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GEM602: Numerical Methods

Technical Report Rating Sheet

Finite Difference Method for Solving Transient Heat

Conduction Through Trombe Walls For Solar Energy
Philip Rockyboy B. Fuentes
1University of San Carlos, Department of Mechanical and Manufacturing Engineering;
Numerical Methods Instructor: Dr. Ian Dominic F. Tabañag

Date Submitted: May 30, 2019

Revision No.: 0

This technical report will test your ability to formulate, solve and interpret model systems described by
boundary value problems using numerical methods. The rating to be given for this report will be based
on the ‘Rubric GEM602-3’ as provided in the course syllabus.

Dimension Rating Weighted Rating

Model Formulation 0.4 ×

Prediction & Interpretation 0.3 ×

Descriptive Writing 0.1 ×

Tables & Figures 0.1 ×

Formatting 0.1 ×


GEM602, Second Semester, A.Y. 2018-2019

GEM602: Numerical Methods

Technical Report

Finite Difference Method for Solving Transient Heat

Conduction Through Trombe Walls For Solar Energy
Philip Rockyboy B. Fuentes
1 University of San Carlos, Department of Mechanical and Manufacturing Engineering;

Numerical Methods Instructor: Dr. Ian Dominic F. Tabañag

Date Submitted: May 30, 2019

1. Problem Statement
Dark painted thick masonry walls called Trombe walls are commonly used on south sides of passive
solar homes to absorb solar energy, store it during the day, and release it to the house during the night.
The idea was proposed by E. L. Morse of Massachusetts in 1881 and is named after Professor Felix
Trombe of France, who used it extensively in his designs in the 1970s. Usually a single or double layer of
glazing is placed outside the wall and transmits most of the solar energy while blocking heat losses from
the exposed surface of the wall to the outside. Also, air vents are commonly installed at the bottom and
top of the Trombe walls so that the house air enters the parallel flow channel between the Trombe wall
and the glazing, rises as it is heated, and enters the room through the top vent. See Figure 1.[1]

Consider a house in Reno, Nevada, whose south wall consists

of a 1-ft-thick Trombe wall whose thermal conductivity is k =
0.40 Btu/h · ft · °F and whose thermal diffusivity is α= 4.78 x 10-
6 ft2/s. The variation of the ambient temperature T out and the

solar heat flux q· solar incident on a south-facing vertical surface

throughout the day for a typical day in January is given in
Table 1 in 3-h intervals. The Trombe wall has single glazing
with an absorptivity-transmissivity product of κ = 0.77 (that is,
77 percent of the solar energy incident is absorbed by the
exposed surface of the Trombe wall).The average combined
heat transfer coefficient for heat loss from the Trombe wall to
the ambient is determined to be hout = 0.7 Btu/h · ft2 · °F. The
interior of the house is maintained at Tin = 70°F at all times, and
Figure 1: Schematic of a Trombe wall the heat transfer coefficient at the interior surface of the Trombe
wall is hin = 1.8 Btu/h · ft2 · °F. Also, the vents on the Trombe wall are kept closed, and thus the only heat
transfer between the air in the house and the Trombe wall is through the interior surface of the wall.
Assuming the temperature of the Trombe wall to vary linearly between 70°F at the interior surface and
30°F at the exterior surface at 7 AM and using the explicit finite difference method with a uniform nodal
spacing of Δx = 0.2 ft, Determine the temperature distribution along the thickness of the Trombe wall after
12, 24, 36, and 48 h.

GEM602, Second Semester, A.Y. 2018-2019

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Table 1: The hourly variation of ambient temperature and solar heat flux on a vertical
surface for January

1.1 Given
L = 1 ft k = 0.40 Btu/h · ft · °F α= 4.78 x 10-6 ft2/s
hout = 0.7 Btu/h · ft2 · °F Tin = 70°F hin = 1.8 Btu/h · ft2
Tout = 30°F Δx = 0.2 ft κ = 0.77

1.2 Required
• temperature distribution, u(x, t) along the thickness of the Trombe wall after 12, 24, 36, and 48 h

2. Mathematical Modelling
Based from Fourier Transient One-Dimensional Heat Conduction through a wall with no heat
Governing Partial Differential Equation:
𝜕2 𝑇 1 𝜕𝑇
𝜕𝑥 2
= ∝ 𝜕𝑡

Boundary Conditions:
𝑘 𝑙𝑥=0 = ℎ𝑖𝑛 [T(0, t) − 𝑇𝑖𝑛 ]
−𝑘 𝑙𝑥=1 = ℎ𝑜𝑢𝑡 [T(1, t) − 𝑇𝑜𝑢𝑡 (𝑡)] − κ 𝑞𝑠𝑜𝑙𝑎𝑟 (𝑡)

Initial Condition:
𝑇(𝑥, 0) = [𝑇𝑜𝑢𝑡 (0) − 𝑇𝑖𝑛 ]x

Figure 2: The nodal network for the Trombe Wall

1 Heat transfer is one-dimensional since the exposed surface of the wall is large relative to its
2 Thermal conductivity is constant.
3 The heat transfer coefficients are constant.
4 No heat generation produced in the wall.
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3. Solution of the Mathematical Model

3.1. Numerical Method/s

The governing Partial Differential Equation is a parabolic type of DE. Hence, we can use an Explicit Finite
Difference Method for this problem.

