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NOTE: Itali cized numbers indicate illustra tions.

Acces so ry tubu le s, insec t sperm flagell um, 62 4-628 , Basal la mina

627, 629 and Descemet's mem brane , 48 , 49
Acro some, formation of. See Go lgi apparatus, role in in hum an corneal epitheliu m, 46 , 4 7
acrosom e [ormation. in invert eb rat e epithe lium , 50 , 51
Actin filaments in rela tion to plasma membra ne , 826 , structure a nd. fu nc tion , 45
827 Basoph ilia , 304 . See also Endop lasmi c reticulum ,
in microvilli, 828 , 829 con sti tu ents, basophili c bodi es .
polarity of , 830, 83 1 Bile cana liculus , 394 , 395
Act in/Myosin of nonmuscl e ce lls Bouton terminal of a xon, 722 , and a xodendritic
cultured fibrob la st , 806, 807 , 8 16, 8/7 sy nap se , 734 , 735
heavy me rom yo sin, use of, 80 4, 820, 821 , 827 and a xo so ma tic sy napse , 73 1
in vitro Se rto li ce ll, 808 ,809
loca tion of, 80 4
myos in , ev ide nce of, 824 , 825
slime mo ld , Physarum , stud ies , 80 4 Ce ll memb rane. See a lso Intram em brane particles;
tro pomyos in, ev idence of, 822 , 823 Intram em brane sp ecializati on s; Plaques.
Actin/Myosi n of stri ated mu sc le cross-section , microvi lli, 8, 9
actin filament s, 786-796 , 789, 791, 793, 795 , 797 D avson-Dan iell i mod el, 2, 6
tropomyo sin , 787 ear ly termino logy, I
troponin , 787 fluid mo sa ic model, 3-5
cross bridge s , 792 , 793, 795 amph ipa thic prote ins, 4
early studies, 785 E-face , 3, 10 , II , 13. See also E-Jace oj cell
insect flight muscle , 79 4 , 795 , 79 7 m embran e.
myofi br il con tractio n model , 786 P-face , 3, 10, II , 13. See a lso P-Jace of cell
myosin fila men ts , 786 -796 ,789,791,793 ,795 ,797 m embrane.
me ro rnyo sins, 787 freeze , fracture prep a ra tion, 3-6 , 10 , II . 13
Ad ipose cell , 666 , 667. See also Lipid storage, modern concept , development of, 1- 5
intracellular. reg iona l specializat ions, 15- 20,1 7,1 9, 20
Amniocentesis, sex d iagno sis by . See under Nucleolar surface a rea ca lcu lation. See un der Plasma m embran e.
sex dim orphi sm. un it membrane , 2, 6
A nnu late la mellae Ce ll me mbranes , adjacent, 3 16, 3 17
early stud ie s, 292 com pa rison with ciste rn ae mem bran e s, 316 , 317
in oocytes, 298, 299, 301 Ce ll surface coat , 35 . See a lso G lycocalyx .
in Serto li ce ll, 296 ,297 Centriolar adjunct, 568 , 569, 57 1
structu re of, 292, 293 , 295 Ce nt riolar satellites, 553 , 562 ,563
An nulus (J en se n's ring). See under Sp ermatozoon, Centriole( s)
mammalian. and R N A , 55 3
An tennu lae. See G lyco calyx , definition of a s basa l bodies in c ilioge ne sis, 55 1, 554 , 566 ,567
Autophagic vacuole s, 488 , 496 , 497. See a lso deu terosome s, 552
L ysosom es. frac tio na l exposu re method , 560 , 56 1
Axonemal compo ne nts , 584 -588 ,585 ,58 7,589. See in re lation to Golgi, 564 , 565
also Mi crotubules oj axonem e. procentriole, 552
bridges , 58 4, 589 repl ica tion of, 552, 553 , 556 , 557
dyne in ar ms , 58 4 , 589, 590 , 59 1 role in sperma togenes is, 568 -572 ,569, 57/ . 573
rad ial spokes, 58 4,589, 590 ,591 Centrosome , 55 1, 553 , 562
Axoneme , mammalian spe rm , protofil a me nts , 6 16, 617 C ho ndriosome , te rmi no logy , 41 0
sate llite fibrils, 6 16, 6/7 C hromatin. See also H eterochrom atin.
