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All About Soy Milk: Nutrition,

Benefits, Risks, and How It Compares

With Other Milks
 Nutrition
 Soy Milk vs Almond Milk
 Benefits
 Safety
 Best Soy Milk
 FAQs

By Jessica Migala

Medically Reviewed by Kelly Kennedy, RD

Last Updated: 5/21/2019

Made from soybeans, soy milk is high in protein and balanced in carbs and fat.
Martí Sans/Stocksy

These days it seems as if the nondairy milk section is getting pretty crowded. The
original plant-based alternative, soy milk, is still going strong, but you may be
wondering how it stacks up against other popular picks, like almond, and more
trendy sips, like oat, and whether or not it’s actually safe for both women and men.
Here’s what you need to know to make the right choice for your diet.

What Is Soy Milk Exactly? Defining the Popular Drink

Soy milk is a plant-based nondairy beverage, often consumed as an alternative to
milk. It’s made from soybeans, and many brands fortify their soy milk with vitamins
and minerals such as vitamin D and calcium. “Soy milk offers culinary diversity,
creamy texture, and a healthful nutritional profile, including essential omega-3 fatty
acids [if fortified] and flavonoids that exert antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, and
cardioprotective properties,” says Julieanna Hever, RD, a plant-based-
foods dietitian in the Los Angeles area and the author of The Vegiterranean Diet.

Why Might You Drink Soy Milk Instead of Dairy Milk?

There are so many reasons why you might turn to soy milk in your coffee, smoothie,
or in your cereal. For one, you might not like the taste of cow’s milk, and you may
also prefer soy milk over other nondairy alternatives. You may also be trying to
avoid dairy for a variety of reasons, whether it’s for health or weight loss.

Some people are also lactose intolerant, which means that they have trouble
digesting a sugar called lactose, which is the carbohydrate found in cow’s milk, says
Barbara Schmidt, RDN, a nutrition lifestyle program specialist at Norwalk Hospital in
Norwalk, Connecticut. That can lead to a variety of uncomfortable gastrointestinal
side effects; in this case, drinking a plant milk is a wise choice.

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What Are the Nutrition Facts of Soy

There are so many types of soy milk on the market, and the number of calories and
added sugar will differ depending on what you buy. Always check the nutrient facts
label on your brand of choice. The following is the nutrition facts for one cup of a
popular organic unsweetened soy milk: (1)

 Calories: 80
 Fat: 4 grams (g)
 Saturated fat: 0.5 g
 Carbohydrates: 3 g
 Fiber: 2 g
 Sugars: 1 g (0 g added sugars)
 Protein: 7 g

As you can see, soy milk packs a lot into a small cup. You’ll notice it is rich in
protein, low in sugar, and offers a couple of grams of fiber, all for just 80 calories.

How Does Soy Milk Compare With

Regular Milk and Other Milks, Like Nut,
Rice, and Coconut Milk?
When comparing all plant milks, we can say, broadly, that soy milk is the most
nutritionally similar to a lowfat cow’s milk. “I call the soybean the incredible, edible
bean. With all nine essential amino acids, soy milk is rich in protein and is balanced
in fats and carbs,” says Schmidt. It also bests almond milk in terms of protein, as
traditional almond milk may have fewer calories (just 30 per cup), but offers a scant
1 gram of protein. (2) (There are some “added protein” versions of almond milk that
use pea protein to bump up the protein content.)

Rice and oat milks are other popular plant-based milk choices. Like almond milk, rice
and oat milk contain just one gram of protein. (3,4) As for coconut milk, using one
popular brand as an example, it contains the same amount of fat (4 g), seven times
the saturated fat (3.5 grams), but no protein. (5)

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5 Alternative, Plant-Based Milks That Are Making a Splash

There are more milk choices than ever before — and they’re not only for
people with lactose intolerance. Mix up your morning latte or cereal by trying
out one of these trendy milks.

