non-medical use, the degradation of drug delivery
the potential to provide a means of transplanting allo- systems represent a much more rigorous area of study.
genic RPE cells as a therapy for several ocular diseases In Appendix I.6 the papers published in this area during
related to RPE dysfunction. 1994È1997 are reviewed. Some of the in vivo and in vitro
Jeong et al.35 have investigated the use of ther- studies covered in Appendix I.5 also relate to degrada-
mosensitive biodegradable hydrogels consisting of tion of the polymeric carrier.
poly(ethylene oxide) and PLLA, aqueous solutions of
which exhibit temperature-dependent reversible gelÈsol
transitions. The hydrogel can be loaded with bioactive 2.2.4 Other biomedical uses. Advances in tissue culture
molecules in water at approximately 45¡C ; a sol is and tissue engineering have generated research into
formed, so subcutaneous injection can be carried out. novel methods of producing biodegradable networks
Rapid cooling to body temperature occurs and the that are e†ective for a variety of applications both as
loaded copolymer forms a gel that can act as a sus- hard and soft sca†olds. These latter networks have uses
tained release matrix for the drug. as wound dressings, as tubular conformations for intes-
Akamatsu et al.36 have synthesized a polymeric pro- tine or vascular grafts and as skin substitutes. Advances
drug of prostaglandin E-1 (PGE(1)) using galaclosylated in the use of biodegradable polymers for tissue engin-
poly(L-glutamic acid) (Gal-PLGA) as a biodegradable eering have been reviewed by Vacanti et al.38 Although
and targetable carrier of liver parenchymal cells as poly- the use of biodegradable polymers for drug delivery has
meric conjugates. After intravenous injection into mice, already been dealt with, there has been work carried out
conjugates rapidly accumulated in the liver with up to on the development of pastes that can be applied after
65% of the dose, suggesting e†ective targeting. surgery to inhibit tumour growth by the slow release of
Microspheres. The majority of recent papers on drug taxol. The latest papers and patents reporting work in
delivery involve the use of microspheres fabricated these areas are summarized in Appendices I.7 and II.2.
using single or multiple emulsion techniques followed
by solvent evaporation, although there are several other
standard procedures. Okada and Toguchi37 have 2 .3 Other uses
reviewed the preparation, characterization and biodeg-
radation of PLA and PLGA microspheres, and sus- 2.3.1 Detergent applications. The use of polymeric car-
tained release depots and target drug delivery are also boxylic acids (poly(acrylic acid) and its copolymers) in
discussed. Recent developments in the production of detergent powder formulas is reviewed by Paik et al.39
microspheres of polyesters and their blends are sum- They were initially introduced in the 1980s in com-
marized in Appendix I.2. bination with zeolites as partial replacements for poly-
Nanoparticles. In certain circumstances the use of phosphates. Wastewater treatment plants are unable to
microparticles for drug delivery is either inappropriate remove phosphates and, as these salts promote plant
or can be extended by reducing the particle size. The growth in rivers, this can lead to eutrophication and
minimum microparticle size is about 10 lm, but nano- eventually environmental imbalance. The non-
particles with size under 100 nm can be fabricated. biodegradability of the original polymers eliminates the
Research areas cover novel properties that have been possibility of eutrophication, but acid accumulation
developed for nanoparticles, increased efficiency of drug eventually results from their use. Although the acids
delivery, improved release proÐles and drug targeting. used are non-toxic, questions about their fate and long-
Appendices I.3 and I.4 summarize the latest reported term environmental impact remain. The review traces
work using nanoparticles : the former highlights the the history of the biodegradable polymer options that
preparation and characterization procedures and the have been considered and the current state of the
latter deals with novel applications. research. Freeman et al.40 have identiÐed poly(aspartic
In vivo and in vitro studies of e†ectiveness of drug acid) as a biodegradable, synthetic polycarboxylate with
release. Monitoring sustained drug release can be acceptable detergent properties. Semi-continuous acti-
carried out using a wide range of di†erent techniques vated sludge (SCAS) removal tests and modiÐed Sturm
depending on the nature of the biodegradable material CO production tests show that poly(a,b-D,L-aspartate)s
and the entrapped drug. The ideal drug delivery proÐle prepared by acid-catalysed thermal polymerization are
was illustrated in Fig. 1 and the purpose of in vitro and rapidly and completely removed by municipal treat-
in vivo studies is to provide information about these ment plant micro-organisms. However, polyaspartates
proÐles, including delivery dosage and release time. prepared by other methods were only partially bio-
Recent developments are summarized in Appendix I.5. degraded. Structural analysis shows that a linear poly-
Biodegradation, biocompatibility and cytology studies. amide backbone is needed for total degradation.41
Although various biodegradation studies using stan- Talaba et al.42 have reported the modiÐcation of O-(2-
dard conditions have been set up to look at the rate and sulphoethyl)cellulose (2-SEC) to produce alkylated
mechanism of the breakdown of individual polymers for SECs as cellulose-based biodegradable surfactants.


A review of biodegradable polymers 97

2.3.2 Agricultural and veterinary uses. Although the biodegradable carrier for denitrifying bacteria in water
application of controlled drug release with respect to puriÐcation. The recent patents identifying potential
agricultural use has already been mentioned, it is worth uses of these biodegradable polyesters are summarized
emphasizing the fact that the bacterium Alcaligenes in Appendices II.1 and II.2.
eutrophus, which can be used both to synthesize and
degrade PHB and PHBV copolymers, was Ðrst isolated 3 REVIEW OF BIODEGRADABLE POLYMERS
from soil. Holmes, in his original paper on the indus-
trial production and potential uses of PHBV, recog- Many authors have reviewed biodegradable polymers,
nized its potential for the release of insecticide into but, to give an overview of the range of materials avail-
soil.10 The PHBV/insecticide pellet would be sown with able, Holland and Tighe21 provide a concise summary
the seed and the pest activity would be directly con- on which Table 4 is based. Synthetic and microbial
nected with the bacterial activity, thus degrading the polyesters form the greatest number of reported types of
polymer and releasing the chemical at the appropriate biodegradable polymers and are the main focus for this
time. review, so an outline of their preparation and properties
Veterinary controlled drug release also has speciÐc follows. The processing of starch and cellulose is also
applications. PHB and PHBV are broken down rela- covered because of the extensive use of these natural
tively slowly in vivo unless speciÐc PHB depolymerases polymers in biodegradable blends.
are present. The rumen in cattle has been found to
produce good degradation conditions and so controlled 3 .1 Chemical synthesis of polyesters
release of medicine at preset intervals is achieved using
a bolus of PHBV that remains in the rumen.43 Appendix Polyesters can be synthesized by polycondensation of
II.2 contains a summary of the patents taken out the hydroxy acid or by ring-opening polymerization of
recently for agricultural uses. the anhydrosulphite, the anhydrocarboxylate or the
lactone/dilactone. The disadvantage of the stepwise
2.3.3 Miscellaneous uses. Several alternative uses of bio- polycondensation preparation is that water has to be
degradable polymers have been postulated, e.g. the removed continuously, requiring extreme conditions,
sorption of oil-based aromatic compounds from low- and the polymerization requires long reaction times and
carbon sand by microbial polyesters, which has been produces chains with widely varying length. Ring-
investigated by Dohse and Lion,44 and the application opening polymerization of the cyclic lactone/dilactone
of these polymers in the Ðeld of oil pollution has been is the preferred method of producing high-molecular-
recognized. weight polyesters of this type. However, the anhy-
A 1994 patient cited the use of poly(caprolactone) Ðl- drosulphites and anhydrocarboxylates can be synthe-
aments blended with other biodegradable polymers as a sized from a-hydroxy acids and then the heterocycles

TABLE 4. Biodegradable polymers

Type Comments Examples

Polyesters Formed by condensation, ring-opening Poly(a-ester)s, polylactones

polymerization or bacterial synthesis and poly(b/c-ester)s
Polyamides Only structurally modified synthetic Hydroxylated nylon
polyamides are biodegradable
Polyurethanes Only structurally modified synthetic Hydrophilic ether urethanes
polyurethanes are biodegradable
Polyureas Virtually ‘non’-degradable Urea formaldehyde
Polyethers Dissolve if carbon chain is short ; General formula w(wOw(CH ) w) .
2 x n
but also found to degrade Poly(ethylene oxide) (PEO), x ¼ 2
Polyanhydrides Degradation thought to be mainly by Poly(bis(p -carboxyphenoxy)alkane
surface erosion anhydride) or PCPX
Poly(orthoester)s Degradation thought to be mainly by Poly(3,9-bis(ethylidene-2,4,8,10-
surface erosion tetraoxaspiroÍ5.5Ë)undecane-co -
hexane diol) or DETOSHU-HD
Polypeptides and proteins Naturally occurring polyamides w(wC(R)HwCOwNHw) with different
containing amino acid units R groups and chain lengths e.g.
natural proteins collagen, gelatin
Polysaccharides Basic sugar units joined by Naturally occurring starches and
glycoside linkages ; hydrolysed different forms of cellulose
abiotically and by enzymes


98 W . Amass, A. Amass, B. T ighe

can be polymerized thermally or using nucleophilic- or nomenclature seems to be required ; the examples that
base-catalysed reactions. The anhydrosulphites are follow are based on published work in which the tac-
more susceptible to ring-opening polymerization than ticity is determined by application of Bernouillian sta-
the anhydrocarboxylates. tistics to monomer sequences found from the 1H and
Table 5 summarizes the range of monomers used to 13C NMR spectra of the polymers. Naturally occurring
produce polyesters, and polymerizations can be carried lactic acid is LLA and the pure enantiomeric polymers
out either in the bulk or in solution. Ring-opening poly- (PLLA and PDLA) are semicrystalline, but P(DL)LA is
merization (ROP) of the dimeric cyclic glycolide or more amorphous, less mechanically strong and has a
lactide produces the poly(a-ester) poly(glycolic acid) lower melting point (P(DL)LA, T \ 130È135¡C ;
(PGA) or poly(lactic acid) (PLA) respectively. The con- PLLA, T \ 180¡C). P(DL)LA is more processable, as
ditions are sealed, dry containers under reduced pres- PLLA has a relatively high T (58¡C). Both PGA and
sure and at high temperature. A wide range of initiators PLA undergo in vitro and in vivo degradation at similar
can be used such as tin-, zinc- or aluminium-containing rates. The hydrolytic scission of PLA is at a slightly
organo-compounds, e.g. tetraphenyl tin, stannous octa- slower rate than for the more hydrophilic PGA. Di†er-
noate, aluminium iso-propoxide. Also anionic poly- ent copolymers of GA and LA are manufactured for a
merization catalysts can be used, e.g. potassium variety of biomedical applications. They are generally
methoxide, potassium tert-butoxide, butyl lithium and more amorphous than the pure polymers and are more
mechanisms for the polymerizations have been pro- resistant to hydrolysis if they contain high percentages
posed. of one polymer.
The properties of PGA are related to its high molecu-
lar weight, highly crystalline structure and the fact that
it is the most hydrophilic of the polyesters. It has a very
high melting point (224È226¡C) and much higher T Stereo structure of lactic acid (LA )/lactide (L )
(36¡C) than poly(b-ester)s. Its use as a degradable suture monomers and the poly (lactic acid ) or polylactide
material and its bulk, mainly abiotic, hydrolytic degra- (PLA or PL ) product
dation are covered in other sections.
The conformations of both lactic acid I D([) lactic acid (or R([) lactic acid) produces iso-
(HOwC(CH )HwCOOH) and dilactide monomers tactic P(DLA).*
a†ect the resultant tacticity of the polymer and this has
been the basis of many mechanistic studies. There is still
some confusion about the naming of both the mono- * Unless the mechanism for polymerization involves race-
mers and the polymers, as both the D,L and R,S systems mization46 of the asymmetric centre or transesteriÐcation48,49
appear in the literature. Some attempt to clarify the occurs.

TABLE 5. Biodegradable polyesters

Type Monomers Examples of polymers

Poly(a-ester)s a-Hydroxy acid Poly(glycolic acid) (PGA) (R ¼ H). Poly(lactic

e.g. HOwC(R)HwCOOH. acid) or polylactide (PLA or PL) (R ¼ CH ).
Dimeric cyclic lactide or Copolymers poly(lactic acid-co -glycolic acid)
glycolide undergoes ROP (PLGA)
Poly(b-ester)s or poly(3-hydroxy b-Hydroxy acid, Poly(3-hydroxybutanoate) (P3HB) (R ¼ CH ).
alkanoate)s (PHAs) e.g. HOwC(R)HwCH wCOOH, Poly(3-hydroxyvalerate) (PHV) (R ¼ C H ).
2 2 5
or cyclic lactone Copolymers poly(hydroxybutyrate-co -
hydroxyvalerate) mol% HV defined
(PHBV (8% HV))
Poly(c-ester)s HOwC(R)Hw(CH ) wCOOH Poly(4-hydroxybutanoate) (P4HB) (R ¼ H)
2 2
or cyclic lactone

Poly(e-caprolactone), n ¼ 5.
Other polyesters or polylactones
Poly(valerolactone), n ¼ 4

cyclic lactone


A review of biodegradable polymers 99

I L(]) lactic acid (or S(]) lactic acid) produces iso- 3.1.1 Recent developments in chemical synthesis of
tactic P(LLA).* PHAs. Distannoxane complexes have been used to
I Racemic mixture of D/L-lactic acid produces catalyse the ring-opening polymerization of optically
atactic P((D,L)LA).¤ active 3-butyrolactone (b-BL) to produce high-
I D,D-dilactide or L,L-dilactide produces isotactic molecular-weight P3HB. Hori et al.53 report that when
P(DLA) or P(LLA).*45,46 1-ethoxy-3-chlorotetrabutylstannoxane was used as a
I Racemic mixture of D,D/L,L-dilactide produces catalyst (catalyst/monomer ratio 1 : 8000, at 100¡C
predominantly isotactic P((D,L)LA).47 for 4 h), a 99% yield of P(R)3HB was obtained. The
I Diastereoisomer of D,L-dilactide produces syn- process was extended to produce stereo-copolymers, by
diotactic P((D,L)LA).45 copolymerization of (R)b-BL and racemic-(b-BL), and
statistical copolymers, from (R)-(b-BL) with e-
3(or b)-Hydroxyalkanoic acids with b-alkyl side caprolactone, b-methyl-d-valerolactone and L-lactide.
chains (HOwC(R)HwCH wCOOH) also exhibit ste- These novel, optically active, biodegradable copolyes-
reoisomerism. The simplest example is 3-hydroxy- ters were found to have high molecular weights and
butyric acid (R \ CH w) and again it is important to those with over 80 mol% (R)3HB have almost the same
summarize the notation. Poly(b-ester)s (P3HAs) and biodegradability as PHBV (11% HV) produced micro-
poly(c-ester)s (P4HAs) can be synthesized from the ap- bially. The reaction mechanism for (R)-(b-BL) catalysed
propriate cyclic lactone or produced microbially, and by distannoxane complexes was shown to proceed by
recent research in both these areas will be considered bond breaking between the carbonyl carbon and the
separately. oxygen atom of the lactone ring (acyl cleavage), with
retention of the conÐguration, and little or no
racemization. 1-Ethoxy-3-chlorotetrabutylstannoxane
Stereo structure of 3 -hydroxybutyric acid has also been reported54 as the polymerization catalyst,
(3 -HBA )/3 (b)-butyrolactone (3 -BL ) and under similar reaction conditions (100¡C), for (R)-(b-BL)
poly (3 -hydroxybutyrate ) (P3 -HB ) with other four-membered lactones, producing a series
of P3HAs in good yields. Hori et al.55 have also synthe-
I All naturally occurring 3HAs have R (or D) con- sized a copolymer of (R)-(b-BL) with cyclic carbonates
Ðguration and microbial synthesis produces iso- to produce biodegradable poly(ester carbonate)s.
tactic P(R)3-HAs. The usefulness of dimethyl, diethyl, dibutyl and
I (R)-b-butyrolactone (R-3-BL) also produces iso- dioctyl tin oxide (DMTO, DETO, DBTO and DOTO)
tactic P(R)3-HB. for the preparation of syndiotactic poly(b-D,L-butyrolac-
I Racemic mixture ((R,S) or (D,L) 3-BL) produces tone) was studied by Kricheldorf and Eggerstedt,56
P(3-HB) in which the tacticity depends on the mostly in the bulk, but toluene or chlorobenzene was
catalyst used : atactic, isotactic and syndiotactic used in a few experiments. The reaction temperature
have been produced.50h52 had to be above 50¡C to activate the catalysts, and tem-
peratures between 50 and 100¡C were used. DMTO
Poly(e-caprolactone) is synthesized by the ring- proved to be the least reactive initiator, whereas DBTO
opening polymerization of the cyclic e-caprolactone produced high yields and the highest-molecular-weight
monomer using similar catalysts to those already men- polymers (M [ 80 000 and M [ 130 000). The
tioned. The semicrystalline polymer (\60% crystalline) n w
highest-molecular-weight polymers were obtained at
has a low melting temperature (T \ 60¡C) even for low monomer/initiator ratios (M : I \ 50È400). Unex-
relatively high-molecular-weight samples (M \ 80 000). pectedly, high M : I ratios ([600) produced no conver-
The glass transition occurs well below ambient tem- sion for any conditions used. The highest percentage of
peratures ([60¡C) and the polymer has relatively low syndiotactic diads (72%) was found using DBTO at
tensile strength (23 MPa) but extremely high elongation 50¡C or with DETO at 100¡C. Flexible, elastic, trans-
at break ([700%). The biodegradation of PCL in both parent Ðlms were cast from the 63% and 70% syn-
soil burial and activated sludge tests was found to be diotactic PBL samples, which may have an application
relatively fast with rapid weight loss, indicating a bulk as packaging materials.
random chain scission mechanism, but abiotic hydro- Hirt et al.57 have described the synthesis of
lysis occurs more slowly. Low-molecular-weight PCL is microphase-segregated block copoly(ester-urethane)s
used as a processing elastomer for polyurethanes and from telechelic hydroxy-terminated poly(PHB-diol)
for fabric coatings. The high-molecular-weight material (hard segments) and hydroxy-terminated PeCL or tele-
is used as a thermoplastic processing aid for adhesives chelic hydroxy-terminated poly(adipic acid)-alt-(1,4-
and a range of polymers. butanediol ; diethylene glycol ; ethylene glycol) (Diorez})
(soft segments), with either 2,2,4-triethyl-
¤ Unless the catalyst is stereo-selective, producing isotactic hexamethylenediisocyanate (TMDI) or methyl (S)-2,6-
polymer from one entantiomer. diisocyanatohexanoate (LDI). High-molecular-weight


100 W . Amass, A. Amass, B. T ighe

copolymers were obtained with or without a catalyst carbon.63 In the 1970s ICI developed a large-scale fer-
and the mechanical properties of the copolymer were mentation process, based on a two-stage batch reactor,
investigated. The Young modulus was found to be to produce P(R3HB) using sugar-based feedstock and
directly dependent on the mol% of crystallizable PHB- the bacterium Alcaligenes eutrophus.10 The oil crisis was
diol in the copolymer, increasing with increase in the the initial incentive for this investment, but as oil prices
amount of PHB-diol, which produced a corresponding stabilized, the high cost of extraction and lack of pro-
decrease in the percentage elongation at break. cessability of this plastic compared with polypropylene
However, the amount of “soft segmentÏ or diisocyanate (PP) made its production uneconomic.
had only a minor inÑuence. The chain length of the The properties of PHB, like those of PP, are of a
non-crystallizable (soft) segments indirectly incluenced thermoplastic material ; Table 6 compares these proper-
the morphology and mechanical properties of the ties based on the review of Hocking and
polymer by altering the phase segregation behaviour. Marchessault.13 PHB is a sti†er, more brittle polymer
Reeve et al.58 have prepared P(R)(3HB)ÈPeCL and than PP, but hot rolling can reduce the size of the
P(R)(3HB)ÈPL diblock copolymers from low- spherulites in its structure and produce a more ductile
molecular-weight (average DP \ 26) poly(hydroxy- material. However, a nucleating agent is often needed,
butyrate) stereoisomers. These have been produced by as the rate of crystallization of all PHAs is very slow,
degradative, acid methanolysis of high-molecular- which was recognized as a major disadvantage.
weight PHB. Macroinitiators were then produced by Although PHB is insoluble in water, it has poor chemi-
the reaction of the puriÐed, dry hydroxy-terminated cal resistance and undergoes isothermal degradation
units with aluminium triethyl to form PHB-O-AlEt from 170 to 200¡C. A drop in molecular weight to
species, which were used to catalyse the ring-opening about half its original value was found when PHB was
polymerization of e-caprolactone or lactide. The AÈB- held at 190¡C for 1 h. Packaging Ðlms, Ðbres and con-
type copolymers produced were characterized by VPO, tainers were produced in the ICI evaluation using
GPC and 1H NMR. DSC and X-ray di†raction studies moulding and extruding processes and the Ðlm was
showed that with short PCL (DP 12) and L-PL (DP 13) found to have excellent gas barrier properties.
chain segments, PCL and PLA crystalline phases did Further advances in the ICI fermentation process
not form. However, at longer chain length (PCL (DP 38 using di†erent feedstocks (glucose/propionic acid)
and 51) and L-PL (DP 23)), both segments produced resulted in the production of statistical copolymers of
superimposed X-ray patterns. PHBÈL-PL diblock 3-hydroxybutyrate-co-3-hydroxyvalerate (PHBV). The
(PHB (DP 26) and L-PL (DP 23)), when melted and properties varied with the percentage of HV, the
rapidly quenched, produced a kinetically frozen solid copolymers becoming less brittle with more PHV. As
state mrophology with miscible chain segments and a the mol% of PHV increased, the Young modulus
new T (20¡C), but this undergoes phase separation on (sti†ness) decreased and the impact strength (toughness)
annealing at 55¡C for 24 h. increased. The copolymers had only slightly reduced
TransesteriÐcation has been carried out between percentage crystallinity, but lower melting points and
several thermally stable polyesters.59,60 Attempts by similar thermal stability. The copolymers showed even
Vert61 using PHB and PLA both in the melt in the lower crystallization rates with PHB. The biodegrad-
presence of ethylene glycol and in solution using ability of these polymers, using bacteria in a variety of
ethanol or dichloromethane with several di†erent cata- media, was an important consideration when in 1983
lysts have been unsuccessful. However, Hirt et al.62 ICI, as Marlborough Biopolymers Ltd, started the Ðrst
report the preparation of telechelic OH-terminated commercial production of Biopol}, a range of PHBV
P(R)-3-HB and P((R)-3-HB-co-(R)-3-HV) on a semi-
preparative scale using transesteriÐcation from the high-
TABLE 6. Comparison of properties of PHB and PP
molecular-weight polymers. The oligomers have
well-deÐned reactive end groups and are well suited for Property PHB PP
the production of high-molecular-weight block copoly-
mers by chain extension. Molecular weight (g molÉ1) 5 Ã 105 2 Ã 105
Crystallinity (%) 80 70
3 .2 Microbial synthesis of poly (b-ester )s and Crystalline melting 175 176
poly (g-ester )s temperature (¡C)
Glass transition 4–0 É 10
Poly(3-hydroxyalkanoate)s (PHAs) are biosynthesized temperature (¡C)
Density (g cmÉ3) 1·25 0·91
as storage material in plants, from di†erent organic sub-
Tensile strength (MPa) 40 38
strates, using a wide range of bacteria. It has been
Extension at break (%) 6 400
shown that poly(3-hydroxybutyrate) P(3HB) is accumu- Ultraviolet resistance Good Poor
lated in the cells of many bacteria under unbalanced Solvent resistance Poor Good
growth conditions when exposed to an excess of


