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Operating Instructions

Evaluation-Software for Rail gauge

RML 3000

Document: BA_RailSuite11
Version: 1.0
Date: the 18 of December 2012
Creator: Mischa Leber

Schmid Elektronik AG | Mezikonerstrasse 13, CH-9542 Münchwilen

Content .................................................................................................................................................................2
1 Introduction ..............................................................................................................................................4
1.1 Requirements .....................................................................................................................................4
2 Installation.................................................................................................................................................5
2.1 System requirement .........................................................................................................................5
2.2 Installation ...........................................................................................................................................5
2.2.1 Internet ...................................................................................................................................... 5

2.2.2 Included CD ............................................................................................................................. 5

2.3 First Program Start ............................................................................................................................5

3 Update ........................................................................................................................................................6
4 Program .....................................................................................................................................................7
4.1 Main Overview ...................................................................................................................................7
4.2 Menu......................................................................................................................................................8
4.2.1 File ............................................................................................................................................... 8

4.2.2 Tools ........................................................................................................................................... 8

4.2.3 Folder ......................................................................................................................................... 9

4.2.4 Help ............................................................................................................................................ 9

4.3 Processes ........................................................................................................................................... 10

4.3.1 Session .................................................................................................................................... 10

4.3.2 View .......................................................................................................................................... 11

4.3.3 Report ...................................................................................................................................... 11

4.4 Parameter .......................................................................................................................................... 12

4.5 Profile-View ...................................................................................................................................... 13
4.6 Views ................................................................................................................................................... 14
4.6.1 Specific Views ....................................................................................................................... 15

5 Settings ................................................................................................................................................... 16

5.1 General ............................................................................................................................................... 16
5.2 Paths ................................................................................................................................................... 17
5.3 Path-Information ............................................................................................................................ 17
6 Working Support ................................................................................................................................. 18
6.1 Graph shortcut key ........................................................................................................................ 18
6.2 Cursor ................................................................................................................................................. 18
6.3 Error Beam ........................................................................................................................................ 18
6.4 PDF Report ....................................................................................................................................... 19
6.5 Individual Report ............................................................................................................................ 20

1 Introduction
The RailSuite enables the data evaluation of recorded
measurements with the RailMonitor.
The whole process sequence from the preparations over
the analysis to the report can be efficiently done in one
program, die RailSuite serves as a data-turntable.

1.1 Requirements
For the understanding, experience with the RailMonitor
helps, see separate manual  RailMonitor.

2 Installation
2.1 System requirement
Minimal requirement for the PC:

 Windows XP, Vista or 7

 Screen resolution: 1280 * 800 Pixel

2.2 Installation

2.2.1 Internet

 Download the newest version from the Server.

Contact the producer for login-data.
 Unzip the ZIP file.
 Continue with the next bullet.

2.2.2 Included CD

 Double-click the File Setup.exe

 Follow the Installation instructions
 Follow the installation instructions for Python,
Standard Path is C:\Python26
 Activate the command line window and press the
space bar; a Python-Module is getting installed.
Choose the same Path for Python.

 Restart of the PC is necessary.

2.3 First Program Start

After the really first start of the RailSuite in a new
environment, the program needs to be started again!

3 Update
 Download the newest Version from the Server.
Contact the producer for the login-data.
 Unzip the ZIP file to the local hard disk.
 If the installation happened right before, the program
has to be started to apply the installation file first.

 Close RailSuite if it is open

 Double-click on the file Update.exe

This might have to happen with the administrators
rights: right mouse-click on Update.exe, then choose
point “perform with administrators-rights”
 The pop-up window of the Updater appears.
 Wait until the light is set on green.
 A Log-File has definitely been applied on the desktop.

 The RailSuite can now be started, in the title bar on the

top you can find the version number.

4 Program
4.1 Main Overview
It gives an overview on the whole program.

Menu Processes

Parameter Profile view Views

4.2 Menu
The pure program control is in English. The measurement
details can be adapted country-specific.

4.2.1 File

Handling of the measurement file (*.rml)

Some of the functions are also available in the process-

tab through „Session“.