Using Explicit Finite Difference Method

The nodal spacing is given to be Δx = 0.2 ft, and thus the total number of nodes along the Trombe
wall is
𝐿 1
𝑀= + 1 = + 1 = 6 𝑛𝑜𝑑𝑒𝑠
𝛥𝑥 0.2

We number the nodes as 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5, with node 0 on the interior surface of the Trombe wall
and node 5 on the exterior surface, as shown in Figure 2. Nodes 1 through 4 are interior nodes, and the
explicit finite difference formulations of these nodes are obtained:
𝒊 𝒊 𝒊
𝑁𝑜𝑑𝑒 1 (𝑚 = 1): 𝑻𝒊+𝟏
𝟏 = 𝝉 (𝑻𝟎 + 𝑻𝟐 ) + (𝟏 − 𝟐𝝉)𝑻𝟏
𝒊 𝒊 𝒊
𝑁𝑜𝑑𝑒 2 (𝑚 = 2): 𝑻𝒊+𝟏
𝟐 = 𝝉 (𝑻𝟏 + 𝑻𝟑 ) + (𝟏 − 𝟐𝝉)𝑻𝟐
𝒊 𝒊 𝒊
𝑁𝑜𝑑𝑒 3 (𝑚 = 3): 𝑻𝒊+𝟏
𝟑 = 𝝉 (𝑻𝟑 + 𝑻𝟒 ) + (𝟏 − 𝟐𝝉)𝑻𝟑
𝒊 𝒊 𝒊
𝑁𝑜𝑑𝑒 4 (𝑚 = 4): 𝑻𝒊+𝟏
𝟒 = 𝝉 (𝑻𝟑 + 𝑻𝟒 ) + (𝟏 − 𝟐𝝉)𝑻𝟒

The interior surface is subjected to convection, and thus the explicit formulation of node 0 can be
obtained to be:
𝒊 𝒊
𝑁𝑜𝑑𝑒 0(𝑚 = 0): 𝑻𝒊+𝟏
𝟎 = (𝟏 − 𝟑. 𝟖𝝉)𝑻𝒐 + 𝝉 (𝟐𝑻𝟏 + 𝟏𝟐𝟔)

The exterior surface of the Trombe wall is subjected to convection as well as to heat flux. The explicit
finite difference formulation at that boundary is obtained by writing an energy balance on the volume
element represented by node 5,
𝒊 𝒊 𝒊
𝑁𝑜𝑑𝑒 5(𝑚 = 5): 𝑻𝒊+𝟏
𝟓 = (𝟏 − 𝟐. 𝟕𝝉)𝑻𝟓 + 𝝉 (𝟐𝑻𝟒 + 𝟎. 𝟕𝑻𝒐𝒖𝒕 + 𝟎. 𝟕𝟕𝒒𝒊𝒔𝒐𝒍𝒂𝒓 )

Next, we need to determine the upper limit of the time step Δt from the stability criterion since we
are using the explicit method. This requires the identification of the smallest primary coefficient in the
system. We know that the boundary nodes are more restrictive than the interior nodes, and thus we
examine the formulations of the boundary nodes 0 and 5 only. The smallest and thus the most restrictive
primary coefficient in this case is the coefficient of in the formulation of node 0 since 1 - 3.8τ < 1 - 2.7τ, and
thus the stability criterion for this problem can be expressed as [2]
1 − 3.8τ ≥ 0 → τ = ∆𝑥 2 ≤ 0
∆𝑥 2 0.22
∆t ≤ 3.8𝛼 ≤ 3.8∗(4.78∗10−6 ) ≤ 2202 𝑠𝑒𝑐

Therefore, any time step less than 2202 s can be used to solve this problem. For convenience, let us
choose the time step to be Δt = 900 s or 0.25 hr. Then the mesh Fourier number τ becomes

𝛼∆𝑡 (4.78∗10−6 )∗900

𝛕 = ∆𝑥 2 = 0.2
= 𝟎. 𝟏𝟎𝟕𝟓𝟓
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3.2. Flowchart


Define variables
L k α hout Tin hin Tout Δx κ


Set number of time steps, n

Set Δt

∆𝑥 2

𝑖 𝑖
𝑁𝑜𝑑𝑒 0(𝑚 = 0): 𝑇0𝑖+1 = (1 − 3.8𝜏)𝑇𝑜 + 𝜏 (2𝑇1 + 126)

