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Hold for Release December, 1960

Until Launched
NASA Release N o . 60-312-1 -,

Within a few days, NASA will attempt to place a 388-pound,/spdce-

craft into orbit arouhd the moon. -

If such an orbit is achieved and instruments aboard the space-

craft work properly, the launching will:
1. "Anchor'' the first lunar satellite, a highly-instrumented
space station, within comnunication range of the earth.
2. Place a wide spectrum of radiation, micrometeorite impact
and magnetic field detecting devices in a position to II
sweep" out
great distances between the earth and moon and greatly extend man's
knowledge of the cislunar environment.
3. Determine whether the moon has a magnetic field, even a
very weak one.
4. Test the capabilities in flight of a spacecraft which can
be controlled and maneuvered from the earth.
Accomplishment of these objectives would have a fourfold
First, data obtained would provide an extended survey of the
actions and interactions c F energetic particles from the sun and
magnetic fields in space,
Secondly, the information obtained would be helpful in determining
the nature and extent of radiation hazards in manned flight.
Thirdly, a successful fligh% would be a contribution to the
development of maneuverable spacecraft.
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And fo:ura9 identification of a lunar magnetic field would

provide clues to the origin and structure of the moon.
The spacecraft in this probe is @ 39-inch )tluminum-alloy
sphere. Its heart is a small hydrazinei'.%@3e
1with thrust chambers
jutting from each pole. Inside the sphere, on a shelf around its
equator," are most of the instruments used in the scientific
With its four solar cell paddlewheels, the spacecraft, though
considerably larger, looks much like the 142-pound Explorer VI
(in earth orbit) and the 95-pound Pioneer V (solar orbit) e

If all of the thousands of components maMng up the booster

and spacecraft perform as programmed, the instrument package
should reach the moon in about 60 hours and be pulled into a lunar
orbit e

Achieving a lunar orbit will depend largely on the hydrazine

engine which has never been tested in flight before. If a lunar
orbit is not achieved and the launch vehicle's velocity is
sufficiently high a% third stage burnout, the spacecraft may do
one of four things:
1, Enter an earth-centered orbit.
2. Escape the earth-moon, system and become a deep
space probepin a solar o r b i t , similar to Pioneer V.
3. Impact the moon.
4, Pass around the mcron and then enter an earth-
centered orbit n o t containing the moon.

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One of t h e key f a c t o r s i n a c h i e v i n g a lunar o r b i t i s d e s i g n i n g

the f l i g h t t r a j e c t o r y . The t r a j e c t o r y and t i m e f o r t h i s launch were

chosen t o a l l o w t h e m a x i m u m payload weight t o be carried w i t h t h e

smallest probable e r r o r i n t h e s p a c e c r a f t p o s i t i o n and v e l o c i t y when
i t reaches the v i c i n i t y of the moon. Launch time i s n o t determined
n e c e s s a r i l y when the moon i s c l o s e s t t o the earth.
The b a s i c g o a l i s t h a t of p l a c i n g t h e s p a c e c r a f t i n an e a r t h
s a t e l l i t e o r b i t which i n t e r s e c t s t h e moon's o r b i t but t h e p r e c i s e
choice of t r a j e c t o r y and launch time i s an extremely complex m a t t e r .
I n c o n t r a s t t o t h e small, n e a r l y c i r c u l a r o r b i t s of most earth
s a t e l l i t e s , t h i s o r b i t i s t o be a very long, t h i n e l l i p s e extending
beyond the moon. I n a d d i t i o n t o the f a c t o r s a l r e a d y mentioned,
o t h e r l i m i t a t i o n s and requirements had t o be considered i n planning
the t r a j e c t o r y :
1. The v e l o c i t y a t t a i n a b l e a t t h e end of powered f l i g h t .
2. Minimization of the angle between the p l a n e of the
s p a c e c r a f t ' s f r e e - f l i g h t t r a j e c t o r y and t h e mooraBs
o r b i t a l p l a n e i n o r d e r t o minimize guidance e r r o r s
and maximize payload weight.

