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Journal of Social Research & Policy, Vol.

8, Issue 1, July 2017

Social Communications of Regional

Command Unit of Indonesian National
Army (TNI AD) to Strengthens the
Regional Resilience in Pematangsiantar
Department of Political Science, Padjadjaran University, Indonesia

The emergence of security problems in Pematangsiantar becomes consideration in analyzing the social communication
program conducted by Satkowil (Regional Command Unit) of TNI AD (Indonesian National Army). The aim of this study
is to analyze the role of social communications of Satkowil TNI AD in strengthening the security of region in
Pematangsiantar. This research used qualitative methods. Primary data were collected through observation and
interview techniques. The result noted that the implementation of social communication by Satkowil of TNI AD is still
not going well. From the indicator of more intensive communication results that communication run by Satkowil of TNI
AD in Pematangsiantar is still limited to formal communication and unidirectional. As an indicator of communication
between the communicator and the communicant, some people assess the relationship of TNI AD, particularly non-
commissioned officers who supervise village (Babinsa), with the community is insufficient.

Keywords: Social; Communication; Satkowil; TNI AD; Security.


The Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia (NKRI) established on August 17, 1945 and this
legacy need to be kept together. Indonesian people are alive today need to have awareness that in
order to establish an independent Indonesian state from the hands of the invaders required a long
and strenuous struggle, the sacrifice of body and soul. As the legacy of the founders of the nation
and the building process requires a heavy struggle, the concept of the unitary state becomes one of
the four pillars of nationality as stated by the People's Consultative Assembly (MPR).
Indonesia’s state doctrine instilled the idea that without the form of unitary state then
Indonesia will be more weak and easier to split. Therefore, appears a principle of “Bersatu Kita
Teguh, Bercerai Kita Runtuh” ("United We Stand, Divided We Fall"). The birth of this
understanding is based on the history of Indonesian Independence that has been plagued by the
first and second Dutch military aggression. The Dutch tried to weaken Indonesia by the
establishment of the Republic of Indonesia (RIS) on 2 November 1949. This is as a form of
Dutch recognition of Indonesia at the Round Table Conference (RTC) (Agung, 1973, p. 70).
Although on August 17, 1950 Indonesia regain its status as unitary state, the effort to maintain the
unity of Indonesia until now was not easy. Various security problems in some areas indicate the effort
or desire of a particular group to release some region from Indonesia. Examples of such groups are the
Islamic State of Indonesia (NII), the Free Aceh Movement (GAM), as well as the Free Papua
Organization (OPM) and the Republic of South Maluku (RMS), the latter two continuing their actions.

1 Postal Address: Jl. Raya Bandung-Sumedang Km. 21, Jatinangor, Sumedang, Indonesia. E-mail Address:
6 | JSRP Yusa Djuyandi

