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Topic 4 personality and individual differences

personality and individual differences

Psychological disorders marked by inflexible disruptive, and enduring behaviour patters that
impair social and other functioning whether the sufferer recognized or not

Personality disorders are ofeten to be cronic and long lasting (duraderos) which creates
notable problems in life

According to Chinese research our personalities depend of the equilibrium that we have

However sigmud frud believed that our personality depends on the bathe between the id,
ego and superego

Personality & Individual Differences

when we try to predict human behaviour there is a function of 2 primary things : the person
and the environment there are in

in a strong situation personality is less important. What it means?e.g in a class it ocuurs a

fire it dosent matter if you are an introvert or extrovert everyone is going to scream.
Extrovert and introvert dosent play their role in a strong situation like in a fire. Because the
fire is such a strong situation that overwelmes any individual personality traits. On he other
side in a weak situation strong personality will don=minate. So e.g in a classrrom I ask for
voluntaries is very like that extroverts will more likely to volunteer. Introvert may stay

so what is personality. Is the relatively statable setoff characgerisitics that influence and
individual behaviour . we talk about traits which are descriptive and not explananory the y
describe a person.

Noe of the primary differences variables is :

1.self concept: refers to the concept that an individual has of himself as physical, social and
spiritual. Self cocenpt is related to self esteem ( self evaluation), self efficacy (persons
believe of his chnaces to be successful ), and self monitoring ( where aperson observes his
own self expressive ehaviour and adapts to the situation

2. self esteem
High self esteem :

Evaluate themselves farovorably, believ they possess many desirable traits and qualities,
they tend to choose more unconvencional jobs

Low self estemm:

Evaluate themselves unfavorably, believe that they are lacking in important traits, are
inherit responsible for poor performance

3. self efficacy:

High self efficacy: believe that theu will be successful at hthe task

Low self efficacy : believe that they wil be unsuccessful ath the task. Become helplessness .
so they don’t even try . because they think that f they try it dosent even bothers as the
already believe thay fail. No control over your outcomes

Implications for managers to improve sefl efficacy jod desing, training and development ,
goal setting, constructitve feddback. Rewards

4. self monitoring

High self monitoring: expressive behaviours reflect a desire toregulate a pubic apperence
and repond in asocially apropiate marner

Low self monitoring : expressive behaviours reflect their own inner states, attitudes , and
feelings , critiesized for being insensitive to others

The five personality dimensions

Extravertion: outgoing, talkative, sociable, assertive.

Agreeableness: trusting, good natured, cooperative, soft-hearted.

Conscientiousness: dependable, responsible, achievement-oriented, persistent.

Emotional stability: relaxed, secure, unworried.

Oppeness to experienced: intellectual, imaginative, curious.

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