A review of biodegradable polymers 101

polymers. The advantage of a renewable feedstock was limited range of PHBVs, with PHBV (8 mol% HV) as
one of the attractions of the process, but the artiÐcially the major product. However, recent research pub-
high price of fermentation sugars within the EC made it lications indicate that there is still considerable interest
impossible for the implementation of commodity-scale in novel and economic methods for both the microbial
production, although a small “high-added-valueÏ and the chemical synthesis of PHAs.
business was envisaged.
Biopol is now manufactured by Monsanto and at 3.2.1 Recent developments in microbial synthesis of
about £8 per kilogram is about 10 times the price of PE. PHAs. Two papers identify novel routes to the pro-
Biosynthesis of a range of homo- and copolymers of duction of PHB and PHBV copolymers. Eschenlauer et
PHAs is now possible using a wide range of microbes al.69 have produced a working model for the synthesis
and feedstocks in the fermentation broth. Recently, of PHBV from a single carbon source (glucose) via
Monsanto and other workers have been investigating acetyl- and propionyl-coenzyme A, by expressing the
the production of PHAs from transgenic plant cells. A PHA biosynthesis genes from Alcaligenes eutrophus in
suspension culture of transgenic Arabidopsis thaliana Escherichia coli strain K-12 under novel growth condi-
plant cells has been shown to produce PHB with chemi- tions. Maness and Weaver70 reported a process to
cal structure identical to that produced by bacteria.64 photoconvert low-grade organic material waste biomass
Genetic engineering of the DNA of both arabidopsis into PHB and PHBV. Unique strains of photosynthetic
and oilseed rape, to introduce the genes known to bacteria were contained in thermally gasiÐed dry
produce PHB in microbes such as Alcaligenes biomass and under unbalanced culture conditions these
eutrophus, has been investigated by a Monsanto/ produced up to 28% new cell mass of granular, high-
Durham University research collaboration.65 Pro- molecular-weight PHAs. Extraction showed that the
duction of high-molecular-weight PHAs occurs in both dominant monomeric unit was 3-HB, but the use of a
the leaves and seeds of these plants. The aim is to green alga as coculture with the photosynthetic bacte-
obtain both the oil and polymer as cash crops from the rium, in lightÈdark cycles, produced PHBV (30% HV)
oilseed rape. It has been estimated that 20% of the seed as 18% new cell mass.
weight as PHA is needed for commercial viability and Pure P3HV production was originally reported by
to achieve this workers have increased the production SteinbuŽchel et al. in 199371 using the bacterium
of the naturally occurring enzymes in the plant used to Chromobacterium violaceum and valeric acid as the sole
make the polymer. A method of turning o† the pro- carbon source in limited nitrogen. More recently, Stein-
duction of the PHAs in the leaves has also been devised buŽchel and Schmack72 have improved this process by
to concentrate the production in the seeds. using complex nutrients as supplements. A yield of 40 g
PHBV statistical copolymers with HV composition of dry cell matter per litre of fermentation broth was
up to 90 mol% have been synthesized microbially and obtained and 70% w/w of the cells were found to be
characterized by several workers.63,66,67 Using Alcali- P3HV.
genes eutrophus in nitrogen-free conditions, with glucose Gross et al.73 have carried out extensive research on
and propionic acid as cosubstrates, PHBV with up to the biosynthesis and characterization of PHAs using
47 mol% HV was produced.13 A recent paper by Chung Pseudomonas oleovorans and sodium salts of n-alkanoic
et al.67 has suggested a method of overcoming the acids as the carbon source. PHAs containing at least
problem of the inhibited growth of Alcaligenes two major ([5 mol%) monomer units were obtained
eutrophus, at concentrations of propionic acid above and, depending on the carbon source, n-alkyl- pendant
0É5 g l~1 in the fermentation broth, by pH regulation. groups from methyl- to nonyl- were found. Maximum
However, Doi et al.68 have reported PHBV with up to cellular yield and polymer content (percentage cellular
90 mol% HV using Alcaligenes eutrophus and feedstocks dry weight) obtained were 1É5 g l~1 and 49% respec-
of di†erent ratios of pentanoic acid and butyric acid. tively using nonoate as the carbon source. GPC data
Although in 1988 ICI was manufacturing PHBV indicated that the polymers had M between 160 000
(0%È25% HV) of di†erent grades, from technical and and 360 000, whilst DSC and X-ray di†raction measure-
standard (95%È96% purity) to specially puriÐed grades ments showed that the polymers with longer side chains
for medical uses ([99É5% purity), the economic via- (ºn-pentyl) were crystaline polymers (T from 45 to
bility of the polymers was never really established. 61¡C), with participation of both main and side chains
Hocking and Marchessault13 have comprehensively in a layered packing order. Those with n-propyl- and
reviewed the potential uses and the three main com- n-butyl- side chains showed little tendency to crystallize.
ponents of the cost of PHBV production (carbon A more recent paper from the same group by Peres and
source, fermentation processing/extraction and capital- Lenz74 has reported the use of this microbial synthesis
related charges). As yet there has not been the necessary of optically pure copolymers. A copolymer containing
economic breakthrough for massively increased pro- 85 mol% b-hydroxyoctanoate units was converted into
duction of PHBV. The large-scale manufacture of 97% optically pure (S)-b-pentyl-b-propiolactone (S-
Biopol by Monsanto now concentrates on a more PPL) and then polymerized by a ring-opening process,


102 W . Amass, A. Amass, B. T ighe

using aluminoxane and zinc alkyl catalysts, into stereo- HC copolymers (2È4 mol% hydroxycaproate (HC)) and
regular poly(b-hydroxyoctanoate). The diad stereoche- PHB-co-HC-co-HO terpolymers (hydroxyoctanoate
mical sequence in the polymer was determined using (HO) units). The polymers were produced in good yield
50É3 MHz 13C NMR spectroscopy and the polymers using Comamonas testosteroni, bacillus cereus and an
synthesized were also characterized by comparing their unknown third organism when grown on caproate or
DSC proÐles with those of racemic and optically active octanoate. X-ray analysis and quantitative analysis of
forms of poly(b-hydroxyoctanoate). the melting point depression showed that the minor
De Konig75 has recognized two major problems with copolymer was rejected by the PHB crystallites. The
these PHAs : their tendency to soften and lose their reduced melting point but high degree of crystallinity
coherence at temperatures as low as 40¡C and their low shown by these materials leads the authors to suggest
crystallization rates limiting the practicability of many their use as melt-processable thermoplastics.
processing techniques. However, crosslinking was pro- Doi80 and co-workers have carried out extensive
posed as a solution and successfully implemented using research on the synthesis and characterization of micro-
a carbon source that introduced unsaturated bonds into bial polyesters. Most recently they have reported work
the polymer. Crosslinking was achieved using electron on the microbial synthesis of copolymers of [R]-3-
beam irradiation and produced a true rubber with only hydroxybutyrate (3HB) and 4-hydroxybutyrate (4HB)
chemical crosslinks. The properties were constant from from various substrates by Alcaligenes eutrophus, Alcali-
T (30¡C) to the decomposition temperature (170¡C) and genes lotus and Comamonas acidvorans.81 The P3HB-co-
the degree of crosslinking was controlled by the fraction 4HB copolymer composition varied from 0 to
of unsaturated monomer units used and the radiation 100 mol% 4HB depending on the micro-organism and
dose. The enzymatic degradation rate of these cross- the carbon source mixture. The thermal and physical
linked PHAs was similar to that for the unmodiÐed properties of the copolymers over the whole composi-
polymers and characterized by surface erosion. The tion range were investigated and the results based on
application of these PHAs as latex to substrates such as the table from the paper are summarized in Table 7.
paper and the use of heat, ultraviolet light or an elec- The copolymers exhibit a wide range of material
tron beam source to establish crosslinking have been properties, ranging from crystalline plastics to elastic
proposed. rubbers, depending on composition. The crystallinity,
Inoue et al.76 have recently published a paper on an shown by X-ray di†raction, decreased from 60% to
extension of Satoh and co-workersÏ77 research into the 40% as the 4HB content increased from 0 to 27 mol%
use of activated sludge from wastewater treatment and the samples all had P3HB crysal lattices. However,
works, developed for anaerobicÈaerobic biological the copolymers with [64 mol% 4HB showed increased
phosphate removal, for PHA synthesis. Activated sludge crystallinity (from 15% to 34%) with increasing mol%
is a valuable biomass source, but currently it is exces- 4HB and had P4HB crystal structure. The copolymers
sively produced and the majority is disposd of as land- with high 4HB content ([64 mol% 4HB) exhibit the
Ðll without reuse. Under optimum conditions it has characteristics of thermoplastic elastomers, with tensile
been shown that it is possible to accumulate PHAs of strength increasing from 17 to 104 MPa as the mol% of
more than 30% dried weight of sludge. Satoh et al.78 4HB increases, whereas for low mol% 4HB the tensile
have investigated an anaerobic take-up mechanism of strength decreases from that of pure P3HB (43 MPa) to
acetate, propionate and lactate by the sludge developed 24È26 MPa for 10È16% 4HB in the copolymer. The
in the phosphate removal system. The latest research76 increasing Ñexibility of these materials is reÑected in the
examines the microstructure of the PHAs produced increase in elongation at break over the same 4HB
from this sludge, using propionate as the carbon source, range (0%È16%) from the value for the very brittle
with 13C NMR spectroscopy and identiÐes four types of P3HB (5%) to 444% (16% 4HB copolymer). The
monomer unit : 3HB, 3HV, 3H2MB (3-hydroxy-2- remarkable biodegradation characteristics of the
methylbutyrate) and 3H2MV (3-hydroxy-2-methyl- copolymers in di†erent environments were also reported
valerate). It is suggested that these are essentially sta- in this paper and will be reviewed later.
tistical copolymers, although some diad sequences
could be allotted. It was concluded that there was no 3 .3 Natural biodegradable polymers
clear evidence for true four-monomer-component
copolymers. Abundant naturally occurring, biodegradable polymers
Neither of the two common bacteria used to produce can be processed into useful plastic materials and used
PHAs (Alcaligenes eutrophus for PHB and PHBV pro- to supplement blends of synthetic and microbial poly-
duction and Pseudomonas oleovorans for longer-side- mers. The polysaccharides starch and cellulose have
chain PHAs) can be used to produce copolymers of been used most extensively. Cellulose is a constituent of
hydroxybutyrate (HB) and other monomers with higher woody plant material and is described as a complex
carbon number than valerate. However, Caballero et three-dimensional, biopolymeric composite. It consists
al.79 have biosynthesized and characterized PHB-co- of repeating glucopyranosyl units. There are two groups


A review of biodegradable polymers 103

TABLE 7. Physical and thermal properties of P(3HB-co -4HB) copolymers at 23ÄC

Property 4HB fraction (mol%)

0 3 7 10 16 27 64 78 82 90 100

Melting temperature 178 172 130 50 49 52 50 53

T (¡C)
Glass transition 4 É2 É7 É35 É37 É39 É42 É48
temperature T (¡C)
Crystallinity (%) 60 55 50 45 45 40 15 17 18 28 34
Density (g cmÉ3) 1·25 1·23 1·23 1·23
Water uptake (wt%) 0·32 34 0·20 0·14 0·45
Stress at yield 4 28 19 14
Elongation at 28 5 7 17
yield (%)
Tensile strength 43 45 24 26 17 42 58 65 104
Elongation at 5 242 444 591 1 120 1 320 1 080 1 000
break (%)

of cellulose-based materials used on an industrial degraded by micro-organisms in the bioreactor. Aquatic

scale.82 toxicity tests on the effluent and CMC intermediates
produced by a pure culture were negative.
I Regenerated cellulose, which is suitable only for
Citric esters have recently been introduced as biode-
Ðbre and Ðlm production and cannot be moulded.
gradable plasticizers by Gross and co-workers. They
I Chemically modiÐed cellulose, e.g. cellulose esters
have reported86 that cellulose acetate formed miscible
(CEs) (cellulose acetate (CA), cellulose acetate
blends (based on T ) with both triethyl citrate and acetyl
butyrate (CAB)). These only biodegrade under g
triethyl citrate. The e†ect of an increase in the amount
certain circumstances as the three hydroxyl
of plasticizer was to reduce the tensile modulus, increase
groups on the glucopyranosyl rings are replaced
the elongation at break and increase the rate of biodeg-
by the more hydrophobic ester groups, and it is
important to know the degree of substitution (DS)
Starch is a homopolymer of glucopyranose units but
of a CE. CEs are thermoplastics, but as hydrophi-
consists of two a-types of polymer :
licity retards the rate of thermoplastic processing,
these compounds are insoluble in water. A study I a-(1,4) linked essentially linear amylose ;
of ether-substituted cellulose showed that biodeg- I a-(1,4) and a-(1,6) highly branched amylopectin.
radation is associated with C-2 hydroxyl groups
on contiguous repeating glucopyranosyl rings, The botanical and genetic background of the starch
with preferably a Ðve- or six-segment run of C-2 a†ects the branch chain lengths, chemical structure and
unsubstitution.83 functional properties. It is an enormous source of
biomass and in most applications semicrystalline, native
Research has been carried out on bacterial cellulose granule starch is either destroyed or reorganized. Water
(BC) and water-soluble polymer (WSP) based on cellu- is frequently used as a plasticizer ; the percentage of
lose. Tajima et al.84 report the production of bacterial water has a great e†ect on the physical properties of the
cellulose from Acetobacter xylinum which has both starch and therefore its uses. Recently, other plasticizers,
good mechanical strength and biodegradability. This low-molecular-weight alcohols, have been used for the
has been achieved by the incorporation of WSPs, e.g. production of thermoplastic starches.87
carboxymethyl cellulose (CMC) and methyl cellulose There are three ways starch can be used as a biode-
(MC), in the incubation medium of the bacterium. The gradable material.
rapid biodegradation of the BC (CMC) product was
shown both enzymatically, using cellulase, and in soil. 1. High-amylose starch is used directly as a biode-
The biodegradation and non-toxicity of CMC have gradable plastic and can be fabricated as strong
been tested by other workers,85 as it can be found in Ðlm.
wastewater treatment works. The continuous-Ñow acti- 2. Small-granule starch can be used as a Ðller for
vated sludge (CAS) test simulates sewage treatment and PE Ðlm (6%È15%) with its original structure and
CMC (DS 0É7) added to raw sewage was partly granular form. If antioxidants are present in the


104 W . Amass, A. Amass, B. T ighe

mixture, peroxides are produced and this cleaves composition range. FTIR studies revealed shifts in the
the polymer chains, degrading the starch. absorbance for the CwOwC stretching vibration and
3. High-starch-containing mixtures (40%È60%) use the CHwCl deformation, indicating speciÐc intermolec-
a destructurized form of the polymer. Starch pro- ular attractions between the two components. An
cessing can involve di†erent procedures, e.g. heat increase in the PVC content of the blends increased the
processing, pre-gelatinizing (this produces cold- tensile strength and Young modulus of the blends but
water-soluble starches which can be dispersed decreased the percentage elongation at break.
without heat treatment) and chemical modiÐ- PHB/poly(methyl methacrylate) (PMMA) blends
cation (to produce hydrophobic starch deriv- have been studied by Lotti et al.,95 who have reported
atives or dialdehyde starch, which can form compatible blends of PHB/PMMA up to 20 wt% PHB
crosslinks between starch and components with when prepared by melt compounding followed by quen-
functional groups).88 ching to room temperature. Single-phase amorphous
glasses with composition-dependent single T s are
formed. Above 20 wt% PHB (the solubility limit for
PHB in PMMA), partially crystalline PHB coexists
with the constant-composition PHB/PMMA (20 : 80)
mixture. Crystallization of PHB is retarded in these
The blending of biodegradable polymers is a method of
blends by increasing amounts of PMMA both from the
reducing the overall cost of the material and o†ers a
melt and when heated from the rubbery state. The
method of modifying both properties and degradation
group found poly(cyclohexyl methacrylate) (PCHMA)
rates. Miscibility is usually characterized by a single
to be immiscible with PHB.
glass transition in the blend, which varies with composi-
More recent work by Scandola and co-workers90,96
tion and is measured by DSC or DMTA. The advan-
conÐrms these Ðndings and also investigates the misci-
tages of producing miscible blends include single-phase
bility of other blends, including poly(epichlorohydrin)
morphology in the melt and reproducible mechanical
(PEC) which is a low-temperature rubber (T \ [21¡C),
properties. However, forming a miscible blend, particu- g
and PHB. The mixtures had to be solvent cast initially
larly with a non-biodegradable polymer, can reduce or
but were then melt processed, quenched in liquid nitro-
even inhibit the degradation of the biodegradable com-
gen and stored at room temperature for at least 3 weeks
ponent ; e.g. PHB and poly(vinyl acetate) (PVAc) form
before testing. The blends were shown by DSC and
miscible blends,89 but even those containing a high
DMTA measurements to be miscible, with T and *H
wt% of PHB undergo only slight enzymatic degrada- m m
both increasing linearly with increasing wt% PHB. The
tion.90 Immiscible blends have the disadvantage of
single glass transition temperature of the blends is
having properties that are dependent on the blend mor-
below room temperature for all compositions, so PHB
phology produced by processing and these are often not
partially crystallizes out at room temperature, and the
reproducible. However, some can show higher biodeg-
increase in *H with increasing wt% PHB can be
radation rates than the unblended biodegradable m
related to a constant fraction of this PHB crystallizing
polymer(s) ; e.g. PHB/PHBV (76 mol% HV) and PHB/
(58%). A space-Ðlling spherulitic morphology develops
poly(1,4-ethylene adipate) (PEA) blends are both immis-
from the melt, with the radial growth rate decreasing
cible, but the rate of enzymatic degradation of blend
with PEC content.
Ðlms was higher than for each single-component Ðlm.91
Biodegradation studies, using wastewater activated
sludge exposure for up to 1 year, were carried out on
4 .1 PHA -based blends some of the miscible blends (PHB/PEC90,96 and PHB/
PVAc91) and showed a relationship between the T of
PHA blends have been reviewed by Verhoogt et al.92 g
the blend and its biodegradation rate. Kumagai and
and Scandola90 and some of their conclusions are Doi91 report that PVAc (T \ 38¡C) and PHB (T D
included along with recent research by other workers. g g
0¡C) form miscible, non-biodegradable blends (i.e. even
the biodegradation of the PHB is inhibited), but Scan-
4.1.1 PHA/synthetic non-biodegradable polymer blends. dola found that PEC (T [ 21¡C)/PHB (80 wt% PHB)
Hocking and Marchessault13 identify a range of syn- blends showed progressive weight loss and surface
thetic polymers which have been found to be miscible erosion. SEM indicated that localized erosion spread
with PHB, including poly(vinyl acetate) (PVAc)89 and over the sample surface with increased exposure time.
poly(vinyl chloride) (PVC).93 A recent study of PHBV/ He concluded that PHB/PEC blends, which have
PVC blends94 has produced DSC and DMTA results spherulitic morphology and lower T values than pure
which show that PHBV (8 mol% HV) and PVC have PHB, have sufficient mobility in the interlamellar
separate T values for all compositions. However, amorphous mixed phase to allow degradation to be ini-
PHBV (18 mol% HV)/PVC blends were miscible with a tiated, but in blends with higher T values insufficient
single T and a melting point depression for the whole mobility inhibits biodegradation.
A review of biodegradable polymers 105

4.1.2 PHA/synthetic biodegradable polymer blends. loss) and 50% PLA (48% loss) are almost consistent
Several papers have been published on PHA blends with the initial mass of the PLA component, so it may
with other biodegradable, synthetic polyesters. be that only this component is being hydrolysed.
PHB/PEO blends are both miscible and show rapid Molecular weight changes during the abiotic hydro-
rates of enzymatic degradation, but this is mainly lysis were recorded. The rate of decrease for PHB
caused by elution of the PEO into the aqueous bu†er homopolymer was slower than for pure PLA. In the
producing large holes in the surface of the blend, accel- blends the M values decreased for both components
erating the enzymatic hydrolysis of the PHB.97 more rapidly. The mechanism of the hydrolysis is dis-
The e†ect of stereochemistry on the degradation and cussed more fully later, but the acceleration of the chain
morphology of poly(lactic acid) has been mentioned scission of the PHB was attributed to the catalytic e†ect
previously : isotactic PLLA is a semicrystalline form of PLA oligomers in the matrix.
which undergoes rapid non-enzymatic hydrolysis, The immiscibility of binary blends of PHB with PeCL
although there have been recent reports98 of some has been established by Kumagai and Doi.91 However,
enzyme hydrolysis ; atactic P(D,L)LA is amorphous and this group has reported more recently on the miscibility,
again is mainly hydrolysed abiotically. Two reports on morphology and biodegradability of binary blends of
the blending of PLLA with PHB99 and PHBV100 have P(R)-3HB (M 300 000) and copolymers of PeCL-co-LA
produced interesting results. Blumm and Owen99 inves- (M 1500È40 000).102 The copolymers were synthesized
tigated the spherulitic structure, growth rates and using aluminium tri-iso-propoxide from mixtures of
melting behaviour of PHB/PLLA (M 159 400 and e-CL and (R,S) lactide monomers. The statistical
1759) blends using polarized light microscopy. Results copolymers were analysed using 13C NMR, and enzy-
indicated complete miscibility in the melt, over the matic hydrolysis was carried out in the presence of a
whole composition range, for the PHB/low-molecular- lipase (Rhizopus delemar). It was found that enzymatic
weight PLLA blends, but with the high-molecular- hydrolysis of the copolymers was faster than for PCL
weight PLLA, biphasic separation occurred in the melt homopolymer. DSC measurements showed that misci-
and two types of spherulite formed on cooling. Some ble blends of PHB/PeCL-co-LA were prepared using
blends showed interpenetration of spherulitic growth. amorphous PeCL-co-LA ranging from 30 to 100 mol%
Iannace et al.100 have concluded that PHBV/PLLA LA. The spherulites were volume Ðlled in the miscible
blends show partial miscibility based on calculations blends and the rate of spherulitic growth decreased with
and their mechanical properties. increasing wt% of copolymer. Enzymatic hydrolysis
Koyama and Doi101 have investigated the morphol- using extracellular PHB depolymerase (Alcaligenes
ogy and biodegradability of binary blends of P(R)-3HB faecalis) was carried out at 37¡C in phosphate bu†er at
(M 300 000) and P(R,S)LA (M 9000 and 21 000). pH 7É4 for 19 h and, as with the studies using PHB/PLA
n n
Solvent-cast Ðlms were prepared and aged for at least 3 blends, the rate of hydrolysis increased with increase in
weeks at room temperature. Miscibility in the melt and the PHB component.
in the amorphous state was demonstrated by single T Avella et al.103 have carried out blend studies on
values between that of pure PHB (4¡C) and that of pure PHB/poly[(D,L)lactide-co-poly(ethylene glycol)] (PELA).
PLA (44¡C) from DSC results for the PHB/P(R,S)LA DSC measurements showed some shift in the T of the
(9000). Polarized optical microscopy was used to follow PHB and a linear decrease in *H as the wt% of PHB
the spherulitic growth rate, which decreased as the PLA decreased. T values for the blends were found in the
content increased ; the spherulites were volume Ðlled, range 10È30¡C (PEG, T \ 30¡C) and PHB spherulites
indicating inclusion of the amorphous PLA within their were found in blends with º60 wt% PHB.
structure. Biodegradation studies were based on biotic
and abiotic conditions. Enzymatic hydrolysis using 4.1.3 PHA/natural polymer blends. Blends of PHB and
extracellular PHB depolymerase (Alcaligenes faecalis) PHBV with cellulose that has been chemically treated
was carried out at 37¡C in phosphate bu†er at pH 7É4 to produce cellulose esters (CEs) are common. The CEs
for 19 h. The abiotic hydrolysis was carried out for 150 have thermoplastic properties, e.g. cellulose acetate (CA)
days in bu†er (pH 7É4) at 37¡C. and cellulose acetate butyrate (CAB), but are non-
The pure PLA showed no weight loss over 19 h in the biodegradable. Scandola and co-workers90,104 reported
enzyme medium, but all the other Ðlms showed mass the formation of miscible blends of P(3HB) with CEs by
loss (erosion) proÐles which increase with time. The rate melt compounding. Blends with ¹50 wt% PHB with
of mass loss increased with the wt% PHB in the blend. either CAB or CAP produced transparent, stable,
The non-enzymatic hydrolysis produced no weight loss homogeneous, amorphous glasses, while blends with
in the pure PHB over 150 days, but pure P(R,S)LA higher PHB content were partially crystalline and
weighed only 17% of the initial mass. The blends became opaque upon room temperature storage.104 The
showed no initial mass loss, but after an induction data on the degree of substitution of the CEs and their
period of 14È28 days they started to lose mass. The T s in Table 8 are taken from ScandolaÏs paper.90 This
mass losses from the blends containing 25% PLA (23% paper also presents graphical evidence of the linear


