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Despite the strong growth of digital media in India, the

traditional formats of television and print still account for the

largest portion of total media ad expenditures.
the penetration of the internet and more recently, mobile
smartphones and other digital gadgets is so pervasive that
many people prefer to read the news online or on their
Smartphones and gadgets. On the other hand, in India,
many people lack access to the Internet and though the
mobile revolution is well and truly underway, smartphones
are still expensive by Indian standards. Therefore, the only
way for people to catch up on the news apart from the TV
is through newspapers. Apart from this, the fact that many
regional newspapers thrive in India where the number of
regional languages runs into the dozens means that for
many people in towns and the rural areas, the newspaper
remains the primary source of information as even now
the regional TV channels do not cover all areas.
Newspapers in India are also read widely because of the
fact that advertisers have realized that they are the
dominant mode of reaching out to the masses and
therefore, it would be prudent for them to spend their
advertising budgets on newspapers

A recent survey says a majority of nearly 50 crore

smartphone users in India spend most of their time (72
percent) surfing the net on their mobile phones. News and
entertainment are two sectors most consumers tap into.
No wonder, digital media platforms have witnessed
exponential growth in the last few years. But have digital
news platforms replaced the good old newspapers, like
they have done elsewhere in the world? The answer is an
emphatic no.
According to an Audit Bureau of Circulation (ABC) report
(May 2017), India has bucked the global trend of declining
readership of print media.
In his piece, The Last Bastion of a Profitable Press,
parliamentarian Shashi Tharoor affirms this and says:
Newspaper circulation in India has grown from 39.1
million copies in 2006 to 62.8 million in 2016 – a 60
percent increase. Comparable data for the most recent
year available, 2015, show that while newspaper
circulation grew by 12 percent in India, it fell in almost
every other major media market: by 12 percent in the UK,
7 percent in the US and 3 percent in Germany and
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Spurt in literacy levels in the last two decades, rising
disposable income and the perceived credibility of written
words are some of the reasons why this has happened.
Noted media commentator Vinita Kohli-Khandekar
Print media has always performed well in India. There
are two main reasons for it –primacy of the written word
and the home delivery of the newspaper. The reason
newspapers in their physical form started declining in the
West is because volition was involved – you have to go to
a newsstand and buy a copy. In India we get it at our

comparisons between print media and electronic media

have shown that print media provides many incredible
advantages. Magazines, newspapers, leaflets, and
catalogues are more effective at targeting customers and
making a lasting impression.

Whereas it’s true that magazine and newspaper publishing

has taken a hit these past fifteen years, it would be
wrongheaded to assume these forms of connecting with
readers-–that is, consumers — would disappear altogether.
In fact, a recent study indicates that print continues to be
among the most effective media for reaching customers
with your marketing messages.

Eight Reasons To Reconsider Print

Here are just a few of the reasons print continues to have

1. Print has evolved to be very dialed in to the specific and

narrow interests of its readers. There are publications for
every category and for very specific market niches.

2. The perceived value of print can be seen in the way

magazine subscribers get an emotional lift when their
favorite magazine shows up in their mailbox. Online eMags
and eNewsletters may have value but seldom generate the
same enthusiasm.

3. What continues to make print ads valuable is the

(nearly) undivided attention that readers give to magazine
and newspaper content, rather than multitasking like they
do when consuming digital content. (1)

4. According to an AllBusiness Networks study, 56% of all

consumers trust print marketing more than any other
advertising method. (2)

5. Research shows that the average reader of a branded

magazine will spend up to 20 to 25 minutes with it. “On the
Web, you’re hoping for two minutes, maybe. So if you’re
looking for engagement, a custom magazine can get you 25
minutes.” (3)

6. According to this cross-media study, print advertising

has the highest ROI. (4)
7. People who read magazines are more committed to
lifelong learning than non-readers.

8. The ads in magazines are targeted to readers who spend

their money for this content. It’s something they went out
of their way to acquire, not something they stumbled upon
while surfing the digital universe. They pay for their
subscriptions or use hard-earned discretionary income for
the material they are reading. The ads in most magazines
are relevant to the content that surrounds them. There’s no
clickbait, and no annoying pop-ups that take over your
page and hold you hostage.

