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Revista Brasileira de Herbicidas, v.14, n.4, p.333-347, out./dez.

2015 (ISSN 2236-1065)


Herbicides for weed control in eucalypt1

Herbicidas para o controle de plantas daninhas em eucalipto

Fernanda Campos Mastrotti Pereira2; Pedro Luis da Costa Aguiar Alves3

Abstract - To ensure the maximum forestry productivity the adoption of efficient managements
is essential. Weed control is very important, since presence of weeds can lead to competition for
key factors to plant development. Weed interference can cause losses of up to 50 % in productivity
and over 90 % of reduction in the profitability of forestry areas. Chemical control is widely used
in weed management and about 30 % of the total costs of production and up to 50 % of the work
force used in eucalypt crop cycle are intended for this purpose. Brazilian forestry sector has great
economic expressiveness, but there are few herbicides registered. Chemical weed control should
still fit the standards required by eucalypt certifications. The expansion of sector and the economic
importance of this crop in Brazil make necessary the development of new herbicides and new
spraying techniques to increase herbicides efficiency, new research, as well as encouraging
adoption of an integrated weed management plan in eucalypt.
Keywords: Eucalyptus; glyphosate; reforestation; weed competition; weed management

Resumo - Para garantir a máxima produtividade florestal, a adoção de um manejo eficiente é

essencial. O controle de plantas daninhas é muito importante, já que a presença dessas pode
ocasionar competição por fatores fundamentais ao desenvolvimento das plantas. A interferência
das plantas daninhas pode ocasionar perdas de até 50 % na produtividade e mais de 90 % de redução
na rentabilidade das áreas florestais. O controle químico é amplamente utilizado no manejo das
plantas daninhas, e cerca de 30 % dos custos totais de produção e mais de 50 % da mão-de-obra
utilizada na cultura do eucalipto são destinadas para esse propósito. O setor florestal tem uma
grande expressividade econômica, mas poucos herbicidas são registrados. O controle químico
ainda deve se encaixar aos padrões requeridos pelas certificadoras. A expansão do setor e a
importância econômica do eucalipto no Brasil fazem necessário o desenvolvimento de novos
herbicidas, novas tecnologias de aplicação, novas pesquisas, bem como a adoção de um plano de
manejo integrado de plantas daninhas em eucalipto.
Palavras-chaves: Eucalyptus; glyphosate; reflorestamento; matocompetição; manejo de plantas

Introduction vary from 500 to over 800 (Florence, 2004;

Coppen, 2005). Eucalyptus species are largely
Eucalyptus is a genus belonging to used in forestry because of their rapid growth,
Myrtaceae family and the number of species can good adaptation to different environmental

Received for publication on 10/11/2015 and approved on 24/11/2015.
Doutoranda em Agronomia, Universidade Estadual Paulista “Júlio de Mesquita Filho” (UNESP) Faculdade de
Ciências Agrárias e Veterinárias, Câmpus de Jaboticabal, Via de acesso prof. Donato Castellane, s/n, CEP 14884-900,
Jaboticabal, SP. E-mail: <>. (Autor para correspondência).
Professor Adjunto, Universidade Estadual Paulista “Júlio de Mesquita Filho” (UNESP) Faculdade de Ciências
Agrárias e Veterinárias, Câmpus de Jaboticabal, Via de acesso prof. Donato Castellane, s/n, CEP 14884-900,
Jaboticabal, SP. E-mail: <>.
Pereira e Alves 334

