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Anniversary Essay Gordon Campbell 2010
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C onteyning the Old Teftament,

JV<Wy Tranfldtdout of the Originall •

tongues: & with ihrformerTran/falwns
£fiffcnuy compared and rnnfta.'bylus
M dicflicsjbmali Cvmandtmtnt
*-slppomicdtobcrcM in L>jurcncf.
Imprinted at London by Robert
Jsarker.jrmtcr to thcJ\mps
mojiCxccucnt ^Matcjtic.
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Prince, I AMES by the grace of God
King of Great Britaine, France and Ireland,
Defender of the Faith, &c.
wish Grace, Mercie, and Peace, through IESVS
Reat and manifold were the blessings (most dread

Soueraigne) which Almighty GOD, the Father
of all Mercies, bestowed vpon vs the people of
ENGLAND, when first he sent your Maiesties
Royall person to rule and raigne ouer us. For
whereas it was the expectation of many, who
wished not well vnto our SIGN, that vpon the
setting of that bright Occidentall Starre Queene
ELIZABETH of most happy memory, some
thicke and palpable cloudes of darkenesse would so haue ouershadowed
this land, that men should haue bene in doubt which way they were to
walke, and that it should hardly be knowen, who was to direct the vnsetled
State: the appearance of your MAIESTIE, as of the Sunne in his strength,
instantly dispelled those supposed and surmised mists, and gaue vnto all
that were well affected, exceeding cause of comfort; especially when we be-
held the gouernment established in your HIGHNESSE, and your hope-
full Seed, by an vndoubted Title, and this also accompanied with Peace
and tranquillitie, at home and abroad.
But amongst all our loyes, there was no one that more filled our hearts,
then the blessed continuance of the Preaching of GODS sacred word a-
mongstvs, which is that inestimable treasure, which excelleth all the riches
of the earth, because the fruit thereof extendeth it selfe, not onely to the time
spent in this transitory world, but directeth and disposeth men vnto that
Eternall happinesse which is aboue in Heauen.
Then, not to suffer this to fall to the ground, but rather to take it vp, and
to continue it in that state, wherein the famous predecessour of your HIGH-
NESSE did leaue it; Nay, to goe forward with the confidence and reso-
The Epiftle
ution of a man in maintaining the trueth of CHRIST, and propagating it
arre and neere, is that which hath so hound and firmely knit the hearts of
all your MAJESTIES loyall and Religious people vnto you, that your
very Name is precious among them, their eye doeth behold you with
comfort, and theyblesse you in their hearts, as that sanctified person, who
vnder GOD, is the immediate authour of their true happinesse. And this
their contentment doeth not diminish or decay, but euery day increaseth
and taketh strength, when they obserue that the zeale of your Maiestie to-
wards the house of GOD, doth not slacke or goe backward, but is more and
more kindled, manifesting it selfe abroad in the furthest parts of Cliristen-
dome, by writing in defence of the Trueth, (which hath giuen such a blow
vnto that man of Sinne, as will not be healed) and euery day at home, by
Religious and learned discourse, by frequenting the house of GOD, by
learing the word preached, by cherishing the teachers therof, by caring
br the Church as a most tender and louing nourcing Father.
There are infinite arguments of this right Christian and Religious af-
fection in your MAIESTIE : but none is more forcible to declare it to o-
thers, then the vehement and perpetuated desire of the accomplishing and
publishing of this Worke, which now with all humilitie we present vnto
your MAIESTIE. For when your Highnesse had once out of deepe iudg-
ment apprehended, how conuenient it was, That out of the Originall sa-
cred tongues, together with comparing of the labours, both in our owne
and other forreigne Languages, of many worthy men who went before vs,
there should be one more exact Translation of the holy Scriptures into the
English tongue; your MAIESTIE did neuer desist, to vrge and to excite
those to whom it was commended, that the worke might be hastened, and
that the businesse might be expedited in so decent a maner, as a matter of
such importance might iustly require.
And now at last, by the Mercy of GOD, and the continuance of our La-
bours, it being brought vnto such a conclusion, as that we haue great hope
that the Church of England shall reape good fruit thereby; we hold it our
duety to offer it to your MAIESTIE, not onely as to our King and Soue-
raigne, but as to the principall moouer and Author of the Worke. Hum-
bly crauing of your most Sacred Maiestie, that since things of this quality
haue euer bene subiect to the censures of ill meaning and discontented per-
sons, it may receiue approbation and Patronage from so learned and iudi-
cious a Prince as your Highnesse is, whose allowance and acceptance oi
our Labours, shall more honour and incourage vs, then all the calumniati-
ons and hard interpretations of other men shall dismay vs. So that, if on
the one side we shall be traduced by Popish persons at home or abroad,
who therefore will maligne vs, because we are poore Instruments to make
GODS holy Trueth to be yet more and more knowen vnto the people,
whom they desire still to keepe in ignorance and darknesse: or if on the
other side, we shall be maligned by selfe-conceited brethren, who runne
their owne wayes, and giue liking vnto nothing but what is framed by
themselues, and hammered on their Anuile; we may rest secure, supported
within by the trueth and innocencie of a good conscience, hauing walked
the wayes of simplicitie and integritie, as before the Lord; And sustained
without, by the powerfull Protection of your Maiesties grace and fauour,
which will euer giue countenance to honest and Christian endeuours, a-
gainst bitter censures, and vncharitable imputations.
The LORD of Heauen and earth blesse your Maiestie with many and
happy dayes, that as his Heauenly hand hath enriched your Highnesse
with many singular, and extraordinary Graces; so you may be the
wonder of the world in this later age, for happinesse and true
felicitie, to the honour of that Great GOD, and the
good of his Church, through IESVS CHRIST
our Lord and onely Sauiour.

Eale to promote the common good, whether it be by deuising any
The best
thing our selues, or reuising that which hath bene laboured by o-

things haue
thers,deserueth certainly much respect and esteeme,but yet findeth been cilu in-
but cold intertainment in the world. It is welcommed with suspi-
cion in stead of loue, and with emulation in stead of thnnkes: and if
there be any hole left for cauill to enter,(and cauill,if it doe not finde
a hole, will make one) it is sure to bee misconstrued, and in danger
to be condemned. This will easily be granted by as many as know
story, or haue any experience. For, was there euer any thing pro-
iected,that sauoured any way of newnesse or renewing,but the same
endured many a storme of gaine-saying, or opposition ? A man would thinkc that Ciuilitie, hole-
some Lawes, learning and eloquence,Synods, and Church-maintenance,( that we speake of no more
*{•/«*«*. things of this kinde) should be as safe as a Sanctuary, and || out of shot, as they say, that no man
would lift vp the heele,no,nor dogge mooue his tongue against the motioners of them. For by the
first,we are distinguished from bruit-beasts led with sensualitie: By the second, we are bridled and re-
strained from outragious behauiour,and from doing of iniuries,whether by fraud or by violence: By
the third, we are enabled to informe and reforme others,by the light and feeling that we haue attai-
ned vnto our selues: Briefly, by the fourth being brought together to a parle face to face,we sooner
compose our differences then by writings, which are endlesse : And lastly, that the Church be suffi-
ciently prouided for,is so agreeable to good reason and conscience, that those mothers are Iiolden to
be lesse cruell,that kill their children assoone as they are borne, then those noursing fathers and mo-
thers ( wheresoeuer they be )that withdraw from them who hang vpon their breasts (and vpon whose
breasts againe themselues doe hang to receiue the Spirituall and sincere milke of the word) liuely-
hood and support fit for their estates. Thus it is apparent,that these things which we speake of,are
of most necessary vse,and therefore,that none, either without absurditie can speake against them,or
without note of wickednesse can spurne against them.
Anacharsis Yet for all that, the learned know that certaine worthy men haue bene brought to vntimely death
with others. for none other fault,but for seeking to reduce their Countrey-men to good order and discipline: and
Locri. that in some Common-weales it was made a capitall crime,once to motion the making of a new Law
for the abrogating of an old,though the same were most pernicious: And that certaine, which would
Cato the elder.
be counted pillars of the State,and paternes of Vertue and Prudence, could not be brought for a long
time to giue way to good Letters and refined speech, but bare themselues as auerse from them, as
Gregory Ike
from rocks or boxes of poison: And fourthly, that hee was no babe,but a great clearke, that gaue
Diuine. foorth ( and in writing to remaine to posteritie ) in passion peraduenture, but yet he gaue foorth,that
hee had not scene any profit to come by any Synode, or meeting of the Clergie, but rather the con-
trary: And lastly,against Church-maintenance and allo\vance,in such sort, as the Embassadors and
messengers of the gfeat King of Kings should be furnished, it is not vnknowen what a fiction or fable
Nauclcnts. ( so it is esteemed, and for no better by the reporter himselfe, though superstitious) was deuised;
Namely, that at such time as the professours and teachers of Christianitie in the Church of Rome,
then a true Church,were liberally endowed,a voyce forsooth was heard from heauen,saying; Now is
poison powred down into the Church,£c. Thus not only as oft as we speake,as one saith,but also as
oft as we do any thing of note or consequence, we subiect our selues to eueryonescensure,and happy
is he that is least tossed vpon tongues; for vtterly to escape the snatch of them it is impossible. If any
man conceit^that this is the lot and portion of the meaner sort onely, and that Princes are priuiledged
2,Sarr..n.2). by their high estate,he is deceiued. As the sword deuoureth aswett one as the others it is mSamuel; nay
as the great Commander charged his souldiers in a certaine battell,to strike at no part of the enemie,
i.King.22.3i. but at the face; And as the King of Syria commanded his chiefe Captaines to fight neither with small
nor great, satte onely against the King of Israel: so it is too true, that Enuie striketh most spitefully at the
fairest, and at the chiefest. Dauid was a worthy Prince, and no man to be compared to him for his
first deedes, and yet for as worthy an acte as euer he did ( euen for bringing backe the Arke of God
in solemnitie ) he was scorned and scoffed at by his owne wife. Solomon was greater then D&w'd,
To the Reader.
though not in vertue, yet in power: and by his power and wisdome, he built a Temple to the Lo R D,
such a one as was the glory of the land of Israel, and the wonder of the whole world. But was that
his magnificence liked of by all? We doubt of it. Otherwise, why doe they lay it in his sonnesdish,
and call vnto him for || easing of the burden, Make, say they, the grieuous seruitude of'thy father, and <Tti<r&\9nav.
bis sore yoke, lighter. Belike he had charged them with some leuies, and troubled them with some ca-
riages; Hereupon they raise vp a tragedie, and wish in their heart the Temple had neuer bene built.
So hard a thing it is to please all, euen when we please God best, and doe seeke to approue our selues
to euery ones conscience.
The highest If wee will descend to later times, wee shall finde many the like examples of such kind, or rather
hauc been ca-
vnkind acceptance. The first Romane Emperour did neuer doe a more pleasing deed to the learned, C.Cwar.
lumniated. nor more profitable to posteritie, for conseruing the record of times in true supputation; then when
he corrected the Calender, and ordered the yeere according to the course of the Sunne: and yet
this was imputed to him for noueltie, and arrogancie, and procured to him great obioquie. So the first
Christened Emperour (at the leastwise that openly professed the faith himselfe, and allowed others to
doe the like) for strengthening the Empire at his great charges, and prouidingfor the Church, as he
did, got for his labour the name Pupillus, as who would say, a wastefull Prince, that had neede of a Jlurel.Victor.

Guardian, or ouerseer. So the best Christened Emperour, for the loue that he bare vnto peace, there- Thcodvsius.

by to enrich both himselfe and his subiects, and because he did not seeke warre but find it, was iudged Zosimtti.
to be no man at armes,( though in deed he excelled in feates of chiualrie, and shewed so much when
he was prouoked) and condemned for giujng himselfe to his ease, and to his pleasure. To be short,
the most learned Emperour of former times, (at the least, the greatest politician) what thanks had he lustinia*.
for cutting off the superfluities of the lawes, and digesting them into some order and method ? This,
that he hath been blotted by some to bee an Epitomist, that is, one that extinguished worthy whole
volumes, to bring his abridgements into request. This is the measure that hath been rendred to ex-
cellent Princes in former times, euen, Cunt bene facer-ent, male aitdire, For their good deedes to be euill
spoken of. Neither is there any likelihood, that enuie and malignitie died, and were buried with the
Numb $2.14.
ancient. No, no, the reproofe of Moses taketh hold of most ages; You are risen vp in your fathers stead,
an increase of sinful I men. What is that that hath been done ? that which shall be done: and there is no new
HisMaiesties thing vnder the Sunne, saith the wiseman: and S. Steuen, As your fathers did, so doe you. This, and Acts 7.51.
more to this purpose, His Maiestie that now reigneth (and long, and long may he reigne, and his off-
ding calumni- spring for euer, Himselfe and children, and childrens children alwayes) knew full well, according to the \vroc,wtinatftt,
xtti TraiSfnv irai/-
ation, for the
surueyofthe singular wisedome giuen vnto him by God, and the rare learning and experience that he hath attai- ror< *raZ6cc.

English tran- ned vnto; namely that whosoeuer attempteth any thing for the publike (specially if it pertaine to
Religion, and to the opening and clearing of the word of God ) the same setteth himselfe vpon a stage
to be glouted vpon by euery euil eye, yea, he casteth himselfe headlong vpon pikes, to be gored by eue-
ry sharpe tongue. For he that medleth with mens Religion in any part, medleth with their custome,
nay, with their freehold; and though they finde no content in that which they haue, yet they can-
not abide to heare of altering. Notwithstanding his Royall heart was not daunted or discouraged for SNic/ftf.
this or that colour, but stood resolute, as a statue immoueable, and an anuile not easie to be beaten into plates, lainrtfl rlc dtxJpi-
aC dw€pirp«iTTOt
as one sayth; he knew who had chosen him to be a Souldier, or rather a Captaine, and being assured xett itKfitov At»7
that the course which he intended made much for the glory of God, & the building vp of his Church,
he would not suffer it to be broken off for whatsoeuer speaches or practises. It doth certainely belong
vnto Kings, yea, it doth specially belong vnto them, to haue care of Religion, yea, to know it aright,
yea, to professe it zealously, yea to promote it to the vttermost of their power. This is their glory
before all nations which meane well, and this will bring vnto them a farre most excellent weight of
glory in the day of the Lord lesus. For the Scripture saith notin vaine, Them that honor me, Iwillljonor, i. Sam 2. jo.
.neither was it a vaine word that Eusebius deliuered long agoe, that pietie towards God was the wea- 9«oo£0tm.

pon , and the onely weapon that both preserued Constantines person, and auenged him of his Eustbiuflib.lO
The praise of But now what pietie without trueth ? what trueth( what sauing trueth) without the word of God?
the holy Scri-
what word of God (whereof we may be sure) without the Scripture ? The Scriptures we are comman-
ded to search. 1011.5.39. Esa.8.2O. They are commended that searched & studied them. Act. 17.11. and
8.28,29. They are reproued that were vnskilful in them, or slow to beleeue them. Mat. 22.29.1^.24.
25. They can make vs wise vnto saluation.2.7Y;n. 3.15. Ifwebe ignorant, they will instruct vs; if out of
the way, they will bring vs home; if out of order, they will reforme vs, if in heauines, comfort vs; if dull,
quicken vs; if colde, inflame vs. Tolle, lege; Tolle, lege, Take vp and read, take vp and read the Scrip- S. August con-
tures, (for vnto them was the direction) it was said vnto S. Augustine by a supernaturall voyce.
Whatsoeuar is in the Scriptures, beleeue me, saith the same S. Augustine, is high and diuine; there is verily vtilit. trtdtndi
trueth, and a doctrine most ft for the refreshing and renewing of mens mindes, and tritely so tempered, that cap.6.
The Translators
euery one may draw from thence that which is sufficient for him, if hee come to draw with a deuout and pious
minde^as true Religion requireth. Thus S. Augustine. And S.Hierome: Ana scripturas, & amabit te
sapientia &c. -Loue the Scriptures, and wisedome will loue thee. And S. Cyrill against Julian; Euen
tra Lulia*nm. boyes that are bred vp in the Scriptures ,become most religious,&c. But what mention wee three or foure
vses of the Scripture, whereas whatsoeuer is to be beleeued or practised, or hoped for, is contained
in them ? or three or foure sentences of the Fathers, since whosoeuer is worthy the name of a Father,
from Christs timedowneward, hath likewise written not onely of the riches,but also of the perfection
Terluladuen. of the Scripture ? I adore tbefulnesse of the Scripture, saith Tertullian against Hermogenes. And againe,
Terlul de car- to Apellesan Heretike of the like stampe,he saith ; I doe not admit that which thou bringest in ( or con-
ne Chrisli. cludest) of thine owne (head or store, de tuo ) without Scripture. So Saint lustin Martyr before him;
tut tin nporptwr.
wf*tUtii*. Wee must know by all meanes, saith hee, that it is not lawfull ( or possible ) to learne ( any thing ) of God or
S.'Basil, irtpi
of right pietie j saue onely out of the Prophets, who teach vs by diuine inspiration. So Saint Basill after
»t<rr«o>(. Tertullian, // is a manifest falling away from the Faith, and a fault of presumption,. either to reiect any
i'fr*pf;>av4«f icarij.
yopfa. of those things that are written, or to bring in ( vpon the head of them, fireurdyetv) any of those things that
are not written. Wee omit to cite to the same effect, S. Cyrill B. ofHierusalem in his 4. Cataches. Saint
Hierome against Heluidius,S&'mt Augustine in his 3. booke against the letters ofPetilian, and in very
many other places of his workes. Also we forbeare to descend to latter Fathers, because wee will not
wearie the reader. The Scriptures then being acknowledged to bee so full and so perfect, how can
wee excuse our selues of negligence, if we doe not studie them, of curiositie, if we be not content with
Etpcruutnr avxa them ? Men talke much of cipcorcov^, how many sweete and goodly things it had hanging on it; of the
^f'/xt, «al irlevac
aprouc, italf*{l>.iv Philosophers stone, that it turnetli copper into gold; otCornu-copia, that it had all things necessary
•toTvXfl, ««l cXoi-
ov,&C. for foode in it; ofPanaces the herbe, that it was good for all diseases; of Catbolicon the drugge, that it
An oliue bow is in stead of all purges; oiVulcans armour, that is was an armour of proofe against all thrusts, and all
wrapped a-
bout with blowes,&c. Well, that which they falsly or vainely attributed to these things for bodily good, wee
wooll, where- may iustly a'nd with full measure ascribe vnto the Scripture, for spirituall. It is not onely an armour,
vpon did hang
figs,& bread, but also a whole armorie of weapons, both offensiue, and defensiue; whereby we may saue our selues
and honie in and put the enemie to flight. It is not an herbe, but a tree, or rather a whole paradise of trees of life,
a pot,& o'yle.
which bring foorth fruit euery moneth, and the fruit thereof is for meate, and the leaues for medi-
cine. It is not a pot of Manna, or a cruse of oyle, which were forjnemorie only, or for a meales meate
or two, but as it were a showre of heauenly bread sufficient for a whole host, be it neuer so great; and
as it were a whole cellar full of oyle vessels; whereby all our necessities may be prouided for, and our
debts discharged. In a word, it is a Panary of holesome foode, against fenowed traditions; a Physi-
roittdv larpc'ov. ons-shop (Saint Basill calleth it) of preseruatiues against poisoned heresies; a Pandect of profitable
S. Basil, in
Psctl.primum. lawes,against rebellious spirits; a treasurie of most costly iewels, against beggarly rudiments; Finally
a fountaineof most pure water springingvpvnto euerlasting life. And whatmaruaile ? Theoriginall
thereof being from heauen, not from earth; the authour being<3od, not man; the enditer, the holy
spirit,not the wit of the Apostles or Prophets; the Pen-men such as were sanctified from the wombe,
and endewedwithiprincipall portion of Gods spirit; the matter, veritie, pietie, puri tie, vprightnesse;
the forme, Gods word, Gods testimonie, Gods oracles, the word of trueth, the word of saluation, &c.
the effects, light of vnderstanding, stablenesse of perswasion,repentance from dead workes, newnesse
of life,holinesse? peace, ioy in the holy Ghost; lastly,the end and reward of the studie thereof,fellow-
ship with the Saints, participation of the heauenly nature, fruition of a« inheritance immortall,vnde-
filed, and that neuer shall fade away: Happie is the man that delighteth in the Scripture, and thrise
happie that meditateth in it day and night.
But how shall men meditate in that, which they cannot vnderstand ? How shall they vnderstand Translation
i. Cor. 14. that which is kept close in an vnknowen tongue ? as it is written, Except / know the power of the voyce,
I shall be to him that speaketh,a Barbariantand he that speakethfshalbe a Barbarian to me. The Apostle ex-
ceptethno tongue; not Hebrewe the ancientest, not Greeke the most copious, not Latine the finest.
Nature taught a natural! man to confesse,that all of vs in those tongues which wee doe not vnder-
Cfem,t/<Jfcr.I°. stand, are plainely deafe; wee may turne the deafe eare vnto them. The ScytJnan counted the Athe-
S/row. nian^ whom he did not vnderstand, barbarous : so the Romane did the Syrian, md. the /<;«/, (euen S.
S.Hiironym. Hierome himselfe calleth the Hebrew tongue barbarous, belike because it was strange to so many) so
the Emperour of Constantinople calleth the Latine tongue,barbarous,though Pope Nicolas do storme
Michael. Tbeo-
pbitifil. ' at it: so.the lewes long before C&m/,called all other natioiis,Lo^wa^'m,which is little better then bar-
2.Tom.O»ua. barous. Therefore as one complaineth, that alwayes in the Senate of Rome, there was one or other
ex edit. Petri
Crab. that called for an interpreter: so lest the Church be driuen to the like exigent, it is necessary to haue
Cicero l°.dcfi* translations in a readinesse. Translation it is that openeth the window,to let in the light; that brea-
keth the shell,that we may eat the kernel; that putteth aside the curtaine, that we may looke into the
most Holy place| that remooueth the couer of the well, that wee m«y come by the water, euen as
To the Reader.
Iacob rolled away the stonejrom the mouth of the well, by which meanes the flockes ofLaban were Gca.2?.io.
wvatered. Indeede without translation into the vulgar tongue,the vnlearned are but like children a
I'acobs well (which wasdeepe) without a bucket or some-thing to draw with: Or as that person meu- Ioh.4.n.
tioned by Esay^o whom when a sealed booke was deliuered, with this WQliQQJReafathisJ fray tbee, Ewyaj. ii.
iee was faine to make this answere, I cannot, for it is sealed.
"fie translati- While God would be knowen onely in lacob, and haue his Name great in Israel^nd in none Q-
on of the ol<Jc
Testament ther place, while the dew lay on Gideons fleece onely, and all the earth besides was drie; then for one SecS.v4ugu*t.
out of the Ke- itf. 12. contra
and the same people, which spake all of them the. language of Canaan, that is, Hebrewe,one and the Fa«j/if.3z.
•trew into
&ecke. same original! in Hebrew was sufficient. But when the fulnesse of time drew neere,that the Sunne of
tighteousnesse, the Sonne of God should come into the world, whom God ordeined to be a recon-
ciliation through faith in his blood, not of the lew onely,but also of the Greeke, yea, of all them that
were scattered abroad; then Joe, it pleased the Lord to stirre vp the spirit of a Greeke Prince ( Gr^fo
'or descent and language) euen oiPtolome Pbiladelpb King of £gy/>/,to procure the translating of the
Booke of God out of Hebrew into Greeke. This is the translation of the Seuentie Interpreters, com-
monly so called, which prepared the way for our Sauiour among the Gentiles by written preaching,
as Saint John Baptist did among the lewes by vocall. For the Grecians being desirous of learning,were
not wont to suffer bookes of worth to lye moulding in Kings Libraries, but had many of their ser-
uants, ready scribes, to copie them out, and so they were dispersed and made common. Againe, the
Greece tongue was wellknowen and made familiar to most inhabitants in Asiatby reason of the con-
quest that there the Grecians had made,as also by the Colonies,which thither they had sent. For the
Same causes also it was well vnderstood in many places of Europe,yez, and of Affrike too. Therefore
the word of God being set foorth in Gr^/^becommeth hereby like a candle set vpon a candlesticke,
which giueth light to all that are in the house, or like a proclamation sounded foorth in the market
place,which most men presently take knowledge of; and therefore that language was fittest to con-
taiae the Scriptures,both for the first Preachers of the Gospel to appeale vnto for witnesse,and for the
[earners also of those times to make search and triall by. It is certaine, that that Translation was not
so sound and so perfect,but that it needed in many places correction; and who had bene so sufficient
for this worke as the Apostles or Apostolike men? Yet it seemed good to the holy Ghost and to
them, to take that which they found, (the same being for the greatest part true and sufficient) rather
then by making a new, in that new world and greene age of the Church,to expose themselues to ma-
ny exceptions and cauillations, as though they made a Translation to serue their owne turns, and
therefore bearing witnesse to themselues, their witnesse not to be regarded. This may be supposed
=to bee some cause»why the Translation of the Seuentie was allowed to passe for currant. Notwith-
stviuding,though it was commended generally,yet it did not fully content the learned,no not of the
lewes. Fot not long after Christ, Aquila fell in liand with a new Translation, and after him Tbeodo- £/»/>Rm. de
mettsur,# pan-
&w,andafter him Symmacbus: yea,there was a fift and a sixt edition, the Authours wherof were not dfribus.
knowen. These with the Seuentie made vp the Hexapla, and were worthily and to great purpose
compiled Together by Origen, Howbeit the Edition of the Seuentie went away with the credit, and
therefore not onely was placed in the midst by Ori£*»(for the worth and excellence thereof aboue
the rest, as Epiphanius gathereth ) but also was vsed by the Greeke fathers for the ground and founda-.
tion of their Commentaries. Yea, Epipbanius aboue named doeth attribute so much vnto it, that he See S August
holdeth the Authours thereof not .onely for Interpreters, but also for Prophets in some respect: and C6r£rttm.f.i$o.
lustiniau the Emperour enioyningthe lewes his subiects to vse specially the Translation of the Seuen* Noutll. dtotax.
He i rendreth this reason thereof, because they were as it were enlightened with propheticall grace. irpo0p-i*$««tarf/»
Yet for all that, as the Egyptians are said of the Prophet to bee men and not God, and their horses Xrfptroc «r«/w-
flesh and not spirit: so it is euident, (and Saint Hierome affirmeth as much) that the Seuentie were}.
Interpreters, they were not Prophets; they did many things well, as learned men; but yet as men optima genera
they stumbled and fell, one while through ouersight, another while through ignorance, yea, some- interpret.
times they may be noted to adde to the Originall, and sometimes to take from it; which made the
Apostles toi leaue them many times, when they left the Hebrew, and to deliuer the sence thereof ac-
cording to the trueth of the word,as the spirit gauc them vtterance. This may suffice touching the
Greeke Translations of the old Testament.
tfcmsJation There were also witm'n a few hundreth yeeres after CHRIST, translations many into the Latiue
Olff Of Hebrew tongue: for this tongue also was very fit to conuey the Law and the Gospel by,because in those times
aci Greeke
iflto Utmc. very many Countreys of the West, yea of the South, East and North, spake or vnderstood Latiue,
being made Prouinces to the Romanes. But now the Latine Translations were too many to be all
good, for they were infinite (Latini Interpreter nullo modo numtraripossunt, saith S.Augustine.) Againe S^
they were not out of the Hebrew fountaine ( wee speake of the Latine Translations of the Old Testa- doctr.Cbrut.lib.
ment) but out of the; Greeke streame, therefore the Greeke being not altogether cleare,the Latine deri-

The Translators
ued from it must needs be muddie. This moued 5. Hierome a most learned father, and the best
linguist without controuersie, of his age, or of any that went before him, to vndertake the translating
of the Old Testament, out of the very fountaines themselues; which hee performed with that eui-
dence of great learning,iudgement,industrie and faithfulnes,that he hath for euer bound the Church
vnto him, in a debt of speciall remembrance and thankefulnesse,
Now though the Church were thus furnished with Greeke and Latine Translations, euen before The transla-
the faith of CHRI ST was generally embraced in the Empire : (for the learned know that euen in 5. ting of the
>cripture in-
5. Hicronym.
Hieroms time,the Consul of Rome and his wife were both Ethnicks,and about the same time the grea- to the vulgar
Zosim. test part of the Senate also) yet for all that the godly-learned were not content to haue the Scriptures tongues.
2.King.7.9. in the Language which themselues vnderstood, Greeke and Latine, ( as the good Lepers were not
content to fare well themselues, but acquainted their neighbours with the store that God had sent,
that they also might prouide for themselues ) but also for the behoofe and edifying of the vnlearned
which hungred and thirsted after Righteousnesse,and had soules to be saued aswell as they, they pro-
uided Translations into the vulgar for their Countreymen, insomuch that most nations vnder hea-
uen did shortly after their conuersion, heare C H R I S T speaking vnto them in their mother tongue,
not by the voyce of their Minister onely,but also by the written word translated. If any doubt hereof,
he may be satisfied by examples enough, if enough wil serue the turne. First S.Hierome saith,M«//a-
in 4. Euangel. rumgentiu linguis Scripturaiante translata,docet falsa essequxaddita sunt,&c.i.The Scripture being transla-
ted before in the languages of many Nations,doth shew that those things that were added (by Lucian or Hesy-
S. Hieron.So- chius).are false. So S.Hierome in that place. The same Hierome elsewhere affirmeth that he, the time
was,had set forth the translation of the Seuenty, suz linguxhominibus.i.foi his countreymen ofDalma-
tia. Which words not only Erasmus doth vnderstand to purport, that 5. Hierome translated the Scrip-
Stx.Sen.Iib.4. ture into the Dalmatian tongue, but also Sixtus Senensis, and Alphonsus a Castro (that we speake of no
Alphon. a co. more) men not to be excepted against by them of Rome, doe ingenuously confesse as much. So, S}.
S. Chrysost. :'»
Cbrysostome that liued in S.Hieromes time, giueth euidencewith him: Thedoctrine o/S./o/jn(saith he)
Iohan.cap,i. did not in such sort (as the Philosophers did) vanish away: but the Syrians, Egyptians, Indians,Persians.
bom.i. Ethiopians,and infinite other nations being barbarous people, translated it into their(mother)tongue,and haue
Tkeodor. 5, learned to be (true) Philosophers, he meaneth Christians. To this may be added Theodorit, as next vnto
Tbtrapeut. him, both for antiquitie ,and for learning. His words be these, Euery Countrey that is vnder the Sunne9
is full of these wordes (of the Apostles and Prophets) and the Hebrew tongue ( he meaneth the Scrip-
tures in the Hebrew tongue ) is turned not onely into the Language of the Grecians, but also of the Romanes,
and Egyptians,andPersians,and Indians, and Armenians,and Scythians, and Sauromatians, and briefly into
all the Languages that any Nation vseth. So he. In like maner,F//>i7a5 is reported by Paulus Diaconus
P.Diacon.Ii.12 and Isidor (and before them by Soqomen) to haue translated the Scriptures into the Gothicke tongue: Chron.
Gotb. Sozom,li. lobn Bishop of Swil by Vasseus, to haue turned them into Arabicke, about the yeere of our Lord 717:
6. cap, 37. Beda by Cistertiensis, to haue turned a great part of them into Saxon: Efnard by Trithemius, to haue
Vasau in
Cbron Htspan. abridged the French Psalter, as Beda had done the Hebrew, about the yeere 800: King Alured by th
Polydor.Virg. said Cistertiensis ,to haue turned the Psalter into Saxon: Methodius by Auentinus (printed at Ingolstad)
$.histor. Anglo- to haue turned the Scriptures into || Sclauonian : Faldo, Bishop of Prising by Beatus Rhenanus, to
rum testaturi-
dtm de *Alurtdo haue caused about that time, the Gospels to be translated into D«/^-rithme,yet extant in the Library
nostro. of Corbinian : Valdus, by diuers to haue turned them himselfe, or to haue gotten them turned into
Aweulin lib 4.
* Circa annum French, about the yeere 1160 : Charles the 5. of that name, surnamed The wise, to haue caused them
900. B.Rhenan. to be turned into French, about 200. yeeres after Valdus his time, of which translation there be many
return German.
copies yet extant, as witnesseth Beroaldus. Much about that time, euen in our King Richard the se-
Bcroald. conds dayes, lohn Treuisa translated them into English, and many English Bibles in written hand
are yet to be seene with diuers, translated as it is very probable, in that age. So the Syrian translation
of the New Testament is in most learned mens Libraries, of Widminstadius his setting forth, and the
Psalter in Arabicke is with many, ofAugustinus Nebiensis setting foorth. So Postel affirmeth, that in
his trauaile he saw the Gospels in the Ethiopian tongue; And Ambrose Thesius alleageth the Psalter of
the Indians,.which he testifieth to haue bene set forth byPotken in Syrian characters. So that, to haue
the Scriptures in the mother-tongue is not a quaint conceit lately taken vp, either by the Lord Crom-
Tbuan. well in England, or by the Lord Radeuil in Polonie, or by the Lord Vngnadius in the Emperours do-
minion, but hath bene thought vpon, and put in practise of old, euen from the first times of the con-
uersion of any Nation ; no doubt, because it was esteemed most profitable,to cause faith to grow in
mens hearts the sooner, and to make them to be able to say with the words of the Psalme, As we haue
Pul.48.8. heard, so we haue seene.
Now the Church of Rome would seeme at the length to beare a motherly affection towards her The vnwil-
lingnes of our
*£/»»£*»,»* children, and to allow them the Scriptures in their mother tongue: but indeed it is a gift, not deser- chiefcAducr-
««** 4m}<rt/tov
Sophocles. uing to be called a gift, an vnprofitable gift: they must first get a Licence in writing before they may saries, that the
vse should be di-
To the Reader.
uulged in the vse them, and to get that, they must approue themselues to their Confessor, that is,to be such as are,
mother if not frozen in the dregs, yet sowred with the leauen of their superstition. Howbeit, it seemed too
tongue, &c.
much to Clement the 8. that there should be any Licence granted to haue them in the vulgar tongue, See the obser-
and therefore he ouerruleth and frustrateth the grant of Pius the fourth. So much are they afraid uation,(set
forth by Cle-
of the light of the Scripture, (LucifugzScripturarum, as Tertullian speaketh ) that they will not trust th men, his au-
people with it, no not as it is set foorth by their owne sworne men, no not with the Licence of their thority )vpon
the 4.rule of
owne Bishops and Inquisitors. Yea,so vnwilling they are to communicate the Scriptures to the peo- Pjus the 4. his
ples vnderstanding in any soit,that they are not ashamed to confesse, that wee forced them to tran- making in the
slate it into English against their wills. This seemeth to argue a bad cause, or a bad conscience, or hib.pag.ii.
both. Sure we are, that it is not he that hath good gold, that is afraid to bring it to the touch-stone, ver.$.
Tertul. de rcsur,
but he that hath the counterfeit; neither is it the true man that shunneth the light,but the malefa- carnit.
ctour,lest his deedes should be neproued: neither is it .the plaine dealing Merchant that is vnwilling loan 3.20.
to haue the waights,or the meteyard brought in place, but he that vseth deceit. But we will let them
alone for this fault,and returne to translation.
The speaches Many mens mouths haue bene open a good while (and yet are not stopped) with speeches about
and reasons,
both of our
the Translation so long in hand, or rather perusals of Translations made before: and aske what may
brethren» be the reason,what the necessitie of the employment: Hath the Church bene deceiued, say they,all
and of our Ad-
uersaries a-
this while? Hath her sweet bread bene mingled with leauen,her siluer with drosse, her wine withwa-
gainst this ter,her milke with lime ? ( Lacte gypsum malemiscetur, saith S.Ireney,) We hoped that we had bene in S.Ircn.)M.
vvorke. the right way, that we had had the Oracles of God deliuered vnto vs, and that though all the world cap.i$.

had cause to be offended and to complaine, yet that we had none. Hath the nurse holden out the
breast, and nothing but winde in i*? Hath the bread bene deliuered by the fathers of the Church*
and the same proued to be lapidosus,^ Seneca speaketh ? What is it to handle the word of God de-
ceitfully, if this be'not ? Thus certaine brethren. Also the aduersaries of ludab and Hierusalem,\ikQ
Sanballai in Nehemiah, mocke, as we heare, both at the works'and workemen, saying; What doe these Neh.4.3.
weake Iewes,&?c. will they make the stones whole againe out of the heapes of dust which are burnt ? although
they build, yet ifafoxe goevp, be shall euen breake downe their stony wall. Was their Translation good
before.? Why doe they now mend it ? Was it not good ? Why then was it obtruded to the people ?
Yea, why did the Catholicks (meaning Popish Romanists) alwayes goe in ieopardie, for refusing to
;oe to heare it ? Nay, if it must be translated into English, Catholicks are fittest to doe it. They haue
[earning, and they know when a thing is well, they can manum de tabula. Wee will answere them
both briefly: and the former,being.brethren,thus, \\ith S.Hierome,Damnamus -veteres? Minime, sed S.Hieron.Jl-
post priorum siudia in domo Domini quod possumus laboramits. That is, Doe we condemne the ancient ? In Ruffin.
no case: but after the endeuours of them that were before vs, wee take the best paines we can in the house of
God. As if hee said, Being prouoked by the example of the learned that liued before my time, I haue
thought it my duetie,to assay whether my talent in the knowledge of the tongues, may be profitable
n any measure to Gods Church, lest I should seeme to haue laboured in them in vaine, and lest I
.hould be thought to glory in men, (although ancient,) aboue that which was in them. Thus S.Hie-
oine may be thought to speake.
A satisfaction And to the same effect say wee, that we are .so farre off from condemning any of their labours that
to our bre- traueiled before vs in this kinde, either in this land or beyond sea, either in King Henries time, or
King Edwards (if there were any translation, or correction of a translation in his time) or Queene
Elizabeths of euer-renoumed memorie, that we acknowledge them to haue beene raised vp of God,
for the building and furnishing of his Church, and that they deserue to be had of vs and of posteritie
n euerlasting remembrance. The Judgement of Aristotle is worthy and well knowen: IfTimotheus phys.cap.i.
had not bene, we had not had much sweet musicke.; but ifPhrynis(Timotheus his master) had not beeite, wee
had not had Timotkeus. Therefore blessed be they, and most honoured be their name,that breake the
yce, and glue th onset vpon that which helpeth forward to the sauing of soules. Now what can bee
more auaileable thereto, then to deliuer Gods booke vnto Gods people hi a tongue which they vn-
derstand ? Since of an hidden treasure,and of a fountaine that is sealed, there is no profit, as Ptolomee 5. Epipban. loco
ante citato.
Philadelph wrote to the Rabbins or masters of the lewes, as witnesseth Epiphanius: and as S. Augustine
S. lAugustin.lib.
saith; A man had rather be with his dog then with a stranger(*whosQ tongue is strange vnto him.) Yet 19. de ciuit.
for all that, as nothing is begun and perfited at the same time, and the later thoughts are thought to Dei c.i.
be the wiser: so, if we building vpon their foundation-that went before, vs, and being holpenby their
labours, doe endeuour to make that better which they left so good; no man, we are sure, hath cause
to mislike vs; they, we perswade our selues, if they were aliue,would thankevs. The vintage of Abi-
e^er, that strake the stroake: yet the gleaning of grapes of Ephraim was not to be despised. See ludges [udges 8. 2.
8. verse 2. loashthe king of Israel did not satisfie himselfe, till he had smitten the ground three times; 2 Kings 13.
and yet hee offended the Prophet,for giuing ouer then. Aquilatof whom wee spake before, transla-
The Translators
ted the Bible as carefully,a*hd as skilfully as he could; and yet he thought good to goe ouer it againe,
S.Hun»J* and then it got the credit with the Iewes,to be called Kara cfc fujScuu^that is, accuratly done, as Saint Rierome
witnesseth. How many bookes of profane learning haue bene gone ouer againe and againe, by the
same translators, by others? Of one and the same booke of Aristotles Ethikes, there are extant not
so few as sixe or seuen seuerall translations. Now if this cost may bee bestowed vpon the goord,
which affbrdeth vs a little shade, and which to day flourished!, but to morrow is cut downe; what
may we bestow,nay what ought we not to bestow vpon the Vine,the fruite whereof maketh glad the
conscience of man, and the stemme whereof abideth for euer? And this is the word of God,whichwe
lereni. 23. *8, translate. What is the chaffe to the wheat> saitb the Lord ? Tanti vitreum,quantiverutn margaritum (saith
lyr. Tertullian,) if a toy of glasse be of that rekoning with vs, how ought wee to value the true pearle?
SititHtivilis$i- Therefore let no mans eye be euil}, because hisMaiesties is good; neither let any be grieued, that wee
iiitim vitritm,
yHUHti pretiost's- haue a Prince that seeketh the increase of the spirituall wealth of Israel (let Sanballats and Tobiahs doe
iimum Marga- so, which therefore doe beare their iust reproofe) but let vs rather blesse God from the ground of our
rittim: Hitron.
nil Suhiin.
heart, for working this religious care in him, to haue the translations of the Bible maturely conside-
red of and examined. For by this meanes it commeth to passe, that whatsoeuer is sound alreadie
( and all is sound for substance, in one or other of our editions, and the worst of ours farre better then
their autentike vulgar) the same will shine as gold more brightly, being rubbed and polished; also, if
any thing be halting, or superfluous, or not so agreeable to the original I, the same may bee corrected,
and the trueth set in place. And what can the King command to bee done, that will bring him more
true honour then this ? and wherein could they that haue beene set a worke, approue their duetie to
the King, yea their obedience to God,and loue to his Saints more, then by yeelding their seruice,and
all that is within them,for the furnishing of the worke ? But besides all this, they were the principall
motiues of it,and therefore ought least to quarrell it: for the very Historicall trueth is, that vpon the
importunate petitions of the Puritanes, at his Maiesties comming to this Crowne, the Conference at
Hampton Court hauing bene appointed for hearing their complaints : when by force of reason they
were put from all other grounds, they had recourse at the last, to this shift, that they could not with
good conscience subscribe to the Communion booke, since it maintained the Bible as it was there
translated, which was as they said, a most corrupted translation. And although this was Judged to
be but a very poore and emptie shift; yet euen hereupon did his Maiestie beginne to bethinke him-
selfe of the good that might ensue by a new translation, and presently after gaue order for this Trans-
lation which is now presented vnto thee. Thus much to satisfie our scrupulous Brethren.
Now to the later we answere; that wee doe not deny, nay wee affirme and auow, that the very An atisWcre to
the imputati-
meanest translation of the Bible in English, set foorth by men of our profession (for wee haue scene ons of our ati-
none of theirs of the whole Bible as yet)containeth the word of God,nay, is the word of God. As uersaries.
the Kings Speech which hee vttered in Parliament, being translated into French, Dutch, Italian and
Latine, is still the Kings Speech, though it be not interpreted by euery Translator with the like grace,
nor peraduenture so fitly for phrase, nor so expresly for sence, euery where. For it is confessed,that
Htnx. things are to take their denomination of the greater part; and a naturall man could say, Veruin vbi
multa nitent in carmine, non ego paucis offendor maculis, drc. A man may be counted a vertuous man ,
I^me$3.2. though hee haue made many slips in his life,(els, there were none vertuous,for in many thing t we of-
fend all) also a comely man and louely, though hee haue some warts vpon his hand, yea, not onely
freakles vpon his face, but also skarres. No cause therefore why the word translated should bee de-
nied to be the word,or forbidden to be currant, notwithstanding that some imperfections and blemi-
shes may be noted in the setting foorth of it. For what euer was perfect vnder the Sunne, where A-
postles or Apostolike men, that is, men indued with an extraordinary measure of Gods spirit ,and
priuiledged with the priuiledge of infallibilitie,had not their hand ? The Romanistes therefore in
refusing to heare,and daring to burne the Word translated , did no lesse then despite the spirit of
grace,from whom originally it proceeded, and whose sense and meaning,as well as mans weakenesse would enable, it did expresse. ludge by an example or two. Plutarch writeth, that after that Rome
CaiN/f/A had beene burnt by the Galles, they fell soone to builde it againe: but doing it in haste, they did not
cast the streets,nor proportion the houses in such comely fashion,as had bene most sightly and con-
uenient; was Catiline therefore an honest man, or a good Patriot,that sought to bring it to a combu-
stion ? or Nero a good Prince, that did indeed set it on fire ? So, by the story of Eyah, and the pro-
phesie of Haggai it may be gathered ,that the Temple built by Zerubbabel after the returne from Ba-
bylon, was by no meanes to bee compared to the former built by Solomon ( for they that remembred
Exrali 3.12. the former ,wept.when they considered the later ) notwithstanding, might this later either haue bene
abhorred and forsaken by the Iewes.t or prophaned by the Greekes? The like wee are to thinke of
Translations. The translation of the Seuentie dissenteth from the Original! in many places, neither
doeth it come neere it,for perspicuitie, grauitie,maiestie; yet which of the Apostles did condemne
To the Reader.
t? Condemne it? Nay,they vsed it, (as it is apparent, and as Saint Hieromeand most learned men
doe confesse) which they would not haue done,nor by their example of vsiug it, so grace and com-
mend it to the Church, if it had bene vnworthy the appellation and name of the word of God. And
whereas they vrge for their second defence of their vilifying and abusing of the English Bibles,or
some pieces thereof, which they meete with, for that heretikes (forsooth) were the Authours of the
translations, ( heretikes they call vs by the same right that they call themselues Catholikes, both be-
ing wrong) wee marueile what diuinitie taught them so. Wee are sure Tertullian was of another
minde : Ex personis probamusfidem.,an ex fide personas 1 Doe we trie mens faith by their persons? we p re-
script, contra,
should trie their persons by their faith. Also S. Augustine was of an other minde: for he lighting vp- bxrcsts.
on certaine rules made by Tycbonius a Donatist, for the better vnderstanding of the word, was not a-
shamed to make vse of them, yea, to insert them into his owne booke, with giuing commendation
to them so farre foorth as they were worthy to be commended, as is to be scene in S. Augustines third
booke DC doctrind Christiana. To be short, OHgen^nd thewhole Church of God for certain hundred S.iAugust.}.de
yeeres, were of an other minde : for they were so farre from treading vnder foote, ( much more from 30.
burning ) the Translation of Aquila a Proselite, that is, one that had turned lew; of Symmachus, and
Theodotion, both Ebionites, that is,most vile heretikes, that they ioyned them together with the He-
brew Originall,and the Translation of the Seueniie (as hath bene before signified out of Epiphanius)
and set them forth openly to be considered of and perused by all. But we weary the vnlearned,who
need not know so much,and trouble the learned,who know it already.
Yet before we end, we must answere a third cauill and objection of theirs against vs, for altering
and amending our Taanslations so oft; wherein truely they deale hardly, and strangely with vs. For
to whom euer was it imputed for a fault (by such as were wise ) to goe ouer that which hee had done,
and to amend it where he saw cause? Saint Augustine was not afraide to exhort S. Hierome to a Pali- S.^M£.E/>«/.9.
nodiacx recantation; the same S.Augustine was not ashamed to retractate, we might say reuoke, ma- S^4ug.tib.Kf
ny things that had passed him, and doth euen glory that he seeth his infirmities. If we will be sonnes Video inter dam
of the Trueth, we must consider what it speaketh, and trample vpon our owne credit, yea, and vpon vitia mea,S.
other mens too,if either be any way an hinderance to it. This to the cause: then to the persons we
say, that of all men they ought to bee most silent in this case. For what varieties haue they, and what
alterations haue they made, not onely of their Seruice bookes, Portesses and Breuiaries , but also of
their LatineTranslation ? The Seruice booke supposed to be made by S. Ambrose (Officium Ambro-
sianum) was a great while in speciall vse and request: but Pope Hadrian calling a Councill with the cap.2. DitrandMb.$.

ayde of Charles the Emperour,abolished it, yea,burnt it, and commanded the Seruice-booke of Saint
Gregorie vniuersally to be vsed. Well, Officium Gregorianum gets by this meanes to be in credit, but
doeth it continue without change or altering ? No,the very Romane Seruice was of two fashions,the
New fashion, and the Old, (the one vsed in one Church, the other in another) as is to bee seeae in
Pamelius a Romanist, his Preface, before Micrologus. The same Pamelius reporteth out of Radul-
phus de Riuo, that about the yeere of our Lord, 1277. Pope Nicolas the third remoued out of the
Churches of Rome, the more ancient bookes (of Seruice) and brought into vse the Missals of the
Friers Minorites,and commaunded them to bee obserued there; insomuch that about an hundred
yeeres after, when the aboue named Radulphus happened to be at Rome, he found all the bookes to
be new,(of the new stampe.) Neither was there this chopping and changing in the more ancient
times onely, but also of late: Pius Quiutus himselfe confesseth, that euery Bishopricke almost had a
peculiar kindof seruice,most vnlike to that which others had: which moued him to abolish all other
Breuiaries, though neuer so ancient, and priuiledged and published by Bishops in their Dioces-
ses, and to establish and ratifie that onely which was of his owne setting foorth, in the yeere 1568.
Now, when the father of their Church, who gladly would heale the soare of the daughter of his peo-
ple softly and sleightly, and make the best of it, findeth so great fault with them for their oddes and
iarring; we hope the children haue no great cause to vaunt of their vniformitie. But the difference
that appeareth betweene our Translations,and our often correcting of them, is the thing that wee
are specially charged with; let vs see therefore whether they themselues bee without fault this way,
(if it be to be counted a fault, to correct) and whether they bee fit men to throw stones at vs: O tan- Herat.
dem maiorparcas insane minori: they that are lesse sound themselues, ought not to obiect infirmities to
others. If we should tell them that Valla^ Stapulensis, Erasmus, and Viues found fault with their vulgar
Translation,and consequently wished the same to be mended,or a new one to be made, they would
answere peraduenture, that we produced their enemies for witnesses against them; albeit, they were
in no other sort enemies,then as 5. Paul was to the Galatiansjor telling them thetrueth: and it were Ga!at.4.i6.
to be wished, that they had dared to tell it them plainlier and oftner. But what will they say to \his,
that Pope Leo the tenth allowed Erasmus Translation of the New Testament,so much different from
the vulgar, by his Apostolike Letter & Bull;that the same Leo exhortedPagnin to translate the whole Sixtiu Seium.
The Translators
Heb.7.n. Bible, and bare whatsoeuer charges was necessary for the worke? Surely, as the Apostle reasoneth
& 8,7. to the HebreweS) that if the former Law and Testament had betie sufficient .there had beetle no need of the
latter: so we may say, that if the olde vulgar had bene at all points allowable, to small purpose had
labour and charges bene vndergone, about framing of a new. If they say, it was one Popes priuate
opinion, and that he consulted onely himselfe; then wee are able to goe further with them, and to a-
uerre, that more of their ehiefe men of all sorts, euen their owne Tm^-champions Paiua & Vega^ and
their owne Inquisitors, Hieronymus ab Oleastro, and their own Bishop Isidorus Clarius, and their owne
Cardinall Thomas a Vio Caietan, doe either make new Translations themselues, or follow new ones
of other mens making, or note the vulgar Interpreter for halting; none of them feare to dissent from
him, nor yet to except against him. And call they this an vniforme tenour of text and iudgement a-
bout the text,so many of their Worthies disclaiming the now receiued conceit? Nay, we wii yet come
neerer the quicke : doth not their Pans-edition differ from the Louqineta.ud Hentenius his from them
Si.tfus<t.j>r$fal, both,and yet all of them allowed by authoritie ? Nay, doth not Sixtus Quintus confesse , that cer-
taine Catholik'es ( he meaneth certaine of his owne side ) were in sirch an humor of translating the
Scriptures into Latine, that Satan taking occasion by them, though they thought of no such matter,
did striue what he could, out of so vncertaine and manifold a varietie of Translations,so to mingle all
things, that nothing might seeme to be left certaine and firme in them,£c ? Nay further, did not the
same Sixtus ordaine by an inuiolable decree, and that with the counsel! and consent of his Cardinals,
that the Latine edition of the olde and new Testament,which the Councill of Trent would haue to be
authemicke,is the same without controuersie which he then set forth, being diligently corrected and
printed in the Printing-house of Vatican ? Thus Sixtus in his Preface before his Bible. And yet Cle*
went the eight his immediate successour, publisheth another edition of the Bible, containing in it in
finite differences from that ofSixtus,( and many of them waightie and materiall )and yet this must be
autbemike by all meanes. What is to haue the faith of our glorious Lord I E S V S C H R I S T with Yea
and Nay, if this be not 2 Againe,what is sweet harmonic and consent,if this be? Therfore,asDmara-
tus of Corinth aduised a great King, before he talked of the dissentions among the Grecians, to com-
pose his dotnesticke bfoiles (for at that time his Queene and his sonne and heire were at deadly fuide
with him ) so all the while that our aduersaries doe make so many and so various editions themselues,
and doe iarre so much about the worth and authoritie of them, they can with no show of equitie
challenge vs for changing and correcting.
But it is high time to leaue them,and to shew in briefe what wee proposed to our selues, and what The puppase
of the Tran-
course we held in this our perusall and suruay of the Bible. Truly ( good Christian Reader) wee ne- slators, with
uer thought from the beginning, that we should neede to make a new Translation, nor yet to make their number,
furniture, care
of a bad one a good one, ( for then the imputation of Sixtus had bene true in some sort, that our peo- &c.
ple had bene fed with gall of Dragons in stead of wine * with whey in stead of milke:) but to make a.
good one better,or out of many good ones,one principall good one,not iustly to be excepted against;
that hath bene our indeauour, that our marke. To that purpose there were many chosen, that were
greater in other mens eyes then in their owne, and that sought the truth rather then their own praise,
Againe, they came or were thought to come to the worke, not exercendi causa (as one saith ) but exer-
citati, that is, learned, not to learne: For the ehiefe ouerseer and cp-yoSiovmjs vnder his Maiestie, to whom
not onely we, but also our whole Church was much bound, knew by his wisedome, which thing also
Naziamtn. tit
f>i>.iir&ii.v*l>ov<r. Natfanzen taught so long agoe, that it is a preposterous order to teach first and to learne after, yea
Idem in Apt- that TO (V mOw K(pa/j.iavfjiav9dv(iv la learne and practise together, is neither commendable for the workeman,
logtl. norsafe for the worke. Therefore such were thought vpon,as could say modestly with Saint Hierome,
Et Hebr#uiii Sermonem ex parte didicimus, & in Latino pene ab ipsis incunabulis. &c. detriti sumus. Both
we haue learned the Hebrew tongue in part, and in the Latine wee haue beene exercised almost from our verie
cradle. S. Hieroine maketh no mention of the Greeke tongue, wherein yet hee did excell, because hee
translated not the old Testament out of Greeke, but out of Hebrewe. And in what sort did these as-
semble ? In the trust of their owne knowledge,or of their sharpenesse of wit,or deepenesse of iudge
ment,as it were in an arme of flesh ? At no hand. They trusted in him that hath the key of Dauid1
opening and no man shutting; they prayed to the Lord the Father of our Lord, to the effect that
S. tAtig.Ub.u. S.Augustine did; O let thy Scriptures be my pure delight Jet me not be deceiued in tbemyneither let me deceiue
Confess.cap. z. by them. In this confidence, and with this deuotion did they assemble together; not too>many,lest
one should trouble another; and yet many,lest many things haply might escape them. If you aske
what they had before them, truely it was the Hebrew text of the Olde Testament, the Greeke of the
doctr.c.i&c. New. These are the two golden pipes,or rather conduits,where-through the oliue branches emp-
S.Hicroit. ad tie themselues into the golde. Saint Augustine calleth them precedent, or originall tongues; Saint
Sunintit &
Fretel. Hierome, fountaines. The same Saint Hierome affirmeth, and Gratian hath not spared to put it into
5. Hitron. ad
his Decree, That as the credit of the olde Bookes( he meaneth of the Old Testament) is to bee tryed by
9. vi veterum. the
To the Reader.
the Hebreive Volumes, so of the New by the Greeke tongue, he meaneth by the originall Greeke. If trueth
be to be tried by these tongues, then whence should a Translation be made, but out of them ? These
tongues therefore, the Scriptures wee say in those tongues, wee set before vs to translate, being the
tongues wherein God was pleased to speake to his Church by his Prophets and Apostles. Neither did
we run ouer the worke with that posting haste that the Septuagint did , if that be true which is repor-
ted of them,that they finished it in 72. dayes; neither were we barred or hindered from going ouer it lotcpb. Jlntiq.
againe, hauing once done it, like S.Hierome,it that be true which himselfe reporteth,that he could no
sooner write any thing,but presently it was caught from him, and published, and he could not haue Pammactpro
leaue to mend it: neither, to be short,were we the first that fell in hand with translating the Scripture ninian
into English, and consequently destitute of former helpes,as it is written of Ortgen, that hee was the •n-fKaroireipot,
first in a maner,that put his hand to write Commentaries vpon the Scriptures, and therefore no mar.
ueile,if he ouershot himselfe many times. None of these things : the worke hath notbene hudled vp
in 72. dayes, but hath cost theworkemen, as light as it seemeth,thepainesof twiseseuen times seuen-
tie two dayes and more: matters of such weight and consequence are to bee speeded with maturitie: fAelY&pSxvtlv
irpdrf*' &-»np
for in a businesse of moment a man feareth not the blame of conuenient slacknesse. Neither did 7rpdo-<rcav fj.fya,
wee thinke much to consult the Translators or Commentators, Chaldee, Hebrewe, Syrian, Greeke, or lect.
Latine, no nor the Spanish, French, Italian, or Dutch; neither did we disdaine to reuise that which we
had done, and to bring backe to the anuill that which we had hammered: but hauing and vsing as
great helpes as were needfull,and fearing no reproch for slownesse,nor couetingpraise for expedition,
wee haue at the length,through the good hand of the Lord vpon vs, brought the worke to that
passe that you see.
persons mo- Some peraduenture would haue no varietie of sences to be set in the margine,lest the.autnoritie of
uingvsto set the Scriptures for deciding of controuersies by that shew of vncertaintie,should somewhat be shaken.
dJuersitie of
sences in the But we.hold their iudgmet not to be so sound in this point.For though, whatsoeuer things are .necessary •ndvrtt. rh affty-
xala. SrjXa.
margin.wlicre aremanifesl, as'S. Cbrysostome saith, and as S.Augustine, In thosethings that are plainely set downe inthe S.Chrysost.itt 2.
there is great
probability fof Scriptures, all such matters are found that concerne Faithyhope,and Charitie. Yet for all that it cannot be Tbess.cap.z.
eacb. dissembled, that partly to exercise and whet our wits, partly to weane the curious from loathing of S.iAug.z.dc.
them for their euery-where-plainenesse, partly also to stirre vp our deuotion to craue the assistance cap.9.
of Gods spirit by prayer,and.lastly,that we might be forward to seeke ayd of our brethren by confe-
rence, and neuerscorne those that be not in all respects so complete as they should bee, being toseeke
in many things our selues, it hath pleased God in his diuine prouidence, heere and there to scatter
wordes and sentences of that difficultie and doubtfulnesse,not in doctrinall points that concerne sal-
uation, (for in such it hath beene vouched that the Scriptures are plaine) but in matters of lesse mo-
ment, that fearefulnesse would better beseeme vs then confidence,and if we will resolue,to resolue vp-
on modestie with 5. Augustine, (though not in this same case altogether, yet vpon the same ground )
Melius est dubitare de occultis, quam litigare de incertis, it is better to make doubt of those things which S.^ugnst. J/.8.
df Genes, ad li-
are secret, then to striue about those things that are vncertaine. There be many words in the Scrip. ter.cap. 5.
tures,which be neuer found there but once, (hauing nor neighbour, as the Hebrewes • iTraf A*yJ/ifva.
speake) so that we cannot be holpen by conference of places. Againe, there be many rare names of
certaine birds, beastes and precious stones, £c. concerning which the Hefowmhemselues are so di-
uided among themselues for Judgement, that they may seeme to haue defined this or that,rather be-
cause they would say som thin g,the because they were sureof that which they said,as S.Hierome some-
where saith of the Septuagint. Now in such acase,doth not a margine do well to admonish the Reader
to seeke further,and not to conclude or dogmatize vpon this or that peremptorily: For as it is a fault of
ncredulitie, to doubt of those things that are euident: so to determine of such things as the Spirit of
OTod hathleft(euen inthe iudgmentof theiudicious)questionable,canbe no lesse then presumption. S.J*
Therforeas S.Augustine saith, that varietie of Translations is profitable for the finding out of thesense cflp.n.
of the Scriptures: so diuersitie of signification and sense in the margine,where the textisnotsocleare,
must needes doe good,yea,is necessary,as we are perswaded. We know that Sixtus Quintus expfesly Sixttts $./>rvr/.
forbiddeth,that any varietie of readings of their vulgar edition,should be putinthe margine,(which
though it be not altogether the same thing to that we haue in hand,yet it looketh that way ) but we
thinke he hath not all of his owne side his fauourers,for this conceit. They that are wise,had rather
tiaue their Judgements at libertie in differences of readings,then to be captiuated to one,when it may
be the other. If they were sure that their hie Priest had all lawes shut vp in his brest,as Paw/the second PlaUn Pau-
lo secundo.
bragged, and that he were as free from errour by speciall priuiledge,asthe Dictators of Rome were
made by law inuiolable,it were an other matter; then his word were an Oracle,his opinion a decision.
But the eyes of the world are now open, God be thanked,and haue bene a great while,they find that"
be is subiect to the same affections and infirmities that others be,that his skin is penetrable, and there rpewro? y1 oi
XP&V tort.
fore so much as he prooueth^not as much as he claimeth,they grant and embrace.
The Translators
An other thing we thinke good to admonish thee of (gentle Reader) that wee haue not tyed our Reasons indu-
selues to an vniformitie of phrasing, or to an identitie of words, as some peraduenture would wish cing vs not
to stand curi-
that we had done,because they obserue,that some learned men some where, haue beene as exact as ously vpon an
they could that way. Truly, that we might not vane from the sense of that which we had translated dentitie of
9re)?.vffi;/*o< before, if the word signified the same thing in both places (for there bee some wordes that bee not
of the same sense euery where) we were especially carefull, and made a conscience, according to our
duetie. But, that we should expresse the same notion in the same particular word; as for exampleri£
we translate the Hebrew or Greeke word once by Purpose, neuer to call it Intent; if one where lourmy-
ing, neuer Traueiling; if one where Thinke, neuer Suppose; if one where Paine, neuer Ache-, if one
where Toy, neuer Gladnesse, £c. Thus to minse the matter, wee thought to sauour more of curiositie
then wisedome, and that rather it would breed scorne in the Atheist, then bring profite to the godly
Reader. For is the kingdome of God become words or syllables ? why should wee be in bondage to
them if we may be free, vse one precisely when wee may vse another no lesse fit, as commodious!}' ?
A godly Father in the Primitiue time shewed himselfe greatly moued, that one of newfanglenes cal-
Niceph.Calist. led KpafiQarov <jKipirous,iliough the difTerencebe little ornone; andanotherreporteth,thathewas much abu-
M.8. cap.qz. sed for turning Cucurbita (to which reading the people had beene vsed) into Hedera. Now if this hap-^.
lonx. See S. pen in better times, and vpon so small occasions, wee might iustly feare hard censure, if generally wee
jliiPiCpist: 10. should make verball and vnnecessary changings. We might also be charged (by scoffers) with some
vnequall dealing towards a great number of good English wordes. For as it is written of a certaine
great Philosopher, that he should say,that those logs were happie that were made images to be wor-
shipped ; for their fellowes, as good as they , lay for blockes behinde the fire: so if wee should
say,as it \vere,vnto certaine words,Stand vp higher, haue a place in the Bible alwayes, and to others
of like qualitie, Get ye hence, be banished for euer, wee might be taxed peraduenture with S. lames
XtvroXoy(a, his words, namely, To be partiall in ourselves and Judges ofenill thoughts. Adde hereunto,that nicenesse
dtfoXeax'a- in wordes was alwayes counted the next step to trifling, and so was to bee curious about names too:
T& trnov6d(fivt7fl also that we cannot follow a better patterne for elocution then God himselfe; therefore hee vsing di-
See Euseb. «•/>«- uers words,in his holy writ, and indifferently for one thing in nature: we,if wee will not be superstiti-
•napcufKtv. l\. 12. ous, may vse the same libertie in our English versions out ofHebrezv £ Greeke, for that copie or store
c.v Plaion.
that he hath giuen vs. Lastly, wee haue on the one side auoided the scrupulositie of the Puritanes,
who leaue the olde Ecclesiasticall words, and betake them to other, as when they put washing for
Baptisme, and Congregation in stead of Church: as also on the other side we haue shunned the obscuri-
tie of the Papists, in their Amines, Tunike, Rational,Holocausts, Pr.rpuce, Pasche, and a number of such
like, whereof their late Translation is full, and that of purpose to darken the sence,.that since they
must needs translate the Bible, yet by the language thereof, it may bee kept from being vnderstood.
But we desire that the Scripture may speake like it selfe, as in the language of Cattaaw,that it may bee
vnderstood euen of the very vulgar.
Many other things we might giue thee warning of (gentle Reader) if wee had not exceeded the
measure of a Preface alreadie. It remaineth, that we commend thee to God, and to the Spirit of his
grace,which is able to build further then we can aske or thinke. Hee remoueth the scales from our
eyes, the vaile from our hearts, opening our wits that wee may vnderstand his word, enlarging our
hearts, yea correcting our affections, that we may loue it aboue gold and siluer,yea that we may loue
it to the end. Ye are brought vnto fountaines of liuing water which yee digged not; doe not cast
earth into them with the Philistines, neither preferre broken pits before them with the wicked lewes.
Others haue laboured, and you may enter into their labours; O receiue not so great things in vaine,
O despise not so gteat saluation 1 Be not like swine to treade vnder foote so precious things, neither
Matth.8.34. yet like dogs to teare and abuse holy things. Say not to our Sauiour with the Gergesites, Depart out
Hebr.i2.i6. of our coasts; neither yet with Esau sell your birthright for amesse of potage.If light become into the
world,! oue not darkenesse more then light; if foode ,if clothing be offered,goe not naked, starue not
Nazianz, vcpt
dy./9a7TT. your selues. Remember the aduise of Na^ian^me, It is a grieuous thing (or dangerous) to neglect a
Sttvhv iravfjyvpu' great faire,and to seeks to make markets afterwards: also the encouragement of S. Chrysostotne, It is alto-
7iapc\6ca> KOI n}i>i,- S.Cbrysost. m
gavrra •npa.ypa.- gether impossible ,tbai he that is sober (and watchful]) should at any time be neglected: Lastly,the admoniti epist ad Rom.
Tfiav intfrpf lv. Cap. l4.oraL
on and menacing of S.Augustine,They that despise Gods will inuiting them, sbalfede Gods will taking ven- x€.t'M#««.
S. August, ad geance of them. It is a fearefull thing to fall into the hands of the liuing God; but a blessed thingit is, AM^Xarot-<r^.
artic.sibifalu Spa d/*VX*«'«»»
obitct. and will bringvs to euerlastingblessednes in the end,when God speaketh vnto vs,to hearken; when
4rtic.i6. he setteth his word before vs,to reade it; when hee stretcheth out his hand and calleth, to answere,
Here am I; here we are to doe thy will.O God. The Lord worke a care and conscience in vs to know
him and serue him, that we maybe acknowledged of him at the appearing of our Lord lesus Christ
to whom with the holy Ghosi,be all prayse and thankesgiuing. Amen.
lanuary hath xxxj.daycs»


nfeth 8. mi. 4.
Sunne -houre Morning Eucning
fatleth Prayer, Prayer.

February hath xxviij.dayes.


rifech [7.mi. 15
Sunne houre Morning Eueiung
falleth' 4.mi. 45 Prayer. Prayer.
March hath xxxj.daycs.

The Moone xxx.

rifech 6.mi.i8.
Sunne 'houre Morning Euening
Prayer. Prayer.
felleth 5.mLf*.
April hath xxx daycs.

The Moone xxix.

rifcth 5.mi.i5
Sunne hourc Euening
falleth <J.mi.45
May hath xxxj .dayes.

The Moone xxx.

rifeth 4-.mi.3<5.
Sunnc houre Morning Eucning
Prayer. Prayer.
fallecK .rni.z^.
lune hath xxx. dayes.


rifeth i.mi.34.
Sunne; hour© Morning Euening
Prayer. Prayer.
falleth. S.mi.zrf.
luly hath xxxj.dayes.

The Moone xxx.

Tifcth >.mi.H
Sunne hours Morning Euening
falleth. 4.mi.i6' Prayer. Prayer.

The Moone xxx.

nfeth 4.mi.j4
Sunnfr •hourc: Morning Euening
falleth 7.mi.z<s Prayer. Prayer.

Note, that the 13. of daniel, souring the hosty of sujanan is to be read visual thefe words: (And King Aftyages, &c.)
September hath xxx.dayes.

The Moone xxix.

rifech 5.mi.?<5.
Sunncr houre Morning Eucning
Prayer. Prayer.
falleth; tf.mi.i
Oftober hath xxxj.dayes.

The Moone xxx.

rifeth rf.mi.jf
Sunne houra Morning Euening
Prayer. Prayer.
fellcth. 5.mi.z5!
Nouembe r hath xxx.dayes.

The Moone xxix.

"rifeth 7.mi.34.
Sunne houre; Morning Euemng
Prayer. Prayer.
fallethy 4.mi.z^.

^otctha£thebeginningofthe«y. Chapter of EcfikfiTaflkus C««>^&)Buc4»i«fcofllearc^;c.n3aftb«readwiththexxY.Cbaf>lw.

'Note that the x!r j Chiptcrof ScclcCiftjcus 14tofeertid rnto ihefc word* i And after his doaih.fljo
December hath xxxj.dayes.

The Moone xxx.

rifeth 8 .mi. 14
Sunnc houre Morning Eucning
falleth. 3.mi.4.8 Prayer. Prayer.
An Almanackefor xxxix.yeeres.

t<5i 7
16 jo
Of die Golden number.
T, 1)e®o!oertmw!bensrocaHcD)becaurcKm8
cljanrccD r ano it is tt;c fpace of: 9. ^cecca, in tbz lu'oicb tbc S^oone retutnetfe to tfee felfc fame oap of cbc pfftcof tbe fennne: inn
:l;etcfo?e ifi alfo cat leo tljc Cpde of tlje ^cone ,in tbe Ui^iclj tfcc So!(ticc$ ano Equinodials Dprccurne to all one point in tip Zodiaquc
•Eo finoe ic cucr p p cer c,?ou mud^Doe one peer c co ttjc pecte of Chril t, (fo j Chrift tona bo?ne one peerc of t(je i p* alrraDp pstt) t^rn
OiuiDc tlje to^cle l>p i p.ano tUst UJtjict? rctte^i* t|>c Golden number fo? fyat pecre: if ibctt be no furpluffige.ictfl tlicn 19.
E Pa^xhcmcritit OrceKc^otljnffniSeinCn^ft.^pw&rbcltofcnc.auDt&ctefoK tf)C i i.oapeaatra ;.ljourcstt>3tarraDDct tr
tljc pcece of tijc C^oone, ace calk D EpadU. ano are aCD^D to make tbe pccre of tfer S^oone ,U)(jit|| 10 but 354. capes, ma tutfb tbt
pccre of the &unnc, tufeicb batb 3 6 j «&apes auc a quat ten
&o fiuae out tbe ^yact of eacfc pecre.noc tljuet: &o tlje <C;act of tb£ peer: that lafl toctit before ttac pceee fo? iDbicb poutooitlDfin&c
itK^pac^aooe n,anut|jefurwmeoft^e£ettoomaKetbcCpaer. 3[fitlurmount30,4:11 talu 50,011^
is the capct double fire.
The vfe of the Epaft.
T Ckuotobobio',0 tbe ^conetd at nnp.time foj euerbptbeCpjet, DO tbue:dDQeDatottieDape0ofpourmouctbb)bercinpou
\uoulD knoto) tb&.tbe Cpact ,«nD as manp Dapee mot a? are monctl;s f com S^atrb to tbat monctU.tncluDuiQ; Ivtb moitftbs, cue of
tbe tu^icb fubdcact ^ o.a^ often as pou map,tbc age tcmaine(l): if notbing rtm.iine,rbP f^oone cljangetb (bat Dap.
jToj tbe nn)f cafe of tbe Kwscr ,tue bane placets bcre ouer an ^linAtiaehe.tnclii&uelpcomp^fbf noino;, not onripboto tofin&etbe £•
pact fo? tijcfpjcc of jo.p were to come.buc *\h cbeGoiden number afo^efpcfifieo^toffetbcr tBttl>t&eDominicalllcKcr,Lc3pcycerc,
an o fciicn otfctr miug .ibte feaHs.oj capes la tbe peerc^urtng i be fatnc time.o* map appearc.
Qb^ote tbat tbi Golden number AM Domimcsll letter Doetb cb&UgC CUCT? PCCTC tl)E 6tQ Dap of Sanuatp^RD tbe Cp«t tOf &tft Dap
of ^occbfo) ftier. jSotealio^baubepccct of out Lo?obeffinnetbtbc w*.oapof 9^arcb,tbe fame Dap fuppofeotobe tbefirtt
cap &pan tt^iclj tbelvo^lo 1040 ctcoUBj&rrt thc.Dcif tt.^t: Cb^tH ttug ccnccmcoiu tbc uiombeof tbc Qirginc fjparp.
TofindeEafter for euer.

^tnrcDanifoant)tl)c^)anDa? letter in tgctJppermoQ line, gcoepout

W tyt DoltoienjarD front tftc fame, till pee tome Hflfct oner againfttge
i&tnte, anDtlicTctsQ)cU)tDbotD aijat <H9oncth, antJ Mjamyoftlje
^oneto eattet fallttl) tDat vctre.

The Table and Kalender, exprefsing the order of
PfalmesandLcfTons to be faid at Morning and Euening prayer
throughout they eere, except certaine proper feafts, as the rdes
following more plainely declare.

The order how the Tfalter is appointed to be read.

He P/a her (hall bee read through once euery Moneth. And be-

caufe that Tome Moneths be longer then fome other bc,it is thought
good to make them euen by this meanes.
To euery moneth dial be appointed (as concerning this purpofe)
Andbecaufe lanuary and March hauc one day aboue the fayd
number,and February, which is placed betweene them both , hath
onely xxviij.daycs: February (hall borrowe ot cither of the Moneths
(of January and March) one day: and Co the Pialter which fhall bee
cad iu February 3 mult begin at the laft day or lanuary ,and end the firft day of March.
And.whercas May,Iuly, Auguft, Octob&r, and December haue xxxj. dayes apiece: It is ordered
hat the Plalmcs (hal be read the laft day of the faid Moneths, which were read the day before,fb that
he Pfaltermay begin againc thefirfi: day ofthc next moneth enfuing.
Now to know what Pfalmes (hall be read cucryday: Lookem the Kalendcr the number that is
appointed for the Pfalmes,and then find the fame number in this Table, and vpon thatnumbcr you
hall fee what Pfalmes (hall be fayd at Morning and Euening prayer.
And where the Cxix.Pfalme is diuidcd into xxij. portions, and is ouerlong to be read at one time:
it is fo ordered,that at one time (hall not be read aboue foure or fine of the faid portions, as you (hail
xrcciue to be noted in this Table following.
And here is alfo to bee noted, that in this Table, and in all other parts of the Seruice where any
Pfalms are appointed,the number is expreflcd after the great Engh(h Bible,which from theix.Pfalme
vnto the Cxviij.Pfalme, (following the diuifion of the HcbrewcsJ doeth variein numbers from the
common LatineTranflation.

The order hove the reft of holy Scripture ( befidc the Tfalter)
is appointed to bee read.
He old Tcftanient is appointed for the firft Leffons at Morning and Luenmg prayer,

and fhalbcread through cuery yecre once, except ccrtaincBookes and Chapters,
which be leaft edifying^nd might beft be fparcd^and therfore are left vnread.
The New Teftamentis appointed for the fccond Lcflbns at Morning and Hue-
niii2 prayer,and fhall be read ouer orderly cucry ycerc thrife,be(idcs the Epiftlcs and
Gofpels: except the Apocalypfe,out of the which there be onely certaine Leffons appointed vpott
diucrs proper Fcaftes.
And to know what Lcflbns (hall be read euery day,finde the day of the Moneth in the Kalender,
going before and there ye (hall pcrceiue the Bookcs and Chapters that (hall be read for the Leffons
Both at Morning and Euening prayer.
And here is tobcnoted,thatwhcnfoeuertherebe any proper Pfalmes or Leffons appointed for
the Sundayes,or for any Feaft ,moueable or vnmoucable: then the Pfalmes and Leffons appointed
in the Kalwider^fhall be omitted for that time.
Yemufti)otealfo,thatthe Collc<a,Epiftle,andGofpel .appointed for the Sunday, (hall ferae all
the wceke after ,except there fallfome Fcaft that hath his proper*
When the yccres of our Lord may be diuided into toure euen pares, which is euery fourth yeere:
then the Sunday letter Jcapeth,and tnat yeere the Pfalmes and LefTons which ferue tor the xxii j, day
of February, (hail be read again e the day following, except it be Sunday,which hath proper Leffons
oftheoldTeftament,appointed in the Table feruing to that purpofe.
Alfojwherefoeuer thebcginning of any Leffon, Epiftle, or Gofpel is no: expreffcd, there yee muft
begin at the beginning of the Chapter.
And wherelocueris not exprefled how farrc (hall be read, there fhaJ! you reade to the cnde of the
Item,fb oft as the firft Chapter of Saint Matthew is read either for Leffon or Gofpel, ye (hall begin
the fame at($0tt fyt WttQOf 3JrfUSCj)#ft M)aS Ont^tSXDtfe ,«OAud the third Chapter
ofS. Lukes GofpeL fhalbe read vnto,2BetnQ ag ftag fUPPOftD,tbe WOW Of 10&Dh,ffL

Proper Lcflbns to bee read for the firft

LefToDS,both at Morning and Euening prayer, on
the Sundayes throughout the yeere, and for fome
alfo tkefecond Lejjons.
of [Mattcns. Euenfong.
' Mattens. Euenfong.

Thefirft. j.Leflon.
i ij.Leflon.
Sundayes aftei
Thefirfl:. Trinitic Sun-
J- day.
Sundayes after j.Leflon.
die Epiphany ij.Leflbn.
Thefirft. Sundayes after
i Trinitic.
):nj. Firft.
uij. j
v. nj.
Scptuagefima. iiij.
Sexagefima. v.
Quinquage- v
Cma. 'l:
Leqr. viij.
Firft Sunday. IX.
ij x.
ii). xj.
uij. XI).
v. Xll).
J- xnij.
Eaftcrday. XV.
j.Leflbn. xvj.
ij.Leflbn. XV1J.

Sundayes after xviij.

Eaftcr. XIX.

Thefirii XX.
iiij. XXII).

v. xxiiij.
Sunday after XXV.

A/ccnfion day. XXVJ.

Leflbns proper for Holy dayes.
Mactens. tucnfong. Macteus. jLUcniong.
s« Andrew.
S.Thomas ij,Lcflbn.
the Apoftle. i'ueflay in Ea-
Chriftmas day. fter wecke.
j.LefTonr i.Lcflbn.

Philip &Iacob
.Steuen. Afceniion day.
jJLeffon. Munday in
ij.Leffon. Whirfun^

John. ij.Leffon.
j.Leffon. 'uefday in
ij.Lcflbn. Whitfijn-
nnocentsday wcckc.

Circumcifion. i.Lcffon.
j.Leffon. ii.

Epiphanic. S. lohnBaptift,
i.Leffon. i.Leflbn.
li.LciTon. ij.Leflbn.

Conucrfion of ij.Leffon.
S.Paul. S. lames.
i.Leffon. S. Bartholo-
ii.LcfTon. mew.
S. Matthew.
S. Michael
Purification of S.Luke.
the virgin Mary Simon andlude
S.Matthias. i.Leffon.
Annunciation AH Saints.
of our Lady. i.Leffon.
Wcdncfday a-
tore Eaftcr.
Thurfday afore
Good Friday. ij.Leflbn.
Eafter Eucn.
Munday in Ea-
ftcr wecke.
Proper Pfalmes on certaine dayes.
Matteus. Eucnfong. Martens. Eucnfong*
Chrift- Afcenfi^ Pfil.
mas day. •PfiL -Pfal. Pfal.
on day.

Martens. Eoenfbng. Mattcns. Eucnfong.

Eafter Whit-
.Pfal.. Pfal.- P61.' 4>fal.
day. funday.

The tablefor the order of the Pfalmes,

to be faid at Morning and Euening prayer.
Day es of the Pfalmes for Morning Pfalmes for Euening
Moneth. prayer. Prayer.


Eptuagefima ix
Sexagefiina viij
before Eafter vij weekes.
Quadragefirna v

Ogations v
Trinitie Sunday
after E alter

Thefetobeobferuect for Holy

dayes, and none other.

The names and order of all the Bookes of;
the Olde and New Testament, with the
Number of their Chapters.
Enesishath Chapters 50 Ecclesiastes hath Chapters 12

G Exodus
The song of Solomon
loshua 24 Ezekiel 48
Judges 21 Daniel 12
Ruth 4 Hosea 14
1. Samuel 31 loel 3
2. Samuel 24 Amos 9
I.Kings 22 Obadiah 1
2. Kings 25 lonah 4
1.Chronicles? 29 Micah 7
2. Chronicles 36 Nahum 5
Ezrah 10 Habakkuk 3
Nehemiah 13 Zephaniah 3
Ester 10 Haggai 2
lob 42 Zechariah 14
Fsalnies 150 Malachi 4
Prouerbs 31
The Bookes called Apocrypha,
1. Sdras hath Chapters 9 Baruch with the Epistle of leremiah o

E S.Esdras
The rest of Esther 6
The song of the three children.
The story of Susanna.
The idole Bel and the Dragon.
The prayer of Manasseh.
Wisedome 19 I.Maccabees 16
Ecclesiasticus 51 2. Maccabees 15
The Bookes of the New Teltament.
Atthew hath Chap. 28 2.1 hessalonians hath Chapters 3

M Marke 16 l.Timotheus 6
Luke 24 2.Timotheus 4
lohn 21 Titus 3
The Actes 26 Philemon 1
The Epistle to the Ro- To the Hebrewes 13
manes 16 The Epistle of lames 5
I.Corinthians 16 I.Peter 5
S.Corinthians 13 2.Peter 3
Galatians 6 IJohn 5
Ephesians 6 2. lohn 1
Philippians 4 3.1ohn 1
Colossians 4 lude 1
l.Thessalonians 5 Beuelation 22
Cum TriuttegoT^egfaMaiejlati*.
To the Chriftian Reader.
He Spirit of God in the facred ffitforj, hath Lid downe fuch
helps ^as are the light and life of all Nations ongtnals. In them the

c/rcum/lancesofPerfon^Tim^andPhcCy arethechiefc-, elfe
doewee wander as without a guide: and ofthefe the Pcrfon tf
principatt. Genealogies then drawnefrom them, from whom all
are defeendedy and by Cods owne warrant recorded vnto ur, muft
J.Tim,1.4. moue a JpeciaU. reuerence that they are hoty, andfarre from thofe
other avainfl which S.Paulwriteth. tsfmongft whofe manifold
v/es, this if the chiefef^ thatby themisprooued how Chriftwa*
made very man. Jnd therefore in feuerall Tables the? are heere
exhibited euenfr0m their fir ft rootey andfo continued through their$reating branches,fofarrc
a< the Scripture gtuetk themfap.lti the reading w hercof,let theft few directions be thy guides,
I. Such defients at holdon from the Parents tc their Children, without interruption, are
veryplaine by their double lines,which runnefrom rundle to rundle.
2. Thofe whofe Parents are not certainly knowne, but are named of their Country jCitie,
or Tri b e^ore iotned each under other,with thu figure here in the mar gent.
3. Jndbkewifefuch as are Jet in rAnkefide byjide,anddijlmgui/hcdby thu marginal! mart,
are not to be reputed Brethrcnfatfomc other Perfons ofnote^fthat defcent where they arcfo
infer ted.
4. The names of Nations and People, ( as likewije fomctimet of Cities and other places
*f note) wee haue notmcompajjedinrundles asthen'ft\ but in CompArttmcnts, and different
lettersberwixt direffbnes, that fo they might bee knowne from particular pcrfons, and the
Names next under them^re not inferted as cerUinty thence defcendcdjbut as eminent Perfons
f. dnd where of'necefiity wearetobreakeoffthejitccepion^ to be continued in fome other
]>agc,that doe we aifomeprincipall Perfons:*/ at thcfloud with Noah sfonnes-, at the Promife,
with Terah andAbrzhzm&c.SothateuertheManatwhichwebreakcoJf, is againefetitt
the firjlplace offome enfuing page jvhere hi* ijjue u continued* though many times whole leaues
fall betwixt them j which areJupplied with other collaterals: fuch it from Abraham pag* j.
i>nto bis wiues andfeed^pag* 6. and 7*&c.
* Matth.u 6. The lineage of our bleffed Sauiour (which is our principal}fcope) u knowne by a chaine*
I-ukc3. like trade, continued from Adam to Sem,f4g. I. andthenceto Terah and Abraham, pag.^
* Rab, R4-
fadtfi m &c. Solikewifefrom Dauid,/>4£.2 2.tohisfonnes Solomon^WNathan,p*g. ^ ]. AndUft*
his third /?, to our Sauioursparents^pag.^lincked together (as other marriages here are) by thefculp*
vpon Jfai. turcofan hand in hand. Both defcendcdfrom* Zorobabel yas the holy tttangelifts haue recorded:
5?. i. /r^wDnuid, ludah, and Abraham, *s Moles and the Prophets hauejpokcn-, and lewes
* R*l>. H*Jihemfelues thusfarre grant, that the Mefsiah [hould be the Sonnc of a * Virgine, her narn^j
Xtb.Vl*. Marie, and/be of' Beth-lchem,/^ daughter ^/Eli, of the houfe <?/Zorobabel, and Tribe of
Talmud ludah .In all which jur Chrift u manifcjlly defigncd^nd by thefe lewes both acknowledged to
h<tue been of the' bhud-royal^ndalfo recorded in the number of the Priejlsjn their publike Re-
tredr'm, gifter at lerufalem, by tku title, IESVS THESONNEOF THE LIVING
Chap Nig- G O D , AND OF THE V I R G I N M A R I p.. Thu* fef^Dau id s Sonne.And Abra-
* Jhtodof. hams Heire, in whom all the kindreds of the earth are bleffid? being the very Image of the
the lew jn irw/JibleGoA, the brightnejfe of the glory, and the ingrauenformeofhit Per-
the word
fev, in whom dweUeththefulneffe of the God-head bodily, and
Icfus. vrito whom be afcribed aft glory, prtije, wifdwnC)
Col.i.if. thanks fower and might for eucr-
Ajjoc.7ii meret Amen.

As by one mans dif-

obedicncc many were
made finners, fo by
the obedience of one
fhaJl many a!fo bee
made righteous. That
as finnc had raided
vnto death, fo might
grace alfo raigne by
rightcoufiieflc vnto e-
ternall life through le-
fiu Chvift our Lord.

God thai made the world, ot Theft families ham Moan and
one bloud hach made al mankind rtt*fons,outof lofephus are in-
tod well vpon chc face of the ferted AnU.i,c.7.From wh6 the
earth, & hath afligned die times whole earth was «uer-(pred and
which were ordained before, out of thefe were die Nations
and the bounds of their habita- diuidedin the Earth after the
tion, Acts 17.14, tS. floud, Gen.?. 19. & cap. io.ji.

In this age and at he bud-

ding of B&cUthe language
ed in naming of his tonne:
butih Chrifts APoftl(u,wh£
the heauenly temple w«
built, euery nation rnder-
ftood thcirlanguag*,Aa.i.

That Abram was not cKc (Idea

Vntill Terah, the worlds age was fan of Terah is marufeflj for he be-
reckoned by th«ycercs of men, bur gat a Ton at ftuenty and died at two
he the firft recorded Idolater Ioft«. hundrcdk trot G«« n-iS.jj then the Uft in that dignity of cop* was Abram 75. Gen. 12.4. fo that
cation. For from himtoChrift, the Terah murt be one hundred thirty
rimes are chained w>ch other linkcs t at hu birth : agawe Abrain mancd
as to the Law, (he Temple,the King- Sara his brothers daughter.wid (he
domes diujfion, the Captjuitf, &the but ten yeero yonger then hiinfclf.
70. weckes of Gabriel in Dan.c.?. 14. G«nef. 17.17.

From the prcfence oflfaak 9 Abraham fcnt his (onnes by Cccura

( whereof Midian was one) into die Eaft,Gcn.ij.6.From thence arc
the And intheEaft, lob is the greateft, lob
1.5 .He held the true worfhip of God, asdidRaguel and lethroEx.
18.1 r. a fure teftimony of Abrahams care towards his family, as the
Lord had fpokcn,Gcn.i8.i9.His ftory and afHi&ions are thought to
be before that Mofes penned the Law s otherwifc it hid notbeene
kwfullforhimtohaucfacrificcd,Iobi.y. InEgiptall had finned,
and were defiled with the Idols of that Land, Ezek. xo.8. Then did
Satan accufc the earth of impiety, yetlobwasiuft, and knew that
his Redeemer liucd; and belceucd the Refurtedion to life, Job.i?.

Thefeinceftuous fonnes of Lot,

Moab and Ammon, were both of
them the progenitors of thofc
people which were great enemies
to the Church of God. Notwith-
itandingfrom the one, cuenNa-
amah,the royal blood of the kings
ofIudahdefcended,i.Chr.iz.i j,
And by Ruth that King of Kings,
quen Chrift lefus, who hath the
key ofDauid and whofe kingdom
fhalbe cucrlarting,Mat. 1.5 Ii.9.7
Hovf vHfettrckabj* *re tky Judge-
mentj 0 Godt andtkjvMttfttft
findtag out \ Rom. 11.33.

Was not Efau lacobs brother,&ith the Lord,

yet I loued laacob, and I hated Efau, & made
hitraountaincswafte.&c. Mal.i.i. j.

lacobm Egypt and vpon his death-oead prophefied to his fons their
feuerall clients, to ludah he giueth the preheminence, and fheweth that
his Scepter fhould continue till Shiloh the Chrift fhouldcomerln him he
blefleth euery Tribe, noting them by fundry metaphoricall allufions, as
heere thou (eeft cxprefled by Armcs Read Gen.4p.

The fecond yeare after their AD the men being dead that
comming from Egypr, were num- came out of Egypt and now ready
bred in mount Sinai of this tribe, to enter into Canaan, of this tribe
forty fixe thoufand and fine hun- were numbred forty three thou-
dred men from twenty ycarcs old fcndfcnen hundred and thmy
andaboue, Ninn.i.zi. able men, Num. 16.7.

The Rubenits Gadits The Rubenitcs in

and halfe the tribe of the dales of Saul war-
Manafleh, at their re- ring vpon the haga-*
queft vnto Moles had rims increafed their
their portions afllg- jborders Eftward vpo
ned without lorden, the landofGilead, i.
Norn. 3 2.3 3. Theft ch.5.thcfe with the o*
in Dauids troubles cher tribes were caried
againft Abfolom > captiue to Afliur whe
brought to his aide Tiglah Pilefermade
one hundred and twenty Ifrael the Lo-ruha-
thouiand tightiag men, mah, a.Kin.
/. Chrt>n.i2.j7.


Of this Tnbc at thc'u cemming out ot E

gypc, were numbred fifty nine ihoufand and
three hundred men, from twenty yecrcs old
and vpward, bcfides women and children,
Numb. i. i}. AH jhefe falling in the wj!-
dcrncflc at i\e cnterancc into Car.»»n were
accounted of this Tribe twenty two thoufand
rwo hundred and thirty men of Ac Idee
yecrcs and ftrcngth, Num.atf.i4-

N 2

This lonadwm became Pried

to the Tribe of Dan,who firft
ftt YB grauen Images S» die
Land. Iudg.iS.ja

The fucccffion of The Prieils com>~

the high Prieils iesasthey fcrued
from Aaron to
AARON by lot in the
Chrift Temple.

ludah, thy brethren dial praife thee: thy fathers formes fhall bow vnto thee.Iu-
dah is a Lions whelp and fhall come from the fpoile, and coucheth as a Lion, and
as an old Lion: who &all roufe him vp ? The fcepter fliall not depart from ludah,
noralaw-giuer from betweene his feet, vntill Shilocome, Gen. 49. who is the
ftarre of lacob and branch of Iftiau Nomb.*4. Ifai.n.

This was not Caleb thac

was lent to fcarch the Land,
but another of that name,
and feucn generations
before him.

The EuangeBflx Mathcw, and Saint Lute (he weth him to be

Luke, from Dauid to Mary doc the leed piomifcd in paradife,
diuerfly deriue the decent of and by his nattiraU parents
Chrift. Saint Mathew bringeth bringeth him from Eli, RheGu
him to be the heire of Dauids ZorcbabeljNeri, Narhan, and
throne, and by a legal! fuccef- Datiid to Adam. For Solomons
fion from Solomon, and thole houie ending in leconias, ler.
Kings that poficfled the crown , zi.zj. and the Crowne taken
as Hkewife from thofe high from hisfamilies, Ezek. 11416.
Saints from whom it was taken, the rifiht of his kingdome de-
Dan.y. whereby he was lawful- Iccnded to his next in kindred
ly titled, the Kingof the 1 ewes, according to theLaw,Nom.i7.
which his ftar (hewed, and tor and fb to Chrift, fo that thefe
whom the wifemenfought, that hojy Euangelifts breathe fordi
Pilate grantedjhimfelfe confef- a fwcetc confortorhis orflce &
fed, and the 1 ewes to hinder perlbn, without all contra-
his right could name none diction in thcix holy
but C#far. records.

In the wildemcflc of Sinai and fc- The Tribe of Nephtali being nun>
cond yeare after their comming out bred in the wilderneflb of Sinai, the
of Egypt,were numbted of this tribe fecond month and fecorid yearc af-
from twenty jrceres old and aboue ter their comming from Egypt were
ablemencogoefoorth to warre in found to befiftythree ihouiandand
Ifrael, fixty two dtioufand and feu en fbure hundred men able to goc
hundred perfons, befides their wo- forth to warrc, from twenty yeares
men and children not numbred* old&vpward, befidcs their women
Num.i .39. and children not numbrcd,Nu.i 43.

All the men of this Tribe of Dan that But thefc numbred men dying all of
were numbred in mount Sinai being them in the wilderneffc, of this Tribe
dead, for their tranfgrelfions, in the notwithftandmg, in the plaineofMoab
wildernefle, and a view taken in the before they cntred into Canaan were
plaineofMoab,when they were ready numbred, fotirty fiue thoufaod & foure
to enter Canaan, of this Tribe were hundred able to beare'weapons, and to
numbred fixty foure thoufand and foure goc forth to war/rom twenty yeares old
hundred able men from zo. yeers old & and aboue, be/ides their women and
abouc befides womc & childre,N.i£.4$. children. Numb. 16. yo.

At their eomming out of Egypt At their entrance of Canaan,ablc

of this Tribe,; able men for war , men for w»r from. io.jfcc« old and
from »o. yeeres old and vpward, about, were numbred 40500. none
were nnmbrcd,forty flue thoufad of them liuing that were numbred
fix hundred and fifty, Norn. in Sinai, Num. 2*.!?.

iTheTeof Gad came to aid Da- Ichu the (word of God againft
uidin the wiUcmerfe.mcn of thehoufc of Ahab & Pricfls of
might and fit for battetl, whofe Baa!,recciucd a promifc that to
faces where like the faces of li- the 4. "Cncraoo hit fons Ovoid
ons& were as fwift as the Rocs fit on his throne which ended
vbonthe' inZachariah hit la( w.

Acthccomirung from fcgypcand in rhc At the entrance into Canaan, fital thole
wiJdertieflc of Sinai, were numbrcd of dead that came out of Egypt, were otim-
this Tribe, from ic.ycares old & vpward, bred o£this Tribe 4?4<x>. men, aU of
41500. men, bdides their women and thcmfrom lo.ycereiold and about,and
children. Al which through diiobediencc fit to bcare armcs againil the Canaanitcs
died in their wandrings, & none of them whofc Couotrey by Gods commandc-
camcincothe Land ofpromifc,Nom.i. 41. mentthevwent cocopquere. Nom.jrf.^o.

Ac the commme; from Egypt were This Tribe at then comming from
numbred of du'sTribe able mentor Egypt afforded f 74coable men fit for
war from twenty ycercs old and a- wrarjNu.i.3i. All whuh dying in the
bouc,fiftyfoure thoufand andfoure wildcrndfe for iniibeliefe, in ihc
hundred mcn,Nnm.i .19. Thcfe pcn- plainc of Moab ready to enter Cana-
rtimginthe wtlderneflc at their en- an, were accounted fixty thoufand
trance into Oanaan were numbred and fiue hundred men of frrength
of this tribe 64300. men able for war, their women and children not num-
bcfides women & childrcnjNu.nS.if- bred. Numb.i^.xr.


O 2

Bcniamm fhall rauine as a Wolfe, in the mor-

n'ing hce 'fhall deuoure the pray, and at night hee
fliall diuide the fpojle, Gen^.i?. The Lord Qull
couer him all the day long and Qiall dwell bcjwetrne
his (houlders.Deut.5j.ii. he ioined to ludahwhen
the other tennc Tribes fell away.

In the fccond yeare after their com- All tliofc died in their wandrings
mine out of Egypt, and in the wUdcrnos in the wildemefle through vubclicfe,
of Sinai were numbred of this Tribe yet when Ifrael was ready ro paflo lor-
thirty fiue thoufand and foure hundred Jan, in the plaine of Moab were num-
men, able to beare weapons and fit bred men of like ftrencth and yeares,
for warre from twenty yeares old and forty fiuc ihotrfiad an<T fixe hundred,
vpward, befide* their women and chil- their women, and children r.ot jecko-
dren not numbred, Numb.t.}7. ned, Nmnb.i*.4i.

This Tribe Jo multiplied jn AJ1 the able men ttac cxtic out
Egypt, that befides women and of Egypt being d«»d in the wil-
children,were accounted in die dernci, in the plane of Moab,
wildcmefl'e of Situs 32203. a- ready to enrti Canaan, 52700..
blemen,from twenty yceresoJd from jo.yccres old & aboue of
andabouc, Num. 1.35. able men were nubred,N.:*.J4

Manaflech & Eohriim.the Tons of lo-

feph.arc bylacob cheir gradfathermade
two tribesinlfrae!,Oe.48.j. HalfofMa.
naflie' had the land of Giants afsigncd
iLtheocha-haJfofthc tribe had their
inhcrjtaceaUotted within thdand^ue
betwixtTappuahSt the weft CwJoCiT.

iU their comming from Egypt

were numbred of this Trjbc
fourty thousand and fius hun-
dred, able to bearc armes ami
tor warre,frora twentyyeerevof
•age and vpward: theft perilling
in the wilderneflc, their lonncs
of the like ftrcngth and yeeres,
were found to bee at their en-
trance into Canaan , thirty two
ihoufand and fiue hundred men,
Nomfa.i.jj. & 1^.37.

Salomons boufe ending in Coniah, and

hce a fignet piuckt off from Gods right
hand, tcr. 21. 14. lerabbabel of Nathan
another (brine ofDaiiid was chofen.and placed
for the fignec where the other had ftood
Hag. J.i5
This page intentionally left blank
i ftu fcha-ivh.w tht wamimZrCtniin ;nfr..-jfk-Jdiru>
for her po/t/W daujhu-r. Jfark *
i Tlie ivuUcire of Ztrefbt.CberiOud by'Elm JJTui, ;;
j In thu hlaiv rhc- woman pronitunxii \deSrinti. to fhi-
wvmtxr rliat hare Chril> and r» tin- pi}T/ rfixr
J«vr hi'in. riu-lcc. Zwt.- n.
4lUvn- nn hunj/vrh tlioiuin.1 Anunitet ntie Jtine anl
wn.jinlJiiJ in ba(TJil«,anJ mvnttc rlvufjndnjarc
bv rlu fi»lt o£ * wall r A'-w/ ZP
• t, H«r.- bihiMh ov,-rcuiK liibm ind inanKr arhcr Icip5<^ tr •
i TJie pl^tr ivhi-r .<jTcni wirh hw nine hiinJml fhirtn
H-M \-ii»|iii/?n-J anJ fj/Mte / fn-hd win- ro
Hcki-.A$4- ,
• 7Tht- cittiowhrna-Oiritt-iiuvlr .in.I iliJ hr.» m\r*:\et JtoAj.
Slhemnint \vhereonc Chrift w»i triafKfiirtit tnd irlxr/
?<o&.< anJ £)»« hJkrd with him .Hat 17 J
«fn rhj'.< nJ«fe £/uj buiir h« alnr «n.i &cn/tm<i» ihf
E.W /layiar the pri«:/t?o/- Jla.iJ I Ki,y ,t.
wTTir ciftu- wb^rc Chriit ni/IJ rhf tvjiUmi>» £111 nc &>
Ajrf) wfi.-rr iil>ppn John Tent ha difsiflf* u a&:r
him afthfMeTuu. Ink r
flHccrc Eliit ruCrJ the Shiinymttri Cotinc iJtiiy 4.
<lM*mr rrett- baHtfiltfm thit valid were/oath u I fur
of ^,!.*n«>rJic:Midunr-|r* Wrf.rf. .
o/ Ichn •Mini!' Irhanra kinr oflfacll sKuyj.
,^a.J ariinft thf AiliiKnM I 3*n t i
thrrr mrj?X.Jwrh QoncA ru dejrh I.A;^. J i .
nn<! J.-z»W rh^f,rdi'«w MM* d»vctW iXvy*
itt'mm rfie n^B* rfdli'l eirfif theniiliihnw Ju»l«k.' *r
J««llwJi*«fA«/» f.iww/ H
i4H«r<? 5aule conloltiny with 4 wi'fjh u it-Jiii?.l I^vdi.-
<iivcll rhiron fnn<S>rnv fijm Cede likftj an
angtll of IiVhf. J J*« i*-
MlfMMilliimjMbAiwIitflmthMi ^«A.<-- ,
iVln lhj.4« larack o/l£-ull PVi-rthrWe rJu- frr.-«
o? th* Cwi««nirK> >.'ir .«• .
I/On rtuV nw.uir .SiuL- flum: Him C-lte.r.&im ^i
<&Iio>h« irJl K-fiire ChnO ^n/crt-cJ tvnHi the \yanun
of Aun.irii flinvmj-tfi* rrm-wvrihiWm ^'/> -f
ifArHii talice r»K> )iu<e HulillfntiX in fmrle rirfii-
wir n«»«. tfc/,n n-m.,1 4«h,l/jAlf h,i
4ibi rhc 0rtirr OoJuh. rhe rt^fc of ivfioji ijtr
•re ww liif • ircav^n b»in>: dr EJluiuili^fM
.Wllx jn'tr idwraa lafiph w«i art bfiiu bridiwn t.n ^ '
XIUN «J6 err«W N' L-robr.m mth tJu wliirh UoUfnr
•H ttu: kJBtf*o/IlncUwmil»W i Jhy n
At In thu plws lolhiuJi oretnm fivr k.'nj o/rtir Am<r,Vrt.
jnJ a.marJcJ rlu- *„„>»•» for.-to ^.rTr.V. v
^ Hit w*t?N whmui tbn iU tofto* !*».}.
j*H«wAclum WMtfonn.-Jt,- Jai £w^ «cJ«-^U^
i* The iMKli/c of I&tU «fain^ rhr BmilTnin .4,6 i,
j* Uu i. .WdpLt* ^uxr fcmrrf, JEratu avrtif Chm> I«r ,4
VTb* »wd«r«i .n.1 KW/EJ fijsr free J*M- fj
t3ln tbii nli&r 5»mn£>n /L-wv J lion in who/I- JcaJ k-3r
kiflc. hce*.mviichr hiinoirichkli v-i^ tfien^. *r
'£r(> o^Aon h2 IT him apintf rhi- PhJuh,!-.. m
nyn/u'hft Jirtflww AUfcr *m-««»hi* i-a/fa W/4
w M«« Abfolon flew hi* b«tfi#r Aawn •. J«m y
u The>b* wboe wiJOtw CoJuh the PliilJUhju-
f j TJu-jUk •.f^.J kmn«,£>jvn i ^<//» «.
fTfcrU- IW /r.n,.!,.* it wrffil h *-Mifa4hfcu« )t In dbiifituy^^0 fli-n'f ^o.ThitiAnut fydf i+
an,b.-J in ffc .*%»: «i* s lot ffrwnl frf^u *tH*u nv» ;< HIT ni.'nrtnw *uor flu'flf Ejr JornfJan i. J»w 11
.vr Ionian,/; liar m^tii. rnfcA far * ImM mu Apt fcnrAftru, ^•Jn iW* »«w BAl«a finfr3^.?.s.te.r mliidd- Ufc/ ^
Hut v » fn\,G»lilc tm A: mAMU in* fr WrfTlweni ^ Chrilid<>r*<*lfoa*aii4tt*ff-f.evinnr«l
«*.l-ii4y m iMw&nfay m ///Mrt./*/ ^ri;rfcifidiiKi;* H Unite Samptoni anal rfifjarc* «rTriArr w.v- e»nrJ liiVrlf
JJIIUTU'M rfc MUi.tbt fnntydfat /&• rr^/W Ifadfit'. »IfairiwirtowJtvft*«lftwn rfu-mtifaa iJ*» M
MU L«ff /m«te.4/r ^4,,^ J £ t fiM 1m,.* dun. «d /rDawJA-ftDktfxw 9*vJtr wmJrcfb Aii>WiUer«£-i.vm ,-j
jff ifrftfo fannMu tty w,n \y lofiiuah to&Lvtfa'- ^IlfrrcI.ufalf&^w fu^.I •
iwJh » Hrt.tffnukMA.t.Tbt dihft aivm n thLiriu.ttc & HeacAZ mtrtMittftAT&K»f Itiiwpn 1. C»rn ^
m«M H'irti t .rtit.Ml dufxt exttv /«%»'>* a ImHtf ^ D*vi<l ct-tpinfSvk aOtihrf.M^.r m-> o/Mmf^ r.'^
<rif,.\*Q<if AfcnfmiyauHlHwAkatfCtWi. 41 lBthi« moimfW<af'«<Ajji<)ii«TKanyrtJ/le'»rrtdiirfhn-a(>
4f)UiUM. Ainonito. E^miteJ. AaaUa».I&*S»M W- 4i The wifrnva rff r*«frUowinjfh* /fan* OirT».«rr *

fiy*.™,.*'-:*!! (0*H.&tlKH nMjfry>tm ww* « *««, CH 7hf pl^' trJvr Arv Liirtl Imadl »pdl«.l «/* n
£^«ri*j* Jm-ac.S, A#,fcr a wf rfrAxw ^^ citot.anvt: 44 In rlu. nlvc Sarmf&n w Hi; Mwrkuw «f «n ><& ilrvr a
tfion&nd Pfii]iHin» -n.l <mr „/««finr r.-,-i^J
iri; Hwiatsi'nf, riffr, triU.-rncf trdtuit, matlitntJ mfnptiaT, ti'itkm itf watzr ta qutnch hit thirflc Mj if
L,J tfC***,*- in MJ fb-uan™ ^,»- MmJ^uttrr xfaJCf
m lt.-tr trw jrjJuuuiu MrrrJ. A.-ir «>»WB hh^ttlfH &fatf'art if 4fThf f]»et whers ln\x»m vfH» tnmgh bf B*)jk ki« <f
VHiu.vtitrlH' mmr jltrm or ;M. lun'iu tat liv lit ttoi fa& Jruahr • Ain»fc w «.rt theXHKtet J>'*m «f
t.'rxfrfi.jhn 'mfhilL' faxtiM&K&li&in™ u *M wf 4^tllitr I«ob wi-frtlcJ witfi rfw jnerlJ Amr JA
tf/.lW*<«„** kwiy AMrrfarJrik.irfarHw ^/Wivnrrfiphcul-^wivhmaHfl ^fir /
.id in tit intrant H-ith tfit lib number'htrh tiff nuv 4<In rlii/ pba-IicaU ami Lahun cnirwl rprriMnr »/•« ji
rc.tiu tr hvrn,mtfauJ. . lUttnJfiy ft' Ww tnJ.t, *& wir/JEw 44 Hiw Ifraril MrrMiBf Of kinr <.f Uaflian »«ir 3
imu ,a,At \tipiritf if At hflir fcrif tares.btlb in miU.aitJ nwc— ^AbiMon hiw^a tn- iii< &«». i .c«n. t».
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The creation Chap.j. of the world.

called GENESIS.

8 And God called the * firmament, * ler. 51.15,

C H A P . I. Heauen: and the euening and the mor-
1 The creation of Heauen and Earth, 3 of the
ning were the second day.
light, 6 of the firmament, 9 of the earth se- 9 IT And God said, *Let the waters * PsaL 33.7-
and 136. 5.
parated from the waters, 11 and made fruit- vnder the heauen be gathered together iob. 38. 8.
full, 14 of the Sunne, Moone, and Starres, vnto one place, and let the dry land ap-
20 of fish and fpwle, 24 of beasts and cat- peare: and it was so.
tell, 26 of Man in the Image of God. 29 Al-
so the appointment of food. 10 And God called the drie land.
Earth, and the gathering together of
Psal. sa 6. N *the beginning the waters called hee, Seas: and God
and 136.5. God created the saw that it was good.

acts. 14.15.
and 17. 24. Heauen, and the 11 And God said,Let the Earth bring
hebr. 11. 3. Earth. foorth f grasse, the herbe yeelding seed,
2 And the and the fruit tree, yeelding fruit after his grasse.
earth was with- kinde, whose seed is in it selfe, vpon the
out forme, and earth: and it was so.
voyd, and darke- 12 And the earth brought foorth
nesse was vpon grasse, and herbe yeelding seed after his
the face of the deepe: and the Spirit kinde, and the tree yeelding fruit, whose
of God mooued vpon the face of the seed was in it selfe, after his kinde: and
waters. God saw that it was good.
*2.Cor. 3 And God said, * Let there be light: 13 And the euening and the morning
and there was light. were the third day.
4 And God saw the light, that it was 14 IT And God said, Let there bee
t Hebr. be. good: and God diuided tthe light from * lights in the firmament of the heauen, psaL* Deu.4.19
"weenethe 136. 7.
ight and be- the darkenesse. to diuide +the day from the night: and t Hebr. be.
tweene the
darkenesse. 5 And God called the light, Day, let them be for signes and for seasons, day tweene the
and be~
• Hebr. and and the darknesse he called Night: tand and for dayes and yeeres. tweene the
the euening night.
was, and _ the euening and the morning were the 15 And let them be for lights in the
morningwas first day. firmament of the heauen, to giue light
Psal 136. 6 ^ And God said, * Let there be a vpon the earth: and it was so.
5. ier. 10.12
and 51.15. tfirmamentin the midst of the waters: 16 And God made two great lights:
\'Hebr.E& and let it diuide the waters from the the greater light t to rule the day, and the \ Hebr. for
pansion. waters. rule of
the lesser light to rule the night: he made the day> <|c,
7 And God made the firmament; the starres also.
and diuided the waters, which were vn- 17 And God set them in the firma-
der the firmament, from the waters, ment of the heauen, to giue light vpon
which were aboue the firmament: and it the earth:
was so. 18 And to * rule ouer the day, and ler. 31.35
The creation of man. Genefis. The firft Sabbath.
ouer the night, and to diuide the light wherein there is t life,/ haue giuen euery t Hebr. a li-
from the darkenesse: and God saw that greene herbe for meat: and it was so. uing smile.
it was good 31 And * God saw euery thing that * Ecclus. 39
19 And the euening and the morning hee had made: and behold, it was very 16.
were the fourth day. good. And the euening and the mor-
* 4. Esdr. 6. 20 And God said, *Let the waters ning were the sixth day.
8 Or, cree- bring foorth aboundantly the || moiling
t Heb. soule.
creature that hath tlife, and foule that C H A P . II.
i Heb. face may flie aboue the earth in the t open
of the firma- firmament of heauen. 1 The first Sabbath. 4 The maner of the crea-
ment ofhea~ tion 8 The planting of the garden of Eden,
uen. 21 And God created great whales, 10 and the riuer thereof. 17 The tree of
and euery liuing creature that moueth, knowledge onely forbidden. 19. 20 The
which the waters brought forth aboun- naming of the creatures. 21 The making of
woman, and institution of Manage.
dantly after their kinde, and euery win-
ged foule after his kinde : and God saw
f—« •*»^^n-
Hus the heauens and the
If I -JP

that it was good. earth were finished, and
* Chap. 8. 22 And God blessed them, saying, *Be all the hoste of them.
17. and a i.
fruitfull, and multiply, and fill the wa- 2 *And on the seuenth 11. * Exod. 20.
and 31.
ters in the Seas, and let foule multiply day God ended his worke, 17. deut5.
14. hebr.4.
in the earth. which hee had made: And he rested on 4.
23 And the euening and the morning the seuenth day from all his worke,
were the fift day. which he had made,
24 IT And God^said, Let the earth 3 And God blessed the seuenth day,
bring forth the liuing creature after his and sanctified it: because that in it he had
kinde, cat tell, and creeping thing, and rested from all his worke, which God
beast of the earth after his kinde ; and t created and made. t Heb. crea-
ted to make.
it was so. 4? 1F These are the generations of the
25 And God made the beast of the heauens, & of the earth, when they were
earth after his kinde, and cattell after created; in the day that the LORD
their kinde, and euery thing that cree- God made the earth, and the heauens,
peth vpon the earth, after his kinde : 5 And euery plant of the field, before
and God saw that it was good. it was in the earth, and euery herbe of
* Chap. 5. 1. 26 1T And God said, * Let vs make the field, before it grew: for the LORD
and 9.6.
1. corin. 11. man in our Image, after our likenesse : God had not caused it to raine vpon the
7. ephes. 4. and let them haue dominion ouer the
14. coL 3.
earth, and there was not a man to till
10. fish of the sea, and ouer the foule of the the ground.
aire, and ouer the cattell, and ouer all 6 || But there went up a mist from which It Or, a mist
the earth, and ouer euery creeping thing the earth, and watered the whole face of vpfrom fyc.
that creepeth vpon the earth, the ground.
27 So God created man in his owne 7 And the LORD God formed man
Image, in the Image of God created t * of the dust of the ground, & brea- the t Heb. dustof
* Matth. 19 hee him; *male and female created hee thed into his nostrils the breath of life; * 1. Cor. 15
4. wisd. 2. and * man became a liuing soule. 47-
23. them, *1. Corin.
28 And God blessed them, and God 8 f And the LORD God planted 15. 45.
* Chap. 9.1. said vnto them, *Be fruitfull, and mul- a garden Eastward in Eden; and there
tiply, and replenish the earth, and sub- he put the man whom he had formed.
due it, and haue dominion ouer the fish 9 Arid out of the ground made the
of the sea, and ouer the foule of the aire, LORD God to grow euery tree that
and ouer euery liuing thing that tmoo- is pleasant to the sight, and good for
t Heb. cree- ueth vpon the earth. food: the tree of life also in the midst of
petti. the garden, and the tree of knowledge
29 f And God said, Behold, I haue
t Hebr. see- giuen you euery herbe t bearing seede, of good and euill.
ding seed, 10 And a riuer went out of Eden to
which is vpon the face of all the earth,
and euery tree, in the which is the fruit water the garden, and from thence it
* Chap. 9. 3. of a tree yeelding seed, *to you it shall be was parted, and became into foure
for meat : heads.
30 And to euery beast of the earth, 11 The name of the first is * Pison : 29. * Ecclus. 24.
and to euery foule of the aire, and to eue- that is it which compasseth the whole
ry thing that creepeth vpon the earth, land of Hauilah, where there is gold.
12 And
Manage inftituted. Chap.iij. The fall of man.
12 And the gold of that land is good I Ow the serpent was more

There is Bdellium and the Onix stone [ subtillthen any beast of the
13 And the name of the second riuei 'field, which the LORD
is Gihon: the same is it that compasseth ^ God had made, and he said
t Heb. Cush the whole land of t Ethiopia. \ vnto the woman, tYea, tbecause, Heb. Yea,
14 And the name of the third riuei lhath God said. Ye shall not eat of euery
II Or, East- is Hiddekel : that is it which goeth || to- tree of the garden ?
ward to As-
syria. ward the East of Assyria : and the fourth 2 And the woman said vnto the ser-
riuer is Euphrates. pent, Wee may eate of the fruite of the
ii Or, Adam. 15 And the LORD God tooke || the trees of the garden :
man, and put him into the garden of E- 3 But of the fruit of the tree, which
den, to dresse it, and to keepe it. is in the midst of the garden, God hath
16 And the LORD God comman- said, Ye shal not eate of it, neither shall ye
ded the man, saying, Of euery tree of the touch it, lest ye die.
t Hebr. ea. garden thou mayest t freely eate.
ting thou
4 And the Serpent said vnto the
17 But of the tree of the knowledge woman, Ye shall not * surely die. *2. Cor. 11
shalt eate. 3. i. tiro.
of good and euill, thou shalt not eate of 5 For God doeth know, that in the 2.' 14.
it: for in the day that thou eatest there- day ye eate thereof, then your eyes shal-
\Hebr.dy. of, thou shalt t surely die. bee opened: and yee shall bee as Gods,
\iiir thou
shall die. 18 H And the LORD God said, knowing good and euill.
It is not good that the man should be a- 6 And when the woman saw, that
* Ecclus.
17. 5.
lone: I will make him * an helpe t meet the tree was good for food, and that it was
Hebr. as for him. t pleasant to the eyes, and a tree to be de- sire.
t Heb. a de-
>efore him. 19 And out of y ground the LORD sired to make one wise, she tooke of the
God formed euery beast of the field, and fruit thereof, *and did eate, and gaue al- 26. * Ecclus. 25
1. tim.
euery foule of the aire, and brought them so vnto her husband with her, and hee 14.' 2.
II Or, the
vnto ( [Adam, to see what he would call did eate.
them : and whatsoeuer Adam called 7 And the eyes of them both were
euery liuing creature, that was the name opened, & they knew that they were na-
thereof. ced, and they sewed figge leaues toge-
t Hebr. col. 20 And Adam tgaue names to all ther, and made themselues || aprons. II Or, things
led. to gird a-
cattell, and to the foule of the aire, and to 8 And they heard the voyce of the bout.
euery beast of the fielde: but for Adam LORD God, walking in the garden
there was not found an helpe meete n the t coole of the day : and Adam and t Heb. wind.
for him. iis wife hid themselues from the pre-
21 And the LORD God caused a sence of the LORD God, amongst
deepe sleepe to fall vpon Adam, and hee the trees of the garden.
slept; and he tooke one of his ribs, and 9 And the LORD God called
closed vp the flesh in stead thereof. vnto Adam, and said vnto him, Where
22 And the rib which the LORD art thou ?
t Hebr. butt* God had taken from man, tmade hee a
10 And he said, I heard thy voice in
woman, & brought her vnto the man. the garden : and I was afraid, because
23 And Adam said, This is now I was naked, and I hid my selfe.
3one of my bones, and flesh of my flesh: 11 And he said, Who told thee, that
she shalbe called woman, because shee thou wast naked? Hast thou eaten of the
* 1 . Corin. was * taken out of man.
11. 8.
tree, whereof I commanded thee, that
* Matt 19. 24 * Therefore shall a man leaue his thou shouldest not eate ?
5. mar. 10. 'ather and his mother, and shall cleaue 12 And the man said, The woman
',1. corin.
5.16. ephe. vnto his wife: and they shalbe one flesh. whom thou gauest to be with mee, shee
5. 31.
25 And they were both naked , the gaue me of the tree, and I did eate.
man & his wife, and were not ashamed. 13 And the LORD God said vnto
the woman, What is this that thou hast
done ? And the woman said, The Ser-
C H A P . III. pent beguiled me, and I did eate.
1 The serpent deceiueth Eue. 6 Mans shame- 14 And the LORD God said vn-
full fall. 9 God arraigneth them. H The to the Serpent, Because thou hast done
serpent is cursed. 15 The promised Seed. this, thou art cursed aboue all cattel, and
16 The punishment of Mankind. 21 Their
first clothing. 22 Their casting out of aboue euery beast of the field: vpon thy
Paradise. belly shalt thou goe, and dust shalt thou
The promifed feed. Genefis. Abel murthered.
ate, all the dayes of thy life. tAbel, and Abel was a tkeeper of sheep, Heb. He-
15 And I will put enmitie betweene but Cain was a tiller of the ground. Heb. a fee-
lee and the woman, and betweene thy 3 And tin processe of time it came to der, Heb. at the
eedand her seed: itshal bruise thy head, passe, that Cain brought of the fruite end of dayes.
nd thou shalt bruise his heele. of the ground, an offering vnto the
16 Unto the woman he said, I will LORD.
jreatly multiply thy sorowe and thy 4 And Abel, he also brought of the
onception. In sorow thou shalt bring firstlings of his tflocke, and of the fat >rHeb. sheep.
11 Or, subiect brth children: and thy desire shall be ||to thereof: and the LORD had *respect * Heb. 11. 4
to thy hus.
band. ly husband, and hee shall *rule ouer vnto Abel, and to his offering.
* i. Corin. lee. 5 But vnto Cain, and to his offring
14. 34.
17 And vnto Adam he said. Because he had not respect: and Cain was very
lou hast hearkened vnto the voyce of wroth, and his countenance fell.
ly wife, and hast eaten of the tree, of 6 And the LORD said vnto Cain,
which I commaunded thee , saying, Why art thou wroth? And why is thy
?hou shalt not eate of it: cursed is the countenance fallen ?
ground for thy sake: in sorow shalt thou 7 If thou doe well , shalt thou not
ate of it all the dayes of thy life. ||be accepted? and if thou doest not well, !heOr,excellen*
18 Thornes also and thistles shall it sinne lieth at the doore: And || vnto thee tie?
t Heb. cause • bring forth to thee: and thou shalt eate 1 Or, subiect
(o bud. shall be his desire, and thou shalt rule o- vnto thee.
be herbe of the field. uer him.
19 In the sweate of thy face shalt 8 And Cain talked with Abel his
bou eate bread, till thou returne vnto brother : and it came to passe * when *HEttn. Wis. 10. 3
be ground : for out of it wast thou ta- they were in the field, that Cain rose vp 35. i. iohn
ten, for dust thou art, and vnto dust shalt 3.12. iude
against Abel his brother, and slew him. 11.
hou returne. 9 If And the LORD said vnto
20 And Adam called his wiues name Cain, Where is Abel thy brother? And
t Heb. Cha- • Eue, because she was the mother of al hee said , I know not : Am I my bro-
iuing. thers keeper ?
21 Unto Adam also, and to his wife, 10 And he said, What hast thou done ?
lid the LORD God make coates ol the voyce of thy brothers t blood cryeth t Heb. bloods
skinnes, and cloathed them. vnto me, from the ground.
22 f And the LORD God said, 11 And now art thou cursed from the
Jehold, the man is become as one o: earth, which hath opened her mouth to
us, to know good & euill. And now lest receiue thy brothers blood from thy
lee put foorth his hand, and take also o: land.
the tree of life, and eate and Hue foreuer : 12 When thou tillest the ground, it
23 Therefore the LORD God shall not henceforth yeeld vnto thee her
sent him foorth from the garden of E- strength : A fugitiue and a vagabond
den, to till the ground, from whence he shalt thou be in the earth.
was taken. 13 And Cain said vnto the LORD,
24 So he droue out the man : and he | My punishment is greater, then I canquitie
II Or, my ini.
Jaced at the East of the garden of E- beare. greater ithen
den, Cherubims, and a flaming sword, that
14* Behold, thou hast driuen me out may
which turned euery way, to keepe the this day from the face of the earth, and
way of the tree of life. Prom thy face shall I be hid, and I shall
be a fugitiue, and a vagabond in the
C H A P . IIII. earth : and it shall come to passe, that
1 The birth, trade, and religion of Cain and A- euery one that findeth me, shall slay me
bel. 8 The murder of Abel. 9 The curse 15 And the LORD said vnto him,
of Cain. 17 Enoch the first citie. 19 La- Therefore whosoeuer slayeth Cain
mech and his two wiues. 25 The birth of
fifth Qfi and "Rnnc vengeance shalbe taken on him seuen
fold. And the LORD set a marke
Nd Adam knew Eue his vpon Cain, lest any finding him, shoulc

P! wife, and shee concerned

and bare Cain, and said,'.
haue gotten a man from
the LORD.
kill him.
16 IF And Cain went out from the
presence of the LORD, and dwelt in
the land of Nod, on the East of Eden
2 And she againe bare his brothe 17 And Cain knew his wife, and she
The genealogie Chap.v. of the Patriarchs, &c
t Heb. Cha- concerned and bare t Enoch, and hee had begotten Seth , were eight hun
builded a City, and called the name of dred yeeres: and he begate sonnes anc
the City, after the name of his sonne, daughters.
Enoch. 5 And all the dayes that Adam li
18 And vnto Enoch was borne I- ued , were nine hundred and thirtie
rad : and Irad begate Mehuiael, anc yeeres : and he died.
Mehuiael begate Methusael, and Me- 6 And Seth liued an hundred anc
t Hebr. Le- thusael begate tLamech.
fiue yeeres: and begate tEnos. t Hebr. £.
19 11 And Lamech tooke vnto him 7 And Seth liued, after he begate
two wiues: the name of the one was A- Enos, eight hundred and seuen yeeres
dah, and the name of the other Zillah, and begate sonnes and daughters.
20 And Adah bare Jabal: he was 8 And all the dayes of Seth , were
the father of such as dwell in tents, and nine hundred and twelue yeeres, and he
of such as haue cattell. died.
21 And his brothers name was Ju- 9 IF And Enos liued ninetie yeeres,
bal : hee was the father of all such as and begate t Cain an. t Heb. Ke.
handle the harpe and organ. 10 And Enos liued after hee begate
22 And Zillah, she also bare Tubal- Cainan , eight hundred and fifteene
t Heb. whet- Cain, an t instructer of euery artificer in yeeres, and begate sonnes & daughters
brasse and iron: and the sister of Tubal- 11 And all the dayes of Enos were
Cain was Naamah. nine hundred & fiue yeres; and he died
23 And Lamech sayd vnto his 12 IF And Cainan liued seuentie (• Greeke*
wiues, Adah and Zillah, Heare my yeeres, and begate tMahalaleel.
voyce, yee wiues of Lamech , hearken 13 And Cainan liued after he begate
\\ Or, I would vnto my speech : for || I haue slaine a Mahalaleel, eight hundred and fourtie
slayamanin yeeres, & begate sonnes and daughters
my wound t man to my wounding, and a yong man
II Or* in my
to my || hurt. 14 And al the dayes of Cainan were
hurt. 24 If Cain shall bee auenged seuen nine hundred & ten yeres ; and he died.
fold, truely Lamech seuenty and seuen 15 IF And Mahalaleel liued sixtie and
folde. Sue yeeres, and begat t .Tared. \HebtIered.
25 IF And Adam knew his wife a- 16 And Mahalaleel liued after he be-
gaine, and she bare a sonne, & called his gate Jared, eight hundred and thirtie
t Hebr. name t Seth: For God, said she, hath ap- yeeres, and begate sonnes & daughters.
pointed mee another seed in stead of A- 17 And all the dayes of Mahalaleel,
bel, whom Cain slew. were eight hundred ninetie and fiue
t Hebr. E-
„ _ 0 JL 26 And to Seth, to him also there yeeres, and he died.
II Or, to call was borne a sonne, and he called his 18 IF And Jared liued an hundred
:hemselues name tEnos: then began men to ||call
!*y the NciinG
sixtie and two yeeres, & he begat Enoch.
of the LORD. vpon the Name of the LORD, 19 And Jared liued after he begate
Enoch, eight hundred yeres, and begate
Cn A jcP . V
TT A v. sonnes and daughters.
20 And all the dayes of Jared were
1 The genealogie, age, and death of the Patri-
archs from Adam vnto Noah. 24 The god- nine hundred sixtie and two yeeres, and
linesse and translation of Enoch. ie died.
21 IF And Enoch lined sixtie and fiue
* i. Chron. His is the *booke of the ge- yeeres, and begate || Methuselah. II Gr. Ma.
1.1. thu-sala.

nerations of Adam : In 22 And Enoch walked with God,
the day that God created after he begate Methuselah, three hun-
man, in the likenes of God dred yeeres, and begate sonnes and
made he him. daughters.
* Wisd. 8. 2 * Male and female created hee 23 And all the dayes of Enoch, were
them, and blessed them, and called their three hundred sixtie and fiue yeeres.
name Adam, in the day when they 24 And * Enoch walked with God :44.l6.heb.
* Ecclus.
were created. and he was not ; for God tooke him. 11.5.
3 IF And Adam lined an hundred 25 And Methuselah liued an hun-
and thirtie yeeres., and begate a sonne in dred eithtie and seuen yeeres, and begat
bis owne likenes^e, after his image; and Lamech.
called his name Seth. 26 And Methuselah liued, after hee
* i. Chron, Hebr. Le-
1.1. &c. 4? * And the dayes of Adam, after he begate t Lamech, seuen hundred, eightie mech.
Methufelah. Genelis. Noahs Arke.
nd two yeeres, and begate sonnes and rom the face of the earth: t both man' man Hcbr.from
aughters. nd beast, and the creeping thing, and beast.
27 And all the dayes of Methuselah le foules of the aire: for it repenteth me
ere nine hundred, sixtie and nine bat I haue made them.
yeeres, and he died. 8 But Noah found grace in the
28 IF And Lamech liued an hun- yes of the LORD.
red eightie and two yeeres: and be- 9 IF These are the generations of
ate a sonne. Noah: * Noah was a iust man, and 7.Ecclus. 2. pet.
Gr. Noe. 29 And he called his name ||Noah, perfect in his generations, and Noah .5.
Or. vp-
ay ing; This same shall comfort vs, con- alked with God. right.
erning our woorke and toyle of our 10 And Noah begate three sonnes:
lands, because of the ground, which the Sem, Ham, and Japheth.
LORD hath cursed. 11 The earth also was corrupt be-
30 And Lamech liued, after hee be- fore God; and the earth was filled with
ate Nftah, fiue hundred ninetie and violence.
ue yeeres, and begate sonnes and 12 And God looked vpon the earth,
aughters. and behold, it was corrupt: for all flesh
31 And all the dayes of Lamech lad corrupted his way vpon the earth.
were seuen hundred seuentie and seuen 13 And God said vnto N,oah, The
yeeres, and he died. end of all flesh is come before mee; for
32 And Noah was fiue hundred he earth is filled with violence through
'eeres older and Noah begate Sem, hem; and behold, I will destroy them
lam, and Japheth. with the earth. I Or,/r0m
the earth.
14? II Make thee an Arke of Go-
C H A P . VI. )her-wood: troomes shalt thou make t Heb. nests.
n the arke, and shalt pitch it within and
1 The wickednesse of the world, which prouo- without with pitch.
ked Gods wrath, and caused the Flood. 8
Noah findeth grace. 13 The order, forme 15 And this is the fashion, which thou
and end of the Arke. shalt make it of: the length of the arke
shalbe three hundred cubits, the breadth
Nd it came to passe, when of it fifty cubits, and the height of it thir-

men began to multiply on tie cubits.
the face .of the earth, and 16 A window shalt thou make to
daughters were borne vnT the arke, and in a cubite shalt thou fi-
to them: nish it aboue; and the doore of the arke
2 That the sonnes of God saw the ihalt thou set in the side thereof: With
daughters of men, that they were faire, Lower, second, and third stories shalt
and they took them wines, of all which thou make it.
they chose. 17 And behold, I, euen I doe bring
3 And the LORD said, My Spi- a flood of waters vpon the earth, to de-
rit shall not alwayes striue with man; stroy all flesh, wherein is the breath ol
br that hee also is flesh: yet his dayes life from vnder heauen, and euery thing
shalbe an hundred and twenty yeeres. that is in the earth shall die.
4 There were Giants in the earth 18 But with thee wil I establish my
in those daies: and also after that, when Couenant: and thou shalt come into
the eonnes of God came in vnto the the Arke, thou, and thy sonnes, and thy
daughters of men, & they bare children wife, and thy sonnes wiues with thee.
to them; the same became mightie men 19 And of euery liuing thing of all
which were of old, men of renowme. flesh, two of euery sort shalt thou bring
5 1F And God saw, that the wicked into the Arke, to keepe them aliue with
II Or, the
nes of man was great in the earth, anc thee: they shall be no ale and female.
whole "nofft- || that euery imagination of the thought 20 Of fowles after their kinde, and
nation. The of his * heart was onely will t conti
Hebr.wordtig- of cattel after their kinde: of euery cree-
nifiethnotone- nually.
lytheimagina- ping thing of the earth after his kinde,
tion, but also
the purposes 6 And it fepented the LORD two of euery sort shall C9i»e vnto thee,
and desire*.
* Chap. 8.
that he had made man on the earth, am to keepe them aliue.
21. mat 15. it grieued him at his heart. 31 And take thou vnto thee of all
t Hebr. eue- 7 And the LORD said, I wil food that is eaten, and thou shalt ga-
ry day. destroy man, whom I haue created ther it to thee; and it shall be for food,
Noah entreth Chap.vij.viij. into the Arke.
for thee, and for them. kinde, & all the cattell after their kinde:
* Heb. 11. 22 *Thus did Noah; according to and euery creeping thing that creepeth
all that God commanded him, so did he. vppn the earth after his kinde, and eue-
ry foule after his kinde, euery birde of e-
uery tsort. t Heb. wingl
C H A P . VII.
15 And they went in vnto Noah in^
1 Noah, with his familie, and the liuing crea-
tures, enter into the Arke. 17 The begin- to the Arke, two and two of all flesh.
ning, increase, and continuance of the Flood. wherein is the breath of life.
16 And they that went in, went in
* 2. Pet 2.5. Nd the *LORD saide male and female of all flesh, as God had

A vnto Noah, Come thou

and all thy house into the
Arke: for thee haue I
seene righteous before me,
commaunded him : and the LORD
shut him in.
17 And the Flood was fortie dayes
vpon the earth, and the waters increa-
in this generation. sed, and bare vp the Arke, and it was
2 Of euery cleane beast thou shalt lift vp aboue the earth.
\Hebr.$euen take to thee t by seuens, the male and
s€uen» 18 And the waters preuailed, and
his female : and of beastes that are not were encreased greatly vpon the earth :
cleane, by two, the male and his female. and the Arke went vpon the face of the
3 Of fowles also of the aire, by waters.
seuens, the male & the female; to keepe 19 And the waters preuailed excee-
seed aliue vpon the face of all the earth. dingly vpon the earth, and all the high
4 For yet sen en dayes, and I will hils, that were vnder the whole heauen,
cause it to raine vpon the earth, fortie were couered.
dayes, and forty nights : and euery li- 20 Fifteene cubits vpward, did the
uing substance that I haue made, will waters preuaile ; and the mountaines
t Heir, blot 1 1 destroy, fro off the face of the earth. were couered.
5 And Noah did according vnto all 21 * And all flesh died, that mooued 4. » Wisd. 10.
that the LORD commanded him. vpon the earth, both of fowle, & of cat-
6 And Noah was sixe hundred tell, and of beast, and of euery creeping
yeeres old, when the flood of waters thing that creepeth vpon the earth,
was vpon the earth. and euery man.
7 f And Noah went in, and his 22 All in whose nosethrils was the
sonnes, and his wife, and his sonnes t breath of life, of all that was in the breath
of the
wiues with him, into the Arke, because dry land, died. spirit of life.
of the waters of the Flood. 23 And euery liuing substance was
8 Of cleane beasts, & of beasts that destroyed, which was vpon tile face of
are not cleane, & of fowles, and of eue- the ground, both man and cattell, and
ry thing that creepeth vpon the earth, the creeping things, and the foule of the
9 There went in two and two vn- heauen ; and they were destroyed from
to Noah into the Arke, the male & the the earth : and * Noah onely remained •Wisd. 10.
4. 2. pet. 2. 5
female, as God had commanded Noah. aliue, and they that were with him in
1 Or, on the
seuenth day. 10 And it came to passe || after seuen the Arke.
dayes, that the waters of the Flood 24 And the waters preuailed vpon
were vpon the earth. the earth, an hundred and fifty dayes.
11 U In the sixe hundredth yeere of
Noahs life, in the second moneth, the se-
uenteenth day of the moneth, the same C H A P . VIII.
day, were al the fountaines of the great 1 The waters asswage. 4 The Arke resteth on
BOr.^ood. deepe broken vp, and the ||wind_owes of Ararat. 7 The rauen and the doue. 15 Noah,
*o>tes» being commanded, 18 goeth forth of the
heauen were opened.
Arke. 20 He buildeth an Altar, and offe-
1£ And the raine was vpon the reth sacrifice, 21 which God accepteth, and
earth, fortie dayes, and fortie nights. prorniseth to curse the earth np more.
13 In the selfe same day entred No-
ah, and Sem, and Ham, and Japheth, Nd God remembred No-

the sonnes of Noah, and Noahs wife, ah, and euery liuing thing,
and the three wiues of his sonnes with and all the cattell that was
them, into the Arke, with him in the Arke:
14 They, and euery beast after his and God made a winde
The Arke refteth. Genefis. Noah facrificeth.
to passe ouer the earth, and the waters sonnes wiues with thee :
asswaged. 17 Bring foorth with thee euery li-
2 The fountaines also of the deepe, uing thing that is with thee, of all flesh,
and the windowes of heauen were both of fowle, and of cattell, and of euery
stopped, and the raine from heauen creeping thing that creepeth vpon the
was restrained. earth, that they may breed abundantly
3 And the waters returned from in the earth, and be fruitful!, and multi-
t Hebr. in off the earth, tcontinually : and after the ply vpon the earth.
going and
returning. end of the hundred and fiftie dayes, the
18 And Noah went foorth, and his
waters were abated. sonnes, and his wife, and his sonnes
4 And the Arke rested in the se- wiues with him :
uenth rrioneth, on the seuenteenth day 19 Euery beast, euery creeping thing,
of the moneth, vpon the mountaines of and euery fowle, and whatsoeuer cree-
Ararat. peth vpon the earth, after their t kinds, milies.
r Hebr. fa- *
t Hebr. were 5 And the waters t decreased conti- went foorth out of the Arke.
in going- and 20 IT And Noah builded an Altar
decreasing. nually yntill the tenth moneth : in the
tenth moneth, on the first day of the mo- vnto the LORD, and tooke of euery
neth, were the tops of the mountaines cleane beast, and of euery cleane fowle,
scene. and oflred burnt offrings on the Altar.
6 IF And it came to passe at the end of 21 And the L O R D smelled a
forty dayes, that Noah opened the win- tsweete sauour, and the LORD said uour t Hebr. a sa-
of rest.
dow of the Arke which he had made. in his heart, I will not againe curse the
7 And he sent forth a Rauen, which ground any more for mans sake; for the
t Hebr. in went foorth tto and fro, vntill the wa- * imagination of mans heart is euil from • Chap. G.
going foorth,
and retur- ters were dried vp from off the earth. his youth : neither will I againe smite 5.19.matt. 15.
ning. 8 Also hee sent foorth a doue from any more euery thing liuing, as I haue
him, to see if the waters were abated done.
from off the face of the ground. 22 tWhile the earth remaineth, seed- all t Heb. as yet
the dayes
9 But the doue found no rest for the time and haruest, and cold, and heat, of the earth.
sole of her foote, and she returned vnto and Summer, and Winter, and day
him into the Arke: for the waters were and night, shall not cease.
on the face of the whole earth. Then he
put foorth his hand, and tooke her, and
t Hebr. cau- t pulled her in vnto him, into the Arke. CHAP. IX.
sed her to
come. 10 And hee stayed yet other seuen 1 God blesseth Noah. 4 Blood and murder
dayes ; and againe hee sent foorth the are forbidden. 9 Gods Couenant 13 sig-
doue out of the Arke. nified by the Rainebow. 18 Noah reple-
nisheth the world, 20 planteth a Vineyard,
11 And the done came in to him in 21 is drunken, and mocked of his sonne:
the euening, and loe, in her mouth was 25 Curseth Canaan, 26 Blesseth Shem>
an Oliue leafe pluckt off: So Noah 27 prayeth for laphet, 28 and dieth.
knew that the Caters were abated
from off the earth. Nd God blessed Noah,
12 And hee stayed yet other seuen
dayes, and sent forth the doue, which re-
turned not againe vnto him any more.
13 f And it came to passe in the sixe
A and his sonnes, and said
vnto them, *Bee fruitfull 28.
and multiply, and reple- 17.
nish the earth.
*Chap. i.
and 8.

hundredth and one yeere,inthe first mo- 2 And the feare of you, & the dread
neth, the first day of the moneth, the of you shall be vpon euery beast of the
waters were dryed vp from off the earth, and vpon euery fowle of the aire,
earth: and Noah remooued the coue- vpon all that mooueth vpon the earth,
ring of the Arke, and looked, and be- and vpon all the fishes of the sea; into
hold, the face of the ground was drie. your hand are they deliuered.
14 And in the second moneth, on the 3 Euery mouing thing that liueth,
seuen and twentieth day of the moneth, shalbe meat for you; euen as the *greene * Chap. 1.
was the earth dried. 29.
herbe haue I giuen you all things.
15 IT And God spake vnto Noah, 4 *But flesh with the life thereof, * Leuit. 17.
saying, which is the blood thereof, shall you not 14.
16 Goe foorth of the Arke, thou, eate.
and thy wife, and thy sonnes, and thy 5 And surely your blood of your
The Rainbow. Chap.x. Noahs generations.
liues will I require: at the hand of eue- 21 And he dranke of the wine, and
ry beast will I require it, & at the hand was drunken, and hee was vncouered
of man, at the hand of euery mans bro- within his tent.
ther will I require the life of man. 22 And Ham, the father of Canaan,
* Matt. 26.
52. rcucl.
6 *Who so sheddeth mans blood, by saw the nakednesse of his father, and
13. 10. man shall his blood be shed : * for in the told his two brethren without.
*Chap. 1. image of God made he man. 28 And Shem and laphet tooke a
7 And you, be ye fruitfull, and mul- garment, and layed it vpon both their
tiply, bring foorth aboundantly in the shoulders, and went backward, and co-
earth, and multiply therein. uered the nakednesse of their father,
8 U And God spake vnto Noah, and and their faces were backward, and they
to his sonnes with him, saying ; saw not their fathers nakednesse.
9 And I, behold, I establish my co- 24* And Noah awoke from his
uenant with you, and with your seede wine, and knew what his yonger sonne
after you : had done vnto him.
10 And with euery liuing creature 25 And he said, Cursed bee Canaan:
that is with you, of the fowle, of the cat- a seruant of seruants shall hee be vnto
tell, and of euery beast of the earth with his brethren.
you, from all that goe out of the Arke, 26 And hee saide, Blessed bee the
to euery beast of the earth. LORD God of Shem, and Canaan
* Esa. 54. 9. 11 And* I wil establish my couenant shalbe || his seruant.
with you, neither shal all flesh be cut off 27 God shall |[ enlarge laphet , to\ Orthem.
any more, by the waters of a flood, nei- and he shal dwel in the tents of Shem, I Or, per.
ther shall there any more be a flood to and Canaan shalbe his seruant. swade.
destroy the earth. 28 f And Noah liued after the flood,
12 And God said, This is the token three hundred and fifty yeeres.
of the Couenant which I make be- 29 And all the dayes of Noah were
tweene mee and you, and euery liuing nine hundred & fifty yeeres, and he died.
creature that is with you, for perpetuall
generations. C H A P . X.
13 I doe set my bow in the cloud, and 1 The generations of Noah. 2 The sonnes of
it shall be for a token of a couenant, be- laphet. 6 The sonnes of Ham. 8 Nimrod
tweene me and the earth. the first Monarch. 21 The sonnes of Shem.
* Ecclus. 43. 14 * And it shall come to passe, when Ow these are the gene-

lit 12>
I bring a cloud ouer the earth, that the rations of the sonnes of
bow shall be seene in the cloud. Noah; Shem, Ham, and
15 And I will remember my coue- laphet: and vnto them
nant, which is betweene mee and you, were sonnes borne af-
and euery liuing creature of all flesh : ter the Flood.
and the waters shall no more become a 2 * The sonnes of laphet : Go- * i. Chron.
flood to destroy all flesh. mer, and Magog, and Madai, and la-
16 And the bow shalbe in the cloud ; uan, & Tubal, and Meshech, & Tiras.
and I will looke vpon it, that I may 8 And the sonnes of Gomer: Ash-
remember the euerlasting couenant be- kenaz, and Riphath, and Togarmah.
tweene God and euery liuing creature, 4 And the sons of lauan : Elishah,
of all flesh that is vpon the earth. and Tarshish, Kittim, and Dodanim.
17 And God said vnto Noah, This 5 By these were the lies of the
is the token of the couenant, which I Gentiles diuided in their lands, euery
haue established betweene mee and all one after his tongue : after their fami-
flesh, that is vpon the earth. lies, in their nations.
18 H And the sonnes of Noah that 6 IT * And the sonnes of Ham: Cush, *i.1. 8*
went forth of the Arke, were Shem, and Mizraim, and Phut, and Canaan.
and Ham , and laphet : and Ham is 7 And the sonnes of Cush, Seba,
i Heb. Che- the father of || Canaan. and tfauilah, and Sabtah, and Raa-
19 These are the three sonnes of No- mah, and Sabtecha : and the sonnes of
ah : and of them was the whole earth Raamah : Sheba, and Dedan.
puerspread, 8 And Cush begat Nimrod : he be-
020 And Noah began to bee an hus- gan to be a mighty one in the earth.
bandman, and he planted a vineyard. 9 He was a mighty hunter before
The firft Monarch. Genefis. Babel builded.
the LORD : wherefore it is saide, 30 And their dwelling was from
Euen as Nimrod the mightie hunter Vlesha, as thou goest vnto Sephar,
before the LORD. a mount of the East.
10 And the beginning of his king- 31 These are the sonnes of Shem, af-
Gr. Baby- dome was t Babel, and Erech, and Ac- ;er their families, after their tongues,
cad, and Calneh, in the land of Shinar. n their lands after their nations.
I Or, he went 11 Out of that land || went forth As- 32 These are the families of the
out into As-
syria. shur, and builded Nineueh, and the || ci- sonnes of Noah after their generati-
II Or, the
tie Rehoboth, and Calah, ons, in their nations: and by these were
Citie. 12 And Resen betweene Nineueh the nations diuided in the earth after
and Calah : the same is a great citie. the Flood.
13 And Mizraim begat Ludim, and
Anamim , and Lehabim , and Naph- C H A P . XI.
14? And Pathrusim, and Casluhim 1 One language in the world. 3 The building
^out of whome came Philistiim) and of Babel. 5 The confusion of tongues. 10
The generations of Shem. 27 The genera-
Caphtorim. tions of Terah the father of Abrara. 31 Te-
t Heb. Tzi. 15 IT And Canaan begate tSidon rah goeth from Vr to Haran.
lis first borne, and Heth,
16 And the Jebusite, and the Emo- Nd *the whole earth was * Wis. 10. 5.
rite, and the Girgasite,
17 And the Hiuite, and the Arkite,
and the Sinite,
18 And the Aruadite , and the Ze-
A of one t language, and of \Hebr.lippe.
one tspeach.
2 And it came to passe
as they iourneyed from
tHeb. words.

marite, and the Hamathite : and after- the East, that they found a plaine in the
ward were the families of the Canaa- land of Shinar, and they dwelt there.
nites spread abroad. 3 And tthey sayd one to another; \jaw Heb.aman
to his
19 And the border of the Canaa- Goe to, let vs make bricke, and t burne neighbour.
nites, was from Sidon, as thou com- them thorowly. And they had bricke for them to burne
\ Heb.
t Hebr. Az- mest to Gerar, vnto t Gaza, as thou go-
stone, and slime had they for morter. burning.
est vnto Sodoma and Gomorah, and 4 And they said; Goe to, let vs build
Admah, & Zeboim, euen vnto Lasha. vs a city and a tower, whose top may
20 These are the sonnes of Ham, af- reach vnto heauen, and let vs make vs a
ter their families, after their tongues, name, lest we be scattered abroad vpon
in their countries, and in their nations. the face of the whole earth.
21 f Vnto Shem also the father of 5 And the LORD came downe
all the children of Eber, the brother of to see the city and the tower, which the
laphet the elder, euen to him were children of men builded.
children borne. 6 And the LORD said; Behold,
*l. Chron. 22 The * children of Shem : Elam, the people is one, and they liaue all one
t Hebr. Ar- and Asshur, and t Arphaxad, and Lud, language : and this they begin to doe :
pachshad. and Aram. and now nothing will be restrained
23 And the children of Aram : Vz from them, which they haue imagined
and Hul, and Gether, and Mash. to doe.
t Hebr. She
24 And Arphaxad begate t Salah 7 Goe to, let vs go downe, and there
and Salah begate Eber. cofound their language, that they may
* 1. Chron.
1. 19.
25 * And vnto Eber were borne two not vnderstand one anothers speech.
sonnes : the name of one was Peleg, for 8 So the LORD scattered them
in his dayes was the earth diuided, anc abroad from thence, vpon the face of al
his brothers name was Joktan. the earth: and they left off to build the
26 And Joktan begate Almodad Citie.
and Sheleph, and Hazarmaueth , anc 9 Therefore is the name of it called
lerah, t Babel, because the LORD did there t That is.
27 And Hadoram, and Vzal, and confound the language of all the earth : Confusion.
Diklah, and from thence did the LORD scat-
28 And Obal, and Abimael, anc ter them abroad vpon the face of all the
Sheba, earth.
29 And Ophir, and Hauilah, & Io- 10 f * These are the generations ol *11. I1.17/ .Chron.
bab: all these were the sonnes of loktan Shem. Shem was an hundred yeres old,
The generations Chap.xij. of Terah. Abram.
and begate Arphaxad two yeeres after sonne, and Lot the sonne of Haran his
the Flood. sonnes sonne, and Sarai his daughter
11 And Shem liued, after he begate in lawe, his sonne Abrams wife, and
Arphaxad, fiue hundred yeeres, and be- they went foorth with them from * Vr 9.7.* Nehem.
gate sonnes and daughters. of the Chaldees, to goe into the land of 5.7. acts. 7-
12 And Arphaxad liued fiue and thir- Canaan: and they came vnto Haran, 4.
tie yeeres, and begate Salah. and dwelt there.
18 And Arphaxad liued, after he be- 32 And the dayes of Terah, were
gate Salah, foure hundred and three two hundred and fiue yeres: and Te-
yeeres, and begate sonnes and daugh- rah died in Haran.
14 And Salah liued thirtie yeeres5
and begate Eber. CHAP. XH.
15 And Salah liued, after hee begate 1 God calleth Abram, and blesseth him with a
Eter, foure hundred and three yeeres, promise of Christ. 4 He departeth with Lot
and begate sonnes and daughters. from Haran. 6 He iourneyeth through Ca-
* l.Chron. 16 * And Eber liued foure and thirty naan, 7 which is promised him in a vision.
1.19. 10 Hee is driuen by a famine into Egypt.
* Called yeeres, and begate * Peleg. 11 Feare maketh him fame his wife to be his
Luke 3. 35. 17 And Eber liued, after hee begate
Phalec. sister. 1 i Pharaoh hauing taken her from
Peleg, foure hundred and thirtie yeres, him, by plagues is. compelled to restore her.
and begate sonnes and daughters.
18 And Peleg liued thirtie yeeres, Ow the *LORD had *Act&?.3,

and begate Reu* said vnto Abram, Get thee
19 And Peleg liued, after hee begate out of thy countrey, and
Reu, two hundred and nine yeeres, and from thykinred, and from
begate sonnes and daughters. thy fathers house, vnto a
£0 And Reu liued two and thirtie land that I will shew thee.
* Luc. 5.35 yeeres, and begate * Serug. & And I will make of thee a great
21 And Reu liued, after hee begate nation, and I wil blesse thee, and make
Serug, two hundreth and seuen yeres, thy name great; and thou shalt bee a
and begate sonnes and daughters. blessing.
22 And Serug liued thirtie yeeres, 3 And I will blesse them that blesse
and begate Nahor. thee, and curse him, that curseth thee:
23 And Serug liued, after he begate *and in thee shal all families of the earth 18.
* Chap. 18.
and 22.
Nahor, two hundred yeeres, and begat be blessed. 18. acts. 3.
sonnes and daughters. ! 1 So Abram departed, as the 25.galat3.
24 And Nahor liued nine and twen- LORD had spoken vnto him, and
* Luc. a 34. tie yeeres, and begate * Terah. Lot went with him: And Abram was
Thara. seuen tie and fiue yeeres old when he de-
25 And Nahor liued, after he begate
Terah, an hundred & nineteene yeeres, parted out of Haran.
and begate sonnes and daughters. 5 And Abram tooke Sarai his wife,
26 And Terah liued seuen ty yeeres, and Lot his brothers sonne, and all
* losh. 24.! and * begate Abram, Nahor, £ Haran. their substance that they had gathered,
l.Chron. 1. and the soules that they had gotten in
26. 27 1f Now these are the generati-
ons of Terah: Terah begate Abram, Haran, and they went foorth to goe into
Nahor, and Haran: And Haran be- the land of Canaan: and into the land
gate Lot. of Canaan they came.
28 And Haran died, before his father 6 IT And Abram passed through the
Terah in the land of his natiuity, in Vr land, vnto the place of Sichem, vnto
of the Chaldees. the plaine of Moreh. And the Canaa-
29 And Abram and Nahor tooke nite was then in the land,
them wiues: the name of Abrams wife 7 And the LORD appeared vn-
was Sarai, and the name of Nahors to Abram, and said, * Vnto thy seed wil 15. * Chap. 13.
wife, Milcah, the daughter of Haran, I giue this land: and there builded hee
the father of Milcah, and the father of an * altar vnto the LORD, who ap- 4. * Chap, 13
Iscah. peared vnto him.
SO But Sarai was barren; she had 8 And he remoued from thence vn-
no childe. to a mountaine, on the East of Beth-el,
31 And Terah tooke Abram his and pitched his tent hauing Beth-el on
Abram in Egypt. Genefis. Abram and Lot.
the West, and Hai on the East: and Nd Abram went vp out

there hee builded an altar vnto the of Egypt, he and his wife,
LORD, and called vpon the Name and all that he had, and
of the LORD. Lot with him, into the
\ Heb. in go- 9 And Abram Journeyed, || going on SnufVi
ing andiour-
twying. still toward the South. 2 And Abram was very rich in cat-
10 *ff And there was a famine in the tell, in siluer, and in gold.
land, and Abram went downe into E- 3 And hee went on his iourneyes
^ypt, to soiourne there : for the famine :rpm the South, euen to Beth-el, vnto
was grieuous in the land. ;he place where his tent had bene at the
11 And it came to passe when he was Beginning, betweene Beth-el and Hai :
come neere to enter into Egypt, that he 4 Vnto the * place of the altar, which * Chap, 12.
said vnto Sarai his wife, Behold now, le had made there at the first: and there • *
[ know that thou art a faire woman Abram called on the Name of the
to looke vpon. LORD.
1% Therefore it shall come to passe, 5 IT And Lot also which went with
when the Egyptians shall see thee, that Abram, had flocks and heards, & tents.
they shall say, This is his wife : and 6 And the land was not able to
they will kill me, but they will saue thee beare them, that they might dwell to-
aliue. gether : for their substance was great,
13 Say, I pray thee, thou art my si- so that they could not dwell together.
ster, that it may be wel with me, for thy 7 And there was a strife betweene
sake; and my soule shall Hue, because of the heardmen of Abrams cattell, and
thee. the heardmen of Lots cattell: And the
14 11 And it came to passe, that when Canaanite, and the Perizzite dwelled
Abram was come into Egypt, the E- then in the land.
gyptians beheld the woman, that shee 8 And Abram said vnto Lot, Let
was very faire. there be no strife, I pray thee, betweene
15 The Princes also of Pharaoh saw mee and thee, and betweene my heard-
her, and commended her before Pha- men and thy heardmen : for wee bee
raoh : and the woman was taken into t brethren. t Hebr. men
Pharaohs house. 9 Is not the whole land before brethren.
16 And he entreated Abram well for thee ? Separate thy selfe, I pray thee,
her sake: and he had sheepe, and oxen, from mee: ifihouwilt take the left hand,
and hee asses, and men seruants, and then I will goe to the right : or if thou
maid seruants, and shee asses, and ca- depart to the right hand , then I will
mels. goe to the left.
17 And the LORD plagued Pha- 10 And Lot lifted vp his eyes, and
raoh & his house with great plagues, beheld all the plaine of lordane, that it
because of Sarai Abrams wife. was well watered euery where before
18 And Pharaoh called Abram, and the Lord destroyed Sodome and Go-
said, What is this that thou hast done morah , euen as the garden of the
vnto me? Why diddest thou not tell me, LORD, like the land of Egypt, as
that she was thy wife ? thou commest vnto Zoar.
19 Why saidest thou, Shee is my si- 11 Then Lot chose him all the plaine
ster? so I might haue taken her to mee of lordane : and Lot iourneyed East ;
to wife: now therfore behold, thy wife, and they separated themselues the one
take her and goe thy way. from the other.
20 And Pharaoh comanded his men 12 Abram dwelled in the land of Ca-
concerning him : and they sent him a- naan, and Lot dwelled in the cities ol
way, and his wife, and all that he had, the plaine, and pitched his tent toward
. 13 But the men of Sodome were
C H A P . XIII. wicked, and sinners before the LORD
1 Abram and Lot returne out of Egypt. 7 By 14 f And the LORD said vnto
disagreement they part asunder. 10 Lot go- Abram, after that Lot was separated
eth to wicked Sodom. 14- God renueth the
promise to 'Abram. 18 He remouetji |p Jle- from him, Lift vp now thine eyes, and
bron, and tfaerg buildeth an Altar. looke from the place where thou art,
Gods promife. Chap.xiiij. Melchizedek.
Northward , and Southward , and and the King of Admah, and the King
Eastward, and Westward. of Zeboiim, and the King of Bela, (the
15 For all the land which thou seest, same is Zoar) and they ioyned battell
* Chap. 12.
7. and 26.
*to thee will I giue it, and to thy seede with them, in the vale of Siddim,
4. deut 34. for euer. 9 With Chedorlaomer the King of
4* 16 And I will make thy seede as the Elam , and with Tidal King of nati-
dust of the earth : so that if a man can ons, and Amraphel King of Shinar,
number the dust of the earth, then shall and Arioch King of Ellasar ; foure
thy seed also be numbred. Kings with fiue.
17 Arise, walke through the land, in 10 And the vale of Siddim was full
the length of it, and in the breadth of it : of slime-pits: and the Kings of So-
for I will giue it vnto thee. dome & Gomorrah fled, and fell there :
18 Then Abram remoued his tent, and they that remained, fled to the
and came and dwelt in the t plaine of mountaine.
Mamre, which is in Hebron, and built 11 And they tooke all the goods of
there an altar vnto the LORD. Sodome and Gomorrah, and all their
victuals, and went their way.
12 And they tooke Lot, Abrams bro-
C H A P . XIIII. thers sonne, (who dwelt in Sodome)
1 The battell of foure Kings against fine. 1 1 and his goods, and departed.
Lot is taken prisoner. 14 Abram rescueth 13 H And there came one that had
him. 18 Melchi-zedek blesseth Abram. 20 escaped , and told Abram the Hebrew,
Abram giueth him tithe. 22 The rest of the
spoile,his partners hauing had their portions, for hee dwelt in the plaine of Mamre
he restoreth to the King of Sodom. the A morite, brother of Eshcol, andbro-
ther of Aner : and these were confede-
Nd it came to passe in the rate with Abram.

H dayes of Amraphel King

of Shinar, Arioch King
of Ellasar, Chedorlaomer
King of Elam, and Ti-
14 And when Abram heard that his
H Or, led
brother was taken captiue , he || armed foorth.
his || trained seruants borne in his owne II Or, instru-
house, three hundred and eighteene,and cted.
dal King of nations : pursued them vnto Dan.
2 That these made warre with Be- 15 And hee diuided himselfe against
ra King of Sodome, and with Birsha them, he and his seruants by night, and
King of Gomorrah , Shinab King of smote them , and pursued them vnto
Admah, and Shemeber King of Ze- Hoba, which is on the left hand of Da-
boiim , and the King of Bela , which mascus :
is Zoar. 16 And hee brought backe all the
3 All these were ioyned together in goods, and also brought againe his bro-
the vale of Siddim ; which is the salt ther Lot, and his goods, and the wo-
Sea. men also, and the people.
4 Twelue yeeres they serued Che- 17 IT And the king of Sodome went
dorlaomer, and in the thirteenth yeere out to meete him , (after his returne
they rebelled. from the slaughter of Chedorlaomer,
5 And in the fourteenth yeere came and of the Kings that were with him)
Chedorlaomer, and the Kings that at the valley of Saueh, which is the
were with him, and smote the Repha- * Kings dale. * 2. Sam. 18.
ims, in Ashteroth Karnaim, & the Zu- 18 And * Melchizedek King of Sa- 18. * Heb. 7. 1.
II Or, the zims in Ham, and the Emims in || Sha- lem brought foorth bread and wine:
plaine ofKi-
riathaim. ueh Kiriathaim ; and he was the Priest of the most high
6 And the Horites in their mount God.
H Or, the
plaine of Seir, vnto ||El-Paran, which is by the 19 And hee blessed him , and saide ;
Paran, wildernesse. Blessed bee Abram of the most high
7 And they returned, and came to God, possessour of heauen and earth.
En-mishpat, which is Kadesh, & smote 20 And blessed bee the most high
all the countrey of the Amalekites, and God, which hath deliuered thine ene-
also the Amontes, that dwelt in Haze- mies into thy hand: and hee gaue him
zon-tamar. * tithes of all. *Heb.7.4.
8 And there went out the King of 21 And the King of Sodome said
Sodome, and the King of Gomorrah, vnto Abram, giue rne the t persons, and Mlebr,
jrods promiie. Genefis. Abrams vifion.
ake the goods to thy selfe. 10 And he tooke vnto him all these,
22 And Abram said to the King of and diuided them in the midst, and layd
odome, I haue lift vp my hand vnto each peece one against another: but the
he LORD, the most high God, the )irds diuided he not.
wssessour of heauen and earth, 11 And when the fowles came
83 That I wil not take from a threed owne vpon the cardases, Abram droue
uen to a shoe latchet, and that I will them away.
not take any thing that is thine, lest 12 And when the Sunne was go-
hou shouldest say, I haue made A- ng downe, a deepe sleepe fell vpon A-
>ram rich: )ram : and loe, an horrour of great
24? Saue onely that which the yong larkenesse fell vpon him.
men haue eaten, and the portion of the 13 And he said vnto Abram, Know
men which went with mee, Aner, Es- of a surety, * that thy seed shalbea stran- •* Acts 7. 6.
chol, and Mamre; let them take their ger, in a land that is not theirs, and shal
>ortion. serue them, and they shall afflict them
foure hundred yeeres.
C H A P . XV. 14 And also that nation whom they
1 God encourageth Abram. 2 Abram com- shall serue, wil I iudge: and afterward
plaineth for want of an heire. 4 God pro- shall they come out with great sub-
miseth him a sonne, and a multiplying of his
seed. 6 Abram is iustified by faith. 7 Ca- stance.
naan is promised againe, and confirmed by 15 And thou shalt goe to thy fathers
a signe, 12 and a vision. in peace; thou shalt be buried in a good
Fter these things, the old age.

word of the LORD 16 But in the fourth generation they
came vnto Abram in a vi- shall come hither againe: for the iniqui-
sion, saying; Feare not, tie of the Amorites is not yet full.
Abram: I am thy shield, 17 And it came to passe that when
*PsaLl6.1G and thy exceeding * great reward. the Sunne went downe, and it was
2 And Abram said, Lord GOD, darke, behold, a smoking furnace, and a
what wilt thou giue me , seeing I goe t burning lampe that passed betweene aII Hebrewe.
lampe of
childlesse? and the steward of rny house those pieces. fire.
s this Eliezer of Damascus. 18 In that same day the LORD
3 And Abram said ; Behold, to mce made a couenant with Abram, saying;
thou hast giuen no seed : and loe , one * Vnto thy seed haue I giuen this land 7.'* Chap. 12.
and 13.
)orne in my house is mine heire. Srom the riuer
. of Egypti vnto the great 15. & 26, 4.
deut 34. 4>
4 And behold, the word of the riuer, the riuer Euphrates :
LORD came vnto him, saying ; This 19 The Kenites, and the Kenizites,
shall not be thine heire: but he that shal and the Kadmonites :
come foorth out of thy owne bowels, 20 And the Hittites, and the Pe-
shalbe thine heire. rizzites, and the Rephaims,
5 And he brought him forth abroad, 21 And the Amorites, and the Ca-
and said , Looke now towards hea naanites, and the Girgashites, and the
uen, and tell the starres, if thou be able lebusites.
to number them. And hee said vnto
* Rom. 4. him, *So shall thy seed be. C H A P . XVI.
* Rom. 4. 3 6 And he *beleeued in the LORD 1 Sarai, being barren, giueth Hagar to Abram
galat3.6. and hee counted it to him for righte 4 Hagar being afflicted for despising her mi-
am. 2. 23. stresse, runneth away. 7 An Angel sendeth
ousnesse. her backe to submit her selfe, 11 and telleth
7 And he said vnto him ; I am the her of her child. 15 Ishraael is borne.
LORD that brought thee out of Vr
of the Caldees, to giue thee this land Ow Sarai Abrams wife

to inherit it. bare him no children: anc
8 And he said, Lord GOD, where she had an handmaide, an
by shal I know that I shall inherit it Egyptian , whose name
9 And he said vnto him, Take me was Hagar.
an heifer of three yeeres old, and a shee 2 And Sarai said unto Abram, Be-
goat of three yeeres old, and a ramme hold now, the LORD hath restrai-
of three yeeres old, and a turtle doue ned me from bearing: I pray thee go in
and a yong- pigeon. vnto my maid: it may bee that I may
t obtaine
Hagar fleeth. Chap.xvij. Abraham.
t Heb. bee t obtaine children by her : and Abram
Gilded by
her. hearkened to the voice of Sarai. CHAP XVII.
3 And Sarai Abrams wife , tooke 1 God reneweth the Couenant. 5 Abram his
Hagar her maid, the Egyptian,, after A- name is changed, in token of a greater bles-
brarn had dwelt ten yeeres in the land sing. 10 Circumcision is instituted. 15 Sa-
of Canaan , and gaue her to her hus- rai her name is changed, and she blessed. 17
Izsaac is promised. 23 Abram and Jshwael
band Abram, to be his wife. are circumcised.
4 1f And he went in vnto Hagar,
and she conceiued: And when shee saw Nd when Abram was

that shee had conceiued, her mistresse ninetie yeres old and nine,
was despised in her eyes. the LORD appeared
5 And Sarai said vnto Abram, My to Abram, and said vnto
wrong be vpon thee : I haue giuen my him, I am the almightie
maid into thy bosome, and when shee God, *walke before me, and be thou * Chap. 5.
saw that she had conceiued, I was de- | perfect. t Or*vpright
spised in her eyes : the LORD iudge % And I wil make my couenant be- or sincere.
betweene me and thee. tweene me and thee, and will multiply
6 But Abram said vnto Sarai, Be- thee exceedingly.
hold, thy maid is in thy hand; doe to her 3 And Abram fell on his face, and
t Heb. that t as it please th thee. And when Sarai
which is good,
God talked with him, saying,
in thy eyes. t dealt hardly with her, shee fled from 4 As for me, behold, my couenant
t Heb. afti- her face. is with thee, and thou shalt be a * father
,i€0t ncT*
ftta/t ho/»
\ Heb. mul-
7 If And the Angel of the LORD of || many nations. titude of na-
found her by a fountaine of water, in 5 Neither shall thy name any more tions.
the wildernesse, by the fountaine, in the be called Abram, but thy name shall bee
way to Shur : Abraham : *for a father of many nati- * Rom. 4.17
8 And he said, Hagar Sarais maid, ons haue I made thee.
whence earnest thou ? and whither wilt 6 And I will make thee exceeding
thou goe? And she said, I flee from the fruitfull, and I will make nations of
face of my mistresse Sarai. thee, and Kings shall come out of thee.
9 And the Angel of the LORD 7 And I will establish my couenant
said vnto her, Returne to thy mistresse, betweene me and thee, and thy seede af-
and submit thy selfe vnder her hands. ter thee, in their generations for an e-
10 And the Angel of the LORD uerlasting couenant, to bee a God vnto
said vnto her, I will multiply thy seede thee, and to thy seed after thee.
exceedingly, that it shall not benumbred 8 And I will giue vnto thee, and
for multitude. to thy seed after thee, the land t wherein soiournings.
t Heb. of thy
11 And the Angel of the LORD thou art a stranger, all the land of Ca-
said vnto her, Behold, thou art with naan, for an euerlasting possession, and
child, and shalt beare a sonne, and shalt I will be their God.
II That is. call his name || Ishmael ; because the 9 H And God said vnto Abraham,
7orf shall
teare. LORD hath heard thy affliction. Thou shalt keepe my couenant there-
1£ And he will be a wilde man ; his fore, thou, and thy seede after thee, in
hand will be against euery man, and e- their generations.
* Chap. 25. uery mans hand against him : *& he shal 10 This is my couenant, which yee
18. dwell in the presence of all his brethren. shall keepe betweene me and you, and
13 And shee called the name of the thy seed after thee: * euery man-child a- Acts 7- 8.
LORD that spake vnto her, Thou mong you shall be circumcised.
God seest me: for she said, Haue I also 11 And ye shall circumcise the flesh of
here looked after him that seeth me ? your foreskinne; and it shal be a * token * Acts 7.8.
14 Wherefore the well was called, of the couenant betwixt me and you. rom.4.11.
* Chap. 24. * || Beer-lahai-roi : Behold, It is be- 12 And he that is t eight dayes olde, sonneofeight
t Hebr. a
1! That is, tweene Cadesh and Bered. *shalbe circumcised among you, euery dayes.
the well of
hivn that li-
15 H And Hagar bare Abram a sonne: man child in your generations, he that 3.* Leuit 12.
luke 2.21
uethandsee- and Abram called his sonnes name, is borne in the house, or bought with iohn7.22.
ethme. which Hagar bare, Ishmael. money of any stranger, which is not of
16 And Abram was fourescore and thy seed.
sixe yeeres old, when Hagar bare Ish- 13 He that is borne in thy house, and
mael to Abram. he that is bought with thy money, must
Of Circumcifion. Genefis. Three Angels.
needs be circumcised : and my couenant money of the stranger, were circumci-
shall be in your flesh, for an euerlasting sed with him.
14? And the vncircumcised man-child, , C H A P. X V I I I .
whose flesh of his foreskinne is not cir- 1 Abraham entertaineth three Angels. 9 Sa-
cumcised, that soule shall be cut off from rah is reproued for laughing at the strange
lis people : hee hath broken my coue- promise. 17 The destruction of Sodome is
reuealed to Abraham. 23 Abraham raa-
nant. keth intercession for the men thereof.
15 IF And God said vnto Abraham,
As for Sarai thy wife, thou shalt not Nd the * LORD ap- * Hebr. 13.
call her name Sarai, but Sarah shall
ler name be.
16 And I will blesse her, and giue
;hee a sonne also of her: yea I wil blesse
HKi peared vnto him, in the 2.
^/g'Ti^Y^I, plaines of Mamre: and he
sate in the tent doore,in the
heat of the day.
t Hebr. she ier,and ||she shalbe a mother of nations; 2 And he lift vp his eyes and loo-
shall become
nations. Kings of people shall be of her. ked, and loe, three men stood by him :
17 Then Abraham fell vpon his and when he saw them, hee ranne to
:ace, and laughed, and said in his heart, meete them from the tent doore, and
Shall a child be borne vnto him that is bowed himselfe toward the ground,
an hundred yeeres old ? and shal Sarah 3 And said, My Lord, If now I
that is ninetie yeeres old, beare ? haue found fauour in thy sight, passe
18 And Abraham said vnto God, O not away, I pray thee, fro thy seruant:
that Ishmael might Hue before thee. 4 Let a little water, I pray you, be
* Chapi 18. 19 And God said, * Sarah thy wife fetched, and wash your feete, and rest
10. and 21. your selues vnder the tree :
2. shall beare thee a sonne in deede, and
thou shalt call his name Isaac : and I 5 And I will fetch a morsell of
will establish my eouenant with him, bread ; and t comfort ye your hearts, af- t Hebr. stay.
for an euerlasting couenant, and with ter that you shall passe on : for therefore
his seed after him. t are you come to your seruant. And haue t Hebr. you
20 And as for Ishmael , I haue they said ; So doe, as thou hast said.
beard thee: behold, I haue blessed him, 6 And Abraham hastened into the
and will make him fruitfull , and will tent, vnto Sarah, & said; tMake ready t Hebr. Ha-
* Gene. 25. multiplie him exceedingly : * Twelue quickly three measures of fine meale, sten.
princes shall he beget, and I will make knead it, and make cakes vpon the
him a great nation. hearth.
21 But my couenant wil I establish 7 And Abraham ranne vnto the
with Isaac, which Sarah shall beare heard, and fetcht a calfe, tender and
vnto thee, at this set time, in the next good, and gaue it vnto a yong man:
yeere. and he hasted to dresse it.
22 And he left off talking with him, 8 And he tooke butter, and milke,
and God went vp from Abraham. and the calfe which he had dressed, and
23 IT And Abraham tooke Ishmael set it before them ; and he stood by them
his sonne, and all that were borne in his vnder the tree : and they did eate.
house, and all that were bought with 9 f And they said vnto him, Where
his money, euery male, among the men is Sarah thy wife ? And he said, Be-
of Abrahams house , and circumcised hold, in the tent.
the flesh of their foreskinne, in the selfe- 10 And he said, I will certainly re-
same day, as God had said vnto him. turne vnto thee according to the time of
24 And Abraham was ninety yeeres life ; and loe , * Sarah thy wife shall * Chap. 17.
19. and 21.
old and nine, when he was circumcised haue a sonne. And Sarah heard it in a.
in the flesh of his foreskinne. the tent doore, which was behind him.
25 And Ishmael his sonne was thir- 11 Now Abraham and Sarah were
teene yeeres old, when he was circum- old, and well stricken in age: and it cea-
cised in the flesh of his foreskinne. sed to be with Sarah after the maner
26 In the selfe same day was A- of women.
braham circumcised, and Ishmael his 12 Therefore Sarah laughed with-
sonne. in her selfe, saying, After I am waxed
27 And all the men of his house, old, shall I haue pleasure, my * lord be- 6.* 1. Pet. 3.
borne in the house, and bought with ing old also ?
13 And
Abraham prayeth Chap.xix. for the Sodomites.
13 And the LORD said vnto A- 27 And Abraham answered, and
braham, Wherefore did Sarah laugh, said, Behold now, I haue taken vpon
saying; Shall I of a surety beare a me to speake vnto the LORD, which
childe, which am old ? am but dust and ashes.
14 Is any thing too hard for the 28 Peraduenture there shall lacke
LORD? At the time appointed will fine of the fiftie righteous: wilt thou de-
I returne vnto thee, according to the stroy all the citie for lacke of fiue? And he
time of life, and Sarah shall haue a said, If I find there fourtie and fiue,
sonne. I will not destroy it.
15 Then Sarah denied, saying, I 29 And hee spake vnto him yet a-
laughed not : for she was afraid. And gaine, and said, Peraduenture there
he said, Nay, but thou diddest laugh. shall be fourtie found there: and he said,
16 U And the men rose vp from I will not doe it for fourties sake.
thence, and looked toward Sodome: 30 And he said vnto him, Oh let not
and Abraham went with them , to the Lord be angry, and I will speake:
bring them on the way. Peraduenture there shall thirtie bee
17 And the LORD said, Shall I found there. And he said, I will not doe
hide from Abraham that thing which it, if I find thirtie there.
I doe; 31 And he said. Behold now, I haue
18 Seeing that Abraham shall sure- taken vpon mee to speake vnto the
ly become a great and mighty nation, Lord: Peraduenture there shall bee
and all the nations of the earth shall be twenty found there. And he said, I
* Cfiap. 12. * blessed in him ? will not destroy it for twenties sake.
;i. and 22.
1 8. acts. 3. 19 For I know him, that hee will 32 And hee saide, Oh let not the
25. galat.
3. It.
command his children, and his house- Lord be angry, and I will speake yet
hold after him, and they shall keepe the but this once: Peraduenture ten shall be
way of the LORD, to doe iustice and found there. And he said, I will not de-
Judgement, that the LORD may stroy it for tennes sake.
bring vpon Abraham, that which hee 33 And the LORD went his way,
hath spoken of him. assoone as hee had left communing
20 And the LORD said, Because with Abraham: and Abraham retur-
the cry of Sodome and Gomorrah is ned vnto his place.
great , and because their sinne is very
grieuous :
21 I will goe downe now, and see CHAP. XIX.
whether they haue done altogether ac- 1 Lot entertaineth two Angels. 4- The vici-
ous Sodomites are striken with blindnesse.
cording to the cry of it, which is come 12 Lot is sent for safety into the mountaines.
vnto me : and if not, I will know. 18 Hee obtaineth leaue to goe into Zoar.
22 And the men turned their faces 24 Sodome and Gomorrah are destroyed.
from thence , and went toward So- 26 Lots wife is a pillar-of salt 30 Lot dwel-
leth in a caue. 31 The incestuous origin all
dome: but Abraham stood yet before of Moab and Ammon.
the LORD.
23 IF And Abraham drew neere, and Nd there came two An-

said. Wilt thou also destroy the righ- gels to Sodome at euen,
teous with the wicked ? and Lot sate in the gate of
24 Peraduenture there be fifty righ- Sodome: and Lot seeing
teous within the citie; wilt thou also de- ^•m,rosevpto meet them,
stroy, and not spare the place for the fif-and he bowed himselfe with his face to-
tie righteous, that are therein ? ward the ground.
25 That be farre from thee, to do af- 2 And he said, Beholde now my
ter this maner, to slay the righteous Lords, turne in, I pray you, into your
with the wicked, and that the righteous seruants house, and tarie all night, and
should be as the wicked, that be farre *wash your feete, and ye shall rise vp * Chap. 18.
from thee : Shall not the ludge of all early and goe on your wayes. And they 4.
the earth doe right ? said, Nay: but we wil abide in the street
26 And the LORD said, If I all night.
find in Sodom fiftie righteous, within 3 And he pressed vpon them greatly,
the citie, then I will spare all the place and they turned in vnto him, and en-
for their sakes. tred into his house: and he made them
a feast,
Lots houfe befet. Genefis. Sodome burnt.
feast, and did bake vnleauened bread. land of his wife, and vpon the hand of
smd they did eate. lis two daughters, the LORD being
4 IT But before they lay downe, mercifull vnto him : and they brought
be men of the citie, euen the men of So- rim forth, and set him without the citie.
om, compassed the house round, both 17 1T And it came to passe, when they
Id and yong, all the people from euery lad brought them forth abroad, that he
uarter. said, Escape for thy life, looke not behind
5 And they called vnto Lot, and said thee, neither stay thou in all the plaine :
vnto him, Where are the men which escape to the mountaine, lest thou bee
ame in to thee this night? bring them consumed.
ut vnto vs, that we may know them. 18 And Lot said vnto them, Oh not
6 And Lot went out at the doore so, my Lord.
vnto them, & shut the doore after him, 19 Beholde now, thy seruant hath
7 And said , I pray you, brethren, bund grace in thy sight, and thou hast
loe not so wickedly. magnified thy mercy, which thou hast
8 Behold now, I haue two daugh- shewed vnto me, in sauing my life, and
ers, which haue not knowen man ; let [ cannot escape to the mountaine, lest
mee, I pray you, bring them out vnto some euill take me, and I die.
rou, and doe ye to them, as is good in 20 Behold now, this citie is neere to
rour eyes : onely vnto these men do no- lee vnto, and it is a litle one: Oh let me
ihing: for therefore came they vnder the escape thither, (is it not a litle one ?) and
hadow of my roofe. my soule shall Hue.
9 And they said, Stand backe. And 21 And he said vnto him, See, I haue
ihey said againe, This one fellow came accepted t thee concerning this thing, t Heb. thy
n to soiourne, and he will needs bee a that I will not ouerthrow this citie, for fcUW.
'udge: Now wil we deale worse with the which thou hast spoken.
hee, then with them. And they pressed 22 Haste thee, escape thither : for I
ore vpon the man, euen Lot, and came cannot doe any thing till thou bee come
neere to breake the doore. thither : therefore the name of the citie
10 But the men put forth their hand, was called Zoar.
and pulled Lot into the house to them, 23 IT The sunne was t risen vpon t Hebr gone
and shut to the doore. the earth, when Lot entred into Zoar. forth.
* Wifld. 19.
11 And they smote the men * that 24 Then * the LORD rained vp- * Deut. 29.
were at the doore of the house, with on Sodome & vpon Gomorrah, brim- 23. luk. 17.
29. isa. id.
)lindnes, both small and great: so that stone and fire, from the LORD out 40. 19. ier. 50.
JH1Y10S 4.
they wearied themselues to finde the of heauen. 11. iude 7.
doore. 25 And he ouerthrew those cities, and
12 1T And the men said vnto Lot, all the plaine, and all the inhabitants of
Hast thou here any besides ? sonne in the cities, and that which grew vpon
aw, and thy sonnes, and thy daugh- the ground.
ters, and whatsoeuer thou hast in the 26 IT But his wife looked backe from
citie, bring them out of this place. behind him, and she became a pillar of
13 For we will destroy this place, be- salt.
* Chap. 18, cause the * crie of them is waxen great 27 IT And Abraham gate vp earely
before the face of the LORD: and the in the morning, to the place, where hee
LORD hath sent vs to destroy it. stood before the LORD.
14 And Lot went out, and spake vn- 28 And he looked toward Sodome
to his sonnes in law, which married his and Gomorrah, & toward all the land
daughters, and said, Vp, get yee out of of the plaine, and beheld, and loe, the
this place : for the LORD wil destroy smoke of the countrey went vp as the
this citie : but hee seemed as one that smoke of a furnace.
mocked, vnto his sonnes in law. 29 1f And it came to passe, when God
15 IF And when the morning arose, destroyed the cities of the plaine, that
then the Angels hastened Lot, saying, God remembred Abraham , and sent
Arise, take thy wife, & thy two daugh- Lot out of the midst of the ouerthrow,
t Heb. are ters, which tare here, lest tnou be consu- when he ouerthrew the cities , in the
II Or, punish med in the ||iniquitie of the citie. which Lot dwelt.
ment. 16 And * while he lingred, the men 30 11 And Lot went vp out of Zoar,
* Wied. 10.
6. laid hold vpon his hand, and vpon the and dwelt in the mountaine, and his
Lots inceft. Chap.xx. Abraham in Gerar.
two daughters with him : for hee fea- 4 But Abimelech had not come
red to dwell in Zoar, and he dwelt in neere her : and he said, LORD, wilt
a caue, he and his two daughters. thou slay also a righteous nation ?
31 And the first borne saide vnto the 5 Said he not vnto me, She is my
yonger, Our father is old, and there is sister? and she,euen she herselfe said, Hee
not a man in the earth, to come in vnto is my brother: in the ||integritie of my II Or, simvli-
citie or sin-
vs, after the maner of all the earth. heart, and innocencie of my hands haue ceritie.
3£ Come, let vs make our father I done this.
drinke wine, and we will lye with him, 6 And God saide vnto him in a
that we may preserue seed of our father. dreame, Yea, I know that thou didst
33 And they made their father drinke this in the integritie of thy heart: for I
wine that night, & the first borne went also withheld thee from sinning against
in, and lay with her father: and he per- mee , therefore suffered I thee not to
ceiued not, when shee lay downe, nor touch her.
when she arose. 7 Now therefore restore the man
34 And it came to passe on the mor- his wifet for he is a Prophet, and he shal
row, that the first borne said vnto the pray for thee, and thou shalt Hue: and if
yonger, Behold, I lay yesternight thou restore her not, know thou that
with my father: let vs make him drinke thou shalt surely die, thou, and all that
wine this night also, and goe thou in, are thine.
and lye with him, that we may preserue 8 Therefore Abimelech rose earely
seed of our father. in the morning, and called all his ser-
35 And they made their father drinke uants, and told all these things in their
wine that night also, and the yonger a- eares : and the men were sore afraid.
rose, and lay with him: and he percei- 9 Then Abimelech called Abra-
ued not, when she lay downe, nor when ham, and said vnto him, What hast thou
she arose. done vnto vs ? and what haue I offen-
36 Thus were both the daughters ded thee, that thou hast brought on me,
of Lot with childe by their father. and on my kingdome a great sinne ?
37 And the first borne bare a sonne, thou hast done deeds vnto mee that
and called his name Moab: the same is ought not to be done.
the father of the Moabites vnto this 10 And Abimelech said vnto Abra-
day, ham, What sawest thou, that thou hast
38 And the yonger, she also bare a done this thing ?
sonne, and called his name, Ben-ammi: 11 And Abraham said, Because I
the same is the father of the children of thought, Surely the feare of God is
Ammon, vnto this day, not in this place: and they will slay mee
for my wiues sake.
C H A P . XX. 12 And yet indeed shee is my sister:
she is the daughter of my father, but not
1 Abraham soiourneth at Gerar, 2 denieth
his wife, and loseth her. 3 Abimelech is re- the daughter of my mother ; and shee
proued for her in a dreame. 9 He rebuketh became my wife.
Abraham, 14- restoreth Sarah, 16 and 13 And it came to passe when God
reprooueth her. 17 Hee is healed by A- caused me to wander from my fathers
brahams prayer.
house, that I said vnto her, This is thy
Nd Abraham iourneyed kindnesse which thou shalt shew vnto

from thence, toward the me ; at euery place whither wee shall
South - Countrey , and come, *say of me, He is my brother. * Chap. 12.
dwelled betweene Ca- 14 And Abimelech tooke sheepe and 13.
desh and Shur, and so- oxen, and men - seruants, and women-
iourned in Gerar. seruants, and gaue them vnto Abra-
£ And Abraham said of Sarah his ham, and restored him Sarah his wife.
wife, She is my sister: And Abimelech 15 And Abimelech said, Behold, my
King of Gerar sent, and tooke Sarah. land is before thee ; dwel t where it plea- t H eb. as is
good in thine
3 But God came to Abimelech in a seth thee. eyes.
dreame by night, and said to him, Be- 16 And vnto Sarah hee said, Be-
hold, thou art but a deadman,for thewo- hold, I haue giuen thy brother a thou-
t Heb. mar. man which thou hast taken: for shee is sand pieces of siluer: behold, he is to thee
ried to an
husband. t a mans wife. a couering of the eyes, vnto all that are
Ifaac is borne. Genelis. Hagar comforted.
with thee, and with all other: thus shee vnto thee, hearken vnto her voice: for
was reproued. in Isaac shall thy seed be called.
17 H So Abraham prayed vnto 13 And also, of the sonne of the bond
God: and God healed Abimelech, and woman will I make a nation, because
his wife, and his maid-seruants, and he is thy seed.
they bare children. 14 And Abraham rose vp earely in
18 For the LORD had fast closed the morning, and tooke bread, and a
vp all the wombes of the house of Abi- bottle of water, and gaue it vnto Ha-
melech 9 because of Sarah Abrahams gar, (putting it on her shoulder,) and
wife. the child, and sent her away: and shee
departed, and wandered in the wilder-
CHAP. XXI. nesse of Beer-sheba.
1 Isaac is borne. 4 He is circumcised. 6 Sa- 15 And the water was spent in the
rahs ioy. 9 Hagar & Ishmael are cast forth. bottle, and shee cast the child vnder one
15 Hagar in distresse. 17 The Angel com- of the shrubs.
forteth her. 22 Abimelechs couenant with
Abraham at Beer-sheba. 16 And she went, and sate her downe
ouer against him, a good way off, as it
Nd the LORD visited were a bow shoot: for she said, Let me

* Chap. 17.
19. and 18.
B Sarah as he had said, and
the LORD did vnto
Sarah *as he had spoken.
2 For Surah *concei-
not see the death of the child. And shee
sate ouer against him, and lift vp her
voice, and wept.
17 And God heard the voice of the
* Acts 7.8.
GaL 4.22.
ued, and bare Abraham a sonne in his lad,.and the Angel of God called to Ha-
Heb. 11.11 old age, at the set time, of which God gar out of heauen, and said vnto her,
had spoken to him. What aileth thee, Hagar? feare not: for
3 And Abraham called the name of God hath heard the voice of the ladde,
his sonne, that was borne vnto him, where he is.
whom Sarah bare to him, Isaac. 18 Arise, lift vp the lad, and hold him
4 And Abraham circumcised his in thine hand: for I will make him a
* Chap. 17.
sonne Isaac, being eight dayes old, #as great nation.
God had commanded him. 19 And God opened her eyes, and
5 And Abraham was an hundred she saw a well of water, and shee went,
yeeres old, when his sonne Isaac was and filled the bottle with water, and
borne vnto him. gaue the lad drinke.
6 1F And Sarah said, God hath 20 And God was with the lad, and
made me to laugh, so that all that heare, he grew, and dwelt in the wildernesse,
will laugh with me. and became an archer.
7 And she said, Who would haue £1 And hee dwelt in the wildernesse
said vnto Abraham, that Sarah should of Paran : and his mother tooke him a
haue giuen children sucke? for I haue wife out of the land of Egypt.
borne him a sonne in his old age. %% 1T And it came to passe at that
8 And the child grew, and was wea- time, that Abimelech and Phichol the
ned: and Abraham made a great feast, chiefe captaine of his hoste spake vnto
the same day that Isaac was weaned. Abraham, saying, God is with thee in
9 ^T And Sarah saw the sonne of all that thou doest.
Hagar the Egyptian, which shee had 92 Now therefore sweare vnto mee
borne vnto Abraham, mocking. here by God, that thou wilt not tdeale f Hebrew, if
10 Wherfore she said vnto Abraham, falsly with me, nor with my sonne, nor thmt shalt lie
vnto me.
* GaL 4,30 *Cast out this bond woman, and her with my sonnes sonne: but according to
sonne: for the sonne of this bond wo- the kindnesse that I haue done vnto
man shall not be heire with my sonne, thee, thou shall doe vnto me, and to the
euen with Isaac. land wherein thou hast soiourned.
11 And the thing was very grieuous %4< And Abraham saide, I will
in Abrahams sight, because of his sweare.
sonne. 25 And Abraham reproued Abime-
12 *X And God said vnto Abraham, lech, because of a well of water, which
Let it not be grieuous in thy sight, be- Abimelechs seruants had violently ta-
cause of the lad, and because of thy bond ken away.
woman. In all that Sarah hath said £6 And Abimelech saide, I wote
Abraham is tempted. Chap.xxij. Ifaac fpared.
not who hath done this thing: neither 4 Then on the third day Abraham
didst thou tell me, neither yet heard I lift vp his eyes, and saw the place a-
of it, but to day. farre off
27 And Abraham tooke sheepe and 5 And Abraham said vnto his yong
oxen, and gaue them vnto Abimelech : men, Abide you here with the asse, and
and both of them made a couenant. I and the lad will goe yonder and wor-
28 And Abraham set seuen ewe ship> and come againe to you.
lambes of the flocke by themselues 6 And Abraham tooke the wood of
29 And Abimelech said vnto Abra- the burnt offering, and layd it vpon I-
ham , What meane these seuen ewe saac his sonne; and he tooke the fire in
lambes, which thou hast set by them- his hand, and a knife : and they went
selues ? both of them together.
30 And he said, For these seuen ewe 7 And Isaac spake vnto Abraham
lambs shalt thou take of my hand, that his father, and said, My father : and he
they may be a witnesse vnto me, that I said, tHere am I, my sonne. And hee hold t Hebr. be-
haue digged this well said, Behold the fire and wood: but
81 Wherefore he called that place. where is the ||lambe for a burnt ofrring? II Or, kidde.
B That is, IIBeer-sheba; because there theysware 8 And Abraham said , My sonne,
The well of
the otfie. both of them. God will prouide himselfe a larnbe for a
32 Thus they made a couenant at burnt offering: so they went both of
Beeer-sheba: then Abimelech rose vp? them together,
and Phichol the chiefe captaine of his 9 And they came to the place which
hoste, and they returned into the land God had tolde him of, and Abraham
of the Philistines. built an Altar there, and layd the wood
i! Or% Tree 33 H And Abraham planted a ||groue in order, and bound Isaac his sonne,
in Beer-sheba, and called there on the and *layde him on the Altar vpon the lam. 2. 21,
Name of the L O R D , the euerla- wood.
sting God. 10 And Abraham stretched foorth
34 And Abraham soiourned in the his hand, and tooke the knife to slay his
Philistines land* many dayes. sonne.
11 And the Angel of the L O R D
called vnto him out of heauen, and said,
C H A P . XXII Abraham, Abraham. And he said, Here
1 Abraham is tempted to offer Isaac. 3 Hee am I.
giueth proofe of his faith and obedience. 12 And he said, Lay not thine hand
11 The Angel stayeth him. 13 Isaac is vpon the lad, neither do thou any thing
exchanged with a ramme. 14 The place vnto him : for now I know that thou
is called lehouah-ijreh. 15 Abraham is
blessed againe. 20 The generation of Na- fearest God, seeing thou hast not with-
horvnto Rebekah. helde thy sonne , thine onely sonne
from mee.
Nd it came to passe after 13 And Abraham lifted vp his eyes,
* Hebr. u,

t Hebr. Be-
A these things, that #God
did tempt Abraham, and
said vnto him, Abraham.
And hee said, + Beholde,
and looked, and beholde, behinde him a
TJjimmp vcbUUilt
JLVOiUllJlc PDiirrVif in o tVii/^l/of
111 cl llllCKcl, hw
homes: And Abraham went and tooke
the Ramme, and offered him vp for a
UV Viio

hold me.
heere I am. burnt offering, in the stead of his sonne,
2 And he said, Take now thy sonne, 14 And Abraham called the name of
thine onely sanne Isaac, whom thou lo- that place || lehouah-ijreh, as it is said HThe
That is,
uest, and get thee into the land of Mo- to this day , In the Mount of the will see^ or,
riah : and offer him there for a burnt LORD it shalbe seene. prouide.
offering vpon one of the Mountaines 15 H And the Angel of the LORD
which I will tell thee of. called vnto Abraham out of heauen the
3 1T And Abraham rose vp earely second time,
in the morning, and sadled his asse, and 16 And said, *By my selfe haue I * Psal. 105.
9. ecclus.
tooke two of his yong men with him, sworne, saith the LORD, for because 44.21. hike
and Isaac his sonne, and claue the 1.7.3. hebr.
thou hast done this thing, and hast not 6.13.
wood for the burnt offering, and rose withheld thy sonne, thine onely sonne,
vp, and went vnto the place of which 17 That in blessing I will blesse
God had told him. thee, and in multiplying, I will mul-
Sarahs death. Genefis. Her buriall.
tiply thy seed as the starres of the hea- saying, if it be your mind that I should
uen, and as the sand which is vpon the bury my dead out of my sight, heare me,
t Heb< Hppe. sea tshore, and thy seed shall possesse the and entreat forme to Ephron the spnne
gate of his enemies. of Zohar .
* Chap. 12. 18 * And in thy seed shall all the nati- 9 That he may giue me the caue of
3. and 18.
18. ecclus, ons of the earth be blessed, because thou Machpelah, which he hath, which is in
44. 22, acts.
3. 85, galat. hast obeyed my voice. the end of hisfield: for t as much money t Hebr. full
3.B. 19 So Abraham returned vnto his as it is worth he shall giue it mee, for a money.
yong men, and they rose vp, and went possession of a burying place amongst
together to Beer-sheba, and Abraham you.
dwelt at Beer-sheba. 10 And Ephron dwelt amongst the
20 IT And it came to passe after these children of Heth. And Ephron the Hit-
things, that it was told Abraham, say- tite answered Abraham in the t audi- \Hebr.eares.
ing, Behold Milcah, shee hath also ence of the children of Heth, euen of all
borne children vntQ. thy brother JN"a- that went in at the gates of his citie,
hor, saying,
21 Huz his fijst borne, and Buz his 11 Nay, my lord, heare mee: the field
brother , and Kemuel the father of giue I thee, and the caue that is therein,
Aram, I giue it thee , in the presence of the
22 And Chesed, and Hazo, and Pil- sonnes of my people giue I it thee : bu-
dash, and lidlaph, and Bethuel. ry thy dead.
* Called
ROTH. 9.10.
23 And Bethuel begate * Rebekah : 12 And Abraham bowed downe
Rebecca. these eight Milcah did beare to Nahor, himselfe before the people of the land.
Abrahams brother. 13 And he spake vnto Ephron in the
24? And his concubine whose name audience of the people of the land, say-
was Reumah, she bare also Tebah, and ing, But if thou wilt giue it, I pray thee,
Gaham, and Thahash, and Maachah. heare mee: I' will giue thee money for
the field: take it of me, and I will bury
CHAP. XXIII. my dead there.
1 The age and death of Sarah. 3 The purchase 14 And Ephron answered Abra-
of Machpelah, 1 9 where Sarah was buried. ham, saying vnto him,
Nd Sarah was an hun- 15 My lord, hearken vnto mee: the

dred and seuen and twenty land is worth foure hundred shekels of
y eeres olde : these were the siluer : what is that betwixt mee and
y eeres of th e life of Sarah . thee ? bury therefore thy dead.
2 And Sarah died in 16 And Abraham hearkened vnto
Kiriath-arba, the same is Hebron in the Ephron, and Abraham weighed to E-
land of Canaan : And Abraham came phron the siluer, which he had named,
to mourne for Sarah, and to weepe for in the audience of the sonnes of Heth,
her. foure hundred shekels of siluer, currant
3 f And Abraham stood vp from money with the merchant.
before his dead, & spake vnto the sonnes 17 If And the field of Ephron which
of Heth, saying, was in Machpelah, which was before
4 I am a stranger and a soiourner Mamre, the fielde and the caue which
with you: giue me a possession of a bu- was therein, and all the trees that were
rying place with you, that I may bury in the field, that were in all the borders
my dead out of my sight. round about, were made sure
5 And the children of Heth answered 18 Vnto Abraham for a possession in
Abraham, saying vnto him, the presence of the children of Heth, be-
6 Heare vs, my Lord, thou art a fore all that went in at the gates of his
t Hebr. a
Prince of
tmightie Prince amongst vs : in the Citie.
God. choise of our sepulchres bury thy dead : 19 And after this Abraham buried
none of vs shall withhold from thee his Sarah his wife in the caue of the field
sepulchre, but that thou rnayest bury of Machpelah, before Mamre: the same
thy dead. is Hebron in the land of Canaan.
7 And Abraham stood vp and bow- 20 And the field, and the caue that \
ed himselfe to the people of the land, e- is therein, were made sure vnto Abra- (
uen to the children of Heth. ham, for a possession of a burying place,
8 And hee communed with them, by the sonnes of Heth,
Care to prouide Chap.xxiiij. a wife for Ifaac.
went to Mesopotamia, vnto the citie
C H A P . XXIIII. of Nahor.
11 And he made his camels to kneele
1 Abraham sweareth his seruant. 10 The ser- downe without the citie, by a well of
uants iourney: 12 His prayer: 14 His water, at the time of the euening, euen
signe. 15 Rebekah meeteth him, 18 ful-
filleth his signe, 22 receiueth iewels, 23 the time t that women goe out to draw t Hebr. that
wome which
sheweth her kinred, 25 and inuiteth him water. draw water,
home. 26 The seruant blesseth God. 28 La- 12 And he said, O LORD, God o g-oefoorth.
ban enterteineth him. 34 The seruant shew- my master Abraham, I pray thee senc
eth his message. 50 Laban and Bethuel ap-
proue it. 58 Rebekah consenteth to goe. me good speed this day, and shew kind
62 Isaac meeteth her. nesse vnto my master Abraham.
18 Behold, * I stand here by the well '* Vers. 43.
Nd Abraham was olde of water; and the daughters of the
into dayes.
A awcZ twell stricken in age:
And the LORD hac
blessed Abraham in al
in ings.
men of the Citie come out to draw
14 And let it come, to passe, that the
damsell to whom I shall say , Le
8 And Abraham said vnto his eldes downe thy pitcher, I pray thee, that ]
seruant of his house, that ruled ouer al may drinke, and she shall say, Drinke
* Chap. 47. that he had, *Put, I pray thee, thy ana I will giue thy camels drinke also ,
hand vnder my thigh : let the same be shee that thou hast ap-
3 And I will make thee sweare by pointed for thy seruant Isaac : anc
the LORD the God of heauen, anc thereby shall I know that thou hast
the God of the earth, that thou shalt shewed kindnesse vnto my master.
not take a wife vnto my sonne of the 15 U And it came to passe before hee
daughters of the Canaanites amongst had done speaking, that behold, Rebe-
whom I dwell. kah came out, who was borne to Be-
4} But thou shalt go vnto my coun- thuel, sonne of Milcah, the wife of Na-
trey, and to my kinred, and take a wife hor Abrahams brother, with her pit-
vnto my sonne Isaac. cher vpon her shoulder.
5 And the seruant said vnto him. 16 And the damsell was tvery faire t Hebr. good
Peraduenture the woman will not bee to looke vpon, a virgine, neither had a- ofnance.
willing to follow mee vnto this land: ny man knowen her; and shee went
must I needes bring thy sonne againe, downe to the wel, and filled her pitcher.
vnto the land from whence thou ea- and came vp.
rnest ? 17 And the seruant ranne to meete
6 And Abraham said vnto him, Be- her, and said, Let mee (I pray thee)
ware thou, that thou bring not my drinke a little water of thy pitcher.
sonne thither againe. 18 And she said, Drinke, my lord: and
7 H The LORD God of heauen she hasted, and let downe her pitcher
which tooke mee from my fathers vpon her hand, and gaue him drinke.
house, and from the land of my kindred, 19 And when shee had done giuing
and which spake vnto me, and that him drinke, she said, I will draw water
* Chap. 12. sware vnto me, saying, * Vnto thy seed for thy camels also, vntill they haue
7. and 13.
15. and 15. will I giue this land, he shall send his done drinking.
18. and 26.
Angel before thee, and thou shalt take a £0 And she hasted and emptied her
wife vnto my sonne from thence. pitcher into the trough, and ranne a-
8 And if the woman wil not be wil- yaine vnto the well to draw water, and
ling to follow thee, then thou shalt bee drew for all his camels.
cleare from this my othe: onely bring £1 And the man wondering at her,
not my sonne thither againe. lelde his peace, to wit, whether the
9 And the seruant put his hand vn- LORD had made his iourney pros-
der the thigh of Abraham his master, perous, or not.
and sware to him concerning that %2 And it came to passe as the camels
matter. lad done drinking, that the man tooke
10 11 And the seruant tooke ten ca- a golden || eare-ring, of halfe a shekel Or, tewett
Of tfUsjore0
mels, of the camels of his master, and weight, & two bracelets for her handes, wad.
1! Or, And departed, (||for all the goods of his ma- of ten shekels weight of gold,
ster were in his hand) and he arose, and 23 And said, Whose daughter art
Abrahams feruant, Genefis* and Rebekah.
hou ? tell mee, I pray thee : is there thers house, and to my kinred, and take
roome in thy fathers house for vs to a wife vnto my sonne.
odge in ? 39 And I said vnto my master, Per-
84 And she said vnto him, I am the aduenture the woman will not followe
daughter of Bethuel the sonne of Mil- me.
cah, which she bare vnto Nahor : 40 And hee saide vnto zne. The
£5 She said moreouer vnto him. We LORD, before whom I walke, will
laue both straw & prouender ynough, send his Angel with thee, and prosper
and rooine to lodge in. thy way: and thou shalt take a wife for
£6 And the man bowed downe his my sonne, of my kinred, and of my fa-
lead, and worshipped the LORD. thers house.
£7 And hee saide , Blessed bee the 4-1 Then shalt thou bee cleare from
LORD God of my master Abraham, this my oath, when thou commest to
who hath not left destitute my master my kinred, and if they giue not thee one,
of his mercy, and his trueth: I being thou ehalt be cleare from my oath.
n the way, the LORD led me to the 4£ And I came this day vnto the
louse of my masters brethren. well, and said, O LORD God of my
£8 And the damsell ranne, and told master Abraham, if now thou doe pros-
them of her mothers house, these things. per iny way, which I goe :
£9 IT And Rebekah had a brother, 43 * Behold, I stand by the well of * Verse 13.
and his name was Laban : and Laban water ; and it shall come to passe, that
ranne out vnto the man, vnto the well. when the virgine commeth foorth to
30 And it came to passe when he saw draw watery and I say to her, Giue me,
the eare-ring, and bracelets vpon his I pray thee, a litle water of thy pitcher
sisters hands, and when hee heard the to drinke ;
wordes of Rebekah his sister, saying, 44 And she say to me, Both drinke
Thus spake the man vnto me, that he thou , and I will also draw for thy ca-
came vnto the man ; and behold, hee mels : let the same be the woman, who
stood by the camels, at the well. the LORD hath appointed out for
31 And he said, Come in, thou blessed my masters sonne.
of the LORD, wherefore standest 45 And before I had done speaking
thou without ? for I haue prepared the in mine heart, behold, Rebekah came
house, and roome for the camels. forth, with her pitcher on her shoulder;
32 IT And the man came into the and she went downe vnto the well, and
house: and he vngirded his camels, and drew water : and I said vnto her, Let
gaue straw and prouender for the ca- me drinke, I pray thee.
mels, and water to wash his feet, and 46 And she made haste, & let downe
the mens feet that were with him. her pitcher from her shoulder •, and saide,
33 And there was set meat before him Drinke, and I will giue thy camels
to eate: but he said, I will not eate, vn- drinke also: so I dranke, and she made
till I haue tolde mine errand. And hee the camels drinke also.
said, Speake on. 47 And I asked her, and said, Whose
34 And he said, I am Abrahams ser- daughter art thou ? and she said, The
uant. daughter of Bethuel, Nahors sonne,
35 And the LORD hath blessed whom Milcah bare vnto him: and I
my master greatly, and hee is become put the earering vpon her face, and the
great : and hee hath giuen him flocks, bracelets vpon her hands.
and heards, and siluer, and gold, and 48 And I bowed downe my head,
men seruants, and mayd seruants, and and worshipped the LORD, and bles-
camels, and asses. sed the LORD God of my master
36 And Sarah my masters wife Abraham, which had led mee in the
bare a sonne to my master when shee right way to take my masters brothers
was old : and vnto him hath hee giuen daughter vnto his sonne.
all that he hath. 49 And now if you wil deale kindly
37 And my master made me sweare, and truely with my master, tell me: and
saying, Thou shalt not take a wife to if not, tell me, that I may turne to the
my sonne, of the daughters of the Ca- right hand, or to the left.
naanites, in whose land I dwell : 50 Then Laban and Bethuel an-
88 But thou shalt goe vnto my fa- swered and said, The thing proceedeth
She becommeth Chap.xxv. wife to Ifaac.
from the LORD : we cannot speake tooke a vaile and couered her selfe.
vnto thee bad or good. 66 And the seruant tolde Isaac all
51 Behold, Rebekah is before thee, things that he had done.
take her, and goe, and let her be thy ma- 67 And Isaac brought her into his
sters sonnes wife, as the LORD hath mother Sarahs tent, and tooke Rebe-
spoken. kah, and she became his wife, and he lo-
5£ And it came to passe, that when ued her : and Isaac was comforted af-
Abrahams seruant heard their words, ter his mothers death.
he worshipped the LORD, bowing
himselfe to the earth. C H A P . XXV
53 And the seruant brought foorth
t Hebr. ves. tiewels of siluer, and iewels of gold, 1 The sonnes of Abraham by Keturah. 5 The
sets- diuision of his goods. 7 His age and death.
and raiment, and gaue them to Rebe- 9 His buriall. 12 The generations of Ish-
kah : He gaue also to her brother, and xnael. 17 His age, and death. 19 Isaac
to her mother precious things. prayeth for Rebekah being barren. 22 The
children striue in her wombe. 24 The birth
54 And they did eate and drinke, he of Esau and lacob. 27 Their difference. 29
and the men that were with him, and Esau selleth his birthright.
tar led all night, and they rose vp in the
* Vers. 56. morning, and he said, * Send me away **^n againe 2\.uranam

and 59.
vnto my master. tooke a wife, & her name
55 And her brother and her mother was Keturah,
said, Let the damsell abide with vs 2 And shee bare him
I Or, a full \\afezv dayes, at the least ten ; after that, Zimran , and lokshan,
moneths. she shall goe. and Medan, and Midian, and Ishbak,
56 And he said vnto them, Hinder and Shuah.
me not, seeing the LORD hath pros- 3 And * lokshan begat Sheba, and O£. *I.Chro. 1.
pered my way: send me away* that I Dedan. And the sonnes of Dedan were
may goe to my master. Asshurim, and Letushim, and Leum-
57 And they said, Wee will call the mim.
Damsell, and enquire at her mouth. 4 And the sonnes of Midian, E-
58 And they called Rebekah, and said phah, and Epher, and Hanoch, and A-
vnto her, Wilt thou go with this man? bida, and Eldaah : all these were the
and she said, I will goe. children of Keturah.
59 And they sent away Rebekah 5 If And Abraham gaue aH that he
their sister, and her nurse, and Abra- had, vnto Isaac.
hams seruant, and his men. 6 But vnto the sonnes of the con-
60 And they blessed Rebekah, and cubines which Abraham had, Abra-
said vnto her, Thou art our sister, bee ham gaue gifts , and sent them away
thou the mother of thousands of milli- from Isaac his sonne (while he yet li-
ons, and let thy seed possesse the gate of ued) Eastward, vnto the East country.
those which hate them. .7 And these are the dayes of the
61 IT And Rebekah arose, and her yeres of Abrahams life which he liued ;
damsels, & they rode vpon the camels, an hundred, threescore & fifteene yeeres.
and followed the man: and the seruant 8 Then Abraham gaue vp the ghost,
tooke Rebekah, and went his way. and died in a good old age, an old man,
62 And Isaac came from the way and full of yeeres, and was gathered to
* Chap. 16. of the *well Lahai-roi, for he dwelt in his people.
14. and 25.
11. the South countrey. 9 And his sonnes Isaac and Ish-
II Or, to pray. 63 And Isaac went out, to || meditate mael buried him in the caue of Mach-
in the field, at the euentide: and hee lift pelah, in the field of Ephron the sonne
vp his eyes, and saw, and behold, the of Zohar the Hittite, which is before
camels were comming. Mamre ;
64? And Rebekah lift vp her eyes, 10 *The field which Abraham pur- * Chap. 23.
and when she saw Isaac, she lighted off chased of the sonnes of Heth: there was 1C.
the camel. Abraham buried, and Sarah his wife.
65 For she had said vnto the seruant, 11 11 And it came to passe after the
What man is this that walketh in the death of Abraham , that God blessed
field to meet us ? and the seruant had his sonne Isaac, and Isaac dwelt
said, It is my master : therefore shee by the *well Lahai-roi. * Chap. 16.
14. and 24.
12 11 Now 62.
fhmael dieth. Genefis. Efaus birthright fold.
12 f Now these are the generations 27 And the boyes grew ; and Esau
of Ishmael Abrahams sonne, whom was a cunning hunter, a man of the
hlagar the Egyptian. Sarahs hand- fielde : and lacob was a plaine man,
may d, bare vnto Abraham.: dwelling in tents.
* l.Chron, 13 And * these are the names of the 28 And Isaac loued Esau, because the lison
t Hebr. ve-
was m
sonnes of Ishmael, by their names, ac- did eate of his venison : but Rebekah \i$ mouth.
cording to their generations; The first loued Jacob.
}orne of Ishmael, Nebaioth, and Re- 29 H And lacob sod pottage: and
dar, and Adbeel, and Mibsam, eisau came from the field, and hee was
14 And Mishma, and Dumah, and faint.
Vlassa, 30 And Esau said to lacob, Feed me,
15 Hadar, and Tema, Jetur, Na- I pray thee, t with that same red pot- rtfttHebr. with
p>hish, and Kedemah. tage: for I am faint; therefore was his with that red
name called Edom. pottage.
16 These are the sonnes of Ishma-
e1, and these are their names, by their 31 And lacob said, Sell me this day
townes and by their castels ; twelue thy birthright.
>rinces according to their nations. 32 And Esau said, Behold, I am tat •ngHebr. to die*
17 And these are the yeeres of the life the point to die : and what profit shall
of Ishmael; an hundred and thirty and this birthright doe to me ?
seuen yeeres: and he gaue vp the ghost 33 And lacob said, Sweare to mee
and died, and was gathered vnto his this day: and he sware to him: and *he * Hebr. 12.
p>eople. sold his birthright vnto lacob.
18 And they dwelt from Hauilah 34 Then lacob gaue Esau bread
vnto Shur, that is before Egypt, as and pottage of lentiles ; and he did eate
thou goest towards Assyria: and hee and drinke, and rose vp, and went his
1 Hebr. fell. t• died in the presence of all his brethren. way: thus Esau despised Aw birthright.
19 IF And these are the generations
of Isaac, Abrahams sonne : Abraham C H A P . XXVI.
)egate Isaac..
1 Isaac because of famine went to Gerar. 2God
20 And Isaac was fortie yeeres old instructeth, and blesseth him. 7 Hee is re-
when hee tooke Rebekah to wife, the proued by Abimelech for denying his wife.
daughter of Bethuel the Syrian of Pa- 12 He groweth rich. 18 He diggeth Esek,
dan Aram , the sister to Laban the Sitnah, and Rehoboth. 23 Abimelech ma-
keth a couenant with him at Beersheba. 34
Syrian. Esaus wiues.
21 And Isaac intreated the LORD
for his wife, because she was barren: and Nd there was a famine in

the LORD was intreated of him, the land, besides the first
and Rebekah his wife concerned. famine that was in the
22 And the children struggled toge- dayes of Abraham. And
ther within her ; and she said, If it be Isaac went vnto Abime-
so, why am I thus ? and shee went to lech King of the Philistims , vnto
enquire of the LORD. Gerar.
23 And the LORD said vnto her, 2 And the LORD appeared vn-
Two nations are in thy wombe, and to him and said, Goe not downe into
t;wo maner of people shall be separatee Egypt; dwell in the land which I shall
fTom thy bowels : and the one people tell thee of.
shalbe stronger then the other people: 3 Soiourne in this land, and I wil
* Rom. 9. and *the elder shall serue the yonger. te with thee, and will blesse thee : for
24 IT And when her dayes to be de- vnto thee, and vnto thy seed *I will * Chap. 13.
liuered were fulfilled, behold, there were giue all these countreys, and I wil per- 15.
and 15.

twinnes in her wombe. Eorme the othe, which I sware vnto A-

25 And the first came out red, all o- braham thy father.
uer like an hairy garment: and they cal- 4 And I wil make thy seed to mul-
led his name, Esau. tiply as the starres of heauen, and wil
26 And after that came his brother giue vnto thy seed all these countreys :
* Ose. 12. 3 out, and *his hand tooke holde on E- and in thy Seed shall all the nations of
saus heele; and his name was callec the earth be * blessed: * Chap. 12.
lacob : and Isaac was threescore yeres 5 Because that Abraham obeyei x18.and 15.
and 22.
old, when shee bare them. my voyce , and kept my charge , my IB.
Ifaac foiourneth Chap.xxvj. at Beer-lheba.
Commandements , my Statutes and striue with Isaacs heardmen, saying,
my Lawes. The water is ours ; and hee called the
6 U And Isaac dwelt in Gerar. name of the well, ||Esek, because they 1 That is,
7 And the men of the place asked stroue with him. Contention.
him of his wife: and he said, She is my 21 And they digged another well, and
sister : for he feared to say. She is my wife ; stroue for that also: and hee called the
lest, said he, the men of the place should name of it, ||Sitnah. II That js,
kill me for Rebekah, because shee was 22 And he remoued from thence, and
Faire to looke vpon. digged another well, and for that they
8 And it came to passe when he had stroue not; and he called the name of it
bene there a long time, that Abimelech |Rehoboth: and he said, For now the n That is,
king of the Philistims looked out at a LORD hath made roome for vs, and rQome.
window, and saw, and behold, Isaac we shall be fruitfull in the land.
was sporting with Rebekah his wife. 23 And he went vp from thence to
9 And Abimelech called Isaac and Beer-sheba.
I said, Behold, of a suretie she is thy wife:
24 And the LORD appeared vn-
and how saidst thou, She is my sister? to him the same night, and saide, I am
And Isaac said vnto him, Because I the God of Abraham thy father: feare
said, Lest I die for her. not, for I am with thee, and will blesse
10 And Abimelech said, What is this thee, and multiply thy seede, for my ser-
thou hast done vnto vs ? one of the peo- uant Abrahams sake.
ple might lightly haue lien with thy 25 And he builded an altar there, and
wife, and thou shouldest haue brought called vpon the name of the LORD,
guiltinesse vpon vs. and pitched his tent there : and there
11 And Abimelech charged all his Isaacs seruants digged a well.
people, saying, Hee that toucheth this 26 1T Then Abimelech went to him
man or his wife, shall surely bee put to from Gerar, and Ahuzzath one of his
death. friends, and Phichol the chiefe captaine
12 Then Isaac sowed in that land, of his armie.
tffeb.found. and treceiued in the same yeere an hun- 27 And Isaac saide vnto them,
dred fold : & the LORD blessed him. Wherefore come ye to me, seeingye hate
13 And the man waxed great, and me, and haue sent me away from you ?
\Heb.went twent forward, and grew vntill he be- 28 And they said, tWe saw certainly \Heb. seeing
going. "]
came very great. that the LORD was with thee: and we saw.
14 For he had possession of flocks, wee said, Let there be now an othe be-
and possession of heards, and great twixt vs, euen betwixt vs and thee, and
II Or, hus- store of || seruants, and the Philistims let vs make a couenant with thee,
enuied him. 29 t That thou wilt doe vs no hurt, t Heb.iftkvu
15 For all the wels which his fathers as we haue not touched thee, and as we Shalt fyc.
seruants had digged in the dayes of A- haue done vnto thee nothing but good,
braham his father, the Philistims had and haue sent thee away in peace: thou
stopped them, & filled them with earth. art now the blessed of the LORD.
16 And Abimelech said vnto Isaac, 30 And he made them a feast, and
Goe from vs : for thou art much migh- they did eate and drinke.
tier then we. 31 And they rose vp betimes in the
17 IT And Isaac departed thence, morning, and sware one to another:
and pitched his tent in the valley of Ge- and Isaac sent them away, and they
rar, and dwelt there. departed from him in peace.
18 And Isaac digged againe the wels 32 And it came to passe the same day,
of water, which they had digged in the that Isaacs seruants came, and tolde
dayes of Abraham his father : for the him concerning the well which they
Philistims had stopped them after the had digged, and said vnto him, We haue
death of Abraham, and he called their found water.
names after the names by which his 33 And he called it ||Shebah: there- oatn.II That is, an

father had called them. > fore the name of the citie is || Beer-sheba DThatis,^
19 And Isaacs seruants digged in vnto this day. well of the
the valley, and found there a well of 34 T And Esau was forty yeeres
\Heb.liuing t springing water. old, when he tooke to wife ludith, the
20 And the heardmen of Gerar did daughter of Beeri the Hittite , and
Efau hunting, Genefis. lacob is blefled.
Bashemath the daughter of Elon the 13 And his mother said vnto him,
* Chap, 27. Hittite : Vpon me be thy curse, my sonne: onely
fl€(jr. 02
X ffalvf htf(• 35 Which *were t a griefe of minde obey my voice, and goe fetch me them.
ternesse of vnto Isaac and to Rebekah. 14 And hee went, and fetched, and
spirit. >rought them to his mother, and his
C H A P . XXVII. mother made sauoury meat, such as his
1I Isaac sendeth Esau for venison. 5 Rebekah
'ather loued.
instructeth lacob to obtaine the blessing. 15 15 And Rebekah tooke t goodly rai- t ffebr. de-
lacob vnder the person of Esau obteineth it. ment of her eldest sonne Esau, which
SO Esau bringetn venison. 33 Isaac trem- were with her in the house, and put
bleth. 34 Esau complaineth, and by impor- them vpon lacob her yonger sonne :
tunitie obtaineth a blessing. 41 He threat-
neth lacob. 42 Rebekah disappointeth it. 16 And shee put the skinnes of the
dds of the goats vpon his hands, and
Nd it came to passe that vpon the smooth of his necke.

hen Isaac was old, and 17 And she gaue the sauoury meate,
Viia i^vf"! WPTP flinmnp fin and the bread, which she had prepared,
that he could not see, hee into the hand of her sonne lacob
called Esau his eldest son, 18
AnH TIP lie f*ATnp
cciiiic vrifrn
Y iit/ls liic
11 lo fWtliPT
and said vnto him, My sonne. And hee and said, My father: And he said, Here
said vnto him, Behold, here am I. am I : who art thou, my sonne ?
2 And he said , Behold now, I am 19 And lacob said vnto his father,
old, I know not the day of my death. I am Esau, thy first borne; I haue done
& Now therefore take, I pray thee, according as thou badest mee : arise, I
thy weapons, thy quiuer, and thy bow, pray thee, sit, and eate of my venison,
t Heb. hunt. and goe out to the field, and t take mee that thy soule may bksse me.
some venison. 20 And Isaac said vnto his sonne,
4 And make me sauoury meat, such How is it that thou hast found it so
as I loue, and bring it to mee, that I quickly, my sonne? And he said, Be-
may £ate, that my soule may blesse thee cause the 'LORD thy God brought
before I die. it tto me. t Hebr. be-
5 And Rebekah heard when Isaac 21 And Isaac saide vnto lacob, fore me.
spake to Esau his sonne: and Esau went Come neere, I pray thee, that I may
to the fielde to hunter venison, and to feele thee, my sonne, whether thou bee
bring it. my very sonne Esau, or not.
6 1T And Rebekah spake vnto Ja- 22 And lacob went neere vnto I-
cob her sonne, saying, Behold, I heard saac his father : and hee felt him, and
thy father speake vnto Esau thy bro- said, The voyce is lacobs voyce, but the
ther, saying, hands are the hands of Esau.
7 Bring me venison, and make mee 23 And he discerned him not, because
sauoury meat, that I may eate, and his hands were hairie, as his brother
blesse thee before the LORD, before Esaus hands : So he blessed him.
my death. 24 And he said, Art thou my very
8 Now therefore, my sonne, obey sonne Esau ? and he said, I am.
my voyce, according to that which J 25 And he said, Bring it neere to me,
command thee. and I will eate of my sonnes venison,
9 Goe now to the flocke, and fetch that my soule may blesse thee: and hee
me from thence two good kids of the brought it neere to him, and he did eate :
goates, and I will make them sauoury and he brought him wine, & he dranke.
meat for thy father, such as he loueth. 26 And his father Isaac saide vnto
10 And thou shalt bring it to thy fa- him, Come neere now, and kisse me, my
ther, that he may eate, and that he may sonne.
blesse thee, before his death, 27 And hee came neere, and kissed
11 And lacob said to Rebekah his him : and he smelled the smell of his rai-
mother, Behold, Esau my brother is a ment, and blessed him, and said, See, the
hairy man, and I am a smooth man. smell of my sonne is as the smell of a
12 My father peraduenture wil field, which the LORD hath blessed.
feele me, and I shall seeme to him as a 28 Therefore *God giue thee of the *Heb. n.
deceiuer, and I shall bring a curse vpon dew of heauen, and the fatnesse of the 20.
me, and not a blessing. earth, and plenty of come and wine.
29 Let
Efau mourneth. Chap.xxviij. lacob is fent away.
29 Let people serue thee, and nati- dominion , that thou shalt breake his
ons bow downe to thee : bee lord ouer yoke from off thy necke.
thy brethren, & let thy mothers sonnes 41 f And Esau hated lacob, because
bow downe to thee ; Cursed bee euery of the blessing , wherewith his father
one that curseth thee, and blessed be hee blessed him : and Esau said in his heart,
that blesseth thee. The dayes of mourning for my father
30 f And it came to passe, as soone are at hand ; * then will I slay my bro- * Obad 10.
as Isaac had made an ende of blessing ther lacob.
lacob, and lacob was yet scarce gone 42 And these words of Esau her el-
out from the presence of Isaac his fa- der sonne were told to Rebekah : And
ther, that Esau his brother came in shee sent and called lacob her yonger
from his hunting. sonne, and said vnto him, Behold, thy
31 And hee also had made sauoury brother Esau, as touching thee, doeth
meate, and brought it vnto his father, comfort hiinselfe, purposing to kill thee.
and said vnto his father, Let my father 43 Now therefore my sonne, obey
arise, and eat of his sonnes venison, that my voice : and arise, flee thou to Laban
thy soule may blesse me. my brother, to Haran.
32 And Isaac his father said vnto 44 And tary with him a few dayes,
him, Who art thou? and he said, I am vntill thy brothers furie turne away;
thy sonne, thy first borne Esau. 45 Vntill thy brothers anger turne
t Hebr. 83 And Isaac t trembled very excee- away from thee, and hee forget that,
with a great dingly, and said, Who? where is he that which thou hast done to him :. then I
hath t taken venison, and brought it me, will send , and fetch thee from thence :
t Hebr. hurt,. and I haue eaten of all before thou ea- why should I be depriued also of you
ted rnest, and haue blessed him? yea and he both in one day ?
shalbe blessed. 46 And Rebekah said to Isaac, *I * Chap. 26.
34 And when Esau heard the words am weary of my life, because of the 39.
of his father, he cried with a great and daughters of Heth ; If lacob take a
exceeding bitter cry, and said vnto his wife of the daughters of Heth, such as
father, Blesse mee, euen me also, O my these which are of the daughters of the
father, land, what good shall my life doe me ?
35 And hee said, Thy brother came
with subtilty, and hath taken away thy
blessing. C H A P . XXVIII.
36 And he said, Is not he rightly na- 1 Isaac blesseth lacob, and sendeth him to Pa-
1 That Is, A ned || lacob? for he hath supplanted me dan Aram. 6 Esau marrieth Mahalal the
these two times : hee tooke away my daughter of Ishmael. 10 The Vision of
Jacobs ladder. 18 The stone of Bethel.
birthright, and behold, now he hath ta- 20 lacobs vow.
ken away my blessing : and hee said,
Hast thou not reserued a blessing for Nd Isaac called lacob,
37 And Isaac answered and saide
vnto Esau , Bdhold, I haue made him
thy lord, and all his brethren haue I gi-
A and blessed him, and char*
ged him, and saide vnto
him , Thou shalt not
take a wife, of the daugh-
uen to him for seruants: and with corne ters of Canaan.
I! Or, suppor- and wine haue I ||susteined him: and 2 * Arise, goe to Padan Aram, to * Ose. 1 2.
what shall I doe now vnto thee , my the house of Bethuel thy mothers fa- 12.
sonne ? ther, and take thee a wife from thence,
38 And Esau said vnto his father, of the daughters of Laban thy mo-
Hast thou but one blessing, my father? thers brother.
blesse mee, euen mee also, O my father. 3 And God Almighty blesse thee,
* Heb. 12. And Esau lift vp his voyce, * and wept. and make thee fruitftill, and multiply
17* 39 And Isaac his father answered, thee, that thou mayest be ta multitude t Hebr. an
assembly of
* Verse 28. and said vnto him, Behold, * thy dwel- of people : people*
II Or, of the ling shall be ||the fatnesse of the earth, 4 And giue thee the blessing of A-
and of the dew of heauen from aboue. braham, to thee and to thy seede with
40 And by thy sword shah thou liue, thee, that thou mayest inherit the lande
and shalt serue thy brother: and it shall t wherein thou art a stranger , which n/yHebr of
sowttr -
come to passe when thou shall haue the God gaue vnto Abraham. nings.
5 And
acoIbs dreame: Genefis. He meeteth
5 And Isaac sent away Jacob, but the house of God, and this is thegate
and hee went to Padan-Aratn vnto of heauen.
lL,aban, sonne of Bethuel the Syrian, 18 And lacob rose vp earely in the
the brother of Rebekah, Jacobs and morning, and tooke the stone that hee
eSsaus mother. lad put for his pillowes, and set it vp
6 IT When Esau sawe that Isaac br a pillar, and powred oile vpon the
had blessed lacob, and sent him away top of it.
t Padan-Aram, to take him a wifee 19 And hee called the name of that
from thence; and that as heblessed him. )lace t Beth-el: but the name of that ci- That is,
le gaue him a charge, saying, Thou t;ie was called Luz, at the first. the howse of
shalt not take a wife of the daughters 20 And lacob vowed a vow, say-
of Canaan ; ing, If God will be with me, and will
7 And that lacob obeyed his fa- teepe me in this way that I goe, and
ther 5 and his mother, and was gone to will giue me bread to eate, and raiment
pPadan-Aram; to put on,
8 And Esau seeing that the daugh- £1 So that I come againe to my fa-
Heb. were ters of Canaan t pleased not Isaac his thers house in peace: then shall the
euill in the
eyes, <J-c. fBather. LORD be my God.
9 Then went Esau vnto Ishmael, 22 Aud this stone which I haue set
and tooke vnto 4he wiues which hee for a pillar, shall be Gods house: and of
lad, Mahalath the daughter of Ish- all that thou shalt giue me, I will sure-
mael Abrahams sonne, the sister of Ne- ly giue the tenth vnto thee.
jaioth, to be his wife.
10 1T And lacob went out from
*CaUed Beer-sheba, and went toward * Haran. C H A P . XXIX.
Acts 7. 2.
Chair an. 11 And hee lighted vpon a certaine 1 lacob commeth to the well of Haran. .9 He
place, and taried there all night, because taketh acquaintance of Rachel. 13 Laban
the sunne was set: and hee tooke of the enterteinetn him. 18 lacob couenanteth for
stones of that place, and put them for Rachel. 23 He is deceiued with Leah. 28
He marrieth also Rachel, and serueth for her
his pillowes, and lay downe in that seuen yeeres more. 32 Leah beareth Reu-
place to sleepe. ben, 33 Simeon, 34 Leui, 35 and ludali.
12 And he dreamed, and beholde, a
[adder set vp on the earth, and the top Hen lacob twent on his t Heb. lift

vp his feet.
of it reached to heauen : and beholde iourney, and came into the
the Angels of God ascending and de- land of the t people of the t Heb. chil-
scending on it. East.
* Chap. 35 13 *And behold, the LORD stood 22 And he looked, and
1. & 48. 3
aboue it, and said, I am the LORD behold, a well in the field, and loe, there
God of Abraham thy father, and the were threeflocksof sheepe lying by it : for
God of Isaac ; the land whereon thou out of that wel they watered the flocks:
liest, to thee will I giue it, and to thy and a great stone was vpon the welles
seede. mouth.
14 And thy seed shall be as the dust 3 And thither were all the flockes
\ Heb. break of the earth, and thou shalt t spread a- gathered, and they rolled the stone from
forth. the wels mouth, & watered the sheepe,
•* Dc\it. 12* broad *to the West, and to the East, am
3. to the North, and to the South: and in and put the stone againe vpon the wels
* Cha. 12. 3 mouth in his place.
and is. 18. thee, and *in thy seed, shall all the fami-
and 22. 18. lies of the earth be blessed. 4 And lacob said vnto them, My
and 2G. 4.
15 And behold, I am with thee, am brethren, whence be ye? and they saide,
will keepe thee in Q& places whither thou Of Haran are we.
goest, and will bring thee againe into 5 And he said vnto them, Know ye
this land: for I will not leaue thee, vn- Laban the sonne of Nahor ? And they
till I haue done that which I haue spo- sayde, We knowe him.
ken to thee of. 6 And he said vnto them, tls hee t Hebr. Is
16 U And lacob awaked out of his well? and they said, He is well: and be- there peace
to him ?
sleepe, and he said, Surely the LORD hold , Rachel his daughter commeth
is in this place, and I knew it not. with the sheepe.
17 And he was afraid, and said, How 7 And hee said, Loe, t& is yet high ttheHeb. yet
day is
dreadful is this place? this is none other, day, neither is it time that the cattel] great.
with Rachel, Chap.xxix. and marieth her.
should be gathered together: water yee ning, that he tooke Leah his daughter,
the sheepe, and goe and feed them. and brought her to him, and he went in
8 And they said, We cannot, vntill vnto her.
all the flockes bee gathered together, 24 And Laban gaue vnto his
and till they rolle the stone from the daughter Leah, Zilpah his mayde, for
welles mouth : then wee water the a handmayd.
sheepe. 25 And it came to passe, that in the
9 IT And while hee yet spake with morning, behold it was Leah : and he
them, Rachel came with her fathers said to Laban, What is this thou hast
sheepe : for she kept them. done vnto mee ? did not I serue with
10 And it came to passe, when lacob thee for Rachel? wherefore then hast t Heb. place.
saw Rachel the daughter of Laban his thou beguiled me ?
mothers brother, and the sheepe of La- 26 And Laban said, It must not be
ban his mothers brother; that lacob so done in our t conn trey, to giue the
went neere, and rolled the stone from yonger, before the first borne.
the wels mouth, and watered the flocke 27 Fulfill her weeke , and wee wil
of Laban his mothers brother. giue thee this also, for the seruice which
11 And lacob kissed Rachel, and lif- thou shalt serue with mee, yet seuen o-
ted vp his voyce, and wept. ther yeeres.
1£ And lacob told Rachel, that hee 28 And lacob did so, and fulfilled
was her fathers brother, and that hee her weeke: and he gaue him Rachel his
was Rebekahs sonne: and she ranne, daughter to wife also.
and told her father. 29 And Laban gaue to Rachel his
13 And it came to passe, when Laban daughter, Bilhah his handmayd, to be
t Heb. hea- heard the t tidings of lacob his sisters her mayd.
ring. sonne, that he ranne to meete him, and 30 And hee went in also vnto Ra-
imbraced him, and kissed him, & brought chel, and he loued also Rachel more then
him to his house: and hee tolde Laban Leah, and serued with him yet seuen
all these things. other yeeres.
14 And Laban said to him, Surely 31 f And when the LORD saw
thou art my bone and my flesh: and he that Leah was hated, hee opened her
\Hebr.amo- abode with him the t space of a moneth. wombe : but Rachel was barren.
15 H And Laban said vnto lacob, 32 And Leah conceiued and bare a
Because thou art my brother, shouldest sonne, and shee called his name || Reu- S€61 That is,
a SOtlfl&i
thou therefore serue me for nought? tell ben : for she said, Surely, the LORD
me, what shall thy wages be ? hath looked vpon my affliction ; now
16 And Laban had two daughters : therefore my husband will loue me.
the name of the elder was Leah, and 33 And shee conceiued againe, and
the name of the yonger was Rachel. bare a sonne, and saide, Because the
17 Leah was tender eyed: but Ra- LORD hath heard that I was ha-
chel was beautiful and well fauoured. ted, hee hath therefore giuen mee this
18 And lacob loued Rachel, and sonne also, and she called his name || Si- 1 That is.
said, I will serue thee seuen yeeres for meon,
Rachel thy yonger daughter. 34 And shee conceiued againe, and
19 And Laban said, It is better that bare a sonne, and said, Now this time
I giue her to thee, then that I should will my husband be ioyned vnto me, be-
giue her to another man : abide with cause I haue borne him three sonnes :
mee. therefore was his name called || Leui. I That is,
20 And lacob serued seuen yeeres 35 And shee conceiued againe, and oyned.
for Rachel : and they seemed vnto him bare a sonne : and she said, Now wil I 2. *Matth.i.
but a few dayes, for the loue hee had praise the LORD : therefore she cal- I That is,
to her. led his name *||Iudah, and tleft bea- Praise.
Hebr. stood
21 IF And lacob said vnto Laban, ring. t-om bearing.
Giue me my wife (for my dayes are ful-
filled) that I may goe in vnto her. r H AP XXX
22 And Laban gathered together
all the men of the place, and made a 1 Rachelin griefe forherbarrennesse,giueth Bil-
feast. hah her mayd vnto lacob. 5 She beareth
Dan and Naphtali. 9 Leah giueth Zilpah
23 And it came to passe in the eue- her mayd, who beareth Gad and Asher. 14
Mandrakes. Genefis. lofeph is borne.
Reuben findeth Mandrakes, with which chel said, Therefore hee shall lye with
Leah buyeth her husband of Rachel. 17 thee to night , for thy sonnes Man-
Leah beareth Issachar, Zebulun, and Di- drakes.
nah. 22 Rachel beareth Joseph. 25 la-
cob desireth to depart. 27 Laoan stayeth 16 And lacob came out of the field
him on a new couenant. 37 Jacobs policie. in the euening, and Leah went out to
whereby hee became rich. meet him, and said, Thou must come in
vnto mee: for surely I haue hired thee
Nd when Rachel saw with my sonnes Mandrakes. And hee

tat shee bare lacob no ay with her that night.
children , Rachel enuied 17 And God hearkened vnto Leah,
ner sister, and said vnto and she conceiued, and bare Jacob the
lacob , Giue mee chil- fift sonne.
dren, or els I die. 18 And Leah said, God hath giuen
2 And Jacobs anger was kindled mee my hire, because I haue giuen my
against Rachel, and he said, Am I in may den to my husband: and she called
Gods stead, who hath withheld from lis name ||Issachar. I That is,
thee the fruit of the wombe ? 19 And Leah conceiued againe, and An hire.
3 And she said, Behold my mayde >are lacob the sixth sonne.
bilhah: goe in vnto her, and she shall 20 And Leah said, God hath endued
b>eare vpon my knees, that I may also me with a good dowry : Now will my
t Hebr. be thaue children by her. lusband dwel with me, because I haue
built by her.
4 And shee gaue him Bilhah her jorne him sixe sonnes: and shee called
hlandmayd to wife : and lacob went in bis name || * Zebulun. I That is,
21 And afterwardes shee bare a Dwelling.
T\ It'

vnto her. * Called

5 And Bilhah conceiued and bare daughter, and called her name || Dinah. Matth.o 7nhil
• <3.
i[acob a sonne. 22 If And God remembred Rachel, on.
6 And Rachel said, God hath iudged II That is,
and God hearkened to her, and opened ludff&ifi en t.
me, and hath also heard my voyce, and her wombe.
lath giuen me a sonne ; therefore called 23 And shee concerned and bare a
\\ That is,
she his name || Dan. sonne, and said ; God hath taken away
7 And Bilhah Rachels mayd con- my reproch :
ceiued againe, and bare lacob a second 24 And ehee called his name || Jo- Adding.
11 That Is,
sonne. seph, and saide, The LORD shall
Heb.wrast- 3 And Rachel saide , With t great adde to me another sonne.
wrastlings haue I wrastled with my 25 1F And it came to passe when Ra-
sister, and I haue preuailed : and she cal- chel had borne loseph , that lacob said
II That is. led his name ||*Naphtali. vnto Laban, Send me away, that I
My wrast"
ling. 9 When Leah saw that she had left may goe vnto mine owne place, and to
* Called
Vlntt. 4. 13*
bearing, shee tooke Zilpah her mayde, my countrey.
Nephtha- * and gaue her lacob to wife. 26 Giue mee my wiues and my chil-
Km. 10 And Zilpah Leahs mayde bare dren, for whom I haue serued thee, anc
lacob a sonne. let me goe: for thou knowest my seruice
11 And Leah said, A troupe com- which I haue done thee.
II That is, meth: and she called his name ||Gad. 27 And Laban said vnto him, 1
A troupe *
or company. 12 And Zilpah Leahs mayde bare pray thee, if I haue found fauour in
lacob a second sonne. thine eyes, tary: for I haue learned by
t Hebr. in
my happines
13 And Leah said, t Happy am I, for experience, that the LORD hath
the daughters will call me blessed : ant blessed me for thy sake.
I That is,
she called his name ||Asher. 28 And he said, Appoint me thy wa-
14 If And Reuben went in the dayes ges, and I will giue it.
of wheat haruest, & found Mandrakes 29 And hee said vnto him, Thou
in the field, and brought them vnto his knowest how I haue serued thee, anc
mother Leah. Then Rachel saide to how thy cattell was with me.
Leah, Giue me, I pray thee, of thy 30 For it was little which thou hadsi
sonnes Mandrakes. before I came; and it is now t increased t Hebr. bro-
15 And shee said vnto her, Is it a vnto a multitude; and the LORD kenfoorth.
small matter, that thou hast taken my hath blessed thee t since my comming : t Hel>r. at
husband ? and wouldst thou take away and now when shall I prouide for myfoote.
my sonnes Mandrakes also ? and Ra- mine owne house also ?
31 And
lacob and Laban. Chap.xxxj. lacobs feruice.
31 And hee said, What shall I giue ly, and had much cattell, and mayd-
thee ? and lacob said, Thou shalt not seruants, and men seruants, and ca-
giue me any thing; if thou wilt doe this mels, and asses.
thing for mee, I will againe feed and
keepe thy flocke.
32 I wil passe through all thy flocke C H A P . XXXI.
to day, remoouing from thence all the 1 lacob vpon displeasure departeth secretly
speckled and spotted cattell: and all the 1 9 Rachel stealeth her fathers images. 22 La-
browne cattell among the sheepe, and ban pursueth after him, 26 and complai-
the spotted and speckled among the neth of the wrong. 34 Rachels policie to
hide the images. 36 lacobs complaint o:
goates, and of such shalbe my hire. Laban. 43 The couenant of Laban and
33 So shall my righteousnesse an- Jacob at Galeed.
\ Hebr. to swere for mee tin time to come, when it
morrow. shall come for my hire, before thy face: ^ ^e heard the words oi
euery one that is not speckled and spot-
ted amongst the goates, and browne a-
mongst the sheepe, that shalbe counted
QfrnllpY"! WltVl TOP
&IU11C11 W J H I 11JCJ.
A Labans sonnes, saying,
lacob hath taken away
^11 that was our fathers ;
and of that which was
34 And Laban saide, Beholde, I of our fathers, hath hee gotten all this
would it might bee according to thy glory.
word. 2 And lacob behelde the counte-
35 And he remoued that day the hee nance of Laban, and behold, it was not
goates that were ring-straked, and toward him tas before. t Heir, as
spotted, and all the shee goats that were 3 And the L O R D said vnto la- yesterday
and the day
speckled and spotted, and euery one that cob, Returne vnto the land of thy fa- before.
bad some white in it, and all the browne thers, and to thy kindred; and I wil be
amongst the sheepe, and gaue them into with thee.
the hand of his sonnes. 4 And lacob sent and called Rachel
36 And hee set three dayes iourney and Leah, to the field vnto his flocke,
betwixt himselfe and lacob: and la- 5 And said vnto them, I see your fa-
cob fed the rest of Labans flocks. thers countenance, that it is not to-
37 f And lacob tooke him rods ward mee as before: but the God of my
of greene poplar, and of the hasel and father hath bene with me.
chesnut tree, and pilled white strakes in 6. And yee know, that with all my
them, and made the white appeare power I haue serued your father.
which was in the rods. . 7 And your father hath deceiued
38 And he set the rods which he had mee, and cnanged my wages ten times:
pilled, before the flockes in the gutters but God suffered him not to hurt me.
:n the watering troughes when the 8 If hee said thus, The speckled
Jocks came to drinke, that they should shall be thy wages, then all the cattell
conceiue when they came to drinke. bare speckled : and if he said thus, The
39 And .the flockes conceiued before ring-straked shalbe thy hire, then bare
the rods, and brought forth cattell ring- all the cattell ring-straked.
straked, speckled and spotted. 9 Thus God Jiath taken away the
40 And lacob did separate the cattell of your father, and giuen them
almbes, and set the faces of the flockes to mee.
toward the ring-straked, and all the 10 And it came to passe at the time
jrowne in the flocke of Laban : and he that the cattell conceiued, that I lifted
mt his owne flocks by themselues, and vp mine eyes and saw in a dreame, and
mt them not vnto Labans cattell. Dehold, the ||rammes which leaped vp- I Or, hee
41 And it came to passe whensoeuer on the cattell were ring-straked, speckled WQtes.
the stronger cattell did conceiue, that and grisled,
lacob layd the rods before the eyes of 11 And the Angel of God spake vnto
the cattell in the gutters, that they me in a dreame, saying, lacob; And I
might conceiue among the rods. said, Here am I.
42 But when the cattel were feeble, 12 And hee said. Lift vp now thine
hlee put them not in: so the feebler were eyes, and see, all the rammes which
lLabans, and the stronger lacobs. eape vpon the cattell are ring-straked.
43 And the man increased exceeding- speckled and grisled : for I haue scene
lacob fleeing, is Genefis. puriued by Laban.
all that Laban doeth vnto thee. my sonnes and my daughters? thou
* Chap. 28. 13 I am the God of Bethel, 'where last now done foolishly in so doing.
18. thou annoyntedst the pillar, and where 29 It is in the power of my hand
thou vowedst a vow vnto mee : now a- to doe you hurt : but the God of your
rise, get thee out from this land, and re- ather spake vnto mee yesternight, say-
turne vnto the land of thy kindred. ing, Take thou heed, that thou speake
14 And Rachel and Leah answe- not to lacob either good or bad.
red, and said vnto him; Is there yet a- 30 And now though thou wouldest
ny portion or inheritance for vs in our needes bee gone, because thou sore lon-
fathers house ? gedst after thy fathers house; yet where-
15 Are we not counted of him stran- fore hast thou stollen my gods ?
gers? for he hath sold vs, and hath quite 31 And lacob answered and said to
dleuoured also our money. Laban, Because I was afraid : for I
16 For all the riches which God hath said, Peraduenture thou wouldest take
taken from our father, that is ours, :>y force thy daughters from me.
and our childrens: now then whatso- 32 With whomsoeuer thou findest
euer God hath said vnto thee, doe. thy gods, let him not Hue: before our
17 IF Then lacob rose vp, and set brethren discerne thou what is thine
hdis sonnes and his wiues vpon camels. with me, and take it to thee : for lacob
18 And he caried away all his cattell, knew not that Rachel had stollen
and all his goods which he had gotten, them.
the cattell of his getting, which hee had 33 And Laban went into lacobs
gotten in Padan Aram, for to goe to I- tent, and into Leahs tent, and into the
saac his father in the land of Canaan. two maid seruants tents : but he found
19 And Laban went to sheare his them not. Then went he out of Leahs
t Heltr. Te- sheepe: and Rachel had stollen the tl- tent, and entred into Rachels tent.
mages that were her fathers. 34 Now Rachel had taken the i-
1- Hebr. the
ieart of LCL*
20 And lacob stale away tvna- tnages, and put them in the camels fur-
ban. wares to Laban the Syrian, in that he niture, and sate vpon them: and La-
told him not that he fled. ban t searched all the tent, fcjut found \Hebr.fe\L
21 So hee fled with all that hee had, tlitm not.
and he rose vp and passed ouer the Ri- 35 And shee said fo her father, Let it
uer, and set his face toward the mount not displease my lofd, that I cannot
Gilead. rise vp before thee ; for the custom e of
22 And it was tolde Laban on the women is vpon mee : and he searched,
third day, that laeob was fled. but found not the images.
23 And hee tooke his brethren with 36 f And lacob was wroth $ afid
him, and pursued after him seuen dayes chode with Laban : and lacob answe-
iourney, and they ouertooke him in the red and said to Laban, What is ffiy tf es-
mount Gilead. passe? what is my sinne, that thou hast
24 And God came to Laban the so hotly pursued after me ?
Syrian in a dreame by night, and saide 37 Whereas thou hast f searched all f He fo. felt.
vnto him, Take heed that thou speake my stuffe, what hast thou found of all
iffebr.frvm not to lacob t either good or bad.
$QOtt tO oQOr.
thy houshold stuffe ? set it hefe before
25 f Then Laban ouertooke la- my brethren, and thy brethren, that they
cob. Now lacob had pitched his tent may iudge betwixt vs both.
in the mount: and Laban with his bre- 38 This twentie yeefes haue I
thren pitched in the mount of Gilead. bene with thee : thy ewes and thy shee
26 And Laban said to lacob, What goates haue not cast their yong, and
hast thou done, that thou hast stollen a- the rammes of thy flocke haue I not
way vnawares to me, and caried away eaten.
my daughters, as captiues taken with 39 That which was torne qfbeastsy I
the sword ? brought not vnto thee: I bare the losse
27 Wherefore didst thou flie away of it; of *my hand didst thou require it, * Exod. 22.
t Hebr. host secretly, and tsteale away from me, and
stollen me. whether stollen by day, or stollen by 12
didst not tell mee ? that I might haue night.
sent thee away with mirth, and with 40 Thus I was in y day, the drought
songs, with tabret, and with harpe, consumed mee, and'the frost by night,
28 And hast not suffered me to kisse aud my sleep departed from mine eyes
41 Thus
Their couenant. Chap.xxxij. Jacobs prayer.
41 Thus haue I bene twentie yeres taried all night in the mount.
in thy house : I serued thee fourteene 55 And earely in the morning, La-
yeeres for thy two daughters, and sixe ban rose vp and kissed his sonnes, and
yeres for thy cattel; and thou hast chan- his daughters, and blessed them: and
ged my wages ten times. Laban departed, and returned vnto
42 Except the God of my father, the his place.
God of Abraham , and the feare of I-
saac had bin with me, surely thou hadst
sent me away now emptie : God hath C H A P . XXXII.
seene mine affliction, and the labour of 1 Jacobs vision at Mahanaim. 3 His message
my hands, & rebuked thee yesternight. to Esau. 6 He is afraid of Esaus comming.
43 ^1 And Laban answered and said 9 He prayeth for deliuerance. 13 Hee sen-
deth a present to Esau. 24, He wrestleth with
vnto lacob, These daughters are my an Angel at Peniel, where hee is called Israel.
daughters, and these children are my 31 He halteth.
children , and these cattell are my cat-
tell, and all that thou seest, is mine: and Nd lacob went on his
what can I doe this day vhto these
my daughters , or vnto their children
which they haue borne ?
44 Now therefore come thou, let
A wav* and fche Angels of
God met him.
2 And when lacob
saw them, he said, This is
vs make a couenant, I and thou: and Gods hoste: and hee called the name of
let it be for a witnesse betweene me and that place || Mahanaim. H that is,
two hostes
thee. 3 And lacob sent messengers before or campes.
45 And lacob tooke a stone, and set him, to Esau his brother, vnto the land
it vp for a pillar. of Seir, the tcountrey of Edom. t H eb. Field.
4o And lacob saide vnto his bre- 4 And he commaunded them , say-
thren , Gather stones : and they tooke ing, Thus shall ye speake vnto my lord
stones, and made an heape, and they Esau, Thy seruant lacob saith thus,
did eate there vpon the heape. I haue soiourned with Laban, and
U That is, 47 And ' Laban called it || legar- stayed there vntill now.
The heape
o/witnesse. Sahadutha : but lacob called it Ga- 5 And I haue oxen , and asses,
leed. flockes, and men seruants and women
48 And Laban said, This heape is seruants : and I haue sent to tell my
a witnesse betweene mee and thee this lord, that I may find grace in thy sight.
day. Therefore was the name of it cal- 6 1f And the messengers returned
led Galeed, to lacob, saying, Wee came to thy bro-
P That Is, 49 And ||Mizpah: for he said, The ther Esau, and also he commeth to meet
A beacon: LORD watch betweene me #nd thee thee, and foure hundred men with him.
or, ivatqh
tower* when we are absent one from another. 7 Then lacob was greatly afraid,
50 If thou shalt afflict my daugh- and distressed, and he diuidedthe people
ters , or if thou shalt take other wiues that was with him, and the flockes, and
beside tny daughters, no man is with vs; herdes, and the camels into two bands,
See, God is witnesse betwixt mee and 8 And said, If Esau come to the one
thee. company, and smite it, then the other
51 And Laban said to lacob , Be- company which is left, shall escape.
hold this heape, and behold this pillar. 9 f And lacob said, O God of my
which I haue cast betwixt me and thee. father Abraham, and God of my father
52 This heape be witnesse, and this Isaac, the LORD which saidst vnto
pillar be witnesse, that I will not passe me, *Returne vnto thy countrey, and * Chap. 31.
ouer this heape to thee, and that thou to thy kinred, and I will deale well 13.
shalt not passe ouer this heape, and this with thee :
pillar vnto, me, for harme. 10 1 1 am not worthy of the least oft Heb. lam
lesse then all
53 The God of Abraham, and the all the mercies, and of all the trueth, \c.
God of Nahor , the God of their fa- which thou hast shewed vnto thy ser-
ther, iudge betwixt vs. And lacob uant : for with my staflfe I passed ouer
sware by the feare of his father Isaac. this lordan , and now I am become
1 Or, killed 54 Then lacob ||offred sacrifice vp- two bands.
beasts. on the mount, and called his brethren to 11 Deliuer me, I pray thee, from the
eate bread, and they did eate bread, and hand of my brother, from the hand of
Esau :
lacobs prefent. Genefis. He is named Ifrael.
Esau: for I feare him, lest he will come, 26 And he said, Let me goe, for the
t Heb. vpon. and smite me, and the mother t with the day breaketh : and he said, * I will not * Ose. 12. 4.
children. let thee goe, except thou blesse me.
12 And thou saidst, I will surely doe 27 And he said vnto him, What Is
thee good, and make thy seed as the sand thy name ? and he said, lacob.
of the sea, which cannot be numbred for 28 And he said, * Thy name shall be * Chap. 35.
multitude. called no more lacob, but Israel: for 10.
13 IF And he lodged there that same as a prince hast thou power with God,
night, and tooke of that which came and with men, and hast preuailed.
to his hand, a present for Esau his 29 And lacob asked Aim, and saide,
brother ; Tell me, I pray thee, thy name: and he
14 Two hundred shee goats, and said, Wherefore is it, that thou doest
twentie hee goats, two hundred ewes, aske after my name? and he blessed him
and twentie rammes, there.
15 Thirtie milch camels with their 30 And lacob called the name of the
colts, fortie kine, and ten bulles, twenty place ||Peniel: for I haue scene God face The
1 That is,
face of
shee ashes, and ten foales. to face, and my life is preserued. God.
16 And hee deliuered them into the 31 And as he passed ouer Penuel, the
hand of his seruants, euery droue" by sunne rose vpon him, and he halted vp-
themselues, and said vnto his seruants, on his thigh.
Passe ouerbefore me, and put a space be- 32 Therefore the children of Israel
twixt droue and droue. eate not of the sinewe which shranke,
17 And he commanded the formost, which is vpon the hollow of the thigh,
saying, When Esau my brother mee- vnto this day : because hee touched the
teth thee, andasketh thee, say ing, Whose hollow of lacobs thigh, in the einewe
art thou? and whither goest thou? and that shranke.
whose are these before thee ?
18 Then thou shalt say, They be thy C H A P . XXXIIL
seruant lacobs: it is a present sent vnto
my lord Esau: and behold also, he is be- 1 The kindnesse of lacob and Esau at their mee-
ting. 17 Jacob commeth to Succoth, 18 At
hind vs. Salem he buveth a field, and buildeth an Al-
19 And so commanded he the second, tar called Elohe Israel.
and the third, and all that followed the
droues, saying, On this maner shal you Nd lacob lifted vp his
speake vnto Esau, when youfindhim.
20 And say ye moreouer, Beholde,
thy seruant lacob is behind vs : for he
said, I will appease him with the pre-
A yes, and looked, and be-
hold, Esau came, and with
him foure hundreth men :
and hee diuided the chil-
sent that goeth before me, and after- dren vnto Leah, and vnto Rachel, and
ward I will see his face ; peraduenture vnto the two handmaids.
t Heb. my he will accept tof me. 2 And he put the handmaides, and
21 So went the present ouer before their chidren foremost , and Leah and
him: and himselfe lodged that night in her children after, and Rachel and lo-
the company. seph hindermost
22 And hee rose vp that night, and 3 And hee passed ouer before them,
tooke his two wiues, and his two wo- and bowed himselfe to the ground se-
men seruants, and his eleuen sonnes, uen times, vntill hee came neere to his
and passed ouer the foord labbok. brother.
t ffeb. cau-
sed to passe.
23 And he tooke them, andtsent them 4 And Esau ran to meete him, and
ouer the brooke, and sent ouer that hee imbraced him, and fell on his necke, and
had. kissed him, and they wept.
24* IF And lacob was left alone: 5 And he lift vp his eyes, and sawe
and there wrestled a man with him, vn- the women, and the children, and said,
t Hebr.
A scendwiff
till the t breaking of the day. Who are those t with thee? And he said, tthee.
ffeb. To
of the 77W- 25 And when he saw, that he preuai- The children which God hath graci-
led not against him, he touched the hol- ously giuen thy seruant.
low of his thigh : and the hollow oJ 6 Then the handmaidens came
lacobs thigh was out of ioynt, as hee neere; they and their children, and they
wrestled with him. bowed themselues.
7 And
Jacob and Efau. Chap.xxxiiij. Dinah defiled.
7 And Leah also with her children
came neere, and bowed themselues: anc
after came loseph neere and Rachel, C H A P . XXXIIII.
and they bowed themselues.
1 Dinah is rauished by Shechem. 4 He sueth
t ffeb. what 8 And he said, t What meanest thou to marry her. 13 The sonnes of lacob offer
is all this
band to the^t by all this droue , which I met ? Anc the condition of Circumcision to the She- i
he said, These are to find grace in the sigh t chemites. 20 Hamor and Shechem per-
of mv lord. swade them to accept it 25 The sonnes of
lacob vpon that advantage slay them, 27
9 And Esau said, I haue enough: and spoile their citie. 30 lacob reprooueth
t Heb. bee my brother, tkeepe that thou hast vnto Simeon and Leui.
that to thee
that is thine. thy selfe.
10 And lacob saide, Nay, I pray Nd Dinah the daughter
thee : if now I haue found grace in thy
sight, then receiue my present at my
hand: for therefore I haue scene thy
face, as though I had seene the face of
A of Leah, which shee bare
vnto lacob, went out to
see the daughters of the
God ; and thou wast pleased with me. 2 And when Shechem the sonne ol
11 Take, I pray thee, my blessing Hamor the Hiuite, prince of the coun-
that is brought to thee; because God trey saw her, he tooke her, and lay with
hath dealt graciously with mee, and be- her, and t defiled her. 'Hebr.hum-
» j her.
itsd t.
cause I haue enough : and hee vrged 3 And his soule claue vnto Dinah
him, and he tooke it. the daughter of lacob, and hee loued
12 And he said, Let vs take our iour- the damsell, and spake t kindly vnto the • Hebr. to
ter heart.
ney , and let vs goe, and I will goe be- damsell.
fore thee. 4} And Shechem spake vnto his fa-
13 And hee said vnto him, My lord ther Hamor, saying, Get mee this dam-
knoweth, that the children are tender, sell to wife.
and the flockes and beards with yong 5 And lacob heard that he had de-
are with mee: and if men should o- filed Dinah his daughter (now his
uer-driue them one day, all the flocke sonnes were with his cattel in the field)
will die. and lacob helde his peace vntill they
14 Let my lord, I pray thee, passe o- were come.
uer before his seruant, and I will leade 6 If And Hamor the father of She-
f Beb. accor- on softly, according tas the cattell that chem went out vnto lacob to com-
ding to the
foote of the goeth before me, and the children be able mune with him.
worke* &c. to endure, vntill I come vnto my lord 7 And the sonnes of lacob came
&£ according
to the foot of vnto Seir. out of the field when they heard it, and
the children. 15 And Esau said, Let me now tleaue the men were grieued : and they were
•f Jn.60.
T C/7/
tfat\ oet,
or place. with thee some of the folke that are with very wroth, because hee had wrought
t Heb wher- me: Andheesaid, tWhatneedeth it? let folly in Israel, in lying with lacobs
nmt 15 *7j,V9
gf6 i- UllS?
me finde grace in the sight of my lord. daughter; which thing ought not to
16 IF So Esau returned that day, on be done.
his way vnto Seir. 8 And Hamor communed with
17 And lacob iourneyed to Suc- them, saying, The soule of my sonne
coth, and built him an house, and made Shechem longeth for your daughter:
boothes for his cattell: therefore the [ pray you giue her him to wife.
II That is, name of the place is called || Succoth. 9 And make ye manages with vs,
18 IT And lacob came to Shalem, a and giue your daughters vnto vs, and
* Called citie of * Shechem, which is in the land take our daughters vnto you.
Acts. 7. 16.
Sychem. of Canaan, when he came from Padan 10 And ye shall dwell with vs, and
Aram , and pitched his tent before the the land shall be before you: dwell and
Citie. trade you therein, and get you posses-
19 And he bought a parcell of a field sions therein.
where hee had spread his tent, at the 11 And Shechem said vnto her fa-
* Called
Acts. 7. 16. land of the children of * Hamor She- ther, and vnto her brethren, Let mee
Or laiubcs.
chems father, for an hundred || pieces of inde grace in your eyes, and what yee
II That is. money. shall say vnto me, I will giue.
God, the
God of Is-
20 And hee erected there an Altar, 12 Aske mee neuer so much dowrie
rael. and called it ||El-Elohe-Israel, and gift, and I will giue according as
The Shechemites Genefis. are fpoiled.
yee shall say vnto mee: but giue me the chems house, and went out.
damsell to wife. 27 The sonnes of lacob came vpon
13 And the sonnes of lacob answe- the slaine, and spoiled the citie, because
red Shechem, and Hamor his father they had defiled their sister.
deceitfully, and said, because he had de- 28 They tooke their sheepe, and
filed Dinah their sister. their oxen, and their asses, and that
14? And they saide vnto them, Wee which was in the citie, and that which
cannot doe this thing, to giue our sister was in the field.
o one that is vncircumcised : for that 29 And" all their wealth, and all their
were a reproch vnto vs. ittle ones, and their wiues tooke they
15 But in this will we consent vnto captiue, and spoiled euen all that was in
rou : If ye will be as we be, that euery the house.
male of you be circumcised : 30 And lacob said to Simeon and
16 Then wil we giue our daughters Leui, Ye haue troubled me to make me
vnto you, and we wil take your daugh- to stinke among the inhabitants of the
ters to vs, and we will dwell with you, and, amongst the Canaanites, and the
and we will become one people. Perizzites : and I being few in num-
17 But if ye will not hearken vnto ber, they shall gather themselues toge-
vs, to be circumcised, then will we take ;her against me, and slay me, and I shal
our daughter, arid we will be gone. ?e destroyed, I and my house.
18 And their words pleased Hamor, 31 And they said, Should hee deale
and; Shechem Hamors sonne. with our sister, as with an harlot ?
19 And the yong man deferred not
;0 doe the thing, because he had delight
n lacobs daughter : and he was more C H A P . XXXV.
honourable then all the house of his
father 1 God sendeth lacob to Bethel. 2 He purgeth
his house of idols. 6 He buildeth an Altar at
20 If And H&n&r and Shechem his Bethel. 8 Deborah dieth at Allon Bachuth
sonne came vnto the gate of their citie, 9 God blesseth lacob at Bethel. 16 Rachel
and communed with the men of their traueileth of Beniamin., and dieth in the way
citie, saying i to Edar. 22 Reuben lieth with Bilhah. 23
The sonnes of lacob. 27 Jacob commeth
21 These men are peaceable vith vs, to Isaac at Hebron. 28 The age, death, and
therefore let them dwel in the land, and buriall of Isaac.
trade therein: for the land, behold, it is
large enough for them : let vs take Nd God said vnto lacob,
their daughters to vs for wiiies, and
let vs giue them our daughters.
22 Onely herein will the men con-
sent vnto vs, for to dwell with vs to be
A Arise , goe vp to Bethel,
and dwel there: and make
there an Altar vnto God,
that appeared vnto thee,
one people, if euery male among vs bee * when thou fleddest from the face of E- * Chap, 27.
circumcised, as they are circumcised. sau thy brother.
23 Shall not their cattell, and their 2 Then lacob said vnto his house-
substance, and euery beast of theirs bee hold , and to all that were with him,
ours ? onely let vs consent vnto them. Put away the strange ;gods that are a-
and they will dwell with vs. mong you, and bee cLeane, and chajrge
24 And vnto Hamor and vnto She- your garments,
chem his sonne, hearkened all that 3 And let vs arise, and goe vp to
went out of the gate of his citie ; am Bethel, .and 1 will make there an Al-
euery male was circumcised, all that tar vnto God, tvho answered me in the
went out of the gate of his citie. day of my disttesse, and was with me in
25 H And it came to passe on the the way which I went.
thirde day when they were sore, that 4? And they gaue vnto Jacob al;
two of the sonnes of lacob, Simeon the strange gods which w£re in their
and Leui, Dinahs brethren, tooke each hand > and all their eare-rings whiclh
man his sword and came vpon the citie were in their eares, and lacob hid them
* Chap. 49. boldly, and * slew all the males. vnder Che -oke which was by She-
26 And they slew Hamor and She- cbein.
t Hebr. chem his sopne, with the tedge of the 5 And they ioiimeyed: and the ter-
sword , and tooke Dinah out of She- rpur of God was vpon the cities that
Rachel dieth. Chap.xxxvj, Ifaac dieth
were round about them, and they did 21 1F And Israel Journeyed and
not pursue after the sonnes of lacob. spread his tent beyond tjie towre of
6 f So lacob came to Luz, which Edar.
is in the land of Canaan (that is Bethel) 22 And it came to passe when Is-
hee and all the people tjiat were with rael dwelt in that land, that Reuben
him. went & * lay with Bilhah his fathers Chap. 49.
7 And hee built there an Altar, concubine: and Israel heard it. Now 4.
Chap. 28. and*called theplace ||El-Bethel,because the sonnes of lacob were twelue.
H That is, there God appeared vnto him 4 when he 23 The sonnes of Leah: Reuben
The God of fled from the face of his brother. lacobs first borne, and Simeon, and
8 But Deborah Rebekahs nurse Leui, and ludah, and Issacfaar, and
died, and she was buried beneath Beth- Zebulun.
el vnder an oke: and thenanie of it was 24 The sonnes of Rachel : loseph,
I That is, called ||Allon Bachuth. and Beniamin.
The oke of
weeping. 9 If And God appeared vnto la- 25 And the sonnes of Bilhah, Ra-
cob againe, when he came ou.t of Padan chels handmaid : Dan and Naphtali.
Aram, and blessed hini. 26 And the sonnes of Zilpah, Le-
10 And God said vrito Jiirti , Thy ahs handmaid: Gad, and Asher. These
name is lacob: thy name shall not bee are the sonnes of lacob, which were
* Chap. 32. called any more lacob , * but Israel borne to him in Padan Aram.
shall bee thy name; and hfifi called his 27 IT And lacob came vnto Isaac
name Israel. his father vnto Mamre, vnto the citie
11 And God saide vnto him, I am of Arbah (which is Hebron) where A-
God Almightie: be fruitful! and multi- braham and Isaac soiourned.
ply : a nation and a company of nations 28 And the dayes of Isaac were an
shall he of thee, and Kings shall come hundred and fourescore yeeres.
out of thy loynes. 29 And Isaac gaue vp the ghost and
12 And the land which I gaue Abra- died, and was * gathered vnto his peo- Chap. 25.
ham, and Isaac, to thee I will giue it, ple, being old and full of dayes: and his
and to thy seed after thee will I giue sonnes Esau and lacob buried him.
the land.
13 And God went vp from him, in
the place where he talked with him. C H A P . XXXVI.
14. And lacob set vp a pillar in the 1 Esaus three wiues. 6 His remouing to mount
place where he talked with him, euen a Seir. 9 His sonnes. 15 The Dukes which
pillar of stone: and hee powred a drinke descended of his sonnes. 20 The sonnes and
dukes of Seir. 24 Anah findeth mules. 31
offering thereon, and he powred oile The kings of Edom. 40 The dukes that
thereon. descended of Esau.
15 And lacob called the name of
the place where God spake with him, Ow these are the genera-

Bethel. ^ons °f Esau, who is E-
16 IT And they iourneyed from dom.
t Hebr. a Bethel : and there was but a tlitle way
title piece of 2 Esau tooke his wiues
ground. to come to Ephrath; and Rachel tra- of the daughters of Cana-
ueiled, and she had hard labour. an: Adah the daughter of Elon the Hit-
17 And it came to passe when shee tite, and Aholibamah the daughter of
was in hard labour, that the midwife Anah the daughter of 2ibeon the Hi-
said vnto her, Feare not : thou shalt uite :
haue this sonne also. 3 And Bashemath Ishmaels d§ugh-
18 And it came to passe as her soule ter, sister of Nebaioth.
was in departing, (for she died) that she 4? And *Adah bare to Esau, Eli- 1. Chron.
I! That is,
called his name ||Ben-pni: but his fa- phaz : and Bashemath bare Reuel. 1. 35.
my sorrow, ther called him || Beniamin. 5 And Aholibamah bare leush ,
H That is,
19 And Rachel died, and was buried and laalam, and Korah : these are the
the right in the way to Ephrath, which is Beth- sonnes of Esau, which were borne vnto
hand. lehem. him in the land of Canaan.
20 And lacob set a pillar vpon her 6 And. Esau tooke his wiues, and
graue: that is the pillar of Rachels his sonnes, and his daughters, and all
graue vnto this day. the t persons of his house, and his cat- Wieb.soutes,
Efaus offfpring. Genefis. Dukes, and Kings.
tell, and all his beasts, and all his sub- tan, and Shobal, and Zibeon, and A-
stance, which he had got in the lande of nah.
Canaan: and went into the countrey 21 And Dishon, and Ezer, and Di-
from the face of his brother lacob. shan: these are the dukes of the Horites
7 For their riches were more then the children of Seir in the lande of E-
that they might dwell together: and dom.
the land wherein they ivere strangers, 22 And the children of Lotan, were
could not beare them , because of their Hori, and Hemam : and Lotans sister
cattell. was Timna.
• losh. 24. 8 Thus dwelt Esau in * mount Se- 23 And the children of Shobal were
ir: Esau is Edom. these : Aluan, and Manahath, and E-
9 f And these are the generations bal, Shepho, and Onam.
t Hebr. £. of Esau, the father of t the Edomites in 24 And these are the children of Zi-
mount Seir. beon, both Aiah, and Anah : this was
10 These are the names of Esaus that Anah that found the mules in the
* I. Chro. 1. sonnes : * Eliphaz the sonne of Adah wilderiiesse, as he fed the asses of Zibe-
35. &c.
the wife of Esau , Reuel the sonne oi on his father.
Bashemath, the wife of Esau. 25 And the children of Anah were
11 And the sonnes of Eliphaz were, these : Dishon , and Aholibamah the
Teman, Omar, Zepho, and Gatam, daughter of Anah.
and Kenaz. 26 And these are the children of Di-
12 And Timna was concubine to shon: Hemdan and Eshban, & Ithran,
Eliphaz Esaus sonne, and shee bare to and Cheran.
Eliphaz Amalek : these were the sonnes 27 The children of Ezer are these :
of Adah Esaus wife. Bilhan and Zaauan, and Akan.
13 And these are the sonnes of Reuel : 28 The children of Dishan are these:
Nahath and Zerah, Shammah, and Vz, and Aran.
Mizzah : these were the sonnes of Ba- 29 These are the dukes that came of
shemath, Esaus wife. the Horites: duke Lotan, duke Sho-
14 f And these were the sonnes of bal, duke Zibeon, duke Anah,
Aholibamah, the daughter of Anah, 30 Duke Dishon, duke Ezer, duke
daughter of Zibeon Esaus wife : and Dishan : these are the dukes that came of
she bare to Esau, leush and laalam, Hori, among their dukes in the land of
and Korah. Seir..
15 f These were dukes of the sonnes 31 U And these are the kings that
of Esau : the sonnes of Eliphaz the first reigned in the land of Edom, before
borne sonne of Esau, duke Teman, there reigned any king ouer the chil-
duke Omar, duke Zepho, duke Ke- dren of Israel.
naz, 32 And Bela the sonne of Beor
16 Duke Korah, duke Gatam, and reigned in Edom : and the name of his
duke Amalek : These are the dukes that citie was Dinhabah.
came of Eliphaz, in the land of Edom : 33 And Bela died, and lobab the
These were the sonnes of Adah. sonne of Zerah of Bozra reigned in his
17 f And these are the sonnes of stead.
Reuel Esaus sonne : duke Nahath, 34 And lobab died, and Husham
duke Zerah, duke Shammah, duke of the land of Temani reigned in his
Mizzah. These are the dukes that came stead.
of Reuel, in the land of Edom : these 35 And Husham died, and Hadad the
are the sonnes of Bashemath , Esaus sonne of Bedad, ( who smote Midian
wife. in the field of Moab,) reigned in his
18 f And these are the sonnes of A- stead: & the name of his citie was Auith.
fiolibamah. Esaus wife : duke leush, 36 And Hadad died, and Samlah
duke laalam, duke Korah : these were of Masrekah, reigned in his stead.
the dukes that came of Aholibamah the 37 And Samlah died, and Saul of
daughter of Anah Esaus wife. Rehoboth, by the riuer, reigned in his
19 These are the sonnes of Esau, stead.
[who M Edom) and these are theirdukes. 38 And Saul died, and Baal-hanan
•i.Chro. i. 20 H * These are the sonnes of Seir
38. the sonne of Achbor reigned in his stead.
the Horite,who inhabited the land, Lo- 39 And Baal-hanan the sonne of
tofephs Chap.xxxvij. dreames.
Achbor died, and Hadar reigned in his and made obeisance to my sheafe.
stead: and the name of his citiesmsPau, 8 And his brethren saide to him,
and his wiues name was Mehetabel, the Shalt thou indeed reigne ouer vs? or
daughter of Matred, the daughter of sh$lt thou indeed haue dominion ouer
Vfezahab. vs? and they hated him yet the more, for
40 And these are the names of the tiis dreames, and for his words.
dukes that came of Esau, according to 9 If And hee dreamed yet another
their families, after their places, by their dreame , and told it his brethren , and
names : duke Timnah , duke Aluah, said, Behold, I haue dreamed a dreame
duke Jetheth, more : and behold , the sunne and the
41 Duke Aholibamah, duke Elah, moone, and the eleuen starres made o-
duke Pinon, t>eisance to me.
43 Duke Kenaz, duke Teman, 10 And he told it to his father, and
duke Mibzar, to his brethren: and his father rebuked
43 Duke Magdiel , duke Iram. him, and said vnto him, What is this
These be the dukes of Edom, according dreame that thou hast dreamed? shal I,
to their habitations, in the land of their and thy mother, and thy brethren in-
iHebEdom possession : he is Esau the father oft the deed come to bow downe our selues to
Edomites. thee, to the earth ?
11 And his brethren enuied him : but
tris father obserued the saying.
C H A P . XXXVII. 12 1F And his brethren went to feed
2 loseph is hated of his brethren. 5 His two their fathers flocke in Shechem.
dreames. 13 Jacob sendeth him to visite his 13 And Israel saide vnto loseph,
brethren. 1 8 His brethren conspire his death. Doe not thy brethren feed the flocke in
21 Reuben saueth him. 26 They sell him to Shechem ? Come, and I will send thee
the Ishmeelites. 31 His father, deceiued by
the bloodie coat, mourneth for him. 36 Hee vnto them : & he said to him, Here am I.
is sold to Potiphar in Egypt. 14 And he said to him, Goe, I pray
thee, tsee whether it bee well with thy t Hebr. tee
brethren, and well with the flockes, and the peace of

Nd lacob dwelt in the thy Brethren
t Heb. of his ^ an<
^ t wherein his father bring me word againe: so hee sent him 4"c-
fathers so-
loumings. was a stranger , in the out of the vale of Hebron, and he came
land of Canaan. to Shechem.
% jLnese are tne gene- 15 IT And a certaine man found him,
rations of lacob : loseph being seuen- and behold , hee was wandring in the
teene yeeres old, was feeding the flocke field, and the man asked him, saying,
with his brethren, and the lad was with What seekest thou ?
the sonnes of Bilhah, and with the 16 And he said, I seeke my brethren:
sonnes of Zilpah, his fathers wiues : tell me, I pray thee, where they feede
and loseph brought vnto his father their flockes.
their euill report. 17 And the man said, They are de-
3 Now Israel loued loseph more parted hence: for I heard them say, Let
then all his children, because he was the vs goe to Dothan. And loseph went
sonne of his old age: and he made him after his brethren, and found them in
i Or, peeces a coat of many || colours. Dothan.
4 And when his brethren saw that 18 And when they saw him a farre
their father loued him more then all his off, euen before he came neere vnto
brethren, they hated him, and could not them, they conspired against him, to
speake peaceably vnto him. slay him.
5 1T And loseph dreamed a dream e, 19 And they said one to another, Be-
and he told it his brethren, and they ha- hold, this t dreamer commeth. t Hebr.
master of
ted him yet the more. 20 Come now therefore, and let vs dreames.
6 And he said vnto them, Heare, I slay him, and cast him into some pit, and
pray you, this dreame which I haue we will say, Some euill beast hath de-
dreamed. uoured him : and we shall see what will
7 For beholde, wee were binding become of his dreames.
sheaues in the field, and loe, my sheafe 21 And * Reuben heard it, and he de- * Chap. 42.
arose, and also stood vpright ; and be- liuered him out of their hands, and said ; 22.
hold, your sheaues stood rotmd about, Let vs not kill him.
22 And
lofeph is fold. Genefis. ludahs marriage:
22 And Reuben saide vnto them, 36 And the Medanites sold him into t Hebr. Eu.
Shed no blood , but cast him into this Egypt vnto Potiphar, an t officer of nuch. But
the word doeth
pit that is in the wildernesse, and lay no Pharaohs, and t 1| captaine of the guard. Eunuches,but
also Chamber-
band vpon him; that he might rid him laines, Courti-
ers, and Offi-
out of their hands, to deliuer him to his C H A P . XXXVIII. cers.
father againe. t Hek. chiefe
23 IF And it came to passe when Jo- 1 ludah begetteth Er, Onan, and Shelah. 6 Er men, or txecu-
seph was come vnto his brethren, that marrieth Tamar. 8 The trespasse of Onan. tioners»
I! Or, chiefe
11 Tamar stayeth for Shelah. 13 She de- Marshall.
they stript Joseph out of his coate, his ceiueth ludah. 27 She beareth twinnes, Pha-
f! Or, pieces. coat of many || colours that was on him. rez and Zarah.
24? And they tooke him and cast him
into a pit: and the pit was emptie, there Nd it came to passe at that
was no water in it.
25 And they sate downe to eat bread:
and they lift vp their eyes and looked.
and behold, a company of Ishmeelites
A time, that ludah went
downe from his brethren,
and turned in to a cer-
taine Adullamite, whose
came from Gilead, with their camels. name was Hirah :
bearing spicery, & baulme, and myrrhe, 2 And ludah saw there a daugh-
going to cary it downe to Egypt. ter of a certaine Canaanite, whose
26 And ludah saide vnto his bre- name was *Shuah: and he tooke her, 2.* i.3. Chron.
thren, What profit is it if we slay our bro- and went in vnto her.
ther, and conceale his blood ? 3 And she concerned & bare a sonne,
27 Come, and let vs sell him to the and he called his name Er.
Ishmeelites, and let not our hand bee 4 *And shee conceiued againe, and *19.Num. 26.
vpon him : for he is our brother, and our bare a sonne, and shee called his name,
\Hebr. flesh ; and his brethren twere content. Onan.
28 Then there passed by Midianites 5 And she yet againe conceiued and
merchant men, and they drew and lift bare a sonne, and called his name She-
* Peal 105. vp loseph out of the pit, and *sold lo- lah : and hee was at Chezib, when shee
17. wis. 10. seph to the Ishmeelites for twentie pie-
13* &CtB. 7»
bare him.
9. ces of siluer: and they brought loseph 6 And ludah tooke a wife for Er
into Egypt. his first borne, whose name was Ta-
29 f And Reuben returned vnto mar.
the pit, and behold, loseph was not in 7 And *Er, ludahs first borne was * Num. 26.
the pit : and he rent his clothes. wicked in the sight of the LORD, 19.
30 And hee returned vnto his bre- and the LORD slew him.
thren and said, The childe is not, and 8 And ludah said vnto Onan, Goe
I, whither shall I goe ? in vnto thy brothers wife, and marrie
31 And they tooke losephs coat, and her, and raise vp seed to thy brother.
killed a kid of the goats, and dipped the 9 And Onan knew that the seed
coat in the blood. should not be his; and it came to passe
32 And they sent the coat of many co- when hee went in vnto his brothers
lours, and they brought it to their fa- wife, that hee spilled it on the ground,
ther, and said, This haue we found: least that hee should giue seed to his
know now whether it bee thy sonnes brother.
coat or no. 10 And the thing which he did, t dis- guilt
t Hebr. was
in the
33 And he knew it, and said, It is my pleased the LORD: wherefore hee eyes of the
* Chap. 44. sonnes coat: an *euil beast hath deuou- slew him also. Lord.
red him ; loseph is without doubt rent 11 Then said ludah to Tamar his
in pieces. daughter in law, Remaine a widow at
34 And lacob rent his clothes, and thy fathers house, til Shelah my sonne
put sackcloth vpon his loines, & mour- be growen : (for he said, Lest peraduen-
ned for his sonne many dayes. ture he die also as his brethren did) and
35 And all his sonnes, and all his Tamar went and dwelt in her fathers
daughters rose vp to comfort him : but house.
he refused to be comforted: and he said, 12 1T And tin processe of time, the dayest Hebr. The
For I will goe downe into the graue daughter of Shuah ludahs wife died: multiplied.
vnto my sonne, mourning; thus his fa- and ludah was comforted, and went
ther wept for him. vp vnto his sheepe-shearers to Tim-
His inceft. Chap.xxxix. lofeph in Egypt.
nath, he and his friend Hirah the Adul- and shee said, Discerne, I pray thee,
lamite. whose are these, the signet, and brace-
13 And it was told Tamar, saying, ,ets> and staffe.
Behold , thy father in law goeth vp to 26 And ludah acknowledged them.
Timnath to sheare his sheepe. and said, She hath bin more righteous
14* And shee put her widowes gar- then I : because that I gaue her not to
ments oft' from her, and couered her Shelah my sonne: and he knew her a-
with a vaile, and wrapped her selfe, and jaine no more.
f Heb. the sate in tan open place, which is by the 27 If And it came to passe in the time
dooreofeyes, way to Timnath: for shee sawe that
or, o/£. of her trauaile, that beholde, twinnes
naifm. Shelah was growen, and she was not were in her wombe.
giuen vnto him to wife. 28 And it came to passe when shee
15 When ludah saw her, he thought trauailed, that the one put out his hand,
icr to be an harlot: because she had co- and the midwife tooke and bound vpon
uered her face. lis hand a skarlet threed, saying, This
16 And hee turned vnto her by the came out first.
way, and said, Goe to, I pray thee, let 29 And it came to passe as he drewe
me come in vnto thee: (for he knew not 5acke his hand, that behold, his brother
that she was his daughter in law) and came out : and she said, || How hast thou I Or, where*
she said, What wilt* thou giue mee, that Droken foorth? this breach bee vpon fore hast
thou made
thou mayest come in vnto me ? this breach
thee : Therefore his name was called ifoinsttheB^
17 And hee said, I will send thee ||*Pharez. II That is,
t Heb. a kid ha kid from the flocke: and shee saide,
of ttie goats.
30 And afterward came out his a* breach. 1. Chron.
Wilt thou giue mee a pledge, till thou Brother that had the skarlet threed vp. 2. 4. matt.
send it ? on his hand , and his name was called 1.3.
18 And he saidyWhat pledge shall I Zarah.
jiue thee ? And she said, Thy signet, and
;hy bracelets, and thy staffe, that is in C H A P . XXXIX.
;hine hand: and he gaue it her, & came 1 Joseph aduanced in Potiphars house. 7 Hee
in vnto her, and she concerned by him. resisteth his mistresses temptation. 13 He is
19 And shee arose and went away, falsly accused. 19 Hee is cast in prison. 21
God is with him there.
and laid by her vaile from her, and put
on the garments of her -widowhood. Nd loseph was brought
20 And ludah sent the kidde by the
tand of his friend the Adullamite, to
receiue his pledge from the worn an s
rioYifi • riiif tip firniYifl VIPT nnt
A downe to Egypt, and Po-
tiphar an Officer of Pha-
jaoh, captaine of y guard,
an Egyptian, bought him
21 Then hee asked the men of that of the hand of the Ishmeelites, which
place, saying, Where is the harlot, that had brought him downe thither.
i! Or, in E- was || openly by the way side? And they 2 And the LORD was with lo-
naijm. said, There was no harlot in this place. seph, and hee was a prosperous man,
22 And he returned to ludah , and and hee was in the house of his master
said, I cannot finde her : and also the the Egyptian.
men of the place said, That there was 3 And his master sawe that the
no harlot in this place. LORD was with him, and that the
23 And ludah said, Let her take it LORD made all that he did, to pro-
t Heb. be- to her, lest we tbee shamed: behold, I sper in his hand.
come a con~
tempt. sent this kidde, and thou hast not found 4 And loseph found grace in his
her. sight, and he serued him ; and hee made
24? IF And it came to passe about him ouerseer ouer his house, and all
three moneths after, that it was tolde that he had he put into his hand.
ludah, saying, Tamar thy daughter 5 And it came to passe from the time
in law hath played the harlot, and also that hee had made him ouerseer in his
behold, she is with child by whoredom : house, and ouer all that he had, that the
and ludah said, Bring her foorth, and LORD blessed the Egyptians house
let her be burnt. for Josephs sake: and the blessing ol
25 When she was brought forth, she the LORD was vpon all that he had
sent to her father in law, saying, By the in the house, and in the field.
man whose these are, am I with child: 6 And he left all that he had, in lo-
lofeph imprifoned, Genefis. is profperous.
sephs hand: and he knew not ought he and put him into the prison, a place,
had, saue the bread which he did eate : where $ kings prisoners were bound:
and loseph was a goodly person, and and he was there in the prison.
well fauoured. 21 IT But the LORD was with
7 ^T And it came to passe after these loseph, and t shewed him mercie, and ttended
Neb. ex-
f*mJ-J F.,* J

things, that his masters wife cast her gaue him fauour in the sight of the kee- nesvnto
eyes vpon loseph, and shee said, Lie per of the-prison. him.
with me. £2 And the keeper of the prison com-
8 But he refused, and said vnto his mitted to losephs hand all the priso-
masters wife, Behold, my master wot- ners that were in the prison, and what-
teth not what is with mee in the house, soeuer they did there, he was the doer
and he hath committed all that he hath, of it:
to my hand. 23 The keeper of the prison looked
9 There is none greater in this not to any thing, that was vnder his
house then I : neither hath hee kept hand, because the LORD was with
backe any thing from me, but thee, be- him : & that which he did, the LORD
cause thou art his wife: how then can I made it to prosper.
doe this great wickednesse, and sinne a-
gainst God ?
10 And it came to passe as she spake C H A P . XL.
to loseph day by day, that hee hearke- 1 The Butler and Baker of Pharaoh in prison.
ned not vnto her, to lie by her, or to bee 4 loseph hath charge of them. 5 He inter-
with her* preted! their dreames. 20 They come to
passe according to his interpretation. 23 The
11 And it came to passe about this ingratitude of the Butler.
time, that loseph went in to the house,
to doe his busines, and there was none Nd it came to passe after
of the men of the house there within.
12 And shee caught him by his gar-
ment, saying, Lie with me: and he left
his garment in her hand, and fled, and
A these things , that the
Butler of the King of E-
gyPt> an(* his Baker, had
offended their lord the
got him out. King of Egypt.
13 And it came to passe, when she saw 2 And Pharaoh was wroth against
that hee had left his garment in her two of his officers, against the chiefe of
hand, and was fled forth ; the Butlers, and against the chiefe of
14 That she called vnto the men of the Bakers.
her house, and spake vnto them, say- 3 And he put them in ward in the
ing, See, he hath brought in an Hebrew house of the captaine of the guard, into
vnto vs, to mocke vs : he came in vnto the prison, the place where loseph was
me to lie with me, and I cried with a bound.
t 'eat. tloud voice. 4 And the captaine of the guard
15 And it came to passe, when hee charged loseph with them, and he ser-
heard that I lifted vp my voice, and cri- ued then), and they continued a season
ed, that he left his garment with mee, in warde.
and fled, and got him out. 5 IT And they dreamed a dreame
16 And she laid vp his garment by both of them , each man his dreame in
her, vntill her lord came home. one night, each man according to the
17 And she spake vnto him, accor- interpretation of his dreame, the But-
ding to these words, saying, The He- ler and the Baker of the king of Egypt,
brew seruant which thou hast brought which were bound in the prison.
vnto vs, came in vnto me to mocke me. 6 And loseph came in vnto them
18 And it came to passe as I lift vp in the morning, and looked vpon them,
my voice, and cried, that he left his gar- and behold, they were sad.
ment with me, and fled out. 7 And he asked Pharaohs officers
19 And it came to passe when his ma- that were with him in the warde of his
ster heard the words of his wife, which lords house, saying, Wherefore tlooke your t Heb. are
she spake vnto him, saying, After this ye so sadly to day? euill*
maner did thy seruant to me, that his 8 And they said vnto him, We haue
wrath was kindled. dreamed a dreame, and there is no in-
20 And Josephs master tooke him, terpreter of it. And loseph said vnto
He interpreted* Chap.xlj. feuerall dreames.
them, Doe not interpretations belong 23 Yet did not the chiefe Butler re-
to God? tell me them, I pray you. member loseph, but forgate him.
9 And the chiefe Butler tolde his
dreame to Joseph, and said to him; In
my dreame, beholde, a vine was before C TT
HA P . ^^
A T™>

mee : 1 Pharaohs, two dreames. 9 loseph interpre-

10 And in the vine were three bran- teth them. 33 Hee giueth Pharaoh coun-
ches, and it was as though it budded, and sell. 38 loseph is aduanced. 50 Hee be-
getteth Manasseh and Ephraim. 54. The fa-
her blossoms shot foorth ; and the clu- mine beginneth.
sters thereof brought forth ripe grapes.
11 And Pharaohs cup was in my Nd it came to passe at the

hand, and I tooke the grapes and pres- end of two ful yeeres, thai
sed them into Pharaohs cup : and I Pharaoh dreamed : anc
gaue the cup into Pharaohs hand. beholde, hee stood by the
12 And Joseph said vnto him, This riuer.
is the interpretation of it: thethree bran- 2 And behold, there came vp out oi
ches are three dayes, the riuer seuen well fauoured kme, anc
13 Yet within three dayes shall Pha- fat fleshed, and they fed in a medow.
II Or, reckon. raoh ||lift vp thine head, and restore thee 3 And behold, seuen other kine came
vnto thy place, and thou shalt deliuer vp after them out of the riuer, ill fauou-
Pharaohs cup into his hand, after the red and leane fleshed, and stood by the o-
former manner when thou wast his ther kine, vpon the brihke of the riuer.
Butler. 4 And the ill fauoured and leane
t Hebr. Re- 14 But ||thinke on me, when it shall fleshed kine, did eate vp the seuen well
member mee
with thee. be well with thee, and shew kindenesse, fauoured and fat kine : So Pharaoh
I pray thee, vnto mee, and make men- awokfc.
tion of me vnto Pharaoh, and bring me 5 And hee slept and dreamed the se-
out of this house. cond time: and beholde, seuen eares of
15 For indeed I was stollen away corne came vp vpon one stalke, t ranke t Hebr. fat.
out of the land of the Hebrewes : and and good.
here also haue I done nothing, that 6 And beholde, seuen thinne eares
they should put me into the dungeon. and blasted with the Eastwind, sprang
16 When the chiefe Baker saw, that vp after them.
the interpretation was good, he said vn- 7 And the seuen thinne eares de-
to loseph, I also was in my dreame, uoured the seuen ranke and full eares :
II Or, full of and behold, I had three || white baskets and Pharaoh awoke, and behold, it
on my head. was a dreame.
17 And in the vppermost basket 8 And it came to passe in the mor-
t Hebr. meat there was of all maner of tbaker-meats ning, that his spirit was troubled, and
of Pharaoh,
the worke of for Pharaoh, and the birds did eat them he sent and called for all the Magicians
a baker ^ or out of the basket vpon my head. of Egypt, and all the wise men thereof:
18 And loseph answered, and said, and Pharaoh tolde them his dreame ;
This is the interpretation thereof: the but there was none that could inter-
three baskets are three dayes : prete them vnto Pharaoh.
19 Yet within three dayes shall Pha- 9 11 Then spake the chiefe Butler
\\ Or, reckon raoh || lift vp thy head from off thee, and vnto Pharaoh, saying, I dpe remem-
hee, and
ake thy o£- shall hang thee on a tree, and the birds ber my faults this day.
shall eate thy flesh from off thee. 10 Pharaoh was wroth with his
20 IF And it came to passe the third seruants, and put mee in warde, in the
day, which was Pharaohs birth day, that captaine of the guards house, both mee,
bee made a feast vnto all his seruants : and the chiefe Baker.
li Or, recko- and he ||lifted vp the head of the chiefe 11 And we dreamed a dreame in one
ned. Butler, and of trie chiefe Baker among night, I and he: we dreamed each man
his seruants. accordipg to the interpretation of his
21 And he restored the chiefe Butler dreame.,
vnto his Butlership againe , and hee 1 2 And there was there with vs a yong
gaue the cup into Pharaohs hand. man an Hebrew, seruant to the cap-
22 But he hanged the chiefe Baker, taine of the guard : and wee told him, ai Chftp 40
as loseph had interpreted to them. and he * interpreted to vs our dreames, 12. &c.'
Pharaohs dreames Genefis. are interpreted.
to each man according to his dreame, he bout to doe, he sheweth vnto Pharaoh.
did interpret. 29 Behold, there come seuen yeeres
13 And it came to passe, as ho inter- of great plentie, throughout all the land
pacted to vs, so it was ; mee he restored of Egypt.
vnto mine office, and him he hanged. 30 And there shall arise after them,
* Psal. 105. 14 f *Then Pharaoh sent and cal- seuen yeeres of famine, and all the plen-
Hebr. made led loseph, and they t brought him ha- tie shall be forgotten in the land of E-
him runne. stily out of the dungeon: And he shaued jypt: and the famine shall consume the
hrimselfe, and changed his raiment, and and.
came in vnto Pharaoh. 31 And the plentie shal not be knowen
15 And Pharaoh said vnto loseph, n the land, by reason of that famine fol-
I haue dreamed a dreame, and there is owing • for it shalbe very tgrieuous. Heb. heauy
none that can interpret it : and I haue 32 And for that the dreame was dou-
0 Or, When hleard sayof thee,//W ||thou canst vnder-
thou hearest
bled vnto Pharaoh twice, it is because
a dreame, stand a areame, to interpret it. the thing is || established by God: and red I Or» iprcpa*
of God.
thou canst
interpret 16 And loseph answered Pharaoh, God will shortly bring it to passe.
it. saying; It is not in me: God shall giue 33 Now therfore let Pharaoh looke
p*haraoh an answere of peace. out a man discreet and wise, and set him
17 And Pharaoh said vnto loseph ; ouer the land of Egypt.
In my dreame, behold, I stood vpon 34 Let Pharaoh doe this, and let him
the banke of the riuer. appoint || officers ouer the land, & take (1 Or, ouer-
18 And behold, there came vp out of vp the fift part of the land of Egypt, in seerst
t;he riuer seuen kine, fat fleshed and well the seuen plenteous yeeres.
fauoured, and they fed in a medow. 35 And let them gather all the food
19 And behold, seuen other kine came of those good yeeres that come, and lay
vp after them, poore and very ill fauou- vp corne vnder the hand of Pharaoh,
red, and leane fleshed, such as I neuer and let them keepe food in the cities.
saw in all the land of Egypt for badnes. 36 And that food shall be for store to
20 And the leane, & the ill fauoured the land, against the seuen yeeres of fa-
kdne, did eate vp the first seuen fat kine. mine, which shall bee in the land of E-
t Hebi\come 21 And when they had t eaten them gypt, that the land t perish not through cutoff*.
t Heb. be not
tothe inward
partsofthem. vp, it could not bee knowen that they the famine.
lad eaten them, but they were still ill fa- 37 IF And the thing was good in the
uoured , as at the beginning : So ] eyes of Pharaoh, and in the eyes of all
awoke. his seruants.
22 And I saw in my dreame, and be- 38 And Pharaoh said vnto his ser-
lold, seuen eares came vp in one stalke, uants, Can we find such a one, as this
full and good. is, a man in whom the spirit of God is ?
(1 Or, small. 23 And behold, seuen eares || withe- 39 And Pharaoh said vnto loseph,
red, thin & blasted with the East wind, Forasmuch as God hath shewed tnee
sprung vp after them. all this, there is none so discreete and
24 And the thin eares deuoured the wise, as thou art :
seuen good eares: and I told this vnto 40 *Thou shalt be ouer my house, * Psal. 105.
the magicians, but there was none that and according vnto thy word shall all 2.21.53. 1. mac.
could declare it to me. my people be t ruled: only in the throne T JtlCOf UT"
25 1T And loseph said vnto Phara- will I be greater then thou. med: or,
oh , The dreame of Pharaoh is one ; 41 And Pharaoh said vnto loseph, kisse.
God hath shewed Pharaoh what he is See, I haue set thee ouer all the land oi
about to doe. Egypt.
26 The seuen good kine are seuen 42 And Pharaoh tooke off his ring
yeeres: and the seuen good eares are se- from his hand, & put it vpon Josephs
uen yeeres : the dreame is one. hand , and arayed him in vestures o:
27 And the seuen thin and ill fauou- ||fine linnen, and put a gold chaine about 11 Or, silke.
red kine that came vp after them, are se- his necke.
uen yeeres: and the seuen emptie eares 43 And he made him to ride in the
blasted with the East wind, shall bee se- second charet which he had : and they
uen yeeres of famine. cried before him, || Bow the knee : anc der U Or, Ten-
28 This is the thing which I haue he made him ruler ouer all the land o: Heb. Ab-
spoken vnto Pharaoh : what God is a- Egypt. rech.
44 And
lofeph exalted. Chap.xlij. His brethren.
44 And Pharaoh said vnto Joseph, gypt to Joseph, for to buy corne, be-
I am Pharaoh, and without thee shall cause that the famine was so sore in all
no man lift vp his hand or foote, in all lands.
the land of Egypt.
45 And Pharaoh called Josephs
name, Zaphnath-Paaneah, and he C H A R XLII.
gdue him to wife Asenath the daughter 1 lacob sendeth his ten sonties to Buy corne in
\\Ot.Prinde of Poti-pherab, || priest of On: and lo- Egypt. 6 They are imprisoned by Joseph
seph went out ouer all the lande of E- for spies. 18 They are set at libertie, on con-
gyp46fc- ( If And Joseph was thirtie dition to bring Beniamin. 21 They haue
remorse for loseph. 24 Simeon is kept for a
pledge. 25 They returne with corne, and
yeeres old when he stood before Phara- their money. 29 Their relation to lacob.
oh king of Egypt) and Joseph went 36 Jacob refuseth to send Beniamin.
out from the presence of Pharaoh, and
went thorowout all the land of Egypt. Ow when * Jacob saw * Acts. 7.
47 And in the seuen plenteous yeres
the earth brought forth by handfuls.
48 And he gathered vp all the foode
of the seuen yeeres, which were in the
N that there was corne in E- 12.
gyp* 9 Jacob said vnto his
sonnes, Why doc ye looke
one vpon an other ?
land of Egypt, and laid vp the foode in % And hee said, Beholde, I hauc
the cities: the foode of the field which heard that there is corne in Egypt : get
was round about euery citie, laid he vp you downe thither and buy for vs from
in the same. thence, that we may liue, and not die.
49 And Joseph gathered come as 3 U And Josephs ten brethren went
the sand of the sea, very much, vntill he downe to buy corne in Egypt.
left numbring : for it was without 4 But Beniamin Josephs bro-
number. ther, Jacob sent not with his brethren :
* Chap. 46. 50 * And vnto Joseph were borne for he said, Lest peraduenture mischiefe
20. & 48. 5.
two sonnes, before the yeeres of famine befall him.
came : which Asenath the daughter of 5 And the sonties of Israel came to
1 Or, Prince, Poti-pherah, || Priest of On bare vnto buy corne among thdse that came : for
him. the famine wad in the land of Canaan.
51 And Joseph called the name of the 6 And loseph was the gouernour
I That is, first borne ||Manasseh : for God, said hee. ouer the land, and hee it was that sold to
hath made me forget all my toile, and all the people of the land: and Josephs
all my fathers house. brethren came, & bowed downe them-
52 And the name of the second cal- selues before him, with their faces to the
I! That Is, led he ||Ephraim: for God hath caused earth.
mee to be fruitfull in the land of my af- 7 And loseph saw his brethren,
fliction. and he knew them, but made himselfe
53 IT And the seuen yeeres of plen- strange vnto them, and spake t roughly t Hebr. hard
teousnesse, that was in the land of E- vnto them ; and hee saide vnto them, them. things with,
gypt, were ended. Whence come ye? And they said, From
* Psal. 105. 54 * And the seuen yeeres of dearth
the land of Canaan, to buy food.
beganne to come according as Joseph 8 And loseph knew his brethren,
had saide, and the dearth was in all but they knew not him.
lands: but in all the land of Egypt there 9 And loseph * remetnbred the * Chap. 37.
was bread. dreames which fiee dreamed of them, 5.
55 And when all the land of Egypt and said vnto thjem, Ye are spies: to see
was famished, the people cried to Pha- the njikednes of the land you are come.
raoh for bread : and Pharaoh said vnto 10 And they said vnto him, Nay, my
all the Egyptians, Goe vnto Joseph: lord , but to buy food are thy seruants
what he saith to you, doe. come.
56 And the famine was ouer all the 11 We are all oite mans sonnes; we
face of the earth; and Joseph opened all are true men : thy seruants are no spies.
t Hebr. All tthe storehouses, and solde vnto the E- 12 And he said vnto them, Nay: but
wherein ryptians: and the famine waxed sore in to see the nakednesse of the land , you
the land of Egypt. are come.
57 And all countreys came into E- 13 And they said, Thy servants are
[ofeph talketh Genefis. with his brethren.
twelue brethren, the sonnes of one man it was in his sackes mouth.
in the land of Canaan: and behold, the 28 And he said vnto his brethren,
yongest is this day with our father, and My money is restored, and loe, it is euen
one is not. in ray sacke: and their heart t failed t Hebr. went
14 And loseph said vnto them, them, and they were afraid, saying one foorth.
That is it that I spake vnto you, say- to an other, What is this that God hath
ing, Ye are spies. done vnto vs ?
15 Hereby ye shall be proued: by the 29 IF And they came vnto lacob
life of Pharaoh ye shall not goe foorth their father, vnto the land of Canaan,
lence, except your yongest brother come and told him all that befell vnto them,
lither. saying ;
16 Send one of you, and let him fetch 30 The man who is the lord of the
t Heb. bound four brother, and ye shalbe tkept in pri- land, spake t roughly to vs, and tooke ' Hebr. with
)S hard
son , that your wordes may be proued, vs for spies of the cpuntrey. things.
whether tnere be any trueth in you : or 31 And we said vnto him , We are
els by the life of Pharaoh surely ye are true men ; we are no spies.
spies. 32 We be t welue brethren, sonnes of
Hebr. go.
17 And he tput them all together in- our father: one is not, and the yongest
to warde, three dayes. is this day with our father, in trie land
18 And loseph said vnto them the of Canaan.
third day, This doe, and Hue: for I 33 And the man the lord of the coun-
ftare God. trey said Viito vs, Hereby shall I know
19 If ye be true men, let one of your that ye are true men: leaue one of your
wethren be bound in the house of your brethren liere with me, and tskejbodc
Drison : goe ye, carry corne for the famine for the famine of your housholds, and
of your houses. be gone.
* Chap. 43. 20 But * bring your yongest brother 34t And bring your yongest brother
vnto mee, so shall your wordes be ve- vnto me: .then shall I know that you
rified, and yee shall not die: and they are no spies, but that you are true men : so
did so. will I deliuer you your brother, and ye
21 f And they said one to another, shall traffique in the land.
We are verily guiltie concerning our 35 IF And it came to passe as they
brother, in that we saw the anguish of emptied their sacks, that behold, euery
bis soule, when he besought vs, and we mans bundle of money was in his sacke:
would not heare : therefore is this di- and when both they and their father
stresse come vpon vs. saw the bundels of money, they were
22 And Reuben answered them, say- afraid.
* Chap. 37. ing, * Spake I not vnto you, saying, 36 And lacob their father said vnto
Doe not sinne against the childe, and ye them, Me haue ye bereaued of my chil-
would not heare ? therefore behold al- dren: loseph is not, and Simeon is
so, his blood is required. not, and ye wil take Beniamin away: all
23 And they knew not that loseph these things are against me.
r Heir, an vnderstood them : for thee spake vnto 37 And Reuben spake vnto his fa-
was betweene them by an interpreter. ther, saying ; Slay my two sonnes, if I
them. 24 And hee turned himselfe about bring him not to thee: deliuer him into
from them and wept, and returned to my hand, and I will bring him to thee
them againe , and communed with againe.
them, and tooke from them Simeon, 38 And he said, My sonne shall not
and bound him before their eyes. goe downe with you, for his brother is
25 f Then loseph commanded to dead, and he is left alone : if mischiefe
fill their sackes with corne, and to re- befall him by the way in the which yee
store euery mans money into his sacke, goe, then shall ye bring downe my gray
and to giue them prouision for the way: haires with sorrow to the graue*
and thus did he vnto them.
26 And they laded their asses with CHAP XLIII
the corne, and departed thence.
27 And as one of them opened his 1 lacob is hardly perswaded to Send Beniamin
sacke, to giue his asse prouender in the 15 loseph entertaineth his brethren. 31 Hee
m^keth them a feast.
Inne, he espied his money: for behold,
Beniamin goeth Chap.xliij. with his brethren.
Nd the famine was sore min : |( If I be bereaued of my children, 1 Or, and /,

A I am bereaued. as I haue
in the land. bene $c.
2 And it came to passe 15 If And the men tooke that Pre-
when they had eaten vp sent, and they tooke double money in
the corne, which they had their hand, and Beniamin, and rose vp,
brought out of Egypt, their father said and went downe to Egypt, and stood
vnto them, Goe againe, buy vs a little before loseph.
foode. 16 And when losephr sawe Benia-
3 And ludah spake vnto him, say- min with them , hee said to the ruler of
t Heb. pro- ing, The man did t solemnly protest vn-
his house, Bring these men home, and
protested. to vs, saying, Ye shall not see my face, tslay, and make ready: for these men t Heb. km
a killing.
* Chap. 42. except your * brother be with you.
shall tdine with me at noone. t H ebr. eate.
4 If thou wilt send our brother 17 And the man did as loseph bade :
with vs, we will goe downe and buy and the man brought the men into lo-
thee food. sephs house.
5 But if thou wilt not send him, we 18 And the men were afraid, because
will not goe downe : for the man saide they were brought into losephs house,
vnto vs, Ye shall not see my face, except and they said, Because of the money
your brother be with you. that was returned in our sackes at the
6 And Israel said, Wherefore dealt first time are we brought in, that hee
ye so ill with me, as to tell the man whe- may tseeke occasion against vs, and fall ntmseife
ti •_,
Heb.j froll
00 a

ther ye had yet a brother ? vpon vs, and take vs for bondmen, and vpon vs.
iHeb.asking 7 And they said, The man tasked our asses.
he asked vs.
vs straitly of our state, and of our kin- 19 And they came neere to the ste-
dred, saying, Is your father yet aliue ? ward of losephs house, and they com-
haue yee another brother? and we tolde muned with him at the doore of the
t Heb. mouth him according to the ttenour of these house,.
t Heb. know-
ing could we words : t Could we certainely knowe 20 And said, O Sir, *twe came in- t* Heb. Cha. 42. 3
know? that he would say, Bring your brother deed downe at the first time to buy food. ming downe
downe ? 21 And it came to passe when wee downe* we came
8 And ludah said vnto Israel his came to the Inne, that wee opened our
father, Send the lad Tvith me, and wee sackes, and behold, euery mans money
will arise and go, that we may Hue, and was in the mouth of his sacke, our mo-
not die,both we, and thou, and also our ney in ful weight: arid we haue brought
little ones. it againe in our hand.
9 I will be surety for him ; of my 22 And other money haue wee
* Chap. 44. hand shalt thou require him : * if I
brought downe in our handes to buy
bring him not vnto thee, and set him be- food : we cannot tell who put our mo-
fore thee, then let me beare the blame for ney in our sackes.
euer. 23 And he said, Peace be to you, feare
10 For except we had lingred, surely not: your God, and the God of your fa-
I! Or, twice now wee had returned ]|this second ther, hath giuen you treasure in your
by this. sackes: 1 1 had your money. And hee
time. t Heb. your
money cdme
11 And their father Israel said vnto brought Simeon out vnto them. to mee.
them, If it must bee so now, doe this : 24 And the man brought the men
take of the best fruits in the land in your into losephs house, and *gaue them wa- * Chap. 18.
vessels, and carie downe the man a Pre- ter, and they washed their feete, and he 4. & 24. 32.
sent, a litle balme, and a litle honie, spi- gaue their asses prouender.
ces, and myrrhe, nuts, and almonds. 25 And they made ready the Present
12 And take double money in your against loseph came at noone: for they
hand, and the money that was brought heard that they should eate bread there.
againe in the mouth of your sackes: ca- 26 11 And when loseph came home,
rie it againe in your hand, peraduenture they brought him the Present which
it was an ouersight. was in their hand, into the house, and
IS Take also your brother, and arise, bowed themselues to him to the earth.
goe againe vnto the man. 27 And he asked them of their t wel- t Heb.peace
t Hebr. Is
14 And God Almightie giue you fare, and said, t Is your father well, the there peace
mercie before the man, that he may send old man of whom ye spake ? Is he yet totheryour ?
away your other brother, and Benia- aliue?
28 And
A cup put in Genelis. Reniamins facke.
28 And they answered, Thy seruant uineth ? ye haue done euill in so doing.
our father is in good health, hee is yet a- 6 f And he ouertooke them , and
iue : & they bowed downe their heads, le spake vnto them these same words.
and made obeisance. 7 And they said vnto him, Where-
29 And he lift vp his eyes, and sawe bre saith my lord these words? God for-
lis brother Beniamin , his mothers >id that thy seruants should doe accor-
sonne, and said, Is this your yonger ding to this thing.
)rother, of whom yee spake vnto mee ? 8 Behold , the money which wee
and he said, God be gracious vnto thee, bund in our sackes mouthes , wee
my sonne. wrought againe vnto thee, out of the
30 And Joseph made haste : for his and of Canaan : how then should wee
)owels did yerne vpon his brother: steale out of thy lords house , siluer or
and he sought where to weepe, and hee jolde ?
entred into his chamber, & wept there. 9 With whom soeuer of thy seruants
31 And he washed his face, and went it be found, both let him die, and we also
out, and refrained himselfe, and saide, will be my lords bondmen.
Set on bread. 10 And he said. Now also let it be ac-
32 And they set on for him by himselfe, cording vnto your wordes- hee with
and for them by themselues, and for the whom it is found, shall be my seruant:
Egyptians which did eate with him, and ye shall be blamelesse.
3y themselues : because the Egyptians 11 Then they speedily tooke downe
might not eate bread with the He- euery man his sacke to the ground, and
brewes: for that is an abomination vnto opened euery man his sacke.
the Egyptians. 12 And he searched, and began at the
33 And they sate before him, the first eldest, and left at the yongest: and the
borne according to his birthright, and cup was found in Beniamins sacke.
the yongest according to his youth : and 13 Then they rent their clothes, anc
the men marueiled one at another. laded euery man his asse, and returnee
34? And hee tooke and sent measses to the citie
vnto them from before him ; but Ben- 14 f And ludah and his brethren
iamins measse was fiue times so much as came to losephs house: (for he was yet
t Heb. they
any of theirs : and they drunke , and there) and they fell before him on the
largely twere merry with him. ground.
15 And loseph said vnto them, What
C H A P . XLIIII. deed is this that ye haue done? wote ye
not, that such a man as I can certaine-
1 Josephs policie to stay his brethren. 14 lu-
dahs humble supplication to loseph. ly ||diuine? II Or, make
16 And ludah said, What shall wee Mall?
Nd hee commaunded the say vnto my lord? what shal we speake?

t Heb. him steward of his house, say- or how shall we cleare our selues ? Goc
that wets 0"
uerhishous ing, Fill the mens sackes hath found out the iniquitie of thy ser-
iwth food, as much as they uants: beholde, wee are my lords ser-
can carie, and put euery uants, both we, and he also with whom
mans money in his sacks mouth the cup is found.
2 And put my cup, the siluer cup, in 17 And he said, God forbid that I
the sackes mouth of the yongest, and his should doe so: but the man in whose
corne money : and he did according to hand the cup is found, he shal be my ser-
the word that loseph had spoken. uant ; and as for you, get you vp in peace
3 Assoone as the morning was light, vnto your father.
the men were sent away, they, and their 18 U Then ludah came neere vnto
asses. him, and said, Oh my lord, let thy ser-
4 And when they were gone out uant, I pray thee, speake a word in my
of the citie, and not yet farre off, loseph lords eares, & let not thine anger burne
said vnto his steward, Vp, follow after against thy seruant : for thou art euen
the men ; and when thou doest ouer- as Pharaoh.
take them, say vnto them, Wherefore 19 My lord asked his seruants, say-
haue ye rewarded euill for good ? ing, Haue ye a father, or a brother ?
5 Is not this it, in which my Ion 20 And we said vnto my lord, Wee
1 Or, maket
triall. drinketh? and whereby indeed he ||di- haue a father, an olde man, and a childe
ludahs {application. Chap.xlv. lofeph is knowen.
of his old age, a little one: and his bro- prouidence. 9 Hee sendeth for his father.
ther is dead, and he alone is left of his 16 Pharaoh confirmeth it. 21 Joseph fur-
mother, and his father loueth him. nisheth them for their iourney, and exhor-
21 And thou saidst vnto thy seruants, teth them to concord. 25 Jacob is reuiued
witii the newes.
Bring him downe vnto mee, that I
may set mine eyes vpon him. -"^n losepn could not re-
22 And we said vnto my lord, The
lad cannot leaue his father : for if hee
should leaue his father, hisfather would
T fraine himselfe before all
them that stood by him :
anc^ 'ie CTie^ > Cause euery
man to goe out from me ;
23 And thou saidst vnto thy seruants, and there stood no man with him, while
* Chap. 43. * Except your yongest brother come loseph made himselfe knowen vnto
downe with you, you shall see my face his brethren.
no more. 2 And he twept aloud: and the E- WIebr.Gaue
24? And it came to passe when wee gyptians, and the house of Pharaoh foorthhis
voice in wee-
came vp vnto thy seruant my father, we heard. ping.
told him the words of my lord. 3 And loseph said vnto his bre-
25 And our father said, Goe againe, thren, *I am loseph; Doeth my father * A&s. 7.
and buy vs a little food. yet liue? and his brethren could not an- 13.
£6 And we saide , Wee cannot goe swere him: for they were || troubled at II Or, terri-
downe : if our yongest brother be with his presence.
vs, then will we goe downe: for wee 4 And loseph said vnto his bre-
may not see the mans face, except our thren, Come neere to me, I pray you:
yongest brother be with vs. and they came neere; and he said, I am
27 And thy seruant my father said loseph your brother, whom ye sold in-
vnto vs, Ye know that my wife bare to Egypt.
me two sonnes. 5 Now therefore bee not grieued,
28 And the one went out from me, tnor angry with your selues, that yee t Hebr. nei-
ther let there
* Chap. 37. and I said, * Surely he is torne in pie- sold me hither: *forGod did send me be- be anger in
ces : and I saw him not since. fore you, to preserue life. yvur eyes.
* Chap. 50.
29 And if ye take this also from me, 6 For these two yeeres hath the fa- 20.
and mischiefe befall him , ye shall bring mine bene in the land: and yet there are
downe my gray haires with sorrow to flue yeeres, in the which there shall nei-
the graue. ther be earing nor haruest.
30 Now therefore when I come to 7 And God sent me before you, to
thy seruant my father, and the lad bee t preserue you a posteritie in the earth, t Hebr. to
not with vs ; ( seeing that his life is and to saue your liues by a great deli- put for you
a remnant.
bound vp in the lads life. ) uerance.
31 It shall come to passe , when he 8 So now it was not you that sent
seeth that the lad is not with vs, that he me hither, but God: and he hath made
will die , and thy seruants shall bring me a father to Pharaoh , and lord of all
downe the gray haires of thy seruant his house, and a ruler throughout all
our father with sorrow to the graue. the land of Egypt.
32 For thy seruant became surety for 9 Haste you, and goe vp to my fa-
• Chap. 43. the lad vnto my father, saying, * If I ther, and say vnto him, Thus saith thy
bring him not vnto thee, then I shall sonne losepn ; God hath made me lord
beare the blame to my father, for euer. of all Egypt; come downe vnto me, ta-
33 Now therefore, I pray thee, let ry not.
thy seruant abide in stead of the lad, a 10 And thou shalt dwell in the land
bondman to my lord, and let the lad goe of Goshen, and thou shalt be neere vnto
vp with his brethren. me, thou, and thy children, and thychil-
34 For how shall I goe vp to my fa- drens children, and thy flockes, and thy
ther, and the lad be not with mee, lest heards, and all that thou hast.
peraduenture I see the euill that shall 11 And there wil I nourish thee, (for
f ,-f tcome on my father? yet there are fiue yeeres of famine) lest
my father.
thou and thy houshold, and all that
C H A R XLV. thou hast, come to pouertie.
1 Joseph maketh himselfe knowen to his bre- 12 And behold, your eyes see, and the
thren. 5 Hee comforteth them in Gods eyes of my brother Beniamin, that it is
lacob being fent for Genefis. goeth to Egypt.
my mouth that speaketh vnto you. which Joseph had sent to carie him, the
13 And you shall tell my father of all spirit of Jacob their father reuiued.
my glory in Egypt, and of all that you 28 And Israel said, It is enough;
iaue scene, and ye shall haste, and bring [oseph my sonne is yet aliue : I will
downe my father hither. goe and see him before I die.
14 And he fel vpon his brother Ben-
iamins necke, and wept: and Benia-
mm • wept vpon his
i • necke.
i C H A P . XLVI.
15 Moreouer hee kissed all his bre- 1 lacob is comforted by God at Beersheba. 5
thren, and wept vpon them : and after Thence hee with his company goeth into
that, his brethren talked with him. Egypt. 8 The number of his family that
.went into Egypt. 28 Joseph meeteth lacob.
16 IF And the fame thereof was 31 Hee instructeth his brethren how to an-
heard in Pharaohs house, saying, lo- swere to Pharaoh.
t Hebr. was sephs brethren are come: and it tpleased
good in the
eyes of Pha- Pharaoh well, and his seruants. Nd Israel tooke his

A iourney with all that hee

raoh. 17 And Pharaoh said vnto Joseph,
Say vnto thy brethren, This doe yee, had, and came to Beer-
lade your beasts and goe, get you vnto sheba , and offered sacri-
the land of Canaan. faes vnto the God of his
18 And take your father, and your father Isaac.
housholds, and come vnto mee: and I 2 And God spake vnto Israel in
wil giue you the good of the land of E- the visions of the night, and said, la-
gypt, and ye shall eat the fat of the land. cob, lacob. And he said, Here am I.
19 Now thou art commanded, this 3 And he said, I am God, the God
doe yee ; Take you wagons out of the of thy father, feare not to goe downe in-
land of Egypt for your little ones, and to Egypt: for I will there make of thee
for your wiues , and bring your father, a great nation.
and come. 4 I will goe downe with thee into
t Hebr. let 20 Also t regard not your stuffe: for Egypt; and I will also surely bring
not youf eye thee vp againe: and loseph shall put his
spare% Sfc. the good of all the land of Egypt is
yours. hand vpon thine eyes.
21 And the children of Israel did so : 5 And lacob rose vp from Beer-
and Joseph gaue them wagons, accor- sheba : and the sonnes of Israel caried
t Hebr. ding to the t commandement of Pha- lacob their father, and their litle ones,
raoh , and gaue them prouision for the and their wiues, in the wagons which
way. Pharaoh had sent to cary him.
22 To all of them he gaue each man 6 And they tooke their cattell, and
changes of raiment : but to Beniamin their goods which they had gotten in
hee gaue three hundred pieces of siluer, the land of Canaan, and came into E-
and fiue changes of raiment. gypt,
Y'i *•
* lacob, and all his seed with * losh. 24.
4. psal. 105.
23 And to his father hee sent after him: 23. esai. 62.
t Hebr. car" this maner : ten asses t laden with the 7 His sonnes, and his sonnes 4.
good things of Egypt , and ten shee sonnes with him, his daughters, and
asses laden with come, and bread and his sonnes daughters, and all his seed
meat for his father by the way. brought he with him into Egypt.
24 So he sent his brethren away, 8 U And * these are the names of the * Exod. 1. 1.
and 6. 14.
and they departed : and hee said vnto children of Israel, which came into E- num. 26. 8. 1
them, See that yee fall not out by the gypt, lacob and his sonnes: * Reuben and 5. 1.
i. chro.
way. lacobs first borne ; * Num. 26.
25 IF And they went vp out of E- 9 And the sonnes of Reuben , Ha- 5.
gypt, and came into the land of Canaan noch , and Phallu , and Hezron , and
vnto lacob their father, Carmi.
26 And told him, saying, Joseph is 10 f * And the sonnes of Simeon : 15. * Exod. 6.
i. chro.
yet aliue, and he is gouernour ouer all lemuel , and lamin , and Ohad, and 4.24.
t Hebr. his. the land of Egypt. And t Jacobs heart lachin , and Zohar , and Shaul the
fainted, for he beleeued them not. sonne of a Canaanitish woman. 1« Chro. 6.
27 And they told him all the words 11 11 And the sonnes of *Leui: Ger- 1.
of Joseph , which hee had saide vnto shon, Kohath, and Merari. *l.Chro. 2.
3. and 4. 21.
them : and when hee saw the wagons 12 IT And the sonnes of * ludah : chap. 38. 3.
lacobs off-fpring. Chap.xlvij. lofeph meeteth him.
Er, and Onan* and Shelah, and Pha- 28 IF And he sent ludah before him
rez, and Zerah : But Er & Onan died vnto loseph, to direct his face vnto Go-
in the land of Canaan. And the sonnes shen, and they came into the lande of
of Pharez, were Hezron, and Hamul. Goshen.
13 H And the sonnes of Issachar : 29 And loseph made ready his cha-
Tola, and Phuuah, and Job, and ret, and went vp to meet Israel his fa-
Shimron. ther, to Goshen, and presented himselfe
* l. Chron. 14? IF * And the sonnes of Zebulun : vnto him: and he fell on his necke, and
7. l.
Ser£d, and Elon, and lahleel. wept on his necke a good while.
15 These bee the sonnes of Leah, 30 And Israel . saide vnto loseph.
which she bare vnto Jacob in Padan- Now let me die, since I haue seene thy
Aram, with his daughter Dinah: all face, because thou art yet aliue.
the soules of his sonnes and his daugh- 31 And loseph said vnto his brethren,
ters, were thirtie and three. and vnto his fathers house, I will goe
16 IF And the sonnes of Gad: Zi- vp, and shew Pharaoh, and say vnto
phion, and Haggi, Shuni, and Ezbon, him, My brethren, & my fathers house,
Eri, and Arodi, and Areli. which were in the land of Canaan, are
* l. Chro. 7. 17 IF * And the sonnes of Asher: come vnto me*
limnah, and Ishuah, and Isui, and 32 And the men are sheapheards, for
Beriah, and Serah their sister: And t their trade hath bene to feed cattell : are
t Hebr. ttey
men of
the sonnes of Beriah : Heber, and Mal- and they haue brought their flocks, and cattelL
chiel. their heards, and all that they haue.
18 These are the sonnes of Zilpah, 33 And it shall come to passe when
whome Laban gaue to Leah his Pharaoh shall call you, and shall say,
daughter : and these she bare vnto la- What is your occupation ?
cob, euen sixteene soules. 34 That ye shall say, Thy seruants
19 The sonnes of Rachel lacobs trade hath bene about cattell, from our
wife : loseph, and Beniamin. youth euen vntill now, both we, and al-
20 IF And vnto loseph in the lande so our fathers: that ye may dwell iii the
of Egypt, were borne Manasseh and E- land of Goshen; for euery shepheard
*•fi Chap. 41. phraim, * which Asenath the daughter is an abomination vnto the Egyptians.
I Or, Prince. of Poti-pherah || Priest of On bare vn-
to him.
* 1. Chron. 21 IF * And the sonnes of Beniamin C H A P . XLVII.
7. 6. & 8. 1.
were Belah, and Becher, and Ashbel,
Gera , and Naaman , Ehi and Rosh, 1 Joseph presenteth fine of his brethren, 7 and
his father, before Pharaoh. 11 Hee giueth
Muppim, and Huppim, and Ard, them habitation and maintenance. 13 He
22 These are the sonnes of Rachel getteth all the Egyptians money, 16 their
which were borne to lacob: all the cattell, 18 their lands to Pharaoh. 22 The
soules were fourteene. Priestes land was not bought. 23 Hee let-
teth the land to them for a fift part. 28 la-
23 IF And the sonnes of Dan : Hu- cobs age. 29 Hee sweareth loseph to burie
shim. him with his fathers.
24? IF And the sonnes of Naphtali :
lahzeel, and
T T - l
J /"> *
andJ Tlezer, andJ n l°seP" came and
25 These are the sonnes of Bilhah,
which Laban gaue vnto Rachel his
daughter, and she bare these vnto la-
T tolde Pharaoh, and saide,
My father and my bre-
^lren > an(l their nockes,
and their heards, and all
cob : all the soules were seuen. that they haue, are come out of the land
* Deut. 10.
26 All the * soules that came with of Canaan: and behold, they are in the
lacob into Egypt, which came out of land of Goshen.
t Heb. thigh. his t Joines , besides lacobs sonnes 2 And hee tooke some of his bre-
wiues, all the soules were threescore and thren , euen fiue men, & presented them
sixe. vnto Pharaoh.
27 And the sonnes of loseph, which 3 And Pharaoh said vnto his bre-
were borne him in Egypt, were two thren, What is your occupation ? And
soules: all the soules of the house of la- they said vnto Pharaoh, Thy seruants
cob, which came into Egypt, were are shepheards , both wee and also
threescore and ten. our fathers.
4 The
lacob and Pharaoh. Geneiis. Lands fold.
4 They said moreouer vnto Pha- tell : and I will giue you for your cat-
raoh , For to soiourne in the land are tell, if money faile.
we come : for thy seruants haue no pa- 17 And they brought their cattel vn-
sture for their flockes, for the famine is to loseph : and loseph gaue them
sore in the land of Canaan : now there- bread in exchange for horses, and for the
fore we pray thee, let thy seruants dwel flockes, and for the cattell of the heards,
in the land of Goshen. and for the asses, and the fed them with t Heb. led
5 And Pharaoh spake vnto loseph, bread, for all their cattel, for that yeere. them.
saying, Thy father and thy brethren 18 When that yeere was ended, they
are come vnto thee. came vnto him the second yeere , and
6 The land of Egypt is before thee: said vnto him, We will not hide it from
in the best of the land make thy father my lord, how that our money is spent,
and brethren to dwell , in the lande of my lord also had our heards of cattell :
Goshen let them dwell : and if thou there is not ought left in the sight of my
knowest any man of actiuitie amongst lord, but our bodies, and our lands.
them , then make them rulers ouer my 19 Wherfore shall we die before thine
cattell. eyes, both we , and our land ? buy vs
7 And loseph brought in lacob and our land for bread, and we and our
his father, and set him before Pharaoh : land will be seruants vnto Pharaoh:
and lacob blessed Pharaoh. and giue vs seede that we may Hue and
8 And Pharaoh said vnto lacob, not die, that the land be not desolate.
t Heb. how t How old art thou ? 20 And loseph bought all the land
many are the
dayes of the 9 And lacob said vnto Pharaoh, of Egypt for Pharaoh : for the Egypti-
yeeres of thy * The dayes of the yeeres of my pil-
lifgfy. ans sold euery man his field, because the
*Heb. 11. grimage are an hundred & thirtie yeres: famine preuailed ouer them: so the land
9, 13. few and euill haue the dayes of the became Pharaohs.
yeeres of my life bene, and haue not at- 21 And as for the people, he remoued
tained vnto the dayes of the yeeres of them to cities from one end of the bor-
the life of my fathers, in the dayes of ders of Egypt , euen to the other ende
their pilgrimage. thereof.
10 And lacob blessed Pharaoh, and 22 Onely the land of the || Priests fl Or, Princes
went out from before Pharaoh. bought he not: for the priests had a por-
11 f And loseph placed his father, tion assigned them of Pharaoh, and did
and his brethren, and gaue them a pos- eate their portion which Pharaoh gaue
session in the land of Egypt, in the best them : wherefore they solde not their
of the land, in the land of Rameses, as lands.
Pharaoh had commanded. 23 Then loseph said vnto the peo-
12 And loseph nourished his father ple, Behold, I haue bought you this
and his brethren , and all his fathers day, and your land for Pharaoh : Loe,
II Or, as a li~ houshold with bread, ([according to their here is seed for you, and ye shall sow the
tie childe is
nourished. families. land.
Heb. accor-
ding to the
13 IF And there was no bread in all 24 And it shall come to passe in the
little ones. the land: for the famine was very sore, increase, that you shall giue the fift part
so that the land of Egypt and all the vnto Pharaoh, and foure parts shall be
land of Canaan fainted by reason of the your owne, for seed of the field, and for
famine. your food , and for them of your house-
14 And loseph gathered vp all the holds, and for food for your litle ones.
money that was found in the land of 25 And they said, Thou hast saued
Egypt, and in the land of Canaan, for our Hues : let vs find grace in the sight of
the corne which they bought : and lo- my lord, and we will be Pharaohs ser-
seph brought the money into Phara- uants.
ohs house. 26 And loseph made it a law ouer
15 And when money failed in the land the land of Egypt vnto this day, that
of Egypt, and in the land of Canaan, Pharaoh should haue the fift part : ex-
all the Egyptiana came vnto loseph, cept the land of the || priests onely, which K Or, Princes
and said, Giue vs bread: for why should became not Pharaohs.
we die in thy presence ? for the money 27 f And Israel dwelt in the land
faileth. of Egypt in the conn trey of Goshen,
16 And loseph gaid, Giue your cat- and they had possessions therein , and
lacob blefleth Chap.xiviij. lofephs fonnes.
grew, and multiplied exceedingly. 7 And as for me, when I came from * Gen. 3fl.
28 And lacob liued in the land of * Padan, Rachel died by me in the land 19.
t Hebr . the Egypt seuenteene yeres: so tthe whole
dayes qflhe
of Canaan, in the way, when yet there
yeeres of Ms age of lacob was an hundred fourtie was but a little way to come vnto E-
life. phrath : and I buried her there in the
and seuen yeeres.
29 And the time drew nigh that Is- way of Ephrath, the same is Beth-
rael must die, and he called his sonne lehem.
Joseph, and said vnto him, If now I 8 And Israel behelde Josephs
* Chap.
24. 2.
haue found grace in thy sight, *put, I sonnes, and said, Who are these ?
pray thee , thy hand vnder my thigh, 9 And loseph said vnto his father,
and deale kindly and truely with mee, They are my sonnes, whom God hath
bury me not, I pray thee, in Egypt. giuenmein this place: andhesaid, Bring
30 But I will lie with my fathers, them, I pray thee, vnto me, and I will
and thou shalt carie mee out of Egypt, blesse them.
and bury me in their burying place : and 10 ( Now the eyes of Israel were
he said, I will doe as thou hast said. t dimme forage, so mat he could not see,) t Heb. heauy
31 And he said, Sweare vnto mee: and hee brought them neere vnto him.
*Heb. 11. and he sware vnto him. And * Israel and he kissed them, and imbraced them.
bowed himselfe vpon the beds head. 11 And Israel said vnto loseph, I
had not thought to see thy face : and loe,
C H A P . XLVIII. God hath shewed me also thy seed.
12 And loseph brought them out
1 Joseph with his sonnesvisitethhissicke father. from betweene his knees, and hee bow-
2 lacob strengthened himselfe to blesse
them. 3 He repeateth the promise. 5 He ed himselfe with his face to the earth.
taketh Ephraim and Manasseh as his owne. 13 And loseph tooke them both, E-
7 Hee telleth him of his mothers graue. 9 phraim in his right hand, toward Is-
Hee blesseth Ephraim and Manasseh. 17 raels left hand, and Manasseh in his
Hee preferreth the yonger before the elder.
21 He prophesieth their returne to Canaan. left hand towards Israels right hand,
and brought them neere vnto him.
Nd it came to passe after 14? And Israel stretched out his

A these things, that one told

loseph , Behold , thy fa-
ther is sicke: and he tooke
with him his two sonnes,
right hand, and layd it vpon Ephraims
head who was the yonger; and his left
1 •
his *
. • ^
, guiding
Tl /T
Manasseh 1

Manasseh and Ephraim. was the first borne.

% And one told lacob, and said, Be- 15 IT And * he blessed loseph and 21. * Hebr. 11.
hold, thy sonne loseph commeth vnto said, God before whom my fathers A-
thee: and Israel strengthened himselfe, braham and Isaac did walke , the God
and sate vpon the bed. which fedde mee all my life long vnto
3 And lacob saide vnto loseph, this day,
God Almightie appeared vntb mee at 16 The Angel which redeemed mee
* Chap. 23.
13* ot 35* 6*
*Luz in the land of Canaan, and blessed from all euill, blesse the laddes, and let
mee, my name be named on them, and the
4 And said vnto me, Behold, I wil name of my fathers Abraham and I-
make thee fruitfull, and multiplie thee, saac, and let them grow tinto a multi- fishes
t Hebr. as
doe in-
and I will make of thee a multitude of tude in the midst of the earth. crease.
people , and will giue this land to thy 17 And when loseph saw that his
seede after thee , for an euerlasting pos- father laide his right hand vpon the
session. head of Ephraim, it displeased him: and
* Chap. 41.
50. iosh.
5 f And now thy * two sonnes , E- he held vp his fathers hand, to remoue
13.7- phraim and Manasseh , which were it from Ephraims head , vnto Manas-
borne vnto thee in the land of Egypt, be- sehs head.
fore I came vnto thee into Egypt, are 18 And loseph saide vnto his fa-
mine : as Reuben and Simeon , they ther, Not so my father: for this is the
shalbe mine. first borne; put thy right hand vpon his
6 And thy issue which thou beget- •head.
best after them, shall be thine, and shall 19 And his father refused, and said,
be called after the name of their bre- I know it, my sonne, I know it: he also
thren in their inheritance. shall become a people, and he also shall
lacob bleffeth Genefis. his fonnes.
be great: but truely his yonger brother 10 The scepter shall not depart from
shall be greater then he; and his seede ludah, nor a Law-giuer from be-
t Hebr.ful- shall become a t multitude of nations. tweene his feete, vntill Shiloh come:
20 And he blessed them that day, say- and vnto him shall the gathering of the
ing, In thee shall Israel blesse, saying, people be :
God make thee as Ephraim, and as 11 Binding his foale vnto the vine,
Manasseh : and he set Ephraim before and his asses colt vnto the choice vine ;
Manasseh. he washed his garments in wine, and
21 And Israel saide vnto loseph, his clothes in the blood of grapes.
Behold, I die : but God shall be with 12 His eyes shall be red with wine,
you, and bring you againe vnto the land and his teeth white with milke.
of your fathers. 13 IF Zebulun shall dwell at the ha-
22 Moreouer I haue giuen to thee uen of the sea, and hee shall be for an
one portion aboue thy brethren, which Hauen of ships : and his border shall be
I tooke out of the hand of the Amorite vnto Zidon.
with my sword, and with my bow. 14 U Issachar is a strong asse, couch-
ing downe betweene two burdens.
C H A P . XLIX. 15 And he saw that rest was good, and
the land that it was pleasant: and bowed
1 lacob calleth his sonnes to blesse them. 3 his shoulder to beare, and became a ser-
Their blessing in particular. 29 He charg-
eth them about his buriall. 33 He dieth. uant vnto tribute.
16 1F Dan shall iudge his people, as
Nd lacob called vnto one of the tribes of Israel.

A his sonnes, and said, Ga-

ther your selues together.
that I may tell you that
which shall befall you in
17 Dan shalbe a serpent by the way,
an t adder in the path, that biteth the row-snake.
horse heeles, so that his rider shall fall

the last dayes. 18 I haue waited for thy saluation,

2 Gather your selues together, and 0 LORD.
heare ye sonnes of lacob, and hearken 19 f Gad, a troupe shall ouercome
vnto Israel your father. him: but he shall ouercome at the last.
3 f Reuben, thou art my first borne, 20 If- Out of Asher his bread shall be
my might , and the beginning of my fat, and he shall yeeld royall dainties.
strength, the excellencie of dignitie, and 21 11 Naphtali is a hinde let loose:
the excellencie of power : He giueth goodly words.
t Hebr. doe 4 Vnstable as water, tthou shalt 22 1T loseph is a fruitfull bough,
not thou ex-
cell. not excell, because thou * wentest vp to euen a fruitfull bough by a well , whose
* Chap. 35. thy fathers bed : then defiledst thou it. t branches runne ouer the wall. t Hebr.
22. 1. chro. daughters.
6. l. || He went vp to my couche. 23 The archers haue sorely grieued
1! Or, my
cowche is
5 If Simeon and Leui are brethren, him, and shot at him, and hated him.
gone. || instruments of crueltie are in their ha- 24 But his bow abode in strength,
» Or, their
swords are bitations. and the armes of his hands were made
weapons of
6 O my soule, come not thou into strong, by the hands of the mighty God
their secret : vnto their assembly mine of lacob: from thence is the Sheap-
honour be not thou vnited : for in their heard, the stone of Israel,
anger they slew a man, and in their selfe 25 Euen by the God of thy father
II Or houghed will they || digged downe a wall. who shall helpe thee , and by the Al-
7 Cursed be their anger , for it was mightie, who shall blesse thee with bles-
fierce; and their wrath, for it was cruell: sings of heauen aboue, blessings of the
I will diuide them in lacob, and scat- deepe that lyeth vnder, blessings of the
ter them in Israel. breasts and of the wombe.
8 f ludah, thou art he whom thy 26 The blessings of thy father haue
brethren shall praise : thy hand shall be in preuailed aboue the blessings of my pro-
the necke of thine enemies , thy fathers genitors : vnto the vtmost bound of the
children shall bow downe before thee. euerlasting hils , they shall bee on the
9 ludah is a Lyons whelpe: from head of loseph, and on the crowne of
the pray my sonne thou art gone vp: he the head of him that was separate from
stouped downe, hee couched as a Lyon, his brethren.
and as an old Lyon : who shall rouse 27 1F Beniamin shall rauine as a
him vp ? wolfe :
His death. Chap. I. His buriall.
wolfe: In the morning hee shall de- I pray you , in the eares of Pharaoh,
uoure the pray, and at night he shall di- saying,
uide the spoile. 5 * My father made me sweare, say- * Chap. 47.
28 IT All these are the twelue tribes ing, Loe, I die : in my graue which I 29.
of Israel, and this is it that their father haue digged for me, in the land of Ca-
spake vnto them, and blessed them : eue- naan, there shalt thou bury me. Now
ry one according to his blessing he bles- therfore let me goe vp, I pray thee, and
sed thqm. bury my father, and I wiU come a-
29 And hee charged them and said gaine.
vnto them, I am to bee gathered vnto 6 And Pharaoh said, Goe vp, and
* Chap. 47- my people: *burie me with my fathers, bury thy father, according as he made
in the caue that is in the field of Ephron thee sweare.
the Hittite, 7 H And loseph went vp to bury
30 In the caue that is in the field of his father: and with him went vp all
Machpelah, which is before Mamre, in the seruants of Pharaoh, the elders of
* Chap. 23. the land of Canaan, * which Abraham his house, and all the elders of the land
bought with the field of Ephron the of Egypt,
Hittite , for a possession of a burying 8 And all the house of loseph, and
place. his brethren , and his fathers house :
31 (There they buried Abraham and onely their litle ones, and their flockes,
Sarah his wife, there they buried I- and their heards, they left in the land of
saac and Rebekah his wife , and there Goshen.
I buried Leah.) 9 And there went vp with him both
32 The purchase of the field and of charets and horsemen : and it was a
the caue that is therein, was from the very great company.
children of Heth. 10 And they came to the threshing
33 And when lacob had made an floore of Atad, which is beyond lor-
end of commanding his^ sonnes, he ga- dan , and there they mourned with a
thered vp his feete into the bed, and great and very sore lamentation : and
yeelded vp the ghost, and was gathered he made a mourning for his father se-
vnto his people. uen dayes.
, 11 And when the inhabitants of the
land, the Canaanites sawe the mour-
ning in the floore of Atad , they saide,
C H A P . L. This is a grieuous mourning to the E-
1 The mourning for lacob. 4 loseph getteth gyptians : wherfore the name of it was
leaue of Pharaoh to goe to bury him. 7 The called, || Abel Mizraim, which is beyond the
H That is,
funerall. 15 loseph comforteth his brethren, lordan. ning of the
who craned his pardon. 22 His age. 23 He 12 And his sonnes did vnto him ac- Egyptians.
seeth the third generation of his sonnes. 24
He prophesieth vnto his brethren of their re- cording as he commanded them.
turne. 25 He taketh an oath of them for his 13 For *his sonnes caried him into * Act. 7.18
hones. 26 He dieth, and is chested. the land of Canaan, and buried him in
the caue of the field of Machpelah,
Nd loseph fell vpon his which Abraham * bought with the field * Chap. 23.

fathers face, and wept vp- for a possession of a burying place, of E-
on him, and kissed him. phron the Hittite, before Mamre.
^ ^n^ loseph com- 14 11" And loseph returned into E-
manded his seruants the gypt, he and his brethren, and all that
physicians to imbalme his father : and went vp with him, to bury his father,
the physicians imbalmed Israel. after he had buried his father.
3 And fortie dayes were fulfilled for 15 H And when losephs brethren
him , (for so are fulfilled the dayes of saw that their father was dead, they
those which are imbalmed) and the E- said, loseph will peraduenture hate
t Heb. wept. gyptians tmourned for him threescore vs, and will certainely requite vs all the
and ten dayes. euill which we did vnto him.
4 And when the dayes of his mour- 16 And they tsent a messenger vnto t Heb. char.

ning were past, loseph spake vnto the loseph , saying , Thy father did com-
house of Pharaoh, saying, If now I mand before he died, saying,
haue found grace in your eyes, speake, 17 So shall ye say vnto loseph, For-
lofephs kindneffe. Exodus. His age, and death.
giue, I pray thee now, the trespasse of S£ f And loseph dwelt in Egypt,
thy brethren, and their sinne : for they he, and his fathers house : and loseph
did vnto thee euill : And now wee pray liued an hundred and ten yeeres.
thee , forgiue the trespasse of the ser- 23 * And loseph sawe Ephraims * Num. 32.
uants of the God of thy father. And children , of the third generation : the 39.
loseph wept, when they spake vnto children also of Machir , the sonne of
him. Manasseh were t brought vp vpon Io- \Hebtbomc.
18 And his brethren also went and sephs knees.
fell downe before his face, and they said, 24 And loseph saide vnto his bre-
Behold, we be thy seruants. thren, *I die: and God will surely visit * Heb. 11.
19 And loseph saide vnto them, you, and bring you out of this land, vn- 22.
Chap. 45. * Feare not : for am I in the place of to the land which hee sware to Abra-
God? ham, to Isaac, and to lacob.
20 But as for you, yee thought euill 25 And loseph tooke an othe. of the
against me, but God meant it vnto good, children of Israel, saying, * God will *19.Exod. 13,
to bring to passe, as it is this day, to saue surely visite you, and ye shal carie vp my
much people aliue. bones from hence.
21 Now therefore feare yee not: I 26 So loseph died, being an hun-
will nourish you , and your litle ones. dred and ten yeeres old : and they im-
And hee comforted them , and spake balmed him, and he was put in a coffin,
t t kindly vnto them.
their hearts.
in Egypt.


Mofes, called Exodus.
of the tloynes of lacob, were *seuen- tHeb. thigh.
C H A P . I. tie soules : for loseph was in Egypt 27. * Gen. 46.
1 The children of Israel after losephs death do already. 10. 22.
multiply. 8 The more they are oppressed by 6 And loseph died, and all his bre-
a new King, the more they multiply. 1 5 The thren, and all that generation.
godlines of the Midwiues, in sailing the men
children aliue. 22 Pharaoh commandeth 7 f *And the children of Israel * Acts. 7.
the male children to be cast into the riuer. were fruitrull, and increased aboun- 17.
dantly , and multiplied, and waxed ex-
Owe these are ceeding mighty, and the land was filled

the names of the with them.
* Gten. 46. * children of Is-
8. exod. 6. 8 Now there arose vp a new King
14. rael , which came ouer Egypt, which knew not loseph.
into Egypt, euery 9 And he said vnto his people, Be-
man & his house- hold, the people of the children of Is-
hold, came with rael are moe and mightier then we.
lacob. 10 Come on, let vs deale wisely with
2 Reuben, Si- them, lest they multiply, and it come to
meon , Leui , and ludah, passe that when there falleth out any
3 Issachar, Zebulun and Ben- warre, they ioyne also vnto our ene-
iamin, mies , and fight against vs , and so get
4 Dan, and Naphtali, Gad, and them vp out of the land.
Asher. 11 Therefore they did set ouer them
5 And all the soules that came out task-masters, to afflict them -with their
burdens :
Pharaohs crueltie. Chap.ij. Mofes is found
burdens : And they built for Pharaoh and when shee saw him that hee was a
treasure- cities, Pithom and Raamses. goodly childe, shee *hid him three mo- * Acts 7.
12 t But the more they afflicted them. 20. heb. 11.
t Hebr. and
as they af-
neths. 23.
flicted them, the more they multiplied and grew : 3 And when shee could not longer
so they mul- and they were grieued because of the hide him , she tooke for him an arke of
tiplied, 4f&
children of Israel. bul-rushes , and daubed it with slime,
13 And the Egyptians made the chil- and with pitch, and put the childe there-
dren of Israel to serue with rigour. in, and shee layd it in the flags by the ri-
14 And they made their Hues bitter, uers brinke.
with hard bondage , in morter and in 4 And his sister stood afarre off, to
bricke, and in all maner of seruice in the wit what would be done to him.
fielde: all their seruice wherein they 5 f And the daughter of Pharaoh
made them serue, was with rigour. came downe to wash her selfe at the ri-
15 U And the King of Egypt spake uer, and her maydens walked along by
to the Hebrew midwiues, (of which the the riuer side : and when shee saw the
name of one was Shiphrah , and the arke among the flags, she sent her maid
name of the other Puah.) to fetch it.
16 And he said, When ye do the office 6 And when she had opened it, she
of a midwife to the Hebrew - women, saw the childe : and beholde, the babe
and see them vpon the stooles, if it be a wept. And she had compassion on him,
sonne, then ye shall kill him : but if it be and said, This is one of the Hebrewes
a daughter, then shee shall Hue. children.
17 But the midwiues feared God, 7 Then said his sister to Pharaohs
and did not as the King of Egypt com- daughter, Shall I goe, and call to thee
manded them, but saued the men chil- a nurse of the Hebrew-women, that she
dren aliue. may nurse the childe for thee ?
18 And the King of Egypt called for 8 And Pharaohs daughter said to
the midwiues, & said vnto them, Why her, Goe: And the mayd went and cal-
haue ye done this thing , and haue sa- led the childs mother.
ued the men children aliue ? 9 And Pharaohs daughter said vn-
19 And the midwiues said vnto Pha- to her, Take this child away, and nurse
raoh, Because the Hebrew women are it for me, and I will giue thee thy wa-
not as the Egyptian women : for they ges. And the woman tooke the childe,
are liuely, and are deliuered ere the mid- and nursed it.
wiues come in vnto them. 10 And the childe grew , and shee
20 Therefore God dealt well with brought him vnto Pharaohs daugh-
the midwiues : and the people multi- ter, and he became her sonne. And she
plied and waxed very mighty. called his name || Moses: And she said, Drawen
I That is,
£1 And it came to passe, because the Because I drew him out of the water.
midwiues feared God, that hee made 11 IF And it came to passe in those
them houses. dayes, when Moses was growen, that
22 And Pharaoh charged all his he went out vnto his brethren, and loo-
people, saying, Euery sonne that is ked on their burdens , and he spied an
borne, yee shall cast into the riuer, and Egyptian smiting an Hebrew , one of
euery daughter ye shall saue aliue. his brethren.
12 And he looked this way and that
C H A P . II. way, and when he saw that there was
no man, he slew the Egyptian, and hid
1 Moses is bome, 3 and in an arke cast into him in the sand.
the flags. 5 He is found, and brought vp by
Pharaohs daughter. 1 1 He slayeth an Egyp- 13 And when he went out the second
tian. 13 He reproueth an Hebrew. 15 He day, behold, two men of the Hebrewes
fleeth into Midian. 21 Hee marrieth Zip- stroue together : And hee said to him
porah. 22 Gershom is borne. 23 God re- that did the wrong , Wherefore smitest
specteth the Israelites cry.
thou thy fellow ?
Chap. 6. Nd there went *a man of 14? And he said, Who made thee ta Man Hebr. a

20. num. the house of Leui, & tooke Prince and a iudge ouer vs ? intendest Prince.
26. 59.
to wife a daughter of Leui. thou to kill me, as thou killedst the E-
2 And the woman con- gyptian ? And Moses feared, and said,
ceiued, and bare a sonne: Surely this thing is knowen.
15 Now
Mofes in Midian. Exodus. The bulh burning.
15 Now when Pharaoh heard this ked, and behold, the bush burned with
thing , he sought to slay Moses. But fire, and the bush was not consumed.
Moses fled from the face of Pharaoh, 3 And Moses saide, I will nowe
and dwelt in the land of Midian : and turne aside , and see this great sight,
tie sate downe by a well. why the bush is not burnt.
I Qr9Prince. 16 Now the || Priest of Midian had 4s And when the L O R D sawe
seuen daughters, and they came and that he turned aside to see, God called
drew water, and filled the troughes to vnto him out of the midst of the bush,
water their fathers flocke. and said, Moses, Moses. And he saide,
17 And the shepheards came and Here am I.
droue them away: but Moses stood vp 5 And he said, Drawe not nigh hi-
and helped them, & watred their flocke. ther : * put off thy shooes from off thy lOSll. 5. 15.
18 And when they came to Reuel feete , for the place whereon thou stan- acts. 7. 53.
their father, he said, How is it that you dest, is holy ground.
are come so soone to day ? 6 Moreouer hee said , * I am the 32.Matth.acts 7.
19 And they said, An Egyptian deli- God of thy father , the God of Abra- 32.
uered vs out of the hand of the shep- ham, the God of Isaac, and the God of
lieards , and also drew water enough lacob. And Moses hid his face: for he
for vs, and watered the flocke. was afraid to looke vpon God.
20 And he said vnto his daughters, 7 IT And the LORD said, I haue
And where is he ? why is it that yee surely seene the affliction of my people
haue left the man ? Call him, that nee which are in Egypt , and haue heard
may eate bread. their crie , by reason of their taske-ma-
21 And Moses was content to dwel sters : for I know their sorrowes,
with the man, and he gaue Moses Zip- 8 And I am come downe to deliuer
porah his daughter. them out of the hand of the Egyptians,
22 And she bare him a sonne, and he and to bring them vp out of that land,
Chap. 18. called his name * Gershom : for he said, vnto a good land and a large, vnto a
3. I haue bene a stranger in a strange lande flowing with milke and hony,
land. vnto the place of the Canaanites , and
23 f And it came to passe in processe the Hittites, and the Amorites, and the
of time, that the king of Egypt died, and Perizzites, and the Hiuites, and the
the children of Israel sighed by reason lebusites.
of the bondage, and they cried, and their 9 Now therefore behold, the crie of
cry came vp vnto God, by reason of the the children of Israel is come vnto me:
bondage. and I haue also seene the oppression
24 And God heard their groning, wherewith the Egyptians oppresse
* Gene. 15. and God remembred his * Couenant them.
14. and 46.
4. with Abraham, with Isaac, and with 10 Come now therefore, and I will
lacob. send thee vnto Pharaoh , that thou
25 And God looked vpon the chil- mayest bring forth my people the chil-
\tHeb. knew, dren of Israel, and God thad respect dren of Israel out of Egypt.
vnto them. 11 U And Moses saide vnto God,
Who am I , that I should goe vnto
C H A P . III. Pharaoh, and that I should bring forth
1 Moses keepeth lethros flocke. 2 God appea- the children of Israel out of Egypt ?
reth to him in a burning bush. 9 He sendeth 12 And he said, Certainely I will be
him to deliuer Israel. 14 The name of God. with thee , and this shall be a token vn-
15 His message to Israel.
to thee , that I haue sent thee : When
Owe Moses kept the thou hast brought foorth the people out

flocke of Iethro his fa- of Egypt, ye shall serue God vpon this
her in law , the Priest of mountaine.
idian : and hee led the 13 And Moses saide vnto God, Be-
flocke to the backeside ol hold , when I come vnto the children
the desert, and came to the mountaine of Israel, and shall say vnto them,
of God, euen to Horeb. The God of your fathers hath sent
2 And the Angel of the LORD me vnto you ; and they shall say to me,
• A&s. 7 appeared vnto him, in a * flame of fire What is his name? what shall I say
30. out of the midst of a bush , and he loo- vnto them ?
14 And
The Name of God. Chap.iiij. Mofes his fignes.
14< And God saide vnto Moses, ses departeth from lethro. 21 Gods message
I AM THAT I AM : And he to Pharaoh. 24 Zipporah circumciseth her
sonne. 27 Aaron is sent to meet Moses. 31
said, Thus shalt thou say vnto the chil- The people beleeueth them.
dren of Israel, I AM hath sent me
vnto you. Nd Moses answered, and
15 And God said moreouer vnto Mo-
ses, Thus shalt thou say vnto the chil-
dren of Israel; The L O R D God of
your fathers, the God of Abraham, the
A said , But behold , they
will not beleeue mee, nor
hearken vnto my voice :
for they will say , The
God of Isaac, and the God of lacob LORD hath not appeared vnto thee.
hath sent me vnto you: this is my name 2 And the LORD said vnto him,
for euer, and this is my memoriall vnto What is that in thine hand ? and hee
all generations. said, A rod.
16 Goe and gather the Elders of Is- 3 And he said, Cast it on the ground:
rael together, and say vnto them, The And he cast it on the ground, and it be-
LORD God of your fathers, the came a serpent : and Moses fled from
God of Abraham, of Isaac, and of la- before it.
cob appeared vnto me, saying, I haue 4 And the LORD said vnto Mo-
surely visited you, and seene that which ses, Put forth thine hand, and take it by
is done to you in Egypt. the taile: And he put foorth his hand,
17 And I haue said, I will bring and caught it, and it became a rod in his
you vp out of the affliction of Egypt, hand :
vnto the land of the Canaanites, and 5 That they may beleeue that the
the Hittites, and the Amorites, and the LORD God of their fathers, the God
Perizzites, and the Hitiites, and the le- of Abraham, the God of Isaac, and the
busites, vnto a laud flowing with milke God of lacob hath appeared vnto
and hony. thee.
18 And they shall hearken to thy 6 1f And the LORD said further-
voyce: and thou shalt come, thou and more vnto him, Put now thine hand in-
the Elders of Israel vnto the King of to thy bosome. And he put his hand in-
Egypt, and you shall say vnto him, to his bosome : and when hee tooke it
The LORD God of the Hebrewes out, behold, his hand was leprous as
hath met with vs : and now let vs goe, snowe.
(wee beseech thee) three dayes iourney 7 And he said, Put thine hand into
into the wildernes , that we may sacri- thy bosome againe. And hee put his
fice to the LORD our God. hand into his bosome againe, and pluc-
19 11 And I am sure that the King ked it out of his bosome, and behold, it
II Gttbutby of Egypt will not let you goe, ||no not was turned againe as his oilier flesh.
strong hand.
by a mightie hand. 8 And it shall come to passe, if they
20 And I will stretch out my hand, wil not beleeue thee, neither hearken to
and smite Egypt with all my wonders the voice of the first signe, that they will
which I will doe in the midst thereof: beleeue the voice of tne latter signe.
and after that he will let you goe. 9 And it shall come to passe, if they
21 And I will giue this people fa- will not beleeue also these two signes,
uour in the sight of the Egyptians, and neither hearken vnto thy voice, that
it shall come to passe that when ye goe, thou shalt take of the water of the ri-
ye shall not goe empty : uer, and powre it vpon the drie land : and
* Chap. 11. 22 *But euery woman shal borrow the water which thou takest out of the
2. & 12. 35.
of her neighbour, and of her that so- riuer, t shall become blood vpon the drie and\f/eb.shalbe
shall be.
iourneth in her house, iewels of siluer, land.
and iewels of gold, and rayment: and 10 1F And Moses saide vnto the
ye shall put them vpon your sonnes and LORD, O my lord, I am not t elo- qftHeb.ama-n words.
vpon your daughters, and yee shall quent, neither heretofore, nor tsince thou f Heb. since
il Or, Egypt. spoile ||the Egyptians. hast spoken vnto thy seruant: but I am yesterday
nor since the
slow of speach, and of a slow tongue. third day.
C H A P . IIII. 11 And the LORD said vnto him,
1 Moses rod is turned into a Serpent. 6 His Who hath made mans mouth ? or who
hand is leprous. 10 He is loath to bee sent. maketh the dumbe or deafe, or the see-
14- Aaron is appointed to assist him. 18 Mo- ing, or y blind? haue not I the LORD?
12 Now
Mofes and Aaron Exodus. goe to Pharaoh.
12 Now therefore goe, and I will sonne, and tcast it at his feete, and said, ; Heb, made
* Matth. 10 >e * with thy mouth , and teach thee Surely a bloody husband art thou to t touch*
19. mar. 13, what thou shalt say. mee.
11. luk» l$*
11. 13 And he said, O my Lord,, send, I 26 So he let him goe. then she said,
pray thee, by the hand of him whom thou A bloody husband thou art, because of
II Or, shoitt- jwilt send. the Circumcision.
dest. 14 And the anger of the LORD 27 1T And the LORD said to Aa-
was kindled against Moses, and hee ron, Goe into the wilder nesse to meete
said, Is not Aaron the Leuite thy bro- Moses. And hee went and met him in
ther ? I know that he can speake well. the mount of God, and kissed him.
And also behold, he commeth foorth to 28 And Moses tolde Aaron all the
meet thee: and when he seeth thee, hee wordes of the LORD, who had sent
will be glad in his heart. tiim, and all the signes which hee had
15 And thou shalt speake vnto him, commanded him.
and put words in his mouth, and I wil 29 IT And Moses and Aaron went,
DC with thy mouth, & with his mouth, and gathered together all the elders of
and will teach you what ye shall doe. the children of Israel.
16 And he shal be thy spokesman vn- 30 And Aaron spake all the wordes
to the people: and he snail be, euen hee which the L O R D had spoken vnto
shall be to thee in stead of a mouth, and Moses, and did the signes in the sight of
* Chap. 7.1. *thou shalt be to him in stead of God. the people.
17 And thou shalt take this rod in 31 And the people beleeued . And
thine hand, wherewith thou shalt doe when they heard that the L O R D
signes. had visited the children of Israel, and
18 U And Moses went and retur- that he had looked vpon their affliction,
ned to lethro his father in law , and then they bowed their heads and wor-
said vnto him, Let me goe, I pray thee, shipped..
and returne vnto my brethren, which
are in Egypt, and see whether they bee C H A P . V.
yet aliue. And lethro said to Moses, 1 Pharaoh cllideth Moses and Aaron for their
Goe in peace. message. 5 Hee encreaseth the Israelites
19 And the LORD said vnto Moses taske. 15 Hee checketh their complaints.
in Midian, Goe, returne into Egypt: 19 They cry out vpon JVIoses and Aaron.
, 22 Moses complaineth to God,
for all the men are dead which sought
thy life. Nd afterward Moses and

20 And Moses tooke his wife, and Aaron went in , and tolde
his sonnes, and set them vpon an asse, Pharaoh, Thus saith the
and he returned to the land of Egypt. LORD /.* God of Israel,
And Moses tooke the rod of God in Let my people goe , that
his hand. they may holde a feast vnto mee in the
21 And the LOJID said vnto Mo- wildernesse.
ses , When thou goest to returne into 2 And Pharaoh said, Who is the
Egypt, see that thou doe all those won- LORD, that I should obey his voyce
ders before Pharaoh , which I haue to let Israel goe? I know not the
put in thine hand: but I wil harden his LORD, neither will I let Israel goe.
heart, that hee shall not let the people 3 And they said , * The God of the * Chap. 3.
goe. Hebrewes hath met with vs: let vs 18.
22 And thou shalt say vnto Phara- goe, we pray thee, three dayes iourney
oh, Thus saith the LORD, Israel is into the desert , and sacrifice vnto the
my sonne, euen my first borne. LORD our God, lest hee fall vpon vs
23 And I say vnto thee, let my sonne with pestilence, or with the sword.
goe, that he may serue mee: and if thou 4 And the King of Egypt said vnto
refuse to let him goe, behold, I will slay them, Wherfore doe ye, Moses and Aa-
thy sonne, euen thy first borne. ron, let the people from their workes ?
24 H And it came to passe by the get you vnto your burdens.
way in the Inne, that the LORD met 5 And Pharaoh said," Behold, the
him, and sought to kill him. people of the land now are many, & you
25 Then Zipporah tooke a sharpe make them rest from their burdens.
li Or, knife. || stone, and cut off the foreskinne of her 6 And Pharaoh commanded the
Ifrael opprefled. Chap.vj. Gods promife.
same day .the taske-m asters of the peo- came foorth from Pharaoh.
ple, and their officers, saying ; 21 And they said vnto them ; The
7 Yee shall no more giue the people LORD looke vpon you, and iudge, be-
straw to make bricke, as heretofore: let cause you haue made our sauour tto be t Hebr. to
them goe and gather straw for thenu abhorred in the eyes of Pharaoh, anc stinke.
selues. in the eyes of his seruants , to put a
8 And the tale of the brick es which sword in their hand to slay vs.
they did make heretofore, you shall 22 And Moses returned vnto the
lay vpon them : you shall not diminish L O R D , and said, Lord, Wherefore
ought thereof : for they be idle; therefore hast thou so euill intreated this people?
they cry, saying, Let vs goe and sacrifice why is it that thou hast sent me ?
to our God. 23 For since I came to Pharaoh to
t Heb. let 9 t Let there more worke be layde speake in thy Name, he hath done euili uering-
t Heb. deli-
the worke be thou
heauy vpon vpon the men, that they may labour to this people, neither hast thou tdeli- hast not de-
the men. therein, and let them not regard vaine uered thy people at all. liuered.
10 1[ And the taske-masters of the C TT A T> "17 T
people went out, and their officers, and
they spake to the people, saying, Thus 1 God renueth his promise by his Name IE-
saith Pharaoh , I will not giue you HOVAH. 14 The genealogie of Reu-
ben, 15 of Simeon, 16 of Leui, of whom
straw. came Moses and Aaron.
11 Goe ye, get you straw where you
can find it: yet not ought of your worke Hen the Lord said vn-

shall be diminished. to moses, Now shalt
12 So the people were scattered a- thou see what I will doe
broad throughout al the land of Egypt, to Pharaoh : for with a
to gather stubble in stead of straw. strong hand shall hee let
13 And the taske-masters hasted them goe, and with a strong hand shall
them, saying ; Fulfill your workes, your he driue them out of his land.
t Hebr. a tdayly taskes, as when there was 2 And God spake vnto Moses, and
matter of a
day in his straw. said vnto him, I am the LORD.
day. 14 And the officers of tlfe children of 3 And I appeared vnto Abraham,
Israel, which Pharaohs task-masters vnto Isaac, and vnto lacob, by the
had set ouer them, were beaten, and de- Name of God Almighty , but by my
manded, Wherefore haue ye not fulfil- name IEHOVAH was I not knowen
led your taske, in making bricke, both to them.
yesterday and to day, as heretofore? 4 And I haue also established my
15 IF Then the officers of the chit Couenant with them, to giue them the
dren of Israel came and cryed vnto land of Canaan, the land of their pilgri-
Pharaoh , saying , Wherefore dealest mage, xwherein they were strangers.
thou thus with thy seruants ? 5 And I haue also heard the Dro-
16 There is no straw giuen vnto thy ning of the children of Israel, whom
seruants, and they say to vs , Make the Egyptians keepe in bondage: and
bricke : and beholde, thy seruants are I haue remembred my Couenant.
beaten ; but the fault is in thine owne 6 Wherefore say vnto the children
people. of Israel, I am the L O U D , and I
17 But he said, Ye are idle, ye are idle: will bring you out from vnder the bur-
therefore ye say, Let vs goe and doe sa- dens of the Egyptians, and I will rid
crifice to the LORD. you out of their bondage : and I will
18 Goe therefore now and worke: redeeme you with a stretched out arme,
for there shall no straw bee giueVyou, and with great iudgements.
yet shall ye deliuer the tale of brickes. 7 And I will take you to mee for a
19 And the officers of the children of people, and I will be to you a God: and
Israel did see that they were in euill fe shall know that I am the L O R D
case, after it was said, Yee shall not mi- four God, which bringeth you put
nish ought from your brickes of your from vnder the burdens of the Egyp-
dayly taske. tians.
20 f And they met Moses and Aa- 8 And I will bring you in vnto the
ron , who stood in the way , as they lande concerning the which I did
Mofes is fent Exodus. to king Pharaoh.
t Heb. lift tsweare to giue it, to Abraham, to Isa- daughter of Amminadab sister of Na-
vp my hand.
ac, and to lacob, and I will giue it you ashon to wife, and she bare him Nadab
for an heritage, I am the L O R D and Abihu, Eleazar and Ithamar.
9 U And Moses spake so vnto the 24 And the sonnes of Korah, Assir,
children of Israel: but they hearkened and Elkanah, and Abiasaph: these are
t Heb. short- not vnto Moses, for t anguish of spirit, the families of the Korhites.
ness?: or,
straitnex. and for cruell bondage. 25 And Eleazar Aarons sonne tooke
10 And the L O U D spake vnto Mo- lim one of the daughters of Putiel to
ses, saying, wife , and * she bare him Phinehas : 11. * Num. 25.
11 Goe in, speake vnto Pharaoh ihese are the heads of the fathers of the
King of Egypt, that he let the children Leuites, according to their families.
of Israel goe out of his land. 26 These are that Aaron and Mo-
12 And Moses spake before the ses, to whom the LORD said , Bring
L O R D , saying, Behold, the children out the children of Israel from the land
of Israel haue not hearkened vnto me : of Egypt, according to their armies.
low then shal Pharaoh heare me, who 27 These are they which spake to
am of vncircumcised lips ? Pharaoh king of Egypt, to bring out
13 And the LORD spake vnto Moses the children of Israel from Egypt :
and vnto Aaron, & gaue them a charge These are that Moses and Aaron.
vnto the children of Israel , and vnto 28 f And it came to passe on the day
Pharaoh King of Egypt, to bring the when the L O R D spake vnto Moses
children of Israel out of the land of E- in the land of Egypt,
gyp'- 29 That the L O R D spake vnto
H f These be the heads of their fa- Moses, saying, I am the L O R D :
* Gen. 46. 9
1. chro. 5. 3.
thers houses: * The sonnes of Reuben speake thou vnto Pharaoh king of E-
:he first borne of Israel, Hanoch , and gypt, all that I say vnto thee.
Pallu, Hezron, and Carmi: these be the 30 And Moses said before the LORD,
families of Reuben. Behold , I am of vncircumcised lips,
• 1. Chron. 15 *And the sonnes of Simeon: le- and how shall Pharaoh hearken vnto
4. 24.
muel, and I am in, and Ohad and la- mee?
chin, and Zohar, and Shaul the sonne
of a Canaanitish woman ; these are the
families of Simeon. C H A P . VII,
16 1F And these are the names of the 1 Moses is encouraged to go to Pharaoh. 7 His
* Num. 3. 17 * sonnes of Leui, according to their ge- age. 8 His rod is turned into a Serpent. 1 1
1 chron. 6. 1 The sorcerers do the like. 13 Pharaohs heart
nerations : Gershon and Kohath and is hardened. 14 Gods message to Pharaoh.
Merari : and the yeeres of the life ol 19 The riuer is turned into blood.
Leui, were an hundred, thirtie and se-
uen yeeres. Nd the LORD said vn-

17 The sonnes of Gershon : Libni to Moses , See , I haue
and Shimi, according to their families. made thee a god to Pha-
* Num. 20. 18 And *the sonnes of Kohath: Am- raoh, and Aaron thy bro-
57. I. chro.
6. 1. ram, and Izhar, and Hebron, and Uz- ther shalbe thy prophet.
ziel. And the yeeres of the life of Ko- 2 Thou shalt speake all that I
hath, were an hundred thirtie and three command thee, and Aaron thy brother
yeeres. shall speake vnto Pharaoh, that he send
19 And the sonnes of Merari : Ma- the children of Israel out of his land.
hali and Mushi : these are the families o: 3 And I will harden Pharaohs
Leui, according to their generations. heart, and multiplie my signes and my
* Chap. S. 2. 20 And *Amram tooke him loche- wonders in the land of Egypt.
num. 26. 59 4 But Pharaoh shall not hearken
bed his fathers sister to wife , and shee
bare him Aaron and Moses : and the vnto you, that I may lay my hand vp-
yeeres of the life of Amram were an on Egypt, and bring forth mine armies,
nundred, and thirtie and seuen yeeres. and my people the children of Israel,
21 11 And the sonnes of Izhar : Ko- out of the land of Egypt, by great iudg-
ran and Nepheg, and Zichri. ments.
22 And the sonnes of Uzziel: Mi- 5 And the Egyptians shall knowe
shael, and Elzaphan, and Zithri. that I am the LORD, when I stretch
23 And Aaron tooke him Elisheba forth mine hand vpon Egypt, and bring
The rod a ferpent. Chap.viij. Bloody waters.
out the children of Israel from among waters of Egypt, vpon their streamer
them. vpon their riuers , and vpon their
6 And Moses and Aaron did as the ponds , and vpon all their t pooles of t Heb. Ga-
ther in&of
LORD commanded them, so did they. water, that they may become blood, their wa-
7 And Moses was fourescore yeres and that there may be blood through- ters.
olde, and Aaron fourescore and three out all the land of Egypt, both in vessels
yeeres old, when they spake vnto Pha- o^woocl, and in vessels of stone.
raoh. 20 And Moses and Aaron did so, as
8 U And the LORD spake vnto the LORD commanded: and he *lift 5.* Chap. 17.
Moses, and vnto Aaron, saying : vp the rod and smote the waters that
9 When Pharaoh shall speake vnto were in the riuer, in the sight of Pha-
you, saying, Shew a miracle for you : raoh, and in the sight of his seruants :
then thou shalt say vnto Aaron, Take and all the * waters that were in the ri- 44.
" Psal. 78.
thy rod and cast it before Pharaoh, and uer, were turned to blood.
it shall become a serpent. 21 And the fish that was in the riuer
10 IT And Moses and Aaron went died : and the riuer stunke , and the E-
in vnto Pharaoh, and they did so as the jyptians could not drinke of the water
Lord had commanded: and Aaron east of the riuer : and there was blood
downe his rod before Pharaoh , and throughout all the land of Egypt.
before his seruants , and it became a 22 * And the Magicians of Egypt •Wis. 17.7.
serpent. did so, with their enchantments : and
11 Then Pharaoh also called the Pharaohs heart was hardened , nei-
wise men and the sorcerers ; now the ther did he hearken vnto them, as the
Magicians of Egypt , they also did in LORD had said.
like maner with their enchantments. 23 And Pharaoh turned and went
12 For they cast downe euery man into his house , neither did hee set his
bis rod, and they became serpents: but beart to this also.
Aarons rod swallowed vp their rods. 24 And all the Egyptians digged
13 And hee hardened Pharaohs round about the riuer for water to
heart, that hee hearkened not vnto drinke: for they could not drinke of the
them, as the LORD had said. water of the riuer.
14 ^T And the L O R D saide vnto 25 And seuen dayes were fulfilled
Moses , Pharaohs heart is hardened : after that the LORD had smitten the
he refuseth to let the people goe. riuer.
15 Get thee vnto Pharaoh in the
morning, loe, he goeth out vnto the wa-
ter, and thou shalt stand by the riuers C H A P . VIII.
brinke, against hee come: and the rod 1 Frogges are sent. 8 Pharaoh sueth to Moses ,
which was turned to a serpent , shalt 12 and Moses by prayer remoueth them a-
thou take in thine hand. way. 1 6 The dust is turned into lice, which
the Magicians could not doe. 20 The
16 And thou shalt say vnto him, swarmes of flies. 25 Pharaoh inclineth to
The LORD God of the Hebrewes let the people goe, 32 but yet is hardened.
hath sent me vnto thee, saying; Let my
people goe, that they may serue mee in Nd the L O R D spake

the wildernesse: and beholde, hitherto vnto Moses , Goe vnto
thou wouldest not heare. Pharaoh, and say vnto
17 Thus saith the LORD, In this him ; Thus sayeth the
thou shalt know that I am the LORD : L O R D , Let my people
behold, I will smite with the rod that goe, that they may serue me.
is in my hand, vpon the waters which 2 And if thou refuse to let them goe,
are in the riuer, and they shalbe turned beholde , I will smite all thy borders
to blood. with frogges.
18 And the fish that is in the riuer 3 And the riuer shall bring foorth
shall die, and the riuer shall stincke, and frogges abundantly, which shall goe
the Egyptians shall loathe to drinke of vp and come into thine house, and in-
the water of the riuer. to thy bed-chamber, and vpon thy bed,
19 IT And the L O R D spake vnto and into the house of thy seruants, and
Moses, Say vnto Aaron , Take thy vpon thy people, and into thine ouens,
rod, & stretch out thine hand vpon the and into thy || kneading troughes. 1 Or, dough.
4 And
Plagues of frogges, Exodus. of lyce, of flyes,
4? And the frogges shall come vp dust of the land became lice throughout
both on thee, and vpon thy people, and all the land of Egypt..
vpon all thy seruants. 18 And the Magicians did so with
5 IT And the LORD spake vnto their enchantments to bring foorth lice,
Moses ; Say vnto Aaron , Stretch but they could not: so there were lice
foorth thine hand with thy rodde ouer vpon man and vpon beast.
the streames, ouer the riuers, and ouer 19 Then the Magicians said vnto
the ponds , and cause frogges to come Pharaoh ; This is the finger of God.
vp vpon the land of Egypt. And Pharaohs heart was hardned,
6 And Aaron stretched out his and he hearkened not vnto them, as the
hand ouer the waters of Egypt , and LORD had said.
the frogges came vp , and couered the 20 1F And the LORD saide vnto
land of Egypt. Moses, Rise vp early in the morning,
* Wfod. 17. 7 *And the Magicians did so with and stand before Pharaoh : loe, he com-
their inchantments , and brought vp meth foorth to the water, and say vnto
frogges vpon the land of Egypt. him ; Thus saith the LORD, Let my
8 f Then Pharaoh called for Mo- people goe, that they may serue me.
ses, and Aaron, and said, In treat the 21 Els , if thou wilt not let my peo-
LORD , that hee may take away the ple goe, beholde, I will send ||swarmes t Or, a 'mix-
frogges from me, and from my people : of flies vpon thee , and vpon thy ser- ture ofnoy-
some beasts,
and I will let the people goe, that they uants, and vpon thy people, and into &e.
may doe sacrifice vnto the LORD. thy houses : and the houses of the E-
9 And Moses saide vnto Pharaoh, gyptians shall bee full of swarmes of
II Or haute || Glory ouer mee: ||when shall I en- flies, and also the ground whereon they
this honour
ouerme9fyc* treat for thee, and for thy seruants, and are.
II Or, against for thy people , to t destroy the frogges 22 And I will seuer in that day the
\ Hebr. to from thee , and thy houses, that they lande of Goshen in which my people
cutoff. may remaine in the riuer onely? dwell, that no swarmes of flies shall be
\\ Or, against
to morrow* 10 And he said, || To morrow. And there, to the end thou maiest know that
hee said , Bee it according to thy word : I am the L O R D in the midst of the
That thou mayest know that there is earth.
none like vnto the LORD our God. 23 And I will put ta diuision be- demption.
t Hebr. a re-
^ 11 And the frogs shall depart from tweene my people and thy people : ||to II Or, by to
thee, and from thy houses , and from morrow shall this signe be. morrow.
thy seruants , and from thy people ; 24 And the LORD did so: and
they shall remaine in the riuer onely. * there came a grieuous swarme of flies *Wisd. 16.
12 And Moses and Aaron went out into the house of Pharaoh, and into his 9.
from Pharaoh , and Moses cried vnto seruants houses, and into all the lande
the LORD because of the frogs which of Egypt: the land was || corrupted by B Or•, de-
he had brought against Pharaoh. reason of the swarme of flies.
13 And the LORD did according 25 11 And Pharaoh called for Mo-
to the word of Moses : and the frogges ses and for Aaron, and said, Goe yee, sa-
died out of the houses , out of the vil- crifice to your God in the land.
lages, and out of the fields. 26 And Moses said, It is not meete
14 And they gathered them toge- so to doe; for we shal sacrifice the abomi-
ther vpon heapes, and the land stanke. nation of the Egyptians, to the LORD
15 But when Pharaoh saw that our God: Loe, shall we sacrifice the a-
there was respit, he hardned his heart, bomination of the Egyptians before
and hearkened not vnto them, as the their eyes, and will they not stone vs ?
LORD had said. 27 We will goe three dayes iourney
16 11 And the L O R D saide vnto into the wildernesse, and sacrifice to the
Moses, Say vnto Aaron, Stretch out L O R D our God, as * he shall com- * Chap. 3.
thy rod, and smite the dust of the land, mand vs.
that it may become lice, thorowout all 28 And Pharaoh said, I wil let you
the land of Egypt. goe that ye may sacrifice to the LORD
17 And they did so: for Aaron stret- your God, in the wildernes : onely you
ched out his hand with his rod, and shall not goe very farre away: intreate
smote the dust of the earth , and it be- for me.
came lice, in man and in beast : all the 29 And Moses said, Behold, I goe
of the murraine. Chap.ix. Pharaoh obftinate.
out from thee, and I will intreate the 9 And it shall become small dust in
LORD that the swarmes of flies may all the land of Egypt , and shall bee a
depart from Pharaoh, from his ser- boyle breaking forth with blaines, vpon
uants, and from his people to morrow: man and vpon beast, throughout all the
but let not Pharaoh deale deceitfully land of Egypt.
any more, in not letting the people goe 10 And they tooke ashes of the for-
to sacrifice to the LORD. nace , and stood before Pharaoh , and
30 And Moses went out from Pha- Moses sprinkled it vp toward heauen :
raoh, and intreated the LORD : and it became a boile breaking forth with
31 And the LORD did according to blaines, vpon man and vpon beast.
the word of Moses : and he remooued 11 And the Magicians could not
the swarmes of flies from Pharaoh, stand before Moses , because of the
from his seruants, and from his people: boiles : for the boile was vpon the ma-
there remained not one. gicians, and vpon all the Egyptians.
32 And Pharaoh hardened his heart 12 And the LORD hardened the
at this time also, neither would bee let heart of Pharaoh, and hee hearkened
the people goe. not vnto them , * as the LORD had * Chap. 4.
spoken vnto Moses.
13 f And the LORD saide vnto
C H A P . IX. Moses, Rise vp earely in the morning,
1 The murraine of beasts. 8 The plague of and stand before Pharaoh, and say vnto
boyles, and blaines. 13 His message about him, Thus saith the LORD God of
the haile. 22 The plague of haile. 27 Pha-
raoh sueth to Moses, 35 but yet is hardened. the Hebrewes, Let my people goe, that
they may serue me.
wen tne .LORD saiu vnto 14 For I will at this time send all

T Moses, Goe in vnto Pha-

raoh, and tell him, Thus
saith the LORD God of
the Hebrewes , Let my
my plagues vpon thine heart, and vpon
thy seruaunts , and vpon thy people :
that thou mayest knowe that tJiere is
none like me in all the earth.
people goe, that they may serue me. 15 For now I will stretch out my
2 For if thou refuse to let them goe, hand , that I may smite thee and thy
and wilt hold them still, people, with pestilence, and thou shalt
3 Behold, the hand of the LORD be cut off from the earth.
is vpon thy cattell which is in the field, 16 And in very deede, for *this cause * Rom. 9.
vpon the horses, vpon the asses, vpon haue 1 1 raised thee vp, for to shewe in17. 1 Heb. made
the camels, vpon the oxen, and vpon thee my power, and that my name may hee stand.
the sheepe : there shall be a very grieuous be declared throughout all the earth.
murraine. 17 As yet exaltest thou thy selfe a-
4 And the LORD shall seuer be- gainst my people, that thou wilt not let
tweene the cattel of Israel, and the cat- them goe?
tell of Egypt , and there shall nothing 18 Behold , to morrow about this
die of all that is the childrens of Israel. time, I wil cause it to raine a very grie-
5 And the L O R D appointed a set uous haile, such as hath not bene in E-
time, saying, To morrow the L O R D »ypt, since the foundation thereof euen
shall doe this thing in the land. vntill now.
6 And the L O R D did that thing 19 Send therefore now, and gather
on the morrow; and all the cattell of E- thy cattell, and all that thou hast in the
gypt died, but of the cattell of the chil- field : for vpon euery man and beast
dren of Israel died not one. which shal be found in the field, and shal
7 And Pharaoh sent, and beholde, not bee brought home , the haile shall
there was not one of the cattell of the come downe vpon them, and they shall
Israelites dead. And the heart of Pha- die.
raoh was hardened, and he did not let 20 Hee that feared the word of the
the people goe. LORD amongst the seruants of Pha-
8 U And the L O R D saide vnto raoh, made his seruants and his cattell
Moses, and vnto Aaron , Take to you flee into the houses.
handfuls of ashes of the fornace , and 21 And he that t regarded not the Heb. set
let Moses sprinkle it towards the hea- word of, the LORD, left his seruants not his heart
uen, in the sight of Pharaoh : and his cattell in the field.
22 11 And
The plague of haile. Exodus. Locufts threatned,
9Si If And the LORD saide vnto 35 And the heart of Pharaoh was
Moses, Stretch forth thine hand to- lardened, neither would he let the chil-
ward heauen, that .there may be haile dren of Israel goe, as the LORD had
m all the land of Egyy t, vpon man and spoken tby Moses. t Hebr. by
the hand of
vpon beast 5 and vpon euery herbe of Moses.
the field, thorowout the land of Egypt.
£3 And Moses stretched foorth his CH A P . X.

rod toward heauen , and the LORD 1 God threatneth to send locusts. 7 Pharaoh,
sent thunder and haile, and the fire raoued byhis seruants, inclineth to let the Is-
ranne along vpon the ground, and the raelites goe. 12 The plague of the locusts.
16 Pharaoh sueth to Moses. 21 The plague
LORD rained haile vpon the land of of darkenesse. 24 Pharaoh sueth vnto Mo-
Egypt. ses, 27 but yet is hardened.
£i So there was haile, and fire
mingled with the haile, very grieuous, Nd the LORD said vnto

such as there was none like it in all the Moses, Goe in vnto Pha-
[and of Egypt, since it became a nation. raoh : for * I haue hard- 21* •Chap. 4.
25 And the haile smote throughout d his heart, and the
all the land of Egypt , all that was in the heart of his seruants, that
ield, both man and beast: and the haile [ might shew these my signes before
smote euery herbe of the fielde , and lim :
irake euery tree of the field. % And that thou mayest tell in the
£6 Onely in the land of Goshen eares of thy sonne , and of thy sonnes
where the children of Israel were, was sonne, what things I haue wrought
there no haile. in Egypt, and my signes which I haue
87 IT And Pharaoh sent, and called done amongst them, that ye may know
[or Moses and Aaron , and said vnto bow that I am the LORD.
them , I hatie sinned this time : the 3 And Moses and Aaron came in
LORD is righteous, and I and my vnto Pharaoh , and saide vnto him,
people are wicked. Thus saith the LORD God of the He-
£8 Entreat the LORD, (for it is brewes, How long wilt thou refuse to
t Hebr. enough) that there be no more t mighty bumble thy selfe before mee ? Let my
voyces of thunderings and haile , and I will let
Ood. people goe, that they may serue me.
you goe, and ye shall stay no longer. 4 Els, if thou refuse to let my people
£9 And Moses saide vnto him, As- goe, behold, to morrow will I bring
soone as I am gone out of the citie, I the * locusts into thy coast. * Wisd. 16.
will spread abroad my hands vnto the 5 And they shall couer the tface of t Hebr. eye.
LORD, and the thunder shall cease, the earth, that one cannot be able to see
neither shall there be any more haile : the earth, and they shall eate the residue
that thou mayest know how that the of that which is escaped , which remai-
* Psal. 24. l. * earth i^-the LORDS. neth vnto you from the haile, and shall
30 But as for thee and thy seruants, eate euery tree , which groweth for you
I know that ye will not yet feare the out of the field.
LORD God. 6 And they shall fill thy houses, and
31 And the flaxe, and the barley was the houses of all thy seruants, and the
smitten: for the barley was in the eare, houses of all the Egyptians, which
and the flaxe was boiled : neither thy fathers , nor thy fathers fa-
32 But the wheat and the rye were thers haue scene, since the day that they
t Hebr. hid- not smitten: for they were tnot grow en were vpon the earth , vnto this day.
den: or, vp. And he turned himselfe, and went out
33 And Moses went out of the city from Pharaoh.
from Pharaoh, and spread abroad his 7 And Pharaohs seruants said vn-
hands vnto the LORD : and the thun- to him, How long shall this man be a
ders and haile ceased, and the raine was snare vnto vs ? Let the men goe , that
not powred vpon the earth. they may serue the LORD their God:
34; And when Pharaoh saw that Knowest thou not yet , that Egypt is
the raine , and the haile and the thun- destroyed ?
ders were ceased , hee sinned yet more, 8 And Moses and Aaron were
and hardened his heart, he and his ser- brought againe vnto Pharaoh : and he
uants. said vnto them, Goe, serue the LORD
couer Egypt. Chap.xj. Thicke darkenes.
t Heb. who [your God: but twho are they that shal raohs heart, so that hee would not let
<y who* e[C.
goe? the children of Israel goe.
9 And Moses said, We wil goe with 21 H And the LORD said vnto Mo-
our yong , and with our old , with our ses, Stretch out thine hand towarc
sonnes and with our daughters, with heauen, that there may be darkenesse
our flockes and with our heards wil ouer the land of Egypt, teuen darkenes t Heb. that
we goe : for we must hold a feast vnto the which may be felt. darkenesse.
LORD. 22 And Moses stretched foorth his
10 And he said vnto them ; Let the hand toward heauen : and there was a
LORD bee so with you, as I will let thicke darkenesse in all the land of E-
you goe, and your litle ones. Looke to gypt three dayes.
it, for euill is before you. 23 They saw not one another, nei-
11 Not so: goe now yee that are men, ther rose any from his place for three
and serue the LORD, for that you did dayes : * but all the children of Israel *Wisd.iai
desire : and they were driuen out from bad light in their dwellings.
Pharaohs presence. 24 IT And Pharaoh called vnto Mo-
12 IT And the LORD said vnto Mo- ses, and said, Goe ye, serue the LORD:
ses , Stretch out thine hand ouer the onely let your flockes and your herds
land of Egypt for the locusts , that they be stayed : let your litle ones also goe
may come vp vpon the land of Egypt, with you.
and eate euery herbe of the land, euen 25 And Moses saide, Thou must
all that the haile hath left. jiue tvs also sacrifices, and burnt offe- Heb. into
our hands.
13 And Moses stretched forth his rod rings , that we may sacrifice vnto the
ouer the land of Egypt, and the LORD LORD our God.
brought an East wind vpon the land all 26 Our cattell also shall goe with
that day, and all that night : and when vs: there shall not an hoofe bee left be-
it was morning, the East wind brought lind : for thereof must we take to serue
the locusts. the LORD our God: and we knowe
14* And the locusts went vp ouer all not with what wee must serue the
the land of Egypt, and rested in all the LORD, vntill we come thither.
coasts of Egypt : very grieuous were 27 U But the L O R D hardened
they : before them there were no such Pharaohs heart, and he would not let
locusts as they, neither after them shall them goe.
3e such. 28 And Pharaoh said vnto him, Get
15 For they couered the face of the thee from me, take heed to thy selfe : see
whole earth, so that the land was dark- my face no more : for in that day thou
led, and they did eate euery herbe of the seest my face, thou shalt die.
land, and all the fruit of the trees, which 29 And Moses said , Thou hast spo-
the haile had left , and there remained cen well, I will see thy face againe no
not any greene thing in the trees, or in more.
t;he herbes of the field, through all the
l!and of Egypt. C H A P . XI.
t Heb. haste- 16 IF Then Pharaoh t called for Mo- 1 Gods message to the Israelites to borrow iew-
ned to call. els of their neighbours. 4 Moses threatneth
ses and Aaron in haste : and he said , I Pharaoh with the death of the first borne.
laue sinned against the LORD your
jrod, and against you. Nd the LORD said vn-

.17 Now therefore forgiue, I pray to Moses , Yet will I
thee, my sinne onely this once, and in- ring one plague more vp-
treat the LORD your God, that hee on Pharaoh , and vpon
may take away from mee this death Egypt , afterwards hee
onely. will let you goe hence : when hee shall
18 And he went out from Pharaoh, et you goe, he shall surely thrust you out
and intreated the LORD. lence altogether.
19 And the LORD turned a mighty 2 Speake now in the eares of the
strong West wind, which tooke away )eople, and let euery man borrowe of
t Heb. faste- the locusts, and tcast them into the red lis neighbour, and euery woman of
ned. sea : there remained not one locust in all ler neighbour, * iewels of siluer , and *2.Chap. 3.
& 12.
the coasts of Egypt. iewels of gold. 35.
20 But the LORD hardened Pha- 3 And the L O R D gaue the people
Mofes is angry. Exodus. The Pafleouer
auour in the sight of the Egyptians, them euery man a lambe , according to
* Ecclus.
5. 1.
Moreouer the man * Moses was very the house of their fathers, a || lambe for Or, kidde.
jreat in the land of Egypt, in the sight an house.
of Pharaohs seruants, and in the sight 4« And if the houshold be too little
of the people. 'or the lambe , let him and his neigh-
4 And Moses said, Thus saith the Dour next vnto his house, take it accor-
* Chap. 12. L O R D , * about midnight will I goe ding to the number of the soules: euery
out into the midst of Egypt. man according to his eating shall make
5 And all the first borne in the lande your count for the lambe.
of Egypt shall die, from the first borne 5 Your lambe shall be without ble-
of Pharaoh , that sitteth vpon his mish, a male tof the first yeere: yee shall ifh Heb, sonne
a yeere.
throne, euen vnto the first borne of the take it out from the sheepe or from the
maid seruant that is behind the mill, goates.
and all the first borne of beasts. 6 And ye shall keepe it vp vntill the
6 And there shall bee a great crie fourteenth day of the same moneth:
throughout all the land of Egypt, such and the whole assembly of the congre-
as there was none like it, nor shall bee gation of Israel shall kill it tin the eue- t Hebr. be.
1*1 it
like • i any more. ning. tweene the
two eve-
7 But against any of the children of 7 And they shall take of the blood nings.
Israel, shal not a dog moue his tongue, and strike it on the two side postes, and
against man or beast: that ye may know on the vpper doore poste, of the houses
bow that the LORD doth put a diffe- wherin they shall eate it.
rence betweene the Egyptians and Is- 8 And they shall eat the flesh in that
rael. night roste with fire, and vnleauened
8 And all these thy seruants shall bread, and with bitter herbes they shall
come downe vnto me, and bow downe eate it.
themselues vnto me, saying, Get thee 9 Eate not of it raw, nor sodden at
t Hebr. that out, and all the people that t follow all with water, but roste ivith fire : his
\& at thy feet
thee; and after that I wil goe out: and head, with his legs, and with the purte-
\ Heb. heat he went out from Pharaoh in ta great
Of anger. o nance thereof.
anger. 10 And ye shall let nothing of it re-
9 And the L O R D said vnto Mo- maine vntill the morning : and that
ses, Pharaoh shall not hearken vnto which remaineth of it vntill the mor-
you, that my wonders may be multi- ning, ye shall burne with fire.
plied in the land of Egypt. 11 f And thus shall ye eate it: with
10 And Moses and Aaron did al your loines girded , your shooes on
these wonders before Pharaoh : anc your feet, and your staffe in your hand:
the LORD hardened Pharaohs heart, and ye shall eate it in haste : it is the
so that he would not let the children oi LORDS Passeouer.
Israel goe out of his land. 12 For I will passe through the land
of Egypt this night, and will smite all
the first borne in the land of Egypt, both
C H A P . XII. man & beast, and against all the ||gods \\Or9prin~
1 The beginning of the yeere is changed. < of Egypt I will execute Judgement : I ces.
The Passeouer is instituted. 1 1 The Rite of am the LORD.
the Passeouer. 15Vnleauenedbread. 29 The 13 And the blood shall be to you for a
first borne are slaine. 31 The Israelites are
driuen out of the lande. 37 They come to token vpon the houses where you are :
Succoth. 43 The ordinance of the Passeouer. and when I see the blood, I will passe
ouer you, and the plague shall not bee
Nd the LORD spake vn- vpon you t to destroy you, when I smite t Heb. for

a de$truGi\~
to Moses and Aaron in the land of Egypt. on.
the land of Egypt, saying, 14 And this day shall be vnto you
2 This moneth fthalbe for a memorial! : and you shall keepe it a
vnto you the beginning oi feast to the LORD, throughout your
moneths: it shall be the first moneth oi generations : you shall keepe it a feast
the yeere to you. by an ordinance for euer.
3 1f Speake ye vnto all the Congre- 15 Seuen dayes shall ye eate vnlea-
gation of Israel, saying, In the tenth uened bread, euen the first day yee shall
day of this moneth they shall take to put away leauen out of your houses :
is inftituted. Chap.xij. Firft-borne flaine.
For whosoeuer eateth leauened bread, meane you by this seruice ?
from the first day vntil the seuenth day, 27 That ye shall say, It is the sacri-
that soule shall be cut off from Israel. fice of the LORDS Passeouer, who
16 And in the first day there shalbe an passed ouer the houses of the children
holy conuocation , and in the seuenth of Israel in Egypt, when he smote the
day there shall be an holy conuocation Egyptians, and deliuered our houses.
to you: no maner of worke shalbe done And the people bowed the head , and
t Heb. soule. in them, saue that which euery tman worshipped.
must eate, that onely may bee done of 28 And the children of Israel went
you. away, and did as the LORD had com-
17 And yee shall obserue thejeast of manded Moses and Aaron, so did they.
vnleauened bread : for in this selfe same 29 If * And it came to passe that at * Chap. 11.
day haue I brought your armies out midnight the LORD smote all the first
of the land of Egypt; therefore shall ye borne in the land of Egypt , *from the * Wisd. 18.
obserue this day in your generations, first borne of Pharaoh that sate on his 11.
by an ordinance for euer. throne , vnto the first borne of the cap-
* Leuit. 23. 18 If * In the first moneth , on the tiue that was in the tdungeon, and all off Heb. house
the pit.
5. num. 28.
16. fourteenth day of the moneth at euen, the first borne of cattell.
ye shall eate vnleauened bread vntill the 30 And Pharaoh rose vp in the
one and twentieth day of the moneth night, hee and all his seruants, and all
at euen. the Egyptians ; and there was a great
19 Seuen dayes shall there bee no cry in Egypt : for there was not & house,
leauen found in your houses : for who- where there was not one dead.
soeuer eateth that which is leauened, 31 11 And hee called for Moses and
euen that soule shall be cut off from the Aaron by night, and said, Rise vp, and
congregation of Israel, whether he be get you forth from amongst my people,
a stranger, or borne in the land. both you and the children of Israel :
20 Yee shall eate nothing leauened : and goe, serue the LORD, as ye haue
in all your habitations shall ye eate vn- said.
leauened bread. 32 Also take your flockes and your
21 IT Then Moses called for all the heards, as ye haue said : and bee gone,
Elders of Israel, and said vnto them ; and blesse me also.
I Or, kidde. Draw out and take you a || lambe , ac- 33 And the Egyptians were vrgent
cording to your families , and kill the vpon the people that they might send
Passeouer. them out of the land in haste: for they
* Heb. 11. 22 * And ye shall take a bunch of hy- said, We be all dead men.
sope, and dip it in the blood that is in the 34 And the people tooke their dough
bason, and strike the lintel and the two before it was leauened, their || kneading II Or, dough.
side postes with the blood that is in the trough es beeing bound vp in their
bason : and none of you shall goe out at clothes vpon their shoulders.
the doore of his house, vntill the mor- 35 And the children of Israel did ac-
ning. cording to the word of Moses : and they
23 For the LORD wil passe through borrowed of the Egyptians *iewels of 22. * Chap. 3.
and 11.
to smite the Egyptians : and when hee siluer, and iewels of gold, and raiment. 2.
seeth the blood vpon the lintel , and on 36 And the LORD gaue the people
the two side-postes , the L O R D will fauour in the sight of the Egyptians, so
passe ouer the doore, and will not suffer that they lent vnto them such things
the destroyer to come in vnto your as they required : and they spoiled the
houses to smite you. Egyptians.
24 And ye shall obserue this thing 37 IT And * the children of Israel • Num. 33.
for an ordinance to thee, and to thy iourneyed from Rameses to Succoth, 3,
sonnes for euer. about sixe hundred thousand on foote
25 And it shall come to passe when that were men, beside children.
yee bee come to the land , which the 38 And a t mixed multitude went vp t Hebr. a
LORD will giue you, according as he also witfi them, and flocks and heards, great

hath promised, that ye shall keepe this euen very much cattell.
seruice. 39 And they baked vnleauened cakes
* losh. 4. 6. 26 * And it shall come to passe, when of the dough, which they brought forth
your children shall say vnto you, What out of Egypt ; for it was not leauened :
The Pafleouer muft Exodus. be remembred.
because they were thrust out of Egypt, Nd the LORD spake vn-
and could not tarry , neither had they
prepared for themselues any victuall.
40 If Now the soiourning of the
children of Israel, who dwelt in E-
* Gen. l«. gypt , was * foure hundred and thirtie
A to Moses, saying,
% * Sanctifie vnto me * Chap. 22.
all the first borne, whatso- 29.
euer openeth the wombe, 26.
and 34.
19. leuit. 27
num. 3.
13. & 8. 16.
among the children of Israel, both of lufce 2. 23.
13. acts 7. 6
gal. 3. 17. yeeres. man and of beast: it is mine.
41 And it came to passe at the end of 3 IF And Moses said vnto the peo-
the foure hundred and thirtie yeeres. ple, Remember this day, in which yee
euen the selfe same day it came to passe, came out from Egypt, out of the
that all the hosts of the LORD went house of t bondage : for by strength of uants.
t Hebr. ser-
out from the land of Egypt. hand the LORD brought you out from
t Hebr. a
night ofob*
42 It is a t flight to be much obser- this place: there shall no leauened bread
sertiaftons, ued vnto the LORD, for bringing them be eaten.
out from the land of Egypt : This is 4 This day c_ame yee out, in the
that night of the LORD to be obserued moneth Abib.
of all the children of Israel, in their ge- 5 IF And it shalbe when the LORD
nerations, shall bring thee into the land of the Ca-
48 *U And the LORD saide vnto naanites, and the Hittites, and the A-
Moses and Aaron , This is the ordi- morites, and the Hiuites, and the lebu-
nance of the Passeouer : there shall no sites, which he sware vnto thy fathers
stranger eate thereof. to giue thee, a land flowing with milke
44 But euery mans seruant that is and hony, that thou shalt keepe this ser-
bought for money, when thou hast cir- uice in this moneth.
cumcised him, then shall he eate thereof. 6 Seuen dayes thou shalt eate vn-
45 A forreiner, and an hired seruant leauened bread, and in the seuenth day
shall not eate thereof. shall be a feast to the LORD.
* Numb. 9. 46 * In one house shall it be eaten, 7 Unleaueried bread shall be eaten
thou shalt not carie foorth ought of the seuen dayes: and there shall no leaue-
* lofa. 19. flesh abroad out of the house, * neither
ned bread bee scene with thee: neither
shall ye breake a bone thereof. shall there be leauen scene with thee in
47 AH the Congregation of Israel all thy quarters.
iHeb.doeit. shall tkeepe it. 8 f And thou shalt shew thy sonne
48 And when a stranger shall so- in that day,say ing, Thisisdonebec&useof
iourne with thee, and will keepe the that which the LORD did vnto mee,
Passeouer to the L O R D , let all his when I came forth out of Egypt.
males be circumcised, and then let him 9 And it shall bee for a signe vnto
come neere, and keepe it: and he shall be thee, vpon thine hand, and for a memo-
as one that is borne in the land: for no riall betweene thine eyes, that the
vncircumcised person shall eate thereof. LORDS law may be in thy mouth :
49 One law shall be to him that is for with a strong hande hath the
home-borne, and vnto the stranger LORD brought thee out of Egypt.
that soiourneth among you. 10 Thou shalt therfore keepe this or-
50 Thus did all the childreri of Is- dinance in his season from yeere to yere.
rael: as the L O R D commanded Mo- 11 IF And it shalbe when the LORD
ses and Aaron, so did they. shall bring thee into the land of the Ca-
51 And it came to passe the selfe same naanites as he sware vnto thee, and to
day, that the LORD did bring the chil- thy fathers, and shall giue it thee:
dren of Israel out of the land of Egypt, 12 *That thou shalt tset apart vnto * Chap. 22.
by their armies. the LORD all that openeth the matrix, 29. and 34.
19. ezek.
and euery firstling that commeth of a t44.Heb. 30.
beast, which thou hast, the males shall topasse ouer.
C H A P . XIII. be the LORDS.
1 The first borne are sanctified to God. 3 The 13 And euery firstling of an asse thou 0 Or, kidde.
memorial! of the Passeouer is commanded. shalt redeeme with a ]|lambe: and if
1 1 The firstlings of beasts are set apart. 17 thou wilt not redeeme it, then thou
The Israelites goe out of Egypt, and cary lo- shalt breake his necke, and all the first
sephs bones with them. 20 They come to
IJtham. 21 God guideth them by a pillar of borne of man amongst thy schildren
a cloud, and a pillar of fire. shalt thou redeeme.
14 f And
/Tl •••*
A cloud and fire. Chap.xmj. Pharaoh purfueth.
14 11 And it shalbe when thy sonne Nd the LORD spake vn-

Hebr. to asketh thee tin time to come, saying, to Moses, saying,
What is this ? that thou shalt say vnto 2 Speake vnto the
hlim; By strength of hand the LORD children of Israel, that
>rought vs out from Egypt, from the they turne and encampe
hlouse of bondage. b)efore * Pi-hahiroth, betweene Migdol * Num. 33.
15 And it came to passe when Pha- and the sea, ouer against Baal-zephon: 7.
raoh would hardly let vs goe, that the >efore it shall ye encanrpe by the sea,
L^ORD slew all the first borne in the 3 For Pharaoh will say of the chil-
land of Egypt, both the first borne of dIren of Israel, They are in tangled in
man, and the first borne of beast: There- the land, the wildernesse hath shut
fore I sacrifice to the LORD all that them in.
openeth the matrix, being males : but 4 And I will harden Pharaohs
all the first borne of my children I re- hleart, that he shall follow after them,
dleeme. and I will be honoured vpon Phara-
16 And it shall be for a token vpon oh , and vpon all his hoste, That the
thine hand, and for frontlets betweene EEgyptians may know that I am the
t;hine eyes. For by strength of hand the L^ORD. And they did so.
lL.ORD brought vs foorth out of E- 5 f And it was told the King of E-
17 IF And it came to passe when Pha-
gypt,that the people fled: And the heart
of Pharaoh and of his seruants was
raoh had let the people goe, that God turned against the people, and they said,
led them not through the way of the Why haue wee done this, that we haue
land of the Philistines, although that et Israel goe from seruhig vs ?
was neere : For God saide, Lest per- 6 And hee made ready his charet,
aduenture the people repent when and tooke his people with him.
they see warre, and they returne to E- 7 And hee tooke sixe hundred cho-
18 But God ledde the people about
sen charets, and all the charets of E-
yypt, and captaines ouer euery one of
through the way of the wildernesse of them.
the Red-sea : and the children of Israel 8 And the L O R D hardened the
Or, byjtue went vp ||harnessed out qf the land of leart of Pharaoh King of Egypt, and
in 9 rankf. Egypt. • ic pursued after the children of Israel:
19 And Moses tooke the bones of and the children of Israel went out
loseph with him : for hee had straitly with an high hand.
sworne the children of Israel, saying; 9 But the * Egyptians pursued after * losh. 24.
* Gene. 50. * God will surely visite you, and ye shall them (all the horses and charets of Pha- 6.4. 9,I. mace.
25. iosh. 24.
32. cary vp my bones away hence with raoh, and his horsemen, and his army)
you. and ouertooke them encamping by the
" Num. 33. 20 U And *they tooke their Journey sea, beside Pi-hahiroth before Baal-
6. from Succoth, and encamped in E- zephon.
tham, in the edge of the wildernesse. 10 IF And when Pharaoh drew nigh,
• Num. 14. 21 And * the L O R D went before the children of Israel lift vp their eyes,
14. deut. i.
33. psal. 78. them by day in a pillar of a cloud, to and behold, the Egyptians marched af-
14. l.cor.
10. 1.
lead them the way, and by night in a ter them, and they were sore afraid: anc
pillar of fire, to giue them light to goe the children of Israel lift vp their eyes,
by day and night. and beholde, the Egyptians rnarchec
22 He tooke not away the pillar of after them, and they were sore afraid :
* Nehtm. 9 the cloud by day, * nor the pillar of fire and the children of Israel cried out vn-
by night,yr0m before the people. to the LORD.
11 And they said vnto Moses, Be-
cause there were no graues in Egypt,
C H A P . XIIII hast thou taken vs away to die in the
1 God instructeth the Israelites in their iour- wildernesse? Wherefore hast thou dealt
ney. 5 Pharaoh pursueth after them. 10 thus with vs, to cary vs foorth out o:f
The Israelites murmure. 13 Moses com- Egypt?
forteth them. 15 God instructeth Moses. 12 *Is not this the word that wee * Chap. «.
19 The cloud remoueth behinde the campe.
21 The Israelites passe through the Red-sea, did tell thee in Egypt, saying, Let vs a- 9,
S3 which drowneth the Egyptians. lone, that we may serue the Egyptians?

The fea diuided. Exodus. Pharaoh drowned.
For it h$d bene better fur vs to serue the the pillar of fire, and of the cloude, and
Egyptians, then that wee should die in troubled the hoste of the Egyptians,
the wildernesse. 85 And tooke off their charet
13 H And Moses saide vnto the peo- wheeles, || that they draue them heauily: i Or, made
ple, Feare ye not, stand still, and see the So that the Egyptians said, Let vs flee them to goe
saluation of the LOUD, which he will from the face of Israel: for the LORD
I Or, For shew to you to day: ||for the Egyptians fighteth for them , against the Egypti-
whereas yon ans.
haue scene whom ye haue seene to day, ye shall see
the Egypti- them againe no more for euer. 26 1T And the L O R D saide vnto
ans to fay,
$c. 14 The LORD shall fight for you, Moses, Stretch out thine hand ouer
and ye shall hold your peace. the Sea, that the waters may come a-
15 IF And the L O R D saide vnto gaine vpon the Egyptians, vpon their
Moses, Wherefore criest thou vnto me? charets, and vpon their horsemen.
Speake vnto the children of Israel, 27 And Moses stretched foorth his
that they goe forward. hand ouer the sea, and the sea returned
16 But lift thou vp thy rodde, and to his strength when the morning ap-
stretch out thine hand ouer the Sea, peared : and the Egyptians fled against
and diuide it: and the children of Israel it: and the Lord touerthrewthe Egyp- Hebr
shooke off.
shall goe on dry ground thorow the tians in the midst of the sea.
mids of the Sea. 28 And the waters returned, and co-
17 And I , beholde, I will harden uered the charets, and the horsemen,
the hearts of the Egyptians, and they and all the hoste of Pharaoh that came
shall follow them : and I will get mee into the sea after them : there remained
honour vpon Pharaoh, and vpon all not so much as *one of them. Psal. 106.
his hoste, vppn bis charets, and vpon 29 But the children of Israel wal- 11.
his horsemen. ked vpon drie land, in the midst of the
18 And the Egyptians shall know sea, and the waters were a wall vnto
that I am the LORD, when I haue them on their right hand, and on their
gotten me honour vpon Pharaoh, vp- left.
on his charets, and vpon his horsemen. 30 Thus the L O R P saued Israel
19 If And the Angel of God which that day out of the band of the Egypti-
went before the campe of Israel, remo- ans : and Israel sawe the Egyptians
ued and went behind them, and the pil- dead vpon the sea shore.
lar of the cloud went from before their 31 And Israel saw that great tworke t Hebr.
face, and stood behinde them. which the LORD did vpon the Egyp- liatld.
20 And it came betweene the campe tians : & the people feared the LORD,
of the Egyptians, and the campe of Is- and beleeued the LoflD, and his ser-
rael, and it was a cloud and darkenesse uant Moses.
to tf/fom,butitgauelightby night to these:
so that the one came not neere the other C H A P . XV.
all the night. 1 Moses song. 22 The people want water. 23
%l And Moses stretched out his The waters at Marah are bitter. 25 A tree
hand ouer the Sea, and the L O R D sweetneth them. 271 At Elim are twelue web,
caused the Sea to goe backe by a strong and seuentie palnie . trees.
East winde all that night, and made Hen;sang * Moses and the, * Wisd. 1.
* losh. 4.
23. psalme
) I 4 . 3.

