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Short sleep duration and obesity: Mechanisms and future perspectives

Article  in  Cell Biochemistry and Function · August 2012

DOI: 10.1002/cbf.2832 · Source: PubMed


34 744

8 authors, including:

Ioná Zalcman Zimberg Ana Dâmaso

Universidade Federal de São Paulo Universidade Federal de São Paulo


Aline Millani-Carneiro Helton De Sá Souza

Universidade Federal de São Paulo Universidade Federal de São Paulo


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cell biochemistry and function
Cell Biochem Funct 2012; 30: 524–529.
Published online 4 April 2012 in Wiley Online Library
( DOI: 10.1002/cbf.2832

Short sleep duration and obesity: mechanisms and future perspectives

Ioná Zalcman Zimberg1,2, Ana Dâmaso2,3, Mariana Del Re1,2, Aline Millani Carneiro2, Helton de Sá Souza2,
Fábio Santos de Lira1,2,4, Sergio Tufik1 and Marco Túlio de Mello1,2*
Departamento de Psicobiologia, Universidade Federal de São Paulo, São Paulo, Brazil
Centro de Estudos em Psicobiologia e Exercício (CEPE), São Paulo, Brazil
Departamento de Biociências, Universidade Federal de São Paulo, Santos, Brazil
Laboratório de Fisiologia e Bioquímica do Exercício, Universidade do Extremo Sul Catarinense, Criciúma, SC, Brazil

A reduction of sleep time has become common over the last century, and growing evidence from both epidemiological and laboratory-based
studies suggests sleep curtailment is a new risk factor for the development of obesity. On this basis, the present review examines the role of
sleep curtailment in the metabolic and endocrine alterations, including decreased glucose tolerance and insulin sensitivity, increased evening
concentrations of cortisol, increased levels of ghrelin, decreased levels of leptin and increased hunger and appetite. It will be discussed how
sleep restriction may lead to increase in food intake and result in greater fatigue, which may favour decreased energy expenditure. Altogether,
evidences point to a possible role of decreased sleep duration in the current epidemic of obesity and therefore present literature highlights the
importance of getting enough good sleep for metabolic health. Many aspects still need to be clarified and intervention studies also need to be
conducted. Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.

key words—sleep; obesity; diabetes; nutrition; hormones


The worldwide prevalence of obesity is increasing rapidly, A reduction of sleep time has become common in recent
representing one of today’s most important contemporary years, prompted by the demands and opportunities of
health problems. A recent report from the World Health modern society.7 Over the last 40 years, self-reported sleep
Organization estimated that in 2008, 15 billion adults were duration has decreased by 15–2 h in the USA. In 2009, a poll
overweight, and over 200 million men and nearly 300 conducted by the National Sleep Foundation demonstrated
million women were obese.1 that American adults sleep an average of 6 h and 40 min on
Obesity is a chronic disease that involves social, weekdays and 7 h and 7 min during the weekend. By com-
behavioural, environmental, cultural, psychological, metabolic parison, in 1960, the average sleep duration was 85 h.11
and genetic factors. Although changes in the balance between The proportion of young adults with a period of sleep shorter
energy intake and expenditure are clearly responsible for the than 7 h per day has increased from 156% in 1960 to 43% in
current epidemic of obesity,2 factors that can lead to a positive 2009.12 In Brazil, self-reported sleep duration has decreased
energy balance are still inconclusive. In the past few years, a approximately 03 h between 1987 and 2007.13,14
large body of evidence has shown that short sleep duration Sleep research has mainly focused on the cognitive conse-
may affect both sides of the energy balance equation (energy quences of sleep loss in the belief that sleep is essential only
intake and expenditure), resulting in obesity.3 for the brain. In the past few years, however, there has been
Even though the mechanisms involved in modifications a shift in concern about the consequences of sleep loss for
in eating habits are not completely understood, it is known other organs and physiological systems.
that alterations in sleep patterns and sleep efficiency Over the past 6 years, much attention has been focused
induced by alterations in the sleep–wake schedule can on the relationship between sleep duration and obesity.
significantly alter appetite, satiety4, food intake5,6 and energy Cross-sectional studies have confirmed the association
balance4,7 that, consequently, could have important implica- between sleep duration and body mass index (BMI) in
tions in the increase of obesity.8–10 both children and adults, and prospective studies have
tested the hypothesis that short sleep duration at baseline
predicted weight gain or increased incidence of obesity
*Correspondence to: M. T. de Mello, Departamento de Psicobiologia,
Universidade Federal de São Paulo, Rua Professor Francisco de Castro,
over the follow-up period.15–27
93. Vila Clementino, São Paulo, SP, Brazil, CEP 04020–050. E-mail: Epidemiological and laboratory studies of partial sleep restriction have provided increasing evidence that short