conditions and wide possibilities of uses for its main species that compose the weed community
wood. in forest areas were described, as well as the
Eucalypt areas are essential to provide outlook for the chemical control in forest sector.
products such as pulpwood, paper, strand board,
fiberboard and saw timber (Rockwood and Interference and Main Weeds in
Peter, 2011). According to Brazilian Industry of Eucalypt in Brazil
Trees (IBA, 2014) 5.4 million hectares were
planted with Eucalyptus species. Brazil has a Weed interference may be direct (e.g.,
"relatively small forest area” compared to other competition and allelopathy) and indirect (e.g.,
countries, but contributed with 17 % of all wood host of pests and diseases, or even interfering
harvested in the world in 2013 (IBA, 2014). with fertilization, irrigations and harvest)
To ensure and increase forest yield, good (Souza et al., 2003). In eucalypt plantation,
management is required. Fertilization, weeds can also increase the risk of forest fires.
species/clones adapted to climatic conditions In forests the main form of weed
and management of weeds, pests and diseases interference is competition for water, nutrients,
are some of essential techniques to ensure the light and other resources necessary for both
success of forest areas. species (Souza et al., 2010). Thus, weeds must
Weeds are a major problem in eucalypt, be controlled before interference is established.
and can cause yield reduction and increase In Brazil, many of current high yield
production costs due to high demand for forest plantations were traditional pastures areas
manpower expended in weed control (Tuffi for many years, so grasses stand out among the
Santos et al., 2006; Silva et al., 2012). Invasive major weeds (Pereira et al., 2013 and others).
species are usually found in eucalypt areas as According to Pereira et al. (2012) the
early as preparing the soil for planting and in main weeds in Boa Esperança do Sul - São
absence of proper management can remain until Paulo were U. decumbens, Sida glaziovii,
harvest. Seedlings and young trees are very Croton glandulosus and Sida rhombifolia. In
sensitive to weed competition, especially during Viçosa - Minas Gerais, Tiburcio et al. (2012b)
establishment (Adams et al., 2003; Florentine reported as main weeds Amaranthus retroflexus,
and Fox, 2003; Garau et al., 2009; Cruz et al., Bidens pilosa, Conyza bonariensis, Galinsoga
2010; Pereira et al., 2013, among others). parviflora, Ipomoea grandifolia, Euphorbia
Weeds coexistence can cause a number heterophylla, Spermacoce latifolia, Brachiaria
of physiological and morphological changes, plantaginea, Commelina benghalensis,
which can result in reductions in plants growth, Digitaria horizontalis and Eleusine indica.
quantity and quality of wood (Osiecka and Tuffi Santos et al. (2013) studied the
Minogue, 2015). floristic composition and structural variation of
According to Hakamada et al. (2010) weeds in Minas Gerais. The most representative
weed interference can cause losses of up to 50 families were Poaceae, Asteraceae and
% in eucalypt yield and reduction of over 90 % Fabaceae. The most abundant species was
in the profitability of forestry enterprise. About Galinsoga parviflora. Emilia coccinea, Sida
30 % of total production cost and up to 50 % of rhombifolia and Spermacoce latifolia were
manpower used in eucalypt cycle is intended for common to all areas.
weed control.
The purpose of this literature review is to Negative Effects of Weeds in Eucalypt
gather key information related to herbicides for Negative impacts of weeds can begin
eucalypt, its effects on weed control and, in soon, resulting in death of new seedlings in
some cases, on eucalypt plants. To this end, a highly infested areas. In general, weed
brief approach about weed interference and the

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interference in eucalypt is more severe in the In forestry areas second coppice rotation
first year but may extend until the second year, (after harvest, roots and a small part of stem are
especially in the presence of grasses and kept intact, and sprouts will form a new tree) has
unwieldy species (Garau et al., 2009; Pereira et also used and its main advantage is low cost.
al., 2012; Pereira et al., 2013, among others.). In Eucalyptus grandis plants in a second coppice
the absence of ideal management, weeds can area in coexistence with Urochloa decumbens
stay for some or all the crop cycle, resulting in and Panicum maximum did not show reductions
reduction in the plant growth, health or yield in height, diameter and macronutrient levels
(Agostinetto et al., 2010). after up to 18 months of coexistence.
After testing crown diameters (weed free Reductions were found only when the weed free
distance around plants), Machado et al. (2013) and weedy plots were compared (Souza et al.,
concluded plants without crowning showed 2010). It is important to note in these conditions
lower growth. Crown diameters about 2 m the root system was fully formed and reaching
provided favorable conditions for initial growth greater depths in soil. Probably, those eucalypt
of eucalypt seedlings. trees do not compete with weeds for growth
Graat et al. (2015) evaluated coexistence resources.
effects between one Urochloa decumbens or U. Among the negative effects that occur
ruziziensis positioned at distances (0 to 40 cm) due to weeds presence, depreciation of wood
from one Eucalyptus urograndis plant (C219H quality is very important. Species such as vines
or H15 clones). Plants grown free of weeds (Ipomoea grandifolia, I. aristolochiaefolia, I.
showed higher height, stem diameter, stem dry purpurea) can be rolled along eucalypt stem,
mass and leaves dry mass than plants grown in difficult their growth and induce the formation
coexistence. However, the distance between of side shoots that depreciate wood quality and
them was not a significant factor. consequently the wood amount and its sale
Long-term impact of weed control has price.
also been documented by Little et al. (2003),
testing cover crops, chemical control, Weed Chemical Control
mechanical control and hand-weeding during
establishment of a hybrid resulting from the During the last years chemical control
crossing of Eucalyptus grandis and E. was the method widely used in eucalypt areas
camaldulensis. Eucalypt performance was (lower cost and less manpower dependence).
improved and the variability between trees George and Brennan (2002) compared hand
decreased as weed-free area increased. After 7 weeding, inter row slashing, cover crops,
years tree volume in weed free areas was by 42.5 mulching and herbicide applications during
% greater compared to weedy areas. establishment of Eucalyptus dunnii and E.
However, some studies have found that saligna plantations in Australia. Herbicides
eucalypt plants have potential for recovery even were the most cost-effective weed control
after the initial coexistence with weeds (Garau method.
et al., 2009; Tarouco et al., 2009). This ability Usually two to five herbicides
can possibly be explained by the long cycle, applications are performed in the first year of
great ability to absorb and use nutrients and eucalypt cycle, involving herbicides in pre and
excellent growth and development of clones post-emergence of weeds. However, in some
placed into suitable conditions. However, cases, the weed control extends for six years and
studies to evaluate trees until harvest are still is mainly performed in order to facilitate
scarce. To assess the recovery of plants, longer harvesting (Tuffi Santos et al., 2006). For an
studies are needed. efficient weed control and/or to ensure the
selectivity of herbicides over eucalypt plants, it