13. i. cor.
the Sea dry land, and the waters were
%% And * the children of Israel went
* Psal. 78. into the midst of the Sea vpon the dry
jo. i. hebr. ground, and the waters were a wall
T children of Israel this 20.
song vnto the L O R D ,
and spake, saying, I will
sing vnto the LORD : for
he hath triumphed gloriously, the horse
11. ?9.
vnto them on their right hand, and on and his rider hath/he throwen into the
their left. Sea.
23 1f And the Egyptians pursued, 2 The LORD is iny strength anc]
and went in after them, to the midst of song, and he4s hfccome my saluation: he
the Sea, euen all Pharaohs horses, his is my God, and I will prepare him an
charets and his horsemen. habitation, my fetheis Go.i and I wi]
24 And it carrie to passe, that in the exalt him.
morning watch the LORD looked vn- 3 The LORD is & ttian of warre;
to the hoste of the Egyptians, through the L6RD i? his Name.
4 Pha-
Ifraels fong of Chap.xv.xvj, ttiankefgiuing.
4 Pharaohs charets and his Jioste 19 For the horse of Pharaoh went in
hath he cast into the sea: his chosen cap- with his charets and with his horse-
taines also are drowned in the red Sea men into the sea, and the L O R D
5 The depths haue couered them : brought againe the waters of the Sea
they sanke into the bottome as a stone. vpon them: But the children of Israel
6 Thy right hand, O L O R D , is went on drie land in the mids of the sea.
become glorious in power, thy right 20 IT And Miriam the prophetesse
hand, O LORD, hath dashed in pie- the sister of Aaron, tooke a timbrell in
ces the enemie. her hand, and all the women went out
7 And in the greatnesse of thine ex- after her, with timbrels & with dances.
cellencie thou hast ouerthrowen them, 21 And Miriam answered them,
that rose vp against thee : thou sentesl Sing ye to the LORD, for he hath tri-
forth thy wrath, which consumed them umphed gloriously : the horse and his
as stubble. rider hath he throwen into the sea.
8 And with the blast of thy nostrils 22 So Moses brought Israel from
the waters were gathered together: the red sea, and they went out into the
the floods stood vpright as an heape, wildernesse of Shur : and they went
and the depths were congealed in the three dayes in the wildernesse, and
heart of the Sea. found no water.
9 The enemie said, I will pursue, 23 f And when they came to Ma-
I wil ouertake, I wil diuide the spoile: rah, they could not drinke of the waters
my lust shall be satisfied vpon them: I of Marah, for they were bitter: there-
will draw my sword, mine hand shall fore the name of it was called || Marah. Bitter
II That is,
I Or, repos" || destroy them. tiesse.
24 And the people murmured a-
10 Thou didst blow with thy wind, ainst Moses, saying, What shall wee
the sea couered them, they sanke as lead § rinke ?
in the mighty waters. 25 And he cried vnto the LORD :
11 Who is like vnto thee, O LORD, and the LORD shewed him a * tree, * Ecclus.
I Or, mighty amongst the ||gods? who is like thee, which when hee had cast into the wa- 38. 5.
glorious in holinesse, fearefull in prai- ters, the waters were made sweete :
ses, doing wonders! there he made a statute & an ordinance,
12 Thou stretchedst out thy right and there he proued them,
hand, the earth swallowed them. 26 And said, If thou wilt diligently
13 Thou in thy mercie hast led forth hearken to the voice of the LORD thy
the people which thou hast redeemed : God, and wilt doe that which is right
thou hast guided them in thy strength in his sight, and wilt giue eare to his
vnto thy holy habitation. Commandements, and keepe all his
* Deut. 2. 14 *The people shall heare, and be a- Statutes, I will put none of these dis-
25. iosh, 2.
9. fraid: sorrow shall take hold on the in- eases vpon thee, which I haue brought
habitants of Palestina. vpon the Egyptians : for I am the
15 Then the dukes of Edom shal be LORD that healeth thee.
amased : the mighty men of Moab 27 If * And they came to Elini: * Num. 33.
trembling shall take hold vpon them : where were twelue wels of water, and 9.
all the inhabitants of Canaan shal melt threescore and ten palme trees, and they
away. encamped there by the waters.
* Deut 2. 16 *Feare and dread shall fall vpon
29. iosh. 2.
5. them, by the greatnesse of thine arme
they shall be as still as a stone, till thy CHAP. XVL
people passe ouer, O LORD, till the 1 The Israelites come to Sin. 2 They mur-
people passe ouer which thou hast pur- mure for want of bread. 4 God promiseth
chased. them bread from heauen. 11 Quailes are
sent, 14 and Manna. 16 The ordering of
17 Thou shalt bring them in, and Manna. 25 It was not to bee found on the
pJant them in the mountaine of thine Sabbath. 32 An Omer of it is presemed.
inheritance, in the place, O LORD,
which thou hast made for thee to dwell Nd they tooke their tour-
in, in the Sanctuary, O LORD, which
thy hands haue established.
18 The LORD shal reigne for euer
and euer.
A ney from Elim, and all the
Congregation of the chil-
dren of Israel came vnto
the wildernesse of Sin,
Murmuring. Exodus. Quailes. Manna.
which is betweene Ehm and Sinai, on of the children of Israel: Speake vnto
the fifteenth day of the second moneth tlem, saying, At euen ye shall eat flesh,
after their departing out of the land of and in the morning ye shalbe filled with
Egypt. b)read : and ye shal know that I am the
2 And the whole Congregation of l_<ORD your God.
the children of Israel murmured a- 13 And it came to passe, that at euen
gainst Moses and Aaron in the wilder- *the Quailes came vp, and couered the * Numb. 11
nesse. campe: and in the morning the dew lay 31.
3 And the children of Israel saide round about the hoste.
vnto them, Would to God wee had 14 And when *the dewe that lay * Numb. 11
died by the hand of the LORD in the was gone vp, behold, vpon the face of 24. 7. psal. 78.
wisd. 16
land of Egypt, when wee sate by the tle wildernesse there lay a small round 20.
flesh pots, and when we did eate bread tling, as small as the hoare frost on thee
to the full: for ye haue brought vs forthgground.
into this wildernesse, to kill this whole 15 And when the children of Israel
assembly with hunger. saw it, they said one to another, ||It is 1 Or\what is
4 IF Then said the L O R D vnto Manna: for they wist not what it was. ahis^ of it is
Moses, Behold, I will raine bread And Moses said vnto them, * This is 1. a lob. 6. 31.
from heauen for you : and the people tle bread which the LORD hath gi- Cor. 10. 3
t Hebr. the shall goe out, and gather t a certaine uen you to eate.
portion of a
day in hts rate euery day, that I may proue them, 16 IF This is the thing which the
day. whether they will walke in my Law, l ^ O R D hath commanded: gather of
or no. it euery man according to his eating:
5 And it shall come to passe, that on an Omer tfor euery man, according to polleorhead.
Heb. bathe
the sixt day, they shall prepare that ttie number of your t persons, take yee Hebtsouks.
which they bring in, and it shall be twice
euery man for them which are in his
as much as they gather dayly. tents.
6 And Moses and Aaron said vnto 17 And the children of Israel did so,
all the children of Israel, At euen, thenand gathered some more, some lesse.
ye shall know that the LORD hath 18 And when they did mete it with
brought you out from the land of E- an Omer, *he that gathered much, hac 15. * 2. Cor. 8.
gypt- nothing ouer, and he that gatherad
7 And in the morning, then ye shall itle, had no lacke: they gathered euer
see the glory of the LORD, for that he man according to his eating.
heareth your murmurings against the 19 And Moses saide, Let no man
LORD : And what are wee, that yee eaue of it till the morning.
murmure against vs ? 20 Notwithstanding they hearke-
8 And Moses said, This shalbe when ned not vnto Moses, but some of them
the LORD shal giue you in the euening eft of it vntill the morning, and it bre<
flesh to eate, and in the morning bread wormes, and stanke : and Moses was
to the full : for that the LORD hea- wroth with them.
reth your murmurings which ye mur- 21 And they gathered it euery mor-
mure against him ; and what are wee ? ning , euery man according to his ea-
four murmurings are not against vs, ing: and when the Sunne waxed hot,
but against the LORD. it melted.
9 IF And Moses spake vnto Aaron, 22 IF And it came to passe that on
Say vnto all the Congregation of the the sixt day they gathered twice as
children of Israel, Come neere before much bread, two Omers for one man:
the LORD : for hee hath heard your and all the rulers of the Congregation
murmurings. came and told Moses.
10 And it came to passe as Aaron 23 And he said vnto them, This is
spake vnto the whole Congregation of that which the LORD hath said, To
the children of Israel, that they looked morrow is the rest of the holy Sabbath
toward the wildernesse, and behold, the vnto the LORD : bake that which you
* Chap. 13. glory of the LORD * appeared in the will bake, to day, and seethe that ye will
21. cloude. seethe, and that which remaineth ouer,
11 f And the L O R D spake vnto lay vp for you to be kept vntill the mor-
Moses, saying, ning.
12 I haue heard the murmurings 24? And they laid it vp till the mor-
Manna referued. Chap.xvij. Murmuring.
ning, as Moses bade : and it did not Nd all the Congregation

stinke, neither was there any worme of the children of Israel
therein. iourneyed from the wil-
25 And Moses saide, Eate that to dernesse of Sin after their
day, for to day is a Sabbath vnto the iourneys, according to the
LORD : to day yee shall not finde it in commandement of the L O R D , and
the field. pitched in Rephidim r and there was no
£6 Sixe dayes ye shall gather it, but water for the people to drinke.
on the seuenth day which is the Sabbath, 2 Wherefore * the people did chide * Num. 20.
in it there shall be none. with Moses and said, Giue vs water 4.
£7 11 And it came to passe, that there that wee may drinke. And Moses said
went out some of the people on the se- vnto them, Why chide ytfu with mee ?
uenth day for to gather, and they found Wherefore doe ye tempt the LORD?
none. 3 And the people thirsted there for
28 And the LORD said vnto Mo- water, and the people murmured a-
ses , How long refuse yee to keepe my gainst Moses, and said, Wherefore is
Commandements, and my Lawes ? this that thou hast brought vs vp out
29 See, for that the L O R D hath of Egypt, to kill vs and our children,
giuen you the Sabbath, therefore hee and our cattell with thirst ?
giueth you on the sixt day the bread of 4 And Moses cried vnto the LORD,
two dayes : abide yee euery man in his saying, What shall I doe vnto this peo-
place: let no man goe out of his place on ple? they be almost ready to stone me.
the seuenth day. 5 And the L O R D said vnto Mo-
30 So the people rested on the se- ses, Goe on before the people, and take
uenth day. with thee of the Elders of Israel : and
31 And the house of Israel called the thy rod wherewith *thou smotest the * Chap. 7.
name thereof Manna : and it was like riuer, take in thine hand, and goe. 20.

Coriander seed, white : and the taste of 6 * Behold, I will stand before thee * Num. 20.
it was like wafers made with hony. there, vpon the rocke in Horeb, and 9.15.psal. 78.
and 105
32 IF And Moses said, This is the thou shalt smite the rocke, and there 41. wis. 11.
4. l. cor. 10.
thing which the LORD commandeth: shall come water out of it, that the peo- 4.
Fill an Omer of it to bee kept for your ple may drinke. And Moses did so, in
generations, that they may see the the signt of the Elders of Israel.
bread wherewith I haue fed you in the 7 And hee called the name of the
wildernesse, when I brought you forth place || Massah, and || Meribah, because H That is,
from the land of Egypt. of the chiding of the children of Israel, IITentation.
That is,
33 And Moses sayd vnto Aaron, and because they tempted the LORD, strife. Chiding: or,
Take a pot, and put an Omer full of saying, Is the L O R D amongst vs,
Manna therein, and lay it vp before the or not ?
LORD, to be kept for your generati- 8 U *Then came Amalek, & fought * Deut. 25.
17. wis. II.
ons. with Israel in Rephidim. 3.
34« As the L O R D commaunded 9 And Moses said vnto * loshua, * Called Ie-
Moses, so Aaron layd it vp before the Choose vs out men, and goe out, fight sus, 45.
Acts. 7.
Testimonie, to be kept. with Amalek : to morrow I will stand
35 And the children of Israel did eat on the top of the hill, with the rodde of
* losh.«. Manna fortie yeeres, *vntill they came God in mine hand.
12. nehem.
9.15. to a land inhabited : they did eate Man- 10 So loshua did as Moses had
na, vntill they came vnto the borders of said to him, and fought with Amalek:
the land of Canaan. and Moses, Aaron, and Hur went vp
36 Now an Omer is the tenth part to the top of the hill.
of an Ephah. 11 And it came to passe when Moses
held vp his hand, that Israel preuai-
led : and when he let downe his hand,
C H A P , XVII. Amalek preuailed.
12 But Moses hands were heauie,
1 The people murmure for water at Rephidim. and they tooke a stone, and put it vnder
5 God sendeth him for water to the rocke in him , and he sate thereon : and Aaron
Horeb. 8 Amalek is ouercome by the hol-
ding vp of Moses hands. 15 Moses buil- and Hur stayed vp his hands, the one
deth the Altar IEHOVAH Nissi. on the one side, and the other on the o-
VTofes his fonnes. Exodus. lethros counfell to
bher side, and his handes were steady t•come vpon them by the way, and how t Heb. found
vntill the going downe of the Sunne. the LORD deliuered them.
13 And loshua discomfited Ama- 9 And lethro reioyced for all the
lek, and his people, with the edge of the goodnesse which the LORD had done
sword. t;o Israel : whom he had deliuered out
14 And the LORD said vnto Mo- of the hand of the Egyptians.
ses , Write this for a memoriall in a 10 And lethro said, Blessed be the
booke, and rehearse it in the eares of LORD, who hath deliuered you out
* Num. 24. loshua : for *I will vtterly put out the of the hand of the Egyptians, and out
20. 1. sam,
1fl. 3. remembrance of Amalek from vnder of the hand of Pharaoh, who hath deli-
That is,
heauen. uered the people from vnder the hand
my banner. 15 And Moses built an Altar, and of the Egyptians.
Or. because 11 Now I know that the LORD
the hand of called the name of it ||IEHOVAH
Amalek is Nissi. is greater then all gods : * for in the *Chap. i.
against the 10,16, 22.
throne of the 16 For he said, || Because the LORD thing wherein they dealt proudly, hee and 5. 7.
LORD, ther- hath sworne that the LORD witt haue was aboue them. and 14. 18.
fore &c.
Hebr. The warre with Amalek from generation 12 And lethro, Moses father in
handvpon to generation. law, tooke a burnt offering and sacri-
t\e throne of
the Lord. fices for God : and Aaron came, and all
C H A P . XVIII. the Elders of Israel, to eat bread with
1 lethro bringeth to Moses his wife and Vloses father in law before God.
two sonnes. 7 Moses entertaineth him. 13 f And it came to passe on the mor-
13 lethros counsel! is accepted. 27 le- row, that Moses sate to iudge the peo-
thro departeth.
ple : and the people stood by Moses,
Hen * lethro the Priest of Vom the morning vnto the euening.

Chap. 2.
15. Midian, Moses father in 14 And when Moses father in law
law, heard of all that God saw all that he did to the people, he said,
had done for Moses, and What is this thing that thou doest to
for Israel his people, ana ;he people ? Why sittest thou thy selfe a-
that the LORD had brought Israe. llone, and all the people stand by thee
out of Egypt: fTom morning vnto euen ?
2 Then lethro Moses father in 15 And Moses said vnto his father
aw tooke Zipporah Moses wife, after n law, Because the people come vnto
he had sent her backe, me to enquire of God.
3 And her two sonnes, of which the 16 When they haue a matter, they
* Chap. 2. * name of the one was \\ Gershom : for he come vnto mee, and I iudge betweene
II That IB, said, I haue bene an alien in a strange tone and another, and I doe make t Hebr. a
A stranger and. man and his
them know the statutes of God and his fellow.
II That is, 4 And the name of the other was ||E- Lawes.
my God is an iezer: for the God of my father, said he, 17 And Moses father in law saide
was mine helpe, and deliuered me from vnto him, The thing that thou doest,
the sword of Pharaoh. is not good.
5 And lethro Moses father in law 18 tThou wilt surely weare away, t Hebr. Fa-
came with his sonnes and his wife vn- both thou, and this people that is with ding thou,
wilt fade.
to Moses into the wildernes, where he thee : for this thing is too heauy for
encamped at the mount of God. thee; *thou art not able to performe it * Deut. 1.9.
6 And he said vnto Moses, I thy thy selfe alone.
father in law lethro am come vnto 19 Hearken now vnto my voyce, I
thee, and thy wife, and her two sonnes will giue thee counsell, and God shall
with her. be with thee: Be thou for the people to
7 f And Moses went out to meete Godward, that thou mayest bring the
his father in law, and did obeysance, causes vnto God:
and kissed him: and they asked each o- 20 And thou shalt teach them ordi-
t Heb. peace ther of their t welfare, and they came in- nances and lawes, and shalt shew them
to the tent. the way wherein they must walke, and
8 And Moses told his father in law, the worke that they must doe.
all that the LOUD had done vnto 21 Moreouer thou shalt prouide out
Pharaoh, and to the Egyptians for Is- of all the people able men, such as feare
raels sake, and all the trauaile that hac God, men of trueth, hating couetous-
Mofes, obeyed. The Chap.xix. peoples promife
nesse, and place such oner them, to bee 5 Now * therfore if ye will obey nr * Deut. 5.2
rulers of thousands, and rulers oi voice indeed, and keepe my couenant,
hundreds, rulers of fifties, and rulers then ye shall be a peculiar treasure vnto
of tennes. * Deut. 10.
me aboue all people: for * all the earth I4.psal. 24.
22 And let them iiidgfc tlie people at is mine. 1.
all seasons: and it shall bee that euery *1. Pet.
6 And ye shall be vnto tne a *king- reucl. i. e>. 2.9
great matter they shall bring vnto thee, dofne of Priestes, and an holy nation
but euery small matter they shal iudge: These are the wordes which thou shalt
so shall it be easier for thy selfe, and they speake vnto the children of Israel.
shall beare the burden with thee. 7 IT And Moses came and called for
23 If thou shalt doe this thing, and the Elders of the people, and layd be-
God command thee so, then thou shalt fore their faces all these wordes which
bee able to endure, and all this people the LOUD commanded him.
shall also goe to their place in peace. 8 And *all the people answered to- * Chap. 24.
24 So Moses hearkened, to the gether, and said, All that the LORD 3; 7. deut. 5,
27. & 26.
voice of his father in law, and did all tath spoken, we will doe. And Moses 17.
that he had said. returned the wordes of the people vnto
25 And Moses chose able men out of the LOUD.
all Israel, and made them heads ouer 9 And the L O R D said vnto Mo-
the people, rulers of thousands, rulers ses, Loe, I come vnto thee in a thicke
of hundreds, rulers of fifties, and ru- cloud, that the people may heare when
lers of tennes. [ speake with thee, and beleeue thee for
26 And they iudged the people at all euer : And Moses told the wordes of
seasons: the hard causes they brought the people vnto the LORD.
vnto Moses, but euery small matter 10 IF And the LORD saide vnto
they iudged themselues. VToses, Goe vnto the people, and san-
27 f And Moses let his father in ctifie them to day and to morrow, and
law depart, and he went his way into et them wash their clothes.
bis owne land. 11 And be ready against the thirde
day: for the third day the L O R D will
come downe in the sight of all the peo-
C H A P , XIX, p)le, vpon mount Sinai.
1 The people 6bifte to Sinai. 3 Gods message 12 And thou shalt set bounds vnto
by Moses vnto the people out of the mount. t;he people round about, saying, Take
8 The peoples answere. returned againe. hiced to your selues, that ye goe not vp
10 The people are prepared against the third into the mount, or touch the border of it: * Heb. 12.
day. 12 The mountaine must not be tou-
ched. 16 The fearefull presence of God *whosoeuer toucheth the mount, shall 20.
vpon the Mount. >e surely put to death.
13 There shall not a hand touch it,
N the third hioneth when >ut he shall surely be stoned or shot tho-

the children of Israel row, whether it be beast, or man, it shall
were gone forth out of the not liue : when the || trumpet soundeth (I Or, Cornet
land of Egypt, the same lorig, they shall come vp to the mount.
day came they into the 14H And Moses went downe from
wildernesse of Sinai. the mount vnto the people, and sancti-
2 For they were departed frohi Re- fJed the people; and they washed their
pjhidim, and were come to the desert of clothes.
•Jinai, and had pitched in the wilder- 15 And hee said vnto the people, Be
nesse, and there Israel camped before ready against the third day: come not at
the mount. your wines'.
* Acts 7. 38 3 And * Moses went vp vnto God: 16 If And it came to passe on the third
and the LORD called Vnto him out of day in the morning, that there were
the mountaine* saying, Thus shalt thunders and lightnings, and a, thicke
thou say to the hous£ of lacob, and tell cloud vpon the mount, and the voyce
the children of Israel: of the trumpet exceeding lowd, so
* iteut. 29. 4 * Ye haue scene what I did vnto that all the people that was in the
2. the Egyptians, and how I bare you on campe, trembled,
Eagles wings, and brought you vnto 17 And Moses brought foonh the
rny selfe. pjeople out of the Campe to meete with
The tenne Exodus. Commandements.
GJod, and they stood at the nether part water vnder the earth.
of the mount. 5 Thou shalt not bow downe thy
* Deal. 4. 18 And *mount Sinai was altoge- selfe to them, nor serue them: For I the
11. tler on a smoke, because the LORDd l J O R D thy God am a iealous God, vi-
descended vpon it in fire: and the smoke siting the iniquitie of the fathers vpon
tlereof ascended as the smoke of a fur- tic children, vnto the thirde and fourth
nace $ and the whole mount quaked generation of them that hate me:
ggreatly. 6 And shewing mercy vnto thou-
19 And when the voyce of the trum- sands of them that loue mee, and keepe
p)et sounded long, and waxed lowder my Commandements.
amd lowder, Moses spake, and God an- 7 *Thou shalt not take the Name *2.Leuit. 19.
deut. 5.
swered him by a voyce. of the L O R D thy God in vaine : for 11. matt. 5.
20 And the LORD came downe ttie LORD will not holde him guilt- 33.
vpon mount Sinai, on the top of the esse, that taketh his Name in vaine.
mount: and. the LORD called Moses 8 Remember the Sabbath day, to
vp to the top of the mount, and Moses keepe it holy,
went vp. 9 * Sixe dayes shalt thou labour, * Chap. 23.
12. ezech.
£1 And the LORD said vnto Mo- and doe all thy worke : 20. 12. luke
Bel. em* ses, Goe downe, t charge the people, lest 10 But the seuenth day is the Sab- 13. 14.
test. )ath of the LORD thy God: in it thou
they breake thorow vnto the L O R D
t0 gaze, and many of them perish. shalt not doe any worke, thou, nor thy
22 And let the Priestes also which sonne, nor thy daughter, thy man ser-
come neere to the L O R D , sanctifie uant, nor thy mayd seruant, nor thy
themselues, lest the LORD breake cattell, nor thy stranger that is within
fborth vpon them. thy gates:
23 And Moses said Vilto the LORD, 11 For * in sixe dayes the L O R D * Gene. 2. 2.
The people cannot come vp to mount made heauen and earth, the sea, and al
Sinai: for thou chargedst vs, saying, that in them is, and rested the seuenth
Set bounds about the mount, and san- day: wherefore the LORD blessed the
ctifie it. Sabbath day, and halowed it,
24 And the LORD said vnto him, 12 U * Honour thy father and thy * Deut. .1.
Away, get thee downe, and thou shalt mat. 15.
mother : that thy dayes may bee long 4.6.ephes. 6.
come vp, thou, and Aaron with thee: vpon the land, which the L O R D thy 2.
>ut let not the Priestes and the people jrod giueth thee.
b>reake through, to come vp vnto the 13 * Thou shalt not kill. * Matth..',.
L O R D , lest hee breake foorth vpon 14? Thou shalt not commit adultery. 21.
them. 15 Thou shalt not steale.
25 So Moses went downe vnto the 16 Thou shalt not beare false witnes
people, and spake vnto them. against thy neighbour.
17 * Thou shalt not couet thy neigh- * ftom. 7. 7
C H A R XX. bours house, thou shalt not couet thy
neighbours wife, nor his man seruant,
1 The ten Commandements. 18 The people nor his maid seruant, nor his oxe, nor
are afraid. 20 Moses comforteth them. his asse, nor any thing that is thy neigh-
22 Idolatrie is forbidden, 24 Of what sort
the Altar should be. bours.
18 f And * all the people saw the * Hebr. 12.
Nd God spake all these thundrings, and the lightnings, anc IB.

words, saying, the noise of the trumpet, and the moun-
Pttl. 81. 10.
2 *I am the LORD taine smoking : and when the people
thy God, which haue saw it, they remooued, and stood a
brought thee out of the farre off.
itodr. ser. land of Egypt, out of the house of t bon- 19 And they saide vnto Moses
dage : * Speake thou with vs, and wee willl 24.* Deut. 5.
3 Thou sfcalt haue no other Gods heare : But let not God speake witlh 16. and itt.
before me. vs, lest we die.
* Leuit. 26 4 *Thou shalt not make vnto thee 20 And Moses said vnto the people,
1. psal. 97.
7- any grauen Image, or any likenesse of Feare not : for God is come to prooue
anything that is in heauen aboue, orthat you, and that his feare may bee before
is in the earth beneath, or that is in the your faces, that ye sinne not.
21 And
Diuers lawes, Chap.xxj. and ordinances.
21 And the people stood afarre off, to be a mayd seruant, shee shall not goe
and Moses drew neere vnto the thicke out as the men seruants doe.
darkenes, where God was. 8 If she t please not her master, who t Hebr. be
22 IF And the LORD said vnto Mo- hath betrothed her to himselfe, then euiUmthe
eyes of, $c.
ses, Thus thou shalt say vnto the chil- shall he let her be redeemed: To sell her
dren of Israel, Yee haue scene that I vnto a strange nation hee shall haue no
haue talked with you from heauen. power, seeing he hath dealt deceitfully
23 Ye shall not make with me gods with her.
of siluer, neither shall ye make vnto you 9 And if he haue betrothed her vn-
gods of gold, to his sonne, he shall deale with her af-
24 11 An Altar of earth thou shalt ter the maner of daughters.
make vnto me, and shalt sacrifice there- 10 If he take him another wife, her
on thy burnt offerings, and thy peace food, her rayment, and her duety of ma-
offerings, thy sheepe, and thine oxen: riage shall he not diminish.
In all places where I record my 11 And if he doe not these three vnto
Name, I will come vnto thee, and I ber, then shall she goe out free without
will blesse thee. money.
* Deut. 27.
5. iosh. 8.
25 And * if thou wilt make mee an 12 f * He that smiteth a man, so that * Leuit. 24.
31. Altar of stone, thou shalt not t build it he die, shalbe surely put to death. 17.
iHebr. build of hewen stone : for if thou lift vp thy 13 And if a man lye not in wait, but
Mem with
hewing. toole vpon it, thou hast polluted it. God deliuer him into his hand, then * I * Deut. 19.
26 Neither shalt thou goe vp by will appoint thee a place whither hee 3.
steps vnto mine Altar, that thy naked- shall nee:
nesse be not discouered thereon. 14 But if a man come presumptu-
ously vpon his neighbour to slay him
with guile, thou shalt take him from
C H A P . XXL mine Altar, that he may die.
1 Lawes for men seruants. 5 For the seruant 15 IF And he that smiteth his father,
whose eare is boared. 7 For women ser- or his mother, shall bee surely put to
uants. 12 For manslaughter. 16 For stea- death.
lersofmen. 17 For cursers of parents. 18 16 f And he that stealeth a man, and
For smiters. 22 For a hurt by chance. 28
For an oxe that goareth. 33 For him that is selleth him, or if he be found in his hand,
an occasion of harme. he shall surely be put to death,
17 f And *hee that ||curseth his fa- * Leult. 20.
Ow these are the ludge- ther or his mother, shall surely bee put 9. prou. 20.
20. matth.

ments which thou shalt to death. 15. 4. marke
7. 10.
set before them. 18 H And if men striue together, and I! Or, reui-
* Leult. 25.
41. deut. is
2 * If thou buy an He- one smite || another with a stone, or leth. II Or, his
12. iere. 34. brew seruant, sixe yeeres with his fist, and he die not, but keepeth neighbour.
he shall seme, and intheseuenthhe shall his bed:
goe out free for nothing. 19 If hee rise againe, and walke a-
t Hebr. with 3 If he came in tby himselfe, he shal broad vpon his staffe, then shall hee
his body.
goe out by himselfe : if he were married, that smote him, be quit: onely he shall
then his wife shall goe out with him. pay for t the losse of his time, and shall sing.
t Hebr. cea-
4 If his master haue giuen him a cause him to be throughly healed.
wife, and she haue borne him sonnes or 20 1F And if a man smite his seruant,
daughters; the wife and her children or his mayd, with a rod, and hee die vn-
shall be her masters, and he shall go out der his hand, hee shall bee surely t pu- t Hebr. a-
by himselfe. nished : uenged.
t Hebr. say. 5 And if the seruant t shall plainely 21 Notwithstanding, if he continue
ingjhallsay. say, I loue my master, my wife, and my
a day or two, hee shall not be punished,
children, I will not goe out free: for he is his money.
6 Then his master shall bring him 22 IF If men striue, and hurt a wo-
vnto the ludges, hee shall also bring man with child, so that her fruit depart
him to the doore, or vnto the doore post, from her, and yet no mischiefe follow,
and his master shall boare his eare he shalbe surely punished, according as
through with an aule, and he shall serue the womans husband will lay vpon
him for euer. him, and hee shall pay as the ludges
7 11 And if a man sell his daughter determine.
23 And
Diners lawes, Exodus. and ordinances.
23 And if any mischiefe follow, then fatherlesse. 25 Of vsurie. 26 Of pledges.
thou shalt giue life for life, 28 Of reuerence to Magistrates. 29 Of
the first fruits.
* Leuit. 24. 24 *Eye for eye, tooth for tooth, hand
20. deut. 19
21. matth. for hand, foote for foote, Fa man shal steale an oxe,

25 Burning for burning, wound for or a ||sheepe, and kill it, or Or, goate.
wound, stripe for stripe. sell it; he shall restore fiue
26 IT And if a man smite the eye of oxen for an oxe, and *foure *2. Sam. 12.
h)is seruant, or the eye of his mayd, that sheepe for a sheepe. 6.

it perish, hee shall let him goe free for 2 f If a thiefe bee found breaking
hlis eyes sake. vp,and be smitten that he die, there shal
27 And if he smite out his man ser- no blood be shed for him.
uants tooth, or his mayde seruants 8 If the Sunne be risen vpon him,
tooth, hee shal let him goe free for his there shall be bloodshed for him :^rhee
tooths sake. should make full restitution : if he haue
28 f If an oxe gore a man, or a wo- nothing, then he shall bee sold for his
* Gene. 9. man, that they die, then *the oxe shal be theft.
surely stoned, and his flesh shall not be 4 If the theft be certainely found
eaten: but the owner of the oxe shall be in his hand aliue, whether it bee oxe or
quitte. asse, or sheepe, he shall restore double.
29 But if the oxe were wont to push 5 If If a man shall cause a field or
with his home in time past, and it hath vineyard to be eaten, and shall put in
bene testified to his owner, and he hath his beast, and shall feede in another
not kept him in, but that he hath killed mans field : of the best of his owne field,
a man or a woman; the oxe shall be sto- and of the best of his owne vineyard
ned, and his owner also shall bee put to shall he make restitution.
death. 6 U If fire breake out, and catch in
30 If there be layed on him a summe thornes, so that the stackes of corne, or
of money, then he shall giue for the ran- the standing corne, or the field be consu-
some of his life, whatsoeuer is layd vp- med therewith; hee that kindled the fire,
on him. shall surely make restitution.
31 Whether hee haue gored a sonne, 7 1f If a man shal deliuer vnto his
orhaue gored a daughter, according to neighbour money or stuffe to keepe, and
this iudgement shall it bee done vnto it be stollen out of the mans house; if the
him. thiefe be found, let him pay double.
32 If the oxe shall push a man ser- 8 If the thiefe be not found, then
uant, or*a mayd seruant, hee shall giue the master of the house shall be brought
vnto their master thirty shekels, anc vnto the ludges, to see whether he haue
the oxe shalbe stoned. put his hande vnto his neighbours
33 IF And if a man shall open a pit, or goods.
if a man shall digge a pit, and not couer 9 For all maner of trespasse, whether
it, and an oxe or an asse fall therein: it be for oxe, for asse, for sheepe, for rai-
84« The owner of the pit shall make ment, or for any maner of lost thing,
it good, and giue money vnto the owner which another challengeth to be his : the
of them, and the dead beast shalbe his. cause of both parties shall come before
35 IT And if one mans oxe hurt an- the ludges, and whome the ludges
others, that he die, then they shall sel shall condemne, he shall pay double vn-
the liue oxe, and diuide the money of it, to his neighbour.
and the dead oxe also they shall diuide. 10 If a man deliuer vnto his neigh-
36 Or if it bee knowen that the oxe bour an asse, or an oxe, or a sheepe, or
hath vsed to push in time past, and his any beast to keepe, and it die, or be hurt,
owner hath not kept him in, hee shall or driuen away, no man seeing it,
surely pay oxe for oxe, and the dead shall 11 Then shall an othe of the LORD
be his owne. be betweene them both, that hee hath
not put his hand vnto his neighbours
C H A P . XXII. goods: and the owner of it shall accept
thereof, and he shall not make it good.
1 Of theft. 5 Of dararaage. 7 Of trespasses. 12 And *if it be stollen from him, he *Gene. 31.
14 Of borrowing. 16 Of fornication. 18
Of witchcraft. 19 Of bestialitie. 20 Of shall make restitution vnto the owner 39.
idolatrie. 21 Of strangers, widowes, and thereof.
13 If
Diuers lawes, Chap.xxiij. and ordinances.
13 If it be torne m pieces, then let him is torne of beasts in the field: yee shall
bring it for witnesse, and hee shall not cast it to the dogs.
make good that which was torne.
14? IF And if a man borrowe ought
of his neighbour, and it be hurt, or die, C H A P . XXIII.
the owner thereof being not with it, he 1 Of slander and false witnesse. 3.6 Of iustice.
shall surely make it good. 4 Of charitablenesse. 10 Of the yeere of
15 But if the owner thereof be with rest 12 Of the Sabbath. 13 Of idolatrie.
14 Of the three feasts. 18 Of the blood
it, he shall not make it good: If it bee and the fat of the sacrifice. 20 An Angjel is
an hired thing, it came for his hire. promised, with a blessing, if they obey him.
* Deut. 22. 16 If And * if a man entice a maide
that is not betrothed, and lie with her, Houshalt not ||raise a false II Or, receius
he shall surely endow her to be his wife.
17 If her father vtterly refuse to
t Heb* weigh giue her vnto him, he shall f pay money
according to the dowrie of virgins.
18 IF Thou shalt not suffer a witch
T report: put not thine hand
with the wicked to bee an
vnrighteous witnesse.
2 If Thou shalt not
follow a multitude to doe euill: neither
to Hue. shalt thou t speake in a cause, to decline t Heb. an-
19 IF Whosoeuer lieth with a beast, after many, to wrest Judgement: swere.
shall surely be put to death. 3 ^F Neither shalt thou countenance
* Deut. 13. 20 IF * Hee that sacrificeth vnto any a poore man in his cause.
13, 14, 15.
1. mac. 2.24 god saue vnto the L O R D onely, hee 4 IF If thou meete thine enemies
shall be vtterly destroyed. oxe or his asse going astray, thou shalt
* Leuit. 19. SI IF * Thou shalt neither vexe a surely bring it backe to him againe.
stranger, nor oppresse him : for ye were 5 * If thou see the asse of him that * Deu. 22.4
strangers in the land of Egypt. hateth thee, lying vnder his burden,
* Zac. 7. 10. 22 f * Yee shall not afflict any wi- ||and wouldest forbeare to helpe him, II Or, wilt
dow, or fatherlesse child. thou shalt surely helpe with him. thou cease to
helpe him?
23 If thou afflict them in any wise, 6 Thou shalt not wrest the iudge- or, $ woul-
dest cease to
and they crie at all vnto mee, I will ment of thy poore in his cause. leaue thy
surely heare their crie. 7 Keepe thee farre from a false mat- for businesse
24 And my wrath shall waxe hote, ter: and the innocent and righteous thou shaU
rarely leauc
and I will kill you with the sword: slay thou not: for I will not iustifie the it toioyne
and your wiues shall be widowes, and wicked. with him,
your children fatherlesse. 8 IF And * thou shalt take no gift: * Deut. 16.
19. ecclus.
* Leuit. 25. 25 IF * If thou lend money to any of for the gift blindeth tthe wise, and per- 20. 28.
37. deut. 23
19. psal. 15. my people that is poore by thee, thou uerteth the words of the righteous. t Hebr. the
5. seeing.
shalt not be to him as an vsurer^ neither 9 IF Also thou shalt not oppresse a
shalt thou lay vpon him vsurie. stranger: for yee know the t heart of a tHeb.soule.
26 If thou at all take thy neighbors stranger, seeing yee were strangers in
raiment to pledge, thou shalt deliuer it the land of Egypt.
vnto him by that the sun goeth downe. 10 And *sixe yeres thou shalt sow thy * Leuit. 25.
27 For that is his couering onely, it land, and shalt gather in the fruites 3.
is his raiment for his skinne: wherein thereof:
shal he sleepe ? and it shal come to passe, 11 But the seuenth yeere thou shalt
when he crieth vnto mee, that I will let it rest, and lie still, that the poore of
heare : for I am gracious. thy people may eate, and what they
* Acts 23. 5 28 IT * Thou shalt not reuile the leaue, the beasts of the field shall eate.
II Or, Judges || Gods, nor curse the ruler of thy people. In like maner thou shalt deale with
29 IF Thou shalt not delay to offer thy vineyard, and with thy ||oliue yard. I Or, oliue
t Heb. thy the t first of thy ripe fruits, and of thy 12 * Sixe dayes thou shalt doe thy * Chap. 20.
\Heb.Teare tliquors: *the first borne of thysonnes
worke, and on the seuenth day thou 8. deut. 5.
13. hike 13.
* Chap. 13. shalt thou giue vnto me. shalt rest: that thine oxe and thine asse 14.
2,12. & 34. may rest, and the sonne of thy hand-
19. 30 Likewise shalt thou do with thine
oxen, and with thy sheepe: seuen dayes may d, & the stranger may be refreshed.
it shall be with his damme, on the eight 13 And in all things that I haue said
day thou shalt giue it me. vnto you, be circumspect: and make no
31 IF And ye shall be holy men vnto mention of the names of other gods,
* Leuit. 22. me: "neither shall ye eate any flesh that neither let it be heard out of thy mouth.
8. ezek. 44.
31. 14 IF * Three
Three folemne feafts. Exodus. Gods promife.
* Deut. 16. 14 IT * Three times thou shalt keepe thou shalt come, and I will make all
a feast vnto me in the yeere. thine enemies turne their tbackes vnto Heb. tiecks.
* Chap. 13. 15 * Thou shalt keepe the feast of vn- thee.
3. & 34. 18.
[eauened bread: thou shalt eate vnlea- 28 And *I will send hornets before * Iosh. 24.
uened bread seuen dales, as I comman- thee, which shall driue out the Hiuite, 12.
ded thee in the time appointed of the the Canasmte, and the Hittite from be-
moneth Abib: for in it thou earnest out ffore thee.
* Deut. 16. from Egypt: * and none shall appeare 29 I will not driue them out from
6. ecclus.
35. 4. before me emptie : Defore thee in one yeere, lest the land be-
16 And the feast of haniest, the first come desolate, and the beast of the field
fruits of thy labours, which thou hast multiply against thee.
sowen in the field: and the feast of inga- 30 By little and little I will driue
thering which is in the end of the yeere, ;hem out from before thee, vntill thou
when thou hast gathered in thy la- 3e increased and inherit the land.
bours out of the field. 31 And I will set thy bounds from
17 Three times in the yeere all thy the Red sea, euen vnto the sea of the
males shall appeare before the LORD Philistines, and from the desert vnto
God. the riuer : for I will deliuer the inhabi-
18 Thou shalt not offer the blood of tants of the land into your hand : and
my sacrifice with leauened bread, nei- thou shalt driue them out before thee.
II Or, feast. ther shall the fat of my || sacrifice re- 32 * Thou shalt make no couenant * Chap. 34.
16. deut. 7.
maine vntill the morning. with them, nor with their gods. 2.
* Chap. 34. 19 * The first of the first fruits of thy 33 They shall not dwell in thy land,
26. deut. 14
22. land thou shalt bring into the house of lest they make thee sinne against me: for
the LORD thy God: thou shalt not iif thou serue their gods, * it will surely * Deut. 7.
16. iosh. 23.
seethe a kid in his mothers milke. be a snare vnto thee. 13. iudg. 2.
*• Chap. 33.
>^ 20 11 * Behold, I send an Angel be- 3.
fore thee to keepe thee in the way, and to
bring thee into the place which I haue C H A P . XXIIII.
prepared. 1 Moses is called vp into the Mountaine. 3 The
21 Beware of him, and obey his people promise obedience. 4 Moses buil-
voice, prouoke him not: for he will not deth an Altar, and twelue pillars. 6 Hee
pardon your transgressions : for my sprinkleth the blood of the Couenant. 9 The
name is in him. glory of God appeareth. 14 Aaron and
Hur haue the charge of the people. 15 Mo-
22 But if thou shalt indeed obey his ses goeth into the Mountaine, wnere he con-
voice, and doe all that I speake, then tinueth 40.dayes,and 40.nights.
I wil be an enemie vnto thine enemies,

I Or, / will and || an aduersarie vnto thine aduersa- Nd hee said vnto Moses,
afflict them ries. Come vp vntfc ^ LORD,
that afflict
thee. 23 *For mine Angel shall goe before thou, and Aaron, Nadab
* Chap. 33.
2. thee, and * bring thee in vnto the Amo- and Abihu, and seuentie
* Idsh. 24. rites, and the Hittites, and the Periz- of the Elders of Israel:
zites, and the Canaanites, the Hiuites, and worship ye a farre on.
and the lebusites : and I will cut 2 And Moses alone shall come
them off. neere the LORD: but they shall not
24 Thou shalt not bow downe to come nigh, neither shall the people goe
their gods, nor serue them, nor doe after vp with him.
* Deut. 7. their workes: * but thou shalt vtterly 3 f And Moses came and told the
ouerthrowe them, ^and quite breake people all the words of the LORD,
downe their images. and all the iudgements: and all the peo-
25 And yee shall serue the LORD ple answered with one voyce, and said,
your God, and he shall blesse thy bread, *A11 the words which the LORD hath * Chap. 19.
8. and 24.
and thy water: and I will take sicknes said, will we doe. 3,7. deut. 5.
away from the midst of thee. 4 And Moses wrote all the words 27.
* Deut. 7.
26 H * There shall nothing cast their of the LORD, and rose vp early in the
yong, nor bee barren in thy land : the morning, and builded an Altar vnder
number of thy dayes I will fulfill. the hill, and twelue pillars, according to
27 I will send my feare before thee, the twelue tribes of Israel.
and will destroy all the people to whom 5 And he sent yong men of the chil-
The people promife. Chap.xxv. Free offerings.
dren of Israel, which offered burnt
offerings, and sacrificed peace offerings CHAP. XXV.
of oxen, vnto the LORD. 1 What the Israelites must offer for the making
6 And Moses tooke halfe of the of the Tabernacle. 10 The forme of the
blood, and put it in basons, and halfe of Arke. 17 The Mercy-seat, with the Che-
the blood he sprinkled on the Altar. rubims. 23 The table, with the furniture
thereof. 31 The candlesticke, with the in-
7 And he tooke the booke of the co- struments thereof.
uenant, and read in the audience of the
* Verse 3. people: and they saide , * All that the Nd the LORD spake vn-
LORD hath said, will we doe, and be
8 And Moses tooke the blood and
sprinkled it on the people, and said, Be-
A to Moses, saying,
2 Speake vnto the chil-
dren of Israel, that they
tbring me an |[offering: *of t Hebr. take
* i. Pet. i. hold * the blood of the Couenant which euery man that giueth it willingly with forme.
I' Or, heaue
2. hebr. 9. offering.
20. the LORD hath made with you, con- his heart, ye shall take my offering.
* Chap. 35.
cerning all these words. 3 And this is the offering which ye 5.
9 1T Then went vp Moses and Aa- shall take of them; Gold, and siluer, and
ron, Nadab and Abihu, and seuenty of brasse,
the Elders of Israel: 4 And blew, and purple, and scar-
10 And they saw the God of Israel: let, and fine ||linnen, and goats haire: I Or, silke.
and there was vnder his feet, as it were 5 And rammes skinnes died red,
a paued worke of a Saphire stone, and and badgers skinnes, and Shittim
as it were the body of heauen in his wood:
clearenesse. 6 Oile for the light, spices for anoin-
11 And vpon the Nobles of the chil- ting oile, and for sweet incense:
dren of Israel he layd not his hand: al- 7 Onix stones, and stones to be set
so they saw God, and did eate and in the *Ephod, and in the *brest plate. * Chap. 28.
drinke. 8 And let them make mee a San- 4.* Chap. 28.
12 IF And the L O R D sayd vnto ctuary, that I may dwell amongst 10.
Moses, Come vp to me into the mount, them:
and be there, and I will giue thee Ta- 9 According to all that I shew thee,
bles of stone, and a Law , and Com- after the patterne of the Tabernacle,
m an dements which I haue written, and the patterne of all the instruments
that thou mayest teach them. thereof, euen so shall ye make it.
13 And Moses rose vp, and his mi- 10 If * And they shall make an Arke * Chap. 37-
nister loshua: and Moses went vp in- of Shittim wood: two cubites and a 1.
to the mount of God. halfe shalbe the length thereof, and a cu-
14 And hee saide vnto the Elders, bite and an halfe the breadth thereof,
Tary ye here for vs, vntill wee come a- and a cubite & a halfe the height thereof.
gaine vnto you : and behold, Aaron 11 And thou shalt ouerlay it with
and Hur are with you • If any man pure gold, within and without shalt
haue any matters to doe, let him come thou ouerlay it: and shalt make vpon
vnto them. it a crowne of gold round about.
15 And Moses went vp into the 12 And thou shalt cast foure rings of
Mount, and a cloud couered the gold for it, and put them in the foure
Mount. corners thereof, and two rings shal be in
16 And the glory of the LORD a- the one side of it, and two rings in the o-
bode vpon mount Sinai, and the cloud ther side of it.
couered it sixe dayes: and the seuenth 13 And thou shalt make staues of
day hee called vnto Moses out of the Shittim wood, and ouerlay them with
midst of the cloud. E£old.
17 And the sight of the glory of the 14 And thou shalt put the staues in-
LORD was like deuouring fire, on the to the rings, by the sides of the Arke,
top of the mount, in the eyes of the chil- that the Arke may be borne with them.
dren of Israel. 15 The staues shall be in the rings of
IS And Moses went into the midst the Arke: they shal not be taken from it
of the cloud, and gate him vp into the 16 And thou shalt put into the Arke
* Chap. 34. mount: and * Moses was in tne mount the Testimonie which I shall giue
*8. deut. 9. forty dayes, and forty nights.
17 And
The Merciefeat, Exodus. and Candlefticke.
17 And thou shalt make a Mercie- 30 And thou shalt set vpon the Ta-
seat of pure gold : two cubites and a ble Shew-bread before me alway.
halfe shalbe the length thereof, and a cu- 31 1T * And thou shalt make a Can- * Chap. 37.
bite and a halfe the breadth thereof. dles ticke of pure gold : of beaten worke 17.
18 And thou shalt make two Cheru- shall the candlesticke bee made; his
bims of gold : of beaten worke shalt shaft and his branches, his bowles, his
thou make them, in the two endes of knops, and his flowers shall be of the
the Mercie-seat. same.
19 And make one Cherub on the one 32 And sixe branches shall come out
end, and the other Cherub on the other of the sides of it: three branches of the
il Or, of the end: euen ||of the Mercie-seat shall yee candlesticke out of the one side, and three
matter of
the Mercie make the Cherubims, on the two ends branches of the candlesticke out of the
seaie. thereof. other side:
20 And the Cherubims shall stretch 33 Three bowles made like vnto al-
forth their wings on high, couering the monds , with a knop and a flower in
Mercie-seat with their wings, and one branch: and three bowles made like
their faces sJiall looke one to another: to- almonds in the other branch, with a
toward the Mercie-seat shall the faces knop and a flower: so in the sixe bran-
of the Cherubims be. ches that come out of the candlesticke.
21 And thou shalt put the Mercie- 34 And in the candlesticke shall bee
seat aboue vpon the Arke, and in the foure bowles made like vnto almonds,
Arke thou shalt put the Testimonie with their knops and their flowers.
that I shall giue thee. 35 And there shal be a knop vnder two
£2 And there I wil meet with thee, branches of the same, and a knop vnder
and I will commune with thee, from two branches of the same, and a knop
* Numb. 7. aboue the Mercie-seat, from *betweene vnder two branches of the same, accor-
the two Cherubims which are vpon ding to the sixe branches that proceede
the Arke of the Testimonie, of all out of the candlesticke.
things which I will giue thee in com- 36 Their knops and their branches
maundement vnto the children of Is- shall be of the same: all it shall bee one
rael. beaten worke of pure gold.
* Chap. 37.
88 f * Thou shalt also make a table 37 And thou shalt make the seuen
of Shittim wood: two cubites shall bee lamps thereof: and they shall || light the I Or, cause
the length thereof, and a cubite the lampes thereof, that they may giue to ascend.
bredth thereof, and a cubite and a halfe light ouer against tit. t Heb. the
the height thereof. 38 And the tongs thereof, and the face of it.
24. And thou shalt ouerlay it with snuffe dishes therof shalbe of pure gold.
pure gold, and make thereto a crowne 39 Of a talent of pure gold shall hee
of gold round about. make it, with all these vessels.
25 And thou shalt make vnto it a 40 And * looke that thou make them * Acts 7. 44
border of an hand bredth round about, after their patterne, t which was shew- theb. 8. 5.
Heb. which
and thou shalt make a golden crowne ed thee in the mount. thou wast
to the border thereof round about. caused to
26 And thou shalt make for it foure
rings of gold, and put the rings in the C H A P . XXVI.
foure corners that are on the foure feete 1 The ten curtaines of the Tabernacle. 7 The
thereof. eleuen curtaines of coats haire. 14 The co-
27 Ouer against the border shall the uering of Rammes skinnes. 15 The boards
of the Tabernacle, with their sockets and
rings be for places of the staues to beare barres. 31 The Vaile for the Arke. 36 The
the table. hanging for the doore.
28 And thou shalt make the staues
of Shittim wood, and ouerlay them Oreouer thou shalt make

with gold, that the table may be borne the Tabernacle with ten
with them. curtaines of fine twined
29 And thou shalt make the dishes linnen, and blew, and pur- t Heb. the
thereof, and spoones therof, and couers ple, and scarlet: with Che- worke of a
II Or, to thereof, and bowles thereof, ||to couer rubims of t cunning worke shalt thou cunning
powre out worJceman
withall. withall : of pure gold shalt thou make make them. orEmbro-
them. 2 The length of one curtaine shalbe derer.
The Tabernacle Chap.xxvj. and appertinances.
eight and twenty cubits, and the bredth 15 f And thou shalt make boards
of one curtaine, foure cubits : and euery for the Tabernacle of Shittim w_ood
one of the curtaines shall haue one mea- standing vp.
sure. 16 Ten cubits shall be the length of
3 The fiue curtaines shalbe coupled a board, and a cubite and an halfe shall
together one to another: and other fiue be the breadth of one board.
curtaines shalbe coupled one to another. 17 Two t tenons $hall there be in one t Heb. hands
4 And thou shalt make loopes of board set in order one against another:
blew vpon the edge of the one curtaine. thus shalt thou make for all the boards
from the seluedge in the coupling, and of the Tabernacle.
likewise shalt thou make in the vtter- 18 And thou shalt make the boards
mostedge of another curtaine, in the cou- for the Tabernacle, twentie boards on
pling of the second. the Southside Southward.
5 Fiftie loopes shalt thou make in 19 And thou shalt make four tie soc-
the one curtaine, and fiftie loopes shalt kets of siluer, vnder the twenty boards :
thou make in the edge of the curtaine, two sockets vnder one board for his
that is in the coupling of the second, two tenons , and two sockets vnder
that the loopes may take hold one of a- another board for his two tenons.
nother. 20 And for the second side of the Ta-
6 And thou shalt make fiftie taches bernacle on the Northside there shall bee
of gold, and couple the curtaines toge- twentie boards,
ther with the taches: and it shall be one 21 And their fourtie sockets of siluer:
tabernacle. two sockets vnder one board, and two
7 f And thou shalt make curtaines sockets vnder another board.
of goats haire, to be a couering vpon the 22 And for the sides of the Taber-
tabernacle : eleuen curtaines shalt thou nacle Westward thou shalt make sixe
make. boards.
8 The length of one curtaine shalbe 23 And two boards shalt thou make
thirtie cubites , and the bredth of one for the corners of the tabernacle in the
curtaine foure cubites : and the eleuen two sides.
shalbe all of one measure. 24 And they shall be t coupled toge- t Heb. twin-
9 And thou shalt couple fiue cur- ther beneath, and they shall be coupled ned.
taines by themseluesj and sixe curtaines together aboue the head of it vnto one
by themselues, and shalt double the sixt ring : thus shall it bee for them both ;
curtaine in the forefront of the taber- they shall be for the two corners.
nacle. 25 And they shall be eight boards,
10 And thou shalt make fiftie loopes and their sockets of siluer sixteene soc-
on the edge of the one curtaine, that is kets: two sockets vnder one board, and
outmost in the coupling, and fiftie two sockets vnder another board.
loopes in the edge of the curtaine which 26 IT And thou shalt make barres of
coupleth the second. Shittim wood : fiue for the boards of
11 And thou shalt make fiftie taches the one side of the Tabernacle,
of brasse , and put the taches into the 37 And fiue barres for the boards of
II Or, coue- loopes, and couple the ||tent together, the other side of the Tabernacle, and
that it may be one. fiue barres for the boards of the side of
12 And the remnant that remaineth the Tabernacle for the two sides West-
of the curtaines of the tent , the halfe ward.
curtaine that remaineth shall hang o- 28 And the middle barre in the mids
uer the backe side of the tabernacle. of the boards, shall reach from ende to
13 And a cubite on the one side, and a ende.
•f Heb. in the cubite on the other side tof that which 29 And thou shalt ouerlay the boards
or turplusage remaineth in the length of the cur- with gold, and make their rings of
taines of the tent, it shall hang ouer the gold for places for the barres: and thou
sides of the tabernacle, on this side, and shalt ouerlay the barres with gold.
on that side to couer it. 30 And thou shalt reare vp the Ta-
14 And thou shalt make a couering bernacle * according to the fashion ther- * Chap. 25
for the tent of rammes skinnes died of, which was shewed thee in the 9,40. iCtS 7* 44.
red, and a couering aboue of badgers mount. aeb. 8» 5*
skinnes. 31 1T And thou shalt make a Vaile of
The Altar of Exodus* burnt offering.
b>lew, and purple, and scarlet, and fine net may bee euen to the midst of the
twined linnen of cunning worke: with Altar.
Cherubims shall it be made. 6 And thou shalt make staues for
32 And thou shalt hang it vpon the Altar, staues of Shittim wood, ancl
fibure pillars of Shittim wood, ouer- ouerlay them with brasse.
layd with gold: their hookes shalbe of 7 And the staues shalbe put into the
gold, vpon the foure sockets of siluer. rings, and the staues shall be vpon the
33 f And thou shalt hang vp the two sides of the Altar, to beare it.
Vaile vnder the taches, that thou maist 8 Hollow with boards shalt thou
bring in thither within the Vaile, the make it: as tit was shewed thee in the t Hebr. he
Arke of the Testimony: and the Vaile mount, so shall they make it.
shall diuide vnto you, betweene the ho- 9 f And thou shalt make the Court
lly place and the most holy. of the Tabernacle for the Southside,
34 And thou shalt put the Mercie- Southward: there shall be hangings
seat vpon the Arke of the Testimony, for the Court, of fine twined linnen of
in the most holy place. an hundred cubits long, for one side.
35 And thou shalt set the table with- 10 And the twenty pillars thereof,
out the Vaile, and the candlesticke ouer and their twenty sockets , shall be of
against the table, on the side of the Ta- brasse: the hookes of the pillars, and
bernacle toward the South: and thou their fillets shalbe of siluer.
shalt put the table on the North side. 11 And likewise for the Northside in
36 And thou shalt make an Hanging length, there shall be hangings of an
for the doore of the Tent, of blew, and hundred cubits long, and his twenty
purple and scarlet, and fine twined lin- pillars, and their twenty sockets of
nen, wrought with needle worke. brasse : the hookes of the pillars, and
37 And thou shalt make for the their fillets of siluer.
Hanging fiue pillars of Shittim wood, 12 U And for the breadth of the
and ouerlay them with gold, and their Court, on the Westside shalbe hangings
hookes shalbe of gold : and thou shalt of fifty cubits : their pillars tenne, and
cast fiue sockets olbtassfi for them. their sockets ten.
13 And the breadth of the Court on
the Eastside Eastward, shall bee fiftie
C H A P . XXVII. cubits.
1 The Altar of burnt offering, with the ves- 14 The hangings of one side of the
sels thereof. 9 The Court of the Taber- gate shalbe fifteene cubits : their pillaxs
nacle inclosed with hangings and pillars.
18 The measure of the Court ^£0 The three, and their sockets three.
oile for the lanine., 15 And on the other side shalbe hang-
ings, fifteene cubits: their pillars three,
Nd thou shalt make an and their sockets three.

Altar of Shittim wood, 16 f And for the gate of the Court
fiue cubits long, and fiue shall be an hanging of twenty cubits of
cubites broad : the Altar blew, and purple, and scarlet, and fine
shall be foure square, anc twined linnen, wrought with needle
the height thereof shalbe three cubits. worke: and their pillars shall be foure,
2 And thou shalt make the homes and their sockets foure.
of it vpon the foure corners thereof: his 17 All the pillars round about the
homes shall be of the same: and thou Court shalbe filletted with siluer : their
shalt ouerlay it with brasse. hookes shalbe of siluer, and their sockets
3 And thou shalt make his pannes of brasse.
to receiue his ashes, and his shouels, 18 f The length of the Court shalbe
and his basons, and his fleshhooks, and an hundred cubits, and the breadth t fif-t Hebr. fifty
his firepannes : all the vessels thereoi tie euery where, and the height fiue cu- by fiftie.
thou shalt make of brasse. bits of fine twined linnen, and their soc-
4 And thou shalt make for it a grate kets of brasse.
of networke of brasse; and vpon the net 19 All the vessels of the Tabernacle
shalt thou make foure brasen rings in in all the seruice thereof, and all the
the foure corners thereof. pinnes thereof, and all the pinnes of
5 And thou shalt put it vnder the the Court, shalbe of brasse.
compare of the Altar beneath, that the 20 f And thou shalt command the
Aarons garments, Chap.xxviij. and his formes,
children of Israel, that they bring thee phod which is vpon it, shall bee of the
pure oyle Oliue beaten, for the light, to same, according to the worke thereof,
t Hebr. to cause the lampe tto burne alwayes. euen of gold, of blew, and purple, and
ascend vp.
21 In the Tabernacle of the Con- scarlet, and fine twined linnen.
gregation without the Vaile, which is 9 And thou shalt take two Onix
before the Testimony, Aaron and his stones, and graue on them the names of
sonnes shall order it from euening to the children of Israel:
morning before the LORD: It shall 10 Sixe of their names on one stone,
be a statute for euer/vnto their genera- and the other sixe names of the rest on
tions, on the behalfe of the children of the other stone, according to their birth:
Israel. 11 * With the worke of an engrauer * Wisd. 18.
in stone; like the engrauings of a signet 24.
shalt thou engraue the two stones,
C H A P . XXVIII. with the names of the children of Is-
I Aaron and his sonnes are set apart for the
rael; thou shalt make them to be set in
Priests office. 2 Holy garments are appoin- ouches of gold.
ted. 6 The Ephod. 15 The breastplate, 12 And thou shalt put the two stones
with twelue precious stones. 30 The Vrim vpon the shoulders of the Ephod, for
and Thummiiri. 31 The robe of the Ephod, stones of memoriall vnto the children
with pomegranates and belles. 36 The
plate of the Miter. 39 The imbroidered of Israel. And Aaron shall beare their
coate. 40 The garments for Aarons sonnes. names before the L O R D , vpon his
two shoulders for a memoriall.
Nd take thou vnto thee 13 11 And thou shalt make ouches

A Aaron thy brother, and

his sonnes with him,
from among the children
of Israel, that he may mi-
nister vnto me in the Priests office, euen
of gold;
14 And two chaines of pure gold at
the ends; of wreathen worke shalt thou
make them, and fasten the wreathen
chaines to the ouches.
Aaron, Nadab, and Abihu, Eleazar, 15 1F And thou shalt make the brest-
and Ithamar, Aarons sonnes. plate of ludgement, with cunning
2 And thou shalt make holy gar- worke, after the worke of the Ephod
ments for Aaron thy brother, for glory thou shalt make it: of gold, of blew, and
and for beauty. of purple, and of scarlet, and of fine twi-
3 And thou shalt speake vnto all ned linnen shalt thou make it.
that are wise hearted, whom I haue 16 Foure square it shall be being dou-
filled with the spirit of wisedome, that bled; a spanne shalbe the length thereof,
they may make Aarons garments to and a span shalbe the breadth thereof.
consecrate him, that hee may minister 17 And thou shalt tset in it settings \Hebr.fillin
fillings of
vnto me in the Priests office. of stones; euen foure rowes of stones: itstone.
4 And these are the garments which the first row shalbe a || Sardius, a Topaz, H 0r, Ruby.
they shall make; a breastplate, and an and a Carbuncle : this shall be the first
Ephod, and a robe, and a broidered row.
coat, a Miter, and a girdle : and they 18 And the second row shall be an E-
shall make holy garments for Aaron meraude, a Saphir, and a Diamond.
thy brother, and his sonnes, that hee 19 And the third row a Lygure, an
may minister vnto mee in the Priestes Agate, and an Amethist.
office. 20 And the fourth row, a Berill, and
5 And they shall take gold, and an Onjx, and a lasper: they shalbe set
blew, and purple, and scarlet, and fine in gold in their tinclosings. \ Hcbr. fil-
linnen. 21 And the stones shall bee with the
6 f And they shall make the Ephod names of the children of Israel, twelue,
of gold, of blew and of purple, of scarlet, according to their names, like the engra-
and fine twined linnen, with cunning uings of a signet: euery one with his
worke. name shall they bee according to the
7 It shall haue the two shoulder twelue tribes.
pieces thereof, ioyned at the two edges 22 f And thou shalt make vpon the
thereof; and so it shall bee ioyned to- brestplate chaines at the ends, of wrea-
S Or, Jmbrfri- gether. then worke, of pure gold.
dered. 8 And the || curious girdle of the E- 23 And thou shalt make vpon the
Aarons garments, Exodus. and his sonnes.
brestplate two rings of gold, and shalt minister: and his sound shall be heard
put the two rings on the two endes of when he goeth in vnto the holy place be-
the brestplate. fore the LORD, and when he commeth
24 And thou shalt put the two out, that he die not.
wreathen chaines of gold in the two 36 If And thou shalt make a plate of
rings, which are on the ends of the brest- pure gold, and graue vpon it, like the en-
plate. grauings of a signet, HO L I N E S
25 And the other two endes of the TO THE LORD.
two wreathen chaines, thou shalt fasten 37 And thou shalt put it on a blewe
in the two ouches, and put them on the lace, that it may be vpon the miter; vp-
shoulder pieces of the Ephod before it. on the forefront of the miter it shall be.
26 f And thou shalt make two rings 38 And it shall be vpon Aarons fore-
of gold, and thou shalt put them vpon head, that Aaron may beare the iniqui-
the two ends of the breastplate, in the tie of the holy things, which the chil-
border thereof, which is in the side of dren of Israel shall hallow, in all their
the Ephod inward. holy gifts: and it shall be alwayes vpon
27 And two other rings of gold thou his forehead, that they may be accepted
shalt make, and shalt put them on the before the LORD.
two sides of the Ephod vnderneath to- 39 If And thou shalt embroider the
wards the forepart thereof, ouer a- coat of fine linnen, and thou shalt make
gainst the other coupling thereof, aboue the miter of fine linnen, and thou shalt
the curious girdle of the Ephod. make the girdle of needle worke.
28 And they shall bind the brestplate 40 If And for Aarons sonnes thou
by the rings thereof, vnto the rings of shalt make coats, and thou shalt make
the Ephod with a lace of blewe, that it for them girdles, and bonnets shalt
may be aboue the curious girdle of the thou make for them, for glory and for
Ephod, and that the breastplate be not beautie.
loosed from the Ephod. 41 And thou shalt put them vpon
29 And Aaron shal beare the names Aaron thy brother, and his sonnes
of the children of Israel in the breast- with him: and shalt annoint them, and
plate of iudgement, vpon his heart, tconsecrate them, and sanctifie them, ^ Heb. Jill
when hee goeth in vnto the holy placep, that they may minister vnto mee in the their hand.
for a memoriall before the LORD con- Priests office.
tinually. 42 And thou shalt make them lin-
30 If And thou shalt put in the breast- nen breeches, to couer t their nakednes, t Heb. flesh
plate of iudgement, the Vrim and the of their na-
from the loines euen vnto the thighes kednesse.
Thummim, and they shall bee vpon they shall t reach. t Heb. bee.
Aarons heart, when he goeth in before 43 And they shall be vpon Aaron,
the L O R D : and Aaron shall beare & vpon his sonnes, when they come in
the iudgement of the children of Israel vnto the Tabernacle of the Congrega-
vpon his heart, before the LORD con- tion, or when they come neere vnto the
tinually. Altar to minister in the holy place, that
31 f And thou shalt make the robe they beare not iniquitie, and die. It shall
of the Ephod all of blew. be a statute for euer vnto him and his
32 And there shall bee an hole in the seede after him.
top of it, in the mids thereof: it shall
haue a binding of wouen worke, round C H A P . XXIX.
about the hole of it, as it were the hole 1 The sacrifice and ceremonies of consecrating
of an habergeon, that it be not rent. the Priests. 38 The continuall burnt offe-
II Or» 9kirts. 33 f And beneath vpon the ||hemme ring. 45 Gods promise to dwell among
of it thou shalt make pomegranates of the children of Israel.
blew, and of purple, and of scarlet, Nd this is the thing that

round about the hemme thereof, and thou shalt doe vnto them,
belles of gold betweene them round a- to hallow them, to mini-
bout. ster vnto me in the Priests
34 A golden bell and a pomegranate, office: * Take one yong *Leuit.9.2.
a golden bell and a pomegranate, vpon bullocke, and two rammes without
* Ecclus. the hemme of the robe round about. blemish,
45. 10. 35 * And it shall be vpon Aaron, to 2 And vnleauened bread, and cakes
The confecration Chap.xxix. of the Priefts.
vnleauened, tempered with oyle, and pieces, and wash the inwards of him,
wafers vnleauened, annointed with and his legs, and put them vnto his pie-
oile : of wheaten flowre shalt thou ces, and || vnto his head. II (JTt VJJOfl*
make them. 18 And thou shalt burne the whole
3 And thotr shalt put them into one ramme vpon the Altar: it is a burnt of-
basket, and bring them in the basket, fering vnto the LORD : It is a sweet
with the bullocke and the two rammes. sauour , an offering made by fire vnto
4 And Aaron and his sonnes thou the LORD.
shalt bring vnto the doore of the Taber- 19 IT And thou shalt take the other
nacle of the Congregation , and shalt ramme : and Aaron and his sonnes
wash them with water. shall put their hands vpon the head of
5 And thou shalt take the garments, the ramme.
and put vpon Aaron the coat, and the 20 Then shalt thou kill the ramme,
robe of the Ephod, and the Ephod, and and take of his blood, and put it vpon
the brestplate, and gird him with the cu- the tip of the right eare of Aaron , and
rious girdle of the Ephod. vpon the tip of the right eare of his
6 And thou shalt put the Miter vp- sonnes, and vpon the thumbe of their
on his head, and put the holy Crowne right hand, and vpon the great toe of
vpon the Miter. their right foot, and sprinckle the blood
7 Then shalt thou take the annoin- vpon the Altar round about.
* Chap. 30. ting *oyle, and powre it vpon his head, 21 And thou shalt take of the blood
and annoint him. that is vpon the Altar, and of the anoin-
8 And thou shalt bring his sonnes, ting oyle, and sprinkle it vpon Aaron,
and put coats vpon them. and vpon his garments , and vpon his
9 And thou shalt gird them with sonnes, and vpon the garments of his
girdles, (Aaron and his sonnes) and sonnes with him : and hee shall be hal-
t Heb. bind. tput the bonnets on them : and the lowed , and his garments , and his
priests office shall be theirs for a perpe- sonnes, and his sonnes garments with
tHeb.JM tuall statute: and thou shalt t* conse- him.
the hand of. crate Aaron and his sonnes. 22 Also thou shalt take of the ram
* Chap. 28.
41. 10 And thou shalt cause a bullocke to the fat and the rumpe, and the fat that
bee brought before the Tabernacle of couereth the inwards, & the caule aboue
*Leuit.l.4 the Congregation : and * Aaron and the liuer, and the two kidneis, and the
his sonnes shall put their hands vpon fat that is vpon them , and the right
the head of the bullocke. shoulder , for it is a ram of consecration :
11 And thou shalt kill the bullocke be- 23 And one loafe of bread, and one
fore the LORD, by the doore of the cake of oyled bread, and one wafer out
Tabernacle of the Congregation. of the basket of the vnleauened bread,
12 And thou shalt take of the blood that is before the LORD.
of the bullocke , and put it vpon the 24 And thou shalt put all in the
homes of the altar with thy finger, and hands of Aaron, and in the hands of
powre all the blood beside the bottome his sonnes, and shalt ||waue them for a 1! Or, shake
to and fro.
of the Altar. waue-offering before the LORD.
* Leuit. 3. 3 13 And *thou shalt take all the fat 25 And thou shalt receiue them of
1! It seemeth that couereth the inwards, and ||the their hands, and burne them vpon the
byAnatomy, caule that is aboue the liuer, and the two Altar for a burnt offering, for a sweet
and the He-
brewe Do- kidneis, and the fat that is vpon them, sauour before the LORD : it is an offe-
ctourSi to be
the midriff's. and burne them vpon the altar. ring made by fire vnto the LORD.
14 But the flesh of the bullocke, and 26 And thou shalt take the brest of
his skinne, and his doung shalt thou the ramme of Aarons consecrations,
burne with fire without the campe, it is and waue it for a waue-offering before
a sinne offering. the LORD, and it shalbe thy part.
15 IT Thou shalt also take one ram, 27 And thou shalt sanctifie the brest
and Aaron and his sonnes shall put of the waue-offering, and the shoulder
their hands vpon the head of the ram. of the heaue offering, which is waued,
16 And thou shalt slay the ramme, and which is heaued vp of the ramme
and thou shalt take his blood, and sprin- of the consecration, euen of that which
kle it round about vpon the altar. is for Aaron, and of that which is for his
17 And thou shalt cut the ramme in sonnes.
28 And
The confecration Exodus. of the Priefts.
%8 And it shalbe Aarons, and his 41 And the other lambe thou shalt
sonnes by a statute for euer, from the offer at Euen, and shalt doe thereto, ac-
children of Israel: for it is an heaue of- cording to the meat offering of the mor-
ffering: and it shall be an heaue offering ring, and according to the drinke of-
from the children of Israel, of the sa- fering thereof, for a sweet sauour, an
crifice of their peace offrings, euen their offering made by fire vnto the LORD.
hleaue offering vnto the LORD. 42 This shalbe a continuall burnt of-
29 If And the holy garments of Aa- fering throughout your generations,
ron shall be his sonnes after him, to bee at the doore of the Tabernacle of the
anoynted therein, and to be consecrated Congregation , before the LORD,
in them. where I wil meete you, to speake there
Hebr. Hfe 30 And tthat sonne that is Priest in vnto thee.
fhissonnes. hiis stead, shal put them on seuen dayes, 43 And there I will meet with the
when he commeth into the Tabernacle children of Israel: and \\the Tabernacle Or, Israel.
of the Congregation to minister in the shalbe sanctified by my glory.
hloly place. 44 And I will sanctifie the Taber-
31 IF And thou shalt take the ramme nacle of the Congregation, and the Al-
of the consecration, and seethe his flesh tar : I will sanctifie also both Aaron
in the holy place. and his sonnes, to minister to me in the
32 And Aaron and his sonnes shall P:*riests office.
eate the flesh of the ramme, and the 45 IF And * I will dwell amongst *12.Leuitt26.
2. cor.
• Leuit. 8. * bread that is in the basket, by the doore the children of Israel, and will be their 6. 1G.
31. matth.
12. 4. of the Tabernacle of the Cogregation. God.
33 And they shall eate those things, 46 And they shall know that I am
wherewith the atonement was made, the L O R D their God, that brought
to consecrate and to sanctifie them : but them foorth out of the land of Egypt,
a stranger shall not eate thereof, because that I may dwell amongst them : I
they are holy. am the LORD their God.
34 And if ought of the flesh of the
consecrations, or of the bread remaine CHAP. XXX.
vnto the morning, then thou shalt
mrne the remainder with fire: it shall 1 The Altar of incense. 11 The ransome of
soules, 17 The brasen lauer. 22 The ho-
not be eaten, because it is holy. ly anoynting oyle. 31 The composition
35 And thus shalt thou doe vnto Aa- of the perfume.
ron, and to his sonnes -9 according to al
things which I haue commaundec Nd thou shalt make an
thee: seuen dayes shalt thou consecrate
36 And thou shalt offer euery day a
mllocke for a sinne offering, for atone-
ment: and thou shalt dense the Altar,
A Altar to burne incense vp-
on : of Shittim wooc
shalt thou make it.
2 A cubite shall bee the
length thereof, and a cubite the breadth
when thou hast made an atonemeni thereof, (foure square shall it bee) anc
for it, and thou shalt anoynt it, to san- ;wo cubits shalbe the height thereof: the
ctifie it. homes thereof shalbe of the same.
37 Seuen dayes thou shalt make an 3 And thou shalt ouerlay it with
atonement for the Altar, and sanctifie it: pure gold, the ttop therof, and thetsides t Hebr. the
and it shalbe an Altar most holy: what- thereof round about, and the homes roo/e walls.
soeuer toucheth the Altar, shalbe holy. thereof: and thou shalt make vnto it a iHeb. walls
38 1[ Now this is that which thou crowne of gold round about.
« Num. 20. shalt offer vpon the Altar; *two lambs 4 And two golden rings shalt thou
of the first yere, day by day continually. make to it vnder the crowne of it, by
39 The one lambe thou shalt offer the two tcorners thereof, vpon the two t K&. Ribs
in the morning : and the other lambe, sides of it shalt thou make it: and they
thou shalt offer at euen: shalbe for places for the staues to beare
40 And with the one lambe a tent! it withall.
deale of flowre mingled with the fourth 5 And thou shalt make the staues
part of an Hin of beaten oyle: and the of Shittim wood, and ouerlay them
fourth part of an Hin of wine for a with gold.
drinke offering. 6 And thou shalt put it before the
Ranfome of foules. Anointing oyta
Vaile, that Is by the Arke of the Testi- wash withall, and thou shalt put it be-
monie before the Mercie-seat, that is, o- tweene the Tabernacle of the Congre-
uer the Testimonie where I will meet gation, and the altar, and thou shalt put
with thee. water therein.
7 And Aaron shall burne thereon 19 For Aaron and his sonnes shall
t ffebr. in- t sweet incense euery morning : when he wash their hands and their feet thereat.
cense of spi-
ces. dresseth the lamps he shal burne incense 20 When they goe into the Taber-
vpon it. nacle of the Congregation, they shall
II Or, setteth 8 And when Aaron ||lighteth the wash with water, that they die not : or
vp. heb. cau- lampes tat euen, he shall burne incense
se th tO OS-
when they come neere to the altar to
cend. vpon it, a perpetuall incense before the minister, to burne offering made by fire
t Heb. be- vnto the LORD.
tweene the L O R D , throughout your generati-
two evens. ons. 21 So they shall wash their handes
9 Ye shall offer no strange incense and their feet, that they die not : and it
thereon, nor burnt sacrifice, nor meate shall be a statute for euer to them, euen to
offering, neither shall ye powre drinke him and to his seed throughout their ge-
offering thereon. nerations.
10 And Aaron shall make an atone- 22 f Moreouer the L O R D spake
ment vpon the homes of it once in a vnto Moses, saying,
yeere, with the blood of the sinne offe- 23 Take thou also vnto thee princi-
ring of atonements : once in the yeere pall spices, of pure myrrhe fiue hundred
shall hee make atonement vpon it, shekels, and of sweet cinamon halfe so
throughout your generations : it ts most much, euen two hundred and fifty she-
holy vnto the LORD. kels, and of sweet calamus two hundred
11 1T And the L O H D spake vnto and fiftie shekels^
Moses, saying, 24 And of Cassia fiue hundred shekels,
* Num. I. 12 *When thou takest the summe of after the shekel of the Sanctuary, and
t Heb. them the children of Israel, after t their num- of oyle oliue an *Hin. * Chap. 29.
that are to be ber, then shall they giue euery man a 25 And thou shalt make it an oyle of 40.
ransome for Iris soule vnto the LOUD, holy oyntment , an oyntment com-
when thou numbrest them, that there pound after the arte of the || Apotheca- UQrt perfu-
be no plague amongst them, when thou rie : it shalbe an holy anointing oyle. mer.
numbrest them. 26 And thou shalt anoint the Ta-
13 This they shall giue, euery one bernacle of the Congregation there-
that passeth among them that are with , and the Arke of the Testimo-
numbred: halfe a shekel after the shekel nie.
• Leuit. 27. of the Sanctuary: *A shekel is twenty 27 And the Table and all his vessels,
25. num. 3.
47. ezek. gerahs: an halfe shekel shatt be the offe- and the Candlesticke , and his vessels,
45. 12. ring of the LORD. and the Altar of incense :
14 Euery one that passeth among 28 And the Altar of burnt offering
them that are numbred from twentie with all his vessels, and the Lauer and
yeeres old and aboue, shall giue an offe- his foot.
ring vnto the LORD. 29 And thou shalt sanctifie them, that
t Heb. mtO-
15 The rich shal not tgiue more, and they may bee most holy: whatsoeuer
t Heb. dimi- the poore shall not tgiue lesse then halfe toucheth them, shall be holy,
nish. a shekel, when they giue an offering vn- 30 And thou shalt annoint Aaron
to the LORD, to make an atonement and his sonnes, and consecrate them,
for your soules. that they may minister vnto mee in the
16 And thou shalt take the atone- priests office.
ment money of the children of Israel, 31 And thou shalt speake vnto the
and shalt appoint it for the seruice of the children of Israel, saying, This shall
Tabernacle of the Congregation, that bee an holy anointing oile vnto mee,
it may be a memoriall vnto the children throughout your generations.
of Israel before the LORD, to make 32 Vpon mans flesh shall it not bee
an atonement for your soules. powred, neither shall ye make any other
17 H And the LORD spake vnto like it, after the composition of it: it is
Moses, saying, holy, and it shall be holy vnto you.
18 Thou shalt also make a Lauer of 33 Whosoeuer compoundeth any
brasse , and his foote also of brasse, to like it , or whosoeuer putteth any of it
Bezaleel and Exodus. Aholiab called.
vpon a stranger, shall euen be cut off 9 And the Altar of burnt offering,
from his people. with all his furniture, and the Lauer
34 U And the L O R D said vnto and his foote:
VIoses, Take vnto. thee sweete spices, 10 And the clothes of seruice, and the
Stacte, and Onicha, and Galbanum: hloly garments for Aaron the Priest,
these sweete spices with pure frankin- and the garments of his sonnes, to mi-
cense, of each.shail there be a like weight. nister in the Priests office:
35 And thou shalt make it a perfume, 11 And the anointing oyle, and sweet
a confection after the arte of the Apo- incense for the Holy place: according to
t He b. salted thecarie, t tempered together, pure and all that I haue commanded thee, shall
hioly. they doe.
36 And thou shalt beat some of it very 12 IF And the L O R D spake vnto
small, and put of it before the testimony Moses, saying,
in the tabernacle of the Congregation, 13 Speake thou also vnto the chil-
where I will meet with thee: it shalbe dren of Israel, saying, Verely my Sab-
vnto you most holy. saths ye shall keepe: for it is a signe be-
37 And as for the perfume which tweene me and you, throughout your
thou shalt make, you shall not make to generations, that ye may know that I
your selues, according to the compositi- am the LORD, that doth sanctifie you.
on thereof • it shall be vnto thee holy for 14 * Yee shall keepe the Sabbath * Chap. 20.
the LORD. therefore: for it is holy vnto you: Euery 8.12.deut.

38 Whosoeuer shall make like vnto one that defileth it, shall surely be put to 20. 12.
that, to smell thereto, shall euen bee cut death : for whosoeuer doth any worke
off from his people. therein, that soule shall be cut off from
amongst his people.
C H A P . XXXI. 15 Sixe dayes may worke bee done,
1 Bezaleel and Aholiab are called and made nit in the seuenth is the Sabbath of rest,
meet for the worke of the Tabernacle. 12 The t holy to the LORD : whosoeuer doth t Heb. holi.
observation of the Sabbath is againe com- any worke in the Sabbath day, he shall 'inesse.
manded. 18 Moses receiueth the two Tables. surely be put to death.
Nd the LORD spake vn- 16 Wherefore the children of Israel

to Moses, saying, shall keepe the Sabbath, to obserue the
2 See, I haue called Sabbath throughout their generati-
by name, Bezaleel the ons, for a perpetuall couenant.
* i. Chron. * sonne of Vri, the sonne 17 It is a signe betweene me and the
2. 20.
of Hur, of the tribe of ludah : children of Israel for euer : for *in sixe • Gen. 1. 31
3 And I haue filled him with the dayes the LORD made heauen and and 2. 2.
Spirit of God, in wisedome, and in vn- earth, and on the seuenth day he rested,
derstanding, and in knowledge, and in and was refreshed.
all maner of workemanship, 18 1T And he gaue vnto Moses, when
4 To deuise cunning workes, to tiee had made an end of communing
worke in golde, and in siluer, and in with him vpon mount Sinai, * two * Deut. 9.
brasse, tables of Testimonie, tables of stone, 10.
5 And in cutting of stones, to set written with the finger of God.
them, and in caruing of timber, to
worke in all maner of workemanship. C H A P . XXXII.
6 And I, behold, I haue giuen with
him, Aholiab the sonne of Ahisamach, 1 The people in the absence of Moses, cause A-
aron to make a calfe. 7 God is angred there-
of the tribe of Dan, and in the hearts by. 11 At the intreatie of Moses he is appea-
of all that are wise hearted I haue put sed. 15 Moses commeth downe with the
wisedome, that they may make all that Tables. 19 He breaketh them, 20 He de-
I haue commanded thee: stroyeth the calfe. 22 Aarons excuse forhim-
selfe. 25 Moses causeth the Idolaters to bee
7 The Tabernacle of the Congre- slaine. 30 He prayeth for the people.
gation, and the Arke of the Testimony,
and the Mercie-seat that is thereupon, Nd when the people saw
t Hehvessels & all the t furniture of the Tabernacle:
8 And the Table, and his furniture,
and the pure Candlesticke, with all his
furniture, and the Altar of incense:
A that Moses delayed to
come downe out of the
mount, the people gathe-
red themselues together
The molten calfe. Chap.xxxij. Tables broken.
* Acts. 7- vnto Aaron, and said vnto him, * Vp, fierce wrath, and repent of this euill a-
make vs gods which shall goe before gainst thy people.
vs : for as for this Moses, the man that 13 Remember Abraham, Isaac, and
brought vs vp out of the land of Egypt, Israel thy seruants, to whom thou
we wot not what is become of him. swarest by thine owne selfe, and saidest
% And Aaron saide vnto them, vnto them , * I will multiply your seed * Gene. 12.
7. and 15. 7,
Breake off the golden earerings which as the starres of heauen : and all this and 48. 16.
are in the eares of your wiues, of your land that I haue spoken of, will I
sonnes, and of your daughters, and giue vnto your seed, and they shall inhe-
bring them vnto me. rit it for euer.
3 And all the people brake off the 14 And the LORD repented of the
golden earerings, which were in their euill which he thought to doe vnto his
eares, and brought them vnto Aaron. people.
* Psal. 106. 4 * And hee receiued them at their 15 f And Moses turned, and went
19. 1. king. hand, and fashioned it with a grauing
12. 28. downe from the Mount, and the two
toole, after hee had made it a molten Tables of the Testimony were in his
calfe : and they said, These be thy gods, hand : the Tables were written on
O Israel, which brought thee vp out both their sides; on the one side, and on
of the land of Egypt. the other were they written.
5 And when Aaron saw it, he built 16 And the * Tables were the worke * Chap. 31.
an altar before it, and Aaron made pro- of God ; and the writing was the wri- 18.
clamation, and said, To morrow is a ting of God, grauen vpon the Tables.
feast to the LORD. 17 And when loshua heard the
6 And they rose vp early on the mor- noise of the people as they shouted, hee
row, and offered burnt offerings, and said vnto Moses , There is a noise of
*l.Cor. 10. brought peace offerings : and the *peo- warre in the campe.
ple sate downe to eate and to drinke, 18 And he said, It is not the voyce of
and rose vp to play. them that shout for mastery, neither is it
7 1F And the LORD said vnto the voyce of them that cry for t being o- ^Heb.weak-
* Deut. 9. Moses, *Goe, get thee downe : for thy uercome : but the noyse of them that nesse.
people which thou broughtest out of sing doe I heare.
the land of Egypt, haue corrupted them- 19 IF And it came to passe, assoone as he came nigh vnto the campe, that he
* Deut. 9. 8. S * They haue turned aside quickly saw the Calfe , and the dancing : and
out of the way which I commaunded Moses anger waxed hot, and he cast the
them : they haue made them a molten Tables out of his hands, and brake
Calfe , and haue worshipped it , and them beneath the mount.
haue sacrificed thereunto , and saide, 20 * And he tooke the Calfe which * Deut. 9.
These bee thy gods, O Israel, which they had made, and burnt it in the fire, 21.
haue brought thee vp out of the land of and ground it to powder, and strawed
Egypt. it vpon the water, and made the chil-
9 And the LORD said vnto Mo- dren of Israel drinke of it.
* Chap. 33. ses, * I haue scene this people, and be- 21 And Moses said vnto Aaron,
3. deut. 9.
13. hold, it is a stiffenecked people. What did this people vnto thee, that
10 Now therefore let me alone, that thou hast brought so great a sinne vpon
my wrath may waxe hot against them, them ?
and that I may consume them : and I 22 And Aaron said, Let not the an-
will make of thee a great nation. ger of my lord waxe hot: thou knowest
* Psal. 106, 11 * And Moses besought tthe LORD the people , that they are set on mis-
t Hebr. the his God, and said, LORD, why doeth chiefe*
face of the thy wrath waxe hot against thy people, 23 For they said vnto me, Make vs
which thou hast brought foprth out of gods which shall goe before vs : for as
the land of Egypt, with great power, for this Moses, the man that brought
and with a mighty hand ? vs vp out of the land of Egypt, we wot
* Num. 14. 12 * Wherefore should the Egypti- not what is become of him.
13. ans speake and say, For mischiefe did he 24 And I said vnto them, Whoso-
bring them out, to slay them in the euer hath any gold, let them breake it
mountaines, & to consume them from off: So they gaue it mee : then I cast it
the face of the earth ? Turne from thy into the fire, & there came out this Calfe.
25 f And
Mofes prayer: He Exodus. talketh with God.
Nd the LORD said vn-

25 If And when Moses saw that the
people were naked, (for Aaron had to Moses, Depart, and goe
made them naked vnto their shame, a- vp hence, thou and the
\Hebr.those mongst t their enemies) people which thou hast
that rose vp brought vp out pf the land
against 26 Then Moses stood in the gate of
them. the campe, and saide, Who is on the of Egypt, vnto the land wmch>I sware
LOUDS side ? let him come vnto mee. vnto Abraham, to Isaac, & to lacob,
And all the sonnes of Leiii gathered saying, * Vnto thy seed will I giue it. * Gene. 12.
themselues together vnto him. 2 * And I will send an Angel be- 7.* Deut. 7.
27 And hee said vnto them, Thus fore thee, and I will driue out the Ca- 22.11.
iosh. 24.
saith the LORD God of Israel, Put naanite, the Amorite, and the Hittite,
euery man his sword by his side, and go and the Perizzite, the Hiuite, and the
in and out from gate to gate through- lebusite:
out the campe, and slay euery man his 3 Vnto a land flowing with milke
brother, and euery man his compani- and hony : For I will not goe vp in the
on, and euery man his neighbour. midst of thee: for thou art a*stiffenecked 9.* Chap. 32.
deut. 9.
28 And the children of Leui did ac- people, lest I consume thee in the way.13.
cording to the word of Moses; and 4 f And when the people heard
there fell of the people that day about these euill tidings, they mourned : and
three thousand men. no man did put on him his ornaments.
ii Or, And 291| For Moses had said, t Consecrate 5 For the LORD had saide vnto
Moses said, Moses, Say vnto the children of Is-
Consecrate your selues to day to the LORD, euen
your selues (c euery man vpon his sonne, and vpon rael, Ye are a stiffenecked people: I wil
day to the
LORD, be- his brother, that he may bestow vpon come vp into the midst of thee in a mo-
cause euery ment, & consume thee : Therefore now
man hath you a blessing this day.
bene.against 30 U And it came to passe on the mor-
his sonne,
put off thy ornaments from thee, that
and against row, that Moses said vnto the people, I may know what to doe vnto thee.
his brothert 6 And the children of Israel stript
Yehaue sinned'a great sinne: And now
t Hebr.JUl I will goe vp vnto the LORD ; per- themselues of their ornaments, by the
your hands. aduenture I shall make an atonement mount Horeb.
for your sinne. 7 And Moses tooke the Taber-
31 And Moses returned vnto the nacle, & pitched it without the campe, a
LORD, and said, Oh, this people haue farre off from the campe, and called it
sinned a great sinne, and haue made the Tabernacle of the Congregation:
them gods of gold. And it came to passe, that euery one
32 Yet now, if thou wilt forgiue their which sought the LORD , went out
sinne; and if not, blot me, I pray thee, vnto the Tabernacle of the Congrega-
out of thy Booke, which thou hast tion, which was without the campe.
written. 8 And it came to passe when Moses
33 And the LORD said vnto Mo- went out vnto the Tabernacle, that all
ses, Whosoeuer hath sinned against me, the people rose vp, and stood euery man
him will I blot out of my Booke. at his tent doore, and looked after Mo-
34 Therefore now goe, leade the ses, vntill he was gone into the Ta-
people vnto the place of which I haue bernacle.
spoken vnto thee: Behold, mine Angel 9 And it came to passe as Moses en-
shall goe before thee; Neuerthelesse in tred into the Tabernacle, the cloudy
the day when I visit, I will visit their pillar descended, and stood at the doore
sinne vpon* them. of the Tabernacle, and the Lord talked
35 And the L O R D plagued the with Moses.
people, because they made the Calfe, 10 And all the people saw the cloudy
which Aaron made. pillar stand at the Tabernacle doore:
and all the people rose vp, and worship-
C H A P . XXXIII. ped euery man in his tent doore.
11 And the LORD spake vnto Mo-
1 The Lord refuseth to goe as he had promised ses face to face, as a man speaketh vnto
with the people. 4 The people murmure his friend. And he turned againe into
thereat. 7 The Tabernacle is remoued out
of the Campe. 9 The Lord talketh fami- the campe, but his seruant loshua the
liarly with Moses. 12 Moses desireth to see sonne of Nun, a yong man, departed
the Glory of God. not out of the Tabernacle.
12 If And
God not feene. Chap.xxxiiij. Two new Tables.
12 H And Moses saide vnto the Nd the LORD said vn-

L O R D , See, thou sayest vnto mee, to Moses, *Hew thee two * Deut. 10.
Bring vp this people, and thou hast not Tables of stone, like vnto 1.
let mee know whome thou wilt send the first : and I will write
with me. Yet thou hast said, I knowe vpon these Tables, the
thee by name, and thou hast also found words that were in the first Tables
grace in my sight. which thou brakest.
13 Now therefore , I pray thee , If 2 And be ready in the morning, and
I haue found grace in thy sight, shewe come vp in the morning vnto mount
mee now thy way that I may know Sinai, and present thy selfe there to me,
thee, that I may find grace in thy sight: in the top of the mount.
and consider that this nation is thy 3 And no man shall * come vp with * Chap. 19.
people. thee, neither let any man bee seene 12.
li And he said, My presence shall go throughout all the mount, neither let
with thee, and I will giue thee rest. the flockes nor herds feede before that
15 And he said vnto him, If thy pre- mount.
sence goe not with mee, carie vs not vp 4 If And he hewed two Tables of
hence. stone, like vnto the first, and Moses rose
16 For wherein shall it bee knowen vp earely in the morning, and went
here, that I and thy people haue found vp vnto mount Sinai, as the LORD
grace in thy sight? is it not in that thou had commanded him, and tooke in his
goest with vs ? So shall we be separa- hand the two tables of stone.
ted, I and thy people, from all the peo- 5 And the LORD descended in the
ple that are vpon the face of the earth. cloud, and stood with him there, and
17 And the LORD said vnto Mo- proclaimed the Name of the LORD.
ses, I will doe this thing also that thou 6 And the L O R D passed by be-
hast spoken : for thou hast found grace fore him, and proclaimed, The LORD,
in my sight, and I know thee by name. The LORD God, mercifull and gra-
18 And he said, I beseech thee, shew cious, long suffering, and abundant in
me thy glory. goodnesse and trueth,
19 And he said, I will make all my 7 Keeping mercie for thousands,
goodnesse passe before thee, and I will forgiuing iniquitie and transgression
proclaime the name of the LORD be- and sinne, and that will by no meanes
• Rom. 9. fore thee . *and will bee gracious to cleere the guiltie, * visiting the iniquitie of * Exod. 20.
15. 5. deut. 5.9.
whom I wil be gracious, and wil shew the fathers vpon the children, and vpon ererji. 32.
mercie on whom I will shew mercie. the childrens children, vnto the third 18.
20 And he said , Thou canst not see and to the fourth generation.
my face : for there shall no man see mee, 8 And Moses made haste, and bow-
and liue. ed his head toward the earth, and wor-
21 And the L O R D said, Beholde, shipped.
there is a place by mee, and thou shalt 9 And he said, If now I haue found
stand vpon a rocke. space in thy sight, O Lord, let my Lord,
22 And it shall come to passe, while I pray thee, goe amongst vs, (for it is a
my glory passeth by, that I will put stiffenecked people,) and pardon our
thee in a clift of the rocke, and will couer iniquitie, and our sinne, and take vs for
thee with my hand, while I passe by. thine inheritance.
23 And I wil take away mine hand, 10H And he said, Behold, * I make Deut. -v. 2.
and thou shalt see my backe parts: but a couenant: before all thy people, I wil
my face shall not be seene. doe marueiles, such as haue not beene
done in all the earth, nor in any nation:
and all the people amongst which thou
C H A P . XXXIIII. art, shall see the worke of the LORD :
I The Tables are renued. 5 The Name of the
for it is a terrible thing that I will doe
Lord proclaimed. 8 Moses intreateth God with thee.
to go with them. 10 God maketh a couenant 11 Obserue thou that which I com-
with them, repeating certaine dueties of the mand thee this day: Behold, I driue
first Table. 28 Moses after fourtie dayes in out before thee the Amorite, and the Ca-
the Mount commeth downe with the Ta-
bles, 29 His face shineth, and he couereth it naanite, and the Hittite, and the Periz-
with a vaile. zite* and the Hiuite, and the lebusite.
12 *Take
/Vgainft idolatrie. Exodus. Moles face thineth.
* Chap. ss. 12 *Take heed to thy selfe, lest thou and thou shalt bring vnto the house of
32. deut. 7*
2. make a couenant with the inhabitants the LORD thy God. Thou shalt not
of the land whither thou goest, lest it seethe a *kid in his mothers milke. * Exod. 23.
19. deut.
b>e for a snare in the midst of thee. 27 And the LORD said vnto Mo- 1421.
13 But ye shall destroy their altars, ses, Write thou * these words : for after * Deut. 4.
t Hebr. sta- b)reake their t images, and cut downe the tenour of these wordes, I haue 13.
their groues. made a couenant with thee, and with
14 For thou shalt worship no other [grael.
grod : for the LORD, whose name is 28 * And hee was there with the * Chap. 24.
* Chap. 20. [elous, is a * lelous God :
LORD forty dayes and forty nights: 9.18. deut. 9.
15 Lest thou make a couenant with le did neither eat bread, nor drinke wa-
the inhabitants of the land, and they ter ; and he wrote vpon the Tables the
joe a whoring after their gods, and doe words of the couenant, the ten tCom- \Hebr.
sacrifice vnto their gods, and one call words.
thee, and thou eate of his sacrifice, 29 IF And it came to passe when
* 1. King. 16 And thou take of * their daugh- Moses came downe from mount Si-
ters vnto thy sonnes, and their daugh- nai (with the two Tables of Testimo-
ters goe a whoring after their gods, ny in Moses hand, when hee came
and make thy sonnes goe a whoring af- downe from the mount ^ that Moses
ter their gods. wist not that the skin of his face shone,
17 Thou shalt make thee no molten while he talked with him.
gods. 30 And when Aaron and all the chil-
* Chap. 23.
18 U The feast of * vnleauened bread dren of Israel saw Moses, behold, the
shalt thou keepe : Seuen dayes thou skinne of his face shone, and they were
shalt eate vnleauened bread, as I com- afraid to come nigh him.
manded thee in the time of the moneth 31 And Moses called vnto them, and
* Chap. 13. Abib : for in the * moneth Abib thou ea-
Aaron and all the rulers of the Con-
rnest out from Egypt. gregation returned vnto him, and Mo-
* Chap. 22.
29. ezech.
19 * All that openeth the matrixe is ses talked with them.
44. 30. mine : and euery firstling amongst thy 32 And afterward all the children of
cattell,whetheroxeorsheepe,^atfitfraafe. Israel came nigh : and he gaue them in
20 But the firstling of an Asse thou commandement all that the LORD
1! Or, kid. shalt redeeme with a || lambe : and if bad spoken with him in mount Sinai.
thou redeeme him not, then shalt thou 33 And till Moses had done speaking
breake his necke. All the first borne of with them, he put *a vaile on his face. * a. Cor. 3.
thy sonnes thou shalt redeeme : and 34 But when Moses went in before 13.
* Chap. 23. none shall appeare before me * empty. the LORD to speake with him, hee
* Chap. 23. 21 f *Sixe dayes thou shalt worke, tooke the vaile off, vntill he came out:
12. deut. 5. but on the seuenth day thou shalt rest: And hee came out and spake vnto the
12. lake 13.
14. in earing time and in haruest thou children of Israel, that which he was
shalt rest. commanded.
* Chap. 23. 22 f * And thou shalt obserue the 35 And the children of Israel saw
feast of weekes , of the first fruits of the face of Moses, that the skinne of
wheat haruest, and the feast of ingathe- Moses face shone : and Moses put the
t Hebr. re- ring at the tyeeres end.
uolution of
vaile vpon his face againe, vntill hee
the yeere. 23 f * Thrice in the yeere shall all went in to speake with him.
* Chap. 23. your men children appeare before the
14, 17. deu.
16. 16. Lord GOD, the God of Israel. C H A P . XXXV.
24 For I will cast out the nations
before thee , and enlarge thy borders : 1 The Sabbath. 4 The free gifts for the Ta-
bernacle. 20 The readinesse of the people
neither shall any man desire thy land, to offer. SO Bezaleel and Aholiab are cal-
when thou shalt goe vp to appeare be- led to the worke.
fore the LORD thy God, thrice in the
yeere. Nd Moses gathered all
* Chap. 23.
25 *Thou shalt not offer the blooc
of my sacrifice with leauen, neither shal
the sacrifice of the feast of Passeouer be
left vnto the morning.
a the Congregation of the
children of Israel toge-
ther, and said vnto them;
These are the wordes
which the LORD hath commanded,
26 The first of the first fruits of thy
Free gifts Chap.xxxv. are offered.
that yee should doe them. of his sonnes to minister in the Priests
2 Chap. 20. % * Sixe dayes shall worke be done, office.
9. leuit. 23*
3. deut. 5. but on the seuenth day there shall be to 20 IF And all the Congregation o1
12. luke 13. you an tholy day, a Sabbath of rest to the children of Israel departed from
t Hebr. Ho- the L O R D : whosoeuer doeth worke the presence of Moses.
therein, shall be put to death. 21 And they came euery one whose
3 Ye shall kindle no fire throughout foeart stirred him vp, and euery one
your habitations vpon the Sabbath whom his spirit made willing, and they
day. brought the LORDS offering to the
4 IF And Moses spake vnto all the worke of the Tabernacle of the Con-
Congregation of the children of Israel, gregation, and for all his seruice, and for
saying, This is the thing which the the holy garments.
LORD commanded, saying, 22 And they came both men and wo-
5 Take ye from amongst you an of- men, as many as were willing hearted,
* Chap. 25. fring vnto the LORD : * Whosoeuer is and brought bracelets, and earerings,
of a willing heart, let him bring it, an and rings, & tablets, all iewels of gold:
offering of the LORD, gold, and sil- and euery man that offered, offered an
uer, and brasse, offering of gold vnto the LORD.
6 And blew, and purple, and scar- 23 And euery man with whom was
let, and fine linnen, and goats haire, found blew, and purple, and scarlet, and
7 And rammes skinnes died red, fine linnen, and goates haire, and red
& badgers skinnes, and Shittim wood, skinnes of rammes , and badgers
8 And oyle for the light, and spices skinnes, brought them.
For anoynting oyle, and for the sweet 24 Euery one that did offer an of-
incense : fering of siluer and brasse., brought the
9 And Onix stones, and stones to L'ORDS offering : and euery man
be set for the Ephod, and for the brest- with whom was found Shittim wood
plate. for any worke of the seruice, brought it.
10 And euery wise hearted among 25 And all the women that were
you, shall come and make all that the wise hearted, did spin with their hands,
LORD hath commanded : and brought that which they had spun,
* Chap. 26.
11 *The Tabernacle, his tent, and both of blew, and of purple, and of scar*
bis couering, his taches, & his barres, let, and of fine linnen.

bis pillars, and his sockets : 26 And all the women whose heart
12 The Arke and the staues thereof, stirred them vp in wisedome, spunne
with the Mercy seat, and the Vaile of joats haire.
the couering : 27 And the rulers brought Onix
18 The Table and his staues, and stones , and stones to be set for the E-
all his vessels, and the Shewbread, :>hod, and for the brestplate :
14 The Candlesticke also for the 28 And * spice and oyle for the light, * Chap. 30.
ight, and his furniture, and his lamps, and for the anoynting oyle, and for the
with the oyle for the light, sweet incense.
* Chap. 30. 15 *And the incense Altar, and his 29 The children of Israel brought
staues, and the anoynting oyle, and the a willing offering vnto the LORD,
sweet incense, and the hanging for the euery man and woman, whose heart
doore, at the entring in of the Taber- made them willing to bring for all ma-
nacle : ner of worke, which the LORD had
* Chap. 27. 16 * The Altar of burnt offering commanded to be made by the hands of
*• with his brasen grate, his staues, and Moses.
all his vessels, the Lauer and his foot: 30 IT And Moses said vnto the chil-
17 The hangings of the Court, his dren of Israel, See, *the LORD hath * Chap. 31.
pillars, and their sockets, and the han- called by name Bezaleel the sonne of 2*
Gging for the doore of the Court : Vri, the sonne of Hur? of the tribe of
18 The pinnes of the Tabernacle, [udah.
and the pinnes of the Court, and their 31 And he hath filled him with the
coards : Spirit of God, in wisedome, in vnder-
19 The cloathes of seruice, to doe ser- standing, and in knowledge, and in all
uice in the holy place, the holy garments maner of workemanship :
for Aaron the Priest, and the garments 32 And to deuise curious workes, to
The people liber all. Exodus. Curtaines, boards.
worke in gold, & in siluer, and in brasse, worke for the offering of the Sanctua-
33 And in the cutting of stones, to set rie : so the people were restrained from
them, and in caruing of wood, to make bringing.
any maner of cunning worke. 7 For the stuffe they had was suf-
34? And he hath put in his heart that ficient for all the worke to make it, and
he may teach, both he and Aholiab the too much.
sonne of Ahisamach of the tribe of Dan. 8 H *And euery wise hearted man, * Chap. 26.
35 Them hath hee filled with wise- among them that wrought the worke
dome of heart, to worke all manner of of the Tabernacle, made ten curtaines,
worke, of the ingrauer, and of the cun- of fine twined linnen, and blew, and
ning workeman, and of the embroide- purple, and scarlet: with Cherubims
rer, in blew, and in purple, in scarlet, of cunning worke made he them.
and in fine linnen, and of the weauer, 9 The length of one curtaine was
euen of them that doe any worke, and twentie & eight cubites, and the breadth
of those that deuise cunning worke. of one curtaine foure cubites: the cur-
taines were all of one cise.
10 And he coupled the fiue curtaines
C H A P . XXXVI. one vnto another : and the other fiue
1 The offerings are deliuered to the workemen. curtaines he coupled one vnto another.
5 The llberalitie of the people is restrained. 11 And he made loopes of blew, on
8 The curtaines of Cherubims. 14 The the edge of one curtaine, from the sel-
curtaines of goats haire. 19 The couering of uedge in the coupling: likewise hee
skinnes. 20 The boards with their sockets.
31 The barres. 35 The vaile. 37 The hang- made in the vttermost side of another
ing for the doore. curtaine, in the coupling of the second.
12 * Fiftie loopes made he in one cur- * Chap. 26.
Hen wrought Bezaleel taine, and fiftie loopes made hee in the 10.

t and Aholiab, and euery

wise hearted man, in
whome the LOED put
wisedome and vnderstan-
ding, to know how to worke all maner
edge of the curtaine which was in the
coupling of the second: the loopes held
one curtaine to another.
13 And he made fiftie taches of gold,
and coupled the curtaines one vnto a-
of worke for the seruice of the Sanctu- nother with the taches. So it became
ary, according to all that the LORD one tabernacle.
had commanded. 14 IT And he made curtaines of goats
£ And Moses called Bezaleel and haire, for the tent ouer the Tabernacle:
Aholiab, and euery wise hearted man, eleuen curtaines he made them.
in whose heart the L O R D had put 15 The length of one curtaine was
wisedome, euen euery one whose heart thirtie cubites, and foure cubites was
stirred him vp to come vnto the worke the breadth of one curtaine: the eleuen
to doe it. curtaines were of one cise.
3 And they receiued of Moses all the 16 And he coupled fiue curtaines by
offering which the children of Israel themselues, and sixe curtaines by them-
had brought, for the worke of the ser- selues.
uice of the Sanctuarie, to make it with- 17 And he made fiftie loopes vpon
all. And they brought yet vnto him free the vttermost edge of the curtaine in the
offerings euery morning. coupling, and fiftie loopes made he vp-
4? And al the wise men that wrought on the edge of the curtaine, which cou-
all the worke of the Sanctuary, came pleth the second.
euery man from his worke which they 18 And he made fiftie taches of brasse
made. to couple the tent together that it might
5 IF And they spake vnto Moses, be one.
saying, The people bring much more 19 And he made a couering for the
then enough for the seruice of the worke tent of rammes skinnes died red, and
which the L O R D commaunded to a couering of badgers skinnes aboue
make. that.
6 And Moses gaue commandement, 20 IT And hee made boards for the
and they caused it to bee proclaimed Tabernacle of Shittim wood, stan-
throughout the campe, saying, Let nei- ding vp.
ther man nor woman make any more 21 The length of a board was ten
The Vaile. Chap.xxxvij. The Arke.
cubites, and the breadth of a board one 38 And the fiue pillars of it with their
cubite and a halfe. hooks: and he ouerlaid their chapiters
22 One board had two tenons, e- and their fillets with gold : but their
qually distant one from another : thus fiue sockets were of brasse.
did he make for all the boards of the ta-
23 And he made boards for the Ta- C H A P . XXXVII.
bernacle : twentie boards for the 1 The Arke. 6 The Mercie seat with Cheru-
South side, Southward. bims. 10 The Table with his vessels. 17 The
Candlesticke with his lamps and instruments.
24 And fourtie sockets of siluer hee 25 The Altar of incense. 29 The anointing
made vnder the twentie boards: two oyle and sweet incense.
sockets vnder one board for his two te-
nons, an4 two sockets vnder another Nd Bezaleel made *the 4 Chap. 25.
board, for his two tenons.
25 And for the other side of the Ta-
bernacle which is toward the North cor-
ner, he made twentie boards.
A Arke of Shittim wood: 10.
two cubites and a halfe
was the length of it, and
a cubite and a halfe the
26 And their fourtie sockets of sil- breadth of it, and a cubite and a halfe
uer : two sockets vnder one board, and the height of it.
two sockets vnder another board. 2 And he ouerlaid it with pure gold
27 And for the sides of the Taber- within & without, and made a crowne
nacle Westward, he made sixe boards. of gold to it round about.
28 And two boards made he for the 3 And hee cast for it foure rings of
corners of the Tabernacle, in the two gold, to be set by the foure corners of it:
sides. euen two rings vpon the one side of it.
t Heb. twin, 29 And they were t coupled beneath and two rings vpon the other side of it.
and coupled together at the head there- 4 And he made staues of Shittim
of, to one ring: thus hee did to both of wood, and ouerlaid them with gold.
them in both the corners. 5 And hee put the staues into the
30 And there were eight boards, and rings, by the sides of the Arke, to beare
their sockets were sixteene sockets of sil- the Arke.
1 Heb. two uer : vnder teuery board two sockets. 6 IT And he made the * Mercie seat * Chap. 25.
sockets, two 31 1F And he made *barres of Shit- of pure gold: two cubites and an halfe 17.
sockets vn-
der one
tim wood: fiue for the boards of the was the length thereof, and one cubite
* Chap. 25. one side of the Tabernacle, and an halfe the breadth thereof.
28. & 30. 5. 32 And flue barres for the boards of 7 And he made two Cherubims of
the other side of the Tabernacle, and gold, beaten out of one piece made hee
fiue barres for the boards of the Ta- them, on the two endes of the Mercie
bernacle for the sides Westward. seate:
33 And he made the middle barre to 8 One Cherub ||on the end on this II Or, out of
shoot thorow the boards from the one side, and another Cherub ||on the other $c. t Or, out of
end to the other. end, on that side: out of the Mercie seat $c.
34 And he ouerlaid the boards with made hee the Cherubims on the two
gold, and made their rings of golde to ends thereof.
be places for the barres, and ouerlaide 9 And the Cherubims spread out
the barres with gold. their wings on high, and couered with
35 IF And he made a Vaile of blew, their wings ouer the Mercie seat with
and purple, and scarlet, and fine twined their faces one to another: euen to the
linnen : with Cherubims made he it of Mercie seat ward were the faces of the
cunning worke. Cherubims.
36 And he made thereunto foure pil- 10 11 And hee made the Table of
lars of Shittim wood, and ouerlaide Shittim wood : two cubites was the
them with golde: their hookes were of length thereof, and a cubite the breadth
gold : and he cast for them foure sockets thereof, and a cubite and a halfe the
of siluer. height thereof.
t Hebr. the 37 IT And hee made an hanging for 11 And he ouerlaid it with pure gold,
worke of a the Tabernacle doore of blew and pur- and made thereunto a crowne of gold
needle wor- round about.
ker, or em- ple, and scarlet, and fine twined linnen,
broiderer. t of needle worke, 12 Also he made thereunto a border of
The Candlefticke, Exodus. Altar, brafen Lauer,
an handbreadth, round about : and it: also he made vnto it a crowne of gold
made a crowne of gold for the border round about.
thereof round about. 27 And he made two rings of gold
13 And hee cast for it foure rings of for it vnder the crowne thereof, by the
gold, and put the rings vpon the foure two corners of it, vpon the two sides
corners that were in the foure feete thereof, to bee places for the staues to
thereof. aeare it withall.
14 Ouer against the border were the 28 And he made the staues of Shit-
rings, the places for the staues, to beare tim wood, and ouerlaued them with
the Table, gold.
15 And he made the staues of Shit- 29 IF And he made *the holy anoyn- * Chap. 30.
tim wood, and ouerlayed them with ting oyle, and the pure incense of sweet 35.
jold, to beare the Table. spices, according to the worke of the
16 And hee made the vessels which Apothecary.
* Chap. 25. were vpon the Table, his * dishes, and
his spoones, and his bowles, and his C H A P . XXXVIII.
II Or, to couers ||to couer withall, of pure gold.
powre out
17 f And he made the * Candlesticke 1 The Altar of burnt offerings. 8 The Lauer
withall. of brasse. 9 The Court. 21 The summe
* Chap. 25.
of pure gold, of beaten worke made he of that the people offered.
;he Candlesticke, his shaft & his branch,
lis bowles, his knops, and his flowers Nd *he made the Altar of i.

* Ohap. 27.
were of the same. burnt offring of Shittim
18 And sixe branches going out of wood: flue cubits was the
the sides thereof: three branches of the length thereof, and flue
candlesticke out of the one side thereof, cubits the breadth there-
and three branches of the candlesticke of: it was foure square, and three cubits
out of the other side thereof. the height thereof.
19 Three bowles made he after the 2 And hee made the homes thereof
"ashion of almonds, in one branch, a on the foure corners of it: the homes
mop and a flower: and three bowles thereof were of the same, and he ouer-
made like almonds, in another branch, layed it with brasse.
a knop and a flower: so throughout the 3 And he made all the vessels of the
sixe branches, going out of the Candle- Altar, the pots and the shouels, and the
sticke. basons, and the fleshhookes, and the
20 And in the candlesticke were foure firepannes: all the vessels thereof made
bowles made like almonds, his knops, he of brasse.
and his flowers: 4 And he made for the Altar a bra-
21 And a knop vnder two branches sen grate of networke, vnder the com-
of the same, & a knop vnder two bran- passe thereof, beneath vnto the midst
ches of the same, and a knop vnder two of it.
branches of the same, according to the 5 And hee cast foure rings for the
sixe branches going out of it. foure ends of the grate of brasse, to bee
22 Their knops and their branches places for the staues.
were of the same: all of it was one beaten 6 And he made the staues of Shit-
worke of pure gold. tim wood, and ouerlayed them with
23 And he made his seuen lampes, brasse.
and his snuffers, and his snuffe-dishes 7 And hee put the staues into the
of pure gold. rings on the sides of the Altar, to beare
24? Of a talent of pure gold made he it withall; hee made the Altar hollow
it, and all the vessels thereof. with boards.
* Chap. 30 25 f * And he made the incense Altar 8 f And hee made the Lauer of
of Shittim wood : the length of it was a brasse, and the foot of it of brasse, of the
cubit, and the breadth of it a cubit: it was || looking glasses of the women i assem- B Or, brasen
foure square, and two cubites was the bling, which assembled at the doore of glasses.
t Hebr. As-
height of it; the homes thereof were ol the Tabernacle of the Congregation. sembling by
the same. 9 1i And he made the Court: on the troupes.
26 And he ouerlayed it with pure Southside Southward, the hangings
gold, both the top of it and the sides of the Court were of fine twined linnen,
thereof round about, and the homes oi a hundred cubits.
10 Their
Court, and fumme Chap.xxxix of the offerings.
10 Their pillars were twenty, and 24 All the gold that was occupied
their brasen sockets twentie : the hooks for the worke in all the worke of the
of the pillars, and their fillets were of holy place, euen the gold of the offring,
siluer. was twentie and nine talents, and se-
11 And for the North side, the hangings uen hundred and thirtie shekels, after
were an hundred cubites, their pillars the shekel of the Sanctuary.
were twentie, and their sockets of brasse 25 And the siluer of them that were
twentie: the hoopes of the pillars, and numbred of the Congregation, was an
their fillets of siluer. hundred talents, and a thousand, seuen
12 And for the West side were hang- hundred and threescore and fifteene she-
ings of fiftie cubites, their pillars ten, kels, after the shekel of the Sanctuary.
and their sockets ten : the hookes of the 26 A Bekah for teuery man, that is, \Hcb.apoll.
pillars, and their fillets of siluer. halfe a shekel, after the shekel of the
13 And for the East side Eastward fif- Sanctuary, for euery one that went to
tie cubites. be numbred, from twentie yeeres olde
14 The hangings of the one side of and vpward, for sixe hundred thousand,
the gate were fifteene cubites, their pill ars and three thousand, and fiue hundred,
three, and their sockets three. and fiftie men.
15 And for the other side of the court 27 And of the hundred talents of sil-
gate on this hand and that hand were uer, were cast the sockets of the San-
hangings of fifteene cubites, their pil- ctuary, and the sockets of the vaile: an
lars three, and their sockets three. hundred sockets of the hundred talents,
16 All the hangings of the court a talent for a socket.
round about, were of fine twined linnen. 28 And of the thousand, seuen hun-
17 And the sockets for the pillars dred, seuentieand fiue shekels, he made
were of brasse, the hookes of the pillars, hookes for the pillars, and ouerlaide
and their fillets of siluer, and the ouer- their chapiters, and filleted them.
laying of their chapiters of siluer, and 29 And the brasse of the offring was
all the pillars of the court were filleted seuentie talents, and two thousand and
with siluer. foure hundred shekels.
18 And the hanging for the gate of 30 And therewith he made the soc-
the Court was needle worke, of blew, kets to the doore of the Tabernacle of
and purple, and scarlet, and fine twined the Congregation, and the brasen Al-
linnen : and twentie cubites was the tar, and the brasen grate for it, and all
length, and the height in the breadth the vessels of the Altar,
was flue cubites, answerable to the 31 And the sockets of the court round
hangings of the Court. about, and the sockets of the court gate,
19 And their pillars were foure, and and all the pinnes of the Tabernacle,
their sockets of brasse foure, their and all the pinnes of the court round a-
hookes of eiluer, and the ouerlaying of bout.
their chapiters, & their fillets of siluer.
* Chap. 27. 20 And all the * pinnes of the Ta- C H A P . XXXIX.
bernacle, and of the court round a- I The clothes of seruice and holy garments. 2
bout, were of brasse. The Ejphod. 8 The Brestplate. 22 The
21 1F This is the summe of the Ta- robe of the Ephod. 27 The Coates, Miter
bernacle, euen of the Tabernacle of Te- and girdle of fine linnen. 30 The plate of
the holy Crowne. 32 All is viewed and ap-
stimonie, as it was counted, according proued by Moses.
to the commaundement of Moses, for
Nd of the blew, and pur-

the seruice of the Leuites, by the hand
of Ithamar, son to Aaron the Priest. ple, and scarlet, they made
22 And Bezaleel the sonne of Vri, clothes of seruice, to doe
the eonne of Hur, of the tribe of lu- seruice in the holy place,
dah, made all that the LOUD com- and * made the holy gar- * Chap. 31.
manded Moses. ments for Aaron, as the LORD com- 10. 19.
and 35.
23 And with him was Aholiab, sonne manded Moses.
of Ahisamach, of the tribe of Dan, an 2 And he made the Ephod of gold,
engrauer, and a cunning workeman, blew, and purple, and scarlet, and fine
and an embroiderer in blew, and in twined linnen.
purple, and in scarlet, and fine linnen. 3 And they did beate the golde into
The Ephod, and Exodus. the Breftplate.
thinne plates, and cut it into wiers, to der pieces of the Ephod, before it.
worke it in the blew, and in the purple. 1 9 And they made two rings of gold,
and in the scarlet, and in the fine linnen, and put them on the two endes of the
with cunning worke. brest plate vpon the border of it, which
4 They made shoulder pieces for was on the side of the Ephod inward.
t , to couple it together; by the two 20 And they made two other golden
edges was it coupled together. rings, and put them on the two sides
5 And the curious girdle of his E- of the Ephod vnderneath, toward the
)hod that was vpon it, was of the same, forepart of it, ouer against the other cou-
recording to the worke thereof: of gold* 3ling thereof, aboue the curious girdle
)lew, and purple, and scarlet, and fine of the Ephod.
twined linnen, as the LORD com- 21 And they did bind the brest plate
manded Moses. by his rings vnto the rings of the E-
* Chap. 28.
6 11 * And they wrought Onix phod, with a lace of blew, that it might
stones enclosed in ouches- of gold , gra- be aboue the curious girdle of the E-
uen as signets are grauen , with the phod, and that the brest plate might not
names of the children of Israel. bee loosed from the Ephod , as the
7 And hee put them on the shoul- LORD commanded Moses.
ders of the Ephod, that they should be 22 U And he made the robe of the E-
* Chap. 28. stones for a *memoriall to the children phod of wduen worke, all of blew.
of Israel, as the LORD commanded 23 And there was a hole in the midst
Moses. of the robe as the hole of an habergeon,
8 11 And he made the brestplate of with a band round about the hole, that
cunning worke, like the worke of the it should not rent.
Ephod, of gold, blew, and purple, and 24 And they made vpon the hemrnes
scarlet, and fine twined linnen. of the robe pomegranates, of blew, and
9 It was foure square, they made purple, and scarlet, and twined linnen.
the brestplate double : a spanne was the 25 And they made * belles of pure * Chap. 28.
length therof, and a spanne the breadth gold, and put the belles betweene the 33.
thereof being doubled. pomegranates, vpon the hemme of the
10 And they set in it foure rowes of robe, round about betweene the pome-
1! Or, Ruby. stones . tlnejfirxt row was a ||Sardius, a granates.
Topaz, and a Carbuncle: this was the 26 A bell and a pomegranate, a bell
first row* and a pomegranate round about the
1 1 And the second row an Emeraude, hemme of the robe to minister in, as the
a Saphire and a Diamond. LORD commanded Moses.
12 And the third row a Lygure, an 27 11 And they made coats of fine
Agate, and an Amethist. linnen, of wouen worke, for Aaron and
13 And the fourth row, a Berill, an for his sonnes.
Onix and a lasper : they were enclo- 28 And a miter of fine linnen , and
sed in ouches of gold in their inclosings. goodly bonnets of fine linnen, and * lin- * Chap.. 28.
14 And the stones were according to nen breeches of fine twined linnen,
the names of the children of Israel, 29 And a girdle of fine twined linnen
twelue according to their names , like and blew, and purple, and scarlet of nee-
the ingrauings of a signet, euery one dle worke, as the LORD commanded
with his name, according to the twelue Moses.
tribes. 30 U And they made the plate of the
15 And they made vpon the brestplate holy Crowne of pure gold, and wrote
chaines, at the ends, of wrethen worke vpon it a writing, like to the engrauings
of pure gold. of a signet, * H O L I N E S TO * Chap. 28.
16 And they made two ouches of gold, THE LORD.
and two gold rings : and put the two 31 And they tied vnto it a lace of blew
rings in the two ends of the brestplate. to fasten it on high vpon the mitre, as
17 And they put the two wreathen the LORD commanded Moses.
chaines of golde in the two rings on 32 U Thus was all the worke of the
the ends of the brestplate. Tabernacle of the tent of the Congre-
18 And the two endes of the two gation finished : and the children of Is-
wreathen chaines they fastened in the rael did according to al that the LORD
two ouches, and put them on the shoul- commanded Moses, so did they.
33 IF And
The Tabernacle Chap.xl. is reared vp.
83 f And they brought the Taber- to be set in order vpon it, and thou shalt
nacle vnto Moses, the tent, and all his bring in the Candlesticke, and light the
furniture, his taches, his boards, his lampes thereof.
banres, and his pillars, and his sockets, 5 And thou shalt set the Altar of gold
84 And the eouering of rammes for the incense before the Arke of the
skinnes died red, and the eouering of Testimonie, and put the hanging of
badgers skinnes, and the vaile of the the doore to the Tabernacle.
eouering: 6 And thou shalt set the Altar of the
85 The Arke of the Testimony, and burnt offering, before the doore of the
the staues thereof, and the Mercie seat, Tabernacle of the Tent of the Con-
36 The Table, cmd all the vessels gregation.
thereof, and the Shew bread : 7 And thou shalt set the Lauer be-
87 The pure Candlesticke, with the tweene the Tent of the Congregation
lampes thereof, euen with the lampes and the Altar, and shalt put water
to be set in order, and all the vessels therein.
thereof, and the oyle for light: 8 And thou shalt set vp the Court
38 And the golden altar, and the an- round about, and hang vp the hanging
t Heb. the ointing oyle, and the tsweet incense, and at the Court gate.
incense of
sweet spices. the hanging for the Tabernacle doore: 9 And thou shalt take the annoyn-
39 The brasen altar, and his grate of ting oyle, and annoynt the Tabernacle
brasse, his staues, and all his vessels, and all that is therein, and shalt hallow
the lauer and his foote: it, and all the vessels thereof: and it shal-
40 The hangings of the Court, his be holy.
pillars, and his sockets, and the hang- 10 Aud thou shalt annoynt the Al-
iing for the court gate, his coards, and tar of the burnt offering, and all his
bis pinnes, and all the vessels of the vessels, and sanctifie the Altar : and it
seruice of the Tabernacle, for the tent of shalbe an Altar tmost Holy. t Heb. Holt,
nes ofHoli-
the Congregation: 11 And thou shalt annoynt the La- nesses.
41 The clothes of seruice to doe ser- uer and his foot, and sanctifie it.
uice in the holy place, and the holy gar- 12 And thou shalt bring Aaron and
ments for Aaron the Priest, and his his sonnes vnto the doore of the Ta-
sonnes garments to minister in the bernacle of the Congregation, and
Priests office. wash them with water.
42 According to all that the LOUD 13 And thou shalt put vpon Aaron
commanded Moses, so the children of the holy garments, and anoynt him,
Israel made all the worke. and sanctifie him, that he may minister
43 And Moses did looke vpon all vnto me in the Priests office.
the worke, and behold, they had done it 14 And thou shalt bring his sonnes,
as the LORD had commanded, euen and clothe them with coats.
so had they done it: and Moses blessed 15 And thou shalt anoynt them, as
them. thou didst anoynt their father, that they
may minister vnto mee in the Priests
C H A P . XL. office: For their anoynting shall surely
1 The Tabernacle is commanded to be reared, be an euerlasting Priesthood, through-
9 and anointed. 13 Aaron and his sonnes out their generations.
to be sanctified. 16 Moses performeth all 16 Thus did Moses : according to
things accordingly. 34 A cloude couereth all that the LORD commanded him,
the Tabernacle.
so did he.
Nd the LORD spake 17 1T And it came to passe in the first

vnto Moses, saying, moneth, in the second yeere, on the first
2 On the first day of dayot the moneth, that the * Tabernacle * Num. 7.1.
the first moneth shalt was reared vp.
thou set vp the Taberna- 18 And Moses reared vp the Ta-
cle of the Tent of the Congregation. bernacle, and fastened his sockets, and
3 And thou shalt put therein the set vp the boards thereof, and put in the
Arke of the Testimonie, and couer the barres thereof, and reared vp his
* Chap. 26.
35. Arke with the Vaile: pillars.
t Heb. the
order there-
4 And *thou shalt bring in the Ta- 19 And he spread abroad the tent o-
of. ble, and set in order t the things that are uer the Tabernacle, and put the eoue-
The Tabernacle Leuiticus. is reared vp.
ring of the Tent aboue vpon it, as the the meat offring, as *the LORD com- * Exod. 30.
LORD commanded Moses. manded Moses.
20 H And he tooke and put the testi- 30 IT And he set the Lauer betweene
mony into the Arke, and set the staues the Tent of the Congregation and the
on the Arke, and put the Mercie-seat a- Altar, & put water there, to wash withall.
boue vpon the Arke. 31 And Moses, and Aaron and his
21 And he brought the Arke into the sonnes, washed their hands, and their
* Chap. 35.
Tabernacle, and * set vp the Vaile of feet thereat.
the couering, and couered the Arke of 32 When they went into the Tent of
the Testimony, as the LORD com- the Congregation, and when they
manded Moses. came neere vnto the Altar, they wash-
22 If And hee put the Table in the ed, as the LORD commanded Moses.
Tent of the Congregation, vpon the 33 And hee reared vp the Court
side of the Tabernacle Northwaed, round about the Tabernacle, and the
without the Vaile. Altar, & set vp the hanging of the Court
23 And he set the bread in order vpon gate : so Moses finished the worke.
it, before the LORD, as the LORD 34 f * Then a cloud couered the * Numb. 0.
15. 1. king.
had commanded Moses. Tent of the Congregation, and the glo- 8.10.
24 IF And he put the candlesticke in ry of the LORD filled the Tabernacle.
the Tent of the Congregation, ouer a- 35 And Moses was not able to enter
gainst the Table, on the side of the Ta- into the Tent of the Congregation, be-
bernacle Southward. cause the cloud abode thereon, and the
25 And he lighted the lampes before glory of the LORD filled the Taber-
the L O R D , as the L O R D com- nacle.
manded Moses. 36 And when the cloud was taken
26 1T And he put the golden Altar in vp from ouer the Tabernacle, the chil-
the Tent of the Congregation, before dren of Israel twent onward in all neyed. \Hebr. iour-
the Vaile. their iourneys:
27 And he burnt sweet incense there- 37 But if the cloud were not taken
on as the LORD commanded Moses. vp, then they iourneyed not, till the day
28 If And hee set vp the hanging, at that it was taken vp.
the doore of the Tabernacle. 38 For the cloud of the LORD was
29 And he put the Altar of burnt of- vpon the Tabernacle by day, and fire
fering by the doore of the Tabernacle was on it by night, in the sight of all the
of the Tent of the Congregation, and house of Israel, throughout all their
offered vpon it the burnt offering, and iourneys.

of JVfofes, called Leuiticus.
C H A P . I. Israel, and say vnto them, If any
1 The burnt offerings 3 Of the herd, 10 Of man of you bring an offering vnto the
theflockes, 13 Of the fonles. LORD, ye shall bring your offering of
Nd the LORD the cattell, euen of the herd, and of the

called vnto Mo- flocke.
ses , and spake 3 * If his offering be a burnt sacri- Exod* 29.
vnto him out of fice of the herd, let him offer a male 10.
the Tabernacle without blemish : he shall offer it of his
of the Congrega- owne voluntary will, at the doore of
tion, saying, the Tabernacle of the Congregation
2 Speake vn- before the LORD.
to the children of 4 And he shall put his hand vpon
The burnt offring. Chap.ij. The meat offring.
the head of the burnt offering: and it vpon the altar, vpon the wood that is
shall be accepted for him to make atone- vpon the fire: it is a burnt sacrifice, an
ment for him. offering made by fire of a sweet sauour
5 And he shall kill the bullocke be- vnto the LORD.
fore the LORD : and the Priests Aa-
rons sonnes shall bring the blood, and C H A P . II.
sprinkle the blood round about vpon
the altar, that is by the doore of the Ta- 1 The meate offering of flower with oile and
bernacle of the Congregation. incense, 4 either baken in the ouen, 5 or on
a plate, 7 or in a frying pan, 12 Or of the
6 And hee shall nay the burnt offe- first fruits in the eare. 13 The salt of the
ring, and cut it into his pieces. meate offering.
7 And the sonnes of Aaron the
Priest shall put fire vpon the Altar, and Nd when any will offer
lay the wood in order vpon the fire.
8 And the Priests Aarons sonnes
shall lay the parts, the head and the fat
in order vpon the wood that is in the fire
which is vpon the altar.
A a meate offering vnto the
LORD, his ofrring shall
be of fine flowre : and hee
shall powre oyle vpon it,
and put frankincense thereon.
9 But the inwards and his legges 9. And he shall bring it to Aarons
shall he wash in water, and the Priest sonnes the Priests: and hee shall take
shall burne all on the altar, to be a burnt thereout his handfull of the flowre
sacrifice, an offering made by fire, of a thereof, and of the oile thereof, with all
sweet sauour vnto the LORD. the frankincense thereof, and the Priest
10 f And if his offring be of the flocks, shall burne the memoriall of it vpon the
namely of the sheepe, or of the goates for altar, to be an offering made by fire of a,
a burnt sacrifice, he shall bring it a male sweet sauour vnto the LORD.
without blemish. 3 And *the remnant of the meat of- 31. * Ecclus. 7-
11 And hee shall kill it on the side fering shall be Aarons and his sonnes:
of the Altar Northward, before the it is a thing most holy of the offerings of
L O R D : and the Priestes Aarons the LORD made by fire.
sonnes shall sprinkle his blood round 4 IT And if thou bring an oblation
about vpon the altar. of a meate offering baken in the ouen,
12 And he shall cut it into his pieces, it shall bee an vnleauened cake of fine
with his head and his fat: and the flowre mingled with oyle, or vnleaue-
Priest shall lay them in order on the ned wafers anointed with oyle.
wood that is on the fire, which is vpon 5 11 And if thy oblation be a meate
the altar: offering baken ||in a panne, it shall bee of It Or, onaflat
plate or,
13 But hee shall wash the inwards fine flowre vnleauened, mingled with slice.
and the legs with water, and the Priest oyle.
shall bring it all, and burne it vpon the 6 Thou shalt part it in pieces, and
altar: it is a burnt sacrifice, an offering powre oyle thereon : it is a meate offe-
made by fire, of a sweet sauour vnto the ring.
LORD, 7 IF And if thy oblation be a meate
14? f And if the burnt sacrifice for offering baken in the frying pan, it shalbe
his offting to the LORD be of foules, made of fine flowre with oyle.
then he shall bring his offering of turtle 8 And thou shalt bring the meat of-
doues, or of yong pigeons. fering that is made of these things vnto
15 And the Priest shall bring it vnto the LORD, and when it is presented
I Or, pinch the altar, and || wring off his head, and vnto the Priest, he shall bring it vnto
off the head
with the burne it on the altar : and the blood the Altar.
nailc. thereof shall be wrung out at the side of 9 And the Priest shall take from the • Verse 2.
the altar. meat offering *a memoriall thereof, and * Exod. 29.
16 And he shall plucke away his crop shall burne it vpon the Altar, it is an Cof- 18.
II Or the with ||his feathers, and cast it beside the fering made by fire of a sweet sauour
filth thereof. vnto the LORD.
altar on the East part, by the place of
the ashes. 10 And that which is left of the meat
17 And hee shall cleaue it with the offering, shalbe Aarons and his sonnes:
wings thereof, but shall not diuide it a- It is a thing most holy, of the offerings
sunder : And the Priest shall burne it of the LORD made by fire.
11 No
Meat offering. Leuiticus. Peace offering.
11 No meat offering, which ye shall sweet sauour vnto the LORD.
}ring vnto the LORD, shall be made 6 II And if his offering for a sacri-
with leauen: For ye shall burne no lea- fice of peace offering vnto the LORD,
uen, nor any hony, in any offering of the >e of the flocke, male or female, he shall
LORD made by nre. offer it without blemish.
1£ 1T As for the oblation of the first 7 If hee offer a lambe for his of-
Fruits, yee shall offer them vnto the fering, then shall he offer it before the
MIebr. LORD, but they shall not +be burnt lL.ORD.
on the Altar for a sweet sauour. 8 And he shall lay his hand vpon
13 And euery oblation of thy meat the head of his offering, and kill it be-
* Marke 9. offering * shalt thou season witn salt; fbre the Tabernacle of the Congrega-
49. neither shalt thou suffer the salt of the tion: Aud Aarons sonnes shall sprinkle
Couenant of thy God to bee lacking the blood thereof, round about vpon
from thy meat offering: with all thine the Altar.
offerings thou shalt offer salt. 9 And he shall offer of the sacrifice
14 And if thou offer a meat offering of the peace offering, an offering made
of thy first fruits vnto the LOUD, )y fire vnto the LORD : the fat there-
thou shalt offer for the meat offering oi of and the whole rumpe, it shall he take
thy first fruits, greene eares of corne off hard by the backe bone: and the fat
dried by the fire,ewm corne beaten out oi that couereth the inwards, and all the
full eares. fat that is vpon the inwards.
15 And thou shalt put oyle vpon it, 10 Ana the two kidneys, and the fat
and lay frankincense theron; it is a meat that is vpon them, which is by the
offering. flankes, and the caule aboue the liuer,
16 And the Priest shall burne the me- with the kidneys, it shall he take away.
moriall of it, part of the beaten corne 11 And the Priest shall burne it vpon
thereof, and part of the oyle thereof, the Altar: it is the food of the offering
with all the frankincense thereof : it is made by fire vnto the LORD.
an offering made by fire vnto the 12 1F And if his offering be a goat,
lLORD. then he shall offer it before the LORD.
13 And he shall lay his hand vpon
CHAP. III. t;he head of it, and kill it before the Ta-
1 The meat offering of the herde, 6 of the bernacle of the Congregation: and the
flocke, 7 either alambe, 12 or a goat. sonnes of Aaron shall sprinckle the
Nd if his oblation be a sa- slood thereof vpon the Altar, rounc

A crifice of peace offering, if about.

hee offer it of the herd, 14 And he shall offer thereof his of-
whether it be a male or fe- fering, euen an offering made by fire vn-
male, he shal offer it with- to the LORD; the fat that couereth
out blemish before the LORD. the inwards, and al the fat that is vpon
£ And he shall lay his hand vpon the inwards.
the head of his offering, and kil it at the 15 And the two kidneys, and the fat
doore of the Tabernacle of the Congre- that is vpon them, which is by the
gation : and Aarons sonnes the Priests flancks, and the caule aboue the liuer
shall sprinckle the blood vpon the Al- with the kidneys, it shall he take away
tar round about. 16 And the Priest shall burne them
3 And he shall offer of the sacrifice vpon the Altar: it is the food of the of-
of the peace offering, an offering made fering made by fire, for a sweet sauour:
* Exod. 29. by fire vnto the LORD ; *the ||fat that *A11 the fat is the LORDS. * Chap. 7.
« Or, suet. couereth the inwards, and all the fat 17 It shall be a perpetuall statute for 26.
that is vpon the inwards. your generations, throughout all youi * Gene. 9.
4t And the two kidneys, and the fa dwellings, that ye eat neither fat, nor 4. chap. 7.
26. and 17-
that is on them, which is by the flanks *blood. 14.
II 0r, Mid- and the ||caule aboue the liuer with the
riffeouer the kidneys, it shall he take away.
liner, and o
uer the kid- 5 And Aarons sonnes shall burne
neys. it on the Altar vpon the burnt sacrifice, 1 The sinne offering of ignorance, 3 for the
which is vpon the wood that is on the Priest, 13 for the Congregation, 22 for
fire: it is an offering made by fire of a the Ruler, 27 for any of the people.
Offerings for Chap.iiij. finnes of ignorance.
Nd the LORD spake vn- wood with fire: t where the ashes are powring
t Heb. at the

to Moses, saying, powred out, shall he be burnt. Of the ashes.
2 Speake vnto the 13 1[ And if the whole Congregation
children of Israel, say- of Israel sinne through ignorance, *and 2,* Chap
3, 4.
ing, If a soule shall sinne the thing be hid from the eyes of the as-
through ignorance against any of the sembly, and they haue done somewhat
commandements of the LORD (con- against any of the Commandements of
cerning things which ought not to bee the LORD, concerning things which
done) and shall do against any of them: should not be done, and are guiltie:
3 If the Priest that is anointed, doe 14 When the sinne which they haue
sinne according to the sinne of the peo- sinned against it, is knowen, then the
ple , then let him bring for his sinne Congregation shall offer a yong bul-
which he hath sinned, a yong bullocke locke for the sinne, and bring him before
without blemish, vnto the LORD for the Tabernacle of the Congregation.
a sinne offering. 15 And the Elders of the Congrega-
4 And hee shall bring the bullocke tion shall lay their hands vpon the head
vnto the doore of the Tabernacle of the of the bullocke, before the LORD : and
Congregation before the LORD, and the bullocke shall be killed before the
shall lay his hand vpon the bullockes LORD.
head, and kill the bullocke before the 16 And the Priest that is anointed,
LORD, shall bring of the bullockes blood to the
5 And the Priest that is anointed, Tabernacle of the Congregation.
shall take of the bullocks blood, and 17 And the Priest shall dip his finger
bring it to the Tabernacle of the Con- in some of the blood, and sprinkle it se-
gregation. uen times before the LORD, eiten be-
6 And the Priest shall dip his finger fore the vaile.
in the blood, and sprinkle of the blood 18 And he shal put some of the blood
seuen times before the LORD, before vpon the homes of the altar, which is
the Vaile of the Sanctuary. before the LORD, that is in the Taber-
7 And the Priest shall put some of nacle of the Congregation, and shall
the blood vpon the homes of the Altar powre out all the blood at the bottome
of sweet incense before, the L O R D , of the altar of the burnt offring, which
which is in the Tabernacle of the Con- is at the doore of the Tabernacle of the
* Chap. 5.9. gregation, and shal powre *all the blood Congregation.
of the bullocke at the bottome of the 19 And he shall take all his fat from
altar of the burnt offering, which is at him, and burne it vpon the altar.
the doore of the Tabernacle of the Con- 20 And he shall do with the bullocke
gregation. as he did with the bullocke for a sinne of-
8 And he shall take off from it all fring, so shall he do with this: And the
the fat of the bullocke for the sinne offe- Priest shall make an atonement for
ring: the fat that couereth the inwards, them, and it shall be forgiuen them.
and all the fat that is vpon the in- 81 And he shall carie foorth the bul-
wards, locke without the campe, and burne
9 And the two kidneis, and the fat him as he burned the first bullocke: it is
that is vpon them, which, is by the a sinne offering for the Congregation.
flankes, and the caule aboue the liuer 22 U When a ruler hath sinned and
with the kidneis, it shall he take away, done somewhat through ignorance a-
10 As it was taken off from the bul- gainst any of the Commandements of
locke of the sacrifice of peace offerings: the LORD his God, concerning things
and the Priest shall burne. them vpon which should not be done> and is guilty:
the altar of the burnt offering. 23 Or if his sinne wherein hee hath
* Exod. 29.
H. numb.
11 *And the skinne of the bullocke, sinned, come to his knowledge: he shall
19. 5. and all his flesh, with his head, and bring his offering, a kid of the goates,
with his legs, and his inwards, and his a male without blemish.
doung, 24 And hee shall lay his hand vpon
t Hebr. To 12 Euen the whole bullocke shall he the head of the goate, and kill it in the
without the carle foorth t without the campe, vnto place where they kill the burnt offe-
* Heb. 13. a cleane place, where the ashes are ring before the LORD : it is a sinne of-
11. powred out, and * burne him on the fring.
25 And
Sinne of ignorance. Leuiticus. A rafh vow.
25 And the Pnest shall take of the ferings made by fire vnto the LORD,
blood of the sinne offering with his fin- and the Priest shall make an atonement
ger, and put it vpon the homes of the for his sinne that he hath committed,
Altar of burnt offring, and shall powre and it shalbe forgiuen him.
out his blood at the bottome of the Al-
tar of burnt offering. C H A P . V.
26 And he shall burne all his fat vp- 1 He that sinneth in concealing his knowledge,
on the Altar, as the fat of the sacrifice of 2 in touching an vncleane thing, 4 or in
peace offerings : and the Priest shall making an oath. 6 His trespasse offering,
make an atonement for him, as concer- of the flocke, 7 of foules, 11 or of flowre.
14 The trespasse offering in sacriletlge, 17
ning his sinne, and it shall be forgiuen and in sinnes of ignorance.
t H ebr. any 27 f And if t any one of the t com- Nd if a soule sinne, and

t Hebr. peo- mon people sinne through ignorance, heare the voyce of swea-
ple of the
while he doeth somewhat against any ring, and is a witnesse,
of the commandements of the LORD, whether he hath scene or
concerning things which ought not to know en of it, if he doe not
be done, and be guiltie: vtter it, then he shall beare his iniquity.
28 Or if his sinne which he hath sin- 2 Or if a soule touch any vncleane
ned come to his knowledge, then hee thing, whether it be a carcase of an vn-
shall bring his offering, a kidde of the cleane beast, or a carcase of vncleane cat-
goats, a female without blemish, for his tell, or the carcase of vncleane creeping
sinne which he hath sinned. things, and if it be hidden from him, he
29 And he shall lay "his hand vpon also shall be vncleane, and guilty:
the head of the sinne offering, and slay 3 Or if he touch the vncleannesse of
the sin offering in the place of the burnt man, whatsoeuer vncleannesse it be
offering. that a man shalbe defiled withall, and it
30 And the Priest shall take of the be hid from him, when he knoweth of
blood thereof with his finger, and put it, then he shalbe guilty.
it vpon the homes of the Altar of burnt 4 Or if a soule sweare, pronouncing
offering, and shall powre out all the with his lips to do euill, or to do good,
blood thereof at the bottome of the whatsoeuer it be that a man shall pro-
Altar. nounce with an oath, and it be hid from
* Leuit. 3, 31 And *he shall take away all the him , when he knoweth of it, then he
fat thereof, as the fat is taken away shalbe guilty in one of these.
from off the sacrifice of peace offerings: 5 And it shalbe when he shalbe guil-
and the Priest shall burne it vpon the tie in one of these things, that he shall
* Exod. 29. Altar, for a * sweet sauour vnto the confesse that hee hath sinned in that
LORD, and the Priest shall make an thing.
atonement for him , and it shall be for- 6 And he shall bring his trespasse
giuen him. offering vnto the LORD for his sinne
32 And if he bring a lambe for a sinne which he hath sinned, a female from
offering, he shall bring it a female with- the flocke, a lambe, or a kidde of the
out blemish. goates, for a sinne offering : And the
33 And he shall lay his hand vpon Priest shal make an atonement for him
the head of the sinne offering, and slay concerning his sinne.
it for a sinne offering, in the place where 7 And if thee be not able to bring a t Hebr. his
they kill the burnt offering. lambe, then he shall bring for his tres- hand cannot
reach to the
34 And the Priest shall take of the passe which hee hath committed, two sufficiencie
of a lambe.
blood of the sinne offering with his fin- turtle doues, or two yong pigeons vn-
ger, and put it vpon the homes of the to the LORD : one for a sinne offring,
Altar of burnt offring, and shall powre and the other for a burnt offering.
out all the blood thereof at the bottome 8 And he shall bring them vnto the
of the Altar. Priest, who shall offer that which is for
35 And he shall take away all the fat the sinne offering first, and * wring off * Chap. 1.
thereof, as the fat of the lambe is taken his head from his necke, but shall not 15.
away from the sacrifice of the peace of- diuide it asunder.
ferings: and the Priest shall burnt them 9 And he shall sprinckle of the blood
vpon the Altar, according to the of- of the sinne offering vpon the side of the
Sinne of ignorance. Chap.vj. Diuers offerings.
Altar, and the rest of the blood shall be
wrung out at the bottome of the altar: C H A P . VI.
it is a sinne offering. 1 The trespasse offering for sinnes done wit-
10 And hee shall offer the second for tingly. 8 The Law of the burnt offering,
II Or, ordi- a burnt offering, according to the ||ma- 14 and of the meate offering. 19 The of-
nance. fering at the consecration of a Priest 24 The
ner: and the Priest shal make an atone- Law of the sinne offering.
ment for him for his sinne, which he had
sinned, and it shall be forgiuen him. Nd the L O R D spake
11 1F But if hee be not able to bring
two turtle doues, or two yong pige-
ons; then he that sinned, shall bring for
lis offiring the tenth part of an Ephah
A vnto Moses, saying,
2 If a soule sinne, and
commit a trespasse against
the LORD, and lie vnto
of fine flowre for a sinne offering: hee his neighbour in that which was deli-
shall put no oyle vpon it, neither shall uered him to keepe, or in ||fellowship, I Or, in dea-
le put any frankincense thereon: for it or in a thing taken away by t violence, ling.
\ Heb. put-
is a sinne offering. or hath deceiued his neighbour: 'ing of the
12 Then shall hee bring it to the 3 Or haue found that which was
Priest, and the Priest shall take his lost, and lieth concerning it, and *swea- * Num. 5.6.
* Chap. 2. 2. landfull of it, *euen a memoriall there- reth falsly: in any of all these that a
* Chap. 4. of, and burne it on the altar, * according man doth, sinning therein:
35. to the offerings made by fire vnto the 4? Then it shall be, because he hath
LORD : it is a sinne offering. sinned, and is guiltie, that hee shall re-
13 And the Priest shall make an at- store that which he tooke violently a-
onement for him as touching his sinne way, or the thing which he hath deceit-
that he hath sinned in one of these, and fully gotten, or that which was deliue-
it shall be forgiuen him: andtheremnant red him to keepe, or the lost thing which
shall be the Priests, as a meat offering. he found:
14 H And the LOED spake vnto 5 Or all that about which hee hath
Moses, saying, sworne falsly: hee shall euen * restore it *is.Chap. 5.
15 If a soule commit a trespasse, and in the principall, and shall adde the fift
sinne through ignorance, in the holy part more thereto, and giue it vnto him
things of the LORD; then hee shall to whom it apperteineth, ||in the day of dayII Or, in the
of his
bring for his trespasse vnto the LORD, his trespasse offering. being found
guilty. Heb.
a ramme without blemish, out of the 6 And hee shall bring his trespasse the day of
flockes, with thy estimation by shekels offering vnto the LORD, a ramme his trespasse.
of siluer, after the shekel of the Sanc- without blemish out of the *flocke,with *15.Chap. 5.
tuarie, for a trespasse offering. thy estimation, for a trespasse offering
16 And hee shall make amends for vnto the Priest.
the harme that he hath done in the holy 7 And the Priest shall make an at-
thing, and shall adde the fift part there- onement for him, before the LORD :
to, and giue it vnto the Priest: and the and it shall bee forgiuen him, for any
Priest shall make an atonement for him thing of all that he hath done, in tres-
with the ramme of the trespasse offe- passing therein.
ring, and it shall be forgiuen him. 8 IT And the L O R D spake vnto
* Chap. 4. 2. 17 H And if a * soule sinne, and com- Moses, saying,
mit any of these things which are for- 9 Command Aaron and his sonnes,
bidden to be done by the commaunde- saying, This is the law of the burnt of-
ments of the LORD, though he wist fring: (It is the burnt offiing, ||because I! Or,/or the
it not, yet is hee guiltie, and shall beare of the burning vpon the Altar all night burning.
his iniquitie. vnto the morning, and the fire of the
18 And he shall bring a ramme with- altar shall be burning in it.)
out blemish out of the flocke, with thy 10 And the Priest shal put on his lin-
estimation, for a trespasse offering vnto nen garment, & his linnen breeches shal
the Priest: and the Priest shall make an he put vpon his flesh, and take vp the
atonement for him concerning his ig- ashes which the fire hath consumed
norance wherein he erred, and wist it with the burnt offering on the Altar,
not: and it shall be forgiuen him. and he shall put them besides the Altar.
19 It is a trespasse offiring: he hath 11 And he shal put off his garments,
certainly trespassed against the LORD. and put on other garments, and carry
Burnt offering. Leuiticus. Meat offering.
foorth the ashes without the Campe, 24? 1T And the LORD spake vnto
vnto a cleane place. Moses, saying,
12 And the fire vpon the Altar shall 25 Speake vnto Aaron and to his
be burning in it: it shall not be put out; sonnes, saying, This is the law of the
And the Priest shall burne wood on it sinne offering: In the place where the
euery morning, and lay the burnt of- burnt offering is killed, shall the sinne
fering in order vpon it, and he shall offering be killed before the LORD:
burne thereon the fatte of the peace it is most holy.
offerings. 26 The Priest that offereth it for
13 The fire shall euer be burning vp- sinne, shall eat it: In the holy place shal
on the Altar : it shall neuer goe out. it be eaten, in the court of the Taber-
* Chap. 21.
1. num. 15,
14 1T *And this is the law of the nacle of the Congregation.
4. meat offering : the sonnes of Aaron 27 Whatsoeuer shall touch the flesh
shall offer it before the LORD, before thereof, shalbe holy: and when there is
the Altar. sprinckled of the blood thereof vpon
15 And he shall take of it his hand- any garment, thou shalt wash that
full, of the flowre of the meat offering, whereon it was sprinckled, in the holy
and of the oyle therof, and all the frank- place.
incense which is vpon the meat offiing, 28 But the earthen vessell wherein
and shall burne it vpon the Altar, for a it is sodden, *shall be broken : And if it * Chap. u.
* Chap. 2.9. sweet sauour, euen the * memorial! of it be sodden in a brasen pot, it shall be both 33.
vnto the LORD. scowred, and rinsed m water.
16 And the remainder thereof shall 29 All the males among the Priests
Aaron and his sonnes eat: with vnlea- shall eate thereof: it is most holy.
uened bread shall it be eaten in the holy 30 *And no sinne offering whereof 11. * Hebr. 13.
place: in the court of the Tabernacle of any of the blood is brought into the
the Congregation they shall eat it. Tabernacle of the Congregation to re-
17 It shall not be baken with lea- concile withall in the holy place, shall be
uen : I haue giuen it vnto them for eaten: it shall be burnt in the fire.
their portion of my offerings made by
fire: it is most holy, as is the sin offering, CHAP. VII.
and as the trespasse offering.
1 The law of the trespasse offering, 11 and of
18 All the males among the children the Peace offerings, 12 whether it be for a
of Aaron shall eat of it: It shalbe a sta- Thankesgiuing, 16 or a Vow, or a Free-
tute for euer in your generations con- will-offering. 22 The fat, 26 and the
cerning the offerings of the L O R D blood are forbidden. 28 The Priests por-
tion in the Peace offerings.
* Exod. 29. made by fire: * euery one that toucheth
37. them shalbe holy. Ikewise this is the lawe

19 1F And the LORD spake vnto of the trespasse offering: it
Moses, saying, is most Holy.
20 This is the offering of Aaron, 2 In the place where
and of his sonnes which they shall offer they kil the burnt offring,
vnto the LORD, in the day when he shall they kil the trespasse ottering; and
* Exod. 16. is anoynted: The tenth part of an * E- the blood thereof shall hee sprinckle
phah of fine flowre for a meat offering round about vpon the Altar.
perpetuall, halfe of it in the morning, 3 And he shall offer of it, all the fat
and halfe thereof at night. thereof; the rumpe, and the fat that co-
21 In a panne it shalbe made with uereth the inwards,
oyle, and when it is baken, thou shalt 4 And the two kidneys, and the fat
bring it in : and the baken pieces of the that is on them, which is by the flankes,
meat offering shalt thou offer for a and the caule that is aboue the liuer,
sweet sauour vnto the LORD. with the kidneys, it shall he take away.
22 And the Priest of his sonnes that 5 And the Priest shall burne them
is anoynted in his stead, shal offer it: It vpon the Altar, for an offering made
is a statute for euer vnto the LORD, by fire vnto the LORD: it is a tres-
it shalbe wholly burnt. passe offering.
23 For euery meat offering for the 6 Euery male among the Priestes
Priest shal be wholly burnt: it shall not shall eate thereof: it shall be eaten in the
be eaten. holy place: it is most holy.
7 As
The eating of Chap.vij. blood is forbidden.
7 As the shine offering i<?, so is the 20 But the soule that eateth of the
trespasse offering : there is one law for flesh of the sacrifice of peace offerings
them : the Priest that maketh atone- that pertaine vnto the L O R D ,
ment therewith, shall haue it. * hauing his vncleannesse vpon him, * Chap. 15.
8 And the Priest that offereth any euen that soule shall be cut off from his
mans burnt offering , euen the Priest people.
shall haue to himselfe the skinne of the 21 Moreouer , the soule that shal
burnt offering which he hath offered. touch any vncleane thing , as the vn-
9 And all the meate offering that is cleannesse of man, or any vncleane beast,
baken in the ouen, and all that is dressed or any abominable vncleane thing, and
1 Or, en the in the frying panne, and ||in the panne, eate of the flesh of the sacrifice of peace
Jiat plate, shall be the Priests that offereth it. offerings which pertaine vnto the
or, slice.
10 And euery meate offering ming- L O R D , euen that soule shall be cut
led with oyle , and drie , shall all the off from his people.
sonnes of Aaron haue, one as much as 22 IF And the L O R D spake vnto
another. Moses, saying,
1 1 And this is the law of the sacrifice 23 Speake vnto the children of Is-
of peace offerings, which he shall offer rael, saying, * Ye shall eat no maner fat * Chap. 3.
vnto the LORD. of oxe, or of sheepe, or of goat.
12 If hee offer it for a thankes- 24 And the fat of the t beast that caise. Heb. car-
giuing, then he shall offer with the sa- dieth of it selfe, and the fat of that which
crifice of thankesgiuing vnleauened is torne with beasts, may be vsed in any
cakes mingled with oyle, and vnleaue- other vse: but yee shall in no wise eate
ned wafers anointed with oile, and of it.
cakes mingled with oyle of fine flowre 25 For whosoeuer eateth the fat of
fried. the beast, of which men offer an offring
13 Besides the cakes, hee shall offer made by fire vnto the L O R D , euen
for his offiring leauened bread, with the the soule that eateth it, shall be cut off
sacrifice of thankesgiuing of his peace from his people.
offerings. 26 * Moreouer ye shall eat no maner * Gene. 9. 4
chap. 3. 17.
14 And of it he shall offer one out of of blood , whether it bee of foule or of and 17. 14.
the whole oblation , for an heaue offe- 3east in any of your dwellings.
ring vnto the LORD, and it shall bee 27 Whatsoeuer soule it be that ea-
the Priests that sprinkleth the blood of teth any maner of blood, euen that
the peace offerings. soule shalbe cut off from his people.
15 And the flesh of the sacrifice of his 28 If And the L O R D spake vnto
peace offerings for thankesgiuing, shall Moses, saying,
be eaten the same day that it is offered: 29 Speake vnto the children of Is-
he shall not leaue any of it vntill the rael, saying, Hee that offereth the sacri-
morning. ice of his peace offerings vnto the
16 But if the sacrifice of his offering LORD, shall bring his oblation vnto
be a vow , or a voluntary offering , it the LORD, of the sacrifice of his peace-
shall be eaten the same day that he offe- offerings.
reth his sacrifice : and on the morrowe 30 His owne hands shall bring the
also the remainder of it shall be eaten. offerings of the LORD made by fire,
17 But the remainder of the flesh of the fat with the brest, it shall hee bring,
the sacrifice on the third day shall bee that *the brest may be waued for a waue * Exod. 29.
burnt with fire. offering before the LORD. 24.
18 And if any of the flesh of the sacri- 31 And the Priest shall burne the fat
fice of his peace offerings be eaten at all vpon the Altar: but the brest shalbe Aa-
on the third day, it shall not be accepted, rons and his sonnes.
neither shal it be imputed vnto him that 32 And the right shoulder shall ye
offereth it : it shall be an abomination, gjiue vnto the Priest for an heaue of-
and the soule that eateth of it , shall ffering of the sacrifices of your peace of-
beare his iniquitie. fferings.
19 And the flesh that toucheth any 33 Hee among the sonnes of Aaron
vncleane thing, shal not be eaten : it shal that offereth the blood of the peace of-
be burnt with fire, and as for the flesh, ferings, and the fat, shall haue the right
all that be cleane shall eate thereof. shoulder for his part.
34 For
The confecration Leuiticus. of Aaron, and
34« For the waue brest and the heaue phod vpon him, and he girded him with
shoulder haue I taken of the children the curious girdle of the Ephod, and
of Israel, from off the sacrifices of their bound it vnto him therewith.
peace offerings, and haue giuen them 8 And hee put the brest plate vpon
vnto Aaron the Priest, and vnto his him: also he * put in the brest plate the * Exod. 28.
sonnes, by a statute for euer, from a- Vrim and the Thummim.
mong the children of Israel. 9 And he put the miter vpon his
35 f This is the portion of the anoin- head; also vpon the miter, euen vpon
ting of Aaron, and of the anointing of his forefront did hee put the golden
his sonnes, out of the offerings of the plate, the holy crowne, as the LORD
LORD made by fire, in the day when * commanded Moses* *Exod. 28.
he presented them, to minister vnto the 10 And Moses tooke the anointing 39. &C.
LOUD in the Priests office: oile, and anointed the tabernacle and
36 Which the L O R D commanded all that was therein, and sanctified
to be giuen them of the children of Is- them.
rael, in the day that hee anointed them, 11 And he sprinkled thereof vpon the
by a statute for euer, throughout their altar seuen times, and anointed the al-
generations. tar and all his vessels, both the lauer
37 This i? the law of the burnt offe- and his foot, to sanctifie them.
ring, of the meate offering, and of the 12 And he *powred of the anointing * Ecclus.
15. psal.
sinne offering, and of the trespasse offe- oile vpon Aarons head, and anointed 45. 133. 2.
ring, and of the consecrations, and of him, to sanctifie him.
the sacrifice of the peace offerings • 13 And Moses brought Aarons
38 Which the L O R D commanded sonnes, and put coats vpon them, and
Moses in mount Sinai, in the day that girded them with girdles, and tput bon- \Heb.bvund
he commanded the children of Israel to nets vpon them, as the LORD com-
offer their oblations vnto the LORD, manded Moses.
in the wildernesse of Sinai. 14 * And he brought the bullocke for * Exod. 29.
the sinne offering, and Aaron and his 1.
sonnes laid their hands vpon the head
C H A P . VIII. of the bullocke for the sinne offering.
1 Moses consecrateth Aaron and his sonnes. 15 And he slew it, and Moses tooke
14 Their sinne offering. 18 Their burnt of- the blood, and put it vpon the homes of
fring. 22 The ram of consecrations. 31 The
place and time of their consecration. the altar round about with his finger,
and purified the altar, and powred the
Nd the LORD spake vn- blood at the bottome of the altar, and

* Exod. 28.
* Exod. 30.
A to Moses, saying,
2 *Take Aaron and
his sonnes with him, and
the garments, and * the
'sanctified it, to make reconciliation vp-
on it.
16 And he tooke all the fat that was
vpon the inwards, and the kail aboue
anointing oyle, and a bullocke for the the liuer, and the two kidneis, and their
sinne offering, and two rammes, and fat, and Moses burned it vpon the Al-
a basket of vnleauened bread. tar.
3 And gather thou all the Congre- 17 But the bullocke, and his hide,
gation together vnto the doore of the his flesh and his doung, he burnt with
Tabernacle of the Congregation. fire without the campe, as the LORD
4- And Moses did as the L O R D * commanded Moses. * Exod. 29.
commanded him, & the assembly was 18 11 And he brought the ramme for 14.
gathered together vnto the doore of the burnt offring: and Aaron and his
the Tabernacle of the Congregation. sonnes laid their hands vpon the head
5 And Moses saide vnto the Con- of the ramme.
* Exod. 29.
gregation , * This is the thing which 19 And he killed it, and Moses sprink-
the LORD commanded to be done. led the blood vpon the Altar round a-
6 And Moses brought Aaron and bout.
his sonnes, and washed them with wa- £0 And he cut the ramme into pieces,
ter. and Moses burnt the head, and the pie-
7 And he put vpon him the coate, ces, and the fat.
and girded him with the girdle, and clo- 21 And he washed the inwards and
thed him with the robe, and put the E- the legges in water, and Moses burnt
of his formes. Chap.ix. Aarons offrings.
the whole ramme vpon the Altar: It that is in the basket of consecrations,
was a burnt sacrifice for a sweet sauour, as I commanded, saying, Aaron and
and an offering made by fire vnto the his sonnes shall eat it.
LORD, as the LOED commanded 32 And that which remaineth of the
Moses. flesh, and of the bread, shall yee burne
* Exod* 29. 22 f And * hee brought the other with fire.
ramme, the ramme of consecration: 33 And ye shall not goe out of the
and Aaron and his sonnes layd their doore of the Tabernacle of the Congre-
hands vpon the head of the ramme. gation in seuen dayes, vntill the dayes
23 And he slew it, and Moses tooke of your consecration be at an end : for
of the blood of it, and put it vpon the tip * seuen dayes shall he consecrate you. 35.
* Exod. 29.
of Aarons right eare, and vpon the 34 As he hath done this day, so the
thumbe of his right hand, and vpon the L O R D hath commanded to doe, to
great toe of his right foot. make an atonement for you.
24? And he brought Aarons sonnes, 35 Therefore shall ye abide at the
and Moses put of the Wood vpon the doore of the Tabernacle of the Congre-
tippe of their right eare, and vpon the gation day and night, seuen dayes, and
thumbs of their right hands, and vpon keepe the charge of the LORD, that
the great toes of their right feete: and ye die not: for so I am commanded.
Moses sprinkled the blood vpon the Al- 36 So Aaron and his sonnes did all
tar round about. things which the L O R D comman-
25 And hee tooke the fat, and the ded by the hand of Moses.
rumpe, and all the fat that was vpon
the inwards, and the caule aboue the li-
uer, and the two kidneys and their fat, C H A P IX.
and the right shoulder. 1 The first offerings of Aaron, for himselfe and
26 And out of the basket of vnleaue- the people. 8 The sinne-offering, 12 and
ned bread, that was before the LORD, the burnt offering for himselfe. 15 The of-
ferings for the people. 23 Moses and Aa-
he tooke one vnleauened cake, and a ron blesse the people. 24 Fire commeth
cake of oyled bread, and one wafer, and from the Lord, vpon the Altar.
put them on the fat, and vpon the right
shoulder. Nd it came to passe on the
27 And hee put all *vpon Aarons
A eight day, that Moses cal-
* Exod. 29.
24. &C.
hands, and vpon his sonnes hands, and led Aaron and his sonnes,
waued them for a waue offering before and the elders of Israel.
the LORD. 2 And hee saide vnto
28 Arid Moses tooke them from off Aaron, *Take thee a yohg calfe for a * Exod. 29.
their hands, and burnt them on the Al- sinne offering, and a ramme for a burnt 1.
tar, vpon the burnt offering: They were offering, without blemish, and offer
consecrations for a sweet sauour: It them before the LORD.
is an offering made by fire vnto the 3 And vnto the children of Israel
LORD. thou shalt speake, saying, Take ye a kid
29 And Moses tooke the brest, and of the goats, for a sinne offering, and a
waued it for a waue offering before the calfe, and a lam be, both of the first ^reere
LORD : For of the ramme of consecra- without blemish, for a burnt offering.
* Exod. 29. tion it was Moses *part, as the LORD 4* Also a bullocke and a ramme, for
commanded Moses. peace offerings, to sacrifice before the
30 And Moses tooke of the anoyn- LORD, and a meat offring mingled
ting oyle, and of the blood which was with oyle : for to day the L O R D
vpon the Altar, and sprinckled it vpon will appeare vnto you.
Aaron, and vpon his garments, and vp- 5 11 And they brought that which
on his sonnes, and vpon his sunnes Moses commanded, before the Taber-
garments with him: and sanctified Aa- nacle of the Congregation : and all the
ron, and his garments, and his sonnes, Congregation drew neere and stood be-
and his sonnes garments with him. fore the LORD.
31 IT And Moses said vnto Aaron 6 And Moses said, This is the
and to his sonnes, Boile the flesh at the thing which the LORD commanded
doore of the Tabernacle of the Congre- that ye should doe: and the glory of the
* Exod. 89. gation : and there *eat it with the bread LORD shall appeare vnto you.
39. 7 And
Aarons offerings. Leuitieus. His fonnes burnt.
7 And Moses said vnto Aaron, 22 And Aaron lift vp his hand to-
Goe vnto the Altar, and offer thy sinne wards the people, and blessed them,
offering, and thy burnt offering, and and came downe from offering of the
make an atonement for thy selfe, and sinne offering, and the burnt offering,
Tor the people : and offer the offering of and peace offerings.
the people, and make an atonement for 23 And Moses and Aaron went in-
them, as the LORD commanded. to the Tabernacle of the Congrega-
8 f Aaron therefore went vnto tion, and came out, and blessed the peo-
the Altar, and slew the calfe of the sinne ple : and the glory of the LORD ap-
offering, which was for him selfe. peared vnto all the people.
9 And the sonnes of Aaron brought 24 And * there came a fire out from *l.king.
Gen. 4. 4.
the blood vnto him, and he dipt his fin. before the LORD, and consumed vp- 38. 2. chro.
»er in the blood, and put it vpon the 7.1.2.
on the Altar the burnt offering, and 10. 11. mace.
homes of the Altar, and powred out the the fat: which when all the people saw,
blood at the bottome of the Altar. they shouted, and fell on their faces.
10 But the fat and the kidneys,- and
the caule aboue the liuer of the sinne of-
fering he burnt vpon the Altar, as the C H A P . X.
LORD commanded Moses. 1 Nadab and Abihu, for offering of strange fire,
11 And the flesh and the hide he burnt are burnt by fire. 6 Aaron and his sonnes
with fire, without the campe. are forbidden to mourne for them. 8 The
12 And hee slew the burnt offering, Priests are forbidden wine when tbey are to
goe into the Tabernacle. 12 The law of ea-
and Aarons sonnes presented vnto him ting the holy things. 16 Aarons excuse for
the blood, which he sprinckled round a~ transgressing thereof.
bout vpon the Altar.
13 And they presented the burnt of- Nd * Nadab and Abi- and * Num. 3.4,

26. 61.
fering vnto him, with the pieces there- hu, the sonnes of Aaron, l.chron. 24.
of, and the head : and he burnt them vp- tooke either of them his 2.
on the Altar. censer, and put fire there-
14 And he did wash the inwards, in, and put incense there-
and the legs, and burnt them vpon the on, and offered strange fire before the
burnt offering on the Altar. L O R D , which hee commaunded
15 U And he brought the peoples of- them not.
fering, and tooke the goat, which was 2 And there went out fire from the
the sinne offering for the people, and LORD and deuoured them, and they
slew it, and offered it for sinne, as the died before the LORD.
first. 3 Then Moses said vnto Aaron,
16 And he brought the burnt offring, This i? it that the LORD spake, say-
I Or, ordi- and offered it according to the ||maner. ing, I will bee sanctified in them that
17 And he brought the meat offring, come nigh me, and before all the people
^Hebr. filled and ttooke an handfull thereof, and I will be glorified : And Aaron held
his hand out
ofit. burnt it vpon the Altar, * beside the his peace.
* Exod. 29. burnt sacrifice of the morning. 4 And Moses called Mishael and
18 He slew also the bullocke and the Elzaphan the sonnes of Vzziel, the vn-
ramme, for a sacrifice of peace offerings, cle of Aaron, and said vnto them, Come
which was for the people: And Aarons neere, cary your brethren from before
sonnes presented vnto him the blood, the Sanctuary, out of the campe.
(which hee sprinckled vpon the Altar 5 So they went neere, and caried
round about) them in their coats out of the campe, as
19 And the fat of the bullocke and of Moses had said.
the ramme, the rumpe, and that which 6 And Moses said vnto Aaron, and
couereth the inwards, and the kidneys, vnto Eleazar and vnto Ithamar his
and the caule aboue the liuer, sonnes, Vncouer not your -heads, nei-
20 And they put the fat vpon the ther rend your clothes, lest you die, and
brests, & he burnt the fat vpon the altar: lest wrath come vpon all the people:
21 And the breasts and the right But let your brethren, the whole house
sh'oulder, Aaron waued for a waue of- of Israel, bewaile the burning which
fering before the L O R D , as Moses the LORD hath kindled.
commanded. 7 And ye shal not goe out from the
Wine forbidden. Chap.xj. Beafts cleane, &c.
doore of the Tabernacle of the Con- should indeed haue eaten it in the holy
gregation , lest you die : for the anoin- place, *as I commanded. * Chap. 6.
ting oyle of the LORD is vpon you: 19 And Aaron said vnto Moses, Be- 20.
and they did according to the word of hold, this day haue they offered their
Moses. sinne offering, and their burnt offering
8 1f And the LORD spake vnto before the LORD : and such things
Aaron, saying, haue befallen me: and if I had eaten
9 Doe not drinke wine nor strong the sinne offering to day, should it haue
drinke, thou, nor thy sonnes with thee, bin accepted in the signt of the LORD ?
when ye goe into the Tabernacle of the 20 And when Moses heard that, he
Congregation, lest yee die: It shall bee a was content.
statute for euer, throughout your gene-
rations : C H A R XL
10 And that ye may put difference be- 1 What beasts may, 4 and what may not bee
tweene holy and vnholy, and betweene eaten. 9 What fishes. 13 What foules. 29
vncleane and cleane: The creeping things which are vncleane.
11 And that ye may teach the children Nd the LORD spake vn-

of Israel all the statutes which the to Moses, and to Aaron,
L O R D hath spoken vnto them by saying vnto them,
the hand of Moses. k Speake vnto the chil-
1£ f And Moses spake* vnto Aaron, dren of Israel, saying,
and vnto Eleazar and vnto Ithamar * These are the beasts which ye shal eat * Dcut. H.
his sonnes that were left, Take the among all the beasts that are on the 4.14.act 10.
meate offering that remaineth of the earth :
offerings of the LORD made by fire, 3 Whatsoeuer parteth the hoofe, and
and eate it without leauen, beside the is clouen footed, $ cheweth cud among
altar: for it is most holy. the beasts, that shall ye eate.
13 And ye shal eat it in the holy place, 4 Neuerthelesse, these shall ye not
because it is thy due, and thy sonnes due eate, of them that chewe the cud, or of
of the sacrifices of the LORD, made them that diuidethe hoofe: as the camel,
by fire : for so I am commanded. because hee cheweth the cud, but diui-
* Exod. 29. 14 And *the waue breast and heaue deth not the hoofe, he is vncleane vnto
shoulder shall ye eate in a cleane place, you.
thou, and thy sonnes, and thy daugh- 5 And the conie, because he cheweth
ters with thee: For they be thy due and the cud, but diuideth not the hoofe, he is
thy sonnes due, which are giuen out of vncleane vnto you.
the sacrifice of peace offerings, of the 6 And the hare, because he cheweth
children of Israel. the cud, but diuideth not the hoofe,he is
15 The heaue shoulder, and the waue vncleane vnto you.
breast shal they bring, with the offrings 7 And *the swine, though he diuidc * 2. Mace,
made by fire of the fat, to waue it for a the hoofe, and be clouen footed, yet hee 6. 18.
waue offering before the LORD: and cheweth not the cud: he is vncleane to
it shall bee thine, and thy sonnes with you.
thee, by a statute for euer, as the LORD 8 Of their flesh shall ye not eat, and
hath commanded. their carcase shall ye not touch : they are
16 IT And Moses diligently sought vncleane to you.
the goate of the sinne offering, and be- 9 f These shal ye eat, of all that are
hold, it was burnt: and he was angry in the waters : whatsoeuer hath finnes
with Eleazar and Ithamar, the sonnes and scales in the waters, in the seas, and
of Aaron, which were left aliuey say- in the riuers, them shall ye eate.
ing* 10 And all that haue not finnes nor
17 Wherefore haue ye not eaten the scales in the seas, and in the riuers, of all
sinne offering in the holy place, seeing it that moue in the waters, and of any li-
is most holy, and God hath giuen it you uing thing which is in the waters, they
to beare the iniquitie of the Congrega- shalbe an abomination vnto you:
tion, to make atonement for them, be- 11 They shalbe euen an abomination
fore the LORD ? vnto you: ye shall not eat of their flesh,
18 Behold, the blood of it was not but you shall haue their carcases in a-
brought in, within the holy place: yee bomination.
12 What-
Meates cleane, Leuiticus. and vncleane.
12 Whatsoeuer hath no finnes nor t;he Mouse, and the Tortois, after his
scales in the waters, that shalbe an abo- kinde,
mination vnto you. 30 And the Ferret, and the Camele-
13 H And these are they which ye on, and the Lyzard, and the Snaile,
shall haue in abomination among the and the Molle.
foules, they shall not be eaten, they are 31 These are vncleane to you among
an abomination : The Eagle, and the all that creepe t whosoeuer doth touch
Ossifrage, and the Ospray, them when they bee dead, shall be vn-
14 And the Vulture, and the Kite, cleane vntill the Euen.
after his kinde: 32 And vpon whatsoeuer any of
15 Euery Rauen after his kinde: them, when they are dead, doeth fall, it
16 And the Owle, and the night- shalbe vncleane, whether it be any vessel
hauke, & the Cuckow, and the Hawke of wood, or raiment, or skinne, or sacke,
after his kinde, whatsoeuer vessell it be, wherein any
17 And the little Owle, and the Cor- worke is done, it must be put into wa-
morant, and the great Owle, ter, and it shall be vncleane vntill the
18 And the Swanne, and the Pelli- Euen; so it shalbe cleansed.
cane, and the Gier-eagle, 33 And euery earthen vessel, where-
19 And the Storke, the Heron after into any of them falleth, whatsoeuer is
her kinde, and the Lapwing, and the in it shall bee vncleane; and *yee shall 28.* Chap. 6.
Batte. breake it.
20 All foules that creepe, going vp- 34 Of all meat which may be eaten,
on all foure, shalbe an abomination vn- that on which such water commeth,
to you. shall be vncleane : And all drinke that
21 Yet these may ye eat, of euery fly- may be drunkein euery such vessell, shal-
ing creeping thing that goeth vpon all be vncleane.
foure, which haue legges aboue their 35 And euery thing, whereupon any
feet, to leape withall vpon the earth. part of their carkasse falleth, shall be
22 Euen these of them ye may eate: vncleane, whether it be ouen, or ranges
the Locust, after his kinde, and the for pots, they shalbe broken downe : for
Bald-locust after his kinde, and the they are vncleane, and shall be vncleane
Beetle after his kinde, and the Grasse- vnto you.
hopper after his kinde. 36 Neuerthelesse, a fountaine or pit,
23 But al other flying creeping things •\wherein there is plenty of water, shalbe t Hehr. a ga-
which haue foure feet, shall be an abo- cleane : but that which toucheth their thering toge-
ther o/iva-
mination vnto you. carkasse shalbe vncleane. ters.
24 And for these ye shalbe vncleane: 37 And if any part of their carkasse
whosoeuer toucheth the carkasse of fall vpon any sowing seed which is to
them, shall be vncleane vntill the euen. be sowen, it shalbe cleane:
25 And whosoeuer beareth ought of 38 But if any water be put vpon the
the carkasse of them, shall wash his seed, and any part of their carkasse fall
clothes, & be vncleane vntill the euen. thereon, it shalbe vncleane vnto you.
26 The carkasses of euery beast which 39 And if any beast of which ye may
diuideth the hoofe, and is not clouen eat, die, he that toucheth the carkasse
footed, nor cheweth the cud, are vn- thereof, shall be vncleane vntill the
cleane vnto you : euery one that touch- Euen.
eth them, shalbe vncleane. 40 And hee that eateth of the car-
27 And whatsoeuer goeth vpon his kasse of it, shall wash his clothes, and
pawes, among all maner of beasts, that be vncleane vntil the Euen: he also that
goe on all foure, those are vncleane vnto beareth the carkasse of it, shal wash his
you : who so toucheth their carkasse, clothes, and bee vncleaae vntill the
shall be vncleane vntill the Euen. Euen.
28 And he that beareth the carkasse 41 And euery creeping thing that
of them, shall wash his clothes, and be creepeth vpon the earth, shalbe an abo-
vncleane vntill the Euen : they are vn- mination : it shall not be eaten.
cleane vnto you. 42 Whatsoeuer goeth vpon the bel-
29 f These also shalbe vncleane vn- lie, and whatsoeuer goeth vpon all
to you, among the creeping things that foure, or whatsoeuer t hath more feet a- t Help, doth
creepe vpon the earth : the Weasell, and mong all creeping things that creepe y££
The purification Chap.xij.xiij. of women.
vpon the earth, them ye shall not eate, of the Congregation , vnto the Priest:
for they are an abomination. 7 Who shall offer it before the
\Heb.soute 43 Yee shall not make your tselues LORD, and make an atonement for
abominable with any creeping thing her, and she shall be cleansed from the
that creepeth, neither shall ye make issue of her blood. This is the law for
your selues vncleane with them, that her that hath borne a male or a female.
ye should be defiled thereby. 8 * And if t she be not able to bring a * Luke 2.
44 For I am the L O R D your lambe, then she shall bring two turtles, 24.
t Hebr. her
God : yee shall therefore sanctifie your or two yong pigeons, the one for the handfindnott
* Chap, 19. selues, and *ye shall be holy, for I am burnt offering, and the other for a sinne of.
2. and 20. 7. holy: neither shall ye defile your selues
1. pet. u 15
offering: and the Priest shall make an
with any maner of creeping thing that atonement for her, and shee shall bee
creepeth vpon the earth. cleane.
45 For I am the LORD that brin-
geth you vp out of the land of Egypt to C H A P . XIII.
be your God: ye shal therefore be holy, 1 The Lawes and tokens whereby the Priest is
for I am holy. to be guided in discerning the Leprosie.

46 This is the law of the beasts, and Nd the L O R D spake
of the foule, and of euery liuing creature vnto Moses and Aaron,
that moueth in the waters, and of eue- saying,
rie creature that creepeth vpon the £ When a man shall
earth: haue in the skinne of his
47 To make a difference betweene flesh, a || rising, a scabbe, or bright spot, I Or, swel-
the vncleane and the cleane, & betweene and it bee in the skinne of his flesh like ling.
the beast that may be eaten, and the the plague of leprosie, then he shall bee
beast that may not be eaten. brought vnto Aaron the Priest, or vnto
one of his sonnes the Priests.
CHAP. XII. 3 And the Priest shall looke on the
1 The purification of women after childbirth. plague in the skinne of the flesh : and
6 Her offerings for her purifying. when the haire in the plague is turned
white, and the plague in sight be deeper
Nd the LORD spake vn- then the skin of his flesh, it is a plague of

* Chap. 15.
A to Moses-, saying,
£ Speake vnto the
children of Israel, saying,
If a * woman haue con-
leprosie: and the Priest shall looke on
him, and pronounce him vncleane.
4 If the bright spot be white in the
skinne of his flesh, and in sight bee not
cerned seed, and borne a man child, then deeper then the skinne, and the haire
she shal be vncleane seuen dayes: accor- thereof be not turned white, then the
ding to the dayes of the separation for Priest shall shut vp him that hath the
her infirmitie shall she be vncleane. plague, seuen dayes.
* Luk. 2. 21 3 And in the * eight day, the flesh of 5 And the Priest shall looke on him
iohn 7. 22.
his foreskinne shall be circumcised. the seuenth day; and beholde, if the
4 And she shal then continue in the plague in his sight be at a stay, and the
blood of her purifying three and thirtie plague spread not in the skinne, then the
dayes; Shee shall touch no hallowed Priest shall shut him vp seuen dayes
thing, nor come into the Sanctuary, more.
vntill the dayes of her purifying be ful- 6 And the Priest shall looke on him
filled. againe the seuenth day • and beholde, if
5 But if she beare a maid child, then the plague be somewhat darke, and the
she shalbe vncleane two weekes, as in plague spread not in the skin, the Priest
her separation: and she shall continue shall pronounce him cleane : it is but a
in the blood of her purifying threescore scab: and he shall wash his clothes, and
and sixe dayes. be cleane.
6 And when the dayes of her puri- 7 But if the scab spread much abroad
2 ing are fulfilled, for a sonne, or for a
tughter, she shall bring a lambe of the
t Heb. sonne t first yeere for a burnt oflfring, & a yong
in the skinne after that hee hath beene
scene of the Priest, for his cleansing hee
shall be seene of the Priest againe.
of his yeere.
pigeon, or a turtle done for a sinne offe- 8 And if the Priest see, that behold,
ring, vnto the doore of the Tabernacle the scab spreadeth in the skin, then the
How to difcerne Leuiticus. the Leprofie.
Priest shall pronounce him vncleane: it >lace, and spread not, it ts a burning
is a leprosie. >ile; and the Priest shall pronounce him
9 H When the plague of leprosie is cleane.
in a man, then he shall be brought vnto 24 1F Or if there be any flesh in the
the Priest; skin whereof there is a thot burning, burning Hebr. a
10 And the Priest shall see him : an and the quicke flesh that burneth haue fire.
behold, if the rising be white in the skin, a white bright spot, somewhat reddish,
and it haue turned'the haire white, and or white;
Miebr.the there be tquicke raw flesh in the rising: 25 Then the Priest shall looke vpon
quickening it: and behold, if the haire in the bright
ofliuinffg 11 It is an old leprosie in the skinne
flesh. of his flesh, and the Priest shall pro- spot be turned white, and it bee in sight
nounce him vncleane, and shal not shut deeper then the skinne, it is a leprosie
rim vp: for he is vncleane. >roken out of the burning: wherefore
12 And if a leprosie breake out abroad the Priest shal pronounce him vncleane:
in the skin, and the leprosie couer all the it is the plague of leprosie.
skin of him that hath the plague, from his 26 But if the Priest looke on it, and
hlead euen to his foot, wheresoeuer the bBehold, there be no white haire in the
Priest looketh: wight spot, and it be no lower then the
13 Then the Priest shall consider: other skin, but be somewhat darke, then
and behold, if the leprosie haue couered the Priest shal shut him vp seuen dayes.
al his flesh, he shal pronounce AMH cleane 27 And the Priest shall looke vpon
that hath the plague, it is all turned lim the seuenth day: and if it be spread
white; he is cleane. much abroad in the skin, then the Priest
14 But when raw flesh appeareth shall pronounce him vncleane; it is the
in him, he shall be vncleane. plague of leprosie.
15 And the Priest shall see the raw 28 And if the bright spot stay in his
lesh, and pronounce him to bee vn- place, and spread not in the skin, but it be
cleane: for the raw flesh is vncleane: it somewhat darke; it is a rising of the
is a leprosie. burning, and the Priest shall pronounce
16 Or if the raw flesh turne againe, iiim cleane: for it is an inflammation of
and bee changed vnto white, hee shall the burning.
come vnto the Priest: 29 IF If a man or woman hath a
17 And the Priest shall see him: and plague vpon the head or the beard,
beholde, if the plague bee turned into 30 Then the Priest shall see the
white, then the Priest shall pronounce plague: and behold, if it be in sight dee-
him cleane that hath the plague; hee is per then the skin,and there be in it a yel-
cleane. low thin haire, then the Priest shall pro-
18 f The flesh also, in which, euen in nounce him vncleane, it is a dry skall,
the skinne thereof was a bile, and is euen a leprosie vpon the head or beard.
healed, 31 And if the Priest looke on the
19 And in the place of the bile there plague of the skall, and behold, it be not
be a white rising, or a bright spot white, in sight deeper then the skin, and that
and somewhat reddish, and it be shew- there is no blacke haire in it; then the
ed to the Priest: Priest shall shut vp him that hath the
20 And if when the Priest seeth it, plague of the skall, seuen dayes.
behold, in sight lower then the 32 And in the seuenth day the Priest
skinne, and the haire thereof be turnec shall looke on the plague: and behold,
white, the Priest shall pronounce him if the skall spread not, and there be in it
vncleane : it is a plague of leprosie bro- no yellow haire, and the skall be not in
ken out of the bile. sight deeper then the skin;
21 But if the Priest looke on it, and 33 He shall be shauen, but the skal!
behold, there be no white haires there- shall he not shaue : and the Priest shal
in, and if it be not lower then the skin, shut vp him that hath the skall, seuen
but be somewhat darke; then the Priest dayes more.
shall shut him vp seuen dayes. 34 And in the seuenth day the Priest
22 And if it spread much abroad in shall looke on the skall: and behold, if
the skinne, then the Priest shall pro- the skalll)e not spread in the skin, nor
nounce him vncleane; it is a plague. be in sight deeper then the skin, then the
23 But if the bright spot stay in his Priest shall pronounce him cleane: anc
Difeerning of Chap.xiij. the leprofie.
he shall wash his clothes, and be cleane. 49 And if the plague be greenish or
35 But if the skall spread much in the reddish in the garment, or in the skin,
skinne after his cleansing, either in the warpe, or in the woofe, or
36 Then the Priest shall looke on in any t thing of skinne, it is a plague of OF Web.vessell
him, and behold, if the skall be spread in leprosie, and shall be shewed vnto the men/.
the skinne, the Priest shall not seeke for Priest.
yellow haire : he is vncleane. 50 And the Priest shall looke vpon
37 But if the skall be in his sight at the plague, and shut vp it that hath the
a stay, and that there is blacke haire plague, seuen dayes.
growen vp therein : the skall is healed, 51 And he shall looke on the plague
he is cleane, and the Priest shall pro- on the seuenth day : if the plague be
nounce him cleane. spread in the garment, either in the
38 11 If a man also or a woman haue warpe, or in the woofe, or in a skin, or
in the skinne of their flesh bright spots, in any worke that is made of skinne,
euen white bright spots, the plague is a fretting leprosie ; it is vn-
39 Then the Priest shall looke : and cleane.
behold, if the bright spots in the skinne 5% Hee shall therefore burne that
of their flesh bee darkish white, it is a garment, whether warpe or woofe, in
freckled spot that groweth in the skin : wollen or hi linnen , or any thing of
he is cleane. skinne, wherein the plague is: for it is
t Hebr. head 40 And the man whose t haire is fal- a fretting leprosie; it shall bee burnt in
is pilled.
len off his head, he is bald : yet is hee the fire.
cleane. 53 And if the Priest shall looke, and
41 And he that hath his haire fallen behold the plague be not spread in the
off from the part of his head toward garment, either in the warpe, or in the
his face, he is forehead-bald : yet is hee woofe, or in any thing of skinne ;
cleane. 54 Then the Priest shall command
42 And if there be in the bald head, that they wash the thing wherein the
or bald forehead a white reddish sore, it plague is, and he shall shut it vp seuen
is a leprosie sprung vp in his bald-head, dayes more.
or his bald forehead. 55 And the Priest shall looke on the
43 Then the Priest shall looke vp- plague after that it is washed : and be-
on it : and beholde, if the rising of the hold, if the plague haue not changed his
sore bee white reddish in his balde colour, and the plague be not spread, it
head, or in his bald forehead, as the is vncleane, thou shalt burne it in the
leprosie appeareth in the skinne of the fire, it is fret inward, whether it be tbare t Heb. whe-
flesh, within or without. ther it be
bauld in the
44 Hee is a leprous man, he is vn- 56 And if the Priest looke , and be- Of, head there-
or in the
cleane: the Priest shall pronounce him hold, the plaine be somewhat darke af- forehead
vtterly vncleane , his plague is in his ter the washing of it, then he shall rend thereof.
head. it out of the garment, or out of the skin,
45 And the leper in whom the or out of the warpe , or out of the
plague -w, his clothes shall be rent, and woofe.
his head bare, and he shall put a coue- 57 And if it appeare still in the gar-
ring vpon his vpper lip, and shall cry, ment, either in the warpe, or in the
Vncleane, vncleane. woofe, or in any thing of skinne, it is a
46 All the dayes wherein the spreading plague, thou shalt burne that
plague shall bee in him, he shall bee de- wherein the plague w, with fire.
filed, hee is vncleane : he shall dwell a- 58 And the garment, either warpe,
* Num. 5. 2. lone , * without the campe shall his habi- or woofe, or whatsoeuer thing of skin
2. king. 15.
5. tation be. it bee, which thou shalt wash , if the
47 11 The garment also, that the plague be departed from them, then it
plague of leprosie is in , whether it bee shall be washed the second time , and
a woollen garment , or a linnen gar- shalbe cleane.
ment, 59 This is the law of the plague of
48 Whether it bee in the warpe, or leprosie in a garment of woollen or lin-
woofe of linnen or of woollen., whe- nen, either in the warpe, or woofe, or
tHebr. ther in a skin, or in any t thing made of any thing of skinnes, to pronounce it
ivorke of skinne: cleane, or to pronounce it vncleane.
Cleanfing of Leuiticus. the Leprofie.
lambe, and offer him for a trespasse of-
C H A P . XIIII. ering, and the log of oile, and *waue * Exod. 29.
1 The rites and sacrifices in clensing of the Le-
them for a waue offering before the 24.
per. 33 The signes of leprosie in a house. LORD.
43 The clensing of that house. IB And he shall slay the lam be in the
)lace where he shall kil the sin-offering,
Nd the Lord spake ind the burnt offring in the holy place:

* Matt. 8. 2.
mark. 1. 40.
vnto Moses, saying,

his cleansing: he * shall be

lakes. 12. >rought vnto the Priest.
ibr *as the sinne offering is the Priests, * Chap. 7. 7.
2 This shalbe the law so is the trespasse offering : it & most
of the leper, in the day of Holy.
14 And the Priest shall take some of
the blood of the trespasse offering, and
3 And the Priest shall goe forth out the Priest shall put it vpon the tip of the
of the carape, and the Priest shall looke: right eare of him that is to be cleansed,
and beholde, if the plague of leprosie be and vpon the thumbe of his right
lealed in the leper, band, and vpon the great toe of his
4? Then shall the Priest command right foot.
td take for him that is to bee cleansed, 15 And the Priest shall take some of
II Or, spar- two ([birds aliue, and cleane, and Cedar the log of oile, and powre it into the
wood, and scarlet, and hysope. palme of his owne left hand :
5 And the Priest shall command 16 And the Priest shall dip his right
that one of the birds bee killed in an finger in the oile that is in his left hand,
earthen vessell, ouer running water. and shall sprinckle of the oile with his
6 As for the liuing bird, he shal take finger, seuen times before the LORD.
t, and the Cedar woofd, and the scarlet, 1 7 And of the rest of the oile that is in
and the hysope, and shall dip them and his hand, shall the Priest put vpon the
the liuing bird in the blood of the bird tip of the right eare of him that is to be
that was killed ouer the running cleansed, and vpon the thumbe of his
water. right hande, and vpon the great toe of
7 And he shall sprinckle vpon him his right foot, vpon the blood of the
that is to be cleansed from the leprosie, trespasse offering.
seuen times, and shall pronounce him 18 And the remnant of the oile that
cleane, and shall let the liuing bird loose is in the Priests hand, he shall powre
Hebr. vpon tinto the open field.
hC jQGG Of
vpon the head of him that is to be clean-
the field. 8 And he that is to be cleansed shall sed : and the Priest shall make an atone-
wash his clothes, and shaue off all his ment for him before the LORD.
baire, and wash himselfe in water, that 19 And the Priest shal offer the sinne
be may be cleane : And after that hee offering, and make an atonement for
shall come into the Campe, and shall ta- him that is to be cleansed from his vn-
ry abroad out of his tent seuen dayes. cleannesse, and afterward he shall kill
9 But it shall be on the seuenth day, the burnt offering.
that he shall shaue all his haire off his 20 And the Priest shall offer the
bead and his beard, and his eyebrowes, burnt offering, and the meat offering
euen all his haire he shal shaue off: And vpon the Altar : and the Priest shall
lie shall wash his clothes, also he shall make an atonement for him, and he
wash his flesh in water, and he shall be shalbe cleane.
cleane. 21 And if he be poore, and t cannot t Hebr. his
10 And on the eight day he shall take get so much, then hee shall take one hand not.

two hee lambes without blemish, anc lam be for a trespasse offring t to be wa- at Hebr. for
t Hebr. the one ewe-lambe of t the first yeere, with- ued, to make an atonement for him, and
daughter of
her yeere. out blemish, and three tenth deales o1 one tenth deale of fine flowre mingled
fine flowre for a meat offering, mingled with oile, for a meat offering, and a log
with oyle, and one log of oyle. of oile,
11 And the Priest that maketh him 22 And two turtle doues, or two
cleane, shall present the man that is to yong pigeons, such as he is able to get:
be made cleane, and those things before and the one shalbe a sinne offering, and
the LORD, at the doore of the Taber- the other a burnt offering.
nacle of the Congregation : 23 And hee shall bring them on the
12 And the Priest shall take one hee eight day, for his cleansing vnto the
Cleanfing of Chap.xiiij. the leprofie.
Priest , vnto the doore of the Taber- 36 Then the Priest shall command
nacle of the Congregation , before the that they ||emptie the house, before the H Or, pre-
LORD. Priest goe into it to see the plague, that pare.
24 And the Priest shall take the all that is in the house be not made vn-
lambe of the trespasse offering, and the cleane : and afterward the Priest shall
log of oile , and the Priest shall waue goe in, to see the house.
them for a waue offering before the 37 And he shal looke on the plague:
LORD. and behold, if the plague be in the walls
25 And he shall kill the lambe of the of the house, with hollow strakes, gree-
trespasse offering , and the Priest shall nish or reddish, which in sight are lower
take some of the blood of the trespasse then the wall;
offering, and put it vpon the tip of the 38 Then the Priest shall goe out oi
right eare of him that is to be cleansed, the house, to the doore of the house, and
and vpon the thumbe of his right hand, shut vp the house seuen dayes.
and vpon the great toe of his right 39 And the Priest shall come againe
foote. the seuenth day, and shall looke : and
26 And the Priest shall powre of the behold, if the plague bee spread in the
oyle into the palme of his owne left walls of the house ;
hand. 40 Then the Priest shall command
£7 And the Priest shal sprinkle with that they take away the stones in
his right finger, some of the oile that is which the plague is, and they shall cast
in his left hand, seuen times before the them into an vncleane place without
LORD. the Citie.
28 And the Priest shall put of the oile 41 And hee shall cause the house to
that is in his hand > vpon the tip of the be scraped within round about, and
right eare of him that is to be cleansed, they shall powre out the dust that they
and vpon the thumbe of his right hand, scrape off, without the citie into an vn-
and vpon the great toe of his right cleane place.
foot; vpon the place of the blood of the 42 And they shall take other stones,
trespasse offering. and put them in theplace of those stones;
29 And the test of the oile that is in and hee shall take other morter , and
the Priests hand, he shall put vpon the shall plaister the house.
head of him that is to bee cleansed, to 43 And if the plague come againe,
make an atonement for him before the and breake out in the house, after that
LORD. he hath taken away the stones, and af-
30 And he shall offer the one of the ter he hath scraped the house, and after
turtle doues , or of the yong pigeons, it is plastered ;
such as he can get : 44 Then the Priest shall come and
31 Euen such as he is able to get, the [ooke , and behold , if the plague bee
one for a sinne offering, and the other spread in the house, it is a fretting lepro-
for a burnt offering , with the meat of- sie in the house; it is vncleane.
fering. And the Priest shall make an 45 And he shall breake downe the
atonement for him that is to be clean- house, the stones of it, and the timber
sed, before the LORD. thereof, and all the morter of the house:
32 This is the law of him in whom and he shall cary them foorth out of the
is the plague of leprosie, whose hand is city into an vncleane place.
not able to get that which pertaineth 46 Moreouer, he that goeth into
to his cleansing. the house all the while that it is shut
33 11 And the LORD spake vnto vp, shalbe vncleane vntill the Euen.
Moses, and vnto Aaron, saying, 47 And hee that lieth in the house,
34 When ye be come into the land of shall wash his clothes : and hee that
Canaan, which I giue to you for a pos- eateth in the house, shall wash his
session, and I put the plague of lepro- clothes.
sie in a house of the land of your pos- 48 And if the Priest t shall come in, t Heir, in
session ; and looke vpon i£,andbehold, the plague shallcamming in,
35 And hee that oweth the house bath not spread in the house, after the 'n, $c.
shall come, and tell the Priest, saying, liouse was plastered : then the Priest
It seemeth to me there is as it were a shall pronounce the house cleane , be-
plague in the house : cause the plague is healed.
49 And
How to purge Leuiticus. vncleane iflues.
49 And he shall take to cleanse the in water , and bee vncleane vntill the
hlouse, two birds, and Cedar wood, and eSuen.
scarlet, and hyssope. 7 And he that toucheth the flesh of
50 And he shall kill the one of the hlim that hath the issue, shall wash his
)irds in an earthen vessell , ouer run- clothes, and bathe himselfe in water, and
ning water. )e vncleane vntill the Euen.
51 And he shall take the Cedar-wood 8 And if he that hath the issue, spit
and the hyssope, and the scarlet, and the vpon him that is cleane, then hee shall
liuing bird, and dip them in the blood wash his clothes, and bathe himselfe in
of the slaine bird, and in the running water, and bee vncleane vntill the
water, and sprinkle the house seuen e2uen.
times. 9 And what saddle soeuer he rideth
52 And he shall dense the house with vpon, that hath the issue, shall bee vn-
the blood of the bird, and with the run- cleane.
ning water, and with the liuing bird, 10 And whosoeuer toucheth any
and with the Cedar wood, and with thing that was vnder him, shall be vn-
the hyssope, and with the scarlet. cleane vntil the Euen : And he that bea-
53 But hee shall let goe the liuing reth any of those things, shall wash his
brird out of the citie into tne open fields. clothes, and bathe himselfe in water, and
and make an atonement for the house : >e vncleane vntill the Euen.
and it shall be cleane. 11 And whomsoeuer hee toucheth
54 This is the law for all manner hat hath the issue (and hath not rinsed
• Chap. 13. )lague of leprosie and *skall, iis hands in water) he shall wash his
55 And for the leprosie of a garment, clothes, and bathe himselfe in water, and
and of an house, >e vncleane vntill the Euen.
56 And for a rising, and for a scabbe, IS And the *vessell of earth that hee * Chap. 6.
and for a bright spot : toucheth which hath the issue, shall bee 8.
tHeb..inlhe 57 To teach twhen it is vncleane, )roken : and euery vessell of wood shall
day of the
vncleanc. and when it is cleane: this is the lawe oi )e rinsed in water.
and in the eprosie. 13 And when hee that hath an issue,
fifty of the
cleane s cleansed of his issue, then hee shall
C H A P XV. number to himselfe seuen dayes for his
cleansing, and wash his clothes, and
1 The vncleatines of men in their issues. 13 The 3athe his flesh in running water, and
clensing of them. 19 The vnclearmesse of
women in their issues. 28 Their clensing. shall be cleane.
14 And on the eight day hee shall
Nd the LORD spake vn- take to him two turtle doues, or two

A to Moses, and to Aaron, yong pigeons, and come before the

saying, LORD, vnto the doore of the Taber-
2 Speake vnto the chil- nacle of the Congregation, and giue
dren of Israel , and say them vnto the Priest.
vnto them, When any man hath a 15 And the Priest shall offer them,
\,0r,running | running issue out of hisflesh,because the one for a sinne offering, and the o-
of his issue he is vncleane. ther for a burnt offering, and the Priest
3 And this shall be his vncleannesse shall make an atonement for him before
iti his issue : whether his flesh run with the LORD for his issue.
his issue, or his flesh be stopped from his 16 And if any mans seede of copula-
issue, it is his vncleannesse. tion goe out from him , then hee shall
4 Euery bed whereon he lieth, that wash all his flesh in water, and bee vn-
hath the issue, is vncleane: and euery cleane vntill the Euen.
tHeb. vessel t thing whereon he sitteth, shall bee vn- 17 And euery garment and euerj
cleane. skinne whereon is the seede of copula-
5 And whosoeuer toucheth his bed tion, shall be washed with water, anc
shall wash his clothes, and bath himselfe be vncleane vntill the Euen.
in water, and bee vncleane vntill the 18 The woman also with whom
Euen. man shall lie with seed of copulation
6 And hee that sitteth on any thing they shall both bath themsetues in water
whereon hee sate that hath the issue, and be vncleane vntill the Euen.
shall wash his clothes, and bath himselfe 19 11 And if a woman haue an issue
Vncleane iffues. Chap.xvj. The Scape goat.
and her issue in her flesh be blood, shee when they defile my Tabernacle that
t Hebr. in shall bee tput apart seuen dayes: and is among them.
her separa-
tion. whosoeuer toucheth her, shall bee vn- 32 This is the law of him that hath
cleane vntil the Euen. an issue , and of him whose seed goeth
20 And euery thing that she lieth vp- from him, and is defiled therewith ;
on in her separation, shall be vncleane: 33 And of her that is sicke of her
euery thing also that she sitteth vpon, flowers, and of him that hath an issue,
shalbe vncleane. of the man, and of the woman, & of him
21 And whosoeuer toucheth her that lyeth with her which is vncleane.
bed, shall wash his clothes, and bathe
himselfe in water, and be vncleane vntill CHAP. XVI.
the Euen.
22 And whosoeuer toucheth any 1 How the hie Priest must enter into the Holy
thing that she sate vpon, shall wash his place. 11 The sinne -offering for himselfe.
15 The sinne -offering for the people. .20
clothes, and bathe himselfe in water, and The Scape Goat. 29 The yeerely Feast of
be vncleane vntill the Euen. the Expiations.
23 And if it be on her bed, or on any
thing whereon she sitteth , when hee Nd the LORD * spake vn- * Leuit. 10.

toucheth it, he shall be vncleane vntill to Moses, after the death 2.
the Euen. of the two sonnes of Aa-
24 And if any man lye with her at *on, when they offered be-
all, and her flowers be vpon him, hee fore the LORD, and died.
shall be vncleane seuen dayes : and all 2 And the L O R D sayd vnto
the bed whereon he lyeth, shall be vn- Moses , Speake vnto Aaron thy bro-
cleane. ther, that hee *come not at all times in * Exod. 30.
25 And if a woman haue an issue of to the Holy place within the Vaile, 7.10. heb. 9.
her blood many dayes out of the time before the Mercy seat , which is vpon
of her separation, or if it runne beyond the Arke , that hee die not : for I will
the time of her separation, all the dayes appeare in the cloud vpon the Mercy
of the issue of her vncleannesse, shall be seat.
as the dayes of her separation: she shal- 3 Thus shall Aaron come in to the
be vncleane. Holy place : with a yong bullocke for a
26 Euery bed whereon she lyeth all sinne offering, and a ramme for a burnt
the dayes of her issue, shall be vnto her offering.
as the bed of her separation: and what- 4 Hee shall put on the holy linnen
soeuer shee sitteth vpon, shall bee vn- coate, and he shall haue the linnen bree-
cleane, as the vncleannesse of her sepa- ches vpon his flesh, and shall be girded
ration. with a linnen girdle, and with the lin-
27 And whosoeuer toucheth those nen Miter shall hee be attired. These
things, shalbe vncleane, and shall wash are holy garments : therefore shall he
his clothes, and bathe himselfe in water, wash his flesh in water, and so put
and be vncleane vntill the Euen. them on.
28 But if she be cleansed of her issue, 5 And he shall take of the Congre-
then she shall number to her selfe seuen gation of the children of Israel , two
dayes : and after that, she shalbe cleane. kiddes of the Goates for a sinne of-
29 And on the eight day she shall fering, and one ramme for a burnt of-
take vnto her two turtles or two yong fering.
pigeons, & bring them vnto the Priest, 6 And Aaron shall offer his bul-
to the doore of the Tabernacle of the locke of the sinne offering, which is for
Congregation. himselfe, and *make an atonement for • Hebr. 9. 7-
30 And the Priest shall offer the one himselfe, and for his house.
for a sinne offering, and the other for a 7 And he shall take the two goats,
burnt offering, and the Priest shall and present them before the L O R D
make an atonement for her before the at the doore of the Tabernacle of the
LORD, for the issue of her vnclean- Congregation.
nesse. 8 And Aaron shall cast lottes vp-
31 Thus shall yee separate the chil- on the two Goates : one lot for the
dren of Israel from their vncleannesse, LORD , and the other lot for the
that they die not in their vncleannesse, t Scape goat. t Hebr. A-
9 And zazel.
The Scape goat. Leuiticus. A finne offring
9 And Aaron shall bring the goate 19 And he shall sprinkle of the blood
Hebr. went vpon which the lords lot fell, and vpon it with his finger seuen times, and
vp. offer him for a sinne offering. dense it , and hallow it from the vn-
10 But the goat on which the lot fell cleannesse of the children of Israel
to be the Scape goate, shalbe presented £0 1f And when hee hath made an
aliue before the LORD, to make an at- end of reconciling the holy place , and
onement with him, and to let him goe the Tabernacle of the Congregation,
for a Scape goate into the wilder- and the Altar , hee shall bring the Hue
nesse. yoate .
11 And Aaron shal bring the bullocke 21 And Aaron shall lay both his
of the sinne offeringj which is for him- lands vpon the head of the liue goate,
selfe, and shall make an atonement for and confesse ouer him all the iniquities
limselfe, and for his house, and shal kill of the children of Israel, and all their
lie bullocke of the sinne offering which transgressions in all their sinnes, put-
w for himselfe. ting them vpon the head of the goate,
12 And he shall take a eenser full of and shall send him away by the hand of
)urning coales of fire from off the Al- ta fit man into the wildernesse Hebr. a
man of op-
tar before the LORD, and his handes 22 And the goate shall beare vpon portunitie.
full of sweet incense beaten small, and iim all their iniquities, vnto a land tnot par
Heb. ofse-
b>ring it within the vaile. nhabited ; and he shall let goe the goat
13 And he shall put the incense vpon in the wildernesse.
the fire before the L O R D , that the 23 And Aaron shall come into the
cloud of the incense may couer the mer- Tabernacle of the Congregation , and
cie seate that wvpon the testimonie, that shal put off the linnen garments which
le die not. ae put on, when he went in to the holy
* Heb. 9. 13 14 And * he shall take of the blood of alace, and shall leaue them there.
and 10. 4. the bullocke, and * sprinkle it with his 24 And he shall wash his flesh with
* Chap. 4. 6
inger vpon the Mercie seat Eastward : water in the holy place, and put on his
and before the Mercie seate shall hee garments, and come foorth , and offer
sprinkle of the blood with his finger se- bis burnt offering , and the burnt
uen times. offering of the people , and make an
15 f Then shall he kill the goate of atonement for himselfe , and for the
the sinne offering that is for the people, people.
and bring his blood within the Vaile> 25 And the fat of the sinne offering
and doe with that blood as he did with shall he burne vpon the Altar
the blood of the bullocke, and sprinkle it 26 And he that let goe the goat for
vpon the Mercie seat, and before the the Scape-goat, shal wash his clothes,
Mercie seat. and bathe his flesh in water, and after-
16 And he shall make an atonement ward come into the Campe
for the holy place , because of the vn- 27 And the bullocke for the sinne of-
cleannesse of the children of Israel, fering, and the goat for the sin offering
and because of their transgressions in whose blood was brought in, to make
all their sinnes: and so shallhee doe for atonement in the holy place, shall one
the Tabernacle of the Congregation cary foorth * without the Campe, anc * Leuit. 6.
30. heb. 13.
t Heb. dwel- that tremaineth among them, in the they shal burne in the fire their skinnes H.
leth. middest of their vncleannesse. and their flesh, and their doung.
* Luk. 1. 10 17 *And there shall bee no man in 28 And he that burneth them, shal
the Tabernacle of the Congregation, wash his clothes, and bathe his flesh in
when hee goeth in to make an atone- water, and afterward he shall come in
ment in the holy place, vntill hee come to the Campe.
out, and haue made an atonement for 29 1f And this shall be a statute for
himselfe, and for his houshold, and for euer vnto you : that in the seuenth mo
all the Congregation of Israel. neth, on the tenth day of the moneth, ye
18 And he shall goe out vnto the Al- shall afHict your soules, & doe no worke
tar that is before the LORD, and make at all, whether it bee one of your owne
an atonement for it, & shall take of the countrey , or a stranger that soiour
blood of the bullocke, and of the bloo< neth among you.
of the goate, and put it vpon the homes 30 For on tnat day shalthe Priest make
of the Altar round about. an atonement for you, to cleanse you
for atonement. Chap.xyij. No blood eaten.
that yee may bee cleane from all your D And the rriest snail sprinckle the
shines before the LOED. blood vpon the Altar of the LORD, at
31 It skull be a Sabbath of rest vnto the doore of the Tabernacle of the Con-
you, and ye shall afflict your soules by a gregation, and burne the fat for a * sweet 18.
* Exod. 29.
chap. 4.
statute for euer. sauour vnto the LORD. 31.
32 And the Priest whom he shall an- 7 And they shall no more offer theif
iHebr.fitt oynt, and whom he shall t consecrate to sacrifices vnto deuils, after whom they
his hand. minister in the Priests office in his fa- haue gone a whoring : This shall be a
thers stead, shall make the atonement, statute for euer vnto them throughout
and shal put on the linnen clothes, euen their generations.
the holy garments. 8 1f And thou shalt say vnto them,
33 And he shall make an atonement Whatsoeuer man there be of the house of
for the holy Sanctuary, and hee shall Israel, or of the strangers which so-
make an atonement for the Tabernacle iourne among you, that offreth a burnt
of the Congregation, and for the Altar: offering or sacrifice,
and he shall make an atonement for the 9 And bringeth it not vnto the doore
Priests , and for all the people of the of the Tabernacle of the Congrega-
Congregation. tion, to offer it vnto the LORD, euen
34 And this shall be an euerlasting that man shall be cut off from among
statute vnto you, to make an atonement his people.
for the children of Israel, for all their 10 H And whatsoeuer man there be
* Exod. 30. sinnes *once a yeere. And he did as the of the house of Israel, or of the stran-
10. heb 9.
7- LORD commanded Moses. gers that soiourne among you, that ea-
teth any maner of blood, I will euen
C H A P . XVII. set ray face against that soule that ea-
teth blood, and will cut him off from a-
1 The blood of all slalne beasts must be offered mong his people.
to the Lord at the doore of the Tabernacle. 11 For the life of the flesh is in the
7 They must not offer to deuils. 10 All ea-
ting of blood is forbidden, 15 and all that blood, and I haue giuen it to you vpon
dieth alone, or is torne. the Altar, to make an atonement for
your soules : for it is the blood, that ma-
Nd the LORD spake un- keth an atonement for the soule.

co Moses, saying, 12 Therefore I said vnto the chil-
2 Speake vnto Aaron dren of Israel, No soule of you shall eat
and vnto his sonnes, and blood , neither shall any stranger that
vnto all the children of Is- soiourneth among you, eat blood.
rael, and say vnto them; This is the 13 And whatsoeuer man there be of
thing which the LORD hath com- the children of Israel, or of the stran-
manded, saying; gers that soiourne among you, which
3 What man soeuer there bee of the thunteth and catcheth any beast or foule t Heb. that
hunt eth any
house of Israel, that killeth an oxe, or that may be eaten , he shall euen powre hunting.
lambe, or goat in the Campe, or that kil- out the blood thereof, and couer it with
leth it out of the Campe, dust.
4 And bringeth it not vnto the 14 For it is the life of all flesh, the
doore of the Tabernacle of the Congre- blood of it is for the life thereof: there-
gation, to offer an offering vnto the fore I said vnto the children of Israel,
LORD before the Tabernacle of the * Ye shall not eat the blood of no maner * Gen. 9. 4.
LORD, blood shall be imputed vnto of flesh : for the life of all flesh is the
that man; he hath shed blood, and that blood thereof : whosoeuer eateth it,
man shall be cut off from among his shalbe cut off.
people : 15 And euery soule that eateth that
5 To the end that the children of Is- which tdied qfitselfe, or that which was t Heb. a car-
rael may bring their sacrifices, which torne with beasts^ whether it bee one of caise.
they, offer in the open field, euen that your owne countrey, or a stranger, he
they may bring them vnto the LORD, shall both wash his clothes, and bathe
vnto the doore of the Tabernacle of himselfe in water, vncleane vntill
the Congregation vnto the Priest, and the Euen : then shall he be cleane.
offer them for peace offerings vnto the 16 But if he wash them not, nor bathe
LOUD. his flesh, then he shal beare his iniquity.
Vnlawfull Leuiticus. marriages.
kednesse of thy daughter in law : shee is
C H A P . XVUI,- thy sonnes wife, thou shalt not vnco-
Vnlawfull Marriages. 1 9 Vnlawfull lusts. uer her nakednesse. .
16 *Thou shalt not vncouer the na- * Chap. 20.
Nd the L O R D spake cednesse of thy brothers wife : it is thy 21.

A vnto Moses, saying,

2 Speak e vnto the
children of Israel , and
say vnto them, I am the
Brothers nakednesse.
17 Thou shalt not vncouer the na-
iednesse of a woman and her daugh-
ter, neither shalt thou take her sonnes
LORD your God. daughter, or her daughters daughter,
3 After the doings of the land of E- to vncouer her nakednesse : For they
jypt wherein ye dwelt, shal ye not doe: are her neere kinsewomen : it is wic-
and after the doings of land of Canaan kednesse.
whither I bring you , shall ye not doe ; 18 Neither shalt thou take a wife ||to II Or, one
neither shall yee walke in their ordi- tier sister, to vexe her, to vncouer her na- wife
to ano-
nances. kednes besides the other, in her life time.
4 Ye shall doe my Judgements, and 19 * Also thou shalt not approche vn- * Chap. 20.
ceepe mine ordinances, to walke there- to a woman to vncouer her nakednes, 18.
in : I am the LORD your God. as long as shee is put apart for her vn-
* Ezek. 20. 5 * Yee shall therefore keepe my sta- cleannesse.
11. rom.
10. 5. galat. tutes, and my Judgements : which if a 520 Moreouer, thou shalt not lie car-
3. 12. man doe, hee shall liue in them : I am nally with thy neighbours wife, to de-
the LORD. file thy selfe with her.
6 1f None of you shall approche to 21 And thou shalt not let any of thy
Hebr. re- any that is tneere of kinne to him, to seed * passe through thejire to *Molech, * Chap. 20.
mainder of
his flesh. vncouer their nakednesse : I am the neither shalt thou prophane the Name 2. 2. king".
23. 10.
LORD. of thy God : I am the LORD. * Called
7 The nakednesse of thy father, or 22 Thou shalt not lie with man- Acts. Moloc.
7. 43.

the nakednesse of thy mother , shalt kinde, as with womankinde : it is abo^

thou not vncouer : she is thy mother, mination.
thou shalt not vncouer her nakednesse. 23 * Neither shalt thou lie with any * Chap. 20.
* Chap. 20.
8 *The nakednesse of thy fathers beast, to defile thy selfe therewith : nei- 15.
wife shalt thou not vncouer : it is thy fa- ther shall any woman stand before a
thers nakednesse. beast to lie downe thereto : It is con-
9 The nakednesse of thy sister, the fusion.
daughter of thy father, or daughter oi 24 Defile not you your selues in any
thy mother, whether shee be borne at of these things: for in all these, the na-
home, or borne abroad, euen their naked- tions are defiled which I cast out be*
nesse thou shalt not vncouer. fore you.
10 The nakednesse of thy sonnes 25 And the land is defiled : There*
daughter, or of thy daughters daugh- fore I doe visit the iniquitie thereof vp-
ter, euen their nakednesse thou shalt not on it, and the land it selfe vomiteth out
vncouer : for theirs Is thine owne na- her inhabitants.
kednesse. 26 Ye shall therefore keepe my Sta-
11 The nakednesse of thy fathers tutes and my Judgements, and shal
wiues daughter , begotten of thy fa- not commit any of these abominations;
ther, (she is thy sister,) thou shalt not vn- neither any of your owne .nation , nor
couer her nakednesse. any stranger that soiourneth among
« Chap. 20.
12 *Thou shalt not vncouer the na- you :
kednesse of thy fathers sister: she is thy 27 (For all these abominations haue
fathers neere kinswoman. the men of the land done, which were
13 Thou shalt not vncouer the na- before you, and the land is defiled.)
kednesse of thy mothers sister : for she is 28 That the land spew not you out
thy mothers neere kinswoman. also, when ye defile it, as it spewed- out
* Chap. 20.
14 *Thou shalt not vncouer the na- the nations that were before you.
kednesse of thy fathers brother, thou 29 For whosoeuer shall commit a-

shalt not approche to his wife : shee is ny of these abominations, euen the
thine aunt. soules that commit them, shall be cut of
* Chap. 20.
15 *Thou shalt not vncouer the na- from among their people.
30 There-
Diuers lawes, Chap.xix. and ordinances.
30 Therefore shal ye keepe mine Or- 14? f Thou shalt not curse the deafe
dinance , that ye commit not any one o *nor put a stumbling blocke before the * Deut. 27.
these abominable customes , which blind, but shalt feare thy God: I am the 16,
were committed before you, and that ye LORD.
defile not your selues therein: I am the 15 IF Ye shall doe no vnrighteousnes
LORD your God. in iudgement ; thou shalt not *respec * Aa\\t Exod.i23.
the person of the poore, nor honour the a17. and 16.
. UCUl. 1 .

person of the mightie: but in righteous- 23. 16. prou. 24

C H A P . XIX. iam. 2. 9
nesse shalt thou iudge thy neighbour.
1 A repetition of sundry Lawes. 16 IF Thou shalt not goe vp anc
Nd the LORD spake downe as a tale-bearer among thy peo-

vnto Moses, saying. ple : neither shalt thou stand against the
2 Speake vnto all the blood of thy neighbour: I am the
Congregation of the chil-
dren of Israel , and say 17 IF *Thou shalt not hate thy bro- 11. * I. loh. 2.
mat. 8. 5
* Chap. 11. vnto them, * Ye shalbe holy : for I the ther in thine heart : thou shalt in any ecclu. 19. 13 1. 16. LORD your God am holy.
44. & 20. 7. wise rebuke thy neighbour, ||and not flOU oeare
Or, that
3 IF Yee shall feare euery man his suffer sinne vpon him. not sinne for
mother, and his father, and keepe my 18 IF Thou shalt not auenge nor him.
Sabbaths : I am the L O R D your scare any grudge against the children
God. of thy people, *but thou shalt loue thy *HidMatt 6. 43
22 39.
4 IF Turne ye not vnto idoles, nor neighbor as thy selfe: I am the LOUD. rom. 13. 9.
make to your selues molten gods: I am 19 IF Yee shall keepe my Statutes: galat. 5. U.
am. 9. 8.
the LORD your God. Thou shalt not let thy cattell gender
with a diuerse kinde : Thou shalt not
5 11 And if ye offer a sacrifice of peace
offerings vnto the L O R D , ye shall sowe thy field with mingled seed : Nei-
offer it, at your owne will. ther shall a garment mingled of linnen
6 It shall be eaten the same day ye and woollen come vpon thee.
offer it, and on the morrow : and if 20 IF And whosoeuer lieth carnally
ought remaine vntill the third day, it with a woman that is a bondmaid, || be- tiy I Or, abused
any. Heb*
shalbe burnt in the fire. trothed to an husband, and not at all reproched
y Lor for}
7 And if it be eaten at all on the redeemed, nor freedome giuen her, ||she man.
t;hird day, it is abominable; it shall not
shall be scourged: they shall not be put I Or, they.
hieo. there
b>e accepted. to death, because she was not free : shall bee a
8 Therefore euery one that eateth it, 21 And he shall bring his trespasse scvwrging.
shal beare his iniquitie, because he hath
offering vnto the L O R D , vnto the
p>rophaned the halowed thing of the doore of the Tabernacle of the Congre-
LORD ; and that soule shalbe cut off gation , euen a ramme for a trespasse of-
from among his people. fering.
* Chap. 23. 9 1F And * when ye reape the bar- 22 And the Priest shall make an at-
nest of your land, thou shalt not whollyonement for him with the ramme of
reape the corners of thy field, neither the trespasse offering before the LORD
shalt thou gather the gleanings of thy for his sinne which hee hath done: and
laruest. the sinne which he hath done shall bee
10 And thou shalt not gleane thy brgiuen him.
vineyard, neither shalt thou gather eue- 23 ^F And when yee shall come in to
ry grape of thy vineyard ; thou shalt the land, and shall haue planted all ma-
leaue them for the poore and stranger: ner of trees for food, then ye shall count
i! am the LORD your God. the fruit therof as vncircumcised: three
11 1F Ye shall not steale, neither deale
yeeres shall it be as vncircumcised vnto
falsly, neither lie one to another. rou : it shall not be eaten of.
* Bxod. 20. 18 IT And ye shall not *sweare by my 24 But in the fourth yeere all the
7. deut. 6.
11. matt. 5. tfame falsly, neither shalt thou pro- Vuit thereof shall be tholy to praise the praises
Holmes of
to um
34. iam. 5. )hane the Name of thy God: I am the I.ORD withalL LORD.
^ORD. 25 And in the fift yeere shall ye eate
* Eccles. 10. 13 1F * Thou shalt not defraud thy of the fruit thereof, that it may yeelde
7. deut. 24.
14. tobi. 4 neighbour, neither rob him : the wages vnto you the increase thereof: I am the
15. of him that is hired, shal not abide with lL.ORD your God.
thee all night, vntill the morning. 26 IF Ye shall not eate any thing with
Diuers lawes, Leuiticus. and ordinances.
the blood, neither shall ye vse inchant- giueth any of his seed vnto Molech, he
ment, nor obserue times. shall surely be put to death : the people
* Chap. n. 27 * Ye shall not round the corners of the land shall stone him with stones.
of your heads, neither shalt thou marre 3 And I wil set my face against that
the corners of thy beard. man, and will cut him off from among
• Deut. 14. 28 Ye shall not *make any cuttings his people : because he hath giuen of his
1. seed vnto Molech, to defile my Sanctu-
in your flesh for the dead, nor print any
markes vpon you: I am the LORD. ary, and to prophane my holy Name.
f Heir, pro- 29 1F Doe not t prostitute thy daugh- 4 And if the people of the land doe
ter, to cause her to be a whore, lest the any wayes hide their eyes from the
land fall to whoredome , and the land man, when he giueth of his seed vnto
become full of wickednesse. Molech, and kill him not :
30 IF Ye shall keepe my Sabbaths, 5 Then I will set my face against
and reuerence my Sanctuary: I am that man, and against his family, and
the LORD. will cut him off, and all that goe a who-
31 1F Regard not them that haue fa- ring after him, to commit whoredome
miliar spirits , neither seeke after Wi- with Molech , from among their
zards, to be defiled by them : I am the people.
LORD your God. 6 1F And the soule that turneth af-
32 IF Thou shalt rise vp before the ter such as haue familiar spirits, and af-
hoary head, and honour the face of the ter wizards , to goe a whoring after
old man, and feare thy God: I am the them, I will euen set my face against
LORD. that soule, and will cut him off from a-
Exod. 22. 33 IF And * if a stranger soiourne mong his people.
with thee in your land, yee shall not 7 1F * Sanctifie your selues there- * Chap. 11.
44. and 1».
Wrpppresse ||vexe him. fore , and bee yee holy : for I am the 2. l.
* Exod. 22. 34? * But the stranger that dwelleth LORD your God. 16.
with you, shalbe as one borne amongst 8 And ye shall keepe my Statutes,
you, and thou shalt loue him as thy and do them : I am the LORD which
selfe, for ye were strangers in the land of sanctifie you.
Egypt : I am the LORD your God. 9 IF *For euery one that curseth his * Exod. 21.
17. pro. 20.
- 35 IF Ye^shall doe no vnrighteousnes father or his mother, shalbe surely put 20. matth.
in iudgment, in meteyard, in weight, or to death : hee hath cursed his father or 15. 4.
in measure. his mother; his blood shalbe vpon him.
* Prou. 11.
l. and 16.
36 *Iust ballances, iust tweights, a 10 IF And * the man that committeth * Deut. 22.
11. and 20. iust Ephah,and a iustHin shall ye haue: adulterie with another mans wife, euen 22. 4.
iohn 8.
Heb.stones. I am the L O R D your God , which he that committeth adulterie with his
brought you out of the land of Egypt. neighbours wife, the adulterer, and
37 Therefore shall ye obserue all my the adulteresse shall surely bee put to
Statutes , and all my ludgements, death.
and doe them : I am the LORD. 11 * And the man that lieth with his * Chap. 18
fathers wife, hath vncouered his fa- 8.
thers nakednesse : both of them shal-
C H A P . XX. be put to death; their blood shalbe vpon
1 Of him that giueth of his seed to Molech. 4 them.
of him that fauoureth such an one. 6 Oi 12 And if a man lie with his daugh-
going to Wizards. 1 Of sanctification. 9 ter in law, both of them shall surely be
Of him that curseth his parents. 10 Of adul- put to death : they haue wrought con-
terie. 11. 14. 17. 19 Of Incest. 13 Of So- fusion ; their blood shall be vpon them.
domie. 15 Of Beastialitie. ISOfvnclean-
nesse. 22 Obedience is required with holi- 13 *If a man also lie with mankind, 23. * Chap. 18.
nesse. 27 Wizards must be put to death. as hee lyeth with a woman f both of
them haue committed an abomina-
Nd the LORD spake tion : they shall surely be put to death;
* Chap. 18.
A vnto Moses, saying,
2* Againe, thou shalt
say to the children of Is-
raej. Whosoeuer he be of
their blood shalbe vpon them.
14 And if a man take a wife, and her
mother, it is wickednesse: They shalbe
burnt with fire, both he and they, that
the children of Israel, or of the stran- there be no wickednesse among you.
gers that soiourne in Israel, that 15 * And if a man lie with a beast, he * Chap. 18.
Diuers lawes, Chap.xxj. and ordinances.
shall surely be put to death : and ye shall I the LORD am holy, & haue seuerec
slay the beast. you from other people, that ye should be
16 And if a woman approch vnto a- mine.
ny beast, and lie downe thereto, thou 27 IF *A man also or woman tha *11.Deut. 18.
shalt kill the woman and the beast : they hath a familiar spirit, or that is a wiz- 28. 7.
shall surely be put to death, their blooc zard, shall surely be put to death : they
shalbe vpon them. shall stone them with stones : their
17 And if a man shall take his sister, blood shalbe vpon them.
his fathers daughter , or his mothers
daughter, and see her nakednesse, and
she see his nakednesse , it is a wicked C T.T A "D "V "V T
thing, and they shall bee cut off in the 1 Of the Priests mourning. 6 Of their holi-
sight of their people: he hath vncouered nesse, 8 Of their estimation. 7. 13 Of their
Mariages. 16 The Priests that haue blemi-
his sisters nakednesse, he shall beare his shes must not minister in the Sanctuarie.
* Chap. 18. 18 * And if a man shall lie with a wo- Nd the LORD said vnto

man hauing her sickenesse, and shal vn- Moses ; Speake vnto the
t Heb. made couer her nakednesse: he hath tdiscoue- Priests the sonnes of Aa-
red her fountaine, and she hath vncoue- ron, and say vnto them,
red the fountaine of her blood: and There shall none be defi-
both of them shall bee cut off from a- led for the dead among his people :
mong their people. 2 But for his kinne, that is neere
19 And thou shalt not vncouer the na- vnto him, that is, for his mother, and for
kednesse of thy mothers sister, nor of thy lis father , and for his sonne , and for
fathers sister: for hee vncouereth his lis daughter, and for his brother,
neere kinne : they shall beare their ini- 3 And for his sister a virgin, that is
quitie. nigh vnto him, which hath had no hus-
20 And if a man shall lie with his )and : for her may he be defiled.
vncles wife, he hath vncouered his vn- 4> But hee shall not defile himselfe
cles nakednesse : they shall beare their | being a chiefe man among his people, Ihusband
sinne, they shall die childlesse. ;o prophane himselfe. mong-his
21 And if a man shall take his bro- 5 * They shall not make baldnesse shall people hee
not de-
Heb. a se- tthers wife, it is tan vncleane thing : hee vpon their head , neither shall they file himselfe
paralion. or his wife
hath vncouered his brothers naked- shaue off the corner of their beard, nor &c.
nesse, they shall be childlesse. make any cuttings in their flesh : * Chap. 19.
22 If Ye shall therefore keepe all my 6 They shalbe holy vnto their God, 7.
* Chap. 18. * Statutes, and all my Judgements, and not profane the name of their God:
and doe them : that the lande whither or the offrings of the LORD made by
* Chap. 18. [ bring you to dwell therein, *spue you fire, and the bread of their God they doe
not out. offer : therefore they shall be holy.
23 And ye shall not walke in the ma- 7 They shall not take a wife that is
ners of the nation, which I cast out be- a whore, or profane, neither shall they
fore you : for they committed all these t;ake a woman put away from her hus-
* Deut. 9. 5, things, & * therefore I abhorred them. >and : for he is holy vnto his God.
24 But I haue said vnto you, Yee 8 Thou shalt sanctifie him therfore.
shall inherit their land, and I will giue for he offereth the bread of thy God: he
it vnto you, to possesse it, a land that shalbe holy vnto thee : for I the LORD
floweth with millce and hony: I am the which sanctifie you, am holy.
LORD your God, which haue sepa- 9 11 And the daughter of any Priest,
rated you from other people. if she profane her selfe, by playing the
* Chap. 11.
2. d^ut 14.
25 * Ye shall therefore put difference whore , she profaneth her father : shee
4. b)etweene cleane beasts, and vncleane, shall be burnt with fire.
and betweene vncleane foules , and 10 Arid he that is the high Priest a-
cleane: & ye shall not make your soules mong his brethren, vpon whose head
abominable by beast or by foule, or by the anointing oyle was powred , and
il Or, moueth any maner of liuing thing, that ||cree- that is consecrated to put on the gar-
p>eth on the ground , which I haue se- ments, shall not vncouer his head, nor
* Chap. 19. rrated from you as vncleane. rent his clothes :
2. and 20. 7. 26 And ye shal be holy vnto me: *for
1. pet. 1.18. 11 Neither shall he goe in to any dead
Diuers lawes, Leuiticus. and ordinances.
body, nor defile himselfe for his father, Nd the LORD spake vn-

or for his mother : t° Moses, saying,
12 Neither shall hee goe out of the ^ Speake vnto Aa-
Sanctuary, nor prophane the Sanctu- ron 9 and to his sonnes,
ary of his God ; for the crowne of the that they separate them-
anointing oile of his God is vpon him : selues from the holy things of the chil-
I am the LORD. dren of Israel , and that they prophane
13 And he shall take a wife in her vir- not my holy Name,m those things which
ginitie. they halow vnto me : I am the LORD.
14? A widow, or a diuorced woman, 3 Say vnto them, Whosoeuer he be
or prophane, or an harlot, these shall he of all your seed, among your generati-
not take : but he shall take a virgine of ons, that goeth vnto the holy things,
his owne people to wife. which the children of Israel hallow
15 Neither shal he prophane his seed vnto the LORD, hauing his vnclean-
among his people: for I the LORD nesse vpon him, that soule shalbe cut off
doe sanctifie him. from my presence : I am the LORD.
16 IF And the LORD spake vnto 4t What man soeuer of the seed of
Moses, saying, Aaron is a leper, or hath a t running t Hebr. run-
17 Speake vnto Aaron , saying, issue, he shall not eat of the holy things, ning
of the
Whosoeuer he be of thy seed in their ge- vntill he be cleane. And * who so touch- * Chap. 15.
nerations, that hath any blemish , let eth any thing that is vncleane by the 2.
H Or, food. him not approche to offer the || bread of dead, or a man whose seed goeth from
his God : him :
18 For whatsoever nian hee be that 5 Or whosoeuer toucheth any cree-
hath a blemish, he shall not approche: a ping thing , whereby he may be made
blind man, or a lame, or he that hath a vncleane, or a man of whom hee may
* Chap. 22. flat nose, or any thing * superfluous, take vncleannesse , whatsoeuer vn-
19 Or a man that is broken footed, cleannesse he hath :
or broken handed, 6 The soule which hath touched
II Or, too £0 Or crooke-backt, or a ||dwarfe, or any such, shalbe vncleane vntill Euen,
that hath a blemish in his eye , or be and shall not eate of the holy things.
scuruy, or scabbed, or hath his stones vnlesse he wash his flesh with water.
broken : 7 And when the Sunne is downe,
21 No man that hath a blemish, of he shall be cleane, and shall afterward
the seed of Aaron the Priest, shall come eate of the holy things, because it is his
nigh to offer the offrmgs of the LORD f> i
made by fire: he hath a blemish; he shall 8 * That which dieth of it selfe, or is * Exod. 22.
not come nigh to offer the bread of his torne with beasts, hee shall not eate to 31. ezech.
44. 31.
God. defile himselfe therewith : I am the
22 He shall eat the bread of his God, LORD.
both of the most Holy, and of the holy: 9 They shall therefore keepe mine
23 Onely he shall not goe in vnto Ordinance, lest they beare sinne for it,
the Vaile, nor come nigh vnto the Al- and die therefore, if they prophane it: I
tar, because he hath a blemish, that he the LORD doe sanctifie them.
prophane not my Sanctuaries : for I 10 There shall no stranger eat of the
the LORD doe sanctifie them. holy thing ; a soiourner of the Priests,
24 And Moses told it vnto Aaron, or an hired seruant shall not eate of the
and to his sonnes, and vnto all the chil- Koly thing.
dren of Israel. 11 But if the Priest buy any soule
twith his money, he shall eat of it, and t Hebr. with
he that is borne in his house : they shall the purchase
of his money.
C H A P . XXII. eat of his meat.
12 If the Priests daughter also bee
1 The Priests in their vncleannesse must ab- married vnto ta stranger, she may not \ Heb.aman
staine from the holy things. 6 How they eate of an offering of the holy things. a stranger.
shall bee cleansed. 6 Who of the Priests 18 But if the Priests daughter be a
house may eate of the holy things. 17 The
sacrifices must be without blemish. 26 The widow, or diuorced, and haue no childe,
age of the sacrifice. 29 The law of eating and is returned vnto her fathers house,
the sacrifice of thankesgiuing. *as in her youth, she shall eat of her fa- * Chap. 10.
thers 14.
What oblations Chap.xxiij. muft be offred.
thers meat, but there shall no stranger seuen dayes vnder the damme , and
' eate thereof. from the eight day and thencefoorth, it
14 IF And if a man eate of the holy shal be accepted for an offering rnade by
thing vnwittingly, then he shall put the fire vnto the LORD.
5ft part thereof vnto it, and shall giue it 28 And whether it be cowe or ||ewe, II Or, shee
vnto the Priest, with the holy thing. fe shall not kill it, *and her yong, both goat.
* Deu. 22. (r
15 And they shall not profane the n one day.
loly things of the children of Israel, 29 And when yee will offer a sacri-
which they offer vnto the LORD : fice of thankesgiuing vnto the LORD,
II Or, lade 16 Or || suffer them to beare the ini- offer it at your owne will.
with the ini- quitie of trespasse, when they eate their 30 On the same day it shall be eaten
quity oftres- loly things: for I the LORD do san- vp, ye shall leaue * none of it vntill the *5.Chap. 7.
eating. ctifie them. morrow : I am the LORD.
17 f And the L O R D spake vnto 31 Therefore shall ye keepe my Com-
Moses, saying, mandements, and doe them : I am the
18 Speake vnto Aaron and to his LORD.
sonnes, and vnto all the children of Is- 32 Neither shal ye * profane my holy *1. Leuit. 10.
rael, and say vnto them, Whatsoeuer Name, but I will be hallowed among
le be of the house of Israel, or of the the children of Israel : I am the LORD
strangers in Israel, that will offer his which hallow you,
oblation for all his vowes, and for all 33 That brought you out of the land
lis free will offerings, which they will of Egypt, to be your God : I am the
offer vnjo the LORD for a burnt offe- LORD.
19 Ye shot offer at your ownewil a male C H A P . XXIII.
without blemish, of the beeues, of the 1 The feasts of the Lord. 3 The Sabbath. 4
sheepe, or of the goats. The Passeouer. 9 The Sheafe of first fruits.
20 But whatsoeuer hath a blemish, 15 The Feast of Pentecost. 22 Gleanings to
that shall ye not offer: for it shall not be be left for the poore. 23 The Feast of Trum-
pets. 26 The day of atonement. 33 The
acceptable for you. Feast of Tabernacles.
* Deut. 15.
21. & 17. 1.
£1 *And whosoeuer offereth a sacri-
fice of peace offerings vnto the LORD, Nd the LORD spake vn-

to accomplish his vow, or a free will of- to Moses, saying,
U Or, goats. fring in beeues or || sheepe, it shalbe per- 2 Speake vnto the chil-
fect, to be accepted : there shall be no ble- dren of Israel, and say vn-
mish therein. to them, Concerning the
££ Blind, or broken, or maimed, or feasts of the L O R D , which yee shall
hauing a wenne, or scuruie, or scabbed, proclaime to be holy conuocations, euen
ye shal not offer these vnto the LORD, these are my feasts.
nor make an offring by fire of them vp- 3 *Sixe dayes shall worke be done, * Kxo. 20. 9
deut. 5. 13.
on the Altar vnto the LORD. but the seuenth day is the Sabbath of luke 13. 14.
11 Or, kidde. 23 Either a bullocke, or a ||lambe that rest, an holy conuocation; ye shall doe
* Chap. 21. hath any thing * superfluous or lacking
no worke therein : it is the Sabbath of
in his parts, that mayest thou offer for the LORD in all your dwellings.
a free will offring : but for a vow it shal 4? IT These are the feastes of the
not be accepted. LORD, euen holy conuocations, which
24 Ye shal not offer vnto the LORD ye shall proclaime in their seasons.
that which is bruised, or crushed, or bro- 5 *In the fourteenth day of the first * Exod. 12.
18. num. 28
ken, or cut, neither shall you make any moneth at euena is the LORDS Passe- 17.
offering thereof in your land. ouer,
25 Neither from a strangers hand 6 And on the fifteenth day of the
shall ye offer the bread of your God of same moneth, is the feast of vnleauened
any of these ; because their corruption bread vnto the LORD: seuen dayes
is in them, and blemishes bee in them : ye must eate vnleauened bread.
they shall not be accepted for you. 7 In the first day ye shall haue an
2o f And the L O R D spake holy conuocation : ye shall do no se^uile
Moses, saying, worke therein.
27 When a bullocke, or a sheepe, or 8 But ye shal offer an offring made
a goat is brought forth, then it shall bee by fire vnto the LORD seuen dayes;
The firft fruites. Leuiticus. Solemne feafts, and
in the seuenth day is an holy conuocati- waue-offting before the LORD, with
on,Ye shall doe no seruile worke therein. the two lambs : they shalbe holy to the
9 f And the L O R D spake vnto LORD for the Priests.
Moses, saying, 21 And ye shal proclaime on the selfe
10 Speake vnto the children of Is- same day, that it may be an holy conuo-
rael, and say vnto them, When yee be cation vnto you : ye shall doe no seruile
come into the land which I giue vnto worke therein : it shall be a statute for euer
you, and shal reape the haruest thereof. in all your dwellings throughout your
H Or* hand- then ye shall bring a ||sheafe of the first generations.
full: Hebr.
an Omer. fruits of your haruest vnto the Priest : 22 ^ And * when ye reape the har- * Chap. 19.
11 And hee shall waue the sheafe be- uest of your land, thou shall not make 9.
fore the LORD to be accepted for you : cleane riddance of the corners of the
on the morrow after the Sabbath the field, when thou reapest, * neither shalt1Q * Deut. 24.
Priest shall waue it. thou gather any gleaning of thy har-
12 And ye shall offer that day, wheto uest : thou shalt leaue them vnto the
ye waue the sheafe, an hee lambe with- poore, and to the stranger : I am the
out blemish of the first yeere, for a burnt LORD your God.
offering vnto the LORD. 23 f And the LORD spake vnto
13 And the meat offring thereof shall Moses, saying,
be two tenth deales of fine flowre, min- 24 Speake vnto the children of Is-
gled with oile, an offering made by fire rael, saying, In the * seuenth moneth, i>• Num. 29.
vnto the LORD, for a sweet sauour: in the first day of the moneth shall yee
and the drinke offering thereof shalbe of haue a Sabbath, a memoriall of blow-
wine, the fourth part of an Hin. ing of trumpets, an holy conuocation.
1 4 And ye shall eate neither bread, 25 Ye shall do no seruile worke there-
nor parched corne, nor greene eares, in ; but ye shall offer an offering made
vntill the selfe same day that yee haue by fire vnto the LORD.
brought an offering vnto your God : 26 IF And the LORD spake vnto
It shalbe a statute for euer, throughout Moses, saying,
your generations , in all your dwel- 27 * Also on the tenth day of this se- 30. * Chap. 16.
lings. uenth moneth, there shalbe a day of at- 29. 7-
* Deut. 16.
15 f And *ye shall count vnto you onement, it shalbe an holy conuocation
from the morrow after the Sabbath, vnto you, & ye shall afflict your soules,
from the day that ye brought the sheafe and offer an offering made by fire vnto
of the waue offering; seuen Sabbaths the LORD.
shalbe complete. 28 And ye shall doe no worke in that
16 Euen vnto the morrow after the same day : for it is a day of atonement,
seuenth Sabbath, shall ye number fifty to make an atonement for you, before
dayes, and ye shall offer a new meat of- the LORD your God.
fering vnto the LORD. 29 For whatsoeuer soule it bee that
17 Ye shall bring out of your habita- shall not bee afflicted in that same day,
tions two waue-loaues, of two tenth hee shall bee cut off from among his
deales : they shalbe of fine flowre, they people.
shall be baken with leauen, they are the 30 And whatsoeuer soule it bee that
first fruits vnto the LORD. doeth any worke in that same day, the
18 And ye shall offer with the bread same soule will I destroy from among
seuen lambes without blemish, of the his people.
first yeere, and one yong bullocke and 31 Ye shall doe no maner of worke :
two rammes : they shall be for a burnt it shall be a statute for euer throughout
offering vnto the LORD, with their your generations, in all your dwel-
meat offring and their drinke offrings, lings.
euen an offering made by fire of sweet 32 It shalbe vnto you a Sabbath of
sauour vnto the LORD. rest, and yee shall afflict y6ur soules in
19 Then ye shall sacrifice one kid of the ninth day of the moneth at Euen,
the goates, for a sinne offering, and two from Euen vnto Euen shall ye t cele- \Hebr.rtst.
lambes of the first yeere, for a sacrifice of brate your Sabbath.
peace offerings. 33 1F And the LORD spake vnto
20 And the Priest shall waue them Moses, saying,
with the bread of the first fruits, for a 34 Speake vnto the children of
holy conuocations. Chap.xxiiij. The Shewbread.
* Num. 29. Israel, saying, * The fifteenth day of Nd the LORD spake vn-

12. iohn 7.
37. this seuenth moneth, shall be the feast of to Moses, saying,
Tabernacles for seuen dayes vnto the 2 Command the chil-
LORD. dren of Israel, that they
oo On the nrst day shcilbc an holy con- bring vnto thee pure oyle
uocation : ye shall doe no seruile worke Oliue, beaten, for the light, tto cause the cause
t Hebr. to
to as-
therein. lampes to burne continually. cend.
86 Seuen dayes ye shall offer an of- 3 Without the Vaile of the Testi-
fring made by fire vnto the LORD, on monie, in the Tabernacle of the Con-
the eight day shall be an holy conuocati- gregation, shal Aaron order it from the
on vnto you, and ye shall offer an offe- euening vnto the morning, before the
ring made by fire vnto the LORD : It LORD continually: It shall be a Sta-
t Heb. day is a tsolemne assembly, and ye shall doe tute for euer in your generations.
of restraint.
no seruile worke therein. 4 He shall order the lampes vpon
37 These are the feasts of the LORD * the pure Candlesticke before the *Exo. 31.8
which ye shall proclaime to be holy con- LORD continually.
uocations, to offer an offering made by 5 H And thou shalt take fine flowre,
fire vnto the LORD, a burnt offering, and bake twelue * cakes thereof: two * Exod. 25.
and a meat offering, a sacrifice, & drinke tenth deales shall be in one cake.
offerings, euery thing vpon his day; 6 And thou shalt set them in two
38 Beside the Sabbaths of the rowes, sixe on a row vpon the pure Ta-
LORD, and beside your gifts, and be- ble, before the LORD.
side all your vowes, and beside all your 7 And thou shalt put pure frankin-
free will offerings, which ye giue vnto cense vpon ech row, that it may bee on
the LORD. the bread for a memoriall, euen an offe-
39 Also in the fifteenth day of the se- ring made by fire vnto the LORD.
uenth moneth when yee haue gathered 8 Euery Sabbath he shall set it in
in the fruit of the land, ye shall keepe a order before the L O R D continually,
feast vnto the LORD seuen dayes. On being taken from the children of Israel
the first day shall bee a Sabbath, and on by an euerlasting couenant.
the eight day shall bee a Sabbath. 9 And *it shall be Aarons and his * Exod. 2.9.
33. chap. fl.
40 And ye shall take you on the first sonnes, and they shall eate it in the holy 31. mat. 12.
t Heb. fruit. day the tboughes of goodly trees, bran- place: for it is most holy vnto him, of the 1,6.
ches of Palme trees, and the boughes offerings of the LORD made by fire,
of thicke trees, and willowes of the by a perpetuall statute.
brooke, and yee shall reioyce before the 10 f And the sonne of an Israelitish
LORD your God seue.n dayes. woman, whose father was an Egypti-
41 And yee shall keepe it a feast vnto an, went out among the children of Is-
the LORD seuen dayes in the yeere: rael : and this sonne of the Israelitish
It shalbe a Statute for euer in your ge- woman, and a man of Israel stroue to-
nerations, ye shall celebrate it in the se- gether in the campe.
uenth moneth. 11 And the Israelitish womans sonne
42 Ye shall dwell in boothes seuen blasphemed the name of the L O R D ,
dayes: all that are Israelites borne, and cursed, and they brought him vnto
shall dwell in boothes ; Moses: and his mothers name was
43 That your generations may Shelomith, the daughter of Dibri, of
know that I made the children of Is- the tribe of , Dan.
rael to dwell in boothes , when I 12 And they *put him in ward, tthat * Numb. 15
brought them out of the land of Egypt: the minde of the L O R D might bee \Heb. to ex-
I am the LORD your God. shewed them. pound vnto
them occor-
44 And Moses declared vnto the 13 H And the LORD spake vnto Mo- ding to the
mouth of the
children of Israel the feaste_s of the ses, saying, LORD.
LORD. 14 Bring forth him that hath cursed,
without the Campe , and let all that
C H A P . XXIIII. heard him, * lay their hands vpon his * Deut. 13.
head , and let all the Congregation 9. and 17. 7
1 The oyle for the lampes. 5 The Shewbread. stone him.
10 Shelomiths sonne blasphemeth. 13 The
Law of Blasphemie. 17 Of Murther. 18 Of 15 And thou shalt speake vnto the
Damage. 23 The blasphemer is stoned. children of Israel, saying, Whosoeuer
Againft murder. Leuiticus. The labile.
curseth his God, shall beare his sinne. accord of thy haruest , thou shalt not
16 And hee that blasphemeth the reape, neither gather the grapes t of thy (• Hebr. of
'hy separati-
Name of the LORD, he shall surely Vine vndressed: for it is a yeere of rest ons.
be put to death , and all the Congrega- vnto the land.
tion shall certainely stone him: Aswell 6 And the Sabbath of the land shall
the stranger , as he that is borne in the be meat for you ; for thee, and for thy ser-
land, when he blasphemeth the Name uant, and for thy mayd, and for thy hi-
of the LORD, shall be put to death. red seruant, and for the stranger that so-
* Exod. 91. 17 f * And he that t killeth any man,
12. deu. 19.
iourneth with thee,
21. shall surely be put to death. 7 And for thy cattel, and for the beast
t Hebr smi- 18 And he that killeth a beast, shall that are in thy land, shal all the encrease
teth the life
of a man. make it good ; t beast for beast. thereof be meat.
t Hebr. life 19 And if a man cause a blemish in 8 11 And thou shalt number seuen
for life.
* Exod. 21. his neighbour; as *he hath done, so shal Sabbaths of yeeres vnto thee, seuen
24. deu. 19.
31. matth. it be done to him : times seuen yeeres, and the space of the
5. 38. 20 Breach, for breach, eye for eye, seuen Sabbaths of yeeres, shall be vn-
tooth for tooth: as he hath caused a ble- to thee fourtie and nine yeeres.
mish in a man, so shall it be done to him 9 Then shalt thou cause the trum-
againe. t Hebr.
pet t of the lubile to sound, on the tenth lowde oj
21 And hee that killeth a beast, hee day of the seuenth moneth; in the day of sound.
shall restore it : and hee that killeth a atonement shall ye make the trumpet
man, he shall be put to death. sound throughout all your land.
* Exod. 12. 22 Ye shall haue *one maner of law, 10 And ye shall hallow the fiftieth
aswell for the stranger, as for one of yeere, and proclaime libertie through-
your owne countrey : for I am the out all the land, vnto al the inhabitants
LORD your God. thereof: It shalbe a lubile vnto you,
23 U And Moses spake to the children and ye shall returne euery man vnto
of Israel, that they should bring foorth his possession, and ye shall returne eue-
him that had cursed, out of the Campe, ry man vnto his family.
and stone him with stones: and the chil- 11 A lubile shall tnat fiftieth yeere
dren of Israel did as the LORD com- be vnto you : Ye shall not sow, neither
manded Moses. reape that which groweth of it selfe in
it, nor gather the grapes in it of thy Vine
C TT A p YYV 12 For it is the lubile, it shall be ho-
1 The Sabbath of the seuenth yeere. 8 The ly vnto you : ye shall eate the encrease
lubile in the fiftieth yeere. 14 Of oppres- tnereof out of the field.
sion. I S A blessing of obedience. 23 The 13 In the yeere of this lubile yee
redemption of land, 29 Of houses. 35
Compassion of the poore* 39 The vsage of shall returne euery man vnto his pos-
1 11 A. 1 »

bondmen. 47 The redemption of seruants. session.

14 And if thou sell ought vnto thy
Nd the LORD spake vn- neighbour, or buyest ought of thy

A t° Moses in Mount Si-

naij saying,
2 Speake vnto the chil-
ddrf*n of Isrftpl find sav vn
neighbours hand, ye shall not oppresse
one another.
15 According to the number of yeres
after the lubile, thou shalt buy of thy
to them : When yee come into the land neighbour, and according vnto the
which I giue you, then shall the land number of yeeres of the fruits, he shall tkeepe *a Sabbath vnto the LORD. sell vnto thee.
* Exod. 23. 3 Sixe yeeres thou shalt sow thy
10. 16 According to the multitude of
field, and sixe yeeres thou shalt prune yeeres, thou shalt encrease the price
thy Vineyard, and gather in the fruit thereof, and according to the fewnesse
thereof. of yeeres, thou shalt diminish the price
4 But in the seuenth yeere shalbe a of it : for according to the number of the
Sabbath of rest vnto the land, a Sab- yeeres of the fruites doeth hee sell vnto
bath for the LORD : thou shalt nei- thee.
ther sow thy field, nor prune thy Vine- 17 Yee shall not therefore oppresse
yard. one another ; but thou shalt feare thy
5 That which groweth of it owne God : For I am the LORD your God.
18 1T Where-
Redeeming of Chap.xxv. lands and houfes.
18 1F Wherefore ye shall do my Sta- of their possession, may the Leuites re-
tutes, and keepe my ludgements, and deeme at any time.
doe them, and ye shall dwell in the land 33 And if || a man purchase of the H Or, one of
in safetie. Leuites, then the house that was sold. the Leuites
19 And the land shall yeeld her fruit, and the citie of his possession shall goe them.
and ye shal eat your fill, and dwell ther- out in the yeere of lubile : for the hou-
in in safetie. ses of the cities of the Leuites are their
20 And if ye shall say, What shall possession among the children of Is-
we eate the seuenth yeere ? Behold, we rael.
shall not sow , nor gather in our in- 34? But the field of the suburbs of
crease : their cities may not be sold, for it is their
21 Then I will command my bles- perpetuall possession.
sing vpon you in the sixt yeere, and it 35 f And if thy brother bee waxen
shall bring forth fruit for three yeeres. poore, and t fallen in decay with thee, t Hebr. his
22 And ye shall sow the eight yeere, then thou shalttrelieue him, yea though hand/aileth
t Hebr.
and eat yet of old fruit, vntill the ninth he be a stranger, or a soiourner, that hee strengthen.
yeere : vntill her fruits come in, ye shall may Hue with thee.
eate of the old store. 36 * Take thou no vsurie of him, or * Exod. 22.
25. deut. 23
II Or, to bee 23 If The land shall not be sold ||for increase : but feare thy God, that thy 1 9. pro. 28. 8
quite cut off. ezek. is. 8
Hebr.for euer : for the land is mine, for ye were brother may Hue with thee. and 22. 12.
cutting off. strangers and soiourners with me. 37 Thou shalt not giue him thy mo-
24 And in all the land of your pos- ney vpon vsurie, nor lend him thy vic-
session, ye shall grant a redemption for tuals for increase.
the land; 38 I am the LOED your God,
25 f If thy brother be waxen poore, which brought you foorth out of the
and hath sold away some of his posses- land of Egypt, to giue you the land of
sion, and if any of his kinne come to re- Canaan, and to be your God.
deeme it, then shall hee redeeme that 39 If And * if thy brother that dwel- * Exo. 21.2.
deut. 15. 12
which his brother sold. leth by thee be waxen poore, and be sold ierem. 34.
26 And if the man haue none to re- vnto thee, thou shalt not tcompell him t14.Heb. serue
t Hebr. his deeme it, and thimselfe bee able to re-
hand hath,
to serue as a bond seruant. thy seife
deeme it : 40 But as an hired seruant, and as with with him
attained, the ser-
and/ound 27 Then let him count the yeeres of a soiourner he shall be with thee, and uice, <£•£.
the sale therof, and restore the ouerplus shall serue thee vnto the yere of lubile.
vnto the man, to whom he sold it, that 41 And then shall hee depart from
he may returne vnto his possession. thee, both he and his children with him,
28 But if he be not able to restore it and shall returne vnto his owne fami-
to him, then that which is sold, shall re- lie , and vnto the possession of his fa-
maine in the hand of him that hath thers shall he returne.
bought it, vntill the yeere of lubile: 42 For they are my seruants, which
and in the lubile it shall goe out, and I brought forth out of the land of E-
he shall returne vnto his possession. gypt: they shall not be sold tas bond the t Hebr. with
sale of a
29 And if a man sell a dwelling house men. bondman.
in a walled citie, then he may redeeme it 43 *Thou shalt not rule ouer him • Ephe. 6. 9.
within a whole yeere after it is solde : with rigour, but shalt feare thy God. coloss. 4. 1.
within a full yeere may he redeeme it. 44 Both thy bondmen , and thy
30 And if it be not redeemed within bondmaids, which thou shalt haue,
the space of a full yeere, then the house shall be of the Heathen, that are round
that is in the walled citie, shall be stabli- about you : of them shall ye buy bond-
shed for euer to him that bought it, men and bondmaids.
throughout his generations : it shall 45 Moreouer, of the children of the
not goe out in the lubile. strangers that do soiourne among you.
31 But the houses of the villages of them shall ye buy, and of their fami-
which haue no walles round about lies that artfwith you, which they begat
them, shall bee counted as the fields of in your land : and they shalbe your pos-
t Hebr. r*. the countrey : tthey may ee redeemed, session.
belonpHh and they shall goe out in the lubile. 46 And ye shall take them as an in- t Hebr. ys>
vnto it. 32 Notwithstanding , the cities of heritance for your children after you, to shall tente
your seluit
the Leuites, and the houses of the cities inherite them for a possession, tthey shal with them.
Of redemption. Leuiticus. Blefsings promifed.
>ee your bondmen for euer : but ouer IIIImage of stone in your land, to bowI «-,'•' Or, figured
your brethren the children of Israel, ye dlowne vnto it : For I am the LORD alone. Hear,
stone of pi-
shall not rule one ouer another with your God. cture.
rigour. £ * Ye shal keepe my Sabbaths, and 30. * Chap. 19.
47 H And if a soiourner or stranger reuerence my Sanctuary : I am the
t Hebr. his r waxe rich by thee, and thy brother that lLORD.
TI*fC. dwelleth by him waxe poore, and sell 3 IF * If ye walke in my Statutes, * Deut. 28.
limselfe vnto the stranger or soiourner and keepe my Commandements, and
)y thee, or to the stocke of the strangers doe them ;
family : 4 Then I will giue you raine in
48 After that he is sold, hee may be due season , and the land shall veeld her
redeemed againe : one of his brethren increase, and the trees of the field shall
may redeeme him. yeeld their fruit.
49 Either his vncle, or his vncles 5 And your threshing shall reach
sonne may redeeme him, or any that is vnto the vintage, and the vintage shall
nigh of kinne vnto him, of his family, reach vnto the sowing time : and yee
may redeeme him : or if he be able, hee shal eat your bread to the full, and *dwel Mobil.
may redeeme himselfe. in your land safely.
50 And he shall reckon with him 6 And I wil giue peace in the land,
that bought him, from the yeere that and ye shall lye downe, and none shall
he was sold to him , vnto the yeere of make you afraid: and I will trid euill '•oHeb.cease.
lubile, and the price of his sale shalbe seasts out of the land, * neither shall the •lob n.
according vnto the number of yeeres, sword goe through your land. 19.
according to the time of an hired ser- 7 And ye shall chase your enemies,
uant shall it be with him. and they shall fall before you by the
51 If there be yet many yeeres be- sword.
binde, according vnto them hee shall 8 And *fiue of you shal chase an hun- * losh. 23.
*iue againe the price of his redemp- dred , and an hundred of you shall put 10.
tion , out of the money that hee was ten thousand to flight : and your ene-
bought for. mies shall fall before you by the sword.
52 And if there remaine but few 9 For I wil haue respect vnto you,
yeeres vnto the yeere of lubile > then he and make you fruitfull, and multiply
shall count with him,and according vn- you, & establish my couenant with you.
to his yeeres shall he giue him againe 10 And yee shall eate old store , anc
the price of his redemption. bring forth the old, because of the new.
53 And as a yeerely hired seruani 11 *And I will set my Tabernacle * Ezech. 37
shall he be with him : and the other shal amongst you : and my soule shall not 26.
not rule with rigour ouer him in thy abhorre you.
sight. 12 *And I will walke among you, * 2 Cor. 6.
\\0r,bythes 54 And if hee be not redeemed ||in
and will be your God, and ye shall be 16.
these yeereS) then he shall goe out in the my people.
yeere of lubile, both he, and his children 13 I am the L O R D your God
with him. which brought you forth out of the lane
55 For vnto me the children of Isra- of Egypt, that yee should not be their
el are seruants, they are my seruants bondmen, & I haue broken the bandes
whom I brought forth out of the lam of your yoke, and made you go vpright
of Egypt : I am the LORD your God. 14 11 * But if ye will not hearken vn * Deut. 28.
to me , and will not doe all these Com- 2.15 17. lament.
mandements : 2.2.
15 And if ye shall despise my Sta
1 Of Idolatry. 2 Religiousnes. 3 A blessing tutes , or if your soule abhorre my
to them that keepe the Commandements. 1<
A curse to those that breake them. 40 God ludgements, so that ye wil not doe al
promised) to remember them that repent.' my Commaundements , but that yee
breake my Couenant :
* Exo'd. w

*-*G snail maKe you w no 16 I also will doe this vnto you, ]

4, deut. 5. 8
and 16. 22. Idoles nor grauen I- will euen appoint toner you terrour t Hebr. vpon
psal. 97. 7- mage , neither reare you consumption , and the burning ague you.
I Or, pillar. vp a || standing image, nei- that shall consume the eyes, and cause
ther shall yee set vp any sorrow of heart : and ye shall sow your
Plagues threatned Chap.xxvj. for diibbedience.
seede in vaine , for your enemies shall 31 And I wil make your cities waste,
eate it. and bring your sanctuaries vnto deso-
17 And I will set my face against ation, and I will not smell the sauour
you, and ye shall be slaine before your e- of your sweet odours.
nemies : they that hate you shall reigne 32 And I will bring the land into de-
* Pro, 28. i. ouer you, and *ye shall flee when none solation : and your enemies which dwel
mrsueth you. therein, shall be astonished at it.
18 And if ye will not yet for all this 33 And I will scatter you among
learken vnto me, then I will punish the heathen, and will draw out a sword
you seuen times more for your sinnes. after you : and your land shall be deso-
19 And I will breake the pride of ate, and your cities waste.
your power, and I will make your 34 Then shall the lande enioy her
tieauen as yron , and your earth as Sabbaths, as long as it Heth desolate,
brasse : and yee be in your enemies land, euen
20 And your strength shall be spent then shall the land rest, and enioy her
in vaine : for your land shall not yeeld Sabbaths.
tier increase , neither shall the trees of 35 As long as it lieth desolate, it shall
the land .yeeld their fruits. rest : because it did not rest in your Sab-
n Or, at all 21 IT And if yewalke || contrary vnto baths, when ye dwelt vpon it.
with me, $ me, and will not hearken vnto mee, I 36 And vpon them that are left a-
so verse 24. will bring seuen times moe plagues vp- liue of you, I will send a faintnesse into
on you, according to your sinnes. their hearts in the lands of their ene-
22 I will also send wilde beasts a- mies, and the sound of a t shaken leafe ven. t Heb. dri-
mong you, which shall rob you of your shall chase them, and they shall flee, as
children, and destroy your cattell, and fleeing from a sword: and they shall
make you few in number, and your high fall, when none pursueth.
wayes shall be desolate. 37 And they shall fall one vpon ano-
23 And if ye will not be reformed by ther, as it were before a sword, when
these things, but will walke contrary none pursueth : and yee shall haue no
vnto me : power to stand before your enemies.
* 2. Sam.
no o*f ncnl
££• At* J>5«1.
24 * Then will I also walke con- 38 And yee shall perish among the
18. 26. trary vnto you, and will punish you Heathen, and the land of your enemies
yet seuen times for your sinnes. shall eate you vp.
25 And I will bring a sword vpon 39 And they that are left of you shal
you, that shall auenge the quarrell of my pine away in their iniquitie in your ene-
couenant : and when yee are gatherec mies lands, and also in the iniquities pi
together within your cities, I wil senc their fathers shall they pine away with
the pestilence among you, and ye shalbe i
deliuered into the hand of the eneraie. 40 If they shall confesse the iniqui-
26 And when I haue broken the tie of their fathers, with their trespasse
stafle of your bread, ten women shal which they trespassed against me, anc
bake your bread in one ouen, and they that also they haue walked contrary
shall deliuer you your bread againe by vnto me :
weight : and ye shall eate, and not bee 41 And that I also haue walked con-
satisfied. trary vnto them, and haue brought
27 And if ye wil not for all this hear- them into the land of their enemies : ij
ken vnto me, but walke contrary vnto then their vncircumcised hearts bee
mee, humbled , and they then accept of the
28 Then I wil walke contrary vn- punishment of their iniquitie :
to you also in fury, and I, euen I wil 42 Then will I remember my co-
chastise you seuen times for your sinnes. uenant with lacob, and also my coue-
* Deut. 28.
*•% 29 * And ye shal eate the flesh of your nant with Isaac, and also my couenant
sonnes, and the flesh, of your daughters with Abraham will I remember, anc
shall ye eate. I will remember the land.
30 And I will destroy your high 43 The land also shalbe left of them,
* 2. Chro. places, and *cut downe your images, and shall enioy her Sabbaths, while
34. 7-
and cast your carkeises vpon the carkei- she lieth desolate without them : anc
ses of your idoles , and my soule shall they shall accept of the punishment oi
abhorre you. their iniquitie : because , euen because
Of vowes, and LeuiticuSe their redemption.
they despised my Judgements, and be- vowed, shall the Priest value him.
cause their soule abhorred my Statutes 9 And if it be a beast whereof men
44 And yet for all that, when they bring an offering vnto the LORD, al]
* Deut. 4, be in the land of their enemies, *I will that any man giueth of such vnto the
31. rom.
11. 26. not cast them away, neither will I ab- LORD, shall be holy.
horre them, to destroy them vtterly, 10 He shall not alter it, nor change it.
and to breake my couenant with them : a good for a bad , or a bad for a good :
for I am the LORD their God. And if hee shall at all change beast for
45 But I wil for their sakes remem- beast, then it, and the exchange thereof
ber the couenant of their Ancestours, shall be holy.
whom I brought forth out of the land 11 And if it be any vncleane beast, of
of Egypt, in the sight of the Heathen, which they doe not offer a sacrifice vnto
that I might be their God : I am the the LORD, then he shall present the
LORD. beast before the Priest :
46 These are the Statutes, and 12 And the Priest shall value it, whe-
Judgements, and Lawes which the ther it be good or bad : as thou t valuest t Hebr. ac-
LORD made betweene him and the it who art the Priest : so shall it be. cording to
thy estimate
children of Israel, in mount Sinai, by 13 But if hee will at all redeeme it, %C. ow,
0 Priest,
the hand of Moses. then he shall adde a fift part thereof vn-
to thy estimation.
14 T And when a man shall sancti-
C H A P XXVII. fie his house to be holy vnto the LORD,
1 He that maketh a singular vow must bee the then the Priest shal estimate it, whether
Lords. 2 The estimation of the person. 9 it be good or bad : as the Priest shall esti-
Of a beast giuen by vow. 14 Of a house. 16 mate it, so shall it stand.
Of a field and the redemption thereof. 28
No deuoted thing may be redeemed. 32 The 15 And if he that sanctified it, will re-
tithe may not be changed. deeme his house, then he shall adde the
fift part of the money of thy estimation
Nd the LORD spake vnto it, and it shall be his.

A vnto Moses, saying,

2 Speake vnto the chil-
dren of Israel, and say vn-
to them, When a man shal
16 And if a man shall sanctifie vnto
the LORD some part of a field of his
possession, then thy estimation shall be
according to the seed thereof: \\ An Ho- \ Or, the
and of an
make a singular vow, the persons shall mer of barley seed shall be valued at fiftie Homer, <Jc,
be for the LORD, by thy estimation. shekels of siluer.
3 And thy estimation shall be: Of 17 If hee sanctifie his field from the
the male from twentie yeeres old, euen yeere of lubile , according to thy esti-
vnto sixtie yeeres old: euen thy estima- mation it shall stand.
tion shall be fiftie shekels of siluer, after 18 But if hee sanctifie his field after
the shekel of the Sanctuary. the lubile, then the Priest shall reckon
4 And if it be a female, then thy esti- vnto him the money , according to the
mation shall be thirtie shekels. yeeres that remaine, euen vnto the
5 And if it be from fiue yeeres olde, yeere of the lubile, and it shall be aba-
euen vnto twentie yeeres old, then thy ted from thy estimation.
estimation shall be of the male twentie 19 And if he that sanctified the field,
shekels, and for the female ten shekels. will in any wise redeeme it, then he shal
6 And if it be from a moneth old, e- adde the fift part of the money of thy
uen vnto flue yeeres old, then thy esti- estimation vnto it, and it shall be assu-
mation shall be of the male, fiue shekels red to him.
of siluer, and for the female, thy estima- 20 And if hee will not redeeme the
tion shall be three shekels of siluer. field, or if he haue sold the field to ano-
7 And if it be from sixtie yeeres old, ther man , it shall not be redeemed any
and aboue, if it be a male, then thy esti- more.
mation shall be fifteene shekels, and for 21 But the field , when it goeth out
the female ten shekels. in the lubile, shall be holy vnto the
8 But if he bee poorer then thy esti- LORD, as a field deuoted : the posses-
mation , then he shall present himselfe sion thereof shalbe the Priests.
tafore the Priest, and the Priest shall va- 22 And if a man sanctifie vnto the
lue him : according to his abilitie that LORD a field which he hath bought,
Redeeming of Chapj. the Tythes.
which is not of the fieldes of his pos- L O R D , of all that he hath, both of
session : man and beast, and of the field of his
23 Then the Priest shall reckon vn- possession, shall be sold or redeemed :
to him the worth of thy estimation , e- euery deuoted thing is most holy vnto
uen vnto the yeere of the lubile, and the LORD.
hee shall giue thine estimation in that 29 None deuoted, which shalbe de-
day, as a holy thing vnto the LORD. uoted of men, shall be redeemed : but
£4 In the yeere of the lubile, the shall surely be put to death.
field shall returne vnto him of whom it 30 And all the tithe of the land, whe-
was bought, euen to him to whom the ther of the seed of the land, or of the fruit
possession of the land did belong. of the tree, is the LORDS : it is holy
25 And all thy estimations shall be vnto the LORD.
according to the shekel of the Sanc- 31 And if a man will at all redeeme
* Exod. 30. tuarie : * twentie Gerahs shall bee the ought of his tithes, he shall adde there-
id. num. 3.
47. ezech. shekel. to the fifth part thereof.
45. 12. 26 If Onely the t firstling of the 32 And concerning the tithe of the
t Hebr.firs
borne, %o. beasts which should be the LORDS herde, or of the flocke, euen of whatso-
firstling, no man shall sanctifie it, whe- euer passeth vnder the rod , the tenth
ther it bee oxe , or sheepe : It w the shalbe holy vnto the LORD.
LORDS. 33 He shall not search whether it be
27 And if it be of an vncleane beast, good or bad, neither shall he change it :
then hee shall redeeme it according to and if he change it at all, then both it,
thine estimation, and shall adde a fifth and the change thereof, shall be holy; it
part of it thereto: Or if it be not redee- shall not be redeemed.
med, then it shalbe sold according to thy 34 These are the Commandements
estimation. which the L O R D commanded Mo-
* losh. 6, 28 * Notwithstanding , no deuoted ses, for the children of Israel in mount
thing that a man shall deuote vnto the Sinai.


of Mofes, called Numbers.
rael, after their families, by the house of
C H A P . I. their fathers, with the number of their
names, euery male by their polle :
1 God coramaundeth Moses to number the
people. 5 The Princes of the Tribes. 1 7
$ From twentie yeeres old and vp~
The number of euery Tribe. 47 The Leuites ward, all that are able to goe foorth to
are exempted for the Sendee of the Lord. warre in Israel : thou and Aaron shall
number them by their armies.
iNa tne JLORD 4 And with you there shalbe a man

spake vnto Mo- of euery Tribe : euery one head of the
ses in the wilder, house of his fathers.
nesse of Sinai, in 5 f And these are the names of the
the Tabernacle men that shall stand with you : of the
of the Congrega- tribe of Reuben , Elizur the sonne of
tion, on the first Shedeur.
day of the second 6 Of Simeon : Shelumiel the son
inon eth, in these- of Zurishaddai.
cond yeere, after the1y were come out of 7 Of ludah : Nahshon, the sonne
the land of Egypt, saying, of Amminadab.
* Exod. 30.
Q * Take yee the summe of all the 8 Of Issachar : Nethaneel , the
Congregation of t!i e children of Is- sonne of Zuar.
9 Of
Vfen of warre Numbers. are numbred.
9 Of Zebulun : Eliab the sonne of yreeres old and vpward, all that were
hlelon. able to goe foorth to warre :
10 Of the children of loseph : of E- 25 Those that were numbred of
p>hraim, Elishama the sonne of Ammi- tlem, euen of the tribe of Gad, were four-
huid : of Manasseh, Gamaliel the sonne ty and fiue thousand , sixe -hundred and
of Pedahzur. fiftie.
11 Of Beniamin : Abidan, the sonne 26 f Of the children of ludah by
of Gideoni. tleir generations, after their families
12 Of Dan : Ahiezer, the sonne of b>y the house of their fathers, according
Ammishaddai. to the number of the names , from
13 Of Asher : Pagiel the sonne of twenty yeeres old and vpward, all that
Ocran. were able to goe foorth to warre :
14 Of Gad: Eliasaph, the sonne of 27 Those that were numbred oi
dDeuel. them, euen of the tribe of ludah, were
15 Of Naphtali : Ahira the sonne of threescore and fourteene thousand, and
eSnan. sixe hundred.
16 These were the renowned of the 28 IF Of the children of Issachar, by
cCongregation , Princes of the tribes o1 their generations, after their families
their fathers, heads of thousands in >y the house of their fathers , according
i'srael. to the number of the names, from
17 IF And Moses and Aaron tooke twenty yeres old and vpward, all that
these men, which are expressed by their were able to goe foorth to warre :
names. 29 Those that were numbred o1
18 And they assembled all the Con- them, euen of the tribe of Issachar, were
gregation together on the first day o iftie and foure thousand , and foure
the second moneth, and they declarec hlundred.
their pedegrees after their families, by 30 f Of the children of Zebulun, by
the house of their fathers, according to t;heir generations, after their families,
the number of the names, from twen- >y the house of their fathers, according
ty yeres old and vpward by their polle. to the number of the names, from
19 As the L O R D commaundec twenty yeres old and vpward, all tha
Moses, so he numbred them in the wil- were able to goe foorth to warre :
dernesse of Sinai. 31 Those that wece numbred o
20 And the children of Reuben Is- them, euen of the tribe of Zebulun, were
raels eldest sonne, by their generations iftie and seuen thousand and foure
after their families, by the house o: lundred..
their fathers, according to the number 32 IF Of the children of loseph
of the names, by their polle, euery male namely of the children of Ephraim , b;
Tom twenty yeeres old and vpward ;heir generations, after their families
all that were able to go forth to warre : by the house of their fathers, according
21 Those that were numbred o to the number of the names, from
ihem, euen of the tribe of Reuben, were twenty yeres old and vpward, all tha
fourty and sixe thousand and fiue hun- were able to goe foorth to warre :
dred. 33 Those that were numbred o
22 IF Of the children of Simeon by them, euen of the tribe of Ephraim, wer
their generations , after their families, fourty thousand and fiue hundred.
by the house of their fathers, those that 34 1F Of the children of Manassel
were numbred of them , according to by their generations, after their fami
the number of the names , by their lies , by the house of their fathers ac
polles, euery male from twenty yeeres cording to the number of the names
old and vpward, all that were able to from twenty yeeres old and vpward
goe foorth to warre : all that were able to go forth to warre
23 Those that were numbred of them, 35 Those that were numbred o
euen of the tribe of Simeon , were fiftie them, euen of the tribe of Manasseh
and nine thousand, and three hundred. were thirty and two thousand, and tw
24 IF Of the children of Gad by their hundred.
generations, after their families by the 36 1F Of the children of Beniamin
house of their fathers, according to the by their generations , after their fami
number of the names , from twenty lies, by the house of their fathers, accor
The Leuites Chap.ij. office and charge.
ding to the number of the names from of them among the children of Israel.
twenty yeeres old and vpward, all that 50 But thou shalt appoint the Le-
were able to goe foorth to warre : uites ouer the Tabernacle of Testimo-
37 Those that were numbred of nie, and ouer all the vessels thereof, and
them , euen of the tribe of Beniamin, ouer all things that belong to it : they
were thirtie and fiue thousand, and foure shall beare the Tabernacle, and all the
hundred. vessels thereof, and they shall minister
38 1[ Of the children of Dan, by their vnto it, and shall encampe round about
venerations, after their families, by the the Tabernacle.
iiouse of their fathers, according to the 51 And when the Tabernacle setteth
number of the names , from twentie forward , the Leuites shall take it
yeeres old and vpward, all that were a- downe : and when the Tabernacle is to
^le to goe forth to warre : be pitched, the Leuites shall set it vp:
39 Those that were numbred of and the stranger that commeth nigh,
them, euen of the tribe of Dan, were shall be put to death.
threescore and two thousand, and seuen 5? And the children of Israel shall
hundred. pitch their tents euery man by his own
40 If Of the children of Asher, by campe, and euery man by his owne
their generations, after their families, standerd, throughout their hostes.
Dy the house of their fathers, according 53 But the Leuites shall pitch round
to the number of the names , from about the Tabernacle of Testimonie,
twentie yeres old and vpward, all that that there be no wrath vpon the Con-
were able to goe forth to warre : gregation of the children of Israel :
41 Those that were numbred of and the Leuites shall keepe the charge
them, euen of the tribe of Asher, were of the Tabernacle of Testimonie.
Pourtie and one thousand, and fiue hun- 54 And the children of Israel did
dred. according to all that the LORD com-
42 IT Of the children of Naphtali, manded Moses, so did they.
throughout their generations , after
their families by the house of their fa- C H A P . II.
thers, according to the number of the 1 The order of the Tribes in their tents.
names, from twentie yeeres olde and
vpward, all that were able to goe forth Nd the L O R D spake

to warre : vnto Moses, and vnto A-
43 Those that were numbred. of aron, saying,
them, euen of the tribe of Naphtali, were 2 Euery man of the
fiftie and three thousand, and foure children of Israel shall
hundred. pitch by his owne standerd, with the
44 These are those that were num- ensigne of their.fathers house : t farre off t Heb. ouer
bred, which Moses and Aaron num- about the Tabernacle of the Congre- against.
bred, and the Princes of Israel, being gation shall they pitch.
twelue men : each one was for the house 3 And on the East side toward the
of his fathers. rising of the Sunne, shall they of the
45 So were all those that were standerd of the campe of ludah pitch,
numbred of the children of Israel, by throughout their armies : and Nah-
the house of their fathers, from twenty shon the sonne of Amminadab, shall bee
yeeres old and vpward, all that were captaine of the children of ludah.
able to goe forth to warre in Israel : 4 And his hoste, and those that
46 Euen all they, that were num- were numbred of them, were threescore
bred, were sixe hundred thousand, and and fourteene thousand, and sixe hun-
three thousand , and fine hundred and dred.
fiftie. 5 And those that doe pitch next vnto
47 ^ But the Leuites after the him, shall be the tribe of Issachar : and
tribe of their fathers, were not num- Nethaneel the sonne of Znar, shall bee
bred among them. captaine of the children of Issachar.
48 For the L O R D had spoken vn- o And his hoste, and those that were
to Moses, saying, numbred thereof, were fiftie and foure
49 Onely thou shalt not number the thousand, and foure hundred.
tribe of Leui, neither take the summe 7 Then the tribe of Zebulun : and
The order of Numbers. the Tents.
Eliab the sonneiof Helon, shalbe captaine were numbred of them, were thirtie and
of the children of Zebulun. two thousand, and two hundred.
8 And his ho'ste and those that were 22 Then the tribe of Beniamin
numbred thereof, were fiftie and seuen and the captaine of the sonnes of Ben-
thousand, and foure hundred. iamin , shall bee Abidan the sonne o1
9 All that were numbred in the Gideoni.
Campe of ludah , were an hundred 23 And his hoste, and those that were
thousand, and fourescore thousand, and numbred of them, were thirtie and fiue
sixe thousand , and foure hundred, thousand^ and foure hundred.
throughout their armies : these shall 24 All that were numbred of the
first set foorth. Campe of Ephraim , were an hundred
10 IF On the Southside the thousand, and eight thousand, and an
standerd of the Campe of Reuben , ac- hundred , throughout their armies :
cording to their armies : and the cap- and they shall goe forward in the thirc
taine of the children of Reuben shall be ranke.
Elizur the sonne of Shedeur. 25 IF The standerd of the Campe of
1 1 And his hoste, and those that were Dan shall be on the Northside by their
numbred thereof, were fourtie and sixe armies: and the captaine of the children
thousand, and fiue hundred. of Dan shalbe Ahiezer, the sonne of Am-
12 And those which pitch by him, mishaddaL
shall bee the tribe of Simeon, and the 26 And his hoste, and those that were
captaine of the children of Simeon shall numbred of them , were threescore and
be Shelumiel the sonne of Zurishad- two thousand, and seuen hundred.
dai. 27 And those that encampe by him,
13 And his hoste, and those that were shalbe the tribe of Asher : and the cap-
numbred of them , were fiftie and nine taine of the children of Asher, shalbePa-
thousand, and three hundred. giel the sonne of Ocran.
14 Then the tribe of Gad : and the 28 And his hoste , and those that
captaine of the sonnes of Gad shall be E- were numbred of them, were fourtie
liasaph the sonne of Reuel. and one thousand, and fiue hundred.
15 And his hoste, and those that 29 IF Then the tribe of Naphtali:
were numbred of them, were fourtie and and the captaine of the children of
fiue thousand , and sixe hundred and Naphtali , shall bee Ahira the sonne of
fiftie. En an.
16 All that were, numbred in the 3Q And his hoste, and those that were
Campe of Reuben were an hundred numbred of them , were fiftie and three
thousand , and fiftie and one thousand, thousand, and foure hundred.
and foure hundred and fiftie through- 31 All they that were numbred in
out their armies : and -they shall set the Campe of Dan, were an hundred
foorth in the second ranke. thousand, and fifty and seuen thousand,
17 f Then the Tabernacle of the and sixe hundred : they shall goe hind-
Congregation shall set forward with most with their standerds.
the Campe of the Leuites, in the midst 32 H These are those which were
of the Campe: as they encampe> so shall numbred of the children of Israel, by
they set forward, euery man in his place the house of their fathers;, all those that
by their standerds. were numbred of the Campes through-
18 f On the West side shall bee the out their hostes, were sixe hundred thou-
standerd of the Campe of Ephraim, ac- sand, and three thousand, and fiue hun-
cording to their armies : and the cap- dred and fiftie.
taine of the sonnes of Ephraim , shall be 33 But the Leuites were not num-
Elishama the sonne of Ammihud. bred among the children of Israel, as
1 9 And his hoste, and those that were the LORD commanded Moses.
numbred of them, were fourtie thousand 34 And the children of Israel did
and fiue hundred. according to all that the LORD com-
20 And by him shall be the tribe of manded Moses: so they pitched by their
Manasseh : and the captaine of the chil- standerds, and so they set forward eue-
dren of Manasseh, shalbe Gamaliel the ry one after their families, according to
sonne of Pedahzur. the house of their fathers.
21 And his hoste , and those that
The Leuites Chap.iij. are numbred.
Israel, in stead of all the first borne tha
C H A P . III. openeth the matrice among the chil
dren of Israel : therefore the Leuite
1 The sonnes of Aaron. 5 The Leuites are gi- filial! Kp mi TIP
Ollct&l L/C 11 1111C,
uen to the Priests for the seruice of the Ta- 13 Because all the first borne are mine
bernacle, 11 in stead of the first "borne. 14
The Leuites are numbred by their families. *for on the day that I smote all the firs * Exod. 13.
1. leuit. 27.
21 The families, number and charge of the borne in the land of Egypt, I halowec 26. chap. 8.
Gershonites, 27 Of the Kohathites, 33 Of 16. luke 2.
vnto me 6 all the first borne in Israel 23.
theMerarites. 38 The place & charge of Mo-
ses & Aaron. 40 The first borne are freed by both man, and beast, mine they shall be
the Leuites. 44 The ouerplus are redeemed I am the LORD.
14* 1T And the LORD spake vnto
hese also are the generati- Moses, in the wildernesse of Sinai, say

T ns of Aaron and Mo-

es, in the day that the
oED spake with Mo-
ses in Mount Sinai.
15 Number the children of Leui, af
ter the house of their fathers, by their
families : euery male from a moneth
2 And these are the names of the old and vpward shalt thou number
* Kxod. 6. sonnes of Aaron : Nadab the * first them.
borne, and Abihu, Eleazar and Itha- 16 And * Moses numbred them ac * Gene. 46.
11. exod 6.
mar. cording to the t word of the LORD 16. chap. 26
3 These are the names of the sonnes as he was commanded. 57. l. chro.
5. 11.
of Aaron the Priests, which were an- 17 And these were the sonnes of Le- 1\ Hebr.
\Heb. whose ointed, t whom he consecrated to mini- ui, by their names : Gershon, and Ko- mouth.
handhe filled
ster in the Priests office. hath, and Merari.
" Leuit. 10. 4 * And Nadab and Abihu died be- 18 And these are the names of the
1. chap. 26.
6H. chro. fore the L O R D , when they offeree sonnes of Gershon, by their families
24. 2. strange fire before the LORD in the Libni, and Shimei.
wildernesse of Sinai , and they hac 19 And the sonnes of Kohath by their
no children : and Eleazar and Itha- families : Amram , and Izehar , He-
mar ministred in the Priests office in the bron and Vzziel.
sight of Aaron their father. 20 And the sonnes of Merari by their
5 1T And the L O R D spake vnto families : Mahli, and Mushi : these are
Moses, saying, the families of the Leuites, according
6 Bring the tribe of Leui neere, and to the house of their fathers.
piresent tnem before Aaron the Priest, 21 Of Gershon was the familie of the
t;hat they may minister vnto him. Libnites, and the familie of the Shi-
7 And they shall keepe his charge, mites : these are the families of the Ger-
and the charge of the whole Congrega- shonites.
tion before the Tabernacle of the Con- 22 Those that were numbred oi
gregation, to doe the seruice of the Ta- them , according to the number of all
b>ernacle. the males, from a moneth old and vp-
8 And they shall keepe all the instru- ward, euen those that were numbred of
ments of the Tabernacle of the Con- them, were seuen thousand andfiuehun-
gregation, and the charge of the chil- dred.
dIren of Israel, to doe the seruice of the 23 The families of the Gershonites
Tabernacle. shal pitch behind the Tabernacle West-
9 And thou shalt giue the Leuites ward.
vnto Aaron and to his sonnes : they are 24 And the chiefe of the house of the
wholly giuen vnto him out of the chil- ather of the Gershonites, shall be Elia-
dren of Israel. saph the sonne of Lael.
10 And thou shalt appoint Aaron 25 And the charge of the sonnes of
and his sonnes, and they shall waite on Gershon, in the Tabernacle of the Con-
their priests office : and the stranger g;regation, shall be the Tabernacle, and
that commeth nigh , shall bee put to the tent, the couering thereof, and the
death. hlanging for the doore of the Taberna-
11 And the L O R D spake vnto Mo- cle of the Congregation :
ses, saying, 26 And the hangings of the Court,
12 And I, behold, I haue taken the and the curtaine for the doore of the
l-euites from among the children of court, which is by the Tabernacle, and
The Leuites Numbers. feuerall charges.
by the Altar round about, and the cords 39 All that were numbred of the Le-
of it, for all the seruice therof. uites , which Moses and Aaron num-
27 1T And of Kohath was the fami- bred at the commaundement of the
lie of the Amramites, and the familie of L O E D , throughout their families,
the Izeharites, and the familie of the all the males from a moneth old and
Hebronites, and the familie of the Vzzi- vpward , were twenty and two thou-
elites : these are the families of the Ko- sand.
hathites. 40 1F And the L O R D said vnto
28 In the number of all the males, Moses , Number all the first borne of
from a moneth olde and vpward, were the males of the children of Israel,
eight thousand, and sixe hundred, kee- from a moneth old and vpward, and
ping the charge of the Sanctuary. take the number of their names.
29 The families of the sonnes of 41 And thou shalt take the Leuites
Kohath, shall pitch on the side of the for me, ( I am the LORD ) in stead of
Tabernacle Southward. all the first borne among the children of
30 And the chiefe of the house of the Israel, and the cattell of the Leuites,
father of the families of the Kohathites in stead of all the firstlings among the
shalbe Elizaphan the sonne of Vzziel. cattell of the children of Israel.
31 And their charge shall be the Arke, 42 And Moses numbred as the
and the Table, and the Candles ticke, L O R D commanded him, all the first
and the altars, and the vessels of the borne among the children of Israel.
Sanctuarie, wherewith they minister, 43 And all the first borne males, by
and the hanging, and all the seruice the number of names, from a moneth
thereof. old & vpward, of those that were num-
32 And Eleazar the sonne of Aaron bred of them, were twenty and two thou-
the Priest, shall be chiefe ouer the chiefe sand, two hundred, and threescore and
of the Leuites, and Uaue the ouersight of thirteene.
them that keepe the charge of the San- 44 1F And the L O R D spake vnto
ctuary. Moses, saying,
33 f Of Merari was the family of the 45 Take the Leuites in stead of all
Mahlites , and the family of the Mu- the first borne among the children of Is-
shites : these are the families of Merari. rael, and the cattell of the Leuites in
34 And those that were numbred of stead of their cattell , and the Leuites
them, according to the number of all the shalbe mine : I am the LORD.
males from a moneth old & vpward, 46 And for those that are to be re-
were sixe thousand and two hundred. deemed of the two hundred and three-
35 And the chiefe of the house of the score and thirteene, of the first borne of
father of. the families of Merari, was the children of Israel, which are more
Zuriel the sonne of Abihail : these shall then the Leuites ;
pitch on the side of the Tabernacle 47 Thou shalt euen take fiue she-
Northwards. kels a piece, by the polle, after the shekel
t Heb. the
office of the
36 And t vnderthe custody and charge of the Sanctuary shalt thou take them ;
charge. of the sonnes of Merari, shall bee the *the shekel is twenty gerahs. * Exod. 30
13. leuit.
boards of the Tabernacle, and the 48 And thou shalt giue the money, 27. 25.
barres thereof, and the pillars thereof, wherewith the odde number of them ID* €«cJt< chap.
I f!

and the sockets thereof, & all the vessels is to be redeemed , vnto Aaron and to 45. 12.
thereof, and all that serueth thereto : his sonnes.
37 And the pillars of the Court 49 And Moses tooke the redemp-
round about, and their sockets, and tion money, of them that were ouer
their pinnes, and their cords. and aboue them that were redeemed
38 U But those that encampe before by the Leuites.
the Tabernacle toward the East, euen 50 Of the first borne of the children
before the Tabernacle of the Congre- of Israel tooke he the money ; a thou-
gation Eastward, shall be Moses and sand, three hundred, and threescore and
Aaron , and his sonnes , keeping the fiue shekels, after the shekel of the San-
charge of the Sanctuary, for the charge ctuary.
of the children of Israel : and the stran- 51 And Moses gaue the money of
ger that commeth nigh, shall be put to them that were redeemed, vnto Aaron
death. and to his sonnes , according to the
The Leuites Chap.iiij. feuerall charges.
word of the LORD, as the L O R D with a couering of badgers skinnes,
commanded Moses. and shall put to the staues thereof.
12 And they shall take all the instru-
C H A P . IIII. ments of ministery, wherewith they
minister in the Sanctuary , and put
1 The age and time of the Leuites sendee. 4 them in a cloth of blew, and couer them
The carriage of the Kohathites when the
Priestes haue taken downe the Tabernacle. with a couering of badgers skinnes,
16 The charge of Eleazar. 17 The office and shall put them on a barre.
of the Priests. 21 The carriage of the Ger- 13 And they shall take away the
shonites. 29 The carriage of the Merarites. ashes from the Altar, and spread a pur-
34. The number of the Kohathites, 38 of
the Gershonites, 42 and of the Merarites. ple cloth thereon :
14 And they shall put vpon it all the
Nd the L O R D spake vessels thereof, wherewith they mini-

vnto Moses , and vnto ster about it , euen the censers, the flesh-
/^ ornri cpyip^nr nnrklrAc dllll
HUUlYCo, unri frif* en nil PIC , AITIM
l/Ilts ollUUCIo cliltl flllv?
n A II MA II Or, bowlest
l l Uct—
2 Take the summe of sons, all the vessels of the Altar : and
the sonnes of kohath, they shall spread vpon it a couering of
from among the sonnes of Leui, after badgers skinnes, and put to the staues
their families, by the house of their fa- of it.
thers. 15 And when Aaron and his sonnes
3 From thirty yeeres old and vp- haue made an end of couering the San-
ward, euen vntil fifty yeres old, all that ctuary, and all the vessels of the San-
enter into the hoste, to doe the worke in ctuary, as the campe is to set forward ;
the Tabernacle of the Congregation. after that, the sorines of Kohath shall
4 This shall bee the seruice of the come to beare it : but they shal not touch
sonnes of Kohath , in the Tabernacle any holy thing , lest they die. These
of the Congregation, about the most Ho- things are the burden of the sonnes of
ly things. Kohath in the Tabernacle of the Con-
5 IF And when the Campe setteth gregation.
forward, Aaron shall come, and his lo 1F And to the office of Eleazar
sonnes, and they shall take downe the the sonne of Aaron the Priest, perteineth
couering Vaile, and couer the Arke of the oile for the light, and the *sweet in- * Exod. 30.
Testimony with it : cense, and the dayly meat offering, and 34.
6 And shall put thereon the coue- the * anoynting oyle, and the ouersight * Exod. 30.
ring of badgers skinnes, & shall spread of all the Tabernacle, and of all that 23.
ouer it a cloth wholly of blew, and shall therein is, in the Sanctuary, and in the
put in the staues thereof. vessels thereof.
* Exod. 25. 7 And vpon the * table of Shew- 17 H And the L O R D spake vnto
bread they shall spread a cloth of blew, Moses, and vnto Aaron, saying,
and put thereon the dishes, and the 18 Cut ye not off the tribe of the fa-
spoones, and the bowles, and couers to milies of the Kohathites, from among
1! Or,powre || couer withall : and the continual bread the Leuites.
out withall.
shalbe thereon. 19 But thus doe vnto them, that
8 And they shall spread vpon them they may liue, and not die : when they
a clothe of scarlet , and couer the same approche vnto the most Holy things,
with a couering of badgers skinnes, Aaron and his sonnes shall goe in, and
and shall put in the staues thereof. appoint them euery one to his seruice,
9 And they shall take a cloth of and to his burden.
* Exod. 25. blew, and couer the * candlesticke of the 20 But they shall not goe in to see
light, and his lampes, and his tongs, when the holy things are couered, lest
* Exod. 25. *and his snuffe dishes, and all the oyle they die.
vessels thereof, wherewith they mini- 21 1f And the L O R D spake vnto
ster vnto it. Moses, saying,
10 And they shall put it, and all the 22 Take also the summe of the
vessels thereof, within a couering of sonnes of Gershon , throughout the
badgers skinnes, and shall put it vpon houses of their fathers , by their fami-
a barre. lies :
11 And vpon the golden Altar they 23 From thirtie yeeres old and vp-
shall spread a cloth of blew, and couer it ward, vntill fiftie yeeres old shalt thou
The Leuites charge. Numbers. Their number.
t Heir, to number them : all that enter in tto per- the chiefe of the Congregation , num-
warrethe bred the sonnes of the Kohathites , af-
warfare. forme the seruice , to doe the worke in
the Tabernacle of the Congregation. ter their families, and after the house of
24 This is the seruice of the families their fathers ;
of the Gershonites , to serue , and for 35 From thirtie yeeres old and vp-
I Or, car- || burdens. ward, euen vnto fiftie yeeres old, euery
riage. one that entreth in to the seruice, for the
25 And they shall beare the cur-
taines of the Tabernacle, and the Ta- worke in the Tabernacle of the Con-
bernacle of the Congregation ; his co- gregation.
uering, and the couering of the badgers 36 And those that were numbred of
skinnes that is aboue vpon it, and the them by their families, were two thou-
hanging for the doore of the Taber- sand, seuen hundred and fiftie.
nacle of the Congregation : 37 These were they that were num-
26 And the hangings of the Court, bred of the families of the Kohathites ;
and the hanging for the doore of the all that might doe seruice in the Taber-
gate of the Court which is by the Ta- nacle of the Congregation, which Mo-
bernacle, and by the Altar round about, ses and Aaron did number, according
and their cords, and all the instruments to the commandement of the LORD,
of their seruice, and all that is made for by the hand of Moses.
them : so shall they serue. 38 And those that were numbred of
iHebr. 27 At the t appointment of Aaron the sonnes of Gershon , throughout
and his sonnes, shall be all the seruice of their families, and by the house of their
the sonnes of the Gershonites , in all fathers ;
their burdens, and in all their seruice : 39 From thirtie yeeres old and vp-
and yee shall appoint vnto them in ward, euen vnto fiftie yeeres old, euery
charge all their burdens. one that entreth in to the seruice, for
28 This is the seruice of the families the worke in the Tabernacle of the
of the sonnes of Gershon, in the Taber- Congregation :
nacle of the Congregation : and their 40 Euen those that were numbred
charge shdLbe vnder the hande of Itha- of them, throughout their families, by
mar the sonne of Aaron the Priest. the houses of their fathers, were two
29 f As for the sonnes of Merari, thousand, and sixe hundred and thirtie.
thou shalt number them after their fa- 41 These are they that were num-
milies, by the house of their fathers : bred of the families of the sonnes of
30 From thirty yeeres old and vp- Gershon, of all that might doe seruice
ward, euen vnto fiftie yeeres old shalt in the Tabernacle of the Congrega-
thou number them, euery one that en- tion, whom Moses and Aaron did
t Hebr . war. treth in to the t seruice, to doe the worke number, according to the commande-
of the Tabernacle of the Congrega- ment of the LORD.
tion. 42 H And those that were numbred
31 And this is the charge of their bur- of the families of the sonnes of Merari,
den, according to all their seruice, in the throughout their families, by the house
* Exod. 26. Tabernacle of the Congregation, * the of their fathers ;
boards of the Tabernacle, and the 43 From thirtie yeeres old and vp-
barres thereof, and the pillars thereof, ward, euen vnto fiftie yeeres old, euery
and sockets thereof: one that entreth in to the seruice, for
32 And the pillars of the Court the worke in the Tabernacle of the
round about, and their sockets, and Congregation :
their pinnes, and their coards, with all 44 Euen those that were numbred
their instruments, and with all their of them after their families, were three
seruice : and by name yee shall reckon thousand and two hundred.
the instruments of the charge of their 45 These be those that were num-
burden. bred of the families of the sonnes of Me-
33 This is the seruice of the families rari, whom Moses & Aaron numbred
of the sonnes of Merari, according to all according to the word of the L O R D
their seruice in the Tabernacle of the by the hand of Moses
Congregation, vnder the hand of I- 46 All those that were numbred of
thamar the sonne of Aaron the Priest. the Leuites, whom Moses and Aaron,
34 f And Moses and Aaron, and and the chiefe of Israel numbred, after
Of reftitution. Chap.v. Of iealoufie.
their families , and after the house of holy things of the children of Israel,
their fathers : which they bring vnto the Priest, shall
47 From thirty yeeres old and vp- be his.
ward, euen vnto fifty yeeres old, euery 10 And euery mans halowed things
one that came to doe the seruice of the shall be his : whatsoeuer any man gi-
ministery , and the seruice of the burden ueth the Priest, it shall be * his. * Leuit. 10.
in the Tabernacle of the Congrega- 11 If And the L O R D spake vnto
tion: Moses, saying,
48 Euen those that were numbred 12 Speake vnto the children of Is-
of them, were eight thousand, and fiue rael, and say vnto them, If any mans
hundred, and fourescore. wife goe aside, and commit a trespasse a-
49 According to the commandement gainst him ;
of the LORD, they were numbred by 13 And a man lye with her carnally,
the hand of Moses, euery one according and it be hid from the eyes of her hus-
to his seruice, and according to his bur- band, and be kept close, and she be defi-
den : Thus were they numbred of him, led, and there be no witnesse against
as the LORD commanded Moses. her, neither she be taken with the maner ;
14 And the spirit of ielousie come
r HAP V vpon him, and he be ielous of his wife,
and shee be defiled : or if the spirit of ie-
1 The vncleane are remoued out of the campe. lousie come vpon him , and nee be ie-
5 Restitution is to be made in trespasses. 1 1
The trial! of lealousie. lous of his wife, and she be not defiled :
15 Then shall the man bring his
Nd the L O R D spake wife vnto the Priest, and he shall bring

vnto Moses, saying, her offering for her, the tenth part of
2 Commaund the chil- an Ephah of barley meale : hee shall
dren of Israel, that they powre no oyle vpon it, nor put frankin-
* Leuit. 13.
* put out of the campe eue- cense thereon ; for it is an offering of ie-
ry leper , and euery one that hath an lousie, an offering of memorial!, bring-
* Leuit. 15. * issue, and whosoeuer is defiled by the ing iniquitie to remembrance :
* Leuit. 21. *dead: 16 And the Priest shall bring her
1. 3 Both male and female shal ye put neere, and set her before the LORD.
out, without the campe shall yee put 17 And the Priest shall take holy
them, that they defile not their campes water in an earthen vessell, and of the
in the middest whereof I dwell. dust that is in the floore of the Taber-
4 And the children of Israel did so, nacle the Priest shall take, and put it in-
and put them out, without the campe : to the water :
as the LORD spake vnto Moses, so 18 And the Priest shall set the wo-
did the children of Israel. man before the L O R D , and vncouer
5 IF And the L O R D spake vnto the womans head, and put the offering
Moses, saying, • of memoriall in her hands, which w the
6 Speake vnto the children of Is- Ielousie offering : and the Priest shall
* Leuit. 8. rael , * When a man or woman shall haue in his hand the bitter water that
commit any sinne that men commit, to causeth the curse.
doe a trespasse against the LORD, and 19 And the Priest shall charge her
that person be guiltie ; by an othe, and say vnto the woman,
7 Then they shall confesse their If no man haue lyen with thee, and if
sinne, which they haue done: and hee thou hast not gone aside to vnclean-
* Leui. 6. 5. shall recompense his trespasse , * with nesse || with another fai stead of thy hus- 1 Or, being
the principall thereof, and adde vnto it in the vower
band, be thou free from this bitter wa- ofthynvs-
the fifth part thereof, and giue it vnto ter that causeth the curse. btmd. Hebr.
vnder thy
him against whom he hath trespassed. 20 But if thou hast gone aside to an- husband.
8 But if the man haue no kinsman other in stead of thy husband, and if thou
to recompense the trespasse vnto, let be defiled, and some man hath lien with
the trespasse be recompensed vnto the thee beside thine husband :
LORD, euen to the Priest: beside the 21 Then the Priest shall charge the
ramme of the atonement, whereby an woman with an othe of cursing, and
1 Ort hfaue atonement shall be made for him. the Priest shall say vnto the woman,
offering. 9 And euery || offering of all the The LORD make thee a curse, and an
The law of ieloufie. Numbers. The law of
othe among thy people, when the or woman shall || separate themselues to II Or, make
t Hebr. fall. L O R D doth make thy thigh to trot, vow a vow of a Nazarite , to separate themselues
and thy belly to swell. themselues vnto the LORD :
22 And this water that causeth the 3 Hee shall separate hirnselfe from
curse, shall go into thy bowels, to make wine, and strong drinke, and shal drinke
thy belly to swell, and thy thigh to rot : no vineger of wine, or vineger of strong
and the woman shall say , Amen^ drinke, neither shal he drinke any liquor
Amen. of grapes , nor eate moist grapes , or
23 And the Priest shall write these dried.
curses in a booke , and hee shall blot 4 All the dayes of his || separation II Or, Naza-
them out with the bitter water : shall he eat nothing that is made of the rtteship.
24 And he shall cause the woman to tvine tree, from the kernels euen to the t Heb. Fin*
of the wine.
drinke the bitter water, that causeth the huske.
curse : and the water that causeth the 5 All the dayes of the vow of his se-
curse shall enter into her, and become paration, there shall no * rasour come * ludg. 13.
bitter. vpon his head : vntill the dayes bee ful- 5.11.1. sain. i.
25 Then the Priest shall take the filled in the which hee separateth him-
ielousie offering out of the womans selfe vnto the LORD, he shall be holy,
hand, and shall waue the offering be- and shall let the lockes of the haire of his
fore the LORD, and offer it vpon the head grow.
Altar. 6 All the dayes that he separateth
26 And the Priest shal take an hand- himselfe vnto the L O R D , hee shall
full of the offering, euen the memoriall come at no dead body.
thereof, and burne it vpon the Altar, 7 Hee shall not make himselfe vn-
and afterward shall cause the woman cleane for his father, or for his mother,
to drinke the water. for his brother, or for his sister, when
27 And when he hath made her to they die : because the t consecration of t Hebr. se-
drinke the water, then it shall come to his God is vpon his head.
passe, that if shee be defiled, and haue 8 All the dayes of his separation he
done trespasse against her husband, is holy vnto the LORD.
that the water that causeth the curse, 9 And if any man die very suddenly
shall enter into her, and become bitter, by him, and he hath defiled the head of
and her belly shall swell, and her thigh his consecration, then he shall shaue his
shal rot : and the woman shalbe a curse head in the day of his cleansing, on the
among her people. seuenth day shall he shaue it.
28 And if the woman be not defiled, 10 And on the eight day he shal bring
but be cleane, then she shall be free, and two turtles or two yong pigeons to the
shall conceiue seed. Priest, to the doore of the Tabernacle
29 This is the law of ielousies, of the Congregation.
when a wife goeth aside to another in 12 And the Priest shall offer the one
stead of her husband, and is defiled : for a sinne offering, and the other for a
30 Or when the spirit of ielousie com- burnt offering, and make an atone-
meth vpon him, and hee be ielous ouer ment for him, for that hee sinned by the
his wife, and shall set the woman before dead, and shall hallow his head that
the LORD, and the Priest shal execute same day.
vpon her all this law. 12 And hee shall consecrate vnto the
31 Then shall the man bee guiltlesse L O R D the dayes of his separation,
from iniquitie , and this woman shall and shall bring a lambe of the first yeere
beare her iniquitie. for a trespasse offering : but the dayes
that were before shall be tlost, because t Hebr. fall.
C H A P . VI. his separation was defiled.
1 The Law of the Nazarites. 22 The forme
13 f And this is the Lawe of the
of blessing the people. Nazarite : when the dayes of his sepa-
ration are fulfilled, he shall be brought
Nd the L O R D spake vnto the doore of the Tabernacle of the

A vnto Moses, saying,

2 Speak e vnto the chil-
ren of Israel, and say vn-
to them, When either man
14 And he shall offer his ofrring vn-
to the L O R D , one hee lambe of the
first yeere without blemish, for a burnt
the Nazarites. Chap.vij. The Princes offer.
offering, and one ewe lambe of the first
yeere without blemish, for a sinne offe- CHAP. VII.
ring, and one lambe without blemish 1 The offering of the Princes at the dedication
for peace offerings, of the Tabernacle. 10 Their seuerall of-
frings at the dedication of the Altar. 89 God
15 And a basket of vnleauened bread, speaKeth to Moses from the Mercie seat.
cakes of fine flowre mingled with oyle,
and wafers of vnleauened bread anoin- Nd it came to passe on the

ted with oyle, and their meate offering, day that Moses had fully
and their drinke offerings!. '* set vp the Tabernacle, * Exod. 40.
1 6 And the Priest shall bring them be- and had anointed it , and 18*
fore the L O R D , and shall offer his sanctified it, and all the in-
sinne offering, and his burnt offering. struments thereof, both the Altar, and
17 And he shall offer the ramme for all the vessels thereof, and had anoin-
a sacrifice of peace offerings vnto the ted them, and sanctified them :
LORD, with the basket of vnleaue- 2 That the Princes of Israel, heads
ned bread : the Priest shall offer also his of the house of their fathers , ( who
meate offering, and his drinke offe- were the Princes of the tribes , t and \ Heb. who
ring. were ouer them that were numbred)
* Acts 21. 18 *And the Nazarite shal shaue the offered :
head of his separation, at the doore of & And they brought their offering
the Tabernacle of the Congregation, before the LORD, sixe centered wa-
and shall take the haire of the head of gons, and twelue oxen : a wagon for
his separation , and put it in the fire two of the Princes, and for each one an
which is vnder the sacrifice of the peace oxe, and they brought them before the
offerings. Tabernacle.
19 And the Priest shall take the sod- 4 And the LORD spake vnto Mo-
den shoulder of the ramme, and one vn- ses, saying,
leauened cake out of the basket, and 5 Take it of them, that they may be
one vnleauened wafer, and shall put to doe the seruice of the Tabernacle of
them vpon the hands of the Nazarite, the Congregation , and thou shalt giue
after the haire of his separation is sha- them vnto the Leuites, to euery man
uen. according to his seruice.
20 And the Priest shall waue them 6 And Moses tooke the wagons ,
* Exod. 29. *for a waue ofrring before the LORD : and the oxen, and gaue them vnto the
this is holy for the Priest, with the Leuites.
waue breast, and heaue shoulder : and 7 Two wagons and foure oxen he
after that, the Nazarite may drinke gaue vnto the sonnes of Gershon , ac-
wine. cording to their seruice.
21 This is the Law of the Nazarite, 8 And foure wagons and eight
who hath vowed, and of his offering oxen he gaue vnto the sonnes of Mera-
vnto the L O R D for his separation, be- ri , according vnto their seruice, vnder
sides that, that his hand shall get : accor- the hand of Ithamar the sonne of Aa-
ding to the vow which he vowed, so he ron the Priest.
must do after the law of his separation. 9 But vnto the sonnes of Kohath
22 U And the L O R D spake vnto he gaue none : because the seruice of the
Moses, saying, Sanctuary belonging vnto them , was
23 Speake vnto Aaron, and vnto his that they should beare vpon their shoul-
sonnes, saying , On this wise ye shall ders.
blesse the children of Israel, saying vn- 10 U And the Princes offered for de-
to them : dicating of the Altar, in the day that it
24 The L O R D blesse thee, and was anointed, euen the Princes offered
keepe thee : their offering before the Altar.
25 The L O R D make his face shine 11 And the L O R D said vnto Mo-
vpon thee, and be gracious vnto thee : ses, They shall offer their offering eche
26 The L O R D lift vp his counte- Prince on his day, for the dedicating of
nance vpon thee, and giue thee peace. the Altar.
27 And they shall put my Name 12 IT And he that offered his offring
vpon the children of Israel, and I will the first day, was Nahshon the sonne
blesse them, of Amminadab, of the tribe of ludah.
13 And
The offerings Numbers. of the Princes.
13 And his offering was one siluer ferings, two oxen, fiue rammes, fiue hee
charger, the weight thereof was an roats , fiue lambes of the first yeere :
hmndred and thirty shekels , one siluer This was the offring of Eliab the sonne
b)owle of seuentie shekels, after the she- of Helon.
eel of the Sanctuary ; both of them 30 IT On the fourth day Elizur the
were full of fine flow re mingled with sonne of Shedeur, Prince of the chil-
*Leuit.2.l. oile for a * meat offering : dren of Reuben did offer.
14 One spoone of ten shekels of 31 His offering was one siluer char-
£old, full of incense: jer of an hundred and thirty shekels, one
15 One yong bullocke, one ramme, siluer bowle of seuentie shekels , after
one lambe of the first yeere, for a burnt the shekel of the Sanctuary , both of
offering, them full of fine flowre mingled with
* Leuit. 4. 16 One kid of the goats for * a sinne oyle, for a meat offering :
offering : 32 One golden spoone of tenne she-
17 And for a sacrifice of peace of- kels, full of incense :
f"erings, two oxen, fiue rammes, fiue hee 33 One yong bullocke , one ramme,
joats, fiue lambes of the first yeere : this one lambe of the first yeere for a burnt
was the offering of Nahshon the sonne offering :
of Amminadab. 34 One kid of the goats for a sinne
18 f On the second day Nethaneel offering :
the sonne of Zuar, Prince of Issachar 35 And for a sacrifice of peace of-
did offer. ferings, two oxen, fiue rammes, fiue hee
1 9 He offered for his offering one sil- roats, fiue lambs of the first yere : This
uer charger, the weight whereof was was the offering of Elizur the sonne of
an hundred and thirtie shekels, one sil- Shedeur.
uer bowle of seuenty shekels, after the 36 f On the fifth day Shelumiel the
shekel of the Sanctuary, both of them sonne of Zurishaddai Prince of the
full of fine flowre mingled with oile, for children of Simeon, did offer.
a meat offering : 37 His offring was one siluer charger,
20 One spoone of gold of ten shekels, the weight whereof was an hundred
full of incense : and thirtie shekels, one siluer bowle of se-
21 One yong bullocke, one ramme, uentie shekels, after the shekel of the
one lambe of the first yeere for a burnt Sanctuary , both of them full of fine
offering : flowre, mingled with oyle, for a meate
22 One kid of the goats for a sinne offering :
offering: 38 One golden spoone of ten shekels,
23 And for a sacrifice of peace of- full of incense :
ferings, two oxen, fiue rammes, fiue hee 39 One yong bullocke, one ramme,
goats, fiue lambes of the first yeere : this one lambe of the first yeere for a burnt
was the offering of Nethaneel the sonne offering :
of Zuar. 40 One kidde of -the goates for a
24 f On the third day Eliab the sinne offering :
sonne of Helon, Prince of the children oi 41 And for a sacrifice of peace offe-
Zebulun did offer. rings, two oxen, fiue rammes, fiue hee
25 His offering was one siluer char- goates , fiue lambes of the first yeere :
ger, the weight whereof was an hun- This was the offering of Shelumiel the
dred and thirtie shekels, one siluer bowle sonne of Zurishaddai.
of seuentie shekels, after the shekel oi 42 IT On the sixt day, Eliasaph the
the Sanctuary, both of them full of fine sonne of Deuel, Prince of the children
flowre mingled with oile, for a meat of Gad, offered:
offering : 43 His offering was one siluer char-
26 One golden spoone of ten shekels, ger of the weight of an hundred and
full of incense : thirtie shekels, a siluer bowle of seuentie
27 One yong bullocke, one ramme, shekels, after the shekel of the Sanctua-
one lambe of the first yeere for a burni rie, both of them fill of fine flowre ming-
offering : led with oyle, for a meate offering :
28 One kid of the goats for a sinne 44 One golden spoone of ten she-
offering : kels, full of incense :
29 And for a sacrifice of peace of- 45 One yong bullocke, one ramme,
The offerings Chap.vij. of the Princes.
one lambe of the first yeere, for a burnt Sanctuary , both of them full of fine
offering : flowre mingled with oyle , for a meate
46 One kid of the goates for a sinne offering :
offering : 62 One golden spoone of ten shekels,
47 And for a sacrifice of peace offe- full of incense :
rings, two oxen, flue rammes, fiue hee 63 One yong bullocke, one ramme,
goates , fiue lambes of the first yeere. one lambe of the first yeere for a burnt
This was the offering of Eliasaph the offering :
sonne of Deuel. 64 One kid of the goats for a sinne
48 If On the seuenth day, Elishama offering :
the sonne of Ammiud, Prince of the chil- 65 And for a sacrifice of peace offe-
dren of Ephraim offered. rings, two oxen, fiue rammes, fiue hee
49 His offering was one siluer char- goates , fiue lambes of the first yeere.
ger, the weight whereof was an hun- This was the offering of Abidan , the
dred and thirtie shekels, one siluer bowle sonne of Gideoni.
of seuentie shekels , after the shekel of 66 f On the tenth day Ahiezer the
the Sanctuarie , both of them full of sonne of Ammishaddai , Prince of the
fine flowre mingled with oile for a meat children of Dan offered.
offering : 67 His offring was one siluer charger,
50 One golden spoone of ten shekels, the weight whereof was an hundred
full of incense : and thirtie shekels, one siluer bowle of se-
51 One yong bullocke, one ramme, uentie shekels , after the shekel of the
one lambe of the first yeere, for a burnt Sanctuarie , both of them full of fine
offering : flowre mingled with oyle, for a meate
52 One kid of the goates for a sinne offering :
offering : 68 One golden spoone of ten shekels,
53 And for a sacrifice of peace offrings, full of incense :
two oxen, fiue rammes, fiue hee goats, 69 One yong bullocke, one ramme,
fiue lambes of the first yeere. This was one lambe of the first yeere, for a burnt
the offering of Elishama the sonne of offering :
Ammiud. 70 One kid of the goates for a sinne
54 If On the eight day offered Ga- offering :
maliel the sonne of Pedazur, Prince of 71 And for a sacrifice of peace offe-
the children of Manasseh. rings, two oxen, fiue rammes, fiue hee
55 His offering was one siluer charger goats , fiue lambes of the first yeere.
of an hundred and thirtie shekels, one sil- This was the offering of Ahiezer the
uer bowle of seuentie shekels, after the sonne of Ammishaddai.
shekel of the Sanctuary, both of them 72 f On the eleuenth day, Pagiel
full of fine flowre mingled with oile, for the sonne of Ocran, Prince of the chil-
a meate offering : dren of Asher offered.
56 One golden spoone of ten shekels, 73 His offering was one siluer char-
full of incense : ger, the weight whereof was an hun-
57 One yong bullocke, one ramme, dred and thirtie shekels, one siluer bowle
one lambe of the first yeere, for a burnt of seuentie shekels , after the shekel of
offering : the Sanctuarie , both of them full of
58 One kid of the goates fo'r a sinne fine flowre mingled with oyle , for a
offering: meat offering :
59 And for a sacrifice of peace offe- 74 One golden spoone of ten shekels,
rings, two oxen, fiue rammes, fiue hee full of incense :
goats , fiue lambes of the first yeere. 75 One yong bullocke, one ramme,
This was the offering of Gamaliel the one lambe of the first yeere for a burnt
sonne of Pedazur. offering :
60 If On the ninth day, Abidan the 76 One kid of the goates for a sinne
sonne of Gideoni, prince of the children offering :
of Beniamin offered. 77 And for a sacrifice of peace offe-
61 His offering was one siluer char- rings, two oxen, fine rammes, fiue hee
ger, the weight whereof was an hun- goats , fiue lambes of the first yeere.
dred and tllirtie shekels, a siluer bowle of This was the offering of Pagiel the
seuentie shekels, after the shekel of the sonne of Ocran.
78 If On
Princes offerings. Numbers. The cleanfing
78 f On the twelfth day, Ahira
the sonne of Enan , Prince of the chil- C H A P . VIII.
dren of Naphtali, offered. 1 How the lampes are to be lighted. 6 The
79 His offering was one siluer char- consecration of the Leuites. 23 The age
and time of their seruice.
§er, the weight whereof was an hun-
dred and thirtie shekels, one siluer bowle Nd the LORD spake
of seuentie shekels, after the shekel of
the Sanctuary, both of them full of fine
fSowre mingled with oyle, for a meate
offering :
A vnto Moses, saying,
® Speake vnto Aa-
ron , and say vnto him,
When thou * lightest the *Y] ,Exod. 25.
find 40*
80 One golden spoone of ten shekels. liampes, the seuen lampes shall giue 25.
full of incense : light, ouer against the candlesticke.
81 One yong bullocke,, one ramme, 3 And Aaron did so ; he lighted the
one lambe of the first yeere for a burnt iampes therof, oue? against the candle-
offering : stick, as the LORD * comanded Moses. * Exod. 25.
83 One kidde of the goats for a sinne 4? And this worke of the candlestick
offering : was of beaten gold, vnto the shaft there-
83 And for a sacrifice of peace of- of, vnto the flowres thereof was * bea- * Exod. 25.
firings, two oxen, fiue rammes, fine hee ten worke : according vnto the paterne
goats, fiue lambs of the first yeere. This which the L O R D had shewed Mo-
was the offering of Ahira the sonne of ses, so he made the candlesticke.
Enan. 5 IT And the L O R D spake vnto
84 This was the dedication of the Al- Moses, saying,
t;ar (in the day when it was annointed) 6 Take the Leuites from among
by the Princes of Israel : twelue char- the children of Israel, and cleanse them.
gers of siluer, twelue siluer bowles, 7 And thus shalt thou doe vnto
twelue spoones of gold : them, to cleanse them : sprinkle water of
85 Each charger of siluer weighing purifying vpon them , and t let them t Hebr, let
them cause a
an hundred and thirtie shekels , each shaue all their flesh, and let them wash rasortopasse
3owle seuentie : all the siluer vessels their clothes , and so make themselues ouer* %c.
weighed two thousand and foure hun- cleane.
dred shekels, after the shekel of the San- 8 Then let them take a yong bul-
ctuary. locke with his meat offering , euen fine
86 The golden spoones were twelue, flowre mingled with oyle, and an other
?uttQfmcense 9weighingtenshekelsa,piece9 yong bullock shalt thou take for a sinne
after the shekel of the Sanctuary : all offering.
the gold of the spoones, was an hundred 9 And thou shalt bring the Le-
and twentie shekels. uites before the Tabernacle of the Con-
87 All the oxen for the burnt of- gregation ; and thou shalt gather the
fering, were twelue bullocks , the rams whole assembly of the children of Is-
twelue, the lambes of the first yeere rael together.
twelue , with their meat offering : and 10 And thou shalt bring the Leuites
the kids of the goats for sinne offering, before the LORD, and the children of
twelue. Israel shall put their hands vpon the
88 And all the oxen for the sacrifice Leuites.
of the peace offerings , were twenty and 11 And Aaron shall t offer the Le- Wiebywaue.
foure bullocks , the rammes sixtie, the uites before the LORD for an toffring MIeb. watte
hee goates sixtie, the lambes of the of the children of Israel, that t they may t Hebr. they
first yeere sixtie. This was the dedicati- execute the seruice of the LORD. may be to
execute, $c.
on of the Altar, after that it was an- 12 And the Leuites shall lay their
oynted. hands vpon the heads of the bullocks :
89 And when Moses was gone into and thou shalt offer the one for a sinne
the Tabernacle of the Congregation, offering , and the other for a burnt of-
t f . Ood . to speake with thim, then he heard the fering vnto the L O R D , to make an
voyce of one speaking vnto him , from atonement for the Leuites.
oft the Mercie seat, that was vpon the 13 And thou shalt set the Leuites
Arke of Testimony from betweene before Aaron, and before his sonnes,
the two Cherubims : and he spake vn- and offer them for an offering vnto the
to him. LORD.
14 Thus
the Leuites. Chap.ix. The Paffeouer.
14 Thus shalt thou separate the Le- 26 But shall minister with their bre-
uites from among the children of Is- thren in the Tabernacle of the Congre-
* Chap. 3. rael : and the Leuites shalbe * mine. gation, to keepe the charge , and shall
15 And after that, shall the Leuites doe no seruice : thus shalt thou doe vnto
g2joe in, to doe the seruice of the Taber- the Leuites, touching their charge.
nacle of the Congregation : and thou
shalt dense them, and offer them for an C H A P . IX,
16 For they are wholly giuen vnto 1 The Passeouer is commanded againe. 6 A
me, from among the children of Israel : second Passeouer allowed for them that were
vncleane or absent. 15 The cloude guideth
in stead of such as open euery wombe, theremouings & incampings of the Israelites.
* Chap. 3. *euen in stead o^the first borne of all the
13. exod.
13. 2. lukq children of Israel, haue I taken them Nd the LORD spake

2. 23. vnto me. vnto Moses in the wilder-
17 For all the first borne of the chil- dernesse of Sinai , in the
dIren of Israel, are mine, both man and first moneth of the second
jeast : on the day that I smote euery yeere , after they were
first borne in the land of Egypt, I sanc- come out of the land of Egypt, saying,
tified them for my selfe. 2 Let the children of Israel also
18 And I haue taken the Leuites ceepe *the Passeouer, at his appointed *. Exod. 12.
&c. leuit.
for all the first borne of the children of season. 23. 5. chap.
i"srael. 3 In the fourteenth day of this 28.16. 6 2
19 And I haue giuen the Leuites as moneth t at euen, ye shall keepe it in his Hebr. be-
tHeb. giuen. a tgift to Aaron, and to his sonnes, from appointed season : according to all the two weene the
among the children of Israel, to do the rites of it, and according to all the cere- nings.
seruice of the children of Israel, in the monies thereof shall ye keepe it.
Tabernacle of the Congregation, anc 4 And Moses spake vnto the chil-
to make an atonement for the children dren of Israel that they should keepe
of Israel : that there bee no plague a- the Passeouer.
mong the children of Israel, when the 5 And they kept the Passeouer on
children of Israel come nigh vnto the the fourteenth day of the first moneth
Sanctuarie. at Euen , in the wildernesse of Sinai :
20 And Moses and Aaron, and al according to all that the LORD com-
the Congregation of the children of Is- manded Moses , so did the children oi
rael did to the Leuites according vnto Israel.
all that the LORD commanded Mo- 6 1F And there were certaine men
ses, concerning the Leuites, so did the who were defiled by the dead body of a
children of Israel vnto them. man, that they could not keepe the
21 And the Leuites were purified, Passeouer on that day : and they came
and they washed their clothes : and Aa- before Moses, and before Aaron on
ron offered them as an offering before that day.
the LORD, and Aaron made an at- 7 And those men said vnto him, We
onement for them to cleanse them. are defiled by the dead body of a man :
22 And after that, went the Leuites wherefore are we kept backe, that wee
in, to do their seruice in the Tabernacle may not offer an onring of the LORD
of the Congregation before Aaron anc in nis appointed season among the chil-
and before his sonnes: as the LORD dren of Israel ?
had commanded Moses concerning the 8 And Moses saide vnto them ,
Leuites, so did they vnto them. Stand still, and I will heare what the
23 IT And the LORD spake vnto LORD wil command concerning you
Moses, saying, 9 f And the LORD spake vnto
24 This is it that belongeth vnto the Moses, saying,
Leuites : from twentie and fiue yeeres 10 Speake vnto the children of Is-
old, and vpward, they shall goe in tto srael, saying, If any man of you, or o^
t Heb. to waite vpon the seruice of the Taberna- your posteritie shall be vncleane by rea-
Warre thg
warfare of cle of the Congregation.
son of a dead body, or bee in a iourney
fHebr. re- 25 And from the age of fiftie yeeres afarre off, yet he shall keepe the Passe-
turnefrom they shall t cease waiting vpon the ser- ouer vnto the LORD.
the warfare
oftheseruic uice thereof, and shall serue no more : 11 The fourteenth day of the second
Cloud and fire. Numbers. Sihier trumpets.
moneth at Euen they shall keepe it, and cloude was taken vp, they iourneyed.
eat it with vnleauened bread and bitter 22 Or whether it were two dayes, or
herbes. a moneth , or a yeere that the cloude
18 They shall leaue none of it vnto taried vpon the Tabernacle , remay-
the morning, nor breake any bone of it : ning thereon, the children of Israel *a- * Exod. 40.
* Exod. 12. * according to all the ordinances of the bode in their tents, and iourueyed not : 36. 37.
46. ioh. 19*
36. Passeouer they shall keepe it. but when it was taken vp , they iour-
13 But the man that is cleane, and is neyed.
not in a iourney, and forbeareth to 23 At the commandement of the
keep the Passeouer, euen the same soule LORD they rested in the tents, and at
shall be cut off from his people, because the commaundement of the LORD
liee brought not the offering of the they iourneyed: they kept the charge of
L O K D in his appointed season : that the LORD, at the commandement of
man shall beare his sinne. the LORD by the hand of Moses.
14 And if a stranger shall soiourne
among you , and will keepe the Passe-
ouer vnto the L O R D ; according to CHA P . X.
/~1 TT
A T» "\T

the ordinance of the Passeouer, and ac- 1 The vse of the siluer Trumpets. 1 1 The Is-
cording to the maner thereof, so shall he raelites remoue from Sinai to Paran. 14 The
* Exod. 12. doe: *ye shall haue one ordinance, both order of their march. 29 Hobab is in trea-
49. ted by Moses not to leaue them. 33 The
for the stranger, and for him that was blessing of Moses at the remoouing and re-
borne in the land. sting of the Arke.
* Exod. 40. 15 f And * on the day that the Ta-
bernacle was reared vp, the cloud coue- Nd the L O R D spake
red the Tabernacle, namely the Tent of
the Testimony : and at Euen there
was vpon the Tabernacle , as it were
the appearance of fire , vntill the mor-
A vnto Moses, saying,
2 Make thee two trum-
pets of siluer •: of an whole
piece snan tnou maite
ning. them, that thou mayest vse them for the
16 So it was alway : the cloud coue- calling of the assembly, and for the iour-
red it by day, and the appearance of fire neying of the campes.
by night. 3 And when they shall blow with
17 And when the cloud was taken them , all the assembly shall assemble
vp from the Tabernacle , then after themselues to thee, at the doore of the
that, the children of Israel iourneyed, Tabernacle of the Congregation.
and in the place where the cloud abode, 4 And if they blow but with one
there the children of Israel pitched trumpet ,ihen thePrinces, which arehe&ds
their tents. of the thousands of Israel, shall gather
18 At the commandement of the themselues vnto thee.
L O R D the children of Israel iour- 5 When ye blow an alarme, then
neied, and at the commandement of the the campes that lie on the East parts,
* l . Corin. L O R D they pitched: * as long as the shall goe forward.
10. 1.
cloud abode vpon the Tabernacle, they 6 When you blow an alarme the se-
rested in the tents. cond time, then the campes that lye on
t He br. pro- 19 And when the cloud ttaried long the Southside, shall take their iourney:
vpon the Tabernacle many daies, then they shall blow an alarme for their
the children of Israel kept the charge iourneys.
of the LORD, and iourneyed not. 7 But when the Congregation is
20 And so it was when the cloude to be gathered together, you shal blow :
was a few daies vpon the Tabernacle, but you shall not sound an alarme.
according to the commandement of the 8 And the sonnes of Aaron the
LORD, they abode in their tents, and Priests shall blow with the trumpets;
according to the commandement of the and they shalbe to you for an ordinance
LORD, they iourneyed. for euer throughout your generations.
21 And so it was when the cloude 9 And if ye goe to warre in your
t Hebr. was. t abode from Euen vnto the morning, land, against the enemie that oppresseth
and that the cloude was taken up in the you, then ye shall blow an alarme with
morning, then they iourneyed : whe- the trumpets, and ye shalbe remembred
ther it was by day or by night that the before the LORD your God, and yee
The remouings Chap.x. of the campe.
shalbe saued from your enemies. the children of Beniamin, was Abidan
10 Also in the day of your gladnesse, the soune of Gideoni.
and in your solemn e dayes , and in the 25 f And t)ie standerd of the campe
beginnings of your monethes, ye shall of the children of Dan set forward,
blow with the trumpets ouer your which was the rere-ward of all the
burnt offerings, and ouer the sacrifices canapes throughout their hostes : and
of your peace offerings, that they may ouer his hoste was Ahiezer the sonne of
bee to you for a memoriall before your Ammishaddai.
God : I am the LORD your God. 26 And ouer the hoste of the tribe of
11 H And it came to passe on the the children of Asher, was Pagiel the
twentieth day of the second moneth, in sonne of Ocran.
the second yeere , that the cloude was 27 And ouer the hoste of the tribe of
taken vp from off the Tabernacle of the children of Naphtali was Ahira the
the Testimony. sonne of Enan.
12 And the children of Israel tooke 28 t Thus were the iourneyings of MJebr. fnese.

their iourneys out of the wildernesse of the children of Israel, according to their
Sinai ; and the cloud rested in the wil- armies, when they set forward.
dernesse of Paran. 29 1T And Moses said vnto Hobab
13 And they first tooke their iourney, the sonne of Raguel the Midianite Mo-
according to the commandement of the ses father in law , Wee are iourneying
LORD, by the hand of Moses. vnto the place of which the L O R D
* Chap. 2. 3. 14? If *In the first place went the stan- said, I wil giue it you : come thou with
derd of the campe of the children of lu- vs, and we will doe thee good : for the
dali, according to their armies, and o- L O R D hath spoken good concerning
*Chap. 1.7. uer his hoste was * Nahshon the sonne Israel.
of Amminadab. 30 And he said vnto him, I will not
15 And ouer the hoste of the tribe of goe, but I will depart to mine owne
the children of Issachar, was Nethaneel land, and to my kinred.
the sonne of Zuar, 31 And he said, Leaue vs not, I pray
16 And ouer the hoste of the tribe of thee, forasmuch as thou knowest how
the children of Zebulun, was Eliab the we are to eneampe in the wilderuesse,
sonne of Helon. and thou mayest bee to vs in stead of
17 And the Tabernacle was taken eyes.
downe, and the sonnes of Gershon, and 32 And it shall bee if thou goe with
the sonnes of Merari set forward, bea- vs, yea it shall be, that what .goodnesse
ring the Tabernacle. the LORD shall doe vnto vs, the same
181? And the standerd of the campe will we doe vnto thee.
of Reuben set forward according to 33 11 And they departed from the
their armies : and ouer his hoste was E- Mount of the L O R D three dayes
lizur the sonne of Shedeur. iourney : and the Arke of the Couenant
19 And ouer the hoste of the tribe of of the LORD went before them in the
the children of Simeon, was Shelumiel three dayes iourney, to search out a re-
the sonne of Zurishaddai. sting place for them.
20 And ouer the hoste of the tribe of 34 And the cloude of the L O R D
the children of Gad, was Eliasaph the was vpon them by day, when they went
sonne of Deuel. out of the campe.
21 And the Kohathites set forward, 35 And it came to passe when the
* Chap. 4. 4. bearing the * Sanctuary, and the Mother Arke set forward, that Moses said,
t That iy,
*he Gersho- did set vp the Tabernacle against they * Rise vp LORD, and let thine ene- * Psal. 68.
uites, and the came. mies be scattered, and let them that 1, 2.
Seev. 17. 22 H And the standerd of the campe hate thee, flee before thee.
of the children of Ephraim set forward, 36 And when it rested, he said, Re-
according to their armies, and ouer his turne, O L O R D , vnto the tmany t ttebr. fen
hoste was Elishama the sonne of Am- thousands of Israel. thousands.
23 And ouer the hoste of the tribe of C H A P . XL
the children of Manasseh was Gamaliel
the sonne of Pedazur. 1 The burning at Taberah quenched by Moses
prayer. 4 The people fust for flesh, and
24? And ouer the hoste of the tribe of lotfrJVf anna. 10 Moses complayneth of his
i charge.
Manna is loathed. Numbers. Seuenty Elders.
charge. 16 God diuideth his burden vnto vnto me, saying, Giue vs flesh , that we
seuentie Elders. 31 Quailes are giuen in may eate.
wrath at Kibroth-Hattaauah. 14 I am not able to beare all this
>eop!e alone, because it is too heauie for
11 Or, were Nd when the people || com- mee.

as it were
cotnplai- plained , t it displeased -the 15 And if thou deale thus with mee.
ners.. L O R D : and the LORD cill me, I pray thee out of hand, if I
I Heb. it was
euill in the heard it : and his anger laue found fauour in thy sight, and let
cares of^c.
was kindled, and the fire me not see my wretchednesse.
* Psal. 78. of the L O R D burnt * among them, 16 IF And the LORD said vnto Mo-
and consumed them that wmnthevtter- ses, Gather vnto me seuentie men , of
most parts of the campe. the Elders of Israel , whome thou
£ And the people cried vnto Moses, mowest to be the elders of the people,
and when Moses prayed vnto the and officers ouer them : and bring them
t Hebr. lL.ORD, the fire t was quenched. vnto the Tabernacle of the Congrega-
3 And hee called the name of the tion , that they may stand there with
II That is, p)lace ||Taberah : because the fire of the thee.
a burning.
LORD burnt among them. 17 And I will come downe and
* As Exod. 4 11 And the *mixt multitude that talke with thee there, and I will take
12. 38,
t Heb. lusted was among them, tfell a lusting, and of the spirit which is vpon thee, and wil
a lust. the children of Israel talso wept a- 3ut it vpon them, and they shall beare
Hebr. re-
turned and jaine, and said, * Who shal giue vs flesh ,he burden of the people with thee, that
wept. ;o eate ? thou beare it not thy selfe alone.
* 1. Cor. 10.
5 We remember the fish which wee 18 And say thou vnto the people,
did eate in Egypt freely : the cucumbers Sanctifie your selues against to mor-
and the melons, and the leekes, and the row, and yee shall eate flesh : (for you
onions, and the garlicke. laue wept in the eares of the LORD,
6 But now our soule is dried away, saying, Who shall giue vs flesh to eate?
there is nothing at all, besides this for it was well with vs in Egypt : )
Manna, before our eyes. therfore the LORD wil giue you flesh,
* Exod. 16. 7 And * the Manna was as Cori- and ye shall eate.
14, 31*
Hebr. eye ander seed, and the t colour thereof as 19 Ye shall not eate one day, nor two
qfit, as the the colour of Bdelium : dayes, nor fiue dayes, neither ten ddyes,
eye oj.
p-f, a (\f
8 And the people went about, anc nor t wen tie dayes :
gathered it, and ground it in milles, or 20 But euen a t whole morieth, vntil \ Heb. mo*
seat it in a morter, and baked it in pans, it come out at your nostrels, and it bee neth of
and made cakes of it : and the taste of it loathsome vnto you , because that yee
was as the taste of fresh oyle. haue despised the LORD which is a-
9 And when the dew fell vpon the mong you, and haue wept before him,
campe in the night, the Manna fell vp- saying, Why came we foorth out of E-
on it.
10 1f Then Moses heard the people
gyp21 And Moses said , The people a-
weepe throughout their families, euery mongst whome I am, are sixe hundrec
man in the doore of his tent, and the thousand footmen, and thou hast said
anger of the L O R D was kindlec I will giue them flesh, that they may
greatly, Moses also was displeased. eate a whole moneth.
11 And Moses said vnto the LORD, 22 Shall the flockes and the herds
Wherefore hast thou afflicted thy ser- be slaine for them to suffice them ? or sha
uant ? and wherefore haue I not founc all the fish of the sea bee gathered toge-
fauour in thy sight, that thou layest the ther for them, to suffice them ?
burden of all this people vpon me ? 23 And the L O R D said vnto Mo
12 Haue I concerned all this people ? ses , * Is the LORDS hand waxec * Esa. 50. 2.
haue I begotten them, that thou shoul- short ? thou shalt see now whether nr and 59. 1.
dest say vnto me, Gary them in thy bo- word shall come to pass vnto thee, or
some ( as a nursing father beareth the not.
sucking child) vnto the land which thou 24? IT And Moses went out, anc
swarest vnto their fathers ? tolde the people the wordes of the
13 Whence should I haue flesh to LORD, and gathered the seuenty men
giue vnto all this people ? for they wee] of the Elders of the people , and se
Eldad and Medad. Chap.xij. Miriam leprous.
them round about the Tabernacle. prayer of Moses. 14 God comraandeth her
25 And the L O R D came downe in to be shut out of the hoste.
a cloude, and spake vnto him, and tooke Nd Miriam and Aaron

of the spirit that was vpon him , and spake against Moses, be-
gaue it vnto the seuentie Elders : and it cause of the || Ethiopian \\Or,Cu.
came to passe that when the spirit rested woman , whom hee had shite.
vpon them, they prophesied, and did not married : for he had t mar- t Hebr. ta-
cease. ken.
ried an Ethiopian woman.
26 But there remained two of the 2 And they said, Hath the L O R D
men in the campe, the name of the one indeed spoken onely by Moses ? Hath
was Eldad, & the name of the other Me- hee not spoken also by vs ? And the
dad : and the Spirit rested vpon them, LORD heard it.
(and they were of them that were writ- 3 (Now the man Moses was * very * Ecclu. 45.
ten, but went not out vnto the Taber- meeke , aboue all the men which were 4.
nacle) and they prophesied in the campe. vpon the face of the earth.)
27 And there ranne a yong man, 4 And the L O R D spake sudden-
and tolde Moses, and said, Eldad and ly vnto Moses, and vnto Aaron, and
Medad doe prophesie in the campe. vnto Miriam, Come out ye three vnto
28 And loshua the sonne of Nun the Tabernacle of the Congregation:
the seruant of Moses , one of his yong and they three came out.
men, answered and said, My lord Mo- 5 And the L O R D came downe in
ses, Forbid them. the pillar of the cloude, and stood in the
29 And Moses said vnto him, Eri- doore of the Tabernacle, and called Aa-
uiest thou for my sake ? Would God ron and Miriam : and they both came
that all the L O R D S people were foorth.
Prophets, and that the L O R D would 6 And hee saide , Heare now my
put his Spirit vpon them. words : If there be a Prophet among
30 And Moses gate him into the you, I the L O R D will make my selfe
campe, he, and the Elders of Israel. knowen vnto him in a vision, and will
* Exod. 16. 31 f And there went forth a * winde speake vnto him in a dreame :
13. psal. 78.
26. from the LORD, and brought quailes 7 *My seruant Moses is not so, who •« Hebr. 3.2.
from the sea, and let them fall by the is faithfull in all mine house.
t Hebr. an campe , t as it were a dayes iourney on 8 With him will I speake * mouth * Exod. 33.
it were the
way of ft day. this side, and as it were a dayes iour- to mouth euen apparantly, and not in 11.
ney on the other side round about the darke speeches, and the similitude of the
campe, and as it were two cubits high L O R D shall hee behold : wherefore
vpon the face of the earth. then were yee not afraid to speake a-
32 And the people stood vp all that gainst my seruant Moses ?
day, and all that night, and all the next 9 And the anger of the L O R D
day, and they gathered the quailes : he was kindled against them, and he de-
that gathered least, gathered ten ho- parted.
mers : and they spread them all abroad 10 And the cloud departed from off
for themselues round about the campe. the Tabernacle, and behold , Miriam
* Psal. 78. 33 And while the * flesh was yet be- became leprous , white as snow : and
tweene their teeth, yer it was chewed, Aaron looked vpon Miriam , and be-
the wrath of the L O R D was kindled hold, she was leprous.
against the people, and the L O R D 11 And Aaron said vnto Moses, A-
smote the people with a very great las my lord, I beseech thee, lay not the
plague. sinne vpon vs, wherein we haue done
34 And he called the name of that foolishly, and wherein we haue sinned :
li That w, place, || Kibroth-Hattaauah : because 12 Let her not bee as one dead, of
Tlte grants
of lust. there they buried the people that lusted.whom the flesh is halfe consumed,
35 And the people iourney ed from when he commeth out of his mothers
t Hebr. they
Kibroth - Hattaauah , vnto Hazeroth : wombe.
were in, SfC. and t abode at Hazeroth. 13 And Moses cryed vnto the
L O R D , saying, Heale her now, O
C H A P . XII. God, I beseech thee.
1 God rebuketh the sedition of Miriam and Aa- 14 If And the L O R D said vnto
ron. 10 Miriams leprosie is healed at the Moses , If her father had but spit in
Spies are fent to Numbers. fearch the land.
her face, should she not bee ashamed se- 17 IF And Mouses sent them to spie
* Leuit. 13. uen dayes? let her be *shut out from the out the land of Canaan, and said vnto
campe seuen dayes , and after that let them , Get you vp this way South-
her be receiued in againe. ward, and goe vp into the mountaine :
15 And Miriam was shut out from 18 And see the lande what it is, and
the campe seuen dayes : and the people the people that dwelleth therein, whe-
iourneied not, til Miriam was brought ther they bee strong or weake, fewe or
in againe. many :
16. And afterward the people remo- 19 And what the lande is that they
ued from Hazeroth, and pitched in the dwell in, whether it be good or bad, and
wildernesse of Paran. what cities they bee that they dwell in,
whether in tents, or in strong holds :
C T-T A T> V TTT 20 And what the land isy whether it
be fat or leane, whether there be wood
1 The names of the men who were sent to search therein, or not. And be ye of good cou-
the land. 17 Their instructions. 21 Their rage, and bring of the fruit of the land :
actes. 26 Their relation.
(Now the time was the time of the first
Nd the L O R D spake ripe grapes)

vnto Moses, saying, 21 IF So they went vp, and searched
2 Send thou men, that the land, from the wildernesse of Zin,
they may search the lande vnto Rehob, as men come to Hamatli.
O£k A 1 j.1 J J I
of Canaan, which I giue 22 And they ascended by j.l~
the OSouth,i.'L.

vnto the children of Israel : of euery and came vnto Hebron : where Ahi-
tribe of their fathers shal ye send a man. man, Sheshai, and Talmai , the chil-
euery one a ruler among them. dren of Anak were : Now Hebron
3 And Moses by the commaunde- was built seuen yeeres before Zoan in
ment of the L O U D , sent them from Egypt.
the wildernes of Paran : all those men 23 * And they came vnto the ||brooke * Deut. i .
were heads of the children of Israel. of Eshcol, and cut downe from thence H Or, valley.
4 And these were .their names. Of a branch with one cluster of grapes, and
the tribe of Reuben, Shammua the they bare it betweene two vpon a staffe,
sonne of Zaccur. and they brought of the pomegranates
5 Of the tribe of Simeon, Sha- and of the figs.
phat the sonne of Hori. 24 The place was called the || brooke 1 Or, valley.
6 Of the tribe of ludah, Caleb the || Eshcol, because of the cluster of grapes 1 i. a cluster
sonne of lephunneh. which the children of Israel cut downe of grapes.
7 Of the tribe of Issachar, Igal from thence.
the sonne of loseph. 25 And they returned from sear-
8 Of the tribe of Ephraim, Oshea ching of the land after fourty dayes.
the sonne of Nun. 26 1F And they went and came to
9 Of the tribe of Beniamin, Palti Moses , and to Aaron , and to all the
the sonne of Raphu. Congregation of the children of Israel
10 Of the tribe of Zebulun, Gaddiel vnto the wildernesse of Paran, to Ka-
the sonne of Sodi. desh, and brought backe word vnto
1 1 Of the tribe of loseph , namely of them, and vnto all the Congregation,
the tribe of Manasseh, Gaddi the sonne and shewed them the fruit of the land.
of Susi. 27 And they told him, and said, We
12 Of the tribe of Dan, Ammiel the came vnto the land whither thou sen-
sonne of Gemalli. test vs, & surely it floweth with * milke * Exod. 33.
13 Of the tribe of Asher, Sethur the and honie ; and this is the fruit of it. J.
sonne of Michael. 28 Neuerthelesse , the people bee
14? Of the tribe of Naphtali, Nahbi strong that dwell in the land, and the ci-
the sonne of Vophsi. ties are walled and very great : and
15 Of the tribe of Gad, Geuel the moreouer, we saw the children of Anak
sonne of Machi. there.
16 These are the names of the men 29 The Amalekites dwell in the
which Moses sent to spie out the land : land of the South : and the Hittites,
and Moses called Oshea the sonne of and the lebusites, and the Amorites
Nun, lehoshua. dwell in the mountaines : and the Ca-
naan it es i
Murmuring. Chap.xiiij. Mofes prayeth.
naanites dwell by the sea, and by the 7 And they spake vnto all the com-
coast of lordane. pany of the children of Israel , saying,
30 And Caleb stilled the people be- The land which wee passed thorow to
fore Moses, and said, Let vs goe vp at search it, is an exceeding good land.
once, and possesse it, for we are well able 8 If the L O R D delight in vs.
to ouercome it. then he will bring vs into this land, and
31 But the men that went vp with giue it vs, a land which floweth with
him, said, Wee be not able to goe vp a- milke and hony.
gainst the people, for they are stronger 9 Onely rebell not yee against the
then we. LORD, neither feare yee the people
32 And they brought vp an euill re- of the land , for they are bread for vs :
port of the land which they had sear- their t defence is departed from them, t Hebr. sha-
ched, vnto the children of Israel, say- and the L O R D is with vs: feare dow.
ing, The land through which we haue them not.
gone, to search it, is a land that eateth 10 But all the Congregation bade
vp the inhabitants thereof, and all the stone them with stones : and the glory
\ Heb. men people that we saw in it, are t men of a of the LORD appeared in the Taber-
of statures.
great stature. nacle of the Congregation, before all
33 And there we saw the* giants, the the children of Israel.
sonnes of Anak, which come of the gi- 11 f And the L O R D said vnto
ants : and wee were in our owne sight Moses, How long will this people pro-
as grashoppers, and so wee were in uoke me? and how long will it bee, yer
their sight. they beleeue me, for all the signes which
I haue shewed among them ?
C HAP XTTTT 12 I will smite them with the pesti-
lence, and disinherite them, and will
1 The people murmure at the newes. 6 lo- make of thee a greater nation, and
shua and Caleb labour to stil them. 1 1 God
threatneth them. IS Moses perswadeth God mightier then they.
and obtaineth pardon. 26 The murmurers 13 1F And * Moses said vnto the * Exod. 32.
are depriued of entring into the land. 36 L O R D , Then the Egyptians shall 2.
The men who raised the euill report, die by a leare it, (for thou broughtest vp this
plague. 40 The people that would inuade
the land against the wil of God, are smitten. Deople in thy might from among
;hem :)
Nd all the Congregation 14 And they will tell it to the inha-

A lifted vp their voyce and

cried; and the people wept
that night.
2 And all the children
bitants of this land: for they haue heard
that thou LORD art among this peo-
ple, that thou LORD art scene face to
ttce, and that *thy cloud stahdeth ouer * Exod. 13.
of Israel murmured against Moses, ;hem, and that thou goest before them, 1.
and against Aaron : and the whole >y day time in a pillar of a cloud, and in
Congregation said vnto them, Would a pillar of fire by night.
God that we had died in the land of E- 15 IF Now if thou shalt kill all this
gypt, or would God we had died in this people, as one man, then the nations
wifdernesse. which haue heard the fame of thee, will
3 And wherefore hath the L O R D speake, saying,
brought vs vnto this land, to fall by the 16 Because the LORD was not *a- * Deut. 9.
sword, that our wiues, and- our children >le to bring this people into the lande 8.
should be a pray ? were it not better for which he sware vnto them, therefore he
vs to returne into Egypt ? hlath slaine them in the wildernesse.
4 And they saide one to another, 17 And now, I beseech thee, let the
Let vs make a captaine, and let vs re- >ower of my LORD be great, accor-
turne into Egypt. ding as thou hast spoken, saying,
5 Then Moses and Aaron fell on 18 The L O R D is *long suffering, * Exod. 34.
their faces before all the assembly of the . psal. 103.
and of great mercie, forgiuing iniquitie 8.
Congregation of the children of Israel. and transgression, and by no meanes
6 IF And loshua the sonne of Nun, clearing theguiltie^* visiting the iniquity * Exod. 20.
and Caleb the sonne of lephlmneh. of the fathers vpon the chldren, vnto . and 34. 7.
which were of them that searched the the third and fourth generation.
land, rent their clothes. 19 Pardon, I beseech thee, the ini-
[nfidelitie is Numbers. threatened.
q[uitie of this people, according vnto the 34 After the number of the dayes in
gpeatnesse of thy mercie, and as thou which ye searched the land, euen *fortie 6.Ezech. 4.
. psal-95.
hlast forgiuen this people, from Egypt, dayes (each day for a yeere) shall yee 10.
y Or, hither- euen ||vntill now. )eare your iniquities, euen forty yeeres,
to. 20 And the L O R D said, I haue and yee shall know my ([breach of pro- I Or, alte-
>ardoned, according to thy word. mise. purpose.
21 But as truely as I Hue, all the 35 I the LORD haue said, I will
earth shalbe filled with the glory of the surely doe it vnto all this euill Congre-
LORD. gation , that are gathered together a-
2£ Because all tho§e men which rainst mee: in this wildernesse they
iaue scene my glory, and my miracles shalbe consumed, & there they shall die.
which I did in Egypt, and in the wil- 36 And the men which Moses sent
dernesse, and haue tempted mee now to search the land, who returned, and
these ten times , and haue not hearke- made all the Congregation to mur-
ned to my voice, mure against him , by bringing vp a
t Hebr. if 23 t Surely they shall not see the slander vpon the land,
(hey see the
and. land which I sware vnto their fa- 37 Euen those men that did bring vp
thers , neither shall any of them that the euill report vpon the land, * died by •l.Cor. 10.
10. hebr. 3.
prouoked me, see it. the plague, 'before the LORD. 10. iud. 5.
•Iosh.u.6 24 But my seruant * Caleb, because 38 But loshua the sonne of Nun,
hee had another spirit with him, (and and Caleb the sonne of lephunneh,
hath followed mee fully) him will 1 which were of the men that went to
bring into the land, whereinto he went, search the land, Hued still
and his seed shall possesse it. 39 And Moses told these sayings vn-
25 (Now the Amalekites, and the to all the children of Israel, and the
Canaanites dwelt in the valley) to mor- people mourned greatly.
row turne you and get you into the 40 If And they rose vp early in the
wildernesse, by the way of the Red sea. morning, and gate them vp into the
26 f And the L O R D spake vnto top of the mountaine, saying, Loe, we
Moses, and vnto Aaron, saying, * be here, and will goe vp vnto the place * Deut, l.
27 How long shall I bearewith this eui which the LORD hath promised : foi 41.
congregation which murmure against we haue sinned.
mee? I haue heard the murmurings 41 And Moses said, Wherefore now
of the children of Israel , which they doe you transgresse the commaunde-
murmure against mee. ment of the LORD ? but it shall not
* Chap. 26. 28 Say vnto them, *As truely as ] prosper.
65. and 32.
10. Hue, saith the LORD, as ye haue spo- 42 Goe not vp, for the LORD is
ken in min.e eares, so will I doe to you: not among you, that ye be not smitten
29 Youi* carcases shall fall in this before your enemies.
* Deut. 1. wildernesse, and all that were *num- 43 For the Amalekites, and the Ca-
36. bred of you , according to your whole naanites are there before you, and yee
number from twentie yeeres old anc shall fall by the sword, because yee are
vpward, which haue murmured a- turned away from the L O R D ; there-
gainst mee, fore the L O R D will not bee with
30 Doubtlesse ye shall not come into you.
t Heb. lifted the land concerning which I t sware to 44 But they presumed to go vp vn
vp my hand
make you dwell therein, saue Caleb the to the hill top: neuertheles the Arke o
sonne of lephunneh , and loshua the the Couenant of the LORD, and Mo-
sonne of Nun. ses departed not out of the campe.
31 But your little ones, which yee 45 Then l the Amalekites came
said should be a pray, them will 1 bring downe , and the Canaanites which
in, and they shall know the land whicl dwelt in that hill, and smote them, anc
ye haue despised. * discomfited them, euen vnto Hormah * Deut. l.
3$ But as for you, your carkases,
they shall fall in this wildernesse.
tt Or, feed. 33 And your children shall || wander CH A P . XV.
TJT \ T> ""VX7

In the wildernes forty yeres, and beare 1 The hfw of the meat offering and the drinke
your whoredomes, vntill your carka- offring. 13. 29 The stranger is vnder the same
law. 17 The law of the first of the dougl
ses be wasted in the wildernesse. for a heaue offering. 22 The sacrifice fo
Offerings. Chap.xv. Offerings.
sinne of ignorance. 30 The punishment vnto the L O R D : as ye doe, so hee
of presumption. 32 Hee that violated the shall doe.
Sabbath, is stoned. 37 The law of fringes.
15 * One ordinance shall be both for * Exod. 12.
Nd the L O R D spake you of the Congregation, and also for 49. 14.
chap. 9.

vnto Moses, saying, the stranger that soiourneth with you.
* Leuit. 23. 2 * Speake vnto the an ordinance for euer in your generati-
10. children of Israel, and say ons: as ye are, so shall the stranger bee,
vnto them, When ye be before the LORD.
come into the land of your habitations, 16 One law, and one maner shall be
which I giue vnto you, for you, and for the stranger that soiour-
3 And will make an offering by fire neth with you.
vnto the LORD, a burnt offering or 17 f And the L O R D spake vnto
• Leuit. 22. a sacrifice *in t perform ing a vow, or in a Moses, saying,
21. free will offering , or in your solemne 18 Speake vnto the children of Is-
t fieo.
t-fah sepa-
rating. feasts, to make a * sweet sauour vnto the rael, and say vnto them, When ye come
* Exod. 29. LORD, of the herd or of the flocke : into the land whither I bring you,
* Leuit. 2.1. 4 Then * shall he that offereth his 19 Then it shall be that when ye eate
offering vnto the LORD, bring a meat of the bread of the land, yee shall offer
offring of a tenth deale of flowre, ming- vp an heaue offring vnto the LORD.
led with the fourth part of an Hyn of 20 Ye shall offer vp a cake of the first
oyle. of your dough, for an heaue offring : as
5 And the fourth part of an Hyn of ye doe the heaue offering of the thresh-
wine for a drinke offring shalt thou pre- ing floore, so shall ye heaue it.
pare, with the burnt offering or sacri- 21 Of the first of your dough ye shal
fice for one lambe. giue vnto the LORD, an heaue offe-
6 Or for a ramme, thou shalt pre- ring in your generations.
pare for a meate offering two tenth 22 1F And if yee haue erred, and not
deales of flowre mingled with the third obserued all these Commaundements
part of an Hyn of oyle. which the L O R D hath spoken vnto
7 And for a drinke offering, thou Moses,
shalt offer the third part of an Hyn of 23 Euen all that the LORD hath
wine, for a sweete sauour vnto the commanded you, by the hand of Moses
LORD. from the day that the LORD comman-
8 And when thou prepares! a bul- ded Moses, and henceforward among
locke for a burnt offering, or for a sacri- your generations :
fice in performing a vow, or peace offe- 24 Then it shalbe, if ought be com-
rings vnto the LORD : mitted by ignorance t without the t Hebr.from
9 Then shall hee bring with a bul- knowledge of the Congregation, that the eyes.
locke a meate offering of three tenth all the Congregation shall offer one
deales of flowre, mingled with halfe an yong bullocke for a burnt offering, for
Hyn of oyle. a sweet sauour vnto the LORD, with
10 And thou shalt bring for a drinke his meate offering, and his drinke offe-
offering halfe an Hyn of wine, for an ring, according to the || manner, and one 1 Or, ordi.
offering made by fire of a sweet sauour kid of the goats for a sinne offering. nance.
vnto the LORD. 25 And the Priest shall make an at-
11 Thus shall it be done for one bul- onement for all the Congregation of
locke, or for one ramme, or for a lambe, the children of Israel, and it shal be for-
or a kidde. giuen them, for it is ignorance : and they
12 According to the number that yee shall bring their offring, a sacrifice made
shall prepare, so shall yee doe to euery by fire vnto the LORD, and their sinne
one, according to their number. offering before the L O R D , for their
13 All that are borne of the countrey ignorance.
shall doe these things after this maner, 26 And it shall bee forgiuen all the
in offering an offering made by fire of a Congregation of the children of Is-
sweet sauour, vnto the LORD. rael, and the stranger that soiourneth
14 And if a stranger soiourne with among them, seeing all the people were
you, or whosoeuer bee among you in in ignorance.
your generations, and will offer an of- 27 f And * if any soule sinne through * Leuit. 4.
fering made by fire of a sweete sauour ignorance, then hee shall bring a shee
Sabbath broken. Numbers. Korahs rebellion.
goat of the first yeere for a sinne offring. which brought you out of the land of
28 And the Priest shall make an at- Egypt, to bee your God : I am the
onement for the soule that sinneth igno- LORD your God.
rantly, when he sinneth by ignorance
before the LORD, to make an atone- \^> XA J\. JL . A. VI.
ment for him, & it shalbe forgiuen him.
£9 You shall haue one law for him 1 The rebellion of Korah, Dathan and Abiram,
23 Moses separateth the people from the re-
iHebr that t sinneth through ignorance, both bels tents, 31 The earth swalloweth vp Ko-
for him that is borne amongst the chil- rah, and a fire consumeth others. 36 The
dren of Israel, and for the stranger that censers are reserued to holy vse. 41 Foure-
soiourneth among them. teene thousand and seuen hundred are slaine
by a plague for murmuring against Mo-
30 IT But the soule that doeth ought ses ana Aaron. 46 Aaron by incense stay-
tHebr,with t presumptuously, whether he be borne eth the plague.
an high
hand. in the land, or a stranger, the same re-
procheth the L O R D : and that soule Ow * Korah the sonne of 3.* Chap. 27.

shall be cut off from among his people. Izhar, the sonne of ko- 45. 21. iud,
31 Because he hath despised the word hath, the sonne of Leui, 11.
of the L O R D , and hath broken his and Dathan, and Abiram
commandement, that soule shall vtter- the sonnes of Eliab, and
ly be cut off: his iniquitie shall be vpon On the sonne of Peleth, sonnes of Reu-
him. ben, tooke men.
32 f And while the children of Is- % And they rose vp before Moses,
rael were in the wildernes, they found with certaine of the children of Israel,
a man that gathered stickes vpon the two hundred and fiftie Princes of the
Sabbath day. assembly, * famous in the Congregati- * Chap. 26.
33 And they that found him gathe- on, men of renowne.
ring sticks, brought him vnto Moses 3 And they gathered themselues to-
and Aaron, and vnto all the Congre- gether against Moses > and against Aa-
gation. ron, and said vnto them, t Ye take too tHebr. It is
* Leuit. 24. 34 And they put him *in ward, be- muchfor
much vpon you, seeing all the Con- you.
cause it was not declared what should gregation are holy euery one of them,
be done to him. and the LORD is among them :
35 And the L O R D said vnto Mo- wherfore then lift you vp your selues a-
ses , The man shall bee surely put to boue the Congregation of the LORD ?
death : all the Congregation shall stone 4 And when Moses heard it, he fell
him with stones without the campe. vpon his face.
36 And all the Cogregation brought 5 And hee spake vnto Korah, and
him without the campe, and stoned him vnto all his company, saying, Euen to
with stones, and he died, as the LORD morrow the LORD will shew who
commanded Moses. are his, and who is holy, and will cause
37 1F And the L O R D spake vnto him to come neere vnto him -. euen him
Moses, saying, whom he hath chosen, will he cause to
38 Speake vnto the children of Is- come neere vnto him.
* Deut. 22. raels and bidde *them that they make 6 This doe : take you censers, Ko-
12. matth.
23. 5. them fringes in the borders of their rah, and all his company :
garments, throughout their generati- 7 And put fire therein , and put in-
ons, and that they put vpon the fringe cense in them , before the LORD to
of the borders a ribband of blew, morrow; And it shall be, that the man
39 And it shall bee vnto you for a whom the LORD doeth choose, hee
fringe, that ye may looke vpon it, and shall be holy : yee take too much vpon
remember all the commandements of you, ye sonnes of Leui.
the LORD, and doe them ; and that 8 And Moses saide vnto Korah,
ye seeke not after your owne heart, and Heare, I pray you, ye sonnes of Leui.
your owne eyes, after which ye vse to 9 Seemeth it but a small thing vn-
goe a whoring : to you, that the God of Israel hath se-
40 That ye may remember, and doe parated you from the Congregation of
all my commandements, and be holy Israel, to bring you neere to himselfe,
vnto your God. * to doe the seruice of the Tabernacle of
i 41 I am the L O R D your God, the L O R D , and to stand before the
He, Dathan &c. Chap.xvj. are fwalldwed vp.
Congregation to minister vnto them ? 24? Speake vnto the Congregation,
10 And he hath brought thee neere saying, Get you vp from about the ta-
to him, and all thy brethren the sonnes of bernacle of Korah, Dathan, and A-
Leui with thee : and seeke ye the Priest- biram.
hood also ? 25 And Moses rose vp, and went vn-
11 For which cause both thou, and all to Dathan and Abiram : and the El-
thy company are gathered together a- ders of Israel followed him.
gainst the L O R D : and what is Aa- 26 And hee spake vnto the Congre-
ron, that ye murmure against him ? gation, saying, Depart, I pray you,
12 If And Moses sent to call Da- from the tents of these wicked men, and
than and Abiram the sonnes of Eliab : touch nothing of theirs, lest ye be con-
which said. We will not come vp. sumed in all their sinnes.
13 Is it a small thing that thou hast 27 So they gate vp from the taber-
brought vs vp out of a land that flow- nacle of Korah, Dathan, and Abiram,
eth with milke and hony , to kill vs in on euery side: and Dathan and Abiram
the wildernesse, except thou make thy came out, and stood in the doore of their
selfe altogether a prince ouer vs ? tents, and their wiues, & their sonnes,
14. Moreouer, thou hast not brought and their little children.
vs into a land that floweth with milke 28 And Moses said, Hereby ye shall
and hony, or giuen vs inheritance of know that the LORD hath sent me to
t Heb. boare fields and vineyards : wilt thou tput doe all these workes : for Ihaue not done
out the eyes of these men ? we will not them of mine owne mind.
come vp. 29 If these men die t the common Hebr. as e-
15 And Moses was very wroth, and death of all men, or if they be visited af- dieSt.
* Gen, 4, 4. said vnto the L O R D , * Respect not ter the visitation of all men , then the
thou their offering: I haue not taken LORD hath not sent me :
one asse from them, neither haue I 30 But if the LORD tmake a new Hebr. cre-
hurt one of them. thing, and the earth open her mouth, ate a crea-
16 And Moses said vnto Korah, Be and swallow them vp, with all that ap-
thou and all thy company before the pertaine vnto them, and they go downe
LORD, thou, and they, arid Aaron to quicke into the pit: then ye shall vnder-
morrow. stand that these men haue prouoked the
17 And take euery man his censer. LORD.
and put incense in them , and bring yee 31 11 * And it came to passe as he had *t. Chap. 27.
deut. 11*
before the LORD euery man his cen- made an ende of speaking all these 6. psal. 106.
ser, two hundred and fiftie censers, thou words, that the ground claue asunder 7.
also and Aaron, each of you his censer. that was vnder them :
18 And they tooke euery man his 32 And the earth opened her mouth,
censer, and put fire in them, and laide and swallowed them vp, and their hou-
incense thereon, and stood in the doore ses, and all the men that appertained
of the Tabernacle of the Congregati- vnto Korah, and all their goods.
on with Moses and Aaron. 33 They , and all that appertained
19 And Korah gathered all the Con- to them, went downe aliue into the pit,
gregation against them, vnto the doore and the earth closed vpon them .- and
of the Tabernacle of the Congregati- they perished from among the Congre-
on : and the glory of the LORD appea- gation.
red vnto all the Congregation. 34 And all Israel that were round
20 And the LORD spake vnto Mo- about them, fled at thecrie of them: for
ses, and vnto Aaron, saying, they said, Lest the earth swallow vs vp
21 Separate your selues from a- also.
rnong this Congregation, that I may 35 And there came out a fire from the
consume them in a moment. LORD, and consumed the two hun-
22 And they fell vpon their faces, dred and fiftie men that oflered in-
and said, O God, the God of the spirits cense.
of all flesh, shal one man sinne, and wilt 36 If And the LORD spake vnto
thou be wroth with all the Congrega- Moses, saying,
tion? 37 Speake vnto Eleazar the sonne
23 1T And the LOED spake vnto of Aaron the Priest, that he take vp the
Moses, saying, censers out of the burning, and scatter
The plague flayed. Numbers. Aarons rodde.
thou the fire yonder , for they are hal- were foureteene thousand and seuen
lowed. hundred, beside them that died about
38 The censers of these sinners a- the matter of Korah.
gainst their owne soules, let them make 50 And Aaron returned vnto Mo-
them broad plates for a couering of the ses, vnto the doore of the Tabernacle of
Altar : for they offered them before the the Congregation ; and the plague was
L O R D , therefore they are hallowed, stayed.
and they shall be a signe vnto the chil-
dren of Israel. C H A P . XVII.
39 And Eleazar the Priest tooke the 1 Aarons rod among all the rods of the Tribes
brasen censers , wherewith they that onely flourished!. 10 It is left for a monu-
ment against the rebels.
were burnt had offered, and they were
made broad plates for a couering of the Nd *ke LORD spake

Altar : vnto Moses, saying,
40 To bee a memoriall vnto the chil- 9, Speake vnto the chil-
dren of Israel, that no stranger, which dren of Israel, and take of
lo not of thp
I1VSL Ui cpprl \JL
bllC OCdl nf XXcllUlI,
Anrrvn CWH1C
PHTYIP npprp
11CC1C euery one of them a rod,
to offer incense before the LORD, that according to the house of their fathers,
he be not as Korah, and as his compa- of all their princes , according to the
ny, as the LORD said to him by the house of their fathers, twelue rods:
hand of Moses. write thou euery mans name vpon his
41 f But on the morrow, all the rodde.
Congregation of the children of Israel 3 And thou shalt write Aarons
murmured against Moses and against name vpon the rod of Leui: for one rod
Aaron, saying, Ye haue killed the peo- shall be for the head of the house of their
ple of the LORD. fathers.
42 And it came to passe when the 4 And thou shalt lay them vp in the
Congregation was gathered against Tabernacle of the Congregation , be-
Moses and against Aaron , that they fore the Testimony , * where I will 22. * Exod. 25.
looked toward the Tabernacle of the meet with you.
Congregation : and behold, the cloud 5 And it shall come to passe, that the
couered it, and the glory of the LORD mans rod whom I shall choose, shall
appeared. blossom e : and I will make to cease
43 And Moses and Aaron came be- from mee the murmurings of the chil-
fore the Tabernacle of the Congrega- dren of Israel, whereby they murmure
tion. against you.
44 If And the L O R D spake vnto 6 11" And Moses spake vnto the chil-
Moses, saying, dren of Israel, and euery one of their
45 Get you vp from among this Princes gaue him ta rod a piece, for each trodHebr. a
for one
Congregation , that I may consume Prince one, according to their fathersPrincet o.
them, as in a moment : and they fell vp. houses, euen twelue rods: and the rod of rod for one
on their faces. Aaron was among their rods.
46 IF And Moses said vnto Aaron, 7 And Moses layd vp the rods be-
Take a censer, and put fire therein from fore the LORD, in the Tabernacle of
off the Altar, and put on incense, and Witnesse.
goe quickly vnto the Congregation, 8 And it came to passe that on the
and make an atonement for them : for morrow Moses went into the Taber-
there is wrath gone out from the nacle of Witnesse, and behold, the rod of
LORD ; the plague is begun. Aaron for the house of Leui was bud-
47 And Aaron tooke as Moses ded, and brought forth buds, and bloo-
commanded, and ranne into the midst med blossomes, and yeelded almonds.
of the Congregation: and behold, the 9 And Moses brought out all the
plague was begun among the people, rods from before the LORD, vnto all
and he put on incense, and made an at- the children of Israel: and they looked,
onement for the people. and tooke euery man his rod,
48 And he stood betweene the dead 10 1? And the L O R D said vnto
and the liuing, and the plague was Moses, * Bring Aarons rod againe be- * Hebr. 9. 4.
stayed. fore the Testimony, to be kept for a to- t Hebr.chU-
49 Now they that died in the plague, ken against the t rebels, and thou shalt dren o/re-
The Priefts charge, Chap.xviij. and portion.
quite take away their murmurings 8 H And the L O R D spake vnto
from me, that they die not. Aaron, Behold, I also haue giuen thee
11 And Moses did so: as the LORD the charge of mine heaue offerings, oi
commanded him, so did he. all the hallowed things of the children
12 And the children of Israel spake of Israel, vnto thee haue I giuen them
vnto Moses, saying, Behold, wee die, by reason of the anointing, and to thy
we perish, we all perish. sonnes by an ordinance for euer.
13 Whosoeuer commeth any thing 9 This shall bee thine of the most
neere vnto the Tabernacle of the holy things, reserued from the fire: euery
LORD, shall die: Shall wee be con- oblation of theirs, euery meat offering
sumed with dying ? of theirs , and euery sinne offering oi
theirs, and euery trespasse offering oi
C H A P . XVIII. theirs, which they shal render vnto me,
1 The charge of the Priests and Leuites. 9 The shall be most holy for thee, and for thy
Priests portion. 21 The Leuites portion. sonnes.
25 The heaue offering to the Priests out of 10 In the most holy place shalt thou
the Leuites portion.
eate it, euery male shall eate it: it shall
Nd the L O R D sayd vn- be holy vnto thee.

to Aaron, Thou and thy 11 And this is thine : the heaue offe-
sonnes , ana cny latners ring of their gift, with all the waue of-
house with thee, shall frings of the children of Israel : I haue
beare the iniquitie of the giuen them vnto thee, & to thy sonnes,
Sanctuary : and thou and thy sonnes and to thy * daughters with thee, by a * Leuit. 10
with thee, shall beare the iniquitie of statute for euer : euery one that is cleane
your Priesthood. , in thy house, shall eate of it.
2 And thy brethren also of the tribe 1 2 All the tbest of the oyle, and all theiHeb.fat.
of Leui , the tribe of thy father, bring best of the wine, and of the wheat, the
thou with thee, that they may be ioyned first fruits of them which they shall of-
vnto thee, and minister vnto thee : but fer vnto the LORD, them haue I gi-
thou and thy sonnes with thee shatt mini- uen thee.
ster before the Tabernacle of Witnesse. 13 And whatsoeuer is first ripe in the
3 And they shall keepe thy charge, land, which they shall bring vuto the
and the charge of all the Tabernacle : LORD, shall be thine, euery one that
onely they shall not come nigh the ves- is cleane in thine house, shall eat of it.
sels of the Sanctuarie, and the Altar, 14 * Euery thing deuoted in Israel, 28. * Leuit 27-
that neither they, nor you also die. shall be thine.
4 And they shall bee ioyned vnto 15 Euery thing that openeth *the ma- * Exod. 13.
2. & 22. 29.
thee , and keepe the charge of the Ta- trice in all flesh, which they bring vnto leuit. 27. 26
bernacle of the Congregation , for all the LORD, whether it bee of men or chap* 3. 13.
the seruice of the Tabernacle : and a Beasts, shall be thine : Neuertheles the
stranger shall not come nigh vnto you. irst borne of man shalt thou surely re-
5 And yee shall keepe the charge of deeme, and the firstling of vncleane
the Sanctuary, and the charge of the Beasts shalt thou redeeme.
Altar, that there be no wrath any more 1 6 And those that are to be redeemed,
vpon the children of Israel. Torn a moneth old shalt thou redeerae
* Chap. 3. 6 And I , beholde, I haue * taken according to thine estimation , for the
your brethren the Leuites from among money of fiue shekels, after the shekel
the children of Israel : to you they are of the Sanctuary, * which is twentie * Exod. 30. i q IAII!* O*T
. J. iculi. &l
giuen as a gift for the LORD, to doe gerahs. 25. chap. 3.
the seruice of the Tabernacle of the 17 But the firstling of a cowe, or the 2. ezek. 45
Congregation. firstling of a sheepe, or the firstling of a
7 Therefore thou and thy sonnes roat thou shalt not redeeme , they are
with thee, shall keepe your Priests of- loly : thou shalt sprinckle their blood
fice for euery thing of the Altar, and vpon the Altar, and shalt burne their
within the Vaile, and yee shall serue : at for an offering made by fire, for a
I haue giuen your Priests office vnto sweet sauour vnto the LORD.
you, as a seruice of gift: and the stran- 18 And the flesh of them shall bee
ger that commeth nigh, shall bee put to thine: as the *waue breast, and as the * Exod. 23.
death. right shoulder are thine.
19 All
The tythes giuen Numbers. to the Leuites.
19 All the heaue offerings of the ho- lowed part thereof, out of it.
ly things, which the children of Israel 30 Therefore thou shalt say vnto
offer vnto the LORD, haue I giuen them , When yee haue heaued the best
thee and thy sonnes, and thy daughters thereof from it, then it shall be counted
with thee, by a statute for euer : it is a vnto the Leuites, as the encrease of the
couenant of salt for euer, before the threshing floore, and as the encrease of
L O R D vnto thee, and to thy seed the wine presse.
with thee. 31 And ye shall eate it in euery place,
20 ^1 And the L O R D spake vnto ye and your housholds : for it is your re-
Aaron, Thou shalt haue no inheritance ward for your seruice , in the Taber-
in their land , neither shalt thou haue nacle of the Congregation.
* Deut. 10. any part among them : * I am thy part, 32 And yee shall beare no sinne by
9. and 18. 2. reason of it, when ye haue heaued from
iosh. 13. and thine inheritance among the chil-
14. 33.
czech. 44.
dren of Israel. it the best of it : neither shall ye pollute
28. 21 And behold, I haue giuen the chil- the holy things of the children of Is-
dren of Leui all the tenth in Israel, for rael, lest ye die.
an inheritance, for their seruice which
they serue, euen the seruice of the Ta- CHAP. XIX.
bernacle of the Congregation.
22 Neither must the children of Is- 1 The water of separation made of the ashes of
a red heifer. 11 The law for the vse of it in
rael hencefoorth come nigh the Taber- purification of the vncleaue.
nacle of the Congregation, lest they
t Uebr. to beare sinne, tand die. Nd the LORD spake

23 But the Leuites shall doe the ser- vnto Moses , and vnto
uice of the Tabernacle of the Congre- Aaron, saying,
gation, and they shal beare their iniqui- ^ This is the ordinance
tie : it shall be a statute for euer through- of the law, which the
out your generations, that among the L O R D hath commaunded, saying,
children of Israel they haue no inheri- Speake vnto the children of Israel,
tance. that they bring thee a red heifer with-
24? But the tithes of the children of out spot, wherein is no blemish, and vp-
Israel which they offer as an heaue of- on which neuer came yoke.
fering vnto the LORD, I haue giuen 3 And ye shall giue her vnto Elea-
to the Leuites to inherite : therefore I zar the Priest, that hee may bring her
haue said vnto them, Among the chil- * forth without the campe, and one shall 11.
* Hebr. 13.
dren of Israel they shall haue no inhe- slay her before his face.
ritance. 4 And Eleazar the Priest shall
25 H And the L O R D spake vnto take of her blood with his finger, and
Moses, saying, *sprinckle of her blood directly before * Heb. 9. 13.
26 Thus speake vnto the Leuites, the Tabernacle of the Congregation
and say vnto them, When ye take of the seuen times.
children of Israel the tithes, which I 5 And one shall burne the heifer in
haue giuen you from them for your in- his sight : *her skinne, and her flesh, 14.
* Bxod. 29.
leuit. 4.
heritance, then ye shal offer vp an heaue and her blood, with her doung, shall he 11, 12.
offering of it for the LORD, euen a burne.
tenth part of the tithe. 6 And the Priest shall take Cedar-
27 And this your heaue offering wood, and hysope, and scarlet, and cast
shall be reckoned vnto you, as though it into the midst of the burning of the
it were the corne of the threshing floore, heifer.
and as the fulnesse of the wine presse. 7 Then the Priest shall wash his
28 Thus you also shal offer an heaue clothes, and hee shall bathe his flesh in
offering vnto the L O R D of all your water, and afterward he shall come in-
tithes which ye receiue of the children to the campe, and the Priest shalbe vn-
of Israel, and ye shall giue thereof the cleane vntill the euen.
L O R D S heaue offering to Aaron 8 And he that biifiieth her, shall
the Priest. wash his clothes in water, and bathe
29 Out of aft your gifts ye shal offer his flesh in water, and shall be vncleane
euery heaue offering of the LORD, vntill the Euen.
t Hebr.fat. of all the tbest thereof, euen the hal- 9 And a man that is cleane, shall ga-
Purifications. Chap.xx. Miriam dieth.
ther vp the ashes of the heifer, and lay the Congregation : because he hath de-
them vp without the campe in a cleane filed the Sanctuary of the LORD,
place, and it shall bee kept for the Con- the water of separation hath not beene
gregation of the children of Israel, for sprinkled vpon him, he is vncleane.
a water of separation : it is a purificati- 21 And it shall be a perpetuall statute
on for sinne. vnto them, that he that sprinkleth the
10 And he that gathereth the ashes water of separation , shall wash his
of the heifer, shall wash his clothes, and clothes : and he that toucheth the wa-
be vncleane vntil the Euen : and it shall ter of separation, shall be vncleane vn-
be vnto the children of Israel, and vnto till Euen.
the stranger that soiourneth among 22 And whatsoeuer the vncleane
them, for a statute for euer. person toucheth, shall be vncleane : and
\Heb.swle. 11 IF He that toucheth the dead body the soule that toucheth it, shall bee vn-
of any t man, shall bee vncleane seuen cleane vntill Euen.
12 He shall purifie himselfe with it on
the third day, and on the seuen th day he C H A P . XX.
shall be cleane : but if he purifie not him- 1 The children of Israel come to Zin, where
selfe the third day, then the seuenth day Miriam dieth. 2 They nmrmure for want
be shall not be cleane. of water. 7 Moses smiting the rocke brin-
13 Whosoeuer toucheth the dead bo- geth forth water at Meribah. 14 Moses at
Kadesh desireth passage thorow Edom,
die of any man that is dead, and purifi- which is denied him. 22 At Mount Hor Aa-
eth not himselfe, defileth the Taberna- ron resigneth his pkce to Eleazar, and dieth.
cle of the LORD, and that soule shall
be cut off from Israel, because the wa- n.en came me cnnciren 01

ter of separation was not sprinckled ^srae^ 9 eiien the whole
vpon him : he shall be vncleane, his vn- Congregation , into the
cleannesse is yet vpon him. , in the firstn, in the first
14 This is the law, when a man di- moneth : and the people a-
eth in a tent; all that come into the tent, bode in Kadesh, and Miriam died
and all that is in the tent, shalbe vnclean there, and was buried there.
seuen dayes. 2 And there was no water for the
15 And euery open vessel which hath Congregation : and they gathered
no couering bound vpon it, is vncleane. themselues together against Moses
16 And whosoeuer toucheth one that and against Aaron.
is slaine with a sword in the open fields, 3 And the people chode with Moses.
or a dead body, or a bone of a man, or a and spake, saving, Would God that we
graue, shall be vncleane seuen dayes. had died * when our brethren died be- * Chap. 11.
17 And for an vncleane person they fore the LORD.
tHeb.Dust. shall take of the t ashes of the burnt 4 And * why haue yee brought vp '*2. Bxod. 17-
waters shall heifer of purification for sinne, and *run- the Congregation of the LOED into
be giuen. nirig water shall bee put thereto in a this wildernesse , that we and our cat-
vessell : tell should die there ?
18 And a cleane person shall take 5 And wherefore haue ye made vs
hysope, and dippe it in the water, and to come vp out of Egypt, to bring vs in
sprinckle it vpon the tent, and vpon all vnto this euil place? it isno place of seed,
the vessels, and vpon the persons that or of figges , or vines , or of pomegra-
were there, and vpon him that touched nates, neither is there any water to
a bone, or one slaine, or one dead, or a drinke.
graue. 6 And Moses and Aaron went
1 9 And the cleane person shal sprinkle from the presence of the assembly, vnto
vpon the vncleane on the third day, and the doore of the Tabernacle of the con-
on the seuenth day : and on the seuenth gregation , and they fell vpon their fa-
day he shall purifie himselfe, and wash ces : and the glory of the LORD ap-
his clothes, and bathe himselfe in wa- peared vnto them.
ter, and shall be cleane at Euen. 7 If And the Lord spake vnto Mo-
20 But the man that shall bee vn- ses, saying,
cleane , and shall not purifie himselfe, 8 Take the rodde, and gather thou
that soule shall bee cut off from among the assembly together, thou and Aaron
The rocke fmitten. Numbers. Aaron dieth.
thy brother , and speake yee vnto the onely (without doing any thing else) go
rocke before their eyes, and it shall giue thorow on my feet.
borth his water, and thou shalt bring 20 And he said, Thou shalt not goe
berth to them, water out of the rocke : horow, And Edom came out against
so thou shalt giue the Congregation, lim with much people, and with a
and their beasts drinke. strong hand.
9 And Moses tooke the rod from 21 Thus Edom refused to giue Is-
Before the LORD, as he commanded rael passage thorow his border : where-
lim. "ore Israel turned away from him.
10 And Moses and Aaron gathered 22 f And the children of Israel, euen
the Congregation together before the the whole Congregation , iourneyed
rocke, and nee said vnto them , Heare Tom * Kadesh , and came vnto mount * Chap. 33.
now, ye rebels ; must we fetch you wa- Hor. 37.
ter out of this rocke ? 23 And the LORD spake vnto
11 And Moses lift vp his hand, and Moses and Aaron in mount Hor, by
with his rod he smote the rocke twice : the coast of the land of Edom, saying;
and the water came out abundantly, 24 Aaron shall bee gathered vnto
and the Congregation dranke, and bis people : for hee shall not enter into
their beasts also. the land which I haue giuen vnto the
12 IF And the LORD spake vnto children of Israel , because yee rebel-
Moses and Aaron, Because ye beleeue led against my t word at the water of t Hebr.
me not, to sanctifie me in the eyes of the Meribah.
children of Israel, therefore ye shall not 25 * Take Aaron , and Eleazar his * Chap. 33.
bring this Congregation into the land sonne, and bring them vp vnto mount 38. deut.
32. 50.
which I haue giuen them. Hor.
* Psal. 100.
32. &C*
13 * This is the water of || Meribah, 26 And strippe Aaron of his gar-
!l That is, because the children of Israel stroue ments, and put them vpon Eleazar his
strife. with the L O R D ; and he was sancti- sonne, and Aaron shall be gathered vn-
fied in them. to his people, and shall die there.
14 If And Moses sent messengers 27 And Moses did as the L O R D
from Kadesh, vnto the King of Edom ; commaunded : and they went vp into
Thus saith thy brother Israel, Thou mount Hor, in the sight of all the Con-
t Hebr, knowest all the trauaile that hath t be- gregation.
found vs.
fallen vs : 28 And Moses stripped Aaron of
15 How our fathers went dowrie in- his garments, and put them vpon E-
to Egypt, and we haue dwelt in Egypt leazar his sonne, and * Aaron died there * Deut. 10,
a long time : and the Egyptians vexed in the top of the mount : and Moses and 6.50.and 32.
vs, and our fathers. Eleazar came downe from the mount.
16 And when wee cryed vnto the 29 And when all the Congregation
LORD, he heard our voyce, and sent saw that Aaron was dead, they mour-
an Angel, and hath brought vs foorth ned for Aaron thirty dayes, euen all the
out of Egypt : and behold, wee are in house of Israel.
Kadesh, a citie in the vttermost of thy
17 Let vs passe, I pray thee, thorow CHAP. XXI,
thy countrey : we will not passe thorow 1 Israel with some losse destroy the Canaanites
the fields, or thorow the Vineyards, at Hormah. 4 The people murmuring are
neither will we drinke of the water of plagued with fiery serpents. 7 They repen-
ting are healed by a brasen serpent. 10 Sun-
the wells : wee will goe by the Kings dry iourneyes of the Israelites. 21 Sihon is
W^A-way, we wil not turne to the right ouercome, 33 and Og.
hand nor to the left , vntill wee haue
passed thy borders. Nd when * king Arad the * Chap. 33.
18 And Edom said vnto him, Thou
shalt not passe by me, lest I come out a-
gainst thee with the sword.
19 And the children of Israel said vn-
A Canaanite , which dwelt 40.
in the South , heard tell
ttiat Israel came by the
way of the spies , then hee
to him, We will goe by the high-way : fought against Israel, and tooke some
and if I and my cattell drinke of thy of them prisoners.
water, then I will pay for it : I will 2 And Israel vowed a vow vnto
Fierie ferpents. Chap.xxj. Sihon fmitten.
the LORD, and said, If thou wilt in Ar, & tlieth vpon the border of Moab. t Heb. lea-
deed deliuer this people into my hand, 16 And from thence they went to Beer: neth.
then I wil vtterly destroy their cities. that is the well whereof the L O R D
3 And the L O R D hearkened to spake vnto Moses, Gather the people
the voyce of Israel , and deliuered vp together, and I will giue them water.
the Canaanites : and they vtterly de- 17 f Then Israel sang this song,
stroyed them, and their cities, and hee t Spring vp O well, ||Sing ye vnto it: \Hebascend
II That is, vt- called the name of the place ||Hormah. H Or9an-
18 The Princes digged the well, the swere.
ter destru-
ction. 4 f And they Journeyed from nobles of the people digged it, by the di-
mount Hor, by the way of the red sea, rection of the Law-giuer, with their
to compasse the land of Edom : and the staues. And from the wildernesse they
II Or, grie- soule of the people was much ([ discou- went to Mattanah :
lied. Hebr
shortened. raged because of the way. 19 And from Mattanah, to Naha-
5 And the people spake against God liel, and from Nahaliel to Bamoth :
and against Moses, Wherefore haue ye 20 And from Bamoth in the valley,
brought vs vp out of Egypt, to die in that is in the tcountrey of Moab, to the t Heb. field.
the wildernesse ? for there is no bread, toppe of || Pisgah, which looketh to- II Or, hill.
neither is there any water , and our ward || leshimon. II Or, the
* Chap.
n • eO. soule * loatheth this light bread. 21 1F And Israel sent messengers wildernesse.
* Wisd. 16. 6 And * the L O R D sent fierie ser- vnto Sihon king of the Amorites,
1 , 5. i . cor. pents among the people, and they bit saying,
10. 9.
the people, and much people of Israel 22 * Let me passe thorow thy land, 27. * Deut. 2.
died we will not turne into the fields, or into 11. 19.
7 f Therefore the people came to the vineyards, we will not drinke of the
Moses, and said, We haue sinned : for waters of the well : but we will goe a-
wee haue spoken against the L O R D , long by the kings high way, vntifl wee
and against thee : pray vnto the LORD be past thy borders.
that hee take away the serpents from 23 *And Sihon would not suffer * Deut.
vs : and Moses prayed for the people. Israel to passe thorow his border : but 29. 7.
8 And the L O R D said vnto Mo- Sihon gathered all his people toge-
ses, Make thee a fierie serpent, and set it ther, and went out against Israel into
vpon. a pole : and it shall come to passe, the wildernes : and he came to lahaz,
that euery one that is bitten, when hee and fought against Israel.
looketh vpon it, shall Hue. 24 And * Israel smote him with the *Iosh.135.12. 2
* 2. King. 18
4. ioh. 3. 14. 9 And * Moses made a serpent of edge of the sword , and possessed his psal.ll. amos
brasse , and put it vpon a pole , and it land from Arnon vnto labok, euen 29.
came to passe, that if a serpent had bit- vnto the children of Ammon : for the
ten any man, when hee beheld the ser- border of tfte children of Ammon was
pent of brasse, he liued. strong.
10 f And the children of Israel set 25 And Israel tooke all these cities :
* Chap. 33 forward, and * pitched in Oboth. and Israel dwelt in all the cities of the
11 And they iourneyed from Oboth, Amorites , in Heshbon , and in all the
1! Or, heapes and pitched at ||Iie-Abarim, in the wil- t villages thereof. t Hebr.
ofAbarim. daughters.
dernes which is before Moab, toward 26 For Heshbon was the citie of Si-
the Sunne rising. hon the King of the Amorites, who
12 1[ From thence they remooued, had fought against the former King of
and pitched in the valley of Zared. Moab, and taken all his land out of his
18 From thence they remooued, and hand, euen vnto Arnon.
pitched on the other side of Arnon, 27 Wherefore they that speake in
which is in the wildernesse that com- prouerbes , say , Come into Heshbon :
meth out of the coasts of the Amorites : let the citie of Sihon bee built and pre->
for Arnon is the border of Moab , be- pared.
tweene Moab and the Amorites. 28 For there is a fire gone out of
14 Wherefore it is said in the booke Heshbon, a flame from the citie pf Si-
II Or, Vaheb of the warres of the LORD, || what he hon : it hath consumed Ar of Moab,
in Suphoh*
did in the Red sea, and in the brookes and the lordes of the high places of
of Arnon, Arnon.
15 And at the streame of the brookes 29 Woe to thee, Moab, thou art vn- * i. King, ll
that goeth downe to the dwelling of) done, O people of * Chemosh : he hath 7,33.
' giuen
Og ilaine. Balak Numbers. fendeth for Balaam.
jiuen his sonnes that escaped, and his he tface of the earth, and they abide o- Hvbr. eye.
aughters, into captiuitie vnto Sihon uer against me.
£ing of the Amorites. 6 Come now therefore, I pray thee,
30 We haue shot at them ; Heshbon curse mee this people, for they are too
s perished euen vnto Dibon, and we mightie for mee : peraduenture I shall
laue layde them waste euen vnto No- weuaile , that we may smite them, and
>hah, which reacheik vnto Medeba. ;hat I may driue them out of the land:
31 IT Thus Israel dwelt in the land br I wot that he whom thou blessest,
f the Amorites. s blessed , and hee whom thou cursest,
3£ And Moses sent to spy out laa- is cursed.
er, and they tooke the villages thereof, 7 And the elders of Moab, and the
and droue out the Amorites that were elders of Midian departed, with the re-
here, wards of diuination in their hand;
Deut, 3. i. 33 11 *And they turned and went and they came vnto Balaam, and spake
nd 2D. 7.
vp by the way of Bash an : and Og vnto him the words of Balak.
the King of Bashan went out against 8 And hee said vnto them, Lodge
them, he, and all his people, to the bat- lere this night, and I will bring you
tell at Edrei. word againe as the LORD shal speake
34 And the L O R D said vnto Mo- vnto mee : and the Princes of Moab a-
ses , Feare him not : for I haue deliue- x>de with Balaam.
red him into thy hand, and all his peo- 9 And God came vnto Balaam, and
* Psal. 135. ple, and his land, and * thou shalt doe to said, What men are these with thee ?
11. lim as thou didst vnto Sihon King of 10 And Balaam said vnto God, Bar-
the Amorites, which dwelt at Heshbon. ak the sonne of Zippor, King of Mo-
35 So they smote him & his sonnes, ab, hath sent vnto me, saying ;
and all his people, vntill there was 11 Behold, there is a people come out
none left him aliue, and they possessed of Egypt, which couereth the face of the
lis land. earth : Come now, curse me them; per-
aduenture tl shal be able to ouercome t Hebr. 1
shall preuailc
them, and driue them out. infightings
C H A P . XXII. 1£ And God saide vnto Balaam; gainst him.
1 Balaks first message for Balaam is refused. 1 5 Thou shalt not goe with them , thou
His second message obtaineth him. 22 An shalt not curse the people : for they are
Angel would haue slaine him , if his asse hac
not saued him. 36 Balak intertaineth him. i>lessed.
13 And Balaam rose vp in the mor-
Nd the children of Israei ning, and said vnto the Princes of Ba-

set forward, and pitched in lak, Get you into your land : for the
the plaines ef Moab, on LOED refuseth to giue mee leaue to
this side lordane by le- roe with you.
richo. 14 And the Princes of Moab rose
£ IT And Balak the sonne of Zip- vp , and they went vnto Balak , am
por, saw all that Israel had done to the said, Balaam refuseth to come with vs
Amorites. 15 IT And Balak sent yet againe
8 And Moab was sore afraid of the Princes, moe, and more honourable
people, because they were many, anc then they.
Moab was distressed , because of the 16 And they came to Balaam, anc
children of Israel. said to him, Thus saith Balak the son
4 And Moab said vnto the elders of Zippor; tLet nothing, I pray thee t Hebr. Be
of Midian ; Now shall this company hinder thee from comming vnto me : not thou let-
ted from $c.
licke vp all that are round about vs, as 17 For I wil promote thee vnto ve-
the oxe licketh vp the grasse of the field. ry great honour, and I will do what
And Balak the sonne of Zippor, was soeuer thou saiest vnto me: Come there-
King of the Moabites at that time. fore, I pray thee, curse me this people.
* lOSh. 24.
5 *He sent messengers therefore vn- 18 And Balaam answered and sak
to Balaam the sonne of Beor, to Pe- vnto the seruants of Balak, *If Ba- * Chap. 24.
thor, which is by the riuer of the land of lak would giue me his house full of sil 13.
the children of his people, to call him, uer and gold, I cannot goe beyond the
saying, Behold, there is a people come word of the LORD my God, to doe
out from Egypt : beholde , they couer lesse or more.
19 Now
The affe fpeaketh. Chap.xxij. Balak and Balaam.
1ft Now therefore, I pray you, tarie bowed downe his. head, and ||feli flat t#OH>l4
yee also here this* night> that I may on his face. kimselfe.
know what the L O R D will say vnto 32 And the Angel of the LORD
me more. said vnto him, Wherefore hast thou
20 And God came vnto Balaam at smitten thine asse these three times? Be-
night, and said vnto him, If the men hold, I went out t to withstand thee, t Heto. to be
come to call thee, rise vp, and goe with because thy way is peruerse before me. an aduersa*
rie vnto thee
them : but yet the word which I shall 33 And the asse saw me, and turned
say vnto thee, that shalt thou doe. from me these three times:- vnlesse shee
21 And Balaam rose vp in the mor- had turned from me, surely now also I
ning, and sadled his asse, and went with had slaine thee, and saued.her aliue.
the princes of Moab. 34 And Balaam said vnto the An-
22 1T And Gods anger was kind- gel of the LORD, I haue sinned : for
led, because he went : and the Angel of I knew not that thou stoodest in the
the LORD stood in the way for an ad- way against mee : Now therefore if it
uersarie against him : Now he was ri- t displease thee* I will get mee backe a- ' Jfeb, be e-
ding vpon his asse, and his two ser- gaine. uill in thine
uants were with him. 35 And the Angel of the L O R D
* 1. Pet. 2. 23 And * the Asse sawe the Angel of said vnto Balaam, Goe with the men :
1G, ittde 11
the L O R D standing in the way, and but onely the word that I shall speake
his sword drawen in his hand: and the vnto thee, that thou shalt speake : So
asse turned aside out of the way , and Balaam went with the princes of
went into the field : and Balaam smote Balak.
the asse, to turne her into the way. 36 1T And when Balak heard that
24 But the Angel of the L O R D Balaam was come, hee went out to
stood in a path of the vineyards, a wall meete him, vnto a citie of Moab, which
being on this side, & a wall on that side. is in the border of Arnon, which is in the
25 And when the asse saw the Angel vtmost coast.
of the LORD, she thrust her selfe vnto 37 And Balak said vnto Balaam,
the wall, and crusht Balaams foote a- Did I not earnestly send vnto thee to
gainst the wall : and hee smote her a- call thee? wherefore earnest thou not
gaine. vnto me ? Am I not able indeed to pro-
26 And the Angel of the LORD mote thee to honour ?
went further , and stood in a narrowe 38 And Balaam saide vnto Balak,
place, where was no way to turne, ei- Loe, I am come vnto thee : haue I
ther to the right hand, or to the left. now any power at all to say any thing?
27 And when the asse sawe the An- the worde that God putteth in my
gel of the LORD, shee fell downe vn- mouth, that shall I speake.
der Balaam, and Balaams anger was 39 And Balaam went with Balak,
kindled, and hee smote the asse with a and they came vnto || Kiriath-Huzoth. ofI Or, a citie
staffe. 40 And Balak offered oxen , and streets.
28 And the LORD opened the sheepe, and sent to Balaam, and to the
mouth of the asse, and shee saide vnto princes that were with him.
Balaam, What haue I done vnto thee, 41 And it came to passe on the mor-
that thou hast smitten mee these three row, that Balak tooke Balaam, and
times ? brought him vp into the high places of
29 And Balaam said vnto the asse, Baal, that thence hee might see the vt-
Because thou hast mocked mee : I most part of the people.
would there were a sword in mine
hand, for now would I kill thee. C H A P . XXIII.
30 And the asse said vnto Balaam, 1.13.28 Balaks sacrifice. 7.18 Balaams parable.
t Heir, who Am not I thine asse, tvpon which thou Nd Balaam saide vnto

host TlftdCTl
upon me. hast ridden || euer since I was thine, Balak, Build me here se-
!! Or, euer vnto this day ? was I euer wont to do uen Altars, and prepare
since thou
wast, $c. so vnto thee ? And he said, Nay. mee here seuen oxen, and
31 Then the LORD opened the eyes seuen rammes,
of Balaam, and hee saw the Angel of 2 And Balak did as Balaam had
the L O R D standing in the way, and spoken, and Balak & Balaam offered
his sword drawen in his hand: and hee on euery altar a bullocke and a ramme.
3 And
Balaam blefTeth Numbers. the Ifraelites, and
3 And Balaam said vnto Balak, hold, he stood by his burnt offring, and
Stand by thy burnt offring, and I wil the Princes of Moab with him. And
joe : peraduenture the L O R D will 3alak said vnto him , What hath the
ome to meete mee ; and whatsoeuer he L.ORD spoken ?
« Or, he went heweth me, I will tell thee. And ||he 18 And he tooke vp his parable, and
went to an high place. said, Rise vp Balak, & heare ; hearken
4 And God met Balaam, and he vnto me, thou sonne of Zippor :
aid vnto him , I haue prepared seuen 19 God is not a man that he should
altars, and I haue offered vpon euery ie, neither the sonne of man, that hee
altar a bullocke and a ramme. should repent : hath he said , and shall
5 And the LORD put a word in ie not doe it? or, hath hee spoken, and
Balaams mouth, and said, Returne shall he not make it good ?
vnto Balak, & thus thou shalt speake. 20 Behold, I haue receiued comman-
6 And he returned vnto him, and dement to blesse : and hee hath blessed.
oe, he stood by his burnt sacrifice, hee. and I cannot reuerse it.
and all the Princes of Moab. 21 Hee hath not beheld iniquitie in
7 And he tooke vp his parable, and [acob, neither hath he seene peruerse-
said, Balak the King of Moab hath nesse in Israel : the LORD his God
>rought mee from Aram , out of the is with him , and the shoute of a King is
mountaines of the East, saying, Come, among them.
curse me lacob, and come, defie Israel. 22 * God brought them out of E- * Num. 24.
8 How shall I curse, whom God *ypt; he hath as it were the strength of j.
lath not cursed ? or how shall I defie, an Vnicorne.
whom the LORD hath not defied ? 23 Surely there is no inchantment
9 For from the top of the rockes I [against lacob, neither is there any 1 Or, in.
see him , and from the hilles I behold diuination against Israel : according
lim : loe , the people shall dwell alone, to this time it shalbe said of lacob, and
and shall not bee reckoned among the of Israel, What hath God wrought !
nations. 24 Beholde, the people shall rise vp
10 Who can count the dust of lacob, as a great Lion, and lift vp himselfe as
and the number of the fourth part oi a yong Lion : hee shall not lie downe
ffebr. my Israel ? Let t mee die the death of the vntill he eate of the pray, and drinke the
soule, or my
life. righteous, & let my last end be like his. blood of the slaine.
11 And Balak saide vnto Balaam, 25 IT And Balak said vnto Balaam,
What hast thou done vnto me? I tooke Neither curse them at all , nor blesse
thee to curse mine enemies, and behold, them at all.
thou hast blessed them altogether. 26 But Balaam answered , and said
12 And he answered, and said, Must vnto Balak, Told not I thee, saying,
I not take heede to speake that which All that the L O R D speaketh, that I
the LORD hath put in my mouth ? must doe ?
13 And Balak said vnto him, Come, 27 11 And Balak saide vnto Ba-
I pray thee, with me, vnto another laam, Come, I pray thee, I will bring
place, from whence thou mayest see thee vnto another place, peraduenture
them : thou shalt see but the vtmost it will please God, that thou mayest
part of them, and shalt not see them all: curse me them from thence.
and curse me them from thence. 28 And Balak brought Balaam
14 1F And hee brought him into the vnto the top of Peor , that looketh to-
fielde of Zophim, to the toppe of ||Pis- ward leshimon.
II Of, the gah , and built seuen altars , and offe- 29 And Balaam saide vnto Balak,
red a bullocke and a ramme on euery al- Build mee here seuen altars , and pre-
tar. pare me here seuen bullocks, and seuen
15 And he said vnto Balak, Stanc rammes.
here by thy burnt offering , while ] 30 And Balak did as Balaam hac
meete the LORD yonder. said, and offred a bullocke and a ramme
16 And the L O R D met Balaam, on euery altar.
* Chap. 22. and * put a word in his mouth , anc
saide , Goe againe vnto Balak , and say C H A R XXIIII.
thus. 1 Balaam leauing cliuinations, prophesieth the
17 And when hee came to him, be- happinesse of Israel. 10 Balak in anger dis-
prophefieth. The Chap.xxiiij. Starre of Jacob.
misseth him. 15 He prophesieth or the starre goe beyond the commandement of the
of lacob, and the destruction of some nations. L O R D , to doe either good or bad of
Nd when Balaam sawe mine owne mind? but what the LORD

8 that it pleased the LORD saith, that will I speake.

to blesse Israel, hee went 14 And now beholde, I goe vnto
* Chap, 23. not, as at other * times to my people: come therefore, and I will
3, 15.
t Heb. to the
tseeke for inchantments, aduertise thee , what this people shall
meeting of but hee set his face toward the wilder- doe to thy people in the latter dayes.
inchant- nesse. 15 IT And hee tooke vp his parable,
2 And Balaam lift vp his eyes, and and said , Balaam the sonne of Beor
he saw Israel abiding in his tents, ac- hath said, and the man whose eyes are
cording to their Tribes : and the Spirit open, hath said :
of God came vpon him. 16- He hath said which heard the
* Chap. 23. 3 *And he tooke vp his parable, and words of God, and knewe the know-
7,18. said, Balaam the sonne of Beor hath ledge of the most High, which sawe the
t Heb. who said, and the man t whose eyes are open vision of the Almightie , falling into a
had his eyes
shut, but hath said : trance, but hauing his eyes open.
now open. 4} Hee hath said , which heard the 17 I shall see him, but not now: I
words of God, which saw the vision of shall behold him, but not nigh : There
the Almightie, falling into a trance, but shall come a starre out of lacob, and a
hauing his eyes open : Scepter shall rise out of Israel , and
5 How goodly are thy tents, O la- shall || smite the corners of Moab, and J Or% smite
through the
cob, and thy Tabernacles, O Israel! destroy all the children of Sheth. Princes of
6 As the valley es are they spread 18 And Edom shall bee a possession, Moab.
forth, as gardens by the riuer side, as Seir also shall be a possession for his e-
the trees of Lign- Aloes which the nemies , and Israel shall doe vali-
L O R D hath planted, and as Cedar antly.
trees beside the waters. 19 Out of lacob shall come he that
7 He shall powre tlie water out of shall haue dominion, and shall destroy
his buckets, and his seed shall be in many him that remaineth of the citie.
waters , and his King shall be higher 20 H And when he looked on Ama-
then Agag, and his Kingdome shall be lek, he tooke vp his parable, and sayd,
exalted. Amalek was \\ the first of the nations. a The first of
8 God brought him forth out of E- 'he nations
but his latter end \\shatt bee, that hee pe- thai warred
* Chap. 23. gypt, * he hath as it were the strength of rish for euer. against Is-
rael, Exod.
an Vnicorne : he shall eate vp the nati- 21 And hee looked on the Kenites, 17-
ons his enemies, and shall breake their and tooke vp his parable, and saide, euen i Or, shalbe
to de,
bones, and pierce them thorow with his Strong is thy dwelling place, and thou struction.
arrowes. puttest thy nest in a rocke :
* Gen. 49. 9 * Hee couched , he lay downe as a 22 Neuerthelesse, t the Kenite shall t Heb. Kain
Lyon, and as a great Lyon : who shal be wasted, || vntil Asshur shal carie thee \ Or, how
stirre him vp ? Blessed is hee that bles- away captiue. ong shall it
36 ere? A -
seth thee, and cursed is hee that curseth 23 And he tooke vp his parable, and shur carry
thee away
thee. said , Alas ! who shall liue when God captiue.
10 If And Balaks anger was kind- doeth this ?
led against Balaam, aud hee smote his 24 And shippes shall come from the
hands together : and Balak said vnto coast of Chit tim, and shal afflict Asshur,
Balaam , I called thee to curse mine and shall afflict Eber, and hee also shall
enemies, and behold, thou hast altoge- perish for euer.
ther blessed them these three times. 25 And Balaam rose vp, and went
11 Therefore now , flee thou to thy and returned to his place : and Balak
place : I thought to promote thee vnto also went his way.
at honour, but loe , the LORD
C h kept thee backe from honour.
12 And Balaam said vnto Balak,
C H A P . XXV.
Spake I not also to thy messengers 1 Israel at Shittim comnrii . whoredome and
which thou sentest vnto me, saying, Jdolatrie. 6 Phinehas killeth Zimri and
Cozbi. 10 God therefore giueth him an
13 If Balak would giue mee his euerlasting Priesthood. 16 The Midianites
house full of sillier and gold, I cannot are to be vexed.
Phinehas killeth Numbers. Zimri and Cozbi.
* Chap. 33. Nd Israel abode in *Shit- that was slaine, euen that was. slaine

m* Chap. 3 .49.
tim,and the people begun with the Midianitish woman , was
to> commit whoredome Zimri the sonne of Salu, a Prince of t a t JJeb. house
of a father.
with the daughters of chiefe house among the Simeonites.
Moab. 15 And the name of the Midianitish
2 And they called the people vnto woman that was slaine, was Cozbi, the
the sacrifices of their gods : and the peo- daughter of Zur , hee was head, ouer a
ple did eate, and bowedwdowne to their people, and of a chiefe house in Midian.
jods. 16 it And the L O R D spake vnto
3 And Israel ioyned himselfe vn- Moses, saying,
to Baal -Peor: and the anger of the 17 *Vexe the Midianites, and smite * Chap. 31.
LORD was kindled against Israel. them :
4 And the LOUD said vnto Mo- 18 For they vexe you with their
* Deut. 4. 3. ses** Take all the heads of the people. wiles ,. wherewith they haue beguiled
OSh. 22. 17*
and hang them vp before the L O R D you, in the matter of Peor, and in the
against the Sunne , that the fierce an- matter of Cozbi , the daughter of a
ger of the LORD may be turned a- Prince of Midianv their sister , which
way from Israel. was slaine in the day of the plague, for
5 And Moses gaid vnto the ludges Peors sake.
of Israel , Slay ye euery one his men.
that were ioyned! vnto Baal-Peor. C H A P . XXVI.
6 IF And behold; one. of the children 1 The summe of all Israel is taken in the plaines
of Israel; came and brought vnto his of Moab. 52 The Jaw of diuiding among
brethren a Midianitish woman , in the them the inheritance of the land. 57 The
sight of Moses, and in the sight of all the .families.and number of the Leuites. 63 None
were left of them which were numhred at Si-
Congregation of the children of Is- nai, but Caleb and loshua.
rael , wha were weeping before the
doore of the Tabernacle of the Con- Nd it came to passe af-

gregation. ter the plague, that the
* Psal. 106. 7 And *when Phinehas the sonne of L O R D spake vnto Mo-
30. l. mace. ses*, and vnto Eleazar
2. 45. Eleazar, the sonne of Aaron the Priest
saw it, hee rose vp from amongst the the sonne of Aaron the
Congregation , and tooke a iauelin in Priest, saying,
his hand. £ Take the summe of all the Con-
8 And he went after the man of Is- gregation of the children of Israel,
rael into the tent , and thrust both of * from twenty yeeres old and vpward. • Chap. 1.3.
them thorow, the man of Israel, and throughout their fathers house, all that
the woman, thorow her belly : So the are able to goe to warre in Israel.
plague was stayed from the children of 3 And Moses & Eleazar the Priest
Israel. spake with them in the plaines of Mo-
M.Cor. 10. 9 And * those that died in the plague, ab by Jordan e neere lericho, saying,
were twentie and foure thousand. 4 Take the summe of the people from
10 H And the LORD spake vnto twenty yeeres old and vpward, as the
Moses, saying, L O R D * commanded Moses, and the *Chap. 1. 1.
* Psal. 106. 11 * Phinehas the sonne of Eleazar, children of Israel which went foorth
the sonne of Aaron the Priest, hath tur- out of the land of Egypt.
ned my wrath away from the children 5 f * Reuben the eldest sonne of Is- 8.* Gene. 46.
exod. 6.
of Israel, (while hee was zealous for rael : the children of Reuben , Hanoch, 14. J. cftro.
my sake among them) that I consu- of whom commeth the family of the Ha- 5,1.
med not the children of Israel in my nochites : of Pallu the family of the
ieloiisie. Palliates :
* Ecclus. 12 Wherefore say, * Behold, I giue -6 Of Hesron the family of the Hes-
45. 24. 1.
mace. 2. 54. vnto him my Couenant of peace. ronites : of Carmi the family of the
13 And he shall haue it, and his seed Carmites.
after him, euen the Couenant of an euer- 7 These are the families of the Reu-
lasting Priesthood , because he was zea- benites : and they that were numbred
lous for his God , and made an atone- of them, were fourtie and three thou-
ment for the children of Israel. sand, and seuen hundred and thirtie.
14 Now the name of the .Israelite 8 And the sonnes of Pallu, Eliab.
9 And
[frae.1 is numbred Chap.xxvj. by their tribes.
9 And the sonnes of Eliab, Nemuel, 24 Of lashub the familie of the
and Dathan, and Abiram : this is that lashubites : of Shimron the familie
Dathan & Abiram, which were famous of the Shimronites.
* Chap. 16. in the Congregation , who * stroue a- 25 These are the families of Issachar
gainst Moses and against Aaron in the according to those that were numbred
companie of Korah, when they stroue of them, threescore and foure thousand,
against the LORD : and three hundred.
10 And the earth opened her mouth, 26 1F Of the sonnes of Zebulun af-
and swallowed them vp together with ter their families, of Sered the familie
Korah when that companie died, what of the Sardites : Of Elon the familie
time the fire deuoured two hundred and of the Elonites : of lahleel the familie
fiftie men : and they became a signe. of the lahleelites.
11 Notwithstanding, the children of 27 These are the families of the Ze-
Korah died not. bulunites, according to those that were
12 1T The sonnes of Simeon, after numbred of them, threescore thousand
their families : Of Nemuel, the family and fiue hundred.
of the Nemuelites : Of lamin, the fa- 28 f The sonnea of loseph after
milie of the laminites : Of lachin, the their families, were Manasseh and E-
familie of the lachinites : phraim.
13 Of Zerah, the familie of the Zar- 29 Of the sonnes of Manasseh : Of
hites: Of Shaul, the familie of the *Machir the familie of the Machirites: * losh. 17. 1
Shaulites, and Machir begate Gilead : Of Gilead
14 These are the families of the Si- come the familie of the Gileadites.
meonites, twentie and two thousand, 30 These are the sonnes of Gilead :
and two hundred. Of leezer the family of the leezerites :
15 f The children of Gad after their Of Helek the familie of the Helekites.
families: Of Zephon, the familie of the 31 And of Asriel the family of the As-
Zephonites: of Haggi the familie of the rielites : and of Shechem the familie of
Haggites : of Shuni the familie of the the Shechemites.
Shunites. 32 And of Shemida the familie of
16 Of Ozni, the familie of the Oz- the Shemidaites : and of Hepher the
nites : Of Eri the familie of the Erites. familie of the Hepherites.
17 Of Arod the familie of the Aro- 33 If And * Zelophehad the sonne of * Chap. 27.
dites : of Areli the familie of the Are- Hepher had no sonnes, but daughters: l.
lites. and the names of the daughters of Ze-
18 These are the families of the chil- lophehad , were Mahlah , and Noah,
dren of Gad , according to those that Hoglah, Milcah, and Tirzah.
were numbred of them, fourtie thou- 34 These are the families of Manas-
sand and fiue hundred. seh , and those that were numbred of
* Gen. 38. s 19 IF * The sonnes of ludah , were them, fiftie and two thousand and seuen
&c. and 46.
12. Er and Onan : and Er and Onan died hundred.
in the land of Canaan. 35 H These are the sonnes of Ephra-
20 And the sonnes of ludah after im, after their families : Of Shutnelah
their families were : Of Shelah the fa- the familie of the Shuthalhites : Of
milie of the Shelanites : Of Pharez Becher the familie of the Bachrites:
tht familie of the Pharzites : Of Ze- Of Tahan the familie of the Taha-
rah the familie of the Zarhites. nites.
21 And the sonnes of Pharez were : 36 And these are the sonnes of Shu-
Of Hesron the familie of the Hesro- thelah : Of Eran the familie of the E-
nites : Of Hamul the familie of the Ha- ranites.
mulites. 37 These are the families of the
22 These are the families of ludah sonnes of Ephraim, according to those
according to those that were numbred that were numbred of them, thirtie and
of them , threescore and sixteene thou- two thousand, and fiue hundred. These
sand and fiue hundred. are the sonnes of loseph after their fa-
23 f Of the sonnes of Issachar af- milies.
ter their families : Of Tola the familie 38 f The sonnes of Beniamin after
of the Tolaites : of Pua the familie of their families : Of Bela the familie of
the Punites. the Belaites ; Of Ashbel the familie of
Iffael is numbred Numbers. by their tribes.
the Ashbelites : Of Ahiram the family j tgiue the lesse inheritance : to eueryone t Hebr. di-
of the Ahiramites : shall his inheritance begiuen, according minish his
39 Of Shupham the family of the to those that were numbred of him.
Shuphamites : Of Hupham the family 55 Notwithstanding the land shall
of the Hupham ites. jee * diuided by lot : according to the * Chap. 33.
40 And the sonnes of Bela were names of the tribes of their fathers, 54. iosn. 11,
23. and 14:
Ard and Naaman : ofArd, the family of they shall inherite. 2.

the Ardites: and of Naaman the family 56 According to the lot shall the
of the Naamites. possession thereof be diuided betweene
41 These are the sonnes of Benia- many and few.
min after their families ; and they that 57 IF * And these are they that were * ExOd. 6.
were numbred of them, were fourty and numbred of the Leuites, after their fa- 16,17,18,
fiue thousand, and sixe hundred. milies : Of Gershon , the family of the
42 1T These are the sonnes of Dan Gershonites : Of Kohath the family of
after their families : Of Shuham the the Kohathites : Of Merari the family
irmly of the Shuhamites. These are of the Merarites.
the families of Dan, after their fa- 58 These are the families of the Le-
milies. uites : the family of the Libnites, the fa-
43 All the families of the Shuha- mily of the Hebronites, the family of the
mites, according to those that were Mahlites, the family of the Mushites,
numbred of them , were three score and the family of the Korathites : and Ko-
imre thousand, and foure hundred. hath begate Am ram.
44 1[ Of the children of Asher after 59 And the name of Amrams wife
their families : Of limna the family of was * lochebed the daughter of Leui, * Exod. 2. 2.
the limnites : Of lesui the family of whom her mother bare to Leui in E- and 6. 20.
the lesuites : Of Beriah the family of yypt : And shee bare vnto Amram,
the Beriites. Aaron and Moses, and Miriam their
45 Of the sonnes of Beriah ; of He- sister.
:>er the family of the Heberites : of Mal- 60 And vnto Aaron was borne Na-
chiel, the family of the Malchielites. dab and Abihu, Eleazar and Ithamar.
46 And the name of the daughter of 61 And *Nadab and Abihu died, * Leuit. 10.
Asher, was Sarah. when they offered strange fire before 2.i. chap. 3. 4.
chro. 24.
47 These are the families of the the LORD. 2.

sonnes of Asher, according to those that 62 And those that were numbred of
were numbred of them ; who were fiftie them, were twenty and three thousand,
and three thousand, and foure hundred. all males from a moneth old and vp-
48 Of the sonnes of Naphtali, after ward : for they were not numbred a-
their families , of lahzeel the family of mong the children of Israel, because
the lahzeelites: Of Guni, the family there was no inheritance giuen them
of the Gunites : among the children of Israel.
49 Of lezer, the family of the le- 63 11 These are they that were num-
zerites : Of Shillem the family of the bred by Moses and Eleazar the Priest,
Shillemites. who numbred the children of Israel in
50 These are the families of Naph- the plaines of Moab , by lordane neere
tali, according to their families : and lericho.
they that were numbred of them, were 64 But among these there was not
fourty and fiue thousand, and foure a man of them , whom Moses and Aa-
hundred. ron the Priest numbred , when they
51 These were the numbred of the numbred the children of Israel in the
children of Israel , sixe hundred thou- wildernesse of Sinai.
sand , and a thousand , seuen hundred 65 For the LORD had said of them.
and thirtie. They * shall surely die in the wilder- * Chap. 14.
5% IF And the L O R D spake vnto nesse : and there was not left a man of 28. i. corin*
10. 5. 6.
Moses, saying, them, saue Caleb the sonne of lephun-
58 Vnto these the land shall be diui- neh, and loshua the sonne of Nun.
ded for an inheritance, according to the
* Chap. 33.
54. number of names. C H A P . XXVII.
t Hebr. mul- 54 *To many thou shalt tgiue the
tiply his in- 1 The daughters of Zelophehad sue for an in-
hsniance. more inheritance, and to few thou shalt heritance. 6 The law of inheritances
12 Moser
Zelophehad. Chap.xxvij. loihua ruler.
12 Moses beeing told of his death, sueth giuen vnto the children of Israel.
for a successour. 18 loshua is appointed 13 And when thou hast scene it, thou
to succeed him.
also shalt be gathered vnto thy people,
Hen came the daughters as * Aaron thy brother was gathered. * Chap. 20.