3. The permissikle azimuth d i r e c t i o n of t h e launching

( s o u t h of east)
4. The f l i g h t path a n g l e o r t h e a n g l e between the
d i r e c t i o n of t r a v e l of t h e s p a c e c r a f t and t h e end
of powered f l i g h t and a l i n e p a r a l l e l t o the
s u r f a c e of t h e earth.
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By adjusting the azimuth direction of the flight path angle,

the orbit may be made to intersect the moonls o r b i t . Then by
adjusting the time of the launching, the spacecraft be made
to,reachthis intersection at nearly the same instant as the moon.
As the spacecraft nears the moon, an injection or retro firing
of its propulsion system w i l l reduce velocity so that it may be
drawn into a lunar orbit. by the moon's gravity.
In addition to the limiting factors already mentioned, there
are also other restrictions which must be taken'into consideration
in planning a trajectory. They include the boundaries of the
Atlantic Missile Range, range safety requirements and the
limitations on coverage of tracung equipment.
As a result of all of these restrictions, launching of the
Atlas-Able spacecraft was possible on only about five days of the
lunar month and then only for less than ~ ) ~ ~ . r . : a n l e a c h , ~ a ~ l l o w a b l e
This is the third attempt to haunch a lunar-orbiting space-
craft with the Atlas-Able booster combination. The first effort
on Thanksgiving Day, 1959, failed when the spacecraft nose fairing
broke away prematurely about 45 seconds after launch.
The second effort, on September 25, 1960, failed due to a
malfunction in the second stage,
Thus, while the spacecraft has been carried into space for
very brief periods, it has not had 83 opportunity to perform.

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Work on the Atlas-Able probe began in November, 1958, under

an agreement between NASA and the Air Force Ballistic Missile
Division ( A R D C ) . In turn, AFBMD subcontracted with Space
Technology Laboratories, Inc., of Los dngeles, with STL providing
over-all system integration and spacecraft packaging. The
experiments were devised by university, NASA and STL scientists.
In all, more than 50 subcontractors and suppliers have a part in
the program.
The upper stage (Able) rockets mounted on the Atlas are
similar to those which have been launched successfully in
combination with the Thor in a number of Thor-Able shots. They
were first used in the Vanguard rocket. In this launch, the
Able combination consists of a liquid propellant second stage and a
solid propellant third stage.
The spacecraft itself has two small thrust chambers. These
chambers a r e linked by fuel lines to a main hydrazine propellant
tank which is 26 inches in diameter.
The vernier thmst chamber at the base of the payload will
be used to step up velocity. Four fuel lines run from the vernier
chamber to the hydrazine tank mounted in the center of the payload.
The f u B 1 lines contain wlves which let; through a desired amount
of propellant. Each f u e l line -- orj more precisely, each valve
unit -- can be used only m c e so a maximum of four velocity
increments can be made.
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I f the p r o b e ' s forward speed i s slowed s u f f i c i e n t l y by applying

r e v e r s e t h r u s t , l u n a r g r a v i t y w i l l l i t e r a l l y p u l l the package i n t o
a moon o r b i t .
Each chamber can d e l i v e r 18 pounds of t h r u s t . The c e n t r a l
tank c a r r i e s about 1,700 seconds of f u e l ,
Plans c a l l f o r a t l e a s t one v e l o c i t y increment command w i t h i n
a few minutes a f t e r launch, a m f d e o u r s e \ c b h r e c t i o n f'L.rrSngl!about 1 2 hours
a f t e r &@dnDhcrrxnd B q % w m s e t h r u s t firing when t h e s p a c e c r a f t n e a r s %he moon,
Spontaneous i g n i t i o n t a k e s p l a c e i n the payload thmst chambers
when t h e hydrazine flows a c r o s s a c a t a l y s t bed of aluminum oxide n e a r
the t h r o a t of t h e r o c k e t n o z z l e s . TWO small tanks of n i t r o g e n
maintain pressure on t h e hydrazine and l i t e r a l l y f o r c e the f u e l
through t h e l i n e s when t h e v a l v e s are opened.
The v a l v e s c o n s i s t of two disks s e v e r a l i n c h e s a p a r t , They
work l i k e t h i s : Disk A is c l o s e d and D i s k B i s open. A c o m d

r a d i o s i g n a l i s s e n t t o the s a t e l l i t e which opens Disk A, l e t t i n g

f u e l flow through the l i n e , Then a s i g n a l i s s e n t which c l o s e s
Disk B, c u t t i n g o f f t h e flow. Designers b e l i e v e chances of
v a l v e c i r c u i t r y f a i l u r e a r e minimfzed by p l a c i n g only one cornmarad
requirement on each v a l v a .
V e l o c i t y c o n t r c l i s of prime fmprartance i n t h i s f l i g h t . If
a lunar impact o r a near were the g o a l , v e l o c i t y c o n t r o l
would n o t be so v i t a l .
To p u t t h i s probe in p o s i t i o n f o r a l u n a r o r b i t , the probe
must have s u f f i c i e n t v e l o c i t y t o r e a c h the moon's v i c i n i t y and