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is necessary to use herbicides in suitable species and/or resistant species. In these last two
concentrations and in the development stage cases, herbicides with different sites of action
recommended by manufacturer. must be sprayed. Glufosinate-ammonium,
For adequate coverage of target, it is carfentrazone-ethyl and glyphosate are the most
necessary to know the deposition characteristics widely used herbicides for desiccation.
provided by the equipment, herbicide and spray
technology (Ferreira et al., 2009). Spraying non- Chemical Control with Pre-emergence
selective post-emergence herbicides should be Herbicides
very cautious, as it may cause injuries and losses Here, the knowledge of weed infestation
due to drift (Tiburcio et al., 2012b). The choice history is essential, and may be obtained by soil
of herbicide to be used should consider weed sampling for evaluation of soil seed bank
species, development stage, climatic conditions (however not all species in the seed bank will
(season, daily and in the spraying time), use of develop in the area) or by observation and
ideal spraying technology and water quality. identification of species.
It is essential to consult the herbicides Soil characteristics (soil type, clay and
guidelines in Brazil (Rodrigues and Almeida, organic matter contents) and the annual rainfall
2005; 2011; Brasil, 2015) as well as herbicides of area should be known, ensuring the correct
restrictions lists in certified forest areas (such as dose of herbicide will be used (Rodrigues and
ISO 14001; Forest Stewardship Council – FSC Almeida, 2011).
or any other forest certification). Pre-emergence applications can be
performed when needed, even after planting.
Opportunities to Perform Weed Although, for some herbicides, as isoxaflutole,
Chemical Control the selectivity for eucalypt can decreases as
seedlings adapt to the soil conditions and grow.
Chemical control can be performed in Possibly soon after planting the seedlings hardly
three distinct times using different kinds of absorbs isoxaflutole, and the selectivity of
herbicides: (1) burndown; (2) pre-emergence isoxaflutole sprayed in leaves was reported by
herbicides, or (3) post-emergence herbicides. Agostinetto et al. (2010). However, after
seedling stablishing, isoxaflutole phytotoxic can
Burndown or Chemical Control Before be increased, as well as other pre-emergence
Planting herbicides in eucalypt. In forest areas these
The implementation of a new area herbicide are sprayed on the same day the
should always be held in a weed-free place. At seedlings are planted, or a couple days later.
that time non-selective herbicides with broad- Different spray techniques can be necessary to
spectrum control, such as glyphosate, can be protect seedlings in late applications. The
used safely. selectivity of an herbicide may vary depending
Burndown can be performed in one or on dose, eucalypt species or clone, climatic and
two steps based on weed species found in the soil conditions. Studies or preliminary tests
area. It have to be done in two steps when the should be performed for each situation.
weed community is very developed (after the Isoxaflutole, oxyfluorfen,
first spraying small weeds will still be alive, pendimethalin, sulfentrazone and trifluralin are
once they are protected from taller plants); when the most used herbicides for eucalypt at this
perennial species with hard control are time (Rodrigues and Almeida, 2011). They can
identified (local species, for example); on the be applied before or after planting, in pre-
delay in carrying out the planting after emergence or early post-emergence of weeds. It
burndown (logistics or weather problems may is always necessary to refer to herbicide label for
delay planting) and in the presence of tolerant instructions.