The effort to maintain the integrity of NKRI is the duty and function of the Indonesian
National Army (TNI), but it also needs to be implemented together with the people. As a country
that applies the Universe Defense System (Sishanta), people also become an important element
in maintaining the integrity and resilience of the region. In order to prepare the people element
that can help the Army (TNI AD) in maintaining the resilience of the region, it is necessary to
socialize the importance of defending the country. By defending the country, the society is
actively participating in maintaining resiliency in their environment and with the realization of
the resilience of the region, the integrity of the Republic will be maintained.
The urban society increasingly becomes individualistic and tends to be indifferent toward their
social and political environments. This condition makes civil defense program to be perceived as a
foreign thing and considered unimportant. For instance, for some people the implementation of
reserve component program, which is one of the activities aiming at defending the country, is still
a polemic. The program is likely to be seen as a form of government policy in the new order era
that wants to be forced back in the reform era because some of urban communities tend to reject it.
Civil defense program is not only applicable through military service (reserve components),
but can also be implemented through a program of replanting Pancasila value and the unity of
the nation. With these programs, the community can become aware of its role in preserving the
integrity of the nation and participate actively in maintaining the regional security. To re-instill
public awareness about defending the country is not easy.
The efforts to strengthen the regional resilience by re-engaged the community as supporting
elements of the TNI has become the goal of TNI AD. Through the process of social communication,
TNI AD try to rebuild a positive interaction with the community by reiterating the importance of
defending the country to strengthen the resilience of the region. Social communication of TNI AD
has already begun in various regions in Indonesia. The social communication conducted in urban
areas is not easily realized compared to the rural community. This is considering the character of
today's urban society that is increasingly individualistic and pragmatic.
The social communication by TNI AD also happens in Pematangsiantar, North Sumatra.
Implementation of social communication by Regional Command Unit (Satkowil) of TNI AD in
Pematangsiantar is interesting because the people, who are not only heterogeneous but also
individualist and have pragmatic thinking. The emergence of various security issues in this city
has also become a consideration for analyzing the social communication program of Satkowil by
the local TNI AD. As in the preliminary study, the police chief of Pematangsiantar stated that
the security issue is more complex especially with the increasing number of immigrants.
The research on social communication of TNI AD has been done by several researchers.
Ramses L. Tobing (2011) had brought up a study about The Conception of Social
Communication Implementation for Preparing Formidable Fighting Instrument to Prevent
Terrorism in Region. Likewise Jatmoko (2012), which has examined about Optimizing the Role
of District Military Command in Communication Activities social (Komsos) for the
Development of Regional (Study In Koramil 0502-06 / Kelapa Gading), and G. Siagian (2013),
which examines the Implementation Komsos Satkowil in order to establish Early Warning
System of Social Conflict Management. Other studies related to communication of TNI AD were
carried out by Baharuddin et al. (2014), where they conducted research on Information
Communication Strategy of Military Command VI/Mulawarman to Support Increased Image of
Army in Regional Military Command VI / Mulawarman.
Although there have been some studies on social communication by the TNI AD, none of
those studies were evaluating the Social Communication of Regional Command Unit (Satkowil)
of TNI AD in strengthening the regional resilience in Pematangsiantar. Therefore, this study
intends to raise social communication by Satkowil of TNI AD in Pematangsiantar.

Research Problem

Based on the background issue above, then the researcher formulated the problem as follows:
How is Social Communication by Regional Command Unit of TNI AD strengthening the
regional resilience in Pematangsiantar?
Social Communications of Regional Command Unit of Indonesian National Army … 7 | JSRP

Research Aim

The research aims to describe and analyze the role of the social communication of Regional
Command Unit of TNI AD in strengthening the regional security in Pematangsiantar.

Research Benefit

The benefit or advantages of the research can be classified into theoretical and practical benefits.
1. Theoretical benefit: this research is expected to be useful for the development of
science, particularly political science.
2. Practical benefit: This study is expected to be a means of learning to integrate the
knowledge and ability in understanding the social communication process done by
TNI AD and its impact on strengthening the regional security.