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t h e n i t must be slowed i n o r d e r t o be drawn i n t o an o r b f t , If

i t w e r e n g t slowed down, it would f l y r i g h t p a s t the moon.
I n t h i s launch, the payload must r e a c h a m a x i m v e l o c i t y of
about 23,200 m i l e s an hour which i t should do b e f o r e i t has
t r a v e l e d more t h a n s e v e r a l thousand m i l e s from t h e e a r t h . With
this v e l o c i t y i t would r e a c h the v i c i n i t y of t h e moon i n about
60 hours. When i t reached a p o i n t about 4,400 miles from t h e
moon, the probe would be t r a v e l i n g a t roughly 4,700 rnEles p e r
hour. To achieve an orbit, t h i s speed must be reduced t o about
2,800 miles an hour. T h i s i s where the p a y l o a d ' s r e v e r s e t h r u s t
chamber takes over.
The r e q u i r e d speed r e d u c t i o n i l l u s t r a t e s t h e importance of
holding down t h e launch v e l o c i t y : Excessive launch v e l o c i t y makes
t h e j o b of t h e r e v e r s e t h r u s t chamber a11 t h e more d i f f i c u l t .
I f the r e v e r s e chamber i s s u c c e s s f u l , the d e s i g n e r s c a l c u l a t e
the moon's g r a v i t y should make the probe become a s a t e l l i t e of the
moon. It would have a p e r i o d of between 9 and 10 hours, an apolune
( f a r t h e s t d i s t a n c e from t h e moon) of about 2,700 s t a t u t e miles and
a p e r i l u n e ( c l o s e s t d i s t a n c e ) of about 1,500 m i l e s .
The mission g o a l i s exceedingly diA'ficult. It has been
computed that a variaf-2on i n 'booster perforPmance of p l u s o r minus
one f o o t p e r second causes an e r r o r i n the v i c i n i t y of t h e moon
as great as 110 miles. Thus a s l i g h t e r ~ a o ri n b o o s t e r performance
could send the probe on quite a d i f f e r e n t path.
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Guidance is at least as important to the success of this

mission as is rocket power.
For the first few hundred miles of the flight, guidance units
in the first and second stages of the Atlas-Able w i l l steer the
vehicle. Programmed autopilots will take care of routine flight
corrections. But additional commands can be radioed to the
guidance packages in the stages to take care of more difficult
turns and course corrections.
Course changes are accomplished by gimballing the first and
second stage thrust chambers which changes the direction of the
Precise tracking information on the flight of the first two
stages as well as the spacecraft will be furnished by lightweight
transponders. These, in effect, are two-way r a d i o s . They receive
a signal from the ground and bounce it right back by re-broadcasting
it, The change in the frequency or tone of the signal can be
calibrated with high accuracy, This tells where the stage or
spacecraft is and how fast it is going. That information is m
through a computer on the ground which produces, in a matter of
seconds, the proper guidance commands,
The spacecraft is instrumented to get basic measurements of
the cislunar environment: Radiatiion readings, some indication of
a lunar magnetic field however weak it might be, the action of
gaseous llcloudsIIof plasma floating through space, micrometeorite
activity and solar flare effects.

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Most of the ,nstruments inside spheroid ride on a plastfc

and metal shelf five inches wide ranging around the payload's
equator. A few experiments, however, are outside. One of the most
apparent features of the package is its temperature control system:
50 four-bladed fans which dot the spheroid's highly polished
aluminum skin. The fans or "butterflies" cover alternate pie-shaped.
patches of blue and white.
The temperature control device designed by STL, is to maintain
an average internal temperature of about 70 degrees F.
While the internal temperature may average 70 degrees, external
temperatures at the tips of the payload paddles may vary as much
as 400 degrees -- or 200 degrees above and below Zero degree I?.
The temperature control system is based on the heat absorbing
and reflecting qualities of light and dark surfaces. Diameter of
the aluminum fan units varies between six and eight inches and they
weigh only a few ounces. In each circle there are four dark and
four white patches, each the size of the fan covering it. Opposite
each circle inside the payload are wire coils that expand when heated
and contract when cooled. The action of the coils moves the fans,
The dark patches will absorb sunlight and heat the satellite.
As the patch warms, the coil inside expands and rotates the blade.
Then as the patch c o o l s , the opposite action occurs.
The probe's "paddlewheels" carry a total of 8,800 silicon
cells -- 2,200 per paddle -- which convert heat energy into electricity.