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Chemical Control in Post-emergence of accumulation of protoporphyrinogen IX will

Weeds catalyze singlet oxygen formation, which causes
Herbicides sprayed after weeds lipid peroxidation in cell membranes. Lipids and
emergence have limitations about species proteins will be oxidized, causing loss of
control and weed growth stage, which makes chlorophyll and carotenoids, resulting in
necessary the correct identification of species, dehydration and disintegration of organelles
as well as carrying out the spraying at correct (Oliveira Jr. et al., 2011).
time. PROTOX inhibitors can be sprayed
These herbicides may or may not be before weed emergence, but may also be used
selective to eucalypt, and based on that after the emergence of weeds. For good results
knowledge can some of them have to be sprayed spraying of PROTOX inhibitors, it is ideal that
directed only on the weed community (non- the soil is prepared and free from soil clods. In
selective). For a non-selective herbicide sprayed general, absorbed by roots, stems or leaves in
in post- emergence of weeds and after eucalypt newly germinated seedlings, with little or no
planting, all the necessary procedures to avoid translocation. The first symptom to be observed
drift must be taken. is the bleaching of leaves; followed by necrotic
Among the main causes of drift, one can spots/drying areas and plant death (Oliveira Jr.
mention droplet size, height of the spray tip, et al., 2011).
operating and wind speed, temperature, air
humidity, application volume and formulation Carfentrazone-ethyl
used (Ferreira et al., 2009). The use spray Carfentrazone-ethyl has shown good
nozzles which produce large droplets is also efficiency in the control of glyphosate tolerant
recommended. species (Rodrigues and Almeida, 2011).
Once again, refer to herbicide label However, is non-selective to eucalypt, requiring
before start herbicide use is always necessary. the spray solution must be carefully directed to
target species and spray nozzles with protection
Herbicides for Eucalypt in Brazil should be used.
After a drift simulation of carfentrazone-
Forest sector has great economic ethyl on Eucalyptus urophylla, Tuffi Santos et
importance in Brazil, but there are few al. (2006) found the first symptoms of
herbicides registered in comparison with other phytotoxicity 2 days after spraying, which
important crops or other eucalypt producing culminated in the death of meristems and
countries. reduced shoot and root dry mass.
Herbicides that can be sprayed in
eucalypt are glufosinate-ammonium,
carfentrazone-ethyl, fluazifop-p-butyl, The efficiency of weed control and
flumioxazin, glyphosate, isoxaflutole, oryzalin,
phytotoxicity in E. grandis by flumioxazin
oxyfluorfen, pendimenthalin, sulfentrazone, isolated or mixed with isoxaflutole or
trifluralin and imazapyr (the last one exclusively
sulfentrazone was tested. Flumioxazin was
for the eradication of areas) (Brasil, 2015; totally selective to eucalypt at the 125 g a.i. ha-1
Rodrigues and Almeida, 2005; 2011). To (some phytotoxicity effect was observed which
facilitate understanding, herbicides were was fully recoverable with plant growth).
grouped according to mechanism of action. However, the efficiency of weed control was
better when flumioxazin was mixed with
PROTOX inhibitors isoxaflutole or sulfentrazone (Tiburcio et al.,
This group of herbicides inhibits the 2012a).
protoporphyrynogen oxidase (PROTOX). The

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Oxyfluorfen and this reduction can be directly associated