𝑖 𝑖 𝑖
𝑁𝑜𝑑𝑒 1 (𝑚 = 1): 𝑇1𝑖+1 = 𝜏 (𝑇0 + 𝑇2 ) + (1 − 2𝜏)𝑇1

𝑖 𝑖 𝑖
𝑁𝑜𝑑𝑒 2 (𝑚 = 2): 𝑇2𝑖+1 = 𝜏 (𝑇1 + 𝑇3 ) + (1 − 2𝜏)𝑇2 v
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𝑖 𝑖 𝑖
𝑁𝑜𝑑𝑒 3 (𝑚 = 3): 𝑇3𝑖+1 = 𝜏 (𝑇3 + 𝑇4 ) + (1 − 2𝜏)𝑇3

𝑖 𝑖 𝑖
𝑁𝑜𝑑𝑒 4 (𝑚 = 4): 𝑇4𝑖+1 = 𝜏 (𝑇3 + 𝑇4 ) + (1 − 2𝜏)𝑇4

𝑖 𝑖 𝑖
𝑁𝑜𝑑𝑒 5(𝑚 = 5): 𝑇5𝑖+1 = (1 − 2.7𝜏)𝑇5 + 𝜏 (2𝑇4 + 0.7𝑇𝑜𝑢𝑡 + 0.77𝑞𝑖𝑠𝑜𝑙𝑎𝑟 )

Values for
T(x,t) stable?


n= i



T(x,t) , i

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3.3. Results and Discussion

Figure 3. Temperature Distribution along Wall Figure 4. Temperature Distribution along

Thickness on 1st Day Wall Thickness on 2nd Day

The temperature distribution along the wall thickness (x=1 ft) at Δt = 0.25 hr is realized using the
graph for 48 hrs which leads to 192 time-steps. The temperature distribution was divided to 2 graphs
with 24 hr duration for the first graph which accounts to 1st day and another 24 hr duration for the 2 nd
day. The interior temperature of the Trombe wall drops in early morning hours, but then rises as the solar
energy absorbed by the exterior surface diffuses through the wall. The exterior surface temperature of
the Trombe wall rises from 30 to 142°F in just 6 h because of the solar energy absorbed, but then drops to
53°F by next morning as a result of heat loss at night. (See Table 2 for reference)

Table 2

Figure 5. Equivalent Temperature Distribution

Table 2. Summarized Temperature Distribution
along Wall Thickness for every 6-hr
along Wall Thickness for every 6-hr Interval
Interval in Graph

The temperature distribution along wall thickness from the results in Excel (see appendices) is
summarized in the Table 2 and is graphed. The temperature is tabulated with colour variation which red
being the hottest that is equal to 153.223 ˚F and darkest blue being the coolest equivalent of 30 ˚F. In line
to the requirements of this problem, the temperature distribution along the wall thickness was presented
in the table at 12h, 24h, 36h, and 48h. From this, the house will lose some energy through the Trombe
wall the first day 0hr (7AM) as a result of the low start-up temperature (700ft-301ft˚F) but delivers a positive
amount of heat to the house the second day 24hr(7AM) with a start- up temperature (71.20ft-531ft˚F). It can
be shown that the Trombe wall will deliver even more heat to the house during the third day 48hr(7AM)
since it will start the day at a higher average temperature(72.98 0ft-56.351ft˚F).
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4. Insights
The explicit finite difference method can be used in this type of problem since this is a parabolic type
of equation, to approximate the partial differential equations governing a physical phenomenon e.g. heat
transfer. For any coordinate system, whether rectangular, cylindrical or spherical, as long as the initial
conditions and the boundary conditions are defined, the temperature distribution at any point within the
working conditions can be approximated.

If we know the temperature distribution as a function of position at an initial time, we can compute
the distribution at a future time. [3]

The issue on convergence and stability of the explicit method can be fixed by decreasing the set
values for Δt in this problem equal to 900 secs. Using larger time step sizes can lead to oscillating or
errotic values for T(x,t). Although using smaller values Δt will mean more number of time steps to
approximate the values of T(x,t) at the desired value of t.

Some application is what stated for energy storage using the idea of Trombe walls. Solar radiation
that penetrates through the glazing will heat up the wall, but the resulting emission of long-wave infrared
radiation from the wall will not re-transmit back through the glazing which is opaque to long-wave
infrared radiation. This creates an effect similar to that which allows greenhouses to trap solar radiation.[4]
Heat built up in the wall is slowly released into adjacent spaces by radiation and convection. Depending
on the thermal mass of the wall, this heat can be released over long periods of time, moderating
fluctuations in conditions. This is a form of ‘passive’ solar heating, as opposed to an ‘active’ building
services heating system.[5]

5. References
[1] Semantic Scholar, Numerical Methods for Heat Conduction: Transient Heat Conduction in a plane
wall, pg 29- 36

[2] Semantic Scholar, Numerical Methods for Heat Conduction: Transient Heat Conduction in a Plane
Wall, pg 38.

[3] Chapra, S. & Canale, R. Numerical Methods for Engineers (2014).