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The paddles measure 24 by 24 i n c h e s and are supported by a s p r i n g -
mounted aluminum a r m . From t i p t o t i p , the "paddle span" i s n i n e
During launch, the paddles are f o l d e d down i n a square about
the base of the sphere under a 10-foot p l a s t i c nose f a i r i n g shrouding
the t h i r d stage and payload.
T h i s fairing parts and f a l l s away b e f o r e t h e second s t a g e r o c k e t
ignition. After second s t a g e burnout, t h e paddle s p r i n g s a r e
released which f o r c e the paddles upward and outward u n t i l t h e y l o c k
i n place. Each paddle i s s l i g h t l y canted t o r e c e i v e a maximum of
On each paddle t h e r e are 22 modules of s o l a r c e l l s . A module
c o n s i s t s of 100 c e l l s and i s capable of producing about 1.3 watts
of e l e c t r i c i t y under d i r e c t sunl.ight, Each c e l l i s s h i e l d e d by a
f i l t e r which l e t s i n proper l i g h t and r e f l e c t s harmful u l t r a v i o l e t
rays. The c e l l s a r e l i n e d up i n series and f e e d i n t o a package
of n i c k e l cadmium batteries which power a l l of the p r o b e ' s many
e l e c t r o n i c functions.
Also v i s i b l e e x t e r n a l l y are tW0 antennae on e i t h e r side of
the v e r n i e r and i n j e c t i o n t h r u s t n o z z l e s and a micrometeorite
The micrometeorite device i s t o measure t h e number and
momentum (mass times v e l o c i t y ) of meteoric dust particles striking
the probe. The e n t i r e u n i t weighs less t h a n a pound. It c o n s i s t s
of a diaphragm and a microphone. The n o i s e of the impact i s t r a n s -
l a t e d i n t o an e l e c t r i c a l impulse which i s relayed t o e a r t h .
7 5 .
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Inside the spacecraft, instrumentation includes:

High-Energy Radiation Counter
Developed by the University of Chicago, a five-pound radiation
counter is to measure high-energy or "hard" radiation, This type
of radiation is defined as that composed of electrons possessing
energies greater than 92 MeV (inillions of electron volts) or protons
with energies in excess of 70 MeV.
The package consists of six argon gas-filled cylinders ranged
around a seventh cylinder, The total bundle, including a thin lead
shielding, measures about two inches square. Inbound particles
will ionize the gas in the t i ~ ycylinders to create an electrical
blip as they penetrate one or mare: cylinders -- depending on their
band of hitherto undetected high-energy radiation on near the inner

edge of the earth's Great R a d i a t l c ~ iBelt,

Total R.adia%;ianFlux
An ionization chamber and. a Geiger-Mueller tube w i l l be used

to measure the total radiation flux encountered. They are par"r;.-

cularly sensitive to medim enwgy radiation. These instruments
were supplied by the University of K i m e s o t a .
The gas-filled ion chambew. 1 s $0 provide particle energy
information and the Geiger-Nueller %&e is to count the number
of medium energy electrons and protons passing through. Together

the instruments weigh about two p o m d s and ride in a four-inch

square box.
Eow Energy Radiation Counter
A two-pound scintillation ceun_terSdeveloped by STL, is to
monitor the low-energy range of' th.e radiation spectmun. Here the
- 12 -

radiation is to pass through a crystal detector and create a small

burst of light. The intensity of the light w i l l be transformed into
a signal. The package measures eight by two-and-a-half inches.
A two-and-a-half pound flux-gate magnetometer, developed by STL,
is one of two magnetometers in the spacecraft. The other, called a
spin-search coil magnetometer and also developed by STL, Weighs about
two pounds. Operating independently, the magnetometers are designed
to provide various bits of information in an effort to try to
determine the distribution, strength and direction of magnetic
fields in space. In Pioneer V, the search coil magnetometer
detected a measurable Earth magnetic field out to about 65,000 miles.
Magnetic field information ties in closely with radiation studies.
But the prime mission here is to try to find out more about the
source, makeup and effects of magnetic fields which affect so much
of our everyday life on earth: Radio transmission disturbances,
snowy" television pictures, compass vacillations and the like.
Sun Scanner
A four-ounce photoelectric cell called a sun scanner is t o

trigger a specific electrical impulse when it "looks" directly at

the sun. These "fixes" on the sun should make more meaningful
information from the magnetometers. The c e l l was developed by STL.