106 W . Amass, A. Amass, B. T ighe

TABLE 8. Composition and glass transition temperatures of polymers

used in work by Scandola90

Polymer Degree of substitution T (¡C)

Bu- Pr- Ac- Et-

PHB 2–4
Cellulose tributyrate (CTB) 3·00 81
Cellulose acetate butyrate (CAB-1) 2·58 0·36 103
Cellulose acetate butyrate (CAB-2) 1·75 1·21 127
Cellulose acetate butyrate (CAB-3) 1·79 0·95 134
Cellulose acetate butyrate (CAB-4) 2·50 0·18 120
Cellulose acetate propionate (CAP) 2·39 0·37 146
Ethyl cellulose (EtC) 2·3 144

variation in glass transition, temperature, measured by gen bonding of the hydroxyl groups in the EtC were
DMTA, with composition of the blends of highly substi- detected by changes in their FTIR absorption, as inter-
tuted CAP, CAB-1 and CTB with PHB (for 0È50 wt% molecular hydrogen bonding between EtC and PHB
PHB). This provides evidence, based on WoodÏs equa- carbonyl groups changes to intramolecular EtC hydro-
tion,105 that the blends are miscible in the melt in these gen bonds.
proportions, and as the T s for all these blends are Ceccoruli et al.107 have also looked at the e†ect of
higher than room temperature, the blends stay as stable, the plasticizer di-n-butyl phthalate (DBP) on CAB/PHB
homogenous glasses. When the PHB content increases blends. The DBP is miscible in all proportions with
above 50 wt%, the decrease in T to below room tem- both CAB and PHB, showing variation in T with com-
g g
perature causes the PHB to partially crystallize out of position. Addition of a Ðxed amount of DBP plasticizer
the rubbery blend. Partially crystalline PHB/CE blends to CAB/PHB blends (0È100 wt% PHB) caused a signiÐ-
have spherulite morphology, but the crystallization rate cant decrease in the T of the binary polymer blends.
of the PHB is reduced with increasing wt% CE because The T depression increases with the DBP content in
of the intimately mixed macromolecules. Scandola90 the ternary blends. In the two-component blends of
also reports the non-biodegradability of PHB/CE PHB/CAB (\50 wt% PHB) the value of the single T
blends even with high wt% PHB (no weight loss or decreases linearly with increasing wt% PHB (pure
surface erosion after 1 year in activated sludge for PHB/ CAB-1, T \ 115¡C ; 50 : 50 CAB/PHB, T D 50¡C).
g g
CAB-1 (80 : 20) blends ; cf. PHB/PVAc blends reported However, there is also a characteristic relaxation in the
by Kumagai and Doi97). The amorphous phase com- DSC trace at lower temperatures which was associated
position of partially crystalline 80 : 20 PHB/CAB-1 is with mobilization of the lower-T component (PHB).
58 : 42 and this Ðlls the interlamellar space between the Concomitant with the expected “plasticizingÏ e†ects of
pure PHB spherulites. The non-biodegradability of the DBP on T , it also induces a decrease in the character-
PHB is explained as before by insufficient mobility in istic temperature for these additional low-temperature
the amorphous phase, which prevents the known prefer- transitions.
ential hydrolysis that occurs with PHB degradation, Yasin and co-workers108 have studied two- and
and so subsequent enzyme attack on the lamellar PHB three-component blends of Biopol with CEs or PCL or
is prevented. PLA and biodegradable plasticizers. Three-component
Unlike the cellulose esters, ethyl cellulose (EtC), with phase diagrams were produced based on the optical
a T similar to that of CAP, forms only immiscible properties of the blends and their glass transition char-
blends with PHB when they are melt blended at 195¡C acteristics. Compatibility was achieved over a limited
according to Scandola.90 The PHB in low wt% PHB composition range (30 wt% CAB, 40 wt% poly(ester
blends of PHB/EtC crystallizes out quantitatively on glutarate) (P7092)) for PHBV/CAB/P7092 blends based
quenching and DSC curves on the second scan show on the optical clarity of these melt-pressed Ðlms and
the characteristic transitions of the two pure com- DSC measurements. However, for blends with low wt%
ponents. However, Zhang et al.106 report that CAB and high wt% PHBV, translucent and opaque
PHB/EtC blends appeared by solvent casting (60, 40 Ðlms were formed and it was concluded that the blends
and 20 wt% PHB) and annealing (86, 60, 40 and 20 wt% were partially or totally immiscible. Increased crys-
PHB) showed composition-dependent glass transitions : tallinity was found in Ðlms that were melt pressed com-
T decreased with increasing wt% PHB. However, melt pared with solvent-cast Ðlms and this a†ected their
quenching or DSC cooling runs resulted in detection of mechanical properties (melt-pressed Ðlms have greater
only the T of pure PHB (5È9¡C). Changes in the hydro- tensile strength). High wt% CAB increased the tensile
A review of biodegradable polymers 107

strength but decreased the Ñexibility of the Ðlms. PCL/ polymer indicated that PHB was the main component
CAB/poly(ester glutarate) blends showed miscibility for of the crystalline phase, and the crystallinity decreases
all ratios of plasticizer with very high wt% CAB. with increasing wt% PHBV in the blends. There was
However, there was little miscibility for blends with less correlation between an accelerated degradation rate and
than 50 wt% CAB. Blends of PHBV/PCL/poly(ester a decrease in the degree of crystallinity in the blends.
glutarate) showed no compatibility.61 MarchessaultÏs group have also investigated the
Verhoogt et al.109 have reported on PHBV (12% HV) melting behaviour of blends of PHB with di†erent tac-
blends with thermoplastic starch. Ramsay et al.110 had ticity and using solvent casting, melt crystallization and
previously established that blends of granular starch rapid co-precipitation procedures.115,116 Solvent-cast
and PHBV (19% HV) had increased biodegradation Ðlms of isotactic PHB and atactic PHB were found not
rates but inferior mechanical properties compared with to be fully miscible prior to Ðrst melt for DSC scan ;
pure PHBV and formed a composite rather than a true both annealing and recrystallization behaviour were
blend. The Verhoogt group used thermoplastic starch identiÐed. The work on bacterial and partially isotactic
plasticized with water and glycerol and processed in dif- PHB blends showed that co-precipitation produced
ferent ways. The possible advantages of gelatinized compatible blends, whereas atactic PHB was not com-
starch were that the starch can be deformed and distrib- patible with bacterial PHB. However, blends with
uted during blending and, by using glycerol/water atactic PHB [ 60 wt% exhibited a signiÐcant drop in
instead of just water for gelatinization, reprocessing of the melting point of the bacterial PHB.
the thermoplastic at elevated temperatures is possible. Abe et al.117 related stereostructure to melting behav-
True blends were obtained, but they were brittle despite iour by studying a range of blends of microbial stereore-
the Ñexibility of the starch. SEM studies showed irregu- gular P(R)-3HB and synthetic stereo-copolymers (P(R,S)
lar particles thought to be caused by viscosity di†er- HB), both atactic and syndiotactic forms. The T of the
ences. blends showed little variation (5 ^ 2¡C) but the melting
temperature decreased from that of P(R)HB (191¡C)
4.1.4 Polymer blends of PHAs. The improved biodegra- with increasing wt% P(R,S)HB (174¡C for 75 wt% P(R,
dation of PHAs blended with other biodegradable poly- S)HB), suggesting that the polymers are miscible in the
mers, particularly other PHAs, compared with that of melt and in the amorphous state and the degree of crys-
pure PHAs has been established by several workers. tallinity decreases with increasing wt% P(R,S)HB. Enzy-
Pearce and Marchessault111 have studied the melting matic degradation of the blends in phosphate bu†er at
and crystallization of PHB/PHV and PHBV blends to pH 7É4 and 37¡C was carried out on the homopolymers
compare phase separation with that in PHBV copoly- and the blends. Surface erosion occurred on the bac-
mers, which form isodimorphous crystals. They showed terial PHB, but the synthetic polymer showed little
that in the melt, PHB/PHV blends are phase separated, surface hydrolysis. Blending of the two accelerated the
which has been conÐrmed by Gassner and Owen.112 hydrolysis, with the 50 : 50 wt% P(R)-3HB/(P(R,S)HB)
The mechanical behaviour of random copolymers of showing the fastest erosion rate (similar to the results
PHBV was compared with that of blends of almost the with a-PHB/PHBV blends investigated by Scandola
same composition and found to be markedly di†erent. and co-workers113). HPLC analysis of the degradation
Blends of synthetic atactic PHB (a-PHB as 10È products suggested that synthetic PHB (atactic and
50 wt%) and bacterial isotactic PHBV (10 mol% HV) syndiotactic) is hydrolysed by PHB depolymerase in the
were prepared as solvent-cast Ðlms by Scandola et presence of P[(R)3HB] or its degradation products.
al.113a The blends were found to be miscible in the melt Abe et al.118 have also reported the use of the block
with decreasing crystallinity as the a-PHB content copolymer of atactic P(R,S)3HB and poly(6-hydroxy-
increased ; this also increased the elongation at break of hexanoate) (PHH) to compatibilize blends of P(R)3HB/
the 50 : 50 blend by a factor of 30 over pure PHBV. PHH. The AB block copolymer was prepared
Abiotic and biotic hydrolysis studies were carried out. synthetically and the addition of small amounts to
Enzyme hydrolysis was accelerated in the blends com- blends of the two homopolymers reduced the size of the
pared with PHBV. The pure a-PHB did not biodegrade. PHH dispersed domains and improved their mechani-
HPLC identiÐed 3-HBA monomer and dimer as degra- cal properties. Enzymatic hydrolysis results showed that
dation products of the blends and this was thought to PHH displayed least surface erosion, then pure PHB,
be a factor in their subsequent enzyme degradation. and the ternary blend degraded more slowly than the
However, more recent work113b has indicated that the binary (75 : 25) PHB/PHH blend.
non-biodegradability of a-PHB is related to its amorp-
hous character and the PHB depolymerase can only 4 .2 Blends based on starch and cellulose derivatives
degrade PHB when a crystalline binding site is present.
Satoh et al.114 have studied the hydrolysis (in phos- There has been some recent research on blends using
phate bu†er at pH 7É4 and 55¡C) of PHB/PHBV other biodegradable polymeric materials, and those
(22 mol% HV) blends. DSC studies on the original involving starch and cellulose are relevant to this


108 W . Amass, A. Amass, B. T ighe

review. Pranamuda et al.119 report on the feasibility of both gas and water transmission rates increased with
poly(e-caprolactone) (PCL)/tropical starch blends, increasing amounts of starch/PCL in the blends. EAA
similar in type to PCL/corn starch blends, as biode- acted as a compatibilizer and increased the percentage
gradable thermoplastics, but all these blends have low elongation at break of the blends.
tensile properties compared with PE, although contin- The production of high-strength and high-Young-
uous phase dispersion of the starch in the PCL was modulus PE/starch composite Ðlms has been reported
observed in the Ðlms using SEM. The miscibility of by Nakashima and Matsuo127 using ultrahigh-
blends of PCL/cellulose butyrate (DS º 2É0) was molecular-weight (6 ] 106) PE and corn starch pro-
observed using DSC measurements by Nishio et al.,120 cessed by gelation crystallization from dilute solutions.
but the miscibility alters with the nature of the ester PE/starch compositions of 3 : 1, 1 : 1, 1 : 3 and 1 : 5 were
group and with the degree of substitution, and even tested and found to have high draw ratios at 135¡C
butyl esters with DS \ 1É5 showed poor miscibility with (1 : 5 composition reached 80) and good Young moduli
PCL. The fabrication of PLA/native starch blends with (1 : 5 was 10 GPa up to 1 : 1 with 105 GPa, cf. 70 GPa
low-molecular-weight PEG as a plasticizer has been for aluminium). The starch particles in most composites
reported,121 with DSC studies and thermogravimetric remained within the composite Ðlms even at high draw
analysis carried out. ratios. Enzymatic degradation with di†erent fungal
Mayer et al.122 report that a corn starch (St)/cellulose species on agar nutrients was investigated, and although
acetate (CA, DS \ 2É5)/propylene glycol (PG) blend the biodegradation of the starch and a decrease in the
with St/CA/PG wt% ratio 57 : 25 : 19 has mechanical mechanical properties of the Ðlms were observed, no
properties similar to those of polystyrene, and these rep- disruption of the PE Ðbrous texture was discernible by
resent acceptable properties for injection-moulding SEM.
applications. Increasing the wt% starch to PG reduces
the tensile strength. The biodegradation of the starch
and PG was observed in both soil and composting 5 CHARACTERIZATION AND STRUCTURAL
studies, but extended incubations were required to ANALYSIS
detect any weight loss from the CA in the blends.
However, it was reported that in simulated municipal In this section a range of the current methods used to
compost there was 90% weight loss from the pure CA characterize the properties and determine the structure
after 90 days. of biodegradable polymers will be identiÐed. Spectro-
The properties of the blends of starch octanoates scopic studies are used to characterize the composition
(OCST1É8 and OCST2É7, DS \ 1É8 and 2É7 respectively) of polymers, e.g. Fourier transform infrared (FTIR),
and starch dodecanoate (DODST2É7, DS \ 2É7) with Raman, electron spin resonance (ESR), 1H and 13C
LDPE have been investigated.123 The ester groups act nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) and ultraviolet/
as an internal plasticizer with increasing e†ect as the visible light spectroscopy. Molecular weight character-
number and size of the grafted fatty acyl chains istics can be determined by an extensive range of
increase. The DODST2É7/LDPE blends showed gener- methods, e.g. colligative properties, as in vapour pres-
ally better thermal stability and higher elongation but sure osmometry (VPO), end group analysis, e.g. quanti-
lower tensile strength and water absorption compared tative 31P NMR,128 as well as viscometry, light
with the OCST/LDPE blends. However, the degrada- scattering, small-angle X-ray and neutron scattering
tion rate of all blends was very low. Another group has (SAXS and SANS) and gel permeation chromatography
reported di†erent methods of modifying starch before (GPC) or size exclusion chromatography (SEC).
blending with LDPE in order to maintain its thermo- Erlandsson et al.129 have recently published a paper
plastic properties but increase its biodegradability. Park that indicates that SEC of the degradation products of
and co-workers used Dupont Surlyn},124 acetic anhy- some polymers may not be very accurate. Thermally
dride and three types of ionomers125 to esterify the degraded and UV-aged PP containing recycled material
starch, with the aim of using the blends for packaging was found to have a changing relationship between its
Ðlm. Ionomer-treated starches were reported to be more molecular weight and retention volume. The MarkÈ
compatible with LDPE and to give better mechanical HouwinkÈSakaruda (MHS) equation o†ers a conve-
properties than other blends. nient means of determining the molecular weight of
The production of biodegradable Ðlms for food pack- polymers soluble in organic solvents. For linear poly-
aging was the aim of a study by Arvanitoyannins et mers the MHS parameters are constant over a wide
al.126 The mechanical and gas/water permeabilities of range of molecular weights, but for highly branched
extruded blends of LDPE/wheat starch/ethylene acrylic polymers there are deviations because the hydrody-
acid (EAA) or PCL were investigated after conditioning namic volume is not directly related to molecular
at various relative humidities. Both starch and PCL weight. The observed deviation in the degraded polyole-
were found to have adverse e†ects on the mechanical Ðns was related to the e†ects of chain branching and
properties of LDPE (particularly [30% starch) and increased polydispersity with prolonged degradation.


A review of biodegradable polymers 109

Structural analysis mainly involves measurement of centric spheres, with the internal sphere containing crys-
either bulk or surface properties of polymers in the solid talline PG.
phase. However, studies of crystallization from the melt
5 .2 NMR spectroscopy
and from solution, thermal testing and methods of
analysis for degradation products in the liquid or gas
5.2.1 Solid state CPMAS 13C NMR. The advances in
phase are also important.
solid state 13C NMR allow analysis of speciÐc regions
within the solid structure. The monomeric ratio for
5 .1 X -ray diffraction
PHBV copolymers can be determined in the amorphous
and crystalline regions, and Orts and co-workers132,136
Single-crystal X-ray goniophotometry has limited use in
report di†erent ratios of HV in the crystalline regions of
the study of semicrstalline polymers, whereas stretched
PHBV related to the overall crystalline disorder. The
Ðbre, thin Ðlm and powder X-ray di†raction do have
HV incorporation into the PHB-type crystalline phases
applications. Gazzano et al.130 report a recent study of
was shown to be over the composition range.
bacterial P(3HB) Ðlms which were crystallized from the
melt at di†erent temperatures up to 120¡C. The di†rac- 5.2.2 High-resolution 13C NMR spectroscopy. This tech-
tion patterns at increasing crystallization temperatures nique can be used to determine the tacticity of a wide
(T ) were seen to di†er more and more from that of the range of polymers and is particularly useful for analys-
original powder, and the quenching range also a†ected ing P(3HB). Hocking and co-workers137,138 have
the relative intensity and peak width of the reÑections. analysed a range of racemic synthetic polymers with dif-
The di†erences were correlated with changes in average ferent tacticity and interpreted the results based on
spherulite size (0É1È2 mm) in Ðlms of limited thickness. several statistical models. Average isotactic and syn-
It was found that when the spherulites were large, the diotactic block lengths were calculated.
lamellar crystals were strongly oriented parallel to the
5 .3 Microscopy techniques
Ðlm plane.
X-ray di†raction studies for examining the crystal
A range of di†erent microscopy-based techniques have
structure of solids have been extended by the develop-
been used to study the surface structure and erosion
ment of small-angle X-ray scattering (SAXS) and wide-
characteristics during biodegradation.
angle X-ray scattering (WAXS) or di†raction (WAXD).
A typical WAXS curve shows the intensity of X-ray 5.3.1 Optical microscopy. Isothermal crystallization
scattering as a function of the di†raction angle and fea- kinetics in miscible blends can be examined using
tures relatively sharp peaks for crystalline scattering optical microscopy. Pearce et al.139 have used the tech-
and broader “humpsÏ for the scattering from amorphous nique to study isotactic/atactic PHB blends and seen a
areas, allowing the degree of crystallinity to be assessed. reduction in the rate of spherulite growth in the iso-
SAXS is used to determine lamellar thickness, and tactic polymer.
better results are obtained from solution-grown crystals
5.3.2 T ransmission and scanning electron microscopy
than from melt-crystallized polymers. These techniques
(T EM and SEM). Lauzier et al.140 have examined the
are used with computer modelling to Ðnd out about
structure of PHB granules isolated from bacterial calls
crystal phases, lamellar thickness, degree of crys-
using SEM and identiÐed the outer lamellar crystalline
tallization, as well as rates of crystallization, melting
coating and non-crystalline core. Miyata and
and spherulitic growth.
Masuko141 reported the use of TEM to examine the
Orts et al.131,132 have used SAXS and WAXD and
morphology and structural features of PLLA grown
Scandola et al.133 have used WAXS to study the iso-
from acetonitrile solution by an isothermal crys-
dimorphic systems of PHBV random copolymers. More
tallization technique. Di†raction mode WAXS di†racto-
recently, Gross and co-workers134 have used both
metry and AFM were also used and the packing of the
X-ray di†raction and WAXS to study the crystallization
molecular chains within the crystals was investigated
behaviour of predominantly syndiotactic PHB.
along with the orthorhombic unit cell parameters.
X-ray di†raction studies are often used in conjunction
with other characterization techniques, and Jerome and 5.3.3 Atomic force microscopy (AFM). The surface
co-workers135 have employed SAXS, WAXS, TEM, erosion of biodegradable polymers in aqueous solutions
AFM and PCS to study a stable non-aqueous colloidal has been followed in situ using AFM by Shakesheef et
dispersion formed by poly(caprolactone-co-glycolide) al.,142 showing the versatility of the technique and its
(P(eCL-co-G)) block copolymers in toluene. The poly- ability to achieve resolutions comparable with vacuum-
merization produced “livingÏ polymers, so there was based SEM. This group143 has also achieved sponta-
control on both molecular weight and composition. A neous acquisition of atomic force microscopy and
micelle model was proposed consisting of PG core and surface plasmon resonance data with a combined
a PCL corona, with both constituents semicrystalline. AFM/SPR instrument which can be used to study the
SAXS observations indicated that the core is two con- e†ect of morphology on erosion. This has particular


110 W . Amass, A. Amass, B. T ighe

applications for the degradation of immiscible polymer during melting. The process can be used to identify
blends. A study of the degradation of thin Ðlms of glass transition and melting temperatures (T and T ) ;
g m
poly(sebacic anhydride) (PSA) and P(D,L)LA enabled melting endotherms can be used to calculate enthalpy
dynamic changes in surface morphology during degra- changes (*H ) and show annealing and recrystallization
dation to be related to SPR-recorded kinetics of Ðlm characteristics. The degree of crystallinity of semicrys-
erosion. Three stages in the Ðlm erosion at pH 11 were talline polymers can be assessed by comparison with
demonstrated : initial rapid loss of PSA, slow loss of *H for completely crystalline samples. DSC is fre-
PLA in the Ðnal stage and an extended transition in the quently used to determine the miscibility of polymer
intermediate stage. components when blended, i.e. single-phase morphology
in the melt, as this is characterized by a single glass
5.3.4 Scanning probe microscopy. The use and design of transition of the blend, which varies with composition
these microscopes, for investigating drug delivery and can be measured by DSC or DMTA.
systems, have been reviewed by Shakesheef et al.144 A recent study by Kemnitzer et al.134 looked at crys-
These instruments should provide information about tallization in predominantly syndiotactic, synthetic
the molecular structure of polymeric surfaces, the con- P(3HB) with di†erent degrees of syndiotacticity. After
formation of target molecules, the inÑuence of morphol- melting and annealing, at least one and often two dis-
ogy on biodegradation, the adsorption of proteins onto tinct melting transitions were seen over a broad tem-
synthetic surfaces and the structure and interactions of perature range (often at about 40¡C). This was
colloidal particles. interpreted as evidence of di†erent crystalline regions
with di†erent thermodynamic stabilities. The annealing
5.3.5 Confocal laser-scanning reÑection microscopy
temperature (T ) was related to the crystallization
(CL SM). Semler et al.145 have used CLSM to visualize c
behaviour, with maximum crystallization at T \ 30¡C
and quantify the microtopography of the surface of the c
and partial or complete exclusion of the syndioregular
porous matrix of PLA-co-GA copolymers after degra-
chain segments occurring at T º 45¡C. From the
dation. The surface matrix was reported to change sig- c
dependence of the higher melting transition on T the
niÐcantly during degradation, with increased local c
equilibrium melting temperatures for the di†erent
clustering of textured regions.
samples were obtained. Avrami analysis of syn-PHB
5 .4 X -ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS ) results showed similarities to those obtained for micro-
bial PHB and so a two-dimensional crystal growth
Shakesheef et al.146 have shown that XPS provides a mechanism was proposed.
method of tailoring the surface properties of micro-
particle drug delivery systems so that the polymer 5 .6 Dynamic mechanical testing and analysis
chemistry and fabrication parameters can be related to (DMTA )
the Ðnal surface chemistry of the microparticles. SigniÐ-
cant variations in the surface chemistry of micro- Dynamic mechanical testing involves a torsion pendu-
particles containing the polymers PLA and PLGA and lum in which polymer samples undergo sinusoidal oscil-
the block copolymers PLA-co-PEG and PLGA-co- lations at a Ðxed temperature and known testing
PEG were identiÐed. These variations were related to frequency. The transition behaviour of polymers can be
the mechanism for the microparticle/water interface sta- studied as a function of testing temperature, and infor-
bilization, which is controlled by the interfacial surface mation about changes in tan d (where d is the phase
tensions of the polymers within the aqueous environ- angle or lag for any viscoelastic material) and the shear
ment. Di†erences in the adsorption of a surfactant, e.g. modulus (G ) gives clear evidence of T values (referred
1 g
poly(vinyl alcohol) (PVA), were connected to the com- to as the a-transition). Variations in tan d at tem-
position of the polymer, with PEG copolymers adsorb- peratures below the glass/rubber transition of a polymer
ing less PVA because the PEG segments stabilize the represent other secondary transitions, which can be dif-
polymer/water interface. Ðcult to assign but may be related to phenomena such
Leadley et al.147 have also reported the use of XPS as side chain rotation and co-operative motion of seg-
analysis to correlate the experimental and theoretical ments of the main chain.
chemical composition of the surface of drug delivery ScandolaÏs paper90 presents a clear example of
systems using biodegradable poly(b-malic acid) and its graphical evidence of the linear variation in glass tran-
ester derivatives. sition temperature, measured by DMTA, with composi-
tion of the blends of highly substituted CAP, CAB-1
5 .5 Differential scanning calorimetry (DSC ) and CTB and PHB (for 0È50 wt% PHB). This provides
evidence, based on WoodÏs equation,105 that the blends
DSC is a standard technique for studying thermal are miscible in the melt in these proportions, and as the
behaviour in semicrystalline samples of pure polymers, T s for all these blends are higher than room tem-
copolymers and blends to determine enthalpy changes perature, the blends stay as stable, homogenous glasses.