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Based from Fourier Transient One-Dimensional Heat Conduction through a wall with no heat
Governing Partial Differential Equation:
𝜕2 𝑇 1 𝜕𝑇
𝜕𝑥 2
= ∝ 𝜕𝑡

Boundary Conditions:
𝑘 𝑙𝑥=0 = ℎ𝑖𝑛 [T(0, t) − 𝑇𝑖𝑛 ]
𝑘 𝑙𝑥=1 = −ℎ𝑜𝑢𝑡 [T(1, t) − 𝑇𝑜𝑢𝑡 (𝑡)] + κ 𝑞𝑠𝑜𝑙𝑎𝑟 (t)

Initial Condition:
𝑇(𝑥, 0) = [𝑇𝑜𝑢𝑡 (0) − 𝑇𝑖𝑛 ]x

Based from the book entitled Numerical Methods Heat Conduction, the formulation of the
convection boundary condition at the left boundary (node 0, See Figure 6) for the explicit case can be
expressed as

At node 0 where x = 0 ft, with boundary condition,

𝑘 𝑙𝑥=0 = ℎ𝑖𝑛 [T(0, t) − 𝑇𝑖𝑛 ]

Note that the left side is a Finite Difference Formulation

𝑇 −𝑇 𝑖 ℎ
[ 1∆𝑥 0 ]−[ 𝑘𝑖𝑛(𝑇0𝑖 −𝑇𝑖𝑛)]
1 𝑇0𝑖+1 −𝑇0𝑖
∆𝑥⁄2 ∝ ∆𝑡
(see derivation in the book Numerical Methods on Heat Conduction)
This simplifies to,
ℎ𝑖𝑛 ∆𝑥 𝑖 ℎ𝑖𝑛 ∆𝑥
𝑇0𝑖+1 = (1 − 2𝜏 − 2𝜏 ) 𝑇0 + 2𝜏𝑇1𝑖 + 2𝜏 𝑇𝑖𝑛
𝑘 𝑘
Where: 𝜏 = 2
Figure 6. Convective boundary
Substituting values of hin, Δx, k, Tin
1.8∗0.2 1.8∗0.2 at node 0
𝑇0𝑖+1 = (1 − 2𝜏 − 2𝜏 ) 𝑇0𝑖 + 2𝜏𝑇1𝑖 + 2𝜏 (70)
0.4 0.4
𝒊 𝒊
𝑁𝑜𝑑𝑒 0(𝑚 = 0): 𝑻𝒊+𝟏
𝟎 = (𝟏 − 𝟑. 𝟖𝝉)𝑻𝒐 + 𝝉 (𝟐𝑻𝟏 + 𝟏𝟐𝟔)

At node 1-4 where x= 0.2, 0.4, 0.6, 0.8 ft respectively.

(Note that the left side is a Finite Difference Formulation)
From PDE:
𝑇𝑖𝑚+1 −𝑇𝑖𝑚 𝑇𝑖𝑚 −𝑇𝑖𝑚−1
− 𝑖+1 −𝑇 𝑖
1 𝑇𝑚
∆𝑥 ∆𝑥 𝑚
∆𝑥 ∝ ∆𝑡
Where: 𝜏 =
∆𝑥 2

This simplifies to,

𝒊 𝒊 𝒊
𝑁𝑜𝑑𝑒 1 (𝑚 = 1): 𝑻𝒊+𝟏
𝟏 = 𝝉 (𝑻𝟎 + 𝑻𝟐 ) + (𝟏 − 𝟐𝝉)𝑻𝟏
𝒊 𝒊 𝒊
𝑁𝑜𝑑𝑒 2 (𝑚 = 2): 𝑻𝒊+𝟏
𝟐 = 𝝉 (𝑻𝟏 + 𝑻𝟑 ) + (𝟏 − 𝟐𝝉)𝑻𝟐
𝒊 𝒊 𝒊
𝑁𝑜𝑑𝑒 3 (𝑚 = 3): 𝑻𝒊+𝟏
𝟑 = 𝝉 (𝑻𝟑 + 𝑻𝟒 ) + (𝟏 − 𝟐𝝉)𝑻𝟑
𝒊 𝒊 𝒊
𝑁𝑜𝑑𝑒 4 (𝑚 = 4): 𝑻𝒊+𝟏
𝟒 = 𝝉 (𝑻𝟑 + 𝑻𝟒 ) + (𝟏 − 𝟐𝝉)𝑻𝟒
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At node 5 where x = 1 ft, with boundary condition,

−𝑘 𝑙𝑥=1 = ℎ𝑜𝑢𝑡 [T(1, t) − 𝑇𝑜𝑢𝑡 (𝑡)] − κ 𝑞𝑠𝑜𝑙𝑎𝑟 (t)