* chap. 26. of * Zelophehad, the sonne 14 For ye * rebelled against my Com- 14. * Chap. 20.
33. iosh.
17.3. of Hepher, the sonne of Gi- mandement (in the desart of Zin, in the 24.
lead, the sonne of Machir, strife of the Congregation) to sanctifie
the sonne of Manasseh, of me at the water, before their eyes : that
the families of Manasseh, the sonne of is the * water of Meribah in Kadesh in * Exod. 17,
the wildernesse of Zin. 7.
loseph ; and these are the names of his
daughters : Mahlah, Noah, and Hog- 15 1f And Moses spake vnto the
lah, and Milcah, and Tirzah. LORD, saying,
8 And they stood before Moses, and 16 Let the L O R D , the God of the
before Eleazar the Priest, and before the spirits of all flesh , set a man ouer the
Princes, and all the Congregation, by Congregation,
the doore of the Tabernacle of the Con- 17 Which may goe out before them,
gregation, saying, and which may goe in before them, and
* Chap. 14. 3 Our father * died in the wilder- which may lead them out, and which
35. and 26.
64, 65. nesse, and he was not in the company of may bring them in , that the Congrega-
them that gathered themselues toge- tion of the L O R D bee not as sheepe
ther against the L O R D in the com- which haue no shepheard.
pany of Korah : but died in his owne 18 If And the L O R D saide vnto
sinne, and had no sonnes. Moses, Take thee loshua the sonne
4 Why should the name of our fa- of Nun, a man in whom is the spirit,
f Hebr. di- ther be tdone away from among his fa- and lay thine hand vpon him.
minished. 19 And set him before Eleazar the
mily, because he hath no sonne ? Giue
vnto vs therefore a possession among the Priest, and before all the Congregation :
brethren of our father and giue him a charge in their sight.
5 And Moses brought their cause 20 And thou shalt put some of thine
before the LORD. honour vpon him, that all the Congre-
6 f And the L O R D spake vnto gation of the children of Israel may be
Moses, saying, obedient.
7 The daughters of Zelophehad 21 And he shall stand before Eleazar
speake right : thou shalt surely giue the Priest, who shall aske counsel! for
tnem a possession of an inheritance a- him, * after the iudgement of Vrim be- * Exod. 28.
rnong their fathers brethren, and thou fore the LORD : at his word shal they 3D.
shalt cause the inheritance of their fa- goe out, and at his word they shal come
ther to passe vnto them. in, both he, and al the children of Israel
8 And thou shalt speake vnto the with him, euen all the Congregation.
children of Israel , saying , If a man 2£ And Moses did as the L O R D
die, and haue no sonne, then yee shall commanded him : and he tooke loshua
cause his inheritance to passe vnto his and set him before Eleazar the Priest,
daughter. and before all the Congregation.
9 And if he haue no daughter, then 23 And hee layd his handes vpon
yee shall giue his inheritance vnto his him , and gaue him a charge , as the
brethren. L O R D commaunded by the hand of
10 And if he haue no brethren, then Moses.
yee shall giue his inheritance vnto his
fathers brethren. C H A P . XXVIII.
11 And if his father haue no bre- 1 Offerings are to be obserued. 3 The con-
thren, then ye shall giue his inheritance tinual! burnt offering. 9 The offering on
vnto his kinseman that is next to him the Sabbath, 11 on the New-moones, 16
at the Passeouer, 26 in the day of first fruits.
of his family, and hee shall possesse it:
And it shall be vnto the children of Is- Nd the L O R D spake

rael a statute of iudgement , as the vnto Moses, saying,
LOUD commanded Moses. % Command the chil-
12 'IT And the L O R D saide vnto dren of Israel, and say vn-
* Deut. 32. Moses, *Get thee vp into this mount to them, My offering, and
Abarim, and see the land which I haue my bread for my sacrifices, made by fire
Solemne feafts, Numbers. and their offrings.
t Hebr. a
sauour of
or a t sweet sauour vnto mee, shall yee vnto a lambe : This is the burnt offring
my rest. bserue, to offer vnto me, in their due of euery moneth, throughout the mo-
eason. neths of the yeere.
3 And thou shalt say vnto them, 15 And one kidde of the goates for a
* Exod. 29. *This is the offering made by fire, sinne offering vnto the LORD shalbe
which ye shall offer vnto the LORD : offered, besides the continuall burnt of-
Two lambes of the first yeere without ring and his drinke offering.
tieb* in a pot t day by day, for a continual! burnt 16 * And in the fourteenth day of the * Exod. 12.
offering. irst moneth , is the Passeouer of the 8.euit. 23. 5.
4 The one lambe shalt thou offer in LOUD.
he morning, and the other lambe shalt 17 And in the fifteenth day of this
Hefrt be- hou offer tat Euen. moneth is the feast : seuen dayes shall
tweene the
twoeuenings 5 And a tenth part of an Ephah of vnleauened bread be eaten.
* Leuit. 2. 1. flowre for a * meate offering, mingled 18 In the * first day sliall bee an holy * Leuit. 23.
*(\ Exod. 29. vith the fourth part of an * Hyn of bea- conuocation, yee shall doe no maner of '•

ten oyle. seruile worke therein.
6 It is a continuall burnt offering 19 But ye shall offer a sacrifice made
which was ordeined in mount Sinai jy fire for a burnt offering vnto the
or a sweete sauour, a sacrifice made by LORD, two yong bullockes, and. one
fire vnto the LORD. ramme, and seuen lambes of the first
7 And the drinke offering thereof yeere : they shall be vnto you without
shall be the fourth part of an Hyn for Blemish.
the one lambe : in the holy place shalt 20 And their meate offering shall be
thou cause the strong wine to bee pow- of flowre mingled with oyle : three
red vnto the L O R D for a drinke of- tenth deales shall ye offer for a bullocke,
fring. and two tenth deales for a ramme,
8 And the other lambe shalt thou of- 21 A seuerall tenth deale shalt thou
fer at Euen : as the meate offring of the offer for euery lambe , throughout the
morning, and as the drinke offering seuen lambes :
thereof, thou shalt offer it, a sacrifice 22 And one goat for a sinne offering,
made by fire of a sweet sauour vnto the to make an atonement for you.
LORD. 23 Ye shal offer these beside the burnt
9 f And on the Sabbath day, two offering in the morning, which is for a
lambes of the first yeere without spot, continuall burnt offering.
and two tenth deales of flowre for i 24 After this maner yee shall offer
meate offering mingled with oyle, anc dayly throughout the seuen dayes, the
the drinke offering thereof. meat of the sacrifice made by fire, of a
10 This is the burnt offring of euery sweet sauour vnto the LORD : it sha
Sabbath, beside the continuall burnt be offred beside the continuall burnt of-
offering, and his drinke offering. fring, and his drinke offering.
11 IF And in the beginnings of your 25 And on the seuenth day yee shal
moneths, ye shall offer a burnt offering haue an holy conuocation : yee shall doe
vnto the LORD : Two yong bullocks no seruile worke.
and one ramme, seuen lambs of the first 26 U Also in the day of the first fruits
yeere, without spot, when ye bring a new meat offering vn-
12 And three tenth deales of flowre to the LORD, after your weekes bee
for a meate offering, mingled with oyle, out : ye shall haue an holy conuocation
for one bullocke, and two tenth deales ye shall doe no seruile worke.
of flowre for a meat offering, minglec 27 But yee shall offer the burnt of
with oyle, for one ramme : fering for a sweete sauour vnto the
13 And a seueral tenth deale of flowre L O R D , two yong bullockes , one
mingled with oyle for a meate offering, ramme. seuen lambes of the first yeere
vnto one lambe, for a burnt offering o 28 And their meat offering of flowre
a sweet sauour, a sacrifice made by fire mingled with oyle, three tenth deales
vnto the LORD. vnto one bullocke , two tenth deale
14 And their drinke offerings shal be vnto one ramme,
halfe an Hin of wine vnto a bullocke, 29 A seuerall tenth deale vnto one
and the third part of an Hin vnto a lambe, thorowout the seuen lambes,
ramme, and a fourth part of an Hin 30 And one kidde of the goates, to
Solemne feafts, Chap.xxix. and their offerings*
make an atonement for you. 12 1f And on the fifteenth day of the
31 Ye shall offer them besides the con- seuenth moneth, yee shall haue an holj
tinuall burnt offering, and his meat of- conuocation, yee shall doe no seruil
fering, (they shall be vnto you without worke, and ye shall keepe a feast vntc
blemish) and their drinke offerings. the LORD seuen dayes.
13 And ye shall offer a burnt offiing
C H A P . XXIX. a sacrifice made by fire, of a sweet sauou
vnto the LORD, thirteene yong bul
1 The offering at the feast of Trumpets, 7 at locks , two rammes, and fourteenc
the day of afflicting their soules., 13 and on lambes of the first yeere: They shall be
the eight dayes of the feast of Tabernacles.
without blemish.
Nd in the seuenth moneth, 14 And their meat offering shall b

* Leuit. 23.
A on the first day of the mo-
neth,ye shall haue an holy
conuocation, yee shall doe
no seruile worke : *it is a
of floure mingled with oyle, three tent!
deales vnto euery bullocke of the thir
teene bullocks, two tenth deales to each
ramme of the two rarames:
dav of blowing the trumpets vnto vou. 15 And a seuerall tenth deale to each
2 And ye shall offer a burnt offering lambe of the foureteene lambes:
for a sweet sauour vnto the LORD, 16 And one kidde of the goats for a
one yong bullocke, one ramme, and sinne offiing, beside the continual burn
seuen lambes of the first yeere without offering, his meate offering, and his
blemish. drinke offering.
3 And their meat offering shall be o\ 17 If And oil the second day ye shal of-
floure mingled with oyle, three tenth fer twelue yong bullocks, two rammes
deales for a bullocke , and two tenth foureteene lambes of the first yeere
deales for a ramme : without spot.
4 And one tenth deale for one lambe 18 And their meat oflring, and their
thorowout the seuen lambes : drinke offerings for the bullockes, for
5 And one kidde of the goats for a the rammes, and for the hmbes, shall be
sinne offering to make an atonement according to their number, after the
for you : maner :
6 Beside the burnt offering of the 19 And one kidde of the goats for a
moneth, and his meat offering, and the sinne offering, beside the continual
dayly burnt offering , and his meat of- 3urnt offering, and the meate offering
fering, and their drinke offerings, accor- thereof, and their drinke offerings.
ding vnto their maner, for a sweet sa- 20 IF And on the third day eleuen
uour , a sacrifice made by fire vnto the jullocks , two rammes , foureteene
LORD. ambs of the first yere without blemish.
* Leuit. 16. 7 f And * ye shall haue on the tenth 21 And their meate offering, and
29. and 23.
27. day of this seuenth moneth an holy their drinke offerings for the bullocks,
conuocation ; and yee shall afflict your for the rammes, and for the lambes,
soules : yee shall not doe any worke shall be according to their number after
therein. the maner :
8 But ye shall offer a burnt offering 22 And one goat for a sinne offering,
vnto the LORD for a sweet sauour, jeside the continuall burnt offering,
one yong bullock, one ramme, and seuen and his meate offering, and his drinke
ambes of the first yeere, they shall bee offering.
vnto you without blemish. 23 If And on the fourth day ten bul-
9 And their meate offering shall be ocks, two rammes , and foureteene
of floure mingled with oyle, three tenth ambs of the first yere without blemish.
deales to a bullocke , and two tenth 24 Their meat offering, and their
deales to one ramme : Irinke offerings, for the bullocks, for
10 A seuerall tenth deale for one the rammes, and for the lambes, shall be
ambe, thorowout the seuen lambes ; according to their number after the
11 One kidde of the goats for a sinne maner:
offering, beside the sinne offering of at- 25 And one kidde of the goats for a
onement, and the continuall burnt of- sin offering, beside the continuall burnt
fering, and the meat offering of it, and offering, his meate offering, and his
their drinke offerings. drinke offering.
26 If And
Offrings at feafts. Numbers. Of Vowes.
26 f And on the fift day, nine bul- 40 And Moses tolde the children of
lockes , two rammes , and fourteene Israel, according to all that the LORD
lambes of the first yeere, without spot : commanded Moses.
27 And their meat offring and their
drinke offerings, for the bullockes, for CHAP. XXX.
the rammes, and for the lambes, shall be I Vowes are not to be broken. 3 The excepti-
according to their number after the on of a maids vow, 6 Of a wiues, 9 Of
maner : a widowes, or her that is diuorced.
28 And one goate for a sinne offring, Nd Moses spake vnto the

beside the continuall burnt offring, and heads of the tribes, con-
his meate offering and his drinke of- cerning the children of Is-
fering. rael, saying, This is the
29 If And on the sixt day eight bul- thincr whirh the T,nRT»
lockes , two rammes , and fourteene hath commanded.
lambes of the first yeere without ble- 2 If a man vowe a vow vnto the
mish : LORD, or sweare an othe to bind his
30 And their meat offring, and their soule with a bond: he shall not tbreake fane.
t Hebr. pro-
drinke offerings, for the bullockes, for his word,hee shall doe according to all
the ramraes , and for the lambes , shall that proceedeth out of his mouth.
be according to their number, after the 3 If a woman also vow a vow vn-
maner : to the LORD, and binde her selfe by a
31 And one goat for a sinne offering, bond, being in her fathers house in her
beside the continuall burnt offering, his youth ;
meate offering and his drinke offering. 4 And her father heare her vow,
32 IF And on the seuenth day, seuen and her bond wherewith shee hath
bullockes, two rammes, and fourteene bound her soule, and her father shall
lambes of the first yeere without ble- holde his peace at her : then all her
mish. vowes shall stand , and euery bond
83 And their meate offring, and their wherewith shee hath bound her soule,
drinke offerings, for the bullockes, for shall stand.
the rammes, and for the lambes, shall be 5 But if her father disallow her in
according to their number, after the the day that he heareth; not any of her
maner : vowes or of her bonds, wherewith she
34 And one rgoat for a sinne offring, hath bound her soule, shall stand: and
beside the cofi tin ualL burnt offering, his the LORD shall forgiue her, because
meate offering, and his drinke offring. her father disallowed her.
35 1F On the eight day, ye shall haue 6 And if she had at all an husband
* Leuit. 23. a *solemne assembly : ye shall do no ser- when tshe vowed, or vttered ought out t Hebr. her
uile worke therein : of her lips, wherewith shee bound her vowesvponher.
36 But ye shal offer a burnt offring, soule,
a sacrifice made by fire, of a sweet sauour 7 And her husband heard it, and
vnto the LORD, one bullocke, one held his peace at her in the day that hee
ramme, seuen lambes of the first yeere heard it : then her vowes shall stand,
without blemish : and her bonds wherewith shee bound
37 Their meate offering, and their her soule, shall stand.
drinke offrings, for the bullocke, for the 8 But if her husband disallowe her
ramme, and for the lambes shall be accor- on the day that he heard it, then he shall
ding to their number, after the maner: make her vowe which she vowed, and
38 And one goat for a sinne offering, that which she vttered with her lippes
beside the continuall burnt offring, and wherewith shee bound her soule , of
his meate offering, and his drinke of- none effect, and the L O R D shall for-
fering. giue her.
1 Or, offer. 39 These things ye shall || doe vnto 9 But euery vow of a widow, and
the L O R D in your set feasts, besides of her that is diuorced, wherewith they
your vowes , and your free will of- haue bound their soules , shall stand a-
ferings , for your burnt offerings, and gainst her.
for your meate offerings, and for your 10 And if she vowed in her husbands
drinke offerings, and for your peace of- house , or bound her soule by a bond
ferings. with an oath ;
11 And
Of Vowes. Chap.xxxj. Balaam flaine.
11 And her husband heard it, and 6 And Moses sent them to the
held his peace at her, and disallowed her warre, a thousand of euery tribe, them
not: then all her vowes shall stand, and and Phinehas the sonne of Eleazar the
euery bond wherewith shee bound her Priest, to the warre, with the holy in-
soule, shall stand. struments, and the trumpets to blow.
12 But if her husband hath vtterly in his hand.
made them voyd on the day hee heard 7 And they warred against the Mi-
them: then whatsoeuer proceeded out of dianites, as the LORD commanded
her lips concerning her vowes, or con- Moses, and they slew all the males.
cerning the bond of her soule, shall not 8 And they slew the Kings of Mi-
stand : her husband hath made them dian , beside the rest of them that were
voyd, and the LORD shal forgiue her. slaine; namely *Eui, and Rekem, and 21, * Ipsh. 13.
13 Euery vow, and euery binding Zur, and Hur, and Beba, fiue Kings of
othe to afflict the soule, her husband Midian ; Balaam also the sonne of Be-
may establish it, or her husband may or they slew with the sword.
make it voyd. 9 And the children of Israel tooke
14 But if her husband altogether all the women of Midian captiues, and
hold his peace at her, from day to day, their little ones, and tooke the spoile of
then he established all her vowes, or all their cattell, and all their flocks, and
all her bonds which are vpon her : hee all their goods. .
confirmeth them , because hee held his 10 And they burnt all their cities
peace at her, in the day that hee heard wherein they dwelt, and all their good-
them. ly castles with fire :
15 But if hee shall any wayes make 11 And they tooke all the spoile, and
them voyd after that he hath heard tfiem, all the pray, both of men and of beasts.
then he shall beare her iniquitie. 12 And they brought the captiues,
16 These are the statutes which the and the pray, and the spoile vnto Moses
L O R D commanded Moses betweene and Eleazar the Priest, and vnto the
a man and his wife, betweene the fa- Congregation of the children of Israel,
ther and his daughter, being yet in her vnto the campe at the plain es of Moab,
youth, in her fatners house. which are by lordan neere lericho.
13 f And Moses and Eleazar the
Priest, and all the Princes of the Con-
C H A P . XXXI. gregation went foorth to meete them
1 The Midianites are spoyled, and Balaam without the campe.
slaine. 13 Moses is wrotn with the officers, 14 And Moses was wroth with the
for sauing the women aliue. 19 How the officers of the hoste, with the captaines •
souldiers with their captiues and spoile, are to ouer thousands , and captaines ouer
be purified. 25 The proportion wherehy the
pray is to be diuided. 48 The voluntary ob- hundreds, which came from the tbattel. Hebr. hoste
lation vnto the Treasury of the Lord. 15 And Moses said vnto them, Haue of warre.
ye saued all the women aliue ?
|Nd the L O R D spake 16 Behold', * these caused the children * Chap. 25.

m •vnto Moses, saying, of Israel, through the *counsell of Ba- * 2. Pet. 2.

* Chap. 25. £ * Auenge the children laam, to commit trespasse against the 5.
17. of Israel of the Midia- L O R D in the matter of Peor , and
nites : afterward shalt there was a plague among the Con-
* Chap. 27. thou *be gathered vnto thy people. gregation of the LORD.
13. 3 And Moses spake vnto tne people, 17 Now therefore *kill euery male *1.ludg. 21.
saying, Arme some of your selues vnto among the little ones, and kill euery
Jie warre, and let them goe against the woman that hath knowen man, by ly-
Midianites, and auenge the L O R D ing with thim. t Hebr. a
of Midian* 18 But all the women children that male.
Hebr. a 4 t Of eu.ery tribe a thousand, haue not knowen a man by lying with
tribe, a thou- throughout all the tribes of Israel, him, keepe aliue for your selues.
sand of a
shall ye send to the warre. 19 And doe yee abide without the
5 So there were deliuered out of campe seuen dayes : whosoeuer hath
the thousands of Israel , a thousand killed any person, and * whosoeuer hath *.1.1 Chap.
of euery tribe , twelue thousand armed touched any slaine , purifie both your
for warre. selues , and your captiues , on the
The diuiding Numbers. of the pray.
third day , and on the seuenth day. 34 And threescore and one .thousand
20 And purifie all yaitr raiment, and asses :
t Hebr. in- all that is tmade of skinnes, and all 35 And thirtie and two thousand
strument or
vessell of worke of goates kaire9 and all things )ersons in all, of women that had not
skinnes. made of wood. cnowen man by lying with him.
21 IF And Eleazar the Priest said vn- 36 And the halfe which was the portion
to 'the men of warre which went to the of them that went out to warre, was in
Dattell , This is the ordinance of the number three hundred thousand , and
aw which the L O R D commaunded seuen and thirtie thousand, and fiue
Moses. lundred sheepe.
22 Onely the gold, and the siluer, the 37 And the LORDS tribute of the
brasse, the yron, the tinne,and the lead, sheepe was sixe hundred and threescore
,23 Euery thing that may abide the and fifteene.
fire, yee shall make it goe through the 38 And the beeues were thirtie and
fire, audit shall be cleaneineuerthelesse, sixe thousand, of which the LORDS
it shall be purified with the water of se- tribute was threescore and twelue.
paration : and all that abideth not the 39 And the asses were thirtie thou-
fire, yee shall make goe through the sand and fiue hundred , of which the
water. L O R D S tribute was threescore and
24 And ye shall wash your clothes one.
on the seuenth day, and ye shalbe cleane, 40 And the persons were sixteene
and afterward yee shall come into the thousand, of which the LORDS tri-
campe. bute was thirtie and two persons.
25 1f And the L O R D spake vnto 41 And Moses gaue the tribute
Moses, saying, which was the LORDS heaue offering,
26 Take the summe of the pray, vnto Eleazar the Priest, as the LORD
t Hebr. of tthat was taken, both of man and oi commanded Moses.
the captiuity
beast, thou and Eleazar the Priest, anc 42 And of the children of Israels
the chiefe fathers of the Congrega- halfe, which Moses diuided from the
tion t men that warred :
27 And diuide the pray into two 43 (Now the halfe that perteinec
parts , betweene them that tooke the vnto the Congregation, was three hun-
warre vpon them , who went out to dred thousand, and thirtie thousand
battell, and betweene all the Congre- and seuen thousand, and fiue hundrec
gation. sheepe :
28 And leuie a tribute vnto the 44 And thirtie and sixe thousanc
L O R D of the men of warre which beeues:
went out to battell : one soule of fiue 45 And thirtie thousand asses, anc
hundred, both of the persons, and oi fiue hundred :
the beeues, and of the asses, and of the 46 And sixteene thousand persons'
sheepe. 47 Euen of the children of Israels
29 Take it of their halfe, and giue it halfe, Moses tooke one portion of fiftie
vnto Eleazar the Priest, for an heaue both of man and of beast , and gaue
offering of the LORD. them vnto the Leuites, which keip
30 And of the children of Israels the charge of the Tabernacle of the
halfe, thou shall take one portion of fif- L O R D , as the L O R D commantlec
tie, of the persons, of the beeues, of the Moses.
II Or, goats. asses, and of the ||flockes, of all maner 48 1F And the officers which were
of beasts, and giue them vnto the Le- ouer thousands of the hoste, the cap
uites, which keepe the charge of the taines of thousands, and captaines o
Tabernacle of the LORD. hundreds came neere vnto Moses.
31 And Moses and Eleazar the Priest 49 And they said vnto Moses, Th]
did as the LORD commanded Moses. seruants haue taken the summe of the
32 And the bootie being the rest of the men of warre which are vnder our
pray which the men of war had caught, t charge, and there lacketh not one man t Heb. hand.
was six hundred thousand, and seuenty of vs,
thousand, and fiue thousand sheepe, 50 Wee haue therefore brought an
33 And threescore and twelue thou- oblation for the LORD, what eue-
sand beeues, rie man hath t gotten , of Jewels o found.
f Hebr.
The requeft of Chap.xxxij. Reuben and Gad.
golde chaines , and bracelets , rings , going ouer into the lande , which the
earerings , and tablets , to make an LORD hath giuen them ?
atonement for our soules before the 8 Thus did your fathers, when I
LORD. sent them from Kadesh Barnea to see
51 And Moses and Eleazar the the land.
Priest tooke the gold of them : euen all 9 For * when they went vp vnto the * Chap, 13.
wrought iewels. valley of Eshcol, and saw the land, they 24.
t Heb. heaue 52 And all the gold of the t offring
discouraged the heart of the children of
that they offered vp to the LORD, of Israel, that they should not goe into
the captaines of thousands , and of the the land which the L O R D had giuen
captaines of hundreds , was sixteene them.
thousand , seuen hundred and fiftie 10 And the L O R D S anger was
shekels. kindled the same time, and hee sware.
53 (For the men of warre had taken saying,
spoile, euery man for himselfe. ) 11 Surely none of the men that came
54 And Moses and Eleazar the vp out of Egypt, * from twentie yeeres * Chap. 14.
Priest tooke the gold of the captaines, old and vpward , shall see the lande 28, 29.
of thousands , and of hundreds , and which I sware vnto Abraham, vnto
brought it into the Tabernacle of the Isaac , and vnto lacob , because they
Congregation , for a memoriall for the haue not t wholly followed me : \Heb.fulfU-
children of Israel before the LORD, 12 Saue Caleb the sonne of lephun- kd after me.
neh the Kenezite , and loshua the
sonne of Nun : for they haue wholly
C H A P . XXXII. followed the LORD.
1 The Reubenites and Gadites sue for their in- 13 And the LORDS anger was
heritance on that side lorden. 6 Moses re- kindled against Israel, and hee made
proueth them. 16 They offer him conditi- them wander in the wildernesse fourty
ons to his content. 33 Moses assigneth them yeeres , vntill all the generation that
the land. 39 They conquere it.
had done euill in the sight of the LORD
Ow the children of Reu- was consumed.

ben , and the children of 14 And beholde, ye are risen vp in
Gad , had a very great your fathers stead , an increase of sin-
multitude of cattell : and full men, to augment yet the fierce an-
y^M£J when they saw the land of ger of the LORD toward Israel.
lazer, and the land of Gilead, that be- 15 For if yee turne away from after
hold, the place was a place for cattell; him , hee will yet againe leaue them in
2 The children of Gad, and the chil- the wildernesse, and ye shall destroy all
dren of Reuben , came and spake vnto this people.
Moses, and to Eleazar the Priest, and 16 11 And they came neere vnto him,
vnto the Princes of the Congregation, and said , Wee will build sheepfoldes
saying, here for our cattell , and cities for our
3 Ataroth, and Dibon, and lazer, litle ones.
and Nimrah, and Heshbon, and Elea- 17 But we our selues will goe ready
leh, and Shebam , and Nebo, and armed before the children of Israel, vn-
Beon, till wee haue brought them vnto their
4 Euen the countrey which the place : and our litle ones shall dwell in
L O R D smote before the Congregati- the fenced cities , because of the inhabi-
on of Israel, is a land for cattell, and tants of the land.
thy seruants haue cattell. 18 Wee will not returne vnto our
5 Wherefore, said they , if wee haue houses , vntill the children of Israel
found grace in thy sight* let this lande haue inherited euery man his inheri-
be giuen vnto thy seruants for a posses- tance :
sion, and bring vs not ouer lordane. 19 For wee will not inherite with
6 H And Moses said vnto the chil- them on yonder side lordane, or for-
dren of Gad, and to the children.of Reu- ward, because our inheritance is fallen
ben, Shall your brethren goe to warre, to vs on this side lordane Eastward.
and shall ye sit here ? 20 f And * Moses said vnto them, *Iosh.l.l3
7 And wherefore t discourage yee If ye will doe this thing, if ye will goe
the heart of the children of Israel from armed before the LORD to warre,
21 And
ieubens and Gads Numbers. inheritance. The
21 And will goe all of you armed o- ics thereof, in the coastes,£&enthe cities
er lordane before the LORD, vntill f the countrey round about.
le hath driiien Qut his enemies from 34? 1f And the children of Gad built
)efore him, )ibon, and Ataroth, and Aroer,
22 And the lafld bee subdued before 35 And Atroth, Sboph§n, and la-
be L O R D : then afterward ye shall azer, and logbehah,
eturne , and bee guiltlesse before the 36 And Bethnimrah , and Beth-
jORD, and before Israel; and this laran , fenced cities : and foldes for
and shall be your possession before the sheepe.
L.ORD. 37 And the children 6f Reuben built
23 But if ye will not doe so, behold, rlesbbon , and Elealeh , and Kiria-
ree haue sinned against the L O R D : thaim,
nd bee sure your sinne will finde you 38 And Nebo, and Baalmeon (their
out. names being changed ) and Shibmah :
24 Build ye cities for your litle ones, and t gaue other names vnto the cities Heir, they
ailed by
and folds for your sheepe, and doe that which they builded. names the
which hath proceeded out of your 39 And the children of *Machir, the 'i tics i of the
mouth. sonne of Manasseh , went to Gilead, * Gene, so.
25 And the children of Gad, and the and tooke it, and dispossessed the Amo- 3.
children of Reuben spake vnto Moses, rite which was in it.
aying , Thy seruants will doe as my 40 And Moses gaue Gilead vnto
ord commandeth. Machir the sonne of Manasseh, and he
26 Our little ones, our wiues, our dwelt therein.
locks, and all our cattell shall be there 41 And * lair the sofctte of Manas- * Deut. 3.
n the cities of Gilead. seh went and tooke the small townes 14.
* losh. 4. 12. 27 But *thy seruants will passe o- thereof, and called them Hauoth-Iair.
uer, euery man armed for warre, before 42 And Nobah went and tooke
he LORD to battell, as my lord saith. Kenath, and the villages thereof, anc
28 So concerning them Moses com- called it Nobah, after his owne name.
maunded Eleazar the Priest , and lo-
shua the sonne of Nun , and the chiefs C H A P . XXXIII.
others of the tribes of the children oi 1 Two and fourtie iourneyes of the Israelites
[srael : 50 The Canaanites are to be destroyed.
29 And Moses said vnto them , Ii
the children of Gad, and the children o< Hese are the iourneyes o
Reuben will passe with you ouer lor-
dane, euery man armed to battell before
the LORD , and the land shall be sub-
dued before you, then ye shall giue them
n the children of Israel ,
which went foorth out o
the land of Egypt, with
^-™_ _„ their armies, v
the land of Gilead for a possession : tiand of Moses and Aaron.
30 But if they will not passe ouer 2 And Moses wrote their goings
with you armed, they shall haue posses- out according to their iourneyes, by the
sions among you in the land of Ca- commandement of the L O R D : anc
naan. these are their iourneyes according to
31 And the children of Gad, and the their goings out.
children of Reuben answered , saying, 3 And they * departed frofti Rame- * Ejtod. 12.
As the LORD hath said vnto thy ser- ses in the first moneth, on the fifteenth 37.
uants, so will we doe. day of the first moneth : on the morrow
32 Wee will passe ouer armed before after the Passeouer, the children of Is-
the L O R D into the land of Canaan rael went out with an high hand in the
that the possession of our inheritance sight of all the Egyptians.
on this side lordane may be ours. 4 ( For the Egyptians buried al
* Deut. 3.
12. iosh. 13
33 And * Moses gaue vnto ihem,euen their first borne, which the L O R D
9.. &asU?4- to the children of Gad, $nd to the chil had smitten among them : vpon their
dren of Reuben , and vnto halfe th gods also the LORD executed iudge-
tribe of Manasseh the sonne of Joseph ments.)
the kingdome of Sihon King of th 5 Anji1 tjie children of Israel remo-
Amorites , and the kingdome of O ued from Barneses , and .pitched in
King of Bashan, the land with the ci Succoth.
6 And
refliouings of ^Chap.xxxiij, the Ifraelites.
•'"Exoi. 13. 6 And they departed from * Suc- 28 And they remoued from T^rah,
coth, and pitched in Etham, which is in and pitched in Mithcah.
the edge of the wildernesse. #9 Arid they went from Mithcah,
7 And they remoued from Etham, and pitched in Hashmonah.
and turned againe vnto Pihahiroth, 30 And they departed frohi Hash-
which is before Baal-zephon : and they monah, and * encamped at Moseroth. * r>eu. 10. 6
pitched before Migdol. 31 And they departed from Mose-
8 And they departed fr6m before roth, and pitched in Bene-Iaakan.
* Exod. 15. Pihahiroth , and * passed thorow the 32 And they remooued from Bene-
midst of the sea, into the wildernes, and Iaakan, & encamped at Horhagidgad.
went three dayes iourney in the wilder- 33 And they went from Horhagid-
nesse of Etham, and pitched in Marah. gad, and pitched in lotbathah.
9 And they remoued from Marah, 34 And they remooued from lot-
* Exod. 15. and * came vnto Elim, and in Elim were bathah, and encamped at Ebronah.
27. twelue fountaines of water, and three 35 And they departed from Ebro-
score and ten palme trees, and they pit- nah, and encamped at Ezion-gaber.
ched there. 36 And they remoued from Ezion-
10 And they f£rn6oued from Elim, gaber, and pitched in the * wildernes of i.* Chap. 20.
and encamped by the red sea. Zin, which is Kadesh.
11 And they remooued from the red 37 And they remooued from * Ka- * CJiap. 20,
00 '"*""''

desh, and pitched in mount Hor, in the

* Exod. 16.1 sea, and encamped in the * wildernesse
of Sin. edge of the land of Edom.
12 And they tooke their iourney out 38 And * Aaron the Priest went vp * Chap. 20.
of the wildernesse of Sin, and encam- into mount Hor, at the coinmandement 25. deut.
32. 50.
ped in Dophkah. of the LORD, and died there in the
13 And they departed from Doph- fourtieth yeere, after the children of Is-
kah, and encamped in Alush. rael were come out of the lande of E-
14 And they remoued from Alush, gypt,in the first day of the fift moneth.
* Exod. 17.1 and encamped at * Rephidim , where 39 And Aaron was an hundred and
was no water for the people to drinke. twentie and three yeeres ojcjj when hee
15 And they departed from Rephi- died in mount Hor.
* Exod. 19.1 dim, and pitched, in the * wildernesse of 40 And * King Arad the Canaanite * Chap. 21,
Sinai. (which dwelt in the South, in the land 1, &C.
16 And they remoued from the de- of Canaan) heard of the txmuning of
* Chap. 11. sert of Sinai, and pitched *at ||Kibroth the children of Israel.
I! That is, Hattaauah. 41 And they departed from mount
Tfie grows
oj lust,
f J i A
17 And they departed from Kibroth * Hor, and pitched in Zalmonah. * Clia. 21.4
* Chap. 11. Hattaauah , and * encamped at Haze- 42 And they departed from Zalmo-
,35. roth. nah, and pitched in Punon.
18 And they departed ,from Haze- 43 And they departed from Punon,
roth, and pitched in Rithmah. and pitched in Oboth.
19 And they departed from Rith- 44 And they departed from Oboth,
mah , and pitched at Rimmon Parez. and pitched in ||Iie-Abarim , in the 1 Or, heapes
20 And they departed from Rim- border of Moab. Qfdtori™'
mon Parez, and pitched in Libnah. 45 And they departed from lim,
21 And they remoued from Libnah, and pitched in Dibon Gad.
and pitched at Rissah. 46 And they remoued from Dibon
22 And they iourney ed from Rissah, Gad, and enc&nped ift ^Ij^ioji-Dibla-
and pitched in Kehelathah. thaim.
23 And they went from Kehela- 47 Afid they *emooue<$ from Al-
thah , and pitched in mount Shapher. mon-Diblathaim , and pitched in the
24? And they remoued from mount mountaines of Abarim, before Nebp.
Shapher, and encamped in Haradah. 48 And they departed from the
25 And they remooued from Hara- mountaines of Abarim, and pitched in
dah, and pitched in Makheloth. the plaines of Moab, jby Morgan neere
26 And they remooued from Mak- lericho.
heloth,, and encamped at Tahath. 49 And they jpitched by lordane Ijfaines or, the
27 And they departed from Ta- from Beth-Iesimoth, euen vnto || * A- Shittim.
* Chap. 25.
hath, and pitched at Tarah. bel Shittim, in the pl^jnea of Moab. 1.
50 1f And
The borders Numbers. of Canaan.
50 IF And the L O R D spake vnto compasse from Azmon vnto the riuer
Moses, in the plaines of Moab by lor- of Egypt, and the goings out of it shall
dane, neere lericho, saying, be at the sea.
51 Speake vnto the children of Is- 6 And as for the Westerne border.
* Deut. 7. 2. rael, and say vnto them, * When ye are you shall euen haue the great sea for a
iosh. 11. 12.
passed ouer lordane into the land of border : this shall be your West border.
Canaan ; 7 And this shall be your North bor-
52 Then ye shall driue out all the in- der : from the great sea, you shall point
habitants of the land from before you, out for you, mount Hor.
and destroy all their pictures , and de- 8 From mount Hor, ye shall point
stroy all their molten images, and quite out your border vnto the entrance of Ha-
plucke downe all their high places, math : and the goings foorth of the bor-
53 And ye shall dispossesse the inhabi- der shall be to Zedad.
tants of the land, and dwell therein : for 9 1[ And the border shall goe on to
I haue giuen you the land to possesse it. Ziphron, and the goings out of it shall
* Chap. 26. 54} And * ye shall diuide the land by bee at Hazar Enan : this shall be your
lot , for an inheritance among your fa- North border
t Hebr. mul- milies, and to the moe ye shall tgiue the 10 And ye shall point out your East
tiply his in-
herttance. more inheritance, and to the fewer yee border , from Hazar Enan to She-
t Hebr. di- shall tgiue the lesse inheritance: euery pham.
minish his
inheritance. mans inheritance shall bee in the place 11 And the coast shall goe downe
where his lot falleth , according to the from Shepham to Riblah, on the East
tribes of your fathers, ye shall inherite. side of Ain: and the border shall descend
55 But if ye will not driue out the in- and shall reach vnto the t side of the sea t Hebr.
habitants of the land from before you, of Chinnereth Eastward.
then it shall come to passe that those 12 And the border shall goe downe
which ye let remaine of them , shall be to lordane, and the goings out of it
* Iosh. 23. * prickes in your eyes , and thornes in shall be at the salt sea : this shall be your
13. iudff. 2.
3. your sides, and shal vexe you in the land land with the coastes thereof round
wherein ye dwell. about.
56 Moreouer, it shall come to passe, 13 And Moses commanded the chil-
that I shall do vnto you, as I thought dren of Israel, saying, This is the land
to doe vnto them. which ye shall inherite by lot, which the
L O R D commanded to giue vnto the
C H A P . XXXIIII. nine tribes, and to the halfe tribe.
14 * For the tribe of the children of * Chap. 32.
1 The borders of the land. 16 The names of Reuben, according to the house of their 33. 2,3.
iosh. 14.
the men which shall diuide the land.
fathers, and the tribe of the children of
Nd the L O R D spake Gad, according to the house of their fa-

A vnto Moses, saying,

2 Command the chil-
dren of Israel, and say vn-
to them,When yecome in-
thersj\a,uerecei\ie& their inheritance, and
halfe the tribe of Manasseh haue recei-
ued their inheritance.
15 The two tribes , and the halfe
to the land of Canaan, (this is the land tribe haue receiued their inheritance on
that shall fall vnto you for an inheri- this side lordane neere lericho , East-
tance, euen the land of Canaan, with ward, toward the Sunne rising.
the coasts thereof.) 16 And the LORD spake vnto Mo-
* Iosh. 15.1. 3 Then * your South quarter shall ses, saying,
be from the wildernesse of Zin, along 17 These are the names of the men
by the coast of Edom, and your South which shall diuide the land vnto you :
border shall be the outmost coast of the * Eleazar the Priest , and loshua the * Iosh. 19,
salt Sea Eastward. sonne of Nun.
4 And your border shal turne from 18 And yee shall take one Prince of
the South to the ascent of Akrabbim, euery tribe, to diuide the land by inhe-
and passe on to Zin : and the going ritance.
foorth thereof shall be from the South 19 And the names of the menamhese:
to Kadesh-Barnea, and shall goe on to Of the tribe of ludah, Caleb the sonne
Hazar-Addar, and passe on to Azmon. of lephunneh.
5 And the border shall fetch a com- £0 And of the tribe of the children
The Leuites cities. Chap.xxxv. Cities of refuge.
of Simeon, Shemuel the sonne of Am two thousand cubites, & on the North
mihud. side two thousand cubites : and the citi
21 Of the tribe of Beniamin, Elidad shall be in the midst; this shalbe to them
the sonne of Chislon. the suburbs of the cities.
22 And the Prince of the tribe of the 6 And among the cities which ye
children of Dan, Bukki the sonne 01 shal giue vnto the Leuites, there shalb
logli. *sixe cities for refuge, which ye shall ap * Deut. 4.
23 The Prince of the children of lo- point for the manslayer, that hee may 2.41.and iosh. 20
21. 3
seph: for the tribe of the children of Ma- flee thither : And to them ye shall taddet Hebr. a-
boue them y
nasseh, Hanniel the sonne of Ephod. fourty and two cities. shall giue.
24 And the Prince of the tribe of the 7 So all the cities which ye shall giue
children of Ephraim, Kemuel the sonne to the Leuites, shall be fourty and eigh
of Shiphtan. cities: them shall yee giue with their sub
25 And the Prince of the tribe of the urbs.
children of Zebulun, Elizaphan the 8 And the cities which ye shal giue
sonne of Parnach. shalbe of the possession of the children o
26 And the Prince of the tribe of the Israel : from them that haue many ye
children of Issacbar, Paltiel the sonne shall giue many ; but from them tha
of Azzan. haue few, ye shall giue few. Euery one
27 And the Prince of the tribe of the shal giue of his cities vnto the Leuites
children of Asher, Ahihud the sonne of according to his inheritance which the \ Hebr. the
Shelomi. inheriteth. inherite.
28 And the Prince of the tribe of the 9 If And the L O R D spake vnto
children of Naphtali, Pedahel the Moses, saying,
sonne of Ammihud. 10 Speake vnto the children of Is-
29 These are they whom the LORD rael, and say vnto them, * When ye bee * Deut. 19.
commaunded to diuide the inheritance come ouer lordane, into the land oi 2.2. iosh. 20.
vnto the children of Israel in the land Canaan:
of Canaan. 11 Then ye shall appoint you cities,
to be cities of refuge for you ; that the
C H A P. XXXV. slayer may flee thither which killeth a-
ny person tat vnawares. t Hebr. by
1 Eiglfi and fourtie Cities for the Leuites with 12 And they shall be vnto you cities error.
their suburbs, and measure thereof. 6Sixe of ?
them are to be cities of refuge. 9 The lawes or refuge from the auenger , that the
of murder. 31 No satisfaction for murder. man-slayer die not, vntill he stand be-
fore the Congregation in iudgement.
Nd the L O R D spake
\&J vRb"jVt3Bv *77i 13 And of these cities which ye shal

vnto Moses in the plaines giue, sixe cities shall ye haue for refuge.
of Moab by lordane, 14 Yee shall giue three cities on this
neere lericho, saying, side lordane, and three cities shall yee
* Iosh. 21. 2 * Command the chil- riue in the land of Canaan, which shall
dren of Israel, that they giue vnto the ?e cities of refuge.
Leuites of the inheritance of their pos- 15 These sixe cities shall be a refuge,
session, cities to dwell in : and yee shall )oth for the children of Israel, and for
giue also vnto the Leuites suburbs for the stranger , and for the soiourner a-
;he cities round about them. mong them : that euery one that kil-
3 And the cities shall they haue to eth any person vnawares , may flee
dwell in, and the suburbs of them shall thither.
3e for their cattell, and for their goods, 16 * And if he smite him with an in- Exod. si.
and for all their beasts, strument of Iron, (so that he die,) hee 4.
4 And the suburbs of the cities, s a murderer : the murderer shall sure-
which yee shall giue vnto the Leuites, y be put to death.
shall reach from the wall of the citie, and 17 And if he smite him twith throw-
outward, a thousand cubites round ing a stone, (wherewith hee may die) Hebr. with
about. and he die, he is a murderer: the murde- stone
of the
5 And ye shall measure from with- rer shall surely be put to death.
out the city on the Eastside two thou- 18 Or if he smite him with an hand-
sand cubites, and on the Sbuthside two weapon of wood, (wherewith he may
thousand cubites, and on the Westside die) and he die, hee is a murderer : the
^awes for Numbers. fliedding of blood.
murderer shall surely be put to death. uge , that hee should come againe to
1§ The reuenger of blood himselfe [well in the land, vntil the death of the
ball slay the murtherer : when he mee- Driest.
eth him, he shall slay him. 33 So ye shall not pollute the lande
* Deut. 19. 20 * But if he thrust him of hatred, wherein ye are: for blood, it defileth the
r hurle at him by laying of waite that and : and the t land cannot bee cleansed anHeb. there
be no ex-
ic die, of the blood that is shed therein, but by piationfor
21 Or in enmitie smite him with his the blood of him that shed it. he land.
land, that he die : hee that smote him 34? Defile not therefore the lande
hall surely be put to death, for hee is a which yee shall inhabite , wherein I
murderer : the reuenger of blood shall dwell: for I the L O R D dweJJ among
lay the murderer, when hee meeteth the children of Israel.
22 But if hee thrust him suddenly
* Ex<Sd. 21. * without enmitie, or haue cast vpon C H A P . XXXVI.
lim any thing without laying of wait, 1 The inconuenience of the inheritance of
23 Or with any stone wherewith a daughters, 5 is remedied by marying in
man may die, seeing him not, and cast their owne tribes, 7 lest the inheritance
should be remoued from the tribe. 10 The
t vpon him, that he die, and was not daughters of Zelophehad marrie their fa-
lis enemie, neither sought his harme: thers brothers sonnes.
24 Then the Congregation shall
udge betweene the slayer, and the re- Nd the chiefe fathers of

lenger of blood , according to these the families of the children
udgeraents. of Gilead, the sonne oi
25 And the Congregation shall deli- Machir, the sonne of Ma-
uer the slayer out of the hand of the re- nasseh, of the families of
uenger of blood, and the Congregation the sonnes of loseph, came neere, and
hal restore him to the city of his refuge, spake before Moses, and before the
whither he was fled : and he shall abide Princes the chiefe fathers of the chil-
n it vnto the death of the high Priest, dren of Israel.
which was annoynted with the holy 2 And they said, * The L O R D * Chap. 27.
oyle. commanded my lord to giue the lande i.iosh. 17.3
26 But if the slayer shall at any time for an inheritance by lot to the children
come without the border of the citie ol of Israel : and my lord was comman-
his refuge, whither he was fled : ded by the LORD, to giue the inheri-
27 And the reuenger of blood finde tance of Zelophehad our brother, vnto
lim without the borders of the citie o his daughters.
lis refuge, and the reuenger of blooc 3 And if they bee married to any ol
Rebr. no the sonnes of the other tribes of the chil-
blood shalbe dll the slayer, he t shall not be guiltie o:
to him. blood: dren of Israel, then shall their inheri-
28 Because he should haue remainec tance be taken from the inheritance of
in the citie of his refuge, vntill the death our fathers, and shall bee put to the in-
of the high Priest : but after the death heritance of the tribe, twhereinto they t Heb. vnto
of the hie Priest, the slayer shal returne whom they
are receiued : so shal it be taken from the shall be.
into the land of his possession. lot of our inheritance.
29 So these things shall be for a sta- 4? And when the lubile of the chil-
tute of iudgment vnto you, thorowout dren of Israel shall be, then shall their
your generations in al your dwellings. inheritance be put vnto the inheritance
30 Who so killeth any person , the of the tribe, whereunto they are recei-
murderer shall be put to death, by the ued: So shal their inheritance be taken
* Deut. 17. * mouth of witnesses : but one witnesse away from the inheritance of the tribe
6. and 19.
15. matt. 18 shall not testifie against any person, to of our fathers.
16. 2. cor. cause him to die. 5 And Moses commanded the chil-
13. i. heb.
10. 28. 31 Moreouer, yee shall take no satis- dren of Israel, according to the worde
faction for the life .of a murderer, whicl of the LORD, saying, The tribe of the
^Heb.fault is t guiltie of death, but he shalbe surely sonnes of loseph hath said well.
tn QMS.
10 t?»o
put to death. 6 This is the thing which the
32 And yee shall take no satisfaction L O R D doeth command concerning
for him that is fled to the citie of his re- the daughters of Zelophehad, saying
Lawes for Chap.j. inheritances.
t Hebr. be Let them tinarry to whom they thinke dren of Israel , shall keepe himselfe to
* Tob. i. 9. best : *onely to the family of the tribe of his owne inheritance.
their father shall they marry. 10 Euen as the L O R D comman-
7 So shall not the inheritance of ded Moses, so did the daughters of Ze-
the children of Israel remooue from lophehad.
tribe to tribe : for euery one of the chil- 11 * For Mahlah, Tirzah, and Hog- 1*.Chap. 27.
t Hebr. dren of Israel shall tkeepe himselfe to lah, and Milcah, and Noah the daugh-
cleaue to
the $c. the inheritance of the tribe of his fa- ters of Zelophehad, were married vn-
thers. to their fathers brothers sonnes.
8 And euery daughter that posses- 12 And they were married tinto the tsome Hebr. to
seth an inheritance , in any tribe of the families of the sonnes of Manasseh, the were of the
children of Isratel , shall be wife vnto sonne of loseph, and their inheritance families.
one of the family of the tribe of her fa- remained in the tribe of the faniily of
ther, that the children of Israel may their father.
enioy euery man the inheritance of his 13 These are the commandernents
fathers. and the iudgements which the LOUD
9 Neither shall the inheritance re- commanded by the hand of Moses, vn-
moue from one tribe to another tribe : to the children of Israel in the plaines
but euery one of the tribes of the chil- of Moab, by lordane, neere lericho.

Mofes, called Deuteronomie.
4 * After hee had slaine Sihon the * Num. 21.
C H A P . I. King of the Amorites, which dwelt in 24.
1 Moses speech in the end of the fortieth yeere, Heshbon, and Og the King of Bash an,
briefly rehearsing the story, 6 of Gods pro- which dwelt at Astaroth, in Edrei.
mise, 9 of gluing them officers, 19 of sending 5 On this side lordane, in the land
the spies to search the land, 34 of Gods anger
for their incredulitie, 41 and disobedience. of Moab, began Moses to declare this
law, saying,
HESE bee the 6 The LORD our God spake vn-
woordes which to vs in Horeb, saying, Ye haue dwelt

Moses spake vn- long ynough in this mount :
to all Israel, on 7 Turne you , and take your iour-
this side lordane ney , and goe to the mount of the Amo-
in the wildernes, rites, and vnto tall the places nigh there- t Hebr. all
in the plaine ouer unto,in theplaine,in tne hills, and in the his neigh-
I Or, Zupk. against |[the Red vale, and in the South, and by the sea
sea,) betweene Pa- side, to the land of the Canaanites, and
ran, and Tophel, and Laban, and Ha- vnto Lebanon , vnto the great riuer,
zeroth, and Dizahab. the riuer Euphrates.
% (Thereareeleueu dales iourneyfrom 8 Behold, I haue t set the land be- t Hebr.
Horeb, by the way of mount Seir, vnto fore you : Goe in, and possesse the land, giuen.
Kadesh-Barnea.) which the LORD sware vnto your
3 And it came to passe in the four- fathers, * Abraham, Isaac, and lacob, * Gene. 15;
tieth yeere, in the eleuenth moneth, on 18. and 17.
to giue vnto them, and to their seed af- 7,8.
the first day of the moneth, that Moses ter them.
spake vnto the children of Israel, accor- 9 f And I spake vnto you at that
ding vnto all that the L O R D had gi- time, saying, I am not able to beare
uen him in commandement vnto them: you my selfe alone :
10 The
A repetition of Deuteronomie. former things.
10 The LORD your God hath mul- by what way we must goe vp, and into
iplied you, and beholde, you are this what cities we shall come.
ay as the starres of heauen for multi- 23 And the saying pleased mee well :
ude. and '* I tooke twelue men of you, one * Num. 13.
11 (The L O R D God of your fa- of a tribe.
hers make you a thousand times so 24 And * they turned and went vp * Num. 13.
many moe as ye are, and blesse you as he into the mountaine, and came vnto the 24.
lath promised you. ) valley of Eshcol, and searched it out.
12 How can I my selfe alone beare 25 And they tooke of the fruit of the
your cumbrance, and your burden, and and in their handes , and brought it
rour strife ? downe vnto vs, and brought vs worde
t Heb. glue. 13 t Take ye wise men, and vnder- againe, and said, It is a good lande
tanding, and knowen among your which the L O R D our God doeth
ribes , and I will make them rulers riue vs.
ouer you. 26 Notwithstanding, ye would not
14 And ye answ.ered me, and saide, goe vp , but rebelled against the corn-
The thing which thou hast spoken, is man dement of the L O R D your God.
jood^/or vs to doe. 27 And ye murmured in your tents
15 So I tooke the chiefe of your and said, Because the L O R D hated
tribes , wise men, and knowen , and vs, he hath brought vs forth out of the
t Heb. gaue. hmade them heads ouer you, captaines land of Egypt , to deliuer vs into the
ouer thousands, and captaines ouer land of the Amorites, to destroy vs:
wndreds , and captaines ouer fifties, 28 Whither shall wee goe vp ? our
and captaines ouer tennes, and officers brethren haue t discouraged our heart, t Heb. mel-
among your tribes. saying, The people is greater and tal- ted.
16 And I charged your ludges at ler then we, the cities are great, and
that time, saying, Heare the causes be- walled vp to heauen, and moreouer we
* loh. 7- 24. tweene your brethren, and *iudge righ- haue scene the sonnes of the * Anakims * Num. 13.
there 29.
teously betweene euery man and his
Brother, & the stranger that is with him. 29 Then I said vnto yous Dread
* Leuit. 19. 17 * Ye shall not t respect persons in riot, neither be afraid of them.
15. chap. 16 30 The L O R D your God which
19. 1. sam. Judgement, but you shall heare the small
16. 7. pro. aswell as the great : you shall not bee Qroeth before you, he shall fight for you.
24. 23.
Hebr. ac- afraid of the face of man, for the Judg- according to all that hee did for you in
tnowtedge ment is Gods : and the cause that is too Egypt before your eyes :
bard for you, bring it vnto me, and 1 31 And in the wildernes, where thou
will heare it. hast seene how that the L O R D thy
18 And I commanded you at that God bare thee, as a man doth beare his
time all the things which ye should doe. sonne, in all the way that ye went, vntil
19 f And when wee departed from ye came into this place.
Horeb, we went through all that great 32 Yet in this thing ye did not beleeue
and terrible wildernes, which you saw the LORD your God.
by the way of the mountaine of the A- 33 * Who went in the way before you * Exod. 13.
morites, as the LORD our God com- to search you out a place to pitch your 21.
manded vs : and wee came to Kadesh tents in, in fire by night, to shew you by
Barnea. what way ye should goe, and in a cloud
20 And I said vnto you, Ye are come by day.
vnto the mountaine of the Amorites, 34 And the LORD heard the voice
which the LORD our God doth giue of your words , and was wroth , and
vnto vs. sware, saying,
21 Behold , the L O R D thy Goc 35 * Surely there shall not one of * Num. 14.OQ
hath set the land before thee : Goe vp, these men of this euill generation see
and possesse it, as the LORD God of thy that good land, which I sware to giue
fathers hath said vnto thee : Feare not, vnto your fathers :
neither be discouraged. 36 Saue Caleb the sonne of lephun-
22 If And ye came neere vnto mee neh, he shall see it, and to him will I
euery one of you, and said, We will senc giue the land that he hath troden vpon,
men before vs, and they shall search vs and to his children , because hee hath led t Heb. fulfil-
to goe
out the land, and bring vs word againe, t wholly followed the LORD, after.
37 *Also
A repetition of Chap.ij. former things.
" Num. 20. 37 * Also the L O R D was angry taine long enough : turne you North-
12. and 27.
[4. with me for your sakes, saying, * Thou ward.
* Chap. 3. also shalt not goe in thither. 4 And commaund thou the people,
26. And 4.
21. and 34. 38 But loshua the sonne of Nun, saying, Ye are to passe through the coast
which standeth before thee, he shall goe of your brethren the children of Esau,
in thither. Encourage him ; for he shall which dwell in Seir, and they shall be
cause Israel to inherite if. afraid of you : take ye good heed vnto
39 Moreouer, your litle ones, which your selues therefore.
ye said should be a pray, and your chil- 5 Meddle not with them, for I will
dren, which in that day had no know- not giue you of their land , t no not so tot Hebr. euen
the trea-
ledge betweene good and euil, they shall much as a foote breadth , * because I ding of the
goe in thither; and vnto them will I haue giuen mount Seir vnto Esau for foote.of the
giue it, and they shall possesse it. a possession. * Gene. 30,
40 But as for you, turne ye, and take 6 Ye shall buy meat of them for mo- 8.
your iourney into the wildernesse , by ney, that ye may eat, and yee shall also
the way of the Red sea. buy water of them for money, that yee
41 Then ye answered , and said vn- may drinke.
•Num. 14. to mee, * Wee haue sinned against the 7 For the L O R D thy God hath
LORD, we will goe vp and fight, ac- blessed thee , in all the workes of thy
cording to all that the L O R D our hand : hee knoweth thy walking tho-
God commanded vs. And when ye had row this great wildernesse : these four-
girded on euery man his weapons of tie yeres the LORD thy God hath bene
warre , yee were ready to goe vp into with thee, thou hast lacked nothing.
the hill. 8 And when we passed by from our
42 And the L O R D said vnto me, brethren the children of Esau , which
Say vnto them , Goe not vp , neither dwelt in Seir , thorow the way of the
fight, for I am not among you : least ye plaine from Elath, and from Ezion-
be smitten before your enemies. Gaber, wee turned and passed by the
43 So I spake vnto you , and you way of the wildernesse of Moab.
would not heare, but rebelled against 9 And the L O R D said vnto mee,
the commandement of the LORD, and (|Distresse not the Moabites, neither hostilitie
II Or, vise no
t Heb. you t went presumptuously vp into the hill. contend with them in batteli : for I wil gainst Mo-
were pre- ab.
sumptuous 44 And the Amorites which dwelt not giue thee of their land for a posses-
and went vp. in that mountaine , came out against sion, because I haue giuen Ar vnto the
you, and chased you, as Bees doe, and children of Lot for a possession.
destroyed you in Seir , euen vnto 10 The Emims dwelt therein in
Hormah. times past , a people great , and many,
45* And ye returned and wept before and tall, as the Anakims :
the L O R D ; but the L O R D would 11 Which also were accounted gi-
not hearken to your voyce, nor giue ants , as the Anakims , but the Moa-
eare vnto you. bites call them Emims.
46 So yee abode in Kadesh many 12 * The Horims also dwelt in Seir * Gen. 36.
dayes, according vnto the dayes that ye beforetime,but the children of Esau tsuc- t Hebr. in-
abode there. ceeded them when they had destroyed them. herited
them from before them, & dwelt in their
C H A P . II. t stead , as Israel did vnto the land of II Or, roome.
1 The story is continued, that they were not to his possession, which the LORD gaue
meddle with the Edomites, 9 nor with the vnto them.
Moabites, 1 7 nor with the Ammonites, 24 13 Now rise vp, said /, and get you o-
but Sihon the Amorite was subdued by them.
uer * the || brooke Zered ; and we went * Num. 21.
Hen we turned, and tooke ouer the brooke Zered. II Or, valley.

our iourney into the wil- 14 And the space in which we came
i dernesse,by the way of the from Kadesh Barnea, vntill we were
Red sea, as the L O R D come ouer the brooke Zered, was thir-
spake vnto mee: and wee tie and eight yeeres; vntill all the gene-
compassed mount Seir many dayes. ration of the men of warre »were wa-
2 And the L O R D spake vnto me, sted out from among the hoste , as the
saying, LORD sware vnto them.
3 Yee haue compassed this moun- 15 For indeed the hand of the LORD
King Sihon Deuteronomie. is ouercoirte.
was against them, to destroy them 29 As the children of Esau which
from among the hoste, vntill they were dwell in Seir, and the Moabites which
consumed. dwell in Ar, did vnto me, vntill I shall
16 f So it came to passe, when all passe ouer lordan, into the land which
the men of warre were consumed and the LORD our God giueth vs.
dead from among the people, 30 But Sihon King of Heshbon
17 That the LORD spake vnto would not let vs passe by him : for the
me, saying, L O R D thy God hardened his spirit,
18 Thou art to passe ouer thorow and made his heart obstinate, that hee
Ar, the coast of Moab, this day. might deliuer him into thy hand, as ap-
. 19 And when thou commest nigh o- peareth this day.
uer against the children of Ammon, di- 31 And the LORD said vnto mee,
stresse them not, nor meddle with them: Behold, I haue begun to giue Sihon
for I will not giue thee of the lande of and his land before thee: begin to pos-
the children of Ammon any possession, sesse, that thou mayest inherit his land.
because I haue giuen it vnto the chil- 32 * Then Sihon came out against * Num. 21.
dren of Lot for a possession ; vs, he & all his people to fight at lahaz. 23.
20 (That also was accounted a land 33 And the LORD our God deliue-
of Giants : giants dwelt therein in old red him before vs, and wee smote him,
time, and the Ammonites call them and his sonnes, and all his people.
Zamzummims. 34 And we tooke all his cities at that
21 A people great, and many, and time, and vtterly destroyed the tmen, t H eb. euery
tall, as the Anakims: but the LORD and the women, and the litle ones of e- citie of men
and women
destroyed them before them, and they uery citie, we left none to remaine : and
succeeded them & dwelt in their stead:) 35 Onely the cattell wee tooke for a
22 As he did to the children of Esau pray vnto our selues, and the spoyle of
which dwelt in Seir, when he destroy- the cities, which we tooke :
ed the Horims from before them, and 36 From Aroer , which is by the
they succeeded them, and dwelt in their brinke of the riuer of Arnon, and from
stead euen vnto this day. the citie that is by the riuer euen vnto
23 And the Auims which dwelt in Gilead, there was not one citie too
Hazerim, euen vnto Azzah, the Caph- strong for vs t the LORD our God de-
torims which came foorth out of Caph- liuered all vnto vs.
tor, destroyed them, and dwelt in their 37 Onely vnto the land of the chil-
stead. dren of A mm on thou earnest not, nor
24 f Rise ye vp, take your iourney, vnto any place of the riuer labbok, nor
and passe ouer the riuer Arnon : Be- vnto the cities in the mountaines, nor
hold, I haue giuen into thy hand Si- vnto whatsoeuer the LORD our God
hon the Amorite king of Heshbon, and forbade vs.
t Heb. begint his land: t begin to possesse i/, and con-
tend with him in battell. CHAP. III.
23 This day will I begin to put 1 The story of the conquest of Og king of Ba-
the dread of thee, and the feare of thee shan. 11 The bignes of his bed* 12 The
vpon the nations , that are vnder the distribution of those lands to the two tribes
whole heauen, who shall heare report and halfe. 23 Moses prayer to enter into the
land. 26 He is permitted to see it.
of thee, and shall tremble, and be in an-
guish because of thee. Hen we turned, and went

• * Num. 21.
26 f And I sent messengers out of vp the way to Bashan:
the wildernesse of Kedemoth, vnto Si- and *Og the King of Ba- Num. 21.
hon king of Heshbon, with wordes of 33, &c. cfta.
shan came out against vs, 29. 7.
peace, saying, hee, and all his people to
* Num. 21. 27 *Let me passe through thy land : battell at Edrei.
21, 22.
I will goe along by the high way, I 2 And the LORD said vnto mee,
will neither turne vnto the right hand, Feare him not: for I will deliuer him,
nor to the left. and all his people, and his land into thy
28 Thou shalt sell me meat for mo- hand, and thou shalt doe vnto him as
ney, that I may eate, and giue me wa- thou didst vnto * Sihon king of the A- * Num. 21.
ter for money that I may drinker Only morites, which dwelt at Heshbon. 24.

I will passe through on my feet : 3 So the L O R D our God deliue-

Og is vanquilhed. Chap.iij. Mofes prayer.
* Num. 21. red into our hands * Og also the King riuer labbok, which is the border of
33. of Bashan, and all his people : and wee the children of Ammon :
smote him vntill none was left to him 17 The plaine also, and lordan, and
remayning. the coast thereof, from Chinnereth, euen
4 And we tooke all his cities at that vnto the sea of the plaine, euen the salt
time , there was not a citie which wee sea, vnder || Ashdoth-Pisgah Eastward. thespringsof
II Or> vnder
tooke not from them ; threescore cities. 18 IT And I commanded you at that Pisgah, or
all the region of Argob, the kingdome time, saying, The LORD your God the hill.
of Og in Bashan. hath giuen you this land to possesse it:
5 All these cities were fenced with *ye shall passe ouer armed before your * Num. 32.
high walles, gates and barres, beside brethren the children of Israel, all that 20.
vnwalled townes a great many. are tmeet for the warre. IHehsonnes
6 And we vtterly destroyed them, 19 But your wiues, and your little of power.
as we did vnto Sihon King of Hesh- ones, and your cattell (for I know that
bon, vtterly destroying the men, wo- ye haue much cattel) shall abide in your
men, and children of euery citie. cities, which I haue giuen you :
7 But all the cattell, and the spoile 20 Vntill the LORD haue giuen
of the cities, we tooke for a pray to our rest vnto your brethren, as well as vn-
selties. to you, and vntill they also possesse the
8 And we tooke at that time out of land which the L O R D your God
the hand of the two Kings of the Amo- hath giuen them beyond lordan : and
rites, the land that was on this side then shall ye *returne euery man vnto * Iosh. 22.
lordan, from the riuer of Arnon, vnto his possession, which I haue giuen you. 4.
mount Hermon : 21 1[ And *I commanded loshua * Num. 27.
9 ( Which Hermon the Sidonians at that time, saying, Thine eyes haue 18.
call Syrion ; and the Amorites call it seene all that the L O R D your God
Shen'ir.) hath done vnto these two Kings : so
10 All the cities of the plaine, and all shal the LORD doe vnto all the king-
Gilead, and all Bashan, vnto Salchah, domes whither thou passest.
and Edrei, cities of the kingdome of Og 22 Ye shall not feare them : for the
in Bashan. LORD your God, he shal fight for you.
11 For onely Og King of Bashan 23 And I besought the LORD at
remained of the remnant of giants ; be- that time, saying,
hold, his bedsted was a bedsted of yron: 24 O Lord GOD, thou hast begun
is it not in Rabbath of the children of to shew thy seruant thy greatnesse, and
Ammon ? Nine cubites was the length thy mighty hand : for what God is
thereof, and foure cubites the breadth there in heauen, or in earth, that can do
of it, after the cubite of a man. according to thy workes, and according
12 And this land which we possessed to thy might ?
at that time, from Aroer which is by the 25 I pray thee let me goe ouer, and
riuer Arnon, and halfe mount Gilead, see the good land that is beyond lor-
* Num. 32. and *the cities thereof, gaue I vnto the dan , that goodly mountaine and Le-
33. iosh. 13.
8. &c. Reubenites, and to the Gadites. banon.
13 And the rest of Gilead, and all Ba- 26 But the L O R D * was wroth " Num. 20.
shan, being the kingdome of Og, gaue I 12. chap. l.
with me for your sakes, and would not 37.
vnto the halfe tribe of Manasseh : All heare mee : and the LORD said vnto
the region of Argob with all Bashan, me, Let it suffice thee, speake no more
which was called the land of Giants. vnto me of this matter.
14? lair the sonne of Manasseh 27 Get thee vp into the top of ||Pis- \Or,thehUl.
tooke all the countrey of Argob , vn- gah, and lift vp thine eyes Westward,
to the coastes of Geshuri, and Maacha- and Northward, and Southward, and
thi; and called them after his owne Eastward, and beholde it with thine
* Num. 33. name, Bashan *Hauoth Uir, vnto eyes : for thou shalt not goe ouer this
4! = this day. lordan.
'15 And I gaue Gilead vnto Machir. 28 But charge loshua, and encou-
16 And vnto the Reubenites, and vn- rage him, and strengthen him : for hee
to the Gadites, I gaue from Gilead, shall goe ouer before this people, and
euen vnto'the riuer Arnon , halfe the be shall cause them to inherite the land
valley, and the border, euen vnto the which thou shalt see,
29 So
Exhortations Deuteronomie. to obedience.
29 So we abode in the valley, ouer make them heare my wordes, that they
against Beth-Peor. may learne to feare mee all the dayes
bat they shall Hue vpon the earth, and
C H A P . IIII. bat they may teach their children.
1 1 And ye came neere and stood vnder
1 An Exhortation to obedience. 41 Moses he mountaine, and the * mountaine Exod. 19.
appornteth the three Cities of refuge on
tnat side Jordan. jurnt with fire vnto the t midst of hea- 8.Heb. heart,
uen, with darkenes, cloudes, and thicke
Owe therefore hearken, larkenesse.

muSSfiAk O Israel, vnto the Sta-

tutes, and vnto the ludg-
ments which I teach you,
for to do them, that ye may
12 And the L O R D spake vnto you
out of the midst of the fire : ye heard the
voyce of the words, but saw no simili-
tude, tonely ye heard a voyce. Heb. save
a tooyce.
iue, and gt>e in and possesse the lande, 13 And he declared vnto you his coue-
which the LORD God of your fathers nant, which he commanded you to per-
giueth you. brme, euen ten comandements, and he
* Chap. 12. 2 * Ye shall not adde vnto the word wrote them vpon two tables of stone.
32. iosh. 1.7
pro. 30. 6. which I command you, neither slial 14 f And the L O R D commanded
reu. 22. 18. fou diminish ought from it, that ye may me at that time, to teach you Statutes,
ceepe the Commaundements of the and ludgements, that yee might doe
L O R D your God, which I commanc them in the land whither ye goe ouer to
you. jossesse it.
3 Your eyes haue scene what the 15 Take ye therfore good heed vnto
* Num. 25.
4. &C.
LORD did because of * Baal Peor : for your selues, (for ye saw no maner of si-
all the men that followed Baal Peor, militude on the day that the LORD
the L O R D thy God hath destroyed spake vnto you in Horeb , out of the
them from among you. midst of the fire)
4 But yee that did cleaue vnto the 16 Lest yee corrupt your selues , and
LORD your God, are aliue euery one make you a grauen image , the simili-
of you this day. tude of any figure, the likenes of male,
5 Behold, I haue taught you Sta- or female,
tutes , and Judgements , euen as the 17 The likenesse of any beast that is
L O R D my God commanded me, that on the earth, the likenes of any wingec
ye should do so, in the land whither ye ibule that flieth in the aire,
*oe to possesse it. 18 The likenesse of any thing thai
6 Keepe therefore, and doe them; creepeth on the ground, the likenesse oi
for this is your wisedome and your vn- any fish that is in the waters beneath
derstanding in the sight of the nations, the earth :
which shall heare all these statutes, am 19 And lest thou lift vp thine eyes vn-
say , Surely this great nation is a wise to heauen, and when thou seest the sun,
and vnderstanding people. and the moone, and the starres, euen al
7 For what nation is there so great, the hoste of heauen, shouldest be driuen
who hath God so nigh vnto them, as to worship them, and serue them, which
the L O R D our God is in all things, the LORD thy God hath ||diuided vn- 1terf. Or, tmpaf-
that we call vpon him for ? to all nations vnder the whole heauen
8 And what nation is there so great, 20 But the L O R D hath taken you
that hath Statutes and ludgements and brought you foorth out of the yron
so righteous, as all this Law which ] fornace, euen out of Egypt, to bee vnto
set before you this day ? him apeople of inheritance, as ye are this
9 Onely take heed to thy selfe, an< day.
keepe thy soule diligently, lest thou for- 21 Furthermore, the LORD was
get the things which thine eyes haue angry with mee for your sakes, an<
scene, and lest they depart from thy sware that I should not goe ouer lor
heart all the dayes of thy life: but teacl dan, and that I should not goe in vnto
them thy sonnes, & thy sonnes sonnes: that good land which the L O R D th;
10 Specially, the day that thou stoodst God giueth iheejbr an inheritance.
before the LORD thy God in Horeb, 22 But I must die in this lande, "
when the L O R D said vnto mee, Ga- must not goe ouer Jordan : but ye shal
ther me the people together, and I wil goe ouer and possesse that good land.
23 Take
Gods mercie Chap.iiiji toward Ilrael
23 Take heed vnto your selues, lest arme, and by great terrors, according to
ye forget the couenant of the L O R D all that the LORD your God did for
your God, which hee made with you, ypti in Egypt before your eyes ?
and make you a grauen image, or the 35 Vnta thee ic was* shewed, that
likenes of any thing which the LORD thou mightest know, that the L O R D
thy God hath forbidden thee, nee is God; there is none else besides
* Chap. 9. 3, 24 For the * L O R D thy G6c! is a him.
hebr. 12. consuming fire, euen a iealous Gotf. 36 Out of heauen hee made thee to
25 If When thou shale beget chil- heare his Voice, that he might instruct
dren, and childrens children,and shalt thee : and vpon earth hee shewed thee
haue remained long in the land, and his great fire, and thou heardest his
shal corruptyour selues, & make a grauen wofds out of the midst of* the fire*
image, or the likenes of any thing, and 37 And because he loued thy fathers,
shall doe euil in the sight of the LOKD therefore he chose their seed after them,
thy God, to prouoke him to anger: and brought thee out in his sight
26 I call heauen and earth to wit- his mightie power out of Egypt:
nesse against you this day, that ye shall 38 To driue out nations' from before
soone vtterly perish from off the land thee, greater and mightier then thou
whereunto you goe ouer lordan, to art, to bring thee in, to giue thee their
possesse it: yee shall not prolong your lander an inheritance, as it is this day.
dayes vpon it, but shall vtterly bee de- 39 Know therefore this day, & con-
stroyed. sider it in thine heart, that the LORD
27 And the L O R D shall scatter hee is God in heauen aboue, and vpon
you among the nations, and ye shall be the earth beneath : there is none else.
left few in number among the heathen, 40 Thou shalt keepe therefore his
whither the LORD shall lead you. Statutes, and his Commandements,
28 And there ye shall serue gods, the which.I command thee this day; that
worke of mens hands, wood and stone, it may goe well with thee, and with thy
which neither see, nor heare, nor eate, children after thee, and that thou may-
nor smell. est prolong thy dayes vpon the earth,
29 But if from thence thou shalt which the L O R D thy God giueth
seeke the LORD thy God, thou shalt thee, for euer.
finde him, if thou seeke him with all thy 41 H Then Moses seuered three ci-
heart, and with all thy soule. ties on this side Iord§p, toward the
30 When thou art in tribulation, and Sunne rising :
t Heir, all these things t are come vpon thee, 42 That the slayet might flee thi-
haue found
thee. euen in the latter dayes, if thou turne to ther, which should kill his neighbour
the LORD thy God, and shalt be obe- vnawares, and hated him not in times
dient vnto his voice: past, and that fleeing vnto QQe of t!l£s.e
31 (For the L O R D thy God is a cities he might Hue:
mercifull God) he will not forsake thee, 43 Namely, *Be2er in the wildef- * losh. 20.
neither destroy thee, nor forget the co- nesse,in theplaine countrey of the ReiK
uenant of thy fathers, vluQh he sware benites; and Ramoth in Gilead of the
vnto them. Gadites; and Golan in Bashan, of the
J2 For askc now of the dayes that Manassites.
are past, which were before thee, since 44 IT And this w the Law which
the day that God created man vpon Moses set before the children of Israel:
earth, and aske from the one side of hea- 45 These are the Testimonies, and
uen vnto the other,Whether there hath the Statutes , and the Judgements,
bene any such thing s.8 this great thingw, which Moses spake vnto the children
or hath bene heard like it ? of Israel, after they came foorth out of
33 Did euer people heare the voyce of Egypt;
God speaking out of the midst of the 46 On this side lordan in the val-
fire, as thou hast heard, and Hue ? ey ouer against Beth-Peor, in the land
34 Or hath God assayed to goe and of Sihon King of the Amorites, who
take him a nation from the midst of an- dwelt at Heshbon, whom Moses and
other nation, by temptations, by signes, the children of Israel * smote, after they * Num. ai.
and by wonders, and by warre, and by were come foorth out of Egypt. 4,fifcap.j.
a injghty hand, and by a stretched out 47 And they possessed his land, and
The Law is Deuteronomie. repeated. The
* Num. 21. the land of * Og king of Bashan, two 12 Keepe the Sabbath day to san-
33. chap. 3.
3. kings of the Amorites , which were on ctifie it, as the LOUD thy God hath
this side lordan toward the sun rising, commanded thee.
48 From Aroer , which is by the 13 Sixe dayes thou shalt labour, and
banke of the riuer Arnon , euen vnto doe all thy worke.
mount Sion, which i$ Hermon, 14 But the seuenth day is the * Sab- heb.* Gen. 2. 2.
4. 4.
49 And all the plaine of this side bath of the LORD thy God : in it thou
lordan Eastward, euen vnto the sea, of shalt not doe any worke, thou, nor thy
* Chap. 3. the plaine vnder the * springs of Pis- sonne, nor thy daughter, nor thy man
gah. seruant, nor thy maid seruant, nor thine
oxe,nor thine asse,nor any of thy cattel,
C H A P . V. nor thy stranger that is within thy
I The Couenant in Horeb. 6 The ten Com- gates, that thy man seruant and thy
mandements. 92 At the peoples request maid seruant may rest as well as thou.
Moses receiueth the Law from God.
15 And remember that thou wast a
Nd Moses called all Is- seruant in the land of Egypt, and that
rael, and sayd vnto them,
the LORD thy God brought thee out
Heare, 0 Israel, the Sta- thence, through a mightie hand, and by
tutes and ludgements a stretched out arme : Therefore the
which I speake in vour LORD thy God commaunded thee to
eares this day, that ye may learne them, keepe the Sabbath day.
t Heb. keepe and t keepe and doe them. 16 11 Honour thy father and thy mo-
to doe them.
* Exod. 19, 2 * The L O R D our God made a ther, as the LORD thy God hath com-
5. couenant with vs in Horeb. manded thee, that thy daies may be pro-
3 The L O R D made not this coue- longed, and that it may goe well with
nant with our fathers , but wixh vs : thee, in the land which the LORD thy
euen vs,who are all of vs here aliue this God giueth thee.
day. 17 * Thou shalt not kill. * Mat. 5. 21
4 The L O R D talked with you, 18 * Neither shalt thou commit adul- 20. • Luke 18.
face to face , in the mount , out of the terie.
midst of the fire, 19 * Neither shalt thou steale. * Rom. 13. 9
5 ( I stood betweene the L O R D 20 Neither shalt thou beare false
and you, at that time, to shew you the witnesse against thy neighbour.
word of the LORD : for ye were afraid 21 * Neither shalt thou desire thy * Rom. 7- 7.
by reason of the fire, and went not vp neighbours wife, neither shalt thou co-
into the mount,) saying, uet thy neighbours house, his field, or
* Exod. 20. 6 f * I am the LORD thy God, his man seruant, or his maide seruant,
2, &c. leuit.
26. l. psal. which brought thee out of the lande of his oxe, or his asse, or any thing that is
81. 10.
t Heb. ser-
Egypt, from the house of t bondage. thy neighbours.
uants. 7 Thou shalt haue none other gods 22 f These wordes the L O R D
before me. spake vnto all your assembly in the
8 Thou shalt not make thee any mount out of the midst of the fire, of the
grauen image, or any likenesse of any cloud, and of the thicke darkenesse, with
thing that is in heauen aboue, or that is a great voice, and he added no more, and
in the earth beneath, or that is in the wa- he wrote them in two Tables of stone,
ters beneath the earth. and deliuered them vnto me.
9 Thou shalt not bow downe thy 23 And it came to passe when yee
* Exod. 34. selfe vnto them, nor serue them : for *I heard the voice out of the midst of the
7- the LORD thy God am a ielous God, darkenes (for the mountaine did burne
visiting the iniquity of the fathers vpon with fire) that ye came neere vnto mee,
the children, vnto the third and fourth euen all the heads of your tribes , and
generation of them that hate me, your elders.
* lerem. 32. 10 And * shewing mercy vnto thou- 24 And ye said, Behold, the LORD
sands, of them that loue me, and keepe our God hath shewed vs his glory, and
my commandements. his greatnesse, and *we haue heard his * Exod. 19.
11 Thou shalt not take the name of voice out of the midst of the fire : we 19.
the LORD thy God in vaine: for the haue seene this day that God doth talke
L O R D will not holde him guiltlesse with man, and *he liueth. * Chap. 4.
that taketh his name in vaine. 25 Now therefore why should wee 33.
people is afraid. Chap.vj. Of obedience.
die ? for this great fire will consume vs. and thy sonnes sonne , all the dayes of
tHeb.adde If we t heare the voyce of the LORD thy life : and .that thy day£s may be pro-
to heare. our God any more, then we shall die. longed.
26 For who is there of all flesh that 3 1T Heare therefore, O Israel, and
hath heard the voice of the lining God, obserue to do it, that it may be wel with
speaking out of the midst of the fire (as thee, and that ye may increase mightily.
we haue) and liued ? as the LORD God of thy fathers
27 Goe thou neere, and heare all hath promised thee , in the land that
that the LORD our God shall say; floweth with milke and hony.
and speaks thou vnto vs all that the & Heare, O Israel, the L O R D
LORD our God shall speake vnto our God is one LORI*.
* Exod. 20. thee, and *we^ill heare it, and doe it. 5 And * thou shalt lotie the LORD * Chap. 10.
19. 2. mat. 22.
28 And the LORD heard the voice thy God with all thine heart, and with 17. mar. 12.
of you? words, when ye spake vnto me, all thy soule, and with all thy might. 30.27.
luke 10.
and the LORD said vnto me, I haue 6 And * these words which I com- *Chap. 11.
heard the voice of the wordes of this mand thee this day, shall bee in thine 8.
people , which they haue spoken vnto heart*
thee J they haue well said, all that they 7 And thou shalt f teach them dili- torHeb. whet
haue spoken* gently vnto thy children, and shalt talke
29 O that there were such an heavt of them when thou sittest in thine house,
in them, that they would feare me, and and when thou walkest by the way, and
keepe my commandements alwayes, when thou liest downe, and when thou
that it might bee well with them, and risest vp.
Tpith their children for euer. 8 And thou shalt binde them for a
30 Goe , say to them , Get you into signe vpon thine hand, and they shalbe
your tents againe. as frontlets betweene thine eyes.
31 But as for thee, stand thou here by 9 And thou shalt write them vpon
me, and I will speake vnto thee all the the posts of thy house, and on thy gates.
Commandements, and the Statutes, 10 And it shall be when the LORD
and the ludgenxents, which thou shalt thy God shall haue brought thee into
teach them, that they may doe them in the land which hee sware vnto thy fa-
the land which I giue them to pos- thers , to Abraham , to Isaac , and to
sesse it. lacob to giue thee, great and goodly ci-
32 Ye shall obserue to doe therefore, ties, which thou buildedst not.
as the LORD your God hath com- 11 And houses full of all good things
manded you : you shall not turne aside which thou filledst not, and welles dig-
to the right hand, or to the left. ged which thou diggedst not, vineyards
33 You shall walke in all the wayes and oliue trees which thou plantedst
which the Lour* your God hath not* * when thou shalt haue eaten and 10, * Chap. 8. 9,
commanded you, that ye may liue, and be full,
that it may be well with you, and that ye 12 Then betfare lest thou forget the
may prolong your dayes in the land LORD which brought thee forth out
which ye shall possess^. of the land of Egypt, from the house of
t bondage. U eb. bond-
men or ser-
C H A P . VI. 13 Thou shalt *feare the LORD vants.
1 The end of .the Law is obedience. 3 An ex- thy God, and serue him, & shalt sweare12,20.
* Chap. 10.
by his Name.
1 1 •• "XT
13. 4.
hortation thereto
1* Yee shall not goe after other
Ov these are the Com- gods* of the gods of the people which

maundements ,, the Sta- are round about you :
tutes, & the ludgements, 15 (For the L O R D thy God is a
which the LORD your ielous God among you ) lest the anger
God commanded to teach of the LORD' thy God bee kindled a-
you, that ye might doe them in the land gainsfc thee, and destroy thee from off
tHcbr.posse whither ye tgoe t<y possesse it: the fitce of the earth.
2 That thoa* mightest feare the 16 IF * Ye shal not tempt the LORD * Mat. 4. 7.
Loan thy God, to keeps all his Sta- your God > * as yee tempted him in *) Exod. 17.
tutes, and his Commandements which Massah. 2.
I command thee; thou, and thy sonne. 17 You shall diligently ieepe the
Exhortations Deuteronomie. to obedience.
Commandements of the L O R D your shalt smite them , and vtterly destroy
God , and his Testimonies , and his them , * thou shalt make no couenant * Exod. 23.
Statutes, which he hath commanded with them, norwshew mercy vnto them. 32. 12.
and 34.

thee. 3 Neither shalt thou make mar-

18 And theu shalt doe that which riages with them : thy daughter thou
is- right and good in the sight of the shalt not giue vnto his sonne, nor his
LORD : that it may be well with thee, daughter shalt thou take vnto thy
and that thou mayest goe in , and pos- sonne*
sesse the good land which the LORD 4 For they will tttriie away thy
sware vnto thy fathers ; sonne from following mee, that they
19 To cast out all thine enemies from may serue other gods : so will the anger
before thee, as the LORD hath spoken. of the LORD be kindled against you,
20 And when thy sonne asketh thee and destroy thee suddenly.
\ tin time to come,, saying, What meane 5 But thus shal ye deale with them;
the Testimonies, & the Statutes, and ye shall destroy their altars, and breake
the ludgements , which the LORD downe their t images , and cut dbwne iHebr.sta-
tueSi or pil-
our God hath commanded you ? their groues , and burne their grauen lars.
£1 Then thou shalt say vnto thy images with fire.
sonne, We were Pharaohs bondmen in 6 *For thou art an holy people vn- * Chap. 14.
Egypt , and the LORD brought vs to the LORD thy God: *the LORD 2. 19.
and 26.

out of Egypt with a mighty hand. thy God hath chosen thee to be a special 5* Exod.
1 P6t 2
22 And the LORD shewed signes people vnto himselfe , aboue all people 9!
t Heir. euU. and wonders, great and t sore vpon E- that are vpon the face of the earth.
gypt, vpon Pharaoh , and vpon all his 7 The LORD did not set his loue
houshold, before our eyes : vpon you, nor choose you, because yee
23 And hee brought vs out from were moe in number tnen any people :
thence , that hee might bring vs in, to (for ye were the fewest of all people,)
giue vs the land which hee sware vnto 8 But because the L O R D loued
our fathers. you, and because hee would keepe the
24< And the LORD commanded othe which hee had sworne vnto your
vs to doe all these Statutes, to feare the fathers, hath the L O R D brought you
L O R D our God , for our good al- out with a mighty hand, and redeemed
wayes, that he might preserue vs aliue, you out of the house of bondmen, from
as it. is at this day. the hand of Pharaoh king of Egypt.
25 And it shall be our righteousnes. 9 Know therefore that the LORD
if we obserue to doe all these Comman- thy God, he is God, the faithfiill God,
dements, before the L O R D our God, which keepeth Couenant and Mercy
as he hath commanded vs. with them that loue him, and keepe his
Commandements , to a thousand ge-
nerations ;
C H A P . VII. 10 And repaieth them that hate him
1 All communion with the Nations is forbid- to their face, to destroy them : he wil not
den, 4 for feare of Idolatrie, 6 for the be slacke to him that nateth him, he will
fcolinesse of the people, 9 for the nature repay him to his face.
of God in his Mercie and Justice, 17 for
the assurednesse of victorje which God will 11 Thou shalt therefore keepe the
giue ouer them. Commandements, and the Statutes,
and the Judgements, which I com-
* Chap. 31. Hen the *LORD thy God mand thee this day, to doe them.

shall bring thee into the 12 IT Wherefore it shal come to passe,
land whither thou goest tif ye hearken to these Judgements, and cause.
to possesse it, and hath cast keepe and do them : That the LORD
out many nations before thy God shall keepe vnto thee the Co- \
thee, the Hittitesy and the Girgashites, uenant and the Mercy which he sware
and the Amorites, and the Canaanites, vnto thy fathers.
and the Perizzites, and the Hiuites, and .13 And hee will loue thee, and blesse
the lebusites, seuen nations1 greater thee, and multiply thee : Hee will also
and mightier then thou: blesse the fruit of thy wombe , and the
& And when the LORD thy God fruit of thy land , thy conie , and thy
shall tfsliuer them before th£e, thou wine, and thine oile, the encreaseof thy
To auoid Chap.viij. all Idolatrie.
kine, and the flockes of thy sheepe,in the on to the L O R D thy God.
land which hee sware vnto thy fathers 26 Neither shalt thou bring an abo-
to giue thee. mination into thine house, lest thou bee
14 Thou shalt bee blessed aboue all a cursed thing like it : but thou shalt vt-
* Exod. 23. people: * there shall not bee male or fe- terly detest it, and'thou shalt vtterly ab-
26, &c.
male barren among you or among horre it, for * it is a cursed thing. * Chap. 13.
your cattell.
15 And the L O R D will take away C H A P . VIII.
from thee all sickenesse, and will put 1 An exhortation to obedience in regard of Gods
dealing with them.
* Exod. 9. none of the * euill diseases of Egypt
14. & 15.
26. , (which thou knowest) vpon thee : but LI the commaundements

will lay them vpon all them that hate which I commaund thee
thee. this day, shall yee obserue
16 And thou shalt consume all the to doe, that yee may Hue,
people which the LORD thy God shall and multiply, and goe in,
deliuer thee: thine eye shall haue no pi- and possesse the land which the LORD
tie vpon them, neither shalt thou serue sware vnto your fathers.
* Exod. 23. their gods, for that will be a * snare vnto 2 And thou shalt remember all the
thee. way which the L O R D thy God led
17 If thou shalt say in thine heart, thee these fourtie yeeres in the wilder-
These nations are moe then I, howe nesse, to humble thee, and to proue thee,
can I dispossesse them ? tp know what was in thine heart, whe-
18 Thou shalt not be afraid of them: ther thou wouldest keepe his comman-
but shalt well remember, what the dements, or no.
L O R D thy God did vnto Pharaoh, 3 And he humbled thee, and suffred
and vnto all Egypt, thee to hunger, and fed thee with Man-
19 The great temptations which na, which thou knewest not, neither did
thine eyes sawe, and the signes and the thy fathers know : that he might make
wonders, and the mightie hand, and thee know, that man doth * not liue by * Matt. 4. 4.
the stretched out arme , whereby the bread onely, but by euery word that pro* hike 4. 4.
LORD thy God brought thee out : so ceedeth out of the mouth of the LORD
shall the LORD thy God doe vnto all doth man liue.
the people of whom thou art afraid. 4 *Thy raiment waxed not old vp- * Nehe. 9.
* Exod. 23. 20 *Moreouer, the L O R D thy God on thee, neither did thy foote swell these 21.
28. iOSh. 24
12. will send the hornet among them, vntill fourtie yeeres.
they that are left and hide themselues 5 Thou shalt also consider in thine
from thee, be destroyed. heart, that as a man chasteneth his son,
21 Thou shalt not bee affrighted at so the LORD thy God chasteneth thee.
them : for the L O R D thy God is a- 6 Therefore thou shalt keepe the
mong you, a mightie God, and terrible. Commandements of the L O R D thy
22 And the L O R D thy God will God, to walke in his wayes, and to
t Hebr. tput out those nations before thee by feare him.
plucke off. litle and litle: thou mayest not consume 7 For the L O R D thy God brin-
them at once, lest the beastes of the field pfeth thee into a good land , a lande of
increase vpon thee. brookes of water, of fountaines, and
23 But the L O R D thy God shall depths that spring out of valleys and
t Hebr. be- deliuer them tvnto thee, and shall de- liilles,
fore thy
face. stroy them with a mightie destruction, 8 A land of wheate, and barley, and
vntill they be destroyed. vines, and fig trees, and pomegranats,
24 And he shall deliuer their kings a land of toyle oliue, and hony, t Hebr. of
into thine hand, and thou shalt destroy 9 A lande wherein thou shalt eate oliue tree
their name from vnder heauen : There bread without scarcenes, thou shalt not
shal no man be able to stand before thee, lacke any thing in it : a lande whose
vntil thou haue destroyed them. stones are yron, and out of whose hils
25 The grauen images of their gods thou mayest digge brasse.
* Chap. 12. * shall yee burne with fire : thou * shalt 10 *When thou hast eaten and art * Chap. 6.
* losh. 7. 1 , not desire the siluer or golde that is on full, then thou shalt blesse the LORD 2. 13.
21. 2. mac. them, nor take it vnto thee, lest thou bee thy God, for the good lande which hee
12. 40.
snared therein : for it is an abominati- bath giuen thee.
11 Beware
3f ingratitude. Deuteronomie. God, a fire.
11 Beware that thou forget not the cnowest, and of whom thou hast heard
-ORD thy God, in not keeping his ay, *Who can stand before the children Num. 13.
Commandements , and his Judge- of Anak ? 9.
ments, and his Statutes which I com- 3 Vnderstand therefore this day,
mand thee this day : ' hat the LORD thy God is he, which
12 Lest when thou hast eaten and art goeth ouer before thee, as a * consuming * Chap. 4.
all, and hast built goodly houses, and ire : he shall destroy them, and he shall 4.9.hebr. 12.
[welt therein ; bring them downe before thy face : So
13 And when thy beards and thy shalt thou driue them out, and destroy
locks multiply, and thy siluer and thy them quickly, as the LORD hath said
jold is multiplied, and all that thou vnto thee.
last is multiplied : 4 Speake not thou in thine heart,
14 Then thine heart bee lifted vp, after that the L O R D thy God hath
and thou forget the L O R D thy God cast them out from before thee , saying,
which brought thee foorth out of For my righteousnesse the L O R D
;he land of Egypt , from the house of lath brought mee in to possesse this
wndage, and : but for the wickednesse of these
15 "Who led thee through that great nations, the L O R D doeth driue them
and terrible wildernesse, wherein were fie- out from before thee.
rie serpents, and scorpions, & drought, 5 Not for thy righteousnesse, or for
* Num. 20. where there was no water, *who the vprightnesse of thine heart , doest
11. xrought thee foorth water out of the thou goe to possesse their land : But for
rocke of flint, the wickednesse of these nations the
16 Who fed thee in the wildernesse LORD thy God doeth driue them out
* Exod. 16. with * Manna, which thy fathers knew rom before thee, and that he may per-
not, that hee might humble thee, and forme the word which the LORD
that hee might prooue thee, to doe thee sware vnto thy fathers, Abraham, I-
good at thy latter end : ) saac and lacob.
17 And thou say in thine heart, My 6 Vnderstand therefore, that the
)ower, and the might of mine hand L O R D thy God giueth thee not this
lath gotten me this wealth. good land to possesse it, for thy righte-
18 But thou shalt remember the ousnesse ; for thou art a stiffe-necked
LORD thy God: for it is he that giueth people.
thee power to get wealth , that he may 7 IF Remember and forget not, how
establish his Couenant, which he sware thou prouokedst the L O R D thy Got
vnto thy fathers, as it is this day. to wrath in the wildernesse : from the
19 And it shalbe, if thou doe at all for- day that thou didst depart out of the
get the L O R D thy God, and walke land of Egypt, vntill ye came vnto this
after other gods, and serue them, am place, yee haue bene rebellious against
worship them; I testifie against you the LORD.
this day, that ye shall surely perish. 8 Also in Horeb yee prouoked the
£0 As the nations which the LORD L O R D to wrath, so that the L O R D
destroyeth before your face, so shall yee was angry with you, to haue destroy-
perish ; because ye would not be obedi ed you.
ent vnto the voice of the LORD your 9 When I was gone vp into the
God. mount, to receiue the Tables of stone
euen the Tables of the Couenant which
C H A P . IX. the LORD made with you, then * I a- 18. • EXQd. 24.
and. 34.
1 Moses disswadeth them from the opinion o bode in the mount fortie dayes, and for- 28.
their owne righteousnesse, byrehearsing thei tie nights, I neither did eate bread, nor
seuerall rebellions.
drinke water :
• Eare, O Israel, thou art 10 *And the LORD deliuered vnto • Exod. 31.

nEl to passe ouer lordan this

day, to goe in, to possesse
nations greater & migh-
tier then thy selfe, Cities
me two Tables of stone, written with 18.
the finger of God, and on them was writ-
ten according to all the words which the
L O R D spake with you in the mount
great, and fenced vp to heauen, out of the midst of fire, in the day of the
2 A people great and tall, the chil- assembly.
dren of the Anakims, whom thou 11 And it came to passe at the end o
The Tables broken, Chap.ix.x. are renewed.
fortie dayes, and fortie nights, that the giuen you, then you rebelled against the
LORD gaue mee the two Tables oi commandement of the LORD your
stone, euen the Tables of the Couenant. God, and ye beleeued him not, nor hear-
12 And the L O R D said vnto mee, kened to his voyce.
* Exod. 32. * Arise, get thee downe quickly from 24 You haue bin rebellious against
hence ; for thy people which thou hast the LORD, from the day that I knew
brought foorth out of Egypt, haue cor- you.
rupted ihemselues: they are quickly tur- 25 Thus I fell downe before the
ned aside out of the way which I com- LORD fourtie dayes, and fourtie
manded them ; they haue made them a nights, aslfel downe at the first, because
molten image. the LORD had said, he would destroy
13 Furthermore, the L O R D spake you.
vnto me, saying, I haue seene this peo- 26 I prayed therefore vnto the
ple, and behold, it is a stifnecked people. LORD, and said, O Lord GOD, de-
14 Let me alone, that I may destroy stroy not thy people, and thine inheri-
them, and blot out their name from vn- tance, which thou hast redeemed
der heauen : and I will make of thee a through thy greatnes, which thou hast
nation mightier and greater then they. brought foorth out of Egypt, with a i
15 So I turned and came downe mightie hand.
from the mount, and the mount bur- 27 Remember thy seruants, Abra-
ned with fire : and the two Tables of ham, Isaac, and lacob, looke not vn-
the Couenant were in my two hands. to the stubburnnesse of this people, nor
16 And I looked, and behold, ye had to their wickednes, nor to their sinne :
sinned against the L O R D your God, 28 Lest the land whence thou {
and had made you a molten calfe: ye had broughtest vs out, say, * Because the * Num. 14,
turned aside quickly out of the way LORD was not able to bring them in- 16. i
which the L O R D had commanded to the land which hee promised them,
you. and because hee hated them, hee hath
17 And I tooke the two Tables, brought them out, to slay them in the
and cast them out of my two hands, and wildernesse.
brake them before your eyes. 29 Yet they are thy people, and thine
18 And I fell downe before the inheritance which thou broughtest out
LORD, as at the first, fortie dayes and by thy mightie power, and by thy
fortie nights , I did neither eate bread stretched out arme.
nor drinke water , because of all your
sinnes which ye sinned , in doing wic-
kedly in the sight of the LORD, to pro- C H A P . X.
uoke him to anger. 1 Gods mercie in restoring the two Tables, 6
19 (For I was afraid of the anger, in continuing the Priesthood, 8 in separa-
ting the tribe of Leui, 10 in hearkening vn-
and whot displeasure wherewith the to Moses his suit for the people. 12 An ex-
L O R D was wroth against you, to de- hortation vnto obedience.
stroy you.) But the LORD hearkned
vnto me at that time also. T that time the LORD

20 And the L O R D was very an- said vnto me, *Hew thee * Exod. 34.
*ry with Aaron, to haue destroyed two Tables of stone, like 1.
iiim : And I prayed for Aaron also the vnto the first, and come vp
same time. vnto mee into the mount,
21 And I tooke your sinne, the calfe and make thee an Arke of wood.
which ye had made, and burnt it with 2 And I will write on the Tables
fire, and stamped it, and ground it very the words that were in the first Tables
small, euen vntill it was as small as which thou brakest, and thou shalt put
dust : and I cast the dust thereof into the them in the Arke.
brooke that descended out of the mount. 3 And I made an Arke of Shittim
*Num. 11. 22 And at *Taberah, and at *Mas- wood, and hewed two Tatles of stone
* Exod. 17. sah, and at*Kibroth-Hattaauah, ye pro- iike vnto the first, and went vp into the
7. uoked the LORD to wrath. mount, hauing the two Tables in mine
* Num. 11,
34. 23 Likewise when the LORD sent band.
you from Kadesh Barnea, saying, Goe 4 And he wrote on the Tables, ac-
vp and possesse the land which I haue cording to the first writing, the tenne
Aaron dieth. Deuteronomie. Exhortations.
t Hebr. t Commandements, which the L O R D 17 For the LORD your God is God
spake vnto you in the mount, out of the of gods, and LORD of lords, a great
midst of the fire, in the day of the assem- God, a mighty, and a terrible, which
)ly : and the L O R D gaue them vn- *regardeth not persons, nor taketh re- * 2. Chron.
19. 7. iob
to me. ward, 34. 19. acts.
5 And I turned my selfe and came 18 He doeth execute the iudgement 2.10.11. 34. rom.
downe from the mount, and put the of the fatherlesse, and widow , and lo- 2. 6. ephes.
6. 9. col oss.
Tables in the Arke which I had made. ueth the stranger, in giuing him food 3. 25. 1. pet.
and there they be, as the LORD com- and raiment. 1. 17-
manded me. 19 Loue yee therefore the stranger :
6 f And the children of Israel tooke for yee were strangers in the land of E-
their iourney from Beeroth, of the chil-
* Num. 33. dren of laakan, to * Mosera; * there Aa-
20 *Thou shalt feare the L O R D * Chap. 6.
* Num. 20. ron died, and there he was buried, and thy God ; him shalt thou serue, and to 13. matt. 4.
10. luke 4.
28. Eleazar his sonne ministred in the him shalt thou *cleaue, and sweare by 8.
* Chap. 13.
Priests office in his stead. his Name. 4.
7 From thence they iourneyed vn- 21 He is thy praise, and he is thy God
;o Gudgodah, and from Gudgodah to that hath done for thee these great and
totbath, a land of riuers of waters. terrible things, which thine eyes haue
8 1f At that time the L O R D se- scene.
parated the tribe of Leui , to beare the 22 Thy fathers went downe into
Arke of the Couenant of the LORD, Egypt * with threescore and ten per- * Gene. 46.
to stand before the LORD, to minister sons : and now the L O R D thy God 27. 5.
exod. i.
vnto him, and to blesse in his Name, hath made thee *as the starres of hea- * Gene. 15.
vnto this day. uen , for multitude.
* Num. 18. 9 * Wherefore Leui hath no part
nor inheritance with his brethren : the
L O R D is his inheritance, according C H A P . XL
as the LORD thy God promised him. 1 An exhortation to obedience, 2 by their
10 And I stayed in the mount, accor- owne experience of Gods great works, 8 by
II Or, fortie ding to the || first time, fortie dayes, and promise of Gods great blessings, 16 and by
dayes. threatnings. ISA carefull study is required
fortie nights : and the LORD hearke- in Gods words. 26 The blessing and curse
ned vnto mee at that time also, and the is set before them.
LORD would not destroy thee.
11 And the LORD said vnto me, A- Herefore thou shalt loue
t Hebr. goe rise, t take thy iourney before the people,
in tourney.
that they may goe in, and possesse the
land which I sware vnto their fathers
to giue vnto them.
mm the LORD thy God, and
keepe his charge, and his
Statutes, and his Judge-
ments, and his Comman-
12. 1f And now Israel, what doeth dements alway.
the L O R D thy God require of thee, 2 And know you this day : for /
but to feare the L O R D thy God, to spedke not with your children which
walke in all his waies, and to loue him, haue not knowen, and which haue not
and to serue the LORD thy God, with seene the chastisement of the L O R D
all thy heart, and with all thy soule, your God, his greatnesse, his mighty
13 To keepe the Commandements hand, and his stretched out arme,
of the L O R D , and his Statutes, 3 And his miracles, and his actes,
which I commaund thee this day for which he did in the midst of Egypt, vn-
thy good ? to Pharaoh the King of Egypt, and
14 Behold, theheauen, & the heauen vnto all his land,
of heauens is the L O R D S thy God, 4 And what hee did vnto the army
* Psal.24.1. *the earth also, with all that therein is. of Egypt, vnto their horses, and to their
15 Onely the L O R D had a delight charets, how he made the water of the
in thy fathers, to loue them, and hee Red sea to ouerflow them as they pur-
chose their seed after them, euen you, a- sued after you, and how the L O R D
boue all people, as it is this day. hath destroyed them vnto this day,
16 Circumcise therefore the foreskin 5 And what hee did vnto you in the
of your heart, and bee no more stiffe- wildernesse, vntill yee came into this
necked. place,
6 And
Promifes. to Chap.viij. the obedient.
* Num. 16. 6 And * what he did vnto Dathan, my words in your heart, and in your
31. and 27.
3. psal. 106. and Abiram , the sonnes of Eliab the soule, and * bind them for a signe vpon * Chap. 6. 8
17. sonne of Reuben : how the earth ope- your hand , that they may bee as front-
ned her mouth and swallowed them lets betweene your eyes.
vp , and their housholds , and their 19 And *ye shal teach them your chil- lv» * Chap. 4.
1 n CO
At D.
ft /«
II Or, lilting tents, and all the || substance that twas dren, speaking of them, when thou sit-
which fol- in their possession in the middest of all test in thine house, and when thou wal-
lowed them. Israel. kest by the way, when thou liest downe,
t Heb. was
of their 7 But your eyes haue scene all the and when thou risest vp.
feet. great acts of the LORD, which he did. 20 And thou shalt write them vpon
8 Therefore shall yee keepe all the the doore posts of thine house, and vpon
Comm an dements which I command thy gates :
you this day , that ye may be strong and 21 That your dayes may bee multi-
goe in, and possess^ the land whither ye plied, and the dayes of your children, in
goe to possesse it : the land which the L O R D sware vnto
9 And that yee may prolong your your fathers to giue them, as the dayes
dayes in the lande which the L O R D of heauen vpon the earth.
sware vnto your fathers to giue vnto 22 f For if ye shall diligently keepe
them, and to their seed, a land that flow- all these Commaundements which I
eth with milke and hony. command you, to doe them, to loue the
10 f For the land whither thou go- LORD your God, to walke in all his
est in to possesse it, is not as the lande oi wayes, and to cleaue vnto him :
Egypt from whence ye came out, where 23 Then will the L O R D driue out
thou sowedst thy seed, and wateredst it all these nations from before you, and
with thy foot, as a garden of herbes : ye shall possesse greater nations , and
11 But the lande whither ye goe to mightier then your selues.
possesse it, is a lande of hilles and val- 24? * Euery place whereon the soles *Iosh. 1.3.
leys, and drinketh water of the raine of of your feet shall tread, shall be yours :
heauen ; from the wildernesse, and Lebanon,
12 A lande, which the L O R D thy from the riuer, the riuer Euphrates, e-
\ Heb. see- God tcareth for : the eyes of the LORD uen vnto the vttermost sea, shall your
thy God are alwayes vpon it, from the coast be.
beginning of the yeere , euen vnto the 25 There shall no man bee able to
end of the yeere. stand before you: for the LORD your
13 IT And it shall come to passe, if you God shall lay the feare of you, and the
shall hearken diligently vnto my Com- dread of you vpon all the land that yee
mandements which I command you shall tread vpon, as hee hath said vnto
this day, to loue the LORD your God, you.
and to serue him with all your heart, 26 f Behold, I set before you this
and with all your soule ; day, a blessing and a curse :
14 That I will giue you the raine 27 * A blessing, if ye obey the Com- * Chap. 28.
of your land in his due season, the first mandements of the LORD your God *•
raine and the latter raine, that thou which I command you this day :
mayest gather in thy corne , and thy 28 And a * curse, if ye will not obey *,5.Chap. 28.
wine, and thine oyle. the Commandements of the L O R D
f Heb. giue. 15 And I will t send grasse in thy your God , but turne aside out of the
fields for thy cattell, that thou mayest way, which I command you this day,
eate and be full. to goe after other gods which yee haue
16 Take heede to your selues , that not knowen.
your heart be not deceiued, and ye turne 29 And it shall come to passe when
aside, and serue other gods , and wor- ;he LORD thy God hath brought thee
ship them; in, vnto the land whither thou goest to
17 And then the LORDS wrath sossesse it, that thou shalt put *the bles- * Chap. 27.
3. iosn. 8.
be kindled against you, and hee shut vp sing vpon mount Gerizim , and the 33.
the heauen, that there be no raine, and curse vpon mount Ebal.
that the land yeeld not her fruit, and lest 30 Are they not on the other side
ye perish quickly from off the good [ordan, by the way where the Sunne
land which the LORD giueth you. goeth downe, in the land of the Canaa-
18 11 Therefore shall ye lay vp these nites, which dwell in the champion o-
The place of Deuteronomie. burnt offrings.
er against Gilgal, beside the plaines of LORD your God giueth you.
Horen ? 10 But when yee goe ouer lordan,
31 For ye shall passe ouer lordan, to and dwel in the land which the LORD
oe in to possesse the land which the rour God giueth you to inherite , and
1,0 RD your God giueth you, and ye when he giueth you rest from all your
hall possesse it, and dwell therein. enemies round about, so that ye dwell
* Chap. 5. 32 And yee shall obserue * to doe all in safety :
32. 11 Then there shall be a place which
be Statutes, and ludgements, which
set before you this day. he L O R D your God shall choose to
cause his name to dwell there , thither
shall ye bring all that I command you ;
CHAP. XII. rour burnt offerings , and your sacri-
1 Monuments of Idolatrie are to be destroyed. ices, your tithes, and the heaue offring
5 The place of Gods seruice is to be kept 1 5. of your hand, & all tyour choice vowes, Heir, the
23 Blood is forbidden. 17. 20. 26 Holy hoice of
which ye vow vnto the LORD. your vowes.
things must bee eaten in the Holy place. 19 12 And yee shall reioyce before the
The Leuite is not to be forsaken. 29 Idola-
trie is not be inquired after. -jORD your God, ye and your sonnes
and your daughters, and your men ser-
££L&ffifce££!M Hese are the Statutes, uants, and your maid seruants, and the

and ludgements, which L,euite that is within your gates, foras-

mm ye shal obserue to do, in the

land which the L O R D
God of thy fathers giueth
thee to possesse it, all the dayes that yee
much as *hee hath no part nor inheri- 9 Chap. 10.
tance with you.
13 Take heed to thy selfe, that thou
offer not thy burnt offerings in euery

iue vpon the earth. )lace that thou seest :

* Chap. 7.
% * Yee shall vtterly destroy all the 14? But in the place which the
)laces , wherein the nations which yee L.ORD shal choose in one of thy tribes,
« Or, inhe- shall || possesse, serued their gods, vpon there thou shalt offer thy burnt of-
he high mountaines , and vpon the erings, and there thou shalt do all that
ills, and vnder euery greene tree. [ command thee.
* ludg. 2. 2. 3 And * you shall t ouerthrow their 15 Notwithstanding, thou mayest
iHeb. break
downe. altars, and breake their pillars, and cill and eate flesh in all thy gates, what-
burne their groues with fire , and you soeuer thy soule lusteth after, according
shall hew downe the grauen images oi to the blessing of the L O U D thy God
their gods, and destroy the names oi which he hath giuen thee : the vncleane
them out of that place. and the cleane may eate thereof, as ol
4 Yee shall not doe so vnto the the Roe bucke, and as of the Hart.
LORD your God. 16 *Onely ye shall not eat the blood . * Chap. 15.
5 But vnto the place which the yee shall powre it vpon the earth as 23.
* I.King. 8. L O R D your God shall * chuse out o: water.
29. 2. chro.
7. 12. all your tribes, to put his name there, 17 1F Thou mayest not eate within
euen vnto his habitation shall yee seeke, thy gates the tithe of thy corne, or of thy
and thither thou shalt come : wine, or of thy oyle, or the firstlings o
6 And thither yee shall bring your thy beards, or of thy flocke, nor any o
burnt offrings, and your sacrifices, an< thy vowes which thou vowest, nor thy
your tithes, and heaue offrings of your Tree will offerings, or heaue offering o
hand, and your vowes, and your free thine hand :
wil offerings, and the firstlings of your 18 But thou must eate them before
beards, and of your flocks. the LORD thy God, in the place which
7 And there ye shall eate before the the LORD thy God shall cnoose, thou
LORD your God, and yee shall re- and thy sonne, and thy daughter, am
ioyce in all that you put your hand vn- thy man seruant, and thy maid seruant
to, ye and your housholds, wherein the and the Leuite that is within thy
LORD thy God hath blessed thee. gates : and thou shalt reioyce before the
8 Ye shall not do after all tie things L O R D thy God, in all tnat thou put
that we doe here this day, euery man test thine hands vnto. * Chap. 14*
whatsoeuer is right in his owne eyes. 19 *Take heed to thy selfe, that thou 27. ecchis.
9 For yee are not as yet come to the 7.31.
forsake not the Leuite, as tlong as thou i Hebr. all
rest , and to the inheritance which the liuest vpon the earth. thy dayes.
20 f When
iate no blood. Chap.xiij. Flee idolatrie.
20 If When the LORD thy God nation to the LORD which hee ha-
* Gene. 28. shall enlarge thy border, * as hee hath teth, haue they done vnto their gods :
14. chap.
19. 9. >romised thee , and thou shalt say , I or euen their sonnes and their daugh-
will eate flesh (because thy soule longeth ters they haue burnt in the fire to their
to eat flesh) thou mayest eat flesh what- gods.
soeuer thy soule lusteth after; 32 What thing soeuer I command * Chap. 4. 2
21 If the place which the L O R D rou, obserue to doe it : * thou shalt not pro.
osh. 1. 7.
30; 6.
hy God hath chosen to put his Name adde thereto, nor diminish from it. cue. 22. 18
here, be too farre from thee, then thou
shalt kill of thy herd and of thy flocke,
which the LORD hath giuen thee, as CHAP. XIII.
'. haue commaunded thee, and thou 1 Inticers to idolatrie, 6 how neere soeuer
shalt eate in thy gates, whatsoeuer thy vnto thee, 9 are to be stoned to death. 12
Idolatrous cities are not to be spared.
soule lusteth after.
22 Euen as the Roe bucke and the F there arise, among you

lart is eaten, so thou shalt eate them: a prophet, or a dreamer of
the vncleane and the cleane shall eate of dreames, and giueth thee
them alike. a signe, or a wonder :
t Heb. bee 23 Onely tbe sure that thou eate not 2 And the signe or the
the blood : for the blood is the life, and wonder come to passe, whereof he spake
thou mayest not eate the life with the vnto thee, saying, Let vs go after other
flesh. gods (which thou hast not knowen)
24 Thou shalt not eate it; thou shalt and let vs serue them :
)owre it vpon the earth as water. 3 Thou shalt not hearken vnto the
25 Thou shalt not eate it, that it may words of that prophet, or that dreamer
roe well with thee, and with thy chil- of dreames: for the L O R D your God
dren after thee , when thou shalt doe >rooueth you , to know whether you
;hat which is right in the sight of the oue the L O R D your God with all
LORD. rour heart, and with all your soule.
26 Onely thy holy things which 4 Ye shall walke after the L O R D
thou hast , and thy vowes , thou shalt your God, and feare him, and keepe his
;ake, and goe vnto the place which the commandements, and obey his voyce,
LORD shall chuse. and you shall serue him, and * cleaue* Chap, 11,
27 And thou shalt offer thy burnt vnto him.
offerings, the flesh and the blood, vpon 5 And that prophet or that dreamer
the altar of the L O R D thy God : and of dreames shalbe put to death (because
the blood of thy sacrifices shall be pow- ice hath t spoken to turne you away \Heb.spoken
reuolt o-
red out vpon the altar of the L O R D Tom the L O R D your God, which g-ainst the
thy God, and thou shalt eat the flesh. brought you out of the land of Egypt, Lord.
28 Obserue & heare all these words and redeemed you out of the house of
which I command thee, that it may go bondage, to thrust thee out of the way
well with thee, and with thy children which the L O R D thy God comman-
after thee for euer,when thou doest that ded thee to walke in) So shalt thou put
which is good and right in the sight ol the euill away from the midst of thee.
the LORD thy God. 6 H If thy brother, the sonne of thy
29 1F When the L O R D thy God mother, or thy sonne, or thy daughter, ii
shall cut off the nations from before or the wife of thy bosome, or thy friend,
thee % whither thou goest to possesse which is as thine owne soule, entise
t Heb. inhe them, and thou t succeedest them, anc thee secretly , saying , Let vs goe and
ritest or pos
sessest them dwellest in their land : serue other gods which thou hast not
30 Take heede to thy selfe that thou knowen, thou, nor thy fathers :
t Heb. aflei be not snared tby following them, after 7 Namely of the gods of the people
that they be destroyed from before thee, which are round about you, nigh vnto
and that thou enquire not after their thee, or farre off from thee, from the
gods , saying , How did these nations one end of the earth, euen vnto the other
serue their gods ? euen so will I doe end of the earth :
likewise. 8 Thou shalt not consent vnto him
t Heb. abo- 31 Thou shalt not doe so vnto the nor hearken vnto him , neither shal
mination 01
the. L O R D thy God : for euery tabomi- thine eye pitie him, neither shalt thou
Deftroy Idolaters. Deuteronomie. Meats cleane.
pare, neither shalt thou conceale him. may not be eaten. 22 Tithes of diuine Ser-
* Chap. 17. 9 But * thou shalt surely kill him : uice. 23 Tithes and firstlings of reioycing
?• Thine hand shall be first vpon him, to before the Lord. 28 The third yeeres tithe
of Almes and Charitie.
nit him to death, and afterwards the
land of all the people. Ee are the children of the

10 And thou shalt stone him with LORD your God :
stones , that hee die : because hee hath * yee shall not cutte your * Leuit. 19.
sought to thrust thee away from the selues , nor make any 28.
L O R D thy God, which brought thee baldnesse betweene your
out of the land of Egypt,from the house eyes for the dead. of t bondage.
2 * For thou art an holy people vnto * Chap. 7.
* Chap. 17. 11 And *all Israel shall heare, and the LORD thy God, and the LORD 6.18.and 26.
13. eare , and shall doe no more any such lath chosen thee to be a peculiar people
wickednesse as this is, among you. vnto himselfe , aboue all the nations
12 f If thou shalt heare say in one that are vpon the earth.
of thy cities, which the L O R D thy 3 f Thou shalt not eate any abo-
Sod hath giuen thee to dwell there, minable thing.
saying, 4 * These are the beasts which yee * Leuit. H.
II Oft naugh. 13 Certaine men, || the children oHJe- shall eate : the oxe, the sheepe, and the 2.
ial, are gone out from among you, and goat,
laue withdrawen the inhabitants of 5 The Hart, and the Roe bucke, and
their citie, saying, Let vs goe & serue o- the fallow deere, and the wilde goat,
ther gods, which ye haue not knowen : and the || Pygarg, and the wilde oxe, and Heb.
« Or, Bison.
14 Then shalt thou enquire and the chamois.
make search , and aske diligently : and 6 And euery beast that parteth the
jehold, if it be trueth , and the thing cer- loofe , and cleaueth the clift into two
taine, that such abomination is wrought clawes , and cheweth the cud amongst
among you : the beasts : that ye shall eate.
15 Thou shalt surely smite the inha- 7 Neuerthelesse these yee shall not
bitants of that citie witn the edge of the eate, of them that chew the cud , or of
sword, destroy ing it vtterly, and all that them thatdiuide the clouen hoofe,ew the
is therein , and the cattell thereof, with camel, and the hare, and the cony : for
the edge of the sword. ;hey chew the cudde, but diuide not the
16 And thou shalt gather all the boofe , therefore they are vncleane vn-
spoile of it, into the midst of the street to you.
thereof, and shalt burne with fire the ci- 8 And the swine, because it diuideth
tie, and all the spoile thereof euery whit, the hoofe, yet cheweth not the cud, it is
for the LORD thy God : and it shall be vncleane vnto you : ye shall not eate of
an heape for euer, it shall not bee built their flesh, nor touch their dead carkeise.
againe. 9 11 * These yee shall eate of all that * Leuit. ii.
17 And there shall cleaue nought oi are in the waters : all that haue finnes 9.
\\ Or, deuo- the || cursed thing to thine hand, that the and scales shall ye eate :
ted. L O R D may turne from the fierce- 10 And whatsoeuer hath not finnes
nesse of his anger, and shew thee mer- and scales, ye may not eat : it is vncleane
cy, and haue compassion vpon thee, and vnto you.
multiply thee, as he hath sworne vnto 11 f Of all cleane birds ye shall eate.
thy fathers ; 12 But these are they of which ye shall
18 When thou shalt hearken to the not eat : the Eagle, and the ossifrage,
voyce of the LORD thy God, to keepe and the ospray,
all his Commaundements which ] 13 And the glede, and the kite, and
command thee this day, to doe that the vulture after his kinde,
which is right in the eyes of the LORD 14 And euery rauen after his kinde,
thy God. 15 And the owle, & the night hawke,
and the cuckow , and the hawke after
C H A P . XI III. his kinde,
16 The little owle, and the great
1 Gods children are not to disfigure therhselues owle, and the swanne,
in mourning. 3 What may, and what may
not be eaten, 4 of beasts, 9 of fishes, 11 17 And the pellicane, and the Geer-
of foules. 21 That which dieth of it selfe, eagle, and the cormorant,
18 And
Tythes and offrings. Chap.xv. Releafing debts.
18 And the Storke, and the Heron
after her kind, and the lapwing, and the C H A P . XV.
* Leuit. 11. *batte. 1 The seuenth yeere a yeere of release for the
19 And euery creeping thing that poore. 7 It must be no let of lending or gi-
flyeth,is vncleane vnto you : they shall uing. 12 An Ebrew seruant, 16 except hee
will not depart, must in the seuenth yeere goe
not be eaten. foorth free and well furnished. 19 All first-
£0 But of all cleane foules ye may eat. lings males of the cattell are to bee sanctified
21 f Ye shall not eate of any thing vnto the Lord.
that dieth of it selfe : thou shalt giue it
vnto the stranger that is in thy gates, T the end of * euery seuen * Leuit. 25.
yeeres thou shalt make a 2,4.
that he may eate it, or thou mayest sell it
vnto an alien : for thou art an holy peo- release.
* Esod. 23. ple vnto the LORD thy God. * Thou 2 And this is the ma-
19. and 34. shalt not seethe a kidde in his mothers ner of the release: Euery
milke. t creditour that lendeth ought vnto t Heb. ma-
22 Thou shalt truely tithe all the in- his neighbour , shall release it : hee ster of the
lending of
crease of thy seede, that the field bring- shall not exact it of his neighbour, or of his hand.
eth forth yeere by yeere. his brother, because it is called the
23 And thou shalt eate before the LORDS release.
LOUD thy God, in the place which he 3 Of a forreiner thou mayest exact
shall chuse to place his Name there, the it againe : but that which is thine with
tithe of thy corne , of thy wine, and of thy brother, thine hand shall release.
thine oyle, and the firstlings of thy 4 || Saue when there shall bee no « Or, to the
herdes, and of thy flockes : that thou poore among you : for the LORD shal end that
there be no
mayest learne to feare the LORD thy greatly blesse thee in the land which the you. among
God alwayes. LORD thy God giueth thee for an in-
24 And if the way bee too long for heritance to possesse it *.
thee, so that thou art not able to carie it, 5 Onely if thou carefully hearken
or if the place be too farre from thee, vnto the voice of the LORD thy God,
which the LORD thy God shall chuse to obserue to doe all these commande-
to set his name there, when the LORD dements, which I commaund thee
thy God hath blessed thee : this day.
25 Then shalt thou turne it into mo- 6 For the LORD thy God blesseth
ney, and binde vp the money in thine thee, as he promised thee , and * thou 12. * Chap. 28.
hand , and shalt goe vnto the place shalt lend vnto many nations, but thou
which the LORD thy God shal chuse. shalt not borrow, and thou shalt reigne
26 And thou shalt bestow that mo- ouer many nations, but they shall not
ney for whatsoeuer thy soule lusteth af- reigne ouer thee.
ter, for oxen, or for sheepe,or for wine, or 7 IT If there be among you a poore
for strong drinke, or for whatsoeuer thy man of one of thy brethren within any
\Heb.asketh soule t desire th: and thou shalt eat there of thy gates , in thy lande which the
before the LORD thy God, and thou LORD thy God giueth thee, thou shalt
shalt reioyce, thou and thine houshold. not harden thy heart; nor shut thine
* Chap. 12. 27 And * the Leuite that is within hand from thy poore brother :
thy gates, thou shalt not forsake him : 8 * But thou shalt open thine hand * Mat. 5. 42
Por he hath no part nor inheritance with wide vrito him, and shalt surely lend luke 6. 34.
thee. him sufficient for his neede, in that
28 f At the end of three yeres thou which he wanteth.
shalt bring forth all the tithe of thine in- 9 Beware that there bee not a
crease the same yeere, and shalt lay it vp t thought in thy t wicked heart, saying, tHeb. word.
within thy gates. The seuenth yeere, the yeere of release Wieb. Belial
29 And the Leuite , because he hath is at hand, and thine eye be euill against
no part nor inheritance with thee, and thy poore brother, and thou giuest him
the stranger, and the fatherlesse,and the nought, and hee crie vnto the L O R D
widowe which are within thy gates, against thee, and it be sinne vnto thee.
shall come and shal eate, and be satisfied, 10 Thou shalt surely giue him, and
that the LORD thy God may blesse thine heart shall not bee grieued when
thee , in all the worke of thine hande thou giuest vnto him : because that for
which thou doest. this thing the LORD thy God shall
Of freedome. Deuteronomie. Solerane feafts.
blesse thee in all thy workes, and in all blood thereof: thou shalt powre it vpon
that thou pattest thine hand vnto. the ground as water.
11 For the poore shall neuer cease out
of the land: therefore I command thee, CHAP. XVI.
saying , Thou shalt open thine hand
wide vnto thy brother , to thy poore, 1 The feast of the Passeouer, 9 of Weekes,
and. to thy needy in the land. 13 of Tabernacles. 16 Euery male must
* Kxod. 21. 12 IT And *if thy brother, an Hebrew offer, as he is able, at these three Feasts. 18 Of
2. iere. 34. ludges and Justice. 22 Groues and Ima-
U. man, or an Hebrew woman, be sold vn- ges are forbidden.
to thee , and serue thee sixe yeres, then in
the seuenth yeere thou shalt let him goe Bserue *the fnoneth of A- * Exod. 12.

2. &C.
free from thee. bib, and keepe the Passeo-
13 And when thou sendest him out uer vuto the L O R D thy
free from thee, thou shalt not let him go God : for *in the moneth 4.* Exod. 13.
away emptie : of Abib the L O R D thy
14 Thou shalt furnish him liberally God brought thee foorth out of Egypt
out of thy flocke, and out of thy floore, by night.
and out of thy wine presse, of that 2 Thou shalt therefore sacrifice the
wherewith the LORD thy God hath Passeouer vnto the L O R D thy God,
blessed thee thou shalt giue vnto him. of the flocke and the heard,in the *place •Chap. 12.
15 And thou shalt remember that which the LORD shall choose to place 5.
thou wast a bondman in the land of E- his name there.
gypt, and the L O R D thy God redee- 3 * Thou shalt eat no leauened bread *15.Exod. 12.
med thee : therefore I command thee with it : seuen dayes shalt thou eat vn-
this thing to day. leauened bread therewith , euen the
16 And it shall be if he say vnto thee, bread of affliction, (for thou earnest forth
I will not goe away from thee, because out of the land of Egypt in haste) that
he loueth thee, and thine house, because thou mayest remember the day when
he is well with thee : thou earnest foorth out of the land of E-
* Exod. 21. 17 * Then thou shalt take an aule, gypt, all the dayes of thy life.
and thrust it through his eare vnto the 4 *And there shall bee no leauened 25. * Exod. 34.-
doore , and hee shall be thy seruant for bread scene with thee in all thy coasts
euer : and also vnto thy mayd seruant seuen dayes , neither shall there any
thou shalt doe likewise. thing of the flesh , which thou sacri-
18 It shall not seeme hard vnto thee ficedst the first day at Euen , remaine all
when thou sendest him away free from night, vntill the morning.
thee : for hee hath bene worth a double 5 Thou mayest not || sacrifice the II Or, kill.
hired seruant to thee , in seruing thee Passeouer within any of the gates,
sixe yeeres : and the LORD thy God which the L O R D thy God giueth
shall blesse thee in all that thou doest. thee.
* Exod. 34. 19 f *A11 the firstling males that 6 But at the place which the LORD
come of thy heard, and of thy flock, thou thy God shall choose to place his Name
shalt sanctifie vnto the LORD thy in, there thou shalt sacrifice the Passe-
God : thou shalt doe no worke with the ouer at Euen, at the going downe of the
firstling of thy bullocke, nor sheare the Sunne, at the season that thou earnest
firstling of thy sheepe. foorth out of Egypt.
20 Thou shalt eate it before the 7 And thou shalt roste and eate it in
LORD thy God yeere by yeere, in the the place which the L O R D thy God
place which the L O R D shall choose, shall choose, and thou shalt turne in the
thou and thy houshold. morning, and goe vnto thy tents.
* Leuit. 22.
20. cha. 17.
21 *And if there be any blemish there- 8 Sixe dayes thou shalt eate vn-
l. ecclus. in ; as if it be lame,or blinde,orAawe any ill leauened bread, and on the seuenth
35. 12.
blemish, thou shalt not sacrifice it vnto day shall be a tsolemne assembly to the t Hebr. re-
the LORD thy God. L O R D thy God : thou shalt doe no straint.
22 Thou shalt eate it within thy worke therein.
gates : the vncleane and the cleane per- 9 11 * Seuen weekes shalt thou * Leuit. 23.
son shall eat it alike, as the Roe bu.cke. number vnto thee : beginne to number J5.
* Chap. 12.
and as the Hart. the seuen weekes, from such time as thou
16, 23. 23 * Onely thou shalt hot eate the beginnest tQ pyt the sickle to the ,coriie.
10 And
Judges and Officers. Chap.xvij. Of idolatrie.
10 And thou shalt keepe the feast oi LORD thy God giueth thee.
weekes vnto the LORD thy God with 21 f Thou shalt not plant thee a
H Or, suffici- || a tribute of a free will offering of thine groue of any trees neere vnto the Altar
encie. hand , which thou shalt giue vnto the of the LORD thy God, which thou
LOED thy God, according as the shalt make thee :
LORD thy God hath blessed thee. 22 * Neither shalt thou set thee vp a- * Lcuit. 26.
11 And thou shalt reioyce before the ny || image, which the LORD thy God i.IIOr, stat,ue,
LORD thy God, thou, and thy sonne, hateth. or pillar.
and thy daughter, and thy man seruant
and thy maid seruant, and the Leuite C H A P . XVII.
that is within thy gates, and the stran- 1 The things sacrificed must bee sound. 2 Ido-
ger, and the fatherlesse, and the widow, laters must bee slaine. 8 Hard controuersies
that are among you, in the place which are to bee determined by the Priests and-Iud-
the LORD thy God hath chosen to ges. 12 The contemner of that Determina-
tion must die. 14 The election, 16 and
place his Name there. duetie of a King.
12 And thou shalt remember that
thou wast a bondman in Egypt : and Hou shalt not sacrifice vn-
thou shalt obserue & do these Statutes.
13 f Thou shalt obserue the feast of
Tabernacles seuen dayes , after that
\ ffeb.Jtoore thou hast gathered in thy tcorne , and
and thy wine
mm to the LORD thy God
any bullocke, or || sheepe II Or, goat.
wherein is blemish, or any
euilfauourednes : for that
presse. thy wine. is an abomination vnto the LORD
14 And thou shalt reioice in thy feast, thy God.
thou, and thy sonne, and thy daughter, 2 1F If there bee found among you
and thy man seruant, and thy maid ser- within any of thy gates which the
uant, and the Leuite, the stranger, and LORD thy God giueth thee, man or
the fatherlesse, and the widow, that are woman that hath wrought wickednes
within thy gates. in the sight of the LORD thy God, in
15 Seuen dayes shalt thou keepe a transgressing his couenant,
solemne feast vnto the LORD thy 3 And hath gone and serued other
God, in the place which -the LORD rods, and worshipped them, either the
shall chuse : because the LORD thy Sunne, or Moone, or any of the hoste
God shall blesse thee in all thy increase, of heauen, which I haue not com-
and in all the workes of thine handes, manded,
therefore thou shalt surely reioyce. 4 And it be told thee, and thou hast
* Exod. 23. 16 ^F * Three times in a yeere shal all beard of it, and inquired diligently, and
14. and 34.
25. thy males appeare before the LORD behold, it be true,a?xd the thing certaine,
thy God, in the place which hee shall that such abomination is wrought in
chuse : in the feast of Vnleauened bread, Israel :
and in the feast of Weekes, and in the 5 Then shalt thou bring forth that
feast of Tabernacles : and they shal not man, or that woman (which haue com-
* Ecclus. appeare before the LORD * emptie. mitted that wicked thing) vnto thy
35. 4.
\ Heh, accor- 17 Euery man shall giue t as hee is gates, euen that man, or that woman,
ding to the able , according to the blessing of the and shalt stone them with stones till
Wfl 0/vi w

hand. LORD thy God, which he hath giuen they die.

thee. 6 * At the mouth of two witnesses,* Num. 36.
18 H Judges and officers shalt thou or three witnesses, shall he that is wor- 30. chap. 17.
6. & 19. 15.
make thee in all thy gates which the mat.
thy of death, be put to death : but at the ohn
LORD thy God giueth thee through- mouth of one witnesse he shall not bee . cor. 13. 1.
heb. 10. 28.
out thy tribes : and they shall iudge the put to death.
people with iust Judgement. 7 The hands of the witnesses shall
19 Thou shalt not wrest iudgement, be first vpon him , to put him to death,
* Exod. 23. thou shalt not respect persons, * neither and afterward the hands of all the peo-
take a gift: for a gift doth blind the eyes ple : so thou shalt put the euil away from
lOr^mafters of the wise, and peruert the ||wordes of among you.
the righteous. 8 H If there arise a matter too hard
stice, iustice,
20 That which is t altogether iust for thee in iudgement, betweene blood
shalt thou followe, that thou mayest and blood, betweene plea and plea, and
Hue , and inherite the land which the betweene stroke and stroke, being mat-
The excercife Deuteronomie. of the King.
ters of controuersie within thy gates : shall reade therein all the dayes of his
then shall thou arise, and get thee vp in- ife, that hee may learne to feare the
to the place, which the LORD thy LORD his God, to keep all the words
God shall choose ; of this Law, and these Statutes, to do
9 And thou shall come vnto the them:
Priests the Leuites, & vnto the ludge 20 That his heart bee not lifted vp
that shal be in those dayes, and enquire; aboue his brethren, and that hee turne
and they shall shew thee the sentence of not aside from the Commandement, to
ludgement. the right hand, or to the left: to the end
10 And thou shall doe according to that hee may prolong his dayes in his
the sentence which they of that place kingdome, hee, and his children in the
(which the L O R D shall choose) shall midst of Israel.
shew thee, and thou shalt obserue to do
according to all that they enforme thee:
11 According to the sentence of the C H A P . XVIII.
Law which they shall teach thee, and 1 The Lord is the Priests and Leuites inheri-
according to the ludgement which tance. 3 The Priests due. 6 The Leuites
they shall tell thee thou shalt doe : thou portion. 9 The abominations of the Nati-
shalt not decline from the Sentence ons are to bee auovded. 15 Christ the Pro-
phet is to be heard. 20 The presumptuous
which they shall shew thee, to the right prophet is to die.
hand, nor to the left.
12 And the man that will doe pre- He Priests, the Leuites,

t Hebr. not sumptuously, tand will not hearken and all the tribe of Leui,
to hearken.
vnto the Priest (that standeth to mi- * shall haue no part nor in- * Num. 18.
20. chap.
nister there before the L O R D thy heritance with Israel : 10. 9.
God) or vnto the ludge, euen that man they * shall eate the offer- * i.Corin.
9 13.
shall die, and thou shalt put away the ings of the L O R D made by fire, and
euill from Israel. his inheritance.
13 And all the people shal heare, and 2 Therefore shall they haue no in-
feare, and doe no more presumptuously. heritance among their brethren: the
14? If When thou art come vnto the LORD is their inheritance, as he hath
l land which the L O R D thy God gi- said vnto them.
ueth thee, and shalt possesse it, and shalt 3 If And this shalbe the Priests due
dwell therein, and shalt say, I will set a from the people, from them thai offer a
King ouer mee, like as all the nations sacrifice, whelher il bee oxe or sheepe :
thai are about me : and they shall giue vnto the Priest the
15 Thou shalt in any wise set him shoulder, and the two cheekes, and the
King ouer thee, whom the L O R D maw.
thy God shall choose. One from among 4 The first fruit also of thy corne, of
thy brethren shall thou sel King ouer thy wine , and of thy oyle, and the first
thee : ihou mayest not set a stranger o- of the fleece of thy sheepe , shalt thou
uer thee, which is not thy brother. giue him.
16 But he shall not multiply horses 5 For the L O R D thy God hath
to himselfe, nor cause the people to re- chosen him out of all thy tribes, to stand
turne to Egypt , to the ende that hee to minister in the Name of the LORD,
should multiply horses : for as much as him, and his sonnes for euer.
the LORD hath said vnto you, Yee 6 1F And if a Leuite come from any
shall hencefoorth returne no more that of thy gates out of all Israel, where he
way. soiourned, and come with all the desire
17 Neither shall he multiply wiues of his minde, vnto the place which the
to himselfe, that his heart turne not a- LORD shall choose ;
way : neither shall hee greatly multiply 7 Then hee shall minister in the
to himselfe siluer and gold. Name of the L O R D his God, as all
18 And it shall be when he sitteth vp- his brethren the Leuites doe , which
on ihe Throne of his kingdome, that he sland there before the LORD.
shall write him a copy of this Law in a 8 They shall haue like portions to
booke y out of that which is before the eate, beside t that which commeth of the sale*
by (he
Priests the Leuites. sale of his patrimonie fathert.
19 And it shall be with him, and hee 9 If When thou art come mlo the
Falfe prophets. Chap.xix. Cities of refuge.
land which the LORD thy God giueth sumptuously : thou shalt not bee afraid
thee, thou shalt not learne to doe after of him.
the abominations of those nations.
10 There shall not be found among C H A P . XIX.
you any one that maketh his sonne, or 1 The Cities of refuge. 4 The priuiledge
* Leult. 18. his daughter *to passe thorow the fire, thereof for the manslayer. 14 The land-
or that vseth diuinatiou, or an obseruer marke is not to be remooued. 15 Two wit-
nesses at the least. 16 The punishment of
of times, or an inchanter, or a witch, a false witnesse.
* Leult. 20. 11 * Or a charmer, or a consulter with
* i. Sara. familiar spirits, or a wyzard, or a * Ne- Hen the LORD thy God

28. 7. cromancer. *hath cut off the nations, * Chap. is.
12 For all that do these things, are an whose lande the L O R D 29.
abomination vnto the L O R D : and thy God giueth thee, and
because of these abominations , the thoutsucceedest them, and t Heb. tnA*.
ritest, orpos-
LORD thy God doth driue them out dwellest in their cities, and in their sessest.
from before thee. houses:
!! Or} upright 13 Thou shalt bee ||perfite with the 2 *Thou shalt separate three cities * Exod. 21.
or sincere.
LORD thy God. for thee in the midst of thy land, which 13. num. 35
10. iosh. 20
14 For these nations which thou the L O R D thy God giueth thee to 2.
1 Or, inherit shalt Upossesse, hearkened vnto obser- possesse it.
uers of times, and vnto diuiners: but 3 Thou shalt prepare thee a way,
as for thee, the LORD thy God hath and diuide the coasts of thy land (which
not suffered thee so to doe. the LORD thy God giueth thee to in-
* loh. 1. 45 15 11 *The L O R D thy God will herit) into three parts, that euery slayer
acts 3. 21.
and 7- 37. raise vp vnto thee a Prophet from the may flee thither.
midst of thee, of thy brethren, like vnto 4 IF And this is the case of the slayer
me, vnto him ye shall hearken, which shall flee thither, that hee may
16 According to all that thou desiredst liue : who so killeth his neighbour ig-
of the LORD thy God in Horeb, in the norantly, whom he hated not tin time t Heb. from
* Exod. 20. day of the assembly, saying^ *Let mee past, yesterday
19. the third
not heare again the voice of the LORD 5 As when a man goeth into the day.
my God, neither let mee see this great wood with his neighbor, to hew wood,
fire any more, that I die not. and his hand fetcheth a stroke with the
17 And the L O R D said vnto mee, axe to cut downe the tree, and the t head t Heb. yron.
They haue well spoken that which they slippeth from the thelue, and tlighteth t Heb. wood.
haue spoken. t Heb. Jin-
vpon his neighbour that he die, he shall deth.
* lohni. 18 * I will raise them vp a Prophet flee vnto one of those cities, and liue :
46. acts 3.
21. &. 7.37. from among their brethren, like vnto 6 Lest the auenger of the blood
thee, and will put my wordes in his pursue the slaier, while his heart is hot,
mouth, and hee shall speake vnto them and puertake him, because the way is
all that I shall command him. long, and tslay him, whereas he was t Heb. smite
19 And it shall come to passe, that not worthy of death, in as much as hee him in life.
whosoeuer will not hearken vnto my hated him not tin time past. t Heb. from
words , which hee shall speake in my 7 Wherefore I command thee, say- yesterday,
third day.
name, I will require it of him. ing, Thou shalt separate three cities for
20 But the prophet which shall pre- thee.
sume to speake a word in my name, 8 And if the L O R D thy God en-
which I haue not commanded him to large thy coast (as he hath sworne vnto
speake, or that shall speake in the name thy fathers) and giue thee all the lande
of other gods , euen that prophet which hee promised to giue vnto thy
shall die. fathers :
21 And if thou say in thine heart, 9 (If thou shalt *keepe all these * Chap. 12.
How shall wee know the word which commandements to doe them , which 20.
the LORD hath not spoken P I command thee this day , to loue the
22 When a prophet speaketh in the LORD thy God, and to walke euer in
name of the LORD , if the thing fol- his wayes) *then shalt thou adde three * Iosh. 20. 7
low not, nor come to passe, that is the cities moe for thee, beside these three:
thing which the LORD hath not spo- 10 That innocent blood be not shed
ken, but the prophet hath spoken it pre- in thy land which the LORD thy God
A falfe witneffe. Deuteronomie. Offer peace.
giueth thee for an inheritance , and so Hen thou goest out to bat-

HHen thou goest out o bat-

blood be vpon thee. tell against thine enemies,
1 1 11 But if any man hate his neigh- and seest horses and cha-
bour and lie in wait for him, and rise vp rets, and a people more
t Hebr. in against him, and smite him t mortally then thou, be not afraid of
life* that hee die, and fleeth into one of these them : for the LORD thy God is with
Cities: thee, which brought thee vp out of the
12 Then the Elders of his citie shall land of Egypt.
send and fetch him thence, and deliuer 2 And it shall bee when ye are come
him into the hand of the auenger of nigh vnto the battell , that the Priest
blood, that he may die. shall approach and spealce vnto the
1 3 Thine eye shall not pittie him, but people,
thou shalt put away the guilt of innocent 3 And shall say vnto them, Heare
blood from Israel, that it may goe wel 0 Israel, you approach this day vnto
with thee. battell against your enemies : let not
14 U Thou shalt not remooue thy your hearts t faint, feare not, and doe t Hebr be
neighbours Zand-marke, which they of no.t t tremble, neither be ye terrified be- tender.
t Hebr.make
old time haue set in thine inheritance, cause of them. haste.
which thou shalt inherite, in the land 4 For the L O R D your God is hee
that the L O R D thy God giueth thee that goeth with you, to fight for you a-
to possesse it. gainst your enemies, to saue you.
* Chap. 17.
6. hebr. 10.
15 If *One witnesse shall not rise vp 5 f And the Officers shall speake
28. numb. against a man for any iniquitie, or for a- vnto the people, saying, What man is
35. 30. mat ny sinne, in any sinne that he sinneth : at
18. 16. ioh. there that hath built a new house, and
8. 17. 2. cor. the mouth of two witnesses, or at the hath not dedicated it ? let him goe and
13. 1. hebr.
10. 28. mouth of three witnesses, shall the mat- returne to his house, lest hee die in the
ter be stablished. battell, and an other man dedicate it.
16 f If a false witnes rise vp against 6 And what man is hee that hath
II Or, falling any man to testifie || against him that planted a Vineyard, and hath not yet
away* which is wrong : i eaten of it? let him also go and returne t Heb. made
17 Then both the men betweene vnto his house, lest he die in the battell, itSeecommon
whom the controuersie is, shall stand and an other man eate of it. 19. 23.
before the LORD, before the Priests, 7 *And what man Is there that hath * Chap. 24.
and the ludges, which shall be in those betrothed a wife , and hath not taken 5.
dayes. her ? let him goe and returne vnto his
18 And the ludges shall make dili- house, lest he die in battell, and another
gent inquisition : and behold, if the wit- man take her,
nesse be a false witnesse, and hath testi- 8 And the Officers shall speake fur-
fied falsly against his brother : ther vnto the people: and they shall say,
* Prou. 19. 19 *Then shall ye doe vnto him, as * What man is there that is fearefull and * lUdg. 7. 3.
5, 9. dan. 13.
62. he had thought to haue done vnto his faint hearted? let him goe and returne
brother : so shalt thou put the euil away vnto his house, lest his brethrens heart
from among you. t faint as well as his heart. t Hebr. melt.
20 And those which remaine shall 9 And it shall be when the Officers
heare, and feare, and shall hencefoorth haue made an end of speaking vnto the
commit no more any such euill among people, that they shall make Captaines
you. of the armies to tleade the people. ttfe&r.tobe
21 And thine eye shall not pitie, but 10 IT When thou commest nigh vnto ofin the the head
* Exod. «. *life shall goe for life, eye for eye, tooth for a City to fight against it, then proclaime
23. leuit.
24. 20. mat. tooth, hand for hand, foot for foot. peace vnto it.
5. 38.
11 And it shall be, if it make thee an-
swere of peace, and open vnto thee, then
C H A P . XX. it shalbe that all the people that is found
1 The Priests exhortation to encourage the therein, shall be tributaries vnto thee,
people to battell. 5 The officers proclama- and they shall serue thee.
tion who are to be dismissed from the warre. 12 And if it will make no peace with i
10 How to vse the Cities that accept or re- i
fuse the proclamation of peace. 16 What thee, but will make warre against thee,
Cities must bee deuoted. 1 9 Trees of mans then thou shalt besiege it.
meat must not be destroyed in the siege. 13 And when the L O R D thy God
Of murder that Chap.xxj. is not knowen.
hath deliuered it into thine hands, thou 3 And it shall be that the citie which
shah smite euery male thereof with the is next vnto the slaine man, euen theEl-
edge of the sword. ders of that citie shall take an heifer
14 But the women , and the litle which hath not bene wrought with, and
* losh. 8. 2. ones, and *the cattell, and all that is in which hath not drawen in the yoke.
the citie, £M£n all the spoile thereof, shah 4 And the Elders of that citie shall
\Heb.spotie thou t take vnto thy selfe,and thou shalt bring downe the heifer vnto a rough
eate the spoile of thine enemies, which valley, which is neither eared nor sow-
the LORD thy God hath giuen thee. en, and shall strike off the heifers necke
15 Thus snalt thou doe vnto all the there in the valley.
cities which are very far off from thee. 5 And the Priests the sonnes of Leui
which are not of the cities of these na- shall come neere (for them the LORD
tions. thy God hath chosen to minister vnto
16 But of the cities of these people him, and to blesse in the Name of the
which the LORD thy God doth giue LORD:) and by their tworde shall \Heb.mouth
thee for an inheritance, thou shah saue euery controuersie and euery stroke
aliue nothing that breatheth : bee tried.
17 But thou shalt vtterly destroy 6 And all the Elders of that city that
them, namely, the Hittites, and the Amo- are next vnto the slaine man, shal wash
rites , the Canaanites , and the Periz- their hands ouer the heifer that is be-
zites , the Hiuites, and the lebusites, headed in the valley.
as the LORD thy God hath comman- 7 And they shall answere, and say,
ded thee : Our hands haue not shedde this blood,
18 That they teach you not to do af- neither haue our eyes seene it.
ter all their abominations, which they 8 Be merciful, O LORD, vnto thy
haue done vnto their gods, so should ye people Israel, whom thou hast redee-
sinne against the LORD your God. med, and lay not innocent blood t vnto \Heb. in the
19 IF When thou shalt besiege a citie thy people of Israels charge , and the middest.
a long time, in making warre against blood shall be forgiuen them.
it to take it, thou shalt not destroy the 9 So shalt thou put away the guilt
trees thereof, by forcing an axe against of innocent blood from among you,
them : for thou mayest eate of them, and when thou shalt do that which is right
(iOr.y&r, 0 thou shah not cut them downe (|| for the in the sight of the LORD. -
man the tree
o/thefield tree of the field is mans life) t to employ 10 IF When thou goest forth to warre
is to be em- them in the siege. against thine enemies, and the LORD
ployed in tte
siege. 20 Only the trees which thou know- thy God hath deliuered them into thine
MIeb. to goe
from before est that they be not trees for meate, thou hands, & thou hast taken them captiue,
thee. shah destroy, and cut them downe , and 11 And seest among the captiues a
thou shalt build bulwarkes against the beautifull woman, and hast a desire vn-
city that maketh warre with thee, vntil to her, that thou wouldest haue her to
t Hebr. it t it be subdued. thy wife :
come dvwne. 12 Then thou shah bring her home
CHAP. XXI. to thine house, and shee shall shaue her
head, and || pare her nailes. 1 Or, suffer
1 The expiation of an vncertaine murder. 10 togrow.hel
13 And shee shall put the raiment of make or
The vsage of a captiue taken to wife. 1 5 The
first borne is not to be disinherited vpon pri- her captiuitie from off her, and shall re- drexse.
uate affection. 18 A stubburne sonne is to maine in thine house, and bewaile her
bee stoned to death. 22 The malefactour father and her mother a full moneth :
must not hang all night on a tree. and after that, thou shah go in vnto her
F one bee found slaine in and be her husband, and she shall be thy

the lande, which the wife.
L O R D thy God giueth 14 And it shall be if thou haue no de-
thee to possesse it, lying in light in her, then thou shah let her goe
the fielde , and it bee not whither she will, but thou shalt not sell
knowen who hath slaine him : her at al for money, thou shalt not make
2 Then thy Elders and thy lud- merchandize of her , because thou hast
ges shall come forth,and they shall mea- humbled her.
sure vnto the cities which are round a- 15 IF If a man haue two wiues, one
bout him that is slaine. beloued and another hated, and they
The firft borne. Deuteronomie. Apparell.
haue borne him children, both the belo- 2 And if thy brother be not nigh vn-
ued, and the hated: and if the first borne to thee, or if thou know him not , then
sonne be hers that was hated : thou shalt bring it vnto thine owne
16 Then it shall be, when he maketh house, and it shall be with thee,vntil thy
his sonnes to inherite that which hee brother seeke after it, and thou shalt re-
hath, that he may not make the sonne of store it to him again e.
the beloued, first borne, before the sonne 3 In like maner shalt thou do with
of the hated , which is indeed the first his asse , and so shalt thou doe with his
borne : raiment • and with all lost thing of thy
17 But hee shall acknowledge the brothers which he hath lost, and thou
sonne of the hated for the first borne, by hast found, shalt thou do likewise : thou
tHebr.that giuing him a double portion of all t that mayest not hide thy selfe.
is found 4 IF Thou shalt not see thy brothers
with hiin. hee hath : for hee is the beginning of
his strength; the right of the first borne asse or his oxe fall downe by the way,
is his. and hide thy selfe from them : thou
IS IF If a man haue a stubborn e and shalt surely helpe him to lift them vp
rebellious sonne , which will not obey againe.
the voice of his father, or the voice of his 5 IF The woman shall not weare
mother, and that when they haue cha- that which pertaineth vnto a man, nei-
stened him, wil not hearken vnto them : ther shall a man put on a womans gar-
19 Then shall his father and his mo- ment : for all that doe so, are abominati-
ther lay hold on him, and bring him out on vnto the LORD thy God.
vnto the Elders of his citie, and vnto 6 11 If a birds nest chance to be be-
the gate of his place : fore thee in the way in any tree, or on the
20 And they shall say vnto the El- ground, whether they be yong ones, or
ders of his citie , This our sonne is stub- egges , and the damme sitting vpon the
borne, and rebellious, hee will not obey yong, or vpon the egges, thou shalt not
our voice: he is a glutton, & a drunkard. take the damme with the yong.
21 And all the men of his city shall 7 But thou shalt in any wise let the
stone him with stones, that hee die : so damme goe, and take the yong to thee,
shalt thou put euill away from among that it may be well with thee, and that
you, and all Israel shall heare, & feare. thou mayest prolong thy dayes.
22 1F And if a man haue committed 8 1T When thou buildest a new house,
a sinne worthy of death, and he be to be then thou shalt make a battlement for
put to death , and thou hang him on thy roofe, that thou bring not blood vp-
a tree : on thine house , if any man fall from
23 His body shall not remaine all thence.
night vpon the tree, but thou shalt in a- 9 IT Thou shalt not sow thy vine-
* GaL3. 13. ny wise bury him that day : for * he that yard with diuers seeds : lest the t fruit of IHebr.ful-
nesse of the
IHebr.the is hanged, is t accursed of God: that thy thy seed which thou hast sowen , and seed.
curse of land be not defiled, which the LORD the fruit of thy Vineyard be defiled.
thy God giueth thee for an inheritance. 10 IF Thou shalt not plow with an
oxe and an asse together.
11 IF * Thou shalt not weare a gar- *Leuit. 19.
C H A P . XXII. ment of diuers sorts, as of woollen, and 19.
linnen together.
1 Of humanitie toward brethren. 5 The sexe 12 1f Thou shalt make thee *fringes *Num. is.
is to bee distinguished by apparell. 6 The vpon the foure t quarters of thy ve- 38.
dam is not to be taken with her yong ones. 8 WIebr.
The house must haue battlements. 9 Con- sture, wherewith thou couerest thy selfe. wings.
fusion is to be auoyded. 12 Fringes vpon the 13 IF If any man take a wife, and go
vesture. 13 The punishment of him that in vnto her, and hate her,
slandereth his wife. 20. 22 Of adulterie, 25
of rape, 28 and of fornication. 30 Incest. 14 And giue occasions of speach o-
gainst tier, and brin g vp an euill name vp-
* Exod. 23, Hou * shalt not see thy bro- on her, and say, I tooke this woman,

thers oxe, or his sheepe go and when I came to her , I found her
astray, and hide thy selfe not a mayd :
from them : thou shalt in 15 Then shal the father of the damo-
any case bring them a- sell, and her mother take, and bring
gaine vnto thy brother. forth the tokens of the damosels virgi-
The puniftiment Chap.xxiij. of whoredome.
nitie, vnto the Elders of the citie in the 28 If * If a man finde a damosel that * Exod. 22.
gate. is a virgin, which is not betrothed, and 16.
16 And the damosels father shall say lay hold on her, and lie with her, and
vnto the Elders, I gaue my daughter they be found :
vnto this man to wife, & he hateth her : 29 Then the man that lay with her,
17 And loe, he hath giuen occasions shall giue vnto the damosels father fifty
of speech against her, saying, I found not shekels of siluer, and she shalbe his wife,
thy daughter a maid : and yet these are because he hath humbled her : he may
the tokens of my daughters virginity ; not put her away all his dayes.
and they shall spread the cloth before the 30 If * A man shall not take his fa- * Leuit. 18*
Elders of the citie. thers wife, nor discouer his fathers 8.
18 And the Elders of that citie shall skirt.
take that man, and chastise him.
19 And they shall amearse him in an C H A R XXIIL
hundred shekels of siluer, and giue them 1 Who may or may not enter into the Congre-
vnto the father of the damosell, because gation. 9 Vncleannesse to bee auoided in
he hath brought vp an euill name vpon the hoste. 15 Of the fugitiue seruant. 17
Of filthinesse. 18 Of abominable sacrifices.
a virgine of Israel : and she shall be his 19Ofvsury. SlOfvowes. 24 Of trespasses.
wife, hee may not put her away all his
dayes. Ee that is wounded in the
20 But if this thing be true, and the
tokens of virginitie be not found for the
damosel :
21 Then they shall bring out the
m stones, or hath his priuie
member cut off, shall not
enter into the Congregati-
on of the LORD.
damosell to the doore of her fathers 2 A bastard shall not enter into the
house, and the men ofher city shal stone Congregation of the L O R D : euen to
her with stones that she die, because she his tenth generation shall he not enter
hath wrought folly in Israel, to play into the Congregation of the LORD.
the whore in her fathers house : so shalt 3 * An Ammonite, or Moabite shall * Nehem,
13. )•
thou put euill away from among you. not enter into the Congregation of the
* Leuit 20. 22 If * If a man be found lying with LORD, euen to their tenth generation
a woman married to an husband, then shall they not enter into the Congrega-
they shall both of them A\e,both the man tion of the LORD for euer,
that lay with the woman, and the wo- 4 Because they met you not with
man : so shalt thou put away euill from bread and with water in the way when
Israel. ye cam e forth out of Egypt, and * because * Num. 23.
23 If If a damosell that is a virgin be they hired against thee Balaam the son 5,6.
betrothed vnto an husband, and a man of Beor of Pethor of Mesopotamia, to
find her in the citie, and lie with her : curse thee.
24 Then yee shall bring them both 5 Neuerthelesse , the LORD thy
out vnto the gate of that citie, and yee God would not hearken vnto Bala-
shall stone them with stones that they am: but the L O R D thy God turned
die ; the damosel, because shee cried not, the curse into a blessing vnto thee, be-
beingin the citie ; and the man, because he cause the LORD thy God loued thee.
hath humbled his neighbours wife • so 6 Thou shalt not seek their peace, nor
thou shalt put away euill from among their t prosperity all thy dayes for euer. t Heb. good,
you. 7 11 Thou shalt not abhorre an E-
25 1F But if a man find a betrothed domitCj for he is thy brother : thou shalt
II Or, take damosel in the field, and the man || force not abhorre an Egyptian, because thou
strong hold
ofher. her, and lie with her : then the man on- wast a stranger in his land.
ly that lay with her, shall die. 8 The children that are begotten of
26 But vnto the damosel thou shalt them, shal enter into the cogregation of
doe nothing, there is in the damosel no the LORD, in their third generation.
sinne worthy of death : for as when a 9 IT When the hoste goeth foorth a-
man riseth against his neighbour, and gainst thine enemies , then keepe thee
slayeth him, euen so is this matter. from euery wicked thing.
27 For he found her in the field, and 10 If If there bee among you any
the betrothed damosel cried, and there man that is not cleane, by reason of vn-
was none to saue her. cleannesse that chanceth him by night,
3f vowes. Deuteronomie. Of diuorce.
hen shall hee goe abroad out of the God , which thou hast promised with
campe , hee shall not come within the thy mouth.
campe. 24 IT When thou commest into thy
IHebr.tur- 11 But it shalbe when euening tcom- neighbors Vineyard, then thou mayest
neth toward.
meth on, he shall wash himselfe with wa- eate grapes thy fill , at thine owne plea-
er : and when the Sunne is downe, he sure , but thou shalt not put any in thy
shall come into the campe againe. vessell.
12 IF Thou shalt haue a place also 25 When thou commest into the stan-
without the campe , whither thou shalt ding corne of thy neighbours , * then *Matt. 12.
l. mar. 2.
joe foorth abroad. ;hou maiest plucke the eares with thine 23. luke 6.
13 And thou shalt haue a paddle vp- land : but thou shalt not mooue a sickle
on thy weapon : and it shall be when vnto thy neighbours standing corne.
iHebr.sit- thou t wilt ease thy selfe abroad , thou
test downe.
shalt digge therewith , and shalt turne
jacke and couer that which conimeth C H A P . XXIIII.
:rom thee. 1 Of diuorce. 5 A new maried man goeth not
14 For the LORD thy God wal- to warre. 6. 10 Of pledges. 7 Of man-
ieth in the midst of thy campe, to deli- stealers. 8 Of leprosie. 14 The hire is to be
ciuen. ISOflustice. 19 Of Charitie.
uer thee, and to giue vp thine enemies
before thee : therefore shall thy campe Hen * a man hath taken a * Matt. 5.

Hebr. na- be holy, that he see tno vncleane thing wife and married her, and 31. and 19.
7. mar. lu. 4.
kednesse of it come to passe that shee
any thing. in thee, and turne away from thee.
15 IT Thou shalt not deliuer vnto find no fauour in his eyes,
bis master, the seruant which is escaped because hee hath found
from his master vnto thee. some t vncleannesse in her : then let him • Hebr. mat-
ter ofnaked*
16 He shall dwell with thee , euen a- write her a bill of t diuorcement , and nesse.
mong you , in that place which he shall sjiue it in her hand , and send her out of Hebr. cut-
ting off.
ihebr.te choose , in one of thy gates where it tli- Sis house.
rood foT
Aim. keth him best : thou shalt not oppresse 2 And when shee is departed out of
him. his house, she may goe and be another
1 Or, Sodo. 17 IF There shalbe no (I whore of the mans wife.
mitesse. 3 And if the latter husband hate
daughters of Israel, nor a Sodomite
of the sonnes of Israel. her, and write her a bill of diuorcement,
18 Thou shalt not bring the hire oi and giueth it in her hand , and sendeth
a whore, or the price of a dogge into the her out of his house : Or if the latter
house of the LOUD thy God for any husband die, which tooke her to be his
vow : for euen both these are abomina- wife,
tion vnto the LORD thy God. 4 Her former husband which sent
* Exod. 22. 19 IF *Thou shalt not lend vpon v- her away , may not take her againe to
15. leuit.
25. 36. psal. sury to thy brother ; vsury of money, be his wife, after that she is defiled : for
15. 5. vsury of victuals , vsury of any thing that is abomination before the LORD,
that is lent vpon vsury. and th.ou shalt not cause the land to
20 Vnto a stranger thou maiest lenc sinne , which the LORD thy God gi-
vpon vsury , but vnto thy brother thou ueth thee for an inheritance.
shalt not lend vpon vsury : that the 5 11 * When a man hath taken a "Chap, 20,
LORD thy God may blesse thee, in ali new wife, he shai not goe out to warre, 7. t ffebr. not
that thou settest thine hand to , in the neither t shall hee be charged with any any thing
shall passe
land whither thou goest to possesse it. businesse : but hee shall be free at home vpon him.
*Eccles. 5. 21 IT * When thou shalt vow a vow one yeere, and shall cheere vp his wife
vnto the LORD thy God, thou shalt which he hath taken.
not slacke to pay it : for the LORD thy 6 H No man shall take the nether
God will surely require it of thee ; anc or the vpper milstone to pledge : for hee
it would be sinne in thee. taketh a mans life to pledge.
22 But if thou shalt forbeare to vow, 7 IF If a man bee found stealing a-
it shall be no sinne in thee. ny of his brethren of the children of Is-
23 That which is gone out of thy rael, and maketh merchandize of him,
lippes , thou shalt keepe and performe; or selleth him : then that thiefe shall die,
euen a freewill offering according as and thou shalt put euill away from a-
thou hast vowed vnto the LOR.D thy mong you.
8 1T Take
Of lending. Chap.xxv. Railing feed
* Leuit 13. 8 f Take heede, in * the plague o fatherlesse, and for the widow.
leprosie , that thou obserue diligently 21 When thou gatherest the grapes
and doe according to all that the Priests of thy vineyard, thou shalt not gleane
the Leuites shall teach you : as I com- it tafterward, it shalbe for the stranger, t Heb. after
manded them, so ye shall obserue to doe for the fatherlesse, and for the widow. thee.
9 Remember what the LORD 22 And thou shalt remember that
* Num. 12. thy God did * vnto Miriam by the way
thou wast a bondman in the land of E-
after that yee were come forth out oi gypt : therfore I command thee to doe
Egypt. this thing.
t Heb. lend .10 f When thou doest tlend thy bro-
the loane of
any thing to ther any thing, thou shalt not goe into CHAP. XXV.
4* his house to fetch his pledge. 1 Stripes must not exceed fortie. 4 The Oxe
11 Thou shalt stand abroad, and the is not to be xnusled. 5 Of raising seed vnto a
man to whome thou doest lend, shall brother. 11 Of the immodest woman. 1'
bring out the pledge abroad vnto thee. Of vniust weights. 17 The memorie of A-
malek is to be blotted out.
1-2 And if the man be poore, thou shalt
not sleepe with his pledge : F there bee a controuersie

13 In any case thou shalt deliuer him betweene men, and they
the pledge againe when the Sun goeth come vnto iudgment, that
downe, that he may sleepe in his owne theludges m ay iudge them,
raiment, and blesse thee: and it shall be then they shall iustifie the
righteousnesse vnto thee before the righteous, and condemne the wicked.
LORD thy God. 2 And it shall be, if the wicked man
14 IF Thou shalt not oppresse an hi- 3e worthy to be beaten, that the Iudge
red seruant that is poore and needy, whe- shall cause him to lie downe, and to bee
ther he be of thy brethren, or of thy stran- Beaten before his face, according to his
gers that are in thy lande within thy fault, by a certaine number.
jates. 3 * Fourtie stripes he may giue him, 24. *2.Cor. n.
* Leult. 19.
13. tob. 4.
15 At his day * thou shalt giue him his and not exceed: lest if he should exceede,
14. hire, neither shall the Sun goe downe and beate him aboue these, with many
\Heb. tee vpon it, for he is poore, and tsetteth his stripes, then thy brother should seeme
ifteth his
soulevntoit. beart vpon it, lest hee crie against thee vile vnto thee.
vnto the LORD, and it bee sinne vnto 4 IF *Thou shalt not mussell the *1. tim. l.Cor. 9. 9
5. ib
thee. oxe when he treadeth out the corne. Hebr.
* 2. Kings
4. 6. 2. chr.
16 * The fathers shall not bee put to 5 IT * If brethren dwell together, forestieth.
* Matt. 22.
25. 4. ier. death for the children, neither shall the and one of them die, and haue no child, 24. mar. 12.
31. 29. 30. the wife of the dead shall not marrie 28. 19. luk. 20.
ezek. 18. 20 children be put to death for the fathers :
euery man shall be put to death for his without , vnto a stranger : her || hus- Or, next
owne sinne. )ands brother shall go in vnto her, and tinsemcnt.
17 IF Thou shalt not peruert the take her to him to wife, and performe
udgement of the stranger , nor of the the duetie of an husbands brother vn-
iatherles, nor take a widowes raiment to her.
to pledge. 6 And it shall be, that the first borne
18 But thou shalt remember that which she beareth, shall succeede in the
;hou wast a bondman in Egypt, and the name of his brother which is dead, that
LORD thy God redeemed thee thence : lis name be not put out of Israel.
therefore I command thee to doe this 7 And if the man like not to take
thing. lis || brothers wife, then let his brothers Or, next
* Leuit. 19.
9. & 23. 22.
19 IF * When thou cuttest downe wife go vp to the gate, vnto the Elders, wife.
thine haruest in thy field , and hast for- and say, *My husbands brother refii- * Ruth 3. 9.
jot a sheafe in thefield, thou shalt not go eth to raise vp vnto his brother a name
againe to fetch it : it shalbe for the stran- n Israel : he will not performe the du-
ger, for the fatherlesse, and for the wi- ie of my husbands brother.
low : that the L O R D thy God may 8 Then the Elders of his citie shall
)lesse thee in all the worke of thine call him and speake vnto him : and if he
lands. tand to it, and say, I like not to take her:
Heb. thou 20 When thou beatest thine oliue tree 9 Then shal his brothers wife come
halt not
tough it af-
thou shalt not tgoe ouer the boughes a- vnto him in the presence of the Elders,
erthee. jaine : it shall be for the stranger, for the and loose his shooe from off his foote,
[uft weights &c. Deuteronomie. Firft fruits.
and spit in his face, and shall answere, of all the fruit of the earth, which thou
and say, So shall it bee done vnto that shalt bring of thy land that the LORD
man that will not build vp his bro- thy God giueth thee, and shalt put it in a
thers house. msket, and shah goe vnto the place
10 And his name shall bee called in which the LORD thy God shal choose
Israel, the house of him that hath his to place his Name there .
shooe loosed. 3 And thou shalt goe vnto the Priest
11 IT When men striue together one that shall be in those dayes, and say vn-
with another, and the wife of the one to him , I professe this day vnto the
draweth neere , for to deliuer her hus- LORD thy God, that I am come vn-
)and out of the hand of him that smi- to the countrey which the L O R D
teth him , and putteth foorth her hand sware vnto our fathers for to giue vs.
and taketh him by the secrets : 4 And the Priest shall take the bas-
12 Then thou shalt cut off her hand, set out of thine hand, and set it downe
thine eye shall not pi tie her. before the Altar of the LORD thy
13 IF Thou shalt not haue in thy God.
tffebr. a 3agge tdiuers weights, a great, and a 5 And thou shalt speake and say be-
stone and a
stone. small. fore the L O R D thy God, A Syrian
14 Thou shalt not haue in thine ready to perish was my father, and hee
I! Hebr. an louse tdiuers measures, a great, and a went downe into Egypt, and soiourned
Ephah, and
an Ephah. small.
11 there with a few , and became there a
15 But thou shalt haue a perfect and nation, great, mighty, and populous.
iust weight, a perfect and iust measure 6 And the Egyptians euil intreated
shalt thou haue : that thy dayes may vs, and afflicted vs, and layd vpon vs
bee lengthened in the land which the hard bondage.
LORD thy God giueth thee. 7 And when wee cryed vnto the
16 For all that doe such things, and LORD God of our fathers , the
all that doe vnrighteously, are an abo- LORD heard our voyce, and looked
mination vnto the LORD thy God. on our affliction, and our labour, and
* Exod. 17. 17 11 * Remember what Amalek
our oppression.
did vnto thee by the way, when ye were 8 And the L O R D brought vs
come foorth out of Egypt : foorth out of Egypt with a mightie
18 How he met thee by the way, and hand, and with an out-stretched arme,
smote the hindmost of thee, euen all that and with great terriblenesse , and with
were feeble behinde thee, when thou signes, and with wonders.
wast faint and weary; and he feared not 9 And he hath brought vs into this
God. place, and hath giuen vs this land, euen
19 Therefore it shall bee when the a land that floweth with milke and
L O R D thy God hath giuen thee rest honie.
from all thine enemies round about, in 10 And now behold, I haue brought
the land which the L O R D thy God the First fruits of the land, which thou.
giueth thee for an inheritance to pos- O LORD, hast giuen mee : and thou
sesse it; that thou shalt blot out the re- shalt set it before the LORD thy God,
membrance of Amalek from vnder and worship before the L O R D thy
heauen : thou shalt not forget it. God.
11 And thou shalt reioyce in euery
C H A P . XXVI. good thing, which the L O R D thy
God hath giuen vnto thee, and vnto
J The confession of him that offereth the bas- thine house, thou, and the Leuite, and
ket of First fruits. 12 The prayer of him that the stranger that is among you.
giueth his third yeere Tithes. 1 6 The coue- 12 11 When thou hast made an end of
nant betweene God and the people.
tithing all the tithes of thine increase,
Nd it shall be when thou the third yeere,which is *the yeere of ty- * Chap, 14.

A art come in vnto the lane

which the L O R D gi-
ueth thee for an inheri-
tance, and possessest it, anc
thing , and hast giuen it vnto the Le- 28.
uite , the stranger, the fatherlesse, anc
the widow, that they may eate within
thy gates, and befilled:
dwellest therein : 13 Then thou shalt say before the
2 That thou shalt take of the first LORD thy God, I haue brought
Exhortations Chap.xxvij. to obedience.
away the hallowed things out of mine hee, that thou shalt set thee vp great
louse, and also haue giuen them vnto stones, and plaister them with plaister.
the Leuite, and vnto the stranger, to 3 And thou shalt write vpon them
the fatherlesse, and to the widow, accor- all the words of this Law when thou
ling to all thy commandements, which art passed ouer, that thou mayest goe in
thou hast commanded me: I haue not vnto the land which the L O R D thy
transgressed thy commandements, nei- God giueth thee, 3 land that floweth
ther naue I forgotten them. with milke and hony, as the L O R D
141 haue not eaten thereof in my •rod of thy fathers hath promised thee.
mourning, neither haue I taken away 4 Therefore it shall be when ye bee
ought thereof for any vncleane vse, nor rone ouer lordan, that yee shall set vp
fiuen ought thereof for the dead : but ;hese stones, which I command you
' haue hearkened to the voyce of the his day, in mount Ebal, and thou shalt
liORD my God, and haue done ac- )laister them with plaister.
cording to all that thou hast commaun- 5 And there shalt thou build an Al-
ded me. tar vnto the LORD thy God, an altar
* Esa. 63.15 15 *Looke downe from thy holy ha- of stones : * thou shalt not lift vp any * Exod. 20. *
)itation, from heauen, and blesse thy 25. iosh,
rron toole vpon them. 8.31,
>eople Israel, and the land which thou 6 Thou shalt build the Altar of the
last giuen vs, as thou swarest vnto our LORD thy God of whole stones : and
athers, a land that floweth with milke thou shalt offer burnt offerings theron
and hony. vnto the LORD thy God.
16 f This day the LORD thy God 7 And thou shalt offer peace offe-
lath commanded thee to doe these Sta- rings, and shalt eate there, and reioyce
tutes and ludgements : thou shalt >efore the LORD thy God.
therefore keepe and doe them with all 8 And thou shalt write vpon the
thine heart, and with all thy soule. stones all the words of this Law very
17 Thou hast auouched the L O R D dainely.
;his day to be thy God, and to walke in 9 1T And Moses, and the Priestes
lis wayes, and to keepe his Statutes, ;he Leuites, spake vnto all Israel, say-
and his Commaundements, and his ing, Take heed, and hearken O Israel,
[udgements, and to hearken vnto his this day thou art become the people of
voice. the LORD thy God.
* Chap. 7.6 18 And *the LORD hath auouched 10 Thou shalt therefore obey the
thee this day to be his peculiar people, voyce of the LORD thy God, and doe
as he hath promised thee, and that thou his Commandeinents, and his Sta-
shouldest keepe all his Commaunde- tutes which I command thee this day.
ments : 11 II And Moses charged the people
19 And to make thee high aboue all the same day, saying,
nations which he hath made, in praise 12 These shall stand vpon mount
and in name, and in honour, and that Gerizzim to blesse the people, when yee
thou mayest be an holy people vnto the are come ouer lordan: Simeon, and
LORD thy God, as he hath spoken. Leui, and ludah, and Issachar, and
loseph, and Beniamin.
C H A R XXVII. 13 And these shall stand vpon mount
1 The people are commanded to write the Ebal tto curse: Reuben, Gad, and A- t Hebr.for
Law vpon stones, 5 and to build an Altar of sher, and Zebulun, Dan, & Naphtali. a cursing.
whole stones. 11 The Tribes diuided on 14 if And *the Leuites shal speake, * Dan. 9.11
Gerizzim and Ebal. 14 The curses pronoun- and say vnto all the men of Israel with
ced on mount Ebal. a loud voyce:
Nd Moses with the El- 15 Cursed be the man that maketh a-

A ders of Israel commaun- ny grauen or molten image, an abomi-

ded the people,, saying, nation vnto the LORD, the worke oi
Keepe all the Comman- the handes of the craftesman, and put-
dements which I com- teth it in a secret place: and all the peo-
mand you this day. ple shall answere and say, Amen.
< Josh. 4.1. 2 And it shall be on the day * when 16 Cursed be he that setteth light by

K)u shall passe ouer lordan, vnto the

nd which the LORD thy God giueth
his father or his mother: and all the
people shall say, Amen.
Bleffings for Deuteronomie. the obedient.
17 Cursed be he that remooueth his 6 Blessed shalt thou bee when thou
neighbours land-marke: and all the commest in , and blessed shalt thou bee
people shall say, Amen. when thou goest out.
18 Cursed be hee that maketh the 7 The L O R D shall cause thine
blinde to wander out of the way : and enemies that rise vp against thee, to bee
all the people shall say, Amen. smitten before thy face: they shall come
19 Cursed be hee that peruerteth the out against thee one way, and flee be-
Judgement of the stranger, fatherlesse, fore thee seuen wayes.
and widow : and all the people shall 8 The L O R D shall command the
say, Amen. blessing vpon thee in thy || store-houses, Or, barnes.
20 Cursed be hee that lieth with his and in all that thou settest thine hand
fathers wife, because he vncouereth his vnto, and he shall blesse thee in the land
fathers skirt: and all the people shall which the LORD thy God giueth
say, Amen. thee.
21 Cursed be hee that lieth with any 9 The LORD shall establish thee
maner of beast: and all the people shall an holy people vnto himselfe, as hee
say, Amen. hath sworne vnto thee, if thou shalt
22 Cursed be hee that lieth with his keepe the Commaundements of the
sister, the daughter of his father, or the LORD thy God, and walke in his
daughter of his mother : and all the wayes.
people shall say, Amen. 10 And all people of the earth shall
23 Cursed be hee that lieth with his see, that thou art called by the Name of
mother in law : and all the people shall the LORD, and they shall bee afraid
say, Amen. of thee.
24 Cursed be hee that smiteth his 11 And *the LORD shal make thee * Chap. 30,
neighbour secretly : and all the people etc.
plenteous ||in goods, in the fruit of thy 9.II Or, for
shall say, Amen. tbody, and in the fruit of thycattell,and good.
* Ezech, 22. 25 * Cursed be he that taketh reward iHebr.telly.
in the fruit of thy ground, in the land
to slay an innocent person: and all the which the L O R D sware vnto thy fa-
people shall say, Amen. thers to giue thee.
* GaL 3.10. 2o * Cursed be hee that confirmeth 12 The LORD shal open vnto thee
not all the words of this Law to doe his good treasure, the heauen to giue
them: and al the people shal say, Amen. the raine vnto thy land in his season,
and to blesse all the worke of thine
CHAP. XXVIII. hand : and *thou shalt lend vnto many * Chap. 15,
nations, and thou shalt not borrow, 6.
1 The blessings for Obedience. 15 The cur-
ses for disobedience. 13 And the LORD shall make thee
the head, and not the taile, and thou
Nd it shall come to passe,

* Leuit. 26.
shalt be aboue onely, and thou shalt not
3. * if thou shalt hearken di- be beneath : if that thou hearken vnto
ligently vnto the voyce of the Commandements of the L O R D
the L O R D thy God, to thy God, which I command thee this
nfisprnp n.nrJ. in Hnp all Vns day, to obserue, and to doe them:
Commandements which I command 14 And thou shalt not go aside from
thee this day ; that the LORD thy God any of the wordes which I command
will set thee on high aboue all nations thee this day, to the right hand, or to
of the earth. the left, to goe after other gods, to serue
2 And all these blessings shall come them.
on thee, and ouertake thee, if thou shalt 15 IF But it shal come to passe, * if thou * Leuit. 26.
hearken vnto the voice of the L O R D wilt not hearken vnto the voyce of the 2.14.17. lament.
thy God. LORD thy God, to obserue to doe all 2.i. 2.20.baruc.
3 Blessed shalt thou bee in the citie, his Commandements and his Sta-
and blessed shalt thou be in the field. tutes, which I command thee this day,
4 Blessed shall be the fruit of thy bo- that all these curses shall come vpon
dy, and the fruit of thy ground, and the thee, and ouertake thee.
fruit of thy cattell, the increase of thy 16 Cursed shalt thou be in thecity,and
kine, and the flocks of thy sheepe. cursed shalt thou be in the field.
jj Or, dough, 5 Blessed shall be thy basket and thy 17 Cursed shall be thy basket and thy
fr&ughcSt t store. store.
18 Cursed
Curfes for Chap.xxviij. disobedience.
18 Cursed shalbe the fruit of thy body, yard, and shalt not t gather the grapes t Hebr. pro-
ghane, orvse
and the fruit of thy land, the increase of thereof. it as com,"
thy kine, and the flocks of thy sheepe. 31 Thine oxe shall be slaine before men meat.
19 Cursed shalt thou bee when thou thine eyes, and thou shalt not eat there-
commest in, and cursed shalt thou bee of: thine asse shall be violently taken a-
when thou goest out. way from before thy face, and tshal not t Heb. shall
20 The LORD shall send vpon be restored to thee: thy sheepe shall bee not returne
to thee, £c.
thee cursing, vexation, and rebuke, in giuen vnto thine enemies, and thou
all that thou settest thine hand vnto, shalt haue none to rescue them.
t Heb. which t for to doe, vntill thou be destroyed, and 32 Thy sonnes, and thy daughters
thou woul-
destdoe. vntill thou perish quickely, because of shall be giuen vnto another people, and
the wickednesse of thy doings, where- thine eyes shal looke, and faile with lon-
by thou hast forsaken me. ging for them al the day long: and there
21 The L O R D shall make the pe- shall be no might in thine hand.
stilence cleaue vnto thee, vntill he haue 33 The fruit of thy land, and all thy
consumed thee from off the land, whi- labours, shall a nation which thou
ther thou goest to possesse it. knowest jiot, eate vp : and thou shalt
* Leuit. 26. 22 *The L O R D shall smite thee be onely oppressed and crushed alway:
with a consumption, and with a feuer, 34? So that thou shalt bee mad, for
and with an inflammation, & with an the sight of thine eyes which thou shalt
II Or, drought extreme burning, and with the || sword, see.
and with blasting, and with mildewe: 35 The LOED shall smite thee in
and they shall pursue thee vntill thou the knees, and in the legges with a sore
perish. botch that cannot bee healed, from the
23 And the heauen that is ouer thy sole of thy foot, vnto the top of thy head.
head shall be brasse, and the earth that 36 The LORD shal bring thee, and
is vnder thee shall be yron. thy king which thou shalt set ouer thee,
24 The LORD shall make the vnto a nation which neither thou, nor
raine of thy land powder & dust: from thy fathers haue kriowen, and there
heauen shall it come downe vpon thee, shalt thou serue other gods, wood and
vntill thou be destroyed. stone.
25 The L O R D shall cause thee to 37 And thou shalt become *an asto- * J. King. 9
be smitten before thine enemies : thou nishment, a prouerbe, and a by-worde, 7. ier. 24. 9.
and 25. 9.
shalt go out one way against them, and among all nations whither the LORD
flee seuen wayes before them, and shalt shall leade thee.
t Heb. for a be tremoued into all the kingdomes of 38 *Thou shalt carie much seede out * Mica.«.
the earth. into the field, and shalt gather but litle 15.
26 And thy carkeise shalbe meat vn- in : for the locust shall consume it.
to all foules of the aire, and vnto the 39 Thou shalt plant vineyards and
beasts of the earth, and no man shall dresse them, but shalt neither drinke of
fray them away. the wine, nor gather the grapes: for the
27 The LORD wil smite thee with wormes shall eate them.
the botch of Egypt, and with the erne- 40 Thou shalt haue Oliue trees
rods, and with the scabbe, and with throughout al thy coasts, but thou shalt
the itch , whereof thou canst not bee not anoint thy selfe with the oyle : for
healed. thine Oliue shall cast his fruit.
28 The L O R D shall smite thee 41 Thou shalt beget sonnes and
with madnesse, and blindnesse, and a- daughters, but tthou shalt not enioy t Hebr. they
stonishment of heart. them: for they shall goe into captiuitie. shall
not be
29 And thou shalt grope at noone 42 All thy trees and fruit of thy land
dayes, as the blind gropeth in darknes, shall the locusts t consume. I! Or^possesse
and thou shalt not prosper in thy waies: 43 The stranger that is within thee
and thou shalt be onely oppressed, and shall get vp aboue thee very high: and
spoiled euermore, and no man shal saue thou shalt come downe very low.
thee. 44 He shall lend to thee, and thou
30 Thou shalt betrothe a wife, and shalt not lend to him: he shall bee the
another man shall lie with her: thou head, and thou shalt be the taile.
* Deut, 20.
shalt build an house, and thou shalt not 45 Moreouer, all these curses shall
6. dwell therein : *thou shalt plant a vine- come vpon thee, and shall pursue thee,
Blagues and Deuteronomie. threatenings.
and ouertake thee, til thou be destroied: among you, which would not aduen-
jecause thou hearkenedst not vnto the ture to set the sole of her foote vpon the
voice of the LORD thy God, to keepe ground, for delicatenesse and tender-
lis Commandements, and his Sta- lesse, her eye shall be euill towards the
tutes which he commanded thee. msband of her bosome, and towards
46 And they shall be vpon thee for a ler sonne, and towards her daughter,
signe, and for a wonder, and vpon thy 57 And towards her tyong one that t Hebr. af.
seed for euer: commeth out from betweene her feete, ter-Wr/A.
47 Because thou seruedst not the and towards her children which shee
L.ORD thy God with ioyfulnesse, .and shall beare: for shee shall eate them for
with gladnesse of heart, for the aboun- want of all things secretly in the siege
dance of all things. and straitnes, wherewith thine enemie
48 Therefore shalt thou serue thine shall distresse thee in thy gates.
enemies, which the LORD shall send 58 If thou wilt not obserue to doe
against thee, in hunger, and in thirst, all the wordes of this Law that are
and in nakednesse, and in want of all written in this booke, that thou mayest
things: and he shall put a yoke of iron eare this glorious and fearefull Name,
vpon thy necke, vntill he haueTdestroy- THE LORD THY GOD :
ed thee. 59 Then the L O R D wil make thy
49 The L O R D shall bring a na- Blagues wonderfull, and the plagues
tion against thee from farre, from the )f thy seed, euen great plagues, and oi
end of the earth, as swift as the Eagle ong continuance, and sore sicknesses,
leeth, a nation whose tongue thou and of long continuance.
iHehhearc* shalt not tvnderstand: 60 Moreouer, hee will bring vpon
t Heb. strong 50 A nation tof fierce countenance, thee all the diseases of Egypt, which
which shal not regard the person of the thou wast afraid of, and they shal cleaue
old, nor shew fauour to the yong: vnto thee.
51 And hee shall eat the fruit of thy 61 Also euery sickenesse, and euery
cattell, and the fruit of thy land, vntil] plague which is not written in the
;hou be destroyed: which also shall not booke of this Law, them will the
[eaue thee either corne, wine, or oyle, or LORD tbring vpon thee, vntill thou \Hebr.
the increase of thy kine, or flockes of thy be destroyed. cause to as-
sheepe, vntill he haue destroyed thee. 62 And ye shall be left few in num-
52 And he shall besiege thee in all thy ber, whereas ye were * as the starres of * Chap. 10.
gates, vntill thy high and fenced walles beauen for multitude : because thou 22.
come downe therein thou trustedsi wouldest not obey the voyce of the
throughout all thy land: and hee shal LORD thy God.
besiege thee in all thy gates, throughout 63 And it shall come to passe, that as
all thy land which the LORD thy the LORD reioyced ouer you to doe
God hath giuen thee. you good, and to multiply you; so the
• Lcuit. 26. 53 And * thou shalt eate the fruit of LORD will reioyce ouer you to de-
29. 2. king.
6. 29. lam. thine owne tbody, the flesh of thy stroy you, and to bring you to nought;
4. SO. ba- sonnes, and of thy daughters (which and ye shalbe plucked from off the land
ruc. 2. 3.
t Hebr. the LORD thy God hath giuen thee' whither thou goest to possesse it.
belly. in the siege, and in the straitnesse where- 64? And the LORD shall scatter
with thine enemies shall distresse thee. thee among all people, from the one end
54 So that the man that is tender a- of the earth, euen vnto the other: and
mong you, and very delicate, his eye there thou shalt serue other gods,
shalbe euill toward nis brother, and to- which neither thou nor thy fathers haue
ward the wife of his bosome, and to- knowen, euen wood and stone.
wards the remnant of his children 65 And among these nations shalt
which he shall leaue: thou findeno ease, neither shall the sole
55 So that he wil not giue to any o of thy foote haue rest: but the LORD
them of the flesh of his children whom shall giue thee there a trembling heart,
he shall eate :-because hee hath nothing and failing of eyes, & sorrow of minde.
left him in the siege, and in the strait- 66 And thy life shall hang in doubt
nesse wherewith thine enemies shal di- before thee, and thou shalt feare day
stresse thee, in all thy gates. and night, and shalt haue none assu-
56 The tender and delicate woman rance of thy life.
67 In
Sihon and Og. Chap.xxix. Gods eouenant.
67 In the morning thou shalt say, this Couenant and doe them, that yee
Would God it were Euen : and at Euen may prosper in all that ye doe.
thou shalt say,Would God it were mor- 10 H Ye stand this day all of you be-
ning, for the feare of thine heart where- fore the LORD your'God: your cap-
with thou shalt feare, and for the sight taines of your tribes, your Elders, and
of thine eyes which thou shalt see. your officers, with all the men of Israel,
68 And the LORD shall bring thee 11 Your litle ones, your wiues, and
into Egypt againe, with ships, by the thy stranger that is in thy campe, from
way whereof I spake vnto thee, Thou the hewer of thy wood, vnto the draw-
shalt see it no more againe: and there ye er of thy water:
shall bee sold vnto your enemies for 12 That thou shouldest tenter into MIeb. passe.
xtndmen, and bondwomen, and no Couenant with the L O R D thy God,
man shall buy you. and into his othe which the L O R D
thy God maketh with thee this day :
13 That he may establish thee to day
C H A P . XXIX. for a people vnto himselfe, and that hee
1 Moses exhorteth them to obedience, by the may be vnto thee a God, as he hath said
memorie of the workes they haue scene. 10 vnto thee, and as he hath sworne vnto
All are presented before the Lord to enter in- thy fathers, to Abraham, to Isaac, and
to his Couenant, 18 The great wrath on to lacob.
him that flattereth himselfe in his wickednes.
29 Secret things belong vnto God. 14 Neither with you onely doe I
make this eouenant and this othe:
Hese are the woordes of 15 But with him that standeth here

the Couenant which the with vs this day before the L O R D
L O R D commanded Mo- our God, and also with him that is not
ses to make with the chil- here with vs this day:
dren of Ifrael in the land 16 (For ye know how we haue dwelt
of Moab, beside the Couenant which in the land of Egypt, and how we came
lie made with them in Horeb. thorow the nations which ye passed by.
2 f And Moses called vnto all Is- 17 And ye haue scene their abomina-
* Exod. 19. rael, and said vnto them, *Yee haue tions , and their t idoles, wood, and i Heb. don-
4. scene all that the L O R D did before stone, siluer, and gold, which were a- guie gods.
your eyes in the land of Egypt vnto mong them.)
Pharaoh, and vnto all his seruants, 18 Lest there should be among you
and vnto all his land; man or woman, or familie, or tribe,
3 The great temptations which whose heart turneth away this day fro
thine eyes haue scene, the signes and the LORD our God, to goe and serue
those great miracles: the gods of these nations: lest there
4 Yet the LORD hath not giuen should bee among you a root that bea-
you an heart to perceiue, and eyes to see, reth || gall and wormewood, fl Or, a poi-
and eares to heare, vnto this day. 19 And it come to passe when he hea- Heb. Rosh.
5 And I haue led you fourtie yeres reth the wordes of this curse, that hee
in the wildernes: your clothes are not blesse himselfe in his heart, saying, I
waxen old vpon you, and thy shooe is shall haue peace, though I walke in the
not waxen old vpon thy foot. ||imagination of mine heart, to adde bornnesse.
I! Or, stub-
6 Ye haue not eaten bread, neither t drunkennesse to thirst: t Heb. the
haue you drunke wine, or strong drink: 20 The L O R D wil not spare him, drunken to
the thirstie
that yee might knowe that I am the but then the anger of the LORD, and
LORD your God. his ielousie shall smoke against that
7 And when yee came vnto this man, and all the curses that are written
place, Sihon the king of Heshbon, and in this booke shall lie vpon him, and the
Og the King of Bash an, came out a- L O R D shall blot out his name from
gainst vs vnto battell, and wee smote vnder heauen.
them. 21 And the LORD shall separate
8 And wee tooke their lande, and him vnto euill, out of all the tribes of
gaue it for an inheritance vnto the Reu- Israel, according to all the curses of the
benites, and to the Gadites, and to the Couenant, that t are written in this written.
* Chap. 4.6. halfe tribe of Manasseh. booke of the Law •
1. king. 2.2.
iosh. i. 7. 9 * Keepe therefore the wordes of 22 So that the generation to come
Mercie to Deuteronomie. the repentant.
of your children, that shall rise vp af- 8 That then the LORD thy God
ter you, and the stranger that shall will turne thy captiuitie, and haue com-
come from a farre land, shall say, when passion vpon thee, and wil returne and
they see the plagues of that land, and gather thee from all the nations whi-
the sicknesses t which the LORD hath ther the LORD thy God hath scatte-
the LORD [ayd vpon it; red thee.
hath made 23 And that the whole land thereof 4? * If any of thine be driuen out vn- * Nehe, i.
is brimstone and salt, cmd burning, that to the outmost parts of heauen, from 9.
it is not sowen, nor beareth, nor any thence will the LORD thy God ga-
* Gen. 19. ^rasse groweth therein, *like the ouer- ther thee, and from thence will he fetch
24, 25.
throw of Sodome, and Gomorah, Ad- thee.
mah, and Zeboim, which the LORD 5 And the LORD thy God will
ouerthrew in his anger, and in his bring thee into the land which thy fa-
wrath: thers possessed, and thou shalt possesse
* I.King. 9. 24 Euen al nations shal say,*Where-
a iere. 22. 8.
it: and he will doe thee good, and mul-
fore hath the LORD done thus vnto tiply thee aboue thy fathers.
this land? what meaneth the heat of this 6 And the LORD thy God will
jreat anger ? circumcise thine heart, and the heart of
25 Then men shall say, Because they thy seed, to loue the LORD thy God
liaue forsaken the Couenant of the with all thine heart, and with all thy
LORD God of their fathers, which soule, that thou mayest Hue.
be made with them when he brought 7 And the LORD thy God will
them foorth out of the land of Egypt. put all these curses vpon thine enemies,
£6 For they went and serued other and on them that hate thee, which per-
pods, & worshipped them, gods whom secuted thee.
\Hebr.di- they knew not, and -{whom he had not 8 And thou shalt returne and obey
uided: Or,
who had not jiuen vnto them. the voice of the LORD, and doe all his
giuento 27 And the anger of the LORD Commandements which I command
portion. was kindled against this land, to bring thee this day.
vpon it all the curses, that are written 9 *And the L O R D thy God will *Li.Chap. 28.
in this booke. make thee plenteous in euery worke of
28 And the LORD rooted them thine hand, in the fruit of thy body, and
out of their land, in anger and in wrath, in the fruit of thy cattell, and in the fruit
and in great indignation, and cast them of thy land, for good: for the LORD
into another land, as it is this day. will againe reioyce ouer thee for good,
29 The secret things belong vnto the as he reioyeed ouer thy fathers:
LORD our God: but those things 10 If thou shalt hearken vnto the
which are reuealed belong vnto vs, and voyce of the LORD thy God to keepe
to our children for euer, that wee may his Commandements, and his Sta-
doe all the words of this Law. tutes which are written in this booke
of the Law, and if thou turne vnto the
CHAP. XXX. LORD thy God with all thine heart,
and with all thy soule.
1 Great mercies promised vntp the repentant. 11 IF For this Commaundement
11 The Commaundement is manifest. 1£ which I command thee this day, it is
Death and life are set before them.
not hidden from thee, neither is it
Nd it shall come to passe farre off.

when all these things are 12 * It is not in heauen, that thou * Rom. 10.
come vpon thee, the bles- shouldest say,Who shal goe vp for vs to 3. &c-
sing, and the curse, which heauen, and bring it vnto vs, that wee
I haue set before thee, and may heare it, and doe it ?
thou shall call them to xmnde among all 13 Neither is it beyond the sea, that
the nations whither the LORD thy thou shouldest say, Who shall goe ouer
God hath driuen thee, the sea for vs, and bring it vnto vs, that
2 And shalt returne vnto the LORD we may heare it, and doe it ?
thy God, and shalt obey his voyce accor- 14? But the word is very nigh vnto
ding to all that I command thee this thee, in thy mouth, and in thy heart,-
day, thou and thy children with al thine that thou mayest doe it.
heart, and with all thy soule: 15 T See, I haue set before thee this
Life and death. Chap.xxxj. lofhua incouraged.
day, life and good, and death, and euill: Kings of the Amorites, and vnto the
16 In that I command thee this land of them, whom he destroyed.
day to loue the LORD thy God, to 5 And *the LORD shall giue them ' Chap. 7. 2,
walke in his wayes, and to keepe his vp before your face, that ye may doe vn-
Commandements, and his Statutes, to them according vnto all the Com-
and his Judgements, that thou maiest mandements which I haue comman-
Hue and multiply: and the LORD thy ded you.
God shall blesse thee in the land , whi- 6 Be strong, and of a good courage,
ther thou goest to possesse it. feare not, nor be afraid of them : for the
17 But if thine heart turne away, so LORD thy God, he it is that doeth goe
that thou wilt not heare , but shah bee with thee, he will not faile thee, nor for-
drawen away, and worship other gods sake thee.
and serue them: 7 IT And Moses called vnto lo-
18 I denounce vnto you this day, shua , and said vnto him in the sight of
that ye shall surely perish, and that yee all Israel, Bee strong, and of a good
shall not prolong your dayes vpon the courage : for thou must goe with this

* Chap. 4.
land, whither thou passest ouer Jor-
dan, to goe to possesse it.
19 * I call heauen and earth to re-
a le vnto the land, which the LORD
sworne vnto their fathers to giue
them; and thou shalt cause them to in-
cord this day against you, that I haue herite it.
set before you life and death, blessing 8 And the LORD, he it is that doth
and cursing: therefore choose life, that goe before thee, he will be with thee, hee
both thou and thy seed may liue: will not faile thee, neither forsake thee:
20 That thou maiest loue the LORD feare not, neither be dismayed.
thy God, and that thou mayest obey his 9 IT And Moses wrote this Law,
voyce, and that thou mayest cleaue vn- and deliuered it vnto the Priests the
to him : for he is thy life, and the length sonnes of Leui, which bare the Arke of
of thy dayes, that thou mayest dwell in the Couenant of the LORD, and vn-
the land, which the L O R D sware vn- to all the Elders of Israel.
to thy fathers, to Abraham , to Isaac, 10 And Moses commanded them,
and to lacob, to giue them. saying, At the end of euery seuen yeeres,
in the solemnitie of the *yeere of release, * Chap. id.
in the feast of Tabernacles,
C H A P . XXXI. 11 When all Israel is come to ap-
peare before the L O R D thy God, in
1 Moses incourageth the people. 7 Hee in- the place which hee shall choose; thou
courageth loshua. 9 Hee deliuereth the
Law vnto the Priests to readeitin the seuenth shalt reade this Law before all Israel,
yere to the people. 14 God giueth a charge in their hearing.
to loshua, 19 and a song to testifie against 12 Gather the people together, men,
the people. 24 Moses deliuereth the booke and women and children, and thy stran-
of the Law to the Leuites to keepe. 28 Hee
maketh a protestation to the Elders. ger that is within thy gates, that they
may heare, and that they may learne,
Nd Moses went & spake and feare the L O R D your God, and

these wordes vnto all Is- obserue to doe all the wordes of this
rael. Law:
£ And hee saide vnto 13 And that their children which haue
them, I am an hundred not knowen any thing, may heare, and
and twentie yeeres old this day; I can learne to feare the LORD your God,
no more goe out and come in : also the as long as yee liue in the land, whither
* Num. 20. L O R D hath said vnto mee, * Thou ye goe ouer lordan to possesse it.
12. chap. 3.
27. shalt not goe ouer this lordan. 14 1[ And the LORD saide vnto
3 The LORD thy God, hee will Moses, Beholde , thy dayes approach
goe ouer before thee, and he will destroy that thou must die : call loshua, and
these nations from before thee, and present your selues in the Tabernacle
thou shalt possesse them : and loshua, rf the Congregation, that I may giue
Num. 27. hee shall goe ouer before thee , *aa the bim a charge. And Moses and losnua
LORD hath said. went and presented themselues in the
4 And the LORD shall doe vnto Tabernacle of the Congregation. \
them , as hee did to Sihon, and to Og 15 And the LORD appeared in the
loihuas charge. Deuteronomie, Mofes fong.
Tabernacle in a pillar of a cloud : and Leuites which bare the Arke of the
the pillar of the cloude stood ouer the Douenant of the LORD, saying,
doore of the Tabernacle. 26 Take this booke of the Law,
16 1F And the LORD saide vnto and put it in the side of. the Arke of the
Moses, Behold, thou shalt tsleepe with Couenant of the L O R D your God,
thy fathers, and this people wil rise vp, that it may bee there for a witnesse a-
and goe a whoring after the gods of the jainst thee.
strangers of the land whither they goe 27 For I know thy rebellion, and
to be amongst them, and wil forsake me, thy stiffe necke: Beholde, while I am
and breake my couenant which I haue fet aliue with you this day, yee haue
made with them. jene rebellious against the L O R D ;
17 Then my anger shall be kindled and how much more after my death ?
against them in that day , and I will 28 U Gather vnto mee all the El-
ibrsake them, and I will hide my face ders of your tribes, and your Officers,
from them, and they shall be deuoured, that I may speake these words in their
Webr.Jinde and many euils and troubles shall t be- eares, and call heauen and earth to re-
fall them, so that they will say in that cord against them.
day, Are not these euils come vpon vs, 29 For I know, that after my death
Because our God is not amongst vs ? yee will vtterly corrupt your seines, and
18 And I will surely hide my face in turne aside from the way, which I
that day, for all the euils which they baue commauded you: and euil wil be-
shal haue wrought, in that they are tur- fall you in the latter dayes, because yee
ned vnto other gods. wil doe euil in the sight of the LORD,
19 Now therefore, write ye this song to prouoke him to anger through the
ibr you, and teach it the children of Is- worke of your hands.
rael : put it in their mouthes, that this 30 And Moses spake in the eares of
song may be a witnesse for mee, against al the Cogregation of Israel the words
the children of Israel. of this song, vntill they were ended.
20 For when I shall haue brought
them into the land which I sware vn-
to their fathers, that floweth with C H A P . XXXII.
milke and hony; and they shall haue 1 Moses song, which setteth foorth Gods mercy
eaten and filled themselues, and waxen and vengeance. 46 He exhorteth them to
fat; then will they turne vnto other set their Hearts vpon it. 48 God sendeth him
gods, and serue them, and prouoke me, vp to mount Nebo, to see the land, and die.
ind breake my couenant. lue eare, O yee heauens,

21 And it shall come to passe, when and I will speake; And
many euils and troubles are befallen heare, O earth, the words
IHebr. be, them , that this song shall testifie t a- of my mouth.
fore. gainst them as a witnesse : for it shall 2 My doctrine shall
not bee forgotten out of the mouthes of drop as the rame: my speacn shall distill
their seed: for I know their imagina- as the deaw, as the smal raine vpon the
1 Hebr. doe. tion which they t goe about euen now, tender herbe, and as the showres vpon
before I haue brought them into the the grasse.
land, which I sware. 3 Because I wil publish the Name
22 IF Moses therefore wrote this of the L O R D : ascribe yee greatnesse
song the same day, and taught it the vnto our God.
children of Israel. 4 He is the rocke , his worke is per-
23 And he gaue loshua the sonne ol fect : for all his wayes are ludgement:
* lash. 1.6. Nun a charge, and said, * Bee strong, A God of trueth, and without iniquity,
and of a good courage: for thou shalt iust and right is he,
bring the children of Israel into the 5 t They haue corrupted them- t Hebr. he
land which I sware vnto them : and I selues, 11 their spot is not the spot of his hath corrup-
ted to him-
will be with thee. children: they are a peruerseand crooked selfe.
II Or, that
24- IF And it came to passe when Mo- generation. they are not
his children,
ses had made an ende of writing the 6 Doe ye thus requite the LORD, that is their
wordes of this Law in a booke, vntill O foolish people, & vnwise ? Is not he blot
they were finished, thy Father that hath bought thee? Hath
25 That Moses commaunded the he not made thee, and established thee ?
7 f Remem-
The fbng Chap.xxxij. of Mofes.
7 IT Remember the dayes of olde ties : And *1 will moue them to lelou * Rom. 10.
t Heb. gene consider the yeeres of t many generati sie with those which are not a people,
ration and
generation. ons : aske thy father, and he will shew will prouoke them to anger with a foo
thee, thy Elders, and they wil tell thee lish nation.
8 When the most High diuided to 22 For a fire is kindled in my anger
the nations their inheritance, when he and || shall burne vnto the lowest hell burned. II Or, hath
separated the sonnes of Adam, hee se and shall consume the earth with he II Or, hath
the bounds of the people according to increase, and set on fire the foundation consumed.
the number of the children of Israel. of the mountaines.
9 For the L O R D S portion is his 23 I will heape mischiefes vpoi
t Heb. cord. people: Jacob is the tlot of his inheri- them, I wil spend mine arrowes vpoi
tance. them.
10 He found him in a desert land, anc 24 They shall bee burnt with hunge]
in the waste howling wildernesse : Hee and deuoured with t burning heat, anc ning t Heb. bur-
II Or, com- ||ledde him about, he instructed him,hee with bitter destruction: I will also senc
massed him
about. kept him as the apple of his eye. the teeth of beasts vpon them, with the
11 As an Eagle stirreth vp her nest, poison of serpents of the dust.
fluttereth ouer her yong, spreadeth a- 25 The sword without, and terroui
broad her wings, taketh them, beareth t within shall t destroy both the yong Heb. from
he cham-
them on her wings: man, and the virgin, the suckling alsc bers.
12 So the L O R D alone did leade with the man of gray haires. t Heb. be-
lim, and there was no strange God 26 I said, I would scatter them in-
with him. to corners, I would make the remem*
13 He made him ride on the high pla- brance of them to cease fro among men:
ces of the earth, that he might eate the 27 Were it not that I feared the
increase of the fields, and he made him wrath of the enemie, lest their aduersa-
to sucke hony out of the rocke, and oyle ries should behaue themselues strange-
out of the flintie rocke, y, and lest they should say, || Our hande
14 Butter of kine, & milke of sheepe, is high, and the LORD hath not done ighhand Or, our
nd not the
with fat of lambes, and rammes of the all this. LORD
breed of Bashan, & goats, with the fat 28 For they are a nation voide of Uthis.
of kidneis of wheat, and th&u diddest counsel, neither is there any vnderstan-
drinke the pure blood of the grape. ding in them.
15 If But lesurun waxed fat, and 29 O that they were wise, that they
dcked : Thou art waxen fat, thou art vnderstood this, that they would consi-
growen thicke, thou art couered with der their latter end.
fatnes: then he forsooke God which made 30 How should*one chase a thousand, o. losh. 23.
iim, and lightly esteemed the Rocke of and two put ten thousand to flight, ex-
lis saluation. cept their Rocke had sold them, and the
16 They prouoked him to ielousie LORD had shut them vp ?
with strange gods, with abominations 31 For their rocke is not as our
)rouoked they him to anger. locke, euen our enemies themselues
H Or, which
were not
17 They sacrificed vnto deuils, ||not }eing iudges.
God. to God : to gods whom they knew not, II Or, is worse
32 For their vine is ||of the vine of then the
to new gods, that came newly vp, whom Sodome, and of the fields of Gomorah : vine of So-
your fathers feared not. their grapes are grapes of gall, their dome. $c.
18 Of the Rocke that begate thee clusters are bitter.
thou art vnmindfull, and hast forgotten 33 Their wine is the poison of dra-
God that formed thee. gons, and the cruell venime of Aspes.
19 And when the LORD saw it, he 34 Is not this laide vp in store with
fl Or, despi- [abhorred them, because of the prouo- me, and sealed vp among my treasures?
dng of his sonnes, & of his daughters. 35 To me belongeth ^vengeance, and i.* Ecclus.rom. 12.
20 And he said, I will hide my face ecompence, their foot shall slide in due 19. heb. 10.
rom them, I will see what their ende ;ime : for the day of their calamitie is at 30.
shall be: for they are a very froward ge- land, and the things that shal come vp-
neration, children in whom is no faith. n them, make haste.
21 They haue mooued me to ielou- 36 For the L O R D shall iudge his
sie with that which is not god, they haue >eople, and repent himselfe for his ser-
>rouoked me to anger with their vani- u^nts, when he seeth that their t power IHeb.lumd.
Mofes fong: He Deuteronomie. may fee Canaan.
is gone; and there is none shut vp, or thy people, as * Aaron thy brother died * Num. 20.
left. in mount Hor, and was gathered vnto 25,28.33.36.
37 And he shall say, Where are their his people:
gods ? their Rocke in whom they 51 Because *ye trespassed against me * Num. 20.
12.13. and
trusted; among the children of Israel, at the 27.14.
38 Which did eat the fat of their sacri- waters of || Meribah Kadesh, in the t Or, strife at
fices, & dranke the wine of their drinke wildernesse of Zin : because yee sancti- Kadesh.
offerings ? let them rise vp and helpe fied mee not in the midst of the children
t Hebr. an you, and be tyour protection. of Israel.
hiding for
you. 89 See now, that I, enen I am he, 5£ Yet thou shalt see the land before
* 1. Sam. 2. and there is no god with mee; * I kill, thee, but thou shalt not goe thither vnto
6. tob. 13.2.
wisd, 16. and I make aliue : I wound, and I the land which I giue the children of
13. heale: neither is there any that can de- Israel.
liuer out of my hand.
40 For I lift vp my hand to hea- C H A P . XXXIII.
uen, and say, I Hue for euer.
1 The Maiestie of God. 6 The blessings of the
41 If I whet my glittering sword, twelue Tribes. 26 The excellency of Israel.
and mine hand take holde on Judge-
ment, I will render vengeance to mine Nd this is the blessing,

enemies, and will reward them that wherewith Moses the
hate me. man of God blessed the
42 I will make mine arrow es children of Israel before
drunke with blood, (and my sword shal his death.
deuoure flesh) and that with the blood % And he said, The L O R D came
of the slaine, and of the captiues, from from Sinai, and rose vp from Seir vn-
the beginning of reuenges vpon the to them, hee shined foorth from mount
enemie. Paran, and hee came with ten thou-
!1 Or, praise
his people ye
43 ||Reioyce, O *ye nations with his sands of Saints : from his Right hand
nations. Or, people, for he will auenge the blood of went a tfierie Law for them.
sing ye.
* Matt 7. «•
his seruants, and will render venge- 3 Yea hee loued the people; all his i Hebr. a fire
rom. 15.10. ance to his aduersaries, and wil be mer- Saints are in thy hand : and they sate oflaw.
cifull vnto his land, and to his people. downe at thy feete; euery one shall re-
44 U And Moses came and spake ceiue of thy wordes.
all the wordes of this song in the eares 4 Moses commaunded vs a Law,
!!0r./<wfctta. of the people, he and || Hoshea the sonne euen the inheritance of the Congrega-
of Nun. tion of lacob.
45 And Moses made an end of spea- 5 And hee was King in lesurun,
king all these words to all Israel. when the heads of the people, and the
* Chap. 6.6. 46 And hee said vnto them, * Set Tribes of Israel were gathered toge-
and 11. 18.
our hearts vnto all the wordes which ther.
? testifie among you this day, which
yee shall commaund your children to
6 11 Let Reuben Hue, and not die,
and let not his men be few.
obserue to doe all the wordes of this 7 f And this is the blessing of ludah:
Law. and he said, Heare, LORD, the voice of
47 For it is not a vaine thing for ludah, and bring him vnto his people:
you: because it is your life, and through let his hands bee sufficient for him, and
this thing yee shall prolong your dayes, bee thou an helpe to him from his ene-
in the land whither yee goe ouer lor- mies.
dan to possesse it. 8 f And of Leui hee said, *Let thy * Exod, 28.
* Num. 27. 48 And *the L O R D spake vnto Thummim and thy Vrim be with thy 30.
Moses that selfe same day, saying, holy one, whom thou diddest prooue at
49 Get thee vp into this mountaine Massah , # with whom thou didst striue
Abarim, vnto mount Nebo, which is at the waters of Meribah ;
in the land of Moab, that is ouer a- 9 Who said vnto his father & to his
gainst lericho, and behold the land of mother, I haue not scene him, neither
Canaan which I giue vnto the chil- did hee acknowledge his brethren ; nor
dren of Israel for a possession: knew his owne children : for they haue
50 And die in the mount whither obserued thy word, and kept thy Co-
thou goest vp, and bee gathered vnto uenant,
10 || They
Mofes bleffeth Chap.xxxiiij, the tribes of lirael.
\ Or, let them 10 || They shal teach lacob thyiudg- Naphtali, satisfied with fauour, and full
teach* S[c. ments, and Israel thy Lawe: || they with the blessing of the L O R D : pos-
It Or, let
them put
shall put incense t before thee, and whole sesse thou the West and the South.
\Heb.atthy burnt sacrifice vpon thine Altar. 24 IF And of Asher hee said, let A-
nose. 11 Blesse, LORD, his substance, and sher be blessed with children, Let him
accept the worke of his handes, smite be acceptable to his brethren, and let
thorow the loines of them that rise a- him dip his foot in oile.
gainst him, and of them that hate him, 25 Thy || shooes shall bee yron and thy I 0r,vnder
that they rise not againe. brasse, and as thy dayes, so shall thy shatbeyron.
12 1F And of Beniamin he said, The strength bee.
beloued of the LORD shall dwell in 26 IF There is none like vnto the
safetie by him, and the LORD shall couer God of lesurun, who rideth vpon the
him all the day long, and he shall dwell heauen in thy helpe, and in his excellen-
betweene his shoulders. cie on the slue.
* Gen. 49. 13 1F And of loseph he said, * Bles- 27 The eternall God is thy refuge,
sed of the L O R D be his land, for the and vnderneath are the euerlasting
precious things of heauen, for the dew, armes: and he shall thrust out the ene-
and for the deep that coucheth beneath; mie from before thee, and shall say, De-
14 And for the precious fruits brought stroy them.
forth by the sunne, and for the precious 28 * Israel then shall dwell in safe-
\Heb, thrust things tput forth by the tmoone,
tie alone: the fountaine of lacob shalbe
\ Hebr. 15 And for the chiefe things of the an- vpon a land of come and wine, also his
Moones. cient mountaines, and for the precious heauens shall drop downe deaw.
things of the lasting hils, 29 Happy art thou, O Israel: Who
16 And for the precious things of the is like vnto thee,O people! saued by the
earth, and fulnesse thereof, and for the L O R D , the shield of thy helpe, and
good will of him that dwelt in the bush: who is the sword of thy excellence: and
let the blessing come vpon the head of lo- thine enemies ||shal be found liars vnto Wr, shal be
seph, and vpon the top of the head of thee, and thou shalt tread vpon their subdued.
* Gen, 49. him that* was separated fro his brethren.
high places.
17 His glory is like the firstling of his
bullocke, & his homes are like the homes C H A P . XXXIIII.
of Vnicornes: with them he shall push
the people together, to the ends of the 1 Moses from Mount Nebo vieweth the lande.
earth: and they are the ten thousands 5 He dieth there. 6 His buriall. 7 His age.
8 Thirty dayes mourning for him. 9 loshua
of Ephraim, and they are the thousands succeedeth him. 10 The praise of Moses.
of Manasseh.
18 IF And of Zebulun he said, Re- Nd Moses went vp from

ioyce, Zebulun, in thy going out; and the plaines of Moab, vnto
Issachar, in thy tents. ,the mountaine of Nebo, I Or, Hilt.
19 They shall call the people vnto to the top of Pisgah, that
the mountaine, there they shal offer sa- is ouer against lericho:
crifices of righteousnesse : for they shall and the L O R D shewed him * all the 27 * Chap. 3r
2. mac,
sucke of the abundance of the seas, and land of Gilead, vnto Dan, 2.4.
of treasures hid in the sand. 2 And all Naphtali, and the lande
20 ^ And of Gad he said, Blessed be of Ephraim, and Manasseh, and all the
he that enlargeth Gad: he dwelleth as land of ludah, vnto the vtmost sea,
a lyon, and teareth the arme with the 3 And the South, and the plaine of
crowne of the head. the valley of lericho, the citie of palme
21 And he prouided the first part for trees vnto Zoar.
himfelfe, because there, in a portion of the 4 And the L O R D said vnto him,
Heb. sieled. lawgiuer was he t seated, and hee came * This is the land which I sware vnto * Gen. 12.7
with the heads of the people, he executed Abraham, vnto Isaac, and vnto la- and 13. 15.
the iustice of the LORD, and his iudg- cob, saying, I will giue it vnto thy seed:
ments with Israel. I haue caused thee to see it with thine
22 IF And of Dan he said, Dan is a eyes, but thou shalt not go ouer .thither.
Lyons whelpe : hee shall leape from 5 IF So Moses the seruant of the
Bash an. LORD died there in the land of Moab,
23 IF And of Naphtali he said, O according to the word of the LORD.
6 And
Mofes age, death, lolhua. and iucceflbur.
6 And hee buried him in a valley in Moses had layd his handes vpon him,
the land of Moab, ouer against Beth- and the children of Israel hearkened
Peor: but no man knoweth of his Se- vnto him, and did as the LORD com-
pulchre vnto this day manded Moses.
7 H And Moses was an hundred 10 f And there arose not a Prophet
and twentie yeeres olde when he died: since in Israel like vnto Moses, whom
t Hebr. moi- his eye was not dimrpe, nor bis trjatu- the LORD knew face to face:
t Hcbr.fled. rall force t abated. 11 In al the signes and the wonders
8 IT And the children of Israel which the LORD sent him to doe in
wept for Moses in the plaines of Moab the land of Egypt, to Pharaoh, and to
thirty dayes : So the dayes of weeping all his seruants, and to all his land,
and mourning for Moses were ended. 12 And in all that mighty hand, and
9 IF And loshua the sonne of Nun in all the great terrour, which Moses
was full of the Spirit of wisedome : for shewed in the sight of all Israel.

the going downe of the Sunne, shalbe
C H A P . I. your coast.
1 The LORD appointeth loshua to succeede 5 There shall not any man be able
Moses. 3 The borders of the promised land. to stand before thee all the dayes of thy
5. 9 God promiseth to assist loshua. 8 He life: as I was with Moses, so I will be
giueth him instructions. 10 He prepareth the with thee : * I will not faile thee, nor * Heb. 13.
people to passe ouer Jordan. 12 loshua put- 6.
teth the two tribes andhalfe in minde of their forsake thee.
promise to Moses. 16Theypromise him fealty. 6 * Bee strong, and of a good cou- * Deut. 31.
rage: for 11 vnto this people shalt thou 23.
II Or, thou
j Owe after the diuide for an inheritance the land which shalt cause
this people to
\ death of Moses I sware vnto their fathers to giue inherite the

£ the seruant of the them. land, $c.
v L o R D , it came 7 Onely bee thou strong, and very
(to passe, that the courageous, that thou mayest obserue
J L o RD spake to doe according to all the Law, which
* vnto loshua the Moses my seruant commaunded thee :
^ sonne of Nun , * turne not from it to the right hand, or * Deu. 5.32.
* Deut. 1.
h Moses * minister, to the left, that thou mayest ||prosper and 28. 14.
«Or, doe
saying, whither soeuer thou goest. wisely.
% Moses my seruant is dead : now 8 This booke of the Law shal not
therefore arise, goe ouer this Jordan, depart out of thy mouth, but thou shalt
thou, and all this people, vnto the land meditate therein day and night, that
which I doe giue to them, euen to the thou mayest obserue to doe according
children of Israel. to all that is written therein : for then
* Deut. 11. 3 * Euery place that the sole of your thou shalt make thy way prosperous,
24. chap.
14. 9. foote shall tread vpon, that haue I gi- and then thou shalt || haue good successe. !! Or, doe
uen vnto you, as I said vnto Moses. 9 Haue not I commanded thee? be wisely.
4 From the wildernesse and this strong, and of a good courage, bee not a-
Lebanon, euen vnto the great Riuer, fraid, neither be thou dismayed : for the
the riuer Euphrates, all the land of the L O R D thy God is with thee, whithe*
Hittites, and vnto the great sea, toward soeuer thou goest.
10 f Then
Spies are fent to Chap.ij. view lericho, !

10 f Then Joshua commanded the hither to night, of the children of Isra-

Officers of the people, saying, [, to search out the countrey.
11 Passe through thehoste, and com- 3 And the king of lericho sent vn-
mand the people, saying, Prepare you to Rahab, saying, Bring forth the men
victuals: for within three dayes ye shal that are come to thee, which are entred
>asse ouer this lordan, to goe in to pos- into thine house: for they bee come to
sesse the land which the LORD your search out all the countrey.
Jod giueth you, to possesse it. 4 And the woman tooke the two
12 IF And to the Reubenites, and to men, and hid them, & said thus: There
he Gadites, and to halfe the tribe of came men vnto mee, but I wist not
Manasseh, spake loshua, saying, whence they were:
* Num. 32 13 * Remember the word which Mo- 5 And it came to passe about tJie time
ses the seruant of the L O R D comman- of shutting of the gate, when it was
led you, saying, The LORD your arke, that the men went out: whither
God hath giuen you rest, and hath gi- be men went, I wote not: pursue af-
uen you this land: ter them quickely, for ye shall ouertake
14 Your wiues, your litle ones, and hem.
your cattell shall remaine in the lande 6 But shee had brought them vp to
vhich Moses gaue you on this side he roofe of the house , and hid them
iordan; but ye shall passe before your with the stalkes of flaxe, which she had
t Heb. mar- }rethren t armed, all the mightie men aid in order vpon the roofe.
shalled by 7 And the men pursued after them
fiue. of valour, and helpe them :
15 Vntill the LORD haue giuen the way to Jordan, vnto the foords:
rour brethren rest, as he hoik giuen you, and assoone as they which pursued af-
and they also haue possessed the lande ter them were gone out, they shut the
which the L O R D your God giueth gate.
them • then yee shall returne vnto the 8 ^ And before they were laide
and of your possession, and enioy it, lowne , shee came vp vnto them vpon
which Moses the LORDS seruant the roofe.
;aue you on this side lordan toward 9 And she said vnto the men, I know
;he Sunne rising. that the L O R D hath giuen you the
16 11 And they answered loshua, and, and that your terrour is fallen
saying, All that thou commandest vs, vpon vs, and that all the inhabitants
we will doe, and whither soeuer thou of the land t faint because of you. Heb. melt.
sendest vs, we will goe. 10 For wee haue heard how the
17 According as we hearkened vnto L O R D * dried vp the water of the rec i.* EXOd. 14
chap. 4.
Moses in all things, so will we hearken Sea for you, when you came out of E- 3.
vnto thee: onely the LORD thy God rypt, and what you did vnto the two
)e with thee, as ne was with Moses. dngs of the Amorites that were on the
18 Whosoeuer he be that doth rebel other side lordan, * Sihon and Og, * Num. 21
against thy commandement, and wil whom ye vtterly destroyed. 4.

not hearken vnto thy words, in all that 11 And assoone as we had heard these
thou commandest him, he shall bee pui things', our hearts did melt, neither die
to death: onely be strong, and of a gooc there tremaine any more courage in an] t Heb. rote
courage. man, because &f you: for the LORD vp.
your God, he is God in heauen aboue,
C H A P . II. and in earth beneath.
1 Rahab receiueth and concealeth the two spie; 12 Now therfore, I pray you, sweare
sent from Shittiin. 8 The couenant betweeiu vnto me by the LORD, since I haue
her said them. 23 Their returne and relation shewed you kindnesse, that ye will also
shew kindnesse vnto my fathers house

Nd loshua the sonne o
Nun sent out of Shitthr and giue me a true token:
two men, to spie secretly 13 And that ye will saue aliue my fa-
saying, Go, view the land ther, and my mother, and my brethren
euen lericho : and thej and my sisters, and all that they haue
*Heb. 11. went, and *came into an harlots house, and deliuer OUT Hues from death.
31. lain. 2.
25. named Rahab, and t lodged there. 14 And the men answered her, Our
iHeb.lay. 2 And it was told the king of leri- life t for yours, if yee vtter not this ou \Hebr. in
cho, saying, Behold, there came men in businesse. And it shall bee when th stead of you
to die.
*K 3
Rahabs couenant. loflnia. The Arke borne.
LORD hath giuen vs the land, that courageth the people. 14 The waters of
wee will deale kindely and truely with Jordan are diuided.
thee. Nd loshua rose early in

15 Then sbee let them downe by a the morning, and they re-
coard thorow the window : for her mooued from Shittim,
house was vpon the towne wall, and she and came to Jordan, hee
dwelt vpon the wall. : and all the children of Is-
16 And she saidi vnto them. Get you rael, and lodged there before they pas-
to the mountaine, lest the pursuers sed ouer. \
meete you; and hide your selues there % And it came to passe after three
three dayes, vntill the pursuers bee re- dayes, that the Officers went thorow
turned, anji sfterw&rd may ye goe your; the hoste ;
way. . 3 And they commanded the people,
17 And the men said vnto, her, Wee saying, When ye see the Arke of the Co-
will bee blamelesse of this thine oath uenant of the L O R D your God, and
which thou hast made vs sweare : the Priests the Leuites bearing it, then
18 Behold, when we come into the yee shall remooue from your place, and
land, thou shalt binde this line of scarlet goe after it.
threed in the window which thou didst 4 Yet there shalbe a space betweene
t Hebr, ga. let vs downe by : and thou shalt tbring you and it, about two thousand cubites
thy father and thy mother, and thy bre- by measure : come not neere vnto it,
thren , and all thy fathers houshold that ye may know the way by which ye
home vnto thee. must goe : for yee haue not passed tki$
19 And it shall bee , that whosoeuer way t heretofore. tHebr. since
yesterday ti-
shall goe out of the doores of thy house 5 And loshua said vnto the people, the third
into the street, his blood shalbe vpon his •* Sanctifie your selues: for to morrow day. • Leuit. 20.
head, and wee will bee guiltlesse : and the LORD wil do woders among you. 7. num. 11.
whosoeuer shall bee with thee in the 18. chap. 7.
6 And loshua spake vnto the 13. 1. sam.
house, his bloodshal&e on ourheadjif any Priests, saying, Take vp the Arke of 16. 5,
hand be vpon him. the Couenant, and passe ouer before the
SO And if thou vtter this our busi- people. And they tooke vp the Arke of
nesse, then we wilbe quit of thine oath the Couenant, and went before the
which thou hast made vs to sweare. people.
£1 And shee saide, According vnto 7 U And the L O K D saide vnto
your words, so be it. And she sent them loshua, This day wil I begin to mag-
away, & they departed : and she bound nifie thee in the sight of all Israel, that
the -scarlet line in the window. they may know that '* as I was with * Chap, I.
88 And they went, and came vnto Moses, so I will be with thee. 5.
the mountaine, and abode there three 8 And thou shalt commaund the
dayes, vntill the pursuers were retur- Priests that beare the Arke of the Co-
ned. And the pursuers sought them uenant, saying; When ye are come to
thorowout all tne way, but found the brinke of the water of lordan, yee
them not. shall stand still in lordan.
23 IT So the two men returned, and 9 IT And loshua said vnto the chil-
descended from the njpuntaine, and dren of Israel, Come hither, and heare
passed ouer, and came to loshua the the words of the LORD your God.
sonne of Nun, and told him all things 10 And loshua said, Hereby ye shall
that befell them. know that the liuing God is among
24? And they saide vnto loshua, you, and that he will without faile driue
Truely the L O R D hath deliuered in- out from before you the Canaanites,
to our hands all the land; for euen all and the Hittites, and the Hiuites, and
the inhabitants of the countrey doe the Perizzites, and Girgashites, and
iHebr.melt. t faint because of vs. the Amorites, and the lebusites.
11 Behold, the Arke of the Coue-
C H A P . III. nant , euen the Lord of all the earth,
passeth ouer before you, into lordan.
1 loshua commeth to Jordan. 2 The Officers 12 Now therefore take yee twelue
instruct the people for the passage. T *The men out of the Tribes of Israel, out of
LORD incourageth loshua. 9 loshua tin- euery Tribe a man. •
13 And
lordan is dried vp. Chap.iiij. Twelue ftones.
13 And it shall come to passe, assoone 5 And loshua said vnto them, Passe
as the soles of the feete of the Priestes ouer before the Arke of the L O R D
that beare the Arke of the LORD, the your God into the mids of lordan, and
Lord of all the earth, shall rest in the take ye vp euery man of you a stone vp-
waters of Jordan, that the waters of on his shoulder, according vnto the
Jordan shall be cut oS^from the waters number of the tribes of the children of
that come downe from aboue: and they Israel:
* Psal. 114. * shall stand vpon an heape. 6 That this may be a signe among
3. 14 If And it came to passe when the you, that when your children aske their
people remooued from their tents, to fathers tin time to come, saying, What t Heb. to mo-
passe ouer Jordan, and the Priests bea- meane you by these stones ? row.
* Acts 7. 45 ring the * Arke of the Couenant before 7 Then yee shall answere them,
the people; That the waters of lordan were cut
15 And as they that bare the Arke off before the Arke of the Couenant of
were come vnto Jordan, and the feet of the LORD, when it passed ouer lor-
the Priestes that bare the Arke, were dan , the waters of lordan were cut
dipped in the brimme of the water, (for off: and these stones shall bee for a me-
•l.Chron. * Jordan ouerfloweth all his banks at
12. 15. CC-
moriall vnto the children of Israel for
Clus. 24. 30. the time of haruest) euer.
16 That the waters which came 8 And the children of Israel did so
downe from aboue, stood and rose vp as loshua commanded, and tooke vp
vpon an heape very farre, from the city twelue stones out of the midst of lor-
Adam, that is beside Zaretan: and dan, as the LORD spake vnto lo-
those that came downe toward the sea shua, according to the number of the
of the plaine,^en the salt sea, failed, and tribes of the children of Israel, and ca-
were cut off: and the people passed ouer ried them ouer with them, vnto the
right against Jericho. place where they lodged, and laid them
17 And the Priestes that bare the downe there.
Arke of the Couenant of the LORD, 9 And loshua set vp twelue stones
stood firme on drie ground, in the midst in the midst of lordan, in the place
of Jordan, and all the Israelites pas- where the feet of the Priests which bare
sed ouer on drie ground, vntill all the the Arke of the Couenant, stood: and
people were passed cleane ouer Jordan. they are there vnto this day.
10 IT For the Priests which bare the
Arke, stood in the midst of Jordan, vn-
C H A P . Jill. till euery thing was finished that the
1 Twelue men are. appointed to take twelue LORD commanded loshua to speake
stones for a memoriall out of Jordan. 9 vnto the people, according to all that
Twelue other stones are set vp in the middest Moses commanded loshua : and the
of lordan. 10. 19 The people passe ouer. people hasted and passed ouer.
14 God magnifieth loshua. 20 The twelue
stones are pitched in Gilgal. JJ And it came to passe when all the
people were cleane passed ouer, that the
Nd it came to passe when Arke of the LORD passed ouer, and

all the people were cleane the Priests in the presence of the people.
* Deut. 27. passed * ouer Jordan, that 12 And * the children of Reuben, and * Num. 32.
* Chap. 3. the L O R D spake vnto the children of Gad, and halfe the tribe 27.
12. * Joshua, saying, of Manasseh, passed ouer armed before
2 Take you twelue men out of the the children of Israel, as Moses spake
people, out of euery tribe a man, vnto them:
3 And command you them, saying, 13 About fourty thousand |] prepared I Or, ready
Take you hence out of the mids of Jor- for war, passed ouer before the LORD armed.
dan, out of the place where the Priests vnto bat tell, to the plaines of lericho.
feet stood firme, twelue stones, and yee 14? If On that day the LORD mag-
shal cary them ouer with you, and leaue nified loshua in the sight of all Israel,
them in the lodging place where you and they feared him, as they feared Mo-
shall lodge this night. ses all the dayes of his life.
4 Then loshua called the twelue 15 And the LORD spake vnto lo-
men, whom he had prepared of the chil- shua, saying,
dren of Israel, out of euery tribe a man: : 16 Command the Priests that beare
Stones in Gilgal. lolhua. Manna ceafeth>
the Arke of the Testimony, that they & And loshua made him sharpe
come vp out of Jordan. tniues, and circumcised the children of
UOr, Gibe,
17 Joshua therefore comjnaunded Israel at || the hill of the foreskinnes. ah-haftra-
the Priests, sayipg, Come yee vp out of 4 And this is the cause why loshua loth.
[ordan. did circumcise: all the people that came
1.8 And it came to passe when the out of Egypt, that were males, euen all
Priests that bare the Arke of the Coue- the men of warre, died in the wildernes
nant of the LORD, were come vp out by fcthe way after they came out of E-
of the mids of Jordan, and the soles of gyp -
t Hebr. the Priests feete were t lift vp vnto the 5 Now all the people that came out,
plucked vp.
dry land, that the waters of Jordan were circumcised, but all the people that
tHebr. re turned vnto their place, and t flowed were borne in the wildernesse by the
went* ouer all his banks, as they did before. way, as they came foorth out of Egypt,
19 IF And the people came vp out of them they had not circumcised.
[ordan on the tenth day of the first mo- 6 For the children of Israel walked
neth , and encamped in Gilgal, in the Pourtie yeeres in the wildernesse, till all
East border of Jericho. the people that were men of warre which
20 And those twelue stones which came out of Egypt were consumed, be-
they tooke out of Jordan, did Joshua cause they obeyed not the voyce of the
Ditch in Gilgal. LORD, vnto whome the L O R D
81 And he spake vnto the children of sware that hee * would not shew them 23. * Num. 14.
[srael, saying, When your children shal the land which the LORD sware vnto
\ aske their fathers tin time to come, say- their fathers, that he would giue vs, a
ing, What meane these stones ? land that floweth with milke & honie.
22 Then yee shall let your children 7 And their children, whom hee rai-
ttiow, saying, Israel came ouer this sed vp in their stead, them loshua cir-
Jordan on dry land. cumcised, for they were vncircumcised:
£3 For the L O R D your God dried because they had not circumcised them
vp the waters of Jordan from before by the way.
you, vntill, yee were passed ouer, as the 8 And it came to passe t when they \Heb. when
L O R D your God did to the Red sea, had done circumcising all the people, had made
j*Exod. H. *which hee dried vp from before vs, vn- that they abode in their places in the an end to be
21. circumcised.
till we were gone ouer: campe, till they were whole.
24 That all the people of the earth 9 And the L O R D saide vnto lo-
might know the hand of the LORD, shua, This day haue I rolled away the
that it is mighty, that ye might feare the reproch of Egypt from off you : Where-
iHebr. all LORD your God tfor euer.
fore the name of the place is called || Gil- II t. rolling.
gal vnto this day.
C H A P . V. 10 II And the children of Israel in-
1 The Canaanites are afraid. 2 losftua renu- camped in Gilgal, and kept the Passeo-
eth Circumcision. 10 The Passeouer is kept uer, on the fourteenth day of the mo-
at Gilgal. 12 Manna ceaseth. 13 An An- neth at euen, in the plaines of Jericho.
gel appeareth to loshua. 1J And they did eate of the olde corne
Nd it came to passe when of the land, on the morrow after the

all the Kings of the Amo- Passeouer, vnleauened cakes, and par-
rites which were on the ched corne in the selfe same day.
side of Jordan Westward, 12 If And the Manna ceased on the
and all the Kings of the morrow after they had eaten of the old
Canaanites, which were by the Sea, corne of the land, neither had the chil-
heard that the LORD had dried vp dren of Israel Manna any more, but
the waters of Jordan from before the they did eate of the fruit of the land of
children of Israel, vntil we were passed Canaan thatjeeje.
ouer, that their heart melted; neither 13 IF And it-carafe to passe when lo-
was there spirit in them any more, be- shua was by JericKo* that he lift vp his
cause of the children of Israel. eyes, and looked, and beholde, there
2 f At that time the LORD saic stood * a man ouer against him, with his * Exod. 23.
* Exod. 4. vnto Joshua, * Make thee ||sharpe sword dawen in his hand : and loshua 23.
I Or, kniues kniues, and circumcise againe the chil- went vnto hun 5 and said vrrto him, Art
f>fflints. dren of Israel the second time. thou for vs, or for our aduersaries ?
14? And
How lericho Chap.vj, is befieged.
\\ Or, Prince. 14> And he said, Nay, but as \\ captaine trumpets : and the Arke of the Coue-
of the hoste of the L O R D am I now nant of the LORD followed them.
come. And loshua fell on his face to 9 IF And the armed men went be-
the earth, and did worship, and said vn- fore the Priests that blew with the
to him, What saith my Lord vnto his trumpets: and the t rereward came af- ^Heb. ga-
seruant? ter the Arke, the Priests going on, and thering host
15 And the captaine of the LORDS blowing with the trumpets.
* Exod. 3.5. hoste said vnto loshua, * Loose thy 10 And Joshua had commanded the
acts. 7. 33. shooe from off thy foote, for the place people, saying, Ye shall not shout, nor
whereon thou standest, is holy: And t make any noise with your voice, nei- t Heb. make
loshua did so. ther shall any word proceed out of your your voyce
to be heard.
mouth, vntill the day I bid you shoute,
C H A R VI. then shall ye shoute.
11 So the Arke of the LORD com-
1 lericho is shut vp. 2 God instructeth loshua passed the citie, going about it once: and
how to besiege it. 12 The citie is compassed. they came into the campe, and lodged in
17 It must be accursed. 20 The wafles fall the campe.
downe. 22 Rahab is saued. 26 The buil-
der of lericho is cursed. 12 IF And loshua rose earely in the
morning, and the Priests tooke vp the
IHebr.did Ow lericho t was strait- Arke of the LORD.

shut vp, and ly shut vp, because of the 13 And seuen Priests bearing seuen
was shut vp.
children of Israel : none trumpets of rammes homes before the
went out, & none came in. Arke of the LORD, went on continu-
2 And the LORD ally, and blew with the trumpets : and
said vnto loshua, See, 1 haue giuen the armed men went before them, but
into thine hand lericho, and the King the rereward came after the Arke of the
thereof, and the mighty men of valour. LORD, the Priests going on and blow-
3 And ye shall compasse the city, all ing with the trumpets.
yee men of warre, and goe round about 14 And the second day they compas-
the city once : thus shalt thou doe sixe sed the citie once, and returned into the
dayes. campe : so they did sixe dayes.
4 And seuen Priests shall beare be- 15 And it came to passe on the seuenth
fore the Arke seuen trumpets of rams day, that they rose early about the daw-
homes: and the seuenth day yee shall ning of the day, and compassed the citie
compasse the city seuen times, and the after the same maner, seuen times: on-
Priests shall blow with the trumpets. ly on that day they compassed the citie
5 And it shall come to passe that seuen times.
when they make a long blast with the 16 And it came to passe at the seuen th
rammes-home, and when ye heare the time, when the Priests blewe with the
sound of the trumpet, all the people trumpets, loshua said vnto the people,
shall shout with a great shout: and the Shout, for the LORD hath giuen you
t Hebr. un- wall of the citie shall fall downe t flat, the citie.
der it.
and the people shall ascend vp euery 17 IF And the citie shalbe ([accursed, H Or. deuo--
man straight before him. euen it, and all that are therein, to the ted.
6 IF And loshua the sonne of Nun L O R D : onely Rahab the harlot shal
called the Priests, and said vnto them, liue,she, and all that are with her in the
Take vp the Arke of the Couenant, house, because * she hid the messengers * Chap. z. 4
and let seuen Priests beare seuen trum- that we sent.
pets of rammes-homes , before the 18 And you, in any wise keepe your
Arke of the LORD. selues from the accursed thing, lest yee
7 And he said vnto the people, Passe make your selues accursed, when yee
on, and compasse the city, and let him take of the accursed thing, and make the
that is armed passe on before the Arke campe of Israel a curse, and trouble it.
of the LORD. 19 But all the siluer, and gold, and
8 f And it came to passe when lo- vessels of brasse and yron, are t consecra- t Kefir,
shua had spoken vnto the people, that ted vnto the L O R D : they shall come holinesse.
the seuen Priestes bearing the seuen into the treasurie of the LORD.
trumpets of rammes homes, passed on 20 So the people shouted when the
before the LORD, and blew with the Priests blew with the trumpets: and it
ericho is taken. lofhua. Ifrael repelled at Ai.
came to passe when the people heard against the children of Israel.
le sound of the trumpet, and the peo- 2 And loshua sent men from le-
* Heb. 11.le shouted with a great shout, that * the richo to Ai, which is beside Beth-auen,
vail fell downe tflat, so that the peo-
Hebr. vn- on the East side of Bethel, and spake
derit. le went vp into the citie, euery man vnto them, saying, Goe vp and view
straight before him, and they tooke the the countrey And the men went vp,
citie. and viewed Ai.
21 And they vtterly destroyed all 3 And they returned to loshua,
lat was in the city, both man and wo- and said vnto him, Let not all the peo-
man, yong and old, and oxe, and sheepe, ple goe vp : but let t about two or three t Heb. about
2000. men:
and asse, with the edge of the sword. thousand men goe vp, and smite Ai, *& or, about
22 But Joshua had said vnto the jand make not all the people to labour 3t3000. men.
two men that had spied out the coun- thither, for they are but few.
trey; Goe into the harlots house, and 4 So there went vp thither of the
wing out thence the woman and all people about three thousand men, and
* Chap. 2.bat she hath, * as ye sware vnto her. they fled before the men of Ai.
14. heb. 11.
31. 23 And the yong men that were 5 And the men of Ai smote of them
pies, went in, and brought out Rahab, about thirty and sixe men : for they cha-
and her father, and her mother, and her sed them^/rora before the gate euen vnto
Brethren,and all that she had : and they Shebarim, and smote them in the ||go- Or, in Mo-
wrought out all her t kinred , and left ing downe : Wherefore the hearts of ad.
them without the campe of Israel. the people melted, & became as water.
24 And they burnt the city with fire, 6 f And loshua rent his clothes,
and all that was therein : onely the sil- and fell to the earth vpon his face, be-
uer & the gold, and the vessels of brasse fore the Arke of the LORD, vntill the
and of yron,they put into the Treasury euentide, he and the Elders of Israel,
of the house of the LORD and put dust vpon their heads.
25 And loshua saued Rahab the 7 And loshua said, Alas, O Lord
larlot aliue, and her fathers houshold, G O D , wherefore hast thou at all
and all that she had: and she dwelleth brought this people ouer lordan, to
in Israel euen vnto this day, because deliuer vs into the hand of the Arao-
she hid the messengers which loshua rites, to destroy vs ? Would to God we
sent to spy out lericho had bene content, and dwelt on the o-
26 11 And loshua adiured them at ther side lordan.
* 1. King.that time, saying, * Cursed be the man 8 Oh L O R D ! what shall I say,
Before the LORD, that riseth vp anc when Israel turneth their t backes be- iHcbr
Hiildeth this city lericho : he shall lay fore their enemies ? neckes.
the foundation ther6f in his first borne, 9 For the Canaanites, and all the
and in his yongest sonne shall hee set vj inhabitants of the land shall heare of it,
the gates of it. and shall enuiron vs round, and cut of]
27 So the L O R D was with Jo- our name from the earth : and what
shua, and his fame was noised through- wilt thou doe vnto thy great Name ?
out all the countrey. 10 U And the L O R D saide vnto
loshua, Get thee vp; wherefore t liest iHebfaUest.
C H A P . VII. thou thus vpon thy face ?
11 Israel hath sinned, and they haue
1 The Israelites are smitten at Ai. 6 loshuas also transgressed my Couenant which
complaint. 10 God instructeth him wha I commaunded them : for they haue e-
to doe. 16 Achan is taken by the Lot. 19 uen taken of the accursed thing, anc
His confession. 2% Hee and all he had are
destroyed in the valley of Achor. haue also stollen, and dissembled also,
and they haue put it euen amongst their
Vt the children of Israe owne stuffe.
* Chap. 22
20. 1. chro
2.7. B committed a trespasse in 12 Therefore the children of Israel
the accursed thing: for *A- could not stand before their enemies;
chan the sonne of Carm but turned their backs before their ene-
the sonne of Zabdi, th mies, because they were accursed: nei-
sonne of Zerah, of the tribe of ludah, ther will I bee with you any more, ex-
tooke of the accursed thing : and the cept yee destroy the accursed from a-
anger of the L O R D was kindlec mongst you
13 Vp,
Achans trefpaffe, Chap.viij. and punilhment.
13 Vp, sanctifie the people, and say, midst of the tent, and brought them vn-
Sanctifie your selues against to mor- to loshua, and vnto all the children of
row: for thus saith the L O R D God Israel, and tlaid them out before the t Heb. pou-
of Israel, There is an accursed thing in LORD.
the midst of thee, O Israel: thou canst 24 And loshua and all Israel with
not stand before thine enemies, vntill ye him tooke Achan the sonne of Zerah,
take away the accursed thing from a- and the siluer, and the garment, and the
mong you. wedge of golde, and his sonnes, and
14? In the morning therefore ye shal his daughters, and his oxen, and his
be brought, according to your tribes: asses, and his sheepe, and his tent, and
and it shall be that the tribe which the all that he had: and they brought them
L O R D taketh, shall come according vnto the valley of Achor.
to the families thereof', and the familie 25 And loshua said, Why hast thou
which the LORD shall take, shal come troubled vs? the L O R D shall trouble
by housholdes : and the housholdes thee this day. And all Israel stoned him
which the LORD shall take, shal come with stones, and burned them with fire,
man by man. after they had stoned them with stones.
15 And it shalbe that he that is taken 26 And they raised ouer him a great
with the accursed thing, shall bee burnt heape of stones vnto this day: so the
with fire, he, and all that he hath : be- L O R D turned from the fiercenesse of
cause he hath transgressed the couenant his anger: Wherefore the name of the
of the LOUD, and because hee hath place was called, The valley of || Achor, I That is,
!l Or, wic» wrought || folly in Israel. vnto this day.
kednesse. 16 H So loshua rose vp earely in
the morning, and brought Israel by
their tribes, and the tribe of ludah C H A P . VIII.
was taken. 1 God incourageth loshua. 3 The stratageme
17 And hee brought the familie of whereby Ai was taken. 29 The king thereof
is hanged. 30 loshua buildeth an Altar, 32
ludah, and he tooke the familie of the writetn the Lawe on stones, 33 propounded
Zarhites: and he brought the familie blessings and cursings.
of the Zarhites, man by man, and Zab-
di was taken. Nd the LORD said vnto

18 And hee brought his houshold, * Dcut. 1.
loshua, *Feare toot, nei- 21. & 7. 18.
man by man, and Achan the sonne of ther be thou dismaid: take
Carmi, the sonne of Zabdi, the sonne of all the people of warre
Zerah, of the tribe of ludah, was with thee, and arise, goe
taken. vp to Ai: See, I haue giuen into thy
19 And loshua said vnto Achan, My hand the king of Ai, and his people, and
sonne, giue, I pray thee, glory to the his citie, and his land.
LOED God of Israel, and make con- 2 And thou shalt doe to Ai and her
fession vnto him, and tel me now, what king, as thou diddest vnto * lericho * Chap. 6.21
thou hast done, hide it not from me. and her king: Onely the spoile thereof
20 And Achan answered loshua, and *the cattell thereof shall ye take for * Deut. 20
and said, Indeed I haue sinned against a pray vnto your selues: lay thee an am- 14.
the L O R D God of Israel, and thus bush for the citie, behind it.
and thus haue I done. 3 f So loshua arose, and all the
21 When I saw among the spoiles people of warre, to goe vp against Ai:
a goodly Babylonish garment, and and loshua chose out thirtie thousand
two hundred shekels of siluer, and a mighty men of valour, and sent them
WtebJongue twedge of gold of fiftie shekels weight, away By night:
then I coueted them, and tooke them, 4 And he commanded them, saying,
and behold, they are hid in the earth in Behold, ye shall lie in wait against the
the midst of my tent, and the siluer vn- citie, euen behind the citie: goe not very
der it. farre from the citie, but be ye all ready:
22 11 So loshua sent messengers, 5 And I, and all the people that are
and they ran vnto the tent, and behold, with mee, will approch vnto the citie:
it was hid in his tent, and the siluer vn- and it shall come to passe when they
der it. come out against vs, as at the first, that
23 And they tooke them out of the we will flee before them,
i 6 (For
Ai is befieged, lofhua. and let on fire;
6 (For they will come out after vs) thy hand, toward Ai; for I will giue it
I t Hebr. pul-11 we haue tdrawen them from the ci- into thine hand. And loshua stretched
tie; for they will say, They flee before out the speare that hee had in his hand,
vs, as at the first: therefore we will flee toward the city.
before them. 19 And the ambush arose quickly
7 Then yee shall rise vp from the out of their place, and they ranne as
ambush, and seise vpon the citie: for the soone as he had stretched out his hand:
-,OBD your God will deliuer it into and they entred into the city, and tooke
rour hand. it, and hasted, and set the citie on fire.
8 And it shall be when yee haue ta- 20 And when the men of Ai looked
cen the citie, that ye shall set the citie on )ehind them, they saw, and behold, the
ire : according to the commandement smoke of the city ascended vp to hea-
of the LORD shall ye do. See, I haue uen, and they had no tpower to flee this Heb.harui.
commanded you. way or that way: and the people that
9 If loshua therefore sent them led to the wildernesse, turned backe vp-
borth, and they went to lie in ambush, on the pursuers.
and abode betweene Bethel and Ai, on 21 And when loshua and all Is-
the West side of Ai: but loshua lodged rael saw that the ambush had taken the
that night among the people. city, and that the smokeof the cityascen-
10 And loshua rose vp early in the led, then they turned againe and slew
morning, and numbred the people, and the men of Ai.
went vp; he, and the Elders of Israel, 22 And the other issued out of the ci-
>efore the people to Ai. tie against them, so they were in the
11 And all the people, euen the people midst of Israel; some on this side, and
of warre that were with him, went vp, some on that side, and they smote them;
and drew nigh, and came before the city, so that they *let none of them remaine * Deut. 7. *.
and pitched on the North side of Ai : or escape.
now there was a valley betweene them 23 And the King of Ai they tooke a-
and Ai. iue, and brought him to loshua.
12 And he tooke about flue thousand 24 And it came to passe when Is-
men, and set them to lye in ambush be- rael had made an end of slaying all the
tweene Bethel and Ai, on the West side inhabitants of Ai, in the field, in the wil-
* Or, of At. | of the citie. dernesse wherein they chased them, anc
13 And when they had set the people, when they were all fallen on the edge ol
euen all the hoste that was on the North the sword, vntill they were consumed,
<[Hebr<thew of the city, and theirtliers in wait on the that all the Israelites returned vnto
West of the citie : loshua went that Ai, and smote it with the edge of the
night into the midst of the valley. sword.
14 11 And it came to passe when the .25 And so it was that all that fell
King of Ai saw it, that they hasted, anc that day, both of men and women, were
rose vp early, and the men of the citie twelue thousand, euen all the men of Ai.
went out against Israel to battell, hee 26 For loshua drew not his ham
and all his people, at a time appointed Dacke wherewith hee stretched out the
before the plaine, but hee wist not that speare, vntill he had vtterly destroyec
there were liers in ambush against him all the inhabitants of Ai.
behind the city. 27 *Onely the cattell, and the spoile 22,* Num. 31.
15 And loshua and all Israel made of that city Israel tooke for a pray vnto
as if they were beaten before them, anc themselues, according vnto the word o
fled by the way of the wildernesse. the L O R D , which he *commaunded * Verse 2.
16 And all the people that were in loshua.
Ai, were called together to pursue afte 28 And loshua burnt Ai, and made
them : and they pursued after loshua it an heape for euer, euen a desolation
and were draw en away from the city. vnto this day.
17 And there was not a man left in 29 And the king of Ai he hanged on
Ai or Bethel, that went not out afte a tree vntil euen tide: and assoone as the
Israel: and they left the citie open, anc sunne was downe, loshua commaun
pursued after Israel. ded that they should take his carkeis
18 And the L O R D said vnto lo downe from the tree, and cast it at th
shua, Stretch out the speare that is in entring of the gate of the citie, and*rais 25.
* Chap. 7.
The law read. The Chap.ix. Gibeonites craft.
thereon a great heape of stones that re- Gibeon heard what loshua had done
maineth vnto this day. vnto lericho, and to Ai,
30 f Then loshua built an Altar 4 They did worke wilily, and went
vnto the L O R D God of Israel in and made as if they had beene embassa-
mount Ebal, dours, and tooke old sackes vpon their
31 As Moses the seruant of the asses, and wine-bottels, old, and rent,
L O R D commaunded the children of and bound vp,
* Exod. 20. [srael, as it is written in the *booke of 5 And old shooes and clow ted vpon
25. deut.
27. 5. the Law of Moses, an Altar of whole their feet, & olde garments vpon them,
stones, ouer which no man hath lift vp and all the bread of their prouision was
any yron : and they offred theron burnt drie and mouldie.
offerings vnto the LORD, and sacrifi- 6 And they went to loshua vnto
ced peace offerings. the campe at Gilgal, and said vnto him,
32 -if And he wrote there vpon the and to the men of Israel, Wee be come
stones a copie of the Lawe of Moses, from a farre countrey : Now therefore
which hee wrote in the presence of the make ye a league with vs.
children of Israel. 7 And the men of Israel said vnto
33 And all Israel, and their Elders, the Hiuites, Peraduenture yee dwell a-
and Officers, and their Judges, stood mong vs, and how shall wee make a
on this side the Arke, and on that side, league with you ?
Defore the Priests the Leuites, which 8 And they said vnto loshua. Wee
3are the Arke of the Couenant of the are thy seruants. And loshua said vn-
LORD, aswell the stranger, as he that to them, Who are ye? ajid from whence
was borne among them : halfe of them come ye ?
ouer against mount Gerizim, and halfe 9 And they said vnto him, From a
» Deut. n. of them ouer against mount Ebal, *as very farre countrey thy seruants are
20. & 27. 12
Moses the seruant of the LORD had come, because of the Name of the
commanded before, that they should LORD thy God: for wee haue heard
blesse the people of Israel. the fame of him, and all that hee did in
34* And afterward hee read all the gypv
10 And all that hee did to the two
words of the Law, the blessings and
cursings, according to all that is written kings of the Amorites, that were be-
in the booke of the Law yond lordan, to Sihon king of Hesh-
35 There was not a word of all that bon, and to Og king of Bashan, which
Moses commanded , which loshua was at Ashtaroth.
read not before all the Congregation of 11 Wherefore our Elders and all the
* Deut. 31.
Israel, *with the women and the litle inhabitants -of our countrey, spake to
t Hebr. ones, and the strangers that twere con- vs, saying, Take victuals t with you t Hebr. in
walked. uersant among them for the iourney, and goe to meete them, your hand*
and say vnto them, Wee are your ser-
C H A P . IX. uants : therefore now make ye a league
with vs.
1 The kings combine against Israel. 3 The 1& This our bread, wee tooke hote
Gibeonites by craft obtaine a League. 16
For which tney are condemned to perpe- for our prouision out of our houses, on
tual bondage. the day we came forth to goe vnto you:
but now behold, it is dry, & it is mouldy.
Nd it came to passe when 13 And these bottels of wine which

all the kings which were we filled, were new, and behold, they be
on this side lordan in the rent: and these our garments, and our
hilles, and in the valleys, shooes are become old, by reason of the
and in all the coasts of the very long iourney.
great sea, ouer against .L-eoanon, the 14 And || the men tooke of their vic- B Or, they re-
Hittite, and the Amorite, the Canaa- tuals, and asked not counsel! at the ceiued the
men by rea-
nite, the Perizzite, the Hiuite, and the mouth of the LORD. son of their
lebusite heard thereof: 15 And loshua made peace with
% That they gathered themselues them, and made a league with them, to
together to fight with loshua, and let them Hue : and the princes of the
t Heb.mouth with Israel, with one t accord. Congregation sware vnto them.
3 1F And when the inhabitants oi 16 H And it came to passe at the end
Gibeonites flaues. lofhua. Gibeon befieged.
of three dayes, after they had made a
eague with them, that they heard that C H A P . X.
hey were their neighbours, and that
Fiue Kings warre against Gibeon. 6 loshua
bey dwelt among them. rescueth it. 10 God fighteth against them
17 And the children of Israel iour- with hailestones. 12 The Sunne and Moone
neyed, and came vnto their cities on the stand still at the word of Joshua. 16 The
bird day : now their cities were Gibe- fiue Kings are mured in a caue. 21 They are
brought forth, 24 scornefully vsed, 26 and
on, and Chephirah, and Beeroth, and hanged. 28 Seuen Kings more are conque-
Kiriath-iearim. red. 43 loshua returneth to Gilgal.
18 And the children of Israel smote
them not, because the Princes of the Ow it came to passe when

Congregation had sworne vnto them Adoni-zedek King of le-
3y the LORD God of Israel: And all rusalem, had heard how
the Congregation murmured against loshua had taken Ai, and
the Princes. had vtterly destroyed it,
19 But all the Princes said vnto all k *as he had done to lericno, and her * Chap. G.
the Congregation, We haue sworne vn- King, so hee had done to * Ai, and her 15.
to them by the LORD God of Israel: King) and how the inhabitants of Gi- * Chap. 8. 3.
now therefore we may not touch them. teon had made peace with Israel, and
20 This we will doe to them; wee were among them,
will euen let them liue, lest wrath be vp- 2 That they feared greatly because
on vs, because of the oath which wee Gibeon was a great citie, as tone of the l Hebr. cities
sware vnto them. royall cities, and because it was greater ofdome.
the king-
£1 And the Princes said vnto them, then Ai, and all the men thereof were
Let them liue, (but let them bee hew- mighty.
ers of wood, and drawers of water, vn- 3 Wherefore Adoni-^edek King of
to all the Congregation,) as the Prin- lerusalem, sent vnto Hoham King of
* Verse 15. ces had * promised them. Hebron, and vnto Piram, king of lar-
22 f And loshua called for them, muth, and vnto laphia king of La-
and he spake vnto them, saying, Where- chish, and vnto Debir king of Eglon,
:bre haue ye beguiled vs, saying, We are saying,
very farre from you ? when ye dwell a- 4 Come vp vnto me, and helpe me,
mong vs. that we may smite Gibeon : for it hath
23 Now therefore ye are cursed, and made peace with loshua, and with the
T He br.not there shall tnone of you bee freed from children of Israel.
be eut off
from you. being bondmen, and hewers of wood, 6 Therefore the fiue Kings of the
and drawers of water, for *he house of Amorites, the king of lerusalem, the
my God. king of Hebron, the king of larmuth,
24 And they answered loshua, the king of Lachish, the king of Eglon,
and said, Because it was certainely told gathered themselues together, and
thy seruants, how that the L O R D thy went vp, they, and all their hostes, and
* Deut. 7. l God * commanded his seruant Moses encamped before Gibeon, and made
to giue you all the land, and to destroy warre against it.
all the inhabitants of the land from be- 6 f' And the men of Gibeon sent vn-
fore you, therefore we were sore afraid to loshua to the campe to Gilgal, say-
of our liues because of you, and haue ing, Slacke not thy hand from thy
done this thing. seruants, come vp to vs quickly, and
25 And now behold, we are in thine saue vs, and helpe vs : for all the kings
hand : as it seemeth good and right vn- of the Amorites that dwell in the
to thee to doe vnto vs, doe. mountaines, are gathered together a-
26 And so did he vnto them, and de- gainst vs.
liuered them out of the hand of the chil- 7 So loshua ascended from Gil-
dren of Israel, that they slew them not. gal, he, and all the people of warre with
27 And loshua made them that him, and all the mighty men of valour.
day, hewers of wood, and drawers o1 8 1T And the LORD said vnto lo-
water for the Congregation, and for shua, Feare them not: for I haue deli-
the Altar of the L o f c D , euen vnto uered them into thine hand; there shall
this day, in the place which he shoulc not a man of them stand before thee.
choose. 9 loshua therefore came vnto th'em
The Sun ftandeth. Chap.x. Fiue kings hanged.
suddenly, and went vp from Gilgal all any of the children of Israel.
night. 22 Then said loshua, Open the
10 And the L O R D discomfited them mouth of the caue, and bring out those
before Israel, and slewe them with a fiue kings vnto me out of the caue.
great slaughter at Gibeon, and chased 23 And they did so, and brought forth
them along the way that goeth vp to those fiue kings vnto him out of the
Bethoron, and smote them to Azekah caue, the king of lerusalem, the king
and vnto Makkedah. of Hebron, the king of larmuth, the
11 And it came to passe as they fled king of Lachish,araZ the king of Eglon.
Prom before Israel, and were in the go- 24 And it came to passe when they
ing downe to Bethoron, that the brought out those kings vnto loshua,
L O R D cast downe great stones from that loshua called for all the men of
heauen vpon them, vnto Azekah, and Israel, and saide vnto the captaines of
they died: they were moe which died the men of war which went with him,
with hailestones, then they whome the Come neere, put your feete vpon the
children of Israel slew with the sword. neckes of these kings. And they came
12 f Then spake loshua to the neere, and put their feet vpon the necks
L O R D in the day when the LORD of them.
deliuered vp the Amorites before the 25 And loshua said vnto them,
children of Israel, and hee said in the Feare not, nor be dismaid, bee strong,
*Esa.28.21 sight of Israel, * Sunne, t stand thou and of good courage : for thus shall the
occlus. 46. 4
t Heb. bee still vpon Gibeon, and thou Moone in
LORD doe to all your enemies against
silent. the valley of Aialon. whom ye fight.
13 And the Sunne stood still, and the 26 And afterward loshua smote
Moone stayed, vntill the people had a- them, and slew them, and hanged them
uenged themselues vpo their enemies. on fiue trees: and they were hanging
Is not this written in the booke of vpon the trees vntill the euening.
li Or, the || lasher? So the Sunne stood still in 27 And it came to passe at the time
vpright ?
the midst of heauen, and hasted not to of the going downe of the Sunne, that
goe downe, about a whole day. loshua commanded, and they *tooke * Deut. 21.
23. chap. 8.
14 And there was no day like that, them downe off the trees, and cast them 29.
before it, or after it, that the LORD into the caue, wherein they had beene
hearkened vnto the voyce of a man : for hid, and laid great stones in the caues
the LORD fought for Israel. mouth, which remain vntil this very day.
15 1[ And loshua returned, and all 28 f And that day loshua tooke
Israel with him , vnto the campe to Makkedah, and smote it with the edge
Gilgal. of the sword, and the king thereof hee
16 But these flue kings fled, and hid vtterly destroyed, them, and all the
themselues in a caue at Makkedah. soules that were therein, he let none re-
17 And it was told loshua, saying, main e : and he did to the king of Mak-
The flue kings are found hid in a caue kedah, *as hee did vnto the king of • Chap. 6.
at Makkedah. lericho.
18 And loshua said, Roule great 29 Then loshua passed from Mak-
stones vpon the mouth of the caue, and kedah, and all Israel with him, vnto
set men by it, for to keepe them. Libnah, and fought against Libnah.
19 And stay you not, but pursue after 30 And the L O R D deliuered it also
Mleheutoff your enemies, and + smite the hindmost and the king thereof, into the hand of
the taile. of them, suffer them not to enter into Israel, and he smote it with the edge of
their cities : for the LORD your God the sword, and all the soules that were
hath deliuered them into your hand. therein : He let none remaine in it, but
20 And it came to passe when lo- did vnto the king therof, as he did vnto
shua and the children of Israel had the king of lericho.
made an end of slaying them with a ve- 31 f And loshua passed from Lib-
ry great slaughter, till they were con- nah and all Israel with him, vnto La-
sumed, that the rest which remained of chish, and encamped against it, and
them, entred into fenced cities. fought against it.
21 And all the people returned to the 32 And the L O R D deliuered La-
campe to loshua at Makkedah in chish into the hande of Israel, which
peace : none mooued his tongue against tooke it on the second day, and smote it
lofhua conquereth lofhua. diuers kings.
with the edge of the sword, and all the the countrey taken hy loshua. 21 The A-
soules that were therein, according to nakims cut off.
all that he had done to Libnah. Nd it came to passe, when

33 f Then Horam king of Gezer, labin king of Hazor had
came vp to helpe Lachish, and loshua heard those thwgs, that hee
smote him and his people, vntill he had sent to lobab king of Ma-
left him none remayning. don . and to the king of
34 f And from Lachish , loshua bnimron, & to the king ot Acnsnapn,
passed vnto Eglon, and all Israel with 2 And to the kings that were on the
him, and they encamped against it, and ^orth of the mountaines , and of
fought against it. the plaines South of Cinneroth, and
35 And they tooke it on that day, and n the valley, and in the borders of Dor,
smote it with the edge of the sword, and on the West;
all the soules that were therein he vtter- 3 And to the Canaanite on the East
ly destroyed that day, according to all and on the West, and to the Amorite,
that he had done to Lachish. and the Hittite, and the Perizzite, and
36 And loshua went vp from Eg- the lebusite in the mountaines, and to
lon, and all Israel with him, vnto He- the Hiuite vnder Hermon in the land
bron, and they fought against it. of Mizpeh.
37 And they tooke it, and smote it 4 And they went out, they and all
with the edge of the sword, and the king their hostes with them, much people,
thereof, and all the cities thereof, and alleuen as the sand that is vpon the Sea-
the soules that were therein,he left none shore in multitude, with horses and cha-
remaining, according to all that he had rets very many.
done to Eglon : but destroyed it vtterly, 5 And when all these Kings were
'and all the soules that were therein. tmet together, they came and pitched sembledt Hebr. as-
I 38 f And loshua returned, and all together at the waters of Merom, to appoint-
Israel with him to Debir, and fought fight against Israel.
against it. . 6 f And the L O R D saide vnto
39 And hee tooke it, and the King loshua, Be not afraid because of them :
thereof, and all the cities thereof, and for to morrow about this time will I
they smote them with the edge of the deliuer them vp al slaine before Israel:
sword, and vtterly destroyed all the thou shalt hough their horses, and
soules that were therein, he left none re- burne their charets with fire.
mayning : as he had done to Hebron, so 7 So loshua came, and all the peo-
lie did to Debir, and to the king there- ple of warre with him, against them by
of, as he had done also to Libnah, and the waters of Merom suddenly, and
to her king. they fell vpon them.
40 1f So loshua smote all the coun- 8 And the LORD deliuered them
trey of the hils, and of the South, and into the hand of Israel, who smote
of the vale, and of the springs, and all them, and chased them vnto || great Zi- Rabbah.
« Or, Zidon-
their kings, hee left none remayning, don, and vnto || Misrephothmaim, and II Or, salt
but vtterly destroyed all that breathed3 vnto the valley of Mizpeh Eastward, pits: Hebr.
(turning of
* Deut. 26. as the L O R D God of Israel * com- and they smote them, vntill they left waters.
16,17. manded. them none remayning.
41 And loshua smote them from 9 And loshua did vnto them as
Kadesh-Bafnea, euen vnto Gaza, the LORD bade him . hee houghed
and all the countrey of Goshen , euen their horses, and burnt their charets
vnto Gibeon. with fire.
42 And all these Kings and theii 10 f And loshua at that time tur-
land did loshua take at one time : be- ned backe, and tooke Hazor, and smote
cause the LORD God of Israel fought the king thereof with the sword : for
for Israel. Hazor beforetime was the head of all
43 And loshua returned & al Isra- those kingdomes.
el with him, vnto the campe to Gilgal. 11 And they smote all the soules that
were therein with the edge of the
C H A P . XI. sword, vtterly destroying them: there
1 Diuers Kings ouercome at the waters of Me- was not tany left to breathe; and he tbreath. Hebr. any
rom. 10 Hazor is taken and burnt. 16A1J burnt Hazor with fire.
12 And
Diuers conquefts Chap.xij, made by loCbua
12 And all the cities of those kings, their diuisions by their tribes : and the
and all the kings of them, did loshua land rested from warre.
take, and smote them with the edge o
the sword, and he vtterlydestroied them, CHAP. XII.
* Num. 33. *as Moses the seruant of the L O R D
52. deut. 7. 1 The two kings whose countreys Moses tooke
2. and 20. commanded. and disposed of. 7 The one and thirty kings
16, 17. 13 But as for the cities that stood stil on the other side lordan which loshua smote.
\ Hebr. on tin their strength, Israel burned none
their heape.
of them, saue Hazor onely; that did lo- Ow these are the kings o
shua burne.
14 And all the spoile of these cities,
and the cattell, the children of Israe
tooke for a pray vnto themselues: bui
N the land, which the chil
dren of Israel smote, anc
possessed their land on the
other side lordan, to-
euery man they smote with the edge oi ward the rising oi the bunne : trom
the sword, vntill they had destroyed the riuer Arnon, vnto mount Hermon
them, neither left they any to breathe. and all the plaine on the East.
* Exod. 34, 15 IF * As the LORD commanded 2 * Sihon king of the Amorites who *4.Num, 21
deii. 3.6
* Deut. 7. 2 Moses his seruant, so *did Moses com- dwelt in Heshbon, and ruled from A-
mand loshua, and so did loshua: hee roer, which is vpon the banke of the ri-
\ tleft nothing vndone of all that the uer of Arnon, and from the middle 01
moued no.
thing. LOUD commanded Moses. the riuer, and from halfe Gilead vnto
16 So loshua tooke all that land, the riuer labbok, which is the border 0;
the hilles, and all the South countrey, the children of Ammon:
and all the land of Goshen, and the val- 3 And from the plaine, to the Sea
tey, and the plaine, and the mountaine of Cinneroth on the East, and vnto the
of Israel, and the valley of the same: sea of the plaine, euen the salt sea on the
!i Or, the
smoothe 17 Euen from the ||mount Halak, that 3ast, the way to Beth-Ieshimoth : and
mountains. »oeth vp to Seir, vnto Baal-Gad, in rom the ||South, vnder ||*Ashdoth- Or, Teman
Or, the
;he valley of Lebanon, vnder mount ?isgah. wings of
Hermon : and all their kings he tooke, 4 f And the coast of Og king oi *t$gah. he hill.
and smote them, and slew them. Jashan, which was of the * remnant oi Deut. 3.
18 loshua made warre a long time, the Giants, that dwelt at Ashtaroth, 7. & 4. 49.
Deut. 3.
with all those kings. and at Edrei, 1. chap.
19 There was not a citie that made 5 And reigned in mount Hermon, 3.12.
* Chap. 9. 3 >eace with the children of Israel, *saue and in Salcah, and in all Bashan, vnto
;he Hiuites the inhabitants of Gibeon ; ;he border of the Geshurites, and the
all other they tooke in battell. VI aachathites, and halfe Gilead, the
20 For it was of the LORD to har- >order of Sihon king of Heshbon.
den their hearts, that they should come 6 Them did Moses the seruant of
against Israel in battell, that he might the LORD, and the children of Israel
destroy them vtterly, # that they might smite, and * Moses the seruant of theJ, 29. * Num. 32.
deut. 3.
laue no fauour: but that hee might de- L.ORD gaue it for a possession vnto the' 12. chap,
stroy them, as the LORD commanded Reubenites, and Gadites, and the halfei 13. 8.
Vfoses. tribe of Manasseh.
21 IF And at that time came loshua 7 f And these are the kings of the
and cut off the Anakims from the countrey which loshua and the chil-
mountaines, from Hebron, from De- .ren of Israel smote on this side lor-
bir, from Anab, and from all the moun- an on the West, from Baal Gad in the
aines of ludah, and from all the valley of Lebanon, euen vnto * the Chap. 11.
mountaines of Israel . loshua de- mount Halak, that goeth vp to Seir,
troyed them vtterly with their cities. which loshua gaue vnto the tribes of
22 There tfas none of the Anakims Israel for a possession, according to
eft in the land of the children of Israel: their diuisions:
onely in Gaza, in Gath, and in Ashdod, 8 In the mountaines and in the
here remained. valleys, and in the plaines, and in the
23 So loshua tooke the whole land prings, and in the wildernesse, and in
according to all that the LORD saide tie South countrey: the Hittites, the
vnto Moses, and loshua gaue it for an Amorites, and the Canaanites, the Pe-
* Numb. 26 inheritance vnto Israel, * according to rizrites, the Hiuites, and the lebusites.
9 ^F * The
Kings conquered. lofhua. Heubens and Gads
* Chap. 6.2 9 IF * The king of lericho, one: the Eshkalonites, the Gittites, and the
• Cbap. 8. the *king of Ai, which is beside Bethel, Ekronites; Also the Auites.
one: 4 From the South, all the land of
« Chap. 10. 10 * The king of lerusalem, one : the the Canaanites, and || Mearah that is t Or, tlie
king of Hebron, one: beside the Sidonians, vnto Aphek, to]Cauc.
11 The king of larmuth, one • the the borders of the Amorites:
king of Lachis, one. 5 And the land of the Giblites, and
* Chap. 10. 12 The king of Eglon, one: *the king al Lebanon toward the Sunne rising,
of Gezer, one: from Baal-Gad vnder mount Her-
* Chap. 10. 18 *The king of Debir, one: the king mon, vnto the entring into Hamath.
of Geder, one: 6 All the inhabitants of the hill
14 The king of Hormah one : the countrey, from Lebanon vnto Misre-
king of Arad, one: phothmaim, and all the Sidonians,
* Chap. 10. 15 * The king of Libnah, one ; the them will I driue out from before the
king of Adullam, one: children of Israel: onely diuide thou it
* Chap. 10. 16 *The king of Makkedah, one: the by lot vnto the Israelites, for an inhe-
king of Bethel, one: ritance, as I haue commanded thee.
17 The king of Tappuah, one: the 7 Now therefore, diuide this land
king of Hepher, one: for an inheritance vnto the nine tribes,
18 The king of Aphek, one: the king and the halfe tribe of Manasseh,
I 0y*t SttfOfit of ||Lasharon, one: 8 With whom the Reubenites, and
* Chap. 11. 19 The king of Madon, one: *the the Gadites haue recemed their inheri-
10. tance, * which Moses gaue them, be- * Num. 3?.
king of Hazor, one:
20 The king of Shimron-Meron, yond lordan Eastward, euen as Mo- 33. deut. 3.
13. chap. 22
one: the king of Achshaph, one : ses the seruant of the L O R D gaue 4.
21 The king of Taanach, one : the them:
king of Megiddo, one: 9 From Aroer that is vpon the
22 The king of Kedesh, one: the king banke of the riuer Arnon, and the citie
of lokneam of Carmel, one: that is in the middest of the riuer, and
23 The king of Dor, in the coast of all the plaine of Medeba vnto Dibon:
* Genes. 14.
1. Dor, one ; the king of * the nations of 10 And all the cities of Sihon king
Gilgal, one: of the Amorites, which reigned in Hesh-
24 The king of Tirzah, one : all the bon, vnto the border of the children of
kings thirtie and one. Ammon:
11 And Gilead, and the border of the
Geshurites, and Maachathites, and all
C H A P . XIII. "" mount Hermon, and all Bashan vnto
1 The bounds of the land not yet conquered. Salcah^1
8 The inheritance of the two Tribes and 12 All the kingdome of Og in Ba- * Deut. 3
halfe. 14*. 33 The Lord and his sacrifices, shan, which reigned in Ashtaroth and 11. chap.
12. 4.
are the inheritance of Leui. 15 The bounds in Edrei, who remained of *the rem-
of the inheritance of Reuben. £2 Balaam
slaine. 24 The bounds of the inheritance of nant of the giants . for these did Moses
Gad, 29 and of the halfe tribe of Manasseh, smite, and cast them out.
13 Neuerthelesse, the children of Is-
Ow loshua was old and rael expelled not the Geshurites, nor

stricken in yeeres, and the the Maachathites : but the Geshurites
LORD saide vnto him; and the Maachathites dwel among the
Thou art old, and stricken Israelites vntill this day
in yeres, and there remai- 14 Onely vnto the tribe of Leui hee
t Hebr. to neth yet very much land t to bee pos- gaue none inheritance: the sacrifices of
possesse it. sessed. the L O R D God of Israel made by
2 This is the land that yet remai- fire, are their inheritance, as he said vn-
neth : all the borders of the Philistines, to them.
and all Geshuri, 15 IT And Moses gaue vnto the tribe
3 From Sihor, which is before E- of the children of Reuben inheritance ac-
gypt, euen vnto the borders of Ekron cording to their families:
Northward, which is counted to the C»- 16 And their coast was from Aroer
naanite : fiue lords of the Philistines; that is on the banke of the riuer Arnon,
the Gazathites, and the Ashdothites, and the city that is in the midst of the ri-
inheritance. Chap.xiiij. Leui hath none.
uer, and all the plaine by Medeba. in Bashan, wereperteining vnto the chil
17 Heshbon and all her cities that are dren of Machir the sonne of Manasseh
«Or, the in the plaine : Dibon, and ||Bamoth- euen to the one halfe of the * children o 39.
* Num. 32.
high places
of Baal, and Baal, and Beth-Baalmeon, Machir by their families.
house ofBa>
18 And lahazah, and Kedemoth, 32 These are the countreyes which
and Mephaath, Moses did distribute for inheritance in
19 And Kiriathaim, and Sibmah, the plaines of Moab, on the other side
and Zareth-shahar, in the mount oi lordan by lericho Eastward.
the valley, 33 * But vnto the tribe of Leui Mo- * Chap. ia.
* Deut. 3. 20 And Bethpeor, and *||Ashdoth- ses gaue not any inheritance : the 7.
17- Pisgah, and Beth-ieshimoth: L O R D God of Israel was their inhe-
II Or, springs
ofPiseah or 21 And all the cities of the plaine, and ritance, *as he said vnto them. * Num. 18.
the hill. 20.
all the kingdome of Sihon king of the
Amorites, which reigned in Heshbon, C H A P . XIIII.
* Num. 31. whom Moses smote *with the princes
of Midian, Eui, and Rekem, and Zur, 1 The nine tribes and a halfe are to haue their
inheritance by lot. 6 Caleb by priuiledge
and Hur, and Reba, which were dukes obtaineth Hebron.
of Sihon, dwelling in the countrey.
22 If Balaam also the sonne of Beor Nd these are the countreys

II Or, diuiner the || Sooth-sayer did the children of Is- which the children of Is-
rael slay with the sword, among them rael inherited in the lande
that were slaine by them. of Canaan, * which Elea- * Num. 34.
23 And the border of the children of zar the Priest, & loshua 17.
Reuben, was Jordan and the border the sonne of Nun, and the heads of the
therof: This was the inheritance of the fathers of the tribes of the children of
children of Reuben after their families, Israel distributed for inheritance to
the cities, and villages thereof. them •
24 And Moses gaue inheritance vnto 2 *By lot was their inheritance, as * Num. 26
55. &. 33.
the tribe of Gad, euen vnto the children the L O R D commanded by the hande 54.
of Gad, according to their families : of Moses, for the nine tribes, and for the
25 And their coast was lazer, and halfe tribe.
all the cities of Gilead, and halfe the 3 For Moses had giuen the inheri-
land of the children* of Ammon, vnto tance of two tribes and an halfe tribe,
Aroer that is before Rabbah: on the other side lordan : but vnto the
26 And from Heshbon vnto Ra- Leuites hee gaue none inheritance a-
math - Mizpeh , and Betonim : and mong them.
From Mahanaim vnto the border of 4 For the children of loseph were
Debir. two tribes, Manasseh and Ephraim:
27 And in the valley, Beth-aram, therefore they gaue no part vnto the
and Beth-nimrah, and Succoth, and Leuites in the land, saue cities to dwell
Zaphon the rest of the kingdome of in, with their suburbs for their cattell,
Sihon king of Heshbon, Jordan, and and for their substance.
his border, euen vnto the edge of the sea 5 * As the L O R D commaunded * Num. 35
. chap.
of Cinneroth, on the other side lordan Moses, so the children of Israel did, 1. 2.
Eastward. and they diuided the land.
28 This is the inheritance of the chil- 6 f Then the children of ludah
dren of Gad after their families : the ci- came vnto loshua in Gilgal: and Ca-
ties and their villages. eb the sonne of lephunneh the Kene-
29 1F And Moses gaue inheritance vn- zite, said vnto him, Thou knowest the
to the halfe tribe of Manasseh: and this thing that the L O R D said vnto Mo-
was the possession of the halfe tribe of ses the man of God concerning me and
Manasseh, by their families. thee, in Kadesh Barnea.
30 And their coast was fro Mahana- 7 Fourtie yeeres olde was I when
im all Bashan, all the kingdome of Og Moses the seruant of the LORD sent
king of Bashan, and all the townes of me from Kadesh Barnea, to espie out
lair, which are in Bashan, threescore the land, and I brought him worde a-
cities : jaine, as it was in mine heart.
31 And halfe Gilead, and Ashtaroth, 8 Neuerthelesse, my brethren that
and Edrei, cities of the kingdom of Og went vp with me, made the heart of the
Calebs inheritance. lofhua. The lot of ludah.
* Num. 14. people melt: but I wholly * followed B And it went out to the Southside
;he LORD my God. to ||Maalehacrabbim, and passed along | Or, the go-
ng vp to
9 And Moses sware on that day, to Zin, and ascended vp on the South- AQTQDvwt*

saying, Surely the land whereon thy side vnto Kadesh-Barnea: and passed
bet haue troden, shall he thine inheri- along to Hezron, and went vp to Adar,
tance, and thy childrens for euer, be- and fetched a compasse to Karkaa.
cause thou hast wholly followed the 4 From thence it passed toward
LORD my God. Azmon, and went out vnto the riuer of
10 And now beholde, the L O R D Egypt, and the goings out of that coast
iiath kept me aliue, as he said, these for- were at the sea: this shalbe your South
ty and fiue yeres, euen since the LORD coast.
spake this word vnto Moses, while the 5 And the East border was the salt
t tiebr. wal-- children of Israel t wandered in the Sea, euen vnto the end of lordan : and
wildernesse : and now loe, I am this their border in the North quarter, was
day fourescore and flue yeeres old. from the bay of the sea, at the vttermost
* Ecclus. 11 *As yet I am as strong this day, part of lordan.
46. 9.
as / was in the day that Moses sent mee: 6 And the border went vp to Beth-
as my strength was then, euen so is my hogla, and passed along by the North
strength now, for warre, both to goe of Beth-arabah, and the border went
out and to come in. vp to the stone of Bohan the sonne of
1£ Now therefore giue mee this Reuben.
mountaine, whereof the L O R D spake 7 And the border went vp toward
in that day, (for thou heardest in that Debir from the valley of Achor, and so
day how the Anakims were there, and Northward, looking toward Gilgal,
that the chieswere great and fenced)if so that is before the going vp to Adum-
be the LORD will be with me, then I mim, which is on the Soutnside of the
shall bee able to driue them out, as the riuer • and the border passed towards
LORD said. the waters of Enshemesh n and the go-
13 And loshua blessed him, and ings out thereof were *at En-Rogel. *i.King.l.
jaue vnto Caleb the sonne of lephun- 8 And the border went vp by the 9.
neh, Hebron for an inheritance. valley of the sonne of Hinnom, vnto the
•* Chap. 21. 14 * Hebron therefore became the in- South side of the lebusite, the same is
12. i. mace.
2.56. heritance of Caleb the sonne of le- lerusalem : and the border went vp to
phunneh the Kenezite vnto this day: the top of the mountaine, that lieth be-
because that hee wholly followed the fore the valley of Hinnom, Westward,
LORD God of Israel. which is at the end of the valley of the
* Chap, 15. 15 And *the name of Hebron before, giants, Northward.
was Kiriath-Arba, which Arba was a 9 And the border was drawen from
great man among the Anakims: and the top of the hill vnto the fountaine of
the land had rest from warre. the water of Nephtoah, and went out
to the cities of mount Ephron, and the
border was drawen to Baalah, which
C H A P . XV. is Kiriath-iearim.
1 The borders of the lot of ludah. 13 Calebs 10 And the border compassed from
portion and conquest. 16 Othniel for his Baalah Westward vnto mount Seir,
valour, hath Achsah Calebs daughter to wife. and passed along vnto the side of mount
IB Shee obtaineth a blessing of her father.
21 The Cities of ludah. 63 The lebu- learim , ( which is Chesalon ) on the
sites not conquered. North side, and went downe to Beth-
shemesh, and passed on to Timnah.
His then was the lot of the 11 And the border went out vnto

* Num. 34.
* Num. 33.
T tribe of the children of lu-
dah by theirfamilies, *euen
to the border of Edom;
the * wildernesse of Zin
the side of Ekron Northward: and the
border was drawen to Shicron, and
passed along to mount Baalah, and
went out vnto labneel, and the go-
Southward, was the vttermost part of ings out of the border were at the sea.
the South coast: 12 And the West border was to the
2 And their South border was great sea, and the coast therqf: this is the
from the shore of the salt sea, from the coast of the children of ludah round a-
\Hebr. tbay that looketh Southward. bout, according to their families.
13 f And
Achfahs requeft. Chap.xv. luadhs cities.
13 H And vnto Caleb the sonne of 34 And Zanoah, and Engannim,
lephunneh, he gaue a part among the Tappuah, and Enam,
children of ludah, according to the co- 35 larmuth, and Adullam, Socoh,
mandement of the LORD to loshua, and Azekah,
* Chap. 14. euen * ||the citie of Arba the father of A- 36 And Sharaim, and Adithaim,
li Or, JSCtri- nak, which citie is Hebron. and Gederah , || and Gederothaim : II Or, or.
oth-arba. J 4 And Caleb droue thence *'the three fourteene cities with their villages.
* ludg. 1.10
sonnes of Anak, Sheshai, and Ahiman, 37 Zenam, and Hadashah, & Mig-
and Talmai, the children of Anak. dalgad,
15 And he went vp thence to the in- 38 And Dileam, and Mizpeh, and
habitants of Debir : and the name of loktheel,
Debir before was Kiriath-Sepher. 39 Lachish, and Bozkath, & Eglon,
16 IF And Caleb said. He that smiteth 40 And Cabbon, and Lahmam, and
RLiriath-Sepher, and taketh it, to him Kithlish,
will I giue Achsah my daughter to 41 And Gederoth , Beth - dagon,
wife. and Naamah, and Makkedah : sixteene
17 And Othniel the sonne of Kenaz, cities with their villages.
the brother of Caleb, tooke it: and hee 42 Lebnah, and Ether, and Ashan,
^aue him Achsah his daughter to wife. 43 And liphta, and Ashnah, and
18 And it came to passe as shee came Nezib,
vnto him, that she moued him to aske of 44 And Keilah, and Achzib, and
tier father a field, and she lighted off her Mareshah : nine cities with their vil-
asse; and Caleb said vnto her, What lages.
wouldest thou ? 45 Ekron with her townes, and
19 Who answered, Giue mee a bles- her villages.
sing ; for thou hast giuen mee a South- 46 From Ekron euen vnto the sea,
land, giue me also springs of water; and all that lay t neere Ashdod, with their t Hebr, by
the place of.
he gaue her the vpper springs, and the villages.
nether springs. 47 Ashdod with her townes and
20 This is the inheritance of the tribe her villages, Gaza witK her townes
of the children of ludah according to and her villages, vnto the riuer of E-
their families, gypt, and the great sea and the border
21 And the vttermost cities of the thereof.
tribe of the children of ludah toward 48 IF And in the mountaines, Sha-
the coast of Edom Southward, were mir, and lattir, and Socoh,
Eabzeel, and Eder, and lagur, 49 And Dannah, & Kiriath-San-
22 And Kinah, and Dimonah, and nath, which is Debir,
Adadah, 50 And Anab, and Asbteraoh, and
23 And Kedesh, and Hazor, and Anim,
Ithnan, 51 And Goshen, and Holon, and Gi-
24 Ziph, and Telem, and Bealoth, loh: eleuen cities with their villages.
25 And Hazor, Hadattah, and Ke- 52 Arab, and Dumah, and Eshean,
rioth: and Hezron, which is Hazor, 53 And || lanum, and Beth-tappu- I Or, lanus.
26 Am am , and Shema, and Mo- ah, and Aphekah,
ladah, 54 And Humtah, and *Kiriatharba * Chap. u.
27 And Hazar-Gaddah, and Hesh- (which is Hebron) and Zior, nine cities 15.
mon, and Beth-palet, with their villages.
28 And Hazarshual, and Beershe- 55 Maon, Carmel, and Ziph, and
ba, and Biziothiah, luttah,
29 Baalah, and lim, and Azem, 56 Ind lezreel, aud lokdeam, and
30 And Eltolad, and Chesil, and Zanoah,
Hormah, 57 Cain, Gibbeah, and Timuah:
31 And Ziklag, and Madmannah; ten cities with their villages.
and Sansannah, 58 Halhul, Beth-zur, and Gedor,
32 And Lebaoth, and Shilhim, and 59 And Maarah, and Bethanoth,
Ain, and Rimmon: all the cities are & Eltekon : six cities with their villages.
twentie and nine, with their villages. 60 Kiriath-baal, which is Kiriath-
33 And in the valley, Esthaol, and iearim, and Kabbah: two cities with
Zoreab, and Ashnah, their villages.
61 IF In
lofephs borders. lofhua. Manaffehs lot.
61 1T In the wildernesse, Beth-ara- naanites that dwelt in Gezer : but the
bah, Middin, and Secacah, Canaanites dwell among the Ephra-
62 And Nibshan, and the city of mites vnto this day, and serue vn-
Salt, and Engedi: sixe cities with their der tribute.
63 As for the lebusites the inhabi- C H A P . XVII
tants of Jerusalem, the children of lu-
ah could not driue them out: but the 1 The lot of Manasseh. 8 His coast. 12 The
lebusites dwell with the children of Canaanites not driuen out. 14 The chil-
dren of losenh obtains another lot-
udah at Jerusalem vnto this day,
Here was also a lot for the
C H A P . XVI.
1 The generall borders of the sonnes of loseph.
5 The border of the inheritance of Ephra-
im. 10 The Canaanites not conquered.
T tribe of Manasseh ; (*for 51. * Gene. 41.

loseph) to wit, for Machir 32.39.

the first borne of Manas-
seh the lather or (jilead: because he was
and 46.
hee was the first borne of 20. and 50.
23. num.

Nd the lot of the children a man of warre, therefore hee had Gi-

t Hebr. went of loseph tfell from lor- lead and Bashan.
dan by lericho, vnto the £ There was also a lot for * the rest * Num. 26.
water of lericho on the of the children of Manasseh by their fa- 29.
East, to the wildernesse milies ; for the children of Abiezer, and
hat goeth vp from lencjio through- for the children of Helek, and for the chil-
out mount Bethel; dren of Asriel, and for the children ol
2 And goeth out from Bethel to Shechem , and for the children of He-
* ludg. 1. *Luz, and passeth along vnto the bor- pher, and for the children of Shemida :
ders of Archi, to Ataroth, these were the male children of Manas-
3 And goeth downe Westward, to seh , the sonne of loseph by their fa-
the coast of laphleti, vnto the coast o: milies.
Bethoron the nether, and to Gezer: 3 If But * Zelophehad the sonne o1* Num. 26.
and the goings out thereof are at the Hepher, the sonne of Gilead, the sonne 33. and 27
. and 36. 2
Sea. of Machir, the sonne of Manasseh, hac
4 So the children of loseph, Ma- no sonnes but daughters: And these
nasseh, and Ephraim, tooke their inhe- are the names of his daughters, Mah-
ritance. lah, and Noah, Hoglah, Milcah, anc
5 11 And the border of the children Tirzah.
of Ephraim according to their families, 4t And they came neere before Ele
was thus: euen the border of their inhe- azar the Priest, and before loshua the
ritance on the East side was Ataroth- sonne of Nun, aiid before the Princes
Addar, vnto Bethoron the vpper. saying, The LORD commanded Mo
6 And the border went out towarc ses to giue vs an inheritance among
the Sea, to Michmethah on the North- our brethren: therefore according to the
side , and the border went about East- com maun dement of the LORD, hee
ward vnto Taanath Shiloh, and pas- gaue them an inheritance among the
sed by it on the East to lanohah : brethren of their father.
7 And it went downe from lano- 5 And there fel ten portions to Ma-
bah to Ataroth and to Naarath, anc nasseh , beside the land of Gilead anc
came to lericho, and went out at lor- Bashan, which were on the other side
dane. lordan;
8 The border went out from Tap- 6 Because the daughters of Ma
puah Westward vnto the riuer Ka- nasseh had an inheritance among hi
nah : and the goings out thereof were sonnes : and the rest of Manasseh
at the Sea. This is the inheritance o sonnes had the land of Gilead.
the tribe of the children of Ephraim by 7 1F And the coast of Manasseh wa
their families. from Asher to Michmethah, that lieti
9 And the separate cities for the chil before Shechem, and the border wen
dren of Ephraim were among the inhe- along on the right hand, vnto the inha-
ritance of the children of Manasseh, a bitants of Entappuah.
the cities with their villages. 8 Now Manasseh had the land o
10 And they draue not out the Ca- Tappuah : but Tappuah on the bor
Their cities. Chap.xviij. The Tabernacle.
der of Manasseh belonged to the chil- amtes, though they haue yron charets,
dren of Ephraim. and though they be strong.
9 And the coast descended vnto the
!i Or, brooki ||riuer Kanah, Southward of the ri-
of reeds.
uer: these cities of Ephraim are among C H A P . XVIII.
the cities of Manasseh: the coast of Ma- 1 The Tabernacle is set vp at Shiloh. 2 The re-
nasseh also was on the North side of the mainder of the land is described, and diuided
riuer, and the outgoings of it were at into seuen parts. 10 loshua diuideth it by
the Sea lot. 11 The lot and border of Beniamin.
21 Their cities.

10 Southward it was Ephraims, and
Northward it was Manassehs, and the Nd the whole Congrega-

sea is his border, and they met together tion of the children of Is-
in Asher on the North, and in Issachar rael assembled together at
on the East. Shiloh, & set vp the Ta-
11 And Manasseh had in Issachar bernacle of the Congre-
and in Asher, Bethshean Si her townes, Cation there, and the land was subduec
and Ibleam and her townes, and the before them.
inhabitants of Dor and her townes, % And there remained among the
and the inhabitants of Endor and her children of Israel seuen tribes, which
townes, and the inhabitants of Taa- had not yet receiued their inheritance.
nach and her townes, and the inhabi- 3 And loshua said ynto the children
tants of Megiddo and her townes, e- of Israel, How long are you slacke to
uen three countreyes. joe to possesse the lande which the
12 Yet the children of Manasseh L O R D God of your fathers hath gi-
could not driue outtheinhabitants of those uen you?
cities, but the Canaanites would dwell 4 Giue out from among you three
in that land. men, for each tribe : and I will send
13 Yet it came to passe when the chil- them, and they shall rise, & goe through
dren of Israel were waxen strong, that the land, and describe it according to the
they put the Canaanites to tribute : but inheritance of them, and they shal come
did not vtterly driue them out. againe to me.
14 And the children of loseph spake 5 And they shall diuide it into seuen
vnto loshua, saying. Why hast thou parts: ludah shall abide in their coast
jiuen me but one lot and one portion to >n the South, and the house of loseph
nherit, seeing I am a great people, for- shall abide in their coasts on the North,
asmuch as the LORD hath blessed me 6 Ye shall therfore describe the'land
hitherto ? nfoseuen parts, a,n&bringthe description
15 And loshua answered them, If rither to me: that I may cast lots for
thou be a great people, then get thee vp you here before the LORD our God.
to the wood countrey, and cut downe for 7 But the Leuites haue no part a-
thy selfe there in the land of the Periz- mong you, for the Priesthood of the
li Or, Replut- zites, and of the || giants, if mount E- L O R D is their inheritance: and Gad
Araim be too narrow for thee. and Reuben, and halfe the tribe of Ma-
16 And the children of loseph saide, nasseh, haue receiued their inheritance
The hill is not enough for vs: and all >eyond lordan on the East, which
the Canaanites that dw«ll in the lande Moses the seruant of the L O R D gaue
of the valley, haue charets of yron, both hem.
they who are of Bethshean and her 8 IF And the men arose, and went
townes, and they who are of the valley away : and loshua charged them that
of lezreel. went to describe the land, saying, Goe,
17 And loshua spake vnto the house and walke through the land, & describe
of loseph, euen to Ephraim , and to t, and come againe to me, that I may
Vlanasseh, saying, Thou art a great lere cast lots for you, before the LORD
>.eople., and hast great power: Thou u Shiloh.
shalt not haue one lot onely. 9 And the men went, and passed
18 But the mountaine shalbe thine, hprow the land, and described it by ci-
•or it is a wood, and thou shalt cut it ies, into seuen parts in a booke, and
downe: and the outgoings of it shalbe came againe to loshua to the hoste at
thine: for thou shalt driue out the Cana- Shiloh.
10 f And
The lot, borders, and lofhua. cities of Beniamin.
10 1T And loshua cast lots for them it on the East side : this was the inheri-
n Shiloh, before the L O R D : and tance of the children of Beniamin, by
here loshua diuided the land vnto the the coasts thereof round about, accor-
children of Israel according to their ding to their families.
liuisions. 21 Now the cities of the tribe of the
11 If And the lot of the tribe of the children of Beniamin according to their
children of Beniamin came vp accor- 'amilies, were lericho, and Bethhog-
ling to their families: and the coast of ah, and the valley of Keziz,
heir lot came foorth betweene the chil- 22 And Betharabah, and Zema-
Iren of ludah , and the children of lo- rairn, and Bethel,
eph* 23 And Auim, and Parah, and O-
12 And their border on the North- shrah,
side was from lordan, and the border 24 And Chephar-Haammonai, and
went vp to the side of lericho, on the Ophni, and Gaba, twelue cities with
^orth side, and went vp through the their villages.
mountaines Westward, and the goings 25 Gibeon, and Ramah, and Bee-
out thereof were at the wildernesse of roth,
3eth-auen. 26 And Mizpeh , and Chephirah,
13 And the border went ouer from and Mozah,
thence toward Luz, to the side of Luz, 27 And Rekem, and Irpeel, and
' which is Bethel ) Southward, and Taralah,
the border descended to Ataroth-Adar, 28 And Zela, Eleph , and lebusi,
neere the hill that lieth on the South [which is Jerusalem) Gibeath, and Ki-
side of the nether Beth-horon. riath, foureteene cities with their vil-
14 And the border was drawen lages. This is the inheritance of the
thence, and compassed the corner of the children of Beniamin according to their
Sea Southward, from the hill that li- families.
eth before Beth-horon Southward:
and the goings out thereof were at Ki-
riath-baal ( which is Kiriath-iearim ) a CHAP. XIX.
city of the children of ludah : This 1 The lot of Simeon, 10 Of Zebulun, 17 Of
was the West quarter. Issachar, 24 Of Asher, 32 Of Naphtali,
15 And the South quarter was 40 Of Dan. 46 The children of Ifrael giue
an inheritance to loshua.
from the end of Kiriath-iearim, & the
border went out on the West, and went Nd the second lot came
out to the well of waters of Nephtoah.
16 And the border came downe to the
end of the mountaine, that lieth before
the valley of the sonne of Hinnom, and
A foorth to Simeon, euen
for the tribe of the children
of Simeon according to
their families : and their
which is in the valley of the Giants on inheritance was within the inheritance
the North, and descended to the valley of the children of ludah.
of Hinnom to the side of lebusi on the 2 And they had in their inheritance
South, and descended to En-Rogel, Beer-sheba, or Sheba, and Moladah,
17 And was drawen fro the North, 3 And Hazarshual, and Balah, and
and went foorth to Enshemesh , anc Azem,
went foorth toward Geliloth, which is 4 And Eltolad, and Bethul, and
ouer against the going vp of Adum- Hormah,
* Chap. 15. mim, and descended to * the stone of Bo- 5 And Ziklag, and Beth-marca-
han the sonne of Reuben, both, and Hazar-susah,
18 And passed along toward the 6 And Beth-lebaoth, and Sharu-
side ouer against Arabah Northward, hen : thirteene cities and their villages.
H Or, the and went downe vnto || Arabah. 7 Ain, Remmon, and Ether, and
plaine. Ashan : foure cities and their villages,
19 And the border passed along to
the side of Beth-hoglah Northward: 8 And all the villages that were
and the outgoings of the border were round about these cities, to Baalath-
\Hebr. at the North tbay of the salt Sea at the Beer, Ramath of the South: This is
South end of lordane: This was the the inheritance of the tribe of the chil-
South coast. dren of Simeon according to their fa-
20 And lordane was the border o milies.
9 Out
Zebuluns, Aftiers, Chap.xix. Naphtalis
9 Out of the portion of the chil- 26 And Alammelech, and Amad,
dren of ludah was the inheritance of and Misheal, and reacheth to Carmel
the children of Simeon : for the part of westward, and to Shihor-Libnath,
the children of ludah was too much 27 And turneth toward the Sunne
ibr them : therefore the children of Si- rising to Beth-dagon, and reacheth to
meon had their inheritance within the Zebulun, and to the valley of of liph-
inheritance of them. thah-el toward the Northside of Beth-
10 IF And the third lot came vp for emek, and Neiel, and goeth out to Ca-
the children of Zebulun, according to bul on the left hand,
their families : and the border of their 28 And Hebron, and Rehob, and
inheritance was vnto Sarid. Hammon, and Kan ah, euen vnto great
11 And their border went vp toward Zidon:
;he Sea, and Maralah, and reached to 29 And then the coast turneth to Ra-
Dabbasheth, and reached to the riuer mah, and to the strong citie t Tyre, and \Heb. Txor.
that is before lokneam, the coast turneth to Hosah: and the out-
12 And turned from Sarid East- goings thereof are at the Sea from the
ward, toward the Sunne rising, vnto coast to Achzib.
the border of Chisloth Tabor, and then 30 Ummah also, and Aphek, and
goeth out to Daberath, and goeth vp to Rehob : twentie and two cities with
laphia, their villages.
13 And from thence passeth on along 31 This is the inheritance of the tribe
on the East to Gittah-Hepher, to It- of the children of Asher according to
tah-Kazin, and goeth out to Rem- their families, these cities with their vil-
tt Or, which mon || Methoar to Neah. lages.
is drawen.
14 And the border compasseth it on 32 f The sixt lot came out to the chil-
the North side to Hannathon: and the dren of Naphtali: euen for the children
outgoings thereof are in the valley of of Naphtali according to their families.
liphthah-el. 33 And their coast was from Heleph,
15 And Kattath, and Nahallal, and from Allon to Zaanannim, and Ada-
Shimron, and Idalah, and Bethle- mi, Nekeb, and labneel vnto Lakum:
hem : twelue cities with their villages. and the outgoings thereof were at
16 This is the inheritance of the chil- lordan.
dren of Zebulun according to their fa- 34 And then the coast turneth west-
milies, these cities with their villages. ward to Aznoth-Tabor, and goeth out
17 IT And the fourth lot came out to from thence to Hukkok,and reacheth to
Issachar for the children of Issachar Zebulun on the Southside, and rea-
according to their families. cheth to Asher on the Westside, and to
18 And their border was toward ludah vpon lordan toward the Sun
Izreel, and Chesulloth, and Shunettv, rising.
19 And Hapharaim, and Shion, and 35 And the fenced cities are Ziddim,
Anaharath, ' Zer, and Hammath , Rakkath, and
20 And Rabbith, and Kishion, and Cinnereth,
Abez, 36 And Adamah, and Ramah, and
21 And Remeth, and Engannim, Hazor,
and Enhaddah, and Bethpazzez. 37 And Kedesh, and Edrei, and En-
22 And the coast reacheth to Tabor, hazor,
and Shahazimath, and Bethshemesh, 38 And Iron, and Migdal-el, Ho-
and the outgoings of their border were rem, and Bethanah, and Beth she mesh,
at lordan, sixteene cities with their vil- nineteene cities with their villages.
lages. 39 This is the inheritance of the
23 This is the inheritance of the tribe of the children of Naphtali accor-
tribe of the children of Issachar accor- ding to their families, the cities and
ding to their families, the cities, and their villages.
their villages. 40 f And the seuenth lot came out
24 f And the fift lot came out for for the tribe of the children of Dan ac-
the tribe of the children of Asher accor- cording to their families:
ding to their families. 41 And the coast of their inheritance
25 And their border was Helkath, was Zorah, and Eshtaol, and Irshe-
and Hali, and Beten, and Achshaph, mesh,
42 And
Dans portion. loi'hua. Cities of refuge.
42 And Shaalabbin, and Aiialon, tring of the gate of the city, and shall de-
and lethlah, clare his cause in the eares of the El-
43 And Elon, and Thimnathah, ders of that citie; they shall take him in-
and Ekron, to the citie vnto them, and giue him a
44 Arid Eltekeh, and Gibbethon, place, that he may dwell among them.
and Baalah, 5 And if the auenger of blood pur-
45 And lehud, and Bene-berak, sue after him, then they shal not deliuei
and Gath-rimmon, the slayer vp into his hand: because hee
46 And Meiarkon, and Rakkon, smote his neighbour vnwittingly, and
II Or, ouer a- iwith the border ||before ||Iapho. hated him not beforetime.
II Or, loppa. 47 And the coast of the children of 6 And hee shall dwell in that citie,
Acts. 9. 36. ]Dan went out too little for them : there- vntill he stand before the Congregation
fore the children of Dan went vp to for iudgement, and * vntill the death oi 25. * Num. 35.
fight against Leshem, and tooke it, and the high Priest that shall bee in those
smote it with the edge of the sword, and dayes: then shall the slayer returne, and
possessed it, and dwelt therein, and cal- come vnto his owne cityr and vnto his
* ludg. 18. led Leshem, *Dan , after the name of owne house, vnto the citie from whence
Dan their father. he fled.
48 This is the inheritance of the 7 IF And they t appointed KedeshI• tctified. Hebr. san-
tribe of the children of Dan according in Galilee, in mount Naphtali, and
to their families, these cities with their Shechem in mount Ephraim, and Ki-
villages. riath-arba (which is Hebron) in the
49 11 When they had made an end of mountaine of ludah.
diuiding the land for inheritance by 8 And on the other side lordan by
their coasts, the children of Israel gaue lericho Eastward, they assigned * Be- * Deut. 4.
an inheritance to loshua the sonne of zer in the wildernesse vpon the plaine, 43. i. chro.
6. 78.
Nun among them: out of the tribe of Reuben, and Ra-
50 According to the word of the moth in Gilead out of the tribe of Gad,
LORD, they gaue him the citie which and Golan in Bashan out of the tribe
* Chap. 24. he asked, euen * Timnath-Serah in of Manasseh.
mount Ephraim : and he built the citie, 9 These were the cities appointed
and dwelt therein. for all the children of Israel, and for the
* Num. 34. 51 * These are the inheritances which stranger that soiourneth among them,
Eleazar the Priest, and loshua the that whosoeuer killeth any person at
sonne of Nun, and the heads of the fa- vnawares might flee thither, & not die
thers of the tribes of the children of Is- by the hand of the auenger of blood, vn-
rael, diuided for an inheritance by lot, in till he stood before the Congregation.
Shiloh before the L O R D , at the
doore of the Tabernacle of the Congre- C H A P . XXI
gation : so they made an end of diuiding
the countrey. 1 Eight and fortie cities giuen by lot, out of the
other tribes, vnto the Leuites. 43 God gaue
the land, and rest vnto the Israelites, accor-
C H A P . XX. ding to his promise.

1 God commandeth, 7 and the children of Is- Hen came neere the heads
rael appoint the sixe cities of Refuge. of the fathers of the Le-
He LORD also spake vn- <m$P *Hil uites vnto Eleazar the

* Exod. 21,
13. num.
T to loshua, saying,
2 Speake to the chil-
dren of Israel, saying,
* Appoint out for you ci-
Priest, and vnto loshua
the sonne of Nun, and vn-
to the heads of the fathers of the tribes
of the children of Israel.
35.6,11. ties of refuge, whereof I spake vnto 2 And they spake vnto them at
14. deut.
19. 2. you by the hand of Moses : Shiloh in the land of Canaan, saying,
3 That the slayer that killeth any * The L O R D commaunded by the * Num. 35.
person vnawares and vnwittingly, hand of Moses, to giue vs Cities to 2,
may flee thither: and they shall be your dwell in, with the suburbs thereof for
refuge from the auenger of blood. our cattell.
4 And when he that doeth flee vnto 3 And the children of Israel gaue
one of those cities, shall stand at the en- vnto the Leuites out of their inheri-
Cities giuen Chap.xxj. to the Leuites,
tance at the commandement of the 18 Anathoth with her suburbs, and
LORD, these cities and their suburbs. Almon with her suburbs, foure cities.
4 And the lot came out for the fami- 19 All the cities of the children of Aa-
lies of the Kohathites : and the chil- ron the Priests, were thirteene cities
dren of Aaron the Priest, which were of with their suburbs.
the Leuites, had by lot out of the tribe 20 If And the families of the children
of ludah, and out of the tribe of Si- of Kohath the Leuites, which remai-
meon , and out of the tribe of Benia- ned of the children of Kohath, euen
min, thirteene cities. they had the cities of their lot out of the
5 And the rest of the children of Ko- tribe of Ephraim.
hath had by lot, out of the families of the 21 For they gaue them Shechem
tribe of Ephraim, and out of the tribe of with her suburbs in mount Ephraim,
Dan, and out of the halfe tribe of Ma- to be a citie of refuge for the slayer: and
nasseh, ten cities. Gezer with her suburbs,
6 And the children of Gershon had 22 And Kibzaim with her suburbs,
by lot out of the families of the tribe of and Beth-horon with her suburbs,
Issachar, and out of the tribe of Asher, foure cities.
and out of the tribe of Naphtali, and 23 And out of the tribe of Dan, El-
out of the halfe tribe of Manasseh in tekeh with her suburbs, Gibethon with
Bash an, thirteene cities. her suburbs,
7 The children of Merari by their 24 Aijalon with her suburbs, Gath-
families, had out of the tribe of Reuben, rimmon , with her suburbs : foure
and out of the tribe of Gad, and out of cities.
the tribe of Zebulun, twelue cities, 25 And out of the halfe tribe of Ma-
8 And the children of Israel gaue nasseh, Tanach with her suburbs, and
by lot vnto the Leuites these cities with Gathrimmon with her suburbs, two
their suburbs, as the L O R D comman- cities.
ded by the hand of Moses. 26 All the cities were ten with their
9 IF And they gaue out of the tribe suburbs, for the families of the children
of the children of ludah, and out of the of Kohath that remained.
tribe of the children of Simeon, these ci- 27 11 And vnto the children of Ger-
\Jtebr. ties which are here tmentioned by name, shon of the families of the Leuites, out
called. 10 Which the children of Aaron be- of the other halfe tribe of Manasseh, they
ing of the families of the Kohathites, gaue Golan in Bashan, with her sub-
who were of the children of Leui, had: urbs, to be a citie of refuge for the slayer:
(for theirs was the first lot.) and Beeshterah with her suburbs, two
Wr,Kiri- 11 And they gaue them ]| the citie of cities.
uth-arbah. Arbah the father of Anak (which citie is 28 And out of the tribe of Issachar,
Hebron) in the hill countrey of ludah, Kishon with her suburbs, Dabareh
with y suburbs thereof round about it. with her suburbs,
12 But the fields of the citie, and the 29 larmuth with her suburbs, En-
*Chap. u villages thereof, gaue they to * Caleb gannim with her suburbs, foure cities.
u. i. chro. the sonne of lephunneh, for his posses- 30 And out of the tribe of Asher Mi-
sion. shal with her suburbs, Abdon with
13 If Thus they gaue to the children her suburbs,
of Aaron the Priest Hebron with her 31 Helkah with her suburbs, and Re-
suburbs to bee a citie of refuge for the hob with her suburbs, foure cities.
slayer, and Libnah with her suburbs, 32 And out of the tribe of Naphtali,
14 And lattir with her suburbs, Kedesh in Galilee with her suburbs, to
and Eshtemoa with her suburbs: be a citie of refuge for the slayer, and
15 And Holon with her suburbs, and Hammoth-dor with her suburbs, and
Debir with her suburbs: Kartan with her suburbs, three cities.
16 And Ain with her suburbs, and 33 All the cities of the Gershonites
luttah with her suburbs, and Beth- according to their families were thirteen
shemesh with her suburbs, nine cities cities with their suburbs.
out of those two tribes. 34 If And vnto the families of the
17 And out of the tribe of Bemamin, children of Merari the rest of >the Le-
Gibeon with her suburbs, Geba with uites , out of the tribe of Zebulun,
her suburbs, Tokneam, with her suburbs, and
The Leuites cities. Xofhua. Reubens &c. altar.
Kartah with her suburbs, iaue kept the charge of the commande-
35 Dimnah with her suburbs, Na~ ment of the LORD your God.
lalal with her suburbs, foure cities. 4 And now the LORD your God
36 And out of the tribe of Reuben, lath giuen rest vnto your brethren, as
tezer with her suburbs, and lahazah lee promised them : therefore now re-
with her suburbs, turne yee, and get yee vnto your tents,
37 Kedemoth with her suburbs, and vnto the land of your possession,
and Mephaath with her suburbs, foure * which Moses the seruant of the
cities. 1,0RD gaue you on the other side*33. * Num. 32.
38 And out of the tribe of Gad, Ra- ordane. ?! 13. 8.
moth in Gilead with her suburbs, to be 5 But take diligent heed, to doe the
a city of refuge for the slayer; and Ma- ^ommandement and the Law, which
lanaim with her suburbs, Moses the seruant of the L O R D char-
39 Heshbon with her suburbs, la- ged you, *to loue the L O R D your God, ** Deut. 10.
zer with her suburbs, foure cities in all. md to walke in all his wayes, and to 1:19.
40 So all the cities for the children of ceepe his Commaundements, and to
Vterari by their families, which were cleaue vnto him, and to serue him with
remayning of the families of the Le- all your heart, and with all your soule.
uites, were by their lot, twelue cities. 6 So loshua blessed them, and
41 All the cities of the Leuites with- sent them away : and they went vnto
in the possession of the children of Is- their tents.
rael, were fourty and eight cities, with 7 1T Now to the one halfe of the
their suburbs. tribe of Manasseh Moses had giuen
42 These cities were euery one jossession in Bashan: but vnto the other
with their suburbs round about them : lalfe therof gaue loshua among their
thus were all these cities. >rethren on this side lordane West-
43 IF And the LORD gaue vnto ward. And when loshua sent them a-
Israel all the land which hee sware to way also vnto their tents, then hee bles-
jiue vnto their fathers : and they pos- sed them,
sessed it, and dwelt therein. 8 And he spake vnto them, saying;
44 And the LOUD gaue them Eleturne with much riches vnto your
rest round about, according to all that tents, and with very much cattell, with
le sware vnto their fathers, and there siluer and with gold, and with brasse,
stood not a man of all their enemies and with iron, and with very much rai-
Before them: the L O R D deliuered al ment : Diuide the spoile of your ene-
their enemies into their hand. mies with your brethren.
. chap. 23.
45 * There failed not ought of any 9 IT And the children of Reuben,
good thing which the LORD hac and the children of Gad, and the halfe
spoken vnto the house of Israel : al tribe of Manasseh returned, and depar-
came to passe. ted from the children of Israel out ol
Shiloh which is in the land of Canaan,
to goe vnto the countrey of Gilead, to
C H A P . XXII. the land of their possession , whereo:
1 The two Tribes and halfe with a blessing are they were possessed, according to the
sent home. 9 They build the Altar of Te- word of the LORD by the hand of
stimony, in their journey. 11 The Israe-
lites are offended thereat. 21 They giue Moses.
them good satisfaction. 10 If And when they came vnto the
borders of lordan, that are in the lane
Hen loshua called the of Canaan, the children of Reuben, am

T Reubenites, and the Ga-

dites, and the halfe tribe
of Manasseh,
% And said vnto them,
the children of Gad, and the halfe tribe
of Manasseh built there an altar by
lordan, a great altar to see to.
11 If And the children of Israe
Yee haue kept all that Moses the ser- heard say, Behold, the children of Reu-
uant of the LORD commanded you, ben, and the children of Gad, and the
and haue obeyed my voyce in all that halfe tribe of Manasseh, haue built an
commanded you. altar ouer against the land of Canaan,
3 Yee haue not left your brethren in the borders of lordan, at the passage
these many dayes vnto this day, but of the children of Israel.
12 And
Being reproued, Chap.xxij. they make anfwere.
12 And when the children of Israel L O R D God of gods, hee knoweth,
heard of it, the whole Congregation of and Israel he shall know*, if it bee in re-
the children of Israel gathered them- bellion, or if in transgression against the
selues together at Shiloh, to goe vp to LORD, (saue vs not this day,)
warre against them. 23 That wee haue bulls vs aft altar
i 13 And the children of Israel sent to turne from following the LORD,
vrito the children of Reuben, and to the or if to offer thereon burnt offering, or
children of Gad, and to the halfe tribe meat offering, or if to offer peace offe-
of Manasseh into the lande of Gilead, rings thereon, let the Lo&D himselfe
Phinehas the son of Eleazar the Priest, require it;
14? And with him ten princes, of ech 24 And if we haue not father: done it
f Keb. house* tchiefe house a prince, throughout all
for feare of this thing, saying, tin time f Heir, to
' the tribes of Israel, and each one was to come your children might speake vn- morrow.
an head of the house of their fathers, a- to our children, saying, What haue you
mong the thousands of Israel. to doe with the LORE God of Israel ?
15 IF And they came vnto the chil- 25 For the LORD hath made lor-
dren of Reuben, and to the children of dan a border betweene vs and you, yee
Gad, and to the halfe tribe of Manasseh children of Reuben, arid children of
vnto the land of Gilead, and they spake Gad, yee haue no part in the LORE :
with them, saying, so shal your children make out childfen
16 Thus saith the whole Congrega- cease from fearing the LORD :
tion of the LORD, What trespasse is 26 Therefore we said. Let vs now
this that ye haue committed against the prepare to build vs an altar > not for
God of Israel, to turne away this day burnt offering, nor for sacrifice,
from following the LORD, in that ye 27 But that it may bee *a witnesse «G'er>. 3>.
haue builded you an altar, that yee betweene vs and you, and our. genera- 4&. chap. 24
27. vw. 34.
might rebell this day against the tions after vs, that we might do the ser-
LORD ? uice of the LORD before him with our
Num. 25. 17 Is the iniquitie *of Pear too li- burnt offrings, and with our sacrifices,
tle for vs, from which we are not clean- and with our peace offerings, that your
sed vntil this day, (although there was children may not say to our children in
a plague in the Congregation of the time to come, Ye haue no part in the
18 But that ye must turne away this 28 Therefore said we, that it shalbe,
day from following the L O R D ? and when they should so say to vs, or to our
it will be, seeing yee rebell to day against 'generations in time to come, that wee
the LORD, that to morrow he will be may say againe, Beholde the paterne of
wroth with the whole Congregation the altar of the LORD, which our fa-
of Israel. thers made, not for burnt offrings, nor
19 Notwithstanding, if the lande of for sacrifices, but it is a witnes betweene
your possession be vncleane, then passe vs and you.
yee ouer vnto the land of the possession 29 God forbid that we should rebell
of the LORD, wherein the L O R D S against the LORD, and turne this day
Tabernacle dwelleth, and take posses- from following the LORD, to build
sion among vs: but rebell not against an altar for burnt offerings, for meate
the LORP, nor rebell against vs, in offerings, or for sacrifices, besides the
building you an altar, beside the Altar Altar of the L O R D our God that is
of the LORD our God. before his Tabernacle.
20 Did not Achan the sonne of Ze- 30 If And when Phinehas the Priest
rah commit a trespasse in the accursed and the Princes of the Congregation,
* Chap. 7. thing, and wrath fell on *all the Con- and Heads of the thousands of Israel
gregation of Israel ? and that man pe- which were with him, heard the words
rished not alone in his iniquitie. that the children of Reuben and the
21 1F Then the children of Reuben, children of Gad, and the children of Ma-
and the children of Gad, and the halfe nasseh spake, tit pleased them. ^5r. i/
tribe of Manasseh, answered and saide 31 And Phinehas the^ sonne of Ele- was food in
fair eyfs.
vnto the Heads of the thousands of azar the Priest said vnto the children of
Israel, Reuben, and to the childten of Gad, and
22 The L O R D God of gods, the to the children of Manasseh, This day
Exhortations to lofhua. the loue of God.
we perceiue that the LORD is among right hand, or to the left,
vs, because ye haue not committed this 7 That yee come not among these
tH<?5r. respasse against the LORD : t now ye nations, these that remaine amongst
Then. laue deliuered the children of Israel fou, neither * make mention of the * Psal. 16.4-.
out of the hand of the LORD. lame of their gods, nor cause to sweare
38 1T And Phinehas the sonne of E- by them, neither serue them, nor bow
eazar the Priest, and the Princes, re- your selues vnto them.
turned from the children of Reuben, 8 || But cleaue vnto the LORD II Or, for if
and from the children of Gad, out of the your God, as yee haue done vnto this you will
cleaue, <Jc.
iand of Gilead, vnto the land of Cana- day.
an, to the children of Israel, & brought 9 11 For the LORD hath driuen out D Or. fken
them word againe. Tom before you, great nations, and the LORD
trill driue.
33 And the thing pleased the children strong: But as for you, no man hath
of Israel, and the children of Israel beene able to stand before you vnto
blessed God, and did not intend to goe this day.
vp against them in battel, to destroy the 10 * One man of you shall chase a * Leuit. 26.
8. deut. 32.
land wherein the children of Reuben thousand : for the LORD your God, he 30.
and Gad dwelt. it is that fighteth for you, as hee hath
34 And the children of Reuben, and promised you.
I That is, the children of Gad called the altar||Ed: 11 Take good heed therefore vnto
a wtinesse.
for it shall bee a witnesse betweene vs, your tselues, that ye loue the LORD iHehsoutes.
that the LORD is God. your God.
1£ Else, if ye do in any wise go backe,
C H A P . XXIII. and cleaue vnto the remnant of these
nations, euen these that remaine among
1 loshuas exhortation before his death, 3 by you, and shall make marriages with
former benefits, 5 by promises, 11 and
by threatnings. them, and goe in vnto them, and they
to you:
Nd it came to passe, a long 13 Know for a certainety, that the

A time after that the LORD L O R D your God will no more driue
had giuen rest vnto Isra- out any of these nations from before
el from all their enemies you: *but they shalbe snares and traps * Exod. 23.
round about, that loshua vnto you, and scourges in your sides, 33. 33. numb.
55. deu.
t Heb. come
into dayes.
waxed old, and t stricken in age. and tnornes in your eyes, vn till yee pe- 7. 1G.
2 And loshua called for all Israel, rish from off this good land which the
and for their Elders, & for their Heads, LORD your God hath giuen you.
and for then* ludges, and for their Of- 14 And behold, this day I am going
ficers , and said vnto them; I am old, the way of all the earth, and ye know in
and stricken in age. all your hearts, and,in all your soules,
3 And yee haue scene all that the that *not one thing hath failed of all the * Chap. 21.^
LORD your God hath done vnto all good things which the LORD your 45.
these nations, because of you; for the God spake concerning you; all are come
* Exod. 14.
* L O R D your God is hee that hath to passe vnto you, and not one thing
fought for you. hath failed thereof.
4 Behold, I haue diuided vnto 15 Therefore it shall come to passe,
you by lot these nations that remaine, that as all good things are come vpon
to bee an inheritance for your tribes, you, which the LORD your God pro-
from lordan, with all the nations that mised you : so shall the L O R D bring
I haue cut off, euen vnto the great Sea vpon you all euill things, vntill he haue
t Hebr. at t Westward. destroyed you from off this good land
the Sunne
set. 5 And the L O R D your God, hee which the LORD your God hath
shall expell them from before you, anc giuen you.
driue them from out of your sight, & ye 16 When yee haue transgressed the
shall possesse their land, as the LORD Couenant of the L O R D your God,
your God hath promised vnto you. which hee commaunded you, and haue
6 Be ye therefore very courageous gone and serued other gods, and bow-
to keepe and'to doe all that is written in ed your selues to them : then shall the
* Deut. 5.
32. and 23.
the booke of the Law of Moses, *that anger of the L O R D bee kindled a-
14. yee turne not aside therefrom, to the gainst you, and yee shall perish quickly
Gods benefites Chap.xxiiij. on the Ifraelites.
" from off the good land which hee hath laam the sonne of Beor to curse you:
giuen vnto you. 10 But I would not hearken vnto
Balaam, therefore he blessed you still :
so I deliuered you out of his hand.
C H A P . XXIIII. 11 And ye went oUer lordan, and
1 loshua assembled! the tribes at Shechem. 2 A came vnto lericho: and the men of le-
briefe historic of Gods benefits from Terah. richo fought against you, the Amorites^
14 He reneweth a couenant betweene them and the Perizzites, & the Canaanites,
and God. 26 A stone the witnesse of the co-
uenant. 29 loshuas age, death and burial!. and the Hittites, and the Girgashites,
32 Josephs bones are buried. SSEleazardieth. the Hiuites, and the lebusites, and I
deliuered them into your hand.
Nd loshua gathered all 18 And * I sent the hornet before you*, * Exod. 23,

the Tribes of Israel to which draue them out from before you, 28. 20.
deut. 7.
Shechem, and called for euen the two kings of the Amorites: but
the Elders of Israel, and not with thy sword, nor with thy bow.
for their Heads, and for 13 And I haue giuen you a land for
their ludges, and for their Officers, which ye did not labour, & cities which
and they presented themselues before ye built not, and yee dwell in them: of
God. the vineyards and Oliue-yards which
2 And loshua said vnto all the peo- ye planted not, doe ye eate.
ple, Thus saith the LORD God of Is- 14? f Now therefore, feare the
* Gen. 11. rael, *Your fathers dwelt on the other LORD, and serue him in sinceritie, and
31. iudit 6. side of the flood in old time, euen Terah in trueth, and put away the gods which
the father of Abraham, and the father your fathers serued on the other side of
of Nachor: and they serued other gods. the flood, and in Egypt: and serue yee
3 And I tooke your father Abra- the LORD.
ham fro the other side of the flood, and 15 And if it seeme euill vnto you to
led him throughout all the land of Ca- serue the LORD, choose you this day
* Gen. 21. s naan, and multiplied his seed, and*gaue whome you will serue > whether the
him Isaac. gods which your fathers serued that
* Gen. 25. 4 And I gaue vnto Isaac, * lacob were on the other side of the flood, or the
* Gem 36.8 and Esau : & I gaue vnto * Esau mount gods of the Amorites, in whose lande
* Gen. 46.6 Seir, to possesse it : *but lacob and ye dwell: but as for mee and my house,
his children went downe into Egypt. we will serue the LORD.
* Exo. 3.10 5 * 1 sent Moses also and Aaron, 16 And the people answered and said,
and I plagued Egypt, according to God forbid that wee should forsake the
that which I did amongst them: and LORD, to serue other gods.
afterward, I brought you out. 17 For the LORD our God, he it is
*£xod. 12. 6 And I * brought your fathers out that brought vs vp and our fathers out
of Egypt: and you came vnto the sea, of the land of Egypt, from the house of
and the Egyptians pursued after your bondage, & which did those great signes
fathers with charets and horsemen vn- in our sight, and preserued vs in all the
* Exod. 14. to *the red sea. way wherein we went, and among all
9. the people through whom we passed.
7 And when they cried vnto the
LORD, hee put darkenesse betweene 18 And the LORD draue out from
you and the Egyptians, and brought before vs all the people, euen the Amo-
the sea vpon them, and couered them, rites which dwelt in the land: therefore
and your eyes haue seene what I haue will we also serue the LORD, for ne is
done in Egypt, and ye dwelt in the wil- our God.
dernes a long season. 19 And loshua said vnto the people,
8 And I brought you into the land Ye cannot serue the LORD : for hee is
of the Amorites, which dwelt on the o- an holy God: he is a ielous God, he will
* Num. 21 ther side lordan : *and they fought not forgiue your transgressions nor
with you, and I gaue them into your your sinnes.
hand, that ye might possesse their land, 80 If yee forsake the LORD, and
and I destroyed them from before you. serue strange gods, *then he will turne, * Chap. 23.
9 Then Balak the sonne of Zippor and doe you hurt, and consume you, af- 12.
king of Moab, arose and warred a- ter that he hath done you good.
* Num. 22. gainst Israel, and *sent and called Ba- 21 And the people said vnto loshua,
5. deut. 23.4 Nay,
lofliuas exhortation, Judges. His age, and death.
Nay, but we will serue the LOED. 28 So loshua let the people depart,
2& And loshua said vnto the peo- euery man vnto his inheritance.
f Yee are witnesses against your
ple 29 H And it came to passe after these
;eltfes, jthat yee haue chosen you the things, that loshua the sonne of Nun
LoftD, to serue him. And they said, the seruant of the L O R D died, being
We are witnesses. an hundred and ten yeeres old.
23 Now therefore put away, said he, 30 And they buried him in the border
the strange gods which are among of his inheritance in *Timnath-Serah, 50. * Chap. 19.
you, and encline your heart vnto the which is in mount Ephraim, on the 9 iudg. 2.
LORD God of Israel. North side of the hill of Gaash.
24 And the people saide vnto lo- 31 And Israel serued the LORD all
shua; The LORD our God will we the dayes of loshua, & all the dayes of
serue, and his voice will we obey. the Elders that touerliued loshua, and \ Hebr. pro-
longed their
25 So loshua made a couenant which had knowen al the works of the dayes after
with the people that day, and set them a LORD, that he had done for Israel. Joshua.
Statute, & an Ordinance in Shechem. 32 11" And * the bones of loseph, * Gen. 50.
26 IT And loshua wrote these which the children of Israel brought 25. exod.
13. 19.
words in the booke of the Law of God, vp out of Egypt, buried they in She-
and tooke a great stone, and set it vp chem, in a parcell of ground which la-
there, vnder an oake, that was by the cob bought of * the sonnes of Hanior * Gene. 33.
Sanctuary .of the LORD. ; the father of Shechem, for an hundred 19.
27 And loshua saide vnto all the ((pieces of siluer; and it became the inhe- I Or, Iambs.
people, Behold, this stone shalbe a wit- ritance of the children of loseph.
nesse vnto vs; for it hath heard all the 33 And Eleazar the sonne of Aaron
words of the LORD which hee spake died, and they buried him in a hill that
Vnto vs; it shall be there for a witnesse pertained to Phinehas his son, which
vnto you, lest ye deny your God. was giuen him in mount Ephraim.

2 And the LORD sayd, ludah
C H A P . I. shall goe vp : Behold, I haue deliuered
the land into his hand.
1 TBe ftCttS of ludah and Simeon. 4 Adohi- 3 And ludah saide vnto Simeon
%e2efe iustly requited. 8 Hierusalem taken.
10 Hebron taken. 11 Othniel hath Ach- his brother, Come vp with me into my
gah to wife for taking of Debir. 16 The Re- lot, that wee may fight against the Ca-
futes dwel in ludah. 17 Hormah, Gaza, As- naanites, and I likewise will goe with
kelon and Ekron taken. 21 The acts of Ben- thee into thy lot. So Simeon went
iamin. 22 Of the house of Joseph, who take
Bethel. SOOfZebulun. 31 Of Asher. 33 with him.
OfNaphtali. 340fPan. 4 And ludah went vp, and the
L O R D deliuered the Canaanites and
0 W after the the Perizzites into their hand : and

death of loshua, they slew of them in Bezek ten thou-
it came to passe, sand men.
that the children 5 And they found Adoni-bezek in
of Israel asked Bezek : and they fought against him,
the LORD, say- and they slew the Canaanites, and the
ing, Who shal goe Perizzites. \
vp for vs against 6 But Adoni-bezek fled, and they
the Canaanites pursued after him, and caught him, and
first, to fight against them ? cut off his thumbes, and his great toes.
7 And
Anaks formes flaine. Chap.j. Calebs portion
7 And Adoni-bezek said. Three- the inhabitants of the valley, because
t Hebr. the score & ten kings, hauing t their thumbs they had charets of yron.
thumbes qf
their hands and their great toes cut off, || gathered 20 And they gaue Hebron vnto Ca
and of their
feete. their meate vnder my table: as I haue leb, *as Moses saide: and hee expellee 24. *Num. H.
loeh. 14
II Or, trleaneddone, so God hath requited mee, and thence the three sonnes of Anak. 13. & iff,
they brought him to'Jerusalem, and 21 And the children of Beniamin die 14.
there he died. not driue out the lebusites that inhabi
8 ( Now the children of ludah had ted Jerusalem : but the lebusites dwe
fought against Jerusalem, and had ta- with the children of Beniamin in le
ken it, and smitten it with the edge ol rusalem, vnto this day.
the sword, and set the citie on fire ) 22 1T And the house of loseph, the)
* losh. 10.
36. and 11.
9 f * And afterward the children also went vp against Bethel: and the
21. and 15. of ludah went downe to fight against LORD was with them.
13, the Canaanites that dwelt in the mou- 23 And the house of loseph sent tc
II Or, loioe taine, & in the South, and in the ||valley. descrie Bethel (now the name of the ci-
10 And ludah went against the Ca- tie before was * Luz ) *G«n. 28.
naanites that dwelt in Hebron (nowe 24 And the spies sawe a man come
* losh. 15. the name of Hebron before zvas * Kiri- forth out of the citie, and they said vntc
ath-arba) and they slew Sheshai, and him, Shew vs, wee pray thee, the en-
Ahiman, and Talmai. trance into the citie, and * we will sheu * lOSh. 2, 14
11 And from thence he went against thee mercie.
the inhabitants of Debir, ( & the name 25 And when hee shewed them the
of Debir before was Kiriath-sepher) entrance into the citie, they smote the ci-
12 And Caleb said, Hee that smiteth tie with the edge of the sword: but they
Kiriath-sepher, and taketh it, to him let goe the man and all his familie.
will I giue Achsah my daughter to 26 And the man went into the lande
wife. of the Hittites, and built a citie, and cal-
13 And Othniel the sonne of Kenaz led the name thereof Luz : which is the
Calebs yonger brother tooke it: and he name thereof vnto this day.
jaue him Achsah his daughter to wife. 27 IT * Neither did Manasseh driue 11, *Iosh. 17.
14 And it came to passe when shee out the inhabitants of Bethshean, and hei
came to him, that she moued him to aske townes, nor Taanach and her townes,
of her father a field : and shee lighted nor the inhabitants of Dor, and her
from off her asse, and Caleb said vnto townes, nor the inhabitants of Ible-
her, What wilt thou ? am, and her townes, nor the inhabi-
16 And she said vnto him, Giue me a tants of Megiddo, and her townes;
riessing: for thou hast giuen mee a but the Canaanites would dwel in that
South land, giue me also springs of wa- land.
ter. And Caleb gaue her the vpper 28 And it came to passe when Israel
springs, and the nether springs. was strong, that they put the Canaa-
16 1F And the children of the Kenite, nites to tribute,' and did not vtterly
Moses father in law, went vp out of driue them out.
the citie of palme trees, with the chil- 29 IF * Neither did Ephraim driue * losh. 16.
dren of ludah into the wildernesse of out the Canaanites that dwelt in Ge- 10.
[udah, which lieth in the South of A- zer: but the Canaanites dwelt in Ge-
rad, and they went and dwelt among zer among them.
the people. 30 IT Neither did Zebulun driue out
17 And ludah went with Simeon ;he inhabitants of Kitron, nor the in-
lis brother, and they slew the Canaa- labitants of Nahalol : but the Canaa-
nites that inhabited Zephath, and vt- nites dwelt among them, and became
terly destroyed it, (and the name of the tributaries.
*Num. 21. * citie was called Hormah.) 31 IF Neither did Asher driue out the
18 Also ludah tooke Gaza with the inhabitants of Accho, nor the inhabi-
coast thereof, and Askelon with the tants of Zidon, nor of Ahlab, nor Ach-
coast thereof, and Ekron with the coast zib, nor Helbath , nor Aphik , nor of
thereof. Rehob:
19 And the LORD was with lu- 32 But the Asherites dwelt among
II Or, he pos- dah ,andhee \\ArmeoMttheinhabitants of the Canaanites, the inhabitants of the
sessed the
mountaine. the mountaine, but could not driue out and: for they did not driue them out.
33 IF Nei-
Ifrael is reproued. Judges. lofhuas buriall.
33 f Neither did Naphtali driue out dayes of the Elders that toutliued lo- longed
\Hebr. pro-
the inhabitants of Bethshemesh, nor shua, who had seene all the great after loshua.
the inhabitants of Bethanath , but hee workes of the LOUD, that hee did for
dwelt among the Canaanites, the inha- Israel.
bitants of the land : neuerthelesse, the 8 And loshua the sonne of Nun,
inhabitants of Bethshemesh, and of the seruant of the LORD died, being
Bethanath, became tributaries vnto an hundred and ten yeeres old.
them. 9 And they buried him in the border
34 And the Amorites forced the chil- of his inheritance in Timnath-Heres,
dren of Dan into the mountaine : for in the mount of Ephraim, on the North
they would not suffer them to come side of the hill Gaash.
downe to the valley. 10 And also all that generation were
35 But the Amorites would dwell gathered vnto their fathers : and there
in mount Heres in Aiialon, & in Shaal- arose another generation after them,
bim ! yet the hand of the house of lo- which knew not the LORD, nor yet
\ Hebr. was seph +preuailed, so that they became tri- the woorkes which hee had done for
butaries. Israel.
36 And the coast of the Amorites was 11 f And the children of Israel did
!i Or, Maale- from ||the going vp to Akrabbim, from euil in the sight of the LOUD, and ser-
the rocke, and vpward. ued Baalim:
12 And they forsooke the LORD
God of their fathers, which brought
C H A P . II. them out of the land of Egypt, and fol-
1 An Angel rebuketh the people at Bochim. lowed other gods, of the gods of the
6 The wickednesse of the new generation people that were round about them,
after loshua. 14 Gods anger and pitie to- and bowed themselues vnto them, and
wards them. 20 The Canaanites are left prouoked the L O R D to anger.
to prooue Israel.
13 And they forsooke the LORD,
\\0r, messen- Nd an || Angel of the and serued Baal and Ashtaroth.

LORD came vp from 14 f And the anger of the LORD
Gilgal to Bochim, and was hote against Israel, and he deliue-
said, I made you to goe red them into the hands of spoilers that
Vp Out Of Egypt , and have spoiled them, and *he sold them into the 12.
Psal. 44.
brought you vnto the land which I hands of their enemies round about, so 1. Isa. 50.
sware vnto your fathers, and I said, I that they could not any longer stand be-
will neuer breake my Couenant with fore their enemies.
you. 15 Whither soeuer they went out, the
* Deut. 7. 2. 2 And *yee shall make no league hand of the LORD was against them
* Deut. 12. with the inhabitants of this land, *you for euill, as the LORD had said, and
shal throw downe their altars . But ye *as the LORD had sworne vnto them: deut. * Lcuit. 26.
haue not obeyed my voyce; Why haue and they were greatly distressed.
ye done this ? 16 IF Neuerthelesse, the LORD
3 Wherefore I also said, I will not raysed vp ludges, which t deliuered \
driue them out from before you : but them out of the hand of those that spoy- net.
Mosh. 23. they shalbe * asthornesm your sides, and led them.
* Exod. 23. their gods shalbe a * snare vnto you. 17 And yet they would not hearken
33. and 34. 4 And it came to passe when the vnto their ludges, but they went a
Angel of the L O R D spake these words whoring after other gods, and bowed
vnto all the children of Israel, that the themselues vnto them : they turned
people lift vp their voice, and wept. quickly out of the way, which their fa-
5 And they called the name of that thers walked in, obeying the Comman-
* That is, place * Bochim : and they sacrificed dements of the L O R D ; but they did
weepers. there vnto the LORD. not so.
6 f And when loshua had let the 18 And when the LORD raised them
people goe, the children of Israel went vp ludges, then the LORD was with
euery man vnto his inheritance, to pos- the ludge, and deliuered them out of
sesse the land. the hand of their enemies, all the dayes
7 And the people serued the LORD of the ludge (for it repented the
all the dayes of loshua, and all the L O R D , because of their gronings by
Ifrael obftinate. Chap.iij. Othniel. Ehud.
reason of them that oppressed them, 6 And they tooke their daughters
and vexed them:) to be their wiues, and gaue their daugh-
» Gftap. a. 19 And it came to passe * when the ters to their sonnes, and serued their
n Or, were ludge was dead, that they returned, gods.
corrupt. and || corrupted themselues more then 7 And the children of Israel did e-
their fathers, in following other gods, uill in the sight of the LOUD, and for-
to serue them, and to bow downe vnto gate the LORD their God, and serued
t Hebr. they them: tthey ceased not from their owne Baalim, and the groues.
let nothing 8 U Therefore the anger of the
faU of their. doings, nor from their stubborne way.
20 IT And the anger of the L O R D LORD was hole against Israel, and
was hote against Israel, and he said, he sold them into the hand of Chushan-
Because that this people hath trans- Rishathaim king of t Mesopotamia: ITam-naha- Heber. A-
gressed my Couenant which I com- and the children of Israel serued Chu- raim.
manded their fathers, and haue not shan-Rishathaim eight yeeres.
hearkened vnto my voice: 9 And when the children of Israel
21 I also will not henceforth driue cryed vnto the LORD, the L O R D
out any from before them of the nati- raised vp a tdeliuerer to the children of uiour.
t Hebr. sa-
ons which loshua left when he died: Israel, who deliuered them, euen Oth-
22 That through them I may proue niel the sonne of Kenaz, Calebs yonger
Israel, whether they will keepe the brother.
way of the LORD, to walke therein, 10 And the Spirit of the L O R D
as their fathers did keepe it, or not. tcame vpon him, and he iudged Israel, t Hebr. was.
I0r,suffred. 23 Therefore the LORD || left those and went out to warre, & the LORD
nations, without driuiug them out ha- deliuered Chushan-Rishathaim king
stily, neither deliuered he them into the of t Mesopotamia into his hand; and rain. t Hebr. A-
hand of loshua. his hand preuailed against Chushan-
CHAP. III. 11 And the land had rest forty yeres:
and Othniel the sonne of Kenaz died.
1 The nations which were left to prooue Israel. 12 If And the children of Israel did
6 By communion with them they commit euill againe in the sight of the LORD :
idolatrie. 8 Othniel deliuereth them from and the L O R D strengthened Eglon
Chushan-Rishathaim, 12 Ehud from Eg-
lon. 31 Shamgar from the Philistines. the king of Moab against Israel, be-
cause they had done euill in the sight of
Ow these are the nations the LORD.

N which the LORD left, to

prooue Israel by them,
(euen as many of Israel
as had not knowen all the
13 And hee gathered vnto him the
children of Ammon, and Amalek, and
went and smote Israel, and possessed
the city of Palme-trees.
warres of Canaan; 14? So the children of Israel serued
2 Onely that the generations of Eglon the King of Moab eighteene
the children of Israel might know to yeeres.
teach them warre, at the least such as 15 But when the children of Israel
before knew nothing thereof:) cried vnto the LORD, the LORD
3 Namely fiue lords of the Phili- raised them vp a deliuerer, Ehud the
stines, and all the Canaanites, and the sonne of Gera, ||a Beniamite, a man I Or, the
Sidonians, and the Hiuites that dwelt 11 left handed: and by him the children of sonne
in mount Lebanon, from mount Baal- Israel sent a Present vnto Eglon the of Ms right
t Hebr. shut
Hermon, vnto the entring in of Ha- king of Moab. hand
math. 16 But Ehud made him A Dagger
4 And they were to prooue Israel (which had two edges) of a cubite
by them, to know whether they would length, and he did gird it vnder his rai-
hearken vnto the Commandements of ment, vpon his right thigh,
the LORD, which hee commaunded 17 And he brought the present vnto
their fathers by the hand of Moses. Eglon king of Moab : and Eglon was
5 IF And the children of Israel a very fat man.
dwelt among the Canaanites, Hittites, 18 And when he had made an end to
and Amorites, and Perizzites, and Hi- offer the Present, he sent away the peo-
uites, and lebusites, ple that bare the Present.
19 But
Ehud killeth Eglon. Judges. Deborah, Barak.
19 But hee himselfe turned againe CHAP. IIII.
Or,grauen from the || quarries that were by Gil-
gal, and said, I haue a secret errand vn- 1 Deborah and Barak deliuer them from labin
and Sisera. 18 lael killeth Sisera.
to thee,O king: who said, Keepe silence.
And all that stood by him, went out Nd the children of Israel

from him. againedid euil in the sight
20 And Ehud came vnto him, and of the LORD, when E-
Heb. a par- he was sitting in t a Summer parlour, hud was dead.
lour of coo-
ling. which hee had for himselfe alone: And 2 And the LORD sold
Ehud said, I haue a message from God them into the hande of labin king of
vnto thee. And he arose out othis seat. Canaan: that reigned in Razor, the cap-
21 And Ehud put forth his left hand, taine of whose host was Sisera, which
and tooke the dagger from his right dwelt in Harosheth of the Gentiles.
thigh, and thrust it into his belly. 3 And the children of Israel cried
22 And the haft also went in after vnto the LORD : for he had nine hun-
the blade: and the fatte closed vpon the dred charets of yron : and twentie yeres
blade, so that hee could not drawe the hee mightily oppressed the children of
H Or, it came dagger out of his belly, and the ||dirt Israel.
out at the
fundament. came out. 4« f^nd Deborah a prophetesse,
23 Then Ehud went forth through the wife of Lapidoth, shee iudged Is-
the porche, and shut the doores of the rael at that time.
parlour vpon him, and locked them. 5 And shee dwelt vnder the palme
24 When he was gone out, his ser- treq of Deborah, betweene Raman and
uants came, and when they saw, that Bethel in mount Ephraim; and the
behold, the doores of the parlour were children of Israel came vp to her for
H Or, doth
locked, they said, Surely he || couereth iudgement.
his feet in nis Summer chamber. 6 And shee sent and called Barak
25 And they taried till they were a- the sonne of Abinoam, out of Kedesh-
shamed : and behold, he opened not the Naphtali, and said vnto him, Hath not
doores of the parlour, therefore they the LORD God of Israel commaun-
tooke a key, and opened them: and be- ded, saying, Goe, and drawe toward
hold, their lord was fallen downe dead mount Tabor, and take with thee ten
on the earth. thousand men of the children of Naph-
26 And Ehud escaped while they ta- tali, and of the children of Zebulun ?
ried : and passed beyond the quarries, 7 And I wil draw vnto thee to the
and escaped vnto Seirath. *riuer Kishon, Sisera the captaine of * Psal. 83.
27 And it came to passe when hee labins army, with his charets, and 9,10.
was come, that hee blew a trumpet in his multitude, and I will deliuer him
the mountaine of Ephraim, and the into thine hand.
children of Israel went downe with 8 And Barak said vnto her, If
him from the mount, & he before them. thou wilt goe with me, then I wil goe:
28 And hee said vnto them, Follow but if thou wilt not goe with mee, then
after me: for the LORD hath deliue- I will not goe.
red your enemies the Moabites into 9 And she said, I wil surely go with
your hand. And they went downe af- thee, notwithstanding the iourney that
ter him, and tooke the foords of lor- thou takest, shal not be for thine honor:
dan toward Moab, and suffered not a for the LORD shall sell Sisera into
man to passe ouer. the hand of a woman. And Deborah
29 And they slewe of Moab at that arose, & went with Barak to Kedesh.
\Heb.fat. time about ten thousand men, all t lusty, 10 f And Barak called Zebulun,
and all men of valour, and there escaped and Naphtali to Kedesh, and he went
not a man. vp with ten thousand men at his feete :
30 So Moab was subdued that day and Deborah went vp with him.
vnder the hand of Israel: and the land 11 Now Heber the Kenite, which
had rest fourescore yeeres. was of the children of * Hobab the fa- 29. * Numb. 10
31 1F And after him was Shamgar ther in law of Moses, had seuered him-
the sonne of Anath, which slew of the selfe from the Kenites, and pitched his
Philistines sixe hundred men with an tent vnto the plaine of Zaanaim,
oxe goad, and he also deliuered Israel. which is by Kedesh.
12 And
Sifera is flaine. Chap.v. Thankefgiuing.
12 And they shewed Sisera, that sera lay dead, and the naile was in his
Barak the sonne of Abinoam was temples.
gone vp to mount Tabor. 23 So God subdued on that day,
t Hebr. ga. 13 And Sisera t gathered together labin the king of Canaan, before the
thered by cry
or procla- all his charets, euen nine hundred cha- children of Israel.
mation. rets of iron, and al the people that were 24 And the hand of the children of
with him, from Harosheth of the Gen- Israel t prospered, & preuailed against \Hebr.go-
tiles, vnto the riuer of Kishon. ing>. went
labin the king of Canaan, vntill they and was
14 And Deborah said vnto Barak, had destroyed labin king of Canaan. hard.
Vp, for this is the day in which the
LORD hath deliuered Sisera into C H A P . V.
thine hand : Is not the LORD gone
I The Sone of Deborah and Barak.
out before thee ? so Barak went downe
from mount Tabor, and ten thousand Hen sang Deborah, and

men after him. Barak the son of Abino-
• Psal. 83. 15 And the * LORD discomfited am, on that day, saying,
Sisera, and all his charets, and all 2 Praise ye the LORD,
his hoste with the edge of the sword, be- for the auenging of Is-
fore Barak : so that Sisera lighted rael , when the people willingly offered
downe off his charet, and fled away on themselues.
his feet. 3 Heare, O ye kings, giue eare, O ye
16 But Barak pursued after the cha- Princes: I, euen I will sing vnto the
rets , and after the hoste vnto Haro- LORD, I wil sing praise to the LORD
sheth of the Gen tiles, and all the host of God of Israel.
Sisera fell vpon the edge of the sword; 4 L O R D , * when thou wentest * Deut. 4.
t ffebr. vnto and there was not t a man left. out of Seir, when thou marchedst out 11.
one. of the field of Edom, the earth trembled,
17 Howbeit Sisera fled away on his
feet, to the tent of lael the wife of He- and the heauens dropped, the clouds al-
ber the Kenite : for there was peace be- so dropped water.
tweene labin the king of Hazor, and 5 *The mountaines t melted from *
the house of Heber the Kenite. t ffebr.
before the LORD, euen * that Sinai, /lowed.
18 IF And lael went out to meete from before the LORD God of Israel. * Exod. 19.
Sisera, and said vnto him, Turne in, 6 In the dayes of * Shamgar the 18. * Chap. 3.
my lord, turne in to me, feare not. And son of Anath, in the dayes of * lael, the 31.
wnen hee had turned in vnto her, in- high wayes were vnoccupied, and the 18. * Chap. 4.
to the tent, shee couered him with a t traueilers walked thorow t by-wayes. IHebr. wal-
7 The inhabitants of the villages cea- kers of paths.
IMF || mantle.
19 And he said vnto her, Giue me, I
sed, they ceased in Israel, vntill that I crooked
pray thee, a litle water to drinke, for I Deborah arose, that I arose a mother wages.
* Chap. 5. am thirstie. And she opened *a bottle of in Israel.
milke, and gaue him drinke, and coue- 8 They chose new gods; then was
red him. warre in the gates : was there a shield
20 Againe he said vnto her, Stand or speare seene among fourtie thousand
in the doore of the tent, and it shall bee in Israel P
when any man doeth come and enquire 9 My heart is toward the gouer-
of thee and say, Is there any man here ? nours of Israel, that offered them-
that thou shalt say, No. selues willingly among the people :
\Heb7.put. 21 Then lael Hebers wife, t tooke Blesse ye the LORD.
a naile of the tent, and tooke an ham- 10 || Speake yee that ride on white II Or, medi.
mer in her hand, and went softly vnto asses, yee that sit in ludgement, and tote.
him, and smote the naile into his tem- walke by the way.
ples, and fastened it into the ground: 11 Theythataredeliueredfromthenoise
(for he was fast asleepe, and weary;) of Archers in the places of drawing
so he died. water; there shall they rehearse the
22 And behold, as Barak pursued righteous acts of the LORD, euen the
Sisera, lael came out to meet him, and trighteous acts towards the inhabitants^ t/fe&r.rfeft-
said vnto him, Come, and I will shew his villages in Israel : then shall the ofteousnesses
the Lord.
thee the man whom thou seekest. And people of the LORD goe downe to the
when he came into her tent, behold, Si- gates.
Iff Awake,
The fong of Judges. Deborah and Barak.
12 Awake, awake Deborah: awake, when she had pearsecl & striken through
awake, vtter a song: arise Barak, and his temples.
leade thy captiuitie captiue, thou sonne 9,7 t At her feete he bowed, he fell, tweene.
t tiebr. be.
of Abinoam. he lay downe: at her feet he bowed, he
13 Then hee made him that remai- fell; where he bowefl, there he fel down
neth, haue dominion ouer the Nobles tdead. t Heb. de-
among the people: the LORD made 28 The mother of Sisera looked stroyed.
me haue dominion ouer the mightie. out at a window, and cried through the
14 Out of Ephraim was there a lattesse, Why is his charet so long in
roote of them against Amalek, after comming? Why tarie the wheeles of
thee Beniamin, among thy people : Out his charets ?
of Machir came downe gouernours, 29 Her wise ladies answered her, yea
IHekdrawe and out of Zebulun they that t handle she returned tanswere to her selfe, t Heb. words
with the pen,
¥' the pen of the writer. 30 Haue they not sped? haue they not
15 And the princes of Issachar were diuided the pray t to euery man a damo- t Heb. to the
with Deborah : euen Issachar, and al- sell or two ? To Sisera a pray of diuers head
of a
so Barak, he was sent on tfoot into the colours, a pray of diuers colours, of nee-
Ittebr.his valley: j| for the diuisions of Reuben, dle worke, of diuers colours of needle
H Or, in the there were great t thoughts of heart. worke on both sides, meet tfor the necks the
t Hebr.for
diuisions, 16 Why abodest thou among the of them itiat lake the spoile ? of the spoilt.
fHebr. im. sheepefolds * to heare the bleatings of 31 So let all thine enemies perish, O
presstons* the flocks? \\Jbr the diuisions of Reuben LORD : but let them that loue him, be
i! Or, in.
tliere were great searchings of heart. as the Sunrie when he goeth foorth in
17 Gilead abode beyond lordan : his might. And the l$nd hatd rest four-
and why did Dan remaine in ships ? A- tie yeeres.
\\ Or, port. sher continued on the sea || shore, and a-
II Or, creeks. bode in his ]|breaches. C H A P . VI.
18 Zebulun and Naphtali were a peo-
t Heb. expo- ple that tieoparded tneir liues vnto the 1 The Israelites for their sinne are oppressed by
sed to re- Midian. 8 A prophet rebuketh tnem. 11 An
proch. death, in the high places of the field. Angel sendeth Gideon for their deliuerance.
19 The kings came and fought, then 17 Gideons Present is consumed with fire.
fought the kings of Canaan in Taa- 24 Gideon destroyeth Baals altar, and offreth
nach by the waters of Megiddo, they a sacrifice vpon the altar lehouah-shalom. 28
loash defendeth his son, & calleth him lerub-
tooke no gaine of money. baal. 33 Gideons armie. 36 Gideons signes.
20 They fought from heauen, the
\Heb.ptfhs. starres in their t courses fought against ND the children of Is-

Sisera. rael did euill in the sight
SI The riuer of Kishott swept them of the LORD : and the
away, that ancient riuer, the riuer Ki- LORD deliuered them
shon : O my soule, thou bast troden into the hande of Midi-
downe strength. an seuen yeeres.
22 Then were the horse hoofes bro- 2 And the hand of Midian tpreuai- t Heb. was
•\0rjtramp- ken, by the meanes of the j| pransings,
Iing99or led against Israel : and because of the strong.
pktngmfs. the pransings of their mightie ones. Midianites , the children of Israel
28 Curse ye Meroz (said the Angel made them the denhes which are in the
of the X«ORD) curse ye bitterly the in- mountaines, and caues, & strong holds.
habitants thereof: because they came 3 And so it was when Israel had
not to the helpe of the LORD, to the sowen, that the Midianites came vp,
helpe of the LORD against the mighty. & the Amalekites, & the children of the
24 Blessed aboue women shal lael East, euen they came vp against them,
the wife of Heber the Kenite be, blessed 4 And they encamped against them,
shall she be aboue women in the tent. and destroyed the encrease of the earth,
25 He asked water, and she gaue him till thou come vnto Gaza, and left no
milke, shee brought foorth butter in a sustenance for Israel, neither j| sheepe, $Qr,Soate.
lordly dish. nor oxe, nor asse.
26 Shee put her hand to the naile,1 5 Fof they came vp with their cat-
and her right hand to the workemens tell and their tents, and they came as
* Heb. ham hammer : and with the hammer §hee Grashoppers for multitude, for both
mer&it t smote Sisera, shee smote off his head, they and their caxflels were without
Gideon and tfie Angel. Baals altar
number : and they Centred into the land 1& Depart iiot hence, I pray thee
to destroy it. vntill come viito |3iee, and bring fort
6 And Israel was greatly impoue my ]|Present,ands*£tit before thee. And offering.
rislied, because of the Midianites, anc hee saide, I will tary vfitill thou come
the children of Israel cryed vnto th againe.
LORD. 19 f And Gideon went itl, and made
7 11 And it came to passe when ready ta kid, and Vnleauened cakes 6\ f 'tiebf. a
the children of Israel cryed vnto fche an Ephah of flour6: the flesh he put iii a kid of the
LORD, because of the Midianites, basket, and he put the broth in a pot, an<
t Hebr. a 8 That the LORD sent ta Pro brought it out vino him vnder the oake,
man, a Prq- phet vnto the children of Israel, which and presented it. j
said vnto them; Thus saith the LORD 20 And the Angel of God sayd vn-
God of 'Israel, I brought you vp from to him, Take the flesh, and? the vnleaue-
Egypt, and brought you forth out of the ned cakes, and lay them* vpon this
house of bondage, rocke, and powre out the broth. And he
9 And I deliuered you out of the did so.
hand of the Egyptians, and out of the 21 II Then the Aiigel of the LORD
hand of al that oppressed you, and draue put foorth the eittt of the staffe that was
them out from befpre you, and gaue n his hand, and touched the flesh, anc
you their land: the vnleaufched cakes, and there rose vp
10 And I said vnto you, I am the ire out of the rocke, and consumed the
* 2. King. Loftj) your God, *feare not the gods lesh -and the vnteauened cakes : then
17. 35, 38.
ierem. 10. 2. of the Amorites in whose land ye dwel: the Angel of the LORD departed out
But ye haue not obeyed my voice. of his sight.
11 IT And there came an Angel of 22 And when Gideon perceiued that
the LORD, and sate vnder an Oake lee was an Angel of the LORD , Gi-
which was in Ophrah, that pertained vn- deon said, Alas, O Lord GOD : *for 20, *ExO<L 33.
to loash the Abi-Ezrite: and his sonne Because I haue seene an Angel of the 13, 22.
*Heb. 11. * Gideon threshed wheat by the wine- LORD face to fiice.
32. called
Gedeon. presse, t to hide it from the Miclianites. 23 And the LORD said vnto him,
t Hebr. to
cause it to
12 And the Angel of the LORD ?eace be vnto thee, feare not, thou shalt
fll/e. appeared vnto him, and said vnto him, not die.
The L O R D is with thee, thou migh- 24 Then Gideon built an Altar
tie man of valour. there vnto the LORD, and called it
13 And Gideon said vnto him, Qh I lehouah-shalom: vnto this day it is II That is,
my Lord, if the L O R D bee with vs, The Lord
yet in Ophrah, of the Abi-Ezrites. sertd peace.
why then is all this befallen vs ? and 25 1f And it came to passe the same
where be all his miracles which our fa- night, that the LORD said vnto him,
;hers tolde vs of, saying, Did not the Pake thy fathers yong bullocke, ||euen \\Qr,aftd.
L O R D bring vs vp from Egypt? but the second bullocke of seuen yeeres old,
now the LORD hath forsaken vs, and and throw downe the altar of Baal
deliuered vs into the hands of the Mi- that thy father hath, and cut downe the
dianites. groue that is by it:
14 And the LORD looked vpon 2(J And builde an Altar vnto tHe
lim, and said, Goe in this thy might, L.ORD thy God vpon the top of this
ind thou shalt saue Israel from the t rocke, in ||the ordered place, and take tiebr.
land of the Midianites : haue not I he second bullocke , and offer a burnt tron^ place.
Or, man
sent thee ? sacrifice with the wood of the grgue, orderly ma-
15 And hee said vnto him, Oh my which thou shalt cut downe.
ord, wherewith shall I saue Israel ? 27 Then Gideon tooke ten men of
II Or, my )ehold, ||my family, is poore in Manas- lis seruants, and diet as the LORD
iousand is
the meanest. seh, and I am the'least in my fathers had said vnto him: And $o it was be-
louse. cause hee feared his fathers houshold,
16 And the L O R D said vnto him, and the men of the city, that he could
Surely I will be with thee, and thou not doe it by day, that hee did it by
shalt smite the Midianites, as one man. night.
17 And he said vnto him, If now I 28 1f And when the men of the citie
laue found grace in thy sight, then shew ,arose earely in the morning^ behold; the
me a signe, that thou talkest with me» altar of Baal was cast downe, and the
Sideons fleece: ludges. His armie.
proue was cut downe that was by it, and 40 And God did so that night: for
he second bullocke was offered vpon t was drie vpon the fleece onely, and
he altar that was built*- there was deaw on all the ground.
29 And they said one to another, Who
hath done this thing ? And when they C H A P . VII.
enquired and asked, they said, Gideon
the sonne of loash hath done this 1 Gideons armie of two and thirtie thousand is
brought to three hundred. 9 He is encoura-
thing. ed by the dreame and interpretation of the
30 Then the men of the citie said vn- f arley cake. 16 His stratageme of trumpets
and lampes in pitchers. 24 The Ephraimites
to loash, Bring out thy sonne, that he
may die: because he hath cast downe the take Oreb and Zeeb.
altar of Baal, and because hee hath cut Hen lerubbaal (who is
y» <LOSrJk*>£s*y*

downe the groue that was by it.

31 And loash said vnto all that stood
against him, Will ye pleade for Baal ?
will ye saue him ? He that will plead for
I G&^r&aEaSr&^BGideon) and all the people
that were with him, rose
vp earely, and pitched be-
side the well of Harod: so
rim, let him be put to death whilest it is that the noste or the Midianites were
yet morning: if he be a god, let him plead on the North side of them by the hill of
or himselfe, because one hath cast down VIoreh, in the valley.
lis altar. 2 And the LORD said vnto Gide-
32 Therefore on that day hee called on, The people that are with thee, are
lim lerubbaal, saying, Let Baal too many for me to giue the Midianites
vp ont egypt into their handes, lest Israel vaunt
-hrowen downe his altar. themselues against mee, saying, Mine
33 IF Then all the Midianites, and owne hand hath saued me.
;he Amalekites, and the children of the 3 Now therefore go to, proclaime
East were gathered together, and went in the earesof the people, say ing, *Who- * Deut. 20.8
ouer, and pitched in the valley of lez- soeuer is fearefull and afraid, let him re- i. mac. 3. 56
reel. turne and depart earely from mount
34 But the Spirit of the L O R D Gilead: and there returned of the peo-
t Hebr. clo- t came vpon Gideon, and hee *blewe a ple twentie and two thousand, & there
* Num. 10. trumpet, and Abiezer twas gathered remained ten thousand.
3. chap. 3. after him. 4 And the L O R D said vnto Gide-
t Heb. was 35 And he sent messengers through- on, The people are yet too many: bring
called af-
ter him.
out all Manasseh, who also was gathe- them downe vnto the water, and I wi
red after him, and hee sent messengers trie them for thee there: and it shall bee
vnto Asher, and vnto Zebulun, anc that of whome I say vnto thee, This
vnto Naphtali, and they came vp to shall goe with thee, the same shall goe
meete them. with thee: and of whomsoeuer I say
36 IF And Gideon said vnto God, li vnto thee, This shal not goe with thee,
thou wilt saue Israel by mine hand, as the same shall not goe.
thou hast said, 5 So he brought downe the people
37 Beholde, I will put a fleece of vnto the water: and the L O R D sayc
wooll in the floore: and if the deaw be on vnto Gideon, Euery one that lappeth
the fleece onely, and it bee drie vpon al of the water with his tongue as a dog
the earth beside, then shall I know that lappeth, him shalt thou set by himselfe
thou wilt saue Israel by my hande, as likewise euery one that boweth downe
thou hast said. vpon his knees to drinke.
38 And it was so : for he rose vp ear- 6 And the number of them that lap-
ly on the morrow, and thrust the fleece ped putting their hand to their mouth
together, and wringed the deaw out ol were three hundred men: but all the rest
the fleece, a bowle full of water. of the people bowed downe vpon their
*Gen. 18. 39 And Gideon said vnto God, * Le knees to drinke water.
32. not thine anger be hote against me, anc 7 And the LORD said vnto Gi
I will speake but this once : Let mee deon , By the three hundred men tha
prooue, I pray thee, but this once with lapped, will I saue you, and deliuer the
the fleece. Let it now be drie onely vpon Midianites into thine hand: and let al
the fleece, and vpon all the ground let the other people goe euery man vnto his
there be deaw. place.
8 So
A dreame declared. Chap.vij. Midian deftroyed.
8 So the people tooke victuals in fe the trumpets also on euery side of all
their hand, and their trumpets : and he ;he campe ^ and say, The sward of the
sent all the rest of Israel, euery man vn- LORD, andyof Gideon.
;o his tent, and reteined those three 19 1F So Gideon and the hundred
mndred men : and the hoste of Midian men that were with him, came vnto
was beneath him in the valley. the outside of the campe, in the begin-
9 U And it came to passe the same ning of the middle watch, and they had
night, that the L O R D sayd vnto >ut newly set the watch, and they blew
lim, Arise, get thee downe vnto the the trumpets» and brake the pitchers
loste, for I haue deliuered it into thine that were in their hands.
land. 20 And the three companies blew
10 But if thou feare to goe downe, the trumpets, and brake the pitchers,
roe thou with Phurah thy seruant and held the lampes in their left hands,
downe to the hoste. and the trumpets in their right hands
11 And thou shalt heare what they to blow wiiliaU: and they cryed, The
say, and afterward shall thine handes sword of the LORD, and of Gideon.
re strengthened to goe downe vnto the 21 And they stood euery man in his
loste. Then went hee downe, with place, round about the campe : and all
Phurah his seruant, vnto the outside the host ranne, and cried, and fled.
H 0r, rarikes of the ||armed men, that were in the 22 And the three hundred blew the
byfiue. loste. trumpets, and * the LORD set euery * Esay 9.4.
12 And the Midianites, and the A- mans sword against his fellow, euen
Chap. 6. malekites, and *all the children of the throughout all the host : and the host
33. East, lay along in the valley like gras- Jed to Beth-shittah, ||in Zererath, and wards.
Or, to-
loppers for multitude, and their ca- to the tborder of Abel Meholah, vnto Hebr. lip.
mels were without number, as the Tabbath.
sand by the Sea side for multitude. 23 And the men of Israel gathered
13 And when Gideon was come, themselues together out of Naphta-
ieholde, there was a man that tolde a ii, and out of Asher, and out of all Ma-
dreame vnto his fellow, and sayd, Be- nasseh, and pursued after the Midi-
hold , I dreamed a dreame, and loe, a anites.
cake of Barley bread tumbled into 24? 1F And Gideon sent messengers
the hoste of Midian, and came vnto a throughout all mount Ephraim, say-
tent, and smote it that it fell, and ouer- ing; Come downe against the Midi-
turned it, that the tent lay along. anites, and take before them the wa-
14 And his fellow answered, and ters vnto Beth-barah, and Jordan.
said, This is nothing els saue the sword Then all the men of Ephraim gathe-
of Gideon the sonne of loash, a man red themselues together, and tooke
of Israel: for into his hand hath God the waters vnto Beth - barah, and
deliuered Midian, and all the hoste. lordane.
15 11 And it was so, when Gideon 25 And they tooke * two Princes ol » Psal. 83.
heard the telling of the dreame, and the Midianites, Oreb, and Zeeb; and 11. 26.
esa. 10,
t Hebr. the tthe interpretation thereof, that hee they slew Oreb vpon the rocke Oreb,
thereof. worshipped, and returned into the host and Zeeb they slew at the winepresse
of Israel, and sayd, Arise, for .the of Zeeb, and pursued Midian , and
LORD hath deliuered into your hand brought the heads of Oreb and Zeeb,
the host of Midian. to Gideon on the other side lordan.
16 And he diuided the three hundrec
men into three companies, and hee put
t Hebr. a ttrumpet in euery mans hand, with C H A P . VIII.
trumpets in empty pitchers, and ||lampes within
the tiand of
all of them. the pitchers, 1 Gideon pacifieth the Ephraimites. 4 Succoth
II Or', fire- 17 And hee said vnto them, Looke - and Penuel refuse to relieue Gideons army
brands: or 10 Zebah and Zalmunna are taken. 13 Suc-
torches. on mee, and doe likewise; and beholde, coth and Penuel are destroyed. 1? Gideon
when I come to the outside of the reuengeth his brethrens death on Zebah anc
campe, it shall be that as I doe, so shal Zalmunna. 22 Hee refuseth gouernment
ye doe. 24 His Ephod cause of Idolatry. 22 Midian
18 -When I blow with a trumpet, subdued. 29 Gideons children, and death
, 33 The Israelites idolatry, and ingratitude.
I and all that are with mee, then blow
Zebah and Judges. Zalmunna ilaine.

Nd the men of Ephraim returned from battel before the Sunne
iHebr.what said vnto him, t Why hast was vp,
thing la this, thou serued vs thus, that 14 And caught a yong man of the
done vnto
thou calledst vs not when men of Succotn, and enquired of him:
thou wentest to fight and he t described vnto him the princes t Heb. writ.
with the Midianites? And they did of Succoth and the elders thereof, euen
iHeor. chide with him tsharpely. threescore and seuenteene men.
strongly. 2 And he said vnto them, What haue 15 And he came vnto the men of Suc-
[ done now in comparison of you ? Is coth, and said, Behold Zebah and Zal-
not the gleaning of the grapes of E- munna, with whom ye did vpbraid me,
)hraim better then the vintage of Abie- saying, Are the handes of Zebah and
zer? Zalmunna now in thine hand, that we
3 God hath deliuered into your should giue bread vnto thy men that are
lands the princes of Midian, Oreb and wearie ?
Zeeb: and what was I able to doe in 16 And hee tooke the Elders of the
Heb. s$wi*« comparison of you ? then their t anger citie, and thornes of the wildernes, and
was abated toward him, when he had )riers, and with them hee t taught the t Heb. made
men of Succoth. to know.
said that.
4 f And Gideon came to Jordan, 17 And he beat downe the towre of
cmd passed ouer, hee, and the three hun- * Penuel, and slew the men of the citie. * I. King. 12
dred men that were with him, faint, yet 18 IF Then said he vnto Zebah and 25.
mrsuing them. Zalmunna, What maner of men were
5 And he said vnto the men of Suc- they whom ye slew at Tabor? And they
coth, Giue, I pray you, loaues of bread answered, As thou art, so were they, ech
vnto the people that follow me, for they one t resembled the children of a king. t Heb. accor-
ding to the
ice faint, and I am pursuing after Ze- 19 And hee said, They were my bre- forme> fyc.
>ah and Zalmunna, kings of Midian. thren, euen the sonnes of my mother:
6 f And the princes of Succoth as the LORD liueth, if yee had saued
said, Are the hands of Zebah and Zal- them aliue, I would not slay you,
raunna now in thine hands, that wee 20 And he said vnto lether his first
should giue bread vnto thine armie P borne, Vp, and slay them: but the youth
7 Ana Gideon said, Therfore when drew not his sword: for he feared, be-
the LORD hath deliuered Zebah and cause he was yet a youth.
Zalmunna into mine hand, then I wil 21 Then Zebah and Zalmunna
i Heb. thresh t teare your flesh with the thornes of the said, Rise thou, and fall vpon vs: for as
wildernesse, and with briers. the man w, so is his strength. And Gide-
8 f And he went vp thence to Pe- on arose, and slewe Zebah and Zal-
nuel, and spake vnto them likewise: and munna, & tooke away the ||ornaments I Or, orna-
the men of Penuel answered him, as that were on their camels neckes. ments like
the men of Succoth had answered him. 22 11 Then the men of Israel saide
9 And he spake also vnto the men of vnto Gideon, Rule thou ouer vs, both
Penuel, saying, When I come againe in thou, and thy sonne, & thy sonnes sonne
peace, I will breake downe this towre. also: for thou hast deliuered vs from the
10 1T Now Zebah and Zalmunna hand of Midian.
were in Karkor, and their hostes with 23 And Gideon said vnto them, I
them, about fifteene thousand men, all will not rule ouer ypu, neither shall my
that were left of all the hosts of the chil- sonne rule ouer y&ti: the LORD shall
\\0r,anhun- dren of the East: for there fell ||an hun- rule ouer you.
dreth and
twenty thou- dred and twentie thousand men that 24< f And Gideon said vnto them,
sand, every drew sword. I would desire a request of you, that
one drawing
a sword. 11 IF And Gideon went vp by the you would giue me euery man the eare-
way of them that dwelt in tents, on the rings of his pray. For they had golden
East of Nobah, and logbehah, and eare - rings, because they were Ish-
smote the host: for the host was secure. maelites.
12 And when Zebah and Zalmun- 25 And they answered, We will wil-
na fled, he pursued after them, and took lingly giue them. And they spread a gar-
the two kings of Midian, Zebah, anc ment, and did cast therein, euery man
t Heb. terri- Zalmunna, & t discomfited all the host. the earerings of his pray.
13 1T And Gideon the sonne of loash 26 And the weight of the golden
Gideon dieth. Chap.ix. lothams parable.
eare - rings that hee requested , was a with all the family of the house of his
thousand and seuen hundred shekels of mothers father, saying ;
V Or, sweete gold, beside ornaments, and || collars, 2 Speake, I pray you, in the eares
wwel*. of all the men of Shechem ; t Whether \Hcb. what
& purple raiment that was on the kings
of Midian, and beside the chaines that is better for you, either that all the Sf^.W^"
were about their camels necks. sonnes of lerubbaal (which are three-
£7 And Gideon made an Ephod score and ten persons) reigne ouer you,
thereof, and put it in his citie, euen in or that one reigne ouer you ? Remem-
Ophrah : and all Israel went thither ber also , that I am your bone , and
a whoring after it ; which thing became your flesh.
a snare vnto Gideon, and to his house. 3 And his mothers brethren spake
28 1F Thus was Midian subdued of him in the eares of all the men of
before the children of Israel ; so that Shechem, all these wordes, and their
they lifted vp their heads no more : and hearts inclined to t follow Abimelech : )H& after.
the countrey was in quietnesse fourtie for they said, He is our brother.
yeeres, in the day es of Gideon. 4 And they gaue him threescore
29 IT And lerubbaal the sonne of and ten pieces of siluer, out of the house
loash went & dwelt in his owne house. of Baal-Berith , wherewith Abime-
30 And Gideon had threescore and lech hired vaine & light persons, which
t Heb. going ten sonnes tof his body begotten : for followed him.
out of his
thigh. he had many wiues. 5 And hee went vnto his fathers
31 And his concubine that was in house at Ophrah, and slewe his bre-
Shechem , shee also bare him a sonne, thren the sonnes of lerubbaal , being
\ Heb. iet. whose name he t called Abimelech. threescore and tenne persons, vpon one
32 1T And Gideon the sonne of loash stone : notwithstanding, yet lotham
died, in a good olde age, and was buried the youngest sonne of lerubbaal was
in the sepulchre of loash his father, in left ; for he hid himselfe.
Ophrah of the Abi-Ezrites. 6 And all the men of Shechem ga-
33 And it came to passe as soone as thered together, and all the house of
Gideon was dead, that the children of Millo, and went, and made Abimelech
Israel turned againe, and went a who- King, || by the plaine of the pillar that * Or, by the
ring after Baalim , and made Baal- was in Shechem. J&i?r24!s!*
Berith their god. 7 If And when they told it to lo- *%'*• -
34 And the children of Israel remem- tham, he went and stood in the top of
bred not the L O R D their God, who mount Gerizim , and lift vp his voice,
bad deliuered them out of the hands of and cried, and said vnto them, Hearken
all their enemies , on euery side : vnto mee , you men of Shechem , that
35 Neither shewed they kindnesse to God may hearken vnto you.
the house of lerubbaal, namely Gideon, 8 The trees went foorth on a time
according to all the goodnesse which he to annoint a King ouer them, and they
had shewed vnto Israel. said vnto the Oliue tree, Reigne thou
ouer vs.
9 But the Oliue tree saide vnto
C H A P . IX. them , Should I leaue my fatnesse,
wherewith by mee they honour God
1 Abimelech by conspiracie with the Sheche- and man, and II goe to bee promoted o- « Or.gofvp
mites, and murder of his brethren, is made 1.1.' trees
King. 7 lotham by a parable rebuketh them uer the ?a anddoume
fw 0S^
and foretelleth their ruine. 22 Gaal conspi- 10 And the trees said to the Figge '***'•
reth with the Shechemites against him. 30 tree, Come thou, and reigne ouer vs.
Zebul reuealeth it. 34 Abimelech ouer- 11 But the Figge tree saide vnto
commeth them, and soweth the citie with
salt. 46 Hee burneth the holde of the god them , Should I forsake my sweete-
Berith. 50 At Thebez he is slaine by a piece nesse, and my good fruit, and goe to be ,
of a milstone. 56 lothams curse is fulfilled. aromoted ouer the trees ?
1& Then saide the trees vnto the

Nd Abimelech the sonne Vine, Come tnou, ana reigne ouer vs.
of lerubbaal went tc 13 And the Vine said vnto them,
Shechem, vnto his mo- Should I leaue my wine, which chea-
thers brethren, and com- reth God and man, and goe to bee pro-
muned with them, and moted ouer the trees ?
14 Then
Gaal confpireth ludges. againft Abimelech:
14 Then said all the trees vnto the put their confidence in him.
II 0r, thistle. Bramble, Come thou, and reigne o- 27 And they went out into the fields,
uer vs. and gathered their vineyards, and
15 And the Bramble said vnto the trode the grapes, and made || merry, and l Or, songs.
trees, If in trueth ye anoint me King went into the house of their god, and
ouer you, then come, and put your trust did eate and drinke, and cursed Abime-
in my shadow : and if not, let fire come lech.
out of the Bramble, and deuoure the 28 And Gaal the sonne of Ebed said,
Cedars of Lebanon. Who is Abimelech, and who is She-
16 Now therefore, if yee haue done chem, that we should serue him? Is not
truely and sincerely, in that yee haue he the sonne of lerubbaal? and Zebu]
made Abimelech King, and if yee haue his officer? serue the men of Hamor the
iealt well with lerubbaal, and his father of Shechem ' for why should we
louse, and haue done vnto him accor- serue him ?
iifcg to the deseruing of his hands: 29 And would to God this people
17 ( For my father fought for you, were vnder my hand; then would I re-
t Heb. cast aud taduentured his life farre, and de- moue Abimelech. And he said to Abi-
his life.
iuered you out of the hand of Midian: melech, Increase thine armie and come
18 And yee are risen vp against my out.
athers house this day, and haue slaine 30 IF And when Zebul the ruler oil
lis sonnes, threescore and ten persons, the citie heard the wordes of Gaal the
vpon one stone, and haue made Abime- sonne of Ebed, his anger was ||kindled. \ Or, hote.
ech the sonne of his maidseruant, king 31 And he sent messengers vnto Abi-
ouer the men of Shechem, because he is melech tpriuily, saying, Behold, Gaal t Hd>* eraf-
%, or to
rour brother.) the sonne of Ebed, and his brethren, be Tormah.
19 If yee then haue dealt truely and come to Shechem, and behold, they for-
sincerely with lerubbaal, and with his tifie the citie against thee.
louse this day, then reioyce yee in Abi- 32 Now therefore vp by night, thou
melech, aud let him also reioyce in you. and the people that is with thee, and lie
20 But if not, let fire come out from in wait in the field.
Abimelech, aud deuoure the men of 33 And it shalbe, that in the morning
Shechem and the house of Millo : and assoone as the Sunne is vp, thou shal
et fire come out from the men of She- rise earely, and set vpon the citie: anc
chem, and from the house of Millo, and behold, when he and the people that is
deuoure Abimelech. with him, come out against thee, then
21 And lotham ran away, and fled, mayest thou doe to them fas thou shalt t Hebr. as
thine hand
and went to Beer, and dwelt there for finde occasion. shallfind.
feare of Abimelech his brother. 34 IF And Abimelech rose vp, anc
22 f When Abimelech had reigned all the people that were with him, by
three yeeres ouer Israel, night, and they laid wait against She-
23 Then God sent an euill spirit be- chem in foure companies.
tweene Abimelech & the men of She- 35 And Gaal the sonne of Ebed went
chem : and the men of Shechem dealt out, and stood in the entring of the gate
treacherously with Abimelech: of the citie: and Abimelech rose vp, anc
24 That the crueltie done to the the people that were with him, from ly-
threescore and ten sonnes of lerubbaal ing in waite.
might come, and their blood be laid vp- 36 And when Gaal saw the people,
on Abimelech their brother which slew he said to Zebul, Behold, there come
them, and vpon the men of Shechem people downe fro the top of the moun-
t Hebr. which taided him in the killing of his taines. And Zebul saide vnto him,
his hands t brethren. Thou seest the shadow of the moun-
kill. 25 And the men of Shechem set ly- taines, as if they were men.
ers in wait for him in the toppe of tne 37 And Gaal spake againe, and said
mountaines, and they robbed all that See, there come people downe by the
came along that way by them : and it tmiddle of the land, and another corn- Wleb.wueU
was told Abimelech. panie come along by the plaine of ||Me- \ Or, the re-
forders of
26 And Gaal the sonne of Ebed came onenim. times.
with his brethren, and went ouer to 38 Then said Zebul vnto him, Where
Shechem ; and the men of Shechem is now thy mouth, wAmetffA thou saidst,
He is ouercome. Chap.x. Abimelech flaine.
Who is Abimelech , that wee should bez, and encamped against Thebez, and
serue him ? Is not this the people that tooke it.
thou hast despised ? Goe out , I pray 51 But there was a strong towre
now, and fight with them. within the city, and thither fled all the
39 And. Gaal went out before the men and women, and all they of the ci-
men of Shechem , and fought with A- tie, and shut it to them, and gate them
bimelech. vp to the top of the towre.
40 And Abimelech chased him, and 52 And Abimelech came vnto the
hee fledde before him , and many were towre, and fought against it, and went
ouerthrowen and wounded, euen vnto hard vnto the doore of the towre, to
the entring of the gate. burne it with fire.
41 And Abimelech dwelt at Aru- 53 And a certaine woman *cast a * 2. Sam.
mah : and Zebul thrust out Gaal and piece of a milstone vpon Abimelechs 11. 21.
his brethren, that they should not dwell head, and all to brake his scull.
in Shechem. 54 Then hee called hastily vnto the
42 And it came to passe on the mor- young man his armour - bearer, and
row, that the people went out into the said vnto him , Draw thy sword, and
field, and they tolde Abimelech. slay me, that men say not of me, A wo-
43 And he tooke the people, and di- man slewe him : and his young man
uided them into three companies , and thrust him through, and he died.
laide waite in the field, and looked, and 55 And when the men of Israel saw
behold , the people were come forth out that Abimelech was dead, they depar-
of the citie, and he rose vp against them, ted euery man vnto his place.
and smote them. 56 H Thus God rendred the wic-
44 And Abimelech, and the compa- kednesse of Abimelech which hee did
nie that was with him, rushed forward, vnto his father, in slaying his seuentie
and stood in the entring of the gate of brethren.
the citie : and the two other companies 57 And all the euill of the men of
ranne vpon all the people that were in Shechem, did God render vpon their
the fields, and slew them. heads-: and vpon them came the curse
45 And Abimelech fought against of lotham the sonne of lerubbaal.
the citie all that day , and he tooke the
citie , and slewe the people that was
therein, and beat downe the citie , and C H A P . X.
sowed it with salt. 1 Tola iudgeth Israel in Shamir. 3 lair, whose
46 IT And when all the men of the thirtie sonnes had thirtie cities. 6 The
tower of Shechem heard that, they en- Philistines and Ammonites oppresse Israel.
tred into an holde of the house of the 10 In their miserie, God sendeth them to
god JBerith. their false gods. 15 Vpon their repentance,
hee pitieth them.
47 And it was told Abimelech, that
all the men of the towre of Shechem Nd after Abimelech, there
were gathered together.

48 And Abimelech gate him vp to
mount Zalmon, hee and all the people
tnat were witn mm , cc
» 1 1 * 0
A V/
1 V» «-y-»yv1rrt

an axe in his hand , and cut downe a

A arose to ||defend Israel, II Or, deliuer.
Tola the sonne of Puah, Heb. sane.
the sonne of Dodo, a man
of Issachar, and he dwelt
in Shamir in mount Ephraim.
bough from the trees, and tooke it, and 2 And he iudged Israel twenty and
laide it on his shoulder , and said vnto three yeeres, and died, and was buried
the people that were with him , What ye in Shamir.
\Heb.l haue seene tme doe, make haste, and doe 3 IF And after him arose lair a Gi-
haue done. as I haue done. leadite, and iudged Israel twentie and
49 And all the people likewise cut two yeeres.
downe euery man his bough, and fol- 4 And hee had thirtie sonnes that
lowed Abimelech, and put them to the rode on thirtie asse-colts, and they had
holde , and set the holde on fire vpon thirtie cities, which are called ||Hauoth- \\ Or, the vil-
them : so that all the men of the towre lair vnto this day, which are in the lages of lair
of Shechem died also, about a thou- land of Gilead.
sand men and women. 5 And lair died, and was buried
50 f Then went Abimelech to The- in Cam on.
6 f And
Ifrael punifhed. ludges. lephthah expelled.
* Chap. 2. 6 U And *the children of Israel did lead, said one to another, What man is
11. and 3.7.
and 4.1. & euill againe in the sight of the LORD, hee that will begin to fight against the
6.1. &. 13.1
* Chap. 2.
and serued Baalim and *Ashtaroth, children of Ammon? he shall *be Head *Chap.
J. .
13. and the gods of Syria, and the gods of ouer all the inhabitants of Gilead.
Zidon, and the gods of Moab, and the
gods of the children of Ammon, and the C H A P . XL
rods of the Philistines, and forsooke
;he LORD, and serued not him. 1 The Couenant betwcene lephthah and the
7 And the anger of the LORD Gileadites, that hee should be their head. 12
was hot agaiust Israel, and hee solde The treaty of peace betweene him and the
Ammonites is in vaine. 29 lephthahs vow.
them into the hands of the Philistines, 32 His conquest of the Ammonites. 34 He
and into the hands of the children of performeth his vow on his daughter.
8 And that yere they vexed and top- Ow * lephthah the Gile- •Hebr.

\Hebr. n.
crushed. pressed the children of Israel: eighteene adite was a mightie man 32. called
yeeres, all the children of Israel that of valour, and he was the
were on the other side lordan, in the sonne of t an harlot: and man,
^ Hebr. a wo-
land of the Amorites, which is in Gi- Gilead begate lephthah. lot. an har-
lead. 2 And Gileads wife bare him
9 Moreouer , the children of Am- sonnes, and his wiues sonhes grew vp,
mon passed ouer lordan , to fight also and they thrust out lephthah, and said
against ludah, and against Beniamin, vnto him , Thou shalt not inherite in
and against the house of Ephraim ; so our fathers house , for thou art the son
that Israel was sore distressed. of a strange woman.
10 H And the children of Israel cri- 3 Then lephthah fled t from his tHebr. from
ed vnto the LORD, saying, Wee haue brethren, and dwelt in the land of Tob: the face.
sinned against thee , both 'because wee and there were gathered vaine men to
haue forsaken our God, and also serued lephthah, and went out with him.
Baalim. 4 IT And it came to passe, t in pro- t Hebr. after
11 And the L O R D said vnto the cesse of time, that the children of Am- dayes.
children of Israel, Did not I deliuer you mon made warre against Israel.
from the Egyptians , and from the A- 5 And it was so, that when the chil-
morites, from the children of Ammon, dren of Ammon made war against Is-
and from the Philistines ? rael, the Elders of Gilead went to fetch
1? The Zidonians also and the A- lephthah out of the land of Tob,
malekites , and the Maonites did op- 6 And they said vnto lephthah,
presse you, and ye cried to me, and I de- Come and bee our Captaine , that wee
liuered you out of their hand. may fight with the children of Ammon.
* Deut. 32. 13 * Yet ye haue forsaken me, and ser- 7 And lephthah said vnto the El-
is. ierem. 2.
1,3. ued other gods : wherefore I will deli- ders of Gilead, Did not ye hate me, and
uer you no more. expell me out of my fathers house? And
14 Go, and cry vnto the gods which why are ye come vnto mee now when
ye haue chosen, let them deliuer you in ye are in distresse ?
the time of your tribulation. 8 And the Elders of Gilead said vn-
15 IF And the children of Israel said to lephthah , Therefore we turne a-
vnto the LORD, We haue sinned, doe gaine to thee now, that thou mayest go
i Hebr. is thou vnto vs whatsoeuer tseemeth with vs, and fight against the children
good in thine good vnto thee, deliuer vs onely, wee of Ammon , and bee our head ouer all
pray thee, this day. the inhabitants of Gilead.
t Hebr. gods 16 And they put away the t strange 9 And lephthah said vnto the El-
of strangers. gods from among them, and serued the ders of Gilead, If ye bring me home a-
\Hebr. wets LORD • and his soule twas grieued gaine to fight against the children of
for the misery of Israel. Ammon, and the LORD deliuer them
17 Then the children of Ammon before me ; shall I be your Head ?
1 Hebr. cried were t gathered together , and encam- 10 And the Elders of Gilead said vn-
together. ped in Gilead : and the children of Is- to lephthah, The L O R D tbe witnes the t Hebr. be
rael assembled themselues together, betweene vs, if we doe not so according betweene
and encamped in Mizpeh. to thy words. vs.
18 And the people and Princes of Gi- 11 Then lephthah went with the El-
lephthah captaine. Chap.xj. His rafti vow.
ders of Gilead, and the people made 22 And they possessed *all the coasts * Deut. 2.
him head and captaine ouer them : and of the Amorites, from Arnon euen vn- 36.
lephthah vttered all his words before to labbok, and from the wildernesse
the LOAD in Mizpeh. euen vnto lordaii.
12 IF And lephthah sent messengers 23 So nowe the LORD God of
vnto the king of the children of Atn- Israel hath dispossessed the Amorites
mon, saying, What hast thou to do with from before his people Israel, and
me, that thou art come against mee to shouldest thou possesse it ?
fight in my land ? 24 Wilt not thou possesse that which
13 And the king of the children of Chemosh thy god giueth thee to pos-
Ammon answered vnto the messen- sesse? so whomsoeuer the LORD our
* Num. 21. gers of lephthah ; * Because Israel God shal driue out from before vs, them
tooke away my land when they came will we possesse.
vp out of Egypt, from Arnon heuen vn- 25 *And now, art thou any thing * Num. 22.
to labbok , and vnto Jordan : now better then Balak the sonne of Zippor 2. deut. 23.
4. iosh. 24. 9
therfore restore those Zcwcfoagaine peace- king of Moab ? Did hee euer striue a-
ably. gainst Israel , or did hee euer fight a-
14 And lephthah sent messengers gainst them,
againe vnto the king of the children of 26 While Israel dwelt in Heshbon,
Ammon : and her townes, and in Aroer, and her
15 And said vnto him, Thus saith townes, and in all the cities that bee a-
* Deut. 2.9. lephthah; * Israel tooke not away long by the coasts of Arnon, three hun-
the land of Moab, nor the land of the dred yeeres? Why therefore did yee not
children of Ammon : recouer them within that time ?
16 But when Israel came vp from 27 Wherefore, I haue not sinned .a-
Egypt , and walked through the wil- gainst thee, but thou doest me wrong to
dernesse, vnto the red sea, and came to warre against mee : the L O R D the
Kadesh ; ludge, bee ludge this day betweene
* Num. 20.
17 Then * Israel sent messengers the children of Israel, and tne children
vnto the king of Edom saying, Let me, of Amrnon.
I pray thee , passe through thy land. 28 Howbeit, the king of the children
But the king of Edom would not hear- of Ammon hearkened not vnto the
ken thereto: And in like maner they sent words of lephthah which hee seut
vnto the king of Moab : but hee would him.
not consent: & Israel abode in Kadesh. 29 IF Then the Spirit of the L O R D
18 Then they went along through came vpon lephthah, and he passed o-
the wildernes, and compassed the land uer Gilead and Manasseh, and passed
of Edom , and the land of Moab, and ouer Mizpeh of Gilead, and from Miz-
came by the Eastside of the land of Mo- peh of Gilead hee passed ouer vnto the
ab, and pitched on the other side of Ar- children of Ammon.
* Num. 22. non, *but came not within the border 30 And lephthah vowed a vowe
13. and 22.
24. of Moab : for Arnon was the border of vnto the LORD, and said, If thou
Moab. shalt without faile deliuer the children
* Deut. 2. 19 And * Israel sent messengers vn- of Ammon into mine hands,
to Sihon king of the Amorites , the 31 Then it shall be, that twhatsoe- t Hebr. that
which com-
king of Heshbon, and Israel said vnto uer commeth forth of the doores of my methforth
him, Let vs passe, we pray thee, thorow shall come
house to meete me, when I returne in forth.
thy land, vnto my place. peace from the children of Ammon,
20 But Sihon trusted not Israel, shall surely be the LORDS, ||and I offer I Or, 1will
iti cjc.
to passe through his coast : but Sihon will offer it vp for a burnt offering.
gathered all his people together , and 32 IT So lephthah passed ouer vn-
pitched in lahaz , and fought against to the children of Ammon to fight a-
Israel. gainst them, and the L O R D deliuered
21 And the L O R D God of Israel them into his hands.
deliuered Sihon and all his people in- 33 And he smote them from Aroer,
to the hand of Israel, and they smote euen till thou come to Minnith, euen
them ; so Israel possessed all the land of twentie cities, and vnto the ||plaine II Or, Abel.
the Amorites , the inhabitants of that of the vineyards, with a very great
co un trey. slaughter : thus the children of Am-
lephthahs daughter: Judges, His death.
mon were subdued before the children 2 And lephthah saide vnto them,
of Israel. I and my people were at great strife
34 f And lephthah came to Miz- with the children of Ammon : and
peh vnto his house , and beholde , his when I called you, ye deliuered me not
daughter came out to meete him with out of their hands.
timbrels and with dances, and she was 3 And when I sawe that ye deliue-
KOr.hehad his onely childe: || beside her he had nei- red me not, I put my life in my handes,
not of his
owne either ther sonne nor daughter. and passed ouer against the children ol
sonne or 35 And it came to passe when he saw Ammon, and the L O R D deliuered
Heb. of him- her, that he rent his clothes, and said, them into my hand : Wherfore then are
Alas, my daughter, thou hast brought ye come vp vnto me this day, to fight a-
me very low, and thou art one of them gainst me?
that trouble me : for I haue opened my 4 Then lephthah gathered toge-
mouth vnto the L O U D , and I can- ther all the men of Gilead, and fought
not goe backe. with Ephraim : and the men of Gilead
36 And she said vnto him, My father, smote Ephraim, because they said,Yee
if thou hast opened thy mouth vnto the Gileadites are fugitiues of Ephraim,
L O R D , doe to me according to that among the Ephraimites and among
which hath proceeded out of thy the Manassites.
mouth ; forasmuch as the LORD hath 5 And the Gileadites tooke the pas-
taken vengeance for thee of thine ene- sages of lordan before ~ the Epbra-
mies, euen of the children of Ammon. imites : and it was so that when those
37 And she said vnto her father, Let Ephraimites which were escaped saide,
this thing be done for me: Let me alone Let me go ouer, that the men of Gilead
t Heb. Goe, two moneths, that I may tgoe vp and said vnto him, Art thou an Ephraimite?
andgoe If he said, Nay :
downe. downe vpon the mountaines, and be-
waile my virginitie , I , and my fel- 6 Then said they vnto him , Say
lowes. now, Shibboleth : and he said, Sibbo-
38 And he said, Goe. And he sent her leth : for hee could not frame to pro-
awayy&r two moneths, and shee went nounce it right. Then they tooke him,
with her companions , and bewailed and slewe him at the passages of lor-
ler virginitie vpon the mountaines. dan : and there fell at that time of the
39 And it came to passe at the ende of Ephraimites, fourtie & two thousand.
;wo moneths that shee returned vnto 7 And lephthah iudged Israel sixe
ler father, who did with her according yeeres : then died lephthah the Gilea-
to his vow which he had vowed : and dite, and was buried in one o/*the cities
I Or, ordi- she knew no man : & it was a ||custome of Gilead.
nance* 8 1[ And after him Ibzan of Beth-
n Israel,
40 That the daughters of Israel lehem iudged Israel.
\Heb.from went tyeerely ||to lament the daughter 9 And hee had thirtie sonnes, and
leeretoyere. thirtie daughters , whome hee sent a-
I Or, to talke of lephthahthe Gileadite foure dayes
with. in a yeere. broad, and tooke in thrrtie daughters
from abroad for his sonnes. And hee
* CHAP. XII. iudged Israel seuen yeeres.
10 Then died Ibzan, and was bu-
1 The Ephraimites quarrelling with lephthah,
and discerned by Shibboleth, are slaine by the ried at Bethlehem.
Gileadites. 7 lephthah dieth. 8 Ibzan, who 11 f And after him, Elon, a Zebu-
had thirtie sonnes and thirtie daughters, 1 1 lonite iudged Israel, and he iudged Is-
and Elon, 13 and Abdon who had fourtie rael ten yeeres.
sonnes, and thirtie nephewes, iudged Israel.
12 And Elon the Zebulonite died.
| Nd the men of Ephraim and was buried in Analon in the coun-

Hebr. were
1 gathered themselues to trey of Zebulun..
; gether, and went North- 13 f And after h i m , Abdon, the
ward, & said vnto leph- sonne of Hillel a Pirathonite iudged
thah, Wherefore passedst Israel.
thou ouer to fight against the children 14 And he had fourty sonnes, and
of Ammon, and didst not call vs to goe thirtie tnephewes, that rode on three- \Heb.svnnes
with thee ? Wee will burne thine house score and ten asse-colts : and he iudged
vpon thee with fire. Israel eight yeeres,
15 And
Samfons birth Chap.xiy. is foretolde.
15 And Abdon the sonne of Hillel sate in the field: But Manoah her hus-
the Pirathonite died, and was hurled band was not with her.
in Pirathon in the land of Ephraim, in 10 And the woman made haste, anc
the mount of the Amalekites. ranne, and shewed her husband, anc
said vnto him; Behold, the man hath
C H A P . XIII. appeared vnto me, that came vnto me
the other day.
1 Israel is in the hand of the Philistines. 2 An 11 And Manoah arose, and went af-
Angel appeareth to Manoahs wife. 8 The ter his wife, and came to the man, and
Angjel appeareth to Manoah. 15 Manoahs said vnto him, Art thou the man that
sacrifice, whereby the Angel is discouered.
24 Samson is borne. spakest vnto the woman ? And he said,
I am.
Nd the children of Israel 12 And Manoah said, Now let thy
t Hebr. ad-
ded to com-
mit, 4-c.
* Chap. 2. A
11- and 3. 7.
and 4. 1.
+ *did euill againe in the words come to passe: tHow shall wee \ Hebr. what
sight of the LORD, and order the childe, and \\how shall we doe shall
the LORD deliuered vnto him ?
them into the hand of the
and6. Land Philistines forty yeeres.
13 And the Angel of the L O R D shall
be the
the, $c.
1 Or, what
he doe'?
said vnto Manoah, Of all that I said shall beWhat
10.6. Aw
2 f And there was a certaine man vnto the woman, let her beware. worked
of Zorah, of the family of the Danites, 14 She may not eate of any thing
whose name was Manoah, and his that commeth of the Vine, neither let
wife was barren, and bare not. her drinke wine or strong drinke, nor
3 And the Angel of the LORD eat any vncleane thing: all that I com-
appeared vnto the woman, and said manded her, let her obserue.
vnto her, Behold now, thou art bar- 15 If And Manoah saide vnto the
ren, and bearest not: but thou shalt con- Angel of the L O R D , I pray thee let
ceiue and beare a sonne. vs deteine thee, vntill wee shall haue
* Num. 6. 4 Now therefore beware *I pray made ready a kid tfor thee. t Hebr. be-
thee, and drinke not wine, nor strong 16 And the Angel of the LORD fore thee.
drinke, and eat not any vncleane thing. said vnto Manoah, Though thou de-
5 For loe, thou shalt conceiue, and teine mee, I will not eat of thy bread:
* Num. 0.5, beare a sonne, and *no rasor shall come and if thou wilt offer a burnt offering,
l. sam. 1.
11. on his head : for the child shall be a Na- thou must offer it vnto the L O R D :
zarite vnto God from the wombe : and for Manoah knew not that he was an
he shall begin to deliuer Israel out of Angel of the LORD.
the hand of the Philistines. 17 And Manoah said vnto the An-
6 II Then the woman came, and gel of the LORD, What is thy name,
told her husband, saying; A man of that when thy sayings come to passe,
God came vnto mee, and his counte- we may doe thee honour ?
nance was like the countenance of an 18 And the Angel of the L O R D
Angel of God, very terrible : but I said vnto him, Why askest thou thus
asked him not whence he was, neither after my name, seeing it is ||secret? derfull. Or. won-
told he me his name: .19 So Manoah tooke a kid, with a
7 But he said vnto mee, Behold, meat offering, and offered it vpon a
thou shalt conceiue and beare a sonne; rocke vnto the L O R D : and the Angel
and now, drinke no wine nor strong did wonderously, and Manoah and his
drinke, neither eate any vncleane thing: wife looked on.
for the childe shal be a Nazarite to God, 20 For it came to passe, when the
from the wombe , to the day of his flame went vp toward heauen from
death. off the altar, that the Angel of the
8 n Then Manoah entreated the L O R D ascended in the flame of the
LOUD, and said, O my LORD, let altar : and Manoah and his wife loo-
the man of God which thou didst send, ked on it, and fell on their faces to the
come againe vnto vs, & teach vs what ground.
we shall do vnto the childe that shall be 21 (But the Angel of the LORD
borne. did no more appeare to Manoah and
9 And God hearkened to the voyce to his wife :) then Manoah knewe
of Manoah; and the Angel of God that he was an Angel of the LORD.
came againe vnto the woman as shee 22 And Manoah said vnto his wife,
Samfons manage : Judges. His riddle.
Exod.33. * Wee shall surely die, because wee haue 7 And nee went downe and talked
20. chap. 6.
22. scene God. with the woman, and she pleased Sam-
23 But his wife said vnto him. If son well.
the LORD were pleased to kill vs, he 8 1f And after a time hee returned
would not haue receiued a burnt offe- to take her, and he turned aside to see
ring and a meat offering at our hands, tic carkeis of the Lion : and beholde,
neither would hee haue shewed vs all ticre was a swarme of Bees, and
these things, nor would as at this time ionic in the carkeis of the Lion
haue told vs such things as these. 9 And hee tooke thereof in his
24 IF And the woman bare a sonne, landes, and went on eating, and came
and called his name Samson : and the to his father and mother, and hee gaue
child grew, & the LORD blessed him. thicm, and they did eate: but he told not
25 And the Spirit of the L O R D thlem that he had taken the hony out oi
beganne to mooue him at times in the htic carkeis of the Lion.
campe of Dan, betweene Zorah anc 10 f So his father went downe vn-
Eshtaol. to the woman > and Samson made
icre a feast: for so vsed the young men
C H A P . XIIII. to doe.
1 Samson desireth a wife of the Philistines. 9
11 And it came to passe when they
In his iourney hee killeth a Lion. 8 In a saw him, that they brought thirtie com-
second iourney hee findelli hony in the car- )anions to be with him.
keis. 10 Samsons marriage feast. 12 His 12 U And Samson said vnto them,
riddle by his wife is made knowen. 19 He I will now put foorth a riddle vnto
spoileth thirtie Philistines. 20 His wife is
married to another. rou: if you can certeinly declare it me,
within the seuen dayes of the feast, and
Nd Samson wetit down nde it out, then I will giue you thir-

A to Timnath, and sawe a tie || sheetes, and thirtie change of gar- Or, shirts.
woman in Timnath, o ments :
the daughters of the Phi-
13 But if ye cannot declare it me, then
shall yee giue me thirtie sheetes, anc
2 And nee came vp, and told his fa- thirtie change of garments. And they
ther and his mother, and said, I haue said vnto him, Put foorth thy riddle,
scene a woman in Timnath, of the that we may heare it.
laughters of the Philistines: nowe 14 And nee said vnto them , Out o
therefore get her for me to wife. the eater came foorth meate, and out o
3 Then his father and his mother the strong came foorth sweetnesse. Anc
said vnto him, Is there neuer a wo- they could not in three dayes expoum
man among the daughters of thy bre- the riddle.
thren, or among all my people, that thou 15 And it came to passe on the seuentl
goest to take a wife of the vncircumci- day, that they said vnto Samsons wife,
sed Philistines ? And Samson said vn- Entice thy husband, that hee may de-
to his father, Get her for me, for tshee clare vnto vs the riddle, lest we burne
\Heb.slie_is >leaseth me well. thee and thy fathers house with fire:
••yes. 4? But his father and his mother Haue yee called vs, t to take that wee jessevs,or Hob to pos-
ttiew not that it was of the LORD, iaue ? is it not so ? impoverish
that hee sought an occasion against the 16 And Samsons wife wept before vs?
Philistines: for at that time the Phi- lim, and said, Thou doest but hate me,
listines had dominion ouer Israel. and louest me not: thou hast put foorth
5 H Then went Samson downe, a riddle vnto the children of my people,
and his father & his mother, to Tim- and hast not tolde it me And hee saic
nath , and came to the vineyards o vnto her, Behold, I haue not tolde it
Timnath; and behold, a young Lion my father nor my mother, and shall I
t Hebr. in roared tagainst him. tell it thee ?
htm. 6 And the Spirit of the LORD 17 And shee wept before him || the of0 Or,thetheseuen rest
came mightily vpon him, and hee rent seuen dayes,while the feast lasted: anc day en, <Jc.
him as he would haue rent a kid, and he it came to passe on the seuenth day, that
had nothing in his hand : but hee to' d he tolde her, because shee lay sore vpon
not his father or his mother what hee him: and she tolde the riddle to the chil-
had done. dren of her people,
'_ 18 And
His foxe-tailes : Chap.xv, His iaw-bone.
18 And the men of the city said vnto the Timnite, because hee had taken his
him on the seuenth day before the sunne wife , and giuen her to his companion.
went downe, What is sweeter then ho- And the Philistines came vp, and burnt
nie? and what is stronger then a Lion? her and her father with fire.
And he said vnto them, If ye had not 7 U And Samson said vnto them,
plowed with my heifer, yee had not Though ye haue done this, yet will I
found out my riddle. be auenged of you, and after that, I wil
19 IF And the Spirit of the L O R D cease.
came vpon him, and hee went downe 8 And he smote them hip and thigh,
to Ashkelon, and slewe thirtie men of with a great slaughter ; and hee went
H0r, apparel. them, and tooke their ||spoite, and gaue down and dwelt in the top of the rocke
change of garments vnto them which Etam.
expounded the riddle, and his anger 9 IF Then the Philistines went vp,
was kindled, and hee went vp to his and pitched in ludah, and spread them-
fathers house. selues in Lehi.
20 But Samsons wife was giuen to 10 And the men of ludah said, Why
his companion, whom hee had vsed as are ye come vp against vs? and they an-
his friend. | swered, To bind Samson are we come
vp, to doe to him, as he hath done to vs.
11 Then three thousand men of lu-
C H A P . XV. dah t went to the top of the rocke Etam, t Heb. went
1 Samson is denied his wife. 3 He burneth the
and sayd to Samson; Knowest thou downe.
Philistines corne with foxes and firebrands. not that the Philistines are rulers ouer
6 His wife and her father are burnt by the vs ? What is this that thou hast done vn-
Philistines. 7 Samson smiteth them hip and to vs ? And he said vnto them, As they
thigh. 9 He is bound by the men of ludah did vnto me, so haue I done vnto them.
and deliuered to the Philistines. 14 Heekil-
leth them with a Jawbone. 18 God maketh 12 And they said vnto him, Wee are
the fountaine En-hakkore for him in Lehi. come downe to binde thee, that we may
deliuer thee into the hand of the Phili-
Vt it came to passe within stines. And Samson said vnto them,

B awhile after,in the time of

wheat haruest, that Sam-
son visited his wife with a
kid, and he said, I will goe
in to my wife into the chamber. But her
Sweare vnto me, that yee will not fall
vpon me your selues.
13 And they spake vnto him, saying;
No : but wee will binde thee fast , and
deliuer thee into their hand : but surely
father would not suffer him to goe in. we will not kill thee. And they bound
2 And her father saide, 1 verily him with two new cordes, and brought
thought that thou haddest vtterly ha- him vp from the rocke.
ted her, therfore I gaue her to thy com- 14 If And when he came vnto Lehi,
panion : is not her younger sister fairer the Philistines shouted against him :
t Heb. let then she ? t take her, I pray thee, in stead and the Spirit of the L O R D came
her be thine of her. mightily vpon him, and the cordes that
3 11 And Samson said concerning were vpon his armes became as flaxe
i Or. now
shall I bee
them, || Now shal I be more blamelesse that was burnt with fire, & his bands
blamelesse then the Philistines, though I do them t loosed from off his hands. t Hebr. were
from the
Philistines^ a displeasure. . 15 And he found a tnew iawbone of melted.
t Heb. moist-
though* $c. 4 And Samson went and caught an asse , and put foorth his hand, and
I Or, tor-
three hundred foxes, and tooke ||fire- tooke it , and slewe a thousand men
brands , and turned taile to taile, and therewith.
put a firebrand in the midst betweene 16 And Samson said, With the iaw-
two tailes. ; < bone of an asse, theapes vpon heapes, t Heb. an
5 And when hee had sej; the brands with the iaw of an asse haue I slaine a heape,
on fire, he let them goe into the standing thousand men.
corne of the Philistines, and burnt vp 17 And it came to passe when he had
both the shockes, and also the standing made an end of speaking, that hee cast
corne, with the vineyards and oliues. away the iaw bone out of his hand, and IThe That is,
6 If Then the Philistines saide, called that place j|Ramath-Lehi. / vpofthe
iaw-bone >
Who hath done this ? and they an- 18 H And hee was sore athirst, and or, casting
swered , Samson the sonne in law of called on the LORD, and said, Thou away of the
Samfon and Delilah: Judges. She betrayeth him.
hast giuen this great deliuerance into I be weake, and be as t another man. t Heb. one.
the hand of thy seruant: and now shall 8 Then the lords of the Philistines
I die for thirst, and fall into the hand of jrought vp to her seuen greene withs,
the vncircumcised ? which had not bene dried, & she bound
19 But God claue an hollow place lim with them.
II Or, Lehi. that was in ||the iawe, and there came 9 Now there were men lying in
water thereout, & when he had drunke, wait, abiding with her in the chamber:
his spirit came againe, and he reuiued: and she said vnto him, The Philistines
wherefore hee called the name thereof be vpon thee, Samson. And he brake
I That is, the ||En-hakkore, which is in Lehi, vnto :he withs, as a threed of tow is bro-
well of him
that called this day: ien, when it ttoucheth the fire : so his [ Heb. 8mei*
or cried. leth.
20 And he iudged Israel in the dayes strength was not knowen. •
of the Philistines twentie yeeres. 10 And Delilah said vnto Samson,
Behold, thou hast mocked me, and told
mee lies: now tell mee, I pray thee,
CHAP. XVI. wherewith thou mightest be bound.
1 Satnson at Gaza escapeth, and carieth away
11 And he said vnto her, If they bind
the gates of the city. 4 Delilah corrupted by me fast with newe ropes tthat neuer t Heb. wher-
with worke
the Philistines, entiseth Samson. 6 Thrise were occupied, then shall I bee weake, hath not bin
she is deceiued. 15 At last shee ouercqm- and be as another man. done.
meth him. 21 The Philistines take him, and 12 Delilah therfore tooke new ropes,
put out his eyes. 22 His strength renewing,
hee pulleth dowhe the house vpon the Phi- and bound him therewith, and said vn-
listines, and dieth. to him, The Philistines be vpon thee,
Samson. (And there were Hers in wait
Hen went Samson to Ga- abiding in the chamber.) and hee brake

t Heb. a wo-
man an har- za, and saw there tan har- them from off his armes, like a threed.
lot. lot, and went in vnto her. 13 And Delilah said vnto Samson,
2 And it was told the Ga- Hitherto thou hast mocked me, and told
zites, saying, Samson is me lies : tell me wherewith thou migh-
come hither. And they compassed him test be bound. And he said vnto her, H
in, and layd wait for him all night in the thou weauest the seuen lockes of my
i Heb. silent. gate of the citie, and were t quiet all the head with the web.
night, saying, In the morning when it 14? And she.fastened it with the pinne,
is day, we shall kill him. and said vnto him, The Philistines be
3 And Samson lay till midnight, vpon thee, Samson. And hee awaked
and arose at midnight, and tooke the out of his sleepe, and went away with
doores of the gate of the city, and the the pinne of the bearae, # with the web,
two posts, and went away with them, 15 1F And shee said vnto him, How
t Heb. with tbarre and all, and put them vpon his
the barre.
canst thou say, I loue thee, when thine
shoulders, and caried them vp to the heart is not with mee? Thou hast moc-
toppe of an hill that is before Hebron. ked mee these three times, and hast not
4 IF And it came to passe afterward, told me wherin thy great strength Ueth.
if Or, by the that he loued a woman in the valley ||of
16 And it came to passe, when she pres-
Sorek, whose name was Delilah. sed him daily with her wordes, and vr-
5 And the lords of the Philistines ged him, so that his soule was t vexed ned. \ Heb. short,
came vp vnto her, and said vnto her, vnto death,
Entice him, and see wherein his great 17 That he told her all his heart, and
strength lieth, and by what meanes we said vnto her, There hath not come a
may preuaile against him, that we may rasor vpon mine head: for I Jiaue bene a
II Or, hum- bind him, to ||afflict him : and we will Nazarite vnto God from my mothers
giue thee euery one of vs, eleuen hun- wombe: If I bee shauen, then my
dreth pieces of siluer. strength will goe from me, and I shall
6 II And Delilah said to Samson, become weake, and bee like my-other
Tel me, I pray thee, wherein thy great man,
strength lyeih, and wherewith thou 18 And when Delilah saw that he had
Brightest tie bound, to afflict thee. » told her all his h«art, she sent and called
7 And Samson said vnto her, li for the Lords of the Philistines, saying,
II Or, nerve they binde mee with seueln || greene Come vp this once, for hee hath shewed
ooards, heb. me all his heart, Then the^lords of the
moist. withs, that were neuer dried, then shall
Samfon is taken: Ghap.xvij. His death.
Philistines came vp vnto her, & brought vp, of the one with his right hand, and
money in their hand. of the other with his left.
19 And she made him sleepe vpon her 30 And Samson said, Let tme die \ Hebr* my
knees, and she called for a man, and she with the Philistines: & he bowed him- soule.
caused him to shaue off the seuen lockes selfe with all his might: and the house
of his head, and she began to afflict him, fel vpon the lords, and vpon all the peo-
and his strength went from him. ple that were therein : so the dead which
20 And she said, The Philistines be he slew at his death, were moe, then
vpon thee, Samson. And hee awoke they which he slew in his life.
out of his sleepe, and said, I will go out 31 Then his brethren, and all the
as at other times before, and shake my house of his father, came downe, and
selfe. And he wist not that the LORD tooke him, and brought him vp, and bu-
was departed from him. ried him betweene Zorah and Eshtaol,
21 f But the Philistines tooke him in the burying place of Manoah his fa-
tHebr. boa- and tput out his eyes, and brought him ther : and hee Judged Israel twentie
red out.
downe to Gaza, and bound him with yeeres.
fetters of brasse, and he did grind in the
prison house. C H A P . XVII.
22 Howbeit, the haire of his head 1 Of the money that Micah first stole, then re-
l! Or, as when- began to grow againe, || after he was stored, his mother maketh Images, 5 and
he was sha-
uen. shauen. hee ornaments for them. 6 He hireth a Le-
23 Then the lords of the Philistines uite to be his Priest.
gathered them together, for to offer a Nd there was a man oi

great sacrifice vnto Dagon their god, mount Ephraim, whose
and to reioyce: for they said, Our god name was Micah.
hath deliuered Samson our enemy in- 2 And he said vnto his
to our hand. mother. The eleuen hun-
24} And when the people saw him, dred shekels of siluer, that were taken
they praised their god: for they said, from thee, about which thou cursedst,
Our god hath deliuered into our hands and spakest of also in mine eares, be-
our enemy, and the destroyer of our hold, the siluer is with mee, I tooke it.
t Hebr. and countrey, t which slew many of vs. And his mother said, Blessed be thou
who multi- '
plied our 25 And it came to passe when their of the LOUD, my sonne.
slaine. hearts were merry, that they said, Call 3 And when nee had restored the e-
for Samson, that hee may make vs leuen \\u\idredsJiekels of siluer to his mo-
sport. And they called for Samson out ther, his mother said, I had wholly
t Hebr. be- of the prison house, and he made t them dedicated the siluer vnto the LORD,
fore (hem.
sport, and they set him betweene the from my hand, for my sonne, to make
pillars. a grauen image and a molten image:
26 And Samson said vnto the lad now therefore I will restore it vnto
that held him by the hand, Suffer mee, thee.
that I may feele the pillars where- 4 Yet hee restored the money vnto
upon the house standeth, that I may his mother, and his mother tooke two
leane vpon them. hundred shekels of siluer, and gaue them
21 Now the house was full of men to the founder, who made thereof a
and women, and all the lords of the grauen image and a molten image, and
Philistines were there: and there were they were in the house of Micah.
vpon the roofe about three thousand 5 And the man Micah had an house
men and women, that behelde while of gods, and made an * Ephod, and » Chap. 8.
Samson made sport. * Teraphim , and t consecrated one of27. * Gen. 31.
28 And Samson called vnto the his sonnes, who became his Priest. 19. ose. ,3. 4
^Hebr. filled
LORD, and said, O Lord GOD, re- 6 * In those dayes there was no king the hand.
member me, I pray thee, & strengthen in Israel, but euery man did that which « Chap. 18.
1. and 21.
mee, I pray thee, onely this once, O was right in his owne eyes. 25.
God, that I may be at once auenged of 7 1[ And there was a young man
the Philistines, for my two eyes. out of Bethlehem ludah, of the fami-
2Q And Samson tooke hold of the ly of ludah, who was a Leuite, and
II Or, he lea-
two middle pillars, vpon which the he soiourned there.
ned on them,. house stood, and ||on which it was borne 8 And the man departed out of the
Spies of Dan Judges. iearch Laifli,
citie from Bethlehem ludah, to so- 4 And hee said vnto them, Thus
ourne where he could finde a place: and and thus dealeth Micah with me, and
ic came to mount Ephraim to the house lath hired me, and I am his Priest.
Heb. in ma- of Micah, fas he iourneyed. 5 And they sayd vnto him, Aske
king hisway.
9 And Micah said vnto him, Whence counsell, we pray thee, of God, that we
commest thou ? And he said vnto him, may know, whether our way which
[ am a Leuite, of Bethlehem ludah, we goe, shall be prosperous.
and I goe to soiourne where I may 6 And the Priest said vnto them,
inde a place. Goe in peace: before the LORD is your
10 And Micah said vnto him, Dwell way wherein ye goe.
with me, and be vnto me a father and 7 If Then the flue men departed,
a Priest, and I will giue thee ten shekels and came to Laish, and saw the people
0 Or, a dou- of siluer by the yeere, and || a suite of ap- that were therein, how they dwelt
bte suit, $c.
¥eb. an or- rarell, and thy victuals. So the Le- carelesse, after the maner of the Zido-
der of gar- uite went in. nians, quiet and secure, and there was
11 And the Leuite was content to no t magistrate in the land that might sour,orheire
dwell with the man, and the yong man put them to shame in any thing, and a/restraint.
was vnto him as one of his sonnes. they were farre from the Zidonians,
12 And Micah consecrated the Le- and had no businesse with any man.
uite, and the young man became his 8 And they came vnto their bre-
Priest, and was in the house of Micah. thren to Zorah, and Eshtaol : and
13 Then said Micah, Now know their brethren said vnto them, What
[ that the L O R D will doe me good, say yee ?
seeing I haue a Leuite to my Priest. 9 And they said, Arise, that we may
goe vp against them : for we haue scene
the land, and behold, it is very good: and
C H A P . XVIII. are ye still ? Bee not slothfull to goe, and
to enter to possesse the land.
1 The Danites send fiue men to seeke out an in- 10 When ye goe, ye shall come vnto a
heritance. S At the house of Micah they con- people secure, and to a large land: for
sult with Jonathan, and are incouraged in
their way. 7 They search Laish, and bring God hath giuen it into your handes : a
backe newes of good hope. 11 Sixe hundred place where there is no want of any
men are sent to surprize it. 14 In the way thing, that is in the earth.
they robbe Micah of his Priest and his conse- 11 U And there went from thence ol
crate things. 27 They win Laish and call it
Dan. 30 They set vp Idolatrie, wherein Jo- the family of the Danites out of Zo-
nathan inherited the Priesthood. rah, and out of Eshtaol, sixe hundred
men, t appoynted with weapons oi ded. t/teft. gir-
* Chap. 17. N * those dayes there was warre.