Advantages of Print Media

Viewed as credible: Research variously shows that
print's credibility stems from a favorable impression
formed by the very nature of the printed word, as well as
by the “halo effect,” or the spillover prestige enjoyed by the
publication in which an ad appears. This is not to say that
consumers view all print ads as credible all of the time; the
content of the ad has significant influence. But overall,
consumers view print media as more believable and
trustworthy than radio, TV and the internet.
Ability to craft a message with staying power: Write a
one-quarter-, half- or full-page ad. Create a full-page or a
half-page brochure. Or, send mailers the size of a
postcard or a large envelope. Except for your own
website, no other medium allows you the “luxury” to create
a message that consumers can read, save and then return
to later, if they so choose. Media research also has long
suggested that print media benefits from “double dipping”
or the “pass-along effect” – the propensity of readers to
pass along a media piece to others. This phenomenon can
make cost analyses difficult, but at least they will skew in
your favor.
High recall value: Because they are able to easily recall
an ad, consumers are likely to take action – i.e., respond
to an ad – after they see it. In fact, a few other dynamics
may be at play here, too. Whereas people surfing the web
are notoriously impatient – prone to ditch a website if it
doesn't fully load in a few seconds – print ads by their
nature inspire a more leisurely approach.
No Interruptions Here
Print media also benefits from not being a form of
“interruption marketing,” or a brazen interruption that
occurs while the consumer is trying to digest information.
Rather, he can read a newspaper or magazine ad, thumb
through a brochure or make notes on a direct mail piece
on his terms and because he wants to spend time doing
so. TV commercials are a form of interruption marketing;
so are banner ads on the web. (The popularity of ad
blockers ought to tell small business owners plenty about
how consumers view such intrusions.)