Note that the left side is a Finite Difference Formulation

𝑇 −𝑇 𝑖
ℎ κ
[ 𝑜𝑢𝑡 (𝑇5𝑖 −𝑇 𝑖 𝑜𝑢𝑡 )+ 𝑞 𝑖 𝑠𝑜𝑙𝑎𝑟 ]−[ 5 4 ]
−𝑘 𝑘 ∆𝑥 1 𝑇5𝑖+1 −𝑇5𝑖
∆𝑥⁄2 ∝ ∆𝑡
(see derivation in the book Numerical Methods on Heat Conduction)
This simplifies to,
ℎ𝑜𝑢𝑡 ∆𝑥 ℎ𝑜𝑢𝑡 ∆𝑥 κ
𝑇5𝑖+1 = (1 − 2𝜏 − 2𝜏 ) 𝑇5𝑖 + 2𝜏𝑇4𝑖 + 2𝜏 𝑇 𝑖 𝑜𝑢𝑡 + 2𝜏 𝑞 𝑖 𝑠𝑜𝑙𝑎𝑟
𝑘 𝑘 𝑘
Where: 𝜏 = and 𝑇 𝑖 𝑜𝑢𝑡 𝑎𝑛𝑑 𝑞 𝑖 𝑠𝑜𝑙𝑎𝑟 𝑎𝑟𝑒 𝑓𝑢𝑛𝑐𝑡𝑖𝑜𝑛𝑠 𝑜𝑓 𝑡𝑖𝑚𝑒
∆𝑥 2
Substituting values of hin, Δx, k, κ
0.7∗0.2 0.7∗0.2 0.77∗0.2
𝑇0𝑖+1 = (1 − 2𝜏 − 2𝜏 ) 𝑇5𝑖 + 2𝜏𝑇4𝑖 + 2𝜏 𝑇 𝑖 𝑜𝑢𝑡 + 2𝜏 𝑞 𝑖 𝑠𝑜𝑙𝑎𝑟
0.4 0.4 0.4
𝒊 𝒊 𝒊
𝑁𝑜𝑑𝑒 5(𝑚 = 5): 𝑻𝒊+𝟏
𝟓 = (𝟏 − 𝟐. 𝟕𝝉)𝑻𝟓 + 𝝉 (𝟐𝑻𝟒 + 𝟎. 𝟕𝑻𝒐𝒖𝒕 + 𝟎. 𝟕𝟕𝒒𝒊𝒔𝒐𝒍𝒂𝒓 )

Note that at node 5 the data for ambient temperature and the incident solar radiation change
every 3 hours, which corresponds to 12-time steps, and this must be reflected in the computer

Algorithm in MS-Excel is presented below

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Nodal Temperatures, °F
Time of the
Time Number T0 T1 T2 T3 T4 T5
1st day (24
step, i of Hours For Every Wall Thickness, ft
0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1
7:00AM 0 0.00 70.000 62.000 54.000 46.000 38.000 30.000
7:15AM 1 0.25 68.279 62.000 54.000 46.000 38.000 41.387
7:30AM 2 0.50 67.262 61.815 54.000 46.000 39.225 49.468
7:45AM 3 0.75 66.620 61.560 53.980 46.132 41.055 55.466
8:00AM 4 1.00 66.186 61.289 53.951 46.430 43.151 60.115
8:15AM 5 1.25 65.871 61.027 53.932 46.886 45.328 63.866
8:30AM 6 1.50 65.628 60.785 53.937 47.476 47.489 66.995
8:45AM 7 1.75 65.433 60.569 53.978 48.173 49.586 69.681
9:00AM 8 2.00 65.271 60.383 54.063 48.949 51.595 72.038
9:15AM 9 2.25 65.135 60.229 54.193 49.784 53.509 74.142
9:30AM 10 2.50 65.022 60.108 54.368 50.658 55.327 76.047
9:45AM 11 2.75 64.928 60.019 54.586 51.560 57.054 77.790
10:00AM 12 3.00 64.854 59.963 54.845 52.476 58.693 79.399
10:15AM 13 3.25 64.798 59.938 55.140 53.399 60.251 92.246
10:30AM 14 3.50 64.760 59.945 55.469 54.324 62.955 101.697
10:45AM 15 3.75 64.739 59.981 55.827 55.375 66.194 108.986
11:00AM 16 4.00 64.734 60.046 56.225 56.587 69.632 114.854
11:15AM 17 4.25 64.745 60.139 56.675 57.951 73.093 119.758
11:30AM 18 4.50 64.772 60.262 57.185 59.443 76.483 123.983
11:45AM 19 4.75 64.814 60.416 57.759 61.033 79.759 127.710
12:00NN 20 5.00 64.872 60.603 58.397 62.695 82.902 131.059
12:15PM 21 5.25 64.947 60.825 59.096 64.406 85.908 134.112
12:30PM 22 5.50 65.038 61.082 59.853 66.147 88.780 136.925
12:45PM 23 5.75 65.148 61.376 60.662 67.904 91.524 139.539
1:00PM 24 6.00 65.276 61.705 61.518 69.666 94.147 141.983
1:15PM 25 6.25 65.422 62.069 62.414 71.423 96.659 139.133
1:30PM 26 6.50 65.587 62.467 63.346 73.168 98.513 137.651
1:45PM 27 6.75 65.770 62.897 64.308 74.837 99.997 136.998
2:00PM 28 7.00 65.971 63.358 65.288 76.411 101.270 136.854
2:15PM 29 7.25 66.189 63.846 66.277 77.888 102.424 137.025
2:30PM 30 7.50 66.423 64.360 67.264 79.278 103.506 137.395
2:45PM 31 7.75 66.671 64.894 68.244 80.592 104.545 137.890
3:00PM 32 8.00 66.934 65.445 69.212 81.840 105.555 138.465
3:15PM 33 8.25 67.207 66.011 70.165 83.032 106.544 139.091
3:30PM 34 8.50 67.490 66.586 71.102 84.177 107.516 139.747
3:45PM 35 8.75 67.782 67.169 72.023 85.281 108.472 140.422
4:00PM 36 9.00 68.079 67.757 72.926 86.349 109.414 141.107
4:15PM 37 9.25 68.382 68.348 73.814 87.386 110.342 126.452
4:30PM 38 9.50 68.688 68.939 74.686 88.396 109.606 116.252
4:45PM 39 9.75 68.996 69.530 75.542 89.202 108.040 108.856
5:00PM 40 10.00 69.305 70.119 76.365 89.759 106.101 103.271
5:15PM 41 10.25 69.615 70.703 77.134 90.076 104.039 98.890
5:30PM 42 10.50 69.924 71.278 77.834 90.186 101.984 95.339
5:45PM 43 10.75 70.230 71.837 78.457 90.126 100.000 92.376
6:00PM 44 11.00 70.531 72.376 79.000 89.933 98.118 89.847
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6:15PM 45 11.25 70.825 72.890 79.464 89.638 96.348 87.648