6. and 21.
25. ; no king in Israel: and in 12 And they went vp, and pitched in
those daies the tribe of the Kiriath-iearim, in ludah : Wherefore
Danites sought them an they called that place Mahaneh-Dan,
inheritance to dwel in: for vnto this day: behold, it is behinde Ki-
vnto that day, all their inheritance hac riath-iearim.
not fallen vnto them, among the tribes 13 And they passed thence vnto
of Israel. mount Ephraim, and came vnto the
2 And the children of Dan sent oi house of Micah.
their family, fiue men from their coasts, 14 1[ Then answered the fiue men
IHebr. t men of valour , from Zorah , anc that went to spie out the countrey o
from Eshtaol, to spy out the land, anc Laish, and saide vnto their brethren.
to search it, and they said vnto them, Doe ye know that there is in these hou-
Goe, search the land : Who when they ses an Ephod, and Teraphim, and a
came to mount Ephraim, to the house grauen image, and a molten image ?
of Micah, they lodged there. Now therefore consider what ye haue
3 When they were by the house o: to doe.
Micah, they knew the voice of the yong 15 And they turned thitherward, ant
man the Leuite : and they turned in came to the house of the yong man the
thither, & said vnto him, Who brought Leuite, euen vnto the house of Micah,
thee hither? And what makest thou in and t saluted him. t Heb. asked
this place? and what hast thou here ? 16 And the six hundred, men appoin- him of peace
rob Micah, and Chap.xjx. fet vp idclatrie.
ted with their weapons of war, which 28 And there was no deliuerer> be-
were of the children of Dan, stood by cause it was farre from Zidon, and
the entring of the gate. they had no businesse with any man :
17 And the fiue men that went to and it was in the valley that lieth by
spie out the land, went vpand came in Beth-rehob, and they built a citie, and
thither, and tooke the grauen image, dwelt therein.
and the Ephod, and the Teraphim, and 29 And they called the name of the
the molten image : and the Priest stood * city, Dan, after the name of Dan their • losh. ID.
in the entring of the gate, with the sixe father, who was borne vnto Israel: 17.
hundreth men that were appointed howbeit the name of the citie was La-
with weapons of warre. ish at the first.
18 And these went into Micahs 30 f And the children of Dan set
house , and fetched the carued image, vp the grauen image : and lonathan
the Ephod, and the Teraphim, and the the sbnne of Gershom , the sonne of
molten image : then said the Priest vn- Manasseh , hee and his sonnes , were
to them, What doe ye ? Priests to the tribe of Dan, vntill the
19 And they said vnto him, Hold thy day of the captiuitie of the land.
peace, lay thine hand vpon thy mouth, 31 And they set them vp Micahs
and goe with vs, and bee to vs a father grauen ima<je, which hee made, all the
and a Priest: Is it better for thee to bee time that the house of God was in Shi-
a Priest vnto the house of one man, or loh.
that thou be a Priest vnto a tribe and a
family in Israel ? CHAP. XIX.
20 And the Priests heart was glad, 1 A Leuite goeth to Bethlehem to fetch home his
and he toojte the Ephod, and the Tera- wife. 1 6 An old man entertaineth him at Gi-
phim, and the grauen image, and went beah. 22TheGibeonites abuse his concubine
in the middest of the people. to death. 29 He diuideth her into twelue
pieces to send them to the twelue tribes.
21 So they turned, and departed.
and put the little ones, and the cattell, ND it came to passe in

and the cariage before them. those dayes, *when there * Chap. 17*
22 If And when they were a good was no King in Israel, 6. and 18. 1
and 21. 25.
way from the house of Micah, the men that there was a certaine
that were in the houses neere to Mi- Leuite soiourning on the
cahs house, were gathered together, side of mount Ephraim, who tooke
and ouertooke the children of Dan. to him ta concubine out of Bethlehem man \-Heb.ct wo-
a con.
23 And they cried vnto the children of ludah. cubine, or a
Dan : and they turned their faces, and 2 And his concubine played the wifeaconcii-
t Heb. that said vnto Micah, What aileth thee, t that whore against him, and went away
thou art ga-
thered to- thou commest with such a company? from him vnto her fathers house to
gether? 24 And he said, Yee haue taken a- Bethlehem ludah, and was there
way my gods which I made, and the || foure whole moneths. $0r,ayeere
and foure
Priest, and ye are gone away: and what 3 And her husband arose, and went moneths.
haue I more? and what is this that yee after her to speake t friendly vnto her, foure
Heb. dayes*
say vnto me, What aileth thee ? and to bring her againe, hauing his ser- neths,
25 And the children of Dan said vn- uant with him , and a couple of asses: heart. to Jier
• Heb.
to him, Let not thy voyce bee heard a- and shee brought him into her fathers
^Heb. bitter r mong vs, lest t angry fellowes run vp- house, and when the father of the dam-
on thee, and thou lose thy life, with sell saw him, he reioyced to meet him.
the liues of thy houshold. 4 And his father in law, the damo-
26 And the children of Dan went sels father, reteined him, and hee abode
their way : and when Micah sawe that with him three dayes: so they did eate
they were too strong for him, he turned and drinke, and lodged there.
and went backe vnto his house. 5 If And it came to passe on the
27 And they tooke the things which fourth clay, when they arose earely in
Micah had made, and the Priest which the morning, that he rose vp to depart:
hee had, and came vnto Laish, vnto a and the damosels father saide vnto his
people that were at quiet, and secure, sonne in lawe, t Comfort thine heart then. Hebstreng-
and they smote them with the edge of with a morsell of bread, and afterward
the sword, and burnt the citie with fire, goe your way.
6 And
TThe Leuites wife ludges. is forced to death.
6 And they sate downe, and did eat of the citie : and the old man said, Whi-
and drinke both of them together : for thtier goest thou ? and whence commest
ttie damosels father had saide vnto the htbou?
man, Be content, I pray thee, and tary 18 And he said vnto him, We are pas-
a11 night, and let thine heart be merrie. siing from Bethlehem ludah, toward
7 And when the man rose vp to de- tbe side of mount Ephraim, from thence
)art, his father in law vrged him : ther- am I : and I went to Bethlehem lu-
bre he lodged there againe. lah, but I am now going to the house
8 And hee arose early in the mor- of the LORD, and there is no man
ning on the fift day to depart, and the that treceiueth me to house. Hebr. ga-
diamosels father sayd, Comfort thine 19 Yet there is both straw and pro-
icart , I pray thee. And they taried uender for our asses, and there is bread
t Heb. till the tvntill after noone, and they aid eate and wine also for me and for thy hand*
day decli-
ned. )oth of them. maid, and for the young man which is
9 And when the man rose vp to de- with thy seruants: there is no want of
part, hee and his concubine, and his ser- any thing.
uant; his father in law, the damsels fa- 20 And the olde man said, Peace be
her, said vnto him , Behold, now the with thee; howsoeuer, let all thy wants
t Hebr. is day tdraweth towardes euening, I lie vpon me; only lodge not in the street.
>ray you tarie all night : behold, tthe 21 So he brought him into his house,
t Heb. it is day groweth to an ende , lodge heere, and gaue prouender vnto the asses : and
the pitching
me of the that thine heart may be merrie ; and to they washed their feet, and did eate and
day. morrow get you early on your way, drinke.
t Heb. to that thou mayest goe thome. 22 f Now as they were making
thy tent.
10 But the man would not tary thai their hearts merrie, behold, the men ol
night, but he rose vp and departed, and the citie, certaine sonnes of Belial, be-
+ Heb. to o- came touer against lebus (which is set the house round about, and beat at
uer against
lebus. [erusalem : ) and iliere were with him ;he doore, and spake to the master of the
two asses sadled, his concubine also was louse , the olde man , saying ; Bring
with him. borth the man that came into thine
11 And when they were by lebus, louse, that we may know him.
the day was farre spent , and the ser- 23 And *the man, the master of the * Genes.
uant said vnto his master , Come , .1 louse, went out vnto them, and said vn- 9. 6.
>ray thee, and let vs turne in into this to them, Nay my brethren, nay, I pray
citie of the lebusites, and lodge in it. you doe not so wickedly ; seeing that
12 And his master said vnto him, We ;his man is come into mine house, doe
will not turne aside hither into the citie not this folly.
of a stranger, that is not of the children 24? Behold , here is my daughter, a
of Israel, we wil passe ouer to Gibeah. maiden, and his concubine, them I wi
13 And hee sayde vnto his seruant. 3ring out now, and humble yee them,
Come, and let vs draw neere to one o and doe with them what seemeth gooc
these places to lodge all night, in Gi- vnto you : but vnto this man doe not
beah, or in Ramah. t so vile a thing. t Hebr. the
matter of
14 And they passed on and went 25 But the men would not hearken this folly.
their way, and the sunne went downe to him : so the man tooke his concubine
vpon them when they were by Gibeah, and brought her foorth vnto them, am
wnich belongeth to Beniamin. they knew her, and abused her all the
15 And they turned aside thither, to night vntil the morning : and when the
go in and to lodge in Gibeah: and when day began to spring, they let her goe.
he went in, he sate him downe in a street 26 Then came the woman in the
of the citie : for there was no man that dawning of the day, and fell downe at
tooke them into his house to lodging. the doore of the mans house, where her
16 U And behold, there came an olde lord was, till it was light.
man from his worke out of the field at 27 And her lord rose vp in the mor-
euen , which was also of mount Ephra- ning, & opened the doores of the house,
im ; and hee soiourned in Gibeah, but and went out to goe his way : and be-
the men of the place were Beniamites. hold, the woman his concubine was
17 And when he had lift vp his eyes, fallen downe at the doore of the house,
he saw a wayfaring man in the streete and her hands were vpon the threshold,
28 And
The Leuites Chap.xx. complaint.
88 And lie said vnto her, Vp, and let 7 Behold, ye art all children of Is-
Vs be going. But none answered : then rael, giue here your aduise and counsell.
the man tooke her vp vpon an asse, and 8 IF And all the people arose as one
the nian rose vp , and gate him vnto man, saying, We will not any qfvs goe
his place. to his tent, neither will wee any qfvs
29 f And when he was come into turne into his house :
his house, hee tooke a knife, and layd 9 But now, this shall bee the thing
hold on his concubine, and diuided her, which we will doe to Gibeah, w,e will goe
together with her bones , into twelue vp by lot against it :
pieces, and sent her into all the coasts 10 And we wil take ten men of a hun-
of Israel. dred throughout all the tribes of Is-
30 And it was so that all that saw it, rael, and an hundred of a thousand, and
said, There was no such deed done nor a thousand out often thousand, to fetch
seene, from the day that the children of victuall for the people , that they may
Israel came vp out of the land of E- doe, when they come to Gibeah of Ben-
gypt, vnto this day : consider of it, take iamin , according to all the folly that
aduise, and speake your mindes. they haue wrought in Israel.
11 So all the men of Israel were ga-
thered against the citie, tknit together IHebr.fel-
C H A P . XX. as one man. lowes.

1 The Leuite in a generall assembly declareth 12 If And the tribes of Israel sent
his wrong. 8 Tne decree of the assembly. men thorow all the tribe of Beniamin,
12 The Beniamites being cited, make head saying, What wickednesse is this that is
against the Israelites. 18 The Israelites in done among you ?
two battels loose fourty thousand. 26 They
destroy by a stratageme all the Beniamites, 13 Now therfore deliuer vs the men,
except sixe hundred. the children of Belial which are in Gi-
beah, that wee may put them to death,
' Hen all the children of Is- and put away euill from Israel : but

T [ rael went out, and the the children of Beniamin would not
| Congregation was ga-hearken to the voice of their brethren
thered together as one the children of Israel.
i man. from Dan euen to 14? But the children of Beniamin
Beer-sneba, with the land of Gilead, gathered themselues together out of
vnto the LORD in Mizpeh. the cities, vnto Gibeah, to goe out to
2 And thediiefe of al the people, euen battell against the children of Israel.
of all the tribes of Israel, presented 15 And the children of Beniamin
themselues in the assembly of the peo- were numbred at that time out of the
ple of God, foure hundred thousand cities, twentie and sixe thousand men
footmen that drew sword. that drew sword, beside the inhabitants
3 (Now the children of Beniamin of Gibeah, which were numbred seuen
heard that the children of Israel were hundred chosen men.
gone vp to Mizpeh.) Then said the chil- 16 Among all this people tJiere were
dren of Israel, Tell vs, how was this seuen hundred chosen men * left han- * Chap. 3.
wickednesse ? ded, euery one could sling stones at an 15.
t Heb. the 4 And tthe Leuite the husband of haire breadth, and not misse.
man the Lc- the woman that was slaine, answered
17 And the men of Israel, beside
and said, I came into Gibeah that be- Beniamin, were numbred foure hun-
longeth to Beniamin, I and my concu- dred thousand men that drewe sword;
bine, to lodge. all these were men of warre.
5 And the men of Gibeah rose a- 18 11 And the children of Israel a-
gairtst me, and beset the house round a- rose, and went vp to the house of God,
bout vpon me by night, and thought to and asked counsell of God, and saide,
haue slaine mee, and my concubine haue Which of vs shall goe vp first to the bat-
t Heb. hum- they t forced that she is dead. tell against the children of Beniamin ?
bled. 6 And I tooke my concubine, and And the LORD said, ludah shall goe
cut her in pieces, and sent her through- vp first.
out all the countrey of the inheritance 19 And the children of Israel rose
of Israel: for they haue committed vp in the morning, and encamped a-
lewdn§sse and folly in Israel. gainst Gibeah.
gQ And
The Ifraelites warre ludges. with Beniamin,
20 And the men of Israel went out 32 And the children of Beniamin
to battell against Beniamin, and the said, They are smitten downe before
men of Israel put themselves in aray vs, as at the first: But the children of
to fight against them at Gibeah. Israel said, Let vs flee, and draw them
21 And the children of Beniamin from the citie, vnto the high wayes.
came forth out of Gibeah, and destroied 33 And all the men of Israel rose vp
downe to the ground of the Israelites out of their place, and put themselues
that day, twenty & two thousand men. in aray at Baal Tamar: and the lyers
22 And the people the men of Israel in waite of Israel came foorth out of
incouraged themselues, & set their battel their places, euen out of the medowes
againe in aray, in the place where they of Gibeah.
put themselues in aray the first day. 34 And there came against Gibeah
23 (And the children of Israel went ten thousand chosen men, out of all Is-
vp and wept before the L O R D vntill rael , and the battell was sore : but they
Euen, and asked counsel of the LORD, knew not that euill was neere them.
saying, Shall I goe vp againe to bat- 35 And the LORD smote Beniamin
tell against the children of Beniamin before Israel, and the children of Israel
my brother? And the L O R D saide, destroyed of the Beniamites that day,
Goe vp against him.) twentie and fiue thousand, and an hun-
24 And the children of Israel came dred men; all these drew the sword.
neere against the children of Beniamin, 36 So the children of Beniamin saw
the second day. that they were smitten : for the men of
25 And Beniamin went foorth a- Israel gaue place to the Beniamites,
gainst them out of Gibeah the second because they trusted vnto the lyers in
day, & destroyed down to the ground of wait, which they had set beside Gibeah.
the children of Israel againe, eighteene 37 And the liers in wait hasted, and
thousand men, all these drew the sword'. rushed vpon Gibeah, and the liers in
26 f Then all the children of Is- wait ||drew themselues along, and smote II Or, made
rael, and all the people went vp, and all the citie with the edge of the sword. awith
long sound
came vnto the house of God, and wept, 38 Nowe there was an appointed trumpet.
and sate there before the LORD, and ||signe between the men of Israel tand I Or, time.
fasted that day vntill Euen, and offered the liers in wait, that they should make t Heb. with,
burnt offerings, and peace offerings a great t flame with smolce rise vp out t Heb. eleua-
before the LORD. of the citie. tion,
27 And the children of Israel enqui- #9 And when the men of Israel re-
red of the LORD, (for the Arke of y co- tired in the battell, Beniamin began to
uenant of God was there in those daies, t smite and kill of the men of Israel a- t Hebr. to
28 And Phinehas the sonne of E- bout thirtie persons; for they saide, smitewounded.
leazar the sonne of Aaron stood before Surely they are smitten downe before
it in those dayes.) saying; Shall I yet vs, as in the first battell.
againe goe out to battel against the chil- 40 But when the flame began to a-
dren of Beniamin my brother, or shall rise vp out of the citie, with a pillar of
I cease? And the LORD said, Goe smoke, the Beniamites looked behind
vp; for to morrow I will deliuer them them, and behold, the t flame of the ci- whole
t Heb. tiie
into thine hand. tie ascended vp to heauen. sumption.
29 And Israel set lyers in waite 41 And when the men of Israel
round about Gibeah. turned againe, the men of Beniamin
30 And the children of Israel went were amased; for they saw that euill
vp against the children of Beniamin on twas come vpon them. f Heb. tou-
the third day, and put themselues in a- 42 Therefore they turned their backs ched them.
ray against Gibeah, as at other times. before the men of Israel, vnto ^ way of
31 And the children of Beniamin the wildernes, but the battel ouertooke
went out against the people, and were them: & them which came out of the ci-
drawen away from the citie 9 and they ties, they destroyed in the midst of them.
t Hebr. to began to t smite of the people and kill as 43 Thus they inclosed the Beniamites
smite of the
peoplewoun- at other times, in the high wayes, of round about, and chased them,and trode
dedas at which one goeth vp to || the house of I Or, from
them downe || with ease touer against Menuchah,
I Or, Bethel God, and the other to Gibeah in the Gibeah toward the sunne rising. **•
field, about thirtie men of Israel. 44 And there fell of Beniamin ouer t Heb. vnto
and finite them. Chap.xxj. Care for wiues.
eighteene thousand men; all these were 7 How shall wee doe tor wiues for
men of valour. them that retnaine, seeing wee haue
45 And they turned and fled toward sworne by the LORD, that wee will
the wildernesse vnto the rocke of Rim- not giue them of our daughters to
mon: and they gleaned of them in the wiues ?
ligh wayes fiue thousand men: and 8 IF And they said, What one is there
sursued hard after them vnto Gidom, of the tribes of Israel, that came not
ind slew two thousand men of them. vp to Mizpeh to the LORD ? And be-
46 So that all which fell that day lolde, there came none to the campe
of Beniamin, were twentie and fiue Vom labesh Gilead to the assembly.
thousand men that drew the sword; all 9 For the people were numbred,
these were men of valour. and behold, there were none of the in-
Chap. 21. 47 * But sixe httndred men turned labitants of labesh Gilead there.
13. and fledde to the wildernesse vnto the 10 And the congregation sent thither
rocke Rimmon, and abode in the rocke twelue thousand men of the valiantest,
Rimmon foure moneflis. and commaunded them, saying, Goe,
48 And the men of Israel turned and smite the inhabitants of labesh
againe vpon the children of Beniamin, Gilead with the edge of the sword, with
and smote them with the edge of the the women and the children.
sword, as well the men of euery citie, as 11 And this is the thing that yee shall
Heb. was the beast, and all that tcame to hand: doe, *Yee shall vtterly .destroy euenr *Num. 91.
Heb. were
also they set on fire all the cities that male, and euery woman that hatn 17.
found. tthey came to. t lien Jby man. MJeb, know-
12 And they found among the inha- eth the ly-
ing vifo
CHAP. XXI. bitants of labesh Gilead, foure hun- man.
dred tyong virgins that had knowen no WJebr.yang
1 The people bewaile the desolation of Benia- man, by lying with any male: and they women gins.
min. 8 By the destruction of labesh Gilead Drought theni vnto the campe to Shi-
they prouide them foure hundred wiues.
16 They aduise them to surprise the virgines •oh, which i$ in the land of Canaan.
that daunced at Shiloh. 13 And the whole Congregation sent
some tto speaketo the children of Benia- MIebr.and
min that were in the rocke Rimmon, spake and

•Owe the men of Israel catted.
had sworne in Mizpeh, and to ||call peaceably vnto them. VOrtpro-
saying, There shall not a- 14? And Beniamin came againe at CLAIME PEACE.
ny of vs giue his daughter that time, and they gaue them wiues
vnto Beniamin to wife. which they had saued aliue of the wo-
2 And the people came to the house men of labesh Gilead: and yet so they
of God, and abode there till euen be- sufficed them not.
fore God, and lift vp their voices, and 15 And the people repented them for
wept sore : Beniamin, because that the L O R D
3 And said, O L O R D God of Is- had made a breach in the tribes of Is-
rael, why is this come to passe in Is- rael.
rael , that there should bee to day one 16 IF Then the Elders of the Congre-
tribe lacking in Israel ? gation said, How shall we doe for wiues
4 And it came to passe on the mor- Tor them that remaine ? seeing the wo-
row, that the people rose early, and men are destroyed out of Beniamin.
built there an Altar, and offered burnt 17 And they said, There must be an
offerings, and peace offerings. inheritance for them that bee escaped of
5 And the children of Israel sayd, Beniamin, that a tribe be not destroyed
Who is there among all the tribes of Is- out of Israel.
rael, that came not vp with the congre- 18 Howbeit wee may not giue them
gation vnto the L O R D ? for they had wiues of our daughters. For the chil-
made a great oath concerning him that dren of Israel haue sworne, saying,
came not vp to the L O R D to Mizpeh, Cursed be he that giueth a wife to Ben-
saying, He shall surely be put to death. iamin.
6 And the children of Israel repen- 19 Then they said, Behold, there is a yers Heb from:
ted them for Beniamin their brother, feast of the LORD in Shiloh t yerely, yeere.
and said, There is one tribe cut off from in a place which 'Is on the Northside of Or, towrds
eh tthe sunous
Israel this day: Bethel on the ||East side || of the hie way rising
Wiues for Ruth. the Beniamites.
that goeth vp from Bethel to She- not giue vnto them at this time, that
chem, and on the South of Lebanon. you should be guiltie.
20 Therefore they commanded the 23 And the children of Beniamin did
children of Beniamin, saying, Goe and so, and tooke them wiues according to
ie in wait in the vineyards. their number, of them that daunced,
21 And see, and behold, if the daugh^ whome they caught: and they went
ters of Shiloh come out to daunce in and returned vnto their inheritance,
daunces, then come yee out of the vine- and repaired the cities, and dwelt in
yards , and catch you euery man his them.
wife of the daughters of Shiloh, and 24 And the children of Israel depar-
goe to the land of Beniamin. ted thence at that time, euery man to
22 And it shall bee when their fa- his tribe, and to his family, and they
thers of their brethren come vnto vs to went out from thence euery man to his
complaine, that we will say vnto them, inheritance.
Or, gratifie | Bee fauourable vnto them for our 25 *In those dayes there was no * Cnap. 17.
vs in them.
sakes: because we reserued not to each King in Israel : euery man did that 6.1. and 18.
and 19. i
man his wife in the warre: for yee did which was right in his owne eyes.

band died, and shee was left, and her
C H A P . I. two sonnes;
4f And they tooke them wiues oi
1 Elimelech driuen by famine into Moab, the women of Moab: the name of the
dieth there. 4- Mahlon and Chilion, ha- one was Orpah, and the name of the o-
uing married wiues of Moab, die also. 6
Naomi returning homeward, 8 disswa- ther Ruth : and they dwelled there a-
deth her two daughters in law from going bout ten yeeres.
. with her. 14- Orpah leaueth her, but 5 And Mahlon and Chilion died al-
Ruth with great constancie accompanieth so both of them, and the woman was
her. 19 They two come to Bethlehem>
where they are gladly receiued. left of her two sonnes, and her hus-
Owe it came to 6 f Then shee arose with her
passe in the dayes daughters in law, that shee might re-

t Hebr. when ^ ludges turne from the countrey of Moab: for
t ruled, that there shee had heard in the countrey of Mo-
was a famine in ab, how that the L O R D had visited
the land : and a his people, in giuing them bread.
certaine man of 7 Wherefore she went foorth out ol
Bethlehem lu- the place where she was, and her two
dah, went to so- daughters in law with her : and they
iourne in the countrey of Moab, he, and went on the way to returne vnto the
his wife, and his two sonnes. land of ludah.
2 And the name of the man was Eli- 8 Aud Naomi said vnto her two
melech, and the name of his wife, Nao- daughters in law, Goe, returne each
mi , and the name of his two sonnes, to her mothers house : the LORD
Mahlon, and Chilion, Ephrathites of deale kindly with you, as ye haue dealt
Bethlehem ludah : and they came in- with the dead, and with me.
\Hebr.were to the countrey of Moab, and t conti- 9 The L O R D graunt you, that
nued there. you may finde rest each of you in the
3 And Elimelech Naomies hus- house of her husband. Then she kissec
Ruth continueth Chap.ij. with Naomi.
them, and they lift vp their voyce and with her, which returned out of the
wept. countrey of Moab : and they came to
10 And they said vnto her, Surely Bethlehem, in the beginning of barley
wee will returne with thee, vnto thy haruest.
11 And Naomi said, Turne againe, C H A P . II.
my daughters : why will you goe with 1 Ruth gleaneth in the fields of Boaz. 4 Boaz
mee ? Are there yet any moe sonnes in taking knowledge of her, 8 sheweth her
my wombe, that they may be your hus- great fauour. 18 That which she got, shee
carieth to Naomi.
bands ?
12 Turne againe, my daughters, go [ Nd Naomi had a kinse-

your way^ for I am too old to haue an •man of her husbands, a
husband : if I should say, I haue hope, mighty man of wealth, of
I Or, if I if I should || haue a husband also to the familie of Elimelech,
were with
an husband. night, and should also beare sonnes: and his name was Boaz.
t Heb. hope, 13 Would ye ttary for them till they 2 And Ruth the Moabitesse saide
were growen ? would ye stay for them vnto Naomi, Let me now goe to the
from hauing husbands? nay my daugh- field, and gleane eares of come after
t Hebr. I ters : for tit grieueth me much for your him, in whose sight I shall finde grace.
haue much
bttternes. sakes, that the hand of the LORD is And shee saide vnto her, Goe, my
gone out against me. daughter.
14 And they lift vp their voyce, and 3 And she went, and came, and glea-
wept againe: and Orpah kissed her ned in the field after the reapers: and
mother in law, but Ruth claue vnto her thappe was to light on a part of t Heb, happe
her. the fielde belonging vnto ||Boaz, who happened.
II Called
15 And she said, Behold, thy sister in was of the kinred of Elimelech. Mat. 1.5.
law is gone backe vnto her people, and 4 IF And behold, Boaz came from Booz.
vnto her gods: returne thou after thy Bethlehem, and said vnto the reapers,
sister in law. The L O R D bee with you; and they
II Or, be not 16 And Ruth said, || Intreate mee answered him , The L O R D blesse
against me. thee.
not to leaue thee, or to returne from fol-
lowing after thee: for whither thou 5 Then said Boaz vnto his seruant,
goest, I will goe; and where thou lod- that was set ouer the reapers, Whose
gest, I will lodge : thy people shall be damosell is this ?
my people, and thy God my God: 6 And the seruaunt that was set o-
17 Where thou diest, wil I die, and uer the reapers, answered and said, It
there will I bee buried: the L O R D is the Moabitish damosell that came
doe so to me, and more also, if ought but backe with Naomi out of the countrey
death part thee and me. of Moab :
t Hebr. 18 When shee sawe that shee twas 7 And she said, I pray you, let mee
ed her self e. stedfastly minded to goe with her, then gleane and gather after the reapers a-
shee left speaking vnto her. mongst the sheaues: so shee came, and
19 f So they two went vntill they hath continued euen from the morning
came to Bethlehem: And it came to vntill now, that she taried a little in the
passe when they were come to Beth- house.
lehem , that all the eitie was mooued a- 8 Then said Boaz vnto Ruth, Hea-
bout them, and they said, Is this Na- rest thou not, my daughter ? Goe not
omi? to gleane in another field, neither goe
20 And she said vnto them, Call me from hence, but abide here fast by my
II That is, not IINaomi; call mee ||Mara: for the maidens.
pleasant. Almightie hath dealt very bitterly 9 Let thine eyes be on the field that
II That is,
bitter. with me. they doe reape, and go thou after them :
21 I went out full, and the LORD Haue I not charged the young men,
hath brought me home againe emptie: that they shall not touch thee? and
Why then call ye me Naomi, seeing the when thou art athirst, goe vnto the
LORD hath testified against me, and vessels, and drinke of that which the
the Almighty hath afflicted me ? yong men haue drawen.
22 So Naomi returned, and Ruth 10 Then she fel on her face, and bow-
the Moabitesse her daughter in law ed her selfe to the ground, and said vnto

Boaz his kindnes Ruth. toward Ruth.
him, Why haue I found grace in thine He said vnto me also, Thou shalt keepe
eyes, that thou shouldest take know- fast by my yong men, vntill they haue
ledge of me, seeing I am a stranger ? ended all my haruest.
11 And Boaz answered and said vn- 22 And Naomi said vnto Ruth her
to her, It hath fully bene shewed me, daughter in law, It is good, my daugh-
all that thou hast done vnto thy mo- ter, that thou goe out with his mai-
ther in law since the death of thine hus- dens, that they ||meete thee not in any II Or, fall vp-
band: and how thou hast left thy father other field. on thee.
and thy mother, and the land of thy na- 23 So shee kept fast by the maidens
tiuitie, and art come vnto a people, of Boaz to gleane, vnto the end of bar-
which thou knewest not heretofore. ley haruest, and of wheat haruest, and
12 The LORD recompense thy dwelt with her mother in law.
worke, and a full reward be giuen thee
of the L O R D God of Israel, vnder
whose wings thou art come to trust.
C H A P . III.
I Or, I finde 13 Then she said, ||Let me finde fa- 1 By Naomi her instruction, 5 Ruth lieth at
fauour. uour in thy sight, my lord, for that thou Boaz his feete. 8 Boaz acknowledgeth the
right of a kinseman. 14 He sendeth her a-
hast comforted mee, and for that thou way with sixe measures of barley.
t Heb. to the hast spoken t friendly vnto thine hand-

maid , though I be not like vnto one Hen Naomi her mother
of thy hand-maidens. in law said vnto her, My
14} And Boaz sayde vnto her, At daughter, shal I not seeke
meale time come thou hither, and eate rest for thee, that it may
of the bread, and dip thy morsell in the be well with thee ?
vineger. And shee sate beside the rea- 2 And now is not Boaz of our kin-
pers : and he reached her parched corne, red, with whose maidens thou wast?
and she did eate, and was sufficed, and Behold, he winnoweth barley to night
left. in the threshing floore.
15 And when shee was risen vp to 3 Wash thy selfe therefore, and an-
gleane, Boaz commanded his young noint thee, and put thy raiment vpon
men, saying, Let her gleane euen a- thee, and get thee downe to the floore:
\ Heb. shamemong the sheaues, & treproch her not. but make not thy selfe kiiowen vnto the
her not.
16 And let fall also some of the hand- man, vntill hee shall haue done eating
fuls of purpose for her, and leaue them and drinking.
that she may gleane them, and rebuke 4 And it shall be when hee lieth
her not. downe, that thou shalt marke the place
17 So she gleaned in the field vntill where hee shall lie, and thou shalt goe
euen, and beat out that she had gleaned: in, and || vncouer his feete, and lay thee I Or, lift vi
and it was about an Ephah of barley. downe, and he will tell thee what thou the clothes
that are on
18 f And shee tooke it vp, and went shalt doe. his feete.
into the citie: and her mother in lawe 5 And shee said vnto her, All that
saw what shee had gleaned; and shee thou sayest vnto me, I will doe.
brought foorth, and gaue to her that 6 IF And she went downe vnto the
she had reserued, after she was sufficed. floore, and did according to all that her
19 And her mother in law said vnto mother in law bade her.
her, Where hast thou gleaned to day? 7 And when Boaz had eaten and
and where wroughtest thou? blessed be drunke, and his heart was merrie, hee
hee that did take knowledge of thee. went to lie downe at the ende of the
And shee shewed her mother in lawe heape of corner and she came softly, and
with whom shee had wrought, and vncouered his feet, and laid her downe.
said, The mans name with whom I 8 H And it came to passe at mid-
wrought to day, is Boaz. night , that the man was afraid, and
20 And Naomi said vnto her daugh- || turned himselfe: and behold, a woman \\ Or, tooke
ter in law, Blessed be he of the LORD, lay at his feete. holde on.
who hath not left off his kindnesse to 9 And hee said, Who art thou ? And
the liuing and to the dead. And Naomi she answered, I am Ruth thine hand*
I Or, one said vnto her, The man is neere of kin maid: spread therefore thy skirt ouer
that hath
right to re- vnto vs, || one of our next kinsemen. thine handmaid, for thou art ||a neare $ Or, one that
hath right
deeme. 21 And Ruth the Moabitesse said, kinseman. to redeems.
10 And
Boaz talketh with Chap.iiij. Ruths kinfman.
10 And hee said , Blessed be thou of 2 And hee tooke ten men of the El-
the L O R D , my daughter : for thou ders of the citie, and said, Sit ye downe
hast shewed more kindnesse in the latter here. And they sate downe.
ende^ then at the beginning, in as much 8 And he said vnto the kinseman :
as thou followedst not yong men, whe- Naomi that is come againe out of the
ther poore, or rich. countrey of Moab, selleth a parcel! of
11 And now my daughter, feare not. land, which was our brother Elime-
I will doe to thee all that thou requi- lechs.
t H eb. gate. rest : for all the tcitie of my people doeth 4 And 1 1 thought to aduertise thee,^I tOU He h. I said
know, that thou art a vertuous wo- saying , Buy it before the inhabitants, in thine eare.
man. and before the Elders of my people. If
12 And now it is true, that I am thou wilt redeeme it, redeeme it, but if
thy neare kinseman : howbeit there is thou wilt not redeeme it, then tell mee,
a kinseman nearer then I. that I may know : for there is none to
13 Tary this night, and it shall be in redeeme it, besides thee, and I am after
the morning , that if hee will performe thee. And he said, I will redeeme it.
vnto thee the part of a kinseman, well, 5 Then said Boaz, What day thou
let him doe the kinsemans part ; but if buyest the field of the hand of Naomi,
hee will not doe the part of a kinseman thou must buy it also of Ruth the Moa-
to thee , then will I doe the part of a bitesse, the wife of the dead, to raise vp
kinseman to thee, as the LOED liueth: the name of the dead vpon his inheri-
lie downe vntill the morning. tance.
14? H And shee lay at his feete vntill 6 f And the kinseman said, I can-
the morning : and she rose vp before one not redeeme it for my selfe, lest I marre
could know another. And he said, Let mine owne inheritance : redeeme thou
it not be knowen , that a woman came my right to thy selfe, for I cannot re-
into the floore. deeme it.
fl Or, sheete* 15 Also he said, Bring the || vaile that
OT9 apron*
7 .* Now this was the maner in for- * Deut. 25.
thou hast vpon thee, and holde it. And mer time in Israel , concerning redee- 7» 9.
when shehelde it, he measured sixe mea- ming and concerning changing, for to
sures of barley, and laide it on her : and confirme all things : a man plucked off
he went into the citie. his shooe, and gaue it to his neighbour:
16 And when shee came to her mo- and this was a testimonie in Israel.
ther in law, she said, Who art thou, my 8 Therfore the kinseman said vnto
daughter? and she tolde her all that the Boaz, Buy it for thee : so he drew off his
man had done to her. shooe.
17 And she said, These sixe measures 9 IF And Boaz saide vnto the El-
of barley gaue he me, for he said to me, ders, and vnto all the people, Ye are wit-
Go not emptie vnto thy mother in law. nesses this day, that I haue bought all
18 Then said she, Sit still, my daugh- that was Elimelechs, and all that was
ter, vntill thou know how the matter Chilions, and Mahlons, of the hande
will fall : for the man will not be in rest. of Naomi.
vntil he haue finished the thing 10 Moreouer, Ruth the Moabitesse,
the wife of Mahlon, haue I purchased
C H A P , IIII. to be my wife , to raise vp the name of
the dead vpon his inheritance, that the
1 Boaz calleth into iudgment the next kinseman.
6 He refuseth the redemption according to name of the dead be not cut off from a-
the maner in Israel. 9 Boaz buyeth the inhe- mong his brethren, and from the gate
ritance. 11 He marrieth Ruth. ISShebea- of his place : ye are witnesses this day.
reth Obed the grandfather of Dauid. 18 The 11 And all the people that were in the
generation of Pharez.
eate, and the Elders said, Wee are wit-

Hen went Boaz vp to the nesses: The LORD make the woman
gate, and sate him downe that is come into thine house, like Ra- I Or, get
there : and beholde, the chel and like Leah, which two did build thee riches
kinseman of whome Bo- the house of Israel: and ||do thou wor- orf Hebr.
az spake, came by, vnto thily in Ephratah, and tbee famous in ctotouthy
whom he said, Ho, such a one: turne Bethlehem. *Gen. 38.
aside, sit downe here. And hee turned 12 And let thy house be like the house 29. l. chro.
2. 4. matt.
aside, and sate downe. of Pharez, (*whom Tamar bare vn- 1.3.
Elkanah, and I.Samuel. his two wiues.
o ludah) of the seed which the LORD laid it in her bosome, and became nurse
hall giue thee of this yong woman. vnto it.
13 H So Boaz tooke Ruth, and she 17 And the women her neighbours
was his wife: and when he went in vn- gaue it a name, saying, There is a sonne
o her, the LORD gaue her concepti- borne to Naomi, and they called his
on, and she bare a sonne. name Obed: hee is the father of lesse
14 And the women said vnto Nao- the father of Dauid.
mi, Blessed be the L O R D which hath 18 U Now these are the generations
t Hebr. cau- not tleft thee this day without a ||kinse- of Pharez: *Pharez begate Hezron, 2. * 1. Chron.
4. matt.
sed to cease
vnto thee man, that his name may bee famous in 19 And Hezron begate Ham, and 1.3.
II Or, redee- [srael:
Ram begate Amminadab,
15 And he shalbevnto thee a restorer 20 And Amminadab begate Nah-
t Hebr. to of thy life, and t a nourisher of tthine old shon, and Nahshon begate || Salmon, malt.B Or, Sal-
nourish. 21 And Salmon begate Boaz, and
t Heb. thy age: for thy daughter in law which lo-
gray haires. ueth thee, which is better to thee then Boaz begate Obed,
seuen sonnes, hath borne him. 22 And Obed begat lesse, and lesse
16 And Naomi tooke the childe, and begate Dauid.


of Samuel, otherwife called, The
first Booke of the Kings.
3 And this man went vp out of his
C H A P . I. citie * t yeerely, to worship and to sacri- * Deut. 16.
fice vnto the L O R D of hostes in Shi- iHebr.from
1 Elkanah a Leuite hauing two wiues , wor- loh ; and the two sonnes of Eli, Hoph- yeere to
shippeth yeerely at Shiloh. 4 Hee che-
risheth Hannah , though barren, and pro- ni, and Phinehas, the Priests of the yeere.
uoked by Peninnah. 9 Hannah in griefe, LORD, were there.
prayeth for a childe. 12 Eli first rebuking 4 II And when the time was, that
her, afterwards blesseth her. 19 Hannah ha- Elkanah offered, he gaue to Peninnah
uing borne Samuel, stayeth at home till he
be weaned. 24 She presenteth him, accor- bis wife, and to all her sonnes, and her
ding to her vow, to the LORD. daughters, portions.
5 But vnto Hannah he gaue ||a wor- doubleII Or, a
Ow there was a thy portion: (for he loued Hannah, but tion.
certaine man of the LORD had shut vp her worn be.

Ramathaim Zo- 6 And her aduersary also tprouoked t Hebr. an-
gred her.

'rim, of mount
phraim, & his
name was Elka-
her sore» for to make her fret, because
the LORD had shut vp her wombe.)
7 And as he did so yeere by yeere,
nah, the sonne of || when she went vp to the house of the D Or, from
leroham , the LORD, so she prouoked her; therefore the time
that she* <Jc.
sonne of Elihu, she wept, and did not eat. Hebr. from
the sonne of Tohu, the sonne of Zuph, 8 Then said Elkanah her husband
an Ephrathite; to her, Hannah, why weepest thou? anc
% And he had two wiues, the name why eatest thou not ? and why is thy
of the one was Hannah, and the name heart grieued? Am not I better to
of the other Peninnah : and Penin- thee, then ten sonnes?
nah had children, but Hannah had no 9 1! So Hannah rose vp after they
children. had eaten in Shiloh, and after they hac
Hannahs prayer, Chap.ij. and thankfgiuing.
arunKe; (jiow IMI me rnest sate vpon shee said vnto her husband, I will not got
a seat by a poste of the Temple of the vp vntill the childe be weaned, and then
LORD.) I will bring him, that he may appeare
t Hebr. bit- 10 And shee was tin bitternesse of before the LORD, and there abide foi
ter of soule. soule, and prayed vnto the LORD, and euer.
wept sore. 23 And Elkanah her husband saic
11 And she vowed a vow, and said, vnto her, Do what seemeth thee good,
O L O R D of hostes, if thou wilt in- tary vntill thou haue weaned him, only
deed looke on the affliction of thine the L O R D establish his word ? so the
handmayd, and remember me, and not woman abode, and gaue her sonne
forget thine handmayd, but wilt giue sucke vntill she weaned him.
\ Hebr. seed vnto thine handmayd ta man childe, 24« ^1 And when shee had weaned
of men.
then I will giue him vnto the LORD him, shee tooke him vp with her, with
* Num. 6. 5. all the dayes of his life, and *there shall three bullocks, and one Ephah of floure,
iudg. la. 5.
no rasor come vpon his head. and a bottle of wine, and brought him
Hebr. mui- 12 And it came to passe as she t con- vnto the house of the LORD in Shi-
tiplied to loh: and the childe was young.
pray. tinued praying before the LORD, that
Eli marked her mouth. 25 And they slew a bulloeke, and
13 Now Hannah, shee spake in her brought the childe to Eli.
heart, onely her lippes mooued, but 26 And she said, Oh my lord, as thy
her voice was not heard: therefore Eli soule liueth, my lord, I am the woman,
thought she had beene drunken. that stood by thee heere, praying vnto
14? And Eli said vnto her. How long the LORD.
wilt thou be drunken? put away thy 27 For this childe I prayed, and the II Or, retur-
wine from thee. L O R D hath giuen me my petition, ned him,
whom 1 haue
15 And Hannah answered, and said, which I asked of him: obtained by
Hebr. hard No, my lord, I am a woman tof a sor- petition
28 Therefore also I haue ||lent him the LORD. to
of spirit.
rowfull spirit: I haue drunke neither to the LORD as long as hee liueth, II Or, hee
wine nor strong drinke, but haiie pow- ||he shall be lent to the LORD. And whom I haue
obteined by
red out my soule before the LORD. he worshipped the LORD there petition,
shalbe re-
16 Count not thine handmaid for a turned.
daughter of Belial: for out of the abun-
Or, medita- dance of my || complaint and griefe, C H A P . II.
haue I spoken hitherto. 1 Hannahs song in thankefulnesse. 12 The
17 Then Eli answered, and said, sinne of Elies sonnes. 18 Samuels ministe-
rie. 20 By Elies blessing, Hannah is more
Goe in peace: and the God of Israel fruitful!. 02 Eli reprooueth his sonnes. 28
?rant thee thy petition, that thou hast A prophecie against Elies house.
asked of him.
18 And she said, Let thine handmaid Nd Hannah prayed, and

inde grace in thy sight. So the woman said, My heart reioyceth
went her way, and did eate, and her in the LORD, mine home
countenance was no more sad. is exalted in the LORD :
19 IF And they rose vp in the mor- my mouth is inlarged o-
ning early, and worshipped before the uer mine enemies: because I reioyce in
LORD, and returned, and came to thy saluation.
their house to Ramah : and Elka- % There is none holy as the LORD :
nah knewe Hannah his wife, and the for there is none beside thee : neither is
LORD remembred her. there any Rocke like our God.
20 Wherefore it came to passe when 3 Talke no more so exceeding proud-
t Hebr. re- the ttime was come about, after Han-
ly, let not tarrogancie come out of your \Hebr.hard.
dayes. nah had concerned, that shee bare a mouth : for the LORD w a God of
B That is,
asked of God.
sonne, and called his name || Samuel, knowledge, and by him actions are
saying; Because I haue asked him of the weighed.
LORD. 4 The bowes of the mightie men
21 And the man Elkanah, and all are broken, and they that stumbled are
bis house, went vp to offer vnto the girt with strength.
LORD the yeerely sacrifice, and his 5 They that were full, haue hired
vowe. out themselues for bread : and they that
2$ But Hannah went not vp; for were hungry, ceased: so that the barren
EHs fonnes wicked. I.Samuel. Eli therefore
hath borne seuen, and she that hath ma- 19 Moreouer, his mother made him
ny children, is waxed feeble. a litle coate, and brought it to him from
• Dcut. 32. 6 *The LOED killeth and maketh
39. wisd.
yeere to yeere, when she came vp with
16. 13. tob. aliue, he bringeth downe to the graue, her husband , to offer the yeerely sa-
13. 2. and bringeth vp. crifice.
7 The LORD maketh poore, and 20 f And Eli blessed Elkanah, and
maketh rich : he bringeth low, and lif- his wife, and said, The L O R D giue
teth vp. thee seed of this woman, for the ||loane 1 Or, petition
which hee
* Psa). 113. 8 He *raiseth vp the poore out of the which is lent to the LORD. And they askedt • &c.
dust, and lifteth vp the begger from the went vnto their owne home.
dunghill, to set them among princes, and 21 And the LORD visited Hannah,
to make them inherit the throne of glo- so that shee conceiued, and bare three

Z : for the pillars of the earth are the

ORDS, and hee hath set the world
vpon them.
sonnes, and two daughters : and the
child Samuel grew before the LORD.
22 IT Now Eli was very olde, and
9 He will keepe the feet of his saints, heard all that his sonnes did vnto all
and the wicked shall bee silent in darke- Israel, and how they lay with the wo-
nesse; for by strength shall no man pre- men that t assembled at the doore of the t Hebr. as-
semi/led hy
uaile. Tabernacle of the Congregation. troupes.
10 The aduersaries of the L O R D 23 And he said vnto them, Why doe
* Chap. 7. shalbe broken to pieces : *out of heauen ye such things? for ||I heare of your euil euilt
0 Or, 1 heare
shal he thunder vpon them : the LORD dealings, by all this people. of you.
shall iudge the ends of the earth, and he 24 Nay my sonnes : for it is no good
shal giue strength vnto his king, and ex- report that I heare; yee make the
alt the home of his Anointed. LORDS people to ||transgresse. B Or, to cry
11 And Elkanah went to Ramah to 25 If one man sinne against an-
his house, and the child did minister vn- other, the Iudge shall iudge him : but if
to the LORD before Eli the Priest. a man sinne against the LORD, who
12 f Now the sonnes of Eli were shall intreat for him ? Notwithstan-
sonnes of Belial , they knewe not the ding they hearkened not vnto the voice
LORD. of their father, because the L O R D
13 And the priests custome with the would slay them.
people was, that when any man offred sa- 26 (And the child Samuel grew on,
crifice, the priestes seruant came, while and was in fauour, both with the
the flesh was in seething, with a flesh- LORD, and also with men.)
hooke of three teeth in his hand, 27 IF And there came a man of Gpd
14 And he strooke it into the panne, vnto Eli, and saide vnto him, Thus
or kettle, or caldron, or pot: all that the saith the LORD, Did I plainely ap-
flesh -hooke brought vp, the priest tooke peare vnto the house of thy father,
for himselfe : so they did in Shiloh vnto when they were in Egypt in Phara-
all the Israelites that came thither. ohs house ?
15 Also before they burnt the fat, the 28 And did I chuse him out of all
priests seruant came, & said to the man the tribes of Israel, to be my Priest, to
that sacrificed, Giue flesh to roste for the offer vpon mine altar, to burne incense,
priest, for he wil not haue sodden flesh of to weare an Ephod before mee ? and
thee, but raw. *did I giue vnto the house of thy fa- * Leuit. 10.
16 And if any man said vnto him, ther, all the offerings made by fire of 14.
t Hebr. as Let them not faile to burne the fat t pre- the children of Israel ?
Qfi ffig doy.
sently , and then take as much as thy soule 29 Wherefore kicke ye at my sacrifice,
desireth : then hee would answere him, and at mine offering, which I haue
Nay, but thou shalt giue it mee now : commaunded in my habitation, and
and if not, I will take it by force. honourest thy sonnes aboue mee, to
17 Wherefore the sinne of the yong make your selues fat with the chiefest
men was very great before the LORD : of all the offrings of Israel my people?
for men abhorred the offering of the 30 Wherefore the L O R D God of
LORD. Israel saith, I sayd indeede, that thy
18 H But Samuel ministred before house, & the house of thy father should
* Exod. 28. the LORD, being a child, * girded with
walke before me for euer : but now the
a linnen Ephod. L O R D saith, Be it farre from mee;
is threatened. Chap.iij. God calleth Samuel.
for them that honour me, I will ho- Here am I, for thou calledst me. And
nour, and they that despise me, shall be he said, I called not; lie downe againe.
lightly esteemed. And he went and lay downe.
31 Behold, the dayes come, that I 6 And the L O R D called yet a-
will cut off thine arme, and the arme gaine, Samuel. And Samuel arose,
of thy fathers house , that there shall and went to Eli, and said, Here am I,
not be an old man in thine house. for thou diddest call me. And he answe-
II Or, the af- 32 And thou shalt see ||an enemie in red, I called not, my sonne ; lie downe
fliction of the my habitation, in all the wealth which againe.
for all the God shall giue Israel, and there shall
7 || Now Samuel did not yet know QOr.tfmsdid
Samuel* be-
which God not bee an olde man in thine house for the LORD, neither was the word of fore he knew
would haue the LORD yet reuealed vnto him. the LORD;
tfiuen Israel* euer- and before
33 And the man of thine , whom I 8 And the L O R D called Samuel the word of
shall not cut off from mine Altar, shall againe the third time. And hee arose, the LORD
was reuea-
be to consume thine eyes, and to grieue and went to Eli, and said, Here am I, niTrlt led
thine heart : and all the increase of thine for thou diddest call me. And Eli per-
t Heb. men. house shall die tin the floure of their ceiued that the L O R D had called the
age. childe.
34- And this shall bee a signe vnto 9 Therefore Eli said vnto Samuel,
thee , that shall come vpon thy two Go, lie downe, & it shal be, if he call thee,
sonnes, on Hophni and Phinehas : in that thou shalt say, Speake LORD,
one day they snail die both of them. for thy seruant heareth. So Samuel
35 And I will raise me vp a faith- went, and lay downe in his place.
full Priest, that shall doe according to 10 And the LORD came, and stood
that which is in my heart and in my mind, and called as at other times, Samuel,
and I will build him a sure house, and Samuel* Then Samuel answered,
hee shall walke before mine Anointed Speake, for thy seruant heareth.
for euer. 11 U And the L O R D sayd to Sa-
36 And it shall come to passe , that muel, Behold, I will doe a thing in
euery one that is left in thine house, shal Israel, at which, both the eares of *e- * 2. Kin. 91,
come and crouch to him for a piece of sil- uery one that heareth it, shall tingle. 12.
uer, and a morsel of bread, and shall say, 12 In that day, I will performe a-
t Heb. ioyne. tPut me (I pray thee) into ||one of the gainst Eli, all things which I haue spo-
I Or, Some-
what about Priests offices, that I may eat a piece ken concerning his house : twhen I be- ginning
t Hebr. be-
the Priest. of bread.
gin, I will also make an end. ending.
13 ||* For I haue tolde him , that I tnill \\ Or, and I
tell him
CHAP. III. will iudge his house for euer, for the fr.
1 How the word of the Lord was first reuealed
iniquitie which hee knoweth : because 29,30,31,
* Chap. 2.
to Samuel. 11 God telleth Samuel the de- his sonnes made themselues ||vile, and &C.
struction of Elies house. 15 Samuel, though he t restrained them not. II Or, accur-
loth, telleth Eli the vision. 19 Samuel 14 And therefore I haue sworne vn- t Heb. frow-
groweth in credit. to the house of Eli, that the iniauitie of ned
not vpon

Nd the child Samuel mi- Elies house shall not be purged with

nistred vnto the L O R D sacrifice, nor offering for euer.
before Eli : and the word 15 U And Samuel lay vntill the
of the L O R D was pre- morning, and opened the doores of the
cious in those dales, there house of the L O R D : and Samuel
was no open vision. feared to shew Eli the vision.
2 And it came to passe at that time, 16 Then Eli called Samuel, and
when Eli was layd downe in his place, said, Samuel my sonne. And he answe-
and his eyes beganne to waxe dimme, red, Here am L
that he could not see; 17 And he said, What is the thing
3 And yer the lampe of God went that the L O R D hath said vnto thee?
out in the Temple of the L O R D , I pray thee hide it not from mee : God
where the Arke of God was, and Sa- doe so to thee, and tmore also, if thou t Hebr. so
muel was layd downe to sleepe, hide any || thing from me, of all the ^wordf
4 That the L O R D called Sa- things tnat hee said vnto thee.
muel, and he answered, Here am L 18 And Samuel tolde him t euery i Heb all the
5 And he ranne vnto Eli, and sayd, whit, and hid nothing from him. And f£j?g;or
Ifrael is ouercome. I.Samuel. Eli dieth.
he said, It is the LORD : Let him doe the campe of the Hebrewes ? And they
what seemeth him good. vnderstood , that the Arke of the
19 U And Samuel grew, and the LORD was come into the campe.
L O R D was with him, and did let 7 And the Philistines were afraid,
none of his words fall to the ground. for they saide, God is come into the
20 And all Israel from Dan euen to campe. And they said, Woe vnto vs : for
Beer-sheba, knew that Samuel was there hath not bene such a thing there- t Hebr.r ye-
8 Or, faith- || established to bee a Prophet of the tofore. sterday , or
full. the third
LORD. 8 Woe vnto vs: who shall deliuer day.
21 And the LORD appeared a- vs out of the hand of these mightie
gaine in Shiloh : for the LORD reuei- Gods ? these are the Gods that smote
led himselfe to Samuel in Shiloh, by the Egyptians with all the plagues in
the word of the LORD. the wildernesse.
9 Bee strong, and quit your selues
like men, O ye Philistines, that yee be
C H A P , IIII. not seruants vnto the Hebrewes, *as * ludg. 13.
1 The Israelites are ouercomeby the Philistines
they haue bene to you : tquit your selues tHebr. Be
at Aben-Ezer. 3 They fetch the Arke, vnto like men, and fight. men.
the terrour of the Philistines. 10 They are 10 1T And the Philistines fought, and
smitten againe, the Arke taken, Hophni and Israel was smitten, and they fled euery
Phinehas are slaine. 12 Eli at the newes, fal- man into his tent : and there was a ve-
ling backward, breaketh his necke. 19 Phi-
nehas wife, discouraged in her trauaile with ry great slaughter, for there fell of Is-
Ichabod, dieth. rael thirtie thousand footmen.
11 And the Arke of God was taken,
Nd the word of Samuel and the two sonnes of Eli, Hophni, and

i Or, came to || came to all Israel. Now Phinehas twere slaine. 1 Hebr. died.
paste: Hebr. Israel went out against 12 IT And there ran a man of Benia-
the Philistines to battell, min out of the army, and came to Shi-
and pitched beside Eben- loh the same day with his clothes rent,
ezer : and the Philistines pitched in and with earth vpon his head.
Aphek. IS And when nee came, loe, Eli sate
2 And the Philistines put them- vpon a seat by the way side, watching:
selues in aray against Israel: and when for his heart trembled for the Arke of
t Hebr. the tthey ioyned battell, Israel was smit- God. And when the man came into the
battettwas ten before the Philistines: and they slew citie, and told it, all the city cried out.
t Hebr. the of t the armie in the field, about foure 14 And when Eli heard the noise of
thousand men. the crying, hee said; What meaneth the
3 f And when the people were come noise of this tumult? And the man
into the campe, the Elders of Israel came in hastily, and told Eli.
said, Wherefore hath the LORD smit- 15 Now Eh was ninetie and eight
ten vs to day before the Philistines? Let yeeres old, and *his eyes twere dimme, * Chap. 3.
t Hebr. take vs t fetch the Arke of the Couenant of that he could not see. tHebr.
vnto vs. the L O R D out of Shiloh vnto vs, 16 And the man said vnto Eli, I am stood.
that when it commeth among vs, it may he, that came out of the army, and I
saue vs out of the hand of our enemies. fled to day out of the army. And he said,
4 So the people sent to Shiloh, What tis there done, my sonne ? t Hebr. is
the thing.
that they might bring from thence the 17 And the messenger answered, and
Arke of the Couenant of the LORD said, Israel is fled before the Phili-
of hostes, which dwelleth betweene the stines, and there hath bene also a great
Cherubims : and the two sonnes of fi- slaughter among the people, and thy
ll, Hophni, and Phinehas were there, two sonnes also, Hopnni & Phinehas,
with the Arke of the Couenant of God. are dead, and the Arke of God is taken.
5 And when the Arke of the Coue- 18 And it came to passe when hee
nant of the L O R D came into the made mention of the Arke of God, that
campe, all Israel shouted with a great he fell from off the seat backward by the
shout, so that the earth rang againe. side of the gate, and his necke brake, and
6 And when the Philistines heard hee died: for hee was an old man, and
the noise of the shout, they said, What heauie, and hee had iudged Israel for-
meaneth the noise of this great shout in tie yeeres.
19 f And
Dagons fall. The Chap.v.vj. Philiftins plagued.
19 H And his daughter in law Phi- merods, euen Ashdod , and the coastes
II Or, to crienehas wife was with childe neere ||to be thereof.
deliuered : and when shee heard the ti- 7 And when the men of Ashdod
dings that the Arke of God was taken, saw that it was so, they said, The Arke
and that her father in law, and her hus- of the God of Israel shall not abide
band were dead , shee bowed her selfe with vs : for his hand is sore vpon vs,
t Hebr. were and traueyled; for her paines tcame and vpon Dagon our god.
vpon her. 8 They sent therefore, and gathe-
20 And about the time of her death, red all the lords of the Philistines vnto
the women that stood by her, said vnto them, and said, What shall we doe with
her : Feare not , for thou hast borne a the Arke of the God of Israel ? And
iHeb.set fionne. But she answered not, t neither they answered , Let the Arke of the
not her heart
did she regard it. God of Israel bee caried about vnto
II That is,
where is the
21 And she named the childe ||Icha- Gath. And they caried the Arke of the
glory 9 bod , saying, || The glory is departed God of Israel about thither.
w no sloTt/. from Israel, (because the Arke of God
II Or, there 9 And it was so, that after they had
was taken, and because of her father in caried it about, the hand of the LORD
law and her husband.) was against the citie with a very great
22 And she said, The glory is depar- destruction : and hee smote the men of
ted from Israel : for the Arke of God the citie both small and great, and they
is taken. had Emerods in their secret parts.
10 11 Therfore they sent the Arke of
C H A P . V. God to Ekron: and it came to passe as
the Arke of God came to Ekron, that
1 The Philistines hauing brought the Arke into the Ekronites cried out, saying, They
Ashdod, set it in the house of Dagon. 3 Da-
gon is smitten downe and cut in pieces, and haue brought about the Arke of the
they of Ashdod smitten with Emerods. 8 So God of Israel to vs, to slay vs, and our
God dealeth with them of Gath, when it was people.
brought thither : 10 and so with them of Efc- 11 So they sent and gathered toge-
ron when it was brought thither.
ther all the lords of the Philistines, and
Nd the Philistines tooke said , Send away the Arke of the God

A the Arke of God , and

brought it from Eben-
ezer vnto Ashdod.
2 When the Philistines
tooke the Arke of God, they brought it
of Israel, and let it goe againe to his
owne place, that it slay vs not, and our
people ; for there was a deadly destruc-
tion throughout all the citie : The hand
of God was very heauy there.
into the house of Dagon, and set it by 12 And the men that died not, were
Dagon smitten with the Emerods : and the cry
3 H And when they of Ashdod arose of the citie went vp to heauen.
earely on the morrow, behold, Dagon
was fallen vpon his face to the earth, \^> JLJL JTX JL * T Ai
before the Arke of the LORD - and
they tooke Dagon , and set him in his 1 After seuen moneths the Philistines take coun~
place againe. sell, how to send backe the Arke. 10 They
4 And when they arose earely on bring it on a new cart with an offering vnto
Bethshemesh. 1 9 The people are smitten for
the morrow morning, behold, Dagon looking into the Arke. 21 They send to them
was fallen vt>on his face to the ground, of Kiriath-iearim to fetch it
before the Arke of the LORD : and the
head of Dagon, and both the palmes of ND the Arke of the
his hands were cut off vpon the thre-
ffojjB-shold, only ||the stumpe of Dagon was
jeft ^ ^
5 Therefore neither the priests of
Dagon, nor any that come into Da-
a L O R D was in the coun-
trey of the Philistines se-
uen moneths.
2 And the Philistines
called for the priests and the diuiners,
gons house, tread on the threshold of saying, What shall we doe to the Arke
Dagon in Ashdod vnto this day of the L O R D ? Tell vs wherewith
6 But the hand of the L O R D was we shall send it to his place.?
heauy vpon them of Ashdod, and he de- 3 And they said, If yee send away
* Psai. ra. stroyed them, and smote them with *E- the Arke of the God of Israel, send it
The Arke is fent I.Samuel. to Bethfliemelh.
not empty : but in any wise returne him 14 And the cart came into the field of
a trespasse offring: then ye shall be hea- loshua a Bethshemite, & stood there,
ed, and it shall be knowen to you, why where there was a great stone: and they
lis hand is not reiiiooued from you. claue the wood of the cart, and offered
4 Then said they, What shall be the ,he kine , a burnt offering vnto the
trespasse offering , which wee shall re- LORD.
turne to him? They answered, Fiue 15 And the Leuites tooke downe
golden Emerods, and fiue golden mice, the Arke of the LORD, and the coffer
according to the number of the lordes of that was with it, wherein the iewels of
the Philistines : for one plague was on golde were, and put them on the great
T Heb. them. tyou all, and on your lords. stone : And the men of Bethshemesh
5 Wherefore ye shall make images offered burnt offrings, and sacrificed sa-
of your Emerodes, and images of your crifices the same day vnto the LORD.
Mice, that marre the land, and ye shall 16 And when the fiue lordes of the
yiue glory vnto the God of Israel : per- Philistines had scene it , they returned
aduenture hee will lighten his hand to Ekron the same day.
Tom off you, and from off your gods, 17 And these are the golden Eme-
and from off your land. rods which the Philistines returned for
6 Wherefore then doe yee harden a trespasse offering vnto the L O R D ;
your hearts , as the Egyptians and for Ashdod one, for Gaza one , for As-
Pharaoh hardened their hearts ? when kelon one, for Gath one, for Ekron one.
II Or, re-
ir och fully •
lie had wrought || wonderfully among 18 And the golden Mice according to
* Exod. 12. them, * did they not let tthe people goe, the number of all the cities of the Phi-
* Heb. them.
and they departed P listines, belonging to the fiue lordes, both
7 Now therefore make a new cart, of fenced cities , and of countrey villa-
and take two milch-kine^ on which ges, euen vnto the [[great stone of Abel, H Or, great
there hath come no yoke , and tie the whereon they set downe the Arke of stone.
kine to the cart , and bring the calues the L O R D ; which stone remaineth vn-
borne from them. to this day, in the field of loshua the
8 And take the Arke of the LORD, Bethshemite.
and lay it vpon the cart , and put the 19 IF And he smote the men of Beth-
iewels of golde , which ye returne him shemesh, because they had looked into
for a trespasse offering, in a coffer by the the Arke of the LORD, euen he smote
side thereof, and send it away, that it of the people fiftie thousand , and three-
may goe. score and tenne men : and the people la-
9 And see, if it goeth vp by the way mented, because the LORD had smit-
of his owne coast to Bethshemesh, then ten many of the people with a great
\\ Or, it. || he hath done vs this great euill : but ii slaughter.
not, then wee shall know that it is not £0 And the men of Bethshemesh
his hand that smote vs ; it was a chance said , Who is able to stand before this
that happened to vs. holy LORD God? and to whom shal
10 1T And the men did so: and tooke he goe vp from vs ?
two milch -kine , and tied them to the £1 IF And they sent messengers to
cart, and shut vp their calues at home. the inhabitants of Kiriath-iearim, say-
11 And they layde the Arke of the ing , The Philistines haue brought a-
L O U D vpon the cart, and the coder, gaine the Arke of the LORD; come
with the mice of golde, and the images ye downe, and fetch it vp to you.
of their Emerods.
12 And the kine tooke the straight
way to the way of Bethshemesh , anc C H A P . VII.
went along the high way , lowing as
they went , and turned not aside to the 1 They of Kiriath - iearim bring the Arke into
the house of Abinadab,, and sanctifie Eleazar
right hand, or to the left : and the lords his sonne to keepe it. 2 After twentie yeeres
of the Philistines went after them, vn- 3 ThelsraeliteSjby Samuels meanes, solemnly
to the border of Bethshemesh. repent at Mizpeh. 7 While Samuel prayetn
13 And they of Bethshemesh were and sacrificeth , the Lord discomfiteth the
Philistines by thunder, at Eben-ezer. ISThe
reaping their wheat haruest in the val- Philistines are subdued. 1 5 Samuel peaceabb
ley : and they lifted vp their eyes , anc and religiously iudgeth Israel.
saw the Arke, and reioyced to see it.
Ifrael repenteth. ChaD.vii.viii. Samuels fonnes.
Nd the men of Kiriath- IS Then Samuel tooke a stone, and

iearim came, and fetcht vj set it betweene Mizpeh and Shen,
the Arke of the LORD, and called the name of it ||Eben-Ezer5 I That is,
and brought it into the saying, Hitherto hath the L O R D helpe. the stone of
house of Abinadab in the helped vs.
hill, and sanctified Eleazar his sonne, 13 1T So the Philistines were subdu-
to keepe the Arke of the LORD. ed, and they came no more into the coast
2 And it came to passe while the of Israel? and the hand of the L O R D
Arke abode in Kiriath-iearim, that the was against the Philistines, all the
time was long: for it was twentie dayes of Samuel.
yeeres : and all the house of Israel la- 14 And the cities which the Phili-
mented after the LORD. stines had taken from Israel, were re-
3 IF And Samuel spake vnto all the stored to Israel, from Ekron euen vn-
house of Israel, saying, If ye doe re- to Gath, and the coasts thereof did Is-
turne vnto the L O R D with all your rael deliuer out of the hands of the Phi-
* lOSh. 24. hearts, then *put away the strange gods, listines : and there was peace betweene
15, 23.
* ludg. 2. and * Ashtaroth from among you, anc Israel and the Amorites.
13. prepare your hearts vnto the LORD, 15 And Samuel iudged Israel all
* Deut. 6. 4. and *serue him onely .- & he will deliuer the dayes of his life.
matt. 4. 10. you out of the hand of the Philistines,
luke 4. 8. 16 And he went from yeere to yeere
4 Then the children of Israel did tin circuit to Bethel, and Gilgal, and t Heb. and
* ludg. 9 put away * Baalim, arid Ashtaroth, and Mizpeh, and iudged Israel in all those he circuited*
11. serued the LORD onely. places.
5 And Samuel said, Gather all Is- 17 And his returne was to Ramah :
rael to Mizpeh, and I will pray for you Tor there was his house : and there hee
vnto the LORD. iudged Israel, and there hee built an
6 And they gathered together to altar vnto the LORD.
Mizpeh, and drew water, and powred
it out before the LORD, and fasted on CHAP. VIII.
that day, and said there, We haue sinned
against the LORD* And Samuel iud- 1 By occasion of the ill gouernment of Samu-
ged the children of Israel in Mizpeh. els sonnes, the Israelites aske a King. 6 Sa-
7 And when the Philistines heard muel praying in griefe is comforted oy God.
10 Hee telleth the manner of a King. 19
that the children of Israel were gathe- God willeth Samuel to yeeld vnto the im-
red together to Mizpeh, the lords of the portunitie of the people.
Philistines went vp against Israel:
and when the children of Israel heard Nd it came to passe, when
it, they were afraid of the Philistines,
8 And th.e children of Israel said to
Heb. be not Samuel, t Cease not to crie vnto the
silent from
vsfrom cry. LORD our God for vs, that he will
ing. saue vs out of the hand of the Phili-
a Samuel was old, that he
made his sonnes Judges
ouer Israel.
2 Now the name of
his first borne was loel, and the name
stines of his second, Abiah:. they were ludges
9 IF And Samuel tooke a sucking in Beer-sheba.
lam be, and offered it for a burnt offe- 3 And his sonnes walked not in his
ring wholly vnto the LORD; and Sa- wayes, but turned aside after lucre, and
muel cried vnco the LORD for Israel, * tooke bribes, & peruerted iudgement. * Deut. 16.
fl Or* answe-and the LORD || heard him. 4 Then all the Elders of Israel 9.
10 And as Samuel was offering gathered themselues together, and
vp the burnt offering, the Philistines came to Samuel vnto Ramah,
drewe neere to battell against Israel: 5 And said vnto him, Behold, thou.
3ut the L O R D thundred with a great art olde, and thy sonnes walke not in
thunder on that day vpon the Phili- thy wayes: now *make vs a King to *Ose.i3.iO
stines, and discomfited them, and they iudge vs, like all the nations. CtSl3. 21.
were smitten before Israel 6 f But the thing tdispleased Sa- Hebwase-
11 And the men of Israel went out of muel , when they said, Giue vs a King uttlinthe
yes of Sa-
Mizpeh, and pursued the Philistines, to iudge vs: and Samuel grayed vnto muel.
and smote them, vntill they came vnder the LORD.
Bethcar. 7 And the L O R D said vnto Sa-
A. king deicribed. X.SamueL Saul feeking affes,
muel, Hearken vnto the voyce of the 21 And Samuel heard all the words
p>eople in all that they say vnto thee: for of the people, and he rehearsed them in
they haue not reiected thee, but they he eares of the LORD.
mue reiected mee, that I should not 22 And the LORD said to Samuel,
reigne ouer them. learken vnto their voyce, and make
8 According to all the works which them a King. And Samuel said vnto
they haue done since the day that I the men of Israel, Goe yee euery man
)rought them vp out of Egypt euen vuto his citie.
vnto this day, wherewith they haue
forsaken me, and serued other gods: so
doe they also vnto thee. C H A P . IX.
II Or, obey. 9 Nowe therefore || hearken vnto 1 Saul despairing to finde his fathers asses, 6
!i Or, not- their voyce : ||howbeit, yet protest so- by the counsel! of his seruaunt, 11 and di-
ding, when emnly vnto them, and shew them the rection of y ung maidens, 15 according to
tfiou hast so- maner of the King that shall reigne o- Gods reuelation, 18 corameth to Samuel.
lemnly pro- 19 Samuel entertaineth Saul at the feast. 25
tested a-
gainst tfiem,
uer them. Samuel after secret communication,bringeth
then thou 10 U And Samuel told ail the words Saul on his way.
fthalt shew* of the L O R D vnto the people, that as-
ced of him a King. Ow there was a man of

11 And hee sayd, This will be the Beniamin, whose name
maner of the king that shall reigne o- was * Kish , the sonne of *Chap. 14
uer you * Hee will take your sonnes, Abiel, the sonne of Zeror, 51. i. chro.
8. 33.
and appoint them for himselfe for his the sonne of Bechorath,
charets, and to bee his horsemen, and he sonne of Aphiah, a ||Beniamite, a I Or, the
sonne of a
some shall runne before his charets. mighty man of || power. man of le-
12 And hee will appoint him Cap- 2 And he had a sonne, whose name mini. II Or, sub-
taines ouer thousands, and captaines was Saul, a choice young man, and a stance.
ouer fifties, and will set them to eare his goodly : and there was not among the
ground, and to reape his haruest, and children of Israel a goodlier person
;o make his instruments of warre, and then hee : from his shoulders and vp-
instruments of his charets. ward, hee was higher then any of the
13 And he will take your daughters )eople.
to be confectionaries, and to be cookes, 3 And the asses of Kish, Sauls fa-
and to be bakers. ther, were lost; and Kish said to Saul
14« And he will take your fields, and ils sonne, Take no we one of the ser-
your vineyards, and your oliue-yards, uants with thee, and arise, goe seeke the
euen the best of them, andgiue them to asses.
bis seruants. 4 And he passed thorow mount fi-
15 And he will take the tenth of your sh raim , and passed thorow the land of
seed, and of your vineyards, and giue to Bhalisha, but they found them not: then
t Heb. Eu- his t officers, and to his seruants. they passed thorow the land of Shalim,
16 And hee will take your men ser- and there they were not: and hee passec
uants, and your mayd seruants, anc thorow the land of the Beniamites,
your goodliest young men, and your but they found them not.
asses, and put them to his worke. 5 And when they were come to the
17 Hee will take the tenth of your land of Zuph, Saul said to his seruant
sheepe, and ye shall be his seruants. that was with him, Come, and let vs
18 And ye shall cry out in that day returne, lest my father leaue earing1 for
because of your king which ye shal haue the asses, and take thought for vs.
chosen you; and the LORD will no 6 And hee said vnto him, Beholc
heare you in that day. now, there is in this citie a man of God
19 H Neuerthelesse, the people refu and he is an honourable man; all tha
sed to obey the voyce of Samuel; anc he saith, commeth surely to passe: Now
they said, Nay, but we wil haue a King let vs goe thither; peraduenture he can
ouer vs: shew vs our way that we should goe.
20 That we also may be like all the 7 Then said Saul to his seruaunt
nations, and that our King may iudge But behold, «/*we goe, what shall wee
vs, and goe out before vs, and fight cm bring the man ? for the bread t is spent in t Hebr is
battels. our vessels, and there is not a present to gone
out of
is by Samuel Chap.ix.x. anointed king.
t Hebr. is bring to the man of God : What t haue that is in thine heart.
withvs? 20 And as for thine asses that were
wee ?
8 And the seruant answered Saul lost t three dayes agoe, set not thy minde t Hebr. to
^ Hebr. there againe, and said, t Behold, I haue here on them , for they are found : And on dayes. day three
is found in
my hand* at hand the fourth part of a shekel of sil- whom is all the desire of Israel ? is it
uer; that wil I giue to the man of God, not on thee, & on all thy fathers house?
to tell vs our way. 21 And Saul answered, and said,
9 (Beforetime in Israel, when a Am not I a Beniamite, of the smallest
man went to enquire of God, thus he of the tribes of Israel ? and my family
spake; Come, and let vs go to the Seer: the least of all the families of the tribe of
Tor he that is now called a Prophet, was Beniamin ? Wherefore then speakest
beforetime called a Seer.) thou tso to me? t Hebr. ac-
10 Then said Saul to his seruant, 22 And Samuel tooke Saul, and cording to
this word ?
t Hebr. thy tWel said, come, let vs go: so they went his seruant, and brought them into the
vnto the city where the man of God was. parlour, & made them sit in the chiefest
t Hebr. in 11 11 And as they went vp tthe hill place among them that were bidden,
the ascent of
the citi$. to the city, they found yong maydens which were about thirtie persons.
going out to draw water, and said vnto 23 And Samuel said vnto the cooke,
them, Is the Seer here? Bring the portion which I gaue thee, of
12 And they answered them , and which I said vnto thee, Set it by thee.
said, He is: behold, Aewbeforeyou, make 24 And the cooke took vp the shoul-
haste now : for he came to day to the ci- der, and that which was vpon it, and
H Or, feast. tie; for there is ||a sacrifice of the people set it before Saul, and Samuel said, Be-
to day in the hie place. hold, that which is || left, set it before thee, II Or, reser-
13 Assoone as ye be come into the ci- and eate : for vnto this time hath it bene ved.
tie, ye shall straightway finde him, be- kept for thee, since I said I haue inuited
fore he goe vp to the high place to eate: the people : So Saul did eat with Sa-
for the people will not eate vntill hee muel that day.
come, because he doth blesse the sacrifice, 25 1f And when they were come
and afterwards they eat that be bidden: downe from the high place into the ci- Now therefore get you vp, for t about tie, Samuel communed with Saul vpon
this time ye shall finde him. the top of the house.
14 And they went vp into the citie: 26 And they arose early: and it came
and when they were come into the ci- to passe about the spring of the day, that
tie, behold, Samuel came out against Samuel called Saul to the top of the
them, for to goe vp to the hie place. house, saying, Vp, that I may send thee
* Chap. 15. 15 IT *Now the L O R D had ttold away : And Saul arose, and they went
1. acts. 13.
21. Samuel in his eare a day before Saul out both of them , hee and Samuel,
t Heb. re- came, saying,
ueiled the
eare ofSa. 16 To morrow about this time I 27 And as they were going downe
will send thee a man out of the land of to the end of the city, Samuel said to
Beniamin, and thou shalt anoynt him Saul, Bid the seruant passe on before
to be Captaine ouer my people Israel, vs, (and he passed on) but stand thou
that he may sane my people out of the still ta while, that I may shew thee the t Hebr. to
word of God. day.
hand of the Philistines : for I haue loo-
ked vpon my people, because their cry
is come vnto me. C H A P . X.
17 And when Samuel saw Saul, 1 Samuel anoynteth Saul. 2 Hee confirmed!
the LORD said vnto him, Behold the him by prediction of three signes. 9 Sauls
man whom I spake to thee of : this heart is changed, and he prophecieth. 1 4 He
t Hebr. re- same shall treigne ouer my people. concealeth the matter of the kingdome from
straine in. his vncle. 1 7 Saul is chosen at Mizpeh by lot.
18 Then Saul drew neere to Sa- 9>fi Thp Hiffprpnf.flflfi»f»finn«nf Jiic ciiliionfc
muel in the gate, and said, Tell me, I
pray thee, where the Seers house is. Hen Samuel tooke a viall

19 And Samuel answered Saul, of oile, and powred it vpon
and said, I am the Seer: Goe vp be- his head, & kissed him, and
fore me vnto the high place, for ye shall said, Is it not because the
eate with me to day, and to morrow I L O R D hath anoynted
will let thee goe, and will tell thee all thee to be captain ouer his inheritance?
2 When
Saul prophecieth, I.Samuel. and is chofen king.
2 When thou art departed from me swered, and sayd, But who is their fa-
to day, then thou shalt find two men by ther ? Therefore it became a prouerbe,
* Gen. 35. * Rachels sepulchre in the border of Is Saul also among the Prophets ?
Beniamiri, at Zelzah : and they will 13 And when he had made an end of
say vnto thee , The asses which thou prophesying, he came to the high place.
wentest to seeke, are found: and loe, thy li 1f And Sauls vncle saide vnto
t Heb. the father hath left t the care of the asses, him, and to his seruant, Whither went
and sorroweth for you, saying, What ye? And he said, To seeke the asses: and
shall I doe for my sonne ? when we saw that they were no where,
3 Then shalt thou goe on forward we came to Samuel.
from thence, and thou shalt come to the 15 And Sauls vncle said, Tell me, I
plaine of Tabor, and there shall meete pray thee, what Samuel said vnto you.
thee three men , going vp to God to 16 And Saul sayd vnto his vncle;
Bethel, one carying three kids, and a- He told vs plainely that the asses were
nother carying three loaues of bread, found. But of the matter of the king-
and another carying a bottle of wine. dome, whereof Samuel spake, he told
t Heb. aske 4 And they will t salute thee , and him not.
thee of peace
giue thee two loaues of bread, which thou 17 If And Samuel called the peo-
shalt receiue of their hands. ple together vnto the LORD to Miz-
5 After that thou shalt come to the peh;
hill of God, where is the garison of the 18 And said vnto the children of Is-
Philistines : and it shall come to passe rael, Thus saith the LOR:D God of
when thou art come thither to the citie, Israel, I brought vp Israel out of E-
that thou shalt meet a company of pro- gypt, and deliuered you out of the hand
phets comming downe from the high of the Egyptians, and out of the hand
place, with a psalterie, and a tabret, and of all kingdomes, and of them that op-
a pipe, and a harpe before them, and pressed you.
they shall prophecie. 19 And ye haue this day reiected your
6 And the Spirit of the L O R D God, who himselfe saued you out of all
will come vpon thee , and thou shalt your aduersities & your tribulations:
prophecie with them, and shalt be tur- and ye haue said vnto him, Nay> but seta
ned into another man. king ouer vs. Now therefore present
t Heb. and it 7 And t let it be when these signes are your selues before the LORD by your
shall come to
passe that come vnto thee, tthat thou doe as occa- tribes, and by your thousands.
signes &c. sion serue thee, for God is with thee.
when these 20 And when Samuel had caused
t Heb.,dofor 8 And thou shalt goe downe before all the tribes of Israel to come neere,
thee as thine me to Gilgal, and behold, I will come
hand shall the tribe of Beniamin was taken.
finde. downe vnto thee, to offer burnt offe- 21 When he had caused the tribe of
rings, and to sacrifice sacrifices of peace Beniamin to come neere by their fami-
* Chap. 13. offerings : *-seuen dayes shalt thou ta- lies, the .familie of Matri was taken,
rie, till I come to thee , and shew thee and Saul the sonne of Kish was taken :
what thou shalt doe. and when they sought him, he could not
9 H And it was so that when he had be found.
t Heb. shoul- turned his fbacke to go from Samuel, 22 Therefore they enquired of the
der. God tgaue him another heart : and all LORD further, if the man should yet
t Heb. tur-
ned. those signes came to passe that day. come thither: and the LORD answe-
10 And when they came thither to red, Behold, hee hath hid himselfe a-
the hill, behold, a company of the pro- mong the stuffe.
phets met him, and the spirit of God 23 And they ranne, and fetched him
came vpon him , and hee prophesied a- thence, and when he stood among the
mong them. people, he was higher then any of the
11 And it came to passe when all that people, from the shoulders & vpward.
knew him beforetime , saw , that be- 24 And Samuel said to all the peo-
hold , hee prophesied among the pro- ple, See ye him whome the LORD
t V oh A
phets, then the people said tone to ano- hath chosen, that there is none like him
man to his ther, What is this that is come vnto the among all the people? And all the peo-
neighbour, ple shouted, and saide, tGod saue the t Heb. let
* Chap. 19. sonne of Kish? *Is Saul also among the king Hue
24. the prophets ? King.
t Heb. from 12 And one tof the same place an- 25 Then Samuel tolde the people
The Ammonites Chap.xj.xij. are discomfited.
the maner of the kingdome, and wrote Jbtezek, the children ot Israel were
it in a booke, and layd it vp before the three hundred thousand, and the men
LORD, and Samuel sent all the peo- of ludah thirty thousand.
jle away, euery man to his house. 9 And they said vnto the messengers
26 If And Saul also went home to that came, Thus shall yee say vnto the
Gibeah, and there went with him a men of labesh Gilead, To morrow by
mnd of men, whose hearts God had that time the sunne be hote,ye shal haue
touched. |helpe. And the messengers came, and B Or, deli-
27 But the children of Belial sayd, shewed it to the men of labesh, and uerance.
Howe shall this man sane vs ? and they were glad.
they despised him, and brought him no 10 Therfore the men of labesh said.
II Or, he was, presents : but ||he held his peace.
as though he
To morrow wee will come out* vnto
hadbeene you, and ye shall doe with vs all that
C H A P . XI. seemeth good vnto you.
11 And it was so on the morrow, that
1 Nahash pffereth them of labesh Gilead a re- Saul put the people in three copanies,
prochfull condition. 4- They send messen-
gers and are deliuered by Saul. 12 Saul there- and they came into the midst of the host
by is confirmed, and his kingdome renewed. in the morning watch, and slewe the
Ammonites, vntill the heat of the day:
Hen Nahash the Ammo- and it came to passe, that they which re-

T nite came vp, and encam-

ped against labesh Gi-
lead : and all the men of
labesh sayde vnto Na-
mained were scattered, so that two of
them were not left together.
1£ IT And the people said vnto Sa-
muel, Who is he that said, Shall Saul
hash , Make a couenant with vs, and reigne ouer vs ? bring the men, that we
we will serue thee. may put them to death.
2 And Nahash the Ammonite an- 13 And Saul said, There shall not a
swered them, On this condition will I man be put to death this day: for to day
make a couenant with you, that I may the LORD hath wrought saluation in
thrust out all your right eyes, and lay it Israel. r
For a reproch vpon all Israel. 14* Then said Samuel to thejpeople,
3 And the Elders of labesh sayd Come, and let vs goe to Gilgal, and re-
Hebr.for- vnto him, tGiue vs seuen daies respite, new the kingdome there.
Iteare vs. that we may send messengers vnto all 15 And all the people went to Gilgal,
the coasts of Israel : and then, if there and there they made Saul King before
be no man to saue vs, we will come out the LORD in Gilgal: and there they
to thee. ; sacrificed sacrifices of peace offerings be-
4 1F Then came the messengers to fore the LORD : and there Saul and
Gibeah of Saul, and told the tidings in all the men of Israel reioyced greatly,
the eares of the people: and all the peo-
ple lift vp their voyces, and wept. C H A P . XII.
5 And behold, Saul came after the
herd out of the field, and Saul sayd, 1 Samuel testifieth his integritie. 6 Hee re-
prooueth the people of ingratitude. 16 He
What aileth the people that they weep? terrifieth them with thunder in haruest time.
and they told him the tidings-of the men 20 He comforteth them in Gods mercy.
of labesh.
6 And the Spirit of God came vp- ND Samuel saide vnto
on Saul, when he heard those tydings,
and his anger was kindled greatly.
7 And he tooke a yoke of oxen, and
hewed them in pieces, and sent them
throughout all the coasts of Israel by King ouer you.
all Israel, Beholde, I
haue hearkned vnto your
voice in all that ye said vn-
to mee, and haue made a

the hands of messengers, saying, Who- 2 And now behold, the King wal-
soeuer commeth not foorth after Saul keth before you : and I am olde, and
and after Samuel, so shall it bee done jray headed, and behold, my sonnes
vnto his oxen : and the feare of the are with you : and I haue walked be-
LORD fell on the people, and they fore you from my childhood vnto this
\Heb.asone came out twith one consent. day.
mttn* 8 And when he numbred them in 3 Behold, *here I am, witnesse a- * Ecclus.
gainst 46. 19.
Samuels vprightnes : I.Samuel. His exhortation.
gainst me before the L O R D , and be- rebell against the t Commandement ofmouth.iHebr.
fore his Anoynted : Whose oxe haue I the LORD, then shall both ye and also
taken ? or whose asse haue I taken ? or the King that reigneth ouer you, t con- t Hebr. be
whom haue I defrauded ? whom haue tinue following the LORD your God. after.
I oppressed ? or of whose hand haue I 15 But if ye wil not obey the voice of
t Hebr, ran- receiued any t bribe || to blinde mine eyes the LORD, but rebel against the Com-
1 Or, that I therewith ? and I will restore it you. mandement of the LORD, then shall
should hide
jntne eyes at
4 And they said, Thou hast not de- the hand of the LORD be against you,
at him. frauded vs, nor oppressed vs, neither as it was against your fathers.
hast thou taken ought of any mans 16 IF Now therefore stand and see
hand. this great thing which the LOAD
5 And hee said vnto them, The will doe before your eyes.
L OR D is witnesse against you, and 17 Is it not wheat haruest to day?
his Anointed is witnesse this day, that I will call vnto the LORD, and hee
ye haue not found ought in my hand: shall send thunder and raine , that ye
And they answered, He is witnesse. may perceiue and see that your wicked-
6 IT And Samuel said vnto the peo- nesse is great, which ye haue done in the
u Or, made. ple, It is the LORD that ||aduanced Mo- sight of the L O R D , in asking you a
ses and Aaron, and that brought your King.

fathers vp out of the land of Egypt. 18 So Samuel called vnto the

7 Now therefore stand still, that LORD, and the L O R D sent thun-
\Hebr.righ- I may reason with you before the der and raine that day : and all the peo-
Or, bene- L O R D , of all the trighteous acts of ple greatly feared the LORD and
T* /act/.
ffah tnifh
the LORD, which he did tto you and Samuel.
* Gen. 46. your fathers. 19 And all the people said vnto Sa-
5,6. 8 *When lacob was come into E- muel, Pray for thy seruants vnto the
gypt , and your fathers cried vnto the LORD thy God, that we die not : for
* Exod. 4. L O R D , then the L O R D *sent Moses we haue added vnto all our sinnes, this
and Aaron, which brought foorth your euil, to aske vs a King.
fathers out of Egypt, and made them 20 U And Samuel saide vnto the
dwell in this place. people, Feare not : (ye haue done al this
9 And when they forgat the LORD wickednesse , yet turne not aside from
* ludg. 4. 2. their God, *he sold them into the hand following the L O R D , but serue the
of Sisera captaine of the hoste of Hazor, LORD with all your heart :
and into the hand of the Philistines, and 20 And turne ye not aside , for then
into the hand of the king of Moab, and should ye goe after vaine things, which
they fought against them. cannot profit, nor deliuer, for they are
10 And they cried vnto the LORD, vaine.)
and said, Wee haue sinned, because we 22 For the LORD wil not forsake
haue forsaken the L O R D , and haue his people , for his great Names sake :
serued Baalim and Ashtaroth ; but because it hath pleased the L O R D to
now deliuer vs out of the hand of our make you his people.
enemies, and we wiD seme thee. 23 Moreouer, as for me, God forbid
11 And the LORD sent lerubbaal, that I should sin against the LORD,
* ludg. 11. and Bedan, and *Iephthah, and Sa- tin ceasing to pray for you : but I will ceasing.
\ Hebr. from
'• muel, and deliuered you out of the hand teach you the good and the right way.
of your enemies on euery side, and yee 24 Onely feare the L O R D , and
dwelled safe. serue him in trueth with all your heart:
12 And when ye saw that Nahash for consider ||how great things he hath n 0r, what a
great thing
the king of the children of Ammon came done for you. A-c.
against you, ye said vnto me, Nay, but a 25 But if yee shall still doe wicked-
King shall reigne ouer vs, when the ly, yee shall be consumed , both yee and
LORD your God was your King. your King.
13 Now therefore, behold the King
whom yee haue chosen, and whom yee
haue desired: and behold, the LORD C H A P . XIII.
hath set a King ouer you.
14 If ye will feare the LORD, and 1 Sauls selected band. 3 Hee calleth the He-
brewes to Gilgal against the Philistines, whose
serue him, and obey his voice, and not garrison Jonathan had smitten. 5 The Phili-
Sauls prefumption. Chap.xiij. He is reproued.
stmes great noste. 6 i ne custresse ot tne Isra- 11 If And bamuel said, What hast
elites. 8 Saul weary of staying for Samuel, sa- thou done ? And Saul said, Because I
crificeth. 11 Satnuel reproueth him. 17 The
three spoiling bands of the Philistines. 19 sawe that the people were scattered
The policie of the Philistines, to suffer no from me, and that thou earnest not
Smith in Israel. within the dayes appointed, and that
the Philistines gathered themselues to-
Aul t reigned one yeere, gether to Michmash:

t Hebr. the
sonne of one
yeere in his > and when he had reigned 12 Therfore said I, The Philistines
reigning. two yeeres ouer Israel, will come downe now vpon me to Gil-
* 2 Saul chose him three gal, and I haue not tmade supplicati- t Jfc?6k m-
> thousand men of Israel: on vnto the L O R D : I forced my treated face.
whereof two thousand were with Saul selfe therefore, and offered a burnt of-
in Michmash, and in mount Bethel, fering.
and a thousand were with Jonathan 13 And Samuel said to Saul, Thou
in Gibeah of Beniamin : and the rest of hast done foolishly: thou hast not kept
the people he sent euery man to his tent. the commandement of the L O R D thy
& And lonathan smote the garison God, which hee commanded thee: for
\\ Or, the hill. of the Philistines that was in ||Geba, and now would the L O R D haue establi-
the Philistines heard of it: and Saul shed thy kingdome vpon Israel for e-
blew the trumpet thorowout all the •uer.
land, saying, Let the Hebrewes hejare. 14< But now thy kingdome shall not
4 And all Israel heard say, that continue : the L O R D hath sought him
Saul had smitten a garison of the Phi- a man after his owne heart, and the
T Hebr. did listines, and that Israel also twas had
LORD hath commanded him to bee
in abomination with the Philistines: captaine ouer his people, because thou
and the people were called together af- hast not kept that which the LORD
ter Saul to Gilgal. commanded thee.
5 U And the Philistines gathered 15 And Samuel arose, and gate him
themselues together, to fight with Is- vp from Gilgal, vnto Gibeah of Ben-
rael, thirtie thousand charets, and sixe iamin, and Saul numbred the people
thousand hdrsemen, and people as the that were t present with him, about sixe \Heb.found
sand which is on the sea shore in multi- hundred men.
tude, and they came vp, and pitched in 16 And Saul and lonathan his
Michmash 3 Eastward from Beth - sonne, and the people that were present
auen. with them, abode in Gibeah of Benia-
6 When the men of Israel saw that min : but the Philistines encamped in
they were in a strait -. ( for the people Michmash.
were distressed: ) then the people did 17 1F And the spoilers came out of
hide themselues in caues, and in thic- the campe of the Philistines , in three
kets , and in rocks, and in high places, companies: one company turned vnto
and in pits. the way that leadeth to Ophrah, vnto
7 And some of the Hebrewes went the land of Shual.
ouer lordane, to the land of Gad and 18 And another company turned the
Gilead; as for Saul, he was yet in Gilgal, way to Bethoron : and another compa-
' H€O» tT€7fl~ and all the people t followed him trem- nie turned to the way of the border,
>led after that looketh to the valley of Zeboim
ttfn. bling.
* Chap. 10. 8 11 * And he taried seuen dayes, ac- toward the wildernesse.
8. cording to the set time that Samuel had 19 IT Now there was no smith found
appointed: but Samuel came not to Gil- thorowout all the land of Israel: for
gal, and the people were scattered from the Philistines said, Lest the Hebrewes
him. make them swords or speares.
9 And Saul said, Bring hither a 20 But all the Israelites went
burnt offring to me, and peace offrings. downe to the Philistines, to sharpen e-
And he offered the burnt offering. uery man his share and his coulter, and
10 And it came to passe that assoone his axe, and his mattocke.
as he had made an end of offering the 21 Yet they had a tfile for the mat- t Hebr. a
burnt offering, behold, Samuel came, tocks, and for the coulters, and for the file with
and Saul went out to meete him, that forkes, and for the axes, and t to sharpen \Heb.toset.
him. he might t salute him. the goads.
22 So
Jonathan and his LSamuel. armour-bearer:
22 So it came to passe in the day of no restraint to the L O R D , * to saue *2. Chron.
)attell, that there was neither sword )y many, or by few.
nor speare found in the hand of any of 7 And his armour bearer sayd vn-
he people that were with Saul and to him , Doe all that is in thine heart:
onathan : but with Saul & with Jo- turne thee, behold, I am with tliee, ac-
nathan his sonne was there found. cording to thy heart.
0 Or, stan- 23 And the || garison of the Phili- 8 Then said Jonathan, Behold,
ding campe.
stines went out to the passage of Mich- we will passe ouer ynto these men, and
mash. we will discouer our selues vnto them.
9 If they say thus vnto vs, tTary IHeb* be
vntill we come to you : then wee will still.
stand still in our place, and will not goe
C H A P . XIIIL vp vnto them.
I Jonathan, vnwittins to his father, the Priest, 10 But if they say thus v Come vp
or the people, goetn and miraculously smi- vnto vs: then we will goe vp ; for *the * *•
teth the Philistines garrison. 15 A diuine L.ORD hath deliuered them into our 4.30,
terrour maketh them beate themselues. 17 land: and this shall be & signe vnto vs.
Saul not staying the Priests answere, setteth
on them. 21 The captiuated Hebrewes, 11 And bath of them diseouered
and the hidden Israelites, ioyne against them. themselues vnto the garison of the Phi-
24 Sauls vnaduised adiuration, hindreth the istines: and the Philistines sayd, Be-
victory. 32 Hee restraineth the people from lold, the Hebrewes come foorth out oi
eating blood. 35 He buildeth an Altar. 36
Jonathan taken by lot, is saued by the peo- the holes, where they had hid them-
ple. 47 Sauls strength and family* selues.
12 And the men of the garison an-
il Or, there Ow || it came to passe vp- swered Jonathan and his armour bea-
was a day.
on a day, that Jonathan rer, and said, Come vp to vs, and wee
the sonne of Saul said vn- will shew you a thing. And Jonathan
to the yong man that bare said vnto his armour bearer, Come vp
his »armour, Come, and after me; for the L O R D hath deliue-
let vs goe ouer to the Philistines gari- red them into the hand of Israel.
son, thatiy on the o^rside: but hee told 13 And Jonathan climed vp vpon
not his father. lis hands, and vpon his feete, and his
2 And Saul taried in the vttermost armour bearer after him : and they fel
part of Gibeah, vnder a Pomegranate aefore Jonathan ; and his armour bea-
;ree, which is in Migron: and the peo- rer slew after him.
sle that were with him, were about sixe 14 And that first slaughter which
hundred men: Jonathan and his armour-bearer
3 And Ahiah the sonne of Ahitub, made, was about twentie men, within
* Chap. 4. *Ichabods brother, the sonne of Phi- as it were ||an halfe acre of land, which n Or, haife«
nehas, the sonne of Eli, the L O R D S a yoke of oxen might plow. £Z$S£S
Priest in Shiloh, wearing an Ephod: 15 And there was trembling in the
and the people knew not that Jona- hoste, in the field, and among all the peo-
than was gone. ple : the garison and the spoilers, they
4 f And betweene the passages, by also trembled, and the earth quaked:
which Jonathan sought to go ouer vn- so it was ta very great trembling. T Hebr. a
to the Philistines garison, there was a 16 And the watchmen of Saul in of trembling
sharpe rocke on the one side, and a sharp Gibeah of Beniamin looked : and be-
rocke on the other side : and the name hold, the multitude melted away, anc
of the one was Bozez, and the name o they went on beating downe one another.
the other Seneh. 17 Then said Saul vnto the people
^Heb. tooth. 5 The tforefront of the one was si that were with him, Number now, anc
tuate Northward ouer against Mich see who is gone from vs. And when
mash, and the other Southward ouer they had numbred, behold, Jonathan
against Gibeah. and his armour bearer were not there.
6 And Jonathan said to the young 18 And Saul said vnto Ahiah, Bring
man that bare his armour, Come hither the Arke of God: (for the Arke
and let vs goe ouer vnto the garison o of God was at that time with the chil-
these vncircumcised; it may be that the dren of Israel.)
L O R D will worke for vs: for there i 19 1f And it came to passe while Sau
He tafteth honie. Chap.xiiij. Cafting of lots.
0 Or, tumult. talked vnto the Priest, that the || noise much greater slaughter among the
that was in the hoste of the Philistines Philistines ?
went on, and increased: And Saul said 31 And they smote the Philistines
vnto the Priest, Withdraw thine hand. that day from Michmash to Aiialon :
20 And Saul and all the people that and the people were very faint.
t Heb. were were with him t assembled themselues, 32 And the people flewe vpon the
cryed toge-
ther. and they came to the battel, and behold, spoile, and tooke sheepe, and oxen, and
* ludg. 7. * euery mans sword was against his fel- calues , and slew them on the ground,
22. 2. chro.
20. 23. low , and there was a very great discom- and the people did eate them *with the * Leuit. 7.
26. and 19.
fiture. blood. 26. deut.
21 Moreouer, the Hebrewes that 33 f Then they tolde Saul, saying, 12. 16.
were with the Philistines before that Behold , the people sinne against the
time, which went vp with them into LORD, in that they eate with the
the campe/row thecountrey round about ; blood. And he said, Yee haue || trans- 11 Or, dealt
euen they also turned to be with the Is- gressed : roule a great stone vnto mee treache-
raelites, that were with Saul and lo- this day.
nathan. 34 And Saul said , Disperse your
22 Likewise all the men of Israel, selues among the people, and say vnto
which had hid themselues in mount E- them, Bring me hither euery man his
phraim, when they heard that the Phili- oxe, and euery man his sheepe, and slay
stines fled, euen they also followed hard them here, and eat, and sinne not against
after them in the battell. the L O R D in eating with the blood.
23 So the L O R D saued Israel And all the people brought euery man
that day ; and the battell passed ouer his oxe twith him that night, and slew t Heb. in his
vnto Beth-auen. them there. '
24 ^T And the men of Israel were 35 And Saul built an altar vnto the
distressed that day; for Saul had adiu- L O R D : tthe same was the first al- ^LliOTt Hebr. that
Altfir fit/
h*> tu>
red the people, saying, Cursed bee the tar that he built vnto the LORD. ganne to
ouild vnto
man that eateth any foode vntill eue- 36 1F And Saul saide , Let vs goe the LORD.
ning, that I may be auenged on mine downe after the Philistines by night,
enemies t so none of the people tasted and spoile them vntil the morning light,
any food. and let vs not leaue a man of them. And
25 And all they of the. land came to a they said, Do whatsoeuer seemeth good
wood , and there was honie vpon the vnto thee. Then said the priest, Let vs
ground. draw neere hither vnto God.
26 And when the people were come 37 And Saul asked counsell of God,
into the wood, behold, the honie drop- Shall I goe downe after the Phili-
ped , but no man put his hand to his stines? Wilt thou deliuer them into the
mouth : for the people feared the oath. hand of Israel ? But he answered him
27 But lonathan heard not when not that day.
his father charged the people with the 38 And Saul said , Draw yee neere
oath; wherefore he put foorth the ende ludg. 20.2
hither * all the tchiefe of the people: and t*Heb. cor-
of the rodde that was in bis hand, and know and see, wherein this sinne hath ners.
dipt it in an hony combe , and put his beene this day.
hand to his mouth, and his eyes were 39 For as the L O R D liueth, which
enlightened. saueth Israel, though it bee in lona-
28 Then answered one of the peo- than my sonne, he shall surely die : But
ple, and said, Thy father straitly char- there was not a man among all the people
ged the people with an oath , saying, that answered him.
Cursed be the man that eateth any food 40 Then said he vnto all Israel, Be
fl Or, wearie.this day. And the people were || faint. ye on one side, and I, and lonathan
29 Then said lonathan, My father my sonne will be on the other side. And
hath troubled the land : see, I pray you, the people said vnto Saul, Doe what
how mine eyes haue beene enlightened, seemeth good vnto thee.
because I tasted a little of this honie : 41 Therefore Saul saide vnto the
30 How much more, if haply the L O R D God of Israel, ||Giue a perfect the H Or, shew
people had eaten freely to day of the lot. And Saul and lonathan were ta-
spoile of their enemies which they ken : but the people t escaped. t Heb. went
found ? for had there not beene now a 42 And Saul said, Cast lots betweene
Jonathan is refcued. LSamuel. Saul fpareth Agag.
me and lonathan my sonne. And Jo- cusing himselfe, Gods reiection of him for his
nathan was taken. disobedience. 24 Sauls humiliation. 32 Sa-
muel killeth Agag. 34 Samuel and Saul part
43 Then Saul said to lonathan,
Tell me what thou hast done. And lo- Amuel also saide vnto
nathan tolde him , and saide, I did but
taste a litle hony with the end of the
rodde that was in mine hand, and loe, I
must die.
44 And Saul answered, God do so,
S Saul, *The LOED sent •16.Chap. 9.
me to annoint thee to bee
king ouer his people, ouei
Israel : nowe therefore
hearken thou vnto the voyce of the
and more also : for thou shalt surely die, words of the LORD.
lonathan. £ Thus saith the LORD of hosts,
45 And the people said vnto Saul, I remember that which Amalek did to
Shall lonathan die , who hath Israel, * how he laid wait for him in the 8.* Exod. 17.
num. 24.
wrought this great saluation in Is- way when he came vp from Egypt. 20.
rael ? God forbid : as the LORD liueth, 3 Now goe, and smite Amalek, and
there shal not one haire of his head fall vtterly destroy all that they haue , and
to the ground : for hee hath wrought spare them not; but slay both man and
with God this day. So the people res- woman , infant and suckling , oxe and
cued lonathan, that hee died not. sheepe, camell and asse.
46 Then Saul went vp from fol- 4 And Saul gathered the people
lowing the Philistines : and the Phili- together, and numbred them in Te-
stines went to their owne place. laim, two hundred thousand footmen,
47 IF So Saul tooke the kingdom and ten thousand men of ludah.
ouer Israel , and fought against all 5 And Saul came to a citie of Ama-
his enemies on euery side, against Mo- lek, and || laid waite in the valley. B Or, fought.
ab, and against the children of Ammon, 6 IT And Saul saide vnto the Ke-
and against Edom , and against the nites, Goe, depart, get you downe from
kings of Zobah, and against the Phili- among the Amalekites, lest I destroy
stines : and whithersoeuer hee turned you with them : for yee shewed kind-
himselfe, he vexed them. nesse to all the children of Israel when
H Or, wroght 48 And he || gathered an hoste, and
they came vp out of Egypt. So the
smote the Amalekites , and deliuered Kenites departed from among the A-
Israel out of the handes of them that malekites.
spoiled them. 7 And Saul smote the Amalekites
49 Now the sonnes of Saul , were from Hauilah , vntill thou eommest to
lonathan, and Ishui , and Melchi- Shur, that is ouer against Egypt.
shua : arid the names of his two daugh- 8 And hee tooke Agag the king of
ters were these : the name of the first the Amalekites aliue , and vtterly de-
borne Merab, and the name of the yon- stroyed all the people with the edge of
ger Michal : the sword.
50 And the name of Sauls wife was 9 But Saul and the people spared
Ahinoam , the daughter of Ahimaaz, Agag, and the best of the sheepe, and of
and the name of the captaine of his host the oxen, and of the ||fatlings, and the 1 Or, of the
was Abner, the sonne of Ner, Sauls lambes , and all that was good , and second sort.
vncle. would not vtterly destroy them : but e-
51 And Kish was the father of Saul, uery thing that was vile , and refuse,
and Ner the father of Abner was the that they destroyed vtterly.
sonne of AbieL 10 1F Then came the word of the
5£ And there was sore warre against LORD vnto Samuel, saying;
the Philistines, all the dayes of Saul : 11 It repenteth me that I haue set
and when Saul saw any strong man, vp Saul to be king : for hee is turned
or any valiant man , he tooke him vnto backe from following me, and hath not
him. performed my commandements. And
it grieued Samuel ; and he cried vnto
C H A P . XV. the LORD all night.
12 And when Samuel rose early to
1 Samuel sendeth Saul to destroy Amalek. 6
Saul fauoureth the Kenites. 8 Hee spareth meet Saul in the morning, it was tolde
Agag and the best of the spoile. 10 Samuel Samuel, saying, Saul came to Carmel,
denounceth vnto Saul commending and ex- and behold, he set him vp a place, and is
[Saul reproued. Chap.xvj. Agag ilaine.
gone about, and passed on, and gone and thy wordes ; because I feared the
downe to Gilgal. people, and obeyed their voice.
13 And Samuel came to Saul, anc 25 Now therefore, I pray thee, par
Saul said vnto him, Blessed be thou of don my sinne, and turne againe with
the L O R D : I haue performed the me, that I may worship the LORD.
commandement of the LORD. 26 And Samuel said vnto Saul, ]
14» And Samuel said, What mea- will not returne with thee : for thou
neth then this bleating of the sheepe in hast reiected the word of the L O R D
mine eares, and the lowing of the oxen and the LORD hath reiected thee from
which I heare? being king ouer Israel.
15 And Saul sayde, They haue 27 And as Samuel turned about to
brought them from the Amalekites: goe away, he laid hold vpon the skirt oi
for the people spared the best of the his mantle, and it rent.
sheepe, and of the oxen, to sacrifice vnto 28 And Samuel said vnto him, The
the L O R D thy God, and the rest we L O R D hath rent the kingdome oi
haue vtterly destroyed. Israel from thee this day, and hath gi-
16 Then Samuel sayd vnto Saul, uen it to a neighbour of thine, that is bet-
Stay, and I will tell thee what the ter then thou.
L O R D hath said to mee this night. 29 And also the || strength of Israel 1\ieOr,t or,
And he said vnto him, Say on. will not lie, nor repent : for he is not a ctory.
17 And Samuel said, When thou man that he should repent.
wast litle in thine owne sight, wast thou 30 Then he said, I haue sinned; yet
not made the Head of the tribes of Is- honour me now, I pray thee, before the
rael, and the L O R D anointed thee Elders of my people, and before Israel,
King ouer Israel ? and turne againe with me, that I may
18 And the LORD sent thee on a worship the LORD thy God.
iourney, and said, Goe, and vtterly de- 31 So Samuel turned againe af-
stroy the sinners the Amalekites, and ter Saul, and Saul worshipped the
^ Set. they
fight against them , vntill t they be con- LORD.
them. sumed. 32 H Then said Samuel, Bring you
19 Wherefore then didst thou not o- hither to me Agag the king of the Ama-
bey the voice of the LORD , but didst lekites : and Agag came vnto him deli-
flie vpon the spoile, and didst euill in the cately. And Agag said, Surely the bit-
sight of the LORD ? ternesse of death is past.
20 And Saul said vnto Samuel; 33 And Samuel said, •* As thy sword * Expd. 17-
Yea, I haue obeyed the voice of the lath made women childlesse, so shall 14.1. 45.num.
LORD, and haue gone the way which thy mother bee childlesse among wo-
the LORD sent me, and haue brought men. And Samuel hewed Agag in pie-
Agag the king of Amalek, and haue vt- ces before the L O R D in Gilgal.
terly destroyed the Amalekites. 34? IT Then Samuel went to Ra-
£1 But the people tooke of the spoile, man, and Saul went vp to his house to
sheepe and oxen, the chiefe of the things Gibeah of Saul.
which should haue bene vtterly de- 35 And Samuel came no more tq see
stroyed , to sacrifice vnto the LORD Saul vntill the day of his death : neuer-
thy God in Gilgal. thelesse, Samuel mourned for Saul:
22 And Samuel saide, Hath the and the L O R D repented that he had
LORD as great delight in burnt offer- made Saul king ouer Israel.
ings and sacrifices , as in obeying the
* Eccles. voice of the L O R D ? Behold, *to o- C H A P . XVI.
4. 17. ose. 6. sey, is better then sacrifice : and to hear-
7. matt. 9. 1 Samuel sent by God, vnder pretence of a sa-
3. and 12. ten, then the fat of rammes. crifice, commeth to Bethlehem. 6 His hu-
7. mane iudgement is reprooued. 11 He an-
tHeb. diui- 23 For rebellion is as the sin of twitch-
nation. craft, and stubburnnesse is as iniquitie ointeth Dauid. 15 Saul sendeth for Dauid
to quiet his euill spirit.
and idolatrie : because thou hast reiec-
ted the word of the LORD, he hath al- Nd the LORD said vnto

so reiected thee from being king. Samuel, How long wilt
24? IT And Saul said vnto Samuel, thou mourne for Saul,
t haue sinned: for I haue transgressed seeing I haue reiected
the Commandement of the LORD, him from reigning ouer
Samuel is fent, and I.Samuel. annointeth Dauid.
Israel ? Fill thine home with oile, and oile, and annointed him in the midst of
roe, I will send thee to lesse the Beth- his brethren : and the Spirit of the
lehemite: for I haue prouided mee a LOED came vpon Dauid, from that
King among his sonnes. day forward : So Samuel rose vp and
2 And Samuel said , How can I went to Ram ah.
goe ? if Saul heare it, he will kill mee. 14 IT But the spirit of the LORD
And the LORD said, Take an heifer departed from Saul, and an euil spirit
• Heir, in twith thee, and say, I am come to sacri- from the LORD || troubled him. II Or, terri-
nine hoifid.
fice to the LORD. 15 And Sauls seruants said vnto fied.
3 And call lesse to the sacrifice, and him, Behold now, an euill spirit from
I will shew thee what thou shalt doe : God troubleth thee.
and thou shalt anoynt vnto mee him 16 Let our lord now command thy
whom I name vnto thee. seruants which are before thee, to seeke
4 And Samuel did that which the out a man, who is a cunning player on
L O R D spake, and came to Bethle- an harpe : and it shall come to passe
hem : and the elders of the towne trem- when the euill spirit from God is vpon
t Hebr. mee- bled at his tcomming, and said, Com- thee, that hee shall play with his hand,
mest thou peaceably ? and thou shalt be well.
5 And hee said , Peaceably : I am 17 And Saul said vnto his seruants,
come to sacrifice vnto the LORD : san- Prouide mee now a man, that can play
ctifie your selues, and come with me to well, and bring him to me.
the sacrifice: and he sanctified lesse, and 18 Then answered one of the ser-
his sonnes, and called them to the sa- uants, and said, Behold, I haue seene a
crifice. sonne of lesse the Bethlehemite, that
6 H And it came to passe when they is cunning in playing, and a mighty va-
were come, that he looked on Eliab, liant man, and a man of warre, and
and said, Surely the LORDS anoin- prudent in || matters, and a comely per- 8 Or, speech.
ted is before him. son, and the LORD is with him.
7 But the L O R D said vnto Sa- 19 1f Wherefore Saul sent messen-
muel, Looke not on his countenance, gers vnto lesse, and said, Send me Da-
or on the height of his stature, because uid thy sonne, which is with the sheepe.
I haue refused him : for the LORD seeth 20 And lesse tooke an asse laden
not, as man seeth ; For man looketh on with bread, and a bottle of wine, and
\Hebr.eyes. the t outward appearance , but the a kid, and sent them by Dauid his sonne
* i. Chron. LORD looketh on the * heart. vnto Saul.
28. 9. psal.
7. 9. ierem. 8 Then lesse called Abinadab, and 21 And Dauid came to Saul, and
11. 20. and
17* 10. and made him passe before Samuel : and he stood before him: and hee loued him
20. 12. said) Neither hath the LORD cho- greatly, and hee became his armour
sen this. Bearer.
9 Then lesse made Shammah to 22 And Saul sent to lesse, saying,
passe by : and he said, Neither hath the Let Dauid , I pray thee , stand before
LORD chosen this. me : for hee hath found fauour in my
10 Again e lesse made seuen of his sight.
sonnes to passe before Samuel; and 23 And it came to passe, when the
Samuel said vnto lesse, The LORD euitt spirit from God was vpon Saul,
hath not chosen these. that Dauid tooke an harpe, and played
11 And Samuel saide vnto lesse, with his hand : So Saul was refre-
Are here all thy children ? And he said, shed, and was well, and the euill spirit
There remaineth yet the yongest, and departed from him.
behold, he keepeth the sheepe. And Sa-
* 2. Sam. 7. muel said vnto lesse, *Send, and fetch
3. psal. 78.
71. him : for we will not sit tdowne, till hee
\Heb.round. come hither. \_/ JLA <rv JT. .A. v JL JL.
12 And he sent, and brought him in: 1 The armies of the Israelites, and Philistines
t Hebr.faire nowhesms ruddy, and withalt of a beau- heeing readie to battell, 4 Goliath com-
of eyes. tiful! countenance, and goodly to looke meth proudly forth, to chalenge a combate.
to : And the LORD said, Arise, anoint 12 Dauid sent by his father to visit his bre-
him : for this is he. thren, taketh the chalenge. 28 Eliab chideth
him. 30 He is brought to Saul. 32 He
13 Then Samuel tooke the home of sheweth the reason of his confidence. 38
Goliath defieth the Chap.xiiij. armies of Ifrael,
Without armour, armed by faith, he slayeth went to the battell, were^ Eliab the first
the Giant. 55 Saul taketh notice of Dauid. borne, and next vnto him, Abinadab,
Ow the Philistines gathe- and the third, Shammah*

N red together their armies

to battell, and were gathe-
red together at Shochoh,
which belongeth to ludah,
14? And Dauid was the yongest: and
the three eldest followed Saul.
15 But Dauid went, and returned
from Saul, to feed his fathers sheepe
and pitched betweene Shochoh and A- at Bethlehem,
II Or, the zekah, in ||Ephes-Dammim* 16 And the Philistine drewe neere,
coast of
Dammim. 2 And Saul and the men of Israel morning and euening, and presented
were gathered together, and pitched by himselfe forty dayes.
t Heb. ran- the valley of Elah, and tset the battell 17 And lesse said vnto Dauid his
ged the bat-
tell. in aray against the Philistines. sonne, Take now for thy brethren an
3 And the Philistines stood on a ephah of this parched corne, and these
mountaine on the one side, and Israel ten loaues, and run to the campe to thy
stood on a mountaine on the other side: brethren.
and there was a valley betweene them. 18 And carie these ten t cheeses vnto t He 6. chee-
4 11 And there went out a cham- the t Captaine of their thousand , and ses ofmilke.
t Heb. cap-
pion out of the campe of the Philistines, looke how thy brethren fare, and take taine of a
named Goliath of Gath : whose height their pledge.
was sixe cubites and a span. 19 Now Saul, and they, and all the
5 And he had an helmet of brasse vp- men of Israel were in the valley of E-
t Heb. cloa- on his head, and he was farmed with lah, fighting with the Philistines.
a coate of male : and the weight of the 20 H And Dauid rose vp earely in
coat was fiue thousand shekels of brasse. the morning, and left the sheepe with a
6 And he had greaues of brasse vp- keeper, and tooke, and went, as lesse
II Or, gor- on his legs, and a || target of brasse be- had commanded him ; and he came to
tweene his shoulders*. the || trench, as the host was going forth the
II Or, place oj
7 And the staffe of his speare was to || the fight, and shouted for the bat- H Or, battell
like a weauers beame, and his speares tel). ray* or place
oj jignt.
nf fiirht
head weighed sixe hundred shekels of y- 21 For Israel and the Philistines
roh; and one bearing a shield, went be- had put the battel in aray, army against
fore him. armie.
8 And hee stood and cried vnto the 22 And Dauid left t his cariage in t Hebr. the
armies of Israel, and said vnto them, the hand of the keeper of the cariage, vjxtn him.
Why are yee come out to set your battell and ranne into the armie, and came and
in aray ? am not I a Philistine, and you t saluted his brethren. t Heb. asked
seruants to Saul? chiise you a man for 23 And as he talked with them, be- his brethren
of peace.
you, and let him come downe to me* hold, there came vp the champion (the
9 If he be able to fight with mee, Philistine of Gath, Goliath by name)
and to kill me, then will we be your ser- out of the armies of the Philistines, and
uants : but if I preuaile against him, spake according to the same words: and
and kill him , then shall yee be our ser- Dauid heard tfiem.
uants, and serue vs. 24 And all the men of Israel, when
10 And the Philistine said, I defie they saw the man, fled tfrom him, and t Heb. from
his face.
the armies of Israel this day ; giue me were sore afraid.
a man, that we may fight together. 25 And the men of Israel said, Haue
11 When Saul and all Israel heard yee scene this man that is come vp ?
those words of the Philistine, they were Surely to defie Israel is he come vp :
dismayed, and greatly afraid. and it shall be that the man who killeth
* Chap, 12 If Now Dauid was * the sonne of him, the king wil enrich him with great
16. 1. riches, and *will giue him his daugh- * losh. is.
that Ephrathite of Bethlehem ludah,
whose name was lesse, and hee had ter, and make his fathers house free in IG.
eight sonnes : and the man went a- Israel.
mong men for an old man in the dayes 26 And Dauid spake to the men that
of Saul. stood by him, saying; What shall bee
13 And the three eldest sonnesof lesse done to the man that killeth this Phi-
went, and followed Saul to the battell ; listine, and taketh away the reproch
and the names of his three sonnes that from Israel? for who , is this vncir-
Dauids faith : He LSarmiel. kiileth Goliath.
cumcised Philistine, that he should de- for he had not proued it: and Dauid said
fie the armies of the liuing God ? vnto Saul, I cannot goe with these:
£7 And the people answered him for I haue not proued them. And Da-
after this maner, saying, So shall it be uid put them off him.
dTone to the man that kiileth him. 40 And hee tooke his staffe in his
28 f And Eliab his eldest brother hand, and chose him flue smoothe stones
heard when he spake vnto the men, and out of the ||brooke, and put them in a 11 Or, valley.
Eliabs anger was kindled against Da- shepheards tbag which he had, euen in t Heb. ves-
uid, and he said, Why earnest thou down a scrip, and his sling was in his hande, sell.
hither ? and with whom hast thou left and he drew neere to the Philistine.
those few sheepe in the wildernesse ? I 41 And the Philistine came on and
know thy pride, and the naughtinesse of drew neere vnto Dauid, and the man
thine heart ; for thou art come downe, that bare the shield, went before him.
that thou mightest see the battell. 42 And when the Philistine looked
£9 And Dauid saide, What haue I about, and saw Dauid, hee disdained
now done ? Is there not a cause ? him : for he was but a youth, and ruddy,
30 11 And hee turned from him to- and of a faire countenance.
wards another, and spake after the 43 And the Philistine said vnto Da-
t Heir. same t maner : and the people answered uid, Am I a dog, that thou commest to
him againe after the former maner. me with staues ? and the Philistine cur-
31 And when the words were heard sed Dauid by his gods.
which Dauid spake , they rehearsed 44 And the Philistine said to Dauid,
t Heb. tooke them before Saul : and he tsent for him. Come to me, and I will giue thy flesh
L -•

32 f And Dauid said to Saul, Let vnto the foules of the aire, and to the
no mans heart faile , because of him : beasts of the field.
thy seruant will goe and fight with this 45 Then said Dauid to the Phili-
Philistine. stine, Thou commest to mee with a
33 And Saul said to Dauid, Thou sword , and with a speare , and with a
art not able to goe against this Phili- shield : but I come to thee in the Name
stine, to fight with him : for thou art but a of the LORD of hostes, the God of
youth, and he a man of warre from his the armies of Israel, whom thou bast
youth. defied.
34 And Dauid said vnto Saul, Thy 46 This day wil the LORD tdelir \ Hebr. shut
seruant kept his fathers sheepe, and uer thee into mine hand, and I will thee vp.
there came a Lyon , and a Beare, and smite thee , and take thine head from
II Or, kid. tooke a jjlambe out of theflocke: thee, and I wil giue the carkeises of the
35 And I went out after him, and host of the Philistines this day vnto the
smote him, and deliuered it out of his foules of the aire, and to the wild beasts
mouth : and when he arose against me. of the earth , that all the earth may
I caught him by his beard, and smote know that there is a God in Israel.
him, and slew him. 47 And all this assembly $hal know
36 Thy seruant slew both the Lyon that the LORD saueth not with sword
and the Beare: and this vncircumcised & speare (for the battell is the LORDS)
Philistine shall be as one of them, seeing and he will giue you into our hands.
he hath defied the armies of the liuing 48 And it came to passe when the
God. Philistine arose, and came , and drewe
37 Dauid saide moreouer , The nigh to meet Dauid, that Dauid hasted,
L O R D that deliuered me out of the and ran toward the armie to meete the
paw of the Lyon, and out of the pawe Philistine. ....
of the Beare, he will deliuer me out of 49 And Dauid put Ijis hande in his
the hand of this Philistine. .And Saul bag, and tooke thence a stone, and slang
said vnto Dauid, Goe, and the LORD it, & smote the Philistine in his forehead,
be with thee. that the stone sunke into his forehead,
38 f And Saul farmed Dauid with and he fell vpon his face to the earth.
t Heb. doa. his armour, and hee put an helmet of 50 So * Dauid preuailed ouer the * Ecclus.
thed, &c. 47. 4. 1.
with fits brasse vpon his head, also he armed him Philistine with a sling and with a stone, mace. 4. 30.
cloathes. with a coat of male. and smote the Philistine, and slew him,
39 And Dauid girded his sword vp- but there was no sword in the hande of
on his armour, and he assayed to goe. Dauid.
51 There-
[onathans loue to Chap.xviij. Dauid. Sauls emrie.
51 Therefore Dauid ran and stood 4 And lonathan stript himselfe of
vpon the Philistine , and tooke his the robe that was vpon him, and gaue it
sword, and drewe it out of the sheath to Dauid, and his garments, euen to
thereof, and slew him , and cut off his us sword, and to his bow, and to his
head therewith. And when the Phili- jirdie.
stines sawe their champion was dead, 5 U And Dauid went out, whither
they fled. soeuer Saul sent him , and || behaued red* Or, prospe-
52 And the men of Israel , and of rimselfe wisely : and Saul set him ouer
ludah arose, and shouted, and pursued the men of warre, and he was accepted
the Philistines, vntill thou come to the in the sight of all the people, and also in
valley, and to the gates of Ekron : and the sight of Sauls seruants.
the wounded of the Philistines fell 6 And it came to passe as they came
downe by the way to Shaaraim , euen when Dauid was returned from the
vnto Gath, and vnto Ekron. slaughter of the || Philistine, that the Or, PAt-
53 And the children of Israel retur- women came out of all cities of Israel, is tines.
ned from chasing after the Philistines, singing and dancing, to meete king
and they spoiled their tents. Saul, with tabrets, with ioy, and with
54? And Dauid tooke the head of the [•instruments of musicke. t Heb. three
stringed in-
Philistine, and brought it to lerusa- 7 And the women answered one struments.
lem, but he put his armour in his tent. another as they played, and said, *Saul *11: Chap. 21.
and 29.
55 f And when Saul sawe Dauid lath slaine his thousands , and Dauid 5. ecclus.
goe forth against the Philistine, he sayd 47.6.
ris ten thousands.
vnto Abner the captaine of the hoste, 8 And Saul was very wroth, and
Abner, whose sonne is this youth? And the say ing t displeased him, and he sayd, \ ffebr. was
Abner said, As thy soule Jiueth, 0 king, They haue ascribed vnto Dauid tenne euiUinhis
[ cannot telL thousands, and to me they haue ascri-
56 And the king said, Enquire thou bed but thousands: and what can he haue
whose sonne the stripling is. more, but the kingdome ?
57 And as Dauid returned from the 9 And Saul eyed Dauid from that
slaughter of the Philistine, Abner tooke day, and forward.
trim, & brought him before Saul, with 10 If And it came to passe on the
the head of the Philistine in his hand. morrow, that the euill spirit from Goc
58 And Saul saide to him , Whose came vpon Saul, and he prophecied in
sonne art thou, thou yong man? Anc tbe midst of the house : and Dauid play-
Dauid answered, I am the sonne of thy ed with his hand, as at other times:
seruant lesse, the Bethlehemite. . and there was a iauelin in Sauls hand.
11 And Saul cast the iauelin; for hee
C H A P . XVIII. said, I will smite Dauid euen to the
1 Jonathan loueth Dauid. 5 Saul enuieth his ,wall
. with it : and. Dauid auoided out oi
praise, 10 Seeketh to kill him in his furie, his presence twice.
12 Feareth him for his good successe, 17 Of- 12 11 And Saul was afraid of Da-
fereth him his daughters for a snare. 22 Da- uid , because the L O R D was with
uid perswaded to be the Kings sonne in law, him, and was departed from Saul.
giueth two hundred foreskinnes of the Phili- 13 Therefore Saul remooued him
stines for Michals dowrie. 28 Sauls hatred,
and Dauids glory increaseth. from him , and made him his captaine
ouer a thousand, and hee went out anc
Nd it came to passe when came m before tne people.

A hee made an ende of spea

king vnto Saul, that the
soule of lonathan was
knit with the soule of Da
14* And Dauid || behaued himselfe iOr,vnspe-
wisely in all his wayes; & the LORD red.
was with him.
15 Wherefore when Saul saw that
uid, and lonathan loued him as his hee behaued himselfe very wisely, hee
owne soule. was afraid of him.
2 And Saul tooke him that day, 16 But all Israel and ludah loued
and would let him go no more home to Dauid, because hee went out and came
his fathers house. in before them.
3 Then lonathan and Dauid made 17 II And Saul said to Dauid, Be-
a couenant, because he loued him as his hold, my elder daughter Merab, her
owne soule. will I giue thee to wife t onely be thou
t valiant
Michal Dauids wife. LSamuel, Jonathans loue.
1 Hebr. a t valiant for me, and fight the LORDS fraid of Dauid; and Saul became Da-
sonne of va- battels : for Saul said , Let not mine uids enemie continually.
hand be vpon him , but let the hand of 30 Then the Princes of the Phili-
the Philistines be vpon him. stines went foorth : and it came to passe
18 And Dauid said vnto Saul, Who after they went foorth, that Dauid beha-
am I ? and what is my life , or my fa- ued himselfe more wisely then all the
thers family in Israel , that I should seruants of Saul, so that his name was
be sonne in law to the king ? tmuch set by. t Hebr. pre-
19 But it came to passe at the time
when Merab Sauls daughter should
haue beene giuen to Dauid , that shee CHAP. XIX.
was giuen vnto Adriel the Mehola-
Jiite to wife. 1 Jonathan discloseth his fathers purpose to kil]
Dauid. 4 Hee perswadeth his father to re-
£0 And Michal Sauls daughter lo- conciliation. 8 By reason of Dauids good
ued Dauid : and they tolde Saul , and successe in a new warre, Sauls malicious rage
t Hebr. was the thing t pleased him. breaketh out against him. 12 Michal decei-
right in his ueth her father with an image in Dauids bed.
eyes. £1 And SaUl said, I will giue him 18 Dauid commeth to Samuel in Naioth.
ler, that she may be a snare to him, and 20 Sauls messengers sent to take Dauid, 22
that the hand of the Philistines may be and Saul himselfe, prophesie.
against him. Wherefore Saul said to
Dauid, Thou shalt this day be my S^Rj&BjJ^fi Nd Saul spake to lona-
sonne in law, in the one cyf the twaine. £gm¥Sn than his sonne, and to
%% IT And Saul commanded his ser- ^^^^^g all his seruants, that they
uants, saying, Commune with Dauid f^^^ should kill Dauid.
secretly, and say, Behold, the king hath ^Sil^l^l 2 But Jonathan Sauls
delight in thee, and all his seruants loue sonne delighted much in Dauid, and
thee : now therefore be the kings sonne Jonathan told Dauid, saying, Saul
n law. my father seeketh to kill thee : Now
23 And Sauls seruants spake those therefore, I pray thee, take heed to thy
wordes in the eares of Dauid ; And selfe vntill the morning , and abide in a
Oauid said, Seemeth it to you a light secret place, and hide thy selfe :
thing to be a kings sonne in law, seeing 3 And I will goe out and stand be-
that I am a poore man, and lightly side my father in the field where thou
esteemed ? art, and I will commune with my fa-
24? And the seruants of Saul tolde ther of thee, and what I see, that I will
\ Hebr. ac- lim, saying; t On this manner spake tell thee.
cording to
these woras. Dauid. 4 11 And Jonathan spake good of
25 And Saul said, Thus shall yee Dauid vnto Saul his father, and said
say to Dauid , The King desirc&k not vnto him , Let not the King sinne a-
any dowrie, but an hundred foreskinnes gainst his seruant , against Dauid : be-
of the Philistines, to be auenged of the cause hee hath not sinned against thee,
cings enemies. But Saul thought to and because his workes haue bene to thee
make Dauid fal by the band of the Phi- ward very good.
istines. 5 For he did put his *life in his hand, * ludg. D.
26 And when his seruants told Da- and slew the Philistine, & the LOHD 3.17*chap. and 12.
uid these wordes, it pleased Dauid well wrought a great valuation for all Is- L19.psalm. 21.
to be the kings sonne in lawe : and the rael : thou sawest it, and didst reioyce:
\Hebr. ful- dayes were not t expired. Wherefore then wilt thou sinne against
27 Wherefore Dauid arose, hee and innocent blood , to slay Dauid without
lis men, and slew of the Philistines two a cause ?
lundred men, and Dauid brought their 6 And Saul hearkened vnto the
foreskinnes , and they gaue them in fullvoyce of Jonathan ; and Saul sware,
;ale to the king, that hee might be the As the LORD liueth, he shall not be
tings sonne in law : and Saul gaue him slaine.
Michal his daughter to wife. 7 And Jonathan called Dauid,
28 1T And Saul saw and knew that and Jonathan shewed him all those
the LORD was with Dauid, and that things : and Jonathan brought Dauid
Michal Sauls daughter loued him. to Saul, and he was in his presence, as Hebr. ye-
29 And Saul was yet the more a- tin times past third aay.
8 IT And
Dauid efcapeth. Chap.xx. Saul prophelieth.
8 1T And there was warre againe, gers againe the third time , and they
and Dauid went out, and fought with prophecied also.
the Philistines, and slew them with a 22 Then went hee also to Ramah,
t Heb. his great slaughter, & they fled from thim. and came to a great well that is in Se-
9 And the euill spirit from the chu: and he asked, and said, Where are
LORD was vpon Saul, as he sate in Samuel and Dauid? And one said, Be-
his house with his iauelin in his hand : hold, they be at Naioth in Ramah.
and Dauid played with his hand. 23 And hee went thither to Naioth
10 And Saul sought to smite Dauid in Ramah : and the Spirit of God was
euen to the wall with the iauelin : but vpon him also, and he went on and pro-
hee slipt away out of Sauls presence, phecied vntill hee came to Naioth in
and he smote the iauelin into the wall: Ramah :
and Dauid fled, and escaped that night. 24 And he stript off his clothes also,
11 Saul also sent messengers vnto and prophecied before Samuel in like
Dauids house, to watch him, and to slay manner, and flay downe naked all that t Heb. fell.
him in the morning : and Michal Da- day, and all that night: wherefore they
uids wife tolde him , saying , If thou say , * Is Saul also among the Pro- * Chap. 10.
phets ? 11.
saue not thy life to night , to morrow
thou shalt be slaine.
12 U So Michal let Dauid downe CHAP. XX.
thorow a window : and hee went and
fled, and escaped. I Dauid consulteth with Jonathan for his safe-
13 And Michal tooke an image, and tie. 1 1 lonathan and Dauid renew their co-
laid it in the bedde , and put a pillow of uenant by oath. 18 Jonathans token to Da-
uid. 24 Saul missing Dauid, seeketh to kill
goats haire for his bolster, and couered lonathan. 35 lonathan louingly taketh his
it with a cloth. leaue of Dauid.
14 And when baul sent messengers
to take Dauid, she said, He is sicke. Nd Dauid fled from Nai-
15 And Saul sent the messengers
againe to see Dauid, saying, Bring him
vp to me in the bedde, that I may slay
a oth in Ramah, and came
and said before lonathan,
What haue I done? what
is mine iniquity? and what
16 And when the messengers were is my sinne before thy father, that he see-
come in, behold, there was an image in keth my life ?
the bed, with a pillow of goates haire 2 And he said vnto him, God forbid,
for his bolster. thou shalt not die; beholde, my father
17 And Saul said vnto Michal, Why will doe nothing, either great or small,
hast thou deceiued me so, and sent away but that he will tshew it me : and why Mieb. vnco.
mine enemie, that he is escaped? And should my father hide this thing from ^H*"
Michal answered Saul, Hee said vnto me ? it is not so.
me, Let mee goe; Why should I kill 3 And Dauid sware moreouer, and
thee ? said, Thy father certeinly knoweth
18 IF So Dauid fledde, and escaped, that I haue found grace in thine eyes,
and came to Samuel to Ramah, and and he sayth, Let not lonathan know
told him all that Saul had done to him: this,lest he be grieued: but truely ,a$ the
and hee and Samuel went, and dwelt LORD liueth, and as thy soule liueth,
in Naioth. there is but a step betweene me & death,
19 And it was told Saul, saying, Be- 4 Then said lonathan vnto Da-
hold , Dauid is at Naioth in Ramah. uid, || Whatsoeuer thy soule t desireth, H Or, say,
20 And Saul sent messengers to I will euen doe it for thee. ±£2T/
take Dauid : and when they sawe the 5 And Dauid said vnto lonathan, u>Wdoet$c.
company of the Prophets prophecying, Behold, to morrow is the new moone, l^h,or&.
and Samuel standing as appointed o- and I should not faile to sit with the keth*
uer them, the Spirit of God was vpon king at meate : but let me goe 5 that I
the messengers of Saul, and they also may hide my selfe in the fields vnto the
prophecied. third day at euen.
21 And when it was tolde Saul, he 6 If thy father at all misse me, then
sent other messengers, and they prophe- say, Dauid earnestly asked leaue of me
cied likewise: and Saul sent messen- that he might runne to Bethlehem his
Lonathans couenant I.Samuel. with Dauid.
I Or, feast. citie: for there isayeerely || sacrifice there 19 And when thou hast stayed three
or all the family. dayes , then thou shalt goe downe
7 If he say thus , It fa well, thy ser- | quickly, and come to the place where 1 Or, rftYi-
uant shall haue peace : but if he be very ;hou diddest hide thy selfe, twhen the gently.
wroth , then be sure that euill is deter- Dusinesse was in hand, and shalt remaine \layHeb. in the
of the
mined by him. 3y the stone ||Ezel. wsinesse.
8 Therefore thou shalt deale kindly \
20 And I will shoot three arrowes \heweth Or, that
* Chap. 18. with thy seruant,for *thou hast brought on the side thereof^ as though I shot at way.
L and 23.
18. hy seruant into a couenant of the a marke.
LORD with thee: notwithstanding. 21 And behold , I will send a ladde,
if there be in me iniquitie, slay me thy saying^ Goe , find out the arrowes. If
selfe : for why shouldest thou bring me [ expresly say vnto the lad, Behold, the
to thy father ? arrowes are on this side of thee, take
9 And lonathan said, Farre be it them: then come thou, for there is peace
Tom thee : for if I knew certainely that ;o thee, and tno hurt, as the LORD tiny Heb. not
euill were determined by my father to iiueth.
come vpon thee, then would not I tell 22 But if I say thus vnto the yong
it thee ? man, Behold, the arrowes are beyond
10 Then said Dauid to lonathan, thee : goe thy way, for the LORD hath
Who shall tell me? or what if thy father sent thee away.
answere thee roughly? 23 And as touching the matter which
11 IT And lonatnan said vnto Da- thou and I haue spoken of, behold, the
uid, Come, and let vs goe out into the LORD be betweene thee and mee for
ield. And they went out both of them euer.
into the field. 24 f So Dauid hid himselfe in the
12 And lonathan said vnto Dauid, field : and when the newe moone was
3 LORD God of Israel, when I come, the king sate him downe to eate
t Heb. sear. laue t sounded my father, about to meate.
morrow any time, or the third day, and 25 And the king sate vpon his seate.
sehold, if there be good toward Dauid, as at other times, euen vpon a seate by
and I then send not vnto thee, and the wall : and lonathan arose, and Ab-
Heb. vn- tshew it thee ; ner sate by Sauls side , and Dauids
couer thine place was emptie.
eare. 13 The LORD doe so and much
more to lonathan : but if it please my 26 Neuerthelesse, Saul spake not
father to doe thee euill, then I wil shew any thing that day : for hee thought,
it thee, and send thee away, that thou Some thing hath befallen him, hee is
mayest goe in peace, and the LORD be not cleane ; surely he is not cleane.
with thee , as hee hath beene with my 27 And it came to passe on the mor-
father. row which was the second day of the
14 And thou shalt not onely while moneth, that Dauids place was emp-
yet I liue, shew me the kindnesse of the tie : and Saul said vnto lonathan his
LORD, that I die not : sonne, Wherefore commeth not the
15 But also thou shalt not cut off thy sonne of lesse to meat, neither yester-
kindnesse from my house for euer : no day nor to day ?
not when the LORD hath cut off the 28 And lonathan answered Saul,
enemies of Dauid , euery one from the Dauid earnestly asked leaue ofme9togoe
face of the earth. to Bethlehem.
t Heb. cut. 16 So lonathan tmade a couenant 29 And he said, Let me goe, I pray
with the house of Dauid, saying^ Let the thee, for our familie hath a sacrifice in
LORD euen require it at the hande oi the citie, and my brother, hee hath com-
Dauids enemies. manded mee to be there : and now if I
17 And lonathan caused Dauid to haue found fauour in thine eyes, let me
II Or, byhis sweare againe, || because he loued him : get away, I pray thee, and see my bre-
tout towards
hm. for he loued him as he loued his owne thren : Therefore he commeth not vn-
soule. to the kings table.
18 Then lonathan said to Dauid, 30 Then Sauls anger was kindled II Or, thou
To morrow is the newe moone: anc against lonathan, and hee said vnto peruerse
ivaKolJ sieo.
Teoeu. IT0Jt
thou shalt be missed, because thy seat wi him, || Thou sonne of the peruerse rebel- sonneofper-
\Heb.mmed be temptie. lious woman, doe not I know: that thou uerse
lonathans kindnelle. Chap.xxj. Dauid at Nob.
hast chosen the sonne of lesse to thine CHAP. XXi.
owne confusion, andvnto the confusion
of thy mothers nakednesse ? 1 Dauid at Nob, obtaineth of Ahimelech hal-
31 For as long as the sonne of lesse lowed bread. 7 Doeg was present. 8 Da-
uid takethGoliaths sword. 10 Dauid atGath
liueth vpon the ground, thou shalt not faineth himselfe madde.
be stablished, nor thy kingdome: where-
fore now send and fetch him vnto mee, Hen came Dauid to Nob,

T hEB, IS THE for he t shall surely die. to Ahimelech the Priest,
DEATH. 32 And Jonathan answered Saul and Ahimelech was a-
his father, and said vnto him , Where- fraide at the meeting of
fore shall hee be slaine? what hath hee Dauid, and said vnto him,
done ? Why art thou alone, and no man with
33 And Saul cast a iauelin at him to thee ?
smite him , whereby Jonathan knewe £ And Dauid said vnto Ahimelech
that it was determined of his father to the Priest, The king hath commanded
slay Dauid. me a businesse, and hath said vnto me,
34 So Jonathan arose from the ta- Let no man know any thing of the bu-
ble in fierce anger, and did eate no meat sinesse whereabout I send thee, and
the second day of the moneth : for hee what I haue commanded thee: and I
was grietied for Dauid , because his fa- haue appointed my seruants to such and
ther had done him shame. such a place.
35 1F And it came to passe in the mor- 3 Now therefore what is vnder
ning, that Jonathan went out into the thine hand? giue me fiue loaues of bread
field, at the time appointed with Dauid, in mine hand, or what there is tpresent. t Heb. found.
and a little ladde with him. 4 And the Priest answered Dauid,
36 And he said vnto his lad, Runrie, and said , There is no common bread
finde out now the arrowes which I vnder mine hand, but there is * hallow- 30.* Exod. 25.
shoote. And as the ladde ranne, he shot ed bread : if the young men haue kept 24. 5. matt. an arrow tbeyond him. themselues at least from women. 12. 4.
passe ouer
Tiim. 37 And when the ladde was come 5 And Dauid answered the Priest,
to the place of the arrow, which Jona- and said vnto him, Of a trueth women
than had shot, Jonathan cryed after haue beene kept from vs about these
the ladde, and said , Is not the arrow three dayes, since I came out, and the
beyond thee ? vessels of the young men are holy, and
38 And Jonathan cryed after the tfte bread is in a manner common, ||yea, II Or, especi-
ladde, Make speed, haste, stay not. And though it were sanctified this day in the ally whe this
day there is
lonathans ladde gathered vp the ar- vessell. other sancti-
fied in the
rowes* and came to his master. 6 So the Priest gaue him hallowed vessell.
39 But the lad knew not any thing : bread; for there was no bread there, but
onely Jonathan and Dauid knew the the Shewbread that was taken from
matter. before the LORD, to put hote bread in
t Heb. in- 40 And Jonathan gaue his taitil- the day when it was taken away.
\Hebr.that lery vnto this ladde, and said vnto him, 7 Now a certaine man of the ser-
was his. Goe, cary them to the citie. uants of Saul was there that day, detai-
4J IF And assoone as the ladde was ned before the LORD, and his name
gone, Dauid arose out of a place toward wcwDoeg an Edomite,the chiefestof the
the South , and fell on his face to the heardmen that belonged to Saul.
ground , and bowed himselfe three 8 IT And Dauid said vnto Ahime-
times : and they kissed one another , lech , And is there not here vnder thine
and wept one with another, vntill Da- hand speare or sword ? for I haue nei-
uid exceeded. ther brought my sword nor my wea-
42 And Jonathan said to Dauid, pons with mee, because the kings busi-
1! Or, Tfce Goe in peace, || forasmuch as wee haue nesse required haste.
witnessc of sworne both of vs in the Name of the 9 And the Priest said, The sword of
that which. LORD, saying; The LORD be be-
%c. Goliath the Philistine, whome thou
tweene me and thee, and betweene my slewest in * the valley of Elah , behold, « Chap.
seede and thy seede for euer. And hee a- it is heere wrapt in a cloth behinde the 17. 2.
rose, and departed : and Jonathan Ephod: if thou wilt take that, take it;
went into the citie. for there is no other saue that, here. And
[)auid feemeth mad. I.Samuel. Doegs villenie.
Dauid saide , There is none like that, him all the while that Dauid was in
jiue it me. the hold.
101) And Dauid arose, and fled that 5 U And the Prophet Gad said vn-
day, for feare of Saul , and went to A- to Dauid, Abide not in the hold; depart,
chish, the king of Gath. and get thee into the land of ludah.
11 And the seruants of Achish sayd Then Dauid departed , and came into
vnto him, Is not this Dauid the king the forrest of Hareth.
of the land ? Did they not sing one to 6 ^ When Saul heard that Dauid
another of him in daunces, saying, was discouered, and the men that were
* Chap. 18. *Saul hath slaine his thousands, and with him j ( now Saul abode in Gi-
7. and 29. 6. )eah vnder a ||tree in Ramah , hauing \0r,grouein
ecclus. 47. Dauid his ten thousands ?
lis speare in his hand , and all his ser- a hie place,
L « ,

6. 12 And Dauid layd vp these wordes

n his heart, and was sore afraid of A- uants were standing about him.)
chish the king of Gath. 7 Then Saul saide vnto his ser-
13 And he changed his behauiour be- uants that stood about him , Heare
bre them , and fained himselfe mad in now, ye Beniamites : Will the sonne of
\\ Or, made their hands, and ||scrabled on the doores [esse giue euery one of you fields, and
of the gate, and let his spittle fall downe Vineyards, and make you all captaines
vpon his beard. of thousands , and captaines of hun-
14? Then saide Achish vnto his ser- dreds :
II Or,playeth uants, Loe, you see the man j|is mad : 8 That all of you haue conspired a-
the mad- wherefore then haue yee brought him gainst me,and there is none that tshew- t Hebr. t>»-
to mee ? eth mee , that my sonne hath made a coueretkmine eare.
15 Haue I need of mad-men, that ye eague with the sonne of Jesse , and
laue brought this fellow to play the there is none of you that is sory for me,
mad-man in my presence ? Shall this or sheweth vnto me that my sonne hath
fellow come into my house ? stirred vp my seruant against me, to lye
in wait, as at this day?
9 11 Then answered Doeg the E-
C H A P . XXII. domite , ( which was set ouer the ser-
uants of Saul) and saide, I saw the
1 Companies resort vnto Dauid at Adullam. 3 sonne of lesse comming to Nob, to A-
At Mizpeh he comraendeth his parents vnto
the King of Moab. 5 Admonished by Gad, bimelech the sonne of Ahitub.
hee commeth to Hareth. 6 Saul going to 10 And hee enquired of the L O R D
pursue him, complaineth of his seruants vn- for him , and gaue him victuals , and
faithfulnesse. 9 JDoeg accuseth Ahimelech. sjaue him the sword of Goliath the Phi-
1 1 Saul comandeth to kil the Priests. 1 7 The
footmen refusing, Doeg executeth it 20 A- listine.
biathar escaping, bringeth Dauid the newes. 11 Then the king sent to call Ahime-
iech the Priest, the sonne of Ahitub, and
Auid therefore departec all his fathers house 5 the Priests that

D thence, and escaped to the were in Nob ^ and they came all of them
caue Adullam : and when to the king.
his brethren, and all his fa- 12 And Saul said, Heare now thou
thers house heard it, they sonne of Ahitub : and hee answered,
went downe thither to him. tHere I am, my lord. t Hebr. be.
2 And euery one that was in distresse, 13 And Saul saide vnto him, Why hold me.
t hEBR, HAD and euery one that t was in debt, and eue- haue ye conspired against me, thou anc
T hEBR, BIT- ry one that was "1° discontented, gathered the sonne of lesse, in that thou hast gi-
TER OF SOULE. tnemselues vnto him, and he became a uen him bread, and a sword, and hasl
captaine ouer them : and there were enquired of God for him, that heshoulc
with him about foure hundred men. rise against mee, to lye in waite, as at
3 1[ And Dauid went thence to this day ?
Mizpeh of Moab; and he said vnto the 14 Then Ahimelech answered the
king of Moab, Let my father, and my king, and said, And who is so faithful
mother, I pray thee, come foorth, and be among all thy seruants, as Dauid,
with you, till I know what God wil which is the kings sonne in law, anc
doe for me. goeth at thy bidding, and is honou-
4 And he brought them before the rable in thine house ?
king of Moab; and they dwelt wit! 15 Did I then beginne to enquire oi
Sauls crueltie. Chap.xxiij. Dauid in Keilah.
God for him? be it farre from mee: let LORD, saying, Shall I go and smite
not the king impute any thing vnto his these Philistines ? And the LORD said
seruant, nor to all the house of my fa- vnto Dauid, Goe, and smite the Phili-
ther : for thy seruant knew nothing of stines, and saue Keilah.
\Hebr. title all this, tlesse or more. 3 And Dauids men said vnto him,
or great. 16 And the king saide , Thou shalt Behold, we be afraid here in ludah :
surely die, Ahimelech, thou, and all thy how much more then if wee come to
fathers house. Keilah against the armies of the Phili-
17 U And the king said vnto the stines ?
1 Or, guard. || footmen that stood about him, Turne 4* Then Dauid enquired of the
Heb. the and slay the Priests of the LORD, be-
runners. L O R D yet againe: And the LORD
cause their hand also is with Dauid, and answered him, and said, Arise, go down
because they knew when he fled, and did to Keilah : for I will deliuer the Phili-
not shew it to mee. But the seruants stines into thine hand.
of the king would not put foorth their 5 So Dauid and his men went to
hand to fall vpon the Priestes of the Keilah, and fought with the Philistins,
LORD. . and brought away their cattell , and
18 And the king said to Doeg, Turne smote them with a great slaughter : so
thou and fall vpon the Priests. And Dauid saued the inhabitants of Kei-
Doeg the Edomite turned, and hee fell lah.
vpon the Priests, and slew on that day 6 And it came to passe when Abia-
foure score and fiue persons* that did thar the sonne of Ahimelech * fled to * Chap. 22.
weare a linnen Ephod. Dauid to Keilah, that hee came downe 20.
19 And Nob the citie of the Priests wlth-axi Ephod in his hand.
smote he with the edge of the sword, 7 H And it was told Saul that Da-
both men and women, children and uid was come to Keilah : and Saul
sucklings , and oxen and asses , and said, God hath deliuered him into mine
sheepe, with the edge of the sword. hand : for he is shut in, by entring into a
20 IT And one of the sonnes of Ahi- towne that hath gates and barres.
melech, the sonne of Ahitub, named A- 8 And Saul called all the people to-
biathar, escaped and fled after Dauid : gether to warre, to goe downe to Kei-
21 And Abiathar shewed ^Dauid lah, to besiege Dauid, and his men.
that Saul had slaine the L O R D S 9 IF And Dauid knewe that Saul
Priests. secretly practised mischiefe against him,
22 And Dauid said vnto Abiathar, and hee said to Abiathar the Priest,
I knew it that day, when Doeg the E- Bring hither the Ephod.
domite was there, that he would surely 10 Then saide Dauid, O L O R D
tell Saul : I haue occasioned the death God of Israel, thy seruant hath cer-
of all the persons of thy fathers house. tainly heard that Saul seeketh to come
23 Abide thou with me , fcare not : to Keilah , to destroy the citie for my
for he that seeketh my life, seeketh thy sake.
life : but with me thou shalt bee in safe- 11 Will the men of Keilah deliuer me
gard. vp into his hande ? will Saul come
downe, as thy seruant hath heard , O
CHAP. XXIII. L O U D God of Israel? I beseech
thee tell thy seruant. And the L O R D
1 Dauid enquiring of the Lord by Abiathar, said, He will come downe.
rescueth Keilah. 7 God shewing him the
comming of Saul and the trecherie of the 12 Then said Dauid, Will the men -of
Keilites, he escapeth from Keilah. 1 4 In Ziph Keilah t deliuer me, and my men, into tHebr.shut
lonathan cctmrneth and comforteth him. 19 the hand of Saul? And the LORD up-
The Ziphites discouer him to Saul. 25 At said, They will deliuer thee vp.
Maon he is rescued from Saul by theinuasion
of the Philistines. 29 He dwelleth at En-eredi. 13 1T Then Dauid and his men, which
were about sixe hundred, arose, and de-
Hen they told Dauid, say- parted out of Keilah, and went whi-

ing, Beholde, the Phili- thersoeuer they could goe: and it was
stines fight against Kei- told Saul that Dauid was escaped
lah, and they rob the thre- from Keilah, and hee forbare to goe
_ shing floores. foorth. -
& Therefore Dauid enquired of the 14 And Dauid abode in the wilder-
Dauid deliuered, I.Samuel. fpareth Saul.
nesse in strong holds, and remained in uid made haste to get away for feare of
a mountaine in the wijdernes of Ziph : Saul : for Saul and his men compassed
and Saul sought him euery day , but Dauid and his men round about to
5od deliuered him not into his hand. take them.
15 And Dauid saw that Saul was 27 IF But there came a messenger
come out to seeke his life : and Dauid vnto Saul, saying, Haste thee, and
was in the wildernes of Ziph in a wood. come: for the Philistines haue tinuaded spread
16 IF And Jonathan Sauls sonne the land. seluesvpon
arose, & went to Dauid into the wood, 28 Wherefore Saul returned from 4»
and strengthened his hand in God. pursuing after Dauid , & went against
17 And he said vnto him, Feare not; ;he Philistines; therefore they called
or the hand of Saul my father shall that place ||Sela-Hammahlekoth. That is,
he Toc/ce of
not finde thee, and thou shalt be king o- 29 IT And Dauid went vp from diuisions.
uer Israel, and I shall be next vnto thence , and dwelt in strong holds at
,hee . and that also Saul my father En-gedi.
18 And they two made a couenant C H A P . XXIIII.
>efore the L O R D : and Dauid abode 1 Dauid in a caue at Engedi , hauing cut off
n the wood, and Jonathan went to Sauls skirt, spareth his life. 8 Hee sheweth
iis house. thereby his innocencie. 16 Saul acknow-
19 IF Then came vp the Ziphites to ledging his fault, taketh an oath of Dauid,
Saul to Gibeah, saving, Doth not Da- and departeth.
uid hide himselfe with vs in strong Nd it came to passe when

holds in the wood, in the hill of Hachi-
o» lah, which is ton the South of llleshi-
mon ?
a Or, the will- 20 Now Therefore, o King , Come
downe according to all the desire of thy
A Saul was returned from
tfolowing the Philistines, * J5»9flw-
that it was told him, say-
ing, Behold, Dauid is in
the wildernesse of En-gedi.
soule to come downe, and our part shall 2 Then Saul tooke three thousand
be to deliuer him into the kings hand. chosen men out of all Israel, and went
21 And Saul said , Blessed be yee of to seeke Dauid and his men vpon the
the LORD, for yee haue compassion rockes of the wilde goates.
on me. 3 And hee came to the sheepe coates
22 Goe, I pray you, prepare yet, and by the way, where was a caue, and Saul
know, and see nis place where his went in to couer his feete : and Dauid
T Heb. foote thaunt is, and who hath scene him and his men remained in the sides of
there! for it is told mee that he dealeth the caue.
very subtilly. 4 And the men of Dauid sayd vnto
23 See therefore, and take know- him, Beholde the day of which the
ledge of all the lurking places where he L O R D sayd vnto thee, Behold, I wil
hideth himselfe, and come ye againe to deliuer thine enemy into thine hand,
me with the certainty, and I will goe that thou mayest doe to him as it shall
with you *. and it shall come to passe, il seeme good vnto thee. Then Dauid a-
he be in the land, that I will search him rose, and cut off the skirt of t Sauls mebr.the
out throughout all the thousands of robepriuily. 5*£|£
ludah. 5 And it came to passe afterward,
24 And they arose, & went to Ziph that Dauids heart smote him , because
before Saul : but Dauid and his men he had cut off Sauls skirt.
were in the wildernesse of Maon, in the 6 And hee sayd vnto his men, The
plaine on the South of leshimon. L O R D forbid that I should doe this
25 Saul also and Iris men went to thing vnto my master the L O R D S
seeke him, and they told Dauid - where- Anoynted, to stretch forth mine hand a-
fore he came downe into a rocke. and a- gainst him, seeing he is the Anoynted of
bode in the wildernesse of Maon : anc the LOED.
when Saul heard that, he pursued af- 7 So Dauid t stayed his seruants t Heir, cyt
ter Dauid in the wildernes of Maon. with these wordes , and suffered them off.
26 And Saul went on this side o not to rise against Saul : but Saul rose
the mountaine, and Dauid and his men vp out of the caue, and went on his way.
• on that side of the mountaine : and Da- 8 Dauid also rose afterward, anc
Sauls confeffion. Chap.xxv. Samuel dieth.
went out of the caue, and cryed after be kingdome of Israel shall be establi-
Saul, saying, My lord the king. And bed in thine hand.
when Saul looked behinde him, Da- 21 Sweare now therefore vnto me
uid stouped with his face to the earth, 3y the LORD, that thou wilt not cut
and bowed himselfe. fFmy seede after mee, and that thou
9 U And Dauid said to Saul, Wher- wilt not destroy my name out of my fa-
bre nearest thou mens words, saying, bers house.
behold, Dauid seeketh thy hurt ? 22 And Dauid sware vnto Saul,
10 Behold, this day thine eyes haue nd Saul went home: but Dauid and
seene, how that the L O R D had deli- ris men gate them vp vnto the holde.
uered thee to day into mine hand in the
caue : and some bade me kill thee, but
mine eye spared thee, and I said, I will C H A P . XXV.
not put foorth mine hand against my
1 Samuel dieth. 2 Dauid in Paran sendeth to
ord, for hee is the L O R D S Anoin- Nabal. 10 Prouoked by Nabals churlish-
ted. nesse, hee mindeth to destroy him. 14 Abi-
11 Moreouer my father, See, yea see gail vnderstanding thereof, 18 taketh a pre-
the skirt of thy robe in my hand • for in sent, 23 and by her wisedome 32 pacifi-
eth Dauid. 36 Nabal hearing thereof, di-
that I cut off the skirt of thy robe, and eth. 39 Dauid taketh Abigail and Ahinoam
cilled thee not, know thou and see, that to be his wiues. 44 Michal is giuen to Phalti.
here is neither euill nor transgression
in mine hand, and I haue not sinned a- Nd * Samuel died, and . ecclu Chap. 28.

jainst thee; yet thou huntest my soule, all the Israelites were ga- 6. 13, 29.
to take it. thered together, and la-
12 The L O R D iudge betweene me mented him, and buried
and thee, and the L O R D auenge me SegSfiBabLJC! him in his house at Ra-
of thee: but mine hand shall not be vp- mah. And Dauid arose, & went downe
on thee. to the wildernesse of Paran.
13 As saith the prouerbe of the anci- 2 And there was a man in Maon,
ents, Wickednesse proceedeth from the whose || possessions were in Carmel, and Ortbu$ines*
wicked: but mine hand shall not be vp- the man was very great , and hee had
on thee. three thousand sheepe, and a thousand
14? After whom is the king of Israel joates: and he was shearing his sheepe
come out ? after whom doest thou pur- n Carmel.
sue ? After a dead dogge, after a flea. 3 Now the name of the man was
15 The L O R D therfore be Judge, !^abal, and the name of his wife, Abi-
and iudge betweene me and thee, and gail : and shee was a woman of good vn-
t Heb. mdge see, and p.^ead my cause, and tdeliuer me derstanding, and of a beautifull counte-
out of thine hand. nance : but the man was churlish anc
16 11 And it came to passe when Da- euill in his doings, and hee wa# of the
uid had made an ende of speaking these louse of Caleb.
words vnto Saul, that Saul said , Is 4 IF And Dauid heard in the wilder
this thy voice, my sonne Dauid ? Anc nesse, that Nabal did sheare his sheepe
Saul lift vp his voice, and wept. 5 And Dauid sent out ten yong men
17 And he said to Dauid, Thou art and Dauid said vnto the young men
more righteous then I : for thou hast Get you vp to Carmel, and goe to Na-
rewarded mee good, whereas I haue bal, and tgreete him in my name; \Heb.aske
6 And thus shall ye say to him that name* him m my
rewarded thee euill. of
18 And thou hast shewed this day liueth inpro$peritie,I*ea,cebebolli tothee peace.
how that thou hast dealt well with me: and peace be to thine house, and peace be
forasmuch as when the L O R D hac vnto all that thou hast.
t Heb. shut tdeliuered me into thine hand, thou kil- 7 And now, I haue heard that thou
vp. ledst me not. hast shearers : now thy shepheard
19 For if a man finde his enemie, wil which were with vs, wee thurt them \Heb.slM.
hee let him goe well away ? wherefore not , neither was there ought missing
the L O R D reward thee good, for that vnto them, all the while they were in
thou hast done vnto me this day. Carmel.
20 And now behold, I know we! 8 Aske thy yong men, and they wi!
that thou shalt surely be King, and that shew thee : wherefore let the yong me
Nabals churliflmes. I.Samuel. Abigails wifdome*
finde fauour in thine eyes: (for we come asse, that she came downe by the couert
in a good day) giue, I pray thee, what- of the hill, and behold, Dauid and his
soeuer commeth to thine hand, vnto thy men came downe against her, and she
seruants, and to thy sonne Dauid. met them.
9 And when Dauids yong men 21 (Now Dauid had said, Surely
came, they spake to Nabal according to in vaine haue I kept all that this fel-
all those words in the name of Dauid, low hath in the wildernesse, so that no-
IHeb. re- and t ceased. thing was missed of all that pertained
10 1f And Nabal answered Dauids vnto him: and he hath requited me euil
seruants, and said, Who is Dauid? and for good.
who is the sonne of lesse ? There bee 22 So and more also doe God vnto
many seruants now a daies that breake the enemies of Dauid, if I leaue of all
away euery man from his master. that pertaine to him by the morning
11 Shall I then take my bread and light, any that pisseth against the wall.)
iHebr. my water, and my tflesh that I haue 23 And when Abigail saw Dauid,
slaughter. killed for my shearers, and giue it vnto she hasted, and lighted off the asse, and
men, whom I know not whence they fell before Dauid on her face, and bow-
bee? ed her selfe to the ground,
12 So Dauids yong men turned their 24 And fell at his feet, and said, Vp-
way, and went againe, and came and on me, my lord, vpon me let this iniquitie
told him all those sayings. be, and let thine handmaid, I pray thee,
13 And Dauid said vnto his men, speake in thine t audience, and heare the MIeb, cares.
Gird you on euery man his sword. And words of thine handmaid.
they girded on euery man his sword, 25 Let not my lord, I pray thee, t re- totffeb.layit
his heart.
and Dauid also girded on his sword : gard this man of Belial, euen Nabal:
and there went vp after Dauid about for as his name is, so is he: Nabal i^his
foure hundred men, and two hundred name , and folly is with him : But I
abode by the stuffe. thine handmaid saw not the yong men
14 If J8ut one of the yong men told of my lord, whom thou didst send.
Abigail Nabals wife, saying, Behold, 26 Now therefore , my lord, as the
Dauid sent messengers out of the wil- LORD liueth, and as thy soule liueth,
flew vpon
dernesse to salute our master: and the seeing the L O R D hath withholden
them. railed on them. thee from comming to shed blood, and
t Heb. «to-
mcd. 15 But the men were very good vnto from tauenging thy selfe with thine uing
vs, and we were not thurt, neither mis- owne hand : now let thine enemies and selfi.
sed we any thing as long as wee were they that seeke euill to my lord, bee as
conuersant with them , when we were Nabal.
in the fields. 27 And now this || blessing which II Ort present
16 They were a wall vnto vs both thine handmaid hath brought vnto my
by night aftd day, all the while we were lord, let it euen be giuen vnto the yong
with them keeping sheepe. men that t follow my lord. \Heb.waUce
17 Now therefore know and consi- 28 I pray thee, forgiue the trespasse at$c.
the feet of
der what thou wilt doe : for euill is de- of thine handmaide: for the L O R D
termined against our master , and a- will certainely make my lord a sure
gainst all his houshold: for he is such a house, because my lord fighteth the bat-
sonne of Belial, that a man cannot tels of the LORD, and euill hath not
speake to him. bene found in thee all thy dayes.
18 H Then Abigail made haste, and 29 Yet a man is risen to pursue thee,
tooke two hundred loaues, and two and to seeke thy soule: but the soule of
bottles of -wine, and- flue sheepe readie my lord shall be bound in the bundle of
dressed , and fiue measures of parched life with the L O R D thy God, and
K Or, lumps. come, and an hundred || clusters of rai- the soules of thine enemies, them shall
sins, and two hundred cakes of figges, he sling out, ta«y out of the middle of a midst
of the
and laid them on asses. sling. bought of a
19 And she said vnto her seruants, 30 And it shall come to passe when sling.
Goe on before me, behold, I come after the LORD shal haue done to my lord,
you: but she told not her husband Na- according to all the good that hee hath
bal. spoken concerning thee, and shall haue
20 And it was so as she rode on the appointed thee ruler ouer Israel ;
31 That
Nabal dieth. Dauid Chap.xxvj. marieth Abigail.
t Hebr. no 31 That this shall bee no tgriefe vn- uant to wash the teet or the seruants ot
or, stum- to thee, nor offence of heart vnto my my lord.
bling. lord, either that thou hast shed blood 42 And Abigail hasted, and rose,
causelesse, or that my lord hath auenged and rode vpon an asse, with fiue damo-
himselfe: But when the L O R D shall sels of hers that went t after her; and t Hebr. at
haue dealt well with my lord, then re- she went after the messengers of Da- herfeet.
member thine handmayd. uid, and became his wife.
32 IF And Dauid sayd to Abigail, 43 Dauid also tooke Ahinoam *of * losh, 15.
Blessed be the L O R D God of Israel, lezreel, and they were also both of
which sent thee this day to meet me. them his wiues.
33 And blessed bee thy aduice, and 44 f But Saul had giuen * Mi-14, *2. Sam 3
blessed be thou, which hast kept me this ch al his daughter, Dauids wife, to
day from comming to shed blood, and Phalti the sonne of Laish, which was
from auenging my selfe with mine of Gallim.
owne hand.
34 For in very deed, as the L O R D
God of Israel liueth, which hath kept C H A P . XXVI.
mee backe from hurting thee, except 1 Saul by the discouery of the Ziphites, com-
thou hadst hasted and come to meet me, meth to Hachilah against Dauid. 4 Da-
uid comming into the trench, stayeth A-
surely there had not bene left vnto Na- bishai from killing Saul, hut taketh his
bal, by the morning light, any that pis- . speare and cruse. 13 Dauid reprooueth Ab-
seth against the wall. ner, 18 and exhorteth Saul. 21 Saul ac-
knowledgeth his sinne.
35 So Dauid receiued of her hand

that which shee had brought him, and Nd the Ziphites came
sayd vnto her, Goe vp in peace to thine vnto Saul to Gibeah,
house; See, I haue hearkened to thy saying, * Doeth not Da- *19.Chap. 23.
voyce, and haue accepted thy person.
36 IP And Abigail came to Nabal,
and behold, he held a feast in his house
•H uid hide himselfe in the
hill of Hachilah, which is
before leshimon?
like the feast of a king; & Nabals heart 2 Then Saul arose, and went
was merry within him, for hee was very downe to the wildernesse of Ziph, ha-
drunken: wherefore shee tolde him no- iring three thousand chosen men of Is-
thing, lesse or more, vntill the morning rael with him, to seeke Dauid in the wil-
light. dernesse of Ziph.
37 But it came to passe in the mor- 3 And Saul pitched in the hill of
ning , when the wine was gone out of Hachilah, which is before leshimon by
Nabal, and his wife had told him these the way : but Dauid abode in the wil-
things, that his heart died within him, dernesse , and he saw that Saul came
and he became as a stone. after him into the wildernesse.
38 And it came to passe about ten 4 Dauid therefore sent out spies,
dayes after, that the L O R D smote Na- and vnderstood that Saul was come in
bal, that he died. very deed.
39 f And when Dauid heard that 5 U And Dauid arose, and came to
Nabal was dead, he said, Blessed be the the place where Saul had pitched : and
LORD, that hath pleaded the cause of Dauid beheld the place where Saul
my reproch from the hand of Nabal, lay, and * Abner the sonne of Ner the * Chap. 14.
and hath kept his seruant from euil: for captaine of his hoste: and Saul lay in 50.55.
and 17*
the L O R D hath returned the wicked- the ||trench, and the people pitched II Or, midst
nesse of Nabal vpon his owne head. round about him. of his car-
And Dauid sent, and communed with 6 Then answered Dauid, and sayd
Abigail, to take her to him to wife. to Ahimelech theHittite,and to Abishai
40 And when the seruants of Da- the sonne of Zeruiah brother to loab,
uid were come to Abigail to Carmel, saying, Who will goe downe with me
they spake vnto her, saying, Dauid to Saul to the campe? And Abishai
sent vs vnto thee, to take thee to him sayd, I will goe downe with thee.
to wife. 7 So Dauid and Abishai came to
41 And shee arose, and bowed her the people by night, and behold, Saul
selfe on her face to the earth, and sayd, lay sleeping within the trench, and his
Beholde, let thine handmayd bee a ser- speare stucke in the ground at his bol-
Dauid declareth LSamuel his innocencie.
ster : but Abuer and the people lay 19 Now therefore , I pray thee, let
round about him. my lord the king heare the words of his
8 Then said Abishai to Dauid, God seruant : If the LORD haue stirred
t Hcb, shut
hath t deliuered thine enemie into thine thee vp against mee, let him t accept an Heb. smell.
hand this day : now therefore let mee offering : but if they be the children of
smite him, I pray thee, with the speare, men, cursed be they before the LORD:
euen to the earth at once , and I will Tor they haue driuen me out this day
not smite him the second time. from t abiding in the inheritance of the umg.
t Heb. elect-
9 And Dauid sayd to Abishai , De- L O R D , saying, Goe serue other
stroy him not : for who can stretch forth gods.
his hand against the L O R D S Anoin- 20 Now therefore, let not my blood
ted, and be guiltlesse ? fall to the earth before the face of the
10 Dauid said furthermore, As the L O R D : for the king of Israel is come
L O R D liueth, the L O R D shal smite out to seeke a flea, as when one doeth
him, or his day shall corne to die, or hee hunt a partridge in the mountaines
shall descend into battell, and perish. 21 U Then said Saul, I haue sin-
11 The L O R D forbid that I should ned : Returne, my sonne Dauid, for I
stretch foorth mine hand against the will no more doe thee harme , because
L O R D S Anointed • but I pray thee, my soule was precious in thine eyes
take thou now the speare that is at his this day : behold , I haue played the
bolster, and the cruse of water, and let foole, and haue erred exceedingly.
vs goe. 22 And Dauid answered , and sayd,
12 So Dauid tooke the speare and Behold the kings speare, and let one of
the cruse of water from Sauls bolster, the yong men come ouer and fetch it.
and they gate them away, and no man 28 The L O R D render to euery
saw it , nor knew it , neither awaked : man his righteousnesse , and his faith-
for they were all asleepe, because a deepe fulnesse : for the L O R D deiiuered thee
sleepejfrom the LORD was fallen vp- into my hand to day, but I would not
on them. stretch foorth mine hand against the
13 IT Then Dauid went oner to the LORDS Anointed
other side, and stood on the toppe of an 24 And behold, as thy life was much
Kill afarre off ( a great space being be- set by this day in mine eyes: so let my
tweene them:) life bee much set by in the eyes of the
14t And Dauid cryed to the people, LORD, and let him deliuer me out of
and to Abner the sonne of Ner, saying, all tribulation.
Answerest thou not, Abner? Then 25 Then Saul said to Dauid, Bles-
Abner answered , and sayd , Who art sed be thou, my sonne Dauid : thou shalt
thou that cryest to the King ? both doe great things, and also shalt still
15 And Dauid said to Abner, Art not preuaile. So Dauid went on his way,
thou a valiant man ? and who is like to and Saul returned to his place.
thee in Israel? Wherefore then hast
thou not kept thy lord the king ? for CHAP XXVII.
there came one of the people in, to de-
stroy the king thy lord. 1 Saul hearing Dauid to be in Gath, seeketh no
more for him. 6 Dauid beggeth Ziklag of
lo This thing is not good that thou Achish. 8 Hee inuading other countreys,
hast done: as the LORD liueth, ye are perswadeth Achish he fought against ludah.
MIeb.the t worthy to die, because yee haue not
kept your master the L O R D S An- ND Dauid sayd in his

ointed : and now see where the Kings heart, I shall now t pe- consumed.
\ Hebr. be
speare is, and the cruse of water that rish one day by the hand
was at his bolster. of Saul : there is nothing
17 And Saul knew Dauids voyce, better for me, then that 1
and said, Is this thy voice, my sonne should speedily escape into the land ol
Dauid? And Dauid saide, It is my the Philistines; and Saul shal despaire
voice, my lord, O king. of me, to seeke me any more in any coast
18 And he said, Wherefore doeth my of Israel: so shall I escape out of his
lord thus pursue after his seruant ? for hand.
what haue I done ? or what euill is in 2 And Dauid arose, and hee passec
mine hand ? ouer with the sixe hundred men that
Achifli deceiued. Chap.xxviij. Saul trembleth.
zvere with him, vnto Achish the soxme of ND it came to passe in
Maoch king of Gath.
3 And Dauid dwelt with Achish at
Gath, he, and his men, euery man with
his houshold, euen Dauid with his two
A those dayes, that the Phi-
listines gathered their ar-
mies together for war-
fare, to fight with Israel:
wiues, Ahinoam the lezreelitesse, and And Achish said vnto Dauid, Knowe
Abigail the Carmelitesse Nabals wife. thou assuredly, that thou shalt goe out
4 And it was told Saul, that Da- with me to battell, thou, and thy men.
uid was fled to Gath, and he sought no £ And Dauid said to Achish, Surely
more againe for him. thou shalt know what thy seruant can
5 H And Dauid said vnto Achish, doe. And Achish said to Dauid, Ther-
If I haue now found grace in thine fore will I make thee keeper of mine
eyes, let them giue mee a place in some head for euer.
towne in the countrey, that I may 3 ^T Now * Samuel was dead, and *I. Chap. 25.
dwel there : for why should thy seruant all Israel had lamented him, and buri-
dwell in the royall citie with thee ? ed him in Ramab, euen in his owne ci-
6 Then Achish gaue him Ziklag tie : and Saul had put away those that
that day: wherfore Ziklag pertaineth had familiar spirits, and the wyzards,
vnto the kings of ludah vnto this day. out of the land.
t Heb. the 7 And tthe time that Dauid dwelt 4 And the Philistines gathered
number of
dayes. in the countrey of the Philistines , was themselues together, and came and pit-
\ Hebr. a ta full yeere, and foure moneths. ched in Shunem : and Saul gathered
yeere of
dayes. 8 1F And Dauid and his men went all Israel together, and they pitched in
vp and inuaded the Geshurites, and the Gilboa.
R Or, Ger. ||Gezrites, and the Amalekites : for 5 And when Saul saw the hoste of
zites. the Philistines, he was afraid, and his
those nations were of old the inhabitants
of the land, as thou goest to Shur, e- heart greatly trembled.
uen vnto the land of Egypt. 6 And when Saul enquired of the
9 And Dauid smote the land, and left L O R D , the L O U D answered him
neither man nor woman aliue , and not, neither by dreames, nor by Vrim,
tooke away the sheepe , and the oxen, nor by Prophets.
and the asses, and the camels, and the 7 f Then said Saul vnto his ser-
apparell, and returned, and came to A- uants, Seeke me a woman that hath a
chish. familiar spirit, that I may goe to her,
\ Or, did you 10 And Achish said, || Whither haue and enquire of her. And his seruant
not make a
rode, <Jc ye made a rode to day? And Dauid said, said to him, Beholde, there is a woman
Against the South of ludah , and a- that hath a familiar spirit at Endor.
gainst the South of the lerahmee- 8 And Saul disguised himselfe, and
lites, and against the South of the Ke- put on other raiment , and hee went,
nites. and two men with him, and they came
11 And Dauid saued neither man to the woman by night, and he said, I
nor woman aliue , to bring tidings to pray thee diuine vnto me by the famili-
Gath, saying, Lest they should tell on ar spirit, and bring me him vp whom I
vs, saying, So did Dauid, and so will shall name vnto thee.
be his maner, all the while he dwelleth 9 And the woman saide vnto him,
in the countrey of the Philistines. Beholde, thou knowest what Saul
1£ And Achish beleeued Dauid, say- hath done, how hee hath cut off those
ing , Hee hath made his people Israel that haue familiar spirits, and the wy-
t Hebr. to tvtterly to abhorre him, therefore hee zards out of the land : wherefore then
stinfa. layest thou a snare for my life, to cause
shall be my seruant for euer.
me to die ?
10 And Saul sware to her by the
C H A P . XXVIII. LORD, saying, As the L O R D hueth,
1 Achish tmtteth confidence in Dauid. SSaul there shall no punishment happen to
hauing destroyed the witches, 4 and now in thee for this thing.
his feare forsaken of God, 7 seeketh to a 11 Then said the woman, Whome
witch. 9 The witch, encouraged by Saul, shall I bring vp vnto thee? and he said,
raiseth vp Samuel. 15 Saul hearing hisruine,
fainteth. 31 The woman with his seruants Bring me vp Samuel.
refresh him with meate* \% And when the woman saw Sa-
Saul is with the I.Samuel. witch at Endor.
uelo, sh cried wih a lwd oyce; andm 23 But hee refused, and said, I will
the woman spake to Saul, saying. Why not eate. But his seruants together
hastthoudeceiued me? for thou art Saul. with the woman compelled him , and
13 And the king sayd vnto her, Be he hearkened vnto their voyce : so he a-
not afraid : for what sawest thou? And rose from the earth, & sate vpon the bed.
the woman said vnto Saul, I saw 24 And the woman had a fat calfe
gods ascending out of the earth. in the house, and she hasted, and killed it,
t He br. what 14 And he said vnto her, t Whatforme and tooke flower and kneaded it, and
is his forme?
is he of ? And she said, An old man com- did bake vnleauened bread thereof.
meth vp, and he is couered with a man- 25 And she brought it before Saul,
tle. And Saul perceiued that it was and before his seruants, and they did
Samuel, and hee stouped with his face eate: then they arose vp, and went a-
to the ground, and bowed himselfe. way that night.
15 f And Samuel said to Saul, Why
hast thou disquieted me, to bring me vp? C H A P . XXIX.
And Saul answered, I am sore distres- 1 Dauid marching with the Philistines, 3 is
sed; for the Philistins make war against disalo wed by their Princes. 6 Achish dismis-
me, and God is departed from me, and seth him with enmmendatimiR of his fidelity.
t Heir, by answereth me no more, neither tby Pro- Ow the Philistines gathe-
the hand of hets , nor by dreames : therefore I
Prophets, red together all their ar-
aue called thee, that thou mayst make mies toAphek: and the Is-
knowen vnto me , what I shall doe. raelites pitched by a foun-
16 Then said Samuel, Wherefore taine which is in lezreel.
then doest thou aske of mee, seeing the & And the lords of the Philistines
L O R D is departed from thee, and is passed on by hundreds, and by thou-
become thine enemy? sands : but Dauid and his men passed
« Or, for 17 And the L O R D hath done ||to on in the rere-ward with Achish,
himselfe. 3 Then said the princes of the Phi-
* Chap. 15. him , *as hee spake by tmee : for the
28. LORD hath rent the kingdome out listines, What doe theseHebrewes here?
t Heir, mine And Achish said vnto the princes of the
hand, of thine hand, and giuen it to thy neigh-
bour, euen to Dauid : Philistines, Is not this Dauid the ser-
18 Because thou obeiedst not the voice uant of Saul the king of Israel, which
of the LORD, nor executedst his fierce hath bene with me these dayes, or these
wrath vpon Amalek, therefore hath yeeres, and I haue found no fault in
the L O R D done this thing vnto thee him since he fell vnto me, vnto this day?
this day. 4 And the princes of the Philistines
19 Mor£ouer, the L O R D will also were wroth with him, and the princes
deliuer Israel with thee, into the hand of the Philistines said vnto him, *Make 12. * 1. Chron.
of the Philistines : and to morrow shall this fellow returne, that he may goe a-
thou and thy sonnes bee with mee : the gaine to his place which thou nast ap-
L O R D also shall deliuer the hoste ol pointed him, and let him not go downe
Israel into the hand of the Philistines. with vs to battel, lest in the battell he be
t Heb. made 20 Then Saul tfell straightway all an aduersary to vs : for wherewith
haste and fel should hee reconcile himselfe vnto his
with theful- along on the earth, and was sore afraid,
nesse of his because of the words of Samuel, & there
master? should it not be with the heads
was no strength in him : for he had ea- of these men ?
ten no bread all the day, nor al the night 5 Is not this Dauid, of whom they
21 1F And the woman came vnto sang one to another in daunces, saying,
Saul , and saw that he was sore trou- *Saul slew his thousands, and Dauid 7.* Chap. and 21.
bled, and sayd vnto him, Behold, thine his ten thousands ? 11.
handmayd hath obeyed thy voice , anc 6 f Then Achish called Dauid, and
I haue put my life in my hand , an(5 said vnto him, Surely, as the L O R D
haue hearkened vnto thy words which liueth, thou hast bene vpright, and thy
thou spakest vnto me. going out and thy comming in with me
22 Now therefore, I pray thee, hear- in the hoste is good in my sight : for I
ken thou also vnto the voyce of thine haue not found euil in thee, since the day
handmaid, & let me set a morsel of breac of thy comming vnto me vnto this day: Webr. thou
before thee; & eat, that thou mayesthaue neuertheles, the fiords fauour thee not, art not good
in the eyes of
strength, when thou goest on thy way. 7 Wherefore now returne and goe the lords.
i in
Ziklag burnt. Dauid purfueth them.
t Hebr. dne in peace, that thou t displease not the sed: for the people spake of stoning him,
not euill in ords of the Philistines. because the soule of all the people was
the eyes of
tht lords. 8 IF And Dauid said vnto Achish, tgrieued, euery man for his sonnes, and Web. bitter.
But what haue I done ? and what hast for his daughters : but Dauid encoura-
;hou found in thy seruant so long as I ged himselfe in the L O R D his God.
t Hebr. be- baue bene t with thee vnto this day, that 7 And Dauid said to Abiathar the
fore thee.
[ may not goe fight against the ene- Priest Ahimelechs sonne, I pray thee,
mies of my lord the king ? bring mee hither the Ephod: and Abi-
9 And Achish answered, aud said to athar brought thither the Ephod to
Dauid, I know that thou art good in Dauid.
my sight, as an Angel of God: notwith- 8 And Dauid enquired at the
standing the Princes of the Philistines LORD, saying; Shall I pursue after
baue said, Hee shall not goe vp with vs this troupe? shall I ouertake them?
to the battell. And he answered him, Pursue, for thou
10 Wherfore now rise vp early in the shalt surely ouertake them, and with-
morning, with thy masters seruants out faile recouer all.
that are come with thee: and assoone 9 So Dauid went, hee, and the sixe
as yee be vp early in the morning, and hundred men that were with him , and
haue light, depart. came to the brooke Besor, where those
11 So Dauid and his men rose vp that were left behinde, stayed.
early to depart in the morning, to re- 10 But Dauid pursued, he and foure
turne into the land of the Philistines; hundred men : (for two hundred abode
and the Philistines went vp to lezreel. behinde, which were so faint that they
could not goe ouer the brooke Besor.)
11 11 And they found an Egyptian
CHAP. XXX. in the field, and brought him to Dauid,
1 The Amalekites spoile Ziklag. 4 Dauid as-
and gaue him bread, and he did eate,and
king counsell, is encouraged by God to pur- they made him drinke water.
sue them. 11 By the meanes of a reuiued E- 12 And they gaue him a piece of a
gyptian, he is brought to the enemies^ and re- cake of figges, and two clusters of rai-
couereth all the spoile. 22 Dauids law to di- sins: and when hee had eaten, his spirit
uide the spoile equally betweene them that
fight, and them that keepe the stufFe. 26 He came againe to him : for hee had eaten
sendeth presents to his friends. no bread, nor drunke any water, three
cjayes and three nights.
Nd it came to passe when 13 And Dauid sayde vnto h i m , To

Mi Dauid and his men were

come to Ziklag on the
third day, that the Ama-
lekites had inuaded the
whome belongest thou ? and whence art
thou ? And he said, I am a yong man of
Egypt, seruant to an Amalekite, and
my master left me, because three dayes
South and Ziklag, and smitten Zik- agone I fell sicke.
lag, and burnt it with fire: 14 Wee made an inuasion vpon the
§ And had taken the women cap- South of the Cherethites, and vpon
tiues, that were therein; they slewe not the coast which belongeth to ludah, and
any either great or smal, but caried them vpon the South of Caleb, and wee
away, and went on their way. burnt Ziklag with fire.
3 U So Dauid and his men came 15 And Dauid sayde to him, Canst
to the citie, and beholde, it was burnt thou bring me downe to this company?
with fire, and their wiues, and their And he said, Sweare vnto me by God,
sonnes, and their daughters were ta- that thou wilt neither kill me, nor deli-
ken captiues. uer mee into the handes of my master,
4 Then Dauid and the people that and I will bring thee downe to this
were with him, lift vp their voice, and company.
wept, vntill they had no more power to 16 f And when he had brought him
weepe. downe, behold, they were spread abroad
5 And Dauids two wiues were ta- vpon all the earth, eating and drinking,
ken captiues, Ahinoam the lezreeli- and dauncing, because of all the great
tesse, and Abigail the wife of Nabal the spoile that they had taken out of the
Carmelite. land of the Philistines, and out of the
6 And Dauid was greatly distres- land of ludah.
17 And
Daniels fpoile. I.Samuel. Sauls death.
17 And Dauid smote them from the erahmeehtes, and to them which were
t Heb. their wilight, euen vnto the euening of tthe n the cities of the Kenites,
next day: and there escaped not a man 30 And to them which were in Hor-
of them, saue foure hundred yong men mah, and to them which were in Chora-
which rode vpon camels, and fled. shan, and to them which were in Athach,
18 And Dauid recouered all that the 31 And to them which were in Hebron,
Amalekites had caried away : and Da- and to all the places where Dauid him-
uid rescued his two wiues. j selfe and his men were wont to haunt.
19 And there was nothing lacking
to them, neither small nor great, neither
sonnes nor daughters , neither spoile , C H A P . XXXI.
nor any thing that they had taken to 1 Saul hairing lost his armie, and his sonnes
them : Dauid recouered all. slaine, he and his armour bearer kill them-
20 And Dauid tooke all the flockes, selues. 7 The Philistines possesse the forsa-
and the herds, which they draue before ken townes of the Israelites. 8 They triumph
those other cattell, and said, This is Da- ouer the dead carkeises. 1 1 They of labesh
( Gilead, recouering the bodies by night,
uids spoile. burne them at labesh, and mournfully
21 % And Dauid came to the two burie their bones.
lundred men which were so faint that
they could not follow Dauid, whome Owe *the Philistines * l. Chron.
they had made also to abide at the brook
Besor: and they went forth to meet Da-
uid, and to meete the people, that were
with him; and when Dauid came neere
N fought against Israel : 10. l.
and the men of Israel fled
from before the Phili-
stines , and fell downe
!' Or, aaked to the people, lie ||saluted them. | slaine in mount Gilboa. II Or. woun-
them hoice
they did. 22 Then answered all the wicked 2 And the Philistines followed hard ded.
t Heb. men. men, and men of Belial, of t those that vpon Saul, and vpon his sonnes, and
went with Dauid, and said, Because the Philistines slewe lonathan, and
they went not with vs, we wil not giue Abinadab, and Malchishua, Sauls
them ought of the spoile, that wee haue sonnes.
recouered, saue to euery man his wife 3 And the battell went sore against
and his children , that they may leade Saul, and the t archers t hit him, and heters
t Heb. shoo-
t men
them away, and depart. was sore wounded of the archers. with bowes.
23 Then said Dauid, Ye shall not do 4 Then said Saul vnto his armour him. found
so, my brethren , with that which the bearer, Draw thy sword, and thrust me
L O R D hath giuen vs, who hath pre- through therewith, lest these vncircum-
serued vs, and deliuered the companie cised come and thrust me through, and
that came against vs, into our hand. [abuse mee. But his armour bearer II Or, mockc
24 For who will hearken vnto you would not, for he was sore afraid: ther- me.
in this matter ? But as his part is that fore Saul tooke a sword, & fell vpon it.
goeth downe to the battell, so shall his 5 And when his armour bearer saw
part bee that tarieth by the stuflfe: they that Saul was dead, he fell likewise vp-
shall part alike. on his sword, and died with him.
t Heb. and
25 And it was so from that day tfor- 6 So Saul died, and his three sons,
ward, that he made it a statute, and an arid his armour bearer, and all his men
ordinance for Israel, vnto this day. that same day together.
26 II And when Dauid came to 7 II And when the men of Israel
Ziklag, hee sent of the spoile vnto the that were on the other side of the valley,
Elders of ludah, euen to his friends, and they that were on the other side lor-
\Hel>. bles- (saying, Behold a t Present for you, ol dane, saw that the men of Israel fled,
the spoile of the enemies of the LORD" and that Saul and his sonnes were
27 To them which were in Bethel dead, they forsooke the cities and fled,
and to them which were in South Ra- and the Philistines came and dwelt in
moth, and to them which were in lattir them.
28 And to them which were in^Aroer, 8 And it came to passe on the mor-
and to them which were in Siphmoth row when the Philistines came to strip
and to them which were in Eslitemoa, the slaine, that they found Saul, and
29 And to them which were in Rachal his three sons fallen in mount Gilboa.
and them which were in the cities of the 9 And they cut off his head, and
Dauid heareth Chap. j. of Sauls death*
stripped off his armour , and sent into Philistines had done to Saul:
the land of the Philistines round about 12 All the valiant men arose, and
to publish it in the house of their idoles, went all night, and tooke the body of
and among the people. Saul, and the bodies of his sonnes
10 And they put his armour in the from the wall of Bethshan, and came
house of Ashtaroth : and they fastened to labesh, and * burnt them there, * lere. 34.
his body to the wall of Bethshan. 13 And they tooke their bones, and
II Or, concei - 11 f And when the inhabitants of * buried them vnder a tree at labesh, 4.* 2. Sam. 2.
ning him.
labesh Gilead heard ||of that which the and fasted seuen dayes.


of Samuel, other wife called, The
second Booke of the Kings.
that Saul and Jonathan his sonne be
CHAP. I. dead ?
1 The Amalekite, who brought tidings of the 6 And the yong man that told him,
ouerthrow, and accused himselfe of Sauls said, As I happened by chance vpon
death, is slaine. 17 Dauid lamenteth Saul mount Gilboa, behold , Saul leaned
and Jonathan with a song. vpon his speare : and loe, the charets
Ow it came to and horsemen followed hard after him.

passe after y death 7 And when he looked behind him,
of Saul, when he saw me, and called vnto mee : and I
Dauid was re- answered, tHere am I. t Heir. be.
* i. Sam. turned from *the 8 And hee said vnto mee, Who art told me.
so. 17. slaughter of the thou ? and I answered him, I am an
Amalekites, and Amalekite.
Dauid had abode 9 He said vnto me againe, Stand, I
two daies in Zik- pray thee, vpon me, and slay me: for || an- coat
H Or, my
of male,
lag» guish is come vpon mee, because my life tor. my em-
2 It came euen to passe on the third is yet whole in me. coat) Mnde-
day, that behold, a man came out of the 10 So I stood vpon him, and slew reth mee,
that my, $c.
campe from Saul, with his clothes him, because I was sure that hee could
rent, and earth vpon his head: and so it not liue after that hee was fallen : And
was when he came to Dauid, that hee I tooke the crowne that was vpon his
fell to the earth, and did obeysance. head, and the bracelet that was on his
3 And Dauid said vnto him , From arme, and haue brought them hither
whence commest thou? And he said vn- vnto my lord.
to him, Out of the campe of Israel am 11 Then Dauid tooke hold on his

t Heb. what
I escaped.
4 And Dauid said vnto him, tHow
clothes, and *rent them, and likewise all
the men that were with him. "ch
was $c. 12 And they mourned and wept, and
went the matter? I pray thee, tell mee.
And he answered, That the people are fasted vntill Euen, for Saul and for Jo-
fled from the battell, and many of the nathan his sonne, and for the people of
people also are fallen and dead, and the LORD, and for the house of Is-
Saul and Jonathan his sonne are rael , because they were fallen by the
dead also. sword.
5 And Dauid said vnto the yong 13 IF And Dauid said vnto the yong
man that told him, How knowest thou man that told him, Whence art thou?
)auid lamenteth. II.SamueL Saaul buried.
And he answered, I am the sonne of a
tranager, an Amalekite. C H A P . II.
14 And Dauid said vnto him, *How
* Psal. 105. wast thou not afraid to stretch foorth 1 Dauid by Gods direction, with his companie
goeth vp to Hebron, where he is made King
hine hand, to destroy the LORDS of ludah. 5 He commendeth them of la-
Anointed ? besh Gilead, for their kindnesse to Saul. 8
15 And Dauid called one of the yong Abner maketh Ishbosheth king of Israel.
men, and sayd, Goe neere, and fall vp- 12 A mortall skirmish betweene twelue of
Abners, and twelue of loabs men. 18 Asahel
on him. And hee smote him, that hee is slaine. 25 At Abners motion loab soun-
dyed. deth a retreat. 32 Asahels buriall.
16 And Dauid said vnto him, Thy

)lood be vpon thy head: for thy mouth Nd it came to passe after
lath testified against thee, saying, I this, that Dauid enquired
laue slaine the LORDS Annoyn- of the LORD , saying,
ted. Shall T goe vp into any
17 IF And Dauid lamented with this of the Cities of ludah ?
amentation ouer Saul, and ouer Jo- &nd the LORD said vnto him, Goe
nathan his sonne: vp. And Dauid said, Whither shall I
18 (Also hee bade them teach the chil- joe vp ? And he said, Vnto Hebron.
dren of ludah the vse o^the bow : be- 2 So Dauid went vp thither, and
* losh. 10. lold, it is written *in the booke || of la- lis two wiues also, Ahinoam the lez-
lOr^ffahe sher.) reelitesse, and Abigail Nabals wife the
vpright, 19 The beauty of Israel is slaine vp- Carmelite.
on thy high places: how are the migh- 3 And his men that were with him,
tie fallen! did Dauid bring vp, euery man with his
*Micahl, 20 *Tell it not in Gath, publish it boushold: and they dwelt in the cities
not in the streetes of Askelon: lest the of Hebron.
daughters of the Philistines reioyce, 4 And *the men of ludah came, 2aaaaa
test the daughters of the vncircumcisec and there they anointed Dauid king o-
triumph. uer the house of ludah: and they tolde
21 Yee mountaines of Gilboa, let Dauid, saying; That *the men of la- 3a21a
there bee no dewe , neither let there be besh Gilead were they that buried Saul.
raine vpon you, nor fields of offerings: 5 IT And Dauid sent messengers vn-
for there the shield of the mightie is to the men of labesh Gilead, and saic
vilely cast away, the shield of Saul, vnto them, Blessed be ye of the LORD,
as though hee had not beene annointec that ye haue shewed this kindnesse vn-
with oile. to your lord, euen vnto Saul, and haue
22 From the blood of the slaine, from buried him.
the fat of the mightie, the bow of Jona- 6 And now the L O R D shewe
than turned not backe, and the sword o kindnesse and trueth vnto you: and ]
Saul returned not emptie. ^Iso will requite you this kindnesse, be-
23 Saul and lonathan were louely cause ye haue done this thing.
1aaaa0 and ||pleasant in their liues, and in their 7 Therefore now let your handes
death they were not diuided: they were be strengthened, and the ye valiant: for ye
the sonnesoj
swifter then Eagles* they were stronger your master Saul is dead, and also the valour.
then Lions. house of ludah haue anointed me king
24 Yee daughters of Israel, weepe ouer them.
ouer Saul, who clothed you in scarlet, 8 5[ But Abner the sonne of Ner,
with other delights, who put on orna- captaine of t Sauls hoste, tooke Ishbo- hoste
ments of golde vpon your apparell. sheth the sonne of Saul, and brought was Sauls.
25 How are the mightie fallen in the him ouer to Mahanaim.
midst of the battell! 0 lonathan, thou 9 And hee made him king ouer Gi-
wast slaine in thine high places. lead, and ouer the Ashurites, and ouer
26 I am distressed for thee, my bro- lezreel, and ouer Ephraim, and ouer
ther lonathan, very pleasant hast thou Beniamin, and ouer all Israel.
beene vnto mee : thy loue to mee was 10 Ishbosheth Sauls sonne was tor-
wonderful!, passing the loue of women. tie yeeres olde when he began to reigne
27 How are the mightie fallen, am ouer Israel, and reigned two yeres : abu
the weapons of warre perished ! the house of ludah followed Dauid.
11 (And
Dauids warre Chap.ij. with Iflibolheth.
h Heb. num- 11 (And the +time that Dauid was in the same place : and it came to passe,
ber qfdayes. King in Hebron ouer the house of lu- that as many as came to the place
dah, was seuen yeeres,andsixemoneths) where Asatol fell downe and died.
12 IF And Abner the sonne of Ner, stood still.
and the seruants of Ishbosheth the 24 loab also and Abishai pursued
sonne of Saul, went out from Maha- after Abner : and the Sunne went
naim, to Gibeon. downe when they were come to the hill
13 And loab the sonne of Zeruiah, of Ammah, that lieth before Giah by the
and the seruants of Dauid went out, way of the wildernesse of Gibeon.
t Heb. them and met t together by the poole of Gi- 25 ^1 And the children of Beniamin
together. 3eon : and they sate downe, the one on gathered themselues together after Ab-
the one side of the poole, and the other ner, and became one troupe, and stood
on the other side of the poole. on the top of an hill.
14 And Abner said to loab, Let 26 Then Abner called to loab, and
;he yong men now arise, and play be- said, Shall the sword deuoure for euer?
ibre vs: and loab saide, Let them Knowest thou not that it wil be bitter-
arise. nesse in the latter end ? How long shall
15 Then there arose and went ouer it bee then, yer thou bid the people re-
ay number twelue of Beniamin, which turne from following their brethren ?
pertained to Ishbosheth the sonne of 27 And loab said , As God liueth.
3aul , and twelue of the seruants of vnlesse thou hadst spoken , surely then
Dauid. tin the morning the people had ||gone the t Heb. from
16 And they caught euery one his fel- vp euery one from following his bro- I Or, gone
low by the head, and thrust his sword in i
ther. away.
Iris fellowes side, so they fell downe to- 28 So loab blew a trumpet , and
gether: Wherfore that place was called all the people stood still, and pursued af-
1 That is, ter Israel no more, neither fought they
the field of [Helkath-hazzurim , which is in Gi-
strong men. beon. any more.
17 And there was a very sore battell 29 And Abner and his men walked
that day : and Abner was beaten , and all that night thorow the plaine, and
the men of Israel, before the seruants passed ouer lordane, and went thorow
of Dauid. ill Bithron , and they came to Maha-
18 f And there were three sonnes of naim.
Zeruiah there, loab, and Abishai, and 30 And loab returned from folow-
* Heb. of his Asahel : and Asahel wasas light tof foot ing Abner ; and when he had gathered
t Heb. as one tas a wilde Roe. all the people together, there lacked of
of the Roes
that is in the
19 And Asahel pursued after Abner, Dauids seruants nineteene men, and
field. and in going he turned not to the right Asahel.
t Heb. from hand nor to the left from t following 31 But the seruants of Dauid had
after Ab*
ner. Abner. smitten of Beniamin and of Abners
20 Then Abner looked behind him, men, sothat threehundred and threescore
and said, Art thou Asahel? And he an- men died.
swered, I am. 32 H And they tooke vp Asahel, and
21 And Abner said to him , Turne buried him in the sepulchre of his father
thee aside to thy right hand, or to thy which was in Bethlehem : and loab
left, and lay thee holde on one of the and his men went all night , and they
\ Or. spoile. yong men, and take thee his llarmour. came to Hebron at breake of day,
But Asahel would not turne aside
from following of him. CHAP. III.
22 And Abner said againe to Asa-
hel, Turne thee aside from following 1 During the warre Dauid still waxeth stronger.
me: Wherefore should I smite thee to 2 Sixe sonnes were borne to him in Hebron.
the ground ? how then should I holde 6 Abner displeased with Ishbosheth, 12 re*
uplteth to Dauid. 13 Dauid requireth a con-
vp my face to loab thy brother ? dition to bring him his wife Michal. 17 Ab-
23 Howbeit he refused to turne aside: ner hauingcommunedwith the Israelites, is
wherefore Abner with the hinder ende feasted by Dauid,and dismissed. 22 loab re-
of the speare smote him vnder the fift turning from battell, is displeased with the
king, ami killeth Abner. 28 Dauid curseth
ribbe, that the speare came out behinde loab) 31 and mourneth for Abner.
him, and hee fell downe there, and died
Abner reuolteth II. SamueL to Dauid.
Ow there was long war chal Sauls daughter, when thou com-

betweene the house of mest to see my face.
Saul , and the house of 14 And Dauid sent messengers to
Dauid: but Dauid waxed shbosheth Sauls sonne, saying, Deli-
stronger and stronger, and uer mee my wife Michal, which I
the house of Saul waxed weaker and espoused to mee for * an hundred fore- 1. Sam.
8. 25, 27-
weaker* skinnes of the Philistines.
2 If And vnto Dauid were sonnes 15 And IIshbosheth
shbosheth sent,
sent , and tooke
>orne in Hebron : and his first borne was ler from her husband, euen from *Phal- 44. *l. Sam. 25,
Amnon, of Ahinoam the lezreelitesse. tiel the sonne of Laish.
3 And his second, Chileab, of Abi- 16 And her husband went with her
jail the wife of Nabal the Carmelite : •along weeping behinde her to Bahu- ing, Hebr. go-
-nd the third , Absalom the sonne of rim: then said Abner vnto him, Goe, re- weeping.
Maacah, the daughter of Talmai king turne. And he returned.
of Geshur ; 17 f And Abner had communica-
4 And the fourth, Adoniiah the son tion with the Elders of Israel, saying,
of Haggith : and the fifth, Shephatiah Yee sought for Dauid tin times past, to i Hebr. both
the sonne of Abital ; >e king ouer you, and the
5 And the sixth, Ithream by Eglah 18 Now then doe it, for the L O R D third day.
3auids wife : these were borne to Da- lath spoken of Dauid, saying , By the
uid in Hebron. land of my seruant Dauid I will saue
6 IT And it came to passe while there my people Israel out of the hand of the
was warre between the house of Saul Philistines , and out of the hand of all
and the house of Dauid , that Abner their enemies.
made himselfe strong for the house ol 19 And Abner also spake in the eares
Saul. of Beniamin : and Abner went also to
7 And Saul had a concubine, whose speake in the eares of Dauid in Hebron,
Chap.21. name was *Rizpah, the daughter of A- all that seemed good to Israel, and that
ah : and Ishbosheth saide to Abner, seemed good to the whole house of
Wherefore hast thou gone in vnto my Beniamin,
Bathers concubine ? 20 So Abner came to Dauid to He-
8 Then was Abner very wroth bron, and twenty men with him ; and
for the words of Ishbosheth , and said, Dauid made Abner, and the men that
Am I a dogs head , which against lu- were with him, a feast.
dah doe shew kindnesse this day vnto 21 And Abner said vnto Dauid , 1
the house of Saul thy father, to his bre- will arise , and goe, and will gather all
thren, and to his friends, and haue not Israel vnto my lord the king, that they
deliuered thee into the hand of Dauid, may make a league with thee, and that
that thou chargest mee to day with a thou mayest raigne ouer all that thine
Fault concerning this woman ? heart desireth And Dauid sent Abner
9 So doe God to Abner , and more away, and he went in peace*
also, except, as the LORD hath sworne 22 U And behold, the seruants oi
to Dauid, euen so I doe to him : Dauid, and loab came from pursuing a
10 To translate the kingdom e from troupe , and brought in a great spoile
the house of Saul , and to set vp the with them : ( but Abner was not with
throne of Dauid ouer Israel, and ouer Dauid in Hebron , for he had sent him a-
ludah, from Dan euen to Beer-sheba. way, and he was gone in peace.)
11 And he could not answere Abner 23 When loab and all the host tha
a word againe, because he feared him. was with him . were come , they tolc
12 If And Abner sent messengers to loab, saying, Abner the sonne of Ner
Dauid on his behalfe, saying, Whose is came to the king, and he hath sent him
the land? saying also, Make thy league away, and he is gone in peace.
with me, and behold, my hand shall bee 24 Then loab came to the king, anc
with thee, to bring about all Israel vn- said, What hast thou done ? behold, Ab-
to thee. ner came vnto thee, why is it that thou
13 U And he said, Well, I will make hast sent him away, & he is quite gone?
a league with thee: but one thing I re- 25 Thou knowest Abner the sonne
t Hebr. say quire of thee, tthat is, Thou shalt not of Ner, that he came to deceiue thee, anc
see my face, except thou first bring Mi- to know thy going out*, and thy com-
f~*\ t • •••
loab slayeth Abner. Ilnbometh ilaine.
ming in, & to know all that thou doest. uants, Knowe yee not that there is a
26 And when loab was come out prince and a great man fallen this day
5rom Dauid, hee sent messengers after :n Israel ?
Abner, which brought him againe 39 And I am this day tweake, t Heb. ten.
from the well of Siriah; but Dauid though anointed King, and these men der.
knew it not. the sonnes of Zeruiah be too hard for
27 And when Abner was returned me : the L O R D shall reward the doer
* 1. King. to Hebron, * loab tooke him aside in the of euill, according to his wickednesse.
2. 5.
P Or, peace^ gate to speake with him ||quietly: and
ably. smote him there vnder the fift ribbe> that C H A P . IIII.
* Chap. 2. he died, for the blood of* Asahel his bro-
ther. 1 The Israelites being troubled at the death of
28 1T And afterward when Dauid Abner, 2 Baanah and Rechab slay Ishbo-
sheth, and bring his head to Hebron. 9 Da-
heard it, hee said, I and my kingdome uid causeth them to be slaine, and Ishbo-
are guiltlesse before the L O R D for e- sheths head to be buried.
t Heb. Moods uer, from the t blood of Abner the sonne
of Ner: ^f^mf&K^^^ ND when Sauls sonne

29 Let it rest on the head of loab, heard that Abner was
and on all his fathers house, & let there dead in Hebron, his hands
t Heb. be not tfaile from the house of loab one were feeble, and all the
cut off.
that hath an issue, or that is a leper, or Israelites were troubled.
that leaneth on a staffe, or that falleth on 2 And Sauls sonne had two men
the sword, or that lacketh bread, that were captaines of bands : the name
30 So loab and Abishai his brother of the one was Baanah , and the name
slew Abner, because he had slaine their of the t other Rechab, the sonnes of1cond. 1 Heb. se-
* Chap. 2. brother * Asahel at Gibeon in the bat-
Rimmon a Beerothite, of the children
tell. of Beniamin : (for Beeroth also was
31 IF And Dauid said to loab , and reckoned to Beniamin :
to all the people that were with him, 3 And the Beerothites fled to Git-
Rent your clothes, and girde you with taim, and were soiourners there vntill
sackecloth , and mourne before Abner. this day.)
And king Dauid himselfe followed the 4 And lonathan , Sauls sonne,
t Heb. bed. tbiere. had a sonne that was lame of his feete,
32 And they buried Abner in Hebron, and was fiue yeeres olde when the ti-
and the king lift vp his voice, and wept dings came of Saul and lonathan out
at the graue of Abner; and all the peo- of lezreel , and his nource tooke him
ple wept. vp, and fled: and it came to passe as she
33 And the king lamented ouer Ab- made haste to flee, that hee fell, and be-
ner, and said, Died Abner as a foole came lame , and his name was Mephi-
dieth ? bosheth.
34 Thy hands were not bound, nor 5 And the sonnes of Rimmon the
thy feete put into fetters ; as a man fal- Beerothite , Rechab and Baanah,
t Heb. M. leth before t wicked men, so fellest thou.
dren o/mf.
went, and came about the heat of the
qttitie. And all the people wept againe ouer day to the house of Ishbosheth, who
him, lay on a bed at noone.
35 And when all the people came to 6 And they came thither into the
cause Dauid to eate meate while it was midst of the house, as though they would
yet day , Dauid sware, saying, So doe haue fetched wheat , and they smote
God to mee , and more also , if I taste him vnder the fift rib, and Rechab and
bread or ought else, till the Sunne be Baanah his brother escaped.
downe. 7 For when they came into the
36 And all the people tooke notice ol house, hee lay on his bedde in his bed-
t Heb. was it, and it tpleased them: aswhatsoeuer
good in their
chamber, and they smote him, and slew
eyes. the King did, pleased all the people. him, and beheaded him, and tooke his
37 For all the people, and all Israel head, and gate them away thorow the
vnderstood that day , that it was not plaine all night.
of the King to slay Abner the sonne oi 8 And they brought the head of
Ner. Ishbosheth vnto Dauid to Hebron,
38 And the King said vnto his ser- and said to the King, Behold the head
Rechab &c, flaine. II.Samuel. Dauids children.
of Ishbosheth the sonne of Saul, thine three yeres ouer all Israel and ludah.
nemie, which sought thy life, and the 6 H And the king and his men went
L.ORD hath auenged my lord the king ;o lerusalem, vnto the lebusites, the
his day of Saul and of his seed. inhabitants of the land : which spake
9 f And Dauid answered Rechab vnto Dauid, saying, Except thou take
and Baanah his brother, the sonnes of away the blind and the lame, thou shalt
limmon th^Beerothite, and said vnto not come in hither: ||Thinking, Dauid Dauid II Or, saying,
hem, As the L O R D liueth, who hath cannot come in hither. not <Jr.
redeemed my soule out of all aduersitie, 7 Neuerthelesse, Dauid tooke the
* Chap, i 10 When *one told me, saying, Be- strong hold of Zion : the same is the ci-
t Heb. hee lold, Saul is dead, (t thinking to haue tie of Dauid.
was in his )rought good tidings) I tooke hold of 8 And Dauid said on that day, Who-
owne eyes as
\ bringer, him, and slew him in Ziklag, ||who soeuer getteth vp to the gutter, and smi-
Or, which
thought that I would haue giuen him a teth the lebusites, and the lame, and
was the re- reward for his tidings : the blind, that are hated of Dauids soule,
ward I gaue
him for his 11 How much more, when wicked *heshallbechiefeandcaptaine:\(W}ierefoYe * i. Chron.
tidings. men haue slaine a righteous person, in they said, The blind and the lame shall 11. 6.
I Or, becaust
us owne house, vpon his bed? Shall not come into the house. •hey f tad said
[ not therefore now require his blood 9 So Dauid dwelt in the fort, and euen the
Hind 4- the
of your hand, and take you away from called it the citie of Dauid, and Dauid lame,
the earth ? 3uilt round about, from Millo and in- into the
12 And Dauid commanded his yong ward. house.
men, and they slew them , and cut off 10 And Dauid twent on, and grew \ Hel. went,
going and
their hands and their feete, and hanged rreat, and the L O R D God of hosts growing.
them vp ouer the poole in Hebron : but was with him.
they tooke the head of Ishbosheth, and 11 f And * Hiram king of Tyre sent 14. * i. Chron.
• Chap. 3.
juried it in the * sepulchre of Abner, in messengers to Dauid, and Cedar trees,
Hebron. and carpenters, and t Masons: and ers \ Hebr. hew-
of the
they built Dauid an house, stone of the
C H A P . V. 1£ And Dauid perceiued that the
L O R D had established him King o-
1 The tribes come to Hebron to annoint Dauid uer Israel, and that he had exalted his
ouer Israel. 4 Dauids age. 6 Hee taking
Zion from the lebusites dwelleth in it. 11 Hi- kingdome for his people Israels sake.
ram sendeth to Dauid. 13 Eleuen sonnes are 13 1T And * Dauid tooke him mo con- * i. Chron.
borne to him in Jerusalem. 17 Dauid directed cubines and wiues out of lerusalem, 3.9.
by God smiteth the Philistines at Baal Pera- after he was come from Hebron, and
zim, 92 and againe at the Mulberie trees.
there were yet sonnes and daughters
* i. Chron. Hen * came all the tribes of borne to Dauid.

i. i. Israel to Dauid vnto He- 14? And * these be the names of those * i. Chron.
bron , and spake, saying, that were borne vnto him in lerusalem, 3. 5.
Behold, we are thy bone,, & Shobab, and Nathan,
~~w~»~. and thy flesh. and Solomon:
2 Also in time past when Saul was 15 Ibhar also, and Elishua, and Ne-
king ouer vs, thou ivast hee that leddest pheg, and laphia,
out and broughtest in Israel : and the 16 And Elishama, and Eliada, and
* Psal. 78. L O R D said to thee, *Thou shalt feed Eliphalet.
71- my people Israel, and thou shalt bee a 17 f *But when the Philistines * i. Chron.
11. 16.
captaine ouer Israel. heard that they had anointed Dauid and 14. 8.
3 So all the Elders of Israel came King ouer Israel, all the Philistines
to the King to Hebron, and King Da- came vp to seeke Dauid , and Dauid
uid made a league with them in Hebron heard of it, and went downe to the hold.
before the L O R D : and they anointed 18 The Philistines also came, and
Dauid King ouer Israel. spred themselues in the valley of Re-
4 H Dauid was thirtie yeeres old phaim.
when he began to reigne, and he reig- 19 And Dauid enquired of the
ned fourtie yeeres. L O R D , saying, Shall I goe vp tc
5 In Hebron he reigned ouer Iii- the Philistines? wilt thou deliuer them
* Chap. 2.1 dah *seuen yeeres, and sixe moneths: into mine hand? And the L O R D said
and in lerusalem he reigned thirty anc vnto Dauid, Goe vp: for I will doubt
(The Arke remoued. Chap.vj. Vzzah flaine.
lesse deliuer the Philistines into thine tiouse of Abinadab which was at Gi-
band, beah, t accompany ing the Arke of God; iHebr.with.
* Esa. 28. 20 And *Dauid came to Baal-Pe- and Ahio went before the Arke.
21. razim , and Dauid smote them there, 5 And Dauid and all the house of
and said, The L O R D hath broken Israel played before the L O R D on all
foorth vpon mine enemies before me , as manner of instruments made of Firre-
the breach of waters. Therefore he cal- wood, euen on harpes, and on Psalte-
il That is, led the name of that place, ||Baal-Pe- ries, and on timbrels, and on cornets,
the plaine of
breaches. razim. and on cimbals.
21 And there they left their images. 6 U And *when they came to Na- * 1. Chton.
* i. Chron. and Dauid and his men *|| burnt chons threshing floore, Vzzah put forth 13.9.
14. 12. his hand to the Arke of God, and tooke
II Or, tooke them.
them away. 22 U And the Philistines came vp hold of it, for the oxen ||shooke it. !l Ort stum-
yet againe, and spread themselues in the 7 And the anger of the L O R D bled.
valley of Rephaim. was kindled against Vzzah , and God
23 And when Dauid enquired of the smote him there for his ||errour, and II Or, rash-
L O R D , he said, Thou shalt n<?t goe there he died by the Arke of God.
vp : but fetch a compasse behinde them, 8 And Dauid was displeased , be-
and come vpon them ouer against the cause the L O R D had tmade a breach t Heir, bro-
Mulbery trees. vpon Vzzah ; And hee called the name ken.
24 And let it be when thou hearest of the place , || Perez-Vzzah to this day. 8 That is,
The breach
the sound of a going in the tops of the 9 And Dauid was afraide of the of Vzzah.
mulbery trees, that then thou shalt be- L O R D that day , and said, How shall
stirre thy selfe : for then shal the LORD the Arke of the LORD come to me?
goe out before thee, to smite the host of 10 So Dauid would not remoue the
the Philistines. Arke of the L O R D vnto him into the
25 And Dauid did so, as the LORD citie of Dauid : but Dauid caried it a-
had commaunded him ; and smote the side into the house of Obed Edom, the
Philistines from Geba, vntil thou come Gittite.
to Gazer. 11 And the Arke of the L O R D con-
tinued in the house of Obed Edom the
Gittite, three moneths : and the LORD
C H A R VI. blessed Obed Edom, and all his house-
1 Dauid fetcheth the Arke from Kiriath-iearim 18 1F And it was told king Dauid,
on a new cart 6 Vzzah is smitten at Perez-
Vzzah. 9 God blesseth Obed - Edom for saying, *The LORD hath blessed the * l. Chron.
the Arke. 12 Dauid bringing the Arke in- house of Obed Edom , and all that per- 15. 26.
to Zion with sacrifices, dauiiceth before it, for tained vnto him, because of the Arke of
which Michol despiseth him. 17 Hee pla- God. So Dauid went, and brought vp
ceth it in a tabernacle with great ioy and fea-
sting. 20 Michal reproouing Dauid for his the Arke of God, from the house of O-
religious ioy, is chilolesse to her death. bed Edom, into the citie of Dauid, with
Gaine, Dauid gathered 13 And it was so, that when they

together all the chosen that bare the Arke of the L O R D , had
men of Israel, thirtie gone sixe paces, hee sacrificed oxen and
thousand: fallings.
* i. Chro. 2 And * Dauid arose 14 And Dauid daunced before the
13,5,6. and went with all the people that were L O R D with all his might, and Dauid
with him, from Baale of ludah, to was girded with a linnen Ephod.
bring vp from thence the Arke of God, 15 So Dauid and all the house of
II Or, at || whose Name is called by the Name of Israel brought vp the Arke of the
which the the L O R D of hostes , that dwelleth L O R D with shouting, and with the
Name, euen
the Name of betweene the Cherubims. sound of the trumpet.
the LORD
of hosts was 3 And they t set the Arke of God vp- 16 And as the Arke of the L O R D
called vpon. on a new cart, and brought it out of the
t Heb. made came into the citie of Dauid, Michal
to ride. house of Abinadab that was in (jGibeah: Sauls daughter looked through a
I Or, the hW. and Vzzah and Ahio the sonnes of Abi- window, and saw king Dauid leaping
nadab, draue the new cart. and dauncing before the LORD, and
»l.3am. 7. 4 And they brought it out of *the she despised him in her heart.
17 f And
Michal childlefle- 11.Samuel. Gods promife.
17 1f And they brought in the Arke Go, doe all that is in thine heart : for the
f the L O R D , and set it in his place, ^ O R D is with thee.
n the midst of the Tabernacle that Da- 4 U And it came to passe that night.
t Heb. stret- id had t pitched for it : and Dauid offe- hat the word of the L O R D came vn-
ed burnt offerings, and peace o firings to Nathan, saying ;
Before the L O R D . 5 Goe and tell tmy seruant Dauid, seruant Heb. to my
18 And assoone as Dauid had made Thus sayth the LORD, Shalt thou Dauid.
an end of offering burnt offerings and mild me an house for me to dwell in ?
* 1. Chron. >eace offerings, *hee blessed the peo- 6 Whereas I haue not dwelt in
16. ». )le in the Name of the L O R D of any house, since the time that I brought
lostes. vp the children of Israel out of Egypt,
19 And hee dealt among all the peo- euen to this day, but haue walked in a
)le, euen among the whole multitude of tent and in a tabernacle.
srael, as well to the women as men, 7 In all the places wherein I haue
o euery one a cake of bread , and a good walked with all the children of Israel,
)iece of fash) and a flagon of wine: so all spake I a word with ||any of the tribes \Int1iel.
Chro. 17. 6.
ahe people departed euery one to his of Israel , whome I commanded to any of the
louse. eede my people Israel , saying , Why ludges.
20 IF Then Dauid returned to blesse mild ye not me an house of Cedar ?
us houshold : and Michal the daugh- 8 Now therefore so shalt thou say
er of Saul came out to meete Dauid, vnto my seruant Dauid ; Thus sayth
and said , How glorious was the King the L O R D of hostes , *I tooke thee * l. Sam, 16.
12. psaL 78.
of Israel to day, who vncouered him- rom the sheepe-cote, + from following 70.
elfe to day in the eyes of the handmaids the sheepe, to be ruler ouer my people, Heb. from
of his seruants, as one of the vaine fel- ouer Israel.
I Or, openly. owes ||shamelessely vncouereth him- 9 And I was with thee whitherso-
selfe ! euer thou wentest , and haue cut off all
21 And Dauid said vnto Michal , It ihine enemies tout of thy sight, and thy t Heb. from
was before the LORD, which chose me laue made thee a great name, like vnto
)efore thy father, & before all his house, the name of the great men that are in
to appoint me ruler ouer the people ol the earth.
the L O R D , ouer Israel ; therefore 10 (Moreouer I will appoint a place
will I play before the LORD. for my people Israel, and will plant
2£ And I will yet be more vile then them, that they may dwell in a place ol
thus , and will be base in mine owne their owne , and mooue no more : nei
I Or, of the sight : and ||of the maid seruants which ther shall the children of wickednesse
handmaids thou hast spoken of, of them shall I be afflict them any more, as beforetime,
of my ser-
uants. lad in honour. 11 And as since the time that I com-
23 Therefore Michal the daughter manded ludges to bee ouer my people
of Saul had no childe vnto the day o1 [srael , and haue caused thee to rest
ler death. Tom all thine enemies : ) Also the
L O R D telleth thee, that he will make
CHAP. VII. thee an house. '
12 If And *when thy dayes be fulfil- • i. King.
8. 20.
1 Nathan first approouing the purpose of Da- ed , and thou shalt sleepe with thy fa-
uid to build God an house, 4- after by the thers, I will set vp thy seede after thee
word of God forbiddeth him. 12 He promi-
seth him benefites and blessings in his seede. which shall proceede out of thy bowels
1Q T"lani/le rtvovAt* an/1 tVianlf ocariu.incr. and I will establish his kincrdome.
13 * Hee shall build an house lor my • I.King.
ND it came to passe, Name, and I will stablish the throne 5.12.5.l.and 6.

* i. Chron. *when the King sate in of his kingdome for euer. 22. 10.
17.2. his house, and the LORD 14*1 will be his father, and he shal " Heb. i, 5.
had giuen him rest rounc be my sonne: * if hee commit iniquitie 31,32.
• Psal. 89.
about fro all his enemies; I will chasten him with the rodde o
2 That the king said vnto Nathan men, and with the stripes of the children
the Prophet, See now, I dwell in an of men.
house of Cedar, but the Arke of Goc 15 But my mercie shall not depar
dwelleth within curtaines. away from him, as I tooke it from
3 And Nathan sayde to the King, Saul, whom I put away before thee.
16 And
Dauids thankes, Chap.viij. and prayer.
16 And thine house, and thy king- and thou hast promised this goodnesse
dome shall be stablished for euer before vnto thy seruant.)
thee: thy throne shall bee stablished for 29 Therefore now tlet it please thee t Heb. bee
thou pleased
euer. to blesse the house of thy seruant, that it and bletse.
17 According to all these words, am may continue for euer before thee: for
according to all this vision, so did Na- thou, O Lord GOD, hast spoken if, and
than speake vnto Dauid. with thy blessing let the nouse of thy
18 f Then went king Dauid in, anc seruant be blessed for euer.
sate before the L O R D , and hee said,
Who am I, O Lord GOD ? and what
is my house, that thou hast brought me C H A P . VIII.
hitherto ? 1 Dauid subdueth the Philistines and the Moa-
19 And this was yet a small thing in bites. 3 He smiteth Hadadezer, and the Sy-
thy sight, O Lord GOD : but thou hast rians. 9 Toi sendeth loram with Presents to
blesse him. 1 1 The Presents and the spoile
spoken also of thy seruants house for a Dauid dedicateth to God. H He putteth ga-
apreat while to come , and is this the risons in Edom. 16 Dauids officers.
t Heb. Law. tmaner of man, O Lord GOD ?
20 And what can Dauid say more ^^^^^^^ Nd * after this it * 1. Chron.

18. 1. &c.
vnto thee? for thou, Lord GOD, passe, that Dauid smote psal. 60. 2.
i no west thy seruant. the Philistines , and sub-
21 For thy words sake, and accor- dued them : and Dauid
ding to thine own heart hast thou done iratSl^si? tooke ||M II Or, the bri-
dle of Am-
all these great things, to make thy ser- out of the hand of the Philistines. mah.
uant know them. £ And he smote Moab, and measu-
22 Wherefore thou art great, O red them with a line , casting them
Lord GOD : for there is none like thee, downe to the ground: euen with two
neither is there any God beside thee, ac- lines measured he, to put to death, anc
cording to all that we haue heard with with one full line to keepe aliue : anc
our eares. so the Moabites became Dauids ser-
Deut.4.7 23 And * what one nation in the uants, and brought gifts.
earth is like thy people, euen like Israel, 3 f Dauid smote also Hadadezer
whom God went to redeeme for a peo- the sonne of Rehob, king of Zobah, as
ple to himselfe, & to make him a name be went to recouer his border at the ri-
and to doe for you great things, and ter- uer Euphrates.
rible, for thy lande, before thy people 4 And Dauid tooke || from him a II Or, of his.
which thou redeemedst to thee from E- thousand \\charets, and seuen hundred 18. H As l. Chr.
gypt,from the nations, and their gods? lorsemen, and twentie thousand foote-
24 For thou hast confirmed to thy men : and Dauid houghed all the cha-
selfe thy people Israel to be a people vn- re t horses, but reserued of themjbr an
;o thee for euer : and thou, LORD art lundred charets.
)ecome their God. 5 And when the Syrians of Da-
25 And now, O LORD God, the mascus came to succour Hadadezer
word that thou hast spoken, concerning dng of Zobah, Dauid slew of the Sy-
thy seruant, and concerning his house, rians two and twentie thousand men.
establish it for euer, and doe as thou hast 6 Then Dauid put garisons in Sy-
said. ria of Damascus : And the Syrians be-
26 And let thy name bee magnified came seruants to Dauid, and brought
or euer, saying, The L O R D of hosts gifts: and the LORD presenied Da-
s the God ouer Israel : and let the uid whithersoeuer he w.ent
louse of thy seruant Dauid bee establi- 7 And Dauid tooke the shields of
hed before thee. jold that were on the seruants of Ha-
27 For thou, O L O R D of hostes, ladezer, and brought them to lerusa-
Heb. ope- lod of Israel, hast treuealed to thy
ned the eare.
eruant, saying, I will build thee an 8 And from Betah and from Bero-
louse: therfore hath thy seruant found thai, cities of Hadadezer, King Dauid
n his heart to pray this prayer vnto tooke exceeding much brasse.
hee. 9 1T When Toi king of Hamath
* loh. 17.
28 And now, O Lord GOD, (thou leard that Dauid had smitten all the
7« irt that God, and *thy words be true, loste of Hadadezer,
10 Then
Dauids kindneffe Il.Samuel. to Mephiboftieth.
10 Then Toi sent loram his sonne may shew the kindnesse of God vnto
t Hebr. aske vnto king Dauid to tsalute him, and to him ? and Ziba said vnto the king, lo-
him of peace, )lesse him, because hee had fought a- nathan hath yet a sonne, which is *lame Chap. i.
gainst Hadadezer, and smitten him: (for on his feete.
t Hebr. was rladadezer t had warres with Toi) 4« And the king saide vnto him,
a man of
warres with. and/oraw tbroughc with him vessels of Where is hee? and Ziba said vnto the
\ Hebr. in siluer, and vessels of gold, and vessels of king, Behold, he is in the house of Ma-
his hand
were» >rasse; chir the sonne of Ammiel, in Lodebar.
11 Which also king Dauid did dedi- 5 f Then king Dauid sent, and fet
cate vnto the L O R D , with the siluer him out of the house of Machir the son
and gold that he had dedicate of all na- of Ammiel, from Lodebar.
tions which he subdued • 6 Now when Mephibosheth the
12 Of Syria, and of Moab, and of sonne of lonathan the sonne of Saul,
,he children of Ammon, and of the Phi- was come vnto Dauid, hee fell on his
istines, &of Amalek, and of the spoile of face, and did reuerence: and Dauid said,
Hadadezer sonne of Rehob king of Mephibosheth / And he answered, Be-
Zobah. hold thy seruant.
13 And Dauid gate him a name when 7 H And Dauid saide vnto him,
t Hebr. his le returned from tsmiting of the Syri- Feare not, for I will surely shew thee
ansin the valley of salt, foiwg-eighteene kindnesse, for lonathan thy fathers
thousand men. sake, and will restore thee all the lane
14 U And he put garrisons in Edom; of Saul thy father, and thou shall eate
thorowout all Edom put he garrisons, bread at my table continually.
and all they of Edom became Dauids 8 And hee bowed himselfe, and
seruants : and the L O R D presented saide, What is thy seruant, that thou
Dauid whithersoeuer he went. shouldest looke vpon such a dead dogge
15 And Dauid reigned ouer all Is- as I am ?
rael, and Dauid executed Judgement 9 f Then the king called to Ziba
and Justice vnto all his people. Sauls seruant, and said vnto him, ]
16 And loab the sonne of Zeruiah haue giuen vnto thy masters sonne al
zvasouer the host, and lehoshaphat the that pertained to Saul, and to all his
it Or, re- sonne of Ahilud was \\ Recorder. house.
membran- 17 And Zadok the sonne of Ahitub, 10 Thou therefore and thy sonnes
cer, or wri-
ter of Chro- and Ahimelech the sonne of Abiathar, and thy seruants, shall till the land for
nicles. were the Priests, and Seraiah was the him, and thou shalt bring in the fruits
il Or, secre- || scribe. that thy masters sonne may haue fooe
* i. Chron. 18 *And Benaiah the sonne of le- to eate; but Mephibosheth thy ma
18.17. hoiada was ouer both the Cherethites, sters sonne shall eat bread alway at my
and the Pelethites, and Dauids sonnes table. Now Ziba had fifteene sonnes
II Or, Prin- were ||chiefe rulers. and twenty seruants.
ces. 11 Then saide Ziba vnto the king
According to all that my lord the king
P TT A P TY hath commanded his seruant, so shal
1 Dauid by Ziba, sendeth for Mephibosheth. thy seruant doe: as for Mephibosheth
7 For; Jonathans sake he intertaineth him at saidtheKing, he shall eate at myJ table,a
his table, and restoreth him all that was Sauls. f , , *v
Q HA mafcPth Ziha his farmmir. OUC of the kings SOttnCS.
12 And Mephibosheth had a yong
Nd Dauid said, Is there sonne whose name was Micha: and al

m yet any that is left of the

house of Saul, that
may shew him kindnesse
for Jonathans sake ?
that dwelt in the house of Ziba, were ser-
uants vnto Mephibosheth,
13 So Mephibosheth dwelt in le-
rusalem: for hee did eate continually at
2 And there was of the house o the kings table, and was lame on both
Saul, a seruant whose name was Zi- his feete.
ba : and when they had called him vnto
Dauid, the king said vnto him, Art thou C H A P . X.
Ziba? And he said, Thy seruant is he.
1 Dauids messengers sent to comfort Hanun
3 And the king said, Is there not the sonne of Nahash, are villenously intrea-
yet any of the house of Saul, that ted. 6 The Ammonites, strengthened by the
Hanuns villenie Chap.x,xj; is reuenged.
Syrians, are ouercome by loab and Abisnai. 11 And he said, If the Syrians bee
15 Shobach making a new supply of the Sy- too strong for me, then thou shalt helpe
rians at Helaro, is slaine by Dauid.
me: but if the children of Ammon bee
Nd it came to passe, after too strong for thee, then I will come
* i. Chron.
19. l.
A this, that the * king of the
children of Ammon died,
and Hanun his sonnereig-
_ _ ned in his stead.
and helpe thee.
12 Be of good courage, and let vs
play the men, for our people, and for the
cities of our God : and the LORD doe
2 Then said Dauid, I will shewe that which seemeth him good.
kindnes vnto Hanun the sonne of Na- 13 And loab drew nigh, and the peo-
Hash, as his father shewed kindnes vn- ple that were with him, vnto the battell
to me. And Dauid sent to comfort him against the Syrians: and they fled be-
by the hand of his seruants, for his fa- fore him.
ther : and Dauids seruants came into 14 And when the children of Am-
the land of the children of Ammon. mon saw that the Syrians were fledde,
3 And the princes of the children of then fled they also before Abishai, and
Ammon saide vnto Hanun their lord, entred into the citie: so loab returned
t Hebr. in tThinkest thou that Dauid doeth ho- from the children of Ammon, and
thine eyes
doth Da. nour thy father, that he hath sent com- came to Jerusalem.
uidt forters vnto thee ? rtath not Dauid ra- 15 If And when the Syrians sawe
ther sent his seruants vnto thee, to that they were smitten before Israel,
search the citie, and to spie it out, and to they gathered themselues together.
ouerthrow it ? 16 And Hadarezer sent, and brought
4 Wherefore Hanun tooke Dauids out the Syrians that were beyond the ri-
seruants, and shaued off the one halfe uer, and they came to Helam, and Sho-
of their beards, and cut off their gar- bach the captaine of the hoste of Hada-
ments in the middle, euen to their but- rezer went before them.
tocks, and sent them away. , 17 And when it was told Dauid, he
5 When they told it vnto Dauid, he gathered all Israel together, and pas-
sent to meet them, because the men were sed ouer lordane, and came to Helam:
greatly ashamed: and the King saide, and the Syrians set themselues in aray
Tarie at lericho vntill your beards be against Dauid, and fought with him.
growen, and then returne. 18 And the Syrians fled before Is-
6 f And when the children of Am- rael, and Dauid slew the men of seuen
mon saw that they stanke before Da- hundred charets of the Syrians, and
uid, the children of Ammon sent, and fourtie thousand horsemen, and smote
hired the Syrians of Beth-Rehob, Shobach the captaine of their hoste,
and the Syrians of Zoba, twentie who died there.
thousand footmen, and of king Maa- 19 And when all the kings that were
cah, a thousand men, and of Ishtob seruants to Hadarezer sawe, that they
twelue thousand men. were smitten before Israel, they made
7 And when Dauid heard of it, he peace with Israel^ and serued them : so
sent loab, and all the hoste of the migh- the Syrians feared to helpe the children
tie men. of Ammon any more.
8 And the children of Ammon
came out, and put the battell in aray at
the entring in of the gate: and the Sy-
C H A P . XI.
rians of Zoba and of Rehob, and Ish- 1 While loab besieged Kabbah, Dauid com-
mitteth adulterie with Bath -sheba. 6 Vriah
tob, and Maacah, were by themselues in sent for by Dauid to couer the adulterie,
the field. would not goe home neither sober nor drun-
9 When loab saw that the front of ken. 14 Hee carieth to loab the letter of his
the battell was against him, before and death. 18 loab sendeth the newes thereof to
Dauid. 26 Dauid taketh Bath-sheba to wife.
behind, he chose of all the choise men of
Israel, and put them in aray against Nd it came to passe, that

the Syrians. t after the yeere was expi- <(Heb.atthe
10 And the rest of the people he deli- red , at the time when returne of
the yeere.
uered into the hand of Abishai his bro- kings goe foorth to battell,
ther, that he might put them in aray a- ^^ „„ _ ^^ that * Dauid sent loab 20. * 1. Chron.
gainst the children of Ammon. and his seruants with him, and all Is-
Oauids adulterie. Il.Samuel. and murder,
rael; and they destroyed the children of he made him drunke : and at euen hee
Ammon, and besieged Rabbah : but went out to lie on his bed with the ser-
Dauid taried still at lerusalem. uants of his lord, but went not downe
2 f And it came to passe in an eue- to his house.
ning tide, that Dauid arose from off his 14 IT And it came to passe in the mor-
bed , and walked vpon the roofe of the ning, that Dauid wrote a letter to lo-
kings house : and from the roofe he saw ab, and sent it by the hand of Vriah.
a woman washing her selfe; and the 15 And he wrote in the letter, saying,
woman was very beautifull to looke Set yee Vriah in the forefront of the
vpon. t hottest battel, and retire ye tfrom him, \Heb. strong
3 And Dauid sent and enquired af- that he may be smitten, and die. \ Heb. from
after him.
ter the woman: and one said, Is not 16 And it came to passe when loab
this Bath-sheba the daughter of E- obserued the citie, that he assigned Vri-
liam, the wife of Vriah the Hittite? ah vnto a place where hee knewe that
4 And Dauid sent messengers, and valiant men were.
tooke her, and shee came in vnto him, 17 And the men of the city went out,
8 Or, and and he lay with her, (||for she was *pu- and fought with loab : and there fell
whs she had
purified her rified from her vncleannesse) and shee some of the people of the seruants of
selfe, <Jc. she returned vnto her house.
Dauid, and Vriah the Hittite died also.
* Leuit. 15. 5 And the woman concerned, and IS f Then loab sent, and tolde
19. and sent and tolde Dauid, and said, I am Dauid all the things concerning the
.18. 19.
with childe. warre :
6 H And Dauid sent to loab, say- 19 And charged the messenger, say-
ing , Send me Vriah the Hittite. And ing, When thou hast made an ende of
loab sent Vriah to Dauid. telling the matters of the warre vnto
7 And when Vriah was come vn- the King ;
t Heb. of the to him, Dauid demanded of him thow 20 And if so be that the kings wrath
peace q/#c. loab did, and how the people did, and arise, and hee say vnto thee, Wherefore
how the warre prospered. approched ye so nigh vnto the city when
8 And Dauid said to Vriah, Goe yee did fight ? Knew yee not that they
downe to thy house, and wash thy feete. would shoot from the wall ?
And Vriah departed out of the Kings 21 Who smote * Abimelech the sonne * ludg. 9.
t Heb. went house, and there t followed him a messe of lerubesheth ? Did not a woman 53.
out after cast a piece of a milstone vpon him from
him. of meat from the king.
9 But Vriah slept at the doore of the wall, that he died in Thebez ? why
the kings house, with all the seruants went ye nigh the wall? Then say thou,
of his lord, and went not downe to his Thy seruant Vriah the Hittite is dead
house. also.
10 And when they had tolde Dauid, 22 1F So the messenger went, and
saying, Vriah went not downe vnto came and shewed Dauid all that loab
his house, Dauid said vnto Vriah, Ca- had sent him for.
mest thou not from thy iourney ? why 23 And the messenger said vnto Da-
then diddest thou not goe downe vnto uid , Surely the men preuailed against
thine house ? vs, and came out vnto vs into the field,
11 And Vriah said vnto Dauid, The and we were vpon them euen vnto the
Arke, and Israel, and ludah abide in entring of the gate.
tents, and my lord loab, and the ser- 2^ And the shooters shot from off
uants of my lord are encamped in the the^wall vpon thy seruants, and some
open fields ; shall I then goe into mine of the Kings seruants be dead, and thy
house, to eate and to drinke, and to lie seruant Vriah the Hittite is dead also.
with my wife? As thou liuest, and as 25 Then Dauid said vnto the mes-
thy soule liueth, I will not doe this senger, Thus shalt thou say vnto lo- t Heb, be
thing. ab, Let not this thing t displease thee: euillin thine
12 And Dauid said to Vriah, Tary for the sword deuoureth tone as well as eyes.
t Heb. so
here to day also, and to morow I will another : Make thy battell more strong and swh.
let thee depart. So Vriah abode in le- against the citie, and ouerthrow it; and
rusalem that day, and the morrow. encourage thou him.
13 And when Dauid had called him, 26 f And when the wife of Vriah
hee did eate and drinke before him , and heard that Vriah her husband was
Nathans parable. Ghap.xij. Dauid repenteth
dead, she mourned for her husband. 9 Wherefore hast thou despised the
37 And when the mourning was commandement of the LORD, to doe
jast, Dauid sent, and fet her to his euill in his sight ? thou hast killed Vri-
louse, and she became his wife, and bare ah the Hittite with the sword, and hast
lim a sonne: but the thing that Dauid taken his wife to be thy wife, and has!
t Heb. was lad done, t displeased the LORD. slaine him with the sword of the chil-
euitt in the
eies of. dren of Ammon.
10 Now therefore the sword shal]
CHAP. XII. neuer depart from thine house, because
1 Nathans parable of the Ewe lambe, cau-
thou hast despised me, and hast taken
seth Dauid to be his owne ludge. 7 Da- the wife of Vriah the Hittite, to be thy
uid, reproued by Nathan, confesseth his sinne wife.
and is pardoned. 15 Dauid tnpurneth and 11 Thus saith the L O R D , Behold,
prayeth for the childe, while it liued. 24 [ will raise vp euill against thee out of
Salomon is borne and named ledidiah. 26
Dauid taketh Kabbah, and tortureth the thine owne house, and I will * take thy * Deut. 20.
people thereof. wiues before thine eyes, and giue them 30. chap,
Ifi. 22.
vnto thy neighbour, and he shall lie
Mi|2&|l<|& Nd the L O R D sent Na- with thy wiues in the sight of this

than vnto Dauid : and he Sunne.
came vnto him, and said 1£ For thou diddest it secretly : but I
vnto him, There were will do this thing before all Israel, and
two men in one citie; the 3efore the Sunne.
one rich, and the other poore. 13 And Dauid same vnto Nathan,
2 The rich man had exceeding ma- *I haue sinned against the LORD. * Ecclus.
ny flockes and herds. And Nathan saide vnto Dauid, The 47.11.
3 But the poore man had nothing LORD also hath put away thy sinne,
saue one litle ewe lambe , which he had thou shalt not die.
bought and nourished vp : and it grew 14 Howbeit, because by this deede
vp together with him , and with his thou hast giuen great occasion to the e-
Heb, mor- children, it did eate of his owne tmeate, nemies of the LORD to blaspheme, the
sell. and dranke of his owne cup , and lay in childe also that is borne vnto thee, shall
his bosome, and was vnto him as a surely die.
daughter. 15 f And Nathan departed vnto
4? And there came a traueller vnto his house : and the LORD strake the
the rich man, and he spared to take of childe that Vriahs wife bare vnto Da-
his owne flocke, and of his owne herd, uid, and it was very sicke.
to dresse for the wayfaring man that 16 Dauid therfore besought God for
was come vnto him , but tooke the the childe, and Dauid t fasted, and went t Heb. fasted
poore mans lambe, and dressed it for the in, and lay all night vpon the earth. afast.
man that was come to him. 17 And the Elders of his house a-
5 And Dauids anger was greatly rose, and went to him, to raise him vp
kindled against the man , and he said to from the earth : but he would not, nei-
Nathan, As the LORD liueth , the ther did he eate bread with them.
t Or, iff wor- man that hath done this thing, || shall 18 And it came to passe on the se-
thy to die. surely die, uenth day, that the childe died : and the
6 And he shall restore the Lambe seruants of Dauid feared to tell him
* Exo.22. l *fourefold, because he did this thing, that the child was dead : for they saide,
aud because he had no pittie. Behold, while the childe was yet aliue,
7 1F And Nathan said to Dauid, we spake vnto him, and he would not
Thou art the man : thus saith the hearken vnto our voice : how will he
* Sam. 16. LORD God of Israel, I * anointed then tvexe himselfe, if we tell him that hurt.
t Heb. doe
thee king ouer Israel, and I deliuered the childe is dead ?
thee out of the hand of Saul, 19 But when Dauid saw that his
8 And I gaue thee thy Masters seruants whispered, Dauid perceiued
house, and thy Masters wiues into thy that the childe was dead : therefore Da-
bosome, and gaue thee the house of Is- uid said vnto his seruants, Is the child
rael and of ludah, and if that had bene dead ? and they said, He is dead.
too litle, I would moreouer haue giuen 20 Then Dauid arose from the earth
vnto thee such and such things. and washed, and anointed Mmselfe, and
Solomon borne. Il.Samuel. Amnons luft.
changed his apparell, and came into the way. 19 Absalom entertaineth her, and
louse of the LORD, and worshipped: concealeth his purpose. 23 At a sheepe-
then hee came to his owne house, and shearing, among all the Kings sonnes, hee
when he required, they set bread before killeth Amnon. 30 Dauid grieuing at the
him, and he did eate. newes is comforted by lonadab. 3T Absalom
flieth to Talmai at Geshur.
21 Then said his seruants vnto him,
What thing is this that thou hast done ? Nd it came to passe after
thou didst fast and weepe for the childe,
while it was aliuej but when the childe
was dead, thou didst rise and eat bread.
22 And he said, While the child was
iSJiSspsfe this, that Absalom the
sonne of Dauid had a faire
sister, whose nam e was Ta-
mar : and Amnon the
yet aliue, I fasted and wept: for I said, sonne of Dauid loued her.
Who can tell, whether God will be graci- 2 And Amnon was so vexed, that
ous to me, that the child may Hue ? le fell sicke for his sister Tamar: for she
23 But now hee is dead, Wherefore was a virgine, and t Amnon thought it maruelous was
should I fast? Can I bring him backe lard for him to doe any thing to her. or hidden in
againe? I shall goe to him, but he shall 3 But Amnon had a friend, whose the eyes of
not returne to me. name was lonadab, the sonne of Shi-
24 1f And Dauid comforted Bath- meah, Dauids brother: and lonadab
sheba his wife, and went in vnto her, was a very subtill man.
* Matt. 1.6. and lay with her : and *she bare a sonne, 4 And he saide vnto him , Why art
and he called his name Solomon, and thou , being the Kings sonne , tleane * Heb. thin.
the LORD loued him. t from day to day? Wilt thou not tel me? t Heb. mor-
ning by mor-
25 And hee sent by the hand of Na- and Amnon said vnto him, I loue Ta- ning.
* i. Chron. than the Prophet, and *hee called his
22. 9.
mar my brother Absaloms sister.
I That is, name || ledidiah, because of the LORD. 5 And lonadab said vnto him, Lay
Beloued of 26 If And loab fought against Rab- thee downe on thy bed, and make thy
the Lord.
bah of the children of Ammon , and selfe sicke : and whein thy father com-
tooke the royall citie. meth to see thee, say vnto him, I pray
27 And loab sent messengers to thee , let my sister Tamar come , and
Dauid, and said, I haue fought against giue me meat, and dresse the meat in my
Kabbah , and haue taken the citie of sight, that I may see it, and eate it at her
waters. hand.
28 Now therefore, gather the rest 6 f So Amnon lay downe, and
of the people together, and encampe a- made himselfe sicke : and when the king
gainst the citie, and take it : lest I take was come to see him, Amnon said vnto
\ Hebr. my the citie, and tit be called after my name. the king, I pray thee, let Tamar my si-
name be cal-
led vpon it. 29 And Dauid gathered all the peo- ster come, & make me a couple of cakes
ple together, and went to Rabbah, and in my sight, that I may eat at her hand.
fought against it, and tooke it, 7 Then Dauid sent home to Ta-
* i. Chron. 30 * And he tooke their kings crowne mar, saying, Goe now to thy brother
20. 2.
from off his head (the weight whereof Amnons house, and dresse him meat.
was a talent of gold , with the precious 8 So Tamar went to her brother
stones) and it was set on Dauids head, Amnons house (and hee was laide
and he brought forth the spoile of the ci- downe) and she tooke ||flowre, and knea- Orpaste
t Hebr. very tie tin great abundance. ded it, and made cakes in his sight, and
31 And he brought foorth the people did bake the cakes.
that were therein , and put them vnder 9 And she tooke a pan, and powred
sawes , and vnder harrowes of yron. them out before him , but hee refused to
and vnder axes of yron, and made them eate: and Amnon said, Haue out all men
passe through the bricke-kilne: And from mee : And they went out euery
thus did he vnto all the cities of the chil- man from him
dren of Ammon. So Dauid and all the 10 And Amnon saide vnto Tamar,
people returned vnto lerusalem. Bring the meate into the chamber, that
I may eate of thine hand. And Tamar
C H A P. XIII, tooke the cakes which shee had made,
and brought them into the chamber to
1 Amnon louing Tamar, by lonadabs counsell
faining himselfe si eke, rauisheth her. 1 5 Hee Amnon her brother.
hateth her, and shamefully turneth her a- 11 And when shee had brought them
Tamar rauifhed. Chap.xiij. Amnon murdered.
vnto him to eate , hee tooke hold of her, and said, Behold now, thy seruant hath
and said vnto her, Come lye with mee, sheepe-shearers , Let the King, I be-
my sister. - seech thee, and his seruants, goe with
12 And she answered him, Nay, my thy seruant.
r Hfib. hum- brother, doenott force me : for * t no such
ble me,
25 And the King sayde to Absalom,
* Leuit. thing ought to bee done in Israel; doe Nay, my sonne, let vs not all now goe,
18. <).
t Heb. It
not thou this folly. lest we be chargeable vnto thee. And he
ought not ,<?o 13 And I, whither shall I cause my pressed him : howbeit he would not goe,
to be done. but blessed him.
shame to goe? and as for thee, thou shalt
be as one of the fooles in Israel : now 26 Then said Absalom , If not , I
therefore, I pray thee, speake vnto the pray thee , let my brother Amnon goe
king, for he will not withhold me from with vs. And the King said vnto him,
thee. Why should he goe with thee ?
14? Howbeit hee would not hearken 27 But Absalom pressed him, that
vnto her voice, but being stronger then he let Amnon and all the kings sonnes
shee, forced her, and lay with her. goe with him.
t Heb. with 15 If Then Amnon hated her tex- 28 If Now Absalom had comman-
great hatred
greatly. ceedingly, so that the hatred wherwith ded his seruants, saying, Marke yee
he hated her, was greater then the loue now when Amnons heart is merrie
wherewith hee had loued her : And with wine, and when I say vnto you,
Amnon said vnto her, Arise, be gone. Smite Amnon , then kill him , feare
16 And she said vnto him, There is not: ||haue not I commanded you? be no/, I Or', will you
since I
no cause : this euill in sending me away, couragious, and be t valiant. hauecom-
is greater then the other that thou did- mandedyoul
29 And the seruants of Absalom did iHeb.sonnes
dest vnto me : But he would not hear- vnto Amnon as Absalom had com- ofvalour.
ken vnto her. manded : then all the Kings sonnes?a-
17 Then hee called his seruant that rose, and euery man tgate him vp vpon i Heb. rode.
ministred vnto him, and said, Put now his mule, and fled.
this woman out from mee, and bolt the 30 f And it came to passe while they
doore after her. were in the way, that tidings came to
18 And shee had a garment of diuers Dauid, saying, Absalom hath slaine all
colours vpon her : for with such robes the Kings sonnes, and there is not one
were the Kings daughters, that were of them left.
virgins, apparelled. Then his seruant 31 Then the king arose, and tare his
brought her out, and bolted the doore garments, and lay on the earth : and
after her. all his seruants stoode by with their
19 H And Tamar put ashes on her clothes rent.
head , and rent her garment of diuers 32 And lonadab the sonne of Shi-
colours that was on her, and layde her meah Dauids brother , answered and
hand on her head, and went on, crying. said, Let not my lord suppose that they
20 And Absalom her brother sayde haue slaine all the yong men the Kings
vnto her, Hath Amnon thy brother sonnes ; for Amnon onely is dead : for
beene with thee ? But holde nowe thy by the t appointment of Absalom this t Heb. mouth
t Heb. set peace, my sister: he is thy brother, t re- hath beene || determined, from the day n Or, setled.
not thine
heart. gard not this thing. So Tamar remai- that he forced his sister Tamar.
t Heb. and ned t desolate in her brother Absaloms 33 Now therefore let not my lord the
desolate. King take the thing to his heart, to
21 1T But when King Dauid heard thinke that all the Kings sonnes are
of all these things, he was very wroth. dead : for Amnon onely is dead.
22 And Absalom spake vnto his bro- 34 But Absalom fled : and the yong
ther Amnon neither good nor bad : for man that kept the watch , lift vp his
Absalom hated Amnon, because he had eyes, and looked, and behold, there came
forced his sister Tamar. much people by the way of the hillside
23 If And it came to passe after two behind him.
full yeeres, that Absalom had sheepe- 35 And lonadab said vnto the king,
shearers in Baal-Hazor, which is beside Behold, the kings sonnes come: t as thy t Heb. accor-
ding to the
Ephraim ; and Absalom inuited all the seruant said, so it is. word of thy
kings sonnes. ;
36 And it came to passe assoone as seruant.
24 And Absalom came to the King, hee had made an endc of speaking, that
The widow of Il.Samuel. Tekoahs parable.
behold, the kings sonnes came, and lift nor remainder tvpon the earth. Hebr* vpon
vp their voice, and wept; and the King 8 And the king saide vnto the wo- the face of
the earth.
t Heir, with also and all his seruants wept tvery man, Goe to thine house, and I will
a great wee- sore. jiue charge concerning thee.
ns great-
ly 37 If But Absalom fled, and went 9 And the woman of Tekoah said
I Or, Am. o Talmai the sonne of ||Ammihud vnto the king, My lord, O king, the ini-
ring of Geshur : and Dauid mourned uitie bee on mee, and on my fathers
or nis sonne euery day, icuse : and the king and his throne See
38 So Absalom fled, and went to ruiltlesse.
Geshur, and was there three yeeres. 10 And the king said, Whosoeuer
II Or, was
39 And the soule of king Dauid ||lon- saith ought vnto thee, bring him to mee,
jed to goe foorth vnto Absalom : for he and he shall not touch thee any more.
was comforted concerning Amnon, 11 Then said she, I pray thee, let the
seeing he was dead. cing remember the L O R D thy God,
hthat thou wouldest not suffer the re- Heir, that
uengers of blood to destroy any more, ofthereuenger
blood doe
C H A P . XIIII. est they destroy my sonne. And ne said, not multiply
to destroy.
1 loab, suborning a widow of Tekoah, by a pa- As the L O R D liueth, there shall not
rable to incline the Kings heart to fetch home one haire of thy sonne fall to the earth.
Absalom, bringeth him to Hierusalem. 25 12 Then the woman said, Let thine
Absaloms beautie, haire, and children. 28
After two yeres, Absalom by loab is brought mndmayd, I pray thee, speake one
into the Kings presence. word vnto my lord the king. And hee
said, Say on.
Ow loab the sonne ol 13 And the woman said, Wherefore

Zeruiah, perceiued that then hast thou thought such a thing a-
the kings neart was to- gainst the people of God ? For the king
ward Absalom. doeth speake this thing as one which is
2 And loab sent to aultv. in that the king doeth not fetch
Tekoah, and fetcht thence a wise wo- lome againe his banished.
man, and said vnto her, I pray thee, 14 For we must needs die, and are as
'aine thy selfe to be a mourner, and put water spilt on the ground , which can-
on now mourning apparel, and anoint not bee gathered vp againe : ||neither I Or, because
God hath
not thy selfe with oile, but be as a wo- doeth God respect any person, yet doeth not taken a-
man that had a long time mourned for Tnkcxvkkbhc
le deuise meanes, that his banished bee vay his Iife9
the dead : not expelled from him. deuised
3 And come to the king, and speake 15 Now therefore that I am come meanest <Jc.
on this maner vnto him : so loab put to speake of this thing vnto my lord the
the words in her mouth. dng, it is because the people haue made
4 If And when the woman of Te- me afraid : and thy handmayd said, I
koah spake to the king, shee fell on her will now speake vnto the king ; it may
face to the ground, and did obeysance, bee that the king will performe the re-
Hebr.saue and said, tHelpe, O king. quest of his handmayd.
5 And the king said vnto her, What 1 6 For the king wil heare, to deliuer
aileth thee ? And she answered, I am bis handmayd out of the hand of the
indeed a widow woman, and mine hus- man that would destroy mee , and my
band is dead. sonne together out of the inheritance
6 And thy handmayd had two of God:
sonnes, and they two stroue together in 17 Then thine handmayd said, The
t Hebr. no
the field, and there was tnone to par word of my lord the king shall now be
betweene them, but the one smote the other, anc t comfortable : for as an Angel of God, t Hebr. for
them, slew him, so is my lord the king t to discerne goo< rest.
t Hebr. to
7 And behold, the whole family is and bad : therfore the LORD thy Goc heare.
risen against thine handmayd, and they will be with thee.
said , Deliuer him that smote his bro- 18 Then the king answered and saic
ther, that we may kill him, for the life o vnto the woman, Hide not from me,
his brother whom he slew, and we wil pray thee, the thing that I shall ask
destroy the heire also: and so they sha thee. And the woman said, Let my lore
quench my cole which is left, and sha the king now speake,
not leaue to my husband neither name 19 And the king said, Is not th
Abfaloms beautie. Chap.xv. His flatterie.
hand of loab with thee in all this ? Absalom vnto his house, and said vnto
And the woman answered and said, As him, Wherefore haue thy seruants set
thy soule liueth, my lord the king, none my field on fire ?
can turne to the right hand or to the left 32 And Absalom answered loab,
from ought that my lord the king hath Behold, I sent vnto thee, saying, come
spoken : for thy seruant loab, hee bade hither, that I may send thee to the king
me, and he put all these wordes in the to say, Wherefore am I come from Ge-
mouth of thine handmaid : shur ? It had bene good for mee to haue
20 To fetch about this forme of bene there still : now therefore let me see
speech hath thy seruant loab done this the kings face : and if there bee any ini-
thing: and my lord is wise, according to quitie in me, let him kill me.
the wisedome of an Angel of God, to 33 So loab came to the King, and
know all things that are in the earth. told him : and when hee had called for
21 IT And the king said vnto loab, Absalom, he came to the king, and bow-
Behold now, I haue done this thing : ed himselfe on his face to the ground be-
goe therefore, bring the yong man Ab- fore the king, and the King kissed Ab-
salom againe. salom.
22 And loab fell to the ground on
t Heb. bles- his face, & bowed himselfe, and t thank-
ed the king : and loab said, To day thy C H A P . XV.
seruant knoweth that I haue found 1 Absalom, by faire speeches and courtesies,
grace in thy sight, my lord O king, in stealeth the hearts of Israel. 7 Vnder pretence
of a vow he obtaineth leaue to go to Hebron.
that the king hath fulfilled the request of 10 He maketh there a great conspiracie. 13
I! Or, thy. 11 his seruant. Dauidypon the newes fleeth from Jerusalem.
23 So loab arose, and went to Ge- 19 Ittai would not leaue him. 24 Zadok and
Abiathar are sent backe with the Arke. 30
shur, & brought Absalom to lerusalem. Dauid and his companie go vp mount Oliuet
24 And the king said, Let him turne weeping. 31 He curseth Anithophelscounsel.
to his owne house, & let him not see my 32 Husnai is sent backe with instructions.
face. So Absalom returned to his owne
house, and sawe not the kings face. Nd it came to passe after

t Heb. and 25 IT tBut in all Israel there was this, that Absalom prepa-
m Absa-
lom there none to be so much praised as Absalom, red him charets and hor-
was not a
beautifull for his beautie : from the sole of his foot ses, and fiftiemen to runne
man in all euen to the crowne of his head 3 there before him.
Israel^ to 2 And Absalom rose vp earely, and
praise was no blemish in him.
Rreatly. 26 And when he polled his head, (for stood beside the way of the gate: and it
it was at euery yeres end that he polled was so, that when any man that had a
it: because the haire was heauy on him, controuersie, tcame to the king for Judg- t Hebr. to
therefore he polled it) hee weighed the ment, then Absalom called vnto him, come.
haire of his head at two hundred she- and said, Of what citie art thou ? And
kels after the kings weight. he said, Thy seruant is of one of the
27 And vnto Absalom there were tribes of Israel.
borne three sonnes, and one daughter, 3 And Absalom said vnto him, See,
whose name was Tamar : shee was a thy matters are good & right, but there
woman of a faire countenance. is || no man deputed of the king to heare II 0r, none
will heare
28 U So Absalom dwelt two full thee. you from tlie
yeeres in Jerusalem, and saw not the 4 Absalom said moreouer, Oh that Icing down-
kings face. I were made ludge in the land, that
29 Therefore Absalom sent for lo- euery man which hath any suit or cause,
ab, to haue sent him to the king, but hee might come vnto me, and I would do
would not come to him : and when hee him iustice.
sent againe the second time, hee would 5 And it was so, that when any man
not come. came nigh to him, to doe him obeisance,
30 Therefore hee said vnto his ser- he put foorth his hand, and tooke him,
t Heb. neere uants, See, loabs field is tneere mine, and kissed him.
my place.
and he hath barley there: goe, and set it 6 And on this maner did Absalom
on fire: and Absaloms seruants set the to all Israel, that came to the King for
field on fire. iudgement: so Absalom stole the hearts
31 Then loab arose, and came to of the men of Israel.
7 f And
Abfaloms treafon ILSamueK Dauid fieeth.
7 IF And it came to passe after four- 20 Whereas thou earnest but yester-
bie yeeres, that Absalom said vnto the day, should I this day tmake thee goe t Heb. make
king, I pray thee, let mee goe and pay vp and downe with vs ? Seeing I goe thee wander
in going ?
my vow which I haue vowed vnto whither I may, returne thou, and take
the LORD in Hebron. backe thy brethren : mercie and trueth
8 For thy seruant vowed a vowe be with thee.
while I abode at Geshur in Syria, say- 21 And Ittai answered the King,
ing, If the L O R D shall bring mee a- and said, As the LORD liueth, and as
gaine in deed to Jerusalem, then I will my lord the king liueth, surely in what
seme the LORD. place my lord the king shall be, whether
9 And the king said vnto him, Goe in death or life, euen there also will thy
in peace. So he arose, and went to He- seruant be.
bron. 22 And Dauid said to Ittai, Goe,
10 f But Absalom sent spies tho- and passe ouer. And Ittai the Gittite
rowout all the tribes of Israel, saying, passed ouer, and all his men, and all the
As soone as yee heare the sound of the little ones that were with him.
trumpet, then yee shall say, Absalom 23 And all the countrey wept with
reigneth in Hebron. a loude voice, and all the people passed
11 And with Absalom went two ouer : the King also himselfe passed o-
hundred men out of lerusalem, that uer the brooke || Kidron, and all the peo- I Called loh.
18. 1. Ce-
were called, and they went in their sim- ple passed ouer, toward the way of the dron.
plicitie, and they knew not any thing. wildernesse.
1 2 And Absalom sent for Ahithophel 24 IF And loe, Zadok also, and all
the Gilonite, Dauids counseller , from the Leuites were with him, bearing the
his citie, euen from Giloh, while he offe- Arke of the Couenant of God, and they
red sacrifices : and the conspiracie was set downe the Arke of God ; and Abia-
strong , for the people encreased conti- thar went vp, vntill all the people had
nually with Absalom. done passing out of the citie.
13 IF And there came a messenger to 25 And the King said vnto Zadok,
Dauid, saying, The hearts of the men Gary backe the Arke of God into the ci-
of Israel are after Absalom. tie : if I shall finde fauour in the eyes
14? And Dauid said vnto all his ser- of the LORD, he wil bring me againe,
uants that were with him at lerusa- and shew me both it, and his habitation.
lem, Arise, and let vs flee; for wee shall 26 But if he thus say, I haue no de-
not else escape from Absalom : make light in thee: beholde, here am I, let
speede to depart , lest hee ouertake vs him doe to me, as seemeth goodvnto him.
tHeb. thrust suddenly, and t bring euill vpon vs, and 27 The king said also vnto Zadok
smite the city with the edge of the sword. the Priest, * Art not thou a Seer ? Re- * J. Sam,
15 And the kings seruants said vnto turne into the citie in peace , and your 9. 9.
the king, Behold, thy seruants are readie two sonnes with you, Ahimaaz thy
to doe whatsoeuer my lord the king shall sonne, and lonathan the sonne of A-
iHekchuse. t appoint. biathar.
16 And the king went foorth, and all 28 See, I will tarie in the plaine of
t Heb. at his his houshold t after him : and the King the wildernesse, vntill there come word
left tenne women, which were concu- from you to certifie me.
bines, to keepe the house. 29 Zadok therefore and Abiathar
17 And the king went forth, and all caried the Arke of God againe to leru-
the people after him , and taried in a salem ; and they taried there.
place that was farre off. 30 f And Dauid went vp by the
1 8 And all his seruants passed on be- ascent of mount Oliuet , tand wept as t Heb. going
side him : and all the Cherethites, an(3 he went vp, and had his head couered, vj) and wee-
all the Pelethites, and all the Gittites, and he went barefoote, and all the peo-
sixe hundred men, which came after him ple that was with him , couered euery
from Gath, passed on before the king. man his head, and they went vp, wee-
19 If Then said the king to Ittai the ping as they went vp.
Gittite, Wherefore goest thou also with 31 f And one tolde Dauid , saying,
vs ? Returne to thy place, and abide Ahithophel is among the conspirators
with the King : for thou art a stranger, with Absalom. And Dauid sayde , O
and also an exile. LORD, I pray thee turne the counsel!
HuQiais friendftiip Chap.xvj. Shimei eurfeth.
of Ahithophel into foolishnesse. house of Israel restore mee the king-
32 IF And it came to passe, that when dome of my father.
Dauid was come to the top of the mount, 4 Then said the king to ZibaJ Be-
where he worshipped God, behold, Hu- riold, thine are all that pertained vnto
shai the Archite came to meet him, with Mephibosheth. And Ziba saide, 1 1t Hebr. I
doe obey-
bis coat rent, and earth vpon his head: lumbly beseech thee that I may finde sance.
33 Vnto whom Dauid said, If thou grace in thy sight, my lord, O King.
passest on with me, then thou shalt be a 5 f And when king Dauid came to
burden vnto me. Bahurim , behold , thence came out a
34 But if thou returne to the citie, man of the family of the house of Saul,
and say vnto Absalom, I wil be thy ser- whose name was Shimei the sonne of
uant, O king : as I haue bene thy fathers Gera: ||hee came foorth, and cursed stijl H 0r, lie still
seruant hitherto, so will I now also be as he came. and cursed.
thy seruant : then mayest thou for mee 6 And he cast stones at Dauid, and
defeat the counsell of Ahithophel. at all the seruants of king Dauid : and
35 And hast thou not there with thee all the people, and all the mighty men
Zadok , and Abiathar the Priests ? were on his right hand, and on his left.
therefore it shall be, that what thing so- 7 And thus said Shimei when hee
euer thou shalt heare out of the kings cursed, Come out, come out thou t bloo- t Hebr. man
louse, thou shalt tell it to Zadok and A- dy man, and thou man of Belial :
jiathar the Priests. 8 The L O R D hath returned vp-
36 Behold, they haue there with them on thee all the blood of the house of
their two sonnes , Ahimaaz Zadoks Saul, in whose stead thou hast raigned,
sonne, and lonathan Abiathars sonne : and the L O R D hath deliuered the
and by them ye shall send vnto me eue- kingdom e into the hand of Absalom
ry thing that ye can heare. thy sonne : and t behold, ihouart taken to t Hebr. be-
37 So Hushai Dauids friend came thy mischiefe , because thou art a bloody hold thee in
thy euill.
into the citie , and Absalom came into man.
[erusalem. 9 f Then said Abishai the sonne of
Zeruiah vnto the king, Why should
;his*dead dogge curse my lord the king? * I.Sam.24.
C H A P . XVI. et mee goe ouer, I pray thee, and take 15. chap. 3.
1 Ziba by presents and false suggestions, ob- off his head.
taineth his masters inheritance. 5 AtBahu- 10 And the king said, What haue I
rim Shimei curseth Dauid. 9 Dauid with ;o doe with you, ye sonnes of Zeruiah?
patience abstaineth , and restraineth others So let him curse, because the L O R D
from reuenge. 15 Hushai insinuateth him-
selfe into Absaloms counsaile. 20 Ahitho- bath said vnto him, Curse Dauid. Who
nhels counsaile. shall then say, Wherefore hast thou
done so t
Nd when Dauid was a 11 And Dauid said to Abishai, and to

little past the top ofthehill, all his seruants, Beholde, my sonne
Beholde, Ziba the ser- which came foorth of my bowels, see-
it! uant of Mephibosheth
met him with a couple oi
keth my life: how much more now may
this Beniamite doe it? let him alone, and
let him curse : for the L O R D hath
asses sadled, and vpon them two hun-
dred loaues of bread, and an hundred bidden him.
bunches of raisins, and an hundred oi 12 It may bee that the L O R D will
summer fruits, and a bottell of wine. looke on mine ||affliction, and that the II Or* tcarest
2 And the King saide vnto Ziba, L O R D will requite good for his cur- Hebr. eye.
What meanest thou by these? And Zi- sing this day.
ba saide, The asses bee for the kings 13 And as Dauid and his men went
houshold to ride on, and the bread anc by the way, Shimei went along on the
summer fruit for the yong men to eate, hilles side ouer against him, and cursed
and the wine, that such as be faint in the as hee went, and threw stones at him,
wildernesse, may drinke. and t cast dust. \ Hebr. du-
3 And the king said, And where is 14 And the king, and all the people sted him
with dust.
thy masters sonne ? and Ziba said vn- that were with him, came weary, and
to the king, Behold, he abideth at le- refreshed themselues there.
rusalem : for hee said, To day shall the 15 11 And Absalom and al the people
Ahithophels and I I.Samuel. Huftiais counfeF.
the men of Israel, came to lerusa- 3 And 1 wil bring backe all the peo-
em, and Ahithophel with him. pie vnto thee : the man whom thou see-
16 And it came to passe when Hushai kest is as if all returned : so all the people
the Archite, Dauids friend, was come shall be in peace.
vnto Absalom, that Hushai said vnto 4 And the saying tpleased Absalom t Hebr. was
right in the
tHeb. let the Absalom, tGod saue the king, God saue well, and all the Elders of Israel. eyes of$c.
king Hue.
the king. 5 Then said Absalom , Call now
17 And Absalom said to Hushai, 'Is Hushai the Archite also, and let vs
this thy kindnesse to thy friend ? Why heare likewise twhat he saith. \Hebr.whal
wentest thou not with thy friend ? 6 And when Hushai was come to is in his
18 And Hushai said vnto Absalom, Absalom , Absalom spake vnto him,
Nay, but whom the L O R D and this saying, Ahithophel hath spoken after
people, and all the men of Israel chuse, this maner: shall we doe after his t say- t Heb. word.
liis will I bee, and with him will I ing ? if not, speake thou.
abide. 7 And Hushai said vnto Absalom,
19 And againe , whom should I The counsell that Ahithophel hath tgi- t Heb. COUTI.
serue? should! not serue in the presence uen , is not good at this time.
of his sonne ? as I haue serued in thy 8 For, (said Hushai, ) thou know-
fathers presence, so will I be in thy pre- est thy father and his men, that they bee
sence. mightie men, and theyfotchafed in their t Heb. bitter
20 f Then said Absalom to Ahitho- minds, as a beare robbed of her whelps ofsoule.
phel , Glue counsell among you what in the field : and thy father is a man of
we shall doe. warre, and will not lodge with the
21 And Ahithophel said vnto Absa- people.
lom 3 Goe in vnto thy fathers concu- 9 Behold, he is hid now ia some pit,
bines, which he hath left to keepe the or in some other place : and it wil come to
bouse, and all Israel shall heare that passe when some of them bee touer- t Heb./al-
thou art abhorred of thy father , then throwen at the first , that whosoeuer ien.
shall the hands of all that are with thee heareth it, wil say, There is a slaughter
be strong. among the people that followe Ab-
22 So they spread Absalom a tent salom.
vpon the top of the house, and Absalom 10 And he also that is valiant, whose
went in vnto his fathers concubines, heart is as the heart of a Lyon , shall
in the sight of all Israel. vtterly melt : for all Israel knoweth
23 And the counsell of Ahithophel that thy father is a mightie man,
which he counselled in those dayes, was and they which be with him are valiant
t Heb. ttfonf, as if a man had enquired at the t Oracle men.
of God: so was all the counsell of Ahi- 11 Therefore I counsell, that all Is-
thophel , both with Dauid and with rael be generally gathered vnto thee,
Absalom. from Dan euen to Beer-sheba, as the
sand that is by the sea for multitude, and
CHAP XVII tthat thou goe to battell in thine owne t Heb. that
person. thy face or
1 Ahithophels counsel] is ouerthrowen by Hu- presencetfoe,
shais, according to Gods appointment. 15 Se- 12 So shall wee come vpon him in 4-c.
cret intelligence is sent vnto Dauid. 23 Ahi- some place where he shall be found, and
thophel hangeth himselfe. 25 Amasa is we will light vpon him as the dew fal-
made captaine. 27 Dauid at Mahanaim leth on the ground : and of him and of
is furnished with prouision.
all the men that are with him, there shall
Oreouer Ahithophel said not be left so much as one.

vnto Absalom, Let mee 13 Moreouer, if hee be gotten into a
nowe chuse out twelue citie, then shall all Israel bring ropes
thousand men, and I to that city, and we will draw it into the
will arise and pursue af- riuer, vntill there be not one small stone
ter Dauid this night. found there.
2 And I wil come vpon him while 14 And Absalom and all the men of
hee is wearie and weake handed, and Israel said, The counsell of Hushai the
wil make him afraid: and all the people Archite, is better then the counsell of A-
that are with him shall flee, and I will hithophel : For the L O R D had tap- t Heb. cow "
smite the king onely. pointed to defeate the good counsell of manded.
Ahithophels death. Chap.xviij. Dauid relieued.
Ahithophel, to the intent that the 25 11 And Absalom made Amasa
LORD might bring euill vpon Ab- captaine of the hoste in stead of loab:
salom. which Amasa was a mans sonne whose
15 1i Then said Hushai vnto Zadok name was Ithra an Israelite, that went
and to AbiatHar the Priestes, Thus in to Abigail the daughter of Nahash,
and thus did Ahithophel counsell Ab- sister to Zeruiah loabs mother.
salom and the Elders of Israel, and 26 So Israel and Absalom pitched
thus and thus haue I counselled. in the land of Gilead.
16 Now therefore send quickly, and 27 1f And it came to passe when Da-
tell Dauid, saying, Lodge not this night uid was come to Mahanaim, that Sho-
in the plaines of the wildernes, but spee- bi the sonne of Nahash of Rabbah of
dily passe ouer, lest the King be swal- the children of Ammon, and Machir
lowed vp, and all the people that are the sonne of Ammiel of Lodebar, and
with him. Barzillai the Gileadite, of Rogelim,
17 Now lonathan and Ahimaaz 28 Brought beds, and ||basins, and U Or, eapa.
stayed by En-rogel: (for they might not earthen vessels, and wheat, and barley,
be scene to come into the citie ) and a and floure, and parched come, & beanes,
wench went and tolde them: and they and lentiles, and parched pulse,
went, and tolde king Dauid. 29 And honie, and butter, and sheepe,
18 Neuerthelesse, a ladde saw them, and cheese of kine for Dauid, and for the
and tolde Absalom : but they went both people that were with him, to eate : for
of them away qnickely, and came to a they said, The people is hungrie, and
mans house in Bahurim, which had a wearie, and thirstie in the wildernesse.
Well in his court, whither they went
19 And the woman tooke and spread C H A P . XVIII.
a couering ouer the welles mouth, and 1 Dauid viewing the armies in their march, gi-
spread ground corne thereon; and the ueth them charge of Absalom. 6 The Isra-
thing was not knowen. elites are sore smitten in the wood of Ephra-
£0 And when Absaloms seruants im. 9 Absalom hanging in an Oke, is slaine
by loab, and cast into a pit. 18 Absaloms
came to the woman to the house, they place. 19 Ahimaaz and Cushi bring tidings
said, Where is Ahimaaz and lonathan? to Dauid. 33 Dauid mourneth for Absalom.
And the woman said vnto them, They
be gone ouer the brooke of water. And Nd Dauid numbred the
when they had sought, and could not
finde them, they returned to lerusa-
21 And it came to passe after they
A people that were with him,
and set captaines of thou-
sands , and captaines of
hundreds ouer them.
were departed, that they came vp out of 2 And Dauid sent forth a third part
the Well, and went and tolde king Da- of the people vnder the hand of loab,
uid, and said vnto Dauid, Arise, and and a third part vnder the hand of Abi-
passe qnickely ouer the water: for thus shai the sonne of Zeruiah loabs bro-
hath Ahithophel counselled against ther, and a third part vnder the hand of
you. Ittai the Gittite: and the king said vn-
22 Then Dauid arose, and all the to the people, I will surely goe foorth
people that were with him, and they with you my selfe also.
passed ouer lordane : by the morning 3 But the people answered, Thou
light there lacked not one of them that shalt not goe foorth : for if we flee away,
was not gone ouer lordane. they will not care for vs, neither if halfe
23 U And when Ahithophel sawe ofvs die will they tcare for vs: but now t Heb. set
t Heb. done. that his counsell was not t followed, he thou art t worth ten thousand ofvs: ther- ontheir heart
sadled his asse, and arose, and gate him fore now it is better that thou t succour \ Heb. as ten
t Heb. gaue home to his house, to his citie, and tput vs out of the citie. thousand
charge con- ofvs.
cerning his his houshold in order, and hanged him- 4 And the King sayde vnto them, succour. t Heb. be to \
house. selfe, and died, and was buried in the se- What seemeth you best, I will doe.
pulchre of his father. And the King stood by the gate side,
24? Then Dauid came to Mahana- and all the people came out by hun-
im : and Absalom passed ouer lordane, dreds, and by thousands.
he and all the men of Israel with him. 5 And the king commanded loab,
Aibfalom flaine. H.Samuel. Abfaloms pillar.
and Abishai, and Ittai, saying, Deale cast him into a great pit in the wood,
gently for my sake with the yong man, and layd a very great heape of stones
tuen with Absalom. And all the people vpon him : and all Israel fled euery one
leard when the king gaue all the cap- to his tent.
taines charge concerning Absalom. 18 1T Now Absalom in his life time
6 f So the people went out into iad taken and reared vp for himselfe a
the field against Israel : and the battell rillar, which is in *the Kings dale : for* Gene. 14.
was in the wood of Ephraim, lee said, I haue no sonne to keepe my 17.
7 Where the people of Israel were name in remembrance : And hee called
slaine before the seruants of Dauid, and ;he pillar after his owne name, and it
there was there a great slaughter that is called vnto this day, Absaloms place.
day of twenty thousand men. 19 IT Then said Ahimaaz the sonne
8 For the battell was there scatte- of Zadok , Let mee now runne , and
red ouer the face of all the countrey : and >eare the King tidings, how that the
Hebr. mul- the wood tdeuoured more people that LORD
tiplied to de- . hath tauenged " him of his \Hebr.
fudged him
uoure. day, then the sword deuoured. enemies. from the
9 f And Absalom met the seruants 20 And loab said vnto him, Thou hand $c.
of Dauid ; and Absalom rode vpon a shalt not tbeare tidings this day, but Hebr. be a
mule , and the mule went vnder the hou shalt beare tidings another day : mandings.
of ti-

thicke boughs of a great Oke, and his >ut this day thou shalt beare no ti-
bead caught hold of the Oke, and hee dings, because the Kings sonne is dead.
was taken vp betweene the heauen 21 Then said loab to Cushi , Goe
and the earth, and the mule that was vn- tell the King what thou hast scene. And
der him, went away. Cushi bowed himselfe vnto loab, and
10 And a certame man saw it> and told ranne.
loab, and said, Behold, I saw Absa- 22 Then said Ahimaaz the sonne of
lom hanged in an Oke. Zadok yet againe to loab, But thow- whatmuy.t Hebr. be
11 And loab said vnto the man that soeuer, let mee, I pray thee, also runne
told him, And behold, thou sawest him. after Cushi. And loab said, Wherefore
and why didst thou not smite him there wilt thou runne, my sonne, seeing that
to the ground, and I would haue gi- thou hast no tidings || ready? fl Or, conve-
uen thee tenne shekels of siluer , and a 23 But howsoeuer, (said he) let mee
girdle ? runne: And hee said vnto him, Runne.
12 And the man saide vnto loab, Then Ahimaaz ranne by the way of
t Heb. weigh Though I should treceiue a thousand the plaine, and ouerranne Cushi.
vpon mine
hand. shekels of siluer in mine hand, yet would 24? And Dauid sate betweene the
I not put foorth mine hand against the two gates : and the watchman went vp
Kings sonne : for in our hearing the to the roofe ouer the gate vnto the
King charged thee, and Abishai , and wall, and lift vp his eyes, and looked,,
t Hebr. be- Ittai, saying, t Beware that none touch and behold, a man running alone.
ware whoso
euer ye be, the yong man Absalom. 25 And the watchman cried, and
o/*<- 13 Otherwyse , I should haue told the King. And the king said, If he
wrought falshood against mine owne bee alone, there is tidings in his mouth.
life : for there is no matter hid from the And he came apace, and drew neere.
King, and thou thy selfe wouldest haue 26 And the watchman saw another
set thy selfe against me. man running, and the watchman cal-
14 Then said loab, I may not tary led vnto the porter, and said, Behold,
t Hebr. be- thus twith thee. And hee tooke three another man running alone. And the
fore thee.
darts in his hand, and thrust them tho- King said, He also bringeth tidings.
row the heart of Absalom , while hee 27 And the watchman said, tMee \ Hebr. I
t Heb. heart was yet aliue in the t midst of the Oke. thinketh the running of the foremost is seening.
the run-
15 And ten yong men that bare lo- like the running of Ahimaaz the sonne
abs armour , compassed about am of Zadok. And the King said, Hee is a
smote Absalom, and slew him. good man, and commeth with good ti-
16 And loab blew the trumpet, anc dings.
the people returned from pursuing af- 28 And Ahimaaz called, and said vn-
ter Israel : for loab helde backe the to the King, || All is well. And hee fell be
i: 0r, peace
to thee.
people. downe to the earth vpon his face before Hebr. peace
17 And they tooke Absalom, anc the King , and saide, Blessed bee the
Dauid mournett Chap.xix. Dauid returneth.
\ Heb. shut L O R D thjr God which hath tdeliue- which this day hauesaued thy life, and
red vp the men that lift vp their hande the Hues of thy sonnes, & of thy daugh-
against my lord the King. ters, and the Hues of thy wiues , and
\ Hebr. Is 29 And the king said , t Is the yong the Hues of thy concubines,
there peace?
man Absalom safe ? And Ahimaaz an^ 6 t In that thou louest thine ene- t Heb. by /o-
swered, When loab sent the kings ser" mies, and hatest thy friends; for thou uing t $c.
t Heh. that
uant, and me thy seruant, I saw a great hast declared this day, tthat thou re- princes or
gardest neither princes , nor seruants : seruttnts arc-
tumult, but I knew not what it was. no/ to thee.
30 And the king said vnto him, Turne for this day I perceiue, that if Absalom
aside and stand here. And hee turned a- had liued, and all we had died this day,
side, and stood still. then it had pleased thee well.
31 Andbehold,Cushicame,andCushi 7 Now therefore arise, goe foorth,
t H_ebr. ti- said, t Tidings my lord the king : for the and speake t comfortably vnto thy ser- t Heb. to the
dings is
brought. L O R D hath auenged thee this day uants : for I sweare by the LORD, heart of thy
of all them that rose vp against thee. if thou goe not forth, there wil not tarie
32 And the king said vnto Cushi, Is one with thee this night, and that will
the yong man Absalom safe? And Cu- be worse vnto thee then all the euill that
shi answered , The enemies of my lord befell thee from thy youth vntill now.
the king, and all that rise against thee to 8 Then the King rose , and sate in
doe thee hurt, be as that yong man is. the gate: and they told vnto all the peo-
33 U And the king was much moued, ple, saying, Behold, the king doth sit in
and went vp to the chamber ouer the the gate : and all the people came before
gate, and wept : and as he went, thus the king : for Israel had fled euery man
hee said , O my sonne Absalom , my to his tent.
sonne, my sonne Absalom : would God 9 H And all the people were at strife
I had died for thee , O Absalom , my throughout all the tribes of Israel, say-
sonne, my sonne. ing, The king saued vs out of the hand
of our enemies, and he deliuered vs out
of the hand of the Philistines, and now
CHAP. XIX. he is fled out of the land for Absalom.
10 And Absalom whom wee anoin-
1 loab causeth the king to cease his mourning. ted ouer vs, is dead in battell : nowe
9 The Israelites are earnest to bring the king
backe. 1 1 Dauid sendeth to the Priests to in- therefore why t speake ye not a word of silent
\ Heb are ye
cite them of ludah. 18 Shimei is pardoned. bringing the king backe ?
24 Mephibosheth excused. 32 Barzillai dis- 11 IT And King Dauid sent to Za-
missed, Chimham his sonne is taken into the dok and to Abiathar the priests, saying,
Kings familie. 41 The Israelites expostulate
with ludah for bringing home the King Speake vnto the Elders of ludah,
without them. saying, Why are ye the last to bring the
king backe to his house? (seeing the
11 u 11, was turn luau, uc- speech of all Israel is come to the king,

holde, the king weepeth euen to his house.)
and mourneth for Absa- 12 Yee are my brethren, Yee are my
lom. bones and my flesh: wherfore then are
t Heb. sal- 2 And the t victorie that ye the last to bring backe the king ?
uation or de- day was turned into mourning vnto all 13 And sayje to Amasa: Art thou not
the people: for the people heard say that of my bone, and of my flesh? God do so
day, how the king was grieued for his to me, and more also, if thou be not cap-
sonne. taine of the hoste before me continually
3 And the people gate them by stealth in the roome of loab.
that day into the citie, as people beeing 14 And he bowed the heart of all the
ashamed steale away when they flee in men of ludah, euen as the heart of one
battell. man, so that they sent this word vnto the
4 But the king couered his face, and King, Returne thou and all thy ser-
the king cried with a loud voyce, O my uants.
sonne Absalom, 0 Absalom my sonne, 15 So the King returned, and came
my sonne. to Jordan: and ludah came to Gilgal,
5 And loab came into the house to to goe to meet the King, to conduct the
the king, and said, Thou hast shamed king ouer lordane.
this day the faces of all thy seruants, 16 11 And * Shimei the sonne of 2.* 18. King.
Shimeis fubmiflion, 11.Samuel Barzillai aged.
Gera, a Beniamite, which wass of Ba- he King is as an Angel of God : doe
mrim, hasted, & came downe with the therefore what is good in thine eyes.
men of ludah, to meet King Dauid. 28 For all of my fathers house were
17 And there were a thousand men of but t dead men before my lord the king: t Heb. men
of death.
Chap. Jeniamin with him, and *Ziba the ser- ret diddest thou set thy seruant among
uant of the house of Saul , and his fif- them that did eate at thine owne table:
eene sonnes and his twenty seruants what right therefore haue I yet to crie
with him, and they went ouer lordane any more vnto the king?
)efore the King. 29 And the king said vnto him, Why
18 And there went ouer a ferry-boat speakest thou any more of thy matters ?
o cary ouer the kings houshold, and to I haue said, Thou and Ziba diuide
i Heb. the doe twhat he thought good: and Shi- the land.
good in his mei the sonne of Gera fell downe be- 30 And Mephibosheth said vnto the
bre the king as he was come ouer lor- cing, Yea, let him take all, forasmuch
dane; as my lorde the king is come againe in
19 And said vnto the king, Let not )eace vnto his owne house.
my lord impute iniquitie vnto me, nei- 31 f And Barzillai the Gileadite
ther do thou remember that which thy came downe from Rogelim, and went
seruant did peruersly the day that my ouer lordane with the king, to conduct
* Chap. 16. ord the king *went out of Jerusalem, lim ouer lordane.
that the king should take it to his heart. 32 Now Barzillai was a very aged
20 For thy seruant doeth know that man , euen fourescore yeeres olde , and
[ haue sinned : therefore behold, I am *he had prouided the king of sustenance * Chap. 17.
come the first this day of all the house of while he lay at Mahanaim : for he was a 27.
[oseph, to goe downe to meete my lord very great man.
the king. 33 And the king said vnto Barzillai,
21 But Abishai the sonne of Zeruiah dome thou ouer with me, and I will
answered, and sayd, Shall not Shimei :eede thee with me in lerusalem.
>e put to death for this, because hee cur- 34 And Barzillai sayde vnto the
sed the LORDS Anointed ? king, tHow long haue I to liue, that I dayesaretlie
t How many
22 And Dauid said, What haue I to should goe vp with the King vnto le- qgfif*
doe with you , yee sonnes .of Z.eruiah, rusalem ?
that yee should this day be aduersaries 35 I am this day fourescore yeeres
vnto me ? shall there any man be put to olde : and can I discerne betweene good
death this day in Israel? for doe not I and euill? Can thy seruant taste what
enow, that 1. am this day King ouer I eate, or what I drinke? can I heare
Israel? any more the voice of singing men and
23 Therfore the king said vnto Shi- singing women ? wherf ore then should
mei, Thou shalt not die: and the King thy seruant bee yet a burden vnto my
sware vnto him. lord the king?
24? U And Mephibosheth the sonne 36 Thy seruant vvill goe a little way
of Saul came downg to meet the king, ouer lordane with the king :>nd .why
and had neither dressed his feete , nor should the king recompense i(Jnie,:fitA
trimmed his beard , nor washed his such a reward? -
clothes, from the day the King depar- 37 Let thy seruant, I pray thee,
ted , vntill the day hee came againe in turne backe againe, that I may die in
peace. mine owne citie , and be buried by the
25 And it came to passe when he was graue of my father, and of my mother
come to lerusalem to meete the King, but behold thy seruant Chimham , lei
that the King sayd vnto him, Where- him go ouer with my lord the king, anc
fore wentest not thou with me, Mephi- doe to him what shall s^eme good vnto
bosheth p thee.
26 And hee answered, My, lord 0 38 And the king answered, Chim-
king, my seruant deceiued mee ; for thy ham shal goe ouer with .m'e, and I wD
seruant sayd , I will saddle me an asse doe to him that which shall seeme gooc
that I may ride thereon, and goe to the vnto thee : and whatsoeuer thou shalt
king, because thy seruant is lame : t require of me, that will I doe for thee'use.
* Chap. 27 And *hee hath slandered thy ser- 39 And all the people went ouer
16. 3.
uant vnto my lord the king, but my lore lordane and when the king was come
Sheba rebelleth. Chap.xx. Amafa flaine.
ouer, the king kissed Barzillai, and bles- vnto them : so they were t shut vp vnto tHeftr.
sed him, and he returned vnto his owne the day of their death, tliuing in wi- bound.
t Hebr. in
place. dowhood. widowhood
40 Then the King went on to Gil- 4 1F Then said the king to Amasa,
gal, and Chimham went on with him : t Assemble me the men of ludah with- Wtebr.
and all the people of ludah conducted in three day es, and be thou here present call.
the king , and also halfe the people of 5 So Amasa went to assemble the
Israel. men of ludah ; but hee taried longer
41 If And behold, all the men of Is- then the set time which he had appoin-
rael came to the king, and said vnto the ted him.
king. Why haue our brethren the men 6 And Dauid said to Abishai, Now
of ludah stollen thee away, and haue shall Sheba the sonne of Bichri doe vs
brought the King and his houshold, more harme then did Absalom : take
and all Dauids men with him, ouer thou thy lords seruants, and pursue af-
lordane ? ter him, lest he get him fenced cities, and
42 And all the men of ludah an- t escape vs.
'iuer him-
swered the men of Israel, Because the 7 And there went out after him selfefrom
king is neere of kinne to vs : wherefore our
loabs men , and the * Cherethites, and * Chap. eyes.
then be ye angrie for this matter? Haue the Pelethites, and all the mighty men : 18.
we eaten at all of the kings cost? or hath and they went out of lerusalem, to
he giuen vs any gift? pursue after Sheba the s'onne of Bichri.
43 And the men of Israel answe- 8 When they were at the great stone
red the men of ludah, and said, Wee which is in Gibeon, Amasa went before
haue ten parts in the king, and we haue them : and loabs garment that he had
also more right in Dauid then yee: why put on, was girded vnto him, and vpon
t Hebr. set then did yee t despise vs, that our aduice it a girdle with a sword fastned vpon his
vs at light.
should not be first had in bringing backe loynes in the sheath thereof, and as hee
our king ? And the wordes of the men went forth, it fell out.
of ludah were fiercer then the words 9 And loab saide to Amasa , Art
of the men of Israel. thou in health, my brother ? And loab
tooke Amasa by the beard with the
right hand to kisse him.
C H A P . XX. 10 But Amasa tooke no heed to the
1 By occasion of the quarrell, Sheba maketh a sword that was in loabs hand : so hee
party in Israel. 3 Dauids ten concubines are smote him therewith in the fifth rib, and
shut vp in perpetual prison. 4 Amasa made shed out his bowels to the ground, and
captaine ouer ludah, is slaine by loab. 14 tstrake him not againe, and he died : so iffebr.
loab pursueth Sheba vnto Abel. 16 A wise
woman saueth the citje by Shebaes head. loab and Abishai his brother pursued doubled not
his stroke.
23 Dauids Officers. after Sheba the sonne of Bichri.
11 And one of loabs men stood by
Nd there happened to bee him, and said, He that f^uoureth loab,

- _ .
there a man of Belial,
whose name was Sheba
the sonne of Bichri, a Ben-
iamite, & hee blew a trum-
and hee that is for Dauid, let him goe af-
ter loab.
12 And Amasa wallowed in blood
in the mids of the high way : and when
pet, and said, Wee haue no part in Da- the man saw that all the people stood
uid, neither haue we inheritance in the still, he remoued Amasa out of the high
sonne of lesse : euery man to his tents, way into the field, and cast a cloth vpon
O Israel. him, when hee saw that euery one that
2 So euery man of Israel went vp came by him, stood still.
from after Dauid, and followed Sheba 13 When he was remoued out of the
the sonne of Bichri: but the men of lu- ligh way, all the people went on after
dah claue vnto their king, from lor- toab, to pursue after Sheba the sorine
dane euen to lerusalem. of Bichri.
3 IF And Dauid came to his house 14 IT And hee went thorow all the
at lerusalem, and the king tooke the tribes of Israel vnto Abel, and to
* Chap. 16.
22. ten women his * concubines, whom he Bethmaachah, and all the Berites: and
t Hebr. a
house of
had left to keep the house, and put them they were gathered together, and went
ward. in t ward, and fed them, but went not in also after him.
15 And

Sheba beheaded. II.Samuel. Famine in Ifrael
15 And they came and besieged him burieth the bones of Saul and Jonathan in his
in Abel of Bethmaachah, and they cast fathers sepulchre. 15 Foure battels against
I Or, it stood vp abanke against the citie, and ||it stood the Philistines, wherein foure valiants of Da-
against the uid slay foure gyants.
outmost wall in the trench : and all the people that
t Heb. mar- were with loab, t battered the wall, to Hen there was a famine in

red to throw throw it downe. the dayes of Dauid three
16 1F Then cried a wise woman out yeeres, yeere after yeere,
of the citie, Heare, heare; say, I pray and Dauid t enquired of T Heb. sought
vou. vnto loab* Come neere hither. the L O R D . And the he face <fc.
hat I may speake with thee. L O R D answered, It is for Saul, and
17 And when he was come neere vn- br his bloodie house, because he slew the
o her, the woman said, Art thou loab? Gibeonites.
And he answered, I am he: Then shee 2 And the king called the Gibeo-
said vnto him, Heare the words of thine nites, and said vnto them, (now the Gi-
landmaid. And he answered, I doe beonites were not of the children of Is-
leare. rael, but *of the remnant of the Amo- * losh. 9. 3,
B Or, They
18 Then she spake, saying, ||They rites, and the children of Israel had 16, 17.
in the begin- were wont to speake in old time , say- sworne vnto them : and Saul sought
ning.saying ing, They shall surely aske counsell at to slay them, in his zeale to the children
surely they
will aske of Abel . and so they ended the matter. of Israel and ludah)
Abel; and so
make an end 19 I am one of them that are peacea- 3 Wherefore Dauid said vnto the
ble and faithfull in Israel: thou seekest Gibeonites, What shall I doe for you ?
to destroy a citie, and a mother in Is- and wherwith shall I make the atone-
rael : Why wilt thou swallow vp the ment, that ye may blesse the inheritance
inheritance of the LORD ? of the L O R D ?
20 And loab answered and saide, 4? And the Gibeonites saide vnto
Farre be it, farre be it from me, that 1 him, || We will haue no siluer nor golde i Or, // is
should swallow vp or destroy. of Saul , nor of his house, neither for not siltter or
fold that we
21 The matter is not so : but a man kaue
vs shalt thou kill any man in Israel. with Saul to doe
of mount Ephraim ( Sheba the sonne And he said, What you shall say, that his house,,
t Heb. by hi of Bichri tby name) hath lift vp his neither per-
will I doe for you. taines it to
band against the king, euen against Da- 5 And they answered the king, The vs to kil <jc.
uid: deliuer him onely , and I will de- man that consumed vs, and that ||deui- R Or, cut vs
part from the city. And the woman saic sed against vs, that we should be destroi- off.
vnto loab, Behold, his head shall be ed from remaining in any of the coasts
throwen to thee ouer the wall. of Israel,
2£ Then the woman went vnto al 6 Let seuen men of his sonnes bee
the people in her wisedome, and they deliuered vnto vs, and wee will hang
cut off the head of Sheba the sonne o: them vp vnto the L O R D in Gibeah ol
Bichri, and cast it out to loab: and hee Saul, \\whome the L O R D did chuse. I Or, chosen
t Heb. were blew a trumpet, and they t retired from
And the king said, I will giue them. of the Lord.
the citie, euery man to his tent: & loab 7 But the king spared Mephibo-
returned to lerusalem vnto the king. sheth the sonne of lonathan the sonne
* Chap. 8. 23 If Now * loab was ouer all the of Saul, because of the * LORDS •l. Sam. l»
hoste of Israel, and Benaiah the sonne oth'e that was between them, betweene 3. 42.
and 20. 8,
of lehoiada was ouer the Cherethites, Dauid, and lonathan the sonne ol
and ouer the Pelethites. Saul.
24 And Adoram was ouer the tri- 8 But the king tooke the two sons
bute , and lehoshaphat the sonne o of Rizpah the daughter of Aiah, whom
I Or, re- Ahilud was || Recorder. she bare vnto Saul, Armoni and Me-
25 And Sheua was scribe, and Za- phibosheth, and the flue sonnes of ||Mi- chals
II Or, Mi.
dok, and Abiatbar were the Priests. chal the daughter of Saul, whome she t Heb. bare
26 And Ira also the lairite , was t brought vp for Adriel the sonne oi to Adriel.
OOr, a || a chiefe ruler about Dauid. Barzillai the Meholathite.
9 And hee (Jeliuered them into the
C H A P . XXI. hands of the Gibeonites, and they han-
1 The three yeeres famine for the Gibeonites,
ged them in the hill before the LORD .
cease, by hanging seuen of Sauls sonnes. 1 ( and they fell all seuen together, am
Rizpahs kindnes vnto the dead. 12 Dauic were put to death in the dayes of har-
Sauls bones buried. Chap.xxij. Dauids fong.
uest, in the first dayes^ in the beginning liath the Gittite , the staffe of whose
of barley haruest. speare was like a weauers beame.
* Chap. 3.7. 10 f And *Rizpah the daughter of 20 And there was yet a battell in
Aiah tooke sackecloth, and spread it for Gath , where was a man of great sta-
her vpon the rocke, from the beginning ture , that had on euery hand sixe fin-
of haruest , vntill water dropped vpon gers, and on euery foote sixe toes, foure
them out of heauen , and suffered nei- and twenty in number, and he also was
ther the birds of the aire to rest on them borne to ||the Gyant. II Or, Rapha.
by day, nor the beastes of the fielde by 21 And when he || defied Israel, lo- ched. H Or, repro~
night. nathan the sonne of *Shimea the bro- c hen d.
* 1. Sam.
11 And it was tolde Dauid what ther of Dauid, slew him. 16. 9.
Rizpah the daughter of Aiah the con- 22 These foure were borne to the
cubine of Saul had done. Gyant in Gath, and fell by the hand of
12 IT And Dauid went and tooke the Dauid , and by the hand of his ser-
xmes of Saul, and the bones of lona- uants.
than his sonne from the men of labesh
Gilead , which had stollen them from C H A P . XXII.
* i. Sam. the street of Bethshan where the *Phi-
31. 10. A Psalme of thankesgiuing for Gods powerfull
istines had hanged them , when the deliuerance, and manifold blessings.
Philistines had slaine Saul in Gilboa.
13 And hee brought vp from thence Nd Dauid spake vntb the
the bones of Saul, and the bones of
lonathan his sonne, and they gathe-
red the bones of them that were han-
A__ ¥ -, v ^
L O R D the wordes of
this song, in the day that
the L O R D had deliu'e-
red him out of the hand of
14? And the bones of Saul and lo- all his enemies, and out of the hand of
nathan his sonne buried they in the Saul.
countrey of Beniamin in Zelah, in the 2 And he said, *The L O R D is my * Psal. is. 2.
sepulchre of Kish his father: and they rocke and my fortresse, and my deli- Sec.
perfourmed all that the king comman- uerer:
ded : and after that, God was entreated 3 The God of my rocke, in him will
for the land. I trust: hee is my shield, and the norne
15 flF Moreouer, the Philistines had of my saluation, my high tower, and
yet warre againe with Israel, and Da- my refuge, my Sauiour; thou sauest
aid went down, and his seruants with me from violence.
him, and fought against the Philistines, 4? I will call on the LORD, who
and Dauid waxed faint. is worthy to be praised : so shall I be sa-
16 And Ishbi-benob which was of ued from mine enemies.
II Or, Rapha. the sonnes of ||the gyant, (the weight of 5 When the Hwaues of death com- B Or, pangs.
\Heb.the whose t speare weighed three hundred passed me : the floods of tvngodly men t Heb. Be»
staffe, or the shekels of brasse in weight) he being gir-
head. made me afraid.
ded with a new sword, thought to haue 6 The || sorowes of Hell compassed 8 Or, coards.
slaine Dauid. me about: the snares of death preuen-
17 But Abishai the sonne of Zer- ted me.
uiah succoured him, and smote the Phi- 7 In my distresse I called vpon
listine, and killed him. Then the men of the LORD, and cryed to my God,
Dauid sware v'nto him, saying, Thou and hee did heare my voice out of his
shalt goe no more out with vs to bat- Temple, and my crie did enter into his
t Heb. can- tell, that thou quench not the |[ light of eares.
die,or lampe
Israel. 8 Then the earth shooke and
« l.Chron. 18 * And it came to passe after this, trembled : the foundations of heauen
that there was againe a battell with mooued and shooke, because hee was
the Philistines at Gob : then Sibbechai wroth.
the Hushathite slew Saph, which was of 9 There went vp a smoake t out of t Heb. by.
0 Or, Rapha. the sonnes of ||the Gyant. his nostrils, and fire out of his mouth
19 And there was againe a battell in deuoured : coales were kindled by it.
Gob, with the Philistines, where El- 10 Hee bowed the heauens also and
* See 1.
hanan the sonne. of laare-Oregim a came downe : and darkenesse was vnder
Chro. 20. 5. Bethlehemite, slewe *the brother of Go- his feete.
11 And
The fong 11.Samuel. of Dauid.
11 And he rode vpon a Cherub , and 30 For by thee I haue ||run through
did flie : and hee was scene vpon the a troupe : by my God haue I leaped o-
wings of the winde. uer a wall.
12 And hee made darkenesse pauili- 31 As for God , his way is perfect,
\Hebr. bin- ons round about him, t darke waters. the word of the L O R D is || tried: he is H Or, refined
ding of wa- a buckler to all them that trust in him.
ters. and thicke clouds of the skies.
13 Through the brightnesse before 32 For who is God, saue the LORD ?
him, were coales of fire kindled. and who is a rocke, saue our God ?
14 The LORD thundred from 33 God is my strength and power :
heauen : and the most high vttered his and he t maketh my way perfect. t Hebr. rid-
deth, or,
voice. 34 Hee t maketh my feet like hindes looseth.
15 And he sent out arrowes, and scat- feet : and setteth mee vpon my high leth. tHeb, equal-
tered them; lightning, and discomfited places.
them. 35 He teacheth my hands t to warre: t Hebr. for
16 And the channels of the Sea ap- so that a bow of steele is broken by mine the warre.
peared, the foundations of the world armes.
were discouered, at the rebuking of the 36 Thou hast also giuen mee the
LORD, at the blast of the breath of shield of thy saluation : and thy gentle-
his nostrils. nesse t hath made me great. Webr. mul-
17 He sent from aboue, he tooke me: 37 Thou hast enlarged my steps vn- tiplied me.
1 Or, great. he drew me out of ||many waters. der me: so that my t feet did not slip. cles.
t Hebr. an-
18 He deliuered me from my strong 38 I haue pursued mine enemies,
enemy, and from them that hated mee: and destroyed them : and turned not a-
for they were too strong for me. . gaine vntill I had consumed them.
19 They preuented me in the day of 39 And I haue consumed them and
my calamitie : but the L O R D was wounded them , that they could not a-
my stay. rise : yea, they are fallen vnder my feet.
20 Hee brought me forth also into a 40 For thou hast girded mee with
large place: he deliuered me, because hee strength to battel: them that rose vp a-
delighted in me. gainst me, hast thou t subdued vnder me.
21 The L O R D rewarded mee ac- 41 Thou hast also giuen mee the
cording to myrighteousnesse: according necks of mine enemies, that I might
to the cleannesse of my hands, hath hee destroy them that hate me.
recompensed me. 42 They looked, but there was
22 For I haue kept the wayes of the none to saue : euen vnto the LORD,
L O R D , and haue not wickedly depar- but he answered them not.
ted from my God. 43 Then did I beat them as small
23 For all his iudgements were before as the dust of the earth : I did stampe
me : and as for his Statutes, I did not them as the myre of the street , and did
depart from them. spread them abroad.
t Hebr. to
24? I was also vpright t before him : 44 Thou also hast deliuered mee
and haue kept my selfe from mine ini- from the striuings of my people , thou
quitie. hast kept mee to be head of the heathen :
25 Therefore the L O R D hath re- a people which I knew not, shall
compensed me, according to my righte- serue me.
ousnesse : according to my cleannesse 45 t Strangers shall || submit them- of\Heb.sonnes
the stran-
* Hebr. be- t in his eye sight. selues vnto me : as soone as they heare, ger.
fore his eyes.
26 With the merciful thou wilt shew they shall be obedient vnto me. H Or, yeeld
fained obe-
thy selfe mercifull^ and with the vpright 46 Strangers shall fade away : and dience. Heb.
man thou wilt shew thy selfe vpright. they shall bee afraid out of their close lye.
27 With the pure thou wilt shew places.
thy selfe pure : and with the froward, 47 The L O R D liueth, and blessed
y Or,wrestle. thou wilt || shew thy selfe vnsauoury. be my rocke: and exalted be the God of
ps. IB. 27.
28 And the afflicted people thou wilt the rocke of my saluation.
saue: but thine eyes arevpon the hautie, 48 It is God that t auengeth mee, 'Hebr. gi-
ucth aucnge-
that thou mayest bring them downe. and that bringeth downe the people vn- mentforme.
II Or, candle. 29 For thou art my ||lampe, O der me :
II Or, broken L O R D : and the LORD wil lighten 49 And that bringeth me forth from
a troupe. my darkenesse. mine enemies : thou also hast lifted mee
Dauids worthies, Chap.xxiii. and valiant men.
vp on high aboue them that rose vp a- there gathered together to batteU, anc
gainst me : thou hast deliuered me from the men of Israel were gone away.
the violent man. 10 He arose, and smote the Philistines
50 Therefore I will giue thanke vntill his hand was wearie, and his
* Rom. 15. £ vnto thee, O LORD, among * the hea hand claue vnto the sword : and the
then : and I will sing praises vnto th] L O R D wrought a great victorie that
Name. day, and the people returned after him
51 He is the towre of saluation for his onely to spoile.
king : and sheweth mercy to his Anoin- 11 And after him was * Shammah * i. Chron.
*Cha. 7.13 ted, vnto Dauid, and *to his seede for the sonne of Agee the Hararite: and the 11. 27.
euermore. Philistines were gathered together
|| into a troupe, where was a piece o\ H Orj for for-
C H A P . XXIII. ground full of lentiles: and the people
1 Dauid in his last words, professeth his faith in fled from the Philistines.
Gods promises to be beyond sence or experi- 12 But hee stood in the midst of the
ence. 6 The different state of the wicked. ground, and defended it, and slewe the
8 A catalogue of Dauids mightie men.
Philistines: and the L O R D wrought
Owe these bee the lasi a great victorie.

words of Dauid : Dauic 13 And || three of the thirtie chiefe three
the sonne of lesse saide, went downe and came to Dauid in the taines ouer
baruest time, vnto the caue of Adullam: the thirtie.
and the man who was
raised vp on high, the A- and the troupe of the Philistines pit-
nointed of the God of lacob, and the ched in the valley of Rephaim.
sweet Psalmist of Israel, said, 14 And Dauid was then in an holde,
2 The spirit of the L O R D spake and the garison of the Philistines was
by me, and his word was in my tongue. then in Bethlehem.
3 The God of Israel said, the Rocke 15 And Dauid longed, and said, Oh
II Or, be thou of Israel spake to me : ||he that ruleth that one would giue mee drinke of the
ruler, <Jc.
ouer men must be iust, ruling in the feare water of the well of Bethlehem which
of God: is by the gate.
4 And he shall be as the light of the lo And the three mightie men brake
morning, when the Sunne riseth, euen a through the host of the Philistines, and
morning, without cloudes; a* the tender drew water out of the Well of Bethle-
grasse springingout of the earth by cleare lem, that was by the gate, and tooke ft,
shining after raine : and brought it to Dauid : neuerthelesse
5 Although my house be not so with le would not drinke thereof, but pow-
God: yet he hath made with mee an e- red it out vnto the LORD.
uerlasting couenant, ordred in al things 17 And he said, Be it farre from me,
and sure : for this is all my saluation, and O L O R D , that I should doe this: is
all my desire, although he make it not to not this the blood of the men that went
2jrow. in ieopardie of their Hues ? therefore he
6 f But the sonnes of Belial shall bee would not drinke it. These things did
all of them as thornes thrust away, be- these three mightie men.
cause they cannot be taken with hands, 18 And *Abishai the brother of loab, i. Chron.
7 But the man that shal touch them, the sonne of Zeruiah , was chiefe a- i. 20.
\Heb. filled.must bet fenced with yron, and the staffe mong three, and he lift vp his speare a-
of a speare, and they shall bee vtterly rainstthreehuiidred,t0ftdslew£Am,and Heb. staine.
burnt with fire in the same place. lad the name among three.
8 f These be the names of the migh- 19 Was hee not most honourable of
(Tr, Iosheb~ tie men whome Dauid had : || The three ? therefore he was their captaine:
wssebet the lowbeit, hee attained not vnto the first
Tachmonite Tachmonite that sate in the seat, chiefe
head of the among the captaines, (the same was A-
II See l. chr. dino the Eznite : ) || hee lif tvp his spear e&- 20 And Benaiah the sonne of le-
11.11. loiada the sonne of a valiant man, of
Tainst eight hundred, t whom he slew at
one time. Cabzeel, twho had done many actes, Heb. facts.
* l. Chron. 9 And after him was *Eleazar the le slew two ||lion-like men of Moab: Hebr. lion
11. 12, .
sonrie of Dodo the Ahohite, one of the lee went downe also, and slewe a fGod.
three mightie tnen with Dauid , when uitie bee on mee, and on my fathers
they defied the Philistines that were snow.
21 And
Dauids worthies. Il.Samuel. Ifrael numbred.
Heb. a man 21 And he slew an Egyptian t a good-
nance or y man : and the Egyptian had a speare uenteth the destruction of Jerusalem. 18
sight: called
n his hand ; but he went downe to him Dauid, by Gads direction purchaseth Arau-
23. a man of with a stafFe, and plucked the speare out nahs threshing-floore, where hauing sacrifi-
reat sta-
of the Egyptians hand , and slewe him ced, the plague stayeth.
with his owne speare. §®IWj£S§ ND againe the anger of

22 These things did Benaiah the the L O R D was kindled
sonne of lehoiada, and had the name ^^^^^^ against Israel, and || hee Satan. Sea
among three mightie men. mooued Dauid against 21.. Chron. 1.
II Or, honou- 23 Hee was ||more honourable then ^§N?i^My&' them , to say, Goe, num-
rable among
the thirtie. the thirtie , but hee attained not to the ber Israel and ludah.
first three: and Dauid set him ouer his 2 For the king said to loab the cap-
II Or, Coun- (guard. taine of the hoste, which was with him,
his command 24? *Asahel the brother of loab was |Goe now through all the tribes of Is- tf Or, com.
* Chap. 2. one of the thirtie : Elhanan the sonne
rael , from Dan euen to Beer-sheba, passe.
of Dodo of Bethlehem, and number ye the people, that I may
25 Shammah the Harodite, Elika tnow the number of the people.
the Harodite, 3 And loab sayde vnto the King,
* i. Chron. 26 Helez the * Paltite, Ira the sonne Vow the L O R D thy God adde vnto
of Ikkesh the Tekoite, the people (how many soeuer they be)
27 Abiezer the Anethothite, Me- an hundred folde, and that the eyes of
junnai the Hushathite, my lorde the king may see it : but why
28 Zalmon the Ahohite, Maharai doeth my lord the king delight in this
the Netophathite, thing ?
29 Heleb the sonne of Baanah, a Ne- 4 Notwithstanding, the kings word
tophathite, Ittai the sonne of Ribai preuailed against loab, and against the
out of Gibeah of the children of Ben- captaines of the hoste : and loab and
lamin. the captaines of the host went out from
30 Benaiah the Pirathonite, Hiddai the presence of the king, to number the
II Or, valleys. of the ||brookes of Gaash, people of Israel.
31 Abialbon the Arbathite, Azma- 5 ^1 And they passed ouer lordane,
ueth the Barhumite, and pitched in Aroer, on the right side
32 Elihaba the Shaalbonite : of the of the citie that lieth in the midst of the
sonnes of lashen, lonathan, |riuer of Gad, and toward lazer. n Or, valley
33 Shammah the Hararite, Ahiam 6 Then they came to Gilead, and
the sonne of Sharar the Hararite, to the ||land of Tahtim-Hodshi : and land ii Or, nether
34 Eliphelet the sonne of Ahasbai, they came to Dan-Iaan, and about to inhabited.
the sonne of the Maachathite , Eliam Zidon,
the sonne of Ahithophel the Gilonite, 7 And came to the strong holde of
35 Hezrai the Carmelite, Paarai the Tyre, and to all the cities of the Hiuites,
Arbite, and of the Canaanites . and they went
36 Igal the sonne of Nathan of Zo- out to the South of ludah , euen to
bah, Bani the Gadite, Beer-sheba.
37 Zelek the Ammonite, Naharai 8 So when they had gone through
the Berothite, armour-bearer to loab all the land, they came to Jerusalem at
the sonne of Zeruiah, the ende of nine moneths, and twentie
38 Ira an Ithrite^ Gareb an I- dayes.
thrite, 9 And loab gaue vp the summe of
39 Vriah the Hittite : thirtie and se- the number of the people vnto the king,
uen in all. and there were in Israel eight hun-
dred thousand valiant men that drewe
the sword : and the men of ludah were
C H A P . XXIIII. fiue hundred thousand men.
1 Dauid tempted by Satan, forceth loab to 10 f And Dauids heart smote him
number the people. 5 The captaines in nine after that hee had numbred the people
moneths and twentie dayes, bring the muster and Dauid sayde vnto the LORD, 1
of eleuen thousand fighting men. 10 Da- haue sinned greatly in that I haue
uid hauing three plagues propounded by
Gad, repenteth, ana chuseth the three dayes done : and nowe I beseech thee, C
pestilence. 15 After the death of threescore L O R D , take away the iniquitie o1
Dauid repenteth, Ghap.xxiiij. and facrificeth.
thy seruant, for I haue done very foo- and against my fathers house.
lishly. 18 H And Gad came that day to Da-
11 For when Dauid was vp in the uid, and said vnto him, Goe vp, reare an
morning, the word of- the LORD came Altar vnto the LORD, in the thresh-
vnto the Prophet Gad Dauids Seer, ing floore of Araunah the lebusite.
saying, 19 And Dauid, according to the say-
12 Goe and say vnto Dauid, Thus ing of Gad, went vp, as the L O R D
saith the L O R D , I offer thee three commanded.
things ; chuse thee one of them, that I 20 And Araunah looked, and saw
may doe it vnto thee. the King and his seruants comming
13 So Gad came to Dauid, and told on toward him : and Araunah went
him, and said vnto him , Shall seuen out, and bowed himselfe before the
yeeres of famine come vnto thee in thy King on his face vpon the ground.
land? or wilt thou flee three moneths 21 And Araunah said, Wherefore
before thine enemies, while they pursue is my lord the King come to his ser-
thee ? or that there be three day es pesti- uant ? and Dauid saide , To buy the
lence in thy land ? Now aduise, and see threshing floore of thee, to build an Al-
what answere I shall returns. to him tar vnto the LORD, that the plague
that sent me. may be stayed from the people.
14? And Dauid saide vnto Gad, I 22 And Araunah said vnto Dauid,
am in a great strait : let vs fall now into Let my lord the King take and offer
the hand of the L O R D (for his mer- vp what seemeth good vnto him : Be-
II 0r, many. cies are || great,) and let me not fall into holde, here be oxen for burnt sacrifice,
the hand of man. ^ and 'threshing instruments , and other
15 11 So the L O R D sent a pesti- instruments of the oxen for wood.
lence vpon Israel , from the morning, 23 All these things did Araunah,
euen to the time appointed : and there as a king, giue vnto the King: and A-
died of the people from Dan euen to raunah saide vnto the King , The
Beersheba, seuen tie thousand men. LORD thy God accept thee.
16 And when the Angel stretched 24 And the King said vnto Arau-
out his hand vpdn Jerusalem to de- nah , Nay, but I will surely buy it oi
* 1. Sam. stroy it, *the L O R D repented him of thee at a price : neither will I offer
15. 11.
the euill, and said to the Angel that de- burnt offerings vnto the L O R D my
stroyed the people, It is ynough : stay God, of that which doeth cost mee no-
now thine hand. And the Angel of the thing. So Dauid bought the threshing
LORD was by the threshing place of floore, and the oxen , for fiftie shekels oi
Araunah the lebusite. siluer.
17 And Dauid spake vntq the 25 And Dauid built there an Altar
LORD when he saw the Angel that vnto the L O R D , and offered burnt
smote the people, and said, Loe, I haue offerings , and peace offerings : so the
sinned, and I haue done wickedly : but L O R D was intreated for the land,
these sheepe, what haue they done ? Let and the plague was stayed from Is-
thine hand, I pray thee, be against mee, rael.

Abiftiag. Adonijah I.Kings. his treafon.


the Kings, commonly called The
third Booke of the Kings.
7 And hee t conferred with loab t Heb. his
C H A R I. the sonne of Zeruiah, and with Abia- words were
with loab.
thar the Priest : and they following A- after Ado-
t Heb. helped
1 Abishag cherisheth Dauid in his extreame doniiah, t helped him. nijah.
age. 5 Adonijah, Dauidsdearlingjvsurpeth S But Zadok the Priest, and Be-
the kingdome. 1 1 By the counsel of Natnan,
15 Bath-sheba moueth the king, 22 and Na- naiah the sonne of lehoiada, and Na-
than secondeth her. 28 Dauid reneweth his than the Prophet, and Shimei, and
oath to Bath-sheba. 32 Salomon by Dauids Rei, and the mightie men which belon-
appointment, beeing annointed King by
Zadok and Nathan, the people triumph. ged to Dauid, were not with Adoniiah.
41 lonathan, bringing these newes, Adoni- 9 And Adoniiah slew sheepe, and
iahs guests flie. 50. Adonijah flying to the oxen, and fat cattell, by the stone of Zo-
homes of the Altar, vpon his good beha- heleth, which is by ||En-Rogel, and cal- U Or, the
uiour is dismissed by Solomon.
led all his brethren the kings sonnes, well Rogel.
and all the men of ludah the kings ser-
Ow King Da- uants.
uid was olde, and 10 But Nathan the Prophet, and

Hebr. en- t striken in yeeres, Benaiah, and the mightie men, and
tred into
dayes. and they couered Solomon his brother he called not.
him with clothes, 11 IT Wherefore Nathan spake vnto
but hee gate no Bath-sheba the mother of Solomon,
heate. saying, Hast thou not heard that Ado-
2 Wherefore niiah the son of *Haggith doth reigne, * 2. Sam.
his seruants said and Dauid our lord knoweth it not ? 3. 4.
I Heb. let vnto him, t Let there be sought for my 1£ Now therefore come, let mee, I
them seeke. lord the king t a yong virgin, and let her
t Hebr. a pray thee, giue thee counsell, that thou
dqmselli a stand before the King, and let her t che- mayest saue thine owne life, and the life
t Heb. be a rish him, and let her lie in thy bosome, of thy sonne Solomon.
vnto him.
that my lord the King may get heate. 13 Goe, and get thee in vnto King
3 So they sought for a faire damosel Dauid, and say vnto him, Diddest not
throughout all the coasts of Israel, and thou, my lord, O king, sweare vnto
found Abishag a Shunammite, and thine handmaid, saying, Assuredly So-
brought her to the King. lomon thy sonne shall reigne after mee,
4 And the damosell was very faire, and he shall sit vpon my throne ? why
and cherished the king, and ministred to then doth Adoniiah reigne ?
him : but the king knew her not. 14 Beholde, while thou yet talkest
5 f Then Adoniiah the sonne of there with the king, I also will come in
Haggith exalted himselfe, saying, I wil after thee, and tconfirme thy words. \Heb.JUlvp.
\Reb.reigne tbe king: And he prepared him charets 15 IT And Bath-sheba went in vn-
and horesemen, and fiftie men to runne to the King into the chamber: and the
before him. king was very olde, and Abishag the
6 And his father had not displeased Shunammite ministred vnto the king.
\Heb.from him tat any time, in saying, Why hast 16 And Bathsheba bowed, and did
his dayes.
thou done so ? And hee also was a very obeysance vnto the king: and the king
goodly man, and his mother bare him af- said, tWhat wouldest thou? t Heb. what
ter Absalom. 17 And she said vnto him, My lord, to thee 9
It is told Dauid. Chap. j. Solomon anointed.
thou swarest by the L O R D thy God after me, and he shall sit vpon my throne
vnto thine handmaid, saying. Assuredly in my stead; euen so wil I certainly doe
Solomon thy sonne shall reigne after this day.
mej and he shall sit vpon my throne : 31 Then Bathsheba bowed with her
18 And now behold, Adoniiah reig- face to the earth, and did reuerence to
neth ; and now my lord the king , thou ;he king , and said, Let my lord king
knowest it not. Dauid Hue for euer.
19 And he hath slaine oxen, and fat 32 f And king Dauid said, Call me
cattell, and sheepe in abundance , and Zadok the Priest, and Nathan the Pro-
bath called all the sonnes of the king, phet, and Benaiah the sonne of leho-
and Abiathar the Priest, and loab the ada. And they came before the king.
captaine of the hoste : but Solomon thy 33 The king also saide vnto them,
seruant hath he not called. Take with you the seruants of your
20 And thou , my lord O king, the ord, and cause Solomon my sonne to
eyes of all Israel are vpon thee , that ride vpon tmine owne mule, and bring Heb. which
lim downe to Gihon. >elongeth
thou shouldest tell them who shall sit ome.
on the throne of my lord the king af- 34 And let Zadok the Priest, and
ter him. Vathan the Prophet, anoint him there
21 Otherwise it shall come to passe, King ouer Israel • and blow ye with
when my lord the king shal sleepe with ;he trumpet, and say, God saue King
his fathers , that I and my sonne So- Solomon.
t Hebr. sin- lomon shall be counted t offenders. 35 Then ye shall come vp after him,
22 f And loe, while shee yet talked that hee may come and sit vpon my
with the king, Nathan the Prophet al- throne; for he shall be king in my stead:
so came in. and I haue appointed him to be ruler
23 And thev tolde the king , saying, ouer Israel, and ouer ludah.
Beholde Nathan the Prophet. And 36 And Benaiah the sonne of leho-
when hee was come in before the king, iada answered the King, and said , A-
he bowed himselfe before the king with men : The LORD God of my lord the
his face to the ground. dng say so too.
24 And Nathan said, My lord O 37 As the L O R D hath bene with
king, hast thou said, Adoniiah shall my lord the King , euen so be he with
reigne after mee, and hee shall sit vpon Solomon , and make his throne grea-
my throne ? ;er then the throne of my lord King
25 For hee is gone downe this day, Dauid.
and hath slaine oxen, and fat cattel, and 38 So Zadok the Priest, and Na-
sheepe in abundance, and hath called all than the Prophet , and Benaiah the
the kings sonnes , and the captaines of sonne of lehoiada, and the Chere-
the host, and Abiathar the Priest : and thites, and the Pelethites went downe,
behold, they eate and drinke before him, and caused Solomon to ride vpon
t Hebr. Let and say, t God saue king Adoniiah. King Dauids mule, and brought him
king Ado. to Gihon.
niiah Hue. 26 But me, euen me thy seruant, and
Zadok the Priest , and Benaiah the 39 And Zadok the Priest tooke an
sonne of lehoiada , and thy seruant borne of oile out of the Tabernacle, and
Solomon hath he not called. anointed Solomon : and they blew the
27 Is this thing done by my lord trumpet, and all the people said, God
the king , and thou hast not shewed it saue King Solomon.
vnto thy seruant, who should sit on the 40 And all the people came vp after
throne of my lord the king, after him ? bim, and the people piped with ((pipes, I Ort flutes.
28 IF Then king Dauid answered, and reioyced with great ioy , so that the
and said, Call me Bathsheba. And she earth rent with the sound of them.
t Hebr. be- came t into the kings presence, and stood 41 H And Adoniiah and all the ghests
fore the
king. before the king. that were with him , heard it as they
29 And the king sware, and said, As bad made an end of eating : and when
the LORD liueth, that hath redeemed loab heard the sound of the trumpet,
my soule out of all distresse, hee said, Wherefore is this noise of the ci-
30 Euen as I sware vnto thee by the tie, being in an vproare ?
LORD God of Israel, saying, Assu- 42 And while hee yet spake, behold,
redly Solomon thy sonne shall reigne lonathan the sonne of Abiathar the
Adonijah yeeldeth. I.Kings, Dauids charge
Priest came, and Adoniiah sayde vnto to sue vnto Solomon for Abishag, is put to
him, Come in, for thou art a valiant death. 26 Abiathar hauing his life giuen
man, and bringest good tidings. him, is depriued of the Priesthood. 28 loab
43 And Jonathan answered, and fleeing to the homes of the Altar, is there
said to Adoniiah, Verily our lorde king slaine. 35 Benaiah is put in loabs roume,
and Zadok in Abiathars. 36 Shimei confi-
Dauid hath made Solomon king. ned to Jerusalem, by occasion of going thence
44 And the king hath sent with to Gath, is put to death.
him Zadok the Priest, and Nathan the
Prophet, and Benaiah the sonne of le- Ow the dayes of Dauid
hoiada, and the Cherethites, and the
Pelethites, and they haue caused him to
ride vpon the kings mule.
4/5 And Zarlok the Priest, and Na-
drew nigh, that he should
die, and he charged Solo-
mon his sonne, saying;
2 I goe the way of all
than the Prophet haue anointed him the earth : be thou strong therefore, and
king in Gihon : and they are come vp shew thy selfe a man.
from thence reioycing, so that the citie 3 And keepe the charge of the
rang againe : this is the noyse that yee L O R D thy God , to walke in his
haue heard. wayes, to keepe his Statutes, and his
46 And also Solomon sitteth on the Commandements, & his ludgements,
throne of the kingdom e. and his Testimonies, as it is written
47 And moreouer, the kings ser- in the Law of Moses, that thou mayest
uants came to blesse our lorde king Da- * || prosper in all that thou doest, and 9.* Deut. 29.
iosh. 1. 7.
uid, saying, God make the name of So- whithersoeuer thou turnest thy selfe : II Or, <foe
lomon better then thy name, and make 4 That the LORD may continue wisely.
his throne greater then thy throne. And his word which hee spake concerning
the king bowed himselfe vpon the bed. me, saying, If thy children take heede
48 And also thus sayde the King, to their way , to walke before mee in
Blessed be the LORD God of Israel, trueth, witn all their heart, and with
which hath giuen one to sit on my throne all their soule, * there shall not tfaile * 2. Sam.
this day, mine eyes euen seeing it. thee (sayd hee) a man on the throne of M2. t Heb. be
49 And all the guests that were Israel. cut off from
thee from
with Adoniiah , were afraid , and rose 5 Moreouer thou knowest also what the throne.
vp, and went euery man his way. loab the sonne of Zeruiah did to mee,
50 f And Adoniiah feared because and what he did to the two captaines of
of Solomon, and arose, and went, and the hostes of Israel, vnto *Abner the * 2. Sam. 3.
caught hold on the homes of the Altar. sonne of Ner , and vnto * Amasa the 27- * 2. Sam.
51 And it was tolde Solomon , say- sonne of lether, whom hee slewe, and 20. 10.
ing, Behold, Adoniiah feareth King tshed the blood of warre in peace, and t Heh. put.
Solomon : for loe, he hath caught hold put the blood of warre vpon his girdle
on the homes of the Altar, saying, Let that was about his loynes , and in his
King Solomon sweare vnto mee to shooes that were on his feet.
day, that hee will not slay his seruant 6 Doe therefore according to thy
with the sword. wisedome, and let not his hoare head
52 And Solomon sayd, If hee will goe downe to the graue in peace.
shewe himselfe a worthy man, there 7 But shewe idndnesse vnto the
shall not an haire of him fall to the sonnes of *Barzillai the Gileadite, and * 2. Sam.
earth : but if wickednesse shall be found let them be of those that eate at thy ta- 19. 31.
in him, he shall die. ble: for so they came to me when I fled
53 So king Solomon sent, and they because of Absalom thy brother.
brought him downe from the Altar, 8 And behold, thou hast with thee
and hee came and bowed himselfe to * Shimei the sonne of Gera, a Benia- * 2. Sam.
king Solomou : and Solomon sayde mite of Bahurim , which cursed mee 16. 5.
vnto him, Goe to thine house. with a tgrieuous curse, in the day when iHek strong
I went to Mahanaim : but hee came
C H A P . II. downe to meete me at lordane, and I
sware to him by the LORD, saying,
1 Dauid hauing giuen a charge to Solomon,, *I will not put thee to death, with the * 2. Sam.
3 of religiousnesse^ 5 of loab, 7 of Barzillai, 19. 23.
8 of Shimei, 10 dieth. 12 Solomon sue- sword.
ceedeth. 13 Adoniiah, mouing Bath-sheba 9 Nowe therefore holde him not
guiltlesse :
Adonijahs requeft. Chap.vij. loab flaine,
guiltlesse : for thou art a wise man , and! 23 Then king Solomon sware by
knowest what thou oughtest to doe vn-l the LORD, saying, God doe so to me,
to him, but his hoare head bring thou and more also, if Adoniiah haue not spo-
downe to the graue with blood. ken this word against his owne life.
• Act 2. 10 So * Dauid slept with his fa- 24 Now therefore as the L O R D
29. and 13.
36. thers, and was buried in the citie of liueth, which hath established mee, and
Dauid. set mee on the throne of Dauid my fa-
• 2. Sam. 5.4 11 And the dayes that Dauid *raig- ther, and who hath made me an house
1. chron. 29
2G, 27. ned ouer Israel, were fourty yeeres : se- as he * promised, Adoniiah shall be put • 2. Sam. 7.
12, 13.
uen yeeres raigned hee in Hebron , and to death this day.
thirty and three yeeres raigned hee in 25 And king Solomon sent by the
Jerusalem. hand of Benaiah the sonne of lehoia-
• 2. Chron. 12 IF *Then sate Solomon vpon the da, and he fell vpon him that he died.
29. 23.
throne of Dauid his father, and his 26 11 And vnto Abiathar the Priest
kingdome was established greatly, saide the King, Get thee to Anathoth,
13 H And Adoniiah the sonne of Hag- vnto thine ownfields,for thou art t wor- t Heb. a man
jith came to Bathsheba the mother of thy of death : but I will not at this time of death.
Solomon, and she said, Commest thou put thee to death, because thou barest
peaceably ? And he said, Peaceably. the arke of the Lord GOD before Da-
14 He said moreouer, I haue some- uid my father, and because thou hast
what to say vnto thee. And she saide, bene afflicted in all wherein my father
Say on. was afflicted.
15 And he said , Thou knowest that 27 So Solomon thrust out Abia-
;he kingdome was mine , and that all thar from beeing Priest vnto the
Israel set their faces on me , that I L O R D : that hee might * fulfill the 31,35. l.Sam. 2.
should raigne : howbeit the kingdome word of the LORD, which hee spake
is turned about, and is become my bro- concerning the house of Eli in Shiloh.
thers : for it was his from the LORD. 28 11 Then tidings came to loab
16 And now I aske one petition of (for loab had turned after Adoniiah,
t Heb. turne thee, t deny me not. And she saide vnto
not away
though hee turned not after Absalom)
my face. him, Say on. and loab fled vnto the Tabernacle of
17 And hee saide, Speake, I pray the L O R D , and caught hold on the
thee, vnto Solomon the king (for hee homes of the Altar.
will not say thee nay) that he giue me 29 And it was told king Solomon
Abishag the Shunammite to wife. that loab was fled vnto the Taber-
18 And Bathsheba said, Wei, I will nacle of the LORD, and behold, hee is
speake for thee vnto the king. by the Altar : Then Solomon sent
19 H Bathsheba therefore went vn- Benaiah the sonne of lehoiada, say-
to king Solomon , to speake vnto him ing, Goe fall vpon him.
for Adoniiah : and the king rose vp to 30 And Benaiah came to the Ta-
meete her , and bowed himselfe vnto bernacle of the L O R D , and said vnto
her, and sate downe on his throne, and him, Thus saith the king, Come foorth.
caused a seate to bee set for the Kings And he said, Nay, but I will die heere.
mother, and she sate on his right hand. And Benaiah brought the king word
20 Then she said, I desire one small againe, saying, Thus said loab, and
petition of thee, I pray thee say me not thus he answered me.
nay : and the King said vnto her, Aske 31 And the king saide vnto him, Doe
on, my mother, for I will not say as he hath said, and fall vpon him, and
thee nay. bury him, that thou mayest take away
21 And she saide, Let Abishag the the innocent blood which loab shed,
Shunammite be giuen to Adoniiah thy from mee , and from the house of my
brother to wife* father.
22 And king Solomon answered, 32 And the L O R D shall returne
and said vnto his mother, And why do- his blood vpon his owne head , who
est thou aske Abishag the Shunammite fell vpon two men, more righteous and
for Adoniiah ? Aske for him the king- better then hee, and slew them with the
dome also (for he is mine elder brother) sword, my father Dauid not knowing
euen for him , and for Abiathar the thereof, to wit,* Abner the sonne of Ner, • 2. Sam.
Priest, & for loab the sonne of Zeruiah. captain e of the hoste of Israel , and 3.27,
* Amasa
oab is ilaine. I.Kings. Shimei is flaine.
*2.8am. 20. * Amasa the sonne of lether, captaine mei, Thou knowest all the wickednesse
10. of the hoste of ludah. which thine heart is priuie to, that thou
33 Their blood shall therefore re- iddest to Dauid my father : therefore
turne vpon the head of loab, and vp- le L O R D shall returne thy wicked-
on the head of his seed for euer: but vp- nesse vpon thine owne head.
on Dauid, and vpon his seede, and vp- 45 And king Salomon shall be bles-
on his house, and vpon his throne, sed, and the throne of Dauid shall bee
shall there bee peace for euer from the established before the LORD for euer.
uORD. 46 So the king commaunded Be-
34 So Benaiah the sonne of leho- naiah the sonne of lehoiada, which
iada went vp, and fell vpon him, and went out, and fell vpon him, that he di-
slewe him, and hee was buried in his ed, and the *kingdome was established 1.1. * 8. Chron.
owne house in the wildernesse. in the hand of Solomon.
35 1F And the king put Benaiah the
sonne of lehoiada in his roome ouer
the hoste, and Zadok the Priest did the C H A P . III.
king put in the roume of Abiathar. 1 Solomon marieth Pharaohs daughter. 2 Hie
36 U And the king sent, and called places being in vse, Solomon sacnficeth at Gi-
for Shimei, and said vnto him, Build beon. 5 Solomon at Gibeon, in the choice
thee an house in lerusalem, and dwell which God ^aue him, preferring wisedome,
obtaineth wisedome, riches, and honour.
there, and goe not forth thence any whi- 16 Solomons iudgement betweene the two
ther. harlots, maketh him renowmed.
37 For it shall be, that on the day
hou goest out, &passest ouer the brooke N D * Solomon made * Chap. ?. 8

fidron, thou shalt know for certaine, affinitie with Pharaoh
that thou shalt surely die: thy blood shal king of Egypt, and tooke
>e vpon thine owne head. Pharaohs daughter, and
38 And Shimei said vnto the King, brought her into the citie
The saying is good : as my lord the king of Dauid, vntill he had made an end of
hath said, so will thy seruant doe. And >uilding his owne house, and the house
Shimei dwelt in lerusalem many of the LORD, and the wall of leru-
dayes. salem round about.
39 And it came to passe at the end of 9, Only the people sacrificed in high
three yeeres , that two of the seruants >laces , because there was no house
of Shimei ranne away vnto Achish milt vnto the Name of the L O R D
sonne of Maachah king of Gath : and vntill those dayes.
they told Shimei, saying, Beholde, thy 3 And Solomon loued the LORD,
seruants be in Gath. walking in the statutes of Dauid his
40 And Shimei arose, and sadlec father : onely he sacrificed and burnt in-
lis asse, and went to Gath to Achish, cense in high places.
to seeke his seruants : and Shimei went 4 And the Icing went to Gibeon to
and brought his seruants from Gath. sacrifice there , for that was the great
41 And it was told Solomon, that ligh place : a thousand burnt offerings
Shimei had gone from lerusalem to did Solomon offer vp on that Altar.
Gath, and was come againe. 5 U In Gibeon the L O R D appea-
48 And the king sent and called for red to Solomon in a dreame by night :
Shimei, and said vnto him, Did I not and God sayd, Aske what I shall giue
make thee to sweare by the LORD, thee
and protested vnto thee, saying, Know 6 And Solomon said, Thou hast
for a certaine, that on the day thou goest shewed vnto thy seruant Dauid my fa-
out, and walkest abroad any whither, ther great \\ mercy, according as he wal- \0r,bountie.
that thou shalt surely die ? And thou ked before thee in trueth, and in righte-
saidest vnto me, The word that I haue ousnesse, and in vprightnesse of heart
heard, is good. with thee , and thou hast kept for him
43 Why then hast thou not kept the this great kindnesse, that thou hast gi-
Oath of the L O R D , and the com- uen him a sonne to sit on his throne, as
mandement that I haue charged thee it is this day.
with ? 7 And now, O L O U D my God,
44 The king said moreuer to Shi- thou hast made thy seruant King ii
Solomons petition. Chap.mj.
/""ii ••• • The two harlots.
stead of Dauid my father : and I am 20 And shee arose at midnight, and
but a title childe : I know not how to tooke my sonne from beside me , while
goe out or come in. ;hine handmaid slept, and layd it in her
8 And thy seruant is in the midst of 3osome, and layd her dead childe in my
thy people which thou hast chosen, a 3osome.
great people, that cannot be numbred, 21 And when I rose in the morning
nor counted for multitude. to giue my childe sucke, behold, it was
'* 2. Chron. 9 *Giue therefore thy seruant an dead : but when I had considered it in
Mlebr. hea- fvnderstanding heart, to iudge thy peo- the morning , beholde, it was not my
ring. ple, that I may discerne betweene good sonne, which I did beare.
and bad : for who is able to iudge this 22 And the other woman said, Nay,
thy so great a people ? jut the liuing is my sonne, and the dead
10 And the speach pleased the LORD, is thy sonne : And this said, No, but the
that Solomon had asked this thing. dead is thy sonne, and the liuing is my
1 1 And God said vnto him, Because sonne. Thus they spake before the king.
thou hast asked this thing, and hast not 23 Then said the King, The one
t Hebr. ma- asked for thy selfe tlong life, neither hast saith. This is my sonne, that liueth, and
ny dayes.
asked riches for thy selfe, nor hast asked ;hy sonne is the dead: and the othersaith
the life of thine enemies, but hast asked Vay : but thy sonne is the dead, and my
t Hebr. to for thy selfe vnderstanding tto discerne sonne is the liuing.
iudgement ; 24 And the King said , Bring mee
12 Behold, I haue done according a sword. And they brought a sword be-
to thy word : loe , I haue giuen thee a 'ore the king :
wise and an vnderstanding heart , so 25 And the king said, Diuide the li-
that there was none like thee before uing childe in two, and giue halfe to the
thee , neither after thee shall any arise one, and halfe to the other.
like vnto thee. 26 Then spake the woman whose
* Matth. 6. 13 And I haue also •* giuen thee that the liuing childe was, vnto the king, (for
33. wisd. 7.
ll. which thou hast not asked, both riches, tier bowels tyerned vpon her sonne) Herbr.were
II Or, hath and honour : so that there || shall not be and she said, O my lord, giue her the li-
any among the Kings like vnto thee, uing childe, and in no wise slay it : But
all thy dayes. the other said ; Let it be neitner mine
14 And if thou wilt walke in my nor thine, but diuide it.
wayes, to keepe my Statutes and my 27 Then the King answered and
* Chap. 15. Commandements , * as thy father Da- said, Giue her the liuing child, and in no
uid did walke, then I will lengthen wise slay it: she is the mother thereof.
thy dayes. 28 And all Israel heard of the
15 And Solomon awoke, and be- Judgement which the king had Judg-
hold, it was a dreame: and he came to Je- ed, and they feared the King : for they
rusalem, and stood before the Arke of saw that the wisedome of God was tin \Hebr. in
the Couenant of the L O R D , and the midst of
him, to doe Judgement. him.
offered vp burnt offerings, and offered
r. offerings,
' and made a feast to all
his seruants. C H A P . IIII.
16 IF Then came there two women 1 Solomons Princes. 7 His twelue Officers
that were harlots, vnto the king,
king , and for prouision. 20. 24 The peace and large-
nesse of his kingdome. 22 His daily proui-
stood before him. sion. 26 His stables. 29 His wisedome.
17 And the one woman said, O my
lord, I and this woman dwell in one O ICing Solomon was

house, and I was deliuered of a childe, king ouer all Israel.
with her in the house. 2 And these were the
18 And it came to passe the third day Princes which he had, A-
after that I was deliuered , that this zariah the sonne of Za-
woman was deliuered also : and wee dok, ||the Priest, II Or, tlie
were together; there was no stranger 3 Elihoreph, and Ahiah the sonnes of chiefs
with vs in the house, saue we two in Shisha, || Scribes: Jehoshaphat the n 0r, Secre-
the house. sonne of Ahilud the ||Recorder; U Or, remem-
19 And this womans childe died in 4 And Benaiah the sonne of leho- brancer.
the night : because she ouerlaid it. iada was ouer the host : And Zadok
Solomons officers, I.Kings. and prouifion.
and Abiathar were the Priests : of the Philistines, and vnto the border
5 And Azariah the sonne of Na- of Egypt : they brought presents , and
than was ouer the officers : and Zabud serued Solomon all the dayes of his
the sonne of Nathan was principall offi- life.
cer, and the kings friend. 22 U And Solomons tprouision for t Heb. bread.
6 And Ahishar was ouer the hous- one day, was thirtie measures of fine
* Chap. 5. lold : and *Adoniram the sonne of Ab- floure, and threescore t measures of *Heb. Cors.
n Or, leuie. da was ouer the || tribute. meale,
7 11 And Solomon had twelue of- 23 Ten fat oxen , and twentie oxen
icers ouer all Israel , which prouided out of the pastures , and an hundred
victuals for the king and his houshold : sheepe, beside Harts, and Roe-buckes,
each man his moneth in a yeere made and fallow Deere, and fatted foule.
srouision. 24 For he had dominion ouer all the
Or, Ben. 8 And these are their names : || the region on this side the Riuer, from Tiph-
sonne of Hur in mount Ephraim, sah euen to Azzah ouer all the kings on
II Or, Ben-
9 The || sonne of Dekar in Makaz, this side the Riuer : and he had peace on
and in Shaalbim , and Bethshemesh, all sides round about him.
and Elon-Bethhanan. 25 And ludah and Israel dwelt
II Or, Ben-
10 The || sonne of Heseb in Aruboth, t safely, euery man vnder his Vine, and t Heb. confi-
toUim pertained Sochoh, and all the land voider his Figtree , from Dan euen to dently.
of Hepher; Beer-sheba, all the dayes of Solomon.
II Or, Ben- 11 The || sonne of Abinadab in all the 26 11 And * Solomon had fourtie 9 2. Chron,
Abinadab. 9. 25.
region of Dor, which had Taphath the thousand stalles of horses for his cha-
daughter of Solomon to wife : rets, and twelue thousand horsemen.
12 Baana the sonne of Ahilud, to him 27 And those officers prouided vic-
pertained Taanach and Megiddo , and tuall for king Solomon, and for all that
all Beth-shean, which is by Zartanah came vnto king Solomons table, eue-
beneath lezreel, from Beth-shean to ry man in his moneth : they lacked no-
Abel-Meholah , euen \ntotheplace thatis thing.
beyond lokneam : 28 Barley also and straw for the hor-
II Or, Ben- 13 The || sonne of Geber in Ramoth ses and || dromedaries, brought they vn- II Or, mulest
Geber. or swift
Gilead, to him pertained the townes of to the place where the officers were, e- beasts.
lair the sonne of Manasseh, which are uery man according to his charge.
in Gilead: to him alsopertained the region 29 1[ And *God gaue Solomon wis- * Ecclus.
47. 14,15,
of Argob, which is in Bash an, threescore dome , and vnderstanding , exceeding 1G.
great cities, with walles, and brasen much, and largenesse of heart, euen as
barres. the sand that is on the sea shoare.
14 Ahinadab the sonne of Iddo had 30 And Solomons wisedome excel-
I Or, to Ma- ||Mahanaim. led the wisedome of all the children of
15 Ahimaaz was in Naphtali; he also the East countrey, and all the wisedome
tooke Basmath the daughter of Solo- of Egypt. '
mon to wife. 31 For hee was wiser then all men ;
16 Baanah the sonne of Hushai was then Ethan the Ezrahite, and Heman,
in Asher and in Aloth : and Chalcol, and Darda the sonnes of
17 lehoshaphat the 5onne of Par- Mahol : and his fame was in all nati-
uah in Issachar : ons round about.
• 18 Shimei the sonne of Elah in Ben, 32 And he spake three thousand pro-
iamin : uerbes : and his songs were a thousand
19 Geber the sonne of Vri was in the and fiue.
countrey of Gilead , in the countrey ol 33 And hee spake of trees , from the
Sihon king of the Amorites, and of Og Cedar tree that is in Lebanon, euen vn-
king of Bashan ; and hee was the onely to the Hyssope that springeth out of the
officer which was in the land. wall : hee spake also of beasts , and ol
20 H ludah and Israel were many, foule, and of creeping things, and of
as the sand which is by the sea in multi- fishes.
tude , eating and drinking and making 34 And there came of all people to
merrie. heare the wisedome of Solomon, from
* Ecclus. 21 And * Solomon reigned ouer al all kings of the earth, which had hearc
47. 15.
kingdoms from the riuer vnto the lane of his wisedome.
Hirams promife Chap.v.vj. to Solomon.
me, and will cause them to be dischargee
C H A P. V. there, and thou shalt receiue them: and
1 Hiram sending to congratulate Solomon, is thbu shalt accomplish my desire, in gi-
certified of his purpose to build the Temple, uing food for my houshold.
and desired to furnish him with timber there- 10 So Hiram gaue Solomon Cedar
to. 7 Hiram blessing God for Solomon, and trees, and Firre trees, according to all his
requesting food for ms family, furnisheth
him with trees. 13 The number of Solo- desire.
mons workemen and labourers. 11 And Solomon gaue Hiram twen-
tie thousand tmeasures of wheate for t Heb. Cars
Nd Hiram king of Tyre food to his houshold, and twentie mea-

sent his seruants vnto sures of pure oile : thus gaue Solomon
Solomon : (for hee had to Hiram yeere by yeere.
heard that they had an- 12 And the L O R D gaue Solomon
ointed him King in the wisedome, *as hee promised him : and * Cha. 3. 12
roume of his father,) for Hiram was there was peace betweene Hiram and
euer a louer of Dauid. Solomon, and they two made a league
*l.Chro. 2 And * Solomon sent to Hiram, together.
2. 3.
saying, IS -f And King Solomon raised a
3 Thou knowest how that Dauid tleuie out of all Israel, and the leuie \Heb. M.
bute of
my father could not build an house vn- was thirtie thousand men. men.
to the Name of the L O R D his God, 14 And hee sent them to Lebanon,
for the warres which were about him ten thousand a moneth by courses : a
on euery side, vntill the L O R D put moneth they were in Lebanon, and two
them vnder the soles of his feet. moneths at home : and * Adoniram was * Chap. 4.6
4< But now the L O R D my God ouer the leuie.
hath giuen me rest on euery side, so that 15 And Solomon had threescore and
there is neither aduersary, nor euill oc- ten thousand that bare burdens, and
current. fourescore thousand hewers in the
t Hebr. say. 5 And behold, I t purpose to build mountaines:
* 2. Sam. 7-
13.1. chro. an house vnto the Name of the LORD 16 Besides the chiefe of Solomons
22. 10. my God, *as the L O R D spake vnto officers which were ouer the worke, three
Dauid. my father, saying, Thy sonne, thousand and three hundred, which ru-
whom I will set vpon thy throne in led ouer the people that wrought in the
thy roume, he shall build an house vnto worke.
my Name. 17 And the king commanded , and
6 Now therefore command thou, they brought great stones, costly stones,
that they hew me Cedar trees out of and hewed stones, to lay the foundation
Lebanon, and my seruants shall bee of the house.
with thy seruants: and vnto thee will 18 And Solomons builders, and Hi-
I giue hire for thy seruants, according rams builders, did hewe them, and the
tHebr. say. to all that thou shalt t appoint: for thou l|stone squarers : so they prepared tim- I Or, Gib-
knowest that there is not among vs, ber and stones to build the house, lites* as JE-
zek, 27. 9,
any that can skill to hew timber, like
vnto the Sidonians. C H A P . VI.
7 If And it came to passe when Hi-
ram heard the wordes of Solomon, 1 The building of Solomons Temple. 5 The
that hee reioyced greatly, and said, chambers thereof. 11 Gods promise vnto
it. 15 The sieling and adorning of it: 23 The
Blessed be the LORD this day, which Cherubims. 31 The doores. 36 The
hath giuen vnto Dauid a wise sonne court. 37 The time of building it.
ouer this great people.
8 And Hiram sent to Solomon, say- Nd* it came to passe in the 2. Chron.
t Hebr,
ing, I haue t considered the things
which thou sentest to me for: and I will
doe all thy desire concerning timber of
Cedar, and concerning timber of firre.
a foure hundred and foure- 3.1.
score yeere after the chil-
dren of Israel were come
^rw*^—** out of the land of Egypt,
9 My seruants shall bring them in the fourth yere of Solomons reigne
downe from Lebanon vnto the Sea: ouer Israel, in the moneth Zif, which
and I wil conuey them by sea in flotes, is the second moneth, that he t began to t Heb. built.
t Hebr. send. vnto the place that thou shalt t appoint build the house of the L O R D .
2 And
The building I. Kings. of the Temple.
2 And the house which king Solo- ||both the floore of the house , and the I Or, from
mon built for the LORD, the length walles of the sieling : and hee couered the floore of
the house
thereof was threescore cubites, and the them on the inside with wood, and co- vnto the
wattes, fyc.
breadth thereof twentie cubits, and the uered the floore of the house with And so ver.
height thereof thirtie cubites. plankes of firre. 16.
3 And the porch before the Temple 16 And hee built twentie cubites on
of the house : twentie cubites was the the sides of the house, both the floore,
length thereof, according to the breadth and the walles with boards of Cedar:
of the house, and tenne cubites was the he euen built them for it within , euen for
breadth thereof before the house. the Oracle, euen for the most holy place.
B Or, wfn- 4 And for the house he made ||win- 17 And the house, that is, the Tem-
dowes broad
within and dowes of narrow lights. ple before it, was fortie cubites long.
out: or,skew* 5 H And || against the wall of the 18 And the Cedar of the house with-
ed and clo- house he built t chambers round about, in was carued with ||knops, and topen I Or, gourds.
sed. t Heb. ope-
Wr,vpon,or against the walles of the house round a- flowres : all was Cedar , there was no nings of
oyning to. bout, both of the Temple and of the O- stone seene. flowres.
t Heb. ribs. racle : and hee made t chambers round 19 And the Oracle he prepared in the
about. house within , to set there the Arke of
6 The nethermost chamber was fiue the Couenaiit of the LORD.
cubites broad, and the middle wassixe eu- 20 And the Oracle in the forepart,
bites broad, and the third was seuen cu- was twenty cubits in length and twen-
bites broad : for without in the watt of the tie cubites in breadth , and twentie cu-
t Heb. nar- house hee made tnarrowed rests round bites in the height thereof : and hee
rowings, or,
rebatements. about , that the betimes should not bee fa- ouerlayd it with tpure golde, and so co- t Heb. shut
stened in the walles of the house. uered the Altar which was of Cedar. vp.
7 And the house when it was in 21 So Solomon ouerlayd the house
building, was built of stone, made ready within with pure golde : and he made a
before it was brought thither : so that partition, by the chaines of golde before
there was neither hammer nor axe, nor the Oracle, and he ouerlaid it with gold.
any toole of yron heard in the house, 22 And the whole house he ouerlaid
while it was in building. with golde vntill he had finished all the
8 The doore for the middle cham- bouse : also the whole Altar that was
\ Heb. shoul-ber was in the right tside of the house: by the Oracle he ouerlaide with golde.
and they went vp with winding staires 23 H And within the Oracle he made
into the middle chamber, and out of the two Cherubims of ||Oliue tree, each ten I Or, oylie.
Heb. trees
middle into the third. cubites high. ofoyle.
9 So he built the house and finished 24 And fiue cubits was the one wing
H Or, the it : and couered the house || with beams of the Cherub, and fiue cubits the other
vault beams
and the sie- and boards of Cedar. wing of the Cherub: from the vtter-
'ings with 10 And then hee built chambers a- most part of the one wing, vnto the vt-
gainst all the house, fiue cubites high : termost part of the other, were ten cu-
and they rested on the house with tim- bites.
ber of Cedar. 25 And the other Cherub was tenne
11 H And the word of the L O R D cubites ; both the Cherubims were of
came to Solomon, saying; one measure, and one size.
12 Concerning this House which 26 The height of the one Cherub
thou art in building, if thou wilt walke was ten cubites, and so was it of the other
in my Statutes, and execute my Judg- Cherub.
ments, and keepe all my Commande- 27 And he set the Cherubims with-
ments to walke in them i then will I in the inner house : and *|| they stretched * Exod. 25.
* 2. Sam. 7. performe my word with thee, * which foorth the wings of the Cherubims , so 20. I 0r, the
13. i. chro. I spake vnto Dauid thy father. that the wing of the one touched the one stretched
22. 10,
13 And I will dwell among the chil- wall, and the wing of the other Cherub foorth their
dren of Israel, and will not forsake my touched the other wall : & their wings wings.
Ipeople Israel. 'touched one another in the midst of the
14 So Solomon built the house, house.
and finished it. 28 And he ouerlayd the Cherubims
15 And hee built the walles of the with golde.
house within with boards of Cedar, 29 And hee carued all the walles of
The Cherubims. Chap.vij. Solomons houfe.
the house round about with carued fi- with Cedar beames vpon the pillars.
gures of Cherubims, and palme trees. 3 And it was couered with Cedar a-
t Heb. ope- and topen flowers, within & without. boue vpon the t beames , that lay on for- t Heb. ribs.
nings of flow- 30 And the floore of the house hee o- tie fiue pillars, fifteene in a row.
uerlayed with gold, within and with- 4 And there were windowes in three
out. rowes, and flight was against light in t Hebr. sight
31 f And for the entring of the O- three rankes. sight.
racle he made doores of Oliue tree : the 5 And all the || doores and postes i Or, spaces,
li Or, fiue lintell and side posts were\\ a fifth part of were square, with the windowes : and and pillars
were square
the wall. light was against light in three rankes. in prospect.
I Or, leaues 32 The || two doores also were of O- 6 U And he made a porch of pillars,
of the doores. liue tree , and he carued vpon them car- the length thereof was fiftie cubites, and
uings of Cherubims , and palme trees, the breadth thereof thirtie cubites : and
t Hebr. ope- and topen flowers, and ouerlayd them the porch was || before them : and the o- i Or, accor-
nings of with gold, and spread gold vpon the ther pillars, and the thicke beame were ding to them.
Cherubims, and vpon the palme trees. (1 before them. fl Or, accor-
ding to them.
33 So also made hee for the doore of 7 1f Then hee made a porch for the
H Or if our e the Temple postes of Oliue tree l|a throne where he might iudge, euen the
fourth part of the wall. porch of ludgement : and it was coue-
34 And the two doores were of firre red with Cedar from tone side of the f Hebr. from
floore to
tree : the two leaues of the one doore floore to the other. floore.
were folding , and the two leaues of the 8 U And his house where he dwelt,
other doore were folding. had another court within the porch,
35 And he carued thereon Cherubims, which was of the like worke : Solomon
and palme trees, and open flowers : and made also an house for Pharaohs
couered them with gold, fitted vpon the daughter, (*whom he had taken to wife) cHAP.3.1.
carued worke. like vnto this porch.
36 11 And hee built the inner Court 9 All these were of costly stones,
with three rowes of hewed stone, and a according to the measures of hewed
row of Cedar beam es. stones, sawed with sawes, within and
37 1[ In the fourth yfcefe was the without, euen from the foundation vn-
foundation of the house of the LORD to the coping, and so on the outside to-
layd, in the moneth Zif. :.>•• ward the great court.
38 And in the eleuenth yeere in the 10 And the foundation was of costly
moneth Bui (which is the eight mo- stones, euen great stones ; stones of ten
!l Or', with all neth) was the house finished || through- cubites, and stones of eight cubites.
the appurte-
nances ther- out all the parts therof , and according 11 And aboue were costly stones (af-
of, and with to all the fashion of it : So was he seuen ter the measures of hewed stones) and
all the ordi-
nances ther- yeeres in building it. Cedars.
of. 1£ And the great court round about,
was with three rowes of hewed stones,
C H A P . VII. and a row of Cedar beames, both for
1 The building of Solomons house. 2 Of the the inner court of the house of the
house of Lebanon. 6 Of the porch of pil- LORD, and for the porch of the house.
lars. 7 Of the porch of Judgement. 8 Of 13 f And king o Solomon sent and
the house for Pharaohs daughter. 13 Hi- fet Hiram out of Tyre.
rams worke of the two pillars. 23 Of the
molten Sea. 27 Of the ten bases. 38 Of 14 Hee was ta widowes sonne of the t Hebr. the
the ten lauers, 40 And all the vessels. tribe of Naphtali, and his father was a sonne of a
widow wo-
man of Tyre, a worker m brasse, and he man.
Vt Solomon was buil- was filled with wisedome, and vnder-
* Chap. 9.
b ding his owne house * thir-
teeneyeres, and he finished
all his house.
. 2 f Hee built also the
standing, and cunning to worke all
workes in brasse : and hee came to king
Solomon, and wrought all his worke.
15 For the cast two pillars of brasse i Hebr. fa-
house of the forrest of Lebanon; the of eighteene cubites high a piece : and a shioned.
length thereof was a hundred cubites, line of twelue cubites did compasse ei-
and the breadth thereof fiftie cubites, ther of them about.
and the height thereof thirtie cubites, 16 And hee made two Chapiters of
vpon foure rowes of Cedar pillars, molten brasse, to set vpon the tops of
The moulten Sea I. Kings. The ten bafes,
the pillars : the height of the one cha- 29 And on the borders that were be-
riter was fiue cubites, and the height of tweene the ledges were lyons, oxen, and
;he other chapiter was fiue cubites : Cherubims : and vpon the ledges there
17 And nets of checker worke , and was a base aboue : and beneath the ly-
wreathes of chaine worke, for the cha- ons and oxen were certaine additions
nters which were vpon the top of the made of thinne worke.
)illars : seuen for the one chapiter, anc 30 And euery base had foure brasen
seueri for the other chapiter. wheeles , and plates of brasse : and the
18 And he made the pillars, and two ibure corners therof had vndersetters :
rowes round about vpon the one net vnder the lauer were vndersetters mol-
worke, to couer the chapiters that were ten, at the side of euery addition.
vpon the top, with pomegranates : anc 31 And the mouth of it within the
so did he for the other chapiter. chapiter, and aboue, was a cubite : but
19 And the chapiters that were vpon the mouth thereof was round after the
;he top of the pillars, were of lillie worke worke of the base, a cubite and an halfe:
in the porch, foure cubites. and also vpon the mouth of it were gra-
20 And the chapiters vpon the two uings with their borders, foure square
pillars Aad^of7zegTanafe<?also,aboue,ouer not round.
against the belly which was by the net- 32 And vnder the borders were foure
worke: and the pomegranates were wheeles : & the axletrees of the wheeles
two hundred in rowes round about, were t ioyned to thebase, and theheight of \base.
Heb. in the
vpon the other chapiter. a wheele was a cubite and halfe a cubite.
* 2. Chr. 3. 21 *And he set vp the pillars in the 33 And the worke of the wheeles was
17. like the worke of a charet wheele : their
porch of the temple: and hee set vp the
right pillar, and called the name theroi axletrees and their naues,. and their fel-
I That is, he |J lachin : and he set vp the left pillar, loes, and their spokes were all molten.
shall esta-
blish. and called the name thereof ||Boaz. 34 And there were foure vndersetters
\That is, in
it is strength
22 And vpon the top of the pillars to the foure corners of one base : and the
was lillie worke: so was the worke of the vndersetters were of the very base it
pillars finished. selfe.
28 K And he made a moulten Sea, 35 And in the top of the basezms there
Heb. from ten cubites tfrom the one brim to the o- a round compasse of halfe a cubite high :
,is brimme,
to his brim. ther : it was round all about, & his height and on the top of the base the ledges
was fiue cubits: and a line of thirtie cu- thereof, and the borders thereof were of
bites did com passe it round about. the same.
24 And vnder the brimme of it 36 For on the plates of the ledges
round about there were knops compas- thereof, and on the borders thereof, he
* 2. Chron. sing it, ten in a cubite, * compassing the graued Cherubims, lions, and palme
4. 3.
sea round about : the knops were cast in trees, according to the t proportion of e- t
two rowes, when it was cast. uery one, and additions round about. kednesse.
25 It stood vpon twelue oxen, three 37 After this maner he made the ten
looking toward the North, and three bases : all of them had one casting, one
looking toward the West, and three loo- measure, and one size.
king toward the South, and three loo- 38 H Then made hee ten lauers of
king toward the East : and the Sea was brasse : one lauer conteined fourtie
set aboue vpon them, and all their hin- baths : and euery lauer was foure cu-
der parts were inward. bites, and vpon euery one of the ten ba-
26 And it was an hand breadth ses, one lauer.
thicke, and the brimme thereof was 39 And he put fiue bases on the right
wrought like the brim of a cup, with t side of the house, andfiueon the left side t Heb. shoul-
flowres of Hllies : it contained two thou of the house : and he set the Sea on the der.
sand Baths. right side of the house Eastward, ouer
27 U And he made ten bases of brasse; against the South.
foure cubites was the length of one base, 40 U And Hiram made the lauers,
and foure cubites the breadth thereof, and the shouels, and the basons: So
and three cubites the height of it. Hiram made an ende of doing all the
28 And the worke of the bases was worke that hee made King Solomon,
on this maner: they had borders, and the for the house of the LORD.
borders were betweene the ledges : 41 The two pillars, and the two
Diuers vessels. The Chap.viij. Temple dedicated.
bowles or the chapiters that were on the vnto king Solomon in lerusalem,
top of the two pillars: and the two net- that they might bring vp the Arke of
workes, to couer the two bowles of the the Couenant of the LORD, out of the
chapiters which were vpon the top ol citie of Dauid, which is Zion.
the pillars: 2 And all the men of Israel assem-
42 And foure hundred Pomegra- bled themselues vnto king Solomon,
nates for the two networkes, euen two at the feast, in the moneth Ethanim,
rowes of Pomegranates for one net- which is the seuenth moneth.
+Hebr. upon
worke, to couer the two bowles of the 3 And all the Elders of Israel came,
the/ace. chapiters that were t vpon the pillars: and the Priests tooke vp the Arke.
43 And the ten bases, and ten lauers 4 And they brought vp the Arke of
on the bases. the LORD, and the Tabernacle of the
44 And one Sea, and twelue oxen Congregation, and all the holy vessels
vnder the Sea. that were in the Tabernacle, euen those
45 And the pots, and the shouels, did the Priests & the Leuites bring vp.
and the basons: and all these vessels 5 And king Solomon, and all the
which Hiram made to King Solo- Congregation of Israel, that were as-
mon , for the house of the LORD, were sembled vnto him, were with him before
made bright
of t bright brasse. the Arke, sacrificing sheepe, and oxen,
or scoured. 46 In the plaine of lordane did the that could not bee told nor numbred for
t Hebr. in king cast them tin the clay ground, be- multitude.
the thick-
nesse of the tweene Succoth and Zarthan. 6 And the Priests brought in the
47 And Solomon left all the ves- Arke of the Couenant of the L O R D
t Hebr. for sels vnweighed^ because they were excee- vnto his place, into the Oracle of the
the excee-
ding multi- ding many : neitJier was the weight of house to the most holy place, euen vnder
tude. the brasse t found out. the wings of the Cherubims.
\Hebr. sear-
ched. 48 And Solomon made all the ves- 7 For the Cherubims spread forth
sels that pertained vnto the house of the their two wings ouer the place of the
L O R D : the Altar of gold, and the Arke, and the Cherubims couered the
table of gold, whereupon the Shew- Arke, and the staues thereof aboue.
bread was: 8 And they drew out the staues, that
49 And the candlesticks of pure gold, the tends of the staues were seene out in \Heb.heads.
fiue on the right side, and fiueon the left, the ||Holy place before the Oracle, and w 1 Or, Arke,
2. Chron.
before the Oracle, with the flowers, and they were not seene without: and there 5.9.
the lampes, and the tongs of gold, they are vnto this day.
50 And the boules, and the snuffers, 9 There was nothing in the Arke,
and the basons, & the spoones, and the * saue the two Tables of stone, which * Deut. 10.
t Heb. ash- t censers of pure gold : and the hindges Moses put there at Horeb, ||when the 5.
pans. 1 Or, where.
of gold, both for the doores of the inner LORD made a Couenant with the chil-
house the most Holy place, and for the dren of Israel, when they came out of
doores of the house, to wit, of the temple. the land of Egypt.
51 So was ended all the worke that 10 And it came to passe when the
king Solomon made for the house of Priests were come out of the holy place,
the L O R D : and Solomon brought that the cloud * filled the house of the * Exod. 40.
\Heb. things in the t things * which Dauid his father LORD; 34.
of Dauid.
* 2. Chron. had dedicated > euen the siluer, and the 11 So that the Priests could not
5. 1.
gold, & the vessels did he put among the stand to minister, because of the cloud:
treasures of the house of the LORD. for the glory of the LORD had filled
the house of the LORD.
C H A P . VIII. 12 U Then spake Solomon; The
LORD *said that hee would dwell in * 2. Chro 6.
1 The feast of the dedication of the Temple. the thicke darkenesse. 1.
12. and 54. Solomons blessing. 22 Solomons
prayer. 62 His sacrifice of peace offrings. 13 I haue surely built thee an house
to dwel in, a setled place forthee to abide
* 2. Chron. Hen * Solomon assembled in for euer.

the Elders of Israel, and 14 And the King turned his face a-
all the heads of the tribes, bout, and blessed all the Congregation
IHebr. the t chiefe of the fathers of Israel : (and all the Congregation
of the children of Israel, of Israel stood.)
15 And
Solomons blefsing, I.Kings. and prayer.
15 Ana ne said, tflessea oe tne I^ORD hy worde (I pray thee) bee verified,
iod of Israel, which spake with his which thou spakest vnto thy seruant
mouth vnto Dauid myd father, and hath Dauid my father.
with his hand fulfilled it^ saying; 27 But will God indeede dwell on
16 Since the day that I brought he earth ? Behold, the heauen, and hea-
borth my people Israel out of Egypt, uen of heauens cannot conteine thee:
chose no citie out of all the tribes of low much lesse this House that I haue
srael to build an house that my Name builded ?
• 2. Sam. 7. might be therein; but I chose * Dauid 28 Yet haue thou respect vnto the
o be ouer my people Israel. prayer of thy seruant, and to his suppli-
17^ And it was in the heart of Dauid cation, O L O R D my God, to prayer, hear-
my father, to builde an house for the ten vnto the crie and to the prayer,
^ame of the LORD God of Israel. which thy seruant prayeth before thee
18 And the LORD sayd vnto Da- to day:
uid my father, Whereas it was in thine 29 That thine eyes may be open to-
leart to build an house vnto my Name, ward this house, night and day, euen to-
hou diddest well that it was in thine ward the place of which thou hast said,
leart. * My Name shall be there : that thou » Deut. 12.
19 Neuerthelesse, thou shalt not build mayest hearken vnto the prayer which 11.
the house, but thy sonne that shall come thy seruant shall make || towards this 8 Or, in this
borth out of thy loynes, hee shall build >lace. place.
he house vnto my Name. 30 And hearken thou to the suppli-
20 And the L O R D hath perfour- cation of thy seruant, and of thy people
med his word that he spake, and I am [srael, when they shall pray || towards fl Or, in this
risen vp in the roume of Dauid my fa- this place : and heare thou in heauen place.
ther, and sit on the throne of Israel, as thy dwelling place, and when thou nea-
the L O R D promised, and haue built rest, forgiue.
an House for, the Name of the LORD 31 11 If any man trespasse against
God of Israel. lis neighbour, tand an oath be laid vp- t Heb. and
21 And I haue set there a place for on him to cause him to sweare, and the he require
an oath of
the Arke, wherein is the Couen£nt of oath come before thine Altar in this him.
the LORD, which he made with our louse:
fathers, when he brought them out oi 32 Then heare thou in heauen, and
the land of Egypt. doe, and iudge thy seruants, condem-
22 IF And Solomon stood before ning the wicked to bring his way vpon
• 2. Chron. *the Altar of the L O R D , in the pre- bis head, and iustifying the righteous,
6. 13.
sence of all the Congregation of Israel, to giue him according to his righteous-
and spread foorth his handes toward nesse.
heauen: 33 IF When thy people Israel bee
« 2. Mace. 23 And hee said, *LORD God oi smitten downe before the enemie, be-
2.8. Israel, there is no God like thee, in hea- cause they haue sinned against thee, and
uen aboue, or on earth beneath, who shall turne againe to thee, and confesse
keepest couenant and mercy with thy thy Name, and pray, and make suppli-
seruants, that walke before thee with cation vnto thee ||in this house; « Or, to-
all their heart: 34 Then heare thou in heauen, and
24 Who hast kept with thy seruant forgiue the sinne of thy people Israel,
Dauid my father that thou promisedst and bring them againe vnto the land,
him : thou spakest also with thy mouth, which thou gauest vnto their fathers.
and hast fulfilled it with thine hand, as 35 IF When heauen is shut vp, and
it is this day. there is no rainc, because they haue sin-
25 Therefore now LORD God o^ ned against thee : if they pray towards
Israel, keepe with thy seruant Dauic this place, and confesse thy Name, and
"Chap.2. 4. my father, that thou promisedst him, turne from their sinne, when thou af-
2. Sam. 7.
12. saying; *tThere shall not faile thee a flictest tthem:
t Heb. there man in my sight to sit on the Throne o 36 Then heare thou in heauen, and
shall not be
cut off vnto Israel; t so that thy children take heede forgiue the sinne of thy seruants, and of
thee a man
from my to their way, that they walke before me thy people Israel, that thou teach them
sight. as thou hast walked before me: the good way wherein they should
t Heb. one-
1g if. 26 And now, O God of Israel, let walke, and giue raine vpon thy land
Solomons prayer Chap.viij. for the people.
which thou hast giuen to thy people for Wee haue sinned, and haue done per-
an inheritance. uersly, we haue committed wickednes;
37 f If there be in the land famine, 48 And so returne vnto thee with
if there be pestilence, blasting, mildew all their heart, and with all their soule,
locust, or if there be caterpiller: if their in the land of their enemies, which led
enemy besiege them in the land of their them away captiue, and pray vnto thee
iiO,ttm#. 11 cities, whatsoeuer plague, whatsoeuer toward their land, which thou gauest
sicknes there be; vnto their fathers, the city which thou
38 What prayer and supplication so- hast chosen, and the house which
euer be made by any man, or by all thy haue built for thy Name:
people Israel, which shall know euery 49 Then heare thou their prayer
man the plague of his owne heart, and and their supplication in heauen thy
spread forth his handes towards this dwelling place, and mainteine their
house: 11 cause, \\ Or, right.
39 Then heare thou in heauen thy 50 And forgiue thy people that haue
dwelling place, and forgiue, and do, and sinned against thee, and all their trans-
giue to euery man according to his gressions, wherein they haue trans-
wayes, whose heart thou knowest; (for gressed against thee, and giue them com-
thou, euen thou onely knowest the passion before them who caried them
hearts of all the children of men,) captiue, that they may haue compassion
40 That they may feare thee all the on them t
dayes that they Hue, in the land which 51 For they bee thy people and thine
thou gauest vnto our fathers. inheritance, which thou broughtest
41 Moreouer, concerning a stranger foorth out of Egypt, from the mids of
that is not of thy people Israel, but the furnace of iron :
commeth out of a farre countrey, for 52 That thine eyes may be open vn-
thy Names sake; to the supplication of thy seruant, and
42 (For they shall heare of thy great vnto the supplication of thy people Is-
Name, and of thy strong hand, and of rael , to hearken vnto them in all that
thy stretched out arme ) when hee shall they call for vnto thee.
come and pray towards this house: 53 For thou didst separate them from
43 Heare thou in heauen thy dwel- among all the people of the earth, to be
ling place, and doe according to all that thine inheritance, as thou spakest by
the stranger calleth to thee for: that all the hand of Moses thy seruant, when
people of the earth may know thy thou * broughtest our fathers out of E- 8.* Exod. 19.
Name, to feare thee, as doe thy people gypt, O Lord GOD.
Israel, and that they may know that 54 And it was so, that when Solo-
t Hebr. thy tthis house which I haue builded, is mon had made an end of praying all
Name is cal-
led vpon this called by thy Name. this prayer and supplication vnto the
house. 44 IT If thy people goe out to bat- LORD, he arose from before the Altar
tell against tneir enemie, whithersoeuer of the LORD, from kneeling on his
thou shalt send them, and shall pray vn- knees, with his handes spread vp to
t Hebr. the to the LORD t toward the city which heauen.
way qftfw
citw. thou hast chosen, and toward the house 55 And he stood, and blessed all the
that I haue built for thy Name : Congregation of Israel, with a lowd
45 Then heare thou in heauen their [)ice, saying;
prayer & their supplication, and main- 56 Blessed be the LORD, that hath
S Or, right. teine their || cause. giuen rest vnto his people Israel, accor-
* 2. Chron. 46 If they sinne against thee, (*for ding to all that he promised: there hath
6. 36. ec-
cles. 7. 22. there is no man that sinneth not,) and not t failed one word of all his good pro- MlehfuUen.
i. iohn ]. 8, thou be angry with them , and deliuer mise, which he promised by the hand of
them to the enemy , so that they cary Moses his seruant.
them away captiues, vnto the land of 57 The LORD our God be with
the enemy, farre or neere; vsi, as he was with our fathers: let him
f Heb. bring 47 Yet if they shall tbethinke them- not leaue vs, nor forsake vs:
hacke to
their heart. selues, in the land whither they were 58 That hee may encline our hearts
caried captiues, and repent, and make vnto him, to walke in all his wayes,
supplication vnto thee in the land of and to keepe his Commaundements,
them that caried them captiues, saying, and his Statutes, and his Iudge-j
Solomons offrings. I.Kings. Salomons vifion.
ments which hee commaunded our fa- Nd*it came to passe, when * 2. Chron.
59 And let these my wordes where-
with I haue made supplication before
the LORD, be nigh vnto the LORD
our God, day and night, that hee main-
A Solomon had finished 7.H.
the building of the house
of the LORD, and the
kings house, and all So-
lomons desire which hee was pleased
taine the cause of his seruant, and the to doe,
Heb. the cause of his people Israel tat all times, % That the LORD appeared to
'ay m hit as the matter shall require: Solomon the second time, * as hee had * Chap. 3. 5.
day. 60 That all the people of the earth appeared vnto him at Gibeon.
may know that the LORD is God: 3 And the L O R D said vnto him,
and that there is none else. I haue heard thy prayer and thy sup-
61 Let your heart therefore be per- plication that thou hast made before
fect with the L O R D your God, to me: I haue hallowed this house which
walke in his Statutes, and to keepe his thou hast built, * to put my Name there * Cha. 8. 29
Commandements, as at this day. for euer, and mine eyes and mine heart
* a. Chron. 62 f And *the king, and all Israel shall be there perpetually.
7. 4.
with him, offered sacrifice before the 4 And if thou wilt walke before
LORD. me, as Dauid thy father walked, in in-
68 And Solomon offered a sacrifice tegritie of heart, and in vprightnesse, to
of peace offerings, which he offered vn- doe according to all that I haue com-
to the LORD, two and twentie thou- manded thee, and wilt keepe my Sta-
sand oxen, and an hundred and twentie tutes, and my Judgements:
thousand sheepe: so the king and all the 5 Then I will establish the throne
children of Israel dedicated the house of thy kingdome vpon Israel for euer,
of the LORD. *as I promised to Dauid thy father, *2. Sam. 7.
12. l. chro.
,64 The same day did the king hal- saying, There shall not faile thee a man 22.10.
low the middle of the Court that was vpon the throne of Israel.
before the house of the L O R D : for 6 But if you shall at all turne from
there hee offered burnt offerings, and following me, you or your children, and
meat offerings, and the fat of the peace will not keepe my Commandements,
* 2. Chron. offerings : because *the brasen Altar and my Statutes, which I haue set be-
7.7. fore you, but goe and serue other gods,
that was before the LORD, was too lit-
tle to receiue the burnt offerings , and and worship them:
meat offerings, and the fat of the peace 7 Then will I cut off Israel out
offerings. of the land which I haue giuen them;
65 And at that time Solomon held and this house which I haue hallowed
a feast, and all Israel with him, a great *for my Name, will I cast out of my * ler. 7.14.
Congregation, from the entring in ol sight, and Israel shall bee a prouerbe,
Hamatn, vnto the riuer of Egypt, be- and a by-word among all people:
fore the L O R D our God, seuen dayes 8 And at this house which is high,
and seuen dayes, euen fourteene dayes, euery one that passeth by it, shalbe asto-
66 On the eight day he sent the peo- nished, andshallhisse,andtheyshal say,
I Or, than- ple away*: and they || blessed the King, *Why hath the L O R D done thus vn- * Deut. 29.
ked. 24. ierem.
and went vnto their tents ioyfull, and to this land, and to this house ? 22. 8.
glad of heart, for all the goodnesse that 9 And they shall answere, Because
the LORD had done for Dauid his they forsooke the LORD their God,
seruant, and for Israel his people. who brought forth their fathers out of
the land of Egypt, and haue taken hold
vpon other gods, and haue worshipped
them, and serued them : therefore hath
C H A P . IX. the L O R D brought vpon them all
this euill.
1 Gods Couenant in a vision, with Solomon.
10 The mutual presents of Solomon and Hi- 10H And *it came to passe at the end 8.* 2.1. Chron.
ram. 15 In Solomons workes the Gentiles of twentie yeeres, when Solomon had
, were his bondmen, the Israelites honoura- built the two houses, the house of the
ble seruants. 24. Pharaohs daughter re- LORD, and the Kings house,
mooueth to her house. 25 Solomons yeere-
ly solemne sacrifices. 26 His nauie fetcheth 11 (Now Hiram the king of Tyre
golde from Ophir. had furnished Solomon with Cedar
Solomons buildings, Chap.x. His jNauie.
trees, and nrre trees, and with golde Solomon oner burnt offerings, and
according to al his desire) that then So- seace offerings vpon the Altar which
lomon gaue Hiram twentie cities in the le built vnto the LORD, and hfc burnt
[and of Galile. incense t vpon the altar that was before t Hebr. vp-
12 And Hiram came out from Tyre the L O R D : so he finished the house. onit.
to see the cities which Solomon had gi- 26 f And king Solomon made a
t Heb. were uen him, and they tpleased him not. nauie of ships in Ezion Geber, which is
not Tight
in his eyes. 13 And he said, What cities are these reside Eloth, on the tshoare of the red t Heb. lip.
which thou hast giuen me, my brother ? sea, in the land of Edom.
I That is, And he called them the land of ||Cabul 27 And Hiram sent in the nauie his
or, dirtie. vnto this day. seruants, shipmen that had knowledge
14? And Hiram sent to the king sixe of the Sea, with the seruants of So-
score talents of gold. iomon.
15 H And this is the reason of the le- 28 And they came to Ophir, and fet
uie which king Solomon raised, for to from thence gold foure hundred and
build the house of the LORD, and his twentie talents, and brought it to king
owne house, and Millo, and the wall of Solomon.
Jerusalem, and Razor, and Megiddo,
and Gezer. C H A P . X. •
16 For Pharaoh king of Egypt had 1 The Queene of Sheba admireth the wisdome
gone vp, and taken Gezer, and burnt it of Solomon. 14 Solomons gold. 16 His
with fire, and slaine the Canaanites targets. 18 The throne of luorie. 21 His
that dwelt in the citie, and giuen it for a vessels. 24 His presents. 26 His chariots
present vnto his daughter Solomons and horse. 28 His tribute.
wife. C?J|S^ltti[ Nd when thf*9. 2.1. Chron.

mat. 12
17 And Solomon built Gezer, and ^^W^l^OT Sheba heard 42. luke 11.
Beth - horon the nether, of Solomon, concerning
18 And Baalath, and Tadmor in the the Name of the L O R D ;
wildernesse, in the land. :l^li|^piJU£ shee came to
19 And all the cities of store that So- with hard questions.
lomon had, and cities for his charets, 2 And she came to Jerusalem with
\Heb.the and cities for his horsemen, and t that a very great traine, with camels that
desire of So-
lomon which which Solomon disired to build in Je- bare spices, and very much gold, and
he desired. rusalem, and in Lebanon, and in all the precious stones: and when shee was
land of his dominion. come to Solomon, she communed with
20 And all the people that were left of him, of all that was in her heart.
the Amorites, Hittittes, Perizzites, Hi- 3 And Solomon tolde her all her
uites, and lebusites, which were not t questions : there was not any thing WIeh words
of the children of Israel, hid from the king, which hee told her
21 Their children that were left af- not.
ter them in the land, whom the children 4 And when the Queene of Sheba
of IsraeJ. also were not able vtterly to had scene all Solomons wisedome, and
destroy, vpon those did Solomon leuie the house that he had built,
a tribute of bond-seruice vnto this day. 5 And the meat of his table, and the
22 But of the children of Israel did sitting of his seruants, and the t atten- WIeb. stan-
* Leuit. 25. Solomon *make no bondmen : but dance of his ministers, and their appa-
they were men of warre, and his ser- rell, and his || cup-bearers, and his I Ort Butlers
uants, and his princes, and his cap- ascent by which hee went vp vnto the
tain es, and rulers of his charets, and house of the L O R D : there was no
his horsemen. more spirit in her.
23 These were the chiefe of the officers 6 And she said to the king, It was
that were ouer Solomons worke, fiue a true treport that I heard in mine \JJeb. word.
hundred and fiftie, which bare rule ouer owne land, of thy ||actes and of thy \Qr* sayings
the people that wrought in the worke. wisedome.
* 2. Ghron. 24? IT But * Pharaohs daughter 7 Howbeit, I beleeued not the
came vp out of the citie of Dauid, vnto words, vntill I came and mine eyes
her house which Solomon had built had scene it: and beholde, the halfe was heat
for her: then did he build Millo. not told me: tthy wisedom andprospe- wisedome
25 H And three times in a yeere did ritie exceedeth the fame which I heard. to the fame.
8 Happie
Solomons power, I.Kings. and magnificence.
8 Happie are thy men, happy are these 21 1T And all king Solomons drink-
thy seruants, which stand continually ing vessels were of gold, and all the ves-
before thee, and that heare thy wisedom. sels of the house of the forrest of Leba-
9 Blessed be the LORD thy God non were of pure gold, ||none were of sil- viasnosiluer
Wr. there
which delighted in thee, to set thee on uer, it was nothing accounted of in the in them.
the throne of Israel; because the LORD dayes of Solomon.
loued Israel for euer, therefore made 22 For the king had at sea a nauie of
he thee King, to doe iudgement and Tharshish, with the nauie of Hiram:
iustice. once in three yeeres came the nauie of
10 And she gaue the king an hundred Tharshish, bringing golde and siluer,
and twentie talents of gold, and of spi- || yuorie, and apes, and peacocks. iOr, Ele-
phants teeth.
ces very great store, & precious stones: 23 So king Solomon exceeded all
there came no more such abundance of the kings of the earth, for riches and for
spices, as these, which the Queene of wisedome.
Sheba gaue to king Solomon. 24 IF And all the earth t sought to the Wleksought
face of.
11 And the nauie also of Hiram that Solomon, to heare his wisedom which
brought gold from Ophir, brought in God had put in his heart.
from Ophir, great plentie of Almug 25 And they brought euery man his
trees, and precious stones. present, vessels of siluer, and vessels of
12 And the king made of the Almug gold, and garments, and armour, and
1 Or, railes. trees, || pillars for the house of the spices, horses, and mules, a rate yeere by
tieb. a prop.
LORD, and for the Kings house, yeere.
Harpes also and Psalteries for singers: 26 1f And Solomon gathered toge-
* 2. Chron. there came no such * Almug trees, nor ther *charets and horsemen. And hee *1.14. 2. Chron*
9. 10 were seene vnto this day. had a thousand and foure hundred cha-
13 And king Solomon gaue vnto the rets, and twelue thousand horsemen,
Queene of Sheba, al her desire whatsoe- whom he bestowed in the cities for cha-
uer she asked, besides that which Solo- rets, and with the king at Jerusalem.
\Hebr. ac- mon gaue her tof his royall bountie: so 27 And the king tmade siluer to be in \Beb.gafue.
cording' to
the hand of she turned and went to her owne coun- Jerusalem as stones, and Cedars made
king Solo- trey, she and her seruants. he to be as the Sycomore trees, that are
14 t Now the weight of gold that in the vale for abundance.
came to Solomon in one yere, was aixe 28 1F *tAnd Solomon had horses 2. .Chron. & 9. 28.
hundred, threescore & six talents of gold, brought out of Egypt, and linen yarne: \Heb.and
15 Besides that he had of the merchant the kings merchants receiued the linen forth the going
of the
men, and of the traffique of the spice- yarne at a price. horses which
was Solo*
merchants , and of all the kings of A- 29 And a charet came vp and went mons.
B Or, Cap- rabia, and of the ||gouernours of the
out of Egypt for sixe hundred shekels of
countrey. siluer, and an horse for an hundred and
16 f And king Solomon made two fiftie: and so for all the kings of the Hit-
hundred targets of beaten golde: sixe tites, and for the kings of Syria, did
hundred shekels of golde went to one they bring them- out t by their meanes. \tfebr.fy
their hand.
17 And he made three hundred shields
of beaten gold, three pound of gold went C H A P . XL
to one shield; and the king put them in 1 Solomons wiues and xjoncubines. 4 In his old
* Chap. 7. 2 the * house of the forrest of Lebanon. age they draw him to idolatry. 9 God threat-
18 IF Moreouer the king made a great neth him. 14 Solomons adversaries were
throne of yuorie, and ouerlaide it with Hadad, who was intertained in Egypt, 33
the best gold. Rezon who reigned in Damascus, 26 And
lerohoam, to whom Ahiiah prophesied. 41
19 The throne Aadsixe steps, and the Solomons actes, reigne, and death: Rehobo-
tHeb.mthe 1top of the throne was round t behind : am succeedeth him.
thereof. and there were tstayes on either side on
^Heb. hands. the place of the seate, and two lyons Vt King Solomon loued
stood beside the stayes.
20 And twelue lions stood there on
the one side and on the other vpon the
\ sixe steps: there was not tthe like made
B *many strange women, 17. * Deut. 17.
(II together with y daugh- 49. 19.
ter of Pharaoh) women \ Or, besides
of the Moabites, Ammo-
in any kingdome. nites, Edomites, Sidonians 4r Hittites:
2 Of
His wiues, idolatries, Chap.xj. and aduerfaries.
2 Of the nations concerning which aduersary vnto Solomon, Hadad the
the LORD said vnto the children of Edomite: hee was of the kings seed in
* Bzod. 34. Israel, *Yee shall not goe in to them, Edom.
neither shall they come in vnto you,jftr 15 *For it came to passe when Dauid * 2. Sain. 8.
surely they will turne away your heart was in Edom, and loab the captaine 14.
after their gods : Solomon claue vnto of the host was gone vp to bury the
these in loue. slaine, after he had smitten euery male
3 And he had seuen hundred wiues, in Edom:
Princesses, and three hundred concu- 16 (For sixe moneths did loab re-
bines : and his wiues turned away his maine there with all Israel, vntil hee
heart. had cut off euery male in Edom.)
4 For it came to passe when Solo- 17 That Hadad fled, he and certaine
mon was old, that his wiues turned a- Edomites of his fathers seruants with
way his heart after other gods : and him, to goe into Egypt : Hadad being
his heart was not perfect with the yet a litle childe.
LORD his God, as was the heart of 18 And they arose out of Midian,
Dauid his father. and came to Paran, and they tooke men
* ludg. 2. 5 For Solomon went after * Ash- with them out of Paran, and they came
toreth the goddesse of the Zidonians, to Egypt, vnto Pharaoh king of E-
and after Milcom the abomination of gypt, which gaue him an house, and
the Amorites. appointed him vitailes, and gaue him
6 And Solomon did euill in the land.
t Hebr. ful- sight of the LORD, and twent not fully 19 And Hadad found great fauour
filled not a/.after the LORD, as did Dauid his fa-
ter. in the sight of Pharaoh, so that he gaue
ther. him to wife the sister of his owne wife,
7 Then did Solomon build an hie the sister of Tahpenes the Queene.
place for Chemosh the abomination of 20 And the sister of Tahpenes bare
Moab, in the hill that is before lerusa- him Genubath his sonne, whom Tah-
lem, and for Molech the abomination penes weaned in Pharaohs house : and
of the children of Ammon. Genubath was in Pharaohs houshold
8 And likewise did hee for all his among the sonnes of Pharaoh.
strange wiues, which burnt incense 21 And when Hadad heard in E-
and sacrificed vnto their gods. gypt that Dauid slept with his fathers,
9 1T And the L O R D was angry and that loab the captaine of the host
with Solomon, because his heart was was dead, Hadad said to Pharaoh,
turned from the L O R D God of Is- tLet me depart, that I may go to mine t Heb. send
me away.
* Chap. 3. rael * which had appeared vnto him owne countrey.
twise, 22 Then Pharaoh said vnto him,
* Chap. 6. 10 And *had commaunded him con- But what hast thou lacked with mee,
cerning this thing, that hee should not that, behold, thou seekest to goe to thine
goe after other gods: but hee kept not owne countrey? And hee answered,
that which the LORD commanded. t Nothing: Howbeit, let mee goe in t Heb. Not.
11 Wherefore the L O R D said vnto any wise.
t Hebr. is Solomon ; Forasmuch as this tis done 23 IF And * God stirred him vp aii- * 2. Sam. 8.
with thee.
of thee, and thou hast not kept my Co- other aduersary : Rezon, the sonne of E- 3.18.and 10.
uenant, and my Statutes which I liadah , which fled from his lord Hada-
» Chap. 12. haue commanded thee, *1 wil surely dezer king of Zobah:
rend the kingdome from thee, and will 24? And he gathered men vnto him,
giue it to thy seruant. and became captaine ouer a band, when
12 Notwithstanding in thy dayes I Dauid slew them of Zobah : and they
wil not doe it, for Dauid thy fathers went to Damascus, and dwelt therein,
sake: but 1 wil rend it out of the hand and reigned in Damascus.
of thy sonne. 25 And he was an aduersarie to Is-
13 Howbeit, I wil not rend away all rael all the dayes of Solomon, beside
the kingdome: but wil giue one tribe to the mischiefe that Hadad did: and he ab-
thy sonne, for Dauid my seruants sake, horred Israel, and reigned ouer Syria.
and for lerusalems sake, which I 26 1F And *Ieroboam the sonne oi * 2. Chron.
h^ue chosen. Nebat, an Ephrathite of Zereda, So- 13.9.
14 11 And the LORD stirred vp an 'lomons seruant, (whose mothers name
Ahijah. leroboam. I. Kings. Solomons death.
was Zeruah a widow woman) euen he wilt walke in my wayes, and doe that
lift vp his hand against the king. is right in my sight, to keepe my Sta-
27 And this was the cause that hee tutes and my Commandements, as
lift vp his hand against the king: Solo- Dauid my seruant did; that I will be
t Hebr, clo- mon built Millo,a/id t repaired the brea- with thee, and build thee a sure house,
ches of the citie of Dauid his father. as I built for Dauid, and will giue Is-
28 And the man leroboam was a rael vnto thee.
mightie man of valour : and Solomon 39 And I will for this afflict the seed
t Heb. did seeing the young man that he twas in- of Dauid, but not for euer.
dustrious, hee made him ruler ouer all 40 Solomon sought therefore to
t Hebr. bur- the t charge of the house of loseph. kill leroboam, and leroboam arose,
29 And it came to passe at that time and fledde into Egypt, vnto Shishak
when leroboam went out of Jerusa- king of Egypt, and was in Egypt vntill
lem, that the Prophet Ahiiah the Shi- the death of Solomon,
Ion ite found him in the way : and hee 41 IF And the rest of the (jactes of II Or, words,
had clad himselfe with a new garment; Solomon, and all that he did, and his or things.
and they two were alone in the field. wisedome, are they not written in the
30 And Ahiiah caught the new gar- booke of the actes of Solomon ?
ment that was on him, and rent it in 42 And the ttime that Solomon t Heb. dayea.
twelue pieces. reigned in lerusalem, ouer all Israel,
31 And he said to leroboam, Take was *fourtie yeeres.. * 2. Chron.
thee tenne pieces: for thus sayth the 43 And Solomon slept with his fa- 9. 30.
L O R D the God of Israel, Behold, thers, and was buried in the citie of Da-
I will rent the kingdome out of the uid his father : and * Rehoboam his * Mat. i. 7.
called Ro-
hand of Solomon, and will giue ten sonne reigned in his stead. 6oam.
tribes to thee;
32 (But hee shall haue one tribe, for
my seruant Dauids sake, and for leru- CHAP. XII.
salems sake, the citie which I haue cho-
sen out of all the tribes of Israel:) 1 The Israelites assembled at Shechem to
33 Because that they haue forsaken crowne Refyobpam, by leroboam make a
suite of relaxation vnto him. 6 Rehoboam
mee, and haue worshipped Ashtaroth refusing the olde mens counsel!, by the ad-
the goddesse of the Zidonians, Che- uice of young men, answereth them roughly.
mosh the god of the Moabites, and Mil- 16 Ten tribes rewriting, kill Adoram, and
corn the god of the children of Ammon, make Rehoboam to nee. 21 Rehoboam
raising an armie, is forbidden by Shemaiah.
and haue not walked in my wayes, to 25 leroboam strengthened! himselfe by cities,
doe that which is right in mine eyes, 26 and by the idolatrie of the two calues.
and to keepe my • Statutes, and my
ludgements, as did Dauid his father. N D * Rehoboam went * 2. Chron.
34 Howbeit, I will not take the
whole kingdome out of his hand : but
I will make him Prince all the dayes
of his life, for Dauid my seruants sake,
whom I chose, because hee kept my
AA to Shechem : for all Is- 10. 1.
rael were come to She-
chem to make him king.
2 And it came to msse
when leroboam the sonne of Nebat,
Commandemeuts and my Statutes : who was yet in * Egypt, heard of it (for * Chap. 11.
* Chap. 12.
35 But * I will take the kingdome hee was fled from the presence of king 40.
out of his sonnes hand, and will giue it Solomon, and leroboam dwelt in E-
vnto thee, euen ten tribes. crvnt '^
36 And vnto his sonne will I giue 3 That they sent, and called him:
one tribe, that Dauid my seruant may and leroboam and all the Congrega-
t Heb. lampe haue a flight alway before me in le- tion of Israel came, and spake vnto
or candle.
rusalem, the citie which I haue chosen Rehoboam, saying;
me to put my Name there. 4 Thy father made our *yoke grie- * Chap. 4. 7
37 And I will take thee, and thpu uous : now therefore, make thou the
shalt reigne according to all that thy grieuous seruice of thy father, and his
soule desireth, and shalt be King ouer heauy yoke which he put vpon vs, ligh-
Israel. ter, and we will serue thee.
38 And it shall be, if thou wilt hear- 5 And hee said vnto them, Depart
ken vnto all that I command thee, and yet for three daies, then come againe to
Rehoboam king. Chap.xij. Ifrael rebelleth.
me. And the people departed. ther haue we inheritance in the sonne of
6 If And king Rehoboam consulted lesse: to your tents, O Israel : nowe
with the old men that stood before So- see to thine owne house, Dauid. So
lomon his father, while he yet liued, and Israel departed vnto their tents.
said, How doe you aduise, that / may 17 But as for the children of Israel
answere this people ? which dwelt in the pities of ludah,
7 And they spake vnto him, saying, Rehoboam reigned ouer them.
If thou wilt be a seruant vnto this peo- 18 Then king Rehoboam sent Ado-
ple this day, and wilt serue them, and ram, who was ouer the tribute, and all
answere them, and speake good words Israel stoned him with stones that hee
to them, then they will be thy seruants died: therefore king Rehoboam tmade iHeb.streng-
thened him-
for euer. speed to get him vp to his charet, to flee self e.
8 But hee forsooke the counsell of to lerusalem.
the old men, which they had giuen him, 19 So Israel ||rebelled against the II Or, fell a.
and consulted with the yong men, that house of Dauid vnto this day.
were growen vp with him, and which 20 And it came to passe when all Is-
stood before him. rael heard that leroboam was come
9 And hee said vnto them, What againe, that they sent and called him vn-
counsell giue ye, that we may answere to the Congregation, and made him
this people, who haue spoken to mee, king ouer all Israel : there was none
saying, Make the yoke which thy fa- that followed the house of Dauid, but
ther did put vpon vs, lighter ? the tribe of ludah *onely. * Chap. 11.
10 And the young men that were 21 IF And when Rehoboam was
growen vp with him, spake vnto him, come to lerusalem, hee assembled all
saying, Thus shalt thou speake vnto the house of ludah, with the tribe of
this people that spake vnto thee, say- Beniamin, an hundred and fourescore
ing, Thy father made our yoke heauy, thousand chosen men which were war-
but make thou it lighter vnto vs; thus tiers, to fight against the house of Is-
shalt thou say vnto them, My litle fin- rael , to bring the kingdome againe to
ger shall bee thicker then my fathers Rehoboam the sonne of Solomon.
loynes. 22 But *the word of God came vn- * 2. Chron.
11. 2.
11 And now whereas my father did to Shemaiah, the man of God, saying,
lade you with a heauy yoke, I wil adde 23 Speake vnto Rehoboam the
to your yoke : my father hath chastised sonne of Solomon king of ludah, and
you with whippes, but I will chastise vnto all the house of ludah and Ben-
you with*scorpions. iamin, and to the remnant of the people,
12 11 So leroboam and all the peo- saying,
ple came to Rehoboam the third day, as 24 Thus saith the L O R D , Ye
the king had appointed, saying, Come shall not goe vp, nor fight against your
to me againe the third day. brethren the children of Israel: returne
13 And the king answered the people euery man to his house, for this thing
t Heb. hard- t roughly, and forsooke the old mens is from me. They hearkened therefore
iy. counsell that they gaue him: to the word of the L O R D , and retur-
14 And spake to them after the coun- ned to depart, according to the word of
sell of the young men, saying, My fa- the LORD,
ther made your yoke heauy, and I will 25 U Then leroboam built She-
adde to your yoke; my father also chasti- chem in mount Ephraim, and dwelt
sed you with whips, but I will chastise therein, and went out from thence, and
you with scorpions. built Penuel.
15 Wherefore the king hearkened 26 And leroboam said in his heart,
not vnto the people : for the cause was Now shall the kingdome returne to the
from the L O R D , that hee might per- house of Dauid:
forme his saying, which the L O R D 27 If this people goe vp, to doe sa-
* Chap. 11. spake by * Ahiiah the Shilonite vnto crifice in the house of the L O R D at
11. lerusalem, then shall the heart of this
leroboam the sonne of Nebat.
16 f So when all Israel saw that people turne againe vnto their lorde,
the king hearkned not vnto them, the euen vnto Rehoboam king of ludah,
people answered the king, saying, and they shall kill mee, and goe againe
What portion haue we in Dauid ? nei- to Rehoboam king of ludah.
28 Where-
eroboams calues. I.Kings. The man of God is
28 Whereupon the king tooke coun- aymg, This is the signe which the
sell, and made two calues of gold, and L O R D hath spoken : Behold, the al-
said vnto them, It is too much for you ar shall be rent, and the ashes that are
Exod. 32. to goe vp to Jerusalem : * Behold thy vpon it, shalbe powred out.
gods, O Israel, which brought thee vp 4 And it came to passe when king
out of the land of Egypt. Jeroboam heard the saying of the
29 And he set the one in Bethel, and man of God, which had cried against
the other put he in Dan. ;he altar in Bethel, that he put forth his
30 And this thing became a sinne: land from the altar, saying, Lay hold
or the people went to worship before the on him: And his hand which hee put
one, euen vnto Dan. foorth against him, dried vp, so that hee
31 And he made an house of hie pla- could not pull it in againe to him.
ces , and made priests of the lowest of 5 The altar also was rent, and the
the people, which were not of the ashes powred out from the altar, accor-
sonnes of Leui. ding to the signe which the man of God
32 And leroboam ordeined a feast lad giuen by the word of the LORD.
n the eight moneth, on the fifteenth 6 And the king answered f and said
day of the moneth, like vnto the feast vnto the man of God, Intreat now the
Or, went that is in ludah, and he ||offered vpon •ace of the L O R D thy God, and pray
p to the al- ?
tar $c. the altar (so did he in Bethel,) ||sacrifi- or mee, that my hand may be restored
Or to sa- cing vnto the calues that he had made:
mee againe. And the man of God be-
and he placed in Bethel the priests of sought tthe L O R D , and the kings t Hebr, the
the high places which he had made. liand was restored againe, and became face of the
I Or, went 33 So hee || offered vpon the altar, as it was before.
vptothe al-
tar <J-c. which hee had made in Bethel, the fif- 7 And the king said vnto the man
eenth day of the eighth moneth, euen of God, Come home with mee, and re-
n the moneth which he had deuised of fresh thy selfe, and I wil giue thee a re-
lis owne heart: and ordeined a feast vn- ward.
to the children of Israel, and he offered 8 And the man of God said vnto the
Hebr. to vpon the altar, tand burnt incense. king, If thou wilt giue mee halfe thine
burne in- bouse, I will not goe in with thee, nei-
ther will I eat bread, nor drinke water
C H A P . XIII. in this place:
9 For so was it charged mee by the
1 Jeroboams hand, that offered violence to him
that prophesied against his altar at Bethel, word of the L O R D , saying, Eate
witheretn, 6 and at the prayer of the Pro- no bread, nor drinke water, nof turne a-
phet is restored. 7 The Prophet, refusing yrain by the same way that thou earnest.
the kings intertainment, departeth from 10 So he went another way, and re-
Bethel. 11 An old Prophet, seducing him.
bringeth him backe. 20 He is reprooued b) turned not by the way that hee came to
God, 23 slaine by a Lion, 26 buried h> Bethel.
the old Prophet, 31 Who confirmeth his 11 H Now there dwelt an old Pro-
prophecie. 33 leroboams obstinacie. phet in Bethel, and his sonne came and
told him all the workes that the man ol

Nd behold, there came a God had done that day in Bethel : the
man of God out of ludah words which hee had spoken vnto the
by the word of the LORD king, them they tolde also to their fa-
vnto Bethel: and lero- ther.
boam stood by the altar 12 And their father said vnto them,
\ Or, to offer. ;o 11 burne incense. What way went he ? for his sonnes had
2 And hee cried against the altar in scene what way the man of God went,
the word of the LORD, and said, 0 which came from ludah.
altar, altar, thus saith the LORD, Be- 13 And hee saide vnto his sonnes,
hold, a child shalbe bornevnto the house Saddle me the asse. So they sadled him
* 2. King. of Dauid, * losiah by name, and vpon the asse, and he rode thereon,
23. 17. thee shall he offer the priests of the high 14 And went after the man of God,
places that burne incense vpon thee, and found him sitting vnder an oke;
and rnens bones shall bee burnt vpon and he said vnto him, Art thou the man
thee. of God that earnest from ludah ? And
3 And he gaue a signe the same day, he said, I am.
15 Then
flaine by a lyon. Chap.xiij.xiiij. His burial!
15 Then nee said vnto him, Come ding to tne word ot the LORD, whicl
home with me, and eate bread. he spake vnto him.
16 And he said, I may not returne 27 And he spake to his sonnes, say-
with thee, nor goe in with thee : neither ing, Saddle me the asse: and they sadlec
will I eat bread, nor drinke water with him.
thee in this place. 28 And he went and found his car-
iHebr.a 17 For tit was said to mee by the caise cast in the way, and the asse and the
word was.
word of the LORD, Thou shalt eate lyon standing by the carcaise : the lyon
no bread, nor drinke water there, nor had not eaten the carcaise, nor t torne the t Heb. bro-
turne againe to go by the way that thou asse.
earnest. 29 And the prophet tooke vp the car-
18 He said vnto him, I am a prophet caise of the man of God, and laid it vpon
also as thou art, and an angel spake vnto the asse, and brought it backe: and the
me by the word of the LORD, sayipg, old prophet came to the city, to mourne,
Bring him backe with thee into thine and to burie him.
house, that he may eat bread, and drinke 30 And hee laid his carcaise in his
water : But he lied vnto him. owne graue, and they mourned ouer
19 So he went backe with him, and him, saying, Alas my brother.
did eate bread in his house, and dranke 31 And it came to passe after hee had
water. juried him, that he spake to his sonnes,
20 IF And it came to passe as they saying, When I am dead, then bury me
sate at the table, that the word of the in the sepulchre, wherein the man of
LORD came vnto the prophet that Sod is buried, lay my bones beside his
brought him backe: x>nes.
21 And he cried vnto the man of God 32 For the saying which hee cried by
that came from ludah, saying, Thus the word of the L O R D against the al-
saith the LORD, Forasmuch as thou tar in Bethel, and against all the houses
hast disobeied the mouth of the LORD, of the high places which are in the cities
and hast not kept the commandement of Samaria, shall surely come to passe.
which the LORD thy God comman- 33 IF After this thing, leroboam re-
ded thee, turned not from his euill way, but
22 But earnest backe, and hast eaten hmade againe of the lowest of the peo- turnedt Heb. re.
bread, and drunke water, in the place, of >le priests of the high places : whosoe- made.
the which the LORD did say to thee, icr would, he tconsecrated him, and he t Heb. filled
Eate no bread, and drinke no water; )ecame one of the priests of the high his tynd.
thy carcaise shall not come vnto the se- )laces.
pulchre of thy fathers. 34 And this thing became sinne vnto
23 IT And it camejo passe after he had the house of leroboam, euen to cut it
eaten bread, and after hee had drunke, off, and to destroy it from off the face of
that he sadled for him the asse, to wit, for the earth.
the Prophet, ^whome hee had brought
24? And when he was gone, a lyon C H A P . XIIII.
met him by the way, and slew him : and I Abij ah being sicke, leroboam sencleth his wife
his carcaise was cast in the way, and the disguised with Presents to the prophet Ahijah
asse stood by it, the lyon also stood by the at Shiloh. 5 Ahij ah forewarned by God, de-
carcaise. nounceth Gods Judgement 17 Abijah dieth
25 And beholde, men passed by, and and is buried. 19 Nadab succeedeth le-
roboam. 21 Rehoboams wicked reigne. 25
saw the carcaise cast in the way, and the Shishak spoileth lerusalem. 29 Abiiam suc-
lyon standing by the carcaise : and they ceedeth Rehoboam.
came and told it in the citie where the
T that time Abiiah the

old prophet dwelt.
26 And when the prophet that sonne of leroboam fell
brought him back from the way, heard sicke.
thereof, he said, It is the man of God, 2 And leroboam said
who was disobedient vnto the word of to his wife, Arise, I pray
the L O R D : therefore the L O R D thee, and disguise thy selfe, that thou be
hath deliuered him vnto the lion, which not knowen to be the wife of lerobo-
t Hel. bro- hath ttorne him, and slaine him, accor- am : and get thee to Shiloh: Behold,
leroboams fonnes I.Kings. death and buriall.
there is Ahiiah the Prophet, which told him, and bury him : for he onely of le-
* Chap. 11. mee that *I should be king ouer this roboam shal come to the graue, because
31. people. in him there is found some good thing
t Heb. in 3 And take twith thee ten loaues, toward the L O R D God of Israel, in
thine hand. the house of leroboam*
I Or, cakes. and 11 cracknels, and a || cruse of honie,
il Or, bottle. and goe to him: he shall tell thee what 14 Moreouer, the L O R D shall
shall become of the childe. raise him vp a king ouer Israel, who
4 And leroboams wife did so, and shal cut off the house of leroboam that
arose, and went to Shiloh, and came to day: but what ? euen now.
the house of Ahiiah : but Ahiiah could 15 For the L O R D shall smite Is-
*• Heb. stood not see, for his eyes twere set by reason rael , as a reede is shaken in the water,
forhoarincs. and hee shall root vp Israel out of this
of his age.
5 IT And the L O R D said vnto A- good land, which hee gaue to their fa-
liiah, Behold, the wife of leroboam hors, and shall scatter them beyond the
commeth to aske a thing of thee for her [liuer, because they haue made their
sonne, for hee is sicke: thus and thus *roues, prouoking the L O R D to an-
shalt thou say vnto her: for it shall be ger.
when shee commeth in, that shee shall 16 And hee sHall giue Israel vp, be-
faine her selfe to be another woman. cause of the sinnes of leroboam, who
6 And it was so, when .Ahiiah did sinne, & who made Israel to sinne.
leard the sound of her feet, as she came 17 IF And leroboams wife arose,
n at the doore, that hee said, Come in, and departed, and came to Tirzah: and
thou wife of leroboam, why fainest when shee came to the threshold of the
thou thy selfe to be another? for I am doore, the child died.
\Heb. hard. sent to thee with theauie tidings. 18 And they buried him, and all Is-
7 Goe, tell leroboam, Thus saith rael mourned for him, according to the
the L O R D God of Israel, Forasmuch word of the L O R D , which hee spake
as I exalted thee from among the peo- 3y the hand of his seruant Ahiiah the
?le, and made thee prince ouer my peo- Prophet.
ple Israel, 19 And the rest of the actes of lero-
8 And rent the kingdome away 3oam, how hee warred, and how hee
Tom the house of Dauid, and gaue it reigned, behold, they are written in the
thee: and yet thou hast not beene as my booke of the Chronicles of the kings of
seruant Dauid, who kept my Comman- Israel.
dements, and who followed mee with 20 And the dayes which leroboam
all his heart, to doe that onely which reigned , were two and twentie yeeres :
was right in mine eyes, and he t slept with his fathers, and Na- tHeb.lay
9 But hast done euill aboue all that dab his sonne reigned in his stead.
were before thee : for thou hast gone 21 IF And Rehoboam the sonne oJ
and made thee other gods, and molten Solomon reigned in ludah : * Reho- 12.13. * 2. Chron.
images, to prouoke me to anger, anc boam was fourtie and one yeeres olde
hast cast me behinde thy backe : when he began to reigne, and hee reig-
* 1. King.
15. 29.
10 Therefore behold, * I will bring ned seuenteene yeeres in lerusalem, the
euill vpon the house of leroboam, anc citie which the L O R D did chus'e out
*Chap. 21. will cut off from leroboam, *him that of all the tribes of Israel, to put his
21. 2. king. pisseth against the wall, andhim that is Name there : and his mothers name
0. 8.
shut vp and left in Israel, and will take was Naamah an Ammonitesse.
away the remnant of the house of le- 22 And ludah did euill in the sight
roboam, as a man taketh away dung, of the LORD, and they prouoked him
till it be all gone. to iealousie with their sinnes which they
11 Him that dieth of leroboam in had committed, aboue all that their fa-
the citie, shall the dogs eate : and him thers had done.
that dieth in the field, shall the foules o 23 For they also built them high pla-
the aire eate : for the L O R D hath spo- ces , and I) images, and groues on eue- fl Or, stan-
ken it. ry high hill, and vnder euery greene ding images,
or states.
12 Arise thou therefore, get thee to tree.
thine owne house : and when thy feete 24 And there were also Sodomites
enter into the citie, the child shall die. in the land, and they did according to al
13 And all Israel shall mourne for the abominations of the nations which
leroboam dieth. Chap.xy. Abijam.Ara.Baaiha
the LOB D cast out before the children 4 Neuerthelesse, for Dauids sake
of Israel. clid the L O R D his God giue him a
25 IT And it came to passe in the fift jjlampe in Jerusalem, to set vp his D Or, candle.
yeere of king Rehobpam, that Shishak sonne after him, and to establish Jeru-
dng of Egypt came vp against Jeru- salem:
salem : 5 Because l)auid did that which was
26 And he tooke away the treasures right in the eies of the L O R D , and
df the house of the L O R D , and the turned hot aside from any thing that he
treasures of the kings house, hee euen commanded him all the daies of his life,
tooke away all : and he tooke away all *saue onelyin the matter of Vriiah the 4. * 2. Sam. 11
and 12. 9.
* Chap. 10. the shields of gold * which, Solomon Hittite.
6. 6 And there was warre betweene
iad made.
27. And king Rehoboam made in Rehoboam and leroboam all the
their stead brasen shields, and commit- dayes of his life.
ted them vnto the hands of the chiefe of 7 Now the rest of the actes of Abi-
t Heb. run- the t guard, which kept the doore of the iam, and all that hee did, are they not
ners. cings house. written in the *booke of the Chronicles *2. Chron.
28 And it was so, when the king of the Kings of ludah ? And there 13. 3.
went into the house of the LORD, was warre betweene Abiiam and le-
that the guard bare them, and brought roboam.
them backe into the guard-chamber. 8 And Abiiam slept with his fa-
29 IF Nowe the rest of the actes of thers, and they buried him in the citie of
Elehoboam, and all that hee did, are Dauid : and Asa his sonne reigned in
they not written hi the tooke of the his stead.
Chronicles of the kings of ludah ? 9 IF And * in the twentieth yeere of * 2. Chron.
14. I.
SO And there was warr£ betweene leroboam king of Israel, reigned Asa
Refioboam and Jeroboam all their ouer ludah.
dayesv 10 Arid forty and one yeeres reigned
31 And Relioboa'm slept, with his hee- in Jerusalem : and his ||mothers grandmo-
II That w,
Bathers, and was buried with his fa- name was Maachah, the daughter of ther.
thers-in the city of Dauid : and his mo- Abishalom.
thers name was Naamah an Ammo- 11 And Asa did that which was right
nitesse. And Abijam his sbnne reigned in the eies of the LORD, as did Dauid
in his stead. his father.
12 And hee tooke away the Sodo-
mites out of the land, and rernooued
C H A P . XV. all the idoles that his fathers had
1 Abiiams wicked reigne. 7 Asa s'ucceedeth made.
him. 9 Asas good reigne. 16 The warre 13 And also * Maachah his mother, * 2. Chron.
betweene Baasha and, him, caiiseth him to euen her hee remoued from being 15. 16.
make a league with Benhadad. 23 lehosha- Queene, because she had made an idble
phat succeedeth Asa. 25< Nadabs wicked
reigne. 27 Baasha conspiring against him in a groue, and Asa t destroyed her idole, \Heb. cut
and burnt it by the brooke Kidron. off.
executeth Ahiiahs prophecy. 31 Nadabs acts
and death. 33 Baashas wicked reigne. 14 But the high places were not
remooded: neuerthelesse, Asa his heart
Owe in the eighteenth was perfect with the L O R D all his

*2. Chro. yeere of king *Ieroboam dayes.
11. 22.'
the sonne of, Nebat > reig- 15 And he brought in the t things tHeb. holy.
ned' Abiram ouer lu- which his father, had dedicated, and the
dah. things which himselfe had dedicated,
: 2 Three ye^res reigned hee in Je- into the house of the L o n p , siluer,
rusalem : and his mothers name was and gold, and vessels.
Maachah , the daughter of Abisha- 16 U And there was war betweene
lorn. Asa and Baasha King of Israel all
3 And he walked in all the sirines of their, dayes.
his father, which hee had done before 17 And Baasha king of Israel went
him : and his heart was not perfect vp against ludah, and built Ramah,
with the L O R D his God, as the heart that he might not suffer any to goe out
of Dauid his father. or come in to Asa. king of ludah.
18 Then
Afa and Ben had ad. I. Kings. Nadab. Baaflia.
18 Then Asa tooke all the siluerand ting of ludah , did Baasha slay him,
thegolde that were left in the treasures and reigned in his stead.
t were left in the the
LORD, and
the the
o 29 And it came to passe when hee
ures of the kings house, and deliuered raigned, that he smote all the house le-
;hem into the hand of his seruants : and roboam, hee left not to leroboam any
2. Chron. king Asa sent them to *Benhadad the that breathed, vntill hee had destroyed
6. 2. *Chap. u.
sonne of Tabrimon, the sonne of Hezi- lim, according vnto *the saying of the 10.
on king of Syria, that dwelt at Da- LORD, which hee spake by his ser-
mascus, saying, uant Ahiiah the Shilonite :
19 There is a league betweene me and 30 Because of the sinnes of lero-
;hee , and betweene my father and thy >oam which he sinned, and which hee
ather : behold, I haue sent vnto thee a made Israel sinne, by his prouocation
>resent of siluer and gold; come and wherewith he prouoked the L O R D
)reake the league with Baasha king of jrod of Israel to anger.
Hcbr. goe [srael, that he may tdepart from me. 31 11" Now the rest of the acts of Na-
P* 20 So Bcnhadad hearkened vnto dab, and all that hee did, are they not
cing Asa, and sent the captaines of the written in the booke of the Chronicles
losts, which he had, against the cities of of the Kings of Israel?
[srael, and smote lion, and Dan, and 32 And there was warre betweene
Abel - Bethmaachah , and all Cinne- Asa and Baasha lung of Israel al theii
roth, with all the land of Naphtali. dayes.
£1 And it came to passe when Ba- 33 In the third yeere of Asa King
asha heard thereof, that hee left off buil- of ludah, began Baasha the sonne of
ding of Ramah, and dwelt in Tirzah. Ahiiah to reigne ouer all Israel in Tir-
22 Then king Asa made a Procla- zah, twentie and foure yeeres.
mation throughout all ludah, (none 34 And hee did euill in the sight ol
\ was f exempted : ) and they tooke away the L O R D , and walked in the waj
the stones of Ramah, and the timber of leroboam, and in his sinne where
thereof wherewith Baasha had buil- with he made Israel to sinne.
ded, and king Asa built with them Geba
of Beniamin, and Mizpah.
23 The rest of all the acts of Asa, and C H A P . XVI.
all his might, and all that he did, and
the cities which hee built, are they not 1. 7 lehus prophesie against Baasha. 5 Elal
written in the booke of the Chronicles succeedetn him. 8 Zimri conspiring agains
of the Kings of ludah ? Neuerthelesse Elah, succeedeth him. 11 Zimri executed
lehus prophesie. 15 Omri made King b]
in the time of his old age, hee was disea- the souldiers, forceth Zimri desperatfy fo
sed in his feete. burne himselfe. 21 The kingdome bein^
24 And Asa slept with his fathers, diuided, Omri preuaileth against Tibni. 2^
and was buried with his fathers, in Omri buildeth Samaria. 25 His wickec
*Matth I. the citie of Dauid his father : and *Ie-
reigne. 27 Ahab succeedeth him. 29 A-
8. called 10- habs most wicked reigne. 34 loshuas curse
saphat. hoshaphat his sonne reigned in his vpon Kiel the builder of lericho.