Is Soy Milk Really Better for You? A Look

at the Potential Health Benefits
Experts have differing opinions on the question of cow’s milk versus nondairy,
alternative milks. Schmidt prefers cow’s milk and other dairy products, like yogurt,
because they offer a stellar source of calcium. Hever, on the other hand,
recommends consuming plant-based foods, and she advises her clients to choose
soy milk as their milk (nondairy or otherwise) of choice because it’s rich in protein
and low in saturated fat.

Regardless, if you choose to incorporate dairy into your diet alongside soy foods
such as soy milk, one thing is clear: Soy milk is good for you. “I love soy because
it’s rich in isoflavones [plant chemicals that belong to a group called
phytoestrogens], particularly genistein,” says Schmidt. (6) “More research needs to
be done, but some studies show that it reduces the risk of cancer and potentially
osteoporosis, and the compound can also help reduce menopausal symptoms,” she
says. (7,8,9)

The plant compounds in soy may also be heart-protective. The U.S. Food and Drug
Administration (FDA) announced a proposal in 2017 to strip soy of the claim that soy
lowers the risk of heart disease. “While some evidence continues to suggest a
relationship between soy protein and a reduced risk of heart disease — including
evidence reviewed by the FDA when the claim was authorized — the totality of
currently available scientific evidence calls into question the certainty of this
relationship,” reads a press statement from October 2017. (10) In response to this,
one study, published in April 2019 in the Journal of Nutrition, analyzing 46 trials on
adult men and women with elevated cholesterol levels, found that consuming 25 g of
soy protein per day for six weeks decreased LDL cholesterol levels by 3 to 4 percent.
The researchers argue that this meta-analysis and review shows that soy is
cardioprotective. Worth noting, however, is that the lead study author, David
Jenkins, MD, PhD, previously received research funding from the U.S. Soy Institute
and soy-food companies. Dr. Jenkins is the director of the Clinical Nutrition and Risk
Factor Modification Center at St. Michael’s Hospital in Toronto. (11) One cup of soy
milk provides 7 g of soy protein, on average. (12)

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Editor’s Picks on Dairy and Dairy Alternatives

A Detailed Guide to Kefir and Its Touted Health Benefits

The Best Dairy Alternatives for Crohn’s Disease

9 Best and Worst Milks for Your Cholesterol Levels

Is Dairy Milk a Health Hero or Villain?

Is It Safe to Drink Soy Milk or Does It

Cause Breast Cancer?
Over the years, soy has gotten a bad reputation. Some people may even tell you
that soy increases your risk of cancers and is especially dangerous for breast cancer
survivors. This discrepancy comes from animal studies that found that when rodents
consumed high doses of isoflavones, they were more likely to develop breast cancer.
As the American Cancer Society points out, “rodents process soy differently from
people, and the same results have not been seen in people.” (13) Researchers also
fed rodents an amount of soy that people would not get from a moderate intake
from food.

In fact, for those looking to eat a diet that decreases the risk of cancer, whole soy
foods are a smart addition. “[Whole] soy foods have been shown to decrease breast
cancer recurrence and mortality in breast cancer survivors, and to reduce the risk of
breast cancer and prostate cancers, as well,” says Hever. (13)

How Much Soy Milk per Day Is Safe to Drink?

You can feel confident in drinking soy milk, says Hever. As for how much soy milk
you can drink, she follows the American Institute for Cancer Research (AICR)
recommendation of moderate soy consumption. (14) That means having one to two
servings daily of whole soy foods, including soy milk. For instance, if you are
planning on having a tofu stir-fry for dinner, you can still include 1 cup of soy milk in
your morning smoothie. The AICR notes that research shows up to three servings a
day has been found to be safe.

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A Detailed Guide to the Soy Protein Source Edamame

Edamame offers more vitamins, minerals, and fiber than animal-protein
counterparts. Get the nutrition facts of this soy food and find inspiration on
how to prepare it!
Is There Anyone Who Should Avoid Soy Milk?

