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Utilization of Red Wigglers (E.

foetida) in Vermicomposting as
a Bio fertilizer to Eggplant (S.melongena)

A Research presented to the Faculty of

San Pablo City Science Integrated High School
Senior High

In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for

Graduation of Senior High School
Academic track
Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) Strand

Shaira R. Buenavente
Reya Marie B. Flores
Mhelieja R. Marcos

March 2020
Chapter I
Background of the Study

Traditional composting of organic matter has been utilized for many years

to improve soil structure and enhance soil fertility. However, as a result of the

continuous increase in human population, farmers and researchers explored

possible alternatives like fertilizers to increase the crop production to meet the high

demand for food. But, the excessive and unbalanced use of chemical fertilizer in

agricultural soil had induced not only in reduction and deterioration of soil fertility,

but also causes some major environmental and health related problems, like soil

and water pollution which can result to some diseases.

The risky and threatening nature of chemical fertilizers have led to a

resurgence of interest in vermicomposting, a method in which certain species of

earthworms are used to enhance the process of organic wastes conversion and

produce a better end-product. Earthworms consume and fragment the organic

wastes into finer particles by passing them through a grinding gizzard and derive

their nourishment from microorganisms that grow upon them. The researchers will

specifically use red wigglers (Eisenia foetida). It is considered as effective

composts worm since it reproduces rapidly, remain on the surface while feeding,

and can live well in closed and highly populated conditions. Furthermore, red

wigglers can be easily found in many places including bait shops, worm farms,

fishing stores, professional breeders and vermi-suppliers for composting. In

addition, the researchers will utilize the vermicomposts’ end-product as a bio

fertilizer to improve the plants’ growth and crop production. This natural process

containing living and necessary organisms will help in increasing the accessibility
of the essential nutrients to promote synthesis of the plants’ growth. The

researchers plan to apply the vermicomposts’ end-product as a bio fertilizer to

eggplant (Solanum melongena). It has become a widespread practice of Filipinos

to plant vegetable crops like eggplant at their backyard, in order to minimize the

cost of living. Moreover, this country is a place that suits in planting eggplant since

it is a tropical place that is less likely to experience frost weathering. Furthermore,

soil enriched with composts is the ideal growing place for the plant, making it an

ideal material for this research study.

In this study, the researchers will investigate and determine if the utilization

of red wigglers in vermicomposting as a bio fertilizer will improve the growth of

eggplant. This study could lead to further advances that can deepen the knowledge

about vermicomposting as plant growth media. Furthermore, this can help on

increasing the overall performance of crops that can lead to sustainable

environmental system.
Theoretical/Conceptual Framework

Increase in

issues Health issues

Risks in
Provide an
Minimize the Using
cost of living Chemical

Figure 1. Conceptual Framework

Due to the continuous increase in country’s population, farmers started

using chemical fertilizers to increase the crops’ growth rate in order to avoid

shortage supply for basic needs, especially for food. However, the excessive use

of chemical fertilizers does not only affect the environment but also affects human

health conditions, as it contributes to the pollution when chemicals mix with air and

soil, and pollutes them, which can cause some diseases specifically disturbances

of the kidneys, lungs and liver and even cause cancer. Producing a bio fertilizer

that is purely organic and is not composed of toxic chemicals would help reduce

the risk of being exposed to pollutants, and improve the soil fertility and crops’

quality that will lead to cost-efficient living.

Research Paradigm

• Red wigglers ’
Utilization of Red
vermicomposts a s
wigglers in
bio fertilizer Vermicomposting as a
• Eggplant seeds Bio Fertilizer to
• Soil Eggplants
• Food wastes

1) Gathering of materials

2) Preparation of vermicomposts ’ end-product

(Red wigglers feeding on food wa stes for three
3) Vermicomposting process
(Producing a bio fertilizer product through the
use of vermicomposts ’ end-product)

4) Chemical analysis
(Compare the content of red wiggler s’ vermi
composts as a bio fertilizer to the content of
commercially -available fertilizer )
5) Utilizat ion of red wigglers ’ vermicomposts
as a biofertilizer to eggplants
(Applying the bio fertilizer to eggplants for 1

6) Gathering of data
(Measuring the plants ’ growth in terms of the
height and number of leaves of the plants)


Figure 2. Research Paradigm

Statement of the Problem

Application of vermicomposting as a bio fertilizer to enhance the plants'

growth, specifically in improving the crop production rate to meet the high demand

for food.

