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JOURNAL OF CATALYSIS 4, 704-710 (1965)

Hydrogen-Oxygen Titration Method for the Measurement

of Supported Platinum Surface Areas


From the Department of Chemical Engineering,
Stanford University, Stanford, California

Received March 23, 1965; revised April 12, 1965

The reaction of hydrogen at room temperature with oxygen adsorbed on supported

and unsupported platinum catalysts has been used to measure the surface area of the
metal. The new method has distinct advantages over that of carbon monoxide adsorp-
tion, but the two methods are in essential agreement.

INTRODUCTION workers (2, 7, 12) have inferred that the

The dispersion of platinum on different platinum is not t,ruly atomically dispersed;
supports has been studied repeatedly (l- for example, as pointed out by Spenadel
1.2). Because of the extremely high disper- and Boudart (a), it would be difficult to
sion found in the case of platinum sup- account for the rapid uptake of one hydro-
ported on alumina, the usual physical gen atom per platinum atom in the sample
techniques are not satisfactory, at least for if a considerable portion of the platinum
freshly prepared commercial catalysts con- exists as discrete atoms capable of adsorb-
taining small amounts of metal. However, ing only one hydrogen atom each.
the selective chemisorption of gases, prin- Second, after use under industrial condi-
cipally hydrogen and carbon monoxide, tions or after excessive heating in various
provides a measure of the exposed metal atmospheres or in vacuum, the extent of gas
surface area. There is general agreement adsorption decreases. This decrease in
concerning some part,icularly important accessible platinum surface area is accom-
points revealed in t.hese studies. panied by the appearance in X-ray investi-
First, for freshly prepared platinum- gations of plat.inum diffraction patterns
alumina cat.alysts with platinum contents which are not observable with fresh cata-
in the range of t,hose used industrially and lysts (6). In the limit of rather severe
which have not been subjected to severe crystal growth, satisfactory agreement is
heat treatment, it appears that a large obtained between mean metal particle sizes
fraction of the total platinum is available as calculated from gas adsorption and
for chemisorption. This does not imply com- from X-ray diffraction line-broadening (2,
plete dispersion of the metal, since the meth- 9). Thus it appears that the loss of platinum
ods of measurement are not necessarily surface area is due primarily to the growth
capable of discriminating between separated of platinum crystallites on the surface of
individual atoms and continuous monolayer the support at the expense of the more
“islands” on the surface of the support. finely divided metal.
However, in regard to this point, several Although there is qualitative agreement
between t,he data of gas adsorption and the
* Present address: Department of Chemistry, dispersion of platinum in fresh and sintered
Dickinson College, Carlisle, Pennsylvania. platinum-alumina catalysts, quantitative
t To whom queries concerning this paper should agreement in the case of catalysts with low
be sent. platinum content and of sintered catalysts

