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Theology 4: Celebrating God’s Presence as a Christian Community [1]

Topic 4: The Church as Witnessing and Dialoguing Community;

Confirmation Strengthens our Baptismal Commitment.
STUDENT’S COPY as a community of friends with Jesus through the power of the
Holy Spirit; and see the consequent challenge to be a friend
TH 221E CELEBRATING GOD’S with one another through the power of the same Jesus and his
Holy Spirit.
NAME: ______________________________________________
DATE: ______________________________
Class Schedule: ______________________
Topic 4: PROF: _______________________________
The Church as Witnessing and Dialoguing
Community; SEAT WORK: Recall your friendships past and present.
The Sacrament of Confirmation Strengthens
our Baptismal Commitment 1. What qualities or characteristics do you look for in a
friend? Why are these qualities or characteristics
important to you?
Objective: At the end of this session, the student is able to
come up with a list of concrete actions on how he/she can
show commitment to become a strong and mature witness to
faith in Christ and the gift of the Spirit: at home, in school,
with friends (and barkada,) and in the community/society.

2. What do you think are the factors that could weaken

friendship? Why?
Let us “SEE” _________________________________________________
We shall now look at our experience of friendship. On _________________________________________________
the basis of such friendship we will then reflect on the church

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First Semester 2014-2015.
Theology 4: Celebrating God’s Presence as a Christian Community [2]
Topic 4: The Church as Witnessing and Dialoguing Community;
Confirmation Strengthens our Baptismal Commitment.
_________________________________________________ the white garment, together with our families and friends who
_________________________________________________ was present at our “Christening”, we are “immersed”
(baptized) in the life-long process of becoming a Christian that
3. What can you do you to keep and strengthen as mentioned in lesson 3 was a sharing in the Christian Vision,
friendship? Christian Mission, Christian Identity, Christian Value-System
_________________________________________________ and Christian Community’s Spirit. Many of us were baptized
_________________________________________________ when we were still infants; and it was our parents and the
_________________________________________________ sponsors who professed the Faith on our behalf.
_________________________________________________ Now we are no longer infants. We are on the way to
becoming adults. We are now able and capable of responding
GROUP SHARING to the challenges and difficulties of life responsibly. As we
continue to grow and advance in years, our circle of
community also grows. We now go beyond our families and
SYNTHESIS: extend ourselves to our school mates, peers (barkada or ka-
. tropa) and become part of their families. In some occasions, we
even treat our friends as our own kin or siblings. In our
:Let us “Discern” friendships, we discover something more about what we are
and what can we become as persons before others.

(Review of Past Lesson)

In the same manner as members of the church and
through the sacrament of baptism we are called and challenge
In our previous lesson, we discussed the Church as the
to further deepen and enlarge our friendship with God-in-
Family of God and the Sacrament of Baptism as incorporation
Jesus by embracing Jesus’ Vision, Mission, Value System,
into the Christian community. In Baptism we are welcomed
Identity and Spirit.
and accepted to this Christian Family - the Church. With the
presence of our parents and sponsors (our ninongs and
ninangs), we are introduce into and became part of the
Christian community. We are welcomed to embrace a new A. The Church Remembers: the God-in-Jesus
way of life; the life for which Jesus’ lived and died for. calls us to be his friends (Discipleship)
Through baptism, with its symbolisms of water, light and even

