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Subject: Grade: Section:

Topic: No. of Date:

A. Learning Preferences
Data provided by the Guidance office taken from the survey results of learning style preferences

Auditory - those who find it easiest to remember what they hear. They concentrate best by
receiving new or difficult information by listening to themselves or someone else
talking, and they replay the information in their heads.

Visual - is a way of learning in which information is associated with images or graphics.

This learning style requires that learners first see what they are expected to

Kinesthetic - need to engage in activities to learn best.

Grouping – heterogeneous or homogeneous?

No. of pupils in class

For CLE, you may include religion.

B. Pre-requisite Concepts & Skills Needed

What have they learned from earlier/previous years or grade?
(This can be found in the curriculum map of the previous grade level.)

What skills do they need to know and master in order to proceed?

(e.g.) Pupils must have learned nouns and its kinds. (if topic is on pronoun)
Pupils must have memorized the multiplication facts and the process of
multiplication. (if topic is on pronoun)

C. Materials and References

Materials used for the lesson including the page numbers of the textbook

A. Content-Focused Objectives

Enduring Understanding:
- based on the given content and performance standards and learning competencies
- lasting understanding pupils will take with them on their forward educational journey
- something they will always remember even if they have forgotten some facts or details
- these are the big ideas
Essential Questions:
- questions you ask to motivate pupils to realize the big ideas or EU

All items here are found in the Curriculum Map

Content Standards
- These answers the ‘what’ questions
- What pupils are expected to know (facts and information)
- What should they be able to do (process or skills) with what they know
- Answer what pupils want to know, be able to do, and understand

Performance Standards
- These answers ‘how will they use’ what they learned
- These define the expected proficiency level expressed in 2 ways – use their learning and
understanding in real-life situations and do them on their own
- Must show products or performance
- Answer ‘what do we want them to do with their learning or how do we want them to use their
learning or understanding’

Transfer Goal
- Transfer goals highlight the effective uses of understanding, knowledge, and skill that we seek in
the long run; i.e., what we want pupils to be able to do when they confront new challenges – both
in and outside of school. There is a small number of overarching, long-term transfer goals in
each subject area.
For example, a long-term aim in mathematics is for pupils to be able to solve “real world”
problems on their own. In health and PE, live a healthy life by making healthful choices and
decisions regarding diet, exercise, stress management, alcohol/drug use. In Science, evaluate
scientific claims (e.g., XX brand of paper towels absorbs the most liquid of all the leading brand),
and analyze current issues involving science or technology (e.g., Ethanol is the most cost-effective
alternative fuel source.)

Learning Competencies based on the Topics

- To be able to do as skills

B. Value-Focused Objectives
Formation Standards
- The Formation Standards are written here
- They tell what we want our pupils to become


A. Introduction
review of the previous day’s lesson
- Teacher may tell or show them the lesson objectives or may ask a question to prepare
the pupils for the upcoming lesson
B. Lesson Proper
1. Learning Activities
- the heart of the lesson
- the content is presented through explanations, examples, demonstrations, or discoveries,
and where pupils begin to process and practice the new skills and knowledge
- teachers make sure to keep the pupils engaged, content of lesson is interesting and
meaningful to them
- some best practices in helping the pupils learn – explanations, demos and directions,
visual supports
- active participation strategies – enable pupils to respond and receive feedback
Vocabulary Words
- Specify some technical terms or new vocab words that they need to take up first to
understand the present lesson
- Include the definition of these words

2. Assignments, Seatwork


A. Introduction
1. Prelection

B. Lesson Proper
1. Learning Activities

Vocabulary Words

2. Assignments, Seatwork

What questions and or activities will be directed to pupils related to what they have learned in the
experience stage, grasp of the values present in the formation standards

A. Value-Focused Reflection
- Teacher integrates values or values-clarification process or the core values from the Vision-
Mission of the school

B. Content-Focused Reflection
- Teacher leads the pupils to undergo reflection regarding the subject matter in relation to the
EU (Essential Understanding)

As a result of the lesson, what action or new behavior or modification of behavior will the teacher
motivate the pupils to exhibit related to the values present in the formation standards, to do related to
their performance task

A. Internal Action
- Pupils are given opportunities to express how they form or modify their values based on the
lessons presented

B. External Action
- This is where the pupils are expected to take explicit or obvious actions based on their values,
may also be a performance of authentic tasks or products and transfer of learning

- know if learning has occurred
- determine whether to proceed or to re-teach or change lesson model, methods or
- before deciding to formally evaluate, monitor pupils during lesson proper and
extended practice

- opportunities to summarize what they have learned during the session
- review of key points
- draw conclusions
- preview of future learning
- description of where and when they can use new skills or knowledge
- time to show their work

Prepared and Submitted by: Date:

Checked by: Date:
Items to highlight in the IPP
1. Use of Innovative and Creative Teaching Strategies through videos and follow-up discussions
2. Discussion and Questioning Techniques
3. HOTs
4. Differentiated Activities
5. Varied Closure Activities
6. Light bulb Moment (encouraging pupils to ask questions- this can be placed in any part of the lesson
7. Seamless Integration of Core Values

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