25 11 And Nadab the sonne of le- Hen the word of the

\Hebr. reig- roboam t began to reigne ouer Israel, L O R D came to lehu

in the second yeere of Asa king of lu- the sonne of Hanani, a-
dah, and reigned ouer Israel two orainst Baasha. savins.
/ ' J O'

yeeres. 2 Forasmuch as I ex-

26 And he did euill in the sight of the alted thee out of the dust, and made thee
L O R D , and walked in the way of his Prince ouer my people Israel, and thou
father, and in his sinne wherewith hee hast walked in the way of leroboam,
made Israel to sinne. and hast made my people Israel to
27 H And Baasha the sonne of A- sinne, to prouoke mee to anger with
hiiah, of the house of Issachar, conspi- their sinnes:
red against him, and Baasha smote 3 Behold, I will take away the po-
him at Gibbethon, which belongeth tc steritie of Baasha, and the posted tie of
the Philistines, ( for Nadab and all Is- his house : and will make thy house like
rael layd siege to Gibbethon,) *the house of leroboam the sonne of 29. * Chap. 15.
28 Euen in the third yeere of Asa Nebat.
4 *Him
Baaiha dieth. Elah. Chap.xvj. Omri. TibnL
* Chap. 14. 4 *Him that dieth of Baasha in the ped, heard say, Zimri hath conspired,
citie, shall the dogs eate: and him that and hath also slaine the king: Wherforc
dieth of his in the fields, shall the foules all Israel made Omri the captaine oi
of the aire eate. the hoste, king ouer Israel that day, in
5 Now the rest of the actes of Baa- the campe.
sha, and what he did, and his might, are 17 And Omri went vp from Gibbe-
* 2. Chron. they not written in the *booke of the
16. 1.
thon, and all Israel with him, and they
Chronicles of the kings of Israel ? besieged Tirzah.
6 So Baasha slept with his fathers, 18 And it came to passe when Zimri
and was buried in Tirzah, and Elah saw that the citie was taken, that hee
his sonne reigned in his stead. went into the palace of the kings house3
7 And also by the hand of the pro- and blirnt the kings house ouer him
phet lehu the sonne of Hanani, came with fire, and died,
the word of the LORD against Baa- 19 For his sinnes which he sinned in
sha, and against his house, euen for all doing euill in the sight of the LORD,
;he euill that hee did in the sight of the in walking in the way of leroboam,
L O R D , in prouoking him to anger and in his sinne which he did, to make
with the worke of his hands, in being Israel sinne.
ike the house of leroboam, and be- 20 Now the rest of the acts of Zim-
cause he killed him. ri, and his treason that hee wrought,
8 IF In the twentieth and sixt yeere are they not written in the booke of the
of Asa king of ludah, began Elah the Chronicles of the kings of Israel ?
sonne of Baasha to reigne ouer Israel 21 11 Then were the people of Is-
n Tirzah, two yeeres. rael diuided into two parts : halfe of
9 And his seruant Zimri (captaine the people followed Tibni the sonne of
of halfe his charets) conspired against Ginath, to make him king : and halfe
lim as he was in Tirzah drinking him- followed Omri.
t Heb. which selfe drunke in the house of Arza t stew- 22 But the people that followed
was ouer. ard of his house in Tirzah. 3mri preuailed against the people that
10 And Zimri went in and smote followed Tibni the sonne of Ginath:
lim, and killed him, in the twentie and so Tibni died, and Omri reigned.
seuenth yeere of Asa king of ludah, 23 1[ In the thirtie and one yeere of
and reigned in his stead. Asa king of ludah, began Omri to
11 U And it came to passe when hee reigne ouer Israel twelue yeeres: sixe
)egan to reigne, assoone as hee sate on yeeres reigned he in Tirzan.
lis throne, that he slew all the house of 24 And hee bought the hill Sa-
Baasha: hee left him not one that pis- maria of Shemer, for two talents of
II Or, both seth against a wall, |j neither of his kins- siluer, and built on the hill, and called
hiskinsemen bikes, nor of his friends. the name of the citie which hee built, af-
and his
friends. 12 Thus did Zimri destroy all the ter the name of Shemer, owner of the
louse of Baasha, according to the word lill, t Samaria. t Heb. Sho-
of the LORD, which he spake against 25 11 But Omri wrought euil in the
t Heb. by the Baasha tby lehu the prophet,
hand of.
eyes of the LORD, .and did worse then
13 For all the sinnes of Baasha and all that were before him.
the sinnes of Elah his sonne, by which 26 For he walked in all the way of
they sinned, and by which they made [eroboam the son of Nebat, and in his
[srael to sinne, in prouoking the sinne wherewith hee made Israel to
L O R D God of Israel to anger with sinne, to prouoke the L O R D God of
their vanities. [srael to anger with their vanities.
14 Now the rest of the actes of E- 27 Now the rest of the acts of Om-
ah, and all that he did, are they not ri, which he did, and his might that he
written in the booke of the Chronicles shewed, are they* not written in the
of the kings of Israel ?' 3ooke of the Chronicles of the kings of
15 U In the twentie and seuenth Israel ?
yeere of Asa king of ludah, did Zimri 28 So Omri slept with his fathers,
reigne seuen dayes in Tirzah : and the and was buried in Samaria, and Ahab
jeople were encamped against Gibbe- bis sonne reigned in his stead.
;hon which belonged to the Philistines. 29 H And in the thirtie and eight
16 And the people that were encam- yeere of Asa king of ludah, began
lericho built. Elijah. I.Kings. fed by a widow.
Ahab the sonne of Omri to reigne ouer 7 And it came to passe tatter a while, ] Heb. at the
Israel, and Ahab the sonne of Omri that the brooke dryed vp, because there endofdayes.
reigned ouer Israel in Samaria, twen- tiad beene no raine in the land.
tie and two yeeres. 8 IT And the word of the LORD
30 And Ahab the sonne of Omri did came vnto him, saying,
euill in the sight of the LORD, aboue 9 Arise, get thee to * Zarephath, 26. * Luke 4.
all that were before him. which behngeth to Zidon, and dwell Sarcpta.
t Heb. was
it a light 31 And it came to passe, t as if it had there : behold, I haue commaunded a
thing? <J-c. beene a light thing for him to walke in widow woman there to sustaine thee.
the sinnes of Jeroboam the sonne of 20 So he arose, and went to Zare-
Nebat; that hee tooke to wife lezebel phath : and when he came to the gate of
the daughter of Ethbaal king t)f the the citie, behold, the widow woman
Zidonians, and went and serued Baal, was there gathering of stickes : and he
and worshipped him. called to her, and said, Fetch me, I pray
32 And hee reared vp an Altar for thee, a little water in a vessell, that I
Baal, in the house of Baal, which hee may drinke.
had built in Samaria. 11 And as shee was going to fetch it,
33 And Ahab made a groue, and A- he called to her, and said, Bring mee, I
hab did more to prouoke the L O R D pray thee, a morsell of bread in thine
God of Israel to anger, then all the hand.
kings of Israel that were before him. 12 And she said, As the LORD thy
34 f In his dayes did Hiel the Be- God liueth, I haue not a cake, but an
thelite build lericho: lie laid the foun- handfull of meale in a barrell, and a lit-
dation therof in Abiram his first borne, tle oyle in a cruse: and behold, I am ga-
and set vp the gates thereof in his yon- thering two stickee, that I may goe in,
*Iosh.6.26. gest sonne Segub, * according to the and dresse it for me and my sonne, that
word of the LORD, which hee spake we may eate it, and die.
by loshua the sonne of Nun. 13 And Eliiah said vnto her, Feare
not, goe, and doe as thou hast said: but
C H A P . XVII. make mee thereof a little cake first, and
1 Elij ah hauingprophecied against Ahab, is sent bring it vnto mee, and after make for
to Cherith, where the rauens feed him. 8 He thee, and for thy sonne.
is sent to the widow of Zarephath. 17 Hee 14 For thus saith the LORD God
raiseth the widowes sonne. 24 The wo- of Israel, The barrell of meale shall
man beleeueth him.
not waste, neither shall the cruse of oile
t Heb. Eli. Nd tEliiah the Tishbite, faile, vntill the day that the LORD

iahu. Luke
4. 25. he is
called Elias, A who was of the inhabi-
tants of Gilead, said vnto
tsendeth raine vpon the earth.
15 And shee went, and did according ueth.

* Ecclus,
48. 3. iames Ahab, *As the L O R D to the saying of Eliiah: and she, and he,
5. 17.
God of Israel liueth, be- and her house did eate \\many dayes. \ Or, a full
fore whome I stand, there shall not be 16 And the barrell of meale wasted yeere.
deaw nor raine these yeres, but accor- not, neither did the cruse of oyle faile, ac-
ding to my word. . cording to the word of the LORD,
£ And the worde of the LORD which he spake tby Eliiah. t Heb. by the
came vnto him, saying, 17 IF And it came to passe after these hand of.
3 Get thee hence, and turne thee things, that the sonne of the woman,
Eastward, and hide thy selfe by the the mistresse of the house, fell sicke, and
brooke Cherith, that is before lordane. his sickenesse was so sore, that thtre
4 And it shall bee, that thou shalt was no breath left in him.
drinke of the brooke, and I haue com- 18 And shee sayd vnto Eliiah, What
manded the rauens to feed thee there. haue I to doe with thee ? O thou man
5 So hee went, .&nd did according of God ! Art thou come vnto me to call
vnto the word of the L O R D : for hee my sinne to remembrance, and to slay
went and dwelt by the brooke Cherith, my sonne ?
that is before lordane. 19 And he said vnto her, Giue me thy
6 And the rauens brought him bread sonne. And he tooke him out of her bo-
and flesh in the morning, and bread and some , and caried him vp into a loft,
flesh in the euening: and hee dranke of where he abode, and laide him vpon his
the brooke. owne bed.
20 And
He ffoeth, and Chap.xviij. meeteth Ahab.
20 And hee cried vnto the LORD, 7 IF And as Obadiah was in the
and said, O LORD my God, hast way, behold, Eliiah met him: and hee
thou also brought euill vpon the wi- knew him, and fell on his face, arid said;
dow , with whom I soiourne, by slay- Art thou that my lord Eliiah ?
ing her sonne ? 8 And he answered him, I am: goe,
t Hebr. mea. 21 And he t stretched himselfe vpon tell thy lord, Behold, Eliiah Is here.
the child three times, and cried vnto the 9 And he said, What haue I sinned,
L O R D , and said; O L O R D my that thou wouldest deliuer thy ser-
God, I pray thee, let this childes soule uant into the hand of Ahab;, to slay
t Hebr. into come tinto him againe. mee?
his inward
parts. 22 And the L O R D heard the voice 10 As the L O R D thy God liueth,
of Eliiah, and the soule of the child came there is no nation or kingdome, whi-
into him againe, and he reuiued. ther my lord hath not sent to seeke thee:
23 And Eliiah tooke the childe, and and when they said, He is not therey hee
brought him downe out of the cham- tooke an oath of the kingdome and na-
ber into the house, and deliuered him tion, that they found thee not.
vnto his mother. and Eliiah said, See, 11 And now thou say est, Goe, tell thy
thy sonne liueth. lord, Behold, Eliiah is here.
24? H And the woman said to Eli- 12 And it shall come to passe, as soane
iah, Now by this I know, that thou as I am gone from thee, that the spirit
art a man of God, and that the word of of the L O R D shall cary thee whither
the LORD in thy mouth is trueth. I know not; and so when I come and
tell Ahab, and he cannot finde thee, he
shall slay mee : but I thy seruant feare
C H A P . XVIII. the LORD from my youth.
I In the extremitie of famine Eliiah sent to A- 13 Was it not told my lord, what I
hab, meeteth good Obadiah. 9 Obadiah did when lezebel slew the Prophets
bringeth Ahab to Eliiah. 17 Eliiah repro- of the L O R D ? how I hid an hun-
uing Ahab, by fire from heauen conuinceth
Baals prophets. 41 Eliiah by prayer obtai- dred men of the L O R D S Prophets,
ning raine, followeth Ahab to lezreel. by fiftie in a caue, and fedde them with

bread and water ?
Nd it came to passe after 14 And now thou say est, Goe, tell
many daies, that the word thy lord, Behold, Eliiah is here; and hee
of the LORD came to E- shall slay me.
liiah in the third y eere,say- 15 And Eliiah said, As the LORD
ing, Goe shewe thy selfe of hostes liueth, before whom I stand,
vnto Ahab, and 1 will send raine vp- I will surely shew my selfe vnto him
on the earth. to day.
2 And Eliiah went to shew him- 16 So Obadiah went to meete A-
selfe vnto Ahab, and there was a sore fa- hab, and told him: and Ahab went to
mine in Samaria. meete Eliiah.
t Hebr. Oba- 3 And Ahab called t Obadiah which 17 11 And it came to passe when A-
t Hebr. ouer was t the gouernour of his house.: (now hab saw Eliiah, that Ahab saide vnto
his house. Obadiah feared the LORD greatly : him, Art thou hee that troubleth Is-
t Heir. Ixe- 4 For it was so, when tlezebel cut rael ?
bel. off the Prophets of the LORD, that 18 And hee answered, I haue not
Obadiah tooke an hundred Prophets, troubled Israel, but thou and thy fa-
and hid them by fiftie in a caue, and fed thers house, in that yee haue forsaken
them with bread and water.) the Commandements of the LORD,
5 And Ahab said vnto Obadiah, and thou hast followed Baalim.
Goe into the land, vnto all fountaines 19 Now therefore send, and gather
of water, and vnto all brookes : perad- to mee all Israel vnto mount Carmel,
uenture we may finde grasse to saue the and the prophets of Baal foure hun-
\ Hebr. that horses and mules aliue, that we tleese dred and fiftie, and the prophets of the
we cut not off groues foure hundred, which eate at
our selues not all the beasts.
from the
6 So they diuided the land be- lezebels table.
tweene them to passe throughout it: A- 20 So Ahab sent vnto all the chil-
hab went one way by himselfe, and O- dren of Israel, and gathered the pro-
badiah went another way by himselfe. phets together vnto mount Carmel.
21 And
Baals prophets, and I. Kings. Eliiah facrifice.
21 And Eliiah came vnto all the peo- * Israel shall bee thy name. * Gen. 32.
ple, and said, How long halt yee be- 32 And with the stones hee built an 28. 2. king,
17. 34.
BOr, tweene two ||opinions? If the L O R D altar in the Name of the LORD, and
thoupnts. bee God, follow him : but if Baal, then bee made a trench about the altar, as
follow him: and the people answered great as would containe two measures
him not a word. of seed.
22 Then said Eliiah vnto the people, 33 And he put the wood in order, and
I, euen I onely remaine a Prophet of cut the bullocke in pieces, and laide him
the L O U D : but Baals prophets are on the wood, and said, Fill foure bar-
fbure hundred and fiftie men. rels with water, and powre it on the
23 Let them therefore giue vs two burnt sacrifice, and on the wood.
bullocks, and let them chuse one bul- 34 And hee said, Doe it the second
locke for themselues, and cut it in pieces, time. And they did it the second time
and lay it on wood, and put no fire vn- And he said, Doe it the third time. Anc
der: and I will dresse the other bul- they did it the third time.
locke, and lay it on wood, and put no 35 And the water tran round aboul t He]b. went.
fire vnder. the altar, and hee filled the trench alsc
24 And call ye on the name of your with water
gods, and I will call on the Name of 36 And it came to passe at the time oi
the LORD : and the God that answe- the offering of the euening sacrifice, thai
reth by fire, let him be God. And all the Eliiah the prophet came neere and said,
t Heir, the people answered, and said, t It is well L O R D God of Abraham, Isaac, anc
wordisgood. spoken. of Israel, Let it bee knowen this da)
25 And Eliiah said vnto the prophets that thou art God iti Israel, and that 1
of Baal, Chuse you one bullocke for am thy seruant, and that I haue done al!
jyourselues, and dresse it first, for yee are these things at thy word.
|many: and call on the name of your 57 Heare me, O LORD, heare me,
Igods, but put no fire vnder. that this people may know that thoi
j 26 And they took the bullocke which art the LORD God, and that thou hasl
was giuen them, and they dressed it, and turned their heart backe againe.
(called on the name of Baal from mor- 38 Then the fire of the L O R D fell,
ning, euen vntil noone, saying, O Baal, and consumed the burnt sacrifice, anc
\\0r,an- ||heare vs. But there was no voyce, nor the wood, and the stones, and the dust,
i! Or, teflr-d. any that ||answered: And they ||leapt and licked, vp the water that was in the
1 Or, leaped vpon the altar which was made. trench.
vp ff downe
at the altar. 27 And it came to passe at noone, 39 And when all the people sawe it
that Eliiah mocked them, and saide, they fell on their faces: and they saide
t #e6. wt7/t Crie t aloud: for he is a god, either||heis The LORD, he is the God, the LORD,
a grea* voice talking, or he tis pursuing, or hee is in he is the God.
!l Or,-he me-
ditateth. a iourney9 or peraduenture he sleepeth, 40 And Eliiah saide vnto them,
t Hei. Aa/A and must be awaked. || Take the prophets of Baal, let not II Or, appre-
a pursuit.
28 And they cried loud, and cut them- one of them escape: And they tooke hend.
selues after their maner, with kniues, them, and Eliiah brought them downe
\ Hebr. vow- and lancers, till tthe blood gushed out to the brooke Kishon, and slewe .there
red out blood vpon them. there.
upon them.
29 And it came to passe when mid- 41 H And Eliiah said vnto Ahab,
day was past, and they prophesied vnti] Get thee vp, eate and drinke, for there w
\ Hebr. as- the time of the t offering of the euening [| a sound of abundance of raine. I Or, a sound
cending. of a noise (tf
sacrifice; that there was neither voice, nor 42 So Ahab went vp to eate and raine.
t Hch. at- any to answere, nor t any that regarded. to drinke, and Eliiah went vp to the top
30 And Eliiah said vnto all the peo- of Carmel, and he cast himselfe downe
ple, Come neere vnto me. And all the vpon the earth, and put his face be-
people came neere vnto him. And he re- tweene his knees,
paired the Altar of the L O R D that 43 And said to his seruant, Goe vj
was broken downe. now, looke toward the Sea. And hee
31 And Eliiah tooke twelue stones, went vp, and looked, and saide, There u
according to the number of the tribes of nothing. And he said, Goe againe se-
the sonnes of lacob, vnto whome the uen times.
word of the L O R D came, saying, 44 And it came to passe at the se-
Elijah fed. He Chap.xix. talketh with God.
uenth time, that he said, Behold, there drmke, and went in the strength of thai
ariseth a little cloud out of the Sea, like meate fourtie dayes and fourtie nights,
a mans hand. And he said, Goe vp, say vnto Horeb the mount of God.
tHeb.tie, vnto Ahab, t Prepare thy cliaret^ and 9 II And he came thither vnto a caue,
or binde* get thee downe, that the raine stop thee and lodged there, and behold, the word
not. of the LORD came to him, and he said
45 And it came to passe in the meane vnto him , What doest thou here, E-
while, that the heauen was blacke with liiah?
cloudes and winde, and there was a 10 And hee sayd, I haue beene verj
great raine : and Ahab rode and went Jealous for the LORD God of hostes;
to lezreeL for the children of Israel haue forsaken
46 And the hand of the LORD thy Couenant, throwen downe thine
was on Eliiah; and hee girded vp his Altars, and slaine thy Prophets with
t- Heb. tm
Ifyou com4
loynes, andranne before Ahab, tto the the sword : and *I, euen I onely am * R0m.ii. 3.
to lezreel. entrance of lezreel. left, and they seeke my life, to take it a-
11 And he sayd, Goe forth, and stand
CHAP. XIX. vpon the mount before the LORD,
1 Eliiah threatned by lezebel, fleeth to Beer- And beholde, the LORD passed by,
sheba, 4 In the wildernesse being wearie of and a great and strong winde rent the
his life, is comforted by an Angel. 9 At Ho- mountaines, and brake in pieces the
reb God appeareth vnto him, sending him to
anoint Hazael, Jehu, and Elisha. 19Elisha rockes, before the L O R D ; but the
taking leaue of his friends, followeth Elijah. L O R D was not in the winde : and af
ter the winde an earthquake, but the
ND Ahab told lezebel LORD was not in the earthquake.

Pi all that Eliiah had done, 1£ And after the earthquake, a fire.

iMs and withall, how hee had

slaine all the Prophets
with the sword.
52 Then lezebel sent a messenger
vnto Eliiah, saying; So let the gods do
but the LORD was not in the fire : and
after the fire, a still small voice.
13 And it was so, when Eliiah heard
it, that he wrapped his face in his man-
tle, and went out, and stood in the en-
to me> and more also, if I make not thy tring in of the caue : and behold, then
life as the life of one of them, by to mor- came a voice vnto him, and sayd, Whal
row about this time. doest thou here, Eliiah ?
3 And when he saw that, hee arose, 14 And he sayd, I haue beene verj
and went for his life, and came to Beer- iealous for the L O R D God of hostes,
sheba, which belongeth to ludah, and because the children of Israel haue for-
left his seruant there. saken thy Couenant, throwen downe
4 IF But he himselfe went a dayes thine Altars, and slaine thy Prophets
iourney into the wildernesse, and came with the sword, and I, euen I onety
and sate downe vnder a luniper tree: am left, and they seeke my life, to take il
t Heb. for and hee requested t for himselfe that hee away.
his life. might die, and sayd, It is enough, now 15 And the LORD sayd vnto him.
O LORD, take away ray life: for I Goe, returne on thy way to the wilder-
am not better then my fathers. nesse of Damascus : and when thou
5 And as hee lay and slept vnder a commest, anoint Hazael to be King o-
luniper tree, behold then, an Angel uer Syria.
touched him, and sayd vnto him, Arise, 16 And lehu the sonne of Nimshi
and eate. shalt thou anoint to bee king ouer Is-
6 And he looked, and behold, there rael : and * Elisha the sonne of Sha-called *Luk. 4. 27
was a cake baken on the coales , and a phat of Abel Meholah, shalt thou an- seus.
iHeb.bol- cruse of water at his t head : and hee did noint to be Prophet in thy roume.
ster* eate and drinke, and laide him downe 17 And *it shall come to passe, that 9.*2.1,King.
.?, ec-
againe. him that escapeth the sword of Hazael, clus. 48. 8.
7 And the Angel of the LORD shall lehu slay: and him that escapeth
came againe the second time, and tou- from the sword of lehu, shall Elisha
ched him, and sayd, Arise, and eate, be- slay.
cause the iourney is too great for thee. 18 * Yet || I haue left me seuen thou- II.*Rom.
8 And hee arose, and did eate and sand in Israel, all the knees which \\ Or, I will
haue leaue.
hhhhTTT called. I. Kings. Benhadads crueltie.
tiaue not bowed vnto Baal, and euery 6 Yet I will send my seruants vn-
mouth which hath not kissed him. to thee to morrow about this time, and
19 IF So hee departed thence and bey shall search thine house, and the
found Elisha the sonne of Shaphat, louses of thy seruants; and it shall be,
who was plowing with twelue yoke hat whatsoeuer is t pleasant in thine ^Heb. desi-
of oxen before him, and hee with the eies, they shall put it in their hand, and rable.
twelfth : and Eliiah passed by him, and take it away.
cast his mantle vpon him. 7 Then the king of Israel called
20 And he left the oxen, and ranne all the Elders of the land, and saide;
after Eliiah, and said, Let mee, I pray Vlarke, I pray you, and see how this
thee, kisse my father and my mother, man seeketh mischiefe: for hee sent vnto
and then I wil follow thee : and he said me for my wiues, and for my children,
t/fe&r. #>e vnto him, t Goe backe againe; for what and for my siluer, and for my gold, and
returns. haue I done to thee ? tl denied him not. \Heb.Ikept
not backe
21 And he returned backe from him, 8 And all the Elders, and all the from him.
and tooke a yoke of oxen, & slew them, >eople said vnto him; Hearken not vnto
and boyled their flesh with the instru- \im^ nor consent.
ments of the oxen, and gaue vnto the 9 Wherefore hee said vnto the mes-
people, and they did eat: then he arose, sengers of Benhadad, Tell my lord
and went after Eliiah, and ministred the king, All that thou diddest send for
vnto him. ;o thy seruant at the first, I will doe:
nit tnis thing I may not doe. And the
messengers departed, and brought him
C H A P . XX. word againe.
1 Benhadad not content with Ahabs hom-
10 And Benhadad sent vnto him,
mage, besiegeth Samaria. 13 By the dire- and said, The gods doe so vnto me anc
ction of a Prophet, the Syrians are slaine. 2S more also, if the dust of Samaria shal
As the Prophet forewarned Ahab, the Syri- suffice for handfuls for all the people
ans trusting in the valleys, come against niir that t follow me. t Heb. are at
in Aphek. 28 By rhe word of the Prophet
and Gods mdement, the Syrians are smitter 11 And the king of Israel answered, myfeete.
againe. 31 The Syrians submitting them- and said, Tell him, Let not him that
selues, Ahab sendeth Benhadad away witli rirdeth on hisharnesse, boast himselfe. as
a couenant. 35 The Prophet vnder th< be that putteth it off.
parable of a prisoner, making Ahab t<
mdge himselfe, denounceth Gods iudge- 12 And it came to passe, when Benha-
ment against him* dad heard this t message (as hee was t Heb. word.
drinking, he and the kings in the ||paui- I Or, Tents.
Nd Benhadad the King lions) that hee said vnto his seruants,

A of Syria gathered all his \\Setyourseluesin aray. And they set them- \i the
II Or, place
hoste together , and there selues in aray against the citie. and they
were thirtie and two kings 13 f And behold, there tcame a Pro- | gines. en-
with him, and horses, and phet vnto Ahab king of Israel, saying, iHeb.appro-
cnarets : ana nee went vp ana oesiegea Thus saith the L O R D , Hast thou ched.
Samaria, and warred against it. scene all this great multitude ? behold,
2 And hee sent messengers to Ahab I will deliuer it into thine hand this
king of Israel, into the city, and saide day, and thou shalt knowe that I am
vnto him, Thus saith Benhadad, the LORD.
3 Thy siluer and thy gold is mine, 14 And Ahab saide, By whom ? and
thy wiues also, and thy children, euen he saide, Thus saith the LORD, Euen
the goodliest, are mine. by the || young men of the Princes of the uants.II Or, ser-
4 And the king of Israel answered, prouinces: Then he said, Who shall t or- iHeb.Bynd,
and said, My lord 0 king, according to der the battell? And hee answered, or, tie.
thy saying, I am thine, and all that I Thou.
haue, 15 Then he numbred the young men
5 And the messengers came againe, of the Princes of the prouinces, and they
and saide, Thus speaketh Benhadad, were two hundred and thirty two : and
saying, Although I haue sent vnto after them hee numbred all the people,
thee, saying, Thou shalt deliuer me thy euen all the children of Israel, being
siluer, and thy gold, and thy wiues, and seuen thousand.
thy children: 16 And they went out at noone: But
I Benhadad
The Syrians are Chap.xx. put to flight.
Bcnhadad was drinking himselfe saydj Thus sayth the L O R D , Be-
drunke in the pauilions, hee and the cause the Syrians haue sayde, The
cings, the thirty and two kings- that L O R D is God1 of the hilles, but hee is
Yelped him. not God of the "valleys : therefore will
17 And the young men of the Prin- Tdeliuer all this great multitude into
ces of the Province's went out first, and thine hand, and yee shall know that I
Benhadad sent out, and"they told him, am the LORD.
saying, There are men come out of Sa- 29 And they pitched one ouer against
maria. ;he other seuen daies, and so it was, that
18 And he said, Whether they be come in the.seuenth day the battell was ioy-
out for peace, take them aliue : or whe- ned : and the children of Israel slewe of
ther they be come put for warre, take the Syrians; an hundred thousand foot-
them aliue. men in one day.
19 So these yong men of the princes 30 But the rest fled to Aphek, into the
of the prouinces, came out of the citie, citie, and there a wall fell vpon twentie
and the armie which followed them: and seuen thousand of the men that
20 And they slew euery one his man: were left: and Benhadad fled, and came
and the Syrians fled, and Israel pur- into the citie, ||into an inner chamber. chamber
I Or, from
sued them : and Benhadad the king of 31 IF And his seruants said vnto him, chamber.
Behold now;, wee haue heard that th« chamber Heb. into a
Syria escaped* on an horse, with the
horsemen. tings of the house of Israel are merci- chamber.
within a
21 And the king of Israel went out, full kings : let vs, I pray thee, put sack-
and smote the horses and charets, and cloth on our loines, and ropes vpon our
slewe the Syrians with a great slaugh- heads, and goe out to the king of Is-
ter. rael; peraduenture he will saue thy life.
22 f And the Prophet came to the 32 So they girded sackcloth on their
king of Israel, and said vnto him, Goe, loynes, and put ropes on their heads,
strengthen thy selfe, and marke and see and came to the king of Israel, and said,
what thou doest: for at the returne of Thy seruant Benhadad saith, I pray
the yeere, the king of Syria will come thee, let me Hue. And he said, Is he yet
vp against thee. aliue ? he is my brother.
23 And the seruants of the King of 33 Now the men did diligently ob-
Syria said vnto him , Their gods are serue whether any thing would come
gods of the hilles , therefore they were from him,and did hastily catch it: and
stronger then wee : but let vs fight a- they saide, Thy brother Benhadad.
gainst them in the plaine, and surely we Then he said, Goe ye, bring him : then
shall be stronger then they. Benhadad came forth to him : and hee
24 And doe this thing, Take the caused him to come vp into the charet.
kings away, euery man out of his place, 34 And Benhadad said vnto him, The
and put captaines in their roumes. cities which my father tooke from thy
25 And number thee an armie, like father, I will restore, and thou shalt
t Heb. tkat the armie t that thou hast lost, horse for make streets for thee in Damascus, as
was/alien. my father made in Samaria. Then, said
horse, and charet for charet : and wee
will fight against them in the plaine, Ahab, I will send thee away with this
and surely wee shall be stronger then couenant. So he made a couenant with
they. And hee hearkened vnto their him, and sent him away.
voice, and did so. 35 If And a certaine man of the
26 And it came to passe at the returne sonnes of the Prophets, saide vnto his
of the yeere, that Benhadad numbred neighbour in the word of the L O R D ,
the Syrians, and went vp to Aphek, Smite me, I pray thee. And the man
t Heb. to the tto fight against Israel refused to smite him.
warre with
Israel. 27 And the children of Israel were 36 Then said .he vnto him, Because
II Or, were numbred, and ||were all present, and thou hast not obeyed the voyce of the
victualled. LORD, beholde, assoone as thou art
went against them: and the children oi
Israel pitched before them, like two departed from me, a lyon shal slay thee.
little flockes of kids • but the Syrians And assoone as hee was departed from
filled the countrey. him, a lyon found him ? and slew him.
28 H And there came a man of God, 37 Then he found another man, and
and spake vnto the king of Israel, and said, Smite me, I pray thee. And the
Ahab reproued. I. Kings. Naboth ftoned.
t Heir, smi- man smote him, so that in t smiting hee 4 And Ahab came into his house,
ting arul Bounded him. leauie, and displeased, because of the
38 So the prophet departed, and word which Naboth the lezreelite
waited for the king by the way, and dis- lad spoken to him : for he had saide, I
guised himselfe with ashes vpon his will not giue thee the inheritance of my
•ace. 'athers: and he laid him downe vpon
39 And as the king passed by, he cried iis bed, and turned away his face, and
vnto the king: and he saide, Thy ser- would eate no bread,
uant went out into the mids of the bat- 5 If But lezebel his wife came to
;ell,and behold, a man turned aside, artd lim, and said vnto him, Why is thy spi-
>rought a man vnto me, and said, Keep rit so sad, that thou eatest no bread ?
this man : if by any meanes he be mis- 6 And he said vnto her, Because I
sing, then shall thy life be for his life, or pake vnto Naboth the lezreelite, and
Heb. weigh else thou shalt tpay a talent of siluer. aid vnto him, Giue mee thy vineyard
40 And as thy seruant was busie •or money, or else if it please thee, I will
t Heb. tiee lere and there, the was gone. And the *iue thee another vineyard for it: And he
was not. answered, I wil not giue the£ my vine-
ung of Israel saide vnto him, So shall
thy Judgement bee, thyselfe hast disci- yard.
ded it. 7 And lezebel his wife saide vnto
41 And he hasted , and tooke the a- lim, Doest thou now gouerne the king-
shes away from his face, and the king dome of Israel ? Arise, and eate bread,
of Israel discerned him that hee was of and let thine heart bee merrie: I will
the Prophets. yiue thee the vineyard of Naboth the
42 And hee said vnto him, Thus [ezreelite.
* Chap. 22. saith the L O R D , * Because thou hast 8 So shee wrote letters in Ahabs
8. name, and sealed them with his scale,
et goe out of thy hand, a man whom I
appointed to vtter destruction, therfore and sent the letters vnto the Elders,
thy life shall goe for his life, and thy peo- and to the Nobles that were in his citie
ple for his people. dwelling with Naboth.
43 And the king of Israel went to 9 And she wrote in the letters, say-
iis house, heauie, and displeased, and ing, Proclaime a fast, and set Naboth
came to Samaria. t on high among the people : \Heb.inthe
top of the
10 And set two men, sonnes of Be- people.
lial before him, to beare witnes against
C H A P . XXFf him, saying, Thou diddest blaspheme
1 Ahab being denied Naboths vineyard, is grie- God and the king: and then carie him
ued. 5 lezebelwritinglettersagainstNaboth, out, and stone him that he may die.
he is condemned of blasphemie. 15 Ahab 11 And the men of his citie, euen the
taketh possession of the vineyard. 17 Eliiah Elders and the Nobles who were the
denounceth Judgements against Ahab anc
lezebel. 25 Wicked Ahab repentingj God Inhabitants in his citie , did as lezebe
cleferreth the Judgement. bad sent vnto them, and as it was writ-
ten in the letters which she had sent vn-
Nd it came to passe after to them.

A these things, that Naboth

the lezreelite had a vine-
yard , which was in lez-
reel, hard by the palace o:
12 They proclaimed a fast, and set
Naboth on high among the people.
13 And there came in two men, chil-
dren of Belial, and sate before him : anc
the men of Belial witnessed agains
Ahab king of Samaria
2 And Ahab spake vnto Naboth him, euen against Naboth, in the pre
saying, Giue me thy vineyard, that 1 sence of the people, saying, Naboth die
may haue it for a garden of herbes, be blaspheme God and the king. Then
cause it is neere vnto my house, and ! they caried him foorth out of the citie
will giue thee for it a better vineyarc and stoned him with stones, that hee
t Hebr. tte then it: or if it tseeme good to thee, \ died,
gnodin thine
ryes. will giue thee the worth of it in money 14 Then they sent to lezebel, say
3 And Naboth said to Ahab, The ing, Naboth is stoned, and is dead.
L O R D forbid it mee, that I shoulc 15 If And it came to passe when le
giue the inheritance of my fathers vnto zebel heard that Naboth was stonec
thee and was dead, that lezebel said to A
/\habs wickednes. Chap.xxij. leholhaphat.
nab. Arise, take possession of the Vine- flesh, and fasted, and lay in sackcloth,
yard of Naboth the lezreelite, which and went softly
hee refused to giue thee for money : for 28 And the word of the L O R D
Naboth is not aliue, but dead. came to Eliiah the Tishbite, saying,
16 And it came to passe when Ahab 29 Seest thou how Ahab humbleth
heard that Naboth was dead, that A- himselfe before mee? because hee hum-
hab rose vp to goe downe to the Vine- bleth himselfe before mee, I will not
yard of Naboth the lezreelite, to take bring the euill in his dayes: but in his
possession of it. sonnes dayes will I bring the euill vp-
17 f And the word of the L O R D on his house.
came to Eliiah the Tishbite, saying,
18 Arise, goe downe to meet Ahab
king of Israel, which is in Samaria: C H A P . XXII.
behold, hee is in the Vineyard of Na- 1 Ahab seduced by false prophets, according to
both, whither he is gone downe to pos- the word of Micaiah, is slaine at Ramoth Gi-
sesse it. lead. 37 The dogges licke vp his blood, and
Ahaziah succeedeth him. 41 lehoshaphats
19 And thou shalt speake vnto him, good reigne, 45 his acts. 50 lehoram suc-
saying, Thus saith the LORD, Hast ceedeth him. 51 Ahaziahs euil reigne.
thou killed, and also taken possession ?
And thou shalt speake vnto him, say- Nd*they continued three * I. Citron.

A yeeres without warre be- 18. 1, &c.

ing, Thus saith the L O R D ; In the
place where dogs licked the blood of tweene Syria and Israel.
Naboth, shall dogges licke thy blood, 2 And it came to passe
euen thine. on the third yere, that le-
20 And Ahab said to Eliiah, Hast hoshaphat the King of ludah came
thou found me, O mine enemie ? And he downe to the king of Israel.
answered, I haue found thee: because 3 (And the king of Israel said vnto
thou hast sold thy selfe to worke euill in his seruants, Know ye that Ramoth
the sight of the LORD. in Gilead is ours, and wee be t still, and
* Chap. 14. 21 Behold, '*! will bring euill vpon take it not out of the hand of the kingr' tlentHetn: si.
from ta-
10. 2. king.
9. 8. thee, and will take away thy posteritie, of Syria?) king it.
*. i. Sam. and will cut off from Ahab *him that 4 And hee said vnto lehoshaphat,
25. 22.
* Chap. 14. pisseth against the wall, and*him that Wilt thou goe with me to battel to Ra-
10. is shut vp, and left in Israel, moth Gilead ? And lehoshaphat said
22 And will make thine house like to the king of Israel, *I am as thou
* Chap. 15. the house of * leroboam the sonne of art, my people as thy people, my horses * 2. King. 3.
29. .7-
* Chap. 16. Nebat, and like the house of *Baasha as thy horses.
3. the sonne of Ahiiah, for the prouocation 5 And lehoshaphat said vnto the
wherewith thou hast prouoked mee to king of Israel, Enquire, I pray thee, at
anger, and made Israel to sinne. the word of the LORD to day.
2. King. 9.
23 And * of lezebel also spake the 6 Then the king of Israel gathered
L O R D , saying, The dogs shall eate the prophets together about foure hun-
il Or, ditch. lezebel by the ||wall of lezreel. dred men, and said vnto them, Shall I
24 Him that dieth of Ahab in the ci- goe against Ramoth Gilead to battell,
tie, the dogs shall eate: and him that di- or shall I forbeare ? And they said, Goe
eth in the field, shall the foules of the vp, for the LORD shall deliuer it into
aire eat. the hand of the king.
25 IT But there was none like vnto 7 And lehoshaphat said, Is there
Ahab, which did sell himselfe to worke not here a Prophet of the LORD be-
wickednesse in the sight of the LORD, sides, that we might enquire of him ?
I Or, incited. whom lezebel his wife ||stirred vp. 8 And the king of Israel said vnto
26 And hee did very abominably in lehoshaphat, There is yet one man,
following Idoles, according to all (Micaiah the sonne of Imlah) by
things as did the Amorites, whom the whom we may enquire of the L O R D ;
L O R D cast out before the children of but I hate him, for he doth not prophe-
Israel. sie good concerning me, but euill. And
27 And it came to passe when Ahab lehoshaphat said, Let not the King
heard those wordes, that hee rent his say so.
clothes, and put sackccloth vpon his 9 Then the king of Israel called
13 a
Vlicaiah prophecieth LKings. Ahabs deftrudtion.
Or, Eu- an || Officer, and said, Hasten hither Mi- 22 And the L O R D said vnto -him,
caiah the sonne of Imlah. therewith ? And hee sayd, I will goe
10 And the King of Israel and le- foorth, and I will be a lying spirit in the
loshaphat the ' King of ludah sate mouth of all his prophets. And he said,
each on his throne, hauing put on their Thou shalt perswade him, and pre-
Heb.ftoore. robes, in a tvoyd place in the entrance uaile also: Goe forth, and doe so.
of the gate of Samaria, and all the 23 Now therfore behold, the L O R D
rophets prophecied before them. iath put a lying spirit in the mouth of
11 And Zedekiah the sonne of Che- all these thy prophets, and the LORD
naanah made him homes of yron : and iath spoken euill concerning thee.
le sayd, Thus saith the LORD, With 24 But Zedekiah the sonne of Che-
these shalt thou push the Syrians, vn- naanah went neere, and smote Mi-
till thou haue consumed them. caiah on the cheeke, and said, * Which *2. Chrorv
12 And all the Prophets prophecied way went the Spirit of the LORD 18. 23.
so, saying; Goe vp to Ramoth Gilead, rom me, to speake vnto thee ?
and prosper : for the LORD shall deli- 25 And Micaiah sayde, Beholde,
uer it into the kings hand. thou shalt see in that day, when thou
13 And the messenger that was gone shalt goe ||into an inner chamber, to I. Or, from
chamber to
;o call Micaiah, spake vnto him, say- lide thy selfe. chamber.
ing, Behold now, tne words of the pro- 26 And the King of Israel sayde, Heb. ber in a

>ee like the word of one of them, and

phets declare good vnto the King with Take Micaiah, and cary him backe chamber,
me mouth: let thy word, I pray thee, vnto Amon the gouernour of the citie,
and to loash the kings sonne:
speake that which is good. 27 And say, Thus sayth the King,
14? And Micaiah sayde, As the Put this fellow in the prison, and feede
LORD linetb, what the L O R D saith lim with bread of affliction, and with
vnto me, that will I speake. water of afflictio, vntil I come in peace.
15 f So he came to the king;, and the 28 And Micaiah saide, If thou re-
ling sayd vnto him, Micaiah, shall wee turne at all in peace, the LORD hath
>r shall we forbeare ? And he answered
roe against Ramoth Gilead to battell,
him, Go, and prosper: for the LORD
not spoken by me. And he said, Hear-
ken, O people, euery one of you.
29 So the King of Israel, and le-
shall deliuer it into the hand of the king. hoshaphat the king of Iudaha went vp
16 And the king said vnto him, How to Ramoth Gilead.
many times shall I adiure thee, that 30 And the king of Israel said vnto
thou tell me nothing but that which is lehoshaphat, ||I wil disguise my selfe,, heiuastodis-
I! Or, when
true, in the Name of the LORD ? & enter into the battell, but put thou oni guise him-
17 And hee sayd, I saw all Israe thy robes. And the King of Israel dis-' selfe and en-
ter into the
scattered vpon the hilles, as sheepe that guised himselfe, & went into the battell.. battell.
haue not a shepheard. And the LORD 31 But the King of Syria comman-
said, These haue no master, let them re- ded his thirtie and two Captaines that
turne euery man to his house in peace. had rule ouer his charets, saying, Fight
18 And the King of Israel said vnto neither with small nor great, saue only
lehoshaphat, Did I not tell thee, that with the king of Israel.
he would prophecie no good concerning 32 And it came to passe, when the
me, but euill ? captaines of the charets saw lehosha-
19 And he said, Heare thou therefore phat , that they said, Surely it is the
the word of the L O R D : I sawe the king of Israel. And they turned aside
LORD sitting on his Throne, and al to fight against him : and lehoshaphal
the hoste of heauen standing by him, on cryed out.
his right hand and on his left. 33 And it came to passe, when the cap-
20 And the LORD said, Who shal taines of the charets perceiued that it
l\0r,deceiue Uperswade Ahab, that hee may goe vp was not the king of Israel, that they
and fall at Ramoth Gilead ? And one turned backe from pursuing him.
sayd on this manner, and another saic 34? And a certaine man drew a bow
on that manner. tat a venture, and smote the king of Is- i Heb. in his
21 And there came forth a spirit, anc rael betweene the tioynts of the har- simplicitie.
t Heb. ioynts
stood before the LORD, and said, 1 nesse: wherefore hee sayd vnto the dri- and the
will perswade him. uer of his charet, Turne thine hand,
Ahab dietb. Chap.xxij. Ahaziah. lehoram.
and cary me out of the hoste, for I am the high places were not.taken away:
t Heb. made
t wounded. for the people offered and burnt incense
t Hebr. as. 35 And the battell t increased that yet in the high places.
cended. day : and the king was stayed vp in his 44 And lehoshaphat made peace
cliaret against the Syrians, and died at with the king,of Israel.
euen : and the blood ranne out of the 45 Now the rest of the actes of le-
t Heb. 60- wound, into the tmids of the charet hoshaphat , and his might that hee
36 And there went a proclamation shewed, and how he warred, are they
throughout the hoste, about the going not written in the booke of the Chroni-
downe of the Sunne, saying, Euery cles of the Kings of ludah ?
man to his citie, and euery man to his 46 And the remnant of the Sodo-
owne countrey. mites which remained in.the dayes of
t Heb. came. 37 11 So the King died, and twas his father Asa, he tooke out of the land.
brought to Samaria, and they buried 47 There was then no king in E-
the king in Samaria. dom : a deputie was king.
38 And one washed the charet in the 48 lehoshaphat ||made shippes of II Or, had
ten ships.
poole of Samaria, and the dogges lic- Tharshish to goe to Ophir for golde :
ked vp his blood, and they washed his but they went not, for the shippes were
* Chap, 21. armour, according *vnto the word of broken at Ezion Geber.
the LORD which he spake. 49 Then said Ahaziah the sonne of
39 Now the rest of the actes of A- Ahab vnto lehoshaphat, Let my ser-
hab, and all that he did, and the luory uants goe with thy seruants in the
house which he made, and all the cities ships: But lehoshaphat would not.
that he built, are they not written in the 50 1[ And lehoshaphat slept with
booke of the Chronicles of the Kings his fathers, and was buried with his
of Israel? fathers in the citie of Dauid his father:
40 So Ahab slept with his fa- and lehoram his sonne reigned in his
thers , and Ahaziah his sonne reigned stead.
in his stead. 51 U Ahaziah the sonne of Ahab be-
* 2. Chron. 41 IT And * lehoshaphat the sonne gan to reigne ouer Israel in Samaria
20, 31.
of Asa began to reigne oner ludah in the seuenteenth yeere of lehoshaphat
the fourth yeere of Ahab King of Is- king of ludah, and reigned two yeres
rael. ouer Israel.
42 lehoshaphat was thirtie and flue 52 And he did euill in the sight of the
yeeres olde when hee began to reigne, LORD, and walked in the way of his
and he reigned twentie and flue yeeres father, and in the way of his mother,
in lerusalem: and his mothers name and in the way of leroboam the sonne
was Azubah the daughter of Shilhi. of Nebat, who made Israel to sinne.
43 And he walked in all the wayes 53 For he serued Baal, and worship-
of Asa his father, hee turned not aside ped him, and prouoked to anger the
from it, doing that which was right in L O R D God of Israel, according vn-
the eyes of the LOUD : neuerthelesse, to all that his father had done.

Ahaziah ficke. 11.Kings. Fire from heauen.

of the Kings, commonly called, The
fourth Booke of the Kings.
downe from that bedde on which thou
C H A P . I. art gone vp, but shalt surely die.
7 And hee said vnto them, tWhat was t Hcb. what
1 Moab rebelleth. 2 Ahaziah, sending to Baal- the ma-
zebub, hath his iudgement by Eliiah. 5 E- maner of man was he which came vp to tter of the
meet you, and told you .these words ? man7
liiah twise bringeth fire from heauen vpon
them whom Ahaziah sent to apprehend him. 8 And they answered him, He was
13 He pitieth the third captaine, and incou- an hairy man, and girt with a girdle of
raged by an Angel, telletn the King of his
death. 17 lehoram succeedeth Ahaziah. leather about his loyries: and he said,
It is Eliiah the Tishbite.
Hen Moab rebel- 9 Then the King sent vnto him a

^L£/p^^xg^^^ led against Isra- captaine of fiftie, with his fiftie : and he
* Chap, 3.
T el Rafter the death
of Ahab.
2 And Ahazi-
went vp to him, (and behold, he sate on
the top of an hill) and hee spake vnto
him, Thou man of God, the king hath
ah fel downe tho- said, Come downe.
row a lattesse in 10 And Eliiah answered, and said to
his vpper cham- the captaine of fiftie, If I be a man of
ber that was in Sa^ God, then let fire come downe from
maria, and was sicke: and he sent mes- heauen, and consume thee and thy fiftie.
sengers, and said vnto them, Goe, en- And there came downe fire from hea-
quire of Baalzebub the god of Ekron, uen, and consumed him and his fiftie.
whether I shal recouer of this disease. 11 Againe also hee sent vnto him an-
p Uut the Angel ot the .LORD said other captaine of fiftie, with his fiftie:
to Eliiah the Tishbite, Arise, gjoe vp And hee answered, and said vnto him,
to meete the messengers of the king of O man of God, Thus hath the king
Samaria, and say vnto them, Is it not said, Come downe quickly.
because, there is not a God in Israel, 12 And Eliiah answered, and saide
that ye goe to enquire of Baalzebub the vnto them, If I be a man of God, let
god of Ekron ? fire come downe from heauen, and con-
4 Now therefore, thus sayeth the sume thee, and thy fiftie. And the fire of
t Heb. the LORD, tThou shalt not come downe God came downe from heauen, and
bed; whither from that bed on which thou art gone consumed him, and his fiftie.
thou art
ffonevp.thou vp, but shalt surely die. And Eliiah de- 13 1f And hee sent againe a captaine
Shalt not
coynedowne parted. of the third fiftie, with his fiftie: and the
Aorott. 5 If And when the messengers tur- third captaine of fiftie went vp, and
ned backe vrito him, he said vnto them, came and tfell on his knees before Eli- IHebr.
Why are ye now turned backe ? iah, and besought him, and saide vnto
6 And they said vnto him, There him, Oh man of God, I pray thee, let
came a man vp to meet vs, and said vn- my life, and the life of these fiftie thy ser-
to vs, Goe, turne againe vnto the king uants, be precious in thy sight.
that sent you, and say vnto him, Thus 14 Behold, there came fire downe
saith the LORD, Is it not because there from heauen, and burnt vp the two
is not a God in Israel, that thou sendest captaines of the former fifties, with
to enquire of Baalzebub the god of E- their fifties : Therefore let my life now
kron? therefore thou shalt not come be precious in thy sight.
15 And
Ahaziah dieth. Chap.y. Elijah taken vp.
15 And the Angel of the L O R D 5 And the sonnes or tne rropnefo
said vnto Elijah, Goe downe with him, that were at lericho came to Elisha, anc
be not afraid of him. And he arose, and said vnto him, Knowest thou that the
went downe with him vnto the king. L O R D will take away thy mastei
16 And he said vnto him, Thus saith from thy head to day ? and hee answe-
the LORD, Forasmuch as thou hast red. Yea, I knowe it, holde you youi
sent messengers to enquire of B.aalze- peace.
bub the god of Ekron (is it not because 6 And Elijah said vnto him, Tarie,
there is no God in Israel, to enquire of I pray thee, here: for the LORD hatli
his word?) therefore thou shalt not sent me to lordan And he said, As the
come downe off that bed on which thou LORD liueth, and as thy soule liueth,
art gone vp, but shalt surely die. I will not leaue thee. And they two
17 1F So he died, according to the went on.
worde of the L O R D which Eliiah 7 And fiftie men of the sonnes of
had spoken: and lehoram reigned in the Prophets went, and stood tto view t Hebr. in
his stead, in the second yeere of leho- afarre off; and they two stood by sight,oroiter
ram the sonne of lehoshaphat king of lordan.
ludah, because he had no sonne. 8 And Elijah tooke his mantle, and
18 Now the rest of the actes of Aha- wrapt it together, and smote the wa-
ziah, which hee did, are they not writ- ters, and they were diuided hither and
ten in the booke of the Chronicles of thither, so that they two went ouer on
the kings of Israel ? drie ground
9 11 And it came to passe when they
were gone ouer, that Elijah said vnto
C H A P . II Elisha, Aske what I shall doe for thee,
1 Elij ah, takinghis leaue of Elisha/with his man- before I be taken away from thee. And
tle diuideth lordan, 9 and granting Elisha Elisha said, I pray thee, let a double
his request, is taken vp by a fierie charet into
heauen. 12 Elisha, diuiding Jordan with E- portion of thy spirit be vpon me.
lijahs mantle, is acknowledged his successor. 10 And hee said, tThou hast asked a • ffebr. thvu
16 The young prophets, hardly obtaining last done
hard thing: neuerthelesse,iftliou see me, lard in as-
leaue to seeke Elijah, could not finde him. 19 when lam taken from thee, it shall be so king.
Elisha with salt, healeth the vnwholesome
waters. 23 Beares destroy the children vrfto thee: but if not, it shall not be so.
that mocked Elisha. 11 And it came to passe as they still
went on and talked, that beholde, there
Nd it came to passe when appeared a charet of fire, and horses of

the LORD would take fire, and parted them both asunder, and
vp Elijah into heauen * Elijah went vp by a whirlewind into * Ecclus. 48
by a whirlewinde, that heauen. o. 1. mac, 2.
— —— Eliiah
^ went with Eli- 12 IT And Elisha saw it, and he cried,
sha from Gilgal. * My father, my father, the charet of * Chap. 13.
2 And Jblyali said vnto Jblisha, Ta- Israel, and the horsemen thereof. And 14.
rie here, I pray thee- for the L O R D he saw him no more : and he tooke hold
hath sent me to Bethel: and Elisha said of his owne cloathes, and rent them in
vnto him, As the L O R D liueth, and two pieces.
as thy soule liueth, I wil not leaue thee. 13 He tooke vp also the mantle of E-
So they went downe to Bethel. tijah that fell from him, and went back,
3 And the sonnes of the Prophets and stood by the tbanke of lordan. r Hebr. lip
that were at Bethel, came foorth to Eli- 14 And he tooke the mantle of Eli-
sha, and said vnto him, Knowest thou iah that fell from him,, and smote the
that the L O R D will take away waters, and said, Where is the LORD
thy master from thy head to day ? And God of Elijah ? and when hee also had
he said, Yea, I know it, hold you your smitten the waters, they parted hither
peace. and thither : and Elisha went ouer.
4 And Elijah said vnto him, Elisha, 15 And when the sonnes of the Pro-
tarie here, I pray thee: for the LORD phets which were *to view at lericho, * Verse 7-
hath sent me to lericho: And hee said, saw him, they said, The spirit of Elijah
As the LORD liueth, and as thy soule doth rest on Elisha: And they came to
liueth, I will not leaue thee. So they meet him, and bowed themselues to the
came to lericho. ground before him.
16 1) And
Waters healed. II.Kings. lehoram King.

16 11 And they said vnto him, Be- 3^ra%£ol£S Ow lehoram the sonne
iold now, there bee with thy seruants of Ahab began to reigne
t Hebr. iftie t strong men, let them goe, we pray ouer Israel in Samaria,
onnes of
trength. thee, and seeke thy master : lest perad- I **lks^Z the eighteenth yere of le-
uenture the Spirit of the LORD hath hoshaphat king of lu-
t Hebr. one taken him vp, and cast him vpon tsome dah. and reierned twehip veeres.
of the moun-
talnes. mountaine, or into some valley. And he 2 And he wrought euill in the sight
said, Ye shall not send of the L O R D , but not like his father
17 And when they vrged him, till he and like his mother; for hee put away
was ashamed, he said, Send They sent the t image of Baal that his father had t Hebr.
therefore fiftie men, and they sought made.
three dayes, but found him not. 3 Neuerthelesse, hee cleaued vnto
18 And when they came againe to the sinnes of leroboam the sonne of
lim (for he taried at lericho) hee said Nebat, which made Israel to sinne; he
vnto them , Did I not say vnto you, departed not therefrom-.
Goe not ? 4 f And Mesha king of Moab was
19 f And the men of the city said vn- a sheepe-master, and rendred vnto the
to Elisha, Behold, I pray thee, the situ- king of Israel an hundred thousand
ation of this city is pleasant, as my lord lambes, and an hundred thousand
seeth : but the water is nought, and the rammes, with the wooll.
t Hebr. cau- ground t barren. 5 But it came to passe when *Ahab * Chap. i.
sing to mis-
cary. 20 And hee said, Bring mee a new was dead, that the king of Moab re-
cruse, and put salt therein. And they belled against the king of Israel.
brought it to him 6 U And king lehoram went out
21 And he went forth vnto the spring of Samaria the same time, and num-
of the waters, and cast the salt in there, bred all Israel.
and said, Thus saith the L O R D , I 7 And he went, and sent to leho-
haue healed these waters; there shall shaphat the King of ludah, saying,
not be from thence any more death, or The king of Moab hath rebelled a-
barren land. gainst mee : Wilt thou goe with mee a-
22 So the waters were healed vnto srainst Moab to battell P and he said, I
this day, according to the saying of E- will goe vp : * I am as thou art, my * 1. King.
lisha, which he spake. people as thy people, and my horses as 22. 4.
23 IT And he went vp from thence thy horses.
vnto Bethel : and as hee was going vp 8 And he said, Which way shall we
by the way, there came foorth little chil- goe vp? And he answered, The way
dren out of the citie, and mocked him, through the wildernesse of Edom.
and said vnto him , Goe vp thou bald 9 So the king of Israel went, and
bead, Goe vp thou bald head. the king of ludah, and the king of E-
24 And hee turned backe, and loo- dom: and they fetch t a compasse of seuen
ked on them, and cursed them in the dayes iourney: and there was no wa-
Name of the L O R D : and there came ter for the hoste, and for the cattell t that t Hebr. at
foorth two shee Beares out of the followed them.
wood, and tare fortie and two children 10 And the king of Israel said, Alas,
of them. that the LORD hath called these three
25 And hee went from thence to kings together, to deliuer them into the
mount Carmel, and from thence he re- hand of Moab.
turned to Samaria. 11 But lehoshaphat said, Is there
not here a Prophet of the LORD, that
we may enquire of the LORD by him ?
CHAP. III. And one of the king of Israels ser-
uants answered, and said, Here is Elisha
1 lehorams reigne. 4 Mesha rebelleth. 6 le- the sonne of Shaphat, which powred
horam, with lehoshaphat, and the king of
Edom, being distressed for want of water, by water on the hands of Eliiah.
Elisha obtaineth water, and promise of vi- 12 And lehoshaphat saide, The
ctory. 21 The Moabites deceiued by the word of the L O R D is with him. So
colour of the water, comming to spoile, are the king of Israel, & lehoshaphat, and
ouercome. 26 The king of Moab, by sa-
crificing the king of Edoms sonne, raiseth the king of Edom went downe to him.
the siege. 13 And Elisha saide vnto the king oi
The Moabites Chap.xvj. are ouercome.
Israel, What haue I to doe with thee ? euery man his stone, and ruled it, and
Get thee to the prophets of thy father, they stopped all the welles of water,
and to the prophets of thy mother. And and felled all the good trees : tonely in Heb. vntill
e left the
be king of Israel said vnto him, Nay: Kirharaseth left they the stones there- tones there-
br the LORD hath called these three fin Kir-
of : howbeit the slingers went about z7, haraseth.
dngs together, to deliuer them into the and smote it.
land pf Moab. 26 f And when the king of Moab
14 And Elisha said, As the L O R D sawe that the battell was too sore for
ofliostes liueth, before whom I stand, lim, he tooke with him seuen hundred
Surely were it not that I regard the men that drewe swordes, to breake tho-
>resence of lehoshaphat the King of row euen vnto the king of Edom ; but
udah, I would not looke toward they could not,
thee, nor see thee. 27 Then hee tooke his eldest sonne
15 But now bring me a minstrell. that should haue reigned in his stead,
And it came to passe when the minstrell and offered him for a burnt offering vp-
>layed, that the hand of the L O R D on the wall: and there was great in-
came vpon him. dignation against Israel, and they de-
16 And hee sayde, Thus sayth the )arted from him, and returned to their
^ O R D , Make this valley full of dit- owne land.
17 For thus sayth the L O R D , Yee
shall not see winde* neither shall ye see C H A P . IIII,
raine, yet that valley shall be filled with 1 Elisha multiplieth the widowes oyle. 8 Hee
water, that ye may drinke, both ye, and giueth a sonne to the good Shunammite.
your cattell, and your beasts. 18 Hee raiseth againe her dead sonne. 38
At Gilgal hee healeth the deadly pottage.
18 And this is but a light thing in 42 Hee satisfieth an hundred men with
the sight of the LORD, he will deli- twentie loaues.
uer the Moabites also into your hand.
19 And ye shall smite euery fenced ci- Ow there cryed a certame
tie, and euery choice citie, and shall fell
euery good tree, and stop all welles of|
t H e b . g r i e u e water, and tmarre euery good piece of
and with stones.
20 And it came to passe in the mor-
N woman of the wiues oi
the sonnes of the Prophets
vnto Elisha, saying, Thy
(dMll^b seruant my husband is
dead, and thou knowest that thy ser-
ning when the meate offering was of- uant did feare the L O R D : and the
fered, that behold, there came water by creditour is come to take vnto him my
the way of Edom, and the countrey two sonnes to be bondmen.
was filled with water. 2 And Elisha said vnto her, What
21 1i And when all the Moabites shall I doe for thee? Tell mee, what
heard that the kings were come vp to hast thou in the house ? And shee sayd.
t Heb. were Sght against them, they t gathered all
cryed toge-
Thine handmaid hath not any thing in
ther. that were able to tput on armour, and the house, saue a pot of oyle.
t Heb. gird vpward, and stood in th« border. 3 Then hee said, Goe, borrow thee
with a gir- 22 And they rose vp early in the vessels abroad , of all thy neighbours;
morning, and the Sunne shone vpon euen emptie vessels, ||borrow not a few. !l Or, scant
the water, and the Moabites sawe the 4 And when thou art come in, thou not.
water on the other side as red as blood. shalt shut the doore vpon thee, and vp-
23 And they said, This is blood : the on thy sonnes, and shalt powre out into
t Heb. de. kings are surely tslaine, aud they haue all those vessels, and thou shalt set aside
smitten one another : now therefore, that which is full.
Moab, to the spoile. 5 So shee went from him, and shut
24 And when they came to the campe the doore vpon her, & vpon her sonnes:
of Israel, the Israelites rose vp and who brought the vessels to her, and shee
smote the Moabites, so that they fledde powred out.
H 0r« they before them: but ||they went forward 6 And it came to passe, when the
smote in tY,
euen smi- smiting the Moabites, euen in their vessels were full, that shee said vnto her
ting. countrey. sonne, Bring me yet a vessell. And hee
25 And they beat downe the cities, said vnto her, There is not a vessel more.
and on euery good piece of land cast And the oyle stayed.
7 Then
iliiha, and 11.Kings. the Shunammite.
7 Then she came, and told the man doore vpon him, and went out.
of God: and he said, Goe, sell the oyle, 22 And she called vnto her husband,
«Or, craft- and pay thy ||debt, and Hue thou and thy and said, Send me, I pray thee, one of
tour. children of the rest. ;he yong men, and one of the asses, that
t Heb. there 8 f Aud tit fell on a day, that Eli- ! may runne to the man of God, and
was a day.
sha passed to Shunem, where was a come againe.
t Heb. lavl ^reat woman; and shee t constrained 23 And he said, Wherefore wilt thou
hold on him. him to eate bread: And so it was, that goe to him to day ? it is neither newe
as oft as he passed by, hee turned in thi- moone nor Sabbath And shee said, It
ther to eate bread. shalbe twell. 1 Heb* peace.
9 And shee said vnto her husband, 24 Then she sadled an asse, and said
Behold now, I perceiue that this is an to her seruant, Driue, and goe forward:
holy man of God, which passeth by vs tslacke not thy riding for mee, except I t Heb. re-
straine not
continually. >id thee. for me to
10 Let vs make a litle chamber, I 25 So she went, and came vnto the ride.
pray thee, on the wall, and let vs set for man of God to mount Carmel: and it
him there a bed, and a table, and a came to passe when the man of God
stoole, and a candlesticke: and it shall be saw her afarre off, that hee said to Ge-
when he commeth to vs, that hee shall lazi his seruant, Behold, yonder is that
turne in thither. Shunammite:
11 And it fell on a day that hee came 26 Runne now, I pray thee, to meet
thither, and hee turned into the cham- icr, and say vnto her, Is it wel with thee?
ber, and lay there. is it wel with thy husband ? is it wel with
12 And he said to Gehazi his seruant, the child ? And she answered, It is well.
Call this Shunammite. And when hee 27 And when shee came to the man
had called her, she stood before him. of God to the hill, shee caught thim by iHeb. by his
13 And he said vnto him, Say, now he feet: but Gehazi came neere to thrust feete.
vnto her, Behold, thou hast beene care- icr away. And the man of God saide,
full for vs with all this care; What is to Let her alone, for her soule is t vexed t Heb. bitter
be done for thee? Wouldest thou be spo- within her; and the L O R D hath hid
ken for to the king, or to the captaine of it from me, and hath not told me.
the hoste? And she answered, I dwell 28 Then shee said, Did I desire a
among mine owne people. sonne of my L O U D ? did I not say,
14 And he said, What then is to bee Doe not deceiue me ?
done for her? And Gehazi answered, 29 Then he said to Gehazi, Gird vp
Verily she hath no child, and her hus- ;hy loines, and take my staffe in thine
band is old. hand, and goe thy way : if thou meete
15 And he said, Call her. And when any man, salute him not: and if any sa-
he had called her, she stood in the doore. ute thee, answere him not againe : and
* Gen. 18. 16 And he said, * About this t season, lay my staffe vpon the face of the childe.
t Heb. set according to the time of life, thou shalt 30 And the mother of the childe said,
time. imbrace a sonne. And she said, Nay my As the LORD liueth, and as thy soule
lord, thou man of God, doe not lie vnto liueth, I will not leaue thee. And he a-
thine handmaid. rose, and followed her.
17 And the woman conceiued, and 31 And Gehazi passed on before them,
bare a sonne at that season, that Elisha and laid the staffe vpon the face of the
had said vnto her, according to the time child, but there was neither voyce, nor
of life. t hearing : wherefore he went againe to i Heb. atten-
18 f And when the child was grow- meete him, and tolde him, saying, The tion.
en, it fell on a day that hee went out to child is not awaked.
his father, to the reapers. 32 And when Elisha was come into
19 And he said vnto his father, My the house, behold, the child was dead,
head, my head: and he said to a ladde, and laid vpon his bed.
Carie him to his mother. 33 He went in therefore, and shut the
20 And when he had taken him, anc doore vpon them twaine, and prayec
brought him to his mother, hee sate on vnto the LORD.
her knees till noone, and then died. 34 And he went vp, and lay vpon
21 And she went vp, and laid him on the child, and put his mouth vpon his
the bed of the man of God, and shut the mouth, and his eyes vpon his eyes, anc
The dead railed. Chap.v. Naaman leprous.
his hands vpon his hands, and he stret- him some of the earth. 20 Gehazi, abu-
ched himselfe vpon the child, and the sing his masters name vnto Naaman, is smit-

flesh of the child waxed warme. ten with leprosie.
35 Then he returned, and walked in
t Heb. once the house t to and fro, and went vp, and
hither* and
once thither. stretched himselfe vpon him : and the
S8BK Ow Naaman captaine oi
the host of the king of Sy-
ria , was a great man
child neesed seuen times, and the child o- t with hismaster, and ||ho- fore.
t Heir, be-
pened his eyes. nourable, because by him H Or, graci-
36 And hee called Gehazi, and said, the LORD had giuen ||deliuerance vn- lifted ous. Hebr.
vpt or
Call this Shunammite. So hee called to Syria : He was also a mighty man in accepted in
her : and when shee was come in vnto valour, but he was a lener. countenance.
\ Or victory.
him, he said, Take vp thy sonne. 2 And the Syrians had gone out t
37 Then she went in, and fell at his by companies, and had brought away
feet, and bowed her selfe to the ground, captiue out of the land of Israel a litle before.
\ Heir, tvas
and tooke vp her sonne, and went out. maid, & she t waited on Naamans wife.
38 f And Elisha came againe to Gil- 3 And shee saide vnto her mistresse,
gal, and there was a dearth in the land, Would God my lord were twith the \Hebr. be-
and the sonnes of the Prophets were sit- Prophet that is in Samaria, for hee fore.
ting before him : and hee said vnto his would trecouer him of his leprosie. \ Hebr. ga-
seruant, Set on the great pot, and seethe 4 And one went in, and tolde his ther in*
pottage for the sonnes of the Prophets. lord, saying, Thus and thus said the
39 And one went out into the field to mayd that is of the land of Israel.
gather herbes, and found a wild vine, 5 And the king of Syria said, Goe
and gathered thereof wilde gourds to, Goe, and I will send a letter vnto
his lap full, and came and shred them the king of Israel. And hee departed,
into the pot of pottage: for they knew and tooke t with him ten talents of sil- his \Hebr. in
them not. uer,and sixe thousand pieces of gold, and hand.
40 So they powred out for the men ten changes of raiment.
to eat: and it came to passe as they were 6 And hee brought the letter to the
eating of the pottage, that they cried king of Israel, saying, Now when this
out, and said, O thou man of God, there letter is come vnto thee, behold, I haue
is death in the pot. And they could not therewith sent Naaman my seruant to
eate thereof, thee, that thou mayest recouer him of
41 But he said, Then bring meale. his leprosie.
And he castit into the pot: Andhe said, 7 And it came to passe when the
Powre out for the people, that they king of Israel had read the letter, that
\Hebr.euil may eat. And there was no tharme in he rent his clothes, and said, Am I God,
thing. the pot. to kill and to make aliue, that this man
42 If And there came a man from doeth send vnto me, to recouer a man of
BaaUShalisha, and brought the man his leprosie? Wherefore consider, I pray
of God bread of the first fruits, twentie you, and see how he seeketh a quarrell
loaues of barley, and full eares of corne against me.
H Or, in his t in the huske thereof: and he said, Giue 8 IF And it was so when Elisha the
ment. vnto the people, that they may eate. man of God had heard, that the king of
43 And his seruitour saide, What Israel had rent his clothes, that he sent
should I set this before an hundred to the king, saying, Wherefore hast thou
men? He said againe, Giue the people, rent thy clothes? Let him come now to
that they may eate : for thus saith the mee, and he shall know that there is a
Mohne. LORD, *They shall eate, and shall Prophet in Israel.
n. leaue thereof. 9 So Naaman came with his hor-
44 So he set it before them, and they ses, and with his charet, and stood at
did eate, and left thereof^ according to the the doore of the house of Elisha.
word of the LORD. 10 And Elisha sent a messenger vnto
him, saying, Goe and wash in lordane
C H A P . V. seuen times, and thy flesh shall come a-
gaine to thee, and thou shalt be cleane.
1 Naaman, by the report of a captiue mayd, is 11 But Naaman was wroth, and Or, Hebr. said.
sent to Samaria to be cured of his leprosie. 8 I said
Elisha., sending him to Jordan, cureth him. went away, and saide, Beholde, tl with my
15 He refusing Naaraans gifts, granteth thought, He will surely come out to me selfe,Hewill
surely come
and out$c.
Naaman clenfed. 11.Kings. Gehazi leprous.
and stand, and call on the Name of the 22 And he said, All is well : my ma-
tHebr. LORD his God, tand strike his hand ster hath sent me, saying, Behold, euen
and downe. ouer the place, and recouer the leper now there be come to mee from mount
lOr>A- 12 Are not |j Abana and Pharpar, ri- Ephraim two yong men, of the sonnes
uers of Damascus, better then all the of the Prophets : Giue them, I pray
waters of Israel ? May I not wash in thee, a talent of siluer, and two changes
them, and be cleane ? So he turned, and of garments.
went away in a rage. 23 And Naaman said, Bee content,
13 And his seruants came neere and take two talents: and hee vrged him.
spake vnto him, and said, My father, If and bound two talents of siluer in two
the Prophet had bid thee do some great bags, with two changes of garments,
thing, wouldest thou not haue done it ? and layde them vpon two of his ser-
How much rather then, when hee saith uants, and they bare them before him.
to thee, Wash and be cleane ? 24 And when he came to the ||towre, Hplace.
Or, secret
14 Then went he downe, and dip- he tooke them from their hand, and be-
ped himselfe seuen times in Jordan, ac- stowed them in the house, and hee let the
cording to the saying of the man of God: men goe, and they departed,
and his flesh came againe like vnto the 25 But he went in, and stood before
* Luke 4. flesh of a litle childe,and *he was cleane. his master : and Elisha said vnto him,
27- 15 IF And he returned to the man of Whencecommestthou, Gehazi ? And hee
God, he and all his company, and came, said, Thy seruant went tno whither hither t Hebr. Not
and stood before him : and he said, Be- 26 And he said vnto him, Went not thither
hold, now I know that there is no- God mine heart with thee, when the man tur-
in all the earth , but in Israel : now ned againe from his charet to meete
therefore, I pray thee, take a blessing of thee? Is it a time to receiue money, and
thy seruant. to receiue garments, and Oliue yards,
16 But he said, As the L O R D li- and Vineyards, and sheepe, and oxen,
ueth, before whom I stand, I will re- and men seruants, and mayd seruants ?
ceiue none. And hee vrged him to take 27 The leprosie therefore of Naa-
it, but he refused. man shall cleaue vnto thee , and vnto
17 And Naaman said, Shall there thy seede for euer : And hee went out
not then, I pray thee, be giuen to thy from his presence a leper as white as
seruant two mules burden of earth ? snow.
for thy seruant wil henceforth offer nei-
ther burnt offering, nor sacrifice vnto
other gods, but vnto the LORD.
18 In this thing the L O R D par- 1 Elisha giuing leaue to the yong Prophets to
don thy seruant, that when my master inlarge their dwellings, causeth yron to swim.
8 Hee discloseth the king of Syria his coun-
goeth into the house of Rimmon to sell. 13 The armie which was sent to Do-
worship there, and hee leaneth on my than to apprehend Elisha, is smitten with
hand, and I bow my selfe in the house blindnesse: 19 Being brought into Sama-
of Rimmon : when I bow downe my ria, they are dismissed in peace. 24 The fa-
mine in Samaria, causetn women to eate
selfe in the house of Rimmon, the their owne children. 30 The king sendeth
L O R D pardon thy seruant in this to slay Elisha.
19 And he said vnto him, Go in peace. Nd the sonnes of the Pro-
t Hebr. a
title piece of
So he departed from him, ta litle way.
20 f But Gehazi the seruant of E-
lisha the man of God, said, Behold, my
master hath spared Naaman this Sy-
A phets saide vnto Elisha,
Beholde now , the place
where wee dwell with
thee. is too strait for vs :
rian, in not receiuing at his hands that 2 vs goe, wee pray thee, vnto
which hee brought: but as the LORD lordane, and take thence euery man a
liueth, I wil runne after him, and take beame, and let vs make vs a place there
somewhat of him. where we may dwell. And hee answe-
21 So Gehazi followed after Naa- red, Goe ye.
man . and when Naaman saw him 3 And one said, Be content, I pray
running after him, hee lighted downe thee, and goe with thy seruants. And he
from the charet to meet him, and said, answered, I will goe.
t Hebr. IB
there peace? t/^all well? 4 So hee went with them • and
Iron swimmeth. Chap.vj. A great famine.
when they came to lordane, they cut 18 And when they came downe tc
downe wood. him, Elisha prayed vnto the L O R D
5 But as one was felling a beame, and said, Smite this people, I pray
t Hcb. yron. the taxe head fell into the water : and thee, with blindnesse. And hee smote
hee cryed, and sayd, Alas master, for it them with blindnesse, according to the
was borrowed. word of Elisha.
6 And the man of God said. Where 19 If And Elisha saide vnto them,
fell it ? and hee shewed him the place : This is not the way, neither is this the
and he cut downe a sticke, and cast it in citie : t follow me, and I will bring you t Heb. come
thither, and the yron did swimme. to the man whom ye seeke. But hee led ye after me.
7 Therefore said he, Take it vp to them to Samaria.
thee: And hee put out his hand, and 20 And it came to passe when they
tooke it. were come into Samaria, that Elisha
8 f Then the king of Syria war- said, LORD, open the eyes of these
red against Israel, and tooke counsell men, that they may see. And the
with nis seruants, saying, In such and L O R D opened their eyes, and they
I; pr, encam- such a place shall be my ||campe. saw, and beholde, they were in the mids
ping* 9 And the man of God sent vnto the of Samaria.
king of Israel, saying, Beware that 21 And the king of Israel saide vnto
thou passe not such a place; for thither Elisha, when he saw them, My father,
the Syrians are come downe. shall I smite them? shall I smite them?
10 And the king of Israel sent to the 22 And he answered, Thou shalt not
place which the man of God tolde him, smite them: wouldest thou smite those
and warned him of, and saued himselfe whom thou hast taken captiue with
there, not once nor twise. thy sword, and with thy bow ? set bread
11 Therefore the heart of the king of and water before them, that they may
Syria was sore troubled for this thing, eate, and drinke, and go to their master.
and he called his seruants, and said vn- 23 And hee prepared great prouision
to them, Will ye not shewe me which of for them, and when they had eaten and
vs is for the king of Israel ? drunke, hee sent them away, and they
12 And one of his seruants sayde, went to their master: so the bands of
\ Heb. No. t None, my lord O king; but Elisha the Syria came no more into the lande of
Prophet, that is in Israel, telleth the Israel.
king of Israel, the wordes that thou 24 If And it came to passe after this,
speakest in thy bed-chamber. that Benhadad king of Syria gathe-
13 H And he said, Goe and spie where red all his hoste, and went vp, and besie-
he w, that I may send and fetch him. ged Samaria.
And it was tolde him, saying, Behold, 25 And there was a great famine in
he is in Dothan. Samaria : and behold, they besieged it,
14? Therefore sent he thither horses, vntill an asses head was solde for foure-
Hel* hea- and charets, and a t great hoste: and score pieces of siluer, and the fourth part
tie. they came by night, and compassed the of a kab of doues doungfor fiue pieces of
citie about. siluer.
i Or, mini- 15 And when the ||seruant of the man 26 And as the king of Israel was
tier. passing by vpon the wall, there cried a
of God was risen early and gone forth,
behold, an host compassed the citie,both nroman vnto him, saying, Helpe, my
with horses and charets : and his ser- lord, O king.
uant said vnto him , Alas my master, 27 And he said, ||If the LORD do II Or, Let not]
the Lord \
how shall we doe ? not helpe thee, whence shall I helpe sane thee.
16 And he answered, Feare not : for thee ? out of the barne fioore, or out of
* 2. Chron. * they that be with vs, are moe then they the wine presse ?
32.7. that be with them. 28 And the king said vnto her, What
17 And Elisha prayed, and sayde, aileth thee? And shee answered, This
L O R D , I pray thee, open his eyes woman said vnto me, Giue thy sonne,
that he may see. And the LORD ope- that we may eate him to day, and wee
ned the eyes of the young man, and hee will eate my sonne to morrow.
saw: and behold, the mountaine was full 29 So *we boyled my sonne, and did 53. * Deut. 28.
of horses , and charets of fire round a- eate him : and I saide vnto her on the
bout Elisha. t next day, Giue thy sonne, that we may1Heb.othe*.
Plenty foretold. 11.Kings. The Syrians flee.
eate him : and she hath hid her sonne. and let vs fall vnto the host of the Syri-
30 H And it came to passe when the ans : if they saue vs aliue, we shall Hue;
ung heard the words of the woman, and if they kill vs, we shall but die.
that he rent his clothes, and hee passed 5 And they rose vp in the twilight,
3y vpon the wall, and the people loo- to goe vnto the campe of the Syrians :
ted, and behold, hee had sack cloth with- and when they were come to the vtter-
in, vpon his flesh. most part of the campe of Syria, be-
31 Then he said, God doe so, and more lold, there was no man there.
also to mee, if the head of Elisha the 6 For the LORD had made the host
sonne of Shaphat, shall stand on him of the Syrians to heare a noise of cha-
this day. rets, and a noise of horses, euen the noise
32 But Elisha sate in his house (and of a great host: and they said one to an-
the elders sate with him) and the king other, Loe, the king of Israel hath hi-
sent a man from before him: but yer the red against vs the kings of the Hittites,
messenger came to him, hee said to the and the kings of the Egyptians, to come
Elders, See yee how this sonne of a vpon vs.
murderer hath sent to take away 7 Wherefore they arose and fled in
mine head ? Looke when the messenger the twilight, and left their tents, and
commeth, shut the doore, and hold him their horses, and their asses, euen the
fast at the doore : Is not the sound of campe as it was, and fled for their life.
his masters feete behind him ? 8 And when these lepers came to
33 And while hee yet talked with the vttermost part of the campe, they
them, beholde, the messenger came went into one tent, and did eate, and
downe vnto him: and he said, Behold, drinke, and carried thence siluer, and
this euill is of the L O R D , what should gold, and raiment, and went and hid it,
I waite for the L O R D any longer ? and came againe, and entred into ano-
ther tent, and carried thence also, and
C H A P . VII. went and hid it
9 Then they said one to another,
1 Elisha prophecieth incredible plenty in Sa- We doe not well : this day is a day of
maria. 3 Foure Lepers venturing on the rood tydings, and we hold our peace : if
host of the Syrians, bring tydings of their
flight. 22 The king finding by spies the we tarie till the morning light, tsome t Heb. we
newes to be true, spoileth the tents of the Sy- mischiefe will come vpon vs : nowe shall find pu-
rians. 17 The Lord, who would not beleeue therefore come, that we may goe, and
the prophecy of plenty, hauing the charge tell the kings houshold.
of the gate, is troden to death in the presse.
10 So they came, and called vnto the
*&2gflgj£y HenElishasaidjHeareyee porter of the citie : and they told them,

T the word of the LORD, saying; We came to the campe of the
Thus saith the LORD, Syrians, and behold, there was no man
To morrowe about this there, neither voice of man, but horses
•j^^j^^H5B*b^888 time shal a measure of fine tyed, and asses tyed, and the tents as
flower he sold for a shekel!, and two mea- they were.
sures of barley for a shekel, in the gate o1 11 And hee called the porters, and
Samaria. they told it to the kings house within.
\Heb.a 2 Then ta lord on whose hand the 12 11 And the king arose in the night,
Lord which
belonged to king leaned, answered the man of God, and said vnto his seruants, I will now
the King* and said, Behold, if the L O R D woulc shew you what the Syrians haue done
his hand. make windowes in heauen, might this to vs : They know that we be hungrie,
thing bee? and he saide, Behold, thou therefore are they gone out of the camp,
shalt see it with thine eies, but shalt not to hide themselues in the field, saying;
eate thereof. When they come out of the citie, we shal
3 H And there were foure leprous catch them aliue, and get into the citie.
men at the entring in of the gate : anc 13 And one of his seruants answe-
they saide one to another, Why sit wee red, and said, Let some take, I pray
here vntill we die ? thee, fiue of the horses that remaine,
4 If we say, We will enter into the which areleft tin the citie: (behold,they Wleb. in it.
citie, then the famine is in the citie, anc are as all the multitude of Israel that
wee shall die there : and if we sit stil are left in it : behold, I say, they are
here, we die also. Now therefore come euen as all the multitude of the Israe-
Plenty in Samaria. Chap.viij. Benhadad ficke.
lites that are consumed) and let vs send, 2 And the woman arose, and did
and see. after the saying of the man of God: and
14 They tooke therefore two charet she went with her housholde, and so-
lorses, and the king sent after the hoste iourned in the land of the Philistines
of the Syrians, saying, Goe, and see. seuen yeeres,
15 And they went after them vnto 3 And it came to passe at the seuen
[ordane, and loe, all the way was full reeres ende, that the woman returned
of garments, and vessels, which the out of the land of the Philistines : and
Syrians had cast away in their haste: she went foorth to crie vnto the king for
and the messengers returned, and told ler house, and for her land.
the king. 4 And the king talked with Gehazi
16 And the people went out, and spoi- the seruant of the man of God, saying,
ed the tents of the Syrians: So a mea- Tell mee, I pray thee, all the great
sure of fine flowre was sold for a shekel!, things that Elisha hath done.
and two measures of barley for a shekel', 5 And it came to passe as he was tel-
according to the word of the LORD. ing the King how hee had restored a
17 1F And the king appointed the dead body to life, that behold, the wo-
ord on whose hand he leaned, to haue man whose sonne he had restored to life,
the charge of the gate: and the people cryed to the King for her house and for
trode vpon him in the gate, and he died, icr land. And Gehazi said, My lord O
as the man of God had said, who spake ting, this is the woman, and this is her
when the king came downe to him. sonne, whom Elisha restored to life.
18 And it came to passe, as the man 6 And when the king asked the wo-
of God had spoken to the king, saying, man, shee tolde him. So the King ap-
Two measures of barley for a shekel, >ointed vnto her a certaine || officer, say- i Or. En-
and a measure of fine flowre for a she- ng, Restore all that was hers, and all nuch.
eel, shalbe to morrow about this time, the fruites of the field, since the day that
in the gate of Samaria: she left the land, euen till now.
19 And that lord answered the man 7 1F And Elisha came to Damas-
of God, and said, Now behold, if the cus , and Benhadad the king of Syria
LORD should make windowes in was sicke, and it was tolde him, saying,
iieauen, might such a thing be ? And he The man of God is come hither.
said, Behold, thou shalt see it with thine 8 And the king said vnto Hazael,
eyes, but shalt not eate thereof. Take a present in thine hand, and goe
20 And so it fell out vnto him: for the meete the man of God, and enquire of
people trode vpon him in the gate, and the L O R D by him, saying, Shall I
fie died, recouer of this disease ?
9 So Hazael went to meete him,
and tooke a present twith him, euen of hand. \Keb, in his
C H A P . VIII. euery good thing of Damascus, fourtie
1 The Shunammite / hauing left her coun- camels burden, and came, and stood be-
trey seuen yeeres, to auoide the forewarned fore him, and said, Thy sonne Benha-
famine, for Elishas miracle sake,hath her land dad king of Syria hath sent me to thee,
restored by the king. 7 Hazael being sent
with a present by Benhadad to Elisha at Da- saying, Shall I recouer of this disease?
mascus, after he had heard the prophesie, kil- 10 And Elisha said vnto him, Goe,
led* his master, and succeedeth him. 16 le- say vnto him, Thou mayest certeinly
horams wicked reigne in ludah. 20 Edom recouer: howbeit, the LORD hath
and Libnah reuolt. 23 Ahaziah succeedeth
lehoram. 25 Ahaziahs wicked reigne. 28 He shewed me, that he shall surely die.
visiteth lehoram wounded, at lezreel. 11 And hee setled his countenance
tstedfastly, vntill he was ashamed : anc set t Heh. and
Hen spake Elisha vnto the the man of God wept.

*Cbap woman (* whose sonne he 12 And Hazael said > Why weepeth
had restored to life) saying, my lord ? And he answered, Because I
Arise, and goe thou and know the euill that thou wilt doe vnto
thine housholde, and so- the children of Israel : their strong
lourne wnersoeuer tnou canst soiourne: holds wilt thou set on fire, and their
for the LORD hath called for a famin, young men wilt thou slay with the
and it shall also come vpon the land se- sword, and wilt dash their children, anc
uen yeeres. rip vp their women with childe.
13 And
Hazael is king. II.Kings. Ahaziah wicked.
13 And Hazael said, But what, is thy ie reigned one yeere in lerusalem, and
seruant a dogge, that he should doe this us mothers name was Athaliah the
^reat thing? And Elisha answered, The daughter of Omri king of Israel.
L O R D hath shewed mee that thou 27 And he walked in the way of the
shalt be king ouer Syria. louse of Ahab, and did euill in the sight
14 So he departed from Elisha, and of the L O R D , as did the house of A-
came to his master, who saide .to him, liab : for hee was the sonne in law of the
What said Elisha to thee ? and hee an- bouse of Ahab.
swered, He told me that thou shouldst 28 U And he went with loram the
surely recouer sonne of Ahab, to the war re against Ha-
15 And it came to passe on the mor- zael king of Syria in Ramoth Gilead,
row, that he tooke a thicke cloth, and and the Syrians wounded loram.
dipt it in water, and spread it on his face, 29 And king loram went backe to
so that he died, and Hazael reigned in be healed in lezreel, of the woundes
his stead. t which the Syrians thad giuen him at t Hebr.
16 f And in the fifth yeere of loram Raman, when hee fought against Ha- wherewith
the Syrians
the sonne of Ahab king of Israel, le- zael king of Syria : And Ahaziah the ded. had woun-
hoshaphat being1 then King of ludah, son of lehoram king of ludah, went t Hebr.
* 2. Chron. *Iehoram the sonne of lehoshaphat
21. 4.
downe to see loram the sonne of Ahab wounded.
t Hebr. reig' king of ludah t began to reigne in lezreel, because he was sicke.
ned. 17 Thirtie and two yeeres old was
he when he began to reigne, and hee
reigned eight yeeres in Jerusalem. C H A P . IX,
18 And he walked in the way of the 1 Eli sha sendeth a yong Prophet with instructi-
kings of Israel, as did the house of A- ons to annoint lehu at Ramoth Gilead. 4
hab : for the daughter of Ahab was his The Prophet hairing done his message, flieth.
wife, and hee did euill in the sight of the 11 lehu being made king by the souldiers,
killeth loram in the field of Naboth. 27 A-
LORD. haziah is slaine at Gur, and buried at lerusa-
19 Yet the L O R D would not de- lem. 30 Proud lezebel is throwen downe
stroy ludah , for Dauid his seruants out of a window, and eaten by dogs
* 2. Sam, 7. sake, *as hee promised to giue to him al-

t Hebr. way a flight, and to his children. Nd Elisha the Prophet
candle', or 20 11 In his dayes Edom reuolted called one of the children
from vnder the hand of ludah, and of the Prophets, and said
made a king ouer themselues. vnto him, Gird vp thy
21 So loram went ouer to Zafr, loines, and take this boxe
and all the charets with him , and hee of oile in thine hand, and goe to Ra-
rose by night, and smote the Edomites, moth Gilead.
which compassed him about; and the x, /\nu wnen uiou commeBi uiiuier,
captaines of the charets, and the people looke out there lehu the sonne of le-
fled into their tents. hoshaphat, the sonne of Nimshi, and
22 Yet Edom reuolted from vnder goe in, and make him arise vp from a-
the hand of ludah vnto this day. mong his brethren, and carie him to an
Then Libnah reuolted at the same tinner chamber t Heb. cham-
ber in a
time. 3 Then * take the boxe of oile, and chamber.
23 And the rest of the actes of lo- powre it on his head, and say, Thus 19. * I.King.
ram, and all that hee did, are they not saith the L O R D , I haue anointed
written in the booke of the Chronicles thee king ouer Israel: then open the
of the kings of ludah ? doore, and flee, and tary not.
24 And loram slept with his fa- 4 H So the yong man, euen the yong
thers, and was buried with his fathers man the Prophet, went to Ramotli
* 2. Chron. in the citie of Dauid : And* Ahaziah his Gilead:
22. 1.
sonne reigned in his stead 5 And when hee came, behold, the
25 H In the twelfth yeere of lo- captaines of the host were sitting; and
ram the sonne of Ahab, king of Israel, hee said, I haue an errand to thee, O
did Ahaziah, the sonne of lehoram captame: And lehu said, Vnto which
king of ludah, begin to reigne. of all vs? And he said, To thee, 0 cap-
26 Two and twentie yeeres old was tain e.
Ahaziah when he began to reigne, anc 6 And hee arose, and went into the
lehu annoynted. Chap.ix. lehoram ilaine.
house, and hee powred the oyle'on hisj them, and let him say, Is it peace ?
head, and said vnto him , Thus sayth 18 So there went one on horsebacke
the L O R D God of Israel, I haue to meete him, and said, Thus sayth the
anoynted thee king ouer the people of king, Is it peace ? And lehu said, What
the LOUD, euen ouer Israel. hast thou to doe with peace ? turne thee
7 And thou shalt smite the house of behinde me. And the watchman tolde,
Ahab thy master, that I may auenge saying, The messenger came to them,
the blood of my seruants the Prophets, but he commeth not againe.
and the blood of all the seruants of the 19 Then he sent out a second on horse-
* 1. Kings LOUD, *at the hand of lezebel. backe, which came to them, and sayd,
21. 15.
8 For the whole house of Ahab shal Thus sayth the king, Is it peace ? And
* 1. Kings perish, and * I will cut off from Ahab, lehu answered, What hast thou to doe
14.10. and him that pisseth against the wall, and
21. 21. with peace ? turne thee behinde me,
him that is shut vp and left in Israel. 20 And the watchman tolde, saying,
9 And I will make the house of A- He came euen vnto them, and commeth
* 1. Kings hab, like the house of *Ieroboam the not againe: and the ||driuing is like the II Or, mar-
14.10. and sonne of Nebat, and like the house of ching.
21. 22.
driuing of lehu the sonne of Nimshi;
" 1. Kings *Baasha the sonne of Ahiiah. for he driueth tfuriously. t Heb. in
16. 3. madnesse.
10 And the dogges shal eate lezebel 21 And loram said, tMake readie. t Heb. bind.
in the portion of lezreel, and there shal And his charet was made ready. And
be none to burie her. And he opened the loram king of Israel, and Ahaziah
doore, and fled. king of ludah, went out, each in his
11 11 Then lehu came foorth to the charet, and they went out against le-
seruants of his lord, and one said vnto hu, and tmet him in the portion of Na- t Heb.found
him, Is all well ? wherefore came this both the lezreelite.
madde fellow to thee ? And he said vn- 22 And it came to passe when lo-
to them, Yee know the man, and his ram saw lehu, that hee said, Is it peace,
communication. lehu ? And he answered, What peace,
12 And they said, It is false, tell vs so long as the whoredomes of thy mo-
now: And hee sayde, Thus and thus ther lezebel, and her witchcrafts are so
spake he to me, saying. Thus saith the many ?
LORD, I haue anoynted thee King 23 And loram turned his hand, and
ouer Israel. fled, and said to Ahaziah, There is trea-
13 Then they hasted, and tooke eue- chery, O Ahaziah.
ry man his garment, and put it vnder 24 And lehu tdrew a bowe with t Heb. filled
his hand
him on the top of the staires, and blewe his full strength, and smote lehoram with a bow.
t Heb. rciff- with trumpets, saying, lehu tis king. betweene his armes, and the arrow
neth. 14 So lehu the sonne of lehosha- went out at his heart, and hee tsunke t Heb. bow-
phat, the sonne of Nimshi, conspired a- ed.
downe in his charet.
gainst loram : (now loram had kept 25 Then said lehu to Bidkar his cap-
Ramoth Gilead, hee, and all Israel, be- taine, Take vp, and cast him in the por-
cause of Hazael king of Syria : tion of the field of Naboth the lezree-
* Cha. 8. 29 15 But * king t loram was retur- lite : for remember, how that when I
t Heb. leho- ned to bee healed in lezreel, of the and thou rode together after Ahab his
t Heb. smote wounds which the Syrians had tgi- father, the L O R D laide this burden
uen him, when he fought with Hazael vpon him.
king of Syria.) And lehu said, If it 26 * Surely I haue scene yesterday * 1. Kings
t Heb. let no be your minds, then tlet none goe forth the t blood of Naboth, and the blood of?21. 29.
t Heb. bloods
escaper goe,
$c. nor escape out of the citie, to goe to tell it his sonnes, sayd the L O R D , and I
in lezreel. will requite thee in this ||plat, sayth the I Or, portion.
16 So lehu rode in a charet, and LORD. Now therefore take and cast
went to lezreel, (for loram lay there:) him into the plat of ground^ according to
and Ahaziah king of ludah was come the word of the LORD.
downe to see loram. 27 f But when Ahaziah the king
17 And there stood a watchman on of ludah saw this, hee fled by the way
the towre in lezreel, and hee spied the of the garden house : and lehu follow-
company of lehu as he came, and said, ed after him, and said, Smite him also
I see a companie. And loram sayd, in the charet; and they did so, at the going
Take an horseman, and send to meete vp to Gur, which is by Ibleam: And
lezebels death. 11.Kings. Ahabs fonnes flaine.
hee fled to Megiddo, and died there. 2 Now assoone as this letter com-
28 And his seruants caried him in raeth to you, seeing your masters sons
a chafet to Jerusalem, and buried him arswith you,and there arevrith you cha-
in his sepulchre with his fathers, in the rets and horses, a fenced citie also, and
eitie of Dauid. armour:
29 And in the eleuenth yeere of lo- 3 Looke euen out the best and mee-
ram the sonne of Ahab, began Ahazi- test of your masters sonnes, and set him
ah to reigne ouer ludah. on his fathers throne, and fight for
30 IT And when lehu was come to your masters house.
lezreel, lezebel heard of it, and shee 4 But they were exceedingly afraid,
f Heb. put t pain ted her face, and tyred her head,
her eyes in
and said, Behold, two kings stood not
painting. and looked out at a window. before him : how then shall we stand?
31 And as lehu entred in at the gate, 5 And he that was ouer the house,
she said, Had Zimri peace, who slew his and he that was ouer the citie, the elders
master ? also, and the bringers vp of the children,
32 And he lift vp his face to the win- sent to lehu, saying, Wee are thy ser-
dow, and said, Who is on my side, who? uants, and will doe all that thou shalt
And there looked out to him two or bid vs, we will hot make any king: doe
U Or. cham- three [[Eunuches.
thou that which is good in thine eyes.
38 And he said, Throw her downe. 6 Then he wrote a letter the second
So they threw her downe, and some of time to them, saying, If yee be tmine, i Heb. for
her blood was sprinkled on the wall, and if ye will hearken vnto my voyce, me.
and on the horses: and he trode her vn- take ye the heads of the men your ma-
der foote. sters sonnes, and come to me to lezreel
34 And when he was come in, hee by to morow this time : (now the kings
did eate and drinke, and saide, Goe, see sonnes being seuenty persons, were with
now this cursed woman, and burie her: the great men of the city, which brought
for she is a kings daughter. them vp,)
35 And they went to burie her, but 7 And it came to passe when the let-
they found no more of her then the skul, ter came to them, that they tooke the
and the feete, & the palmes of her hands. kings sonnes, and slewe seuentie per-
36 Wherefore they came againe, and sons, and put their heads in baskets,
told him : and he said, This is the word and sent him them to lezreel.
t Heb. by the of the LORD, which he spake tby his
hand of.
8 1 And there came a messenger,
seruant Elijah the Tishbite, saying, and tolde him, saying, They haue
* 1. King. *In the portion of lezreel shall dogs brought the heads of the kings sonnes.
91. 23.
eate the flesh of lezebel: And he said, Lay ye them in two heaps
37 And the carkeise of lezebel shall at the entring in of the gate, vntill the
be as doung vpon the face of the field in morning.
the portion of lezreel, so that they shall 9 And it came to passe in the mor-
not say, This is lezebel. ning, that he went out, & stood, and said
to all the people, Ye be righteous : be-
hold, I conspired against my master,
C H A P . X. and slew him: But who slew all these ?
I lehu by his letters causeth seuentie of Ahabs 10 Know now, that there shall fall
children to be beheaded. 8 He excuseth the
facte by the prophecie of Elijah. 12 At the vnto the earth nothing of the worde of
shearing house he slayeth two and fourtie of the LORD, which the L O R D spake
Ahaziahs brethren. 15 Hee taketh lehona- concerning the house of Ahab: for the
dab into his company. 18 By sub tiltie hee de- LORD hath done that which he spake
stroyeth all the worsnippers of Baal. 29 lehu
followeth leroboams sinnes. 32 Hazael op- *tby his seruant Elijah. *I.KtaR.
presseth Israel. 34 lehoahaz succeedeth lehu. 11 So lehu slew all that remained 21.29. I- Heb. by the
of the house of Ahab, in lezreel, and hand of.
ND Ahab had seuentie all his great men, and his jjkinsefolkes, quaintance.
II Or, ac-

t Heb. nwt-
A sonnes in Samaria: and
lehu wrote letters, and
sent to Samaria vnto the
rulers of lezreel, to the
Elders, and to tthem that brought vp
and his priests, vntill he left him none
12 H And hee arose, and departed, l Heb. house
and came to Samaria: And as he was of shepherds
at the t shearing house in the way, binding
rishers. sheepe,
Ahabs children, saying, 13 lehu tmet with the brethren of t Heb. found
lehu dellroyeth Chap.x. Baals priefts.
Ahaziah king of ludah, and said, Who 24 And when they went in to offei
are ye? And they answered, Wee are the sacrifices, and burnt offerings, lehu
brethren of Ahaziah, and we go downe appointed fourescore men without, and
t ffebr. to tto salute the children of the King, and said, If any of the men whom I hauc
the peace of
$c. the children of the Queene. brought into your hands, escape, hee
14 And hee said, Take them aliue. that letteth him goe, his life shall be foi
And they tooke them aliue, and slew the life of him.
them at the pit of the shearing house, 25 And it came to passe assoone as
euen two and fourty men; neither left hee had made an end of offering the
he any of them. burnt offering, that lehu saide to the
15 U And when hee was departed guard, and to the cap tain es, Goe in, and
f Hebr. thence,
t he flighted on lehonadab the slay them, let none come foorth. And
sonne of Rechab, commingle meet him: they smote them with the tedge of the; t Hebr.
t Hebr. and he t saluted him, & said to him, Is sword, and the guard, and the captaines the mouth*
blessed. thine heart right, as my heart is with cast them out, and went to the citie of
thy heart ? And lehonadab answered, the house of Baal.
It is : If it be, giue mee thine hand. 26 And they brought foorth the tl- t Hebr. sta-
And hee gaue him his hand, and hee mages out of the house of Baal, and tues.
tooke him vp to him into the charet. burnt them.
16 And he said, Come with me, and 27 And they brake downe the image
see my zeale. for the L O R D : so they of Baal, and brake downe the house of
made him ride in his charet. Baal, and made it a draughthouse, vn-
17 And when he came to Samaria, to this day.
he slew all that remained vnto Ahab in 28 Thus lehu destroyed Baal out
Samaria, till he had destroyed him, ac- of Israel.
cording to the saying of the LORD, 29 H Howbeit,yrom the sinnes of le-
which he spake to Eliiah. roboam the sonne of Nebat, who made
18 If And lehu gathered all the Israel to sinne, lehu departed not
people together, and said vnto them, A- from after them, to wit^ the golden calues
hab serued Baal a litle, but lehu shall that were in Bethel, and that were in
serue him much. Dan.
19 Now therefore, call vnto me all 30 And the L O R D said vnto lehu,
the prophets of Baal, all his seruants, Because thdu hast done well in execu-
and all his priests, let none be wanting: ting that which is right in mine eyes,
for I haue a great sacrifice to doe to and hast done vnto the house of Ahab
Baal; whosoeuer shall be wanting, he according to all that was in mine heart,
shall not liue. But lehu did itin subtili- thy children of the fourth generation, shal
tie, to the intent that hee might destroy sit on the throne of Israel.
the worshippers of Baal. 31 But lehu t tooke no heede to \Hebr.ob-
serued not.
t Hchr. sail- 20 And lehu said, tProclaime a so- walke in the Law of the -LORD God
lemne assembly for Baal. And they pro- of Israel, with all his heart \for he de-
claimed it. parted not from the sinnes of lero-
21 And lehu sent through all Is- boam, which made Israel to sinne.
rael , and all the worshippers of Baal 32 H In those dayes the L O R D
came, so that there was not a man left began tto cut Israel short: and Hazael cut t Hebr. to
off the
that came not : and they came into the smote them in all the coasts of Israel: ends.
house of Baal j and the house of Baal 33 From lordan t Eastward, all t Hebr. to-
II Ori so full, was ||full from one end to another. the land of Gilead, the Gadites, and the ward the ri-
sing of the
that they 22 And he said vnto him that was Reubenites, and the Manassites, from Sunne.
stood mouth
to mouth. ouer the vestrie, Bring forth vestments Aroer, (which is by the riuer Arnon)
for all the worshippers of Baal. And he |euen Gilead and Bashan. Or, euen to
brought them forth vestments. 34 Now the rest of the acts of le- Gilead Bashan.

23 And lehu went, and lehonadab riu, and all that he did, & all his might,
the sonne of Rechab into the house of are they not written in the booke of the
Baal, and said vnto the worshippers of Chronicles of the kings of Israel ?
Baal, Search, and looke that there be 35 And lehu slept with his fa-
here with you none of the seruants of thers , and they buried him in Sama-
the L O R D , but the worshippers of ria, and lehoahaz his sonne reigned in
Baal onely. bis stead,
36 And
Athaliahs crueltie: II.Kings. Shee is flaine.
Heb. the 36 And tthe time that lehu reigned lehoiada the Priest commanded: and
dayes were.
ouer Israel in Samaria, was twentie they tooke euery man his men that
and eight yeeres. were to come in on the Sabbath, with
;hem that should goe out on the Sab-
>ath, and came to lehoiada the Priest.
C H A P XL 10 And to the captaines ouer hun-
1 lehoash, being saued by lehosheba his aunt dreds, did the Priest giue king Dauids
from Athalians massacre of the seed royall, speares and shields, that were in the
is hid sixe yeeres in the house of God. 4 le- Temple.
hoiada giuing order to the captaines, in the 11 And the guard stood, euery man
seuenth yeere anointeth him King. 13 A-
thaliah is slaine. 17 lehoiada restoreth the with his weapons in his hand, round
worship of God. about the king, from the right tcorner 1 Heb. shud-
of the Temple, to the left corner of the der.

* 2. Chron.
22. 10.
Nd when * Athaliah the Temple, along by the Altar and the
mother of Ahaziah sawe Temple.
that her sonne was dead, 12 And he brought foorth the kings
she arose, and destroyed all sonne, and put the crowne vpon him,
Heb. seede
of the king- the tseed royall andgaue him the Testimonie, and they
'ome. 2 But lehosheba the daughter of made him King, and anointed him, and
dng loram, sister of Ahaziah, tooke they clapt their hands, and said, tGod theHeb. let
[oash the sonne of Ahaziah, and stale saue the King. iue.
lim from among the Kings sonnes 13 IT And when Athaliah heard the
which were slaine, and they hid him, noise of the guard, and of the people, she
euen him and his nurse in the bed-cham- came to the people, into the Temple of
)er from Athaliah, so that he was not the LORD.
slaine. 14 And when shee looked, behold,
3 And he was with her hidde in the the king stood by a pillar, as the maner
House of the LORD, sixe yeeres : and was, and the Princes, and the trumpet-
Athaliah did reigne oner the land. ters by the King, and all the people of
* 2, Chron* 4} IT And * the seuenth yeere leho- the land reioyced, and blew with trum-
23. 1.
iada sent and fet the rulers ouer hun- pets: and Athaliah rent her clothes,
dreds, with the captains, and the guard, and cryed, Treason, treason.
and brought them to him into the house 15 But lehoiada the Priest com-
of the L O R D , and made a couenant manded the captaines of the hundreds,
with them, and tooke an othe of them the officers of the hoste, and sayde vnto
in the house of the LORD, and shewed them, Haue her foorth without the
them the Kings sonne. ranges; and him that followeth her,
5 And he commanded them, saying, kill with the sword : for the Priest had
This is the thing that yee shall doe; A sayd, Let her not be slaine in the house
third part of you that enter in on the of the LORD.
Sabbath, shall euen be keepers of the 16 And they laid hands on her, and
watch of the kings house: she went by the way, by the which the
6 And a third part shall be at the gate horses came into the kings house, and
of Sur, and a third part at the gate be- there was she slaine.
hinde the guard : so shall yee keepe the 17 IF And lehoiada made a coue-
I Or, from watch of the house, ||that not bro- nant betweene the L O R D and the
breaking vp.
ken downe. king, and the people, that they should
II Or, compa- 7 And two ||parts of all you, that be the L O R D S people; betweene the
nies* Heb.
hands. goe foorth on the Sabbath, eiien they king also and the people.
shall keepe the watch of the house of the 18 And all the people of the land went
LORD about the King. into the house of Baal, and brake it
8 And yee shall compasse the King down, his altars, and his images brake
round about, euery man with his wea- they in pieces throughly, and slew Mat-
pons in his hand : and he that commeth tan the priest of Baal before the altars:
within the ranges, let him bee slaine: and the Priest appointed t officers ouei \Heb.offices
and be yee with the king, as hee goeth the house of the LORD
out, and as he commeth in. 19 And hee tooke the rulers ouei
9 And the caj>taines ouer the hun- hundreds, and the captaines, and the
dreds did according to all things that guard, and all the people of the land.
Prouifion for Chap.xij. the Temple.
and they brought downe the king from 9 But lehoiada the priest tooke a
the house of the LORD, and came by chest, and bored a hole in thelid of it, and
he way of the gate of the guard, to the set it beside the Altar, on the right side,
kings house, and he sate on the throne of as one commeth into the house of the
the kings. LORD, and the priests that kept the
£0 And all the people of the land re- tdoore, put therein all the money that t Heb. thre-
ioyced, and the citie was in quiet , and was brought into the house of the shQld.
they slew Athaliah with the sword, be- LORD.
side the kings house. 10 And it was so when they saw that
21 Seuen yeeres old was lehoash there was much money in the chest, that
when he began to reigne. the kings || scribe, and the high priest Or, secre-
came vp, and they tput vp in bags and tarie. t Heb. bound
told the money that was found in the vp.
CHAP. XII. bouse of the LORD.
1 lehoash reigneth well all the dayes of leho- 11 And they gaue the money, being
iada. 4- Hee giueth order for the repaire of told, into the handes of them that did
the Temple. 17 Hazaelis diuertedfrom Jeru- the worke, that had the ouersight of the
salem by a present of the halowed treasures.
19 lehoash being slaine by his seruants4 A- bouse of the LORD : and they tlaid it t ffebr. t
Brought it
maziah succeedeth him out to the carpenters and builders, that foort/i.
wrought vpon the house of the LORD,

* 2. Chron. N *the seaenth yeere of 12 And to Masons, and hewers of
24. I.
lehu, lehoash began to stone, and to buy timber, and hewed
reigne, and fourtie yeeres stone to repaire the breaches of the
reigned he in lerusalem, house of the LORD, and for all that
and his mothers name twas laid out for the house to repaire it. forth.
!• Heb. went
was Zibiah of Beersheba. 13 Howbeit, there were not made for
2 And lehoash did that which was the house of the LORD, bowles of sil-
right in the sight of the LORD all his tier, snuffers, basons, trumpets, any
dayes, wherein lehoiada the Priest in- vessels of gold, or vessels of siluer, of
structed him, the money that was brought into the
3 But the high places were not ta- house of the LORD :
ken away: the people still sacrificed, and 14 But they gaue that to the worke-
burnt incense in the high places. > men, and repaired therewith the house
4 f And lehoash said to the priests, of the LORD.
I Or, holy
things. Heb.
All the money of the || dedicated things 15 Moreouer, they reckned not with
holincsses. that is brought into the house of the the men, into whose hand they deliue-
L O R D , euen the money of euery one red the money to be bestowed on work-
\ Heb. the thatpasseth the account, t the money that men : for they dealt faithfully.
money of the
soules of his euery man is set at, and all the money 16 The trespasse money, and sinne-
estimation. that tcommeth into any mans heart, to money was not brought into the house
t Heb.ascen-
deth vpon bring into the house of the LORD, of the LORD : it was the Priests.
the heart of 5 Let the priests take it to them, e-
a man. 17 II Then Hazael king of Syria
uery man of his acquaintance, and let went vp, and fought against Gath, and
them repaire the breaches of the house, tooke it: and Hazael set his face to goe
wheresoeuer any breach shalbe found. vp to lerusalem.
t Heb. in the 6 But it was so that tin the three and 18 And lehoash king of ludah
yeerei and twentieth yeere of king lehoash, the tooke all the hallowed things that le-
third yeere.
priests had not repaired the breaches ol hoshaphat, and lehoram, and Ahazi-
the house. ah his fathers, kings of ludah had de-
7 Then king lehoash called for dicate , and his owne hallowed things,
lehoiada the priest, and the other and all the gold that was found in the
priests, and saide vnto them, Why re- treasures of the house of the L O R D ,
paire ye not the breaches of the house ? and in the kings house, and sent it to
now therefore receiue no more money Hazael king of Syria, and hee twent \ Heb. went
of your acquaintance, but deliuer it for away from lerusalem.
the breaches of the house. 19 f And the rest of the actes of le-
8 And the priests consented to receiue hoash, and all that he did, are they not
no more money of the people, neither to written in the booke of the Chronicles
repaire the breaches of the house. of the kings of ludah ?
20 And
lehoaih flaine. II.Kings. Eliftia ficke.
20 And his seruants arose, and ed them, and had made them like the
made a conspiracie, and slew lehoash dust by threshing.
! Or, Beth. in ||the house of Millo, which goeth 8 f Nowe the rest of the actes of
downe to Silla. lehoahaz, and all that he did, an'd his
21 For lozachar the sonne of Shi- might, are they not written in the
meath, and lehozabad the sonne of booke of the Chronicles of the kings of
Shomer, his seruants, smote *him, and Israel ?
he died; and they buried him with his 9 And lehoahaz slept with his fa-
fathers in the citie of Dauid, and Ama- thers , and they buried him in Sama-
ziah his sonne reigned in his stead. ria, and loash his sonne reigned in his
10 IF In the thirty and seuenth yeere
C H AP. XIII of loash king of ludah, beganne le-
hoash the sonne of lehoahaz to reignje
1 lehoahaz his wicked reigne. 3 lehoahaz ouer Israel in Samaria, and reigned
oppressed by Hazael, is relieued by prayer.
8 loash succeedeth him. 10 His wicked sixteene yeeres.
reigne. 12 leroboam succeedeth him. 14 11 And hee did that which was euill in
Elisha dying prophecieth to loash three the sight of the LORD ; hee departed
victories ouer the Syrians. 20 The Moa- not from all the sinnes of leroboam
bitesinuading the land, Elishas bones raise vp
a dead man. 22 Hazael dying, loash get- the sonne of Nebat, who made Israel
teth three victories ouer Benhadad. sinne : but hee walked therein.
12 And the rest of the actes of loash,

t Heb. in the N tthe three and twenti- and all that hee did, and his might,
yeere and eth yeere of loash the wherewith hee fought against Ama-
third yeere. sonne of Ahaziah king of ziah king of ludah, are they not writ-
ludah , lehoahaz the ten in the booke of the chronicles of the
sonne of lehu beganne to kings of Israel ?
reigne ouer Israel in Samaria, and 13 And loash slept with his fathers,
reigned seuenteene veeres. and leroboam sate vpon his throne :
2 And hee did that which was euill in and loash was buried in Samaria
t Heb. wal- the sight of the LORD, and ^followed with the kings of Israel.
ked after.
the sinnes of leroboam the sonne of 14 1F Nowe Elisha was fallen
Nebat, which made Israel to sinne, he sicke, of his sicknesse whereof he died,
departed not there from. and loash the king of Israel came
3 f And the anger of the L O R D downe vnto him , and wept ouer his
was kindled against Israel, and hee de- face, and said, O my father, my father,
liuered them into the hand of Hazael the charet of Israel, and the horsemen
king of Syria, and into the hand of thereof.
Benhadad the sonne of Hazael, all their 15 And Elisha said vnto him, Take
clayes bowe and arrowes. And he tooke vnto
4- And lehoahaz besought the him bowe and arrowes.
L O U D , and the L O R D hearkened 16 And he said to the king of Israel,
vnto him : for hee saw the oppression of tPut thine hand vpon the bowe. And t Heb. make
Israel, because the king of Syria op- he put his hand vpon it: and Elisha put thine hand
to ride.
pressed them. his hands vpon the kings hands.
5 (And the L O R D gaue Israel a 37 And he sayd, Open the window
sauiour, so that they went out from vn- Eastward. And hee opened it. Then
der the hand of the Syrians: and the Elisha sayd, Shoote. And he shot. And
children of Israel dwelt in their tents he said; The arrowe of the L O R D S
t Heb. as
tas before-time. deliuerance, and the arrowe of deliue-
and third 6 Neuerthelesse, they departed not rance from Syria : for thou shalt smite
day. from the sinnes of the house of lerobo- the Syrians in Aphek, till thou haue
t Heb. hee am, who made Israel sinne, but + wal- consumed them.
walked. ked therein : and there tremained the 18 And he sayd, Take the arrowes.
t Heb. stood.
groue also in Samaria.) And he tooke them. And hee said vnto
7 Neither did he leaue of the people the king of Israel, -Smite vpon the
to lehoahaz, but fiftie horsemen, and ground. Andhesmotethrise,andstayed.
tenne charets, and tenne thousand foot- 19 And the man of God was wroth
men : for the king of Syria had destroy- with him, and saide, Thou shouldest
Elifha dieth. Chap.xiiij. Amaziah taken.
haue smitten fiue orsixe times, then had- 4 Howbeit, the high places were
dest thou smitten Syria till thou had- not taken away : as yet the people did
dest consumed it : whereas now thou sacrifice, and burnt incense on the high
shalt smite Syria but thrice. places.
20 f And Elisha died, and they bu- 5 IF And it came to passe assoone as
ried him : And the bands of the Moa- the kingdome was confirmed in his
bites inuaded the land at the comming hand, that he slew his seruants * which * Chap. 12.
in of the yeere. had slaine the king his father.
2^1 And it came to passe as they were 6 But the children of the murderers
burying a man, that behold, they spyed he slew not, according vnto that which
abandr/Vnm, and they cast the man into is written in the booke of the Law of
the sepulchre of Elisha: and when the Moses, wherein the L O R D com-
t Heb. went man twas let downe, and touched the manded, saying, #The fathers shal not * Deut. 24.
downe. bones of Elisha, *he reuiued, and stood be put to death for the children, nor the 16. ezik.
* Ecclus. 18. 20.
48. 14. vp on his feete. children be put to death for the fathers:
22 f But Hazael king of Syria, op- but euery man shall be put, to death for
pressed Israel all the dayes of lehoa- his owne sinne.
haz. 7 He slew of Edom in the valley of
23 And the L O R D was gracious salt, ten thousand, and tooke ||Selah K0r,(he
vnto them , and had compassion on by warre, and called the name of it, rocfee.
them, and had respect vnto them, be- loktheel, vnto this day.
cause of his couenant with Abraham, 8 II Then Amaziah sent messen-
Isaac, and lacob, and would not de- gers to lehoash the sonne of lehoa-
stroy them, neither cast hee them from haz sonne of lehu king of Israel, say-
* Heb. face. his t presence as yet. ing, Come, let vs looke one another in
24 So Hazael the king of Syria dy- the face.
ed, and Benhadad his sonne reigned 9 And lehoash the king of Israel
in his stead. sent to Amaziah king of ludah, saying,
25 And lehoash the sonne of leho- The thistle that was in Lebanon, sent to
WIeb. re- ahaz t tooke againe out of the hand of the Cedar that was in Lebanon, saying,
turned and
tooke. Benhadad the sonne of Hazael, the ci- Giue thy daughter to my sonne to wife.
ties which he had taken out of the hand And there passed by a wilde beast that
of lehoahaz his father, by warre: was in Lebanon, and trode downe the
three times did loash beat him, and re- thistle.
couered the cities of Israel. 10 Thou hast indeed smitten Edom,
and thine heart hath lifted thee vp : glo-
ry ofthiSy and tary tat home : for why Ao«se.
C H A R XIIII. shouldest thou meddle to thy hurt, that
1 Amaziah his good reigne. 5 His iustice on thou shouldest fall, euen thou, and lu-
the murderers of his father. 7 His victory dah with thee ?
ouer Edom. 8 Amaziah prouoking leho-
ash, is ouercome and spoiled. 15 Jeroboam 11 But Amaziah would not heare :
succeedcth lehoash. 17 Amaziah slaine by therefore lehoash king of Israel went
a conspiracie. 21 Azariah succeedeth him. vp, and hee, and Amaziah king of lu-
23 leroboams wicked reigne. 28 Zacha- dah, looked one another in the face at
riah succeedeth him. Bethshemesh, which belongeth to lu-
N the second yeere of lo- dah.

I ash sonne of lehoahaz 12 And ludah twas put to the smitten. t Heb. was
* 2. Chron. king of Israel, reign ed* A- worse before Israel, and they fled euery
25. 1.
maziah the sonne of loash man to their tents.
^^^eh^af&^a^L king of ludah. 13 And lehoash king of Israel tooke
2 Hee was twentie and fiue yeeres Amaziah king of ludah, the sonne of
olde when he began to reigne, and reig- lehoash the sonne of Ahaziah at Beth-
ned twentie and nine yeeres in lerusa- shemesh, and came to lerusalem, and
lem : and his mothers name was leho- brake downe the wall of lerusalem,
addan of lerusalem. from the gate of Ephraim, vnto the cor-
3 And he did that which was right in ner gate, foure hundred cubites.
the sight of the L O R D , yet not like 14 And he tooke all the golde and sil-
Dauid his father : hee did according to uer, and all the vessels that were found
all things as loash his father did. in the house of the LORD, and in the
Amaziah.leroboam. II.Kings. Azariah a leper.
reasures of the kings house, and hosta- 28 IT Now the rest of the actes of
jes, and returned to Samaria. eroboam, and all that he did, and his
15 IT Now the rest of the acts of le- might, how he warred, and how he re-
loash which he did, and his might, and ouered Damascus and Hamath, which
low he fought with Amaziah king of jeloJiged to ludah, for Israel, are they
'udah, are they not written in the not written in the booke of the Chroni-
>ooke of the Chronicles of the kings of cles of the kings of Israel ?
'srael ? 29 And leroboam slept with his
16 And lehoash slept with his fa- athers, euen with the kings of Israel,
hers, and was buried in Samaria, and Zachariah his sonne reigned in
with the kings of Israel, and lerobo- lis stead.
arn his sonne reigned in his stead.
17 H And Amaziah the sonne of lo-
ash king of I udah, liued after the death C H A P . XV.
of lehoash sonne of lehoahaz king of
[srael, fifteene yeeres. 1 Azariah his good reigne. 5 He dying a Le-
18 And the rest of the acts of Amazi- i>er, lotham succeedeth. 8 Zachariah, the
last of lehu his generation, reigning ill, is
ah, are they not written in the booke of slaine by Shallum. 13 Shallum reigning a
the Chronicles of the kings of ludah ? moneth, is slaine by Menahem. 16 Mena-
* 2. Chron. 19 Now *they made a conspiracie a- hem strengthened himselfe by Pul. 21 Pe-
25. 27.
rainst him in lerusalem: and he fled to kahiah succeedeth him. 23 Pekahiah is
slaine by Pekah. 27 Pekah is oppressed by
Lachish, but they sent after him to La- Tiglath Pileser, and slaine by Hoshea. 32 lo-
chish, and slew him there. tham s good reigne. 36 Ahaz succeedeth him.
20 And they brought him on horses,

and he was buried at lerusalem with N the twenty and seuenth
tris fathers, in the city of Dauid. yeere of leroboam king
21 If And all the people of ludah of Israel, began Azariah
* 2. Chron. tooke * Azariah (which wets sixteene sonne of Amaziah king of
26. l. He is
called f'z- yeeres old ) and made him king in steac ludah to reigne.
xiak. of his father Amaziah. * bixteene yeeres old was he when
22 He built Elath, and restored it to he began to reigne, and he reigned two
ludah, after that the king slept with aud fifty yeeres in lerusalem : and his
his fathers. mothers name was lecholiah of le-
23 U In the fifteenth yeere of Ama- rusalem.
ziah the sonne of loash king of ludah, 3 And he did that which was right in
leroboam the sonne of loash king o' the sight of the L O R D , according to
Israel began to raigne in Samaria, all that his father Amaziah had done;
and raigned forty and one yeeres: 4? Saue that the high places were
24 And hee did that which was euil not remoued : the people sacrificed, anc
in the sight of the L O R D • hee depar- burnt incense still on the high places.
ted not from all the sinnes of lerobo- 5 H And the L O R D smote the
am the sonne of Nebat, who made Is- king, so that hee was a Leper vnto the
rael to sinne. day of his death, and dwelt in a seueral
25 Hee restored the coast of Israel, house, and lotham the kings sonne
from the entring of Hamath, vnto the was ouer the house, iudging the people
sea of the plaine, according to the wore of the land.
of the L O R D God of Israel, which 6 And the rest of the actes of Aza-
* Mfttth. 12 , he spake by the hand of his seruant *Io- riah, and all that hee did, are they not
39, 40. cal- written in the booke of the Chronicles
led lonats. nah, the sonne of Amittai the Prophet,
which was of Gath Hepher. of the kings of ludah ?
26 For the L O R D saw the afflic- 7 So Azariah slept with his fa-
tion of Israel, that it was very bitter: for thers, and they buried him with his fa-
there was not any shut vp, nor any left, thers in the city of Dauid, and lotham
nor any helper for Israel. his sonne reigned in his stead.
27 And the L O R D said not, tha 8 H In the thirty and eight yeere
hee would blot out the name of Israe of Azariah king of ludah, did Zacha-
from vnder heauen : but he saued them riah the sonne of leroboam reigne o-
by the hand of leroboam the sonne o uer Israel in Samaria sixe moneths.
loash. 9 And hee did that which was euil in
Shallum.Menahem. Chap.xv. Pekahiah.Pekah.
the sight of the LORD, as his fathers nahem, and all that he did, are they not
lad done : he departed not from the written in the booke of the Chronicles
sinnes of leroboam the sonne of Ne- of the kings of Israel ?
mt, who made Israel to shine. 22 And Menahem slept with his fa-
10 And Shallum the sonne of la- thers, and Pekahiah his sonne reigned
>esh, conspired against him, and smote in his stead.
lim before the people , and slewe him, 23 U In the fiftieth yere of Azariah
and reigned in his stead. king of ludah, Pekahiah the sonne of
11 And the rest of the actes of Zacha- Menahem began to reigne ouer Israel
riah, beholde, they are written in the in Samaria, and reigned two yeeres.
30oke of the chronicles of the kings of 24 And he did that which was euill in
Israel. the sight of the LORD, hee departed
* Chap. jo. 12 This was *the word of the LORD not from the sinnes of leroboam the
which he spake vnto lehu, saying, Thy sonne of Nebat, who made Israel to
sonnes shall sit on the throne of Israel, sinne.
vnto the fourth generation. And so it 25 But Pekah the sonne of Rema-
came to passe. liah, a captaine of his, conspired against
13 f Shallum the sonne of labesh him, and smote him in Samaria, in the
began to reigne in the nine and thir- palace of the kings house, with Ar-
*Matth. 1. tieth yeere of* Vzziah kingofludah, gob, and Arieh, and with him fiftie men
9. called O-
zias. and he reigned ta full moneth in Sa- of the Gileadites : and hee killed him,
moneth of
maria. and reigned in his roume.
dayes. 14 For Menahem the sonne of Gadi, 26 And the rest of the actes of Peka-
went vp from Tirzah, and came to Sa- hiah, and all that he did, beholde, they
maria, and smote Shallum the sonne are written in the booke of the chroni-
of labesh, in Samaria, and slew him, cles of the kings of Israel.
and reigned in his stead. 27 U In the two and fiftieth yeere
15 And the rest of the actes of Shal- of Azariah king of ludah, Pekah the
lum, and the conspiracy which he made, sonne of Remaliah began to reigne o-
behold, they are written in the booke of uer Israel in Samaria, and reigned
the chronicles of the kings of Israel. twentie yeeres.
16 iTThen Menahem smote Tiph- 28 And he did that which was euill in
sah, and all that retfr£Jtherein, and the the sight of the LORD, hee departed
coasts thereof from Tirzah : because not from the sinnes of leroboam the
they opened not to him, therfore he smote sonne of Nebat, who made Israel to
it, and all the women therein that were sinne.
with child, he ript vp. 29 In the dayes of Pekah king of
17 In the nine and thirtieth yeere of Israel, came Tiglath Pileser king of
Azariah king of ludah, began Mena- Assyria, and tooke lion, and Abel-
hem the sonne of Gadi to reigne ouer Beth - maachah, and lanoah, and Ke-
Israel, and reigned tenne yeres in Sa- desh, and Hazor, and Gilead, and Gali-
maria. lee, all the land of Naphtali, and caried
18 And he did that which was euill in them captiue to Assyria.
the sight of the L O R D : hee departed 30 And Hoshea the sonne of Elah,
not all his dayes from the sinnes of le- made a conspiracie against Pekah the
roboam the sonne of Nebat, who made sonne of Remaliah, and smote him, and
Israel to sinne. slew him, and reigned in his stead, in the
* i. Chron.
s< 26.
19 *AndPul the king of Assyria came twentieth yeere of lotham the sonne
against the land: and Menahem gaue of Vzziah.
Pul a thousand talents of siluer, that 31 And the rest of the actes of Pekah,
his hand might be with him, to confirm and all that he did, behold, they are
the kingdome in his hand. written in the booke of the Chronicles
t Heb. cau-
sed to come
20 And Menahem t exacted the mo- of the kings of Israel.
forth. ny of Israel, euen of all the mightie men 32 IF * In the second yeere of Pekah * 2. Chron.
of wealth, of each man fiftie shekels the sonne of Remaliah king of Israel, 27. 1.
of siluer, to giue to the king of Assyria: began lotham the sonne of Vzziah
so the king of Assyria turned backe, and king of ludah to reigne.
stayed not there in the land. 33 Fiue and twentie yeeres olde was
21 11 And the rest of the acts of Me- he when he began to reigne, and hee
[othams death. 11. Kings. Ahaz his idolatrie.
reigned sixteene yeeres in ierusaiem : o At that time Rezin king of Syria,
and his mothers name was lerusha, recouered Elath to Syria, & draue the
the daughter of Zadok. 'ewes from Elath ; and the Syrians
34 And he did that which was right in came to Elath, and dwelt there vnto
the sight of the L O R D : hee did accor- his day.
ling to all that his father Vzziah had 7 So Ahaz sent messengers to Tig-
lone. lath Pileser king of Assyria, saying, I
35 f Howbeit, the high places were am thy seruant, and thy sonne: come vp,
not remoued • the people sacrificed and and saue me out of the hand of the king
mrnt incense still in the high places: He of Syria, and out of the hand of the king
milt the higher gate of the house of the of Israel, which rise vp against me.
L.ORD 8 And Ahaz tooke the siluer and
36 H Now the rest of the actes of Told that was found in the house of the
lotham, and all that hee did, are they L O R D , and in the treasures of the
not written in the booke of the Chroni- cings house, and sent it for a present to
cles of the kings of ludah ? the king of Assyria.
37 (In those dayes the L O R D be- 9 And the king of Assyria hearkened
ran to send against ludah, Ilezin the vnto him : for the king of Assyria went
dng of Syria, and Pekah the sonne of vp against Damascus, and tooke it, and
Elemaliah) caried the people of it captiue to Kir, and
38 And lotham slept with his fa- slew Rezin
thers, and was buried with his fathers 10 f And King Ahaz went to t Da- mesek. t Heb. Dam.
n the citie of Dauid his father, and A- mascus, to meete Tiglath Pileser king
laz his sonne reigned in his stead. of Assyria, and saw an altar that was at
Damascus : and king Ahaz sent to Vri-
iah the Priest the fashion of the altar,
CHAP XVI. and the paterne of it, according to all the
I Ahaz his wicked reigne. 5 Ahaz assailed by workemanship thereof.
Rezin and Pekah, .hireth Tiglath Pileser a- 11 And Vriiah the Priest built an al-
gainst them. 10 Ahaz sending a paterne of tar: according to all that king Ahaz had
an Altar from Damascus to Vrijah, diuerteth sent from Damascus, so Vriiah the
the brasen Altar to his owne deuotion. 17
Hee spoileth the Temple. 19 Hezekiah Priest made it, against king Ahaz came
succeedeth him. from Damascus.
1£ And when the king was come
* 3. Chron. N * the seuenteenth yeere From Damascus, the King saw the al-

28. 1.
of Pekah the sonne of Re- tar : and the King approched to the al-
maliah, Ahaz the sonne oj tar, and offered thereon.
lotham King of ludah 13 And he burnt his burnt offering,
began to reigne. and his meate offering, and powred his
% Twentie yeeres olde was Ahaz drinke offering, and sprinkled the blood
when hee began to reigne, and reigneci of this peace offerings vpon the altar. t Heb. which
sixteene yeeres in Ierusaiem, and die 14 And hee brought also the brasen were his.
not that which was right in the sight oi altar which was before the LORD,
the L O R D his God, like Dauid his from the forefront of the house, from
father. betweene the altar and the house of the
3 But hee walked in the way of the L O U D , and put it on the North side
kings of Israel, yea & made his sonne of the altar.
to passe through the fire, according to 15 And king Ahaz commanded V-
the abominations of the heathen, riiah the Priest, saying, Vpon the great
whom the LORD cast out from before altar, burne the morning burnt offe-
the children of Israel. ring, and the euening meate offering,
4 And hee sacrificed and burnt in- and the Kings burnt sacrifice, and his
cense in the high places, and on the hils, meate offering, with the burnt offe-
and vnder euery greene tree. ring of all the people of the land, anc
*Isa7. l. 5 II * Then Rezin king of Syria, anc their meate offering, and their drinke
Pekah sonne of Remaliah king of Is- offerings, and sprinkle vpon it all the
rael, came vp to Ierusaiem to warre: blood of the burnt offering, and all the
and they besieged Ahaz, but could not blood of the sacrifice: and the brasen al-
ouercome him. tar shall be for me to enquire by.
16 Thus
Ahaz dieth. Chap.xvij. Ifraels captiuitie.
16 Thus did Vriiah the Priest, ac- 7 For so it was, that the children of
cording to all that king Ahaz com- Israel had sinned against the L O R D
maunded. their God, which had brought them vp
17 H And king Ahaz cut off the bor- out of the land of Egypt, from vnder
ders of the bases, and remooued the la- the hand of Pharaoh king of Egypt,
uer from off them , and tooke clowne and had feared other gods,
the sea from off the brasen oxen that 8 And walked in the statutes of the
were vnder it, and put it vpon a paue- heathen, (whom the L O R D cast out
ment of stones: from before the children of Israel) and
18 And the couert for the Sabbath of the kings of Israel, which they had
that they had built in the house, and made.
the kings entry without, turned hee 9 And the children of Israel did se-
from the house of the L O R D , for the cretly those things that were not right,
king of Assyria. against the L O R D their God : and
19 H Now the rest of the actes of A- they built them high places in all their
haz, which he did, are they not written cities, from the tower of the watch-
in the booke of the Chronicles of the men, to the fenced city.
kings of ludah ? 10 And they set them vp t images, t Heb. sta-
20 And Ahaz slept with his fathers, and groues in euery high hill, and vn- tues.
and was buried with his fathers in the der euery greene tree.
city of Dauid, and Hezekiah his sonne 11 And there they burnt incense in all
reigned in his stead. the high places, as did the heathen
whom the L O R D caried away before
C H A P . XVII. them, and wrought wicked things to
prouoke the LORD to anger.
1 Hoshea his wicked reigne. 3 Being sub-
dued by Shalmaneser, hee conspireth against 12 For they serued idoles, whereof
him with So King of Egypt. 5 Samaria for the L O R D had said vnto them, * Yee * Deut. 4.
their sinnes, is captiuated. 24 The strange shall not doe this thing. 19.
nations, which were transplanted in Samaria, 13 Yet the L O R D testified against
beeing plagued with Lions, make a mix-
ture of Religions. Israel, and against ludah, tby all the WIeb.bythe
Prophets, and by all the Seers, saying, hand of all.

N the twelfth yeere of A- *Turne ye from your euill wayes, and II. * lerem. 10.
and 25.
haz, king ofludah, began keepe my commandements, and my sta- 5. & 35. 15.
Hoshea the sonne of Elah tutes, according to all the law which I
to reigne in Samaria, o- commanded your fathers, and which
<zKZ&'efa «&» laSfoxrdxL uer Israel nine yeeres. I sent to you by my seruants the Pro-
2 And hee did that wmcfi was euill in phets.
the sight of the LOUD, but not as the 14« Notwithstanding, they would
kings of Israel that were before him. not heare, but * hardened their neckes,
3 1f Against him came vp Shalmar like to the necke of their fathers, that
neser king of Assyria, and Hoshea be- did not beleeue in the L O R D their
t Heti. rw- came his seruant, and tgaue him || pre- God.
dred. 15 And they reiected his Statutes^
II Or, tribute. sents.
4 Arid the king of Assyria found and his Couenant that hee made with
conspiracie in Hoshea : for hee had sent their fathers, and his Testimonies
messengers to So king of Egypt, and which he testified against them , and
brought no present to the king of Assy- they followed vanitie, and became
ria, as he had done yeei'e by yeere: there- vaine, and went after the heathen that
fore the king of Assyria shut him vp, were round about them ^ concerning
and bound him in prison. whom the L O R D had charged them,
5 H Then tjie king of Assyria came that they should not doe like them.
vp thqrowout all the land, and went vp 16 And they left all the Gommande-
to Samaria, and besieged it three yeres. ments of the L O R D their God, and
* Chap. 10. 6 if *ln the fiinth yeere of Hoshea, *made them molten images, euen two * Exod. 32.
the king of Assyria tooke Samaria, and calues v and made a groue, and worship-
caried Israel away into Assyria, and ped all the hoste of heauen, and serued
placed them in Halah, and in Habor 6y Baal.
the riuer of Gozan, and in the cities of 17 And they caused their sonnes and
the Medes. their daughters to passe through the
Lions in Samaria. II.Kings. Diuers religions.
fire, and vsed dmmation, and mchant- they had caried away from Samaria,
ments, and soldlthemselues to doe euill came and dwelt in Bethel, and taught
in the sight of the LORD, to prouoke them howe they should feare the
him to anger. LORD.
18 Therefore the L O R D was very 29 Howbeit, euery nation made gods
angry with Israel, and remoued them of their owne, and put them in the hou-
out of his sight, there was none left, but ses of the high places which the Sa-
the tribe of ludah onely. maritanes had made, euery nation in
19 Also ludah kept not the Com- their cities wherein they dwelt:
mandements of the LORD their God, 30 And the men of Babylon made
but walked in the Statutes of Israel Succoth-Benoth, and the men of Cuth
which they made. made Nergal, and the men of Hamath
20 And the L O R D reiected all the made A shim a:
seed of Israel, and afflicted them, and 31 Arid the Auites made Nibhaz
deliuered them into the hand of spoi- and , Tartak : and the Sepharuites
lers, vntill he had cast them out of his burnt their children in fire to Adram-
sight. \ \ i melech, and Anammelech, the gods of
21 For he rent Israel from the house Sepharuaim.
of Dauid, and they made leroboam 32 So they feared the L O R D , and
the sonne of Nebat king, and lerobo- made vnto themselues of the lowest of
am draue Israel from following the them priests of the high places, which
LORD, and made them sinne a great sacrificed for them in the houses of the
sinne. f1 high places.
22 For the children of Israel wal- 33 * They feared the LORD, and 5.* Sophan, i.
ked in al the sinnes of leroboam which serued their owne gods, after the ma-
he did, they departed not from them: ner of the nations ||whom they caried caried
II Or, who
23 Vntill the L O R D remoued Is- away from thence. away from
rael out of his sight, as hee had said by 34 Vnto this day they doe after the thence.
all his seruants the Prophets: so was former maners : they feare not the
Israel caried away out of their owne L O R D , neither doe they after their
land to Assyria, vnto this day. Statutes, or after their Ordinances, or
24 U And the King of Assyria after the Law and Commaundement
brought men from Babylon, and from which the L O R D commaunded the
Cuthah, and from Aua, and from Ha- children of lacob, *whom hee named * Gen. 32.
28.1. king.
math, and from Sepharuaim, and pla- Israel, 18.31.
ced them in the cities of Samaria, in 35 With whom the L O R D had
stead of the children of Israel; and they made a Couenant, and charged therti,
possessed Samaria, and dwelt in the ci- saying, * Yee shall not feare other gods, * Iud£. 6.
ties thereof. nor bow your seines to them^nor serue 10.
25 And so it was at the beginning of them, nor sacrifice to them:
their dwelling there, that they feared 36 But the L O R D , who brought
not the L O R D ; therefore the L O R D you vp out of the land of Egypt, with
sent Lions among them, which slew great power, and a stretched out arme,
some of them. him shall ye feare, and him shall ye wor-
26 Wherefore they spake to the king ship, and to him shall ye doe sacrifice.
of Assyria, saying, The nations which 37 And the Statutes, and the Ordi-
thou hast remoued, and placed in the ci- nances, and the Law, and the Com-
ties of Samaria, know not the maner mandement which he wrote for you, ye
of the God of the land: therfore he hath shall obserue to doe for euermore, and
sent Lions among them, and beholde, ye shall not feare other gods:
they slay them, because they know not 38 And the Couenant that I haue
the maner of the God of the land. made with you, ye shall not forget, nei-
27 Then the king of Assyria com- ther shall ye feare other gods.
manded, saying, Carie thither one of the 39 But the L O R D your God yee
priests whom ye brought from thence, shall feare, and he shall deliuer you out
and let them goe and dwell there, and of the hand of all your enemies.
let him teach them the maner of the 40 Howbeit, they did not hearken,
God of the land. ? but they did after their former maner.
28 Then one of the priests whom 41 So these nations feared the
Hezekiah king. Chap.xviij. Samaria taken.
LORD, and serued their grauen ima- king of Israel) Samaria was taken.
ges, both their children, and their chil- 11 And the king of Assyria did carie
drens children: as did their fathers, so away Israel vnto Assyria, and put
doe they vnto this day. them in Halah and in Habor by the riuer
of Gozan, & in the cities of the Medes:
C H A P . XVIII. 12 Because they obeyed not the voice
1 Hezekiah his good reigne. 4 He destroyeth
of the L O R D their God, but trans*
idolatrie, and prospereth. 9 Samaria is cariec gressed his Couenant, and all that Mo-
. captiue for their sins. 13 Sennacherib inua- ses the seruant of the LORD comman-
ding ludah, is pacified hy a tribute. 17 Rab- ded, and would not heare them, nor doe
shakeh sent by Sennacherib againe, reuileth them.
Hezekiah, ana by blasphemous perswasions,
solliciteth the people to reuolt 13 ^f Now *in the fourteenth yeere * 2. Chron.
of king Hezekiah, did t Sennacherib 32.1. esa.

36. i. ecclu.
rik VtSil^lEX^* Ow it came to passe in the king of Assyria come vp against all the 48. 18.
\ Heb. San-
third y ere of Hoshea sonne fenced cities of ludah, and tooke them. hcrti.
of Elah king of Israel, 14 And Hezekiah king of ludah
* 2. Chron. that *Hezekiah the sonne sent to the king of Assyria to Lachish,
28. 27. and of Ahaz kincr of Indah. saying, I haue offended, returne from
29. i. hee
is called E- >e£ran to reigne.
zekias, Mat.
me : that which thou puttest on me, wil
1. 9. 52 Iwentie and hue yeeres old was I beare. And the king of Assyria ap-
he when hee began to reigne, and hee pointed vnto Hezekiah king of ludah,
reigned twentie and nine yeeres in le- three hundred talents of siluer, and
rusalem: His mothers name also wtu thirtie talents of gold.
Abi, the daughter of Zachariah. 15 And Hezekiah gaue Mm all the sil-
3 And he did that which Was right in uer that was found in the house of the
the sight of the LORD, according to LORD, and in the treasures of the
all that Dauid his father did. kings house.
4 IT He remooued the high places, 16 At that time did Hezekiah cut off
t Heb. sta« and brake the timages, and cut downe the gold from the doores of the temple of
tues. the groues, and brake in pieces the * bra- :he LORD, and from the pillars which
* Numb.
21, 8. sen serpent that Moses had made: for Hezekiah king of ludah had ouerlaid,
vnto those dayes the children of Israel and gaue tit to the king of Assyria. 1 Heb. them.
did burne incense to it: and he called it 17 1T And the king of Assyria sent
Nehushtan. Tartan and Rabsaris, and Rabsha-
5 He trusted in the LORD God of ceh , from Lachish to king Hezekiah,
Israel, so that after him was none like with a t great hoste against lerusalem: \Heb.heauy
him among all the kings of ludah, nor and they went vp, and came to lerusa-
any that were before him. em • and when they were come vp, they
6 For he claue to the LORD, and came and stood by the conduit of the vp-
t Heb.from departed not tfrom following him, but jer poole, which i$ in the high way of
after him. kept his commandements, which the the fullers field.
L O R D commanded Moses. 18 And when they had called to the
7 And the LORD was with him, cing, there came out to them Eliakim
and hee prospered whithersoeuer hee the sonne of Helkiah, which was ouer
went forth: and he rebelled Against the the houshold, and Shebna the || Scribe, Or, arie.
dng of Assyria, and serued him not. and loah the sonne of Asaph the Re-
8 He smote the Philistines euen vn- corder.
MIeb.Az- to t Gaza, and the borders thereof, from 19 And Rabshakeh said vnto them,
the towre of the watchmen to the fenced Speake yee now to Hezekiah, Thus
Cities. saith the great king, the king of Assyria,
*Cha,i7.3 9 1F And *it came to passe in the What confidence is this wherein thou
fourth yeere of king Hezekiah, ( which trustest ?
was the seuenth yeere of Hoshea, sonne 20 Thou ||sayest, ( but they are bid Or, talked.
Heb. word
of Elah king of Israel) that Shalma- hvaine words ) ||7 haue counsell and fthe lips.
neser king of Assyria came vp against strength for the warre: now on whom ounsell and
Samaria, and besieged it. doest thou trust, that thou rebellest a- trength are
for the war.
10 And at the end of three yeeres they jainst me ?
tookeit: eueninihe sixtyeereofHezeki- 21 Now behold, thou t trustest vpon Heb. tru.
test thee.
* Cba. 17- 6 ah (that is * the ninth yeere of Hoshea ;he staffe of this bruised reed, euen vpon
Egyp >
Rabfhakehs outrage, ILKings. and blafphemie.
Egypt, on which if a man leane, it will way to a land like your owne land, a
goe into his hand , and pierce it: so is land of corne and wine, a land of bread
Pharaoh king of Egypt vnto all that and vineyards, a land of oile Oliue, and
trust on him. of honie, that yee may Hue, and not die:
88 But if ye say vnto me, We trust in and hearken not vnto Hezekiah, when
the L O R D our God: is not that hee bee ||perswadeth you, saying, The ueth. y Or, deed-
whose high places, and whose altars L O R D will deliuer vs.
Hezeldah hath taken away , and hath 33 Hath any of the gods of the nati-
said to ludah and Jerusalem, Ye shall ons deliuered at all his land out of the
worship before this altar in lerusa- hand of the king of Assyria ?
lem ? 34 Where are the gods of Hamath,
23 Now therefore, I pray thee, giue and of Arpad ? where are the gods of
I) 0r, hosta- Upledges to my lord the king of Assyria, Sepharuaim, Hena, and luah? haue
ges. and I will deliuer thee two thousand they deliuered Samaria out of mine
horses, if thou be able on thy part to set hand ?
riders vpon them. 35 Who are they among all the gods
24< How then wilt thou turne away of the countreys, that haue deliuered
the face of one captaine of the least of my their countrey out of mine hand, that
masters seruants, and put thy trust on the LORD should deliuer Jerusalem
Egypt for charets and for horsemen ? out of mine hand ?
§5 Am I now come vp without the 36 But the people helde their peace,
LORD against this place, to destroy and answered him not a word : for the
it? The LORD sayd to me, Goe vp kings commaundement was, saying,
against this land, and destroy it. Answere him not.
26 Then said Eliakim the sonne of 37 Then came Eliakim the sonne of
Hilkiah, and Shebna, and loah, vnto Hilkiah, which was ouer the houshold,
Rabshakeh, Speake, I pray thee, to and Shebna the Scribe, and loah the
thy seruants in the Syrian language, sonne of Asaph the Recorder, to Heze-
(for wee vnderstand it) and talke not kiah with their clothes rent, and tolde
with vs in the lewes language, in the him the words of Rabshakeh.
eares of the people that are on the wall.
27 But Rabshakeh sayd vnto them,
Hath my master sent me to thy master, CHAP. XIX.
and to thee, to speake these wordes?
hath he not sent me to the men which sit 1 Hezekiah mourning, sendeth to Esay to pray
for them. 6 Esay coraforteth them. 8 Sen-
on the wall, that they may eate their nacherib going to encounter Tirhakah, sen-
tHet.the. owne doung, and drinke their towne deth a blasphemous letter to Hezekiah. 14
water of pisse with you ? Hezekiah his prayer. 20 Esay his prophe-
thsirfeetet cie of the pride and destruction of Sennache-
28 Then Rabshakeh stood and cri- rib, and the good of Zion. 35 An Angel
ed with a loude voice in the lewes lan- slayeth the Assyrians. 36 Sennacherib is
guage, and spake, saying, Heare the slame at Nineueh by his owne sonnes.
word of the great king, the king of As-
syria. f Nd * it came to passe when *EsaI.37-i.
29 Thus sayth the king, Let not
Hezekiah deceiue you, for he shall not be
able to deliuer you out of his hand:
30 Neither let Hezekiah make you
King Hezekiah heard it,
that hee rent his clothes,
; and couered himselfe with
: sackecloth , and went into
trust in the LORD, saying, The the house of the LORD.
L O R D will surely deliuer vs, and 2 And nee sent iMiakim, wnicn was
this city shall not bee deliuered into the ouer the houshold, and Shebna the
hand of the king of Assyria. Scribe, and the Elders of the Priests,
31 Hearken not to Hezekiah: 'for thus couered with sackcloth, to Esai the Pro-
II Or, seeks sayth the king of Assyria, || Make an a- phet the sonne of Amoz.
myfauour. 3 And they sayd vnto him, Thus
Heb, make greementvrith me by a present, and come
with me a
blessing. out to me, and then eate yee euery man sayth Hezekiah, This day is a day of
of his owne vine, and euery one of his trouble, and of rebuke, and ||blasphe- cation.
figge tree, and drinke yee euery one the mie : for the children are come to the
I0r,pit. waters of his || cisterne: birth, and there is not strength to bring
32 Vntill I come and take you a- foorth.
4. It
The prayer of Chap.xix. Hezekiah is heard.
4 It may be, the L O R D thy Goc thou hast made heauen and earth.
will heare all the words of Rabshakeh 16 LORD, bow downe thine eare,
whome the king of Assyria his mastei and heare: open, L O R D , thine eyes,
hath sent to reproch the liuing God, anc and see: and heare the words of Sen-
will reprooue the wordes which the nacherib which hath sent him to re-
L O R D thy God hath heard: where- proch the liuing God.
fore lift vp thy prayer for the remnant 17 Of a trueth, LORD, the kings
t Heb. found that are tleft. of Assyria haue destroyed the nations
5 So the eeruants of king Hezekiah and their lands,
came to Isaiah. 18 And haue feast their gods into the Wlehgiuen
* Luke 3. 4. 6 IF And * Isaiah said vnto them,
called JB.
fire: for they were no gods, but the work
saias. Thus shal ye say to your master, Thus of mens hands, wood and stone: ther-
saith the L O R D , Be not afraid of the fore they haue destroyed them.
wordes which thou hast heard, with 19 Now therefore, O LORD OUT
which the seruants of the king of Assy- God, I beseech thee, saue thou vs out oi
ria haue blasphemed me. his hand, that all the kingdoms of the
7 Behold, I will send a blast vpon earth may know, that thou art the
him, and he shall heare a rumour, and LORD God, euen thou onely.
shall returne to his owne land, and I 20 IF Then Isaiah the sonne of A-
will cause him to fall by the sword in his moz sent to Hezekiah, saying, Thus
owne land. saith the LORD God of Israel, That
8 1T So Rabshakeh returned, and which thou hast prayed to mee against
found the king of Assyria warring a- Sennacherib king of Assyria, I haue
gainst Libnah: for hee had heard that heard.
be was departed from Lachish. 21 This is the word that the LORD
9 And when he heard say of Tirha- hath spoken concerning him, The Vir-
kah king of Ethiopia, Behold, hee is gin, the daughter of Zion hath despised
come out to fight against thee: hee sent thee, and laughed thee to scorne, the
messengers againe vnto Hezekiah, say- daughter of lerusalem hath shaken
ing, her head at thee.
10 Thus shall ye speake to* Hezekiah 22 Whome hast thou reproched and
king of ludah, saying, Let not thy blasphemed? and against whome hast
God in whome thou trustest, deceiue thou exalted thy voyce, and lift vp thine
thee, saying, lerusalem shall not be de- eyes on high ? eu&n against the Holy One
liuered into the hande of the king of of Israel.
Assyria. 23 tBy thy messengers thou hast re- Wlekbythe
11 Behold, thou hast heard what proched the Lord, and hast said, With hand of.
the kings of Assyria haue done to all the multitude of my charets, I am
lands, by destroying them vtterly : and come vp to the height of the moun-
shalt thou be deliuered P taines, to the sides of Lebanon, and
12 Haue the gods of the nations deli- will cut downe tthe tall cedar trees t Heb. the
uered them which my fathers haue de- thereof, and the choice firre trees there- talnesse, $c.
stroyed? As Gozan, and Haran, and Re- of: and I will enter into the lodgings
zepn, and the children of Eden which of. his borders, and into the ||forrest of rest
II Or, the for-
and his
were in Thelasar ? his Carmel. fruitfulfieto
13 Where is the? king of Hamath, and 24 I haue digged & drunke strange
the king of Arpad, and the king of the waters, and with the sole of my feete
citie of Sepharuaim, of Hena, and haue I dried vp all the riuers of || besie- U Or, fenced
laah? ged places.
14« 1T And Hezekiah receiued the let- 25 I! Hast thou not heard long agoe, \\ Or, hast
how I haue done it, and of ancient heard thou not
ter of the hand of the messengers, and how
read it: and Hezekiah went vp into the times that I haue formed it ? now haue IIthaue made
long agoe,
house of the LORD, and spread it be- I brought it to passe, that thou shoul-
fore the LORD. dest be to lay waste fenced cities into rui- aa
15 And Hezekiah prayed before the nous heapes. I now bring
LORD, and said, O LORD God of 26 Therefore their Inhabitants wasteland
Israel, which dwellest between the Che- were tof small power, they were dis- fenced toberut-
rubims, thou art the God, euen thou a- nausheapes?
mayed and confounded, they were as the t Heb. short
lone, of all the kingdomes of the earth, grasse of the field, and as the greene of hand.
Sennacherib flaine. II.Kings. Hezekiah licke.
herbej as the grasse on the house tops, Sunne goeth tenne degrees backward, for &
apd as come blasted before it be giwen signe of that promise. 12 Berodach Baladan
vp. sending to visits Hezekiah,, because of the
II07-, sitting. 27 But I know thy ||abode, and wonder, hath notice of his treasures.. 14 Isa-
iah vnderstanding thereof, foretelleth the
thy going out, and thy cojflining in, and Babylonian captiuitie. 20 Manasseh sue-
thy rage against me. pppilptVl HpyplriaVi.
28 Because thy rage against me, and

thy tumult is come vp into mine eares, 3n>
•^•^f^ N those dayes *was Heze- * 2. Chron.
therefore I will put my hooke in thy if! kiah sicke vnto death: and32. 24. isa.
nose, and my bridle in thy lips, and I p I? the Prophet Isaiah the
38. 1.

will turne thee backe by the way by sonne of Amos came to

which thou earnest. *xiiiVj him, and saide vnto him,
39 And this shalbe a signe vnto thee, Thus saith the LORD, tSet thinet Hebr. giue
Yee shall eate this yeere such things as house in order : for thou shalt die, and( charge con-
cerning thine
grow of themselues, and in the second not Hue. hOWS.
yeere that which springeth of the same, 9, Then hee turned his face to the
and in the third yeere sow ye and reape, wall, and prayed vnto the L O R D ,
and plant Vineyards, and eate the saying;
fruits thereof. 3 I beseech thee, O L O R D , re-
t Hebr. the
escaping of
30 And tjhe remnant that is .escaped member now how I haue walked be-
the house oj of the house of ludah, shall yet againe fore thee in trueth , and with a perfect
ludah that heart, and haue done that which is
remaineth. take root downward, and tieare fruit
vpward. good in thy sight: and Hezekiah wept
31 For out of lerusalem shall goe t sore. t Hebr. with
t Hebr. the forth a remnant, and tthey that escape a great wee-
4- And it came to passe afore Isaiahping.
out of mount Zion : the zeale >of the was gone out into the middle ]| court,II Or, city.
LORD of hostes shall doe this. that the word of the L O R D came to
32 Therefore thus saith the L O R D him, saying;
concerning the king of Assyria, He shall 5 Turne againe, and tell Hezekiah
not come into this city, nor shoot an ar- the captaine of my people, Thus saith
row there, nor come before it with the L O R D , the God of Dauid thy fa-
shield, nor cast a banke against it: ther, I haue heard thy prayer, I haue
33 By the way that hee came, by the scene thy teares : behold , I will heale
same shal he returne, and shal not come thee; on the third day thou shalt goe vp
into this city, saith the LORD. vnto the bouse of the LORD. '
34 For I will defend this citie, to 6 And I will adde vnto thy dayes
saue it, for mine owne sake3 and for my fifteene yeeres, and I will deliuer thee,
seruant Dauids sake. and this city, out of the hand of the king
* Isa. 37. 36. 35 1F And * it came to passe that of Assyria, and I will defend this citie
tob. 1.21.
ecclus. 48> night, that the Angel of the LORD for mine owne sake, and for my seruant
24.1. mace. went out, and smote in the campe of the Dauids sake.
macca, 8. Assyrians^ an hundred foure score and 7 And Isaiah said, Take a lumpe
19. fiue thousand: and when they arose of figs. And they tooke and layd it on
earely in the morning, behold, they were the boile, and he recouered. \
all dead corpses. 8 II And Hezekiah said vnto Isa-
36 So Sennacherib king of Assyria iah , What shall bee the signe that the
departed, and went and returned, and LORD wil heale me, and that I shall
dwelt at Nineueh. -, goe vp into the house of the L O R D
37 And it came to passe as hee waa the third day ?
worshipping in the house of Nisroch 9 And. Isaiah said, This signe shalt
his god, that Adramelech, and Share- thou haue of the L O R D , that the
fcer Ins sonnes, smote him with the L O R D will doe the thing that hee
sword: and thej escaped into the land of hath spoken: shall the shadow goe for-
t Kebr. A- t Armenia, and Esarhaddon his sonne ward ten degrees, or *goe backe tenne* Ecclus,
rarat. 49. 24. tea.
reigned in his stead. degrees ? 38.8.
10 And Hezekiah answered, It is a
C H A P . XX. light thing for the shadow to goe downe
1 Hezekiah hairing receiued a message of death, tenne degrees: nay, but let the shadow
by prayer hath bis life lengthned. B The returns backward tenne degrees.
11 And
Hezekiah dieth. Chap.xxj. Manafleh wicked.
11 And Isaiah the Prophet cryed
vnto the L O R D , and he brought the C H A P . *XXI.
shadow tenne degrees backward, by 1 Manasseh his reigne. 3 His great idolatrie.
t Heb, de- which it had gone downe in the tdiall 10 His wickednesse causeth prophecies a*
grees. of Ahaz. gainst ludah. 17 Amon succeedeth him.
19 Amons wicked reigne. 23 Hee being
* Isai. 39.1. 12 IT *At that time BerodachJBa- slaine by his seruants, and those murderers
adan the sonne of Baladan King of slaine by the people, Josiah is made King.
Babylon, sent letters and a present
vnto Hezekiah : for he had heard that Anasseh *was twelue y eres * 2. Chron.
Hezekiah had beene sicke.
13 And Hezekiah hearkened vnto
;hem, and shewed them the house of
0r,jpiojfy. lis || precious things, the siluer, and
the golde, and the spices, and the pre-
m olde when hee beganne to 3d. l.
reigne , and reigned fiftie
and fiue yeeres in leru-
salem : and his mothers
name was Hephzibah.
cious oyntment, and all the house of % And hee did that tvhich was euill in
I Or, iewels. bis || armour, and all that was found the sight of the LORD, after the abo-
Heb. vessels, in his treasures: there was nothing in minations of the heathen, whom the
bis house, nor in all his dominion, that LORD cast out before the children of
Hezekiah shewed them not. Israel.
14* f Then came Isaiah the Pro- 3 For he built vp againe the high pla-
phet vnto King Hezekiah, and sayde ces, * which Hezelciah his father had de- * Cha, 18.4.
vnto him, What sayd these men ? and stroyed , and hee reared vp altars for
from whence came they vnto thee? Baal, and made a groue, as did Ahab
And Hezekiah sayde, They are come dng of Israel, and worshipped all the
from a farre countrey, euen from Ba- loste of heauen, and serued them.
bylon, 4 And *he built altars in the house * lore. 32.
15 And he said, What haue they scene of the LORD, of which the LORD 34.
in thine house ? And Hezekiah answe- sayd, *In Jerusalem will I put my * 2, Sam. 7.
red , All the things that are in mine Name. 13*
house haue they seene : there is nothing 5 And he built altars for all the host
among my treasures, that I haue not of heauen, in the two courts of the house
shewed them. of the LORD.
16 And Isaiah said vnto Hezekiah, 6 And he made his sonne passe tho-
Heare the word of the LORD. row the fire, and obserued times, and
17 Behold, the dayes come, that all vsed enchantments, and dealt with fa-
that is in thine house, and that which miliar spirits, and wizards: he wrought
thy fathers haue layde vp in store vn- much wickednesse in the sight of the
* Chap. 94. to this day, * shall be caried vnto Ba- LORD, to prouoke him to anger.
13. & 26. K
iere. 27.19. bylon : nothing shall be left, sayth the 7 And he set a grauen image of the
LORD. groue that he had made, in the house, of
IS And of thy sonnes that shall issue which the LORD said to Dauid, and
from thee, which thou shalt beget, shall to Solomon his sonne, *In this house * 1. King.
they take away, and they shall bee Eu- and in Jerusalem, which I haue cho- 8. 29. and
9. 3. chap.
nuches in the palace of the king of Ba- sen out of all tribes of Israel, wil I put 23.27.
bylon. my Name for euer:
19 Then said Hezekiah vnto Isaiah, 8 Neither will I make the feete of
Good is the word of the LORD which Israel mooue any more out of the land,
II Or, shall thou hast spoken. And he said, || Is it which I gaue. their fathers : onely if
there not be not good, if peace and trueth be in my
peace and
they will obserue to doe according to all
truethl $c. dayes ? that I haue commanded them, and ac-
20 IF And the rest of the actes of He- cording to all the Law, that my seruant
zekiah, and all his might, and how hee Moses commanded them.
made a poole and a conduit, & brought 9 But they hearkened not : and
water into the city, are they not written Manasseh seduced them to doe more
in the booke of the Chronicles of the euill then did the nations, whome the
Kings of ludah ? L O R D destroyed before the children
21 And Hezekiah slept with his fa- of Israel.
thers , and Manasseh his sonne reig- 10 1T And the L O R D spake by his
ned in his stead, seruants the Prophets, saying,
11 *Be-
Manaffeh dieth. II.Kings. Amon flaine.
* lere. 15.4 11 * Because Manasseh king of lu- 23 f And the seruants of Amon con-
dah hath done these abominations, and spired against him, and slew the king in
bath done wickedly aboue all that the lis owne house.
Amorites did, which were before him, 24 And the people of the land slew
and hath made ludah also to sinne al them that had conspired against king
with his idoles: Amon, and the people of the land made
12 Therefore thus saith the. LORD [osiah his sonne king in his stead.
God of Israel, Behold, I am bringing 25 Now the rest of the acts of Amon,
such euill vpon Jerusalem and ludah, which he did, are they not written in
*. lSam.3. that whosoeuer heareth of it, both *his the booke of the chronicles of the kings
eares $hall tingle. of ludah?
13 And I will stretch ouer Jerusa- 26 And he was buried in his sepul-
lem the line of Samaria, and the plum- chre, in the garden of Vzza, and *Iosi- * Mat. 1.10.
called lo.
met of the house of Ahab: and I will ah his sonne reigned in his stead. slas.
wipe lerusalem as a man wipeth a
wipeth and disk, t wiping it and turning U vpside C H A P . XXII.
turnethit downe.
vpon the
face (hereof. 14 And I will forsake the remnant 1 losiah his good reigne. 3 He taketh care for
of mine inheritance, and deliuer them the repaire of the Temple. 8 Hilkiah ba-
into the hand of their enemies, and they iling found a booke of the Lawe, losiah sen-
deth to Huldah to enquire of the Lord. 15
shall become a pray and a spoile to all Huldah prophesieth destruction of lerusa-
their enemies, lem, but respite thereof in losiahs time.
15 Because they haue done that which
was euill in my sight, and haue prouoked Dsiah *was eight yeeres * 2. Chron.
me to anger since the day their fathers
came forth out of Egypt, euen vnto this
16 Moreouer, Manasseh shed inno-
cent blood very much, till he had filled
i )ld when hee beganne to 34. 1.
•eigne, and hee reigned
;hirtie and one yeeres in
~^™-™-~, Jerusalem : a
thers name was ledidah, the daughter
Wleb.from lerusalem tfrom one end to another, of Adaiah of Boscath.
mouth to
mouth. beside his sinne wherwith he made lu- 2 And he did that which was right in
dah to sinne, in doing that which zeweuill the sight of the LORD, and walked in
in the sight of the LORD. all the wayes of Dauid his father, and
17 1T Now the rest of the actes oi turned not aside to the right hand, or to
Manasseh, and all that he did, and his the left.
sinne that he sinned, are they not writ- 3 1F And it came to passe in the eigh-
ten in the booke of the Chronicles of the teenth yeere of king losiah, that the
kings of ludah ? king sent Shaphan the sonne of Azali-
* 2. Chron. 18 And * Manasseh slept with his fa- ah, the sonne of Meshullam the Scribe
33. 20.
thers, and was buried in the garden oi to the house of the LORD, saying,
his qwne house, in the garden of Vzza: 4 Goe vp to Hilkiah the high priest,
and Amon his sonne reigned in his that he may summe the siluer which is
stead. brought into the house of the LORD,
19 U Amon was twentie and two which the keepers of the tdoore haue \ He*, thre-
yeres old when he began to reigne, and gathered of the people, shold.
he reigned two yeeres in Jerusalem: 5 And let them deliuer it into the
and his mothers name was Meshulle- hand of the doers of the worke, that
meth, the daughter of Haruz of lot- haue the ouersight of the house of the
bah. LORD : and let them giue it to the do-
20 And he did that which was euill in ers of the worke, which is in the house
the sight of the LORD, as his father of the LORD, to repaire the breaches
Manasseh did. of the house,
£1 And he walked in all the wayes 6 Vnto carpenters, and builders,
that his father walked in, and seruec and masons, and to buy timber and
the idoles that his father serued, and hewen stone* to repaire the house.
worshipped them: 7 Howbeit, there was no reckoning
22 And he fofsooke the LORD God made with them , of the money thai
of his fathers, and walked not in the was deliuefred into their hand, because
way of the LORD. they dealt.faithfully.
8 f And
The Law found, Cnap.xxiij. and read openly.
8 1? And Hilkiah the high Priest sent you to enquire of the LORD,
said vnto Shaphan the Scribe, I haue Thus shall yee say to him, Thus saith
found the booke of the Law in the the L O R D God of Israel, as tou-
house of the LORD. And Hilkiah gaue ching the woordes which thou hast
the booke to Shaphan, and he read it. heard:
9 And Shaphan the Scribe came 19 Because thine heart was tender,
to the king, and brought the king word and thou hast humbled thy selfe before
againe, and said, Thy seruants haue the LORD, when thou heardest what
iffebr. mel- tgathered the money that was found I spake against this place, and against
in the house, and haue deliuered it into the inhabitants thereof, that they
the band of them that doe the worke, should become a desolation and a curse,
that haue the ouersight of the house of and hast rent thy cloathes, and wept
the LORD. before me; I also haue heard thecy saith
10 And Shaphan the Scribe shew- the LORD.
ed the king, saying, Hilkiah the Priest 20 Behold therefore, I will gather
hath deliuered mee a booke : and Sha- thee vnto thy fathers, and thou shalt be
phan read it before the king. gathered into thy graue in peace, and
11 And it came to passe when the thine eyes shal not see all the euil which
king had heard the words of the booke I will bring vpon this place. And they
of the Law, that he rent his clothes. brought the king word againe.
12 And the king commanded Hilkiah
the Priest, and Ahikam the sonne of
Shaphan , and Achbor the sonne of
Michaiah, and Shaphan the Scribe, C H A P . XXIII.
and Asahiah a seruant of the Kings, 1 losiah causeth the booke to bee read in a so-
saying, lemne assembly. S He reneweth the Cone-
13 Goe yee, enquire of the LORD nant of the LORD. 4 He destroyeth ido-
for me, and for the people, and for all latry. 15 He burnt dead mens bones vpon
the altar of Bethel, as was foreprophesied. 21
ludah, concerning the wordes of this He kept a most solemne Passeouer. 24- He
booke that is found : for great is the put away witches, and all abomination. 26
wrath of the L O R D that is kindled a- Gods finall wrath against ludah. 29 losiah
gainst vs, because our fathers haue not prouoking Pharaoh Nechoh, is slairie at Me-
giddo. 31 lehoahaz succeeding him, is im-
hearkened vnto the woordes of this prisoned by Pharaoh Nechoh, who made
booke , to doe according vnto all that loiakim king. 36 loiakim his wicked reigne.
which is written concerning vs.
14 So Hilkiah the Priest, and Ahi- Nd *the king sen t,andthey * 2. Chron.
kam, and Achbor, and Shaphan, and
Asahiah, went vnto Huldah the Pro-
phetesse, the wife of Shallum the sonne
0/"Tikuah, the sonne of Harhas, keeper
t Ifebr. gar- of the t wardrobe : now she dwelt in
gathered vnto him all the 34. 30.
Elders of ludah , and of
acSRrfWZZS 2 And
into the house of the L O R D ,
ments. and all the men of ludah, and all the
I Or, in the lerusalem in ||the colledge : And they
second part. communed with her. inhabitants of Jerusalem with him,
15 U And she said vnto them, Thus and the Priestes, and the Prophets,
saith the L O R D God of Israel, Tell and all the people t both small and small Wtebr.from
the man that sent you to me; great: and he read in their eares all the vnto great.
16 Thus saith the LORD, Behold, wordes of the booke of the Couenant
I will bring euill vpon this place, and which was found in the house of the
vpon the inhabitants thereof, euen all LORD
the words of the booke which the king 3 f And the King stood by a pil-
of ludah hath read. lar, and made a Couenant before the
17 Because they haue forsaken me, L O R D , to walke after the L O R D ,
and haue burnt incense vnto other and to keepe his Commaundements,
gods, that they might prouoke mee to and his Testimonies, & his Statutes,
anger with all the woorkes of their with all their heart, and all their soule,to
handes; therefore my wrath shall bee performe the words of this Couenant,
kindled against this place, and shall not that were written in this booke : and
be quenched. all the people stood to the Couenant.
18 But to the king of ludah which 4 And the king commanded Hilkiah
I oil ah s zeale, II. Kings. and reformation:
;he high Priest, and the priests of the se- made in the two courts of the house of
cond order, and the keepers of the doore the LORD, did the king beat downe,
to bring forth out of the Temple of the ind || brake them downe from thence, II Or, ran
LOED all the vessels that were made and cast the dust of them into the brooke front thence.
For Baal, and for the groue, and for all Kidron.
the hoste of heauen : and he burnt them 13 And the high places that were be-
without Jerusalem in the fields of Ki- fore lerusalem, which were on the right
Iron, and caried the ashes of them vnio hand of the || mount of corruption, \\T1wt is, the
Bethel. which * Solomon the king of Israel mount Hues,.
of 0-
tHekcaused 5 And hee tput downe the t idola- had builded for Ashtoreth, the abomi- * I.King.
to cease. 11. 7.
iHeb.Cke- trous priests whome the kings of lu- nation of the Zidonians, and for Che-
marwn. dah had ordeined to burne incense in the mosh the abomination of the Moa-
high places, in the cities of ludah and bites, and for Milchom the abominati-
in the places round about Jerusalem : on of the children of Ammon, did the
them also that burnt incense vnto Ba- king defile.
al, to the Sunne, and to the Moone, 14 And he brake in pieces the t ima- t Hel. sta*
!l Or, twelue and to the || Planets, and to all the hoste ges, and cut downe the groues, and fil- tues.
tignes or eon-
situations. of heauen. led their places with the bones of men.
*Cha.21.7. 6 And he brought out the * groue 15 If Moreouer the altar that was at
from the house of the LORD, with- Bethel, and the high place which lero-
out lerusalem, vnto the brooke Ki- boam the sonne of Nebat, who made
dron, and burnt it at the brooke Ki- Israel to sinne, had made, both that al-
dron, and stampt it small to powder, tar, and the high place he brake downe,
and cast the powder thereof vpon the and burnt the high place, and stampt it
graues of the children of the people. small to powder, and burnt the groue.
7 And he brake downe the houses 16 And as losiah turned himselfe, he
of the Sodomites that were by the house spied the sepulchres that were there in
of the L O R D , where the women the mount, and sent, & tooke the bones
iHeb.houses woue t hangings for the groue. out of the sepulchres, and burnt them
8 And he brought all the priests out vpon the altar, and polluted it, accor-
of the cities of ludah, and defiled the ding to the * word of the LORD which 13.2. * I.King.
high places where the priests had burnt the man of God proclaimed, who pro-
incense, from Geba to Beersheba, and claimed these words.
brake downe the hie places of the gates 17 Then hee said, What title is that
that were in the entring in of the gate that I see ? and the men of the city
of loshua the gouernour of the citie, told him, It is the sepulchre of the man
which were on a mans left hand at the of God, which came from ludah, and
gate of the citie. proclaimed these things that thou hast,
9 Neuerthelesse, the priests of the done against the altar of Bethel.
high places came not vp to the Altar of 18 And he said, Let him alone : let
the LORD in lerusalem, but they did no man moue his bones: so they let his
eate of the vnleauened bread among
bones t alone, with the bones of the escape*
their brethren. Prophet that came out of Samaria.
10 And he defiled Topheth which is 19 And all the houses also of the hie
in the valley of the children of Hinnom, places that were in the cities of Sama-
that no man might make his sonne or ria, which the kings of Israel had made
his daughter to passe through the fire to prouoke the LORD to anger, losiah
to Molech. tooke away, and did to them according
11 And he tooke away the horses that to all the actes that hee had done in
the kings of ludah had giuen to the Bethel.
Sunne, at the entring in of the house oi 20 And he ||slew all the priests of the !! Or sacri-
the L O R D , by the chamber of Na- high places that were there, vpon the ficcd.
II Or, Eu- thanmelech the ((chamberlaine, which altars, and burnt mens bones vpon
nucn, or Of- was in the suburbs, and burnt the cha-
ficer. them, and returned to lerusalem.
rets of the Sunne with fire, 21 If And the King commanded all
12 And the altars that were on the the people saying, *Keepe thePasseo- *2. Ohron.
top of the vpper chamber of Ahaz, uer vnto the L O R D your God, *as it 3d. 1.1.
1.1. esd.
which the kings of ludah had made, is written in this booke of the Coue- dent.*Bxaia. 3
*Cha. 21.5 and the altars which *Manasseh hac 16. 2.
22 Surely
The building Chap.iij. of the Temple.
daughters of Dan, and his father was a twenty: and he ouerlaid it within, with
man of Tyre, skilful! to worke in golde pure gold.
and in siluer, in brasse, in yron, in stone 5 And the greater house hee sielec
and in timber, in purple, in blew, and in with firre tree, which he ouerlaid with
fine linen, and in crimson: also to graue fine gold, and set thereon palme trees
any maner of grauing, and to find out and chaines,
euery deuice which shall be put to him, 6 And he t garnished the house with f Heb. cove-
with thy cunning men, and with the precious stones for beautie, and the gold red.
cunning men of my lord Dauid thy fa- was gold of Paruaim.
ther. 7 Hee ouerlaid also the house, the
15 Now therefore the wheate and beames, the postes and the wals there-
the barley, the oyle and the wine, which of, and the doores thereof with gold,
my lord hath spoken of, let him send and graued Cherubims on the walles.
vnto his seruants: 8 And he made the most holy house,
16 And wee will cut wood out of the length whereof was, according to
\ Lebanon, fas much as thou shalt
cording to
the breadth of the house, twenty cubits,
all thy need. need, and wee will bring it to thee in and the breadth thereof twentie cubits:
\Heb.Iapho\\ flotes by sea to tloppa, and thou shalt and he ouerlaid it with fine gold amoun-
( it vp to Jerusalem. ting to sixe hundred talents.
» As Ver. 3. 17 . 1F * And Solomon numbred all 9 And the weight of the nailes was
t Hebr. the -tthe strangers that were in the lande of fiftie shekels of gold: and he ouerlaide
men the
strangers. Israel, after the numbring wherewith the vpper chambers with gold.
Dauid his father had numbred them: 10 And in the most holy place hee
'< they were found an hundred and made two Cherubims of || image work, somethinke)
1Or, fas
1 thousand, and three thousand and and ouerlaid them with gold. ofmoouea-
! hundred. 11 IF And the wings of the Cheru- >le worke.
* As it is ver. 18 Andheset*threescoreand ten thou- bims were twentie cubites long: one
sand of them to be bearers of burdens, wing of the one Cherub was fiue cubites,
and fourescore thousand to be hewers in reaching to the wall of the house: and
the mountaine, and three thousand and the other wing was likewise fiue cu-
sixe hundred ouerseers to set the people bites, reaching to the wing of the other
a worke. Cherub:
12 And one wing of the other Che-
CHAP. III. rub was fiue cubites, reaching to the
wall of the house: and the other wing
1 The place, and time of building the Temple. was fiue cubites also, ioyning to the
3 The measure and ornaments of the house.
11 TheCherubiras. 14 The vaile and pillars. wing of the other Cherub.
13 The wings of these Cherubims

"i. Kin. 6.1, ^Sr^SP Hen * Solom spread themselues forth twentie cubits:
build the house of the and they stood on their feet, and their fa-
LORD at Jerusalem in ces were || in ward. Or, toward
Or, which
was scene of
Mount Moriah, || where 14? f And he made the #vaile of blue *heMat. house.
27. 51
Dauid his _ the LORD appeared vn and purple, and crimson, and fine linen,
father. Dauid his father, in the place that Da- and t wrought Cherubims thereon. Heb. cav-
uid had prepared in the threshing floore 15 Also hee made before the house, ed to ascend
Or, Arau-
nah, 2. Sam.
of || Oman the lebusite. * two pillars of thirtie and fiue cubites * ler. 52. 21
. king. 7.15
24.18. \.chr. 2 And he began to build in the second thigh, and the chapiter that was on the Hebr. long.
21. IH.
day of the second moneth, in the fourth top of each of them, was fiue cubites.
yeere of his reigne. 16 And he made chaines, as in the O-
* I.King. 6. 3 11 Now these are the things * wherein racle, and put them on the heads of the
t Heb.foun-
Solomon was tinstructed for the buil- pillars, and made an hundred pome-
led. ding of the house of God. The length granates, and put them on the chaines.
by cubites after the first measure was 17 And he * reared vp the pillars be- * I.King.7-
threescore cubits, and the breadth twen- fore the temple, one on the right hand, 1.
tie cubites. and the other on the left, and called the
* I.King.6. 4 And the * porch that was in the front name of that on the right hand, || la- Thatis.he
ofthehouse, thelength ofitwas atcording chin, and the name of that on the left, That is, in
to the breadth of the house, twentie cu- ||Boaz. t is strength
bites, and the height was an hundred and CHAP.
[erufalem is II. aaaaaaa aaaaaaaaaaa
he LORD came this vpon ludah, to nto captiuitie, from lerusalem to Ba-
remooue tJwm out of his sight, for the >ylon.
shines of Manasseh , according to all 16 And all the men of might, euen se-
that he did: uen thousand, and craftesraen, & smiths
4 And also for the innocent blood a thousand, all that were strong and apt
;hat hee shedde : (for hee filled lerusa- or warre, euen them the king of Baby-
em with innocent blood) which the on brought captiue to Babylon.
1,0ED would not pardon. 17 U And *the king of Babylon made and *Iere. 37.1
52. i
5 If Nowe the rest of the actes of Vlattaniah his fathers brother king in
[ehoiakim, and all that he did, are they lis stead, and changed his name to Ze-
not written in the booke of the Chroni- dekiah.
cles of the Kings of ludah ? 18 Zedekiah was twentie and one
6 So lehoiakim slept with his fa- yeeres olde when hee began to reigne,
thers: and lehoiachin his sonne reig- and he reigned eleuen yeeres in lerusa-
ned in his stead. em : and his mothers name was Ha-
7 And the king of Egypt came not mutal, the daughter of leremiah of
againe any more out of his land : for the Libnah.
ling of Babylon had taken from the 19 And hee did that which wa-s euill in
riuer of Egypt, vnto the riuer Euphra- the sight of the L O R D , according to
es, all that pertained to the King of all that lehoiachin had done.
Egypt. 20 For through the anger of the
8 IF lehoiachin was eighteene LORD it came to passe in lerusalem
yeres old when he began to reigne, & he and ludah, vntill he had cast them out
•eigned in Jerusalem three moneths: Tom his presence, that Zedekiah rebel-
& his mothers name was Nehushta the led against the king of Babylon.
daughter of Elhathan, of Jerusalem.
9 And hee did that which was euill in
the sight of the LORD, according to all CHAP. XXV.
that his father had done.
*Dan. i.l. 10 H * At that time the seruants ol 1 Jerusalem is besieged. 4 Zedekiah taken, his
sonnes slaine, his eyes put out. 8 Nabuzara-
Nebuchadnezzar King of Babylon dan defaceth the city, carieth the remnant,
came vp against Jerusalem, and the ci- except a few poore labourers, into captiuitie,
\ ffeb. came tie t was besieged. 13 Spoileth and carieth away the treasures
into siege. 18 Tne Nobles are slaine at Riblah. 22 Ge-
11 And Nebuchadnezzar king of Ba- daliah, who was set ouer them that remained,
bylon came against the citie, and his ser- being slaine, therestfleeinto Egypt 27 Euil-
uants did besiege it. raerodach aduanceth lehoiachin In his court
12 And lehoiachin the King of lu-
dah went out to the king of Babylon, Nd it came to passe * in the and
*Iere. 39. 1.

62. 4.
hee, and his mother, and his seruants, ninth yeere of his reigne,
II Or, Eu- and his princes, and his ||officers : anc in the tenth moneth, in
the king of Babylon tooke him in the the tenth day of the mo-
eight yeere of his reigne. neth , that Nebuchadnez-
* Chap. 20. 13 * And hee caried out thence all the zar king of Babylon came, hee, and al
17. esa. 39. 6
treasures of the house of the L O R D his hoste, against Jerusalem, and pit-
and the treasure of the kings house, anc ched against it, and they built fortes a-
cut in pieces all the vessels of gold which gainst it, round about.
Solomon King of Israel had made 2 And the citie was besieged vnto
in the Temple of the L O R D ^ as the the eleuenth yeere of king Zedekiah.
L O R D had said. 3 And on the ninth day of the *fourih * lere. 52.«.
14 And hee caried away all Jerusa- moneth, thefamine preuailed in the city
lem, and all the princes, & all the mighty and there was no bread for the people
men of valour, euen tenne thousand cap of the land.
tiues, and all the craftsmen, and smiths 4 IF And the citie was broken vp
none remained, saue the poorest sort o and all the men of warre^d by night
the people of the land. by the way of the gate, betweene two
* 2. Chron. 15 And *he caried away lehoiachin walles, which is by the kings garden
36. 10. esth. (now the Caldees were against the citie
2.6. to Babylon, and the kings mother, am
II Or, Eu- the kings wiues, and his ||officers, anc round about) and the King went the way
the mighty of the land, those caried hee toward the plaine.
5 Anc
Zedekiah taken. Chap.xxv. Gedaliah flaine.
5 And the army of the Caldees pur- worke, and pomegranates vpon the
sued after the King, and ouertooke chapiter round about, all of brasse : and
him in the plaines of Jericho : and all like vnto these had the second pillar
his armie were scattered from him. with wreathen worke.
6 So they tooke the King, and 18 IF And the captaine of the guard,
brought him vp to the King of Baby- tooke Seraiah the chiefe Priest, and
*i Hebr.spake lon, to Riblah, and they gaue tiudge- Zephaniah the second Priest, and the
with him. ment vpon him. three keepers of the t doore. iHeto.
7 And they slew the sonnes of Ze- 19 And out of the citie hee tooke an threshold.
t Heb. made dekiah before'his eyes, and tput out the ||Officer, that was set ouer the men of II Or, Eu-
eyes of Zedekiah, and bound him with warre, and fiue men of them that twere nuch.
t Hebr. saw
fetters of brasse, and carried him to Ba- in the kings presence, which were found the Kings
bylon. in the citie, and the flprincipall Scribe I Or, scribe
8 1f And in the fifth moneth, on the of the hoste, which mustered the people toine ofthe
seuenth day of the moneth (which is of the land, and threescore tnen of the haste.
the nineteenth yeere of King Nebu- people of the land that were found in
chadnezzar King of Babylon) came the citie.
i! Or, chief* Nebuzaradan || captaine of the guard, 20 And Nebuzaradan captaine of
a seruant of the king of Babylon, vnto the guard tooke these, and brought
Jerusalem : them to the king of Babylon, to Rib-
9 And hee burnt the house of the lah.
LORD, and the kings house, and all 21 And the King of Babylon smote
the houses of Jerusalem, and euery them, and slew them at Riblah in the
great mans house burnt he with fire. land of Hamath : so ludah was caried
10 And all the army of the Caldees away out of their land.
that were with the captaine of the 22 IT * And as for the people that re- * lere. 40.
guard, brake downe the walles of Je- mained in the land of ludah, whom 3,9.
rusalem round about. Nebuchadnezzar King of Babylon
11 Now the rest of the people that had left, euen ouer them he made Geda-
\Hebr.fdl* were left in the citie, and the tfugitiues liah the sonne of Ahikam, the sonne of
len away. that fell away to the king of Babylon, Shaphan, ruler.
with the remnant of the multitude, 23 And when all the * captaines of * lerc. 40.
did Nebuzaradan the captaine of the the armies, they, and their men, heard 7.
guard cary away. that the King of Babylon had made
12 But the captaine of the guard left Gedaliah gouernour, there came to
of the poore of the land, to be Vine-dres- Gedaliah to Mispah, euen Ishmael
sers, and husbandmen. the sonne of Nethaniah, and Johanan
* Chap, 20. 13 And * the pillars of brasse that the sonne of Careah, and Seraiah the
17. iere. 27.
22. were in the house of the L O R D , and sonne of Tanhumeth the Netopha-
the bases, and the brasen sea that was in thite, and Jaazaniah the sonne of a
the house of the LORD, did the Cal- Maachathite, they, and their men.
dees breake in pieces, and caried the 24 And Gedaliah sware to them
brasse of them to Babylon. and to their men, and said vnto them,
14 And the pots, and the shouels, Feare not to be the seruants of the Cal-
and the snuffers, and the spoones, and dees : dwell in the land, and serue the
all the vessels of brasse wherewith they King of Babylon; and it shall bee well
ministred, tooke they away. with you.
15 And the fire-pans, and the bowles, 25 But it came to passe in the seuenth
& such things as were of golde, in golde, moneth, that Ishmael the sonne of Ne-
and of siluer,m siluer, the captaine of the thaniah, the sonne of Elishama, of tthe tlTeftr.o/
guard tooke away. seed royal, came, and ten men with him, dome.
^ fting--
t Hebr. the 16 The two pillars, tone sea, and and *smote Gedaliah, that he died, and * Iere. 41.2.
one sea. the lewes, and the Caldees that were
the bases which Solomon had made
for the house of the LORD, the brasse with him at Mizpah.
of al these vessels was without weight. 26 And all the people both small and
* 1. King. 7- 17 * The height of the one pillar was great, and the captaines of the armies
15. iere. 52. arose, and came to Egypt: for they were
£!• eighteene cubits, and the chapiter vpon
it was brasse: and the height of the cha- afraid of the Caldees.
piter three cubites; and the wreathen 27 IT And it came to passe in the seuen
Adam, and I.Chron. his genealogies.
and thirtieth yeere of the captiuitie of set his throne aboue the throne of the
ehoiachin king of ludah, in the kings that were with him in Babylon,
twelfth moneth, on the seuen and twen- 29 And changed his prison gar-
tieth day of the moneth, that Euilmero- ments : and he did eate bread continu-
lach king of Babylon, in the yeere that ally before him all the dayes of his life.
le began to reigne, did lift vp the head 30 And his allowance was a continu-
of lehoiachin king of ludah out ofi all allowance giuen him of the king, a
Heb. good >rison. dayly rate for euery day, all the dayes of
things with 28 And he spake t kindly to him, and his life.

of the Chronicles.
Anamim, and Lehabim , and Naph-
C H A P . I. tuhim,
1 Adams line to Noah. 5 The sonnes of la- 12 And Pathrusim, and Casluhim
pheth. 8 The sonnes of Ham. 17 The [of whome came the Philistines) and
sonnes of Shem. 24 Shems line to A- * Caphthorim. * Deut 2.
braham. 29 Ishmaels sonnes. 32 The 13 And Canaan begate Zidon his 23.
sonnes of Keturah. 34 The posteritie of
Abraham by Esau. 43 The Kings of E- first borne, and Heth.
dom. 51 The Dukes of Edom. 14 The lebusite also, and the Amo-
rite, and the Girgashite,
Dam, * Sheth, 15 And the Hiuite, and the Arkite,

* Gen. 5. Enosh, and the Sinite,
2 Kenan, Ma- 16 And the Aruadite, and the Zema-
halaleel, lered, rite, and the Hamathite.
3 Henoch, Me- 17 H The sonnes of *Shem : Elam, * Gen. 10.
thushelah, La- and Asshur, and Arphaxad, and Lud, 23. 10.
& 11.
in ech, and Aram, and Vz, & Hul, and Gether,
4 Noah, Shem, and 11 Meshech. II Or, Mash,
Ham,& lapheth. 18 And Arphaxad begate Shelah, gen. 10. 23.
* Gen. 10. 2 5 If * The sonnes of lapheth: Go- and Shelah begate Eber.
mer, and Magog, and Madai, and la- 19 And vnto Eber were borne two
uan , and Tubal, and Meshech , and sonnes : the name of the one was \\ Peleg, !! That is, di
Tiras. (because in his dayes the earth was di- uision.
6 And the sonnes of Gomer: Ash- uided) and his brothers name was lok-
8 Or, Di- cbenaz, and || Riphath, and Togar- tan.
j>hatki as it mah.
is in some
20 And * loktan begate Almodad, * Gen. 10.
copies. 7 And the sonnes of lauan : Eli- and Sheleph, and Hazermaueth, anc 26.
a Or, Roda* shah, and Tarshish, Kittim, and ||Do- lerah,
nim, accor- danim. 21 Hadoram also, and Vzal, anc
ning to some
copies. 8 1F The sonnes of Ham : Cush, Diklah,
and Mizraim, Put, and Canaan. 22 And Ebal, and Abimael, anc
9 And the sonnes of Cush : Siba, Sheba,
and Hauilah, and Sabta, and Raa- 23 And Ophir, and Hauilah, anc
mah, and Sabtecha : and the sonnes of lobab: all these were the sonnes o:
Raamah : Sheba, and Dedan. loktan.
* Gen. 10. 8 10 And Cush * begate Nimrod: hee 24 f *Shem, Arphaxad, Shelah, * Luke 3.24
began to be mightie vpon the earth. 25 *Eber, Peleg, Rehu, * Gen. 11.
11 And Mizraim begate Ludim, and 26 Serug, Nahor, Terah,
27 *Abram,
Abrahams Chap.ij. generations.
* Gen. 17.5 #7 ^Abram, the same is Abraham. 46 And when Husham was dead,
* Gen, 21.
9.8 The sonnes of Abraham : * I- Hadad the sonne of Bedad (which
* Gen, 16. saac, and * Ishmael. smote Midian in the field of Moab)
11. 29 IT These are their generations: reigned in his stead: and the name of
* Gen. 25, The * first-borne of Ishmael 5 Neba-
13, to 17.
his citie was Auith.
ioth, then Kedar, and Adbeel, and 47 And when Hadad was dead,
Mibsam, Samlah of Masrekah, reigned in his
30 Mishma, and Dumah, Massa, stead.
\Ot,Hadart ||Hadad, and Tema, 48 And when Samlah was dead,
Gen. 2fi* 14 Shaul of Rehoboth *by the riuer, * Gen. 36.
31 letur, Naphish, and Kedemah.
reigned in his stead. 37.
These are the sonnes of Ishmael.
38 1F Now the sonnes of Keturah, 49 And when Shaul was dead, Ba-
Abrahams Concubine : she bare Zim- al-hanan the sonne of Achbor, reigned
ran, and lokshan, and Medan, and in his stead.
Midian, and Ishbak, and Shuah. 50 And when Baal-hanan was
And the sonnes of lokshan, Sheba, dead, || Hadad reigned in his stead : andGen.
!J Or, Hadar,
39. 39
and Dedan. the name of his citie was \\ Pai: and his II Or, Paw,
33 And the sonnes of Midian : E- wiues name was Mehetabel the daugh- Gen. 36. 39
phah, and Ephar, and Henoch, and Abi- ter of Hatred, the daughter of Me-
da, and Eldaah. All these are the sonnes zahab.
of Keturah. 51 f Hadad dyed also. And the
34 And Abraham begate Isaac. * Dukes of Edom were : Duke Tim- * Gen. 36.
The sonnes of Isaac : Esau, and Is- nah, Duke Aliah, Duke letheth,
rael. 52 Duke Aholibamah, Duke Elah,
* Gen. 36.
35 f The sonnes of *Esau : Eliphaz, Duke Pinon,
Reuel, and leush, and laalam, and 53 Duke Kenaz, Duke Teman,
Korah. Duke Mibzar,
36 The sonnes of Eliphaz : Teman, 54 Duke Magdiel, Duke Iram.
I! Or, Zepho, and Omar, ||Zephi, and Gatam, Ke- These are the Dukes of Edom.
Gen. 36. 12
naz, and Timna, and Amalek.
37 The sonnes of Reuel : Nahath, C H A P . II.
Zerah, Shammah, and Mizzah.
38 And the sonnes of Seir : Lotan, 1 The sonnes of Israel. 3 The poste^itie of
ludah by Tamar. 13 The children of lesse.
and Shobal, and Zibeon, and Anah, 18 The posteritie of Caleb the sonne of
and Dishon, and Ezer, and Dishan. Hesron. 21 Hesrons posteritie by the daugh-
39 And the sonnes of Lotan : Hori, ter of Machir. 25 lerahraeels posteritie.
11 Oijfeman, and ||Homam : and Timna was Lotans 34 Sheshans posteritie. 42 another branch
Gen. 3G. 22. of Calebs posteritie. 50 The posteritie of
sister. Caleb the sonne of Hur.
II Or, Alium, 40 The sonnes of Shobal : || Alian,
Gen. 36. 23

I Or, Sepho, and Manahath , and Ebal, || Shephi, Heseare the sonnes of || Is- II Or, Jacob.
Gen. 36.23 and Onam. And the sonnes of Zibe- rael : * Reuben, Simeon, 32. * Gen. 29.
& 30. 5.
on : Aiah, and Anah. Leui, and ludah, Issa- 22. & 35. 18;
& 43.
* Chap. 2, 41 The sonnes of Anah : * Dishon. char, and Zebulun, 8. &C.
II Or Hem- And the sonnes of Dishon : || Amram, % Dan, Joseph, and
dun> Gen. and Eshban, and Ithran, and Cheran.
36. 26. Beniamin, Naphtali, Gad, and Asher.
42 The sonnes of Ezer : Bilham, 3 IF The sonnes of * ludah : Er5 * Gen. 38.
II Or Akan^ and Zauan, and \\ lakan. The sonnes of and Onan, and Shelah. Which three 3. & 46,12.
Gen. 36. 27 Dishon : Vz, and Aran, were borne vnto him, of the daughter
* Gen. sa.
43 11 Now these are the * kings that of Shua * the Canaanites. And Er the * Gen. 38.2.
reigned in the land of Edom, before any first-borne of ludah, was euill in the
king reigned ouer the children of Is- sight of the LORD, and he slue him.
rael. Bela the sonne of Beor; and the 4 And * Tamar his daughter-in * Gen. 3t\
name of his citie, was Dinhabah. law bare him Pharez, and Zeran. All 29, 30.
Hat.!. 3.
44 And when Bela was dead, lo- the sonnes of ludah were fine.
bab the sonne of Zerah of Bosrah, reig- 5 The sonnes of * Pharez : Hez- * Ruth. 4.
ned in his stead. ron, and Hamul. 18.
45 And when lobab was dead, 6 And the sonnes of Zerah : ||Zim- II Or. Zabdi,
Husham of th"e land of the Temanits, ri,*and Ethan, and Reman, and Caleol, Ivsh.*l.Kin.4.
reigned in his stead. and ||Dara. Fine of them in all. 31.
7 And II Ot, Dafda.
The genealogie I.Chron. of ludah.
Or, Achan. 7 And the sonnes of Carmi: || A- 26 lerahmeel had also an other
char, the troubler of Israel, who trans- wife, whose name was Atarah, she was
* losh. 6. gressed in the thing * accursed. the mother of Onam.
9. ana 7. 8 And the sonnes of Ethan : Aza- 27 And the sonnes of Ram the first-
riah. )orne of lerahmeel, were Maaz, and
9 The sonnes also of Hezron, that Eamin, and Ekar.
were borne vnto him : lerahmeel, and 28 And the sonnes of Onam were,
Of. Aram. | Ram, and ||Chelubai. Shammai, and lada. And the sonnes
Mat. l. 3.
Of, Caleb, 10 And Ram * begate Arainadab, of Shammai: Nadab, and Abishur.
ver. 18.
* Ruth. 4.
and Aminadab begat Nahshon, prince 29 And the name of the wife of A-
19. of the children of ludah. bishur was Abihail, and shee bare him
11 And Nahshon begate Salma, Ahban, and Molid.
and Salma begate Boaz. 30 And the sonnes of Nadab: Se-
12 And Boaz begate Obed, and O- led, and Appaim. But Seled died with-
bed begate lesse. out children.
* 1.3am. 16. 13 IF * And lesse begate his first- 31 And the sonnes of Appaim, Ishi:
6. borne Eliab, and Abinadab the second, and the sonnes of Ishi, Sheshan : and
I! Or, Sham- and HShimma the third, the children of Sheshan, Ahlai.
ma, l. Sam. 14 Nathanael the fourth, Raddai 32 And the sonnes of lada the bro-
the fifth, ther of Shammai, lether, and Jona-
15 Ozem the sixth, Dauid the se- than : and lether died without chil-
uenth: dren.
16 Whose sisters were Zeruiah, and 33 And the sonnes of Jonathan, Pe-
Abigail. And the sonnes of Zeruiah: leth, and Zaza. These were the sonnes
Abishai, and loab, and Asahel, three. of lerahmeel.
17 And Abigail bare Amasa. And 34 U Now Sheshan had no sonnes,
the father of Amasa, was lether the but daughters : and Sheshan had a ser-
Ishmeelite. uant, an Egyptian, whose name was
18 IF And Caleb the sonne of Hez- larha.
ron, begate children of Azubah his wife, 35 And Sheshan gaue his daugh-
and of lerioth : her sonnes are these: ter to larha his seruant to wife, and
lusher, Shobab, and Ardon. she bare him Attai.
19 And when Azubah was dead, Ca- 36 And Attai begate Nathan, and
leb tooke vnto him Ephrath, which Nathan begate *Zabad, * Chap. 11.
bare him Hur. 37 And Zabad begate Ephlal, and 41.
20 And Hur begate Vri, and Vri Ephlal begate Obed,
• EXOd. 31e begate *Bezaleel. 38 And Obed begate lehu, and le-
21 IF And afterward Hezron went hu begate Azariah,
in to the daughter of Machir, the fa- 39 And Azariah begate Helez , and
tHtf&feefr*. ther of Gilead, whom hee || married Helez begate Eleasah,
when he was threescore yeeres old, and 40 And Eleasah begate Sisamai,
she bare him Segub. and Sisamai begate Shallum,
22 And Segub begate lair, who 41 And Shallum begate leka-
had three and twenty cities in the land miah, and lekamiah begate Elishama.
of Gilead. 42 1F Now the sonnes of Caleb the
* Num. 32. 23 * And he tooke Geshur, and A- brother of lerahmeel were, Mesha his
41. deut 3.
14. tosh. 13. ram, with the townes of lair, from first-borne, which was the father oi
them, with Kenath, and the townes Ziph : and the sonnes of Maresha the
thereof, euen threescore cities. All these father of Hebron.
belonged to the sonnes of Machir, the fa- 43 And the sonnes of Hebron : Ko-
ther of Gilead. rah, and Tappuah, and Rekem, and
24 And after that Hezron was dead Shema.
in Caleb Ephratah, then Abiah Hez- 44 And Shema begat Raham, the
rons wife, bare him Ashur, the father father of lorkoam: and Rekem begate
of Tekoa. Shammai.
25 IF And the sonnes of lerahmeel 45 And the sonne of Shammai was
the first-borne of Hezron, were Ram Maon: and Maon was the father oi
the first-borne, and Bunah, and Oren, Beth-zur.
and Ozen, and Ahiiab. 46 And Ephah Calebs concubine
The genealogie Chapaij* of Dauid.
bare Haran, and Moza, and Gazez: and Nathan, and Solomon, foure, of
and Haran begate Gazez. ||Bathshua the daughter of JlAmmieL I Or, Beth-
47 And the. sonnes of lahdai: Re- 6 Ibhar also, and ||Elishama, and sabe^.Sam.
11. 13.
gem, and loth am, and Geshan, and Eliphelet, I Or, Eliam*
2. Sam. 11. 3
Pelet, and Ephah, and Shaaph. 7 And Nog% and NepTieg, and ^Or^Elishua
48 Maacha Calebs concubine, bare laphia, 2.5am. 5.15
Sheber, and Tirhanah. 8 And Elfetoma, and ||Eliada, and da, lOr.'MSb.
1. £%ro.
49 Shee bare also Shaaph the fa* Eliphelet, nine. 14.7.
ther of Madmannah, Sheua the father 9 These were all the sonnes of Dauid:
of Machbenah, & the father of Gibea: beside the sonnes of the concubines, and
* losfi. 15. And the daughter of Caleb *was Ach- Tamar * their sister. * •». Saift.
17. sah. 10 U And Solomons sonne was *Re- * i.King. 11
50 f These were the sonnes of Ca- hoboam : || Abia his sonne: Asa his son: 43. & 15. 8
leb, the sonne of Hur, the first borne of lehoshaphat his sonne: 1. king. is. l
Ephratah : Shobal the father of Ki- 11 loram his sonne : || Ahaziah his I Or, Azari-
riath-iearim, sonne : loash his sonne: S. <J 21. 17.
51 Salma tfte fkther of Bethlehem: 12 Amaziah his sonne: |[ Azarmh his I Or, Psasiah
2. king. 15.
Hareph the father of Beth-gader. sonne : lotham his sonne :• 30.
5% And Shobal the father of Kiri- 18 Ahaz his sonne: Hezekiah his
r^jzw^, ath-iearim» had sonnes, HHaroe, dnd sonne : Manasseh his sonne:
chap. 4.2. ||halfe of the Manahethites. 14 Amon his sonne : losiah his
ft Or, fudft
of the Me- 59 And the families of Kiriath*iea* sonne.
Or Hatsl- rim, the Ithrites, and the Puhites, and 15 And the sonnes of I0sfeh were:
hammenu- the Shumathites, and the Mishraites: the first borne || lohanan, the second chaz<2.king.
II Or, Ida.
of them came the Zateathites, and the Hloakim, the third ||Zedekiah, the 23. 30.
Eshtaulites. fourth Sallum. 5 Or, JEJta-
fctm, 2. Ariwg-.
54 The sonnet of Salmah : Beth* 16 And the sonnes* of *Ioakim: 23. 34.
lehem, and the Netophathites, ||Ata- I Or, Ma-
||leconiah his sonne, ||Zedekiah his thania,2jcin.
I! Of, Atft^ roth, the house of Ioab> and halfe of sonne. 24. 17.
rites, or.
crownesfy the Manahethites, the Zorites.
Mat. l.ll.
17 1F And the somes of || leconiah, *I Or, lehoia-
the house 55 And the families of the Scribes, Assir, tSalathiel *his sonne, chin, 2. king.
ofloab. 24.6.
which dwelt at labez : the Tirathites, 18 Malchiram also, and Pedaiah, B Or, Coniah,
the Shimeathites, and Suchathites. and Shenazar, lecamiah, Hosama, ier. 22. 24.
* lud. i, ia These are the * Kenites that came of t Heb. She.
and Nedabiah^ altiel.
Hemath, the father of the house of 19 And the sOUmes of Pfid^iah were: *24.2.17.King.
* ler. 35.». *Rechab. Zerubbabel, and Shimei : And the his vncle.
sonne of Zerubbabel, Meshullam, and * Mat. Ti. 12
CHAP. III. Hananiah, and Shelomith their sister.
1 The sonnes of Dauid. 10 His line to Zedd- 20 And Hazubah, and Ohel, and Be-
kiah. 17 The successors of leconiah.
rechiah,& Hasadiah, Tushabhesed, fiue.
Ow these were the sonnes SI And the sonnes of Hananiah, Pe-

* 2. Sam. 3.2
* losh. 15.
of Dauid, which were
borne vnto him in Hebron.
The first borne * Amnon,
of Ahinoam the * lesree-
B Or, Chile. litesse: the Second ||Daniel, of Abigail
latiah, and lesaiah : the sonnes of Re-
phaiah, the sons of Arnan, the sonnes
of Obadiah, the sonnes of Sechaniah.
22 And the sonnes of Sechaniah,
Semaiah : and the sonnes of Semaiah,
a0,2.$am.3.3 the CarmeliteSse: Hat tush, and .Igeal, and Bariah, and
2 The third, Absalom the sonne of Neariah, and Shaphat, sixe.
Maacha, the daughter of Talmai king 28 And the sonnes of Neariah : Eli-
of Geshur : the fourth, Adoniah the oenai, and t Hezekiah, and Azrikam, t Heb. His.
sonne of Haggith: three. kijah.
3 The fifth > Shephatia of Abital: 24 And the sonnes of Elioenai, were:
*2. Sain. 3.5 the sixth, Ithream by * Eglah his wife. tlodaiah, and Eliashib, and Pelaiah,
4 These sixe were borne vnto him in and Akkub, and lohanan, and Dala-
Hebron, and there bee reigned seuen iah, and Anani, seuen,
yeeres, and sixe moneths: and in Jeru-
* s. Sain. 5. salem he reigned thirty and three yeres. C H A P . IIIL
II Or, Sham. 5 *And these were borne vnto him 1.11 The posteritte of tudah by Caleb the sonne
mua,2.Sam. in Jerusalem, ||Shimea, and Shobab, of Hur. SOfAshurtheposthumussonofHez-
5. 14.
The genealogie I.Chron. ofludah.
ron. 9 Of labez, and his prayer. 21 The Ziph, and Ziphah, Tiria, and Asareel.
posteritie of Shelah. 24 The posteritie and 17 And the sonnes of Ezra were: le-
cities of Simeon. 39 Their conquest of Ge- ;her, and Mered, and Epher> and la-
dor, and of the Amalekites in mount Seir.
on : and she bare Miriam, and Sham-
H E sonnes of ludah : iriai, & Ishbah the father of Eshtemoa.

* Gen. 38. * Pharez , Hebron , and 18 And his wife || lehudiiah bare nI Or, the
29. and
46.12. j|Carmi, and Hur, and lered the father of Gedor, and Heber 2lew'esse,
Or, Che* Shobal. the father of Socho, and lekuthiel the
ubai, Chap.
2. 9. or Ca- % And ||Reaiah, the Gather of Zanoah. And these are the
leb, Chap, son of Shobal, begate lahath, and la- sonnes of Bithiah the daughter of
s. 18.
I Or, Haroe, lath begate Ahumai, & Lahad. These Pharaoh, which Mered tooke.
Chap. 2. 52.
are the families of the Zorathites. 19 And the sonnes of his wife ||Ho-nII Or, lehu-
3 And these were of the father of E- diah, the sister of Naham the father of diiah,
\ men-
tioned be-
tam : lezreel & Ishma, & Idbash : and Keilah, the Garmite, and Eshtemoa^fore.
the name of their sister was Hazelelponi. the Maachathite.
4 And Penuel the father of Gedor, 20 And the sonnes of Simeon were:
and Ezer the father of Hushah. These Amnon, and Rinnah, Ben-hanan, and
are the sonnes of Hur, the first borne of Tilon, And the sonnes of Ishi were:
Ephratah, the father of Bethlehem. Zoheth, and Ben-zoheth.
* Cha. 2.24. 5 f And *Ashur the father of Te- £1 1f The sonnes of Shelah *the*T
coa, had two wiues : Helah, & Naarah. sonne of ludah were : Er the father of*
6 And Naarah bare him Ahusam, Lecah, and Laadah the father of Ma-
and Hepher, and Temeni, and Ahash- reshah, and the families of the house of
tari. These were the sonnes of Naarah. them that wrought fine linnen, of the
7 And the sonnes of Helah were: bouse of Ashbea.
Zereth, and Zoar, and Ethnan. 22 And lokim, and the men of Cho-
8 And Coz begate Anub, and Zo- zeba, and loash, and Saraph, who
bebah, and the families of Aharhel, the had the dominion in Moab, & lashubi
sonne of Harum. Lehem. And these are ancient things.
9 1F And labez was more honou- 23 These were the Potters, and those
rable then his brethren: and his mother that dwelt amongst plants and hedges.
II That is, called his name || labez, saying, Be- There they dwelt with the king for his
Borrowfutt. cause I bare him with sorrow. worke.
10 And labez called on the God of 24 IF The sonnes of Simeon were:
WJeb.If Israel, saying, tOh that thou woul- ||Nemuel, and lamin, larib, Zerah, n II Or, le-
thou wilt, dest blesse mee indeede, and enlarge my
and Shaul: \muel, Gen.
46. 10. -E.T-
coast, and that thine hand might bee 25 Shallum his sonne : Mibsam his o od. 6. 15.
i Heb. doe with me, and that thou wouldest tkeepe sonne : Mishma his sonne.
vn$. mee from euill, that it may not grieue 26 And the sonnes of Mishma : Ha-
me. And God granted him that which muel his sonne, Zacchur his sonne,
he requested. Shimei his sonne.
11 1[ And Chelub the brother of 27 And Shimei had sixteene sonnes,
Shuah, begate Mehir, which was the and sixe daughters, but his brethren
father of Eshton. had not many children, neither did all
12 And Eshton begate Beth-rapha, their family multiply tlike to the chil- 1t Heb. vnto.
and Paseah, and Tehinnah the father dren of ludah.
!! Or, the city of || Ir-nahash. These are the men ol 28 And they dwelt at *Beer-sheba, <* loch. 19. 2
rfNahash. Rechah. and Moladah, and Hazar-shual,
13 And the sonnes of Kenaz : Oth- 29 And at ||Bilha, and at Ezem, and iII Or, Bcla,
losh. 19.3.
niel, and Saraia : and the sonnes o1 at ||Tolad, \II Or, Elto-
i Or, Ha- Othniel, || Hathath. 30 And at Bethuel, and at Hormah, *lad,Ios.i<). 4
thath, and 14 And Meonothai begate Ophrah: and at Ziklag,
who beg-ate, and Seraiah begate Ioab v the father 31 And at Beth - marcaboth , and
II Or, inha- of the 11 valley of ||Charasim, for they ||Hazar-Susim, and at Bethbirei, a n d ]Susa,
II Or, Hazar-
bitants of were craftesmen. at Shaaraim. These were their cities, i19. 5.
the valley.
II That is, 15 And the sonnes of Caleb the sonne vnto th6 reigne of Dauid.
craftesmen. of lephunneh : Iru, Elah, and Naam, 32 And their villages were : ||Etam, II1 Or, Ether,
\\Or,Vknaz and the sonnes of Elah, ||euen Kenaz. and Ain, Rimmon, and Tochen, and Jlosh. 19. 7.
16 And the sonnes of lehaleleel • Ashan, fiue cities.
33 And
Simeons genealogie, Chap.v. and Reubens.
33 And all their villages that were sonnes of Joseph the sonne of Israel:
ft Or, Baa- round about the same cities, vnto || Ba- and the genealogie is not to be recko-
lath-Beer, ned after the birthright.
losh. 19. These were their habitations, and
their ||genealogie:
II Or, as they 2 por *Iudah preuailed aboue his * Gen. 49.
diuided brethren, and of him came the *chiefe 9,10.
themselves 34 And Meshobab, and lamlech, * Mich. 5* 2.
by nations a-
mong them. and loshah the sonne of Amashiah, || rulers, but the birthright was Jo- matth. 2. 6.
sephs. II Or', Prince.
35 And loel, and lehu the sonne of
losibia, the sonne of Seraia, the sonne 3 The *sonnes, / say> of Reuben the * Gen. 46.
of Asiel, first borne of Israel were: Hanoch, and 9.14.exod. 6.
num. 26:
36 And Elioenai, and laakobah, Pallu, Ezron, and Carmi. 5.

and lesohaiah, and Asaiah, and Adiel, 4 The sonnes of loel: Shemaiah
and lesimiel, and Benaiah, his sonne : Gog his sonne ; Shimei his
37 And Ziza the sonne of Shiphi, sonne:
the sonne of Allon, the sonne of ledaia, 5 Mieah his son : Reaia his sonne:
the sonne of Shiran, the sonne of She- Baal his sonne.
rnaiah. 6 Beerah his sonne : whom ||Til- II Or, Tiff-
t Hebr. com- 38 These tmentioned by their names,
gath-pilneser king of Assyria, carried lath-pilne-
ser, 2. king.
were Princes in their families, and awaycaptiue:Hewas Prince of the Reu-15. 16.7.
29. and
the house of their fathers increased benites.
greatly. 7 And his brethren by their fami-
39 U And they went to the entrance lies (when the genealogie of their gene-
of Gedor, euen vnto the East side of the rations was reckoned) were the chiefe,
valley, to seeke pasture for their flocks. leiel, and Zechariah,
40 And they found fat pasture and 8 And Bela the sonne of Azah, the
good, and the land was wide, and quiet, sonne of ||Shema, the sonne of loel, II Or, Shema-
who dwelt in * Aroer, euen vnto Nebo, iahi ver. 4.
and peaceable : for theyj of Ham had * losh. 13.
dwelt there of old. and Baalmeon, 15, 16.
41 And these written by name, came 9 And Eastward he inhabited vnto
in the dayes of Hezekiah king of Iu- the entring in of the wildernes, from
dah$ and smote their tents, and the habi- the riuer Euphrates: because their cat-
tations that were found there, and de- tell were multiplied in the land of Gi-
stroyed them vtterly vnto this day, and lead.
dwelt in their roomes: because there was 10 And in the dayes of Saul, they
pasture there for their flocks. made warre with the Hagarites, who
42 And some of them, euen of the fell by their hand : and they dwelt in
sonnes of Simeon, fiue hundred men, their tents t throughout all the East Iffebr.vpon
went to mount Seir, hauing for their land of Gilead. all the face
of the Mast.
captaines Pelatiah, and Neariah, and 11 If And the children of Gad dwelt
Rephaiah, and Vzziel, the sonnes of ouer against them, in the land of *Ba*- * I06h. 13.
Mil. shan vnto Salchah.
43 And they smote the rest of the A- 1& loel the chiefe, and Shapham
malekites that were escaped, and dwelt the next : and laanai, and Shaphat in
there vnto this day. Bashan.
13 And their brethren of the house of
C H A P . V. their fathers, were: Michael, and Me-
shullam, and Sheba, and lorai, and
1 The line of Reuben ( who lost his birthright) lachan, and Zia, and Heber, seuen.
vnto the captiuitie. 9 Their habitation and
conquest of the Hagarites. 11 The chiefe 14« These are the children of Abihail
men, and habitations of Gad. 18 The num- the sonne of Huri, the sonne of laroah,
ber and conquest of Reuben, Gad, and the the sonne of Gilead, the sonne of Mi-
halfe of Manasseh. 23 The habitations and chael, the sonne of leshishai, the sonne
chiefe men of that halfe tribe. 25 Their cap-
tiuitie for their sinne. of lahdo, the sonne of Buz:
15 Ahi the sonne of Abdiel, the sonne
)w the sonnes of Reu- of Guni, chiefe of the house of their fa-

*en the first borne of Is- thers.
* Gen. 35. ael, (for *hee was the first 16 And they dwelt in Gilead in Ba-
22. -and 49.
4. >orne, but, forasrftuch as shan , and in her townes, and in all the * Chap. 27.
«^WCT<VW *ie defiled his Suburbs of * Sharon, vpon t their 29.
his birthright was giuen vnto the borders. t Hebr. their
17 All
The genealogie I.ChrOn. of the Leuites,
17 All these were reckoned by gene- Aaron and his line vnto Ahimaaz. 54* The
* 2. Kings alogies in the dayes of lotham *king cities of the Priests and Leuites.
16. 5, 32.
He sonnes of Leui: * || Ger- 11.

of ludah, and in the dayes of lerobo- * Gen. 46.

am king of Israel.
18 IF The sonnes of Reuben, and
the Gadites, and halfe the tribe of Ma-
Heb. sons nasseh, of t valiant men , men able to
of valour. beare buckler and sword, and to shoote
t shon, Kohath & Merari. 17. exod. s.
Kohath : Amram, Iza-
^^P^B^^ har, & Hebr
3 And the children of Amram: Aa-
8 Or, Ger.
% And the sonnes of sftom,ver.i6

with bow, and skilfull in warre, were ron , and Moses, and Miriam. The
foure and fourtie thousand, seuen hun- sonnes also of Aaron : *Nadab, and A- *l. Leuit. 10.
dred and threescore, that went out to the bihu, Eleazar, and Ithamar.
warre* 4 f Eleazar begate Phihehas, Phi-
. 19 And they made warre with the nehas begate Abishua.
* Gen. 25. Hagarites, with *Ietur, and Nephish, 5 And Abishua begate Bukki, and
and Nodab. Bukki begate Vzzi,
20 And they were helped against 6 And Vzzi begate Zerahiah, and
them, and the Hagarites were deliue- Zerahiah begate Meraioth,
red into their hand, and all that were 7 Meraioth begate Amariah, and
with them: for they cried to God in the Amariah begate Ahitub,
battell, and he Was intreated of them, 8 And * Ahitub begate Zadok, and 27. * 2. Sam. 15
because they put their trust in him. Zadok begate Ahimaaz,
\Heb.kd 21 And they ttooke away their cat- 9 And Ahimaaz begate Azariah,
captiue. tell : of their camels fiftie thousand, and and Azariah begate lohanan,
of sheepe two hundted and fiftie thou- 10 And lohanan begate Azariah,
sand, and of asses twtf thousand, and of (hee it is that executed the Priests office,
t Heb. aoules tmen an hundred thousand. in tthe ^temple that Solomon built in (he t Hebr. in
of men, as house.
num. 31. 35. 22 For there fell downe many slaine, lerusalem) * 2. Chron.
because the warre was of God. And they 11 And Azariah begate Amariah, 3.1. king. G.
dwelt in their steads vntil the captiuity. and Amariah begate Ahitub,
23 .1T And the children of the halfe 1% And Ahitub begate Zadok, and
tribe of Manasseh dwelt in the lande: Zadok begate ||Shallum, I Or, Me.
they increased from Bashan vnto Ba- IS And Shallum begate Hilkiah, and l.chro. 9.1!
al-hermon, and Senir, and vnto mount Hilkiah begate Azariah,
Hermon. 14* And Azariah begate. # Seraiah, *11.11. Nehem.
24* And these were the heads of the and Seraiah begate lehozaclak,
house of their fathers, euen Epher, and 15 And lehozadak went into captiui-
Ishi, & Eliel, and Azriel, and leremiah, tie, *when the LORD caried away lu- *25.18. 2. Kings
and Hodauiah, and lahdiel, mightie dah and lerusalem by the hand of Ne-
t Hebr. men men of valour, t famous irten, & heads buchad-nezzar.
of names.
of the house of their fathers. 16 H The sonnes of Leui : *||Ger- *17.Exod. 6.
25 IF And they transgressed against shom, Kohath, and Merari. B Or, Ger-
* 2. King. the God of their fathers, and went *a 17 And these be the names of the shon, ver. i.
17-7. whoring after the Gods of the people sonnes of Gershom : Libni, & Shimei.
of the land, whome God destroyed be- 18 And the sonnes of Kohath were:
fore them. Amram, and Izhar, and Hebron, and
26 And the God of Israel stirred vp Vzziel.
* 2. Kings the spirit of * Pul king of Assyria, and
15. 19.
19 The sonnes of Merari: Mahli,
the spirit of Tilgath-pilneser king of and Mushi. And these are the families
Assyria, and he caried them away (euen of the Leuites, according to their fa-
the Reubenites, and the Gadites, and thers.
the halfe tribe of Manasseh:) & brought 20 Of Gershom: Libni his sonne,
* 2. King. them vhta *Halah, and Habor, and Ha- lahath his sonne, * Zimmah his * Vers. 42.
17. 6. ra, and to the riuer Gozan, vnto this sonne,
day. 21 || loah his sonne, || Iddo his IIver. Or, Ethan,
sonne, Zerah his sonne, leaterai his 8 Or, Adaia.
C H A P . VI. sonne, ver. 41.

\ Hiesonnesof Leui. 4 The line of the Priests

22 The sonnes of Kohath : ||Am- IIhar, Or, Iza-
ver. 2,
vnto the captiuitie. 16 The families of Ger- minadab his sonne, Korah his sonne, 18.
shoiiij Merari, and Kohath. 49 The office of Assir his sonne,
23 Elkanah
The genealogie Chap.vj, of fche Leuites*
23 Elkanah his sonne, and Ebiasaph of Gershom, the sonne of Leui.
his sonne, and Assir his sonne, 44 And their brethren the sonnes
24 Tahath his sonne, Vriel his of Merari} stood on the left hand: Ethan
sonne, Vzziah his sonne, and Shaul the sonne of || Kishi, the sonne of Abdi, Wr,Kusha-
iah. chap.
his sonne. ' the sonne of Malluch, 15. 17.
•• See 35. & 25 And the sonnes of Elkanah : * A- 45 The sonne of Hashabiah, the
36. verses.
masai, and Ahimoth. ! sonne of Amazfah, the sonne of Hilkiah,
26 -As for Elkanah : the sonnes of 46 The sonne of Amzi, the sonne ol
lOrZuph, Elkanah, ||Zophai his sonne, and Na-
I.Sam, l.l.
Bani, the sonne of Shamer,
hath his sonne, 47 The sonne of Mahli, the sonne oi
27 Eliab his sonne, leroham his Mushi, the sonne of Merari, the sonne
sonne, Elkanah his sonne. of Leui.
28 And the sonnes of Samuel t the 48 Their brethren also the Leuits
I Called also first borne ||Vashni, and Abiah. were appointed vnto all maner of ser-
loel, ver. 33.
& 1. Sam. 29 The sonnes of Merari : Mahli, uice of the Tabernacle of the house oi
8.3. Libni Iiis sonne, Shimei his sonne, God.
Vzza his sonne, j 49 U But Aaron, and his sonnes
30 Shimea his sonne, Haggiah his' offered * vpon the altar of the burnt of- *LeuitK9.
sonne, Asaiah his sonne. ' fering, and * on the altar of incense, and * Expd.
30. 7. '
31 And these are Ihey, whom Dauid were appointed for all the worke of the
set ouer the seruice of song in the house place most holy, and to make an atone-
•Chap. of the Lord, after that the * Arke had ment for Israel, according to all that
16. l. ,
rest. | Moses the seruant of God had com-
32 And they ministred before the maunded.
dwelling place of the Tabernacle of the 50 And these are the sonnes of Aa-
Congregation, with singing, •vntill ron : Eleazar his sonne, Phinehas
Solomon had built the house of the his sonne, Abishua his sonne,
LOUD in lerusalem : and then they 51 Bukki his sonne, Vzzi his sonne,
waited on their office, according to their Zerahiah his sonne,
order. ! 52 Meraioth his sonne, Amariah
t Heb. stood. 33 And these are they that t waited his sonne, Ahitub his sonne,
with their children of the sonnes of the 53 Zadok his sonne, Ahimaaz his
Kohathites, Heman a singer: the sonne sonne.
of loel, the sonne of Sheirhuel, 54 11" Now these are their dwelling
34 The sonne of Elkanah, the sonne places, throughout their castels in their
of leroham, the sonne of Eliel, the coasts, of the sonnes of Aaron, of the fa-
sonne of Toah, milies of the Kohathites : for theirs
35 The sonne of Zuph , the sonne of was the lot.
Elkanah, the sonne of Mahath, the 55 And they gaue them Hebron in
sonne of Amasai, the land of ludah, and the suburbes
36 The sonne of Elkanah, the sonne thereof round about it.
of loel, the sonne of Azariah, the sonne 56 But the fields of the citie, and the
of Zephaniah, villages thereof, they gaue to Caleb the
37 The sonne of Tahath, the sonne sonne of lephunneh.
* Kxod. 6. of Assir, the sonne of * Ebiasaph , the 57 And to the sonnes of Aaron they
24. gaue the cities of ludah, namely He-
sonne of Korah,
38 The sonne of Izhar, the sonne bron the citie of refuge, and Libna with
of Kohath, the sonne of Leui, the sonne her suburbes, and lattir and Eshte-
of Israel. ! rn oa, with their suburbes,
39 And his brother Asaph (who stood 58 And ||Hilen with her suburbes, H Or Holon,
losh. 21. 15.
on his right hand) euen Asaph the sonne Debir with her suburbes,
of Berachiah, the sonne of Shimea, 59 And ||Ashan with her suburbes, I Or Ain,
losh. 21. 16.
40 The sonne of Michael, the sonne and Beth-shemesh with her suburbes.
of Baasiah, the sonne of Melchiah, 60 And out of the tribe of Benia-
41 The sonne of Ethni, the sonne of min, Geba with her suburbes, and
Zerah, the sonne of Adaiah, )|Alemeth with her suburbes, Ana- lOrAliMn*
losh. 21.18.
42 The sonne of Ethan, the sonne thoth with her suburbes. All their ci-
of Zimmah, the sonne of Shimei, ties throughout their families were thir-
43 The sonne of lahath, the sonne teene cities.
61 And
The Leuites cities. l.Chron. Iffachar, BeniamTin,
61 And vnto the sonnes of Kohath, 77 Vnto the rest of the children of
which were left of the family of that Vlerari were giuen out of the tribe of Ze-
ribe, were cities giuen out of the halfe >ulun, Rimmon with her suburbs,
ribe, namely out of the halfetribe of Ma- Tabor with her suburbs.
* losh. 21. 5 nasseh, by *lot, ten cities. 78 And on the other side lorden by
62 And to the sonnes of Gershom [ericho, on the East side of lorden,
throughout their families, out of the were giuen them out of the tribe of Reu-
tribe of Issachar, and out of the tribe II Or, Bozor,
)en, ||Bezer in the wildernesse with her losh. 21. 35.
of Asher, and out of the tribe of Naph- suburbs, & Tahzah with her suburbs,
;ali, and out of the tribe of Manasseh in 79 Kedemoth also with her sub-
Bashan, thirteene cities. urbs, & Mephaath with her suburbs.
63 Vnto the sonnes of Merari were 80 And out of the tribe of Gad, Ra-
giuen by lot, throughout their families, moth in Gilead with her suburbs, and
out of the tribe of Reuben, and out of Mahanaim with her suburbs,
;he tribe of Gad, and out of the tribe of 81 And Heshbon with her suburbs,
* losh. 21. Zebulun, * twelue cities. and lazer with her suburbs.
64? And the children of Israel gaue
to the Leuites these cities, with their C H A P . VII.
suburbs. 1 The sonnes of Issachar, 6 Of Beniamin,
65 And they gaue by lot, out of the 13 Of Naphtali, 14 Of Manasseh, 20, 24
tribe of the children of ludah, and out And of Ephraim. 21 The calamitie of E-
of the tribe of the children of Simeon, phraim by the men of Gath. 23 Beriah is
borne. 28 Ephraims habitations. 30 The
and out of the tribe of the children of sonnes of Asher.
Beniamin, these cities, which are called
3y their names. [)w the sonnes of Issa-

*<5en. 46.
Aar were, * Tola, and Pu- 13.
66 And the residue of the families of num.
the sonnes of Kohath, had cities of ih, lashub, and Shim- 26. 23.
their coasts, out of the tribe of Ephraim. ron, foure.
* losh. 21. 67 * And they gaue vnto them of the 2 And the sonnes of
cities of refuge, Shechem in mount E- Tola : Vzzi, and Rephaiah, and le-
phraim, with her suburbs: they gaue al- rrel, and lahmai, and libsam, and
so Gezer with her suburbs, Shemuel, heads of their fathers house,
68 And lokmearn with her sub- to wit, of Tola, they were valiant men of
urbs, & Beth-horon with her suburbs, might in their generations, * whose *2. Sain. 24.
69 And Aialon with her suburbs, number was in the dayes of Dauid two
and Gath-rimmon with her suburbs. and twentie thousand and sixe hundred.
70 And out of the halfe tribe of Ma- 3 And the sonnes of Vzzi, Izrahi-
nasseh, Aner with her suburbs, and Bi- ah: and the sonnes of Izrahiah, Mi-
leam with her suburbs, for the family of chael, and Obadiah, and loel, Ishiah,
the remnant of the sonnes of Kohath. fiue : all of them ehiefe men.
71 Vnto the sonnes of Gershom, 4 And with them, by their genera-
were giuen out of the family of the halfe tions , after the house of their fathers,
tribe of Manasseh, Golan in Bashan were bands of souldiers for warre , sixe
with her suburbs, and Ashtaroth with and thirtie thousand men : for they had
her suburbs. many wiues and sonnes.
72 And out of the tribe of Issachar, 5 And their brethren among all the
Kedesh with her suburbs, Daberath families of Issachar, were men of might,
with her suburbs, reckoned in all by their genealogies3
73 And Ramoth with her suburbs fourescore and seuen thousand.
and Anem with her suburbs. 6 H The sonnes of * Beniamin : Bela, 21. * Gen 46.
74 And out of the tribe of Asher, and Becher, and lediael, three.
Mashal with her suburbs, and Abdon 7 And the sonnes of Bela : Ezbon,
with her suburbs, and Vzzi, and Vzziel, and lerimoth,
75 And Hukok with her suburbs, and Iri, fiue, heads of the house of their
and Rehob with her suburbs. fathers, mightie men of valour, and
76 And out of the tribe of Naphtali were reckoned by their genealogies,
Kedesh in Galilee, with her suburbs twentie and two thousand > and thirtie
and Hammon with her subnrbs, anc and foure.
Kiriathaim with her suburbs. 8 And the sonnes of Becher: Ze-
Manaffeh, Chap.vij. and Ephraim.
mira, ana loasn, ana j&nezer, ana j&n- to comrort mm.
oenai, and Omri, and lerimoth, and 23 IF And when hee went in to his
Abiah, and Anathoth , and Alameth. wife, shee conceiued and bare a sonne,
All these are the sonnes of Becher. and he called his name, Beriah, because
9 And the number of them, after it went euill with his house.
their genealogie by their generations, 24 (And his daughter was She-
heads of the house of their fathers , rah, who built Bethoron the nether,
mightie men of valour, was twentie and the vpper, and Vzzen Sherah.)
thousand and two hundred. 25 And Rephah was his sonne , also
10 The sonnes also of lediael, Bil- Rezeph, and Telah his sonne, and Ta-
han : and the sonnes of Bilhan, leush, li an his sonne,
and Beniamin, and Ehud, and Chena- 26 Laadan his sonne, Amihud his
anah, and Zethan, and Tharshish, and sonne, Elishama his sonne,
Ahishahar. 27 || Non his sonne, lehoshua his numb. il Or, Nun.
13, 9.
11 All these the sonnes of lediael, by sonne.
the heads of their fathers, mighty men 28 f And their possessions and ha-
of valour, were seuenteene thousand bitations were, Bethel, and the townes
and two hundred souldiers, fit to goe thereof, and Eastward * Naaran, and *I08kl6. 7
out for warre and battaile. Westward Gezer with the t townes iHebr.
12 Shuppim also, and Huppim, the thereof, Shechem also and the townes
II Or, Iri,
vers. 7.
children of || Ir, and Hushim, the sonnes thereof, vnto ]|Gaza and the townes dassa, \\Or,A-
I! Or, Ahi- of||Aher. thereof. mac. 7* 45.
ram. num. 13 H The sonnes of Naphtali, lah- 29 And by the borders of the chil-
26. 38.
ziel, and Guni, and lezer, and Shal- dren of * Manasseh, Bethshean and her *Iosh. 17.7
lum, the sonnes of Bilhah. townes, Taanach and her townes,
14 1T The sonnes of Manasseh: * Megiddo and her townes, Dor and 11. *Iosh.l7.
Ashriel, whom shee bare (but his concn- her townes. In these dwelt the chil-
bine the Aramitesse, bare Machir the dren of loseph the sonne of Israel.
father of Gilead. 30 f *The sonnes of Asher: Im- 17- * Gen. 46.
15 And Machir tooke to wife the sister nali, and Isuah, and Ishuai, and Be-
of Huppim and Shuppim, whose sisters riah, and Serah their sister.
name was Maachah ) and the name of 31 And the sonnes of Beriah : He-
the second was Zelophehad : and Zelo- ber, and Malchiel, who is the father of
phehad had daughters. Birzauith.
16 And Maachah the wife of Ma- 32 And Heber begate laphlet, and
chir bare a sonne, and shee called his Shomer, and Hotham, and Shuah
name Peresh, and the name of his bro- their sister.
ther was Sheresh, and his sonnes were S3 And the sonnes of laphlet : Pa-
Vlam and Rakem. sach, and Bimhal, and Ashuath. These
* I.Sam. 12 17 And the sonnes of Vlam , *Be-
are the children of laphlet.
dan. These were the sonnes of Gilead, 34 And the sonnes of Shamer : Ahi,
the sonne of Machir, the sonne of Ma- and Rohgah, lehubbah, and Aram.
nasseh. 35 And the sonne of his brother, He-
18 And his sister Hammoleketh bare lem : Zophah, and Imna, and Shelesh,
Ishad, and Abiezer, and Mahalah. and Amal.
19 And the sonnes of Shemida were: 36 The sonnes of Zophah : Suah,
Ahian, and Shechem, and Likhi, and and Harnepher, and Shual, and Beri,
Aniam, and Imrah:
20 U And the sonnes of Ephraim : 37 Bezer, and Hod, and Shamma,
Shuthelah: and Bered his sonne, and and Shilshah, and Ithran, and Beera.
Tahath his sonne, and Eladah his 38 And the sonnes of lether: le-
sonne, and Tahath his sonne, phunneh, and Pispa, and Ara.
21 IT And Zabad his sonne, and Shu- 39 And the sonnes of Vila : Arah,
thelah his sonne, and Ezer, andElead, and Haniel, and Rezia.
whom the men of Gath, that were 40 All these were the children of A-
borne in that land slewe, because they sher, heads of their fathers house, choice
came downe to take away their cattell. and mightie ftien of valour, chiefe of the
22 And Ephraim their father mour- princes. And the number throughout
ned many dayes, and his brethren came the genealogie of them , that were apt
The genealogie I.Chron. of Beniamin.
to the warre ana to battell, was twen- 23 And Abdon, and Zichri, and
tie and sixe thousand men. Hanan,
24 And Hananiah, and Elam , and
C H A P . VIII. Antothiiah,
25 And Iphedeiah, and Penuel, the
1 The sonnes and chiefe men of Beniamin. 33 sonnes of Shashak,
The stocke of Saul and lonathan.
26 And Shamsherai, and Sheha-
Ow Beniamin begate riah, and Athaliah,
* Gene. 46.
21. num. 2&
N * Bela his first borne, Ash-
bel the second,
rah the third,
and Aha-
27 And laresiah, and Eliah, and
Zichri the sonnes of leroham.
28 These were heads of the fathers,
2 Nohah the fourth, by their generations, chiefe men. These
and Rapha the fifth. dwelt in Jerusalem.
II Or, Ard, 3 And the sonnes of Bela were: \\ Ad- 29 And at Gibeon dwelt the ||father hiel, II Called Ie+
Gen. 46. 21. 1. Chro.
dar, and Gera, and Abihud, of Gibeon, ( whose * wiues name was 9.35.
4 And Abishua, and Naaman, and Maachah:) * Chap. 9,
Ahoah, 30 And his first borne sonne Abdon,
II Or, Shu.
pham, Num.
5 And Gera, and ||Shephuphan, and Zur, and Kish, and Baal, & Nadab,
26.39. and Huram. 31 And Gidor, & Ahio, and || Zacher, riah;\. II Or, Zacha-
6 And these are the sonnes of E~ 32 And Mikloth begate ||Shimeah. 9.37.
hud: these are the heads of the fathers And these also dwelt with their bre- meam* ca. 9. II Or, Shi-
of the inhabitants of Geba, and they re- thren in Jerusalem, ouer against them. 38.
* Chap. 2. moued them to *Manahath: 33 f And *Ner begate Kish , and 51. 1. Sam. U.
7 And Naaman, and Ahiah, and Kish begate Saul, and Saul begate
Gera, he remooued them, and begate Jonathan, and Malchishua, and Abi-
Vzza, and Ahihud. nadab, and ||Eshbaal. II Or, Ishbo-
sheth, 2.
8 And Shaharaim begate children in 34 And the sonne of Jonathan was Sam. 2. 8.
the countrey of Moab. After hee had ||Meribbaal, and Meribbaal begate II Or, Me-
sent them away : Hushim, and Baara Micah. 2. Sam. 4. 4.
were his wiues. 35 And the sonnes of Micah were Pi-
9 And he begat of Hodesh his wife, thon, and Melech, and ||Tarea, and rea, II Or, Tah-
c. 9. 41.
lobab, and Zibia, and Mesha, and Ahaz.
Malcham, 36 And Ahaz begat lehoadah, and
10 And leuz, and Shachia, and lehoadah begate Alemeth, and Asma-
Mirma. These were his sonnes, heads ueth, and Zimri, and Zimri begate
of the fathers. Moza,
11 And of Hushim he begate Ahitub, 37 And Moza begate Binea: Rapha
and Elpaal. was his sonne, Elasa his sonne, Azel his
12 The sonnes of Elpaal: Eber, and sonne:
Misham, & Shamed, who built Ono, 38 And Azel had sixe sonnes, whose
and Lod with the townes thereof. names are these, Azrikam, Bocheru,
13 Beriah also and Shema, who and Ishmael, and Sheariah, and O-
were heads of the fathers of the inhabi- badiah, and Hanan. All these were the
tants of Aialon, who drpue away the sonnes of Azel.
inhabitants of Gath. 39 And the sonnes of Eshek his bro-
14 And Ahio, Shashak, and leri- ther were Vlam his first-borne, lehush
moth, the second, and Eliphelet the third.
15 And Zebadiah, & Arad, & Ader, 40 And the sonnes of Vlam were
16 And Michael, and Ispah , and mighty men of valour, archers, and
loha the sonnes of Beriah, had many sonnes, and sonnes sonnes,
17 And Zebadiah, and Meshullam, an hundred and fiftie. All these are of
and Hezeki, and Heber, the sonnes of Beniamin.
18 Ishmerai also, and lezliah, and
lobab the sonnes of Elpaal. C H A P . IX.
19 And lakim, and Zichri, & Zabdi,
20 AndElienai, and Zilthai, & Eliel, 1 The originall of Israels and ludahs genealo-
21 And Adaiah, and Beraiah, and gies. 2 The Israelites, 10 the Priests, 14
and the Leuites, with Nethinims which dwelt
II Or, Shema, Shimrath, the sonnes of ((Shimhi, in Jerusalem. 27 The charge of certaine
vers. 13.
22 And Ishpan, and Heber, & Eliel, Leuites. 35 The stocke of Saul and Jonathan.
Diuers officers Chap.ix. of the Temple.
O all Israel were recko- 15 And Bakbakkar, Heresh, and Ga-

ned by genealogies, & be- lal: and Mattaniah thesonne of Micah,
hold, they were written in the sonne of Zichri, the sonne of Asaph.
the booke of the Kings of 16 And Obadiah the sonne of Sho-
*8&WZS&M3Sfr Israel and ludah, who rn aiah, the sonne of Galal, the sonne of
were caried away to Babylon for their leduthun: and Berechiah the sonne of
transgression. Asa, the sonne of Elkanah, that dwelt
2 f Now the first inhabitants that in the villages of the Netophathites.
dwelt in their possessions, in their cities, 17 And the Porters were Shallum,
were the Israelites, the Priests, Leuits, and Akkub, and Talmon, and Ahiman,
and the Nethinims. and their brethren: Shallum wa$ the
* Nehein. 3 And in *lerusalem dwelt of the chiefe.
children of ludah, and of the children 18 (Who hitherto waited in the kings
of Beniamin, and of the children of E- gate Eastward) they were Porters in
pihraim, and Manasseh. the companies of the children of Leui.
4? Vthai the sonne of Amihud, the 19 And Shallum the eonne of Kore,
sonne of Omri, the sonne of Imri, the the sonne of Ebiasaph, the sonne of Ko-
sonne of Bani, of the children of Pha- rah, and his brethren (of the house of
rez the sonne of ludah. bis father) the Korahites, were ouer
5 And of the Shiloniles : Asaiah the worke of the seruice, keepers of the
the first borne, and his sonnes. t gates of the Tabernacle : and their t Heb. thre-
6 And of the sonnes of Zerah : le- fathers being ouer the hoste of the sholds.
uel, and their brethren, sixe hundred and LORD, were Keepers of the entrie.
ninetie. 20 And Phinehas the sonne of Elea-
7 And of the sonnes of Beniamin: zar was the ruler ouer them in time
Sallu the sonne of Meshullam, the past, and the LORD was with him.
sonne of Hodauiah, the sonne of Ha- 21 And Zechariah the sonne of Me-
senuah: shelemiah, was porter of the doore of the
8 And Ibneiah the sonne of lero- Tabernacle of the Congregation.
lam, and Elah the sonne of Vzzi, the 22 All these which were chosen to be
sonne of Michri, and Meshullam the porters in the gates, were two hundred
sonne of Shephatiah, the sonne of Re- and twelue. These were reckoned by
uel, the sonne of Ibniiah, their genealogie in their villages:
9 And their brethren, according to whom Dauid and Samuel the Seer,
their generations, nine hundred and fif- tdid ordeine in their ||set office. ilfcb. foun-
tie and sixe. All these menwere chiefe of 23 So they and their children had the ded.
t Or, trust,
the fathers in the house of their fathers. ouersight of the gates of the house of
10 f And of the Priests: ledaiah, the L O R D , namely, the house of the
and lehoiarib, and lachin, Tabernacle, by wards.
11 And Azariah the sonne of Hilkiah, 24 In foure quarters were the por-
;he sonne of Meshullam, the sonne of ters : toward the East, West, North,
Zadok, the sonne of Meraioth, the and South. \
sonne of Ahitub the ruler of the house 25 And their brethren, which were in
of God. their villages, were to come after seuen
1£ And Adrian the sonne of lero- dayes, from time to time with them.
bam, the sonne of Passhur, the sonne of 26 For these Leuites, the foure chiefe
Malchiiah, and Maasia the sonne of A- porters, were in their ||set office, and I Or, trust.
diel, the sonne of lahzerah , the sonne were ouer the || chambers and treasu- I Or, store-
of Meshullam, the -sonne of Meshille- ries of the house of God. houses.
mith, the sonne of Immer. 27 U And they lodged round about
13 And their brethren, heads of the the house of God, because the charge
house of their fathers, a thousand, and was vpon them, and the opening there-
t Heb. migh seuen hundred and threescore, very t able of euery morning, perteined to them.
tie men of men for the worke of the seruice of the 28 And ceriaine of them had the charge
house of God. of the ministring vessels, that they
14 And of the Leuites: Shemaiah should t bring them in and out by tale. t Heb. bring
the sonne of Hasshub, the sonne of Azri- 29 Some of them also were appointed them in by
tale, and ca-
kam , the sonne of Hashabiah, of the to ouersee the vessels, and all the || in- rte them out
by tale.
sonnes of Merari. struments of the Sanctuarie 9 and the D Or, vessels.
Sauls genealogie. I.Chron. His death.
ine floure, and the wine, and the oyle, labesh Gilead, towards Saul and his sonnes.
and the frankincense, and the spices. 13 Sauls sinne for which the was
translated from him to Dauid.
30 And some of the sonnes of the

* Exod. 30. Priests made * the oyntment of the Owe * the Philistines * i. Sam. 31.
spices. fought against Israel , i, 2.
31 And Mattithiah, one of the Le- and the men of Israel
uites (who was the first borne of Shal- fled from before the Phi-
II Or, trust. um the Korahite) had the ||set office o- -9s~9cw»o-««* listines , and
II Or, on flat uer the things that were made ||in the |slaine in mount Gilboa. H Or, woun-
plates, or,
slices. jannes. 2 And the Philistines followed ded.
32 And other of their brethren of the lard after Saul, and after his sonnes,
sonnes of the Kohathites, were ouer the and the Philistines slew lonathan,
\ Heb. brefld hShew-bread to prepare it euery Sab- and ||Abinadab, and Malchishua, the Or, leshui,
of ordering. 1. Sam. 14.
bath. sonnes of Saul. 49.
33 And these are the singers, chiefe of 3 And the battell went sore against
the fathers of the Leuites, who remay- Saul, and the t archers thit him, and he Hebr. shoo-
ers with
Hebr. upon ning'm the chambers, were free: for t they was wounded of the archers. ^owes.
were imployed in that worke, day and 4 Then saide Saul to his armour him. Hebr.found
night. nearer, Draw thy sword, and thrust me
34? These chiefe fathers of the Le- through therewith, lest these vncircum-
uites, were chiefe throughout their ge- cised come, and ||abuse mee: but his ar- II Or, mocke
lerations ; these dwelt at lerusalem. mour bearer would not, for he was sore me.
35 U And in Gibeon dwelt the fa- afraid. So Saul tooke a sword, and
ther of Gibeon, lehiel, whose wiues *ell vpon it.
* Chap. 8. name was *Maacha: 5 And when his armour bearer
36 And his first borne sonne Abdon, saw that Saul was dead, hee fell like-
hen Zur, and Kish , and Baal, and wise on the sword, and died.
^er, and Nadab, 6 So Saul died, and his three
37 And Gedor, and Ahio, and Ze- sonnes, and all his house died together.
chariah, and Mikloth. 7 And when all the men of Israe]
38 And Mikloth begate Shimeam: that were in the valley, saw that they
and they also dwelt with their brethren fled, and that Saul and his sonnes
at lerusalem, ouer against their bre- were dead : then they forsooke their ci-
thren. ties, and fled, and the Philistines came
#1. Chro, 8. 39 * And Ner begat Kish, and Kish and dwelt in them.
begate Saul, and Saul begate lona- 8 IF And it came to passe on the mor-
than, and Malchishua, and Abinadab, row, when the Philistines came to strip
and Eshbaal. the slaine, that they found Saul and his
40 And the sonne of lonathan was sonnes fallen in mount Gilboa.
Meribbaal ; and Meribbaal begate 9 And when they had stripped him
Micah. they tooke his head, and his armour
41 And the sonnes of Micah were and sent into the land of the Philistines
Pithon, and Melech, and Tahrea round about, to cary tidings vnto theii
* Chap. 8. *and Ahaz.
idoles, and to the people
42 And Ahaz begate larah, anc 10 And they put his armour in the
larah begate Alemeth, & Azmaueth house of their gods, and fastened his
and Zimri : and Zimri begate Moza, head in the temple of Dagon.
43 And Moza begate Binea. anc 11 U And when ail labesh Gilead
Rephaiah his son, Eleasah his sonne, heard all that the Philistines had done
Azel his sonne. to Saul:
44 And Azel had sixe sonnes, whose 12 They arose, all the valiant men
names are these i Azrikam, Bocheru and tooke away the body of Saul, anc
and Ismael, and Sheariah, and Oba- the bodies of his sonnes, and brough
diah, and Hanau. These were the sonnes them to labesh, and buried their bones
of Azel. vnder the oke in labesh, and fasted se
uen dayes.
C H A P . X. 13 U So Saul died for his transgres
1 Sauls overthrow and death. 8 The Phili- sion which hee t committed against .the pressed.
t Heb. trans

stines triumph ouer Saul. 11 The kindnes o LORD, * euen against the word of the * 1,9am. 15
LORI 23.
Daiiid made King. Chap.xj. His mightie men.
LORD which he kept not, and also for 11 And this is the number of themigh-
asking counsel of one that had a familiar tie men, whom Dauid had : lashobaam
* i. Sam. 28.spirit, *to enqnire of it: || an Hachmonite, the chiefe of the cap- II Or, Sonne
',% 14 And enquired not of the LORD: taines: he lift vp his speare against three ofHach-
therefore he slew him, and turned the hundred, slaine by him at one time.
kingdome vnto Dauid the sonne of 12 And after him was Eleazar the
t Heb. Isri. tlesse. sonne of Dodo the Ahohite, who was
one of the three mighties.
C H A P . XL IS He was with Dauid at ||Pasdam- I! Or, Ephes-
1 Dauid by a generall consent is made king at mim; and there the Philistines were dammim, 1. Sam. 17. i
Hebron. 4 Hee winneth tbe castle of Sion gathered together to battell, where
from the lebusites, by loabs valour. 10 A was a parcell of ground full of barley,
catalogue of Dauids mightie men.
and the people fled from before the Phi-
Hen *all Israel gathered listines.

* 2. Sam. 5.
themselues to Dauid vn- 14 And they ||set themselues in the II Or9 stood.
Hebron, saying, Behold, middest of that parcell, and deliuered it,
wee are thy bone and thy and slue the * Philistines, & the LORD * 2. Sam. 23
flesh. saued them by a great ||deliuerance. 13. II Or, salva-
t Heb. both 2 And moreouer tin time past, euen 15 IF Now || three of the thirtie cap- tion.
yesterday I Or, three
and the third when Saul was king, thou wast he that taines, went downe to the rocke of Da- oaptaines
dtty. leddest out and broughtest in Israel: uid, into the caue of Adullam, and the thirtte.
ov#r the
and the LORD thy God said vnto host of the Philistines encamped in the
!i Or, rule. thee, Thou shalt ||feede my people valley of Rephaim.
Israel, and thou shalt be ruler ouer my 16 And Dauid was then in the hold,
people Israel. and the Philistines garison was then at
3 Therefore came all the Elders of Bethlehem.
Israel to the king to Hebron, and Da- 17 And Dauid longed and said, Oh
uid made a couenant with them in He- that one would giue me drinke of the
bron before the L O R D , and they an- water of the well of Bethlehem, that is
nointed Dauid king ouer Israel, accor- at the gate.
\ Heb. by the ding to the word of the L O R D , tby 18 And the three brake through the
hand of
* I.Sam. 16. * Samuel. host of the Philistines, and drew water
13. 4 IF And Dauid & all Israel, * went out of the well of Bethlehem, that was
* 2. Sam. 5.6
to lerusalem, which is lebus, where by the gate, and tooke it and brought it
the lebusites were the inhabitants of to Dauid. But Dauid would not drink
the land. of it, but powred it out to the LORD,
5 And the inhabitants of lebus said 19 And said, My God forbid it mee,
to Dauid, Thou shalt not come hither. that I should doe this thing. Shall I
Neuerthelesse Dauid tooke the castle of drinke the blood of these men, tthat t Heb. with
Zion, which is the citie of Dauid. haue put their liues in ieopardie ? for their Hues?
6 And Dauid said, Whosoeuer smi- with the ieopardie of their liues, they
t Heb, head. teth the lebusites first, shall be t chiefe5 brought it: therfore he would not drink
and captaine. So loab the sonne of it. These things did these three migh-
Zeruiah went first vp, and was chiefe. tiest.
7 And Dauid dwelt in the castell: 20 f And Abishai the brother of lo-
t Thai is, therefore they called tit the citie of Da- ab, he was chiefe of the three. For lif-
Zion,2.Sam ting vp his speare against three hun-
5. 7. uid.
8 And he built the citie round about, dred, he slew them, and had a name a-
euen from Millo round about : and mong the three.
I Heb. reui- loab trepaired the rest of the citie. 21 *Of the three, hee was more ho- * a. Sam, 23,
\ Heb. went 9 So Dauid t waxed greater and nourable then the two, for he was their 19. &C.
in going and greater : for the L O U D of hostes was captaine; howbeit, he attained not to
with him. the first three.
* 2, Sam. 23. 10 1T ®These also are the chiefe of the 22 Benaiah the sonne of lehoiada,
8. the sonne of a valiant man of Kabzeel,
mightie men, whom Dauid had, who
II Or, held Hstrenthened themselues with him in twho had done many acts : he slue two 1 Heb. great
stronglywitti his kingdome, and with all Israel, to
him. Lyon-like men of Moab, also he went ofdeed*.
make him king according to the word downe and slue a Lyon in a pit in a
of the LORD, concerning Israel. snowy day.
23 And
3auids worthies, I.Chron. and helpers.
Heb. a man 23 And he slue an Egyptian, ta man 45 lediael the ||sonne of Zimri, and I Or, Zim
/measure. rite.
£ great stature, fiiie cubits high, and in ioha his brother, the Tizite,
he Egyptians hand was a speare like a 46 Eliel the Mahauite, and leri-
tveauers beame: and he went downe to jai, and loshauiah the sonnes of Elna-
lim with a staffe, and pluckt the speare an, and Ithmah the Moabite,
jut of the Egyptians hand s and slue 47 Eliel, and Obed, and lasiel the
iim with his owne speare. VIesobaite,
24 These things did Benaiah the
onne of lehoiada, and had the name CHAP XII.
among the three mighties. 1 The companies that came to Dauid at Ziklag.
25 Behold, hee was honourable a- 23 The armies that came to him at Hebron.
mong the thirtie, but attained not to Ow * these are they that * i. Sam.

he first three: and Dauid set him ouer came to Dauid to Ziklag 27. i.
t Heb. being
lis guard. t while hee yet kept him- yet shut vp.
26 H Also the valiant men of the ar- selfe close, because of Saul
mies were Asahel the brother of loab, the sonne of Kish : and
Elhanan the sonne of Dodo of Bethle- they were among the
lem. mighty men, helpers of the warre.
II Or, Haro~ 27 Shammoth the || Harorite, He- 2 They were armed with bowes,
dice, 2. Sam.
23. 25. ez the Pelonite, and could vse both the right hand and
28 Ira the sonne of Ikkesh the Te- the left,in hurlinffstones^nd shootingwc-
coite, Abiezer the Antothite, rowes out of a bow, euen of Sauls t>re-
29 Sibbecai the Hushathite, Ilai the thren of Beniamin.
Ahohite, 3 The chiefe was Ahiezer, then loash
30 Maharai the Netophathite, Heled the sonnes of || Shemaah the Gibea- I Or, Ha*
the sonne of Baanah the Netophathite, thite, and leziel, and Pelet, the sonnes maa.
31 Ithai the sonne of Ribai of Gi- of Azmaueth, and Berachah, and le-
leahjhatperteinedto thechildrenof Ben- hu the Antothite,
amin, Benaiah the Pirathonite, 4 And Ismaiah the Gibeonite, a
32 Hurai of the brookes of Gaash, mightie man among the thirtie, and o-
Abiel the Arbathite, uer the thirtie, and leremiah, and la-
33 Azmaueth the Baharumite, Eli- haziel, and lohanan, and losabad the
laba the Shaalbonite, Gederathite,
34 The sonnes of Hashem the Gi- 5 Eleuzai, and lerimoth, and Bea-
zonite : lonathan the sonne of Sha- liath, and Shemariah, and Shephati-
jeh the Hararite, ah the Haruphite,
35 Ahiham the sonne of Sacar the 6 Elkanah, and lesiah, and Azari-
Hararite, Eliphal the sonne of Vr, el, and loezer, and lashobeam, the
36 Hepher the Mecherathite, Ahi- Korhites,
iah the Pelonite, 7 And loelah, and Zebadiah the
37 Hezro the Carmelite, Naarai the sonnes of leroam of Gedor.
sonne of Ezbai, 8 And of the Gadites there separa-
38 loel the brother of Nathan, ted themselues vnto Dauid, into the
i Or, the Mibhar the || sonne of Haggeri, hold to the wildernesse, men of might,
39 Zelek the Ammonite, Naharai and men t of warre, fit for the battel, that 1 Heb. Qf the
the Berothite, the armour bearer oi could handle shield and buckler, whose ho*te.
loab the sonne of Zeruiah, faces were like the faces of Lyons, and
40 Ira the Ithrite, Gareb the I- were tas swift as the Roes vpon the Roes t Heb. as the
thrite, mountaines: the moun-
9 Ezer the first, Obadiah the second, make haste. to
41 Vriah the Hittite, Zabad the
sonne of Ahlai, Eliab the third,
42 Adina the sonne of Shiza the 10 Mashmannah the fourth, lere-
Reubenite, a captaine of the Reube- miah the fift,
nites, and thirtie with him, 11 Atthai the sixt, Eliel the seuenth,
43 Hanan the sonne of Maacah, anc 12 lohanan the eighth, Elzabad
loshaphat the Mithnite, the ninth,
44 Vzzia the Ashterathite, Shama 13 leremiah the tenth, Machbanai
and lehiel the sonnes of Hothan the the eleuenth.
Aroerite, 14 These were of the sonnes of Gad,
Dauids helpers to Chap.xij. make him king.
\\ Or, one that captaines of the hoste: ||one of the least 25 Of the children of Simeon, migh-
was least
could resist was ouer an hundred, and the greatest, ty men of valour for the warre, seuen
an hundred, ouer a thousand. thousand and one hundred.
and the grea-
test a thou- 15 These are they that went ouer 26 Of the children of Leui, foure
sand. lorden in the first moneth, when it had thousand and sixe hundred.
IHeb. filled fouerflowen all his *bankes, and they 27 And lehoiada was the leader
* losh. a. 15. put to flight all them of the valleis, both of the Aaronits, and with him were
toward the East, and toward the West. three thousand, and seuen hundred.
16 And there came of the children of 28 And Zadok, a young man migh-
Beniamin, and ludah, to the hold vn- tie of valour, and of his fathers house
to Dauid. twentie and two captaines.'
\Heb. before 17 And Dauid went out tto meete 29 And of the children of Beniamin
them, and answered and sayd vnto the tkitired of Saul three thousand : for t Heb. bre-
them : If yee bee come peaceably vnto hitherto tthe greatest part of them had thren.
t Heb. a
t Heb. be one me to helpe me, mine heart shall t be knit kept the ward of the house of Saul. multitude of
irnto you : but if yee be come to betray 30 And of the children of Ephraim,
me to mine enemies, seeing there is no twentie thousand, and eight hundred,
II Or, vto- (wrong in mine hands : the God of our mightie men of valour, t famous t Heb. men
fathers looke thereon, and rebuke It. throughout the house of their fathers. ofnames.
t Heb. the 18 Then tthe spirit came vpon A- 31 And of the halfe tribe of Manasseh,
Spirit c/o-
tfted Ama- fnasai, who was chiefe of the captaines, eighteene thousand, which were ex-
sai. mdhesayd) Thine arewe, Dauid, andon pressed by name, to come and make Da-
thy side, thou sonne of lesse : Peace, uid king.
peace be vnto thee, and peace be to thine 32 Arid of the children of Issachar,
helpers; forthyGodhelpeth thee. Then which were men that had vnderstan-
Dauid receiued them, and made them ding of the times, to know what Isra-
captaines of the band. el ought to doe : the heads of them were
19 And there fell some of Manasseh two hundred, and all their brethren
to Dauid, when he came with the Phi- were at their commandement.
listines against Saul to battell, but 33 Of Zebulun, such as went foorth
they helped them not. For the Lords to battell, H expert in warre, with all in- II Or, rangers
)f the Philistines, vpon aduisement, struments of warre, fifty thousand, of battett, or
ranged in
* 1. Sam. jenthim away, saying, *Hee will fall to which could ||keepe ranke : They were battett.
29.4. H Or, set the
t Heb.onour bis master Saul, tto the ieopardie o£our f not of double heart. battett ina-
heads. beads. 34 And of Naphtali a thousand cap- ray. •Heb. with'
20 As he went to Zildag, there fell taines, and with them, with shield and out a heart
to him of Manasseh, Adnah, and lo- speare, thirtie and seuen thousand. and a heart.
sabad, and lediel, and Michael^ and 35 And of the Danites, expert in war,
[ozabad, and Elihu, and Zilthai, cap- twentie and eight thousand, and sixe
taines of the thousands that were of hundred.
Manasseh. 36 And of Asher, such as went foorth
I Or, with a 21 And they helped Dauid || against to battell, 11expert in warre, fourtie their I Or, keeping
band. ranke.
the band of the Rouers: for they were all thousand.
mighty men of valour, and were cap- 37 And on the other side of lorden,
taines in the hoste. of the Reubenites, & the Gadites, and
22 For at that time day by day, there of the halfe tribe of Manasseh, with all
same to Dauid to helpe him, vntill it maner of instruments of warre for the
was a great hoste, like the hoste of battell, an hundred and twentie thou-
God. sand.
23 f And these are the numbers of 38 All these men of warre* that could
I Or, cap- the ||bands, that were ready armed to keepe ranke, came with a perfect heart
taines, or, the warre, and came to Dauid to He-
men, to Hebron, to make Dauid king ouer all
Heb. heads. bron, to turne the kingdome of Saul to Israel : and all the rest also of Israel,
him, according to the word of the were of one heart to make Dauid king.
LORD. 39 And there they were with Dauid
24 The children of Jtidah that bare three dayes, eating and drinking: for
shield, and speare, were sixe thousand, their brethren had prepared for them.
II Or, prepa- and eigl^t hundred, readie || armed to the 40 Moreouer, they that were nigh
red. Rrarre. them, euen vnto Issachar, and Zebu-
Vzza slaine. The I.Chron. Philiftines smitten.
lun, and Naphtali brought bread on cause the L O R D had made a breach
asses, and on camels
camels,, and on mules, vpon Vzza; wherefore that place is
II Or, vitaile and on oxen, and ||meat, meale, cakes of called t Perez-Vzza, to this day. \Heb.breach
figs, and bunches of raisins, and wine, 12 And Dauid was afraide of God ofTzxa.
and oyle, and oxen, and sheepe abun- that day, saying, How shall I bring the
dantly : for there was ioy in Israel. Arke of God home to me ?
IS So Dauid t brought not the Arke mooued.
t Hebr. re.

C H A P . XIII. borne to himselfe to the city of Dauid,

but caried it aside into the house of O-
1 Dauid fetcheth the Arke with great solemnitie bed-Edom the Gittite.
from Kiriath-iearim. 9 Vzza being smitten, 14 And the Arke of God remained
the Arke is left at the house of Obed-Edom.
with the family of Obed-Edom in his
Nd Dauid consulted
S^S$K?^9 Nd Dauid with
co bouse three moneths. And the L O R D

aaaa SL§3MjvVgg
the the ofcaptaine
captaines thou- blessed * the house of Obed-Edom, and 26.5.
* As chap.
sands sands, and
, and hundreds, andhu all that he had.
with euery leader.
^^^^^^with euery l
And Dauid 2said Andvn-D
to all the Congregation of Israel, If it
seeme good vnto you, and that it be of the 1 Hirams kindnesse to Dauid. 2 Dauids feli-
i Hebr. let L O R D our God, tlet vs send abroad citie in people, wiues and children. 8 His
v$ breake two victories against the Philistines.
foorth and vnto our brethren euery where, that

are left in all the land of Israel, and Ow * Hiram king of Tyre * 2. Sam. 5.
11. &c.
with them also to the Priests and Le- sent messengers to Dauid,
t Hebr. in uites which are in t their cities and sub- and timber of Cedars,
the cities of
their sub- urbs, that they may gather themselues with masons, and carpen-
urbs. vnto vs. ters to build him an house.
\ Heb. bring 3 And let vs t bring againe the Arke 2 And Dauid perceiued that the
of our God to vs : for wee enquired not L O R D had confirmed him king ouer
at it in the dayes of Saul. Israel, for his kingdome was lift vp on
4 And all the Congregation saide, high, because of his people Israel.
that they would doe so : for the thing 8 11 And Dauid tooke tmoe wiues t Hebr. yet.
was right in the eyes of all the people. at lerusalem : and Dauid begate moe
*l. Sam. 7. 5 So * Dauid gathered all Israel sonnes and daughters.
1.2. sam.6.2.
together, from Shihor of Egypt, euen 4 ^Now these are the names of his
vnto the entring of Hemath , to bring children which hee had in lerusalem :
the Arke of God from Kiriath-iearim. Shammua, and Shobab, Nathan,
6 And Dauid went vp, and all Is- and Solomon,
* losh. 16. 9. rael, to #Baalah, that is, to Kiriath-iea- 5 And Ibhar, and Elishua, and El-
rim, which belonged to ludah, to bring palet,
vp thence the Arke of God the LORD, 6 And Noga, and Nepheg, and
that dwelleth betweene the Cheru- laphia,
bims, whose name is called on it. 7 And Elishama, and || Beeliada, and 2.II Or, Eliada,
Sam. B.
t Heb. made 7 And they tcaried the Arke of God Elpalet. 16.
the Arke to
ride. in a new cart, out of the house of Abina- 8 f And when the Philistines heard
dab : and Vzza, and Ahio draue the cart. that * Dauid was anoynted king ouer 2. Sam. 5.
8 And Dauid and all Israel played all Israel, all the Philistines went vp 17.
before God with all their might, and to seeke Dauid : and Dauid heard of it,
t Heb. songs with t singing, and with harpes, and and went out against them.
with psalteries, and with tymbrels, and 9 And the Philistines came & spread
with cymbals, and with trumpets. themselues in the valley of Rephaim.
9 IF And when they came vnto the 10 And Dauid enquired of God, say-
I! Called Na- threshing floore of ||Chidon, Vzza put ing, Shall I goe vp against the Phili-
chon, 2. Sam
6. 6. foorth his hand to hold the Arke, for stines ? and wilt thou deliuer them into
II Or, shoofce the oxen ||stumbled. mine hand? And the L O R D said vnto
10 And the anger of the L O R D him, Go vp, for I will deliuer them in-
was kindled against Vzza, and hee to thine hand.
smote him, because hee put his hand to 11 So they came vp to Baal-Pera-
* Num. 4. the *Arke: and there he died before God. zim, and Dauid smote them there.
11 And Dauid was displeased, be- Then Dauid said, God hath broken in
The bringing Chap.xv. of the Arke.
vpon mine enemies by mine hand, like el the chiefe, and his brethren an hun-
the breaking foorth
foorth of waters: there- dred and thirtie.
fore they called the name of that place, 8 Of the sonnes of Elizaphan: She-
\Heb.that tBaal-Perazim. maiah the chiefe, and his brethren two
is, a place of
breaches. 1& And when they had left their gods lundred.
there, Dauid gaue a commandement, 9 Of the sonnes of Hebron: Eliel the
and they were burnt with fire. chiefe, and his brethren fourescore.
13 And the Philistines yet againe 10 Of the sonnes of Vzziel : Ammi-
spread themselues abroad in the val- nadab the chiefe , and his brethren an
ley. lundred and twelue.
14 Therfore Dauid enquired againe 11 And Dauid called for Zadok and
of God, and God said vnto him, Goe Abiathar the Priests, and for the Le-
not vp after them , turne away from uites, for Vriel, Asaiah and loel, She-
* 2, Sam. 5. them, * and come vpon them ouer a- maiah, and Eliel, and Amminadab,
gainst the mulbery trees. 12 And said vnto them, Yee are the
15 And it shall bee, when thou shalt chiefe of the fathers of the Leuites:
leare a sound of going in the tops of the sanctifie your selues both yee and your
mulbery trees, that then thou shalt goe Brethren, that you may bring vp the
out to battaile : for God is gone foorth Arke of the L O R D God of Isra-
>efore thee, to smite the hoste of thePhi- el , vnto the place that I haue prepared
istines. for it.
16 Dauid therefore did as God com- 13 For because ye did it not at the first,
manded him: and they smote the hoste the L O R D our God made a breach
of the Philistines from Gibeon euen to vpon vs, for that we sought him not af-
Gazer. ter the due order.
17 And the fame of Dauid went out 14 So the Priestes and the Leuites
into all lands, and the L O R D brought sanctified themselues to bring vp the
the feare of him vpon all nations. Arke of the L O R D God of Israel.
15 And the children of the Leuites
bare the Arke of God vpon their shoul-
C H A P . XV. ders, with the staues thereon, as * Mo- * Exod. 25.
1 Dauid hauing prepared a place for the Arke, ses commanded, according to the word
ordereth the Priestes and Leuites to bring of the L O R D .
it from Obed-Edom. 25 Hee perfourmeui
the soleranitie
soleranitie thereof with great ioy. 29 Mi- 16 And Dauid spake to the chiefe of
chal despiseth him. the Leuites, to appoint their brethren
to be the singers with instruments of

Nd Dauid made Nd him
Dauid m
hou- musicke, Psalteries, and Harpes, and
ses in the citie of Dauid, Cymbales, sounding, by lifting vp the
and preparedan<a^place
(pf^gl^^l for
prepare voice with ioy.
the Arke of God, and pit- 17 So the Leuites appointed * He- 33. * Chap. G.
^^^^^ for it a ched
tent. man the sonne of loel: and of his bre-
t Heb. It is & Then Dauid sayd, tNone ought thren, * Asaph the sonne of Berechiah: * Vets. 39.
not to cary
the Arke of to carie the * Arke of God, but the Le- and of the sonnes of Merari their bre-
God, but for uites: for them hath the L O R D cho- thren, * Ethan the sonne of Kushaiah. * Vers. 44.
the Leuites.
* Num. 4. sen to cary the Arke of God, and to mi- 18 And with them their brethren of
2, 15.
nister vnto him fo^euer. the second degree, Zachariah, Ben,
3 And Dauid gathered all Israel and laziel, & Shemiramoth , and le-
together to Jerusalem, to bring vp the hiel, and Vnni, Eliab, and Benaiah,
Arke of the LORD vnto his place, and Maasiah, and Mattithiah, and E-
which hee had prepared for it. liphaleh, and Mikniah, and Obed E-
4 And Dauid assembled the chil- dom, and lehiel the Porters.
dren of Aaron, and the Leuites. 19 So the Singers, Heman, Asaph,
5 Of the sonnes of Kohath : Vrie and Ethan, were appointed to sound
\ Or, kinse- thechiefte, and his || brethren an hundrec with cymbales of brasse.
men. and twentie. 20 And Zachariah, and Aziel, ancl
6 Of the sonnes of Merari : Asa- Shemiramoth, and lehiel, and Vnni,
iali the chiefe,and his brethren two hun- and Eliab, and Maasiah, and Benaiah,
dred and twentie. with Psalteries on Alamoth.
7 Of the sonnes of Gershom: lo- 21 And Mattithiah, and Eliphaleh,
The Arke brought. I.Chron. Ihe long
and Mikniah, and Obed Edom, and end of offering the burnt offerings, and
leiel, and Azzaziah, with harpes on the peace offrings, he blessed the people
!! pr, on the the ||Sheminith to excell. in the name of the LORD.
eight to o-
uersee. 22 And Chenaniah chiefe of the Le- 8 And hee dealt to euery one of Is-
I Or, was for uites ||wa*for t song: he instructed about rael, both nlan and woman, to euery
he cariage:
he instructed the song, because he was skilfull. one a loafe of bread, and a good piece of
about the
23 And Berechiah, and Elkanah flesh, and a flagon of wine.
i Heb. lifting were doore keepers for the Arke. 4 IF And he appointed certaine of the
vp. 24? And Shebaniah, and lehosha- Leuites to minister before the Arke of
phat, and Nathaneel, and Amasai, and the L O R D , and to record, and to
Zachariah, and Benaiah, and Eliezer thanke and praise the L O R D God of
the priests, did blow with the trumpets Israel,
before the Arke of God : and Obed E- 5 Asaph the chiefe, and next to him
dom, and lehiah were doore keepers Zachariah, leiel, and Shemiramoth,
for the Arke. and lehiel, and Mattithiah, and E-
* 2. Sam. 6. 25 IF So * Dauid and the Elders of liab, and Benaiah, and Obed Edom:
2, 13. &C.
Israel, and the captaines ouer thou- and leiel twith Psalteries and with tinstruments
Heb. with
sands, went to bring vp the Arke of the harpes: but Asaph made a sound with of Psalte-
ries^ harps
couenant of the L O R D , out of the cymbals.
bouse of Obed Edom with ioy. 6 Benaiah also and lahaziel the
26 And it came to passe when God Priestes, with trumpets continually
helped the Leuites that bare the Arke before the Arke of the Couenant of
of the couenant of the L O R D , that God.
they offered seuen bullocks, and seuen 7 If Then on that day, Dauid deli-
rammes. uered first this Psalme to thanke the
27 And Dauid was clothed with a LORD, into the hand of Asaph and
robe of fine linnen, and all the Leuites his brethren:
that bare the Arke, and the singers, and S *Giue thankes vnto the LORD, * Psal. 105.
0r, cariagv Chenaniah the master of the ||song, 1.
call vpon his name, make knowen his
with the singers. Dauid also had vpon deeds among the people.
him, an Ephod of linnen. 9 Sing vnto him, sing psalmes vn-
28 Thus all Israel brought vp the to him, talke you of all his wonderous
Arke of the Couenant of the L O R D workes.
with shouting, and with sound of the 10 Glory yee in his holy Name, let
cornet, and with trumpets, and with the heart of them reioyce that seeke the
cymbals, making a noise with psalte- LORD.
ries and harpes. 11 Seeke the L O R D , . and his
29 f And it came to passe as the Arke strength, seeke his face continually.
of the couenant of the LORD came 12 Remember his marueilous works
to the citie of Dauid, that Michal the that he hath done, his wonders, and
daughter of Saul looking out at a win- the Judgements of his mouth,
dow, saw King Dauid dauncing and 13 O ye seed of Israel his seruant, ye
playing : and shee despised him in her children of lacob his chosen ones.
heart. 14? He is the L O R D our God, his
iudgements are in all the earth.
C H A P . XVI. 15 Be ye mindfull alwayes of his
Couenant : the worde which hee com-
1 Dauids festiuall sacrifice. 4 Hee ordereth a manded to a thousand generations:
Quire to sing Thankesgiuing. 7 The Psalme 16 Euen of the * Couenant which hee * Gen. 17. 2.
of Thankesgiuing. 37 He appointeth Mini- and 26. 3.
made with Abraham, and of his othe & 28. 13.
sters, Porters, Priests and Musitians, to attend
continually on the Arke. vnto Isaac:
17 And hath confirmed the same to
^^A-Sf O * they broug lacob for a la we, and to Israel for an

* 2. Sam. 6.
of God , and set it in the euerlasting Couenant,
|!^W>&% midst of the t 18 Saying, vnto thee will I giue
uid had pitched for it: and the land of Canaan, the tlot of your in- t Heb. the
**** iMswl«\»" 5 ^JAU %$££ft3&$ji they offered b
1 heritance. t Heb. men
ces, and peace offerings before God. 19 When ye were but tfew, * euen a of number.
2 And when Dauid had made an few, and strangers in it: *Gen, 34.
20 And
of Aiaph. Chap.xvij, Priefts, Porters, &c.
20 And when they went from nati- Asaph and his brethren, to minister be-
on to nation, and from one kingdom* fore the Arke continually, as euery
to another people : dayes worke required:
21 Hee suffered no man to doe them 38 And Obed Edom with their bre-
* Gen. 12. wrong: yea, hee *reprooued kings for thren, threescore and eight: Obed E-
17. and
20. 3.
their sakes, dom also the sonne of leduthun, and
* Psal. 105; 22 Saying, * Touch not mine anoin- Hbsah to be porters:
ted, and doe my Prophets no harme. 39 And Zadok the Priest, and his
* PsaL96. i. 23 *Sing vnto the L O R D all the brethren the Priests, before the Taber-
earth : shew foorth from day to day his nacle of the LORD, in the high place
saluation. that was at Gibeon,
24 Declare his glory among the 40 To offer burnt offerings vnto
heathen : his marueilous workes a- the L O R D , vpon the Altar of the
mong all nations. burnt offering continually t morning t Heb. in the
25 For great is the L O R D , and and euening, and to doe according to mominganc
in the eve-
greatly to be praised: he also is to be fea- all that is written in the Lawe of the ning.
red aboue all gods. L O R D , which hee commanded Is-
* Leu. 19. 4 26 For all the gods *of the people rael:
are idoles : but the L O R D made the 41 And with them Heman and le-
heauens. duthun , and the rest that were chosen,
27 Glory and honour are in his pre- who were expressed by name, to giue
sence : strength and gladnesse are in his thankes to the L O R D , because his
place. mercy endureth for euer.
28 Giue vnto the LORD, yee kin- 42 And with them Heman and le-
reds of the people : giue vnto the duthun with trumpets and cymbales,
LORD glory and strength. for those that should make a sound, and
29 Giue vnto the L O R D the glo- with musicall instruments of God : and
ry due vnto his Name: bring an offe- the sonnes of leduthun were t Por- Ml & for
the gate.
ring, and come before him , worship ters.
the L O R D in the beau tie of holi- 43 And all the people departed eue-
nesse. ry man to his house, and Dauid retur-
30 Feare before him all the earth: ned to blesse his house.
the world also shall be stable, that it be
not mooued.
31 Let the heauens be glad, and let
the earth reioyce: and let men say a- 1 Nathan first approouing the purpose of Da-
mong the nations, The LORD reig- uid, to build God an house, 3 after by the
word of God forbiddeth him. 11 Hee pro-
neth. miseth him blessings and benefits in his seed.
32 Let the sea roare, and the fulnesse 16 Dauids prayer and thankesgiuing.
thereof: let the fieldes reioyce, and all
Ow *it came to passe, as

that is therein. * 2. Sam. 7«
33 Then shall the trees of the wood Dauid sate in his house,
sing out at the presence of the LORD, that Dauid sayde to Na-
because hee commeth to iudge the than the Prophet, Loe, I
earth. dwell in an house of Ce-
* Psa. 107.1 34 *O giue,thanks vnto the LORD, dars , but the Arke of the Couenant
and 118.1. for hee is good: for his mercy endureth of the L O R D remaineth vnder cur-
and 136. I.
for euer. taines.
35 And say yee, Saue vs, 0 God of 2 Then Nathan sayd vnto Dauid,
our saluation, and gather vs together, Doe all that is in thine heart, for God
and deliuer vs from the heathen, that is with thee.
we may giue thanks to thy holy Name, 3 If And it came to passe the same
and glory in thy praise. night, that the word of God came to
36 Blessed be the L O R D God of Nathan, saying,
* Dcut. 27. Israel for euer and euer: and all *the 4 Goe and tell Dauid my seruant,
15. people saide, Amen, and praised the Thus saith the L O R D , Thou shalt
LORD. not build me an house to dwell in.
37 U So hee left there before the 5 For I haue not dwelt in a house
Arke of the couenant of the L O R D , since the day that I brought vp Israel,

* 15
Dauids thankes, LChron. and prayer.
vnto this day, but thaue gone from tent
t Heb. haue while to come, and hast regarded inee
beng. to tent, and from one Tabernacle to a- according to the estate of a man of high
nother. degree, O LORD God.
6 Wheresoeuer I haue walked with 18 What can Dauid spedke more to
all Israel, spake I a word to any of the thee for the honour of thy seruant ? for
ludges of Israel (whom I comman- thou knowest thy seruant.
ded to feed my people) saying, Why haue 19 O LORD, for thy seruants sake,
ye not built me an house of Cedars ? and according to thine owne heart, hast
7 Now therefore thus shalt thou thou done all this greatnesse in making
say vnto my seruant Dauid, Thus saith knowen all these t great things. \Heb. great-
the LORD of hosts, I tooke thee from 20 O LORD, there is none like thee nesses.
\Heb.from the Sheep-coat, euen tfrom folowing the neither is there any God besides thee, ac-
sheep, that thou shouldest be ruler ouer cording to all that we haue heard with
my people Israel: our eares.
8 And I haue bene with thee whi- 21 And what one nation in the earth
thersoeuer thou hast walked, and haue is like thy people Israel, whome God
cut off all thine enemies from before went to redeeme to be his owne people,
thee, and haue made thee a name, like to make thee a name of greatnesse and
the name of the great men that are in terriblenesse, by driuing out nations
the earth. from before thy people whom thou hast
9 Also I will ordeine a place for my redeemed out of Egypt?
people Israel, and will plant them, and 22 For thy people Israel didst thou
they shall dwell in their place, and shall make thine owne people for euer, and
be moued no more: neither shal the chil- thou, LORD, becamest their God.
dren of wickednesse waste them any 23 Therefore now L O R D , let the
more (as at the beginning, thing that thou hast spoken concerning
10 And since the time that I com- thy seruant, and concerning his house,
manded ludges to bee ouer my people be established for euer, and doe as thou
Israel.) Moreouer, I will subdue all hast said.
thine enemies. Furthermore I tel thee, 24 Let it euen bee established, that
that the L O R D will build thee an thy name may bee magnified for euer,
house. saying, The LORD of hosts is the God
11 IT And it shall come to passe, when of Israel, euen a God to Israel: and
thy dayes be expired, that thou must go let the house of Dauid thy seruant be e-
to be with thy fathers, that I will raise stablished before thee.
vp thy seed after thee, which shall bee of 25 For thou, O my God, thast tolde t Heb. hast
thy sonnes, and I wil stablish his king- thy seruant that thou wilt build him an revealed the
eare of thy
dome. house: therefore thy seruant hath found servant.
12 He shall build me an house, and I in his heart to pray before thee.
will stablish his throne for euer. 26 And now, LORD (thou art
**.J«ng.9. 13 I * will be his father, and he shall God, and hast promised this goodnesse
be my sonne, and I will not take my vnto thy seruant.)
mercie away from him, as I tooke it 27 Now therefore ||let it please thee \\ Or, it hath
from him that was before thee. to blesse the house of thy seruant, that it pleated thee.
14 But I will settle him in mine may bee before thee for euer : for thou
house, and in my kingdom for euer, and blessest, O LORD, and it shalbe blessed
his throne shall bee established for euer- for euer.
15 According to all these words, and C H A P . XVIII.
according to all this vision, so did Na-
than speake vnto Dauid. I Dauid subdueth the Philistines and the Moa-
bites. 3 He smiteth Hadadezer and the Syri-
16 IT And Dauid the king came, and ans. 9 Tou sendeth Hadorara with presents
sate before the LORD, and said, Who to blesse Dauid. 11 The presents & the spoile,
am I, O L O R D God, and what is Dauid dedicateth to God. 13 He puttetn ga-
risons in Edom. 14 Dauids officers.
mine house, that thou hast brought mee
hitherto ? Ow after this, *it came to * 2. Sam. 8.
17 And yet this was a small thing in
thine eyes,OGod: for thou hast also spo-
ken of thy seruants house, for a great aaaa passe, that Dauid smote the i. &c.
Philistines & subdued them,
and tooke Gath, and her
His victories. Chap.xix. Hanuns villenie.
townes out of the hand of the Phili- among all his people.
stines. 15 And loab the sonne of Zeruiah
2 And he smote Moab, and the Mo- was ouer the hoste, and lehoshaphat
abites became Dauids seruants, and the sonne of Ahilud, || Recorder. I Or, Re-
brought gifts. 16 And Zadok the sonne of Ahitub, cer.membran-
I Or, Hado. 3 IT And Dauid smote || Hadarezer and || Abimelech the sonne of Abiathar, II Catted A-
dezer in
Sam. king of Zobah vnto Hamath, as hee were the Priests, and || Shausha was himelech
went to stablish his dominion by the ri- Scribe. II Called Sa-
uer Euphrates. 17 And Benaiah the sonne of le- raia in Sam.
andSisa, 1.
4 And Dauid tooke from him a hoiada was ouer the Cherethites, and King. 4. 2.
thousand charets, and seuen thousand the Pelethites: and the sonnes of Da-
horsemen , and t wen tie thousand foot- uid were tchiefe about the king. t Heb. at the
men : Dauid also houghed all the cha- hand of the
ret horseSy but reserued of them an hun-
dred charets. CHAP. XIX.
5 And when the Syrians of t Da- 1 Dauids messengers sent to comfort Hanun
mascus came to helpe Hadarezer king the sonne of Nabash, are villanously intrea-
of Zobah, Dauid slew of the Syrians ted. 6 The Ammonites strengthened by
the Syrians, are ouercome by loab and Abi-
two and twentie thousand men. shai. 16 Shophach making a new supply
6 Then Dauid put garisons in Syria of the Syrians, is slaine by Dauid.
Damascus, and the Syrians became
Dauids seruants, and brought giftes. Ow *it came to passe af- * 2. Sam. 10

Thus the L O R D preserued Dauid, ter this, that Nahash the ver. I, &c.
whithersoeuer he went. King of the children of
7 And Dauid tooke the shields of Ammon dyed, & his sonne
golde that were on the seruants of Ha- -xa-^v^^,-reigned
darezer, & brought them to lerusalem. 2 And Dauid sayde, I will shewe
\ Called in 8 Likewise from || Tibhath, and kindnesse vnto Hanun the sonne of Na-
the booke of from Chun, cities of Hadarezer, broght hash, because his father shewed kind-
Sam. Beta
and Bero- Dauid very much brasse, wherewith nesse to mee. And Dauid sent messen-
"I.King. 7. * Solomon made the brasen Sea, and gers to comfort him concerning his fa-
23. and 2. the pillars, and the vessels of brasse. ther. So the seruants of Dauid came
chro. 4. 15.
II Or, Tai, 2. 9 1[ Now when || Tou king of Ha- into the land of the children of Ammon,
Sam. 8. 9. math heard how Dauid had smitten to Hanun, to comfort him.
all the hoste of Hadarezer king of Zo- 3 But the Princes of the children of
bah: Ammon sayde to Hanun, tThinkest thine t Heb. In
li Or, loram, 10 Hee sent ||Hadoram his sonne to thou that Dauid doeth honour thy fa- doeth Da-
2. Sam. 8. king Dauid, ||to enquire of his welfare, ther, that he hath sent comforters vnto uid, &c.
II Or, to sa- and to t congratulate him, because hee thee ? Are not his seruants come vnto
lute. thee for to search, and to ouerthrow,
t Heb. to had fought against Hadarezer, and
blesse. smitten him (for Hadarezer thad warre and to spie out the land ?
t Heb. was 4 Wherefore Hanun tooke Dauids
the man of with Tou) and with him all manner of
warres. vessels of golde and siluer, and brasse. seruants, and shaued them, and cut off
11 1T Them also king Dauid dedica- their garments in the middest, hard by
ted vnto the LORD, with the siluer their buttockes, and sent them away.
and the golde that he brought from all 5 Then there went certeine, and
these nations: from Edom, and from told Dauid, how the men were serued,
Moab, and from the children of Am- and hee sent to meet them (for the men
mon, and from the Philistines, and were greatly ashamed) and the King
from Amalek. sayde, Tary at lericho vntill your
12 Moreouer, Abishai the sonne of beards be growen, and then returne.
Zeruiah, slew of the Edomites in the 6 51" And when the children of Am-
valley of salt, eighteene thousand. mon sawe, that they had made them-
13 11 And he put garisons in Edom, selues todious to Dauid; Hanun and stinke.
t Heb. to
and all the Edomites became Dauids the children of Ammon sent a thousand
seruants. Thus the L O R D preser- talents of siluer, to hire them charets
ued Dauid whithersoeuer he went. and horsemen out of Mesopotamia, and
14 U So Dauid reigned ouer all Is- out of Syria-Maachah, and out of Zo-
rael, and executed iudgement and iustice bah.
7 So
The Ammonites LChron. are ouercome.
7 So they hired thirtie and two Irets, and fourty thousand footmen, and
thousand charets, and the king of Maa- killed Shophach the captaine of the
chah and his people, who came and pit- hoste.
ched before Medeba. And the children 19 And when the seruants of Hada-
of Ammon gathered themselues toge- rezer saw that they were put to the
ther from their cities, and came to bat- worse before Israel, they made peace
taile. with Dauid, and became his seruants:
8 And when Dauid heard of it, hee neither would the Syrians helpe the
sent loab, and all the host of the migh- children of Ammon any more.
tie men.
9 And the children of Ammori came
out, and put the battell in aray before C H A P . XX.
the gate of the citie, and the kings that 1 Rabbah is besieged by loab, spoiled by Da-
uid , and the people thereof tortured. 4
were come, were by themselues in the Three giants are slaine in three seuerall ouer-
field. throwes of the Philistines.
t Hebr. the 10 Now when loab saw that tthe
face of the
battell was. battell was set against him, before and Nd*it came to passe, that * 2. Sam. 11.

II Or, yong behinde: hee chose out of all the || choice
t after the yeere was expi- ti.Hebr. at
of Israel, and put them in aray against red, at the time that kings oftheyeere.
the returne
the Syrians. goe out to battell, loab led
11 And the rest of the people hee deli- forth the power of the ar-
\HehrAb- uered vnto the hand of tAbishai his mie 3 and wasted the countrey of the
shai. brother, and they set themselues in a- children of Ammon, and came and be-
ray against the children of Ammon. sieged Rabbah (but Dauid taried at
12 And he said, If the Syrians bee Jerusalem,) and loab smote Rabbah,
too strong for me, then thou shalt helpe and destroyed it.
me: but if the children of Ammon be too £ And Dauid *tooke the crowne of *2. Sam. 12.
strong for thee, then I wil helpe thee. their king from off his head, and found it 26.
13 Be of good courage, and let vs be- t to weigh a talent of gold, and there were t Hebr. the
haue our selues valiantly for our peo- precious stones in it, and it was set vp- weight of*
ple, and for the Cities of our God : and on Dauids head; and hee brought also
let the LOED do that which is good in exceeding much spoile out of the city.
his sight. 3 And hee brought out the people
14 So loab and the people that that were in it, and cut them with sawes,
were with him, drew nigh before the and with harrowes of yron, and with
Syrians, vnto the battell; and they fled axes : euen so dealt Dauid with all the
before him. cities of the children of Ammon. And
15 And when the children of Am- Dauid and all the people returned to
mon saw that the Syrians were fled, Jerusalem.
they likewise fled before Abishai his 4 1[ And it came to passe after this,
brother, and entred into the city. Then *that there || arose warre at ||Gezer with * 2. Sam. 21,
loab came to lerusalem. the Philistines, at which time Sibbe- 18. II Or, conti-
16 IF And when the Syrians saw chai the Hushathite, slew Sippai, that nued, Hebr.
that they were put to the worse before was of the children of ||the giant: and stood.
I Or, Gob.
Israel, they sent messengers, and drew they were subdued. I Or, Rapfia.
forth the Syrians, that were beyond the 5 And there was warre againe
!l i. Euphra- ||R5uer : and [|Shophach the captaine with the Philistines, and Elhanan the
il Or, Sho- of the hoste of Hadarezer, went before sonne of ||Iair, slew Lahmi the brother \\CalleilalsOi
bach, 2. sam> them. of Goliath the Gittite, whose speare- g-im, laare-ore-
10. 16. 2. sum.
17 And it was tolde Dauid, and hee staffe was like a weauers beame. 21. 19.
gathered all Israel, and passed ouer 6 And yet againe * there was warre * 2. Sam. 21.
lordane, and came vpon them, and set at Gath, where was a man tof'great sta- 20. t Hebr. a
the battell in aray against them: so when ture, whose fingers and toes were foure man sure.
of mea-
Dauid had put the battell in aray a- andtwentie,sixecw£acM#7id,andsixe0tt
gainst the Syrians, they fought with eachfoot. And he also was t the sonne of tot Hebr. borne
the giant*
him. the giant. or, Rapha.
18 But the Syrians fled before Is- 7 But when he || defied Israel, Jo- ched. II Or, repro-
rael, and Dauid slew of the Syrians nathan the sonne of ||Shimea Dauids I Called
seuen thousand men, which fought in cha- brother, slew him. Shammah,
l. Sam. 16.
8 These 9.
People numbred. Chap.xxj, The peftilence.
8 These were borne vnto the Gi- saith the LORD, I toffer thee three WIelr.
ant in Gath, and they fell by the hand things, choose thee one of them, that I stretch out.
of Dauid, and by the hand of his ser- may doe it vnto thee.
uants. 11 So Gad came to Dauid, and said
vnto him, Thus saith the LORD,
CHAP. XXI. t Choose thee iHebr.take
to thee.
12 Either three yeeres famine, or
1 Dauid tempted by Satan , forceth loab to three moneths to bee destroyed before
number the people. 5 The number of the
people being brought, Dauid repenteth of it. thy foes (while that the sword of thine
9 Dauid hauing three plagues propounded enemies ouertaketh thee) or else three
by Gad, chuseth the pestilence. 14 After the dayes the sword of the LORD, euen
death of 70000, Dauid by repentance pre- the pestilence in the land, and the Angel
uenteth the destruction of lerusalem. 18 JDa-
uid by Gads direction, purchaseth Ornans of the LORD destroying throughout
threshing floore, where hauing built an Al- all the coasts of Israel. Now therefore
tar, God giueth a signe of his fauour by fire, aduise thy selfe, what word I shall
and stayeth the plague. 28 Dauid sacrifi* Dring againe to him that sent me.
ceth there, being restrained from Gibeon by
feare of the Angel. 13 And Dauid said vnto Gad, I am
in a great strait. Let mee fall now into
the hand of the LORD (for very Hgreat I Or, many.
Nd * Satan stoode vp a- are his mercies,) but let me not fall into

* Sam. 24.
l,&c. gainst Israel, and prouo- the hand of man.
ked Dauid to number Is- 14 1f So the LORD sent pestilence
rael. vpon Israel : and there fell of Israel,
2 And Dauid saide to seuentie thousand men.
loab, and to the rulers of the people, 15 And God sent an * Angel vnto 24. * 2. Sam.
Goe, number Israel from Beer-sheba lerusalem to destroy it: and as he was
eueu to Dan : and bring the number of destroying, the LORD beheld, and he
them to me, that I may know it. repented him of the euill, and said to the
3 And loab answered, The LORD Angel that destroyed, It is ynough,
make his people an hundred times so stay now thine hand. And the Angel of
many moe as they bee: but, my lord the the L O R D stood by the threshing
king, are they not al my lords seruants ? floore of || Oman the lebusite. II Or, Arau-
2. sam.
why then doeth my lord require this 16 And Dauid lift vp his eyes, and nah. 24. 16.
thing ? why will hee bee a cause of tres- saw the Angel of the L O R D stand be-
passe to Israel ? tweene the earth and the heauen, ha-
4? Neuerthelesse, the kings word uing a drawen sword in his hand stret-
preuailed against loab : wherefore ched out ouer lerusalem. Then Dauid
loab departed, and went throughout and the Elders of Israel, who were
all Israel, and came to lerusalem. clothed in sackecloth, fell vpon their
5 If And loab gaue the summe of faces.
the number of the people vnto Dauid: 17 And Dauid said vnto God, Is it
and all they of Israel were a thousand not I that commanded the people to be
thousand, and an hundred thousand n urn bred ? euen I it is that haue sinned,
men that drew sword: and ludah was and done euill indeed, but as for these
foure hundred threescore and ten thou- sheepe, what haue they done? Let thine
sand men, that drew sword. hand, I pray thee, 0 LORD my God,
6 But Leui and Beniamin coun- be on me, and on my fathers house, but
ted hee not among them : for the kings not on thy people, that they should bee
word was abominable to loab. plagued.
t And[it was 7 tAnd God was displeased with 18 IF Then the * Angel of the LORD * 2. Chron.
euitl in the
eyes of the this thing, therefore he smote Israel. commanded Gad to say to Dauid, that 3. i.
concerning 8 And Dauid saide vnto God, *I Dauid should goe vp and set vp an Al-
this thing. haue sinned greatly, because I haue tar vnto the L O R D , in the threshing
* 2. Sam.
24. 10. done this thing : but uow, I beseech floore of Oman the lebusite.
II Or, when
thee, doe away the iniquitie of thy ser- 19 And Dauid went vp at the saying Ornan tur-
uant, for I haue done very foolishly. of Gad, which he spake in the Name oi ami backe*
saw ttie
9 IF And the L O R D spake vnto the L o R D. Angel, then
he and his
Gad, Dauids Seer, saying, 20 || And Ornan turned backe anc fourcsonnes
10 Goe and tell Dauid, saying, Thus saw the Angel, and his foure sonnes with him.
hid them,
with selucs.
Dauid and Oman. I.Chron. Dauids preparation
with him, hid themselues. Now Or- Hen Dauid said, This is
nan was threshing wheat.
21 And as Dauid came to Oman,
Oman looked and saw Dauid, and
went out of the threshing floore, and
bowed himselfe to Dauid with his face
T the house of the L O R D
God, and this is the Altar
of the burnt offering for
2 And Dauid commanded to gather
to the ground. together the strangers that were in the
22 Then Dauid saide to Oman, land of Israel : and hee set masons to
t Heb, giue. t Grant mee the place of this threshing hew wrought stones to build the house
floore, that I may build an Altar there- of God.
in vnto the L O R D : thou shalt grant 3 And Dauid prepared yron in a-
it mee for the full price, that the plague bundance for the nailes for the doores
may be stayed from the people. of the gates, and for the ioynings, and
23 And Oman saide vnto Dauid, brasse in abundance without weight;
Take it to thee, and let my lord the king 4 Also Cedar trees in abundance:
do that which is good in his eyes. Loe, for the Zidonians, and they of Tyre,
I giue thee the oxen also for burnt of- brought much Cedar wood to Dauid.
ferings, and the threshing instruments 5 And Dauid said, * Solomon my * Chap. 2S.
for wood, and the wheat for the meate sonne is yong and tender, and the house 1.
offering, I giue it all. that is to be builded for the LORD, must
24? And king Dauid said to Oman; be exceeding magnificall, of fame and of
Nay, but I wil verily buy it for the full glory throughout all countreys : I will
price : for I will not take that which is therefore now make preparation for it.
thine for the LORD, nor offer burnt So Dauid prepared abundantly before
offerings without cost. his death.
* 2. Sam. 24. 25 So * Dauid gaue to Oman for
6 H Then hee called for Solomon
the place, sixe hundred shekels of gold his sonne, and charged him to build an
by weight. house for the L O R D God of Israel.
26 And Dauid built there an Altar 7 And Dauid saide to Solomon;
vnto the L O U D , and offered burnt of- My sonne, as for me, it was in my mind
ferings, and peace offerings, and called to build an house vnto the Name of the
vpon the L O R D , and hee answered L O R D my God.
him from heauen by fire vpon the Al- 8 But the word of the LORD
tar of burnt offering. came to mee, saying, *Thou hast shed 3.* Chap. 28.
2. sain. 7.
27 And the LORD commaunded blood abundantly, and hast made great 19.
the Angel, and hee put vp his sword a- warres : thou shalt not build an house
gaine into the sheath thereof. vnto my Name, because thou hast shed
28 ^1 At that time, when Dauid saw much blood vpon the earth in my sight.
that the L O R D had answered him in 9 Behold, a sonne shall bee borne to
the threshing floore of Oman the le- thee, who shall bee a man of rest, and I
busite, then he sacrificed there. will giue him rest from all his enemies
29 For the tabernacle of the LORD II That Is,
round about : for his name shalbe || So-peaceable.
which Moses made in the wildernesse, lomon, and I wil giue peace and quiet-
and the Altar of the burnt offering were nesse vnto Israel in his dayes.
* Chap. 16. at that season, in the high place at * Gi- 10 Hee shall build an house for my
3.0. 2. Chro.
i, 3. i. king. beon: Name, and he shal be my sonne, and I
3. 4, 30 But Dauid could not goe before will be his father, and I will establish
it to euquire of God; for he was afraid, the throne of his kingdome ouer Is-
because of the sword of the Angel of the rael for euer.
LORD. 11 Now my sonne, The LORD be
with thee, and prosper thou, and build
the house of the L O R D thy God, as he
C H A P . XXII. hath said of thee.
12 Onely the L O R D giue thee
1 Dauid foreknowing the place of the Temple, wisedome and vnderstanding, and giue
prepareth abundance for the building of it. thee charge concerning Israel, that
6 Hee instructeth Solomon in Gods pro- thou mayest keepe the Law of the
mises, and his duety in building the Tem-
ple. 17 He chargeth the Princes to assist his L O R D thy God.
sonne. 13 Then shalt thou prosper, if thou
for the Temple. Chap.xxiij. Mofes his sonnes.
takest heed to fulfill the Statutes and thousand were \\ to set forward the work II Or, too.
Judgements which the LORD char- of the house of the L O R D : and sixe ucrsee.
ged Moses with, concerning Israel: thousand were Officers arid ludges.
be strong, and of good courage, dread 5 Moreouer, foure thousand were
not, nor be dismayed. porters, and foure thousand praised the
II Or, in my 14 Now beholde, ||in my trouble L O R D with the instruments which
I haue prepared for the house of the I made (saidDauid) to praise therewith.
L O R D an hundred thousand talents 6 And * Dauid diuided them into l.chro. *Exod6. 1C
of gold, and a thousand thousand ta- t courses among the sonnes of Leui, &c. 2. chro.
8. 14. and
lents of siluer, and of brasse and yron namely Gershon, Kohath, and Merari. 29. 25.
* As Ver. 3. without * weight : (for it is in abun- 7 H Of the * Gershonites were \\ La- t Heb. rfiui-
dance) timber also and stone haue I pre- adan, and Shimei. * Chap. 26.
pared , and thou mayest adde thereto. 8 The sonnes of Laadan, the chiefe 21.
II Or, Libni,
15 Moreouer, there are workmen with was lehiel, and Zetham, and loel, chap. 6. 17.
II That w, thee in abundance, hewers, and ||wor- three.
Masons anc
Carpenters. kers of stone and timber, and all ma- 9 The sonnes of Shimei : Shelo-
ner of cunning men for euery maner of mith , and Haziel, and Haran, three.
worke: These were the chiefe of the fathers of
16 Of the gold, the siluer, and the Laadan.
brasse, and the yron, there is no number. 10 And the sonnes of Shimei were:
Arise therefore, and be doing, and the lahath, ||Zina, and leush, and Beri- ver. I! Or, Zixa,
L O R D be with thee. ah. These foure were the sonnes of
17 11 Dauid also commanded all the Shimei.
Princes of Israel to helpe Solomon 11 And lahath was the chiefe, and
his sonne, saying, Ziza the second: but leush and Beriah
18 Is not the LORD your God with t had not many sonnes : therefore they not t Heb. did
you? and hath he not giuen you rest on were in one reckoning, according to their sonnes*
euery side? for he hath giuen the inhabi- fathers house.
tants of the land into mine hand, and 12 f The sonnes of Kohath: Am-
the land is subdued before the L O R D , ram, Izhar, Hebron, and Vzziel, foure.
and before his people. 13 The sonnes of *Amram : Aaron * Exo. 6. 20.
19 Now set your heart and your soule and Moses: and * Aaron was separa- * Exod. 28.
to seeke the L O R D your God: arise ted, that he should sanctifie the most ho- heb. 5. 4,
therfore, and build ye the Sanctuary of ly things, he and his sonnes for euer, to
the L O R D God, to bring the Arke of burne incense before the L O R D , to mi-
the Couenant of the LORD, & the holy nister vnto him , and to blesse in his
vessels of God, into the house that is to Name for euer.
be built to the Name of the LORD. 14 *Now concerning Moses the * EXO. 2. 22.
man of God, his sonnes were named of
C H A P . XXIII. the tribe of Leui.
15 The sonnes of Moses were: * Ger- * EXO. 18.3,4
1 Dauid in his old agemaketh Solomon King. shom and Eliezer.
2 The number and distribution of the Leuites 16 Of the sonnes of Gershom She-
7 The families of the Gershonites. 12 The
sonnes of Kohath. 21 The sonnes of Merari. buel was the chiefe.
24 The office of the Leuites. 17 And the sonnes of Eliezer were:
*Rehabiah ||the chiefe. And Eliezer * Chap. 26.
*Chap. 28. O *when Dauid was old had none other sonnes: but the sonnes 25.

u. II Or, the first
and full of dayes, he made of Rehabiah twere very many. t Heb. were
highly mul-
Solomon his sonne king 18 Of the sonnes of Izhar, Shelo- tiplied*
ouer Israel. mith the chiefe.
» 11 ^na ne gatnerea 19 Of the sonnes of Hebron, leriah
together all the Princes of Israel, with the first, Amariah the second, lahaziel
the Priests and the Leuites. the third, and lekamiam the fourth.
3 Now the Leuites were numbred 20 Of the sonnes of Vzziel : Michah
* Num. 4. 3. from the age of thirtie * yeeres and vp- the first, and lesiah the second.
ward: and their number, by their 21 1T The sonnes of Merari: Mahli
polles, man by man, was thirtie and and Mushi. The sonnes of Mahli: Ele-
eight thousand. azar and Kish.
4 Of which, twentie and foure 22 And Eleazar died, and had no
The Priefts and I.Chron. Leuites offices.
Or, kinse- sormes but daughters: and their ||bre- 2 But Nadab and Abihu died * be-* Num. 3. 4.
men. thren the sonnes of Kish tooke them. fore their father, and had no children: and 86.60.
23 The sonnes of Mushi : Mahli, Therefore Eleazar and Ithamar exe-
and Eder, and lerimoth, three. cuted the Priests office.
* Num. 10.
24 1T These were the sonnes of *Le- 3 And Dauid distributed them, both
ui after the house of their fathers, euen Zadok of the sonnes of Eleazar, and A-
the chiefe of the fathers, as they were himelech of the sonnes of Ithamar, ac-
counted by number of names by their cording to their offices in their seruice.
polles, that did the worke for the ser- 4 And there were moe chiefe men
uice of the house of the LORD, from found of the sonnes of Eleazar, then of
* Num. 1.3. the age of *twentie yeeres and vpward. the sonnes of Ithamar: and thus were
25 For Dauid sayd, The L O R D they diuided. Among the sonnes of E-
God of Israel hath giuen rest vnto his leazar there were sixteene chiefe "men of
I! Or, and he people, || that they may dwell in Jerusa- the house of their fathers, and eight a-
dwelleth in lem for euer.
Jerusalem, mong the sonnes of Ithamar accor-
$c. 26 And also vnto the Leuites : they ding to the house of their fathers.
shall no more cary the Tabernacle, nor 5 Thus were they diuided by lot,
any vessels of it for the seruice thereof. one sort with another; for the gouer-
27 For by the last words of Dauid, nours of the Sanctuarie, and gouer-
t Heb. num- the Leuites were tnumbred from twen- nours of the house of God, were of the
tie yeeres olde, and aboue: sonnes of Eleazar, and of the sonnes of
t Heb. their 28 Because t their office was to wait Ithamar.
station was
at the hand on the sonnes of Aaron, for the seruice 6 And Shemaiah the sonne of Na-
of the sonnes of the house of the L O R D , in the than ael the Scribe, one of the Leuites,
of Aaron.
courts, and in the chambers, and in the wrote them before the King and the
purifying of all holy things, and the Princes, and Zadok the Priest, and A-
worke of the seruice of the house of God: himelech the sonne of Abiathar, and be-
* Chap. 9.
29, &c.
29 Both for the * shew-bread, and fore the chiefe of the fathers of the priests
leuit. 6. 21. for the fine floure for meat offering, and and Leuites: one tprincipall houshold oft Heb. house
the father.
for the vnleauened cakes, and for that being taken for Eleazar, and one taken
8 Or, flat which is baked in the || panne, and for that for Ithamar.
plate. which is fried, and for all maner of mea- 7 Now the first lot came foorth to
sures and size: lehoiarib : the second to ledaiah,
30 And to stand euery morning to 8 The third to Harim, the fourth
thanke and praise the L O R D , and to Seorim,
likewise at Euen: 9 The fifth to Malchiiah, the sixth
31 And to offer all burnt sacrifices to Miiamin,
vnto the L O R D in the Sabbaths, in 10 The seuenth to Hakkoz, the eight
the new moones, and on the set feasts, to *Abiiah, *Luk. I. 5.
by number, according to the order com- 11 The ninth to leshua, the tenth to
manded vnto them continually before Shecaniah,
the L O R D : 12 The eleuenth to Eliashib, the
32 And that they should keepe the twelfth to lakim,
charge of the Tabernacle of the Con- 13 The thirteenth to Huppah, the
gregation, and the charge of the holy fourteenth to leshebeab,
place, and the charge of the sonnes of 14 The fifteenth to Bilgah, the six-
Aaron their brethren , in the seruice of teenth to Immer,
the house of the LORD. 15 The seuenteenth to Hezir, the
eighteenth to Aphses,
16 The ninteenth to Pethahiah, the
C H A P . XXIIII. twentieth to lehezekel,
1 The diuisions of the sonnes of Aaron by lot 17 The one and twentieth to la-
into fbure and twenty orders. 20 The Koha- chin, the two and twentieth to Gamul,
thites, 27 and the Merarites diuided by lot.
18 The three and twentieth to De-

aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa laiah, the foure and twentieth to Maa-
of the sonnes of Aaron. ziah.
* Leui. 10. 4 * The sonnes of Aaron : 19 These were the orderings of them
Nadab and Abihu, Elea- in their seruice to come into the house of
zar and Ithamar. the LORD according to their maner,
The Leuites and Chap.xxv. their offices.
vnder Aaron their father, as the 3 Of leduthun : the sonnes of le-
-•ORD God of Israel had comman- duthun, Gedaliah, and ||Zeri, and le- Or, Ixri,
led him. haiah , Hashabiah , and Mattithiah , ver. 11.
20 H And the rest of the sonnes of |sixe, vnder the handes of their father With Shi-
^euiwere these: of the sons of Amrarn, leduthun, who prophesied with a mei mentio-
ned ver. 17-
Shubael : of the sonnes of Shubael, larpe, to giue thankes and to praise the
edeiah. LORD.
21 Concerning Rehabiah, of the 4? Of Heman: the sonnes of He-
ons of Rehabiah, the first was Isshiah. man, Bukkiah, Mattaniah, ||Vzziel, Or, Aza-
ver. 18.
22 Of the Izharites, Shelomoth: [Shebuel, and lerimoth, Hananiah, reel, Or, Shuba-
of the sonnes of Shelomoth, lahath. 3anani, Eliatha, Giddalti, and Ro- el, ver. 20.
* Chap. 23. 23 And the sonnes of* Hebron, leriah mamti -Ezer, loshbekashah , Mallo-
9. and 26.
1. the first, Amariah the second, lahaziel hi, Hothir, and Mahazioth :
the third, lekameam the fourth. 5 All these were the sonnes of He-
24 Of the sonnes of Vzziel, Michah : man the kings Seer in the ||wordes of Or, mat-
of the sonnes of Michah, Shamir. God, to lift vp the home. And God ers.
25 The brother of Michah was Is- gaue to Heman fourteene sonnes and
shiah : of the sonnes of Isshiah, Zecha- ihree daughters
riah. 6 All these were vnder the hands of
26 The sonnes of Merari were Mah- ;heir father, for song in the house of the
i and Mushi : the sonnes of laaziah, L O R D with cymbals, psalteries and
Jeno. larpes, for the seruice of the house of
27 IF The sonnes of Merari by la- God, taccording to the kings order, to Heb.bythe
hands of the
aziah, Beno, and Shoham, and Zac- Asaph, leduthun, and Heman. King.
cur, and Ibri. 7 So the number of them, with
28 Of Mahli came Eleazar, who had their brethren that were instructed in
no sonnes. the songs of the LORD, euen all that
29 Concerning Kish : the sonne of were cunning, was two hundred, foure
Kish was lerahmeel. score and eight.
30 The sonnes also of Mushi, Mah- 8 f And they cast lots ward against
i , and Eder, and lerimoth. These ward, as well the small as the great, the
were the sonnes of the Leuites after the teacher as the scholler.
louse of their fathers, 9 Now the first lot came foorth for
31 These likewise cast lots ouer a- Asaph to Joseph, the second to Gedali-
jainst their brethren the sonnes of Aa- ah, who with his brethren and sonnes
ron, in the presence of Dauid the King, were twelue;
and Zadok and Ahimelech, and the 10 The third to Zaccur, he, his sons,
chiefe of the fathers of the priests and and his brethren were twelue:
Leuites, euen the principal! fathers o- 11 The fourth to Izri, he, his sonnes
uer against their yonger brethren. and his brethren were twelue:
12 The fift to Nethaniah, hee, his
CHAP. XXV. sonnes and his brethren were twelue:
1 The number & offices of the singers. 8 Their
13 The sixt to Bukkiah, he, his sons
diuision by lot, into foure and twentie orders. and his brethren were twelue.
14 The seuenth to lesharelah, heey
Oreouer Dauid and the his sonnes & his brethren were twelue:

captaines of the h'oste se-
parated to the seruice ol
the sonnes of Asaph, anc
_ , _ . of Heman, and of
thun , who should prophesie with
15 The eight to leshaiah, hee, his
sonnes and his brethren, were twelue:
16 The ninth to Mattaniah, he, his
sonnes and his brethren were twelue:
17 The tenth to Shimei, he, his sons
harps, with psalteries, and with cym- and his brethren were twelue:
bals : and the number of the workmen, 18 The eleuenth to Azareel, hee, his
according to their seruice, was: sonnes and his brethren were twelue:
2 Of trie sonnes of Asaph: Zaccur, 19 The twelfth to Hashabiah, he, his
I Otherwise and loseph, and Nethaniah, and Asa- S9nnes and his brethren, were twelue:
called lesha-
relah, v. 14. relah, the sonnes of Asaph vnder the "20 The thirteenth to Shubael, hee,
*Heb.lythe hands of Asaph, which prophesied tac- his sonnes and his brethren were twelue
hand tf the
Mr** cording to the order of the king. 21 The fourteenth to Mattithiah

The Leuites and I.Chron. Porters offices.
hee, his sonnes and his brethren, were -tMihu, and bemacniah.
twelue. 8 All these of the sonnes of Obed-
22 The fifteenth to lerimoth, hee, Edom: they and their sonnes and their
lis sonnes & his brethren, were twelue: >rethren, able men for strength for the
23 The sixteenth to Hananiah, hee, seruice, were threescore and two of O-
his sonnes & his brethren, were twelue: red-Edom.
24 The seuenteenth to loshbeka- 9 And Meshelemiah had sonnes and
shah, he, his sonnes and his brethren, >rethren, strong men, eighteene.
were twelue: 10 Also Hosah of the children of Me-
25 The eighteenth to Hanani: hee, rari, had sonnes: Simri the chiefe, (for
lis sonnes & his brethren, were twelue: though he was not the first borne, yet his
26 The nineteenth to Mallothi, hee, Bather made him the chiefe)
lis sonnes & his brethren, were twelue: 11 Hilkiah the second, Tebaliah the
27 The twentieth to Eliathah, hee, thirde, Zechariah the fourth : all the
his sonnes & his brethren, were twelue: sonnes and brethren of Hosah, were thir-
28 The one and twentieth to Ho- teene.
thir, he, his sonnes and his brethren were 12 Among these were the diuisions
twelue. of the porters, euen among the chiefe
29 The two and twentieth to Gid- men, hauing wards one against an-
dalti, hee, his sonnes and his brethren, other, to minister in the house of the
were twelue. LORD.
30 The three and twentieth to Ma- 13 IT And they cast lots ||as well the I Or, aswell
lazioth, he, his sonnes and his brethren, small as the. great, according to the for the small
as for the
were twelue. louse of their fathers for euery gate. great,
31 The foure and twentieth to Ro- 14 And the lot Eastward fel to ||She- shelemiah,
D Called Me-
marati-Ezer, he, his sonnes and his bre- emiah; then for Zechariah his sonne ver. 1.
thren, were twelue. 'a wise counseller:) they cast lots, and
his lot came out Northward.
CHAP. XXVI. 15 To Obed-Edom Southward,
and to his sonnes, the house of t A- theringt.
1 The diuisions of the porters. 13 The gates as- suppim.
signed by lot. 20 The Leuites that had charge
of the treasures. 29 Officers and ludges. 16 To Shuppim and Hosa, the lot
came jfborth Westward with the gate
Oncerning the diuisions Shallecheth, by the causey of the going
!l Or, Mete.
miah, ver.
H Or, Abia-
19. & 6.
C of the porters: oftheKor-
hites was \\ Meshelemiah
the sonne of Kore, of the
^^,^v^-~ sonne
2 And the sonnes of Meshelemiah
|vp, ward against ward.
17 Eastward were sixe Leuites, 10.
Northward foure a day, Southward
foure a day, and toward Asuppim two
and two.
I See 1. king.
4. 2. chr.
). 4,11.

37. were Zechariah the first borne, lediael 18 And Parbar Westward, foure at
the second, Zebadiah the third, lath- the causey, and two at Parbar.
niel the fourth, 19 These are the diuisions of the por-
3 Elam the fifth, lehohanan the ters among the sonnes of Kore, and a-
sixth, Elioenai the seuenth. mong the sonnes of Merari.
4 Moreouer the sonnes of Obed-E- 20 11 And of the Leuites, Ahiiah wot
dom were Shemaiah the first borne, le- ouer the treasures of the house of Godj
hozabad the second, loah the thirde, and ouer the treasures of the t dedicate
t Heb, holy
and Sacar the fourth, and Nethaneel things.
the fifth, 21 As concerning the sonnes of ||La- I Or, Libni,
5 Ammiel the sixth, Issachar the se- adan : the sonnes of the Gershonitc chap. 6. 17.
uenth , Peulthai the eighth : for God Laadan, hiefe fathers; euen of Laadan
II That is, blessed ||him. the Gershonite, were ||Iehieli.
dom^aschap. 6 Also vnto Shemaiah his sonne 22 The sonnes of lehieli, Zethara \Or,Iehitl,
13. U. were sonnes borne, that ruled through- and loel his brother ^which were ouer the chap. 23. 8.
out the house of their father: for they treasures of the house of the LORD.
were mighty men of valour. 23 Of the Amramites, and the Iz-
7 The sonnes of Shemaiah : Oth- harites, the Hebronites, and the Vz-
ni, and Rephael, and Obed, Elza- zielites:
bad, whose brethren were strong men; 24 And Shebuel the sonne of Ger
Officers appointed Chap.xxvij. for the King.
shorn, the sonne of Moses, was ruler o: matter of the courses, which came in
the treasures. and went out moneth by moneth
25 And his brethren by Eliezer: Re- throughout all the moneth s of the
habiah his sonne, and leshaiah his yeare, of euery course were twentie anc
sonne, and loram his sonne, and Zi- foure thousand.
chri his sonne, & Shelomith his sonne. % Ouer the first course for the first
26 Which Shelomith and his bre- moneth was lashobeam the sonne o:
thren, were ouer all the treasures of the Zabdiel, and in his course were twentie
dedicate things, which Dauid the king and foure thousand.
and the chiefe fathers, the captaines 3 Of the children of Perez, was the
ouer thousands and hundreds, and the chiefe of all the captaines of the host, for
captaines of the hoste had dedicated. the first moneth.
t Heb.outof
the battels
27 t Out of the spoyles wonne in 4 And ouer the course of the seconc
and spoiles. battels, did they dedicate to maintaine moneth was ||Dodai an Ahohite, and o1 Sam. II Or9 Dodo. 2
23. 9.
the house of the LORD. his course was Mikloth also the ruler:
28 And all that Samuel the Seer, In his course likewise were twentie anc
and Saul the sonne of Kish, and Abner foure thousand.
the sonne of Ner, and loab the sonne 5 The third captaine of the host for
of Zeruiah had dedicated, and whoso- the third month was Benaiah the sonne
euer had dedicated any thing, it was vn- of lehoiada a ||chiefe priest, and in his II Or, princi-
der the hand of Shelomith and of his course were twenty and foure thousand. paU officer.
brethren. 6 This is tfiat Benaiah, who was
29 IF Of the Izharites, Chenaniah * mightie among the thirtie, and aboue * 2. Sam. 23.
20. 22. 23.
and his sonnes, were for the outward the thirty : and in his course was Ami- & i. Chion.
busines ouer Israel, for officers and zabad his sonne. II. 24.
ludges. 7 The fourth captaine for the fourth
30 And of the Hebronits, Hashabiah moneth was Asahel the brother of lo-
and his brethren, men of valour, a thou- ab, and Zebadiah his sonne after him:
t Heb. ouer sand and seuen hundred, were t officers and in his course were twentie and foure
the charge.
among them of Israel on this side thousand.
lorden westward, in all busines of the 8 The fifth captaine for the fifth
LORD, and in the seruice of the king. moneth, was Shamhuth the Izrahite:
31 Among the Hebronites was leri- and in his course were twentie and foure
iah the chiefe, euen among the Hebro- thousand.
nits, according to the generations of his 9 The sixt captaine for the sixt moneth,
fathers : in the fourtieth yeere of the was Ira the son of Ikkesh the Tekoite:
reigne of Dauid, they were sought for, and in his course were twentie and foure
and there were found among them thousand.
mightie men of valour, at lazer of 10 The seuen th captaine for the seuenth
Gilead. moneth was Helez the Pelonite, of the
32 And his brethren, men of valour* children of Ephraim : and in his course
were two thousand and seuen hundred were twentie and foure thousand.
chiefe fathers, whom King Dauid 11 The eighth captaine for the eighth
made rulers ouer the Reubenites, the moneth, was Sibbecai the Hushathite,
Gadites, & the halfe tribe of Manasseh, of the Zarhites : and in his course were
for euery matter perteining to God, and twentie and foure thousand.
t Heb, thing. t affaires of the king. 12 The ninth captaine for the ninth
moneth, was Abiezer the Anetothite, of
C H A P . XXVII. the Beniamites; and in his course were
1 The twelue Captaines, for euery seuerall twentie and foure thousand.
moneth. 16 The Princes of the twelue 13 The tenth captaine for the tenth
Tribes. 23 The numbring of the people is moneth, was Maharai the Netopha-
hindered. 25 Dauids seuerall Officers.
thite, of the Zarhites : and in his course
AAAAAAAAAA were twentie and foure thousand.

A rael after their number, to

wit, the chiefe fathers and
captaines of thousands
and hundreds, and their
officers that serued the king in any
14 The eleuenth captaine for the ele-
uenth moneth was Benaiah the Pira-
thonite, of the children of Ephraim:
and in his course were twenty and foure
15 The
Officers for the I.Chron. Kings feruice.
15 The twelfth captaine for the twelfth eys, was Shaphat the sonne of Adlai. |
Or, Heled, moneth, was \\ Heldai the Netophathite, 30 Ouer the camels also, was Obil
Chap. 11.30
f Othniel: and in his course were twen- he Ishmaelite: and ouer the Asses, was
ie and foure thousand. ehdeiah the Meronothite.
16 IF Furthermore, ouer the tribes 31 And ouer the flockes, was laziz
f Israel: The Ruler of the Reube- he Hagerite. All these were the rulers
nites was Eliezer the sonne of Zichri: of the substance which was king Dauids.
f the Simeonites, Shephatiah the 32 Also lonathan Dauids vncle,
onne of Maachah. was a counseller, a wise man, and a
17 Of the Leuites : Hashabiah the | Scribe: and lehiel the || sonne of Hach- arie.
Ol% 9€GT€*

onne of Eemuel; of the Aaronites, moni, was with the kings sonnes. Or, ffach-
Zadok. 33 And Ahitophel was the kings coun- monite.
18 Of ludah, Elihu, one of the bre- seller, and Hushai the Archite, was the
hren of Dauid : of Issachar, Omri the nngs companion.
sonne of Michael. 34 And after Ahitophel, was leho-
19 Of Zebukm, Ishmaiah the son iada the sonne of Benaiah, and Abia-
of Obadiah : of Naphtali , leriinoth thaf: and the general of the Kings ar-
the sonne of Azriel. mie was loab.
20 Of the children of Ephraim, Ho-
shea the sonne of Azazziah: of the halfe CHAP XXVIII
tribe of Manasseh, loel the sonne of 1 Dauid in a solemne assembly, hauing declared
Pedaiah. Gods fauour to him, and promise toThis sonne
21 Of the halfe tribe of Manasseh in Solomon, exhorteth them to feare God. 9.
Gilead, Iddo the sonne of Zechariah: 20 Hee encourageth Solomon to build the
Temple. 11 He giueth him paternes for the
of Beniamin, laasiel the son of Abner. forme, and gold and siluer for the materials.
%% Of Dan, Azariel the sonne of
leroham. These were the princes of the IND Dauid assembled a
tribes of Israel.
S3 1T But Dauid tooke not the num-
?er of them from twentie yeeres olde
and vnder : because the LORD hac
said, hee would increase Israel like to
Aa ?the Princes of Israel, th
I Princes of the tribes, an
I the captains of the comp
? nies that ministred to th
king by course : and the captaines ouer
the starres of the heauens. the thousands, and captaines ouer the
24 loab the sonne of Zeruiah be- hundreds, and the stewards ouer all the
* 1. Chron. gan to number, #but he finished not, be- substance and || possession of the King, II Or, cattell
21.7-2. san
24. 5. &c. cause there fell wrath for it against Is- and of his sonnes, with the || officers, nuches.
II Or, .Ett-
\ Heb. as- rael $ neither t was .the number put in and with the mightie men, and with all
the account of the Chronicles of King the valiantinen, vnto Jerusalem.
Dauid. 2 Then JDauid the Icing stood vp vp-
25 f And ouer the Kings treasures, on his feete, and said, Heare me, my bre-
was Azmaueth the sonne of Adiel: anc thren, and my people : As for me, I hac
ouer the store-houses in the fields, in the in mine heart to builde an house of rest
cities, and in the villages, and in the ca for the Arke of the Couenant of the
sties, was lehonathan the sonne of Vz- LORD, and for the *footestoole of our * 2. Sam. 7.
ziah. God, & had made ready for the building. 5.5,13.1. kin
5. 1. chro
26 And ouer them that did the worke 3 But God said vnto me, Thou shalt 22. 8-
of the field, for tillage of the ground, was not builde an house for my Name, be-
Ezri the sonne of Chelub. cause thou hast been a man of warre, anc
27 And ouer the Vineyards, was hast shed tblood t Heb. bhodi
t Heb. ouer
Shimei the Ramathite: touer the in 4 Howbeit, the LORD God of Is-
that which crease of the vineyards for the wine eel rael chose me before all the house of my
was of the father, to be king ouer Israel for euer:
vineyards. lars, was iSabdi the Ziphmite.
28 And ouer the Oliue trees, and the for he hath chosen *Iudah to be the ru- Gen. 49. fl.
1. sam. 1G.
Sycom ore trees that were in the lowe ler; & of the house of ludah, the house 13. psal 78.
plaines, was Baal-hanan the Gederite of my father; and among the sonnes 0167
and ouer the ceflars of oyle was loash my father, he liked me to make me king
29 And ouer the herdes that fed ir ouer all Israel:
Sharon, was Shetrai the Sharonite 5 *And of all my sonnes (for the * Cha. 23. 1
i and ouer the herds that were in the val LORD hath giuen me many sonnes'
Dauid exhorteth Chap.xxix. his sonne Solomon,
hee hath chosen Solomon my sonne, to for the Candlesticke and also for the
sifevpon the throne of the kingdome of lampes thereof, according to the vse ol
the L O R D ouer Israel. euery candlesticke.
* 2. Sam. 7. 6 And he said vnto me, * Solomon 16 And by weight hee gaue golde for
13. 2. chro.
1.9. thy sonne, hee shall build my house and the tables of shew-bread, for euery ta-
my courts: for I haue chosen him to be ble, and likewise siluer for the tables of
my sonne, and I will be his father. siluer.
7 Moreouer, I will establish his 17 Also pure golde for the flesh-
With sirong kingdome for euer, if he be t constant to hookes, and the bowles, and the cups :
do my commandements and my iudge- and for the golden basins hee gaue golde
ments, as at this day. by weight, for euery basin; and like-
8 Now therefore in the sight of all wise siluer by weight, for euery basin of
Israel, the congregation of the LORD, siluer.
and in the audience of our God, keepe, 18 And for the Altar of incense, refi-
and seeke for all the commandements ned golde by weight; and gold for the
of the LORD your God, that ye may paterne of the charet of the * Cheru- 1. *i.Sam.4.4
king. 6.
possesse this good land, and leaue it for bims, that spread outtkeirwng$9a,nd co- 23, &c.
an inheritance for your children after uered the Arke of the Couenant of the
you, for euer. LORD.
* 1. Sam. 16. 9 1f * And thou, Solomon my sonne, 19 All this, sayd Dauid, the L O R D
7. psal. 139.
2. and 7. 9. know thou the God of thy father, and made mee vnderstand in writing by his
iere. 11. 20. serue him with a perfite heart, and with hand vpon mee, euen all the workes of
and 17.10.
and 20. 12. a willing minde : for the LORD sear- this paterne.
cheth all hearts, and vnderstandeth all 20 And Dauid said to Solomon his
the imaginations of the thoughts : if sonne, Be strong, and of good courage,
thou seeke him, he will be found of thee, and doe it: feare not, nor be dismayed,
but if thou forsake him, he will cast thee for the LORD God, euen my God, wiU
off for euer. be with thee; he will not faile thee, nor
10 Take heed now, for the LORD forsake thee, vntill thou hast finished all
hath chosen thee to builde an house for the worke for the seruice of the house of
the Sanctuarie : be strong, and doe it. the LORD.
11 If Then Dauid gaue to Solo- 21 And behold, the courses of the
mon his sonne the paterne of the porch, Priests and the Leuites, euen they shall
and of the houses thereof, and of the be with thee for all the seruice of the
treasuries thereof, and of the vpper house of God, and there shall be with
chambers thereof, and of the inner par- thee for all manner of workemanship,
lours thereof, and of the place of the euery willing skilfull man, for any ma-
Mercie-seate. ner of seruice : also the Princes and all
tHeb.ofall 1£ And the paterne t of all that hee the people will bee wholly at thy com-
that was
with him. had by the spirit, of the courts of the mandement.
house of the LORD, and of all the
chambers round about, of the treasu- CHAP. XXIX.
ries of the house of God, and of the trea-
suries of the dedicate things : 1 Dauid by his example and intreatie, 6 cau-
13 Also for the courses of the Priests seth the Princes and people to offer willing-
and the Leuites, & for all the worke of ly. 10 Daniels thankesgiuing and prayer.
20 The people hauing blessed God and sa-
the seruice of the house of the LORD, crificed 3 make Solomon King. 26 Dauids
and for all the vessels of seruice in the reigne and death.
house of the LORD.
14 Hee gaue of golde by weight, for Vrthermore, Dauid the
things of golde, for all instruments of all
manner of seruice : siluer also for all in-
struments of siluer, by weight, for all
instruments of euery kinde of seruice:
15 Euen the weight for the Candle-
F King said vnto all the con-
gregation, Solomon my
sonne, wlwme alone God
hath chosen,^yet*young *Cha. 22. 5.
and tender, and the worke is great: for
stickes of golde, and for their lampes of the palace is not for man, but for the
golde, by weight for euery candlesticke, L O R D God.
and for the lampes thereof: and for the £ Now I haue prepared with all
Candlestickes of siluer by weight, both my might for the house of my God, the
The Princes gifts. l.Chron. Dauids prayer.
rold farthings to be made of gold, the sil- thine hand it is to make great, and to
aer farthings of siluer, and the brasse for riue strength vnto all.
things of brasse, the yron for things of y- 13 Now therefore, our God, wee
ron, and wood for things of wood, onix thanke thee, and praise thy glorious
stones, and stones to be set, glistering Name.
stones, and of diuers colours, and all 14 But who am I, and what is my
maner of precious stones, and marble people, that we should tbe able to offer ttaineHebr. re-
or 06-
stones in abundance. so willingly after this sort ? for all things tainstrength
3 Moreouer, because I haue set my come of thee, and of t thine owne haue \Hebr.of
thine hand.
affection to the house of my God, I we giuen thee.
laue of mine owne proper good, of gold 15 For we are strangers before thee,
and siluer, which I haue giuen to the and soiourners, as were all our fathers:
louse of my God, ouer & aboue all that * Our dayes on the earth are as a sha- and * PsaL 39.12
90. 9.
[ haue prepared for the holy house: dow, and there is none tabiding. heb. 11. 13.
4* Euen three thousand talents of 16 O LORD our God, all this store i. pet. 2. ll.
t Hebr. ex-
*l.king.9. Told, of the gold of *Ophir, and seuen that we haue prepared to build thee an pectation.
28. thousand talents of refined siluer, to o- house for thine holy Name, commeth of
uerlay the walles of the houses with- thine hand, and is all thine owne.
all. 171 know also, my God, that thou
5 The gold for things of golde, and * triestthe heart, and hast pleasure in vp- * Cha. 28. 9
the siluer for things of siluer, and for all rightnesse. As for me,in the vprightnes 1. Sam. 16.7
maner of worke to be made by the hands of mine heart I haue willingly offered
of Artificers. And who then is willing all these things : and now haue I scene
\Hebr.tofill tto consecrate his seruice this day vnto with ioy, thy people which are tpresent t Heb. found
his hand. the L O R D ? here, to offer willingly vnto thee.
6 U Then the chiefe of the fathers 18 O LORD God of Abraham,
and Princes of the tribes of Israel, and Isaac and of Israel our fathers, keepe
the captaines of thousands and of hun- this for euer in the imagination of the
dreds, with the rulers ouer the Kings thoughts of the heart of thy people, and
worke, offered willingly, 11 prepare their heart vnto thee : I Or, stablish
7 And gaue for the seruice of the 19 And giue vnto Solomon my sonne
bouse of God, of gold fiue thousand ta- a perfect heart to keepe thy Commaun-
lents, and ten thousand drammes: and dements, thy testimonies, and thy sta-
of siluer, ten thousand talents: and of tutes, and to doe all these things, and to
brasse, eighteene thousand talents: and build the pallace, for the which I haue
one hundred thousand talents of yron. made prouision.
8 And they with whom precious 20 f And Dauid said to all the Con-
stones were found, gaue them to the gregation : Nowe blesse the LORD
treasure of the house of the L O R D , by your God. And all the Congregation
the hand of lehiel the Gershonite. blessed the L O R D God of their fa-
9 Then the people reioyced, for that thers, and bowed downe their heads,
they offred willingly, because with per- and worshipped the L O R D , and the
fect heart they offered willingly to the King.
LORD : and Dauid the King also re- 21 And they sacrificed sacrifices vnto
ioyced with great ioy. the LORD, & offered burnt offerings
10 1T Wherefore Dauid blessed the vnto the L O R D on the morrow after
L O R D before all the Congregation: that day, euen a thousand bullockes, a
and Dauid saide, Blessed bee thou, thousand rams, and a thousand lambes,
L O R D God of Israel our father, for with their drinke offerings, and sacrifi-
euer and euer. ces in abundance for all Israel:
11 Thine, O LORD, is the great- 22 And did eate and drinke before
nes, and the power, and the glory, & the the L O R D on that day with great
victorie, and the maiestie: for all that is in gladnesse, and they made Solomon the
the heauen & in the earth,z* thine: thine sonne of Dauid King the second time,
*Mat. 6. 13 is *the kingdome, O L O R D , and thou and * anointed him vnto the L O R D to 33. 1. King. 1.
1. tim. 1.17
apoc. 5.13. art exalted as head aboue all. jbe the chiefe gouernour, and Zadok to
12 Both riches, and honour come of be Priest.
thee, and thou reignest ouer all, and in 23 Then Solomon sate on the
thine hand is power and might, and in throne of the LORD, as king in stead
Solomons royaltie. Chap.j. Dauids death.
of Dauid his father, and prospered, yeeres reigned hee in Hebron, and thir
and all Israel obeyed him. tie and three yeeres reigned hee in le
24? And all the princes and the migh- rusalem.
tie men, and all the sonnes likewise of 28 And he died in a good old age, fu
t Heb. gaue king Dauid, t submitted themselues vn- of dayes, riches and honour : and So
the hand vn-
der Solomon. to Solomon the King. lomon his sonne reigned in his stead.
25 And the L O R D magnified So- 29 Now the acts of Dauid the Kin
lomon exceedingly in the sight of all Is- first and last, behold, they are written i
»I.King. 3 rael, and * bestowed vpon him such royal the ||booke of Samuel the Seer, and in rie.\\0r,histo.
13. 2. chro.
1.12. cedes. maiestie, as had not bene on any king the tbooke of Nathan the Prophet, am \Hebr.
2.9. before him in Israel. in the booke of Gad the Seer, words.
26 f Thus Dauid the sonne of 30 With all his reigne and his might
lesse, reigned ouer all Israel. and the times that went ouer him, am
27 And the time that he reigned o- ouer Israel, and ouer all the king
uer Israel, was fourtie yeeres. Seuen domes of the countreys.

of the Chronicles.
Bezaleel the sonne of Vri, the sonne oi
C H A P . I. Hur, had made, ||hee put before the Ta- there.
II Or, was
1 The solemne offering of Solomon at Gibeon. bernacle of the L O R D : and Solo-
7 Solomons choise of wisdome is blessed by mon and the Congregation sought vn-
God. 13 Solomons strength and wealth.
to it.
Nd Solomon the 6 And Solomon went vp thithei

sonne of Dauid to the brasen Altar before the LORD.
was strengthned which was at the Tabernacle of the
in his kingdome, Congregation, and offered a thousand
• I.King. 2. *and the LOUD burnt offerings vpon it.
46. his God was with 7 U In that night did God appeare
him, & magnified vnto Solomon, and saide vnto nim ;
him exceedingly. Aske what I shall giue thee.
2 Then Solo- 8 And Solomon saide vnto God,
mon spake vnto all Israel, to the cap- Thou hast shewed great mercy vnto
taines of thousands, and of hundreds, Dauid my father, and nast made *me to * l. Chro.
and to the ludges, and to euery gouer- reigne in his stead:
nour in all Israel, the chiefe of the fa- 9 Now, O L O R D God, let thy
thers. promise vnto Dauid my father be esta-
3 So Solomon and all the Con- blished : * for thou hast made mee King *l. King. 3.
gregation with him, went to the high ouer a people, tlike the dust of the earth Heb. much
«l.King.3. slace that was at * Gibeon, for there was in multitude. as the dust
f the earth.
4.1. Chro. ;he Tabernacle of the Congregation of 10 Giue *mee now wisedome and * 1. King. 3.
6.39. 11,12.
and 21. 29. Sod, which Moses the seruant of the knowledge, that I may goe out and num. 27.
LORD had made in the wildernesse. come in before this people. For who can 17
* 2. Same. 4 *But the Arke of God had Da- iudge this thy people, that is so great ?
2,17. uid brought vp from Kiriath-iearim, 11 And God said to Solomon, Be-
,o the place which Dauid had prepared for cause, this was in thine heart, and thou
it: for he had pitched a tent for it at le- bast not asked riches, wealth , or ho-
rusalem. nour, nor the life of thine enemies, nei-
*Exod. 38.
5 Moreouer * the brasen Altar that ther yet hast asked long life; but hast
Preparation for Jl.Chron. the Temple.
sked wisedome and knowledge for 4 Behold, I build an house to the
by selfe, that thou mayest iudge my name of the LORD my God, to dedi-
>eople, ouer whom I haue made thee cate it to him, and to burne before him
King: tsweet incense, and for the continuall 1cense
iHeb. in-
Qf spi-
12 Wisedome and knowledge is gran- shew.bread, and for the burnt offrings cces.
ed vnto thee, and I will giue thee ri- morning and euening, on the Sab-
ches, and wealth, and honour, such as >aths, and on the new Moones, and on
l. Chron. *none of the kings haue had, that haue the solemne feasts of the LORD our
9, 25. ec-
les. 2. 9. 2. >eene before thee, neither shall there a- God. This is an ordinanceforeueT to Is-
hro. 9. £2, ny after thee haue the like. rael.
13 1f Then Solomon earned/row his 5 And the house which I build, is
aurney to the high place that was at Gi- great: for great is our God aboue all
>eon, to Jerusalem, from before the jods.
Tabernacle of the Congregation, and 6 *But who tis able to build him^27. *l.King.8.
2. chro.
reigned ouer Israel. an house, seeing the heauen, and hea- <6.18.
1. King. 10 14 *And Solomon gathered charets i Heb.
uen of heauens cannot conteine him ? ]retained, hath
6. &c. and or
.26. and horsemen : and hee had a thousand who am I then that I should build obtainedstrength.
and foure hundred charets, and twelue lim an house ? saue onely to burne sa-
housand horsemen, which he placed in crifice before him ?
;he charet - cities, and with the King at 7 Send me now therefore a man,
Jerusalem. cunning to worke in gold and in siluer,
* I.King. 10 15 * And the King t made siluer and and in brasse, and in yron, and in purple
26. 2. chro.
9. 27,28. gold at lerusalem as plenteous as stones, and crimson, and blew, and that can skil
t Heb. gaue. and Cedar trees made hee as the Syco- to tgraue, with the cunning men that• gravet Heb. to
more trees, that are in the vale for abun- are with me in ludah, and in lerusa-- uings.
dance. em, whome Dauid my father did pro-
* 1. King. 10 16 * And t Solomon had horses uide.
28. 2. chro.
9.28. )rought out of Egypt, and linen yarne: 8 Send me also Cedar trees, firreI
t Heb. ike ;rees, and ||Algume trees, out of Le-. muggim,
going foorth the Kings merchants receiued the lin- 1.
of the horses nen yarne at a price. )anon : (for I know that thy seruants1 Kin. 10.11.
which was
Solomons. 17 And they fetcht vp and brought can skill to cut timber in Lebanon) and
borth out of Egypt, a charet for sixe jehold, my seruants shalbe with thy ser-
lundred shekels of siluer, and an horse uants,
for an hundred and fiftie: and so brought 9 Euen to prepare me timber in a-
;hey out horses for all the kings of the bundance: for the house which I am a-
t Heb. by Hittites, and for the kings of Syria, tby bout to build, shalbe fwonderfull great. and
t Heb. great
heir hand.
their meanes. 10 And behold, I will giue to thy ser- full.wonder-
uants the hewers that cut timber,
C H A P . II. twentie thousand measures of beaten
1 and 17 Solomons labourers for the building wheat, and twentie thousand measures
of the Temple. 3 His embassage to Hurara of barley, and twentie thousand baths
for workemen and provision of stuffe. 11 Hu- of wine, and twentie thousand baths of
ram sendeth him a kinde answere.

ND Solomon determi- 11 f Then Huram the king of Tyre
ned to build an house for answered in writing, which hee sent to
the Name of the LORD, Solomon : Because the L O R D hath
and an house for his king- loued his people, hee hath made thee
dome. King ouer them.
2 And Solomon told out threescore 12 Huram said moreouer, Blessed be
and tenne thousand men to beare bur- the L O R D God of Israel that made
dens , and fourescore thousand to hewe heauen and earth, who hath giuen to
in the mountaine, and three thousanc Dauid the King a wise sonne, t indued tingprudencc
Heb. know-
and sixe hundred to ouersee them. with prudence and vnderstanding, that and vnder*
II Or, Hiram 3 11 And Solomon sent to ||Huram
l. King. 5.1
might build an house for the LORD, standing.
the king of Tyre, saying, As thou did- and an house for his kingdome.
dest deale with Dauid my father, anc 13 And now I haue sent a cunning
diddest send him Cedars to builde him man (indued with vnderstanding) ol
an house to dwell therein 5 euen so deale Huram my fathers:
with me. 14 The sonne of a woman of the
The building Chap.iij. of the Temple.
daughters of Dan, and his father was a twenty: ana ne ouemia it wnnin, witn
man of Tyre, skilful! to worke in golde pure gold.
and in siluer, in brasse, in yron, in stone 5 And the greater house hee sielec
and in timber, in purple, in blew, and in with firre tree, which he ouerlaid with
fine linen, and in crimson: also to graue fine gold, and set thereon palme trees
any maner of grauing, and to find out and chaines,
euery deuice which shall be put to him, 6 And he t garnished the house with f Heb. cove-
with thy cunning men, and with the precious stones for beautie, and the gold red.
cunning men of my lord Dauid thy fa- was gold of Paruaim.
ther. 7 Hee ouerlaid also the house, the
15 Now therefore the wheate and beames, the postes and the wals there-
the barley, the oyle and the wine, which of, and the doores thereof with gold,
my lord hath spoken of, let him send and graued Cherubims on the walles.
vnto his seruants: 8 And he made the most holy house,
16 And wee will cut wood out of the length whereof was, according to
\ Lebanon, fas much as thou shalt
cording to
the breadth of the house, twenty cubits,
all thy need. need, and wee will bring it to thee in and the breadth thereof twentie cubits:
\Heb. lapho flotes by sea to tloppa, and thou shalt and he ouerlaid it with fine gold amoun-
carie it vp to Jerusalem. ting to sixe hundred talents.
» As Ver. 3. 17 . 1F * And Solomon numbred all 9 And the weight of the nailes was
t Hebr. the tthe strangers that were in the lande of fiftie shekels of gold: and he ouerlaide
men the
strangers. Israel, after the numbring wherewith the vpper chambers with gold.
Dauid his father had numbred them: 10 And in the most holy place hee
and they were found an hundred and made two Cherubims of || image work, somethinke)
II Or, fas
fiftie thousand, and three thousand and and ouerlaid them with gold. qfmoouea-
sixe hundred. 11 IF And the wings of the Cheru- '>le worke.
* As it is ver. 18 Andheset*threescoreand ten thou- bims were twentie cubites long: one
sand of them to be bearers of burdens, wing of the one Cherub was fiue cubites,
and fourescore thousand to be hewers in reaching to the wall of the house: and
the mountaine, and three thousand and the other wing was likewise fiue cu-
sixe hundred ouerseers to set the people bites, reaching to the wing of the other
a worke. Cherub:
12 And one wing of the other Che-
CHAP. III. rub was fiue cubites, reaching to the
wall of the house: and the other wing
1 The place, and time of building the Temple. was fiue cubites also, ioyning to the
3 The measure and ornaments of the house.
11 TheCherubiras. 14 The vaile and pillars. wing of the other Cherub.
13 The wings of these Cherubims

"I. Kin. 6.1, ?^sar=rSP Hen * Solomon began to spread themselues forth twentie cubits:
build the house of the and they stood on their feet, and their fa-
LORD at lerusalem in ces were || in ward. II Or, toward
U Or, which
was scene of
Mount Moriah, || where 14? f And he made the #vaile of blue the house.
* Mat. 27. 51
Dauid his the LORD appeared vnto and purple, and crimson, and fine linen,
father. Dauid his father, in the place that Da- and t wrought Cherubims thereon. t Hebi cau-
uid had prepared in the threshing floore 15 Also hee made before the house, sed to ascend
H Or, Arau-
nah, 2. Sam.
of || Oman the lebusite. * two pillars of thirtie and fiue cubites * ler. 52. 21
24.18. \.chr. 2 And he began to build in the second thigh, and the chapiter that was on the 1.Heir. king. 7.15
21. I H.
day of the second moneth, in the fourth top of each of them, was fiue cubites.
yeere of his reigne. 16 And he made chaines, as in the O-
* l.King. 6. 3 11 Now these are the things * wherein racle, and put them on the heads of the
t Heb. foun-
Solomon was tinstructed for the buil- pillars, and made an hundred pome-
ded. ding of the house of God. The length granates, and put them on the chaines.
by cubites after the first measure was 17 And he * reared vp the pillars be- * l.King.7-
threescore cubits, and the breadth twen- fore the temple, one on the right hand, 21.
tie cubites. and the other on the left, and called the
* l.King.6. 4 And the * porch that was in the front name of that on the right hand, || la- shalestablish
What is, he
ofthehouse, thelength ofitwas atcording chin, and the name of that on the left, H That is, in
to the breadth of the house, twentie cu- ||Boaz. it is strength
bites, and the height was an hundred and CHAP.
Diuers veffels Il.Chron. for the Temple.
. 12 Ta wit, the^two pillars, and the
CHAP. mi. pommels, and the chapiters, which were
I The Altar of brasse. 2 The iflolteff Sea ffon on the top of the two pillars, and the
twelue oxen. 6 The ten lauers, candlesticks, two wreathes to colier the two pom-
and tables. 9 The Courts & the instruments
of brasse. 19 The instruments of gold. mels of the chapiters, which were on the
top of the pillars:
Oreouer he made an Al- 13 And foure hundred Pomegra-

tar of brasse, twentie cu- nats on the' two wreathes : two rowes
bites the length thereof, of Pomegranats on each wreath, to
and twentie cubites the couer the two pommels of the chapi-
breadth thereof, and ten ters, which were tvpon the pillars. WIebr.vpon
cubites the height therof. li He made also bases; and ||lauers theface.
0 Or, cal-
* I.King. 7. 2 11 * Also he made a molten Sea of ma$e he vpon the bases. drons.
23. &C.
\ Hebr.from ten cubites, tfrom brim to brim, round 15 One Sea, & twelue oxen vnder it.
its ftri'm, to in compasse, and fiue cubites the height 16 The pots, also, and the shouels,
his brim.
thereof, and a line of thirtie cubites did and the fleshhookes, and all their in-
compasse it round about. struments, did? Huram his father make
* i.King. 7. 3 * And vnder it was the similitude of to King Solomon for the house of the
24. LORD, of tbright brasse.
oxen, which did compasse it round a- t Heb. made
!x>ut: tenne in a cubite compassing the 17 In the plaine of lordan did the bright^
Sea round about. Two rowes of oxen King cast them, in the t clay-ground, nesses of the
t Heb. thick,
were cast, when it was cast. betweene Succoth and Zeredathah. ground.
4 It stood vporc twelue «oxen: three f 18' Thus Solomon made all these
looking toward! the North, and three vessels in great abundance : for the
ooking toward the West, and three loo- weight of the brasse could not be found
ting toward the South, and three loo- out.
king toward the East: and the Sea was I 19 1T And Solomon made all the
set aboue vpon them, and all their hin- vessels, that were for the house of God,
der parts were inward. the golden, Altar also, and the tables
5 And the thicknes of it was an hand whereon the Shew-bread was set.
breadth, & the brim of it like the worke 1 20* Moreouer the candlesticks with
I Or, like a of the brim of a cup, ||with flowers of their lampes, that they should burne af-
Lillieftower. Lillies: and it receiued and held three ter the maner, before the Oracle, of pure
thousand baths. gold:
6 f He made also ten Lauers, and £1 And the flowers, and the lamps,
put fiue on the right hand, and fiue on and the tongs made he of golde, and that
the left, to wash in them: such things as t perfect gold'. t Heir, per-
\Hebr.the they offered for the t burnt offring, they • 22 And the snuffers, and the ||ba- fections
worke of
burnt of. washed in them, but the Sea was for sens, and the spoones, and the censers, II Or, bowles.
fering. the Priests to wash in. of pure gold. And the entry of the
7 And hee made ten candlesticks of house, the inner doores thereof for the
ijold according to their forme, and set most Holy place, and the doores of the
them in the Temple, fiue on the right house of the Temple, were of gold.
hand, and fiue on the left.
8 He made also ten tables, and pla- C H A P . V.
ced them in the Temple, flue on the right
1 The dedicated treasures. 2 The solemne indu-
side, and fiue on the left: and hee made ction of the Arke into the oracle. 11 God be-
U Or, bowles. an hundred ||basens of gold. ing praised,giueth a visible signeof his fauour.
9 IF Furthermore, hee made the

court of the Priests, and the great court, Hus al the worke that So-
and doores for the court, and ouerlayd lomon made for the house
the doores of them with brasse. of the LORD, was finish-
10 And he set the Sea on the rightside ed : * & Solomon brought * \. King. 7.
of the East end, ouer against the South. in all the things that Da- 5K
11 And Huram made the pots, and uid his father had dedicated; and the sil-
II 'Or, bowles. the shouels, and the ||basens, and Hu- uer,and the gold, and all the instru-
iHebr. fi- ram t finished the worke that he was tc ments, put he among the treasures of
nished to make for King Solomon for the house the house of God.
of God: 2 f * Then Solomon assembled "I.King, a.
Solomon facrificeth, Chap.vj. and praifeth God.
the Elders of Israel, and all the heads and thanking the LORD: and when
of the Tribes, the chiefe of the fathers they lift vp their voyce with the trum-
of the children of Israel vnto lerusa- pets, and cymbals, and instruments of
lem, to bring vp the Arke of the Coue- musicke, and praised the LORD, saying,
nant of the LORD, out of the citie of * For he is good, for his mercie endureth * Psal. 13G.
Dauid, which is Zion. for euer : that then the house was filled
3 Wherefore all the men of Israel with a cloude, euen the house of the
assembled themselues vnto the king in LORD.
the feast, which was in the seuenth 14 So that the Priests could not
moneth. stand to minister, by reason of the cloud:
4 And all the Elders of Israel for the glory of tne LORD had filled
came, and the Leuites tooke vp the the house of God.
5 And they brought vp the Arke, C H A P . VI.
and the tabernacle of the Congregati-
on, and all the holy vessels that were in 1 Solomon hauing blessed the people, blesseth
God. 12 Solomons prayer in the consecration
the tabernacle, these did the Priests and of the Temple, vpon tne brasen scaffold.
the Leuites bring vp.

6 Also king Solomon and all the Hen *said Solomon, The * I. King. 8.
congregation of Israel that were as- L O R D hath said that he 12, &c.
sembled vnto him before the Arke, sa- t would dwell in the *thicke * Leuit. 16.
crificed sheepe and oxen, which could darkenesse.
not be told nor numbred for multitude. 2 But I haue built an
7 And the priests brought in the house of habitation for thee, and a place
Arke of the Couehant of the L O R D for thy dwelling for euer.
vnto his place, to the Oracle of the 3 And the King turned his face and
house, into the most holy place, euen vn- blessed the whole Congregation of Is-
der the wings of the Cherubims: rael, (and all the Congregation of Is-
8 For the Cherubims spread foorth rael stood)
their wings ouer the place of the Arke, 4 And he said, Blessed be the LORD
and the Cherubims couered the Arke God of Israel, who hath with his
and the staues thereof, aboue. handes fulfilled that which he spake
9 And they drew out the staues of with his mouth to my father Dauid,
the Arke, that the ends of the staues saying,
were scene from the Arke before the O- 5 Since the day that I brought
racle, but they were not scene without. foorth my people out of the land of E-
II Or, they
are there, as
And there ||it is vnto this day. gypt, I chose no citie among all the
1. king. 8.8. 10 There was nothing in the Arke tribes of Israel to builde an house in,
* Deut. 10. saue the two tables which Moses *put that my Name might be there, neither
2, 5.
II Or, where. therein at Horeb, || when the L O R D chose I any man to be a ruler ouer my
made a couenant with the children of Is- people Israel:
rael, when they came out of Egypt. 6 But I haue chosen Jerusalem,
11 IT And it came to passe when the that my name might be there, and haue
Priests were come out of the holy place chosen Dauid to be ouer my people Is-
t Hsb./oitnd (for all the priests that were tpresent rael.
were sanctified, and did not then wait by 7 Now *it was in the heart of Da- * 2. Sam. 7.
course • uid my father to build an house for the 2. l. chro.
28. 2.
* l. Chron.
24. 5.
1£ *Also the Leuites which were the Name of the LORD God of Israel.
singers, all of them of Asaph, of He- 8 But the L O R D said to Dauid
man, of leduthun, with their soniies my father : Forasmuch as it was in
and their brethren, being arayed in thine heart to builde an house for my
white linnen hauing cymbals, and psal- Name, thou diddest well in that it was
teries, and harpes, stood at the East in thine heart.
end of the altar, and with them an hun- 9 Notwithstanding thou shalt not
dred and twentie Priests, sounding build the house, but thy sonne which
with trumpets:) shall come foorth out of thy loynes, he
13 It came euen to passe, as the trum- shall build the house for my Name.
petters and singers were as one, to 10 The L O R D therefore hath per-
make one sound to be heard in praising formed his word that he hath spoken:
The prayer ILChron. of Solomon.
for I am risen vp in the roome of Da- hearken vnto the prayer, which thy ser-
aid my father, and am set on the throne uant prayeth || towards this place. \\Ch-, in this
rf Israel, as the LORD promised, and 21 Hearken therefore vnto the sup- place.
liaue built the house for the Name of the plications of thy seruant, and of thy
LORD God of Israel. people Israel, which they shall tmake t Heb. pray.
11 And in it haue I put the Arke, towards this place: heare thou from
wherein is the Couenant of the LORD, thy dwelling place, euen from heauen;
that hee made with the children of Is- and when thou nearest, forgiue.
rael. 22 1T If a man sinne against his
12 IF And he stood before the Altar of neighbour, tand an oath be layd vpon t Hebr. and
the L O R D , in the presence of all the him, to make him sweare, and the oath he require
an oath of
Congregation of Israel, and spread come before thine Altar in this house: him.
foorth his hands: 23 Then heare thou from heauen,
13 (For Solomon had made a brasen and doe, and iudge thy seruants by re-
t Hebr. the scaffold of fiue cubi test long, and fiuecu- quiting the wicked, by recompensing
length there'
of, $c. bites broad, and three cubites high, and his way vpon his owne head, and by
had set it in the midst of the Court, and iustifying the righteous, by giuing him
vpon it hee stood, and kneeled downe according to his righteousnesse,
vpon his knees before all the Congre- 24 f And if thy people Israel tbe put II Or, bee
gation of Israel, and spread foorth his to the worse before the enemy, because smitten.
hands towards heauen.) they haue sinned against thee, and shall
14 And said, O LORD God of Is- returne and confesse thy Name, and
* Exod. 15. rael, * there is no God like thee in the pray and make supplication before thee
11. heauen, nor in the earth, which keepest ||hi this house: \\0rjowards.
couenant, and shewest mercy vnto thy 25 Then heare thou from the hea-
seruants, that walke before thee with uens, and forgiue the sinne of thy people
all their hearts, Israel, and bring them againe vnto the
15 Thou which hast kept with thy land which thou gauest to them, and to
seruant Dauid my father, that which their fathers.
thou hast promised him : and spalcest 26 ^f When the * heauen is shut vp, * 1. King.
with thy mouth, and hast fulfilled it and there is no raine, because they haue 17.1-
with thine hand, as it is this day. sinned against thee : yet if they pray to-
16 Now therefore, O LORD God wards this place, and confesse thy
of Israel, keepe with thy seruant Da- Name, and turne from their sinne,
uid my father, that which thou hast when thou doest afflict them :
* 2., Sam. 7. promised him, saying, * There shall not 27 Then heare thou from heauen,
12. 1. king. t faile thee a man in my sight, to sit vpon and forgiue the sinne of thy seruants,
2. 4. and 6.
12. the throne of Israel: *yet so, that thy and of thy people Israel; when thou
t Heb. there
shall not a children take heede to their way, to hast taught them the good way, where-
man be cut
walke in my Law, as thou hast walked in they should walke, and send raine
* Psal. 132. before me. vpon the land, which thou hast giuen
12. 17 Now then, O LORD God of vnto thy people for an inheritance.
Israel, let thy word be verified, which 28 IF If there *be dearth in the land, 9.* Chap. 20.
thou hast spoken vnto thy seruant if there be pestilence, if there be blasting,
Dauid. or mil-dew, locusts or caterpillers; if
18 (But wil God in very deed dwell their enemies besiege them in the t cities t Hebr. in
* Chap. 2. with men on the earth ? * Behold, hea- of their land: whatsoeuer sore, or what- the land of
their gates.
6. esay 66. uen, and the heauen of heauens cannot soeuer sicknesse there be:
l. acts. 7.
49. conteine thee : how much lesse this 29 Then what prayer, or what sup-
house which I haue built?) plication soeuer shall bee made of any
19 Haue respect therfore to the prayer man, or of all thy people Israel, when
of thy seruant, and to his supplication, euery one shal know his owne sore and
O LORD my God, to hearken vnto his owne griefe, and shall spread foorth
the cry, and the prayer which thy ser- his hands ||in this house: H Or, to-
ward this
uant prayeth before thee : 30 Then heare thou from heauen house.
20 That thine eyes may bee open thy dwelling place, and forgiue, and
vpon this house day and night, vpon render vnto euery man according vnto
the place whereof thou hast saide, that all his wayes, whose heart thou know-
thou wouldest put thy Name there, to est (for thou onely *knowest the hearts * 1. Chron.
of 28. 9.
Solomon prayeth, Chap.vij. and oflreth facrifices.
of the children of men: ) 41 Now * therefore arise, O LORD "Psalm 9
31 That they may feare thee, to God, into thy resting place, thou, and
iHebr.all walke in thy waies tso long as they liue the Arke of thy strength : Let thy
the day e» Priests, O L O R D God, be clothed
which. tin the land which thou gauest vnto
t Hebr. vpon our fathers. with saluation, and let thy Saints re-
theface o/
theland. 32 11 Moreouer concerning the ioyce in goodnesse.
*Iohnl2. stranger * which is not of thy people Is- 42 O L O U D God, turne not a-
SO. acts. 6. rael, but is come from a farre countreyi way the face of thine anointed: remem-
for thy great Names sake, & thy migh- ber the mercies of Dauid thy seruant.
tie hand, and thy stretched out arme : if
they come and pray in this house:
33 Then heare thou from the hea- CHAP. VII.
uens, euen from thy dwelling place,
1 God hauing giuen testimonie to Solomons
and doe according to all that the stran- prayer by fire from heauen, and glory in the
ger calleth to thee for; that all people of Temple, the people worship him. 4 Solo-
the earth may know thy Name, and mons solemne sacrifice. 8 Solomon hauing
feare thee, as doeth thy people Israel, kept the feast of Tabernacles and the feast of
the Dedication of the Altar, dismisseth the
* Heb. thy and may know that t this house which people. 12 God appearing to Solomon., gi-
Name is cal-
led vpon this I haue built, is called by thy Name. ueth him promises vpon condition.
house. 34 If thy people goe out to warre
against their enemies by the way that Ow when Solomon had
thou shalt send them, and they pray vn-
to thee toward this citie which thou
hast chosen, and the house which I
haue built for thy Name:
35 Then heare thou from the hea-
n made an ende of praying,
the *fire came downe from *1. King, a
heauen, and consumed the 54,
burnt offering, and the sa-
crifices, and the glory of the LORD
&c. le-
uit, 9. 24.

uens their prayer and their supplicati- filled the house.

\\ Or, right. on, and maintaine their ||cause. % And the Priests could not enter
36 If they sinne against thee (for there into the house of the L O R D , because
* Prou. 20.9. is * no man which sinneth not) and thou the glory of the L O R D had filled the
eccles. 7. 21. be angry with them, and deliuer them LORDS house.
iames 3. 2.
l. iohn 1. 8. ouer before their enemies, and t they ca- 3 And when all the children of Is-
t Heb. they ry them away captiues vnto a land far rael saw how the fire came downe, and
that take
them cap- off or neere: the glory of the L O R D vpon the
tiues cary
them away. 37 Yet j/Hhey tbethinke themselues house, they bowed themselues with
t Heb. brinp in the land whither they are caried cap-
back to their
their faces to the ground vpon the paue-
heart. tiue, and turne and pray vnto thee in ment, and worshipped, and praised the
the land of their captiuitie, saying, Wee LORD,saying. For hee is good,for his
haue sinned, we haue done amisse, and mercy endureth for euer.
haue dealt wickedly: 4 f Then the King and all the peo-
38 If they returne to thee with all ple, offered sacrifices before the LORD.
their heart, and with all their soule, in 5 And King Solomon offered a sa-
the land of their captiuitie, whither crifice of twentie and two thousand
they haue caried them captiues, and oxen, and an hundred and twentie thou-
pray toward their land which thou sand sheepe. So the King and all the
gauest vnto their fathers, and toward people, dedicated the house of God. 15. * 1. Chron.
the citie which thou hast chosen, and to- 6 *And the Priests waited on their
ward the house which I haue built for offices : the Leuites also with instru-
thy Name: ments of musicke of the LORD, which
39 Then heare thou from the hea- Dauid the King had made to praise the
uens, euen from thy dwelling place, LORD, because his mercy endureth for
their prayer and their supplications, euer, when Dauid praised tby their mi- their
t Heb. by
II 0r, right. and maintaine their || cause, and forgiue nisterie : and the Priests sounded trum-
thy people, which haue sinned against pets before them, and all Israel stood.
thee. 7 Moreouer, Solomon hallowed
40 Now, my God, let (I beseech the middle of the Court, that was before
thee) thine eyes bee open, and let thine the house of the L O R D : for there hee
t Heb. to the eares be attent tvnto the prayer that is offered burnt offerings, and the fat of
prayer of this
place. vnnA0 in fViic nlos«£> the peace offerings, because the brasen
Gods promifes. Il.Chron. Solomons buildings.
Altar which Solomon had made, was sake my Statutes and my Commande-
not able to receiue the burnt offerings, ments which I haue set before you,
and the meat offerings, and the fat. and shall goe and serue other gods, and
8 f Also at the same time Solo- worship them:
mon kept the feast seuen dayes, and all 20 Then will I plucke them vp by
Israel with him, a very great Congre- the roots out of my land which I haue
gation, from the entring in of Hamath, giuen them, and this house which I
* losh. is. 3. vnto the *Riuer of Egypt. haue sanctified for my Name, wil I cast
t Hebr. a 9 And in the eight day they made ta out of my sight, and will make it to be a
solemne assembly : for they kept the de- prouerbe, and a by-word among all na-
dication of the Altar seuen dayes, and tions.
the feast seuen dayes. 21 And this house which is high,
10 And on the three and twentieth shall be an astonishment to euery one
day of the seuenth moneth, he sent the that passeth by it; so that hee shall say;
people away into their tents, glad and * Why hath the L O R D done thus vn- 24, * Deut. 29.
iere. 22.
merry in heart for the goodnesse that to this land, and vnto this house ? 8, 9.
the LORD had shewed vnto Dauid, 22 And it shalbe answered, Because
and to Solomon, and to Israel his they forsooke the L O R D God of their
people. fathers, which brought them forth out
*i. King. 9. 11 Thus * Solomon finished the of the land of Egypt, and layd hold on
house of the L O R D , and the Kings others gods, and worshipped them,
house : and all that came into Solo- aud serued them : Therefore hath hee
mons heart to make in the house of the brought all this euil vpon them.
LORD, and in his owne house, hee
prosperously effected.
12 H And the LORD appeared to C H A P . VIII.
Solomon by night, and said vnto him, 1 Solomons buildings. 7 The Gentiles which
* Deut 12. I haue heard thy prayer, * and haue were left, Solomon made tributaries, but the
5. Israelites, rulers. 11 Pharaohs daughter re-
chosen this place to my selfe for an house
of sacrifice. moueth to her house. 12 Solomons yeerely
solemne sacrifices. 14- Hee appointeth the
13 If I shut vp heauen that there Priests and Leuites to their places. 17 The
bee no raine, or if I command the lo- Nauie fetcheth gold from Ophir.
custs to deuoure the land, or if I send
pestilence among my people: ?d *it came to passe ( at *1. King. 9.
t Hebr. vpon 14 If my people t which are called by
Name is
my Name, shall humble themselues
and pray, and seeke my face, and turne
from their wicked wayes : then will I
heare from heauen, and will forgiue
a% That
be end of twentie yeeres, 10, &C.
'herein Solomon had
uilt the house of the
JORD, & his own house)
the cities which Huram
their sinne, and will heale their land. had restored to Solomon, Solomon
15 Now mine eyes shalbe open, and built them, and caused the children of
* Chap. 6. mine *eares attent tvnto the prayer that Israel to dwell there.
t Heb. to
is made in this place. 3 And Solomon went to Hamath
the prayer 16 For now haue * I chosen, & sancti- Zobah, and preuailed against it.
of this place.
*Chap. 6. 6. fied this house, that my Name may be 4 And he built Tadmor in the wil-
there for euer: and mine eyes and mine dernesse, and all the store-cities, which
heart shalbe there perpetually. he built in Hamath.
17 And as for thee, if thou wilt 5 Also he built Beth-horon the vp-
walke before me, as Dauid thy father per, and Beth-horon the netber, fensed
walked, and doe according to all that I cities with walles, gates and barres:
haue commanded thee, and shalt ob- 6 And Baalath, and all the store-ci-
serue my Statutes, and my ludge- ties that Solomon had, and all the cha-
ments: ret-cities, and the cities of the horsemen,
* Chap. 0.
18 Then wil I stablish the throne of and tall that Solomon desired to build i Hebr. all
in lerusalem, and in Lebanon , and the desire o/
t Hebr. there thy kingdome, according as I haue co- Solomor^
shall not be uenanted with Dauid thy father, say- throughout all the land of his domi- sired which lie de*
cut off to to
thee. ing, *tThere shall not faile thee a man nion. build.
* Leuit. 26. to be ruler in Israel. 7 f As for all the people that were
14. deut. 28.
15. 19 *But if yee turne away and for- left of the Hittites, and the Amorites,
Solomons offrings : Chap.ix. His wifedome.
and the Perizzites, and the Hiuites, and that had knowledge of the sea ; and they
the lebusites, which were not of Is- went with the seruants of Solomon
rael : to Ophir , and tooke thence foure hun-
8 But of their children, who were dred and fiftie talents of golde , and
left after them in the land , whom the brought them to king Solomon.
children of Israel consumed not ; them
did Solomon make to pay tribute , vn- C H A P . IX.
till this day.
9 But of the children of Israel did 1 The Queene of Sheba admireth the wise-
Solomon make no seruants for his dome of Solomon. 13 Solomons golde,
worke : but they were men of warre, 15 His Targets. 17 The throne of luo-
. 20 His vessels. 23 His presents. 25
and chiefe of his captains , and captains
of his charets and horsemen.
S is chariots and horse. 26 His tributes.
29 His reigne and death.
10 And these were the chiefe of king

Solomons officers, euen two hundred Nd *when the Queene of * 1. King.
10. 1, &c.
and fifty, that bare rule ouer the people. Sheba heard of the fame mat. 12. 42.
* I.King.
3. 1. & 7. 8.
11 f And Solomon * brought vp of Solomon, shee came hike 11. 31.
the daughter of Pharaoh out of the ci- to prooue Solomon with
tie of Dauid, vnto the house that he had hard questions at lerusa-
built for her : for hee said, My wife shall lem , with a very great companie , and
not dwell in the house of Dauid king of camels that bare spices, and golde in a-
iHeb.holi- Israel , because the places are t holy , bundance, and precious stones : and
whereunto the Arke of the L O R D when she was come to Solomon, shee
hath come. communed with him of all that was in
1£ IF Then Solomon offered burnt her heart.
offerings vnto the LORD on the Al- 2 And Solomon tolde her all her
tar of the LORD, which he had built questions : and there was nothing hid
before the porch : from Solomon, which he told her not.
13 Euen after a certaine rate euery 3 And when the Queene of Sheba
* Exod. 29. *day, offering according to the comman- had seene the wisedome of Solomon,
23. and the house that he had built,
dement of Moses, on the Sabbaths,
and on the new Moones, and on the so- 4 And the meate of his table, and
* Exod. 23. lemne Feasts * three times in the yeere, the sitting of his seruants , and the at-
14. deut
16. 16. euen in the feast of Vnleauened bread. tendance of his ministers, and their ap-
and in the feast of Weekes, and in the parell, his || cup -bearers also, and their Wrt butters
feast of Tabernacles. apparell , and his ascent, by which hee
14 f And he appointed, according to went vp into the house of the LORD ;
* i. Chron. the order of Dauid his father, the * cour- there was no more spirit in her.
ses of the Priests to their sendee, and the 5 And she said to the King , It was
Leuites to their charges, to praise and a true t report which I heard in mine t Heb. word.
minister before the Priests, as the duety owne land, of thine ||actes , and of thy fl Or, sayings
* J. ChroD. of euery day required : the * porters also wisedome :
9.17. by their courses, at euery gate : for tso 6 Howbeit, I beleeued not their
Web. so was
thecomman- had Dauid the man of God comman- wordes, vntill I came , and mine eyes
Dauid the ded. had seene it: and behold, the one halfe of
man of God. 15 And they departed not from the the greatnesse of thy wisedome was not
commandement of the King vnto the tolde mee :Jbr thou exceedest the fame
Priests and Leuites, concerning any that I heard.
matter, or concerning the treasures. 7 Happy are thy men, and happy are
16 Now all the worke of Solomon these thy seruants, which stand continu-
was prepared vnto the day of the foun- ally before thee , and heare thy wise-
dation of the house of the LORD, and dome.
vntill it was finished : so the house of 8 Blessed be the L O R D thy God,
God was perfected. which delighted in thee to set thee on
17 1f Then went Solomon to Ezi- his throne, to be King for the LORD
I Or, Elath, on Geber, and to || Eloth, at the sea side thy God : because thy God loued Isra-
deut. 2. 8. el, to establish them for euer, therefore
in the land of Edom.
18 And Huram sent him by the hands made hee thee King ouer them , to doe
of his seruants , shippes, and seruants iudgement and Justice.
9 And
!Solomons riches: ILChron. His death.
9 And she gaue the king an hundred shish with the seruants of Hurarn : eue-
and twentie talents of gold, and of spi- rie three yeeres once came the ships of
ces great abundance, & precious stones : Tarshish bringing golde, and siluer,
neither was there any such spice as the ||yuorie, and apes, and peacocks. 0 Or, ele~
Queene of Sheba gaue King Solo- 22 And king Solomon passed all phants teeth.
mon the kings of the earth in riches and
10 And the seruants also of Huram, wisedome.
and the seruants of Solomon, which 23 f And all the kings of the earth
brought gold from Ophir, brought Al- sought the presence of Solomon, to
gume trees and, precious stones. heare his wisedome, that God had put
11 And the king made of the Algume in his heart.
lOr.staires: trees, tterrises to the house of the 24 And they brought euery man his
Heb. high
wayes. L O R D , and to the kings palace, and present, vessels of siluer, and vessels of
harpes and psalteries for singers : and gold, and raiment, harnesse, and spices,
there were none such seene before in the horses, and mules, a rate yeere by yeere.
land of ludah. 25 IT And Solomon *had foure thou- 26- *l.Klng. 4.
12 And King Solomon gaue to the sand stalles for horses, and charets, and
Queene of Sheba, all her desire, what- twelue thousand horsemen, whom hee
soeuer she asked, besides that which she bestowed in the charet cities, and with
had brought vnto the king : So she tur- the king at Jerusalem.
ned, and went away to her owne land, 26 f And hee reigned ouer all the
she, and her seruants. kings, *from the ||riuer, euen vnto the *Gen. 1$.
13 IF Now the weight of gold that land of the Philistines, and to the bor- 18.
II That w,
came to Solomon in one yeere, was sixe der of Egypt. Euphrates.
hundred and threescore and sixe talents 27 And the king tmade siluer in le- t Heb. gatte.
of gold: rusalem as stones, and cedar trees made
14 Besides that which chapmen and he as the Sycomore trees, that are in the
merchants brought: and all the kings low plaines, in abundance.
II Or, cap- of Arabia, and ||gouernours of the 28 *And they brought vnto Solo- 28. M.King. 10
and 8,
countrie, brought gold and siluer to So- mon horses out of Egypt, and out of all chron* 1.16*
lomon. lands.
15 IF And king Solomon made two 29 If Now the rest of the *actes of 41. *l. King. ll.
hundred targets of beaten gold: sixe Solomon first and last, are they not
hundred shekels of beaten gold went to written in the tbooke of Nathan the tHehwordt
one target. Prophet, and in the prophesie of Ahiiah
16 And three hundred shields made he the Shilonite, and in the visions of
of beaten gold: three hundred shekels of *Iddo the Seer, against leroboam *Chap»l2.
gold went to one shield : and the king the sonne of Nebat ?
put them in the house of the forrest of 30 And Solomon reigned in leru-
Lebanon. salem ouer all Israel, fourtie yeeres
17 Moreouer the king made a great 31 And Solomon slept with his fa-
throne of yuorie f and ouerlaid it with thers, and hee was buried in the citie of
pure gold. Dauid his father, and Rehoboam his
18 And there were sixe steps to the sonne reigned in his stead,
throne, with a footstoole of gold, which
\Heb. hands were fastened to the throne, and t stayes
on each side of the sitting place, and two CHAP. X.
lyons standing by the stayes The Israelites assembled at Shechem to crowne
Rehoboam. by leroboam make a suite of re-
19 And twelue lyons stood there on laxation vnto him. 6 Rehoboam, refusing
the one side and on the other, vpon the the old mens counsell, by the aduice of yong
sixe steps. There was not the like made men, answereth them roughly. 16 Tenne
in anyJ kingdome.
Tribes reuolting, kill Hadoram, and make
Rehoboam to flie.
20 f And all the drinking vessels of
King Solomon were of gold, and all the ND * Rehoboam went I.King

vessels of the house of the forrest of Le- to Shechem : for to She- 1,&C.
iHeb.shut banon wereot t pure gold: || none were of chem were all Israel
II Or, there siluer; it was not any thing accounted of come to make him king.
vra&no stiver in the dayes of Solomon.
in them.
2 And it came to passe
21 For the kings ships went to Tar- when leroboam the sonne of Nebat
Rehoboams yoke. Chap.xj. Ifrael reuolteth.
(who was in Egypt , whither hee had with whips, but I will chastise you with
fled from the presence of Solomon the scorpions.
king) heard it, that leroboam retur- 15 So the king hearkened not vnto
ned out of Egypt, the people, for the cause was of God,
3 And they sent and called him. So that the L O R D might performe his
leroboam and all Israel came, and word, which he spake by the * hand of •l. King. 11
spake to Rehoboam, saying, Ahijah the Shilonite to leroboam the
4 Thy father made our yoke grie- sonne of Nebat.
uous, nowe therefore ease thou some- 16 f And when all Israel sawe that
what the grieuous seruitude of thy fa- the king would not hearken vnto
ther, and his heauy yoke that he put vp- them, the people answered the king say-
on vs, and we will serue thee. ing, What portion haue wee in Dauid?
5 And hee said vnto them, Come a- and wee haue none inheritance in the
gaine vnto me after three dayes. And sonne of lesse : Euery man to your
the people departed. tents, O Israel : and now Dauid, see to
6 IT And king Rehoboam tooke thine owne house. So all Israel went
counsel with the old men that had stood to their tents.
before Solomon his father, while hee 17 But as for the children of Israel
yet liued, saying, What counsell giue ye ;hat dwelt in the cities of ludah, Re-
me, to returne answere to this people? loboam reigned ouer them.
7 And they spake vnto him, saying, 18 Then king Rehoboam sent Ha-
If thou bee kinde to this people, and doram that was ouer the tribute , and
)lcase them, and speake good words to the children of Israel stoned him with
;hem, they will be thy seruants for euer. stones, that he died: but king Rehobo-
8 But he forsooke the counsel which am tmade speed to get him vp to his Hebstreng-
hcncd him-
the old men gaue him, and tooke coun- charet, to flee to lerusalem. selfe.
sell with the yong men, that were 19 And Israel rebelled against the
wrought vp with him, that stood before bouse of Dauid vnto this day.
9 And he said vnto them, What ad- CHAP. XL
uice giue ye, that wee may returne an-
1 Rehoboam raising an armie to subdue Israel,
swere to this people, which haue spo- is forbidden by Snemaiah. 5 He strengthe-
ien to me, saying, Ease somewhat the neth his kingdome with forts and prouision.
Jyoke that thyJ father did A
put vpon
r vs? 13 The Priests and Leuites, and such as fea-
10 And the yong men that were red God, forsaken by leroboam, strengthen
the kingdome of ludah. 18 The wiues and
brought vp with him, spake vnto him, children of Rehoboam.
saying, Thus shalt thou answere the
people that spake vnto thee, saying, Nd * when Rehoboam * l. King. 12
Thy father made our yoke heauy, but
make thou it somewhat lighter for vs :
thus shalt thou say vnto them, My litle
finger shall be thicker then my fathers
A was come to lerusalem, 21, &C.
he gathered of the house
of ludah and Beniamin,
an hundred and foure.score
thousand chosen men, which were war-
1Heb.lmled. 11 For where as my father tput a riers, to fight against Israel, that hee
heauy yoke vpon you, I will put more might bring the kingdome againe to
to your yoke: my father chastised you Rehoboam.
with whips, but I will chastise you with 2 But the worde of the L O R D
scorpions. came to Shemaiah the man of God,
12 So leroboam and all the people saying,
came to Rehoboam on the third day, 3 Speake vnto Rehoboam the son
as the King bade, saying, Come againe of Solomon, king of ludah, and to al]
to me on the third day Israel in ludah & Beniamin, saying,
13 And the king answered them 4 Thus saith the L O R D ; Ye shall
roughly, and king Rehoboam forsooke not goe vp, nor fight against your bre-
the counsell of the old men, thren : returne euery man to his house,
14 And answered them after the for this thing is done of me. And they
aduice of the yong men, saying, My fa- obeyed the words of the L O R D , and
ther made your yoke heauy, but I wil returned from going against lero-
adde thereto; my father chastised you boam.
5 f Anc
Rehoboams wines: ILChron. His finne,
5 IF And Rehoboam dwelt in le- 22 And Rehoboam made Abiiah
rusalem, and built cities for defence in the sonne of Maacah the chiefe, to be ru-
ludah. ler among his brethren: for lie thought to
6 He built euen Bethlehem, and E- make him king.
tarn, and Tekoa, 28 And he dealt wisely, and dispersed
7 And Bethzur, and Shoco, and of all his children throughout all the
Adullam, countries of ludah and Beniamin, vn-
8 And Gath, and Maresha, and to euery fenced citie: and he gaue them
Ziph, vitaile in abundance: and hee desired
9 And Adoraim, and Lachish, and tmany wiues. t Hebr. a
Azekah, of wiues.
10 And Zorah, and Aialon, and He-
bron, which are in ludah and in Benia- c xii.
min, fenced cities. 1 Rehoboam forsaking the LORD, is punished
11 And he fortified the strong holds, by Shishak 5 He and the Princes repenting
j , . . • • ! j i at the preaching of Shemaiah, are deliuere
and put captames in them, and store of from Destruction, but not from spoile. 13
vitaile, and of oyle and wine. The reigiie and death of Rehoboam.
12 And in euery seuerall citie he put

shields and speares, and made them ex- Nd it came to passe when
ceeding strong, hauing ludah and Rehoboam had establish-
Beniamin on his side. ed the kingdome, and had
IS If And the Priests and the Le- strengthened himselfe, hee
t Hebr. pre- uites that were in all Israel, t resorted to forsooke the Law of the
sented tfiern-
seluestohim. him out of all their coasts. LORD, and all Israel with him.
14 For the Leuites left their sub- 2 And it came to passe, that in the
urbs, and their possession, and came to fifth yere of Rehoboam, Shishak king
ludah and lerusalem : for leroboam of Egypt came vp against lerusalem,
* Chap. is. *and his sonnes had cast them off from (*because they had transgressed against 14. * 1. King.
9. 24. and
executing the Priests office vnto the the LORD) 25.
LORD 3 With twelue hundred charets,
15 And hee ordeined him priests for and threescore thousand horsemen : and
the high places, and for the deuils, and the people were without number that
for the calues which he had made. came with him out of Egypt : the Lu-
16 And after them out of all the bims, the Sukkiims, & the Ethiopians,
tribes of Israel, such as set their hearts 4 And hee tooke the fenced cities
to seeke the L O R D God of Israel, which perteined to ludah, and came to
came to lerusalem, to sacrifice vnto the lerusalem.
LORD God of their fathers. 5 1T Then came Shemaiah the
17 So they strengthened the king- prophet to Rehoboam, and to the Prin-
dome of ludah, and made Rehoboam ces of ludah that were gathered to-
the sonne of Solomon strong , three gether to Jerusalem because of Shi-
yeeres : for three yeeres they walked in shak, and said vnto them, Thus saith
the way of Dauid and Solomon the LORD, Ye haue forsaken me, and
18 1F And Rehoboam tooke him therfore haue I also left you in the hand
Mahalath the daughter of lerimoth of Shishak.
the sonne of Dauid to wife, and Abihail 6 Whereupon, the Princes of Is-
the daughter of Eliab the son of lesse : rael, and the ting humbled themselues ;
19 Which bare him children, leush, and they saide, The L O R D is righ-
and Shamariah, and Zaham. teous.
*l. King. 20 And after her, hee tooke * Maa- 7 And when the LORD sa# that
15. 2.
cah the daughter of Absalom , which they humbled themselues $ the word of
bare him Abiiah, and Atthai, and Zi- the. LORD* came to Shemaiah, say-
za, and Shelomith ing, They haue humbled themselues,
21 And Rehoboam loued Maacah therefore I will not destroy them , butM, BUT
the daughter of Absalom, aboue all his I will grant them ||some deliuerance, y Or, a title
wiues and his concubines : for he toolce and my wrath shall not bee powred
eighteene wiues, and threescore concu- out vpon lerusalem, by the hand of
bines , and begate twentie and eight Shishak.
sonnes, and threescore daughters. 8 Neuerthelesse they shalbe his ser-
His death, Chap.xiij. and lucceffour.
uants, that they may know my seruice, in lerusalem : (his mothers name also
and the seruice of the kingdomes of the was Michaiah the daughter of Vriel of
countreys. Gibea : ) and there was warre between
9 So Shishak king of Egypt came Abiiah and leroboam.
vp against lerusalem , and tooke a- 3 And Abiiah tset the battel in aray t Heb. bound
way the treasures of the house of the with an army of valiant men of warre, together.
LORD, and the treasures of the kings euen foure hundred thousand chosen
house, hee tooke all : he caried away al- men : leroboam also set the battell in
so the shields of gold, which Solomon aray against him with eight hundred
* Cha. 9.15 had *made. thousand chosen men, being mightie
10 In stead of which, king Rehobo- men of valour.
am made shields of brasse, and commit- 4 f And Abiiah stood vp vpon
ted them to the hands of the chiefe of the mount Zemaraim, which is in mount
guard , that kept the entrance of the Ephraim, and sayde, Heare mee thou
Kings house leroboam, and all Israel :
11 And when the king entred into 5 Ought you not to know, that the
the house of the L O U D , the guard L O R D God of Israel gaue the king-
came and fet them, and brought them dome ouer Israel to Dauid for euer,
againe into the guard-chamber. euen to him and to his sonnes by a coue-
12 And when he humbled himselfe, nant of salt ?
the wrath of the L O R D turned from 6 Yet leroboam the sonne of Ne-
him, that hee would not destroy him al- bat, the seruant of Solomon the sonne
\ Or, and yettogether: ||and also in ludah things of Dauid, is risen vp, and hath * rebel- *i.King
in ludah 11. 26.
there were went well. led against his LORD
good things, 13 If So king * Rehoboam streng- If And there are gathered vnto nim
* I.King.
14. 21. thened himselfe in lerusalem, and reig- vaine men the children of Belial, and
ned : for Rehoboam was one and fourty haue strengthened themselues against
yeeres olde when hee began to reigne, Rehoboam the sonne of Solomon,
and he reigned seuenteene yeeres in le- when Rehoboam was young, & tender
rusalem , the citie which the L O R D hearted, and could not withstand them.
had chosen out of all the tribes of Isra- 8 And now ye thinke to withstand
el, to put his Name there : and his mo- the kingdome of the L O R D , in the
thers name was Naamah an Ammoni- hand of the sonnes of Dauid, and ye be
tesse a great multitude, and there are with you
14 And hee did euill, because hee golden calues, which leroboam *made * i. King,
12. 28.
II Or, fixed. || prepared not his heart to seeke the you for gods.
LORD. 9 * Haue yee not cast out the Priests Chap. Ji
15 Now the acts of Rehoboam first of the L O R D the sonnes of Aaron, 14.
and last, are they not written in the and the Leuites, and hane made you
t Heb. words tbooke of Shemaiah the Prophet, and priests after the maner of the nations
of Iddo the Seer, concerning genea- of other lands ? so that whosoeuer com-
logies ? and there were warres betweene meth to t consecrate himselfe with a t Heb.tofill
his hand.
Rehoboam & leroboam continually. young bullocke and seuen rammes, the
16 And Rehoboam slept with his fa- same may be a priest of them that are no
thers, and was buried in the citie of gods.
Dauid , and Abiiah his sonne reigned 10 But as for vs, the L O R D is our
in his stead. God, and wee haue not forsaken him,
and the Priests which minister vnto the
C H A P . XIII. LORD, are the sonnes of Aaron, and
1 Abiiah succeeding, maketh warre against le- the Leuites waite vpon their businesse.
roboam. 4 Hee declareth the right of hiaaaas 11 * And they burne vnto the LORD » Chap. 2.4.
cause. 13 Trusting in God, hee oueaaaarcom- euery morning, and euery euening,
meth leroboam. 21 The wiues and chil- burnt sacrifices and sweete incense : the
dren 01 ./YDHBII.
*shew- bread also set they in order vpon » Leu. 24. 6,
Owe *in the eighteenth the pure table, and the Candlesticke of

* 1. King.
15. 1,&C.
yeere of king leroboam, golde with the lampes therof, to burne
began Abiiah to reigne o- euery euening : for we keepe the charge
uer ludah. of the L O R D our God, but yee haue
2 He reigned three yeres forsaken him.
I IS And
leroboam dieth. Il.Chron. Afa his victory.
18 And behold , God himselfe is with |and right in the eyes of the LORD his
s foar our captaine, and his Priests with God.
ounading trumpets to cry alarme a- 3 For hee tooke away the altars of
aiast you : O children of Israel, fightTIGHT the strange gods , and the high places,
rea not against the LORD God of your and brake downe the t images, and cut -Hebr. sta-
aathers, for you shall not prosper. downe the groues :
13 U But leroboam caused an am- 4 And commanded ludah to seeke
mshment to come about behinde them : the LORD God of their fathers, and to
ao they were before ludah, and the am-0 do the Law, and the Commandement.
mshment was behind them. 5 Also he tooke away out of all the
14 And when ludah looked backe, cities of ludah, the high places and the
)ehold,the battelzm$ before and behind ; t images : and the kingdome was quiet -Heb. Sun-
nad they cried vnto the L O R D , and before him.
abe Priests sounded with the trumpets. 6 U And hee built fenced cities in
15 Then the men of ludah gaue a [udah ; for the land had rest, and hee
hout : and as the men of ludah shou- had no warre in those yeeres ; because
ed, it came to passe that God smote le- the LORD had giuen him rest.
oboaam and all Israel, before Abiiah 7 Therefore hee said vnto ludah,
and ludah. Let vs build these cities, & make about
16 And the children of Israel fled be- them walles , and towers , gates and
bre ludah : and God deliuered them barres , while the land is yet before vs :
nto their hand. because wee haue sought the L O R D
17 And Abiiah and his people slew our God, wee haue sought him, and hee
;haem with a great slaughter : so there hath giuen vs rest on euery side : so they
eal downe slaine of Israel, flue hundred built, and prospered.
housand chosen men. 8 And Asa had an armie of men that
18 Thus the children of Israel were bare targets and speares, out of ludah
>rought vnder at that time, and the chil- three hundred thousand , and out of
Iren of ludah preuailed , because they Beniamin, that bare shields and drew
relied vpon the L O R D God of their bowes , two hundred and fourescore
athers. thousand : all these were mighty men oi
19 And Abiiah pursued after lero- valour.
>oam, & tooke cities from him, Beth-e 9 1i * And there came out against them * Chap. 18,
with the townes thereof, and lesha- Zerah the Ethiopian, with an host ol 8.
nah with the townes thereof, and E- a thousand thousand , and three hun-
ihrain with the townes thereof. dred charets, and came vnto Mareshah
20 Neither did leroboam recouer 10 Then Asa went out against him
strength againe in the dayes of Abiiah: and they set the battel in aray in the val-
and the LORD strooke him, & he died. ley of Zephathah at Mareshah.
21 H But Abiiah waxed mighty, anc 11 And Asa cried vnto the L O R D
married fourteene wiues , and begate bis God, and said, LORD, it is * no- * I.Sam. 14
twentie and tw,o sonnes , and sixteene thing with thee to helpe, whether with 6.
daughters. many, or with them that haue no pow-
i! Or, com-
22 And the rest of the acts of Abiiah, er. Helpe vs, O LORD our God, for
mentary. and his waies, and his sayings, are writ- we rest on thee, and in thy Name wee
* Chap. 12 ten in the || story of the Prophet *Iddo. goe against this multitude: O LORD
15. •
thou art our God, let not ||man preuaile I Ort mortal
C H A P . XIIU against thee.
1 Asa succeeding destroieth idolatry. 6 Hauin 13 So the LORD smote the Ethio
peace, he strengthened! his kingdome wit pians before Asa, and before lud,,h
forts and armies. 9 Calling on God, he ouer- and the Ethiopians fled.
throweth Zerah, and spoileth the Ethiopians.
13 And Asa and the people that waer
O Abiiah slept with his with him, pursued them vnto Gerar:

• 1. King.
15. 0. &C.
S fathers, and they buried and the Ethiopians were ouerthrown,
him in the citie of Dauid, that they could not recouer themselues,
and * Asa his sonne reig- for they were t destroyed before the t Hebr. bro
ned in his stead : in his LORD, and before his hoste, and the'ken.
dayes the land was quiet ten yeeres. caried away very much spoile.
2 And Asa did that which was good 14 And they smote all the cities
Ifraels couenant Chap.xv. with God.
round about Gerar, for the feare of the saw that the LORD his God was with
LORD came vpon them: and they him.)
spoiled all the cities, for there was excee- 10 So they gathered themselues to-
ding much spoile in them. gether at lerusalem, in the third
15 They smote also the tents of cat- moneth, in the fifteenth yeere of the
tell, and caried away sheepe and camels reigne of Asa.
inabundance, and returned to leru- 11 And they offered vnto the LORD
salem. t the same time, of the spoile which they tt Hel>. in
had brought, seuen hundred oxen, and f>that day.
seuen thousand sheepe.
C H A P . XV. 12 And they entred into a couenant
1 Asa with ludah and many of Israel, ffiotiedby to seeke the L O R D God of their fa-
theprophesie of Azariahthe sonne of Oded, thers, with all their heart and with all
make a solemne couenant with God. 16 He flieir SOule •
putteth downe Maachah his mother, for her 13
idolatry. 18 He bringeth dedicate things into That whosoeuer would not seeke
the house of God, and enioyeth a long peace, the LORD God of Israel, 'should be «* Deut. 13.9
put to death, whether small or great,
N D the Spirit of God whether man or woman.

t Heb. be-
fore Asa. A came vpon Azariah the
sonne of Oded-
2 And he went out tto
meet Asa, and said vnto
him, Heare ye me, Asa, and all ludah,
14 And they sware vnto the LORD
with a loud voice, and with shouting,
and with trumpets, and with cornets.
15 And all ludah reioyced at the
oath : for they had sworne with all their
and Beniamin, The LORD is with heart, & sought him with their whole
you, while yee be with him: and if yee desire, and he was found of thein : and
seeke him, he will be found of you: but the LORD gaue them rest round a-
if ye forsake him, he will forsake you. bout.
3 Now for a long season Israel hath 16 1T And also concerning * Maachah * l. King.
bene without the true God, and with- the mother of Asa the king, he remoo- 15.13.
out a teaching priest, and without law. ued her from beeing Queene, because
4 But when they in their trouble she had made antidote in a groue : and WJebhorror
did turne vnto the LORD God of Is- Asa cut downe her idole, and stamped if,
rael, and sought him, hee was found of and burnt it at the brooke Kidron.
them. 17 But the high places were not ta-
5 And in those times there was no ken away out of Israel: nmerthelesse
peace to him that went out, nor to him the heart of Asa was perfect all his
that came in, but great vexations were dayes.
vpon all the inhabitants of the coun- 18 IT And he brought into the house
treys. of God the things tnat his father had
tffebr.bea- 6 And nation was t destroyed of na- dedicated, and that he himselfe had de-
ten in pieces. tion, and citie of citie: for God did vexe dicated, siluer, and gold, and vessels,
them with all aduersitie. 19 And there was no more warre vn-
7 Be ye strong therefore, and let to the fiue and thirtieth yeere of the
not your hands bee weake: for your reigne of Asa.
worke shall be rewarded.
8 And when Asa heard these words, C H A P . XVI.
the prophesie of Oded
i r r j
^1 Asa, hy the aideaof the. Syrians,,.
aaaf* dmertethBa-
he tooke courage, and put^ away the asha from bufldingof filmah. 7 Beingre-
f Heb. abo- t abominable idoles out of all the lande prpued thereof hy Hanani, he putteth him in
minations. of ludah and Beniamin, and out of prison. 11 Among his other actes in his dis-
the cities which hee had taken from ""I ease he seeketh not God, but to the Physai-
tians. 13 His death and Buriall.
mount Ephraim. and renewed the Al- ti
tar of the LORD, that was before the N *the sixe and thirtieth * 1. Kings
porch of the LORD.
9 And lie gathered all ludah and
Beniamin, and the strangers with
them out of Ephraim and Manasseh,
I yeere of the reigne of Asa, 15. 17.
Baasha king of Israel
came vp against ludah,
and builtHamah, to the
and out of Simeon: (for th&y, fell to him intent that hee might let none goe out
out of Israel iii aButidance when they or come in to Asa king of ludah.
2 Then
Afa his death, and Il.Chron. buriall. lehofhaphat.
2 Then Asa brought out siluer and I 14 And they buried him in his owne
olde out of the treasures of the house sepulchres which he had t made for him- Heb. dig.
f the LORD, and of the kings house, selfein thecitieof Dauid, and!aide himaLAIDEHI ed.
and sent to Benhadad King of Syria in the bed, which was filled with sweet
<(Heb. Dar- tbat dwelt at t Damascus, saying; odours, and diuers kindes ofsapices pre-
3 There is a league betweene me and pared by the Apothecaries arte: & they
dee, as there was betweene my father made a very great burning for hima.
and thy father: beholde, I haue sent
thee siluer and golde, goe, breake thy
league with Baasha king of Israel, CHAP. XVII
hat he may depart from me. i lehoshaphat succeeding Asa, reigneth well,
4 And Benhadad hearkened vnto and prospereth. 7 He sendeth Leuites with
i Heb. which king Asa, and sent the captaines
of this ^he Princes; to.teach I udah. 10 His enemies
were his. 3 . . .* . . /» T , -J being terrified by God. some of them bring
armies against the cities of Israel, and him prescnte an/tribute. 12 His greatnesse!
hey smote lion , and Dan, and Abel- captaines and armies.
maim, & all the store-cities of Naphtali.

