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Dosen Muda Research Report



b. Research category :I
2. Research team leader
a. Full name and titles : INyoman Merdana, ST., MT.
b. Sex : Male
c. Rank/NIP : IIIc/Penata / 132175608
d. Academic position : Lektor
e. Faculty/Department : Engineering / Civil Engineering
f. University : University of Mataram
g. Research field : Concrete and structural material
3. Team leader addresses
a. Office address/Phone/Fax/Email: Civil Eng. Dept, Engineering Faculty of
Mataram University, 62 Majapahit street-Mataram
83125/ Phone (0370) 638436 & 36126 / Fax: 0370-
b. Home Address/Phone/Email : Jl Lembang Gg II No 2 BTN Taman Indah
Mataram 83127/Phone (+62 370) 638200, Mobile:
+62 8123737237 - Email:
4. Members of the research team
a. Co-researcher : N.A.
5. Research location : Structural and Material Laboratory of Civil Engineering
Dept., Eng. Faculty of Mataram University
6. Collaboration with other institution : -
7. Research duration : 1 (one) fiscal year
8. Research cost
a. Funded by Depdiknas : Rp. 10,000,000. 00 (Ten million rupiahs)
b. Others : N.A.

Acknowledged by Mataram, November 22nd, 2007

Dean of Engineering Faculty Researcher,

(Prof. Ir. Hadi Sutrisno) (INyoman Merdana, ST, MT)

NIP: 130 520 751 NIP: 132 175 608

Approved by
Head of Research Center of Mataram University

(Ir, H. Yusuf Akhyar Sutaryono, Ph.D.)

NIP: 131 475 069

Dosen Muda Research Report

Dosen Muda Research Report

Concrete is building material for almost all of civil work. There is hardly any
civil construction erected without concrete. Because of the widely usage of
concrete then research carried out concerning to the concrete is endless.
In design of reinforced concrete structure, the mechanical properties of
concrete play an important role. The properties are, for examples, Compressive
strength and Tensile strength of concrete. Concrete strength is affected by many
complicated factors, some of them namely water-cement ratio, kind of aggregates,
load used on testing, and specimen size as well. Based on some past research, it
was reported that tensile strength of concrete is influenced by the size of the
specimens and loading type.
In concrete structures, quality control of the concrete produced is usually based
on testing conducted on concrete cylinders, cubes, or even drilled Cores. The
specimens like drilled cores are various in sizes and therefore they do not comply
with the specification of the ASTM or Indonesian Building code. Considering that
the different size of concrete cylinder is frequently encountered in any project site
and the Loading type applied when Tensile strength test at laboratory can be either
Distributed load or Line load then it is important that the Tensile strength behavior
of normal concrete be discovered related to the size and the load effect. In this
regard, this research is intended to find out the influence of concrete cylinder size
and loading type on behavior of splitting tensile strength of normal weight
In this research h-d ratio, t-r ratio and diameter of the concrete cylinder as well
were considered as variables and the current study was experimentally focused on
behavior of Splitting Tensile strength of normal concrete. All specimens were
concrete cylinder and mix proportion used in this research was constant, namely
1:2:3 of cement-sand-crushed stone by volume with a constant water-cement ratio
of 0.5. In addition, nominal maximum size of pumice was 20 mm. Cylinder depth
to diameter ratios of the specimens was varied between 1 and 3.
Based on data observed, it is obvious that typically the wider the spreader
(which indicated with higher t/r ratio) the higher the splitting tensile strength of
the concrete. The load applied with wider spreader tends to be distributed load.
Furthermore splitting tensile strength increases nonlinearly as the t-r ratio increase
and simply the smaller the diameter of the specimens, the higher the splitting
tensile strength