This research study aims to determine the significant difference between

using red wigglers' vermicomposts and the commercially-available fertilizers in

growing eggplants.

Moreover, this study specifically aims to:

• Determine the similarities of the contents/components of the red wigglers'

vermicomposts and the commercially-available fertilizers

• Identify the differences of the contents/components of the red wigglers'

vermicomposts and the commercially-available fertilizers

• Find out which fertilizer is more efficient in growing eggplants in terms of the

height of the plant and number of leaves

Research Hypothesis

The researchers have the following assumptions:

HO: There is no significant difference between using red wigglers’

vermicompost as a bio fertilizer compared to commercially-available fertilizer to the

growth of eggplants.

HA: There is a significant difference between using red wigglers’

vermicompost as a bio fertilizer compared to commercially-available fertilizer to the

growth of eggplants.

Significance of the Study

This study will have an impact to the academe in such a way that the

different compositions of fertilizers used to effectively grow eggplants, the

chemicals, as well as the chemical formulas needed to supply enough nutrition for

the plant, the effectivity in using red wigglers' vermicomposts, and the similarities

and differences of vermicomposted bio fertilizers and commercially-available

fertilizers and their functions will all be determined and answered at the end of this


Since this study will focus on the effectivity of using red wigglers'

vermicomposts as bio fertilizer, the bio fertilizer will then be compared to chemical

fertilizers in growing eggplants. This study will be helpful to the community because

the more efficient fertilizer between the bio fertilizer and the commercially-available
fertilizer will be tested and identified, thus making the rate of growing eggplants

and the quality of the plant both improve.

Since the components in raising an efficient eggplant will be identified, the

future researchers will then be guided on which factors they can improve in order

to further enhance the bio fertilizer that will be produced at the end of this study.

Once the researchers found out which factor and component of the bio fertilizer

caused the rapid growth of eggplants, the future researchers will then have an idea

on which component or variable should be enhanced, for example by multiplying

the amounts or selecting other matters to compost in order to test the effectivity of

using that specific type of matter in bio fertilization and vermicomposting.

Scope and Limitations of the Study

The researchers will focus mainly in identifying the significant difference

between utilizing red wigglers' vermicomposts as a bio fertilizer compared to

commercially-available fertilizer to the growth of eggplants in terms of measuring

the height and the number of leaves.

This study will be conducted within the vicinity of San Pablo City. Red

wigglers will be bought in San Pablo City’s bait shops. The researchers will use

this type of worm since it lives well in highly populated condition and can be easily

find, that can contribute to its’ effectivity as a vermicomposting agent. The process

of applying the vermicomposts’ end-product as a bio fertilizer will be limited to room

temperature to avoid the occurrence of extraneous variables that could affect the

findings of the study.

Definition of Terms

The following terms were used to provide better clarity and understanding

of the study.

Bio fertilization The use of organic matter from the Red

Wigglers' (Eisenia foetida)
vermicomposts that will serve as an
agent to enhance the growth of eggplant
(Solanum melongena)

Chemical analysis The process performed to identify the

differences and similarities between

the components of bio fertilizers and

commercially-available fertilizers

Commercially-available fertilizers Fertilizers that are not purely made from

organic matter and are mostly made of

chemical components

Eggplant (S. melongena) The type of plant that will be used to test

the effectivity of commercially available

fertilizers and bio fertilizers made from

red wigglers’ vermicomposts

Fertilizer The product that is being used to

improve the growth and quality of plants

Optimum plant growth It is the efficient growth of plants under

favorable conditions

Organic matter Biodegradable materials that will be

used to create the vermicomposts’


Red wigglers (E. foetida) Specific species of worm that will be used

as vermicomposting agent

Traditional composting It is the old method of composting that

utilizes organic matter to enhance the soil

Vermicomposting Casting of worms feeding on food

wastes to produce bio fertilizer

and enhance the growth of eggplants

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