5 And it came to passe, when Baa- ND * lehoshaphat his * 1. King.
sha heard it, that hee left off building of sonne reigned in his stead, 15. 24.
iamah, and let his worke cease. and strengthened himselfe
6 Then Asa the king tooke all lu- against Israel,
lali. and thev rarierl awav the stones Fof 2 And he nlaced fnrpes
Iamah, and the timber thereof, where- in all the fenced cities of ludah, and set
with Baasha was a building, and hee garisons in the land of ludah, and in
nrilt therewith Geba and Mizpah. the cities of Ephraim, which Asa his fa-
7 11 And at that time Hanani the ther had taken*
Seer came to Asa king of ludah, and 3 And the L O R D was with le-
Daid vnto him, Because thou hast relyed loshaphat , because hee walked in the
on the king of Syria, and not relyed on irst wayes of his father Dauid , anc1
;hEe L O R D thy God, therefore is the sought not vnto Baalim :
loFste of the king of Syria escaped out of 4 But sought to the L O R D Goc
thine hand. of his father , and walked in his com-
* Cha. U. 9 8 Were * riot the Ethiopians anc mandements, and not after the doings
Heb. in a- the Lubims a thuge hoste, with very of Israel ;
many charets and horsemen ? Yet be- 5 Therefore the L O R D stablishec
cause thou diddest relie on the LORD, the kingdome in his hand , and all lu-
le deliuered them into thine hand. dah t brought to lehoshaphat presents, • Heb. gaue.
9 For the eyes of the L O R D run and he had riches and honour in abun-
to and fro throughput the whole earth, dance.
I Or^trongl\ (to shewe himselfe strong in the behalfe 6 And his heart was ||lift vp in the I That t>,
to holde with
them, £c. of them, whose heart is perfite towards wayes of the L O R D : moreouer hee was encou-
lim. Herein thou hast done foolishly; tooke away the high places and groues
therefore, from hencefoorth thou shalt out of ludah.
haue war res. 7 11 Also in the third yeere of his
10 Then Asa was wroth with the reigne, hee sent to his princes, euen to
Seer, and put him in a prison-house; Benhail , and to Obadiah, and to Ze-
for he was in a rage with him because oa chariah, and to Nethaneel, and to Mi-
\ Heb. cru- this thing. And Asa t oppressed some o chaiah, to teach in the cities of ludah:
the people the same time. 8 And with them hee sent Leuites,
11 1F And behold, the actes of Asa first euen Shemaiah , and Nethaniah, aanc
and last, lo, they are written in the booke Zebadiah , and Asahel, and Shemaira
of the Kings of ludah and Israel. moth, and lehonathan , and Adaoni
1£ And Asa in the thirtie and naintl iah, and Tobiiah, and Tob-adoniaiah
yeere of his reigne, was diseased in his Leuites: and with them, Elishama anc
feete, vntill his disease was exceeding lehoram, Priests.
great: yet in his disease hee sought not to 9 And they taught in ludah , anc
the LORD, but to the Physicians. had the book of the Law of the LORD
13 IF And Asa slept with his fathers, with them , and went about througah
and died in the one and fourtieth yeere out all the cities of ludah, and taaugh
of his reigne. the people.
10 f And
His captaines. Chap.xviij. Ahabs prophets.
10 H And the feare of the LORD ded him to goe vp with him to RamotHl
t Hel>. was. tfell vpon all the kingdomes of the Gilead.
lands that were round about ludah, so 3 And Ahab king of Israel said v-n
that they made no warre against le- to lehoshaphat king of ludah, WilT
hoshaphat. thou goe with me to Ramoth Gilea?d
11 Also some of the Philistines brought And he answered him, I am as thou a,rt
lehoshaphat presents, and tribute sil- and my people as thy people, and we wLil
uer, and the Arabians brought him be with thee in the warre.
flocks, seuen thousand and seuen hun- 4 IF And lehoshaphat saide vntc
dred rammes, and seuen thousand and the king of Israel, Enquire, I pra)
seuen hundred he goats. thee, at the word of the LORD to da.y
12 IT And lehoshaphat waxed great 5 Therefore the king of Israel g-a
\ Or, palacesexceedingly, and he built in ludah || ca- thered together of prophets foure hun-
stles, and cities of store. dred men, and said vnto them, Shal we
13 And he had much businesse in the goe to Ramoth Gilead to battel, or shLa
cities of ludah ; and the men of warre, I forbeare? And they said, Goe vp, foi
mightie men of valour, were in Jeru- God will deliuer it into the kings hand
salem. 6 But lehoshaphat saide, Is there
14 And these are the numbers of them not here a Prophet of the L O R D t be- i Heb. yet or
according to the house of their fathers : sides, that we might enquire of him ? more
Of ludah, the captaines of thousands, 7 And the king of Israel said vntc
Adnah the chiefe, and with him mighty lehoshaphat, There is yet one man, by
men of valour, three hundred thousand. whom we may enquire of the L O R D :
1 Heb. at his 15 And tnext to him was lehohanan
but I hate him, for he neuer prophesiec
the captaine, and with him two hun- £ood vnto me, but alwayes euill : the
dred and fourescore thousand. same is Micaiah the sonne of limla.
16 And next him was Amasiah the And lehoshaphat saide, Let not the
sonne of Zichri, who willingly offered king say so.
limselfe vnto the L O R D , and with 8 And the king of Israel called for
lim two hundred thousand mightie one of his || officers, and saide, tFetch iJ Or, Eunu-
men of valour. quickly Micaiah the sonne of limla. ches. t Heb.hasten
17 And of Beniamin, Eliada a migh- 9 And the king of Israel and leho-
tie man of valour, and with him , ar- shaphat king of ludah sate , either of
med men with bow and shield two them on his throne, clothed in their
lundred thousand. robes, and they sate in a || voide place at OEr^floore.
18 And next him was lehoshabad, the entring in of the gate of Samaria,
and with him an hundred and foure and all the prophets prophesied before
score thousand, ready prepared for the them.
warre. 10 And Zedekiah the sonne of Che-
19 These waited on the king, besides naanah, had made him homes of yron,
those whom the king put in the fenced and said, Thus saith the LORD, With
cities throughout all ludah, ;hese thou shalt push Syria, vntil tthey t Hebr. thou
)e consumed. consume
11 And all the prophets prophesied
C H A P . XVIII. so, sayiug, Goe vp to Ramoth Gilead,
1 lehoshaphat ioyned in affinitie with Ahab, and prosper • for the L O R D shall de-
is perswaded to goe with him against Ra- iuer U into the hand of the king.
moth Gilead. 4 Ahab seduced by false
prophets, according to the worde of Mica- 12 And the messenger that went to
lah is slaine there. call Micaiah, spake to him, saying, Be-
lold, the words of the prophets declare
OVP lehoshaphat had ri- good to the king twith one assent : let t Heb. with

c^es anc^ h°nour i*1 a^un-a ;hy word therefore, I pray thee, be like one mouth.
w and ioyned affinitie one of theirs, and speake thou good.
Wlttl wC\ 13 And Micaiah said, As the LORD
* J.King. 22 % * And t after certame iueth, euen what my God saith, that
t Heb. at the yeeres, he went downe to Ahab to Sa- will I speake
endofyeeres. maria : and Ahab killed sheepe and ox- 14 And when hee was come to the
en forhim in abundance, and for the peo- dng, the king sayd vnto him, Micaiah,
ple that he had with him, and perswa- shall we goe to Ramoth Gilead to bat-
Vlicaiahs prophecie. H.Chron. Ahab llaine.
+....8528520.3A+ 27 And Micaiah sayd, If thou cer-
5oe yee vp, and prosper, and they shalal tainly returne in peace, then hath not
>e deliueted into your hand. ie LaORD spoken by mee. And hee
15 And thfc king sayd to him, Howe sayd, Hearken all yee people.
many times shall I adiure thee , that 28 So the king of Israel, and le-
haou say nothing but the truth to me, in loshaphat the king of ludah, went
fie name of the L O R a D ? vp to Ramoth Gitead.
16 Then he sayd, I did see all Isra- 29 And the king of Israel sayd vn-
el scattered vpon the mountaines, as td lehoshaphat, I will disguise my
heepe that haue no shepheard : and the selfe, and will goe to the battell, but put
LOB& sayd, These haue no master, let hou on thy robes. So the king of Is-
them returne therefore, euery man to his rael disguised himselfe, and they went to
louse in peace. the battell.
17 (And the king of Israel sayd to 30 Now the king of Syria had com-
!ehoshaphat, Did I not tell thee, that maunded the captaines of the charets
lee would not prophesie good vnto that were with him, saying, Fight ye not
I Or, but for mee, |f but euill?) with small or great, saue onely with the
euill. 18 Againe he sayd; Therefore heave dng of Israel.
;he "word of the L O R D : L sawe the 31 And it came to passe when the
_,ORD asitting vpon his throne, and captaines of the charets saw lehosha-
all the hoste of heauen standing on his )abat, that they sayd, It is the king oi
right hand, and on his left. sarael : therefore they compassed about
19 And the L O R D sayd, Who shall lim to fight. But lehoshaphat cryed
entise Ahab king of Israel, that hee out, and the LORD helped him, and
may goe vp and fall at R&moth Gi- God moued them to depart from him.
ead ? And one spake, saying after this 32 For it came to passe , that when
maner, and another saying after that the captaines of the charets perceiued
matter. that it was not the king of Israel, they
* lob. 1.6. 20 Then there came out a * spirit, iurned backe againe tfrom pursuing Heb.frvm
and stood before the LOAD, and sayd, fter Mm.
\ will entise him. And the LORD 33 And a certaine man drew a bowe
sayd vnto him, Wherewith ? tat a venture, and smote the king of Is-

Heb. in his
21 And hee sayd, I will goe out, and rael tbetweene the ioints of the har- implicit*.
Heb. be-
>e a lying spirit in the mouth of all his nesse : therefore hee sayd to his charet- oints
>rophets. And the LORD sayd, Thou mah, Turne thine hand, that thou vtweene the
shalt entise him, and thou shalt also pre- mayest carie me out of the hoste, for I brettplate.
uaile : goe out, and doe euen so. am t wounded. t Heb. made
22 Nowe therefore behold , the 34 And the battell increased that day: sicke.
L O R D hath put a lying spirit in the lowbeit the king of Israel stayed him-
mouth of these thy prophets , and the selfe vp in his charet against the Syri-
LORD hath spoken euill against thee. ans , vntill the Euen : and about the
23 Then Zedekiah the sonne of Che- time of the sunne going downe, hee
naanah, came neere, and smote Mica- dyed.
iah vpon the cheeke, and sayd, Which
way went the spirit of the L O R D CHAR XIX
from mee, to speake vnto thee? 1 lehoshaphat, retiroued by lehu, visiteth ahi
24? And Micaiah sayd , Behold, kingdomc. 5 His instructions to the luad
thou shalt see on that day* when thou ges, 8 To the Priests and Leuites.
0 Or* from shalt goe ||into an inner chamber to hide Nd lehoshaphat the

chamber to thy selfe. king of ludah returneaea
Heb. cham- 25 Then the king of Israel sayd to his house in peace to
ber in a
chamber. Take yee Micaiah, and carie him backe lerusalem
to Amon the gouernour of the citie, and 2 And lehu the sonne
to loash the kings sonne. of Hanani the seer, went out to meete
26 And say, Thus saith the king, him, and sayd to king lehbshaphat,
Put this fellow in the prison, and feede Shouldest thou helpe the vngodly, ama
him with bread of affliction, and with loue them that hate the LaORD
water of affliction, vntill I returne in Therefore is wrath vpon thee froam be
peace. fore the LOUD.
3 Neuerthetesse
lehofhapbat: His Chap.xx. faft, and prayer.
* Chap. 17. 3 Neuerthelesse, there * are good turne in triumph. 31 Jehpshaphats reigae
4,6. things found in thee, in that thou hast 35 His conuoy of ships, which he made with
taken away the groues out of the land, AAAAAAAA
and hast prepared thine heart to seeke Z
God. T came to passe after this

turned and
4 And lehoshaphat dwelt at Je-
t Heb. he re- rusalem : and thee went out againe
went out. through the people, from Beer-sheba
to mount Ephraim. and brought them
i also, that the children o
Moab, and the children o:
Ammon, and with them,
other beside the Ammo-
backe vnto the LORD God of their nites, came against lehoshaphat to
fathers. battell.
5 1T And he set Judges in the land, 2 Then there came some that tolde
throughout all the fenced cities of lu- lehoshaphat, saying, There commeth
dah, city by city, a great multitude against thee from be-
6 And said to the Judges, Take yond the Sea on this side Syria , anc
heed what ye doe : for yee iudge not for behold , they bee in Hazazon - Tamar,
man, but for the LORD, who is with which is En-gedi.
t Hebr. in you tin the iudgement. 3 And lehoshaphat feared, and set
the matter thimselfe to seeke the LORD, and pro- \Helr. his
of iudge. 7 Wherefore now , let the feare of
merit. the L O R D be vpon you, take heed claimed a fast throughout all ludah. faee.
* Deut. 10. and doe it: for there is no * iniquitie with 4 And ludah gathered themselues
17. iob 34.
19. act. 10. the LORD our God, nor respect of together, to aske helpe of the L O R D :
34. rom. 2, persons, nor taking of gifts.
11. Col. 2.
euen out of all the cities of ludah they
6. 1. 8 IT Moreouer in Jerusalem did le- came to seeke the LORD.
17. hoshaphat set of the Leuites, and of the 5 IF And lehoshaphat stood in the
Priests, and of the chiefe of the fathers Congregation of ludah and Jerusa-
of Israel, for the iudgement of the lem, in the house of the L O R D before
LORD, and for controuersies, when the new Court,
they returned to Jerusalem. 6 And said, O L O R D God of our
9 And hee charged them, saying, Fathers, art not thou God in heauen?
Thus shall yee doe in the feare of the and rulest not thou ouer all the king-
L O R D faithfully, and with a perfept doms of the heathen ? and in thine hand
heart. is there not power and might , so that
10 And what cause soeuer shal come none is able to withstand thee ?
to you of your brethren that dwell in 7 Art not thou our God, twho didst Heb. thou,
:heir cities , betweene blood and blood, driue out the inhabitants of this land
3etweene Law and Commandement, before thy people Israel , and gauest it
Statutes and Judgements , yee shall to the seed of Abraham thy friend for
euen warne them that they trespasse euer ?
not against the LORD, and so wrath 8 And they dwelt therein, and haue
come vpon you, and vpon your bre- iuilt thee a Sanctuarie therein for thy
thren: this doe, & ye shall not trespasse. Name, saying,
11 And behold , Amariah the chiefe 9 *If, when euill commeth vpon * Chap. 6.
Priest is ouer you in all matters of the vs, as the sword, iudgement , or pesti- 8.28.37.i. king.
L O R D , and Zebadiah the sonne of lence , or famine, wee stand before this
Ishmael, the ruler of the house of Ju- louse, and in thy presence (for thy Name
dah , for all the Kings matters : Also is in this house) and cry vnto thee in our
the Leuites shatt be officers before you. affliction, then thou wilt heare & helpe.
t Hebr. take t Deale couragiously , and the L O R D
courage and
10 And now behold, the children of
doe. shajbe with the good. Ammon, and Moab, and mount Seir,
whom thou *wouldest not let Israel Deut. 2. 9.
inuade^ when they came out of the land
C H A P . XX. of Egypt, but they turned from them,
and destroyed them not:
1 lehoshaphat, in his feare proclaimeth a fast. 11 Beholde , / sayi how they reward
5 His prayer. 14- The prophesie of laha- vs, to come to cast vs out of thy possessi-
ziel. 20 lehoshaphat exnorteth the people,
and setteth singers to praise the Lord. 22The on, which thou hast giuen vs to inherit.
great ouerthrow of the enemies. 26 The 12 Q our God , wilt thou not iudge
people hauing blessed God at Berachah, re- them ? for wee haue no might against
God fighteth Il.Chron. for ludah.
his great company that commeth a- were come against ludah, and ||they II Or, tliey
smote one
sjainst vs? neither know wee what to were smitten. another.
loe ; but our eyes are vpon thee. 23 For the children of Ammon and
18 And all ludah stood before the Moab, stood vp against the inhabitants
L O R D , with their litle ones, their of mount Seir , vtterly to slay and de-
wiues and their children. stroy them : and when they had made
14 11 Then vpon lahaziel the sonne an end of the inhabitants of Seir , eue-
of Zechariah , the sonne of Benaiah, ry one helped tto destroy another. Heb.for
the sonne of lehiel, the sonne of Mat- 24? And when ludah came toward the Qeasru-
taniah , a Leuite of the sons of Asaph, the watch-tower in the wildernesse,
came the Spirit of the LOED in the they looked vnto the multitude, and be-
midst of the Congregation : hold, they were dead bodies fallen to the
15 And he said. Hearken yee, all lu- earth, and t none escaped. t Heb. there
was not an
dah, and ye inhabitants of lerusalem, 25 And when lehoshaphat and his escaping-.
and thou king lehoshaphat, Thus people came to take away the spoile of
sayth the LORD vnto you; Be not a- them, they found among them in abun-
fraid, nor dismayed by reason of this dance both riches with the dead bodies,
great multitude ; for the battell is not and precious iewels ( which they stript
yours, but Gods. off for themselues) more then they could
16 To morrow goe ye downe against cary away : and they were three dayes
them : behold , they come vp by the in gathering of the spoile, it was so
t Heb. as. t cliffe of Ziz, and ye shall finde them at
I Or, valley the end of the ||brooke, before the wil- 26 11 And on the fourth day they as-
dernesse of leruel. sembled themselues in the valley of
17 Yee shall not neede to fight in this ||Berachah; for there they blessed the II That is,
battell; set your selues, stand yeestill, and L O R D : therfore the name of the same
see the saluation of the L O R D with place was called the valley of Berachah
you , O ludah and lerusalem : feare vnto this day.
not, nor be dismayed; to morow goe out 27 Then they returned, euery man
against them, for the LORD will bee of ludah and lerusalem, and leho-
with you. shaphat in the t forefront of them, to go i Heb. head.
18 And lehoshaphat bowed his againe to lerusalem with ioy : for the
head, with his face to the ground: anc L O R D had made them to reioyce o-
all ludah, and the inhabitants of le- uer their enemies.
rusalem , fell before the L O R D , wor- 28 And they came to lerusalem
shipping the LORD. with Psalteries, and harpes, and trum-
19 And the Leuites , of the children pets, vnto the house of the LORD.
of the Kohathites , and of the children 29 And the feare of God was on all
of the Korhites, stood vp to praise the the kingdoms of those countreys, when
LORD God of Israel, with a loude they had heard that the LORD fought
voice on high. against the enemies of Israel.
20 U And they rose early in the mor- 30 So the Realm e of lehoshaphat
ning , and went foorth into the wilder- was quiet ; for his God gaue him rest
nesse of Tekoa : and as they went forth, round about.
lehoshaphat stood and said, Heare me, 31 If *And lehoshaphat reigned 25. »1. King.
41, &c.
0 ludah, and yee inhabitants of le- ouer ludah : Hee was thirtie and flue
*Isai. 7. 9. rusalem; *Beleeue in the L O R D your yeeres olde when hee began to reigne,
God, so shall you be established ; beleeue and he reigned twentie and fiue yeeres
his Prophets, so shall yee prosper. in lerusalem : and his mothers name
£1 And when he had consulted with was Azubah the daughter of Shilhi.
the people, he appointed Singers vnto 32 And he walked in the way of Asa
t Heb. prai- the LORD, and tthat should praise the his father, and departed not from it, do-
beautie of holinesse , as they went out ing that which was right in the sight of
before the armie ; and to say, Praise the the LORD.
LORD, for his mercy endureth for euer. 83 Howbeit the high places were not
t//4<znrfm 22 f t And when they beganne tto taken away : for as yet the people had
the lime that
they* cj-c. sing and to praise, the L O R D set am- not prepared their hearts vnto the God
\ sin- bushments against the children of Am- of their fathers.
ging and
praise. mon, Moab, and mount Seir, which 34? Now the rest of the actes of le-
i hoshaphat
lehorams crueltie: Chap.xxj. His great plague.
hoshaphat first and last, behold, they destroy the house of Dauid, because of
tHeb. words, are written in the tbooke of lehu the the couenant that hee had made with
* I. Kings sonne of Hanani; *who fis mentioned Dauid, and as hee promised, to giue a
16.1. in the booke of the Kings of Israel. flight to him and to his * sons for euer. t Heb. lamp,
t Heb. was
made to as- 35 IF And after this did lehosha- 8 IF In his dayes the Edomites re- or candle.
* 2. Sam. 8.
phat king of ludah ioine himselfe with uolted from vnder the t dominion of 36. 2. king.
1. king. 11.
Ahaziah king of Israel, who did very ludah, and made themselues a king, 8. 19. psal.
wickedly: 132. 11, &c.
9 Then lehoram *went forth with iHeb.hand.
36 And he ioyned himselfe with him his Princes, and all his charets with * 2. King.
to make ships to goe to Tarshish : and him: and he rose vp by night, and smote 8.21.
they made the ships in Ezion-Geber. the Edomites which compassed him in,
37 Then Eliezer the sonne of Do- and the captaines of the charets.
dauah of Mareshah, prophesied against 10 So the Edomites reuolted from
lehoshaphat, saying; Because thou vnder the hand of ludah vnto this
hast ioyned thy selfe with Ahaziah, the day. The same time also did Libn
LORD hath broken thy workes • and reuoltfrom vnder his hand, because he
the ships were broken, that they were had forsaken the LORD God of his
not able to goe to Tarshish. fathers.
11 Moreouer, he made high places in
t ie mounta nes
r TT A P Tt V T " ^ °f ludah, and caused
CliAr. -X.A1. the inhabitants of lerusalem to com-
1 lehoram succeeding lehoshaphat, slayeth his mi' fornication, and compelled ludah
brethren. 5 His wicked reigne. 8 Edom thereto.
and Libnah reuolt. 12 The prophetic of 12 If And there came a writing to
Elnaha^ainsthim in writing 16 Philistines him from E1Hah the Prop h e t, saying,
and Arabiansoppresse him. ISHismcura- ^^ ., ., T
Thus saith JT i > T\ -j
ble disease, infamous death, and buriall. the L O R D God of Dauid
thy father, Because thou hast not wal-
Ow * lehoshaphat slept ked in the wayes of lehoshaphat thy

* 1. King.
22. 50. with his fathers, and was father, nor in the wayes of Asa king of
buried with his fathers ludah:
in the citie of Pauid: and 13 But hast walked in the way of the
lehoram his sonne reig- kings of Israel, and hast made ludah
ned in his stead. and the inhabitants of Jerusalem to
2 And he had brethren the sonnes of goe a whoring, like to the whoredomes
lehoshaphat, Azariah, and lehiel. of the house of Ahab, and also hast slaine
and Zechariah , and Azariah, and Mi- thy brethren of thy fathers house, which
chael, and Shephatiah : All these were were better then thy selfe :
the sonnes of lehoshaphat king of Is- 14 Behold, with a t great plague wil tHeb.a
rael. the LORD smite thy people, and thy great stroke*
8 And their father gaue them great children , and thy wiues , and all thy
giftes of siluer and of golde, and of pre- goods.
cious things , with fenced cities in lu- 15 And thou shalthaue great si cknesse
dah : but the kingdome gaue hee to le- by disease of thy bowels, vntil thy bow-
horam, because he was the first borne. els fall out , by reason of the sickenesse
* 2. King. 8. 4 'Now #when lehoram was ri- day by day.
sen vp to the kingdome of his father, he 16 1T Moreouer, the LORD stirred
strengthened himselfe, and slew all his vp against lehoram the spirit of the
brethren with the sword, and diners also Philistines, and of the Arabians , that
of the Princes of Israel. were neere the Ethiopians.
5 11 lehoram was thirtie and two 17 And they came vp into ludah,
yeeres olde when hee began to reigne, and brake into it, and tcaried away all f-saptiue.
and hee reigned eight yeeres in leru- the substance that was found in the
salem. kings house , and his sonnes also and
6 And he walked in the way of the his wiues ; so that there was neuer a
kings of Israel, like as did the house of sonne feft him, saue ||Iehoahaz, the ziah, I Or, Aha.
* Cha. 22. 2. Ahab : for hee had the daughter of * A- yongest of his sonnes. 22. l. or, A-
hab to wife : and he wrought that which 18 IF And after all this, the LORD 6. zariah, ver.
was euill in the eyes of the LORD. smote him in his bowels, with an incu-
7 Howbeit the L O R D would not rable disease.
19 And
Ahaziah wicked: Il.Chron. He is flaine.
19 And it came to passe, that in pro- anointed to cut off the house of Ahab.
cesse of time, after the end of two yeres, 8 And it came to passe, that when
his bowels fell out by reason of his lehu was executing iudgement vpon
sickenesse : so hee dyed of sore diseases. the house of Ahab, and found the prin-
And his people made no burning for ces of ludah, and the sonnes of the bre-
him, like the burning of his fathers. thren of Ahaziah, that ministred to A-
SO Thirtie and two yeeres old was haziah, he slew them.
he when he began to reigne, and he reig- 9 *And he sought Ahaziah: and 9.27. * 2. Kings
ned in lerusalem eight yeeres, and de- they caught him (for he was hid in Sa-
t Heb. with- parted t without being desired: howbe- maria) and brought him to lehu : and
out desire.
it, they buried him in the citie of Dauid, when they had slaine him, they buried
but not in the sepulchres of the kings. him : because, said they, hee is the sonne
of lehoshaphat , who sought the
vy JL J. AJL J. » -/V. .XV A X « LORD with all his heart. So the
house of Ahaziah had no power to keepe
1 Ahaziah succeeding, reigneth wickedly. 5 In still the kingdome.
his confederacie with loram the sonne of A- 10 1f *But when Athaliah the mo- *n.i. 2. Kings
hab, heis slaineby lehu. 10 Athaliah destroy- ther of Ahaziah , sawe that her sonne
ing all the seed royall, saue loash., who leho-
shabeath his aunt hid, vsurpeth the kingdom. was dead, shee arose, and destroyed all
the seed rovall of the house of ludah.

* 2. King. 8. [Nd *the inhabitants of 11 But lehoshabeath the daughter
24, &C. 'Jerusalem made Ahazi- of the king, tooke loash the sonne of
; ah his yongest sonne, king Ahaziah , and stole him from among
>in his stead: for the band the kings sonnes, that were slaine, and
'of men that came with the put him and his nurse in a bed chamber.
Arabians to the campe, had slaine all So lehoshabeath the daughter of
* Chap. 21. the * eldest. So Ahaziah the sonne of king lehoram, the wife of lehoiada
lehoram king of ludah reigned. the priest ( for she was the sister of Aha-
2 Fourtie and two yeeres old was ziah) hid him from Athaliah, so that
Ahaziah, when he began to reigne, and she slew him not.
he reigned owe yeere in Jerusalem : his 12 An<J he was with them hid in the
* Clisp. 21» 6 mothers flame also was * Athaliah the house of God sixe yeeres, ajid Athaliah
daughter of Ornri. reigned ouer the land.
3 Hee also walked in the wayes of
the house of Ahab : for his mother was C H A P . XXIII.
his counseller to doe wickedly. ^ i lehoiada hauing set things in order, maketh
4 Wherefore he did euill in the sight loash king. 12 Athaliah is slaine. IGleho-
of the LORD, like the house of Ahab : restoreth the worship of God.

for they were his counsellers after the Nd *in the seuenth yeere * 2. Kings
death of his father, to his destruction. lehoiada strengthened 11.4,.&c.
5 IF He walked also after their coun- himselfe, and tooke the
sell, and went with lehoram the sonne captaines of hundreds, A-
of Ahab king of Israel, to warre a- zariah the sonne of lero-
gainst Hazael king of Syria at Ra- ham, and Ishmael the sonne of leho-
moth Gilead: and the Syrians smote hanan, and Azariah the sonne of Obed,
loram. and Maasiah the sonne of Adaiah, and
6 And he returned to bee healed in Elishaphat the sonne of Zichri, into co-
HIeb.wher- lezreel, because of the wounds t which uenant with him.
w&A *A<?y
wounded were giuen him. at Ramah when hee 2 And they went about in ludah,
him. fought with Hazael king of Syria, and gathered the Leuites out of all the
II Otherwise And |[ Azariah the sonne of lehoram cities of ludah, and the chiefe of the fa-
called Aha- king of ludah, went downe to see le- thers of Israel, and they came to le-
ziah, ver. l.
4 lehoahaz horam the sonne of Ahab at lezreel, rusalem.
chap. 21.17.
because he was sicke, 3 And all the Congregation made
MJebr.trea- 7 And tthe destruction of Ahaziah a couenant with the king in the house of
was of God by comming to loram : God : and he saidvnto them, Beholde,
For when he was come, hee went out the kings sojtine shall reigne , as the 12/1. 2. Sam. 11
* 2. King.
with lehoram against lehu the sonne L O R D hath *sa]d of the sonnes of 2. 4. and y. 5
2. chr. (i. 16.
9.7. of Nimshij *whome the L O R D had Dauid. and 7. 18.
4 This
loafli made king. Chap.xxiiij. Athaliah flaine.
4 This is the thing that yee shall 14 Then lehoiada the Priest
doe, A third part of you entring on the brought out the captaines of hundreds,
Sabbath, of the priests and of the Le- that were set ouer the host, and said vn-
t Hebr. thre uites, shdlbe porters of the t doores. to them, Haue her foorth of the ranges:
5 And a thirde part shall bee at the and who so follow eth her, let him bee
kings house, and a third part at the gate slaine with the sword . For the Priest
of the foundation : and all the people said ; Slay her not in the house of the
shall be in the Courts of the house of the LORD.
LORD. 15 So they layd handes on her, and
6 But let none come into the holise when shee was come to the entring of
of the LORD, saue the Priests, & they the horse gate, by the kings house, they
that minister of the Leuites, they shall slew her there.
go in, for they are holy: but all the people 16 H And lehoiada made a cbue-
shall keepe the watch of the LORD. nant betweene him, and betweene all
7 And the Leuites shall compasse the people, and betweene the king, that
the king round about, euery man with they should be the L O R D S people.
his weapons in his hand, and whoso- 17 Then all the people went to the
euer else commeth into the house , hee house of Baal, and brake it downe, and
shalbe put to death : but be you with the brake his altars and his images in pie-
King when he commeth in, and when ces , and slew * Mattan the priest of 13. * Deut. 13.
he goeth out. Baal before the altars.
8 So the Leuites and all ludah 18 Also lehoiada appointed the of-
did according to all things that leho- fices of the house of the LORD by the
iada the Priest had commanded : and hand of the Priests the Leuites, whom
tooke euery man his men that were to Dauid had Distributed in the house of 24^ * i. Chro.
come in on the Sabbath, with them the LORD, to offer the burnt offrings
that were to goe out on the Sabbath : of the LORD, as it is written in the
for lehoiada the Priest dismissed not *Law of Moses, with reioycing and 2. * Num. 28.
the courses. widismgingiasitwasordeined^byTdbuiA. tHetor. by
9 Moreoiier, lehoiada the Priest 1 9 And he set the * porters at the gatesthe hands of
deliuered to the captaines of hundreds, of the house of the L O R D , that none * l. Chro.
speares and bucklers, and shields, that which was vncleane in any thing, 26. 1. &C.
had bene King Dauids, which were in should enter in.
the house of God. 20 And hee tooke the captaines of
10 And hee set all the* people (euery hundreds, and the nobles, and the go-
man hauing his weapon? in his hand) uernours of the people, and all the peo-
t Heir, from the right tside of the t Temple, to ple of the land, and brought downe the
^Heb. house. the left side of the Temple, along by the ting from the house of the L O R D :
Altar and the Temple, by the King, and they came through the high gate
round about. nGto the kings house , and set the king
11 Then they brought out the kings vpon the throne of the kingdome.
sonne, and put vpon him the Crowne, 21 And all the people of the land re-
* Deut. 17. 3Lnd*gaue him the Testimony, and made ioyced, and the city was quiet, after that
18. him King : and lehoiada and his they had slaine Athaliah w the sword.
t Hebr. Let sonnes anointed him, and said, tGod
'he King
Hue. saue the King. VA
\~J ±JL «TX J. . .xY. JtV. A JL JL JL .
12 ^1 Now when Athaliah heard
the noise pf the people running and 1 Idash reigneth well, all the dayes of lehoiada.
4 Hee giueth order for the repaire of the
praising the King; she came to the peo- Temple. 15 lehoiada, his death and ho-
ple into the house of the LORD. nourable buriall. 17 I cash falling to idola-
13 And she looked, and behold, the trie, slaieth Zechariah the sonne of lehoiada.
king stood at his pillar, at the entring 23 loash is spoiled by the Syrians, and slaine
by Zabad and lehozabad. 27 Amaziah
in, and the Princes, and the trumpets succeedeth, him.
t>y the King: and all the people of the
land reioyced, and sounded with trum- Oash *was seuen yeeres * 2. Kin. 12.

\ Hebr. can-
pets ; also the singers with instruments
of musicke; and such as taught to sing
praise. Then Athaliah rent her clothes,
' and saids,(tTreason, treason.
i old when he beganne to 1..&C.
reigne; and he reigned for-
tie yeeres in Jerusalem:
his mothers name also
loafli his zeale. Il.Chron. lehoiada dieth.
was Zibiah, of Beer-sheba. tthe worke was perfected by them : and \Hebr.the
2 And loash did that which was they set the house of God in his state, heating
right in the sight of the LORD, all the and strengthened it. the worke.
dayes of lehoiada the Priest. 14* And when they had finished it>
3 And lehoiada tooke for him two they brought the rest of the money be-
wiues, and he begat sonnes and daugh- fore the king and lehoiada, whereof
ters. were made vessels for the house of the
4 H And it came to passe after this LORD, euen vessels to minister and to
t Heb. to re- that loash was minded tto repaire the || offer withall, and spoones, and vessels H Or, pestils.
house of the LORD. of golde and siluer : and they offered
5 And hee gathered together the burnt offerings in the house of the
priests and the Leuites, and saide to LORD continually, all the dayes of
them, Go out vnto the cities of ludah, lehoiada.
and gather of all Israel money to re- 15 IT But lehoiada waxed old, and
paire the house of your God from yeere was full of dayes when hee died : an
to yere, and see that ye haste the matter: hundred and thirtie yeeres olde was hee
howbeit the Leuites hastened it not. when hee died.
6 And the king called for lehoiada 16 And they buried him in the citie ol
the chiefe, and saide vnto him, Why hast Dauid among the kings, because he had
thou not required of the Leuites to done good in Israel , both towards
bring in out of ludah and out of Jeru- God, and towards his house.
salem , th e collection ^according tothe com- 17 Now after the death of lehoia-
* Exod. 30. mandement of* Moses the seruant of the da, came the Princes of ludah , and
12, 13,14.
LORD, and of the Congregation of made obeysance to the king : then the
Israel, for the tabernacle of Witnesse? king hearkened vnto them.
7 For the sonnes of Athaliah that 18 And they left the house of the
wicked woman, had broken vp the LORD God of their fathers, and ser-
house of God, and also all the dedicate ued groues and idols : and wrath came
things of the house of the LORD, did vpon ludah and lerusalem for this
they bestow vpon Baalim. their trespasse.
8 And at the kings commandement 19 Yet hee sent prophets to them to
they made a chest, and set it without, at bring them againe vnto the LORD,
the gate of the house of the LORD. and they testified against them: but they
t Hebr. a 9 And they made t a proclamation would not giue eare.
through ludah & lerusalem, to bring 20 And the spirit of God tcame vp- t Heb. c/o-
in to the L O R D , the collection that on Zechariah the sonne of lehoiada thed.
Moses the seruant of God laid vpon Is- the priest, which stood aboue the people,
rael in the wildernesse, and said vnto them : Thus saith God,
10 And all the Princes and all the Why transgresse yee the commande-
people reioy ced, and brought in, and cast ments of the LORD, that yee cannot
into the chest, vntill they had made an prosper? because yee haue forsaken the
ende. LORD, he hath also forsaken you.
11 Now it came to passe that at what 21 And they conspired against him,
time the chest was brought vnto the and stoned him with stones at the com-
kings office, by the hand of the Leuites: mandement of the king, in the court of
and when they sawe that there was much the house of the LORD.
money : the kings Scribe, and the high 22 Thus loash the king remem-
priests officer, came and emptied the bred not the kindnesse which lehoiada
chest, and tooke it, and caried it to his his father had done to him, but slew his
place again e. Thus they did day by day, sonne: and when he died, he said, The
and gathered money in abundance. LORD looke vpon it, and require it.
12 And the king and lehoiada gaue 23 1F And it came to passe tat the end t If eh. in the
it to such as did the worke of the seruice of the yeere , that the hoste of Syria the yeere.
of the house of the LORD, and hired came vp against him : and they came to
Masons and carpenters to repaire the ludah and lerusalem , and destroyed
house of the L O R D , and also such as all the Princes of the people from a-
wrought yron and brasse to mend the mong the people, and sent all the spoile
house of the LORD. of them vnto the king of t Damascus. IHeb.Dar-
13 So the workemen wrought, and 24 For the armie of the Syrians mesek.
loaflb ilaine. Chap.xxv. Amaziah king.
came with a small companie of men. commanded, saying, *The fathers shall * Deut. 24.
16.2. king.
and the LORD deliuered a very great not die for the children, neither shall the 14. 6. iere.
hoste into their hand, because they had 31.
children die for the fathers ; but euery 18.20* do. ezek,
forsaken the LORD God of their fa- man shall die for his owne sinne.
thers : so they executed iudgement a- 5 IT Moreouer, Amaziah gathered
gainst loash. ludah together, and made them Cap-
85 And when they were departed taines ouer thousands, and captaines
from him (for they left him in great dis* ouer hundreds, according to the nouses
eases) his owne seruants conspired a- of their fathers, throughout all ludah
gainst him , for the blood of the sonnes and Beniamin ,* And he numbred them
of lehoiada the Priest, and slewe him from twentie yeeres olde and aboue,
on his bed, and he died : and they buried and found them three hundred thou-
him in the citie of Dauid, but they bu- sand choice men , able to goe foorth to
ried him not in the sepulchres of the warre, that could handle speare and
Kings. shield.
26 And these are they that conspired 6 Hee hired also an hundred thou-
I Or, loasq- against him ; ||Zabad the sonne of Shi- sand mightie men of valour, out of Is-
char% 2. kin<c meah an Ammonitesse, and lehoza- rael, for an hundred talents of siluer.
12. 21.
I Or, Sho- bad the sonne of ||Shimrith a Moabi- 7 But there came a man of God to
tesse. him, saying, O king, let not the armie of
£7 IT Now concerning his sonnes, Israel goe with thee : for the LORD
and the greatnesse of the burdens laide is not with Israel, to wit, with all the
t Heb. foun- vpon him , and the t repairing of the children of Ephraim.
ding. house of God, behold, they are written 8 But if thou wilt goe, doe it, bee
I Or, Com- in the || story of the booke of the Kings. strong for the battell : God shall make
mentarie. thee fall before the enemy: for God hath
And Amaziah his sonne reigned in his
stead. power to helpe, and to cast downe.
9 And Amaziah said to the man of
God , But what shall wee doe for the
CHAP. XXV. hundred talents which I haue giuen to
1 Amaziah "beginneth to reigne. well. 3 Hee
the tarmie of Israel ? And the man of \
executeth iustice on the traitours. 5 Hatting God answered, The LORD is able
hired an armie of Israelites against the Edo- to giue thee much more then this.
mites, at the word of a Prophet, he loseth the 10 Then Amaziah separated them,
hundred talents, anddismisseth them. 1 1 He to wit, the armie that was come to him
ouerthroweth the Edomites. 10. 13 The Is-
raelites discontented with their dismission, out of Ephraim , to goe thome againe. t Heb. to
spoile as they returne home. 14 Amaziah Wherfore their anger was greatly kin- their place»
proud of his victory, serueth the gods of E- dled against ludah, and they returned
dom , and despisetn the admonitions of the home in t great anger. t Heb. in
Prophet. 17 Hee prouoketh loash to his o-
uerthrow. 25 His reigne. 27 Hee is slaine 11 If And Amaziah strengthened heat ger.
of an-
by conspiracie. himselfe , and ledde foorth his people,
and went to the valley of salt, and smote
Maziah *was twentie and of the children of Seir, ten thousand,

* 2. King
14. 1, &C, flue yeeres olde when hee 12 And other ten thousand left aliue,
began to reigne, and hee did the children of ludah cary away
reigned twentie and nine captiue, and brought tliem vnto the top
yeeres in lerusalem, and of the rocke, and cast them downe from
his mothers name was lehoadan of the top of the rocke, that they all were
lerusalem. broken in pieces.
2 And hee did that which was right 13 IF But the tsouldiers of the army t Heb. the
in the sight of the LORD, but not with which Amaziah sent backe, that they sonnes band.
a perfite heart. should not goe with him to battell, fell
3 IT Now it came to passe when the vpon the cities of ludah, from Sama-
t Heb. con- kingdome was testablished to him, that ria euen vnto Beth-horon, and smote
,firmed vpon he slew his seruants, that had killed the three thousand of them, and took much
king his father. spoile.
4«« But hee slewe not their children, 14 1f Now it came to passe, after
but did as it 2*,? written in the Law in the that Amaziah was come from the
booke of Moses, where the LORD slaughter of the Edomites, that hee
Arnaziah taken, Il.Chron. He is ilaine.
brought the gods of the children of 24 And hee tooke all the gold and the
Seir , and set them vp to be his gods, siluer, and all the vessels that were
and bowed down himselfe before them, *ound in the house of God with Obed-
and burned incense vnto them. Edom , and the treasures of the kings
15 Wherfore the anger of the LORD bouse, the hostages also, and returned
was kindled against Amaziah, and hee to Samaria.
sent vnto him a Prophet, which said vn- 25 H And Amaziah the sonne of
to him, Why hast thou sought after the loash King of ludah liued after the
gods of the people, which could not de- death of loash sonne of lehoahaz
liuer their owne people out of thine king of Israel, fifteene yeeres.
hand? 26 Now the rest of the acts of Ama-
16 And it came to passe as hee talked ziah, first and last, behold, are they not
with him, that the king said vnto him, written in the booke of the Kings of
Art thou made of the Kings counsell ? ludah and Israel ?
forbeare ; why shouldest thou be smit- 27 IF Now after the time that A-
ten ? Then the Prophet forbare , and maziah did turne away tfrom follow- MJeb.frorn
t Heb. coun- said, I know that God hath t determi- ing the LORD, they tmade a conspi- after. t Hebr. con-
ned to destroy thee, because thou hast racie against him in lerusalem, and he spired a con-
done this, and hast not hearkened vnto fled to Lachish : but they sent to La-
my counsell. chish after him, and slew him there.
17 1F Then Amaziah king of ludah 28 And they brought him vpon
tooke aduice, and sent to loash the horses, and buried him with his fathers I That is,
the citie of
sonne of lehoahaz the sonne of lehu, in the citie of || ludah. Dauidi as jit
king of Israel, saying, Come, let vs see is2.king.u.
one another in the face. C 11 A r. .A. A. VI.
* 2. King. 14. 18 * And loash king of Israel sent
8,9. 1 Vzziah succeeding, and reigning well in the
to Amaziah king of ludah , saying,
B Or,furre The || thistle that was in Lebanon, sent dayes of Zechariah, prospereth. 16 Wax-
busk j or ing proud, he inuadetn the Priests office, and
tfyorne. to the Cedar that was in Lebanon , say- is smitten with leprosie. 22 Hee dieth , and
ing, Giue thy daughter to my sonne to lotham succeedetn him.
t Hebr. a wife : and there passed by a twild beast
beast of the that was in Lebanon, and trode downe Hen all the people of

the thistle. ludah * tooke || Vzziah, *14.2.21.King.
19 Thou sayest, Loe, thou hast smit- who was sixteene yeeres 15. 1.
ten the Edomites, and thine heart lif- II
old, and made him King riah. Or, Aza-
teth thee vp to boast. Abide now at in the roome of his fa-
home, why shouldest thou meddle to ther Amaziah.
thine hurt, that thou shouldest fall, even 2 He built Eldth, and restored it to
thou, and ludah with thee ? ludah : after that the King slept with
20 But Amaziah would not heare: his fathers.
for it came of God, that he might deliuer 3 Sixteene yeeres old was Vzziah,
them into the hand of their enemies, be- when he began to reigne, and he reig-
cause they sought after the gods of ned fiftie and two yeeres in lerusalem:
Edom. his mothers name also was lecoliah of
21 So loash the King of Israel lerusalem.
went vp, and they saw one another in 4 And hee did that which was fight
the face, both hee and Amaziah King of in the sight of the LORD, according to
ludah at Beth-shemesh, which belon- all that his father Amaziah did.
geth to ludah. 5 And hee sought God in the dayes
t Hebr. smit- 22 And ludaB was tput to the of Zechariah, who had vnderstanding
worse before Israel, and they fled cue- tin the visions of God : and as long as t Hebr. in
the seeing of
ry man to his tent he sought the LORD, God made him God.
23 And loash the king of Israel to prosper.
tooke Amaziah king of ludah the son 6 And hee went foorth and warred
of loash, the son of loahaz, at Beth- against the Philistines, & brake downe
shemesh , and brought him to lerusa- the wall of Gath, and the wall of lab-
lem, and brake downe the wall of le- neh, and the wall of Ashdod, and built
t Hebr. the rusalem, from the gate of Ephraim to cities ||about Ashdod, and among the I Or, in the
gate of it that t the corner gate, foure hundred cubits. coiuitrey
looketh. Philistines. of Ashdod.
7 And
Vzziahs ftrength: Chap.xxvij. He is leprous.
7 And God helped him against the vnto the L O R D , but to the *priestes * Exo. 30* 7
Philistines, and against the Arabians, the sonnes of Aaron, that are consecra-
;hat dwelt in Gur - baal, and the Me- ted to burne incense. Goe out of the
iiunims. Sanctuarie; for thou hast trespassed,
8 And the Ammonites gaue gifts neither shall it be for thine honour from
\Heb.went. to Vzziah, and his name t spread abroad the L O R D God.
euen to the entring in of Egypt : for hee 19 Then Vzziah was wroth , and
strengthened himselfe exceedingly. had a censer in his hand, to burne in-
9 Moreouer Vzziah built towers cense, and while he was wroth with the
in lerusalem at the corner gate, and at priests, the leprosie euen rose vp in his
the valley gate, and at the turning of the Forehead, before the priests, in the house
I Or, repai- wall) and |j fortified them. of the LORD, from beside the incense
10 Also he built towers in the desert, altar.
H Or, cut out and || digged many welles, for hee had 20 And Azariah the chiefe priest, and
many ci-
sternes. much cattell, both in the low countrey, all the priests looked vpon him, and be-
and in the plaines : husbandmen also, hold, he was leprous in his forehead,
and vine dressers in the mountaines, and they thrust him out from thence,
H Or, fruit, and in ||Carmel: for hee loued thus- yea himselfe * hasted also to goe out, be- * As Ester 6
fullfields. 12.
Mlebr. sandrie. cause the L O R D had smitten him.
ground. 11 Moreouer, Vzziah had- an host of 21 * And Vzziah the king was a le- *15.5. 2. Kings
fighting men, that went out to warre per vnto the day of his death, and dwelt
[>y bands, according to the number of in a * seuerall house being a leper, for he * Leuit. 13.
their account, by the hand of leiel the was cut off from the house of the
Scribe, and Maasiah the ruler, vnder L O R D : and lothara his sonne was
the hand of Hananiah, one of the kings ouer the kings house, iudging the peo-
captaines. ple of the land.
12 The whole number of the chiefe 22 1F Now the rest of the actes of
of the fathers of the mightie men of va- Vzziah first and last, did Isaiah the
lour, were two thousand and sixe hun- prophet the sonne of Amoz write.
dred. ; 23 So Vzziah slept with his fathers,
power of an
13 And vnder their hand was tan ar- and they buried him with his fathers in
armie mie, three hundred thousand, and seuen the field of the buriall which belonged to
thousand, and fiue hundred, that made the kings : for they saide, He Is a leper :
warre with mightie power, to helpe And I otham his sonne reigned in his
the king against the enemie. stead.
14 And Vzziah prepared for them
throughout all the hoste , shields, and C H A P . XXVII.
speares, and helmets, and habergions, 1 lotham reigning well, prospereth. 5Hesub-
MIeb. stone* and bowes, and t slings to cast stones. dueth the Ammonites. 7 His reigne. 9Ahaz
oftlings. succeedeth him.
15 And hee made in lerusalem en-
gines inuented by cunning men, to bee Otham *was twenty and 15. * 2. Kings

on the towers, & vpon the bulwarks, fiue yeeres olde, when hee
to shoote arrowes and great stones began to reigne, and hee
\Heb.went withall: and his name t spread farre a- reigned sixteene yeeres in
fowth. lerusalem: his mothers
broad, for he was marueilously helped,
till he was strong. name also was lerushah, the daughter
16 If But when he was strong, his of Zadok.
heart was lifted vp to ^destruction : 2 And he did that which was right in
for he transgressed against the LORD the sight of the L O R D , according to
his God, and went into the temple of all that his father Vzziah did: howbeit
the LORD, to burne incense vpon the hee entred not into the temple of the
altar of incense. LORD. And the people did yet cor-
17 And Azariah the priest went in ruptly.
after him , and with him fourescore 3 He built the high gate of the house
priests of the LORD, that were vali- I Or, the
of the LORD, and on the wall of ||O- tower.
ant men. phel, he built much.
18 And they withstood Vzziah the 4« Moreouer hee built cities in the
* Num. 18.; king, and said vnto him, It *perteineth mountaines of ludah, and in the for-
not vnto thee, Vzziah, to burne incense rests he built castles and towers.
5 IT He
lotham. Ahaz. Il.Chron. Ifraels crueltie.
5 1F He fought also with the king of him wich a great slaughter.
the Ammonites , and preuailed against 6 1f For Pekah the sonne of Rema-
them. And the children of Ammon gaue liah slew in ludah an hundred t twen-
him the same yeere an hundred talents tie thousand in one day, which were all
of siluer, and ten thousand measures of t valiant men : because they had forsa- of}Heb. sonnes
wheate, and tenne thousand of barley. ken the L O K D God of their fathers.
\Hehmuch. tSo much did the children of Ammon 7 And Zichri a mightie man of E-
pay vnto him , both the second yeere, phraim, slue Maaseiah the kings sonne,
and the third. and Azrikam the gouernour of the
6 So loth am became mightie, be- bouse, and Elkanah that was tnext to second tHeb. the
to the
\\0r.ettobli. cause he || prepared his wayes before the the King. King.
shed. 8 And the children of Israel caried
LORD his God.
7 f Now the rest of the actes of away captiue of their brethren, two
lotham, and all his warres , and his hundred thousand, women, sonnes and
wayes, lo, they are written in the booke daughters, and tooke also away much
of the Kings of Israel and ludah. spoile from them, and brought the spoile
8 Hee was fiue and twentie yeeres to Samaria.
olde when he began to reigne, and reig- 9 But a Prophet of the LORD
ned sixteene yeeres in Jerusalem. was there , whose name was Oded :
9 IF And lotham slept with his fa- and hee went out before the hoste that
thers, and they buried him in the city of came to Samaria, and said vnto them,
Dauid : and Ahaz his sonne reigned in Behold, because the L O R D God of
his stead. your fathers was wroth with ludah,
he hath deliuered them into your hand,
and yee haue slaine them in a rage that
C H A P . XXVIII. reacheth vp vnto heauen.
1 Ahaz reigning very wickedly, is greatly affli- 10 And now ye purpose to keepe vn-
cted by me Syrians. 6 ludah being captiua- der the children of ludah and lerusa-
ted by the Israelites, is sent home by the coun- lem for bondmen, and bondwomen vn-
sell of Oded the Prophet. 16 Ahaz sending to you: But are there not with you, euen
for aide to Assyria, is not helped thereby. 22
In his distresse, he groweth more idolatrous. with you, sinnes against the L O R D
26 He dviner. Hezekiah succeedeth him. your God ?
11 Now heare me therefore, and de-
Haz *was twentie yeeres liuer the captiues againe, which ye haue

* 2. King.
16. 2.
olde when hee beganne to taken captiue of your brethren : for the
reigne, and he reigned six- fierce wrath of God is vpon you.
teene yeres in lerusalem: 12 Then certeine of the heads of the
but hee did not that which children of Ephraim, Azariah the sonne
was right in the sight of the L O R D , of lohanan, Berechiah the sonne oi
like Dauid his father. Meshillemoth, and lehizkiah the son
2 For he walked in the wayes of the of Shallum, and Amasa the sonne of
Kings of Israel, and made also molten Hadlai, stood vp against them that came
images for Baalim. from the warre,
I Or, offered 3 Moreouer, he [[burnt incense in the 13 And said vnto them, Ye shall not
valley of the sonne of Hinnom, & burnt bring in the captiues hither: for where-
* Leuit. 18. * his children in the fire, after the abo- as wee haue offended against the
minations of the heathen, whome the LORD already, ye intend to adde more
LORD had cast out before the children to our sinned and to our trespasse: for
of Israel. our trespasse is great, and there is fierce
4 Hee sacrificed also, and burnt in- wrath against Israel.
cense in the high places, and on the hils, 14 So the armed men left the cap-
and vnder euery greene tree. tiues, and the spoile before the Princes,
5 Wherefore the L O R D his God and all the congregation.
deliuered him into the hand of the king 15 And the men which were expressed
of Syria, and they smote him , and ca- by name, rose vp and tooke the cap-
ried away a great multitude of them tiues, aud with the spoile clothed all
tHeb.X>ar- captiues, and brought them to t Damas- that were naked among them, and a-
cus : And he was also deliuered into the rayed them , and shod them, and gaue
hand of the king of Israel, who smote them to eate and to drinke, and anoin-
Ahaz an idolater. Chap.xxxix. Hezekiah king.
ted them, and caried all the feeble of him not into the sepulchres of the kings
them vpon asses, and brought them to of Israel: and Hezekiah his sonne reig-
* Deut 34.
lericho, * the city of palme - trees, to ned in his stead.
their brethren : then they returned to
Samaria. c
16 IF At that time did king Ahaz
send vnto the kings of Assyria to helpe i Hezekiah his good reigne. 3 He restoreth
him. Religion. 5 He exhorteth the Leuites. 12
17 For againe the Edomites had ^ey sa^ctifie themselues and cleanse the
come and smitten ludah, and caried a- *£ t^^SSf&SSf^
tHebr.a way t captiues. more forward then the Priests.
captiuiti*. 18 The Philistines also had inuaded
the cities of the low - countrey, and of Ezekiah * began to reigne 18. * 2. King.

the South of ludah, and had taken when hee was fiue and
Beth-shemesh, and Aialon, and Gede- twentie yeeres old, and he
roth, and Shocho with the villages reigned nine and twentie
thereof, and Timnah with the villages vpj^res in IfirtiRalem • smf\
thereof, Gimzo also, and the villages his mothers name was Abiiah the
thereof: and they dwelt there, daughter of Zechariah.
19 For the L O R D brought ludah 2 And hee did that which was right
low, because of Ahaz king of Israel; for in the sight of the LORD, according to
he made ludah naked, and transgres- all that Dauid his father had done,
sed sore against the LOR D. 3 If He, in the first yere of his reigne,
20 And Tilgath-Pilneser king of in the first moneth, opened the doores
Assyria came vnto him, and distressed of the house of the LORD, and repai-
him, but strengthened him not. red them.
21 For Ahaz tooke away a portion 4 And hee brought in the Priests,
out of the house of the L o R D, and out and the Leuites, and gathered them
of the house of the King , and of the together into the East street,
Princes, and gaue it vnto the King of 5 And said vnto them, Heare me, ye
Assyria : but he helped him not. Leuites, sanctifie now your selues, and
22 If And in the time of this distresse sanctifie the house of the L O R D God
did hee trespasse yet more against the of your fathers, and caryfoorth the fil-
L O R D : This is that king Ahaz. thinesse out of the holy place.
23 For he sacrificed vnto the gods of 6 For our fathers haue trespassed,
tH«ft.JDar- t Damascus, which smote him: and he and done that which was euill in the
said, Because the gods of the kings of eyes of the L O R D our God, and haue
Syria helpe them, therefore will I sa- forsaken him, and haue turned away
crifice to tnem, that they may helpe me: their faces from the habitation of the
but they were the ruine of him, and of LORD, and t turned their backs.
all Israel. 7 Also they haue shut vp the doores uenihe necke.
24? And Ahaz gathered together the of the Porch, and put out the lampes,
vessels of the house of God, and cut in and haue not burnt incense, nor offered
pieces the vessels of the house of God, burnt offerings in the holy place, vnto
md shut vp the doores of the house of the God of Israel,
the LORD , and hee made him altars 8 Wherfore the wrath of the LORD
in euery corner of lerusalem. was vpon ludah and Jerusalem, and
25 And in euery seuerall city of lu- he hath deliuered them to t trouble, to motion. t Hebr. com-
\\ Or, to offer. dah hee made high places to ||burne in- astonishment, and to hissing, as yee see
cense vnto other gods, and prouoked with your eyes.
to anger the LORD God of his fa- 9 For loe, our fathers haue fallen
thers. by the sword, and our sonnes and our
26 IF Now the rest of his acts, and daughters, and our wiues, are in capti-
of all his waves, first and last, behold, uitie for this.
they are written in the booke of the 10 Now it is in mine heart to make a
kings of ludah and Israel. couenant with the LORD God of Is-
27 And Ahaz slept with his far. rael, that his fierce wrath may turne a-
thers, and they buried him in the citie, way from vs.
euen in lerusalem: but they brought 11 My sonnes, ||bee not now negli- now \ Or, be not
gent: ved.
?he clenling IICOHR OF TJETEM
* Num. a 14 Uent : for the L O R D hath * chosen you (FNer them on the Altar of the LORD.
and 18. 2,6.
o stand before him, to serue him, andD 22 So they killed the Tbullockes, and
laDt you should minister vnto him, and lDe priestes receiued the blood, and
I Or, offer burneE. incense. * sprinkled it on the altar: likewise when .Leuit. 8.
1£ 1F Then the Leuites arose, Ma- iDcy had.killed the rams, they sprinkled *.4,15. 21.
lath the sonne of Amashai , and loel lL-e blood vpon the altar : they killed al
lFe sonne of Azariah , of the sonnes of so the lambes, and they sprinkled the
le OFKohathites : and of the sonnes of jRlood vpon the altar.
Vierari, Kish the sonne of Abdi, and 23 And they brought tfoorth the hee Heb. neere.
Azariah the sonne of lahalelel : and of joatsE for the sinne offering , before the
leF Gershonites loah, the sonne of dnEg and the congregation , and laide
Zimmah, and Eden the sonne of loah: beir; * hands vpon them: * Leuit.. 4.
13 And of the sonnes of Elizaphan, 24 And the priests killed them, and 15.
Shimri, and lehiel : and of the sonnes ;hRey made reconciliation with their
f Asaph , Z;echariah and Mattaniah : ->lood vpon the altar, to make an atone-
14 And of the sonnes of Heman, le- ment for all Israel : for the king com-
lFiel, and Shimei : and of the sonnes oi manded that the burnt offring and the
edLuthun, Shemaiah and Vzziel. sin offering should be made for all Israel.
15 And they gathered their brethren, 25 *And hee set the Leuites in the .*l.Chro.
and 25.6.
and sanctified themselues, and came ac- louse of the LORD with cymbals,
ording to the commandement of theTHE with psalteries, and with harpes, accor-
Or, in the dng, || by the words of the LORD, to ling to the commandement of Dauid,
busines of
the Lord. leanse the house of the LORD. and of Gad the kings Seer, and Na-
16 And the priests went into the inner than the prophet : for so wasthe comman-
>art of the house of the LORD, to dement tof the LORD tby his pro- hand \Heb.bythe
of the
Jeanse it, and brought out all the vn- )hets. Lard.
cleannes that they found in the temple 26 And the Leuites stood with the hand of\Heb.byHhe
of the L O R D , into the court of the instruments of Dauid, and the priestes
louse of the LORD. And the Leuites with the trumpets.
;ooke it, to carie it out abroad into the 27 And Hezekiah commaunded to
>rooke Kidron. offer the burnt offering vpon the altar :
17 Now they began on the first day and twhen the burnt offering began, time. • ffeb. in the
of the first moneth to sanctifie , and on the song of the L O R D began also with
the eight day of the moneth, came they the trumpets , and with the t instru- of•Heb. hands
to the porch of the LORD. So the] ments ordeined by Dauid king of Israel. ments.
sanctified the house of the L O R D in 28 And all the congregation wor-
eight dayes, and in the sixteenth day o: shipped, and the t singers sang, and the t Heb. song.
the first moneth, they made an end. trumpetters sounded : and all this conti-
18 Then they went in to HezekHial nued vntill the burnt offering was fini-
the king, and said, We haue cleansed Ll shed.
the house of the LORD, and the altar , 29 And when they had made an em
of burnt offering, with all the vessels of offering, the king and all that were
thereof, and the shew- bread table, Gwit! t present with him, bowed themselues WIeb. found
all the vessels thereof. and worshipped.
19 Moreouer all the vessels whicHl 30 Moreouer Hezekiah the king aDn<
king Ahaz in his reigne did cast away the Princes, commanded the Leuites
in his transgression, haue we preparec to sing praise vnto the LORD, with the
and sanctified, and behold, they are be- words of Dauid, and of Asaph the Se-
fore the altar of the LORD. er : and they sang praises with gladnes,
20 IT Then Hezekiah the king rose and they bowed their heads and wor-
earely, and gathered the rulers of the shipped.
citie, and went vp to the house of the 31 Then Hezekiah answered and sa,id
LORD. Now ye haue t consecrated your selues your lOr.fiUed
21 And they brought seuen bullocks vnto the LORD : come neere and brinjG
and seuen rammes, and seuen lambes, sacrifices, and thanke - offerings into
* Leuit. 4. and seuen hee goats for a * sinne offring the house of the LORD. . And the co-n
for the kingdome, and for the Sanctu- gregation brought in sacrifices , anc
arie, and for ludah : and he commaun- thank - offrings, and as many as weEr
ded the priests the sonnes of Aaron to of a free heart, burnt offerings.
32 And
The Pafleouer is proclaimed.
32 And the number of the burnt offe- 6 So the Postes went with the let-
rings which the congregation brought, ters tfrom the King and his Princes, t Heb.from
was threescore and ten bullockes, an hun- throughout all Israel and ludah, and the hand.
dred rammes, and two hundred lambs : according to the commandement of the
all these were for a burnt oifring to the king, saying; Yee children of Israel,
LORD* turne againe vnto the L O R D God of
33 And the consecrated things were. Abraham, Isaac and Israel, and hee
sixe hundred oxen, and three thousand wil returne to the remnant of you, that
sheepe. are escaped out of the hand of the kings
34 But the Priests were too few, so of Assyria.
that they could not flay all the burnt 7 And be not ye like your fathers,
offerings ; wherefore their brethren the and like your brethren , which trespas-
^Hebstreng- Leuites tdid helpe them, till the work e sed against the L O R D God of their
thened them
was ended, and yntill the other Priestes fathers, who therefore gaue them vp to
bad sanctified themselues : for the Le- desolation, as ye see.
uites were more vpright in heart, to san- 8 Now tbe yee not stiffe-necked as t Harden
ctifie themselues, then the Priests. your fathers were , but t yeeld your not your
35 And also the burnt offerings were selues vnto the LORD, and enter into t Heb. giue
in abundance, with the fat of the peace his Sanctuarie, which he hath sancti- the hand.
offerings, & the drinke offrings, for eue- fied for euer •- and serue the LORD your
ry burnt offering. So the seruice of the God, that the fiercenesse of his wrath
house of the L O R D was set in order. may turne away from you.
36 And Hezekiah reioyced , and all 9 For if yee turne againe vnto the
the people, that God had prepared the LORD, your brethren and your chil-
people : for the thing was done suddenly. dren shall finde compassion before them
that leade them captiue , so that they
shall come againe into this land : for the
CHAP. XXX. L O R D your God is gracious and
1 Hezekiah proclaimeth a solemne Passeouer * mercifull, and will not turne away his * Exo. 34. 5.
on the second moneth, for ludah and Israel. face from you, if ye returne vnto him.
13 The assembly hailing destroyed the altars
of idolatry, keepe the feast fourteene dayes. 10 So the Posts passed from citie to
27 The Priests and Leuites blesse the people. citie, through the countrey of Ephraim
and Manasseh, euen vnto Zebulun:
ND Hezekiah sent to all but they laughed them to scorne, and

a Israel and ludah, and

wrote letters also to E-
phraim and Manasseh ,
that they should come to
the house of the L O R D at lerusa-
mocked them,
11 Neuerthelesse, diuers of Asher,
and Manasseh, and of Zebulun, hum-
bled themselues, and came to lerusa-
lem, to keepe the Passeouer vnto the 1£ Also in ludah, the hand of God
LORD God of Israel. was to giue them one heart to doe the
2 For the king had taken counsell, commandement of the king and of the
and his Princes, and all the congrega- Princes, by the word of the LORD.
tion in Jerusalem, to keepe the Passe- 13 H And there assembled at leru-
* Num. 19. ouer in the second *moneth. salem much people, to keepe the feast of
3 For they could not keepe it at that vnleauened bread in the second moneth,
time, because the Priests had not sancti- a very great congregation.
fied themselues sufficiently, neither had 14 And they arose and tooke away
the people gathered themselues toge- the *altars that were in lerusalem, and * Chap. 28.
ther to lerusalem. all the altars for incense tooke they a- 24.
t Heb. was 4 And the thing t pleased the king, way, and cast /Am into the brooke Ki-
right in the
eyes of the and all the Congregation. dron.
King. 5 So they established a decree, to 15 Then they killed the Passeouer
make proclamation throughout all Is- on the fourteenth day of the second mo-
rael, from Beersheba euen to Dan, neth: and the Priests and the Leuites
that they should come to keep the Passe- were ashamed, and sanctified them-
ouer vnto the LORD God of Israel at selues, and brought in the burnt offe-
lerusalem : for they had not done it of rings into the house of the LORD,
a long time in such sort, as it was written. 16 And they stood in t their place af- t Heb. their
The Paffeouer. Il.Chron. Idolatry deftroyed.
ter their maner, according to the Law! arose, and blessed the people : and their
of Moses the man of God : The priests voice was heard, and their prayer came
sprinckled theblood,w>AicA*Aey receiuedof vp to t his holy dwelling place, euen vnto thabitation
Hebr. the
the hand of the Leuites. he«men. his holinefse.
17 For there were many in the Con-
gregation that were not sanctified:
therefore the Leuites had the charge of CHAP. XXXI,
the killing of the Passeouers for euery 1 The People is Forward in Destroying Idolatry.
one that was not cleane, to sanctifce 2 Hezekiah ordereth the courses of the priests
them vnto the LORD. and
Suites, and prouideth for their worke
1 ft PW ft mill tiHid A r»f t>i A npnnl A stisn maintenance. 5 The peoples forward-
1S * or a;multitude ot the people, eum nesse in offerings and tithef ll Hezekiah
many of Ephraim and Manasseh, Is- appointed officers to dispose of the tithes,
sachar and Zebulun, had not cleansed 20 The sinceritie of Hezekiah.
themselues: yet did they eate the Passe-
ouer. otherwise then it was written. Ow when all this was fi-

But Hezekiah prayed for them, saying; nished , all Israel that
The good LORD pardon euery one, were t present, went out to IHekfound.
19 That prepareth his heart to seeke the cities of ludah, and
God, the L O R D God of his fathers, *brake the t images in pie- * 2. King.
though hee be not cleansed according to ces , and cut downe the groues ., and t18.Hebr.4.
the purification of the Sanctuary. threw downe the high places and the tues.
£0 And the LORD hearkened to altars out of all ludah and Benia-
Hezekiah, and healed the people. rain , in Ephraim also and Manasseh,
21 And the children of Israel that tvntill they had vtterly destroyed them t Heb, vntill
tHehfound. were tpresent at lerusalem , kept the to make an
all. Then all the children of Israel re- end.
feast of vnleauened bread seuen daves turned euery man to his possession into
with great gladnesse : and the Leuites their owne cities.
and the Priests praised the LORD day % H And Hezekiah appointed the
t Hebr. in- by day, singing with tlowd instruments courses of the Priests and the Leuites
struments of
strength. vnto the LORD. after their courses, euery man according
t Hebr. to %% And Hezekiah spake t comforta- to his seruice, the Priests and Leuites
the heart of
all$c. bly vnto all the Leuites , that taught Tor burnt offerings, and for peace offer-
the good knowledge of the L O R D : ings, to minister and to giue thankes,
and they did eate throughout the feast, and to praise in the gates of the tents of
seuen dayes, offering peace-offerings, the LORD.
and making confession to the L O R D 3 He appointed also the kipgs portion
God of their fathers. of his substance, for the burnt oflrings,
23 And the whole assembly tooke to wit, for the morning and euening
counsel to keepe other seuen dayes : and burnt offrings ; and the burnt offrings
they kept other seuen dayes with glad- for the Sabbaths, and for the New-
nesse. moones, and for the set feasts, as it is
S4 For Hezekiah king of ludah written in the Law *of the LORD. * Num. 28.
t Heb. lifted tdid giue to the Congregation, a thou- 4 Moreouer, he commaunded the
vpor offred. sand bullockes , and seuen thousand
people that dwelt in lerusalem, to giue
sheep: and the Princes gaue to the Con- the portion of the Priests, and the Le-
gregation a thousand bullocks, and ten uites, that they might be incouraged in
thousand sheepe, and a great number the Law of the LORD.
of Priests sanctified themselues. 5 IF And assoone as the commaun-
25 And all the Congregation of lu- dement t came abroad , the children of \Hebr.
dah, with the Priests and the Leuites, Israel brought in abundance the first foorth.
and al the Congregation that came out fruits of corne, wine and oile, & ||hony, II Or, dates.
of Israel, and the strangers that came and of all the increase of the field, and
out of the land of Israel , and that the tithe of all things brought they in a-
dwelt in ludah, reioyced. bundantly.
S6 So there was great ioy in leru- 6 And concerning the children oi
salem : for since the time of Solomon Israel and ludah, that dwelt in the
the sonne of Dauid King of Israel, cities of ludah, they also brought in the
there was not the like in lerusalem. tithes of oxen and sheepe, and the tithe * Leuit. 27.
£7 1f Then the Priests the Leuites of holy * things, which were consecra- 30. 28.
deu. 14.
Prouiiion for Chap.xxxij. the priefts.
ted vnto the L O R D their God, and litle ones, their wiues, and their sonnes,
t Heb.heapes layd them tby heapes. and their daughters, through all the
7 In the third moneth they began congregation: for in their || set office they I Or, trust.
to lay the foundation of the heapes, and sanctified themselues in holinesse.
finished them in the seuenth moneth. 19 Also of the sonnes of Aaron the
8 And when Hezekiah and the prin- priests, which were in the fields of the
ces came, and saw the heapes, they bles- suburbs of their cities, in euery seuerall
sed the LORD, and his people Is- citie, the men that were expressed by
rael. name, to giue portions to all the males
9 Then Hezekiah questioned with among the priests, and to all that were
the priests and the Leuites concerning reckoned by genealogies, among the
the heapes. Leuites.
10 AndAzariah thechiefe priest of the 20 f And thus did Hezekiah through-
house of Zadok, answered him & said: out al ludah, and wrought that which
Since the people began to bring the of- was good and right, and trueth before
ferings into the house of the LORD, the LORD his God.
wee haue had enough to eate, and haue 21 And in euery worke that he began
left plentie: for the L O R D hath bles- in the seruice of the house of God, and in
sed his people; and that which is left, is the law, and in the commandements to
this great store. seeke his God, he did it with all his
11 1T Then Hezekiah commanded to heart, and prospered,
I Or, store- prepare || chambers in the house of the
houses. LORD, and they prepared them,
12 And brought in the offerings and CHAP XXXII
the tithes, and the dedicate things, faith-
fully: ouer which Cononiah the Leuite 1 eSennacherib inuadmgIudah,Hezekiahfortifi-
was ruler, and Shimei his brother was .th himselfe and encourageth his people. 9
es of Sennacherib by
the next. message and letters, Hezekiah & Isaiah pray.
13 And lehiel, and Azaziah, and Na- 21 An Angel destroyeth the hoste of the As-

hath, and Asahel, and lerimoth, and
lozatad and Eliel, and Ismachiah,
and Mahath, and Benaiah were ouer-
\Heb.attht seers tvnder the hande of Cononiah, 31 His errour in the embassage of Babylon,
hand. and Shimei his brother, at the com- 32 He dying, Manasseh succeedeth him.
mandement of Hezekiah the king, and
Azariah the ruler of the house of God. Fter* these things and the * 2. king. IB

13, £c. esai.
14 And Kore the sonne of Immah establishment therof, Sen- 3d. 1, &c.
the Leuite the porter toward the East, nacherib king of Assyria
was ouer the free will offerings of God, came, and entred into lu-
;o distribute the oblations of the dah, & encamped against
LORD, and the most holy things. the fenced cities, and thought t to winne f /fe&r. ft)
Heb.athis 15 And tnext him were Eden, and ^reake tliem
them for himselfe. vp.
hand. Miniamin, and leshua, and Shema- 2 And when Hezekiah sawe thaf
iah, Amariah, and Shechaniah, in the Sennacherib was come, and that thee t #<?&. Aw
I Or, trust. cities of the priests, in their || set office, to was purposed to fight against leru- /bee warre.
was fa
giue to their brethren "by courses, as wel salem,
;o the great as to the small: 3 He tooke counsel with his princes3
16 Beside their genealogie of males, and his mightie men, to stop the waters
Vom three yeeres old and vpward, euen of the fountaines, which were without
vnto euery one that entreth into the the citie: and they did helpe him.
louse of the LORD, his dayly portion 4 So there was gathered much
br their seruice in their charges, accor- people together, who stopt all the foun-
ding to their courses: taines, and the brooke that tranne t He&. ower-
17 Both to the genealogie of the through the midst of the land, saying, flowed.
>riests by the house of their fathers, and Why should the kings of Assyria come,
;he Leuites from twenty yeeres olde and finde much water ?
and vpward, in their charges by their 5 Also he strengthened himselfe, and
courses: built vp all the wall that was broken,
18 And to the genealogie of all their and raised it vp to the towers, and ano-
Sennacheribs H.Chron. blafphemie.
ler Owall without, and prepared Millo his seruant Hezekiah.
Or, swords, n the citie of Dauid, and made ||darts 17 Hee wrote also letters to raile Non
or weapons. le LORD God of Israel, & to speakEe
n,d shields in abundance.
6 And hee set captaines of warre o- against him, saying, As the gods of thEe
Oer the people , and gathered them to- nations of other lands haue not del-iue-
Eether to him in the streete of the gate red their people out of mine hand :O
\Heb.h6e f thO city, and spake t comfortably to shall not the God of Hezekiah delRiuer
spake to their ris people out of mine hand.
heart. ;hem, saying;
7 Be strong and couragious, be not 18 Then they cryed with a loudeE
fraid nor dismayed for the king of As- voice in the lewes speech vnto the peo-
yria , nor for all the multitude that Sis >le of Jerusalem that were on the ,wal,
with him : for there bee moe with vs, o affright them , and to trouble the,m,
he.n with him. that they might take .the city.
* lere. 17.«. 8 *With him is an arme of flesh, but 19 And they spake against the God oFf
with vs is the LORD our God to helpe "eErusalem, as against the gods of the
vs , and to fight our battels. And the >Eeople of the earth which were the worke
t Heb. lea. >eople t rested themselues vpon the of the hands of Ynan.
ned. pords of Hezekiah king of lu..Hah. 20 For this cause Hezekiah the king,
* 2. King.
18. 17.
9 If * After this did Sennacherib and the Prophet Isaiah the sonne oFi
.ting of Assyria send his seruants to le- Amoz, prayed and cryed to heauen.
rusalem (but he himself elaide siege againsTt 21 If * And the LORD sent an An- * 2. King.
t Heb. do- L,achish, and all his t power with him]) jel , which cut off all the mightie menN19. 35, &c.
vnto tjezekiah king of ludah, and vn- >f valour, and the leaders and captaSins
to all ludah that were at Jerusalem, n the campe of the king of Assyria : so
aying; ; lee returned with shame of face to Shis
10 TJius sayth Sennacherib king Fol owne land. And when !hee was coEme
Assyria, Whereon doe ye trust, that yee into ?
the house of his god, they that cEame
Or, in the abide ||in the siege in Jerusalem? oMorth of his owne bowels, tslew him k Heb. made
stronghold. him fall.
11 Doeth not Hezekiah perswade there with the sword.
rou to giue ouer your selues to die by fa- 22 Thus the LORD saued Heze-
mine and by thirst, saying, The LORD dah, and the inhabitants of leru-sa-
our God shall deliuer vs out of the em , from the hand oBf Sennacherib
land of the king of Assyria ?? the king of Assyria, and from tDhe hanc
12 Hath not the same Hezekiah ta- of all other , and guided them on eueryy
ten away his high places, and his al- side.
tars-, and commanded ludah and le- 23 And many brought gifts vnto the
rusalem , saying ; Yee shall worship be- LOUD to Jerusalem , and t presents tJW.prw.
fore one altar, & burne incense vpon it? to Hezekiah king of ludah : so that hee tivus things
13 Know ye not what I and my fe- was magnified in the sight of all nati-
thers haue done vnto all the people Fo ons, from thenceforth.
other lands ? were the^gods of the nati-- 24 H *In those dayes Hezekiah was * 2. King. 20
ons of those landes atiy wayes able tOo sicke to the death, and prayed vnto the l. Ssai. .38.1
deliuer their lands out of mine hand ?? L O R D : and he spake vnto him , anDc
14 Who was there among all the goSds he ||gaue him a signe. I Or, wrogTht
of those nations, that my fathers vtter- 25 But Hezekiah rendred not againe, for a mtracle
ly destroyed, that could deliuer his peo- according to the benefit done vnto him:
ple out of mine hand , that your GoDt for his heart was lifted vp, therefore
should bee able to deliuer you outF o: there was wrath vpon him, and vpon
mine hand ? ludah and Jerusalem.
15 Now therefore let not HezekiaHl 26 Notwithstanding, Hezekiah hum-
deceiue you , nor perswade you on this bled himselfe for t the pride of his heart,, t Heb. the
manner, neither yet beleeue him : for no (both hee and the inhabitants of ler-utifttng
god of any nation or kingdom e was -a- salem) so that the wrath of the LORD
ble to deliuer his people out of mineE came not vpon them in the dayes of He-
hand, & out of the hand of my fatherSs: zekiah.
how much lesse shall your God deliuerR 27 U And Hezekiah had exceeding
you out of mine hand ? much riches, and honour : and he maEde
16 And his seruants spake yEet more himselfe treasuries for siluer, and fRo
against the LORD God, and agTainst golde, and for precious stones, and fRo
Hezekiah dieth: Chap.xxxiij. Manafleh wicked
spices, and for shields, and for all maner worshipped all the host of heauen, and
t Hebr. in- of t pleasant iewels ; serued them.
strumentsof 4 Also hee built altars in the house
desire. 28 Store-houses also for the increase
of corne, and wine and oile ; and stalles of the LORD, whereof the LORD
for all maner of beasts , and coates for had saide, *In lerusalem shall my *Deut. 12.
11. 1. king.
flocks. Name be for euer. 8. 29. and
29 Moreouer, hee prouided him ci- 5 And he built altars for all the host 9. 3.2. chro
6. 6. and 7.
ties, and possessions of flockes & heards of heauen , in the two Courts of the 16.
in abundance : for God had giuen him house of the LORD.
substance very much. 6 And he caused his children to passe
30 This same Hezekiah also stopped through the fire in the valley of the son
the vpper water - course of Gihon , and of Hinnom : also he obserued times, and
brought it straight downe to the West- vsed inchantments , and vsed witch-
side of the City ofDauid. And Hezekiah craft , and dealt with a familiar spirit,
prospered in all his workes. and with wizards : he wrought much
31 f Howbeit, in the businesse of the euill in the sight of the LORD, to pro-
t Hebr. in- t Embassadours of the Princes of Ba- uoke him to anger.
* 2. King. bylon, who *sent vnto him to enquire of 7 And hee set a carued image (the
20. 12. isa. the wonder that was done in the land, idole which he had made ) in the house
39. 1.
God left him, to try him, that he might of Godj of which God had said to Da-
know all that was in his heart. uid , and to Solomon his sonne : In
32 f Now, the rest of the acts of He- * this house, and in lerusalem which I 14. * Psal. 132.
t Hebr. kind- zekiah, and his t goodnesse, behold, they haue chosen before all the tribes of Is-
nesses. rael, will I put my Name for euer.
are written in the vision of Isaiah the
Prophet, the sonne of Amoz, and in the 8 Neither will I any more remoue
booke of the kings of ludah and Is- the foot *of Israel from out of the land 10.
* 2. Sam. 7.
rael. which I haue appointed for your fa-
33 And Hezekiah slept with his fa- thers ; so that they will take heed to doe
Wr, highest. thers, and they buried him in the ||chie- all that I haue commanded them , ac-
fest of the Sepulchres of the sonnes of cording to the whole Law, and the sta-
Dauid : and all ludah and the inhabi- tutes , and the ordinances by the hand
tants of Jerusalem did him honour at of Moses.
his death : and Manasseh his sonne 9 So Manasseh made ludah, and
reigned in his stead. the inhabitants of lerusalem to erre,
and to doe worse then the heathen,
whom the LORD had destroyed be-
CHAP. XXXIII. fore the children of Israel.
1 Manasseh his wicked reigne. 3 Hee setteth 10 And the LORD spake to Ma-
vp idolatry, and would not be admonished. nasseh , and to his people : but they
11 He is caried into Babylon. 12 Vpon his would not hearken.
prayer to God hee is released, and putteth
downe idolatry. 18 His acts. 20 Hee dy- 11 f Wherfore the L O R D brought
ing, Amon succeedeth him. 21 Amon vpon them the captaines of the host tof iHeb. which
reigning wickedly is slaine by his servants. were the
the king of Assyria, which took Manas- kings.
25 The murtherers beeing slaine, losiah seh among the thornes , & bound him
succeedeth him.
with || fetters, & caried him to Babylon. H Or.chaines.
* 2. King. Anasseh * was twelue 12 And when hee was in affliction,

21. 1. &C.
yeeres old when he began be besought the LORD his God, and
to reigne, and he reigned bumbled himselfe greatly before the
fiftie and fiue yeres in le- God of his fathers,
rusalem : 13 And prayed vnto him, and he was
% But did that which was euil in the intreated of him, and heard his suppli-
sight of the LORD, like vnto the abo- cation, and brought him againe to le-
* Deut. 18. minations of the heathen, *whom the rusalem into his kingdome. Then Ma-
9. LORD had cast out before the children nasseh knew that the LORD hee was
of Israel. God.
tHebr.hee 3 1F For t hee built againe the high 14 Now after this, hee built a wall
and built. places, which Hezekiah his father had without the citie ofDauid, on the West-
* 2. King. * broken downe, and he reared vp altars side of Gihon, in the valley, euen to the
18.4. for Baalim, and made groues, and entring in at the fish-gate, and compas-
Manaffeh dieth. ll.Chron. lofiahs zeale.
\\0r,the sed about IIOphel, and raised it vp a ve- OF THE TEMPLE. 14 HIKIAH HAUING FOUND
ry great height, and ptit captames of abookeoftheLaw.IosiahsendethtoHuldah
warre in all the fenced cities of ludah. to inquire of the Lord. 23 Huldah prophe-
15 And hee tooke away J the strange cieth destruction of lerusalem.butrespit^er-
j •» i - j -, r i , r» t P of in Josiahs time. 29 losiah causing it to be
gods and the idol out of the house of the read in a solemne asserabl } renew%th the
LORD, and all the altars that he had couenant with God.
:milt in the mount of the house of the
L O R D , and in Jerusalem, and cast
them out of the citie. * Osiah was eight yeeres * 2. Kin. 22.

16 And hee repaired the altar of the old when hee beganne to l.&c.
LORD, and sacrificed thereon peace reigne, and he reigned in
offerings, and thanke offerings, and lerusalem one and thirty
commaunded ludah to serue the yeeres.
L O R D God of Israel. 2 And he did that which was right in
17 Neuerthelesse , the people did sa- the sight of the LORD, and walked in
crifice still in the high places, yet vnto the wayes of Dauid his father, and de-
the L O R D their God only. clined neitkerto theright hand norto the
18 1T Nowe the rest of the actes of left.
Manasseh, & his prayer vnto his God, 3 1T For in the eight yeare of his
and the words of the seers that spake to reigne, while he was yet young, hee be-
lim in the name of the L O R D God of ranne to seeke after the God of Dauid
tsrael , behold , they are written in the bis father : and in the twelfth yeere hee
3ooke of , the kings of Israel : beganne to * purge ludah and lerusa- "l.Kin.
19 His prayer also, and how God was lem from the high places and the 13. 2.
ntreated of him, and all his sinne, and groues, and the carued images, and the
lis trespasse, and the places wherein he molten images.
3uilt high places, and set vp groues and 4> *And they brake downe the al- 30. * Leuit. 2G.
*rauen images before hee was hum- tars of Baalim in his presence, and || the II Or, sun-
}led : behold, they are written among images that were on high aboue them, Images.
I Or9 Hosai. the sayings of ||the Seers. he cut downe , and the groues, and the
20 f So Manasseh slept with his carued images, and the molten images
fathers, and they buried him in his be brake in peeces , and made dust of
owne house : and Amon his sonne reig- them, and strowed it vpon the tgraues of Webjaceof
ned in his stead. them, that had sacrificed vnto them. the graues.
* 2. Kin. 21. 21 f *Amon was two and twentie 5 And hee burnt the bones of the
19. &c.
yeeres old , when he beganne to reigne, priests vpon their altars , and cleansed
and reigned two yeares in lerusalem. ludah and lerusalem.
22 But he did that which was euill in 6 And so did he in the cities of Ma-
the sight of the L O R D , as did Ma- nasseh , and Ephraim , and Simeon,
nasseh his father : for Amon sacrificed euen vnto Naph tali, with their |]mat- I Or, mantes.
vnto all the carued images, which Ma- tockes, round about.
nasseh his father had made, and serued 7 And when he had broken downe
them; the altars and the groues, and had bea-
23 And humbled not himselfe before ten the grauen images t into pouder,
the LORD, as Manasseh his father and cut downe all the idoles through- makepou-
WJeb. multi- had humbled himselfe: but Amon t tres- out all the land of Israel, hee returned
plied tres- passed more and more. to lerusalem.
24? And his seruants conspired a- 8 IT Now in the eighteenth yeere of
gainst him , and slew him in his owne his reigne , when hee had purged the
house. land, and the house ; he sent Shaphan
25 f But the people of the land slew the sonne of Azaliah, and Maasiah the
all them that had conspired against gouernour of the citie , and loah the
king Amon, and the people of the land sonne of loahaz the recorder , to re-
made losiah his sonne, king in his paire the house of the L O R D his
stead. God.
9 And when they came to Hilkiah
C H A P . XXXIIII. the high priest, they deliuered the mo-
1 losiah his good reigne. 3 He destroyeth I- ney that was brought into the house of
dolatry. 8 Hee taketh order for the repaire God , which the Leuites that kept the
The Law found. Chap.xxxiiij. Huldahs prophefie.
doores, had gathered of the hand of seruant of the kings, saying,
Manasseh, and Ephraim, and of all the 21 Goe, enquire of the LORD fo
remnant of Israel, and *of all ludah, me, and for them that are left in Israe
and Beniamin, and they returned to and in ludah, concerning the worde
Jerusalem. of the booke that is found : for great i
10 And they put U in the hand of the the wrath of the LORD that is pow
workemen that had the ouersight of the red out vpon vs, because our fathers
house of the LORD, and they gaue it haue not kept the word of the LORD
to the workemen that wrought in the to doe after all that is written in this
house of the L O R D , to repaire anc booke.
mend the house. 22 And Hilkiah and they that the
11 Euen to the artificers and builders king had appointed went to Huldah theHE
gaue they it , to buy hewen stone, and prophetesse, the wife of Shall urn the
U Or, to raf- timber for couplings, and ||to floore the sonne of Tikuath , the sonne of ||Has- has,
2. kings
houses, which the kings of ludah had rahj keeper of the t wardrobe (now she 22.14.
' Hcb, gar-
destroyed. dwelt in Jerusalem in the ||colledge), ] ments.
12 And the men did the worke faith- and they spake to her to that effect.T I Or, in the
fully, and the ouerseers of them were 23 11 And she answered them, Thus sefioole.or
he second

lahath, and Obadiah, the Leuites, of saith the L O R D God of Israel: Tel part.
the sonnes of Merari, and Sechariah, ye the man that sent you to me,
and Meshullam , of the sonnes of the 24 Thus saith the LORD, behold,
Kohathites , to set it forward : and o- [ will bring euill vpon this place, anc
ther of the Leuites, all that could skill vpon the inhabitants thereof, euen al
of instruments of musicke. the curses that are written in the booke
13 Also they were .ouer the bearers of which they haue read before the king oi
burdens, and were ouerseers of all that [udah :
wrought the worke in any manner of 25 Because they haue forsaken mee,
seruice : and of the Leuites there were and haue burned incense vnto other
Scribes, and officers, and porters. gods, that they might prouoke mee to
14 U And when they brought out inger with all the workes of their
the money that was brought into the lands , therefore my wrath shall bee
bouse of the LORD , Hilkiah the priest )owred out vpon this place, and shall
* 2. Kings * found a booke of the lawe of the not be quenched.
22. 8, &C.
t Heb. by LORD, giuen tby Moses. 26 And as for the king of ludah,
the hand of. 15 And Hilkiah answered and saide who sent you to enquire of the LORD,
to Shaphan the scribe : I haue found so shal ye say vnto him : Thus saith the
;he booke of the law in the house of the L O R D God of Israel, concerning the
L O R D . And Hilkiah deliuered the words which thou hast heard :
3ooke to Shaphan : 27 Because thine heart was tender,
16 And Shaphan caried the booke and thou didst humble thy selfe before
;o the king, and brought the king word God, when thou heardest his words
3acke againe, saying, All that was com- against this place, and against the in ba-
Heb. to the mitted tto thy seruants, they doe it. rn ants thereof, and humbledst thy selfe
hand of.
Heb. pow- 17 And they haue t gathered toge- >efore me, and diddest rend thy clothes,
red out. or ;her the money that was found in the and weepe before me , I haue euen
louse of the LORD, and haue deliue- leard thee also, saith the LORD,
red it into the hand of the ouerseers, 28 Behold, I will gather thee to thy
and to the hand of the workemen. athers, and thou shalt bee gathered to
18 Then Shaphan the scribe tolde thy graue in peace , neither shall thine
the king, saying, Hilkiah the priest hath eyes see all the euill that I will bring
giuen me a booke. And Shaphan read vpon this place, and vpon the inhabi-
t Heb. in it. tit before the king. tants of the same. So they brought the
19 And it came to passe when the cing word againe.
dng had heard the words of the lawe, 29 f * Then the king sent, and ga- 2.U Rings
that he rent his clothes. thered together all the Elders of lu- 23. 3.1.

20 And the king commanded Hilki- lah and lerusalem.

ah , and Ahikam the sonne of Sha- 30 And the king went vp into the
Or, Ach- ihan, and || Abdon the sonne of Micah, louse of the LORD, and all the men
bor, 2. kings
22. 12. and Shaphan the scribe, and Asaiah a of ludah, and the inhabitants of le-
loiiah keepeth ILChron. the Pafleouer.
rusalem, and the priests and the Le- 6 So kill the Passeouer, and sancti-
MIeb.from uites, and all the people t great and fie your selues , and prepare your bre-
great euen
to small. small : and he read in their eares all the thren, that they may doe according to the
words of the booke of the couenant, word of the L O R D , by the hand of
that was found in the 'house of the Moses.
LORD, 7 And losiah tgaue to the people, \HeJi. offred
31 And the King stood in his place, of the flocke, lambes and kiddes, all for
& made a Couenant before the LORD, the Passeouer - offerings , for all that
to walke after the LORD, and to keep were present , to the number of thirtie
his Commandements , and his Testi- thousand, and three thousand bullocks :
monies, and his Statutes, with all his these were of the kings substance.
heart, & with allhissoule, to performe 8 And his Princes tgaue willingly \Hehoffred.
the words of the Couenant which are vnto the people, to the Priests and to
written in this booke. the Leuites : Hilkiah, and Zachariah,
\Heb. found 3-2 And he caused all that were t pre- and lehiel, rulers of the house of God,
sent in lerusalem and Beniamin , to gaue vnto the Priests for the Passeouer-
stand to it. And the inhabitants of le- offerings , two thousand and sixe hun-
rusalem did according to the couenant dred small cattell, an d three hundred oxen.
of God, the God of their fathers. 9 Conaniah also, and Shemaiah,
33 And losiah tooke away all the andNethaneel, his brethren, & Hasha-
abominations out of all the countreys biah , and lehiel, and loshabad chiefe
that perteined to the children of Israel, of the Leuites, tgaue vnto the Leuites t Heb.offred.
and made all that were present in Isra- for Passeouer -offerings, fine thousand
el to serue, euen to serue the LORD small cattett9 and fiue hundred oxen.
their God. And all his dayes they de- 10 So the seruice was prepared, and
t Heb. from parted not tfrom folowing the LORD the Priests stood in their place, and the
the God of their fathers. Leuites in their courses , according to
the kings commandement.
C H A P . XXXV. 11 And they killed the Passeouer, and
1 losiah keepeth a most solemne Passeouer. 20 the Priestes sprinckled the blood from
Hee prouoking Pharaoh Nechoh , is slaine at their handes , and the Leuites * flayed29. * See Chap.
Megiddo. 25 Lamentations for losiah. them.
* 2. King. Oreouer * losiah kept a 12 And they remooued the burnt of-

23. 21, 22.
Passeouer vnto y LORD ferings, that they might giue according
in Jerusalem : and they to the diuisions of the families of the
killed the Passeouer on people, to offer vnto the LORD, as
* Exo. 12. 6. the fourteenth *day of the it is written in the booke of Moses : and
first moneth. so did they with the oxen.
2 And hee set the Priestes in their 13 And they * rested the Passeouer *Exod. 12.
charges, and encouraged them to the with fire, according to the ordinance : 8,9.
seruice of the house of the LORD, but the other holy offerings sod they in
3 And said vnto the Leuites, that pots, and in cauldrons, and in pannes,
taught all Israel, which were holy vn- and t diuided them speedily among all them MIeb. made
to the L O R D , Put the holy Arke in the people.
the house, which Solomon the sonne of 14 And afterward they made ready
Dauid king of Israel did build; it shall for themselues, and for the Priests : be-
not be a burden vpon your shoulders: cause the Priests the sonnes of Aaron
serue now the LORD your God, and were busied in offring of burnt offrings,
his people Israel. and the fat vntill night : therefore the
4 And prepare your selues by the hou- Leuites prepared for themselues , and
ses of your fathers, after your courses, for the Priests the sonnes of Aaron,
* I. Chron.
9. 10. and according to the * writing of Dauid king 15 And the singers the sonnes of A-
24. 25, and of Israel, and according to the #wri- saph,o>£r0 in their t place according to Web. station
chap. 23,
26. ting of Solomon his sonne. the *commandement of Dauid, and A- 25.1, * 1. Chron.
* 2. Chron. 5 And stand in the holy place accor- saph, and Heman, and leduthun the
8. u.
t Heb. the ding to the diuisions of the t families of kings Seer : and the Porters * waited at *1. Chron.
house of the 9. 17. and
fathers. the fathers of your t brethren the peo- euery gate : they might not depart from 26.14.
\Heb. the ple, and after the diuision of the fami- their sruice; for their brthren the Le- Le-
sonnes of the
people. es of the Leuites. uites prepared for them.
16 So
lofiah fiaine. Chap.xxxvj. lehoahaz king.
16 So all the seruice of the L O R D 26 Now the rest of the acts of lo-
was prepared the same day, to keepe siah,andhistgoodnes, according to that tHebr. kind-
the Passeouer, and to offer burnt offe- which was written in the Law of the nesses.
rings vpon the altar of the LOBD, LORD,
according to the commaundement of 72 And his deedes first and last; be-
king losiah. hold, they are written in the booke of the
17 And the children of Israel that kings of Israel and ludah.
iHebfound. were t present, kept the Passeouer at
that time, and the feast of vnleauened
bread seuen dayes. C H A R XXXVI.
18 And there was no Passeouer like 1 iEHIAHAZ SUCCEEDING, IS DEPOSE
to that, kept in Israel, from the dayes AND CAEIED TO eGYPTY ;EHPOALO
of Samuel the Prophet : neither did ill,iscaHedboundmtoBabylon.9Iehoiachin
all the Kings of Israel keepe such a succeedingreignethill.andisbroughtintoBa-
Passeouer, as losiah kept, and the M°?- tl ZedekiahsucceedingreignethiU,
Priests and the Leuites, and all ludah GAIN nEBUAHXASNZZAR. 14 IER
and Israel that were present, and the the sinnes of the Priests and people, is whole-
inhabitants of lerusalem. ly destroyed. 22 The proclamation of Cyrus.
19 In the eighteenth yeere of the
reigne of losiah, was this Passeouer Hen *• the people of the* 2.King.23.

kept. land tooke lehoahaz the 30. &C.
* 2. King. 20 IT * After all this, when losiah son of losiah, and made
23. 29.
^Heb. house. had prepared the t Temple, Necho him King in his fathers
king of Egypt came vp to fight against stead in lerusalem.
Carchemish by Euphrates : and 10- 2 lehoahaz was twentie and three
siah went out against him. yeeres old, when hee began to reigne,
21 But hee sent Embassadours to and hee reigned three moneths in le-
him, saying, What haue I to doe with rusalem.
thee, thou king of ludah ? / come not a- 3 And the king of Egypt tput him t Hebr. re-
gainst thee this day , but against the downe at lerusalem, and tcondemned moouedhim.
' Hebr. mul-
t Hebr. the house, t wherewith I haue warre : for the land in an hundred talents of siluer, cted.
house of my
warre. God commaunded mee to make haste : and a talent of gold.
forbeare thee from vnedlmg with God, 4 And the king of Egypt made Elia-
who is with mee, that hee destroy thee kim his brother, king ouer ludah and
not. lerusalem, and turned his name to
22 NeuerEhelesse losiah would not lehoiakim. And Necho tooke lehoa-
turne his face from him , but disguised haz his brother , and caried him to E-
himselfe that he might fight with him,
and hearkened not vnto the wordes of
gyp5 1-H lehoiakim was twentie and fiue
Necho from the rnouth of God, and yeres old when he began to reigne, and
came to fight in the valley of Megiddo. lie reigned eleuen yeeres in lerusalem:
23 And the archers shot at king lo- and hee did th at -which was euill in the
siah : and the King saide to his ser- sight of the. LORD his God.
^Hebr.made uants, Haue mee away, for I am tsore 6 Against him came vp Nebuchad-
wounded. nezzar King of Babylon, and bound
24 His seruants therefore tooke him him in j| fetters to cary him to Babylon. Wr,chaines.
out of that charet, and put him in the se- 7 * Nebuchadnezzar also caried of * 2. King.
cond charet that hee had : and they the vessels of the house of the L O R D 24. 13. dan.
1." 1, 2.
brought him to lerusalem , and hee to Babylon, and put them in his temple
II Or, among died, and was buried |fih one of the Se-
the sepul- at Babylon,
chres. pulchres of his fathers. And *!all lueiah 8 Now the rest of the acts of leho-
* Zach. 12.
n. and lerusalem mourned for losiah. iakim, and his abominations which he
25 f And. leremiah lamented for did, and that which was found in him,
losiah, and all "the singing men and the behold, they Are written in the booke oi
singing women spake of losiah in their the Kings of Israel and ludah : anc
lamentations to this day , and made ||Iehoiachin his spnne reigned in his niah,f Or, leco-
them an ordinance in Israel ; and be- stead. 3. 16. or, Co-
holde, they are written in the Lamen- 9 f * lehoiachin was eight yeetes 24. niah, ief. 22.
tations. - old when hee began to reigne, and hee & 2. King.
reignec 24.8;
Ifrael caried Il.Chron. into captiuitie.
reigned three moneths and ten dayes slew their yong men with the sword, in
in lerusalem , and hee did that which the house of their sanctuarie , and had
was euill in the sight of the LORD. no compassion vpon yong man or mai-
t Hebr. at 10 And twhen the yeere was expi- den, olde man, or him that stouped for
Hie returne
of the yeere. red, King Nebuchadnezzar sent, and age : he gaue them all into his hand.
brought him to Babylon, with the 18 And all the vessels of the house of
t Heb. ves- t goodly vessels of the house of the
sels of desire.
God great and small, and the treasures
II Or% Mat- L O R D , and made || Zecjekiah his of the house of the LORD, and the
24. 17. ier. brother, king ouer ludah and leru- treasures of the king, and of his prin-
37.1. salem. ces : all these he brought to Babylon.
* Ier. 52. 1, 11 IF *Zedekiah was one and twentie
&c. 2. king
19 And they burnt the house of God,
24, 18. yeres old, when he. began to reigne, and and brake downe the wall of lerusa-
reigned eleuen yeeres in lerusalem. em, and burnt all the palaces thereof
12 And hee did that which was euill with fire, and destroyed all the goodly
in the sight of the LORD his God, and vessels thereof.
dumbled not himselfe before Jeremiah 20 And tthem that had escaped from t Heb. the
the Prophet, speaking from the mouth the sword, caried he away to Babylon: from (he
of the LORD. where they were seruants to him and sword.
13 And he also rebelled against king lis sonnes, vntil the reigne of the king-
Nebuchadnezzar, who had made him dome of Persia :
sweare by God : but he stiffened his 21 To fulfill the word of the LORD
necke , and hardened his heart from yy the mouth of *Ieremiah, vntill the * ler. 25. 9,
12. & 29. 10
turning vnto the L O R D God of Is- and *had enioyed her Sabbaths: for * Leuit. 26.
rael. as long as shee lay desolate, shee kept andand
14 IT Moreouer all the chiefe of the Sabbath, to fulfill threescore and tenne
priests, and the people transgressed very yeeres.
much, after all the abominations of the 22 If *Nbw in the first yeere of Cy- *Ezral. 1.
heathen, and polluted the house of the rus king of Persia (that the word of the
LORD which hee had hallowed in LORD spoken by the mouth of Jere- *13.ler. 25.12
and 29.
lerusalem. miah , might bee accomplished ) the 10.
* ler. 25. 3.
and 35. 15, 15 * And the LORD God of their LORD stirred vp the spirit of Cyrus
^Heb.bythe fathers sent to them t by his messen- king of Persia, that hee made a procla-
hand Qf his gers, rising vp || betimes, and sending: mation throughout all his kingdome,
II T.hat w, ' because he had compassion on his peo- and put it also in writing, saying,
continually 23 Thus saith Cyrus king of Persia,
and carefully ple, and on his dwelling place :
16 But they mocked the messengers All the kingdomes of the earth hath
of God, and despised his wordes, arid the L O R D God of heauen giuen mee,
misused his prophets, vntill the wrath and he hath charged me to build him an
of the L O R D arose against his people, house in lerusalem, which is in ludah :
\ Heb. hea- till there was no tremedie. Who is there among you of all his peo-
* 2. Kings 17 * Therefore hee brought vpon ple ? the LORD his God be with him,
25.1, &c. them the king of the Caldees, who and let him goe vp.

Ifraels returne Chapj.ij. from Babylon.

C H A P . I. 7 IF Also Cyrus the king brought
foorth the vessels of the house of the
1 The Proclamation of Cyrus for the building * 2. Kings
of the Temple. 5 The people prouide for LORD, * which Nebuchadnezzar had 24. 13.
the returne. 7 Cyrus restoreth the vessels brought foorth out of Jerusalem, and 2. chr. 36. 7.
of the Temple to Sheshbazzar. had put them in the house of his gods:
8 Euen those did Cyrus king of Per-
OW in the first sia bring foorth, by the hand of Mithre-
yeere of Cyrus

dath the treasurer, and numbred them
King of Persia, vnto * Sheshbazzar the Prince of lu- * See Chap.
(that the word of dah. 5.14-
* 2. Chron.
36. 22. iere.
the L O R D * by 9 And this is the number of them:
25.12. and the mouth of Je- thirtie chargers of golde, a thousand
29, 10. remiah, might be chargers of siluer, nine and twentie
fulfilled) y LORD kniues:
stirred vp the spi- 10 Thirtie basins of golde : siluer ba-
rit of Cyrus king sins of a second sort, foure hundred and
t Heb. cau- of Persia, that he fmade a proclamation ten : and other vessels a thousand.
sed a voice throughout all his kingdome, and put it
to passe. 11 All the vessels of golde and of sil-
also in writing, saying; uer, were fiue thousand and foure hun-
2 Thus sayth Cyrus king of Per- dred. All these did Sheshbazzar bring
sia, The L O R D God of heauen hath vp with them of t the captiuitie, that Wlebr.the
giuen mee all the kingdomes of the were brought vp from Babylon vnto transporta-
* Isa. 44., and he hath *charged me to build Jerusalem.
& 45. 1,13. him an house at Jerusalem, which is in

ludah. C H A P . II.
3 Who is there among you of all his
1 The number that returne, of the people, 36
people ? his God be with him, and let of the Priests, 40 of the Leuites, 43 of the
him goe vp to Jerusalem, which is in Nethinims, 55 of Solomons seruants, 62 of
ludah , and build the house of the the Priests which could not shewe their pedi-
LORD God of Israel (He is the God) gree. 64 The whole numher of them, with
their substance. 68 Their oblations.
which is in Jerusalem.
4 And whosoeuer remaineth in a- Ow* these are the children[ * Nehem.

ny place where hee soiourneth, let the of the prouince, that went. 7. 6, &c.
iffeb.W men of his place thelpe him with siluer, vp out of the captiuitie, of
himvp. and with golde, and with goods, and those which had beene ca-
with beasts, besides the free-will offe- ried away, whom Nebu-
ring for the house of God that is in Je- chadnezzar the King of Babylon had
rusalem. caried away vnto Babylon, and came
5 H Then rose vp the chiefe of the againe vnto Jerusalem and ludah,
fathers of ludah and Beniamin, and euery one vnto his citie;
the Priests, and the Leuites, with all 2 Which came with Zetubbabel,
them whose spirit God had raised to goe leshua, Nehemiah , || Saraiah, Ree- ah,nehe.7.7.
i8 <7r, Azari-
vp, to build the house of the LORD laiah, Mordecai, Bilshan, Mispar, Bi- l
which is in Jerusalem. guai, Rehurn, Baanah: The number
6 And all they that were about them, of the men of the people of Israel.
I That w, ||strengthened their hands with vessels 3 The children of Parosh, two thou-
helped them. sand, an hundred seuentie and two.
of siluer, with golde, with goods, and
with beasts, and with precious things; 4 The children of Shephatiah,
besides all that was willingly offered. three hundred seuentie and two.
5 The
Who returned Ezra. from captiuitie.
5 The children of Arab, seuen hun- 33 The children of Lod ||Hadid, and B0r,/fcmd,
dred, seuentie and fiue. Ono, seuen hundred, twentie arid fiue. as it is in
some copies.
* Nehem. 6 The children of * Pahath-Moab, 34 The children of lerichp, three
of the children of Teshua\and loab, two hundred fourtie and fiue.
thousand, eight hundred and twelue. 35 The children of Senaah , three
7 The children of Elam, a thousand, thousand and sixe hundred and thirtie.
two hundred fiftie and foure. 36 IF The Priests. The children of
8 The children of Zattu, nine hun- *Iedaiah, of the house of leshua, nine *i.Chro.
dred fourtie and fiue. hundred, seuentie and three. 24.7.

9 The children of Zaccai, seuen hun- 37 The children of *ImmeT, a thou- * 1. Chro.
dred and threescore. sand, fiftie and two. 24. 14.
lOr^Bvnnui, 10 The children of ||Bani, sixe hun- 38 The children of *Pashur, a thou- * 1. Chro. 9.
nehem, 1.
15. dred, fourtie and two. sand, two hundred, fourtie and seuen. 12.
11 The children of Bebai, sixe hun- 39 The children of * Harim, a thou- * l- Chro.
dred, twentie and three. sand and seuen teene. 24.8.

12 The children of Azgad , a thou- 40 1T The Leuites. The children of

sand, two hundred, twentie and two. leshua, and Kadmiel, of the children
13 The children of Adonik^m , sixe of || Hodauia, seuentie and foure. II Or, luda,
3. 9.
hundred, sixtie and sixe. 41 1f The singers. The children of chap.
called also
14 The children of Biguai, two Hodeuah,
Asaph, an hundred twentie and eight. nehem.7.43.
thousand fiftie and sixe. 42 U The children of the porters.
15 The children of Adin, foure hun- The children of Shallotf) , the children
dred, fiftie and foure. of Ater, the children of Talmon, the
16 The children of Ater of Hezekiah, children of Akkub, the children of Hati-
ninetie and eight. ta, the children of Shobai, in all , an
17 The children of Bezai, three hun- hundred thirtie and nine.
dred twenty and three. 43 IF The Nethiriims. The children
riph, nehem.
18 The children of ||Iorah , an hun- of Ziha , the children of Hasupha, the
7. 24. dred and twelue. children of Tabbaoth*
19 The children of Hashum , two 44 The children of Keros, the chil-
hundred twentie and three. dren of Siaha, the children of Padon,
I0r,0ibeon 20 The children of ||Gibbar, ninetie 45 The children of Lebanah , the
nehem. 7* 25
and fiue. children of Hagabah , the children of
21 The children of Bethlehem , an Akkub,
hundred twentie and three. 46 The cMIdrern of Hagab, the chil-
22 The children of Netophah , fiftie dren of ItShaJmai, the children of II Or, Sham-
and sixe. Hanan.
23 The men of Anathoth, an hun- 47 The Children of Giddel, the
dred twentie and eight. children of Gahar, the children of Re-
I Or, Beth. 24 The children of ||Azmaueth, for- aiah,
Nehe. 7. 28. tie and two. 48 The children of Rezin, the chil-
25 The children of Kiriath-arim, dren of Nekoda , the children of Gaz-
Chephirah , and Beeroth , seuen hun- zam,
dred, and fourtie and three. 49 The children of Vzza , the chil-
26 The children of Ramah and Ga- dren of Paseah, the children of Besai,
ba, sixe hundred, twentie and one. 50 The children of Asnah , the chil-
27 The men of Michmas , an hun- dren of Mehunjim , the children of Ne-
dred, twentie and two. phushim,
28 The men of Bethel and Ai, two 51 The children of Bakbuk , the
hundred, twentie and three. children of Hakupha , the children of
29 The children of Nebo , fiftie and Harhur,
two. 52 The children of || Bazluth , the H Or, Baz-
30 The children of Magbish, an children of Mehida, the children of hem. lith, in Ne-
hundred fiftie and sixe. Harsha,
*Seever.7. 31 The children of the other *Elam, 53 The children of Barkos, the chil-
a thousand , two hundred, fiftie and dren of Sisera, the children of Tha-
foure. mah,
32 The children of Harim, three hun- 54 The children of Neziah, the chil-
dredand twentie. dren of Hatipha.
55 f The
The peoples zeale. Chap.iij. The Altar,
55 f 1 he children of Solomons ser- 70 So the priests and the Leuites,
uants. The children of Sotai, the chil- and some of the people, and the singers,
I Or, Perida, dren of Sophereth, the children of ||Pe- and the porters, and the Nethinims,
in Nehem.
ruda, dwelt in their cities, and all Israel in
56 The children of laalah, the chil- their cities,
dren of Darkon, the children of Giddel,
57 The children of Shephatiah, the C H A P . III.
children of Hattil, the children of Poche-
\ Or, Amon, reth of Zebaim, the children of ||Ami. 1 The Altar is set up. 4 Offerings frequented.
in Nehem. 7 Workmen prepared. 8 The foundations oj
* losh. 9. 58 All the *Nethmims, and the chil- the Temple aie laid in great ioy& mourning,
21, 27. dren of * Solomons seruants, were three
1. chro. 9. 2.
* I.King. 9. hundred ninetie and two. N D when the seuenth
59 And these were they which went vp

a moneth was come, and

from Tel-melah, Tel-Harsa, Cherub, the children of Israel were
Addan, and Immer: but they could not in the cities: the people ga-
shewe their fathers house, and their thered themselues toge-
I Or, pede- ||IIseed,
seed, whether they were of Israel. ther, as one man to lerusalem.
%ree. 3 Then stood vp || leshua the sonne H Or, losua.
60 The children of Delaiah, the chil-
dren of Tobiah , the children of Neko- of lozadak , & his brethren the priests, Hagge l. 1.
da : sixe hundred fiftie and two. and *Zerubbabel the sonne of *Sheal- * Afatth. 1.
61 f And of the children of the priests : tiel, and his brethren, and builded the 3.12.27. and hike
the children of Habaiah, the children of Altar of the God of Israel, to offer Zorobdbel.
* Matth. l.
Koz, the children of Barzillai, (which burnt offrings thereon, as it is * writ ten 12. and luke
* 2. Sain. 17 tooke a wife of the daughters of * Bar- in the law of Moses the man of God. 3. 27- called
27. 3 And they set the altar vpon his ba- * Dcut.12.6.
zillai the Gileadite, and was called af-
ter their name.) ses, (for feare was vpon them, because of
62 These sought their register among the people of those countreys) and they
those that were reckoned by genealo- offered burnt offerings thereon vnto
gie, but they were not found : therefore the LORD, euen burnt offerings, mor-
MJeb.they were they tas polluted, put from the ning and euening.
from the priesthood. 4? They kept also the feast of taber-
priesthood. 63 And the || Tirshatha said vnto nacles, *as it is written, and *ofrred the * Num. 29.
I Or9 goiter-
nour. them, that they should not eate of the dayly burnt offrings, by number, accor- 12. * Exod. 23.
most holy things , till there stood vp a ding to the custome, tas the duetie of e- 16.
t Hebr. the
* Exod. 28. priest with * Vrim & with Thummim. uery day required : matter of the
30. 64? U The whole Congregation to- 5 And afterward offered the conti- day in his
jether, was fourtie and two thousand. nuall burnt offering, both of the new
three hundred and threescore : moones , and of all the set feasts of
65 Beside their seruants and their the L O R D , that were consecrated,
maids, of whom there were seuen thou- and of euery one that willingly offred,
sand , three hundred thirtie and seuen : offered a free will offering vnto the
and there were among them two hun- LORD.
dred singing men, and singing women. 6 From the first day of the seuenth
66 Their horses were seuen hundred, moneth, began they to offer burnt offe-
thirtie and sixe : their mules, two hun- rings vnto the LORD : but the t foun- t Hebr. the
Temple of
dred fourtie and fiue : dation of the temple of the L O R D the Lord
67 Their camels , foure hundred, was not yet laid. was not yet
thirty and Sue: their asses, sixe thousand, 7 They gaue money also vnto the
seuen hundred and twentie. masons, and to the || carpenters, and men. H Or, worke-
68 H And some of the chiefe of the fa- meate, and drinke, and oyle, vnto them
thers, when they came to the house of of Zidon, and to them of Tyre, to bring
;he L O R D which is at lerusalem, of- Cedar trees from Lebanon to the sea
fered freely for the house of God, to set of * loppa : according to the grant that * Acts 9. 3.
it vp in his place : they had of Cyrus king of Persia.
69 They gaue after their abilitie, vn- 8 IT Now in the second yere of their
* 1. Chron. to the * treasure of the worke, threescore comming vnto the house of God at le-
26. 20.
and one thousand drammes of golde, rusalem , in the second moneth , began
and fiue thousand pound of siluer, and Zerubbabel the sonne of Shealtiel,
one hundred priests garments. and leshua the sonne of lozadak, and
The building of the Ezra. Temple, hindered.
e hee remnant of their brethren , the oe sacrifice vnto him , since the daayes
ryiests and the Leuites , and all AAthey of Esar-Haddon king of Assur , which
t were come out of the captiuitie vn - wrought vs vp hither.
o lerusalem : and appointed the Le- 3 But Zerubbabel and leshua, and
lites, from twentie yeeres olde and vp- the rest of the chiefe of the fathers of Is-
ward , to set forward the worke of the rael, said vnto them, You haue no-
unise of the LORD. thing to doe with vs, to build an house
9 Then stood leshua, with his sons vnto our God, but we our selues toge-
and his brethren , Kadmiel and his ther will build vnto the L O R D God
10r. Hoda sonnes, the sonnes of || ludah t together, of Israel , as king Cyrus the King of
uiah, Chap.
2. 40. ;o set forward the workemen in the Persia hath commanded vs.
iHeb.asone. louse of God : the sonnes of Henadad, 4 Then the people of the land wea-
with their sonnes and their brethren cened the handes of the people of lu-
he Leuites. dah, and troubled them in building,
10 And when the builders laide the 5 And hired counsellers against
bundation of the Temple of the them, to frustrate their purpose, all the
LORD, they set the Priests in their dayes of Cyrus king of Persia, euen vn-
apparell with Trumpets, and the Le- till the reigne of Darius king of Persia.
uites the sonnes of Asaph , with Cym- 6 And in the reigne of tAhasuerus, Heb. Aha.
>ales, to praise the LORD, after the in the beginning of his reigne , wrote huerosh.
* 1. Chro. 6. * ordinance of Dauid king of Israel. they vnto him an accusation against the
1 . And end.
16. 7. and 1 1 And they sung together by course, inhabitants of ludah and lerusalem.
25,1. n praising, and giuing thanks vnto the 7 11 And in the dayes of Artaxer-
LORD ; Because hee is good , for his xes wrote || Bishlam, Mithredath, Ta- O r,n in
mercy endureth for euer towards Is- beel, and the rest of their tcompanions, leace.
Heb, socie-
rael. And all the people shouted with vnto Artaxerxes king of Persia; anc ties.
a great shoute, when they praised the the writing of the letter was written in
LORD ; because the foundation of the the Syrian tongue, and interpreted in
louse of the LORD was laide. the Syrian tongue.
12 But many of the Priests and Le- 8 Rehum the Chancellour , anc
uites, and chiefe of the fathers, who were Shimshai the || Scribe , wrote a letter 0 r,e Secre-
ancient men , that had scene the first against lerusalem, to Artaxerxes the tarie.
louse ; when the foundation of this king, in this sort :
louse was laide before their eyes, wepi 9 Then, wrote Rehum the Chancel-
with a loude voice, and many shoutec lour, and Shimshai the Scribe, anc
aloude for ioy : the rest of their tcompanions; the Di- t Chald. so-
13 So that the people could not dis- naties , the Apharsathkites , the Tar- cieties.
cerne the noyse of the shout of ioy, from pelites, the Apnarsites, the Archeuites
the noyse of the weeping of the people : the Babylonians, the Susanchites, the
or the people shouted with a loude Dehauites, and the Elamites,
shout , and the noyse was heard a- 10 And the rest of the nations whom
Earre off. the great and noble Asnappar broutgh
ouer, and set in the cities of Samari,a
C H A P . IIII. and the rest that are on this side the -Ri
1 The aduersaries, being not accepted in the uer, tand at such a time. t Chal. die-
building of the Temple with the lewes , en- 11 f This is the copy of the Le,tter
deauour to hinder it. 7 Their Letter to that they sent vnto him, euen vnto -Ar
Artaxerxes. 17 The decree of Artaxerxes. taxerxes the king : Thy seruants on
23 The building is hindred.
this side tlie Riuer, arid at such a time,
Qw when the aduersa- 12 Be it knowen vnto the king, thta

t Hebr. (he
sonnes ofth
N "es °^ *udah anc* Benia- the lewes which came vp from thee
min, heard that t the chil- to vs, are come vnto lerusalem , bui-l
dren of the captiuitie buil- ding the rebellious and the bad citi,e
ded the Temple vnto the and haue || set vp the walles there,of Wr, finished
LORD God of Israel : and tioyned the foundations. t Choi, sow-
£ Then they came to Zerubbabel 13 Be it knowen now vnto the k,ing ed togetter.
and to the chiefe of the fathers, and saic that if this city be builded, and the wsal
vnto them, Let vs build with you, for set vp againe, then will they not tpay t Clial. siue.
wee seeke your God, as yee doe, and we tolle, tribute, and custome, and so thoiu
The Kings letter Chap.v. and the enemies.
8 Of, shall endammage the llreuenue of the Temple. 3 Tatnai and Shether-Boznai
strength." fangs could not hinder the Iewes. 6 Their letter
to Darius against the Iewes.
\ Clial. we
are salted
14 Now because we thaue mamte-

with the salt nancejfroTtt the Kings palace, and it was Hen the Prophets, *Hag- * Agge. 1.1.
ofthepalace. not meete for vs to see the kings disho- gai the Prophet, and Ze- sach. 1. 1.
nour : therefore haue we sent, and cer- chariah the sonne of Id-
tified the king, do , prophesied vnto the
15 That search may be made in the lewes that were in lu-
booke of the Records of thy fathers : so dah and Jerusalem , in the Name of
shalt thou finde in the booke of the Re- the God of Israel, euen vnto them.
cords, and know, that this City is a re- 2 Then rose vp Zerubbabel the
bellious city, and hurtfull vnto Kings sonne of Shealtiel , and Jeshua the
\Cald.made. and prouinces, and that they haue t mo- sonne of lozadak , and began to build
t Chald. m ued sedition t within the same of olde the house of God which is at Jerusa-
the midst time : for which cause was this citie de- lem : and with them were the Prophets
stroyed. of God helping them.
16 We certifie the king, that if this ci- 3 11 At the same time came to them
tie be builded againe, & the walles thereof Tatnai, gouernour on this side the Ri-
set vp : by this rneanes, thou shalt haue uer, and Shethar-Boznai , and their
no portion on this side the Riuer. companions, and said thus vnto them ;
17 1F Then sent the king an answere Who hath commaunded you to build
vnto Rehum the Chancellour , and to this house, and to make vp this wall ?
Shimshai the scribe , and to the rest of 4 Then said wee vnto them after
t Choi, so. their t companions, that dwell in Sa- this maner, What are the names of the
maria, and vnto the rest beyond the Ri- men tthat make this building? \Chald. that
uer, Peace, and at such a time. 5 But the eye of their God was vp- build this
18 The letter, which ye sent vnto vs. on the Elders of the lewes, that they
hath bene plainly read before me. could not cause them to cease , till the
t Ctold. by 19 And tl commaunded, and search matter came to Darius : and then they
me a decree returned answere by letter concerning
is set. hath bene made, and it is found, that
t Chald. lif. this citie of old time hath tmade insur- this matter.
tedvpit rection against Kings , and that rebel- 6 IF The copy of the letter that Tat-
lion & sedition haue bene made therein. nai, gouernour on this side the Riuer,
20 There haue bene mighty Kings and Shethar-Boznai, and his compa-
also ouer Jerusalem, which haue ru- nions the Apharsachites , which were
led ouer all countreys beyond the Riuer, on this side the Riuer, sent vnto Da-
and tolle , tribute , and custome , was rius the King :
payd vnto them. 7 They sent a letter vnto him,
t Choi, make 21 t Giue ye now commandement, t wherein was written thus : Vnto Da-t Chald. in
a decree. the midst
to cause these men to cease, and that this rius the king, all peace. whereof.
citie be not builded, vntill another com- 8 Be it knowen vnto the king, that
mandement shall be giuen from me. we went into the prouince of Judea, to
22 Take heed now that ye faile not the house of the great God , which is
to doe this : why should damage grow builded with tgreat stones, & timber is t Chald.
to the hurt of tne kings ? laied in the vals, and this worke goeth stones
S3 f Now when the copy of King fast on, and prospereth in their hands.
Artaxerxes letter was read before Re- 9 Then asked we those Elders, and
hum and Shimshai the scribe, and their said vnto them thus, Who commanded
companions, they went yp in haste to you to build this house, and to make vp
Jerusalem, vnto the lewes, and made these walles ?
t Chald. by them to cease, by tforce and power. 10 We asked their names also, to certi-
armeand 24 Then ceased the woorke of the fie thee, that we might write the names
house of the God , which is at Jerusa- of the men that were the chiefe of them.
lem. So it ceased, vnto the second yeere 11 And thus they returned vs an-
of the reigne of Darius king of Persia. swere, saying, We are the seruants of
the God of heauen and earth, and build
C H A P . V. the house that was builded these many
1 Zenibbabel and Shealtiel, incited by Haggai yeeres agoe, which a great King of Is-
and Zacharie, set forward the building of the rael builded, * and set vp. * I. King.
12 But 6. 1.
Tatnais letter to Ezra. Darius, anfwered.
12 But after that our fathers had rusalem: Let the house be builded, the
prouoked the God of heauen vnto Dlace where they offered sacrifices, and
wrath : he gaue them into the hande of et the foundations thereof be strongly
* 2. Kings * Nebuchadnezzar the king of Baby- aid, the height therof threescore cubits,
34. 2. and
25.8. on, the Caldean , who destroyed this and the breadth thereof threescore cu-
louse, and caried the people away into rites :
Jabylon. 4 With three rowes of great stones,
*Ezra. 1.1. 13 But in the first yere of * Cyrus the and a row of new timber : and let the
dng of Babylon, the same king Cyrus expences bee giuen out of the kings
made a decree to build this house of louse.
God. 5 And also let the golden, and siluer
14 And the vessels also of golde and vessels of the house of God, which Ne-
iluer of the house of God, which Ne- buchadnezzar tooke foorth out of the
mchadnezzar tooke out of the Tem- ;emple which is at Jerusalem , and
>le that was in Jerusalem, and brought >rought vnto Babylon, be restored, and
;hem into the temple of Babylon, those •brought againe vnto the temple which t Chalde, go.
did Cyrus the king take out of the tem- is at Jerusalem, euery one to his place,
Je of Babylon, and they were deliue- and place them in the house of God.
* Ezra 1.18 •ed vnto one, * whose name was Shesh- 6 Now therefore Tatnai, gouernour
and 6. a.
I Or, deputy )azzar, whome he had made ||gouer- Beyond the riuer, Shethar - Boznai,
nour: and tyour companions the Apharsa- C,,ealde,
heir socie-
15 And said vnto him , Take these chites, which are beyond the riuer, be ye ies*
vessels, goe, carie them into the temple arre from thence :
hat is in Jerusalem, and let the house 7 Let the worke of this house of
of God be builded in his place. Jod alone, let the gouernour of the
16 Then came the same Sheshbaz- [ewes, and the elders of the Jewes,
zar, and laid the foundation of the house mild this house of God in his place.
of God , which is in Jerusalem. And 8 Moreouer t l make a decree, t Chalde t by
since that time, euen vntill now, hath it what ye shall doe to the Elders of these me a decree
rin in building, & yet it is not finished. [ewes, for the building of this house of
17 Now therefore, if it seeme good to God : that of the kings goods, euen of
ihe king, let there be search made in the the tribute beyond the riuer, forthwith
rings treasure house which is there at expences be giuen vnto these men, that
Babylon, whether it be so that a decree they be not t hindered. \Chdlde,
made to
was made of Cyrus the king, to build 9 And that which they haue need of, cease.
;his house of God at Jerusalem : and )oth yong bullocks, and rammes, and
et the king send his pleasure to vs con- ambes, for the burnt offerings of the
cerning this matter. God of heauen, wheat, salt, wine, and
oyle, according to the appoyment of the
C H A P . VI. priests which are at Jerusalem, let it be
1 Darius finding the decree of Cyrus, maketh
riuen them, day by day without faile :
a new decree foif the aduanceraent of the 10 That they may offer sacrifices tof trest.
Chalde, of
building. 13 By the helpe of the enemies, and sweet sauours vnto the God of heauen,
the directions of the prophets, the Temple is and pray fo&the life of the king, and of
finished. 16 The feast of the Dedication is bis sonnes.
kept. 19 And the Passeouer.
11 Also I haue made a decree, that

Hen Darius the King whosoeuer shall alter this word, let
made a decree, and search timber be pulled down from his house,
was made in the house of and being set vp, let him bee t hanged him t Chalde, let
be de-
iChalde, the t rolles , where the thereon, and let his house bee made a stroyed.
\Chalde, treasures were t laide doung hill for this,
made to de- vp in Babylon. 12 And the God that hath caused his
I Or, Ecba- % And there was found at || Achme- name to dwell there, destroy all kings
tana, or in a tha, in the palace that is in the prouince and people that shall put to their hand,
of the Medes, a rolle, and therein was to alter and to destroy this house of Goc
a record thus written: which is at Jerusalem. I Darius haue
3 In the first yeere of Cyrus the made a decree, let it be done with speed,
king, the same Cyrus the king made a de- 13 f Then Tatnai gouernour on this
cree concerning the house of God at le- side the riuer, Shethar-Boznai, & their
The dedication. Chap.vij. The kings letter.
companions, according to that which Ow after these things, in

Darius the king had sent, so they did the reigne of Artaxerxes
speedily. king of Persia, Ezra the
14 And the elders of the lewes buil- son of Seraiah, the sonne
ded, and they prospered, through the of Azariah, the sonne of
prophecying of Haggai the Prophet , Hilkiah,
and Zechariah the sonne of Iddo, and 2 The sonne of Shallum, the sonne
they builded, and finished it, according of Zadok, the sonne of Ahitub,
to the commandement of the God of 3 The sonne of Amariah, the sonne
t Chald. De- [srael, and according to the t comman- of Azariah, the sonne of Meraioth,
dement of Cyrus and Darius, and Ar- 4 The sonne of Zeraiah, the sonne
taxerxes king of Persia. of Vzzi, the sonne of Bukki,
15 And this honse was finished on 5 The sonne of Abishua, the sonne
the third day of the month Adar, which of Phinehas, the sonne of Eleazar, the
was in the sixt yere of the reigne of Da- sonne of Aaron the chiefe Priest :
rius the king. 6 This Ezra went vp from Baby-
16 IF And the children of Israel, the lon, and hee was a ready Scribe in the
Priests and the Leuites, and the rest of law of Moses, which the L O R D God
\Chald. the tthe children of the captiuitie, kept the of Israel had giuen : and the king gran-
tonnes of the
transporta- dedicatio of this house of God, with ioy, ted him all his request, according to the
tion. 17 And offered at the dedication of hand of the LORD his God vpon him.
this house of God, an hundred bul- 7 And there went vp some of the
lockes, two hundred rammes, foure children of Israel, and of the Priests,
hundred lambes ; and for a sinne offe- and the Leuites, and the Singers, and
ring for all Israel, twelue hee goates, the Porters , and the Nethinims, vn-
according to the number of the tribes of to lerusalem, in the seuen th yeere of
Israel. Artaxerxes the king.
18 And they set the Priests in their di- 8 And he came to lerusalem in the
uisions , and the Leuites in their cour- fifth moneth, which was in the seuenth
ses, for the seruice of God , which is at yeere of the king.
\Chala, ac- lerusalem, t*as it is written in the 9 For vpon the first day of the first
cording to
the writing. booke of Moses. moneth, t began he to go vp fro Baby- foundation
t He was the
* Num. 3.6. 19 And the children of the captiuitie Ion , and on the first day of the fifth mo- of the going
and 8. 9.
kept the Passeouer, vpon the four- neth, came he to lerusalem, according vp.
teenth day of the first moneth : to the good hand of his God vpon him.
20 For the Priestes and the Leuites 10 For Ezra had prepared nis heart
were purified together, all of them were to seeke the Law of the LORD, and
pure, and killed the Passeouer for all to doe it , and to teach in Israel, Sta-
the children of the captiuitie , and for tutes and ludgements.
their brethren the Priests, and for them- 11 1T Now this is the copy of the let-
selues. ter that the king Artaxerxes gaue vn-
£1 And the children of Israel, which to Ezra the Priest , the Scribe , euen a
were come againe out of captiuitie, and Scribe of the words of the commande-
all such as had separated themselues ments of the L O R D , and of his Sta-
vnto them , from the filthinesse of the tutes to Israel.
heathen of the land, to seeke the LORD 12 Artaxerxes king of kings, ||Vnto ^Or^toExra
the Priest a
God of Israel, did eate, Ezra the Priest , a Scribe of the Law per/it Scribe
£& jAnd kept of the God of heauen, Perfect peace, and Ofof the
j the ,feast
*«i_ ofioy
• vnleauened
«bread seuen dayes with /» the
: for .1
at such a time.
the God of
LORD had made them ioyfull, and 18 I make a decree , that all they of Peace, &c.
turned the heart of the king of Assyria the people of Israel, and of his Priests,
vnto them, to strengthen their handes and Leuites in my Real me, which are
in the worke of the nouse of God , the minded of their owne free - will to goe
God of Israel. vp to lerusalem, goe with thee.
14 Forasmuch as thou art sent tof t Choi, from
C H A P . VII. the king, and of his * seuen counsellors, before

1 Ezra goeth vp to lerusalem. 1 1 The gracious

to enquire concerning ludah and le- *Esth. 1. 14.
commission of Artaxerxes to Ezra. 27 Ezra rusalem, according to the Lawe of thy
blesseth God for his fauour. God, which is in thine hand ;
15 And
The commiffion Ezra. giuen to Ezra-
15 And to cary the siluer and gold, law of thy God, and the law of the king,
which the king and his counsellors let iudgement be executed speedily vpon
laue freely offered vnto the God of Is- him, whether it be vnto death, or to t ba- trooting
Chald. to
rael, whose habitation is in Jerusalem, nishment, or to confiscation of goods, or
* Chap. 8. 16. * And all the siluer and gold, that to imprisonment.
thou canst find in all the prouince of Ba- 27 U Blessed be the LORD God
bylon, with the free-will offering of the of our fathers , which hath put suck a
)eople, and offthe priests, offering wil- iking as this, in the kings heart, to beau-
ingly for the house of their God, which tifie the house of the L O E D which is
is in Jerusalem : in Jerusalem.:
17 That thou maiest buy speedily 28 And hath extended mercy vnto
with this money, tullockes, rammes, me, before the king and his counsellers,
ambes, with their meate offerings, and before all the kings mighty prin-
and their drinke offerings, and offer ces, and I was strengthned as the
them vpon the altar of the house of hand of the L O R D my God was vp-
your God, which j$ in, Jerusalem. on me, and I gathered together out of
18 And whatsoeuer shall seeme good Israel, chiefe men to goe vp with me.
to thee, and to thy brethren, to doe with
the rest of the siluer and gold; that doe,
after the will of your God. C H A P . VIII.
19 The vessels also that are giuen x ThecoinpanionsofEzrajWhoreturnedfrom
thee, for the seruice of the house of thy Babylon, is He sendeth to Iddofor mini-
God, those deliuer thou before the God sters for the Temple. 21 He keepeth a fast
of Jerusalem. 24 He committeth the treasures to the custo-
20 And whatsoeuer more shall be come°f tothe Priests. 31 .From Ahaua they
JP 11 * 1.1- r*.i~ • r* i t,- i. lerusalem. 33 The treasure is
needfull for the house of thy God, which weighed in the Temple. 36 The commis-
thou shalt haue occasion to bestowe; sion is deliuered.
bestowe it out of the kings treasure
house. Hese are now the chiefe oi

21 And I, euen I Artaxerxes the their fathers, and this is the
king, doe make a decree to all the genealogie of them that
treasurers which are beyond the riuer, went vp with mee from
that whatsoeuer Ezra the priest, the Babylon, in the reigne oi
scribe of the law of the God of heauen, Artaxerxes the king.
shall require of you, it be done speedily, 2 Of the sonnes of Phinehas, Ger-
22 Vnto an hundred talents of sil- shorn : of the sonnes of Ithamar, Da-
t Chald: uer, and to an hundred t measures of niel: of the sonnes of Dauid, Hattush.
wheate, and to an hundred bathes of 3 Of the sonnes of Shechaniah, oi
wine, and to an hundred bathes of oyle, the sonnes of Pharosh, Zechariah, anc
and salt, without prescribing how much, with him were reckoned, by genealogie
soeuer is of
231 Whatsoeuer is commanded by the of the males, an hundred and fiftie.
the decree. God of heauen, let it be diligently done, 4 Of the sonnes of Pahath-Moab,
for the house of the God of heauen: for Elihoenai the sonne of Zerahiah : anc
why should there be wrath against the with him,, two hundred males,
realme of the king and his sonnes ? 5 Of the sonnes of Shechaniah, the
24? Also we certifie you, that tou- sonne of Jahaziel, and with him three
ching any of the priests, and Leuites, hundred males.
singers, porters, Nethinims, or mini- 6 Of the sonnes also of Adin, Ebec1
sters of this house of God, it shall not be the sonne of Jonathan, and with him
lawfull to impose tolle, tishute, or cu- fiftie males,
stome vpon them. 7 And of the sonnes of Elam, Je-
25 And thou, Ezra, after the wis- shaiah the sonne of Athaliah, and with
dome of thy God, that is in thine hand, him seuentie males.
set magistrates and iudges, which may 8 And of the sonnes of Shephati-
iudge all the people, that are beyond the ah, Zebadiah the sonne of Michael, anc
riuer, all such as know the lawes of thy with him fourescore males.
God, and teach yee them that knowe 9 Of the sonnes of Joab, Obadiah
them not. the sonne of JehieJ : and with him two
26 And whosoeuer will not doe the hundred and eighteene males.
10 And
A faft proclaimed. Chap.viij. The Leuites charge.
10 And of the sonnes of Shelomith, ;he king, saying, The hand of our God
ime sonne of losiphiah , and with him \s vpon all them for good , that seeke
n. hundred and threescore males. iim , but his power and his wrath is a-
1 1 And of the sonnes of Bebai, Ze- jainst all them that forsake him.
hhariah the sonne of Bebai , and with 23 So we fasted, and besought our
iim twenty and eight males. God for this , and hee was intreated
12 And of the sonnea of Azgad, Io- of vs.
I Or, the ldanan || the sonne of Hakkatan , and 24? 1T Then I separated twelue of
yongest son. the chiefe of the Priests, Sherebiah, Ha-
with him an hundred and ten males.
13 And of the last sonnes of Adoni- shabiah, and ten of their brethren with
cam, whose names are these : Eliphelet, them,
^ehiel, and Shemaiah, and with them 25 And weighed vnto them the sil-
hreescore males. uer and the gold, and the vessels, euen
14> Of the sonnes also of Biguai, V- the offering of the house of our God,
!l Or, Zoc- hai, and ||Zabbud, and with them se- which the king and his counsellours,
c«r, as some uentie males. and his lords, and all Israel there pre-
15 1F And I gathered them toge- sent, had offered :
her to the riuer, that runneth to Aha- 26 I euen weighed vnto their
II Or, pitched. ua, and there || abode wee in tents three land , sixe hundred and fifty talents of
layes : and I viewed the people , and siluer, and siluer vessels an hundred ta-
he Priests, and found there none of thee ents, and of gold an hundred talents :
sonnes of Leui. £7 Also twenty basons of gold, of a
16 Then sent I for Eliezer, for Ariel, thousand drammes, and two vessels of
or Shemaiah, and for Elnathan, and h fine copper, t precious as gold. t Hebr. yel-
low or shi-
•or larib , and for Elnathan , and for 28 And I said vnto them , Yee are ning brasse.
Nathan , and for Zechariah , and for loly vnto the LOUD, the vessels are sireable.
t Hebr. de-
Meshullam, chiefe men; also for la- loly also , and the siluer and the gold
rib, and for Elnathan, men of vnder- are a free - will offring vnto the LOBD
standing. God of your fathers.
17 And I sent them with comman- 29 Watch ye, and keepe them, vntil!
dement vnto Iddo the chiefe at the yee weigh them before the chiefe of the
t Hebr, I pit slace Casiphia, and I ||told them what Priests, and the Leuites, and chiefe oi
words in the fathers of Israel at lerusalem,
their mouth ;hey should say vnto Iddo , and to his
Brethren the Nethinims , at the place in the chambers of the house of the
Casiphia, that they should bring vnto LORD.
vs ministers for the house of our God. 30 So tooke the Priests and the Le-
18 And by the good hand of our Goc uites the weight of the siluer and the
vpon vs , they brought vs a man of vn- gold , and the vessels, to bring them to
derstanding, of the sonnes of Mahli lerusalem, vnto the house of our
the sonne of Leui, the sonne of Israel, ;God.
and Sherebiah, with his sonnes, anc 31 IF Then wee departed from the
bis brethren, eighteene. riuer of Ahaua , on the twelfth day oi
19 And Hashabiah , and with him the first moneth , to goe vnto lerusa-
leshaiah of the sonnes of Merari, his lem ; and the hand of our God was vp-
brethren, and their sonnes, twentie. on vs, and hee deliuered vs from the
See Chap. 20 *Also of the Nethinims, whom hand of the enemie, and of such as lay in
2. 43. ,wait by the way.
Dauid, and the Princes had appointed
for the seruice of the Leuites, two hun- 32 And we came to lerusalem , anc
dred and twentie Nethinims : all oi abode there three dayes.
them were expressed by name. 33 IF Now on the fourth day was
21 IT Then I proclaimed a fast there, the siluer and the gold, and the vessels
at the riuer Ahaua , that we might af- weighed in the house of our God, by the
flict our selues before our God, to seeke hand of Meremoth the sonne of Vriah
of him a right way for vs , and for our the Priest , and with him was Eleazar
little ones, and for all our substance. the sonne of Phinehas, and with them
22 For I was ashamed to require was lozabad the sonne of leshua
of the king a band of souldiers and nors- and Noadiah the sonne of Binnui, Le
men, to helpe vs against the enemie in uites :
the way : because wee had spoken vnto 34j By number, and by weight of
Ezras confefsion Ezra. and prayer.
uery one : and all the weight was writ- growen vp vnto the heauens.
ten at that time. 7 Since the dayes of our fathers,
35 Also the children of those that had haue wee beem in a great trespasse vnto
bene caried away which were come out this day , & for our iniquities haue we,
of the captiuitie, offered burnt offrings our kings and our priests, bin deliuered
vnto the God of Israel, twelue bul- into the hand of the kings of the lands,
locks for all Israelj ninetie and sixe to the sword, to captiuitie, and to a
rammes, seuentie and seuen lambes, spoile, and to confusion of face, as it is
twelue hee goates for a sinne offering: this day.
All this was a burnt offering vnto the 8 And now for a tlitle space grace t Hebr. mo-
LORD. hath bene shewed from the LORD our ment.
36 1F And they deliuered the Kings God, to leaue vs a remnant to escape,
commissions vnto the kings lieute- and to giue vs || a || naile in his holy lOr^apinne
I That is, a
uants, and to the gouernours on this place, that our God may lighten our constant and
side the riuer, and they furthered the eyes, and giue vs a litle reuiuing in our sure abode.
people, and the house of God. bondage:
9 For wee were bondmen, yet our
C H A P . IX. God hath not forsaken vs in our bon-
dage, but hath extended mercie vnto vs
1 Ezra mourneth for the affinitie of the people in the sight of the kings of Persia , to
with strangers. 5 He prayeth vnto God With
confession of sinnes. spue vs a reuiuing to set vp the house of
our God, and t to repaire the desolati- vp* WIeb.toset
Owe when these things ons thereof, and to giue vs a wall in

were done, the Princes ludah and in lerusalem.
came to me, saying, The 10 And now, O our God, what shal
people of Israel, and the we say after this ? for we haue forsaken
priests and the Leuites, thy commandements,
haue not separated themselues from 11 Which thou hast commanded by
the people of the lands, doing according t thy seruants the prophets, saying, hand lHeb.bytte
of thy
to their abominations, euen of the Ca- * Tne land vnto which ye go to possesse seruants.
naanites, the Hittites, the Perizzites, it, is an vncleane land, with the filthi- 32. deut.23.
* Exod.
the lebusites, the Ammonites, the nesse of the people of the lands, with
Moabites, the Egyptians, and the A- their abominations, which haue filled it
morites. t from one end to another, with their mouth MIeb. from
£ For they .haue taken of their vncleannesse. mouth.
daughters for themselues, and for their 12 Nowe therefore giue not your
sonnes: so that the holy seed haue ming- daughters ynto their sonnes, neither
led themselues with the people of those take their daughters vnto your sonnes,
lands, yea the hand of the princes and nor seeke their peace or their wealth for
rulers hath bin chiefe in this trespasse. euer: that ye may bee strong, and eate
3 And when I heard this thing, I the good of the land, and leaue it for an
rent my garment and my mantle, and inheritance to your children for euer.
pluckt off the haire of my head, and of 13 And after all that is come vpon
my beard, and sate downe astonied. vs, for our euill deeds, and for our great
4 Then were assembled vnto me trespasse, seeing that thou, our God,
euery one that trembled at the words t hast punished vs lesse,then our iniqui- tHeb.hasf
of the God of Israel, because of the ties deserue, and hast giuenvs such deli- withlield
neath our
transgression of those that had bene ca- uerance as this. iniquities.
ried away, and I sate astonied, vntill 14? Should wee againe breake thy
the euening sacrifice. commandements, and ioyne in affinitie
5 11 And at the euening sacrifice, I with the people of these abominations?
I Or, afflicti- arose vp from my ||heauinesse, and ha- wouldest thou not be angry with vs, til
on. uing rent my garment and my mantle, thou haddest consumed vs, so that there
I fell vpon my knees, and spread out should be no remnant, nor escaping ?
my hands vnto the L O R D my God, 15 O L O U D God of Israel, thou
6 And said, O my God, I am asha- art righteous, for wee remaine yet esca-
med, and blush to lift vp my face to thee, Iped, as it is this day: Behold, we are be-
my God : for our iniquities are increa- fore thee in our trespasses : for wee can
nesse. sed ouer our head, and our || trespasse is not stand before thee, because of this.
Order taken for Chap.x. ftrange manages.
together vnto Jerusalem, within three
C H A P. X. dayes: it was the ninth moneth, on the
1 ShechaniahencouragethEzratoreformethe twentieth day of the moneth, and all
strange manages. 6 Ezra mourning, assem- the people sate in the streeteof the house
bleth the people. 9 The people at the ex- of God, trembling because o
nor tation of Ezra, repent and promise amend- ter and for the rea raine
ment. 15 The care to performe it. 18 The > + ,g f E t Hebr. the
namesof them who had maried strange wiues. 10 And Ezra the Priest stood vp, and showres.
said vnto them, Yee haue transgressed,
Ow when Ezra had prai- and thaue taken strange wiues, to en- t Hebr. haue

ed, and when he had con- crease the trespasse of Israel, caused to
fessed, weeping, and ca- 11 Now therefore make confession brought
sting himselfe downe be- vnto the L O R D God of your fathers, backe.
fore the house of God, and doe his pleasure: and separate your
there assembled vnto him out or Isra- semes trom the people or the land , and
el, a very great congregation of men, from the strange wiues.
and women, and children : for the peo- 12 Then all the congregation an-
\ Heir, wept ple twept very sore. swered, and said with a loude voice, As
a great wee- thou hast said, so must we doe :
ping. 2 And Sheehaniah the sonne of
lehiel, one of the sonnes of Elam, an- 13 But the people are many, and it is
swered and said vnto Ezra, Wee haue a time of touch raine, and we afe not a-
trespassed against our God , and haue ble to stand without; neither is this
taken strange wiues , of the people of a worke of one day- or two : for || wee are II Or, wee
the land: yet now there is hope in Isra- manjr that haue transgressed in this haue greatly
offended in
el concerning this thing. thing. this thing.
3 Now therefore let vs make a co- 14 Let now our rulers of all the
t Hebr. to uenant with our God, tta put away all congregation stand , and let all them
bringforth. the wiues, & such as are borne of them, which haue taken strange wiues in our
according to. the counsell of my lord, and cities, come at appointed times, & with
of those that tremble at the commande- them the Elders of euery citie, and the
ment of our God, and lee it be done ac- Judges thereof; vntill the fierce wrath
cording to the Law. of our God || for this matter, be turned matter
tt Or, till this
4r Arise, for this matter belongeth vn- from vs. dispatched.
to thee, wee also will be with thee: be of 15 U Onely Jonathan the sonne of
good courage, and doe it. Asahel, and lahaziah the sonne of Ti-
5 Then arose Ezra, and made the kuah, twere employed about this mat- t Heb. stood.
chiefe Priests, the Leuites, and all Is- ter : and Meshullam, and Shabbethai
rael to sweare, that they should doe ac- the Leuite, helped them.
cording to this word : and they sware. 16 And the children of the captiuitie
6 If Then Ezra rose vp from before did so: and Ezra the Priest, with certaine
the house of God , and went into the chiefe of the fathers, after the house of
chamber of lohanan, the sonne of E- their fathers , and all of them by their
liashib : and when hee came thither, hee names, were separated, and sate downe
did eate no bread, nor drinke water : for in the first day of the tenth moneth to
hee mourned because of the transgressi- examine the matter.
on of them that had ben e caried away. 17 And they made an ende, with all
7 And they made Proclamation the men that had taken strange wiues,
throughout ludah and Jerusalem , by the first day of the first moneth.
vnto all the children of the captiuitie, 18 U And among the sonnes of the
that they should gather themselues to- Priestes, there were found that had ta-
gether vnto Jerusalem ; ken strange wiues : namely, of the sons
8 And that whosoeuer would not of leshua the sonne of lozadak , and
come within three dayes , according to his brethren, Maasiah, and Eliezer, and
the counsell of the Princes, and the El- Jarib, and Gedaliah.
t Hcb. deuo- ders, all his substance should be tforfei-
19 And they gaue their hands , that
ted, and himselfe separated from the they would put away their wiues : and
congregation of those that had beene ca- being guiltie, they offered & ramme of the
ried away. flocke for their trespasse.
ft IF Then all the men of ludah 20 And of the sonnes of Immer,
and Beniamin, gathered themselues Hanani, and Zebadiah :
21 And

iVho put away Nehemiah. ftrange wiues.
31 And of the sonnes of Harim, Ma- Maasiah, Mattaniah, Bezaleel, and
asiah, and Eliiah, and Shemaiah , and Binnui, and Manasseh.
[ehiel, and Vzziah. 31 And of the sonnes of Harim: Elie-
33 And of the sonnes of Pashur: zer, Ishiiah , Malchiah , Shemaiah,
Slioenai, Maasiah, Ishmael, Netha- Shimeon,
neel, lozabad and Elasah. 33 Beniamin, Malluch; and She-
33 Also of the Leuites: lozabad, mariah.
and Shimei, and Kelaiah (the same is 33 Of the sonnes of Hashum : Mat-
Kelitah) Pethahiah, ludah, and E- tenai, Mattatha, Zabad, Eliphelet, le-
iezer. remai, Manasseh, and Shimei.
34 Of the singers also, Eliashib; and 34* Of the sonnes of Bani: Maadai,
of the porters, Shallum, and Telem, Amram, and Vel,
and Vri. 35 Benaiah, Bedaiah, Chelluh,
35 Moreouer of Israel, of the sonnes 36 Vaniah, Meremoth, Eliashib,
of Parosh, Ramiah, and lesiah, and 37 Mattaniah, Mattenai, and laa-
Vlalchiah, and Miamin, and Eleazar, sau, \
and Malchijah, and Benaiah. 38 And Bani, and Bennui, Shimei,
36 And of the sonnes of Elam: Mat- 39 And Shelemiah, and Nathan,
taniah, Zechariah, and lehiel, and and Adaiah,
Abdi, and leremoth, and Eliah. 40 || Machnadebai, Shashai, Sha- I! Or, Mab-
nadebai^ ac-
37 And of the sonnes of Zattu: E- rai, cording to
ioenai, Eliashib, Mattaniah, and le- 41 Azareel, and Shelemiah, She- some copies.
remoth, and Zabad, and Aziza. mariah,
38 Of the sonnes also of Bebai: le- 43 Shallum, Amariah, and Joseph.
lohanan, Hananiah, Zabbai, # Athlai. 43 Of the sopnes of Nebo, lehiel,
39 And of the sonnes of Bani : Me- Mattithiah, Zabad, Zebina, ladau,
shullam, Malluch, and Adaiah , la- and loel, Benaiah.
shub, and Sheal, and Ramoth. 44 All these had taken strange
30 And of the sonnes of Pahath wiues : and some of them had wiues, by
Vfoab: Adna, aud Chelal, Benaiah, whom they had children.

I asked them concerning the lewes
C H A P . I. that had escaped, which were left of the
1 Nehemiah, vnderstanding by Hanani, the captiuitie, and concerning Jerusalem.
misery of Jerusalem, mourneth, fasteth and
prayeth. 6 His prayer. 3 And they said vnto me, The rem-
nant that are left of the captiuitie there
He words of Ne- in the prouince, are in great affliction

hemiah the sonne and reproch : the wall of Jerusalem al-
ofHachaliah.And so *is broken downe, and the gates * 2, King. 28.
it came to passe in thereof are burnt with fire. 9.

the moneth Chi- 4 H And it came to passe when I

sleu, in the twen- heard these words, that I sate downe
tieth yeere, as I and wept, and mourned certame dayes,
was in Shushan and fasted, and prayed before the God
the palace; of heauen,
3 That Hanani, one of my brethren 5 And said, I beseech thee, * 0 * Dan. 9.4.
came, he and ceriaine men of ludah, and LORD God of heauen, the great and
Nehemiahs prayer: Chap.ij. His requeft.
terrible God , that keepeth couenant £ Wherefore the king said vnto me,
and mercie for them that loue him, and Why is thy countenance sadde, seeing
obserue his commandements : thou art not sicke ? this is nothing vise
6 Let thine eare now be attentiue, but sorrow of heart. Then I was ve-
and thine eyes open, that thou mayest ry sore afraid,
beare the prayer of thy seruant, which 3 And said vnto the king , Let the
I pray before thee now, day and night. king Hue for euer : why should not my
for the children of Israel tny seruants, countenance be sad, when the city, the
and confesse the sinnes of the children of place of my fathers Sepulchres, lyeth
Israel, which wee haue sinned against waste, and the gates thereof are consu-
thee: both I, and my fathers house med with fire ?
baue sinned. 4 Then the king said vnto me, For
7 We haue dealt very corruptly a- what doest thou make request? So I
»ainst thee, and haue not kept the com- prayed to the God of heauen.
mandements, nor the statutes, nor the 5 And I said vnto the king , If it
iudgements, which thou commandedst please the king, and if thy seruant haue
thy seruant Moses. found fauour in thy sight, that thou
8 Remember, I beseech thee, the wouldest send m6 vnto ludah vnto the
word that thou cotnmandedst thy ser- City of my fathers sepulchres 5 that I
* Dcut. 4. uant Moses, saying, * J/yee tf ansgresse, may build it.
25. &C.
I will scatter you abroad among the 6 And the king saide vnto mee (the
nations : •rQueene also sitting by him) For how t Hebr.
9 But if ye turtle vnto me, and keepe long shall thy iourney bee ? and when wife.
my commandements, and doe them: wilt thou returne? So it pleased the
* Deut. 30. * though there were of you cast out vnto king to send me, and I set him a time.
•*> the vttermost part of the heauen , yet 7 Moreouer I saide vnto the king,
will I gather them from thence, and If it please the king, let letters be giuen
will bring them vnto the place that I mee to the gouernours beyond the Bi-
baue chosen, to set my Name there. uer, that they may conuey me ouer, till
10 Now these are thy seruants, and I come into ludan ;
thy people, whom thou hast redeemed 8 And a letter vnto Asaph the kee-
by thy great power, and by thy strong per of the kings forrest, that he may
hand. giue me timber to make beames for the
11 O L O R D , I beseech thee, let gates of the palace which appertained to
now thine eare be attentiue to the pray- the house, and for the wall of the Citie,
er of thy seruant, and to the prayer of and for the house that I shall enter in-
thy seruants , who desire to feare thy to : And the king granted me, according
name : and prosper, I pray thee, thy to the good hand of my God vpon me.
seruant this day, and grant him mercie 9 f Then I came to the gouer-
in the sight of this man. For I was the nours beyond the riuer, and gaue them
kings cup-bearer. the kings letters t ( now the king had
sent captaines of the army , and horse-
men with me.)
C H A P . II. 10 When Sanballat the Horonite,
1 Artaxerxes vndef standing the cause of Ne- and Tobiah the seruant, the Ammo-
hetniahs sadnesse, sendeth him with letters nite, heard of it, it grieued them excee-
and commission to Jerusalem. 9 Nehemiah, to dingly, that there was come a man , to
the griefe of the enemies, commeth to lerusa- seeke the welfare of the children of Is-
lem. 12 Hee vieweth secretly the ruines of ««~i
the walles. 17 He inciteth the lewes to huild rael.
in despite of the enemies. 11 So I came to lerusalam; and
was there three dayes.
Nd it cattie to passe, in the 12 11 And I arose in the night, I5

A moneth Nisan, in the

twentieth yeete df Artax-
erxes the king, that wine
was before him, : and I
and some few men with mee, neither
tolde I any man what God had put in
my heart to doe at Jerusalem : neither
was there any beast with mee, saue the
tooke vp the wine, and gaue it vnto the beast that I rode vpon.
King: now I had not bene beforetime 15 And I went out by night, by the
sad iit his presence. gate of the vaDey, euen before the dra-
The building Nehemiah. of the walles.
gon well , and to the doung-port, and thereof, the locks therof, and the barres
viewed the walls of Jerusalem, which thereof.
were broken downe, and the gates 4 And next vnto them repaired
hereof were consumed with fire. VIerimoth the son of Vriah, the sonne
14 Then I went on to the gate of of Koz : and next vnto them repaired
he fountaine , and to the kings poole : Vleshullam the sonne of Berechiah, the
>ut there was no place for the beast that sonne of Meshezabeel : and next vn-
was vnder me, to passe. ;o them repaired Zadok the sonne of
15 Then went I vp in the night by Baana.
he brooke , and viewed the wall , anDd 5 And uext vnto them, the Tekoites
urned backe, and entred by the gate oFf repaired ; but their nobles put not their
he valley, and so returned. neckes to the worke of their LOKD,
16 And the rulers knew not whither 6 Moreouer the olde gate repaired
! went , or what I did, neither had I [ehoiada the sonne of Paseah , and
as yet tolde it to the lewes, nor to the Meshullam the sonne of Besodaiah ;
Priests, nor to the nobles, nor to the ru- they laid the beames thereof, and set vp
ers, nor to the rest that did the worke. the doores thereof, and the lockes there-
17 If Then said I vnto them , Yee of, and the barres thereof.
see the distresse that we are in, how Je- 7 And next vnto them repaired
rusalem lieth waste, and the gates ther- Melatiah the Gibeonite , and ladon
of are burnt with fire : come, and let vs the Meronothite , the fnen of Gibeon,
>uilde vp the wall of Jerusalem , that and of Mizpah, vnto the throne of the
we be no more a reproch. gouernour on this side the Riuer.
18 Then I told them of the hand of 8 Next vnto him repaired Vzziel
my God, which was good vpon me; as the sonne of Harhaiah , of the gold-
also the kings wordes that he had spo- smiths : next vnto him also repaired
cen vnto me. And they said, Let vs rise Hananiah, the sonne of one o/*the Apo-
vp and builde. So they strengthened thecaries, and they || fortified Jerusa- I! Or, left le-
lem vnto the broad wall. rusalem VTI~
their hands for this good worke. to the broad
19 But when Sanballat the Horo- 9 And next vnto them repaired Re- watt.
nite, and Tobiah the seruant the Am- phaiah the sonne of Hur , the ruler oj
monite, and Geshem the Arabian heard the halfe part of Jerusalem.
it, they laughed vs to scorne, and despi- 10 And next vnto them repaired le-
sed vs, and said, What is this thing that daiah the sonne of Harumapn , euen o-
yee doe? will ye rebell against the Icing? uer against his house : and next vnto
20 Then answered I them, and said him repaired Hattush the sonne of Ha-
vnto them, The God of heauen, he will sh abniah.
prosper vs, therefore wee his seruants 11 Malchiiah the sonne of Harim,
will arise and build : But you haue no and Hashub the son of Pahath-Moab,
portion, nor right, nor memoriall in Je- repaired the t other piece, & the towre t Hebr. se-
cond mea-
rusalem. of the furnaces. sure.
12 And next vnto him repaired Shal-
CHAP. III. lum the sonne of Halloesh the ruler o1
1 The names and order of them that buil- the halfe part of Jerusalem , hee, anc
ded the wall. his daughters.
V • J 11 J,

HenEliashibthehiepriest, 13 The valley-gate repaired Hanun,

rose vp with his brethren and the inhabitants of Zanoah; they
the Priests, and they built built it, and set vp the doores thereof,
the sheepe-gate, theysano- the lockes therof, and the bars thereof,
tified it, & set vp the doores and a thousand cubits on the wall, vn-
of it, euen vnto the towre of Meah they to the doung-gate.
* lere. 3. sanctified it, vnto the towre of *Hana- 14 But the doung-gate repaired
38. neel. Malchiah the sonne of Rechab, the ru-
t Kebr. at 2 And tnext vnto him builded the ler of part of Beth-haccerem : hee built
his hand. men of lericho : and next to them buil- it, and set vp the doores thereof, the
ded Zaccur the sonne of Imri. lockes thereof, and the barres thereof.
3 But the fish-gate did the sonnes 15 But the gate of the fountaine re-
ofHassenaah build, who also laide the paired Shallum the sonne of Col-ho-
beames thereof, and set vp the doores zeh, the ruler of part of Mizpah : hee
The building Chap.iiij*
^N| ' ••••
of the walles.
built it, and couered it, and set vp the 28 From aboue the horsegate repai-
doores thereof, the lockes thereof, and red the Priests, euery one ouer against
the barres thereof, and the wall of the his house.
* lohn 9. 7. poole of * Siloah by the kings garden, 29 After them repaired Zadok the
and vnto the staires that goe downe sonne of Immer, ouer "against his
from the citie of Dauid. house : after him repaired also Shema-
16 After him repaired Nehemiah iah, the son of Shechaniah , the keeper
the sonne of Azbuk, the ruler of the halfe of the East-gate.
part of Beth - zur, vnto the place ouer 30 After him repaired Hananiah the
against the sepulchres of Dauid, and to sonne of Shelemiah , and Hanun the
* 2. King. tne poole that was made, * and vnto the sixth sonne of Zalaph, another piece :
20. 20. house of the mightie. after him repaired Meshullam , the
17 After him repaired the Leuites, sonne of Berechiah ouer against his
Rehum the sonne of Batii : next vnto chamber.
him repaired Hashabiah the ruler of the 31 After him repaired Malchiah, the
halfe part of Keilah in his part. goldsmiths sonne, vnto the place of the
18 After him repaired their brethren, Nethinims, and of the merchants, ouer
Bauai, the sonne of Henadad the ruler against the gate Miphkad , and to the
of the halfe part of Keilah. going vp of the || corner. 8 Or, corner
19 And next to him repaired Ezer 32 And betweene the going vp of the
the sonne of leshua , the ruler of Miz- corner vnto the sheepe-gate , repaired
pah, another piece, ouer against the go- the gold-smithes and the merchants.
ing vp to the armorie, at the turning of
the wall.
20 After him Baruch the sonne of CHAP. IIII.
H Or, Zoc- ItZabbai, earnestly repaired the other 1 While the enemies scoffe> Nehemiah prayeth
cat. and continueth the worke. TVnderstan-
piece, from the turning of the wall vnto ding the wrath and secrets of the enemy, hee
the doore of the house of Eliashib the setteth a watch. 13 Hee armeth the labou-
high Priest. rers. 19 and giueth military precepts.
21 After him repaired Merimoth
the sonne of Vriiah, the sonne of Koz, Vt it came to passe , that
another piece, from the doore of the
house of Eliashib, euen to the end of the
house of Eliashib.
22 And after him repaired the
b when Sanbaliat heard,
that we builded the wall,
he was wroth, and tooke
great indignation, and
Priests, the men of the plaine. mocked the lewes.
23 After him repaired Beniamin, 2 And he spake before his brethren,
and Hashub, ouer against their house : and the army of Samaria, and said,
after him repaired Azariah the sonne What doe these feeble lewes ? wil they
of Maaseiah, the sonne of Ananiah, by tfortifie themselues? will they sacrifice? toHEebr.leam
his house. wil they make an end in a day ? wil they selues.
24? After him repaired Binnui the reuiue the stones, out of the heapes of
sonne of Henadad, another piece from the rubbish, which are burnt?
the house of Azariah, vnto the turning 3 Now Tobiah the Ammonite was
of the wall, euen vnto the corner, by him, and he said, Euen that which
25 Palal the sonne of Vzai, ouer a- they build, if a foxe goe vp, he shall euen
gainst the turning of the watt, and the breake downe their stone wall.
tower which lyeth out, from the kings 4 Heare, O our God, for we are t de- tffebr.dEe-
* lere. 32. hie house, that was by the * court of the spised : and turne their reproch vpon spight.
2. their owne head, and giue them for a
prison : after him, Pedaiah the sonne of
Parosh. pray, in the land of captiuitie.
26 Moreouer the Nethinims dwelt 5 And couer not their iniquitie, and
*2. Chron, in * || Ophel, vnto the place ouer against let not their sinne bee blotted out from
27.3. before thee: for they haue prouoked thee
1 Or, flte the water gate, toward the East, and
tower. the tower that lieth out. to anger before the builders.
27 After them the Tekoites repai- 6 So built we the wall * and all the
red another piece, ouer against the wall was ioyned together vnto the
great tower that lieth out, euen vnto halfe therof: for the people had a minde
the wall of Ophel. to worke.
7 1T But
The builders Nehemiah. with weapons.
7 11 But it came to passe that when 19 1F And I said vnto the Nobles,
Sanballat and Tobiah, and the Ara- and to the rulers, and to the rest of the
Dians , and the Ammonites , and the >eople, The worke is great and large;
Ashdodites, heard that the walles and wee are separated vpon the wall,
t Hebr. as- of Jerusalem twere made vp, and one farre from another :
cended. that the breaches began to bee stopped , 20 In what place therefore ye heare
then they were very wroth, the sound of the trumpet, resort ye thi-
8 And conspired all of them toge- ther vnto vs : our God shal fight for vs.
ther, to come and to fight against leru- 21 So wee laboured in the worke :
t Hebr. to salem, and t to hinder it. and halfe of them held the speares, from
make an er. 9 Neuertheles, we made our prayer the rising of the morning, til the starres
rour to if.
vnto our God, and set a watch against appeared.
them, day and night, because of them. 22 Likewise at the same time said I
10 And ludah said, The strength vnto the people, Let euery one, with
of the bearers of burdens is decayed, bis seruant, lodge within lerusalem,
and there is much rubbish, so that we are that in the night they may be a guard to
not able to build the wall. vs, and labour on the day.
11 And our aduersaries said , They 23 So neither I, nor my brethren,
shall not know, neither see, till wee uor my seruants, nor the men of the
come in the midst among them, and slay guard which followed me, none of vs
them, and cause the worke to cease. put off our clothes, || sauing that euery one
l Or, euery

12 And it came to passe that when one put them off for washing. with his
the lewes which dwelt by them, came, weapon for
\ Or, that they said vnto vs ten times, || From all C H A P . V.
from att pla-
ces ye must places, whence yee shall returne vnto
returnetovs. vs, they will be vpon you. 1 The lewes coroplaine of their debt, morgage,
t'om 13 11 Therefore set I tin the lower and bondage. 6 Nehemiah rebuketh the v-
the lotver surers, and causeth them to make a couenant
parts of the places behind the wall, and on the high- of restitution. 14 Hee forbeareth his owne
vlace, $c. er places, I euen set the people, after
allowance, and keepeth hospitalitie.
their families, with their swords* their
speares, and their bowes. JNd tnere was a great cne
14 And I looked, and rose vp, and
said vnto the Nobles, and to the rulers,
and to rest of the people, Bee not ye a-
fraid of them : Remember the Lord
a of the people, and of their
wiues, against then: bre-
thren the lewes.
2 For there were that
which is great and terrible, and fight said, We, our sonnes, and our daugh-
for your brethren, your sonnes and your ters are many: therefore wee take vp
daughters, your wiues & your houses. come for them, that we may eat, and Hue.
15 And it came to passe when our ene- 3 Some also there were that saide,
mies heard that it was knowen vnto We haue morgaged our landes, vine-
vs, and God had brought their counsel! yards and houses, that we might buy
to nought, that we returned all of vs to corne, because of the dearth.
the wall, euery one vnto his worke. 4? There were also that said, Wee
16 And it came to passe from that haue borrowed money for the kings tri-
time forth, that the halfe of my seruants bute, and that vpon our lands and vine-
wrought in the worke, and the other yards.
halfe of them held both the speares, the 5 Yet now our flesh is as the flesh of
shields and the bowes, and the haber- our brethren, our children as their chil-
geons, and the rulers were behind all the dren : and loe, wee bring into bondage
house of ludah. our sonnes and our daughters, to bee
17 They which builded on the wall, seruants, and some of our daughters
and they that bare burdens, with those are brought vnto bondage already, nei-
that laded, euery one with one of his ther is it in our power to redeeme them :
hands wrought in the worke, and with for other men haue our lands and vine-
the other hand held a weapon. yards.
18 For the builders, euery one had 6 IT And I was very angry, when
t Heb. on his his sword girded tby his side, and so I heard their crie, and these words.
builded: and he that sounded the trum- 7 Then tl consulted with my selfe, t Heb.consul. my
pet was by mee. and I rebuked the Nobles, and the ru- heart ted to me.
Vfurie reformed. Chap.vj. Sanballats letters
lers, and said vnto them, You exact v- to vs from among the heathen that are
surie, euery one of his brother. And 1 about vs.
set a great assembly against them; 18 Now that which was prepared
8 And I said vnto them, We, after forme daily, rewoneoxe,andsixe choice
•Leuit. 25. our abilitie, haue * redeemed our bre- sheepe, also foules were prepared for
48. thren the I ewes, whic.h were sold vn- mee, and once in ten dayes, store of all
to the heathen; and will you euen sel sorts of wine : yet for all this required
your brethren ? or shall they be sold vn- not I the bread of the gouernour, be-
to vs ? Then held they their peace, and cause the bondage was heauy vpon this
found nothing to answere. people.
9 Also I said, It is not good that 19 * Thinke vpon mee, my God, for 22. * Chap. 13.
yee doe ? ought yee not to walke in the good, according to all that I haue done
feare of our God, because of the reproch for this people.
of the heathen our enemies ?
10 I likewise, and my brethren, and C H A P . VI.
my seruants, might exact of them mo-
ney and corne: I pray you let vs leaue 1 Sanballat practiseth by craft, by rumours, by
off this vsurie. hired prophecies, to terrific Nehemiah. 15
The worke is finished to the terrour of the
11 Restore, I pray you, to them, euen enemies. 17 Secret intelligence passeth be-
this day, their lands, their vineyards, tweene the enemies, and the nobles of ludah.
their oliue - yards, and their houses, al-
so the hundreth part of the money, and Ow it came to passe when

of the corne, the wine, and the oyle, that Sanballat, and Tobiah,
ye exact of them. and Geshem the Arabian,
12 Then said they, Wee will restore and the rest of our ene-
them,) and will require nothing of them; mies heard, that I had
so will we doe, as thou sayest. Then I bunded the wall, and that there was
called the Priests, and tooke an oath of no breach left therein : (though at that
them, that they should doe according to time I had not set vp the doores vpon
this promise. the gates,)
13 Also I shooke my lap, and said, 2 That Sanballat, and Geshem
So God shake out euery man from his sent vnto me, saying, Come, let vsmeet
louse, and from his labour, that perfor- together in some one o/the villages in
meth not this promise, euen thus be he the plaine of Ono; But they thought
t#*ft. empty shaken out, and t emptied. And all the to doe me mischiefe.
or cofrf. Congregation said, Amen, and praised 3 And I sent messengers vnto them,
the LORD. And the people did accor- saying, I am doing a great worke, so
ding to this promise. that I can not come down : why should
if f Moreouer, from the time that the worke cease, whitest I leaue it, and
[ was appointed to be their gouernor come downe to you ?
in the land of ludah, from the twen- 4 Yet they sent vnto me foure times*
tieth yeere euen vnto the two and thir- after this sort; and I answered them af-
tieth yere of Artaxerxes theking, that is, ter the same maner.
twelue yeres, I and my brethren, haue 5 Then sent Sanballat his seruant
not eaten the bread of the gouernour; vnto me, in like manner, the fifth time,
15 But the former gouernours that with an open letter in his hand:
had bene before me, were chargeable vn- 6 Wherein was written; It is re-
x> the people , and had taken of them ported among the heathen, and || Gash- t2hem,
1Or, Ge-
Dread, and wine, beside fourtie shekels mu sayth it, that thou and the lewes
of siluer, yea euen their seruants bare thinke to rebell: for which cause thou
rule ouer the people: but so did not I, buildest the wall, that thou mayest be
Because of the feare of God. their King, according to these words.
1.6 Yea also I continued in the worke 7 And thou hast also appointed Pro-
of this wall, neither bought wee any phets to preach of thee at lerusalem,
and : and all my seruants were gathe- saying, There is a King in ludah. And
red thither vnto the worke now shall it be reported to the king, ac-
17 Moreouer, there were at my ta- cording to these wordes. Come now
:>le, an hundred and fiftie of the I ewes therefore, and let vs take counsell to-
and rulers, besides those that came vn» gether.
8 Then
Tobiahs letters. Nehemiah. Who returned
8 Then I sent vnto him, saying, CHAP* VII.
There are no such things done as thou
sayest , but thou feignest them out of 1 Nehemiah comtmtteth the charge of lenisa-
thine owne heart. lem to Hanani and Hananiah. 3 A register
9 For they all made vs afraid, say- of the genealogie of them which came at the
first out of Babylon, 9 of the people, 39 of
ing, Their handes shall be weakened the Priests. 43 of the Leuites. 46 of the
from the worke that it bee not done. Nethinims. 57 of Solomons seruants. 63
Now therefore, O God, strengthen my and of the Priests which could not find their
n oviHo
pedegree. 66 The whole number of them,
with their substance. 70 Their oblations.
10 Afterward I came vnto the house
of Shemaiah the sonne of Delaiah, the

sonne of Mehetabel , who was shut vp. Ow it came to passe when
and he said. Let vs meet together in the ^e wa^ was ku
house of God , within the Temple, and ^a^set VP ^e doores; and
let vs shut the doores of the Temple ; "ie Porters » anc* t^ie 6^n"
for they will come to slay thee, yea in the gers, and the Leuites
night wil they come to slay thee. were appointed,
11 And I said, Should such a man 2 That I gaue my brother Hana-
as I, flee ? and who is there, that being ni, and Hananiah the ruler of the pa-
as I am, would goe into the Temple lace , charge ouer lerusalem (for hee
to saue his life? I will not goe in. was a faithfull man, and feared God a-
12 And loe, I perceiued that God boue many.)
had not sent him, but that he pronoun- 3 And I said vnto them', Let not
ced this prophecie against mee : for To- the gates of lerusalem be opened , vn-
biah, and Sanballat had hired him. till the Sunne bee hot ; and while they
18 Therefore was hee hired , that I stand by, let them shut the doores, and
should be afraid, and doe so, and sinne, barre them. And appoint watches of
and that they might haue matter for an the inhabitants of lerusalem, euery
euill report, that they might reproch one in his wateh, and euery one to bee
mee. ouer against his house.
14 My God, thinke thou vpon To- 4 Now the city was t large and great, \ spa-
biah, and Sanballat, according to these but the people were few therein, and the broad
their workes, and on the prophetesse houses were not builded,
Noadiah, and the rest of the prophets, 5 1f And my God put into mine
that would haue put me in feare. heart, to gather together the nobles,
15 U So the wall was finished, in and the rulers, & the people, that they
the twentie and fifth day of the moneth might be reckoned by genealogie. And
Elul, in fiftie and two dayes. I found a register of the genealogie of
16 And it came to passe that when all them which came vp at tne first , and
our enemies heard thereof, and all the found written therein ;
heathen , that were about vs, saw these 6 * These are the children of the pro- * Ezra. 2.1.
things , they were much cast downe in uince, that went vp out of the captiuitie, &c.
their owne eyes : for they perceiued of those that had beene caried away
that this worke was wrought of our whom Nebuchadnezzar the King of
God. Babylon had caried away, and came
17 11 Moreouer , in those dayes the againe to lerusalem and to ludah,
\Hebr. mul- nobles of ludah tsent many letters euery one vnto his citie :
tiplied let- 7 Who came with Zerubbabel, le-
ters passing vnto Tobiah , and the letters of Tobiah
to Tobiah. came vnto them. shua, Nehemiah, ||Azariah, Raamiah, H Or, Sera-
18 For there were many in ludah Nahamani, Mordecai, Bilshan, Mis- iah.
sworne vnto him : because nee was the pereth, Biguai, Nahum, Baanah. The
sonne in law of Shechaniah the sonne number, /MM/, of the men of thepeopleof
of Arah , and his sonne lohanan had Israel, was this:
taken the daughter of Meshullam , the 8 The children of Parosh, two thou-
sonne of Berechiah. sand, an hundred, seuentie and two.
19 Also they reported his good deeds 9 The children of Shephatiah, three
tt Or, mat" before me , and vttered my || wordes to hundred, seuentie and two.
ten. him : and Tobiah sent letters to put 10 The children of Arah , sixe hun-
me in fearc. dred, fiftie and two.
11 The
from Babylon Chap.vij. to lerufalem.
11 The children of Pahath-Moab, thousand, nine hundred, and thirty.
of the children of leshua, and loab, 39 5 The Priests. The children of
two thousand, and eight hundred, and *Iedaia, of the house of leshua, nine • 1. Chro.
24. 7.
eighteene. hundred, seuen tie .and three.
12 The children of Elam, a thou- 40 The children of Immer, a thou-
sand, two hundred, fiftie and foure. sand, fifty and two.
13 The children of Zattu, eight hun- 41 The children of Pashur, a thou-
dred fourtie and fiue. sand, two hundred, fourtie and seuen.
14 The children of Zaccai, seuen 42 The children of Harim, a thou-
hundred and threescore. sand, and seuenteene.
n Or, Bani. 15 The children of || Binnui, sixe hun- 43 f The Leuites. The children of
dred, fourty and eight. leshua, of Kadmiel, and of the children
16 The children of Bebai, sixe hun- of || Hodguah, seuentie and foure. 8 Or, Hoda-
uiah, Ezra
dred, twentie and eight. 44 f The singers. The children of 2. 4. Or, lu-
17 The children of Azgad, two thou- Asaph, an hundred, fourtie and eight. rfo/r,
3. 9
sand, three hundred, twentie and two. 45 f The porters. The children of
18 The children of Adonikam , sixe Shallum, the children of Ater, the chil-
hundred, threescore and seuen. dren of Talmon, the children of Akkub,
19 The children of Biguai, two thou- the children of Hatita, the children of
sand, threescore and seuen. Shobai, an hundred, thirtie and eight.
20 The children of Adin , sixe hun- 46 f The Nethinims. The children
dred, fiftie and fiue. of Ziha, the children of Hashupha, the
21 The children of Ater of Hezekiah, children of Tabaoth,
ninetie and eight. 47 The children of Keros, the chil-
22 The children of Hashum, three dren of Sia, the children of Padon,
hundred, twentie and eight 48 The children of Lebana, the chilr
23 The children of Bezai, three hun- dren of Hagaba, the children of Shal-
dred twentie and foure. mai,
I Or, lord. 24 The children of ||Hariph, an hun- 49 The children of Hanan, the chil-
dred and twelue. dren of Giddel, the children of Gahar,
1 Or, Qibbar. 25 The children of ||Gibeon, ninetie 50 The children of Reaiah, the chil-
and fiue. dren of Rezin, the children of Nekoda,
26 The men of Bethlehem, and Ne- 51 The children of Gazzam, the chil-
tophah , an hundred, fourescore and dren of Vzza, the children of Phaseah,
eight. 52 The children of Besai, the children
27 The men of Anathoth, an hun- of Meunim, the children of Nephi-
dred, twentie and eight. shesim,
II Or, Azma- 28 The men of || Bethazmaueth, 53 The children of Bakbuk, the chil-
fourtie and two. dren of Hakupha, the children of Har-
lOr, Kiri- 29 The men of || Kiriath - iearim, hur,
ath-arim. Chephirah and Beeroth, seuen hun- 54 The children of Baslith, the chil-
dred fourtie. and three. dren of Mehida., the children of Harsha,
30 The men of Ramah and Geba, 55 The children of Barkos, the chil-
sixe hundred, twentie and one. dren of Sisera, the children of Tamah,
31 of Michmash, an hun- 56 The children of Neziah, the chil-
dred and twenty and two. dren of Hatipha.
32 The men- of Bethel and Ai, an 57 IF The children of Solomons
hundred, twentie and three. seruants : The children of Sotai, the
33 The men of the other Nebo, fiftie children of Sophereth, the children of
and two. Perida,
*Seever.u. 34 The children of the other '* Elam, 58 The children of laala, the chil-
a thousand, two hundred, fiftie h foure. dren of Darken, the children of Giddel,
35 The children of Harim,, three hun- 59 The children of Shephatiah, the
dred and twentie. children of Hattil, the children of Poche-
36 The children of lericho, three reth Zebaim, the children of || Amon, I Or, Ami.
hundred, fourtie and fiue. 60 All the Nethinims, and the chil-
37 The children of Lod, Hadid, and dren of Solomons seruants, were three
Ono, seuen hundred, twentie and one. hundred ninetie and two.
38 The children of Senaa, three 61 * And these were they which went 43. * Ezra. 2.

Gifts to the worke. Nehemiah. The Law is read.
vp also from Tel-Melan, Tel-Hare-
sha, Cherub, Addon, and Immer : but C H A P . VIII.
Jiey could not shewe their fathers 1 The religious maner of reading and hearing
I0r,j*<fe. bouse, nor their ||seede, whether they the Law. 9 They comfort the people. 13 The
gree. forwardnesse of them to heare ana be instru*
were of Israel. cted. 16 They keepe the feast of Tabernacles.
62 The children of Delaiah, the chil-
dren of Tobiah, the children of Neko- Nd all the people gathe-

da, sixe hundred fourtie and two. red themselues together,
63 IF And of the priests: the children as one man, into the street
of Habaiah, the children of Koz, the that was before the water
children of Barzillai, which tooke one gate, * and they spake vnto * Ezra 3. I.
of the daughters of Barzillai the Gile- Ezra the scribe, to bring the booke of the and 7. 6.
adite to wife, and was called after their Law of Moses, which the XORD had
name. commanded to Israel.
64 These sought their register, a- 2 And Ezra the priest brought the
mong those that were reckoned by gene- Law before the Congregation, both of
alogie, but it was not found: therfore men and women, and all tthat could understood\HeHhat
were they, as polluted, put from the beare with vnderstanding 9 vpon the in hearing.
priesthood. first day of the seuenth moneth.
iOr>tkego~ 65 And ||the Tirshatha said vnto 3 And hee read therein before the
them, that they should not eate of the street that was before the water gate,
most holy things, till there stood vp a tfrom the morning vntill midday, be- \Heb.from
priest with Vrim and Thummim. fore the men and the women, and those the light.
66 1F The whole congregation to- that could vnderstand: And the eares
gether, was fourtie and two thousand, of all the people were attentiue vnto the
three hundred and threescore: booke of the law.
67 Beside their man seruants, and 4 And Ezra the scribe, stood vpon
their maid seruants, of whome there a t pulpit of wood, which they had made t Heb. towr
were seuen thousand, three hundred, for the purpose, and beside him stood of wood.
thirtie and seuen: and they had two Mattithiah, and Shema, and Anaiah,
hundred fourtie and fiue singing men and Vrijah, and Hilkiah, and Maase-
and singing women. iah, on his right hand: and on his left
68 Their horses, seuen hundred, hand,,Pedaiah, and Mishael, and Mal-
thirtie and sixe : their mules, two hun- chiah, and Hashum, and Hashbadana,
dred fourtie and fiue: Zechariah, and Meshullam.
69 Their camels, foure hundred thir- 5 And Ezra opened the booke in the
tie and fiue: sixe thousand, seuen hun- t sight of all the people (for hee was a- t Hebr. eyes.
dred and twentie asses. boue al the people) and when he opened
t Jlcbr* part* 70 f And t some of the chiefe of the it, all the people stood vp:
fathers, gaue vnto the worke: The 6 And Ezra blessed the L O R D the
Tirshatha gaue to the treasure, a thou- great God : and al the people answered,
sand drammes of gold, fiftie basons, fiue Amen, Amen, with lifting vp their
hundred and thirtie priests garments. hands : and they bowed their heads,
71 And some of the chiefe of the fa- and worshipped the LORD, with their
thers gaue to the treasure of the worke faces to the ground.
twentie thousand drammes of golde, 7 Also leshua and Bani, and She-
and two thousand and two hundred rebiah, I am in, Akkub, Shabbethai,
pound of siluer. Hodijah, Maaseiah, Kelita ,^ Azariah,
72 And that which the rest of the lozabad, Hanan, Pelaiah, ancl the Le-
people gaue, was twentie thousand uites, caused the people to vnderstand
drammes of gold, and two thousand the law : and the people stood in their
pound of siluer, and threescore and seuen place. :
priests garments. 8 So they read in the booke, in the
73 So the priests, and the Leuites, Law of God distinctly, and gaue the
and the porters, and the singers, and sense, and caused them to vnderstand the
some of the people, and the Nethinims, reading.
and all Israel, dwelt in their cities: And 9 If And Nehemiah, which is the
when the seuenth moneth came, the || Tirshatha, and Ezra the Priest the ft Or, the fro-
children of Israel were in their cities. Scribe, and the Leuites that taught uernour.
They make boothes. Ghap.ix. A folemne faft.
the people, said vnto all the people, C H A P . IX.
This day is holy vnto the LORD
your God, mourne not, nor weepe: for I A solemne Fast, and repentance of the peg-
pie. 4 The Leuites make a religious confes-
all the people wept, when they heard sion of Gods goodnes, and their wickednes.
the words of the Law.
10 Then hee sayd vnto them, Goe Ow in the *twentie and * Chap. & 2

your way, eat the fat, & drinke the sweet, fourth day of this mo-
and send portions vnto them, for whom neth, the children of Isra-
nothipg is prepared: for this day is ho- el were assembled with fa^
ly vnto our L O R D : neither be ye so- sting, & with sackclothes,
ry, for the ioy of the L O R D is your ana earth vpon them.
strength. 3 And the seede of Israel separated
11 So the Leuites stilled all the peo- themselues from all t strangers, and children.
le, saying, Holde your peace, for the stood and confessed their sinnes, and the
§ ay is holy, neither be ye grieued. iniquities of their fathers.
12 And all the people went their 3 And they stood vp in their place,
way to eate, and to drinke, and to send and read in the booke of the Law of
portions, and to make great mirth, be- the L O R D their God, one fourth part
cause they had vnderstood the wordes of the day, and another fourth part they
that were declared vnto them. confessed and worshipped the L O R D
13 IF And on the second day were ga- their God.
thered together the chiefe of the fathers 4 1F Then stoode vp, vpon the
of all the people, the Priestes and the Ijstaires of the Leuites, leshua and fold. II Or, scaf-
Leuites, vnto Ezra the Scribe, euen Bani, Kadmiel, Shebaniah, Bunni,
\ Or, that || to vnderstand the wordes of the Sherebiah , Bani, and Chenani, and
they might
Instruct in Law. cryed with a loude voice vnto the
the words of
the Law.
14 And they found written in the LORD their God.
Law whith the L O R D had comman- 5 Then the Leuites, leshua and
\Heb.bvthe ded tby Moses, that the children of Is- Kadmiel, Bani, Hashabniah, Shere-
hand of.
• Lcuit. 23. rael should dwell in * boothes, hi the biah, Hodiiah, Shebaniah, and Petha-
34. deut.
feast of the seuenth moneth: hiah , sayde, Stand vp, and blesse the
15 And that they should publish and L O R D your God for euer and euer,
proclaime in all their cities, and in le- and blessed bee thy glorious Name,
rusalem, saying, Goe foorth vnto the which is exalted aboue all blessing and
mount, and fetch Oliue branches, and praise.
Pine branches, and Myrtle branches, 6 Thou, euen thou art L O R D a-
and Palme branches, and branches of lone, *thou hast made heauen, the hea- * Gen. 1.1.
thicke trees, to make boothes, as it is uen of heauens, with all their hoste, the
written. earth, and all things that are therein,
16 So the people went foorth, and the seas, and all that is therin, and thou
brought them, and made themselues preseruest them all, and the hoste of hea-
boothes, euery one vpon the roofe of uen worshippeth thee.
his house , and in their courts, and in 7 Thou art the L O R D the God,
the courts of the house of God, and in who diddest choose * Abram, and * Gen. 11.
the streete of the water-gate, and in the broughtest him forth out of Vr of the 31. and 12.
i. & 17. 5.
streete of the gate of Ephraim. Caldees, and gauest him the name of
17 And all the congregation of them Abraham:
that were come againe out of the capti- 8 And foundest his heart *faithfull * Gen. 15. 6.
uitie, made boothes, and sate vnder the before thee, & madest a *couenant with * Gen. 12.
boothes: for since the dayes of leshua him, to giue the land of the Canaanites, 17* and 15.
18. & 17. 9.
the sonne of Nun, vnto that day, had the Hittites, the Amorites, and the Pe-
not the children of Israel done so: and rizzites, and the lebusites, and the Gir-
there was very great gladnesse. gashites, to giue it,Isay,to his seed,and
18 Also day by day from the first day hast performed thy words, for thou art
vnto the last day, he read in the booke righteous,
of the Law of God: and they kept the 9 * And didst see the affliction of our * Rxod. 3.7.
feast seuen dayes, and on the eight day fathers in Egypt, and heardest their cry and 14. 10.
t Heh. a re- was ta solemne assembly according vn- by the red Sea,
ttrqint. K
to the maner. 10 And shewedst signes * and won- ?, Exod. 7.8,
10, 12, &
14. chapters
jfods benefits. Nehemiah. Mans ingratitude.
ers vpon rnaraoh, and on all his ser- tney Jacked nothing; their * clothes wax- Deut. 8. 4
ants, and on all the people of his land: ed not old, and their feet swelled not.
or thou knewest that they dealt proud- 22 Morepuer, thou gauest them
e against them: so didst thou get thee a dngdomes and nations, and diddst di-
ame, as it is this day. uide them into corners: so they possessed
Exod. 14. 11 * And thou didst diuide the sea be- he land of #Sihon, and the land of the * Num. 21.
ore them, so that they went through dng of Heshbon , and the land of Og 21, &c.

he midst of the sea on the drie land, and dng of Bashan.

heir persecutours thou threwest into 23 Their children also multipliedst
he deepes, as a stone into the mightie hou as the starres of heauen, and
* Exod. 15. * waters. >roughtest them into the land, concer-
* Exod. 13. 12 Moreouer thou * leddest them in ning which thou hadst promised to
21. he day by a cloudy pillar, and in the their fathers, that they should goe in to
[light, by a pillar of fire, to giue them wssesse it.
ight in the way wherin they should go. 24 So the children went in, and pos-
* Exod. 20.1 13 Thou * earnest downe also vpon sessed the land, and thou subduedst be-
and 10. 20.
mount Sinai, and spakest with them bre them the inhabitants of the lande,
rom heauen, and gauest them right the Canaanites, and gauest them into
Heb. lawes udgements, and ttrue lawes, good sta- their hands, with their kings, and the
utes and commandements : >eople of the land, that they might doe
14 And madest knowen vnto them with them, tas they would. t Heb. accor-
hy holy Sabbath, and commandedst 25 And they tooke strong cities, and ding
to tlieir
hem precepts, statutes, and lawes, by a fat land, and possessed houses ful of all
he hand of Moses thy seruant: roods, [| welles digged, vineyards, anc Wrjisternes
* Exod. 16. 15 And * gauest them bread from hea- Oliue yards, and tfruit trees in abun- t Heb. tree
15. & 17. 6. offoode.
num. 20. 9. uen for their hunger, and broughtest dance : So they did eat and were filled,
brth water for them out of the rocke, and became fat ? and delighted them-
br their thirst, and promisedst them selues in thy great goodnesse.
* Deut. 1.8 hat they should *goe in to possess? the 26 Neuerthelesse, they were disobe-
Heb. which and, t which thou hadst sworne to giue dient, and rebelled against thee,and cast
hou hadst
ift vp thim hem. thy law behind their backes, and slewe
and to giue 16 But they and our fathers dealt thy * prophets, which testified against * I.King. 19
nroudly, aud hardened their necks, am them to turne them to thee, and they 20.
learkned not to thy commandements: wrought great prouocations.
17 And refused to obey, neither were 27 Therefore thou deliueredst them
mindful of the wonders that thou didst into the hande of their enemies, whc
among them: but hardened their necks, vexed them, & in the time of their trou
* Num. 14. and in their rebellion appointed *a cap- [>le, when they cried vnto thee, thot
taine to returne to their bondage: but heardest them from heauen: and accor
t Heb. a go thou art ta God ready to pardon, graci- ding to thy manifold mercies, thou ga
of pardons.
ous and merciful!,'slow to anger, anc uest them sauiours, who saued them ou
of great kindnes, & forsookest them not. of the hand of their enemies.
* Kxo. 32. 18 Yea *when they had made them a 28 But after they had rest, t they dietreturned
Hebr. the$
molten calfe, and said, This is thy God, euill againe before thee: therefore leftes doe euill.
that brought thee vp out of Egypt, am thou them in the hand .of their enemies
had wrought great prouocations: so that -they had the dominion oue
19 Yet thou, in thy manifold mercies, them: yet when they returned and cri
forsookest them not in the wildernesse: ed vnto thee, thou heardest them fron
* Exod. 13. the * pillar of the cloude departed not heauen, and many^times didst thou de
22. num. 14
14.1. cor. from them by day, to leade them in the liuer them, according to thy mercies:
10.1. way, neither the pillar of fire by night, 29 And testifiedst against them, tha
to shew them light, and the way wher- thou mightest bring them againe vnt
in they should goe. thy lawe: yet they dealt proudly, an
* Num. 11. 20 Thou gauest also thy *good spi- hearkened not vnto thy commaunde
rit , to instruct them, and withheldes ments, but sinned against thy iudge
15. & 17, ^6
not thy * Manna from their mouth, anc ments, (which if a man doe, he shal liu
iosh. 5>12. | gauest them water for their thirst in them) tand withdrew the shoulder t Heb. the*
21 Yea fourtie yeercs diddest thou and hardened their necke, and woul gaueawtih drawing
sustaine them in the wildernesse, sp that not heare. shouldef*
30 Ye
Who lealed Qiap.x. the Couenant.
Heb. pro* 30 Yet many yeres diddest thau tfor- 3 Pashur, Amariah, Malchiah,
ract ouer
hem. jeare them, and testifiedst * against them 4 Hattush, Shebaniah, Malluch,
* 2. King. 3y thy Spirit tin thy Prophets : yet 5 Harim, Merimoth, Obadiah,
7. 13. 2.
chr. 36'. 15. would they not giue eare : therefore ga- 6 Daniel, Ginnethon, Baruch,
^ Heb. in the
ha7idofthy uest thou them into the hand of the peo-
7 Meshullam, Abiiah, Miiamin,
Prophets. ple* of the lands. 8 Maaziah, Bilgai, Shemaiah:
31 Neuerthelesse, for thy great mer- these were the Priests.
cies sake, thou diddest not vtterly con- 9 And the Leuites : both leshua
sume them, nor forsake them ; for thou the sonne of Azaniah, Binnui, of the
art a gracious and inercifull God. sonnes of Henadad, Kadmiel;
32 Now therefore, our God, the 10 And their brethren, Shebaniah,
* EXO. 34. 0. great, the *mightie, and the terrible Hodiiah, Kelita, Pelaiah, Hanan,
Srod, who keepest couenant and mer- 11 Micah, Rehob, Hashabiah,
t Heb. toea- cie: let not all the t trouble seeme little 12 Zaccur, Sherebiah, Shebaniah,
rinesse. 13 Hodiiah, Bani, Beninu,
t Heb. that jefore thee, t that hath come vpon vs,
hath found on our Kings, on our Princes, & on our 14 The chiefe of the people. Parosh,
Priests , and on our Prophets, & on our Pahath-Moab, Elam, Zatthu, Bani,
athers, & on al thy people, since the time 15 Bunni, Azgad, Bebai,
of the Kings of Assyria, vnto this day. 16 Adoniiah, Biguai, Adin,
33 Howbeit, thou art iust in all that is 17 Ater, Hizkiian, Azzur,
wrought vpon vs, for thou hast done 18 Hodiah, Hashum, Bezai,
right, but we haue done wickedly: 19 Hariph, Anathoth, Nebai,
34 Neither haue our kings, our 20 Magpiash, Meshullam, Hezir,
Princes, our Priests, nor our fathers 21 Meshezabeel, Zadok, laddua,
cept thy Law, nor hearkened vnto thy 22 Pelatiah, Hanan, Anaiah,
Commandements, and thy Testimo- 23 Hoshea, Hananiah, Hashub,
nies , wherewith thou didst testifie a- 24 Hallohesh, Pileha, Shobek,
gainst them. 25 Kehum, Hashabnah, Maaseiab,
35 For they haue not serued thee in 26 And Ahiiah, Hanan, A nan,
their kingdome, and in thy great good- 27 Malluch, Harim, Baanah.
nesse that thou gauest them, and in the 28 IF * And the rest of the people, the * Ezr. a. 4 3
large and fat land which thou gauest Priests, the Leuites, the Porters, the
before them /neither turned they from singers, the Nethinims, and all they
their wicked workes. that had separated themselues from
36 Behold, we are seruants this day; the people of the lands, vnto the Law
and for the land that thou gauest vnto of God, their wiues, their sonnes, and
our fathers, to eat the fruit thereof, and their daughters, euery one hauing
the good (thereof, behold, wee are ser- knowledge, and hauing vnderstan-
uants in it. ding.
37 And it yeeldeth much increase vn- 29 They claue to their brethren their
to the kings , whom thou hast set ouer nobles, and entred into a curse, and into
vs, because of our sinnes : also they haue an oath to walke m Gods law, which
dominion ouer our bodies, and ouer was giuen t by Moses the seruant of t Heb. by the
our cattell, at their pleasure; and wee God, and to obserue and doe all the hand qf.
are in great distresse. com man dements of the L O R D our
38 And because of all this, wee make Lord, and his ludgernents, and his
a sure couenant, and write it, and our statutes:
tH^.arc Princes, Leuites, and Priestes , t scale 30 And that we would not giue * our * EXO. 34. Hi
at the sett-
ling* or sea- vnto it. daughters vnto the people of the land, deut. 7. 3,
led. nor take their daughters for our
C H A P . X. sonnes.
1 The names of them that sealed the couenant 31 * And if the people of the land bring * Exod. 20.
29 The points of the covenant ware or any victuals on the Sabbath 3. 10. leui. 23.
deut. 5.
t Heb. at the Ow those t that sealed day, to sell, that we would not buy it oi 12. nehem.

sealings. 13. 23.
y Or, the. go- were, Nehemiah ||theTir- them on the Sabbath, or on the holy-
uernour. shatha the sonne of Ha- day, and that wee would leaue the
chaliah, and Zidkiiah, seuenth y eere, and the * exaction of t eue- * Deut. 15. 9
2 Seraiah, Azariah, rie debt. leuit. 25. 4.
t Heb. euery
Jeremiah, 32 Also we made ordinances for vs, hand.
Firft fruits &c. Nehemiah. Who dwelt
to charge our selues yeerely , with the Nd the rulers of the peo-

third part of a shekel, for the seruice of ple dwelt at Jerusalem:
the house of our God, the rest of the people also
33 For the shew-bread, and for the cast lots, to bring one of
continuall meate-offering, and for the tenne, to dwell in lerusa-
continuall burnt offering, of the Sab- Jem, the holy citie, and nine parts to
baths , of the new moones, for the set- dwell in other cities.
feastes, and for the holy things, and for 2 And the people blessed all the men,
the sin-offerings, to make an atonement that willingly offered themselues, to
for Israel, and for all the worke of thedwell at Jerusalem.
house of our God. 3 U Now these are the chiefe of the
34 And we cast the lots among the prouince that dwelt in Jerusalem : but
in the cities of ludah dwelt euerie one
priests, the Leuites, and the people, for
the wood offering, to bring it into the in his possession in their cities, to wit,
bouse of our God, after the houses of Israel, the priests, and the Leuites,
our fathers, at times appointed, yeere and the Nethinims, and the children of
by yeere, to burne vpon the altar of theSolomons seruants.
LORD our God, as it is written in 4 And at Jerusalem dwelt certaine
* See num. the *law: of the children ofludah, and of the chil-
28. & 29. dren of Beniamin. Of the children of
chap, and 35 And to bring the first fruits of our
Exod. 23. ground, and the first fruites of all fruit
19. and Le-
ludah : Athaiah the sonne of Vzziah,
uit. 19. 23. of all trees, yeere by yeere, vnto the the sonne of Zechariah, the sonne of A-
house of the LORD. mariah, the sonne of Shephatiah, the
36 Also the first-borne of our sonnes,sonne of Mahalaleel, of the children of
* Exod. 13. and of our cattell (as it is written * in Perez.
2. Leuit. 23. the lawe) and the firstlings of our
17. num. 5 And Maaseiah the sonne of Ba-
15.19. and heards, and of our flockes , to bring to ruch the sonne of Col-Hozeh, the sonne
18. 12. &c.
the house of our God, vnto the priests of Hazaiah the sonne of Adaiah , the
that minister in the house of our God : sonne of loiarib, the sonne of Zechari-
37 And that we should bring the first ah, the sonne of Shiloni.
fruits of our dough, and our offerings, 6 All the sonnes of Perez that
and the fruit of all maner of trees, of dwelt at Jerusalem, were foure hun-
dred threescore and eight valiant
wine and of oile, vnto the priests, to the
chambers of the house of our God, and men.
the tithes of our ground vnto the Le- 7 And these are the sonnes of Ben-
uites, that the same Leuites might iamin : Sallu the sonne of Meshullam,
haue the tithes, in all the cities of ourthe sonne of Joed, the sonne of Peda-
tillage. iah, the sonne of Kolaiah, the sonne of
38 And the priest the sonne of Aaron, Maaseiah, the sonne of Ithiel, the
* Num. is. shall be with the Leuites, * when the sonne of Jesaiah.
Leuites take tithes, and the Leuites 8 And after him Gabai, Sallai, nine
hundred twentie and eight.
shal bring vp the tithe of the tithes vntd
the house of our God, to the chambers 9 And Joel the sonne of Zichri was
into the treasure house. their ouerseer : and ludah the sonne of
39 For the children of Israel, and Senuah, was second ouer the city.
10 Of the Priests : Jedaiah the sonne
the children of Leui, shall bring the offe-
ring of the corne, of the new wine, and of loiarib, Jachin;
the oyle, vnto the chambers, where are 11 Seraiah the sonne of Hilkiah, the
the vessels of the sanctuarie, and the sonne of Meshullam , the sonne of Za-
priests that minister, and the porters, dok, the sonne of Meraioth, the sonne
and the singers, and we will not forsakeof Ahitub, was the ruler of the house of
the house of our God. God.
12 And their brethren that did the
worke of the house, were eight hundred
CHAP.-XL twentie and two : and Adaiah the sonne
1 The rulers, voluntary men, and the tenth
of Jeroham, the sonne of Pelaliah, the
man chosen by Lot, dwell at Jerusalem. 3 sonne of Amzi, the sonne of Zechariah,
A catalogue of their names. 20 The resi- the sonne of Pashur, the sonne of Mal-
due dwell in other cities. chiah,
13 And
in lerufalem, and Chap.xij. the cities of ludah.
1& Ana nis brethren, cniete ot tne ia- 27 And at Hazer-Shual, and at
hers, two hundred fourty and two : Beer-sheba, and in the villages thereof:
md Amashai the sonne of Azareel, the 28 And at Ziglag, and at Meko-
onne of Ahasai, the sonne of Meshile- nah, and ha the villages thereof:
noth, the sonne of Immer. 29 And at En-Rimmon, and at Za-
14 And their brethren mighty men reah, and at larmuth,
rf valour, an hundred twenty and 30 Zanoah, Adullam, and in their
sight; and their ouerseer was Zabdiel, villages, at Lachish, and the fieldes
II Or, to* | the sonne of one of the great men. thereof: at Azekah, and in the villages
sonne of 15 Also of the Leuites : Shemaiah thereof. And they dwelt from Beer-
ohm. ;he sonne of Hashub, the sonne of Azri- sheba, vnto the valley of Hinnom.
cam, the sonne of Hashabiah, the sonne 31 The children also of Beniamin,
of Bunni. |from Geba, dwelt ||at Michmash,and I Or, ofGe-
16 And Shabbethai, and lozabad, Aiia, and Beth-el, and in their villages: ba.
I Or. to
Hebr. were of the chiefe of the Leuits, t had the ouer- 32 And at Anathoth, Nob, Anamah, Michmash.
ouer. sight of the outward businesse of the 33 Hazor, Ramah, Gittaim,
louse of God. 34 Hadid, Zeboim, Neballat,
17 And Mattaniah the sonne of Mi- 35 Lod, and Ono, the valley of
cha, the sonne of Zabdi, the sonne of A- craftes-men.
saph, was the principall to beginne the 36 And of the Leuites, were diuisions
;hankesgiuing in prayer: and Bakbu- in ludah, and in Beniamin.
ciah the second among his brethren,
and Abda the sonne of Shammua, the
sonne of Galal, the sonne of leduthun. CHAP. XII.
18 AH the Leuites in the holy City, 1 The Priests, 8 and the Leuites which came
were two hundred, fourescore and foure. vp with Zerubbabel. 10 The succession of
19 Moreouer, the porters, Akkub, hie Priests. 92 Certaine chiefe Leuites. 27
The solemnitie of the dedication of the walls.
Talmon, and their brethren that kept 44 The offices of Priests and Leuites appoin-
t Hebr. at t the gates, were an hundred seuenty and ted in the Temple.
the gates. two.
20 f And the residue of Israel, of Ow these are the * Priests •Ezra2.1.

the Priests and the Leuitesl were in all ' and the Leuits that went
the cities of ludah, euery one in his in- vp with Zerubbabel the
heritance. sonne of Shealtiel, and
* See Chap; 21 *But the Nethinims dwelt in leshua : Serai ah, le-
\\0rtthe ||Ophel : and Ziha, and Gispa were o- remiah, Ezra,
tower. uer the Nethinims. 2 Amariah, ||Malluch, Hat tush, I Or, Jfeft.
t ver. 14.
22 The ouerseer also of the Leuites 3 HShecaniah, ||Rehum, [|Meri- cu 8 Or, Seba-
at lerusalem, was Vzzi the sonne of moth, niah t uer, 14.
II Or, Harim,
Bani, the son of Hashabiah, the sonne 4 Iddo, HGhmetho, Abiiah, ver. 15.
of Mattaniah, the sonne of Micha: Of 5 ||Miamin, [jMadiah, Bilgah, «Or, Mera-
ioth, ver. 15.
the sonnes of Asaph, the singers were 6 Shemaiah, & loiarib, ledaiah, I Or, Oinne-
ouer the businesse of the house of God. 7 ||Sallu, Amok, Hilkiah, ledaiah: thon, 16.
23 For it was the kings commande- these were the ch iefe of the Priests, and of II Or, Min.
II Or, a sure ment concerning them, that ||a certaine their brethren in the dayes of leshua. iamin, 17.
ordinance. portion should be for the singers, due for 8 Moreouer the Leuites : leshua, lOr.JIfoa-
euery day. Binnui, Kadmiel, Sherebiah, ludah, diahiver.n.10r, Sallai,
24> And Pethahiah the sonne of Me- and Mattaniah, which was ouer the ver. 20.
shezabel, of the children of Zerah the || thankesgiuing, he and his brethren. the i That is,
sonne of ludah, was at the kings hand 9 Also Bakbukiah, and Vnni; their of thankes-
in all matters concerning the people. brethren, were ouer against them in the giuing.
25 And for the villages, with their watches.
fields, sowtf of the children of ludah 10 H And leshua begate loiakim,
dwelt at Kiriath-arba, and in the vil- loiakim also begate Eliashib, and E-
lages thereof; and atDibon, and in the liashib begate loiada,
villages thereof, and at lekabzeel, and 11 And loiada begate lonathan,
in the villages thereof: and lonathan begate laddua.
26 And at leshua, and at Moladah, 12 And in the dayes of loiakim,
and at Beth-phelet, were Priests the chiefe of the fathers:
The wall is Nehemiah. dedicated.
ot beraian, ivieraian: ot leremian, mauetn: tor the lingers naa builaea
•lananiah : them villages round about Jerusalem.
13 Of Ezra, Meshullam: of Ama- 30 And the Priests and the Leuites
riah, lehohanan : jurified themselues, and purified the
14 Of Melicu, lonathan : of She- people, and the gates, and the wall.
>aniah, Joseph : 31 Then I brought vp the princes of
15 Of Harim, Adna : of Meraioth, [udah vpon the wall, and appointed
Helkai: two great companies of them that gaue
16 Of Iddo, Zechariah : of Ginne- ihankes, whereof one went on the right
thon, Meshullam : band vpon the wall toward the doyng-
17 Of Abijah, Zichri : of Miniamin, jate :
of Moadiah, Piltai : 32 And after them went Hoshaiah,
18 Of Bilgah, Shammua ; of She- and halfe of the Princes of ludah,
maiah, lehonathan: 33 And Azariah, Ezra, and Meshul-
19 And of loiarib; Mattenai: of lam,
[edaiah, Vzzi: 34 I udah, and Beniamin, and She-
20 Of Sallai, Kallai : of Amok, maiah, and Jeremiah,
Eber: 35 And certaine of the Priests sonnes
21 Of Hilkiah, Hashabiah : of Ie- with trumpets: namely, Zechariah the
daiah, Nethanael. sonne of Jonathan, the sonne of She-
22 f The Leuites in the dayes of maiah, the sonne of Mattaniah , the
Eliashib, loiada, and lohanan, and sonne of Michaiah , the sonne of Zac-
laddua, were recorded chiefe of the fa- cur, the sonne of Asaph:
thers : also the Priests, to the reigne of 36 And ihis brethren, Shemaiah, and
Darius the Persian. i Asarael, Milalai, Gilalai, Maai, Ne-
23 The sonnes of Leui, the chiefe of thanael, and I udah, Hanani, with the
the fathers, were written in the foooke musicall instruments of Dauid the man
*i. Chro. 9. of the * Chronicles, euen tfltill the dayes of God; and Ezra the Scribe before
of lohanan the sonne of Eliashib. them.
24 And the chiefe of the Leuites: 37 And at the fountame-gate, which
Hashabiah, Sherebiah, and leshua was ouer against thein , they went vp
the sonne of Kadmiel, with their bre- by the staires of the citie of Dauid, at the
thren ouer against them, to praise and to going vp of the wall, aboue the 'house
iue thankes, according to the comman* of Dauid, e.uen vnto the water-gate,.
§ ement of Dauid the man of God, ward Eastward.
ouer against ward. 38 And the other company of them
25 Mattaniah, and Bakbukiah, that gaue thankes, went ouer against
Obadiah, Meshullam, Talmon, Ak- them, and I after them, and the 'halfe
kub, were porters keeping the ward, at of the people vpon the wall, from foe-
i Or, trea* the || thresholds of the gates. yond the towre of the fornaces, euen vn-
suries, or as-
semblies. 26 These were in the dayes of loia- to the broad wall,
kim, the sonne of leshua, the sonne of 39 And from aboue the gate of E-
lozadak, and in the dayes of Nehe- phraim, and abque the olde gate, and a-
miah the gouernour, and of Ezra the boue the fish-gate, and the towre of
Priest, the Scribe. Hananeel, and the towre of Meah, euen
27 II And at the dedication of the vnto the sheepegate; and they stood still
wall of Jerusalem, they sought the in the prison gate.
Leuites out of all their places, to bring 40 So stood the two companies of
them to Jerusalem, to keepe the dedica- them that gaue thankes in the house of
tion with gladnesse, both with thankes- God, and I, and the halfe of the ru-
giuings and with singing, with cymbals, lers with me:
psalteries, and with harpes. 41 And the Priests : Eliakim, Maa-
28 And the sonnes of the Singers seiah, Miniamin, Michaiah, Elioenai,
gathered themselues together, both out Zachariah, and Hananiah with trum-
of the plaine countrey round about Je- pets:
rusalem, and from the villages of Ne- 42 And Maaseiah, and Shemaiah,
tophathi. and Eleazar, and Vzzi, and lehoha-
29 Also from the house of Gilgal, nan, and Malchiiah, and Elam, and E- \ Heb. made
their voice
and out of the fields of Geba, and Az- zer. And the Singers t sang loud, with '•o be heard.
The Law read. Chap.xiij. Abufes reformed.
Iezrahish their ouerseer. 5 And hee had prepared for him a
43 Also that day they offered great great chamber, where aforetime they
sacrifices,. and raoyced; fo» Gad had laid! the meat offrings, the frankincense
made them reioyce tfith great ioy: the and the vessels, and the tithes of the
wiues al$o and the children reioyeed: so corne, the new wine, and the oile, which
that the ioy of lerusalem was heard was t commanded to begiuen to the Le- t Hebr. the
euen afarre off uites, and the singers, and the porters, commande-
ment of the
44 1F And at that time were some and the offerings of* the priests. Leuites.

appointed oner the chambers for the 6 But in all this time was not I at
treasures, for the offerings, for the first lerusalem: for in the two and thirtieth
fruits, and for the tithes, to gather into yeere of'Artaxerxes king of Babylon,
them out of the fields of the cities the catrie I vnto the king, and t after cer- t Heb. at the
U That i>, dj>. portions of the ||law for the priests and taine dayes, || obtained I leaue of the end of dales.
II Or, I ear-
pointed by
the taw. Leuites: tfor Itidah reioyced for the King: nesily reque-
t Hebr. for Priests, & for the Leuites t that waited.
the ioy of
7 And I came to lerusalem, and sted.
ludah. 45 And both the singers and the por- vnderstood of the euil th&t Eliashib did
t Heb. that ters kept the ward qf their God, and
for Tobiah, in .preparing him a cham-
* 1. Chron. the ward of the purification, * according ber in the courts of the house of God.
24. and 25. to the commandement of Dauid, and of
chap. 8 And it grieued me sore, therefore
Solomon his sohtte. I cast foorth all the houshold stuffe of
"• 1. Chron.
25. 1, &C.
46 For in the dayes of Dauid *and Tobiah out of the chamber:
Asaph of old, there were chiefe of the 9 Then I commanded, and they
singers, attd songs of praise and thanks- cleansed the chambers, and thither
jiuing vnto God. brought I againe the vessels of the
47 And all Israel in the dayes of house of God, with the meate offering,
Zerubbabel, and in the dayes of Nehe- and the frankincense.
miah, gaue the portions of the singers, 10 If And I perceiued that the porti-
and the porters, euery day his portion, ons of the Leuites had not beehe giueii
I TJtat is, set and they || sanctified holy things vnto the them: for the Leuites and the singers
* Num. 18. Leuites, * and the Leuites sanctified that did the worke, were fled euery oile
26. them vnto the children of Aaron. to his field.
11 Then contended I with the ru-
CHAP XIIL lers, and said, Why is the house of God
1 Vpon the reading of the Law, separation is
forsaken? And I gathered them toge-
made from the mixed multitude. 4 Nehemi- ther, and set them in their t place. t Heb. stan.
ah at bis returae, causeth the chambers to bee 12 Then brought all ludah the ding.
cleansed. 10 He reformeth the offices in the tithe of the corne, and the new wine,
house of God. 15 The violation of the Sab- and the oyle, vnto the || treasuries. II Or, store-
bath. 23 & the manages with strange wiues.
13 And I made treasurers ouer the houses.
t Heb. there
was read.
N that day tthey read in treasuries, Shelemiah the priest, and

* Num. 22. the *booke of Moses in the Zadok the scribe, and of the Leuites,
5. deut. 23.3 t audience of the people, Pedaiah: and tnext to them was Hanan t Hebr. at
t Heb. eares
and therein was found the sonne of Zaccur, the sonne of Mat- their hand.
written, that the Ammo- taniah : for they were counted faithfull,
nite and the Moabite should not come and t their office was to distribute vnto t Heb. it was
vpon them.
into the Congregation of God for euer, their brethren.
* Num. 22, % * Because they met not the children 14 * Remember me, O my God, con-* Verse 22.
5. iosh. 24. 9 of Israel with bread, and with water, cerning this, and wipe not out my tgood nesses.
t Heb. kind,
but hired Balaam against them, that deeds, that I haue done for the house
he should curse them: howbeit our God of my God, and for the || offices thereof.II Or, obser-
turned the curse into a blessing. 15 IT In those dayes sawe I in lu- vations.
3 Now it came to passe when they dah, some treading wine presses on the
had heard the law, that they sepa- Sabbath, and bringing in sheaues, and
rated from Israel all the mixed mul- lading asses, as also wine, grapes, and
titude. figs, and all maner of burdens, which
4 U And before this Eliashib the they brought into Jerusalem on the
t ffgb. 'being priest t hauing the ouersight of the cham- Sabbath day : and I testified against
set ouer. them in the day wherein they solde vi-
ber of the house of our God, was allied
vnto Tobiah: ctuals.
16 There
Abufe of the Nehemiah. Sabbath, reformed.
16 There dwelt men of Tyre also lewes mat jnaa manea wiues 01 Asn- t Heb. had
therein, which brought fish and all ma- made to
dod, of Ammon, and of Moab: dwell with
ner of ware, and solde on the Sabbath 24 And their children spake halfe in them.
vnto the children of ludah, and in le- the speech of Ashdod, and t could not discerned
t Heb. they
rusalem. speake in the lewes language, but ac- nottospeake.
17 Then I contended with the No- cording to the language tof ech people. Heb. of peo-
bles of ludah, and sayd vnto them, 25 And I contended with them, and ple )le.
What euill thing is this that ye doe, and | cursed them, and smote certeine of Or, reuiled
profane the Sabbath day ? them, and pluck t off their haire, and them.
18 Did not your fathers thus, and made them sweare by God, saying, Yee
did not our Grod bring all this euill vp- shall not giue your daughters vnto
on vs, and vpon this citie? yet ye bring their sonnes, nor take their daughters
more wrath vpon Israel, by profaning vnto your sonnes, or for your selues.
the Sabbath. 26 Did not Solomon king of Is-
19 And it came to passe, that when rael sinne by these things ? yet among
the gates of Jerusalem beganne to be many nations was there no king like
darke before the Sabbath, I comman- him, who was beloued of his God, and
ded that the-gates should be shut, and God made him king ouer all Israel:
charged that they should not be opened *neuerthelesse,euen him did outlandish 1, •1. King. 11
till after the Sabbath : and some of my women cause to sinne.
seruants set I at the gates, that there 27 Shall wee then hearken vnto
should no burden be brought in on the you, to doe all this great euill, to trans-
Sabbath day. gresse against our God, in marrying
20 So the merchants, and sellers of strange wiues ?
all kinde of ware, lodged without Je- 28 And one of the sonnes of loiada,
rusalem once or twice. the sonne of Eliashib the high Priest,
21 Then I testified against them, and was sonne in law to Sanballat the Ho-
t Heb. be- said vnto them, Why lodge yee t about ronite : therfore I chased him from me.
fore the wall.
the wall ? If ye doe so againe, I will 29 Remember them, O my God,
lay hands on you. From that time forth t because they haue defiled the Priest- dealings.
came they no more on the Sabbath. hood , and the couenant of the Priest-
22 And I commanded the Leuites, hood, and of the Leuites.
that they should cleanse themselues, 30 Thus cleansed I them from all
and that they should come and keepe strangers, and appointed the wards of
the gates, to sanctifie the Sabbath day: the Priests and the Leuites, euery one
Remember me, O my God, concerning in his businesse:
this also, and spare me, according to the 31 And for the wood - offering, at
II Or, multi- Hgreatnesse of thy mercie. times appointed, and for the first fruits.
23 f In those dayes also sawe I Remember me, O my God, for good.

The Kings, and Chap.j. Queenes feafts.

abundance, according to the tstate oi \Heb.accor
ding to the
C H A P . I. the king. hand of the
8 And the drinking was according to king.
1 Ahasuerus maketh royall feasts. 10 Vasthi, the law, none did compell: for the king
sent for, refuseth to come. 13 Ahasuerus,
by the counsell of Memucan, maketh the had appointed to all the officers of his
decree of mens soueraigntie. house, that they should doe according to
euery mans pleasure.
Ow it came to 9 Also Vasthi the Queene made a
passe in the dayes feast for the women, in the royall house

of Ahasuerus , which belonged to king Ahasuerus.
(this is Ahasue- 10 1f On the seuenth day, when the
rus which reig* heart of the King was merry with
ned from India, wine, he commanded Mehuman, Biz-
euen vnto Ethio- tha, Harbona, Bigtha, and Abagtha,
pia, ouer an hun- Zethar, and Carcas, the seuen ||cham- I Or, £M-
dred, and seuen berlens that serued in the presence of A- nuches.
and twentie prouinces.) hasuerus the king,
2 That in those dayes, when the 11 To bring Vasthi the Queene be-
King Ahasuerus-sate on the throne of fore the king, with the Crowne royall,
his kingdome, which was in Shushan to shew the people, and the Princes her
the palace: beau tie: for she was tfaire to looke on. t Hebr. good
3 In the third yeere of his reigne, 12 But the Queene Vasthi refused ofnance. counte-
he made a feast vnto all his Princes, and to come at the Kings commandement
his .seruants, the power of Persia and t by his chamberlens : therefore was t Hebr.
the King very wroth, and his anger by uthioh was
Media, the Nobles and Princes of the the hand
prouinces beiriig before him. burned in him. of his Eu-
4 When he shewed the riches of his 18 If Then the king saide tp the. wise
glorious kingdome, and the honour of metij which knew the times (for so was
bis excellent maiestie, many dayes, euen the Kings maner towards all that
ah hundred and fourescore dayes. knew law, and iudgement :
5 And wheh these dayes were ex- 14 And the next vnto him, was Car-
pired, the king made a feast vnto all the sheii.a, Shethar, Admatha, Tarshis,
t Hebr. people that were tpresent in Shushan Meres , Marsena, and Memucan, the
found. the palace, both vnto gteat $nd Small, seuen * Princes of Persia ? and Media, * Ezra. 7.14.
seuen dayes, in the court of the garden which saw the Kings face, and which
of the kings palace, sate the first in the kingdome.)
M Or, violet. 6 Where were white, greene and ||blew 15 t What »shall wee doe vnto the Hebr. what
hangings, fastened with cords of fine lin- Queene Va'sthi, according to law, be- odoe?
nen, and purple, to siluer rings, and pil- cause she hath not performed the com-
ers of marble : the beds were of gold mandejn.ent of the king Ahasuerus, by
II Or, ofpor- and siluer, vpon a pauement of ||red, the chamberlens ?
phyre* and
marble, and and blewe, and white, and blacke 16 And Memucan answered before
alabaster^ the king and the Princes; Vasfchi the
and stone of marble.
>lew colour. 7 And they gaue them drinke in ves- Queene hath not done wrong to the
t Hebr. wine sels of gold, (the vessels being diuers king onely, but also to all thfe Princes,
of the king-
dome. one from another) and troy all wine in and to all the people that are in all the
Vafthi put away. Either. The kings decree.
prouinces of the king Ahasuerus. taire yong virgins vntd Shushan the
17 For this deed of the queene shall palace, to the house of the women tvnto Heb. vnto
come abroad vnto, all women, so that the custodie of ||Hege the kings cham- I he hand*
Or, Hegai>
they shal despise their husbands in their berlaine, keeper of the women, and let )er. 8.
eyes, when it shall bee reported; The their things for purification bee giuen
king Ahasuerus commanded Vasthi them .*
the queene to be brought in before him, 4 And let the maiden which plea-
but she came not. seth the king, bee Queene in stead of
18 Likewise shall the Ladies of Persia Vasthi. And the thing pleased the king,
and Media say this day vnto all the and he did so.
kings princes, which haue heard of the 5 H Now in Shushan the palace,
deed of the Queene. Thus shall there a- there was a certaine lew, whose name
rise too much contempt and wrath. was Mordecai, the sonne of lair, the
t-JSW. if it
be good with
19 t If it please the king, let there go sonne of Shimei, the sonne of Kish,
the king'. a royall commandement tfrom him, a Beniamite,
t Heb. from and let it bee written among the lawes 6 *Who had bene caried away from 15. * 2. King. 24
before him. ier. 24.1
t Heb. that of the Persians, and the Medes, tthat Jerusalem, with the captiuitie which and 2. chro.
it pause not it be not altered, that Vasthi come no 36. 10.
away. had bene caried away with leconiah
more before king Ahasuerus, and let king of ludah, whom Nebuchadnez-
t Hebr. vnto the king giue her royall estate tvnto a- zar the King of Babylon had caried
her compani-
on. nother that is better then she. away.
20 And when the kings decree, whicli 7 And hee t brought vp Hadassah rished* t Heb. nou-
he shal make, shalbe published through- (that is Esther) his vncles daughter,
out all his empire, (for it is great: ) all for she had neither father nor mother,
the wiues shall giue to their husbands and the maid was tfaire and beautiful, offourme,
tHeb. faire
honour, both to great and small. whom. Mordecai (when her father and and good of
t Heb. was
good in the
21 And the saying t pleased the king mother were dead) tooke for his owne countenance.
eyes of the and the princes, and the king did accor- daughter.
king. 8 If So it came to passe, when the
ding to the word of Memucan:
22 For he sent letters into all the kings commandement and his decree
kings prouinces, into euery prouince, was heard, and when many maidens
according to the writing thereof, and to were gathered together vnto Shushan
euery people after their language, that the palace, to the custodie of Hegai, that
euery man should beare rule in his Esther was brought also vnto the kings
t Hebr. that owne house, and tthat it should be pub- house, to the custodie of Hegai4 keeper
one shovld lished according to the language of eue- of the women.
publish it
according to rie people.
the language
9 And the maiden pleased him, and
of his people. she obtained kindnesse of him, and hee
speedily gaue her her things for purifi-
C H A P . II. cation , with tsuch things as belonged portions.
t Heb. her

1 Out of the choise of virgines, a Queene is to to her, and seuen maidens, which were
be chosen. 5 Mordecai the nursing father of meet to be giuen her, out of the Kings
Esther. 8 Esther is preferred by Hegai before house, and thee preferred her and her IHebrYhee
the rest. 12 The maner of purification, & go- maids, vnto the best place of the house of changed her.
ing in to the king. 15 Esther best pleasing the
king, is made Queene. 21 Mordecai discoue- the women.
ring a treason, is recorded in the Chronicles. 10 Esther had not shewed her peo-
ple, nor her kinred: for Mordecai had
Fter these things, when charged her, that she should not shew it.

A the wrath of king Aha- 11 And Mordecai walked euery day

suerus was appeased , before the court of the womens house,
hee remembred Vasthi, tto know how Esther did, and what know t Heb. to
and what shee had done. should become of her. peace.
and what was decreed against her. 12 II Now when euery maids turne
2 Then saide the kings seruants, was come, to goe in to King Ahasne-
that ministred vnto him, Let there bee rus, after that shee had bene twelue
faire yong virgins sought for the king: moneths, according to the maner of the
3 And let the king appoint officers women (for so were the dayes of their
iri all the prouinces of his kingdome, purifications accomplished, to wit, sixe
that they may gather together all the moneths with oile of myrrhe, and sixe
Efther Queene* Chap.iij. Hamans fuit.
moneths with sweet odours, and wit of the matter, it was found out; therfore
other things for the purifying of th they were both hanged on a tree: and
women.) it was written in the booke of the chro-
13 Then thus came euery maide nicles before the king.
vnto the king, whatsoeuer she desirec
was giuen her, to goe with her out o
the house of the women, vnto the king C H A P . III.
house. 1 Haman advanced by the king, arid despised
14 In the euening she went, and 01 by Mordecai, seeketh reuenge vpon all the
lewes. 7 Hee casteth Lots. 8 Hee obtai-
the morrowe she returned into the se neth by calumniation, a Decree of the king,
cbnd house of the women, to the custo to put the lewes to death.
die of Shaashgaz the kings chamber
len, which kept the concubines : she Fter these things did king

came in vnto the king no more, excep Ahasuerus promote Ha-
the king delighted in her, and that she< man, the sonne of Ameda-
were called by name, tha the Agagite, and ad-
15 IT Now when the turne of Est uanced him. and set his
ler, the daughter of Abihail, the vncl< seate aboue all the princes that were
of Mordecai (who had taken her for hi, with him.
daughter) was come, to goe in vnto th< 9, And all the kings seruants, that
ting: she required nothing, but wha were in the kings gate, bowed, and reue-
ftegai the kings chamberlen the keepei renced Haman, for the king had so com-
of the women, appointed: And Esthei manded concerning him : but Mordecai
obtained fauour in the sight of all then: bowed not, nor did him reuerence.
that looked vpon her. 3 Then the kings seruants, which
16 So Esther was taken vnto king vere in the kings gate, sayd vnto Mor-
Ahasuerus, into his house royall, in the lecai, Why transgressest thou the kings
;enth moneth (which is the moneth Te- commandement ?
)eth) in the seuenth yeere of his reigne, 4 Now it came to passe, when they
17 And the king loued Esther aboue pake daily vnto him, and he hearkened
all the women , and she obtained grace not vnto them; that they told Haman,
II Or, kind, and 11fauour tin his sight, more then all o see whether Mordecai his matters
nesse. he virgins ; so that hee set the royal! would stand, for he had told them that
\ Heb. be-
fore him. crowne vpon her head, and made her le was a lewe.
ueene, in stead of Vasthi. 5 And when Haman saw that Mor-
18 Then the king made a great feast ecai bowed not, nor did him reuerence,
vnto all his princes and his seruants, len was Haman full of wrath.
t Heb. rest. euen Esthers feast, and hee made a t re- 6 And hee thought scorne to lay
ease to the prouinces, and gaue gifts, lands on Mordecai alone, for they had
according to the state of the king. lewed him the people of Mordecai :
19 And when the virgins were ga- wherefore Haman sought to destroy all
lered together the second time , then T
Vtordecai sate in the kings gate. hole kingdome of Ahasuerus, euen
20 Esther had not yet shewed her le people of Mordecai.
dndred , nor her people, as Mordecai 7 11 In the first moiieth (that is,
had charged her : For Esther did the ic moneth Nisan) in the twelfth yeere
commandement of Mordecai, like as F king Ahasuerus, they cast Pur, that
when she was brought vp with him. £, the lot, before Haman, from day to
£1 IT In those dayes, (while Mor- ay, and from moneth to moneth, to
ecai sate in the kings gate) two of the le twelfth moneth, that is the moneth
Of, Big. dngs chamberlens, ||Bigthan and Te- A.dar.
ana. chap. resh , of those which kept t the doore, 8 U And Haman saide vnto King
Heb. the ere wroth, and sought to lay hand on rVhasuerus : There is a certaine people
le king Ahasuerus; cattered abroad, and dispersed among
22 And the thing was knowen to le people, in all the prouinces of thy
Mordecai, who told it vnto Esther the T
'ueene, and Esther certified the king om all people, neither keepe they the
lereof, in Mordecais name. T t Heb. meete
or, equall.
28 And when inquisition was made ings profit to suffer them.
9 If
t t knowen to Either.
9 If it please the king, let it be writ- ;he midst of the citie, and cried with a
tJM. to de-en, t that they may be destroyed: and I oud and a bitter crie :
stroy them, will tpay ten thousand talents of siluer £ And came euen before the kings
i Heb. weigh.
0 the handes of those that haue the gate: for none might enter into the kings
charge of the businesse, to bring it into gate clothed with sackcloth.
he kings treasuries. 3 And in euery prouince, whitherso-
10 And the king tooke his ring from euer the kings commaundement, and
lis hand, and gaue it vnto Haman the lis decree came, there was great mour-
sonne of Ammedatha the Agagite, the ning among the lewes, and fasting,
Or, oppres- lewes ||enemie. and weeping, and wailing, and t many \ Heb. sacke-
svur. cloth and
11 And the king saide vnto Haman, ay in sackcloth and ashes. ashes were
The siluer is giuen tothee, the people al- 4 f So Esthers maides and her laidvndermany.
so, to doe with them, as it seemeth good tchamberlaines came, and told it her : t Heb. £w-
to thee. then was the Queene exceedingly grie- nuches.
Or, secre- 1£ Then were the kings || scribes cal- ued, and she sent raiment to clothe Mor-
ed on the thirteenth day of the first decai, and to take away the sackcloth
moneth, and there was written, accor- from him : but he receiued it not.
ding to all that Haman had comman- 5 Then called Esther for Hatach,
ded, vnto the kings Lieutenants, and one of the kings chamberlaines, twhom Heb. h
to the gouernours, that were ouer euery tie had appointed to attend vpon her,wbefore had set
3rouince, and to the rulers of euery peo- and gaue nim a commaundement to
>le of euery prouince, according to the Mordecai, to know what it was, and
writing thereof, and to euery people, af- why it was.
ter their language, in the name of king 6 So Hatach went forth to Morde-
Ahasuerus was it written, and sealed cai, vnto the streetof the citie, which was
with the kings ring. before the kings gate:
13 And the letters were sent by posts 7 And Mordecai tolde him of all
into all the kings prouinces, to destroy, that had happened vnto him, and of
;o kill, and to cause to perish all lewes, the summe of the money that Haman
>oth yong and olde, litle children and bad promised to pay to the Kings
women, in one day, even vpon the thir- treasuries for the lewes, to destroy
teenth day of the twelfth moneth them.
[which is the moneth Adar) and to take 8 Also he gaue him the copie of the
the spoile of them for a pray. writing of the decree, that was giuen
14 The copie of the writing for a at Shushan to destroy them, to shewe it
commandement to bee giuen in* euery vnto Esther, and to declare it vnto her,
prouince, was published vnto all peo- and to charge her that she should goe in
ple, that they should bee ready against vnto the king, to make supplication vn-
that day. to him, and to make request before him',
15 The postes went out, being haste- for her people.
ned by the kings commandement, and 9 And Hatach came and told Esther
the decree was giuen in Shushan the the words of Mordecai.
palace: and the king and Haman sate 10 IT Againe Esther spake vnto Ha-
downe to drinke^but the citie Shushan tach, arid gaue him commaundement
was perplexed. vnto Mordecai;
11 All the Kings seruants, and the
people of the kings prouinces do know,
C H A R IIII. that whosoeuer, whether man or wo-
1 The great mourning of Mordecai and the man, shall come vnto the King into the
lewes. 4 Esther vnderstanding it, sendeth tc inner court, who is not called, there u
Mordecai, who sheweth the cause, and adui- one lawe of his to put him to death, ex-
seth her to vndertake the suit. 10 Shee exeu-
singher selfeisthreatnedby Mordecai. 13 She cept such to whom the King shall hole
appointing a fast, vndertaketh the suit. out the golden scepter, that he may Hue:
but I haue not beene called to come in
Hen Mordecai perceiuec vnto the King, these thirtie dayes.

W all that was done, Morde- 12 And they tolde to Mordecai Est-
cai rent his clothes, anc hers words.
put on sackcloth with a 13 Then Mordecai commanded tc
shes, and went out into answere Esther; Thinke not with thj
Her faft, and fuit Chap.v. to the King.
selfe that thou shalt escape in the kings o l hen tne Jvmg sayd, Uause Jla-
house, more then all the I ewes. man to make haste, that he may doe as
14 For if thou altogether holdest Esther hath said : So the king and Ha-
thy peace at this time, then shall there man came to the banquet that Esther
t Heb. re- t enlargement and deliuerance arise to had prepared.
spiration. the I ewes from another place, but 6 IT And the king said vnto Esther
thou and thy fathers house shall be de- at the banquet of wine, What is thy pe-
stroyed : And who knoweth, whether tition, and it shall be granted thee ? and
thou art come to the kingdome for such what is thy request ? euen to the halfe
a time as this ? of the kingdome it shall be performed.
15 H Then Esther bade them returne 7 Then answered Esther, and said,
Mordecai this answere: My petition, and my request is,
16 Goe, gather together all the 8 If I haue found fauour in the
t Heb. found lewes that are tpresent in Shushan, sight of the king, and if it pleasethe king
and fast yee for me, and neither eate nor to grant my petition, and t to performe i Heb. to dot.
drinke three dayes, night or day : I also my request, let the king, and Haman,
and my maidens will fast likewise, and come to the banquet that I shall pre-
so will I goe in vnto the king, which is pare for them, ana I wil do to morow,
not according to the Law, and if I pe- as the king hath said,
rish, I perish. 9 U Then went Haman foorth that
tHeb. passed 17 So Mordecai twent his way, day, ioyfull, and with a glad heart: but
and did according to all that Esther had when Haman saw Mordecai in the
commanded him. kings gate, that hee stood not vp, nor
mooued for him , hee was full of indig-
nation against Mordecai.
C H A P . V. 10 Neuerthelesse Haman refrained
himselfe, and when he came home, hee
1 Esther aduenturing on the kings fauour, ob- sent and t called for his friends, and Ze- Heb. caused
teineth the grace of the golden scepter., and to come.
inuiteth the king and Haraan to a banquet. resh his wife.
6 She being incouraged by the king in her 11 And Haman told them of the glo-
suit, inuiteth them to another banquet the ry of his riches, and the multitude of
next day. 9 Haman proud of his advance- his children, aud all the things wherein
ment, repineth at the contempt of Mordecai.
14 By the counsell of Zeresh, he buildeth for the king had promoted him, and how
him a paire of gallous. he had aduanced him aboue the Prin-
ces, and seruants of the king.
Owit came to passe on the 12 Haman said moreouer, Yea Est-

third day, that Esther put her the Queene did let no man come in
on herYoya]\apparell,and with the king vnto the banquet that
stood in the inner court of she had prepared, but my selfe; and to
the kings house, ouer a- morrow am I inuited vnto her also
gainst the kings house: and the King with the king.
sate vpon his royall throne in the roy- 13 Yet all this auaileth me nothing,
all house, ouer against the gate of the so long as I see Mordecai the lew sit-
house. ting at the kings gate.
2 And it was so, when the king saw 14 H Then saide Zeresh his wife,
Esther the Queene standing in the and all his friends vnto him, Let a
court, that shee obtained fauour in his t gallous be made of fifty cubits hie, and \Heb.tree.
sight: and the king helde out to Esther to morrow speake thou vnto the king,
the golden scepter that was in his hand: that Mordecai may be hanged thereon:
So Esther drew neere, and touched the then goe thou in merily with the king
top of the scepter, vnto the banquet. And the thing plea-
3 Then sayd the King vnto her, sed Haman, and hee caused the gallous
What wilt thou, Queene Esther? and to be made
what is thy request ? it shall bee euen
giuen thee to the halfe of the kingdome.
4 And Esther answered, If it seeme C H A P . VI.
good vnto the King, let the King and 1 Ahasuerus reading in the Chronicles of the
Haman come this day vnto the ban- good seruice done by Mordecai, taketh care
for his reward. 4 Haman comming to sue
quet that I haue prepared for him, that Mordecai might bee hanged, vnawares
Mordecai the -Either. Jew, promoted.
giueth counsell that hee might doe him ho- 11 Then tooke Haman the apparell,
nour, 12 qomplayning of his misfortune, his and the horse, & arayed Mordecai, and
friends tell him of his finall destinie.
jrought him on hors-backe through the
Hebr. the N that night t could not streete of the city , and proclaimed be-

kings sleepe the King sleepe, and hee fore him : Thus shall it bee done vnto
fled away.
commaunded to bring the the man whom the King delighteth to
booke of Records of the lonour. -
chronicles: and thev were 12 If And Mordecai came againe to
read betore the king. ^ - ••--••— the kings gate : but Haman hasted to
2 And it was found written , that lis house y mourning, and hauing his
\ Or, Big- Mordecai had told of || Bigthana, and lead couered.
than, chap.
2. 21. Teresh, two of the kings chamberleus, 13 And Haman told Zeresh his wife,
t Hebr. thre- the keepers of the t doore, who sought to and all his friends, euery thing that
lay hand on the king Ahasuerus. " lad befallen him. Then saide his wise
3 And the king said. What honour men, and Zeresh his wife vnto him, If
and dignitie hath bene done to Morde- Mordecai be of the seed of the lewes,
cai for this ? Then said the kings ser- Defore whom thou hast begun to fall,
uants that ministred vnto him, There thou shalt not preuaile against him, but
is nothing done for him. shalt surely fall before him.
4 f And the king said. Who is in the 14 And while they were yet talking
court? (now Haman was come into the with him , came the kings chamber-
outward court of the kings house, to lens , and hasted to bring Haman vnto
speake vnto the king, to hang Morde- the banquet that Esther had prepared.
cai on the gallous that hee had prepa-
red for him.) •' '. C H A P . VII.
5 And the kings seruants said vnto
him, Behold, Haman standeth in the 1 Esther intertwining theKing and Haman, ma-
court And the King saide, Let him keth suit for her owne life, and her peoples.
come in. 5 She accuseth Haman. 7 The King in his
anger vnderstanding of the gallous, which
6 So Haman came in, and the king Haman had made for Mordecai, causeth him
said vnto him, What shall be done vnto to he haneed thereon. <*
t Hebr. in the man t whom the king delighteth to
whose ho-
noitrthe honour? (now Haman thought in his O the King and Haman

King deligh* heart, To whom would the king de- came t to banquet with \ Hebr. to
teth. irinke.
light to doe honour, more then to my Esther the Queene.
selfe?) 52 And the king said a-
7 And Haman answered the king, gaine vnto Esther, on the
t Hebr. in, For the roan t whom the king deligh- second day at the banquet of wine,
whose ho-
nour the teth to honour, What is thy petition, Queene Esther,
king deligh-
teth. 8 t Let the royall apparell bee and it shalbe granted thee? and what is
t Hebr, let brought, t which the King vseth to thy request? and it shall bee performed,
them bring
tlie royattap- weare, and the horse that the King ri- euen to the halfe of the kingdome.
parell. deth vpon, and the crowne royal which & Then Esther the Queene answe-
t Heb. wher-
with the is set vpon his head : red, and said; If I haue found fauour
himselfe. 9 And let this apparell and horse in thy sight, O King, and if it please the
bee deliuered to the'hand of one of the King, let my life be giuen me at my pe-
kings most noble Princes, that they tition, and my people at my request.
may aray the man withall, whom the 4 For we are sold, I, and my peo-
^ Heb* cause king delighteth to honour, and t bring ple, t to be destroyed, to be slaine, and to t Hebr\ that
Mm to ride.
him on horsebacke through the streete perish: but if we had ben« sold for bond- they should
destroy and
of the city, and proclaim© before him, men, and bondwomen, I had held my tojperish. kil,andcause
Thus shal it be done to the man whom tongue, although the enemy could not
the king delighteth to honour. ; counteruaile the kings dammage.
10 Then the king saide to Haman, 5 II Then the king Ahasuerus an-
Make haste, and take the apparell, and swered, & said vnto Esther the Queene:
the horse, as thou hast said, and doe euen Who is he? and where is he, t that durst heart
i Heb. whose
so to Mordecai the lew, that sitteth at presume in his heart to do so ? filled him.
tHeb. sufer the Kings gate : t let nothing faile oi 6 And Esther said, t The aduersary \rnan aduer-
tt Hebr. the
not a whit to
fall. ^ all that thou hast spoken. and enemie, is this wicked Haman. \sary.
Hainan hanged. Cfaap.viij. Efthers requeft.
t Or, at the Then Hainan was afraid |j before tne by Haman the sonne ot Hammedatna
presence of. King and the Queene. the Agagite, || which hee wrote to de- I Or, who
7 IT And the king arising from the stroy the lewes, which are in all the wrote.
banquet of wine in his wrath, went into kings prouinces.
the palace garden : and Ham an stood 6 For how can I t endure to see the t Heb. be a-
vp to make request for his life to Esther euill that shall come vnto my people ? ble thai I
may see.
the Queene : for he saw that there was or how can I endure to see the destruc-
euill determined against him by the tion of my kinred ?
King. 7 IF Then the king Ahasuerus said
8 Then the king returned out of vnto Esther the Queene, and to Mor-
the palace garden, into the place of the decai the lewe, Behold, I haue giuen
banquet of wine, and Ham an was fal- Esther the house of Haman, and him
len vpon the bed whereon Esther was. they haue hanged vpon the gallowes,
Then said the King, Will hee force the because hee layde his hand vpon the
t Heb. with Queene also t before me in the house ? lewes.
As the word went out of the Kings 8 Write ye also for the lewes, as it
mouth, they couered Hamans face. liketh you, in the Kings name, and seale
9 And Harbonah one of the cham- it with the Kings ring: for the writing
berlaines, said before the king; Behold which is written in the Kings name,
1 Heb. tree. also the tgallowes, fiftie cubites high, and sealed with the Kings ring, *may 9 See Chap.
which Ham an had made for Mordecai, 1. 19.
no man reuerse.
who had spoken good for the king, stan- 9 Then were the kings scribes cal-
deth in the house of Hainan. Then the led at that time, in the third moneth,
king said, Hang him thereon. (that is, the month Siuan) on the three
10 So they hanged Haman on the and twentieth day thereof, and it was
gallows that he had prepared for Mor- written (according to all that Mordecai
decai. Then was the Kings wrath pa- commanded) vnto the lewes, and to
cified. the Lieutenants, and the deputies and
rulers of the prouinces, which are from
C H A P VIII. India vnto Ethiopia, an hundred,
1 Mordecai is aduanced. 3 Esther maketh suite twentie and seuen prouinces, vnto eue-
to reuerse Hamans letters. 7 Ahasuerus ry prouince according to the writing
granteth to the lewes to defend thernselues.
15 Mordecais honour, and the lewes ioy. thereof, and vnto euery people after
their language, and to the lewes, ac-
N that day did the King A- cording to their writing, and according

O hasuerus giue the house of

Haman, the lewes enemy,
vnto Esther the Queene;
and Mordecai came before
to their language.
10 And he wrote in the king Ahasue-
rus name, and sealed it with the kings
Ring, and sent letters by Postes, on
the King; for Esther hade told what horsebacke, and riders on mules, ca-
he was vnto her. mels, and yong dromedaries:
2 And the king tooke off his Ring 11 Wherein the King granted the
which he had taken from Haman, and lewes, which were in euery citie, to
gaue it vnto Mordecai. And Esther set gather themselues together, and to
Mordecai ouer the house of Haman. stand for their life, to destroy, to slay, and
3 IF And Esther spake yet againe be- to cause to perish all the power of the
fore the king, and fell downe at his feet, people and prouince that would assault
t Heb. and tand besought him with teares, to put them, both little ones, and women, and
she wept and
besought away the mischiefe of Haman the Aga- to take the spoile of them for a pray:
him. gite, and his deuice, that he had deuised 12 Vpon one day, in all the prouin-
against the lewes. ces of king Ahasuerus, namely vpon the
4 Then the king helde out the gol- thirteenth day of the twelfth moneth,
den scepter toward Esther. So Esther which is the moneth Adar.
arose, and stood before the king, 1 3 The copy of the writing, for a com-
5 And said, If it please the king, and mandement to bee giuen in euery pro-
if I haue found fauour in his sight, and uince, was t published vnto all people, tJM.f*
the thing seeme right before the king, and that the lewes should be readie a- waled.
t Heb. the and I bee pleasing in his eyes, let it be gainst that day, to auenge themselues
deuice, written to reuerse tthe letters deuised on their enemies.
|The lewes ioy, Efther. Hamans ten fonnes.
14 So the posts that rode vpon mules and slaughter, and destruction, and did
and camels went out, being hastened, twhat they would vnto those that ha- \ Heb. accor-
ted them. ding to their
and pressed on by the kings commande- will
ment, and the decree was giuen at 6 And in Shushan the palace the
Shush an the palace. ewes slew and destroyed fiue hundred
15 If And Mordecai went out from men:
the presence of the king, in royall appa- 7 And Parshandatha, and Dal-
11 Or, viotet. I rell, of ||blew and white, and with a >hon, and Aspatha,
great crowne of gold, and with a gar- 8 And Poratha, and Adalia, and
ment of fine linnen, and purple, and the Aridatha,
citie of Shushan reioyced, and was 9 And Parmashta, and Arisai, and
glad: Aridai, and Vaiezatha,
16 The lewes had light and glad- 10 The ten sonnes of Haman the
nesse, and ioy and honour. sonne of Hammedatha, the enemie of
17 And in euery prouince, and in e- be lewes, slew they, but on the spoile
uery city, whithersoeuer the kings com- aid they not their hand.
mandement, and his decree came, the 11 On that day, the number of those
lewes had ioy and gladnes, a feast and ;hat were slaine in Shushan the pa-
a good day: And many of the people of ace, twas brought before the king. t Heb, came.
the land became lewes; for the feare of 12 IT And the king said vnto Esther
the lewes fell vpon them. the Queene; The lewes haue slaine
and destroied fine hundred men in Shu-
shan the palace, & the ten sonnes of Ha-
C H A P . IX. man ; what haue they done in the rest
1 The lewes, (the rulers, for feare of Mordecai of the kings prouinces ? now what is
helping them) slay their enemies, with the thy petition? anditshalbegrantedthee:
ten sonnes of Ham an. 12 Ahasuerus at the or what is thy request further ? and it
request of Esther, granteth another day of
slaughter, and Hamans sonnes to he hanged. shall be done.
20 The two daiesof Purim are made festiuall. 13 Then said Esther, If it please the
dng, Let it bee granted to the lewes
Ow in the twelfth month which are in Shushan, to doe to morow

(that is the moneth A- also, according vnto this dayes decree,
dar) on the thirteenth day and tlet Hamans ten sonnes be hanged tmen Hebr. let
of the same, when the vpon the gallous.
Kings commaundementi 14 And the king commanded it so to
and his decree drew neere to bee put in >e done; and the decree was giuen at
execution, in the day that the enemies of Shushan*, and they hanged Hamans
the lewes hoped to haue power ouer ten sonnes.
them: (though it was turned to the 15 For the lewes that were in Shu-
contrary, that the lewes had rule ouer shan, gathered themselues together or
them that hated them.) « the fourteenth day also of the monetl
% The lewes gathered themselues Adar, and slewe three hundred men al
together in their cities, throughout all Shushan: but on the pray they laid nol
the prouinces of the king Ahasuerus, to their hand.
lay hand on such as sought their hurt, 16 But the other lewes that were ir
and no man could withstand them: for the kings prouinces, gathered them
the feare of them fell vpon all people. selues together, & stood for their Hues
3 And all the rulers of the prouin- and had rest from their enemies, anc
ces, and the Lieutenants, and the depu- slew of their foes seuenty and fiue thou
t Heb. those ties, and tofficers of the king, helped sand, but they laid not their handes or
which did
the busines the lewes: because the feare of Morde- the pray.
that belon-
ged to the cai fell vpon them. 17 On the thirteenth day of th<
King. 4 For Mordecai was great in the moneth Adar, and on the fourteentl
kings house, and his fame went out, day t of the same, rested they, and mad( 1 Heb. in it
throughout all the prouinces: for this it a day of feasting and gladnes.
man Mordecai waxed greater and 18 But the lewes that Shu
'greater. shan, assembled together on the thir
5 Thus the lewes smote all their teenth day therof, and on the fourteentl
enemies with the stroke of the sword, thereof; and on the fifteenth day of th<
A new Feaft Chap.x. is ordeined
same, they rested, and made it a day o1 cording to* tneir^jmting, anaaccordinj
feasting and gladnesse. to their appointed tithe, euery yeere:
19 Therefore the lewes of the vil 28 And that these dayes should be re
lages, that dwelt in the vnwallec membred, and kept throughout euerj
townes, made the foureteenth day oi generation, euery family, euery pro
the moneth Adar, a day of gladnesse and uince, and euery citie, and that these
feasting, and a good day, and of sending dayes of Purim should not tfaile from tHeb. passe
portions one to another. among the lewes, nor the memorial
20 1F And Mordecai wrote these of them t perish from their seed. t Hebr. be
things, and sent letters vnto all the 29 Then Esther the Queene, the ended.
lewes, that were in all theprouinces of daughter of Abihail, and Mordecai the
the king Ahasuerus, both nigh & farre, lew, wrote with tall authoritie, to con strength.
21 To stablish this among them, that firme this secoflfl letter of Purim.
they should keepe the fourteenth day of 30 And.hee sent the letters vnto al
the moneth Adar, and the fifteenth day the lewes, to the hundred> twentie
of the same, yeerely: and seuen prouinces of the kingdome o]
22 As the dayes wherein the lewes Ahasuerus, with wordes of peace anc
rested from their enemies, & the moneth trueth:
which was turned vnto them, from sor- 31 To confirme these dayes of Pu-
row to ioy, and from mourning into a rim, in their times appointed, according
good day : that they should make them as Mordecai the lew, and Esther the
daies of feasting and ioy, and of sending Queene had enioyned them, and as
portions one to another, and gifts to they had decreed tfor themselues anc \Hebr.for
their soules*
;he poore. for their seed, the matters of the fastings
23 And the lewes vndertooke to and their cry.
doe, as they had begun, and as Morde- 32 And the decree of Esther confir-
cai had written vnto them : med these matters of Purim, and it
24* Because Haman the sonne of was written in tlie booke.
ftammedatha the Agagite, the enemie
of all the lewes, had deuised against C H A P . X.
the lewes to destroy them, and had 1 Ahasuerus his greatnesse. 3 Mordecais
Heb, crush. cast Pur (that is, the lot) to tconsume aduan cement.
them, and to destroy them.
t Heb. when 25 But twhen Esther came before the
she came.
Nd the king Ahasuerus

dng, he commanded by letters, that his layde a tribute vpon the
wicked deuice which he deuised against land, and vpon the Isles
the lewes, should returne vpon his of the sea.
owne head, and that he and his sonnes, 2 And all the actes of
should be hanged on the gallous. his powr, and of his might, and the de-
26 Wherefore they called these dayes claration of the greatnesse of Mordecai,
II That is,
urim, after the name of || Pur: there- whereunto the king t aduanced him, Heb. made
fore for all the words of this letter, and are they not written in the booke of the im great.
of that which they had scene concerning Chronicles of the kings of Media and
this matter, and which had come vnto Persia ?
them, 3 For Mordecai the lew was next
27 The lewes ordeined, and tooke vnto King Ahasuerus, and great a-
vpon them, and vpon their seed, and mong the lewes, and accepted of the
vpon all such as ioyned themselues vn- multitude of his brethren, seeking the
Hebr.passe. o them, so as it should not tfaile, that wealth of his people, and speaking
hey would keepe these two dayes, ac- peace to all his seed.

obs vprightnefle lob. Satans malice.


ayde, From going to and fro in the

C H A P . I. ' earth, and from walking vp and *l.Pets.8.
The holinesse, riches, and religious care of iowne in it.
lob for his children. 6 Satan appearing be- 8 And the L O R D sayd vnto Sa-
fore God, by calumniation obtameth leaue an, tHast thou considered my seruant Heb. hast
to tempt lob. 13 Vnderstanding of the ob, that there is none like him in the thou set thy
losse of his goods and children, in his mour- heart on$
ning hee blesseth GOD. *arth ? a perfect and an vpright man,
me that feareth .God, and escheweth
Here was a man uill ?
in the land of Vz, 9 Then Satan answered jf- LORD,

whose name was ind sayd, Doeth lob feare God for
lob, and that nought ?
* Chap. 2. 3. man was * per- 10 Hast not thou made an hedge a-
fect and vpright, >out him, and about his house, and a-
and one that fea- >out all that he hath on euery side? thoi
red God, and es- last blessed the worke of his hands, anc
chewed euill. lis ||substance is increased in the land. I Or, cattell.
% And there were borne vnto him 11 But put foorth thine hand now,
seuen sonnes, and three daughters. and touch all that he hath, tand he wil curse
Or, cattett. 3 His || substance also was seuen curse thee to thy face. nottothy
thousand sheepe;and three thousand ca- 12 And the L O R D said vnto Sa- face.
mels, and flue hundred yoke of oxen, tan , Behold, all that hee hath is in thy
and fiue hundred shee asses, and a very t power, onely vpon himselfe put not t Heb. hand
Or, husbar^ nrreat ||houshold; so that this man was "oorth thine hand. So Satan went
trie. ?
\Heb.sonne ;he greatest of all the tmen of the East.
orth from the presence of the LORD.
if the East. 4 And his sonnes went and feasted 13 f And there was a day, when his
in their houses, euery one his day, anc sonnes and his daughters were eatipj
sent and called for their three sisters, to and drinking wine in their eldest bro-
eate and to drinke with them. thers house:
5 And it was so, when the dayes oi 14 And there came a messenger vn-
their feasting were gone about, that to lob, and said, The oxen were plow-
lob sent and sanctified them, and rose ing, and the asses feeding beside them,
vp early in the morning, and offeree 15 And the Sabeans fell vpon them,-
burnt offerings according to the num- and tooke them away: yea they haue
ber of them all: For lob said. It may slaine the seruants with the edge of the
* I.King. be that my sonnes haue sinned, and*cur- sword, and I onely am escaped alone,
21. 10, 13.
sed God in their hearts : Thus did lob to tell thee.
f Heb. all t continually. 16 While he was yet speaking, there
the dayes. 6 IF Now there was a day, when came also another, and said, ||The fire «Or, a great
the sons of God came to present them- of God is fallen from heauen, and hat fire.
t Heb. the selues before the L O R D , and t Satan burnt vp the sheepe, and the seruants,
aduersarie came also t among them. and consumed them, and I onely am
t Heb. in th
midst of 7 And the L O R D said vnto Sa- escaped alone, to tell thee.
them. tan , Whence commest thou ? Then 17 While he was yet speaking, there
Satan answered the L O R D , anc came also another, and said, The Cal
[obs patience. His Chap.ij.iij. wife tempteth him.
\Hebr. deans made out three bands, and t fell 5 But put loorth thine hand now,
rushed. vpon the camels, and haue caried them and touch his bone and his flesh, and he
away, yea, and slaine the seruants with will curse thee to thy face.
the edge of the sword, and I onely am 6 And the L O R D said vnto Sa-
escaped alone, to tell thee. tan, Behold, hee is in thine hand, jjbut i Or, onefo;
18 While he was yet speaking, there saue his life.
came also another, & said, Thy sonnes, 7 f So went Satan foorth from
and thy daughters, were eating and ;he presence of the LORD, and smote
drinking wine in their eldest brothers [ob with sore biles, from the sole of His
louse. foote vnto his crowne.
19 And beholde, there came a great 8 And hee tooke him a potsheard to
Hcbtfrovn winde t from the wildernes, and smote scrape himselfe withall; and hee sate
aside, <Jc.
the foure corners of the house, and it fell downe among the ashes.
vpon the yong men, and they are dead, 9 f Then saide his wife vnto him,
and I onely am escaped alone to tell Doest thou still reteine thine integritie?
thee. Curse God, and die.
20 Then lob arose, and rent his 10 But he said vnto her, Thou spea-
B Or, robe. | mantle, and shaued his head, and fell kest as one of the foolish women spea*
downe vpon the ground and wor- keth ; what ? shall wee receiue good at
shipped, the hand of God, and shall wee not re-
*Eccles.5. 21 And said, * Naked came I out of ceiue euillP In all this did not lob
14. l. tim. sinne with his lippes.
6.7. my mothers wornbe, and naked shall
I returne thither : the LORD gaue, 11 f Now when lobs three friends
and the L O R D hath taken away, bles- heard of all this euill, that was come
sed be the Name of the LORD. vpon him, they came euery one from
22 In all this lob sinned not, nor his owne place : Eliphaz the Tema-
n Or, attri- | charged God foolishly. nite, and Bildad the Shuhite, and Zo-
buted folly phar the Naamathite; for they had
to God.
C H A P . II. made an appointment together to
come to mourne with him, and to com-
1 Satan appearing againe before God, obtai- fort him.
neth further leaue to tempt lob. 7 He srai- 12 And when they lift vp their eyes
teth him with sore boiles. 9 lob reproueth
his wife, mooning him to curse God. 11 His afarre off, and knew him not, they lif-
three friends condole with him in silence. ted vp their voice? and wept; and they
rent euery one his mantle, and sprinck-
Gaine there was a day led dust vpon their heades toward

when the sonnes of Goo heauen.
came to present them- 13 So they sate downe with him vp-
selues before the LORD, on the ground seuen dayes, and seuen
and Satan came also a- nights, and none spake a word vnto
mong them to present Jumseite before him; for they saw that his griefe was
the LORD. very great.
2 And the L O R D said vnto Sa-
tan, From whence commest thou ? And
*CfcRp. 1. * Satan answered the L O R D , and
C H A P . III.
7. said, From going to & fro in the earth, 1 lob curseth the day, and seruices of his birth.
and from walking vp and downe in it. 13 The ease of death. 20 He complaineth
of life, because of his anguish.
* Chap. 1. 3 *And the LORD said vnto Sa-
ver. l. & 8.
tan, Hast thou considered my seruant Fter this, opened lob his

lob, that there is none like him in the mouth, and cursed his
earth; a perfect and an vpright man, day.
one that feareth God, and escheweth 2 And lob t spake, MJebr. an-
euill ? and still bee holdeth fast his inte- and said. swered.
gritie, although thou znoouedst mee a- 3 *Let the day perish, wherein I *Chap, 10.
\ gainst him, tto destroy him without
swallow him
was borne, and the night in which it was 18, 10. iere.
20. 14.
tjp. cause. said, There is a man-childe conceiued.
4 And Satan answered the LORD, 4 Let that day bee darkenesse, let
and said, Skinne for skinne, yea all that not God regard it from aboue, neither
a man hath, wil he giue for his life. let the light shine vpon it.
_______ 5 Let
[obs patience. His Chap.ij.iij. wife tempteth him.
\Hebr. deans made out three bands, and t fell 5 But put foorth thine hand now,
rushed. vpon the camels, and haue caried them and touch his bone and his flesh, and he
away, yea, and slaine the seruants with will curse thee to thy face.
the edge of the sword, and I onely am 6 And the L O R D said vnto Sa-
escaped alone, to tell thee. tan, Behold, hee is in thine hand, jjbut i Or, ontty.
18 While he was yet speaking, there saue his life.
came also another, & said, Thy sonnes, 7 f So went Satan foorth from
and thy daughters, were eating and ;he presence of the LORD, and smote
drinking wine in their eldest brothers [ob with sore biles, from the sole of His
louse. foote vnto his crowne.
19 And beholde, there came a great 8 And hee tooke him a potsheard to
Hcbtfrovn winde t from the wildernes, and smote scrape himselfe withall; and hee sate
aside, <Jc.
the foure corners of the house, and it fell downe among the ashes.
vpon the yong men, and they are dead, 9 f Then saide his wife vnto him,
and I onely am escaped alone to tell Doest thou still reteine thine integritie?
thee. Curse God, and die.
20 Then lob arose, and rent his 10 But he said vnto her, Thou spea-
B Or, robe. | mantle, and shaued his head, and fell kest as one of the foolish women spea*
downe vpon the ground and wor- keth ; what ? shall wee receiue good at
shipped, the hand of God, and shall wee not re-
*Eccles.5. 21 And said, * Naked came I out of ceiue euill P In all this did not lob
14. l. tim. sinne with his lippes.
6.7. my mothers wornbe, and naked shall
I returne thither : the LORD gaue, 11 f Now when lobs three friends
and the L O R D hath taken away, bles- heard of all this euill, that was come
sed be the Name of the LORD. vpon him, they came euery one from
22 In all this lob sinned not, nor his owne place : Eliphaz the Tema-
n Or, attri- | charged God foolishly. nite, and Bildad the Shuhite, and Zo-
buted folly phar the Naamathite; for they had
to God.
C H A P . II. made an appointment together tc
come to mourne with him, and to com-
1 Satan appearing againe before God, obtai- fort him.
neth further leaue to tempt lob. 7 He srai- 12 And when they lift vp their eyes
teth him with sore boiles. 9 lob reproueth
his wife, mooning him to curse God. 11 His afarre off, and knew him not, they li£
three friends condole with him in silence. ted vp their voice? and wept; and they
rent euery one his mantle, and sprinck-
Gaine there was a day led dust vpon their heades toward

when the sonnes of Goo heauen.
came to present them- 13 So they sate downe with him vp-
selues before the LORD, on the ground seuen dayes, and seueti
and Satan came also a- nights, and none spake a word vnto
mong them to present himselfe before him; for they saw that his griefe was
the LORD. very great.
2 And the L O R D said vnto Sa-
tan, From whence commest thou ? And
*CfcRp. 1. * Satan answered the L O R D , and
C H A P . III.
7. said, From going to & fro in the earth, 1 lob curseth the day, and seruices of his birth.
and from walking vp and downe in it. 13 The ease of death. 20 He complained)
of life, because of his anguish.
* Chap. 1. 3 *And the LORD said vnto Sa-
ver. l. & 8.
tan, Hast thou considered my seruant Fter this, opened lob his

lob, that there is none like him in the mouth, and cursed his
earth; a perfect and an vpright man, day.
one that feareth God, and escheweth 2 And lob t spake, MJebr. an-
euill ? and still bee holdeth fast his inte- and said. swered.
gritie, although thou znoouedst mee a- 3 *Let the day perish, wherein I *Chap, 10.
\ gainst him, tto destroy him without was borne, and the night in which it was 18, 10. iere.
swallow him 20. 14.
tjp. cause. said, There is a man-childe conceiued.
4 And Satan answered the LORD, 4 Let that day bee darkenesse, let
and said, Skinne for skinne, yea all that not God regard it from aboues neither
a man hath, wil he giue for his life. let the light shine vpon it.
5 Let
Lobs impatiencie lob. is reprehended,
5 Let darkenes and the shadowe of 36 I was not in safetie, neither had
I Or, chal. death || staine it, let a cloud dwell vpon I rest, neither was I quiet: yet trou-
\ Or, let it, || let the blacknes of the day terrific it, ble came.
them terrific 6 As for that night, let darkenesse
it* as those
who haue seaze vpon it, ||let it not be ioyned vnto C H A P . IIII.
a bitter day. the dayes of the yeere, let it not come in-
II Or, let H 1 Elipliaz rcprooueth lob for want of religion.
not reioyoe to the number of the moneths. 7 He teacheth Gods iudgetnents to bee not
dayes. 7 Loe, let that night be solitarie, let for the righteous, but for the wicked* 12 His
no ioyfull voice come therein. fearefull vision, to humble the excellencie of
Creatures before God.
8 Let them curse it that curse the
It Or, Levia- day, who are ready to raise vp || their Hen Eliphaz the Tema-

mourning. nite answered, and said,
9 Let the starres of the twilight £ //'we assay tto com- tjwewsa
ihereof be darke, let it looke for light, mune with thee, wilt word.
Web.fhe !)ut&flM£none, neither let it see t the daw- thou be grieued? But
eye lids of ning of the day: twho can withhold mmselfe from spea- ^Heb. who

the morning. can refraint
10 Because it shut not vp the doores king ? fromworasf
of my mothers wombe, nor hid sorrowe 3 Beholde, Thou hast instructed
*rom mine eyes. many, and thou hast strengthened the
11 Why died I not from the wombe ? weake hands.
why did I not giue vp the ghost when I 4 Thy words haue vpholden him
came out of the bellie ? that was falling, and thou hast streng-
IS Why did the knees preuent mee? thened t the feeble knees. iffebr. the
or why the breasts, that I should sucke? 5 But now It is come vpon thee, and knees.
13 For now should I haue lien still thou faintest, it toucheth thee, and thou
and beene quiet, I should haue slept; art troubled.
then had I bene at rest, 6 Is not this thy feare, thy confidence;
14 With Kings and counfiellers of the vprightnesse of thy wayes and thy
the earth, which built desolate places hope ?
for themselues, 7 Remember, I pray thee, who
15 Or with Princes that had gplde, ener perished, being innocent ? or where
who filled their houses with siluer: were the righteous cut off?
16 Or as an hidden vntimely birth, 8 * Euen as I haue scene, they that *Prou.2S>. 8
I had not bene; as infants which neuer plow iniquity, and sow wickeansse, ose 10.13.
saw light. reape the same.
17 There the wicked from trou- 9 By the blast of God they perish,
Heb. wea- bling : and there the t wearie be at rest. and by the breath of his * nostrils are * That is, by
ried in
they consumed. his anger, as
strength 18 There the prisoners rest together, E$a. 30. 33,
they heare not the voice of the oppres- 10 The roaring of the Lyon, and
sour. the voice of the fierce Lyon, and the
19 The small and great are there, and teeth of the yong Lyons are broken.
the seruant is free from his master. 11 The old Lyon perisheth for lacfee
50 Wherefore is light giuen to him of pray, and the stout Lyons whelpes
that is in misery, and life vnto the bitter are scattered abroad.
in soule ? 12 Nowe a thing was t secretly iffeb.ty
t Heb. wait. 51 Which tlong for death, but it com- brought to me, and mine eare reeeiued stealth.
meth not, and dig for it more then for hid a litle thereof.
treasures: 13 In thoughts from the visions of
%& Which reioice exceedingly, and are the night, when deepe sleepe falleth on
glad when they can finde the graue? men:
S3 Why is light giuen to a man, whose 14 Feare t came vpon me, and trem- iHeb.met
*Chap. 19.8 way is hid, * and whom God hath hed- bling, which made tall my bones to Ml&.fhe
ged in ? shake. multitude of
t Heb. before £4 For my sighing comtneth tbefore my bones.
my meat.
15 Then a spirit passed before my
I eate, and my roarings are powred face : the haire of my flesh stood vp.
out like the waters. 16 It stood still, but I could not dis-
\Heb. Ifea. 25 For tthe thing which I greatly cerne the forme thereof: an image was
red.a fear d
and it came feared is come vpon me, and that which before mine eyes> || there was silence, and lOr^llieaffd
vpon me. I was afraid of, is come vnto me. ctstiUvoyce.
I heard a voyce, $ayingy
17 SMI
[ob complaineth. lob. Mans miferie.
the sand of the sea, therefore my words tongue : and cause mee to vnderstand
8 That is, are || swallowed vp. wherein I haue erred.
'leant words 4 *For the arrowes of the Almigh- 25 How forcible are right wordes ?
to expresse
my griefs. tie are within me, the poyson whereof rat what doeth your arguing reproue ?
*Psal. 3&2. drinketh vp my spirit : the terrors of 26 Do ye imagine to reproue words,
jrod doe set themselues in aray against and the speeches of one that is despe-
mee. rate, which are as winde ? 5 Doeth the wilde asse bray t when 27 Yea, t ye ouerwhelme the father- t Heltr. ye
le hath grasse ? or loweth the oxe ouer esse, and you digge a pit for your friend. cause
to fall
lis fodder ? 28 Now therefore be content, looke
6 Can that which is vnsauery, bee vpon mee, for it is t euident vnto you, if \Hehlxfwe
I lie. yourface.
eaten without salt ? or is there any taste
in the white of an egge ? 29 Retume, I pray you, let it not be
7 The things that my soule refused iniquitie; yea returne againe : my righ-
to touch, are as my sorrowful! meat. teousnesse \\is in it. I That is,
in this mat"
8 O that I might haue my request! 30 Is there iniquitie in my tongue ? ter.
t Hebr. my and that God would graunt mee t the cannot tmy taste discerne peruerse t Hebr 'my
expectation. palate.
thing that I long for! things ?
9 Euen that it would please God to
destroy mee, that he would let loose his CHAP. VII.
hand, and cut me off. 1 lob excuseth his desire of death. isHecom-
10 Then should I yet haue comfort, plaineth of his owne restiesnesse, 17 and
yea I would harden my selfe in sor- Gods watchfulnesse.
row ; let him not spare, for I haue not
concealed the words of the holy One. S there not ||an appointed I Or, a war*

11 What is my strength, that I should time to man vpon earth ? fare.
hope ? and what is mine ende, that I are not his dayes also like
should prolong my life ? the dayes of an hireling ?
12 Is my strength the strength of 2 As a seruant tear-
\He.brasen stones ? or is my flesh t of brasse ? nestly desireth the shadow, and as an peth after.
13 Is not my helpe in me? and is wise- hireling looketh for the reward of his
dome driuen quite from me ? worke:
him that
14« tTo him that is afflicted r pitie 3 So am I made to possesse mo-
metteth. should be shez&edfrom his friend; But he neths of vanitie, and wearisome nights
forsaketh the feare of the Almighty. are appointed to me.
15 My brethren haue delt deceitfully 4 When I lie downe, I say, When
as a brooke, 4* as the streame of brookes shall I arise, and the tnight be gone? eucning
t Hebr. the
they passe away, and I am full of tossings to and fro, vn- measured.
la Which are blackish by reason of to the dawning of the day.
the yce+and wherein the snow is hid: 5 My flesh is cloathed with wormes
17 What time they waxe warme, and clods of dust, my skinne is broken,
\Hebr.they tthey vanish: twhen it is hot, they are
are cut off.
and become loathsome.
\Hebr.m t consumed out of their place. 6 *My dayes are swifter then a " lob 16. 22.
psal. 90. 6.
the heat
thereof. 18 The pathes of their way are tur- weauers shuttle, and are spent with- and 102.11.
\Hebr. ex^ ned aside; they goe to nothing, and out hope. and 103.15.
and 144. 4.
tinguished. perish. 7 O remember that my life is isa. 40. 6.
19 The troupes of Tema looked, the winde : mine eye t shall no more || seeiam. 4.14.
t Hebr. shall
companies of Sheba waited for them. good. not returne.
20 They were confounded because 8 The eye of him that hath scene is\To seet that
y to enioy.
they had hoped; they came thither, and me, shall see mee no more: thine eyes are
were ashamed. ypon me, and I || am not. II That is,/
I Or, for 21 || For now ye are tnothing; ye see 9 As. the cloud is consumed and va- can Hue no
now ye are
like to them my casting downe, and are afraid. nisheth away : so he that goeth downe
Hebr. to it.
t Heir. Not
22 Did I say, Bring vnto mee? or to the graue, shall come vp no more.
giue a reward for me of your substance? 10 Hee shall returne no more to his
23 Or deliuer me from the enemies house: neither shall his. place know him
hand, or redeeme me from the hand oi any more.
the mighty ? 11 Therefore I will not refraine
24 Teach mer and I will hold my my mouth, I wil speake in the anguish
Bildads anfwere, Chap.viij.ix. God righteous.
ot my spint, 1 will complaine in toe small, yet thy latter end should greatly
bitternesse of my soule. increase.
12 Am I a sea, or a whale, that thou 8 *For enquire, I pray thee, of the *Deut. 4.
settest a watch ouer me ? former age, and prepare thy selfe to the 3*.
13 When I say, My bed shal comfort search of their fathers.
me, my couch shall ease my complaint: 9 (For * we are but o^yesterday, and•* See chap.
14 Then thou skarest mee with know t nothing, because our dayes vp- 7. 6. gen. 47
9.1. chron.
dreames, and terrifiest me through vi- on earth are a shadow.) 29.15. psal.
144. 4. psal.
sions. 10 Shall not they teach thee, and tell 39. 14.
t Heb. not.
15 So that my soule chooseth strang- thee, & vtter words out of their heart?
t Heb. then ling : and death rather tthen my life. 11 Can the rush growe vp without
my bones.
16 I loath it, I would not Hue al- myre ? can the flag growe without wa-
way: let me alone, for my dayes are va- ter?
nitie. 12 * Whitest it is yet in his greennesse, • Psal. 139.
» Psal, 8. 4. 17 *What is man, that thou shoul-
and 144. 3.
and not cut downe, it withereth before 6. ler. 17. 6.
heb. 8. 6. dest magnifie him? and that thou shoul- any other herbe.
dest set thine heart vpon him ? 13 So are the paths of all that forget
18 And that thou shouldest visite him God, and the * hypocrites hope shall and *Iob. 11.20
euery morning, and trie him euery mo- perish: psal. 112. 10
ment ? 14 Whose hope shall be cut off, and prou. 10. 28
19 How long wilt thou not depart whose trust shall be ta spiders web. t Heb. a spi-
from me ? nor let me alone till I swal- 15 He shall leane vpon his house, but ders house.
low downe my spittle ? it shall not stand: he shal hold it fast, but
20 I haue sinned, what shall I doe it shall not endure.
vnto thee, O thou preseruer of men ? 16 He is greene before the sunne, and
why hast thou set me as a mark against his branch shooteth forth in his garden.
thee, so that I am a burden to my selfe? 17 His roots are wrapped about the
21 And why doest thou not pardon heape, and seeth the place of stones.
my transgression, and take -away mine 18 If he destroy him from his place,
iniquitie ? for now shall I sleepe in the then it shal denie him, saying, I haue not
dust, and thou shall seekeme in the mor- seene thee.
ning, but I shall not be. 19 Beholde, this is the ioy of his
way, and out of the earth shall others
C H A P . VIII. 20 Behold, God will not cast away
1 Bildad sheweth Gods iustice, in dealing with a perfect man , neither will hee thelpe the t Heb. take
men according to their .workes. 8 He alled- the euill doers:
geth antiquitie to proue the certaine destru- by the hand.
etion of the Hypocrite. 20 Hee applieth 21 Till he fill thy mouth: with laugh-
ction of the Hypocrite. 20 Hee applieth ing, and thy lips with treioycing. t Heb. shou-
22 They that hate thee shall be cloa- ting JQr ioy.
Hen answered Bildad the thed with shame, and the dwelling

Shuhite, and said, place of the wicked t shall come to t Heb. shall
2 How long wilt tho\ nought.
speake these things ? am
how lon& shall the wordei C H A P . IX,
or tny mouth be Like a strong wind r 1 lob acknowledging Godsiustice,sheweth there
* Dcu. 32. 4 3 * Doth God peruert Judgement ? is no contending with him. 22 Mans inno-
2. chro. 19.7
dan. 9.14. or doth the Almightie peruert iustice ? cencie is not to be condemned by afflictions..
4 If thy children haue sinned a-
jainst him, and he haue cast them away Hen lob answered, and

\Heb.\nthe tfor their transgression: said,
hand of their 2 I know It is so of a
transgression 5 * If thou wouldest seeke vnto God
* Chap. 22. )etimes, and make thy supplication to trueth: but howe should
the Almightie: *man be iust II with God. *?. Psal. 143.
6 If thou wert pure and vpright, 3 If he will contend with him, he U Or, before
surely now he would awake for thee, cannot answere him one of a thousand. God.
and make the habitation of thy righte- 4 He is wise in heart, and mightie
ousnes prosperous. in strength: who hath hardened him-
7 Though thy beginning was selfe against him, and hath*prospered?
5 Which
jods power, and lob. iuftice. Mans
6 Which remoueth the mountains, xo INOW my aayes are ewnter tnen
md they knoiw not: which ouertur- a Poste : they flee away, they see no
leth them in his anger: rood.
6 Which shaketh the earth out of 26 They are passed away as the
ler place, & the pillars thereof tremble: 11|swift ships: as the Eagle that hasteth Jfebr. fdesire.
7 Which commandeth the Sunne, to the pray. Or, ships
md it riseth not: and sealeth vp the 27 If I say, I will not forget my com- fEbeftf
tarres. >laint, I will leaue off my heauinesse,
* Gen. I. 6. 8 * Which alone spreadeth out the md comfort my selfe.
tHebr. ieauens,and treadeth vpon the ||waues 28 I am afraid of all my sorrowes.
heights. of the Sea. [ know that thou wilt not holde me
* Amos S. 8. 9 * Which maketh t Arcturus, 0- nnocent.
iob. 38. 31,
1C. rion and Pleiades, and the chambers of 29 If I be wicked, why then laboui
t Heb. Ash, the South. [ in vaine?
Cesil, and
Cimah. 10 * Which doeth great things past 30 If I wash my selfe with snow
* See Chap. finding out, yea and wonders witnout water, and make my handes neuer sc
5. 9.
number. cleane:
11 Loe, hee goeth by me, and I see 31 Yet shalt thou plunge me in the
him not: he passeth on also, but I per- ditch, and mine owne clothes shall ||ab- IIneOr,tomake be ab-
ceiue him not, lorre me. •erred*
* leal. 45. 9. 13 * Behold, he taketh away, twho 32 For he is not a man as I am, thai
ere. 18. 6.
rom, 9, 20. can hinder him? who will say vnto I should answere him, and we should
Heb. who lim, What doest thou ? come together in Judgement.
can turne
him away 9 13 If God. will not withdraw his an- 33 Neither is there tany ||dayes-mat that Heb. one
t Heb. hel- *er, the t proud helpers doe stoupe vn- betwixt vs, that tnight lay his hand vp- argue.
vers of pride, der him. on vs both. II Or, Fm*
or strength. pire.
14 How much lesse shall I answere 34 Let him take his rodde awaj
iim, and choose out my words to reason Tom me, & let not his feare terrific me:
with him ? 35 Then would I speake, and nol
15 Whom, though I were righte- feare him; tbut it is not so with me. tamHeb. but I
not so
ous, yet would I not answere, but I with my
would make supplication to my ludge. *e\f*.
C H A P . X.
16 If I had called, and he had an-
swered me, yet would I not beleeue 1 teth lob, taking libertie of complaint, expostula-
with God about his afflictions. 18 He<
that he had hearkened vnto my voice: complaineth of life, and craueth a little eas<
17 For he breaketh me with a tem- before death.
)est, and multiplieth my wounds with-
out cause. Y soule is I] weary of my I Or, cut off
life, I will leaue my com- while I Hue.
18 Hee will not suffer me to take my
)reath, but filleth me with bitternesse. M plaint Tpon my selfe; I
19 If I speake of strength, loe,hee is will speake in the bitter-
strong : and if of mdgement, who shall npcco n-f mxr cnnlp
set me a time to pleaae? % I will say vnto God, Doe not
20 If I iustifie tny selfe, mine owne cotidemne mee; shewe me wherefore
mouth shall jcondemne me: If I say, 1 thou contendest with me,
am perfect, it shall also prooue me per- 3 Js it good vnto thee, that thoti
uerse. shouldest oppresse? that thou shouldesl
21 Though I were perfect, yet woulc despise tthe worke of thine hands? anc labour t Heb. the
I not know my soule: I would despise shine vpon the counsell of the wicked? thine hands
my life. 4 Hast thou eyes of flesh ? or seest
22 This is one thing, therefore ] thou as man seeth ?
said it; he destroyeth theperfect and the 5 Are thy dayes as the dayes of man?
wicked. are thy yeeres as mans dayes,
23 If the scourge slay suddenly, hee 6 That thou enquirest after mine
will laugh at the triall of the innocent. iniquitie, and searchest after my sinne?
24 The earth is giuen into the ham 7 tThou knowest that I am not vpon is
of the wicked: he couereth the faces o wicked, and there is none that can deli- knowledge.
the ludges thereof; if not, where, and uer out of thine hand. \Heb.tooke
paints about
who is hee ? 8 Thine hands thaue made me and me.
righteoufneffe. Chap.xj. lob reproued.
fashioned me together round about; yet 6 anouia tny ||nes make men nolo II Or,deuise$*
thou doest destroy me. their .peace ? and when. thou mockest.
9 Remember, I beseech thee, that shall no man make thee ashamed ?
thou hast made me as the clay, and wilt 4 For thou hast said. My doctrine w
thou bring me into dust againe ? pure, and I am cleane in thine eyes.
* Psal. 139. 10 *Hast thou notpowredme out as 5 But, O that God would speake,
4. and 14,
15. milke, and cruddled me like cheese ? and open his lippes against thee,
11 Thou hast cloathed me with skin 6 And that he would shew thee the
\Heb.fodg. and flesh, and hast t fenced me with secrets of wisedome, that they are double
bones and sinewes. to that which is': know therefore that
12 Thou hast granted me life and fa- God exactethof thee lesse then thine ini-
uour, and thy visitation hath preserued quitie deserueth.
my spirit. 7 Canst thou by searching finde out
13 And these things hast thou hid in God ? canst thou finde out the Almigh-
thine heart; I know that this is with tie vnto perfection ?
thee. 8 It is tas high as heauen, what cansl t Hebr. the
heights of
14 If I sinne, then thou markest thou doe ? deeper then hell, what cansl heauen.
me, and thou wilt not acquite me from thou know ?
mine iniquitie. 9 The measure therof is longer then
15 If I be wicked, woe vnto me; the earth, and broader then the sea.
and if I be righteous, yet will I not lift 10 If he II cut off, and shut vp, or ga- I Or, make a
vp my head : I am full of confusion, ther together, then twho can hindei change. \ Hebr. who
therefore see thou mine affliction: him ? xmturne*
\im away?
16 For it increasethi thou huntest me 11 For, he knoweth vaine men : he<
as a fierce Lion: and againe thou shew- seeth wickednesse also, will he not then
est thy selfe marueilous vpon me. consider it ?
II That is,
thy plagues.
17 Thou renuest thy || witnesses a- 12 For t vaine man would be wise;iHebr.
gainst me, and increases! thine indigna- though man be borne like a wilde asses emptie.
tion vpon me; Changes and warre are coult.
against me. 13 If thou prepare thine heart, and
* Chap, 3.
11. 18 * Wherfore then hast thou brought stretch out thine hands toward him :
me forth out of the wombe ? Oh that I 14 If iniquitie be in thine hand, put
had giuen vp the ghost, and no eye had it farre away, and let not wickednes
seene me! dwell in thy tabernacles.
19 I should haue bene as though I 15 For then shalt thou lift vp thy face
had not bene, I should haue bene caried without spot, yea thou shalt be stedfast,
from the wombe to the graue. and shalt not feare:
* See Chap, 20 *•' Are not my dayes few ? cease 16 Because thou shalt forget thy mi-
8. 9. Oflrf;,
6*. thenj and let me alone that I may take sery, and remember it as waters thai
comfort a litle, passe away:
21 Before I goe whence I shall not 17 And thine age tshalbe clearer then t Hebr. shall
returne, euen to the land of darknes and the noone day; thou shalt shine foorth, arise aboue
the noone-
the shadow of death, thou shalt be as the morning. day.
22 A land of darknes, as darknes it 18 And thou shalt be secure because
selfe, and of the shadow of death, with- there is hope, yea thou shalt digge o-
out any order, and where the light is as bout thee^ and thou shalt take thy rest ir
darkenes. safety.
19 * Also thou shalt lye downe, and *>. Leuit. 26.
C H A P . XL none shall make thee afraid; yea manj \ Hebr. en-
shall tmake suite vnto thee. treat thy
1 Zophar reproueth lob, for iustifying him- face.
selfe. 5 Gods wisdome is vnsearchable. 13 20 But the eyes of the wicked shall \Heb.ftight
The assured blessing of repentance. faile, and t they shall not escape, anc shall perish
from them.
* their hope shall be as the || gluing vp ol * Chap. 8.
14. and 18.
Hen answered Zophar the ghost.
TB>"^ N^H. HFJEa* ^^B


the Naamathite, and said, H Or, a puffe
of breath.
2 Should not the mul- C H A P . XII.
titude of words be answe- 1 lob mainteineth himselfe against bis friend
t Hebr. a redPandshouldtamanfuJ tbat reproue him. 7 He acknowledged! th<
man of lips.
of talke be Justified ? generall doctrine of Gods oranipotencie.
Gods perfection. lob. Idbs Confidence.
ND lob answered, and ot darkenesse, and bringeth put to light

sayd, the shadow of death.
2 No doubt but ye are 23 He increaseth the nations, and de-
the people, and wisedome stroyeth them: hee inlargeth the nati-
shall die with you. ons, and tstraiteneth them againe. \Heb.lea.
1 ieth in.
Heb. an
3 But I haue t vnderstanding as 24 He taketh away the heart of the
iffeb.Ifattfall well as you, tl am not inferiour to chiefe of the people of the earth, and
not lower you : yea, twho knoweth not such causeth them to wander in a wildernes
then you.
t Heb. with things as these ? where there is no way.
whom are 4 I am as one mocked of his neigh- 25 They grope in the darke without
not such as
these? bour, who ealleth vpon God, and he an- light, and hee maketh them to tstagger t Heb. wan-
swereth him : the iust vpright man is like a drunken man.
laughed to scorne.
5 He that is ready to slippe with his C H A R XIII.
feet, is as a lamp despised in the thought 1 lob reprooueth his friends of partialitie. 14
of him that is at ease. He professeth his confidence in God: 20 and
6 The tabernacles of robbers pros- entreateth to knowe his owne shines., and
Gods Duruose in afflicting him.
per, and they that prouoke God are se-
cure, into whose hand God bringeth Oe, mine eye hath seene all

abundantly. this, mine eare hath heard
7 But aske now the beasts, and they and vnderstood it.
shall teach thee; and the foules of the 2 What yee know, the
aire, and they shall tell thee. same doe I know also, I
8 Or speake to the earth, and it shall am not inleriour vnto you.
teach thee; and the fishes of the sea shall 3 Surely I would speake to the Al-
declare vnto thee. mighty, & I desire to reason with God.
9 Who knoweth not in all these, 4s But ye are forgers of lies, yee are
that the hand of the L O R D hath all Physicians of no value.
wrought this ? 5 O that you would altogether hold
II Or, life. 10 In whose hand is the ||soule oi your peace, & it should be your wisdome.
euery liuing thing, and the breath oi 6 Heare now my reasoning, and
* Heb. all fall mankinde. hearken to the pleadings: of my lips.
flesh of man
* Cha. 34. 3 11 *Doeth not the eare trie wordes? 7 Wil you speake wickedly for God ?
t Heb. pa. and the tmouth taste his meate? and talke deceitfully for him ?
12 With the ancient is wisedome, anc 8 Will ye accept his person ? will yee
in length of dayes, vnderstanding. contend for God ?
\\Thati9, 13 With||him is wisedome & strength, 9 Is it good that he should search
with God. you out? or as one man mocketh ano-
he hath counsell and vnderstanding.
* Isa. 22. 22 14f * Behold, he breaketh downe, anc ther, doe ye so mocke him ?
* Apoc 3. 7. it cannot be built againe: hee *shutteth 10 He will surely reprooue you, if yee
t Heb. vpon t vp a man, and there can be no opening. doe secretly accept persons.
1.5 Behold, hee withholdeth the wa- 11 Shall not his excellencie make
ters, and they drie vp: also hee sendeth you afraid? and his dread fall vpon you?
them out, and they ouerturne the earth. 12 Your remembrances are like vitfo
16 With him is strength & wisedome: ashes, your bodies to bodies of clay.
the deceiued, and the deceiuer, are his. 131 Hold your peace, let me alone that \Heb.besi-
'entfrom me
17 He leadeth counsellors away spoi- I may speake, and let come on me
led, and maketh the ludges fooles. what will.
18 He looseth the bond of kings, anc 14 Wherefore doe I take my flesh in
girdeth their loines with a girdle. my teeth, and put ray life in mine hand?
19 He leadeth Princes away spoiled, 15 Though hee slay mee, yet will I
and ouerthroweth the mightie. trust in him : but I will tmaintaine \Heb.proue9
* Cha. 32.9 £0 *He remooueth away tthe speech mine owne wayes before him. yr argue*
* Heb. the 16 Hee also shall be my saluation : for
lip of the of the trustie, and taketh away the vn-
frithfull. derstanding of the aged. an hypocrite shall not come before him.
£1 He powreth contempt vpon prin- 17 Heare diligently my speach, and
I0r,tooseth ces, and jjweakeneth the strength oi my declaration with your eares.
the girdle tf
the strong* the mightie. 18 Behold now, I haue ordered .my
22 Hee discouewth deepe things out cause, I know that I shall be iustified.
19 Who
The breuitie Chap.xiiij.xv, of mans life,
19 Who is hee that will plead with o I hough the roote thereof wax<
me? for now if I hold my tongue, I old in the earth, and the stocke thereo
shall giue vp the ghost. die in the ground:
20 Only doe not two things vnto 9 Yet through the sent of water ii
me : then will I not hide my selfe from will bud, and bring forth boughes like
thee. a plant.
21 Withdrawe thine hand far from 10 But man dyeth, and t wasteth a tHeb.ii
me : and let not thy dread make mee a- way; yea, man giueth vp the ghost, anc weakened^
fraid. where is hee ?
22 Then call thou, and I will an- 11 As the Waters faile from the sea,
swere : or let me speake, and answere and the floud decayeth and dryeth vp:
thou mee. 12 So man lyeth downe, and riseth
23 How many are mine iniquities and not, till the heauens be no more, they
sinnes ? make mee to knowe my trans- shall not awake; nor bee raised out oi
gression, and my sinne, their sleepe.
24 Wherefore hidest thou thy face, 13 O that thou wouldest hide mee in
and holdest me for thine enemie ? the graue, that thou wouldest keepe me
25 Wilt thou breake a leafe driuen to secret, vntill thy wrath bee past, that
and fro ? and wilt thou pursue the drie thou wouldest appoint me a set time,
stubble? and remember me.
26 For thou writest bitter things a- 14 If a man die, shall he Hue againe?
* Peal, 25.7. gainst mee, and * makest me to possesse All the dayes of my appointed time will
the iniquities of my youth. I waite, till my change come.
27 Thou puttest my feete also in 15 Thou shalt call, and I will an-
• Heb, obser- the stockes, and tlookest narrowly vn- swer thee : thou wilt haue a desire to the
to all my pathes; thou settest a print yp- worke of thine hands.
t Heb. roots. on the t heeles of my feete. 16 * For nowe thou numbrest my •Psal.136.2
28 And hee, as a rotten thing consu- steppes, doest thou not watch ouer my
med^ as a garment that is moth-eaten. sinne ?
17 My transgression is sealed vp in a
CHAP. XIIII. 3agge, and thou sowest vp mine ini-
1 lob intreateth God for fauour, by the shortnes
of life, and certainty of death. 7 Though 18 And surely the mountaine falling
life once lost be irrecouerable, yet he waiteth tcommeth to nought: and the rocke is Heb. Jfa.
for his change. 16 By sinne tne Creature is remoued out of his place.
subiect to corruption. 19 The waters weare the stones,
AN that is borne of a thou t washest away the things which Heb. ouer-

\ Heb. short woman, is tof few dayes, jrowe out of the dust of the earth, and lowest.
ofdayes 9 and full of trouble. ;hou destroyest the hope of man.
•Psal. 102. 2 * Hee commeth forth SO Thou preuailest for euer against
12. & 103. like a flower, and is cut rim, and hee passeth : thou changes t his
15. & 144.
4. lob. 8. 9. lowne: he fleeth also, as a countenance, and sendest him away.
snacmow ana contmuetn not. 21 His sonnes come to honour, and
3 And doest thou open thine eies le knoweth it not; and they are brought
vpon such an one, and bringest me into owe, but he perceiueth it not of them.
Judgment with thee ? 22 But his flesh vpon him shall haue
t Heb. who 4 t Who * can bring a cleane thing )aine, and his soule within him shall
will giue?
*PBBL61.5. out of an vncleane ? not one. mourne.
* Chap. 7.1. 5 * Seeing his daies are determined,
the number of his moneths are with C H A P . XV.
thee, thou hast appointed his bounds 1 Eliphaz reproueth lob of impiety in Justify-
that he cannot passe. ing hjmselfe. 17 He proueth by Tradition
6 Turne from him that hee may the vnnuietnes of wicked men.
t Heb. cease. t rest, till he shall accomplish, as an hire- & Hen answered Eliphaz

ling, his day. K the Temanite, and said,
7 For there is hope of a tree, if it be £ 2 Should a wise man
cut downe, that it will sprout againe, vtter tvaine knowledge, Heb.know-
ledge of
and that the tender branch thereof will I and fill his belly with wmd.
not cease. the East winde ?
3 Should
Uaufes why lob. lob is reprehended.
3 Should hee reason with vnprofi- day of darkenes is ready at his hand.
able talke ? or with speeches where- 24 Trouble and anguish shall make
with he can doe no good ? lim afraid; they shall preuaile against
Heb. thou 4 Yea t thou castest off feare, and re- lim, as a king ready to the battell.
makest void.
Or, speech. strainest || prayer before God. 25 For he stretcheth out his hand a-
Heb. tea. 5 For thy mouth tvttereth thine ini- gainst God, and strengtheneth himselfe
quitie, and thou choosest the tongue of against the Almightie.
the craftie. 26 He runneth vpon him, euen on his
6 Thine owne mouth condemneth necke, vpon the thicke bosses of his
thee, and not I : yea thine owne lippes mcklers:
testifie against thee. 27 Because he couereth his face with
7 Art thou the first man that was lis fatnesse, and maketh collops of fat
borne ? or wast thou made before the on his flankes.
hilles ? 28 And he dwelleth in desolate cities,
*Rom. 11. 8 *Hast thou heard the secret of God? and in houses which no man inhabiteth,
and doest thou restraine wisedome to which are ready to become heapes.
thy selfe? 29 He shall not be rich, neither shall
9 What knowest thou that we know lis substance continue, neither shall
not ? what vnderstandest thou, which is le prolong the perfection thereof vpon
not in vs ? the earth.
10 With vs are both the gray headed, 30 He shall not depart out of darke-
and very aged men, much elder then thy nesse, the flame shall drie vp his bran-
father. ches, and by the breath of his mouth
11 Are the consolations of God small shall he goe away.
with thee? is there any secret thing 31 Let not him that is deceiued, trust
with thee? in vanitie: for vanitie shalbe his recom-
12 Why doeth thine heart carie thee pence.
away? and what doe thine eyes winke 32 It shall be || accomplished before I Ort cut off.
at, lis time, and his branch shall not bee
13 That thou turnest thy spirit a- greene.
gainst God, and lettest such words goe 33 He shal shake off his vnripe grape
out of thy mouth ? as the Vine, and shall cast off his ftowre
* Chap. 14. 14 * What is man, that he should be as the Oliue.
4.1. king. 8.
46. 2. chron. cleane ? and he which is borne of a wo- 34? For the congregation of hypo-
6. 36. psal. man, that he should be righteous ?
14. 3. prou.
crites shall be desolate, and fire shall con-
20. 9. i.iohn 15 * Beholde, he putteth no trust in sume the tabernacles of briberie.
Mob. 4.18, his Saints, yea, the heauens are not 35 They conceiue mischiefe, * and * Esay 59. 4
psal. 7-15-
cleane in his sight. bring forth || vanitie, and their belly pre- i Or, iniqui-
16 How much more abominable and pareth deceit. ?fe.
filthie is man, which drinketh iniquitie
like water? C H A P . XVI.
17 I will shew thee, heare me, and
that which I haue scene, I wil declare, l lob reproueth his friends of vnraercifulnesse.
7 He sheweth the pitifulnesse of his case. 17
18 Which wise men haue tolde from He maintaineth his innocencie.
their fathers, and haue not hid it :
19 Vnto whom alone the earth was gO<?SMiig*Mgt
Hen lob answered, and

giuen, and no stranger passed among said,
them. 2 I haue heard many
20 The wicked man trauaileth with such things : || * miserable U0r,/rou-
onmforters are ve all. blesome.
paine all his dayes, and the number oi * Chap. 13.
yeeres is hidden to the oppressour. 3 Shall tvaine words haue an ende? 4.
* Heir, a 21 t A dreadfull sound is in his eares; or what emboldeneth thee, that thou \ffeb.wordt
sound of
feares. in prosperitie the destroyer shall come answerest ?
vpon him. 4 I also could speake as yee doe: if
22 He beleeueth not that he shall re- your soule were in my soules stead, I
turne out of darkenesse, and he is wai- could heape vp words against you, and
ted for, of the sword. shake mine head at you.
23 He wandereth abroad for bread, 5 But I would strengthen you with
saying. Where mf?heknoweth that the my mouth, and the mouing of my lips
llob reckoneth vp Chap.xvij. his many afflictions.
should asswage your gnefe. Y ||breath is corrupt, my lar.myspi.

MM dayes are extinct, the nt u spent.

6 Though I speake, my griefe i
not asswaged: and though I forbeare graues are ready for me.
t Heb. what twhat am I eased? & Are there not mock-
me? 7 But now he hath made me wea pTft with mpp ? flnrl HnptVi
ry : thou hast made desolate al my com not mine eye t continue in their proua iHeb. lodge,
panie. cation ?
8 And thou hast filled mee witl 3 Lay downe now, put me in a sure-
wrinckles, whichis awitnesseogmrz^ me tie with theei who w he that will strike
and my leannesse rising vp in me, bea hands with me ?
reth witnesse to my face. 4 For thou hast hid their heart froir
9 He teareth me in his wrath, whc vnderstaiiding : therefore shalt thoi
bateth me: be gnasheth vpon me wit! not exalt them.
his teeth; mine enemy sharpened! hit 5 Hee that speaketh flattery to hh
eyes vpon me. friends, euen the eyes of his children
10 They haue gaped vpon me with shall faile.
their mouth, they haue smitten me vp. 6 He hath made me also a by-word
on the cheeke reprochfully, they haue of the people, and || afore time I was as I Or> before
gathered themselues together against a tabret them,
mee. 7 Mine eye also is dimme by reason
t Hebr. hath 11 God thath deliuered me to the vn- of sorrow, and all |(my members are as tt Or, my
oAwr me vp. jodly, and turned me ouer into the a shadow. thoughts.

lanas of the wicked. 8 Vpright men shall be astonied at

12 I was at ease, but he hath broken this, and the innocent shall stirre vp
me asunder ; he hath also taken me by Wmselfe against the hypocrite.
my necke, and shaken me to pieces, and 9 The righteous also shall hold on
set me vp for his marke. lis way, and he that hath cleane hands
13 His archers com passe me round tshalbe stronger, and stronger. \Hebr.shall
about, he cleaueth my reines asunder, 10 But as for you all, doe you re- addestregth.
and doeth not spare; he powreth out turne, and come now, for I cannot find
my gall vpon the ground. one wise man among you.
14 He breaketh me with breach vpon 11 My dayes are past, my purposes
>reach, he runneth vpon me like a giant. Mfebr.the
are broken oft', euen tthe thoughts of possessions.
15 I haue sowed sackcloth vpon my my heart:
skin, and defiled my home in the dust. 12 They change the night into day:
16 My face is fowle with weeping, the light is t short, because of darknes. *Heb.neere\
and on mine eye-lids is the shadow of 13 If I waite, the graue is mine
teath, house: I haue made my bedde in the
17 Not for any iniustice in mine darknesse.
lands : also my prayer is pure. 14 I haue tsaid to corruption, Thou torHeb. cried,
I S O earth couer not thou my blood, art my father: to the worme, Thou art my
and let my cry haue no place. mother, and my sister.
19 Also now , behold my witnesse is 15 And where is now my hope? as in heauen, and my record is ton high. for my hope, who shall see it ?
the high pla- 16 They shall goe downe to the
ces. 20 My friends tscorne me: but mine
\Hebr. are eye powreth out teares vnto God. barres of the pit, when our rest together
21 O that one might plead for a man is in the dust.
with God, as a man pleadeth for his
1 Or^ friend. neighbour C H A P . XVIII.
t Heb.yeeret %% When t a few yeeres are come, 1 Bildad reproueth lob of presumption and im-,
of number. hen I shall goe the way whence I shall patiencie. 5 The calamities of the wicked, i
not returne. Hen answered Bildad the

Shuhite and said,
2 How long will it bee,
C H A P , XVII. '.re you make an ende of
•vords? Marke, and after-
1 lob appealeth from men to God. 6 The vn- warns we win speaice.
mercifull dealing of men with the afflicted,
may astonish, but not discourage the righte- 3 Wherefore are wee counted as
ous, 11 His hope is not in life, but in death. beasts, and reputed vile in your sight?
4 He
The wickeds fall. lob. lobs miferies.
\\Hebr.hia 4 He teareth thimselfe in his anger: Hen lob answered, and

\soule. shall the earth be forsaken for thee? and sayd,
shall the rocke bee remooued out of his 2 How long will yee
place ? vexe my soule, and breake
5 Yea, the light of the wicked shalbe me in pieces with words ?
put out, and the sparke of his fire shall 3 These tenne times haue ye repro-
not shine. ;hed me : you are not ashamed that you
6 The light shalbe darke in his ta- | make your selues strange to me. I Or, harden
B Or, tampe. I bernacle, andrhis || candle shalbe put out 4 And be it indeed that I haue er- your teluet
with him. red, mine errour remaineth with my
7 The steps of his strength shall be selfe.
straitened, and his owne counsell shall 5 If indeed yee will magnifie youi
cast him downe. selues against me, and plead against me
8 For hee is cast into a net by his my reproch:
owne feete, & he walketh vpon a snare. 6 Enow now that God hath ouer-
9 The grinne shall take him by the throwen me, and hath compassed me
heele, and the robber shall preuaile a- with his net.
gainst him. 7 Behold, I cry out of || wrong, I Or, t>w-
\ Heb. hid. 10 The snare is flaide for him in the but I am not heard : I cry aloude, but lence.
den. ground, and a trap for him in the way. there is no iudgement.
11 Terrours shall make him afraid 8 Hee hath fenced vp my way that
t Heb. scat- on euery side^ and shall t driue him to I cannot passe; and hee hath set darke-
ter him. nesse in my pathes.
his feete. j
12 His strength shalbe hunger-bit- 9 Hee hatn stript me of my glory
ten, and destruction shall be ready at his and taken the crowne^/rom my head.
side. 10 He hath destroyed me on euerj
\\Heb.barres 13 It shall deuoure the tstrength of side, and I am gone : and mine hap<
his skinne: euen the first borne of death hath he remooued like a tree,
shall deuoure his strength. 11 He hath also kindled his wrath a
•Cha. 8. u. 14 * His confidence shalbe rooted out gainst me, and hee counteth me vntc
and 11. 20.
psa. 112. 10. of his tabernacle, and it shall bring him him as one of his enemies,
pro. 10. 28. to the king of terrours. 12 His troupes come together, am
15 It shall dwell in his tabernacle, raise vp their way against me, and en
because it is none of his: brimstone shall campe round about niy tabernacle.
be scattered vpon his habitation. 18 Hee hath put my brethren farr<
16 His rootes shall be dryed vp be- from me, and mine acquaintance ar<
neath : and aboue shall his branch be verely estranged from me.
cut off. 14 My kinsefolke haue failed, an<
* Pro. 2.22.1 17 * His remembrance shall perish my familiar friends haue forgotten me
from the earth, and hee shall haue no 15 They that dwell in mine house
name in the streete. and my maides count me for a stranger
t Heb. they 18 t He shall be driuen from light into I am an aliant in their sight.
shall driue
him. darkenesse, and chased out of the world. 16 I called my seruant, and he gaut
19 Hee shall neither haue sonne nor me no answere: Untreated him wit!
nephew among his people, nor any re- my mouth.
maining in his dwellings. 17 My breath is strange to-my wife
20 They that come after him shalbe though I entreated for the children:
I Or, lived astonied at his day, as they that ||went sake of tmine owne body, Heb. my
with him. before, twere affrighted. 18 Yea, flyong children despised me belly.
t Heb. toyd Or, The
holde on hor- 21 Surely such are the dwellings of I arose, and they spake against me. wicked.
the wicked, and this is the place of him 19 * All tmy inward friends .abhor * PsaL 41. fl.
that knoweth not God. red me : and they whom I loued > an and 55.19.
\ Heb. the
turned against me, men of my
20 My bone cleaueth to my skinne secret.
CHAR XIX. || and to my flesh, and I am escapee It Or. or
with the skinne of my teeth,
1 lob complaining of his friends cruelty, shew- £1 Haue pity vpon me, haue pity vp
eth there is miserie enough in him to feede
their crueltie. 21. 28 Heecraueth pitie. 23 on me, O ye my friends^ for the hand o
He beleeueth the resurrection* God hath touched me,
22 Why
lobs hope. The Chap.xx. wickeds portion.
2% wny doe ye persecute me as laod, youth, which shall lye downe with him
and are not satisfied with my flesh ? in the dust.
t Heo. toAo 23 tOh that my wordes were now 12 Though wickednes be sweet in
&•* written, oh that they were printed in tiis mouth, though hee hide it vnder his
a booke! tongue;
24 That they were grauen with an 13 Though he spare it, and forsake it
iron pen and lead, in the rocke for euer. not, but keepe it stil t within his mouth: t Hebr. in
25 For I know that my Redeemer 14} Yet his meate in his bowels is his •he midst of
iueth, and that he shall stand at the. lat- turned, it is the gall of Aspes within
ter day, vpon the earth: him.
I! Or, After
261| And though after my skin, wormes 15 He hath swallowed downe riches,
though this destroy this body, yet in my flesh shall I and hee shall vomite them vp againe:
body be de-
stroyed* yet see God: God shall cast them out of his belly.
out of my
flesh shall I
27 Whom I*hal see for my selfe, and 16 He shall sucke the poison of Aspes:
see God. mine eyes shall beholde, and not tan- the vipers tongue shall slay him.
stranger. other, though my reines bee consumed 17 Hee shall not see the riuers, ||the I Or, strea-
t Hebr. in t within me. floods, the brookes of hony and butter. ming brooks.
my bosome. 28 But ye should say, Why persecute 18 That which he laboured for, shall
II Or, and
what roote
we him ? || seeing the root of the matter he restore, & shall not swallow it downe:
of matter is s found in me. t according to his substance shall the re-t Hebr. ac-
foundinme? 29 Bee ye afraid of the sword : for stitution bee, and hee shall not reioyce cording to
wrath bringeth the punishments of the therein. of his ex-
sword, that yee may know there is a 19 Because hee hath t oppressed, and change.
t Hebr.
iudgement. hath forsaken the poore; becausehe hath crushed.
violently taken away an Chouse which *10 Eccles. 6.
C H A P . XX. he builded not:
Zophar sheweth the state and portion of 20 Surely he shall not t feele quiet- \Heb.know.
the wicked.
nesse in his belly, hee shall not saue oi
Hen answered Zophar that which he desired.

the Naamathite, and 21 H'There shall none of his meat be I Or, there
saide, left, therefore shall no man looke for shalbe
2 Therefore doe my his goods. meats.
thoughts cause mee to 22 In the fulnesse of his sufficiencie.
answere, and for this he shalbe in straites: euery hand of the
[• Hebr. my 11 make haste. || wicked shall come vpon him. il Or, trouble-
haste is in
me. 3 I haue heard the checke of my re- 23 When he is about to fill his belly, some.
proach, and the spirit of my v*.d'.stan- God shall cast the furie of his wrath vp-
ding causeth me to answere. on him 9 and shall raine it vpon him
4 Knowest thou not this of old, since while he is eating.
man was placed vpon earth, 24 He shall flee from the iron wea-
* Psal. 37. 5 * That the triumphing of the wic- pon , and the bow of steele shall strike
t Hebr.from ked is t sh ort, and the ioy of the hypocrite him through.
neere. but for a moment ? 25 It is drawen, and commeth out
6 Though his excellencie mount vp of the body; yea the glistering sword
to the heauens, and his head reach vnto commeth out of his gall; terrours art
\Hfactoud. the ^clouds: vpon him.
7 Yet he shall perish for euer, like his 26 All darknesse shalbe hid in his se-
owne doung: they which haue scene cret places : a fire not blowen shall con-
him, shall say, Where is he ? sume him; it shall goe ill with him that
8 He shall flie away as a dreame, and is left in his tabernacle.
shall not be found: yea he shalbe chased 27 The heauen shall reueale his ini-
away as a vision of the night. quitie : and the earth shall rise vp a-
9 The eye also which saw him, shall gainst him.
see him no more; neither shall his place 28 The increase of his house shall
any more behold him. depart, and his goods shall flow away ir
I0r,the 10 || His children shall seeke to please the day of his wrath.
poore shall 29 This is the portion of a wicked
oppresse his the poore; and his hands shall restore
children. their goods. man from God, and the heritage tap. t Hebr. of
his decree
11 His bones are ful of the sinne of his pointed vnto him by God. from God.
The wicked profper. lob. All alike in death.
his children : he rewardeth him, and he
shall know it.
CHAP. xxi. 20 His eyes shall see his destruction,
lob Sheweth that fetten in the iudgetttettt of and he shall drinke of the wrath of the
man, he hath reason to be grieued. 7 Some- Almightie.
times the wicked doe so prosper, as they de- £1 For what pleasure hath he in his
spise God. 16 Sometime their destruction
is manifest. 22 The happy and vnhappy are louse after him, when the number of
alike in death. 27 The Judgement of the lis rtioneths is cut off in the middest ?
wicked is in another world. 22 Shall any teach God knowledge ?
seeing he iudgeth those that are high*
Vt lob answered, and 23 One dieth tin his full strength, ] Heb. in his

B sayd, veryperfe-
)eing wholly at ease and quiet. ction* or in
2 Heare diligently my the strength
24 His ||breasts are full of milke, and of his perfe-
speech, and let this be your lis bones are moistened with marrow J ction.
consolations. B
25 And another dieth in the bitter- pales.Or, milke-
3 Suffer ttie that I may speak e, and tiesse of his soule, and neuer eateth with
after that I haue spoken, mocke on. pleasure.
4 As for mee, is my complaint to 26 They shall lie downe alike in the
man ? and if it were so, why should not dust, and the wormes shall couer them.
Heb. shor- my spirit be t troubled ? 27 Behold, I know your thoughts,
\Heb.looke 5 tMarke mee, and be astonished, and the deuices which yee wrongfully
vnto me. and lay your hand vpon your mouth. imagine against me.
6 Euen when I remember, I am 28 For ye say, Where is the house of
afraid, and trembling taketh holde on the prince? and where are tthe dwelling t Heb. the
my flesh. places of the wicked ? tent of the
* Psal. 17. 7 * Wherefore doe the wicked liue, 29 Haue ye not asked them that goe ked. of the ivic-
10. and 73.
12. iere. 12. )ecome old, yea, are mightie in power ? by the way ? and doe ye not know their
i.hab. 1.10. 8 Their seede is established in their tokens ?
sight with them, and their offspring be- 30 * That the wicked is reserued to * Pro. 16. 4.
bre their eyes. the day of destruction; they shall bee
t tieb. are 9 Their houses are t safe from feare* brought foorth to tthe day of wrath. t Heb. the
feare. neither is the rod of God vpon them. 31 Who shall declare his way to his day of
10 Their bull gendreth and faileth face ? and who shall repay him what he
not, their cow calueth, and casteth not bath done ?
ler calfe. 32 Yet shall hee be brought to the
11 They send foorth their little ones t graue, & shall tremaine in the tombe. \Heb.
ike a flocke, and their children dance. 33 The cloudes of the valley shalbe fraues.
12 They take the timbrell and harpe, sweete vnto him, and euery man shall in the heape.
and reioycerat the sound of the organe. draw after him, as there are innumera-
8 0r, in 13 They spend their daies ||in wealth, ble before him.
and in a moment gpe downe to the 34 How then comfort ye me in vaine,
graue. seeing in your answeres there rerna> Heb.trans-
Chap. 22. 14 * Therefore they say vnto Go3, neth tfalshood? vession.
Depart from vs : for we oesire not the
knowledge of thy wayes.
15 What is the Almightie, that wee C H A P . XXII.
should serue him ? and what profite 1 Eliphdz shewclh that mans goodnesse profi-
teth not God. 5 Hee accuseth lob of diuers
should we haue, if we pray vnto nim ? sinnes. $1 He exhorteth him to repentance,
16 Loe, their good is not in their with Dromises of mercv.
hand, the counsell of thfe wicked is farre
from me, Hen Eliphaz the Tetna-

II Or, lamps. 17 How oft is the || candle of the nite answered, and said,
wicked put out ? and fiow oft commeth 2 Can a man be profi-
their destruction vpon them ? God distri- table vnto God? as ||hee tt Or, if hee
buteth sorrowes in his anger. that is wise may be profi- may be pro-
fitable, doth
t Heb. stea- 18 They are as stubble before the table vnto himselfe. his good sue-
leth away, cesM depenc
t That is, the winde, and as chaffe that the storme 3 Is it any pleasure to the Almightyj thereon*
punishment tcarieth away. that thou art righteous ? or is it gaine to
of Ms inifui-
tie. 19 God layeth vp his ||iniquitie for him, that thou makest thy waies perfite?
4 Will
Eliphaz exhorteth Chap.xxiij. Job to repentance.
4 Will nee reproue tnee lor feare 01 dust, ana the gold ot Upnir 43 the stones
thee ? will he enter with thee into iuctg of the brookes.
ment ? 25 Yea the Almightie shall bee thy
5 Is not thy wickedness? great ? &bc || defence, and thou shaU hsuet plenty oi * Or, gold.
thine iniquities
uu^ui infinite ? siluer. of strength.
6 For thou hast taken a pledge froft 26 For then shalt thou haue thy de-
t Heb. strip- thy brother for nought, and t stripped light in the Almightie, and shalt lift vp
ped the clo-
thes of the the naked of their clothing. thy face vnto God.
naked. 7 Thou hast not giuen water to the 27 Thou shalt make thy prayer vn-
wearie to drinke, and thou hast with- to him,and he shall heare thee, and thou
holden bread from the hungry. shalt pay thy vowes.
t Heb. the 8 But as for the tmightie man, hee 28 Thou shalt also decree a thing,
\ Heb. emi- had the earth, and tthe honourable and it shal be established vnto thee: anc
nent or ac- man dwelt in it. the light shall shine vpon thy wayes.
countenance. 9 Thou hast sent widowes away 29 When men are cast downe, then
emptie, and the armes of the fatherlesse thou shalt say, There is lifting vp: and
haue bene broken. he shall saue the t humble person* t Heb. Mm
10 Therefore snares are round about 30 || He shall deliuer the Hand of the thai hath
'owe eye*.
thee, and sudden feare troubleth thee, innocent: and it is deliuered by the pure- I Or, the in-
nocent shall
11 Or darkenes that thou canst not nesse of thine hands. deliuer the
see, and abundance of waters couei Hand.
thee. C H A P . XXIII.
12/5 not God in the height of heauen?
t Heb. the and behold the t height of the starres 1 lob lottgeth to appeare before God, 6 in
head of the confidence of his tnercie. 8 God who is inui-
starres. how high they are. sible, obserueth our wayes. 11 lobs innocen-
I Or, what. 13 And thou sayest, ||How doth God cie. 13 Gods decree is immutable.
know? can he iudge through the darke
cloude ? Hen lob answered, and
14 Thicke cloudes are a couering to
him that he seeth not, and hee walketh
in the circuit of heauen.
15 Hast thou marked the olde way
TT said,
2 Euen to day is my com-
plaint bitter: my t stroke is t Hebr. my
heauier then my enroning. hand.
which wicked men haue troden ? 3 O that I kneww where I miaght 6 U that I knewe where 1 migjpi
16 Which were cut downe out of find him! that I might come euen to his
Heb. a flood time, t whose foundation was ouer- seate!
was powred
wpon their 5owen with a flood. 4 I would prder my cause before 4 I would 4 order my cause before
" Chap. 21.
17 * Which said vnto God, Depart !iim, and fill my moutb with argu-
14. from vs, and what can the Almightie ments.
D Or, to them doe ||for them? 5 I would know the words whicli
* Chap. 21.
18 *Yet he filled their houses with be would answere me f and vnderstand
good things: but the counsell of the what he would say vnto me.
wicked is forre from me. 6 Will he plead against me with his
* Psal. 107. 19 *The righteous see it, and are great power ? No, but hee would put
?lad, and the innocent laugh them to strength in me.
scorne. 7 There the righteous might dis-
I Or, estate. 20 Whereas our || substance is not 3Ute with him; so should I be deliuered
I Or, their cut downe, but the ||remnant of them br euer from my I^dge.
the fire consumeth. 8 Behold, I goe forward, but he is
That is, 21 Acquaint now thy selfe with ||him, not there, and backward, but I cannot
with God.
and be at peace : thereby good shal come perceiue him :
vnto thee. 9 On the left hand where hee doeth
22 Receiue, I pray thee, the Lawe worke, but I cannot behold him : he hi-
Vom his mouth, and lay vp his words deth himselfe on the right hand, that I
n thine heart. cannot see him.
* Chap. 8.5. 23 *If thou rfctufne to the Almigh- 10 But he knoweth tthe way that Heb. the
tie, thou shalt be built vp, thou shalt put [ take: when he hath tried me, I shall way that is
with me.
away iniquitie farre from thy taber- come forth as gold.
U Or, on the
nacles. 11 My foot hath held bis steps, his
dust. 24 Then shalt thou lay vp golde ||as way haue I kept, and uot declined,
18 Nei-
The opprefsion lob. of the wicked.
1% JNeitner naue I gone backe trom and the soule ot the wounded crieth out:
t Hebr. I he cqmmaundement of his lippes, tl yet God layeth not folly to them.
wue hid, or
ctyd vp. laue esteemed the words of his month 13 They are of those that rebell a^
« Or, my ap- more then 11 my necessary food, gainst the light, they know not the
pointed por*
tion. 13 But hee is in one minde, and who wayes thereof, nor abide in the pathes
* Psal. 115. can turne him? and what *his soule desi- thereof.
reth, euen that he doeth. 14 The murderer rising with the
14« For he performeth the thing that light, killeth the poore and needy, and
is appointed for mee: and many such in the night is as a thiefe.
things are with him. 15 The eye also of the adulterer wai-
15 Therefore am I troubled at his teth for the twilight, saying, No eye
jresence: when I consider, I am afraid shall see me: and tdisguiseth his face. t Heltr. set-
of him. 16 In the darke they digge through teth his face
in secret.
16 For God maketh my heart soft, douses, which they had marked for them-
and the Almighty troubleth me: selues in the day time : they know not
17 Because I was not cut off before the light.
the darknes, neither hath he couered the 17 For the morning is to them euen
darknes from my face. as the shadow of death: if one know
theiu, they are in the terrours of the sha-
C H A P . XXIIIL dow of death.
18 Hee is swift as the waters, their
1 Wickednessfc goeth often vnpunished. 17
There is a secret iuderement for the wicked. portion is cursed in the earth: he behol-
deth not the way of the Vineyards.
Hy, seeing Times are not 19 Drought and heate t consume the t Hebr. vio-

lently take
hidden from the Almigh- snow waters : so doeth the graue those it.
tie, doe they, that know which haue sinned.
him not, see his dayes ? £0 The wombe shall forget him, the
2 Some remooue the worme shall feed sweetly on him, hee
* Deut. 19. *lana-markes; they violently take a- shall be no more remembred, and wic-
14. and 27.
17. way flocks, and ||feed thereof. kednes shalbe broken as. a tree.
II Or, feed
3 They driue away the asse of the 21 He euill jntreateth the barren, that
fatherlesse, they take the widowes oxe beareth not: and doeth not good to the
for a pledge. widow.
4 They turne the needy out of the 22 He draweth also the mighty with
way: the poore of the earth hide them- his power: he riseth vp> ||and no man is I0r,heetn-
steth not his
selues together, sure of life. owne life.
5 Behold, as wilde asses in the de- 23 Though it begiuen him to fcinsafe-
sart, goe they foorth to their worke, ri- ty, whereon he resteth; yet his eyes are
sing betimes for a pray : the wildernes vpon their wayes.
yeddeth food for them, and for their chil- 24 They are exalted for a litle while,
dren. but tare gone and brought low, they t Hebr. are
t Hebr. min 6 They reape euery one his tcorrie are t taken out of the way as al other, and not.
t Hebr. clo-
ffled corne,
or dredge. in the fielde: and t they gather the vin- cut ofi* as the tops of the eares of corne. sed vp.
t Hebr. the
wicked ga-
tage of the wicked. 25 And if it be not so now, who will
ther the win 7 They cause the naked to lodge make mee a liar, and make my speach
tage. without clothing, that they haw no co- nothing worth ?
uering in the cold.
8 They are wet with the showres CHAP. XXV.
of the mountaines, and imbrace the Bildad sheweth that man cannot be Justi-
rocke for want of a shelter. fied before God.
9 They plucke the fatherlesse from
the brest, and take a pledge of the poore. Hen answered Jbildad the

10 They cause him to go naked with- Shuhite, and said:
out clothing: and they take away the 2 Dominion and feare
sheafejfoow the hungry, are with him, hee maketh
11 Which make oyle within their peace in his high places.
walles, (ind tread their winepresses, an<; 8 Is there anv num-
suffer thirst ber of his armies ? and! vpon whom
12 Meu groatafc frqm out of the city. doeth not his light arise ?
Gods power. Chap.xxvj.xxvij. Hypocrites hope.
* Chap. 4. 4 * How then can man bee mstined Ooreuer lob t continued \Heb. added
to take vp.
17. &c. &

15. U. &c. with God ? or how can he be cleane that his parable, and sayd,
is borne of a woman ? 2 As God liuetn, who
5 Behold euen to the moone, and it hath taken away my
shineth not, yea the starres are not pure Judgment, and the Al-
in his sight. mighty, who hath t vex- IHeb.mate
mytoule bit-
6 How much lesse man, that is a ed my soule; ter.
worme: and the sonne of man which is a 3 All the while my breath is in mee,
•MLflfcft. * worme ? and * the spirit of God is in my nostrils; the
* That is,
4 My lips shall not speake wicked- which God
gaue him.
CHAP. XXVI. nesse, nor my tongue vtter deceit.
1 lob reprouing the vncharitable spirit of Bil- 5 God forbid that I should iustifie
dad, 5 acknowledge^ the power of God you : till I die, I will not remoue my
to be infinite and vnsearchable. integritie from me:
VT lob answered and 6 My righteousnesse I hold fast,

sayd, and will not let it goe : my heart shall
% Howe hastthou helped not reproach me t so long as I Hue. my ^Heb./rom
him that is without power? 7 Let mine enemie be as the wic-
how sauest thou the arme ked, and he that riseth vp against me, as
tnat Haiti no strengtn r the vnrighteous.
3 How hast thou counselled him that 8 * For what is the hope of the hy- 26. •Mat 1C.
hath no wisedome ? and how hast thou pocrite, though he hath gained, when
plentifully declared the thing, as it is ? God taketh away his soule ?
4 To whom hast thou vttered 9 * Will God heare his cry, when 98. * Prou. I.
words ? and whose spirit came from trouble commeth vpon him ? 8.18. lohn.
thee? 10 Will he delight himselfe in the AI- 4.3. lam.
9. 31.
5 Dead things are formed from vn- mightie? will hee alwayes call vpon
II Or. with, der the waters, ||and the inhabitants God?
the Inhabi- 11 I will teach you ||by the hand of the lOr^cingin
tants. thereof. hand $c.
* Pro. 15.11 6 * Hell is naked before him, and de- God: that which is with the Almightie,
struction hath no couering. will I not conceale.
7 He stretcheth out the North ouer 12 Behold, all ye your selues haue
the emptie place, and hangeth the earth scene ft, why then are yee thus altoge-
vpon nothing. ther vaine ?
8 Hee bindeth vp the waters in his 13 This is the portion of a wicked
thicke clouds, and the cloud is not rent man with God, and the heritage of op-
vnder them. pressours which they shall receiue of the
9 Hee holdeth backe the face of his Almightie.
throne, and spreadeth his cloud vpon it. 14 If his children be multiplied, it. it
10 Hee hath compassed the waters for the sword: and his offspring shall not
Wleb.vntill with bounds, t vntill the day and night be satisfied with bread.
the end of 15 * Those that remaine of him 65. *Psal. 78.
light with come to an end.
darknesse. 11 The pillars of heauen tremble, shall bee buried in death : and his wi-
and are astonished at his reproofe. dowes shall not weepe.
12 Hee diuideth the sea with his po- 16 Though he heape vp siluer as the
wer, and by his vnderstanding he smi- dust, and prepare rayment as the
\Hcb. pride. teth through t the proud. clay:
13 By his spirit he hath garnished the 17 He may prepare ft, but the iust shall
heauens; his hand hath formed the put it on, and the innocent shall diuide
crooked serpent. the siluer.
14 Loe, these are parts of his waies, 18 He buildeth his house as a moth,
but how little a portion is heard of and as a booth that the keeper maketh.
him ? but the thunder of his power who 19 The rich man shall lie downe, bul
can vnderstand ? he shall not be gathered: he openeth his
eyes, and he is not:
CHAP. XXVII. 20 * Terrours take hold on him as 11. * Chap. 18.
waters, a tempest stealeth him away in
1 lob protesteth his sincerity. 8 The Hypo-
crite is without hope. 11 Theblessings, which the night.
the wicked haue, are turned into curses. 21 The East winde carieth him a-
Gods wiiedome. lob. lobs former
way, and he departetn : ana as a storme 17 The golde and the chrystall can-
hurleth him out of his place. not equall it: and the exchange of it shall
22 For God shall cast vpon him, and not befor \\ Jewels of fine golde. I Or, vessell
\Heb.inJtee. not spare; t hee would faine flee out of 18 No mention shalbe made of ||Co- ->fI Or,fine/?a-
inghe would rall, or of Pearles : for the price of wise- moth.
flee. his hand.
23 Men shall clap their handes at dome is aboue Rubies.
him, and shall hisse him out of his place. 19 The Topaze of Ethiopia shall
not equall it, neither shall it be valued
C H A P . XXVIII. with pure golde.
1 There is a knowledge of naturall things. 12 20 * Whence then commeth wise- " Vers. 12.
But wisedome is an excellent sift of God. dome ? and where is the place of vnder-
standing ?
II Or, a mine Vrely there is ||a veine for 21 Seeing it is hid from the eyes of

the sillier, and a place for all liuing, and kept close from the foules
golde where they fine it. of the || ay re. I Or, heauen.
2 Iron is taken out of 22 Destruction and death say, Wee
II Or, dust. the || earth, and brasse is haue heard the fame thereof with our
molten out of the stone. eares.
3 Hee setteth an ende to darkenesse, 23 God vnderstandeth the way there-
and searcheth out all perfection . the of, and he knoweth the place thereof.
stones of darkenesse and the shadow of 24 For hee looketh to the endes of
death. the earth, and seeth vnder theivhole
4 The floud breaketh out from the heauen:
inhabitant; euen the waters forgotten of 25 To make the weight for the
the footer they are dried vp, they are windes, and he weigheth the waters by
gone away from men. measure.
5 As for the earth, out of it commeth 26 When hee made a decree for the
bread : and vnder it, is turned vp as it raine, and a way for the lightning of
were fire. the thunder:
6 The stones of it are the place of 27 Then did he see it, || and declare I Or, did
I Or, gold, Saphires: and it hath j| dust of golde. it, he prepared it, yea and searched it out. number it.
oare. 7 There is a path which no foule 28 * And vnto man he said, Behold, •Psal. 111.
10. prou. 1.
knoweth, and which the vulturs eye the feare of the Lord, that is wisedome, 7. & 9. 10.
hath not scene. and to depart from euill, is vnderstan-
8 The lyons whelps haue not tro- ding.
den it, nor the fierce lyon passed by it.
9 Hee putteth foorth his hand vpon C H A P . XXIX.
I Or, flint. the ||rocke; hee ouerturneth the moun- lob bemoaneth himselfe, of his former pros-
taines by the rootes. peritie and honour.
10 Hee cutteth outriuers among the Oreouer lob t continued Heb. added

rockes, and his eye seeth euery precious bis parable, and said, o take vp.
thing. 2 O that I were as
\Heb.from, 11 Hebindeth the flouds tfrom ouer- In moneths past, as in the
flowing, and the thing that is hid, brin layes when God preser-
geth he foorth to light. ied me.
12 But where shall wisedome bee 3 When his || candle shmedvpon my I Or, lampe-
found ? and where is the place of vnder- head, and when by his light I walked
standing? through darkenesse.
13 Man knoweth not the price there- 4 As I was in the dayes of my
of; neither is it found in the land of the youth, when the secret of God was vp-
liuing. on my tabernacle:
• Rom* 11, 14 *The depth saith, It is not in me: 5 When the Almightie was yet with
and the sea saith, It is not with me. me, when my children were about me:
\Heb.fine 15 t It * cannot be gotten for golde, 6 When I washed my steps with
begiutn neither shall siluer be weighed Jbr the butter, and the rocke powred t me out t Heb. with
price thereof. me.
for it. riuers of oyle:
* Pro. 3. J4.
and 8.11, 16 It cannot be valued with the 7 When I went out to the gate,
19. and golde of Ophir, with the precious O- through the citie, when I prepared my
16. 16.
nix, or the Saphire. seate in the street.
8 The
profperitie, and prefent miferie.
o Ihe yong men saw me, ana ma » Yea whereto might the strength
themselues ; and the aged arose, and of their hands profit me, in whom olde
stood vp. age was perished ?
9 The princes refrained talking, and 3 For want and famine they were
laid their hand on their mouth. \\ solitarie : flying into the wildernesse as
H Or* darke
the night,
t Heb. the 10 tThe Nobles held their peace, t in former time desolate and waste: fHekyester.
voice of the
nobles was and their tongue cleaued to the roofe of 4 Who cut vp mallowes by the night.
hid. their mouth. bushes, and luniper rootes for their
11 When the eare heard mee> then it meate.
blessed me, and when the eye saw me, it 5 They were driuen foorth from a-
gaue witnesse to me: mong men, (they cried after them, as af-
12 Because I deliuered the poore ter a thiefe.)
that cried, and the fatherlesse, and him 6 To dwell in the clifts of the val-
that had none to helpe him. leys, in t caues of the earth, and in the \ Heb. holes.
18 The blessing of him that was rea- rockes.
die to perish, came vpon me: and I cau- 7 Among the bushes they brayed :
sed the widowes heart to sing for ioy. vnder the nettles they were gathered
14 I put on righteousnesse, and it together.
clothed me: my Judgement was as a 8 They were children of fooles, yea
robe and a diademe. children of t base men : they were viler
Of no name.
15 I was eyes to the blind, and feet then the earth.
was I to the lame. 9 * And now am I their song, yea • Psal. 35.
15. and 69.
161 was a father to the poore: and I am their by-word. 12.
the cause which I knewe not, I sear- 10 They abhorre me, they flee farre
ched out. from me, t and spare not to spit in my i Heb. and
withhold not
taw teeth or 17 And I brake the tiawes of the
\Heb.the face. spittle from
the grinders wicked, and tpluckt the spoile out of his 11 Because hee hath loosed my cord my face.
\ Heb. I cast teeth. and afflicted me, they haue also let loose
18 Then I said, I shall die in my the bridle before me.
nest, and I shall multiplie my dayes as 12 Vpon my right hand rise the youth,
the sand. they push away my feete, and they raise
Mleb. 19 My roote was t spread out by the vp against mee the wayes of their de-
opened. struction.
waters, and the dew lay all night vpon
my branch. 13 They marre my path, they set
t Heb. new. 20 My glory was t fresh in mee, and forward my calamitie, they haue no
t Heb. chan- my bow was t renewed in my hand. helper.
21 Vnto me men gaue eare, and wai- 1 i They came vpon me as a wide brea-
ted, and kept silence at my counsell. king in of waters: in the desolation they
22 After my words they spake not a- rolled themselues vpon me.
gaine, & my speach dropped vpon them, 15 Terrours are turned vpon mee:
23 And they waited for me as for the they pursue t my soule as the wind: and t Heb. my
raine, and they opened their mouth my welfare passeth away as a cloude. principatt
wide as for the latter raine. 16 And now my soule is powred out
24 If I laughed on them, they belee- von me : the dayes of affliction haue
ued it not, and the light of my counte- taken hold vpon me.
nance they cast not downe. 17 My bones are pierced in mee in
25 I chose out their way, and sate the night season: and my sinewes take
chiefe, and dwelt as a king in the army, no rest.
as one thai comforteth the mourners. 18 By the great force of my disease, is
my garment changed: it bindeth mee
C H A P . XXX, about as the collar of my coat.
1 lobs honour is turned into extreme contempt. 19 Hee hath cast mee into the myre,
15 His prosperitie into calamitie.
and I am become like dust and ashes.
t Heb. of Vt nowe they t that are 20 I crie vnto thee, and thou doest
fewer dayet

then I. yonger then I, haue mee not heare me: I stand vp, and thou re-
in derision, whose fathers gardest me not. \Hehtumed
I would haue disdained 21 Thou art t become cruell to me: tobecruett.
to haue set with the dogs t Hebr. the
with t thy strong hand thou opposest strength of
ot my tiocke. thy selfe against me. thy hand.
32 Thou
|Iob profefleth lob. his integritie.
22 Thou liftest me vp to the wind : my neignoours aoore:
thoii causest me to ride vpon it, and dissol- 10 Then let my wife grind vnto an-
II Or, wise- nest my || substance.
other, and let others bow downe vpon
23 For I know that thou wilt bring her.
me to death, and to the house appointed 11 For this is an heinous crimevyea,
for all liuing. it is an iniquitie to bee punished by the
24 Howbeit he will not stretch out ludges.
pHebheape. his hand to the tgraue, though they cry 12 For it is a firethat consumeth to de-
in his destruction. struction, and would roote out all mine
•Rom. 12.
15. psal. 35.
25 * Did not I weepe tfor him that encrease. j
13. was in trouble ? was not my soule grie- 13 If I did despise the cause of my
t Heb. for
him that was ued for the poore ? man-seruant, or of my mayd-seruant/
hard of day. 26 When I looked for good, then when they contended with me:
euill came vn to mee: and when I wai- 14 What then shall I do, when God
ted for light, there came darkenes. riseth vp ? and when hee visiteth, what
27 My bowels boyled and rested j shall I answere him ?
not: the dayes of affliction preuented 15 Did not hee that made mee in the
mee. wombe, make him ? and || did not one fa- notfashion
n Or, did hee
28 I went mourning without the shion vs in the wombe ? vs in one
Sunne : I stood vp, and I cried in the 16 If I haue withhelde the poore wombe ?
Congregation. rom their desire, or haue caused the eyes
* Psal. 102. 29 * I am a brother to dragons, and of the widow to faile :
II Or, ostri- a companion to ||owles. 17 Or haue eaten my morsell my
ches. 30 My skinne is blacke vpon mee, selfe alone, and the fatherlesse hath not
and my bones are burnt with heat. eaten thereof:
31 My harpe also is turned to mour- 18 (For from my youth hee was
ning, and my organe into the voyce oi brought vp with me as with a father,
them that weepe. and I haue guided || her from my mo-the II That is,
thers wombe.)
C H A P . XXXI. 19 If I haue scene any perish for
lob maketh a solemne protestation of his inte- want of cloathing, or any poore with-
gritie in seuerall dueties. out couering:
20 If his loynes haue not blessed
Made a couenant with me, and if hee were not warmed with

mine eyes; why then the fleece of my sheepe:
should I thinke vpon a 21 If I haue lift vp my hand against
mayd ? the fatherlesse, when I saw my helpe
2 For what portion of in the gate :
G-od is there from aboue ? and what in- 22 Then let mine arme fall from my
heritance of the Almighty from on shoulder-blade, and mine arme be bro-
high? ken from the || bone. I Or, the
3 Is not destruction to the wicked ? 23 For destruction frorri God was a channellbone.
and a strange punishment to the workers terrour to mee : and by reason of his
of iniquitie ? highnesse, I could not endure.
* 2% Chron. 4 *Doeth not he see my wayes, and 24 If I haue made golde my hope,
16. 9. iob
32. 21. pro. count all my steps ? or haue said to the fine gold, Thou art my
5. 21. and
IK. 9.
5 If I iaue walked with vanitie, confidence:
or if my foot hath hasted to deceit; 25 If I reioyced because my wealth
\Hebr.let 6 t Let me bee weighed in an euen was great, and because mine hand had
him weigh ballance, that God may know mine in- t gotten much: ) Heb. found
mee in t>a- much.
Iust ice.
tegritie. 26 If I beheld tthe Sunne wher t Heb. the
7 If my step hath turned out of the it shined, or the Moone walking t ir t Heb. bright
way, and mine heart walked after brightnesse:
mine eyes, and if any blot hath cleaued 27 And my heart hath bene secretlv
to my hands: enticed, or t my mouth hath kissed m) hand t Hebr. my
8 Then let mee sow, and let another hand: kissed my
eate, yea let my off-spring be rooted out. 28 This also were an iniquitie to b< mouth.
9 If mine heart haue bene deceiued punished by the ludge : For I shoulc
by a woman, or ifl haue layde wait at haue denied the God that is aboue.
Elihu reproueth Chap.xxxij. lob, and others.
%9 It 1 reioyced at the destruction had spoken : because they were t elder • Heo. ewer
of him that hated me, or lift vp my selfe then he. for day es*
when euill found him: 5 When Elihu saw that there was no
t Heb. my
30 (Neither haue I suffered t my answere in the mouth of these three
mouth to sinne by wishing a curse to men, then his wrath was kindled.
his soule.) 6 And Elihu the sonne of Barachel
31 If the men of my tabernacle said the Buzite answered and sayd : I am
not, Oh that we had of his flesh! wee tyong, and yee are very old, wherefore t Heb. few
cannot be satisfied. I was afraid, and t durst not shew you ofdayes.
3£ The stranger did not lodge in the mine opinion. feared.
!! Or, to the street: but I opened my doores |] to the
7 I said, Dayes should speake, and
trauailer. multitude of yeeres should teach wise-
33 If I couered my transgressions, dome.
I! Or, after f|as Adam : by hiding mine iniquitie in 8 * But there is a spirit in man: and * lob.2.38.36
the manner
of men. my bosom e: the inspiration of the Almightie giueth prou. 6.
eccl. 2. 26.
34 Did I feare a great multitude, or them vnderstanding. Ian. 1.17.
j 2.21. &
did the contempt of families terrific 9 Great men are not aJwayes wise :
me : that I kept silence, and went not neither doe the aged vnderstand iudge-
out of the doore ? ment.
I Or, behold 10 Therfore I sayd, Hearken to me:
my signs is 35 O that one would heare me! ||be-
itettheAl- holde, my desire isy that the Almightie I also will shew mine opinion.
mightiewill would answere me, and that mine ad- 11 Behold, I waited for your words:
uersary had written a booke. I gaue eare to your treasons, whilest derstandingt
t Heb. vn-
36 Surely I would take it vpon my you searched out twhat to say. t Heb. words
shoulder, and bind it as a crowne to me. 12 Yea, I attended vnto you : and
37 I would declare vnto him the beholde, there was none of you that
number of my steps, as a prince would conuinced lob, or that answered his
I goe neere vnto him. words:
38 If my land cry against me, or that 13 Lest ye should say,We haue found
t Heb. weepe the furrowes likewise thereof tcom- out wisdom : God thrusteth him down,
) Heb. the plainp: not man.
strength 39 If I haue t eaten the fruits there- 14 Now he hath not || directed his red fl Or, orde-
thereof. his
\Hcb.caused of without money, or haue t caused the words against me : neither will I an- words.
the soule of owners thereof to loose their life: swere him with your speeches,
the owners
iherofto ex- 40 Let thistles grow in stead of
pire* or
15 They were amased, they answe-
breath out. wheat, and || cockle in stead of barley. red no more, tthey left off speaking. tremoued Heb. they
II Or, noy- 16 When I had waited, (for they speeches
some weefos The words of lob are ended.
spake not, but stood still and answered fromselves.
C H A P . XXXII. no more.)
1 Elihu is angry with lob and his three friends. 17 / sayd, I will answere also my
6 Because wisedome cometh not from age,he part, I also will shew mine opinion.
excuseth the boldnesse of his youth. 11 He 18 For I am full of t matter, the t spi- t Heb..words
reprooueth them for not satisfying of lob. 16 t Heb. the
His zeale to roeake.
rit within me constraineth me. spirit of my
19 Behold, my belly is as wine, which belly.
0 these three men ceased thath no vent, it is ready to burst like opened.
t Heb. is not

t Heb. from
tto answere lob, because new bottles.
he was righteous in his 20 I will speake, tthat I may be re- may t Heb. that I
owne eyes. freshed : I wUl open my lippes, and an-
2 Then was kindled swere.
the wrath of Elihu, the sonne of Bara- 21 Let me not, I pray you, accept
chel the Buzite, of the kinred of Ram; any mans person : neither let me giue
against lob was his wrath kindled, flattering titles vnto man.
t Heb. his because he Justified t him selfe rather then 22 For I know not to giue flatte-
God. ring titles: in so doing my maker would
3 Also against his three friends was soone take me away.
his wrath kindled : because they had
found no answere, and yet had condem- C H A P . XXXIII.
t Heb. ex- ned lob.
pected lob 1 Elihu pffereth himselfe in stead of God, with
in words. 4 Now Elihu had t waited till lob sinceritie and meekenesse to reason with lob.
8 He
Gods chaftifements: lob. His mercie.
8 He excuseth God from gluing man an ac- 20 * So that his life abhorreth bread, »Psal.i07.
and his soule tdaintie meate.
count of his wayes, by his greatnesse. 14 God 17-
calleth man to repentance by visions, 19 by (• Heb. meate
afflictions, 93 ana by his mmistery. 31 Hee
21 His flesh is consumed away that tfdetire.
inciteth lob to attention* it cannot be seene; and his bones that
were not seene, sticke out.
Herefore, lob, I pray 22 His soule draweth neere vnto the

thee, heare my speeches, graue, and his life to the destroyers.
and hearken to all my 23 If there be a messenger with him,
wordes, an interpreter, one among a thousand,
2 Behold, now I haue to shew vnto man his vprightnesse:
opened my mouth, my tongue hath 24 Then hee is gracious vnto him,
t Heb. in my spoken tin tny mouth. and sayth, Deliuer him from going
3 My words shalbe of the vpright- downe to the pit; I haue found ||a ran- i Or9 an
nesse of my heart: and my lippes shall some. atonement.
vtter knowledge clearely. 25 His flesh shall be fresher tthen a I Hebr. then
4 The Spirit of God hath made childes : he shall returne to the dayes of childhood.
me, and the breath of the Almightie his youth,
hath giuen me life. 26 He shall pray vnto God, and hee
5 If thou canst, answere me, set thy will be fauourable vnto him, and hee
wordes in order before me, stand vp. shall see his face with ioy : for hee will
* Cha. 9.35. 6 * Behold, I am t according to thy render vnto man his righteousnesse.
and 23. 20.
t Heb. accor- wish in Gods stead : I also am t for- 27 || He looketh vpon men, and if any i Or, he shall
ding to thy ' med out of the clay.
say, I haue sinned, and peruerted that loofee vpon
t Heb. cut 7 Behold, my terfour shall not which was right, and it profited mee ned, &o*sin- I haue
out of the make thee afraid, neither shall my hand not:
be heauie vpon thee. 28 || Hee will delivier his soule from deliuered
i Or9 he hath
i Heb. in 8 Surely thou hast spoken tin mine going into the pit, and his life shall see my soule arc.
mine eares. hearing, and I haue heard the voice the light. ant my life.
of thy words, saying, 29 Loe, all these things worketh
9 I am cleane without transgressi- God t often times with man, \ Heb. twice
and thrice.
on, I am innocent; neither is there ini- 30 To bring backe his soule from the
quitie in me. pit, to be enlightened with the light of
10 Behold, hee findeth occasions a- the liuing.
gainst mee, hee counteth mee for his 31 Marke well, O lob, hearken vn-
enemie. to me, hold thy peace, and I wil speake.
11 He putteth my feete in the stockes, 32 If thou hast any thing to say, an-
he marketh all my pathes. swere me: speake, for I desire to iustifie
12 Behold, in this thou art not iust: thee.
I will answere thee, That God is 33 If not, hearken vnto me : holde
greater then man. thy peace, and I shall teach thee wise-
13 Why doest thou striue against him? dome.
t Heb. hee for the giueth not account of any of his
not. matters. C H A P , XXXIIII.
14 For God speaketh orice, yea twice,
yet man perceiueth it not. 1 Elihu accuseth lob for charging God .with
injustice. 10 God omnipotent cannot be
15 In a dreame, in a vision of the vniust. 31 Man must humble himself e vntp
night, when deepe sleepe falleth vpon God. 34 Elihu reprooueth lob.
men, in slumbrings vpon the bed:
t Heb. hee 16 Then hee topeneth the eares of Vrthermore Elihu answe-

reueateth, or
vncouereth. men, and sealeth their instruction, red, and said,
17 That hee may withdraw man 2 Heare my wordes,
\Heb.worke. from his t purpose, and hide pride from 0 yee wise men , and
man. ffiue eare vnto me, ye that
18 Hee keepeth backe his soule from naue knowledge.
t Heb. from the pit, and his life tfrom perishing by 3 * For the eare trieth words, as the u. *Cha]M2.
passing by
the sword. the sword. t mouth tasteth meate. t Heb. pa*
19 Hee is chastened also with paine 4 Let vs ehuse to vs iudgement: late.
vpon his bed, and the multitude of his let vs know among our selues what is
bones with strong paine. good.
5 For
Gods power, Chap.xxxiiij. xxx v. and iuftice.
5 For Iob hath said, I am righte men t without number, and set other t Heb. with
ous t- and God hath taken away nr in their stead. out search"
ing out.
Judgement. 25 Therefore hee knoweth thei]
6 Should I lye against my right? workes, and he ouerturneth them in th<
i Hebr, mine tmy wound is incurable without trans- night, so that they are t destroyed. t Hebr.
arrow. crushed.
gression. 26 He striketh them as wicked men
7 What man is like Iob, who drink- tin the open sight of others? t Hebr. in
the place of
eth vp scorning like water ? 27 Because they turned backe tfrorr beholders.
8 Which goeth in company with him, and would not consider any of his after
\Hebr. from
the workers of iniquitie, and walketh wayes.
with wicked men. 28 So that they cause the cry of the
9 For hee hath said, It profiteth a poore to come vnto him, and he heareth
man nothing, that he should delight the cry of the afflicted.
himselfei with God. 29 When he giueth quietnesse, whc
10 Therefore hearken vnto me, ye then can make trouble? and when hee
t Hebr. men t men of vnderstanding : * farre bee it hideth his face, who then can beholde
* Exod. 32. From God, that he sJtould doe wickednes, him? whether it be done against a nati-
4. iob 8. 3. and from the Almighty, that hee sJioulc on , or against a man onely:
and 36. 23.
psal. 92.15. commit iniquitie. 30 That the hypocrite raigne not,
row. 9. u.
* Psal. 62. 11 * For the worke of a man shall he test the people be ensnared.
12. pro. 24. render vnto him, and cause euery man 31 Surely it is meete to be said vntc
12. iere. 2.
32, in. eze. to firide according to his wayes. God, I haue borne chastisement, 1 will
33. 20. mat. 12 Yea surely God will not doe wic- not offend any more.
6, 27. rom.
2. 6. 2. cor. <edly , neither will the Almighty per- 32 That which I see not, teach thou
5.1 p. i.pct.
1.17. apoc. uert iudgement me; If I haue done iniquitie, I will
22. 12- 13 Who hath giuen him a charge o- doe no more.
Hebr. attq/ uer the earth ? or who hath disposed t the 33 t Should it bee according to thy t be
whole world ? minde ? he will recompense it, whether Should
from with
* Psal. 104.
\4f * If he set his heart tvpon man, thou refuse, or whether thou chuse, and thee?
Hebr. opon £he gather vnto himselfe his spirit and not I : therefore speake what thou
Aim, lis breath; mowest.
* Eccles. 12. 15 * All flesh shall perish together, 34? Let men t of vnderstanding tell \eart.
Hebr. of
6. gene. 3.
10v and man shall turne againe vnto dust. mee, and let a wise man hearken vnto
16 If now thou host vnderstanding, mee.
icare this: hearken to the voyce of my 35 Iob hath spoken without know-
words. edge, and his words were without wis-
17 Shall euen he that hateth right, dome.
IHeb.binde. tgouerne? and wilt thou conderane him 36 || My desire is that Iob may bee II Or, My fa-
that is most lust ? tried vnto the ende, because of his an- ther, let lob
be tried.
18 Is it fit to say to a King, Thou art sweres for wicked men.
wicked ? and to Princes, Ye are vngodly? 37 For he addeth rebellion vnto his
• Dcut. lu.
17. 2. chro.
19 *How much lesse to him that accep- sinne, hee clappeth his handes amongst
9. 7- act. 10. teth not the persons of Princes, nor re- vs, and multiplieth his words against
34. rom. 2. rardeth the rich more then the poore?
11. gal. 2.6. God.
cphe. 6. 9. or they all are the woorke of his
COlos. 3. 25.
J. pet. i. 17. lands. C H A P . XXXV.
20 In a moment shall they die, and
1 Comparison is not to be made with God, be-
the people shalbe troubled at midnight, cause our good or euill cannot extend vnto
t Heb. they and passe away : and tthe mighty shall him. 9 Many.cry in their afflictions, but
shall take a-
way the )e taken away without hand. are not heard for want of faith.
*Pro. 5. 21.
21 *For his eyes are vpon the wayes
and 15. a. of man, and he seeth all his goings. Lihu spake moreouer, and

iob 31. 4.
2. chro. 16. 22 There is no darkenes, nor shadow said,
9; ieie. 16. of death, where the workers of iniqui- 2 Thinkest thou this
17. ;o bee right, that thou say-
tie may hide themselues.
23 For hee will not lay vpon man lest. Mv riffhteousnesse is
iHebr.goe. morethenright; that he should tenter in- more then Gods ?
to iudgeipent with God. 3 For thou saydst, What aduantage
24 He shall breake in pieces mighty will it bee vnto thee, anAWhajt profite
The caufes of lob. Gods punifhments.
Or, by it nail 1 naue, \\y 1 bee cleansed trora my D He preserueth not the life of the
more then by inne? wicked : but giueth right to the Hpoore. !0r,3#i.
my sinne.
Heb. wil 4 tl wil answere thec, and thy com-
eturneI to
7 * Hee withdraweth not his eyes *cted. Psal. 34.
hee words. >anions with thee. Tom the righteous : but with kings are 14.
5 Looke vnto the heauens and see, hey on the throne, yea he doth establish
nd behold the clouds which are higher hem for euer, and they are exalted.
hen thou. 8 And if they bee bound in fetters,
6 If thou sinnest, what doest thou and be holden in cords of affliction :
gainst him? or j^*thy transgressions be 9 Then hee sheweth them their
multiplied, what doest thou vnto him ? worke, and their transgressions, that
* Psal. 16.2. 7 * If thou be righteous, what gi- hey haue exceeded.
Rom. 11. 35
iob. 22. 3. iest thou him? or what receiueth hee of 10 He openeth also their eare to disci-
hine hand ? )1ine, and commandeth that they re-
8 Thy wickednesse may hurt a man ;urne from iniquitie.
s thou art, and thy righteousnesse may 11 If they obey and serue him, *they * Iob 21.13
profit the soniie of man. shall spend their dayes in prosper!tie,
9 By reason of the multitude of op- and their yeeres in pleasures.
sessions they make the oppressed to crie : 12 But if they obey not, tthey shall Heb. they
hall passe a-
fiey crie out by reason of the arme of perish by the sword, and they shall die wayoythe.
he mightie. without knowledge. sword.
10 But none saith,Where is God my 13 But the hypocrites in heart heape
maker, who giueth songs in the night? vp wrath : they cue not when he bin-
11 Who teacheth vs more then the leth them*
>easts of the earth, and maketh vs wi- 14 tThey die in youth, and their life Hebr.fair
er then the foules of heauen. is among tne jjvncleane. Or,Sodo-
12 There they crie, (but none giueth 15 He deliuereth the ||poore in his af- mites.
Or, affi-
answere") because of the pride of euill fliction, and openeth their eares in op- oted.
men. pression.
* lob. 27. 9 13 * Surely God wil not heare vani- 16 Euen so would he haue remoouec
prou. 1. 28.
sa.1. is.ier. tie, neither wil the Almightie regard it. thee out of the strait into a broad place,
li.U. 14 Although thou sayest thou shalt where there is no straitnesse, and t thai iHeb.ffl*
rest of thy
not see him, yet judgement & before him, which should be set on thy table, shaida 'fiti?*9
therefore trust thou in him. fofull offatnesse.
^ That is 15 But now because it is not so, |[hee 17 But thou hast fulfilled the iudge-
God. Or, iudge-
\\Thatis, lath visited in his anger, yet ||he know- ment of the wicked : || iudgement anc mentandiu-
M. eth it not in great extremitie: iustice take hold on thee. stice should
16 Therefore doeth lob open his 18 Because there is wrath, bewarelesi vpholdtoee.
mouth in vaine : he multiplietn words le take thee away with his stroke: ther
without knowledge. a great ransome cannot t deliuer thee. \Heb.turne
thee aside.
19 Will he esteeme thy riches? no nol
C H A P . XXXVI. gold, nor all the forces of strength.
1 Elihu sheweth how God is iust in bis waves. 20 Desire not the night, when peo-
16 How lobs sinnes hinder Gods blessings ple are cut off in their place.
24> Gods works are to be magnified.
21 Take heed, regard not iniquitie
JLmu also proceeded, and Tor this hast thou chosen rather then af

said, iiction.
% Suffer mee a little, 22 Beholde, God exalteth by hi
and I will shewe thee, power: who teacheth like him ?
t Heb. that tthat Ihaue yet to speake 23 Who hath ihioyned him his way.
there are yet
wordsfor on Gods behalfe. or who can say, Thou hast wrough
God. 8 I will fetch my knowledge from iniquitie?
afarre, and will .ascribe righteotisnesse 24 Remember that thou magnifii
to my Maker. his worke, which men behold.
4 For tfuely my words shall not be 25 Euery man may see it, man ma;
false: he that is perfect in knowledge, i behold it afarre off.
with thee. 26 Behold, God is great, and w<
5 BehoJd, God is mightie, and de know him not, neither can the numbe
spiseth not any: he is mightie in strengtl of his yeeres be searched out.
t Heb. hear and twisedome. 27 For hee maketh small the drop
The power Chap.xxxvij.xxxviij. of God.
01 waier: uiey powre aowne raine ac soeuer nee commaundeth them vpon
cording to the vapour thereof: the face of the world in the earth.
£8 Which the clouds doe drop, ane 13 He causeth it to come, whether for
distill vpon man aboundantly, t correction, or for his land, or for mercy. t Heb. a rod.
29 Also can any vnderstand the 14 Hearken vnto this, 0 lob:
spreadings of the clouds, or the noise o stand still, and consider the wondrous
his tabernacle ? workes of God.
30 Behold, he spreadeth his light vp- 15 Doest thou knowe when God dis-
t Heb. the on it, and couereth t the bottome of the posed them, and caused the light of his
sea. cloud to shine ?
31 For by them iudgeth he the peo- 16 Doest thou know the ballancings
ple, he giueth meate in abundance. of the clouds, the wondrous workes of
32 With clouds he couereth the light him which is perfect in knowledge ?
and commaundeth it not to shine, by the 17 How thy garments are warme,
cloud that commeth betwixt. when hee quieteth the earth by the
33 The noise thereof sheweth con- South wind?
t Heb. that cerning it, the cattel also concerning t the 18 Hast thou with him spread out
which goeth Vapour. the skie, which is strong, and as a molten
looking glasse ?
C H A P . XXXVII. 19 Teach vs what we shall say vnto
1 God is to be feared because of his great works
dim; for we cannot order our speach by
15 His wisdome is vnsearchable in them. reason of darknes.
20 Shall it bee told him that I
T this also my heari speake? ifamanspeake>surelyheshalbe

trembleth, 'and is moued swallowed vp.
out of his place. 21 And nowe men see not the bright
Heb. heare 2 tHeare attentiuely ight which is in the clouds : but the
n hearing.
the noise of his voice, and wind passeth and cleanseth them.
tne sound ttiat goeta out ot nis moutn. 22 tFaire weather commeth out of
3 Hee directeth it vnder the whole the North : with God is terrible ma-
Heb. KgM. heauen, and his t lightning vnto the lestie.
Heb. wings tends of the earth. 23 Touching the Almighty, we can-
of the earth.
4 After it a voyce roareth: he thun- not find him out: he is excellent in pow-
dreth with the voice of his excellencie, er, and in iudgement, and in plenty of
and hee will not stay them when his ustice : he will not afflict.
voice is heard. 24 Men doe therefore feare him : he
5 God thundereth maruellously respecteth not any that are wise of heart.
with his voice : great things doth hee,
which we cannot comprehend. C H A P . XXXVIII.
* Psal. 147. 6 For *he saith to the snow, Be thou
16. & 17. God chalengeth lob to answer. 4 God by
t Heb. and an the earth : t likewise to the small his mighty workes, conuinceth lob of Igno-
to the show- raine, and to the great raine of his rance, 31 and of imbecillity.
er of raine,
and to the strength.
showers of 7 He sealeth vp the hand of euery Hen the LORD answe-

raine of nis
strength. man; that all men may knowe his red lob out of the whirle-
worke. wind, and sayd,
8 Then the beastes goe into dennes: 2 Who is this that dark-
and remaine in their places. neth counsell by words
Heb. out of 9 tOut of the South commeth the without knowledge?
the chamber. 3 Gird vp nowe thy loines like 8
whirlewinde : and cold out of the
tHekscatte. t North. man; for I will demaund of thee, and
ring winds.
10 By the breath of God, frost ia gi- •answere thou me. \ Heb. make
uen : and the breadth of the waters is 4 * Where wast thou when I layd me know.
* Psal. 104.
straitned. the foundations of the earth ? declare, 5. prou.
11 Also by watring he wearieth the t if thou hast vnderstanding. HeMfthou
\ Heb. the hicke cloud: hee scattereth this bright 5 Who ,hath layd the measures tnowestvn*inderstan*
cloud of his cloud. thereof, if thou knowest ? or who hath ding.
12 And it is turned round about by stretched the line vpon it ?
lis counsels : that they may doe what- 6 Wherepuon are the t foundati- kets. • Heb. soc-
Mans weakenes. lob. Gods fecret workes.
to sinke.
3ns thereof tfastened ? or who layd the 27 Xo satisne the desolate and waste
corner stone thereof? ground, andto cause thebudofthetender
7 When the morning starres sang herbe to spring forth.
together, and all the sonues of God 28 Hath the raine a father? or who
shouted for ioy. hath begotten the drops of dew ?
*PsaLl04,fl 8 *Or who shut vp the sea with 29 Out of whose wombe came the
ioores, when it brake foorth as if it had yce? and the hoary frost of heauen, who
issued out of the wombe ? hath gendred it ? *
9 When I made the cloud the gar- 30 The waters are hid as with a
ment thereof, and thicke darknesse stone, and the face of the deepetis frozen.
i swadling band for it, 31 Canst thou bind the sweete influ- token.
y Or, establi-
shed my de-
10 And || brake vp for it my decreed ences of 11 Pleiades ? or loose the bands uen-starres.
I Or, the se-
cree vpon it. place, and set barres and doores, of t Orion ? Heb. Cimah.
11 And said, Hitherto shalt thou 32 Canst thou bring forth ||Mazza- iHeb.Cesil.
I Or, the
come, but no further: and heere shall roth in his season, or canst thou t guide twelve signet.
t Heb. the tthy proud waues be stayed. Arcturus with his sonnes ? t Heb. guide
pride of thy them.
waues. 12 Hast thou commaunded the mor- 33 Enowest thou the ordinances of
ning since thy daies ? and caused the day- heauen? canst thou set the dominion
spring to know his place, thereof in the earth ?
13 That it might take hold of the 34 Canst thou lift vp thy voice to the
^Heb.wings. tendes of the earth, that the wicked cloudes, that abundance of waters may
might be shaken out of it ? couer thee?
14 It is turned as clay to the scale, 35 Canst thou send lightnings, that
and they stand as a garment. they may goe, and say vnto thee, t Here
15 And from the wicked their light we are ?
is withholden, and the high arme shal- 36 *Who hath put wisedome in the * Chap. 32.
be broken. inward parts ? or who hath giuen vn- s. 26.
Ecue. a.
16 Hast thou entred into the springs derstanding to the heart ?
;>f the sea ? or hast thou walked in the 37 Who can number the cloudes in
search of the depth ? wisedome? or twho can stay the bot- ican Heb. who
cause to
17 Haue the gates of death bene ope- tles of heauen, lie doume.
ned vnto thee ? or hast thou seene the 38 || When the dust tgroweeh into B Or, when
doores of the shadow of death ? the dust is
hardnesse^ and the clods cleaue fast to- turned into
18 Hast thou perceiued the breadth of gether? myre.
t Heb. is
the earth? Declare if thou knowest it all. 39 * Wilt thou hunt the pray for the powred.
19 Where is the way where light * Psal. 104.
lyon? or fill the t appetite of the young 21.
dwelleth ? and as for darknesse, where lyons, t Heb. the
is the place thereof? 40 When they couch in their dennes, life.
i Or, at. 20 That thou shouldest take it || to the and abide in the couer t to lie in waite?
bound thereof, and that thou shouldest 41 * Who prouideth for the rauen * Psal. 147.
know the pathes to the house thereof. his foode ? when his young ones cry vn- 9.26.Math. 0.
21 Knowest thou it, because thou to God, they wander for lacke of meate.
wast then borne? or because the number
of thy daies is great ? C H A P . XXXIX.
22 Hast thou entred into the trea- 1 Of the wild goates and hinds. 5 Of the
sures of the snowe ? or hast thou seene wildAsse. 9 The Vnicorne. 13 The Peacock,
the treasures of the haile, Storke and Ostrich. 19 The horse. 26 The
hauke. 27 The Eaele.
23 Which I haue reserued against
the time of trouble, against the day of Nowest * thou the time * Psal. 29.8

battaile and warre ? when the wild goates of
24 By what way is the light par- the rocke bring forth ? or
ted? which scattereth the East wind vpon canst thou marke when
the earth. the hindes doe calue ?
25 Who hath diuided a water course 2 (Janst tnou number tne monetns
for the ouerflowing of waters ? or a way that they fulfill ? or knowest thou the
for the lightning of thunder, time when they bring forth ?
26 To cause it to raine on the earth, 3 They bowe themselues, they bring
where no man is : on the wildernesse forth their young ones, they cast out
wherein there is no man? their sorrowes.
4 Their
Gods power in Ghap.xL his creatures.
4f Their yong ones are in,good li- ne tnat it is the sound ot the trumpet.
king, they grow vp with come: they go 25 Hee saith among the trumpets.
forth, and returne not vnto* them. Ha, ha: and he smelleth the battaile a-
5 Who hath sent out the wild asse farre off, the thunder of the captaines,
free ? or who hath looosed the bands of and the shouting.
the wild asse ? 26 Doeth the hawke flie by thy wise-
6 Whose house I haue made the dome, and stretch her wings toward the
t Hebr. salt wildernesse, and tthe barren lande his South?
dwellings. S7 Doeth the Eagle mount vp tat t Hebr. bv
7 He scorneth the multitude of the thy commaund? and make her nest on thy mourn.
citie, neither regardeth he the cryingtof high ?
t Hebr. of the driuer. 28 She dwelleth and abideth on the
the exactor.
8 The range of the mountaines is rocke, vpon the cragge of the rocke, and
his pasture, and hee searcheth after the strong place.
euery greene thing. 29 From thence she seeketh the pray,
9 Will the Vnicorne be willing to and her eyes behold a farre offi
serue thee ? or abide by thy cribbe? 30 Her yong ones also suck vp blood: * Matt. 24.
10 Canst thou binde the Vnicorne and #where the daine are, there is he. 28. luke 17.
with his band in the furrow ? or will he
harrow the valleyes after thee ? C H A R XL.
11 Wilt thou trust him because his
strength is great? or wilt thou leaue thy 1 lob humbleth himselfe to God. 6 God stir-
reth him vp to shew his righteousnes, power,
labour to him ? and wisedproe. 15 O£ the Behemoth.
12 Wilt thou beleeue him that hee
will bring home thy seed ? and gather it Oreouer the LORD an-

into thy barne? swered lob, and said,
13 Gauest thou the goodly wings vnto 2 Shall hee that con-
I Or, thefea. the peacocks, or || wings and feathers
thers of the
tendeth with the Almigh-
Storke and vnto the Ostrich ? tie,instruct Azw?he thatre-
Ostrich. 14 Which leaueth her egges in the proueth God, let him an$were it.
earth, and warmeth them in dust, 3 The Iob answered the
15 And fprgetteth that the foot may LORD, and said,
crush them, or that the wilde beast may 4 Behold, I am vile, what shall I
breake them. answere thee ? I wil lay my hand vpon
16 She is hardened against her yong my mouth.
ones, as though they were riot hers: 5 Once haue I spoken, but I will
her labour is in vaine without feare. not answere : yea twise, but I will pro-
17 Because God hath depriued her ceed no further.
of wisedome, neither hath he imparted 6 IT Then answered the L O R D
to her vnderstanding. vnto lob out of the whirlewinde, and
18 What time she lifteth vp her selfe said:
on high, she scorneth the horse and his 7 *Gird vp thy loynes now like a * Chap. 38.
rider. man : I will demaund of thee, and de- 3.
19 Hast thou giuen the horse strength ? clare thou vnto me.
hast thou clothed his necke with thun- 8 * Wilt thou also disanul my Judge- * Psal. 60.
der? ment? wilt thou condemne mee, that 21. 4,
rom. 3.
20 Canst thou make him afraid as a thou mayest be righteous ?
grashopper ? the glory of his nostrils is 9 Hast thou an arme like God ? or
t Heir, t terrible. canst thou thunder with a voyce like
I Or, his feet 21 11 He paweth in the valley, and re- him ?
digge. ioyceth in his strength : hee goeth on to 10 * Decke thy selfe now tenth Ma- * Psal. 104.
t Hebr. the meet tthe armed men. iestie, and excellencie, and aray thy selfe 1.
armour. 22 He mocketh at feare, and is not af- with glory, and beautie.
frighted : neither turneth he backe from 11 Cast abroad the rage of thy wrath:
the sword. and behold euery one that is proud, and
23 The quiuer ratleth against him, abase him.
the glittering speare and the shield. 12 Looke on euery one that is proud,
24« He swalloweth the ground with and bring him low : and tread downe
fiercenesse and rage : neither beleeueth the wicked in their place.
13 Hide
Behemoth, and lob. Leuiathan.
r6 Hide them m the dust together, member the battell : doe no more.
and binde their faces in secret. 9 Behold, the hope of him is in
14 Then will I also confesse vnto vaine: shall not one be cast downe euen
thee, that thine owne right hand can at the sight of him ?
saue thee. 10 None is so fierce that dare stirre
II Or, the £-
lephant, as
15 IT Beholde now || Behemoth him vp : who then is able to stand be-
some thinke. which I made with thee, hee eateth fore me ?
grasse as an oxe. 11 *Who hath preuented me that I & *Psal.24.1.
16 Loe now, his strength is in his should repay him? whatsoeueris vnder the 1. cor. 10.26
loynes, and his force is in the nauell of whole heauen, is mine.
his belly. 12 I will not conceale his parts, nor
!i 0r, he set-
teth vp.
17 || Hee moueth his taile like a Ce- his power, nor his comely proportion.
dar : the sinewes of his stones are wrapt 13 Who can discouer the face of his
together. garment? or who can come to him, || with y Or, withm.
18 His bones are as strong pieces of his double bridle ?
brasse: his bones are like barres of iron. 14 Who can open the doores of his
19 Hee is the chiefe of the waves of face? his teeth are terrible round about.
God : he that made him, can make his 15 jfffotscales are his pride, shut vp to- t Heb. strong
pieces of
sword to approach vnto him. gether as with a close seale. shields.
20 Surely the mountaines bring 16 One is so neere to another, that
him foorth foode : where all the beasts no ayre can come betweene them.
of the field play, 17 They are ioyned one to another,
21 He lieth vnder the shady trees, in they sticke together, that they cannot be
the couert of the reede, and fennes. sundred.
22 The shady trees coUer him with 18 By his neesings a light doth shine,
their shaddow : the willowes of the and his eyes are luce the eye-liddes of
brooke compasse him about. i morning.
the •
• Heb. keep- 23 Behold, the drinketh vp a riaer, 19 Out of his mouth goe burning
II Or, will a- and hasteth not: he trusteth that he can lampes, and sparkes of fire leape out.
ny take him draw vp Jordan into his mouth. 20 Out of his nostrels goeth smoke,
or bore his 24 || He taketh it with his eyes : his as out of a seething pot or caldron.
nose with a
gmne$ nose pearceth through snares. 21 His breath kmdleth coales, and a
flame goeth out of his mouth.
C H A P . XLI. 22 In his necke remaineth strength,
Of Gods great power in the Leulathan. and tsorrowe is turned into ioy before reioyceth.
t Heb. sorow
I That &, a Anst thou draw out ||L,e- 23 tThe flakes of his flesh are ioy- falling*.
t Heb. ths

whale w a, ned together : they are firme in them-
whirlepoole. uiathan with an hooke? or
his tongue with a corde selues, they cannot be moued.
f Heb. which t which thoulettest downe? 24 His heart is as firme as a stone,
thou drow-
2 Canst thou put an yea as hard as a peece of the nether
hooke into his nose ? or bore his lawe mil-stone.
through with a thorne ? 25 When he rayseth vp himselfe, the
3 Will he make many supplications mightie are afraid : by reason of brea-
vnto thee? will he speake soft words vn- kings they purifie themselues.
to thee ? 26 The sword of him that layeth at
4 Will he make a couenant with him cannot hold : the speare, the dart,
thee ? wilt thou take him for a seruant nor the || habergeon. II Or, brest-
for euer ? 27 He esteemeth iron as straw, and plate.
5 Wilt thou play with him as with brasse as rotten wood.
a birde ? wilt thou binde him for thy 28 The arrow cannot make him
maydens ? flee : sling-stones are turned with him
6 Shall the companions make a into stubble.
banquet of him ? shall they part him a- 29 Darts are counted as stubble : he
mong the merchants ? laugheth at the shaking of a speare.
7 Canst thou fill his skinne with 30 tSharpe stones are vnder him: \Heb.sJtarpe
barbed irons? or his head with fish- he spreadeth sharpe pointed things vp- pieces,
of the

speares ? on the mire.

8 Lay thine hand vpon him, re- 31 He maketh the deepe to boyle like
a pot:
lobs repentance, Chap.xlij. and felicitie.
a pot: nee maketh the sea like a pot of uant lob shal pray for you, foKthim wil tffeb.his
oyntment. face or per-
I accept: lest I dealewlth yon after your son.
32 Hee maketh a path to shine after folly, in that ye haue not spoken of mee
him ; one would thinke the deepe to bee the thing which is right, like my ser-
hoarie. uant lob.
33 Vpon earth there is not his like: 9 So Eliphaz the Tewianit'e, and
I Or, who be- || who is made without feare. Bildad the Shuhite, and Zophar the
tcuue them-
seines with- 34 He beholdeth all high things: he Naamathite went, and idid according
out feare. is a king oyer all the children of pride. as the LORD commanded them: the
LORD also accepted •Hob. Mfeb.the

CHAP. XLI1. 10 And the LORD turned the capti- face of lob.
uitie of lob, when he prayed for his
1 lob submitted! himselfe vnto God. 7 God friends: also the LORD tgaiie lob \Heb.added
preferring I obs cause, maketh his friends sub- to lob vnto
mit themselues, & accepteth him. 10 fiemag- twice as much as he had- before. the double.
nifieth & blesseth lob. 16 lobs age & death. 11 Then came there vnto him all his
brethren, and all his sisters, and all they
Hen lob answered the that had bin of his acquaintance before,

LORD, and said, and did eat bread witlfhim in his house:
2 I know that thou and they bemohed hifti, aftd*"comforted
canst doe euery thing, and him ouer all the euill that the L O R D
« Or% no that || no thought can bee had brought vpon him:: euery man also
thought of wunnoiaen iroiji inee.
thine can be gaue him a piece of money, and 6uery
hindred. 3 * Who is he that hideth counsel with- one an eare - ring of gold.
* Chap. 38.
2. out knowledge? therefore haue I vtte- 12 So the LORD blessed the latter
red .that I ynd.erstood not, things too end of lob, more then his beginning :
wonderfull for me, which I knew not. for he had fourteene thousand sheepe,
4 Heare, I beseech thee, and I will and sixe thousand cameJs, and a thou-
speake; I will demand of thee, and de- sand yoke of oxen, and a thousand shee
clare thou vnto me. asses.
5 I haue heard of thee by the hea- 13 He Bad also seuen sftnnes, and three
ring of the eare: but now mine eye seeth- daughters.
thee. 14 And he called the name of the first,
6 Wherefore I abhorre my selfe, and lemima, land the name of the second,
repent in dust and ashes. Xezia, and the name of the third, Ke-
7 11 And it was so, that after the ren -h^ppuch.
LORD had spokeii these words vnto 15 And in all the land were no wo-
lob, the, LORD said to EHphaz the men found so faire as the daughters, of
Temanite, My wrath is kindled a- lob: and their iather g£ue them inhe-
gainst thee, & against, thy two friends: ritance arnong their brethren-
for ye haue not spoken of mee the thing 16 After this liued lob an hundred
that is right, as my seruant lob hath. and fourtie yeeres, and saw his sonnes,
8 Therefore take vrito you now se- and his sqnnes sonnes, euen foure gene-
uen bullocks, and seuen rammes, and rations.
goe to my seruatit lob, and offer vp for 17 So lob died being old, and full
your selues a burnt offring, and my ser- of dayes.

Who is bleffed. Pfalmes- Chrifts kingdome.


3 Let vs breake their bandes asun-

PSALME I. der, and cast away their cords from vs.
1 The happinesse of the godly. 4 The vn- 4 * Hee that sitteth in the heauens *Prou. l.
happinesse of the vngooly. shal laugh: the LORD shall haue them 26.
*Prou \. Lessed*&theman in derision.
U. that walketh not 5 Then shall hee speake vnto them

inthecounsellof in his wrath, and || vexe them in his sore i Or, trouble
it Or, wicked. the||vngodly,nor displeasure.
standeth in the 6 Yet haue I set tmy King t vpon ointed. \ Hebr. an«
way of sinners, my holy hill of Sion. II Hebr. vpon
nor sitteth in the 7 * 1 will declare || the decree : the Sion, the hill
of my Holi-
seatofthescorne- LORD hath said vnto mee, Thou art nesse.
full my sonne, this day haue I begotten 33. *Acts. 13.
neb. 1.
% But his delight is in the Law of thee. 5.
K Or, for a
*Iosh. 1.8. the LORD, *and in his Law doeth he 8 * Aske of me, and I shall giue thee decree.
psal. 119. 1.
iere. 17. 8. meditate day and night. the heathen for thine inheritance, and 8.* Paal. 72.
3 And he shalbe like a tree planted the vttermost parts of the earth for thy
by the riuers of water, that bringeth possession.
foorth his fruit in his season, his leafe 9 * Thou shalt breake them with a * Apoc. 2.
Iffebrjade. also shall not t wither, and whatsoeuer rod of iron, thou shalt dash them in pie- 27.
and 19.
he doeth, shall prosper. ces like a potters vessell.
4 The vngodly are not so: but are 10 Bee wise now therefore, 0 yee
*PsaL34.5. *like the chaffe, which the winde dri-
isa. 17.13.
Kings: be instructed ye Judges of the
ueth away. earth.
5 Therefore the vngodly shall not 11 Serue the LORD with feare,
stand in the iudgement, nor sinners in and reioyce with trembling.
the Congregation of the righteous. 18 Kisse the Sonne lest he be angry,
6 For the LORD knoweth the and ye perish from the way, when his 20. *Prou. 16.
isa. so.
way of the righteous : but the way of wrath is kindled but a little : * Blessed 18. iete. 17.
7. rom. 9. 33
the vngodly shall perish. are all they that put their trust in him. and 10. 11.
1. pet. 2. 6.
1 The kingdome of Christ. 10 Kings are ex- The securitie of Gods protection.
horted to accept it.
11 * A Psalme of Dauid when he fled *15.2. Sam. 15.
* Acts. 4. Ely * do the heathen j|rage, from Absalom his sonne.

Or, tumul^ and the people t imagine JRD, now are tney in-

tuously as- & vaine thing ? creased that trouble mee?
t Hebr. me- 2 The Kings of the nany are they that rise vp
ditate. earth set themselues, and igainst me.
the rulers take counsell together, a- 2 Manv there bee which
gainst the L O R D , and against his say of my soule, There isnohelpe for him
Anoynted, saying. in God. Selah.
3 But
Tatience in trouble. Pfalmes. Dauids prayer.
3 But thou, O LORD, art a shield IT To the chiefe musician vpon Ne-
IOr, about. || for me; my glory, and the lifter vp oi hiloth, A Psalme of Dauid.
mine head. lue eare to my words, 0

4 I cryed vnto the LORD wit! LORD, consider my me-
my voyce, and he heard me out of hh ditation.
holy hill. Selah. 2 Hearken vnto the
*PBal.4.9. 5 *I layd me downe and slept; 1 voice of my crie, my King,
awaked, for the LORD sustained me and my God : for vnto thee will I pray,
* PsaL 27. 3. 6 * 1 will not be afraid of ten thou- 3 *My voyce shalt thou heare in * Psal. 130.
sands of people, that haue set themseluei the morning, O L O R D ; in the mor- o.
against me round about. ning will I direct my prayer vnto theej
7 Arise, O LORD, saue mee, C and will looke vp.
my God; for thou hast smitten all mine 4i For thou art not a God that hath
enemies vponthecheeke bone: thou hasl pleasure in wickednesse : neither shall
broken the teeth of the vngodly. euill dwell with thee.
* Isa. 43. 8 * Saluation belongeth vnto the 5 The foolish shall not stand tin thy
11. fore thine
HOS. 13. 4. L O R D : thy blessing is vpon thy peo- sight: thou hatest al workers of iniquity eyes.
ple. Selah. 6 Thou shalt destroy them that
P S A L . IIII. speake leasing : the L O R D will ab-
1 Dauidprayeth for-audience. 2 He reprouett horre the tbloodie and deceitfull man. ^ Heb. the
and exhorteth his enemies. 6 Mans hap- 7 But as for me, I will come into man of bloods
pinesse is in Gods fauour. thy house in the multitude of thy mercy:
I Or, oner- f To the || chiefe Musician on Negi- and in thy feare will I worship toward
seer. noth, A Psalme of Dauid. t thy holy temple. iffeb.tte
Bare me, when I call, 0 8 Lead me O LORD, in thy righ- hohnesse. temple of thy

God of my righteousnesse: teousnesse, because of t mine enemies; t Heb. those
thou hast inlarged mee make thy way straight before my face. serve which ob.
when / was in distresse, 9 For there is no ||faithfulnes tin their I Or, sted.
!l Or, bee || haue mercy vpon me, and mouth, their inward part is tvery wic- fastnesse.
t Heb. in hit
gracious vn- heare my prayer. kednesse : * their throat is an open sepul- mouth, i. in
tome. the mouth of
9, O ye sonnes of men, how long chre, they flatter with their tongue. any qfthem.
willyee turne my glory into shame ? hou t Heb. wic-
10 || Destroy thou them, O God, let kednesses.
long will y ee loue vanitie, and seeke after them fall ||by their owne counsels : cast * Rom. 3.13
[easing? Selah. " Or, make
them out in the multitude of their trans- them guilty.
3 But know that the L O R D hath gressions, for they haue rebelled against I Or, from
set apart him that is godly, for him- thee. their coun-
selfe : the LORD will heare when I 11 But let all those that put their
call vnto him. trust in thee,reioyce:let them euer shout
4 Stand in awe, and sinne not ; for ioy; because thou tdefendest them: \Heb.thou
commune with your owne heart vpon let them also that loue thy name, be ioy- couerest o-
uer, or pro-
your bed, and be still. Selah. full in thee. tectest them.
* Psal. 60. 5 Offer *the sacrifices of righteous- 12 For thou, LORD, wilt blesse the
4. & 5 nesse, and put your trust in the LORD. righteous : with fauour wilt thou t com- Mtebr.
9. crowne him.
6 There be many that say, Who wil passe him as with a shield.
shew vsany good? LORD lift thou vp
the light of thy countenance vpon vs. P S A L . VI.
7 Thou hast put gladnesse in my I Dauids complaint in his sicknesse. 8 By faith
heart, more then in the time that their he triumpheth ouer his enemies.
come and their wine increased. II To the chiefe musician on Neginoth
• Psal. 3. 5. 8 * 1 will both lay mee downe in || vpon Sheminith, A Psalme K Or, vpon
the eight-
peace, and sleepe: for thou LORD only of Dauid.
nakest me dwell in safetie. *LORD, rebuke me not * Psa. 2C. 1.

P S A L . V.
1 Dauid prayeth, and professeth his studie in
O in thine anger, neither
chasten me in thy hot dis-
£ Haue mercy vpon
prayer. 4 God fauoureth not the wicked. me, O LORD, for I am weake : O
7 Dauid professing his faith, prayeth vnto
God, to guide him, 10 To destroy his ene- LORD heale mee, for my bones are
mies, 11 and to preserue the godly. vexed.
3 My
DAuids prayer, Pfalmes, and confidence.
3 My soule is also sore vexed : but to my righteousnesse, and according to
thou, O LORD, how long ? mine integritie that is in me.
4 Returne, O LORD, deliuer my 9 Oh let the wickednes of the wic-
soule: oh saue mee, for thy mercies sake. ked come to an end,butestablishtheiust:
* Psal. 30. 5 * For in death there is no remem- *for the righteous God trieth the hearts * 1. Sam. 16.
10. & 88.11 7.1. Chr. 28
& 115. 17. brance of thee: in the graue who shall and reines. 9. psal. 139.
& 118. 17.
giue thee thankes ? l.lerem. 11
10 t My defence is of God, which sa- 20.
Esay. 38. and 17.
18. 6 I am weary with my groning, ue th the vpright in heart. 10. and 20.
I Or, every || all the night make I my bed to swim: 12.
11 11God iudgeth the righteous, and t Heb. my
I water my couch with my teares. God is mgriewiththezvicked euery-day. buckler is
7 Mine eie is consumed because of 12 If he turne not, he will whet his vpon Cod.
I Or, God is
griefe; it waxeth olde because of all sword; he hath bent his bowe, and Iudge. a righteous
mine enemies. made it ready.
* Mat. 7.23. 8 * Depart from me, all yee workers 13 He hath also prepared for him the
& 25. 41.
Luc. 13. 27. of iniquitie; for the LORD hath heard instruments of death; he ordaineth his
the voice of my weeping. arrowes against the persecutors.
9 The L O R D hath heard my sup- 14 * Behold, he trauelleth with ini- 35.* lob. 15.
Esa. 59.
plication; the L O R D will receiue my quitie, and hath conceiued mischiefe, and 4. lam. 1.
brought forth falshood. 15.
10 Let all mine enemies be asha- 151 He made a pit and digged it, * andthath
Heb. hee
med and sore vexed : let them returne is fallen into the ditch which he made. a pit.
and be ashamed suddainly. 16 His mischiefe shall returne vpon and * Psal. 9.15.
10. 2.
his owne head, and his violent dealing prou. 5. 22.
shall come downe vpon his owne pate.
P S A L . VII. 17 I will praise the L O R D accor-
I Dauid prayeth against the malice of his ene- ding to his righteousnesse : and will
mies, professing nis innocency. 10 By faith
he seeth his defence and the destruction oi sing praise to the name of the L O R D
his enemies. most high.
II Shiggaion of Dauid; which he sang P S A L . VIII.
vnto the L O R D concerning the Gods glory is magnified by his workes, and
lOftbusines. ||words of Cush the Beniamite. by his loue to roan.
LORD, my God, in thee IT To the chiefe Musicion vpon Git-

doe I put my trust: saue me tith, a Psalme of Dauid.
from all them thatpersecute L O R D our Lord, how

me, and deliuer me. excellent is thy name in all
% Least hee teare my the earth ! who hast set
soule like a lyon, renting it in pieces, thy glory aboue the hea-
t Heb not a while iliere is tnone to deliuer. uens.
3 O LORD my God, if I haue 2 *Out of the mouth * Mat. 21.
done this; if there be iniquitie in my of babes and sucklings hast thou tor- t16.Heb. foun-
hands: dained strength, because of thine ene- ded.
4 If I haue rewarded euill vnto mies, that thou mightest still the enemie
him that was at peace with me: (yea I and the auenger.
haue deliuered him that without cause 3 When I consider thy heauens, the
is mine enemie.) worke of thy fingers, the moone and
5 Let the enemie persecute my soule, the starres which thou hast ordained;
and take it, yea let him tread downe my 4 * What is man, that thou art mind- psal. * lob 7. 17.
144. 3.
life vpon the earth, and lay mine ho- full of him ? and the sonne of man, that Heb. 2. 6.
nour in the dust. Selah. thou visitest him ?
6 Arise, O LORD, in thine anger, 5 For thou hast made him a little
lift vp thy selfe, because of the rage of lower then the Angels; and hast crow-
mine enemies: and awake for me to the ned him with glory and honour.
Judgement that thou hast commanded. 6 Thou madest him to haue domi-
7 So shall the congregation of the nion ouer the workes of thy hands;
people compasse thee about: for their *thou hast put all things vnder his * 1. Cor. 15.
sakes therefore returne thou on high. feete. 27.
8 The LORD shal iudge the peo- 7 t All sheepe and oxen, yea and the i Heb. flocks
and oxen, all
* Psal. 18. ple : iudge me, O LORD, * according beasts of the field. * Of them.
8 The
Dauids praife. Pfalmes. His complaint.
8 The foule of the aire, and the fish Sion: I will reioyce in thy saluation.
of thesea, and whatsoeuerpassetli through 15 * The heathen are sunke downe *PsaL7.16.
the paths of the seas. in the pit that they made ; in the net
9 O LORD our Lord, how excel- which they hid, is their own foot taken.
lent is thy name in all the earth ' 16 The L O R D is knowen by the
iudgement whichhe executeth: the wic-
P S A L. IX, ked is snared in the worke of his owne
I Dauid prayseth God for executing of hands. Higgaion. Selah.
Judgement. 11 He inciteth others to prayse 17 The wicked shall be turned into
him. 13 Hee prayeth, that hee may haue hell, and all the nations that forget God.
cause to prayse him. 18 For the needie shall not alway be
II To the chiefe musician vpon Muth- forgotten: the expectation of the poore
Labben. A Psalme of Dauid shall not perish for euer.
Wil praise thee, O LORD, 19 Arise, O LORD, let not man

I with my whole heart : I preuaile : let the heathen bee iudged in

will shewe foorth all thy thy sight.
maruellous workes. 20 Put them in feare, O L O R D :
2 I will bee glad and that the nations may know themselues
reioyce in thee : I will sing prayse to to be but men. Selah.
thy name, O thou most High.
3 When mine enemies are turned P S A L . X.
backe, they shall fall and perish at thy 1 Dauid complaineth to God of the outrage of
presence. the wicked. 12 He prayeth for remedie. 16
\ Hebr. thou 4 For tthou hast maintained my He professeth his confidence.
hast made Hy standest thou afarre
right, and my cause : thou satest in the

my iudge-
ment. throne Judging fright. off, O LORD ? why hidest
t Hebr. in
righteousnes 5 Thou hast rebuked the heathen, thou thy selfe in times of
thou hast destroyed the wicked; thou trouble ?
hast put out their name for euer and 2 tThe wicked in his pride \Heb.inthe
of the
euer. pride doeth persecute the poore : *let wicked he
doth perse-
\ Or, the
6 || O thou enemie, destructions are them be taken in the deuices that they cute.
of the enemy come to a perpetuall end; and thou hast haue imagined. •Peal. 7.16.
and 9. 16.
are come to destroyed cities, their memoriall is peri-
a perpetuall
3 For the wicked boasteth of his prou. 5. 22.
end: and shed with them. thearts desire, ||and blesseth the coue- t Heb. soules
;heir cities 8 Or, the co-
hast thou de- 7 But the L O R D shall endure tous, whom the LORD abhorreth. vetous bles-
stroyed, §c. for euer : he hath * prepared his throne 4 The wicked through the pride of seth himself,
he abhorreth
* Psal. 96. his countenance will not seeke qfterGod:
13. and 98. for Judgement. the Lord.
10. 8 And hee shall iudge the world in || God is not in all his * thoughts. U0r,allhis
righteousnesses he shall minister iudge- 5 His wayes are alwayes grieuous, thoughts there is no

ment to the people in vprightnesse. thy iudgements are farre aboue out of * Psal. 14.1,
* Psal. 37. 9 *The L O R D also will bee t a his sight: as for all his enemies, he puf- and 53. 1.
39. and 46.
1. and 91.2. refuge for the oppressed : a refuge, in feth at them.
t Heb. an times of trouble. 6 He hath said in his heart, I shall
high place.
10 And they that know thy name not be moued: forlshaU tneuerfoin ad- generation iffebr.ynto
will put their trust in thee : for thou uersitie. and genera-
L O R D hast not forsaken them that 7 *His mouth is full of cursing, and tion. •Rom. 3.14
seeke thee. t deceit, and fraud: vnder his tongue is t Heb. de-
11 Sing praises to the LORD, which mischiefe and ||vanitie. I Or, ini-
dwelleth in Sion: declare among the 8 He sitteth in the lurking places of quite.
people his doings. the villages: in the secret places doeth
* Gen. 9. 5 12 * When he inaketh inquisition for he murder the innocent: his eyes tare themselues. t Heb. hide
blood, he remembreth them: he forget- priuily set against the poore.
I Or, affli- teth not the crie of the ||humble. 9 He lieth in waite t secretly as alyon secretplac€S.
t Heb. in the
cted- 13 Haue mercie vpon me O L O R D , in his denne, he lieth in wait to catch the
consider my trouble which I suffer of them poore: he doth catch the poore when he
t Heb. hee
that hate me, thou that liftest mee vp draweth him into his net. breaketh
from the gates of death t 101 He croucheth, and humbleth him- himselfe.
I Or9 into
14 That I may shew foorth all thy selfe, that the poore may fall ||by his his strong
prayse in the*gates of the daughter of strong ones. parts.
11 Hee
Gods iudgments Pfalmes* on the wicked.
11 Hee hath said in his heart, God
*PsaL94.7- hath forgotten : *he hideth his face, hee P S A L . XII.
will neuer see it. 1 Dauid destitute of humane comfort, craueth
12 Arise, O LORD, O God lift vp helpe of God. 3 Hee comforteth himselfe
with Gods Judgements on the wicked, and
II Or, affli- thine hand : forget not the ||humble. confidence in Gods tried promises.
cted. 13 Wherefore doeth the wicked con-
temne God ? he hath said in his heart, 1T To the chiefe Musician ||vpon I! Or, vpon
Thou wilt not require it. Sheminith. A Psalme of the eighth.
14 Thou hast scene it, for thou behol- Dauid.
dest mischiefe and spite to requite it with ||Elpe LORD, for the II Or, saue.

t Heir. lea. thy hand: the poore tcommitteth him- godly man ceaseth; for the
selfe vnto thee, thou art the helper of faithfull faile from among
the fatherlesse. the children of men.
15 Breake thou the arme of the wic- % They speake vani-
ked, and the euill man : seeke out his tie euery one with his neighbour : with
wickednes, till thou finde none. flattering lips, and with t a double heartheart,
t Hebr. an
Psal, 29. 9. 16 *The L O R D is King for euer and
and 145. 13. do they speake. an heart.
and U6i 10. and euer: the heathen are perished out 3 The L O R D shall cut off all flat-
Lere. 16. 10.
lam. 5.19. of his land. tering lips, and the tongue that speaketh
17 LORD, thou hast heard the de- t proud things. t Hebr. great
I Or% esta- sire of the humble : thou wilt || prepare things.
blish. 4 Who haue said, With our tongue
their heart, thou wilt cause thine eare wil we preuaile, our lips tare our owne: t Hebr. are
to heare, who is Lord ouer vs ? with vs.
18 To iudge the fatherlesse and the 5 For the oppression of the poore, for
oppressed, that the man of the earth the sighing of the needy, now will I a-
I Or, terrific. may no more ||oppresse. rise (saith the LORD,) I will set him
in safetie/rom him that ||puffeth at him. II Or9 would
P S A L . XL 6 The wordes of the LORD are ensnare him.
1 Dauid incourageth himselfe in GOD, a-
pure wordes : *as siluer tried in a for- * 2, Sam. 23.
31. psal. IB.
gainst his enemies. 4 The prouidence and nace of earth purified seuen times. 29. & 119.
iustice of God. 7 Thou snalt keepe them, (O ver. 140.
prou. 30. 5.
LORD,) thou shalt preserue tthem, \Heb,him.i.
IT To the chiefe Musician. A from this generation for euer. euery one of
Psalme of Dauid. 8 The wicked walke on euery side, t Hebr. the
N the L O R D put I my when the t vilest men are exalted. vilest of the

trust: how say yee to my are exalted.
soule, Flee as a bird to your P S A L . XIII.
mountaine ?
£ For loe, the wicked 1 prayethDauid complaineth of delay in helpe. 3 He
for preuenting Grace. 5 Hee boa-
bende their bow, they make ready stem of Diuine mercie.
their arrow vpon the string : that they
t Hebr. in may tpriuily shoote at the vpright in 1[ To the || chiefe Musician. A I! Or, ouer.
darknesse. heart. seer.
Psalme of Dauid.
3 If the foundations bee destroyed: Ow long wilt thou forget

what can the righteous doe? mee (O LORD) for euer?
* Abak. 2. 4 * The LORD is in his holy how long wilt thou hide thy
Temple, the LORDS Throne is in face from me ?
heauen: his eyes beholde, his eye lids 2 How long shall I take
trie the children of men. counsel m my soule,hauing sorrowin my
5 The LORD trieth the righte- heart dayly ? how long shall mine ene-
ous : but the wicked and him that loueth mie be exalted ouer me ?
violence, his soule hateth. 3 Consider and heare me, O LORD
6 Vpon the wicked hee shall raine my God: lighten mine eyes, lest I sleep
I Or, a fcttr- snares, fire and brimstone, and ||an hor- the sleepe of death.
ningtempest. rible tempest: this shall be the portion of 4 Least mine enimie say, I haue
their cup. preuailed against him : and those that
7 For the righteous L O R D lo- trouble mee, reioyce, when I am
ueth righteousnesse : his countenance moued.
doeth behold the vpright. 5 But I haue trusted in thy mercy,
Who is bleffed. Pfalmes. Dauids prayer.
my heart shall reioyce in thy saluation. reth to his owne hurt, and changeth not.
6 I will sing vnto the LORD, be- 5 *He that putteth not out his mo-* Exod. at.
cause hee hath dealt bountifully with ney to vsury, nor taketh reward against 24. Leuit.25.
mee. the innocent: he that doth these things, 36.
Deu. 23.19
shall neuer be rnouecl. Ezech. 22.
P S A L . XIIII. 12. & is. a.
1 Dauid describeth the corruption of a natural! P S A L . XVI.
man. 4 He conuinceth the wicked by the
light of their conscience. 7 He glorieth in 1 Dauid in distrust of merites, and hatred of I-
the saluation of God. dolatry, flyeth to God for preseruation. 3 He
sheweth the hope of his calling> of the resur-
II To the chiefe musician, A Psalme rection, and life euerlasting.
of Dauid.
* Psal. 10.4, He *foole hath sayd in his 1T||Michtam of Dauid. II Or, a gol-
Reserue me, O God : for den

and 63. i. offiauid.-
heart, There is no God:

they are corrupt, they in thee doe I put my
haue done abominable trust.
workes, there is none 2 O my soule^ thou hast
that doeth good. sayd vnto the LORD,
2 The L O R D looked downe from Thou art my Lord : *my * Psal. 50.
?oodnes extendeth not to thee: 10. lob. 22.
* Rom. 3.10 heauen vpon the children of men ; #to 2. & 35. 7.
see if there were any that did vnder- 3 But to the Saints, that are in the
stand and seeke God. earth, and to the excellent, in whom is
3 They are all gone aside, they are all my delight.
\Heb.stinc- all together become t filthy : there is 4 Their sorrowes shalbe multipli-
none that doeth good, no not one, ed, that || hasten after another God: their II Or, give
drinke offerings of blood will I not mer. gifts to ano-
4 Haue all the workers of iniquity
no knowledge ? who eate vp my people offer, nor take vp their names into my
as they eate bread, and call not vpon the lippes.
LORD. 5 *The LORD is the portion tof 24. * Lam. 3.
* Heb. they 5 t There were they in great feare; mine inheritance, and of my cup: thou 32.9.
feared a maintainest my lot. t Heb. of my
feare. for God is in the generation of the righ- part.
teous. 6 The lines are fallen vnto mee in
6 You haue shamed the counsell of pleasant places; yea, I haue a goodly
the poore; because the LORD is his heritage.
refuge. 7 I will blesse the LORD, who
* Heb. who 7 tO that the saluation of Israel bath giuen me counsell: my reines also
were come out of Sion! when the LORD instruct me in the night seasons.
bringeth backe the captiuitie of his peo- 8 *I haue set the L O R D alwaies * Actes 2.
ple, lacob shall reioyce, and Israel before me : because hee is at my right 25.
shalbe glad. hand, I shall not be moued.
9 Therefore my heart is glad, and
P S A L . XV. my glory reioyceth ; my flesh also shall
Dauid described! a citizen of Sion.
trest in hope. t Heb. dwell
10 * For thou wilt not leaue my soulc confidently.
* Act. 2. 31.
1T A Psalme of Dauid. in hell; neither wilt thou suffer thine and 13. 35.
* Psal. 24. ORD, *who shall t abide in holy one to see corruption.

l.&c. thy tabernacle? who shall
t Heb. so- 11 Thou wilt shewe me the path oi
iourne, dwell in thy holy hill ? life: in thy presence is fulnesse of ioy, at
*Esa.33, 2 * Hee that walketh thy right hand there are pleasures foi
vprightly, and worketh euermore.
righteousnesse, and speaketh the trueth
in his heart. P S A L. XVII.
3 Hee that backbiteth not with his
tongue, nor doth euill to his neighbour, 1 Dauid in confidence of his integrity, craueth
!! Ort recei* nor ||taketh vp a reproach against his defence of God against his enemies. 10 He
uetfi,oren- neighbour. sheweth their pride, craft and eagernes. lc
dureth. Hee prayeth against tjiem in confidence oi
4 In whose eies a vile person is his hope.
contemned; but he honoureth them
that feare the L O R D : lie that swea- f A prayer of Dauid.
Dauids prayer. Pfalmes. His confidence
\HeMustice Eare the fright, C who spake vnto the L O R D the

LORD, attend vnto mj words of * this song, in the day tha * 2. Sam. 2
crie, giue eare vnto mj the L O R D deliuered him from the
t Heb. with, prayer, thaigoeth t not oul hand of all his enemies, and from the
out lips of of rained lips. hand of Saul: And he said,
2 Let my sentence come forth from Will loue thee, O LORD,
thy presence: let thine eyes beholde the
things that are equall.
3 Thou hast prooued mine heart,
thou hast visited me in the night, thou
I my strength.
2 The L O R D is my
rocke, and my fortresse,
and my^ deliuerer : my
hast tried me, and shalt find nothing; 1
God, t my strength in whome I will ^ Heb. my
am purposed that my mouth shall not trust, my buckler, and the home of my rocke.
transgresse. saluation, and my high tower.
4 Concerning the workes of men, 3 I will call vpon the LORD, who
by the word of thy lips, I haue kept me
is worthy to be praised: so shall I be sa-
from the paths of the destroyer. ued from mine enemies.
6 Hold vp my goings in thy paths, 4 * The sorrowes of death compas- *PsaLll6.3
\Heb.tenot that my footsteps tslip not. sed me, and the floods of tvngodly men ^ Heb. Be-
moved. lial.
6 I haue called vpon thee, for thou made me afraid.
wilt heare me, O God : incline thine 5 The || sorrowes of hell compassed I Or, coords.
eare vnto me, and heare my speach. me about: the snares of death preuen-
7 Shewe thy marueilous louing ted me.-
I Or, that kindnesse, O thou || that sauest by thy 6 In my distresse I called vpon the
sanest them
which trust right hand, them which put their trust L O R D , and cryed vnto my God: hee
heard my voyce out of his temple, and
in thee from in thee, fro those that rise vp against them.
these that
rise vp a- 8 Keepe me as the apple of the eye: my crie came before him, euen into his
gainst thy
right hand. hide mee vnder the shadowe of thy eares.
wings, 7 Then the earth shooke and trem-
\Heb.that 9 From the wicked tthat oppresse bled ; the foundations also of the hilles
waste me.
t Heb. my e- me, from my t deadly enemies, who com- mooned and were shaken, because hee
nemiesa- passe me about.
gainst tlte
was wroth,
soule. 10 They are inclosed in their owne 8 There went vp a smoke tout of \Heb.byhis
fat : with their mouth they speake lis nostrils, and fire out of his mouth
proudly. deuoured, coales were kindled by it.
11 They haue now compassed vs in 9 He bowed the heauens also, and
came downe: and darkenesse was vnder
our steps : they haue set their eyes bow-
ing downe to the earth: his feet.
t Heb. the 12 t Like as a lyon that is greedie of 10 And he rode vpon a Cherub, and
ikenet of did flie: yea he did flie vpon the wings of
rim (i. of his pray, and as it were a yong lyon
eueryoneof t lurking in secret places. the wind.
hem lisas a
ion that desi 13 Arise, O LORD, t disappoint him, 11 He made darkenes his secret place:
reth to ratlin. lis pauilion round about him, were
t Heb. sit. cast him downe: deliuer my soule from
ing. the wicked, || which is thy sword : darke waters, and thicke cloudes of the
Heb. pre- skies.
uent his face. 14? || From men which are thy hand,
Or, by thy O L O R D , from men of the world, 12 Atthebrightnes/7iflrfzwwbeforehiin
sword. his thicke clouds passed, haile stones and
Ort from which haue their portion in this life, and
men by whose belly thou fillest with thy hid coales of fire.
hine hand.
13 The L O R D also thundered in
treasure: \\ They are full of children, and
the heauens, and the highest gaue his
eaue the rest of their substance to their
:>abes. voyce; hailestones and coales of fire.
15 As for me, I will behold thy face 14- Yea, he sent out his arrowes, and
scattered them; and he shot out light-
in righteousnesse: I shall bee satisfied,
when I awake, with thy likenesse. nings, and discomfited them.
15 Then the chanels of waters were
P S A L . XVIII. seene, and the foundations of the world
Dauid praiseth God for his manifold and were discouered : at thy rebuke, O
marueilous blessings. LORD, at the blast of the breath of thy
f To the chiefe musicion, a psalme of nostrils.
Dauid, the seruant of the LORD, 16 He sent from aboue, he tooke me,
Daniels righteoufnes, Pfalmes. His deliuerance.
* Ort great he drew me out of || many waters. 36 Thou hast enlarged my steppes
waters. 17 He deliuered me from my strong vnder me; that t my feete did not slippe. I" Heb, mine
enemie, and from them which hated 37 I haue pursued mine enemies, ankles.
me : for they were too strong for me. and ouertaken them : neither did I
18 They preuented me in the day of turne againe till they were consumed.
my calamitie : but the LORD was my 38 I haue wounded them that they
stay. were not able to rise: they are fallen vn-
19 He brought me forth also into a der my feete.
large place: he deliuered me, because he 39 For thou hast girded mee with
delighted in me. strength vnto the battell : thou t hast HZebcaused
20 The LORD rewarded me ac- subdued vnder me, those that rose vp a- to bow.
cording to my righteousnesse, according gainst me.
to the cleannesse of my hands hath hee 40 Thou hast also giuen mee the
recompensed me. neckes of mine enemies : that I might
21 For I haue kept the wayes of the destroy them that hate me.
LORD, and haue not wickedly depar- 41 They cried, but there was none
ted from my God. to saue them : euen vnto the LORD, but
22 For all his Judgements were before he answered them not.
me 5 and I did not put away his sta- 42 Then did I beate them small as
tutes from me. the dust before the winde : I did cast
IHeb.with. 26 I was also vpright t before him: them out, as the dirt in the streetes.
and I kept my selfe from mine iniquity. 43 Thou hast deliuered me from
24 Therefore hath the L O R D re- the striuings of the people, awe? thou hast
compensed me according to my righte- made mee the head of the heathen : a
ousnesse, according to the cleannesse people whom I haue not knowen, shall of my hands t in his eye-sight. seme me.
his eyes.
25 With the mercifull thou wilt shew 44 t As soone as they heare of mee, t Heb. at
thy selfe mercifull, with an vpright man they shall obey me: t the strangers shall ofthethe
thou wilt shew thy selfe vpright. J | submit themselues vnto me. i Heb. the
26 With the pure thou wilt shewe 45 The strangers shall fade away, stranger.
thy selfe pure, and with the froward and be afraid out of their close places. fained
I Or, yeeld
II Or, wrestle. thou wilt || shew thy selfe froward. 46 The LORD liueth, and blessed dience.
27 For thou wilt saue the afflicted be my rocke : and let the God of my sal- Heb. lie.
people : but wilt bring downe high uation be exalted.
lookes. 47 It is God that tauengeth mee, auenge-Wleb.giuetii
li Or, lompe. 28 For thou wilt light my || candle : and || subdueth the people vnder me. mentsfor
the LORD my God will enlighten 48 He deliuereth me from mine e- me. H0r,<fe-
my darkenesse. nemies : yea thou liftest mee vp aboue stroyeth.
II Or, broken. 29 For by thee I haue || run through those that rise vp against me; thou hast
a troupe ? and by my God haue I lea- deliuered me from the t violent man.
ped ouer a wall. 49 * Therfore will I || giue thankes ofvialenre.
*Rom. 15.9
30 As for God, his way is perfect : vnto thee, (O LORD) among the hea- \0r,confe$se
*PsaLl2.6. * the word of the LORD is || tried : he then : and sing prayses vnto thy name.
&. 119.140 50 Great deliuerance giueth he to his
prou. 30. 5. is a buckler to all those that trust in
II Or, refined. him. King : and sheweth mercy to his An-
* Deut. 3*. 31 *For who is God saue the LORD ? nointed, to Dauid, and to his seede for
1. Sam. 2. 2. or who is a rocke saue our God ?
psal. 86. 6.
Esa. 45. 6.
82 It is God that girdeth mee with
strength, and maketh my way perfect. PSAL. XIX.
33 Hee maketh my feete like hindes 1 The creatures shew Gods glory. 7 The word
feete > and setteth me vpon my high pla- his Grace. 12 Dauid prayeth for Grace.
34 He teacheth my hands to warre, If To the chiefe Musician, A
so that a bow of steele is broken by mine Psalme of Dauid.
armes. * He heauens declare the * Gen. 1. 6.

