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| Mathematics Major [1]

Philippine Normal University

Refresher Course for Year 2015



Area: Mathematics



LET Competencies:
1. Simplifying expressions involving series of operations
2. Solve problems involving
a. GFC and LCMF
b. prime and composite
c. divisibility
d. inverse and partitive proportions
e. compound interest


The set of integers (also called the signed numbers) is the union of the set of counting numbers { 1, 2, 3, 4, 5…},
the set of their opposites { 1, 2, 3, 4, 5…} and zero {0}. It is usually denoted by Z. Thus,
– – – – –

Z = {… –5, –4, –3, –2, –1, 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5…}

The set of positive integers is {1, 2, 3, 4, 5…}.
The set of negative integers is {… 5, 4, 3, 2, 1}.
– – – – –

The integer zero (0) is neither positive nor negative.


1. To add two integers with like signs, add their absolute values and affix
their common sign.
( 5) + ( 9) = │ 5│ + │ 9│ ( 3) + ( 7) = │ 3│ + │ 7│
+ + + + – – – –

=5+9 =3+7
= +14 = 10

2. To add two integers with unlike signs, find the difference of their
absolute values and use the sign of the number with the larger
absolute value.
( 15) + ( 9) = │ 15│ – │ 9│ ( 21) + ( 9) = │ 21│ – │ 9│
+ – + – – + – +

9 = 15 – = 21 –9
= +6 = 12

To subtract two integers, change the sign of the subtrahend and then
proceed to the rules for addition.
(+15) – ( 9) = │+15│ + │ +9│ ( 28) – (+23) = │ 28│ + │ 23│
– – – –

= 15 + 9 = 28 + 23
= +34 = 51

| Mathematics Major [1]
Multiplication and Division
1. To multiply/divide two integers with like signs, multiply/divide the
absolute values of the given integers and affix positive sign.
( 5) x ( 29) = │ 5│ x │ 29│ (–28) x (–21) = │ –28│ x │–21│
+ + + +

= 5 x 29 = 28 x 21
= 145 = 588
+ +

(+125) ÷ (+5) = │+125│ ÷ │+5│ ( 861) ÷ ( 123) = │ 861│ ÷ │ 123│

– – – –

= 125 ÷ 5 = 861 ÷ 123

= 25 = 7
+ +

2. To multiply/divide two integers with unlike signs, multiply/divide the

absolute values of the given integers and affix the negative sign.
( 32) x ( 14) = │ 32│ x │ 14│ ( 15) x ( 31) = │ 15│ x │ 31│
– + – + + – + –

= 32 x 14 = 15 x 31
– –

( 2706)  (+11) = │ 2706│  │+11│ (+2184)  ( 12) = /+2184/  / 12/

– = 448 – = –465 –

= 2706 ÷ 11 = 2184 ÷ 12
= 246 = 182
– –

Odd and Even Numbers

Any integer that ends with 0, 2, 4, 6 or 8 is called an even number, and any integer that ends with 1, 3, 5, 7 or 9
is called an odd number.
4, 20, 36, 772, 1958 are even numbers.
11, 223, 805, 907, 8009 are odd numbers.
Three important facts about even and odd numbers
a) If two integers are both even or both odd, their sum or difference is even.
b) If one integer is even and the other is odd, their sum or difference is odd.
c) The product of two integers is even unless both of them are odd.

+/Even Odd x Even Odd
Even Even Odd Even Even Even
Odd Odd Even Odd Even Odd


Any positive integer with exactly two distinct positive factors in the set of integers is called a prime number. Any
positive integer that has more than two distinct positive factors in the set of integers is called composite number.

Which of the following numbers are prime, composite, or neither?
a) 53 prime
b) 421 prime
c) 24,638 composite
d) 43,101 composite
e) 1 neither

Fundamental Theorem of Arithmetic

Every composite whole numbers can be expressed as the product of primes in exactly one way (the order of the
factors is disregarded).

Find the prime factorization of 300.

5 60

10 6

5 2 2 3

the prime factors of 300: 5 x 5 x 2 x 2 x 3 = 5 x 2 x 3

2 2

| Mathematics Major [1]
Factors and Multiples
If a and b are whole numbers and a  0, then a is a factor of b if and only if there is a whole number c such that ac = b.
If a is a factor of b, we can also say that a divides b (a b), or b is a multiple of a. Every number has a finite set of factors
(or divisors) and an infinite set of multiples.