A review of biodegradable polymers 111

In a previous paper, Celli and Scandola148 relate DSC olysis, HPLC and fast atom bombardment mass spec-
and DMTA results to the aging of PLLA. trometry (FAB-MS). Normalization of the oligomer
peaks provided an estimation of both the copolymer
5 .7 Mechanical testing composition and the monomeric sequence distribution.
It was concluded that statistical copolymers had been
Standard tests for measuring tensile modulus and per- produced.
centage elongation at yield and break are used to char- Wang et al.153 have investigated the in vitro break-
acterize polymers and to study bulk property changes down products associated with the biological hydrolysis
during degradation. of a biomedical polyurethane. UltraÐltration, freeze
Hiljanenvainio et al.149 have synthesized copolymers drying and solid extraction were used to remove protein
of e-CL/L-lactide and e-CL/D,L-lactide with di†erent contamination, and more than 20 degradation products
compositions (80È40 wt%) of e-CL in the monomer were separated using gradient HPLC, optimized using a
feed. The copolymers di†ered widely in their physical photodiode detector, and simultaneously identiÐed
characteristics from weak elastomers to tougher using a tandem mass spectrometer (MS).
thermoplastics. Their properties were compared with A qualitative method for determining the mechanism
those of the homopolymers and the tensile modulus and of hydrolytic scission in biodegradable polymers has
tensile strength were higher for the homopolymers than been developed by Shih.154 The molar fraction of the
for the copolymers. However, the maximum strain, monomer was determined by 1H NMR or HPLC and
which is very low for the pure PLA polymers and high the degree of polymer degradation was also measured
for PCL, also showed large elongation for the copoly- using proton NMR. Experimental data from di†erent
mers. hydrolysis reactions were Ðtted to theoretical curves
Merloz et al.150 have used static and dynamic mecha- and the hydrolysis mechanism was then proposed.
nical testing in vitro for assessing the potential of PLLA Easily hydrolysable polyesters produce few degrada-
for surgical implants. Traction and Ñexion measure- tion products, mainly monomer, dimer, etc., but these
ments were carried out on bars of PLLA in di†erent can be obtained by head space GCÈMS and identiÐed.
environments. StressÈstrain results showed that the bars For the degradation of PE, which cannot be carried out
were fragile but una†ected by sterilization procedures. by hydrolysis, hundreds of products may be obtained
Bars placed in a physiological environment at 37¡C according to the reaction conditions and the use of
became ductile, and after 1 month at this temperature additives, e.g. pro-oxidants and starch. The same ana-
the Young modulus and maximal strain before breaking lytical technique can be used to Ðngerprint the polymer
were reduced by 50% of their original value. and the degradation conditions.155
In a quantitative study of intact ester linkages in
5 .8 High -performance liquid chromatography P(D,L)LA and PLGA, Shih et al.156 have converted the
(HPLC )/gas chromatography (GC ) ester linkages into amides using n-butylamine, in
ambient conditions, and then used gas chromatography
HPLC is used to isolate and analyse mixtures of (GC) to analyse the product mix. The amidation of both
polymer degradation products. The method can be used types of ester bond was found to be quantitative and
to give biodegradation product proÐles and yield con- was complete after 3 h for the glycolate and 8 h for the
centrations for di†erent products, which are required to lactate. The values were within 5% of those obtained by
assess the toxicological nature of the polymers and their 1H NMR.
degradation products. Marcato et al.151 have used the
technique to identify some of the hydrolytic decompo- 5 .9 Other methods of structural analysis
sition products of PaHAs. The hydrolysis of PLLA,
P(D,L)LA, PGA and PLGA was carried out in a The use of several novel methods of analysis has been
stirred, aqueous suspension for 12 h. Peak identiÐcation described in the literature. Holland and Tighe21 and
was carried out by comparison with pure standards and Yasin and co-workers108 report the use of goniophoto-
the optimum shape and separation of the peaks were metry to investigate the surfaces of Ðlms and have found
achieved by preliminary studies on the composition and the technique very sensitive to changes in surface
pH of the mobile phase (ratio (v/v) of acetonitrile/ rugosity. Changes in the relative gloss factor were used
phosphate bu†er was 75 : 25 and pH 5É8). PLLA was to characterize small changes in the roughness of the
found to be quite stable, PGA degraded easily to GA, surface of PHBV (20% HV) Ðlms over a period of 72 h.
whereas P(D,L)LA and PLGA exhibited intermediate Foster and Tighe157 used enzymatic assay of HBA
behaviour, producing not only the monomers but also monomer formation as a measure of the degradation of
dimer, trimers and higher oligomers. P(3HB). This technique has applications for forms of
Microbially produced PHBV with di†erent compo- the polymer e.g. Ðbres and microcapsules, which cannot
sitions was analysed by Nedea et al.152 using NMR be monitored by standard surface or gravimetric
spectroscopy and, after partial methanolysis or ammon- methods. The potential use was demonstrated in the


112 W . Amass, A. Amass, B. T ighe

enzymatic hydrolysis of gel-spun Ðbres of PHB. HBA chain alkanes by the b-oxidation mechanism, which is
dehydrogenase is used to hydrolyse the polymer in the similar to that of fatty acids and alkanes in man and
presence of nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide (NAD). animals, cannot occur enzymatically beyond n-C
This is reduced to NADH and the conversion is associ- because of steric hindrance. The initial step of CwC
ated with an increase in the absorption of light at bond splitting cannot be carried out by any natural
340 nm, which also serves to indicate the concentration enzyme in either the side or main chain.1
of HBA monomer in the sample. LDPE, polystyrene (PS), poly(vinyl chloride) (PVC)
and urea formaldehyde resin (UF) that had been buried
in bioactive soil for over 32 years have been examined
for biotic degradation.162 Only the LDPE showed any
6 BIODEGRADATION CONDITIONS AND signs of this, as the surface in contact with the soil had
TEST PROCEDURES whitened and was severely degraded. The inside of the
LDPE was still transparent and di†ered in its FTIR
The deÐnition of biodegradation given by Albertsson spectrum from the surface. The oxidation products in
and Karlsson1 was quoted at the beginning of this the clear part were carboxylic acids and ketones,
review. These biotic changes must be considered along- whereas the whitened surface showed some carbonyl
side environmental factors which may produce chemical absorbance but increased CxC (double-bond) absorp-
and other abiotic reactions, e.g. oxidation, photo- tion. The usual oxidation mechanism was proposed for
degradation or hydrolysis. the clear regions and a more complex mechanism pos-
tulated for the whitened surface. Under biotic condi-
6 .1 Degradation processes tions the alkoxyl radical scission may proceed through
a c-scission mechanism, a form vinyl groups and vola-
6.1.1 Oxidation. The initial step in the oxidation of tile products, in addition to the b-scission mechanism.
polymer Ðlms may occur without any biodegradative This group has published more recent results on
attack, although both microbes and fungi may acceler- attempts to accelerate the biodegradation of LDPE.163
ate the process. The rate of initial oxidation of polymers UV irradiation was used and several oxidizing agents
is likely to decrease when air is limited, e.g. in the body (biodegradation-inducing agents) were added to the
of landÐll sites (1È2 m below the surface). However, LDPE, which was left in bioactive soil for 12 months. It
certain micro-organisms can utilize oxygen in chemi- was found that UV radiation accelerated the biodegra-
cally bound form (e.g. nitrate, sulphate, carbonate) to dation very e†ectively and that addition of vegetable oil,
biodegrade the polymers in anaerobic conditions. A metal carboxylates (iron stearate) and small amounts of
mechanism for the abiotic oxidation of polyethylene dicumyl peroxide (DCP) also promoted the degradation
(PE) has been proposed using iron ions in anaerobic of LDPE.
conditions.158 A recent paper has also reported that the Weiland et al.164 have investigated the biodegrad-
toxicity of oxygen free radicals is enhanced by iron. It ability of thermally oxidized PE using a wide range of
suggests that the human body can therefore produce biotic conditions, including di†erent bacteria on solid
very toxic hydroxyl radicals, which may be one of the agar, various composting units (varying in temperature,
main causes of degradation in implanted polymeric moisture content or composting medium) and di†erent
devices.159 liquid media. There was some evidence of oxygen
The mechanism for the biodegradation of PE was uptake in the respirometric method using liquid suspen-
presented in 1987,160 involving initial abiotic oxidation. sions of compost micro-organisms and very small con-
Hydroperoxides are introduced into the polymer chain centrations of substrate. Day et al165 have carried out
with a gradual increase in “in-chainÏ keto groups, fol- abiotic and biotic degradation testing on PE-based
lowed by a decrease as short-chain carboxylic acids are Ðlms. The results conÐrmed that they were susceptible
released ; the Ðnal stage involves microbial biodegrada- to abiotic thermal oxidative degradation at 60¡C, and
tion by a b-oxidation mechanism. To elucidate the although this temperature was achieved in the
initial mechanism further, LDPE Ðlms containing bio- laboratory-scale, aerobic composting test, no degrada-
degradable starch and a pro-oxidation formulation were tion was obtained. It was concluded that the test time
inoculated with bacteria or fungi and left in an aqueous was insufficient compared with the induction period
medium at ambient temperatures for 1 year.161 Two necessary for the desired thermal oxidation process.
interactive mechanisms occurred : the water containing LDPE and HDPE Ðlms have been Ðlled with up to
trace elements triggered autoxidation of the pro-oxidant 20% by weight of starch and tested for biodegradation
and, with the synergistic biodegradation of the starch, under a wide range of microbial conditions.166 There is
this initiated the autoxidation of the LDPE, which was evidence of the removal of starch from the di†erent
monitored by chemiluminescence, DSC and CSLM. Ðlms by massive colonization of various organisms, and
There are several reasons why the initial degradation of this is accompanied by a small but signiÐcant drop in
PE has to be abiotic. The biotic degradation of long- the average molecular weight and decrement in mecha-


A review of biodegradable polymers 113

nical strength of the Ðlms. The composting trial, which that fall below both curves, the chain-end bonds are
experienced prolonged severe temperature conditions, more stable than the internal bonds. Shih showed that
produced small but detectable spectroscopic evidence of acid-catalysed hydrolysis of poly(orthoester)s and base
oxidation of the PE matrix. The hydrophobicity of hydrolysis of P(D,L)LA occur by random scission,
polyoleÐns is considered to be an obstacle to microbial whereas the acid-catalysed hydrolysis of PLA involves
attack. The incorporation of surfactant onto PE Ðlms faster chain-end scission.
has been shown in a di†erent study to increase the rate Two controlling mechanisms of polyester breakdown
of biodegradation.167 are recognized either at the surface (homogeneous) or
within the bulk (heterogeneous). The relative contribu-
tions of each depend on the following factors :
6.1.2 E†ect of light and other forms of EMR. Polymers
are susceptible to electromagnetic radiation, with both (1) the nature of the polymer or copolymer
c-irradiation and light having an adverse e†ect on (including their hydrophobicity/hydrophilicity,
polymer properties ; e.g. poly(a-ester)s show reduced molecular weight and glass transition
molecular weight. Photo-oxidation has a profound temperature) and the nature of additives, e.g.
e†ect on the biodegradability of certain polymers. PE other polymers, plasticizers, Ðllers ;
without photo-oxidation has been shown to degrade by (2) the degree of crystallinity of the polymer and the
only 0É2% over a 10 year period, but with 42 days prior morphology/miscibility of any other com-
oxidation a 2% weight loss was obtained after soil incu- ponents ;
bation for a similar time period.1 Research has recently (3) degradation products of degradable polymers ;
been presented on the use of a photodegradable coating (4) the degradation environment.
on polymeric materials.168 Three polymeric materials
Hydrolysis of poly(a-ester)s. In vitro systems, in which
were prepared : starch/PE blend, photoactivator/starch/
abiotic hydrolytic processes are studied, are usually
PE blend and photo/activator/starch/PE coated in
based on physiological conditions, i.e. iso-osmolar
gelatin. The results suggested that a more powerful
phosphate bu†er at pH 7É4 and 37¡C, whereas micro-
photo-oxidizer would introduce control into the initial
bial systems are more varied both in the conditions and
degradation. The gelatin coating (which contained
the nature of the inoculum. Data for the rate of hydro-
iron(III) salts) extended the induction period, but after it
lysis of di†erent biodegradable polyesters under physio-
had degraded, there was accelerated photo-oxidation.
logical conditions were given in Table 3. Poly(a-ester)s
As c-radiation is a means of sterilization, it is an
(PLA, PGA, etc.) hydrolyse much more rapidly than
important consideration particularly in biomedical uses
PHAs and by an almost abiotic bulk hydrolysis mecha-
of these polymers. However, Collett et al.169 have
nism because of their more hydrophilic character. The
reported a method of minimizing the e†ects by careful
rate of abiotic hydrolysis is mainly controlled by their
reduction of the oxygen pressure during c-irradiation.
molecular weight, although it has been reported171 that
Mitomo et al.170 have reported more recently on the
the rate of any enzyme hydrolyse of poly(a-ester)s is
e†ects of c-radiation on PHB and PHBV in air or a
principally determined by crystallinity.
vacuum. They found that polymer scission and cross-
A two-stage hydrolysis mechanism for poly(a-ester)s
linking occurred. The samples irradiated in air showed
was established in the early 1980s by Chu172 using in
greater relative decrease in T , T and number-average
m g vitro studies ; di†usion of water into the amorphous
molecular weight, with less crosslinking. It was found
regions of the polymer occurs, producing random
possible to radiation graft both PHB and PHBV with
hydrolytic scission at the susceptible ester linkage.
MMA and hydroxyethyl methacrylate (HEMA).
When most of the amorphous regions have been
eroded, the second stage commences, as hydrolysis of
6.1.3 Hydrolysis. Chemical and microbial hydrolysis the crystalline regions, so during the Ðrst stage there is a
mechanisms are the most important biodegradation characteristic increase in the percentage crystallinity of
reactions involving polyesters. ShihÏs graphical method the polymer. The rate of hydrolysis of PLLA has been
for the determination of the mode of hydrolysis of bio- shown to be modiÐed by using blends of monodisperse
degradable polymers has already been mentioned154 PLLA (M 7600 and 82 500). In physiological condi-
and is just one mathematical treatment used to help tions for 28 days the rate of release of lactic acid was
determine the mechanism of hydrolysis. The method shown to increase with the percentage of low-
requires the determination of the mole fraction of the molecular-weight PLLA in the blend.173 The rate of
monomer (m ) by 1H NMR or HPLC and the degree of hydrolysis of blends of amorphous P(D,L)LA (a-PLA)
polymerization (a) by 1H NMR. Kuhn predicted that if and isotactic crystalline PDLA or PLLA (c-PLA) as
completely random scission of backbone bonds occurs, solvent-cast Ðlms was studied in the same in vitro condi-
m \ a2, and if exclusive chain-end unzipping occurs, tions. The mass of blend Ðlms remaining after 20
m \ a. If the data fall between the two curves, chain- months was greater for Ðlms with a higher percentage of
end scission is faster than random scission, and for data c-PLA initially. The tensile properties remained


114 W . Amass, A. Amass, B. T ighe

unchanged in the initial period of hydrolysis but then at the surface and that the rate of degradation increased
decreased rapidly, although the tensile strength was with high LLA content (92% optimum) and a high per-
retained longer in blends with higher amounts of a- centage of amorphous domains. There was little change
PLA.174 in molecular weight over the period of the investigation.
A recent investigation175 looked at the e†ect of Torres et al.179 have used a Ðlamentous fungus
dimensions on the degradation rate of P(D,L)LA (Fusarium moniforme) and a bacterium (Pseudomonas
material. Compression-moulded plates, millimetric putida) to study the enzymatic degradation of lactide
beads, microspheres and cast Ðlms were fabricated from oligomers and dimers and lactic acid monomers with
the same batch of polymer and allowed to age in iso- di†erent stereostructure in liquid cultures using HPLC.
osmolar phosphate bu†er at pH 7É4 and 37¡C. It had The micro-organisms totally used the oligomers regard-
previously been recognized that large PLA devices less of enantiomeric composition, although the L-dimer
degrade faster than smaller ones and this was related to was consumed rapidly. The fungus was faster acting
the di†usion mechanism, in which the outer layer of than the bacterium, and the racemic oligomers were
material degrades less rapidly than the bulk internal slowly assimilated but the higher L-oligomers were bio-
polymer. In this study it was found that the plates and stable ; the crystallinity of these latter species was
beads degraded more rapidly, with bulk disintegration, thought to be the cause.
compared with the slower, surface only, hydrolysis of Hydrolysis of water-soluble polyethers. The microbial
the Ðlms or microspheres. Park reported176 that the in aspects of the degradation of PEO have been studied by
vitro degradation behaviour of a wide range of PLGA Otal et al.180 using a model, integrated, wet air
copolymers was investigated for up to 53 days. It was oxidation/aerobic wastewater treatment. The partial
found that amorphous PLGA showed transient multi- wet air oxidation was found capable of converting the
ple crystallization behaviour of D- or L-lactic acid oligo- original polymers (M 10 000) into lower-molecular-
mers during degradation, indicating preferential weight compounds (oligomers and short-chain acids),
hydrolytic scission of D- or L-lactic acid to GA linkages and subsequent treatment with wastewater achieved an
or of GA to GA linkages. DSC reveals two distinct T s 80% total organic carbon (TOC) removal rate com-
when the crystallization occurs as these transient pared with almost no removal of the polymer using 0É5
domains are produced. day residence time with just the biological treatment.
The degradation rate of solution-cast Ðlms of PLA After a 4 day residence time, 60%È70% TOC removal
was studied at 37¡C in NaOH solution to give acceler- was recorded with no pretreatment and [90% TOC
ated hydrolysis.177 Four di†erent PLLA Ðlms with dif- removal was achieved with the integrated wet air oxida-
ferent morphologies and molecular weights (3É0 tion step. Kawai181 has also commented on the micro-
] 105 \ M \ 3É0 ] 106) were tested and SEM bial degradation of water-soluble polymers (e.g. PEO)
revealed swelling particularly of the spherulites, which as a combination of oxidation and hydrolysis. In both
are then eroded from the centre. The highly amorphous these studies the e†ect of increased molecular weight of
Ðlms became more crystalline as degradation proceeded the PEO on the reduction in the rate of hydrolysis was
and the reduction in transparency measured at 570 nm, noted. Penco et al.182 have studied the degradation of
using a spectrophotometer was ascribed to increased multiblock PLGA and PEG copolymers using physio-
spherulite density. logical conditions and found that the solubility of the
The hydrolytic degradation of PEG/PLLA block block copolymers and the degradation rate increased
copolymers (1000 \ M \ 6000) has shown that ini- with increasing length of the PEG segment ; this is pre-
tially there is preferential scission of the ester linkage sumably connected with the subsequent ease of hydro-
between the PEG and PLLA blocks.178 GPC analysis lysis of the PLGA segments.
of the molecular weight characteristics of the copoly- Hydrolysis of poly(e-caprolactone). The biodegrada-
mers showed the formation of bimodal material and tion of poly(e-caprolactone) (PCL) using soil burial,
there is NMR and FTIR evidence, in the Ðrst 200 h, of activated sludge tests183 and composting184 is reported
the formation of wOH-ended PEG blocks and to produce loss of mechanical properties and rapid
wCOOH-ended PLA. weight loss.183 A bulk random chain scission mecha-
The factors that control the enzyme hydrolysis of nism has been proposed, but other workers185 have
poly(a-ester)s have only recently been investigated. produced evidence that mixed micro-organisms from
McCarthy and co-workers171 have investigated the industrial compost of household refuse initiate the deg-
e†ects of the stereoisomeric content of PLA on the rate radation by chain-end scission. Abiotic hydrolysis
of degradation of solvent-cast Ðlms incubated with pro- occurs more slowly because of the hydrophobicity of
teinase K. Surface changes in the Ðlm and weight loss the polymer and in this way it is similar to PHB.
were investigated and changes were found in both. The Koenig and Huang186 have investigated the use of
main controlling factor was the degree of crystallinity in crosslinked PCL and solution-cast PHBV (12% HV) as
the samples, although high mol% LLA was also impor- biodegradable hydrophobic coating materials for
tant. It was concluded that initial degradation occurred hydrophilic substrates (Ðlter paper, Mater-Bi} (a corn


A review of biodegradable polymers 115

starch/vegetable seed oil thermoplastic) and a PCL/ Mino et al.191 have studied the biodegradation of
starch blend). The PCL was a better water barrier than starch under anaerobic, anoxic and aerobic conditions
the PHBV for the paper at 23¡C but acted as a semiper- as a model organic substrate using an analytical
meable membrane with the other substrates and method based on starchÈiodine complex formation. The
increased the water absorption over untreated samples ; tests show the range of bacterial media that will degrade
also, the low melting point of PCL (60¡C) was an addi- the polysaccharide from pure a-amylase enzymatic deg-
tional problem. radation to hydrolysis by the complex mixture of inocu-
Hydrolysis of cellulose derivatives and starch. The lum found in activated sludge. This was found to follow
e†ect of the esteriÐcation of cellulose on its biodegrada- surface-limited adsorption kinetics as it was indepen-
tion has been mentioned and the production of a biode- dent of the biomass concentration. An in vitro study192
gradable form of cellulose has been approached by of the biodegradation of starch-based materials was
looking at the e†ect of substituent distribution in cellu- carried out using excess Bacillus licheniformis a-amylase
lose esters.187 A range of acyl substituents were and Aspergillus niger gluco-amylase at 37 and 80¡C and
attached to the cellulose and DS between 0É1 and 3 was there was preliminary evidence of biodegradation from
assayed. It was found that the rate of cellulolytic weight loss, but the complexity of the materials tested
enzyme degradation decreased with increased DS and did not allow the extent of biodegradation to be accu-
with increase in the number of carbons in the side rately assessed.
chain. 75%È80% of the maximum rate of biodegrada- Studies of starch/PCL systems have shown that
tion was reached within approximately 7 days of incu- blends using high-amylose corn starch are the strongest,
bation. The maximum degree of acylation which (a) as the small size of the starch granules produces good
could be tolerated before the polymer became unde- dispersion in the PCL matrix, but, like PHBV
gradable or (b) resulted in more than 10% weight loss (11É6 mol% HV)/starch blends, they are phase separat-
was related to ester type and varied from DS 0É5 to 1É0. ed.193 The biodegradation of starch/PCL systems has
Gardner and co-workers188,189 and Gross et al.190 been studied194 in a variety of biotic and abiotic condi-
have investigated the biodegradation of CA Ðlms in tions. The rate of biodegradation of the blend in
bench-scale composting medium (at 53¡C and 60% compost was found to increase in the presence of starch.
moisture content). Based on the disintegration of the Hydrolysis of poly(3-hydroxyalkanoate)s. PHAs
Ðlms and weight loss, they concluded that CAs with undergo quite rapid enzymatic hydrolysis in soil,
DS \ 2É20 decomposed in compost at similar rates to sewage sludge and seawater especially in the presence of
PHBV and PCL Ðlms and were found to totally disap- extracellular P(3HB) depolymerases, but the polymers
pear after 14 days. There was NMR and GPC evidence are hydrophobic and abiotic hydrolysis is relatively
of the preferential removal of low-molecular-weight slow. It has been shown195 that surface area and thick-
fractions of CAs, leaving the more highly substituted ness of Ðlm have little e†ect on the rate of biodegrada-
material.188 Little weight loss was observed using tion of PHB or PHBV. The major factor controlling the
abiotic conditions with similar temperature and mois- microbial hydrolysis rate of the PHB or PHBV is the
ture conditions. The nature of the composting formula- degree of crystallinity.
tion was investigated and found to have little e†ect in The enzymatic degradation of PHB, both intra- and
Ðve out of the seven types tested. However, moisture extracellular, has been extensively investigated and
content had a signiÐcant e†ect and a reduction from Hocking and Marchessault13 and Doi80 have reviewed
60% to 40% resulted in changes in the complete the role of extracellular P(3HB) depolymerases, which
polymer degradation time of CA (DS 1É7) from 6 to 30 were found to degrade PHB by di†erent mechanisms
days. CA (DS 2É06) and triethylcitrate (TEC) were ther- according to their bacterial source. Saito and co-
mally compounded189 and fabricated as both workers196 showed that Pseudomonas lemoignei depoly-
compression-moulded Ðlms and injection-moulded bars. merase could be separated into four separate enzymes :
The former degraded rapidly using the compost and the A pair and the B pair. The B pair produced a higher
10%È12% weight loss was recorded for the bars. Misci- percentage of trimer during degradation and the Ðnal
ble blends of cellulose acetate propionate (CAP) and product ratio of monomer to dimer was higher than for
both poly(ethylene glutarate) (PEG) and poly(tetra- the A enzymes (0É75 compared with 0É2 for the A pair).
methylene glutarate) (PTG) were prepared and com- All the enzymes speciÐcally hydrolyse the polymer and
posted. The nature of the polyester was found to have oligoesters of D([)3-hydroxybutyrate but show no
no e†ect on the rate of degradation, but the ratio of activity towards the dimer and have an affinity for the
CAP to polyester and the DS of CAP both a†ected the hydroxyl rather than the carboxyl end of the oligomers.
degradation. When the DS of the CAP was high, almost Cleavage occurs at every second or third ester bond
all the weight loss was from the polyester, but for blends from the hydroxyl end by these exoenzymes. However,
with DS of CAP \2É0 both components degraded. The Pseudomonas lemoignei also produces intracellular
rate of degradation increased as the wt% of polyester in D([)3HB dimer hydrolase and this can absorb the
the blend increased. dimer, hydrolyse it and then oxidize it into acetoacetate,