Beton merupakan bahan bangunan untuk hampir semua pekerjaan sipil.
Hampir tak ada bangunan sipil yang dikerjakan tanpa melibatkan beton. Karena
penggunaannya yang luas maka penelitian tentang beton tak pernah berakhir.
Pada perencanaan struktur beton, sifat sifat mekanis mempunyai peran yang
penting. Sifat-sifat mekanis tersebut, seperti misanya, Kuat tekan dan Kuat tarik
beton. Kekuatan beton dipengaruhi oleh banyak faktor yang sifatnya komplek,
beberapa diantaranya yaitu, faktor air-semen, jenis agregat, Beban yang digunakan
saat pengujuian serta ukuran spesimen. Berdasarkan kajian kajian terdahulu,
dilaporkan bahwa kekuatan Tarik belah beton dipengaruhi oleh ukuran dari
Pada struktur yang terbuat dari beton, kontrol kwalitas terhadap beton yang
dihasilkan umumnya ditentukan berdasarkan atas pengujian tekan terhadap
silinder, kubus ataupun Inti Bor. Spesimen seperti Inti Bor tersebut tersebut
bervariasi ukurannya, dan oleh karena itu biasanya tidak memenuhi standar ASTM
atau SNI. Dengan pertimbangan bahwa ukuran silinder yang bervariasi masih
sering ditemui pada lokasi lokasi proyek dan tipe beban yang digunakan saat
pengujian di laboratorium dapat berupa beban garis atau beban terbagi rata maka
perlu kiranya dikaji pengaruh ukuran spesimen dan tipe beban terhadap sifat
mekanis beton normal. Maka dari itu penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui
pengaruh ukuran silinder dan tipe beban terhadap perilaku Kuat tarik belah beton
normal. Pada penelitian ini variabel yang ditinjau adalah rasio h/d dan diameter
dari silinder dan difokuskan pada pengujian kuat tekan dan kuat tarik belah.
Semua spesimen yang digunakan berupa silinder, dan campuran beton ditetapkan
1Pc:2Ps:3Kr berdasarkan perbandingan volume dengan faktor air semen 0,5.
Disamping itu, ukuran nominal maksimum batu pecah yang dipakai yaitu 20mm.
Rasio tinggi silinder terhadap diameter silinder bervariasi dari 1-3.
Berdasarkan data yang diperoleh mengindikasikan bahwa semakin lebar
bidang kontak antara beban dan silinder (yang mana dicerminkan oleh rasio t/r
yang lebih besar) maka kekuatan tarik belah beton semakin tingi. Beban tekan
yang dkerjakan dengan bidang kontak yang lebar cendrung berubah perilaku
menjadi beban terbagi merata. Selanjutnya Dapat disimpulkan bahwa kuat tarik
belah beton normal meningkat secara nonlinier dengan berambah lebarnya bidang
kontak beban dan praktis semakin kecl diameter siliner beton maka semakin
tinggi kuat tarik belah yang diperoleh.

Dosen Muda Research Report (3)

Dosen Muda Research Report


With the blessing of the almighty God, finally this Dosen Muda research
report can be completed in time as scheduled. This research is intended to find out
the effect of specimen size and Loading type applied when testing on the behavior
of Tensile strength of normal weight. This study focuses Splitting tensile strength
of normal concrete.
The experimental study was conducted at The Structure and Material
Laboratory of Civil Engineering, Faculty of Engineering University Mataram.
This report is based on Dosen Muda Research program sponsored by The
Directorate of Higher Education, Department of National Education, whose
support is also gratefully acknowledged. The technical assistance and cooperation
of the laboratory staff are acknowledged.
The author is especially grateful to his student, Muh Aziz Mukhlisin,
Nanang Wardani, Ferry Kusmiran, and Danny, for their contribution, cooperation
and help in doing the research. Without their support, this research would have
been immeasurable more difficult. For providing me with his valuable
encouragement, comments and proofreading, I appreciate the help of Mr. I Made
Sujana MA, lecturer at FKIP and an instructor in the Language Center of
University of Mataram. The author also thanks to his colleagues for their
comment and help when the author engaged in doing his report.
As the old saying goes ‘Homer sometimes nods’ and therefore the author
expect criticism and suggestion from the readers and hope that this research report
will be valuable for those who are interested in concrete fields, especially in
Splitting tensile strength of concrete.