Classify each of the following as true or false.
a) –3 is a factor of 12. true
b) 03 false
c) 30 true
d) 2 is a multiple of 8. false
e) for all integers a, 1a. true


Let a and b be natural numbers. The greatest natural number d that divides both a and b is called their greatest
common factor (divisor), and we write d = (a, b).
Find the greatest common factor.
(180, 220)
180 = 2 x 2 x 3 x 3 x 5
220 = 2 x 2 x 5 x 11

2x2 x5 So, (180, 220) = 2 x 2 x 5 = 20


Let a and b be natural numbers. The least natural number m that is a multiple of both a and b is called their
least common multiple and we write m = [a, b].
Find the least common multiple.
[28, 44]
28 = 2 x 2 x 7
44 = 2 x 2 x 11

2 x 2 x 7 x 11 So, [28, 44] = 2 x 2 x 7 x 11 = 308

For positive integers a and b,

[a, b] = and when (a, b) = 1, then [a, b] = a x b
(a, b)
Divisibility Properties
a) If a number divides each of two other numbers, then it divides their sum.
If ab and ac, then a(b + c).
b) If a number divides one of two numbers but not the other, then it will not divide their sum.
If ab and a ł c, then a ł (b + c) .
c) If one number divides another number, then it will divide the product of that number with any other
whole number.
If ab, then abk.

A number is divisible by 2 if the number ends with an even number (0,2,4,6,8).
Example: 158 and 5792 are divisible by 2 since the numbers end with 8 and 2
respectively which are both even numbers.
A number is divisible by 3 if the sum of its digits is divisible by 3.
Example: 2301 is divisible by 3 since the sum of its digits 2+3+0+1 = 6 is
divisible by 3.
A number is divisible by 4 if the last two digits of the number form a number
which is divisible by 4.
Example: 2900, 3136, and 745084 are divisible by 4.
A number is divisible by 5 if the number ends with 0 or 5.
Example: 1015, 2890, and 802525 are divisible by 5.

| Mathematics Major [1]
A number is divisible by 6 if the number is divisible by both 2 and 3.
Example: 1350 and 201564 are divisible by 6 because they are both divisible by
2 and by 3.
A number is divisible by 7 if the difference between twice the unit digit and the
number formed by the remaining digits is divisible by 7.
Example: 2191 is divisible by 7, since
2191  219
– 2 (twice 1)

217  21
–14 (twice 7)

7  divisible by 7

A number is divisible by 8 if the last three digits of the number form a number
which is divisible by 8.
Example: 413000, 6739048, and 9013816 are divisible by 8.

A number is divisible by 9 if the sum of its digits is divisible by 9.

Example: 19008 and 324594 are divisible by 9, since 1+9+0+0+8 = 18 and
3+2+4+5+9+4 = 27 are divisible by 9

A number is divisible by 10 if the number ends with 0.

Example: 47020 and 390580 are both divisible by 10.

A number is divisible by 11 if the difference between the sum of the digits in

the even position and the sum of the digits in the odd position is divisible
by 11.
Example: 7654235050 is divisible by 11 since,
(7+5+2+5+5) – (6+4+3+0+0) = 24 – 13 = 11 is divisible by 11
even position odd position
A number is divisible by 12 if the number is divisible by both 3 and 4.
Example: 16178904 is divisible by 12 because it is divisible by 3 (since
1+6+1+7+8+9+0+4 = 36 is divisible by 3) and by 4 (since the last 2 digits
04 form a number which is divisible by 3).

A number is divisible by 13 if the sum of four times the unit digits and the number
formed by the remaining digits is divisible be 13.
Example: 195 is divisible by 13, since
195  19
+ 20 (four times 5)

39  is divisible by 13.


A ratio is a comparison of 2 numbers a and b, with b ≠ 0, and may be expressed in the form “a to b”, “a : b” or
Ratio compares two quantities with same units.
“12 Math books to 15 English books” is a ratio
“10 kilometers per liter” is a rate.
In 1993, for every woman arrested in the United States, 4 men were arrested.
1. What is the ratio of the number of men arrested to the number of women arrested?
Ans. or 4:1
2. What is the ratio of the number of women arrested to the number of men arrested?
Ans. or 1:4

For any two equal ratios a/b and c/d, a/b = c/d is called a proportion. This is also written as a:b = c:d. In this
form, a and d are called extremes and b and c are called the means, and the rule states that “the product of the m eans
equals the product of the extremes.” This can also be written as; if a : b = c : d, then ad = bc.