Received 12 December 2011

Revised 29 February 2012
Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. Accepted 20 March 2012

sleep duration results in metabolic changes that may con- increase mobilization of fatty acids, leading to a state
tribute to the development of obesity, insulin resistance, of increase metabolic demands.
diabetes and cardiovascular disease.3,4,17,19,28–30 Cappuc- Chronic elevation of cytokine levels in the adipose tissue
cio et al.,31 in a meta-analysis, demonstrated that a and systemic may progress to low-grade inflammation, a
reduction of 1 h of sleep per day was associated with a similar state found in obesity.40 Probably the link between
035 kg m 2 increase in BMI. short sleep and development of obesity may have start in
Taheri3 suggested some hypotheses regarding the the persistence of elevated levels of cytokines.
mechanism that relates sleep restriction and obesity. Many studies have described a significant impairment
According to the author, greater awake time, besides pro- of glucose control in individuals who have decreased
moting hormonal changes capable of increasing caloric sleep duration.41,42,30 Spiegel et al.30 found that six con-
intake, may provide more opportunity for food intake secutive nights of sleep restriction (4 h of sleep per night)
and result in greater fatigue, which tends to decrease was associated with a decrease of 30% of glucose effect-
the level of physical activity and decreases basal meta- iveness and 30% of acute insulin response to glucose.
bolic rate. Significant weight gain may, in turn, result This difference in glucose effectiveness was nearly
in insulin resistance, which is a condition that may pro- identical to that reported between groups of patients
mote further adiposity. with non-insulin-dependent diabetes and normoglycemic
white men.43 The mechanism involved in impaired
glucose metabolism following changes in the sleep-wake
rhythm seems to be the decreased efficacy of the negative-
NEUROENDOCRINE CHANGES ASSOCIATED feedback regulation of the hypothalamus-pituitary-adrenal
Sleep curtailment is associated with two parallel endo- The results of these and other studies11,17,18,32,33 suggest
crine modifications that can significantly alter food that modification of sleep duration can lead to endocrine
intake: decreased secretion of the anorexigenic hormone dysregulations that promote obesity (Figure 1).
leptin7,18,32 and increased secretion of the orexigenic Insulin resistance may also be promoted by the mainten-
hormone ghrelin,4,7,18,33 thus resulting in increased ance of higher levels of glucose and fatty acids generated
hunger and food intake.4 by the increased food intake during sleep restriction. Several
In the experiment conducted by Spiegel et al.,4 two studies have showed that hyperglycemic and hyperlipidemic
consecutive nights of sleep restriction (4 h of sleep per conditions contribute to the development of insulin resist-
night) in young men was associated with a 28% increase ance in obese individuals.44–46 Some studies with animals
in ghrelin level and an 18% reduction in leptin level have demonstrated that consumption of high fat and/or high
during the day. The researchers found that sleep restric- carbohydrate diet leads to insulin resistance in several
tion was significantly associated with increase in hunger tissues because of inflammatory and disrupted insulin
(24%) and appetite (23%) as measured by visual pathways.47–50
analogue scales.
Spiegel and colleagues7,30 also demonstrated that six
consecutive nights of sleep restriction (4 h of sleep per
night) was associated with increases in sympathetic INCREASED FOOD INTAKE RESULTING FROM
nervous system activity, evening cortisol level and growth SLEEP RESTRICTION
hormone level and reductions in thyroid-stimulating hor- Sleep deprivation seems to increase not only appetite but
mone. Magee et al.34 observed that two consecutive nights also preference for foods containing more energy.18,51
of 5 h of sleep led to a significant reduction in peptide YY Spiegel et al.4 showed that the appetite for energy-rich foods
level and a corresponding decrease in satiety. Moreover, with high carbohydrate content, including sweets, salty
sleep restriction has been found to promote an inflamma- snacks and starchy foods, increased from 33% to 45%
tory response with increases in serum pro-inflammatory after sleep restriction, although the appetite for fruits,
C-reactive protein, IL-6, and TNF-a.35 vegetables and high-protein foods was less affected.
The effects of sleep restriction in circulating levels of This preference for such foods is concerning because in
cytokines are particularly controversial. Studies have addition to presenting a hormone pattern that predisposes
demonstrated that the cytokines can be elevated,36 to increased energy intake,4 individuals with sleep loss
decreased37 or not measurably changed after sleep tend to meet this need with foods of low nutritional
deprivation.38 Our group recently found that paradoxical quality (Figure 2).42–56
sleep deprivation of 96 h decrease fat mass and may In a protocol of 14 consecutive days of sleep restriction
modulate the cytokine content in different depots of adi- (55 h of sleep per night) with ad libitum food intake,
pose tissue.39 It was found an increased IL-6 levels and Nedeltcheva et al.57 indicated that sleep restriction led to
decreased TNF-a protein concentration in adipose tissue an increase in calorie consumption that was attributed to
with increased levels of corticosterone in serum. snacking, particularly during the night when the individual
Increased levels of IL-6 in adipose tissue cause an in- would normally be sleeping. This greater opportunity to
crease lipolysis, decrease lipase lipoprotein activity and eat during the evening, which is a time of the day when

Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. Cell Biochem Funct 2012; 30: 524–529.
526 i. z. zimberg ET AL.

Figure 1. Metabolic alterations caused by sleep debt. PYY, peptide YY; GH, growth hormone

Figure 2. Effect of sleep restriction on food intake

people become less satisfied by a given amount of food behaviours in both children and adults.19,61,21,62 In a large
intake and may be more vulnerable to overeating, could pro- sample of adolescents, Knutson et al.8 found that about
mote a higher susceptibility to weight gain.58,59 40% of 12–16 year olds reported waking up tired, which
could have an adverse effect on daily physical activity. In
a cross-sectional sample of adolescents, Gupta et al.19
observed that for each hour decrease in sleep, the odds of
EFFECT OF SLEEP RESTRICTION ON ENERGY obesity increased by 80%, and daytime physical activity
EXPENDITURE diminished by 3% for every hour of increased sleep disturb-
Another plausible pathway linking chronic sleep restriction ance. Ortega et al.,61 in a large sample of adolescents,
to obesity regards energy expenditure. Individuals who get observed that short sleep duration was associated with
insufficient sleep are more likely to experience fatigue and excessive TV watching, which may confer risk for reduced
excessive daytime sleepiness, which could make them less energy expenditure and increased caloric intake.63 These
likely to engage in daytime physical activity and more likely reductions in physical activity could promote a positive
to engage in sedentary behaviours such as television view- energy balance and may partially account for the association
ing (Figure 3).3,19,60,61 between chronic sleep restriction and obesity.
Cross-sectional studies have shown that sleep disturbance On the other hand, Nedeltcheva et al.57 reported no differ-
or wakefulness during nighttime is associated with ences in total energy expenditure after measuring ten
lower daytime physical activity and more obesity-related subjects, who spent either 55 or 85 h time in bed, with

Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. Cell Biochem Funct 2012; 30: 524–529.