Oxyfluorfen should be sprayed as soon with the high levels of phytotoxicity observed.
as seedlings are planted, preferably on wet soil, The concentrations of sulfentrazone absorbed
free of crop residues and others material. For by the plants were proportional to the dry mass
eucalypt plants with hairy leaves, spraying on reductions, indicating that variations in the
seedlings is not recommended and the spraying eucalypt clones may be related to the
jet must be directed to the soil. In the literature differentiated absorption of the sulfentrazone.
different levels of selectivity have been reported
to different species. ACCase inhibitor
Agostinetto et al. (2010) reported Fluazifop-p-butyl
chlorosis and necrosis in young E. grandis Fluazifop-p-butyl is predominantly
leaves. However, the residual effect was absorbed by leaves and act inhibiting the acetyl-
efficient to control Brachiaria decumbens and CoA carboxylase enzyme (ACCase), essential
Panicum maximum. Over-the-top sprayings of for lipids synthesis and so far production of
oxyfluorfen reduced the invasive vegetation in a phospholipids necessary for new membranes
Eucalyptus macarthurii area, promoting high formation, essential for cell growth (Oliveira Jr.
tree height compared with directed glyphosate et al., 2011).
sprayings (Blazier et al., 2012). Inhibitors of ACCase are always sprayed
as post-emergence herbicides and are indicated
Sulfentrazone to control grass species. The ideal stage for
The major symptoms observed after spraying grasses is between 3 and 5 leaves, but
sulfentrazone drift in eucalypt are purple leaves, may also be effective in bigger plants, especially
necrosis, leaves with deformations and loss of in presence of an appropriate adjuvant. They are
apical dominance (Carbonari et al., 2012). selective for dicotyledonous, plants which
Those symptoms can start from the seventh day usually do not show the susceptible form of the
after spraying (Takahashi et al., 2009). enzyme ACCase (Oliveira Jr. et al., 2011).The
According to Velini et al. (2005), leaves formed effectiveness of weed control by ACCase
between planting and spraying demonstrated inhibitor herbicides is dependent on
greater sensitivity to sulfentrazone. environmental conditions and monitoring them
Takahashi et al. (2009) sprayed before and during spraying is essential. Since
sulfentrazone doses 80 days after planting E. fluazifop-p-butyl is toxic only for
urograndis (VCP1 and VCP2 clones). Height monocotyledonous, drift studies are not
and leaf area, respectively, were reduced necessary.
between 9 and 66 %. At 35 days after spraying
plants recovery was not observed. EPSPs inhibitor
Two sulfentrazone spraying systems Glyphosate
were carried out by Carbonari et al (2011): (1) Glyphosate is absorbed by leaves
clay granules with sulfentrazone and (2) regular through the cuticle and is translocated to new
liquid spraying. Sulfentrazone at 750 g ai ha-1 leaves and meristems. It is a systemic herbicide
showed better control of Brachiaria decumbens which inhibits the enzyme 5-enolpyruvyl
and Panicum maximum for the aerial application shikimate 3-phosphate synthase (EPSPs),
with clay granules. blocking the synthesis of the amino acids
After spraying sulfentrazone (400 and phenylalanine, tyrosine and tryptophan -
600 g ha-1) in four Eucalyptus urograndis clones essential for the synthesis of proteins and
(FB1, FB2, FB3, FB4), Carbonari et al. (2012) secondary metabolites (Bradshaw et al., 1997).
noted that clone FB3 showed greater dry mass The progressive yellowing of leaves is the first
reduction when compared to the other clones,

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sign of toxicity, followed by wilting and more tolerant even when exposed to higher
necrosis (Tuffi Santos et al., 2005). doses.
Glyphosate has many suitable In a study of glyphosate drift effects on
characteristics to forest management, such as eucalypt clones, Tuffi Santos et al. (2007)
high spectrum of action and high efficiency in observed a progression of injury symptoms
weed control. Nonetheless, glyphosate does not from leaf chlorosis through necrosis and plant
provide residual effects what requires frequent death. The eucalypt phytotoxicity increased as
applications, resulting in signficant costs, drift glyphosate rate was increased, and plants
risks and glyphosate tolerant/resistance species. exposed to 173 or 346 g a.e. ha-1 displayed
Glyphosate has been used in severe phytotoxicity symptoms, including
applications before planting (burndown); on reductions in height, stem diameter and dry
weed control and eucalypt regrowth control; mass 50 days after spraying.
maintenance of areas free of weeds in the first Pereira et al. (2011) simulated a
year (usually more than once spraying is glyphosate drift (40; 80; 160 and 240 g a.e. ha-
performed); in annual applications throughout ) in leaves, stem and whole E. grandis plants.
the crop cycle (in order to prevent bank of seeds Eucalypt phytotoxicity increased with
increasing, formation of sub-woods among increasing glyphosate doses and had greater
trees, to facilitate fertilization and improve the intensity when stem and whole plant were
use of fertilizer) and before harvest in order to sprayed. As a result of glyphosate drift up to
make it easy. According to Hakamada et al. 58% losses in dry mass, 56% less leaf area and
(2010), almost 100 % of forest companies used a difference of 6 cm in height gain of the plants
glyphosate for weed control in 2010. were still observed.
Pereira et al. (2012) evaluated Salgado et al. (2011) reported
glyphosate performance in an area with high glyphosate negative effects in E. urograndis
infestation of Urochloa decumbens, Sida after a drift simulation on leaves and stems.
glaziovii, Croton glandulosus and Sida Between three and seven months after planting
rhombifolia. Ten days after glyphosate spraying plants that received doses above 144 g a.e. ha-1
weed control was between 85 and 100 % of the showed reduction in yield 68 months after
plants. At 30 days after glyphosate spraying, planting. But when drift simulation was held
control of U. decumbens ranged between 80 and nine months after planting, doses of up to 432 g
85 %, with increasing regrowth. For other a.e. ha-1 did not cause negative effects on yield.
species, control ranged between 75 and 85 %. Carvalho et al. (2015) described
Despite glyphosate use advantages, Eucalyptus urograndis clones I144 and GG100
accidental drift on eucalypt plants has been as more susceptible to glyphosate, showing the
frequently reported in forest areas. Even with doses required to reduce dry mass by 50 % of
caution, recent papers showed how is common 113.4 and 119.6 g a.e. ha-1, respectively. The
glyphosate contact with leaves closest to soil. clones C219 and I224 were less susceptible to
Herbicide drift symptoms have also been glyphosate, showing the doses required to
observed in surrounding areas (Takahashi et al., reduce dry mass by 50 % of 237.5 and 313.5 g
2009). ae ha-1, respectively.
A glyphosate drift simulation in five Studies to know the effects of pruning to
eucalypt species (E. grandis, E. urophylla, E. reduce glyphosate phytotoxicity severity in
saligna, E. pellita and E. resinifera) was eucalypt concluded that early pruning facilitated
performed by Tuffi Santos et al. (2006) the safe application of glyphosate. However, 10
indicating that 172.8 and 345.6 g ha-1 of % pruning in plants caused negative effects that
glyphosate caused death of the apex of the compromised growth and could be seen up to
plants 15 days after spraying. E. resinifera was 640 days after glyphosate spraying (Machado et

