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Rubric for Questions Group

Criteria 0 Far Below 1 Below Expectations 2 Approaching 3 Meets 4 Exceeds

Expectations Expectations Expectations Expectations
Claim & No claim present Attempts to establish a Establishes a claim to Establishes a clear and Establishes a credible
or evidence claim that is unclear or answer each question plausible claim to and convincing claim
Support present disconnected from the that needs more answer each question. to answer each
topic; or does not answer development. Refers Cites mostly strong question. Cites
each question. Includes to some evidence from evidence that supports sufficient and relevant
almost no evidence from the text that loosely or the claim. evidence to fully
the text; evidence is based vaguely supports the support the claim.
on personal experience or claim.
unconnected sources.
Development No development Attempts to explain some Explains the Clearly explains the Analyzes the relevance
present connections between connection between connections between and strength of the
evidence and claim in an some evidence and the the selected evidence evidence in supporting
unclear or disconnected claim; some and the claim. the claim.
way. explanations revolve
around personal
feelings rather than
Conventions Writing is Attempts to use some Demonstrates some Demonstrates a Demonstrates a strong
incomprehensible. English conventions, though command of English working command of command of English
errors frequently inhibit conventions with some English conventions conventions with few,
reader’s comprehension. errors that inhibit with some errors that minor errors. Uses
Uses informal language and reader’s do not inhibit reader’s language and tone that
tone. comprehension. Uses comprehension. Uses are appropriate to
language and tone language and tone that audience and purpose.
that are inconsistently are academic.
academic or
appropriate for
audience and purpose.

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