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First Semester 2014-2015.
Theology 4: Celebrating God’s Presence as a Christian Community [3]
Topic 4: The Church as Witnessing and Dialoguing Community;
Confirmation Strengthens our Baptismal Commitment.
and the “litmus test” of Christians’ authentic following and
Jesus calls us to be his friends. “I no longer call you relating to Jesus and to one another. Their love with one
servants, because a servant does not know what his master is another patterned after that of Jesus will become a sign for
doing. I have called you friends because I have told you others the presence of Jesus.
everything I have heard from my Father.”(Jn15:15). Such a call
is a call to be a disciple. A disciple is first and foremost
connected to the master, Jesus. Just as Jesus is connected B. The Church Community Believes: We are
intimately with the Father, a disciple is invited to abide in this Apostles through the action of the Holy Spirit
connection so that his life will be fruitful and not barren. At
the same time the disciple knows his master’s business and
goes about doing his master’s business. Discipleship is our
Christian Identity (Lesson #3).Discipleship is responding to Jesus knew that he will not be forever physically
the invitation of Jesus to become his friends (we learned this in present with his disciples. The time will come that he will
Theology I). Discipleship is friendship with Jesus. His love, leave them because of his impending death for the sake of
even to the point of laying his own life for them, is the greatest reign of God. Jesus stood by his mission from God: “to
expression of love (in Greek, Agape). proclaim the good news to the poor, to set free the captives, to
give sight to the blind, etc.” To strengthen the disciples, Jesus
Discipleship is also a call to bear fruit. Their mission promised them the Holy Spirit whom he will send as Paraclete
is to make friends with others in the name of Jesus, to give or Advocate, “comforter”, “encourager”, “counsellor”, and
witness before others of their experience of how Jesus loved “helper”. Jesus will send the Holy Spirit to “guide them in all
them unconditionally. As friends of Jesus, disciples are called truth” so that they will become empowered witnesses to this
to be wise and bold in bearing witness to others of God-in- truth of and about Jesus. This is the Christian Mission
Jesus’ offer of life and love. Imagine the feeling of Jesus (mentioned in lesson #3). The truth that the disciples are
calling us his friends. But there is a condition for us to remain about to give witness before others is the belief in Jesus who
in Jesus’ friendship and love. “If you keep my lives under the constant impact and active presence of the
commandments, you will remain in my love, just as I have Spirit of God, a man who lives a “life in the Spirit” and
kept my Father’s commandments and remain in his love.” anointed by the Father with the same Spirit: “The Spirit of the
(Jn15:10). What is this commandment that Jesus is talking Lord is upon me, he has sent me to bring the good news to the
about? Jesus gave us a commandment: “Love one another as I poor.” (Luke 4:16) The promise of the Paraclete came as a
love you.”(Jn13:34). This commandment will be the mark of realization of the community of disciples when they were

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Unauthorized reproduction and selling is not allowed.
First Semester 2014-2015.
Theology 4: Celebrating God’s Presence as a Christian Community [4]
Topic 4: The Church as Witnessing and Dialoguing Community;
Confirmation Strengthens our Baptismal Commitment.
gathered to remember, to believe, and to celebrate the who is sent by Jesus to proclaim the good news of salvation
outpouring of the Holy Spirit. (Acts 2:1-12) (kaginhawaan). They are now a community of friends of Jesus,
guided and empowered by the Spirit, and equipped with his
“When the time for Pentecost was fulfilled, they were in gifts or “charisms”; their mission to make others become
one place together. And suddenly there came from the friends of Jesus. The Church then is “the community of
sky a noise like a strong driving wind, and it filled the friends proclaiming and celebrating the presence of Jesus in
entire house in which they were. Then there appeared to the Spirit.”
them as tongues as of fire which parted and came to rest
on each of them. And they were all filled with the Holy The Pentecost did not only happen at a particular
Spirit and began to speak in different tongues, as the time in history. We continue to experience as a community the
Spirit enabled them to proclaim.” Pentecost or “dawning of the Spirit” whenever we are infused
with new insights or visions of life and the world, and we feel
The coming of the Holy Spirit, which is already empowered or strongly encouraged and strengthened to carry
present since creation and in the Old Testament times, as well out our mission as disciples and apostles in the world today.
as in the life of Jesus “who was conceived by Mary through
the power of the Holy Spirit” and who walked in the Spirit of
God, was manifested in a more special way among the C. The Church-Community Celebrates: Action
disciples. It marked a new beginning for this batch of friends
of the Holy Spirit empowering us to
of Jesus who were once afraid but now, being renewed by the
Spirit of Jesus are empowered to be bold witnesses to Jesus Discipleship and Apostleship in the Sacrament
and his proclamation of the Reign of God. The Holy Spirit is of Confirmation.
a “strong driving wind” and “tongues of fire” – images that
symbolize the power and passion the Spirit give to a believer Today, Christians remember, believe, and celebrate
of Jesus. In Luke’s Acts, the “coming down” or “dawning” of God-in-Jesus’ action through the Holy Spirit empowering us
the Holy Spirit at Pentecost signalled the beginning of the to be disciples (Christian Identity) and apostles (Christian
Church’s mission to the world. (cf. Catechism for the Filipino Mission) in the Sacrament of Confirmation. It is the
Catholics, 1300). celebration of the Pentecost experience wherein the Christian
community celebrates the outpouring of the Spirit which first
At this point, the disciple is no longer just a follower. happened to the apostles but continues in us and in the world
He/she is now an apostle (with a Christian Mission) - one today. Although “the gift of the Holy Spirit and the gifts he