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al., 2014). The proper definition of the intensity Isoxaflutole residual effect under
of pruning that does not compromise eucalypt simulated drought periods in heavy clay soil and
growth and facilitates weed control operations sandy clay loam soil and on Urochloa
must be found out. To consider that glyphosate decumbens and Panicum maximum was studied
drift can lead to further damage is also Marchiori Jr. et al. (2005). Isoxaflutole
Silva et al. (2014) evaluated the provided over 97 % control in clay soil,
phytotoxicity of glyphosate (720 g a.e. ha-1) on regardless dose, weed specie or drought period.
E. urophylla seedlings, as well as the The herbicide stability has been lower in the
distribution and diameter of sprayed droplets sandy clay loam soil: species control was greater
with the spray nozzles AIUB 04 and TTI 110 04. than 80 % and persisted between 25 and 50 days
The spray nozzle TTI 110 04 had higher volume to U. decumbens and between 50 and 120 days
median diameter, lower percentage of droplets for P. maximum.
smaller than 100 µm and smaller coefficient Carbonari et al. (2011) evaluated
uniformity of drops, extremely desirable isoxaflutole weed control effectiveness by aerial
features to prevent drift. Glyphosate spraying application in clay granules (150 and 225 g i.a.
with AIUB 04 increased visual symptoms of ha-1) in comparison to a conventional spraying
phytotoxicity. However, glyphosate drift system. The lower dose of isoxaflutole provided
simulation reduced plant growth for both spray low control levels to Urochloa decumbens,
nozzles. Ipomoea grandifolia, Merremia cissoides and
Panicum maximum. The highest dose showed
HPPD inhibitor better results when sprayed conventionally. In
Isoxaflutole the end of the experiment similar weed control
This herbicide has to be sprayed to soil, was observed for both.
being absorbed predominantly by meristems
and roots of the developing weed seedling ALS inhibitor
during the germination/emergence process. Imazapyr
Once in soil, water or plant isoxaflutole is Imazapyr acts inhibiting the synthesis of
quickly converted to diketonitrile (biologically acetolactate synthase (ALS), an essential
active molecule), inhibiting the enzyme 4- enzyme for the synthesis of leucine, lysine and
hydroxyphenylpyruvate dioxygenase (HPPD) isoleucine, ceasing plants growth between 7 and
and resulting in depletion of carotenoids and 10 days after spraying (Oliveira Jr. et al., 2011).
absence of chloroplast. The first leaves will For eucalypt imazapyr should be used only for
appear bleached and stunted (Pallet et al., 1998). forest areas eradication (Rodrigues and
Isoxaflutole is selective to eucalypt and Almeida, 2005).
can be sprayed on plants, since the dose and Imazapyr root exudation by eucalypt and
seedling size is respected. The optimal dose of its effects on seedlings were verified in the
isoxaflutole may vary according to soil type and literature. Imazapyr toxic effects were observed
infestation. Thus, to know soil texture and in the entire volume of soil reached by
history of weed infestation in the area is Eucalyptus grandis and E. urophylla root
essential to a good weed control (Marchiori Jr. system (Souza et al., 2006). After cutting
et al., 2005). eucalypt plants sorghum was planted, and
The selectivity of isoxaflutole on E. symptoms of sorghum phytotoxicity increased
globulus and E. saligna was tested by with increasing doses of imazapyr. The dose of
Agostinetto et al. (2010), being found that the 93 g a.i. ha-1 would not allow the regrowth of the
average phytotoxicity was about 3%, proving four eucalypt clones (Souza et al., 2006).
the selectivity of isoxaflutole in eucalypt However, researches about imazapyr exudation