6:30PM 46 11.50 71.110 73.375 79.851 89.265 94.691 85.706
6:45PM 47 11.75 71.382 73.828 80.167 88.836 93.141 83.972
7:00PM 48 12.00 71.641 74.247 80.418 88.367 91.692 82.408
7:15PM 49 12.25 71.884 74.630 80.609 87.870 90.336 80.610
7:30PM 50 12.50 72.110 74.978 80.747 87.354 89.025 79.042
7:45PM 51 12.75 72.318 75.290 80.837 86.823 87.771 77.648
8:00PM 52 13.00 72.509 75.567 80.884 86.281 86.581 76.389
8:15PM 53 13.25 72.681 75.810 80.893 85.733 85.452 75.239
8:30PM 54 13.50 72.835 76.020 80.867 85.182 84.384 74.181
8:45PM 55 13.75 72.971 76.199 80.810 84.632 83.373 73.200
9:00PM 56 14.00 73.090 76.347 80.725 84.086 82.414 72.286
9:15PM 57 14.25 73.193 76.468 80.615 83.544 81.505 71.432
9:30PM 58 14.50 73.279 76.562 80.484 83.010 80.641 70.630
9:45PM 59 14.75 73.350 76.631 80.334 82.484 79.819 69.875
10:00PM 60 15.00 73.407 76.676 80.167 81.966 79.036 69.162
10:15PM 61 15.25 73.451 76.700 79.985 81.457 78.289 68.112
10:30PM 62 15.50 73.482 76.704 79.790 80.958 77.535 67.206
10:45PM 63 15.75 73.501 76.689 79.584 80.464 76.792 66.401
11:00PM 64 16.00 73.509 76.658 79.367 79.975 76.070 65.670
11:15PM 65 16.25 73.507 76.610 79.141 79.489 75.371 64.996
11:30PM 66 16.50 73.496 76.549 78.906 79.009 74.698 64.367
11:45PM 67 16.75 73.476 76.474 78.664 78.534 74.051 63.776
12:00MN 68 17.00 73.448 76.387 78.414 78.066 73.428 63.217
12:15AM 69 17.25 73.412 76.289 78.159 77.605 72.829 62.687
12:30AM 70 17.50 73.371 76.181 77.898 77.151 72.252 62.182
12:45AM 71 17.75 73.323 76.063 77.633 76.704 71.695 61.699
1:00AM 72 18.00 73.269 75.937 77.364 76.265 71.159 61.237
1:15AM 73 18.25 73.210 75.804 77.093 75.834 70.641 60.718
1:30AM 74 18.50 73.146 75.663 76.819 75.411 70.132 60.239
1:45AM 75 18.75 73.079 75.517 76.543 74.995 69.636 59.789
2:00AM 76 19.00 73.007 75.365 76.266 74.585 69.153 59.364
2:15AM 77 19.25 72.932 75.208 75.988 74.182 68.685 58.958
2:30AM 78 19.50 72.854 75.047 75.710 73.785 68.230 58.569
2:45AM 79 19.75 72.773 74.883 75.432 73.394 67.788 58.195
3:00AM 80 20.00 72.690 74.715 75.154 73.011 67.359 57.835
3:15AM 81 20.25 72.605 74.544 74.876 72.633 66.943 57.487
3:30AM 82 20.50 72.518 74.372 74.599 72.262 66.538 57.150
3:45AM 83 20.75 72.429 74.197 74.323 71.898 66.144 56.824
4:00AM 84 21.00 72.339 74.020 74.049 71.540 65.760 56.508
4:15AM 85 21.25 72.248 73.842 73.776 71.188 65.387 56.126
4:30AM 86 21.50 72.156 73.664 73.505 70.843 65.015 55.775
4:45AM 87 21.75 72.063 73.485 73.236 70.502 64.648 55.446
5:00AM 88 22.00 71.969 73.305 72.968 70.167 64.288 55.133
5:15AM 89 22.25 71.875 73.125 72.703 69.836 63.935 54.834
5:30AM 90 22.50 71.781 72.945 72.440 69.509 63.591 54.545
5:45AM 91 22.75 71.687 72.766 72.179 69.188 63.255 54.267
6:00AM 92 23.00 71.592 72.587 71.921 68.872 62.926 53.997
6:15AM 93 23.25 71.498 72.408 71.664 68.560 62.605 53.734
6:30AM 94 23.50 71.404 72.230 71.411 68.254 62.292 53.479
6:45AM 95 23.75 71.310 72.053 71.159 67.952 61.985 53.231
7:00AM 96 24.00 71.216 71.877 70.910 67.655 61.685 52.989
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Nodal Temperatures, °F