with low surface area is subject to inter- sorption methods could be avoided, and the
pretation. The inadequacy of adsorption method should be simple and convenient.
measurements in such cases lies in the
relatively large correction due to adsorp- EXPERIMENTAL
tion on the support itself. There is there- The apparatus was a conventional gas
fore a need for a more sensit’ive method for volumetric system in the modification of
determining the dispersion in such catalysts Krieger (Isi, with the exception that ad-
in order that, smaller surface areas of plati- sorption bulbs with thermocouple wells and
num may be determined with precision and a capillary exhaust line and stopcock were
in order that more subtle changes in the used for those catalysts which were reduced
dispersion of the platinum may be followed. in situ before measurement. The gas burette
In an independent st.udy of the reaction of six bulbs with a total volume of 300 ml
of hydrogen at room temperature with oxi- was jacketed with water. Auxiliary equip-
dized platinum-alumina catalysts (13)) it ment consisted of a mercury diffusion pump
became apparent that. a technique based on backed by a mechanical pump and isolated
this reaction might provide a simple and from the adsorption apparatus by a liquid
accurate method for t~he determination of nitrogen trap. The adsorbent’s were pro-
the metal surface area of these catalysts. A tected from mercury vapor by means of a
careful study, reported here, confirmed small t’rap filled with gold powder and were
these expectations. In ret,rospect, the suc- held in place by a minimum amount of
cess of the technique seems evident in view Pyrex glass wool which had been boiled
of the volumetric measurements of Gruber in concentrated nitric acid to remove oils.
(‘7)) who performed the hydrogen-oxygen The adsorbents used in the investigation
reaction on platinum-alumina at high tem- were from three sources. Platinum black
perature, and the work of Aston et al. (14)) from Engelhard Industries, Inc., stated to
who followed calorimetrically a titration of be 100% pure, was used as received. A
oxygen adsorbed on platinum black by series of platinum-alumina catalyst,s sup-
means of hydrogen. These workers inter- plied by California Research Corporation
preted their results in terms of the follow- were prepared by impregnation of 77 alu-
ing reaction : mina from Davison Chemical Company
with four different concentrations of aque-
PtO(surface) + 3/2 Hz(g) + PtH(surface)
ous chloroplatinic acid ; the catalysts con-
+ HdXd (1)
tained O.lO%, 0.3570, l.O%, and 3.5%
We reasoned that in the case of platinum- platinum by weight and were supplied and
alumina the alumina should scavenge t.he used in the form of coarse granules. These
water formed in the reaction and that one catalysts, along with a sample of the TJ
should therefore be able to measure the loss alumina, had been dried at 120°C for 4 hr,
of three hydrogen atoms from the gas phase calcined in air at 450°C for 3 hr, reduced in
for every surface platinum atom with a hydrogen at 2 liters/hr for 1 hr at 260°C
consequent increase of sensitivity of meas- and then for 4 hr at 510°C and then ex-
urement of threefold over hydrogen chemi- posed to the air. Eta alumina and three
sorption and of at least 50% over carbon catalysts containing 0.0570, 0.30%, and
monoxide chemisorption. Furt,hermore, . the 1.96% plat,inum by weight were obtained
adsorption of hydrogen on the oxrdrzed from Esso Research and Engineering Com-
alumina should contribute a very small pany. The 7 alumina was prepared from
amount to the total uptake of hydrogen, /3 alumina trihydrate obtained from Davi-
and consequently the blank should be small. son Chemical Company by calcining in air
Finally, since the method relies on the for 4 hr at 595°C. The nitrogen BET spe-
room temperature reaction of oxygen ad- cific surface area of t’he resulting 7 alumina
sorbed on the platinum, the careful prepa- was 200 m”/g. The 7 alumina powder was
ration of the platinum surface necessary in impregnated with aqueous chloroplatinic
the hydrogen and carbon monoxide chemi- acid solutions of the proper strength to give