Theoretical review

Social communication, according to Muzafer Sherif (in Santoso, 2006, p. 36), is a social unit
consisting of two or more individuals who have held quite intense and regular social interaction.
So, among those individuals it already exists a division of tasks, structure, and certain norms.
Moreover, there are other experts who argued about the definition of social communication.
According to Astrid as quoted in Bungin (2009, p. 32), social communication is one of the more
intensive forms of communication. Communication occurs directly between the communicator and
the communicant, so it is two-way communication and aims to achieve social integration. Social
communication is also a process of socialization and for the achievement of social stability, social
order, and the continuation of the old and new values which are shared by a community. The social
communication is fostered, nurtured, and expanded through public awareness.
Of those two views, social communication was carried out regularly and has a specific
purpose. This assumption is also related to why the theory of social communication appears.
Littlejohn (2009, p. 901) explains that the starting point of social communication theory is from
the assumption that the interaction of humans was patterned, carried out systematically, and the
choice of interaction over time was not random. Their choice simple as to interact is based on
the nature of individual choice.
Littlejohn (2009, p. 901) also reveals that the social communication theory raises a series of
interrelated assumptions. It says that communication behavior has a pattern, can be studied, and
it is context-bound, multimodal, and multifunction. Because social communication is related to
communication behavior, according to Grant (2001, p. 2) there are important issues to be taken
into account from this perspective, such as: language, communication, and community.
For Indonesian army (TNI AD) social communication being built to the public can be used as
a strategy to strengthen the defense and resiliency. Based on Easterbrooks, Ginsburg & Lerner
(2013, p. 101) resilience comes from interactions between people and their environments. That
means, social communication carried out by the military to the people is important with a view
to resilience. Communication or interaction that is built by the military to the people, and carried
out in the long term is a form of a campaign that it is believed that can increase the resilience of
individuals and communities in order to strengthen the country's resilience. The same was done
by the United States which equipping its forces with the basic ability to build a strong
communication links (The Joint Chiefs of Staff, 2015, p. 7).

Research method

Research Design
This study used qualitative method with interview and observation techniques. The data
collection included primary and secondary data. This research method is selected and consider
appropriate because it is relevant and compatible with the research problems proposed through
a process of interpretation and meaning.
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Data Sources
The data sources were obtained from the primary and secondary data. The primary data were
taken from interviews and observations. Secondary data is captured through the study of
documentation and literature. This research only uses relevant data.
The informants were selected based on purposive technique, that only those who understand
this study were used as informants. The interviews conducted on a number of informants from
Commando Unit Area (Satkowil) of TNI AD and the public, such as:
a. Military Resort Command (Korem) Territorial Assistant of East Coast,
b. District Military Commander 0207/Simalungun,
c. Students of AMIK Tunas Bangsa (2 delegation),
d. Students of Simalungun University (USI) (2 delegation),
e. Chairman of FKPPI from Raya District,
f. Chairman of the Panca Marga Youth Organizations, and
g. 2 delegations from farmer group in Pematangsiantar.

Data Collection Method

The process of data collection in this study is adjusted to the type of research. The data
collected in this study was in the form of words, documents, situations, and events which
indirectly reviews in the secondary data.

Data validation Technique

The data validity is based on certain criteria. The criteria are the degree of credibility and
accuracy of data obtained from the literature or documents, correctness of descriptions and
conclusions, and explanations derived from the conformity of the text to other important
The validity testing of the study aims to guarantee the credibility and accuracy of the research.
This test includes the credibility standard that use to achieve the credibility level of the findings
by comparing those findings with the dual reality, the persistence of observation, the finding of
elements with the situation characteristics that are relevant to the issues, and providing the study
with more detail and thoroughness. Test of data validation in this study uses triangulation. This
is a technique to test the data validation by checking the data accuracy obtained by researchers
from other parties who can be trusted.

Result and discussion

More Intensive Communication

Communication is the main and most important element in the process of social
communication to be undertaken by Satkowil of TNI AD in strengthening the regional resilience
in Pematangsiantar. Implementation of communication in the process Komsos needs to be done
more intensively. The aim is that the attitude of the state defense and public awareness on the
resilience of the region can be maintained. Satkowil intensive communication by the Army can
be done through a formal and non-formal communication processes, and it also needs to involve
all elements of the unity of the army in the region.
Based on observations and interviews with the respondents, it was revealed that
communication needs to be done more intensively by Satkowil in Pematangsiantar. Some
informants from the local Satkowil TNI AD revealed that more intensive communication has
been done by all elements, including the lowest level like Babinsa (non-commissioned officer
who supervise village). Intensive communication according to military district commander
(Dandim) 0207/Simalungun is done every day by visiting all elements of society. However, from
observations and interviews with several community groups, such as the students and
organizations member, was known that all elements of society feel the intensive communication.
A number of community respondent revealed that communication run by Satkowil TNI AD
in Pematangsiantar still limited to formal communication. This kind of communication is done
if there are certain moments such as the Pancasila Sanctity Day, Youth Pledge Day, and the
Social Communications of Regional Command Unit of Indonesian National Army … 9 | JSRP