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and its effects on subsequent eucalypt seedlings II inhibition, and loss of chloroplasts structure
are still scarce. (Oliveira Jr. et al., 2011).
The first symptom observed will be
Microtubule Formation Inhibitors chlorotic leaves followed by wilted leaves. Plant
These herbicides inhibit the death will happen in one or two weeks.
polymerization of microtubules, causing
physical reconfiguration and loss of function. Outlooks and Needs for Weed
The spindle is not formed and the alignment and Chemical Control in Eucalypt
separation of chromosomes during mitosis no
longer occurs (Oliveira Jr. et al., 2011). The choice of herbicides to be used in
Seedlings roots and shoots growth are forest areas should always consider history of
paralyzed, and the apical meristem may also die. area, identification of target weeds and
Grasses grown from seeds will be efficiently knowledge of weeds biology; to forecast
controlled, but the same do not happen with possible changes in weed community over the
broad-leaved weeds. These herbicides have years; the competitive potential of Eucalyptus
little or no translocation, and weeds already and its tolerance to accidental drifts and
established will hardly be controlled by choosing the right spraying technique. Safe
microtubule inhibitors. herbicides and safe methods are employed to
They are surface-sprayed in pre- protect man and environment and to reduce the
emergence of weeds or alternatively impact of weed control and operational costs.
incorporated into soil before planting (high Glyphosate are still excessively used for
vapor pressure, photolysis and microbial weed control in eucalypt. Weeds that are not
degradation) (Oliveira Jr. et al., 2011). They can controlled by glyphosate anymore (tolerant and
also be strongly adsorbed by soil particles and resistant species) are already common
soils rich in organic matter; strong adsorption to knowledge, and were reported in several crops.
soil can hinder the absorption of the herbicide After years of exclusive glyphosate sprayings in
by radicle. The recommendation of those eucalypt weed species can possibly be reported
herbicides should take into account the content as tolerant or resistant too. However, it is known
of organic matter in the soil (Rodrigues and glyphosate is widely used because it’s cost-
Almeida, 2011). effective, and as in other crops, stop using
In eucalypt, oryzalin, pendimenthalin glyphosate is not an easy or quick process.
and trifluralin may be used as pre-emergence So, maybe a new herbicide selective to
herbicides. Eucalyptus species to promote grasses control
and to be sprayed in early post-emergence of
Glutamine synthetase inhibitor weeds may help the Brazilian forest sector. This
Glufosinate-ammonium herbicide can be alternated with or complement
Glufosinate-ammonium is a broad the herbicides we have to be sprayed in pre-
spectrum herbicide with foliar absorption and emergence of weeds (isoxaflutole, sulfentrazone
xylem and phloem translocation, inhibiting the and oxyfluorfen) controlling grasses efficiently
enzyme glutamine synthetase (GS) in and reducing glyphosate use in the first year
chloroplasts, blocking the synthesis of after eucalypt seedlings planting.
glutamate and glutamine. This enzyme is Another option to reduce the glyphosate
important in the route that converts inorganic use and consequently prevent tolerant or
nitrogen in organic compounds. Inhibition of resistant species is to offer new herbicides.
GS leads to rapid ammonia accumulation, There are herbicides for weed management used
resulting in cells destruction, photosystem I and in other countries but still not allowed in Brazil.
Some of these are being tested here or even had