Mataram, November 13, 2007



APPROVAL SHEET ............................................................................................ 1

SUMMARY ........................................................................................................... 2
RINGKASAN ........................................................................................................ 3
PREFACE.............................................................................................................. 4
LIST OF CONTENTS .......................................................................................... 5
LIST OF FIGURE ................................................................................................ 6
LIST OF APPENDICES ...................................................................................... 7
CHAPTER 1 .......................................................................................................... 8
INTRODUCTION ........................................................................... 8
CHAPTER 2 ........................................................................................................ 10
LITERATURES REVIEW ........................................................... 10
CHAPTER 3 ........................................................................................................ 12
CHAPTER 4 ........................................................................................................ 13
METHOD OF RESEARCH.......................................................... 13
4.1. Concrete constituent ............................................................................ 13
4.2. Main Apparatuses ................................................................................ 17
4.3. Variables considered and design of the research .............................. 24
4.4. Collection and analysis of the data ..................................................... 25
CHAPTER 5 ........................................................................................................ 26
RESEARCH RESULTS AND DISCUSSIONS........................... 26
5.1. Sand and Crushed stone ...................................................................... 26
5.2. Splitting Tensile strength of concrete cylinders with different
loading type .......................................................................................... 26
5.3. Splitting Tensile strength of concrete with various h-d ratio........... 28
CHAPTER 6 ........................................................................................................ 29
REFERENCES.................................................................................................... 30
APPENDIX 1 ....................................................................................................... 32
APPENDIX 3 ....................................................................................................... 51
APPENDIX 4 ....................................................................................................... 54
APPENDIX 5 ....................................................................................................... 57

Dosen Muda Research Report (5)

Dosen Muda Research Report


Figure 1.1. Splitting strength test apparatus.

Figure 4.1. Flow chart of the research process
Figure 4.2. Sand Grading Curve based on ASTM Specification
Figure 4.3. Grading Curve Crushed stone based on ASTM
Figure 4.4. Several kinds of Balances used for weighing concrete
Figure 4.5. Graduated cylinder and Volumteric flask for determinating
the Specific gravity of Natural sand
Figure 4.6. Mecanical ASTM Sieve Set
Figure 4.7. The Los Angeles Machine for measuringthe Degradation
of Coarse
Figure 4.8. Power Driven Concrete Mixer used for mixing concrete
Figure 4.9. Concrete molds used for casting the concrete sample
Figure 4.10. Hydraulic Compression Test Machine
Figure 4.11. An Automatic Electric Oven for drying materials
Figure 4.12. Slump Test Set
Figure 4.13. Secondary Apparatus for research purpose
Figure 4.14. Water Tub for Curing Cocrete Sample
Figure 5.1. Typical relationship between splitting tensile strength
strength and t/r ratio with various diameter of cylinders

Figure 5.2. Typical relationship between splitting tensile strength

strength and h/d ratio with distributed and line loading







Dosen Muda Research Report (7)

Dosen Muda Research Report

In every part of the world, concrete is a dominant structural material. Actually,
the usage of concrete as structural material is because of the fact that, concrete
constituent is easy to find, concrete making is relatively easy to handle, it provides
a good fire resistance, and does not need costly maintenance. Broadly speaking,
concrete is utilized in every civil construction.
In design stage, properties of concrete play important role. The properties are,
such as tensile strength ft, Modulus of elasticity Ec, Stress-strain relationship, etc.
It is known that concrete is strong in compression, but in the other hand, concrete
has low tensile strength, just about 10-12% of the compressive strength.
Cracking behavior of concrete and minimum amount of steel reinforcement of
structural element is governed greatly by the Tensile strength of concrete. Usually,
the Tensile strength of concrete is determined by indirect test, namely splitting
tensile test and Modulus of rupture test. Determination of tensile strength by direct
tension test is rarely carried out because it is very difficult to apply axial tension
load to a concrete specimen. The choice of which method used to find out the
tensile strength is merely based on the simplicity of the method. The most
common method used in Indonesia is The Splitting test.
Based on ASTM C496-90, Splitting test is carried out by applying
compressive load on a concrete cylinder of the type used in compressive strength
testing, placed horizontally. The applied load is spread through narrow strips of
packing material, such as hardwood or plywood, which is inserted between the
specimen and the platen of the testing machine. In fact, the tensile test is
frequently performed by applying the load directly on the surface of the specimen
instead of using the spreader strips. Therefore, a very high stress exists between
surface of the specimen and the platen. This condition will affect the Tensile
strength obtained from the test. Considering the reality, it is imperative that the
influence of loading type on the Tensile strength of concrete be discovered.
In concrete structures, quality control is usually based on the test of concrete
cylinders, cubes, or Core-drills. To assess the quality of existing concrete
structures or the actual strength of concrete in a structure; core drill testing is one