116 W . Amass, A. Amass, B. T ighe

which leads to its ultimate biodegradation via acetyl- exoenzymes in the degradation of PHB, explaining the
CoA and the citric acid cycle. fast rate of degradation. Doi has shown that PHB
A strain of Alcalignes faecalis isolated from active degrades faster enzymatically than PHBV and Albertss-
sewage sludge has been found to excrete an e†ective on has produced ATRÈFTIR spectral evidence of struc-
P(3HB) depolymerase (optimum pH 7É5) and an extra- tural changes in the surface layer of polymer during
cellular D([)3HB dimer hydrolase when grown in a microbial degradation, which indicated that the PHB
medium with PHB as its only carbon source. The units were more easily degraded than the PHV and this
mechanism of the depolymerase enzymeÏs activity has increased the abundance of the latter in the surface
been described as an endo-type hydrolase, with the layer.
second ester linkage from the wOH end being particu- The abiotic rate of hydrolysis of microbial polyesters
larly susceptible to hydrolysis. It has been shown197 in physiological conditions is slower than the enzymatic
that as well as its catalytic site the enzyme has a hydro- rate under similar conditions by a factor of two or
phobic site, which is not essential for the hydrolysis of three. Using phosphate bu†er (pH 7É4) and tem-
water-soluble oligomers but is necessary for the hydro- peratures ranging from 37 to 70¡C, Doi80 found that
lysis of hydrophobic substrates. The extracellular P(3HB), PHBV (68% HV), P(3HB-co-9% 4HB) and
D([)3HB dimer hydrolase excreted was found to be P(3HB-co-16% 4HB) showed no weight loss after 180
capable of hydrolysing the DD dimer and has some days at 37¡C, although after a characteristic induction
activity towards the LD and DL dimers, but not the LL period, molecular weight loss was observed. The induc-
dimer. tion period varied from 80 days for PHB and PHBV to
The rate of enzymatic hydrolysis of copolymers of only 20 days for the P(3HB-co-4HB) copolymers and it
PHAs was studied by Doi et al.198 using the puriÐed was postulated that this may be the time for the water
depolymerase from A. faecalis in a phosphate bu†er (pH to permeate the polymer matrix. The molecular weight
7É4) at 37¡C. The rate of erosion was measured by loss for the P(3HB-co-4HB) copolymers was also
weight loss and found to be strongly dependent on the greater than for the others and increased with mol%
copolymer composition, with copolymers containing C 4HB.
to C in the basic 3HA unit showing no hydrolysis. Accelerated hydrolysis at elevated temperatures was
However, the copolymers P(3HB-co-4HB) 10È17 mol% investigated by Doi80 (55 and 70¡C) and Albertsson and
4HB) showed accelerated hydrolysis under these condi- co-workers199 (at 60¡C for 347 days) and found to
tions. There was no correlation between the crystallinity involve a homogeneous process in two stages. There
or molecular weight of the microbial Ðlms and the rate was no induction period above 60¡C and the initial
of hydrolysis. This latter point supports the endo-type random scission of the ester groups occurs throughout
hydrolase mechanism, as the M value of the Ðlms the polymer (amorphous and crystalline regions), which
remains almost unchanged during the degradation, indi- leads to a decrease in molecular weight but little change
cating that P(3HB) depolymerase hydrolyses only the in the polydispersity and almost no bulk mass loss.
surface layer of polymer chains and polymer erosion Albertsson used DSC changes to investigate further the
occurs by surface dissolution. There is SEM evidence of multiple melting behaviour of PHBV during initial
surface erosion and no bulk hydrolysis is thought to random scission hydrolysis in sterile water. When
occur. molecular weight values have decreased to about
Albertsson and co-workers199 have established a 13 00080 and 8000È9000 (after 200 days),199 the second
series of biotic and abiotic test conditions to investigate stage occurs involving weight loss ; the polydispersity
the biodegradation of P(3HB-co-6% 3HV) copolymer rapidly increases to a value of 4 and then remains con-
Ðlms. Microbial degradation was investigated, with the stant.
Ðlms as the main carbon source, (a) in a stirred, The kinetics during the second stage indicated a
complex aqueous, mineral medium inoculated with change to non-random chain scission and, based on
Aspergillus fumigatus at pH 5É5 and 25¡C, (b) in a sterile data of Knowles and Hastings202 on the e†ect of pH on
control of this mineral medium and (c) in a composting hydrolysis, it was found that after 200 days the pH had
facility, which could be turned and consisted of typical fallen from 7 to 3 because of hydroxy acid production.
garden waste, with a maximum internal recorded tem- 1H NMR evidence showed that the mol% of HV in the
perature of 64¡C and approximately 60 wt% moisture polymer had decreased from its initial value and it was
content. inferred from this that the Ðnal stage of the abiotic
Microbial degradation produced SEM evidence of hydrolysis favours hydrolysis of HV units. Doi found
rapid surface degradation, also observed by Doi et that P(3HB-co-4HB) copolymers again show more
al.198 and explained by Nobes et al.200 as a splintering rapid hydrolysis in abiotic conditions compared with
phenomenon. This was also seen in single-crystal degra- P3HB and PHBV copolymers.
dation by a chain-end mechanism, causing no decrease In AlbertssonÏs study there were irregular changes in
in average molecular weight. Hocking et al.201 have the average molecular weight of the Ðlms in compost
now proposed that A. fumigatus uses both endo- and but there was no general trend. The results were in


A review of biodegradable polymers 117

general agreement with those of Margaert et al.,203 who ently biodegradable cannot be assumed to rep-
observed no decrease in the average molecular weight in resent rapid and reliable biodegradation in a
a compost over 150 days at temperatures ranging from natural environment.
7 to 32¡C and concluded that the degradation was 3. The third tier is a range of protocols designed to
microbial. A study at slightly higher temperatures (28È simulate repeated exposure of the material to a
40¡C) has produced both abiotic molecular weight loss disposal route, e.g. sewage treatment, composting,
and biotic mass loss. The variations in the nature of the The tests have to be long-term and require
compost, its water content and temperature make it dif- careful validation and justiÐcation, so they are
Ðcult to generalize about the mechanism involved. The expensive.
polymer Ðlm in the study by Albertsson became brittle
in sterile water and in compost, indicating some abiotic
hydrolysis, and Gilmore et al.204 noted the same The degradation tests must incorporate realistic
increased brittleness during composting studies on environmental disposal conditions which are either ter-
PHBV. restrial (landÐll, soil, composting) or aqueous
There have been several studies on the biodegrada- (groundwater, marine, waterways, sewage or sediment).
tion of PHB with di†erent stereoisomer composition The development of some tests is quite advanced, but
and di†erent tacticity.205,206 The factors that control the standardization of other tests, e.g. composting, with
the rate of biodegradation of chemically synthesized variation in both composition and conditions, is very
PHB stereoisomers are the nature of the micro- difficult. Five screening test protocols have been
organism, the morphology of the polymer, the tacticity accepted by the EC and EPA and are described in the
of the polymer and its stereostructure. OECD guidelines, but two involve measurement of dis-
solved organic carbon (DOC), which cannot be used for
biodegradable. The three appropriate tests for biode-
6 .2 Biodegradation testing
gradable polymers are the modiÐed Sturm test, the
modiÐed MITI test are the closed bottle test (OECD
6.2.1 T est methods. Testing chemicals for their biode-
301B, C, D). They are all aquatic, aerobic tests and the
gradability has been carried out for over 30 years,
test substance provides the sole carbon source and is
although the development of scientiÐcally acceptable
exposed to a low level of inoculum for 28 days with
methodologies in the Ðeld of polymers and plastics is
stirring. The evolved CO or consumed O is deter-
still inadequate. Current standard test procedures either 2 2
mined and calculations based on the total carbon
describe biodegradability inadequately or fail to provide
content of the polymer are used to Ðnd the percentage
meaningful practical data which can be used to make
degradation. The criterion for a polymer to be readily
environmental assessments.
biodegradable is to achieve 60% of the total theoretical
DeÐnitions of biodegradability which specify 100%
oxygen demand (TOD) within 28 days and this should
biodegradability are impracticable, but standards
be reached within 10 days of the biodegradation reach-
authorities have produced deÐnitions, e.g. ISO
ing 10% TOD.
472 :1988, ASTM (D20.96 proposal) and DIN103.2,
The next tier of testing involves inherent biodegrad-
which are all quoted by Seal.207 These deÐnitions, along
ability and there are four test protocols recommended,
with that given at the start of this review, are pragmatic
which do not have pass/fail criteria, but at least 20%
as they concentrate on the biodegradation of the plastic
biodegradation within the 28 days suggested exposure
material without assessment of its ultimate fate and
time is recommended by the OECD. They are the modi-
with no attempt at classiÐcation in terms of rate of bio-
Ðed SCAS (semi-continuous activated sludge) test, the
modiÐed ZahnÈWellens test, the modiÐed MITI test
A tiered approach is needed to assess chemicals for
and inherent biodegradability in the soil (OECD 302A,
their e†ect on and fate in the environment and this has
B, C and 304A). They allow for greater Ñexibility in
applications whether they are biodegradation or not.
exposure time, acclimatization procedures and micro-
Tier testing for biodegradable polymers can be rep-
bial selection. Seal207 has comprehensively reviewed
resented as follows.
these di†erent test methods, the test parameters and the
1. The Ðrst tier is short-term screening under strin- criteria for the pass level. He has also summarized the
gent conditions in a controlled laboratory standards for resistance testing of plastics and the test
environment. Chemicals which biodegrade under strains of fungi and bacteria used in these tests. The
these conditions, with limited time for acclima- degree of sophistication in measuring the degradation
tization, are described as readily biodegradable. varies from visual examination of surface growth of
2. The second tier involves prolonged exposure to a fungi or bacteria and material weight loss to testing of
natural inoculum of micro-organisms. Favour- mechanical properties.
able test conditions, including an acclimatization Itavaara and Vikman208 have also given an overview
period, are included, so the classiÐcation inher- of methods of biodegradability testing used at the Tech-


118 W . Amass, A. Amass, B. T ighe

nical Research Centre of Finland (VTT) for testing solid information about the inherent biodegradability of
polymers and packaging materials. Aquatic screening polymers, but the rate of degradation and the ultimate
tests include an automated, aerobic Sturm test (OECD fate of polymers in environmental conditions must be
301B ; ASTM D5209), the VTT head space test and an determined using realistic tests.
anaerobic test (ASTM D5210). Also reviewed are di†er- Urstadt et al.214 have shown that calculating the
ent composting systems and, in a later paper,209 degree of biodegradation of PHB in a mixed culture
improvements in the VTT head space test for insoluble compost could not be done accurately using CO
polymers are outlined, including the method of deter- release alone. However, establishing carbon balances
mining the CO distribution between the gas and liquid has the potential to be more accurate, with di†erent
phases. analytical methods being adopted to determine the
A screening and long-term test procedure has been carbon fraction in particular test conditions. Quantitat-
proposed by Puechner et al.210 Aerobic and anaerobic ive determination of biomass was assessed theoretically
aquatic and soil screening was carried out using carbon and practically from the protein content and by selec-
balances to evaluate the biodegradation of PHB, tive oxidation with hypochlorite. Limitations in the
PHBV, PCL and other manufactured biodegradable methods were recognized ; but reasonable assays were
polymers. However, polymers that were not fully achieved within acceptable standard deviation range.
degraded were then tested in an aquarium system for 1 Protein assay was the basis of another study of the
year, monitoring biodegradation by a variety of carbon content of biomass by Spitzer et al.215 The
methods, including DOC release into the water, mass Lowry method was used and this showed that the ratio
loss and SEM. of protein to carbon content is not constant but
Margaert et al.211 have looked at the biodegradation depends on the composition of the microbial popu-
of PHB and PHBV (10 and 20 mol% HV) copolymers lation, the growth phase and the substrate supply.
in natural waters. After 358 days in a freshwater canal Correlation of the absorbance with carbon content
the mass loss was 34% for PHB, 77% for PHBV (10% obtained during the Lowry test was used to estimate
HV) and the other copolymer completely disintegrated. biomass/carbon content dependence during biodegrada-
In seawater after 270 days the PHB lost 31% and the tion by a mixed population of micro-organisms, and
copolymers 49%È52% of their initial mass. Tem- calibration curves were obtained.
perature had an e†ect, as mass loss was greater in the The problem of quantifying biodegradation has also
summer. Degradation reduced the tensile properties of been approached in other ways. David et al.216 investi-
the copolymer samples, but no relevant changes in the gated a manometric method of measuring oxygen con-
molecular weight were observed indicating surface sumption during biodegradation using various inocula
erosion. Over 90 micro-organisms were isolated and ranging from a single bacterium to complex mixtures of
identiÐed from the polymer surfaces. Mayer et al.212 micro-organisms in compost and sewage sludge. Pagga
have also investigated the biodegradation of polymeric et al.217 in Germany and Gross and co-workers218 in
Ðlms in marine and soil environments. They have devel- the US have produced laboratory-controlled com-
oped standardized accelerated test methods and quanti- posting facilities which have the potential to become
Ðed the degradation using weight loss/surface area standard test facilities. Gross and co-workers have
measurements. A range of unblended polymers were simulated municipal solid waste compost at a constant
tested, but the increased complexity of testing blends temperature of 55¡C and 54% moisture content. It was
was recognized, in which leaching of plasticizers and proposed that the e†ect of acclimatization time and
other factors can a†ect the results. exposure time should be studied, as well as the rate of
biodegradation of PHBV (20 mol% HV) and PHB
samples at various points in the composting cycle. Some
6.2.2 Recent developments in composting test methods. PHBV samples were exposed for 18 days continuously
The biodegradation of polymeric materials and the and weight loss was recorded every 3 days. Other
implications of this factor in the management of solid samples were exposed to the compost for only 3 days
waste have been discussed. The standardization of com- but at di†erent times in the composting cycle. The cycle
posting tests and the correlation between biodegrada- was found to have three stages, with the maximum rate
tion behaviour in miniaturized, laboratory-based of degradation occurring between the 10th and 15th
composting facilities and that observed in actual com- day. The continuously exposed samples degraded most
posting conditions are problems that have to be and PHBV samples degraded more than pure PHB.
addressed. Very recently, Itavaara et al.219 have proposed a
Pettigrew et al.213 have compared a tiered testing method of using steel frames to test the biodegradation
strategy for assessing the compostability of PCL of polymer packaging materials in windrow compost.
(OECD 301B and ASTM D5338 test methods) with rea- The polylactide- and Biopol-coated cardboard samples
listic composting of 14C-PCL. These tests conÐrmed completely degraded and there was no toxicity intro-
that screening-level biodegradation tests can provide duced into the compost.


A review of biodegradable polymers 119

6.2.3 Biocompatibility and toxicity screening for biode- cling of materials and energy recovery are obvi-
gradable polymers. The biocompatibility of any macro- ously primary strategies for reducing plastic
molecules that are used as implants or as drug delivery waste, but the use of biodegradable polymers
systems involves cytotoxicity testing using appropriate also has some advantages.
extraction protocols, which help to establish the pres- 2. Renewable sources of polymeric materials and
ence of potential “leachablesÏ that are capable of indu- synthetic biodegradable polymers may provide
cing a measurable degree of systematic toxicity, ecologically attractive technologies, but even in
localized tissue irritation sensitization or other bio- countries that are at the forefront of green tech-
logical response. Tissue culture testing is a rapid, eco- nology it is only as components of packaging
nomical, in vitro approach to biocompatibility testing, and as natural Ðbre composites that these
but because of its sensitivity it should always be used in materials are currently viable in terms of price
conjunction with in vivo studies. Holland and Tighe21 and performance. The main constraint on the
have compared two approaches to cytocompatibility use of biodegradable polymers for bulk pack-
testing : the semiquantitative agar overlay test and the aging is the di†erence in the price of these poly-
quantitative cell growth inhibition test. Chaput et al.220 mers compared with that of bulk-produced,
have used in vitro direct contact and agar overlay cell oil-based plastics. The current cost of Biopol} is
cultures of mouse Ðbroplasts to test PHBV Ðlms and approximately £8000 per tonne, compared with
extracts in di†erent media. Direct contact cultures with the current UK prices of commodity polymers
the Ðlms produced mild cell reactions and lyses, and of between £500 per tonne (PVC and PP) and
agar overlay cultures did not give any signiÐcant cell £600 per tonne (HDPE and high-impact PS).
death or changes. Recently, Dang et al.221,222 have Current low oil prices, increased recycling
carried out toxicity screening tests on biodegradable capacity and improved technologies for the
polymers (CA, Biopol, PCL and others) using standard separation of plastics and their reuse make the
in vitro animal cell culture tests. Phase contrast light use of biodegradable polymers for most pack-
microscopy enhanced by neutral red staining was used aging requirements uneconomic.
to provide qualitative evaluation of cell morphology 3. Polymeric materials and blends that are bio-
and lysis. The method was shown to be more sensitive compatible and biodegradable have obvious
and accurate than other comparable tests. beneÐts as packaging materials for phar-
Saad et al.223 have studied the biocompatibility of maceutical products, drugs and would dressings.
multiblock copolyesters. Cell adhesion, cell growth and The physicomechanical properties plus the gas
cell activities of macrophages and Ðbroblasts cultured and liquid barrier properties of these materials
on the newly developed degradable copolymers were are obviously important, as is a knowledge of
studied to establish whether the latter were suitable for the conditions and rate of biodegradation. If
biomedical applications. Their biocompatibility was processable biodegradable pure materials or
established by subcutaneous implantation of the blends can be manufactured, the economic
polymer foil into rats and their tissue compatibility and imbalance may be less for specialist packaging
biodegradability were also demonstrated. It is beyond applications.
the scope of this review to give more than an indication 4. The production of biodegradable polymers with
of the range of toxicity and biocompatibility studies the necessary controlled structure (e.g. monomer
that need to be carried out on polymers for biomedical sequence, tacticity, chirality) to match enzyme
applications. speciÐcity in degradation reactions in di†erent
microbial environments is not possible with cur-
rently available techniques for chemical synthe-
sis. However, some progress has been made in
the synthesis of block copolymers with con-
The thorough literature search that has been carried
trolled molecular weight and tacticity. There is
out has made it possible to draw a number of conclu-
therefore potential to make materials with
improved physicomechanical properties and
1. The use of plastics in packaging and the waste varied degradation proÐles.
produced have had considerable environmental 5. The degradation of poly(a-ester)s is mainly by
impact because of the low density and hence abiotic hydrolysis, but although the use of poly-
large amount of most commodity polymers. mers with di†erent molecular weight and tac-
However, the removal of plastics from pack- ticity has varied the biodegradation rates of
aging is not a viable option, as there would be a these materials, the range is still quite limited.
dramatic increase in terms of weight and volume PHAs have the most potential, as although their
using non-plastic packaging and the additional rate of abiotic hydrolysis is relatively slow,
energy consumption would be prohibitive. Recy- microbial hydrolysis is more rapid and can be


120 W . Amass, A. Amass, B. T ighe

manipulated by variations in processing tech- rates than the unblended biodegradable

niques, molecular weight of the polymer, copoly- homopolymer(s).
mer composition and blending. 8. The development of two- and three-component
6. Pharmaceutical uses of biodegradable polymers blends represents an area of considerable inter-
are well established, e.g. resorbable sutures, hard est. The use of natural polymers and biodegrad-
and soft tissue implants and controlled drug able polyesters has been studied by several
delivery systems, mainly because the unique groups, but there is still considerable potential,
properties of the materials override the costs especially if compatible blends can be made
involved. Drug release systems incorporate the using materials with relatively low glass tran-
active substance into a polymer matrix which is sition temperatures. The use of low-molecular-
implanted into the patient. A di†usion mecha- weight plasticizers and photoactive materials in
nism produces maintained drug release followed tertiary blends of biodegradable and non-
by bulk hydrolysis of the polymer, which is ideal biodegradable, synthetic and natural polymers is
for the delivery of relatively small drug mol- another potential Ðeld of study.
ecules. However, modern techniques require the 9. Pragmatic deÐnitions of biodegradation concen-
incorporation of drugs which vary in nature and trate on the degradation of the plastic material
molecular size and a di†usion mechanism is too without assessment of its ultimate fate and with
slow for the release of large molecules, so an no attempt at classiÐcation in terms of rate.
erosion release mechanism must be used. The Standards authorities have produced deÐnitions,
range of degradation proÐles available is limited e.g. ISO 472 :1988, ASTM (D20.96 proposal) and
in terms of both degradation time and character. DIN103.2. Tier testing for biodegradable poly-
The balance between abiotic and biotic degrada- mers can represent a method of classifying poly-
tion, both in vivo and in vitro, is not fully under- mers, and readily biodegradable, inherently
stood, even for the most studied biodegradable biodegradable and a third tier have been identi-
polymers, namely poly(a-ester)s and Ðed.
poly(hydroxyalkanoate)s. More pure or blended 10. Many current standard test procedures for bio-
materials with surface erosion characteristics are degradable polymers either describe biodegrad-
required for drug delivery. ability inadequately or fail to provide
7. The blending of biodegradable polymers is a meaningful practical data which can be used to
method of reducing the overall cost of the make environmental assessments. The degrada-
material and o†ers a method of modifying both tion tests must incorporate realistic environ-
the properties and the degradation rates of the mental disposal conditions which are either
materials. Miscibility is usually characterized by terrestrial (landÐll, soil, composting) or aqueous
a single glass transition in the blend, which (groundwater, marine, waterways, sewage or
varies with composition and can be measured sediment). The development of some tests is
by mechanical or thermal testing. The advan- quite advanced, but the standardization of other
tages of producing miscible blends include tests, e.g. composting, with variation in both
single-phase morphology in the melt and repro- composition and conditions, is very difficult.
ducible mechanical properties. However, The development of a laboratory-scale com-
forming a miscible blend, particularly with a posting facility would provide valuable informa-
non-biodegradable polymer, can reduce or even tion about the optimum conditions needed for
inhibit the degradation of the biodegradable large-scale composting, and there is a need to
component. Immiscible blends have the dis- improve the knowledge base of abiotic hydro-
advantage of having properties that are depen- lytic degradation rates and mechanisms of di†er-
dent on the blend morphology produced by ent biodegradable polymers, copolymers and
processing and these are often not reproducible. blends.
However, some can show higher biodegradation


A review of biodegradable polymers 121


I .1 Summary of current research papers on use of biodegradable polymers as surgical implants (1994 –1997 )

Aim Materials Points Ref.

