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What are Bacteria? How many Types of Bacteria?

Advantage and Disadvantage of Bactria?

What are Bacteria?

Bacteria is a microscopic acellular organism that exist in millions, live within and
in the open air.
Some microorganism is harmful, however most serve a helpful purpose. They
support several types of life activity in each plant and animal, and they also use
industrial and beneficial processes.
Bacteria is a primary organism to seem on earth, concerning four billion years
alone. The oldest well-known fossils consist of bacteria-like organisms.
Bacteria will use most organic and a few inorganic compounds as food, and a rare
will survive extreme conditions.

How many Types of Bacteria?

Types of Bacteria:
There are various varieties of microorganism.
Spherical: Microorganism like bacteria are spherical in shape such as known as
Rod-shaped: Some rod-shaped bacteria square that cause anthrax in animals.
Spiral: If their spiral is very tight they called spirochetes. Leptospirosis and Lyme
disease caused by bacteria of this type.

Structure of Bacteria:
Bacterial cells are completely different from plant and animal cells. bacteria are
prokaryotes, which suggests they need no nucleus.

A bacteria cell includes:

1. Capsule: A layer found on the surface of the semipermeable membrane in

some microorganism.
2. Cell wall: A layer that's product of a compound referred to as
peptidoglycan. The semipermeable membrane provides the microorganism
its form. it's settled outside the cell wall. The semipermeable membrane is
thicker in some microorganism, referred to as Gram positive microorganism.
3. Plasma membrane: Found inside the semipermeable membrane, this
generates energy and transports chemicals. The membrane is leaky, which
suggests that substances will undergo it.
4. Cytoplasm: A thick substance within the cell wall that contains genetic
material and ribosomes.
5. DNA: This contains all the genetic directions employed in the event and
performance of the microorganism. it's settled within the living substance.
6. Ribosomes: this is often wherever proteins are created or synthesized.
Ribosomes are complicated particles created of RNA-rich granules.
7. Flagellum: this is often used for movement, to propel some kinds of
microorganism. There is some microorganism which will have quite one.
8. Pili: These hair-like appendages on the surface of the cell permit it to stay to
surfaces and transfer genetic material to different cells. this will contribute to
the unfold of unwellness in humans.

Mode of Feeding:
Bacteria feed different ways.
Heterotrophs get their energy through intense organic carbon. Most absorb dead
organic material, like moldering flesh. a number of these parasitic kill their host,
whereas others facilitate them.
Autotrophic create their own food, either through photosynthesis, water, and
chemicals like ammonia, nitrogen, sulfur, and others source. Bacteria that use
chemical change are referred to as photoautotrophs. Those that use chemical for
synthesis are referred to as chemoautotrophs. These bacteria are normally found in
ocean vents and within the roots of legumes, like alfalfa, clover, peas, beans,
lentils, and peanuts.

Types of Reproduction in Bacteria

Bacteria could reproduce by many subsequent methods:

Binary fission: During which a cell continues to grow till a new plasma
membrane grows through the middle, forming 2 cells. These separate, creating 2
cells with constant genetic material.
Transfer of genetic material: Cells acquire new genetic material through
processes called conjugation, transformation, or transduction. These processes will
create microorganism stronger and a lot of ready to resist threats, like antibiotic
Spores: once some sorts of bacteria low on resources, they'll kind spores. Spores
hold the organism's polymer material and contain the enzymes required for
germination. The spores will stay inactive for hundreds of years, till the correct
conditions occur. Then they'll activate and become bacteria.
Spores will survive through periods of environmental stress, together with
ultraviolet (UV) and electromagnetic radiation, desiccation, starvation, chemical
exposure, and extremes of temperature.
Some microorganism manufacture endospores, or internal spores, whereas others
manufacture exospores, that square measure free outside. These called cysts.
Clostridium is associate example of associate endospore-forming bacteria.

Uses of Bacteria:
Bacteria are characteristically thought of as unhealthy, however several are useful.
we might not exist while not them.

Human survival:
Many of the microorganism within the body play a crucial role in human survival.
bacteria within the gastrointestinal system break down nutrients, like complicated
sugars, into forms the body will use. Non-hazardous bacteria additionally facilitate
stop diseases by occupying places that the unhealthful, or disease-causing.

Nitrogen fixation:
Bacteria fix N and release it for plant use after they die. Plants want N within the
soil to measure, however they can't try this themselves. to make sure this, several
plant seeds have a little composition of bacteria that's used once the plant sprouts.
Food technology
Lactic acid bacteria, Lactobacillus and Lactococcus collected with yeast, or fungi,
are used to prepare foods such as cheese, soy sauce, vinegar, yogurt, too pickles.

Bacteria in industry:
Bacteria can breakdown organic mixtures. This is beneficial for doings such as
waste processing and scrubbing up oil spills and poisonous waste. The
pharmaceutical industries use microorganisms in the manufacture of certain

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