35 Thou hast also giuen me the shield glory of God: and the fir-
f Ory with of thy saluation : and thy right hand mament sheweth his han-
\thy meeke-
nesse thou tiath holden me vp, and thy ||gentle- dy worke.
hast multi- 2 Day vnto day vtte-
plied me. nesse hath made me great.
Gods works. Pfalmes. Truft in God.
reth speach, and night vnto night shew- t accept thy burnt sacrifice. Selah. \Heb.turne
eth knowledge. 4 Graunt thee according to thine make to ashes: ort
3 There is no speach nor language, owne heart, and fulfill all thy counsell.
\ Or. without where \\ their voyce is not heard. 5 We will reioyce in thy saluation,
these their
coyceia 4 || * Their line is gone out through and in the Name of our God we will
Heir. with, all the earth, and their words to the end set vp our banners: the L O R D fulfill
out their
ooyce heard.
of the world: In them hath he set a ta- all thy petitions.
* Rom, 10. bernacle for the Sunne. 6 Now know I, that the LORD
* Ort their
5 Which is as a bridegrome com- saueth his Anointed : he wil heare him
rule* or di- ming out of his chamber, and reioyceth t from his holy heauen, t with the sa- t Hebrjrittit
fectton. as a strong man to runne a race. iling strength of his right hand. the heauen
of his Ao&
6 His going forth is from the end of 7 Some trust in charets, and some in nesse.
the heauen, and his circuite vnto the t Hebr. by
horses : but wee will remember the the strengtlt,
ends of it: and there is nothing hidde Name of the LORD our God. Ojf the salua-
tion of his
from the heat thereof. 8 They are brought downe and right hand.
II Or, do.
7 The || Law of the LORD is per- fallen : but we are risen, and stand vp-
II Or, resto- fect, (jconuerting the soule: the testimo- right.
ring. nie of the L O R D is sure, making wise 9 Saue LORD, let the King heare
the simple. vs when we call.
8 The Statutes of the L O R D
are right, reioycing the heart: the Com-
mandement of the LORD is pure, in- PSAL. XXI.
lightning the eyes. 1 A thankesgiuing for victory. 7 Confidence
of further euccesse.
9 The feare of the LORD is cleane,
enduring for euer : the Judgements of 1T To the chiefe Musician. A
\Hebr. the LORD are ttrue, and righteous al- Psalme of Dauid.
together. He King shall ioy in thy

10 More to bee desired are they then strength, 0 L O R D :
* Psal. 119. gold, * yea, then much fine gold: sweeter and in thy saluation how
72. & l»7 also then hony, and t the hony combe. greatly shall he reioyce ?
and 103.
prou. 8. 19. 11 Moreouer by them is thy seruant 2 Thou hast giuen him
t Hebr. the his hearts desire; and hast not with-
dropping of warned: and in keeping of them there is
hony combo. great reward. holden the request of his lips. Selah.
12 Who can vnderstand his errours ? 3 For thou preuentest him with the
cleanse thou me from secretfaults. blessings of goodnesse : thou settest a
13 Keepe back thy seruant also from Crowne of pure gold on his head.
presumptuous sinnes, let them not haue 4 He asked life of thee, and thou ga-
dominion ouer me : then shall I be vp- uest it him, euen length of dayes for euer
I Or, much. right, and I shalbe innocent from ||the and euer.
great transgression. 5 His glory is great in thy saluation:
14 Let the words of my mouth, and honour and Maiestie hast thou layde
the meditation of my heart, bee accep- vpon him.
\ table in thy sight, O LORD tmy 6 For thou hast t made him most bles- \Hebr.tet
to be
strength, and my redeemer. sed for euer : thou hast t made him excee- him
ding glad with thy countenance. t Hebr.gtod*
P S A L . XX. 7 For the King trusteth in the with ioy.
1 The Church blesseth the King in his exploits.
LORD, and through the mercy of the
7 Her confidence in Gods succour. most High, he shall not be moued.
8 Thine hand shall finde out all
IF To the chiefe Musician. A thine enemies, thy right hand shal finde
Psalme of Dauid. out those that hate thee.
He L O R D heare thee in 9 Thou shalt make them as a fiery

the day of trouble, the ouen in the time of thine anger : the
Name of the God of la- L O R D shall swallow them vp in his
Iffebr.tet cob t defend thee. wrath, and the fire shall deuoure them.
thee on an
high place, 2 Send tthee helpe 10 Their fruit shalt thou destroy
t Hebr. thy from the Sanctuary : and t strengthen from the earth, and their seed from a-
help*. mong the children of men.
t Hebr. tup- thee out of Sion.
port thee. 3 Remember all thy offerings, and 11 For they intended euill against
A prophetic Pfalmes. ofChrift:
thee: they imagined a mischieuous de- and all my bones are ||out of ioynt: my I Or, sun-
uice, which they are notablefo performe. ieart is like waxe, it is melted in the dred.
y Or, thou 12 Therefore |[shalt thou make them middest of my bowels.
shalt set
them as a turne their t back, when thou shalt make 15 My strength is dried vp like apot-
butte. ready thine arrowes vpon thy strings, a- sheard : and my tongue cleaueth to my
* Heb. shoul-
der. jainst the face of them. iawes; and thou hast brought me into
13 Be thou exalted, LORD, in thine the dust of death.
owne strength : so will wee sing, aud 16 For dogges haue compassed me :
praise thy power. the assembly of the wicked haue inclo-
sed me: *they pierced my hands and my * Mat. 27.
35. Mar. 15,
feete. 24. Luc. 23.
P S A L . XXII. 17 I may tell all my bones : they 23, 33. loh. 19.
& 37-
1 Dauid complaineth in great discouragement. looke and stare vpon me.
9 Hee prayeth in gre$t distresse. 23 JHee 18 They part my garments among
praiseth God.
them, and cast lots vpon my vesture.
I Or. the If To the chiefe Musician vpon || Aijfc- 19 But be not thou farre from mee,
hind of the
morning. leth Shahar. A Psalme 0 L O R D ; O my strength, hast thee
of Dauid. to helpe me.
* Mat. 27. Y God, my God, * why 20 Deliuer my soule from the sword:

Marc. 15. hast thou forsaken mee? t my darling t from the power of the only t Heb. my
t Heb. from
why art thou so far tfrom dogge. \ Heb. from
my salva- helping me, and from the 21 Saue me from the lyons mouth : the hand.
tion. words of my roaring ? for thou hast heard me from the homes
2 O my God, I crie of the vnicornes,
in the day time, but thou nearest not; 22 * I will declare thy name vnto * Luc. 23.
t Heb. there and in the night season, and t am not my brethren: in the midst of the congre- 34. lohn.
19. 24. Heb.
is no silence silent.
tome. gation will I praise thee. 2. 12.
3 But thou art holy, O thou that in- 23 Yee that feare the LORD, praise
babitest the praises of Israel! him; all yee the seede of lacob glorifie
4 Our fathers trusted hi thee : they him, and feare him all yee the seede of
trusted, and thou didst deliuer them. Israel.
5 They cryed vnto thee, and were 24? For he hath not despised, nor ab-
deliuered: they trusted in thee, and were horred the affliction of the afflicted; nei-
not confounded. ther hath he hid his face from him, but
6 But I am a worme, and no man; when he cried vnto him, he heard.
a reproach of men, and despised of the 25 My praise shalbe of thee, in the
people. great congregation : I will pay my
* Mat. 27. 7 * All they that see me, laugh me to vowes, before them that feare him.
t Heb. open. scprne: they t shoote out the lippe, they 26 The meeke shall eate and be sa-
shake the head, saying^ tisfied : they shall praise the LORD that
* Mat. 27. 8 * t He trusted on the LORD,, that seeke him; your heart shall Hue for
t Heb. hee he would deliuer him : let him deliuer euer.
rolledhim- him, (Iseeing he delighted in him. 27 * All the ends of the world shall «Psal.2. 8.
selfe on the
Lord. 9 But thou art hee that tooke mee remember, and turne vnto the LORD : &72. ll.
and 86. 9.
IIOr, if he out of thewombe; thou || didst make and all the kinreds of the nations shall
delight in
him. me hope, when I was vpon my mothers worship before thee.
II Or, keptst breasts. 28 For the kingdome is the LORDS :
me in safety
10 I was cast vpon thee from the and he is the gouernour among,the na-
wombe : thou art my God from my mo- tions.
thers belly. 29 All they that be fat vpon earth
11 Be not farre from me, for trouble shall eate and worship: all they that goe
\Heb.not is neere; for there is tnone to helpe. downe to the dust shall bow before him,
a helper. 12 Many bulles haue compassed and none can keepe aliue his owne
me: strong bulles of Bashan haue beset soule.
me round. 30 A seed shall serue him; it shalbe ac-
iHeb. ope- 13 They t gaped vpon me with their counted to the Lord for a generation.
ned their
mouthes a- mouthes, as a rauening and a roaring 31 They shall come, and shall declare
gainst me. Lyon. his righteousnes vnto a people that
14> I am powred out like water, shalbe borne, that he hath done this.
Gods goodneffe. Pfalmes. Feare rewarded.
and the king of glory shall come in.
P S A L . XXIII. 10 Who is this king of glory ? the
Dauids confidence in Gods grace. LORD of hostes, he is the king of glory.
f A Psalme of Dauid. Selah.
* Esa. 40.11 He LORD is *my shep-

lore. 23. 5.
Ezech. 34. heard, I shall not want. P S A L . XXV.
loh. 10.11. 2 He maketh me to lie 1 Dauids confidence in prayer. 7 Hee pray-
I. Pet. 2. 25, downe in tgreene pa- eth for remission of sinnes, 16 and for
helpe in affliction.
t Heb. pa-
stures of ten, stures : he leadeth mee be-
der grasse. side the t still waters. f A Psalme of Dauid.
t Heb. wa-
ters qfq-uiet- 3 He restoreth my soule: he leadeth Nto thee, O LORD, doe
me in the pathes of righteousnes, for
V I lift vp my soule.
his names sake. 2 O my God, I * trust & * Psal. 22.5.
31. 2.
4 Yea though I walke through the in thee, let me not be ash ar- & 34. 9.
* Psal. 3. 6. valley of the shadowe of death, *I will med : let not mine enemies
& 118. 6,
feare no euill: for thou art with me, thy triumph ouer me.
rod and thy staffe, they comfort me. 3 * Yea let none that waite on thee, be * Esa. 28.16
5 Thou preparest a table before me, ashamed : let them bee ashamed which Rom. 10. H
in the presence of mine enemies : thou transgresse without cause.
t Heb. ma- t anointest my head with oyle, my cuppe 4 * Shewe mee thy wayes, O & * Psa. 27.11
kestfat. 86.11.
runneth ouer. LORD : teach me thy pathes. &119.
6 Surely goodnes and mercie shall 5 Lead me in thy trueth, and teach
followe me all the daies of my life : and me : for thou art the God of my saluati-
I will dwell in the house of the LORD on, on thee doe I waite all the day.
t Heb. to t for euer. 6 * Remember, O L O R D , tthy * Psal. 103.
length of
dayes. tender mercies, and thy louing kind- 17. &. 106.
1. & 107. 1.
P S A L . XXIIII. nesses: for they haue beene euer of old. lere. 33. 3.
1 Gods Lordship in the world. 3 The citizens 7 Remember not the sinnes of my tbowels. Heb. thy
of his spirituall kingdome. 7 An exhorta- youth, nor my transgressions: according
tion to receiue him. to thy mercie remember thou me, for
IT A Psalme of Dauid. thy goodnesse sake, O LORD.
* Deut. 10. *He earth is the LORDS, 8 Good and vpright is the L O R D :

lob. 41. 2. and the fulnesse thereof; therefore will hee teach sinners in the
psal. so. 12.
1. Cor. 10.
the world, and they that way.
26, & 28. dwell therein. 9 The meeke will he guide in Judge-
* lob. 38. 6. & * For he hath foun- ment : and the meeke will he teach his
psal. 104. 5.
& 136. 6. ded it vpon the seas, and established it way.
vpon the floods. 10 All the pathes of the LORD are
* Psal. 15.1. 3 * Who shall ascend into the hill of mercy and truth : vnto such as keepe his
the LORD ? and who shall stand in his couenant, and his testimonies.
holy place ? 11 For thy names sake, O LORD,
* Esa. 33. 4 *tHe that hath cleane hands, and pardon mine iniquitie : for it is great.
15, 16.
t Heb. the
a pure heart; who hath not lift vp his 1£ What man is he that feareth the
deane of soule vnto vanitie, nor sworne deceit- LORD ? him shall he teach in the way
fully. that he shall chuse.
5 Hee shall receiue the blessing from 13 His soule t shall dwell at ease: and t Heb. shall
lodge in
the LORD, and righteousnesse from his seede shall inherite the earth. goodnesse.
the God of his saluation. 14 * The secret of the LORD is with » Pro. 3. 32.
6 This is the generation of them them that feare him : ||and he will shew H Or, and his
couenant to
Wr,O that sceke him : that seeke thy face, ||O them his couenant. make them
God of la-
cob. lacob. Selah. 15 Mine eyes are euer towards the knolv it.
7 Lift vp your heads, O yee gates, LORD : for hee shall tplucke my feete t Heb. brins
and be ye lift vp ye euerlasting doores; out of the net. foorth.
and the King of glory shall come in. 16 Turne thee vnto me, and haue
8 Who is this king of glory ? the mercy vpon me : for I am desolate and
LORD strong & mightie, the L O R D afflicted.
mighty in battell. 17 The troubles of my heart are in-
9 Lift vp your heads, O ye gates, larged : 0 bring thou me out of my di-
euen lift them vp, ye euerlasting doores; stresses.
18 Looke
Dauids integritie. Pfalmes. His requeft.
18 Looke vpon mine affliction, aud 1F A Psalme of Dauid.
my paine, and forgiue all my sinnes. He LORD is my light,

19 Consider mine enemies : for they and my saluation, whome
t Heb. hatred are many, and they hate me with tcru- shal I feare? *the LORD * Psal. us.
of violence.
ell hatred. is the strength of my life, 6. mica. 7.8.
£0 O keepe my soule and deliuer me: of who shall I be afraid?
let me not bee ashamed, for I put my 2 When the wicked, euen mine ene-
trust in thee. mies and my foes tcarae vpon me to eat t Heb. tip.
21 Let integritie and vprightnesse vp my flesh, they stumbled and fell. gainst me.
preserue me: for I wait on thee. 3 * Though an host should encampe » Psal 3. 6.
22 Redeeme Israel, O God, out of against me, my heart shall not feare:
all his troubles. though warre should rise against me, in
this will I be confident.
P S A L. XXVI. 4 One thing haue I desired of the
LORD, that will I seeke after: that
Dauid resorteth vnto God, in confidence of I may dwel in the house of the LORD,
his integritie.
all the dayes of my life, to behold ||the I Or, the
f A Psalme of Dauid. beautie of the LORD, and to inquire delight.
Vdge me, O LORD, for in his temple.

I haue walked in mine in- 5 For in the time of trouble he shall
tegritie : I haue trusted hide me in his pauilion: in the secret
also in the LORD: therfore of his tabernacle shall he hide me, hee
I shall not slide. shall set me vp vpon a rocke.
« Psal. 7 10 2 * Examine me, O LORD, and 6 And now shall mine head be lifted
proue me; try my reines and my heart. vp aboue mine enemies round about
S For thy louing kindnesse is before me : therefore will I offer in his taber-
mine eyes ; and I haue walked in thy nacle sacrifices tof ioy, I will sing, yea,t Heb. of
trueth, I will sing praises vnto the LORD.
*Psal. 1. 1 4 * 1 haue not sate with vaine per- 7 Heare, O LORD, when I crie
sons, neither will I goe in with dis- with my voice: haue mercie also vpon
semblers. mee, and answere me.
5 I haue hated the congregation of 81| When thou saidst, Seeke ye my face, I Or, my
euill doers: and will not sit with the my heart said vnto thee, Thy face, heart said
vnto thee, let
wicked LORD, will I seeke. myfaceseeke
thy face* fyc.
6 I will wash mine hands in inno- 9 Hide not thy face farre fro me, put
cencie: so will I compasse thine Altar, not thy seruant away in anger: tnou
0 LORD ; hast bin my helpe, leaue me not, neither
7 That I may publish with the forsake me, O God of my saluation.
voyce of thankesgiuing, and tell of all 10 When my father and my mother
thy wonderous workes. forsake me, then the LORD twill take t Heb. will
gather me.
8 LORD, I haue loued the habita- me vp.
\ Heb. of the tion of thy house, and the place t where 11 * Teach me thy way, O LORD, • PsaL 25. 4.
and 86. ll
of thy honor. thine honour dwelleth.
and leade me in a tplaine path, because and 119.
li Or, takenot 9 || Gather not my soule with sin- of mine t enemies. t Heb. a way
away. 12 Deliuer me not ouer vnto the will ofplainnesse.
t Heb. men ners, nor my life with t bloody men. t Heb. those
ofblood. 10 In whose hands is mischiefe: and of mine enemies : for false witnesses are which ob-
serve me-
t Heb. filledtheir right hand is tfull of bribes. risen vp against me, and such as breath
11 But as for mee, I will walke in out crueltie.
mine integritie : redeeme me, and bee 13 Ihadfainted, vnlesse I had beleeued
mercifull vnto me. to see the goodnesse of the L O R D in
12 My foot standeth in an euen place: the land of the liuing.
in the congregations will I blesse the 14 *Wait on the LORD : be of good isa. •Psa.3i.35
25. 9.
LORD- courage, and he shall strengthen thine hab. 2. 3.
heart : wait, I say, on the LORD.
1 Dauid sustained* his faith, by the power of 1 Dauid prayeth earnestly against his enemies.
God, 4 By his loue to the sendee of God, 6 He blesseth God. 9 Hee prayeth for the
9 By prayer. people.
f A Psalme
Gods power, Pfalmes. and goodnefle.
1 A Psalme of Dauid. 5 The voyce of the L O R D brea-
Nto thee will I cry, O keth the Cedars: yea, the LORD brea-

LORD, my rocke, be not keth the Cedars of Lebanon.
* Psal. 143.

silent to mee : *lest if thou 6 He maketh them also to skip like a
f Hebr. from be silent t to me, I become calfe : Lebanon, and * Sirion like a * Deut. 3.
me. like them that goe downe yong Vnicorne. 9.
into the pit. 7 The voyce of the L O R D tdiui- ttetk Hebr. cut-
2 Heare the voyce of my supplicati- deth the flames of fire.
ons, when I cry vnto thee: when I 8 The voyce of the LORD || sha-Ii Or, to be in
Wr, towards lift vp my handes || toward thy holy keth the wildernes : the LORD sha- paine.
(he Oracte
of thy San- Oracle. keth the wildernesse of Kadesh.
ctuary. 3 Draw me not away with the wic- 9 The voice of the L O R D maketh
ked, and with the workers of iniquitie: the hindes to calue, and discouereth the
* Psal. 12.3. * which speake peace to their neighbors,
iere 9. 8.
forrests: and in his Temple doeth ||eue- I Or, euery
whit of it vt-
but mischiefe is in their hearts. ry one speake of his glory. tereth $c.
4 Giue them according to their 10 The L O R D sitteth vpon the
deedes, and according to the wickednes flood : yea the L O R D sitteth King for
of their endeuours: giue them after the euer.
worke of their handes, render to them 11 The LORD will giue strength
their desert. vnto his people; the L O R D wil blesse
5 Because they regard not the his people with peace.
workes of the L O R D , nor the opera-
tion of his hands, he shal destroy them, PSAL. XXX.
and not build them vp. 1 Dauid prayseth God for his deliuerance. 4
6 Blessed be the LORD, because he He exhorteth others to praise him by example
of Gods dealing with him.
hath heard the voyce of my supplica-
tions. 1F A Psalme, and song at the dedica-
7 The L O R D is my strength, and tion of the house of Dauid.
my shield, my heart trusted in him and Wil extol thee, O LORD,

I Or, his
I am helped: therefore my heart great-
ly reioyceth, and with my song will I
praise him.
8 The L O R D is || their strength,
I for thou hast lifted me vp;
and hast not made my
foes to reioyce oner me.
& O L O R D my God,
strength. and hee is the tsauing strength of his I cried vnto thee, and thou hast hea-
t Hebr.
strength of Anointed. led me.
salvations. 3 O LORD, thou hast brought vp
9 Saue thy people, and blesse thine
fl Or, rule. inheritance, ||feede them also, and lift my soule from the graue: thou hast kept
them vp for euer. me aliue, that I should not goe downe
to the pit.
PSAL. XXIX. 4 Sing vnto the L O R D , (O yee
1 Dauid exhorteth Princes to giue glory to Saints of his) and giue thanks ||at the II Or, to the
God, 3 by reason of his power, 11 and pro- remembrance of his holinesse.
tection of his people. 5 For this anger endureth but a mo- t Heb. there
t A Psalme of Dauid. ment; in his fauour is life: weeping may isment but a mo-
in his
lue vnto the L O R D anger.
endure t for a night, but ^ioycommeth in t Hebr. in

\ Hebr. yee (O tye mighty) giue vnto the morning, the euenmfr.
sonnesofthe 6 And in my tprosperitie I said, I ffing. t Hebr. sin-
miffhly. the LORD glory and
strength. shall neuer be mooued.
2 Giue vnto the LORD 7 LORD, by thy fauour thou hast
t Hebr. the tthe glory due vnto his Name; wor- tmade my mountaine to stand strong: t Hebr. set-
honour of led strength
his name. ship the LORD ||in the beautie of ho-
Thou didst hide thy face, and I was formymoun-
troubled. 'tainc.
I Or, in his linesse.
gtoriousSan- 8 I cried to thee, O LORD : and
ctuary. 3 The voice of the LORD is vpon
the waters: the God of glory thun- vnto the L O R D I made supplication.
B Or, great dreth, the LOUD is vpon ||many wa- 9 What profit is there in my blood,
waters. when I goe downe to the pit? * Shall and • Psal. 6. fl.
ters. 88. n.
t Hebr. in 4 The voice of the LORD is tpow- the dust praise thee? shall it declare thy and 115.
power. 17.
t Hebr. in erfull; the voyce of the LORD is tfull
trueth ?
Maiestie. of Maiestie. 10 Heare, O L O R D , and haue mer-
A prayer of Pfahnes. the faithfull.
cie vpon me : LOBD be thou my hel- 12 I am forgotten as a dead man
per. out of minde : I am like ta broken Heb. a vet'
sell that pe-
11 Thou hast turned for mee my vessell. risheth.
mourning into dauncing: thou hast put 13 For I haue heard the slaunder of
off my sackecloth, and girded mee with many, feare was on euery side : while
jladnesse: they tooke counsel! together against
I1 That is, 12 To the end that \\rny glory may me, they deuised to take away my life.
my tongue,
or my soule. sing prayse to thee, and not be silent: O 14 But I trusted in thee, O LORD :
LOUD my God, I will giue thankes [ sayd, Thou art my God.
vnto thee for euer. 15 My times are in thy hand : deliuer
me from the hand of mine enemies,
and from them that persecute me.
PSAL. XXXI. 16 Make thy face to shine vpon thy
1 Dauid shewing his confidence in God, era- seruant: saue me for thy mercies sake.
ueth his helpe. 7 He reioyceth in his mercy.
9 He prayetn in his calariiitie. 19 He pray- 17 Let mee not be ashamed, O
seth God for his goodnesse. L O R D , for I haue called vpon thee:
et the wicked be ashamed; a?u2 ||let them II Or, let
them be cut
IF To the chiefe Musician, A >e silent in the graue* off for the
Psalme of Dauid. 18 Let the lying lippes be put to si- vaue.
* Psal. 22. *N thee, O LORD, doe ence : which speake tgrieuous things Heb. a hare

5. Esa. 49,
23. I put my trust, let me ne- jroudly and contemptuously against thmg.
uer be ashamed : deliuer he righteous.
me in thy righteousnesse. 19 *O how great is thy goodnesse, * Esa. 64.
% Bowe downe thine which thou hast layd vp for them that 4.1. 2.9.
eare to me, deliuer me speedily: be thou eare thee: which thou hast wrought for
t Heb. to me tmy strong rocke, for an house of de- them that trust in thee, before the
for a roc/ee
ofstrenfth. ence to saue me. sonnes of men!
3 For thou art my rocke and my for- 20 Thou shalt hide them in the se-
tresse : therfore for thy names sake lead cret of thy presence, from the pride of
me, and guide me. man : thou shalt keepe them secretly in
4 Pull me out of the net, that they a pauilion, from the strife of tongues.
laue layd priuily for me: for thou art my 21 Blessed be the L O R D ; for hee
strength. iath shewed me his maruellous kind-
* Luc. 23. 5 *Into thine hand I commit my nesse, in a || strong citie. i Ortfensed
46. spirit : thou hast redeemed mee, 0 22 For I sayd in my haste, I am cut city.
LORD God of trueth. off from before thine eies : Neuerthe-
6 I haue hated them that regard esse thou heardest the voice of my sup-
ying vanities : but I trust in the plications, when I cryed vnto thee.
CORD. 23 O loue the L O R D , all yee his
7 I will be glad, and reioyce in thy Saints :for the LORD preserueth the
mercie : for thou hast considered my faithfull, and plentifully rewardeth the
trouble; thou hast knowen my soule in proud doer.
aduersities; 24 * Be of good courage, and hee * Psal. 27.
8 And hast not shut me vp into the shall strengthen your heart: all ye that 14.
band of the enemie : thou hast set my hope in the LORD.
feete in a large roome.
9 Haue mercy vpon me, O LORD, P S A L . XXXII.
for I am in trouble; mine eie is consu- 1 Blessednesse consisteth in remission of sinnes
med with griefe, yea my soule and my 3 Confession of sinnes giueth ease to the
belly. conscience. 8 Gods promises hring ioy.
10 For my life is spent with griefe,
and my yeeres with sighing : my f || A Psalme of Dauid, Maschil. i0r,apsalmc
of Dauid
strength faileth, because of mine iniqui- Lessed is he 'whose* trans- giuing in-
tie, and my bones are consumed.
11 I was a reproch among all mine
enemies, but especially among my
neighbours, and a feare to mine ac-
B gression is forgiuen, w^o& struction.
sinne is couered.
2 Blessed is the man vn-
to whom the L O R I
quaintance : they that did see me with- imputeth not iniquitie : and in whose
" Rom. 4.7

out, fled from me. spirit there is no guile.

3 Wher
Dauids confefsion. Pfalmes. Gods prouidence.
3 When I kept silence, my bones 7 He gathereth the waters of the
waxed old; through my roaring all the sea together, as an heape: he layeth vp
day long. the depth in storehouses.
4 For day and night thy hand was 8 Let all the earth feare the LORD :
heauy vpon me : my moisture is turned let all the inhabitants of the world
into the drought of summer. Selah. stand in awe of him.
5 I acknowledged my sin vnto thee, 9 For he spake, and it was done : he
* Prou. 28. and mine iniquitie haue I not hid : *I commanded, and it stood fast.
Esa. 95. 24. said, I will confesse my transgressions 10 * The LORD tbringeth the coun- * Esa. 19. 3.
l. loh. 1. 9. vnto the L O R D ; and thou forgauest t Heb. ma-
sell of the heathen to nought: he ma- kethfru-*
the iniquitie of my sinne. Selah. keth the deuices of the people, of none ttrate.
6 For this shall euery one that is effect.
t/feft. in A godly pray vnto thee, tin a time when 11 *The counsaile of the LORD •Prou. 19.
time qffin-
ding. thou mayest bee found : surely in the standeth for euer, the thoughts of his 91. Esa. 46. 10.
floods of great waters, they snail not heart t to all generations. \Heb.toge.
come nigh vnto him. 12 * Blessed is the nation, whose generation.
* Psal. & 10. 7 * Thou art my hiding place, thou God is the LORD : and the people, & * Psal. 65. 4
144. 15.
shalt preserue mee from trouble : thou whom he hath chosen for his owne inhe-
shalt compasse me about with songs of ritance.
deliuerance. Selah. 13 The LORD looketh from hea-
8 I will instruct thee, and teach thee uen: he beholdeth all the sonnes of men.
\Heb.Iwm in the way which thou shalt goe : 11 14 From the place of his habitation,
counsel thee^
mine eye will guide thee with mine eye. he looketh vpon all the inhabitants of
shall be vp-
on thee. 9 * Be yee not as the horse, or as the the earth.
* Pro. 26. 3.mule which haue no vnderstanding : 15 He fashioneth their hearts alike :
whose mouth must be held in with bit he considereth all their workes.
and bridle, least they come neere vnto 16 There is no king saued by the mul-
thee. titude of an hoste: a mightie man is not
10 Many sorrowes shall be to the wic- deliuered by much strength.
ked : but he that trusteth in the LORD, 17 An horse is a vaine thing for safe-
mercy shall compasse him about. tie : neither shall he deliuer any by his
11 Be glad in the LORD, and re- great strength.
ioyce yee righteous : and shout for ioy 18 * Behold, the eye of the LORD * lob. 36, 7-
all ye that are vpright in heart. is vpon them that feare him : vpon them & 34. 14.
l.Pet.3. 12.
that hope in his mercy:
19 To deliuer their soule from death,
P S A L . XXXIII. and to keepe them aliue in famine.
1 God is to be praysed for his goodnesse, 6 #0 Our soule waiteth for the LORD :
for his power, 12 and for his prouidence. 20 he is our helpe, and our shield.
Confidence is to be placed in God.
21 For our heart shall reioyce in him :
Eioyce in the LORD, O because we haue trusted in his holy

yee righteous \for pray se is name.
comely for the vpright. 22 Let thy mercy (O LORD) be
£ Praise the LORD vpon vs : according as we hope in thee.
with harp : sing vnto him
with the Psalterie, and an instrument of P S A L . XXXIIII.
ten strings. 1 Dauid prayseth God, and exhorteth other
8 Sing vnto him a new song: play thereto oy his experience. 8 They are blessed
skilfully with a loud noise. that trust in God. 11 He exhorteth to the feare
of God. 15 The Priuiledges of the righteous.
4 For the word of the LORD is
right: and all his workes are done in f A Psalme of Dauid, when he changed
trueth. his behauiour before ||Abimelech : I0rv,4*&ft.
who droue him away & he departed. 11, 1. Sam, 21,
"Psal, 119, 5 * Hee loueth righteousnesse and
Q 0r, mercy. iudgeroent: the earth is ful of the || good- Will blesse the L O R D at

nesse of the LORD. all times : his prayse shaft
*Qenu 1.6. 6 *By the word of the L O R D continually bee in my
&7- were the heauens made : and all the mouth.
host of them, by the breath of his 2 My soule shall make
mouth. her boast in the LORD : the humble
* 19 a
To fee good dayes. Pfalmes. Dauids complaint,
saall heare thereof, and be glad. P S A L . XXXV.
3 O magnifie the LORD with me,
and let vs exalt his name together. 1 Dauid prayeth for his owne safety, & his ene-
mies confusion. 11 He complaineth of their
4 I sought the LORD, and hee wrongful! dealing. 22 Thereby he inciteth
heard me; and deliuered mee from all God against them.
my feares.
I Or, they
flowed vnto
5 || They looked vnto him, and were f A Psalme of Dauid.
Lm. ightned : and their faces were not LEAD my cause (O

ashamed. LORD) with them that
6 This poore man cried, and the striue with mee : fight a-
^OHD heard him; and saued him out gainst them that fight a-
of all his troubles. gainst me.
7 The Angel of the LORD en- 2 Take hold of shield
campeth round about them that feare and buckler, and stand vp for mine
lim, and deliuereth them. lelpe.
8 O taste and see that the L O R D 3 Draw out also the speare, and stop
s good: blessed is the man that trusteth the way against them that persecute me:
in him, say vnto my soule, I am thy saluation.
9 O feare the LORD yee his 4 *Let them be confounded and * Psal. 40,
Saints: for there is no want to them that mt to shame that seeke after my soule : 15. & 70. 3.
eare him. et them be turned backe and brought to
10 The young lyons doe lacke , and confusion, that deuise my hurt.
suffer hunger : but they that seeke the 5 * Let them be as chaffe before the * lob 21. 18.
L.ORD, shall not want any good wind : and let the Angel of the LORD psal. 1. 4.
isa. 29. 6.
thing. chase them. Ose. id. 3.
11 Come yee children, hearken vnto 6 Let their way be t darke and slip- t Heb. dark,
me : I will teach you the feare of the pery, and let the Angel of the L O R D slipperi^
LORD. persecute them. nesse.
Pet. 3.10. 12 * What man is hee that desireth 7 For without cause haue they hid
ife; andloueih many dayes, that he may for me their net in a pit, which without
see good ? cause they haue digged for my soule.
13 Keepe thy tongue from euill, and 8 Let destruction come vpon him
thy lippes from speaking guile. t at vnawares, and let his net that hee t tie. which
14 Depart from euill, and doe bath hid, catch himselfe: into that very he knoweth
not of.
rood : seeke peace and pursue it. destruction let him fall.
* lob. SB. 7 15 *The eies of the LORD are vp- 9 And my soule shalbe ioyfull in the
psal. 33.18. on the righteous; and his eares are open LORD : it shall reioyce in his salua-
. Pet. 3.12
vnto their crie. tion.
16 The face of the LORD is against 10 All my bones shall say, LORD,
them that doe euill; to cut off the re- who is like vnto thee which deliuerest
membrance of them from the earth. the poore from him that is too strong
17 The righteous crie, and the LORD for him, yea the poore and the needy,
fieareth; and deliuereth them out of al from him that spoileth him ?
their troubles. 111 False witnesses did rise vp; t they \ Heb. ofwit-
MIeb.tothe 18 The LORD is nigh tvnto them layd to my charge things that I knew nesses wrong.
Broken of that are of a broken heart: and saueth
not. t Heb. they
asked me.
Heb. con- such as be t of a contrite spirit. 12 They rewarded mee euill for
19 Many are the afflictions of the good, to the t spoiling of my soule. iHeb.depr*-
righteous : but the LORD deliueretl 18 But as for me, when they were
him out of them all. sicke, my clothing was sack-cloth : 1
£0 He keepeth all his bones : not one || humbled my soule with fasting, anc fl Or, afflict-
of them is broken. my prayer returned into mine owne ed.
£1 Euill shall slay the wicked : and bosome.
\0r,shdtbe they that hate the righteous ||shalbe de- 14 I tbehaued my selfe as thougl t Heb. wal.
guilty. solate. he had bene t my friend, or brother : '. ked.\ Heb. as a
32 The LORD redeemech the bowed downe heauily, as one that friend, brother to
soule of his seruants : and none o mourneth for his mother, me.
them that trust in him, shalbe deso- 15 But in mine t aduersitie they re- t Heb. hal.
late. ioyced, and gathered themselues toge- ting.
ther :
and prayer. Pfalmes. Gods kindneffe
tner : yea, the abiects gathered them- selte in his owne eyes, t vntill his mi- iHeb.tofin
quitie be found to be hateful). his iniquitie
selues together against me, & I knew it to hate.
not, they did teare me, and ceased not, 3 The words of his mouth are ini-
16 With hypocriticall mockers in quitie and deceit: he.hath left off to bee
feasts : they gnashed vpon mee with wise, and to doe good.
their teeth. 4 Hee deuiseth ]| mischiefe vpon hie 0 Or, vanitic
17 Lord, how long wilt thou looke bed, he setteth himselfe in a way that u
on ? rescue my soule from their destruc- not good; he abhorreth not euill. tions, tmy darling from the lyons. 5 * Thy mercie (0 LORD) is in the *Psal 57.11
onely one.
* PsaL 40.11 18 * I will giue thee thankes in the heauens; and thy faithfujnesse reacheth and 108. 4.
and ill. 1. great congregation : I will praise thee vnto the cloudes.
\ Heb.strong among t much people. 6 Thy righteousnesse is like tthe t Hebr. the
19 Let not them that are mine ene- great mountaines; thy Judgements an mountaines
\Ueb.falsly. mies t wrongfully, reioyce ouer me: nei- a great deepe; O LORD, thou preser-
ther let them winke with the eye, that uest man and beast.
hate me without a cause. 7 How t excellent is thy louing kind- t Heb.prc-
20 For they speake not peace; but nesse, O God! therefore the children ol ciout.
they deuise deceitfull matters against men put th.eir trust vnder the shadowe
them that are quiet in the land. of thy wings.
21 Yea they opened their mouth 8 They shall be t abundantly satis- t &el>. Wate-
wide against me, and saide. Aha, Aha, fied with the fatnesse of thy house: and red.
our eye hath scene it. thou shalt make them drinke of the ri-
22 This thou hast scene (0 LORD) uer of thy pleasures.
keepe not silence : O Lord be not farre 9 For.with thee is the fountaine ol
from me, life: in thy light shall we see light.
28 Stirre vp thy selfe and awake to 10 O f continue thy louing kindnesse r Heb. draw
my iudgement, en-en vnto my cause, my vnto them that know thee; and thy out at length
God and my Lord. righteousnesse to the vpright in heart.
24 ludge me 0 L O R D my God, 11 Let not the foot of pride come a-
according to thy righteousnesse, and let gainst me, and let not the hand of the
them not reioyce ouer me. wicked remoue me.
25 Let them not say in their hearts, 12 There are the workers of iniqui-
)Heb.ahtah t Ah, so would we haue it: let them not
our soule.
tie fallen : they are cast downe, and snal
say, We haue swallowed him vp. not be able to rise.
26 Let them be ashamed and brought
to confusion together, that reioyce at PSA.L. XXXVII.
mine hurt: let them bee cloathed with Dauid perswadeth to patience and confidence
shame and dishonour, that magnifie in God, by the different estate of the godly
and the wicked.
themselues against me.
27 Let them shoute for ioy, and bee IT A Psalme of Dauid.
ffebr. my glad that fauour t my righteous cause : Ret *not thy selfe because *Prou.S3.

te's. yea let them say continually, Let the of euill doers, neither bee 17. & 24. l.
L O R D bee magnified, which hath thou enuious against the
pleasure in the prosperity of his seruant workers of iniquitie.
28 And my tongue shall speake of 2 For they shall soone
thy righteousnesse, and of thy praise all be cut downe like the grasse; and wi-
the day long. ther as the greene herbe.
3 Trust in the LORD, and do good,
P S A L . XXXVI. so shalt thou dwell in the land, and t ve- Hebr, in
1 The grieuous estate of the wicked. 5Theex- rely thou shalt be fed. trueth and
cellencie of Gods mercie. 10 Dauid prayeth 4 Delight > thy selfe also in the
for fauour to Gods children.
L O R D ; and he shall giue thee the de-
f To the chiefe musician, A Psalme of sires of thine heart.
Dauid, the seruant of the LORD. 5 t * Commit thy way vnto the Heb. Mile
HE transgression of the L O R D : trust also in him, and he shall thyway

T wicked saith within my Dring it to passe. 225***

• Prou. i& 3
heart, that there is no feare 6 And he shall bring forth thy righ- mat. 6. *5.
of God before his eyes. teousnes as the light, and thy iudge- 1. . Pet. 5.7.
2 For he flatterech him- ment as the noone day
7 t Rest
The profperitie Pfalmes. of the wicked. 7 tRest in the LORD, and wait 25 I haue bene yong, and now am
silent to the >atiently for him: fret not thy selfe be- old; yet Jiaue I not scene the righte-
cause of him who prospereth in his ous forsaken, nor his seede begging
way, because of the man who bringeth bread.
wicked deuices to passe. 26 He is teuer mercifull, and lendeth: ^the t Hebr. all
8 Cease from anger, and forsake and his seede is blessed.
wrath : fret not thy selfe in any wise to 27 Depart from euill, and doe good;
doe euill. and dwell for euermore.
9 For euil doers shall be cut off: but 28 For the L O R D loueth Judge-
tlose that waite vpon the LORD,, ment, and forsaketh not his Saints,
ticy shall inherite the earth. they are preserued for euer: but the seed
10 For yet a little while, and the wic- of the wicked shall be cut off.
ced shall not bee : yea, thou shalt dili- 29 The righteous shall inherite the
gently consider his place, and it shall land, and dwell therein for euer.
tot be. 30 The mouth of the righteous spea-
*Matt. 6. 5. 11 *But the meeke shall inherite the keth wisedome; and his tongue talketh
earth : and shall delight themselues in of Judgement.
tbe abundance of peace. 31 The Law of his God is in his
R Or, practi
12 The wicked || plotteth against the heart : none of his || steps shall slide. I0r,&wngs.
iust, and gnasheth vpon him with his 32 The wicked watcheth the righ-
teeth. teous, and seeketh to slay him.
* Psal. 2. 4. 13 *The Lord shall laugh at 33 The LORD will not leaue him
lim : for he seeth that his day is com- n his hand, nor condemne him when
ming. ic is iudged,
14 The wicked haue drawen out the 34 Wait on the LORD, and keepe
sword, and haue bent their bow to cast lis way, and he shall exalt thee to inhe-
dlowne the poore and needy, and to slay rit the land : when the wicked are cut
IHeb.the • such as be of vpright conuersation. off, thou shalt see it.
vpright cf 15 Their sword shall enter into their 35 I haue seene the wicked in great
owne heart, and their bowes shall be power : and spreading him selfe like ||a I0r,agreene
tree, that
b>roken. Sfreene bay tree. groweth in
16 A little that a righteous man 36 Yet he passed away, and loe he toyle. his own*
hath, is better then the riches of many was not : yea, I sought him, but hee
wicked. could not be ibund.
17 For the armes of the wicked shall 37 Marke the perfect man, and be-
>e broken : but the LORD vpholdeth hold the vpright: for the end of that man
the righteous. is peace.
18 The LORD knoweth the dayes 38 But the transgressours shall be
of the vpright: and their inheritance destroyed together: the end of the wic-
shall be for euer. ked shalbe cut off.
19 They shall not be ashamed in the 39 But the saluation of the righte-
euill time : and in the dayes of famine ous is of the LORD : he is their strength
they shalbe satisfied. in the time of trouble.
20 But the wicked shall perish, and 40 And the LORD shall helpe them
the enemies of the LORD shall be as and deliuer them : he shall deliuer them
t Hebr. the t the fat of larnbes : they shall consume: from the wicked, and saue them because
ofLambes. into smoke shall they consume away. they trust in him.
21 The wicked borroweth, and pay-
eth not againe: but the righteous shew- P S A L . XXXVIII.
eth mercy, and giueth.
22 For such as be blessed of him, shall Daniel mooueth God to take compassion of
his pitifull case.
inherite the earth : and they that be cur-
sed of him, shalbe cut off. f A Psalm c of Dauid, to bring
10r, esta-
23 The steps of a good man are || or- to remembrance.
dered by the LORD : and he delighteth L O R D , rebuke me not

in his way. in thy wrath: neither cha-
24 Though hee fall, he shall not be sten me in thy hot displea-
vtterly cast downe: for the L O R D vp- sure.
holdeth him with his hand. 2 For thine arrowes
Great afflictions Pfalmes. Man is vanitie.
sticke fast in me; and thy hand presseth
me sore. P S A L . XXXIX.
3 There Is no soundnesse in my flesh, 1 Dauids care of his thoughts, 4 the conside-
because of thine anger: neither is there ration of the breuity and vanitie of life, 7
the reuerence of Gods Judgements, 10 and
\ Heb. peace9 any trest in my bones, because of my prayer, are his bridles of impatiencie.
or health.
4 For mine iniquities are gone ouer If To the chiefe Musician, even to * le- * 1. Chron.
mine head : as an heauy burden, they duthun, A Psalme of Dauid. 25.1.
are too heauie for me. Sayd, I will take heede

5 My wounds stinke, and are cor- to my waies, that I sinne
rupt : because of my foolishnesse. not with my tongue : I
t Heir,
o I am t troubled, I am bowed will keepe t my mouth dle, Heb. a bri-
or mou-
downe greatly; I goe mourning all with a bridle, while the ell for my
the day long. wicked is before me. mouth.
7 For my loynes are filled with a 2 I was dumbe with silence, I
loathsome disease:and thereto™* sound- leld my peace, euen from good, and my
nesse in my flesh. sorrow was t stirred. Heb. trou-
8 I am feeble and sore broken; I 3 My heart was hot within mee, bled.
baue roared by reason of the disquiet- while I was musing the fire burned:
nesse of my heart. then spake I with my tongue.
9 Lord, all my desire is before thee : 4 LORD, make me to know mine
and my groning is not hid from thee. end, and the measure of my dayes, what
10 My heart panteth, my strength it is : that I may know || how fraile I Iime Or, what
I haue
Paileth me: as for the light of mine ei«s, am. here.
t Heb. is not it also tis gone from me. 5 Behold, thou hast made my dayes
with me.
11 My louers and my friends stand a as an Land breadth, and mine age is as
Webstroke. loofe from my tsore: and ||my krasmen nothing before thee : verily euery man
II Or, my
neighbours. stand a farre off. tat his best state is altogether * vanitie. tied.
18 They also that seeke after mv life, Selah. * Psal.62.9.
& 144. 4.
lay snares/or me: and they that seeke my 6 Surely euery man walketh in
hurt, speake mischieuous things, and ta vaine shew: surely they are disquie- \Hebr.
imagine deceits all the day long. ted in vaine: he heapeth vp riches, and mage.
13 But I, as a deafe man, heard not; knoweth not who shall gather them.
and / was as a dumbe man that openeth 7 And now Lord, what wait I
not his mouth. for ? my hope is in thee.
14? Thus I was as a man that hea- 8 Deliuer me from all my transgres-
reth not; and in whose mouth are no re- sions: make mee not the reproch of the
proofes. foolish.
K Or, thee do 15 For ||in thee, O L O R D , doe I 9 I was dumbe, I opened not my
I wait for.
it Or, an- hope : thou wilt ||heare, O Lord my mouth ; because thou diddest it.
swere. God. 1.0 Remooue thy stroke away from
16 For I said, heare me, least otherwise mee : I am consumed by the tblowe v Heb. con-
they should reioyce ouer me : when my of thine hand.
foot slippeth, they magnifie themselues 11 When thou with rebukes doest
against me. correct man for iniquitie, thou makest
t Heb. for
17 For I am ready tto halt, and my t his beautie to consume away like a t Heb. that
sorrow is continually before me. moth : surely euery man is vanitie. which is to
>e desired in
18 For I will declare mine iniquitie; Selah. him, to nwlt
I will be sory for my sinne. 12 Heare my prayer, O LORD,
t Heb. being 19 But mine enemies -fare liuely, and and giue eare vnto my crie, hold not
lining, are
strong. they are strong: and they that hate mee thy peace at my teares : *for I am 23. * Leuit. 25.
wrongfully, are multiplied. a straunger with thee, and a soiour- i. Chron.
20 They also that render euill for 29. 15.
ner, as all my fathers were. PsaL 119.19.
good, are mine aduersaries : because 13 O spare me, that I may recouer Heb. 11.13.
1. Pet. 2.11
I follow the thing that good is. strength : before I goe hence, and be no
21 Forsake me not, O L O R D • O more.
my God, be not farre from me.
t Heb. for
my helpe.
22 Make haste tto helpe mee, O P S A L . XL.
Lord my saluation. 1 The benefite of confidence in God. 6 Obe-
Sacrifice refufed. Pfalmes* Of flatterers.
dience is the best sacrifice. 11 The sence of founded together, that seeke after my
Dauids euils inflaxneth his prayer. soule to destroy it : let them be driuen
f To the chiefe Musician, A Psalme of backward, and put to shame, that wish
Dauid. me euill.
Heb. in wai- t Waited patiently for the 15 Let them be desolate, for a reward

ting I wai-
ted. L O R D , and he inclined of their shame, that say vnto me, Aha,
vnto me, and heard my aha!
crie. 16 Let all those that seeke thee, re-
2 He brought me vp ioyce and bee glad in thee : let such as
Heb. a pit also out of tan horrible pit, out of the loue thy saluation, say continually, The
mirie clay, and set my feete vpon a rock, LORD be magnified.
and established my goings. 17 But I am poore and needy, yet
3 And he hath put a new song in my the Lord thinketh vpon me : thou art
mouth, euen praise vnto our God: many my helpe and my deliuerer, make no
shall see it, and feare, and shall trust in tarrying, O my God.
the LORD.
4 Blessed is that man that maketh P S A L . XLI.
the LORD his truste : and respecteth 1 Gods care of the poore. 4 Dauid complai-
not the proud, nor such as turne aside to neth of his enemies trecherie. 10 He flyeth
ies. to God for succour.
5 Many, O LORD my God, are
;hy wonderfull workes which thou U To the chiefe Musician. A Psalme
last done, and thy thoughts, which are of Dauid.
i Or, none to vs ward : ||they cannot be reckoned Lessed is he that conside-

can order
them vnto vp in order vnto thee : if I would de- reth || the poore; the i Or.the
thee. clare and speake of them, they are moe LORD will deliuer him weake,
then can be numbred. tin time of trouble. t Heb. in the
* Psal. 51 6 * Sacrifice and offering thou didst 2 The L O R D will day of euill.
16. Esa. 1.
U..&66. not desire, mine eares hast thou t ope- preserue him, and keepe
3. Hos. 6. ned : burnt offering and shine-offering him aliue, and he shall be blessed vpon
6. Heb. 10.
5. Mat 12. 7 bast thou not required. the earth; and || thou wilt not deliuer H Or, doe not
t Heb, dig- 7 Then sayd I, Loe, I come: in him vnto the will of his enemies. thou deliuer.
the volume of the booke it is written of 3 The L O R D will strengthen
me: him vpon the bed of languishing : thou
8 I delight to doe thy will, O my wilt tmake all his bed in his sicknesse. \Hehturne.
i Heb. in the God: yea thy la we is t within my heart. 4 I sayd, L O R D be mercifull vn-
midst of my
bowels. 9 I haue preached righteousnesse in to me, heale my soule, for I haue sinned
the great congregation : loe, I haue against thee.
not refrained my lippes, O LORD, 5 Mine enemies speake euill of me:
thou knowest. when shall hee die, and his name pe-
10 I haue not hid thy righteousnesse rish ?
within my heart, I haue declared thy 6 And if hee come to see me, he spea-
faithfulnesse and thy saluation ; I haue keth vanity : his heart gathereth ini-
not concealed thy louing kindnesse, and
thy truth, from the great congrega-
2 uitie to it selfe, when he goeth abroad,
e telleth it.
7 All that hate me, whisper toge-
11 With-hold not thou thy tender ther against me; against me doe they de-
mercies from me, O LORD : let thy uise tmy hurt. t Heb. euill
louing kindnesse, and thy trueth conti- 81 An euill disease, say they, cleaueth ttome.
Heb. a
nually preserue me. fast vnto him; and now that he lyeth, he lial.
thing of Be-
12 For innumerable euils haue com- shall rise vp no more.
passed me about, mine iniquities haue 9 * Yea tmine owne familiar friend * lob. 13.18
taken hold vpon me, so that I am not in whom I trusted, which did eate of toy mant Heb. the
of my
able to looke vp: they are moe then the bread, hath t lift vp his heele against peace.
t Heb. mag-
haires of mine head, therefore my heart me. nified.
t Heb.Jbr. tfaileth me. 10 But thou, O LORD, be merci-
13 Be pleased, O LORD, to deliuer full vnto mee, and raise me vp that I
me: O LORD, make haste to helpe me. may requite them.
*PsaL34. 14 *Let them be ashamed and con- 11 By this I know that thou fauou-
6. & 70. 3.
Datiids hope Pfalmes. in trouble.
rest me: because mine enemie doeth not
triumph ouer me. P S A L . XLIII.
12 And as for me, thou vpholdest me 1 Dauid praying to be restored to the Temple,
promiseth to serue God ioyfully. 5 He en-
in mine integritie; and settest me before courageth his soule to trust in God.
thy face for euer,
13 Blessed bee the L O R D God of Vdge mee, O God, and

Israel, from euerlasting, and to euer- plead my cause against an
lasting. Amen, and Amen. || vngodly nation ; O deli- II Or, vnmer*
uer me tfrom the deceit- cifull. tHebr.from
P S A L . XLII. full and vniust man. a man of de-
ceit* and ini-
1 Dauids zeale to serue God in the Temple. 2 For thou art the God of my strength, quitie*
5 He incourageth his soule to trust in God. why doest thou cast me off? why goe I
mourning because of the oppression of
I! Or, a U To the chiefe Musician, ||Maschil, the enemy ?
Psalme pi-
ning instru- for the sonnes of Korah. 3 O send out thy light & thy trueth ;
ction of the S the Hart tpanteth after let them leade mee, let them bring mee

sonnes, $c.
^Hebr.bray- the water brookes, so pan- vnto thy holy hill, and to thy Taber-
sth. teth my soule after thee, nacles.
OGod. 4 Then will I goe vnto the Altar
2 My soule thirsteth of God, vnto God f my exceeding ioy: t Hebr. the
for God, for the liuing God : when shall yea vpon the harpe will I praise thee, gladnesse my toy.
I come and appeare before God ? 0 God, my God.
* PsaL 80. S. 3 *My teares haue bene my meate 5 Why art thou cast downe, O my
day and night; while they continually soule ? and why art thou disquieted
say vnto me, Where is thy God ? within me? hope in God, for I shall yet
4 When I remember these things, praise him, w/tow? the health of my Coun- * Psal. 42, C.
I powre out my soule in mee; for I tenance, and my God. aud 12.
had gone with the multitude, I went
with them to the house of God; with PSAL. XLIIIL
the voyce of ioy and praise, with a mul-
titude that kept holy day. 1 The Church, in memory of former fauours,
^ Hebr. bow- 6 Why art thou tcast downe, O my
7 complaineth of their present euils. 17
ed downe. Professing her integritie, 24 She feruently
soule, and why art thou disquieted in me? prayeth for succour.
I On, glus hope thou in God, for I shall yet Upraise
i Or, his pre- hfm \\for the helpe of his countenance. 1f To the chiefe Musician for the
sence la sal- 6 O my God, my soule is cast downe sonnes of Korah.
within me : therefore will I remember Ee haue heard with our

thee from the land of lordane, and of eares, O God, our fathers
II Or, the the Hermonites, from the ||hill Missar. haue told vs, what worke
lHUehiU. 7 Deepe calleth vnto deepe at the thou didst in their dayes,
noyse of thy water-spouts : all thy in the times of old.
waues, and thy biilowes are gone o- % How thou didst driue out the hea-
uer me. then with thy hand, & plantedst them;
8 Yet the LORD will command how thou didst afflict the people, and cast
his louing kindnes in the day time, and them out.
in the night his song shalbe with me, and 3 For they got not the land in posses*
my prayer vnto the God of my life. sion by their owne sword, neither did
9 I will say vnto God, My rocke, their owne arme saue them : but thy
why hast thou forgotten me ? why goe right hand, and thine arme, and the
I mourning, because of the oppression light of thy countenance, because thou
of the enemy ? hadst a fauour vnto them.
Wr,Wlinp. 10 As with a || sword in ray bones, 4 Thou art my King, O God:
mine enemies reproch mee: while they command deliuerances for lacob.
say dayly vnto me, Where is thy God? 5 Through thee will wee push
11 Why art thou cast downe, O my downe our enemies : through thy
soule? and why art thou disquieted Name will wee tread them vnder that
within me ? hope thou in God, for I rise vp against vs.
shall yet praise him, who is the health of 6 For I will not trust in my bow,
my countenance, and my God. neither shall my sword saue me.
7 But
Prayer in trouble. Pfalmes. Chrifts kingdome.
7 But thou hast saued vs from our 10 The duetie of the Church, and the bene-
enemies, and hast put them to shame fits thereof.
that hated vs. If To the chiefe Musician vpon Sho-
8 In God we boast all the day long: shannim, for the sonnes of Korah,
and praise thy Name for euer. Selah. IIMaschil : a song of loues. B Or, of in-
9 But thou hast cast off and put vs Y heart t is inditing a good struction.
t Hebr, boy-

to shame; and goest not forth with our matter : I speake of the Icth or bub-
armies. things which I haue leth vp.
10 Thou makest vs to turne backe made, touching the King:
from the enemie: and they which hate my tongue is the penne of
vs, spoile for themselues. a ready writer.
t 11 Thou hast giuen vs like tsheepe 2 Thou art fairer then the children
meate. appointed for meate: and hast scattered of men : grace is powred into thy lips :
vs among the heathen. therfore God hath blessed thee for euer.
t Heb. with: 12 Thou sellest thy people t for 3 Gird thy sword vpon thy thigh, O
out riches.
nought, and doest not increase thy wealth most mightie : with thy glory and thy
by their price. maiestie.
* Fsal. 79. 4 13 *Thou makest vs a reproch to our 4 And in thy maiestie tride prospe- t Hebr. pros-
neighbours, a scorne and a derision to rously, because of trueth and meekenes, per tkout
ride thou.
them that-are round about vs. and righteousnesse: and thy right hand
* lere. 24.9. 14 *Thou makest vs a by-word a- shall teach thee terrible things.
mong the heathen : a shaking of the 5 Thine arrowes are sharpe in the
head among the people. heart of the Kings enemies; whereby
15 My confusion is continually before the people fall vnder thee.
me, and the shame of my face hath co- 6 * Thy throne (O God) is for euer "Heb. 1.8.
uered me. and euer: the scepter of thy kingdome
16 For the voice of him that reproa- is a right scepter.
cheth, and blasphemeth : by reason of 7 Thou louest righteousnesse, and
the enemie and auenger. hatest wickednesse : therefore God, thy
17 All this is come vpon vs; yet God, hath anointed thee with the oyle
haue wee not forgotten thee, neither of gladnesse aboue thy fellowes.
haue we dealt falsly in thy couenant. 8 All thy garments smell of myrrhe,
18 Our heart is not turned backer and aloes, and cassia : out of the luorie
I Oft goings neither haue our || steps declined from palaces, whereby they haue made thee
thy way, glad.
19 Though thou hast sore broken vs 9 Kings daughters were among thy
in the place of dragons, and. couered vs honourable women: vpon thy right
with the shadow of death. hand did stand the Queene in golde of
20 If wee haue forgotten the name Ophir.
of our God, or stretched out our hands 10 Hearken (O daughter) and con-
to a strange God: sider, and incline thine eare; forget also
21 Shall not God search this out? thine owne people, and thy fathers
for he knoweth the secrets of the heart. house.
* Horn. 8,86 22 * Yea for thy sake are wee killed 11 So shall the king greatly desire
all the day long: wee are counted as thy beautie : for he is thy Lord, and
sheepe for the slaughter. worship thou him.
23 Awake, why sleepest thou, O 12 And the daughter of Tyre shall be
Lord ? arise, cast vs not oft* for euer. there with a gift, euen the rich among
24 Wherefore hidest thou thy face ? the people shall intreate tthy fauour. t Heb. thy
and forgettest our affliction, and our op- 13 The kings daughter is all glori- face.
pression ? ous within ; her clothing is of wrought
25 For our soule is bowed downe to gold.
the dust; our belly cleaueth vnto the 14 She shall bee brought vnto the
earth. king in raiment of needle worke : the
iHeb.ah*lp 26 Arise tfor our helpe, and redeeme virgins her companions that followe
faff *»*•- her, shall be brought vnto thee.
vs for thy mercies sake.
15 With gladnesse and reioycing shall
P S A L . XLV. they be brought: they shall enter into
1 The maiestie and grace of Christs kingdome. the kings palace.
16 In
God our refuge. Pfalmes. Sions beautie.
16 In stead of thy fathers shall bee high is terrible; he is a great King ouer
thy children, whom thou mayest make all the earth.
princes in all the earth. 3 Hee shall subdue the people vnder
17 I will make thy name to bee re- vs, and the nations vnder our feet.
membred in all generations : therefore 4 He shall chuse our inheritance for
shall the people praise thee for euer and vs, the excellencie of lacob whom hee
euer. loued. Selah.
5 God is gone vp with a shout, the
P S A L . XLVL LORD with the sound of a trumpet.
1 The confidence which the Church hath in 6 Sing praises to God, sing praises:
God. 8 An exhortation to behold it sing praises vnto our King, sing praises.
I Or, of. f To the chiefe Musician || for the 7 For God is the King of all the
sonnes of Korah, a song vpon earth, sing ye praises ||with vnderstan- I Or, euery
one that
Alamo th. ding. hath un-
OD Is our refuge and 8 God reigneth ouer the heathen: derstanding.

strength: a very present God sitteth vpon the throne of his ho-
helpe in trouble. linesse.
2 Therfore will not we 9 || The princes of the people are II Or, the vo-
feare, though the earth gathered together, euen the people of the luntarie of
the people
be remoued : and though the moun- are gathered
God of Abraham : for the shields of the vnto the
t Hebr. the taines be caried into tthe midst of the earth belong vnto God : hee is greatly people of the
heart of the God of A-
SCU3. sea. exalted. braham.
3 Though the waters thereof roare, P S A L . XLVIII.
and be troubled, though the mountaines
shake with the swelling thereof. Selah. The Ornaments and priuiledges of the Church.
4 There is a riuer, the streames wher- 11 A song, and Psalme ||for the sonnes H Or, o/.
of shall make glad the citie of God: the of Korah.
holy place of the Tabernacles of the Reat is the LORD, and

most High. greatly to bee praised in
5 God is in the midst of her: she shal the citie of our God, in
not be moued; God shall hdge her, the mountaine of his ho-
t Heb. when -\and that right early. linesse.
the morning
appear eih> 6 The heathen raged, the king- % Beautiful! for situa-
domes were mooued: he vttered his tion, the ioy of the whole earth is mout
voyce, the earth melted. Sion, on the sides of the North, the ci-
7 The LORD of hosts is with vs; tie of the great King.
t Heb. an the God of lacob is tour refuge. Selah. 3 God is knowen in her palaces for
high place 8 Come, behold the workes of the a refuge.
for vs.
L O R D , what desolations hee hath 4 For loe, the kings were assembled:
made in the earth. they passed by together.
9 He maketh warres to cease vnto 5 They sawe it, and so they maruei-
the end of the earth: hee breaketh the led, they were troubled and hasted a-
bow, and cutteth the speare in sunder, way.
he burneth the chariot in the fire. 6 Feare tooke holde vpon them
10 Be stil, and know that I am God: there, and paine, as of a woman in tra-
I will bee exalted among the heathen, uaile.
I will be exalted in the earth. 7 Thou breakest the ships of Tar-
11 The LORD of hosts is with vs; shish with an East wind.
the God of lacob is our refuge. Selah. 8 As we haue heard, so haue wee
seene in the citie of the LORD of hosts,
P S A L . XLVII. in the citie of our God, God will esta-
The Nations are exhorted cheerefully to enter- blish it for euer. Selah.
taine the Kingdom e of Christ 9 Wee haue thought of thy louing
\0r%of. IT To the chiefe musician, a psalme ||for kindnesse, O God, in the middest of thy
the sonnes of Eorah. Temple.
Clap your hands (all ye peo- 10 According to thy Name, O God,

O ple:) shoute vnto God with

the voyce of triumph:
% For the LORD most
so is thy praise vnto the endes of the
earth: thy right hand is full of righte-
11 Let
/aine truft. Pfalmes. Gods Maieftie.
11 Let mount Sion reioyce, let the the vpright shall haue dominion ouer
daughters of ludah be glad, because them in the morning, and their || beauty I Or^trength
of thy iudgemeuts. shall consume ||in the graue, from their I Or* the
graue being
1£ Walke about Sion, and goe round dwelling. an habitati-
about her : tell the towres thereof. 15 But God will redeeme my soule on to euery
one of them.
t Heb. set
tour heart to
13 tMarke yee well her bulwarkes, tfrom the power of the ||graue; for he Heb. from
'her bul- |I consider her palaces; that yee may tell shall receiue me. Selah. the hand of
warkesi he. graue.
« Or, raise it to the generation following. 16 Be not thou afraid when one is I Or, helL
vp. 14 For this God is our God for euer, made rich, when the glory of his house
and euer; he will be our guide euen vnto is increased.
death. 17 *For when he dieth, he shall carry * lob. 27,
nothing away : his glory shall not des- 19.
P S A L . XLIX. cend after him.
1 An earnest perswasion to build the faith oi 18 Though t whiles he liued, he blessed i Heb. in hi*
Resurrection, not on worldly power, but on bis soule : and men will praise thee, life.
God. 16 Worldly prosperity is not to be ad- when thou doest well to thy selfe.
mired. 19 tHee shall goe to the generation soule t Heb. the
f To the chiefe Musician, a Psalme of his fathers, they shall neuer see light. goe.
I Or, of. ||for the sonnes of Korah. 20 Man that is in honour and vnder-
Eare this, all yee people, standeth not, is like the beasts that pe-

giue eare all yee inhabi- rish.
tants of the world:
2 Both low, and high, P S A L . L.
rich and poore together. 1 The Maiestie of God in the Church. 5 His
order to gather Saints. 7 The pleasure of
3 My mouth shall speake of wise- God is not in Ceremonies, 14 but in sinceri-
dome : and the meditation of my heart tie of Obedience.
shalbe of vnderstanding.
* Mat. 13. 4 * 1 will incline mine eare to a pa- 1T A Psalme ||of Asaph. t Or, for
35. psal.
rable ; I will open my darke saying vp- He mightie God, euen the Asaph.

78. 2.
on the harpe. L O R D hath spoken, and
5 Wherefore should I feare in the called the earth from the
daies of euill, when the iniquitie of my rising of the sunne, vnto
heeles shall compasse me about ? the going downe thereof.
6 They that trust in their wealth, % Out of Sion the perfection 01
and boast themselues in the multitude beautie, God hath shined.
of their riches: 3 Our God shall come, and shall not
7 None of them can by any meanes keepe silence: a fire shall deuoure before
redeeme his brother, nor giue to God a him, and it shalbe very tempestuous
ransome for him: round about him.
8 (For the redemption of their 4 He shall call to the heauens from
soule is precious, and it ceaseth for euer/ aboue, and to the earth, that hee may
9 That he should still liue for euer, iudge his people.
and not see corruption. 5 Gather my Saints together vnto
10 For he seeth that wise men die, like- mee: those that haue made a couenant
wise the foole, and the brutish person pe- with me, by sacrifice.
rish, and leaue their wealth to others. 6 And the heauens shall declare his
11 Their inward thought is, that their righteousnes; for God is iudge himselfe.
houses shall continue for euer, and their Selah.
t Heb. to ge- dwelling places tto all generations; 7 Heare, O my people, and I wil
nerationand speake, O Israel, and I will testifie a-
generation. they call their lands after their owne
names. gainst thee; I am God, euen thy God.
12 Neuerthelesse man bevng in ho- 8 I will not reproue thee for thy sa-
nour abideth not: he is like the beastes crifices, or thy burnt offerings, to haue
that perish. bene continually before me.
13 This their way is their follie; yet 9 I will take no bullocke out of thy
t Heb. de- their posteritie tapproue their sayings house, nor hee goates out of thy folds.
light in their 10 For euery beast of the forrest is
mouth. Selah.
14 Like sheepe they are layd in the mine, and the cattell vpon a thousanc
graue, death shall feede on them; anc hilles.
11 I
Pay thy vowes. Pfalmes. A contrite heart.
11 I know all the foules of the 3 For I acknowledge my trans-
mountaines : and the wild beasts of the gressions : and my sinne is euer before
WIebr. with field are t mine. mee.
* Exod. 19. 13 * If I were hungry, I would 4 * Against thee, thee onely haue I 9 Rom. 3. 4.
5. deut. 10. not tell thee, *for the world is mine, and sinned, and done this euill in thy sight:
14. psal. 24.
1. the fulnesse thereof. that thou mightest bee iustified when
* lob 41. 2.
1. cor. 10.
18 Will I eate the flesh of bulles, or thou speakest, and be cleare when thou
23, 26. drinke the blood of goats ? iudgest.
14 Offer vnto God thankesgiuing, 5 Behold, I was shapen in iniqui-
and pay thy vowes vnto the most high. tie : and in sinne did my mother t con- \Hebr.
waarme me.
15 And call vpon mee in the day of ceiue me.
trouble; I will deliuer thee, and thou 6 Behold, thou desirest trueth in
shalt glorifie me. the inward parts : and in the hidden
16 But vnto the wicked God saith, part thou shalt make me to know wise-
What hast thou to doe, to declare my dome.
Statutes, or that thou shouldest take 7 * Purge me with hyssope, and I *Leuit. 14.
my Couenant in thy mouth ? shalbe cleane : wash me, and I shall be 6.18.
num. Id.
* Rom. 2. 17 * Seeing thou hatest instruction, whiter then snow.
21, 22.
and easiest my words behinde thee. 8 Make mee to heare ioy and glad-
18 When thou sawest a thiefe, then T\esse;tftat thebones which tnouhast bro-
\Hebr.thy thou consentedst with him, and thast ken, may reioyce.
portion was
with adul- bene partaker with adulterers. 9 Hide thy face from my sinnes; and
terers. 19 tThou giuest thy mouth to euill, blot out all mine iniquities.
t Hebr. thou
wildest. and thy tongue ffameth deceit. 10 Create in mee a cleane heart, O
20 Thou sittest and speakest against God; and renew || a right spirit within stant
I! Or, a con-
thy brother; thou slanderest thine owne mee.
mothers sonne. 11 Cast mee not away from thy pre-
21 These things hast thou done, and sence ; and take not thy holy Spirit
I kept silence: thou thoughtest that I from me.
was altogether such a one as thyselfe : 12 Restore vnto me the ioy of thy sal-
but I will reproue thee, and set them in uation : and vphold mee with thy free
:>rder before thine eyes. Spirit.
£3 Now consider this, ye that forget 13 Then will I teach transgressours
God, lest I teare«/ow in pieces,and there thy wayes, and sinners shalbe conuer-
be none to deliuer. ted vnto thee.
23 Who so ofFereth praise, glorifieth 14? Deliuer mee from t blood-guilti- bloods.
t Hebr. that me : and td him t that ordereth his con- nesse, O God, thou God of my salua-
disposeth his uersation aright, will I shew the salua- tion: and my tongue shall sing alowd of
tiqn of God. thy righteousnesse.
15 O Lord open thou my lips, and
P S A L . LI. my mouth shall shew foorth thy praise.
16 For thou desirest not sacrifice :
L Dauid prayeth for remission of sinnes, where- || else would I giue it: thou delightest II Or, that I
of he maketh a deepe confession. 6 Hee should 8we
prayeth for sanctification. 16 God deligh- not in burnt offering. it.
teth not in sacrifice, but in sinceritie. 18 Hee 17 * The sacrifices of God are a bro- and
* Isa. 57.13.
G6. 2.
prayeth for the Church. ken spirit: a broken and a contrite
heart, O God, thou wilt not despise.
IT To the chiefe Musician. A Psalme 18 Doe good in thy good pleasure
* 2. Sam. 12. of Dauid, * when Nathan the Pro- vnto Sion : build thou the walles of
1, and 11.1.
phet came vnto him, after hee had lerusalem.
gone in to Bath-sheba. 19 Then shalt thou be pleased with
Aue mercie vpon mee, O the sacrifices of righteousnesse, with

God, according to thy lo- burnt offering and whole burnt offer-
uing kindnesse: according ing : then shall they offer bullockes vp-
vnto the multitude of thy on thine altar.
tender mercies blot out
my transgressions. P S A L , LII.
2 Wash mee throughly from mine 1 Dauid condemning the spightfulnesse of
iniquitie, and dense me from my sinne. Doeg, prophesieth ms destruction. G The
The euill tongue. Pfalmes; Gods iuftice.
righteous shall reioyce at it 8 Dauid vpon 4? Haue the workers of iniquitie
his confidence in Gods mercy, giueth no knowledge ? who eate vp my people,
as they eate bread; they haue not called
1T To the chiefe Musician, Maschil, vpon God.
* ), Sam. 22.
APsalmeof Dauid: * WhenDoegthe 5 There t were they in great feare, t Heb. they
Edomite came and told Saul, and where no feare was : for God hath scat- feared
said vnto him, Dauid is come to the tered the bones of him that incampeth
house of Ahimelech. against thee, thou hast put ^wtoshame,
Hyboastest thou thyselfein because God hath despised them.

W mischiefe, O mightie man?

the goodnesse of God indu-
reth continually.
6 t O that the saluation of Israel \Heb. who
were come out of Sion! when God brin- will
geth backe the captiuitie of his people,
giue sal-
nations> $c.

£ Thy tongue deuiseth laakob shall reioyce, and Israel shall

mischiefes : like a sharpe rasor, working be glad.
3 Thou louest euill more then good; P S A L . LIIII.
and lying rather then to speake righte- 1 Dauid complaining of the Ziphims, prayeth
ousnesse. Selah. for saluation. 4 Vpon his confidence in Gods
4 Thou louest all deuouring words, helpe, he promiseth sacrifice.
S Or, and the || O tftou deceitfull tongue, 1T To the chiefe musician on Neginoth,
tongue. 5 God shall likewise t destroy thee Maschil, A Psalme of Dauid. * When *1. Sam. 23.
\ Heb. beate for euer, hee shall take thee away and
thee dowm.
the Ziphims came and sayde to 19. and
16. 1.
plucke thee out of thy dwelling plaice, Saul : doeth not Dauid hide him-
and roote thee out of the land of the li- selfe with vs ?
uing. Selah. Aue me, O God, by thy

6 The righteous also shall see, and name, and iudge me by thy
feare, and shall laugh at him. strength.
7 Loe, this is the man that made not £ Heare my prayer, O
God his strength : but trusted in the a- God; giue eare to the
bundance of his riches, and strengthe- words of my mouth.
80r, sub- ned himselfe in his || wickednesse. 3 For strangers are risen vp against
ttance. 8 But I am like a greene oliue tree me, and oppressors seeke after my soule;
in the house of God: I trust in the mer- they haue not set God before them.
cy of God for euer and euer. Selah.
9 I will prayse thee for euer, be- 4 Behold, God is mine helper: the
cause thou hast done it: and I will wait Lord is with them that vphold my
on thy name, for it is good before thy soule.
Saints. 5 He shall reward euill vnto t mine t Heb. those
enemies : cut them off in thy trueth. that me.
P S A L . LIIL 6 I will freely sacrifice vnto thee;
1 Dauid describeth the corruption of a naturall I will praise thy name (0 L O R D : )
man. 4 He conuinceth the wicked by the for it is good.
licht of their owne conscience. 6 Hee glori- 7 For hee hath deliuered me out of
eth in the saluation of God. all trouble : and mine eye hath seene his
f To the chiefe musician vpon Maha- desire vpon mine enemies.
lath, Maschil, A Psalme of Dauid.
* Psal. u. 1 He * foole hath sayde in P S A L . LV.

&c. his heart, There is no I Dauid in his prayer complaineth of his feare-
jpsal. 10. 4.
god; Corrupt are they, full case. 9 He prayeth against his enemies,
and haue done abhomi- of whose wickednesse and trechene he coni-
* Rom. 3.
nable iniquitie ; * there is plaineth. 16 He comforteth himselfe in
Gods presentation of him and confusion of
none that doth good. his enemies.
2 God looked downe from heauen
vpon the children of men, to see if there II To the chiefe musician on Neginoth,
were any that did vnderstand, that did Maschil. A Psalme of Dauid.
seeke God. lue eare to my prayer, O
3 Euery one of them is gone backe,
they are altogether become filthy: there
is none that doth good, no not one.
G God: and hide not thy selfe
from my supplication.
2 Attend vnto me, and
Dauids complaint. Pfalmes. His confidence.
heare me : I mourne in my complaint, ther then butter, but warre was in his
and make a noise. heart: his words were softer then oyle,
3 Because of the voyce of the ene- yet were they drawen swords.
mie, because of the oppression of the 22 *Cast thy || burden vpon the * PsaL 37.8
wicked: for they cast iniquitie vpon me, LORD, and he shall sustaine thee : heemat. 6. 25.
uk. 12. 22.
and in wrath they hate me. shall neuer suffer the righteous to bee . pet. 5. 7.
Or, sift.
4 My heart is sore pained within moued.
me: and the terrours of death are fal- 23 But thou, 0 God, shalt bring
len vpon me. them downe into the pit of destruction:
5 Fearefulnesse and trembling are t Bloody and deceitfull men t shall not Heb. men
I Heb. cove- come vpon me, and horrour hath touer- >f bloods and
red me.
iue out halfe their dayes, but I will deceit.
whelmed me. trust in thee. Hebr. shal
not halfe
6 And I said, O that I had wings their dayes.
like a doue; for then would I flee away
and be at rest. P S A L . LVI.
7 Loe, then would I wander farre 1 Dauid praying to God in confidence of his
word, complaineth of his enemies. 9 Hee
off, and remaine in the wildernesse. Se- professeth iris confidence in Gods word, and
lah. promiseth to praise him.
8 I would hasten my escape from
the windie storm e, and tempest. IF To the chiefe musician vpon lonath
9 Destroy, O Lord, and diuide their Elem Rechokim, ||Michtam of Da- den B Or, a gol-
tongues: for I haue scene violence and uid , when the * Philistines tooke of Dauid.
strife in the citie. him in Gath. * l.Sam. 21.
10 Day and night they goe about it E mercifull vnto mee, O
vpon the walles thereof: mischiefe also
and sorrow are in the midst of it.
11 Wickednesse is in the midst therof:
deceite and guile depart not from her
T God, for man would swal-
"ow me V P :T ^e %k^ng dai-
ly, oppresseth me.
2 tMine enemies would dayly swal- Hebr. mine
streets. low me vp: for they bee many that fight obseruers.
12 For it was not an enemie that re- against me, O thou most high.
proached me, then I could haue borne 3 What time I am afraide, I will
it, neither was it hee that hated me, that trust in thee.
did magnifie himselfe against me, then I 4 In God I will praise his worde,
would haue hid my selfe from him. In God I haue put my trust, I will
according to
13 Rutitwas thou,t a man,mine equal, not feare what flesh can doe vnto me.
my ranke. my guide, and mine acquaintance. 5 Euery day they wrest my words:
t Heft, who
sweetned 14? tWee tooke sweet counsell toge- all their thoughts are against mee for
counsell. ther, and walked vnto the house of God euill.
in companie. 6 They gather themselues toge-
15 Let death seaze vpon them, and ther; they hide themselues, they marke
i1 Or, Tffie let them goe downe quicke into ||hell : my steps when they wait for my soule.
for wickednes is in their dwellings, and 7 Shall they escape by iniquitie ? in
among them. thine anger cast downe the people, O
16 As for me, I will call vpon God: God.
and the Lord shall saue me. 8 Thou tellest my wanderings, put
17 Euening and morning, and at thou my teares into thy bottle: are they
noone will I pray, and crie aloud: and not in thy booke ?
he shall heare my voyce. 9 When I crie vnto thee, then shall
18 He hath deliuered my soule in mine enemies turne backe : this I
peace from the battell that was against know, for God is for me.
me : for there were many with me. 10 In God will I praise his word : in
19 God shall heare and afflict them, the LORD will I praise his word.
euen he that abideth of old, Selah : be- 11 In God haue I put my trust: I
'i Or, with cause ||they haue no changes, therefore will not bee afraid what man can doe
whom, also
^efe 60 no they feare not God. vnto me.
changes, yet
20 He hath put foorth his handes a- 12 Thy vowes are vpon me, O God:
wot God. gainst such as be at peace with him : the I will render praises vnto thee.
t Heb. he?
hath profa- hath broken his couenant. 13 For thou hast deliuered my soule
ned. 21 The words of his mouth were smoo- from death : wilt not thou deliuer M}
jfod faueth his. Pfalmes. The wicked.
feet from falling? that I may walke I To the chiefe musician || Al-taschith, I Or, destroy
no*, a golden
jefore God in the light of the luring. Michtam of DauicL psalmee/"
Oe yee indeed speakerigh- Dauid.

PSAL. LVII. teousnesse, O congregati-
1 Dauid in prayer flying vntp God, complai- on ? doe ye iudge vprightly,
neth of his dangerous case/ 7 He incoura- O ye sonnes of men ?
geth himselfe to praise God.
£ Yea,. in heart you
II Or, destroy IF To the chiefe musician || Al-taschith, worke wickednesse; you waigh the vio-
* I.Sam. 24. Mich tarn of Dauid, *when hee fled ence of your hands in the earth.
1. from Saul in the caue. 3 The wicked are estranged from the
E mercifull vnto mee, O wombe, they goe astray tas soone as the ' Heb.from

God, be merciful vnto me, they be borne, speaking lies.
for my soule trusteth in 4 Their poison is tlike the poyson t fteb. accor-
thee: yea in the shadow of of a serpent; they are like the deafe ||ad- ding to the
thy wings will I make der that stoppeth her eare: I Or, aspe.
my refuge, vntill these calamities bee o- 5 Which will not hearken to the
uerpast. voyce of charmers, 11 charming neuer so n Or, be the
charmer ne-
2 I will crie vnto God most high : wisely, uer so cun-
vnto God that perfourmeth all things for 6 Breake their teeth, O God, in ning.
mee. their mouth : breake out the great
3 Hee shall send from heauen, and teeth of the young lyons, O LORD.
I Or, he re- saue me \\from the reproch of him, that 7 Let them melt away as waters,
troacheth would swallow me vp; Selah. God which runne continually : When he ben-
lim that
would swal- shall send forth his mercy and his deth his bow to shoote his arrowes, let
low me vp.
trueth. them be as cut in pieces.
4 My soule is among lyons, and I 8 As a snaile which melteth, let euery
lie euen among them that are set on one of them passe away: like the vn time-
fire: euen the sonnes of men, whose teeth ly birth of a woman, that they may not
are speares and arrowes, and their see the sunne.
tongue a sharpe sword. 9 Before your pots can feele the
5 Be thou exalted, O God, aboue thornes, he shall take them away as
the heauens: let thy glory be aboue all with a whirlewind, tboth liuing, and uingt t Heb. as ft-
the earth. in his wrath. wrath.
* PsaL 7.16. 6 *They haue prepared a net for my 10 The righteous shall reioyce when
and 9.15.
steppes, my soule is bowed downe : they he seeth the vengeance : he shall wash
haue digged a pit before me, into the his feete in the blood of the wicked.
midst whereof they are fallen themselues. 11 So that a man shall say, Verily
Selah. there is ta reward for the righteous: ve- iHeb.frutie
* Psai. 108. 7 *My heart is || fixed, O God, my rily hee is a God that iudgeth in the of ike $c.
I Or, prcpa- heart is fixed : I will sing, and giue earth.
red. praise.
8 Awake vp my glory, awake psal- P S A L . LIX.
terie and harpe; I my selfe will awake 1 Dauid prayeth to be deliuered from his ene-
early. mies. 6 Hee complaineth of their cruelty.
9 I will praise thee, O Lord, a- 8 Hee trusteth in God. 11 He prayeth a*
gainst them. 16 He praiseth God.
mong the people; I will sing vnto thee
among the nations. f To ||the chiefe musician Al-taschith, the II Or, to
* Psal. 36. 10 *For thy mercy is great vnto the Michtam of Dauid : *when Saul Musician*
6. & 108. 5. destroy no/,
heauens, and thy trueth vnto the sent, and they watcht the house a golden
clouds. to kill him. psalme of
Eliuer me from mine ene-Dauid,

11 Be thou exalted, O God, aboue * i. Sam. ID
the heauens : let thy glory be aboue al mies, O my God: tdefenc 11,
t Heb. set me
the earth. mee from them that rise vp on high.
against me.
P S A L . LVIIJ. % Deliuer mee from the
workers of iniquitie, and saue me from
1 Dauid reprooueth wicked Judges, 3 Des- bloodie men.
cribeth the nature of the wicked, 6 Deuo-
teth them to Gods Judgements, 10 wherea 3 For loe, they lye in waite for my
the righteous shall reioyce. soule; the mighty are gathered against
The wickeds furie. Pfalmea. Dauids confidence.
me; not for my transgression, nor forT my Zobah, when loab returned, and
sinne, O LORD. smote of Edom in the valley of salt,
4 They runne and prepare them- twelue thousand.
t Hebr. to selues without my fault : awake tto * God, thouhastcastvsoff; * Psal. 44.
thou hast t scattered vs, 10.
helpe me, and behold. ^ Hebr. bro-
5 Thou therefore, O L O R D God thou hast bene displeased, ken.
of hostes, the God of Israel, awake to O turne thy selfe to vs a-
visite all the heathen : be not mercifull gaine.
to any wicked transgressours. Selah. 2 Thou hast made the earth to
6 They returne at euening : they tremble; thou hast broken it: heale the
make a noise like a dogge, and go round breaches thereof, for it shaketh.
about the citie. 3 Thou hast shewed thy people
7 Behold, they belch out with their hard things : thou hast made vs to
* Psal. 10. mouth : * swords are in their lippes; for drinke the wine of astonishment.
11. and 73.
11. and 94. who, say they, doeth heare ? 4 Thou hast giuen a banner to them
7- 8 But thou, O LORD, shalt laugh that feare thee: that it may be displayed
at them; thou shalt haue all the hea- because of the trueth. Selah.
then in derision. 5 *That thy beloued may be deliue- * Psal. 108.
9 Because of\\\s strength will I wait red; saue with thy right hand, and heare 6. &c.
t Hebr. my vpon thee : for God is tmy defence. mee.
high place.
10 The God of my mercy shall pre- 6 God hath spoken in his holinesse,
uent me; God shall let mee see my desire I wil reioyce : I wil diuide Shechem,
t Hebr. mine vpon tmine enemies. and mete out the valley of Succoth.
obseruers. 7 Gilead is mine, and Manasseh is
11 Slay them not, lest my people for-
get : scatter them by thy power; and mine; Ephraim also is the strength of
bring them downe, O Lord our shield. mine head; ludah is my Lawgiuer.
12 For the sinne of their mouth, and 8 Moab is my wash pot, ouer E-
the words of their lips, let them euen be dom wil I cast out my shooe: Philistia,
taken in their pride: and for cursing and || triumph thou because of me. I! Orjriumph
thou ouer
lying which they speake. 9 Who wil bring me into Tthe t strongme. [by an
13 Consume them in wrath, consume citie ? who will lead me into Edom ? ironie].
t Hebr. city
tJiem^ that they may not be: and let them 10 Wilt not thou, O God, which hadst of strength.
know that God ruleth in lacob, vnto cast vs off? and thou, * O God, which * Psal. 44.
10. and 108.
the ends of the earth. Selah. didst not goe out with our armies. 12.
14 And at euening let them returne, 11 Giue vs helpe from trouble: for
and let them make a noise like a dogge, vaine is the t helpe of man. t Hebr. sal-
and goe round about the citie. 12 Through God wee shall doe va- vation.
15 Let them wander vp and downe liantly : for he it is that shall tread downe
t Hebr. to tfor meate, ||and grudge if they be not Qur enemies.
I! Or, if they satisfied.
be not satis- 16 But I will sing of thy power; yea P S A L . LXI.
fied, then
they will stay I will sing alowd of thy mercy in the 1 Dauid fleeth to God vpon his former experi-
all night. morning: for thou hast bene my defence ence. 4 He voweth perpetuall seruice vnto
and refuge, in the day of my trouble. him because of his promises.
17 Vnto thee, O my strength, wil I
sing: for God is my defence, and the God H To the chiefe Musician vpon Negi-
of my mercy. nah. A Psalme of Dauid.
Eare my cry, O God, at-

tend vnto my prayer.
P S A L . LX. 2 From the end of the
1 Dauid complayning to God of former iudge- earth wil I cry vnto thee,
ment, 4 now vpon better hope prayeth when my heart is ouer-
for deliuerance. 6 Comforting himselfe in
Gods promises, he craueth that helpe where- whelmed : leade me to the rocke, that is
on he trusteth. higher then I.
3 For thou hast bene a shelter for me,
f To the chiefe Musician vpon Shu- and a strong tower from the enemy.
I! Or, a gol- shan-Eduth ||Michtam of Dauid, to 4 I will abide in thy Tabernacle
den Fsalme.
* 2. Sam. 8. teach. * When hee stroue with A- for euer: I will || trust in the couert of my
I Or, make
3. 13. 1. chr. ram Naharaim, and with Aram thy wings. Selah.
18. 3.
5 For
Wait on God. Pfalmes. Dauids third.
5 For thou, O God, hast heard my
vowes: thou hast giuen me the heritage P S A L . LXIII.
of those that feare thy name. 1 Dauids thirst for God. 4 His maner of bles-
i Hebr. thou 6 tThou wilt prolong the kings sing God. 9 His confidence of his enemies
shalt adde destruction, and his owne safetie.
dayes to the life: and his yeeres tas many generati-
dayes of the ons.
King. 1 A Psalme of Dauid, when hee was
t Heb. as ge- 7 He shall abide before God for euer: in the wildernesse of ludah.
neration and
generation* O prepare mercy and trueth which may God, thou art my God,
preserue him.
8 So will I sing praise vnto thy
name for euer, that I may daily per-
forme my vowes.
T earely will I seeke thee:
my soule thirsteth for thee,
my flesh longeth for thee,
in a drie andt thirs tie lande, Mteb.wcary
t where no water is: t Heb. with-
P S A L . LXII. 2 To see thy power and thy glory, out water.
1 Dauid professing his confidence in God, dis- so as I haue seen thee in the Sanctuary.
courageth his enemies. 5 In the same confi- 3 Because thy louing kindnes is bet-
denceThe incourageth the godly. 9 No trust
is to be put in worldly things. 11 Power and ter then life : my lips shal praise thee.
mercie belong to God. 4 Thus will I blesse thee, while I
liue: I will lift vp my handes in thy
U To the chiefe musician, to leduthun, Name.
A Psalme of Dauid. 5 My soule shall be satisfied as with
si Or, onely. ||Ruely my soulet waiteth t marrow and fatnesse: and my mouth Wleb.fatness

\ si-
lent. vpon God: from him com- shall praise thee with ioyfull lips:
meth my saluation. 6 When I remember thee vpon my
Q He ohely is my rocke bed, and meditate on thee in the night
and my saluation: he is my watches.
t Hebr. t defence, I shall not be greatly moued. 7 Because thou hast bene my helpe;
high place. 3 How long wil ye imagine mischiefe therefore in the shadow of thy wings
against a man ? ye shall be slaine all of will I reioyce.
you: as a bowing wall shall ye be, and as 8 My soule followeth hard after
a tottering fence. thee : thy right hand vpholdeth me.
4 They onely consult to cast him 9 But those that seeke my soule to de-
downe from his excellency, they delight stroy it, shall goe into the lower parts
in lies: they blesse with their mouth, but of the earth.
t Hebr. in they curse t inwardly. Selah.
their inward 5 My soule, wait thou onely vpoh 10 tThey shall fall by the sword: \ Hebr. they
shall make
parts. they shall be a portion for foxes. him run out
God : for my expectation is from him. 11 But the King shal reioyce in God; likethewater
6 He onely is my rocke and my salua- euery one that sweareth by him shall ofby the hands
tion ; he is my defence; I shall not bee glorie : but the mouth of them that
moued. speake lies, shall be stopped.
7 In God is my saluation, and my
rlorie : the rocke of my strength, and
my refuge is in God. P S A L . LXIIII.
8 Trust in him at all times; ye peo- 1 Dauid prayeth for deliuerance, complaining
ple, powre out your heart before him : of his enemies. 7 He promiseth himselfe to
see such an euident destruction of his ene-
Bod is a refuge for vs. Selah. mies, as the righteous shall reioyce at it.
9 Surely men of low degree are va-
nitie, and men of high degree are a lie: H To the chiefe musician, a Psalme
I; Or, alike. to be laid in the ballance, they are Hal- of Dauid.
together lighter then vanitie. Eare my voice, O God, in

10 Trust not in oppression, become mypraier; preserue my life
I Or,
not vaine in robberie: if riches increase, from feare of the enemie.
* lob 34. 11 set not your heart vpon, them. 2 Hide me from the se-
prou. 24. 12 11 God hath spoken once; twice haue
icre. 32. 19.
cret counsel of the wicked:
ezek. 7- 27- I heard this, that ||power belongeth vn- from the insurrection of
mat. 16. 27. the workers of iniquitie:
rom. 2. 6. 2. to God.
cor. 5. 10
eph. 6. 8.
12 Also vnto thee, O Lord, belongeth 3 *Who whet their tongue like a • PsaLll.3.
coloss. 3. 26. mercie : * for thou renderest to euery sword, and bend their bowes tosfwote their
1. pet. 1. 17. arrowes, cuen bitter words:
apoc. 22. 12 man according to his worke.
4 That
Gods chofen : Pfalmes. Their benefits.
4 That they may shoote in secret thou makes t the outgoings of the mor-
at the perfect: suddenly doe they shoote ning, and euening ||to reioyce. I Or> to sing.
at him, and feare not. 9 Thou visitest the earth and ||wa- II Or, after
5 They incourage themselues in terest it : thou greatly inrichest it with thou hadst
made it to
I Or, speech. an euill || matter: they commune t of lay- the riuer of God which is full of water; desire raine.
\Heb.tohide ing snares priuily; they say, Who shall
snares. thou preparest them corne, when thou
see them ? hast so prouided for it.
I! Ort we are 6 They search out iniquities, ijthey 10 Thou waterest the ridges there-
consumed by
that which accomplish ta diligent search : both the of abundantly : ||thou settlest the fur- i Or, thou
they haue
throughly inward thought of euery one of them, rowes thereof : t thou makest it soft causestr&ine
to descend
t Heb. a
and the heart, is deepe. with showres, thou blessest the sprin- into
rowes there-
search, sear- 7 But God shall shoote at them: ging thereof, of.
ched. t Heb. thou
t Heb. their with an arrowe, sodenly t shall they be 11 Thou crownest tthe yeere with dissoluest it.
wound shal- wounded. thy goodnesse; and thy paths drop fat- t Heb. the
be. nesse. yeere of thy
8 So they shall make their owne goodnesse.
tongue to fall vpon themselues: all that 12 They drop vpon the pastures of
see them, shall flee away. the wildernesse; and the little hilles tre- t Heb. are
girded with
9 And all men shall feare, and shall ioyce on euery side. toy.
declare the worke of God; for they 13 The pastures are cloathed with
shall wisely consider of his doing. flockes; the valleis also are couered o-
10 The righteous shalbe glad in the uer with corne; they shout for ioy, they
LORD, and shall trust in him ; and all also sing.
the vpright in heart shall glory.
P S A L. LXV. 1 Dauid exhorteth to praise God, 5 To ob-
serue his great workes, 8 To blesse him for
1 Daniel prayeth God for his grace. 4 The his gracious benefits. 12 He voweth for him-
blessednesse of Gods chosen, by reason of be- selfe religious seruice to God. 16 He decla-
nefits. reth Gods speciall goodnesse to himselfe.
If To the chiefe musician, a Psalme IT To the chiefe musician, a song or
and song of Dauid. Psalme.
+ Heb. is si- Raise twaiteth for thee, Ake a ioyfull noise vnto

tent. O God, in Sion : and vn- God, tall yee lands. t Heb. all the
to thee shall the vowe be 2 Sing forth the ho- earth.
performed. nour of his name : make
2 O thou that nea- his praise glorious.
rest prayer, vnto thee 3 Say vnto God,
shall all flesh come. How terrible art thou in thy workes ?
^ Heb. words 3 t Iniquities preuaile against me: through the greatnesse of thy power
or matters of
iniquities. as for our transgressions, thou shalt shall thine enemies || submit themselues I! Or, yeild
fained obedi-
purge them away. vnto thee. ence. Heb.
4 Blessed is the man whom thou choo- 4 All the earth shall worship thee; lie.
sest and causest to approach vnto thee, and shall sing vnto thee, they shall sing
that hee may dwell in thy Courts : we to thy name; Selah.
shalbe satisfied with the goodnesse of 5 Come and see the workes of God:
thy house, euen of thy holy temple* he is terrible in his doing toward the
5 By terrible things in righteous- children of men.
nesse, wilt thou answere vs, O God of 6 He turned the sea into dry land:
our saluation : who art the confidence of they went through the flood on foote,
all the ends of the earth, and of them there did we reioyce in him.
that are a farre off vpon the sea. 7 He ruleth by his power for euer,
6 Which by his strength setteth fast his eyes behold the nations : let not the
the mountaines; being girded with rebellious exalt themselues. Selah.
power. 8 O blesse our God, yee people, and
7 Which stilleth the noise of the seas; make the voice of his praise to be heard.
the noise of their waues, and the tu- 9 Which t holdeth our soule in life, t Heb. put-
mult of the people. and suffered) not our feete to be moued. teth.
8 They also that dwell in the vtter- 10 For thou, O God, hast proued vs:
most parts are afraid at thy tokens: thou hast tried vs, as siluer is tryed.
11 Thou
The reioycing Pfalmes. of the iuft.
11 Thou broughtest vs into the net; An exhortation to praise God for his mer-
hou layedst affliction vpon our loynes. cies, 7 for his care of the Church, 19 for
12 Thou hast caused men to ride o- his great workes.
uer our heads, we went through fire, f To the chiefe Musician. A Psalme
and through water: but thou brough- or song of Dauid,
t Heb, moist. est vs out into a t wealthy place. Et *God arise, let his ene- 36.
* Num. 10.

18 I will goe into thy house, with mies be scattered: let them
mrnt offerings: I will pay thee my also thathatehim, fleet be- Hebr. from
vowes, his/ace.
fore him.
Hebr. ope- 14 Which my lips haue t vttered, and 2 As smoke is driuen
my mouth hath spoken, when I was away, so driue them away : as waxe mel-
n trouble. teth before the fire, solet the wicked pe-
15 I will offer vnto thee burnt sa- rish at the presence of God.
Hebr. mar- crifices of t fatlings, with the incense 3 But let the righteous be glad : let
of rammes : I will offer bullockes them reioyce before God, yea let them
with goates. Selah. ^exceedingly reioyce. t Hebr. re-
16 Come and heare all ye that feare ioyce with
4 Sing vnto God, sing praises to gfadnesse.
God, and I will declare what he hath lis Name: extoll him that rideth vpon
done for my soule. the heauens, by his Name I AH, and
17 I cried vnto him with my mouth: reioyce before him.
and he was extolled with my tongue. 5 A father of the fatherlesse, and a
18 If I regard iniquitie in my heart: udge of the widowes, is God in his ho-
the Lord will not heare me. y habitation.
19 But verily God hath heard mee; Hebr. in a
6 God setteth the solitary tin fami- house.
lee hath attended to the voice of my ies: hee bringeth out those which are
jrayer. sound with chaines, but the rebellious
20 Blessed bee God, which hath not dwell in a dry land.
;urned away my prayer, nor his mercie 7 O God, when thou wentest forth
rom me. )efore thy people; when thou didst
march through the wildernes, Selah.
P S A L . LXVIL 8 The earth shooke, the heauens al-
1 A prayer for the inlargement of Gods king- so dropped at the presence of God : euen
dome, 3 to the ioy of the people, 6 and Sinai it selfe was mooued at the presence
the increase of Gods blessings.
of God, the God of Israel.
f To the chiefe Musician on Negi- 9 Thou5 O God, didst tsend a plen- out. WJebr.shake
noth. A Psalme or song. tifull raine, whereby thou didst tcon- Hebr. con~
Od be mercifull vnto vs, firme thine inheritance, when it was firme it.

and blesse vs: and cause weary.
*Hebr.wWi his face to shine t vpon vs. 10 Thy Congregation hath dwelt
vs. therein : thou, O God, hast prepared of
2 That thy way may thy goodnesse for the poore.
bee knowen vpon earth, thy sauing 11 The Lord gaue the word : great
health among all nations. was the t company of those that pub- mie. t Hebr. ar-
3 Let the people praise thee, C lished it.
God; let all the people praise thee. 12 Kings of armies tdid flee apace: ftee,t Hebr. did
did flee
4 O let the nations be glad, and sing and she that taried at home, diuided the
for ioy : for thou shalt iudge the people spoile.
tllebr.l righteously; and tgouerne the nations 13 Though ye haue lien among the
vpon earth, Selah. pots,yet sliatt yee bee as the wings of a
5 Let the people praise thee, 0 God, doue, couered with siluer, and her fea-
let all the people praise thee. thers with yellow gold.
6 Then shall the earth yeeld her in- 14 When the Almighty scatterec
crease ; and God, euen our owne God, Kings ||in it, it was white as snow in the I Orif or her,
shall blesse vs. Salmon.
7 God shall blesse vs; and all the 15 The hil of God is as the hill of Ba-
ends of the earth shall feare him. shan, an high hill as the hill of Bashan.
16 Why leape ye, ye high hilles? this
P S A L . LXVIII. is the Hilwhich God desireth to dwell in
1 A prayer at the remoouing of the Arke. 4 yea the LORD will dwel in it for euer
17 The
Gods power in Pfalmes. his Church.
17 The chariots of God are twentie bee doeth t send out his voice, and that a t Heb. giue.
0 Or, euen thousand, \\euen thousands of Angels: mightie voice.
many thou-
sands. the Lord is among them as in Sinai, in 34 Ascribe yee strength vnto God:
the holy place. his excellencie is ouer Israel, and his
* Eph, 4. 8. 18 *Thou hast ascended on high, strength is in the ||cloudes. fl Or, hea-
thou hast ledde captiuitie captiue, thou 35 O God, thou art terrible out of
\Heb.inthe hast receiued giftes tfor men ; yea5o/or thy holy places : the God of Israel is he
the rebellious also, that the Lord God that giueth strength, and power vnto
might dwell among tfiem. his people : blessed be God
19 Blessed be the Lord, who daily
loadeth vs with benefits, euen the God of P S A L. LXIX.
tmr saluation. Selah.
20 Hee that is our God, is the God of 1 Datud complaineth of his affliction. 13 Hee
prayeth for deliuerance. 22 Hee deuoteth
saluation; and vnto GOD the Lord nis enemies to destruction. 30 He praiseth
belong the issues from death. God with thankesgiuing.
31 But God shall wound the head
of his enemies: and the hairy scalpe of f To the chiefe musician vpon Sho-
such a one as goeth on still in his tres- shannim, A Psalme of Dauid.
passes. Aue mee, O God, for the
22 The Lord said, I will bring a-
gaine from Bash an, I will bring my
people againe from the depthes of the
T waters are come in vnto
my soule.
2 I sinke in tdeepe t Heb. the
mire, where thereisno stan- myre
I Or, red. 23 That thy foote may be || dipped in ding : I am come into tdeepe waters, t Heb. depth
of waters.
the blood of thine enemies, and the where the flouds ouerflow me.
tongue of thy dogges in the same. 3 I am weary of my crying, my
24 They haue scene thy goings, O throate is dried: mine eyes faile while I
God, euen the goings of my God, my waite for my God.
King, in the Sanctuarie. 4 They that hate mee without a
25 The singers went before, the play- cause, are moe then the haires of mine
ers on instruments followed after; a- head: they that would destroy me, be-
mongst them were the damosels playing ing mine enemies wrongfully, are
with timbrels. mightie: then I restored that which I
26 Blesse yee God, in the Congrega- tooke not away.
il Or, ye that tions , euen the Lord, ||from the foun- 5 0 God, thou knowest my foolish-
are of the
fountains taine of Israel. nesse; and my t shines are not hidde t Heb, guil-
of Israel. 27 There is little Beniamin with from thee.
I! Or, with their ruler, the princes of ludah \\and 6 Let not them that waite on thee,
their com^
pany. their Councill, the princes of Zebulun, O Lord GOD of hostes, be ashamed
and the princes of Naphtali. for my sake: let not those thatseeke thee,
28 Thy God hath commanded thy be confounded for my sake, 0 God of
strength : strengthen, O God, that Israel.
which thou hast wrought for vs. 7 Because for thy sake I haue borne
29 Because of thy Temple at Jeru- reproch : shame hath couered my face.
salem , shall kings bring presents vnto 8 I am become a stranger vnto my
thee. brethren, and an aliant vnto my mo-
il Or, the 30 Rebuke the || company of speare- thers children.
beast of the men, the multitude of the bulles, with 9 *For the zeale of thine house hath *Iohn2.17.
the calues of the people, till eueryone sub- eaten mee vp; * and the reproches of * Rom, 15,3.
B Or, he scat- mit himselfe with pieces of siluer: || scat- them that reproched thee, are fallen vp-
ter thou the people that delite in warre. on me.
31 Princes shall come out of Egypt, 10 When I wept, and chastened my
Ethiopia shall soone stretch out her soule with fasting, that was to my re-
hands vnto God. proch.
32 Sing vnto God, yee kingdomes 11 I made sackecloth also my gar-
of the earth : 0 sing praises vnto the ment : & I became a prouerbe to them.
Lord, Selah: 12 They that sit in the gate, speake
33 To him that rideth vpon the hea- against mee; and / was the song of the t Heb. rfrin.
uens of heauens, "which were of olde: loe, t drunkards. kersofstront
13 But drinXe.
Dauids prayer Pfalmes. againft the wicked.
13 But as for mee, my prayer is vnto 31 This also shall please the LORD
thee, O LORD, in an acceptable time: better then an oxe or bullocke that hath
O God, in the multitude of thy mercie homes and hoofes.
heare me, in the trueth of thy saluation. 32 The || humble shall see this, and H Off, meeke.
14 Deliuer me out of the mire, and be glad: and your heart shall Hue that
let me not sinke : let me bee deliuered seeke good.
from them that hate me^ and out of the 33 For the L O R D heareth the
deepe waters. poore, and despiseth not his prisoners.
15 Let not the water flood ouerflow 34 Let the heauen and earth praise
me, neither let the deepe swallow mee him, the seas, and euery thing that tmo- t Hebr. cree-
vp, and let not the pit shut her mouth ueth therein. peth.
vpon me. 35 For God will saue Sion, and will
16 Heare me, O LORD, for thy lo- build the cities of ludah, that they
uingkindnesse is good: turnevnto mee may dwell there, and haue it in posses-
according to the multitude of thy tender sion.
mercies. 36 The seede also of his seruants
17 And hide not thy face from thy shall inherit it : and they that loue his
t Heb. make seruant, for I am in trouble : t heare me name shall dwell therein.
haste to
heare tne. speedily.
18 Draw nigh vnto my soule, and re- PSAL.T T LXX. TT
deeme it: deliuer me because of mine Dauid solljciteth God to the speedie destruction
enemies. of the wicked, and presentation of the godly.
19 Thou hast knowen my reproch
and my shame and my dishonor: mine 11 To the chiefe musician, a psalmeofDz-
aduersaries are all before thee. uid, to bring to remembrance.
20 Reproch hath broken my heart, A Jce h'aste, * O God, to deli- 14,
* Psal. 40.

and I am full of heauines: and I loo- uer mee, make haste tto t Hebr. to
t Heb. to la- ked for some t to take pitie,but there was helpe me, O LORD. my helpe.
ment with
me. none; and for comforters, but I found 2 Let them be ashamed
none. and confounded that seeke
21 They gaue mee also gall for my after my soule: let them be turned back-
* Mat. 27. meat, *and in my thirst they gaue mee ward, and put to confusion, that desire
28. mar. 15.
23. iohn 19. vineger to drinke. my hurt.
29. 22 * Let their table become a snare 3 *Let them be turned backe for a * Psal. 35.4.
* Rom. 11.9
before them : and that which should haue reward of their shame, that say, Aha, and 71. 13.
bene for their welfare, let it become a trap. aha.
23 Let their eyes be darkened that 4 Let all those that seeke thee, re-
they see not; and make their loines con- ioyce, and be glad in thee: and let such
tinually to shake. as loue thy saluation, say continually,
24 Powre out thine indignation vp- Let God be magnified.
on them, and let thy wrathfull anger 5 But I am poore and needy, make
take hold of them. haste vnto me, O God: Thou art my
t Hebr. their 25 Let their t habitation be desolate, helpe and my deliuerer, O LORD
t Hebr. let and tlet none dwell in their tents. make no tarrying.
there not bee 26 For they persecute him who thou
a dweller.
hast smitten, and they talke to the griefe P S A L . LXXI.
t Hebr. thy of t those whom thou hast wounded. 1 Dauid in confidence of faith and experience
!l Or, punish-
27 Adde ||iniquitie vnto their ini- of Gods fauour, prayeth both for himselfe,
ment of ini- quitie : and let them not come into thy and against the enemies of his soule. 14 He
righteousnesse. promiseth constancie. 17 Hee prayeth for
perseuerance. 19 He praiseth God, and pro*
28 Let them bee blotted out of the miseth to doe it cheerefully.
booke of the liuing, and not be written
with the righteous. N *thee, O LORD, doe *PwL31.«.
29 But I am poore, and sorowfull:
let thy saluation (O God) set me vp on
30 I will praise the name of God
I I put my trust, let me ne-
uer be put to confusion.
2 Deliuer mee in thy
righteousnesse, and cause
with a song, and will magnifie him me to escape : incline thine eare vnto
with thankesgiuing. me, and saue me.
Dauids hope. Pfalmes. Gods benefits. 3 t Bee thou .my strong habitation, nesse, and comfort me on euery side.
for a rocke whereunto I may continually resort: 22 I will also praise thee t with the t Hebr. with
thou hast giuen commandement to saue the instru.
of habita-
tion. psalterie, euen thy trueth, O my God : merit of psal~
mee, for thou art my rocke, and my for- vnto thee will I sing with the harpe, terie.
tresse. 0 thou Holy one of Israel.
4 Deliuer me, O my God, out of the 23 My lippes shall greatly reioyce
hand of the wicked, out of the hand of when I sing vnto thee : and my soule,
the vnrighteous, and cruel man. which thou hast redeemed.
5 For thou art my hope, O Lord 24 My tongue also shall talke of thy
GOD : thou art my trust from my righteousnesse all the day long: for they
youth. are confounded, for they are brought
6 By thee haue I bene holden vp vnto shame, that seeke my hurt.
from the wombe : thou art hee that
tooke mee out of my mothers bowels,
my praise shalbe continually of thee. P S A L . LXXII.
7 I am as a wonder vnto many, 1 Dauid praying for Solomon, sheweth the
goodnesse and glory of his, in type, and in
but thou art my strong refuge. trueth, of Christes kingdome. 18 Hee bles-
8 Let my mouth bee filled with thy seth God.
praise, and with thy honour all the day.
9 Cast me not off in the time of old f A Psalme ||for Solomon. I0rt<tf.
age; forsake me not when my strength lue the King thy Judge-

faileth. ments , O God, and thy
10 For mine enemies speake against Righteousnesse vnto the
iffebr. mee : and they that t lay waite for my Kings sonne.
watch or 2 Hee shall iudge thy
obserue. soule, take counsell together,
11 Saying, God hath forsaken him : people with righteousnesse, and thy
persecute and take him, for there Is none poore with iudgement.
to deliuer him. 3 The mountaines shal bring peace
12 0 God, be not farre from mee: O to the people, and the litle hils, by righ-
my God, make haste for my helpe. teousnesse.
13 Let them be confounded and con- 4 Hee shall iudge the poore of the
sumed, that are aduersaries to my people, he shall saue the children of the
soule: let them bee couered zw/Areproch needie, and shall breake in pieces the
and dishonour, that seeke my hurt. oppressour.
14* But I wil hope continually, and 5 They shall feare thee as long as
will yet praise thee more and more. the Sunne & Moone indure, through-
15 My mouth shall shew foorth thy out all generations.
righteousnesse, and thy saluation all the 6 Hee shall come downe like raine
day : for I know not the numbers vpon the mowen grasse : as showres
thereof. tftat water the earth.
16 I will goe in the strength of the 7 In his dayes shall the righteous
Lord GOD : I will make mention of flourish : and abundance of peace t so t Hebr. tiU
long as the Moone endureth. there be no
thy righteousnesse, euen of thine onely. moane.
17 O God, thou hast taught me from 8 He shall haue dominion also from
my youth : and hitherto haue I decla- sea to sea, and from the riuer, vnto the
red thy wonderous workes. ends of the earth.
t Heir, mto 18 Now also twhen I am old and 0 They that dwell in the wilder-
old age<t and
gray hairet. gray headed, O God, forsake me not : nesse shall bowe before him : and his e-
\Hcbr.thine vntill I haue shewed t thy strength vn- nemies shall licke the dust.
arm*. to this generation, and thy power to eue- 10 The kings of Tarshish and of
ry one that is to come. the Isles shall bring presents : the
19 Thy righteousnes also, O God, is Kings of Sheba and Seba shall offer
very high, who hast done great things : gifts.
O God, who is like vnto thee ? 11 Yea, all Kings shall fall downe
20 Thou which hast shewed mee before him : all nations shall serue him.
great, and sore troubles, shalt quicken 12 For hee shall deliuer the needy
mee againe, and shalt bring mee vp a- when he crieth : the poore also, and him
gaine from the depthes of the earth. that hath no helper.
31 Thou shalt increase my great- 13 He shal spare the poore and needy,
The defcription Pfalmes. of the wicked.
and shall saue the soules of the needy. 10 Therefore his people returne hi-
14 He shall redeerae their soule from ther: and waters of a full cup are wrung
leceit and violence : and precious shall out to them.
heir blood be in his sight. 11 And they say, How doth God
t Heb. one 15 And he shallliue,and to him tshal- cuow ? and is there knowledge in the
shall s\ue«
>e giuen of the gold of Sheba ; prayer most High ?
also shalbe made for him continually, 12 Behold, these are the vngodly:
and daily shall he be praised. who prosper in the world, they increase
16 There shalbe an handfull of n riches.
come in the earth vpon the top of the 13 Verily I haue cleansed my heart
mountaines; the fruit thereof shall in vaine, and washed my hands in in-
shake like Lebanon, and they of the citie nocencie.
shall flourish like grasse of the earth. 14 For all the day long haue I bene
t Heb. shatt 17 His name t shall endure for euer : plagued, and t chastened euery mor- Heb. mjf
be. chastisement
t Heb. shal- t his name shalbe continued as long as ning. was.
be as a sonne ;he sunne : and men shalbe blessed in 15 If I say, I will speake thus : be-
to continue
hisfathers rim ; all nations shall call him blessed. lold, I should offend against the gene-
name for e- 18 Blessed be the L O K D God, the ration of thy children.
jpd of Israel5 who only doth won- 16 When I thought to know this,
derous things. f* it was too painfull for me, Heb. it teas
abour in
19 And blessed be his glorious name 17 Vntill I went into the Sanctu- mine eies.
br euer, and let the whole earth be filled arie of God; then vnderstood I their
with his glory. Amen, and Amen. end.
20 The prayers of Dauid the sonne 18 Surely thou didst set them in slip-
of lesse, are ended. pery places: thou castedst them downe
nto destruction.
PSAL. LXXIII. 19 How are they brought into desola-
1 The Prophet preuailing in a Temptation, tion as in a moment ? they are vtterly
2 sheweth the occasion thereof, the prospe- consumed with terrours.
ritie of the wicked: 13 The wound giuen 20 As a dreame when one awaketh;
thereby, diffidence. 15 The victory ouer it, so, O Lord, when thou awakest thou
knowledge of Gods purpose, in destroying of
the wicked and sustaining the righteous. shalt despise their image.
21 Thus my heart was greeued, and
%0r,a IF A Psalme ||of Asaph. I was pricked in my reines.
Asaph. || Ruely God is good to Is- 22 So foolish was I, tand igno- \Heb.Inot.

I Or, yet.
'Heb. cleane
rael, euen to such as are t o1 rant : I was as a beast t before thee. knew
t Heb. with
ofheart. a cleane heart. 23 Neuerthelesse I am continually thee.
2 But as for mee, my with thee : thou hast holden me by my
feete were almost gone: right hand.
my steps Had well-nigh slipt. 24 Thou shalt guide me with thy
* lob. 21. 7. 3 *For I was enuious at, the foo- counsell; and afterward receiue me to
Terem. 12. I lish; when I sawe the prosperity of the glory.
wicked. 25 Whom haue I in heauen but theef
4 For there are no bands in their and there is none vpon earth that 1
t Heb. fat. death : but their strength is t firme. desire besides thee.
\Heb.mttu 5 They are not t in trouble as other 26 My flesh and my heart faileth .
trouble qfo-
thermen. men : neither are they plagued t like ftatfGodwthe t strength of my heart, amfJft&ttXftf
t Heb. with other men. my portion for euer.
6 Therefore pride compasseth them 27 For loe, they that are farre from
about as a chame : violence couereth thee, shall perish : thou hast destroyed
them as a garment. all them that goe a whoring from thee
7 Their eies stand out with fatnes : 28 But it is good for me, to drawe
t Heb. they t they haue more then heart could wish. neere to God : I haue put my trust in
passe the
thoughts of 8 They are corrupt, and speake wic- the Lord GOD, that I may declare al
the heart. kedly conctfrmflg'oppression: theyspeake thy workes.
9 They set their mouth against the PSAL. LXXIIIL
heauens; and their tongue walketh 1 The Prophet complaineth of the desolation
through the earth. of the Sanctuarie, 10 Hee moueth God to
Prayers of the Pfalmes. Church affliaed.
helpe in consideration of his power. 18 Of 17 Thou hast set all the borders of
his reprochfull enemies^ of his children, and the earth : Thou hast t made Summer I Hel. nuide
of his Couenant, and Winter. them*

8 0r» A IT || Maschil of Asaph. 18 Remember this, that the enemie

j>s&lmefor God, why hast thou cast vs hath reproached, O LORD, and that

Asaph to
giue vu(ru- off for euer ? why doeth the foolish people haue blasphemed thy
thine anger smoke against Name.
the sheepe of thy pasture ? 19 O deliuer not the soule of thy tur-
9. Remember thy Con- tle doue vnto the multitude of the wicked
gregation which thou hast purchased of forget not the Congregation of thy
j Of, tribe. olde : the ||rod of thine inheritance poore for euer.
which thou hast redeemed, this mount 20 Haue respect vnto the couenant:
Sion, wherein thou hast dwelt. for the darke places of the earth are full
3 Lift vp thy feete vnto the perpe- of the habitations of crueltie.
tuall desolations: euen all that the ene- 21 O let not the oppressed returne a-
mie hath done wickedly in the Sane- shamed: let the poore and needie praise
tuarie. thy name.
4 Thine enemies roare in the midst 22 Arise, O God, plead thine owne
of thy congregations: they set vp their cause: remember how the foolish man
ensignest/frr signes. reprocheth thee daily.
5 A man was famous according as 23 Forget not the voyce of thine ene-
he had lifted vp axes vpon the thicke mies : the tumult of those that rise vp
trees. against thee, tincreaseth continually. WIeb.ascen.
6 But now they breake downe the
carued worke thereof at once, with axes P S A L . LXXV.
and hammers.
t Hebr. they 7 t They haue cast fire into thy San- I The Prophet praiseth God. 2 Hee promiseth
haue sent to iudge vprightly. 4* He rebuketh the proud
thy Sanctu- ctuary, they haue defiled by casting downe, by consideration of Gods prouidence. 9 He
tie into the the dwelling place of thy Name to the praiseth God, & promiseth to execute iustice.
8 They said in their hearts, Let vs II |[To the chiefe musician Al-taschith, II Or, to the
it Hebr. t destroy them together : they haue A Psalme or song of Asaph. |shiefe musi-
\breake. noftapsalnu,
Nto thee, O God, doe we m song for
burnt vp all the Synagogues of God

in the land. giue thankes, vnto thee doe Asaph.
9 We see not our signes, there is no we giue thanks : for that
more any prophet, neither is there a- thy name is nere, thy won-
mong vs any that knoweth howe derous works declare.
long. 2 || When I shall receiue the con- I! Or, when I
shall take a
10 O God, how long shall the aduer- gregation, I will iudge vprightly. set time.
sarie reproach ? shall the enemie blas- 3 The earth and all the inhabitants
pheme thy Name for euer ? thereof are dissolued : I beare vp the
11 Why withdrawest thou thy hand, pillars of it. Selah.
euen thy right hand? plucke it out of thy 4 I said vnto the fooles, Deale not
bosome. foolishly: and to the wicked, Lift not vp
12 For God is my King of old, wor- the home.
king saluation in the midst of the earth, 5 Lift not vp your borne on high :
* Exod. 14. 13 * Thou didst t diuide the sea by thy speake not with a stiffe necke.
t Hebr.
strength : thou brakest the heads of the 6 For promotion commeth neither
breake. || dragons in the waters. from the East, nor from the West, nor
ii Or, whales 14 Thou brakest the heads of Leui- from the t South. \Heb. desert
athan in pieces, and gauest him to bee 7 But God is the iudge: he putteth
meat to the people inhabiting the wil- downe one, and setteth vp another.
dernesse. 8 For in the hand of the L O R D
* Exo. 17. 5 15 * Thou didst cleaue the fountaine there is a cup, and the wine is red: it is
num. 20.11 and the flood: thou driedst vp tmightie
iosh. 3.13. full of mixture, and he powreth out of
\Heb.riuers riuers. the same: but the dregges thereof all the
16 The day is thine, the night also is wicked of the earth shall wring them
thine : thou hast prepared the light and out, and drinke them.
the sunne. 9 But I will declare for euer; I
Vow, and pay. Pfalmes. Gods power;
will sing praises to the God of lacob. trouble, I sought the Lord; tmy Heb. mv
10 All the homes of the wicked also sore ranne in the night, and ceased not : and.
will I cut off; but the homes of the my soule refused to be comforted.
righteous shall be exalted. 3 I remembred God, and was
troubled : I complained, and my spirit
P S A L . LXXVI. was ouerwhelmed. Selah.
1A declaration of Gods maiestie in the Church. 4 Thou boldest mine eyes waking :
11 An exhortation to serue him reuerently. ! am so troubled that I cannot speake.
If To the chiefe musician on Neginoth, 5 I haue considered the dayes of
a Psalme or song ||of Asaph, old, the yeeres of auncient times.
N ludah is God know- 6 I call to remembrance my song

en : his name is great in in the night . I commune with mine
Israel. owne heart, and my spirit made dili-
2 In Salem also is gent search.
his tabernacle, and his 7 Will the Lord cast off for e-
dwelling place in Sion. uer? and will hee be fauourable no
3 There brake he the arrowes of the more ?
>owe, the shield, and the sword, and the 8 Is his mercy cleane gone for e-
battell. Selah. uer ? doth his promise faile t for euer- \Hd>.toge-
4 Thou art more glorious and ex- more? generation.
cellent then the mountaines of pray. 9 Hath God forgotten to be graci-
5 The stout hearted are spoiled, ous ? hath he in anger shut vp his ten-
they haue slept their sleepe: and none of der mercies ? Selah.
;he men of might haue found their 10 And I sayd, This is my infirmi-
lands. tie: but I Witt remember the yeeres of the
6 At thy rebuke, O God of la- right hand of the most high.
cob, both the chariot and horse are cast 11 I will remember the workes of
into a dead sleepe. the LORD : surely I will remember
7 Thou, euen thou art to be feared; thy wonders of old.
and who may stand in thy sight when 12 I will meditate also of all thy
once thou art angry P worke, and talke of thy doings.
8 Thou didst cause iudgement to be 13 Thy way, O God, is in the San-
heard from heauen : the earth feared ctuarie : who is so great a God, as our
and was still, God?
9 When God arose to iudgement, to 14 Thou art the God that doest won-
saue all the meeke of the earth. Selah. ders ; thou hast declared thy strength a-
10 Surely the wrath of man shall mong the people.
praise thee: the remainder of wrath 15 Thou hast with thine arme redee-
shalt thou restraine. med thy people, the sonnes of lacob
11 Vowe, and pay vnto the LORD and loseph. Selah.
your God; let all tnat be round about 16 The waters saw thee, O God
tJfcfcfo Dim bring presents tvnto him that the waters saw thee : they were afraid
F&xre. ought to be feared. the depths also were troubled.
12 Hee shall cut off the spirit of prin- 17 t The cloudes powred out water Mieb.ihe
clouds were
ces : hee is terrible to the icings of the the skies sent out a sound; thine ar- powredforth
earth. rowes also went abroad. with water.
18 The voice of thy thunder was in
P S A L . LXXVII. the heauen: the lightnings lightned the
1 The Psalmist sheweth what fierce combate world, the earth trembled and shooke.
hee had with diffidence. 10 The victory 19 Thy way is in the sea, and thy path
which he had by consideration of Gods grea in the great waters : and thy foot-steps
and gratious workes.
are not knowen.
IT To the chiefe musician, to ledu- 20 * Thou leddest thy people like a *Exod. 14.
I0rtf<» thun, a Psalme || of Asaph. flock, by the hand of Moses and Aaron 19.
A*a&. cryed vnto God with m;

voice: euen vnto God with P S A L . LXXVIII.
my voice, and he gaue eare 1 An exhortation both to learne and to preac'
vnto me. the Law of God. 9 The story of God
2 In the day of my wrath against the incredulous and disobedi
Gods wonders Pfalmes. in Egypt.
ent. 67 The Israelites being reiected, God 18 And they tempted God in their
chose ludah, Sion, and Dauid. heart: by asking meat for their lust.
H0r, A f || Maschil of Asaph. 19 * Yea, they spake against God: * Num. n.
Asaph, to lue eare, O my people, to they said, Can God t furnish a table in 4.iffeb. order.

giue instru-
my Lawe : incline your the wildernes ?
eares to the wordes of my 20 * Behold, he smote the rocke, that * Exod. 17.
mouth. the waters gushed out, & the streames 6. 11.
num. 20.
* Psal. 49. 5. 2 * I will open my ouerflowed; can he giue bread also? can
matth, 13. mouth in a parable : I wil vtter darke he prouide flesh for his people ?
sayings of old: 21 Therefore the L O R D heard
3 Which we haue heard, & knowen: this, and was wroth, so a fire was kind-
and our fathers haue told vs. led against lacob: and anger also came
4 We will not hide them from their vp against Israel.
children, shewing to the generation to 22 Because they beleeued not in
coine, the praises of the LORD : and God: and trusted not in his saluation:
lis strength, and his wonderfull works 23 Though he had commanded the
that he hath done. cloudes from aboue : and opened the
5 For he established a Testimony in doores of heauen:
lacob, and appointed a Law in Is- 24? * And had rained downe Manna * Exod. 16.
rael , which he commaunded our fa- vpon them to eate, and had giuen them 14.
* Dent. 4. tthers : *that they should make them of the corne of heauen.
9. and 6. 7.
oiowen to their cnildren. 25 *|| Man did eate Angels food: hee * lohn €.
6 That the generation to come sent them meat to the full. II Or, every
might know them, euen the children 26 He caused an East wind to tblow one did eat
the bread of
which should be borne: who should arise in the heauen : and by his power hee the mighty,
and declare them to their children: brought in the South wind. t Hebr. to
7 That they might set their hope in 27 He rained flesh also vpon them as
Sod, and not forget the .works of God: dust: and t feathered foules like as the ofiffebr.foule
jut keepe his Commandements, sand of the sea.
8 And might not bee as their fa- 28 And hee let itffall in the midst of
thers, a stubborne and rebellious gene- their campe, round about their habita-
t Hebr. that ration, a generation tthat set not their tions.
prepared not 29 So they did eate, & were well fil-
their heart. heart aright : and whose spirit was not
stedfast with God. led : for he gaue them their owne desire.
9 The children of Ephraim being 30 They were not estranged from
tHebr. armed, and tcarying bowes, turned their lust: but while their meate *was * Num. 11.
throwing 3d.
foorth. backe in the day of battell. yet in their mouthes,
10 They kept not the couenant of 31 The wrath of God came vpon
God: and refused to walke in his Law : them, and slew the fattest of them : and
11 And forgat his workes: and his t smote downe the || chosen men of Is- to t Jfeb. made
wonders that he had shewed them. rael. I0r,yong
12 Marueilous things did he, in the 32 For all this they sinned still: and men.
sight of their fathers : in the land of E- beleeued not for his wondrous works.
gypt, in the field of Zoan. 33 Therefore their dayes did he con-
*'Exod. 14. 13 * Hee diuided the Sea, and caused sume in vanitie, and their yeeres in
21. trouble.
them to passe through: and he made the
waters to stand as an heape. 34 When hee slew them, then they
* Exod. 13. 14 *In the day time also he led them sought him : and they returned, and in-
21. and 14.
24. with a cloud : and all the night with a quired early after God.
light of fire. 35 And they remembred that God
» Exod. 17. 15 * Hee claue the rockes in the wil- was their rocke: and the high God, their
6. num. 20. dernes: and gaue them drinke as out of redeemer.
10. psal.
105. 44. 1. the great depthes. 36 Neuerthelesse they did flatter
cor. 10. 4.
16 Hee brought streames also out of him with their mouth : and they lyed
the rocke, and caused waters to runne vnto him with their tongues.
downe like riuers. 37 For their heart was not right
17 And they sinned yet more against with him : neither were they stedfast in
him: by prouoking the most High in the his couenant.
wildernes. 38 But hee being full of compassion,
forgaue their iniquity, and destroyed the most high God: and kept not his
them not; yea many a time turned he his testimonies:
anger away, and did not stirre vp all 57 But turned backe, and dealt vn-
lis wrath. aithfully like their fathers : they were
39 For he remembred that they were turned aside like a deceitfull bowe.
nit flesh; a.wind that passeth away, and 58 *For they prouoked him to anger * Deut. 32.
commeth not againe. with their high places : and-nioued him 21.
against him. 40 How oft did they Hprouoke him to ielousie with their grauen images.
H Or, retell
in the wildernesse : and grieue him in 59 When God heard this, hee was
the desert? wroth, and greatly abhorred Israel:
41 Yea they turned backe and temp- 60 *So that he forsooke the taber- * l. King.
t;ed God : and limited the holy one of nacle of Shiloh: the tent which he placed 4.10.
[srael. among men,
4$ They remembred not his hand: 61 And deliuered his strength into
nor the day when hee deliuered them captiuitie : and his glory into the ene-
Or, from [from the enemie:
mies hand.
t Heb. set. 43 How he had t wrought his signes 62 He gaue his people ouer also vn-
in Egypt: and his wonders in the field ;o the sword : and was wroth with his
of Zoan: inheritance.
* Exod. 7.
44 *And had turned their riuers in- 63 The fire consumed their young
to blood : and their flouds, that they men : and their maidens were not tgi- \Heb.prai,
could not drinke. uen to mariage.
* Etfod. 8. 45 * Hee sent diuers sorts of flies a- 64 Their priests fell by the sword:
24. & 8. 6.
mong them, which deuoured them : and and their widowes made no lamen-
iogges which destroyed them. tation.
* Exod. 10. i 46 * He gaue also their increase vnto 65 Then the Lord awaked as one
the caterpiUer : and their labour vnto out of sleepe : and like a mighty man
the locust. that shouteth by reason of wine.
* Exod. 9.
47 * He t destroyed their vines with 66 And he smote his enemies in the
t Heb. Idl- baile : and their Sycomore trees with hinder parts : he put them to a perpe-
Or, great
|[frost. tuall reproch.
mile stones 48 tHe gaue vp their cattel also to 67 Moreouer he refused the taber-
t Heb. he the haile: and their flockes to ||hot thun-
shut vp. nacle of loseph: and chose not the tribe
II Or, light, der-bolts. of Ephraim.
nings. 49 He cast vpo;n them the fiercenesse 68 But chose the tribe of ludah:
of his anger, wrath and indignation, the mount Sion which he loued.
and trouble : by sending euill angels a- 69 And he built his sanctuarie like
mong them. high palaces:]ike the earth whichhehath
waighed a
50 tHe made a way to his anger, hee t established for euer. t Heb. foun-
path. spared not their soule from death : but 70 *He chose Dauid also his seruant, 9 1. Sam. 16
I Or, their gaue || their life ouer to the pestilence. and tooke him from the sheepe-folds: 7.8.11. 2. Sam.
beasts, to the 51 * And smote all the first borne in
murreine, 71 *tFrom following the ewes great * 2. Sam. 5.
Exod. 9. 3. Egypt: the chiefe of their strength in the with young, hee brought him to feed 2.1. 11.2.
* Exod. 12. lacob his people, and Israel his in- i Heb. from
29. & 9. 3. tabernacles of Ham: after.
52 But made Kis owne people to goe heritance.
forth like sheepe : and guided them in 72 So he fed them according to the
the wildernesse like a flocke. integritie of his heart: and guided them
53 And he led them on safely, so that by the skilfulnesse of his hands.
* Exod. 14. they feared not: but the sea *touer-
27. & 15.
10. whelmed their enemies. P S A L . LXXIX.
\ Heb. coue 54 And he brought them to the bor- 1 The Psalmist complaineth of the desolation
red. of Jerusalem. 8 .Hee prayeth for deliue-
der of his sanctuarie: euen to this moun- rance, 13 And promiseth thankefulnesse.
taine which his right hand had pur-
chasect. If A Psalme ||of Asaph. It Or, for
*Iosu.i3.7 55 * He cast out the heathen also be- God, the heathen are come Asaph.
fore them, and diuided them an inheri-
tance by line: and made the tribes of Is-
rael to dwell in their tents.
O into thine, inheritance, thy
holy temple haue they defi-
led : they haue layd lerusa-
56 Yet they tempted and prouokec lem on heapes.
2 The
The troubles of Pfalmes. the Church.
% The dead bodies of thy seruants Beniamin, and Manasseh, stirre vp thy
haue they giuen to bee meate vnto the strength : and tcome and saue vs. ^ Heb. come
foules of the heauen : the flesh of thy 3 Turne vs againe, O God: and forsatuationto vs.
Saints vnto the beasts of the earth. cause thy face to shine, and we shall bee
3 Their blood haue they shed like saued.
water round about lerusalem: and 4 O LOED God of hosts, how
there was none to burie them. long twilt thou bee angry against the t Hebr. wilt
* Psa. 44.14 4 * We are become a reproach to our thou smoke?
prayer of thy people ?
neighbours : a scorne and derision to 5 Thou feedest them with the bread
them that are round about vs. of teares : and giuest them teares to
* Psa. 89.4^ 5 *How long, LORD, wilt thou drinke in great measure.
be angry, for euer ? shall thy ielousie 6 Thou makest vs a strife vnto our
burne like fire ? neighbours : and our enemies laugh a-
* Icr. 10. 25 6 * Powre out thy wrath vpon the mong themselues.
heathen that haue not knowen thee, 7 Turne vs againe, O God of hosts,
and vpon the kingdomes that haue not and cause thy face to shine, and we shall
called vpon thy name. be saued.
7 For they haue deuoured lacob: 8 Thou hast brought a vine out ol
and laid waste his dwelling place. Egypt: thou hast cast out the heathen,
* Esa. 64. 9. 8 *O remember not against vs ||for- and planted it.
quitiesof mer iniquities, let thy tender mercies 9 Thou preparedst roome before it:
them that speedily preuent vs: for we are brought and didst cause it to take deepe root, and
were before
vs. very low. it filled the land.
9 Helpe vs, O God of our saluati- 10 The hilles were couered with the
on, for tne glory of thy Name: and de- shadow of it, and the boughs thereof
liuer v$, and purge away our sinnes for were like tthe goodly cedars. t Hebr. tne
thy Names sake. 11 She sent out her boughs vnto the Cedars
10 Wherfore should the heathen say, Sea: and her branches vnto the riuer.
Where is their God? let him be knowen 12 Why hast thou then broken downe
among the heathen in our sight by the her hedges: so that all they which passe
t Heaven, treuenjging of the blood of thy seruants by the way, doe plucke her ?
which is shed. 13 The boare out of the wood doth
11 Let the sighing of the prisoner waste it: and the wild beast of the field
come before thee, according to the great- doth deuoure it.
\Heb. thine nesse of t thy power: tpreserue thou 14 Returne, we beseech thee, O God
t Hebr. re- those that are appointed to die. of hosts: looke downe from heauen,
children of
12 And render vnto our neighbours and behold, and visit this vine:
death. seuen fold into their bosome, their re- 15 And the vineyard which thy right
proach wherewith they haue reproched hand hath planted: and the branch that
thee, O Lord. thou madest strong for thy selfe.
13 So we thy people and sheepe of 16 It is burntwith fire,it is cut downe:
thy pasture, will giue thee thankes for they perish at the rebuke of thy coun-
t Heb. to ge- euer: we will shew forth thy praise tto tenance.
generation. all generations. 17 Let thy hand be vpon the man of
thy right hand: vpon the sonne of man,
P S A L . LXXX. whom thou madest strong for thy selfe.
1 The Psalmist in his prayer complaineth of the 18 So will not wee goe bacte from
miseries of the Church. 8 Gods former fa- thee : quicken vs, and we will call vpan
uours are turned into iudgements. 14 Hee thy Name.
prayeth for deliuerance.
19 Turne vs againe, O LORD God
II Or, for H To the chiefe Musician vpon Sho- of hosts, cause thy face to shine, and wee
shannim Eduth, a Psalme ||of shall be saued.
lue eare, O shepheard of P S A L . LXXXI.

Israel, thou that leadest
Joseph like a flocke, thou 1 An exhortation to a solemne praising of God.
that dwellest betweene the 4 God challenged that duetie by reason of
his benefits. 8 God exhorting to obedience,
Cherubims, shine forth. complaineth of their disobedience, which
£ Before Ephraim and proueth their owne hurt.
H To
[fraels obftinacie. Pfalmes. ludges are gods.
f To the chiefe Musician vpon Git- H" A Psalme ||of Asaph. I0r,/or
Y Or, for A- tith. A Psalme ||of Asaph. Qd standeth in the Con- Asaph.

Ing alowd vnto God gregation of the mightie:

our strength : make a ioy- nee iudgeth among the
full noise vnto the God of gods.
lacob. 2 How long will yee
2 Take a Psalme, and iudge vniustly: and accept tne * persons * Deut. I.
>ring hither the timbrell : the pleasant of the wicked ? Selah. 37-
larpe with the psalterie. 3 t Defend the poore and fatherlesse: MieMudge.
3 Blow vp the trumpet in the new doe iustice to the afflicted and needie.
\loone: in the time appointed on our 4 *Deliuer the poore and needy: rid *11.Prou. 24.
splemne feast day. them out of the hand of the wicked.
4 For this was a Statute for Is- 6 They know not, neither wil they
rael: and a Law of the God of lacob. vnderstand; they walke on in darknes:
5 This he ordained in Joseph for a all the foundations of the earth are tout ued. • Hebr. mo-
tOr>against. testimonie, when he went out || through of course.
the land of Egypt: where I heard a lan- 6*1 haue said, Ye are gods : and all * lohn l».
guage, that I vnderstood not* of you are children of the most High: 34.
6 I remoued his shoulder from the 7 But ye shall die like men, and fall
t Hefo patted Burden : his handes twere deliuered like one of the Princes.
Tom the pots. 8 Arise, O God, iudge the earth: for
7 Thou calledst in trouble, and I thou shalt inherite all nations.
deliuered thee, I answered thee in the
* Exod. 17. secret place of thunder: I *proued thee P S A L . LXXXIII.
I Or, strife. at the waters of ||Meribah. Selah. 1 A complaint to God of the enemies conspira-
8 Heare, O my people, and I will cies. 9 A prayer against them that op-
testifie vnta thee: O Israel, if thou wilt presse the Church.
hearken vnto me:
9 There shall no strange God be in IT A song or Psalme ||of Asaph. I Or, for A'
thee : neither shalt thou worship any Eepe not thou silence, O

strapge God. God: hold not thy peace,
10 I am the LORD thy God, which and be not still, O God.
brought thee out of the land of Egypt: 2 For loe, thine ene-
open thy mouth wide, and I will nil it. mies make a tumult: and
11 But my people would not hearken they that hate thee, haue lift vp the
to my voice : and Israel would none head.
of me. 3 They haue taken craftie counsell
Acts. 14. 12 *So I gaue them vp ||vnto their against thy people, and consulted a-
V Or, to the owne hearts lust: and they walked in gainst thy hidden ones.
hardnes of in their owne counsels. 4 They haue said, Come, and let vs
(heir hearts,
or imagina- 13 O that my people had hear kneel cut them off from being a nation : that
tion. vnto me : and Israel had walked in my the name of Israel may bee no more in
wayes! remembrance.
14 I should soone haue subdued 5 For they haue consulted together
their enemies, and turned my hand a- with one t consent: they are confederatet ffeb, heart.
gairist their aduersaries. against thee.
15 The haters of the LORD should 6 The tabernacles of Edom, and the
t Or, yeelded haue || submitted themselues vnto him : Ishmaelites : of Moab, and the Haga-
fained obe-
dience. Heb. but their time should haue endured for rens.
lyed. euer. 7 Gebal and Ammon, and Amalek:
16 Hee should haue fedde them also the Philistines, with the inhabitants of
\Hebr.w\th twith the finest of the wheat: and with Tyre.
thefat of 8 Assur also is ioyned with them:
wheat. honie out of the rocke, should I haue
satisfied thee. t they haue holpen the children of Lot. hauebenean
t Hebr. they
Selah. arme to the
P S A L . LXXXII. 9 * Doe vnto them as vnto the Mi- children Lot.
dianites : as to * Sisera, as to labin, at " ludg. 7.
1 The Psalmist hauing exhorted the ludges, 22,
5 and reproued their negligence, 8 prayeth the brooke of Kison: * ludg. 4.
God to radge. 10 Which perished at En-dor : they 15. and 24.
The defire Pfalmes. of the godly.
became as dung for the earth. looke vpon the face of thine anointed.
*iudg.7. 11 *Make their nobles like Oreb, anc 10 For a day in thy courts, is-letter
25. & 8. 21.
like Zeeb : yea all their princes as Ze- then a thousand : tl had rather be a \Heb.l
bah, and as Zalmunna: doore keeper in the house of my God would choose
rather to sit
12 Who sayd, Let vs take to our then to dwell in the tents of wicked- shold.
at the thre-
selues, the houses of God in possession nesse.
13 O ray God, make them like a 11 For the L O R D God is a sunne
wheele : as the stubble before the wind. and shield : the LORD will giue grace
14 As the fire burneth a wood : anc and glory: no good thing will he with-
as the flame setteth the mountaines on hold from *them that walke vprightly * Psal. 2.19
fire: 12 0 LORD of hostes : blessed is & 34. 9.
15 So persecute them with thy tem- the man that trusteth in thee.
pest : and make them afraid with- thy
16 Fill their faces with shame : that P S A L . LXXXV.
they may seeke thy name, O LORD. 1 The Psalmist out of the experience of former
17 Let them be confounded and mercies prayeth for the continuance thereof
8 He promiseth to waite thereon, out ,of con-
troubled for euer: yea let them be put to fidence of Gods goodnesse.
shame, and perish:
18 That men may knowe, that thou, 1f To the chiefe musician, a Psalme
whose name alone is IEHOVAH: || for the sonnes of Korah. Iflr.o/
art the most High ouer all the earth. O R D , thou. hast bene

|| fauourable vnto thy 1 Or, well
PSAIj,. LXXXIIII. land : thou hast brought pleased.
backet the captiuity ol
1 The Prophet longing for the communion* ol I acob.
the Sanctuarie, 4 sheweth how blessed they
are that dwell therein. 8 Hee prayeth to be % * Thou hast forgiuen the iniqui- * Psal. 32. i.
restored vnto it. tie of thy people, thou hast coueced all
their sinne. Selah.
H To the chiefe musician vpon Gittith, 3 Thou hast taken away all thy
I Ort Of. a Psalme || for the sonnes of Korah. wrath : || thou hast turned thy selft from hast
I Or, thou
Ow amiable are thy ta- the fiercenesse of thine anger. thine anger

bernacles, O LOED ."of 4? Turne vs, O God of our saluati- hot. waxing
hostes! on : and cause thine anger towards vs
% My soule longeth, to cease.
yea euen fainteth for the 5 Wilt thou be angry with vs for e-
courts of the LOED: my heart and uer? wilt thou drawe out thine anger
my flesh cryeth out for the liuing God. to all generations ?
3 Yea the sparrowe hath found an 6 Wilt thou not reuiiie vs againe :
louse, and the swallow a nest for her that thy people may reioyce in thee ?
selfe, where she may lay her young, euen 7 Shew vs thy mercy, O LORD;
;hine altars, O LORD of hostes, my and graunt vs thy saluation.
ring and my God. 8 I will heare what God the
4 Blessed are they that dwell in thy LORD will speake: for hee will speake
louse ; they wilbe still praysing thee. peace vnto his people, and to his
Selah. Saints : but let them not turne againe
5 Blessed is the man whose strength to folly.
is in thee : in whose heart are the wayes 9 Surely his saluation is nigh them
of them: that feare him ; that glory may dwell in
6 Who passing through the valley our land.
Qr,ofmul> | of Baca, make it a well: the raine also 10 Mercy and truth are met together:
make him t filleth the pooles. righteousnesse and peace haue kissed
a well $c. 7 They goe ||from strength to each other.
t Heb. coue-
reth. strength : eueryone of them in Zion ap- 11 Truth shall spring out of the
Or-, from
companie to )eareth before God. earth : and righteousnesse shall looke
companie. 8 O L O R D God of hostes, downe from heauen.
leare my prayer : giue eare, O God of 18 Yea the LORD shall giue that
[acob. Selah. which is good: and our land shall yeeld
9 Behold, O God our shield: and icr increase.
13 Righte-
Dauids prayer Pfalmes. in affliction.
13 Righteousnes shall go before him: 16 O turne vnto me, and h^ue 'mer-
and shall set v$ in the way of-his steps. cie vpon me, giue thy strength vnto thy
seruant ; and saue the sonne of thine
P S A L . LXXXVI. 17 Shew me a token for good, that
1 Dauid strengthened his prayer by the con- they which hate me may see it, and bee
science of .his Religion, 5 by the goodnesse ashamed ; because thou, LORD, hast
and power of God. 11 He desireth the con- lolpen me, and comforted me.
tinuance of former grace. 14> Complayning
of the proud, he craueth gome tpken of Gods
.goodnesse. P S A L . LXXXVII.
11 || A prayer of Dauid. 1 The nature and glory of the Church. 4 The
II Or\a pray- increase, honour &rwl comfort of the mem-
er, being a
Psalme of O*v downe thine eare, bers thereof.

Dauid. O LORD, heare me :
for I am poore & needy. H A Psalme or song || for the sonnes «Or, of.
£ Preserue my soule, of Korah.
II Or, one for I am || holy : O thou Is foundation is in the

whom thou my God, saue thy ser.
fauourest. holy mountaineg.
uant, that trusteth in thee. 2 The L O R D lo-
3 Be merciful vnto me^ O Lord: for ueth the gates of Zion :
H Or, all the I cry vnto thee || daily. more then all the dwel-
4 Reioyce the soule of thy seruant : lings of lacob.
for vnto thee (O Lord) doe I lift vp 3 Glorious things are spoken of
my soule. thee, O Citie of God. Selah,
* loel 2. 13. 5 *For thou Lord art good, and rea- 4 I will make mention of Rahab,
dy to forgiue : and plenteous dn mercie and Babylon, to them that know mee;
vnto all them that call vpon thee. behold Philistia, and Tyre, with Ethio-
6 Giue eare O LORD, vnto my pia : this man was -borne there.
prayer : and attend to the voice of my 5 And of Zion it shalbe said, This
supplications. and that man was borne in her : and
7 In the day of my trouble I will the highest himselfe shall establish her.
call vpon thee: for thou wilt answere 6 The L O R D shall count when
mee. he writeth vp the people; that this man
8 Among the gods there is none like was borne there. Selah.
* Deut. 3. vnto thee (O Lord:) * neither are there 7 As wel the singers as the players
24. any worker like vnto thy workes. on instruments shall bee there : all my
9 All nations whom thou hast springs are in thee,
made, shall come and worship before
thee, O Lord : and shall glorifie thy P S A L . LXXXVIII.
A prayer contayning a grieuous complaint
10 For thou art great, and doest won-
* Deut. 6. derous things : * thou art God alone. 1i A song or Psalme || for the sonnes of II Or, of.
4. and 32.
39. isa. 37. 11 * Teach me thy way, O L O R D , Korah, to the chiefe Musician vpon
1C. and 44.
6. mar. 12. I will walke in thy trueth: vnite my Mahalath Leannoth, || Maschil of II Or, A
Psalme of
20. ephes. 4. heart to feare thy Name. Hem#n the Ezrahite, Hemail the
6. 1. cor. 8. ExraJiite,
4. 12 I will praise thee, O Lord my L O R D God of my sal- giuing in-

* Psal. 25. God, with all my heart : and I wil glo- uation, I haue cried day struction.
3. and 119.
33. rifie thy Name for euermore. and night before thee.
13 For great is thy mercy toward me: 2 Let my prayer come
and thou hast deliuered my soule from before thee : incline thine
II Or, graue. the lowest ||hejl. eare vnto my cry,
14 O God, the proud are risen a- 3 For my soule is full of troubles :
iffffbr. gainst mee, and the assemblies of t vio- and niy life draweth nigh vnto the
lent men haue sought after my soule : graue,
and haue not set thee before them. 4 I am counted with them that go
* Deut. 34. 15 * But thou, O Lord, art a God full downe into the pit: I am as a man thai
6. num. 14.
18. psal. of compassion, and gracious : long suf- Hath no strength.
103. 8. and
139. 4. and fering, and plenteous in mercy and 5 Free among the dead, like the
145. 8. trueth. slaine that lie in the graue, whom thou
Dauids complaint. Pfalmes. Gods power.
remembrest no more : and they are cut chosen : I haue * sworne vnto Dauid * 2. Sam. 7.
II Or, by thy off 11 from thy hand. my seruant. n, &c.
hand. 6 Thou hast laid me in the lowest 4 Thy seed will I stablish for euer:
pit ; in darkenesse, in the deepes. and build vp thy throne tto all«genera- iHeb.toge-
7 Thy wrath lieth hard vpon me : tions.T Selah. generation.
and thou hast afflicted me with all thy 5 And the heauens shall praise thy
waues. Selah. wonders, O L O R D : thy faithfulnes
8 Thou hast put away mine acquain- also in the congregation of the Saints.
tance farre from mee: thou hast made 6 For who in the heauen can be com-
me an abomination vnto them : I am paredT vnto the L O R D ? who among
shut vp, and I cannot come forth. the sonnes of the mightie can be likened
9 Mine eye mourneth by reason of vnto the L O R D ?
affliction, LORD, I haue called daily 7 God is greatly to be feared in the
vpon thee: I haue stretched out my assembly of the Saints .- and to bee had
hands vnto thee. n reuerence of all them that- are about
10 Wilt thou shew wonders to the [iim.
3ead? shal the dead arise cwdpraisethee? 8 O L O R D God of hosts, who
Selah. is a strong L O R D like vnto thee ? or to
11 Shall thy louing kindnesse be de- thy faithfulnesse round about thee ?
dared in the graue ? or thy faithfulnesse 9 Thou rulest the raging of the sea :
in destruction ? when the waues thereof arise, thou
12 Shall thy wonders be knowen stillest them.
in the darke ? and thy righteousnesse in 10 Thou hast broken ||Rahab m pie- H Or, Egypt.
the land of forgetfulnesse ? ces, as one that is slaine: thou hast scat-
13 But vnto thee haue I cried, O teredT thine enemies t with thy strongtHeb.-with
the arme of
LORD, and in the morning shall my arme. thy strength.
prayer preuent thee. 11 * The heauens are thine, the earth *Gen. 1.1.
li LORD, why castest thou off my also is thine : as for the world and the psal. 24. l.
)sal. 50; 12;
soule ? why hidest thou thy face from me ? fulnes thereof, thou hast founded them.
15 I am afflicted and ready to die, 12 The North and the South, thou
from my youth vp. while I suffer thy hast created them : Tabor and Hermon
terrours, I am distracted. shall reioyce in thy Name.
16 Thy fierce wrath goeth ouer me : 13 Thou hast t a mighty arme: strong t Heb. an
thy terrours haue cut me off is thy hand, and high is thy right hand. arme
17 They came round about mee 14 Justice and Judgement are the
I! Or, all the || daily like water : they compassed mee || habitation of thy throne : mercie and blishment.
II Or, esta-
day. about together. trueth shall goe before thy face-
18 Louer and friend hast thou put 15 Blessed is the people that knowe
farre from me:T andT mine acquaintance the * ioyfull sound: they shall walke O* Num. 10.6
into darkenesse. LORD in the light of thy countenance.
16 In thy name shall they reioyce alll
P S A L . LXXXIX. the day : and in thy righteousnes shalll
they be exalted.
1 The Psalmist praiseth God for his couenant, 17 For thou art the glory of their
5 For his wonderfull power, 15 For the care strength: and in thy fauour our home
of his Church, 19 For his fauour to the king- shall be exalted.
dome of Dauid. 38 Then complaining of
contrary euents, 46 He expostulate^ pray- 18 For the || L O R D is our defence:shield
B Or, our
is of
eth, and blesseth God. and the holy One of Israel is our king.t/ieLOMD,
19 Then thou spakest in vision to thy is of the king
and our
II Or, a U || Maschil of Ethan the Ezrahite. holy one, and saidst, I haue laid helpe One of
psalm efor vpon one that is mightie: I haue exal-
Ethan the Will sing of the mercies of

to giue in-
the LORD for euer; with ted one chosen out of the people.
struction. my mouth will 1 make 20 * I haue found Dauid my ser- *•!. Sam. 16
knowen thy faithfulnesse uant : with my holy oile haue I anoin- 12.
\Hebr.lo - to all generations. tedTT him.
generation 2 For I haue said, Mercie shall bee 21 With whome my hand shall bee
and gene>
ration. built vp for euer; thy faithfulnesse shalt established: mine arme also shall streng-
thou establish in the very heauens. then him.
3 I haue made a couenant with my 22 The enemie shall not exact vpon
Gods promifes Pfalmes. made to Dauid.
him: nor the sonne of wickednesse afflict of his sword: and hast not made him to
him. stand in the battaile.
23 And I will beate downe his foes 44 Thou hast made his t glory to MIeb.
before his face : and plague them that cease : and cast his throne downe to the brighnesse.
hate him. ground.
24 But my faithfulnesse and my 45 The dayes of his youth hast thou
mercy shalbe with him: and in my name shortned : thou hast couered him with
shall his home be exalted. shame. Selah.
25 I will set his hand also in the sea : 46 How long, LORD, wilt thou
and his right hand in the riuers. hide thy selfe, for euer ? shall thy wrath
26 He shall crie vnto mee, Thou art burne like fire ?
my father: my God, and the rocke of my 47 Remember how short my time
saluation. is: wherefore hast thou made all men in
27 Also I will make him my first vaine?
borne : higher then the kings of the 48 What man is he that liueth, and
earth. shall not see death ? shall he deliuer his
28 My mercy will T keepe for him soule from the hand of the graue ?
for euermore : and my couenaiit shall Selah.
stand fast with him. 49 Lord, where are thy former lo-
29 His seed also will I make to indure uing kindnesses,which thou *swarestvn- *2. Sam. 7.
for euer : and his throne as the dayes of to Dauid in thy trueth?
heauen. 50 Remember (Lord) the reproach
30 If his children forsake my lawe, of thy seruants: Jiow I doe beare in my
and walke not in my iudgements; bosome the reproacke of all the mighty
t Heb. pro-
fane my sta-
31 If they tbreake my statutes, and people.
tutes. keepe not my commandements: 51 Wherewith thine enemies haue
32 Then will I visite their trans- reproached, O LORD : wherewith
gression with the rod, and their iniqui- they haue reproached the foote-steppes
tie with stripes. of thine Annointed.
33 Neuerthelesse, my lotting kind- 52 Blessed be the LORD for euer-
nesse will I not vtterly take from him : more, Amen, and Amen.
\ Heb. I will nor t suffer my faithfulnesse t to faile.
not make 34 My couenant will I not breake :
voydfrom P S A L . XC.
him. nor alter the thing that is gone out of
t Heb. to lye.
my lippes. 1 Moses setting foorth Gods prouidence, 3
35 Once haue I sworne by my holi- complaineth, of humane fragility, 7 diuine
chastisements, 10 and breuity of life. 12 He
t Heb. if I nesse; tthat I will not lye vnto Dauid. prayeth for the knowledge and sencible expe-
lie. 36 * His seede shall endure for euer;
* Rom. 7. rience of Gods good prouidence.
16. Luc. 1. and his throne as the sunne before
33. lohn. 12 I Or, a pray,
34. me. f || A prayer of Moses the man of God. er, being a
37 It shalbe established for euer as Ord, thou hast bene our Psalme of

the Moone : and as a faithfull witnesse dwelling place t in all ge- t Heb. in ge-
in heauen. Selah. nerations. nerationland
38 But thou hast cast off and abhor- 2 Before the moun- generation.
red : thou hast bene wroth with thine taines were broughtforth,
anointed. or euer thou hadst formed the earth
39 Thou hast made voyd the coue- and the world : euen from euerlasting
nant of thy seruant: thou hast profaned to euerlasting thou art God.
his crowne, by casting it to the ground. 3 Thou turnest man to destruction:
40 Thou hast broken downe all his and sayest, Returne yee children of
hedges : thou hast brought his strong men.
holds to ruine. 4 * For a thousand yeeres in thy * 2. Pet 3.8.
41 All that passe by the way, spoile sight are but as yesterday || when it is he II Or, when
hath pas-
him : hee is a reproach to his neigh- past: and as a watch in the night. sed them.
bours. 5 Thou earnest them away as with
42 Thou hast set vp the right hand a flood, they are as a sleepe : in the mor-
of his aduersaries : thou hast made all ning they are like grasse which \\ groweth Wr^is chan-
his enemies to reioyce. vp.
43 Thou hast also turned the edge 6 In the morning it flourisheth, and
Mans life fliort. Pfalmes. Gods prouidence.
groweth vp : in the euening it is cut 6 Nor for the pestilence that walketh
downe, and withereth. in darknes: nor for the destruction, that
7 For we are consumed by thine an- wasteth at noone-day.
ger : and by thy wrath are we troubled. 7 A thousand shall fall at thy side,
8 Thou hast set our iniquities before and ten thousand at thy right hand : but
thee: our secret sinnes in the light of thy it shall not come nigh thee.
countenance. 8 Onely with thine eyes shalt thou
MIebr. tur- 9 For all our dayes are t passed a- behold : & see the reward of the wicked.
ned away.
way in thy wrath : we spend our yeeres 9 Because thou hast made the
ft Or, as a 11 as a tale that is told. L O R D , which is my refuge, euen the
t Hebr; as 10 t The dayes of our yeres are three- most High, thy habitation:
for the dayes score yeeres and ten, and if by reason of 10 There shall no euill befall thee:
in them are strength they be fourescore yeeres, yet is neither shall any plague come nigh thy
seuentie their strength labour and sorrow : for it dwelling.
is soone cut off, and we flie away. 11 * For hee shall giue his Angels * Matt. 4.6.
11 Who knoweth the power of thine charge ouer thee: to keepe thee in all lake 4. 10.
anger ? euen according to thy feare, so is thy wayes.
thy wrath. 12 They shall beare thee vp in their
1£ So teach vs to number our daies : hands : lest thou dash thy foot against a
\ Heb. cause that wee may t apply our hearts vnto stone.
to come.
wisedome. 13 Thou shalt tread vpon the Lion,
13 Returne (0 L O R D ) how long? and ||adder: the yong Lion and the dra- B Or, Aspe.
and let it repent thee concerning thy gon shalt thou trample vnder feete.
seruants. 14* Because he hath set his loue vpon
14 O satisfie vs early with thy mer- me, therefore will I deliuer him : I wil
cie: that we may reioyce, and be glad all set him on high, because hee hath
our dayes. knowen my Name.
15 Make vs glad according to the 15 He shall call vpon me, and I will
dayeswherein thou hast afflicted vs : and answere him : I wiU bee with him in
the yeeres wherein we haue scene euil. trouble, I will deliuer him, and ho-
16 Let thy worke appeare vnto thy nour him.
seruants : and thy glory vnto their chil- 16 With tlong life wil I satisfie him: t Heb. length
of dayes.
dren. and shew him my saluation.
17 And let the beautie of the LORD
our God be vpon vs, and establish thou P S A L . XCII.
the worke of our hands vpon vs : yea, 1 The Prophet exhorteth to praise God, 4
the work of our hands establish thou it. for his great workes, 6 for his, Judgements
on the wicked, 10 and for his goodnesse
P S A L . XCI. to the godly.
1 The state of the godly. 3 Their safety. 9 U A Psalme or song for the
Their habitation. 11 Their seruants. 14 Sabbath day.
Their friend, with the effects of them all. T is a good thing to giue

E that dwelleth in the se- thanks vnto the LORD,

cretplace of themost high: and to smgpraisesvnto thy
\ Heb. lodge. shalltabide vnder the sha- Name, O most High :
dow of the Almightie. 2 To shew foorth thy
£ I will say of the louing kindnesse in the morning : and
LORD, He is my refuge, and my for- thy faithfulnesse teuery night: t Hebr. in
tresse: my God, in him will I trust. 3 Vpon an instrument of tenne the nights.
3 Surely he shall deliuer thee from strings, and vpon the psalterie : vpon
the snare of the fouler: and from the noi- the ||harpe with a solemne sound. I Or, vpon
the sotemne
some pestilence. 4 For thou, LORD, hast made me sound with
4 Hee shall couer thee with his fea- glad through thy worke : I will tri- the harpe.
Hebr. His-
thers, and vnder his wings shalt thou umph in the workes of thy hands. gaion-.
trust: his trueth shall bee thy shield and 5 O L O R D , how great are thy
buckler. workes ! and thy thoughts are very
5 Thou shalt not bee afraid for the deepe.
terrour by night: nor for the arrow that 6 A brutish man knoweth not: nei-
flieth by day: ther doeth a foole vnderstand this.
7 When

Gods power. Pfalmes. Gods correction.
7 When the wicked spring as the 2 Lift vp thy selfe, thou iudge of the
grasse, and when all the workers of ini- earth : render a reward to the proud.
quitie doe flourish: it is that they shall be 3 LORD, how long shall the wic-
destroyed for euer, ied? how long shall the wicked tri-
8 f But thou, LORD, art most umph ?
high for euermore. 4 How long shal they vtter, and speake
9 For loe, thine enemies, O LORD, lard things? and all the workers of ini-
for loe, thine enemies shall perish : all quitie boast themselues ?
the workers of iniquity shalbe scattred. 5 They breake in pieces thy people,
10 But my home shalt thou exalt like 0 LORD : and afflict thine heritage.
the home of an vnicorne: I shalbe anoin^ 6 They slay the widowe and the
ted with fresh oyle. stranger : and murder the fatherless'e.
11 Mine eye also shall see my desire on 7 * Yet they say, The LORD shall 11,13, *Psal. 10.
mine enemies : and mine eares shall not see: neither shall the God of lacob 20. 12.
heare my desire of thewicked that risevp regard it.
against me. 8 Vnderstand, yee brutish among
* Hose. 14.5 12 *The righteous shal flourish like ;he people: and ye fooles, when will ye
the palme tree: hee shall growe like a se wise ?
cedar in Lebanon. 9 * He that planted the eare, shall he * Exo. 4.11
13 Those that be planted in the house not heare? he that formed the eye, shall
of the L O R D , shall flourish in the lie not see ?
courts of our God. 10 He that chastiseth the heathen,
14 They shal still bring forth fruit in shall not he correct ? hee that teacheth
*Heb.greene old age: they shalbe fat, & t flourishing:man knowledge, shall not he know ?
15 To shew that the LORD is vp- 11 *The LORD knoweth the * i. Cor. 3.
right: hee is my rocke, and there is no thoughts of man : that they are vanitie. 20.
vnrighteousnesse in him. 12 Blessed is the man whome thou
chastenest, O L O R D : and teachest
P S A L. XCIII. him out of thy Law:
The Maiestie, Power, and Holinesse of 13 That thou mayest giue him rest
Christs Kingdome. from the dayes of aduersitie: vntill the
He LORD reigneth, he is pit be digged for the wicked.

T clothed with Maiestie, the 14 For the LORD will not cast ofl
ORD is clothed with his people: neither will he forsake his
strength, wherewith hee hath inheritance.
girded himselfe : the world also is sta- 15 But Judgement shall returne vn-
blished, that it cannot be moued. to righteousnesse : and all the vpright
t Heb. from 2 Thy throne is established tof old: in heart t shall follow it. tHebr. shall
thou art from euerlasting. 16 Who will rise vp for mee against \>e after it.
3 The floods haue lifted vp, O the euill doers ? or who will stand vp
LORD, the floods haue lifted vp their for me against the workers of iniquitie,?
voice: the floods lift vp their waues. 17 Vnlesse the L O R D had bene my
4 The LORD on high is mightier helpe: my soule had || almost dwelt in II Or, quickly
then the noise of many waters, yea then silence.
the mightie waues of the Sea. 18 When I said, My foote slippeth:
5 Thy testimonies are very sure: thy mercie, O LORD, held me vp.
holinesse becommeth thine bouse, O 19 In the multitude of my thoughts
t Heb. to LORD, tfor euer, within me, thy comforts delight my
length of
dayes. soule.
P S A L . XCIIII. 20 Shal the throne of iniquitie haue
1 The Prophet calling for Iiistice, complained fellowship with thee : which frameth
of tyrannic and impietie. 8 Hee teacheth mischiefe by a lawe ?
Godsprouidence. 12 Hesheweth theblessed- 81 They gather themselues together
nesse of affliction. 1& God is the defender of against the soule of the righteous: and
the afflicted.
condemne the innocent blood.
t Heb. God oRD tGod, to whome 22 But the LORD is my defence:

ofreuenges. engeance belongeth : O and my God is the rocke of my refuge.
God to whome vengeance 23 And hee shall bring vpon them
t Heb. shine
eloneeth, tshew thy selfe. their owne iniquitie, and shall cut them
Gods greatneffe, Pfalmes. and maieftie.
off in their owne wickednesse : yea the idoles : but the LORD made the hea-
LORD our God shall cut them off. uens.
6 Honour and maiestie are before
P S A L . XCV. lim: strength and beauty are in his san-
1 An exhortation to praise God, 3 for bis ctuary.
greatnesse, 6 and for his goodnesse, 8 And 7 Giue vnto the LORD (O yee
not to tempt him,
kinreds of the people: ) giue vnto the
Come, let vs sing vnto the LORD glory and strength.

L O R D : let vs make a 8 Giue vnto the LORD the glory
ioyfull noise to the rocke •\due vnto his name: bring an offering, t Heb. of his
of our sal nation, and come into his courts.
' Heb. pre-
uent his face.
£ Let vs tcome before 9 O worship tjie LORD, ||in the II Or, in the
his presence with thanksgiuing : and beau tie of holinesse: feare before him all glorious ctuary.
make a ioyfull noise vnto him with the earth.
jsalmes. 10 *Say among the heathen, that the * Psal. 93.
3 For the L O R D is a great God: LORD reigneth : the world also shalbe 1. &97. 1.
and a great king aboue all Gods. established that it shall not be moued:
t Heb. in 4 tin his hand are the deepe pla- be shall iudge the people righteously.
» Or, the ces of the earth : || the strength of the 11 Let the heauens reioyce, and let
heightes of lilies is his also.
he Miles, are
the earth be glad: let the sea roare, and
his. 5 t The sea is his, and he made it • and the fulnesse thereof.
• Heb. whose lis hands formed the dry land,
the sea is.
12 Lef the field be ioyfull, and all that
6 0 come, let vs worship and bowe is therein: then shall all the trees of the
downe : let vs kneele before the LORD wood reioyce
our maker. 13 Before the LORD, for hee com-
7 For he is our God, and we are the meth, for hee commeth to iudge the
people of his pasture, and the sheepe of earth : hee shall iudge the world with
lis hand : to day if yee will heare his righteousnesse, and the people with his
voyce, trueth.
* Heb. 3. 7. 8 * Harden not your heart, * as in
and 4. 7.
* Num. 14. the tprouocation : and as in the day of P S A L . XCVII.
22. &c.
' Heb. con-
* temptation, in the wildernesse: 1 The Maiestie of Gods kingdoroe. 7 The
tention. 9 When your fathers tempted me: Church reioyceth at Gods iudgements vpon
* Exod. 17. proued me, and sawe my worke. Idolaters. 10 An exhortation to godlinesse
2. and 7. and gladnesse.
10 For tie yeeres long was I grie-
ued with this generation : and sayd, It He L O R D raigneth, let

is a people that doe erre in their heart: the earth reioyce : let the
and they haue not knowen my wayes t multitude of Isles bee \Heb.many,
glad thereof. or, great
11 Vnto whom I sware in my Isles.
t Heb. if wrath : tthat they should not enter in- 2 Clouds and darke-
'hey enter
into my rest. to my rest.
nesse are round about him : * righteous- * Psal. 89.
nesse and iudgement are the || habitati- 15. II Or, esta-
P S A L . XCVI. on of his throne. blishment.
1 An exhortation to praise God, 4 for his 3 A fire goeth before him : and bur-
greatnesse, 8 For his kingdome, 11 For neth vp his enemies round about.
his generall iudgement. 4 His lightnings inlightned the
* 1 Chron.
16. 23.
* Sing vnto the LORD world : the earth, sawe, and trembled.

a new song : sing vnto the 5 The hilles melted like waxe at the
LORD all the earth. presence of the LORD : at the presence
£ Sing vnto the of the Lord of the whole earth.
LORD, blesse his name: 6 The heauens declare his righte-
shew forth his saluation ousnesse: and all the people see his glory.
from day to day. 7 * Confounded be all they that serue * Exod. 20.
3 Declare his glory among the hea- grauen images, that boast themselues 4.1. Deut. Leuit. 26
then : his wonders among all people. of idoles : worship him all yee gods. 8. Heb. i. 6.
4 For the LORD is great, and 8 Sion heard, and was glad, and
greatly to be praised: hee is to be feared the daughters of ludah reioyced : be-
aboue all Gods. cause of thy iudgements, O LORD.
5 For all the gods of the nations are 9 For thou, LORD, art high aboue
Gods power, Pfalmes. and goodneffe.
all the earth: thou art exalted farre a- 2 The L O R D is great in Zion:
boue all gods. and he is high aboue all people.
* Psal. 34. 10 *Yee that loue the LOUD, hate 3 Let them praise thy great and ter-
13. amos 5.
5. rom. 13. uil; hee preserueth the soules of his rible Name :for it is holy.
T Saints: hee deliuereth them out of the 4 The Kings strength also loueth
land of the wicked, iudgement, thou doest establish equitie:
11 Light is sowen for the righteous: bou executest iudgement and righte--
and gladnesse for the vpright in heart. ousnes in lacob.
12 Reioyce in the LORD, ye righ- 5 Exalt yee the L O R D our God,
I Or, to the eous: and giue thanks ||at the remem- and worship at his footstoole :Jbr ||he is Or, it is
memoriall. >rance of his holinesse. loly. holy.
6 Moses and Aaron among his
P S A L . XCVIII. 'nests, and Samuel among them that
1 The Psalmist exhorteth the lewes, 4 the Gen- call vpon his Name : they called vpon
tiles, 7 and all the creatures to praise God. the LORD, and he answered them.
U A Psalme. 7 He spake vnto them in the cloudie
Sing vnto the LOUD a >illar : they kept his Testimonies, and

New song, for hee hath ;he Ordinance that he gaue them.
done marueilpus things: 8 Thou answeredst them, O LORD
his right hand, and his our God : thou wast a God that forga-
holy arme hath gotten uest them, though thou tookest venge-
him the victorie. ance of their inuentions.
* Isa. 52. 2 *The L O R D hath made knowen 9 Exalt the LORD our God, and
10. worship at his holy hill: for the LORD
us saluation: his righteousnesse hath
II Or, reuea- ice ||openly shewed in the sight of the our God is holy.
leathen. P S A L . C.
3 Hee hath remembred his mercie
and his trueth toward the house of Is- 1 An exhortation to praise God cheerefully, 3
for his greatnesse, 4 and for his power.
rael : all the ends of the earth haue seene
the saluation of our God. ^IF A Psalme of || praise. \\QrJhankes-
4 Make a ioyfull noise vnto the Ake a ioyfull noise vnto

L O R D , all the earth : make a lowc the Lord, tall ye lands. t Hebr. all
noise, and reioyce, and sing praise. 2 Serue the LORD the earth.
5 Sing vnto the LORD with the with gladnes: come before
larpe: with the harpe, and the voice oi his presence with singing.
a Psalme. & Know ye that the LORD, hee is
6 With trumpets and sound of cor- God,it is he that hath made vs, and ||nol we
II Or, and his
net : make a ioyfull noise before the we our selues : wee are his people, and
LORD, the King. the sheepe of his pasture.
7 Let the sea roare, and the fulnesse 4? Enter into his gates with thanks-
thereof: the world, and they that dwel Tiuing, and into his Courts with praise:
therein. iee thankfull vnto him, and blesse his
8 Let the floods clap their handes Name.
let the hilles be ioyfull together 5 For the LORD is good, his mercy
* Psal. 96. 9 Before the L O R D , *for he com is euerlasting: and his trueth endureth
13* meth to iudge the earth : with righte \
t to all generations. generation,
ousnesse shall hee iudge the world, an< and genera-
the people with equitie. P S A L . CI. tion.
Dauid maketh avow and profession of godlines
P S A L . XCIX. 1F A Psalme of Dauid.
1 The Prophet setting foorth the Kingdom Will sing of Mercie anc

of GOD in Zion, 5 exhorteth all. By th Iudgement : vnto thee,
example of forefathers, to worship Goi O LORD, wil I sing.
at his holy Hill. 2 I will behaue my
He LORD raigneth, le selfe wisely in a perfec

the people tremble: he sit- way, O when wilt thou come vnto me ?
teth betweene the Cheru I will walke within my house with a
\Hebr.ttOff bims, let the earth t be perfect heart,
xer. 3 I will set no t wicked thing before ofBelial.
t Heb. thing
'A. prayer Pfalmes. of the affliaed.
mine eyes: I hate the worke of them declineth: & I am withered like grasse.
that turne aside, it shal not cleaue to me. 12 But thou, O LORD, shalt en-
4 A froward heart shall depart dure for euer: and thy remembrance
from me, I will not knowe a wicked vnto all generations,
person. 13 Thou shalt arise, and haue mercie
5 Whoso priuily slandereth his vpon Zion : for the time to fauour her,
neighbour, him will I cut off: him that yea the set time is come.
hath an high looke, and a proud heart, 14 For thy seruants take pleasure in
will not I suffer. her stones : and fauour the dust therof.
6 Mine eyes shall be vpon the faith- 15 So the heathen shall feare the
full of the land, that they may dwell Name of the LORD : and all the
\\0r.perfect with me: he that walketh ||in a perfect kings of the earth thy glory.
in the way.
way, he shall serue me. lo When the LORD shall build vp
7 He that worketh deceit, shall not Zion : he shall appeare in his glory.
dwell within my house: he that telleth 17 He will regard the prayer of the
t Heb. shall lies t shall not tarie in my sight. destitute, and not despise their prayer.
not be esta-
blished. 8 I will earely destroy all the wic- 18 This shall be written for the ge-
ked of the land: that I may cut off all neration to come : and the people which
wicked doers from the citie of the shall be created, shall praise the LORD.
LORD. 19 For hee hath looked downe from
the height of his Sanctuarie : from
P S A L . CII. heauen did the L O R D beholde the
1 The Prophet in his prayer maketh a grieuous earth:
complaint. 12 He taketh comfort iti the eter- 20 To heare the groning of the pri-
nitie and mercie of God. 18 The mercies of soner : to loose t those that are appoin- Heb, the
God are to be recorded. 23 Hesustainethhis children of
weakenesse by the vnchangeablenes of God. ted to death: death.
21 To declare the Name of the
II Or)for. IT A prayer ||of the afflicted when he is LORD in Zion : and his praise in le-
overwhelmed, and powreth out rusalem:
his complaint before the LORD. 22 When the people are gathered to-
Eare my prayer, O LORD: gether : and the kingdomes to serue the

T and let my crie come vnto

2 Hide not thy face from
me in the day when I am in
23 He t weakened my strength in the Hev. affi-
way : he shortened my dayes.
24 I said, O my God^take me not a-

trouble, incline thine eare vnto me : in way in the midst of my dayes: thy yeres
the day when I call, answere mee spee- are throughout all generations.
dily. 25 *Of old hast thou laid the foun- T
!l Or, T fas 3 For my dayes are consumed ||like dation of the earth : and the heauens
some readej
into smoke. smoke : and my bones are burnt as an are the worke of thy hands.
hearth. 26 They shall perish, but thou shalt
4 My heart is smitten, and withe- tindure, yea all of them shall waxe old T
red like grasse: so that I forget to eate like a garment: as a vesture shalt thou
my bread. change them, and they shalbe changed.
5 By reason of the voice of my gro- 27 But thou art the same: and thy
II Or,flesh. ning, my bones cleaue to my ||skinne. yeeres shall haue no e.nd.
6 I am like a Pelican of the wilder- 28 The children of thy seruants shal
nes: I am like an owle of the desert. continue: and their seed shall be establi-
7 I watch, and am as a sparowe shed before thee.
alone vpon the house top.
8 Mine enemies reproch me all the PSAL. cm.
day: and they that are mad against me, 1 15
An exhortation to blesse God for his mercie,
And for the constancie thereof.
are sworne against me.
9 For I haue eaten ashes like bread: ^ A Psalme of Dauid.
and mingled my drinke with weeping. Lesse the L O R D , O roy

* Esa, 40. 6.
10 Because of thine indignation and
thy wrath : for thou hast lifted me vp,
and cast me downe,
B soule : and all that is within
me, blesse his holy Name,
2 Blesse the LORD, O
11 *My dayes are like a shadow, that my soule : & forget not all his benefits.
Jam. 1.10.
3 Who
Gods great mercie: Pfalmes. His power.
3 Who forgiueth all thine iniquities:
who healeth all thy diseases. PSAL. CIIII.
4 Who redeem eth thy life from de- A meditation vpon the mighty power, 7 and
truction: who crowneth thee with lo- wonderfull prouidence of God. 31 Gods
glory is eternall. 33 The Prophet voweth
uing kindnesse and tender mercies. perpetually to praise God.
5 Who satisfieth thy mouth with
rood things: so that thy youth is renew- Lesse the LORD, O my

d like the Eagles. soule, O LORD my God,
6 The LORD executeth righteous- thou art very great: thou
nesse : and iudgement for all that are b art clothed with honour
oppressed. and maiestie.
7 He made knowen his wayes vn- # Who couerest thy selfe with light,
to Moses: his actes vnto the children of as ivith a garment: who stretchest out
srael. the heauens like a.curtaine.
* Exod. 34. 8 * The L O R D is mercifull and 3 Who layeth the beames of his
7. deut. 34.6
nnm. 14. 18 gracious: slow to anger, and tplente- chambers in the waters, who maketh
nehe. 9.' 17. ous in mercy. the cloudes his charet: who walketh
psal. 86. 15.
ier. 32. 18. 9 Hee will not alwayes chide : nei- vpon the wings of the wind.
t Heb. great ther will he keepe his anger for euer. 4 * Who maketh his Angels spirits : * Hcb. 1. 7.
10 Hee hath not dealt with vs after lis ministers a flaming fire.
our sinnes : nor rewarded vs according 5 tWho laid the foundations of the t ffebr. he
to our iniquities. earth : that it should not be remoued for hath foun-
ded the
t Heb. acce- 11 For tas the heauen is high aboue euer. tarth vpon
ding to the her bases.
height of the the earth : so great is his mercy toward 6 Thou coueredst it with the deepe
heauen. them that feare him. as with a garment: the waters stood a-
12 As farre as the East is from the xme the mountaines.
iVest: so farre hath hee remooued our 7 At thy rebuke they fled: at the
transgressions from vs. voice of thy thunder they hasted away.
13 Like as a father pitieth his chil- 8 || They go vp by the mountaines : 8 Or, the
Iren : so the L O R D pitieth them that mountaines
they goe downe by trie valleys vnto the ascend t the
*eare him. >lace which thou hast founded for them. sctntl.
valleys fie-
14 For he knoweth our frame : hee 9 Thou hast set a bound that they
remembreth that we are dust. may not passe oner : that they turne not
15 As for man, his dayes are as againe to couer the earth.
jrasse: as a flower of the field, so he flou- 10 tHe sendeth the springs into the t ffebr. who
risheth. valleys: which trunne among the hilles. sendeth.
16 For the winde passeth ouer it, and 11 They giue drinke to euery beast
t Heb. it is tit is gone; and the place thereof shall of the field: the wild asses t quench their t Heb. break
not. enow it no more. thirst.
17 But the mercy of the L O U D is 12 By them shall the foules of the
Vom euerlasting to euerlasting vpon lieauen haue their habitation : which
them that feare him: and his righteous- tsing among the branches. t Heb. give
nesse vnto childrens children : 13 He watereth the hilles from his a voyce.
* Deut. 7.9 18 *To such as keepe his couenant: chambers: the earth is satisfied with
and to those that remember his com- the fruit of thy workes.
mandements to doe them. 14 He causeth thegrasse to grow for
19 The L O R D hath prepared his the cattell, and herbe for the seruice oi
throne in the heauens : and his king- man : * that he may bring forth food out * Iosli.9.13
dome ruleth ouer all. of the earth :
20 Blesse the L O R D yee his An- 15 And wine that maketh glad the
t Heb. miffh gels, t that excell in strength, that do his heart of man, and toile to make his face t Hebr. to
fy in strength commandements : hearkening vnto to shine: and bread which strengthened make his
ffice shine
the voice of his word. mans heart. with oyle*
or more then
21 Blesse ye the LbHD all yee his 16 The trees of the L O R D are ful oyle.
hostes: ye ministers of his that doe his ofsappe: the cedars of Lebanon whicl
pleasure. he hath planted.
22 Blesse the L O R D all his works 17 Where the birds make their nests
in all places of his dominion: blesse the as for the Storke, the firre trees are hei
LORD, O my soule. house.
18 The
Gods wifedome, Pfalmes. and prouidence.
18 The hie hilles are a refuge for the dence ouer Abraham, 16 Otier loseph, 23
wilde goates : and the rockes for the Ouer lacob in Egypt, 26 Ouer Moses deli-
conies. uermffthe Israelites, 37 Ouer the Israelites
brought out of Egypt, fed in the wildernesse,
19 He appointed the moone for sea- and planted in Canaan.
sons; the sunne knoweth his going
downe. Giue *thankes vnto the *l. Chron.

o LORD, call vpon his name: 16.

SO Thou makest darknesse? and it is 8. Esay.
Wlehallthe night : wherein t all the beasts of the niake knowen his deeds a-
beasts there-
of doe tram* forrest doe creqpe forth. mong the people.
pie on the
21 The young lyons roare after 2 Sing vnto him; sing
their pray : and seeke their meate from Psalmes vnto him : talke yee of all his
God. wondrous workes.
£& The sunne ariseth, they gather 3 Glory yee in his holy name : let
themselues together : and lay them the heart of them reioyce, that seeke the
downe in their dennes. LORD.
23 Man goeth forth vnto his worke: 4 Seeke the L O R D , and his
and to his labour, vntill the euening. strength : seeke his face euermore.
24 O L O R D , how manifold are 5 Remember his maruellous
thy workes! in wisedome hast thou workes, that hee hath done : his won-
made them all : the earth is full of thy ders* and the iudgements of his mouth,
riches. 6 O yee seede of Abraham his ser-
25 So is this great and wide Sea, uant: yee children of lacob his chosen.
wherein are things creeping innume- 7 He is the LORD our God : his
rable : both small and great beasts. iudgements are in all the earth.
26 There goe the shippes; there is 8 He hath remembred his couenant
Wleb. for- that Leuiathan, whom thou hast tmade for euer: the word which he commanded
to play therein. to a thousand generations.
*Psal. 145. 27 * These waite all vpon thee : that
15. 9 * Which couenant he made with A- 2.*Gen. 17.
& 22. 16.
thou mayest giue them their meate in braham, and his oath vnto Isaac: 4nd 26. 3.
due season. 10 And confirmed the same vnto & 28. 13.
&35. 11.
28 That thou giuest them, they ga- lacob for a law : and to Israel for an Luc. 1. 7,73
Heb. 6. 17.
ther : thou openest thine hand, they are euerlasting couenant:
filled with good. 11 * Saying, Vnto thee will I giue *Gen. 13.
29 Thou hidest thy face, they are 15. & 15.
the land of Canaan : t the lot of your in- 10.
troubled, thou takest away their breath, heritance. t Heb. the
they die : and returne to their dust. 12 When they were but a few men in
30 Thou sendest forth thy spirit, number: yea very few, & strangers in it.
they are created : and thou renewest the 13 When they went from one nation
face of the earth. to another : from one kingdome to ano-
\Heb.shalbe. 31 The glory of the LORD t shall ther people.
endure for euer : the L O R D shall re- 14? He suffred no man to doe them
ioyce in his workes. wrong : yea he reproued kings for their
32 Hee looketh on the earth, and it sakes:
trembleth; he toucheth the hilles, and 15 Saying, Touch not mine anointed;
they smoke. and doe my Prophets no harme.
33 I will sing vnto the L O R D as 16 Moreouer hee called for a famine
long as I Hue : I will sing praise to my vpon the land: he brake the whole staffe
God, while I haue my being. of bread.
34 My meditation of him shalbe 17 Hee sent a man before them: *euen * Gen. 37.
sweete : I will be glad in the LORD. 28.
loseph, who was sold for a seruant.
35 Let the sinners be consumed out 18 * Whose feete they hurt with fet- * Gen. 39.
of the earth, and let the wicked bee no ters : the was layd in iron. t Heb. his
more : blesse thou the LORD, O my 19 Vntill the time that his word vnto yron.
soule came
soule. Praise yee the LORD. came: the word of the L O R D tried
20 * The king sent and loosed him : *14.Gen. 41.
P S A L . CV. euen the ruler of the people, and let him
1 An exhortation to praise God, and to seeke goe free. *Gen. 41.
out his workes. 7 The story of Gods proui- 21 * Hee made him lord of his house: 40.
Plagues of Egypt. Pfalmes. Confeffion of linnes.
t He br. pos< and ruler of all his t substance: with ioy : and his chosen with t glad- • Hebr. sin-
session. ging.
22 To binde his princes at his plea- nesse:
sure : and teach his Senatours wise- 44 * And gaue them the lands 6f the * iQSh. 13.
dome. heathen : and they inherited the labour 17.
deut. 6.
* Gene. 46. 23 * Israel also came into Egypt : of the people:
6. and lacob soiourned in the land of 45 That they might obsefue his
Ham. statutes, and keepe his Lawes. Praise
24 And hee increased his people ye the LORD.
greatly: and made them stronger then
their enemies. P S A L. CVI.
*Exod. 1.8 25 * He turned their heart to hate his 1 The Psalmist cxhorteth to praise God. 4 He
people : to deale subtilly with his ser- prayeth for pardon of sinne, as God did with
uants. the fathers. 7 The storie of the peoples re-
* Exod. 3. 26 * Hee sent Moses his seruant: arid bellion, and Gods mercie. 4-7 Hee conclu-
10. deth with prayer, and praise*
Aaron whom he had chosen.
» Exod. 7. 21 *They shewed his tsignes a- t Raise ye the LORD. leluiah.
IHeb. Hal-

t Heb. words mong them : and wonders in the land O * giue thankes vnto * Psal. 107.
of his signes. of Ham. the LORD, for he is and 1. 118. 1.
136. 1.
* Exod. 10. 28 * Hee sent darknesse, and made it good : for his mercie
darke : and they rebelled not against his endureth for euer.
word. 9. * Who can vtter 21. * ludg. 13.
* Exod. 7.
29 * Hee turned their waters into the mighty acts of the
blood : and slew their fish. L O R D ? who can shew foorth all his
* Exod. 8.6. 30 * The land brought foorth frogs praise ?
in abundance : in the chambers of their 3 Blessed are they that keepe Judge-
kings. ment : and he that doeth righteousnesse
* Exod. 8.
17. and 24.
31 * He spake, and there came diuers at all times.
sorts of flies : and lice in all their coasts. 4 Remember me, O LORD, with
* Exod. 9.
32 * t Hee gaue them haile for raine: thefauour that thou bearest vnto thy peo-
t Heir, he and flaming fire in their laud. ple : O visite me with thy saluation:
gaue their
raine, haile.
33 Hee smote their Vines also, and 5 That I may see the good of thy
their figge trees: and brake the trees of chosen, that I may reioyce in the glad-
their coastes. nesse of thy nation : that I may glory
* Exod. 10. -34 *He spake, and the locusts came: with thine inheritance.
4. and catterpillers, and that without 6 *Wee haue sinned with our fa- 19. * ludg. 7.
number, thers : we haue committed iniquitie, we
35 And did eate vp all the herbes in haue done wickedly.
their land : and deuoured the fruite of 7 Our fathers vndefstood not thy
their ground. wonders in Egypt, they remembred
"Exod, 12. 36•'* Hee smote also all the first borne not the multitude of thy mercies : *but *Exod. U.
29. in their land : the chiefe of all their prouoked him at the sea , euen at the 11,12,21.
strength. Red-sea.
* Exod. 12, 37 *Hee brought them foorth also 8 Neuerthelesse hee saued them for
with siluer and gold : and there was not his Names sake : that hee might make
one feeble person among their tribes. his mighty po^wer to be knowen.
* Exod. 12. 38 * Egypt was glad when they de- 9 He rebuked the Red sea also, and it
33. was dried vp: so hee led them through
parted : for the feare of them fell vpon
them. the depthes, as through the wildernes.
* Exod. 13. 39 * He spread a cloud for a couering: 10 And he saued them from the hand
21. of him that hated them : and redeemed *Exod. 14.
and fire to giue light in the night. 27. and 15.
* Exod. 1C. 40 * The people asked, and he brought them from the hand of the enemie. 5.
12. 11 *And the waters couered their e- 31.
quailes : and satisfied them with the »Exod. 14.
& 15. 1.
bread of heauen. nemies : there was not one of them left. *Exod. 15.
* Exod. 17. 41 * He opened the rocke, arid the wa- 12. * Then beleeued they his words : 14. & 17. 2.
t Heb. they
6. num. 20.
II. 1. cor. ters gushed out : they ranne in the dry they sang his praise. made haste,
10. 4.. places like a riuer. 13 *tThey soone forgateliis works : theyforgate.
*Exod. 17.
42 For he remembred his holy pro- they waited not for his counsell : 2. l. cor. 10.
mise : and Abraham his seruant. li *But t lusted exceedingly in thet Heb. lusted
43 Aiid he brought forth his people wildernes: & tempted God in the desert. a Lust.
15* And
|Ifraels rebellion, Pfalmes. and idolatrie.
* Num. 11. 15 * And he gaue them their request: heathen, and learned their workes.
but sent leannesse into their soule. 36 And they serued their idoles :
*Num. 16. 16 * They enuied Moses also in the which were a snare vnto them.
campe: and Aaron the Saint of the 37 Yea they sacrificed their sonnes,
LORD. and their daughters vnto deuils,
* Numb. 16 17 *The earth opened and swallow- 38 And shed innocent blood, euen the
31. deut.
11.6. ed vp Dathan t and couered the com- blood of their sons and of their daugh-
pany of Abiram. ters, whome they sacrificed vnto the
* Num. 16. 18 * And a fire was kindled in their idoles of Canaan : and the land was
35. and 46.
company : the flame burnt, vp the wic- polluted with blood.
ked. 39 Thus were they defiled with their
* Exa 32. 4 1 9 * They made a calfe in Horeb : and owne works : and went a whoring
worshipped the molten image. with their owne inufentions.
20 Thus they changed their glory, 40 Therefore was the wrath of the
into the similitude of an oxe that eateth LORD kindled against his people : in-
grasse. somuch that he abhorred his owne in-
21 They forgate God their Sauiour : heritance.
which had done great things in Egypt : 41 And he gaue them into the hand
82 Wonderous workes in the laride of the heathen : and they that hated
of Ham : and terrible things by the red them, ruled ouer them.
Sea. 42 Their enemies also oppressed
* Exod. 33.
23 * Therefore he said that he would them : and they were brought into sub-
destroy them , had not Moses his cho- iection vnder their hand.
sen stood before him in the breach : to 43 *Many times did he deliuer them: * Tudg. 2.
turne away his wrath, lest hee should but they prouoked him with their coun- 16.
destroy them. sell, and were || brought low for their 1 Or> impo-
uerisliea^ or
t Hebr. a
land of de-
24 Yea, they despised tthe pleasant iniquitie. weakened.
sire. land : they beleeued not his word : 44 Neuertheles he regarded their
* Num. 14. 25 * But murmured in their tents : affliction : when he heard their crie.
an'd hearkened not vnto the voyce of the 45 * Arid hee remembred for them * Deu. 30. 2
LORD. his couefiant: and repented according
26 Therefore he lifted vp his hande to the multitude of his mercies.
against them : to ouerthrow them in the 46 He made them also to be pitied,
wildernesse : of all those that caried them captiues.
t Heb. to
make them
27 tTo ouerthrow their seed also 47 Saue vs, O L O R D our God,
fall. among the nations, and to scatter them and gather vs from among the heathen
in the lands. to giue thankes vnto thy holy Name:
* Num. 25, 28 * They ioyned thontigelues also and to triumph in thy praise.
vnto Baal-Peor: and ate the sacrifices 48 Blessed bee the LORD God of
of the dead. Israel from euerlasting to euerlasting :
29 Thus they protfoked him to anger and let all the people say, Amen. Praise
with their inuentions : and the plague ye the LORD.
brake in vpon them.
* Num. 25. 30 * Then stood vp Phinehas , and
executed iudgement: and so the plague
was, stayed. 1 ThePsalmistfeXhorteth the redeemed, itt prai-
31 And that was couiited vnto him sing God, to obserue his manifold prouidence
4 Ouer trauailers, 10 ouer captiues, 17 ouer
for righteousnesse : vnto all generati- sicke men, 23 ouer Sea men> 33 and in diuers
ons for euermore. varieties of life.
* Num. 20. 32 *They aiigred him also at the wa-
ters of strife : so that it went ill with g^JgMfJ^ * Giue thankes vnto the * Psa. 106. 1

o fP/|§Pp\W LORD , for hee is good : &36.118. 1. &

Moses for their sakes : 1.
33 Because they prouoked his spirit: K y^llP^ K f°r his mercie endureth for
so that hee spake vnaduisedly with his EUER.
lippes. ^PS^S^H £ Let the redeemed of
* Deut. 7. l. 34 * They did not destroy the nati- the LOUD say so : whome he hath re-
ons, concerning whom the LORD deemed from the hand of the enemie :
commanded them : 3 And gathered them out of the
* ludg. 1. 21 35 * But were mingled among the lands, from the East and from the
West :
Gods prefent Pfalmes. helpe in trouble.
t Heb. from West : from the North and tfrora the ces of thankesgiuing : and declare his
(he sea.
South. workes with treioycing. t Beb. sin.
4 They wandred in the wildernes, v23 They that goe downe to the sea eing.
in a solitary way : they found no citie to in shippes : that doe businesse in great
dwell in. waters :
5 HungrV and thirstie : their soule 24 These see the workes of the
fainted in them. LORD : and his wonders in the
6 Then they cryed vnto the LORD deepe.
in their trouble : and he deliuered them 25 For he commandeth, and traiseth t ffeb. fna-
out of their distresses. the stormy winde : which lifteth vp the ketbfastand.
7 And hee led them forth by the wanes thereof.
right way : that they might goe to a ci- 26 They mount vp to the heauen:
tie of habitation. they goe downe againe to the depthes :
8 Oh that men would praise the their soule is melted because of trouble.
LORD, for his goodnesse : and for his 27 They reele to and fro , and stag-
wonderfull workes to the children of ger like a drunken man; and tare at t Heb. all
their wise-
men. their wits end. dome is swal-
9 For he satisfieth the longing soule : 28 Then they cry vnto the LORD lowed vp.
and filleth the hungry soule with good- in their trouble : and hee bringeth them
nesse. out of their distresses.
10 Such as sit in darknesse and in the 29 He maketh the storme a cahne : so
shadowe of death : being bound in affli- that the waues thereof are still.
ction and yron : 30 Then are they glad, because they
11 Because they rebelled against the be quiet : so he bringeth them vnto their
words of God : and contemned the desired hauen.
counsel! of the most high : 31 Oh that men would praise the
12 Therefore hee brought downe L O R D for his goodnesse; and for his
their heart with labour : they fel downe. wonderfull workes to the children of
and t^ere was none to helpe. men:
13 Then they cryed vnto the LORD 32 Let them exalt him also in the
in their trouble : and he saued them out congregation of the people , and praise
of their distresses. him in the assembly of the Elders.
14 Hee brought them out of darke- 33 Hee turneth riuers into a wilder-
nesse , and the shadowe of death : and nesse : and the water springs into dry
brake their bands in sunder. ground :
15 Oh that men would praise the 34 A fruitfull land into tbarren- t Heb. salt-
LORD for his goodnesse : and for his nesse; for the wickednesse of them that nesse.
wonderfull workes to the children of dwell therein.
men. 35 * He turneth the wildernesse into * Isa. 41.
16 For he hath broken the gates of a standing water : and dry ground into 18.
brasse : and cut the barres of yron in water-springs.
sunder. 36 And there he maketh the hungry
17 Fooles, because of their trans- to dwell ; that they may prepare a citie
gression, and because of their iniquities, for habitation,
are afflicted. 37 And sowe the fields , and plant
* lob. 33. 18 * Their soule abhorreth all man- vineyards; which may yeeld fruits of
20. increase.
ner of meate : and they drawe neere vn-
to the gates of death. 38 He blesseth them also, so that they
19 Then they crie vnto the LORD are multiplied greatly: and suffreth not
in their trouble : he saueth them out of their cattell to decrease.
their distresses. 39 Againe, they are minished and
20 Hee sent his word, and healed brought lowe through oppression, affli-
them : and deliuered them from their ction and sorrow.
destructions. 40 *Hee powreth contempt vpon * lob. 12.
21 Oh that men would praise the princes : and causeth them to wander in 21.
LORD for his goodnesse : and for his the || wildernesse, where there is no way. 1itaGG*
wonderfull workes , to the children of 41 * Yet setteth he the poore on high * 1. Sam. 2.
men. (from affliction : and maketh him fami- 8.r . Xrpsal. 113.
<x no. VAT
22 And let them sacrifice the sacrifi- lies like a flobke. 1 Or, after.
42 *The
Gods great mercie. Pfalmes. Dauids prayers.
* lob 22. 4$ * The righteous shall see itj and IF To the chiefe Musician, A
19; and 5.
16. reioyce; and all iniquitie shall stop her Psalme of Dauid.
mouth. Old not thy peace, O God
43 Who so is wise, and will ob-
serue those things ; euen they shall vn-
derstand the louing kindenesse of the
h v m °^my praise.
§ IkAid || ^ ^or tne m<>uth of tn^
t #*&»-.
\ PS£§frH wicked, and thetmouth of mouth
the deceitfull tare opened ceit. of de-
against mee : they haue spoken against op£?urc?them- t Hebr. liaue
me with a lying tongue. selues.
P S A L . CVIII. 3 They compassed mee about also
1 Datiid ificourageth hiinselfe to praise <Jdd. with wordes of hatred : and fought a-
5 Hee prayetn for Gods ^assistance ac-
cording to his promise. 11 IJis confidence gainst me without a cause.
in Gods helpe. 4 For my loue , they are my aduer-
saries : but I giue my selfe vnto prayer.
1T A sofig or Psalme of Dauid. 5 And they haue rewarded me euill
rf^^^s^^Aj] God , my heart is nxed : for good : and hatred for my loue.

I will sing & giue praise, 6 Set thou a wicked man ouer
euen with my glory. him : and let j| Satan stand at his right B Or, ahdd-
2 Awake psaltery and hand.
jfifejBgJIlll harpe : I my selfe will a~ 7 When he shall be iudged , let him
wake early. be t condeftmed : and let his prayer be- '• Hebr. goe
out guiltie^
3 I will praise thee, O LORD, a- come sinne. or wicked.
mong the people: and I wil sing praises 8 * Let his dayes be few : and let an- * Act 1.20.
vnto thee among the nations. other take his || office. II Or, charge.
4? For thy mercy is great aboue the 9 L^t his children bee fatherlesse:
heauens : and thy trueth reacheth vnto and his wife a widow.
II Or, skies. the || clouds. 10 Let his children bee continually
* PsaL 60, 7. 5 *Be thou exalted, O God, aboue vagabonds, &begge: let them seeke their
the heauens : and thy glory aboue all bread also out of their desolate places.
the earth : 11 Let the extortioner catch all that
6 That thy beloued may bee deliiie- he hath : and let the strangers spoile his
red : saue with thy right hand, and an- labour.
swere me. 12 Let there be none to extend mer-
7 God hath spoken in his holinesse, cy vnto him : neither let there be any to
I wil reioyce, I wil diuide Shechem : fauour his fatherlesse children.
and mete out the valley of Succoth. 13 Let his posteritie be cut off: and in
8 Gilead is mine, Manasseh is mine, the generation folowing let their name
Ephraim also is the strength of mine be blotted out.
head .: ludah is my Lawgiuer. 14 Let the iniquitie of his fathers be
9 Moab is my wash-pot, ouer Edom remembred with the L O R D : and let
wil I cast out my shooe: ouer Philistia not the sinne of his mother be blotted
will I triumph. out.
10 Who wil bring me into the strong. 15 Let them be before the LORD
citie ? who will leade me into Edom ? continually : that he may cut off the me-
11 Wilt not thou, O God, who hast mory of them from the earth.
cast vs off? and wilt not thou, O God, 16 Because that he remembred not
goe foorth with our hostes ? to shew mercy, but persecuted the poore
12 Giue vs helpe from trouble : for and needy man : that he might euen slay
vaine is the helpe of man. the broken in heart.
13 Through God wee shall doe vali- 17 As he loued cursing, so let it come
antly: for hee it is that shall tread downe vnto him: as hee delighted not nobles-
our enemies. sing, so let it be farre from him.
18 As he clothed himselfe with cur-
sing like as with his garment : so let it
P S A L . CIX, come into this bowels like water, and in t Heb. with.
1 Dauid complayning of his slanderous ene- like oyle into his bones.
mies, vnder the person of ludas deuoteth 1 9 Let it be vnto him as the garment
them. 16 He sheweth their sinne. 21 Com- which couereth him : and for a girdle
playning of his owne misery, hee prayeth for
helpe. 29 He promiseth thankfulnesse. wherewith he is girded continually.
SO Let
thrifts Priefthood. Pfalmes. True wifedome.
20 Let this be the reward of mine le shal fil the places with the dead bodies:
aduersaries from the L O R D : and of le shall wound the heads ouer ||many i Or, great.
hem that speake euill against my soule. countries.
21 But do thou for me, O GOD the 7 He shall drinke of the brooke in
Lord, for thy Names sake : because thy he way : therefore shall hee lift vp the
mercie is good : deliuer thou me. lead.
22 For I am poore and needie : and
ny heart is wounded within me. P SAL. CXI.
23 I am gone like the shadow, when 1 The Psalhiist by his example inciteth others to
t declineth : I am tossed vp and downe praise God, for his glorious, 5 And gracious
workes. 10 The feare of God breedeth
is the locust. true wisedon-\o
24 My knees are weake through fa-
sting : and my flesh faileth of fatnesse. tKaise yee the LORD. t Heb. Hal.

25 I became also a reproch vnto I will praise the LORD luiah.
them : when they looked vpon me, they with my whole heart : in
shaked their heads. the assembly of the vp-
26 Helpe me, O LORD my God: right, and in the Congre-
O saue me according to thy mercie. gation.
27 That they may know, that this 2 The workes of the L O R D are
is thy hand : that thou, L O R D , hast great : sought out of all them that haue
done it. Jeasure therein.
28 Let them curse, but blesse thou : 3 His worke is honourable and glo-
when they arise, let them be ashamed, rious : and his righteousnesse endureth
nit let thy seruant reioyce. or euer.
29 Let mine aduersaries be clothed 4 Hee hath made his wonderfull
with shame : and let them couer them works to be remembred : the LORD
selues with their owne confusion , as is gracious, and full of compassion.
with a mantle. 5 He hath giuen tineate vnto them t Heb, pray.
30 I will greatly praise the L O R D that feare him : he will euer be mindful
with my mouth : yea I, will praise him of his couenant.
among the multitude.* 6 He hath shewed his people the
31 For he shal stand at the right hanc 5ower of his workes : that h"e may giue
\ Heb.froto of the poore : to saue him tfrom those ;hem the heritage of the heathen.
the iudges
of his soule. that condemne his soule. 7 The works of his hands are ve-
ritie and iudgment : all his commande-
P S A L. CX. ments are sure.
1 The Kingdome, 4 The Priesthood, 5 The 8 They t stand fast for euer and euer: t Heb. are
conquest, 7 And the passion of Christ and are done in trueth and vprightnes. stablished.
9 He sent redemption vnto his peo
If A Psalme of Dauid. pie, hee hath commanded his couenan
* Mafo 22. HE * LORD said vnto mv PLOT euer . liuLy aim icucicuu 15 in
1*» n«i*3 v.rti-1 «. A * Vt*

44. mar. 12.
36. luk'. 20. ||i|vLord, Sit thou at my Name.
42. acts 2. right hand : vntil 1 make 10 *The feare of the LORD is the * lob. 28. 28
34. 1 ' Cor
15. 25, heb.
1. 13.
thine enemies thy foote- beginning of wisedome, ||a good vnder pro.9. 10.
1. 7. &
STOOLE. standing haue all they t that doe his com eccles. 1. 16
2 The L O R D shall send the rod II Or, good
managements : his praise endureth for euer sttecesse.
of thy strength out of Zion : rule thou t Heb. that
doe them.
in the midst of thine enemies,
3 Thy people shalbe willing in the P S A L . CXII.
day of thy power , in the beauties o: 1 Godlinesse hath the promises of this life,
B 0r, more holinesse [|from the wombe of the mor- And of the life to come. 10 The prosperiti
then the of the godly, shalbe an eye-sore to the wickec
wombeo/the ning: thou hast the dew of thy youth.
morning: 4 *The L O R D hath sworne, am
thou shalt t Raise ye the LORD t Heb. Hal-

haue, Sfc. will not repent, thou art a Priest for Blessed is the man tha leluiah.
•Heb.- 5. 6. euer : after the order of Melchizedek. feareth the LORD
and 7. 17.
5 The Lord at thy right hand shal that delighteth greatly
strike through kings in the day of his in his Commaunde
wrath. ments.
6 He shal iudge among the heathen, 2 His seed shall bee rhightie vpo
A good man. PfaJmes. Gods prefence.
arth : the generation of the vpright P S A L . CXIIII.
halbe blessed.
An exhortation by the example of the dumbe
3 'Wealth and riches shalbe in his creatures, to feare God in his Church.
louse: and his righteousnesse endureth
or euer. *Hen Israel went out of 3. Exod.

4 Vnto the vpright there ariseth Egypt, the house of la-
ight in the darknesse : hee is gracious, cob from a people of
nd full of compassion, and righteous. strange language:
5 A good man sheweth fauour and £ ludah was his san-
endeth: he will guide his affaires with ctuarie : and Israel his dominion.
Heb.iudge- • discretion. Exod. 14.
3 *The sea sawe it, and fled : lordan . losh.
ment. 3.
6 Surely he shall not be moued for was driuen backe. 13.
uer: the righteous shalbe in euerlasting 4 The mountaines skipped like
emembrance. rammes ; and the little hilles like
7 He shall not be afraid of euill ti- ambes.
ings,: his heart is fixed, trusting in the 5 What ailed thee , Q thou sea, that
-ORD. lou fleddest? thou lordan, that thou
8 His heart is established, hee shall wast driuen backe ?
not be afraid, vn till he seeAis desire vipon 6 Yee mountaines, that yee skipped
lis enemies. ike rammes: and yee little hilles like
* 2. Cor,
9 * He hath dispersed, he hath giuen ambes ?
to the poore : his righteousnesse endu- 7 Tremble thou earth at the pre-
reth for euer ;xhis home shalbe exalted sence of the Lord ; at the presence of the
with honour. God of lacob:
10 The wicked shall see it, and be 8 * Which turned the rocke into a 7.Exod. 6. Num.
jrieued; he shall gnash with his.teeth, standing water ; the flint into a foun- 0.11*
and melt away ; the desire of the wicked taine of waters.
shall perish.
P S A L . CXV.
P S A L . CXIII. 1 Because God is truly glorious, 4 and Idols
1 An exhortation to praise God for his excel- are vanity, 9 He exnorteth to confidence in
lencie, 6 for his Mercy. God. 12 God is to be blessed for his blessings

Web. Halle- t Raise yee the LORD. Ot vnto vs, O LORD,

Praise, Oyeeseruants of the not vnto vs,but vnto thy
LORD ; praise the name oi name giue glory ; for thy
the LORD. mercy, and (OT thy truthes
* Dan. 2,
2 * Blessed be the name sake.
of the L O R D * from this time forth % * Wherefore should the heathen Psal. 42.
0. & 79.
and for euermore. say : Where is now their God ? 10.
•Mai. 1.11. 3 * From the rising of the sunne vnto 3 * But our God is in the heauens : * PsaL 135.6
;he going downe of the same i the le hath done whatsoeuer he pleased.
L O R D S name is to be praised. 4? * Their idoles are siluer and gold: *Psal.
4 The L O R D is high aboue al the worke of mens hands.
nations ; and his glory aboue the hea- 5 They haue mouths, but they speake
uens. not; eies haue they, but they see not.
5 Who is like vnto the L O R D our 6 They haue eares, but they heare
t Heb. exal- God : who tdwelleth on high ; not: noses haue they, but they smell not
teth himselfe
to dwell* 6 Who humbleth himselfe to beholc 7 They haue hands, but they handl
the things that are in heauen, and in the not, feete haue they, but they walke not
earth ? neither speake they through thei
* I.Sam, 7 * He raiseth vp the poore out of the throat.
2. 8, psal.
IQ7,.4.1. dust : and lifteth the needie out of the 8 They that make them are like vn
dung-hill: to them : so is euery one that trusteth i
8 That he may set him with princes : them.
euen with the princes of his people* 9 O Israel, trust thou in the LORD
r Ifeb. to 9 He maketh the barren woman t to he is their helpe and their shield.
dwell in an
house. keepe house; to be a ioyfull mother o 10 O house of Aaron, trust in th
children : Praise yee the L O R D . Lo R D : he is their helpe & their shielc
11 Ye
jrods mercie. Pfalmes. The Saints death.
11 Ye that feare the L O R D trust in 131 will take the cup of saluation :
the LORD : he is their helpe and their and call vpon the Name of the LORD.
shield. 14 I will pay my vowes vnto the
12 The L O R D hath bene mindfull L O R D : now in the presence of all his
of vs, he will blesse vs> he will blesse the people.
louse of Israel : he will blesse the house 15 Precious in jf sight of the LORD :
of Aaron. is the death of his Saints.
13 Hee will blesse them that feare the 16 Oh LORD, truely I am thy ser-
•Hebr.with. LOAD : ^both small and great. uant, I am thy seruant, and the sonne of
14 The L O R D shall increase you thy handmayde : thou hast loosed my
more and more : you and your children. bonds.
15 You are blessed of the L O R D : 17 I will offer to thee the sacrifice of
which made heauen and earth. thankes-giuing: and will call vpon the
16 The heauen, euen the heauens are Name of the LOR p.
the LORDS: but the earth hath hee 18 I will pay my vowes vnto the
giuen to the children of men. L O R D : now in the presence of all his
17 The dead praise not the L O R D : people :
neither any that go downe into silence. 19 In the Courts of the LORDS
* Dan. *. 20. 18 *But we will blesse the L O R D , house, in the middes of thee, O leru-
from this time foorth and for euermore. salem. Praise ye the LORD.
Praise the LORD.
P S A L . CXVI. An exhortation to praise God for his mercie
1 The Psalmist professeth his loue and duetie and trueth.
to God, for his deliuerance. 12 Hee studi-
eth to be thankfull. Praise the LORD, all ye *11 Rom.

nations : praise him all ye
Loue the L O R D : be- peopkle.

I ause ^ee ^th heard my

v°ice> 4" my supplications.
2 For his merciful kind-
nesse is great toward vs :
2 Because hee hath in- and the trueth of the L O R D endureth
clined his eare vnto mee : for euer. Praise ye the LORD.
t Hebr. in therefore will I call vpon him tas long
my dayes. ac T linp

* Psal. is. 3 *The sorrowes of death compas- P S A L . CXVIII.

5. 6. 1 An exhortation to praise God for his mercie.
4-\ fieuT,
rf*h* sed me, and the paines of hell t gate hold
found me. vpon me : I found trouble and sorrow. 5 The Psalmist by his experience sheweth
how good it is to trust in God. 19 Vnder
4 Then called I vpon the Name the type of the Psalmist, the comming oi
of the L O R D : O LORD, I beseech Christ in his kingdome is expressed.
thee deliuer my soule.
5 Gracious is the L O R D , and * Giue thankes vnto i.* Psal. 106.

and 107.
righteous : yea our God is mercifull. c e
^00 L:O R D , for hee is i.1. chron.
& 136. 1.
6 The L O R D preserueth the & ^ because his mer-7.
simple : I was brought low, and hee cie endureth for euer.
helped me. 2 Let Isreal now
7 Returne vnto thy rest , O my say : that his mercy en-
soule : for the L O R D hath dealt boun- dureth for euer.
tifully with thee. 3 Let the house of Aaron now say :
8 For thou hast deliuered my soule that his mercy endureth for euer.
from death, mine eyes from teares, and 4 Let them now that feare the
my feete from falling. L O R D , say : that his mercy endureth
9 I wil walke before the L O R D : for euer.
in the land of the liuing. 5 I called vpon the LORD tin di- ofdistf&sse.
* 2. Cor. 4. 10*1 beleeued, therfore haue I spo- stresse : the L O R D answered me, ana
ken : I was greatly afflicted. set me in a large place.
* Rom. 3. 4 11 I said in my haste : *AU men are 6 *The LORD is t o n . my side, I psal.*Heb. 13. 6.
56. 4
lyers. will not feare : What can man doe vn- 11.
12 What shall I render vnto the to mee ? \Hebr.for
L O R D : far all his benefits towards 7 The LORD taketh my part
mee? with them that helpe me : therfore shall
I see
The corner ftone. Pfalmes. Who are blefled.
I see my desire vpon them that hate me. 28 Thou art my God, and I will
8 It is better to trust in the LORD : praise thee : thou art my God, I will ex-
then to put confidence in man. alt thee.
*PsaLi46 9 * It is better to trust in the LORD : 29 O giue thanks vnto the LORD,
then to put confidence in Princes. for he is good : for his mercy endureth for
10 All nations compassed me about : euer.
but in the Name of the LORD, will
iHebr. cut I t destroy them. P S A L . GXIX.
thorn oj/t
11 They compassed mee about, yea This Fsalme conteineth sundry pray era, praises,
they compassed mee about : but in the and professions of obedience.
Name of the L O R D > I will destroy ALEPH.
them. Lessed are the || vnde- II Or, perfect,

B m filed in the way : who or sincere.

12 They compassed mee about like
Bees, they are quenched as the fire oi Ssl SiiPol walke *n the Law of
thornes : for in the Name of the LORD HI llPJllI the LORD.
t Hebr. cut I wil t destroy them; 2 Blessed are they
13 Thou hast thrust sore at mee thai that keepe his testimo-
I might fall : but the LORD helpec nies ; and that seeke him
mee. with the whole heart.
*Exod. 15, 14 *The LORD is my strength an<5 3 They also doe no iniquitie ; they
2. isa. 12. S.
song : and is become my saluation. walke in his wayes.
15 The voice of reioycing and salua- 4 Thou hast commaunded vs to
tion is in the tabernacles of the righte- keepe thy precepts diligently.
ous : the Right hand of the LORD 5 O that my wayes were directed
doeth valiantly. to keepe thy statutes !
16 The Right hand of the LORD , 6 Then shall I not bee ashamed :
is exalted : the Right hand of the when I haue respect vnto all thy com-
LORD doeth valiantly. mandiments.
17 I shall not die, but Hue : and de- 7 I will praise thee with vpright-
clare the workes of the LORD. nesse of heart : when I shall haue lear-
18 The LORD hath chastened me ned tthy righteous iudgements. \Hebr.iudg-
sore : but he hath not giuen me ouer vn- ments of thy
8 I will keepe thy stages : O for- righteous-
to death. sake me not vtterly. nesse.
19 Open to mee the gates of righte- BETH.
ousnesse ; I will goe into them, and I 9 erewithall shall a yong
will praise the LORD :
20 This gate of the L O R D : into
man cleanse his way ? by
taking heede thereto accor-
which the righteous shall enter. ding to thy word.
#1 I will praise thee , for thou hast
10 With my whole heart haue I
beard mee : and art become my sajua-
sought thee : O let me not wander from
tion. thy Commandements.
*Mat.2i.42 22 * The stone which the builders re-
11 Thy word haue 1 hidde in mine
mar. 12. 10.
uk. 20. 17. fused : is become the head stone of the heart : that I might not sinne against
. pet. 2. 4. corner.
cts 4. 11.
Heb. this 23 tThis is the LORDS doing : it 12 Blessed art thouy O LORD :
is from the is marueilous in our eyes.
LORD. teach me thy statutes.
24? This is the day which the LORD 13 With my lips haue I declared all
lath made ; we jri&reioyce, and be glad
the iudgements of thy mouth.
n it. 141 haue reioy ced in the way of thy
25 Saue now , I beseech thee , O testimonies ; as much as in all riches.
L O R D : O LORD, I beseech thee, 15 I will meditate in thy precepts :
send now and haue respect vflto thy wayes.
Mat. 21. 9. 26 * Blessed, be -he that commeth in
16 I will delight my selfe in thy sta-
he Najne of fthe LORD : wee haue tutes : I will not forget thy word.
Jessed you out of the house of the
27 God is the LORD, which hath 17 ale bountifully with thy ser-
hewed vs light, bind the sacrifice with D
ant , that I may Hue , and
cords : euenvnto the horns of the Altar. keepe thy word.
18 tOpen
Dauids meditations. Pfalmes. Gods promife.
iHeb. re. , 18 tOpen thou mine eyes, that I uant : who is denoted ta thy feare.
may behold wonderous things out of 39 Turne away my reproch which
thy Law. [ feare : for thy iudgements are good.
*Gen. 47. 9; 19 * I am a stranger in the earth : hide
1. chio. 29. !
40 Behold, I haue longed after thy
15. peal. 39. ' nipt thy commandements from me. precepts : quicken me in thy righteous-
I2.he.b. 11. 20 My soule breaketh for the long- nesse.
ing : that it hath vnto thy iudgements at VAV.
all times. 41 Et thy mercies come also vnto
21 Thou hast rebuked the proud that
are cursed : which doe erre from thy
L me, O LORD : euen thy sal-
uation, according to thy word.
Coixunandements. 42 || So shall I haue wherewith Ort so shall
22 Reixiooue from me reproch and to answere him that reprocheth me : for 'imanswere
that re-
contempt : for I haue kept thy testimo- I trust in thy word. roueth me
n a thing:
nies. 43 And take not the word of trueth
23 Princes also did sit and speake a- vtterly out of my mouth : for I haue
gainst me : but thy seruant did meditate hoped in thy iudgements.
in thy statutes. 44 So shall I keepe thy Law con-
24 Thy testimonies also are my de- tinually : for euer and euer.
t Heb. men light : and t my counselors.
of my coun- V j
45 And I wil walke tat libertie : for Hebr. at
cil. I seeke thy precepts.
DALETH. 46 I will speake of thy testimonies
25 Y soule cleaueth vnto the also before kings, & wil not be ashamed.
M dust : quicken thou mee accor
ding to thy word.
47 And I will delight my selfe in
thy commandements, which I haue
26 I haue declared my wayes, and loued.
*Psal. 25.4. thou hearclest me : * teach me thy Sta- 48 My hands also will I lift vp vn-
and 27. 11. to thy commandements, which I haue
and 86. 11. tutes.
27 Make me to vnderstand the way loued : and I will meditate in thy sta-
of thy precepts : so shall I talke of thy tutes.
wonderous workes. ZAIN.
* Heb. drop- 28 My soule tmelteth for heauines : 49 Emember the word vnto thy
strengthen thou me according vnto thy R ruant • vpon which thou
hast caused me to hope.
29 Remoue from mee the way of ly- 50 This is my comfort in my afflicti-
ing : and grant me thy Law graciously. on . for thy word hath quickened me.
30 I haue chosen the way of trueth : 51 The proud haue had mee greatly
thy iudgements haue I laid before me. in derision : yet haue I not declinec
31 I haue stucke vnto thy Testimo- from thy Law.
nies: O LORD put me not to sjiame. 52 I remembred thy iudgements o^
32 I will runne the way of thy old, O LORD » and haue comforted
Commandements : when thou shalt my selfe.
enlarge my heart. 53 Horrour hath taken holde vpon
me, because of the wicked that forsake
HE* thy Law.
33 ach me, O L O R D , the 54 Thy statutes haue bin my songs
Tway of thy Statutes 5 and
I shall keepe it vnto the end.
in the house of my pilgrimage.
55 I haue remembred thy name, O
34 Giue me vnderstanding , and ] LORD, in the night, and haue kept thy
shall keepe thy Law r yea I shall ob- Law.
serue it with my whole heart. 56 This I had : because I kept thy
35 Make me to goe in the path of thy precepts.
commandements : for therein doe I CHETH.
delight. 57 Hou art my portion , C
36 Incline my heart vnto thy testi- T ORD, I haue said, tha
I would keepe thy words.
monies : and not to couetousnesse.
t Heb. make 37 tTume atray mine eyes from 58 I intreated thy t fauour with my t Heb. face.
to passe.
beholding vanitie : and quicken thou me whole heart : be mercifull vnto mee ac
in thy way. cording to thy word.
38 Stablish thy word vnto thy ser- 59 I thought on my wayes : anc
Dauids delight Pfalmes. in Gods law.
turned my feete vnto thy Testimonies. vnto me : and those that haue knowen
60 I made haste, and delayed not to thy testimonies.
keepe thy commandements. 80 Let my heart be sound in thy sta-
II Or compa- 61 The [[bands of the wicked haue tutes ; that I be not ashamed.
robbed me : but I haue not forgotten CAPH.
thy lawe.
62 At mid-night I will rise to giue
thankes vnto thee : because of thy righ-
M Y soule fainteth for thy salua-
on : but I hope in thy word.
Mine eyes faile for thy
teous Judgements.
63 I aw a companion of all them word : saying, When wilt thou comfort
that feare thee : and of them that keepe me?
thy precepts. 83 For I am become like a bottle in
64 The earth, O LORD, is full of the smoke : yet doe I not forget thy
thy mercy : teach me thy statutes. statutes.
84 How many are the dayes of thy
TETH. seruant ? when wilt thou execute iudge-
65 ou hast dealt well with thy ment on them that persecute me ?
T feruant, Oh L O R D ; accor- 85 The proud haue digged pittes for
ding vnto thy word. me : which are not after thy law.
66 Teach me good iudgement and 86 All thy commaundements are
knowledge : for I haue beleeued thy tfaithfull : they persecute me wrongful-fulnesse.
t Heb. faith-
commandements. ly ; helpe thou me.
67 Before I was afflicted , I went 87 They had almost consumed mee
astray : but now haue I kept thy word. vpon earth : but I forsooke not thy
68 Thou art good, and doest good; precepts.
teach me thy statutes. 88 Quicken mee after thy louing
69 The proud haue forged a lie a- kindnesse : so shall I keepe the testimo-
gainst me : but I will keepe thy precepts nie of thy mouth.
with my whole heart. LAMED.
70 Their heart is as fat as grease :
but I delight in thy law.
71 It is good for me that I haue
F 89 T7^0r euer» 0 LORD, thy word
P is setled, in heauen.
bene afflicted : that I might learne thy 90 Thy faithfulnesse is tvnto all neration
t Heb. to ge-
statutes* generations : thou hast established the generation.
* Psal. 19. 72 * The law of thy mouth is better earth, and it tabideth. t Heb. stan-
9. Prou. 8.
vnto me : then thousands of gold and 91 They continue this day according
11, to thine ordinances : for all are thy ser-
TOD. 92 Vnlesse thy lawe had bene my de-
73 Hy hands haue made me an lights : I should then haue perished in
T fashioned me : giue me vnder-
standing , that I may learne
mine affliction.
93 I will neuer forget thy precepts :
thy commandements. for with them thou hast quickened me.
74 They that feare thee will bee 94 1 am thine, saue me : for I haue
glad when they see mee : because I sought thy precepts.
haue hoped in thy word. 95 The wicked haue waited for me
75 I knowe, O LORD, that thy to destroy me : but I will consider thy
t Heb. righ- Judgements are fright : and that thou in testimonies.
teousnesse. faithfulnesse hast afflicted me. 96 I haue seene an end of all per-
76 Let , I pray thee , thy mercifull fection : but thy commandement is ex-
t Neb* to kindnesse bet for my comfort; according ceeding broad.
comfort me.
to thy word vnto thy seruant.
77 Let thy tender mercies come vn- MEM,
97 How loue I thy Law ! it is
to me , that I may line : for thy lawe is
my delight. O my meditation all the day.
78 Let the proud be ashamed , for 98 Thou through thy Com-
they dealt peruersly with me without mandements hast made me wiser then
a cause : but I will meditate in thy pre- mine enemies : for t they are euer with euer is
cepts. mee. me.
79 Let those that feare thee turne 99 I haue more vnderstanding then
Gods word a light. Pfalmes. Dauids zeale.
11 -my teachers : for thy Testimonies oue thy Testimonies.
re my meditation. 120 My flesh trembleth for feare of
100 I vnderstand more then the an- thee : and I am afraide of thy Judge-
ients : because I keepe thy precepts. ments.
101 I haue refrained my feete from AIN.
uery euill way : that I may keepe thy 121 Haue done ludgement and iu-
word. I stice : leaue mee not to mine op-
102 I haue not departed from thy pressours.
udgements : for thou hast taught me. 122 Bee suretie for thy seruant for
PsaL 19. 9. 103 *How sweet are thy words vnto rood : let not the proud oppresse me.
Hebr.palat. my t taste ! yea, sweeter then hony to my 128 Mine eyes faile for thy saluation:
mouth. and for the word of thy righteousnesse.
104 Through thy precepts I get vn- 124? Deale with thy seruant accor-
lerstanding : therefore I hate euery ding vnto thy mercie : and teach me thy
alse way. Statutes.
NVN. 125 I am thy seruant, giue me vnder-
Or, candle. 105 1 Hy word is a || lampe vnto my standing : that I may know thy Testi-
T : and a light vnto my monies.
path. 126 It is time for thee, L O R D , to
.06 I haue sworne , and I will per- worke :Jbr they haue made voyde thy
form e it : that I will keepe thy righte- Law.
ous iudgements. 127 * Therefore I loue thy Com- * Prou. 8.
11. psal. 19.
107 I am afflicted very much : mandements : aboue gold, yea aboue 9.
[uicken mee, O Lord, according vnto ine gold.
hy word. 128 Therefore I esteeme all thy pre-
108 Accept, I beseech thee, the free- cepts concerning all things to be right:
wil offrings of my mouth, 0 L O R D : and I hate euery false way.
and teach me thy iudgements.
109 My soule is continually in my PE.
land : yet doe I not forget thy Law. 129 Hy Testimonies are won-
110 The wicked haue layde a snare
br mee : yet I erred not from thy pre-
T derfull : therefore doeth my
soule keepe them.
cepts. 130 The entrance of thy wordes gi-
Ill Thy Testimonies haue I taken ueth light : it giueth vnderstanding vn-
as an heritage for euer : for they are the to the simple.
reioycing of my heart. 131 I opened my mouth , and pan-
1 Hebr. to do. 112 I haue inclined mine heart tto ted : for I longed for thy Commande-
jerforme thy Statutes, alway, euen ments.
vnto the end. 132 Looke thou vpon mee , and be
mercifull vnto me : tas thou vsest to do tcording
Hebr. ac.
SAMECH. vnto those that loue thy Name. the customs
113 towards
Hate vaine thoughts : but thy
Law doe I loue.
133 Order my steps in thy word : anc those, $c.
let not any iniquitie haue dominion o-
Thou art my hiding place, anc uer me.
my shield : I hope in thy word. 134? Deliuer me from the oppression
* Matth. 7. 115 * Depart from me, ye euil doers: of man : so will I keepe thy precepts.
for I will keepe the Commandements 135 Make thy face to shine vpon thy
of my God. seruant : and teach me thy Statutes.
116 Vphold mee according vnto thy 136 Riuers of waters runne downe
word, that I may Hue : and let mee not mine eyes : because they keepe not thy
be ashamed of my hope. Law.
117 Hold thou me vp, and I shall be TSADDI.
safe : and I will haue^ respect vnto thy 137 Ighteous art thou , O
Statutes continually. R QRD : and vpright are thy
118 Thou hast troden downe al iudgements. teou sitesse.
them that erre from thy Statutes : for 138 Thy testimonies that thou has t Heb. faith
commaunded, are t righteous: and very * Psal. 69.8
their deceit is falshood.
t Hebr. cau 119 Thou tputtest away all the wic- tfaithfull. ioh. 2. 17.
seat to cease t Heb. cut
ked of the earth like drosse : therefore '. 139 * My zeale hath tconsumed me me off.
Dauids griefe : Pfalmes. His hope.
t>ecause mine enemies haue forgotten 160 1 Thy word is true/rom the begin- Heb. the
thy words. ning : and euery one of thy righteous hy eginningof
word is
t Heb. tried 140 Thy word is very tpure : there- iudgements endureth for euer. rue.
OT refined* j
ore thy seruant loueth it. SCHIN.
141 I am small and despised '.yet doe 161
Ilot I forget thy precepts.
142 Thy righteousnesse is an euerla-
P Rinces haue persecuted mee
without a cause : but my heart
standeth in awe of thy word.
Ssting righteousnesse: and thy law is the 16S I reioyce at thy word: as one
{irueth. hat findeth great spoile.
t Heb. found 143 Trouble and anguish haue tta- 163 I hate and abhorre lying: but
ten hold on me : yet thy eommaunde- thy Law doe I loue.
1ments are my delights. 164 Seuen times a day doe I praise
144 The righteousnesse of thy Te- thee : because of thy righteous iudge-
,stimonies is euerlasjting : giue me vnder- ments.
3 tan ding, and I shall liue. 165 Great peace haue they which loue
KOPH. thy law : & tnothing shall offend them. t Heb. they
145 166 LORD, I haue hoped for thy shallhaueno
Cried with my whole heart : stumbling'
heare me, O LORD, I will saluation : and done thy Qprxicaajide- &&<£*•
keepe thy statutes. ments.
UOr, that! 146 I cried vnto thee, saue me : ||an<3 167 My soule hath kept thy testimo-
may keepe.
I shall keepe thy testimonies. nies : and I loue them exceedingly.
147 I preuented the dawning of the 168 I haue kept thy precepts and thy
morning, and cried: I hoped in thy testimonies : for all my wayes are before
A /x V.
148 Mine eyes preuent the night wat- 169
ches : that I might meditate in thy
V» UL14..
L Et my crie come neere before
h e e , O LORD: giue mee
vriderstanding according to
149 Heare my voice according vnto
thy louing kindnesse : O L O R D quic- ihy worde.
ken me according to thy iudgement. 170 Let my supplication come before
150 They draw nigh that follow af- thee : deliuer roe according to thy word
ter mischiefe : they are farre from thy 171 My lips shall vtter praise : when
Law. thou hast taught me thy Statutes.
151 Thou art neere, O LO,RD : am 172 My tongue shall speake of thy
all thy com man dements are trueth. word : for all thy commandqments are
152 Concerning thy testimonies, '. righteousnesse.
haue knowen of old: that thou hast 173 Let thine hand helpe me : for ]
founded them for euer. haue chosen
1 1

174 I haue longed for thy saluation

RESH. O L O R D : and thy Lawe is my de
nsider mine affliction, anc
eliuer me : for I doe not for-
get thy Law.
175 Let my soyle-.'liue, and it shal
praise thee: and let thyiudgments helpe
154 Plead my cause, and deliuer me : me.
quicken me according to thy word. 176 I haue gone astray like a los
155 Saluation, is farre from the wic+ sheepe, seeke thy seruant : for I doe no
ked : for they seeke not thy statutes. forget thy commandements.
II Or, many. 156 || Great are thy tender mercies, O
LORD : quicken me according to thy P S AL. CXX.
Judgements. 1 Dauf d prayeth against Doeg, 3 reproueth his
157 Many are my persecutors, and tongue, 5 complaineth of his necessary con-
mine enemies : yet doe I not decline versation with the wicked.
from thy testimonies. IT A song of degrees.
158 I beheld the transgressours, an< N my distresse I cried vn-
was grieued : because they kept not th;
159 Consider how I loue thy pre-
cepts : quicken me, O LOED, accor-
I irf t0 LORD : and hee
eard me.
^ Deliuer my soule, O
LORD, from lying lips
ding to thy louing kindnesse. and from a deceitfull tongue.
3 || What
The godlies fafetie. Pfalmes. God faueth.
Or* what 3 IfWhat shall be giuen vnto thee ? 5 For .there tare set thrones of Judg- t Heb. doe
hatt the de-
ceitfull or what shalbe tdone vnto thee, thou ment : the thrones of the house of Da- sit.
vnto thee 9 alse tongue ?
ongue giue uid.
or what shall 4 || Sharpe arrowes of the migh- 6 Pray for the peace of Jerusalem :
Heb. ad- tie : with coales of iuniper. they shall prosper that loue thee.
ded. 5 Woe is me, that I soiourne in Me- 7 Peace be within thy walles : and
Or, It is as
the sharpe sech : that I dwell in the tents of Ke- prosperitie within thy palaces.
arrowes of dar. 8 For my brethren and companions
the mighty
man with 6 My soule hath long dwelt with sakes : I will now say, Peace be within
coales qfiu-
niper. lim that hateth peace. thee.
II Or, a man 7 lam \\Jvr peace : but when I speak, 9 Because of the house of the
of peace*
they are for warre. LORD our God : I will seeke thy
1 The great safety of the godly, who put their P S A L . CXXIII.
trust in Gods protection. 1 The godly professe their confidence in God,
3 ana pray to be deliuered from contempt
1T A song of degrees. IT A song of degrees.
II Or, shall I II Will lift vpmine eyes vn- Nto thee lift I vp mine

lift vp mine to
tieg to the ^e hiMes:fr°mwhence eyes : O thou that dwel-
hUs^ whence
should my commeth my helpe. lest in the heauens.
helpe comet 2 * My helpe commeth . 8 Beholde , as the
*Psal. from the LORD : which eyes of seruants lodke vn-
144. 7.
made heauen and earth. to the hand of their Ma-
3 He will not suffer thy foote to bee sters, and as the eyes of a maiden, vnto
moued : he that keepeth thee will not the hand of her mistresse : so our eyes
slumber. waite vpon the LORD our God, vntill
4 Behold, he that keepeth Israel; that he haue mercy vpon vs.
shall neither slumber nor sleepe. 3 Haue mercy vpon vs, O LORD,
5 The LORD is thy keeper : the haue mercy vpon vs : for we are excee-
L O R D is thy shade, vpon thy right dingly filled with contempt.
land. 4 Our soule is exceedingly filled
6 The sunne shall not smite thee by with the scorning of those that are at
day ; nor the moone by night. ease : and with the contempt of the
7 The LORD shall preserue thee proud.
Tom all euill : hee shall preserue thy
soule. P S A L . CXXIIII.
8 The L O R D shall preserue thy The Church blesseth God, fora miraculous deli-
joing out , and thy comming in : uerance.
:rom this time foorth and euen for
euermore. IF A song of degrees of Dauid.
F it had not bene the

P S A L . CXXII. LORD who was on our
1 Dauid professeth his ioy for the Church, side : nowe may Israel
6 and prayeth for the peace thereof. say:
& If it had not bene the
U A song of degrees of Dauid. LORD, who was on our side, when
Was glad when they sayd men rose vp against vs :

vnto me : Let vs goe into 3 Then they had swallowed vs vp
the house of the LORD. quicke : when their wrath was kindled
% Our feete shall against vs.
stand within thy gates, 4 Then the waters had ouerwhel-
O Jerusalem. med vs ; the streame had gone ouer our
3 Jerusalem is builded as a citie, soule.
that is compact together : 5 Then the proud waters had gone
4 Whither the tribes goe vp, the ouer our soule.
tribes of the LORD, vnto the testimo- 6 Blessed be the LORD : who hath
nie of Israel : to giue thankes vnto the not giuen vs as a pray to their teeth.
name of the LORD. 7 Our soule is escaped as a bird out
Gods blefsings Pfalmes. on the godly
of the snare of the foulers; the snare is A song of degrees || for lOr.ofSo-
broken, and we are escaped. Solomon. tomon.
* Psal. 121. 8 * Our helpe is in thfe name of the Xcept the LORD buil<

LORD : who made heauen and earth. the house, they labour in
vaine that t build it: except t ffebr. are
the LORD keepe the ci- in builders of it
P S A L . CXXV. it.
1 The safety of such as trust in God. 4 A prayer tie, the watchman wa-
for the godly* and against the wicked. keth but in vaine.
2 It is vaine for you to rise vp early,
A song of degrees. to sit vp late, to eate the bread of sor-
Hey that trust in the rowes : for so hee giueth his beloued

T L O R D , shalbe as mount
Zion, which cannot be re-
mooued, but abideth for
3 Loe, children are an heritage of the
LORD : and the fruit of the wombe is
his reward.
& As the mountaines are round a- 4 As arrowes are in the hand of a
bout lerusalem, so the LORD is mightie man : so are children of the
round about his people : from hence- youth.
foorth euen for euer. 5 Happie is the man that t hath his \Htbr.hath
t Hebr. wic- 3 For the rod of t the wicked shall quiuer full of them, they shall not be a- JUledhisqui.
uer with
not rest vpon the lot of the righteous : snamed: but they || shall speake with the them.
tt Or, shall
lest the righteous put forth their hands enemies in the gate. subdue^ as
vnto iniquitie. Psal. 18. 45.
or, destroy.
4 Doe good, 0 LORD, vnto those P S A L . CXXVIII.
that be good : and to them that are vp- The sundry blessings which follow them that
feare God.
right in their hearts.
5 As for such as turne aside vnto A song of degrees.
their crooked wayes, the LORD shall Lessed is euery one that

lead them foorth with the workers of feareth the LORD : that
iniquitie: but peace shalbe vpon Israel. walketh in his wayes.
2 For thou shalt eat the
P S A L . CXXVI. labour of thine handes:
1 The Church celebrating her incredible re- lappie shalt thou bee, and it shall be well
turne out of captiuitie, 4 prayeth for, and with thee.
prophecieth the good successe thereof.
3 Thy wife shalbe as a fruitful Vine
A song of degrees. )y the sides of thine house, thy children
t Hebr. re- Hen the L O R D t turned ike Oliue plants • round about thy

turned the againe the captiuitie of Zi- table.
returning of
Zion. on: wee were like them 4 Beholde that thus shall the man
that dreame. >e blessed; that feareth the LORD.
2 Then was our mouth 5 The L O R D shall blesse thee out
filled with laughter, and our tongue of Zion: and thou shalt see the good of
with singing, then said they among the [erusalem, all the dayes of thy life.
iffebr.hath heathen : The L O R D thath done 6 Yea, thou shalt see thy childrens
magnified to great things for them. children : and peace vpon Israel.
doe with
them. 3 The LORD hath done great
things for vs: whereof'we are glad, P S A L . CXXIX.
4 Turne againe our captiuitie, O 1 An exhortation to praise God for sauing Is-
L O R D : as the streames in the South. rael in their great afflictions. 5 The haters
5 They that sow in teares : shall of die Church are cursed.
I Qrr sing, reape in || ioy.
ing. 6 He that goeth forth and weepeth, A song of degrees.
I Or, seed. bearing ||precious seed, shall doubtlesse || Any a time haue they af- I Or, much.

basket. come againe with reioycing : bringing flicted me from my youth:
his sheaues with him. may Israel now say.
2 Many a time haue
P S A L . CXXVII. they afflicted me from my
1 The vertue of Gods "blessing. 3 Good chil- youth : yet they naue not preuauea a-
dren are his gift. rainst mee.
3 The
Daniels humilitie, Pfalmes. and care for religion.
3 The plowers plowed vpon my eted t my selfe as a child that is weaned Heb. my
backe : they made long their furrowes. of. his mother : my soule is euen as a soule.
4 The L O R D is righteous : hee weaned childe.
hath cut asunder the cordes of the wic- 3 Let Israel hope in the LORD,
ked. tfrom henceforth and for euer. tJebr.from
5 Let them all be confounded and
turned backe, that hate Zion. P S A L : CXXXII.
6 Let them bee as the grasse vpon 1 Dauid in his prayer commendeth. vnto God
the house tops : which withereth afore the religious care ne had for the Arlce. 8 His
it groweth vp : prayer at the remouing of the Arke, 11 with
7 Wherewith the. mower filleth a repetition of Gods promises.
not his hand : nor hee that bindeth A Song of degrees.
sheaues-, his bosome. O R D remember Dauid,

8 Neither doe they which goe by, and all his afflictions :
say, The blessing of the L O R D be vp- 2 How he sware vnto
on you: wee blesse you in the Name ol the LORD, and vowed
the LORD. vnto the mightie God of
P S A L. CXXX. 3 Surely I will not come into the
1 The Psalmist professeth his hope in prayer,, tabernacle of my house : nor goe vp into
5 and his patience in hope. 7 Hee exhor- my bed.
teth Israel to hope in God. i I will not giue sleepe to mine
A song of degrees. eyes : or slumber to mine eyelids,
VT of the depths haue 5 Vntill I finde out a place for the

I cryed vnto thee, O L O R D : tan habitation for the migh- ttations.
Heb. habi-
LORD. tie God of lacob.
2 Lorde, heare my 6 Loe, wee heard of it at Ephrata :
voice: let thine eares be at- we found it in the fields of the wood.
tentiue to the voice of my 7 We will goe into his tabernacles:
supplications. we will worship at his footstoole.
3 If thou, L O R D , shouldest marke 8 * Arise, O L O R D , into thy rest: *2. Chron.
iniquities : O Lord, who shal stand ? thou, and the Arke of thy strength. .0.35. 41. num.

4 But there is forgiuenesse witl 9 Let thy Priestes be clothed with

thee : that thou mayest be feared. righteousnesse : and let thy saints shout
5 I wait for the LORD, my soule for ioy.
doeth waite : and in his worde doe ', 10 For thy seruant Dauids sake:
hope. turne not away the face of thine An-
6 My soule waiteth for the Lord, ointed.
more then they that watch for the mor- 11 The LORD hath sworne in
R Or, which ning : || / say, more then they that watc trueth vnto Dauid, hee will not turne
watch vnto for the morning.
the Corning.
from it; * of the friiit of t thy body wil 12.
* 2. Sam. 7«
l. king.
7 Let Israel hope in the LORD, I set vpon thy throne. 8. 25. 2. chr.
6.16.1uke i.
for with the L O R D there is mercy : anc 12 If thy children will keepe my co- 9. acts 2. 30.
with him is plenteous redemption. uenant and my testimonie, that I shal IHeb. thy
8 And hee shall redeeme Israel, teach them ; tneir children also shall sit belly.
from all his iniquities, vpon thy throne for euermore.
13 For the L O R D hath chosen Zi-
P S A L. CXXXL on : he hath desired it for his habitation.
1 Dauid professing his humilitie, 3 exhorteth 14 This is my rest for euer : here
Israel to hope in God. will I dwell, for I haue desired it.
151 will || abundantly blesse her pro- fj Or, surely.
A song of degrees of Dauid, uision : I will satisfie her poore wit
O R D , my heart is not bread.

L haughtie, nor mine eyes 16 I will also clothe her priests wit
IHehwalke. loftie : neither doe I tex- saluation : and her Saints shall shout
ercise my selfe in great aloud for ioy.
matters, or in things too 17 * There will I make the horne o: * Luc. 1. 69.
t Heb. won- t high for mee. Dauid to budde : I haue ordained a
derfull. || lampe for mine Anointed.
2 Surely I haue behaued and qui- I Orf cand
18 His
Brotherly vnitie. Pfalmes. Idoles are vanitie.
18 His enemies will I clothe with great : and that our L O R D is aboue
shame : but vpon him selfe shall his all gods.
crowne flourish. 6 Whatsoeuer the L O R D pleased,
that did he in heauen and in earth : in the
P S A L . CXXXIII. Seas, and all deepe places.
The benefite of the communion of Saints. 7 * Hee causeth the vapours to as- * ler. 10.13.
cend from the ends of the earth, he ma-
A song of degrees of Dauid. keth lightnings for the raine : he brin-
I Ehold how good and how geth the winde out of his treasuries.

' pleasant it is: for brethren 8 * Who smote the first borne of E- 29. •Exod. 12.
t Heb. euen [ to dwell t together in v- gypt : tboth of man and beast. t Heb. from
[ nitie. 9 Who sent tokens and woonders man vnto
\ 2 It is like the precious into the midst of thee, O Egypt : vpon
oyntment vpon the head, that ramie Pharaoh, and vpon all his seruants.
downe vpon the beard, euen Aarons 10 * Who smote great nations: and *Niim. 21.
2. and 4. 25,
beard : that went downe to the skirts slew mightie kings : 26, 34, 35.
of his garments. 11 Sihon king of the Amorites, and
3 As the dew of Hermon>an<i as the Og king of Bashan : and all the king-
dewe that descended vpon the moun- domes of Canaan,
taines of Zion, for there the LORD 12 * And gaue their land^/or an heri- Mos. 12. 7.
commanded the blessing : euen life for tage : an heritage vnto Israel his peo-
euermore. ple.
13 Thy Name, 0 LORD, endureth
P S A L . CXXXIIII. for euer : and thy memoriall, O LORD,
An exhortation to blesse God. t throughout all generations. \Hel.toge-
14 For the LORD will iudge his generation.
A song of degrees. people : and he will repent himselfe con-
Eholde, blesse yee the cerning his seruants.

LORD, all yee seruants 15 * The idoles of the heathen arer *Psal. us.
of the L O R D : which by siluer and golde : the worke of mens1, 9.4, 5,10.6, 7, 8,
night stand in the house hands.
of the LORD. 16 They Jiaue mouthes, ,but they
2 Lift vp your hands speake not: eyes haue they, but they see
H0r,tn/to- (I m the Sanctuary : & blesse the LORD. not:
linesse. 8 The LORD that made heauen 17 They haue eares, but they heare
and earth : blesse thee out of Zion. not: neither is there any breath in their
P S A L . CXXXV. 18 They that make them are like
vnto them : so is euery one that trusteth
An exhortation to praise God for his mercy, in them.
5 for his power, 8 for his iudgements. 15
The vanitie of Idoles. 19 AJI exhortati- 19 Blesse the L O R D , O house of
on to blesse God. Israel : blesse the LORD, O house of
Raise ye the LORD, 20 Blesse the LORD, O house of

Praise ye the Name of Leui : ye that feare the LORD, blesse
the L O R D : prayse the LORD.
Mm, O ye seruants of 21 Blessed be the L O R D out of Zi-
the LORD. on ; which dwelleth at lerusalem.
2 Yee that stand Praise ye the LORD*
in the House of the
LORD : in the courts of the house of P S A L . CXXXVI.
our God: An exhortation to giue thankes to God for
3 Praise the LORD, for the LORD particular mercies.
tf good : sing praises vnto his Name, * Giue thankes vnto the •Psa. 106.1.

for it is pleasant. LORD, for hee is good: for and 107. l.
and 118.1.
4 For 4he LORD hath chosen his mercy endureth foreuer.
lacob vnto himselfe : and Israel for 2 O giue thankes vnto
bis peculiar treasure. the God of gods : for his
5 For I 'know that the L O R D is mercy endureth for euer.
3 O giue
Gods mercie. Pfalmes. Ifrael captiue.
& O giue thankes to the Lord of P S A L . CXXXVII.
ords : for his mercy endureth for euer,
The constancie of the lewes in captiuity. 7 The
4 To him who alone doth great Prophet curseth Edom and Babel.
wonders : for his mercy endureth for
uer. Y the riuers of Baby-

*Gen. 1. l. 5 * To him that by wisedome made lon, there wee sate
he heauens : for his mercy endureth for downe, yea we wept:
euer. when we remeored
*Gen. 1.6.
er. 10* 12.
6 * To him that stretched out the Zion.
earth aboue the waters : for his mercy 2 Wee hanged our
endureth for euer. larpes vpon the willowes , in the
*Gen. 1. 14. 7 * To him that made great lights : midst thereof.
or his mercy endureth for euer. 3 For there they that carried vs a-
Heb.for 8 The sunne t to rule by day : for his way captiue , required of vs t a song, iHeb.the
he rulings
by day. mercy endureth for euer. and they that t wasted vs, required of vs words song.
of a
9 The nioone and starres to rule mirth : saying. Sing vs one of the songs t Heb. layd
>y night : for his mercy endureth for of Zion.
euer. 4 How sfcall we sing the LORDS
* Exod. 12. 10 *To him that smote Egypt in song : in a t strange land ? t Heb. land
29. ;heir first borne : for his mercy endureth 5 If I forget thee, O lerusalem : qfastranger.
or euer. et my right hand forget her cunning.
* Exod. 13. 11 * And brought out Israel from a- 6 If I doe not remember thee, let
17. mong them : for his mercy endureth for my tongue cleaue to the roofe of my
euer. mouth ; if I preferre not lerusalem a-
18 With a strong hand and with a :>oue t my chiefe ioy. \Heb.the
stretched out arme : for his mercy endu- 7 Remember, O LORD, the chil- ioy.
reth for euer. dren oi Edom, in the day of lerusalem ;
* Exod. 14. 13 * To him which diuided the red who sayd, trase it, rase it : eiien to the 11 Heb. make fnvfjvkdjkfdjgbmv,mblvmm,

21. 22. bare.

sea into parts : for his mercy endureth for bun elation thereof.
euer. 8 * O daughter of Babylon, who art * Obad.
14 And made Israel to passe to be t destroy ed:happy shall hebe tthat 12, 13.
\ Heb, wa-
through the midst of it : for his mercy rewardeth thee , as thou hast serued ited.
I Heb. that
endureth for euer. vs. recompen-
* Exod. 14. 15 * But t ouerthrewe Pharaoh and 9 * Happy shall he be that taketh and Wiee vnto sed
Hekshakei his hoste in the red sea : for his mercy dasheth thy little ones against tthe deed which tJtfvn sltfiot
off. endureth for euer. stones. to vs.
* Exod. 15. 16 * To him which led his people *Isa. 13. 16
t Heb. the
22. through the wildernesse : for his mercy P S A L . CXXXVIII. rocke.
endureth for euer. 1 Dauid pralseth God for the truth of his word.
17 To him which smote great 4 He prophecieth.that the kings of the earth
kings : for his mercy endureth for euer. shall praise God. 7 He professeth his con-
•fi/jpT»/»p Hi
JLlUClJV/C in VTl/U.
• Deut. 29. 18 * And slue famous kings : for his
7. psal. 135. mercy endureth for euer. IT A Psalme of Dauid.
I A JBr 1 1
L U j OL 11.
19 * Sihon king of the Amorites : * Will praise thee with my *Psal. 119.

•Num. 21. 4. 6.
23. for his mercy endureth for euer. whole heart : before the
« Num. 21. 20 * And Og the king of Bashan : for gods will I sing praise
33. his mercy endureth for euer. vnto thee.
*Iosh. 12.7 £1 * And gaue their land for an heri- 2 I will worship to-
tage : for his mercy endureth for euer. wards thy holy temple , and praise thy
jfs Euen an heritage vnto Israel his name, for thy louing kindnesse and for
seruant : for his mercy endureth for euer. thy trueth : for thou hast magnified thy
23 Who remembred vs in our lowe word aboue all thy name.
estate : for his mercy endureth for euer. 3 In the day when I cried, thou an-
24 And hath redeemed vs from our sweredst meiand strengthenedst meze;^
enemies : for his mercy endureth for euer. strength in my soule.
25 Who giueth foode to all flesh : for 4 All the kings of the earth shall
his mercy endureth for euer. praise thee, O L O R D : when they
26 O giue thankes vnto the God o heare the words of thy mouth.
heauen : for his mercy endureth for euer. 5 Yea they shall sing in the wayes oi
Nothing fecret Pfalmes. to the eyes of God.
the L O R D : for great is the glory of thou hast couered me in my mothers
the LORD. wombe.
6 Though the L O R D be high, yet 14 I will praise thee, for I am feare-
hath he respect vnto the lowly : but the fully and wonderfully made, maruei-
proud he knoweth afarre off. lous are thy works : and that my soule
7 Though I walke in the nrids of knoweth fright well. t Hebr.
trouble, thou wilt reuiue me, thou shalt 15 My || substance was not hid from greatly.
1 Or,
stretch foorth thine hand against the thee, when I was made in secret : and OOay.
wrath of mine enemies : and thy right curiously wrought in the lowest parts
hand shall saue me. of the earth.
8 The LORD wil perfit that which 16 Thine eyes did see my substance
concerneth me ; thy mercie, O LORD, yet being vnperfect, and in thy booke
endureth for euer: forsake not the works tall my members were written, \\which \Heb.all
of thine owne hands. in continuance were fashioned : when ofI Or, them.
as yet there was none of them. fay&jt
should be
PSAL. CXXXIX. 17 * Howe precious also are thy fashioned.
thoughts vnto me, O God : how great *Psal.40,6.
1 Daiiid praiseth God for his all-seeing proui- is the summe of them ?
.dence, 17 And for his infinite mercies. 19
He defieth the wicked. 23 Hee prayeth for 18 If I should count them, they are
sinceritie. moe in number then the sand : when I
awake, I am still with thee.
IT To the chiefe Musician, A Psalme 19 Surely thou wilt slay the wicked,
of Dauid. O God : depart from me therefore , ye
$%jjjj&§& L O R D , thou hast sear- bloody men.
P^^^wched mee, and knowen me. 20 For they speake against thee wic-
1 \jpjjfe2J K % Thou knowest my kedly : and thine enemies take thy name
gSjpi^ downe sitting , and mine in vaine.
vprising : thou vnderstan- #1 Doe not I hate them, O LORD,
dest my thought afarre off. that hate thee ? and am not I grieued
II Or, toil*
3 Thou jjcompassest my path, and with those that rise vp against thee ?
my lying downe, and art acquainted 22 I hate them witn perfect hatred ;
with all my wayes. I count them mine enemies.
4 For there is not a worde in my 23 Search me, O God, and knowe
tongue : but lo, O LORD, thou know- my heart : trie mee , and knowe my
est it altogether. thoughts ;
5 Thou hast beset me behind, and 24 And see if there bee any twicked ofpaitne*
t Heb. way
before : and laid thine hand vpon me. way in me : and leade me in the way e- enefe.
6 Such knowledge is too wonder- uerlasting.
full forme : it is high, I cannot attain?
vnto it. PSAL. CXL.
7 Whither shall I goe from thy 1 Dauid pray eth to be deliuered from Saul and
spirit ? or whither shall I flie from thy Doeg. 8 Heprayeth against them. 12 Hee
comforteth himselfe by confidence in God.
* Amos 9. 8 * If I ascend vp into heauen, If To the chiefe Musician, A Psalme
2, S, 4.
thou art there : if I make my bed in of Dauid.
hell, behold, thou art there. "Rlinpy me, O LORD,
9 If I take the wings of the mor-
ning : and dwell in the vttermost parts
of the Sea:
10 Euen there shall thy hand leade
D ^rom ^6 emH. man : pre-
serue mefromthe t violent t Heb. man
man. ..
2 Which imagine mis-
of violences.

me : and thy right hand shall hold me. chietes in their heart : continually are
* lob 26. 6. 11 * If I say, Surely the darkenes they gathered togetherjfor warre.
heb. 4. 13.
shall couer me : euen the night shall bee 3 * They haue sharpned their tongues * Rom. s. 14
light about me. like a serpent : adders poison is vnder psal. 58. 5.
iHeb.darke- 12 Yea the darkenesse thideth not their lips. Selah.
neth not.
from thee, but the night shineth as the 4 Keepe me, O LORD, from the
t Heb. as is day : f the darknes and the light are both
the darkenes
hands of the wicked, preserue me from
so if the light alike to thee. the violent man: who haue purposed to
13 For thou hast possessed my reines : ouerthrow my goings*
5 The
Prayers againft Pfalmes. the wicked.
5 The proude haue hid a snare for 7 Our bones are scattered at the
me and cords, they haue spread a net by rraues mouth : as when one cutteth
he way side : they haue set grinnes for and cleaueth wood vpon the earth.
me. Selah. 8 But mine eyes are vnto thee, O
6 I said vnto the LORD, Thou GOD the Lord : in thee is my trust,
art my God : heare the voyce of my sup- •leaue not my soule destitute. H eb. make
wt my souls
Jieations, O LORD, 9 Keepe mee from the snare which tare.
7 O GOD the Lord, the strength they haue laide for me, and the grinnes
of my saluation : thou hast couered my of the workers of iniquitie.
lead in the day of battell. 10 Let the wicked fall into their
8 Grant not, O LORD, the de- owne nets : whilest that I withal t es- HeU€T»br. passe
sires of the wicked : further not his wic- cape
R Or, let ced deuice, \\lest they exalt themselues.
them not be
exalted. Selah, P S A L . CXLII.
9 As for the head of those that com- )auid sheweth that in his trouble, all his com-
)asse me about : let the mischiefe of their fort was in prayer vnto God.
owne lips couer them f ||Maschil of Dauid; A prayer Or, A
10 Let burning coales fall vpon when he was in the caue. Psalme of
Dauid gi
them, let them be cast into the fire : into
Cried vnto the L O R D uing instru-

deepe pits, that they rise not vp againe. with my voice : with my
\Heb.aman 11 Let not an teuill speaker bee esta-
of tongue: or, voice vnto the LORD did
an euill spea- blished in the earth : euill shall hunt the I make my supplication.
ker, a wicked violent man to ouerthrow him.
man ofvio-
ence be esta- 12 I know that the L O R D will
Q I powred out my
blished in the complaint before him ; I shewed before
earth : let maintaine the cause of the afflicted - and 11 TYY imv
Hill 11IV firm riip
him be hun- the right of the poore.
ted to his 3 When my spirit was ouerwhel-
onerthrow. 13 Surely the righteous shall giue med within mee, then thou knewest my
thankes vnto thy Name: the vpright )ath : in the way wherein I walked,
shall dwell in thy presence. laue they priuily laid a snare for me.
4 || I looked on my right hand, and O r, Locke
P S A L . CXLI. on the right
)eheld, but there was no man that would hand, and
1 Dauid prayeth that his suit may bee accep- mow me, refuge t failed me : t no manee.
table, 3 his conscience sincere, 7 and his cared for my soule. Hebr. pe-
life safe from snares. 5 I cried vnto thee, O LORD, I r* jhfno me.
said, Thou art my refuge, and my porti- man sought
11 A Psalm e of Dauid. after my
on in the land of the liuing. soule.
O R D , I crie vnto 6 Attend vnto my crie, for I am

thee, make haste vnto brought very low, deliuer mee from
mee • giue eare vnto my persecutes ; for they are stronger
y v°iceJ when I crie then I.
nto thee. 7 Bring my soule out of prison, that
2 Let my prayer I may praise thy Name : the righteous
t Hebr. di- bee t set foorth before shall compasse me about : for thou shalt
thee as incense : and the lifting vp of my deale bountifully with me.
hands as the Euening sacrifice.
3 Set a watch (O L O R D ) before P S A L . CXLIIL
my mouth : keepe the doore of my lips.
1 Dauid prayeth for fauour in Judgment. 3 He
4 Incline not my heart to any euil complaineth of his griefes. ,5 He strength-
thing, to practise wicked workes with neth his faith by meditation and prayer. 7
men that worke iniquitie ^ and let mee Hee prayeth for grace, 9 for deliuerance
not eate of their dainties. 10 for sanctification, 12 for destructi on o
his enemies.
il Or, let the 5 || Let the righteous smite mee, it
smite mee shalbe a kindnesse : and let him reprooue 1F A Psalme of Dauid.
kindly * and me, it shalbe an excellent oile, which sh al Eare my prayer , C
reproue me,

let not their not breake my head : for yet my prayer L o R D , giue eare to
precious oile also shalbe in their calamities.
breake my | my supplications : in thy
head, <Jc. 6 When their Judges are ouer- faithfulnesse answere me
throwen in stonie places, they sh al tma in tny rignteousnes.
v j r» 1
heare my words, tor they are sweet. 2 And enter not into
Mans life Pfalrnes. is but vanitie
* Exod. 34. judgement with thy seruant : for in *thy 4 dhfdsjfksjfkjkfklsdjfklsjdfkjsk;jfkdfk;
*Man is like to da y e * PsaL39,
7. rom. 3. 20 iob 14. 2.
galat. 2, 16. sight shall no man Hiring be iustified. are as a shadow that passe th away.
3 For the enemie hath persecutec 5 Bow thy heauens, O L O R D
my soule, he hath smitten my life downe and come downe : touch the moun
to the ground : hee hath made mee to taines, and they shall smoke.
dwell in darkenesse, as those that haue 6 * Cast forth lightning, and scatte * Psal. is.
bene long dead. them: shoote out thine arrowes, anc 13, 14.
4 Therefore is my spirit ouerw hel- destroy them.
med within me : my heart within me is 7 Send thine thand from aboue t Heb, hand
desolate. rid me, and deliuer me out of great wa-
5 I remember the dayes of old, 1 ters : from the hand of strange children
meditate on all thy workes : I muse on 8 Whose rnouth speaketh van itie
the worke of thy hands. and their right hand is a right hand o
6 I stretch forth my hands vnto falshood.
thee : my soule thirsteth after thee, as a 9 I will sing a new song vnto thee
thirstie land, Selah. O God : vpon a psalterie, and an instru
7 Heare me speedily, O LORD, ment of ten strings will I sing prais e
my spirit faileth, hide not thy face from vnto thee.
1 Or, for I mee : ||lest I be like vnto them that goe 10 It is he that giueth ||saluation vnto 1 Or, victory
am become downe into the pit. kings : who deliuereth Dauid his ser-
like. fyc.
8 Cause mee to heare thy louing uant from the hurtful! sword.
kindnesse in the morning, for in thee doe 11 Rid me, and deliuer me from the
I trust, cause mee to knowe the way band of strange children, whose mouth
wherein I should walke : for I lift vp speaketh vanitie : and their right ham
my soule vnto thee. is a right hand of falshood.
9 Deliuer mee, O L O R D , from 12 That our sonnes may be as plants
t Heb. hid mine enemies : 1 1flievnto thee to hide yrowen vp in their youth; that our
me with me. daughters maybe as corner stones, tpo- H eb. cut.
10 Teach me to doe thy will, for thou ished after the similitude of a palace :
art my God , thy spirit is good : leade me 18 That our garners may bee full,
into the land of vprightnesse. affoording tall maher of store; that our H eb. from
11 Quicken me, O LORD, for thy sheepe may bring forth thousands, and ind to kind.
names sake : for thy righteousnesse sake tenne thousands in our streetes.
bring my soule out of trouble. 14 That our oxen may be t strong to He b. able
> bectre bur-
12 And of thy mercy cut off mine ene- abour, that there be no breaking in, nor ens, or loa-
mies, and destroy all them that afflict £oing out; that there be no complaining esb.witb
my soule : for I am thy seruant. n our streetes.
15 * Happy is that people that is in Psal. 33. 12
PSAL. CXLIIII. such a case :«//?«, happy is that people, nd 65. 4.
whose God is the LORD.
1 Dauid blesseth God for his mercie both to
him and to man. 5 Hee prayeth that God P S A L. CXLV,
would powerfully deliuer mm from his ene-
mies. 9 He proniiseth to praise God. 1 1 Hee 1 goodnes,
Dauid praiseth God for his fame, 8 For his
11 For his kingdome, 14 For his
prayeth for the happy state of the kingdome. prouidence, 1 7 For his sailing mercie.
f A Psalme of Dauid. H Dauids Psalme of praise.
Lessed be the L O R D my Will extoll thee, my God, O

t Hebr. my t strength , which teacheth Ving : anci i win Diesse tny
t Heb. to the my hands to warre, and ame for euer and euer.
warre^ fyc. my fingers to fight. % Euery day wil I blesse
* 2. Sam. 22 2 *||My goodnes and ;hee : and I will praise thy Name for
2 0 JPr ns

and 49. ver- my fortresse , my high tower and my euer and euer.
. O. Ot OO.

ses. deliuerer, my shield, and he in whome 3 Great is the LORD, and greatly
I) f)
mercie.. I trust : who subdueth my people vn- to be praised : tand his greatnes is vn- Heb. and
der me. searchable. fhisgreat-
ffsse theite
*Iobi*. 17. 3 * LORD,, what is rnftft, that thou 4 One generation shall praise thy no search.
psalfft 5.
heb.2. 6. takest knowledge of him ? or the sonne works to another, and shal declare thy
of inan> that thou makest account of mightie actes.
trim ? 5 I will speake of the glorious ho-
Gods goodnefle, Pfalmes. and trueth.
nour of thy maiestie: and of thy won- iod, while I haue any being.
Iff eh. things lerous tworkes. 3 *Put not your trust in Princes: *Psal. lie.
or words.
6 And men shall speake of the might or in the sonne of man, in whom there is 8,9.
t Heb. de- of thy terrible acts : and I wil t declare 0 ||hetpe. iOr, salua-
clare it. tton.
thy greatnesse. 4? His breath goeth foorth, he retur-
7 They shall abundantly vtter the icth to his earth : in that very day his
memory of thy great goodnesse : and Noughts perish.
shall sing of thy righteousnesse. 5 Happy is he that hath the God of
* Exod. 34. 8 * The L O R D is gracious and 'acob for his helper whose hope is in
6, 7. num.
14. 18. psal. iill of compassion : slow to anger, and he LORD his God:
and 103. 8. •of great mercy. 6 Which made heauen and earth, the
86. 5, 15.

t Heb. great 9 The L O R D is good to all : and Sea, and all that therein is : which kee-
in mercie. lis tender mercies are ouer all his >eth trueth for euer:
workes, 7 Which executeth iudgement for
10 All thy workes shall praise thee, the oppressed, which giueth food to the
O L O R D : and thy Saints shal blesse hungry : the L O R D looseth the priso-
thee. ners.
11 They shall speake of the glory of 8 The L O R D openeth the eyes
thy kihgdome : and talke of thy power. of the blinde, the LORD raiseth them
12 To make knowen to the sonnes ihat are bowed downe : the LORD
of men his mightie actes : and the glori- oueth the righteous.
ous Maiestie of his kingdome. 9 The L O R D preserueth the stran-
Heir, a 13 Thy kingdome is tan euerlasting gers, he relieueth the fatherlesse and wi-
of all ages. dngdome : and thy dominion endureth dow : but the way of the wicked he tur-
throughout all generations. neth vpside downe.
14 The L O R D vpholdeth all that 10 * The L O R D shall reigrie for e- * Exod. 13.
all : and raiseth vp all those that bee uer, euen thy God, O Zion, vnto all ge- 18.
sowed downe. nerations : Praise ye the LORD.
I Or, looke 15 The eyes of all ||waite vpon thee:
vnto thee.
and thou giuest them their meat in due
season. P S A L . CXLVII.
16 Thou openest thine hand : anc 1 The Prophet exhorteth to praise God, for his
satisfiest the desire of euery liuing thing. care of the Church: 4 nis power, 6 anc
17 The L O R D is righteous in al his mercy; 7 To praise him for his proui-
li Or, tnerci- bis wayes : and ||holy in all his works. derice: 12 To .praise him for his blessings
fulltOrboun- vpon the kingdome: 15 for his power ouer
tifull. 18 The L O R D is nigh vnto al the Meteors: 19 and for his ordinances
them that call vpon him : to all that cal in the Church.
vpon him in trueth.
19 Hee will fulfill the desire of them Raise ye the L O R D : for

that feare him : he also will heare their it is good to sing praises vn-
cry, and will saue them. to our God : for it is plea-
20 The L O R D preserueth all them sant, and praise is comely.
that loue him : but all the wicked wil 2 The L O R D doeth
he destroy. build vp Jerusalem : he gathereth to-
21 My mouth shall speake the praise gether the out-casts of Israel.
of the L O R D : and let all flesh blesse 3 Hee healeth the broken in heart:
his holy Name for euer and euer. and bindeth vp their t wounds. t Heb grief
4 He telleth the number of the stars:
P S A L . CXLVL he calleth them all by their names.
1 The Psalmist voweth perpetuall praises to 5 Great is our Lord, and of ^reat
God. 3 Hee exhorteth not to trust in man. power : this vnderstanding is infinite. \Heb.tfhii
5 God for his power, Justice, mercy and king- 6 The L O R D lifteth vp the meeke: ding there is
dome, is onely worthy to be trusted.
hee- casteth the wicked downe to the
t Heb. HaU t Raise yee the L O R D : ground.

leluiah. prayse the L O R D , O 7 Sing vnto the L O R D wit
my soule. thankesgiuing : sing prayse vpon the
2 While I Hue, will harpe vnto our God:
I praise the L O R D : I 8 Who couereth the heauen wit
will sing praise4? vhto my cloudes, who prepareth raine for the
Gods great power: 'P&kbes. His praife.
earth : who maketh grasse to growe ye dragons and all deepes.
vpon the mountaines. 8 Fire and haile, snow and vapour :
* lob 39. 3. 9 *He giueth to the beast his foode : stormie wind fulfilling his word.
psal. 104. and to the yong rauens which crie. 9 Mountaines and all hilles ; fruit-
27. 39.
10 Hee delighteth not in the strength full trees, and all cedars.
of the horse : he taketh not pleasure in 10 Beastes and all cattell : creeping
the legs of a man. things, and tflying foule. tHed. birds
11 The LORD taketh pleasure in 11 Kings of the earth, and all people : ofwing.
them that feare him : in those that hope Princes, and all ludges of the earth.
in his mercie. 12 Both young men and maidens :
12 Praise the L O R D , O lerusalem : olde men and children.
praise thy God, O Zion. * 13 Let them praise the Name of the
13 For hee hath strengthened the LORD, for his Name alone is t excel- t Heb. exal-
barres of thy gates : hee hath blessed lent : his glory is aboue the earth and ted.
thy children within thee. heauen.
t Heb. who
maketh thy 14< t He maketh peace in thy borders: 14 Hee also exalteth the home of his
border peace and filleth thee with the t finest of the people, the praise of all his Saints ; euen
t Heb. fat of the children of Israel, a people neere
qfwheate. wheate.
15 He sendeth forth his commande- vnto him. Praise ye the LORD.
ment vpon earth • his word runneth
very swiftly. P S A L . CXLIX.
16 He giueth snow like wooll : he scat-
tereth the hoare frost like ashes. 1 The Prophet exhorteth to praise God for his
loue to the Church, 5 and for that power,
17 He casteth forth his yce like mor- which hee hath giuen to the Church to rule
sels : who can stand before his cold ? the consciences of men.
18 He sendeth out his word, and mel-
teth them : he causeth his wind to blow, t Raise yee the L O R D : leluiah.
t Heb. Hal-

and the waters flow. Sing vnto the LORD a
t Heb. his
19 He sheweth t his word vnto la- new song: and his prayse
cob : his statutes and his iudgements int the Congregation of
vnto Israel. Saints.
• £0 He hath not dealt so with any na- # Let Israel reioyce in him that
tion : and as for his iudgements , they made him : let the children of Zion bee
haue not knowen them. Praise yee the ioyfull in their King.
LORD. 3 Let them praise his Name ||in the II Or, with
dance : let them sing praises vnto him the pipe.
P S A L, CXLVIII. with the timbrell and harpe.
4? For the LORD taketh pleasure
1 The Psalmist exhorteth the celestiall, 7 The in his people : hee will beautifie the
terrestrial!, 11 And the rationall creatures
to praise God. meeke with saluation.
5 Let the Saints be ioyfull in glo-
t Heb. Hal. " Raise yee the L O R D . ry: let them sing aioude vpon their

Praise ye the L O R D from beddes.
the heauens: Praise him in 6 Let the high praises of God be tin t Heb. in
he heights. their mouth : and a two edged sword in their throat.
& Praise yee him all his Angels : their hand :
praise ye him all his hosts. 7 To execute vengeance vpon the
3 Praise ye him Sunne and Moone : heathen : and punishments vpon the
3raise him all ye starres of light. , people.
4 Praise him ye heauens of hea- 8 To binde their Kings with
uens : and ye waters that be aboue the chaines : and their Nobles with fetters
ieauens. of yron.
5 Let them praise the Name of the 9 * To execute vpon them the Judge- *Deut. 7.1.
L O R D : for he commanded, and they ment written : This honour haue all his
were created. Saints. Praise ye the LORD.
6 Hee hath also stablished them for
euer and euer : he hath made a decree P S A L . CL.
which shall not passe. 1 An exhortation to praise God, 3 with all kind
7 Praise the LORD from the earth : of instruments.
The feare of God. Prouerbes. Sinners intifings.
tHofttfu. t Raise ye the LORD. Psalterie and Harpe.

Praise God in his San- 4 Praise him with the timbrell and
ctuarie : Praise him in || dance : praise him with stringed in- i Or, Pipe.
the firmament of his struments, and Organes.
power. 5 Praise him vpon the loud cym-
2 Praise him for his bals : praise him vpon the high soun-
mightie actes : Praise him according to ding cymbals.
his excellent greatnesse. 6 Let euery thing that hath breath,
3 Praise 1lim with the sound of the praise the LORD. Praise yee the
\\ Or, Cornet. || Trumpet : Prayse him with the LORD.

10 IF My sonne, if sinners entise thee,
CHAP. i. consent thou not.
1 The vse of the Prouerbes. 7 Ah exhorta- 11 If they say, Come with vs, let vs
tion to feare God and beleeue his word. 10 lay wait for blood , let vs lurke priuily
To auoyd the intisings of sinners. 20 Wis- for the innocent without cause :
dome complaineth of her contempt. 24-
She threatneth her contemners. 12 Let vs swallow them vp aliue,
as the graue, and whole, as those that
goe downe into the pit :
1 • v .
HE Prouerbes

fhgdgjdljfgfdjgl;jh ID Wee shall nnde all precious sub-
sonne of Dauid, stance, wee shall fill our houses with
King of Israel, spoile :
2 To knowe 14 Cast in thy lot among vs, let vs
wisedome and in- all haue one purse :
struction, to per- 15 My sonne, walke not thou in the
ceiue the words of way with them ; refraine thy foot from
hgjkhgljkdjkgkfl their path :
3 To receiue the instruction of wis- 16 * For their feete runne to euil, and * Isa. 59. 7.
rom. 3. 15.
tHebr. equi- dome, iustice, and iudgement & t equitie, make haste to shed blood.
ties. 4 To giue subtil tie to the simple, to 17 Surely in vaine the net is spread
II Or, ttduise- the yong man knowledge and || discre- t in the sight of any bird. t Hebr. in
the eves of
went* tion. 18 And they lay wait for their ozone euery thing
that hath a
Wood 5 they lurke priuily for their owne wing.
5 A wise man wil heare, and wil in-
crease learning : and a man of vnder- Hues.
standing shall attaine vnto wise coun- 19 So are the waies of euery one that
sels : is greedie of gaine : which taketh awfcy
6 To vnderstand a prouerbe, and the life of the owners thereof.
It Or, an elo- || the interpretation ; the wordes of the 20 IT t Wisedome crieth without, she \Hebr,wise-\
qucntspeach. wise, and their darke sayings. * vttereth her voice in the streets : domes, that
is, excellent
* lob 28. 28. 7 IT* The feare of the L O R D is 21 Shee crieth in the chiefe place of wisedome*
psal. ill.
10. prou. 9. ||the beginning of knowledge : but fooles
concourse, in the openings of th^gates : *Prou. 8. 1.
10. despise wisedome and instruction. in the- city she vttereth her words, saying^
II Or, the 8 My sonne , heare the instruction 22 How long, ye simple ones, will ye
wrt* of thy father, and forsake not the law of loue simplicitie ? and the scorners de-
thy mother. light in their scorning, and fooles hate
t Hebr. an 9 For they shall be t an ornament of knowledge ?
adding. 23 Turne you at my reproofe : be-
grace vnto thy head, and chaines about
thy necke. hold, I will powre out my spirit vnto
Reward ok fooles. Chap.ij.iij. Wifedomes fruits.
you, I will make knowen my wordes 8 He keepeth the pathes of Judge-
vnto you. ment , and preserueth the way of his
*Isa.65.12. 24 11* Because I haue called, and Saints.
and 66. 4.
ier. 7. 13. yee refused , I haue stretched out my 9 Then shalt thou vnderstand
ezech. 8. 18 hand, and no man regarded :
righteousnesse, and iudgement, and e-
25 But ye haue set at nought all my quity ; yea euery good path.
counsell, & would none of my reproofe: 10 IF When wisedome entreth into
26 I also will laugh at your calami- thine heart, and knowledge is pleasant
tie , I wil mocke when your feare com- vnto thy soule ;
meth. 11 Discretion shall preserue thee, vn-
lob. 27. 27 * When your feare commeth as derstanding shall keepe thee :
9. isa. 1. 15.
ier. 11. 11. desolation , and your destruction com- 12 To deliuer thee from the way of
& 14. 12. meth as a whirlewinde ; when distresse the euill man, from the man that spea-
and anguish commeth vpon you : keth froward things.
*Micah.3,4 28 * Then shall they call vpon mee, 13 Who leaue the pathes of vpright-
but I will not answere ; they shall seeke nesse, to walke in the wayes of darke-
me early, but they shall not finde me : nesse :
29 For that they hated knowledge, 14 Who reioyce to doe euill, and de-
and did not choose the feare of the light in the frowardnesse of the wic-
LORD. ked.
30 They would none of my counsel : 15 Whosfc wayes are crooked , and
they despised all my reproofe. they froward in their pathes.
31 Therefore shall they eate of the 16 To deliuer thee from the strange
fruite of their owne way, and be filled woman, *euen from the stranger, which and* Prou. 5. 3,
7* $•
with their owne deuices. flattereth. with her words :
II Or^ease f 32 For the || turning away of the sim- 17 Which forsaketh the guide of her
of the simple
ple shall slay them, and the prosperity of youth, and forgetteth the couenant of
fooles shall destroy them. her God.
33 But who so hearkneth vnto mee, 18 For her house inclineth vnto
shall dwell safely , and shall be quiet death, and her pathes vnto the dead :
from feare of euill. 19 None that goe vnto her, returne
againe, neither take they hold of the
C H A P . II. pathes of life.
1 Wisedome promiseth godlinesse to her chil-
20 That thou mayest walke in the
dren, 10 and safety from euill company, way of good men, and keepe the pathes
20 and direction in good wayes. of the righteous.
21 * For the vpright shall dwell in 30.
* Psal. 37
Y sonne, if thou wilt re- the land, and the perfect shall remaine

ceiue my words, and hide in it.
ni * lob. 18.
22 * But the wicked shall be cut off 17.
y commaundements psal.
fhgjfglkjgklf from the earth, and the transgressours 104. 35.
2 So that thou incline shalbe || rooted out of it. II Or, pluckt
thine eare vnto wise-
dome, and apply thine heart to vnder-
standing ; C H A P . III.
3 Yea if thou cryest after knowledge, 1 An exhortation to obedience, 5 to faith, 7
Heb.ghtest and tliftest vp thy voyce for vnderstan- to mortification, 9 to deuotion, 1 1 to pati-
thy voice. mugdin0* •. ence. 13 The happy gaine of wisedome. 1 9
4 * If thou seekest her as siluer, and The power, 21 and the benefits of wisedome.
• Mat. 13. 27 An exhortation to charitablenesse, 30
44. searchest for her, asjftr hid treasures : peaceablenesse, 31 and contentednesse. 33
5 Then shalt thou vnderstand the The cursed state of the wicked.
feare of the L O R D , and find the
knowledge of God. Y sonne , forget not my
* lam. 1. 5. 6 *For the L O R D giueth wise-

^awe ' *kut ^et thine heart &* Deut. 8. i .
30. 16.
. king. 3. 0.dome : out of his mouth commeth know- keePe mv commaunde-
ledge, and vnderstanding. ments:
7 He layeth vp sound wisedome for 2 For length of dayes,
the righteous \ lie is a buckler to them and t long life, and peace shall they adde ofltfe.\Heky eere*
that walke vprightly. to thee.
3 Let
Wifdomes praife. Prouerbes. Dauids care.
3 Let not mercy and trueth forsake shalt not be afraide : yea, thou shalt lye
* Exod. 13. thee : *bind them about thy necke, write downe, and thy sleepe shalbe sweet.
9. deut. 6. 8.
them vpon the table of thine heart. 25 Be not afraid of sudden feare, nei-
*Psal. ill.
4 * So shalt thou find fauour , and ther of the desolation of the wicked,
1 0r, good || good vnderstanding in the sight of when it commeth.
successe. God, and man. 26 For the L O R D shalbe thy con-
5 f Trust in the LORD with all fidence, and shall keepe thyfoote from
thine heart ; and leane not vnto thine being taken.
owne vnderstanding. 27 1F Withhold not good from them
* i. Chron. 6 * In all thy wayes acknowledge tto whom it is due, when it is in the iownersHebr. the
38. 9.
him, and he shall direct thy pathes. power of thine hand to doe it, of.
* Rom. 12. 7 f *Be not wise in thine owne 28 Say not vnto thy neighbour,
eyes : feare the LORD, and depart Goe, and come againe, and to morrow
from euill. I will giue, when thou hast it by thee.
tHebr. me-
8 It shalbe t health to thy nauill, 29 ||Deuise not euil against thy neigh- fl Or, pro*
t Hebr. wa- and t marrow to thy bones. bour , seeing hee dwelleth securely by ctise no euill.
tring) or
9 * Honour the L O R D with thy thee.
* Exod, 23. substance, and with the first fruits of all 80 1F Striue not with a man with-
19. and 34. thine increase. out cause , if hee haue done thee no
36. deut.
26. 2. &C. 10 *So shall thy barnes be filled harme,
mala. 3. 10.
£c. luke with plenty, and thy presses shall burst 31 f * Enuie thou not t the oppres- * Psal. 37. 1.
t Hebr. a
* npnf on out with new wine. sour, and choose none of his wayes.
14. 13.
JJCUt. *O. man of vio-
8. 1 1 If * My sonne, despise not the cha- 32 For the froward is abomination lence.
* lob fi. 17. stening of the LORD : neither be wea- to the L O R D : *but his secret is with .*Psal. 25.
liebr. 12. 6. _
apoc. 3. 19. ry of his correction. the righteous.
12 For whom the LORD loueth, 33 f *The curse of the LORD is in * Mala. 2. 2.
he correcteth, euen as a father the sonne, the house of the wicked : but he blesseth
in whom he delighteth. the habitation of the iust.
13 IT Happy is the man that findeth 34 * Surely he scorneth the scorners : * lam. 4. 6.
1. pet. b. 6,
tHebr. ike wisedome , and t the man that getteth but he giuetn grace vnto the lowly.
man that
draweth out vnderstanding. 35 The wise shall inherite glory, but
amg. 14 *For the merchandise of it is bet- shame t shalbe the promotion of fooles. Mlebr.ex-
alteth the
* lob 28. ter then the merchandise of siluer, and fooles.
15. &c. psal. the gaine thereof, then fine gold.
19. 10. pro.
8. vers. 11. 15 She is more precious then Ru- C H A P . IIII.
and 19. and 1 Solomon, to perswade obedience, 3 shew-
16. 16. bies : and all the things thou canst de-
sire, are not to be compared vnto her. eth what instruction hee had of his parents,
5 to study wisdom e, 14 and to shun the
16 Length of dayes is in her right path of tne wicked. 20 Hee exhorteth to
hand : and in her left hand, riches and faith, 23 and sanctification.
17 Her wayes are wayes of plesant- Eare, ye children, the in-
nesse : and all her pathes are peace.
18 She is a tree of life, to them that
lay hold vpon her : and happy is euery
one that retaineth her,
H struction of a father, and
attend to know vnder-
g For I giue you good
19 The L O R D by wisedome hath doctrine : forsake you not my law,
founded the earth; by vnderstanding 3 For I was my fathers sonne,
!l Or, prepa- hath he || established the heauens. * tender and onely beloued in the sight of 29.
* i Chron.
red my mother,
20 By his knowledge the depthes
are broken vp ; and the cloudes droppe 4 *He taught me also, and said vnto Chron.•i.
downe the dew. me, Let thine heart reteine my wordes : 28. 9.
21 11 My sonne, let not them depart keepe my. commandements, and Hue.
from thine eyes : keepe sound wisedome 5 Get wisedome, get vnderstanding :
and discretion. forget it not , neither decline from the
22 So shall they bee life vnto thy wordes of my mouth.
soule, and grace to thy necke. 6 Forsake her not, and she shall pre-
* Psal. 37. 23 *Then shalt thou walke in thy serue thee : loue her, and she shall keepe
24. and 91.
11. way safely, & thy foot shall not stumble. thee.
24« When thou lyest downe, thou 7 Wisedome is the principall thing,
Keepe the heart. Chap.v. Flee whoredoine.
therefore get wisedome: and with all thy and not 15 He exhorteth to contentednes,
getting, get vnderstanding. liberalitie^ and chastitie. 22 The wicked are
8 Exalt her, and shee shall promote ouertaken with their owne shines.
thee : shee shall bring thee to honour, Y sonne, attend vnto my

when thou doest imbrace her wisedome, and bo we thine
* Chap. l. 9 * She shall giue to thine head an eare to my vnderstanding.
II Or, shee ornament of grace, ||a crowne of glory 2 That thou mayest
shall com-
passe thee shall she deliuer to thee. regard discretion, and that
with a 10 Heare, O my sonne, and receiue thy lips may keepe knowledge.
crowne qf
glory. my sayings : and the yeeres of thy life 3 f *For the lips of a strange woman * Chap. 2.
16. and 6,
shalbe many. drop as an hony combe, and her tmouth 24.
11 I haue taught thee in the way o1 is smoother then oyle. \Heb.palate
wisedome : I haue lead thee in right 4 But her end is bitter as worme-
pathes. wood, sharpe as a two edged sword.
12 When thou goest, thy steps shall 5 *Her feete goe downe to death: * Chap. 7-
* PsaL 91. not be straitned, *and when thou run- 27.
tier steps take hold on hell.
11. nest, thou shalt not stumble. 6 Lest thou shouldest ponder the
13 Take fast hold of instruction, let sath of life, her wayes are moueable,
her not goe; keepe her, for she is thy life.
that thou canst not know them.
I * Chap. 1.
10, 15.
14 IF * Enter not into the path of the 7 Heare me now therefore, O yee
psal. 1.1. wicked, and goe not in the way of euill children : & depart not from the words
men. of my mouth,
15 Auoid it, passe not by it, turne 8 Remoue thy way farre from her,
rom it, and passe away. and come not me the doore of her house:
16 For they sleepe not except they 9 Lest thou giue thine honour vnto
laue done mischiefe: and their sleepe is others, and thy yeeres vnto the cruell:
aken away vnlesse they cause some to 10 Lest strangers be filled with tthy t Hebr. thy
fall. wealth, and thy labors be in the house
17 For they eate the bread of wicked- of a stranger,
nesse, and drinke the wine of violence. 11 And thou mourne at the last, when
18 But the path of the iust is as the thy flesh and thy body are consumed,
shining light that shineth more and 12 And say, How haue I hated in-
more vnto the perfect day. struction, and my heart despised re-
19 The way of the wicked is as )roofe ?
larknes : they know not at what they 13 And haue not obeyed the voyce of
stumble. my teachers, nor inclined mine eare to
20 1T My sonne, attend to my words, them that instructed me ?
incline thine eare vnto my sayings. 14 I was almost in all euill, in the
21 Let them not depart from thine midst of the congregation & assembly.
eyes : keepe them in the midst of thine 15 H Drinke waters out of thine
leart. owne cisterne, and running waters
22 For they are life vnto those that out of thine owne well.
t Heb. me" ind them, and t health to all their flesh. 16 Let thy fountaines bee dispersed
t Heb. above 23 f Keepe thy heart twith all dili- abroad, and riuers of waters in the
all keeping. gence : for out of it are the issues of life. streets.
t Heb.fro- 24 Put away from thee t a froward 17 Let them be onely thine owne,
wardnesse mouth, and peruerse lips put farre from and not strangers with thee.
of mouth
andperuers- lee. 18 Let thy fountaine be blessed : and
ties of lips.
25 Let thine eyes looke right on, and reioyce with the wife of thy youth.
let thine eye lids looke straight before 19 Let her bee as the louing Hinde and
lee, )leasant Roe, let her breasts tsatisfie t Heb. water
^Or^allffiy 26 Ponder the path of thy feet, ||and hee at all times, and be thou trauisht hee. Heb. erre
wayes sham
ordered et all thy wayes be established. alwayes with her loue. houalwayes
n her loue.
arighf. 20 And why wilt thou, my sonne,
* Deut, 5.32 27 * Turne not to the right hande
nor to the left: remoue thy foot fro euil. >e rauisht with a strange woman, and
imbrace the bosome of a stranger ?
C H A P . V. 21 *For the wayes of man are before * lob 31. 4.
1 Solomon exhorteth to the studie of wisedome. the eyes of the LORD, and he ponde- and 34.21.
chap. 15. 3.
3 He sheweth the mischiefe of whoredome reth all his goings. icr. l«. 17.
and 32. 19.
22 f His
*21 3
Of furetiflbip. Prouerbes. Adulterie.
22 f His owne iniquities shall take 17 t A proude looke, a lying tongue, Hebr.
le wicked himselfe, and he shall be hoi- and hands that shed innocent blood : aughtie
en with the coards of his tsinnes.
WIeb.$inne. hgg 18 An heart that deuiseth wicked
23 He shall die without instruction, imaginations, *feet that be swift in run- dfd
Rom. 3.
nd in the greatnesse of his folly he shal ning to mischiefe :
oe astray.
sdg 19 A false witnesse that speaketh lies;
and him that soweth discord among bre-
C H A P. VI. thren.
20 IT * My sonne, keepe thy fathers ff Chap. 1. 8.
sfAgainst suretiship, 6 Idlenesse, 12 And mis- commandement , and forsake not the
chieuousnesse. 16 Seuen things hatefull to
God. 20 The blessings of obedience. 25 law of thy mother.
The mischiefes of whoredome. 21 Binde them continually vpon
thine heart, and tie them about thy
Y sonne, if thou bee necke.

Surety for thy friend, if 22 When thou goest , it shall leade
thou hast srcken thy thee; when thou sleepest, it shall keepe
hand with a stranger, thee ; and when thou awakest, it shall
2 Thou art snarec talke with thee.
with the words of 'thy 23 *For the Commandement is a Psal. 19,9.
mouth, thou art taken ||lampe, and the Lawe is light : and fci Or, 119. 106.
with the wordes of thy mouth. reproofes of instruction are the way oi
3 Doe this now, my sonne, and de- life:
sfiuer thy selfe, when thou art come into 24 * To keepe thee from the euill and * Cha. 2. 16.
5. 3.
he hand of thy friend : goe, humble thy woman, from the flatterie ||of the and 7. 5.
Or, so shalt dfelfe, and ||make sure thy friend. tongue of a strange woman. Or, of the
ihoupre- strange
uatte with 4 Giue not sleepe to thine eyes, nor 25 *Lust not after her beautie in ongue.
thyfriend. slumber to thine eyelids. thine heart ; neither let her take thee * Mat. 5. 28.
5 Deliuer thy selfe as a Roe from with her eyelids.
the hand ofthehunter, and as a bird from 26 For by meanes of a whorish wo-
the hand of the fowler. man^ manisbrought toapiece of bread:
6 f Goe to the Ant, thou sluggard. and the t adulteresse will hunt for the t Heb. trie
woman of a
consider her wayes, and be wise. precious life. man, or a
7 Which hauing no guide, ouerseer, 27 Can a man take fire in his bo- mans wife.
or ruler, some, and his clothes not be burnt ?
8 Prouideth her meat in the Sum- 28 Can one goe vpon hote coales
mer, and gathereth her food in the har- and his feete not be burnt ?
uest. 29 So he that goeth in to his neigh
* Cha. 13.4 9 *How long wilt thou sleepe, C
SJld 20. 4.
bours wife; whosoeuer toucheth her
and 24. 33. sluggard ? when wilt thou arise out o shall not be innocent.
thy sleepe ? 30 Men doe not despise a thiefe, if he
10 Yet a little sleepe, a little slumber, steale to satisfie his soule , when hee i
a little folding of the hands to sleepe. hungry :
11 So shall thy pouertie. come as 31 But £/*he be found, he shall restor
one that trauaileth, and thy want as seuenfold, he shall giue all the hgujggjgj
an armed man. of his house.
12 IT A naughtie person , a wickec 32 But who so comroitteth adultery
man walketh with a froward mouth. with a woman, lacketh tvnderstan i Heb. heart.
13 He winketh with his eyes, he spea- ding : hee that doeth it, destroyeth jhgj
keth with his feete , hee teacheth wit owne soule.
his fingers. 33 A wound and dishonour shall h
14 Frowardnesse is in his heart, he get, aud his reproch shall not be wipec
t Heb. ca- deuiseth mischiefe continually, he t sow- away.
eth discord. 34 For iealousie is the rage of a man
15 Therefore shall his calamitie come therefore he will not spare in the day o
suddenly; suddenly shall hee be broken vengeance.
without remedie. 35 tHe will not regard any ransome t Hebr. he
will not ac-
16 f These sixe things doeth the neither will hee rest content nvngfh cept the face
t Heb. ofh LORD hate; yea seuen are an abomi- thou giuest many giftes. of any ran-
scute. nation tvnto him .
The defcription Chap.vij.viij. of a harlot.
twith him, and will come home at ||the t Heb. in hi*
C H A P . VII. day appointed. hand.
II Or, the
1 Solomon perswadeth to a sincere and kind fa- £1 With much faire speech she causec Neuo moone
miliaritie with wisedome. 6 In an example ol him to yeeld, with the flattering of her
his owne experience, he sheweth 10 the cun- lips she forced him.
ning of an whore, 22 And the desperate sim-
plicitie of a yong wanton. 24* Hee dehorteth 22 He goeth after her t straightway t Heb. sud-
from such wicked nesse. as an oxe goeth to the slaughter, or as a denly.
foole to the correction of the stocks,
Y sonne, keepe my words, 23 Til a dart strike through his liuer

and lay vp my commaun- as a bird hasteth to the snare , anc
dements w*^ t^lee- knoweth not that it is for his life.
* Deut. 6. 0. * Keepe my comman- 24 IF Hearken vnto me now there-
& H..18.
chap. 3i 3. dements, and Hue: and my fore, O ye children , and attend to the
law as the apple of thine eye. words of my mouth.
3 Bind them vpon thy fingers, write 25 Let not thine heart decline to her
them vpon the table of thine heart. wayes, goe not astray in her paths.
4 Say vnto Wisedome , Thou art 26 For shee hath cast downe many
my sister* and call Vnderstanding thy wounded : yea many strong men haue
kinsewoman, benfe slaine by her.
* Chap. 5, 3. 5 *That they may keepe thee from 27 *Her house is the way to hell, go- * Chap. 2.
the strange woman, from the stranger ing downe to the chambers of death. 18. & 5. 5.
which flattereth with her words.
6 IF For at the windowe of my Cil A I . V1I1.
house I looked through my casement,
7 And behelde among the simple 1 The fame, 6 and euidencie of wisedome. 10
t Heb. the ones, I discerned among tthe youths, The excellencie, 12 the nature,, 15 the
soiines. power, 18 the riches, 22 and the eternitie o1
a yong man void of vnderstanding, wisedome. 32 Wisedome is to be desired for
8 Passing through the streete neere the blessednesse it bringeth.
her corner, and he went the way to her
house? Oeth * not Wisedome crie ? * Cha. 1. 20
t Heb. in the 9 In the twilight tin the euening,
euening of
the day. in the blacke and darke night :
10 And behold, there met him a wo-
D ^ Vnderstandipg put foorth
her voice ?
3 Shee standeth in the
man, with the attire of an harlot , and top of high places , by the way in the
subtill of heart. places of the pathes.
* Chap, 9.13 11 (* She is loud and stubburne, her 3 She cryeth at the gates, at the en-
feet abide not in her house; trie of the citie, at the comming in at the
12 Now is shee without, now in the doores.
streetes, and lieth in waite at euery cor- 4 Vnto you, O men, I call, and
ner, ) my voice is to the sonnes of man.
13 So she caught him, and kissed him, 5 O yee simple, vnderstand wise-
t Heb. shee and -rwith an impudent face, said vnto dome : and yee fooles, be yee of an vn-
her face and him, derstanding heart.
t Heb. peace
14 I haue t peace offerings with me: 6 Heare , for I will speake of excel-
offerings are this day haue I paid my vowes. lent things : and the opening of my
vpon me. 15 Therefore came I forth to meete tippes shalbe right things.
thee, diligently to seeke thy face, and I 7 For my mouth shall speake truth,
haue found thee. and wickednesse is tan abomination to t Heb. the
161 haue deckt my bed with coue- my lippes. of my lips.
rings of tapestrie, with carued workes, 8 All the words of my mouth are in
with fine linnen of Egypt righteousnes, there is nothing tfroward hatt Heb. wrea~
17 I haue perfumed my bed with or peruerse in them.
myrrhe, aloes, and cynamom 9 They are all plaine to him that
18 Come, let vs take our fill of loue vnderstandeth : and right to them that
vntill the morning, let vs solace our ind knowledge
seines with loues 10 Receiue my instruction , and not
19 For the good-man is not at home, siluer : and knowledge rather then
' lob 28. 15
be is gone a long iourney. choise gold. psal. 19. 11.
20 He hath taken a bag of money 11 *For wisedome is better then ru- &hap. 3. 15.
16. 16.
Ghrifts eternitie. Prouerbes. Wifedomes feaft.
)ies : and all the things that may be de- his earth , and my delights were with
ired, are not to be compared to it. he sonnes of men.
l Or, MM. 12 I wisedome dwell with ||pru- 32 Nowe therefore hearken vnto
lence, and find out knowledge of witty me, O yee children : for blessed *are theysf Psal. 119.
, 2. and
intentions that keepe my wayes. dg
28. 1. luc.
13 The feare of the L O R D is to 33 Heare instruction , and bee wise, 11.23.
late euill : pride and arrogancie, and the and refuse it not.
euill way, and the froward mouth doe 34 Blessed is the man that heareth
I hate. me : watching daily at my gates , wai-
14 Counsell is mine, and sound wise- ting at the postes of my doores.
lome : I' am vnderstanding , I haue 35 For whoso findeth mee , findeth
trength. ife , and shall t obtaine fauour of the foorth.
Jfeb. bring
15 By me kings reigne, and princes L.ORD
decree Justice. 36 But hee that sinneth against me,
16 By me Princes rule, and Nobles, wrongeth his owne soule ; all they that
euen all the ludges of the earth. late me, loue death.
17 I loue them that loue me, and
hose that seeke me early, shall find me. C H A P IX.
* Prou. 3.
18 * Riches and honour are with 'me. fhfjhjghfg
1 The discipline, 4 and doctrine of wisedome.
yea durable riches and righteousnesse. 13 The custome, 16 and error of folly.sfdt
* Prou. 3.
4, 19 *My fruite is better then gold, yea
hen fine gold, and my reuenue then Isedome hath builded her
choise siluer.
II Or, toalke. 20 I ||leade in the way of righteous-
nesse, in the midst of the pathes of iudg-
W house : she hath hewen out
her seuen pillars.
2 She bath killed ther t Heb, her
heastes; she hath mingled killing.
21 That I may cause those that loue ier wine : she hath also furnished her
me, to inherite substance : and I will fill table.
their treasures. 3 She hath sent forth her maidens ;
22 The L O R D possessed me in the she cryeth vpon the highest places of the
Beginning of. his way, before his works citie.
of old. 4 Who so is simple, let him turne in
23 I was set vp from euerlasting, lither : as for him that wanteth vnder-
Tom the beginning, or euer the earth standing, she sayth to him :
was. 5 Come, eate of my bread, and drinke
24? When there were no depthes , I of the wine, which I haue mingled.
was brought forth : when there were no 6 Forsake the foolish, and liue ; and
fountaines abounding with water. joe in the way of vnderstanding.
25 Before the mountaines were set- 7 He that reproueth a scorner, get-
led : before the hilles , was I brought teth to himselfe shame : and he that re-
foorth : buketh a wicked man, getteth himselfe a
26 While as yet he had not made the blot.
1 Or, open earth, nor the ||fields, nor the || highest 8 * Reproue not a scorner , lest hee * Mat. 7.
\ Or, the part of the dust of the world. hate thee : rebuke a wise man, and hee16.
chiefe part. 27 When hee prepared the heauens, will loue thee
t Or, a circle I was there . when he set ||a compasse 9 Giue instrttction to a wise man, am
vpon the face of the depth. he will be yet wiser : teach a iust man
28 When he established the cloudes •and he will increase in learning.
aboue : when he strengthned the foun- 10 * The feare of the L O R D is the * lob 28.
taines of the deepe. beginning of wisedome : and the know- 28. psal. ill,
•Gen. 1.10 29 * When he gaue to the sea his de- ledge of the holy is vnderstanding. 10. chap.
lob. 38. 10. 1. 7«
psal. 14. 9. cree , that the waters should not passe 11 *For by me thy dayes shall be mul- * Chap.
his commandement . when he appoin- tiplied : and the yeeres of thy life shalbe 10.7.
ted the foundations of the earth • increased.
30 Then I was by him , as one 12 If thou be wise, thou shalt be
brought vp with him : and I was daily wise for thy selfe : but a/1 thou scornest
his delight , reioycing alwayes before thou alone shalt beare it.
him : 18 f *A foolish woman is clamo • Chap. 7.
31 Reioycing in the habitable part o rous : she is simple, & knoweth nothing. n.
14 For
The iuft blefled. Chap.x. The good tongue.
14 For she sitteth at the doore of her rod is for the backe of him that is yoyd
bouse on a seate, in the high places of of t vnderstanding. IHebr.
the Citie : 14« Wise men lay vp knowledge : but
15 To call passengers who go right the mouth of the foolish is neere destru-
on their wayes : ction.
16 Who so is simple, let him turne in 15 #The rich mans wealth is his * Chap. 18.'
hither : and as for him that wanteth strong citie : the destruction of the poore 11.
vnderstanding, she saith to him ; is their pouertie.
17 Stollen waters are sweet, and 16 The labour of the righteous ten-
KHebr. oread t eaten in secret is pleasant. deth to life : the fruite of the wicked to
of secrecies. 18 But hee knoweth not that the sinne.
dead are there ; and that her guests are in 17 He is in the way of life that keepeth
the depths of hell. instruction : but hee that refuseth re-
proofe, ||erreth. B 0r, causeth
C H A P . X. 18 Hee that hideth hatred with lying toerre.
lippes, and he that vttereth a slander, is
From this Chapter to the fiue and twentieth, are a foole.
sundry obsepuations of morall vertues, and
their contrary vices. 19 In the multitude of words there
wanteth not sinne : but he that refrai-
He Prouerbes of Solo- neth his lippes, is wise.

*Chap. 15. mon : * A wise sonne ma- 20 The tongue of the iust is as choise
kefch a S^a^ fat^er : but a siluer : the heart of the wicked is little
foolish sonne is the hea- worth.
hfgkhkmh;lh'hll;l;;h;';; 21 The lippes of the righteous feed
* Chap. 11. 2 * Treasures of wic- many : but fooles die for want t of wise-
kednesse profit nothing : but righteous- dome. heart.
nes deliuereth from death. 22 The blessing of the LORD, it
* Psal. 37. 3 * The LORD will not suffer the maketh rich, and hee addeth no sorrow
soule of the righteous to famish : but he with it.
B Or, the casteth away ||the substance of the 23 *It is as a sport to a foole to doe *Chap. 14.
wickedfor wicked. mischiefe : but a man of vnderstanding 9.
;heir wic-
kednesse. 4 *Hee becommeth poore that dea- hath wisedome.
* Chap. 12.
24. leth with a slacke hand : but the hand of 24 The feare of the wicked, it shall
the diligent, maketh rich. come vpon him : but the desire of the
5 Hee that gathereth in Summer, righteous shalbe granted.
is a wise sonne : but hee that sleepeth 25 As the whirlewinde passeth , so
in haruest , is a sonne that causeth is the wicked no more : but the righte-
shame. ous is an euerlasting foundation.
6 Blessings are vpon the head of the 26 As vineger to the teeth , and as
* Verse 11. iust : but * violence couereth the mouth smoke to the eyes , so is the sluggard to
of the wicked. them that send him.
*Psal. 112. 7 * The memorie of the iust is blessed: 27 * The feare of the LORD tpro- n. * Chap. 9.
but the name of the wicked shall rot. longeth dayes : but the yeeres of the tHebr. ad.
8 The wise in heart wil receiue com- wicked shalbe shortened. deth.
iHebr. a maundements : but a t prating foole 28 * The hope of the righteous shall and Mob 8. 13.
foole of lips. 11. 20.
bee gladnesse : but the expectation of the psal. 112.
I Or, shalbe || shall fall.
beaten. 9 *He that walketh vprightly, wal- wicked shall perish. 10.
* PsaL 23. 4.
keth surely : but he that peruerteth his 29 The way of the L O R D is
wayes, shalbe knowen. strength to the vpright : but destructi-
*Cha. 6. 13. 10 *Hee that winketh with the eye, on shall bee to the workers of iniquitie.
causeth sorrow : but a prating foole 30 *The righteous shall neuer bee * Psal. r25.
I Or, shalbe || shall fall.
remooued : but the wicked shall not in- i. 22.
and 37.

* Chap. 13. 11 *The mouth of a righteous man habite the earth.

is a well of life : but violence couereth 31 The mouth of the iust bringeth
the mouth of the wicked. foorth wisedome : but the froward
*l. Pet 4. 8. 12 * Hatred stirreth vp strifes : but tongue shalbe cut out.
1. COT. 13. 4.
loue couereth all sinnes. 32 The lips of the righteous know
13 In the lips of him that hath vn- what is acceptable : but the mouth of
the wicked speaketh tfrowardnesse. t Jfebr.jrO*
derstanding, wisedome is found : but a warinesses.
Of tale-bearers. Prouerbes. A good woman.
so he that pursueth euill, pursueth it tohis
C H A P . XL owne death.
* Leuit. 19. *t False ballanceis abomi- 20 They that are of a froward heart,

36. deut. nation to the LORD : but are abomination to the L O R D : but
25. 15. cha.
16. ll. and "f a iust weight is his de- such as are vpright in their way, are his
fhf i 10 23.
light. delight.
sfHeb. bal-
lances ofde-
2*TFfonpridecommeth, . 21 Though hand ioyne in hand, the
dfHeb. a per- then commeth shame : but with the low- wicked shall not be vnpunished : but
fect stone. ly i* wisedome. the seede of the righteous shall be deli-
* Cliap. 16.
18. and 15. & *The integritie of the vpright uered.
33. and
18. 12. shall guide them : but the peruersenesse 22 As a iewell of golde in a swines
*Cha. 13. 6. of transgressours shall destroy them. snowt; so is a faire woman which tis tlarteth Heb. de.
*Cha. 10. 2 4 * Riches profite not in the day of without discretion. from.
ezek. 7. 19.
zeph. 1. 18. wrath : but righteousnesse deliuereth 23 The desire of the righteous is one-
from death. y good : but the expectation of the wic-
5 The righteousnesse of the perfect ced is wrath.
\Heb. recti- shall t direct his way : but the wicked 24? There is that scattereth, and yet
shall fall by his owne wickednesse. increaseth ; and there is that withholdeth
* Cha. 5. 22. 6 •* The righteousnesse of the vp- more then is meete, but it tendeth to po-
right shall deliuer them : but transgres- uertie.
sours shall be taken in their owne naugh- 25 *tThe liberall soule shalbe made * 2. Cor. 9. J)
tinesse. fat : and he that watereth, shall be wa-soulet Heb. the
7 When a wicked man dieth, his ex- tered also himselfe. sing.
pectation shall perish : and the hope of 26 Hee that withholdeth corne, the
vniust men perisheth. seople shall cursehim : but blessing shall
*Chap. 21. 8 * The righteous is deliuered out \e vpon the head of him that selleth it.
of trouble, and the wicked commeth in 27 * He that diligently seeketh good, * Psal. 7. 17.
his stead. Drocureth fauour : but hee that seeketh and 9. 16.
and 10. 2.
*Iob 8. 13. 9 * An hypocrite with his mouth de- •nischiefe, it shall come vnto him. and 57. 7.
stroyeth his neighbour : but through 28 He that trusteth in his riches, shall
knowledge shall the iust be deliuered. fail : but the * righteous shall flourishand * Psal. l . 3.
92. 13.
10 When it goeth well with the righ- as a branch. iere, 17. 8.
teous, the citie reioyceth : and when the 29 He that troubleth his owne house,
wicked perish, there is shouting. shall inherite the winde : and the foole
11 By the blessing of the vpright the shall be seruant to the wise of heart.
citie is exalted ; but it is ouerthrowen by 80 The fruit of the righteous is a tree
the mouth of the wicked. of life : and hee that t winneth soules, is net
t Heb. ta-

t Heb. desti- 12 He that is tvoid of wisedome, de- wise.

tute of heart. spiseth his neighbour : but a man of vn- 31 * Behold, the righteous shalbe re- *1. Pet. 4.
derstanding holdeth his peace. compensed in the earth : much more the 18.
t Heb. hee 13 + A tale-bearer reuealeth secrets : wicked and the sinner.
that walketh
being a but hee that is of a faithfull spirit, con-
talebearer. cealeth the matter. C H A P .XII.
*1. King. 14 * Where no counsell is, the people Hoso loueth instruction,

13. 1.
fall : but in the multitude of counselors oueth knowledge : but he
there is safetie. hat hateth reproofe, is
15 Hee that is suretie for a stranger, brutish .
t Heb. shalbe t shall smart for it : and hee that hateth 2 A good man obtai-
sore broken. t suretiship, is sure,
\ Heb. those
netk fauour of the LORD : but a man
that strike 16 A gracious woman retaineth of wicked deuices will he condemne.
hands. 3 A man shall not bee established by
honour : and strong men retaine ri-
ches. wickednesse : but the * roote of the righ- 25
*Chap. 10.
17 The mercifull man doeth good teous shall not be mooued.
to his owne soule : but he that is cruell, 4 * A vertuous woman is a crowne *l.Cor-
troubleth his owne flesh. to her husband : but she that maketh a- 1.1. 7-
18 The wicked worketh a deceitfull shamed, is as rottennesse in his bones.
worke : but to him that soweth righte- 5 The thoughts of the righteous
ousnesse, shall be a sure reward. are right : but the counsels of the wickec
19 As righteousnesse tendeth to life : are deceit.
6 * The
Of lying lippes. Chap.xiij. The fluggard.
* Chap. 1. 6 * The words of the wicked are to 25 * Heauinesse in the heart of man * Chap. is.
11. & 18. lie in waite for blood : but the mouth of maketh it stoope : but a good word 13.
the vpright shall deliuer them. maketh it glad.
* PsaL 37. 37 7 The wicked are ouerthrowen, 26 The righteous is more || excellent dant
H Or, abun-
prou. l}, 21.
and are not : but the house of the righte- then his neighbour : but the way of the
ous shall stand. wicked seduce th them.
8 A man shall be commended accor- 27 The slouthfull man rosteth not
ding to his wisedome : but hee that is that which he tooke in hunting : but the
t Heb. per- tof aperuerse heart, shall be despised. substance of a diligent man is precious.
fjterse Of
'wart. 9 Hee that is despised and hath a ser- 28 In the way of righteousnesse is
uant, is better then he that honoureth life, and in the path-way thereof there is
himselfe, and lacketh bread. no death.
10 A righteous man regardeth the
1! Or, bowels. life of his beast : but the || tender mercies C H A P . XIII.
of the wicked are cruell. Wise sonne heareth his fa-
* Chap. 28.
11 *Hee that tilleth his land, shall bee
satisfied with bread : but he that follow-
eth vaine persons, is void of vnderstan-
A thers instruction : but a
scorner heareth not re-
2 * A man shall eate * Chap. 12.
il Or, the 12 The wicked desireth ||the net of e- good by the fruit of his mouth : but the 14.
uill men : but the roote of the righteous soule of the transgressours, shall eate
yeeldethyhtt'J. violence.
t Heb. the 13 t*The wicked is snared by the 3 He that keepeth his mouth , kee-
snare of the
wicked is in transgression of his lippes : but the iust peth his life : but hee that openeth wide
the trans- shall come out of trouble.
gression of
his lips , shall haue destruction.
lippes. 14? * A man shall bee satisfied with 4 The soule of the sluggard desireth,
* Cha. 18. 7- good by the fruit of his mouth, and the and hath nothing : but the soule of the
* Cha. 13. 2.
recompence of a mans hands shall bee diligent shall be made fat
rendred vnto him. 5 A righteous man hateth lying :
* Chap. 3. 7^ 15 * The way of a foole is right in his but a wicked man is loathsome, and
owne eyes : but he that hearkeneth vn- commeth to shame.
to counsell, is wise. 6 * Righteousnesse keepeth him that Jj*Chap. O K
O, O.

iHebinthat 16 A fooles wrath is t presently is vpright in the way : but wickednesse

day. knowen : but a prudent man couereth ouerthroweth tthe sinner. t Heb. siruie.
shame. 7 There is that maketh himselfe
*Cha. 14. 5. 17 * He that speaketh trueth , shew- rich, yet hath nothing : there is that ma-
eth foorth righteousnesse : but a false keth himselfe poore, yet hath great
witnesse, deceit. riches.
* Psal. 57. 5. 18 * There is that speaketh like the 8 The ransome of a mans life are
& 59* 8.
pearcings of a sword : but the tongue of his riches : but the poore heareth not
the wise is health. rebuke.
19 The lippe of trueth shall bee esta- 9 The light of the righteous reioy-
blished for euer : but a lying tongue is ceth: *but the ||lampeof the wicked shall & * lob. 18. 6.
21. 17.
but for a moment. be put out. II Or9 candle.
20 Deceit is in the heart of them that 10 Onely by pride commeth conten-
imagine euill : but to the counsellours tion : but with the well aduised is wise-
of peace, is ioy. dome.
21 There shall no euill happen to 11 * Wealth gotten by vanitie shall be 2.* Chap. 10.
& 20. 21.
the iust : but the wicked shall bee filled diminished : but he that gathereth tby 1 Heb. with.
with mischiefe; labour, shall increase. the hand.
22 Lying lippes are abomination to 12 Hope deferred maketh the heart
the LORD : but they that deale truely, sicke : but when the desire commeth ^itis a
are his delight. tree of life.
*Chap. 13. 23 * A prudent man concealeth know- 13 Whoso despiseth the word, shall
16. & 15. 2.
ledge : but the heart of fooles proclai- be destroyed : but he that feareth the
meth foolishnesse. commaundement, || shall be rewarded. Wr, shall be
* Cha. 10. 4. 24 * The hand of the diligent shall 14 *The lawe of the wise is a foun- in peace.
* Lnap. 14.
# pif, orv 1 4

H Or, deceit. beare rule : but the [(slouthfull shall bee taine of life , to depart from the snares 27-
full* vnder tribute. of death.
15 Good
An ill meffenger. Prouerbes. Rafh anger.
15 Good vnderstanding giueth fa- to vnderstand his way : but the folly
uour : but the way of transgressours is of fooles is deceit.
hard. 9 Fooles make a mocke at * sinne : * Chap. 10.
* Chap. 18.
91 Af 1/S 9
<CO. Ct 1O. Si*
16 #Euery prudent man dealethwith but among the righteous there is fa- 23.
t/fe&r sprat. knowledge : but a foole t layeth open uour.
&tf/fc. his folly. 10 The heart knoweth his towne t ffeb. the
17 A wicked messenger falleth into bitternesse ; and a stranger doth not in- oitternesse
of his soule.
mischiefe : but a faithfull ambassadour termeddle with his ioy.
is health. 11 The house of the wicked shall bee
18 Pouerty and shame shall be to him ouerthrowen : but the tabernacle of the
that refuseth instruction : but he that re- vpright shall flourish.
gardeth reproofe, shall be honoured. 12 * There is a way which seemeth * Chap. 16.
19 The desire accomplished is sweet right vnto a man : but the end thereof 23.
to the soule : but it is abomination to are the wayes of death.
fooles to depart from euill. 13 Euen in laughter the heart is sor-
20 He that walketh with wise men. rowfull ; and the end of that mirth is
shall be wise : but a ghfhfghf
companion of fooles heauinesse.
t/te&,*Ao/te t shall be destroyed. 14 The backslider in heart shall be
21 Euill pursueth sinners : but to the *filled with his owne wayes : and a *Chap. 1.
righteous, good shall be repay d. good m an shall be satisfied from him selfe. 31.
22 A good man leaueth an inheri- 15 The simple beleeueth euery word:
tance to his childrens children : and the but the prudent man looketh well to
* lob. 27. * wealth of the sinner is layd vp for the his going.
1 *7
iust. 16 A wise man feareth, and depar-
* Chap. 12. 23 * Much food is in the tillage of the teth from euill : but the foole rageth,
11. poore : but there is that is destroyed for and is confident.
want of Judgement. 17 Hee that is soone angry , dealeth
* Chap. 23. 24 * He that spareth his rod, hateth foolishly : and a man of wicked deuices
bis sonne : but he that loueth him, cha- is hated.
steneth him betimes. 18 The simple inherite folly : but the
*Psal.37.3. 25 * The righteous eateth to the sa- prudent are crowned with knowledge.
&. 34. 10.
tisfying of his soule : but the belly of the 19 The euill bowe before the good :
wicked shall want. and the wicked at the gates of the righ-
C H A P . XIIII. 20 * The poore is hated euen of his *Chap. 19.
owne neighbour : but t the rich hath ma-7.tHeb, many
Very wise woman buil- ny friends. are the lo-

iters of the
deth her house ; but the 21 He that despiseth his neighbour, rich.
foolish plucketh it downe sinneth : *but he that hath mercy on the *Psal. 112.
with her hands. poore, happy is he. 9.
* lob. 12.4. 2 * He that walketh in 22 Doe they not erre that deuise euil?
his vprightnesse , feareth the L O R D : but mercy and trueth shall be to them
but he that is peruerse in his wayes, that deuise good.
despiseth him. 23 In all labour there is profit : but
3 In the mouth of the foolish is a the talke of the lippes tendeth onely to
rod of pride : but the lippes of the wise penury.
shall preserue them. 24 The crowne of the wise is their
4 Where no Oxen are, the crib is riches : but the foolishness© of fooles is
cleane : but much increase is by the folly.
strength of the Oxe. 25 *A true witnesse deliuereth *Ver. 5.
* Exod. 20. 5 *A faithfull witnesse will not lye : soules : but a deceitful! witnesse speaketh
16. & 23. 1.
chap. 6. 19. but a false witnesse will vtter lyes. lyes.
& 12. 17. 6 A scorn er seeketh wisedome, and 26 In the feare of the LORD
* Chap. 8. 9. findeth it not : but * knowledge is easie is strong confidence : and his children
vnto him that vnderstandeth. shall haue a place of refuge.
7 Goe from the presence of a foolish 27 *The feare of the LORD, is a 14. *Chap. 13.
man, when thou perceiuest not in him fountaine of life , to depart from the
the lippes of knowledge. snares of death.
8 The wisedome of the prudent is 28 In the multitude of people is the
The wickeds facrifice. Chap.xv. The fooles ioy.
kings honour : but in the want of peo- 12 A scorner loueth not one that re-
ple is the destruction of the prince. proueth him : neither will he goe vnto
29 Hee that is slow to wrath, is of the wise.
great vnderstanding : but hee that is 13 *A merry heart maketh a cheere- * Chap. 17.
*( Heir. short t hasty of spirit, exalteth folly.
of spirit.
full countenance : but by sorrow of the 22.
30 A sound heart , is tlie life of the heart, the spirit is broken.
flesh : but enuie, the rottennesse of the 14 The heart of him that hath vn-
bones. derstanding , seeketh knowledge : but
* Chap. 17.
5. matt. 25.
31 *Hee that oppresseth thepoore, re- the mouth of fooles feedeth on foolish-
40. procheth his Maker : but hee that ho- nesse.
noureth him, hath mercy on the poo re. 15 All the dayes of the afflicted are
3% The wicked is driuen away in his euill : but he that is of a merry heart,
wickednes : but the righteous hath hath a continuall feast
hope in his death. 16 * Better is little with the feare of 16.
* Psal. 37
1. tirn.6.
33 Wisedome resteth in the heart of the LORD, then great treasure, and 6. prou. 16.
him that hath vnderstanding : but that trouble therewith. 8.
which is in the midst of fooles, is made 17 * Better is a dinner of herbes * Chap 17-
knowen. where loue is, then a stalled oxe, and ha- 1.
34 Righteousnes exalteth a nation: tred therewith.
t Hebr. to but sinne is & reproch tto any people. 18 * A wrathfull man stirreth vp * Chap. 26.
35 The Kings fauour is toward a strife : but he that is slow to anger, ap- 21.
and 29.
wise seruant : but his wrath, is against peaseth strife.
him that causeth shame. 19 The way of the slouthfull man is
as an hedge of thornes : but the way of
C H A P . XV. the righteous is made tplaine. t Hebr. is
* Chap. 25, *Soft answere turneth a- 20 * A wise sonne maketh a glad fa- araised vp as

way wrath : but grieuous ther : but a foolish man despiseth his 1* .Chap. 10.
words stirre vp anger. mother.
2 The tongue of the 21 * Folly is ioy to him that is t desti- 23.
* Chap. 10.
wise, vseth knowledge a- tute of wisedome : but a man of vnder- t Hebr. voya
t Hebr. bel~ right: but the mouth of fooles, tpow- standing walketh vprightly. of heart.
cheth* or
bubbleth. reth out * foolish nes. 22 * Without counsell, purposes are * See Chap.
* Verse 28. 3 *The eyes of the LORD are in eue- disappointed : but in the multitude of 11. ver. U.
and chap.
12. 23. ry place, beholding the euill & the good. counsellours they are established.
and 13. 16. 4 t A wholesome tongue is a tree of 23 A man hath ioy by the answere of
* lob 34. 21 »
pTOU. 5. 21. life : but peruersnesse therein is a breach his mouth : and a word spoken tin due t Hebr. in
iere. 16. 17. season, how good is it P his season.
and 32. 19. in the spirit.
tiebr. 4. 13. 5 *Afoole despiseth his fathers in- 24 * The way of life is aboue to the * Phil. 3. 20.
t tiebr. the struction : but hee that regardeth re- wise, that he may depart from hell be- COl. 3. 2.
healing of
the tongue. proofe, is prudent. neath.
* Chap. 10.
1. 6 In the house of the righteous is 25 *The L O R D will destroy the * Chap. 12.
much treasure : but in the reuenues of house of the proud : but he will establish 7.11.and u
the wicked is trouble. the border of the widow.
7 The lippes of the wise disperse 26 *The thoughts of the wicked are * Chap. e.
knowledge: but the heart of the foolish, an abomination to the LORD : but 18.
doeth not so the wardes of the pure , are t pleasant t Heb. words
of pleasant- .
* Chap. 21. 8 *The sacrifice of the wicked is an words. nesse.
27. amos 3.
22. isa. i. abomination to the LORD : but the 27 Hee that is greedy of gaine, trou-
11. and 66. prayer of the vpright is his delight.
icit. Ru. Qll
S• IPTP £vt
bleth his owne house : but he that ha-
and 7. 22. 9 The way of the wicked is an abo- teth gifts, shall liue.
mination vnto the LORD-: but he lo- 28 The heart of the righteous stu-
ueth him that followeth after righte- dieth to answere ; but the mouth of the
ousnes. wicked, powreth out euil things.
11 Or, instru- 10 || Correction is grieuous vnto him 29 *The LORD is farre from the * Psal. 34.
ction, fyc. 16. and 145.
that forsaketh the way : and he that ha- wicked : but hee heareth the prayer of 18.
teth reproofe, shall die. the righteous.
* lob 26. 6. 11 * Hell and destruction are before the 30 The light of the eyes reioyceth
L O R D : how much more then, the the heart : and a good report maketh the
hearts of the children of men ? bones fat
81 The
A iuft weight. Prouerbes. Slow to anger.
31 The eare that heareth the reproofe 17 The high way of the vpright is to
of life, abideth among the wise. depart from euill : hee that keepeth his
II Or, corre-
32 He that refuseth || instruction , de- way, preserueth his soule.
II Or, obey- spiseth his owne soule: but he that || hea- 18 * Pride goeth before destruction : *Cha. 11.2.
eth. reth reproofe, tgetteth vnderstanding. and an hautie spirit before a fall. and 18. 12.
* Hebt pOSSeS-
sethari heart 33 The feare of the LORD is the in- 19 Better it is to be of an humble spi-
*Cha.l8. 12 struction of wisedome: and * before ho- rit with the lowly, then to diuide the
nour is humilitie. spoile with the proud.
20 || He that handleth a matter wise- II Or, he that
C H A P . XVI. ly, shall finde good: and who so *tru- vnderstan-
deth a mat-
* Vers. 9. He * || preparations of the steth in the LORD, happy is hee. ter.

and chap. * Psal.. 2. 12.
19. 21. and heart in man , and the an- 21 The wise in heart shall be called and 34. 9.
20. 24. ier. prudent ; and the sweetnesse of the lips and 125. 1.
10. 23. swereof the tongue, wfrom isa. so. 18.
II Or, dispo- ^e LORD. increaseth learning. iere. 17. 7.
* Cha.21. 2. % *A11 the way CB .of a 22 * Vnderstanding is a well-spring * Chap. 13.
man are cleane in his owne eyes: but the of life vnto him that hath it : but the in- 14.
LORD weigheth the spirits. struction of fooles is folly.
* Psaj. 37. 5. 3 *t Commit thy workes vnto the 23 The heart of the wise tteacheth t Heb. ma.
and 55. 23.
mat. 6. 25. LORD, and thy thoughts shalbe esta- his mouth , and addeth learning to his keth wise.
luke 12. 22.
1. pet. 5. 4. blished. lippes.
t Heb. rolls. 4 The L O R D hath made all 24 Pleasant words are a* an hony-
* lob 21. 30. things for himselfe : *yea, euen the wic- combe, sweete to the soule, and health
ked for the day of euill. to the bones.
* Chap. C. 7. 5 *Euery one that is proud in heart, 25 * There is a way that seemeth *12.Chap. 14.
End 8. 1 3.
is an abomination to the L O R D : right vnto a man ; but the end thereof
though hand ioyne in hand, he shall not are the wayes of death.
IHeb.helde be tvnpunished. 26 tHee that laboureth, laboureth soule t Heb. the
innocent. of him
6 By mercy and trueth iniquitie is for himselfe \ for his mouth tcraueth it that labou-
purged : and by the feare of the LORD, of him. reth.
t Heb. bow-
men depart from euill. 27 t An vngodly man diggeth vp e- eth vnto
7 When a mans wayes please the uill ; and in his lips there is as a, burning t Heb, a man
LORD, he maketh euen his enemies fire. of Belial.
to be at peace with him. 28 * A froward man tsoweth strife; * Chap. 6.
8 * Better is a little with righteous- 14, 19.
* Psal. 37.
16. chap*
& a whisperer separateth chiefe friends. and 15. 18.
15. 18. nesse , then great reuenewes without 29 A violent man enticeth his neigh- <U1U and 26. 21.
And *».
9Q **.
right. bour, and leadeth him into the way that t Heb. sen.
* Vers. i. 9 * A mans heart deuiseth his way ; is not good. deih/torth.
but the LORD direeteth his steps* 30 He shutteth his eyes to deuise fro-
t Heb. rfml.
10 t A diuine sentence is in the lips of ward things : moouing his lips he brin-
the king : his mouth transgresseth not geth euill to passe.
in Judgement. 31 The hoary head is a crowne of
* Leuit. 19
36 • chap.
11 * A iust weight and ballance are glory, j^it be found in the way of righ-
11. 1. the LORDS: tall the weights of the teousnesse.
t Heb. all bagge are his worke.
the stones 32 He that is slow to anger, is better
12 It is an abomination to kings to then the mighty : and he that ruleth his
commit wickednesse : for the throne is e- spirit, then he that taketh a citie.
stablished by righteousnesse. 33 The lot is cast into the lap : but
13 Righteous lips are the delight of the whole disposing thereof is of the
kings : and they loue him that speaketh LORD.
14 The wrath of a king is as messen- C H A P . XVII.
gers of death ; but a wise man will pa- Etter * is a drie morsell, IT. Chap. is.

cific it ^ quietnesse therewith;
15 In the light of the kings counte- then an house full of || sa- cheere.
II Or, good
* Chap. 19. nance is life , and * his fauour is as a orifices with strife.
cloude of the latter raine. % A wise seruant snail
*Cha,3. 11. 16 * How much better is it to get wise- haue rule ouer a son that
dome, then gold ? and to get vnderstan- causeth shame : and shall haue part of
ding, rather to be chosen then siluer ? the inheritance among the brethren.
3 * The
To hide finnes. Chap.xviij. Of tale-bearers
* PfiiiL 28.2 8 *The fining pot is for siluer, and the of the bosome, to peruert the wayes o:
cha. 27. 21.
iere, 17. 10. fumade for gold : but the LORD trieth Judgement.
mala. 3. 3. the hearts. 24 * Wisedome is before him that * Eccles. 2.
4 A wicked doer giueth heed to false hath vnderstanding : but the eyes of a 14. and 8. I.
lips : and a liar giueth eare to a naughtie foole are in the ends of the earth.
tongue. 25. * A foolish sonne is a griefe to his * Chap. 10.
* Chap. 14. 5 * Whoso mocketh the poore, reproa- 1. & 15.20.
father, & bitternes to her that bare him. and
13. 19. 13.
cheth his maker : and he that is glad at 26 Also to punish the iust is not good,
t Heb. held calamities, shall not be fvnpunished. nor to strike princes for equitie.
innocent. 6 *Childrens children are the crowne 27 * He that hath knowledge, spa-*Iam. 1. 19.
* Peal. 127.
4. and 128. of old men : and the glory of children reth his words : and a man of vnder-
are their fathers. standing is of || an excellent spirit. 0 Or, a coole
t Heb. a lip 7 t Excellent speech becommeth not 28 * Eiien a foole, when he holdeth spirit.
* lob 13. 5.
ofexcellency a foole: much lesse doe flying lippes a his peace, is counted wise : and he that
ir rieo.
Watt a
ft np
oflying. prince. shutteth hislips,2.9 esteemed a man of vn-
* Chap. 13. 8 * A gift is as a t precious stone in derstanding.
t Hebr. a the eyes of him that hath it : whitherso-
stone of euer it turneth, it prospereth. C H A P . XVIII.
* Chap. 10. 9 *He that couereth a transgression, gghjg;dgkl;;g;l;dlkglk
!|seeketh loue; but he that repeateth a
T uinff ([separated himselfe, Or, he that
II Ort procU" See et separateth
reth* matter, separateth very friends. ^ " and mtermedleth himselfe, see-
\\ Or, a re- 10 || A reproofe entreth more into a with all wisedome. keth accor-
proof e aweth ding to his
more a. wise wise man, then an hundred stripes in- gsdfgfgfdghhdddgf lestre, and
man, then to n termed ~
strikii o foole to a foole.
light in vnderstanding, but that his eth in euery
an hundred 11 An euill man seeketh onely rebel- Sieart may discouer it selfe. business?.
lion ; therefore a cruell messenger shall 3 When the wicked commeth, then
3e sent against him. commeth also contempt , and with ig-
12 Let a beare robbed of her whelps nominie, reproch.
meet a man, rather then a foole in his 4 * The words of a mans mouth, 9 Cha. 20, 5.
folly. are as deepe waters, and the well-spring
* Rom.. 12. IS Whoso *rewardeth euill for good* of wisedome as a flowing brooke.
17. 5 * It is not good to accept the per- * Chap. 24.
. thess. 5. euill shall not depart from his house.
i. pet. 3. 9.
14 The beginning of strife is as when son of the wicked, to ouerthrowe the '3. euit. 19. 15
one letteth out water: therfore leaue off righteous in Judgement. deut. n. 7.
md 16 19
contention, before it be medled with. 6 A fooles lips enter into contenti-
*Exod.23.7 15 *He that iustifieth the wicked, and on, and his mouth calleth for strokes.
isa. 5. 23.
chap. 24. 24 le that condemneth the iust : euen they 7 * A fooles mouth is his destruction, * Chap. 10.
4. and 12.
>oth are abomination to the LORD. and his lips are the snare of his soule. 3. & 13. 3.
16 Wherfore is tfAertfapriceinthehand 8 *The words of a ||tale bearer are Chap. 12.

of a foole to get wisedome, seeing he hath

|as wounds, and they goe downe into 2. 26. 8. and
no heart to it ? ;he tinnermost parts of the belly. Or, whig-
* Chap. 18. 17 * A friend loueth at all times, and 9 Hee also that is slouthful in his lerer.Or, like as
4. a brother is borne for aduersitie. worke, is brother to him that is a great when men
re wounded
* Chap. 6. 1. 18 * A man void of t vnderstanding waster. sdfsdfs
Heb. cham-
and 11. 15. striketh hands, and becommeth suretie 10 * The name of the LORD 'is a *wrs.
Heb. heart. PsaLl8.-2.
n the presence of Jiis friend. a strong tower : the righteous runneth nd 27. l. cSt
19 He loueth transgression, that lo- into it, and t is safe. fhghff
Heb. is set
ueth strife: and he that exalte th his gate, 11 #The rich mans wealth is his alofte.
eeketh destruction. strong citie : and as an high wall in his *5.Chap. 10.
Heb. the 20 tHe that hath a froward heart, owne conceit.
roward of 12 * Before destruction the heart of * Chap. 1 1 .
Cart. findeth no good, and he that hath a per- . & 1C. 1ft.
uerse tongue, falleth into mischiefe. man is haughtie, and before honour is and 15. 33.
Cha. 10. 1. £1 * He that begetteth a foole, doth it mmilitie.
;p his sorrow : and the father of a foole 13 He that tanswereth a matter be- Hebr. re-
urneth a
lath no ioy. bre he heareth it, it is folly and shame word.
Chap. 15. 22 * A merrie heart doth good \\like a vnto him.
3. and 12. medicine: but a broken spirit drieth the 14 The spirit of a man will sustaine
Or, to a )ones. lis infirmitie : but a wounded spirit
23 A wicked man taketh a gift out who can beare ?
15 The
A falfe witneffe. Prouerbes. The kings wrath.
15 The heart of the prudent getteth 9 * A false witnesse shall not be vn- * Ver. 5.
knowledge; and the eare of the wise punished , and hee that speaketh lyes,
seeketh knowledge. shall perish.
* Chap. 17 16 * A mans gift maketh roome for 10 Delight is not seemely for a foole :
him, & bringeth him before great men. much lesse *for a seruant to haue rule o- * Eccle. 10.
uer princes. 6. prou. 30.
17 He that is first in his owne cause, 22.
seemethiust\ but his neighbour commeth 11 *The || discretion of a man defer- * Chap. 14.
and searcheth him. reth his anger : and it is his glory to 29. 1 Or, prU'
18 The lot canseth contentions to passe oner a transgression. dence.
cease, andparteth betweene the mighty. 12 *The kings wrath is as? the roa- * Chap. 16.
19 A brother offended is harder to be ring of a lyon : but his fauour is as dewe 2.15.&and 20.
28. 15
omwethen a strong citie : and their con- vpon the grasse.
tentions are like the barres of a castle. 13 * A foolish sonne zs the calamity of * Chap. 10.
I. & 15. 20.
* Chap. 12. 20 * A mans belly shall be satisfied his father;, and the contentions of a and 1721.
14. arid 13.
2. with the fruite of his mouth ; and with wife are *a continuall dropping. & 25. and
*hap. 21. 9.
the increase of his lippes shall he be 14 House and riches, are the inheri- * Chap. 27.
filled. tance of fathers; and *a prudent wife is 15. * Chap. 18.
21 Death and life are in the power of from the LORD. 22.
the tongue ; and they that lone it shall 15 Slouthfulnesse casteth into a deep
eate the fruite thereof. sleepe : and an idle soule shall * suffer * Chap. 10.
4. and 20.
* Chap. 19 22 * Who so findeth a wife, tindeth a hunger. 13.
grood thing, and obtaineth fauour of ttie , 16 *He that keepeth the commande- * Luc. 11.
LORD. ment , keepeth his owne soule ; but hee 28.
23 The poore vseth intreaties, but that despiseth his wayes, shall die.
* lam. 2. 3. the rich answereth * roughly. 17 *Hee that hath pity vpon the •'Mat. 42. and 25.
24 A man that hath friends must poore, lendeth vnto the L O R D ; and 40. 2. cor.
* Chap, 17- shewe himselfe friendly ; *and there is (that which he hath giuen, will he pay 9.1 0r» 6. and 7-
17. a friend that sticketh closer then a bro- him againe. deed.
ther. 18 * Chasten thy sonne while there * Chap. 13.
is hope; and let not thy soule spare ||for 24. & 23.
C H A P . XIX. his crying.
H Or, to his
* Chap. 28. 6 * Etter is the poore that 19 A man of great wrath shall suffer destruction
or, to cause

'keth *n n*s integrity, punishment : for if thou deliuer Aim, yethim to die.
then he that is peruerse in thou must 1rdoe it againe. t He b. adde.
^*s lippes, and is a foole. 20 Heare counsel!, and receiue instru-
2 Also, that the soule ction , that thou mayest be wise in thy
be without knowledge, it is not good; latter end.
and hee that hasteth with his feete, sin- 21 * There are manydeuices in a mans • lob. 2 3. 13
neth. heart Mieuerthelesse the counsell of the ?sal. 33. 10,
[l. prou. 10
3 The foolishnesse of man peruer- LORD, that shall stand. I. and 9. isa.
4G • 10
teth his way : and his heart fretteth a- 22 The desire of a man is his kind-
gainst the LORD. nesse : and a poore man is better then a
* Chap. 14. 4? * Wealth maketh many friends: lyar
but the poore is separated from his 23 The feare of the L O R D tendeth
neighbour. tolife,andfo that hath it shall abide satis-
* Exod. 23. 5 * A false witnesse shall not be tvn- fied : he shall not be visited with euill.
l. deut. 19.
1G. prou. G. punishedi andhetf/mrfspeaketh lyes,shal 24 * A slouthfull man hideth his * Chap. l'..
19. & 2(i. 13.
9. and 21.
not escape. hand in his bosome, and wil not so much and 15.
Mleb.held 6 Many will entreate the fauour of as bring it to his mouth againe.
innocent. the Prince : and euery man is a friend to 25 * Smite a scorner , and the simple •Chap.
t Heb.aman thim that giueth gifts. - twill beware; and reprooue one that t Heb. will
* Chap. 14. 7 * All the brethren of the poore doe hath/understanding-, and he will vnder- be cunning:.
20. hate him ; hotfe much more doe.;his stand knowledge
friends goe farre from him ? hee pursu- 26 He that wasteth his father , and
eth them imth words, yet they are waff* chaseth away his mother, is a sonne
ting to him. that^ catlseth shame, and bringeth re-
t H*h. an 8 He that getteth twisedome louetH pfbch.
heart. his owne soule : he that keepeth vhdef- 27 Cease, my stfnnev to heare the in-
standing shall find good. struction, that cdusetk to efre from the
None is cleane- Chap.xx.xxj. Falfe ballance.
words of knowledge. - man : but afterwards his mouth shall
t Hebr. A 28 t An rn godly witnesse scorneth be filled with grauell.
witnesse of
Belial. iudgement : and the mouth of the wic- 18 * Euery purpose is established by * Chap. 15.
ked deuoureth iniquitie. counsell : and with good aduice make 22
29 Judgements are prepared for warre.
scorners , and stripes for the backe of 19 *He that goeth about as a tale-bea- * Chap. 11
fboles. rer, reueileth secrets; therefore meddle 13.
not with him that ||flattereth with his Wr,entiseth
C H A P . XX. lippes.
Ine is a mocker, strong 20 * Who so curseth his father or his * Exod. 21.

17. leuit. 20,
drinke is raging : and mother, his jflampe shall be put out in 9. matt. 15.
whosoeuer is deceiued obscure darkenesse. 4.
II Or, candle.
thereby, is not wise. 21 An inheritance may be gotten ha-
* Chap. 19
12. and 16. 9, *The feare of a king, stily at the beginning : but the ende
[4. is as the roaring of a Lion : who so pro- thereof shall not be blessed.
uoketh him to anger, sinneth against his £2 * Say not thou , I will recom- * Deut. 32.
owne soule. pence euil: but wait on the LORD, and 35. ch.a. 17.
13. and 24.
3 It is an honour for a man to cease he shall saue thee. 29.
i1 7
it 1
i» ttlMM
from strife: but euery foole will be med- 23 * Diuers waights are an abomi- 5. 15. i. pet.
ling. nation vnto the LORD: and a t false 3.* Verse 9.
* Chap. 20.' 4 * The sluggard . will not plow by ballance w not good. t Hebr. bal.
4. lances of de-
1 Oft winter. reason of the ||cold; therefore shall he 24> * Mans goings are of the LORD ; ceit.
begge in haruest, and haue nothing. how can a man then vnderstand his * Psal. 37.
23. cha. 16.
* Chap. 18. 5 *Counsell in the heart of man is owne way ? 9. iere. 10.
4, 23.
like deepe water : but a man of vnder- 25 It is a snare to the man who deuou-
standing will draw it out. reth that which is holy : and after
6 Most men will proclaime euery vowes, to make inquirie.
il Or, bountie. one his owne ||goodnes : but a faithfull 26 * A wise king scattereth the wic- * Verse e.
3sal. 101 5.
man who can finde ? ked, & bringeth the wheele ouer them. &c.
7 The iust man walketh in his inte- 27 The spirit of man is the || candle of 1 Or, tampe-
* Psal. 112. gritie : * his children are blessed after the Lo»D r searching all the inward
him. parts of the belly.
8 A king that sitteth in the throne 28 * Mercy and trueth preserue the * PSal. 101.
t. chap. 29.
of iudgement , scattereth away all euill king : and his throne is vpholden by L4.
with his eyes. mercy.
* Psal 51. 5. 9 * Who can say , I haue made my 29 *The glory of yong men is their 31* * Chap. 16.
ob 14. 4.
1. king. 3. heart cleane, I ara pure from my sinne? strength : and the beautie of old men is
46. 2. chro. the gray head.
5. 36. cedes* 10 * t Diuers weights , and diuers
7. 28. l.ioh. t measures, both of them are^alike abo- 30 Tne blewnes of a wound t clean- t Hebr. is a
1. 8.
* Deut. 25. mination to the LORD. seth away euill : so doe stripes the in- purging
dicine 0-
15. chap. 11. 11 Euen a childe is knowen by his
I &11U.
I. A.n<i ID.
ifi 6.
ward parts of the belly. gainst euill.
t Hebr. a doings , whether his worke be pure,
stone, and a and whether it be right. CH AP. X
tT A Tl
V ^C^ 1

t Hebr. an 12 * The hearing eare , and the see- JLJ.I:J Kings nearc is in me

ephaht and and of the L O R D , as
an ephah. ing eye, the L O R D hath made euen
* Exod. 4. both of them he fillers of water: hee
11. psal. 94. turnet 1
9. 13 * Loue not sleepe, lest thou come ' ^ whithersoeuer
* Chap. 19. to pouertie : open thine eyes, and thou gkhjlh
15. and 12.
11. shalt be satisfied with bread. 2 # Euery way of a man is right in * Chap. 16.
14? It is nought, it is nought (saith the his owne eyes: but the LORD ponde- ?.
buyer : ) but when he is gone his way, reth the hearts.
then he boasteth. 3 *To doe Justice and iudgement, is * i. Sam. 15.
15 There is gold, and a multitude of more acceptable to the LORD, then 22. isa. l. n.
hose. 6. 6.
Rubies : but the lips of knowledge are sacrifice. mich. 6. 7.
'll&P. 15. 8
a precious iewell. 4 *t An high looke, and a proud * Chap. 6.'
* Chap. 27. 16 *Take his garment that is suerty heart, and ||the plowing of the wicked, 7. ' Hebr. hau~
* Cha, 9. 17. for a stranger : and take a pledge of him is sinne. ines of eyes.
t H eb. bread for a strange woman. 5 The thoughts of the diligent tend HlightOr, t/ie
of the
of lying, or
falshood. 17 *t Bread of deceit is sweet to a onely to plenteousnes : but of euery one wicked.
[ieepe the mouth. Prouerbes. A good name.
that is hastie, onely to want. leth him : for his hands refuse to labour.
* Chap. 10. 6 *The getting of treasures by a ly- 26 Hee coueteth greedily all the day
2. and 13.
11. ing tongue, is a vanitie tossed to and fro long : but the * righteous giueth and *PsaL 112.9.
of them that seeke death. spareth not.
7 The robbery of the wicked shall 27 # The sacrifice of the wicked is *IsaCha. is. 8,
GO. 3. ier.
Heb. saw t destroy them ; because they refuse to abomination : how much more, when he 6. 20. psal.
drJellwith doe Judgement. bringeth it twith a wicked minde? 50. 9. amos
5. 22.
8 The way of man is froward and 28 * t A false witnesse shall perish : t Heb. in
strange : but as for the pure; his worke but the man that heareth, speaketh con- wickedness^-
* Chap. 19.
is right. stantly. 6,9.
t Heb. a wit.
* Chap. 25.
9. End 13.
9 * It is better to dwell in a corner 29 A wicked man hardeneth his nesse of lyes.
3. and 27. of the house top ; then with a t braw- face : but as for the vpright, he || directeth dtxreth
II Or, consi+
" HCo. a tOO»
ling woman in ta wide house. his way.
man of con- 10 #The soule of the wicked desireth 30 # There is no wisedome, nor vn- * Ier. 9. 23.
tentions. derstanding , nor counsel! against the
Heb. an euill : his neighbour tfindeth no fauour
houtse 0/50- in his eyes. LORD.
* lam. 4. 6. 11 *When the scorneris punished, the 31 *The horse is prepared against the ? Psal. 33.
t Heb. is not simple is made wise: and when the wise day of battell : but #||safetie is of the 17. * Psal. 3. 9.
* Chap. 19. is instructed, he receiueth knowledge. LORD. 11 Or, victo-
25. 1£ The righteous man wisely consi-
dereth the house of the wicked : but God C H A P , XXII.
ouerthroweth the wicked for their wic- * Good name is rather to * Eccles. 7. 2

kednesse. be chosen then great ri-
* Mat. 18. 13 # Whoso stoppeth his eares at the ches, and jjlouing fauour II Or, fauour
30. is better
cry of the poore^ nee also shall cry him- rather then siluer & golde. then, $c.
selfe, but shall not be heard. 2 *The rich and poore * Chap, 29.
*Cha. 17.8. 14 * A gift in secret pacifieth anger; meet together : the LORD is the ma- 13.
and 18. 16.
and a reward in the bosome, strong ker of them all.
wrath. 3 * A prudent man foreseeth the euill, *12.Chap. 27.
15 It is ioy to the iust to doe Judge- and hideth himselfeibut the simple passe
ment : but destruction shalbe to the wor- on, and are punished.
kers of iniquitie. * Psal. 112.
4 * || By humilitie and the feare of the 13«
16 The man that wandreth out of LORD, are riches, and honour, and II Or, the re-
ward qf hit-
the way of vnderstanding 9 shall re- life. militie, $c.
maine in the congregation of the dead. 5 Thornes and snares are in the way
1 Or, sport. 17 He that loueth || pleasure, shall be a " of the froward : he that doeth keepe his
poore man : hee that loueth wine and soule, shalbe farre from them.
oyle, shall not be rich. 6 || Traine vp a childe tin the waycfMxe.II Or, cate*
*Chap. 11. 18 #The wicked shalbe a ransome for he should goe : and when he is olde, hee t Heb. in his
the righteous; and the transgressour will not depart from it. way.
for the vpright. 7 The rich ruleth ouer the poore,
* Verse 9. 19 *It is better to dwell tin the wil- and the borrower is seruant t to the tman Heb. to tlie
t Heb. in the lender.
land of the dernesse , then with a contentious and lendeth.
desert* an angry woman. 8 *Hee that soweth iniquitie, shall * lob 4. 8.
hos. 10. id.
20 There is treasure fo be desired, reape vanitie : ||and the rodde of his an- II Or, and
and oyle in the dwelling of the wise : but ger shall faile. with the rod
oj fits anffer
a foolish man spendeth it vp. 9 #tHee that hath a bountifull eye, he shalbe
21 Hee that followeth after righte- shall bee blessed : for hee giueth of his consumed.* 2. Cor. 9. 6
ousnesse and mercy, findeth life, righte- bread to the poore. t Heb. good
ousnesse and honour. eye.
10 *Cast out the scorner, and conten- of* Psal. 101 6
* Eccles. 9. 22 # A wise man scaleth the citie oi tion shall goe out ; yea strife , and re-
the mightie, and casteth downe the proch shall cease.
strength of the confidence thereof. 11 He that loueth purenesse of heart,
1! Or, and
* Chap. 12. 23 # Whoso keepeth his mouth and \\for the grace of his lips the king shall be hath Rrace
13. ana
18. 21. his tongue, keepeth his soule from trou- his friend. in his lips.
bles. 12 The eyes of the L O R D preserue
\Heb.inthe 24? Proud and haughtie scorner, is knowledge, and he ouerthroweth the
wrath of his name, who dealeth tin proud wrath. || words of the transgressour. !l Or, the
pride. matters.
» Cha. 13. 4 25 *The desire of the slouthfull kil- 13 * The slothfull man say th, There is * Chap. 2C.
a lyon 13.
Of opprefsion. Chap.xxiij. Buy the trueth.
a lyon without, I shall be slaine in thefor they are deceitfull meate.
streetes. 4 * Labour not to bee rich : cease * I.Tim. 6. 9
* Chap. 2.
16. and 23.
14 * The mouth of strange women from thine owne wisedome.
27. and 5. 3. is a deepe pit : he that is abhorred of the 5 t Wilt thou set thine eyes vpon Heb. wilt
and 7- 6. thou cause
LORD shall fall therein. that which is not ? for riches certainly thine eyes to
15 Foolishnesse is bound in the heart make themselues wings, they fly away vpon? fly
* Chap. 13. of a child : bid * the rod of correction shal
as an Eagle toward heauen.
24. and 19.
18. and 23. driue it far re from him. 6 Eate thou not the bread of him
13. and 29. 16 Hee that oppresseth the poore to that hath an euill eye, neither desire tbou
15, 17.
increase his riches , and he that giueth to
his dainty meates.
the rich, shall surely come to want. 7 For as he thinketh in his heart.
17 Bow downe thine eare, and so is he : Eate, and drinke, sayth he to
heare the words of the wise, and apply thee, but his heart is not with thee.
thine heart ynto my knowledge. 8 The morsell which thou hast eaten,
18 For it is a pleasant thing, if thoushalt thou vomite vp, and loose t;hy
*Heb.inthy. keepe them t within thee; they shall sweete words.
withall be fitted in thy lippes. 9 Speake not in the eares of a
19 That thy trust may bee in the foole : for hee will despise the wisedome
LORD, I haue made knowen to thee of thy words.
ii Or, trust this day, ||euen to thee. 10 #Remoue not the old || land- 28. * Chap. 22.
ihou also. deut. 19
20 Haue not I written to thee excel- in arke ; and enter not into the fields of and 27.
lent things in counsailes and know- the fatherlesse. 17-
II Or, bound,
ledge : 11 ^For their redeemer is mighty; * Chap. 22.
23. iob. 31.
21 That I might make thee knowe he shall plead their cause with thee. 21.
the certainty of the words of truth ; that12 Apply thine heart vnto in-
thou mightest answere the words of struction, and thine eares to the words
'! Or, to those trueth || to them that send vnto thee ? of knowledge.
\hee. 22 Rob not the poore because he is 13 * Withhold not correction from the * Chap. 13.
24. and 19,
*Zach.7.lO poore, * neither oppresse the afflicted in child : for -if thou beatest him with the 18. and 22.
the gate. rod, he shall not die. 15.
* Chap, 23.
11. iob. 31.
23 *For the L O R D will plead their 14 Thou shalt beate him with the
21. cause, and spoile the soule of those that
rod , and shalt deliuer his soule from
spoiled them. hell.
24 Make no friendship with an an- 15 My sonne, if thine heart be wise,
grie man : and with a furious man my heart shall reioyce, ||euen mine. II Or, eusn 1
thou shalt not goe ; 16 Yea my reines shall reioyce, when wil reioyce.
25 Lest thou learne his wayes, and thy lippes speake right things.
get a snare to thy soule. 17 *Let not thine heart enuy sin- * Chap. 24.
* Chap. 6. l. 26 # Be not thou one of them that l. and 3. 31.
ners , but be thou in the feare of the psal. r *" 37.
**• • i.
and ii. is. and 73. 3.
strike hands , or of them that are sure-LORD all the day long.
ties for debts. 18 * For surely there is an ||end, and 14.* Chap. 24.
27 If thou hast nothing to pay, why thine expectation shall not be cut off. il Or, reward
should he take away thy bed from vn- 19 Heare thou, my sonne, and be wise,
der thee ? and guide thine heart in the way.
* Chap. 13. 28 ^Remoue not the ancient ||land 20 #Be not amongst wine-bibbers; * Rom. 13.
10. deut. id 13. eph. 5.
14. & 27. 7. marke, which thy fathers haue set. amongst riotous eaters tof flesh. 18.
!l Or, bound. 29 Seest thou a man diligent in his 21 For the drunkard and the glut- t Heb. of
their flesh.
businesse ? hee shall stand before kings,
ton shall come to pouerty; and drousi-
t Hcb. ob- he shall not stand before tmeane men. nesse shall cloath a man with ragges.
scure men.
22 * Hearken vnto thy father that * Chap, 1.8.
C H A P . XXIII. begate thee, and despise not thy mother
when she is old.
Hen thou sittest to eate 23 Buy the trueth, and sell it not; al-

W with^ a ru^er' consider dili- so wisedome and instruction and vnder-

gently what is before thee. standing.
2 And put a knife to 24 *The father of the righteous * Chap. 10.
thy throate , if thou be a shall greatly reioyce : and he that beget- 1. & 15. 20.
man giuen to appetite. teth a wise child, shall haue ioy of him.
8 Be not desirous of his dainties : 25 Thy father and thy mother shall
Againft enuie. Prouerbes. The iuft falleth.
3e glad, and she that bare thee shall re- 11 * If thou forbeare to deliuer them * PsaL 82. 4
icyce. that are drawen vnto death, and those
26 My sonne, giue me thine heart, that are ready to be slaine :
and let thine eyes obserue my wayes. 12 If thou sayest, Behold, we knew
* Chap. 22. 27 # ]?or an whore is a deepe ditch ; t not : doth not he that pondereth the
and a strange woman is a narrow pit. leart, consider it? and he that keepeth
« Chap. 7. 28 * She also lyeth in wait \\asfor a thy soule, doth not he know it? and shall
1 Ori as a pray, and increaseth the transgressours not hee render to euery man *according * lob. 34.
LI. psal. 62.
robber* among men. to his workes? 12. ier. 32.
Msay.5. 11 29 * Who hath woe? who hath sor- 13 *My sonne, eate thou honie, be- 6. apoc.
19. rom. 2.
row ? who hath contentions ? who hath cause it is good, and the honie combe, 12.
rabbling? who hath wounds without which is sweete t to thy taste. * Psal. 19.
9. & 119.
cause ? who hath rednesse of eyes ? 14 So shall the knowledge of wise- 103.
r H€O* vpon '
30 They that tarry long at the wine, dome be vnto thy soule: when thou hast thy palate.
they that goe to seeke mixt wine. bund it, *then there shall be a reward, * Chap. 23.
31 Looke not thou vpon the wine and thy expectation shall not be cut off.
when it is red, when it giueth his colour 15 Lay not waite, (O wicked man)
in the cuip,when it moneth itselfe aright. against the dwelling of the righteous :
32 At the last it biteth like a serpent, spoile not his resting place.
Wr, a cocka- and stingeth like ||an adder. 16 *For a iust man falleth seuen '* Psal. 34.
trice. 18. and 37*
33 Thine eyes shall behold strange ;imes, and riseth vp againe: but the wic- 24, iob. 5.
women, and thine heart shall vtter per- <ed shall fall into mischiefe. 19.
uerse things. . 17 * Reioyce not when thine enemie 15. * Psal. 35.
cnap. 17
34 Yea thou shalt be as he that ly- alleth : and let not thine heart be glad 5. iob. 31.
MIeb.inthe eth downe tin the midst of the sea, or as when he stumbleth:
heart of the
sea. he that lyeth vpon the top of a mast. 18 Lest the LORD see it, and tit dis- IHeb.itbe
euill in his
35 They haue striken me, shalt thou )lease him, and hee turne away his eyes.
sat/y and I was not sicke : they haue bea- wrath from him*
t Heb. 1 ten me, and 1 1 felt it not : when shall I 19 * || Fret not thy selfe because of e- chap.
* Psal. 37.1.
knew it not. uill men ; neither be thou enuious at the 17.
awake? 1 will seefce it yet againe.
wicked. II Or, keepe
not company
C H A P . XXIIII. 20 * For there shall be no reward to with the wic-
the euill man : the || candle of the wicked * Chap. 13.
* Chap. E not thou * enuious a- shall be put out. 9. iob. 21. 17

23. 17. and 21 My sonne, feare thou the LORD, 1 Or, lampe.
24. lO.PSal. ga^nst eu^ m e n > "either
37. l. &c.
and 73. 3.
desire to be with them. and the king: and medle not with t them gers.t Heb. chan-
* Psal. 10. 7- 2 #For their heart stu- that are giuen to change.
dieth destruction , and 22 For their calamity shall rise sud-
their iippes talke of mischiefe. denly, and who knoweth the ruine of
3 Through wisedome is an house them both ?
builded, and by vntjerstanding it is esta- 23 These things also belong to the 9
blished. wise : * It is not good to haue respect of 15.Leuit. 10.
chap. 18.
4 And by knowledge shall the persons in Judgement. 5. and 28.
chambers bee filled with all precious 24 * He that sayth vnto the wicked, 21. deut. 1.
17* and 16.
and pleasant riches. Thou art righteous, him shall the peo- 24. 19. ioh. 7.
i Heb. is in 5 A wise man t'w strong, yea a man ple curse ; nations shall abhorre « Chap. 17.
strength. 15. isa. 5. 23.
t Heb. of knowledge t encreaseth strength. lim :
strengthe- 6 * For by wise counsell thou shalt 25 But to them that rebuke him
neth might.
* Chap. 20. make thy warre : and in multitude of shall be delight, and ta good blessing tblessing
Heb. a
18. and 11. counsellers there is safetie.
14. agd 15.
shall come vpon them. good.
22. 7 Wisedome is too high for a foole : 26 Euery man shall kisse/m Iippes that
tgiueth a right answere. t Heb. that
he openeth not his mouth in the gate. ansiveretfi
8 He that deuiseth to doeeuill, shall 27 Prepare thy worke without, and right words.
be called a mischieuous person. make it fit for thy selfe in the field; and
9 The thought of foolishnesse is afterwards build thine house.
sinne : and the scorner is an abominati- 28 Be not a witnesse against thy
on to men. neighbour without cause : and deceiue
10 Ifdiou faint in the day of ad,uersi- not with thy Iippes.
t Heb. nar.
rW« tie, thy strength is t sin all: 29 #Say not, I will doe so to him as 22. * Chap. 20.
Of flouthfulneffe. Chap.xxv. A Fhrewd wife.
he hath done to mee : I will render to 12 As an eare-ring of gold, and an
the man according to his worke. ornament of fine gold, so is a wise repro-
30 I went by the field of the slouth- uer vpon an obedient eare.
full, and by the vineyard of the man 13 * As the cold of snow in the time oi *Chap. 13.
voyd of vnderstanding : haruest, so is a faithfull messenger to 17.
31 And loe, it was all growen ouer them that send him : for hee refresheth
with thornes, and nettles nad couerec the soule of his masters.
the face thereof, and the stone wall ther- 14 Who so boasteth himselfe tof a t Hebr. in a
of was broken downe false gift, is like cloudes and winde with- gift
f Kebr. set 32 Then I saw, and t considered it out raine.
my heart.
well, I looked vpon it, and receiued in- 15 * By long forbearing is a Prince * Chap. 15.
struction. perswaded, and a soft tongue breaketh 4.1. gene. and 16.
* Chap. 6. 33 * Yet a little sleepe, a little slum- the bone. 14. 1. sain.
9. &c. 25. 24.
ber, a little folding of the handes to 16 Hast thou found hony ? eate so
sleepe . much as is sufficient for thee : lest thou
34? So shall thy pouertie come, as be filled therewith, and vomit it.
one that traueileth, and thy want, as 17 [| Withdraw thy foote from thy B Or, lei thv
t Hebr. a
man off
tan armed man. neighbours house: lest he be t weary offoote be set-
dome in thy
shield. thee, and so hate thee. neighbours
CHAP. XXV. 18 A man that beareth false witnes \Hebr.full
1 Observations about Kings, 8 and about
against *his neighbour, is a maule, and of*Psal. thee.
auoyding causes of quarrels, and sundry a sword, and a sharpe arrow. 4. chap. 12.
causes thereof. 19 Confidence in an vnfaithfull man
in time of trouble, is like a broken tooth,
-tiese arc aisox rouerues 01 and a foot out of ioynt.

Solomon, which the men 20 As hee that taketh away a gar-
f Hezekiah king of lu- ment in cold weather ; and cw vineger vp-
dah copied out. on nitre; so is he that singeth songs to an
% It is the glory of God beauy heart.
;o conceale a thing : but the honour oi 21 * If thine enemie be hungry, giue *Exod. 23,
Sings Is to search out a matter. lim bread to eate : and if hee be thirstie, 4.20.rora. 12.
3 The heauen for height, and the gjiue him water to drinke.
earth for depth, and the heart of Kings 22 For thou shalt heape coales of
* Reb. there s t vn search able. fire vpon his head, and the L O R D
s no search^ shall reward thee,
ng. 4 Take away the drosse from the
iluer, and there shall come foorth a ves- 23 || The North winde driueth a- 1 Or, The
ell for the finer. Northwinde
way raine : so doeth an angrie counte- bringeth
* Chap. 20. 5 *T.ake away the wicked from be- nance a backbiting tongue. foorth raine,
fo doeth (t
8. bre the king, and his throne shalbe esta- 24 * It is better to dwell in a corner backbiting
tongue, an
blished in righteousnes. of the house top, then with a brawling angrycoun-
t Hebr. set 6 t Put not forth thy selfe in the pre- woman, and in a wide house. [enance*
not out thy we
B* *Jf'
ence of the king, and stand not in the 25 As cold waters to a thirstie soule : 9.*Chap.
and 19.

>lace of great men. so is good newes from a farre coun- 13,

* Luke 14. 7 * For better it is that it be said vnto trey.
10. hee, Come vp hither ; then that thou 26 A righteous man falling downje
houldest be put lower in the presence of
gfd >efore the wicked, is as a troubled foun-
he Prince whom thine eies haue scene. taine, aud a corrupt spring.
8 Goe not forth hastily to striue, lest 27 It is not good to eat much hony :
hou know not what to doe in the ende svfor men to search their owne glory, is
bereof, when thy neighbour hath put not glory.
dstiee to shame. 28 * Hee that hath no rule ouer his * Chap. 10.
* Matth. 5. 9 * Debate thy cause with thy neigh- owne spirit, is like a citie that is broken 32.
25. and 18. jour himselfe; and ||discouer not a secret [owne, and without walles.
II Or, disco- o another :
uer not the
secret of an- 10 Lest he that heareth it, put thee to C H A P . XXVI.
other. dfbame , and thine infamie turne not a-
1 Obseruations about fooles, 13 about slug-
wray gards, 17 and about contentious busie-
feb. spoken 1 1 A word t fitly spoken is like apples bodies.
ion his
wheeles. sdfsa
f gold in pictures of siluer.
Bufie- bodies. Prouerbes. Of felfe-loue.
S snow in summer, and as woundes, and they goe downe into

A as raine in haruest: so. ho-

nour is not seemely for a
9. As the bird by wan-
dring, as the swallow by flying: so the
the t innermost parts of the belly.
23 Burning lips, and a wicked heart, bers.
are like a potsheard couered with siluer
24 Hee that hateth, ||dissembleth il Or, is
Heb. cham-

curse causelesse shall not come. with his lips, and lay eth vp deceit with-
* Chap. 10.
13. psal.
3 * A whip for the horse, a bridle for in him.
32.9. the asse; and a rod for the fooles backe. 25 When he tspeaketh faire, beleeue keth Heb. ma-
4 Answere not a foole according to him not: for there are seuen abominati- voice gra-
bis folly, lest thou also be like vnto him. ons in his heart. cious.
5 Answere a foole according to his 261| Whose hatred is couered by deceit, Or, hatred
\ Heb. his folly, lest hee be wise in this owne con- his wickednesse shall be shewed before ins couered
owne eyes.
ceit. the whole congregation.
6 He that sendeth a message by the 27 * Whoso diggeth a pit, shall fall 5.* Eccles. 10.
psai: 17.
hand of a foole, cutteth off the feete, and therein : and he that rolleth a stone, it 16. & 9.15.
I! Or, vio-
drinketh || dam mage. will returne vpon him.
t Heb. are 7 The legges of the lame t are not 28 A lying tongue hateth those that
lifted vp. equall : so is a parable in the mouth of are afflicted by it, and a flattering mouth
fooles. worketh ruine.
II Or, as he 8 || As hee that bindeth a stone in a
that putteth
a pretious sling; so is hee that giueth honour to a C H A P . XXVII.
stone in an foole.
heapeqf 1 Obseruations of selfe-loue: 5 of true loue :
stones. 9 As a thorne goeth vp into the hand 11 of care to auoid offences: 23 and of the
of a drunkard; so is a parable in the housholde care.
mouth of fooles.
II Or, a great 10 || The great God that formed all Oast *not thy selfe of tto * lam. 4.13,

B morrow: for thou know- &c.

ueth all, and things, both rewardeth the foole, and t Heb. to
hee hireth rewardeth transgressours. est not what a day may morrow day.
the foole, he
hireth also 11 * As a dogge returneth to his vo- bring foorth.
transgres- 2 Let another man
sors. mite: so a foole t returneth to his folly.
* 2. Pet. 2. 12 Seest thou a man wise in his praise thee, and not thine owne mouth;
t Heb. itera- owne conceit ? there is more hope of a a stranger, and not thine owne lips.
teth his folly. foole then of him. 3 A stone is theauie, and the sand t Heb. hea-
* Chap. 22. 13 *The slothful! man sayth, There u weightie : but a fooles wrath is hea-
13. a lion in the way, a lion is in the streets. uier then them both.
14 As the doore turneth vpon his 4 t Wrath is cruellj and anger is out- \Heb.wrath\
is crueltie, \
hinges : so doeth the slothfull vpon his ragious : but who is able to stand be- andangeran \
fore ||enuie? ouerflowing. j
bedde. I! Or, ielousie,,
* Chap. 19. 15 * The slothfuil hideth his hand in 5 Open rebuke is better then secret
il Or, he is
his bosome, ||it grieueth him to bring it loue.
weary. againe to his mouth. 6 * Faithfull are the woundes of a *PsaL 141.5
16 The sluggard is wiser in his owne friend : but the kisses of an enemy are
conceit, then seuen men that can render Hdeceitfull. IQr^earnest)
a reason. 7 * The full soule tloatheth an ho- * lob 6. 7-
y Or, is en* 17 He that passeth by, and ||medleth nie combe : but to the hungry soule e- iHeb.trea-
deth vnder
raged. with strife belonging not to him, is like uery bitter thing is sweete. foote.
one that taketh a dog by the eares. 8 As a bird that wandreth from her
t Heb. flames 18 As a mad man, who casteth t fire- nest : so is a man that wandreth from
or sparkes. brands, arrowes, and death : his place.
19 So is the man that deceiueth his 9 Oyntment and perfume reioyce
neighbour, & sayth, Am not I in sport? the heart: so doeth the sweetnesse of a
t Heb. with- mans friend tby heartie counsell. t Heb. from
out wood. 20 t Where no wood is, there the fire the counsell I
* Chap. 22. goeth out : so * where there is no || tale- 10 Thine owne friend and thy fa- the soule. \
10. thers friend forsake not; neither goe in
I Or, whi- bearer, the strife tceaseth.
sperer. 21 *As coales are to burning coales, to thy brothers house in the day of thy * Chap. 17.
\ calamitie : for * better is a neighbour 17. and 18.
silent. and wood to fire; so is a contentious
*Chap. 15. man to kindle strife. that is neere, then a brother farre off. 24.
*Cha. 10. 1.
18. & 29. 22.
*Cha. 18. 8 22 * The words of a tale - bearer are 11 * My sonne, be wise, and make my and 23. 24.
Know thy flocke. Chap.xxviij. A wicked ruler.
heart glad, that I may answere him on of a land, many are the princes there-
that reprocheth me. of: || but by a man of vnderstanding and ofvnder-
« by men
* Chap. 22.3i 12 * A prudent man foreseeth the euil, cnowledge the state thereof shall bee pro- %ttandingand
and hideth himselfe: but the simple passe onged. «shall
on, and are punished. 3 A ppore man that oppresseth the «ikewise be
* Chap. 20. 13 *Take his garment that is surety prolonged.
>oore, is like a sweeping raine t which *t Heb. with-
or a stranger, and take a pledge of him eaueth no food. ooutfoode.
or a strange woman. 4 They that forsake the law, praise
14 He that blesseth his friend with a le wicked : but such as keepe the Law,
oud voice, rising earely in the morning, contend with them.
t shall be counted a curse to him. 5 Euill men vnderstand not iudge-
* Chap. 19.
15 *A continuall dropping in a very ment: but they that seeke the LORD,
rainie day, and a contentious woman, vnderstand all things.
are alike. 6 * Better is the poore that walketh **Cha. 19. 1.
16 Whosoeuer hideth her, hideth the in his vprightnesse, then he that is per-
wind, and the ointment of his right uerse in his wayes, though he be rich.
land which bewrayeth it selfe 7 * Whoso keepeth the law, is a wise ** Cha. 29. 3.
17 Iron sharpeneth iron : so a man sonne : but he that tis a companion of •fl1 Or.feedeih
sharpeneth the countenance of his riotous men, shameth his father. *gluttons.
Viend. 8 * He that by vsurie and t vniust *Chap. * 13.
18 Whoso keepeth the figtree, shall raine increaseth his substance, he shall \22. 26.
eccles. 2
eate the fruit therof: so he that waiteth ;ather it for him that wil pity the poore. tt Hebr, by
on his master, shall be honoured. 9 He that turneth away his eare *increase.
19 As in water face answereih to face: ront hearing the law, euen his prayer
so the heart of man to man. sholhe abomination.
* Eccles. i. 8B £0 *Hell and destruction are tneuer 10 *Who so causeththe righteous to **Chap. 26.
t Hebr. not. ?oe astray in an euill way, he shall fall *27.
' full: so the eyes of man are neuer satis-
led. limselfe into his owne pit: but the vp-
* Chap. 17. 33 21 * As the fining pot for siluer, and right shall haue good things in posses-
the furnace for gold: so is a man to his sion.
Draise. 11 The rich man is wise tin his owne Heb. in his
22 Though thou shouldest bray a conceit: but the poore that hath vnder- eyes.
Ebole in a morter among wheate with standing searcheth him out.
a pestell, yet will not his foolishnesse de- 12 * When righteous men do reioyce, *Iohn 11.10
part from him. there is great glory: but when the wicked ecclea. 10. 6
and ver. 28.
23 Be thou diligent to knowe the rise, a man is ||hidden. D Or, sought
Hebr. set state of thy flocks, and tlooke well to thy 13 *He that couereth his sinnes, shall * Psal. 32.5.
thy heart. herds. not prosper : but who so confesseth arid andioh.10.1. 9.
\Hebr. 24 For t riches are not for euer : anc brsaketh them, shall haue mercie.
strength. 14 Happy is the man that feareth al-
t Hebr. to doth the crowne endure t to euery gene-
generation ration ? way : *but he that hardeneth his heart, *Rom. 11
and gene- 20.
ration. 25 The hay appeareth, and the ten- shall fall into misckiefe.
der grasse sheweth it selfe, and herbes o 15 As a roaring lyon and a ranging
the mountaines are gathered. scare : so is a wicked ruler ouer the
26 The lambes are for thy clothing, poore people.
and the goates are the price of thy field. 16 The prince that wanteth vnder-
27 And thou shalt haue goats milke standing, is also a great oppressour : but
enough for thy food, for the food of th; tie that hateth couetousnesse, shall pro-
^ Hebr. lift.. houshold, andjor the t maintenance for long his dayes.
thy maidens 17 * A man that doth violence to the * Gen. 9. 6.
blood of any person, shall flie to the pit, exod. 21. 14
C H A P XXVIII. let no man stay him.
General! obseruations of impietie and reli- 18 * Whoso walketh vprightly, shal * Chap. 10.
gious integritie. be saued : but he that is peruerse in his 25.
* Leuit. 26. He * wicked flee when no wayes, shall fall at once.

man pursueth : but the 19 * He that tilleth his land, shal haue * Chap. 12.
righteous are bolde as a plentie of bread ; but he that followeth 11.
lyon. after vaine persons, shall haue pouerty
2 For the transgressi- enough.
20 A faith
An euill eye. Prouerbes. Correct children.
20 A faithfull man shall abound 9 If a wise man contendeth with
* Chap. 13. with blessings: *but hee that maketh a foolish man , whether hee rage or
H. and 23. laste to be rich, shall not be || innocent. augh, there is no rest.
4. i, tim. o. 9
U Or, vnpu- 21 *To haue respect of persons, is 10 tThe bloodthirstie hate the vp- Heb. men
nished. of blood.
*Chap. 18. not good : for, for a piece of bread that right : but the iust seeke his soule.
5. & 24. 23. man will transgresse. 11 A foole vttereth all his mind : but
II Or, he that 22 || He that hasteth to bee rich, hath a wise man keepeth it in till after-
hath an euill
eye, hasteth an euill eye, and considereth not that wards.
to be rich,
ver 20. souerty shall come vpon him. 12 If a ruler hearken to lies, all his
* Cha. 27. 6. 23 * He that rebuketh a man, after- seruants are wicked.
wards shall find more fauour, then he 13 * The poore and the || deceitful man * Cha. 22. 2.
that flattereth with the tongue. meet together: the LORD lightneth $urcr» II Or, the v-
24 Who so robbeth his father or his both their eyes.
mother, and saith, it is no transgres- 14 *The King that faithfully iudg- * Chap. 20.
t Hcb.a man sion, the same is thecompanion of ta de- eth the poore, his throne shall be establi- 28.
stroyer. shed for euer.
* Chap! 13. 25 *He that is of a proud heart, stir- 15 *The rod and reproofe giue wise- * See ver. 17
reth vp strife : but he that putteth his dome: but a * child left tohimselfe bring- *Chap. 10.
trust in the LORD, shalbe made fat. 1. and 17. 21
eth his mother to shame. and 25.
26 Hee that trusteth in his owne 16 When the wicked are multiplied,
heart, is a foole : but who so walketh transgression increaseth : *but the righ- 36.* Psal. 37.
and 58.
wisely, he shall be deliuered. teous shall see their fall. 11. and 91. 8
* Deut. 15. 27 *He that giueth vnto the poore, 17 * Correct thy sonne, and hee shall *Chap. 13.
8. cha. 22. 9. shall not lacke : but he. that hideth his
giue thee rest : yea he shall giue delight 24. and 22.
15. and 23.
eyes, shall haue many a curse. vnto thy soule. 13, 14
* Chap. 29. 28 * When the wicked rise, men hide 18 Where there is no vision, the people
2. and ver.
12. of this themselues : but when they perish, the || perish : but he that keepeth the Law, II Or, is made
chapter. righteous increase. happy is he. naked.
19 A seruant will not be corrected by
C H A P . XXIX. words : for though hee vnderstAnd, hee
will not answere.
1 Observations of publike gouernement, 15 20 Seest thou a man that is hasty ||in \\ Or, in his
And of priuate. 22 Of anger, pride, theeuery^
cowardizej and corruption. his words ? there is more hope of a foole matters.
then of him.
\Heb.aman tE that being often repror 21 H& that delicately bringeth vp his

of reproof es. ue(
*> hardeneth his necke, seruant from a child, shall haue him be-
shal suddenly be destroied, come his sonne at the length.
d that without remedy. 22 * An angry man stirreth vp strife, * Chap. 15.
*Chap. 11. 2 * When the righteous and a furious man aboundeth in trans- 18. & 26. 21
28. eccles. are ||in authoritie, the people reioyce :
10. and 28. gression.
10. 5. but when the wicked beareth rule, the 23 * A mans pride shall bring him *Chap. 15.
I Or, increa- people mourne.
sed* lowe : but honour shall vpholde the 33. and 18.
12. iob 22.
* Chap. 10. 3 * Whoso Iqueth wisedome, reioy- humble in spirit. 29. luk. 14.
11. mat. 23.
l. and 15.
20. and 27. ceth his father : *but hee that keepeth 24 Who so is partner with a thiefe, 12.
T nV J.O.
1 «5
company with harlots, spendeth his hateth his owne soule : hee heareth
13. chap. 5. substance. cursing, and bewrayeth it not.
9. and 28. 7* 4 The king by Judgement stabli- 25 The feare of man bringeth a
fHeb.a sheth the land: but the that receiueth snare : but who so putteth his trust in
man ofob- gifts, ouerthroweth it.
lations» the LORD, t shall be safe. MIeb. shalbe
5 A man that flattereth his neigh- 26 * Many seeke the t rulers fauour, set on high.
* Cha. 19. 6
bour, spreadeth a net for his feet. but euery mans iudgement cwnmeth t Hebr. the
face of a
6 In the transgression of an euill from the LORD. ruler.
man there is a snare : but the righteous 27 An vniust man is an abomination
doth sing and reioyce. to the iust : and he that is vpright in the
* lob 29.
7 *The righteous considereth the way, is abomination to the wicked.
cause of the poore : but the wicked regar-
deth not to Know it. C H A P . XXX.
B Or, set a 8 Scornefull men || bring a citie into a I Agurs confession of his faith. 7 The two
citie. on fire » snare : but wise men turne away wrath. points of his prayer. 10 The meanest are
Gods word pure. Things vnfatiable;
not to bee wronged. 11 Foure wicked ge- ters, crying, Giue, giue. There are three
nerations. 15 Foure things insatiable. 17 Kings that are neuer satisfied, yea foure
Parents are not to bee despised. 18 Foure dd
hings say not, t/£ is enough : Rft.
things hard to be knowen, 21 Foure things 16 The graue ; and the barren cealth.
vntoflerable. 24 Foure things exceeding
wise. 29 Foure things stately. 32 Wrath wombe; the earth that is not filled with
is to bee preuented. water; and the fire that saith not. It is e-
17 The eye that mocketh at his fa-
He words of Agur the ther, and despiseth to obey his mother;

sonne of lakeh, euen the the rauens of ||the valley shall picke it Or, the
prophecy : The man spake out, and the young Eagles shall brooke.
vnto I^eU euen vnto eate it.
JLiniei and vcai. 18 There be three things which are
% Surely I am more ;oo wonderfull for me; yea foure, which
)rutish then any man, and haue not the ! know not :
vnderstanding of a man. 19 The way of ar^ Eagle in the ayre ;
3 I neither learned wisedome, nor the way of a serpent vpon. a rocke ; the
t Heb. know. thaue the knowledge of the holy. the way of a ship in the t midst of the Heb. heart.
* lohn. 3. 4 *Who hath ascended vp into hea- sea; and the way of a man with a maid.
13. iob. 38.
4. psal. 104. uen, or descended? who hath gathered 80 Such is the way of an adulterous
3. isa. 40.
the wind in his fists ? who hath bound woman : she eateth, and wipeth her
the waters in a garment ? who hath mouth, and saith, I haue done no wic-
established all the ends of the earth ? cednesse.
what is his name, and what is his 21 For three things the earth is dis-
sonnes name, if thou canst tell ? quieted , and for foure which it cannot
«PsaLl2.7. 5 *Euery word of God tzs pure : he )eare :
and 18. 32.
& 19. 8. & is a shield vnto. them that put their 22 * For a seruant when he reigneth, « Chap. 19.
119. 140.
t Heb. puri- trust in him.
and a foole when hee is filled with 0.
fied. 6 *Adde thou not vnto his words, meate :
* Deut. 4. 2. 23 For an odious woman when shee
and 12. 32. lest he reproue thee, and thou be found a
apoc. 21. 19 lyar. dfgs
s married, and an handmayd that is
7 Two things haue I required of leire to her mistresse.
t Heb. with- thee, tdeny me them not before I die. 24 There be foure things which are
hold not ittle vpon the earth; but they are t ex- t Heb. vise
from me. 8 Remoue farre from mee vanity,
ceeding wise : made wise.
and lyes ; giue me neither pouerty, nor
* Mat 6. 11. riches; *feede me with foodtconuenient 25 * The Ants are a people not * Chap. c. 7
t Heb. of my strong, yet they prepare their meate in
allowance. for me.
* Deut. 32. 9 *Lest I be full, and tdeny thee, the summer.
15. 26 The conies are but a feeble folke,
T ft eis• uctyc
* fffh futfap and say, Who is the LORD ? or lest 1
Giee, be poore, and steale, and take the name yet make they their houses in the rocks
of my God in vaine. 27 The locustes haue no king, yet
t Heb. hurt 10 t Accuse not a seruant vnto his goe they forth all of them tby bands. ' Heb. ga-
not with thy
tongue* master; lest he curse thee, and thou be 28 The spider taketh hold with her thered(her.
found guilty. bands, and is in kings palaces.
11 There is a generation tliat curseth 26 There be three things which goe
their father, and doth not blesse their well, yea foure are comely in going :
mother/ 30 A lyon which is strongest among
12 There is a generation that are pure beastes, and turneth not away for any
in their owne eyes, and yet is not wash- 31 || A gray-hound; an hee-goate al If Or, horse.
Heb. girt in
ed from their filthinesse. so ; and a king, against whom there is thetoyne**
* Chap. 6. 13 * There is a generation , O ho we no rising vp.
17. 32 * If thou hast done foolishly in * Iob. 91. 5.
lofty are their eyes ! and their eye-lids
are lifted vp. lifting vp thy selfe , or if thou has and 3d. 37*
&c. and 40.
* Psal. 52. 14 * There is a generation , whose thought euill, lay thine hand vpon th;
3. and 57. s.
iob. 29. 17. teeth are as swords, and their iaw-teeth mouth.
as kniues , to deuoure the poore from 33 Surely the churning of milk
off the earth, and the needy from among bringeth forth butter; and the wringhij
men. of the nose bringeth forth blood : so th
15 The horse-leach hath two daugh- forcing of wrath bringeth forth strife.
The defcription of Prouerbes. a good woman.
hold, and a portion to her maydens.
C H A P . XXXI. 16 She considereth a field, and tbuy- Hebr. ta-
i Lemuels lesson of chastitie and temperance. th it • with the fruit of her handes she eth.
6 The afflicted are to be comforted arid jlanteth a Vineyard
defended. 10 The praise and proper-
ties of a good wife. 17 She girdeth her loynes with
strength, and strengthened her armes.
He wordes of King Le- 18 "f She perceiueth that her mer- Hebr. shs

uel, the prophecie that chandise is good , her candle goeth not aateth'
his mother taught him. out by night.
2 What , my sonne ! 19 She layeth her handes to the
and what , the sonne o1 spindle , and her handes hold the di-
my wombe ! and what, staffe.
the sonne of my vowes ! 20 tShe stretcheth out her hand to Hebr. she
3 Giue not thy strength vnto wo- he poore , yea she reacheth foorth her spreadeth.
men, nor thy wayes to that which de~ landes to the needy.
stroyeth kings 21 She is not afraid of the snow for
4 It is not for kings, O Lemuel, it ler houshold : for all her houshold are
1 is not for kings to drinke wine, nor for cloathed with [jscarlet. Or, double
Princes, strong drinke : 22 She maketh herselfe couerings arments.
5 Lest they drinke , and forget the of tapestrie ; her cloathing is silke and
t Hebr. a/- Law, and tperuert the iudgement to >urple.
t Hebr. of any of the afflicted. 23 Her husband is knowen in the
allthesonnes 6 * Giue strong drinke vnto him that gates, when he sitteth among the El-
of affliction*
* Psal. 104. is ready to perish, and wine vnto those ders of the land.
15. that be tof heauie hearts. 24 She maketh fine linnen , and sel-
t Hebr. bit-
ter ofsoule. 7 Let him drinke, and forget his po- eth it, and deliuereth girdles vnto the
uertie , and remember his misery no merchant.
more. 25 Strength and honour are her
8 Open thy mouth for the dumbe in cloathing; and she shall reioyce in time
t Hebr. the the cause of all such as are t appointee to come.
sonnes of de-
struction. to destruction. 26 She openeth her mouth with
9 Open thy mouth , iudge righte- wisedome ; and in her tongue w the law
* Leuit. 19. ously, * and plead the cause of the poore of kindnesse.
15. deut. 1. and needy. 27 She looketh well to the wayes
* Chap. 19. 10 If * Who can finde a vertuous wo- of her housholde , and eateth not the
4. man? for her price is farre aboue Rubies. bread of idlenesse.
11 The heart of her husband doet 28 Her children arise vp, and call he
safely trust in her, so that he shall haue blessed; her husband also, and he prai
no need of spoile. seth her.
12 She will doe him good, and not 29 Many daughters ||haue done II Or, haue
euill, all the dayes of her life. vertuously, but thou excellest them all. gotten
13 She seeketh wooll and flaxe, am 30 Fauour is deceitfull , andhfghbv
worketh willingly with her hands. is vaine : but a woman that feareth th
14 She is like the merchants ships, LORD, she shalbe praised.
she bringeth her food from afarre. 31 Giue her of the fruit of her hands
15 Shee riseth also while it is yet and let her owne workes praise her in
night, and giueth meate to her house- the gates

The vanitie of Chap j.ij. worldly things.

or the Preacher.
beene already of olde time, which wa
C H A P . I. before vs.
11 There is no remembrance of forme
1 The Preacher sheweth that all humane cour- things; neither shall there bee any re
ses are vaine: 4 Because the creatures are
restlesse in their courses, 9 They bring membrance of things that are to come
foorth nothing newe, and all olde things are with those that shall come after.
forgotten, 12 And because he hath founc 12 f I the Preacher was king ouei
it so in the studies of wisedome. Israel in lerusalem.
13 And I gaue my heart to seeke am
He wordes of the search out by wisedome, concerning al

Preacher, the son things that are done vnder heauen
of Dauid, King this sore trauell hath God giuen to the
in Jerusalem. sonnes of man, ||to be exercised there- flict
\\0r> to af-
& * Vanitie of them.
* Cha. 12. 9
psal. 144. 4. with.
psal. 36. 6. vanities, saith the 14 I haue seene all the workes that
and 62. 9. Preacher, vanitie are done vnder the Sunne, and behold
of vanities, all is all is vanitie, and vexation of spirit.
vanitie. 15 *That which is crooked, cannot * Cha. 7.13
* Cha. a. 22. 3 * What profite hath a man of all be made straight: and t that which is t Keb* de-
and 3. 9. his labour which hee taketh vnder the fect.
wanting cannot be numbred.
Sunne ? 16 I communed with mine owne
4> One generation passeth away, heart, saying, Loe, I am come to great
*PsaLl04.S and another generation commeth : *but estate, and haue gotten *more wisedome * 1. King; 4.
& 119. 90. the earth abideth for euer.
then all they that haue beene before me 30.
and 10.
5 The Sunne also arisetb, and the in lerusalem: yea my heart thad great Heb. had
\ Heb.van- Sunne goeth downe, and thasteth to experience of wisedome & knowledge. seene much.
the place where he arose. 17 * And I gaue my heart to know * Cha. 2.12.
6 The winde goeth toward the wisedome, and to know madnesse and and 7. 23.
South, and turneth about vnto the folly: I perceiued that this also is vex-
North ; it whirleth about continually, ation of spirit.
and the winde returneth againe accor- 18 For in much wisedome is much
ding to his circuits. jriefe : and hee that increaseth know-
* Psal. 104. 7 *A11 the riuers runne into the sea, ledge, increaseth sorrow,
9,10. iob
38. 10. pet the Sea is not full: vnto the place
Tom whence the riuers come, thither C H A P . II.
t ffeb. re- they treturne againe. 1 The vanitie of humane courses in the workes
turne to goe.
8 All things are full of labour, man of pleasure. 12 Though the wise he better
cannot vtter it: the eye is not satisfied then the foole, vet both haue one euent. 18
with seeing, nor the eare filled with The vanitie of humane labour, in leauing it
they know not to whom. 24 Nothing better
bearing. then ioy in our labour, hut that is Gods gift.
* Cha. 3. is. 9 * The thing that hath beene, it is
that which shall be : and that which is Said in mine heart, Goe
done, is that which shall be done; and
there is no new thing vnder the sunne.
10 Is there any" tbing, whereof it
nay be sayd, See, this is new? it hath
I to now, I wil prooue thee
with mirth, therfore enioy
pleasure: and behold, this
also is vanitie.
2 I said
The vanitie of all Ecclefiaftes. worldly things.
2 I saide of laughter, It is mad: wise ? then I said in my heart, Tha
and of mirth, What doeth it? this also is vanitie.
* Chap. 1.
3 * 1 sought in mine heart t to glue 16 For there is no remembrance of the
' Hebr. to my selfe vnto wine , ( yet acquainting wise, more then of the foole foreuer; see-
drawmyflesh mine heart with wisedome) and to lay ing that which now is, in the dayes to
'jOVthi W¥fie*
hold on folly, till I might see what was come shall be forgotten ; and how dieth
that good for the sonnes of men, which the wise man ? as the foole.
t Hebr. the they should doe vnder the heauen tall 17 Therefore I hated life, because
number of
the dayes of the dayes of their life. the worke that is wrought vnder the
their life. 4i I made me great workes, I buil- Sunne is grieuous vnto mee : for all i&
ded mee houses, I planted mee Vine- vanitie, and vexation of spirit.
yards. 18 IT Yea I hated all my labour
5 I made mee gardens & orchards, which I had t taken vnder the Sunne: \Hcbr. la-
and I planted trees in them of all kinde because I should leaue it vnto the man boured.
qffrmts. that shalbe after mee.
6 I made mee pooles of water , to 19 *And who knoweth whether he * Psal. 49.
water therewith the wood that bring- shall be a wise man or a foole? yet shall 11. &C.
eth foorth trees : he haue rule ouer all my labour, where-
7 I got me seruants and maydens, in I haue laboured, and wherein 1
rHeb. sonnes and had t seruants borne in my house ; haue shewed my selfe wise vnder the
of my house.
also I had great possessions of great Sunne. This is also vanitie.
and small cattell, aboue all that were in 20 Therefore I went about to cause
lerusalem before me. my heart to despaire of all the labour
* I.King. 9. 8 * 1 gathered mee also siluer and which I tooke vnder the Sunne.
28. and 10.
4. gold, and the peculiar treasure of kings 21 For there is a man whose labour
and of the prouinces : I gate mee men is in wisedome and in knowledge , and
singers and women singers, and the de- in equitie: yet to a man that hath not
t Hebr. mu. lights of the sonnes of men, t as musical laboured therein, shall hee t leaue it for THebr. give.
viccUl instru-
ment, and instruments, and that of all sorts. bis portion ; This also is vanitie, and a
9 So I was great, and increased ^reat euill.
more then all that were before mee in 22 * For what hath man of all his * Chap. 1. 3.
lerusalem ; also my wisedome remai- labour, and of the vexation of his heart and 3. 9.
ned with me. wherein hee hath laboured vnder the
10 And whatsoeuer mine eyes desi- Sunne ?
red, I kept not from them ; I with- 23 For all his dayes are * sorrowes, * lob 14. l.
held not my heart from any ioy : for and his traueile , griefe ; yea his heart
my heart reioyced in all my labour; and taketh not rest in the night. This is also
this was my portion of all my labour. vanitie.
11 Then I looked on all the workes 24 IF * There is nothing better for a * Cha. 3. 12..
that my hands had wrought, and on man, then that he should eat and drinke, jr.2. and
azid 5.
the labour that I had laboured to doe: and that he || should make his soule en- 3.
* Chap. 1.8. and behold, all was * vanitie, and vexa- ioy good in his labour. This also I his 1 Or, delight
tion of spirit, and there was no profit vn-saw, that it was from the hand of God.
der the Sunne. 25 For who can eate? or who else
12 IF And I turned my selfe to be- can hasten hereunto more then I ?
* Chap. 1. hold wisedome, *and madnesse and fol- 26 For God giueth to a man that is
17. and 7.
23. ly : for what can the man doe, that com- ?ood t in his sight , wisedome , and *Hebr. be*
1 Or, in those meth after the king? \\euen that which knowledge , and ioy ; but to the sinner fore him.
things which
haue bene hath bene already done. bee giueth traueile , to gather and to
aireadydone. 13 Then I saw tthat wisedome ex- beape vp that * he may giue to him that *lob 27.
there is an celleth folly, as farre as light excelleth is good before God: This also is vanitie 7.
excellence darkenesse. and vexation of spirit.
in Wisedome
more then in 14 * The wise mans eyes are in his
folly, $c.
head, but the foole walketh in darknes:
* Prou. 17.
24. chap. 8. and I my selfe perceiued also that one
11 A Jr. 111.
i. euent happeneth to them all 1 By the necessary change of times, vanitie is
15 Then said I in my heart , As it added to humane trauaile. 11 There is an
t Hebr. hap- excellencie in Gods workes: 16 But as for
penethto happeneth to the foole, so it t happeneth man, God shall iudge his workes there, and
me,euento euen to me, and why was I then more
me. here he shalbe like a beast.
A time for all. Chap.iij.iiij. Man and beaft.
O euery thing there is a sea- might manifest them, and that they

son, and a time to euery might see that they themselues are
purpose vnder the heauen. beasts.
t Heb. to
2 A time tto be borne, 19 *For that which befalleth the *Psal. 49.
and a time to die: a time to sonnes of men, befalleth beastes, euen 21. chap.
2. 16.
plant, and a time to pluck vp that which one thing befalleth them : as the onedi-
is planted. eth, so dieth the other: vea thevhaue al
3 A time to kill, and a time to heale : one breath, so that a man hath no prehe-
a time to breake downe, and a time to minence aboue a beast; for all is vanitie
build vp. 20 All goe vnto one place, all are o1
4 A time to weepe, and a time to the dust, and all turne to dust againe.
laugh : a time to mourne, and a time to 21 Who knoweth the spirit t of man t Heb. of the
dance. that tgoeth. vpward; and the spirit of sons of man.
I1 Heb. is as-
5 A time to cast away stones, and a the beast that goeth downeward to the cending.
time to gather stones together : a time earth ?
t Heb. to be io imbrace, and a time tto refraine from 98, * Wherefore I perceiue that there *Cha. 2. 24.
imbracing. is nothing better, then that a man and 5.17.
I Or, seeke. 6 A time to ||get, and a time to lose : should reioyce in his owne workes : for
a time to keepe, and a time to cast away. that is his portion; for who shall bring
7 A time to rent, and a time to sow : him to see what shalbe after him ?
a time to keepe silence, and a time to
speake. C H A R IIIL
8 A time to loue, and a time to hate :
a time of warre, and a time of peace. 1 Vanitife is encreased vnto men by oppression,
4Byenuie, 5 By idlenesse, 7 fey couetous-
•Chap. i. 3. 9 * What profite hath hee that wor- nesse, 9Bysolitarinesse, ISBywilfulnesse.
ceth, in that wherein he laboureth ?
10 I haue seene the trauaile which O * I returned, and consi- &c.
* Chap. 5.7.
3-od hath giuen to the sonnes of men, to
3e exercised in it.
11 He hath made euery thing beauti-
*ull in his time : also hee hath set the
T dered all the oppressions
that are done vnder the
sunne; & behold the teares
of such as were oppressed,
world in their heart, so that no man can and they had no comforter: and on the
inde out the worke that God maketh [•side of their oppressoursthere was pow- t Heb, hand.
rom the beginning to the end. er, but they had no comforter.
12 I know that there is no good in 2 * Wherefore I praised the dead * lob 3. 17.
them,but foraman to reioyce, and to doe which are already dead, more then the &c.
good in his life. iufng which are yet aliue.
13 And also that euery man should $ * Yea better is he then both they, *Iob3. 11,
eate and drinke, and enioy the good of which hath not yet. been, who hath not 16,21.
all his labour : it is the gift of God. scene the euill worke that is done vnder
14 I know that whatsoeuer God the Sunne.
doeth, it shalbe for euer • nothing can be 4 if Againe I considered all tra-
mt to it, nor any thing taken from it : uaile, and t euery right worke, that tfor thet Heb. all
md God doth it, that men should feare this a man is enuied of his neighbour : of worke.
)efore him. this is al?o vanitie, and vexation of ttheHeb. this is
enuie of
*Cha.l. 9. 15 *That which hath beene, is now : spirit. a man from
lis neigh'
and that which is to be, hath alreadie 5 * The foole foldeth his hands to- tour.
\Heb.that >eene, and God requireth tthat which jether, and eateth his owne flesh. *Prou. 6.10
which is dri- 6 * Better is an handfull with quiet- and 24. 33.
ven away. s past. * Prou.. 15.
16 If And moreouer, I sawe vnder nesse, then both the hands full with tra- 16. and 16.
the Sunne the place of iudgement, that uell and vexation of spirit.
wickednesse was there ; and the place of 7 If Then I returned, and I saw
righteousnesse, that iniquitie was there. vanitie vnder the Sunne.
17 I said in mine heart, God shall 8 There is one alone, and there is not
ludge the righteous and the wicked : for a second; yea, he-hath neither childe nor
»Vere. i. there is *a time there, for euery purpose >rother: yet is there no end of all his la-
I Or, that and for euery worke. )our, neither is his eye satisfied with
they might
cleare God, 18 I said in my heart concerning the riches, neither sayth hee, For whom doe
and see, $c. estate of the sonnes of men, ||that God [ labour, and bereaue my soule of
good ?
Mans focietie. Ecclefiaftes. How riches
rood ? this is also vanitie, yea it is a sore voyce , and destroy the worke of thine
,rau el bands ?
9 f Two are better then one^ be- 7 For in the multitude of dreames
cause they haue a good reward for their and many words, there are also diuers
abour. vanities : but feare thou God.,
10 For if they fall, the one will lift vp 8 11 If thou seest the oppression of
lis fellow, but woe to him that is alone. the poore, and violent peruerting of
when he falleth : for he liath not another iudgement , and iustice in a prouince,
to helpe him vp. maruell not tat the matter : for he that Mleb.attiie
will or pur-
11 Againe, if two lye together, then is higher then the highest, regardeth, pose.
they haue heate \ but howe can one be and there be higher then they.
warme alone ? 9 f Moreouer the profit of the
12 And if one preuaile against him, earth is for all : the king himselfe is ser-
two shall withstand him ; and a three- ued by the field.
fold coard is not quickly broken. 10 Hee that loueth siluer shall not be
IB H Better is a poore and a wise satisfied with siluer ; nor he that loueth
\Heb.who child, then an old and foolish king t who abundance, with increase : this is also va-
knoweth not nitie.
to be admo- will no more be admonished.
nished. 14 For out of prison hee commeth 11 When goods increase, they are in-
to raigne, whereas also he that is borne creased that eate them : and what good
in his kingdom e, becommeth poore. is there to the owners thereof, sauing the
15 I considered all the liuing which beholding of them with their eyes ?
walke vnder the sunne, with the second 18 The sleepe of a labouring man is
child that shall stand vp in his stead. sweete, whether he eate little or much :
16 There is no end of all the people, e- but the abundance of the rich will not
uen of all that haue beene before them : suffer him to sleepe.
they also that come after , shall not re- 13 There is a sore euill which I haue
ioyce in him : surely this also is vanitie, scene vnder the Sun, namely riches kept
and vexation of; spirit. for the owners therof to their hurt.
14 But those riches perish by euill
C H A P . V. trauell; and he begetteth a sonne, and
1 Vanities in Diuine seruice, 8 in murmu- there is nothing in his hand.
ring against oppression, 9 and in Riches. 15 *As he came forth of his mothers Mob. i. 21.
18 loy in riches is the gift of God. wombe, naked 3hall he returne to goe psal. I. tim. 0. 7.
49, 17-
Eepe thy foote when thou as he came, and shall take nothing of

goest to the house of God, his labour, which he may carry away
and be more ready to in his hand.
*l. Sam. 15 heare, *thentogiuethe sa- 16 And this also is a sore euill, that in
22. psal. 50. crifice of fooles : for they all points as he came, so shall hee goe :
8. prou. 15.
8. & 21. 27. consider not that they doe euill. *and what profit hath he that hath la- * Chap, l 3.
2 Be not rash with thy mouth, anc boured for the winde ?
let not thine heart be hasty to vtter any 17 All his dayes also hee eateth in
B Or, word. |[ thing before God : for God is in hea- darkenesse, and he hath much sorrowe,
uen, and thou vpon earth : therefore and wrath with his sicknesse,
* Mat. 6. 7. let thy words * be few. 18 U * Behold that which I haue •Chap. 2.
prou. 10. 19 24. and 3.
3 For a dreame commeth through scene : tit is good and comely for one 12.
the multitude of businesse, and a fooles to eate and to drinke, and to enioy the isiHeb. there
a good
voyce is knowen by multitude of words. good of all his labour that he taketh which is
* Dcut. 23. 4 * When thou vowest a vow vnto vnder the sunne, tall the dayes of his comely t &c.
t Heb. the
God, deferre not to pay it : for he hath life, which God giueth him : for it is his number of
the dayes
* Psal. €6. no pleasure in fooles; * pay that which portion.
13, 14,
thou hast vowed 19 Euery man also to whom God
5 Better is it that thou shouldest not hath giuen riches and wealth, and hath
vowe, then that thou shouldest vowe giuen him power to eate thereof, and
and not pay, to take his portion, and to reioyce in his
6 Suffer not thy mouth to cause labour, this is the gift of God.
thy flesh to sinne, neither say thou be- 20 For he shall not much remember he II Or, though
giue not
fore the Angel, that it was an errour : the dayes of his life : because God an- much, yet he
wherefore should God be angrie at thy swereth him in the ioy of his heart ore.
are miferable. Chap.vj.vij. A fooles laughter.
* Good name is better then *Prou. 22. i.