uro dele spe rm, axial fiber, 618 -622, 62 1, 623 and glut a ra lde hyde fixation, 208 , 20 9
groupi ng form ula , 6 19 co mpo site diag ram of, 225
ma rgina l fiber, 618 , 622, 62 3 D N A , 205
A zurop hil granules, 508 , 509 e uc hro mat ic form, 204 , 2 10

C hro matin (con tinued) Cy tos keleton, in relation to actin, 812-816 , 8 13, 81 5, E xocyt osis. See also S ecreto ry produ cts. H emo globin , crystallization of. See unde r Crys tals,
histor y of, 204-206 , 207 8 17 mech ani sm in mucu s cells, 708, 709, 711,714 , 715 intracellular.
RN A , 205 of cultured cells, 818 , 8 19 myoneural junction, frog, 728 , 729 Hem osiderin , 684. See also Ferritin, sto rage of
Virch ow's aphorism, 204 nature of, 811 sec reto ry pa thway, 69 1, 372- 375,7 12,713 H eteroch romatin. See also Ch roma tin.
C hro moso me structu re, mitotic amount in relati on to ac tivity , 210 , 21 /
after histone-d epletion , 226 , 236, 23 7, 23 9 con cept of organization, 224 , 225
and sy napto nemal co mplex, 226 Ferritin , sto rage of, 684 , 685. See also H emosiderin. co nde nsation chan ges, 212- 216 , 2 13, 215, 217
class ica l depicti on , 227 , 234 , 235 technique for visualization , 42 , 43 location of, 208
D endrite thorn s (spines) , on axode nd ritic synapses, 731
D N A repl icon s, 226 F ibro nec tins, 62 natu re of, 218-222 , 219 , 221 , 223
as surface specializatio ns , 66
ea rly model s, 226, 238 F ree ze-fracture method , 3 nucle osome su bunits , 222
on Purkinje ce ll, rat , 738, 739
elect ron micr oscop y, result s of, 22 8-23 2, 229 , 23 1, schematic diagram , 196
D escem et' s membran e. See und er Ba sal lamin a.
233 term inology, 204
De smosome(s). See also Ju nction al comp lex,
high voltage electr on microscopy , 234 , 235 G ap juncti on (nex us) H et erophagic vacu oles, 488 , 506 , 507. See also
desm osome (ma cula adherens) . and intercalated discs, cardiac mu scle, 187-1 90 ,
loop vs. co il co nce pt , 227 Lysosom es.
half-desmosom es, 158,1 59, 166
C ilia 189 ,1 91 Hi stone-depletion treatment , chro moso mes , 236 , 237,
in ciliar y epithelium, 166 ,1 6 7
co mpariso n with flagella, 575 bioch emic al aspects, 170 239
in neu roglial cells, annelid, 164 , 165, 848 , 84 9
co mparison with micro villi, 586, 587 change pot ential , 171
of ca rdiac muscle, 190, 191
fun ction of, 576 connexo ns , 169 , 176 ,1 77, 180,1 81
structure and location , 156- 160,1 59,1 61
in hum an ovid uct, 580 , 581 inverted type, 184, 185
syno nym, macul a adherens , 125
matri x co mponents, 588, 589 negativ ely sta ined prep arati on , 176 , 177
termin ology, 124-126, 129 In tramembrane particl es. See also Cell memb rane;
modi fied type, 596 , 597 ph ysiological as pects, 170 , 180, 181 , 183 1ntram embrane spec ializat ions; Plaqu es.