Time of the
Time Number T0 T1 T2 T3 T4 T5
step, i of Hours For Every Wall Thickness, ft
0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1
7:00AM 96 24.00 71.216 71.877 70.910 67.655 61.685 52.989
7:15AM 97 24.25 71.123 71.702 70.664 67.363 61.392 62.795
7:30AM 98 24.50 71.030 71.528 70.421 67.076 62.185 69.691
7:45AM 99 24.75 70.938 71.355 70.180 66.910 63.518 74.755
8:00AM 100 25.00 70.846 71.184 69.955 66.897 65.092 78.635
8:15AM 101 25.25 70.755 71.016 69.758 67.032 66.742 81.727
8:30AM 102 25.50 70.665 70.852 69.600 67.294 68.385 84.276
8:45AM 103 25.75 70.576 70.697 69.487 67.659 69.977 86.438
9:00AM 104 26.00 70.491 70.554 69.420 68.105 71.498 88.315
9:15AM 105 26.25 70.409 70.425 69.401 68.611 72.942 89.974
9:30AM 106 26.50 70.334 70.314 69.426 69.162 74.308 91.462
9:45AM 107 26.75 70.265 70.220 69.493 69.744 75.599 92.811
10:00AM 108 27.00 70.204 70.147 69.598 70.347 76.821 94.047
10:15AM 109 27.25 70.152 70.094 69.738 70.962 77.977 106.539
10:30AM 110 27.50 70.110 70.062 69.908 71.585 80.295 115.653
10:45AM 111 27.75 70.078 70.051 70.105 72.341 83.161 122.619
11:00AM 112 28.00 70.057 70.059 70.340 73.265 86.241 128.178
11:15AM 113 28.25 70.047 70.089 70.624 74.346 89.355 132.785
11:30AM 114 28.50 70.047 70.142 70.967 75.560 92.412 136.725
11:45AM 115 28.75 70.058 70.221 71.372 76.878 95.365 140.178
12:00NN 116 29.00 70.082 70.327 71.840 78.274 98.197 143.264
12:15PM 117 29.25 70.119 70.463 72.370 79.725 100.901 146.062
12:30PM 118 29.50 70.170 70.631 72.956 81.211 103.481 148.630
12:45PM 119 29.75 70.236 70.832 73.594 82.719 105.941 151.007
1:00PM 120 30.00 70.319 71.065 74.278 84.235 108.291 153.223
1:15PM 121 30.25 70.417 71.330 75.003 85.751 110.536 150.151
1:30PM 122 30.50 70.533 71.627 75.764 87.261 112.131 148.454
1:45PM 123 30.75 70.665 71.954 76.556 88.699 113.363 147.593
2:00PM 124 31.00 70.814 72.310 77.367 90.046 114.392 147.247
2:15PM 125 31.25 70.978 72.693 78.187 91.300 115.307 147.223
2:30PM 126 31.50 71.158 73.100 79.006 92.472 116.158 147.403
2:45PM 127 31.75 71.351 73.526 79.819 93.571 116.971 147.713
3:00PM 128 32.00 71.557 73.969 80.621 94.609 117.760 148.109
3:15PM 129 32.25 71.775 74.425 81.410 95.594 118.534 148.559
3:30PM 130 32.50 72.001 74.891 82.184 96.536 119.296 149.045
3:45PM 131 32.75 72.235 75.365 82.944 97.440 120.048 149.554
4:00PM 132 33.00 72.476 75.843 83.688 98.313 120.790 150.077
4:15PM 133 33.25 72.721 76.325 84.417 99.157 121.522 135.264
4:30PM 134 33.50 72.969 76.808 85.132 99.977 120.595 124.910
4:45PM 135 33.75 73.220 77.290 85.833 100.598 118.842 117.364
5:00PM 136 34.00 73.472 77.771 86.502 100.972 116.721 111.631
5:15PM 137 34.25 73.725 78.248 87.120 101.110 114.479 107.107
5:30PM 138 34.50 73.977 78.715 87.670 101.043 112.249 103.415
5:45PM 139 34.75 74.226 79.169 88.145 100.810 110.093 100.315
6:00PM 140 35.00 74.471 79.603 88.542 100.446 108.043 97.652
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6:15PM 141 35.25 74.709 80.012 88.861 99.983 106.109 95.321