Benefits of Print Media

Higher Frequency of Viewing
One of the best benefits of print media is that it has a
higher frequency opportunity of viewing than online ads.
Since the newspaper or magazine may sit on a table or rack
at a business or home, repeated exposures are allowed.
Flyers, brochures, and other physical pieces are often
reviewed multiple times and shared with other prospects.
Unlike digital messaging, print media does not disappear
after generating an impression. It piles up, creates clutter,
and is thereby reviewed once more, even before recycling
or discarding. Because of this long shelf life, you can
benefit from having your ad seen by more people, more
Control over Appearance
Another newspaper advertising advantage is that you can
control the way it looks. You have complete power over the
colors you use and the characteristics of the paper. Every
aspect of typography, color choices, graphics, and design
allows you to create a presentation that meets the
expectations of your prospects. Other types of media
provide less control over these aspects. Digital media can
be subject to operating systems and browser
configurations, and television advertising only appears
and sounds as good as the technology it is presented upon.
Holds Readers’ Attention
If you’ve ever tried to read a lengthy article online, you’ll
understand how much the digital age has nearly killed the
human attention span. People surf the Internet with
multiple tabs open, while texting their friends, and half-
listening to the television in the background. With all this
constant stimulation, it’s almost impossible to focus on a
single thing for very long. That’s why print media is the
better option for your advertising. Print readers cannot
multitask while they are reading your magazine or
newspaper. This means they can focus on what they see
and be more receptive to the ads within the publication.
This benefit of newspaper advertising is one of the reasons
why so many big brands still post ads in print.
Encourages Action
When people use the Internet, they try to avoid ads at all
cost. It’s easy to click the “X” button within seconds of an
ad popping up on the screen—it’s almost instantaneous.
Online users hate ads. There are even apps designed to
block ads from showing up on webpages. This isn’t the
case with print media. Most print readers are motivated to
take some form of action after viewing a magazine or
newspaper ad. For example, ads for a local grocery chain
product sale encourage customers to visit the store and
buy the product right away, instead of waiting until they
actually need it. The idea that the item, at such a good
price, could go out of stock sends signals to the reader that
they need to take immediate or soon action, so they don’t
miss out.
Print ads are amazing at allowing you to target your
audience. You’re in full control of exactly what section of
the newspaper or magazine you place your ad in, and you
can do this based on information about where your
audience is most likely to read. You can run your ad in
specialty magazines related to your topic or in general
papers that deliver to your geographic locations. You can
also run your ad on a specific day of the week. You can
tailor your campaigns to suit your budget by changing the
size and color of your ad. Even more, you will be working
with a human being when you buy your ad space, so you
won’t be at the mercy of an online algorithm that decides
where your ads are seen. Print media provides you much
more customization than digital ads.
More Accurate Targeting
It’s hard to know exactly whether print media or digital
media are better at reaching a targeted audience. Print
allows you to choose a publication that your target
audience is most likely to read. This can be a trade
magazine that caters to a specific industry or a local
newspaper. This is why many say print is better at
reaching local audiences. Print media allows you to
advertise directly to your audience, by publishing your ad
in magazines that rely on subscriptions. For example, if
you sell gardening tools, you can post your ad in gardening
and home magazines. Since digital ads can get lost on the
Internet and are subject to algorithms, you can benefit
from choosing a print media marketing solution. You have
the time to better understand your target audience and
specify your ad to appeal to them.
Credibility Increases Reader Loyalty
Print publications are better able to increase reader loyalty
because they are credible. Many people subscribe to
magazines and newspapers because they understand and
believe that the information provided to them is credible
and accurate. Publishing an article in print takes a lot
more effort than publishing something online. This is
because you only have one chance to get every word and
image right before it gets published. With online ads, you
can go back in to change or tweak your ad and send it back
out. Since there is this pressure on accuracy and credibility
and print media, readers are more likely to trust this
platform. This works to your advantage by generating
leads and sales much easier. As an added benefit, this
trustworthiness leads to better reader loyalty.
Sensory Experience
Some people simply enjoy the act of flipping through
magazine pages, creating “dog ears” on the pages they
want to turn back to, and carrying the information
everywhere they go. When people wait at a doctor’s office,
it’s second nature to pick up the magazine or newspaper
on the front table and start reading. When people take a
flight on an airplane, they often bring reading material to
enjoy as they relax and try to get their mind off how high
up they are. This sensory experience of touching the page
of the ad is on improves the impact it has on consumers.
Benefits of Print Media
Higher Frequency of Viewing
One of the best benefits of print media is that it has a
higher frequency opportunity of viewing than online ads.
Since the newspaper or magazine may sit on a table or rack
at a business or home, repeated exposures are allowed.
Flyers, brochures, and other physical pieces are often
reviewed multiple times and shared with other prospects.
Unlike digital messaging, print media does not disappear
after generating an impression. It piles up, creates clutter,
and is thereby reviewed once more, even before recycling
or discarding. Because of this long shelf life, you can
benefit from having your ad seen by more people, more
Control over Appearance
Another newspaper advertising advantage is that you can
control the way it looks. You have complete power over the
colors you use and the characteristics of the paper. Every
aspect of typography, color choices, graphics, and design
allows you to create a presentation that meets the
expectations of your prospects. Other types of media
provide less control over these aspects. Digital media can
be subject to operating systems and browser
configurations, and television advertising only appears
and sounds as good as the technology it is presented upon.
Holds Readers’ Attention
If you’ve ever tried to read a lengthy article online, you’ll
understand how much the digital age has nearly killed the
human attention span. People surf the Internet with
multiple tabs open, while texting their friends, and half-
listening to the television in the background. With all this
constant stimulation, it’s almost impossible to focus on a
single thing for very long. That’s why print media is the
better option for your advertising. Print readers cannot
multitask while they are reading your magazine or
newspaper. This means they can focus on what they see
and be more receptive to the ads within the publication.
This benefit of newspaper advertising is one of the reasons
why so many big brands still post ads in print.
Encourages Action
When people use the Internet, they try to avoid ads at all
cost. It’s easy to click the “X” button within seconds of an
ad popping up on the screen—it’s almost instantaneous.
Online users hate ads. There are even apps designed to
block ads from showing up on webpages. This isn’t the
case with print media. Most print readers are motivated to
take some form of action after viewing a magazine or
newspaper ad. For example, ads for a local grocery chain
product sale encourage customers to visit the store and
buy the product right away, instead of waiting until they
actually need it. The idea that the item, at such a good
price, could go out of stock sends signals to the reader that
they need to take immediate or soon action, so they don’t
miss out.
Print ads are amazing at allowing you to target your
audience. You’re in full control of exactly what section of
the newspaper or magazine you place your ad in, and you
can do this based on information about where your
audience is most likely to read. You can run your ad in
specialty magazines related to your topic or in general
papers that deliver to your geographic locations. You can
also run your ad on a specific day of the week. You can
tailor your campaigns to suit your budget by changing the
size and color of your ad. Even more, you will be working
with a human being when you buy your ad space, so you
won’t be at the mercy of an online algorithm that decides
where your ads are seen. Print media provides you much
more customization than digital ads.
More Accurate Targeting
It’s hard to know exactly whether print media or digital
media are better at reaching a targeted audience. Print
allows you to choose a publication that your target
audience is most likely to read. This can be a trade
magazine that caters to a specific industry or a local
newspaper. This is why many say print is better at
reaching local audiences. Print media allows you to
advertise directly to your audience, by publishing your ad
in magazines that rely on subscriptions. For example, if
you sell gardening tools, you can post your ad in gardening
and home magazines. Since digital ads can get lost on the
Internet and are subject to algorithms, you can benefit
from choosing a print media marketing solution. You have
the time to better understand your target audience and
specify your ad to appeal to them.
Credibility Increases Reader Loyalty
Print publications are better able to increase reader loyalty
because they are credible. Many people subscribe to
magazines and newspapers because they understand and
believe that the information provided to them is credible
and accurate. Publishing an article in print takes a lot
more effort than publishing something online. This is
because you only have one chance to get every word and
image right before it gets published. With online ads, you
can go back in to change or tweak your ad and send it back
out. Since there is this pressure on accuracy and credibility
and print media, readers are more likely to trust this
platform. This works to your advantage by generating
leads and sales much easier. As an added benefit, this
trustworthiness leads to better reader loyalty.
Sensory Experience
Some people simply enjoy the act of flipping through
magazine pages, creating “dog ears” on the pages they
want to turn back to, and carrying the information
everywhere they go. When people wait at a doctor’s office,
it’s second nature to pick up the magazine or newspaper
on the front table and start reading. When people take a
flight on an airplane, they often bring reading material to
enjoy as they relax and try to get their mind off how high
up they are. This sensory experience of touching the page
of the ad is on improves the impact it has on consumers.

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