Di ct yosome(s), 369-37 1
mo vem en t of, 577-5 79 , 582 , 583 st ruct ure of, 172,173,175 afte r freeze-frac tur e, 12, 13, 20 , 21
DNA . See also Ch roma tin; H eterochromatin.
solitary type, 594 ,595 GE R L, and autophagic vac uoles , 700, 701 and golgi acti vity, 406 , 40 7
and nucle osornes, 222
Ci liary rhyth m, 575 and condensing vacu ole s, 700, 701
of mitoch ond ria , 424-428, 425,427, 429 "c iliary necklace," 22, 23
C iste rnae, of endo plas mic ret iculum and lysosom e form ation , 488 in ga p junction, 172, 173
o rganizat ion of, 222-227,225
di stend ed , 324,325 of No vikoff et al., 375 , 404 in Sert oli ce ll junction , 144, 145
radial loop struc ture, 226
fenes tra ted, 350 , 351 Golgi apparatus loca tion of, 10, 11
uncoiling of, 236,237, 239
in gland ular cells, 320 , 32 1 and plasmalemma differenti ation , 406 , 40 7 Int ram embran e specializa tions. See also Cell
Dynein , importance in fertility, 579
in moto r neurons, 318 , 31 9 ea rly cytology of, 369- 371 membra ne ; l ntramem brane pa rticles ; Plaques.
free polyribosomes, 318, 31 9, 321 form ing face, 373 co rr ugated a ppearance, 20 , 21
and N issl substance , 318 , 31 9, 321 d ynamic as pect, dia gram of , 372 in mamm alian sperm, 16- 20,17,1 9, 21
membranes of, 3 16, 3 17 in ciliar y epithelium, 398, 399 in neuronal sy napse , 24 , 25
structure of, 310 , 3 11, 313 E-face of ce ll membran e. See also under C ell in epididy mal cell, 396 , 397 in tran sition al epithelium, 26 ,2 7, 29
C lat hrin basket , 120, 121 memb rane, fluid mosaic mo del. maturing face, 373 plaque form ati on , 406, 40 7
Coated ves icles afte r freeze-fracture, 3-5 , 10,11 ,1 3 Palade and C laude , 370 Int ercellular substa nce , 62, 125
and low-den sity lipop rotein (L D L) studies , 109 and intramembrane parti cle s, 12, 13, 24, 25 role in ac roso me format ion, 388 , 389 , 39 1
associated with Go lgi, 390 ,39 1, 398 , 399 and zonula occluden s, 132,1 33,1 35 role in carb oh ydr ate met abolism , 376
c1athrin comp onent, 109, 113, 120,1 21 in Se rto li ce ll junction s, 142, 143, 145 role in glyco protein synthes is, 376
in micropinocytosis. See under Mi cropin ocytosis. in sy napse s of retina , 24, 25 secreto ry tran sport function , 374-3 77 , 394 , 395 ,
404 , 405 Jun ctional compl ex. See also Sertoli cell j unctions.
in relation to memb rane recyc ling, 111-113 lumen al surface , bladder epithelium, 28 , 29
structu re and location , 370 communicatin g jun ction (nex us) . See Gap jun ction
in vitelloge nesis , 118, 119 Endocy tos is, definition of, 92 . See also Phagocytosis; (nexus) , connexons.
str uctu re of, 109 Pinocytosis. G olgi-associated entities
coat ed ve sicles , 390 , 39 1, 398 , 399 ea rly studies, 124-126
Co do n(s), 307 importan ce of , 93 intercellular cement, 125
C ollagen fibrils, of connecti ve tissue, 60, 6 1 oocy tes , atypical fea tu re in, 118 conde ns ing vacu oles, 372 - 375 , 392 , 700, 70 1
secre tory gra nules, 372-3 75 , 400 , 401 terminology, 125-127
of skeleta l mu scle , 58,5 9 Endo plas mic reticulum, co nstituents
nonhomo gene ou s type , 700 , 701, 703 zonation, 127-135
of smoot h mu scle, 56 , 57 bas ophilic bodies, 303 , 310 , 3 11 adhe ring jun ction (zonula adhere ns), 125-127, 129,
C ritica l point dr ying meth od , 67 , 8 11 earl y stud ies , 303-305 , 330 transpo rt vesicle s, 372 , 386, 38 7, 392 ,393 ,700, 70 1
G olgi ciste rna e 130,1 31
C rystalloids, male germ cell, 676 , 677 microsome s, 303-305 , 309, 330 desmosome (mac ula ad herens), 124 , 127, 130 , 131.