of the methods that can be used. The specimens like core-drills are various in sizes
and therefore the different size of the core-drills do not meet the specification of
the ASTM. The various specimen size influences the Tensile strength obtained
from the test. The concrete behavior in relation to the different size of the
specimens is known as Size effect.
The behavior of Tensile strength of concrete concerning the size effect
phenomenon needs more attention. In Indonesia, mainly in civil engineering
project, there are any possibilities to use various size of concrete cylinder. In this
regard, it is essential to study the behavior of tensile strength concerning to the
size effect and loading type used in testing.

Dosen Muda Research Report (9)

Dosen Muda Research Report


According to MacGregor [11] and Neville [14], there is relation uniquely

between compression strength and Tensile strength, in spite of the fact that it does
not has a direct proportionality. The strength of concrete also depends on several
secondary factors, such as specimen size, loading type, curing history and
moisture content.
Compressive strength, f’c, determined through compression loading on
150mmx300mm concrete cylinders according to ASTM C39-93, has been always
referred to concrete quality. However, in addition to the compressive strength,
tensile strength is also one of important concrete properties. The tensile strength is
indeed very important to be explored as it relates directly to both cracking
behaviors of a structure and Fracture toughness as well as fracture energy. Tensile
strength of concrete is often determined as a percentage of compressive strength,
and therefore, practically, direct tensile strength test is rarely carried out because
of difficulties in applying axial tension load.
The tensile strength ft is frequently found out by splitting tensile test according
to ASTM C496-90 or SNI*. Then tensile strength obtained by splitting test can be
calculated from equation (1) and the test using point-line load or distributed load
as recommended by ASTM is shown in figure 1.1.
According to ASTM C496-90, in splitting strength test, the load applied on the
concrete specimen is spread out through a limited contact surface called Bearing
strips, as shown in Figure 1.1.b., and the load rate is constantly about 0,011-0,23
f ct  …..(1)
 lD

Based on research results carried out using normal strength concrete, it is

indicated that the loading type applied is one of very important factors on the
splitting tensile strength. [17].

SNI is Indonesian Building Code

( 10 )

Test with point

line load Test with distributed

(b) (c)
Figure 1.1. Splitting strength test apparatus. Isometric view (a),
Splitting test with point-line loading (b)
and distributed-load with Bearing Strips(c)
(Adopted from ASTM C496-90 [5] and Tang [17])

Strength of concrete is governed by many factors; one of them is specimen

size. Recently, many experimental and numerical studies show that behavior of
concrete structural elements subjected to axial load, shear, bending moment, and
any combination of these load, as well as torsion are influenced greatly by
specimen size.
The Size effect phenomenon is investigated by comparing the behavior of
geometrically similar specimens. The study has been carried out only based on
data collected experimentally, but recently the data have been correlated with
various approximations and models [1,8-10,12,15-18]. It is shown by many
researches that nominal strength of concrete decrease with increasing size of
structures. Almost all of the researches mentioned were performed on high
strength concrete instead of on normal strength one. To understand profoundly the
behavior of concrete splitting tensile strength, it is necessary to investigate
influence of loading type and of size on the tensile strength.