| Mathematics Major [1]
If the ratio of teachers to students in a school is 1 to 18 and there are 360
students, how many teachers are there?
Let x be the number of teachers,
1 x
 or 1 : 18 = x : 360
18 360
18x = 360
x = 20 teachers

If a quantity q is to be partitioned into p1, p2, p3, . . . p n, so that the partitions are in the ratio a1 : a2 : a3 : . . . : an,
then the size of the kth partition may be computed as follows:

Pk = a1  a2  a3  ...  an ak
Joshua divides his day into leisure, sleep, and work. In the ratio 1 : 2 : 3. How many hours does he spend
P3 = 3 = 12 hours.
1 2  3

If the ratio of two quantities being compared is constant, then they are directly proportional.
y1 y2 y1 y2
y1 = kx1 and y2 = kx2, then k and k , therefore
x1 x2 x1 x2
  

Junior paid 125php for 14 chocolate candies. How much would 25 of such chocolate candies cost?

125 x

14 25 → 14x = 125(25) = 223.21php

If the product of two quantities being compared is constant, then they are inversely proportional
x1 x2
x1y1 = k and x2y2 = k, then x1y1 = x2y2 or
y2 y1

It takes 20 men to build a house for 60 days. How many men will be needed to build it in 15 days?
20 x
→ 15x = 20(60) = 1 200 → x = 80 men
15 60

Simple Interest ( Simple Interest = Prt )
Simple interest is an interest computed on the srcinal principal. The srcinal amount deposited or borrowed is
called the principal. The percent used to determine the interest is called the interest rate. Interest rates are given for
specific periods of time such as years, months or days.
Christian opens a savings account that pays simple interest at the rate of 5¼% per year. If he deposits 2 000php
and makes no other deposits, find the interest and the final amount for 90 days.

I = (2 000php) ● (5¼%) ● (90/365) = (2 000php) ● 0.0525) ● (90/365) = 25.89php

Final Amount = Principal + I = P(1 + rt) = 2 000php + 25.89php = 2 025.89php
Compound Interest ( Final Amount = P[ 1 + r ] )

Compound interest is different from simple interest because after the first interest calculation, the interest is
added to the principal, so interest is earned on previous interest in addition to the principal. Compound Interest rates
are usually given as annual (1 time a year), semiannual (2 times a year), quarterly (4 times a year), monthly (12 times a
year), and daily (365 times a year).
If 500php is invested at 8% compounded semiannually, what will the final amount be after three years?
Final Amount = P[ 1 + r ]n = 500[ 1 + (8% / 2)]3 * 2 = 500[ 1 + 0.04 ]6
= 500[1.27]
= 635

| Mathematics Major [2]

Philippine Normal University

Refresher Course for year 2015



I. Basic Ideas

The undefined terms, point, line, and plane are geometric ideas and they are visually represented by a tiny dot, a thin
wire, and a smooth flat surface, respectively. Points are labeled by means of capital letters, lines by naming any two of its
points, and planes by naming at least three of its points. The subsets of a line are ray, segment, and the line itself.

B. A. B. A. B.
Line Ray Line


Space is the set of all points.

Some postulates on points, lines and planes:

 An infinite number of lines may pass through a given point.
 To every pair of different points there corresponds a unique positive number.
 This number is called the distance between the two points.

 For every two different points there is exactly one line that contains both points.
 If two points of a line lie in a plane, then the line lies in the same plane.
 Any three points lie in at least one plane, and any three non-collinear points lie in exactly one plane.
 If two planes intersect, then their intersection is a line.
 An infinite number of planes may pass through a given line.

 Every segment has exactly one midpoint.
 If a line intersects a plane not containing it, then the intersection is a point.
 Given a line and a point not on the line, there is exactly one plane containing both.
 Given two intersecting lines, there is exactly one plane containing both.

If two rays have a common endpoint, but do not lie on the same line, then their union is an angle. Their common end
point is called its vertex and the two rays are called its sides. The following are angles:

A point may be on the angle, in the interior or neither on the angle nor in its interior called the exterior.
P. P. P.

The unit of measure for an angle is called a degree. An angle is measured with a protractor.

To every angle there corresponds a real number between 0 and 180.

Angle Measurement Postulate.

| Mathematics Major [2]
Kinds of Angles
1. Acute Angle. An acute is an angle whose measure is less than 90.
2. Right Angle. A right angle is one that measures 90. It is usually represented by a small square at
the vertex. Two lines that intersect and form right angles are called perpendicular (  ) lines.
3. Obtuse Angle. This is an angle whose measure is more than 90 but less than 180.