Military anniversary/Indonesian National Armed Forces Day. The patterns of formal

communications are in the form of discussions and seminars which, according to the researchers,
are more likely to be one-way communication and similar to the indoctrination. The expectation
for more intensive communication is two-ways communication, in order for people's attitudes
toward the importance of defending the country and the territorial integrity to grow from their
understanding and awareness and not because they are forced to.
If Satkowil of TNI AD in Pematangsiantar completely runs the intensive communication, the
public will feel the presence and the /closeness of TNI AD. But nowadays, both farmer and
students have not fully felt the presence of TNI AD. Only a small group of community feels the
intensive communication with TNI AD, such as the organization of Pemuda Panca Marga (PPM).
This fact indicates the existed communication problem that should be done more intensively on
all levels of society in Pematangsiantar. The regional unit of TNI AD is in fact still distinguishing
the communication patterns based on the element of proximity/closeness.
To build public awareness on the importance of defending the country and the territorial
integrity, Satkowil TNI AD need to change patterns of their communication. In fact, the
communication of TNI AD tends to be formal and limited to certain groups. The top element of
local Satkowil TNI AD needs to be careful and ensure all elements in the unit are suited with the
direction and procedures. Babinsa as elements of TNI AD, whose duties and functions has direct
contact with the public, needs to be equipped with an understanding of the importance of building
intensive interaction with people. Babinsa as a direct continuation of TNI AD can mingle with
the public, solve the problems together with the society, and foster the community to achieve
unity with TNI AD, in order to reach the goal of regional resilience.
However, non-formal communication pattern cannot be considered as a simple matter. This
communication pattern will be able to complete the formal communication patterns built by TNI
AD. Although the non-formal communication pattern looks simple, it is more easily accepted by
the public. This communication pattern may also indicate that the TNI AD is indeed a part of
society without any division. While the formal communication tends to be bureaucratic and rigid,
then the non-formal communication is precisely the opposite of it. If the TNI AD tends to use
only formal communication patterns, they will find the difficulties in integrating the people.
Moreover, formal communication also tends to be limited to one or several specific activities,
such as state commemorate day, Indonesian National Armed Forces Day, and formal discussions.

Communication between Communicator and Communicant

The position of Regional Command Unit (Satkowil) of TNI AD in Pematangsiantar in the
social communication process is as a communicator. Satkowil TNI AD has a duty to
communicate well about the importance of the community to participate in strengthening the
regional resilience. The position of the people here is as communicant, the one who get the
message and are expected to participate actively in maintaining the regional resilience. So that
the message delivered by the communicator can be accepted and followed by the communicant,
it requires good communication from the communicator to the communicant.
Based on observations and information submitted by several communities in Pematangsiantar,
like some farmer groups and some students from AMIK Tunas Bangsa and Simalungun
University (USI), researchers conclude that communication built by the communicator is still
limited to formal communication. Between the TNI AD personnel and some communities have
a fairly wide gap due to lack of contact by the TNI AD from local Satkowil to the community.
Building public awareness of regional resilience cannot be done instantly. The process of planting
the value of awareness takes time and needs a strong, structured, and systematic communication
process of TNI AD in Pematangsiantar. But because Indonesia is a democratic country, the planting
of the value of regional resilience needs to be done through social communication that is persuasive
and without coercion and threats. Then, here we need the skills and tenacity of TNI AD personnel in
implementing and building a social communication that is persuasive.
Babinsa (non-commissioned officer who supervise village), as Satkowil TNI AD elements,
get a lot of attention because their existence is less precise, according to the public. Babinsa, as
the spearhead for the implementation of social communication, need to be close to the
community and provide insight for all elements of society about the importance of resiliency. In
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the reform era, Babinsa should be able to position as a part of the people and not as the opposite.
The approach pattern of Babinsa in New Order era, which emphasizes the repressive and
supervise/spying activities, can no longer be applied.
The activity of Babinsa in the New Order era, that tends to control or spy on people have made the
TNI AD distant with people. Even the TNI AD has become a tool to retain the authorities’ power. In
the reform era, the pattern needs to be changed by putting back the correct concept of oneness of the
TNI AD and the people. It means TNI AD is part of the society. The closeness of TNI AD and the
people need to be built on the basis of kinship, so that there is a strong bond them. When the fondness
and the bond grow stronger, the communication will go smoothly without obstacles and suspicion.
Then, the effort to build the regional resilience will also be achieved.
The nature of the communication between the communicator with communicant according to
the authors is not only in the form of delivering messages and influencing the communicant, but
also how to establish good two-way interaction without putting one party above the other. The
dominance of one party in social communication process to strengthen the regional resilience,
particularly communicator, will cause communicant keeping the distance with the
communicator, which, in this case is the TNI AD personnel.