The design and fabrication of Porous films of P((D,L) 1. There is ingrowth of fibrovascular 224
biodegradable polymer devices LGA) formed into tubes tissue after transplant of device.
to engineer tubular tissue and as capable of resisting 2. Using intestinal epithelial cells, 1994
a delivery vehicle for transplanting cells. compression forces in attachment was found and an
vitro and in vivo . organized epithelial layer.

PHA polymers as culture PHBV (HV ¼ 7, 14 and 1. Proliferation rates were slow 225
surfaces for spinal ligament 22 mol%) surfaces for PHBV
fibroblasts (HSF) from scoliotic tested with PS and type I 2. Surface chemistry and wettability 1995
patients. collagen. The surfaces PHBV had no effect.
were used as culture 3. Preferential growth on PS and
substrates for HSF. collagen surfaces.

A novel way to make porous Macroporous sponges 1. Polymer sponges with large pores 226
P(D,L)LGA sponges without made by exposing P(D, and porosity were produced.
organic solvents. Applications : L)LGA discs to high- 2. The porosity could be controlled 1996
tissue engineering to transplant pressure CO for 72 h at by a preform technique.
cells or growth factors and as room temperature, then fast 3. Fibre-reinforced foams produced.
tissue regeneration templates. pressure reduction to
atmospheric level.

Biodegradable and macroporous Microcellular foams 1. Thermally induced phase 227

PL foam implants for were produced by freeze separation studied w.r.t. several
cell transplantation. drying PL solutions in variables, e.g. ÍpolymerË. 1996
1. The preparation of supports 1,4-dioxane. 2. Tubular macropores with porous
by solid–liquid phase substructure observed and
separation. variations in morphology with
conditions followed.

2. The preparation of polylactide Amorphous P(D,L)L and 1. The possibility of gels discussed. 228
macroporous foams by semicrystalline P(L)L in 2. Freeze drying can produce
liquid–liquid phase separation 87 : 13 dioxane : water flexible tough foams with 1996
as a porogen technique. mixture producing isotropic morphology.
liquid/liquid phase 3. Potential for use established.

A novel method for fabrication Stiff porous materials of 1. For a meniscal prosthesis the 229
of biodegradable scaffolds with high-Mwt 50/50 P(L compression modulus has to be
high compression moduli LA-cc -eCL). Porous larger than 150 kPA to protect the 1997
suitable for fibrocartilage microspheres agglutinated articular cartilage ; the
regeneration in meniscal with NaCl crystals compression modulus of this
implants and prothesis. and mixed with solid product could be varied over the
Excellent adhesion properties of solvent to give range 40–1100 kPa.
polymer known to enhance homogeneous solvent 2. The density could be varied from
healing of meniscal lesions. distribution 0·07 g mlÉ1 to 0·5 g dlÉ1.

Soft tissue and cancellous bone Novel fibre-reinforced 1. In vitro mechanical performance 230
reaction to the implantation of material based on test found to be superior to former
novel biodegradable pins and lactide. implants after 1, 6, 12 months. 1997
plates in rabbits 2. In vivo test in a neutral environment
showed biocompatibility.

The influence of manufacturing Microcapsules prepared 1. 85/15 and 50/50 PLGA prepared by 231
procedure on the degradation of by non-solvent-induced non-polar method degrade faster.
PLGA implants. phase separation of 2. SEM shows water uptake faster 1997
1. 85/15 PLGA. solvent/non-solvent. in more porous matrix of non-polar
2. 50/50 PLGA. 1. Methylene chloride/hexane product.
Implants formed by compression (non-polar). 3. Average degradation times :
of microcapsules and in 2. Acetone/phosphate I 85/15 PLGA Á26 weeks ;
vitro studies at pH 4·5, 7·4, 9·4 buffer (polar). I 50/50 PLGA Á6–8 weeks.
monitored by varied techniques.


122 W . Amass, A. Amass, B. T ighe

I .2 Summary of research papers on production of microspheres for sustained drug delivery systems using
biodegradable polymers (1994 –1997 )

Aim Material Points Ref.

Novel encapsulation technique PLGA and PLA 1. Particles with high trap ratio of 232
by in-water drying method to microspheres drug and small initial burst were
produce a sustained drug containing leuprorelin, obtained. 1994
delivery system and a potent LHRH agonist, 2. The systems effectively reduced
persistently suppress were formed. required dose compared with daily
steroidogenesis for 1–3 months injection system, with more
after a single injection. continuous receptor hits on the
target organs.

Microencapsulation of protein The ternary blend was 1. A mean particle size of 10–42 lm 233
bovine serum albumin (BSA) based on P(e)CL was achieved altering the internal
using novel ternary blends. (high and low Mwt) phase volume of the primary 1995
Inclusion of low-Mwt PCL- and poloxamer 181 emulsion
enhanced phase mixing by a (PO-181), a triblock 2. Protein entrapment (11% w/w)
reduction in the Mwt of the copolymer (PEO–PPO–PEO). was possible with protein-to-
components. WOW multiple Various factors polymer ratio of 1 : 4.
emulsion method was used to were varied to see their 3. Native-PAGE analysis of the
encapsulate BSA. The PO- effect on the entrapped BSA indicated
181 was found to retard rate of microsphere properties. maintenance of bulk structural
crystallization and improve the integrity.
sphericity and regularity of the

The production of peptide P(D,L)LA-co -GA 1. % yield of product decreased with 234
containing microspheres from (Mwt Ä 10 000) from increased water-soluble fraction
low-Mwt and hydrophilic copolymer. different suppliers was polymer.
Initial analysis for synthesized in different 2. 75 : 25 PLGA showed decreased 1996
Mwt, T , bulk density and ways. T increased peptide incorporation with Mwt
g acid content was
carboxylic with Mwtg of PLGA. but the 50 : 50 PLGA did not.
carried out. The effect of these Bulk density and 3. Higher-Mwt microspheres show
on the microspheres was wCOOH content of lower initial peptide release.
investigated. microspheres decreased 4. Peptide incorporation can be
with increased Mwt. controlled by preparation
modification with
low-Mwt PLGA.

The effect of the processing P(D,L)LGA was 1. Only microsphere produced by 235
technique on the Mwt of the investigated by GPC sonication (21% decrease) showed
polymer in biodegradable before and after any significant Mwt change. 1996
multiphase microspheres. processing. Two 2. Potentiometric dispersion
Produced by agitation, surfactants were produced the narrowest MWD.
potentiometric dispersion or used at different levels 3. A decrease in the internal
sonication. in the continuous phase. diameter of the infusion tube
used in the potentiometric
dispersion technique decreased
product mean particle size.
4. Increased surfactant level gave
increased mean particle size of
product containing BSA in
potentiometric dispersion
method, attributed to increased
conductivity in the continuous
phase with increased surfactant

Microparticle preparation by a salting-out Size, size distribution 1. Water-insoluble and low soluble 236
process, which is mainly and morphology are compounds are well
suited to the production of important parameters. encapsulated by this method. 1997
nano- or microparticles for In vitro properties of the 2. The encapsulation efficiency for
parental drug delivery systems. drug must also be water-soluble compounds such as
Careful tailoring of the process considered. BSA is small.
parameters is needed, based on
the nature of the polymer and
the drug.


A review of biodegradable polymers 123

Aim Material Points Ref.

The preparation of P(D,L)LA–PEG of 1. The size of microspheres increased 237

biodegradable polymer known Mwt with increased Mwt of copolymer.
microspheres encapsulating synthesized using 2. PLA–PEG (10%) produced micro- 1997
protein with micron sizes. stannous octoate by spheres of improved size control
Solvent evaporation composite cationic ROP. PVA 3. ÍPVAË can affect the size of
emulsion technique is used to aqueous solutions were microspheres.
produce particles with narrow used as dispersion 4. DSC data show protein
size range. medium for microsphere efficiently encapsulated, with
preparation. low crystallinity, improving
ability to trap protein.
5. The amount of protein carried
was related to the nature of the

Polymer alloys as a new PLA–PLGA–methylene 1. The critical ÍpolymerË that 238

preparation method for chloride ternary systems produces phase separation is
biodegradable microspheres. were studied. (i) independent of PLA : PLGA ratio, 1997
This multi-reservoir technique Solubility parameters (ii) dependent on solvent, Mwt
is based on phase separation of governed the powder and L : G ratio in PLGA.
the two polymers when their distribution in the two 2. Particles of unique ‘polymer
concentrations exceed a critical phases. Cisplatin is all alloy’ with cisplatin distributed
value. Amino acid powders were found in the PLGA-rich in internal PLGA-rich phase.
added to the biphasal solutions. phase. 3. Encapsulation efficiency
approximately 100% at 16% loading.
4. In vitro dissolution study showed
release of cisplatin over 45 days
with no initial burst.

A novel method of PLGA and P(D,L)LA 1. Steady release of GM-CSF over 239
encapsulation of a drug from (low-Mwt) microspheres 1 week ; no significant protein
microspheres using silicone oil-based were prepared ‘burst’.
phase separation process. to encapsulate granulocyte– 2. GPC analysis of degradation 1997
Several different polymer macrophage colony kinetics shows low-Mwt PLA
blends were used and the stimulating factor (GM-CSF). enhanced degradation of PLGA and
encapsulation was affected release kinetics.
characterized both in vivo and 3. GM-CSF release biologically
in vitro . active and physically intact.
4. Formulation parameters affect
encapsulation and controlled
release of drug in PLGA/PLA.
5. There was an intense local
tissue reaction in mice to one
GM-CSF formulation.

A review that covers PLA, PLGA and copoly 1. Degradation of these polymers 240
(i) the techniques for the (lactic/glycolic is altered by copolymer ratio and
preparation of injectable acid) are reviewed as the the Mwt. 1997
monolithic microcapsules for basis for the release of 2. The amount of released
prolonged drug release, water-soluble drugs over microencapsulated drug correlates
(ii) a discussion of phase different times. almost linearly with polymer
separation, solvent evapor- degradation, indicating that
ation and spray-drying procedures. controlled release formulations
(iii) manufacturing techniques can be designed using suitable
for efficient entrapment of PaHAs with different
highly water-soluble drugs. degradation rates.

Production of biodegradable Poly ethylene glycol– 1. PLG particles modified by post- 241
microparticles for drug dextran (PEG–DEX) adsorbed PEG–DEX conjugates
delivery and vaccine conjugates were used as flocculated in 0·01 M salt 1997
formulation using an emulsion/ combined stabilizer and solutions, but if PEG–DEX used
evaporation technique on surface modifier to as surfactant, PLG particles
modified PLG. Surface produce resorbable stable in Ä0·5 M NaCl.
attachment of the hydrophilic P(D,L)LG microparticles. 2. Immunological detection used to
species of PEG was used to show surface-exposed dextran.
anchor segments, as PEG or 3. The findings support the model
dextran polymers alone did of PEG in the conjugate acting
not produce microparticles. as an anchor with steric stability
Zeta potential measurements provided by DEX.
and X-ray photoelectron
spectroscopy confirmed PLG
surface modification.


124 W . Amass, A. Amass, B. T ighe

Aim Material Points Ref.

Microcapsule fabrication using Biodegradable polymer 1. 80 : 20 PEAD : PeCL produced 242–243

blends, including PHBV, with blends of smooth particles by both
BSA ; surrogate protein-loaded (i) 80 : 20 poly(ethylene methods and 80 : 20 PEAD : PHBV
agarose as the active adipate) (PEAD) : PeCL particles were smooth using
ingredient. Factors affecting its by both techniques, DET.
release were identified. Single (ii) 80 : 20 PEAD : PHBV 2. 40 : 40 : 20 PEAD : PHBV : PeCL
(SET) and double (DET) (10·8% HV) by DET, produced a mixture of smooth-
emulsion techniques with (iii) 40 : 40 : 20 PEAD : PHBV surfaced microporous and
solvent evaporation were used to (10·8% HV) : PeCL macroporous microsphere
produce spherical reservoir-type by SET. fractions using SET.
microcapsules. A range of BSA 3. BSA incorporation has no
loadings were used. significant effect on particle size
All the polymers distribution.
generated high yield of 4. Encapsulation efficiencies were
microspheres (¿75%) low (Ä14·5% overall)
5. BSA release increased
significantly with theoretical %
loading but could not be
6. Significant BSA release could
be monitored up to 26 days.

I .3 Summary of research papers on production of nanospheres for sustained drug delivery systems using
biodegradable polymers (1994 –1997 )

Aim Material Points Ref.

To form and stabilize a Nanoparticles were 1. Experimental model proposed 244

polymeric colloidal suspension made of P(e)CL. Effect 2. Account taken of flocculation
of nanoparticles by transfer of ÍP(e)CLË, L1/L2 concentration and L1/L2 ratio. 1995
from a good solvent (L1) to a ratio and dielectric of 3. Model allows the optimum
non-solvent (L2). Photon final mixture on conditions for nanoparticle
correlation spectroscopy morphology tested. formation to be determined.
(PCS) is used to confirm the

The colloidal properties of A range of benzyl 1. PLGA/fully benzylated 245

surfactant-free nanospheres esters of poly(b-malic PMLABe(100) system less stable 1995
from biodegradable polyesters acid) (PMLA-BeH) and to electrolyte addition and
investigated. PLGA. Differences coagulated near pH corresponding
in colloidal to K of carboxy group.
behaviour of systems 2. PLGA/partly benzylated
relating to copolymer PMLABeH systems did not
composition. coagulate at relatively high
ÍelectrolyteË and low pH of
suspending buffer.
3. Difference in the construction
of nanospheres involving
steric component postulated.

The use of polyester nanospheres P(e)CL nanospheres 1. PH and temperature have most 246
in the area of ophthalmy for were made in sterile, effect on the degradation of
optimizing the bioavailability of isotonic solutions, with the PCL.
drugs depends on their stability a preservative, and 2. Temperature of 25¡C and pH 7 1996
during storage in sterile aqueous stored using different produce negligible variations in
media, i.e. for 6 months at 25 conditions. Physical stability judged M wt over 6 months.
and 40¡C. by visual appearance 3. At 40¡C and in pH 7 buffer there
and mean particle size. was 50% loss of initial Mwt over
6 months and 60% in unbuffered
4. Mean particle size of all nanospheres
unchanged over 6 months.


A review of biodegradable polymers 125

Aim Material Points Ref.

Mechanistic study of the P(D,L)LA was the 1. Nanoparticle formation thought 247
formulation of polymer nanoparticles model polymer. It was to be caused only by diffusion.
by the emulsification– evaluated with different 2. ‘Diffusion stranding’ 1997
diffusion technique. preparation conditions mechanism suggested for
Results show each emulsion and by turbidity spontaneous emulsification, with
droplet forms several nanospheres measurements. Results local supersaturation near
and interfacial cannot be entirely interface, phase transformation
phenomena during solvent explained by convection and polymer aggregation
diffusion determine size of effects caused by producing nanospheres.
colloidal particles. interfacial turbulence. 3. Turbidity measurements support
this interpretation.

Physicochemical characterization The choice of stabilizer 1. Characteristic signal of 248

of lipid nanoparticles, for the colloidal lipid supercooled melts obtained by
prepared by melt emulsification suspension restricted high-resolution LH-NMR. 1997
and evaluation of their because of lipid’s tendency 2. Viscous carriers not able to
drug-loading capacity and to recrystallize. immobilize the incorporated drug
sustained release potential. Drug payload of as well as a solid matrix, so
Severe stability problems such crystalline particles is sustained drug release over days
as high gelatin tendency, generally low, so or weeks difficult.
excessive particle growth and amorphous, supercooled 3. No success as yet in combining
drug expulsion occur. cooled melts made. advantages of both systems.

The formulation by emulsification/ BSA-loaded PLGA 1. Faster in vitro release rate of 249
solvent technique and model systems were BSA in lower-Mwt PLGA over 1997
characterization of biodegradable investigated. Then 7 weeks.
nanoparticles for Pharmacia and Upjohn 2. Crosslinking on particle surface
intravascular local drug drugs (U-86983, U- reduced release rate.
delivery. Different emulsion 61431, U-74389G) and 3. Nanoparticle uptake by arterial
systems were used and drug dexamethasone, which wall evaluated using ex vivo
loading in particles from 10% to are related to the model. 26% of infused particles
30% was found. group’s interest in the initially retained.
Typical particle size 60–200 nm prevention of post-angioplasty 4. Higher arterial uptake if
and 85% in range 70–165 nm. restenosis. particles have smaller mean size
and lower drug loading.
5. Irradiation to sterilize the
drug-loaded particles showed no
adverse effect on properties.

The long-term stability of Cyclosporin-A (CyA)- 1. % CyA in the particles stored 250
cyclosporin-loaded freeze-dried loaded PpCL at 8 and 25¡C for at least 3
samples of biodegradable nanoparticles obtained months was constant and no 1997
polymer nanoparticles stored at by a modified nanoprecipitation change in particle size.
8 and 25¡C. The simultaneous method. The 2. After 4 months the physical
effect of technical factors effect of variables on the stability was affected.
temperature of aqueous phase, stability of 100–220 nm Reconstituted freeze-dried
needle gauge) and formulation particles measured. material was observed by light
variables (volume of acetone, The cryoprotectors used microscopy and showed
amount of polymer and surfactant) were mannitol, sorbitol, considerable increase in mean
was measured. Additional glucose and threalose. size and size distribution and
experiments looked at effect there was a mean 1% increase in
of freezing temperature (É70 the trapped drug.
and É196¡C) and of 5%, 10% and 3. Addition of ¿10% glucose/
15% cryoprotector on 100 nm threalose produced adequate
particles. reconstitution of the freeze-
dried product with
conservation of encapsulated


126 W . Amass, A. Amass, B. T ighe

I .4 Summary of research papers on novel uses of nanospheres for sustained drug delivery systems using
biodegradable polymers (1994 –1997 )

Aim Material Points Ref.

The elimination of Monodisperse, biodegradable, 1. Particles had dramatically 251

conventional drug carriers long-circulating increased blood circulation
from reticuloendothelial polymeric times and reduced liver 1994
systems within minutes of their nanospheres were made accumulation in mice
intravenous injection prevents from amphiphilic 2. 45% by weight of the drug was
their use for site-specific drug copolymers composed of trapped in the dense core
delivery or medical imaging two biocompatible produced in a one-step process,
This trial uses biodegradable blocks. easily freeze dried and then redispersed
polymeric nanospheres. without additives in
aqueous solutions.

Biodegradable nanoparticle Nanoparticles of P(D,L)LA 1. Increase in polysac. content of graft 252

DNA carrier which has sites and poly(L-lysine) copolymer increased the
for both polynucleotide (PL) graft polysaccharide polynucleotide adsorption 1997
adsorption and targeting copolymers capacity.
ligand on the surface. formed. Graft 2. Suggested that adsorption
Produced by either a solvent copolymers (with conformation of PL moiety
evaporation or a diafiltration high % polysac.) had different in homo- and graft
method, the particle size for minimum particle size copolymer.
latter method controlled by of 60 nm but not from 3. Graft copolymer nanoparticles
varying the initial Ígraft PL. Polysac. moieties are resistant to self-aggregation
copolymerË. on particle surface and non-specific protein serum
found, by aggregation adsorption.
assay, to interact with a 4. Potential use of graft copolymer
specific lectin. as good DNA carrier in vivo .

Micro- and nanoparticles PLGA and PMMA 1. Anti-CBL titres in sera determined 253
prepared from biodegradable nanoparticles were by enzyme immunoassay
and biocompatible copolymers loaded with either CBL (ELISA). 1997
successfully used as immunopotentiating only or clenbuterol– 2. CBL–Tfn-loaded PLGA particles
antigen delivery transferrin conjugate with Quil A had obvious
systems. The study was used to (CBL–Tfn) and administered advantages immunologically
improve polyclonal antibody subcutaneously over the positive control.
production to clenbuterol to mice. PLGA 3. The combined adjuvanticity of
(CBL), a modern hapten. particles given with or Quil A and the PLGA nanoparticles
without the saponin gave increased positive
adjuvant Quil A. response and higher antibody
The current methods of titles in all four mice tested (cf.
raising antibodies to positive control).
CBL were the positive 4. Sustained immunogen release
control. from nanoparticles, so
reduction in immunizing
frequency over 15 week study

I .5 Summary of research papers on sustained drug delivery profiles using biodegradable polymers (1993 –1997 )

Aim Materials Points Ref.

The effect of incorporating Controlled release 1. Matrix stability of up to 39 254

gelatin, an interactive polymer formulations of fenthion weeks enhanced to 55 weeks
(below its isoelectric point), (10% and 20%) were with gelatin incorporation. 1993
on the matrix stability and prepared with sodium 2. Variation in average release rate
release of fenthion from crosslinked carboxymethyl cellulose 5·15–11·91 mg weekÉ1
matrices (with Cu2½ and gelatin. 3. Variation in apparent diffusion
ions) of carboxymethyl coefficient 4·00 Ã 10É9 and
cellulose. Formulations 2·01 Ã 10É8 cm2 sÉ1.
analysed to monitor physical 4. Fenthion exhibits a Fickian
integrity of matrices and release pattern, but the mixture
release profile of fenthion in containing gelatin shows more
water. non-Fickian release character.
5. Postulated use in mosquito
control programmes.


A review of biodegradable polymers 127

Aim Materials Points Ref.

Biodegradable microspheres Purified tetanus toroid, 1. Protein release patterns related 255
prepared by either solvent extraction a high-Mwt M8 protein, to polymer type and Mwt. Rate
or solvent evaporation of entrapped in PLLA and was lower for PLLA than PLGA. 1994
WOW multiple emulsion system. P(D,D)LGA microspheres. 2. Low-Mwt (3000) PLGA produced
Investigation of physical All types of burst then increased release rate.
integrity and antigenicity of the particles (independent of Mwt of 3. Entrapped tetanus toroid significance
protein treated under different polymer) displayed high more immunogenic than fluid
processing conditions. Partial protein-loading toroid in mice, but antibody
loss of antigenicity associated efficiencies (¿80%), but response not significantly different in
with lyophilization process and microparticle size magnitude and duration from
affected by the nature of related to Mwt of similar dose of aluminium
organic solvent. polymer. phosphate-adsorbed toroid.

An in vitro study of release of a Microspheres of PLLA 1. The release rate of dye was 256
dye using spectrofluorophotometry. and PGA used to deliver controllable by changing the
Cultured bovine substances to retinal Mwt and monomer composition 1995
RPE cells were treated with the pigment epithelial of the copolymers in vitro .
microspheres to study phagocytosis (RPE) cells directly. 2. Phagocytosis by RPE cells and
of the particles by the Fluorescent dye intracellular dye release
RPE cells using fluorescent (rhodamine (6GX) was occurred during incubation
and transmission electron the drug marker 3. In vivo studies showed
microscopy, and involved. degradation of microspheres in
post-phagocytosis intracellular the RPE cytoplasm, but
release of dye was evaluated. fragments seen up to 4 weeks.
An in vivo study in rabbits was 4. Retinal architecture overlying
also carried out. delivery site well preserved.

The biodegradability and Microspheres were 1. PLA2000 microspheres undergo 257

antigen release characteristics fabricated by blending controlled degradation and
of polyester blend microspheres high-Mwt (61 000) produce continuous release 1995
using BSA. The kinetics of P(D,L)LA and low-Mwt profiles of the BSA.
degradation were derived from (2000) PLA 2. Immunization of rabbits by
the rate of formation of H½ ions (PLA2000). The model subcutaneous injection of BSA-loaded
during ester linkage hydrolysis protein antigen BSA particles enhanced
measured by pH changes in was used. antigenicity of BSA and
microsphere suspensions and increased significantly the
the water uptake. duration of humoral immune.

The influence of microcapsule PLA/PGA blends were 1. Microparticles used all had 258
formulation on the continuous used with model continuous release profiles.
release of proteins from biodegradable proteins BSA, 2. In vivo study showed continuous 1995
polymer blends. In transferrin and trypsin release for more than 142 days.
vitro study of biodegradation to make microparticles. Adjuvanticity superior to
and protein permeability. In Control experiments Al(OH) , comparable with
vivo study in mice of potential and blank checks Freund’s3 incomplete adjuvant.
vaccine adjuvant. carried out. 3. Immunization of animals with
BSA-loaded microcapsules more
effective than one prime and two
booster injections of BSA/saline.