6:30PM 142 35.50 74.938 80.394 89.105 99.446 104.290 93.251
6:45PM 143 35.75 75.156 80.744 89.280 98.854 102.581 91.390
7:00PM 144 36.00 75.360 81.061 89.392 98.226 100.977 89.703
7:15PM 145 36.25 75.548 81.344 89.446 97.571 99.469 87.784
7:30PM 146 36.50 75.721 81.592 89.449 96.902 98.008 86.097
7:45PM 147 36.75 75.876 81.805 89.405 96.219 96.608 84.587
8:00PM 148 37.00 76.014 81.985 89.321 95.528 95.273 83.213
8:15PM 149 37.25 76.134 82.132 89.199 94.833 94.004 81.952
8:30PM 150 37.50 76.237 82.247 89.045 94.138 92.797 80.784
8:45PM 151 37.75 76.322 82.332 88.862 93.446 91.649 79.695
9:00PM 152 38.00 76.391 82.388 88.652 92.760 90.556 78.675
9:15PM 153 38.25 76.444 82.416 88.420 92.081 89.516 77.717
9:30PM 154 38.50 76.481 82.420 88.168 91.411 88.523 76.813
9:45PM 155 38.75 76.504 82.399 87.899 90.752 87.574 75.958
10:00PM 156 39.00 76.513 82.357 87.614 90.103 86.666 75.147
10:15PM 157 39.25 76.509 82.294 87.316 89.466 85.797 74.000
10:30PM 158 39.50 76.493 82.212 87.007 88.840 84.923 72.999
10:45PM 159 39.75 76.466 82.112 86.689 88.222 84.062 72.101
11:00PM 160 40.00 76.429 81.997 86.361 87.609 83.223 71.278
11:15PM 161 40.25 76.382 81.868 86.026 87.003 82.410 70.514
11:30PM 162 40.50 76.327 81.725 85.684 86.404 81.625 69.797
11:45PM 163 40.75 76.263 81.570 85.336 85.813 80.867 69.119
12:00MN 164 41.00 76.192 81.404 84.982 85.230 80.135 68.475
12:15AM 165 41.25 76.115 81.229 84.624 84.655 79.429 67.861
12:30AM 166 41.50 76.031 81.044 84.262 84.090 78.747 67.273
12:45AM 167 41.75 75.942 80.851 83.897 83.534 78.088 66.709
1:00AM 168 42.00 75.847 80.651 83.531 82.987 77.449 66.167
1:15AM 169 42.25 75.749 80.444 83.162 82.450 76.832 65.570
1:30AM 170 42.50 75.646 80.231 82.793 81.922 76.225 65.013
1:45AM 171 42.75 75.539 80.014 82.424 81.403 75.632 64.488
2:00AM 172 43.00 75.429 79.792 82.055 80.892 75.054 63.987
2:15AM 173 43.25 75.317 79.566 81.687 80.389 74.492 63.508
2:30AM 174 43.50 75.201 79.337 81.319 79.895 73.945 63.047
2:45AM 175 43.75 75.084 79.105 80.953 79.408 73.412 62.602
3:00AM 176 44.00 74.965 78.871 80.588 78.929 72.895 62.172
3:15AM 177 44.25 74.844 78.636 80.225 78.459 72.390 61.755
3:30AM 178 44.50 74.722 78.399 79.864 77.996 71.899 61.351
3:45AM 179 44.75 74.599 78.161 79.506 77.541 71.420 60.958
4:00AM 180 45.00 74.475 77.923 79.150 77.094 70.953 60.577
4:15AM 181 45.25 74.350 77.684 78.797 76.655 70.498 60.130
4:30AM 182 45.50 74.225 77.445 78.447 76.223 70.045 59.716
4:45AM 183 45.75 74.100 77.206 78.100 75.798 69.599 59.324
5:00AM 184 46.00 73.974 76.968 77.756 75.379 69.160 58.950
5:15AM 185 46.25 73.849 76.731 77.416 74.965 68.731 58.590
5:30AM 186 46.50 73.724 76.495 77.078 74.558 68.311 58.243
5:45AM 187 46.75 73.599 76.259 76.745 74.158 67.900 57.906
6:00AM 188 47.00 73.474 76.025 76.414 73.763 67.498 57.578
6:15AM 189 47.25 73.351 75.793 76.087 73.374 67.105 57.259
6:30AM 190 47.50 73.227 75.562 75.764 72.992 66.720 56.948
6:45AM 191 47.75 73.105 75.333 75.444 72.615 66.344 56.645
7:00AM 192 48.00 72.983 75.105 75.128 72.245 65.975 56.349
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