C H A P . VI. precious ointment i and and 15. 30.
1 The vanitie of riches without vse. 3 Of chil- the day of death, then the
dren, 6 and old age without riches. 9 The day of ones birth.
vanitie of sight and wandring desires. 11
The conclusion of vanities. 2 1f It is better to goe to
tne nouse ot mourning, then to goe to
Here is an euill which I the house of feasting: for that is the end

haue seen vnder the Sun, of all men, and the liuing will lay it to
and it is common among his heart.
men: 3 || Sorrow is better then laughter : I Or, anger.
2 A man to whom God for by the sadnesse of the countenance
hath giuen riches, wealth and honour, the heart is made better.
so that he wanteth nothing for his soule 4f The heart of the wise is in the
of all that he desireth, yet God giueth house of mourning ; but the heart of
him not power to eate thereof, but a fooles is in the house of mirth.
stranger eateth it: This is vanitie, and 5 * It is better to heare the rebuke of *Pro. 13.18
it is an euill disease. the wise, then for a man to heare the & 15. 31. 32
3 IF If a man beget an hundred chil- song of fooles.
dren, and Hue many yeeres, so that the 6 For as the t crackling of thornes \ Heb. sound
dayes of his yeeres bee many: and his vnder a pot, so is the laughter of the
soule be not filled with good, and also foole: this also is vanitie.
that he haue no buriall, I say, that an 7 IT Surely oppression maketh a
vntimely birth is better then he. wise man mad : *and a gift destroyeth *Deut. 16.
4 For he commeth in with vanitie, the heart.
and departeth in darkenesse, and his 8 Better is the ende of a thing then
name shall be couered with darkenesse. the beginning thereof: and the patient
5 Moreouer. hee hath not scene the in spirit is better then the proude in
Sunne, nor knowen any thing; this hath spirit.
more rest then the other. 9 * Be not hastie in thy spirit to bee •Pro. 14.17
6 11 Yea though he Hue a thousand angry : for anger resteth in the bosome and 1C. 32.
yeeres twice told, yet hath he scene no of fooles.
good : Doe not all goe to one place ? 10 Say not thou, What is the cause
7 All the labour of man is for his that the former dayes were better then
t Heb. soule. mouth, and yet the tappetite is not these? for thou doest not enquire twisely t Heb. out
concerning this. o/wisedome.
8 For what hath the wise more then 11 1[ Wisedome ||is good with an in- as II Or, as good
an inheri-
the foole ? what hath the poore, that heritance : and by it there is profite to tance, yea,
knoweth to walke before the liuing ? them that see the sunne. better too.
9 11 Better is the sight of the eyes, 1& For wisedome is & t defence, and; t Hebr. sha-
\ Heb. then tthen the wandering of the desire : this money is a defence: but the excellencie of»dowe.
the walking
of the soule. is also vanitie and vexation of spirit. knowledge is, that wisedome giueth
10 That which hath bene, is named life to them that haue it.
already, and it is knowen that it is man: 18 * Consider the worke of God : for•* Chap. 1.
neither may he contend with him that who can make that straight, which hee 15.
is mightier then he. hath made crooked ?
11 U Seeing there be many things 14 In the day of prosperitie be ioy-
that increase vanitie, what is man the fulljbutinthe day of aduersitie consider:
better ? God also hath t set the one ouer against \ Heb. made
12 For who knoweth what is good the other, to the end that man should
t Heb. the for man in this life, tall the dayes of his find nothing after him.
number of 15 All things haue I scene in the
the dayes of vaine life, which he spendeth as *a sha-
the life of dow ? for who can tell a man what shal dayes of my vanitie : there is a iust man
his vanitie.
•Psal. 144. be after him vnder the sunne ? that perisheth in his righteousnes, and
4. there is a wicked man that prolongeth
his life in his wickednes.
C H A P . VII. 16 Be not righteous ouer much, nei-
ther make thy selfe ouer wise : why
1 Remedies against vanitie, are a good name,
2 Mortification, 7 Patience, 11 Wisedome. shouldest thou t destroy thy selfe ?
23 The difficultie of wisedome. 17 Be not ouermuch wicked, neither desolate**
None is raft. Ecclefiaftes. The kings power.
be thou foolish: why shouldest thou die 3 Bee not hastie to goe out of his
\Heb.notin tbefore thy time ? , sight: stand not in an euill thing, for he
thy time ^ 18 It is good that thou. Shouldest doeth whatsoeuer pleaseth him.
take holde of this, yea also from this 4 Where the word of a king is, there
withdraw not thine hand: for hee that is power: and who may say vnto him,
feareth God, shall come foorth of them What doest thou ?
all. 5 Whoso keepeth the commande-
* Prou. 21. 19 *Wisedorne strengtheneth the ment, t shall feele no euill thing: and a iHeb. shall
22. and 24.
5. cha. 9. 16. wise, more then ten mightie men which wise mans heart disceraeth both time know.
are in the citie. and Judgement.
* Prou. 20. 9 20 *.For there is not a iust *nan vpon 6 IF Because to euery purpose there
l. kin. 8. 46.
1. ion. i. 8. earth, that doeth good, and sihneth not. is time, and iudgement; therefore the
t Heb. giue £1 Also t take no Jieede vnto all misery of man is great vpon him.
not thine words that are spoken; lest thou-heare
heart. 7 For hee knoweth not that which
thy seruant curse thee. shall be : for who can tell him, || when it I! Or, how it
shall bel
22 For often times also thine iowne shall be ?
heart knoweth, that thou thyselfe like- 8 There is no man that hath power
wise hast cursed others. *ouer the spirit to retaihe the spirit; nei- * lob 14. 5.
23 IF All this haue I prooued by ther hath he power in the day of death:
wisedome : I said, I will be wise, but and there is no j|discharge in that warre, ofII Or, casting
it was farre from me. • neither shall wickednesse deliuer those weapons.
24 That which is farre off, and ex- that are giuen to it.
ceeding deepe, who can finde it out ? 9 Air this haue I scene, and applied
t Heb. 1 and 25 t1 applyed mine heart to know, my heart vnto euery worke that is
mine heart and to search, and to seeke out wisdome, done vnder the Sunne : there is a time
and the reason *qf things, %wdi to*knowthe wherein one man ruleth ouer another
wickednes of folly, euen *>t foolishnesse to his owne hurt.
and madnesse. 10 And so I saw the wicked buried,
* Prou. 22. 26 * Aiid I finde more bitter then who had come, and gone Jrom the place
death, the woman whose heart is of the Holy, and they irere forgotten
snares & nets, and her handes as bands : in the city, where they had so done: this
t He that is t who so pleaseth God, shall escape from is also vanitie.
good before her, but the sinner shall be taken by her. 11 Because sentence against an euill
21 Behold, this haue I found (saith worke is not executed speedily; there-
n Or, weigh. the Preacher) j| counting one by one to fore the heart of the sonries of men is
ing one thing finde out the account:
after an- fully set in them to doe euill.
other to
finde outt
2S Which yet my soule seeketh, but 12 f Though a sinner doe euill an
the reason. I finde not : one man among a thou- hundred times, and his dayes be prolon-
sand haue I found, but a woman a- ged ; yet surely I know that *it shall be *Psal. 37.
mong all those haue I not found. well with them that feare God, which 10,11,18,
29 Loe, this onely haue I found, feare before him.
* Gen. 1. 27. *that God hath made man vpright: but IS But it shall not be well with the
they haue sought out many inuentions. wicked, neither shall hee prolong his
dayes which are as a shadow; because
C H A P . VIII. ' he feareth not before God.
1 Kings ate greatly to bee respected. 6 The 14 There is a vanitie which is done
Diuine prouidence is to be ooserued. 12 It vpon the earth, that there be iust men
is better with the godly in aduersitie, then vnto whom it *happeneth according to * Psa. 73.13.
with the wicked in prosperity. 16 The worke
of God is vnsearchable. « the worke of the wicked : againe, there
be wicked men, to whom it happeneth
Ho is as the Wise mail ? according to the worke of the righte-

and who knoweth the in- ous : I said, that this also is vanitie.
terpretation of a thing? 15 * Then I commended mirth, be- * Cha. 3. 22.
* Prou. 17. *a mans "wisedome ma- cause a man hath no better thing vnder
24. keth his face to shine, and the Sunne, -then to eate and to drinke,
t Heb. the t the boldnes of his face shalbe changed. and to be merrie : for that shall abide
strength. 2 I counsellihee, to keepe the kings with him of his labour, the dayes of
commandement, and that in regard of his life, which God giueth him vnder
the oath of God. the Sunne.
16 IT When
All are alike. Chap.ix.x. Wifdome defpifed.
I 16 IF When I applied mine heart to white; and let thy head lacke no oynt-
know wisedome, and to see the busines ment.
that is done vpon the earth : (for also 9 tLiue ioy fully with the wife, t Hebr. see,
there is that neither day nor night seeth whom thou louest, all the dayes of the or enioy life.
sleepe with his eyes.) life of thy vanitie, which he hath giuen
17 Then I behelde all the worke of thee vnder the Sunne, all the dayes of
God, that a man cannot finde out the thy vanitie : *for that is thy portion in • Chap. 2.
worke that is done vnder the Sunne: this life, and in thy labour which thou 24. and 3.
13. and 5.
because though a man labour to seeke it takest vnder the Sunne. 18.
out, yea further though a wise man 10 Whatsoeuer thy hand findeth to
thinke to know it, yet shall hee not be doe, doe it with thy might: for there is no
able to finde it. worke, nor deuice, nor/ knowledge, nor
wisedome in the graue, whither thou
C H A P . IX. 11 IF I returned, and saw vnder the
1 Like things happen to good and bad. 4 Sunne, That the race is not to the
There is a necessitie of death vnto men. swift), nor the battell to the strong, nei-
7 Comfort is all their portion in this life.
11 Gods prouidence ruleth ouer all. 13 Wis- ther yet bread to the wise, nor yet riches
dome is better then strength. to men of vnderstanding, nor yet fa-
uour to men of skil; but time and chance

tf Hebr. I Or all this 11 considered happeneth to them all.
aue, or set
to my heart. in my heart, euen to de- 12 * For man also knoweth not his * Prou. 29.
clare all this, that the time, as the fishes that are taken in an 6.
righteous, and the wise, euil net, and as the birds that are caught
and their workes, are in the in the snare; so are the sonnes of men
hand of God : no man knoweth either snared in an euill time, when it folleth
Ioue,or hatred,fryall that is before them. suddenly vpon them.
* Mala. 3. 2 * All things come alike to all: there 13 H This wisedome haue I scene
14. psal. 73.
2. & 12. 13. is one euent to the righteous and to the also vnder the Sunne, and it seemed
wicked, to the good and to the cleane, great vnto me:
and to the vncleane; to him that sacrifi- 14$ There was a little citie,and few men
ceth, and to him that sacrificed! not: as within it; and there canae a great King
is the good, so is the sinner, and hee that against it, and besieggd it, & built great
sweareth, as he that feareth an oath. bulwarks against it:
3 This is an euill among all things 15 Now there was found in it a
that are done vnder the Sunne, that poore wise man, and hee by ;his wise-
'here is one euent vnto all: yea also the dome deliuered the citie; yet no man re-
leart of the sonnes of men is full of euill, membred that same poore man.
and madnesse is in their heart while 16 *Then said I, Wisedome-is better * Prou. si.
22. chap. 7-
they liue, and after that they goe to the then strength: neuerthelesse, the poore 19.
dead. mans wisedome is despised, and1 his
4s «([ For to him that is ioyned to all words are not heard.
the liuing, there is hope : for a liuing ] T The words of wise men are heard
dogge is better then a dead Lion, in quiet, more then the cry of him that
5 For the liuing know that they ruleth among fooles.
shall die : but the dead know not any 18 Wisedome is better then weapons
thing, neither haue they any more a re- of warre : but one sinner destrpyeth
ward, foe the memorie of them is for- much good.
6 Also their loue, and their- hatred, C H A P . X.
and their enuy is now perished; neither I Obseruations of Wisedome and folly. 16
haue they any more a portion for euer Of Riot, 1& Sloutbfulnesse,, 19 and-Mo-
n any thing that is done vnder the ney. 20 Mens thoughts of Kings ought
Sunne. to bee reuerend.
7 If Goe thy/ way^ eate thy bread tEad flies cause the oynt- Hebr. flies

D jnerxt off the Apothecarie of death.

with ioy, and drinke thy wine with a
merry heart; for Godl nowsaccepteth to. send foortb a stinking
thy workes. sauour. : so doeth a little
8 Let thy garments bee alwayes folly him that is in repu-
Folly efteemed. Ecclefiaftes. God iudgeth all.
tation for wisedome and honour. thy ||thought, and curse not the rich in I Or, con-
2 A wise mans heart is at his right thy bed-chamber : for a bird of the aire
hand : but a fooles heart at his left. shall carry the voyce, and that which
3 Yea also when hee that is a foole lath wings shall tell the matter.
t Heb. his walketh by the way , t his wisedome
heart. faileth him, and hee saith to euery one C H A P . XI.
that he is a foole.
4 If the spirit of the ruler rise vp 1 Directions for charitie. 7 Death in life, 9 and
the day of Judgement in the dayes of youth
against thee, leaue not thy place; for are to be thought on.
yeelding pacifieth great offences^
5 There is an euill which I haue Ast thy bread tvpon the t Heb. vpon

scene vnder the Sunne, as an errour, waters : for thou shalt the face of,
the waters.
Heb. from which proceedeth tfrom the ruler. find it after *many dayes. * Deut. 15.
before. 10. Mat. 10
t Heb. 6 Folly is set tin great dignitie; and 2 Giue a portion to 42. prou. 19
n great the rich sit in lowe place. seuen and also to eight; for 17-
* Prou. 30. 7 I haue seene seruants *vpon thou knowest noc what euill shall be
22. horses, and princes walking as ser- vpon the earth.
uants vpon the earth. 3 If the clouds be full of raine, they
* PsaL 7.16. 8 *He that diggeth a pit, shall fall emptie themselues vpon the earth : and
prou. 26. 27
into it; and who so breaketh an hedge, if the tree fall toward the South, or to-
a serpent shall bite him. ward the North, in the place where the
9 Who so remoueth stones, shall be tree faileth, there it shall be.
hurt therewith : and hee that cleaueth 4 He that obserueth the wind, shall
wood, shalbe endangered thereby. not sow : and hee that regardeth the
10 If the yron be blunt, and he doe clouds, shall not reape.
not whet the edge, then must he put to 5 As thou knowest not what is the
more strength : but wisedome is profita- way of the spirit, nor how the bones doe
ble to direct. growe in the wombe of her that is with
11 Surely the serpent will bite with- child : euen so thou knowest not the
t Heb. the out inchauntment, and t a babbler is no workes of God who maketh all.
master of ther 6 In the morning sowe thy seede,
tongue. better.
* Prou. 10. 12 * The words of a wise mans and in the euening withhold not thine
32. and 12.
13. mouth are tgratious : but the lips of a hand: for thou knowest not whether
tHeb. grace. foole will swallow vp himselfe. t shall prosper, either this or that, or t Heb. shall
be right.
13 The beginning of the words oi whether they both shall be alike good.
his mouth is foolishnesse : and the end 7 H Truly the light is sweet, and a
t Heb. his of this talke is mischieuous madnesse. pleasant thing is it for the eyes to be-
* Prou. 15. 14 * A foole also tis full of words; a hold the sunne.
2. man cannot tell * what shall be; and 8 But if a man Hue many yeeres,
t Heb. mul-
tiplieth ' what shall bee after him who can tel and reioyce in them all; yet let him re-
words. him? member the dayes of darkenesse, for
* Chap. 3.
21. and 6. 15 The labour of the foolish weary- they shall be many. All that commeth
eth euery one of them; because hee is vanitie.
knoweth not how to goe to the citie. 9 U Reioyce, O young man, in thy
* Isa. 3. 3,4. 16 H *Woe to thee, O land, when youth, and let thy heart cheere thee in
thy king is a child, and thy princes eate the dayes of thy youth, and walke in
in the morning. the wayes of thine heart, and in the
17 Blessed art thou, O land, when sight of thine eyes: but know thou, that
thy king is the sonne of nobles, and thy for all these things, God will bring thee
princes eate in due season, for strength3 into iudgement.
and not for drunkennesse. 10 Therefore, remoue || sorrow from B Or, anger.
18 f By much slouthfulnesse the thy heart, and put away euill from thy
building decayeth; and through idle- flesh; for child-hood & youth are vanitie.
nesse of the hands the house droppeth
" Psal. 104. through. CHAP. XII.
15. 19 U A feast is made for laughter 1 The Creator is to be remembred in due
t Heb. ma-
kelheiad *and wine maketh t merry : but monej time. 8 The Preachers care to edifie. 13
tlie Life. answereth all things. The feare of God is the chiefe Antidote
' Kxod. 22. of vanitie.
28. 20 H * Curse not the king, no not in
* Remember
Repent betime. Chapj. The end of all
Prou. 22.6 ^Emember now thy Cre- the wheele broken at the cisterne.

atour in the dayes of thy 7 *Then shall the dust returne to Gen. 3.19
youth, while the euil daies the earth as it was: and the spirit shall
come not, nor the yeeres returne vnto God who gaue it.
drawe nigh, when thou| 8 If *Vanitie of vanities (saith the * Chap. i. 2.
shalt say, I haue no pleasure in them: ! preacher) all is vanitie.
2 While the Sunne, or the light, or 9 And ||moreouer because the prea- Or, the
the moone, or the starres be not darke- cher was wise, he still taught the people more wise
the Prea-
ned , nor the cloudes returne after the knowledge, yea he gaue good heed, and cher$c.
raine: sought out, and *set in order many pro- * 1. King. 4.
3 In the day when the keepers of uerbes. 32.
the house shall tremble, and the strong 10 The preacher sought to finde out
men shall bowe themselues, and the t acceptable words, and that which was Heft, words
i! Or, the
11 grinders cease, because they are fewe, written was vpright, euen wordes of tfdelight.
faile, be- and those that looke out of the win- trueth.
cause they dowes be darkened: 11 The wordes of the wise are as
grind litle.
4 And the doores shal be shut in the goads, and as nailes fastened by the ma-
streets, when the sound of the grinding sters of assemblies, which are giuen from
is low, and he shall rise vp at the voice one shepheard.
of the bird, and all the daughters of mii- IS And further, by these, my sonne,be
sicke shall be brought low. admonished : of making many bookes
5 Also when they shalbe afraid of that there is noend, ahdmuch ||stu<3ieuawea- II Or, rea-
which is high, and feares shall bee in the rinesse of the flesh.
way, and the Almond tree shall flou- 13 IF || Let vs heare the conclusion I Of, the end
rish, and the grashopper shall be a bur- of the whole matter: Feare God, and ofter,theeuen mat-
den, and desire shall faile: because man that
keepe his commandements, for this is bene heard,hath
goeth to his long home, and the mour- the whole duetle of man. is.
ners goe about the streets: 14 For God *shal bring euery worke and *Rom. 2.16
6 Or euer the siluer corde be loosed, into Judgement,, with euer secret thing, 1. cor. 5.10.
or the golden bowle be broken, or the whether it bee good, or whether it bee
pitcher be broken at the fountaine, or euill.

The Song of Solomon.

3 Because of the sauour of thy good

C H A P . I. ointments, thy name is as ointment
1 The Churches loue vnto Christ. 5 Shee con- powred forth, therefore doe the virgins
fesseth her deformitie, 7 And prayeth to bee loue thee*
directed to his flocke. 8 Christ directeth her 4 *Draw me, we will runne after * loh. 6. 44,
to the shepheards tents. 9 And shewing his thee: the king hath brought me into his
loue to her, 11 Giueth her gracious pro-
mises. 12 The Church and Christ con- chambers : we will be glad and reioyce
gratulate one another. in thee, we wil remember thy loue more
then wine: ||the vpright loue thee. I Or, they
5 I am blacke, but comely, (O ye loue thee

He song of songs, uprightly.
which is Solo- daughters of Jerusalem) as the tents
mons. of Kedar> as the curtaines of Solo-
2 Let him mon.
kisse tnee with 6 Looke not vpon me because I am
the kisses of his blacke, because the Sunne hath looked
* Chap. 4. mouth :*fort thy vpon me:x my mothers children were
t Heir, thy Loue is better angry with me, they made me the kee-
loues. then wine. per of the vineyards, but mine owne
Chrift, and Solomons fong. his Church.
vineyard haue I not kept. 7 t * I charge you, O ye daughters \Heb. lad-
7 Tell me, (O thou whom my soule of lerusalem, by the Roes, and by the iure you.
* Chap. 3.5.
loueth) where thou feedest, where thou hindes of the field, that ye stirre not vp, and 8. 4.
makest thy flocke to rest at noone : for nor awake my loue, till she please.
li Or, as one why should I be ||as one that turneth 8 IF The voice of my beloued! 1>e-
that is vai-
led. aside by the flockes of thy companions? hold! hee commeth leaping vpon the
8 1[ If thou know not (O thou fai- mountaines, skipping vpon the hils.
rest among women) goe thy way forth 9 * My beloued is like a Roe, or a * Verse 17.
by the footsteps of the flocke, and feedeyong Hart: behold, he standeth behind
thy kiddes beside the shepheards tents. our wall, he looketh foorth at the win-
9 I haue compared thee, O my loue. do we, t shewing himselfe through the t Heb. flwi-
to a company of horses in Pharaohs lattesse.
chariots. 10 My beloued spake, and said vnto
10 Thy cheekes are comely with me, Rise vp, my Loue, my faire one,
rowes ofiewels, thy. necke with chain es and come away.
of golde. 11 For loe, the winter is past, the
11 Wee will make thee borders of raine is ouer, and gone.
golde, with studdes of siluer. 1£ The flowers appeare on the earth,
12 11 While the king sitteth at his ta-the time of the singing of birds is come,
ble , my spikenard sendeth foorth the and the voice of the turtle is heard in
smell thereof. our land.
13 A bundle of myrrhe is my welbe- 13 The fig tree putteth foorth her
loued vnto me ; he shall lie all night be-
greene figs, and the vines with the ten-
twixt my breasts. der grape giue a good smell. Arise, my
14 My beloued is vnto me, as a clu- loue, my faire one, and come away.
II Or, Cypres. ster of IjCamphire in the vineyards oi 14 H" O my doue! that art in the clefts
Engedi. of the rocke, in the secret places of the
\\ com- 15 Behold, thou art faire, ||my loue : staires: let me see thy countenance, let
behold, thou art faire, thou hast doues me heare thy voice, for sweet is thy voice,
eyes. and thy countenance is comely.
* Chap. 4. L 16 * Behold, thou art faire, my be- 15 Take vs the foxes, the litle foxes,
and 5. 12.
loued ; yea pleasant : also our bedde is that spoile the vines: for our vines haue
greene. tender grapes.

* Chap. 4.6
17 The beames of our house are Ce- 16 V *My beloued is mine, and I am
I Or, galle- dar, and our || rafters of firre. his : he feedeth among the lillies.
17 * Vntill the day breake, and the
shadowes flee away: turne my beloued
C H A P . II.
and be thou * like a Roe, or a yong Hart, *14.Chap. 8.
1 The mutuall loue of Christ and his Church. vpon the mountaines ||of Bether. II Or9 ofdiuu
8 The hope, 10 and calling of the Church, sion.
14 Christe care of the Church. 16 The pro-
fession of the Church, her faith and hope. C H A P . III.
1 The Church her fight and victorie in temp-
I Am the rose of Sharon, tation. 6 The Church glorieth in Christ.

) and the lillie of the valleys. Y night on my bed I

% As the lillie among sought him whome my
> thornes, so is my loue a- soule loueth. I sought
\ mong the daughters. him, but I found him not.
6 As the apple tree among the trees 2 I will rise now, and
of the wood, so is my beloued among goe about the citie in the streets, and .in
MIeb. I de- the sonnes. 11 sate downe vnder his the broad wayes I will seeke him
lighted and whom my soule loueth : I sought him,
sate downe, shadow with great delight, and his
$c. fruit was sweete to my t taste. but I found him not.
^ Heb. palate
t Heb. house 4 Hee brought me to the t banket- 3 The watchmen that goe about
ofwine. ting house, and his banner ouer mee, the citie, found me: to whom I said, Saw
was loue. ye him whom my soule loueth ?
} Heb. straw 5 Stay me with flagons, t comfort 4 It was but a litle that I passed
me with ap-
ples. me with apples, for I am sicke of loue. from them, but I found him whome
* Chap. 8.3. 6 * His left hand is vnder my head, my soule loueth: I helde him, and
and his right hand doeth imbrace me. would not let him goe, vntill I had
The beau tie Chap.iiij.v* of the Church.
brought him into my mothers house. 6 *Vntill the day tbreake, and the *Chap. 2.
and into the chamber of her that con- 17.
shadowes flee away, I will get mee to \Hebr.
cerned me. the mountaines of myrrhe, and to the breathe*
* Chap 2. 7. 5 * 1 charge you, O ye daughters bill of frankincense.
and 8. 4.
of Jerusalem, by the Roes and by the 7 * Thou art all faire, my loue, there *
Hindes of the field, that ye stirre not vp, is no spot in thee. 27.
nor awake my loue, till he please. 8 1F Come with me from Lebanon
* Chap* &• 6* 6 IT * Who is this that commeth out (my spouse,) with me from Lebanon :
of the wildernes like pillars of smoke, looke from the top of Amana, from the
perfumed with myrrhe and frankin- top of Shenir *and Hermon, from the *Beut.3.9.
cense , with all powders of the mer- Lions dennes, from the mountaines of
chant? the Leopards.
7 Behold his bed, which is Solo- 9 Thou hast (jrauished my heart, It Or, taken
away my
mons : threescore valiant men are about my sister, my spouse; thou hastrauished heart.
it, of the valiant of Israel : my heart, with one of thine eyes, with
8 They all hold swords, being ex- one chaine of thy necke.
pert in warre : Euery man hath his 10 How faire is thy loue, my sister,
sword vpon his thigh , because of feare *my spouse! how much better is thy * Chap. 1.2.
in the night. loue then wine! and the smell of thine
9 King Solomon made himselfe oyntments then all spices!
1 Or, a bed. || a charet of the wood of Lebanon. 11 Thy lips, O wig/spouse! drop as the
10 He made the pillars thereof of sil- bony combe: bony and milke are vnder
uer, the bottome thereof of gold, the co- thy tongue, and the smell of thy gar-
uering of it, of purple ; -the midst there- ments is like the smell of Lebanon.
of being paued withloue, for the (daugh- 12 A garden t inclosed is my sister,
ters of Jerusalem. my spouse: a spring shut vp, a fountaine red.
11 Goe foorth, 0 yee daughters of sealed.
Zion, and behold king Solomon with 13 Thy plants are an orchard of
the Crowne wherewith his mother pomegranates, with pleasant fruits,
crowned him in the day of his espou- ||Camphire, with Spikenaed, fl Or, Cypres.
sals, and in the day of the gladnesse of 14 Spikenard and Saffron, Cala-
his heart. mus ana Cynamom, with all trees of
Frankincense, Mirrhe and Aloes, with
C H A P . IIIL all the chiefe spices.
1 Christ setteth forth the graces of the Church. 15 A fountaine of gardens, a well of
8 He she weth his loue to her. 16 The Church liuing waters, and streames from Le-
prayeth to he made fit for his presence. banon.
* Chap. i. * Ehold, thou affaire, my 16 11 Awake, O Northwinde, and

15. and 5.
12. loue, behold thou art faire, come thou South, blow vpon my gar-
thou hast doues eyes with- den, that the spices thereof may flow
in thy lockes: thy haire is out: let my beloued come into his gar-
* Chap. 6. as a *flockeof goats, || that den, and eate his pleasant fruits.
II Or, that
appeare from mount Gilead.
eate of, <Jc. 2 Thy teeth are like a flocke ofsheepe
that are euen shorne , which came vp C H A P . V.
from the washing : whereof euery one 1 Christ awaketh the Church with his calling.
2 The Church hauing a taste of Christes
beare twinnes, and none is barren a- loue, is sicke of loue. 9 A description of
mong them. Christ by his graces.
3 Thy lips are like a threed of scar-
let, and thy speach is comely: thy tem- Am come into my gar-
ples are like a piece of a pomegranate
within thy lockes.
4 Thy necke is like the tower of Da-
uid builded for an armorie, whereon
I den, my sister, my spouse,
I haue gathered my
Myrrhe with my spice,
I haue eaten my honie
there hang a thousand bucklers, all combe with my hony, I haue drunke
shields of mightie men. my wine with my milke : eate, O
* Chap. 7.3. 5 * Thy -two breasts, are like two friends, drinke, ||yea drinke abundant- drunken
H Or, and be
yong Roes, that are twinnes, which ly, O beloued! with loues.
feed among the lillies. & IT I sleepe, but my heart wa-
11 watchmen. Solomons fong. The beautie of
keth : it is the voyce of my beloued that Hither is thy beloued gone ?

mocketh,«o^if^g*,Open to me, mysister, O'thoii fairest among wo-
my loue, my doue, my vndefiled: for my men, whither is thy belo-
lead is filled with dewe, and my lockes ued turned aside ? that we
with the drops of the night. may seeke him with thee.
3 I haue put off my coate, how shall & My beloued is gone downe into
Iputiton?Ihavewashedmyfeete, lis garden, to the beds of spices, to feede
low shall I defile them? in the gardens, and to gather lillies.
4 My beloued put in his hand by 3*1 am my beloueds, & my beloued Chap. 2.
the hole of the dore, and my bowels were s mine : he feedeth among the lillies. 16. 10.
and 7.

H Or* (as moued ||for him. 4 IF Thou art beautifull, O my

some read) 5 I rose vp to open to my beloued, oue, as Tirzah, comely as lerusalem,
in me.
and my hands dropped with myrrhe, terrible as an armie with banners.
tJfifcft. pas- and my fingers with f sweete smelling 5 Turne away- thine eyes from me,
smfrorrun- or they haue ||ouercome me: thy haire \\0r.they
mps about. myrrhe, vpon the handles of the locke*
o I opened to my beloued, but my is *a flocke of gqates, that appeare from haue,
>eloued had with drawen himselfe, and Gilead. * Chap. 4.
was gone : my soule failed when hee 6 Thy teeth are as a flocke of sheepe i. and 2.
spake : I sought 'him, but I could not which goe vp from the washing, wher-
find him : I called him, but he gaue .me of euery one beareth twinnes, and there
no answere. * is not one barren among them.
7 The watchmen that went * about 7 As a piece of a pomegranat are
the citie, found me, they smote me, they thy temples within thy lockes.
wounded me, the keepers of the walles 8 There are threescore Queenes,
tooke away my vaile from me. and fourescore concubines, and virgins
8 I charge you, O daughters oi without number.
iHeb.what terusalem, if ye find my beloued, t that 9 My doue, my vndefiled is but one;
yee tell him, that I am sicke of loue. she is the only one of her mother, she is
9 IF What is thy beloued more then ;he choice one of her that bare her :
another beloued, O thou fairest among The daughters sawe her, and blessec
women ? what is thy beloued more then let; yea the Queenes and the concubins,
another beloued, that thou doest so and they praysed her.
charge vs ? 10 1F Who is she that looketh forth
10 My beloued is white and ruddy, as the morning, faire as the moone,
\Heb.astan. tthe chiefest among tenne thousand. cleareas the sunne, and terrible as an ar-
dard bearer
11 His head is as the mbstfine gold, his mie with banners ?
II Or9 curled locks are \\ bushy,and blacke asaRauen. 11 I went downe into the garden o:
»Chap. 1. 12 *His eyes are astheeyesotdoues by nuts to see the fruits of the valley, and to
15. & 4.1.
the riuers of water, washed with milk, see whether the vine flourished, and the
\Heb.sittin$ and t fitly set.
pomegranats budded.
that is fitly 13 His cheekes are as a bed of spices, 12 t Or euer I was aware, my soule t Heb. I
placed^ and as || sweete flowers: his lippes like lillies,
set as a pre || made me like the chariots of Ammi- knew not.
I Or, set me
cioux stone in dropping sweete smelling myrrhe. nadib. on the cha-
the foile of a
ring, 14 His hands are as gold rings set 13 Returne, returne, O Shulamite; riot of my
willing peo-
II Or, towers with the Berill: His belly'isas brightiuo- returne, returne, that we may looke vp- ple.
rie, ouerlayd with Saphires. on thee: what will yee see in the Shula-
15 His legges are as pillars of marble, mite ? as it were the company ||of two II Or of Ma-
armies. hanaim.
set vpon sockets of fine gold: his counte-
nance is as Lebanon, excellent as the
Cedars. C H A P . VII.
iHeb.his 16 tHis mouth is most sweete, yea h 1 A further description of the Church her
palate. graces. 10 The Church professeth her faith
is altogether louely. This is ray belo- and desire.
ued, and this is my friend, 0 daughter
of lerusalem. Owe beautifull are thy

feete with shooes, O prin-
C H A P . VI. ces daughter! the ioynts
1 The Church professeth her faith in Chris of thy thighs are like ie-
4 Christ sheweth the graces of the Church wels, the worke of the
10 and his loue towards her. hands ot a cunning workman.
% Thy
the Church. Chap.viij. Spirituall loue.
£ Thy nauell ^s like a round goblet, % I would leade thee, and bring thee
\Heb.mix- which wanteth not tlicour: thy belly is into my mothers house, who would in-*
like an heape of wheate, set about with struct me: I would cause thee to drinke
lillies. of * spiced wine, of the iuice of my pome- *Prou. 9.2.
*Chap. 4.5 3 *Thy two breasts are like two granate.
yong Roes that are twinnes. 3 *His left hand should be vnder my * Chap. 2. 6
4 Thy necke is as a towre of yuo- head, and his light hand should em-
ry: thine eyes like the fish pooles in Hesh- brace me.
bon, by the gate of Bathrabbim : thy 4 * I charge you, O daughters of * Chap. 3. 5.
nose is as the towre of Lebanon, which Jerusalem, tthat ye stirre not vp, nor and 2. 7.
\ Heb. why
looketh toward Damascus. awake my loue vntill he please. should yee
II Or, crimson 5 Thine head vpon thee is like |[ Car- stirre vp. or
5 (* Who is this that commeth vp whytfycl
mel, and the haire of thine head like from the wildernesse, leaning vpon her * Chap. 3. 6
1 Heb. bound purple, the king is t held in the galleries. beloued ?) I raised thee vp vnder the
6 How faire, and how pleasant art apple tree: there thy mother brought
thou, O Loue, for delights! thee forth, there she brought thee forth,
7 This thy stature is like to a.palme that bare thee.
tree, and thy breasts to clusters of grapes. 6 IT Set mee as a scale vpon thine
8 I said, I will goe vp to the palme heart, as a scale vpon thine arme : for
tree, I will take hold of the boughes loue is strong as death, iealousieis t cruel t Heb. hard.
thereof: now also thy breasts shall be as as the graue : the coales thereof are
clusters of the vine, and the smell of thy coalesot&eywhichhath a most vehement
nose, like apples. flame.
9 And the roofe of thy mouth like 7 Many waters cannot quench
the best wine, for my beloued, that goeth loue, neither can the floods drowne i t :
downe tsweetely, causing the lippes ||of if a man would giue all the substance
II Or, of the those that are asleepe, to speake. of his house for loue, it would vtterly be
ancient. 10 IF * I am my beloueds, and his contemned.
* Chap. 2.
16. and 6. 3 desire is towards me. 8 IT We haue a litle sister, and shee
11 Come, my beloued, let vs goe hath no breasts: what shall we doe for
forth into the field: let vs lodge in the our sister, in the day when she shall bee
villages. spoken for ?
12 Let vs get vp earely to the vine- 9 If she be a wall, we will build vp-
yards, let vs see if the vine flourish, whe~ on her a palace of siluer: and if she bee
t Heb. open. ther the tender grape tappeare, and the a dore, we will inclose her with boards
pomegranates bud forth : there will I of Cedar.
giue thee my loues. 10 I am a wall, and my breasts like
* Gen. 30. 13 The * mandrakes giue a smell, towers : then was I in his eyes as one
and at our gates are all maner of plea- that found tfauour. I Heb. peace
s&nt fruits, new and olde, which I haue 11 Solomon had a vineyard at Baal-
laid vp for thee, O my beloued. hamon,hee let out the vineyard vnto
keepers : euery one for the fruit thereof
C H A P . VIII. was to bring a thousand pieces of siluer.
1 The loue of the Church to Christ. 6 The 12 My vineyard which is mine, is be-
vehemencie of loue. 8 The calling of the fore me : thou (0 Solomon) must haue
Gentiles. 14 The Church prayeth for a thousand, and those that keepe the
Christes comming.
fruit thereof, two hundred.
That thou wert as my bro- 13 Thou that dwellest in the gardens,

ther that sucked the brests the companions hearken to thy voice :
of my mother, when I cause me to heare it.
should find thee without, 14 IF tMake haste, my beloued, and t Heb. flee
t Hebr. they I would kisse thee, yet 11 be thou like to a Roe, or to a yong Hart
should not should not be despised. vpon the mountaines of spices.
despise me.

Mans rebellion. Chapj. Sacrifice reie&ed.

Prophet Ifaiah.
neither bound vp, neither mollified
C H A P . I, with ||oyntment. H Or, oyle.
7 Your countrey is * desolate, your Chap. 6.5.
1 Isaiah complaineth of ludah for her rebellion. cities are burnt with fire : your land, deut. 28.
51. 52.
5 He lamentethheriudgements. 10 Hevp- strangers deuoure it in your presence,
braideth their whole sendee. 16 He exhor- and it is desolate tas ouerthrowen by \Heb.asthe
teth to repentance, with promises and threat- ouertkrotoof
nings. 21 Bewailing their wickednesse, hee strangers. strangers.
denounceth Gods iudgements. 25 Hee 8 And the daughter of Zibn is left
promiseth grace, 28 and threatneth de- as a cottage in a vineyard, as a lodge in
struction to the wicked. a garden of cucumbers, as a besieged
HE Vision of I- 9 Except the LORD of hostes had

saiah thesonne of *left vnto vs a very small remnant, we * Lam. 3,22
Amoz, which hee should haue beene as * Sodom, and we rom. 9. 29.
* Gen. 19.
sawe concerning should haue bene like vnto Gomorrah. 24.
ludah and Je- 10 IT Heare the word of the LORD,
rusalem , in the ye rulers of Sodom, giue eare vnto the
dayes of Vzziah, Law of our GOD, yee people of Go-
lotham, Ahaz, morrah.
4* Hezekiah kings 11 To what purpose w the multitude
of ludah. of your * sacrifices vnto Tme, sayth the *Prou. 15.0
* Deu. 32. i. I Heare, O *heauens, and giue and 21. 7.
L O R D ? I am full of the burnt offe- chap. 66. 3.
eare; O earth; for the LORD hath rings of rammes, and the fat of fedde iere. 6. 20.
amos5. 21.
spoken; I haue nourished and brought beasts, and I delight not in the blood
vp children 9 and they haue rebelled a- of bullockes, or of lambes, or of t hee t Heb. great
hee goats.
gainst me. goates.
* lere. 8. 7. 3 The *oxe knoweth his owner, 12 When ye come to tappeare before t Heb. to be
and the asse his masters cribbe: but Is- mee, who hath required this at your scene.
rael doeth not know, my people doeth hand, to tread my courts ?
not consider. 13 Bring no more vaine oblations,
\ Heb. of 4 Ah sinnefull nation, a people tla- incense is an abomination vnto me : the
heaviness e. new Moones, and Sabbaths, the cal-
den with iniquitie, a seede of euill doers,
children that are corrupters : they haue ling of assemblies I cannot away with;
forsaken the L O R D , they haue pro- it is ||iniquitie, euen the solemne mee- \\0r,griefe.
uoked the Holy one of Israel vnto an- ting.
t Heb. alie- ger, they are tgone away backward. 4 Your new Moones, and your ap-
nated, or se- pointed Feasts my soule hateth : they
parated. 5 H Why should yee be stricken any
Heb. in- more ? yee will treuolt more and more: are a trouble vnto me, I am weary to
crease re- the whole head is sicke, and the whole beare them.
heart faint. 15 And when ye spread foorth your
6 From the sole of the foote, euen * handes, I will hide mine eyes from 28. * Prou. 1.
iere. 14
vnto the head, there is no soundnesse in you; yea, when yee tmake many pray- 12. mic. 3. 4.
it; but wounds, and bruises, and putri- t Heb.
ers I will not heare : your hands are tiplyprayer.mul.
fy ing sores: they haue not beene closed, fullof*tblood. * Cha. 59. 3.
16 f Wash iHeb. bloods
VJercy promifed. Ifaiah. The Gentiles called.
16 IT Wash yee, make you cleane, put
way the euill of your doings from be- C H A P . II.
* 1. Pet. 3. fore mine eyes, * cease to doe euill, Isaiah prophecieth the comming of Christs
11. kingdome. 6 Wickednesse is the cause
7a Learn e to doe well, seeke iudge-
I Or Brighten. Tient, ||relieue the oppressed, iudge the of Gods forsaking. 10 Hee exhorteth to
feare, because of the powerfull effects of
atherlesse, plead for the widow. Gods Maiestie.
18 Come now and let vs reason to-
Aether, saith the L O R D : though He word that Isaiah, the
rour sinnes be as scarlet, they shall be
is white as snow ; though they be red
ike crimsin, they shall be as wooll.
19 If yee be willing and obedient,
T sonne of Amoz, sawe
concerning ludah and
2 And it shall come to
yee shall eate the good of the land. >asse in the *last dayes, that the moun- * Mic. 4. i.
20 But if yee refuse and rebell , yee aine of the L O R D S house shall be &c.
halbe deuoured with the sword : for the established in the top of the moun- Oftpr^po*
mouth of the L O R D hath spoken it. aines, and shall be exalted aboue the
21 U Howe is the faithfull citie be- lilies; and all nations shall flow vn-
come an harlot ? it was full of iudge- to it
tnent, righteousnesse lodged in it ; but 3 And many people shall goe & say;
now murtherers- Come yee and let vs go vp to the moun-
22 Thy siluer is become drosse , thy taine of the L O R D , to the house of
wine mixt with water. the God of lacob, and he will teach vs
23 Thy princes are rebellious and of his wayes, and we will walke in his
companions of theeues : euery one lo- >athes : for out of Zion shall goe forth
ueth gifts, and followeth after re- ;he lawe, and the word of the L O R D
* Icr. 5. 28. wards : they * iudge not the fatherlesse, rom lerusalem.
Zac-7- 10. neither doth the cause of the widow e 4 And hee shall iudge among the
come vnto them. nations, and shall rebuke many people:
24? Therefore , saith the Lord, and they shall beate their swords into
he LORD of hostes, the mighty one )low-shares, and their speares into
of Israel; Ah, I will ease me of mine {pruning hookes ; nation shall not lift I Or, sythes.
aduersaries, and auenge me of mine ene- vp sword against nation, neither shall
mies. they learne warre any more.
25 f And I will turne my hand 5 O house of lacob, come yee, and
t Heb. accor- vpon thee, and t purely purge away thy et vs walke in the light of the LORD.
ding to pure- drosse, and take away all thy tinne. 6 U Therefore thou hast forsaken
£6 And I will restore thy iudges as thy people the house of lacob; because
at the first, and thy counsellers as at the they be replenished ||from the East, anc Or, ihSre
hen the
Deginning : afterward thou shalt be cal- are soothsayers like the Philistines, and East.
led the citie of righteousnesse, the faith- they || please themselues in the children B Or9 aboufk
with the
full citie. of strangers. children. $c.
27 Zion shall be redeemed with 7 Their land also is full of siluer
I Or, they ; iudgement , and || her conuerts with and gold, neither is there any end of their
that returne righteousnesse. treasures : their land is also full of hor-
* lob. .31. 3. 28 IF And the *t destruction of the ses ; neither is there any end of their cha-
psal, i. 6. &
5. 6. & 73. transgressours and of the sinners shall rets.
27. & 92.
10. & 104.
be together : and they that forsake the 8 Their land also is full of idoles
35. LORD shall be cohsumetL they worship the worke of their owrie
t Heb. brea- 29 'For they shall be ashamed of the hands, that which their owne fingers
okes which yee 'haue desired , and yee haue made.
shalbe confounded for the gardens that 6 And the meane Jnah bowel!
yee haue chosen. downe, and the great man Jwmbletl
30 For yee shall be as an oke whose himselfe; therefore forgiue them not.
leafe fadeth, and as a garden that hath 10 H Enter into the rpcke, and hide
no water. thee in the dust, for feare of the LORD
31 And the strong shall be as towe, and for the glory of his Maiestie.
B-0r, and his || and the maker of it as a sparke , anc 11 The *loftie lookes of man shalbe • Chap. 5.
they shall both burrie together, anc humbled, arid the hautines of men shal 15.
none shall quench them. be bowed downer and the L O R D a
Pride threatnecl Chap.iij. Of oppreffion.
one shalbe exalted in that day. nourable mail, and the counsellor, and
12 For the day of the LORD of he cunning artificer, and the ||eloquent I! Or, skilfull
oratour. of speech.
lostes shall bee vpon euery one that is
Proud and lofrie, and vpon euery one 4 And I will giue * children to bee * Eccles. 10.
that is lifted vp, and shalbe brought heir Princes, and babes shall rule ouer 6.
ow; them.
13 And vpon all the Cedars of Le- 5 And the people shall be oppressed,
mnon, that are high and lifted vp, and euery one by another, and euery one by
vpon all the okes of Bash an, lis neighbour: the childe shall behaue
14? And vpon all the high moun- limselfe proudly against the ancient,
taines, and vpon all the hilles that are and the base against the honourable.
)roud and lifted
oftie, and vpon euery one;hat is lifted vp, avp,
nd he shalbebrought 6 When a man shall take hold of
15 And vpon euery high tower, and lis brother of the house of his father,
vpon euery fenced wall, saying^ Thou hast clothing, be thou our
16 And vpon all the ships of Tar- ruler, and let this mine bee vnder thy
t Hebr. 0f- shish, and vpon all tpleasant pictures. land:
ctures of de- 17 And the loftinesse of man shall be 7 In that day t shall he sweare, say- t Hebr. lift
)owed downe, and the hautinesse of ng, I will not be an t healer : for in myvpHebr. the hand.
men shalbe made low : and the LORD louse is neither bread nor clothing: dervp.
alone shalbe exalted in that day. make me not a ruler of the people.
I Or, the 18 And ||the idoles hee shall vtterly 8 For leriisalem is ruined, & lu-
idoles shall dah is fallen : because their tongue and
vtterly passe abolish.
away. 19 And they shall goe into the * holes their doings are against the LORD,
* Hos. 10. 8.
luke 23. 30. of the rocks, and into the caues of the to prouoke the eyes of his glorie.
reuel. 6.16. t earth for feare of the LORD, and for 9 IF The shew of their countenance
and 9. 6.
t H ebr. the the glory of his Maiestie; when hee ari- doeth witnesse against them, -and they
dust. seth to shake terribly the earth. declare their sinne as * Sodom, they * Gen. 13.
t Hebr. the
idols of his
20 In that day a man shall cast this hide it not: woe vnto -their soule, for 13. and 18.
21. and 19.
siluer, qc. doles of siluer, and his idoles of golde they haue rewarded euill vnto them- >.
I Or, which | which they made each one for himselfe selues.
they made
for him. io worship, to the moules and to the 10 Say yee to the righteous, that it
3attes: shall be well "withhim: for they shall eate
21 To go into the clefts of the rocks, the fruit of their doings.
and into the tops of the ragged rockes, 11 Woe vnto the wicked, it shall be ill
or feare of the LORD, and for the glo- with him : for the reward of his handes
rie of his Maiestie; when hee ariseth to shalbe tgiuen him. I Hebr. done
shake terribly the earth. 12 IF As for my people, children are to him.
9$, Cease ye from man whose breath their oppressours > and women rule o-
w in his nostrels : for wherein is hee to uer them : O my people, ]|they which I Or, they
3e accounted of? lead thee, cause theeto erre, andt destroy which call
thee blessed.
the way of thy paths. \Hebr.swal-
13 The L O R D standeth vp to 'owvp.
CHAP. III. plead, and standeth to iudge the people.
1 The great confusion which commeth by 14 The L O R D will enter into
sinne. 9 The impudencie of the people. Judgement with the ancients of his peo-
12 The oppression and couetousnesse of the
rulers. 16 The judgements which shall be ple, and the Princes thereof: for ye haue
for the pride of the women. Ifeaten vp the Vineyard; the spoile of ft Or, burnt.
the-poore is in your houses.
Or behold, the Lord,, the' 15 What meane yee that yee beat my

LORD of hostes doeth people to pieces, and grinde the faces of
take away from lerusa- the poore, saith the Lord GOD ol
lem, and from ludah, the hosts?
stay and the staffe, the 16 11 Moreouer the L O R D saith;
whole stay of bread, and the whole stay Because the daughters of Zion are
of water, h autie, and walke with stretched forth
% The itiighty man, arid the man ol necks, and t wanton eyes, walking and ceitting
t Hebr. de-
t Hebr. A warre; the ludge and the Prophet, ||mincing as they goe, and making a their eyes.
maneminen and the prudefct, and the ancient, tinkeling with their feet: §0r,tripping
in counte-
nance. 8 The captaine of fiftie, and the tho- 17 Therefore the Lord will smite
Womens pride. Ifaiah. Gods vineyard.
with a scab the crowne of the head of 5 And the LORD will create vp-
the daughters of Zion, and the LORD on euery dwelling place of mount Zi-
Heb. make will t discouer their secret parts. on , and vpon her assemblies a * cloude, * Exod. 13.
naked. 18 In that day the Lord will take and smoke by day, and the shining of a 21.
away the brauery of their tinckling or- flaming fire by night; for || vpon all the I Or, above,
naments about their feete^ and their glory shall be ta defence. t Heb. a co-
I Or, net- jcaules, and their round tyres like the 6 And
and smokethere shalbe
by day, shining of a uering.
and athetabernacle^for
workes. a shadow in the day time from the heat,
Or, sweet- 19 The ||chaines, and the bracelets, and for a place of refuge, and for a co-
I Or, span-
and the || mufflers, ueft from storme and from raine,
gled orna- 20 The bonnets, and the ornaments
ments. of thelegges, and the headbands, and
Heb.houses the t tablets, and the earerings, C H A P. V.
of the soulc.
21 The rings, and nose-iewels, 1 Vnder the Parable bf a Vineyard, God excu-
22 The changeable sutes of appa- seth his seuere iudgement. 8 His iudge-
rell, arid the mantles, and the wimples, ments vpon couetousnesse, 11 Vpon lasci-
uiousnesse, 13 Vpon impietie, 20 and
and the crisping pinnes, vpon iniustice* 26 The executioners of
23 The glasses, and the fine linnen, Gods Judgements.
and the hoods, and the vailes.
24 And it shall come to passe, that in •Ow will I sing to my
steade of sweete smell, there shall bee
stinke * and in stead of a girdle, a rent;
and in stead of well set haire, baldnesse;
and in stead of a stomacher, a girding
N [irelbeloued, a song of my
( beloued touching his vine^
yard : my wellbeloued
hath a * vineyard in a t ve- mat.
ry fruitfull hill.
Mere. 2.21.
21. 33.
of sackecloth ; and burning, in stead of mark. 12.1.
aeautie. £ And hee ||fenced it, and gathered hike 20. 9.
t Heb. the
25 Thy men shall fall by the sword, out the stones thereof, and planted it horne of the
sonne ofoyle,
\Heb. might and thy tmightie in the warre. with the choicest vine, and built a towre I Or, made
26 And her gates shall lament and in the middest of it, and also tmade a a watt a-
II Or, empti- mourne; and she being || desolate, shall winepresse therein : and he looked that boutit.
t Heb. hew-
ed: hebr. it should bring foorth grapes, and it ed.
cleansed. sit vpon the ground.
brought foorth wilde grapes.
C H A P . IIII. 3 And now, O inhabitants of le-
In the eXlreiriitie of euils, Christes kingdome
rusalem, and men of ludah, ludge,
shall be a Sanctuarie. I pray you, betwixt me and my Vine-
> Nd in that day seue'ii wo- 4 What could haae beene done

men shall take hold of one riiore to ift^ Vineyard, that I haue not
man, saying, We will eate done in it ? wherefore when I looked
our owne bread, & weare that it should bring foorth grapes,
our owne apparell: onely brought it foorth wilde grapes ?
i Heb. let thy t let vs be called by thy name, || to take a- 5 And now goe to; I will tell you
name be cal-
led vpon vs. way our reproch. what I will doe to my Vineyard, I
8 Or, take
thou away.
2 In that day shall the Branch ol will take away the hedge thereof, and
t Heb. beau- the L O R D be tbeautifull and glori- it shall be eaten vp; and breake downe
ty and glory ous, and the fruit of the earth shalbe ex- the wall thereof, and it shall be ttro- \IIeb. for a
t Heb. for cellent and comely tfor them that are den downe.
the escaping escaped of Israel.
of Israel. 6 And I will lay it Waste; it shal
3 And it shall come to passe, that hee not be pruned, nor digged, but there
that is left in Zion, and hee that remai- shall come vp briars and thornes : 1
neth in lerusalem, shall be called Holy, will also command the cloudes, that
I Or, to life. euen euery one that is written ||among they raine .no raine vpon it.
the liuing in lerusalem, 7 For the Vineyard of the LORD
4 When the Lord stall haue wa- of hostes is the house of Israel, and the
shed away the filth of the daughters ol men of ludah this pleasant plant: and oft Heb. plant
his plea-
Zion, and shall haue purged the blood he looked for Judgement, but beholde sures.
of lerusalem from the middest thereof, t oppression; for righteousnesse, but be- t Heb. a scab.
by the spirit of iudgement, and by the hold a crie.
spirit of burning. 8 t Woe vnto them that ioyne
* house
Ccmetoufnefle and Chap.vj. riot are threatened.
* Mich. 2. 2. * house to house, that lay field to field, till 23 Which *iustifie the wicked for re- *p«m. 17.
there be no place, that they maybe placed ward, and take away the righteousnes 15.
alone in the midst of the earth. of the righteous from him.
1 Oj this is 9 || In mine eares said the L O R D 24 Therfore as the tfire deuoureth }Hebr.the
inmineeares tongue qf
saith the ofhostes, tOf a trueth many houses thestubble,a;id the flame consumeth the fire.
LORD, shall be desolate , euen great and faire chaffe, so their root shall be rottennes,
IHeblfnof, without inhabitant. and their blossom e shall goe vp as dust:
4* 10 Yea ten acres of vineyard shall because they haue cast away the Lawe
yeeld one Bath, and the seed of an Ho- of the L O R D of hosts, and despised
mer shall yeeld an Ephah. the worde of the Holy One of Israel.
11 IT Woe vnto them that rise vp 25 Therefore is the anger of the
earely in the morning, that they may fol- L O R D kindled against his people,
*.PftJtt. 23. low strong * drink, that continue vntill and he hath stretched foorth his hande
29, 30. .against them, and hath smitten them :
I Or pttfsue night, titt wine ||enflame them.
them. 12 And the harpe and the viole, the and the hilles did tremble, and their
tabret and pipe, and wine are in their carkeises were || torne in the midst of the IQrcu
feasts : but they regard not the worke streets 1 *for all this, his anger is not dating.
of the LORD, neither consider the o- turned away, but his hand is stretched 16. 21. and
peration of his hands. out still.
13 H Therefore my people are gone 26 f And he will lift vp an ensigne
into captiuitie, because they haue no to the nations from farre, and wil hisse
t H eb. their knowledge ? and t their honourable vnto them from the end of the earth:
glory are and behold, they shall come with speed
men Of fa- men are famished, aud their multitude
mine. dried vp with thirst. swiftly.
14 Therefore hell hath enlarged her 27 None shalbe weary, nor stumble
selfe, and opened her mouth without amongst them : none shall slumber nor
measure : and their glory , and their sleepe, neither shall the girdle of their
multitude, and their pompe, and hee loynes be loosed, nor the latchet of their
that feioyceth, shall descend into it. shooes be broken.
* Isa. 2. 0. 15 And * the meane man shall bee 28 Whose arrowes are sharpe, and
11. 17-
brought downe, and the mightie man all their bowes bent, their horses hoofs
shall be humbled, and the eyes of the shall bee counted like flint, and their
loftie shall be humbled. wheeles like a whirlewind.
16 But the L O R D of hosts shalbe 29 Their roaring shalbe like a lyon,
Wr,t/ieho- exalted in iudgement, and ||God that is they shall roare like yong lions : yea
ly Coif. Heb. holy, shall bee sanctified in righteous- they shal roare and lay hold of the pray,
The God the
holy. nesse. and shall carie it away safe, and none
17 Then shall the lambes feed after shall deliuer it.
their maner, and the waste places of the 30 And in that day they shall roare
fat ones shall strangers eate. against them, like the roaring of the I Or, rft-
18 Woe vnto them that draw iniqui- sea : and if one looke vnto the land, be- stresse.
I Or, when
tie with cords of vanitie, and sinne, as it is light it
hold darkenesse and ||sorrow, ||and the shalbe darke
it were with a cart rope : light is darkened in the heauens ther of. in the de-
19 That say, Let him make speede, thereof.
and hasten his worke, that we may see C H A P VI.
it : and let the counsel! of the holy one of
Israel draw nigh and come, that wee 1 Isaiah in a vision of the Lord in his glory,

TTiftv irnnw ?/
IM-iHy tVlJv/" vv»
5 being terrified, is confirmed for his Mes-
sage. 9 He sheweth the obstinacie of the
lHeb.that 20 If Woe vnto them t that call euill nle, vnto their desolation. ISA remnant
ningeuill,li good, and good euill, that put darkenes bee saued.
isffootf,$c. for light, and light for darkenesse, that

put bitter for sweete , and sweete for N the yeere that King
bitter. Vzziah died, I *saw also * lohn 12.
*Prou. 3. 7. 21 Woemtothemt1ui,tare*mse in their the Lord sitting vpon a 39, 40, 41
Tom* 12. 16
WJeb. be- owne eyes, and prudent tin their owne throne, high and lifted
fore their sight. I Or, the
vp, and his || traine fillec skirts
face. there-
22 Woe vnto them that are mightie to the Temple. of.
drinke wine, and men of strength to 2 Aboue it stood the Seraphims :
mingle strong drinke. each one had sixe wings, with twaine he
Vncleane lips. Ifaiah. Chrift promifed, and
Nd it came to passe in the

| ouered his face, and with twaine hee
ouered his feete, and with twaine hee dayes of * Ahaz the sonne * 2. kings.
did flie. A of lotham, the sonne of 16. o.
i Ha. this 3 And? tone cryed vnto another, Vzziah king of ludah,
cried to this. and sayd; *Holy, holy, holy, is the tliat Rezin the king of Sy-
* Reu. 4. 8»
t Heb. his IrORD of hostes, t the whole earth is ia, and Pekah, the sonne of Remahah
glory is the dng of Israel, went vp towards le-
fulnease of full of his glory.
the whole
^ fifth
4 And the posts of the tdoore mo- usalem to warre against it, but could
t Heb. thre- ued at the voyce of him that cryed, and not preuaile against it.
sholds. the house was filled with smoke. 2 And it was told the house of Da-
5 IT Then sayd I ; Woe is me ; for I uid, saying; Syria is t confederate with Heb. re.
teth on E-
t Heb. cut am t vndone, because I am a man of vn- Sphraim ; and his heart was moued, hraim.
off. cleane lippes, and I dwell in the midst and the heart of his people as the trees
of a people of vncleane lippes : for mine of the wood are mooued with the
eyes haue scene the king, the L O R D wind.
of hostes. 3 Then sayd the L O R D vnto
6 Then flew one of the Seraphims [saiah; Goe forth now to meete Ahaz,
Heb. and in vnto mee, thauing a liue-cole in his thou, & t Shear-iashub thy sonne, at the That is, the
lis hand a land, which hee had taken with the emnantsha
'iue*coale. end of the * conduit of the vpper poole returne.
tongs from off the altar. | in the high way of the fullers field. II Or, cause-
t Heb. cau- 7 And the laide it vpon my mouth, 4 And say vnto him; Take heede way. * 2. kings.
sed it to and sayd, Loe, this hath touched thy and be quiet : feare not, t neither be 18. 17.
ippes , and thine iniquitie is taken a- aint hearted for the two tailes of these tthyHeb. let not
heart be
way, and thy sinne purged. smoking firebrands, for the fierce anger tender.
8 Also I heard the voyce of the of Rezin with Syria, and of the sonne
Lord, saying ; Whom shall I send, anc of Remaliah.
* Gen. 1. who will goe for * vs ? Then I saide ; 5 Because Syria, Ephraim, and the
t Heb. be* tHeere am I, send me.
sonne of Remaliah haue taken euil
hold me. 9 IT And he sayd, Goe and tell this counsell against thee, saying ;
* Matth. 13 people; * Heareyee ||indeede,butvnder- 6 Let vs goe vp against ludah
14. mar. 4. and ||vexe it, and let vs make a breach I Ort waken.
12. luc. 8. stand not : and see yee indeed, but per-
10. ioh. 12. ceiue not. therein for vs,and set a king in the midst
40. set. 28.
26. rom* 11. 10 Make the heart of this people fat, of it, euen the sonne of Tabeal.
8. 7 Thus saith the Lord G O D ;
II Qr i0ithm and make their eares heauy, and shut
out ceasing their eyes : lest they see with their eyes, It shall not stand, neither shall it come
ccc : Heb.
TJ i

heare yee it and heare with their eares, and vnder- to passe.
hearing, $c stand with their heart, and conuert anc 8 For the head of Syria is Damas-
be healed. cus, and the head of Damascus is Rezin,
11 Then sayd I; Lord, how long? and within threescore and fiue yeeres,
And hee answered, Vntill the cities be shall Ephraim be broken, t that it be no t Heb. from
a people.
wasted without inhabitant, and the a people.
houses without man, and the land be 9 And the head of Ephraim is Sa-
\ Heb. 'deso- vtterly t desolate, maria, and the head of Samaria is Re-
late with de 12 And the L O R D haue .afc'iiidGed maliahs sonne : || if yee will not beleeue, II Or, doe yee
solution. not beleeue $
men farre away, and there fe it-great surely yee shall not be established. . It is because
forsaking in the midst of the land. 10 ITtMoreouer the LORD spake yee are not
^Or^wheni 13 1f But yet in it shalbe a tenth, ||anc againe vnto Ahaz, saying; \Heb.<vn&
is returned
and hath, bin it shall ret urn e, and shall be eaten : as a 11 Aske thee a signe of the L O R D the Lord at
ded to speak.
broused. thy God; ||aske it either in the depth, or K Or, make
H QT^ stocke Teyle tree, and as an Oke whose || sub- thy petition
orstemme. stance is in them , when they cast their in the height aboue. deepe.
leaues : $o the holy seede shall be the sub- 12 But Ahaz sayd, I will not aske,
stance thereof. neither will I tempt the LORD.
13 And he sayd; Heare yee now, O
house of Dauid; Is it a small thing for
C H A P . VII. you to wearie men, but will yee wearie
1 Ahaz, being troubled with feare of J&zin and my God also ?
Pekah, is comforted by Isaiah. 10 Ahaz, ha- 14 Therefore the Lord himselfe sha
uing liberty to choose a signe, and refusing! *Math. 1.
hath for a signe, Christ promised. 17 Hi giue you a signe : * Behold, a Virgine 23. luc. 1.
Judgement is prophecied to come by Assyria. shall conceiue and beare a Sonne, anc 31.
|| shall
called Immanuel. Chap.viij. Againft infidelitie.
1 Or. thou, || shall call his name Immanuel. Oreouer the L O R D said

OViigin, 15 Butter and hony shall he eat, that
sMUcaU. vnto mee, Take thee a
hee may know to refuse the euill, and great roule, and write in
choose the good. it with a mans penne,
16 For before the childe shall know concerning t Maher-sha- t Hebr. In
to refuse the euill and choose the good; lal-hash-baz. making
speed to the
the land that thou abhorrest, shalbe for- spoile, he
2 And I tooke vnto mee faithfull hasteneth
saken of both her kings. witnesses to record, Vriah the Priest, the pray. Or,
17 f The L O R D shall bring vpon and Zechariah the sonne of lebere- make $c.
thee and vpon thy people, and vpon thy chiah.
fathers house, dayes that haue not 3 And I twent vnto the Prophe- t Hebr, ap-
come , from the day that Ephraim de- tesse, and shee concerned and bare a prochedto.
parted from ludah ; euen the King of sonne, then said the LORD to mee.
Assyria. Call his name Maher-shalal-hash-baz.
18 And it shall come to passe in that 4 For before the childe shall haue
day, that the LORD shall hisse for the knowledge to /cry, My father and my
flie, that is in the vttermost part of the mother, the ||riches of Damascus, and H Or, He that
riuers of Egypt, and for the Bee that is the spoile of Samaria shalbe taken a- isKing before the
in the land of Assyria. way before the king of Assyria. syria shall
take away
19 And they shall come, and shall rest 5 U The LORD spake also vnto the riches
all of them in the desolate valleys, and me againe, saying, **.
in the holes of the rockes, and vpon all 6 For so much as this people refu-
8 Or, com- thornes, and vpon all || bushes. seth the waters of Shiloah that goe
mendable 20 In the same day shall the Lord softly, and reioyce in Rezin, and Rema-
* 2. King. shaue with a * rasor that is hired, name- liahs sonne:
19. 35. ly by them beyond the riuer, by the king 7 Now therefore behold, the Lord
of Assyria, the head, and the haire of the bringeth vp vpon them the waters oi
feet : and it shal also consume the beard. the riuer strong and many , euen the
21 And it shall come to passe in that king of Assyria, and all his glory : and
day, that a man shal nourish a yong cow he shall come vp ouer all his channels,
and two sheepe. and goe ouer all his bankes.
22 And it shall come to passe, for the 8 And hee shall passe through lu-
abundance of milke that they shall giue, dah, he shall ouerflow and goe ouer, he
he shal eate butter : for butter and hony shall reach euen to the necke; and tthe t Hebr. The
' Hebr. in shall euery one eate, that is left tin the stretching out of his wings shall fill the fulnesse
the breadth
the midst of land. breadth of thy land, O Immanuel, of thy land
the land. shall be the
23 And it shall come to passe in that 9 IT Associate your selues, O ye peo- stretching
day, that euery place shalbe, where there ple, (I and yee shalbe broken in pieces; out of his
were a thousand Vines at a thousand and giue eare all ye of farre countreys: I Or, yet.
siluerlings, it shall euen be for briers and gird your selues, and ye shalbe broken
thornes. in pieces; gird your selues, and ye shalbe
24 With arrowes and with bowes broken in pieces.
shall men come thither ; because all the 10 Take counsell together, and it
land shall become briars and thornes. shall come to nought: speake the word,
25 And on all hilles that shalbe dig- and it shall not stand; for God is
red with the mattocke, there shall not with vs.
come thither the feare of briars and 11 f For the LORD spake thus
ihornes; but it shall bee for the sending to me t with a strong hand, and instru- i Hebr. In
borth of oxen , and for the treading of cted me that I should not walke in the strength
esser cattell . way of this people, saying,
12 Say ye not, A confederacie to all
them, to whom this people shall say, A
CHAP. VIIL confederacie; neither feare yee their
feare, nor be afraid.
1 In Maher-shalal-hash-baz, hee prophecieth 13 Sanctifie the LORD of hostes
thatSyriaand Israel shalbe subdued by Assy- iimselfe, and let him bee your feare, and
ria. 5 ludah likewise for their infidelitie.
9 Gods Judgements shalbe vnresistable. 11 let him be your dread. * Isa. 28.16.
Comfort shalbe to them that feare God. 19 14 And he shalbe for a sanctuary; but hike 2. 34.
rom. 9. 33.
Great afflictions to idolaters. for *a stone of stumbling and for a rocke i. pet. ». 7.
Seeke God onely. Ifaiah. Chriftes kingdome.
of offence to both the houses of Israel, and as men reioyce when they diuide
for a ginne, and for a snare to the inha- the spoile.
bitants of Jerusalem. 4 || For thou hast broken the yoke of 1 Or, when
15 And many among them shall his burden, and the staffe of his shoul- thou brakest
*Matth. 21. * stumble and fall, and be broken, and be der, the rod 1>f his oppressour , as in the
44. luke
20. 18. snared, and be taken. day of *Midian. * ludg. 7. 22
cha. 10. 26.
16 Binde vp the Testimonie, scale 5 || For euery battell of the warriour I Or, when
the Law among my disciples. is with confused noise, and garments the whole
battell of the
17 And I wil wait vpon the LORD rolled in blood ; ||but this shall be with warrfour
was, $c.
that hideth his face from the house of burning and tfewell of fire. I Or, and it
lacob, and I will looke for him. 6 For vnto vs a child is borne, vnto was, $c.
} Heb. meate.
* Hebr. 2. 18 * Behold, I, and the children vs a *Sonne is giuen, and the gouern- * lob. 3.16.
whom the L O R D hath giuen me, are ment shalbe vpon his shoulder : and his
for signes, and for wonders in Israel : name shalbe called, Wonderfull, Coun-
from the L O R D of hostes, which seller, The mightie God, The euerla-
dwelleth in mount Zion. sting Father, The Prince of peace.
19 IT And when they shall sa'y vnto 7 Of the increase of his gouernment
you; Seeke vnto them that haue fami- andpeace * there shall beno end, vpon the 32,»Lukei.
liar spirits, and vnto wizards that throne of Dauid & vpon his kingdome,
peepe and that mutter : should not a to order it, and to stablish it with Judge-
people seeke vnto their God ? for the li- ment and with Justice, from henceforth
uing, to the dead ? euen for euer : the *zeale of the LORE *2. KltfgS
19. 31.
*Heb. 2.13. £0 *To the Law and to the Testi- of hostes will performe this. chap. 37. 32
monie : if they speake not according to 8 IF The Lord sent a word into la-
t Heb. no this word, it is because there is tno light cob, and it hath lighted vpon Israel.
in them. 9 And all the people shal know, euen
21 And they shall passe through it, Ephraim and the inhabitant of Sama-
hardly bestead and hungry : and it shall ria, that say in the pride and stoutnesse
come to passe, that when they shall be of heart;
hungry, they shall fret themselues, and 10 The brickes are fallen downe, but
curse their King, and their God", and we will build with hewen stones t the
looke vpward. Sycomores are cut downe, but we will
22 And they shall looke vnto the change them into Cedars.
earth : and behold trouble and darke- 11 Therefore the LORD shall set
nesse, dimnesse of anguish ; and they vp the aduersaries of Rezin against
shall be driuen to darkenesse. him, and tioyne his enemies together. \Heb. min-
12 The Syrians before, and the Phi- gle.
C H A P . IX. listines behinde, and they shall deuoure
1 What ioy shall be in the midst of afflictions, Israel twith open mouth : *for all thist Jfeb. with
by the fongdome and birth of Christ 8 his anger is not turned away, but his whole mouth.
The iudgements vpon Israel for their pride, hand is stretched out still. * Chap. 5.
13 For their hypocrisie, 18 Ana for 25. & 10. 4.
their impenitencie. 13 1F For the people turneth not vn-
to him that smiteth them , neither doe
they seeke the LORD of hostes.

Euerthelesse the dimnesse
shall not be such as was in 14 Therefore the L O R D will cut
her vexation ; when at the off from Israel head and taile, branch
first he lightly afflicted the and rush in one day.
land of Zebulun, and the 15 The ancient and honourable, hee
land of Naphtali, and afterward did Is the head : and the prophet that tea-
more grieuously afflict her by the way cheth lies, he is the taile.
of the Sea, beyond lordan in Galile 16 For the || leaders of this people I Or, they
\0r,popu- | of the nations* cause them to erre, and they ||that are that call
them bles-
ous. edde of them, are t destroyed. sed.
* Mat. 4, 15. 2 The * people that walked in dark- I Or, they
ephe. 5. 14. nesse,haue scene a great light: they that 17 Therfore the Lord shall haue no that are cal-
dwel in the land of the shadow of death, ioy in their yong men, neither shal haue ed blessed of
vpon them hath the light shined. mercy on tneir fatherlesse & widowes : • Heb. swal-
3 Thou hast multiplied the nation, 'or euery one is an hypocrite, and an euil owed vp.
I Or, to him. and || not increased the ioy: they ioy be- doer, and euery mouth speaketh j|fol- I Or, villeny.
fore thee, according to the ioy in haruest, y : for all this his anger is not turned
Wicked law-makers. Chap.x. Afflmrs pride*
away, but his hand is stretched out still 8 #For he saith, Are not my princes * 2. Kings
18. 24, 33.
18 IT For wickednes burneth as the altogether kings ? and 19.10,
fire : it shall deuoure the briers anc 9 Is not Calno, as Carchemish ? w &C.

thornes, and shall kindle in the thickets not Hamath, as Arpad? is not Sama-
of the forrest, and they shall mount vp ria, as Damascus ?
like the lifting vp of smoke. 10 As my hand hath found the king-
19 Through the wrath of the LOUD domes of the idoles, and whose grauen
of hosts is the land darkened, and the images did excell them of Jerusalem
t Heb. meat. people shall be as the tfuell of the fire: and of Samaria:
no man shall spare his brother. 11 Shall I not, as I haue done vn-
t Heb. cut. 20 And he shall t snatch on the right :o Samaria and her idoles, so doe to
hand, and be hungry, and he shall eate Jerusalem and her idoles ?
on the left hand, ana they shall not bee 1% Wherefore it shall come to passe,
satisfied : they shall eate euery man the that when the Lord hath performed his
flesh of his owne arme. whole worke ^vpon mount Zion, and 19. * 2. Kings
£1 Manasseh, Ephraim : and Ephra- on Jerusalem, I will tpunish the fruit \ Heb. visite
im, Manasseh: and they together shalbe tof the stout heart of the king of Assy- iffeb.ofthe vpon.
against ludah: for all this his anger ria, and the glory of his high lookes. greatnesses
is not turned away, but his hand is stret- 13 For hee saith, By the strength of the heart*
ched out still. my hand I haue done it, and by my
wisedome, for I am prudent: and I
C H A P . X. laue remooued the bounds of the peo-
1 The woe of tyrants. 5 Assyria, the rodde ple, and haue robbed their treasures,
of hypocrites, for his pride snail be broken. md I haue put downe the inhabitants
20 A remnant of Israel shall be saued. £4 [like a valiant man. I Or, Kb
Israel is comforted with promise of deliue- manypeople.
rance from Assyria. 14 And my hand hath found as a
nest the riches of the people: and as
Oe vnto them that decree one gathereth egges that are left, haue

vnrighteous decrees, and [ gathered all the earth, and there
\\ Or, to the j| that write grieuousnesse was none that moued the wing, or ope-
writers that which theyhaueprescribed: ned the mouth, or peeped.
write grie-
uousnesse. 2 To turne aside the 15 Shall the axe boast it selfe against
needy from mdgement, and to take a- him that heweth therewith ? or shal the
way the right from the poore of my peo- sawe magnifie it selfe against him that
)le, that widdowes may be their pray, shaketh it? ||as if the rod should shake rod S Or, as if a
and that they may robbe the fatherles. t selfe against them that lift itvp,or as if shake them
3 And what wil ye doe in the day of he staffe should lift vp 11 it selfe, af if it were vp. lift it
visitation, and in the desolation which no wood. Or, that
shall come from farre ? to whom wil ye 16 Therefore shall the Lord, the which wood.
is not
flee for helpe ? and where will yee leaue Lord of hosts, send among his fat ones
your glory ? eannesse, and vnder his glory hee shall
4 Without mee they shall bowe kindle a burning, like the burning of
downe vnder the prisoners, and they a fire.
Cha. 5.25 shall fall vnder the slaine: *for all this 17 And the light of Israel shall bee
nd 9.12. for a fire, and his Holy One for a flame:
lis anger is not turned away, but his
land is stretched out still. and it shall burne and deuoure his
Or, woe to 5 H || O t Assyrian, the rod of mine homes and his briers in one day:
the Assyri- 18 And shall consume the glory of his
an. anger, ||and the staffe in their hand is
t Heb. As- mine indignation. forrest, and of his fruitfull field tboth theHeb. from
soule and
«Or, though. 6 I will send him against an hypo- soule and body : and they shall bee as euen to the
when a standerd bearer fainteth. flesh.
criticall nation, and against the people
of my wrath will I giue him a charge 19 And the rest of the trees of his for-
to take the spoile, and to take the praye, rest shall be tfew, that a child may write ber* Heb. num-
Heb. to lay and t to tread them downe like the mire them.
them CL trea- of the streets. 20 1T And it shal come to passe in that
7 Howbeit he meaneth not so, nei- day, that the remnant of Israel, and
;her doth his heart thinke so, but it is in such as are escaped of the house of la-
us heart to destroy, and cut off nations cob, shall no more againe stay vpon him
not a few. that smote them: but shall stay vpon
A remnant faued. Ifaiah. Chrifts Kingdome.
the LORD, the Holy One of Israel in C H A R XL
£1 The remnant shall returne, euen 1 The peaceable kingdome of the Branch out
of the root of Jesse. 10 The victorious restau-
the remnant of lacob, vnto the migh- ration of Israel, and vocation of the Gentiles.
tie God.
* Cha 28. 22 22 *For though thy people Israel Nd there shall come forth

rom. 9. 27.
be as the sand of the sea, yet a remnant a rod out of the stemme of
t Ifeb. in or tof them styall returne: the consumpti-
*Iesse, and a branch shal * Acts 13.
II Qr, in. on decreed shall ouerflow ||with righte- grow out of his rootes.
ousnesse. 2 And the Spirit of the
* Chap. 28. 23 *For the Lord GOD of hostes L O R D shall rest vpon him, the spirit
shall make a consumption, euen de- of wisedome and vnderstanding, the
termined in the middest of all the spirit of counsell and might* the spirit of
land. knowledge/, and of the feate of the
24 IF Therfore thus saith the Lord LOED :
GOD of hostes, O my people that 3 And shal make him of tquicke vn-- t Heb. sent
dwellest in Zion, be not afraide of the derstanding in the feare of the LORD, or smell.
Assyrian: he shall smite thee with a and he shall not iudge after the sight of
H0r, but hee rod, || and shall lift vp his statffe against his eyes, neither reprpue after the hea-
shall liftvp
his staffefar thee, after the maner of * Egypt. ring of his eares.
* Exod. 14.
25 For yet a very litle while, and the 4 But with righteousnesse shall he
indignation shall cease, and mine anger iudge the poore, and ||reprooue with H Or, argue.
in their destruction^ equitie, for the m^eke of the earth : and
26 And the LORD of hostes shall he shall * smite the earth with the rodde * lohn 4. 9.
stirre vp a scourge for him, according to of his mouth, and with the breath of 2. thes. 2. 8.
* ludg. 7- 25 the slaughter of * Midian at the rocke his lips shall he slay the wicketf.
cha. 9. 4.
Oreb: and as his rod was vpon the Sea, 5 And righteousnesse shalbe the gir-
so shall he lift it vp after the manner of dle of his loines, and faithfulnesse the
Egypt. girdle of his reines.
27 And it shall come to passe in that 6 * The wolfe also shall dwell with * Chap. 65.
iHebr. shall day, that his burden t shalbe taken away the lambe, and the leopard shall lie 25.
from off thy shoulder, and his yoke downe with the kid ; and the calfe and
from off thy necke, and the yoke shalbe the yong lion, and the fading together,
destroyed because of the anointing. and a litle child shall lead them.
28 He is come to Aiath, hee is passed 7 And the cow and the beare shall
to Migron : at Michmash he hath laid feed, their yong ones shall lie downe
vp his cariages. together: and the lyon shall eate straw
29 They are gone ouer the passage: like the oxe.
they haue taken vp their lodging at Ge- 8 And the sucking childe shall play
ba, Ramah is afradi, Gebeah of Saul on the hole of the aspe, and the weaned
ba, Ramah is afraid, Gebeah of Saul childe shall put his hand on tlie || cocka- II Or, Ad.
' ffeb. cri0
30 t Lift vp thy voice, O daughter trice denne.
thy voice. of Gallim ; cause it to bee heard vnto 9 They shall not hurt nor destroy in
Laish, O poore Anathoth. all my holy mountaine : for the earth
31 Madmenah is rempoued, the in- shall bee full of the knowledge of the
habitants of Gebim gather themselues LORD, as the waters couer the sea.
to flee. 10 IF And in that day .there shall bee
32 As yet shall hee remaine at Nob a roote of lesse, which shall stand for
that day: he shall shake his hand against an ensigne of the people; to it shall the
;he mount of the daughter of Zion, the * Gentiles seeke, and his rest shall bee * Rom. 15.
bill of lerusalem. t glorious. t Heb glory.
33 Behold, the Lord, the L O R D 11 And it shall come to passe in that
of hostes shall lop the bough with ter- day, that the Lord shall set his hande a-
rour : and the high ones of stature shal gaine the second time, to recouer the
DC hewen downe, and the haughtie remnant of his people which shalbe left,
shalbe humbled. from Assyria, and from Egypt, & from
34 And he shall cut downe the thic- Pathros, and from Cush, and from E-
kets of the forrests with yron, and Le- lam, and from Shinar, and from Ha-
I Or, migh-
?suon shall fall ||by a mightie one. math, and from the ylands of the Sea.
12 And
A thankefgiuing. Chap.xij.xiij. Againft Babylon.
1£ And he shall set vp an ensigne for 6 He tnreatneth to destroy Babylon by the
the nations, and shall assemble the out- Medes. 19 The desolation of Babylon.
casts of Israel, and gather together the He burden of Babylon,

dispersed of ludah, from the foure which Isaiah the sonne of
\Heb.wings. t corners of the earth. Amoz did see.
13 The enuie also of Ephraim shal de- 2 Lift yee vp a banner
part , and the aduersaries of ludah vpon the high moun-
shalbe cut off: Ephraim shall not enuie taine, exalt the voice vnto them, shake
ludah, and ludah shall not vexe E- he hand, that they may goe into the
phraim. gates of the nobles.
14 But they shall fly vpon the shoul- 8 I haue commanded my sanctified
ders of the Philistines toward the ones : I haue also called my mightie
t Heb. the West, they shall spoile tthem of the
children of
ones for mine anger, euen them that re-
the East. East together : t they shall lay their oyce in my highnesse.
t Heb. Edom band vpon Edom and Moab, f and the
and Moab 4? The noise of a multitude in the
shall be the children of Ammon shall obey them. mountaines, tlike as of a great people: Heb. the
'aying on of
theirJiand. 15 And the LORD shall vtterly de- a tumultuous noise of the kingdomes ikenesse of.
t Heb. the stroy the tongue of the Egyptian sea,
children of
of nations gathered together : the
Ammon and with his mighty wind shall hee LORD of hostes mustereth the hoste
their obedi* of the battell.
dience. shake his hand ouer the riuer, and shall
smite it in the seuen streames, and make 5 They come from a farre countrey
t Heb. in men goe ouer t dry-shod. Vom the end of heauen, euen the
shoves. L O R D and the weapons of his in-
16 And there shalbe an high way for
the remnant of his people, which shalbe dignation, to destroy the whole land.
[eft from Assyria; like as it was to Is- 6 IT Howie yee; for the day of the
rael in the day that hee came vp out of L O R D is at hand; it shall come as a
* Exod. 14. the land of * Egypt. destruction from the Almighty.
7 Therefore shall all hands ||bee I Or, fall
CHAP. XII. 'aint, and euery mans heart shall melt. downe.
8 And they shalbe afraid : pangs
A ioyfull thanksgiuing of the faithfull for the
mercies of God. and sorrowes shall take hold of them^
they shalbe in paine as a woman that
Nd in that day thou shalt trauelleth : they shalbe t amazed tone Heb. won-

say, O L O R D , I will at another, their faces shalbe as t flames.der.
Heb. euery
praise thee : though thau 9 Behold, the day of the LORD at his
wast angrie with mee, commeth, cruell both with wrath and Heb. faces
thine anger is turned a- fierce anger, to lay the land desolate; ofthejtames.
way, and thou comfortedst me. and he shall destroy the sinners thereof
2 Behold, God is my saluation : I out of it.
will trust, and not be afraid; for the 10 For the starres of heauen, and
* Exod. 15. LORD IEHOVAH is my * strength the constellations thereof shall not giue
2. psal. us.
14. and my song, he also is become my sal- their light: the sunne shalbe * darkened * Ezek. 32.
uation. in his going forth, and the moone shall 7. ioel. 2. 31
and 3.15.
3 Therefore with ioy shall yee draw not cause her light to shine. matth. 24.
29. mar. 13.
water out of the wels of saluation. 11 And I will punish the world for 24. luc. 21.
4 And in that day shall yee say; their euill, and the wicked for their ini- 25.
* i. Chron. * Praise the L O R D , ||call vpon his quitie; and I will cause the arrogancie
16. 8. psal.
105. 1, name, declare his doings among the of the proud to cease, and will lay low
U Or, pro-
claime his
people, make mention that his name is the hautinesse of the terrible.
name. exalted, 1£ I will make a man more preti-
5 Sing vnto the L O R D , for hee ous then fine gold; euen a man then the
hath done excellent things : this is golden wedge of Ophir.
knowen in all the earth. 13 Therefore I will shake the hea-
t ffeb. wiAa- 6 Cry out and shout thou t inhabi- uens, and the earth shall remoue out oi
bitresse. her place in the wrath of the LORD
tant of Zion: for great is the holy one of
Israel in the midst of thee. of hostes, and in the day of his fierce
C H A P . XIII. 14? And it shalbe as the chased Roe,
1 God mustereth the armies of his wrath. and as a sheepe that no man taketh vp:
i they
Againft Babylon. liaiah. The tyrants fall.
they shall euery man turne to his owne ay that the L O R D shal giue thee rest
>eople, and flee euery one into his owne rom thy sorrow, and from thy feare,
and. and from the hard bondage wherein
15 Euery one that is found shall be hou wast made to seme,
hrust through: and euery one that is 4 IF That thou shalt take vp this
ioyned vnto them, shall fall by the sword. pr ouer be against the king of Babylon, iI Or, Taun-
* Psal. 137. 16 Their children also shalbe * dashed
and say; How hath the oppressour cea- tlting speech.
to pieces before their eyes, their houses sed? the ||golden citie ceased? i Or, exa-
shalbe spoiled, & their wiues rauished. 5 The LORD hath broken the^j ctresse of
17 Beholde, I will stirre vp the staffe of the wicked, and the scepter of
Medes against them, which shall not the rulers.
regard siluer, and as for gold, they shall 6 He who smote the people in wrath
not delight in it. with fa continual! stroke; hee that ru- stroke
t ffebr. A
18 TVteir bowes also shall dash the ed the nations in anger, is persecuted outremoo-
yong men to pieces, and they shall haue and none hindereth. utng.
no pi tie on the fruit of the wombe; their 7 The whole earth is at rest and is
eye shalj not spare children. [uiet: they breake foorth into singing.
19 IT And Babylon the glory of king- 8 Yea the firre trees reioyce at thee,
domes, the beautie of the Chaldees ex- and thecedars of Lebanon, saying^ Since
t Hebr. As cellencie, shall be fas when God ouer- thou art layd downe, no feller is come
the over-
throwing. threw * Sodom and Gomorrah. vp against vs.
* Gene. 19. 20 It shall neuer be inhabited, nei- 9 || Hell from beneath is mooued for I Or, the
25. iere. 50.
40. ther shall it be dwelt in from genera- thee to meet thee at thy comming: it stir- graue.
tion to generation: neither shall the A- reth vp the dead for thee, euen all the
rabian pitch tent there, neither shal the tchiefe ones of the earth; it hath raised iffebr.lea-
ers, or
shepheards make their fold there. vp from their thrones, all the kings oi great goats.
MlekZiim. 21 But t wilde beastes of the desert the nations.
shall lye there, and their houses shalbe 10 AH they shall speake and say vnto
t Hebr. 0. full of t doleful! creatures, and ||owles
chwn. thee; Art thou also become weake as
I Or, Ostri. shall dwell there, and Satyres shal we ? art thou become like vnto vs ?
ches. dautice there. 11 Thy pompe is brought downe to
t Hebr.
daughters 22 And the wilde t beastes of the I- the graue, and the noyse of thy violes:
of the owle. lands shal cry in their || desolate houses, the worme is spread vnder thee, and the
\ Htb.Iim.
\ Or,palaces. and dragons in their pleasant palaces: wormes couer thee.
and her time is neere to come, and her 12 How art thou fallen from heauen,
dayes shall not be prolonged. | O Lucifer, sonne of the morning ? how Or, 0 day-
art thou cut downe to the ground, starre.
C H A P . XIIII. which didst weaken the nations ?
13 For thou hast said in thine heart;
1 Gods merciful! restauration of Israel. 4 I wil ascend into heauen, I wil exal
Their triumphant insultation ouer Babel.
24- Gods purpose against Assyria. 29 Pa- my throne aboue the starres of God : ]
lestina is threatned. wil sit also vpon the mount of the con-
gregation, in the sides of the North.
Or the LORD wil haue 14 I wil ascend aboue the heights

F , mercie on lacob, and wi

yet choose Israel, and set
them in their owne land
and the strangers shalbe
of the cloudes, I wil bee like the most
15 Yet thou shalt be brought downe
to hel, to the sides of the pit.
ioyned with them, and they shal eleaue 16 They that see thee shal narrowly
to the house of lacob. looke vpon thee, and consider thee, say-
2 And the people shall take them, ing; Is this the man that made the eartl
and bring them to their place : and the to tremble, that did shake kingdomes?
house of Israel shall possesse them in 17 That made the world as a wil-
the land of the L O R D , for seruants dernesse, and destroyed the cities there-
and handmaides : and they shall take of || that opened not the house of his pri- J Or, DM
not let his
* Hebr. that them captiues, t whose capjtiues they soners ? prisoners
had taken
them cap- were, and they shall rule ouer their op- 18 All the kings of the nations, euen loose
tiues. pressours. all of them lie in glory, euery one in his
3 And it shall come to passe in the owne house.
19 But
Againft Aflyria, Chap.xv. and Moab.
19 But thou art cast out of thy graue, $2 What shall one then answere the
ike an abominable branch: and as the messengers of the nation? *that the •Psal.87.l,
raiment of those that are slaine, thrust LORD hath founded Zion, and the 17. 5. and 102.
: brough with a sword, {hat goe downe poore of his people shall || trust in it. Or, betake
, to the stones of the pit, as a carkeis tro- vnto if.
en vnder feete. C H A P . XV.
20 Thou shalt not be ioyned with The lamentable state of Mpab.
, tiem in buriall, because thou hast de- He burden of Moab: be-
* lob 18.
19. psal. 21.
stroyed thy land, and slaine thy people:
*the seede of euiil doers shall neuer be
11. and 37. renowmed.
28. and 109
13. 21 Prepare slaughter for his children
T cause in the night Ar of
Moab is laide waste and
|| brought to silence; be- Or, cut off.
cause in the night Kir oi
* Exo. 20.5.. *for the iniquitie of their fathers, that Moab is laide waste, and brought to
mat. 23. 35.
bey doe not rise nor possesse the land, silence •
nor fill the face of the world with cities. 2 Hee is gone vp to Baijth, and to
22 For I will rise vp against them, Dibon, the high places, to weepe : Mo-
sayth the LORD of hostes, and cut ab shall howle ouer Nebo, and ouer
off from Babylon the name, and rem- Medeba, *on all their heads shalbe bald- ler. 48.37,
•J. ezek. 7.
nant, and sonne and nephew, sayth the nesse, and euery beard cut off. 8.
^ORD. 3 In their streetes they shall girde
23 I will also make it a possession themselues with sackecloth : on the
or the Bitterne, and pooles of water: toppes of their houses, and in their
and I will sweepe it with the besome streetes euery one shall howle, twee- cending
t Heb. des-
of destruction, sayth the LORD of ping abundantly. weeping:
lostes. or,
4 And Heshbon shall cry, and Ele- downe withcamming
24 H The L O R D of hostes hath aleh: their voice shalbe heard euen vnto weeping.
sworne, saying; Surely as I haue lahaz : therefore the armed souldiers
thought, so shall it come to passe; and of Moab shall crie out, his life shall be
as I haue purposed, so shall it stand: grieuous vnto him.
25 That I will breake the Assyrian 5 My heart shall cry out for Moab,
in my land, and vpon my mountaines || his fugitiues shall jtee vnto Zoar, an H Or, to ffie
tread him vnder foote : then shall his * heifer of three yeeres olde : for by the thereof euen
yoke depart from off them, and his bur- mounting vp of Luhith with wee- an to Zoar as
den depart from off their shoulders. ping shall they goe it vp: for in the way * lere. 48.
26 This is the purpose, that is pur- of Horonaim, they shall raise vp a crie 5,34.
)osed vpon the whole earth: and this of t destruction. Heb. brea-
is the hand that is stretched out vpon all 6 For the waters of Nimrim shal
the nations. be t desolate: for the hay is withered a- Heb. deso-
27 For the L O R D of hostes hath way, the grasse faileth, there is no lations.
* 2. Chron.• * purposed, and who shall disanull it ? greene thing.
20. 6. iob 9.
12. prou. and his hand is stretched out, and who 7 Therefore the abundance they
21. 30. dan. ' shall turne it backe ?
4. 32. haue gotten, and that which they haue
28 In the yeere that king Ahaz di- [aide vp, shall they cary away to the
ed, was this burden. [|brooke of the willowes. Or, valley
of the Ara-
29 1F Reioyce not thou whole Pale- 8 For the cry is gone round about mns.
stina, because the rod of him that smote the borders of Moab : the howling
thee is broken : for out of the serpents thereof vnto Eglaim, and the howling
i Or, Adderr. roote shall come foorth a || cockatrice, thereof vnto Beer-Elim.
and his fruite sJwdl be a fierie flying ser- 9 For the waters of Dimon shalbe
pent. full of blood : for I will bring tmore IHebaddi.
30 And the first borne of the poore vpon Dimon, lyons vpon him that es tions.
shall feed, and the needy shall lie downe capeth of Moab, and vpon the remnan
in safetie : and I will kill thy root wit! of the land.
famine, and he shall slay thy remnant.
31 Howie, O gate, crie, O citie, thou CHAP. XVI.
whole Palestina art dissolued,for there
shal come from the North a smoke, anc 1 Moab is exhorted to yeeld obedience to
0 Or, he shall Christs kingdome. 6 Moab is threatned for
u. 11 none $hall bee alone in his || appointee
not be alone. her pride. 9 The Prophet bew^eth her.
1 Or9 assem-*- times. 12 The iudgement of Moab.
Againft Moab, Ifaiah. and Damafcus.
End ye the lambe to the high place, that hee shall come to his

Hebr. a
rocke. S
II Or9Petra:
ruler of the land from
|| Sela to the wildernesse,
vnto the mount of the
daughter of Zion.
Sanctuary to pray : but hee shall not
13 This iy the word that the LORD
hath spoken concerning Moab since
2 Jb or it snalbe tnat as a wandering that time.
8 Or, a nest bird || cast out of the nest: so the daugh- 14 But now the LORD hath spo-
forsaken. ken, saying, Within three yeeres, as the
ters of Moab shalbe at the fordes of
Arnon. yeeres of an hireling, and the glory of
IHebMng. 3 tTake counsell, execute Judge- Moab shalbe contemned, with all that
ment, make thy shadow as the night in great multitude; and the remnant shall
the middest of the nooneday, hide the be very small and ||feeble. II Or, not
outcastesj bewray not him that wande-
reth. C H A P . XVII.
4» Let mine outcasts dwel with thee,
Moab, be thou a couert to them from 1 Syria and Israel are threatned. 6 A rem-
nant shall forsake idolatrie. 9 The rest shal-
t Heb. wrin- the face of the spoiler: for the t extortio- be plagued for their impietie. 12 The woe
t Hebr. the ner is at an end, the spoiler ceaseth, t the of Israels enemies.
oppressours are consumed out of the
land. HE burden of Damas-

5 And in mercy shall the throne be
I Ort prepa- j|established, and hee shal*sit vpon it in
* Dan. 7. trueth, in the tabernacle of Dauid, iudg-
14, 27. mic. ing and seeking iudgement, and hasting
4. 7. luke i.
T cus : Behold, Damascus
is taken away from be-
mg a citie, and it shalbe a
ruinous heape.
38. righteousnesse. £ The cities of Aroer
* lere. 48.
6 If We haue heard of the * pride of are forsaken : they shall bee for flockes,
Moab (hee is very proud) euen of his which shall lye downe, and none shall
hautines, and his pride, and his wrath: make them afraid.
but his lies shall not be so. 3 The fortresse also shall cease from
* lere. 48. 7 Therefore shall Moab * howle Ephraim, and the kingdome from Da-
for Moab, euery one shal howle: for the mascus, and the remnant of Syria:
foundations of Kir-hareseth shall yee they shall bee as the glorie of the chil-
B Or, mutter. ||mourne, surely they are stricken. dren of Israel, saith the LORD of
8 For the fieldes of Heshbon Ian- hostes.
guish, and the vine of Sibmah, the lords 4 And in that day it shall come to
of the heathen haue broken downe the passe, that the glory of lacob shall bee
principall plants thereof, they are made thinne, and the fatnesse of his
come euen vnto lazer, they wandred flesh shall waxe leane.
through the wildernesse, her branches 5 And it shall be as when the har-
a Or, plucked are ||stretched out, they are gone ouer uest-man gathereth the corne, and rea-
vp. the sea. peth the eares with his arme; and it
9 U Therefore I wil bewaile with shalbe as he that gathereth eares in the
the weeping of lazer, the Vine of Sib- valley of Rephaim.
mah ; I wil water thee with my teares, 6 (IT Yet gleaning-grapes shall be
II Or9 the O Heshbon, and Elealeh: for ||the shou- left in it, as the shaking of an Oliue
alarmeis tree, two or three berries in the toppe
fallen vpon, ting for thy Summer fruits, and for thy
fa haruest, is fallen. of the vppermost bough: foure or fiue
* lere. 48. 10 And *gladnesse is taken away, in the out-most fruitfull branches
and ioy out of the plentiful! field, and in thereof, saith the L O R D God of
the Vineyards there shalbe no singing, Israel.
neither shal there be shouting: the trea- 7 At that day shall a man looke to
ders shall tread out no wine in their his Maker, and his eyes shall haue re-
presses; Ihaue made their vintage-shou- spect to the Holy one of Israel.
ting to cease. 8 And hee shall not looke to the al-
11 Wherefore my bowels shal sound tars , the worke of his handes, nei-
like an harpe for Moab, and mine in- ther shall respect that which his fin-
ward parts for Kir-haresh. gers haue made, either the groues or
12 1[ And it shal come to passe> when the 11 images.) I Or, Sunne-
it is scene that Moab is weary on the 9 IT In that day shall his strong imoges.
Affamit Ethiopia. Chap.xviij.xix. and Egypt.
cities be as a forsaken bough, and an & For afore the haruest when the
vppermost branch, which they left, be- bud is perfect, and the sowre grape is
cause of the children of Israel: and there ripening in the flowre; hee shall both
shalbe desolation. cut off the sprigges with pruning
10 Because thou hast forgotten the hookes, and take away and cut downe
God of thy saluation, and hast not beene the branches.
mindfull of the rocke of thy strength: 6 They shalbe left together vnto
therefore shalt thou plant pleasant the foules of the mountaines, and to
plants, and shalt set it with strange the beasts of the earth : and the foules
slips. shall summer vpon them, and all
11 In the day shalt thou make thy the beastes of the earth shall winter vp-
plant to grow, and in the morning shalt on them.
thou make thy seede to flourish: but the 7 H In that time shall the present
fl Or, remo-
ued in the haruest shall be a ||heape in the day of be brought vnto the LOED of hostes,
day of inhe- griefe, and of desperate sorrow. of a people || scattered and peeled, and spread
I Or, out-
ritance, and and
there shalbe 1£ IT Woe to the || multitude of ma- from a people terrible from their begin- polished. $c.
deadly sor- ny people, which make a noise, like the ning hitherto; a nation meted out and
H Or, noise. noise of the seas; and to the rushing of troden vnder foote, whose land the ri-
nations, that make a rushing, like the uers haue spoiled, to the place of the
H Or, many. rushing of || mighty waters. name of the LORD of hostes, the
13 The nations shall rush like the mount Zion.
rushing of many waters : but God shall
rebuke them, and they shall flee farre C H A P . XIX.
off, and shalbe chased as the chaffe of
the mountaines before the wind, and 1 The confusion of Egypt. 11 The folishnesse
of their Princes. 18 The calling of Egypt
B Or, thistle- like a || rolling thing before the whirle- to the Church. 23 The couenant of Egypt,
wind. Assyria and Israel.
14 And behold at euening tide trou-
ble, and before the morning he isnot: this He burden of Egypt: Be-

is the portion of them that spoile vs, and hold, the L O R D rideth
the lot of them that robbe vs. <sP$ Ran vpon a swift cloude, and
shall come in to Egypt, and
the idoles of Eervot shalbe
C H A P . XVIII. moued at his presence, and the heart of
1 God in care of his people will destroy the E- Egypt shall melt in the midst of it.
thiopians. 7 An accesse thereby shall grow
vnto the Church. I And I will tset the Egyptians a- \ Heb. mm-
gainst the Egyptians : and they shall *.
Oe to the land shadow fight euery one against his brother, and

ing with wingss, which is euery one against his neighbour; citie
beyond the riuers of E- against citie, and kingdqme against
(@^ M^beyond the riuers of E- thiopia:
2 That sendeth am-
3 And the spirit of Egypt t shall faile te> Heb. shall
bassadours by the sea, euen in vessels of in the midst thereof, and I will t destroy '• Heb. swal-
bulrushes vpon the waters, saying1; Goe the counsell thereof: and they shall seeke low vp.
I Or, o«/- yee swift messengers to a natipn || scat- to the idoles, and to the charmers, and
spread and to them that haue familiar spirits, and
polished. tered and peeled, to a people terrible
Or, a na/i. from their beginning hitherto, ||a nati- to the wizards.
on ttaf me- on meted out and troden downe; 4 And the Egyptians will I Hgiue V Or, shut
eth out, and
downe. Heb.
|| whose land the riuers haue spoiled. ouer into the hand of a cruell Lord; vp.
a nation of 3 All yee inhabitants of the world, and a fierce king shall rule ouer them,
line line> and and dwellers on the earth, see yee, when saith the Lorde, the L O R D of
treading- vn-
derfoote. hee lifteth vp an ensigne on the moun- hostes.
Or, whose
land the r»- taines ; and when he bloweth a trum- *5 And the waters shall faile from
uers despise* pet, heare yee. the sea, and the riuer shalbe wasted, and
4 For so the LORD sayd vnto dried vp.
Or, regard me; I will take my rest, and I will ||con- 6 And they shall turne the riuers
mysetdwel- sider in my dwelling place like a cleare farre away, and the brookes of defence
Or, after heate ||vpon herbes, and like a cloud of shall be emptied and dried vp: the reeds
dew in the heate of haruest. and flagges shall wither.
7 The
Earthly helpes. Ifaiah. Ifaiah naked.
7 1 ne paper reeds by the brooKes, witnesse vnto the LORD of hosts in
ay the mouth of the brookes, and euery be land of Egypt : for they shall crie
iing sowen by the brooks shal wither, nto the LORD, because of the oppres-
t Heb. and )e driuen away, tand be no more. ours, and he shal send them a Sauiour
shall not be.
8 The fishers also shall mourne, nd a great One, and he shall deliuer
and all they that cast angle hlto the hem.
>rookes shall lament, and they that 21 And the LORD shalbe knowen
spread nets vpon the waters shall lan- to Egypt, and the Egyptians shal know
juish. the LORD in that dayr and shal do sa-
9 Moreouer they that worke in fine crifice and oblation, yea they shall vow
I Or.white laxe, and they that weaue || net-works a vowe vnto the LORD, and per-
shall be confounded. forme it.
10 And they shall be broken in the 22 And the LORD shall smite E-
MIeb. foun- t purposes thereof, all that make sluces gypt,he shall smite and healed, and they
MIeb.ofli- and ponds tfor fish. ;hall returne euen to the LORD, and
uing things. 11 If Surely the princes of Zoan le shalbe intreated of them, and shall
are fooles, the counsel! of the wise coun- leale them.
sellers of Pharaoh is become brutish: 23 If In that day shall there fe0 a'hie
low say ye vnto Pharaoh, I am the way out of Egypt to Assyria, $ad the
sonne of the wise, the sonne of ancient Assyrian shall come into Egypt, and-thp
dngs ? Egyptian into Assyria, and the Egypti-
12 Where are they ? Where are thy ans shall serue with the Assyrians.
wise men ? and let them tell thee now, 24 In th#t day shall Israel bee the
and let them know, what the LORD third with Egypt, and with Assyria,
of hosts hath purposed vpon Egypt. euen a blessing in the midst of the land:
13 The princes of Zoan are become 25 Whom the LORD of hosts sha
boles, the princes of Noph are decei- :>lesse, say ing, Blessed be Egypt my peo-
ued, they haiie also seduced Egypt, euen ple, and Assyria the work of my hands,
I Or9gouer. | they that are the stay of the tribes and Israel mine inheritance.
corners. hereof.
14 The L O U D hath minglec C H A R XX.
Heb. a spi- ha peruerse spirit in the midst thereof A type prefiguring the shameful! captiuitie of
rit ofj&r- Egypt and Ethiopia.
uersities. and they haue caused Egypt to erre in
euery worke thereof, as a drunken man N the yeere that Tar-

staggereth in his vomit. tan came vnto Ashdod
15 Neither shall there be any worke (when Sargon the kinj
or Egypt, which the head or taile of Assyria sent him) anc
jranch or rush may doe. fought against Ashdod
16 In that day shall Egypt bee like and tooke it:
Vnto women: and it shall be afraid anc 2 At the same time spake the LORD
feare, because of the shaking of the
band of the LORD of hosts* which he tby Isaiah
Go and thesackcloth
loose the sonne from
of Amoz,
off thy saying,
shaketh ouer it. loynes, and put off thy shooe from thi
17 And the land of ludah shall bee foot: and he did so, walking naked anc
a terrour vnto Egypt, euery one tha bare foot.
maketh mention thereof, shal be afraic 3 And the LORD said, Like as my
in himseilfe, because of the counsell ofth seruant Isaiah hath walked nakec
LORD of hosts, which he bath deter and bare foote three yeeresjfrr a signe
mined against it. and wonder vpon Egypt and vpon E-
18 IF In that day shall fiue cities in thiopia:
) Heb. the the land of Egypt speake the t languag 4 So shall the king of Assyria leac
Kppe. of Canaan, and sweare to the LORD t Heb. the
away the t Egyptians prisoners, anc cavtiuitie
» Or, of He of hostes: one shalbe called the citie || of the Ethiopians captiues, yong and old, ofEgypt-
res: or ofth
Sunne. destruction. naked and bare foote, euen with their
19 In that day shall there be an Al- buttocks vncouered, to the t shame of kednesse.
t Heb. na-
tar to the LORD in the midst of the Egypt.
land of Egypt, and a pillar at the border 5 And they shall be afraid and asha-
thereof to the LORD. med of Ethiopia their expectation, anc
20 And it shall be for a signe, and for of Egypt their glory.
6 Anc
Babylons fall. Chap.xxj.xxij. Againft Arabia.
H0r,cotm- 6 And the inhabitant of this || yle calleth to me out of Seir : Watchman,
trey. shall sayin thatday; Behold, such is our what of the night? Watchman, what
expectation whither we flee for helpe of the night ?
to be deliuered from the king gf Assyria: 12 The watchman sayd; The mor-
and how shall we escape ? ning commeth, and also the night: if yee
will enquire, enquire yee : returne,
C H A P . XXL 13 1T The burden vpon Arabia. In
I The Prophet, bewayling the captiuity of his the forest in Arabia shall yee lodge, O
people, seeth in a vision, the fall of Babylon ree trauelling companies of Dedanim.
by the Medes and Persians. 11 Edom,
scorning tbe Prophet, is moued to repen- 14? The inhabitants of the land of
tance. 13 The set time of Arabias calamity. Tema || brought water to him that was II Or, bring
hirsty, they preuented with their bread yee.
He burden of the desert of lim that fled.

terrible land.
the sea. As whirlewinds
in the South passe tho-
rough; so it commeth
from the desert, from a
15 For they fled from the swords,
| from the drawen sword, and from the^ Or, for
3ent bow, and from the grieuousnesse feare.
of warre.
16 For thus hath the Lord sayd vn-
from the

t Heb. hard. # A tgrieuous vision is declared vn- to me: Within a yeere, according to the
to me; The treacherous dealer dealeth reeres of an hireling, and all the glory
treacherously, and the spoiler spoileth : of Kedar shall faile.
Goe, vp O Elam : besiege, O Media : 17 And the residue of the number of
all the sighing thereof haue I made to h archers, the mighty men of the chil- iHeb.bowes
cease. dren of Kedar shalbe diminished : for
3 Therefore are my loynes filled ;he LORD God of Israel hath spo-
with paine, pangs haue taken hold vp- cen it.
on me, as the pangs of a woman that
trauelleth : I was bowed downe at the
hearing o^£, I was dismayed at the see- C H A P . XXII.
ing of it. 1 The Prophet lamenteth the inuasion of lury
II Or, my 4 || My heart panted, fearefulnesse by the Persians. 8 He reproueth their hu-
minde wan- affrighted me: the night of my pleasure mane wisedome and worldly ioy. 15 Hee
dred. prophesieth Shebnaes deprivation, 20 and
\ Heb. put. hath he t turned into feare vnto me. Eliakim prefiguring the kingdome of Christ,
5 Prepare the table, watch in the his substitution.
watch-tower, eate, drinke : arise yee
princes, and anoint the shield. He burden of the valley of

6 For thus hath the Lord sayd vn- vision. What ayleth thee
to me; Goe, set a watchman, let him de- now, that thou art whol-
clare what he seeth. ly gone vp to the house
7 And he saw a charet with a couple toppes ?
of horsemen, a charet of asses, and a 2 Thou that art full of stirres, a
charet of camels; and hee hearkened tumultuous citie, a ioyous citie : thy
diligently with much heede. slaine men are not slaine with the
i Or, cryed 8 And || he cryed; A lyon: my Lord, sword, nor dead in battell.
as a lyon. 3 All thy rulers are fled together,
*Abacuc. I stand continually vpon the * watch-
2.1. tower in the day time, and I am set in they are bound t by the archers: all that t Heb. of 'the
lOr^euery my ward || whole nights. are found in thee are bound together, bow.
night. 9 And behold, heere commeth a which haue fled from farre.
charetof men with a couple of horsemen: 4 Therefore sayd I; * Looke away * Icr. 4.19.
*Ier. 51.8. and he answered and sayd; *Babylon Tom me, tl will weepe bitterly, la- and 9. 1.
t Heb. I will
reu. 14. 8. is fallen, is fallen, and all the grauen bour not to comfort me; because of the be bitter in
and 18. 2.
images of her Gods he hath broken vn- spoiling of the daughter of my people. weeping.
to the ground. 5 For it is a day of trouble, and of
\Heb.sonne. 10 O my threshing and the tcorne of treading downe, and of perplexitie by
my floore : that which I haue heard of the Lord GOD of hostes in the val-
the LORD of hostes the God of Is- 'ey of vision, breaking downe the
rael, haue I declared vnto you. walles, and of crying to the moun-
11 IF The burden of Dumah. Hee taines.
6 And
Feafting for failing. Ifaiah. The key of Dauid.
6 And Elam bare the quiuer with Eliakim the sonne of Hilkiah:
charets of men and horsemen, and Kir 21 And I will clothe him with thy
f Heb. made tvncouered the shield. robe, and strengthen him with thy gir-
7 And it shall come to passe that dle, and I wil commit thy gouernment
t Heb. the thy t choicest valleys shall be full of cha- into his hand, and he shalbe a father to
choice of the
valleys. rets, and the horsemen shall set them- the inhabitants of lerusalem, and to
Wr, to- selues in aray ||at the gate. the house of ludah.
8 11 And he discouered the couering 22 And the key of the house of Da-
of ludah, and thou diddest looke in uid will I lay vpon his shoulder : so he
that day to the armour of the house of shall * open and none shall shut, and he * lob 12. H.
reue. 3. 7»
the forrest. shall shut and none shall open.
9 Ye haue scene also the breaches of 23 And I will fasten him as a naile
the citie of Dauid, that they are many : in a sure place, and he shalbe for a glori-
and ye gathered together the waters of ous throne to his fathers house.
the lower poole. 24 And they shall hang vpon him
10 And ye haue numbred the houses all the glory of his fathers house, the
of Jerusalem, and the houses haue yee offspring and the issue, all vessels of
jroken downe to fortifie the wall. small quantitie : from the vessels of
11 Ye made also a ditch betweene the cups, euen to all the || vessels of flagons.B Or, instru-
two walles, for the water of the olde 25 In that day, sayth the L O R D ments violes.
poole : but ye haue not looked vnto the of hostes, shall the naile that is fastened
maker thereof, neither had respect vn- in the sure place, be remooued, and be
to him that fashioned it long agoe. cut downe and fall: and the burden that
12 And in that day did the Lord was vpon it shall bee cut off: for the
GOD of hostes call to weeping and to LORD hath spoken it.
mourning, and to baldnesse, and to gir-
ding with sackecloth. C H A P . XXIII.
13 And behold ioy and gladnesse, slay- 1 The miserable ouerthrow of Tyre. 17 Their
ing oxen and killing sheep, eating flesh. vnhappie returne.
* Chap. 56. and drinking wine ; * let vs eate and
12. wisd. 2. HeburclenofTyre. Howie
6.1. cor. 15. drinke, for to morrow we shall die.
14 And it was reuealed in mine
t yee ships of Tarshish, for
eares by the L O R D of hostes; surely it is laide waste, so that
this iniquitie shall not be purged from there is no house, no en-
you, till yee die, sayth the Lord GOD tring in : from the land of
of hostes. Chittim it is reuealed to them.
15 IF Thus sayth the Lord GOD 2 Be t still, yee inhabitants of the
of hostes, Goe, get thee vnto this trea- yle, thou whom the merchants of Zi-
surer, euen vnto Shebna, which is ouer don, that passe ouer the sea, haue reple-
the house, and say ; nished.
16 What hast thou here ? and whom 3 And by great waters the seede of
hast thou here, that thou hast hewed Sihor, the haruest of the riuer is her re-
H Or, 0 hee. thee out a sepulchre here, \\as hee that uenew, and she is a mart of nations.
heweth him out a sepulchre on high, and 4 Be thou ashamed, O Zidon; for
that graueth an habitation for himselfe the sea hath spoken, euen the strength of
in a rocke ? the sea, saying; I trauell not, nor bring
il Or, the 17 Behold; (|the L O R D will cary foorth children, neither doe I nourish
Lord who
couered thee thee away with a tmightie captiuitie, vp yong men, nor bring vp virgines.
with an ex- and will surely couer thee. 5 As at the report concerning E-
cellent coue~
ring>andclo- 18 He will surely violently turne and gypt, so shal they be sorely pained at the
thed thee
gorgeously, tosse thee, like a ball into a t large coun- report of Tyre.
v. 18. shall trey : there shalt thou die, and there the 6 Passe ye ouer to Tarshish, howle
surely, &c.
\Heb.the charets of thy glory shall be the shame of ye inhabitants of the yle.
captiuitie of thy Lords house. 7 Is. this your ioyous citie, whose
a man.
f Heb. targe 19 And I will driue thee from thy antiquitie is of ancient dayes ? her
of spaces.
station, and from thy state shall he pull owne feete shall cary her tafarre off to Mfeb.from
afarre off'.
thee downe. soiourne.
20 1T And it shall come to passe in 8 Who hath taken this counsel! a-
that day, that I will call my seruant gainst Tyre the crowning citie, whose
Affainft Tyre. Chap.xxiiij* Curfe for finnes.
merchants are princes, whose traffi- 2 And it shall be as with the people,
quers are the honourable of the earth ? so with the ||*priest,as with the seruant, I Or, Prince.
9 The L O R D of hostes hath pur- so "with his master, as with the maid, so * Hose. 4. 9.
Web. to pol- posed it, t tostaine the pride of all glory, with her mistresse, as with the buyer,
and to bring into contempt all the hono- so with the seller, as with the lender, so
rable of the earth. with the borower, as with the taker oi
10 Passe through thy land as a riuer vsurie, so with the giuer of vsurie to
0 daughter of Tarshish i there is no him.
\Heb. girdle more t strength. 3 The land shall be vtterly emptied,
11 He stretched out his hand ouer the and vtterly spoiled : for the LORD
sea, hee shooke the kingdomes : the hath spoken this word.
L O R D hath giuen a commandement 4 The earth mourneth and fadeth
D Or, concer- 11 against the merchant citiey to destroy away, the world languisheth and fa-
ning a mer- deth away, the thaughtie people of the i Heb. the
chant man. the || strong holdes thereof.
Heb. Cana- 1£ And he said, Thou shalt no more earth doe languish. height of the
an. people.
(I Or, reioice, O thou oppressed virgin, daugh- 5 The earth also is defiled vnder the
strengths. ter of Zidon : arise, passe ouer to Chit- inhabitants thereof: because they haue
tim, there also shalt thou haue no rest. transgressed the lawes, changed the or-
13 Behold, the land of the Caldeans, dinance, broken the euerlasting coue-
this people was not till the Assyrian nant
founded it for them that dwel in the wil- 6 Therefore hath the curse deuou-
dernesse : they set vp the towers there- red the earth, and they that dwell ther-
of, they raised vp the palaces thereof, in are desolate : therefore the inhabi-
and he brought it to mine. tants of the earth are burned, and few
14 Howie ye ships of Tarshish : for men left.
your strength is laid waste. 7 The new wine mourneth, the
15 And it shall come to passe in that vine languisheth, all the merrie hearted
day, that Tyre shall be forgotten seuen- doe sigh.
tie yeeres according to the dayes of one 8 The mirth * of tabrets ceaseth, •Ier.7.37.
and 16. 9. &
king: after the end of seuentie yeeres the noise of them that reioyce, endeth, 25.10. ezra
\ shal t shall Tyre sing as an harlot. the ioy of the harpe ceasetn. 26.13. hos.
be vnto Tyre 2. 11.
asthesongof 16 Take an harpe, goe about the city 9 They shall not drinke wine with
an harlot. • thou harlot, that hast beene forgotten, a song, strong drinke shall bee bitter to
make sweet melody, sing many songs, them that drinke it.
that thou mayest be remembred. 10 The city of confusion is broken
17 f And it shall come to passe after downe : euery house is shut vp, that no
the ende of seuentie yeeres, that the man may come in.
LORD will visite Tyre, and shee -shall 11 There is a crying for wine in the
turne to her hire, and shall commit for- streets, all ioy is darkened, the mirth of
nication with all the kingdomes of the the land is gone.
world vpon the face of the earth. 12 In the citie is left desolation, and
18 And her merchandize and her hire the gate is smitten with destruction.
shall be holinesse to the LORD : it shall 13 1F When thus it shalbe in the midst
not be treasured nor laid vp: for her of the land among the people: there shall
merchandize shalbe for them that dwell be as the shaking of an oliue tree, and as
before the LORD, to eate sufficiently, the gleaning grapes when the vintage
IHeb.olde. and for t durable clothing. is done.
14 They shal lift vp their voice, they
C H A P . XXIIII. shal sing, for the maiesty of the LORD,
1 The dolefull judgements of God vpon the they shall crie aloud from the sea.
land. 13 Aremnant shall ioyfully praise him. 15, Wherefore, glbrifie ye the LORD
16 God in his iudgements shaft aduance in the || fires, euen the Name of the lOr^oaUeyes
his Kingdome.
LORD God of Israel in the yles of
Ehold, the LORD ma- the Sea.

uerteth theb
face thereof.
keth the earth emptie, and
maketh it waste, and t tur-
neth it vpside downe, and
scattereth abroad the in-
16 IFFromthetvttermostpartofthe t Heb. wing.
earth haue we heard songs, euen glory
to the righteous: but I said, tMy lean- •Heb. lean-
nesse, my leannesse, woe vnto me : the or nesse to me
my secret
habitants thereof. treacherous dealers haue dealt trea- tome.
?eare, pit, and fnare. Ifaiah. Death fwallowed.
cherously, yea the treacherous dealers 5 Thou shalt bring downe the noise
laue dealt very treacherously. of strangers, as the heat in a dry place;
17 Feare, and the pit, & the snare are euen the heat with the shadow of a
vpon thee, O inhabitant of the earth. cloud : the branch of the terrible ones
18 And it shall come to passe, that he shalbe brought low.
who fleeth from the-noise of the feare, 6 IF And in this mountaine shall
* lere. 48. shall fall into the *pit; and he that com- the LORD of hostes make vnto all
meth vp out of the midst of the pit, shal- )eople a feast of fat things, a feast of
>e taken in the snare: for the windowes wines on the lees, of fat things full of
rom on high are open, and the founda- marrow, of wines on the lees well
tions of the earth doe shake. refined.
19 The earth is vtterly broken 7 And he wil t destroy in this moun- Heb. swal-
downe, the earth is cleane dissolued, taine the face of the couering tcast ouer ow up.
Hebr. co-
the earth is moued exceedingly. all people, and the vaile that is spread o- uered.
20 The earth shall reele to and fro, uer all nations.
ike a drunkard, and shall be remooued 8 He will * swallow vp death in vic-55. *1. Cor. 15.
ike a cottage, and the transgression torie, and the Lord GOD wil *wipe a- * Reuel. 7.
thereof shall be heauie vpon it, and it way teares from off al faces, and the re- 17. I.
and 21.
shall fall, and not rise againe. }UKe of his people shall lie take away
£1 And it shall come to passe in that Vom off all the earth* for the LORD
t Hebr. vi- day, that the LORD shall tpunish the lath spoken it.
site vpon. loste of the high ones that are on high,
9 ^ And it shalbe said in that day,
and the kings of the earth vpon the Loe, this is our God, we haue waited
earth. or him, and he will saue vs: this is the
22 And they shalbe gathered toge- LORD, we haue waited for him, we
* Hebr. with ;her tfls prisoners are gathered in the wil be glad, and reioyce in his saluation.
the gathe-
ring of pri- |pit, and shall be shut vpin the prison, 10 For in this mountaine shall the
soners. and after many dayes shall they bee hand of the LORD rest, and Moab
I Or, dun-
geon. (visited. shalbe ||troden downe vnder him, euen B Or, thresh-
23 Then the *Moone shall be con- as straw is ||troden downe for the ed. I Or, thresh-
* Chap. 13. founded, and the Sunne ashamed, dounghill. ed in Mad-
10. eze. 32. when the LORD of hosts shall reigne menah.
7. ioel 2. 31.
11 And hee shall spread fborth his
and 3.15. n mount Zion and in Jerusalem, anc bands in the midst of them, as hee that
II Or, there | before his ancients gloriously.
shalbe glory swimmeth spreadeth foorth his hands to
before his swimme : and hee shall bring downe
ancients. their pride together with the spoiles o1
C H A P . XXV.
their hands.
1 The Prophet praiseth God, for his iudge- 12 And the fortresse of the high fort
ments, 6 for his sauing benefits,, 9 anc
for his victorious saluation. of thy walles shall hee bring downe,
lay low, and bring to the ground, euen to
LORD, thou art my the dust.

God, I will exalt thee, ]
will praise thy Name; for C H A P . XXVI.
thou hast done wonder- 1 A song inciting to confidence in God, 3 for
full things; tf% counsels o his Judgements, 12 and for his fauour to his
old are taithiulnesse and truetn. people. 20 An exhortation to wait on God
2 For thou hast made of a citie, an

heape; of a defenced city, a mine: a pa- N that day shall this
lace of strangers, to be no citie, it shal song bee sung in the lane
neuer be built. of ludah; Wee haue a
3 Therefore shall the strong people strong citie, saluation wil
glorifie thee, the city of the terrible nati- God appoint for walles
ons shall feare thee. and bulwarkes.
4 For thou hast bene a strength to 2 Open ye the gates, that the righ-
the poore, a strength to the needy in his teous nation which keepeth the t trueth Wlebr. tnieths.
distresse,arefugefrom the storme, a sha- may enter in.
dow from the heat, when the blast o: 3 Thou wilt keepe him in t perfect peace, iHebr.
the terrible ones&as as tonne against the peace, o?A0,y£||minde is stayedonthee; be- Wrjhought*
wall. cause he trusteth in thee. or imagina-
4 Trust tion.
Prayer in trouble. Chap.xxvij. The refurre&ion.
4 Trust ye in the L O R D for euer: haue beene in paine, we haue as it were
t Heb. the for in the L O R D I E H O V A H is teuer- brought foorth winde, wee haue not
rockeofages.f wrought any deliuerance in the earth,
: lasting strength.
5 If For hee bringeth downe them neither haue the inhabitants of the
that dwell on high, the loftie citie he lay- world fallen.
eth it low; he layeth it low, euen to the 19 Thy dead men shall Hue, together
ground, he bringeth it euen to the dust. with my dead body shall they arise : a-
6 The foote shall treade it downe, wake and sing yee that dwell in dust:
euen the feete of the poore, and the steps for thy dewe is as the dewe of herbes,
of the needie. and the earth shall cast out the dead.
7 The way of the iust is vpright- 20 U Come, my people, enter thou
nesse : thou most vpright, doest weigh into thy chambers, and shut thy doores
the path of the iust. about thee; hide thy selfe as it were for
8 Yea in the way of thy Judge- a little moment, vntill the indignation
ments, O L O R D , haue we waited for :>e ouerpast.
thee; the desire of our soule is to thy 21 For behold, the L O R D *com- * Mic. i. 3.
Name, and to the remembrance of thee. meth out of his place to punish the in-
9 With my soule haue I desired thee labitants of the earth for their iniqui-
in the night, yea with my spirit within tie : the earth also shall disclose her
me will I seeke thee early: for when t blood, and shall no more couer her t Heb. bloods
thy iudgements are in the earth, the slaine.
inhabitants of the world will learne
righteousnesse. CHAP, XXVII.
10 Let fauour be shewed to the wic-
ked, yet will hee not learne righteous- 1 The care of God ouer his vineyard. 7 His
chastisements differ from iudgements. 12 The
nesse : in the land of vprightnesse will he Church of lewes and Gentiles.
deale vniustly, and will not behold the
maiestie of the LORD. N that day the LORD

11 L O R D , when thy hand is lifted with his sore and great
vp, they will not see: but they shall see, and strong sworde shall
I Or, towardss and be ashamed for thwr enuie j|at the punish Leuiathan the
thy people. people, yea the fire of thine enemies t piercing serpent, euen V0r,<iro8sin8
shall deuoure them. Leuiathan that crooked serpent, and like a barre.
12 IF L O R D , thou wilt ordaine hee shall slay the dragon that is in the
peace for vs : for thou also hast wrought Sea.
I Or, for vs. all our workes ||in vs. 2 In that day, sing yee vnto her; A
13 O L O R D our God, other lordes vineyard of red wine.
besides thee haue had dominion ouer 3 I the L O R D doe keepe it; I
vs : but by thee only will we make men- will water it euery moment : lest any
tion of thy Name. hurt it, I will keepe it night and day.
14 They are dead, they shall not Hue; 4 Furie is not in mee : who would
they are deceased, they shall not rise: set the briars and thornes against me in
therefore hast thou visited and destroy- battell? I would ||goe through them, H Or, march
ed them, and made all their memory to I would burne them together.
perish. 5 Or let him take holde of my
15 Thou hast increased the nation, strength, that he may make peace with
O LORD, thou hast increased the na- me, and he shall make peace with me.
tion , thou art glorified; thou hadst re- 6 Hee shall cause them that come of
mooued it farre vnto all the ends of the lacob to take roote : Israel shall bios-
earth. some and budde, and fill the face of the
16 L O R D , in trouble haue they vi- world with fruite.
t Heb. secret't sited thee : they powred out a t prayer 7 II Hath hee smitten him, fas hee t Heb. accor-
speech. ding to ttie
when thy chastening was vpon them. smote those that smote him ? or is hee stroke of
17 Like as a woman with childe slaine according to the slaughter of those.
that draweth neere the time of her deli- them that are slaine by him ?
uerie, is in paine and cryeth out in her 8 In measure ||when it shooteth thou tl Or, when
pangs; so haue wee beene in thy sight, foorth, thou wilt debate with it : ||hee it foorth.
stayeth his rough winde in the day of remoueth it.he
Or, when
18 Wee haue beene with childe, wee the East winde.
9 By
acob purged. Ifaiah. The peoples fecuritie.
9 By this therefore shall the iniqui- 4 And the glorious beautie which
e of I acob be purged, and this is all is on the head of the fat valley, shall bee
le fruit, to take away his sinne : when a fading flowre, and as the hastie fruite
le maketh ail the stones of the Altar as >efore the summer: which when he that
lalke stones, that are beaten in sutl- ooketh vpon it, seeth it, while it is yet
H Or, Sttnne er, the groues and || images shall not
in his hand, he teateth it vp. Heb. swat-
stand vp. 5 IT In that day shall the LORD weth.
10 Yet the defencedcitie shall be deso- : hosts be for a crowne of glory, and
ate, and the habitation forsaken, and or a diademe of beautie vnto the residue
eft like a wildernesse : there shall the F his people:'
calfe feede, and there shall he lie downe, 6 And for a spirit of iudgement to
and consume the branches thereof. him that sitteth in iudgement, and for
11 When the boughes thereof are strength to them that turne the battell
withered) they shall be broken off: the to the gate.
women come and set them on fire: for 7 1F But they also haue erred
; is a people of no vnderstanding: through wine, and through strong
berefore hee that made them wil drinke are out of the way: the priest
not haue mercie on them, and hee that and the prophet haue erred through
brmed them, will shewe them no fa- strong drinke, they are swallowed vp oi
uour. wine : they are out of the way through
12 II And it shall come to passe in strong drinke, they erre in vision, they
bat day, that the LORD shall beate 'Stumble in iudgement. "
off from the chanell of the riuer vnto 8 For all tables are full of vomite
the streame of Egypt, and ye shall bee and filthinesse, so that there is no place
gathered one by one, O ye children of cleane.
'srael. 9 f Whome shall he teach know-
13 And it shall come to passe in that, ledge ? and whom shall he make to vn-
lay, that the great trumpet shall beei derstand tdoctrine? them that are wea- JHebr. the
>lowen, and they shall come which ned from the milke, and drawen from earing.
were ready to perish in the land of As- the breasts.
syria, and the outcasts in the land of E- 10 For precept || must be vpon precept, H Or, hath
gypt, and shall worship the LORD ini precept vpon precept, line vpon line, bene.
he holy mount at Jerusalem. line vpon line, here a title, and there a
11 For with t*stammering lips anc merings Heb. stam-
C H A P XXVIIL another tongue JJwill he speake to this lippe*
1 The Prophet threatneth Ephraim for then
people. *
l. Cor. u.
pride and drunkennesse. 5 The residue shallI 18 To whom he said, This is the rest 0 Or, he hath
be aduanced in the Kingdom of Christ. 7 H<; wherwith ye may cause the weary to rest, spoken-
rebuketh their errour. 9 Their vntowardnez3 arid this is the refreshing, yet they woulc
tolearne, 14 And their securitie. 16 Chrisifc not heare.
the sure foundation is promised. 18 Their se-
curity shalbe tried. 23 They are incited to th<\ 13 But the word of the L O R D was
consideration of Gods discreet prouidence. vnto them, precept vpon precept, pre-
cept vpon precept, line vpon line, line
Oe to the crowne of pride,, vpon line, here a litle and there a litle:

W to thedrunkards of Ephra-- that they might goe and fall backwarc

im, whose glorious beautyf and be broken, and snared, and taken,
'is a fading flowre, whichi 14 11 Wherefore heare the worde o
are on the head of the fatt the LORD, yee scornefull men, that
t Heb. bro- valleys of them that are t ouercomee rule this people which is in Jerusalem.
with wine. 15 Because ye haue said, Wee haue
% Behold, the Lord hath a mightiee made a couenant with death, and wit
and strong one, which as a tempest o:: hell are we at agreement, when the o-
haile and a destroying storme, as a flooc 3 uerflowing scourge shall passe thorow,
of mightie waters ouerflowing, shal1 it shall not come vnto vs: for wee haue
cast downe to the earth with the hand. made lies our refuge, and vnder false-
3 The crowne of pride, the drun-- hood' haue we hid our selues :
t Hebr. w-2 kards of Ephraim shall be troden tvn- i. 16 f Therefore thus saith the Lori
feete. der feete GOD, Beholde, I lay in Zion for a
The corner done, Chap.xxix. Againft lerufalem,
* Psal. 119. foundation , *a stone, a tryed stone, a tull in counsel!, ana excellent in wor-
22, matth,
21. 42. acts pretious corner stone, a sure foundati- king.
4. ll. l. pet.
2. 6, 7, «.
on : hee that beleeueth, shall not make
rom. 9. 33. haste. CHAP XXIX.
and 10. 11.
17 Judgement also will I lay to 1 Gods heauy Judgement vpon Jerusalem.
the line, and righteousnesse to the plum- 7 The vnsatiablenesse of her enemies.
9 The sencelesnesse, 13 and deepe hypo-
met : and the haile shall sweepe away crisie of the lewes. 18 A promise of san-
the refuge of lyes, and the waters shall ctification to the godly.
ouerflow the hiding place.
18 IF And your couenant with death Oe to Ariel, to Ariel ||the I Or, oh

shalbe disanulled, and your agreement citie where Dauid dwelt: Arielis the lyon of
with hell shall not stand; when the o- adde yee yeere to yeere; let of the oitie.
God: Or,
uerflowing scourge shall passe tho- them tkill sacrifices. t Heb. out off
t Heb. a rough, then yee shalbe ttroden downe 2 Yet I will distresse the heads.
downe to it. by it Ariel, and there shalbe heauinesse and
19 From the time that it goeth sorrow; and it shall be vnto mee as A-
forth, it shall take you : for morning by riel.
morning shall it passe ouer, by day and 3 Aud I will campe against thee
by night, and it shalbe a vexation, onely round about, and will lay siege against
I Or, when || to vnderstand the report. thee with a mount, and I will raise
he shall make
you to vn- £0 For the bed is shorter, then that forts against thee.
a man can stretch himselfe on it: and the 4 And thou shah bee brought
couering narrower, then that he can downe, and shah speake out of the
wrap himselfe in it. ground, and thy speach shall be low out
21 For the L O R D shall rise vp as of the dust, and thy voice shalbe as of
* 2. Sam. 5. in mount * Perazim, he shalbe wroth as one that hath a familiar spirit, out of the
20. 1. chro,
14. 13. in the valley of #Gibeon, that he may ground, and thy speach shall t whisper •\ Heb. peepe
or chirpe.
* losh. 10. doe his worke, his strange worke; and out of thje dust.
12. 2. earn.
5. 25. 1. chr. bring to passe his act, his strange act. 5 Moreouer the multitude of thy
14. 16. 22 NoW therefore be yee not moc- strangers shalbe like small dust, and the
kers , lest your bands be made strong: multitude of the terrible ones shalbe as
for I haue heard from the Lord GOD chafte, that passeth away; yea it shalbe
of hostes a consumption euen determi- at an instant suddenly,
ned vpon the whole earth. 6 Thou shah bee visited of the
23 1F Giue yee eare, and heare my LORD of hostes with thunder, and
voyce, hearken and heare my speach. with earthquake, and great noise, with
24 Doth the plowman plow all storme and tempest, and the flame of de-
day to sow ? doth he open and breake uouring fire.
the clods of his ground ? 7 1F And the multitude of all the
25 When hee hath made plaine the nations that fight against Ariel, euen
Pace thereof, doth he not cast abroad the all that fight against her and her muni-
fitches, and scatter the cummin, and cast tion, and that distresse her, shalbe as a
« Or, the in the ||principall wheate, and the ap- dreame of a night vision.
wheat in the 8 It shall euen be as when a hun-
principal pointed barly and the ||rye in their
ilace and
Parley in the
t place ? gry man dreameth , and behold he ea-
appointed 26 || For his God doth instruct him teth; but he awaketh, and his soule is
place. emptie : or as when a thirstie man drea-
II Or, spelt. to discretion, and doth teach him.
t Heb. bor- 27 For the fitches are not threshed meth, and behold he drinketh; but hee
der. awaketh, and behold he is faint, and his
t Or, ami he with a threshing instrument, neither is
bindetli it in a cart wheele turned about vpon the soule hath appetite: so shall the multi-
such sort as
God doth cummin : but the fitches are beaten out tude of all the nations bee, that fight a-
teach him. with a staffe, and the cummin with a gainst mount Zion.
rodde. 9 f Stay your selues and wonder,
28 Bread corne is bruised; because he 11cry yee out, and cry: they are drunken, your
I Or, take
will not euer be threshing it, nor breake but not with wine, they stagger, but not sure and
with strong drinke. riot.
t with the wheele of his cart, nor bruise
it with his horsemen. 10 For the L O R D hath powred out
29 This also commeth forth from vpon you the spirit of deepe sleepe, and
the L O R D of hostes, which is wonder- hath closed your eyes : the Prophets
Hypocrites, and Ifaiah. rebellious children.
Wleb,head$ and your t rulers, the Seers hath hee the house of lacob : lacob shall not
eouered. now be ashamed, neither shall his face
11 And the vsion of all is become vn- now waxe pale.
\Or>Wer. to you, as the wordes of a ||booke that 23 But when Jjee seeth his children
is sealed, which men deliuer to one that the worke of mine hands in the midst of
is learned, saying, Reade this, I pray him, they shall sanctifie my Name, $nd
thee: and hee saith, I cannot, for it is sanctifie the Holy One of lacob, and
sealed. shall feare the God of Israel.
1£ And the booke is deliuered to him S4 They also that erred in spirit
that is not learned, saying, Reade this, t shall come to vnderstanding, and they iHebr.shaU
I pray thee: and he saith, I am not that murmured, shall learne doctrine. know vn-
* Matth, 15 13 f Wherefore the Lord said, *For. CHAP. XXX.
8. mar. 7.6.
asmuch as this people draw neere mee 1 The Prophet threatneth tiie people, for their
with their mouth, and with their lips confidence in Egypt, 8 and contempt of
doe honour me, but haue remoued their Gods word. 18 Gods mercies towards his
heart farre from me, and their feare to- Church. 27 Gods wrath, and the peoples
ioy in the destruction of Assyria.
wards mee is taught by the precept of
men: Oe to the rebellious chil-

1ffeb.fto$ 14 Therefore behold, tl will pro- dren, sayth the LORD,
ceed to do a marueilous wOfrke amongst that take counsell, but not
this people, euen a marueilous worke of mee; and that couer
* ler. 49.7. and a wonder : *for the wisedome of
with a couering, but not
1. cor. 1.19. their wise men shall perish, and the vn- of my Spirit, that they
derstanding of their prudent men shall may adde sinne to sinne •
be hid. 2 That walke to goe downe into
15 Woe vnto them that seeke deepe to Egypt, (and haue not asked at my
hide their counsell from the LORD, mouth) to strengthen themselues in the
and their workes are in the darke, and strength of Pharaoh, and to trust in the
*EcclUS,S3. they say, * Who seeth vs ? and who shadow of Egypt.
knoweth vs ? 3 Therefore shall the strength of
16 Surely your turning of things Pharaoh be your shame, and the trust
vpside downe shall be esteemed as the in the shadow of Egypt, your confusion.
* Isa, 4$, 19. potters clay: for shall the * worke say of 4 For his princes were at Zoan,
him that made it, He made me not ? or and his ambassadors came to Hanes.
shall the thing framed, say of him that 5 They were all ashamed of a peo-
framed it, He had no vnderstanding ? ple that could not profit them, nor be an
17 /? it not yet a very litle while, and helpe nor profite, but a shame and also a
Lebanon shall be turned into a fruitful reproch.
field, and the fruitfull field shallbe estee- 6 The burden of the beastes of the
med as a forrest ? South: into the lande of trouble and
18 IF And in that day shall the deafe anguish, from whence come the yong
beare the words of the booke, and the and old lyon, the viper, and fierie flying
eyes of the blind shall see out of obscu- serpent, they will carie their riches vp-
ritie, and out of darkenesse on the shoulders of yong asses, and
t Heb. shall 19 The meeke also t shall increase their treasures vpon the bunches of ca-
adde. mels, to a people that shall not profite
their ioy in the LORD, and the poore a-
mong men shall reioice in the holy One them.
of Israel. 7 For the Egyptians shall helpe in
20 For the terrible one is brought to vaine, and to no purpose: Therefore
nought, and the scorner is consumed, haue I cried ||concerning this: Their fl Or, to her.
and all that watch for iniquitie are cut strength is to sit still.
off: 8 1F Now goe, write it before them
SI That make a man an offendour in a table, and note it in a booke, that it
br a word, and lay a snare for him that may bee for tthe time to come for euer t Heb. the
and euer; latter day.
reproueth in the gate, and turne aside
the iust for a thing of nought. 9 That this is a rebellious people,
%2 Therefore thus saith the LORD lying children, children that will not
who redeemed Abraham, concerning beare the Law of the LORD :
10 Which
Prophefie not. Deuouring fire.
10 Which say to the seers, See not ; ornament of thy moulten images of
and to the prophets, Prophecie not vn- gold : thou shalt tcast them away as a t Hebr. scat-
to vs right things : speake vnto vs menstruous cloth, thou shalt say vnto ter.
smooth things, prophecie deceits. it, Get thee hence.
11 Get ye out of the way : turne aside 23 Then shall he giue the raine of
out of the path : cause the Holy one of thy seed that thou shalt sow the ground
Israel to cease from before vs. withall ; and bread of the increase of the
12 Wherefore, thus saith the Holy earth, and it shalbe fat and plenteous :
one of Israel : Because ye despise this in that day shall thy cattell feed in large
II Or, fraud. word, and trust in || oppression andper- pastures.
uersnesse, and stay thereon : 24« The oxen likewise and the yong
13 Therefore this iniquitie shalbe to asses that eare the ground , shall eate
you as a breach ready to fall, swelling || cleane prouender which hath bene II Or, saitou-
rie ; Hebr.
out in a high wall, whose breaking winnowed with the shouell and with leauened.
commeth suddenly at an instant. the fanne.
14 And he shall breake it as the brea- 25 And there shall be vpon euery
\Hebr.the king of the potters t vessell, that is bro- high mountaine, and vpon euery thigh t Hebr. lif-
tottettof vp.
potters. ken in pieces, he shall not spare ; so that hill, riuers and stream es of waters, in
there shall not be found in the bursting the day of the great slaughter when the
of it, a sheard to take fire from the towers fall.
hearth, or to take water withatt out of 26 Moreouer the light of the Moone
the pit. shalbe as the light of the Sunne, and
15 For .thus saith the Lord GOD, the light of the Sunne shall be seuen-
the Holy one of Israel, In returning fold, as the light of seuen dayes, in the
and rest shall ye be saued, in quietnesse day that the LORD bindeth vp the
and in confidence shalbe your strength, breach of his people, and healeth the
and ye would not : stroke of their wound.
16 But ye said ; No, for we will flee 27 f Beholde, the Name of the
vpon horses; therefore shall ye flee. And LOED commeth from farre, burning
we will ride vpon the swift ; therefore with his anger, ||and the burden there- \\ Or, and the
shall they that pursue you, be swift. of IB theauy : his lips are full of indig- grieuousnes
17 One thousand shall flee at the re- nation, and his tongue as a deuou- uinesse. tHebr.hea-
buke of one : at the rebuke of flue, shall ring fire.
Or9 a tree ye flee, till ye be left as a (jbeacon vpon 28 And his breath as an ouerflow-
wreftof ing streame, shall reach to the midst of
ranches* or the top of a mountaine, and as an en-
signe on a hill. the necke, to sift the nations with the
18 H And therefore wil the LORD sieue of vanitie : and there shalbe a bridle
wait that he may be gracious vnto you, in the iawes of the people causing them
and therefore wil he be exalted that he to erre.
may haue mercy vpon you : for the 29 Yee shall haue a song as in the
*PsaL S. 12. LORD is a God of Judgment. * Bles- night, when a holy solemnitie is kept,
and 34. 9.
prou. 19. sed are aU they that wait for him. and gladnesse of heart, as when one go-
0. iere. 17. 19 For the people shall dwel in Zion eth with a pipe to come into the moun-
* at lerusalem : thou shalt weepe no taine of the LORD, to the t mighty \Heb.rocke.
more : hee will be very gracious vnto one of Israel.
thee, at the voice of thy cry ; when he 30 And the L O R D shall cause this t Hebr. the
shall heare it, he will answere thee. glorious voice to be heard, and shall glory voice.

20 And though the Lord giue you the shew the lighting downe of his arme,
Ort oppres- 3read of aduersitie, and the water of || af- with the indignation of his anger, and
liction, yet shall not thy teachers be re- with the flame of a deuouring fire, with
mooued into a corner any more : but scattering and tempest and hailestones.
thine eyes shall see thy teachers. 31 For through the voyce of the
21 And thine eares shall heare a LORD shall the Assyrian be beaten
word behinde thee, saying ; This is the downe, which smote with a rod. t Hebr. eue-
way, walke ye in it, when ye turne to 32 And t in euery place where the the rod foun-
the right hand, and when ye turne to grounded stafFe shall passe, which the ded, ifteor. cause
\Hsbr.the the left. LORD shall t lay vpon him, it shall be <o rest vpon
grauen ima- 22 Ye shall defile also the couering
ges of thy sil-
with tabrets and harpes : and in bat- iim. 1 Or, against
ver. of t thy grauen images of siluer, and the tels of shaking will he fight ||with it. them.
33 For
Vaine truft in man. Ifaiah. Good rulers.
t Heb. from 33 For Tophet is ordained t of olde ; 9 And hee shall passe ouer to || his I Or, his
yesterday. strength ?
yea, for the king it is prepared, he hath strong holde for feare, and his princes heb, rocke,
made it deepe and large : the pile thereof shall be afraid of the ensigne, say th the shaUpasse
away for
19 fire and much wood, the breath of the LORD, whose fire is in Zion, and his feare.
LORD, like a streame of brimstone, fornace in lerusalem.
doeth kindle it.
C H A P . XXXI 1 The blessings of Christes kingdome. 9 De-
1 The Prophet sheweth the cursed folly, in tru- solation is foreshowen. 15 Restauration is
sting to Egypt, and forsaking of God. 6 He promised, to succeede.
exhorteth to conuersion. 8 Hee sheweth
the fall of Assyria* f?rf^^§ Ehold, a King shal reigne
j$ |S)jp) in righteousnes, and prin-
56jBj3&8l5 Oe to them that goe down fr O^vw cesshalrulein Judgement.
^vl^^^yCto Egypt for helpe, and §S Q||*) J? 2 And a man shall be
^^^rapstay on horses, and trust £&S3£s=^Cfe as an hiding place from
^^§«y^in charets, because they the winde, and a couert from the tem-
^§L£^^^| are many ; and in horse- pest : as riuers of water in a drie place,
men, because they are very strong : but as the shadow of a t great rocke in a iHeb.hea-
they looke not vnto the Holy one of Is- wearie land. uie.
rael, neither seeke the LORD. 3 And the eyes of them that see, shall
2 Yet he also is wise, and will bring not be dirame ; and the eares of them
t/tekrer- euill, and wil not t call backe his words : that heare, shall hearken.
but will arise against the house of the 4? The heart also of the t rash shall )Heb.haste>
euill doers, and against the helpe of vnderstand knowledge, and the tongue
them that worke inicjuitie of the stammerers shall bee readie to
3 Now the Egyptians are men and speake ||plainely. 1! Or, ele-
not God, and their horses flesh and not 5 The vile person shall be no more
spirit: when the L O R D shall stretch called liberall, nor the churle sayd to be
out his hand, both he that helpeth shall bountifull.
fall, and hee that is holpen shall fall 6 For the vile person wil speake vil-
downe, and they all shall faile toge- lenie, and his heart will worke iniqui-
ther. tie, to practise hypocrisie, and to vtter
4 For thus hath the LORD spo- errour against the L O R D , to make
ken vnto me ; Like as the lyon and the emptie the soule of the hungry, and hee
yong lyon roaring on his pray, when will cause the drinke of the thirstie to
a multitude of shepheards is called faile.
foorth against him, he will not be afraid 7 The instruments also of the churle
of their voice, nor abase himselfe for the are euill : he deuiseth wicked deuices, to
t Or, multi- ||noyse of them : so shall the LORD of destroy the poore with lying wordes,
hostes come downe to fight for mount euen || when the needie speaketh right. il Or, when
Zion, and for the hill thereof. 8 But the liberall deuiseth liberall he speaketh
against the
5 As birds flying, so wil the LORD things, and by liberall things shall hee jtwortfin
of hostes defend lerusalem, defending || stand. 1! Or, be esta-
also hee will deliuer it,and passing ouer, 9 U Rise vp ye women that are at blished.
he will preserue it, ease: heare my voice, ye carelesse daugh-
6 1F Turne yee vnto him from ters, giue eare vnto my speech.
whom the children of Israel haue deep- 10 Many tdayes and yeeres shall ve t Heb. dayes
aboue ayere..
ly reuolted. be troubled, yee carelesse women: for
7 For in that day euery man shall the vintage shall faile, the gathering
* Cha. 2. 20. *cast away his idoles of siluer, and t'his shall not come,
t Heb. the 11 Tremble yee women that are at
idoles of his idoles of gold, which your owne hands .
golde. haue made vnto you for a sinne. ease : be trouble*d,ye carelesse ones, strip
8 f Then shall the Assyrian fall ye and make ye bare, and gird sackecloth
\0r*fyr with the sword, not of a mightie man ; vpon your loynes.
feare of the and the sword, not of a meane man, shal 12 They shall lament for the teats,
H0n/n&M- deuoure him : but hee shall flee ||from for t the pleasantfieldes, for the firuitfull t Heb. the
fields of de-
fortes hebr. the sword , and his young men shall be vine. sire.
QI tribute. II discomfited. 13 Vpon the land of my people shall
The fpoiler fpotted. Chap.xxxiij. Hypocrites feare.
li Or, bur. come vp thornes, and, briars, ||yea vpon cry without : the ambassadours of peace
ning vpvn*
£<?. all the houses of ioy in the ioyous citie. shall weepe bitterly.
14? Because the palaces shall be for- 8 The high wayes lye waste; the
saken , the multitude of the citie shall be way faring man ceaseth : he hath bro-
?! Or, clifts left, the || forts and towres shall be for <en the couenant, he hath despised the
and, watch-
towers dennes for euer, a ioy of wild asses, a cities, he regardeth no man.
pasture offlockes; 9 The earth mourneth and lan-
15 Vntill the spirit be powred vpon ruisheth : Lebanon is ashamed and
vs from on high, and the wildernesse be | hewen downe : Sharon is like a wil-redOr,away. withe-
a fruitfull field, and the fruitfull field be dernes, and Bashan and Carmel shake
counted for a forrest. off their fruits.
* Chap. 29. 16 Then * iudgement shall dwell in 10 Now will I rise, saith the LORD :
the wildernesse, and righteousnesse re- now will I be exalted, now will I lift
maine in the fruitfull field. vp my selfe.
17 And the worke of righteousnesse 11 Yee shall conceiue chaffe, yee shall
shalbe peace, and the effect of righteous- 3ring forth stubble : your breath as fire
nesse, quietnesse and assurance for euer. shall deuoure you.
18 And my people shall dwell in a 12 And the people shalbe as the bur-
peaceable habitation , and in sure dwel- nings of lyme : as thornes cut vp shall
lings, and in quiet resting places : they be burnt in the fire.
19 When it shall haile , comming 18 IT Heare yee that are farre off.
!l Or, and tht downe on theforrest; || and the citie shall what I haue done; and yee that are
citie shall be
utterly aba- be low in a low place. neere, acknowledge my might.
sed. 20 Blessed are yee that sow beside all 14» The sinners in Zion are afraid,
waters, that send forth thither the feete earefulnesse hath surprised the hypo-
of the oxe and the asse. crites : who among vs shall dwell with
the deuouring fire ? who amongst vs
C H A P . XXXIII. shall dwell with euerlasting burnings ?
1 Gods Judgements against the enemies of the 15 He that * walketh t righteously, and * PsaJ. 15. 2.
24. 3.
Church. 13 The priuiledges of the godly. and speaketh tvprightly,hee that despi- • ffeb. in
seth the gaine of || oppressions, that sha- righteous-
e to thee that spoilest, keth his hands from holding of bribes, t Hgb. vp-

^ thou wast not spoiled; that stoppeth his eares from hearing of Tightnesses.
\(\f Am
\ 1/Tf Be*
d dealest treacherously, t blood, andshutteth his eyesfromsee- ceite.
an tne
d y dealt not treache- ing euill : \Heb.btocds
usiy with thee: when 16 He shall dwell on thigh : his place iffeb.
thou shalt cease to spoile, thou shalt bee of defence shalbe the munitions of rocks, heights,
hie places.
spoiled ; and when thou shalt make an bread shalbe giuen him, his waters shall
end to deale treacherously, they shall be sure.
deale treacherously with thee. 17 Thine eyes shall see the king in
2 O LORD, be gratious vnto vs, bis beauty : they shall behold t the land \Heb.the
ana cffjam
'fi*%fi nff^tx-r\m
we haue waited for thee : be thou their that is very farre off. distance*.
arme euery morning, our saluation also 18 Thine heart shall meditate ter-
in the time of trouble. rour; Where &the Ascribe? where is the *i.Cor.i.
3 At the noise of the tumult the peo- treceiuer ? where is he that counted the 20.1&eb.
ple fled : at the lifting vp of thy selfe the towres ? weigher.
nations were scattered. 19 Thou shalt not see a fierce people,
4< And your spoile shall be gathered a people of a deeper speech then thou
like the gathering of the caterpiller : as canst perceiue ; of a || stammering tongue, I! Or, ridicu-
that thou canst not vnderstand. lous.
the running to and fro of Locusts shall
he runne vpon them. 20 Looke vpon Zion, the city of our
5 The L O R D is exalted : for hee solemnities : thine eyes shall see leru-
dwelleth on high, he hath filled Zion salem a quiet habitation, a tabernacle
with iudgement and righteousnesse. that shall not be taken downe, not one
6 And wisedome and knowledge of the stakes thereof shall euer be remo-
shall be the stabilitie of thy times, and ued, neither shall any of the coardes
\Heb.salua- strength of t saluation : the feare of the thereof be broken.
tions. L O R D is his treasure. 21 But there the glorious L O R D tofHeb. broai
spaces or
I Or, messen- 7 Behold, their || valiant ones shall will be vnto vs a place of t broad riuers hands.
Againft Idumea. Ifaiah. Gods word fure.
and streames ; wherein shall goe no gal- pences for the controuersie of Zion.
ley with oares, neither shall gallant 9 And the streames thereof shalbe
ship passe thereby, turned into pitch, and the dust thereof
22 For the L O R D is our ludge, into brimstone , and the land thereof
t Hebr. sta-
the L O R D is our tLawgiuer, the shall become burning pitch.
L O R D is our King, he wil saue vs. 10 It shal not be quenched night nor
II Or, they
23 || Thy tacklings are loosed : they day, *the smoke thereof shall goe vpfor *Reue. 18.
saken thy could not well strengthen their mast. euer : from generation to generation it 9., 18. 3.
tacklings. they could not spread the saile : then is shall lye waste, none shal passe through
the praye of a great spoile diuided, the it for euer and euer
lame take the praye. 11 H *The || cormorant and the bit- * Zeph. 2.
24 And the inhabitant shall not say; terne shall possesse it, the owle also and 4.8. reuel.
I am sicke : the people that dwel there- the rauen shall dwell in it, and he shall cane. Or.pelli-
in shalbe forgiuen their iniquitie. stretch out vpon it the line of confusion,
and the stones of emptinesse.
V-> H. X» JL . XV Xx > x. J. 1. A A • 12 They shall call the nobles there-
of to the kingdome, but none shall bee
1 The iudgements wherewith God reuengeth there, and all her Princes shall bee no-
his Church. 1 1 The desolation of her ene-
- mies. 16 The certaintieof the prophecie. thing.
,V •

13 And thornes shall come vp in her

Ume neere ye nations to palaces, nettles and brambles in the for-

f nines there-
C heare, and hearken ye peo-
pk ' let the earth heare,
and t all that is therein,
the world, and all things
that come forth of it.
;resses thereof: and it shalbe an habita-
tion of dragons, and a court for || owles. II Or, ostri.
ches. Hebr.
14 The wilde t beasts of the desert daughters
shall also meete with the t wilde beasts of' Heb*the owle.
of the Hand and the satyre shall cry to ' Heb. Ztjm* lijm.
2 For the indignation of the LORD bis felow, the ||shrichowle also shall rest H Or, night-
is vpon all nations, and his furie vpon there, & finde forher selfe a place of rest. monster.
all their armies : hee hath vtterly de- 15 There shall the great owle make
stroyed them, he hath deliuered them to her nest, and lay and hatch, and gather
the slaughter. vnder her shadow : there shall the vul-
3 Their slaine also shalbe cast out, tures also be gathered, euery one with
and their stinke shall come vp out of her mate.
their carkeises, and the mountaines 16 IT Seeke ye out of the booke of the
shalbe melted with their blood. Lord, and reade : no one of these shall
4 And all the hoste of heauen shalbe faile, none shall want her mate : for my
* Rcuel. 6. dissolued, and theheauens shalbe ^rou- mouth, it hath commaunded; and his
led together as a scrole : and all their spirit, it hath gathered them.
hoste shall fall downe as the leafe fal- 17 And he hath cast the lot for them,
* Reuel. 6. leth off from the Vine, and as a * falling and his hand hath diuided it vnto them
Jigge from the figge tree. by line ; they shall possesse it for euer,
5 For my sword shall bee bathed in from generation to generation shal
heauen • beholde, it shall copne downe they dwell therein,
vpon Idumea, and vpon the people o1
my curse to iudgement. CHAP XXXV.
6 The sword of the LO;KD is fil-
led with blood, it is made fait with fat- 1 The ioyfull flourishing of Christes King-
dome. 3 The weake are incouraged by the
nesse, and with the blood of lambes and vertues and priuiledges of the Gospel.
goates, with the fat of the kidneys oi
rammes- for the LORD hath a sa- -Hcwiiciernesse ana tne so*

crifice in Bozrah, and a great slaughter litarie place shall be glac
in the land of Idumea. for them : and the desert
II Or, Rhino. 7 And the || Vnicornes shall come
shaH reioyce and blossome
downe with them, and the bullockes as the rose
with the bulles, and their land shall be 2 It shall blossome abundantly
I Or, drun- || soaked with blood , and their dust and reioyce euen with ioy and singing
ken. the glory of Lebanon shal be giuen vn-
made fat with fatnesse
8 For it, is the day of the L O R D S to it, the excellencie of Carmel and Sha
* Chap. 63.
4. * vengeance, and the yeere of recom- ron they shall see the glory of the
ludah inuaded. Chap.xxxvj. Rabfliakeh.
L O R D , and the excellencie of our ouer the house, and Shebna the || scribe, \\0r,secreta*
God. and loah Asaphs sonne the Recorder. rie.
* Hebr. 12. 3 IT * Strengthen yee the weake 4 1T And Rabshakeh sayd vnto
hands, and confirme the feeble knees. them; Say yee now to Hezekian; Thus
\Heb.hastie. 4 Say to them that are of ta feare- saith the great king, the kingof Assyria;
* Matth. 9.
27. and 11. full heart; Be strong, feare not : behold, What confidence is this wherein thou
5. and 12. your God will come with vengeance, e-
22. and 20.
trustfest ?
30. and 21. uen God with a recompence, he will come 5 I say , (sayest thou) (but they are
14. ioh. 9. but tvaine words) ||7 haue counsell and t Heb. a
6,7. and saue you.
* Matth. 11 5 Then the *eyes of the blind shall strength for warre : Now on whom word of lips.
1 Or, but
5. mar. 7*
32. be opened, and * the eares of the deafe doest thou trust, that thou rebellest a- counsell and
strength are
* Matth. 11 shalbe vnstopped.
5. and 15.
gainst me ? for the war.
30. and 21. 6 Then shall the *lame man leape 6 Loe, thou trustest in the *staffe of * EZC. 29.
14. ioh. 5. 8, this broken reede, on Egypt ; whereon 6, 7.
), acts 3. 2. as an Hart, and the * tongue of the
and 8* 7 and dumbe sing : for in the wildernesse shall
14* 8*
if a man leane, it will goe into his hand
* Matth. 9. * waters breake out, and streames in the and pierce it : so is Pharaoh king of E-
32. and 12. desert.
22* and 15.
gypt to all that trust in him.
30. 7 And the parched ground shall be- 7 But if thou say to me ; We trust in
* Ioh. 7. 38.come a poole, and the thirstie land the LOUD our God : Is it not he, whose
springs of water : in the habitation of high places and whose altars Hezekiah
II Or9 a court dragons, where each lay, slialbe |[grasse hath taken away, and sayd to ludah
for reedes
^ with reeds and rushes. and to Jerusalem ; Yee shall worship
8 And an high way shalbe there, and before this altar ?
a way, and it shall be called the way of 8 Now therefore, giue || pledges, I ges. 11 Or, hosta-
holinesse, the vncleane shall not passe pray thee , to my master the king of
II Or, for he ouer it, || but it shall be for those : the way- Assyria, and I will giue thee two thou-
shalbe with
them. faringmen, though fooles, shall not sand horses, if thou be able on thy part
erre therein. to set rider/s vpon them.
9 No lyon shalbe there ; nor any ra- 9 How then wilt thou turne away
uenous beast shall goe vp thereon , it the face of one captaine of the least of my
shall not be found there : but the redee- masters seruants : and put thy trust on
med shall walke iliere. Egypt for charets and for horsemen ?
* Chap. 51.
10 And the * ransomed of the 10 And am I now come vp with-
LORD shall returne and come to Zi- out the LORD against this land to de-
on with songs, and euerlasting ioy vp- stroy it? the LORD sayd vnto me; Goe
on their heads : they shall obtaine ioy vp against this land and destroy it.
and gladnesse, and sorrow and sighing 11 IT Then sayd Eliakim and Sheb-
shall flee away. na & loah vnto Rabshakeh ; Speake,
I pray thee , vnto thy seruants in the
C H A P . XXXVI. Syrian language; for we vnderstand
it : and speake not to vs in the lewes
1 Sennacherib inuadeth ludah. 4 Rabsha- language, in the eares of the people that
keh sentby Sennacherib, byblasphernousper-
swasions solliciteth the people to reuolt. 32 are on the wall.
His words are told to Hezekiah. 12 If But Rabshakeh sayd ; Hath my
master sent me to thy master and to
* 2. Kings Owe #it came to passe in thee, to speake these words? Hath he not

18. 13.
2. chion. t^ie f°urteenth yeere of sent me to the men that sit vpon the wall,
k*nS Hezekiah, that Sen- that they may eate their owne dounge,
nacherib king of Assyria and drinke their owne pisse with you ?
came vp against all the de- 13 Then Rabshakeh stood, and cryed
fenced cities of ludah, and tooke them. with a loud voice in the lewes lan-
2 And the king of Assyria sent Rab- guage, and sayd; Heare ye the words of
shakeh, from Lachish to Jerusalem, the great king, the king of Assyria.
vnto king Hezekiah , with a great ar- 14 Thus saith the king; Let not
mie : and he stood by the conduit of the Hezekiah deceiue you,forhe shall not be
vpper poole in the high way of the able to deliuer you.
fullers field. 15 Neither let Hezekiah make yon
3 Then came forth vnto him E- trust in the L O R D , saying ; The
liakim Hilkiahs sonnc, which was LORD will surely deliuer vs ; this ci-
The blafphemie Ifaiah. of Rabftmkeh.
ie shall not be deliuered into the hand the Prophet the sonne of Amoz.
of the King of Assyria. 3 And they sayd vnto him; Thus
16 Hearken not to Hezekiah : for thus sayth Hezekiah, This day is a day of
II Of, teeke say th the King of Assyria, || Make an a- trouble, and of rebuke, and of ||blasphe- Or.jwuo-
by a present. greement with mee by a present , and mie : for the children are come to the cation.
Heb. make come out to mee : and eate yee euery one rirth, and there is not strength to bring
vith vne a
fessing. of his vine, and euery one of his ngge- borth.
tree, and drinke yee euery pne the wa- 4 It may be the LORD thy God
ters of his owfie cisterne : will heare the words of Rabshakeh,
17 Vntil I come and take you away whom the king of Assyria his master
to a land like your owne land, a land of lath sent to reproch the liuing God,
corne and wine , a land of bread and and will reprooue the words which the
vineyards : Lord thy God hath heard : wherefore
18 Beware lest Hezekiah perswade ift vp thy prayer for the remnant that
you, saying; The LORD will deliuer is tleft. H&found.
vs. Hath any of the gods of the nati- 5 So the seruants of King Hezeki-
ons deliuered his land out of the hand ah came to Isaiah.
of the king of Assyria ? 6 f And Isaiah sayd vnto them;
19 Where are the gods of Hamath, Thus shall yee say vnto your master,
and Arphad? where are the gods of Thus sayth the LORD, Be not afraid
Sepharuaim ? and haue they deliuered of the wordes that thou hast heard,
Samaria out of my hand P wherewith the seruants of the king oi
20 Who are they amongst all the Assyria haue blasphemed me.
gods of these landes, that haue deliue- 7 Behold , I will || send a blast vp- 0?iput*
red their land out of my hand, that the on him, and hee shall heare a rumour, pint im.
LORD should deliuer Jerusalem out and returne to his owne land , and I
of my hand ? will cause him to fall by the sword in his
21 But they held their peace, and an- owne land.
swered him not a word : for the Kings 8 f So Rabshakeh returned and
commandement was, saying ; Answere found the king of Assyria warring a-
him not. ;ain$t Libnah : for hee had heard that
22 IF Then came Eliakim the sonne be was departed, from Lachish.
of Hilkiah, that wasouer the houshold, 9 And ne heard say concerning Tir-
and Shebna the Scribe, and loah the hakah king of Ethiopia, Hee is come
sonne of Asaph the Recorder, to Heze- foorth to make warre with thee : anc
kiah with their clothes rent , and tolde when he heard it, he sent messengers to
him the wordes of Rabshakeh, Hezekiah, saying;
10 Thus shall ye speake to Hezekiah
King of ludah, saying, Let not thy
C H A P . XXXVII. God in whom thou trustest deceiue thee
1 Hezekiah mourning, sendeth to Isaiah to pra;
saying, Jerusalem shall not bee giuen
for them. 6 Isaiah cpmforteth them. 8 into the hand of the king of Assyria.
Sennacherib going to encounter Tirhakah, 11 Behold, thou hast heard what the
sendeth a blasphemous letter to Hezekiah. kings of Assyria haue done to all lands
14 Hezekiahs prayer. 21 Isaiah his pro- by destroying them vtterly, and shal
phecie of the pride, and destruction of Sen-
nacherib, and the good of Zion. 36 An tnou be deliuered ?
Angel slayeth the Assyrians. 37 Sennache- 12 Haue the gods of the nations de
rib is slaine at Nineuen by his owne sonnes. liuered them which my fathers haue
destroyed, as Gozan , and Haran , anc
* 2. King. Nd *it came to passe when Rezeph, and the children of Eden whicl

i o if
ly, 1 <XCi
ing Hezekiah heard it. were in Telassar ?
hat hee rent his clothes, 13 Where ts the king of Hamath, and
and couered himselfe with the king of Arphad, and the king of the
sacked oth, and went into citie of Sepharuaim, Hena and luah
the house of the LORD. 14 f And Hezekiah receiued the let-
2 And hee sent Eliakim, who was ter from the hand of the messengers
ouer the houshold , and Shebna the and read it, and Hezekiah went vp vnto
Scribe, and the Elders of the Priestes the house of the LORD.* and spread i
couered with sackecloth, vnto Isaial before the LORD
15 And
Hezekiahs prayer. Chap.xxxvij. Sennacherib "flaine.
15 And;Hezekiah prayed vnto the 27 tJieyefpre their inhabitants, .were
..ORD, saying, t of small power , they were dismayed I feb. short
16 O L O R D of hostes, God of and confounded : they were as the gr^se Jhantt.
srael, that dwellest betweene the Che- of the field, and as the greene herbe, as
ubims, thou art the God, euen thou a- he grasse on the house tops, and qtscgrne
one, of all the kingdom es of the earth. jlasted before it be growen vp.
thou hast made heauen and earth. 28 But I know thy || abode, and thy Or, titling.
17 Encline thine eare, O LOUD, going out, and thy comming in, and thy
and heare, Open thine eyes, O LORD, rage against me.
nd see, and heare all the wordes of 29 Because thy rage against me, and
Sennacherib, which hath sent to re- thy tumult is come vp into mine eares :
>roch the liuing G therefore will I put my hooke in thy
18 Of a trueth, LORD, the kings nose, and my bridle in thy lips, and I
Heb. lands. of Assyria haue laid waste all the t nati- will turne thee backe by the way by
ons and their countreys, which thou earnest.
Heb. giuen 19 And haue feast their gods into the 30 And this shall be a signe vnto thee,
ire : for they were no gods, but the work Ye shall eate this yeere such as groweth
of mens hands, wood and stone : ther- of it felfe : and the second yeere that
bre they haue destroyed which springeth of the same : and in the
20 Now therefore, O L O R D our third yeere sow ye and reape, and plant
Sod, saue vs from his hand, that all the vineyards, and eate the fruit thereof, '..
cingdomes of the earth may Jmowe, 31 And the t remnant that is escaped tescaping
Heb. the
that thou art the Lord, even thou of the house of ludah, shal againe take the house of
roote downeward, and beare fruite remaineth. ludah that
81 11 Then Isaiah the sonne of A- vpward.
moz sent vnto Hezekiah, saying, Thus 32 For out of lerusalem shall goe
saith the L O R D God of Israel, Wher- forth a remnant, and tthey that escape escaping. t Heb. the
as thou hast prayed to me against Sen- out of mount Zion : the *zeale of the * 2. Kings
nacherib king of Assyria : LORD of hostes shall doe this. 19. H. cha.
o nO*
,22 This is the worde which the 33 Therefore thus saith the L O U D
LORD hath spoken concerning him: concerning the king of Assyria, He shall
The virgin, the daughter of Zion hath not come into this citie, nor shoot an ar-
despised thee, and laughed thee to scorne, row there, nor come before it with
he daughter of lerusalem hath #ba- shields, nor cast a banke against it.
ken her head at thee. 34 By the way that he came, by the
.23 Whom hast thou reproched and same snail he returne, and shall not
blasphemed ? and against whpme hast come into this citie, saith the LORD.
thou exalted thy voice , and lifted vp 35 For I will * defend this citie to * 2. Kings
June eyes on high? euen against the Ho- saue it, for mine owne sake, and for my
t Heb. by the ly One of Israel. seruant Dauids sake.
hand of thy 24 t By thy seruants hast thou re- 36 Then the * Angel of the L O R D * 2. Kings
servants. 19. 35.
t Heb. the proched the Lord, and hast said, By the went forth, and smote in the campe o:
tallnesse of multitude of my charets am I come vp the Assyrians a hundred and fourescore
the cedars
thereof, and to the height of the mountaines, to the and fiue thousand : and when they a-
the chaise of
thefirre sides of Lebanon, and I wil cut downe rose earely in the morning, behold, they
trees therof. tthe tall cedars thereof, and the choise were all dead corpses.
II Or, the for
rest and his firre trees thereof: and I will enter in- 37 11 So Sennacherib king of As-
fruitfull to the height of his border, and the ||for- syria departed, and went, and returned
H Or, fenced rest of his Carmel. and dwelt at Nineueh.
and closed. 25 I haue digged and drunke water, 38 And it came to passe as hee was
II Or, Host
thou not and with the sole of my feete haue ! worshipping in the house of Nisroch
heard how
Jhauemad dried vp all the riuers of the ||besiegec his god, that Adramelech and Share-
it lone agot places. zer his sons smote him with the sword
it ofancien 26 || Hast thou not heard long agoe. and they escaped into the land of t Ar- ifftt t Heb. Ara-
times ? rat.
Should I how I haue done it, and of ancient times, menia : and Esarhaddon his sonne reig-
now bring t that I haue formed it? now haue ' ned in his stead.
to be faide
waste> and brought it to passe, that thou shouldest
defended ci- C H A P . XXXVIII.
tes to be be to lay waste defenced cities into rui-
ruinous nous heapes. 1 Hezekiah hauing receiued a message oe of
riezekiah ficke, Ifaiah. His thankefgiuing.
death, by prayer hath his life lengthened. 8 from day euen to uigbt wilt thou make
The Sunne goeth teiine degrees backward, an end of me.
for a signe of that promise. 9 His song 14 Like a crane or a swallow, so did
o an esgmmg.
chatter; I did mourne as a doue:
* 2. Kin. 21, *N those daies was Heze- mine eyes faile with looking vpward :

2. chion.
32. 24. kiah sicke vnto death : and 0 LORD, I am oppressed, ||vnder- Or-, ease
Isaiah the Prophet the take for me. me*
sonne of Amoz came vnto 15 What shall I say ? hee hath both
him, and said vnto him ; spoken vnto mee, and himselfe hath
t Hebr. giue
charge con- Thus saith the L O R D , tSet thine lone it : I shall goe softly, all my yeeres
cerning thy louse in order : for thou shalt die, and in the bitternesse of my soule,
not Hue. 16 O Lord , by these things men
2 Then Hezekiah turned his face iue : and in all these things is the life of
;oward the wall, and prayed vnto the my spirit, so wilt thou recouer me, and
L.ORD, make me to Hue.
8 And said , Remember now , O 17 Behold, ||for peace I had great Or, on my
L.ORD, I beseech thee, how I haue )itternesse, but t thou hast in loue to my peace
great bit-
walked before thee in trueth, and with soule deliu&red it from the pit of corrup- ernesse.
Hebr. thou
a perfect heart, and haue done that tion : for thou hast cast all my sinnes t>e- hastloued
which is good in thy sight : and Heze-^ linde thy backe me from the
• Hebr. with dah wept tsore. 18 For the graue cannot praise thee,
Teat wee*
ping. 4 IT Then came the word of the death cannot celebrate thee : they that
^•ORD to Isaiah, saying, goe downe into the pit cannot hope for
5 Goe and say to Hezekiah, Thus ;hy trueth,
aith the LORD, the God of Dauid 19 The liuing, the liuing , hee shall
ihy father; I haue heard thy prayer, I >raise thee, as I doe this day : the father
laue seene thy teares : behold, I will ;o the children shall make knowen thy
adde vnto thy dayes fifteene yeeres. trueth.
6 And I will deliuer thee and this SO The LORD was ready to saue
citie, out of thehand of the king of Assy- me : therefore we will sing my songs to
ria : and I will defend this citie. the stringed instruments, all the dayes
7 And this shall be a signe vnto thee of our life, in the house of the LORD.
from the LORD, that the LORD 21 For Isaiah had said , Let them
will doe this thing that he hath spoken. take a lumpe of figges, and lay it for a
8 Behold, I will bring againe the Jaister vpon the boile, and he shall re-
shadqw of the degrees which is gone souer.
t Hebr. de- downe in the tSunne-diall of Ahaz ten 22 Hezekiah also had said, What ?> the
grees by, or
with the degrees backward: so the Sunne re- signe, that I shall goe vp to the house
Sunne. ;urned ten degrees , by which degrees of the LORD ?
it was gone downe.
9 f The writing of Hezekiah king C H A P . XXXIX
of ludah, when he had bene sicke, anc
was recouered of his sicknesse : 1 Merodach Baladan sending to visit Hezekiah
because of the wonder, hath notice of his
10 I saide in the cutting off of my treasures. 3 Isaiah vnderstanding thereof,
dayes ; I shall goe to the gates of the foretelleth the Babylonian captiuitie.
graue ; I am depriued of the residue o
my yeeres. * T that time Merodach * 2. Kin. 20.

11 I said, I shal not see the LORD, Baladan the sonne of Ba- 12. &C.
cucn the LORD in the land of the li- ladan kincr of Babylon.
uing : I shal behold man no more with sent letters and a preseni
flip inliaViif-anfc n'f* flip wrvrlrl to Hezekiah: for hee had
12 Mine age is departed, and is re- heard that he had bene sicke , and was
moued from me as a shepheards tent : recouered.
I haue cut off like a weauer my life : he £ And Hezekiah was glad of them
li Or, From will cut mee off ||with pining sicknesse: and shewed them the house of his || pre- I Or,sjricery.
the thrum.
from day euen to night wilt thou make cious things, the siluer, and the golde
an end of me. and the spices, and the previous oynt-
13 I reckoned till morning, that as a ment, and all the house of his || armour H Or, jewels.
Lyon so will hee breake all my bones : and all that was found in his treasures heb. vessels
or instru-
there ments.
Of John Baptift. Chap.xl. All fleth is grafle.
there was nothing in his house, nor in be repealed, and all flesh shall see it toge-
all his dominion, that Hezekiah shewed ther : for the mouth of the LORD
them not. hath spoken it.
3 11 Then came Isaiah the Prophet 6 The voyce sayd ; Cry. And hee
vnto King Hezekiah , and sayde vnto sayd; What shall I cry? * All flesh is * lob. 14. 2.
him, What sayd these men ? and from grasse, and all the goodlinesse thereof is psal. 112.
and 103. 15
whence came they vnto thee ? And He- as the flowre of the field. iam. 1. 10. i.
zekiah said, They are come from a farre 7 The grasse withereth, the flowre pet. 1. 24.
countrey vnto me, euen from Babylon. fadeth; because the spirit of the L O R D
4 Then said hee, What haue they bloweth vpon it ; surely the people is
seene in thine house ? And Hezekiah an- grasse.
swered, All that is in mine house haue 8- The grasse withereth, the flowre
they seene ; there is nothing among fadeth : but the * word of our God shall * lohn 12.
24. i. pet. i.
my treasures, that I haue not shewed stand for euer. 25.
them. 9 IF || O Zion, that bringest good ty- II Or, 0 thou
that tellest
5 Then sayde Isaiah to Hezekiah, dings, get thee vp into the high moun- good tidings
Heare the word of the L O R D of taine : || O lerusalem , that brhigest n UTZion.
t u inou
1 f}f ft t'hfvti
hostes. good tidings, lift vp thy voyce with that tellest
6 Behold, the dayes come, that all strength, lift it vp, be not afraid : say vn- tolerusalem,
good tidings
that is in thine house, and that which to the cities of ludah ; Behold' your
thy fathers haue laide vp in store, vntill God.
this day, shalbe caried to Babylon : no- 10 Behold, the Lord GOD will come
thing shalbe left, saith the LORD. || with strong hand, and his arme shall B Or, against
7 And of thy sonnes that shall issue rule for him : behold , * his reward is the strong.
* Chap. 62
from thee, which thou shalt beget, shall with him, and ||his worke before him. 11. P
8 0»v recom-
they take away ; and they shall bee Eu- 11 He shall *feede his flocke like a pencefor his
nuches in the palace of the king of Ba- shepheard : he shall gather the lambes worke. * Eze. 34.
bylon. with his arme, and c&rie them in his bo- 23. ioh. 10.
8 Then sayde Hezekiah to Isaiah, some, and shall gently lead those ({that 11. 1 Or that
Good is the word of the LORD which are with yoong. giue sucke*
thou hast spoken : hee sayd moreouer, 1& U Who hath measured the wa-
For there shalbe peace and trueth in my ters in the hollow of his hand ? and me-
dayes. ted out heauen with the spanne , and
comprehended the dust of the earth in
C H A P XL. ta measure, and weighed the mpun- \Heb.a L tcTce*
taines in scales , aud the hilles in a ba-
1 The promulgation of the Gospel. 3 The lance ?
preaching of lohn Baptist. 9 The preach- 13* Who hath directed! the spirit of • Wisd. 9.
ing of the Apostles. 12 The Prophet by the LORD> or, being this counseller, 34. la. rom. 11.
the omnipotencie of God, 18 and nis in- 1. cor. 2.
comparablenes, 26 comforteth the people. hath taught him ? 10.
t Heb. man
14? With whom tooke he counsell, of Ms cowri.
Omfort ye, comfort ye my and who t instructed him , and taughtsell.

t Heb» made
people, sayth your God. him in the path of lodgement ? and him vnder-
\Heb.totte £ Speake ye t comfor- taught him knowledge, and shewed to
\eart. tably to lerusalem, and him the way of t vnderstanding ? \ Heb. vn»
cry vnto her , that her 15 Behold, the nations are as a drop der stan-
\\0r-, appoin- || warrefare is accompli- of a bucket, and are counted as the small
ted time. shed, that her iniquitie is pardoned : for dust of the balance : behold, hee taketh
shee hath receiued of the L O R D S vp the yles as a very litle thing.
hand double for all her sinnes. 16 And Lebanon is not sufficient to
* Mat. 3. 3. 3 f *The voyce of him that cryeth burne, nor the beasts thereof sufficient
mark. 1. 3. for a burnt offring.
uke 3. 4. in the wildernesse, Prepare yee the way
ioh. 1. 23. of the LORD, make straight in the de- 17 All nations before him are as * no- •Dan. 4.
sert a high way for our God. thing, and they are counted to him lesse 32.
4 Euery valley shalbe exalted, and then nothing, and vanitie.
euery mountains and hill shalbe made 18 11 To whom then will ye * liken •ActS.17.
II Or, a
straight low ; and the crooked shall be made God P or what likenesse will ye compare 80.
dace. || straight, and tfie rough places ||plaine. vnto him ?
place. 5 And the glory of the LORD shall 1 9 The workeman melteth a graueti
Gods power, and Ifaiah. prouidence for his.
image, and the goldsmith spreadeth it mercies to the Church, 10 about his promi-
ouer with golde, and casteth siluer ses, 21 and about the vanity of Idoles.
chaines. Eepe silence before me, O
t Heb. Is
20 He that t& so impouerished that
wore of ob- ic hath no oblation, chooseth a tree that
will not rot ; he seeketh vnto him a cun-
ning workeman, to prepare a grauen
K y lands, and let the people
renew their strength : let
| t^iem come neere» then let
them speake : let vs come
image that shall not be mooued. neere together to iudgement.
21 Haue yee not knowen ? haue yee 2 Who raised vp tthe righteous t Heb. righ-
not heard ? hath it not beene tolde you man from the East , called him to his teousnesse.
from the beginning? haue yee not vn- foote, gaue the nations before him, and
derstood from the foundations of the made him rule ouer kings ? hee gaue
earth ? them as the dust to his sword, and as dri-
1! Or, him uen stuble to his bow.
22 1| It is he thatsitteth vpon the circle
that sitteth,
4fC. of the earth, and the inhabitants there- 3 He pursued them, and passed t safe- 1 Heb. in
* Psa. 104. 2. of are as grashoppers ; that * stretcheth ly; euen by the way, that hee had not peace.
out the heaxiens as a curtaine, and gone with his feete.
spreadeth them out as a tent to dwel in: 4 Who hath wrought and done ft,
* lob 12. 21. 23 That bringeth the * princes to no- calling the generations from the begin-
>sa. 107* 40.
thing; hee maketh the Judges of the ning? I the LORD the *first, and with *10.Chap. 43.
and 44.
earth as vanitie. the last, I am he. 6. and 48.
24 Yea they shal not be planted, yea 5 The yles saw it and feared, the 12. reu. 1.
17. and 22.
they shall not be sowen, yea their stocke ends of the earth were afraid, drew 13.
shall not take roote in the earth : and he neere, and came.
shall also blow vpon them, & they shall 6 They helped euery one his neigh-
wither, and the whirlewinde shall take bour, and euery one sayd to his brother,
them away as stubble. t Be of good courage. t Heb. be
25 To whom then will ye liken me, 7 So the carpenter encouraged the strong.
or shal I be equall, saith the Holy One? || goldsmith, and lie that smootheth with II Or, foun-
26 Lift vp your eyes on high, and the hammer || him that smote the an- der. 11 Or, the smi-
behold who hath created these things. uill , || saying ; It is ready for the sode- ting.
that bringeth out their host by number : ring : and he fastened it with nayles ofII Or, saying
the soder.
he calleth them all by names, by the that it should not be moued. it is good.
greatnesse of his might, for that hee is 8 But thou Israel, art my seruant,
strong in power, not one faileth. lacob whom I haue * chosen, the seede *Deut. 7. 6.
and 10. 15.
27 Why sayest thou, O lacob, and of Abraham my * friend. and 14. 2.
speakest O Israel, My way is hid from 9 Thou whom I haue taken from chau 135. psal.
43. 1
the LORD, and my Judgement is pas- the ends of the earth , and called thee and 44. i. *
sed ouer from my God ? from the chiefe men thereof, and sayd 20. *2. Chron.
7. lam*
28 1T Hast thou not knowen ? hast vnto thee; Thou art my seruant, I 2. 23*.
thou not heard, that the euerlasting haue chosen thee , and not cast thee a-
God, the LORD, the Creatour of the way.
ends of the earth, fainteth not, neither 10 IT Feare thou not, for I am with
*Psa.l47.5. is wearie ? * there is no searching of his thee : be not dismaied, for I am thy
vnderstanding. God : I will strengthen thee, yea I will
29 He giueth power to the faint, and helpe thee, yea I will vphold thee with
to them that haue no might, he increa- the right hand of my righteousnesse.
se th strength. 11 Behold, all they that were incen-
30 Euen the youths shall faint, and sed against thee, shalbe** ashamed and *EKOd.23.
be weary, and the yong men shall vtter- confounded : they shall be as nothing, 22. chap.
60. 12.
ly fall. and tthey that striue with thee, shall Zech. 12. 3.
t Heb. the
31 But they that waite vpon the perish. men of thy
\H exchange LORD, shall t renew their strength : 12 Thou shalt seeke them, and shalt strife.
they shall mount vp with wings as Ea- not find them, euen tthem that conten- t Heb. the
gles, they shal runne and not be weary, ded with thee : tthey that warre against men of thy
and they shall walke, and not faint. thee shalbe as nothing , and as a thing t Heb. the
of nought. men of thy
C H A P . XLI. 13 For I the LORD thy God will
1 God expostulated! with his people, about his hold thy right hand, saying vnto thee,
What idoles are. Chap.xlij. Chrifts Office.
Feare not, I will helpe thee. ginning* that we may know ? and be-
14 Feare not, thou worme lacob, fore time, that we may say, He is righte-
i Or, few and ye || men of Israel : I will helpe ous ? yea there is none that sheweth,
men. thee, saith the L O R D , and thy Re- yea there is none that declareth, yea
deemer, the Holy One of Israel there is none that heareth your words.
15 Behold, I will make thee a new 27 The first shall say to Zion, Behold,
sharpe threshing instrument hauing behold them, and I will giue to leru-
t Hebr. t teeth : thou shah thresh the moun- salem one that bringeth good tidings.
mouthes. taines, and beate them small, and shalt 28 For I behelde, and there was no
make the hilles as chaffe. man, euen amongst them, and there
16 Thou shalt fanne them, and the was no counsellor, that when I asked of
winde shall carie them away, and the them, could t answere a word. MJeb r*
whirlewinde shall scatter them • and 29 Behold, they are all vanitie, their turne
thou shalt reioyce in. the LORD, and works are nothing : their moulten ima
shalt glory in the Holy One of Israel. ges are winde and confusion.
17 When the poore and needle seeke
water and there isnone>atid their tongue C H A P . XLII.
faileth for thirst, I the Lord will heare
them, / the God of Israel will not for- 1 and The Office of Christ, graced with meelcenes
constancie. 5 Gods promise vnto him. 10
sake them. An exhortation to praise God for his Gospel.
* Chap. 35.' 18 I will open * riuers in hie places, 17 He reproueth the people of incredulitie.
7. and 44. 3,
and fountaines in the midst of the val-
* Psal. 107- leys : I will make the * wildernesse a hold *my seruant whome •Mat, 12.
poole of water, arid the dry land springs
of water.
19 I will plant in the wildernes the B ^ vPn°W, mine elect in zvhom 18.
y sou^e *delighteth : I • Mat
aue put my Spirit vpon and
Cedar, the Shittah tree, and the Myr- him, he shall bring forth Judgement to
3. 17-
17* 5.
eph. 1. 6.

tle, and the Oyle tree : I will set in the the Gentiles.
desert the Firre tree, and the Pine and 2 Hee shall not crie, nor lift vp,
the Boxe tree together: nor cause his voyce to bee heard in the
20 That they may see, and knowe, streete.
and consider, and vnderstand together, 3 A bruised reed shall he not breake,
that the hand of the L O R D hath done and the || smoking flaxe shall hee not I Or, dimly
this, and the Holy One of Israel hath t quench : he shall bring forth iudgment tturning. Hebr.
created it. vnto trueth. quench it.
t Heb. cause 21 t Produce your cause , saith the 4 He shall not faile nor be t discoura- !• Heb. 6ro.
to come
neere* LORD, bring foorth your strong rea- ged, till he haue set Judgement in the '(en*
sons, saith the King of lacob. earth ; and the yles shall waite for his
28 Let them bring them foorth, and lawe.
shew vs what shall happen : let them 5 f Thus saith God the LORD,
shew the former things what they bee, he that created the heauens, and stret-
t Heb. set that we may t consider them, and know ched them out, he that spread foorth the
our heart
vpon them. the latter end of them, or declare vs earth, and that which commeth out of
things for to come. it, he that giueth breath vnto the people
23 Shewe the things that are to vpon it, and spirit to them that walke
come hereafter, that wee may knowe therein :
that ye are gods : yea doe good or (Joe 6 I the LORD haue called thee in
euill, that we may be dismayed, and be- righteousnes, and wil hold thine hand,
hold it together. and will keepe thee, and giue thee for a
1 Or, worse
then nothing
24 Behold, ye are || of nothing, and couenant of the people, for * a light of * Chap. 49.
6. luk. 2. 32
I Or, worse your worke || of nought : an abominati- the Gentiles : acts. 13. 47.
then of a
on is he that chooseth you. 7 To open the blind eyes, to * bring *Chap. 81.
25 I haue raised vp one from the out the prisoners from the prison, and 1.
North, and he shall come : from the ri- them that sit in * darkenesse out of the • Luk. 4. 18
heb. 2. 14,
sing of the Sunne shall he call vpon my prison house. 15. cha. 9. 2.
name, and he shall come vpon princes as 8 I am the L O R D ; that is my
vpon morter, and as the potter trea- name, and my # glory will I not giue * CHap. 48.
deth clay. to another, neither my praise to grauen 11.
26 Who hath declared from the be- images.
9 Behold,
The corner done, Chap.xxix. Againft lerufalem,
* Psal. 119. foundation , *a stone, a tryed stone, a full in counsell, and excellent in wor-
22, matth,
21. 42. acts pretious corner stone, a sure foundati- king.
4. ll. l. pet. on : hee that beleeueth, shall not make
2. 6, 7, «.
rom. 9. 33. haste. C H A P XXIX.
and 10. 11.
17 Judgement also will I lay to 1 Gods heauy Judgement vpon Jerusalem.
the line, and righteousnesse to the plum- 7 The vnsatiablenesse of her enemies.
9 The sencelesnesse, 13 and deepe hypo-
met : and the haile shall sweepe away crisie of the lewes. 18 A promise of san-
the refuge of lyes, and the waters shall ctification to the godly.
ouerflow the hiding place.
18 IF And your couenant with death Oe to Ariel, to Ariel ||the I Or, oh

shalbe disanulled, and your agreement citie where Dauid dwelt: Arielis the lyon of
with hell shall not stand; when the o- adde yee yeere to yeere; let of the oitie.
God: Or,
uerflowing scourge shall passe tho- them tkill sacrifices. t Heb. out off
t Heb. a rough, then yee shalbe ttroden downe , 2 Yet I will distresse the heads.
treading Ariel, and there shalbe heauinesse and
downe to it. by it
19 From the time that it goeth sorrow; and it shall be vnto mee as A-
forth, it shall take you : for morning by riel.
morning shall it passe ouer, by day and 3 Aud I will campe against thee
by night, and it shalbe a vexation, onely round about, and will lay siege against
H Or, when || to vnderstand the report. thee with a mount, and I will raise
he shall makt
you to un- 20 For the bed is shorter, then that forts against thee.
a man can stretch himselfe on it: and the 4 And thou shalt bee brought
couering narrower, then that he can downe, and shalt speake out of the
wrap himselfe in it. ground, and thy speach shall be low out
21 For the L O R D shall rise vp as of the dust, and thy voice shalbe as of
* 2. Sam. 5. in mount * Perazim, he shalbe wroth as one that hath a familiar spirit, out of the
20. 1. chro, ground, and thy speach shall t whisper •\ Heb. peepe
14. 13. in the valley of #Gibeon, that he may or chirpe.
* losh. 10. doe his worke, his strange worke; and out of thje dust.
12. 2. earn.
5. 25. 1. chr. bring to passe his act, his strange act. 5 Moreouer the multitude of thy
14. 16. 22 NoW therefore be yee not moc- strangers shalbe like small dust, and the
kers , lest your bands be made strong: multitude of the terrible ones shalbe as
for I haue heard from the Lord GOD chaffe, that passeth away; yea it shalbe
of hostes a consumption euen determi- at an instant suddenly,
ned vpon the whole earth. 6 Thou shalt bee visited of the
23 1F Giue yee eare, and heare my LORD of hostes with thunder, and
voyce, hearken and heare my speach. with earthquake, and great noise, with
24 Doth the plowman plow all storme and tempest, and the flame of de-
day to sow ? doth he open and breake uouring fire.
the clods of his ground ? 7 1F And the multitude of all the
25 When hee hath made plaine the nations that fight against Ariel, euen
Pace thereof, doth he not cast abroad the all that fight against her and her muni-
fitches, and scatter the cummin, and cast tion, and that distresse her, shalbe as a
it Or, the in the ||principall wheate, and the ap- dreame of a night vision.
wheat in the 8 It shall euen be as when a hun-
principaU pointed barly and the ||rye in their
ilace and
Parley in the
t place ? gry man dreameth , and behold he ea-
appointed 26 || For his God doth instruct him teth; but he awaketh, and his soule is
place. emptie : or as when a thirstie man drea-
II Or, spelt. to discretion, and doth teach him.
t Heb. bor- 27 For the fitches are not threshed meth, and behold he drinketh; but hee
der. awaketh, and behold he is faint, and his
t Or, ami he with a threshing instrument, neither is
bindetk it in a cart wheele turned about vpon the soule hath appetite: so shall the multi-
such sort as
God doth cummin : but the fitches are beaten out tude of all the nations bee, that fight a-
teach him. with a staffe, and the cummin with a gainst mount Zion.
rodde. 9 f Stay your selues and wonder,
28 Bread corne is bruised; because he 11cry yee out, and cry: they are drunken, your
I Or, tajcd
will not euer be threshing it, nor breake but not with wine, they stagger, but not sure and
with strong drinke. riot.
t with the wheele of his cart, nor bruise
it with his horsemen. 10 For the L O R D hath powred out
29 This also commeth forth from vpon you the spirit of deepe sleepe, and
the L O R D of hostes, which is wonder- hath closed your eyes : the Prophets
Gods loue to Chap.xliiij. his chofen people.
9 Let all the nations be gathered 23 Thou hast not brought mee the
together, and let the people be assem- |small cattell of thy burnt offrings, nei- Heb, lambs
* Chap. 41. bled : *who among them can declare ther hast thou honoured mee with thy or kids.
this , and shew vs former things ? let sacrifices. I haue not caused thee to
them bring foorth their witnesses , that serue with an offring, nor wearied thee
they may be iustified : or let them heare, with incense.
and say, It is trueth. %4s Thou hast bought mee no sweete
10 Yee are my witnesses , saith the cane with money, neither hast thou t fil- Heb. made
L O R D , and my seruant whom I led mee with the fat of thy sacrifices: but me drunke:
haue chosen : that ye may know and be- thou hast made mee to serue with thy y moistened.
leeue me, and vnderstand that I am he: sins, thou hast wearied mee with thine
*Cha. 41.4. * before me there was ||no God formed,
and 44. 8.
li Or, nothing neither shall there be after me. 25 I, euen 1 am hee that *blotteth * Ezek. 36.
formed of
\jtWf »
11 I, euen I *am the LORD, and be- out thy transgressions for mine owne 22» &C.
* Chap. 45. side me there is no Sauiour. sake, and will not remember thy sinnes.
21. ose. 13. 12 I haue declared, and haue saued, 26 Put mee in remembrance : let vs

and I haue shewed, when there was plead together : declare thou, that thou
no strange God among you : therefore mayest bee iustified.
yee are my witnesses, saith the LORD, 27 Thy first father hath sinned, and
that I am God. thy t teachers haue transgressed against tiretSTSt
Heb. inter-
13 Yea before the day was> I am hee; mee.
and there is none that can deliuer out of 28 Therefore I haue profaned the
my hand : I will worke, and who shall Uprinces of the Sanctuarie , and haue II Or t holy
t Heb. turne t*letit?
it backs.
giuen lacob to the curse, and Israel to princes,
* lob 9. 12. 14 If Thus sayth the L O R D your reproches.
chap. 14. 17 Redeemer, the Holy one of Israel; For
your sake I haue sent to Babylon, and C H A P . XLiiH.
iHekbarres haue brought downe all their t nobles,
and 1 God comforteth the Church with his promi-
i_ • the Caldeans , whose crie is in the ses. 7 The vanity of Idols, 9 and folly 01
shippes. Idolmakers. 21 He exhorteth to prayse God
15 I am the LORD, your Holy one, for his redemption and omnipotency.
the Creatour of Israel, your King.
16 Thus sayth the LORD, which Et now heare, * O lacob * Cha. 41. 8.

* Bxod. 14. *maketh a way in the sea, and *a path iy seruant, and Israel and 43. 6.
iere. 30. 10.
* losh. 3.
in the mightie waters : whom I haue chosen. and 46. 27.
17 Which bringeth foorth the charet 2 Thus sayeth the
and horse, the armie and the power: IQ^Ogr^l? L O R D that made thee,
they shall lie downe together, they shall and formed thee from the woinbe, whicl
not rise : they are extinct, they are quen- wil helpe thee: Feare not, O lacob, my
ched as towe. seruant , and thou lesurun, whom I
18 f Remember yee not the former haue chosen.
things , neither consider the things of 3 For I will *powre water vpon * Cha, 35. 7.
olde. him that is thirstie , and floods vpon ioel 2. 28.
ioh. 7. 38.
* 2. Cor. e. 19 Behold, I will doe a *new thing: the dry ground : I will powre my spirit acts 2. 18.
17. reuel. now it shall spring foorth, shall yee not vpon thy seede, and my blessing vpon
know it ? I will euen make a way in thine offspring:
the wildernesse, and riuers in the de- 4 And they shall spring vp as among
sert. the grasse, as willowes by the water
20 The beast of the field shall honor courses.
11 Or, ostri- mee, the dragons and the ||owles, be- 5 One shall say, I am the LORDS
ches. Hebr.
daughters of cause I giue waters in the wildernesse, and another shall call himselfe by the
the owte. and riuers in the desert, to giue drinke name of lacob : and another shall sub-
to my people, my chosen. scribe with his hand vnto the LORD,
* Luke I. 21 * This people haue I formed for and surname himselfe by the name o:
74, 75.
my selfe, they shall shewe foorth my Israel.
praise. 6 Thus saith the LORD the king
22 f But thou hast not called vpon of Israel and his redeemer the £ORD * Cha. 41.4.
and 48. 12.
me, O lacob, but thou hast beene wea- of hostes, *I am the first, and I am the reuel. i. 8,
rie of me, O Israel. last, and besides me there is no God. 22.17. and
7 And
Vanitie of I doles, Ifaiah. and Idolaters.
7 And who 9 as I, shall call, and )eliuer me, for thou art my God.
ball declare it, and set it in order for me, 18 They haue not know en, nor vn-
ince I appointed the ancient people? erstood: for he hath tshut their eyes, Heb, daw.
nd the things that are comming, and lat they cannot see ; and their hearts, d.
hall come ? let them shew vnto them. bat they cannot vnderstand.
8 Feare yee not , neither be afraid : 19 And none t considereth in his Heb. set-
laue not I told thee from that time, leart , neither is tliere knowledge nor heart.
and hauo declared it ? yee are euen my vnderstanding to say; I haue burnt
witnesses. Is there a God besides me? )art of it in the fire, yea also I haue ba-
* Chap. 45. yea * there is no tGod, I know not ted bread vpon the coales thereof : I
5. deut. 4.
35. 39. and any. laue rosted flesh and eaten it; and shall
32. 39. 1. 9 U They that make a grauen make the residue thereof an abomi-
sam. 2. 2.
Heb.rocke. mage are all of them vanitie, and their nation? shall I fall downe to tthe^tocke Heb. that
t which comes
'vreable. •delectable things shall not profit , and of a tree ? fa tree.
*Psal. 115. they are their owne witnesses, *they see £0 He feedeth of ashes : a deceiued
4. &C.
not, nor know ; that they may be asha- leart hath turned him aside , that he
med. cannot deliuerhis soule, nor say ; Is there
10 Who hath formed a God, of moul- not a lie in my right hand ?
ten a grauen image that is profitable for 21 11 Remember these (O lacob
nothing ? and Israel) for thou art my seruant: 1
11 Behold, all his fellowes shall be laue formed thee : thou art my seruant,
* Psal. 49. 7 * ashamed : and the workemen, they are O Israel ; thou shall not be forgotten
*nap. i. 29.
and 42. 17. of men : let them all be gathered toge- of me.
and 45. 16. ther ,let them standrp ;yet they shalfeare, 22 I haue blotted out, as a thicke
and they shalbe ashamed together. cloude , thy transgressions , and as a
* ler. 10. 3.
wisd. 13. 11
12 * The smith || with the tonges a cloud, thy sinnes: returne vnto me, for
II Or, with Doth worketh in the coales, and fashio- [ haue redeemed thee.
an axe. neth it with hammers, and worketh it 23 Sing, O yee heauens; for the
with the strength of his armes : yea he L O R D hath done it : shout yee lowe
is hungrie, and his strength faileth; hee parts of the earth : breake forth into
drinketh no water, and is faint. singing yee mountaines, O forrest am
13 The carpenter stretchetli out his euery tree therein : for the LORD hat]
rule : he maketh it out with the line : he redeemed lacob, and glorified himselfe
Stteth it with planes, and he marketh in Israel.
it out with the compasse, and maketh it 24? Thus saith the L O R D thy re
after the figure of a man, according to deemer , and he that formed thee from
the beautie of a man ; that it may re- the wombe; I am the LORD tha
maine in the house. maketh all things, that stretcheth fort)
14 He heweth him downe cedars, the heauens alone , that spreadeth a-
and taketh the Cypresse and the Oke, broad the earth by my selfe :
II Or, taketh which he ||strengthneth for himselfe a- 25 That frustrateth the tokens o:
courage. mong the trees of the forrest : he plan- the lyers, and maketh diuiners mad
teth an Ashe , and the raine doth nou- that turneth wisemen backward, anc
rish it. maketh their knowledge foolish :
15 Then shall it bee for a man to 26 That confirmed! the word of hi
burner for hee will take thereof am seruant, and per form eth the counsell o
warme himselfe ; yea he kindleth it anc his messengers, that saith to lerusa
baketh bread; yea he maketh a God lem , Thou shalt be inhabited ; and t
and worshippeth it : he maketh it a gra- the cities of ludah , Yee shall be built
uen image, and faileth downe thereto. and I will raise vp the t decayed place \Heb.
16 He burneth part thereof in the thereof.
fire : with part thereof he eateth flesh : 27 That saith to the deepe ; Be dry
he rosteth rost, and is satisfied : yea hee and I will drie vp thy riuers.
warmeth himselfe^ and saith ; Aha, I am 28 That saith of Cyrus , Hee is m
warme, I haue seene the fire. shepheard, and shall performe all m
17 And the residue thereof he ma- pleasure, euen saying to lerusalem
keth a God, euen his grauen image : hee *Thou shalt be built, and to the Tern * 2. Chron.
36. 22. ezr.
faileth downe vnto it, and worshippet pie. Thy foundation shalbe laid. 1. 1. chap.
it , and prayeth vnto it , and saith ; 45. 13.
Cyrus called. Chap.xlv. God onely Lord.
liaue stretched out the heauens, and all
d H A R XLV. their hoste haue I commanded.
1 God calleth Cyrus for his Churches sake. 5 13 I haue raised him vp in righte-
By his omnipotencie he challengeth obedi- ousnesse, and I will || direct all his I Or. make
ence. 20 Hee conuinceth the idoles of va-
nitie, hy his sauing power. wayes: he shall * build-my citie, and hee straight.
* Chron. 36
shall let goe my captiues, not for price 22. ezra. 1.1
cha. 44. 28
S^^p^jfi Hus saith the L O R D to nor reward, saith the LORD of hosts.

his Anointed, to Cyrus 14 Thus saith the LORD, The
whose right hande 1 labour of Egypt, and merchandise of
D Or, streng ||haue holden, to subdue Ethiopia, and of the Sabearis, men of
thened. nations before him: and stature shall come ouer vnto thee, and
I will loose the loines of kings to open they shall be thine, they shall come after
before him the two leaued gates , and thee, in chaines they shall come ouer :
the gates shall not be shut. and they shal fall downe vnto thee, they
2 I will goe before thee, and makfe shal make supplication vnto thee, saying,,
the crooked places straight, I wil break Surely God is in thee, and there is none
in pieces the gates of brasse, and cut in else, there is no god.
sunder the barres of yron. 15 Verely thou art a God that hidest
3 And I will giue thee the treasures thy selfe, O God of Israel the Saui-
of darkenesse, & hidden riches of secret our.
places, that thou mayest know, that I 16 They shall be ashamed, and also
the L O R D which call thee by thy confounded all of them : they shall goe
name, am the God of Israel. to confusion together that are * makers*Chap.44.
4 For lacob my seruarits sake, and of idoles.
Israel mine elect , I haue euen called 17 But Israel shall bee saued in the
thee by thy name : I haue surnamed L O R D with an euerlasting saluation :
thee, though thou hast not knowen me. ye shall not be ashamed nor confounded
* Deu. 4.35 5 IT I * am the Lord, and there is none world without end.
39. and 32.
39. chap. els, there is no God besides me: I girded 18 For thus saith the L O R D that
44. 8. thee, though thou hast not knowen me: created the heauens, God himselfe that
6 That they may knowe from the formed the earth and made it, hee hath
rising of the Sun, and from the West, established it, he created it not in vaine,
that there is none besides me, I am the he formed it to be inhabited, I am the
LORD, and there is none else. LORD, and there is none else.
7 I forme the light, and create 19 I haue not spoken in * secret, in a * Deut. 30.
darkenesse : I make peace, and create darke place of the earth : I said not vn- u.
euill : I the LORD do all these things. to the seed of Idcob, Seeke ye mee in
8 Drop downe, ye heauens, from a- vaine ; I the L O R D speake righte-
3oue, and let the skies powre downe ousnesse , I declare things that are
righteousnesse : let the earth open, and right.
et them bring forth saluation, and let 20 1f Assemble your seliies and
righteousnesse spring vp together : I come : draw neere together ye that are
the LORD haue created it. escaped of the nations; they haue no
9 Woe vnto him that striueth with knowledge that set vp the wood of
lis maker: Let the potsheard striue their grauen image, and pray vnto a
* ler. 18. 0. with the potsheards of the earth : * shal god that cannot saue.
rom. 9. 20. £1 Tell ye and bring them neere, yea
the clay say to him that fashioneth it,
What makest thou ? or thy worke , he let them take counsel! together, who
lath no hands ? hath declared this from ancient time ?
10 Woe vnto him that saith vnto his who hath told it from that time ? Haue
father, What begettest thou ? or to the not I the LORD ? and there is no God
woman, What hast thou brought forth? else beside me , a iust God and a Saui-
11 Thus saith the LORD, the Holy our, there is none beside me.
One of -Israel) and his maker , Aske 22 Looke vnto mee, and be ye saued
me of things to come concerning my all the endes of the earth : for I am
sonnes, and concerning the worke of God, and there is none else.
my hands command ye me. -23 I haue sworne- by any selfe: the
12 I haue made the earth, and crea- Word is gone out of my mouth in righ-
ted man vpon it : I , euen my handes teousnes, atttaliftU H£t resume, that vn-
God beareth his Ifaiah. Babylons pride.
* Rom. 14. to me euery *knee shall bowe, euery East, t the man that executeth my coun-t Hebr. the
11. phil. 2.
10. tongue shall sweare. sell from a farre countrey; yea I haue man of my
II Or, surely
he shall say
24 || Surely, shall one say, In the spoken it, I will also bring it to passe, I
of me, In m L O R D haue I righteousnesse and haue purposed it. I will also doe it.
Lord is all strength : euen to him shall men come, 12 IT Hearken vnto me, ye stout hear-
and strength
Hebr. righ-
and all that are incensed against him, tedj that are farre from righteousnesse.
teousnesses. shalbe ashamed. ID 1 bring neere my righteousnesse:
£5 In the L O R D shall all the seed it shall not bee farre off, and my salua-
of Israel be Justified, and shall glory. tion shall not tarie; and I wil place sal-
uation in Zion for Israel my glorie.
1 The idoles of Babylon could not saue them- C H A P . XLVII.
selues. 3 God saueth his people to the end. 1 Gods Judgement vpon Babylon and Cal-
5 I doles are not comparable to God for daea, 6 for their vnmercifulnesse, 7 pride,
Dower. 12 or nresent saluation. 10 and ouerboldneS; 11 shalbe vnresistable.
El boweth downe, Nebo Ome downe and sit in the

B stoupeth, their idoles were

vpon the beasts, and vpon
the cattell : your carriages C
dust : O virgin daughter
of Babylon, sit on the
ground: there is no throne,
were heauie loaden, they are O daughter of the Cal-
aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa a burden to the wearie beast deans : for th
2 They stoupe, they bow downe to- tender and delicate.
gether, they could not deliuer the bur- 2 Take the milstones and grinde
MIebr.thei'i den, but tthemselues are gone into cap- meale, vncouer thy lockes : make bare
soule. tiuitie. the legge: vncouer the thigh, passe ouer
3 f Hearken vnto me, O house df the riuers.
lacob, and al the remnant of the house 3 Thy nakednes shalbe vncouered,
of Israel, which are borne by me, from yea thy shame shalbe scene i I will take
the belly, which are caried from the vengeance, and I will not meet thee as a
worn be. man.
4 And euen to your old age I am he, 4 As for our redeemer, the L O R D
and euen to hoare haires will I cary of hostes is his Name, the Holy one of
you : I haue made , and I will beare, Israel.
euen I wil cary and wil deliuer you, 5 Sit thou silent^ and get thee into
5 1F To whom wil ye liken me, and darknes, O daughter of the Calde-
* Chap. 40. make me equall, and * compare me, that ans : for thou shalt no more be called the
18, 25.
we may be like ? Ladie of kingdomes.
6 They lauish gold out of the bagge, 6 11 I was wroth with my people :
and weigh siluer in the balance, and hire I haue polluted mine inheritance, and
a goldsmith, and hee maketh it a god : giuen them into thine hand: thou didst
they fall downe, yea they worship. shew them no mercy; vpon the ancient
7 They beare him vpon the shoul- hast thou very heauily layed the yoke.
der, they cary him and set him in his 7 1F And thou saydst, I shall bee *a • Reue. 18.
place, and hee standeth; from his place Ladie for euer : so that thou didst not lay 7.
shall he not remooue : yea one shall cry these things to thy heart, neither didst
vnto him, yet can he not answere, nor remember the later end of it.
saue him out of his trouble. 8 Therefore heare now this, thou
8 Remember this , and shew your that art giuen to pleasures , that dwel-
selues men : bring it againe to minde, O lest carelesly, that sayest in thine heart,
ye transgressours. I am, and none else besides mee, I
9 Remember the former things of shall not sit as a widow, neither shall I
old, for I am God , and there is none else, know the losse of children.
/ am God, and there is none like me, 9 But these two * things shall come * Chap. 51.
10 Declaring the end from the be- to thee in a moment in one day ; the 19.
ginning, and from ancient times the losse of children, and widowhood ; they
ihings that are not yet done , saying, shall come vpon thee in their perfecti-
* Psal. 33. *My counselLshall stand, and I wil doe on, for the multitude of thy sorceries,
11. pro. 19.
21. and 21. all my pleasure : and for the great abundance of thine in-
30. hebr. 6. 11 Calling a rauenous bird from the chantments.
10 1f For
Vaine fciences. Chap.xlviij. God trieth his.
10 f For thou hast trusted m thy foorth out of my mouth, and I snewe
wickednesse: thou hast said. None seeth them , I did them suddenly, and the;
me. Thy wisedome and thy know- came to passe.
10r, caused ledge, it hath Hperuerted thee, and thou 4 Because I knew that thou ar
thee to turne
away. "" hast said in thine heart, I am, and none t obstinate, and thy necke is an yron si- t Heb. ?iard.
else besides me. new, and thy brow brasse:
11 IF Therefore shall euill come vp- 5 I haue euen from the beginning
t Heb. the on thee, thou shalt not know tfrom declared & to thee; before itcametopassi
thereof. whence it riseth: and mischiefe shall fal I shewed it thee: lest thou shouldest
t Heb. ex- vpon thee, thou shalt not be able to tput say, Mine idole hath done them, and m]
it off : and desolation shall come vp- grauen image, and my molten lmag<
on thee suddenly, which, thou shalt not hath commanded them.
know. 6 Thou hast heard, see all this, anc
1» Stand now with thine inchant- will not yee declare it ? I haue shewec
ments, and with the multitude of thy thee new things from this time, euei
sorceries, wherein thou hast laboured hidden things, and thou didst not knov
from thy youth; if so be thou shalt be a- them.
ble to profite, if so be thou mayest pre- 7 They are created now, and not
uaile. from the beginning, euen before the daj
13 Thou art wearied in the multi- when thou heardest them not; lest thoi
Heb. view- tude of thy counsels: let now the t astro- shouldest say, Behold, I knew them.
ers of the
heauens. logers, the starre-gazers, the tmoneth- 8 Yea thou heardest not, yea thoi
t Heb. that ly prognosticators stand vp, and saue
giue know-
knewest not, yea from that time tha
ledge con- thee from these things that shall come thine eare was not opened: for I knev
cerning the vDon thee. that thou wouldest deale very treache
14 Behold, they shall be as stubble: rously, and wast called a transgressor
the fire shall burne them, they shall not from the wombe.
t Heb. their deliuer t themselues from the power of 9 II For my names sake will I de-
the flame: there shall not bee a coale to ferre mine anger, and for my praise will
warme at, nor fire to sit before it. I refraine for thee, that I cut thee noi
15 Thus shal they be vnto thee with off,
whom thou hast laboured, euen thy 10 Behold, I haue refined thee, bui
merchants from thy youth 5 they shall not || with siluer; I haue chosen thee ir I Or, for sil-
wander euery one to his quarter : none the fornace of affliction.
shall ssue thee. 11 For mine owne sake, euen for mine
owne sake will I doe it; for how shoulc
my Name bee polluted ? and I will noi
C H A P . XLVIIL jiue my * glory vnto another. * Cha. 42.8.
1 God, to conuince the people of their fore- 12 H Hearken vnto me, 0 Jacob,
knowen obstinacie, reuealed his prophecies, and Israel my called; I am hee, I #ffi
9 He saueth them for his owne sake. 12 He the * first, I also am the last. * Cha. 41. 4.
exhorteth them to obedience, because of his and 44. 6.
power and prouidence. 16 Hee lamenteth
13 Mine hand also hath laid the foun- reuel. 1.17.
their backewardnesse. 20 Hee powerfully dation of the earth, and ||my right hand and 22. 13.
H Or, the
deliuereth his out of Babylon. lath spanned the heauens : when I call palme of my
-ight hand
vnto them, they stand vp together. hath spread
Eare yee this, O house of 14 All yee assemble your selues and out.

lacob, which are called leare : which among them hath decla-
by the name of Israel, and red these things? the LORD hath lo-
are come foorth out of the aed him : hee will doe his pleasure on
waters of ludah; which Babylon, and his arme shall be on the
sweare by the Name of the LORD, Caldeans.
and make mention of the God of Isra- 15 I, euen I haue spoken, yea I haue
el, but not in trueth nor in righteousnes. called him : I haue brought him, and
2 For they call themselues of the ho- le shall make his way prosperous.
ly city , and stay themselues vpon the 16 11 Come ye neere vnto me ; heare
Jod of Israel, the LORD of hostes ye this ; I haue not spoken in secret from
is his Name. ihe beginning; from the time that it
3 I haue declared the former things was , there am I ; and now the Lord
from the beginning : and they went GOD and his Spirit hath sent me.
17 Thus
Goe from Babylon. Ifaiah. Chrift appointed.
17 Thus saith the L O R D thy re- him ; Though Israel be ||not gathered, B Or, that
deemer, the holy one of Israel; I am ret shall I be glorious in the eyes of the besrael may
the L O R D thy God which teacheth L O R D , and my God shall bee my tomay him, and I
thee to profit, which leadeth thee by the strength.
way that thou shouldest goe. 6 And he said, || It is a light thing I Or, art thou
18 O that thou haddest hearkened that thou shouldest be my seruant to lighter,
that thou
to my commandements ! then had thy raise vp the tribes of lacob, and to re- shouldest
peace beene as a riuer, and thy righte- store the || preserued of Jsrael : I will I Or, desola-
ousnesse as the waues of the sea. also giue thee for a * light to the Gen- tions.
* Chap. 42.
19 Thy seede also had beene as the tiles , that thou mayest be my saluati- 6.
sand, and the ofspring of thy bowels on, vnto the end of the earth.
like the grauell thereof : his name 7 Thus saith the LORD the re-
should not haue beene cut off, nor de- deemer of Israel, and his holy one, || to I Or, to him
hat is despi-
stroved from before me. him whom man dispiseth, to him sed in soule.
20 f Goe yee forth of Babylon : flee whom the nation abhorreth, to a ser-
yee from the Caldeans, with a voyce uant of rulers ; Kings shall see and a-
of singing, declare yee, tell this, vtter it rise, princes also shall worship, because
euen to the end of the earth : say yee; of the LORD, that is faithful!, and the
* Exod. 19. The L O R D hath * redeemed his ser-
4. 5, 6.
holy one of Israel, and he shall choose
uant lacob. thee.
21 And they thirsted not when he lee 8 Thus saith the LORD, * In an * 1. Cor. 6.
* Exod. 17. them through the deserts; he *causec acceptable time haue I heard thee, anc ^
6. num. 20.
11. the waters to flow out of the rocke for in a day of saluation haue I helped
them : he claue the rocke also, and the thee: and I will preserue thee, and giue
waters crushed out. thee foracouenantof thepeople, || to esta- U Or, raise
* Chap. «7.
22 * There is no peace, saith the blish the earth, to cause to inherite the vp.
L O R D , vnto the wicked. desolate heritages:
9 That thou mayest say * to the pri- 7.* Chap. 42.
soners, Goe forth; to them that are in
C H A P . XLIX. darkenesse, Shewe your selues : they
1 Christ being sent to the lewes, complaineth shall feede in the wayes, and their pa-
of them. 5 He is sent to the Gentiles, with stures shalbe in all hicrh traces.
gracious promises. 13 Gods loue is perpetu- 10 They shall not * hunger nor thirst, * Reu. 7.16.
all to his Church. 18 The ample restaurati-
on of the Church. 24 The powerfulll deli- neither shall the heate nor sunne smite
uerance out of captiuity. them : for he that hath mercy on them
shall lead them, euen by the springs o
Is ten, O yles, vnto me, water shall he guide them.

L and hearken yee people

from farre. The LORD
hath called inee from the
wombe, from the bowels
11 And I will make all my moun-
taines a way, and my high wayes shal
be exalted.
12 Behold, these shall come from
of my mother hath he made mention o: far : and loe, these from the North anc
mv name. from the West, and these from the lane
3 And he hath made mv mouth like of Sinnn.
a sharpe sword , in the shadow of his 13 Sing, O heauen, and be joyfull,
hand hath he hid me, and made mee a 0 earth, and breake forth into singing
polished shaft ; in his quiuer hath hee O mountaines : for God hath comfor
hid me, ted his people, and will haue mercy vp-
3 And sayd vnto me ; Thou art my on his afflicted.
seruant, O Israel, in whom I will be 14? But Zion said, The L O R D
glorified. hath forsaken me , and my Lord hat]
4 Then I said; I haue labourer forgotten me.
in vaine, I haue spent my strength for 15 Can a woman forget her sucking
nought , and in vaine , yet surely my child, t that she should not haue com \Heb.from
hauing com'
II Or, my re- Judgement is with the LORD, and ||mi passion on the sonne of her wombe? yea passion.
worke with my God. they may forget , yet will I not forge
5 U And now, saith the L O R D thee.
that formed me from the wombe to be 16 Behold, I haue grauen thee vpon
his seruant , to bring lacob againe to the pahnes of my hands : thy walles ar
Gentiles called. Chap.L lewes forfaken.
continually before mee.
17 Thy children shal make haste, thy C H A P . L.
destroyers, and they that made thee 1 Christ sheweth, that the dereliction of the
waste, shall goe fortn of thee. lewes is not to be imputed to him, by his abi-
* Chap. 60. 18 H *Lift vp thine eyes round a- litie to saue, 5 by his obedience in thatworke,
4. 7 and by his confidence in that assistance.
bout, and behold: all these gather them- 10 An exhortation to trust in God, and
selues together and come to thee : as I not in our selues.
liue, saith the LORD, thou shalt surely
clothe thee with them all, as with an or- Hus saith the L O R D ,
nament, and bind them on thee as a bride
19 For thy waste and thy desolate
places, and the land of thy destruction
T Where is the bill of your
mothers diuorcement ,
whom I haue put away ?
or which of my creditours
shall euen now be too narrow by rea- is it to whom I haue sold you ? Behold,
son of the inhabitants, and they that for your iniquities haue you solde your
swallowed thee vp, shall bee farre selues, and for your transgressions is
away. vour mother tmt awav.
20 The children which thou shalt 2 Wherefore when I came was there
haue, after thou hast lost the other, shall no man? when I called, was there none
say againe in thine eares , The place is to answere ? * Is my hand shortened at * Num. 11.
too straight for me : giue place to mee all, that it cannot redeeme ? or haue I 23. chap.
59. I.
that I may dwell. no power to deliuer ? Beholde, at my
21 Then shalt thou say in thine heart, rebuke I *drie vp the sea : I make the *Exod. 14.
Who hath begotten me these, seeing I *riuers a wildernes : their fish stinketh, 21.
* losh. 3. 16
haue lost my children ancl am desolate, because there is no water, and dieth for
a captiue and remouing to and fro ? and thirst.
who hath brought vp these ? Beholde, 3 I clothe the heauens with blacke-
I was left alone, these where had they nesse, and I make sackcloth their coue-
beene ? ring.
22 Thus saith the Lord GOD, Be- 4 The Lord GOD hath giuen me
hold, I will lift vp mine hand to the the tongue of the learned, that 7 should
Gentiles, and set vp my standerd to the know how to speake a worde in season
people: and they shall bring thy sonnes to him that is #wearie : hee wakeneth * Matth. 11.
t Hebr. 60- in their tarmes : and thy daughters shal morning by morning, hee wakeneth 28.
some. be caried vpon their shoulders. mine eare to heare as the learned.
t Heb. nou- 23 And kings shall be thy t nursing 5 11 The Lord GOD hath opened
iffeb.Prin fathers , and their t queenes thy nur- mine eare, and I was not * rebellious, * lohn 14.
cesses. sing mothers : they shall bow downe to neither turned away backe. 31. heb. 10.
5, &c. phil.
thee with their face toward the earth, 6 * 1 gaue my backe to the smiters, 2. 8.
* PsaL 72.9. and *licke vp the dust of thy feete, and and my cheeks to them that plucked off *57.Matth. 26.
and 27.
thou shalt know that I am the LORD : the haire : I hidde not my face from 26.
for they shall not be ashamed that waite shame and spitting.
for me. 7 f For the Lord GOD wil helpe
24 H Shall the pray be taken from me, therfore shall I riot be confounded:
t Hebr. the the mightie, or tthe lawfull captiue de- therefore haue I set my face like a flint,
captiuitie of liuered ?
the iust. and I know that I shall not bee asha-
25 But thus saith the LORD, Euen med.
i" Heb. capti- the tcaptiues of the mightie shall be ta- 8 *He is neere that iustifieth me, who* Rom. 8.
ken away, and the pray of the terrible will contend with me ? let vs stand to- 32, 33.
shall be deliuered : for I will contend gether : who is tmine aduersarie? let t Heb. the
with him that contendeth with thee, and him come neere to me. master of mi
I will saue thy children. 9 Behold, the Lord GOD wil helpe
26 And I will feede them that op- me, who is he that shall condemne mee?
presse thee, with their owne flesh, and Loe, they all shall waxe olde as a gar-
they shall be drunken with their owne ment : the moth shall eate them vp.
* Reu. 14. * blood, as with || sweet wine : and all 10 U Who is among you that feareth
20. and 16.
6. flesh shall know that I the LORD am the LORD, that obeyeth the voyce of
II Or, new thy Sauiour and thy Hedeemer, the his seruant, that walketh in darkenesse
mightie One of lacob. and hath no light ? let him trust in the
Not to feare man. Ifaiah. Gods rightecmfnefle.
Name of the L O R D , and stay vpon 8 For the moth shall eate them vp
his frOf!. like a garment, and the worme shal eate
11 Behold, all ye that kindle a fire, them like wooll : but my righteousnes
that compasse your selues about with shalbe for euer; and my saluation from
sparks: walke in the light of your fire, generation to generation.
and in the sparkes that ye haue kindled. 9 11 Awake, awake, put on strength,
* lohn 9. 39, * This shall ye haue of mine hand, yee O arme of the L O R D , awake as in
shall lie downe in sorrow. the ancient dayes, in the generations of
old. Art thou not it that hath cut Ra-
C H A P . LI. mb, and wounded the * dragon ? * Psal. 74.
13,14. eze.
1 An exhortation after the paterne of Abra-
10 Art thou not it which hath * dried 29.3.
ham, to trust in Christ, 3 by reason of his the sea, the waters of the great deepe, * Exod. 14.
comfortable promises, 4 of his righteous sal- that hath made the depthes of the sea a
uation, 7 and mans mortalitie. 9 Christ way for the ransomed to passe ouer ?
by his sanctified arme, defendeth his from the 11 Therefore the redeemed of the
feare of man. 17 He bewaileth the afflictions
of Jerusalem, 21 and promiseth deliuerance. L O R D shall *returne, and come with * Chap. 35.
singing vnto Zion, and euerlasting ioy 10.
Earken to me, ye that shalbe vpon their *head: they shall ob- * Chap. 35.

follow after righte- taine gladnesse and ioy, and sorrow and 10.
ousnesse, ye that seeke mourning shall flee away.
the L O R D : looke 121, euen I am hee that comforteth
vnto the rocke whence you, who art thou that thou shouldest
yee are hewen, and to >e afraid * of a man that shall die, and of * Psal. 118.
the hole of the pitte the sonne of man which shall bee made
whence ye are digged. as *grasse? ' * Chap. 40.
2 Looke vnto Abraham your fa- 13 And forgettest the LORD thy 6.1. 24.
pet. 1.

ther , and vnto Sarah that bare you: maker that hath stretched foorth the
for I called him alone, and blessed him, leauens, and layed the foundations of
and increased him. the earth ? and hast feared continually
3 For the L O R D shall comfort euery day, because of the furie of the op-
Zion : he wil comfort all her waste pla- jressour, as if hee ||were ready to de- I Or•, made
ces, and he wil make her wildernes like stroy? and where is the furie of the op- ready. .
Eden, and her desert like the garden of Dressour ?
the L O R D : ioy and gladnesse shalbe 14 The captiue exile hasteneth that
found therein, thankesgiuing, and the he may be loosed, and that hee should
voice of melody. not die in the pit, nor that his bread
4 IF Hearken vnto me, my people, should faile.
and giue eare vnto me, 0 my nation: 15 But I am the LORD thy God,
for a Law shall proceed from mee, and that *diuided the sea, whose waues roa- * lew. 31.
I will make my idxigement to rest for a red : the L O R D of hosts is his Name. 35.
light of the people. 16 And I haue put my wordes *in * Chap. 49.
5 My rignteousnes is neere : my sal- thy mouth, and haue couered thee in 2,3.
uation is gone foorth, and mine armes the shadow of mine hand, that I may
shall iudge the people : the lies shall plant the heauens, and lay the founda-
wait vpon me, and on mine arme shall tions of the earth, and say vnto Zion,
they trust. Thou art my people.
6 Lift vp your eyes to the heauens, 17 11 * Awake, awake, stand vp, O *i. Chap. 52.
* Psal. 102, and looke vpon the earth beneath: for Jerusalem, which hast drunke at the
27. matth.
24. 35. the heauens shall vanish away like hand of the L O R D the cup of his fu-
smoke, and the earth shall waxe old like rie ; thou hast drunken the dregges o
a garment, and they that dwel therein the cup of trembling, and wrung them
shall die in like maner: but my salua- out.
tion shal be for euer, and my righteous- 18 There is none to guide her among
nes shall not be abolished. all the sonnes whom shee hath brough
7 U Hearken vnto me ye that know foorth : neither is there any that taketh
* Psal. 37. righteousnesse , the people * in whose her by the hand, of all the sonnes tha
* Matth. 10 heart is my Law : * Feare ye not the re- she hath brought vp.
27. proch of men, neither be yee afraid o: 19 * These two things t are come * Che. 47.9.
their reuilings. vnto thee; who shall be sorie for theepened. tHeftr.Aop-
The deliuerance Chap.lii.liij. of the Church.
t Heb. brea- desolation and t destruction, and the la- bringetn good tidings, that pubhsheth
mine and the Bttord : by whom shall I >eace, that bringeth good tidings of
comfort thee ? rood, that publisheth saluation, that
20 Thy sonnes haue fainted, they He sayth vnto Zion, Thy God reigneth ?
at the head of all the streetes as a wilde 8 Thy watchmen shall lift yp the
mil in a net; they are full of the furie of voice, with the voice together shall they
he LORD, the rebuke of thy God. sing: for they shall see eye to eye when;
21 If Therfore heare now this thou the L O R D shall bring againe Zion.
afflicted and drunken, but not with 9 U Breake foorth into ioy, sing to-
wine. gether, yee waste places of Jerusalem j
22 Thus saith thy Lord, the L O R D 'or the L O R D hath comforted his
and thy God that pleadeth the cause of >eople, he hath redeemed lerusalem.
lis people, Behold, I haue taken out 10 The LORD hath made bare his
of thine hand the cup of trembling, euen loly arme in the eyes of all the nations,
the dregges of the cup of my furie: thou and *all the endes of the earth shall see luke
« Psal. D2. 8.
3. 6.
shalt no more drinke it againe. the saluation of our God,
93 But I will put it into the hand 11 f Depart ye, depart ye, goe ye out
of them that afflict thee : which haue Vom thence, * touch no vncleane thing; * 2. Cor. 6
7- reuel.
said to thy soule, Bow downe that wee goe ye out of the middest of her; be yee 8. 4.
may goe ouer : and thou hast laide thy cleane,, that beare the vessels of the
jody as the ground, and as the streete LORD.
to them that went ouer. 12 For ye shall not go out wjth haste,
nor goe by flight: for the LORD will
C H A P . HI. joe before you : and the God of Israel
Heb. ga-
1 Christ perswadeth the Church to beleeue his witt tfe your rereward. ther you vp.
free Redemption t 7 To receiue the Mini- 13 If Behold, rov seruant shal ||deale Or,prosper.
sters thereof, 9 To ioy in the power there- >rudently, he shall be exalted and extol-
of) 11 And to free themselues from bondage.
13 Christs kingdome shalbe exalted. ed, and be very high.
14 As many were astonied at thee
* Chap. 51. Wake,*awake, put on thy 'his * visage was so marred more then *Cha. 53.3.

strength, O Zion, put on any man, and his forme more then the
thy beautiful! garments, sonnes of men:)
O lerusalem the holy ci- 15 So shall hee sprinckle many nati-
tie : for hencefoorth there ons, the kings shall shut their mouthes
shall no more come into thee the vncir- at him : for that * which had not beene * Roin. 15.
cumcised, and the vncleane. told them, shall they see, and that which
2 Shake thy selfe from the dust : a^ they had not heard, shall they consider.
rise, and sit downe, O lerusalem : loose
thy selfe from the bandes of thy necke, C H A P , LIII.
O captiue daughter of Zion. 1 The Prophet complaining of incredulitie, ex-
3 For thus sayth the L O R D , Yee cuseth the scandaU of the crosse, 4 by the
haue solde your selues for nought: and bsnefite of his passion, 10 and the good
successe thereof.
ye shall be redeemed without money.
4 For thus saith the Lord GOD, Ho*hath beleeuedour 11re- * loll. 12.38.

My people went downe aforetime into port ? and to whom is the rom. 10. 1C.
« Or, do-
* Gen, 46. 6, * Egypt to soiourne there, and the Assy- arme of the L O R D re- tearing.Heb.
rian oppressed them without cause. uealed ?
5 Now therefore, what haue I 2 For he shall grow vp
here, sayth the LORD, that my peo- before him as a tender plant, and as a
ple is taken away for nought? they that root out of a drie ground : hee hath no
rule ouer them, make them to howle, forme nor comelinesse : and when wee
sayth the LORD, and my Name con- shall see him, there is no beautie that we
* Ezek. 36. tinually euery day is * blasphemed. should desire him. * Chap. 32.
20, 23. rom.
2. 24* 6 Therefore my people shall know 3 * He is despised and reiected of men, a.14.12.mar.
my Name : therefore they shall know in a man of sorrows, and acquainted with H Or, Itc litd
that day, that I am he that doth speake griefe: and || we hid as it were our faces face from vs.
Behold, it is I. from him; hee was despised, and wee ding Heb. as a hi.
* Nahum. 7 U * How beautifull vpon the esteemed him not. from him or,
1.15. rom.
10. 15. mountaines are the feete of him that 4 1F Surely * he hath borne out •Mat. 8.18.'
from «$.
Chrifts pafsion. Ilaiah. Gods great mercie.
griefes , and caried our sorrowes : yet the children of the maried wife, saith the
we did esteeme him striken, smitten of LORD.
God, and afflicted. 2 Enlarge the place of thy tent, and
\\0r^tormen- 5 But he was ||* wounded for our let them stretch forth the curtaines of
* Rom. 4.25 transgressions, he was bruised for our thine habitations : spare not , lengthen
1. cor. 15. 3.
iniquities : the chastisement of our peace thy cords, and strengthen thy stakes.
* l. Pet. 2. was vpon him, and with his *t stripes we 3 For thou shalt breake forth on the
are healed. right hand, and on the left ; and thy seed
6 All we like sheepe haue gone shall inherite the Gentiles, and make
astray : we haue turned euery one to his the desolate cities to be inhabited.
t Heb. hee owne way, and the LOUD hath tlayd 4 Feare not : for thou shalt not be
hath made
the iniqui- on him the iniquitie of vs all. ashamed : neither be thou confounded,
tie ofvs all
to meete on
7 He was oppressed , and he was for thou shalt not be put to shame : for
him. afflicted, yet * he opened not his mouth: thou shalt forget the shame of thy
63. and 27. he is brought as a *lambe to the slaugh- youth , and shalt not remember the re-
* Matth. 26.
12. mar. 14. ter, and as a sheepe before her shearers proach of thy widowhood any more.
61. and 15.
6. is dumme, so he openeth not his mouth. 5 For thy maker is thine husband,
8 || He was taken from prison, and (the * LORD of hostes is his name;) Luc. 1.32.
II Or, he was from iudgement: and who shall declare and thy redeemer the holy one of Isra-
taken away his generation ? for he was cut off out el, the God of the whole earth shall he
by distresse,
and iudge- * •< t)f the land of the liuing, for the trans- be called.
$c. gression of my people t was he strickeft. 6 For the LORD hath called thee
t Heb. was 9 And he made his graue with the as a woman forsaken , and grieued in
the stroke
vpon him, wicked, and with the rich in his t death. spirit, and a wife of youth , when thou
t Heb. because he had done no violence, neither wast refused, saith thy God.
* 1. Pet 2. was any *deceit in his mouth. 7 For a small moment haue I for-
22. 1. ioh.
3. 5.
10 f Yet it pleased the LORD to saken thee, but with .great mercies will
bruise him^ he hath put him to griefe: I gather thee.
I Or, when || when thou shalt make his soule an of- 8 In a litle wraith I hid my face
his souleshal
make an fring for sinne,he shall see his seede, hee from thee, for a moment; but with euer-
offring. shall prolong his daies, and the pleasure lasting kindnesse will I haue mercie on
of the LOED shall prosper in his thee, saith the LORD thy redeemer.
hand. 9 For this is as the waters of * Noah Gen. 9.11.
11 He shall see of the trauell of his vnto me : for as I haue sworne that the
soule, and shalbe satisfied : by his know- waters of Noah should no more goe
ledge shall my righteous seruant iustifie ouer the earth ; so haue I sworne that
many : for hee shall beare their iniqui- I would not be with thee , nor
ties. rebuke thee.
1£ Therefore will I diuide him a 10 For the mpufitaines shall depart,
portion with the great, and he shall di- and the hilles be remoued, but my kind-
aide the spoile with the strong : because nesse shall not depart from thee, neither
hee hath powred out his soule vnto shall the couenant of my peace be remo-
* Mar. 15. death ; and he was * numbred with the ued, saith the L O R D , that hath mer-
28. 1UC. 22.
37. transgressours, and he bare the sinne of cie on thee.
* LUC. 23. 8. many , and * made intercession for the 11 f Oh thou afflicted, tossed with
transgressours. tempest and not comforted > behold,
I will lay thy stones with # faire co- * 1. Chron.
C H A P . LIIII. lours, and lay thy foundations with 29. 2.
1 The Prophet for the comfort of the Gen- Saphires.
tiles, prophesieth the amplitude of their 12 And I will make thy windowes
Church* 4 Their safety, 6 their certaine of Agates , and thy gates of Carbun-
deliuerance out of affliction, 11 their faire
edification, 15 and their sure presentation. cles, and all thy borders of pleasant
« Gal. 4. 27. Ing * O barren thou that 13 And all thy children shalbe* taught * loh. 6. 45.

didst not beare; breake of the L O R D , and great shalbe the
forth into singing, and crie peace of thy children.
aloud thou that didst not 14 In righteousnesse shalt thou be
trauell with child : for established; thou shalt be farre from op-
moreare the children of the desolate then pression, for thou shalt not feare; & from
Grace offered freely. Gods word fure.
terrour, for it shall not come neere thee. thoughts, neither are your wayes my
15 Behold, they shall surely gather wayes, saith the LORD.
together, but not by me: whosoeuer shal 9 For as the heauens are higher then
gather together against thee, shall fall the earth, so are my wayes higher then
for thy sake. your wayes, and my thoughts then
16 Behold, I haue created the smith your thouhts.
that bloweth the coales in the fire, and 10 For as the raine commeth down,
that bringeth foorth an instrument for and the snow from heauen, and retur-
his vorke, aud I haue created the wa- neth not thither, but watereth the
ster to destroy, earth, and maketh it bring foorth and
17 f No weapon that is formed bud, that it may giue seed to the sower,
against thee, shall prosper, and euery and bread to the eater:
tongue that shall rise against thee in 11 So shall my word bee that goeth
Judgement, thou shalt condemne. This forth out of my mouth: it shall not re-
is the heritage of the seruants of the turne vnto me void, but it shall accom-
LORD, and their righteousnesse is of plish that which I please, and it shall
me, saith the LORD. prosper in the thing whereto I sent it.
1£ For ye shall goe out with ioy, and
C H A P . LV. bee led foorth with peace: the moun-
1 The Prophet, with the promises of Christ, taines and the billes shall #breake forth Gha. 35. i
calleth to faith, 6 and to repentance. 8 The before you into singing, and al the trees
happy successe of them that beleeue.
of the field shall clap their hands.
*Ioh.7.37. . * O, euery one that thir- 13 In stead of the thorne shall come

! stetb, come ye to the wa- vp the Firre tree, and in stead of the bri-
ters, and he that hath no er shall come vp the Myrtle tree, and it
money : come ye, buy and shall te to the L O R B for a name, for
eate, yea come, buy wine an euerlasting signe that shajl not bee
and milke without money, and with- cut off.
out price.
t Heb. weigh % Wherefore doe yee tspend money C H A P . LVI.
for that which is not bread ? and your 1 The Prophet exhorteth to sanctification.
labour for that which satisfieth not ? 3 He promiseth it shall be generall without
respect of persons. 9 He inueyeth against
hearken diligently vnto me, and eate ye blinde watchmen.
that which is good, and let your soule
delight it ,selfe in fatnesse. Hus saith the L O R D ,
3 Incline your eare, and come vn-
to me: heare, and your soule shall liue,
and I will make an euerlasting coue-
* Acts 13. nant with you, euen the *sure mercies of
T Keepe yee ([Judgement,
and doe iustice : for my
salvation is neere to come,
and tny righteousnesse
B Or, equity,

Dauid, to bee reuealed.

4 Behold, I haue giuen him for a % Blessed is the man that doetn this,
witnesse to the people , a leader and and the sonne of man that Jayeth holde
commander to the people. on it : that keepeth the Sabbath from
5 Behold, thou shalt call a nation polluting it, and keepeth his hand from
that thou knowest not, and nations that doing any euill.
knew not thee, shall runne vnto thee, 3 f Neither let the sonne of the
because of the LORD thy God, and stranger, that hath ioyned himselfe to
for the Holy One of Israel, for he hath the L O R D , speake , saying , The
glorified thee. LORD hath vtterly separated mee
6 f Seeke ye the LORD, while from his people : neither let the Eu-
he may be four^d, call ye vpon him while nuch say, Behold, I am a drie tree.
he is neere. 4 For thus saith the LORD vnto
7 Let the wicked forsake his way, the Eunuches that keep my Sabbaths,
t Hebr. the & the tvnrightebus man his thoughts: and choose the things that please mee,
mqn ofini-
quitie. and let him returne vnto the LORD, and take hold of ray couenant :
and he will haue mercie vpon him, and 5 Euen vnto them will I giue in
\Heb.tewil to our God," for hee will t abundantly mine house , and within my walles, a
multiplie to pardon. place and a name better then of eonnes
8 11 For my thoughts are not your and of daughters: I wil giue them an e*
Blinde watchmen. Ifaiah. Gods dwelling.
uerlasting name, that shal not be cut off. oles #vnder euery greene tree, slay- * I, KJn. 16.
6 Also the sonnes of the stranger ing the children in the valleys vnder the
lat itoyne themselues to the LORD, cliftes of the rockes ?
o serue him, and to loue the Name of 6 Among the smooth stores of the
\e LORD, to be his seruants, euery streame is thy portion; they, they are
ne that keepeth the Sabbath from tly lot : euen to them hast thou pow~-
Diluting it, and taketh hold of my Co- red a dririke offering, thou h'ast offered
enant: a meate offering. Should I receiue
* Chap. 2.
7 Euen them will I *bring to my comfort in these ?
loly mountaine, and make them ioy- 7 Vpon a loftie and high moun-
full in my house of prayer: their burnt taine hast thou set thy bed: euen thither
offerings s and their sacrifices shall be ac- wentest thou vp^to offer sacrifice.
cepted vpon mine Altar: for mine house 8 Behinde the doores also and the
* Matth. 21. shalbe called *an house of prayer for all )osts hast thou set vp thy remem--
13. mar. 11. brance: for thou hast discouered thyselfe
17 luke 19. p>eople.
46. 8 The Lord GOD which gathe- to an other then mee, and art gone vp:
reth the outcasts of Israel, saith, Yet thou hast enlarged thy bed, and ||made II Or, hewed
it for thy
tJHebr.tohis will I gather others to him , tbesides a couenant with them : thou louedstj^; selfe larger
those that are gathered vnto him. tleir bed || where thou sawest it.. thenih&n.
\\ Or, thou
9 f All ye beasts of the field, come 9 And || thou wentest to the king pi prouide&t
t0 deuoure, 7/£« all ye beasts in theforest. with oyntment, and didst increase thy ™ rooms.
\l Or, thou re-
10 His watchmen are blinde: they are )erfumes, and didst send thy messen- sp
all ignorant, they are all dumbe dogs, &*«"
gers farre off, and di4§t debase thy selfe *
II Or, drea- they cannot barke; || sleeping, lying euen vnto hell.
ming or tal-
king in ttyeir dtowne, louing to slumber. 10 Thou art wearied in the great-
sleepe. 11 Yea they are^greedy dogges which nesse of thy way; yet saydst thou not,
IH06, strong
of appetite. tcan neuer haue ynough, and they an There is no hope: thou nast, found the
not to be sa- shepheards that cannot vnderstand:
tHelhKnow ||life of thine hand; therefor^ then wast ll.0r, fnwiff.
tisfied. they all looke to their owne way, euery not grieued.
one for his gaine, from his quarter, 11 And of whom hast thpu bene a-
12 Come ye, say they, I-wil fetch wine fraid or feared, that thou hast lyed, and
and we will fill our selues with strong hast hot remembred me, nor layed it to
drinke, and to morrow shal be as thi thy heart ? haue not I held my peace
day, fl/idnxuch more abundant. euen of old, and thou fearest me not P
12 I will declare thy righteousnes;
C H A P . LVIL and thy workes, for they shall not pro-
1 The blessed death of the righteous. 3 Go< fit thee.
reproueth the lewes for their whorish idola- 13 IF When thow criest, let thy com-
try. 13 Hee giueth Euapgelicall promises panics deliuer thee: but the winde shall
to the penitent.
cary them all away; Vanitie shall take
HE righteous perisheth, them: but hee that putteth his trust in
\ Hebr. men
* Psal. 12. 2.
mich. 7. 2.
T and no man layeth it to
heart; and t*mercifu
men are taken away, none
considering- that the righ-
me, shall possesse the land, and shall in*
herit myAoly mountaine,
14 And shall say, *Cast yee vp, cast * Chap. 40.
yee vp; prepare the way, take yp the \3. apd£2.
II Or, from teous is taken away ||trom the euill to stumbling blocke out of the way of my
that which is
euill. come. people.
II Or, goe in % Hee shall ||enter into peace : they 15 For thus saith the High and lof-
shall rest in their beds, each one wa- tie One that inhabiteth eternitie, whose
II Or, before king [\in his vprightnesse. Namei$/Holy; I dwell in the high and
3 IT But draw neere hither, ye holy place : with him also th^t is of a
sonnes of the sorcerese, the seed of the contrite and humble spirit, to reuiue
adulterer, and the whore. the spirit of the humble, and to reuiue
4 Against whom doe ye sport you the heart of the contrite ones.
selues ? against whom make ye a wic 16 For I will not contend for euer,
mouth, and d?aw out the tongue? are y neither will I be alwayes wroth: for
not children of transgression, a geede 01 the spirit should faile before me, and the
falsehood ? soules which I haue
tt Or, among 5 Inflaming your selues ||wit 17 For the iniquitie of his couetous-
the okes,
ii nesse
The true faft, Chap.lviij.lix. and true Sabbath.
nesse was I wroth, and smote him ; I poore that are || cast out, to thy house? IOr,4N.
hid me, and was wroth, and hee went when thou seest the naked, that thou co- cted.
t Hebr. tur on t frowardly in the way of his heart. uer him, and that thou hide not thy selfe
ning away. 18 I haue seene his wayes, and will from thine owne flesh ?
heale him : I will leade him also , and 8 f Then shall thy light breake
restore cbiiiforts vnto him , and to his foorth as the morning, and thine health
mourners. shall spring foorth speedily : and thy
19 I create the frtrite of the lippes ; righteousnesse shall goe before thee, the
peace, peace to him that is farre on, and glory of the L O R D t shall be thy rere- \ Heb. shall
to him that is neere, sayth the LORD, ward. gather thee
and I will heale him. 9 Then shalt thou call, and the
SO But the wicked are like the trou- L O R D shall answere ; thou shalt cry,
bled sea, when it cannot rest, whose wa- and he shal say, Here I am: if thou take
ters cast vp myre and dirt. away from the midst of thee the yoke,
* Chap. 48. 21 * There is no peace, sayth my God, the putting forth of the finger, and spea-
12. king vanitie :
to the wicked.
10 And iftliou draw out thy soule to
C TT A P T VTTT the hungry, and satisfie the afflicted
soule ; then shall thy light rise in obscu-
1 The Prophet being sent to reprooue hypocri- ritie, and thy darkenesse be as the noone
sie. 3 expresseth a counterfeit fast, and a (l tk\T
true. 8 He declareth what promises are due
vnto godlinesse, 13 and to the keeping of 11 And the L O R D shal guide thee
the Sabbath. continually, and satisfie thy soule in
t drought, and make fat thy bones : anddroughts.
t Heb. with Hie t aloude, spare not, lift thou shalt be like a watered garden, and

the throat.
vp thy voice like .a trum- like a spring of water, whose waters
pet, and shewe my people tfaile not. ] Heb. lye,
or deceive.
their transgression, & the 12 Andtheythat shattbe of thee, *shall *Cha. 61.6.
house of lacob their sins. builde the olde waste places : thou shalt
9, Yet they seeke mee daily, and de- raise vp the foundations of many gene-
light to know my wayes, as a nation rations ; and thou shalt be called, the
that did righteousnesse, and forsooke repairer of the breach, the restorer of
not the ordinance of their God: they paths to dwell in.
aske of me the ordinances of iustice; they 1.8 IT If thou turne away thy foote
take delight in approching to God. from the Sabbath, from doing thy plea-
3 IT Wherefore haue wee fasted, say sure on my Holy day, and call the Sab-
they, and thou seest not? wherefore haue bath a delight, the holy of the LORD,
wee afflicted our soule, & thou takest no honourable, and shalt nonour him, not
knowledge? Behold, in the day of your doing thine owne wayes, nor finding
fast you find pleasure, and exact all your thine owne pleasure, nor speaking thine
II Or, things || labours. owne wordes;
whereioith 4 Behold, yee fast for strife and de- 14 Then shalt thou delight thy selfe
ye grieve
others, fteb. bate ; and to smite with the fist of wic- in the LORD, and I will cause thee
I Or, yefast kednesse, ||yee shall not fast as yee doe to #ride vpon the high places of the * Deut. 32.
not aj this this day, to make your voice to be heard
earth, and feede thee with the heritage 13,
on high. of lacob thy father; for the mouth of
*Zc?cb,7-«- 5 Is it * such a fast that I haue cho- the L O R D hath spoken it.
* Leuit. 16. sen? a* ydayforaman to afflict his soule?
29. Is it to bow down his head as a bulrush,
t Or, to af. C H A R LIX.
flicthis soult and to spread sackecloth and ashes vn-
for a day 9 der him ? wilt thou call this a fast, and 1 The damnable nature of sinne. SThesinnes
of the lewes. 9 Calamitie is for sinne. 16
an acceptable day to the LORD ? Saluation is onely of God. 20 The coue-
6 Is not this the fast that I haue nant of the Redeemer.
chosen ? to loose the bandes of wicked-
t Heb. the nesse, to vndoe t the heauie burdens, and
Eholde, the L O R D S
bundles of to let the t oppressed goe free, and that
the yoke.
t Heb. bro-
* Eze. 18,8,
ye breake euety yoke ?
7 Is it not, to *deale thy bread to
the hungry, and that thou bring the
B hand is not * shortened , *Num. 11.
thatit cannot saue; neither 23.
his eareheattie, that it can-
not heare.

2 Bui
The lewes finnes. Ifaiah. The iuft is a pray.
% But your iniquities haue separa- p>arteth from euill ||maketh himselfe a II 0r, ts ac-
ed betweene you and your God, and >ray : and the L O R D saw it, and fit counted mad
t Heb. it was
II Or, haue your sinnes ||haue hid his. face from you, displeased him, that there was no iudge- euill in his
made him hat he will not heare. eyes.
hide. ment.
*Chap. 1. 3 For * your hands are defiled with 16 H And hee saw that there was no
Jood, and your fingers with iniquitie, man, and wondered that there was no
your lippes haue spoken lies, your intercessour. * Therefore his arme * Chap. 63.
tlongue hath muttered peruersnesse. b>rought saluation vnto him, and his 5.
4 None calleth for iustice, nor any righteousnesse, it sustained him.
)leadeth for trueth: they trust in vanity 17 For he put on * righteousnesse as * Ephes 6.
* lob. 15. andspeakelies;*theyconceiuemischiefe, a brestplate, and an helmet of valuation thes.
35. psal. 7. and bring forth iniquitie. vpon his head; and he put on the gar-
Or, adders. 5 They hatch || cockatrice egges, and ments of vengeance for clothing, and
weaue the spiders web : he that eateth was clad with zeale as a cloake.
II Or, Ito* of their egges dieth, and ||that which is 18 According to * their t deedes accor- * Chap. 63.
which is
sprinkled is
crushed breaketh out into a viper. dingly he will repay, furie to his aduer- t^Heb. re-
*£if/Aer0 6 * Their webbes shall not become saries, recompence to his enemies; to compenses.
brake out a garments, neither shall they couer the ylands he will repay recorapence.
* lob. 8.14, themselues with their workes : their 19 So shall they feare the name of
workes are workes of iniquitie, and the the LORD from the West, and his
act of violence is in their hands. glory from the rising of the sunne: when
* Proii. 1.15 7 * Their feete runne to euill, and the enemie shall come in * like a flood, * Reu. 12.
rom. 3. 15. 15.
they make haste to shed innocent blood: the spirit of the L O R D shall ||lift vp a I Or, put
their thoughts are thoughts of iniquity, standard against him him to flight,
20 f And the * redeemer shall come 26. *Rom. n.
\ Heb. brea- wasting & t destruction arein their paths.
king. 8 The way of peace they know not, to Zion , and vnto them that turne
II Or, right. and there is no || Judgement in their go- from transgression in lacob, saith the
ings : they haue made them crooked LORD.
pathes; whosoeuer goeth therein, shall 21 As for me, this is my couenant
not know peace. with them, saith the L O R D ; My spi-
9 1F Therefore is iudgement farre rit that is vpon thee, and my words
from vs, neither doth iustice ouertake which I haue put in thy moutn, shall
vs : we waite for light, but behold ob- not depart out of thy mouth, nor out o1
scuritie, for brighfcpesse, but we walke in the mouth of the seede, nor out of the
darknesse. mouth of thy seedes seed, saith the
10 We grope for the wall like the L O R D , from henceforth, and for
blind, and we grope as if we had no euer.
eies: we stumble at noone day as in the
night, we are in desolate places as dead C H A R LX,
men. 1 The glory of the Church, in the abundant
11 We roare all like beares, anc accesse of the Gentiles, 15 and the great bles-
mourne sore like doues : we looke for sings after a short affliction.
iudgement, but there is none j for salua- Rise, ||shine, for thy lighi lightened:
II Or, be en-

tion, but it is farre off from vs. is come, and the glory of for thy light
12 For our transgressions are multi- the L O R D is risen vpon commeth.
plied before thee, and our sinnes testifie thee.
against vs • for our transgressions are 9. For behold, the dark-
with vs, and as for our iniquities, we nesse shall couer the earth , and grosse
know them. darknesse the people : but the L O R D
13 In transgressing and lying a- shall arise vpon thee, and his glory shal
gainst the LORD, and departing a- be seene vpon thee.
way from our God, speaking oppressi- 3 And the * Gentiles shall come to * Reu. 21.
on and reuolt, concerning and vttering thy light, and kings to the brightnesse
from the heart words of felshood. of thy rising.
14 And iudgement is turned away 4 *Lift vp thine eyes round about, * Chap. 49.
backward, and iustice standeth a farre and see : all they gather themselues to- 18.
off: for truth is fallen in the streete, and gether, they come to thee : thy sonnes
equitie cannot enter. shall come from farre, and thy daugh-
15 Yea truth faileth, and he that de- ters shalbe nourced at thy side.
5 Then
The increafe Chap.lxj. of the Church.
5 Then thou shalt see, and flow to- the LORD aw thy bauiour and thy
gether, and thine heart shall feare and Redeemer, the mightie One of lacob.
II Or, noise be inlarged, because the || abundance of 17 For brasse I will bring gold, and
of the Sea
shalbe tur- the Sea shalbe coniierted vnto thee, the for yron I will bring siluer, and for
ned toward ||forces of the Gentiles shall come vnto wood brasse, and for stones yron ? I
II Or, wealth thee. will also make thy officers peace, and
6 The multitude of camels shall thine exactours righteousnesse.
couer thee, the dromedaries of Midian 18 Violence shall no more be heard
and Ephah : all they from Sheba shall in thy land, wasting nor destruction
* Chap. 61. come: they shal bring * gold and incense, within thy borders, but thou shalt call
6. and they shall shew forth the praises of thy walles saluation, and thy gates
the LORD. praise.
7 All the flockes of Kedar shall be 19 * The Sunne shall be no more * Reue, 2U
gathered together vnto thee, the rams thy light by day, neither for brightnesse 22. & 22. 5.
of Nebaioth shall minister vnto thee : shall the moone giue light vnto thee :
they shall come vp with acceptance on but the LORD shall be vnto thee an
mine altar, and I wil glorifie the house euerlasting light, & thy God thy glory.
of my glory. 20 Thy Sunne shall ho more goe
8 Who are these that flie^as a cloude, downe, neither shall thy moone with-
and as the doues to their windowes ? draw it selfe : for the LORD shall bee
9 Surely the yles shall wait for me, thine euerlasting light, and the dayes of
*Gel. 4. 26 and the ships of Tarshish first, * to bring thy mourning shall be ended.
thy sonnes from farre, their siluer and 21 Thy people also sholl be all righte-
their gold with them, vnto the Name ous : they shal inherit the latid for euer,
of the L O R D thy God, and to the Ho- the branch of my planting, the worke pf
ly One of Israel, because he hath glo- my hands, that I may be glorified.
rified thee. 22 A litle one shall become a thou-
10 And the sonnes of strangers shall sand, and a small one a strong nation r
build vp thy walles, and their kings I the LORD will hasten it in his time.
shal minister vnto thee: for in my wrath
I smote thee, but in my fauour haue I C H A P . LXI.
had mercie on thee. 1 The Office of Christ. 4 The foifwatdnesse,
* Reue. 21, 11 Therefore thy gates * shal be open 7 and blessings of the faithfull.
continually, they shall not bee shut day He * Spirit of the Lord 1 Luk. 4.18

nor night, that men may bring vnto thee GOD is vpon me, because
II Or, wealth the || forces of the Gentiles, and that the LORD hath anoin-
their kings may be brought. ted me, to preach good ti-
12 For the nation and kingdome that dings vnto the meeke, hee
will not serue thee, shall perish, yea hath sent me to binde vp the broken
those nations shall be vtterly wasted. hearted, to proclaime libertie to the cap-
13 The glory of Lebanon shal come tiues, and the opening of the pri$qn to
vnto thee, the Firre tree, the Pine tree, them that are bound:
and the Boxe together, to beautifie the 2 To proclaime the acceptable yere
place of my Sanctuarie, and I will of the LOUD, and the day of venge-
make the place of my feete glorious ance of our God, to comfort all that
14 The sonnes also of them that af- mournei
flicted thee, shall come bending vnto 3 To appoint vnto them that mourne
thee: and all they that despised thee shal in Zion, to giue vnto them beautie for
* Reue. 3, 9. * bow themselues downe at the soles of ashes, the oyle of ioy for mourning, the
thy feet, and they shall call thee the citie garment of praise for the spirit of hea-
of the L O R D , the Zion of the Holy uinesse, that they might be called trees
One of Israel, of righteousnesse, the planting of the
15 Whereas thou hast bene forsaken LORD, that he might be glorified.
and hated, so that no man went thorow 4 f And they shall * build the olde * Chap. 58.
tkee, I will make thee an eternall excel- wastes, they shall raise vp the former 12.
lencie, a ioy of many generations. desolations, and they shall repaire the
16 Thou shalt also sucke the milke waste cities, the desolations of tftany
of the Gen tiles, and shalt sucke the brest generations.
of kings, and thou shalt know that I 5 And strangers sliall stand and
uetie Ifaiah. ofWatcl AA AAAAA
feed your floekes, and the sonnes of the royall diademe in the hand of thy God,
lient shalbe your plowmen, and your 4 Thou shalt no more bee termed,
Vine-dressers. * Forsaken ; neither shall thy land any Ose. 1.10.
6 But ye shalbe named the Priests more be termed, Desolate : but thou . pet. s. 10.
of the L O R D : men shall call you the shalt be called |) Hephzi-bah , and thy That is, my
and, ||Beulah : for the L O R D deligh- elight is
*Chap.60. ministers of our God : *ye shall eat the n her.
6. iches of the Gentiles, and in their glory teth in thee, and thy land shalbe maried. That is,
hall you boast your selues. 5 IF For as a yong man marrieth a married,
7 1f For your shame you shall haue virgine, so shall thy sonnes marry thee:
ouble; and for confusion they shall and tew the bridegrome reioyceth ouer Hebr. with
he ioy of the
eioyce in their portion : therefore in the bride, so shall thy God reioyce ouer ridegrome.
heir land they shal possesse the double : thee.
euerlasting ioy shalbe vnto them 6 I haue set watchmen vpoh thy
8 For I the LORD loue ludge- walles, O lerusalem, which shall ne-
merit, I hate robbery for burnt offe- uer hold their peace day nor night : ||ye Iare
Or, ye that
the Lords
ring, and I will direct their worke in that make mention of the LORD, remembran~
rueth, and I will make an euerlasting ceepe not silence : oers.
Uouenant with them. 7 And giue him no t rest till he esta- Hebr. «.
9 And their seed shalbe knowen a- )lish , and till hee make lerusalem a ence.
mong the Gentiles, and their offspring jraise in the earth.
among the people : All that see them, 8 The L O R D hath sworne by his
shall acknowledge them, that they are [light hand, and by the arme of his
the seed which the LORD hath blessed. strength, t Surely, I will no more giue \Hebr.ifhe
10 I will greatly reioyce in the thy come to be meat for thine enemies, gine^ %c.
LORD, my soule shalbe ioyfull in my and the sonnes of the stranger shall not
God : for he hath clothed me with the drinke thy wine, for the which thou hast
garments of saluation, he hath couered aboured :
ne with the robe of righteousnes, as a 9 But they that haue gathered it
t Heb. deck- M-idegrome tdecketh himselfe with or- shall eat it, and praise the LORD, and
ethos a
priest. naments, and as a bride adorneth her- tfiey that haue broughUt together, shal
selfe with her iewels. drinke it in the Courts of my Holinesse.
11 For as the earth bringeth foorth 10 U *Goe through, goe through * Chap. 40.
ler bud, and as the garden causeth the the gates : prepare you the way of the 3. & 57. 14.
things that are sowen in it , to spring people : cast vp, cast vp the high way,
i>orth : so the Lord GOD will cause Bather out the stones, lift vp a standard
righteousnes and praise to spring forth tor the people.
Before all the nations. 11 Behold, the L O R D hath pro-
claimed vnto the end of the world, *say * Zach. 9. 9,
r H A P T "5CTT ye to the daughter of Zion, Behold, matth. 21.
0. iohn 12.
thy saluation commeth; behold, his *re- 15.
1 The feruent desire of the Prophet , to con- * Chap. 40.
ward is with him, and his || worke be- 10.
firme the Church in Gods promises. 5 The fore him. 10r, recom-
office of the Ministers, ( vnto which they are
incited ) in preaching the Gospel, 10 am 12 And they shall call them, The ho- pense.
preparing the people thereto. ly people : the redeemed of the L O R D:
and thou shalt be called, Sought out, a
Or Zions sake, wil I not citie not forsaken.

hold my peace, and for le-
rusalems sake I will not
& wjifrSfP rest, vntill the righteous- C H A P . LXIII.
nesse thereof goe forth as 1 Christ sheweth who he is, 2 what his victo-
brightnesse, and the saluation thereof ry ouer his enemies, 7 and what his merc^
as a lampe that burneth ; toward his Church. 10 In his iust wrath
hee remembreth his free Mercy. 15 The
% And the Gentiles shall see thy Church in their prayer, 17 and complaint,
righteousnes, and all Kings thy glory : professe their Faith.
and thou shalt be called by a new name,
which the mouth of the L O R D shal Ho is this that commeth
3 Thou shalt also be a crowne o
glory in the hand of the LORD, and a
W from Edom, with died gar-
ments from Bozrah? thi tHebr*
that is t glorious in his ap- decked*
Gods mercies. Chap.lxiiij. God our Father.
parel, traueljing in the greatnesse of his 14 As a beast goeth downe into the
strength ? I that speake in righteous- valley, the Spirit of the L O R D cau-
nesse, mightie to saue. sed him to rest: so diddest thou leade thy
* Rcu. 19. £ Wherefore * art thou red in thine )eople , to make thy selfe a glorious
apparell, and thy garments like him ^ame.
that treadeth in the winefat ? 15 IT *Looke downe from heauen, *Deut.25.
3 I haue troden the winepresse a- and behold from the habitation of thy 15.
ione, and of the people there was none lolinesse, and of thy glory : where is thy
with me : for I will tread them in mine zeale and thy strength, || the sounding of I Or, the
anger , and trample them in my furie, thy bowels, and of thy mercies to-
and their blood shall be sprinkled vpon wards me ? are they restrained ?
my garments, and I will staine all my 16 Doubtlesse thou art our father,
raiment. though Abraham be ignorant of vs,
* Chap. 34. 4? For the * day of vengeance Is in and Israel acknowledge vs not : thou,
mine heart, and the yeere of my redee- O LORD art our Father, ||our Re- « Or, our re-
med is come. deemer, thy Name is from euerlasting. from eemer,
5 And I looked, and there was none 17 IF O L O R D , why hast thou lasting is thy
to helpe; and I wondered that there made vs to erre from thy wayes ? and
was none to vphold : therefore mine lardened our heart from thy feare?
* Chap. 59. owne *arme brought saluation vnto Eleturne for thy seruants sake , the
me, and my furie\ it vpheld me. tribes of thine inheritance.
6 And I will tread downe the peo- 18' The people of thy holinesse haue
ple! in mine anger, & make them drunke assessed It but a little while : our ad-
in my furie, and I will bring downe iersaries haue troden downe thy San-
their strength to the earth. ctuarie.
7 IT I will mention the louing 19 Wee are thine, thou neuer bafest
kindnesses of the L O R D , and the rule ouer them, tthey were not called Heb. thy
name was
praises of the L o £ D , according to >y thy Name. not called
all that the L O R D hath bestowed pon them.
on vs; and the great goodnes towards CHAP. Lxrni.
the house of Israel , which he hath be- 1 The Church prayeth for the illustration of
stowed on them , according to his mer- Gods power. 5 Celebrating Gods mercy,
cies, and according to the multitude of it maketh confession of their naturall corrup-
tions. 9 It coraplaineth of their affliction.
his louing kindnesses.
8 For hee said, Surely they are my that thou wouldest

people, children that will not lie: so hee IPi^iSi^^ rent t^le heauens, that
was their sauiour. llvviiilflj t^lou wouldest come
9 In all their affliction he was af- OJ^^g^ down, that the moun--
flicted, and the Angel of his presence sa- iKefl^g^jS taines might flowe
* Deut. 7. ued them : *in his loue and in his pitie downe at thy presence,
hee redeemed them, and he bare them, 2 As when -^ the mel- Heb. the
and caried them all the dayes of olde. ting fire burneth , the fire causeth the fire ings.
* Exod. 15. 10 U But they * rebelled, and vexed waters to boyle : to make thy Name
24. num. 14.
11. psal. 78. his holy spirit ; therefore hee was tur- knowen to thine aduersaries, that the
57. and
ned to be their enemie, and he fought a- nations may tremble at thy presence.
gainst them. 3 When thou diddest terrible things
11 Then he remembred the dayes of which wee looked not for, thou earnest
old, Moses a/?dhispeople,<sa2/?/?gv Where downe, the mountaines flowed downe
* Exod. 14. is hee that * brought them vp out of the at thy presence.
II Or, shep- Sea, with the ||shepheard of his flocke ? •4 For since the beginning of the
heards, as where is hee that put his holy Spirit world *men haue not heard, nor percei- * 1. Cor. 2.
Psal. 77- 21.
within him ? ued by the eare , neither hath the eye 0.20.psal. 31.
12 That led them by the right hand || scene, 0 God, besides thee, what hee II Or, scene a
God besides
* Exod. 14. of Moses with his glorious arme, *di- hath prepared fpv him that waiteth for thee which
27. iosh. uiding the water before them , to make him. doeth so for
15. 16. him, $c.
himselfe an euerlasting name ? 5 Thou meetest him that reioyceth,
18 That led them through the deepe and worketh righteousnesse, those tha
as an horse in the wildernesse , that they remember thee in thy wayes : behold,
should not stumble ? thou art wroth, for we haue sirmect : ir
* 24
Mans righteoufnefle. Ifaiah. loy of theElea.
those is continuance, and we shall be || nose, a fire that burneth all the day. lr, anger,
saued. 6 Behold, it is written before me:
6 But we are al as an .vncleane thing, I will not keepe silence, but will recom-
and all our righteousnesses are as fil- >ence, euen recompence into their bo-
5, 6.
hy ragges, and we all doe * fade as a some,
eafe, and our iniquities like the wind 7 Your iniquities, and the iniqui-
laue taken vs away.. ties of your fathers together, (saith the
7 And there is none that calleth l^ORD) which haue burnt incense vp-
vpon thy name, that stirreth vp him- on the mountaines, & blasphemed rnee
selfe to take hold of thee : for thou hast vpon the hils : therfore will I measure
Heb. mel-
lid thy face from vs, and hast t consu- their former worke into their bosome.
med vs because of our iniquities. 8 IT Thus saith the L O R D , As
8 But now, O L O R D , thou art the new wine is found in the cluster,
our father : we are the clay, and thou and one saith, Destroy it not, for a bles-
our potter, and we all are the worke of sing is in it: so wil I doe for my seruants
thine hand. sakes, that I may not destroy them all.
*Psal. 79.
9 1f Be not * wroth very sore, O 9 And I will bring forth a seede out
L.ORD , neither remember iniquitie of lacob, and out of ludah an inheri-
or euer: behold, see we beseech thee, we tour of my mountains : and mine elect
are all thy people. shall inherit it, and my seruants shal
10 Thy holy cities are a wildernesse, [well there.
Zion is a wildernesse, Jerusalem a 10 And Sharon shall be a fold of
lesolation. lockes, and the valley of Achor a place
11 Our holy and our beautifull •or the herds to .lie clowne in, for my peo-
house, where our fathers praised thee, p)le that haue sought me.
is burnt vp with fire, and all our plea- 11 IF But yee are they that forsake
sant things are layed waste: the LORD, that forget my holy moun-
12 Wilt thou refraine thy selfe for taine, that prepare a table for that
these things, O L O R D ? wilt thou ||troope, and that furnish the drinke of- I Or, Gad.
lold thy peace, and afflict vs very sore? fYing vnto that || number. I Or, Meni.
1£ Therefore will I number you to
C H A P . LXV. the sword, and yee shall all bow downe
1 The calling of the Gentiles. 2 The lewes, t;o the slaughter : * because when I cal- 23.Prou. 1.
ier. 7.
for their incredulity/idolatry and hypocrisie, led, yee did not ariswere; when I spake, 13.
are reiected. 8 A remnant shalbe saued. yee did not heare, *but did euill before Chap. 66.
11 Judgements on the wicked, and bles- nine eyes, and did choose that wherein 4.
sings on the godly. 17 The blessed state
of the new Jerusalem. [ delighted not :
13 Therefore thus saith the Lond
* Rom. 10. * Am sought qfihem that SOD ; Behold, my seruants shall eate,

I asked notjbr me: I * am 3ut ye shall be hungry : behold, my ser-

Rom. 9,
24. 25, 26. found of them that sought uants shall drinke, but yee shall be thir-
eph. 2. 12.
me not : I said, Behold stie : behold, my seruants shall reioyce,
me, behold me, vnto a na- 3ut yee shall be ashamed.
tion that was not called by my name. 14 Behold, my seruants shall sin
% I haue spread out my hands al for ioy of heart, but yee shall cry for sor-
the day vnto a rebellious people, which row of heart, and shall howle for t vexa- • Heb. brea
walketn in a way that was not good, af- tion of spirit.
ter their owne thoughts: 15 And yee shall leaue your nam
3 A people that prouoketh mee to for a curse vnto my chosen: for the Lore
anger continually to my face, that sa- GOD shall slay thee, and call his ser-
crificeth in gardens, and burneth in- uants by another name:
t Heb. vpon cense tvpon altars of bricke: 16 That he who blesseth himselfe i
4 Which remaine among the the earth, shall blesse himselfe in th
graues, and lodge in the monuments, God of trueth; and he that sweareth i
Or, pieces which eate swines flesh, and ||broth o the earth, shall sweare by the God o
abominable things is in their vessels: trueth; because the former troubles ar
5 Which say; Stand by thy selfe forgotten, and because they are hid from
come not neere to me; for I am holie mine eyes. * Chap. 66.
22. 2. pet.
then thou -.these are a smoke in my 17 ^T For behold, I create *new he 3. 13. reu.
uen 21. 1.
New lerufalem. Chap.lxvj. Her glory.
uens, and a new earth : & the former shal a maft : he that sacrificeth a || lambe, as if II Or, Iddde.
t //>&„ cow* not be remembred, nor t come into mind. he cut off a dogs necke : he that offereth
up on the
faart. 18 But bee you glad and. reioyce for an oblation, as if he offered swines blood:
euer in that which I create : for beholde, he that t burneth incense, as if he blessed t Heb, ma-
I create Jerusalem a reioycing, and an idole : yea, they haue chosen their keth ame.
moriall of,
her people a ioy. owne wayes, and their soule delighteth
19 And I wil reioyce in Terusalem, in their abominations.
* Keu. 21. 4. and ioy in my people, and the * voice of 4 I also will chuse their || delusions, I Or, deiii-
weeping shall be no more heard in her, and will bring their feares vpon them ; ces.
nor the voice of crying. * because when I called , none did an- * Pro. 1. 24
20 There shalbe no more thence an swere, when I spake they did not heare: iere. 7. 13.
infant of dayes, nor an olde man, that but * they did euill before mine eyes, and * Chap. 65.
hath not filled his dayes : for the childe chose that in which I delighted not. 12.
shall die an hundreth yeeres olde : but 5 1T Heare the word of the LORD,
the sinner being an hundreth yeres old, ye that tremble at his word : Your bre-
shalbe accursed. thren that hated you , that cast you out
21 And they shall builde houses, and for my Names sake, sayd, *Let the * Cha. 5.19
inhabite them, and they shall plant vine- LORD be glorified : but he shal appeare
yards, and eate the fruit of them. to your ioy, and they shalbe ashamed.
22 They shal not build, and another 6 A voice of noyse from the city, a
inhabit : they shall not plant, and ano- voice from the Temple, a voice of the
ther eat : for as the dales of a tree,are the LORD, that rendreth recompense to
t //<?&. sfca/J dayes of my people, and mine elect t shal his enemies.
nwzfo? /Aem
Continue long enioy the worke of their hands. 7 Before she trauailed, she brought
long; or sftaW 23 They shall not labour in vaine, foorth : before her paine came, shee was
wcare out.
nor bring forth for trouble : for they are deliuered of a man childe.
the seede of the blessed of the LORD, 8 Who hath heard such a thing?
and their offspring with them. who hath seene such things ? shall the
*Fsal.32. 5. 24 And it shal come to passe, that* be- earth be made to bring forth in one* day,
fore they call, I will answere, & whiles or shall a nation be borne at once? for as
they are yet speaking, I will heare. soone as Zion traueiled, shee brought
Msai. II. 25 The *wolfe and the lambe shall foorth her children.
*eede together , and the lyon shall eate 9 Shall I Hbririg to the birth, & not I Or, beget.
straw like the bullocke: and dust shalbe cause to bring forth, saith the L O R D ?
the serpents meat. They shall not hurt shall I cause to bring foorth, and shut
nor destroy in all my holy mountaine, the wombe, sayth thy God?
sayth the LORD. 10 Reioyce ye with Jerusalem, and
be glad with her, all yee that loue her:
C H A P . LXVI. reioyce for ioy with her , all yee that
mourne for her :
1 The glorious God will be serued in humble
sinceritie. 5 He comforteth the humble with 1 1 That ye may sucke and be satisfied
the inarueilous generation, 10 and with the with the breasts of her .consolations :
gracious benefits of the Church. 15 Gods se- that ye may milke out, and be delighted
uere iudgements against the wicked. 19 The with the || abundance of her glory. H Or, bright-
Gentiles shall haue an holy Church, 24- and
see the damnation of the wicked. 12 For thus sayth the L O R D , Be- nessc.
hold, 1 will extend peace to her like a n-
Hus sayth the L O R D , uer, and the glory of the Gentiles like a

*l. Kings 8. *The heauen ismy throne, [lowing streame : then shall ye sucke, ye
27. 2. COT. 6. shalbe * borne vpon her sides, and be dan- »andIsaiGO.4f>.4. 22.
18. actes 7. and the earth is my foote-
49. and stoole : where is the house dled vpon her knees.
IW;&3£50^t^ii Ithat yee builde vnto mee? 13 As one whom his mother comfor-
and where is the place of my rest ? teth, so wil I comfort you: and ye shall
2 For all those tilings hath mine be comforted in Jerusalem.
land made, and all those things haue 14? And when yee see this, your heart
)eene, saith the L O R D : but to this shall reioyce, and your bones shall flou-
man wil I looke, euen to him that is poore rish like an herbe : and the hand of the
and of a contrite spirit, and trembleth at LORD shall be knowen towards his
my word. seruants, and his indignation towards
3 He that killeth an oxe is as i/Hie slue his enemies.
15 For
The reftoring of leremiah. the Church.
15 For behold, the LORD wil come thren for an offering vnto the LORD,
with fire, and with his charets like a out of all nations, vpon horses and in
whirlewinde, to render his anger with charets , and in || litters, and vpon K0r<coaches,
furie, and his rebuke with flames of mules, and vpon swift beasts to my ho-
fire. lie mountaine Jerusalem, saith the
16 For by fire and by his sword, will L O R D ; as the children of Israel
the L O R D plead with all flesh : and bring an offering in a cleane vessell, into
the slaine of the LORD shalbe many. the house of the LORD.
17 They that sanctifie themselues, 21 And I will also take of them for
and purifie themselues in the gardens, * Priestes and for Leuites, saith the « Exod. 19.
8 Or, one af- || behinde one tree in the midst, eating 6. chap. 61.
ter another.
LORD. 6. 1. pet. 2.
swines flesh, and the abomination, and 22 For as * the new heauens, and 9.* Chap. reuel. 1.6.
the mouse, shall be consumed together, the new earth which I wil make, shall 17. 2. Pet. 3.
saith the LORD. remaine before me, saith the LORD, 21. 1. 13. reuel.
18 For I know .their works and their so shall your seed and your name re-
thoughts : it shall come that I will ga- maine.
ther all nations and tongues, and they 23 And it shall come to passe, that
shall come and see my glorie. tfrom one new Moone to an other, t Heb.from
new Moone
19 And I will set a signe among and from one Sabbath to an other, to his new
them, and I will send those that escape shall all flesh come to worship before from Moone, and
of them vnto the nations, to Tarshish, me, saith the LORD. bath to his
Pul and Lud, that draw the bow, to 24 And they shall goe foorth, and Sabbath.
Tubal and lauan, to the lies afarre Ipoke vpon the carkeises of the men
off, that haue not heard my fame, nei- that haue transgressed against me : for
ther haue scene my glory, and they shall their * worme shall not die, neither shall 44.
* Marke 9.
declare my glory among the Gentiles. their fire be quenched, and they shall be
20 And they shall bring all your bre- an abhorring vnto all flesh.

Prophet leremiah.
the thirteenth yeere of his reigne.
C H A P . I. 3 It came also in the dayes of Ie-
1 The time, 3 and the calling of leremiah: hoiakim the sonne of Iosiah king of
11 His propheticall visions of an Almond Iudah, vnto the ende fo the eleuenth
rod, and a seething pot: 15 His heauy mes-
sage against ludah. 17 God incourageth yeere of Zedekiah the sonne of Iosiab
him with his promise of assistance. king of Iudah, vnto the carrying a-
way of Ierusalem captiue in the fift
He wordes of le- moneth.
4 Then the word of the Lord

remiah the sonne
of Hilkiah, of the came vnto me, saying,
Priests that were 5 Before I * formed thee in the bel- * Isa. 49.
in Anathoth in lie, I knew thee; and before thou ca- 1,6.
the land of Ben- mest forth out of the wombe, I * sancti- * Gal. 5.1,
iamin: fied thee, and I ordeined thee a prophet Wiebr.gaue,
2 To whom vnto the nations.
the word of the 6 Then said I, Ah * Lord God, * Exo. 3. 4.
LORD came in the dayes of Josiah behold, I cannot speake, for I am a
the sonne of Amon king of ludah, in childe.
7 But
A feething pot. Chap.ij. Mans vnkindnefle.
7 H But the L O R D sayd vnto but they shall not preuaile against thee:
me, Say not, I am a childe : for thou for I am with thee, sayth tne L O R D ,
shalt goe to all that I shall send thee, to deliuer thee.
and whatsoeuer I command thee, thou
shalt speake.
* Eze. 3. 9. 8 * Be not afraid of their faces : for C H A P . II.
* EXO. 3.12. *I am with thee to deliuer thee, sayth 1 God hailing shewed his former kindnesse,
deut. 31. 6, expostulated with the I ewes, their cause-
8. iosh. l. 5. the L O R D .
heb. id. 6. 9 Then the L O U D put foorth his Jesse reuolt, 9 beyond any example. 14
They are the causes of their owne calami-
* Isai. 6 7 hand, and * touched my mouth, and the
ties. 20 The sinnes of ludah. 31 Her con*
L O R D said vnto me, Behold, I haue fidence is reiected.
*Cha.a. 14. * put my words in thy mouth.
10 See, I haue this day set thee ouer Oreouer, the word of the

the nations, and ouer tne kingdomes, §J^|§fl Ig L O R D came
*Cha. 18. 7. to * roote out, and to pull downe, and *n& '
2. cor. 10.
4.6. to destroy, and to throw down, to build rP^W^ fcl ^ ^oe' an
and to plant. W&$ii3^ii eares of leru
11 H Moreouer, the word of the ing; Thus sayth the LORD, I re-
L O R D came vnto me, saying; lere- member || thee, the kindnesse of thy \0r,fbr1hi,
miah, what seest thou ? And I said, I * youth, the loue of thine espousals, take. • Eze. 16. 8.
see a rodde of an almond tree. when thou wentest after me in the wil- :ha. 12. 14.
12 Then said the L O R D vnto me, dernesse, in a land that was not sowen.
Thou hast well scene : for I will hasten 8 Israel was holinesse vnto the
my word to performe it. L O R D , and the first fruites of his in-
13 And the worde of the L O R D crease : all that deuoure him , shall of-
came vnto mee the second time, saying; fend ; euill shall come vpon them, sayth
What seest thou ? And I said ; I see a the LORD,
seething pot, and the face thereof was 4 Heare ye the word of the LORD,
t Heb. from t towards the North. * O house of Jacob, and all the families
the face of
the North. 14? Then the L O R D said vnto me; of the house of Israel.
*Chap. 4. 6. Out of the * North an euill tshal breake 5 IF Thus sayth the LORD, What
t Heb. shall
be opened. foorth vpon all the inhabitants of the
iniquitie haue your fathers, found in
land. me, that they are gone farre from mee,
*Cha. 5. 15. 15 For loe, I will *call all the fami- and haue walked after vanitie, and are
and 6. 22.
and 10. 22. lies of the kingdoms of the North, saith become vaine ?
the LORD, and they shall come, and 6 Neither sayd they, Where is the
they shall set euery one his throne at the L O R D that * brought vs vp out of * Isai. 63. 9,
entring of the gates of Jerusalem, and the land of Egypt ? that led vs through 11,13.
13. 4,
against all the walles thereof round a- the wildernesse, through a land of de-
bout, & against all the cities of ludah. serts and of pittes, through a land of
16 And I will vtter my Judgements drought, and of the shadow of death,
against them touching all their wicked- through a land that no man passed tho-
nesse,who haue forsaken me, and haue row, and where no man dwelt.
burnt incense vnto other gods, and 7 And I brought you into a plen-
worshipped the workes of their owne tifull countrey, to eate the fruit thereof,
hands. and the goodnesse thereof; but when ye
17 11 Thou therefore gird vp thy entred yee *defiled my land, and made • Psal. 78.
58. and
loynes, and arise and speake vnto them mine heritage an abomination. 106. 38.
all that I cottimaund thee : be not dis- 8 The Priests said not, Where is the
il 0rt breake mayed at their faces, lest I || confound L O R D ? and they that handle the
to pieces.
thee before them. * Law knew me not : the pastours also ' Rom. 2. 20
18 For behold, 1 haue made thee transgressed against mee, and the Pro-
*Cha. 6. 27. this day *a defenced citie, and an yron phets prophecied by Baal, and walked
and 15. 20.
isai. 50. 7. pillar, and brasen walles against the after things that doe not profit.
whole land, against the kings of lu- 9 1T Wherefore, I will yet pleade
dah, against the prkices thereof, against with you, sayth the L O R D , and with
the Priests thereof, and against the peo- your childrens children will I pleade.
ple of the land. 10 For passe || ouer the yles of Chit- I Ortouerto,
19 And they shall fight against thee, tim, and see ; and send vnto Kedar and
The backfliding of leremiah. Gods people.
consider diligently , and see if there be nesse, that snuffeth vp the wind at ther \ Heb. the
such a thing. pleasure, in her occasion who can ||turne desire
of her
11 Hath a nation changed their her away ? all they that seeke her will \ Or, reverse
* Cha, 16. 20 Gods, which are *yet no Gods ? but my not wearie themselues , in her moneth it.
people haue changed their glory , for they shall find her.
that which doth not profit. 25 Withhold thy foote from being
12 Be astonished, O yee heauens, at vnshod, and thy throte from thirst : but
this, and be horribly afraid, be yee very thou saidst, || There is no hope. No, for K Or, is the
desolate, saith the LORD. I haue loued strangers, and after them case rate*
13 For my people haue committed will I goe.
*Chap. 17. two euils : *they haue forsaken me, the 26 As the thiefe is ashamed, when
id. & 18.14
psal. 36. 9. fountaine of liuing waters, and hewed he is found : so is the house of Israel
them out cistern es, broken cisternes ashamed, they, their kings, their prin-
that can hold no water. ces, and their priests, & their prophets,
14 IF Is Israel a seruant? is he a 27 Saying to a stocke ; Thou art my
t Heb. be- home-borne slaue? why is he t spoiled? father, and to a stone; Thou hast
come a spoile.
15 The young lyons roared vpon || brought me forth : for they haue tur- I! Or9 begot-
t Heb. ttaue him and t yelled, and they made his land ned t their backe vnto me, and not their ten me.
t Heb. the
out their
voyce. waste : his cities are burnt without in- face : but in the time of their * trouble, part of part
habitant. they will say ; Arise and saue vs. necke.
16 Also the children of Noph and 28 But where are thy Gods that lt>. * Isai. 26.
II Or,feede Tahapanes haue || broken the crowne thou hast made thee P let them arise if
on thy crown,
deut. 33. 12 of thy head. they ^can saue thee in the time of thy * Isai. 43.
Isai. 8. 8. 17 Hast thou not procured this vnto t trouble : for * accordingto the number of20.
t Heb. euill.
thy selfe, in that thou hast forsaken the thy cities, are thy Gods, O ludah. *Chap. n.
L O R D thy God, when he led thee by 29 Wherefore will yee plead with 13.
the way ? me ? yee all haue transgressed against
18 And now what hast thou to doe me, saith the LORD.
in the way of Egypt, to drinke the wa- 30 In vaine haue I * smitten your * Isail. 9.
ters of Sihor ? Or what hast thou to children , they receiued no correction : 13. cha. 5. 3
doe in the way of Assyria, to drinke the your owne sword hath *deuoured your * Matth. 23.
29. £c.
waters of the riuer ? prophets, like a destroying lyon.
* Isai. 3. 19 Thine owne *wickednesse shall 31 1[ O generation, see yee the word
9. OS. 6. 5.
correct thee, and thy backslidings shall of the L O R D : *haue I beene a wil- 1 Chap. 2. 6
reproue thee : know therefore and see, dernesse vnto Israel ? a land of darke-
that it is an euill thing and bitter that nesse ? wherefore say my people ; t We arehaue
t Heb. we
thou hast forsaken the L O R D thy Lords, we will come no more vnto nion.
God, and that my feare is not in thee, thee ?
saith the Lord GOD of Hostes. 32 Can a maide forget her ornaments,
20 IF For of old time I haue broken or a bride her .attire? yet my people haue
thy yoke, and burst thy bands, and thou forgotten me dayes without number.
II Or, serue. saidst; I will not ((transgresse : when 33 Why trimmest thou thy way to
* Isai. 57. vpon euery high *hill, and vnder euery seeke loue? therefore hast thou also
5,7. greene tree * thou wandrest, playing the taught the wicked ones thy wayes.
*Ier. 3. 6.
harlot. 34 Also in thy skirts is found the
*Matth. 21. 21 Yet I had * planted thee a noble blood of the soules of the poore inno-
23. mar. 12. cents : I haue not found it by t secret ging.t Heb. di&.
1. luc. 20.9. *vine, wholy a right seede : How then
* Exod. 16. art thou turned into the degenerate search, but vpon all these.
17. psal. 44. 35 Yet thou sayest; Because I am in-
3. and 80. 9. plant of a strange vine vnto me ?
Isai. 5. 2. 22 For though thou *wash thee nocent, surely his anger shall turne
* lob. 9. 30.
with nitre, and take thee much sope, yet from me : behold, I will plead with
thine iniquitie is marked before me, thee, because thou sayest, I haue not
saith the Lord GOD. sinned.
23 How canst thou say, I am not 36 Why gaddest thou about so much
polluted, I haue not gone after Baa- to change thy way ? thou also shalt bee
lim ? see thy way in the valley, know ashamed of Egypt, as thou wast asha-
t Or, 0 swift
dromedarie. what thou hast done : \\thou art a swift med of Assyria.
tOr, OwM dromedarie trauersing her wayes. 37 Yea thou shalt goe forth from
asse &c.
iHeb. taught 24? || A wild asse tvsed to the wilder- him, and thine hands vpon thine
head :
God calleth Chap.iij. to repentance.
head : for the L o R D hath reiected rous sister ludah hath not turned vn-
thy confidences, and thou shalt not pro- to mee with her whole heart, but tfai- falshood. t Hebr. in
sper in them. nedly, saith the LORD.
11 And the L O R D said vnto mee,
CHAP. III. The backesliding Israel hath iusti-
1 Gods great mercy in ludahs vile whoredome. fied her selfe more then treacherous
6 ludah is worse then Israel. 12 The pro- ludah.
raises of the Gospel, to the penitent 20 Is- 12 If Go and proclaime these words
rael reprooued and called by God, maketh a
solemne confession of their sinnes. toward the North, and say, Returne
thou backesliding Israel, sayeth the
\ Heb. lay- Hey t say; If a man put a- LORD, and I will not cause mine an-

ing. way his wife, and she goe ger to fall vpon you : for I am * merci- *Psal. 86.
15. and 103
from him, and become an- full, saith the LORD, and I will not 8,9.
* Deu. 24. 4 other mans, * shall hee re- keepe anger for euer.
Rz>*«d^3*S^fc«*EB turne vnto her againe? 13 Only acknowledge thine iniquity
shall not that land be greatly polluted? that thou hast transgressed against the
but thou hast played the harlot with LORD thy God, and hast scattered thy
many louers ; yet returne againe to me, wayes to the strangers vnder euery
saith the LORD. greene tree, and ye haue not obeyed my
2 Lift vp thine eyes vnto the high voice, saith the L o R D.
places, and see where thou hast not bene 14« Turne, O backesliding children,
lien with : in the wayes hast thou sate saith the LORD, for I am maried vn-
for them, as the Arabian in the wilder- to you : and I will take you one of a ci-
nesse, and thou hast polluted the land ty, and two of a family, and I wil bring
with thy whoredomes, and with thy you to Zion.
wickednes. 15 And I will giue you *Pastours 1 Cha. 23. 4.
*Deut.28. 3 Therefore the *showres haue bin according to mine heart, which shall
12. withholden, and there hath bene no lat- feede you with knowledge and vnder-
Cha.6.15. ter raine , and thou haddest a * whores standing.
forehead, thou refusedst to be ashamed. 16 And it shall come to passe when
4 Wilt thou not from this time cry yee bee multiplied and increased in the
vnto me; My father, thou art the guide Land; in those dayes, saith the LORD,
of my youth ? they shal say no more ; The Arke of the
5 Will he reserue his anger for euer? Couenant of the LORD : neither shal
wil he keepe it to the end? Behold, thou it t come to minde, neither shall they re- Heb. come
ip on the
bast spoken and done euill things as member it, neither shall they visit i^, nei- heart.
thou couldest. ther shall \\that be done any more. i! Or, it be
6 1F The LORD said also vnto 17 At that time they shall call leru- magnified.
me, in the daies of losiah the king, Hast salem the Throne of the L O R D , and
thou seene that which backsliding Is- all the nations shalbe gathered vnto it,
*Cha. 2. 20. rael hath done ? she is *gone vp vpon e- to the Name of the LORD, to leru-
uery high mountaine, and vnder euery salem : neither shall they walke any
jreene tree, and there hath plaied the more after the || imagination of their I Or, stvb-
iiarlot. euill heart. burnnesse.
7 And I said after she had done all 18 In those dayes the house of lu-
these things ; Turne thou vnto me : but dah shall walke ||with the house of Is- I Or, to.
shee returned not, and her treacherous rael, and they shall come together out
sister ludah saw it. of the land of the North to the land that
8 And I saw, when for all the cau- [ haue || giuen for an inheritance vnto I Or, caused
your fathers
ses whereby backsliding Israel com- your fathers. opossesse.
mitted adulterie , I had put her away 19 But I said ; How shall I put thee
and giuen her a bill of diuorce : yet her among the children , and giue thee a
;reacherous sister ludah feared not, t pleasant land, a goodly t heritage of the Heb. land
3ut went and played the harlot also. iostes of nations ? and I said ; Thou of desire.
9 And it came to passe thorow the shalt call me ; My father, and shalt not
1! Or, fame. [lightnes of her whoredome, that shee turne away tfrom me. Hebr.from
defiled the land, and committed adulte- 20 If Surely as a wife treacherously after me.
ry with stones and with stockes. departeth from her t husband : so haue Heb.friend
10 And yet for all this her treache- you dealt treacherously with mee, O
True repentance. leremiah, Againft ludah.
house of Israel, saith the LORD. Zion : ||retyre, stay not ; for I wil bring I0r,
21 A voice was heard vpon the high euil from the * North, and a great t de- strengthen.
* Chap. 1.
3laces , weeping and supplications of struction. 13,14, 23.
chap. 6. 86.
;he children of Israel : for they haue 7 The Lion is come vp from his MJebr.brea-
peruerted their way, and they haue for- thicket, and the destroyer of the Gen- king.
gotten the L O R D their God. tiles is on his way ; hee is gone foorth
*Ose, 14.2. 22 * Returne ye backsliding children, from his place to make thy land deso-
and I wil heale your backslidings : Be- late, and thy cities shall be layed waste,
bolde, wee come vnto thee, for thou art without an inhabitant.
the L O R D our God. 8 For this *gird you with sackcloth; * Chap. 6.
23 Truely in vaine is saluation hoped lament and howle : for the fierce anger 26.
far from the hilles, and from the multi- of the L O R D is not turned backe
tude of mountaines : truely in the From vs.
L O R D our God is the saluation of 9 And it shall come to passe at that
Israel. day, saith the LORD, that the heart of
24 For shame hath deuoured the la- the King shall perish, and the heart of
bour of our fathers from our youth : the Princes : and the Priests shalbe a-
their flockes and their heards, their stonished, & the prophets shall wonder.
sonnes and their daughters. 10 Then said I, Ah Lord GOD,
25 We lie downe in our shame, and surely thou hast greatly deceiued this
our confusion, couereth vs : for we haue people, and lerusalem, saying, Ye shall
sinned against the L O R D our God, haue peace , whereas the sword rea-
wee and our fathers from our youth cheth vnto the soule.
euen vnto this day, and haue not obeied 11 At that time shall it bee said to
the voice of the L O R D our God. this people, and to lerusalem ; A dry
winde of the high places in the wilder-
C H A P . IIIL nes toward the daughter of my people,
1 God calleth Israel by his promise. 3 He ex- not to fanne, nor to cleanse,
horteth ludah to repentance by fearefull 12 Euen jjafull winde from those pla- i Or, a fuller
iudgements. 19 A grieuous lamentation ces shall come vnto mee : now also will winde
for the miseries of ludah. I tgiue sentence against them. \Hebr.*vt.
F thou wilt returne, U 18 Behold, hee shall come vp as ter iudge-

Israel, saith the L O R D cloudes, and his charets shall bee as a
•Ioel2. 12. * returne vnto mee: and i: whirlewinde : his horses are swifter
thou wilt put away thine then Eagles ; woe vnto vs, for wee are
abominations out of my spoiled.
sight, then shalt thou not remoue. 14f O lerusalem, *wash thine heart •Isa. i. 16.
2 And thou shalt sweare, The from wickednesse, that thou mayest
L O R D liueth, in Trueth, in ludge- bee saued : how long shall thy vaine
ment, and in Righteousnes, and the na- thoughts lodge within thee ?
tions shall blesse themselues in him, anc 15 For a voice declareth *from Dan, * Chap. 8.
* 2. COT. 10. in him shall they *glorie. and publisheth affliction from moun 16.
17. 3 1F For thus saith the L O R D to Ephraim.
the men of ludah and lerusalem, 16 Make ye mention to the nations,
Breake vp your fallow ground, anc behold, publish against lerusalem, that
sow not among thornes. watchers come from a farre countrey,
4 Circumcise your selues to the and giue out their voice against the ci-
LORD, and take away the foreskinnes ties of ludah.
of your heart, ye men of ludah, and in 17 As keepers of a fielde are they a-
habitants of lerusalem , lest my furie gainst her round about; because shee
come forth like fire, and burne that none hath bene rebellious against mee, saitl
can quench it, because of the euill of your the LORD.
doings. 18 *Thy way and thy doings haue * Psal. 107.
5 Declare ye in ludah, and publish procured these things vnto thee, this is 1.17. tea. 50.
in lerusalem, and say, Blow yee the thy wickednes because it is bitter, be-
Trumpet in the land : cry, gather toge- cause it reacheth vnto thine heart. * Isa. 22. 4
ther,and say, Assemble your selues, anc 19 11 My * bowels, my bowels, I am chap. 9. 1.
let vs goe into the defenced cities. pained at my very heart, tmy hear walles t Hebr. the
6 Set vp the standards towarc maketh a noise in mee, I cannot hol< heart.
Wife to doe euill. Chap.v. Gods plagues
my peace, because thou hast heard, 0 their peruersenesse, 7 for their adulterie,
my soule, the sound of the Trumpet, 10 for their impietie, 19 for their con tern pi
the alarme of warre. of God, 25 and for their great corruption
in the Ciuill state, 30 and Ecclesiasticall.
20 Destruction vpon destruction is
cried, for the whole land is spoiled: sud- Vnne yee to and fro tho-
denly are my tents .spoiled, and my cur-
taines in a moment.
21 How long shal I see the standard
and heare the sound of the Trumpet ?
R row the streetes of Jeru-
salem, and see now and
khowe, and seeke in the
broad places thereof, if ye
22 For my people is foolish, they can finde a man, if there be any that exe-
fiaue not knowen me, they are sottish cuteth iudgement, that seeketh the
children, and they haue none vnder- trueth, and I will pardon it.
standing : they are wise to doe euill, but 2 And though they say, The LORD
to doe good they haue no knowledge. liueth, surely they sweare falsely.
23 I beheld the earth, and loe, it was 3 O LORD, are not thine eyes vp-
without forme and void : and the hea- on the trueth? thou hast ^stricken them, * Isai. 9.13.
uens, and they had no light. but they haue not grieued ; thou hast :hap. 2. da.
24 I beheld the mountaines, and consumed them, but they haue refused
ioe they trembled, and all the hilles to receiue correction : they haue made
mooued lightly. their faces harder then a rocke , they
25 I behelde , and loe , there was no haue refused to returne.
man , and all the birdes of the heauens 4 Therefore I said, Surely these
were fled. are poore , they are foolish : for they
26 I beheld , and loe , the fruitful! know not the way of the L O R D , nor
place was a wildernesse, and all the ci- the iudgement of their God.
ties thereof were broken downe at the 5 I wil get me vnto the great men,
presence of the L O R D , and by his and will speake vnto them , for they
fierce anger. haue knowen the way of the LORD,
27 For thus hath the LORD said; and the iudgement of their God : but
* Cha. 5.18. The whole land shall be desolate ; *yet these haue altogether broken the yoke,
will I not make a full ende. and burst the bondes.
28 For this shall the earth mourne, 6 Wherfore a lyon out of the forrest
and the heauens aboue be blacke : be- shall slay them, and a wolfe of the ||eue- II 0r, deserts.
cause I haue spoken it, I haue purpo- nings shall spoile them, a leopard shall
sed it, and will not repent, neither will watch ouer their cities : euery one that
I turne backe from it. goeth out thence shalbe torne in pieces,
29 The whole citie shall flee, for the because their transgressions are many,
noise of the horsemen and bowmen, and their backeslidings tare increased. Hcb» of6
they shall goe into thickets, and climbe 7 1T How shall I pardon thee for strong.
vp vpon the rockes : euery city shall be this ? thy children haue forsaken mee,
forsaken, and not a man dwell therein. and sworne by them that are no gods :
30 And when thou art spoiled, what when I had fed them to the full, they
wilt thou doe? though thou clothest then committed adulterie, and assem-
thy selfe with crimsin, though thou dec- bled themselues by troupes in the har-
kest thee with ornaments of golde, lots houses.
\Heb.eyes. though thou rentest thy t face with pain- 8 * They were as fed horses in the * Ezek. 82.
ting, in vaine shalt thou make thy selfe morning: euery one neighed after his ii.
faire, thy louers will despise thee, they neighbours wife :
will seeke thy life. 9 Shall I not visit for these things,
31 For I haue heard a voice as of a sayth the LORD, and shall not my
woman in trauel, and the anguish as of soule bee auenged on such a nation as
her that bringeth foorth her first childe,this?
the voice of the daughter of Zion, that 10 IF Goe yee vp vpon her walles,
bewaileth her selfe, that spreadeth her and destroy, but make not a full ende :
hands, saying; Woe is me now, for my take away her battlements, for they are
soule is weaned because of murderers. not the LORDS.
11 For the house of Israel , and the
C H A P . V. house of ludah haue dealt very trea-
1 The iudgements of God vpon the lewes, for cherously against me, saith the LORD.
12 For
Gods word, fire. leremiah. Falfe prophets;
1£ They haue belyed the LORD, serueth vnto vs the appointed weekes
* Isai. 28. and said; It i& not he,* neither shall euill of the haruest.
IS. 25 IF Your iniquities haue turned
come vpon vs, neither dial we seesword
•nor famine. away these things, & your sinnes haue
13 And the prophets shall become withholden good thingsfromyou.
wind, and the word is not in them : thus 26 For among my people are found
shall it be done vnto them. wicked men : ||they lay waite as hee 0 Or, they
14 Wherfore thus saith the LORD that setteth snares, they set a trap, they vryasfou-
ers lie in
God of Hostes; Because yee speake this catch men. waite.
word, behold, I will make my words 27 As a || cage is full of birds, so are II Or, coupe.
» Cha. 1. 9. in thy mouth , •* fire , and this people their houses full of deceit: therefore they
wood, and it shall deuoure them. are become great, and waxen rich.
* Deut. 28. 15 Loe, I will bring a * nation vp- 28 They are waxen *fat, they shine: * Deut. 32.
49. cha. 1.
15. and 6. on you from farre, O house of Israel, fea they ouerpasse the deedes of the 15.
22. saith the LORD : it is a mighty nation, wicked : they iudge not *the cause, the zac.* Isai. 1. 23
7. 10.
t is an ancient nation, a nation whose cause of the fatherlesse,yet they prosper:
anguage them knowest not, neither vn- and the right of the needy doe they not
derstandest what they say. iudge.
16 Their quiuer is as an open sepul- 29 Shall I not visit for these things,
chre, they are all mighty men. saith the LORD ? shall not my soule be
* Leu. 26. 17 And they shall eate vp thine *har- auenged on such a nation as this ?
16. deut.
uest and thy bread, which thy sonnes and i Or, asto-
30 H 1| A wonderfull and horriblenishmenand
28. 31. 33.
thy daughters should eate : they shall thing is committed in the land. filthinesse.
eate vp thy flockes and thine beards : 31 The prophets prophecie # falsely, •18.Chap. 14.
and 23.
they shall eate vp thy vines and thy fig- and the priests || beare rule by their 25. 13. 6.
26. ez.
trees : they shall impouerish thy fenced meanes, and my people loue to haue it so : D Or, take
cities wherein thou trustedst, with the Into their
and what will yee doe in the end therof ? hands.
18 Neuerthelesse in those daies, saith C H A R VI.
* Cha. 4.27. the L O R D , I *will not make a ful]
1 The enemies, sent against ludah, 4 encou-
end with you. rage themselues. 6 God setteth them on
19 f And it shall come to passe when worke, because of their sinnes. 9 The pro-
*Cha. 16.10 yee shall say ; * Wherefore doth the phet lamenteth the Judgements of God
and 13. 22. L O R D our God all these things vnto because of their sinnes. 18 He proclaimeth
Gods wrath. 26 He calleth the people to
vs ? then shalt thou answere them ; Like mourne for the iudgement on their sinnes.
as ye haue forsaken me, & sertied strange
Gods in your land ; so shall yee serue |g^|t^ Yeechildren
strangers in a land that is not yours.
20 Declare this in the house of la-
cob, and publish it in ludah saying ;
* Isai. 6. fl. 21 Heare now this, O * foolish peo-
matth. 13.
O EY^^^A! gather you
(\^^^^K oufc °^ ^
®^^^®^ rusalem , an
^rS^S^ll trumpet in T
14. acts 28. ple, and without t vnderstanding, which set vp a signe of fire in Beth-haccerem :
26. rom. 11.
8. ioh. 12. haue eyes and see not, which haue eares for euill appeareth out of the North ,
and heare not. and great destruction.
28 Feare yee not mee, saith the 2 I haue likened the daughter of
L O R D ? will yee not tremble at my Zion to a |] comely and delicate woman. I Or, dwel-
presence, which haue placed the sand for 3 The shepheards with their flocks ling at home.
* lob. 38. the*bound of the sea, by a perpetuall de- shall come vnto her : they shall pitch
10,11. psal. cree that it cannot passe it, and though their tents against her round about : they
104. 9.
the waues thereof tosse themselues, yet shall feede, euery one in his place.
can they not preuaile, though they 4 Prepare yee warre against her:
roare, yet can they not passe ouer it ? arise, and let vs goe vp at noone : woe
23 But this people hath a reuolting vnto vs, for the day goeth away, for the
and a rebellious heart : they are reuol- shadowes of the euening are stretched
ted and gone. out.
24 Neither say they in their heart ; 5 Arise, and let vs goe by night, and
Let vs now feare the LORD our let vs destroy her palaces.
* Deut. 11. God, that giueth raine, both the * for- 6 11 For thus hath the L O R D oi
mer anil the later in his season : he re- hostes said ; Hew yee downe trees and
|| cast
The old way. Chap.yj. Rebellious lewes.
II Or, powre || cast a mount against Jerusalem : this pet : but they said, We wil not hearken.
out the en-
gine of shot. is the citie to be visited, she is wholly op- 18 IF Therefore heare ye nations,
pression in the midst of her. and know, O Congregation what is a-
* Isa. 57.20 7 #As a fountaine casteth out her mong them.
waters, so she casteth out her wicked- 19 Heare, O eafth, behold, I will
nesse : violence and spoile is heard in bring euill vpon this people, euen the
her, before me continually is griefe and fruit of their thoughts , because they
wounds. haue not hearkened vnto my wordes,
8 Be thou instructed, O Jerusalem, nor to my law, but reiected it.
\ Heb.bee lest my soule t depart from thee : lest I 20 *To what purpose cometh there to * Isa. 1.11.
'oosed or dis- and 66. 3.
iointed. make thee desolate, a lande not inha- me incense from Sheba ? and the sweet amos 5. 21.
bited. cane from a farre countrey ? your burnt mic.&c.
6. 6,
9 IT Thus saith the LORD of hosts, offerings are not acceptable, nor your sa-
They shall throughly gleane the rem- crifices sweet vnto me.
nant of Israel as a vine : turne backe 21 Therefore thus saith the LORD,
thine hand as a grape gatherer into the Behold, I will lay stumbling blockes
baskets. before this people, and the fathers and
10 To whome shall I speake and the sons together shall fall vpon them :
jiue warning, that they may heare? the neighbor and his friend shall perish.
* Chap. 7.26 Behold, their #eare is vncircumcised, 22 Thus saith the LORD, Behold,
and they cannot hearken : beholde, the a people commeth from the * North *Chap. 1.15
and 5. 15.
word of the LORD is vnto them a re- countrey, and a great nation shall bee and 10. 22.
proch : they haue no delight in it. raised from the sides of the earth.
11 Therefore I am full of the furie 23 They shall lay hold on bowe and
of the L O R D : I am weary with hol- speare: they are cruell, and haue no mer-
ding in : I will powre it out vpon the cie : their voice roareth like the Sea, and
children abroad, and vpon the assembly they ride vpon horses, set in aray as men
of yong men together : for euen the hus- for warre against thee, O daughter of
band with the wife shall be taken, the Zion.
aged with him that is full of dayes. 24 We haue heard the fame thereof,
12 And their houses shall be turned our hands waxe feeble, anguish hath
vnto others, with their fields and wiues taken hold of vs, and paine as of a wo-
together : for I wil stretch out my hand man in trauaile.
vpon the inhabitants of the land, saith 25 Goe not forth into the field, nor
the LORD. walke by the way : for the sword of the
13 For from the least of them euen enemie and feare is on euery side.
vnto the greatest of them, euery one is 26 1[ O daughter of my people, gird
* Iga. 56. II giuen to #couetousnesse, and from the thee with * sackcloth, and wallowe thy * Chap. 4.8.
chap. 8. 10. prophet euen vnto the priest, euery one
selfe in ashes : make thee mourning, as and 25. 36.
dealeth falsly. for an onely sonne, most bitter lamenta-
* Chap. 8. 14 They haue #healed also the thurt tion : for the spoiler shall suddenly come
11. ezek.
13.10. of the daughter of my people sleigh tly, vpon vs.
MIeb. bruise saying, Peace, peace, when there is no 27 I haue set thee for a towre, and
or breach.
peace. a *fortresse among my people : that thou * Chap. 1. •
18. and 15.
* Chap. 3.3. 15 Were they * ashamed when they mayest know and trie their way. 20.
and 8. 12. had committed abomination ? nay they 28 They are all grieuous reuolters,
were not at all ashamed, neither could walking with slanders : they are *brasse * Ezck. 22.
they blush : therefore they shall fall a- and yron, they are all corrupters.
mong them that fall : at the time that 29 The bellowes are burnt, the lead
I visit them, they shall bee cast downe, is consumed of the fire : the founder mel-
saith the LORD. teth in vaine : for the wicked are not
16 Thus saith the LORD, Stand plucked away.
ye in the wayes and see, and aske for the 30 * || Reprobate siluer shall men call * Isa. i. 22.
* Isa. 8. 20. *old paths, where is the good way, and them, because the LORD hath reie- situer. Or, refuse
mal. 4. 4.
luk. 16. 29. walke therein, and ye shall finde *rest cted them.
* Mat. 11. for your soules : but they said, We will
not walke therein. C H A P . VII.
17 Also I set watchmen ouer you, 1 leremiah is sent to call for true repentance, to
joyzflg'jHearken to the sound of the trum- preuent the lewes captiuitie. 8 He reiecteth
Vaine truft. leremiah. Obey Gods voice.
their vaine confidence, 12 by the example 14 Therefore will I doe vnto this
of Shiloh, 17 He threaineth them for their house, which is called by my Name,
idolatrie. 21 Hee reiecteth the sacrifices of wherein yee trust, and vnto the place
the disobedient. 29 He exhorteth to raourne which I gaue to you, and to your fa-
for their abominations in Tophet, 32 and
the iudgements for the same. thers, as I haue done to * Shiloh. * i.Sam. 4.
11. psal. 78.
15 And I will cast you out of my 60. and 132.
a^^™^*g HE word th sight, as I haue cast out all your bre- 6. chap.26.

leremiah from the thren, euen the whole seed of Ephraim.
LORD, saying, 16 Therefore #pray not thou for this * Chap. 12.
2 Stand in the gate p>eople, neither lift vp cry nor prayer for 14. and 14.
of the LORDS house, them, neither make intercession to me, 32.10.
and proclaime there or I will not heare thee.
his word, and say, Heare the word of 17 IF Seest thou not what they doe
the LORD, all ye of ludah, that en- in the cities of ludah, and in the streets
ter in at these gates to worship the of Jerusalem ?
LORD. 18 #The children gather wood, and * Chap. 44.
3 Thus saith the LORD of hostes the fathers kindle the fire, & the women 19.
the God of Israel ; * Amend your tnead their dough to make cakes to the
AA wayes, and your doings, and I will | Queene of heauen, and to powre out ortoorftman- II Or, frame,
cause you to dwell in this place. drinke offerings vnto other gods, that ship of hea-
4 Trust ye not in lying words, say- they may prouoke me to anger. uen.
ing, The Temple of the LORD, the 19 Doe they prouoke mee to anger,
Temple of the LORD, the Temple oi saith the LORD ? doe they not prouoke
the LORD, are these. themselues to the confusion of their
5 For if ye throughly amend your owne faces?
waies and your doings, if you through- 20 Therefore thus saith the Lord
y execute Judgement betweene a man GOD, Behold, mine anger and my fu-
and his neighbour : rie shalbe powred out vpon this place,
6 If ye oppresse not the stranger, the vpon man & vpon beast, and vpon the
fatherlesse and the widow , and shed trees of the field, and vpon the fruit oi
not innocent blood in this place, neither the ground, and it shall burne, and shall
walke after other gods to your hurt : not be quenched.
7 Then will I cause you to dwell 21 IF Thus saith the LORD of hosts
in this place, in the land that I gaue to the God of Israel, *Put your burnt of- chap. * lea. i. 11.
6. 20.
your fathers, for euer and euer. fings vnto your sacrifices, & eate flesh. amoeft. 21.
8 U Behold, ye trust in lying words, 22 For I spake not vnto your fa-
that cannot profit. thers, nor commanded them in the day
9 Will ye steale, murther, and com- that I brought them out of the land oi
mit adulterie, and sweare falsly, anc Egypt, t concerning burnt offerings or tffebr. con-
cerning the
burne incense vnto Baal, and walke af- sacrifices. matter of.
ter other gods, whom ye know not ; 23 But this thing commaunded 1
10 And come and stand before me in them, saying, Obey my voice, #and 1 * Deut. e. 3.
* Exod. 19.
t Hebr. this house , t which is called by my wil be your God, and ye shalbe my peo- 5. leuit. se.
my Name is Name, and say, We are deliuered, to do ple : and walke ye in all the wayes that 12.
called. all these abominations ? I haue commanded you, that it may be
* Isai. 56. 7 11 Is *this house, which is called by well vnto you.
* Matth. 21 my Name, become a *denne of robbers 24 But they hearkened not, nor in-
13. mar. ll. in your eies ? Behold, euen I haue seen clined their eare, but walked in the
17. luke 19.
46. it, saith the LORD. counsels and in the || imagination o; burnnesse.
II Or, stub-
12 But goe yee now vnto my place their euill heart, and twent backward \Hebr.were
which was in Shiloh, where I set my and not forward.
* i. Sam. 4 Name at the first, and see *what I die 25 Since the day that your fathers
l l . psal. 78.
60. chap. to it, for the wickednesse of my people came forth out of the land of Egypt vn-
26. ti. Israel. to this day^ I haue euen #sent vnto you * i. Chron.
13 And now because ye haue done all all my seruants the Prophets, daily ri- 36. 15.
these workes, saith the L O R D , and '. sing vp early, and sending them.
spake vnto you , rising vp earely, anc 26 Yet they hearkned not vnto me, nor
* Pro. 1. 24 speaking, but ye heard not ; and I * cal- inclined their eare, but * hardened their * Chap. 16.
isu. 65. 12.
and 66. 4. led you, but ye answered not: neck, they did worse then their fathers 12.
27 There-
Stubborne people Chap.viij. Couetoufnes in all.
27 Therefore thou shalt speake all hoste of heauen whom they haue loued,
these wordes vnto them, but they will and whom they haue serued, and after
not hearken to thee : thou shalt also call whom they haue walked, and whom
vnto them, but they will not answere they haue sought, and whom they haue
thee. worshipped : they shall not be gathered,
28 But thou shalt say vnto them ; nor be buried, they shall be for doung,
This is a nation , that obeyeth not the vpon the face of the earth.
voyce of the L O R D their God, nor re- $ And death shall bee chosen rather
II Or, instru. ceiueth || correction : trueth is perished, then life, by all the residue of them that
and is cut off from their mouth. remaine of this euill family, which re-
29 f Cut off thine haire, O Jerusalem, maine in all the places whither I haue
and cast it away, and take vp a lamenta- driuen them, saith the LORD of hosts.
tion on high places, for the LORD 4t ^ Moreouer thou shalt say vnto
hath reiected, and forsaken the genera- them, Thus saith the LORD, Shall
tion of his wrath. they fall, and not arise ? shall hee turne
30 For the children of ludah haue away, and not returne ?
done euill in my sight, saith the LORD: 5 Why then is this people of lerusa-
they haue set their abominations in the lem slidden backe, by a perpetual backe-
house which is called by my Name, to sliding? they hold fast deceit, they refuse
pollute it. to returne.
*2. Kings 31 And they haue built the * high pla- 6 I hearkened and heard, but they
23. 10. chap.
19. 5. ces of Tophet which is in the valley of spake not aright : no man repented him
the sonne of Hinnom, to burne their of his wickednesse, saying. What haue
sonnes and their daughters in the fire, I done ? euery one turned to his course,
which I commanded them not, neither as the horse rusheth into the battell.
I Heb. came tcame it into my heart. 7 Yea the * Storke in the heauen 'IsaLl.3.
it vpon my
heart. 32 f Therefore behold, the dayes knoweth her appointed times, and the
* Cha. 19. 6. *come, saith the LORD, that it shall turtle, and the crane, and the swallow
no more be called Tophet, nor the val- obserue the time of their comming; but
ley of the sonne of Hinnom, but the val- my people know hot the Judgement of
ley of slaughter : for they shall bury in the LORD.
Tophet, till there be no place. 8 How doe ye say, We are wise, and
* Chap. 34. 33 And the *carkeises of this people the Law of the LORD is with vs?
20. and. 16.
4. psal. 79. 2 shall be meate for the fowles of the hea- Loe, || certainly, in vaine made he it, the HOr, thefalse
penne of the
uen, and for the beasts of the earth, and pen of the scribes is in vaine. scribes war-
none shall fray them away. 9 The * || wise men are ashamed, kethfvrfals-
34 Then will I cause to cease from they are dismayed and taken. ; loe, they * Cha. 6. 15.
* Isa. 24. 7. the *cities of ludah, and from the haue reiected the word of the L O R D , they H Or, haue
chap. 16. 9. beene
and 25. 10. streets of lerusalem, the voice of mirth and t what wisedome fa in them ? ashamed,
and. 33.11. and the voice of gladnesse, the voice of %c.
cze. 26. 13. 10 Therfore will I giue their wiues \Heb.the
ose. 2. 11. the bridegroome, and the voice of the vnto others, fy their fields to them that wisedome of
bride : for the land shall be desolate. shall inherite them : for euery one from what thing.
the least euen vnto the greatest is giuen
C H A P . VIII. to couetousnes, from the Prophet euen
1 The calamity of the lewes, both dead and a- vntothepriest,* euery one dealeth falsly. *Isai. 56. n
liue. 4 Hee vpbraideth their foolish, and 11 For they haue .* healed the hurt of chap. 6. 13.
*Cha. 6. 14.
shamelesse impenitencie. 13 Hee sheweth the daughter of my people slightly , say-
their grieuous iudgment, 18 and bewai-
leth their desperate estate. ing, * Peace, peace,when there isno peace. * Eze. 13.
12 Were they # ashamed when they *10.Chap. 3. 3,
T that time, sayeth the had committed abomination r nay, they and 6. 15.

A L O R D , they shall bring

3ut the bones of the kings
of ludah, and the bones of
his princes, and the bones
were not at all ashamed, neither could
they blush : therefore shall they fall a-
mong them that fal, in the time of their
visitation they shall be cast downe, saith R Or, in ga-
thering I
of the Priests, and the bones of the Pro- the LORD, witt con-
phets, and the bones of the inhabitants 13 f || I will surely consume them, sume.
*Isai.5. l.
of lerusalem out of their graues. saith the LORD: there shalbe no grapes &c.
2 And they shall spread them before *on the vine, nor figges on the *figtree, 'Matth. 21,
the Sunne, and the Moone, and all the and the leafe shall fade,and the things that 19. luJce
13. 6. &c.
I haue
The Prophets forow leremiah. for the people-
haue giuen them, shall passe away sembly of treacherous men.
Tom them. 3 And they bend their tongue like
14 Why doe wee sit still ? assemble heir bovrjbr lies : but they are not vali-
rout selues, and let vs enter into the de- ant for the trueth vpon the earth : for
enced cities, and let vs be silent there : bey proceed from euil to euill, and they
or the LORD our God hath put vs enow not me, saith the LORD.
*Chft. 9. 15. o silence, and giuen vs * waters of ||gall 4 * Take yee heede euery one of his *Chap.12.
dan. 23.15. o drink, because we haue sinned against . mich. 7.
||neighbour, and trust yee not in any 6-mich.7.
I Or, poyson. 5,6.
le LORD. >rother : for euery brother will vtterly 10r, friend.
*Chap. 14. 15 We * looked for peace, but no good supplant, and euery neighbour will
6. came :and for a time of health, and behold walke with slanders.
trouble. 5 And they will || deceiue euery one I Ort mocke.
16 The snorting of his horses was lis neighbour, and will not speake the
* Cha, 4. 15. icard from * Dan : the whole land trem- trueth, they haue taught their tongue
>led at the sound of the neighing of his to speake lies, and weary themselues to
strong ones, for they are come and haue commit iniquity.
t ffebr. the euoured the land, and tall that is in it, 6 Thine habitation is in the middest
fulness* lie citie, and those that dwell therein. of deceit, through deceit they refuse to
17 For behold, I wil send serpents, enow me, sayth the LORD.
cockatrices among you, which will not 7 Therfore thus saith the LORD
* PsaL 50. be * charmed, and they shall bite you; of hostes; Behold, I will melt them,
5,6. saith the LORD. and trie them . for how shall I doe for
18 If When I would comfort my selfe the daughter of my people?
\ Ueb. vpon* against sorrow, my heart Is faint tin me. 8 Their * tongue is as an arrowe * PsaL 120.4
19 Behold the voice of the crie of the shot out, it speaketh * deceit : one spea-*PsaL 12. 2.
t Heb. to. aughter of my people t because of them ceth * peaceably to his neighbour with and 28. 3.
* Psa. 12. 3.
cause of the hat dwel in a farre countrey : Is not the lis mouth, but tin heart he layeth ||his and 28. 3..
countrey of t Heb. in the
them that ^ORD in Zion? is not her king in waite. niddest of
are farre off
ler ? why haue they prouoked me to an- 9 H * Shall I not visit them for \wt* Or, waite
jer with their grauen images, and with these things, saith the L O R D ? shall for him.
strange vanities ? not my soule be auenged on such a nati- 29. *Cbap. 5. 9
20 The haruest is past, the summer on as this ?
is ended, and we are not saued. 10 For the mountaines will I take
21 For the hurt of the daughter o vp a weeping and wayling, and for the
my people am I hurt, I am blacke : a- | habitations of the wildernesse a la- II Or, pas-
stonishment hath taken hold on me. mentation, because they are || burnt vp, tures
II Or, desolate
* Chap. 40. 22 Is there no *balme in Gilead ? is so that none can passe through them,
11. there no physician there ? why then is neither can men heare the voyce of the
not the health of the daughter of my cattell, tboth the foule of the heauens, f ffeb.from
I neb. gent people trecouered ? and the beast are fled, they are gone. the foule e-
uen to fyc.
11 And I will make Jerusalem
C H A P . IX. heapes, and *a denne of dragons, and 1 *10,Chap.22.
1 leremiah lamenteth the lewes for their mani-
wil make the cities of ludah tdesolate, t Heb. deso-
fold sinnes, 9 and for their Judgement. 12 without an inhabitant.
Disobedience is the cause of their bitter cala- 12 f Who is the wise man that may
mitie. 17 He exhorteth to mouraefor their vnderstand this, and who is he to whom
destruction, 23 and to trust, not in them- the mouth of the LORD hath spoken,
selues, but in God. 25 He threatneth both
lewes and Gentiles. that hee may declare it ; for what the
land perisheth, and is burnt vp like a
iHeb.who H t * that my head wer wildernesse that none passeth through?

head&c. waters, and mine eyes a 13 And the LORD saith; Because
* Isa. 22. 4
chap. 4.19
fountaine of teares, tha they haue forsaken my law, which I set
I might weepe day ant before them, and haue not obeyed my
night for the slaine of th voyce, neither walked therein;
daughter ot my people. 14 But haue walked after the || imagi- I Or, stub.
£ Oh that I had in the wilderness nation of their owne heart, & after Ba- bwrnnesse.
a lodging place of wayfaring men, tha alim, which their fathers taught them :
I might leaue my people, and goe from 15 Therefore thus saith the LORD
them : for they be all adulterers, an as of hosts, the God of Israel, Behold, ]
True glory, Chap.x. Of idolatry,
*Cha. 8.12. will reed them, euen this people *with
and 23. is.
wormewood, and giue them water of C H A P . X.
gall to drinke. 1 The vnequall comparison of God and idoles.
* Leuit 86, 16 I will * scatter them also among 17 The Prophet exhorteth to flie from the
the heathen, whome neither they nor calamitie to come. 19 Hee lamenteth the
spoyle of the Tabernacle by foolish pastours.
their fathers haue knowen : and I wil 23 He raaketh an humble supplication.
send a sword after them, til I haue con-
sumed them. Eare ye the word which

17 f Thus saith the LORD of hosts, the LORD speaketh vn-
Consider yee, and call for the mourning to you, O house of Israel.
women, that they may come, and send 2 Thus sayeth the
for cunning women, that they may LORD, Learne not the
come. way of the heathen, and be not dismay-
18 And let them make haste, and take ed at the signes of heauen, for the hea-
vp a wailing for vs, that our eyes may then are dismayed at them.
run down with teares, and our eyelids 3 For the t customes of the people t Heb. rfo-
gush out with waters. are vaine: for one cutteth a tree out of tutes or ordi-
nances are
19 For a voyce of wayling is heard the forrest (the worke of the handes of vanity.
out of Zion, How are we spoiled ? wee the workeman) with the axe.
are greatly confounded, because wee 4 They decke it with siluer and
haue forsaken the land, because our with golde, they fasten it with nayles,
dwellings haue cast vs out. and with hammers that it mooue not.
20 Yet heare the word of the LORD, 5 They are vpright as the palme tree,
O ye women, & let your eare receiue the *but speake not : they must needes bee *Psa. lifl.
word of his mouth, and teach your * borne, because they cannot goe : be not5.* Isa. 46. l,
daughters wailing, and euery one her afraid of them, for * they cannot doe euil, 7.
neighbour lamentation. neither also is it in them to doe good. * Isa. 41. 28.
21 For death is come vp into our 6 Forasmuch as there is none * like * Psal. 86.
windowes, and is entred into our pala- vnto thee, O LORD, thou art great, 8,10.
ces, to cut off the children from without and thy Name is great in might.
and the yong men from the streetes. 7 * Who would not feare thee, O * Reue. ia.
22 Speake, Thus saith the LORD, King of nations ? for ||to thee doeth it 4.I Or, it /f-
Euen. the carkeises of men shall fall as appertaine : forasmuch as among all keth thee.
dung vpon the open field, and as the the wise men of .the nations, and in all
handfull after the haruest man, and their kingdomes, there is none like vnto
none shall gather them. thee.
23 IT Thus saith the LORD, Let 8 But they are f altogether * brutish t Heb. in one.
•i.Gor.1. not the *wise man glory in his wisdom, and foolish : the stocke is a doctrine of or at once.
* Tsa. 41. 29,
31. 2. cor.
neither let the mighty man glory in his vanities. abac. 2. 18.
might, let not the rich man glory in his 9 Siluer spread into plates is brought zee. 10. i.
riches. from Tarsbish, and gold from Vphaz,
24 But let him that glorieth, glory the worke of the workeman, and of the
in this, that bee vnderstandeth and hands of the founder : blue and purple
knoweth me, that I am the L O R D is their clothing : they are all the worke
which exercise louing kindnesse, iudge- of cunning men.
ment and righteousnesse in the earth : 10 But the LORD is the ttrue God, t Heb. God
for in these things I delight, saith the he is theliuingGod,and an t euerlasting oftrueth.
t Heb. King
LORD. King : at his wrath the earth shal trem-of eternity.
25 1F Behold, the dayes come, saith ble, and the nations shall not be able to
\Heb.visit the L O R D , that I will t punish all abide his indignation.
vpon* them which are circumcised, with the 11 Thus shal ye say vnto them, The
vncircumcised, Gods that haue not made the heauens,
t Hebr. cut
26 Egypt, and ludah, and Edom, & the earth, euen they shall perish from
off into cor- and the children of Ammon, and Mo- the earth, & from vnder these heauens.
ners, or ha-
uing the cor- ab, and all that are tin the * vtmost cor- 12 Hee *hath made the earth by his *Gen. 1.6.
ners of their ners, that dwell in the wildernesse : for
haire polled.
power, he hath established the world by chap. £1. 15
* Chap. 25. all these nations are vncircumcised, and his wisedome, and hath stretched out
* Rom. 2.
all the house of Israel are * vncircumci- the heauens by his discretion.
28, 29. sed in the heart. 13 When hevttereth his voice, there is
a ||mul-
Brutifli paftours. leremiah. Obey the Couenant.
H 0r, noise. a ([multitude of waters in the heauens, He word that came to Ie-

and hee causeth the vapours to ascend remiah from the LORD,
from the ends of the earth : hee maketh saying,
I Or, for lightnings ||with raine, and bringeth 2 Heare yee the words
raine. of this Couenant, and
forth the wind out of his treasures.
I Or, is more, 14 Euery man is ||* brutish in his speake vnto the men of ludah, and to
brutish, then
to know. knowledge, euery founder is confoun- the inhabitants of Jerusalem.
* Chap. 51 ded by the grauen image : for his moul- 3 And say thou vnto them, Thus
ten image is falsehood, and there is no saith the LORD God of Israel, * Cur- * Dcut. 27.
breath in them. sed bee the man that obeyeth not the 26. 10.
gal. 3.

15 They are vanity, and the worke of words of this Couenant,

errours: in the time of their visitation 4 Which I commaunded your fa-
they shall perish. thers in the day that I brought them
* Chap. 51, 16 * The portion of Jacob is not like foorth out of the land of Egypt, from
19. the yron furnace, saying, * Obey my * Leuit. 26.
them : for he is the fourmer of all things,
and Israel .is the rod of his inheritance: voyce, and doe them, according to all 3,12.
the LORD of hostes is his Name. which I command you : so shall yee be
17 IT Gather vp thy wares out of my people. and I will be your God.
Heb. in- the land, O t inhabitant of the fortresse. 5 That I may performe the *othe * Deut. 7,
habitresse. 18 For thus saith the LORD, Be- which I haue sworne vnto your fa- 12.
hold, I will sling out the inhabitants thers, to g'iue them a land flowing with
of the land at this ohce , and will di- milke and horde, as it is this day : then
stresse them, that they may find it so. answered I, and said, tSo bee it, O Micbr.A-
19 11 Woe is mee for my hurt, my LORD.
wound is grieuous : but I sayd, True- 6 Then the L O R D said vnto me,
ly this is a griefe, and I must beare it. Proclaime all these wordes in the cities
20 My Tabernacle is spoyled, and of ludah, and in the streets of Jerusa-
all my eordes are broken : my children lem, saying, Heare ye the words of this
are gone foorth of me, and they are not : Couenant, and doe them.
there is none to stretch foorth my tent 7 For I earnestly protested vnto
any more, and to set vp my curtaines. your fathers, in the day that I brought
21 For the Pastours are become bru- them vp out of the land of Egypt, euen
tish, and haue not sought the L O R D : vnto this day, rising earely and prote-
therefore they shall not prosper, and all sting, saying, Obey my voice.
their flockes shall be scattered. 8 Yet they obeyed not, nor inclined
22 Behold, the noise of the bruit is their eare : but walked euery one in the
come, and a great commotion out of || imagination of their euill heart : there- II Or, stub-
*Chap. 1. the * North countrey, to make the cities fore I will bring vpon them all the Iburnnessc,
15. and 5. words of this Couenant, which I com-
15. and 6. of ludah desolate, and a *denne of dra-
22. gons. maunded them to doe; but they did them
* Chap. 9.
11. 23 IF O LORD, I know that the not,
* Pro. 16. 1. * way of man is not in himselfe : it is not 9 And the L O R D said vnto me, A
and 20. 44. in man that walketh, to direct his steps. conspiracie is found among the men of
*Psal. 6.1. 24 O LORD, * correct mee, but ludah, and among the inhabitants of
and 38.1.
cha. 30. H. with Judgement, not in thine anger, Jerusalem.
WIebr. di- lest thou t bring me to nothing. 10 They are turned backe to the ini-
minish me. quities of their forefathers, which re-
* Psal, 79.6. 25 *Powre out thy fury vpon the
heathen that know thee not, and vpon fused to heare my wordes : and they
the families that call net on thy Name : went after other gods to serue them :
for they haue eaten vp lacob, and de- the house of Israel, and the house of
uoured him, and consumed him, and ludah haue broken my Couenant,
haue made his habitation desolate. which I made with their fathers.
11 f Therefore thus sayeth the
LORD, Behold, I will bring euill
vpon them which they shall not be able got t Hebr. to
forth of.
1 leremiah proclaimeth Gods Couenant : 8 tto escape; and * though -they shall crie »Prou. 1.
Rebuketh the lewes disobeying thereof: vnto 28. tea. 1.
mee, I will not hearken vnto 15. cha. 14.
11 Prophesieth euils to come vpon them, .i_
them. 12. eze. 8.
19 and vpon the men of Anathotn, for con- 18. mien. 3.
spiring to kill leremiah. 12 Then shall the cities of ludah, 8.
ludahs idolatrie. Chap.xij. The wicked profper.
and inhabitants of Jerusalem goe, and them, for I will bring euill vpon the
crie vnto the gods vnto whom they of- men of Anathoth, euen the yere of their
fer incense; but they shall not saue them visitation.
t Heb. euill at all in the time of their t trouble.
13 For according to the number of thy
" Cha. 2.28. * cities were thy gods, O ludah, and CHAP. XII.
according to the number of the streetesof 1 leremiah complaining of the wickeds prospe-
terusalem haue ye set vp altars to that ritie, by faith seeth their ruine. 5 God ad-
Heb. shame tshamefull thing, euen altars to burne monisheth him of his brethrens treacherie
against him, 7 and lamenteth his heritage.
ncense vnto Baal. 14 Hee promiseth to the penitent, retunie
» Cha. 7-16. 14 Therefore *pray not thou for this from captiuitie.
and 14. II.
Deople, neither lift vp a cry or prayer for
;hem : for I will not heare them in the Ighteous art thou , O
time that they crie vnto mee for their
t Heb. euill. t trouble.
* Isai. l. 11. 15 *tWhat hath my beloued to doe
Heb. what n mine house, seeingsnee hath wrought
R Ife BlUBS LORD , whe
IS B^E|| w*tn thee : \\ yet let
talke with thee of thy reason
*toSSi%&Z£Z!$- Judgements :
case with

•lob 21. 7.
s to my be- [ewdnesse with many? and the holy
oued in my
doeth the way of the wicked prosper ? psal. 37.1.
housed flesh is passed from thee : ||when thou wherefore are all they happie that deale and 73. 3.
hab. l. 3.
H Or, when doest euill, then thou reioycest. very treacherously ?
thy euitt is.
16 The LORD called thy name, 2 Thou hast planted them, yea they
A greene oliue tree, faire and of goodly haue taken root : t they grow,' yea they t Heb. they
Tuite : with the noise of a great tumult bring foorth fruit, thou art neere in their $oe on.
lee hath kindled fire vpon it , and the mouth, and farre from their reines.
tranches of it are broken. 3 But thou, 0 LORD, #knowest • Psal. 17.3.
17 For the LORD of hostes that me; thou hast seene me, and tried mine
planted thee, hath pronounced euill a- heart t towards thee : pull them out t Heb. with
jainst thee, for the euill of the house of like sheep for the slaughter, and prepare thee.
Israel, and of the house of ludah, them for the day of slaughter.
which they haue done against them- 4 How long shall the land mourne,
selues to prouoke mee to anger in offe- and the herbes of euery field wither,
ring incense vnto Baal. *for-the wickednesse of them that dwell * Psal. 107.
18 If And the LORD hath giuen therein? the beas;ts are consumed, and 34.
mee knowledge of it, and I knowe it. the birds, because they said; He shall not
then thou shewedst me their doings. see our last end.
19 But I was like a lambe or an oxe 5 IF If thou hast runne' with the
that is brought to the slaughter, and I footmen, and they haue wearied thee,
knew not that they had deuised deuices then how canst thou contend with hor-
t Heb. the against me, saying; Let vs destroy t the ses? and if in the land of peace, wherein
fMke with tree with the fruit thereof, and let vs thou trustedst, they rveariedthee^ then how
his bread.
cut him off from the land of the lining, wilt thou doe in the swelling of lor-
that his name may be no more remem- dan?
bred. 6 For euen *thy brethren and the * Chap. 9. 4.
20 But, O L O R D of hostes, that house of thy father, euen they haue dealt
* I. Sam. 16. iudgest righteously , that * tryest the treacherously with thee, yea || they haue il Or, they
7.1. chron.
28. 9. psal. reines, and the heart; let me see thy ven- called a multitude after thee ; beleeue cryed after
7. 10. and
20.12. cha. geance on them , for vnto thee haue I them npt, though they speake t faire t Heb. good
17.10. and reuealed my cause. words vnto thee.
20.12. reue.
2.23. 21 Therefore thus saith the LORD 7 11 I haue forsaken mine house :
of the men of Anathoth, that seeke thy I haue left mine heritage : I haue gi-
life, saying; Prophecie not in the Name uen t the dearely beloued of my soule \Heb.the
of the L O R D * that thou die not by into the hand of her enemies.
our hand : 8 Mine heritage is vnto me as a
22 Therefore thus saith the LORD iyon in the forrest : it || cryeth out against \\Qriyelleth
Heb. ffiueth
t Heb. visite of hosts, Behold, I wilt punish them: me, therefore haue I hated it. out his voice
the young men shall die by the sword, 9 Mine heritage is vnto mee as a
their sonnes and their daughters shall || speckled bird, the birdes round about ted. I! Or, tallen.
die by famine. are against her; come yee, assemble all I Or, cause
23 And there shall be no remnant of the beasts of the field, ||come to deuoure. them to
10 Many come.
The linnen girdle, leremiah. and wine bottles.
10 Many pastors haue destroyed 3 And the word of the L O R D
my vineyard; they haue troden my por- came vnto me the second time, saying ;
tion vnder foote : they haue made my 4 Take the girdle that thou hast
t Heb. por- t pleasant portion a desolate wilder- got, which is vpon thy loines, and arise,
nesse. goe to Euphrates, and hide it there in a
11 They haue made it desolate , and hole of the rocke.
being desolate it mourneth vnto me; 5 So I went and hid it by Eu-
the whole land is made desolate , be- phrates, as the L O R D commaunded
cause no man layeth it to heart. mee.
12 The spoilers are come vpon all 6 And it came to passe after many
high places through the wildernesse : daies, that the LORD saide vnto me;
for the sword of the L O R D shall de- Arise, goe to Euphrates, and take the
uoure from the one end of the land euen girdle from thence, which I commaun-
to the other end of the land: no flesh shall ded thee to hide there.
haue peace. 7 Then I went to Euphrates and
* Leult. 26. 13 They haue *sowen wheate, but
16. deut. 26
digged, and tooke the girdle from the
38. rale. 6. shall reape thomes : they haue put place where I had hid it, and behold,
15. agg. 1.6.
themselues to paine, but shall not profit : the girdle was marred , it was profita-
and they shall be ashamed of your re- ble for nothing.
uenues , because of the fierce anger pf 8 Then the word of the L O R D
the LORD. came vnto me, saying ;
14 f Thus saith the L O R D a- 9 Thus saith the L O R D ; After
gainst all mine euill neighbours, that this maner will I marre the pride of
touch the inheritance, which I haue ludah , and the great pride of lerusa-
caused my people Israel to inherit ; Be- lem.
* Deut. 30. hold, I will # plucke them out of their 10 This euill people which refuse to
3. chap. 32.
37. land, and plucke out the house of ludah heare my words , which walke in the
from among them. || imagination of their heart, and walke I Or, stub-
15 And it shall come to passe after after other Gods to serue them and to
that I haue plucked them out , I will worship them, shall euen be as this gir-
returne, and haue compassion on them, dle, which is good for nothing.
and will bring againe euery man to his 11 For as the girdle cleaueth to the
heritage, and euery man to his land. loines of a man : so haue I caused to
16 And it shall come to passe, if they clea'ue vnto me the whole house of Is-
will diligently learne the wayes of my rael, and the whole house of ludah,
people to sweare by my name (The saith the L O R D ; that they might bee
L O R D liueth, as they taught my peo- vnto me for a people , and for a name,
ple to sweare by Baal :) then shall they and for a praise, and for a glory : but they
be built in the middest of my people. would not heare.
* Isai. 60.
17 But if they will not *obey, I will 12 IF Therefore thou shalt speake
vtterly plucke vp, and destroy that na- vnto them this word ; Thus saith the
tion, saith the LORD, L O R D God of Israel; Euerie botle
shalbe filled with wine : and they shall
' C H A P . XIII. say vnto thee; Doe we not certainly
know , that euery botle shall be filled
1 In the Type of a linnen girdle, hidden at Eu-
phrates, God prefiffureth the destruction of with wine ?
his people. 1 2 Vnder the parable of th e bot- 13 Then shalt thou say vnto them ;
tles filled with wine, he foretelleth their drun- Thus saith the L O R D ; Behold, I
kennesse in miserie. 15 He exhorteth to pre- will fill all the inhabitants of this land,
uent their future iudgements. 22 He shew-
eth their abominations are the cause thereof. euen the kings that sit vpon Dauids
throne, and the priests and the pro-
^sS liSs^R 'JL3 ^*%fc
saitn phets, and all the inhabitants of leru-

T j|O| i $SjS vnto me; Goe

€&§? Sisgla linen girdle
Vjln ?g|\ vpon thy loy
&>!&&G&£% it
salern with drunkennesse.
14? And I will dash them t one a- \Hel. a man
gainst another, euen the fathers and against
the sonnes together, saith the LORD :

2 So I got. a girdle , according to I wil not pitie nor spare, nor haue mer-
the word of the LORD, and put it on cie, tbut destroy them. t Heb. from
my loines. destroying
15 IF Heare ye and giue eare, bee not them.
proud :
Cuftome in euill. Chap.xiiij. Prayer reie&ed.
proud : for the LORD hath spoken. the people. 13 Lying prophets are no excuse
16 Giue glory to the L O R D your for them. 17 leremiah is mooued to com-
* Isa. a. 22, God before he cause *darknesse, and be- plaine for them.
fore your feet stumble vpon the darke He word of the L O R D

mountaines, and while yee looke for that came to leremiah
light, he turne it into the shadowe of concerning tbe tdearth. t Heb. fa
words of the
death, and make it grosse darkenesse. 2 ludah mourneth, dearth* or
17 But if ye will not heare it, my and the gates thereof lan- restraints.
soule shall weepe in secretplaces for yourguish, they are blacke vnto the ground,
• Lam en. i. pride, and *mine eye shall weepe sore, and the crie of Jerusalem is gone vp.
2.16. and 2,
18. and run downe with teares, because the 3 And their nobles haue sent their
LORDS flocke is caried away captiue. litle ones to the waters, they came to
18 Say vnto the king, and to the the pits and found no water, they retur-
queene,' Humble your selues, sit downe, ned with the vessels emptie : they were
H Or, head- for your || principalities shall come ashamed and confounded, and couered
downe, euen the crowne of your glory. their heads.
19 The cities of the South shall bee 4 Because the ground is chapt, for
shut vp, and none shall open them, lu- there was no raine in the earth, the
dah shall be caried away captiue all of plowmen were ashamed, they couered
it, it shall bee wholly caried away cap- .heir heads.
tiue. 6 Yea the hinde also calued in the
20 Lift vp your eyes, and beholde field, and forsooke it, because there was
them that come from the North, where no grasse.
is the flocke that was giuen thee, thy 6 And the wilde asses did stand in
beautifull flocke ? the hie places, they snuffed vp the winde
21 What wilt thou say when he shall like dragons : their eyes did faile because
i /te&r. vis it t punish thee (for thou hast taught them there was no grasse.
to be captaines and as chiefe ouer thee) 7 1 F O LORD, though our ini-
shall not sorrowes take thee as a wo- quities testifie against vs, doe thou it for
man in trauaile ? thy Names sake : for our back-slidings
22 f And if thou say in thine heart, are many, we haue sinned against thee.
* Cha. 5.19 * Wherefore come these things vpon me ?
and 16. 10.
8 O the hope of Israel, the Saui-
for the greatnesse of thine iniquitie are our thereof in time of trouble, why
thy skirts discouered , and thy heeles shouldest thou be as a stranger in the
II Or, shall be || made bare. land, and as a wayfaring man, that tur-
violently to-
Jcen away. 23 Can the Ethiopian change his ne th aside to tarie for a night ?
skinne ? or the leopard his spots ? then 9 Why shouldest thou bee as a man
t Heb. may ye also doe good, that are t accusto- astonied, as a mightie, man that cannot
taught. med to doe euill. saue? yet thou, O LORD, art in the
24 Therefore will I ^scatter them midst of vs, and we are called t by thy t Hebr. thy
Vame is cal-
as the stubble that passeth away by the Name, leaue vs not. led vpon vs.
winde of the wildernesse. 10 IF Thus saith the L O R D vnto
25 This is thy lot, the portion of thy this people, Thus haue they loued to
measures from me, saith the LORD, wander, they haue not refrained their
because thou hast forgotten mee, and feete, therefore the L O R D doeth not
trusted in falshood. accept them, hee will now remember
26 Therefore will I discouer thy their iniquitie, and visite their sinnes.
skirts vpon thy face, that thy shame 11 Then said the L O R D vnto mee,
may appeare. *Pray not for this people, for their * Cha. 7.16.
and n. 14.
27 I haue seene thine adulteries, good. exod. 32. 10
and thy neighings, the lewdnesse of thy 12 * When they fast I will not heare * Prou.1.28
whordome, and thine abominations on their crie, and when they offer burnt of- isa. 1. 15.
cha. 11. 11.
the hils in the fields: woe vnto thee, 0 fering and an oblation I wil not accept ezek. 8. 18.
mic, a« 4.
Jerusalem, wilt thou not bee made them : but I will consume them by the
t Heb. after cleane ? twhen shall it once be ? sword, and by the famine, and by the pe-
when yel$
C H A P . XIIII. 13 f Then said I Ah Lord GOD,
1 The grieuous famine 7 causeth leremiah to behold, the prophets say vnto them ; Ye
pray. 10 The Lord will not be intreated for shall not see the sword, neither shall ye
alfe prophets. leremiah. Prayers reie&ed.
tffebrpeace haue famine, but I will giue you t assu- theirspight, receiueth a promise for himselfe,
oftrueth. 12 and a threatning for them. 15 He prai-
red peace in this place.
ethj 19 and receiueth a gracious promise.
14 Then the LORD said vnto me,
The prophets prophecie lies in my Hen said the LORD vn-

Chap. 23. Same, *I sent them not, neither haue to me, * Though * Moses 14. *Ese.14.
1. and 27..
5. and 29.. ! commanded them, neither spake vn- ind * Samuel stood before *Erod.32.
2,9. to them: they prophecie vnto you a false me,yet my mindecould not 14.
vision and diuination, and a thing of be toward this people, cast 9.1.Sam . 7.
nought, and the deceit of their heart. them
out of my sight, and let them goe
15 Therefore thus saith the LORD oorth.
concerning the prophets that prophecie 2 And it shall come to passe if they
in my Name, and I sent them not, yet say vnto thee, Whither snail wee goe
;hey say, Sword and famine shall not foorth? then thou shalt tell them; Thus
>e in this land, By sword and famine saith the LORD, *Such as are for death Chap* 43.
shall those prophets be consumed. to death; and such as are for the sword, 11.stach.11.
16 And the people to whom they pro- to the sword; and such as are for the fa-
)hecie, shall be cast out in the streets of mine, to the famine; and such as are for
Jerusalem, because of the famine and le captiuitie, to the captiuitie.
,he sword, and they shall haue none to 3 And I will * appoint ouer them *Lealt.26.
mrie them, them, their wines, nor their bure tkindes, saith the LORD, the 16. Hebr.fa-
sonnes, nor their daughters : for I will sword to slay, and the dogs to teare, and miiiies.
>owre their wickednesse vpon them. le foules of the heauen, and the beasts
17 IF Therefore thou shalt say this of the earth to deuoure and destroy.
* Lam. 1. word vnto them, *Let mine eies runne 4? And 11 will cause them to be *re- giue tffebr.Iwilill
16. and 2. moued into all kingdomes of the earth, 'or a moo-
18. chap. downe with teares night and day, anr
13. 17. et them not cease, for the virgin daugh- Because of * Manasseh the sonne of Heze- uinf.
* Deut. 28.
;er of my people is broken with a great tiah king of ludah, for that which hee 25. cha. 24.
Breach, with a very grieuous blow. id in Jerusalem. *2. Kin. 21.
18 If I goe forth into the field, then 5 For who shall haue pitie vpon 11.
Behold the slaine with the sword, and i hee, O Jerusalem? or who shall be-
[ enter into the citie, then behold them moane thee ? or who shall goe aside to
that are sicke with famine, yea both the t aske how thou doest?
aske of thy
U Or, make prophet and the priest ]|goe about into a 6 Thou hast forsaken me, saith the thy peace.
merchandise land that they know not. L . O R D , thou art gone backward
against a
land, and 19 Hast thou vtterly reiected ludah? therefore will I stretch out my hand a
ledge it not, bath thy soule loathed Zion ? why hast rainst thee, and destroy thee, I am
Chap. 5. thou smitten vs, and there is no healing wearie with repenting.
* Chap. 8. for vs? *we looked for peace, and there 7 And I will fanne them with a
15. anne in the gates of the land : I wil
is no good, and for the time of healing,
and behold trouble. >ereaue them of ||children, I wil destroy II Or, what-
20 We acknowledge, O L O R D , my people, sith they returne not from soever deare
our wickednes, and the iniquitie of our their waies.
* Psal. 108. fathers • for #wee haue sinned against 8 Their widowes are increased to
G. dan. 9. 8.
thee. me aboue the sand of the seas : I haue
21 Do not abhorre w, for thy Names wrought vpon them || against the mo- II Or, against
sake, doe not disgrace the Throne of th; ther of the yongmen, a spoiler at noonthe mother
citie, a yong
glorie : remember, breake not thy Co- manspoilingi
day : I haue caused him to fall vpon i &c. Or, a-
uenant with vs. suddenly, and terrors vpon the citie. &atnrf the
22 Are there any among the vani- 9 * She that hath borne seuen, Ian- mother the yong
ties of the Gentiles that can cause juisheth : she hath giuen vp the ghost: men. * Amos 8.9.
raine? or can the heauens giue showres, her sunne is gone down while it was ye
Art not thou he, O LORD our God? day : shee hath bene ashamed and con-
therefore we will waite vpon thee : for founded, and the residue of them will
thou hast made all these things. deliuer to the sword before their ene-
mies, saith the LORD.
10 II * Woe is mee, my mother, tha * lob 3.1.
C H A P . XV. that thou hast borne me a man of strif &c,cha.15.

1 The vtter reiection, and manifold Judgements and a man of contention to the who
of the lewes. 10 leremiah complayning of earth: I haue neither.lent on vsuri
God fauetli his. Chap.xvj. The lewes mine.
nor men haue lent to me on vsurie,^ their fathers. 14 Their returne from capti-
euery one of them doeth curse me. uitie, shall be stranger then their deliuerance
11 The L O R D said, Verely it shall out of Egynt 16 God will doubly recom-
pense their idolatrie.
II Or, 2 will be well with thy remnant, verely ||I
entreat the He word of the L O R D
enemie for will cause the enemie to intreat thee well
in the time of euill, and in the time of af-
T came also vnto me, saying;
fliction. 2 Thou shalt not take
12 Shall yron breake the Northren thee a wife, neither shalt
yron, and the steele ? thou haue sonnes nor
1.3 Thy substance and tliy treasures daughters in this place.
*Cha, 17.3. will I giue to the *spoile without price, 3 For thus sayth the LORD con-
and that for all thy sinnes,euen in all thy cerning the sonnes and concerning the
borders. daughters that are borne in this place,
14 And I will make thee to passe and concerning their mothers that
with thine enemies, into a land which )are them, and concerning their fathers
Dcut. 32. thou knowest not: for a *fireis kindled that begate them in this land:
in mine anger, which shall burne vpon 4 They shal die of grieuous * deaths, • Cha. 15. 2.
you. they shall not bee * lamented, neither * Chap. 25.
15 f O LORD, thou knowest, re- shall they be buried: but they shall be as 13.
member me, and visit me, and reuenge doung vpon the face of the earth, and
me of my persecutors, take mee not a- ;hey shalbe consumed by the sword, and
way in thy long suffering : know that by famine, and their *carkeises shall be and* Chap. 7. 33
for thy sake I haue suffered rebuke. meate for the foules of heauen, and for psal.34. 20.
39. 2.
16 Thy wordes were found, and I the beasts of the earth.
Ez6. 3. 3. did * eate them, and thy word was vn- 5 For thus sayth the LORD, En-
reuel. 10. 9.
to mee, the ioy and reioycing of mine ter not into the house of || mourning, Or, mour-
f Heb. thy heart: for 11 am called by thy Name, neither goe to lament nor bemoane >iingfeast.
Name is cal- ;hem : for I haue taken away my peace
led vpon me.' O L O R D God of hostes.
17 I sate not in the assembly of the iom this people, sayth the LORD,
mockers, nor reioyced : I sate alone be- euen louing kindnesse and mercies.
cause of thy hand: for thou hast filled me 6 Both the great and the small shall
with indignation. die in this land: they shall not be buried,
* Chap. 30. 18 Why is my *paine perpetuall? and neither shall men lament for them, nor
my wound incurable which refuseth to cut themselues, nor make themselues
be healed ? wilt thou be altogether vnto balde for them.
Heb.benot me as a lyar, and as waters that tfaile? 7 Neither shall men *||teare them- *Leuit. 19.
19 IF Therfore thus saith the LORD ; selues for them in mourning to comfort 28. deut.
14. 1.
If thou returne, then will I bring thee them for the dead, neither shall men breadforI Or, breake
againe, and thou shalt stand before me : giue them the cuppe of consolation to them, as E-
and if thou take forth the precious from drinke for their father, or for their mo- zek. 24.17.
the vile, thou shalt be as my mouth : let ther.
them returne vnto thee, but returne not 8 Thou shalt not also goe into the
thou vnto them. bouse of feasting, to sit with them to eat
20 And I will make thee vnto this and to drinke.
•Cha. 1.18. people a fenced brasen *wall, and they 9 For thus sayth the LORD of
and 6. 27. hostes, the God of Israel; Behold, *I * Isai. 24. 7
shall fight against thee, but they shall 0. chap. 7.
* Chap. 20. not #preuaile against thee: for I am will cause to cease out of this place in 34. and 25.
11. your eyes, and in your dayes, the voice 2G.10. ezek.
with thee to saue thee, and to deliuer 10.
thee, sayth the LORD. of mirth, and the voice of gladnesse, the
21 And I will deliuer thee out of voice of the bridegroome, and the voice
the hand of the wicked, and I will re- of the bride.
deeme thee out of the hand of the ter- 10 If And it shal come to passe.* when * Cha. 5. 19
rible. thou shalt shewe this people all these and 13. 22.
wordes, and they shall say vnto thee;
C H A P . XVI. Wherefore hath the LORD pronoun-
ced all this great euill against vs ? or
1 The Prophet, vnder the types of abstaining what is our iniquitie ? or what is our
from marriage, from houses of mourning and
feasting, foresheweth the vtter mine of the sinne, that we haue committed against
lewes, 10 because they were worse then the LORD our God?
11 Then
Filhers, and hunters. leremiah. The heart wicked.
11 Then shalt thou say vnto them; might, and they shall know that my
Because your fathers haue forsaken name is the LORD.
me, saith the LORD, and haue wal-
ked after other Gods, and haue serued
them, and haue worshipped them, and C H A P . XVII.
haue forsaken mee, and haue not kept 1 The captiuitie of ludah for her sinne. 5
my law : Trust in man is cursed, 7 in God is blessed.
•Clup* 12 And yee haue done * worse then 9 The deceitfull heart cannot deceiue God.
your fathers, (for behold, yee walke eue- 12 The saluation of God. 15 The Prophet
cornplaineth of the mockers of his prophecie.
I Or, stub, rie one after the || imagination of his e- 19 He is sent to renew the couenant in hal-
uill heart, that they may not hearken lowing the Sabbath.
vnto me.)
* Deut. 4. 13 * Therefore will I cast you out of He sinne of ludah is writ-

27. and 28. ten with a *pen of yron, * lob. ID.
64, 65. this land into a land that yee knowe
not, neither yee, nor your fathers, and and with the t point of a 24.tHehnatfe?
there shall yee serue other Gods day diamond; it is grauenvp-
and night, where I will not shewe you on the table of their heart,
fauour. and vpon the homes of your altars:
* Chap. 23. 14 IF Therefore behold, the * dayes 2 Whitest their children remember
come, saith the LORD, that it shall no their altars and their *groues by the * ludg. 9. 7.
Isai. i. 89.
more be said ; The LORD liueth that greene trees vpon the high hilles.
brought vp the children of Israel out of 3 O my mountaine, in the field * I *Chap. la
the land of Egypt ; will giue thy substance, and all thy trea- 13.
15 But, The L O R D liueth, that sures to the spoil e, and thy high pla-
brought vp the children of Israel from ces for sinne, throughout all thy bor-
the land of the North, and from all the ders
lands whither hee had driuen them : 4 And thou, teuen thy selfe shalt \fteb. in thy
and I will bring them againe into discontinue from thine heritage that telf*.
their land , that I gaue vnto their fa- I gaue thee, and I will cause thee to
thers. serue thine enemies in the land which
16 U Behold, I will send for many thou knowest not : for yee haue kindled
fishers, saith the LORD, and they shal a fire in mine anger, which shall burne
fish them, and after will I send for ma- for euer.
nie hunters, and they shall hunt them 5 1T Thus saith the L O R D ^ Cur-
from euery rtiountaine , and from e- sed be the man that trusteth in man, and
uery hill, and out of the holes of the maketh flesh his arme, and whose
rockes. heart departeth from the LORD.
* lob. 34. 21 17 For mine *eyes are vpon all their 6 For hee shall be like the heath in
prou. 5. 21.
chap. 32. waies : they are not hid from my face, the desert, and shall not see when good
19. neither is their iniquitie hid from mine commeth, but shall inhabite the parched
eies. places in the wildernesse , in a salt land
18 And first I will recompense their and not inhabited.
iniquitie, and their sinne double, because 7 * Blessed is the man that trusteth *PsaL2.12.
they haue defiled my land, they haue fil- in the L O R D , and whose hope the and 34. 10.
and 125, 1.
led mine inheritance with the carkeises L O R D is. prou. 16.
20. isa. 30.
of their detestable and abominable 8 For he shall be * as a tree planted 18.
things. by the waters , and that spreadeth out *Psal. 1. 3.
19 O LORD, my strength and my her rootes by the riuer, and shall not see
fortresse, and my refuge in the day of af- when heate commeth, but her leafe
fliction ; the Gentiles shall come vnto shall be greene, and shall not be carefull
thee from the ends of the earth, and in the yeere of || drought , neither shall I Or, re-
shall say ; Surely our fathers haue in- cease from yeelding fruit.
herited lyes, vanitie, and things wherein 9 U The heart is deceitfull aboue
there is no profit* all things, and desperately wicked, who
£0 Shall a man make Gods vnto can know it ?
* Chap. 2. himselfe, and *they are no Gods ? 10 I the L O R D * search the heart, *2. 9am. I a.
21 Therefore behold, I will this / try the reines, euen to giue euery man 7.chap.
psal. 7.10.
11. 20
once cause them to know : I will cause according to his waies, and according to and 20. 12.
them to knowe mine hand and my the fruit of his doings,
11 As
The obferuation Chap.xviii. of the Sabbath day.
I! Or, gathe- Il^sthepartrich||sittetho7ie#^,and LORD, to bring in no burden through
reth young hatcheth them not: so he that getteth ri- the gates of this citie on the Sabbath
which shee
hath not
ches and not by right, shall leaue them day, but hallow the Sabbath day, to
forth. in the midst of his dayes, and at his end doe no worke therein :
shall be a foole. 25 *Then shall there enter into the * Cha. 22. c
12 IT A glorious high throne from gates of this citie kings and princes sit-
the beginning, is the place of our San- ting vpon the throne of Dauid, riding
ctuarie. in charets and on horses, they and their
13 O L O R D , the hope of Israel, princes, the men of luclah and the in-
•Psal. 73. * all that forsake thee shall be ashamed, habitants of Jerusalem : and this citie
25. tea. 1. 28 and they that depart from me shall bee shall reuiaine for euer.
written in the earth, because they haue 26 And they shall come from the ci-
* Chap. 2. 3 forsaken the L O R D the ^fountaine of ties of ludah, and from the places a-
liuing waters. bout Jerusalem, and from the lande of
14 Heale me, O LORD, and I shall Beniamin , and from the plaine and
be healed : saue me, and I shalbe saued: from the mountaines , and from the
for thou art my praise. South, bringing burnt offerings, and
15 IT Behold, they say vnto mee, sacrifices, and meate offerings, and in-
* Isa. 5. 19. * Where is the word of the L O R D ? let cense, and bringing sacrifices of praise
it come now. vnto the house of the LORD.
16 As for me, I haue not hastened 27 But if you will not hearken vn-
t Heb. after from being a pastour to t follow thee, to me to hallow the Sabbath day, and
thee. not to beare a burden, euen entring in at
*Chap. l. * neither haue I desired thewofull day,
4, &c. thou knowest : that which came out of the gates of Jerusalem on the Sab-
my lips, was right before thee. bath day : then will I kindle a fire in
17 Be not a terrour vnto me, thou the gates thereof, and it shall deuoure
art my hope in the day of euill. the palaces of Jerusalem, and it shall
* Psal. 35. 4 18 *Let them bee confounded that not be quenched.
and 40. 15. persecute me, but let not me be confoun-
ded : let them be dismayed, but let not C H A P , XVIII.
me be dismayed : bring vpon them the 1 Vnder the type of a potter is shewed Gods
t Heb. break day of euill, and t * destroy them with absolute power in disposing of Nations. 11
them with a double destruction. Judgements threatned to ludah for her
double strange reuolt. 18 lererniah prayeth against
breach. 19 U Thus sayd the L O R D vnto his conspiratours.
*Cha, 11.20 me, Go and stand in the gate of the chil-
dren of the people, whereby the kings He word which came to
of ludah come in, and by the which
they goe out, and in all the gates of le-
20 And say vnto them, Heare ye the
T Jeremiah from y LORD
2 Arise and go downe to
the potters house, & there
word of the L O R D , ye kings of lu- I will cause thee to heare my words.
dah, and all ludah, and all the inhabi- 3 Then I went downe to the pot-
tants of lerusalem, that enter in by ters house, and behold, hee wrought a
these gates. worke on the ||wheeles. I Or't frames
* Nehe. 13. 21 Thus saith the L O R D , * Take 4? And the vessel! ||that he made of or seates.
H Or, that
heed to your selues, and beare no bur- clay, was marred in the hand of the pot- he made*
was marred
den on the Sabbath day, nor bring it in ter; so he tmadeitagaine anothervessell as clay in the
hand of the
as seemed good to the potter to make it. potter.
by the gates of lerusalem.
22 Neither carie forth at burden out 5 Then the word of the L O R D t Heir, re-
turned, and
of your houses on the Sabbath day, came to me, saying, made.
neither doe ye any worke, but hallowe 6 O house of Israel, ^cannot I * Isa. 45. 9.
* Exo. 20. 8. ye the Sabbath day, as I * comman- doe with you as this potter, saith the rom. 9. 10.
wisd. 15. 7.
and 23. 12. ded your fathers. L O R D ? behold, as the clay is in the
and 31. 13.
exe. 20. 12. 23 But they obeyed not, neither incli- potters hand, so are ye in mine hand, O
ned their eare, but made their necke house of Israel.
stiffe, that they might not heare nor re- 7 At what instant I shall speake con-
ceiue instruction. cerning a nation , and concerning a
24 And it shall come to passe, if yee kingdome, to *plucke vp and to pull •Chap. i.
diligently hearken vnto me, saith the downe, and to destroy it.
8 If
Euill for good* leremiah. The potters veffell.
8 If that nation against whom I soule : remember that I stood before
haue pronounced, turne from their thee to speake good for them, and to
*Iona. 3.10 euill, * I will repent of the euill that I turne away thy wrath from them.
thought to doe vnto them. 21 Therefore deliuer vp their chil-
9 And at what instant I shall speake dren to the famine, and t*powre out \Heb.powre
concerning a nation, and concerning a their blood by the force of the sword, and them out.
*P«al. 109.
kingdome to build and to plant it; let their wiues be bereaued of their chil- 10.
10 If it doe euill in my sight, that it dren and be widowes, and let their men
obey not my voice, then I will repent be put to death, let their yong men be
of the good, wherewith I saide I slaine by the sword in bat tell.
would benefite them. 22 Let a crie bee heard from their
11 1F Now therefore goe to, speake houses, when thou shalt bring a troupe
to the men of ludah, and to the inha- suddenly vpon them, for they haue dig-
bitants of Jerusalem, saying, Thus ged a pit to take me, and hid snares for
saith. the L O R D ; Behold, I frame my feet.
euill against you, and deuise a deuice a- 23 Yet LORD thou knowest all
* «, Kin. 17 sjainst you : *returne ye now euery one their counsell against me tto slay mee: t Hebr. for
13. chap. 7.
3. and 25. 5 from his euill way, and make your forgiue not their iniquitie, neither blot death.
and 35.15. waies and your doings good. out their sinne from thy sight, but let
* Chap. 2.
12 And they said, * There is no hope, them bee ouerthrowen before thee,
but wee will walke after our owne de- deale thus with them in the time of thine
uices, and wee will euery one doe the anger.
imagination of his euil heart.
18 Therefore thus saith the LORD, CHAP. XIX.
*Chap.S. * Aske ye now among the heathen, who 1 Vnder the type of breaking a potters vessell,
10. lath heard such things ? the Virgin of is foreshewed the desolation of the lewes
for their sinnes.
[srael hath done a very horrible thing.
\\ Or%myfields 14 Will a man leaue || the *snow of Hus saith the LORD,

for a rocket Lebanon which commeth from the rocke Goe and get a potters
or for the
snow of Le* of the fielde ? or shall the colde flowing earthen bottell, and take
banon? Shall
the running waters that come from another place, of the ancients of the peo-
waters be ple, and of the ancients
forsaken/or >e forsaken P
he strange
cold waters ?
15 Because my people hath * forgot- ot the Jf riestes.
* Cha. 2.13. ten mee, they haue burnt incense to va- 2 And goe forth vnto the valley of
* Chap. 17. nitie , and they haue caused them to the sonne of Hinnom, which is by the
Chap. 6. stumble in their waies^/row the * ancient en trie of the tEastgate, and proclaime t Hebr. the
16. >aths, to walke in paths, in a way not there the words that I shall tell thee : Sungate.
:ast vp, 3 And say, Heare ye the word of the
* Chap. 19. 16 To make their land * desolate and LORD, O kings of ludah, and inha-
8. and 49. bitants of Jerusalem ; Thus saith the
13. and 00. i perpetuall hissing : euery one that pas-
13. eth thereby shall bee astonished , and LORD of hostes, the God of Israel;
pagge his bead. Behold , I will bring euill vpon this
17 I will scatter them as with an place, the which whosoeuer heareth,
2ast winde before the enemie : I will lis eares shall * tingle. * 1.8am. 3.
li. 2.Mng.
hew them the backe, and not the face, 4 Because they haue forsaken mee. 21. 12.
n the day of their calamitie.. and haue estranged this place, and haue
18 f Then said they, Come, *nd let 3urnt incense in it vnto other gods,
vs deuise deuices against Ieremiah: whom neither they, nor their fathers
* Mai. 2. 7. *for the Law shall not perish from the haue knowen, nor the kings of ludah,
Driest, nor counsell from the wise, nor and haue filled this place with the
he word from the prophet : Come and Dlood of innocents.
II Or, for the et vs smite him ||with the tongue, and 5 They haue built also the high pla-
tongue. et vs not giue heede to any of his ces of Baal, to burne their sonnes with
^ordes. ire for burnt offerings vnto Baal,
19 Giue heed to me, O LORD, and * which I commanded not, nor spake * Chap. 7.
learken to the voice of them that con- it, neither came it into my minde.
end with me. 6 Therefore behold, the daies come,
20 Shall euill bee recompensed for saith the L O R D , that this place shall
jood ? for they haue digged a pit for my no more bee called Tophet, nor the
[udah threatned. Chap.xx. Paflmrs name.
valley of the sonne of Hmnom, but the Ow Pashur the sonne of

valley of slaughter. *Immer the Priest, who * l.Chro.
7 And I will make void the coun- was also chiefe gouernorin 24. 14.
sell of ludah and Jerusalem in this the house of the LORD,
place, and I will cause them to fall by m!m^ heard that Jeremiah nro-
;he sword before their enemies, and by phecied these things.
the hands of them that seek their Hues : 2 Then Pashur smote leremiah
AAAAA and their *carkeises will I giue to be
meat for the foules of the heauen , and
the Prophet, and put him in the stockes
that were in the high gate of Beniamin,
or the beasts of the earth: which was by the house of the LORD,
* Chap. 18. 8 And I will make this citie *deso- 3 And it came to passe on the mor-
16. and 49.
13. and ate and an hissing : euery one that pas- row, that Pashur brought foorth le-
50. 13. seth thereby shalbe astonished and hisse, remiah out of the stockes. Then sayd
Because of all the plagues thereof. leremiah vnto him , The L O R D
9 And I will cause them to eate the hath not called thy name Pashur, but
* Leuit. 26. * flesh of their sonnes and the flesh of || Magor-missabib. II That is,
29. deu. 28.
53. lam. 4. their daughters, and they shal eate eue- 4 For thus sayth the L O R D, feare about.
10. ry one the flesh of his friend in the siege Behold, I will make thee a terrour to
and straitnesse, wherewith their ene- thy selfe, and to all thy friends, and they
mies, and they that seeke their Hues, shall fall by the sword of their enemies,
shall straiten them. and thine eyes shall behold it, and I
10 Then shalt thou breake y bottle in will giue all ludah into the hand of the
the sight of the men that goe with thee, king of Babylon , and hee shall cary
11 And shalt say vnto them ; Thus them captiue into Babylon , and shall
saith the L O R D of hostes, Euen so slay them with the sword.
will I breake this people and this citie 5 Moreouer, *I will deliuer all the * 2. Kings
as one breaketh a potters vessell that strength of this city, and all the labours 20. 17-
t Heb. le t cannot bee made whole againe, and thereof, and all the precious things
healed. they shall *bury them in Tophet, till thereof, and all the treasures of the
* Cha. 7.32.
there be no place else to bury. kings of ludah will I giue into the
12 Thus will I doe vnto this place, hand of their enemies which shal spoile
sayth the LORD, and to the inhabi- them, and take them and cary them to
tants thereof, and euen make their citie Babylon.
as Tophet. 6 And thou Pashur, and all that
13 And the houses of Jerusalem, and dwell in thine house, shall goe into cap-
the houses of the kings of ludah shall tiuitie, and thou shalt come to Baby-
bee defiled as the place of Tophet, be- lon, and there thou shalt die, and shalt
cause of all the houses vpon whose be buried there, thou and all thy friends
* Chap. 32. * roofes they haue burnt incense vnto to whom thou hast prophecied lies.
all the hoste of heauen , & haue powred 7 IT 0 L O R D , thou hast decei-
out drinke offrings vnto other gods. ued me, and I was ||deceiued, thou art I Ort enticed.
14 Then came leremiah from To- stronger then I, and hast preuailed : I
phet, whither the L O R D had sent him am in derision daily , euery one moc-
to prophecie, and hee stood in the court keth me.
of the LORDS house, and said to all 8 For since I spake I cryed out, I
the people, cried violence and spoyle ; because the
15 Thus saith the L O R D of hostes word of the LORD was made a re-
the God of Israel, Behold, I wil bring proch vnto me, and a derision daily?
vpon this city, and vpon all her townes 9 Then I said; I will not make
all the euill that I haue pronounced a- mention of him, nor speake any more in
gainst it , because they haue hardened his name. But his word was in mine
their neckes, that they might not heare heart, as a * burning fire shut vp in my Psal. 39.3.
my wordes. bones, and I was weary with forbea-
ring, and *I could not stay. * lob 35,18.
C H A P . XX. 10 IF For I heard the defaming of
many , feare on euery side. Report, say
1 Pashur smiting leremiah, receiueth a newe they, and wee will report it : tall my fa-\ Heb. euery
name, and a fearefuLL doome. 7 leremiah
complaineth of contempt, 10 of treachery, miliars watched for my halting, saying; man peace*
of my

14 and of his birth. Peraduenture he will be enticed : and

Impatiencie. leremiah. Life, and death.
we shall preuaile against him , and we wondrous workes, that he may goe vp
shall take our reuenge on him. from vs.
11 But the L O R D is with me as a 8 IF Then saide leremiah vnto
* Chap. 17. mighty terrible one : * therefore my per- them; Thus shall yee say to Zedekiah,
18. and 15.
20. secutours shall stumble, and they shall 4 Thus saith the L O R D God
not preuaile, they shall be greatly asha- of Israel; Behold, I will turne backe
* Chap, 23* med, for they shall not prosper, their *e- the weapons of warre that are in your
uerlasting confusion shall neuer be for- hands, wherewith yee fight against the
gotten. king of Babylon, and against the Cal-
12 But O L,ORD of hostes, that deans , which besiege you without the
* Chap. 11 * try est the righ teous, and sees t the reines walles, and I will assemble them into
20. and 17
10. and the heart, let me see thy vengeance the middest of this citie.
on them : for vnto thee haue I opened 5 And I my selfe will fight against
my cause. you with an *out stretched band, and •Exod.6.6.
1.8 Sing vnto the LO.RD, praise yee with a strong arme, euen in anger, and
the L O R D : for hee hath deliuered the in furie, and in great wrath.
spule of the poore from the hand of euill 6 And I will smite the inhabitants
doers. of this citie both man and beast • they
14 f Cursed be the day wherein I shall die of a great pestilence.
was borne : let not the day wherein my 7 And afterward, saith the LORD,
mother bare mee, be blessed. I will deliuer Zedekiah king of lu-
* lob. 3. & 15 * Cursed be the man who brought dah, and his seruants, and the people.
chap. 15. 10
tidings to my father, saying; A man and such as are left in this citie from the
child is borne vnto thee, making him pestilence, from the sword, and from the
very glad. famine , into the hand of Nebuchad-
16 And let that man be as the cities rezzar king of Babylon , and into the
* Gen. 19. which the LORD *ouerthrew and re- hand of their enemies , and into the
pented not : and let him heare the cry in hand of those that seeke their life, and
the morning, and the shouting at and he shall smite them with the edge
noonetide, of the sword : hee shall not spare them,
17 Because he slew me not from the neither haue pitie, nor haue mercy.
wombe : or that my mother might haue 8 f And vnto this people thou
beene my graue, and her wombe to be shalt say ; Thus saith the LORD ; Be-
alwaies great with me. hold, I set before you the way of life,
* lob, 3. 20. 18 * Wherefore came I forth out of and the way of death.
the wombe to see labour and sorrow, 9 He that *abideth in this citie, shall * Chap. 39.
that my dales should be consumed with die by the sword, and by the famine, and 2.
shame? by the pestilence : but he that goeth out,
and falleth to the Caldeans, that besiege
you, he shall liue, and his life shall be
C H A P . XXL vnto him, #for a pray. * Chap. 39.
18. and 45*
1 Zedekiah sendeth to Jeremiah to inquire the 10 For I haue set my face against 5.
euent of Nebuchadrezzars warfe. 3 lere-. this citie, for euill and not for good, saith
miah foretelleth a hard siege and miserable the L O R D ; it shall be giuen into the
captiuitie. 8 He counselleth the people to
fall to the Caldeahs, 11 and vpbraideth hand of the king of Babylon , and he
the kings house. shall burne it with fire.
11 IF And touching the house of the
He word which came vn- king of ludah, say; Heare yee the word

T to leremiah from the

LORD, when king Ze-
dekiah sent vnto him
Pashur the sonne of Mel-
of the LORD.
12 Oh house of Dauid, thus saith
the LORD, *tExecute Judgement in * Chap. 22..
the morning, and deliuer him that is,' 3.\Heb.iudge.
umaii, anu Zephaniah the sonne of spoiled, out of the hand of the oppres-
Maaseiah the priest, saying; sour, lest my furie goe out like fire, and
£ Enquire, I pray thee, of the burne, that none can quench it} because
L O R D for vs (for Nebuchad-reszar of the euill of your doings.
king of Babylon maketh warre a- 13 Behold, I am against thee, 0 tin- t Heb. inha-
gainst vs) if so be that the LORD will habitant of the valley, and rocke of the bitresse.
deale with vs, according to all his plaine,saith the Lord, which say,
The Kings duetie, Ghap.xxij. and profperitie.
Who shall come downe against vs ? or shipped other gods, and serued them.
who shall enter into our habitations? 10 Weepe ye not for the dead, nei-
\Heb. visite 14 But I will t punish you accor- ther bemoane him, but weepe sore for
* Pro. 1. 31. ding to the * fruit of your doings, saith him that goeth away: for he shall re-
the LORD : and I will kindle a fire in turne no more, nor see his natiue coun-
the forrest thereof, and it shall deuoure trey.
all things round about it 11 For thus saith the Lord tou-
ching Shallum, the sonne of Iosiah
C H A P . XXII. king of Iudah which reigned in stead
of Iosiah his father, which went forth
1 Hee exhorteth to repentance, with promises out of this place, He shall not returne
and threats. 10 The iudgement of Shallum,
13 Of lehoiakim, 20 and of Coniah. thither any more.
12 But he shall die in the place whi-
Hus saith the LORD, ther they haue led him captiue, and shal

Goe downe to the house see this land no more.
of the king of ludah, 13 Woe vnto him that buildeth * Leuit. 19.
and speake there this his house by vnrighteousnesse, and his 13. deut. 24
word, chambers by wrong; that vseth his habac. 2. 9.
2 And say, Heare the neighbours seruice without wages,
word of the L O R D , O king of lu- and giueth him not for his worke :
dah, that sittest vpon the throne of Da- 14 That saith, I will build mee a
uid, thou, and thy seruants, and thy wide house and t large chambers, and t Heir,
people that enter in by these gates. cutteth him out ||windowes, and it is aired.
* Chap. 21. 3 Thus saith the LORD, * Execute sieled with cedar, and painted with ver- window
II Or, my
ye iudgement and righteousnesse, and milion.
deliuer the spoiler out of the hand of the 15 Shalt thou reigne because thou
oppressour : and doe no wrong, doe no closest thy selfe in cedar? did not thy fa-
violence to the stranger, the fatherlesse, ther eate and drinke, and doe iudgment
nor the widow, neither shed innocent and Justice, a«d themtfwaswelwith him?
blood in this place. 16 He iudged the cause of the poore
4 For if ye doe this thing indeede, and needy, then it was well with him ; was
* Chap. 17. * then shall there enter in by the gates not this to know me, saith the LORD ?
t Hebr.for of this house, Kings sitting tvpon the 17 But thine eyes and thine heart
Dauid vpon
his throne.
throne of Dauid, riding in charets and are not but for thy couetousnesse, and for
on horses, he, and his seruants, and his to shed innocent blood, and for oppres-
people. sion, and for || violence to doe it. II Or, incur-
5 But if yee will not heare these 18 Therefore thus saith the L O R D
words, I sweare by my selfe, saith the concerning lehoiakim the sonne of
LORD, that this house shall become losiah king of ludah, They shall not
a desolation. lament for him, saying, Ah my brother,
6 For thus saith . the L O R D vnto or ah sister : they shall not lament for
the kings house of ludah, Thou art him, saying. Ah Lord, or ah his glory.
Gilead vnto me, and the head of Leba- 19 He shall be buried with the buriall
non : yet surely I will make thee a wil- of an asse, drawen and cast forth beyond
dernesse, and cities which are not inha- the gates of lerusalem.
bited. 20 U Goe vp to Lebanon, and crie,
7 And I will prepare destroyers and lift vp thy voice in Bashan, and crie
against thee, euery one with his wea- from the passages : for all thy louers are
pons, and they shall cut downe thy destroyed.
choise cedars , and cast them into the 21 I spake vnto thee in thy tprospe- t Heb. pros-
fire. ritie, but thou saidest, I will not heare; perities.
8 And many nations shall passe by this hath bin thy maner from thy youth,
this citie, and they shall say euery man that thou obeyedst not my voice.
* Deut. 29. to his neighbour, * Wherefore hath the 22 The winde shall eate vp all thy
24. 1. kings pastors , and thy louers shall goe into
9.8. LORD done thus vnto this great
citie ? captiuitie, surely then shalt thou be a-
9 Then they shall answere, Be- shamed and confounded for all thy wic-
cause they haue forsaken the couenant kednesse.
of the LORD their God, and wor- 23 1 0 inhabitant of Lebanon, tha f Heb. inha-
rnakest bitresse.
Falfe paftours leremiah. are threatned.
makest thy nest in the cedars, how ouer them which shall feed them, and
gracious shalt thou bee when pangs they shal feare no more nor be dismaied,
some vpon
come vponthee
thee,, the
the paine as of a wo-
wo- neither shall they bee lacking, saith the
man in
man in trauell
trauell?? LORD.
24 As I Hue, saith the L O R D , 5 U Behold, *the daies coifte, saith * Chap. 33.
;hough Coniah the sonne of lehoia- the LORD, that I wil raise vntd Da- .4,15. isa.
2. and 40.
dm king of ludah were the signet vp- uid a righteous branch, and a King 24. iohn 9.l.
1. dan.
on my right hand , yet would I pludke shall reigne and prosper, and shall exe- 45.
thee thence. cute iudgement and iustice in the earth.
25 And I will giue thee into the 6 * In his dayes ludah shalbe sa- * Deut. 33.
land of them that seeke thy life, and in- ued, and Israel shall dwell safely, and 28.
to the hand of them whose face thou fea- this is his Name whereby hee shall be
rest, euen into the hand of Nebuchad- called, t The L O U D OVR RIGH- thouah-tsid-
Hebr. Ie.
rezzar king of Babylon , and into the TEOVSNES. kenu*
land of the Caldeans. 7 Therefore behold, *the dayes * lere. 16.
26 And I will cast thee out, and thy come, saith the LORD, that they shall 14, 15.
mother that bare thee, into another no more say ; The LORD liueth, which
countrey where ye were not borne, and wrought vp the children of Israel out
there shall ye die. of the land of Egypt :
£7 But to the land whereunto they 8 But, The L O R D liueth, which
t Hebr. lift
vp their
t desire to returne, thither shall they not brought vp, and which led the seed of
minde. returne. the house of Israel out of the North
28 Is this man Coniah a despised countrey, and from all countreis whi-
woken idole ? is hee a vessell wherein is ther I had driuen them, and they shall
no pleasure ? wherefore are they cast dwell in their owne land.
out, he and his seed, and are cast into a 9 U Mine heart within me is bro-
land which they know not ? ken because of the prophets , all my
29 O earth, earth, earth, heare the bones shake : I am like a drunken man
word of the LORD : (and like a man whom wine hath ouer-
30 Thus saith the LORD, Write come) because of the L O R D , and be-
y/e this man childlesse , a man that shall cause of the words of his Holinesse.
nlot prosper in his dayes : for no man of 10 For the land is full of adulterers,
his seed shall prosper, sitting vpon the for because of || swearing the land mour- 11 Or, cur-
throne of Dauid, and ruling any more neth : the pleasant places of the wilder- sing.
in ludah. nes are dried vp, and their || course is euil. lence.
!i Or, vio-
and their force is not right.
C H A P . XXIII. 11 For both prophet and, priest are
prophane , yea in my house haue I
1 Hee prophecieth a restauration of the scatte- found their wickednesse , saith the
red flocke. 5 Christ shall rule and saue
them. 9 Against false prophets, 33 anc Lf O R D .
mockers of the true prophets. 12 Wherefore their way shalbe vnto
them as slippery wayes in the darkenes:
* Ezech. 34 *Oe bee vnto the pastors they shalbe driuen on and fall therein :

that destroy and scatter for I frill bring euill vpon them, euen
the sheepe of my pasture, the yeere of their visitation, saith the
saith the LORD. LORD.
2 Therefore thus saith 13 And I haue scene || folly in the y Or, an ab-
the L O R D God of Israel against the prophets of Samaria; they prophe- surd thing-.
Hebr. vn~
pastors that feed my people; Yee haue cied in Baal, and caused my people Is- sauvury.
scattered my flocke and driuen them a- rael to erre.
way, and haue not visited them ; be- 141 haue seene also in the prophets
hold I will visite vpon you the euill of of lerusalem ||an horrible thing : they II Or,fil(ki-
your doings, saith the LORD. commit adultery, and walke in lies: nesse.
3 And I wil gather the remnant o: they strengthen also the hands of euil
my flocke, out of all countreis whither doers, that none doeth returne from
I haue driuen them, and will bring his wickednesse : they are all of them
them againe to their foldes, and the] vnto me as * Sodom, and the inhabi- Isa. l. 9.
* Chap. 3.
15. ezech.
shalbe fruitfull and increase. tants thereof as Gomorrah.
34.11,12. 4 And I will set vp * shepheards 15 Therefore thus saith the LOBJD
Falfe prophets. Chap.xxiij. Gods word, fire.
of hosts Concerning the Prophets; Be- let him tell a dreame; and hee that hat)
* Cha. 8.14 hold, I will feede them with *worme- my word, let him speake my word faith-
and 9.15.
wood, and make them drinke the wa- fully : what is the chaffe to the wheat
ter of gall : for from the Prophets ol sayth the L O R D ?
H Ort hypo, Jerusalem is ||profanenesse gone forth 29 Is not my word like as a fire, saith
into all the land. the L O R D ? and like a hammer that
16 Thus saith the L O R D of hosts, breaketh the rocke in pieces ?
Hearken not vnto the wordes of the 30 Therefore, behold, *I am against *Deut. 18.
prophets that prophecie vnto you ; they the prophets, sayth the LORD, that 20. cha. 14,
14, 15.
make you vaine : they speake a vision of steale my worde euery one from his
their owne heart, and not out of the neighbour.
mouth of the LORD. 31 Beholde, I am against the pro-
* 14. 17 They *say still vnto them that phets, saith the LORD, that ||vse their I Or, that
and 8.11. smooth their
eze. 13. 10. despise me; The LORD hath sayde, tongues, and say ; He sayth. tongues.
zech. 10. 2. 32 Behold, I am against them that
Yee shall haue peace; and they say vnto
I Or, stub- euery one that walketh after the || ima- prophecie false dreames , sayeth the
tornnesse. gination of his owne heart , No euill LORD, and doe tell them, and cause
shall come vpon you. my people to erre by their lyes and by
D 0r, wcret. 18 For who hath stood in the ||coun- their lightnesse, yet I sent them not,
sell of the LORD, and hath perceiued, nor commanded them : therefore they
and heard his word ? who nath mar- shall not profile this people at all, sayth
ked his word, and heard it ? the LORD.
* Chap. 30. 19 Behold, a *whirlewinde of the 33 If And when this people , or the
L O R D is gone foorth in furie, euen prophet, or a priest shall aske thee, say-
a grieuous whirlewinde , it shall fall ng ; What is the burden of the LORD ?
grieuously vpon the head of the wicked. ;hou shalt then say vnto them ; What
* Chap. 30. 20 The *anger of the L O R D shall mrden ? I will euen forsake you, saith
not returne, vntill hee haue executed, the LORD.
and til he haue performed the thoughts 34 And as for the prophet, and the
of his heart : in the latter dayes ye shall Driest, and the people that shal say, The
consider it perfectly. )urden of the L O R D , I will euen
*Chap. 14. 21 * I haue not sent these prophets, t punish that man and his house. IHeb.visite
4. and 27.
5. yet they ranne : I haue not spoken to 35 Thus shall yee say euery one to >pdnt
t;hem, yet they prophecied. lis neighbour, and euery one to his bro-
22 But if they had stood in my coun- ther, What hath the L O R D answe-
sel!, and had caused my people to heare red? and what hath the L O R D spo-
my wordes, then they should haue tur- cen ?
ned them from their euil way, and from 36 And the burden of the L O R D
the euill of their doings. shall yee mention no more : for euery
23 Am I a God at hand, sayth the mans word shall be his burden : for yee
L O R D , and not a God afarre off? laue peruerted the words of the liuing
« Psal. 139. 24 Can any *hide himselfe in secret God, of the LORD of hostes our
7. &c. amos
9. 2, 3. daces that I shall not see him, saith the God.
L O R D ? doe not I fill heauen and 37 Thus shalt thou say to the pro-
earth, sayth the L o R D ? het, What hath the LORD answe-
25 I haue heard what the prophets red thee ? and what hath the L O R D
said, that prophecie lyes in my Name, spoken ?
saying ; I haue dreamed , I haue drea- 38 But sith ye say, The burden of the
med. L O R D ; therefore thus sayeth the
26 How long shall this bee in the LORD, Because you say this word,
leart of the prophets that prophecie The burden of the L O R D , and I
ies? yea rffoi/artfprophetsof the deceit of laue sent vnto you, saying; Ye shall not
their owne heart ; say, The burden of the L O R D :
27 Which thinke to cause my people 39 Therefore beholde , I , euen I
«Iudg. 3. 7. to *forget my Name by their dreames will vtterly forget you, and I will for-
and 8. 33.
which they tell euery man to his neigh- sake you, and the citie that I gaue you
>our, as their fathers haue forgotten and your fathers, and cast you out of my
my Name, for Baal. )resence. *Chap.20.
whom is. 28 The prophet tthat 7mtfA a dreame, 40 And I will bring *an euerlasting 11.
Baf kets of figs. leremiah. A diligent prophet.
reproch vpon you, and a perpetual! prouerbe, a taunt and a curse in all pla-
shame, which shall not be forgotten. ces whither I shall driue them.
10 And I will send the sword, the fa-
mine, and the pestilence among them,
C H A P . XXIIII. till they be consumed from off the land,
1 Vnder the Type of good and bad figs, 4 he that I gaue vnto them, and to their fa-
foresheweth the restauration of them that thers.
were in captiuitie, 8 and the desolation of
Zedekiah and the rest.
He Lord shewed mee,

1 leremiah reprouing the lewes disobedience
and behold, two baskets to the Prophets, 8 foretelleth the seuenty
of figges were set before yeeres captiuitie, 12 and after that, the de-
struction ^of Babylon. 15 Vnder the Type
the temple of the LORD, of a cup of wineheforesheweth the destructi-
after that Nebuchad-rez- on of all nations. 34 The howling of
* 2. Kings. zar *king of Babylon had caried away the Shepheards.
24. 2. chron, captiue leconiah the sonne of lehoia-
1dm king of ludah, and the princes of He word that came to le-
ludah, with the carpenters and smiths
from lerusalem, and had brought
them to Babylon.
2 One basket had very good figges,
T remiah concerning all the
people of ludah, in the
fourth yeere of lehoiar
kirn the sonne of losiah
euen like the figges that are first ripe : king of ludah, that was the first yeere
and the other basket had very naughty of Nebuchad-rezzar king of Babylon :
tHeb.for figges, which could not be eaten, tthey £ The which leremiah the pro-
badnesse. were so bad. phet spake vnto all the people of lu-
3 Then said the L O R D vnto me; dah, and to all the inhabitants of Jeru-
What seest thou leremiah ? and I said; salem, saying;
Figges: the good figges, very good; and 3 From the thirteenth yere of losiah
the euill, very euill, that cannot be ea- the sonne of Amon king of ludah, euen
ten, they are so euill. vnto this day (that is the three and
4 f Againe , the word of the twentith yeere) the word of the LORD
L O R D came vnto me, saying ; hath come vnto me, and I haue spoken
5 Thus saith the L O R D , the vnto you, rising early and speaking, but
God of Israel, Like these good figges, yee haue not hearkened.
so will I acknowledge them that are 4 And the L O R D hath sent vnto
\ Neb, capti- caried away t captiue of ludah, whom you all his seruants the prophets , *ri- * Chap. 29.
uifie. I haue sent out of this place into the singearlyand sending tf^ra, but yee haue id.
land of the Caldeans for their good. not hearkened, nor inclined your eare
6 For I will set mine eyes vpon to heare.
them for good, and I will bring them 5 They say d, *Turne yee againe * 2. Kings.
17. 13. cha.
againe to this land, and I will build now euery one from his euill way, and 18. 11. and
them, and not pull them downe, and I from the euil of your doings, and dwell nas
35.15. io.
3. 8.
will plant them, and not plucke them in the land that the LORD hath giuen
vp. vnto you, and to your fathers for euer
* Deut, 30. 7 And I will giue them *an heart and euer.
60. chap. 32 6 And goe not after other Gods to
39. ezech. to know me, that I am the LORD,
11. 19. and and they shall be *my people, and I serue them, and to worship them, and
36. 26. 27.
* Chap. 30. will be their God : for they shall returrie prouoke mee not to anger with the
22. and 31. vnto me with their whole heart.
33. and 32.
workes of your hands, and I will doe
38. 8 1F And as the euill * figges which you no hurt.
* Chap. 29. cannot be eaten, they are so euill; (Sure- 7 Yet yee haue not hearkened vnto
ly thus saith the LORD) so will I me, saith the L O R D , that yee might
giue Zedekiah the king of ludah, and prouoke me to anger with the workes
his princes, and the residue of lerusa- of your hands, to your owne hurt.
lem, that remaine in this land, and 8 IF Therefore thus saith the
iHeb.for them that dwell in the land of Egypt. L O R D of hostes ; Because yee haue
remaning 01 9 And I will deliuer them tto *be not heard my words :
*I>eut. 28. remoued into all the kingdomes of the 9 Behold, I will send and take all
37. chap. the families of the North, saith the
154. earth for their hurt, to be a reproch and a
A cup of fiirie Chap.xxv. for all nations.
LORD, and Nebuchad-rezzar the king 21 *Edom, and *Moab, and the chil- * Chap. 49.
of Babylon my seruant, and will bring dren of * Ammon: *? Chap. 48.
them against this land, and against the 22 And all the kings of *Tyrus, and * Chap. 49.
inhabitants thereof, and against al all the kings of Zidon, and the kings * Chap. 47.
these nations round about, and will vt- of the ||yles which are beyond the*sea: II Or, region
by the Sea
terly destroy them, and make them an 23 *Dedan, and Tema, and Buz, and side.
astonishment, and an hissing, and per- all tthat are in the vtroost corners: 23. * Chap. 49.
petuall desolations. 24 And all the kings of Arabia, and * Chap. 49.
tHeb.Iwill 30 Moreouer, tl will take from all the kings of the * mingled people 28.
cause to pe- \ffeb. cut off
rish from them the *voyce of myrth, and the voice that dwell in the desert: into corners,
them. of gladnes, the voice of the bridegrome, 25 And all the kings of Zimri, and thehaving
* Cha. 7. 34, corners
and 16. 9. and the voice of the bride, the sound of all the kings of *Elam, and all the of the haire
and 25. 10. polled, chap.
ezek. 26. 13 the milstones, & the light of the candle. kings of the Medes: 9. 28.
ose 2.11. 11 And this whole land shall be a de- 26 And all the kings of the North, 31. * Chap. 49.
solation, and an1 astonishment, and these farre and raere, one with another, and * Chap. 49.
nations shal serue the king of Babylon all the kingdomes of the world, which
seuentie yeeres. are vpon the face of the earth, and the
* 2. Chron.
36. 22. eszr. 12 IT And it shall come to passe*when king of Sheshach shall drinke after
l.i. chap. seuentie yeeres are accomplished, that them.
29.10. dan.
•9.2. I will t punish the king of Babylon 27 Therefore thou shalt say vnto
t Heb. visite and that nation, saith the LORD, for them, Thus saith the LORD of hosts,
their iniquitie, and the land of the Cal- the God of Israel, Drinke ye and bee
deans, and will make it perpetuall deso- drunken, and spue and fall, and rise no
lations. more, because of the sword which I wil
13 And I will bring vpon that land send among you.
all my words which I haue pronoun- 28 And it shall bee, if they refuse to
ced against it, euen all that is written take the cup at thine hand to drinke,
in this booke, which leremiah hath then shalt thou say vnto them, Thus
prophecied against all the nations. saith the LORD of hosts, Yee shall
14 For many nations and great certainely drinke.
* Cha. 27. 7. kings shall # serue themselues of them 29 For loe, I begin to bring euill on
also : and I will recompense them ac- the * ci tie, t which is called by my name, *i. Pet. 4.
cording to their deeds, and according to and should yee be vtterly vnpunished? 17- I* Heb, vpon
the workes of their owne hands. ye shall not be vnpunished: for I will Name which my
15 H For thus saith the LORD God cal for a sword vpon all the inhabitants called. is
* Isa. 61.17 of Israel vnto me, Take the wine *eup of the earth, saith the LORD of hosts.
>sal. 7&. 8. 30 Therefore prophecie thou against
ob. 21. 20. of this furie at my hand, and cause all
the nations, to whom I send thee, to them all these wordes, and say vnto
drinke it. them, The LORD shall *roare from *Ioel3.16
16 And they shall drinke, and be mo- an high, and vtter his voice from his aroos 1. 2.
ued, and be mad, because of the sworde holy habitation, he shall mightily roare
that I will send among them. vpon his habitation, hee shall giue a
17 Then tooke I the cuppe at the shout, as they that treade the grapes,
LORDS hand, and made all the nati- against all the inhabitants of the earth.
ons to drinke, vnto whom the L O R D 31A noise shall come euen to the ends
lad sent me: of the earth; for the LORD hath a con-
18 To wit Jerusalem, and the cities trouersie with the nations : hee will
of ludah, and the kings thereof, and 3leade with all flesh, he will giue them
the princes thereof, to make them a de- ;hat are wicked to the sword, saith the
solation, an astonishment, an hissing, LORD.
and a curse (as it is this day:) 32 Thus saith the LORD of hosts,
19 Pharaoh king of Egypt, and his Behold, euill shall goe forth from nati-
seruantSj and his princes, and all his on to nation, and a great whirlewinde
people: shall be raised vp from the coasts of the
20 And all the mingled people, & all earth.
;he kings of the land of Vz : and all the 33 And the slaine of the LORD shall
tings of the land of the Philistines, and )e at that day from one end of the earth
Ashkelon, and Azzah, and Ekron, and euen vnto the other ende of the earth :
the remnant of Ashdod: they shall not be * lamented, neither ga- *Cha. 16. 4.
Shepherds howling. leremiah. The Prophet taken.
icred nor buried, they shall be doling nd all the people heard leremiah
pon the ground. peaking these wordes in the house of
* Chap. 4.. 8 34 IT * Howie yee shepheards and tie LORD.
and 6. 26. ry, and wallow your selues in. the ashes 8 IT Now it came to passe when
\Hebr.your e principall of theflocke: for t the day es eremiah had made an ende o£^pea-
slaughter. f your slaughter, and of your dispersi-- dng all that the LORD had com-
ons are accomplished, and yee shall fallmanded him. to speake vnto all the peo-
tHebr.a like ta pleasant Vessell. >Ie, that the priests and the prophets,
vcssell of de-
sire. 33 And t the shepheards shall haue ind all the people, tooke him , saying ;
iHeb.ftifhtil no way to flee, nor the principall of the
mil perish
Thou shalt surely die.
from the ocke to escape. 9 Why hast thou prophecied in the

leards, and an .howling of the princi- rainst leremiah in the house of the
andescaping 36 A voyce of the cry of the shep- tfame of the LORD, saying, This
from$c. louse shalbe like Shiloh, and this city
>all of the flocke shall be heard: for the shalbe desolate without an inhabitant ?
liORD hath spoiled their pasture. and all the people were gathered a-
37 And the peaceable habitations
are cut downe because of the fierce an- ^ORD.
ger of the LORD. 10 1T When the Princes of ludah
38 He hath forsaken his couert, as leard these things, then they came vp
iffebr.a a ;he Lyon : for their land is t desolate,, Vom the kings house vnto the house of
)ecause of the fiercenesse of the oppres-- the LORD, and sate downe ||in the I Or, at the
our, and because of his fierce anger.. entrie of the new gate of the LORDS ioore.
C H A P . XXVI. 11 Then spake the priests and the
eremiah by promises and threatningSj exhor- nrophets vnto the Princes, and to all
teth to repentance. 8 Hee is therefore ap- ;he people, saying ; tThis man is wor- Mtebr. the
prehended,: 10 and arraigned: 11 His a* thy to die, for he hath prophecied against ofudgement
pologie : 1 6 He is quit in iudgement, "by the this citie, as yee haue heard with your fordeath is
this man.
example of Micah, 20 and of Vrijah, 24
and bv the care of Ahikam. eates.
12 IT Then spake leremiah vnto
N the beginning of the all the Princes, and to all the people,

Pi Pi
reigne of lehoiakim the saying, The L O R D sent me to pro-
sonne of losiah king oi phecie against this house, and against
ludah, came this wor<] his citie, all the wordes that yee haue
from the LORD, saying; icard.
% rims saith the LORD, Stanc 13 Therefore nowe * amend your Cbap. 7. 3.
n the Court of the LORDS house, wayes, and your doings, and obey the
and speake vnto all the cities of lu- voice of the LORD your God, and the
dah , which come to worship in the LORD will * repent him of the euil ' Verse 19.
LORDS house, all the wordes that that he hath pronounced against you.
[ command thee to speake vnto them : 14? As for mee, behold, I am in your
*Acts. 20. * diminish not" a word; dand : doe with mee tas seejheth gooc \Hebr: as
it is good
27. 3 If so bee they will hearken, anc and meet vnto you. and right in
turne euery man from his euill way, 15 But know ye for certaine, That your eyes.
*Chap. 18. that I may *repent me of the euil whicl if ye put mee to death, ye shall surely
I purpose to doe vnto them, because of bring innocent blood vpon your selues,
the euil of their doings. and vpon this citie, and vpon the inha-
4 And thou shalt say vnto them, bitants thereof : for of a trueth the
Thus saith the L O R D ; If yee wil LORD hath sent mee vnto you, to
not hearken to mee to walke in my speake all these words in your eares.
Law, which I haue set before you, 16 1T Then said the Princes, and all
5 To hearken to the wordes of my the people, vnto the priests, and to the
seruants the Prophets, whom I sen prophets; This man is not worthy to
vnto you, both rising vp early and sen- die : for hee hath spoken to vs ir> the
ding them, (but ye haue not hearknedf Name of the L O R D our God.
6 Then wil I make this house lik 17 Then rose vp certaine of the El-
!. Sam. 4. * Shiloh, and wil make this city a curs ders of the land, and spake to all the
12. chap. 7
1?, H. psal to all the nations of the earth. assembly of the people, saying; * Mic. 1. 1
78.60. 7 So the priests and the prophets 18 *Micah the Morashite propheciec and 3. 12.
Vriiah flaine. Chap.xxvij. Babels yoke
in the dayes of Hezekiah king of lu- Make thee bonds and yokes, and pu
dah, and spake to all the people of lu- them vpon thy necke.
dah, saying; Thus saith the LORD o1 3 And send* them to the king of E-
hostes, Zion shall be plowed like a field, dom, and to the king of Moab, and t
and Jerusalem shall become heapes, the king of the Ammonites, and to th
and the mountaine of the house, the hie king of Tyrus, and to the king of Zi-
places of a forrest. don , by the hand of the messenger
19 Did Hezekiah King of ludah which come to lerusalem vnto Zede-
and all ludah put him at all to death ? kiah king of ludah.
did bee not feare the L O R D , and be- 4f And command them to say vntc
t Heb. the sought tthe LORD, and the L O R D their masters, Thus saith the LORI
free of the
LORD. repented him of the euill which he hac of hosts the God of Israel, Thus shall
pronounced against them ? thus might ye say || vnto your masters : I Or, cancer
wee procure great euill against our 5 I haue made the earth, the mar ning their
masters^ say-
soules. and the beast that are vpon the ground, ing.
20 And there was also a man that by my great power, and by my outstret-
prophecied in the Name of the LORD, ched arme, and *haue giuen it vntc * Dan. 4.
Vrijah the sonne of Shemaiah of Ki- whom it seemed meet vnto me. 4, 22.
riath-iearim , who prophecied against 6 And now haue I giuen all these
this citie and against this land , accor- landes into the hand of Nebuchadnez-
ding to all the words of leremiah. zar the king of Babylon *my seruant, * Cha. 25.9.
21 And when lehoiakim the king and the beasts of the field haue I giuen and 43.10.
with all his mightie men , and all the him also to serue him.
princes heard his wordes , the king 7 And all nations shall serue him
sought to put him to death ; but when and his sonne, and his sonnes sonne, vn-
Vrijah heard it, he was afraid and fled, till the very time of his land come: and
and went into Egypt. then many nations and great kings
2£ And lehoiakim the king sent shall serue themselues of him.
men into Egypt, namely Elnathan the 8 And it shall come to passe , thai
sonne of Actibor, and certeme men with the nation and kingdome which will
lim, into Egypt. not serue the same Nebuchad-nezzar
23 And they fet foorth Vrijah out of the king of Babylon, and that will not
Egypt, and brought him vnto lehoia- put their necke vnder the yoke of the
dm the king, who slewe him with the ung of Babylon, that nation will I
sword, and cast his dead body into the 3unish, sayth the L O R D , with the
t Heb. sons graues of the t common people. sword , and with the famine, and with
24 Neuerthelesse, the hand of Ahi- the pestilence, vntill I haue consumed
tam, the sonne of Shaphan, was with them by his hand.
[eremiah , that they should not giue 9 Therefore hearken not ye to your
lim into the hand of the people, to put prphets, nor to your diuiners, nor to
lim to death. four t dreamers, nor to your inchan- \Hebr.
,ers, nor to your sorcerers, which speak dreames*
vnto you, saying; Ye shall not serue the
C H A P . XXVII. cing of Babylon :
1 Vnder the type of bonds and yokes, hee pro- 10 For they prophecie a lie vnto you,
phecieth the subduing of the neighbour kings to remooue you farre from your land,
vnto Nebuchad-nezzar. 8 Hee exhorteth and that I should driue you out, and ye
them to yeeld, and not to beleeue the false should perish.
prophets, 12 The like hee doeth to Zede- 11 But the nations that bring their
Kiah. 19 He foretelleth the remnant of the
vessels shall be caried to Babylon, and there necke vnder the yoke of the king of Ba-
continue vntill the day of visitation. >vlon , and serue him , those will I let
remaine still in their owne land, saytn
N the beginning of the e LORD, and they shall till it, and

I reigne of lehoiakim the

sonne of losiah King of
ludah, came this worde
vnto leremiah from the
dwell therein.
12 11 I spake also to Zedekiah king
of ludah according to all these wordes,
saying, Bring your neckes vnder the
L-ORD, saying, roke of the king of Babylon, and serue
2 Thus sayth the L O R D to me, lim and his people, and Hue.
13 Why
Lying prophets. leremiah. Hananiah.
13 Why will yee die, thou and thy wishing it to be true, sheweth that the euent
)eople, by the sword, by the famine, and will declare who are true Prophets. 10 Ha-
>y the pestilence, as the L O R D hath nahiah breaketh Jeremiahs yoke. 12 lere-
roiah telleth of an yron yoke, 15 and fore-
spoken against the nation that will not telleth Hananiahs death.
serue the king of Babylon ?
14 Therefore hearken not vnto the Nd it came to passe the
words of the prophets, that speake vn-
to you, saying; Yee shall not serue the
* Chap. H. king of Babylon: for they prophecie *a
14, and 23.
21. and 29. lie vnto you.
A same yeere, in the begin-
ning of the reigne of Ze-
dekiah king of ludah, in
the fourth yeere,flmJin the
8. 15 For I haue not sent them, saith ntt moneth, that Hananiah the sonne of
t Heb. in a the L O R D , yet they prophecie t a lye Azur the prophet, which was of Gibeon,
lie, or lying-
ly. in my name, that I might driue you spake vnto mee in the house of the
out, & that yee might perish, ye, and the LORD, in the presence of the priests
prophets that prophecie vnto you. and of all the people, saying ;
16 Also I spake to the priests, and to 2 Thus speaketh the L O R D of
all this people, saying ; Thus saith the hostes , the God of Israel , saying ; I
LORD, Hearken not to the words of haue broken the yoke of the king of
your prophets, that prophecie vnto Babylon.
you, saying ; Behold, the vessels of the 3 Within ftwo full yeeres will I t Heb. two
LORDS house shall now shortly be bring againe into this place all the ves- yeeres

brought againe from Babylon; for they sels of the LORDS house, that Ne-
prophecie a lie vnto you. buchadnezzar king of Babylon tooke
17 Hearken not vnto them : serue away from this place, and caried them
the king of Babylon, and Hue : where- to Babylon.
fore should this citie be laid waste ? 4 And I will bring againe to this
18 But if they be prophets, and if the
word of the LORD be with them, let
them nowe make intercession to the
lace leconiah the sonne of lehoia-
im king of ludah , with all the tcap- t Heb. cap.
tiues of ludah , that went into Baby- tiuity.
L O R D of hostes , that the vessels Ion, saith the LORD, for I will break e
which are left in the house of the the yoke of the king of Babylon.
LORD, and in the house of the king of 5 U Then the prophet leremiah
ludah, and at Jerusalem , goe not to said vnto the prophet Hananiah in the
Babylon. presence of the priests, and in the pre-
19 f For thus saith the L O R D of sence of all the people, that stood in the
bostes concerning the pillars, and con- house of the LORD,
cerning the sea, and concerning the ba- 6 Euen the prophet leremiah said;
ses , and concerning the residue of the Amen : the L O R D doe so, the L O R D
vessels that remaine in this citie, performe the words which thou hast
20 Which Nebuchadnezzar king of prophecied, to bring againe the vessels
Babylon tooke not, when he caried a- of the L O R D S house, and all that is
* 2. Klngi way *captiue leconiah the sonne of caried away captiue from Babylon in-
24. 14, 10.
lehoiakim king of ludah , from le- to this place.
rusalem to Babylon, and all the nobles 7 Neuerthelesse , heare thou now
of ludah and Jerusalem : this word that I speake in thine eares,
21 Yea thus saith the L O R D of and in the eares of all the people.
hostes the God of Israel , concerning 8 The prophets that haue beene
the vessels that remaine in the house oi before mee, and before thee of old, pro-
the L O R D , and in the house of the phecied both against many countries,
king of ludah and of Jerusalem ; and against great kingdoms, of warre,
»«. Kings 22 They shall be * caried to Baby- and of euill, and of pestilence.
25. 13. 2.
chron. 36. Ion , and there shall they be vntill the 9 The prophet which prophecieth
• 2. Chron.
day that I * visit them , saith the of peace, when the word of the prophet
36. 22. cha. LORD : then will I bring them vp, shall come to passe, then shall the pro-
29. 10.
and restore them to this place. phet be knowen, that the LORD hath
truely sent him.
C H A P . XXVIII. 10 f Then Hananiah the prophet
1 Hananiah prophecieth falsely the returne oi tooke the *yoke from off the prophet * Chap, 27.
the vessels and of leconiah. 5 leremiah leremiahs necke, and brake it.
11 And
Yokes of iron. Chap.xxix. Falfe prophets.
11 And Hananiah spake in the pre- 2 (After that *Ieeoniah the king, and * 2. King.
sence of all the people, saying; Thus the queene, and the Jjeunuches, the prin- 24. 12, &c.
II Or, cham-
saith the LORD, Euen so will I breake ces of ludah and Jerusalem, and the berleines.
the yoke of Nebuchadnezzer king of carpenters and the smithes were de-
Babylon from the necke of all nati- parted from lerusalem)
ons within the space of two full yeeres: 3 By the hand of Elasah the sonne
and the Prophet lereiniah went his of Shaphan, and Gemariah the sonne
way. of Hilkiah, whome Zedekiah king of
12 f Then the word of the LORD- ludah sent vnto Babylon to Nebu-
came vn to Jeremiah the Prophet (af- chad-nezzar king of Babylon, saying,
ter that Hananiah the prophet had bro- 4 Thus saith the L O R D of hosts
ken the yoke from off the necke o? the the God of Israel vnto all that are ca-
Prophet leremiah) saying, ried away captiues, whom I haue cau-
13 Goe, and tell Hananiah, saying, sed to be caried away from lerusalem
Thus saith the L O R D , Thou hast vnto Babylon :
broken the yokes of wood , but thou 5 Build ye houses and dwell in them,
shalt make for them yokes of yron. and plant gardens, and eate the fruit of
14 For thus saith the L O R D of them.
hosts, the God of Israel, I haue put 6 Take ye wiues, and beget sonnes
a yoke of yron vpon the neck of all these and daughters, and take wiues for your
nations, that they may serue Nebu- sonnes, and giue your daughters to
chad-nezzar king of Babylon, and they husbands, that they may beare sonnes
shall serue him, and I haue giuen him and daughters, that ye may bee increa-
the beasts of the field also. sed there, and not diminished.
15 IT Then said the Prophet lere- 7 And seeke the peace of the citie,
miah vnto Hananiah the prophet, whither I haue caused you to be caried
Heare nowe Hananiah : the LORD away captiues, & pray vnto the LORD
bath not sent thee, but thou makest this for it : for in the peace thereof shall yee
people to trust in a lye. haue peace.
16 Therefore thus saith the LORD, 8 f For thus saith the LORD of
Beholde, I will cast thee from off the hosts, the God of Israel, Let not your
face of the earth : this yeere thou shalt prophets and your diuiners, that bee in
* Deut 13. die, because thou hast taught *t rebelli- the midst of you, *deceiue you, neither * Chap. u.
6. chap. 29. 14. and 23.
32. on against the LORD. hearken to your dreames which yee 21. and 27.
t Heb. re.
17 So Hananiah the prophet died cause to be dreamed. 15.
the same yeere, in the seuenth moneth. 9 For they prophecie tfalsly vnto t Hebr. in a
you in my name : I haue not sent them, lie.
saith the LORD.
C H A P . XXIX. 10 f For thus saith the LORD, That
after *seuentie yeeres be accomplished * 2. Chron.
L leremiah sendeth a letter to the captiues in 36. 22. ezra
Babylon, to be quiet there, 8 and not to be- at Babylon, I will visite you, and per- l. l. chap.
leeue the dreames of their prophets, 10 and Forme my good word towards you, in 25. 12. and
27. 22. dan.
that they shall returne with grace, after se- causing you to returne to this place. 9. 2.
uentie yeeres. 15 He foretelleth the destructi- 11 For I knowe the thoughts that
on of the rest for their disobedience. 20 He

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