Properties and drug release Solvent evaporation 1. Drug release behaviour, encap- 259
characteristics of PHB/PHBV technique used to sulation efficiency and loading
microcapsules. Some were encapsulate model drug loading influenced by polymer type. 1995
made incorporating a polyphosphate 2,7-dichlorofluorescein 2. DSC showed crystallinity of
Ca2½ complex into in PHBV or PHB polymer decreased with HV
the membrane. The microcapsules. incorporation. Hence increased
morphology changed with the segment mobility and increased
type of polymer, the drug loading and encapsulation
introduction and the complex efficiency
incorporation. 3. DSC showed the complex became
an integral part of the membrane.

Biodegradable PCL has been PeCL microspheres 1. The immune response compared 260
considered as unsuitable for loaded with BSA were in size and time kinetics with three 1996
protein delivery because of its studied. Slow rate of conventional injections.
poor permeability to degradation of the PCL 2. As PCL degrades slowly compared
macroparticles. An in vivo was monitored and so with PLA or PGA, low pH can
study was carried out in rats no increased acidity. adversely affect the vaccine
using a single injection of BSA-loaded antigenicity. Thus PCL has
PCL microspheres. potential as a vaccine carrier.


128 W . Amass, A. Amass, B. T ighe

Aim Materials Points Ref.

Microspheres of PHBV were Spherical microporous 1. BSA loss produced loading 261/262
fabricated using single (SET) reservoir-type PHBV efficiency Ä15% with SET and
and double (DET) emulsion (10·8% HV) (Mwt 330 000)/20% 12% loading efficiency with 1996
techniques with solvent evaporation. PCL microspheres DET.
¿75% yield of microcapsules, prepared containing 2. BSA release could be monitored
% incorporation BSA had no BSA-loaded agarose. for up to 24 days for both
effect on particle size. Size BSA loss from methods.
distribution (SET, 6–50 lm ; (i) partitioning into the 3. Total cumulative release of BSA
DET, 21–200 lm) for 20% BSA-loaded continuous aqueous as % of trapped drug showed
microspheres obtained. phase, release only marginally altered
(ii) micropores during by theoretical % loading and
precipitation concomitant was influenced as much by
with solvent micropore numbers and
evaporation. diameter.

The effects of drug properties, PLA and PLA/PEG 1. PLA/PEG copolymers are more 263
particle size, drug loading and microspheres were hydrophilic than PLA
method of encapsulation were prepared with drug homopolymers and have lower 1997
examined. The release rate of loading by coarcervation T values.
the hydrophobic drug technique using solvent 2. PLA/PEG microparticles
(lidocaine) and the hydrophilic evaporation and rougher than those of PLA.
drug (propranolol hydrochloride) emulsion methods 3. Drug release from PLA/PEG
were examined. affected by copolymer properties.
4. In PLA/PEG release rate of both
hydrophilic and hydrophobic drugs
faster than in PLA.
5. The emulsion method produced
porous particles with adequate
drug permeability.

Antibody responses in rabbits Micropheres of linear 1. Similar antibody response from 264
tested after single copolymers of P(D,L)LGA single injections.
immunization with viral (50/50) or 2. Stronger, longer and markedly 1997
glycoprotein-loaded branched oligoesters of biphasic antibody responses
microspheres or immunity- (D,L)LA were observed when immunized with
stimulating complexes compared with BHV-1-loaded branched chain
(ISCOMs) were studied in ISCOMs. All had oligo-LA microspheres.
long-term (31 week) incorporated glycoproteins 3. Indirect evidence of protein
experiment. of bovine incorporation into both
herpesvirus-1 (BHV-1). microspheres and ISCOMs.

The effect of the PLGA/PEG Microparticles of 1. Linear release profiles and 265
blend ratio on the release PLGA (50/50) and PEG constant release rates were
kinetics of the microspheres blends with entrapped calculated for FITC–IgG-loaded 1997
produced by double model drugs (FITC–IgG particles with PEG wt% Ä5%
emulsion/solvent extraction and FITC–dextran) 2. FITC–dextran-loaded particles
technique with high efficiency had a biphasic release profile
In vitro studies showed initial and rates varied with % PEG.
burst effect dependent on 3. Feasibility of release profile
PLGA/PEG blend ratios and modulation by PLGA/PEG
release rate increased in direct blend ratio shown.
relation to the PEG content for
up to 28 days.

Non-invasive in vivo PaHAs were made into 1. MRI makes it possible to 266
monitoring of drug release and sandwich-like tablets monitor water content, tablet
polymer erosion from and implanted. shape and response of the 1997
biodegradable polymers by Nitroxide radicals used biological system.
electron paramagnetic resonance as model drug-releasing 2. MRI gives direct proof for in
(EPR) spectroscopy and NMR substances containing vivo mechanisms of polymer
imaging (MRI). 15N and 14N. erosion.

Biodegradable polymeric A scleral plug made of 1. Ganciclovir was released 267

device for sustained intravitreal biodegradable PLGA throughout 10 week period.
release of ganciclovir in (Mwt 121 000) with 2. ÍGanciclovirË in vitreous 1997
pigmented rabbits. In vivo 25% ganciclovir was maintained in therapeutic range
release of ganciclovir was implanted. to treat CMV retinitis for 12
evaluated by spectrophotometry Biocompatibility was weeks.
and ÍganciclovirË measured determined by several 3. No significant retinal toxicity
using HPLC. techniques. observed.


A review of biodegradable polymers 129

Aim Materials Points Ref.

Biodegradable microspheres Polylactide (PL) and 1. Morphology of the particles was 268
were prepared by spray drying polylactide-co -glycolide investigated.
for an in vitro evaluation of (PLG) (with Mwt 2. In vitro dissolution varied with 1997
the release profile of acycloguanosine 109 000–3000). The Mwt of the polymer.
and an in vivo study of process gave good. 3. In vivo study showed sustained
humoral drug concentration encapsulation of drug release obtained.
after intravitreal administration acycloguanosine.
in rabbits.

Microspheres were made using P(L)L, P(D,L)L, 1. The hydrophobicity of PHB 269
a double emulsion/evaporation P(D,L)LG, PHB and microspheres compared with PL/PLG
method. The particles were PHBV polymers were particles was confirmed 1997
characterized for size distribution, used and BSA was and the generation of a
drug loading, release incorporated in the significant immune response
kinetics, surface morphology microspheres. was delayed using PHAs.
and hydrophobicity. The 2. The effect of the Mwt of the
influence of these factors on PHB was also investigated.
the dynamics of immune
response following i.m.
administration was studied.

The characterization and Microspheres of 1. 95% average yield of L-158 809 270
evaluation of in vitro and in P(D,L)L blend microspheres (10% w/w). Average
vivo release mechanism of formulation were made microsphere diameter 1–3 lm. 1997
biodegradable microspheres by spray-drying 2. A significant ‘burst’ effect
containing an antihypertensive technique. (Ä15%) was observed in all
drug (L-158 809). Characterization of release experiments. Followed
In vitro study based on microspheres and by almost zero-order release
microspheres of blends of high- polymer blends carried kinetics.
and low-Mwt polymer. out using DSC, SEM, 3. In vivo studies with two different
In vivo study studies evaluated confocal laser formulations showed a strong
by (L-158 809) antagonist AT1 microscopy and size shift of angiotensin II
function against the shift of the analysis. dose–response curve.
normal dose–response curve of 4. The system is described as a
blood pressure induced by multiparameter controlled
angiotensin II. release system in which the drug
is molecularly dispersed.

I .6 Summary of research papers on biodegradation , biocompatibility and cytology studies of biodegradable

polymers used for controlled drug delivery

Aim Material Points Ref.

Microparticle/polymer Four commercially available 1. Rate of release of protein 271

degradation rates of PLG and PLG polymers of dependent on
in vitro release of model known composition and Mwt (i) Mwt of polymer 1994
protein (ovalbumin) were were used to prepare (ii) copolymer composition
assessed by three methods. microspheres. (iii) protein loading.
1. Surface morphology using Each method confirmed 2. Generally the rate of polymer
SEM. degradation increased with degradation and the rate of
2. Weight loss. high glycolide content protein release showed good
3. Molecular mass using GPC. and low Mwt of PLGs. correlation.

The effects of polymer P(D,L)lactide-co -glycolide 1. Initially non-porous PLGA became 272
degradation on drug release (50 : 50 PLGA) was more porous with degradation
from the bulk were studied used with the model drugs and there were concomitant 1995
using (i) 5-fluoro-uracil (5-FU), increases in permeability and
(i) SEM to look at morphology (ii) cyclosporin (CyA). transport parameters of drugs.
changes, 2. Sharp transitions at Mwt Á5000
(ii) transport properties and and porosity 70–80% were
mechanism (TM). attributed to changes in
transport mechanism.
3. Change corresponds to degradation
developing pore network, which
becomes the dominant pathway.
4. Shift in TM cause of typical trimodal,
final, rapid release
profiles from bulk degradation


130 W . Amass, A. Amass, B. T ighe

Aim Material Points Ref.

In vitro biodegradation study of Spherical BSA-loaded 1. Surface erosion of microspheres. 273

BSA-loaded PHBV/PCL microspheres. microporous matrix-type (a) Limited in HB with increase in
Incubated in Hank’s microspheres of Pore diameter, coalescence 1996
buffer (pH 7·4) (HB), newborn PHBV (11% HV)/20% and pits forming.
calf serum (NCS), 1·5% PCL blend were made (b) Micropores disappeared in
pancreatin (P) and synthetic using an O/W Pancreatin and diameter of
gastric juices (SGJ) over 30 emulsion/solvent Particles decreased. Fracturing of
days and measuring %wt loss, evaporation technique. Surface then matrix break-up
gravimetric changes and Greatest %wt loss was easier.
surface morphology using with newborn calf (c) In SGJ, little surface erosion
SEM. serum and decreased as but flaking and bulk erosion
follows : broke up matrix.
NCS ¿ P ¿ SGJ ¿ HB. (d) In NCS, spherical shape kept
Increased theoretical % but diameter reduced. Bulk erosion
loading only increased %wt with macropores extending into
loss with SGJ and HB. spheres which appeared hollow.
2. Exogenous enzyme activity
assumed to enhance biodegradation
in NCS and P compared
with simple ester hydrolysis.

PL microspheres biodegradable Two samples of P(D,L) 1. Varying the weight ratio of two PLs in 274
in days can be used for chemoembolization lactide (PL) of different Microspheres is an efficient way
purposes. Microspheres Mwt were combined to control in vitro degradation 1996
made by oil-in-water PL (M 65 000) for high kinetics.
emulsion/evaporation. Final n
mechanical strength and 2. Morphology changes seen with
polymer content was compared PL (M 3500) for rapid SEM.
with initial composition of the oil n
biodegradability. 3. Mwt data and increased acidity of
phase. DSC analysis was used incubation medium were used to
to determine if a monophase determine kinetics of
blend was formed. degradation and progress of ester
group hydrolysis.

In vitro release of LHRL P(D,L)LGA microcapsules 1. Using an in vitro test system, 275
agonist from injectable produced to that successfully predicted in
microcapsules of PLGA tested optimize conditions for vivo drug release, PLGA weight 1996
to clarify differences in the release of leuprorelin loss and Mwt decrease delayed.
release with in vivo systems. an LHRH agonist. 2. In vivo accumulation of PLGA
pH, ÍsaltË and osmolarity of degradation products and ratio of
dispersion medium were found LA : GA in copolymer most effect
to change drug release. on PLGA weight loss.

Cell response of cultured P(R)-3-HB is known to 1. High-ÍPHBË (¿10 lg mlÉ1) phagocytosis 276
macrophages, fibroblasts and biodegrade. A study of a dose dependent, associated
co-cultures of rat Kupffer cells new block copolymer with cell damage in macrophages 1996
and rat hepatocytes on short-chain produced small but not in fibroblasts.
PHB (M 2300). crystalline, short-chain 2. Low-ÍPHBË macrophages not
PHB, ideal for a activated either, so biocompatible.
biocompatibility study. 3. No cytotoxicity or changes in
albumin secretion shown with

In vitro biodegradation study of A PHBV (11% HV)/20% 1. Only 5%, 10% and 15% BSA-loaded 277
PHBV/PCL microspheres. PCL blend loaded particles in SGJ and HB showed
Incubated in Hank’s buffer (pH with BSA was made increased %wt loss with BSA loading. 1997
7·4) (HB), newborn calf into microspheres using 2. Surface erosion of microspheres
serum (NCS), 1·5% pancreatin a W/O/W double in each medium.
and synthetic gastric juices emulsion/solvent (a) Limited in HB, with increase in
containing 10% pepsin (SGJ) evaporation technique. pore diameter, coalescence and
over 30 days and measuring Greatest %wt loss was pits forming.
%wt loss, gravimetric changes with newborn calf (b) In pancreatin, increases degradation
and surface morphology using serum and decreased as with loss of spherical shape and
SEM. follows : partial loss of structure to surface
NCS ¿ P ¿ SGJ ¿ HB and bulk.
(c) In SGJ, significant and bulk
erosion but no loss of shape.
(d) In NCS, surface and bulk
erosion, total loss of shape and
structure after 30 days.


A review of biodegradable polymers 131

I .7 Summary of current research into other biomedical uses for biodegradable polymers

Aim Material Points Ref.

The effect of wetting on P(L)LA Porous discs of the 1. Prewetting with EtOH increased 278
and P(DL)LGA foams for polymer foams of volume void filled after 48 h from
tissue culture. Two-step P(L)LA and P(DL)LGA 23% to 79% for PLLA and from 59% 1994
immersion in ethanol for 1 h (85/15 and 50/50). to 97% for PLGA (85/15) discs.
and then water was used 2. Water entry even after 1 h was
to wet discs. close to plateau value for all prewet
polymers tested.
3. Use in uniformly seeding 3D
biodegradable polymer substrates
for cell and tissue culture

Preparation and characterization 1. Preparation of P(L)LA 1. Salt weight fractions (wt%). 279
of P(L)LA foams. membranes of (a) 50–60 asymmetric membranes–particle
Particulate-leaching method controlled porosity, size had no effect. 1994
used to prepare very porous surface/volume ratio (b) 70–90 homogeneous membranes—pores
biodegradable polymer and crystallinity. interconnected. Membrane
membranes using 2. Sieved particles of properties independent of salt used but
(i) casting of polymer/salt NaCl, Na tartrate and Na dependent on particle size.
membrane citrate salts were used. 2. Porosity increased with salt wt%
(ii) dissolution of the salt. 3. Median pore diameter increased as
size of salt particle increased.
4. Polymer/salt composite
membrane quenched or annealed
to adapt crystallinity.
5. Foams 99·9% salt-free and with
porosities up 0·93 obtained.

Fabrication of pliable, porous, PLGA/PEG blends were 1. A wide range of shear moduli, 280
biodegradable foams to made by solvent-casting/ porosities and median pore
engineer soft tissue. The effects particulate-leaching diameters were obtained. 1996
of four different processing technique. Parameters : 2. Initial salt weight fraction and blend
parameters on pliability and PLGA copolymer ratio, ratio have most significant effect
pore morphology of PLGA/PEG blend on physical/mechanical scaffold
biodegradable scaffolds. ratio, initial salt weight properties.
fraction, salt particle 3. Enhanced pliability of 3D foams
size. of PLGA/PEG shown by
tube formation.
4. Potential uses : regeneration of
soft tissue (skin), intestine/
vascular grafts.

Synthesis of polymer network UV photopolymerization 1. Glassy and transparent networks. 281

scaffolds from L-lactide and of triacrylated 2. Gel content approximately 90%.
PEG and their interaction with lactic acid oligomer from DP of lactide and amount and 1997
cells. Scaffolds with cell glycerol base (GL) plus Mwt of PEG had no effect.
adhesion resistance, ligand monacrylated PEG 3. All networks showed relatively
immobilization and biodegradation GL–PEG cross-linked low swelling in water because
character for use in tissue polymer networks of crosslinking.
engineering. Non-toxic obtained. 4. No melt endotherms but T
macromolecules used. indicated PEG phase mixing.
5. PEG shown in surface and if
high-Mwt PEG incorporated
more. More hydrophilicity in
surface/less cell adhesion.

In vivo biocompatibility study Synthetic polymer 1. Early re-inflammation ¼ surgical 282

in rats of a biodegradable matrix with dense top implantation trauma.
matrix used as a cell-seeded layer and porous underlayer 2. Neovascular and fibrous tissue 1994
skin substitute for large-scale of P-ether/P-ester ingrowth in porous underlayer
skin defects and skin substitute. (PEO : PBT) copolymer within 2–4 weeks for all matrices.
N.B. Previous study on cell called PolyactiveTM 3. Copolymer and PLLA show
substrate properties and and also PLLA were increased fragmentation and
physicochemical character of investigated. liquifaction.
matrix. Implant for large body 4. After 1 year small polymer
surface area and study fragments retrieved from site.
biocompatibility at 2, 4, 13, 26, 5. No systematic effects on animal
52 weeks. organs, so has potential for use as
skin substitute.


132 W . Amass, A. Amass, B. T ighe

Aim Material Points Ref.

Design and physicochemical Biodegradable PLA and 1. Opacity increased during 283
properties of new biodegradable PCA polymers produced hydrolysis.
temporary wound from research programme 2. Variation in water vapour 1995
dressings, used in the treatment BMFT/FRG, 01KG8809/7. permeance with method of
of burns, which meet the Films were made of the measurement.
objectives of skin substitute in copolymer and 3. Mechanical properties
application, safety and comfort. characterized and tested characterized ; maximum elongation
for degradation. (37¡C) ¿2000% and very low
elasticity modulus.
4. Aptitude for wound dressing

Development of polymeric P-e-CL or blends of P-e-CL 1. 30% MePEG in PCL : decreased 284
surgical paste formulation for with methoxypoly(ethylene T by 5¡C, decreased tensile
local delivery of taxol (an glycol) (MePEG) strength from 153 to 27 N cmÉ2. 1996
inhibitor for tumour growth). In of Mwt 350 were increased PCL crystallinity
vitro release of taxol was incorporated with taxol from 42% to 51%.
carried out using HPLC assay and characterized. In 2. Release profile of taxol from PCL
for taxol. Antiangiogenic vitro conditions : 37¡C in unchanged.
activity assessed using a chick phosphate-buffered 3. Uptake of water increased with
CAM. saline at pH 7·4. added MePEG but taxol release
rate decreased.
4. CAM assay showed
antiangiogenic activity.

In vitro and in vivo study of PD, LLA–PEG-PD, LLA 1. Sustained release of taxol from 285
biodegradable polymeric paste and blends of low-Mwt copolymer paste over 2 months by
formulations for local delivery PD, LLA and PCL diffusion and erosion. 1996
of taxol. Release of taxol into melted and mixed with 2. The blend released taxol mainly
PBS albumin buffer was taxol to produce pastes. by erosion and there was burst
measured by HPLC. Characterization of followed by slow release.
polymers and pastes 3. Both pastes significantly reduced
carried out. tumour growth in mice after 16
4. Pastes with faster in vitro release
rates more effective inhibitors of
tumour growth.


A basic search was carried out using the World Patent cations, e.g. packaging, pharmaceutical and agricultural
Index (WPINDEX), Derwent Information Ltd, on the uses, and also developments in microbial and chemical
STM network for relevant patents on biodegradable synthesis, processing and blending.
polymers. The following appendices are based on appli-

II .1 Packaging , hygiene and non -pharmaceutical applications

Year Reference Title Author(s)/organization(s)

1990 90-317488 Biodegradable film used as wrapping material for Chuko Kasei Kogyo KK
foods—obtained by applying aqueous emulsion of
poly(hydroxybutyric/valeric acid) copolymer
on glass plate and heating.

1991 91-261627 Biodegradable mouldable material for disposal by Koyama, M., Suzuki, M. & Tokiwa, Y.
burying—comprises natural high-Mwt substances, Agency of Ind . Sc . & Tech . Chuo ;
e.g. starch thermoplastic resin and Kagaku Ltd
optional filler.

1991 91-354911 Non-woven fabric composite for hygiene articles, Sturm, V. & Utz, K.
etc.—by extruding layer of molten polymer onto AOE Plastic GMBH ; BP Chem .
spun-bonded web or staple fibre web under Plastec . GMBH
reduced pressure.


A review of biodegradable polymers 133

Year Reference Title Author(s)/organization(s)

1992 92-105979 Decoration, e.g. wreath, or packaging for short- Mans, L. H. A.

term use—has ribbon made of biodegradable Mans , L . H . A . Holdings
plastic for easy disposal.

1992 92-222619 Novel microbiologically degradable plastic Agency of Ind . Sc . & Tech . Chuo ;
moulding for afforestation—comprises Chem . Ind . Co . Ltd .
biodegradable aliphatic polyester and calcium
and/or magnesium carbonate, for disposable
outdoor goods including cutlery.

1992 92-309206 Non-woven material for disposable nappies, bed Emirze, A., Eschwey, H., Giesen-
underlays, etc.—comprises thermoplastic spun Wiese, M., Grill, M., Kauschke, M.,
endless filaments, consists of at least 50 wt% Klein, B. & Seidler, H.
biologically degradable poly(caprolactone) of Freudenberg FA Carl
Mwt 35 000–70 000.

1993 93-036358 Biodegradable, liquid-impervious films used as Toms, D. & Wnuk, A. J.

back sheets for nappies, etc.—comprises blend of Procter & Gamble Co .
interpenetrated network of destructured starch
and copolymer, preferably vinyl alcohol co
polymer, and an aliphatic polyester.

1993 93-059674 Paper economy with paper handkerchiefs— Weigele, R.

involves handkerchiefs stored in container that Weigele , R .
can always be refilled.

1993 93-120869 Separable laminates used as wrapping materials Toppan Printing Co . Ltd
for foods, etc.—comprise biodegradable plastic
layer laminated between layers.

1993 93-182613 Structure having controlled water resistance— Brunger, P. & Kemmish, D. J.
comprises a core material having dry but not wet Zeneca Ltd ; Monsanto Co .
strength and a coating of a water-resistant
biodegradable polymer.

1993 93-345009 Liquid-impervious biodegradable films—comprising Adams, J. M., Chang, P. I.,

interpenetrated network of destructured starch McBride, R. K. & Ray, C. D.
with ethylene–acrylic acid or –vinyl alcohol Tredegar Ind . Inc .
copolymer, with aliphatic polyester.

1994 94-000953 Biodegradable carrier for denitrifying bacteria Groten, R., Heidecke, G.,
in water purification—made of spun fleece of Mansbart, T. & Siekermann, V.
poly(caprolactone) filaments, optionally blended Freudenberg FA Carl
with other biodegradable polymer.

1994 94-018030 Heat-moulding composition—contains starch Fleche, G., Gosset, S. & Videau, D.
component, biodegradable polyester and salt of Roquette Freres SA
hydroxycarboxylic acid, giving
biodecomposable water-resistant articles.

1994 94-114861 Biodegradable paper container—comprises paper Toppan Printing Co . Ltd

laminate with biodegradable plastic layer

1994 94-201936 Biodegradable packaging material especially for Kammerstetter, H. & Schroeter, J.
liquid or solid foodstuffs—having improved oxy- Buck Werke GMBH & Co .
gen, aroma and/or water vapour blocking properties.

1994 94-249165 Poly(hydroxyalkanoate) film product—by melt Waddington, S. D.

extrusion onto chilled roller to form film, Zeneca Ltd ; Monsanto Co .
followed by heating thereof to crystallize the

1994 94-338741 Biodegradable fibre preparation used for Zeneca Ltd

agricultural and fishery material, etc.—by melt
spinning a mixture of poly(beta-hydroxyalkanoate)

1994 94-338742 Biodegradable multifilament used for fishery Zeneca KK

material—composed of multifilament comprising
poly(beta-hydroxyalkanoate), having good heat


134 W . Amass, A. Amass, B. T ighe

Year Reference Title Author(s)/organization(s)

1995 95-067312 Bonding articles together using Kemmish, D. J.

poly(hydroxyalkanoate)s—which are Zeneca Ltd ; Monsanto Co .
biodegradable, useful in packaging, carton
sealing, sanitary towels, disposable nappies,
hospital equipment, etc.

1995 95-092171 Laminate manufactured by vacuum deposition of Utz, H.

functional layer between two films—using non- Fraunhofer Ges Foerderung
metallic transparent material acting as a barrier Angewandten
and bonding layer, eliminating need for
laminating adhesive and allowing recycling.