the desired platinum concentrations and had occurred. Equilibrium was rapidly
then calcined in air at 593°C for 4 hr. The established; a waiting time of about 45 min
catalysts were obtained in the form of un- was required for the first point, after which
reduced pellets which were ground in a 5 or 10 min was more than sufficient.
clean mortar and then sieved. Samples Samples of 5 to 12 g of the California
which had passed a loo-mesh screen were Research catalysts were outgassed in situ
used in the work reported here. All of the for 1 hr at room temperature and for 1 hr
catalysts were weighed before and after at 125°C before the hydrogen uptake was
use, but the weight of the used, dry catalyst measured at room temperature. Since these
was the basis of the calculations. catalysts were undoubtedly only partially
Carbon monoxide adsorption data were reduced, a standardized procedure was
taken on the 77alumina and the supported adopted to determine the uptake: The
catalysts after a 2-hr reduction in hydro- hydrogen pressure was set at about 500
gen at 500°C. These measurements were Torr and the net uptake, corrected by a
made in the laboratories of the California previously determined isotherm on the 77
Research Corporation by the procedure alumina alone, was determined at the end
described by Hughes, Houston, and Sieg of 1 hr. It was observed that. these catalysts
(8). exhibited a protracted uptake of hydrogen
Electrolytic hydrogen from The Mathe- which became more pronounced as the plat-
son Company was purified by passage inum content increased, but the drift
through a Milton Roy Company palladium amounted to less than 5% of the uptake
thimble purifier. Extra-dry oxygen from after 1 hr.
The Matheson Company was dried further The treatments of the platinum black
by passage through a Dry Ice-acetone trap. varied with the particular experiment and
Matheson helium was used for dead space are described in detail in the next section.
determinations after passage through a
liquid nitrogen trap; the dead space was RESULTS AND DISCUSSION
always determined at the end of an experi-
ment to minimize contamination of the sur- Platinum Black
faces with traces of oils. Because of disagreement in the literature
Samples of 5 to 20 g of the Esso catalysts on the degree of oxidation of platinum
were outgassed in. situ for 30 min at room when exposed to oxygen or air (4,7,14,16),
temperature and 3 hr at 150°C; hydrogen we measured the uptake of oxygen on a 6-g
at 75 ml/min was then started through the sample of platinum black of known surface
samples and the temperature raised to area. After evacuation at room temperature
500°C. Reduction was carried out for 12 hr for 30 min and at 125°C for 30 min, the
at this temperature, following which the surface of the platinum was cleaned by
samples were outgassed at 500°C for 1 hr treatment with excess hydrogen at room
and cooled to room temperature while temperature for 12 hr and then at 125°C
pumping. Oxygen was admitted to the sam- for 30 min. After outgassing, the oxygen
ples at room temperature and roughly 1 uptake of the clean, sintered surface was
atm and allowed to contact the samples measured at room temperature. The iso-
for 1 hr. After pumping out the oxygen for therm was completely flat over a pressure
1 hr, the hydrogen uptake was measured range of 100 to 650 Torr and showed negli-
over a pressure range at room temperature. gible drift after 1 hr. The uptake was 296
In all the experiments performed on these patoms O/g. Following this the sample was
highly reduced catalysts the isotherms were outgassed and t.he BET nitrogen (16.3 A’)
linear, and after correct,ion for the small surface area was found to be 13.4 m”/g.
adsorption on the support they were quite Using 8.4 A2/site (an average of the site
flat. Individual points were reproducible densities of the 100, 110, and 111 planes)
with a precision of about to.2 pmole/g the surface site density is thus 266 pmoles
after the small slow uptake of hydrogen of sites/g. The O/Pt ratio is therefore 1.1.