If you are allergic to soy, then you should avoid soy milk. “Otherwise, it is an
excellent food for everyone else,” says Hever. If you’re pregnant, you can consume
soy. Likewise, if you have had breast cancer, it’s okay to consume a moderate
amount of soy, according to AICR. (14)
How to Choose a Healthy Soy Milk
You’re looking for a few things. One, go for a brand that is unsweetened, says
Hever. Sweetened versions can contain around five grams of sugar per serving. (15)
If you want a little flavor, unsweetened vanilla is your best bet. She also
recommends choosing organic if it’s in your budget.

Most soy milks on the market are fortified, but read the label to make sure yours
contains calcium and vitamin D. (Soy milk doesn’t naturally contain calcium.) “This
ensures the nutrients resemble cow’s milk the most,” says Schmidt.

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FAQs About Soy Milk, Answered

Q: Is soy milk bad for you?

A: Absolutely not. Soy milk is considered a whole soy food, and has antioxidant,
anti-inflammatory, and potential heart-protective properties, says Hever.

Q: Is soy milk good for you?

A: Yes! Research shows that not only do soy foods play a role in a cancer-protective
diet, but consuming 25 grams of soy protein daily can help decrease “bad” LDL
cholesterol. (13,11)

Q: Is soy milk bad for men?

A: Soy foods, including soy milk, are not bad for men. In fact, some studies show
that consuming soy isoflavones (plant chemicals that are part of a class called
phytoestrogens) is associated with a reduced risk of prostate cancer. (16)

Q: Is soy milk vegan?

A: Yes, soy milk is made from soybeans and water and is fortified with vitamins and
minerals. It is vegan.

More on Following a Vegan Diet

6 Healthy Vegan Habits That Carnivores Can Adopt

Q: Is soy milk dairy?

A: No, despite its name, soy milk is not a dairy milk. It is a dairy-free plant-based
milk made from soybeans.

Q: How is soy milk made?

A: Soybeans are soaked in water, blended with water, and then strained. Certain
brands add vitamins and minerals to fortify the beverage.

Q: Does soy milk have calcium?

A: If you make soy milk at home (which is possible), your soy milk will not contain
calcium. But if you buy soy milk at the store, most brands fortify the final product
with calcium.

Q: Does soy milk have lactose?

A: No, cow’s milk traditionally has lactose. Soy milk does not, and you can enjoy it
even if you are lactose intolerant.

Q: Does soy milk have estrogen?

A: No, soy is rich in isoflavones, including phytoestrogens that weakly mimic human
estrogen, says Schmidt. But this does not mean that soy contains estrogen.

Q: Is soy milk gluten free?

A: Yes, soy milk is gluten free and you can safely drink it if you’re avoiding gluten in
your diet.

Comparing Milks: Almond, Dairy, Soy,

Rice, and Coconut

Medically reviewed by Katherine Marengo, LDN, RD, specialty in nutrition, on May

29, 2019 — Written by Brian Krans
Cow's milk
Almond milk
Soy milk
Rice milk
Coconut milk
If you buy something through a link on this page, we may earn a small commission. How this works.

Milk and milk alternatives

Not too long ago, the only thing you could expect to drown your cereal in was whole
cow's milk. Now, cow's milk comes in all sorts of varieties: whole milk, 2 percent, 1
percent, skim (fat-free), and even lactose-free milk.

For people with dietary or allergy concerns, there are also alternatives to cow's milk.
Almond, soy, rice, and coconut "milk" are popular plant-based milk alternatives.
They're becoming even more available in stores across the United States.

Goat's milk is less common in stores in the United States, but is another good choice
for some people.

Each type of milk has its advantages and disadvantages, depending on a person's diet,
health, nutritional needs, or personal taste preferences.

For example, people in key development years — children older than 2 years, teens,
and pregnant women — need proteins, vitamin D, and calcium. These are abundant in
cow's milk.