C rystals, intracellular ribosome s, identific ati on and fun ction , 304-30 9, 306 and cytoc hemical polar ity, 380 , 381 , 383
conte nt gradient, 384 , 385 See also Desm osome(s).
crystals of Reinke , 672 , 673 , 675 Endo plas mic reti culum, rough (granular) tight jun cti on (zonula occlude ns), 127-134, 131 ,
exa mples of, 668 , 669, 67 1 and floccul en t prot ein , odont oblast, 326 , 327 of ac tive vs. inacti ve ce ll, 378 , 3 79, 400 ,40 I , 403
of hepatic cell , rat, 394, 395 133 ,1 35,142,143, 146,14 7
ferritin crysta llization, 684 , 685 and immunoglobulin synthes is, 322 , 323 Jun ctional spec ializations, invert ebrat es
hem oglob in crys ta llization, 680 , 68 1 and protein crys ta ls, salamander liver , 328, 329 st ructure and locati on , 370
G olgi method , 369 E-face ridges, 150, 151 , 153
in plant cell, tobacco, 678 , 679 compar ison with plasma membran e, 3 16, 317
G lyco ca lyx, definiti on of, 35 P-face groo ves, 150, 151
in tap etum lucidum , ea t's eye, 686 , 687, 689 membran e ribo som es vs. free poly som es, 3 18, 3 19 septate jun ction , 148,149, 154,155
in yolk plat elet, amphibian , 682 , 683 of protein-e xportin g cells, 312 , 3 13, 318 and sialic ac id rem oval , 35
in micr opin ocyto sis, 108-110 E-face and P-face, 154, 155
Cy to plas mic fil ament s, ten nan ometer typ e riboph orin I and II , 309
pol ysaccharid e nature of, 35, 377 functi on of, 154
as neurofil am ent s, 846, 847 structu re of, 310-314 , 311 , 313, 315 zonula co ntinua, 148-152,1 49,1 51 ,1 53
comp onen ts of, 833 with distend ed ciste rnae, 324 , 325 G lycoca lyx filaments, and ferritin bindin g, 42, 43
glial filaments, 848 , 849 Endo plas mic reticulum, smooth (agra nular) of intestinal microvilli , 35-3 8, 3 7, 39
immunocytoc hemica l studies , 836 , 837, 839 ada ptive respon se of, 338, 339 thorium en bloc sta in te chniq ue, 35, 41
in astrocyte, 850 , 85 1 and glyco ge n, 340 , 341 , 343 G lycoge n storage
in cultu red ce ll, 834 , 835 and lipid metab olism , 334 , 335 , 337 as alpha particl es, 641 , 643 Keratin , filam en ts in epide rmal epithelium , 840, 841,
in seminiferous epithelium, 844 , 845 bioc hemi cal features, 331 beta particl e acc umulation, 652 , 653 843
ter minology, 833 functions of, 330 in ca rdiac muscle, 646 , 64 7 molec ular weight of, 833
Cytoplas mic organization, early theories, 784 morphological observa tions, 3 10,311 , 330 in dorm ancy , turtl e C NS , 648 , 649 Ker atinocytes, 542 , 543
latti ce mod el , 8 10 of steroid-secreting ce lls, 344-350, 345, 34 7, 349, 35 1 in liver , amphibian, 644 , 645 Kinetochores, 758
microtrabe cular meshw or k, 811-814, 813 , 815 ribo some-l ack ing, 332 , 333 in rete testis, guinea pig, 650 , 651 Kinet opla st, 412 , 428 , 429

La mina externa , of per iphe ral nerves , 54, 55 Mi c rotubul e(s), cy to plasm ic (co ntinued) Nucl ear enve lope , fibro us lamin a Ph agoc ytosis, mech an ism a nd phases of, 92 , 9 3
of Sch warm ce ll, 52 , 53 morpho logy , 744-7 46. 747 co mposition of, 281 , 283 . 288 , 289 pseudopodi a in, 94, 95
of sk eleta l mu scle, 58 , 59 , 6 1, 725 prot o filam ents, 746 in epide rma l ce ll, 286, 287 Pinocyto sis. See a lso En doc ytos is; M icropinocyt osis.