Communication Aimed to Achieve a Social Integration

Social communication by Regional Command Unit (Satkowil) of TNI AD, based on the
theory of social communication by Astrid (in Bungin, 2009, p. 32), should be aimed at achieving
social integration. The context of this integration achievement is suited with the context of social
communication by TNI AD, where social communication is used as a way to achieve regional
resiliency. Regional resilience and social integration are linked and inseparable. So, if there is no
integration, it will be difficult to realize the regional resilience.
Social communication by Satkowil TNI AD in Pematangsiantar is considered as an important
thing in achieving resiliency and social integration in Pematangsiantar. Social communication
by Satkowil TNI AD in Pematangsiantar is done by having a relationship with some communities
through various official forums. This communication pattern has more values because it can
bring together and unite several different communities in the forum organized by TNI AD. Based
on the observations, these forums invited several community leaders and community groups to
discuss several issues concerning the life of society, nation, and state, such as the dangers of
terrorism, drugs, violence among youth or adolescence, and so forth.
Although there are limitations in terms of segmentation of community groups, the efforts of
social communication by Satkowil of TNI AD in Pematangsiantar could be considered to have
been aimed to achieve social integration. The communication is done by inviting some
community leaders and community groups. This way is not only to bring together and unite
community groups, but it also integrates and strengthens social relations between different
groups with TNI AD. The close relationship between the community and TNI AD represents the
ideal contained in the concept of oneness of TNI AD with society.


Social Communication by the TNI AD is a program with the aim to assist TNI AD in
strengthening the regional resilience. The implementation of social communication by TNI AD
has been done in all cities and regions in Indonesia engaging the regional command unit. From
the results of research and analysis, it was concluded that the implementation of social
communication by Regional Command Unit TNI AD in Pematangsiantar is still not going well.
As regards the intensity, the social communication run by Satkowil TNI AD in Pematangsiantar
in general is still limited to formal and one-way communication. This shows that the social
communication is not yet done intensively. With a view to the communicator and the
communicant, some people assess the relationship of TNI AD, particularly Babinsa, with the
community is still insufficient. Although there is still a drawback, the social communications by
Satkowil TNI AD in Pematangsiantar aimed to achieve social integration. With the existing
problems in the implementation of social communications, the Satkowil of TNI AD in
Social Communications of Regional Command Unit of Indonesian National Army … 11 | JSRP

Pematangsiantar needs to consider several things such as, implementing social communication
outside the formal and official forums and strengthening the relationship between the community
and TNI AD. TNI AD personnel especially Babinsa (non-commissioned officer who supervise
village) needs to get closer to the community.

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