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There is absolutely nothing in this world

that can rise up against you

if you understand who you are !
It is when you believe that you are human,
when you believe you are a body and a mind,
then and only then do you begin to have problems.
But if you stop thinking,
if you allow yourself not to think,
where are the problems?
The problems are in the thoughts.
Your body is in your thoughts.
Your experiences are in your thoughts.
And ultimately the thoughts do not exist.
There are no thoughts.
There is no mind.
So you're playing games with yourself.
This is God's divine leela,
the play of consciousness.

~Robert Adams.

The ego is a knot in your heart

that separates the mind from the Self.
When you follow the I-thought back to its source
the knot becomes untied.
When the knot is untied,
the ego and the mind rush into the heart.
They are both drown in the heart center,
which is the Self and you become liberated.

When you say, "Who am I?" you're really asking,

"Where does the I come from? (pause)
Where does the I come from?"

If you do this correctly you will soon discover that

there never was an I to begin with.
That the I does not exist whatsoever, at all!
And you will be free.

~Robert Adams -T177: The Only Spiritual Life You Need

Is Not To React!

semua akan berlalu, tidak
ada yang abadi di dunia ini.
Yang datang
akan pergi, yang bersama
pada akhirnya akan berpisah.

Dan ketika perpisahan

telah terjadi, siap tidak siap kita
harus menerimanya dengan lapang dada.

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