Figure 3. Effect of sleep restriction on energy expenditure

doubly labelled water for 14 d during caloric restriction. cortisol concentrations were still declining, and the curtail-
They found decreased resting metabolic rate after only ment of the leptin elevation was quantitatively associated
55 h in bed compared with 85 h, which may be an effect with an elevation of evening cortisol levels.
of a decrease in sleeping metabolic rate because of fewer Continuous disruption of circadian rhythms as well as
sleeping hours. nocturnal eating, as seen in human shift workers, has been
Jung et al.64 recently design protocol with seven healthy associated with body weight gain, metabolic disturbances,
men, who lived for 3 days in a whole-room indirect calorim- type 2 diabetes and cardiovascular diseases,67–72 in a forced
eter, and were submitted to 24 h normal sleep (8 h), followed desynchrony protocol with ten subjects, found that short-
by 40 h sleep deprivation and 8 h scheduled recovery sleep. term circadian misalignment—similar to what occurs chron-
The authors demonstrated that 24 h energy expenditure dur- ically with shift work—results in systematic increases in
ing sleep deprivation was significantly increased by ~7% postprandial glucose, insulin and mean arterial pressure,
(~134  21 kcal) and was significantly decreased by ~5% systematic decreases in 24 h leptin and the complete inver-
during recovery (~96  25 kcal). This indicates that main- sion of the cortisol profile (increased cortisol at the end of
taining wakefulness under bed-rest conditions is energetic- the wake episode and beginning of the sleep episode).
ally costly, and human metabolic physiology has the Alterations in the sleep–wake schedule affect intracellular
capacity to make adjustments to respond to the energetic circadian clocks—molecular mechanisms that enable the
cost of sleep deprivation. cell, tissue or organism to anticipate diurnal variations in
Several human studies have demonstrated reduced levels the environment. The environment (of cells and tissues)
of leptin after sleep loss,4,7,18 then it is possible that the may include circulating levels of nutrients (for example,
reduction in leptin is associated with a reduction in energy glucose, fatty acids and triacylglycerol) and various
expenditure. Still, the increase in ghrelin during sleep hormones (for example, insulin, leptin, ghrelin and gluco-
restriction could also be associated with a decrease in non- corticoids). As such, alterations in the timing mechanism
exercise activity thermogenesis. Indeed, in rodent models, are likely to induce nutritional changes that may potentiate
there is good evidence to indicate that leptin and ghrelin disrupted metabolism73 and influence appetite, satiety and,
have opposite effects on energy expenditure. Leptin therefore, food intake.4 It is believed also that problems in
possibly increases energy expenditure via increased thermo- adjustment of the biological clock, so impairing the duration
genesis in brown adipose tissue,65 whereas central ghrelin and quality of sleep, can also modify food intake.74,75
administration has been reported to decrease locomotor
activity in rats.61,76
Although laboratory studies have been conducted in adults
EFFECT OF CIRCADIAN DISRUPTION only, a large number of epidemiologic studies in paediatric
Modification of sleep schedule has been pointed as a factor and adolescent populations have demonstrated associations
that can lead to changes of circadian rhythms.66 Mullignton between short sleep and adiposity. There is still no conclu-
et al.32 verified in a study of 88 h of sleep deprivation that sive position on the relationship between short sleep
the diurnal amplitude of leptin was reduced and returned duration and obesity in the elderly population. Further
toward normal during the period of recovery sleep. research should be conducted to explore the relationship of
Likewise, in the experiment conducted by Spiegel et al.,7 short sleep duration and neuroendocrine release and meta-
6 days of 4-h bedtimes was associated with a decline in bolic function in different populations, such as with obesity,
leptin and thyroid-stimulating hormone diurnal amplitude diabetes, sleep disorders (e.g. obstructive sleep apnea,
and acrophase and a slower rate of decline of cortisol across insomnia), shift workers, among others.
the day time. The inverse relationship between leptin and Intervention studies with manipulations of sleep duration
cortisol 24 h profile was disrupted after sleep restriction as are important to determine the role of sleep duration in
leptin levels stopped rising in the early evening, when weight gain and weight loss. In addition, other hormones

Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. Cell Biochem Funct 2012; 30: 524–529.
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Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. Cell Biochem Funct 2012; 30: 524–529.

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