The small discrepancy from unity is proh- pmoles H,/g and was badly sintered in
ably due to uncertainty as to what crystal the process. After removal of the hydrogen
planes are exposed. Thus, using the lOO- left on the surface by outgassing, the clean,
plane site density of 7.7 li’/site gives an sintered surface took up 40 pmoles HZ/g.
O/Pt ratio of unity. Also, a small amount Assuming that 40 pmoles H,/g were present
of sintering may occur during the oxidation on the surface at the end of the first
(18)) which would make t,he BET surface treatment with hydrogen, 205 pmoles H,/g
area low. We conclude, in agreement with thus reacted with 95 pmoles 0,/g. We
Aston et al. (14)) t.hat the platinum surface therefore conclude &at in the titration two
is completely oxidized to PtO under the hydrogen atoms react with each surface
conditions used in this study. This conclu- oxygen atom (and hence for each surface
sion is supported by Weidenbach and Fiirst, platinum atom), and a hydrogen at,om is
whose paper (17), brought to our attention left on each surface platinum atom.
during the preparation of this paper, re-
ports a flow method based on the hydrogen- Supported Catalysts
oxygen reaction on clay-supported plati- With supported catalysts, which will re-
num; their assumed stoichiometry of the sist sintering during t,he titration, there
reaction seems, however, to be in error. should therefore be three hydrogen atoms
The stoichiometry of the titration pro- taken up for each oxidized surface plati-
posed by Gruber (7) and Aston (14) and num atom if platinum-alumina behaves
shown in Eq. (1) was verified in another like platinum black. Although direct meas-
experiment in which 17 g of platinum black, urement of the oxygen uptake on supported
interspersed with 4 g of q-alumina pellets catalysts is difficult because of the large
for which the hydrogen and oxygen uptakes oxygen blank on the support, we checked
were known (see Fig. l), were subjected to the stoichiometry of the reaction on the
alternate t)reatment with hydrogen and Esso 1.96% Pt catalyst. Reduced and out-
oxygen. Aft,er cleaning the surface with gassed in the usual way, this catalyst took
hydrogen as described above, the platinum up, after correction for adsorption on the
took up 95 pmoles 0,/g; after outgassing, support, 30 pmoles 0,/g and in turn 97
this oxidized surface reacted with 245 pmoles HZ/g; the ratio HZ/O? is 3.2, in good
agreement with the ideas presented in the
introduction to this paper and with the
results of Gruber (7)) who measured a ratio
of 2.9 under different conditions. Because of
this result, we believe that the conclusions
reached in the experiments on platinum
black are applicable to alumina-supported
-. platinum.
The results obtained over a range of
4 pressure at room temperature on the two
supports and on the Esso catalysts are
presented in Fig. 1. Since the hydrogen
i isotherms on the Esso cat,alysts are closely
parallel to those for the Esso Y,-alumina, it
is apparent that one does not really need to
know the adsorption of hydrogen on the
support; it is sufficient to measure the up-
take over a range of pressures and extrapo-
late to zero pressure to get t,he blank-free
NET CO UPTAKE ,pmoles/g
net uptake. The method described here
FIG. 1. Room tempcwturc uptakes of hydrogen therefore can be used for catalysts for
and oxygen. which the nlatinum-free suanorf is not


(1) (2) (4)
Total Hz Net Hz ‘62’ Net co
Catalyst uptake uptake uptake uptake ratio

Esso 7 alumina 0.0 3.3 - -

Esso 0.05y0 Ft - 1.6 4.1 0.S 2.0
Esso 0.30y0 Ft 10.2 8.7 5.4 1.9
Esso 1.96% Ft - 97.0 57.0 53.7 1.8

Cal. Res. v alumina 0.0 3.8 - -

Cal. Res. 0.10% Ft 6.1 (460 Torr) 5.4 5.2 1.4 3.8
Cal. Res. 0.35y0 Pt 20 5 (600 Torr) 19.5 10.7 6.9 2.8
Cal. Res. 1.07, Ft 49.8 (500 Torr) 49.0 29.3 25.5 1.9
Cal. Res. 3.5y0 Ft 118 (650 Tow) 117 59.7 55.9 2.1

(2All uptakes are in rmoles/g.