Remarks:In plane Geometry, an angle is simply a set of points. This should be distinguished from the angles
in trigonometry where we speak of directed angles. When we use directed angles, we allow “zero angles” and “straight angles”. In
the study of directed angles, we seldom use the degree as a unit measure. Instead, we use the radian.


1. Vertical Angles. Two angles are vertical angles if and only if their sides form two pairs of opposite rays. When two lines
intersect, they form two pairs of vertical angles.
2. Complementary Angles . Two angles whose measures total 90 .

3. Supplementary Angles. Two angles whose measures total 180 .
4. Linear Pair.Two angles that are formed by two C
opposite rays and a third common ray. Two angles,

. .
BAC and CAD, form a linear pair if only if B, A, and D

are collinear and C is not on BA .

A linear pair is a supplementary pair. B A D

An angle bisector is a ray in the interior of the angle dividing it into two congruent parts.


Equality between two numbers has the following properties
 Reflexive Property: a  a , for every a
 Symmetric Property: If a  b , then b  a .
 Transitive property: If a  b and b  c , then a  c .


Congruence Properties between Angles (or between segments):
 Reflexive Property: A  A for every A .
 Symmetric property: If A  B , then B  A .
 Transitive Property: If A  B and B  C , then A  C .
AB  CD implies that AB  CD and vice versa.
Similarly, A  B implies that mA  mB and vice versa.

Equality is used for measures while congruence is used for figures.

Some Theorems on Angles

 If the angles in a linear pair are congruent, then each of them is a right angle.
 If two angles are complementary, then they are both acute.
 Any two right angles are congruent.
 If two angles are both congruent and supplementary, then each is a right angle.
 Supplements of congruent angles are congruent.
 Complements of congruent angles are congruent.
 Vertical angles are congruent.
 Two perpendicular lines form four right angles.
 The angles in a linear pair are supplementary.
 The shortest segment from a point not on a line to the line is the perpendicular () segment.
1. Estimate the measure of an angle if it is three times the measure of its supplement.
Solution: x = 3(180 – x)
4x = 3(180)
x = 135

2. On the edge of a half-plane, take points, M, K, A such that A is between M and K. Take ray AT so that m TAK = 35. In the

same half-plane take ray AV such that

m MAV = 85. What is the measure of TAV? ( Ans. 60)
3. If mA = 64, find the measures of the angles that are complementary and supplementary to A.
The measures of two complementary angles must add to 90, so the measure of the
complement of A is given by 90 - 64 = 26.
The measures of two supplementary angles must add to 180, so the measure of the
supplement of A is given by 180 - 64 = 116.
4. In the figure, 1 is complementary to2, and m3 = 141. Find the measure of each numbered angle in the figure.

| Mathematics Major [2]

 Since 3 and m6 are vertical angles, then these angles are congruent. Thus, if m3 = 141, therefore, m6 = 141 .

 1 and 3 form linear pair and therefore they are supplementary.

Thus, m1 = 39.
 1 and 5 are vertical angles and vertical angles are congruent.
Thus, m5 = 39.
 Since 1 is complementary to 2, then m2 = 51.
 Since 2 and 8 are vertical angles, then m 8 = 51.
 Now, m4 = m7 = 129. Why? ____________________________________

5. In the figure below, the measures of angles 1, 2, and 3 are in the ratio 1:2:3, respectively. Find the measure of each angle.

Adding the terms of the ratio 1,2, and 3 gives 6.

1/6 of 90 = 15; 2/6 of 90 = 30; and 3/6 of 90 = 45 12

Thus, the measures of the angles are 15, 30 and 45.

6. Find the measure of an angle whose measure is 40 more than the measure of its supplement.

Solution: A B
Let x = the measure of the supplement of the angle
x + 40 = the measure of the angle H C
x + (x + 40) = 140
2x = 140 F G
x = 70 and x + 40 = 100
Thus, the measure of the angle is 110.
Facts about parallel lines:
1. Parallel lines are coplanar lines that do not intersect
2. Skew lines are noncoplanar and nonintersecting lines.
a.) In the parallelepiped above, name all the lines that contain the edges parallel to AB .
b.) Name all the lines containing the edges that are skew to EF .
a.) The lines parallel to AB are FG , HC and ED
b.) The lines that are skew to EF are AB , HC , BG and CD .