Dosen Muda Research Report ( 11 )

Dosen Muda Research Report


Referring to the background mentioned and Literatures review discussed then

this research project is intended to discover behavior of Splitting tensile strength
of concrete in relation to the size effect phenomenon and the loading type used in
testing, id est. point-line loading and distributed loading on a given contact area.
By conducting this study, there are at least two main contributions
academically. The first one, it provides important information about the behavior
of the Splitting tensile strength of concrete corresponding to loading type and the
effect of specimen size used on testing. The second one, it enriches the body of the
knowledge itself.
Because of some limitations, then this study is focused on indirect testing of
Tensile strength of normal concrete, which is splitting test using various sizes of
concrete cylinders. Moreover, the mix proportion used in this research is kept
constant 1:2:3 of cement-sand-crushed stone ratio by volume with a water-cement
ratio of 0.5.

( 12 )

In this section, properties of the materials used, main apparatuses applied,

variables considered, design of the research, and analyses of data are mentioned as
Basically, this research consists of three main stages, namely collecting raw
material, making and testing the specimens, and analysis of the research results. In
the first stage, the activity includes collecting the main materials such as Crushed
stone, Natural sand, Wood for loading spreader, and Portland cement. In addition,
some preliminary studies on the concrete materials are done as well. Both Crushed
stone and Natural sand are obtained from local suppliers.
Material testing covers the determination of Bulk density, Specific gravity,
and Water absorption. Data of the material testing can wholly be referred to
Appendix 1. As a whole, all of the materials used in this research comply with
both the ASTM and SNI requirement.
After the material testing, the specimens, various size concrete cylinders
are prepared in laboratory and finally, compressive strength and split strength test
of the semi lightweight concrete are conducted. Generally, the process of the
research is graphically shown in Figure 4.1.

4.1. Concrete constituent

The raw materials used in this study were ordinary Portland cement,
Crushed stone which taken from West Lombok Quarry, river sand collected from
Gebong river, and fresh water. In this section all of material used in making
concrete specimens are explained broadly.

a. Portland cement, Ordinary Tiga Roda cement

The Portland cement used in this research was of type I cement with trade
name of Tiga Roda. It is assumed that Portland cement is meeting both the
ASTM and SNI specifications. Therefore, no testing was conducted on the
Portland cement. As a whole, Specific gravity and Bulk density of the cement

Dosen Muda Research Report ( 13 )

Dosen Muda Research Report

were 3.15 and 3.25 kg/m3 respectively. Later, the Bulk density was used on
the determination of the mix proportion.


Preparations for Raw

materials and apparatuses

Material testing:
Grading, Chemical content, Organic
impurities, Soundness, Density, Specific

Casting the Specimens

Specimen curing:
Soaking in water for 14 days

Specimen testing:
Splitting test (ASTM C 496-90)

Analysis of data


Figure 4.1. Flow chart of the research process

b. Fine aggregate, Natural sand

As fine aggregate, river sand collected from Gebong River, sub district
Narmada, West Lombok is utilized in design of mix proportion. Here after, the
term sand is used throughout the text instead of River sand or fine aggregate.
According to the sieve analysis on the sand, it belongs to type I gradation,
namely coarse graded sand. Moreover, based on preliminary study conducted
the Fineness modulus, Bulk specific gravity, and average water absorption,
were 3.3, 2.35, and 3.52% respectively.
Based on testing on laboratory, it was obtained that the Fineness modulus
of the sand was 3.3. According to Tjokrodimuljo, the Fineness modulus

( 14 )
usually varies between 1.5 and 3.8 and therefore the sand observed in this
study conforms to the specification, both the ASTM and current Indonesian
building code, SNI.

100 100
100 100
Passing by weight (%)

85 95

60 58,25

50 ASTM upper
40 sample
30 ASTM lower
0 2
0,15 0,3 0,6 1,2 2,4 4,8 9,5
Aperture size (mm)

Figure 4.2. Sand Grading Curve based on ASTM Specification

There are two kinds of the density of sand, id est. loose bulk density and
compacted bulk density. The densities of the sand were 1205 kg/m3 and 1434
kg/m3 respectively. These densities can be classified as normal weight sand.
The grading curve of the sand is shown in Figure 4.2. More detail information
correspond to the grading requirements on sand can be referred to Appendix 1.

c. Coarse aggregate, Crushed Stone

In this study, nominal maximum size of coarse aggregate used was 20mm
and the crushed stone is originated from local deposit, that is, Gebong
Narmada, West Lombok. The term Crushed stone is used throughout this
research report instead of coarse aggregate. The material testing conducted on
Crushed stone were sieve analysis, Density, Specific gravity and Water
The Loose bulk density, average Bulk specific gravity SSD and the Water
absorption are 1205/m3, 2.67 and 1.68% respectively.