On the other hand, people who need to watch their calories or saturated fat intake,
such as for weight reasons or heart health problems, should look to other options.
Whole cow's milk contains more calories and saturated fat than any other milk, aside
from goat's milk.

Look at the differences in these popular types of milks to determine which best suits
your needs. With all varieties, choose the unsweetened versions. Milk and milk
alternatives can double their amount of sugar if they are sweetened with added sugars.

Milk and milk alternatives: Nutrition comparison per 8 fluid ounces

Calories Carbohydrates (total) Sugars Fat (total) Protein

Cow's milk (whole) 150 12 g 12 g 8g 8g
Cow's milk (1%) 110 12 g 12 g 2g 8g
Cow's milk (skim) 80 12 g 12 g 0g 8g
Almond milk (unsweetened) 40 1g 0g 3g 2g
Soy milk (unsweetened) 80 4g 1g 4g 7g
Rice milk (unsweetened) 120 22 g 10 g 2g 0g
Coconut milk beverage
50 2g 0g 5g 0g

Cow's milk

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Whole milk is cow's milk with none of the fat removed. One cup contains about:

150 calories
12 grams of carbohydrates in the form of lactose (milk sugar)
8 grams of fat
8 grams of protein

None of the milk's natural components are removed. That means whole milk is high in
natural proteins, fat, and calcium. Milk sold in the United States is usually fortified
with vitamin A and vitamin D, as well.

Shop for whole cow's milk here.

Other cow's milk has the same amount of carbohydrates and protein, with some or all
of the fat removed. While whole milk has 150 calories in one cup, 1 percent milk has
110 calories, and skim milk has just 80 calories.

Fat-free milk has all of the nutritional benefits of whole milk — protein, calcium,
vitamins, and minerals — without the saturated fat and calories. However, absorption
of some vitamins may be reduced due to the lack of fat.

Lactose-free milk is processed to break down lactose, a natural sugar found in milk

Lactose-free milk is also a good source of protein, calcium, vitamins, and minerals.
The total and saturated fat contents of lactose-free milk vary, as it comes in 2 percent,
1 percent, and fat-free varieties.

Shop for lactose-free milk here.

Pros of cow’s milk

Whole milk can provide essential proteins, extra calories from fats, as well as
vitamins and minerals for infants and older adults.
Lactose-free versions are available for people who have a lactose intolerance.
Cow’s milk, including grass-fed and low-heat pasteurized options, is widely
available in grocery stores and convenience stores.

Cons of cow’s milk

The versions that aren’t fat-free are higher in saturated fats and calories.
The protein in cow’s milk is a common allergen for babies, children, and
Some people have ethical concerns about modern dairy farming practices.

Almond milk

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Almond milk is made from ground almonds and filtered water. It may also contain
starches and thickeners to improve its consistency and shelf life. People who are
allergic to almonds or nuts should avoid almond milk.
Almond milk is lower in calories than other milks, as long as it is unsweetened. It's
also free of saturated fat, and it's naturally lactose-free.

Per cup, unsweetened almond milk has:

about 30 to 60 calories
1 gram of carbohydrates (sweetened varieties have more)
3 grams of fat
1 gram of protein

Even though almonds are a good source of protein, almond milk is not. Almond milk
is also not a good source of calcium. However, many brands of almond milk are
supplemented with calcium and vitamin D.

Shop for almond milk here.

Pros of almond milk

It’s low in calories and contains no saturated fat.
It’s a good source of vitamin A and can be fortified to be a good source of
calcium and vitamin D.
It’s vegan and naturally lactose-free.

Cons of almond milk

It’s not a good source of protein.
It may contain carrageenan, which may cause digestive issues in some people.
There are some environmental concerns about the amount of water used to
cultivate almonds.

Soy milk
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Soy milk is made from soybeans and filtered water. Like other plant-based milk
alternatives, it may contain thickeners to improve consistency and shelf life.