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First Semester 2014-2015.
Theology 4: Celebrating God’s Presence as a Christian Community [5]
Topic 4: The Church as Witnessing and Dialoguing Community;
Confirmation Strengthens our Baptismal Commitment.
bestowed are already given in Baptism, Confirmation Indwelling). God is present to us through the power of the
celebrates such gift and gifts and in the process strengthens Holy Spirit.
the baptized in his/her commitment to Christ in three ways” Third, Confirmation is a sacrament of witness. In the
(de los Santos: 1986): Sacrament of Confirmation, the baptized is “awakened” and
First, Confirmation is a celebration of the need for “strengthened” so that the Christian can live mature life of
deeper initiation or deeper conversion into the faith or witnessing to Christ and of fuller participation (koinonia) in
Christian community. In the words of Confirmation, one is the life and mission of the Church and society. The Eucharist
‘sealed” with the Spirit because here, the baptized is now (which will be discussed in the next topic) renews and
given a special Identity (disciple) and special Mission nourishes this life of the Spirit received in Baptism and
(apostle) to proclaim and to witness the presence of Jesus in Confirmation (Lampe).
his life and in the world to others. To “confirm” means “to
authorize”, “to make more firm”, “to strengthen” or “to What are these gifts of the Holy Spirit which the
bolster”; thus, the Baptized receives more intense sharing in confirmand receives in the Sacrament of Confirmation? The
the life and mission of Jesus and to the Christian community Bible mentions seven: Wisdom, Understanding, Counsel,
which begun at baptism. Fortitude, Knowledge, Piety and Fear of the Lord (Isaiah 11:2-
Second, Confirmation celebrates the gift of the Holy 3). These gifts are “virtues” which belong in their fullness in
Spirit and the gifts he bestows on us. At Baptism, the seeds of Christ that makes the person obedient to God’s inspirations
God’s grace are already introduced to us. We already have the (cf. CCC #1831). These gifts produce fruits to the person. St.
Spirit as “sons and daughters of God”. Remember in our Paul enumerates these fruits as love, joy, peace, patience,
previous topic on Baptism, that by this Sacrament we become kindness, generosity, faithfulness, gentleness and self-
part of God’s family - the Church. We become brothers and control (cf. Gal. 5:22).
sisters in Jesus. But as we mature and face life’s challenges; as
we widen our circle of people beyond our family, we receive These gifts and fruits of the Holy Spirit, which are
the gift of the Holy Spirit and the gifts he bestows that equip introduced to us first at Baptism, are now celebrated anew
us with the power to respond to the demands and challenges through the Sacrament of Confirmation. These gifts enable
of life as Christians and humans. In John 14:23 we read Jesus us to face life’s tasks, an intense commitment to follow Jesus
answered and said to him, “whoever loves me will keep my and witnessing to others, especially to the poor and the
word, and my Father will love him and we will come to him marginalized so that they may feel they are cared for and
and make our dwelling in him.” (Mystery of Divine loved by God-in-Jesus. The Sacrament of Confirmation is
indeed a celebration of God’s friendship to us who