available. Adsorption of both hydrogen and By means of Fig. 1 one may estimate the
oxygen on the two supports clearly obeys blank corrections for the hydrogen method
Henry’s Law. It should be noted that the at any pressure for the Esso catalysts. In
oxygen blank on the Esso support is about Table 2 are the total uptakes and the blank
five times that of hydrogen; probably alu-
mina adsorpt.ion sites which are produced
during the high-temperature reduction and
outgassing are covered by oxygen during Total HS Blank correction
.,ta~ke~rt 200 (70 of total uptake) for
the oxidation of the platinum and thus do
Catalyst hmole/&d HZ CO
not adsorb hydrogen at room temperature.
In Fig. 1 the squared points for the Esso 11alumina 0.7
0.30% Pt catalyst were obtained by out.- Esso 0.05% Ft 2.3 30 80
gassing the titrated catalyst for 20 min and Esso 0.30y0 Ft 11.1 6.3 38
repeating the oxidation and titration steps. Esso 1.967, Ft 97.9 0.7 5.9
The reproducibility is very good and sug-
gested that one could perform the titration corrections at’ an arbitrarily chosen pres-
directly on a reduced (or even on a par- sure of 200 Torr for the hydrogen data and
tially reduced) catalyst which had been the corresponding blank corrections for the
exposed to air. To test this idea, this short CO data, obtained from columns 3 and 4
and convenient procedure was followed of Table 1. The considerable improvement
with the California Research catalysts. over CO adsorption is evident. At low plati-
From Fig. 1 the net hydrogen uptakes for num content the very large blank for CO
the Esso catalysts given in column 2 of adsorption makes this method very difficult
Table 1 were obtained by extrapolation to to use as a careful measure of the platinum
zero pressure. Column 1 gives the total surface area. In the case of the hydrogen
uptake and t,he gas pressure at the end of titration, one can work on catalysts of
1 hr at room temperature for the California much lower platinum content, and even in
Research catalysts; t.hese values were cor- the case of the 0.05% Pt catalyst, one ob-
rected for adsorption on the support with tains a net adsorption (1.6 pmoles/g) which
the aid of the alumina blank in Fig. 1, and is twice the blank correction at 200 Torr.
the net uptake values given in column 2 Measuring the hydrogen upt,akes at low
were thus obtained. Table 1 also lists the pressure, where the adsorption on the sup-
total and net CO uptake for the various port would be negligible, should allow one
catalysts, measured in the laboratories of to extend the method to very low concen-
the California Research Corporation. trations of platinum.

The values of the ratios of net hydrogen each surface platinum atom, one would of
to net carbon monoxide uptake given in col- course expect the ratio of net H, to net CO
umn 5 of Table 1 are very interesting. In to be 1.5, that is, three hydrogen atoms for
the limit of relatively large concentrations each CO, if one CO is adsorbed for each
of platinum, this ratio is quite constant at surface platinum atom. However, Gruber
about 2, and this suggests that the t,wo (7) has shown that for high platinum dis-
methods parallel each other. At low con- persions less than one CO is adsorbed for
centrations of platinum the blank correc- each surface platinum. His data indicate
tion for CO on the support becomes pro- that for the catalysts studied by us a value
hibitively high, and an error in measure- of about 0.75 CO/surface platinum is rea-
ment of this blank would affect. the ratio sonable ; this value is also suggested by the
of Hz/CO strongly. Since the hydrogen Hz/CO ratios reported in Table 1. In any
blank on the Esso support is higher than on event the hydrogen titration method does
the California Research support (Fig. l), not seem to have the ambiguity of the CO
whereas the CO blanks are in the reverse adsorption met.hod.
order (Table l), it is likely that the CO The data in columns 2 and 4 of Table 1
uptakes for the 0.10% Pt and 0.35% Pt have been plotted in Fig. 2, a correlation of
catalysts have been overcorrected in the the hydrogen and carbon monoxide data.
determination of the net CO adsorption. In Over a seventy-fold change in platinum
view of the obvious problems associated concentration the two methods compare
with the CO measurements at low platinum favorably. It is in fact gratifying that the
concentrations, it is a credit to the method correlation holds for both the highly re-
that it is still able to give reasonable val- duced Esso catalysts and the partially
ues for the net adsorption. reduced California Research catalysts.
Since three hydrogen atoms react for It must be noted that the data in Table 1

2 IO-
a I I I
=i o-1 I



OO 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 000 900
P, Ton

PIG. 2. Correlation of hydrogen and carbon monoxide data.


