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Guide to Import Contacts in MyHerbalife.


In you’ll be able to import your contacts using a spreadsheet which has a specific layout. Or
you can download the template and fill it with contact’s information. After you have this file with the
information you want to import, just follow the next steps:

1. Go to and login using your credentials.

2. On the menu, click on Customers  Contacts to access your Contact list.

3. Click “Import Contacts” button on the Dashboard.

4. Click “Select File” button and search for the spreadsheet you created with your contacts
information to be imported. If you don’t have it yet, you can create it following this layout or you can
download the template and fill it with contact’s information and then return to this step.
5. After you selected your file, click on the “Upload” button.
6. A dialog will be displayed allowing you to specify whether or not to overwrite the information of
existing contacts.
a. Leaving this option unchecked, only new contacts will be added, leaving existing contacts intact.
Otherwise existing contacts in your list will be updated with the information in your file.
7. Click “Ok” button to continue or “Cancel” button to go back.
8. A dialog will be displayed with the import summary, which you can dismiss clicking on the “Ok” button.
9. You will see all imported contacts on the right of the screen. With the actions at the top you can:
a. View your contacts profile.
b. Add selected contacts to a group.
c. Send an email to selected contacts.
d. Send an E-Card to selected contacts.
e. Share selected contacts within a nutrition club (only if this option is available in your country).
f. Delete selected contacts.

Import Contact File Layout
Before importing your contacts you must prepare an excel file with the contacts to be imported using the
following layout: Download File

Columns on the document must follow the order and the format as described below:


First Name 100 characters maximum Optional
Last Name 100 characters maximum Optional
Primary email 256 characters maximum Required if NO Primary Phone is provided
Secondary email 256 characters maximum Optional
Primary Phone 50 characters maximum Required if NO Primary E-mail Address is provided
Primary Phone Type Home, Work, Mobile, Other Optional
Secondary Phone 50 characters maximum Optional
Secondary Phone Type Home, Work, Mobile, Other Optional
Birthday DD/MM/YYYY Optional
Gender M: For Male, F: For Female Optional
Street Address 1 120 characters maximum Optional
Street Address 2 120 characters maximum Optional
City 60 characters maximum Optional
State 60 characters maximum Optional
Country 2 Characters code (See Country Codes) Optional
Postal Code 60 characters maximum Optional
Address Type 60 characters maximum Optional
CS: for Contact, CUS: for Retail Customer, DS: for
Distributor, LD: for Leads, MB: for Preferred
Contact Type Optional
Member, PER: for Friends & Family, OTHER: for
Other types

Country Codes
American Samoa AS Colombia CO Guatemala GT

Andorra AD Comoros KM Guernsey GG

Angola AO Congo (DRC) CD Guinea GN

Anguilla AI Congo CG Guinea-Bissau GW

Antigua and Barbuda AG Cook Islands CK Guyana GY

Argentina AR Costa Rica CR Haiti HT

Armenia AM Côte d'Ivoire CI Honduras HN

Aruba AW Croatia HR Hong Kong HK

Australia AU Cuba CU Hungary HU

Austria AT Cyprus CY Iceland IS

Azerbaijan AZ Czech Republic CZ India IN

Bahamas BS Denmark DK Indonesia ID

Bahrain BH Djibouti DJ Iran IR

Bangladesh BD Dominica DM Iraq IQ

Barbados BB Dominican Republic DO Ireland IE

Belarus BY Ecuador EC Isle of Man IM

Belgium BE Egypt EG Israel IL

Belize BZ El Salvador SV Italy IT

Benin BJ Equatorial Guinea GQ Jamaica JM

Bermuda BM Estonia EE Japan JP

Bhutan BT Ethiopia ET Jersey JE

Bolivia BO Falkland Islands FK Jordan JO

Bosnia and Herzegovina BA Faroe Islands FO Kazakhstan KZ

Botswana BW Fiji FJ Kenya KE

Brazil BR Finland FI Korea KR

British Virgin Islands VG France FR Kuwait KW

Brunei BN French Guiana GF Kyrgyzstan KG

Bulgaria BG French Polynesia PF Laos LA

Burkina Faso BF Gabon GA Latvia LV

Burundi BI Gambia GM Lebanon LB

Cambodia KH Georgia GE Lesotho LS

Cameroon CM Germany DE Liberia LR

Canada CA Ghana GH Libya LY

Cabo Verde CV Gibraltar GI Liechtenstein LI

Cayman Islands KY Greece GR Lithuania LT

Central African Republic CF Greenland GL Luxembourg LU

Chad TD Grenada GD Macau MO

Chile CL Guadeloupe GP Macedonia (FYRI) MK

China CN Guam GU Madagascar MG

Malawi MW Panama PA Suriname SR

Malaysia MY Papua New Guinea PG Swaziland SZ

Maldives MV Paraguay PY Sweden SE

Mali ML Peru PE Switzerland CH

Malta MT Philippines PH Syria SY

Martinique MQ Poland PL Taiwan TW

Mauritania MR Portugal PT Tajikistan TJ

Mauritius MU Puerto Rico PR Tanzania TZ

Mexico MX Qatar QA Thailand TH

Moldova MD Réunion RE Togo TG

Monaco MC Romania RO Tonga TO

Mongolia MN Russia RU Trinidad and Tobago TT

Montenegro ME Rwanda RW Tunisia TN

Montserrat MS San Marino SM Turkey TR

Morocco MA Saudi Arabia SA Turkmenistan TM

Mozambique MZ Senegal SN Turks and Caicos Islands TC

Myanmar MM Serbia RS Uganda UG

Namibia NA Seychelles SC Ukraine UA

Nepal NP Sierra Leone SL United Arab Emirates AE

Netherlands NL Singapore SG United Kingdom GB

Netherlands Antilles AN Slovakia SK United States US

New Caledonia NC Slovenia SI Uruguay UY

New Zealand NZ Solomon Islands SB US Virgin Islands VI

Nicaragua NI Somalia SO Uzbekistan UZ

Niger NE South Africa ZA Vanuatu VU

Nigeria NG Spain ES Venezuela VE

Norway NO Sri Lanka LK Vietnam VN

Oman OM St. Kitts and Nevis KN Western Sahara EH

Pakistan PK St. Lucia LC Yemen YE

Palau PW St. Vincent and the Zambia ZM

Palestinian Authority PS Zimbabwe ZW
Sudan SD


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