Property of the Institute of Religious Education

Unauthorized reproduction and selling is not allowed.
First Semester 2014-2015.
Theology 4: Celebrating God’s Presence as a Christian Community [6]
Topic 4: The Church as Witnessing and Dialoguing Community;
Confirmation Strengthens our Baptismal Commitment.
strengthens and encourages us to give witness and to great power the apostles bore witness to the
dialogue with others the friendship of God with the help resurrection of the Lord Jesus, and great favour was
and power of His Indwelling Spirit in the Christian accorded them all. There was no needy person
community. among them, for those who owned property or
houses would sell them, bringing the proceeds of the
This celebration does not end at the ritual of the sale, and put them at the feet of the apostles, and
Sacrament of Confirmation. It marks only the beginning of a they were distributed to each according to need.”
more intense sharing in the life and mission of Jesus, just like
the Pentecost experience of the Apostles of Jesus. It makes What the apostles were teaching the new members of
present, in a more intensified way, the presence of Jesus in the the community is renunciation; they recall Jesus’ teaching to
Spirit in the life of the baptized so he/she lives a life in the renounce possessions: “Everyone of you who does not
Spirit characterized by a life of stronger commitment, zeal, renounce all his possessions cannot be my disciple (Luke
and fellowship with one another. The Church community 14:33). What does Jesus mean by renouncing possessions?
exists as a Resurrection- faith community, their proclamation Does Jesus reject abundance of material wealth? Not really.
of the Risen Jesus is not only through words, but most shown What Jesus taught which the apostles also teach the
through their way of life- a community of virtues centered on community is simplicity of life shared with others? By not
the love of God-in-Jesus. focusing on earthly goods as possessed by us alone, but by
being dependent on God’s goodness, a disciple looks at his
D. The Church-Community Loves: Life in the wealth as God’s blessings to be shared with others. By living
a simple life, a disciple lives according to what he/she needs
Spirit of the Love of the Father and Jesus.
and no one is in want because everything is distributed
according to one’s need. The key to simplicity is not just
The early Christian community gives us the kind of material austerity but in the sharing with others, especially
life they share with one another, a life that should serve a those in need. It is sharing with others which lead to the
model of communities, let us look again on Acts of the building up of relationships and communities. The early
Apostles about the way of life of the Christian community: Christians call this koinonia, which means “sharing,
(Acts 4:32-35) participation, partnership,” or simply, fellowship.