of smo ot h mu scle cells, 56, 5 7 tubul in, 744-746 , 747 in Le ydig ce ll, ro de nt , 286,287 form s a nd phases of, 93
Lipid sto rage , intr acellul ar , 655-666 , 657, 659, 66 1, cy tos kele ta l role, 768, 769, 771 locat ion of, 284, 285 with inclus ions, 524, 525
663, 665, 667 in pillar ce lls, 772 , 773 N uc lear e nve lope , and go lgi compl e x, 386, 387 in vitro vs . in vivo, 102 ,1 03
chylom icro ns, 65 8 in Se rto li ce lls, 77 4, 775 N uc lea r e nve lope, pore co mplex la mellip odi a in, 96- 100, 97, 99 , 101
in ad ipose ce ll, 666 , 667 in mit osis, 758 -762,759 ,76 1,763 annulus , 266, 27 6, 277 mechani sm of , 93 , 104 , 105
in Leydig cell, squ irre l, 664, 665 orie ntation of ce ntra l gra nule, 267 , 276 , 277 Plaques. See a lso Ce ll membran e; 1ntramem brane
in steroi d-secreting ce ll, 662 , 663 and pa rticle tran slo cati on , 752 , 753 defini tion of, 266 part icles; l ntram embrane specia lization s.
Lipofusci n. See also Lys osom es , residual bodi es . in chro matophore. 752, 753 di st rib ut ion in soma tic ce ll, 272 , 273 and golgi ac tivity , 40 6, 40 7
as end- stage of au to phagy , 529 in cytoplas mic movement, 75 1 in spe rma tocyte, 274 , 275 in ce ll me mbran es, 26 ,27, 29
as mani festat ion s of aging, 530-53 4 ,53 I , 533, 535 in de nd rit e, 754, 755 octagona l pore shape , 276 ,277 in lum ena l memb ran e , 27, 28 , 29
stain reacti on of, 529 in Sert oli cells, 77 4, 775 perinu clea r ciste rn , 267 -272, 269 , 27 l . 273 interpl aque region s, 26, 28, 29
Low-d en sit y lipopro tei n (L DL). See und er Coated ro le in morph ogen esis, 77 6-78 2, 777 , 779, 78 I , 783 tr an sit fu nction, 278 ,279 Plasma membrane , surface area ca lculat ion, 33 1
ves icles . Micr otub ule-a ssociat ed prot e in (MA PS), 745 , 748 , 749 Nucl ear var iat ions Polyrib osom es (polyso mes) , 305 , 3 18,3 19, 321. See
Lysosomes Mit och ondria in epididy mal epithe lium, c hinc hilla, 20 2, 203 also Ri bosom e(s).