Rev. Bras. Herb., v.14, n.4, p.333-347, out./dez. 2015

Pereira e Alves 342

their “behavior” initially studied on our soils, has large areas to be studied) and universities or
species, clones and environmental conditions research groups (which should conduct research
through drift simulation experiments. Some and use the available scientific knowledge to
herbicides used in other countries or with find solutions to the difficulties found) are
research initiated in Brazil include: acetochlor crucial and should be established.
(Villalba et al., 2010); 2,4-D, atrazine and Studies with multivariate analysis
diuron (Brasil et al., 1976); chlorimuron-ethyl techniques, using information as eucalypt
(Brighenti et al., 2015); clomazone (Takahashi species or clones; weeds species; weeds
et al., 2009); fluroxypyr, fomesafen, haloxyfop- infestation rate; visual herbicide control; history
methyl, indaziflam, lactofen, metsulfuron- of herbicides sprayed in the area and weather
methyl, paraquat, sethoxydim+diclosulam conditions are still scarce in eucalypt, but are
(Agostinetto et al., 2010); saflufenacil, common to sugarcane, for example (Kuva et al.,
metolachlor, sulfometuron-methyl (Blazier et 2008; Ferreira et al., 2011; among others).
al., 2012), terbacil + sulfometuron-methyl These data combination can allow knowing
(Churchill and Beadle, 2011; Osiecka and main weed species in the area; potential
Minogue, 2015), triclopyr (Tuffi Santos et al., infestation; species/clones behavior in presence
2006) and fluroxypyr + triclopyr (Carvalho et of weeds and informations about the real
al., 2014). contribution of sprayed herbicides to weed
Some of these herbicides possibly have control.
great potential in eucalypt, and more research in In order to make herbicides use more
this area should be encouraged. These surveys efficient, new technologies must be developed
should consider and evaluate the positioning of and tested. In some areas, polyacrylamide gel is
herbicides, soil type and stage of plants, applied on the seedlings awaiting planting, and
adjuvants use and adjustments in spraying at planting time, to help keep seedlings
technology. Another important aspect is the moisture. Offer herbicides through this gel
differential selectivity between species and performing a “chemical crown” would be very
clones, which can be seen throughout this interesting. After planting, seedlings are
review. Once more, herbicide mode of action irrigated, typically every 3, 5 or 7 days, so other
rotation is essential, considering herbicides possibility would be to offer herbicides through
allowed to be sprayed in eucalypt presented irrigation water, or in combination with inert
throughout this review. materials, in order to increase herbicide
Eucalypt areas can be found throughout performance or control (Bezutte et al., 1995;
Brazil and strategies of weed control should be Carbonari et al., 2010). However, more studies
adapted to different conditions. Reports of weed are necessary.
community and studies about spraying To adopt the chemical control as the
technology (techniques adapted to the climatic exclusive method in weed management is
conditions of the North, for example) should be uneconomic and may result in an imbalanced
performed. There is also lack of information production system. Most areas are currently
about floristic composition and weed control in using minimum tillage. This system is very
that region. Thus, phytosociological surveys are interesting for forest areas since many residues
a demand to remove this limitation from after harvest are left in the area, creating a large
Brazilian forestry sector. Many reforestation layer of forestry coverage, such as leaves,
companies are expanding their forest areas to branches and bark. This layer ends up drowning
the North and Northeast of Brazil, and certainly out soil, and protecting soil from solar radiation,
are in need of information to optimize weed becoming a natural weed control for some time
management. Collaborations between these (depending on temperature, rainfall,
reforestation (which is aware of difficulties and decomposition rate, among others). Different

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weed species have different needs, and the available information usually focuses on the
amount and distribution of this coverage are seedlings (nursery) and is scarce in the field
essential at this time to ensure weed control for routine. Soares et al. (2015) worked with 19
a while. performance indicators in five different
However, the time between harvest and perspectives in forestry (financial, customer,
planting new seedlings can be long, and at this internal processes, learning and growth and
time weeds may be bigger than eucalypt market). The indicators that “gained more
seedlings. Typically, the first glyphosate spray weight” in the evaluations (and therefore were
is performed at this time. Again, the coverage the critical factors for the success of a forestry
originated from burndown can be used as weed enterprise) were the herbicide dose, the spraying
control (considering quantity and distribution), equipment conditions and employees training.
and timing between harvesting and soil The "adoption" of new technologies to
preparation should be planned to avoid weed study weeds should be seen as tools that provide
community establishing. At this moment, a pre- essential information. Proteomics,
emergence herbicide selective to eucalypt is transcriptomics and metabolomics techniques,
very interesting. After a good herbicide for example, have been used to understand
recommendation (soil free of clods + dose mechanisms of herbicide tolerance and weed
adjusted according to soil type + spray solution resistance.
preparation + efficient spraying techniques), With the introduction of transgenic
couple or more months of weed control will be eucalypt which changes can occur? These
ensured. However, monitoring the area is changes can affect weed control? Faced with a
required, as well as control species that transgenic crop weed species can be selected,
"escaped" to pre-emergence herbicides. making it hard to control/tolerant/resistant?
Attention to forestry certifications must Control eucalypt regrowth after harvesting is
be constant and consulting the herbicides that easily and efficiently done by imazapyr.
can be sprayed in the area to achieve or maintain Changes can occur for a transgenic eucalypt?
a certification should be performed before Challenges will always be part of weed
planning any treatment. In general, control, and the forestry sector should be
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accordance with predetermined principles and
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Rev. Bras. Herb., v.14, n.4, p.333-347, out./dez. 2015

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