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Plasma Probe Experiment

This experiment, developed at NASA's Ames Research Center,
was designed to provide direct information on the energy and
momentum distribution or; streams of protons with energies of
above a few kilovolts per particle in the vicinity of the moon.
Two of the most important processes responsible for proton flux
are believed to be:
1. A low energy proton wind directed radially away from
the sun with the proton stream strongly perturbed in
the vicinity of the Earth by electrostatic forces and
hydromagnetic turbulence e

2. Unusually strong solar flares.

It is expected that streams of protons generated by solar
flares may be strongly distorted by the strong solar flares,
The plasma probe is a radiation sensor which weighs about
a pound and a half
This experiment consists of an electrostatic analyzer and
an electrometer, which, by means of a slit; collect protons and
develop a voltage across a high fmpedence. The higher the voltage
developed, the greater the energy of the stream of protons.
Scintillation Spectrometer
The primary objective of this Goddard-STL experiment is to
measure the energy spectrum of protons in interplanetary space
and to obtain information on possible trapped radiation about the
moon. In addition, the experiment is designed to obtain a

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composite energy spectrum of electrons and protons in the trapped

radiation belts around the Earth as the spacecraft passes through
them, The unit consists of two packages and weighs three and a
half pounds. This is the way it operates: A crystal in the sensor

package faces radially out from the satellite through a two-inch

window. When the crystal sees protons, it responds by triggerhkg
an electronic signal, the intensity of which is ruled by the
energy of the protons.
Solid State lDed3taabor
The s o l i d state detector supplied by the University of Chicago
is designed to measure the flux of protons f r o m energies of 0.5 t o
9 Mev. It fs a gold-doped silicon detector which looks out through
an opening in the side of the spacecraft. The instrument weighs
about one pound. It is insensitive to electrons and most Brems?pXb'kv-.[;
X-rays and therefore provides a means of obtaining a unique idenf.ff9.-
cation of particles, In addition, the unit is sensitive to a sw-ge r : C
energies which has not previously been studied by any instrument
capable of discriminating between protons and electrons.
Other Instruments
In addition to the prime scientific experiments listed, the
spacecraft contains a number of amplifiers , ftlogic"units which
transform various i n s t w e n t sensing actiom into transmittable
signals and a command compartment capable of initiating some 20
spacecraft functlpns, includ2ng engine start-stop commands, The
spacecraft alone houses more than 2,500 transistors, 3,500 diodes
and contains more than two miles of wiring.

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The over-all package weight breaks down into three major

headings: Stmcture and shell - 48 pounds; propulsion system - 214;
experiments, electronics and power supply - 126.
Commands will be transmitted to the payload in a complex multi-
digit code. A command radio receiver -- on at all times -- will
route the inbound signal to a command box which w i l l unscramble
the signal and close circuits to execute the desired command,
The probe carries two 1.5 watt ultra-high frequency (UHF)
transmitters for data transmission. Both are hooked to all
instrumentation but only one operates at a time. The transmitters
will send on 378 MCe
One o r the other of the transmitters will be operating at all
times. They can be commanded on and off independently from Earth,
Should the transmitters be turned off, findings will be stored
in small electronic accumulators os memory units. These work much
like the total mileage register of a speedometer in that they
record a given experiment's total action. When a transmitter is
turned on, the totals are transmitted first, then the transmitters
start sending experiment functions as they occur.
Data from experiments will be transmitted in digital form --
short blips which can be processed in a matter of weeks whereas
analog processing may take months.
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A number of United States tracking outposts around the world
w i l l take part in tracking this satellite but principal command
and data reception points are:
Jodrell Bank, a 250-foot parabolic tracking dish plus helical
antennae at Manchester, England, operated by the University of
Manchester. This station has both payload command and telemetry
reception capability.
Millstone Hill, Massachusetts, an 85-foot parabolic dish,
built and operated by the Lincoln Laboratories of the Massachusetts
Institute of Technology. This station will be used for telemetry
reception and inLtial launch radar I 1 skin-trackfng,11

South Point, Hawaii, a 60-foot parabolic dish and helical

antenna, operated by STL. This station will bet'iused to.. command
ret$bit *&&%I, an& fcm telemetry r e ception.
Singapore, Malaya, small antenna arrays, operated by STL. It
will be used for telemetry reception.
Goldstone Tracking Station, operated by NASA's Jet Propulsion
Laboratory and located in the Mojave Desert, California, tracks
with an 85-foot parabolic antenna and obtains doppler and position
data during the free-flight phase of the trajectory.
Atlantic Missile Range, Cape Canaveral, Florida, a variety of
antennae which w i l l be used to send steering commands to the
second stage during launch and to the payload f o r about 29 minutes
after launch. This station, operated by STL, also will be used for
data reception.