3. A transversal is a line that intersects two coplanar lines at two different points.

Angles formed by Transversals

a.) Alternate Interior Angles b.) Alternate Exterior Angles

1 2
4 3
5 6
8 7

4 and 6; 3 and 5 are 1 and 7; 2 and 8

alternate interior angles are alternate exterior angles

c.) Same-side Interior angles d.) Corresponding angles

1 2 1 2
| Mathematics Major [2]

4 and 5; 3 and 6 are angles 1 and 5; 2 and 6; 4 and 8; 3
on the same side of the transversal and 7 are corresponding angles


Principle 1: Parallel – lines postulates: Through a given point P, not on a line l, exactly one
line maybe drawn parallel to line l.
. l

Angles Relationships
Relationships for Parallel Lines that are C ut by a Transversal

Principle 2: If parallel lines are cut by a transversal, then the alternate interior angles are

Principle 3: If parallel lines are cut buy a transversal, then the corresponding angles are

Principle 4: If parallel lines are cut by a transversal, then the alternate exterior angles are congruent.

Principle 5: If parallel lines are cut by a transversal, then the same-side interior angles are supplementary.

Principles on Proving Lines to be Parallel

Principle 6: If two lines are cut by a transversal so that a pair of alternate interior angles are congruent, then the lines are parallel.

Principle 7: If two lines are cut by a transversal so that a pair of corresponding angles are congruent, then the lines are parallel.

Principle 8: If two lines are cut by a transversal so that a pair of alternate exterior angles are congruent, then two lines are parallel.

Principle 9: If two lines are cut by a transversal so that a pair of same-side interior angles are supplementary then two lines are

Principle 10: Lines are parallel if they are parallel to the same line.

A. Use the given information to decide which lines are parallel. Justify your answers with a principle for parallel lines.

1. 6  9
1 2
2. 4  8 a
3. m3 + m8
= 180 4 3
4. m5 + m7 = 180 b
5. 10  11
6. 2  10 9 8 6 7 c
10 11
Solutions: d e

1. d ║e by Congruent Corresponding Angles (Principle 7)

2. a ║ c by Alternate Interior Angles Postulate (Principle 6)

3. a║c by Same-Side Interior Angles are Supplementary (Principle 9)

4. b ║c by Same-Side Interior Angles are Supplementary (Principle 9)

5. d ║e by Congruent Corresponding Angles (Principle 7)

6. a ║c by Congruent Alternate Exterior Angle (Principle 8)

B. In the figure at the right, find the value of x given s║t cut by a transversal l
| Mathematics Major [2]

1. m 2 = 2x, m3 = 4x l

2. m1 = 2x, m6 = 136 1 s

3. m1 = 3x, m5 = 60
3 5 t
4. m1 = 6x, m3 = 120 4 6

1. Since s║t, then 2 is supplementary to 3, (by Principle 5)

Thus, 2x + 4x = 180
6x = 180
x = 30

2. Since s║t, then 1  6 (Principle 4)

Thus, 2x = 136
x = 68

3. Since s║t, then 2  5 (Principle 2)

Thus, 2 = 60
But 1and 2 are supplementary (Def. of linear pair)
Therefore, from the given 1 = 3x and 2 = 60
Then 3x + 60 = 180
3x = 120
x = 40

10. Since s║t, then 1  3 (Principle 3)

Thus, 6x = 120
x = 20


A triangle is the union of the segments determined by three non-collinear points.

Triangles may be classified according to the congruence or noncongruence of their sides.

1. Scalene triangle. A scalene triangle is a triangle having no congruent sides.

2. Isosceles triangle. An isosceles triangle is a triangle having at least two congruent sides
3. Equilateral triangle. An equilateral triangle is a triangle having three congruent sides.

Scalene Isosceles Equilateral

Triangles may also be classified according to the kinds of angles they have.
1. Right triangle. A triangle having one right angle.

2. Obtuse triangle. A triangle having one obtuse angle.

3. Acute triangle. A triangle having three acute angles.

Right Acute
Some Theorems about Triangles

1. Isosceles Triangle Theorem. If two sides of a triangle are congruent, then the angles opposite these sides are congruent.
Conversely, if two angles of a triangle are congruent, then the sides opposite them are congruent
2. Every equilateral triangle is equiangular and conversely.
3. The sum of the measures of the angles of a triangle is 180.

Special Lines in a Triangle


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