can be translated into platinum surface for their splendid collaboration which gave a
areas. This translation, which rests on as- decisive impetus to this investigation. Partial
sumpCons that have been discussed clse- financial support by the National Science Founda-
tion (GP-2305) is gratefully acknowledged. 0111
where (a), was not carried out here since it
thanks arc also due Esso Research and Enginerr-
adds nothing to the demonstration of the ing Company for a gift of the experimc~ntal
feasibility of Aston’s titration technique in catalysts used in this work. One of LIS (J.E.B.)
the case of supported catalysts. gratefully acknowlrdgrs a National Svicnw
Foundation Science Facully Fellowship, tluring
CONCLUSIOn-S the tenure of which this work was dorm.
The measurement, of the platinum sur-
face area on supported catalyst,s can con-
veniently be carried out, volumetrically by 1. ~~OHESKOV, G. li., AND E;AHN.ALJKHOV,.A. !?.,
t,he room-temperature titration of oxygen Zh. Piz. Khim. 26, 1814 (1952).
a. SPENADEL, IA, .4ND BOL-I)AHT, k'k, 1. Pkys. Cho,l.
adsorbed on the metal with gnscous hydro-
64, 204 (1960).
gen. While this had already been demon- 3. ADLRH, S. F.. ASD &4VNEy. J. J., J. Phys.
strated calorimetrically by hston and co- Chrm. 64, 208 (1960).
workers (14) for bulk platinum and more 4. MILLS, G. AL, WEI.LER, S., ASD CORNISLKS.
recently by Gruber (7) and Wcidenbach E. I~., Actus Cortgr. Intcm. Catalyse, 2’,
and Fiirst (17) on supported catalysts Pnris, I!I(iO 2, 2221 (Editions Tcchnip, Paris,
under different conditions from those used 1961).
here, our work shows that the volumetric 5. ~OMORJ.U, 6. A., “Small-A~ngle S-ray Study of
tit,rat’ion can be performed with platinum Metallixed Catalysts,” dissertation, Univ. of
supported on alumina, which absorbs the California. Berkeley, 1960.
water formed. Since three hydrogen atoms
M. S., AXD DEBAI:N, R. M., J. Phys. Chem.
are consumed for each accessible platinum 65, 2189 (1961).
at,om, there is a threefold increase in sensi- 7. C:II~WX, H. I,.. J. P/q/s. Chcnz. 66, 48 (1962).
tivity over direct hydrogen chcmisorption b1 HLJGHES, T. IX.. HOLYTOY, H. J., ASD Smo,
and more than a 505% increase over carbon R. P., Iictl. Et/g. Chetn. I~m.x~.s.s Design
monoxide chcmisorption. Because the sam- Develop. 1, 96 (1962).
ple is deliberat.ely exposed to oxygen, there n. ,~AMS, C. K., BENESI, H. A., CUKTIS, R. M..
is no need to exclude oxygen from the sam- ALI‘D MIXSENHKIWEIL R. G., J. Catnlysis 1,
ple, and the sample need not be completely 336 (1962).
reduced prior to measurement. Reenlrse of 10. Dswe, P., .IND CHL-, B., J. Phya. Chem. 66,
the sma.11 blank on the nlumina support, the 1021 (1962).
Ii. CHI-, B., J. Phys. Chem. 67, 1916 (1963).
present method o.flers a distinct advantage
12. HALL, W. K., AYD ~,LITINSKI, F. E., J. Cata&
over conventional adsorption techniques ysis 2, 518 (1963).
with hydrogen am1 carbon monoxide on 1.3. KOHN, H. FT., .4P\'D BOUD.~RT, M., Science 145,
prereduccd samples. The advantages appear 149 (1964).
decisive in the case of samples containing I.$. CHON, H., FISHEK, R. A., TOMESZKO, E., .4x1)
small amounts of plstinum. i2lthough the .&TON, J. G., Acte.s Congr. Intern. Cntalysc.
carbon monoxide adsorption and t,he hy- 2’ , Paris, l.NO 1, 217 (Editions Technip,
drogen titration met,hods are in essential Paris, 1961).
agreement, the titration method is subject 15. KRIEGER, K. 9., Intl. Eng. Chem. (Anal. Ed.1
to less interpretation. 16, 398 (1944).
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We arc greatly indebted to Drs. Hughes, Hous- 17. ~EIDENIMCH, G., AND FIRST, H., Chew. i”ech.
ton, and Sieg, at California Research Corporation, (Redin) 15, 589 (1963).

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