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All of these syations will be linked on a teletype c i r c u i t ,
the ~ontrol,p o b t of which is STLb Space Navigation Center i n
IO8 AngeZe6.

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NO. 60-312-2 December, 1960


The launch vehicle is a three-stage Atlas-Able booster. It is

about 98 feet tall (over 100 feet with spacecraft in place) and has
a liftoff weight of over 260,000 l b s . A breakdown of the stages
and their functions is as follows:
First Stage:
Air Force Atlas I'D" intercontinental ballistic missile
modiffed to receive additional stages.
Weight - Over 255,000 lbs.
Thrust - Approximtely 360,000 lbs.
The Atlas has three gimballed engines. The outer two are
jettisoned about two and a haif minutes following launch, while
the sustainer engine provides propulsion for an additional two
minutes. The Atlas then separates from the remaining stages and
falls back into the earth's atmosphere,
About three minutes after liftoff, a fiberglass nose fairing
which covers the third stage and payload during flight through the
earth's atmosphere is parted lengthwise through the use of explosive
bolts. The halves fall away.
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Second Stage:
The liquid propellant second stage is similar t o those used
in the vehicle combinations that placed Explorer VI in an earth
orbit and Pioneer V in solar orbit. This stage was adopted from
earlier Able rocket vehicles and modified to fit atop the Atlas
first stage.
Weight -
Thrust - Approximately 7,5 00 lbs.
The second stage supplies powered flight for almost two minutes.
At second stage burnout, ten small spin rockets, five positioned on
opposite sides of the second stage, are fired rotating the second,
third and payload stages at about 170 revolutions per minute. The
spin stabilizes the trajectory of the third stage and spacecraft.
After the spin rockets fire, second-third stage separation occurs.
A few seconds after burn~ut,the second stage drops.
Third Stage:
The third stage solid propellant rocket was adapted from earlier
Able and Vanguard rocket configurations. It burns about 40 seconds.
Weight - Qver 500 lbs.
Thrust - Approximately 3,000 lbs.
Third stage separation occurs l f s seconds after engine burnout.
Physical separation of the third stage and payload is accomplished
by a compressed spring located between the stages. At this point, the
payload should be about 600 miles above the earth and moving at a speed
of about 23,OOO miles per hour.
- end -

- . . . . .- - .. . . - .. .. ~ -. . .. _I_ .. .... . ._ .. . _ _.._ .. -.. . - .-_.


Hold f o r Release December, 1960

Until Launched
Release No. KO-312-3


This probe is being conducted by the National Aeronautics and

Space Administration, with technical project assistance by the Air
Force Ballistic Missile Division ( A R E ) . Under subcontract, Space
Technology Laboratories, Inc,, Los Angeles, has provided over-all
system integration and spacecraft packaging, subject to the require-
ments o f NASA's Goddard Space Flight Center, Greenbelt, Md,
Hundreds of scientists, engineers and technicans took part in
planning and carrying out the project,, The key personnel were:
National Aeronautics and Space Administration -- Le T, Hogarth,
NASA Goddard Space Flight Center, project manager, and
Benjamin Milwitzky, NASA Headquarters project chief.
United States Air Force Ballistic Missile Division -- Maj.
James S. Smith, Chief o f the Space Probes Division; Maj. Edward J.
D'Arcy, Able-fSB Project Officer f o r Space Probes Division, and Maj.
William C. Kester, Assistant Project Officer.
Space Technology Laboratories, Inc. -- Dr. Adolf' K. Thiel,
Director, Experimental Space Projects Office; Dr, George E. Mueller,
Vice President and Associate Director of' the Research and Development
Division, and Dr. George Gleghorn, Able Five Project Director.

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- 2 -

In addition, more than 50 scientific and industrial organizations

and universities took part in the development of the project, They
The Unlvereity of Chicago, Chicago, Ill,; the University of
Mlnneaots, Minneapolis, Minn,; Engineered Magnetics, Hawthorne, Calif,;
Ollflllsn BPO~., U s Angeles, Calif.; Hallamore Electronics CO,,
Anaheim, Calif ,; Motorola, Inc , Phoenix, Ariz. ; Radiation, Inc ,