a nd compl em en t bind ing, 489 a nd ATP reacti on s, 410-41 2, 478-48 2, 479 , 481 , 483 in neutrophilic leuk ocyt e, 200 , 20 l Proacro somal gra nules , 388, 38 9
c harac terist ics of , 487-489 and N eurospora expe rime nts , 431 in polypl oid y, 198,1 99 Proin sulin, intra cell ular c rys ta ls, 7 18, 719
in epi did ymi s, ra bbit , 396, 397, 500 ,50 I D NA , RNA . con tent, 412 size a nd sha pes , 197- 202,1 99, 201 , 203 P rotopl asm , ea rly theori es of, 784
in liver, hamster , 494 , 495 ea rly stud ies , 410-41 3 N ucleofilame nts , supe rco iling of, 238 , 239 Pun c ta ad herentia , 160 , 161 , 723
in suprare na l co rtex , ha mster, 492, 493 fus ion of, 438, 439, 44l N uc leo lar cha nne l sy ste m, 258, 259
inclu sion s, 50 2, 503 , 505 in ner ve ending, 725 . 736, 737 N ucl eolar ge ne tran scription , 245
intracellul ar diges tio n, 48 7-489, 496 , 49 7 in urodel e sperm, 6 18,6 19-62 2 ,62 1,623 N ucleolar sex dim orphi sm, and amnioce ntes is, 25 2
autophag y, 488 , 506, 50 7 lar ge size of, 444 , 44 5 in Leydig ce ll, boa r, 254 , 255
sex c hro matin, identifi cati on of, 252, 253 Ribonu cleoprotein (R N P) particl es, in mit och ondria,
heter oph agy, 488, 506 , 507 life spa n, 43 I te rmina l gra nule , 424 , 425
prim ar y lyso sornes, 488-490, 48 9, 4 9 I , 494 , 498, nu mbe rs a nd di st ribut ion , 418 , 468, 46 9 N ucle olus(i)
Riboph orin I, II , 309
499 a nd act ive ion tran spo rt, 476 , 4 77 amph ibian oocyt e stud ies, 245
a nd D N A , 244 Rib o som e (s). See a lso under Endop lasm ic
second ary lyso som e s (phagosome s), 488 , 494 in ph otor eceptors, re tina , 474 , 47 5 reticu lum .
residua l bod ies , 488 , 489, 506, 50 7 in relat ion to lipid dropl ets, 470 , 47/ ,4 73 a nd R NA , 244
a nd R N A co nte nt , 304
lipofusc in fro m, 488 , 489, 506 ,507. Se e also in re la tion to micr otubules, 468 a uto ra diogra phic stud ies, 244
basophili c character of , 3 10, 3 I 1
Lipofuscin. pleom orphi sm of , 458 , 459 basic orga niza tion of, 250 , 25 1
ide ntification of, 304
va riability of, 490 , 49 I septu m, in d ivision, 430-43 6, 433, 435 , 437 exce ptional typ e, 256 , 257, 25 9
in relation to ty rosi nase synthes is, 546
va riation in cec ido mid fly sperm, 634 , 635 multipl e, 245 , 26 1,263
nucl eolonema, 243, 246-2 50, 247 , 249 . 25 I of glan dula r ce ll comp ar ed with neuron , 318, 31 9, 32 I
Mit och ondrial cr istae of mitoc ho nd ria, 45 2, 453
Ma nchette , in spe rmioge nes is, 766 , 777 ada ptive cha nges in, 46 2, 463 nucl eolu s-or ga nizing ce nte rs, 243 , 248, 249
role in pep tid e synthesis, 304- 307
Mast ce ll, und ulat ing fold s of, 78 , 79. See a lso S urfa ce and ene rgy requi rem ent of cell, 41 8, 41 9, 442 , 443 par s arnorpha, refer en ce to , 246
and mR N A , 305- 307
amplifica tion. a nd intracri stal space , 414 , 4 I 5 Nu cleo some (s), 22 2
a nd tR NA , 30 5-307
Melani zation , 537-542, 539 , 54 I , 543 of steroi d-secre ting ce lls, 448 , 449, 460 , 461 RNA
Melano c yte(s), a nd eye co lor, 544 , 545 , 547 pri smati c fo rm, 456 . 457
Organ of Co rt i, guinea pig, 600 , 601 co ding for RN A precursor , 262 , 263
and ty ros inase ac tivity , 537, 53 9, 546 ,547 three-dim en sion al latti ce , 454 , 455
pilla r ce ll, 772 , 773 in ce ntrioles, 55 3
of mamm alia n sk in, 53 7, 540,541,543 tu bula r form , 424 . 425, 44 8-452 , 449. 451 , 453
of mitoc ho ndr ia, 426
Me lano phore , 752 , 753 ty pica l lam ellar form , 41 8, 41 9 O steocl asts, prot ease sec retio n by, 48 9
of nucleolu s a nd nuc leus, 244
M elan osom e (s), 537-5 48 ,539,54 1,543 ,545 ,547,549 with fe ne strations , 444 , 445 polym er a se, in oocy tes, 245
Mesaxon . See under M yelin sheath fo rmation . zigzag a nd hon eycom b fo rms , 44 6, 44 7
Par anu cleolar spher es, 256, 25 7 role in pepti de sy nthesis, 305- 309
Micr opino cyto sis. See a lso En docytos is; Pinocytosis. Mit och ondrial derivati ves, insect spe rm, 624 , 625 , 627
an d ferrit in binding, 116, 117 Mit och ond rial D N A , 424-4 28, 425,42 7, 429 P-face of ce ll membran e. Se e also Ce ll m em brane .