Label Description
New Generates a new file (*.rml)
Load Loads an opens a file
Save Saves the file
Exit Exits the program without

4.2.2 Tools


Label Description
Copy to Copies different files to
Clipboard clipboard
Export to File Saves different data in a file
Import Import of raw values
Custom Gather own alignment
Alignment parameter. The pair is then
going to appear in parameter-
image on the bottommost
position at the alignment choice.
Start Starts the module for the remote
Teamviewer- access in case of support.
Create Assembles all the specific
Support- RailSuite-Data in case of support
Snapshot in a ZIP

Settings settings

4.2.3 Folder

Opens specific data-files for efficient navigation

4.2.4 Help


Label Description
Online- Opens the Wiki-page in the
Tutorial browser.
About Versions- and installation details

4.3 Processes
Serve the fine tuning.

4.3.1 Session

Handling of the measurement file (*.rml)

Some of the functions are also available in the program-

menu through „File“.

Label Description
New Generates a new File (*.rml). The
length of the filename is limited.
Load Loads and opens a file
Save Saves the file

Select Shows a list with existing

measurement and enables a
direct jump to each
First Jumps to the first measurement.
Last Jumps to the last measurement.
Exit Exits the program without

4.3.2 View

Steering of the profiles

These functions are also callable through right-click with

the mouse on the graph.

Label Description
In Zoom in
Out Zoom out
Box Individual zoom-window
Reference Zoom on the reference
All Indicates the whole

On Turns cursor on
Off Turns cursor off

4.3.3 Report

Generates a pdf-document

label Description
New Generates a new report,
respectively deletes an existing.
List Overview over the already
assembled pages
Generate Generates the report
Reference Zooms on the reference

Add After Addition of a page
4.4 Parameter
Data of the measurement

The view divides into three segments:


Measuring Point (Scan)

Device (RailMonitor)

The length of the input window is limited to 25signs.

Date and Time are not changeable.

4.5 Profile-View
Indication of the measurement profiles and other

Right-click with the mouse on the graph opens a context





Control of the profile view

Label Description
Number Actual measurement, enter
number 1-50 for change.
<> Last, next measurement
Vor Pre- and post-measurement,
switch through mouse-click

Params … DB Specific views

Vor/Nach Pre- and post-measurement

4.6.1 Specific Views

Available options depending on the realized


Label Description
Params Parameters like rail, super
elevation, …
Scan Measurement with profile
Strahl Measurement with profile
Addition with error beam
PrePost Profile with pre- and post-
measurement one superimposed
on the other
Uni Height and width of head
DB DB-view  consider separate

5 Settings
The changes become active after a reset of the RailSuite.

5.1 General
General definitions

Label Description
LoadLastFileat Defines, if the last opened file is
Startup automatically getting loaded
when starting the program.
Language Language for the designation of
the measurement details.

5.2 Paths
File- and folder definitions

Labe Description
Session… Standard-File for measurements
StdReport… Standard-File for reports
StdLogo… Company file for reports
RefFile… File with reference profiles (*.ref)
Python... File with scripts
PythonInstall Installation von Python

5.3 Path-Information
Prompt of an automatically chosen save- and issue place.

6 Working Support
Explanation of chosen topics in detail

6.1 Graph shortcut key

Label Definition
Ctrl – double- Zooms in on whole
click measurement
Ctrl – mouse- Individual zoom window
6.2 Cursor
Double-click with the mouse on the graph turns both
cursors on and off. Additionally, the dedicated
measurements and angles are indicated in the view-area.

6.3 Error Beam

With the slide in the middle of the image, the error beam
gets slid over the profile. The prompt of the values are
continually getting updated. The button “Max” sets the
beam on the position with the maximal misalignment.

6.4 PDF Report
Preparation of a report in PDF-formate

 Start a new report with New.

 Add the actual view with Add After.
 Repeat this process with all wanted views and
 For control, the previous content can be indicated with
 Generate a PDF with Generate
 Chose the place to save.

Resulting PDF with Company Logo

6.5 Individual Report
Preparation of an individual report in excel

With this, random values of a measurement can be

arranged and formatted after own requirements:

 Prepare Excel-File with the requested report-view

 Generate an additional page and label it in the tab on
the bottom

 Open requested measurement in the RailSuite

 Copy the data into clipboard over the Menu Tools >
Copy to Clipboard > Params summary as Table
 Select in excel the data-page cell A1
 Paste the data from the clipboard (Ctrl-v)

 Confect a connection to the corresponding field next

to the data in the report-view in the desired cell. (in
process field = enter and chose cell)

 Confect further cell references

 Safe the file

 In future, parameters from each requested

measurement from RailSuite may be copied into
clipboard and then paste into the data-page. The
resulting report keeps its original look and gets
automatically updated with the new data.


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