Melbourne, Fla,; Rantec, Inc., Calabasa, Calif,; Space Electronics

Corp,, blendale, Calif,; Ace Welding and Engineering, El Segundo,
Calif',; Aircraft Plating Company, Hawthorne, Calif ; Applied Research,
I n c , , Pt, Waahlngton, L.I., New York; Alloy Spot Welders, b s Angeles,
Calif,; Ampex Corp,, Redwood City, Calif,; Anadite, Inc., South Gate,
CslW,; Beach Manufacturing, Compton, calif,^ Burton Silverplating,
Culver City, Calif.; Conax Corporation, Buffalo, New York; Coast Metal
Craft, Culver City, Calif,; Computer Controls, Los Angeles, Calif,;
Crystalline Blectronics, U s Angeles, Calif.; Donner Scientific Company,
Concord, Calif ,; Dressen-Barnes Corp,, Pasadena, Calif ; Electro S o l i d s
Coppapation, Panoraara City, Calif,; m p r i e Products Sales Co., Inc. ,
Amsterdam, New York; John Fluke Manufacturing Company, Pasadena, Calif',;
Genesys Corporation, U s Angeles, Calif,; Gulton Industries, Inc,,
Hawthorne, Calif,; Hollywood Manufacturing & Supply Corp,, U s Angeles,
Callf',; Hughes Aircraft, Culver City, Calif,; Invar Electronics
Corporation, Pasadena, Calif ; Lambda Electronics Corporation, College
Point, New Yorkj Lee Electric & Manufacturing Company, U s Angeles,
Callf.3 Lawrence Industries, Inc., Burbank, Calif.; Uckheed Electronics,
b s Angeles, Calif,; Mo Company, Qqnwood, Calif,; McCoy Electronics,
Le8 Angeles, Callf,~ Micro-Gee Products, Culver City, Calif, ,
Aerosmlth Tool & Dye Corp., Los Angeles, Calif.,
- 3 -

Minneapolis-Honeywell Regulator Company, Minneapolis, Minn.; Mirra-

Cote Company, El Segundo, Calif.; Modern Plating, Los Angeles, Calif.;
Non-Linear Systems, Inc., South Pasadena, Calif'.; Ordnance Research
& Development Company, North Hollywood, Calif.; Panoramic Radio Products,

Inc., Mt. Vernon, New York; Petty Aircraft Company, Inglewood, Calif.;
Pre-Mec Engineering Corporation, Los Angeles, Calif.; Quadrant
Engineering Corporation, Gardena, Calif.; Quality Aluminum Heat Treat
Company, El Segundo, Calif.; R&W Stamp Works, Inglewood, Calif.;
Raymond Engineering Lab., Inc., Middletown, Conn.; Robertshaw-'Wlton
Controls Company, Anaheim, Calif.; Rutherford Electronics Company,
Beverly Hills, Calif.; Sanborn Corporation, North Hollywood, Calif.;
Southern California Metal Spinning Co., Inglewood, Calif.; Special
Devices, Inc., Pacoima, Calif.; Spectrolab Instruments Company, North
Hollywood, Calif.; Tektronics, Inc., Los Angeles, Calif.; Tempo
Instruments, Inc,, Hicksville, New York; United Electrodynamics, he.,
Pasadena, Calif .; Varian Associates, Palo Alto, Calif.; Voi-Shan
Electronics, North Hollywood, Calif.; Wm. Brand Division, The Rex
Corporation, Encino, Calif.; World Ylastics, Hawthorne, Calif,;
Yardney Electric Corporation, Los Angeles, Calif.; Airborne Controls,
Inc., Sun Valley, Calif.; BMW Manufacturing Co., Inc., Torrance,
Calif,; Electro Winders Company, Covina, Calif,; Ransom Research, Inc.,
San Pedro, Calif .; Scientific Engineering Co., Berkeley, Calif .;
Sonotone Corporation, Elmsford, New York, and Ordnance Associates,
Inc., South Pasadena, California.

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" . . . .. - .- .. . . -. - , , . .. ---.-
. . - 4 -

A breakdown of major contractor responsibility is as follows:

First Stage (Air Force Atlas ICBM)
1, Propulsion systems -- Rocketdyne Division of N o r t h ( I

American Aviation, Inc,

2, Airframe, control, electrical, and instrumentation systems --
Convair Astronautics Division of General Dynamics Corporation,
3. Assembly, integration, checkout, and launch 0- Convair
4. Guidance -- General Electric
Second Stage
1. Propulsion system and tanks -- Aerojet-General.
2. Control, electrical, instrumentation, engine shutoff, and
spin rocket systems -- Space Technology Laboratories, Inc.
3. Assembly, integration, and checkout -- Space Technology
Laboratories, Inc.
4. Guidance -- Space Technology Laboratories, Inc.
Third Stage
1. Rocket motor -- Allegany Ballistics Laboratory, a division
of Hercules Powder Co.
2, Structure and electrical -- STL.
3. Assembly, integration, and checkout -- STL.
Spacecraft -- STL
(Includes electronics, transmitters, receivers and a
propulsion system.)
Experiments -- University of Chicago, the University of
Minnesota, NASA Goddard Space Flight Center, NASA Arnes
Research Center and STL,
AFMTC Launch Operations
1, Launch crew -- Aerojet-General
Convair Astronautics
Space Technology Laboratories