1995 95-117776 Toilet material for pets, giving good Suzuki Sogyo KK
biodegradability—including deodorant and/or
antibacterial agent, biodegradable resin and
optional aromatic material.

1995 95-215202 Manufacturing biodegradable cellulose and/or Kemmish, J. D., Montador, J. H. &
cellulose acetate film having good water barrier Kemmish, D. J.
properties—comprises applying aqueous Zeneca Ltd ; Monsanto Co .
suspension of at least partly amorphous particles
of poly(hydroxyalkanoate) to cellulose and/or
cellulose acetate film and heating.

1995 95-162679 Increasing transparency of moulded articles or Bueler, F. S., Fanelli, R.,
sheets of thermoplastic starch or starch–polymer Treutlein, R. & Zechner, T.
blend—by treating granulate, articles or sheets EMS Inventa AG
with silicone oil, animal or plant fat or oils or
solution of synthetic or natural polymer.

II .2 Pharmaceutical and agricultural patents

Year Reference Title Authors(s)/organization(s)

1979 79-15983B Microcapsule and microspherule preparation for Sandoz SA

medicaments, etc.—by addition of phase separation
agent to solution of polymer with solution or
dispersion of active compound at É100 to É40¡C.

1979 79-68042B Microsphere production from particle dispersion in Fong, F. W.

polymer solution—by adding phase separation agent Sandoz Inc .
at low temperature.

1986 86-049030 Microcapsules for controlled release of Sandow, J. & Seidel, H. R.

regulatory peptide(s)—containing poly(D-3-hydroxy Hoechst AG
butyric) acid as biodegradable carrier.

1984 84-301706 Slow release composition for treating aquatic Dunn, R. L. & Lewis, D. H.
plants—containing herbicide, etc. in strands of Stolle Res . & Dev .
polymeric, e.g. poly(lactic acid), fibre.

1986 86-226722 New composite materials useful as hard tissue Dorman, L. C. & Meyers, P. A.
prosthetics—comprise synthetic biodegradable Dow Chem . Co .
polymers and unsintered calcium phosphate biomaterials,
with optional pore-forming agent,
and polymerized in situ .

1986 86-306804 Biodegradable polymer with low free acid Miyaggawa, T., Ogawa, Y.,
content—and used in drug microencapsulation is Okada, H. & Yamamoto, M.
e.g. hydroxy-acid ester or poly(cyano-acrylic- Takeda Chem . Ind . Ltd ; Wako Pure
ester). Chem . Ind . Ltd

1989 89-066688 Polymer-encapsulated microsphere preparation— Lewis, D. & Sherman, J. D.

89-150631 by adding core material to polymer solution in Stolle Res . Dev . Corp .
non-solvent for core, adding synthetic or
vegetable oil and quenching with second


A review of biodegradable polymers 135

Year Reference Title Authors(s)/organization(s)

1989 89-146427 Microcapsule production containing soluble protein Sandow, J. K. & Schmeidel, R.
or peptide—using mixture of poly(hydroxybutyric Hoechst AG
acid) and poly(lactide-co -glycolide).

1991 91-324928 Biocompatible microspheres for parenteral Spenlehauer, G., Veillard, M. &
administration—containing biodegradable and Verrechia, T.
biocompatible polymer and surfactant, used for Rhone Poulenc Rorer SA
treating inflammation, infections and cancer.

1992 92-060919 Auxiliary material for fixing artificial joint or Terumo Corp .
filling bone defects—comprises biodegradable
or bio-absorbable material and leaves structure
to allow formation of fresh bone.

1992 92-176586 Controlled release microparticles containing Canal, T., Carli, F., Lovrecich, M.
polysaccharide gelling agent, etc.—comprising & Lourecich, M. L.
biodegradable polymer, interfacial agent, Vectorpharma Int . SPA
amphiphilic polymer and active substance,
especially calcitonin, etc.

1992 92-391146 Synthetic bone–tooth filler for artificial limb Fuse, T., Machino, H., Matuura, K.,
and denture material—comprises water-insoluble, Niijima, K., Otani, S. &
biodegradable coating applied to substrate with Yanagisawa, S.
porous surface layer. Mitsubishi Kasei Corp .; Res . Dev . Corp . Japan

1993 93-153559 Dispenser, especially for controlled release of Buschmann, E., Kiessling, U.,
sexual pheromone(s)—used in plant protection, Neumann, U. & Renz, G.
comprises pheromone-impermeable container sealed BASF AG
with pheromone-permeable foil.

1993 93-164265 Slow release fertiliser—has multiple alternate Nippon Steel Chem . Co .;
coatings of a biodegradable polymer (I) and a Nippon Steel Corp .
water-soluble polymer (II).

1994 94-135531 Particles of crystallizable polymer coated with Clauss, J., George, N.,
surfactant of phospholipid to maintain Horowitz, D. M., Hunter, B. K.
amorphous state—for making shaped articles, e.g. & Sanders, J. K. M.
fibres, for controlled release of pharmaceutical Zeneca Ltd ; Monsanto Co .
or agrochemical or for removal of solvent, etc.

1994 94-183125 Sustained release microspheres requiring no Kino, S., Mizuta, H. & Osajima, T.
surgical implant—contain hydrophobic Yoshimoto Pharm . Ind . KK
antipsychotic encapsulated in biodegradable
polymer, allowing prolonged therapeutic effect by
infrequent administration.

1994 94-193872 Preparation of drug-releasing biodegradable Miettinen-Laehde, S. S. &

compositions used for antibiotics, etc.—by Toermaelae, P. O.
ultrasonically melting biodegradable polymer Orion -Yhtymae OY
matrix and pharmaceutical substance.

1995 95-041205 Sustained release preparation of water-soluble Kirin Brewery KK

peptide hormone—comprising fine tube with speci-
fied diameter made of water-insoluble biode-
gradable, high-Mwt substance, containing core.

1995 95-044929 Biodegradable urethral stent—substantially shorter Viherksoski, E.

than the urethra in which it is totally installed.

1995 95-351303 Polymer microspheres useful for drug delivery Coombes, A. G., Davis, S. S. &
and targeting, etc.—prepared by mixing solution Schacht, E.
of water-soluble polymer and solution of Univ . Ghent ;
conjugate of poly(ethylene glycol) and Univ . Nottingham
evaporating first solvent.

1995 95-122881 Absorbable polymer composition for surgical and Arnold, S. C., Reilly, E. P. &
medical devices, e.g. sutures—comprises Scopelianos, A. G.
absorbable poly(ester anhydride), polylactone or Ethicon Inc .; Johnson & Johnson
poly(iminocarbonate) and polysuccinimide as
bio-absorbable reinforcing filler.


136 W . Amass, A. Amass, B. T ighe

Year Reference Title Authors(s)/organization(s)

1996 96-040269 Degradable multilayer melt-blown microfibre Joseph, E. G. & Rutherford, D. R.

webs used for surgical dressings, etc.— Minnesota Mining & MFG Co .
comprise layers of polyolefin, PCL and
degradable resins.

1996 96-201507 Long-term fertiliser rods—consist of a shell Pluder, K.

made of segments of polymer material which Buna GMBH
biodegrade at different rates and are filled
with plant nutrients.

1996 96-267854 Surgical device, e.g. staple or ligating clip— Arnold, S. C., Reilly, E. P. &
comprises absorbable matrix made of e.g. Scopelianos, A. G.
polyamide and discrete filler material Ethicon Inc .
comprising polysuccinimide to increase
stiffness of polymer, and device can withstand
heavy loads.

1996 96-350294 Biodegradable resin composites used as Mitsubishi Gas Chem . Co . Ltd
containers for medical products—comprise poly(3-
hydroxybutyric acid) and poly(caprolactone)
with specified capillary size.

1997 97-044600 Expandable intra-luminal stent—made from sheet Williams, M. S.

materials curled into cylinder having over Advanced Cardiovascular Systems
lapping edges, and incorporating external
protrusions which engage apertures to hold the
stent in the expanded condition.

1997 97-459058 Membrane for tissue or bone regeneration— Hutmacher, D. & Kirsch, A.
contains at least three layers and is flexible Kirsch, A.
and biocompatible.

II .3 Microbial and chemical methods , synthesis and degradation patents

Year Reference Title Author(s)/organization(s)

1991 91-051341 Construction and modification of polyester bio Peoples, O. P., Sinskey, A. J. &
polymers—by introduction of poly(hydroxy Sinskey, A. L.
butyrate/alkanoate) genes into bacteria or Massachusetts Inst . Technology

1991 91-305113 Purification of biodegradable polyester(s)—by re Heya, T., Ogawa, Y. & Yamada, M.
precipitation from organic solvent with water Takeda Chem . Ind . Ltd
to remove low-Mwt contaminants.

1992 92-224054 Block copolyester useful for biodegradable Nippon Kayaku KK

transparent film—prepared by reacting poly(3-
hydroxybutyric acid) with 6-hexanolide in
presence of acid catalyst for high purity.

1992 92-346704 Poly(hydroxybutyrate) production—by two-stage Kim, K. & Lim, K.

culturing of Alcaligenes eutrophus strain. Korea Synthetic Textile Co .

1992 92-398873 Transgenic plants for poly(hydroxyalkanoate) Bright, S. W. J., Byrom, D. &
production—containing genes encoding enzymes Fentem, P. A.
catalysing poly(hydroxyalkanoate) production. Zeneca Ltd ; ICI plc

1993 93-058785 Transgenic plants producing Dennis, D. E., Poirier, Y. &

poly(hydroxyalkanoate) polymer(s)—obtained by Somerville, C. R.
transformation with DNA encoding 3- Univ . Michigan State ; Univ .
ketothiolase, acetoacetyl-coA reductase and Madison James
PHE synthase.

1993 93-058791 Production of poly(hydroxyalkanoate) Liebergesell M. & Steinbuchel, A.

polymer(s)—by culturing Chromatium vinosum Zeneca Ltd
of transformants containing C . vinosum PHA
biosynthetic genes.


A review of biodegradable polymers 137

Year Reference Title Author(s)/organization(s)

1993 93-404052 New hydroxyalkanoate polymer derivatives—with Yalpini, M.

terminal alkenyl or alkyl group, and
production of partially degraded hydroxy
alkanoate polymer derivatives.

1994 94-012388 Biodegradable block copolymer for packaging, Doi, Y.

agriculture or medical use—obtained by ring- Sumitomo Metal Ind . Ltd
opening polymerization of lactone(s) in
organic solvents, giving good miscibility to
poly(hydroxybutyrate) and poly(caprolactone).

1994 94-199818 New fibre-producing plants expressing hetero Maliyakal, J. & John, M.
logous bioplastic, especially Monsanto Co .
poly(hydroxyalkanoate)—contain enzymes
involved in bioplastic synthesis under control
of fibre-specific cotton promoter.

1994 94-265917 Poly(3-hydroxybutyric acid) production by ring- Hori, Y., Nishishita, T. & Yamaguchi, A.
opening polymerization—of beta-butyrolactone Tagasago Int . Corp .;
in presence of tin compound catalyst. Takasago Perfumery Co . Ltd

1994 94-542560 Polyester composition. Hammond, T., Liggat, J. J.,

Montador, J. H. & Webb, A.
Zeneca Ltd

1995 95-012035 Biodegradable resin composition preparation for Sumitomo Seika Chem . Co . Ltd
films or sheets—by blending biodegradable
plastic with water-soluble thermoplastic resin.

1995 95-075207 New block copolymers with hydrophilic and Domb, A. J., Gref, R., Langer, R.,
hydrophobic blocks—covalently bonded to Minamitake, Y. & Peracchia, M. T.
multifunctional compound, used to make Massachusetts Inst . Technology
particles for controlled and optimal targeted
delivery of therapeutic or diagnostic agents.

1995 95-162982 Genetically modified micro-organism producing Buttcher, V., Kossman, J. & Wesh, T.
poly(hydroxyalkanoate)—includes foreign gene Inst . Genbioligische Forschung
for hexosyl transferase to allow use of Hoechst -Schering
in expensive sugar substrates, also producing
specific polysaccharide.

1995 95-311553 Production of biodegradable, e.g. poly(hydroxy Lampe, R. A., Noda, I. &
butyrate), fibrils for non-wovens—by Satkowski, M. M.
contacting melted or solvated liquid resin Proctor and Gamble Co .
mixture with gas flow.

1995 95-367684 Degradation of waste polymers, especially poly Batz, H., Jendrossek, D., Sluka,
(hydroxy fatty acid)s—by incubating in aqueous P. & Steinbuechel, A.
medium in presence of micro-organisms ; Boehringer Mannheim GMBH
especially isloate SK37, and/or heating in
aqueous alkaline medium.

1996 96-160943 Poly(hydroxy acid) production using recombinant Liebergesell, M., Pries, A.
bacteria—especially Pseudomonas or Alcaligenes Steinbuchel, A. & Valentin, H.
spp , containing Thiocapsa poly(hydroxy acid) Monsanto Co .
synthesase gene.

1996 96-486372 Thermoplastic biodegradable ether ester direct Engelhardt, J., Koch, W.,
production from cellulose—uses quaternary Kramer, H., Meister, F. & Michels, C.
ammonium base in etherification with oxiran Wolff Walsrode AG
before esterification with monocarboxylic acid,
useful for moulding, film or fibre.

1997 97-120248 Thermoplastic biodegradable poly(saccharide Engelhardt, J., Fink, H., Kalbe, J.,
ether ester) for fibres—prepared by esterifi Koch, R., Koch, W., Mueller, H. P.,
cation of the polysaccharide with anhydride and Szablikowski, K., Weber, G.,
reaction of free carboxyl groups with an epoxide, Weigel, P. & Mueller, H.
for heat-stable products. Wolff Walsrode AG


138 W . Amass, A. Amass, B. T ighe

Year Reference Title Author(s) /organization(s)

1997 97-226171 Surface-modified cellulose micro-fibrils for Cavaille, J. Y. N., Chanzy, H. D.,
filler in composite—have hydroxyl Fleury, E. & Sassi, J. F.
functions on surface esterified by at least Rhone Poulenc Rhodia AG
one organic compound, containing at least one
function capable of reacting with hydroxyl

II .4 Blending , composition and plasticizer patents

Year Reference Title Author(s)/organization(s)

1991 91-001725 Destructurized starch and hydrophobic, thermo Lentz, D. J., Sachetto, J. & Silbiger, J.
plastic polymer blends—have improved Warner Lambert Co .
dimensional stability, humidity resistance and
toughness, are biodegradable and used in
capsules, foams, films, etc.

1992 92-024382 Hydroxyalkanoate polymer composition—contains Barham, P. J., Organ, S. J. & Webb, A.
ammonium chloride as nucleating agent, Zeneca Ltd ; Monsanto Co .
avoiding problems with opacity and improving

1992 92-064909 Biodegradable plastic composition—containing Carlson, A., Galvin, T. J. & Webb, A.
microbiologically produced copolymer of 3- Zeneca Ltd ; Monsanto Co .
hydroxybutyrate and 3-hydroxyvalerate.

1993 93-093341 Biodegradable blend of microbiologically Doi, Y. & Kumagai, Y.

produced poly(hydroxybutyric acid)—with Sumitomo Metal Ind . Ltd
chemically synthesized random copolymer of
hydroxybutyric acid optical isomers, for
production of flexible film, sheet, etc.

1993 93-200640 Biodegradable polymer composition—contains PVA Denki Kagaku Kogyo KK

and poly(3-hydroxybutyric acid).

1993 93-288377 Compatible for polymer blends—comprises A–B Ballard, D. G. H & Buckmann, A. J. P.
block copolymer where A is at least 50% alkylene Zeneca Ltd ; Monsanto Co .
side chains and B is at least 70% hydroxybutyric
acid residue side chains.

1994 94-083141 Plasticizer for biodegradable, highly crystalline Montador, J. H. & Webb, A.
polyester(s)—comprising an esterified hydroxy Zeneca Ltd ; Monsanto Co .
carboxylic acid with multiple ester groups in
the molecule.

1994 94-183458 Polymer composition—containing an oligomer of a Bal, J. S. & Hammond, T.

polymer selected from poly(hydroxyalkanoate), Zeneca Ltd ; Monsanto Co .
polylactide, poly(caprolactone) and copolymers.

1994 121 :135566 Polyesters, e.g. PLA or 3-hydroxybutyric acid/3- Montador, J. H. & Webb, A.,
valeric acid copolymer, are plasticized with an Zeneca Ltd ; Monsanto Co .
ester such as Ac tri-Bu citrate.

1995 95-022746 Polyester composition with improved impact Hammond, T., Liggatt, J. J.,
strength and elongation—comprises a biodegradable Montador, J. H. & Webb, A.
polyester and a specific plasticizer. Zeneca Ltd ; Monsanto Co .

1995 95-022752 Polyester composition comprising two poly(hydroxy Liggatt, J. J.

alkanoate) compounds—including one in Zeneca Ltd ; Monsanto Co .
(semi)crystalline form, as a nucleant, for
paper, fabric, hygiene articles, sustained drug
or agrochemical release system, adhesive, etc.

1995 95-024214 Resin composition used to produce porous biodeg Hisanaka, T., Kuwaki, T.,
radable film—comprising resin mixture of Matsumura, H., Muta, Y., Ochi, Y. &
copolymer of D-hydroxybutyrate and D-hydroxy Shimada, T.
valerate, poly(epsilon-caprolactone) and inorganic Zeneca Ltd


A review of biodegradable polymers 139

Year Reference Title Author(s)/organization(s)

1995 95-027727 Starch composition for biodegradable sheet— Tsutsunaka Plastic Ind . Co . Ltd
includes biodegradable aliphatic polyester,
low-Mwt aliphatic polyester and reinforcing

1995 95-076327 Biodegradable thermoplastic mixture of starch Kakuschke, R., Rapthel, I.,
ester and poly(alkylene glycol)—using low- Reichwald, K., Hermann, C. &
Mwt polyether(s) and polyester(s) derived Runge, J.
from amylopectin starch. Buna GMBH

1996 96-343504 Biodegradable composition used as plasticizing or Hagiwara, T., Hongo, H., Hori, Y.,
compatibilizing compound—containing poly(3- Takahashi, Y. & Yamaguchi, A.
hydroxybutyric acid) or copolymer and block Takasago Int . Corp .; Takasago
copolymer having a stereospecifically regular Perfumery Co . Ltd

1997 97-414566 Biodegradable emulsion binder for non-woven Iovine, C. P. & Walton, J. H.
97-70811 fibre stock—containing poly(hydroxybutyrate/ Nat . Starch & Chem . Investment
hydroxyvalerate) copolymer, imparts good Holding Corp .
mechanical properties and is readily


140 W . Amass, A. Amass, B. T ighe


poly(6-hydroxyhexanoate) PHH
polyethylene PE
The abbreviations of individual monomers, polymers
low-density polyethylene LDPE
and copolymers are based on those used by the original
high-density polyethylene HDPE
authors and are identiÐed within the text. However,
polystyrene PS
some more generally used abbreviations are as follows.
poly(vinyl alcohol) PVA
poly(ethylene oxide) PEO
poly(vinyl acetate) PVAc
III .1 Chemical terms polypropylene PP
poly(ethylene terephthalate) PET
PreÐxes : R- \ alkyl-, Me- \ methyl-, Et- \ ethyl-, poly(vinyl chloride) PVC
Bu- \ butyl-, Pr- \ propyl-, Ac- \ acetyl- poly(methyl methacrylate) PMMA
poly(ethylene glycol) PEG
dimethyl tin oxide DMTO poly(sebacic anhydride) PSA
diethyl tin oxide DETO poly(p-dioxanone) PDS
dibutyl tin oxide DBTO poly(carboxyphenoxyhexane) PCPH
dioctyl tin oxide DOTO poly(1,4-ethylene adipate) PEA
di-n-butylphthalate DBP poly(cyclohexyl methacrylate) PCHMA
propylene glycol PG poly(epichlorohydrin) PEC
ethylene acrylic acid EAA poly(carboxyphenoxyvaleric acid) PCPV
triethyl citrate TEC poly(glycolic acid-co-lactic acid) PGLA
glycolic acid GA poly(lactic acid-co-glycolic acid) PLGA
L(]) or S(]) lactic acid LLA poly(D,L-lactic acid-co-glycolic acid) P(D,L)LGA
D([) or R([) lactic acid DLA poly(3-hydroxybutyrate-co-3- PHBV
3(or b)-butyrolactone 3(or b)BL valerate)
3(or b)-hydroxybutyric acid 3-HBA poly(3-hydroxybutyrate-co-4- P3HB-co-4HB
R-3-hydroxybutyric acid R3HBA hydroxybutyrate)
4(or c)-hydroxybutyric acid 4-HBA poly(R-3-hydroxybutyrate-co-e- P(R)(3HB)ÈPeCL
3-hydroxyvaleric acid 3-HVA caprolactone)
methyl methacrylate MMA poly(R-3-hydroxybutyrate-co-L- P(R)(3HB)ÈL-PL
hydroxyethyl methacrylate HEMA lactone)
R-3(or b)-butyrolactone R3(or b)BL poly(e-caprolactone-co-lactone) P(eCL-co-LA)
RS-3(or b)-butyrolactone RS3BL poly((e-caprolactone-co-glycolide) P(eCL-co-G)
poly(lactic acid-co-ethylene glycol) P(LA-co-PEG)
poly(LGA-co-ethylene glycol) P(LGA-co-PEG)
III .2 Polymers and copolymers urea formaldehyde resin UF

poly(a- or 2-hydroxy acid) PaHA

poly(glycolic acid) PGA
poly(lactic acid) PLA
poly(L-lactic acid) PLLA III .3 Starch /cellulose connected terms
poly(D-lactic acid) PDLA
poly(D,L- or R,S-lactic acid) P(D,L or R,S)LA
starch St
polylactide PL
starch octanoate OCST
poly(e-caprolactone) PeCL
starch dodecanoate DODST
poly(valerolactone) PVL
cellulose ester CE
poly(b-D,L-butyrolactone) P(b(D,L)BL)
cellulose acetate CA
poly(hydroxyalkanoate) PHA
cellulose acetate butyrate CAB
poly(3- or b-hydroxyalkanoate) P(3 or b)HA
cellulose tributyrate CTB
poly(3-hydroxybutyrate) P3HB
cellulose acetate propionate CAP
atactic poly(3-hydroxybutyrate) a-PHB
degree of substitution DS
methyl cellulose MC
poly(R-3-hydroxybutyrate) PR3HB ethyl cellulose EtC
poly(RS)-hydroxybutyrate P(RS)HB bacterial cellulose BC
poly(3-hydroxyvalerate) P3HV carboxymethyl cellulose CMC


A review of biodegradable polymers 141

water-soluble polymer WSP 35 Jeong, B., Bae, Y. H., Lee, D. S. & Kim, S. W., Nature, 388 (1997)
36 Akamatsu, K., Nishikawa, M., Takakura, Y. & Hashida, M., Int.
J. Pharmaceut., 155 (1997) 65.
III .4 Other terms 37 Okada, H. & Toguchi, H., Crit. Rev. T herapeut. Drug Carrier
Syst., 12 (1995) 1.
38 Vacanti, C. A., Vacanti, J. P. & Langer, R., ACS Symp. Ser., 540
municipal solid waste MSW (1994) 16.
total organic carbon TOC 39 Paik, Y. H., Simon, E. S. & Swift, G., Adv. Chem. Ser., 248 (1996)
dissolved organic carbon DOC 79.
40 Freeman, M. B., Paik, Y. H., Wolk, S. K. & Yocom, K. M., Abstr.
theoretical oxygen demand TOD Papers ACS, 207 (1994) 185-IEC.
semi-continuous activated sludge SCAS 41 Freeman, M. B., Paik, Y. H., Swift, G., Wilczynski, R., Wolk,
continuous-Ñow activated sludge CAS S. K. & Yocom, K. M., ACS Symp. Ser., 627 (1996) 118.
42 Talaba, P., Srokova, I., Ebringerova, A., Hodul, P. & Marcinin,
A., J. Carbohydrate Chem., 16 (1997) 573.
43 Kwan, L. & Steber, W., Eur. Patent Appl. EP 406015, 1991.
44 Dohse, D. M. & Lion, L. W., Environ. Sci. T echnol., 28 (1994)
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