coa ted ves icles in, 108-110, 114, 115, 11 7. See also Mit och ondrial matrix gra nules , 414 , 420 , 42 1, 423 after fre e ze-fracture, 3- 5, 10, t t , 13
Coa ted vesicles. M ito tic a pparatus, classical desc ription , 75 8 and int ra me mbra ne par ticles, 12,13 , 20- 24 , 21 . 23 ,
ph ases in, 106, 107, 108 Mul tivesicul ar bodi es, 510 , 5 I t , 5 13 25 Sarcoplas mic re ticulum
Mic roplicae , 84, 85. 87 . See a lso S urface M yelin sheat h, formation of, 30 , 3 1. 33 a nd zo nu la occ lude ns, 134 , 135 ea rly view s, 35 3
amplifica tion. Myon em e(s), 76 4, 765 in c iliate d ce lls, 23 in a mp hibian mu scle, 356, 357
Micr o som es, 303-305. 309, 330 . See also Endoplasmic and Sc hwarm ce ll, 30 , 31 in guinea pig sperm, 16,1 7,1 9 selective sta ining of, 362 , 363 . 365
reticulum , constituents. me sa xon , 30 , 3 l in Se rtol i ce ll jun ction s, 142, 143, 145 terminal c iste rnae , 354 ,355 ,357
M icr otu bule(s) Sc hwa rm cell, x-sect io n, 725 in syna pses of ret ina, 24 , 25 in fish mu scle, 358-3 62 , 35 9. 361 , 363
amo ng ker atin filam en ts, 842 , 843 Pero xisom e(s) T -tubules , 354 , 355
amo ng te n na nometer filame nts, 844, 845 ea rly obs erva tions , 515 and mu scle dep ola rizati on , 354
and sliding of, 590, 764, 765 , 767 ety mo logy of, 515 in fish muscle, 35 8-36 2,359. 36 I , 363
axo nema l Neben kern , 43 8, 439, 441. 466 from convol uted kidn e y tubul e cell, 524 , 525 ,527 Sa tellite kar yosom es, 256 , 25 7. See a lso N ucleoli ,
and ce nt riolar satellites, 553 ,562,563 N exus. See Ga p j unction (nex us) . with inc lus ions , 524, 5 25 exceptional type .
a nd slid ing of, 590 N issl bodi es, 31 8, 319, 321 func tion of , 52 2, 523 Sc hwa rm ce ll membr an e. See M yelin sh eath , f orma tion
in ce nt riole wall , 558 ,559.570 ,571 Nucl ear co mpone nts in a uto phag ic vac uo les , 496, 49 7 of, and Schwann cell.
of spi ndle, 553 , 562 , 563 euchro ma tin, 195 ,1 96,204, 210 in liver , rat , 418 , 41 9 Sec re to ry produ ct s. See also Exocytosis .