“The community of believers was of one heart and St. Vincent de Paul said that when we love, we must
mind, and no one claimed that of his possessions was love with affection but it must also be a love that is effective. It
his own, but they had everything in common. With
Property of the Institute of Religious Education
Unauthorized reproduction and selling is not allowed.
First Semester 2014-2015.
Theology 4: Celebrating God’s Presence as a Christian Community [7]
Topic 4: The Church as Witnessing and Dialoguing Community;
Confirmation Strengthens our Baptismal Commitment.
is a love of others that enable them to reach their full love everybody else. St. Paul said in his letter to the Romans,
potentials as human beings and relate with another with “The love of God has been poured out in our hearts through
dignity and respect. Do you think this is the ideal kind of life the Holy Spirit who has been given to us (Romans 5:5). The
we all long for, a community where there is sharing and where Church exists and operates because of love. God’s love
each one lives in simplicity and harmony with one another? inspires us to live a truly Christian life (CFC 1315). The love of
the Risen Lord inspires and empowers us to love as He loves
St. Vincent de Paul also bore witness to the presence and makes us include others in this embrace of love. The
of Jesus in his life. Born in poverty and moulded by his Church community becomes the living witness, sign and
experiences in life as a priest, he realized that the most symbol (sacrament) of the love of God, the principle of
effective way to “proclaim the good news to the poor” is to “being a Church”- a community of Life in the Spirit.
practice simplicity. “Saying things as they are” is how Through the Spirit, we are gathered as one community,
Vincent de Paul defined the virtue of simplicity. Like the celebrates publicly (liturgy) the love of God which has poured
apostles who were bold in proclaiming Jesus, Vincent spoke in into our hearts which we cry to God “Abba, Father!” (Gal. 4:6)
truth without concealing and hiding anything. For us today, to and confess Jesus as “Lord” (cf. 1 Cor. 12:3), thus we become a
tell the story of God’s presence in our lives we must be seekers holy community. It is the Spirit of the Risen Christ that
of truth and be courageous to speak out the truth with no inspires us to live a life of prayer, worship, service, freedom
mincing of words even if the truth hurts others. In that and love. St. Paul says, “Where the Spirit of the Lord is, there
sense, simplicity is not covering up the truth but saying the is freedom.” (2 Cor. 3:17).
truth in plain language. However, to seek and speak the truth
implies that we continually observe, analyze, and evaluate
things or events. We engage with others in dialogue so that Let us “ACT/PRAY”
we come to know the truth in its many aspects. We cannot
merely react impulsively; we are called to become discerning
in our thinking and prudent in our acting.( )
Prayer to the Holy Spirit

As a community of virtues the church is called to love Come Holy Spirit, fill the hearts of your faithful and kindle in
which is the center of all virtues. .It is the Spirit of the Risen them the fire of your love.
Jesus coming from the Father’s love for all that enables us to Send forth Your Holy Spirit and they shall be created.
respond to him/her in love. The same Spirit enables us also to And you shall renew the face of the earth.

Property of the Institute of Religious Education

Unauthorized reproduction and selling is not allowed.
First Semester 2014-2015.
Theology 4: Celebrating God’s Presence as a Christian Community [8]
Topic 4: The Church as Witnessing and Dialoguing Community;
Confirmation Strengthens our Baptismal Commitment.
O God, who by the light of the Holy Spirit, did instruct the d.
hearts of the faithful, grant that by the same Holy Spirit we e.
may be truly wise and ever rejoice in His consolation, through 3. With Friends and Barkada:
Christ Our Lord, Amen.
NAME: _____________________________________ d.
DATE: ______________________________________ e.
CLASS SCHEDULE: __________________________
PROF: _______________________________________ 4. In the community/society:
A. Living ones Confirmation: b.
Make a listing of concrete actions on how you as a student d.
can show commitment to become a strong and mature witness e.
to faith in Christ and the gift of the spirit: at home, in school,
with friends (and barkada,) and in society. B. Personal Prayer to the Holy Spirit:
Compose a Prayer to the Holy Spirit beginning by adoring
1. At home: and worshipping Him/Her, then expressing your gratitude
a. for His/Her presence in your life in knowing Jesus more and
Then, ask for the Spirit’s gifts as mentioned in the “Discern”
c. part. Ask for the grace that the Spirit will bear fruit in your
d. everyday life; the fruits of the Spirit also mentioned in the
e. “Discern” that you may be a strong witness to your faith in the
Risen Lord in facing your everyday life challenges. Write your
2. In School: prayer on the spaces below.

Property of the Institute of Religious Education

Unauthorized reproduction and selling is not allowed.
First Semester 2014-2015.
Theology 4: Celebrating God’s Presence as a Christian Community [9]
Topic 4: The Church as Witnessing and Dialoguing Community;
Confirmation Strengthens our Baptismal Commitment.

Property of the Institute of Religious Education

Unauthorized reproduction and selling is not allowed.
First Semester 2014-2015.

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