- END -

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NO. 60-312-4
December, 1960


APPARENT MOTION -- The m o m travels eastward at a rate of approx-

imately 130 in 24 h9urs; completing one trip around the earth every
27-1/3 days.
PHASES O F THE MOON -- During the new moon, the moon is between
the earth and the sun and is entirely invisible. One week later, at
the first quarter, half of the illuminated hemisphere is visible, just
as it is a week after the full moon, Between the new moon and the
half moon, whether waxing or waning, we see less than half of the
illuminated portion, This is called the crescent phase, Between the
half moon and the full, we see more than half of the illuminated side,
and we have what is called the gibbous phase.
MOON'S O R B I T AROUND THE EARTH -- The moon moves in an elliptical
orbit with a m a x i m u m distance from the earth of 252,710 miles and a
minimum distance of 221,463. T h i s gives a mean distance of 238,857
miles o r 60.267 times the earth's equatorial radius. It travels at
an average speed of 2,287 M.P.H. or 0.6 miles per second.
SIZE OF Tm MOON -- The moon's diameter is 2,160 miles, or
slightly more than or,e fourth the size of earth,
- 2 -

GRAVITY OF THE MOON -- The moon's force of gravity is one sixth

that of the earth. An object weighing six pounds on earth would weigh
one pound on the moon. If a man w x e able to throw a baseball 400
feet on earth, on the moon he could throw it nearly half a mile.
ROTATION OF TIIE MOON -- The moon rotates on its axis once a month,
generally keeping the same side towards the earth. However, due to
slight oscillations (called librations) we are able to see 41% of its
surface of the time, and a total of 59% at various times, while
another 41s is never visible. The remaining 18% is alternately visible
and invisible.
TEMPERATURE OF THE MOON -- The moon reflects 7 percent of incident
sunlight, the remainder being absorbed by surface rocks. The temperature
of the lunar rocks at noon I s approximately 134OC or 273OF. During the
lunar night, which lasts 14 days, the temperature falls rapidly to
-153OC or -243OF. Radio daka show that a slight distance, a few
inches to a foot, beneath the surface the temperature is maintained
at a rather uniform value of approximately -4OOC or -400F.
MOON'S ATMOSPHERE -- Because the moon is a small body with a
relatively weak gravitational attraction at the surface, it cannot
hold an atmosphere as well as the earth. Measurements indicate that
the density of the lunar atmosphere is 1013 times less dense than
the atmosphere of the earth at the surface. For all practical
purposes, the moon has no atmosphere.
- 3 -

MOON'S SURFACE -- According to general conceptions, the surface

of the moon is a very rough terrain marked by steep crater walls and
mountain ranges. Actually, the surface of the moon is surprisingly
smooth. There are very few places on its surface where the slopes
exceed loo, The surface appears rough because the best lunar
photographs are usually taken near the terminator, i.e., the line
dividing the light from the dark parts of the moon, where shadows
are exaggerated and where details of the surface structure are
brought out in the clearest possible manner. Crater sizes range
from more than 100 miles in diameter down to one-half mile or less,
A crater with a diameter of one-half mile is the smallest which can
be seen from earth with any telescope. However, the moon may be
pitted with craters of still smaller size. The typical crater is
circular and is surrounded by ramparts rising anywhere from 1000
to 20,000 feet. There is s t r o q evidence that these craters have
been produced by the impact of meteorites of various sizes with
the moon during its earlier history. Few if any of the craters on
the moon are volcanic in origin.
In particular the famous craters of the moon contribute to the
impression of a rough and scarred surface. However, most of these
craters are actually very shallow dishes. A typical lunar crater is
20 miles across and only one mile deep. Again, the long shadows in
lunar photographs make the craters appear deeper than they really are.

LUNAR NOMENCLATUFE -- The great plains of the moon were called

seas (Maria) by CaLileo, f o r he supposed them to be covered with
water. Most of the mountain ranges are named after mountain ranges
on earth, although two or three bear the names of early astronomers.
Conspicuous craters bear the names of eminent ancient and medieval
astronomers and philosophers; while hundreds of the smaller craters
are named for more modern astronomers,
EXTRACTED FROM: "Astronomy" by Russel, Dugan & Stewart. Ginn &
Company, 1945,,
- END -

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