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ACROBOTICS (Automatic Robot For Holticulture

Greenhouse) Automatic Greenhouse Technology Based

Arb Android Robot Solution Improve Agricultural
Productivity Holticulture To Support Indonesian
National Food Security

Inayah Mumpuni Budiati

Departemen of Physics/Diponegoro University
Hafidz Nugroho
Departemen of Physics/Diponegoro University
Debby Ananda Febrianty
Departemen of Biology/Diponegoro University


Indonesia has experienced a drastic decline in food productivity over the past few years this
is due to conventional farming systems are increasingly lagging behind. Influence of climate
instability due global warming factors and fluctuating environmental conditions led to the
expansion of agricultural land it is becoming increasingly unreliable to promise equitable
agricultural crops. On the other hand, the rate conversion of agricultural land into residential
areas and infrastructure development becomes a threat provision of agricultural cultivation
area in the future. Meanwhile, land cultivation technology narrow that now exists just as
hydroponics are judged to still have many weaknesses to be fixed. It needs innovation that is
developed to increase crop productivity especially on limited cultivation area. Modern
greenhouse design and prototype designs offer cutting-edge technological innovations
include microcontroller automation, robot arm control, and the Android interface.
Automation using a microcontroller is useful to control and balance the environment based
on sensor readings inside the greenhouse, including temperature, humidity, and intensity
light. The robot arm is relied upon as a mobile device that can inspect moisture detail soil
periodically and drain fertilizer, insecticide, or irrigation water in precise quantities to each
point the location of the plot of land in the space scheduled and automatic. Meanwhile, the
Blynk app which is installed into the Android software on a mobile smartphone is useful as a
communication medium realtime data readings as well as control commands and scheduling
of intermediate plant care users with the entire device system wirelessly. The interface is
graphically designed making it practical and user-friendly. It is expected that the
implementation of this technology can increasing agricultural productivity especially
horticulture crops significantly in Indonesia.

Keywords: Greenhouse, robot arm, CNC machine, Android Iott, agricultura

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