structure of , 584, 585, 588- 592 , 58 9, 59 1, 593 heteroch rom atin , 195,1 96 , 204 , 210 , 211 in relation to lyso som es, 49 8, 499, 520 , 52 I distribution in mast ce ll, 720, 72 I
cy to plas mic nuclea r e nve lope , 195 ,1 96. See a lso Nuclear in tob acco leaf ce ll, 678 , 679 ela borat ion of , 372-3 75
and synaptic ve sicles , 756 , 757 envelope. micr op ero xisornes, 516 exocy tos is of, 7 10-7 14 , 7 I I , 713, 715
ea rly stud ies , 743, 744 nuclear pore s, 195 ,1 96, 20 2 nucleoid (s), 5 15, 5 17 of endoc rine pan cr eas, 7 16, 717.7/9
isolat ion of, 744 nucl eolu s. 195 ,1 96 o rigin of, 5 15 zo natio n of, 700 , 701

Secr et or y storage, intracellula r Synap se, e N S , a xoa xo nal, 73 1

ad re nal medull a , ra t, 694 , 695 a xode nd ritic, 73 1- 734 ,733,735
mucu s ce lls, gas tro intes tinal, 706 , 707, 709 a xos omatic, 736, 73 7
nonh om ogeneou s sec reto ry subunits , 702 , 703, 705 Synap se, neu romu scu la r, 72 2-726 , 725,72 7
pan cr eati c ce ll, 696 , 69 7, 699 exoc yto sis of vesicles, 72 8, 729
typ e-f cell, tick sa liva ry gland, 692 , 693 ner ve te rmin al co mpone nts , 724 - 726 , 725 , 727
Sen sor y hair ce ll, go ldfish sac cula, 602, 603 Synap tic co mple x, ac tive zo nes , 72 3, 736, 737
Sertoli ce ll junction s. See also Jun ctional complex. Synapti c membran e specializa tions, 722
a nd intram embran e part icles, 144, 145 Synapti c tran smi ssion , 72 2, 728 , 729
co mpariso n with inte stin al ep ithelium jun ction , 142, Synapti c ves icles , 722 -728, 725, 727, 729, 732 - 736,
143 733 , 735, 737 , 756, 757
compartme nta lization of epith elium , 137
mem bran efu sion in, 140, 141
Signal hyp oth esis, for mRN A func tio n, 309 T ap etum lucidum , ea t's eye. See under C rysta ls,
Spectrin , 15 intracellular.
Sperm motilit y, insect s, 630 -636, 63 1, 633, 635, 63 7 Terminal we b, in relati on to microvilli, 129, 827, 830 ,
Spe rmato zoo n, mamm alian 83 1
annulus (Je nse n' s ring), 604 , 605, 6 14, 6 15 Tonofibr ils, early nomencla ture, 784
ea rly stud ies , 604 Tonofi lam ent s, o n E-face , cilia ry ep ithelium , 166, 16 7
midpi ece vs. pr incip al piec e, 6 12-614 , 6 13, 6 15 in relat ion to de smo somes, 156-1 62, 157,1 59, 163
struc tu ral co mpone nts, 605 , 606 -6 10, 607 , 609 , 611 locatio n of, 130, 131
Stereocilia , 598 , 599 Total membra ne surface a rea ca lculat ions, live r ce ll, 33 1
"Stress fiber s," 806 , 807 ,809,8 11,8 14, 8 15, 8 17 T ubu lin, 553 , 560 , 56 1, 744-7 46 , 747
Sup ernumerary nucleol i, in oo cyt es, 245 . See also
Nu cleoli, mul tiple.
Surface a mplification, microvilli
bru sh bord er , 8, 9, 80,81 Undu lat ing membrane , a mphibian sperm tail, 6 18, 61 9,
interce llular proj ections, 90 , 91 622 , 623
on HeL a ce lls, 68 , 69 Unit membra ne. See und er Cell membrane.
on macroph age and lymph oc yte , 72-76, 73,75, 77
Surface a mplifica tion, ridge s
epide rmal cells, la mpre y larvae , 88 , 8 9 Vimentin , 83 3
micr opli cae, 84, 85 , 8 7 Vitellogen esis. See under Coa ted vesicles.
on mucus-producing cells, 84 , 85
to ad bladd er , lumen al surfac e, 82, 83
Surface a mplification, undulat ing folds, 78 , 79
Surface specializa tions , discussion of, 65- 67 Z ymogen gra nules, 696 , 697, 699, 7 13

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