One cup of unsweetened soy milk has:

about 80 to 100 calories

4 grams of carbohydrate (sweetened varieties have more)
4 grams of fat
7 grams of protein
Because it comes from plants, soy milk is naturally free of cholesterol and low in
saturated fat. It also contains no lactose.

Soybeans and soy milk are a good source of protein, calcium (when fortified), and
potassium. Probiotic or fermented soy milk is also available. It's an even better choice,
especially for people with high blood pressure.

However, too much soy may be a problem for people with thyroid disease or other

And a 2008 Harvard studyTrusted Source showed that higher intakes of soy-based
foods caused fertility problems and lower sperm counts. Soy is also a common
allergen. People who are allergic to soy should not drink soy milk.

Here's a selection of soy milk to try.

Pros of soy milk

It’s a good source of protein, vitamin A, vitamin B-12, potassium, and
isoflavones, plus it can be fortified with calcium and vitamin D.
It contains as much protein as cow's milk, yet is lower in calories than whole
milk and about equal to the calories in 1 percent or 2 percent milk.
It contains very little saturated fat.

Cons of soy milk

Soy is a common allergen for both adults and children.
Too much soy may be a problem for people with thyroid conditions.
Most of the soy produced in the United States comes from genetically modified
plants, which is a concern to some.

Rice milk
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Rice milk is made from milled rice and water. As with other alternative milks, it
frequently contains additives to improve consistency and shelf stability.

It's the least likely of all of milk products to cause allergies. That makes it a good
choice for people with lactose intolerance or allergies to milk, soy, or nuts.

Rice milk contains the most carbohydrate per cup, providing about:

120 calories
22 grams of carbohydrate
2 grams of fat
little protein (less than 1 gram)

While rice milk can be fortified with calcium and vitamin D, it's not a natural source
of either, just like soy and almond milks. Rice has also been shown to have higher
levels of inorganic arsenic.

The Food and Drug AdministrationTrusted Source recommends not relying solely on
rice and rice products, especially for infants, children, and pregnant women.

The American Academy of Pediatrics takes a similar stance, suggesting to be sure to

focus on variety of foods and to avoid depending on just rice or rice products.

Purchase rice milk online.

Pros of rice milk

It’s the least allergenic of milk alternatives.
It can be fortified to be a good source of calcium, vitamin A, and vitamin D.
Rice milk is naturally sweeter than other milk alternatives.

Cons of rice milk

It’s high in carbohydrates, so it’s the least desirable choice for people with
It’s not a good source of protein.
Eating too much of a rice product may pose a health risk for infants and
children due to inorganic arsenic levels.

Coconut milk
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Coconut milk is made from filtered water and coconut cream, which is made from
grated mature coconut flesh. In spite of its name, coconut is not actually a nut, so
people with nut allergies should be able to eat it safely.

Coconut milk is more accurately referred to as "coconut milk beverage" because it's a
more diluted product than the type of coconut milk used in cooking, which usually is
sold in cans.

As with other plant-based milk alternatives, coconut milk often contains added
thickeners and other ingredients.
Coconut milk contains more fat than the other milk alternatives, and nearly all of it is
saturated. Each cup of unsweetened coconut milk beverage contains:

about 50 calories
2 grams of carbohydrates
5 grams of fat
0 grams of protein

Coconut milk beverage does not naturally contain calcium, vitamin A, or vitamin D.
However, it can be fortified with these nutrients.

Coconut products have become more popular in recent years, partly because they
contain medium-chain triglycerides, a type of fat.

Some research suggests this type of saturated fat may actually help with weight loss.
However, saturated fats in general are associated with increased risk of heart
problems, so further research is needed.

Shop for coconut milk here.

Pros of coconut milk

It rarely causes allergies.
It can be fortified to be a good source of calcium, vitamin A, and vitamin D.
The fat in it may actually promote weight loss.

Cons of coconut milk

It’s high in saturated fat.
It’s not a good source of protein.
It may contain carrageenan, which may cause digestive issues

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