Dosen Muda Research Report ( 15 )

Dosen Muda Research Report

The testing of material is carried out conforming to the ASTM C 127-88, C

128-88, respectively. The grading curve of crushed stone based on ASTM can
be referred to Figure 3.


Passing by mass (%)



astm upper limit

40 astm lower limit



0 10 20 30 40 50
Aperture size (mm)

Figure 4.3. Grading Curve Crushed stone based on ASTM Specification

d. Water
Water used in this research, both for mixing the concrete ingredient and
for curing of concrete, was fresh water taken from reservoir of the laboratory.
The water was one that was fit for drinking. Therefore, no testing on the water
was conducted and it was assumed that the water was suitable for concreting.
As a rule, water that is unsuitable for drinking may not necessarily be unfit
for mixing concrete. Slightly acidic, alkaline, salty, brackish, colored, or foul-
smelling water should not be rejected outright. This is important because
water shortage in many areas of the world. In addition, recycled waters from
cities, mining, and many industrial operations can be safely used as mixing
waters for concrete. The best way to determine the suitability of a water of
unknown performance for making concrete is to compare the setting time of
cement and the strength of mortar cubes made from the unknown water with
reference water that is clean. The cubes made with the questionable water

( 16 )
should have 7- and 28-day compressive strengths equal to or at least 90
percent of the strength of reference specimens made with clean water; also,
the quality of mixing water should not affect the setting time of cement to an
unacceptable degree. As a general guideline, from standpoint of the concrete
strength, the presence of excessive amounts of algae, oil, salt, or sugar in the
mixing water should send a warning signal.

4.2. Main Apparatuses

In this section, all of main apparatuses used in this research are introduced.
The apparatuses cited in this section are one that played important role and used
directly in the study, in both preliminary study and main research. Attention was
carefully given to the apparatuses used in order to conforming, as close as
possible, to the both the ASTM and SNI specification.

a. Balance
Balance is applied to weigh any object that was involved in the study such
as weight of Portland cement, water, sand, and crushed stone or concrete
samples. The balance is Trademark of Ohaus which having capacity of 25 kg
with the accuracy of 0.1 gram.

Figure 4.4. Several kinds of Balances used

for weighing concrete materials

Dosen Muda Research Report ( 17 )

Dosen Muda Research Report

In addition, the balance is equipped with suitable apparatus for suspending the
sample container in water from the center of the weighing platform or pan of the
weighing device. Several kinds of balances used in this research are shown in
Figure 4.4.

b. Pycnometer
This apparatus was used to find out the Specific gravity and water absorption
of natural sand according to ASTM 128-88. For this instance, a volumetric
flask having capacity of 500 grams was used. A graduated cylinder and a
volumetric flask are shown in Figure 4.5.

Figure 4.5. Graduated cylinder and Volumteric flask

for determinating the Specific gravity of Natural sand

c. ASTM Sieve Apparatus set

The sieve set consisting of No 8 to No ¾ of ASTM sieve was used to
determine the particle size distribution of fine and coarse aggregate. This
apparatus is mounted on substantial frames constructed in such a manner that
will prevent loss of material during sieving. In addition, it is operated
mechanically. The sieve is shown in Figure 4.6.

( 18 )
Figure 4.6. Mecanical ASTM Sieve Set

d. Los Angeles Abrasion Machine

This apparatus was used to measure the resistance to degradation of
mineral aggregates of standard grading resulting from a combination of
actions including abrasion and attrition, impact, and grinding. Because
aggregate used in this research was smaller than 1 ½ in (3.75mm) in size then
the Los Angeles test performed in accordance with ASTM C 131-89. This
machine consists of a hollow steel cylinder, closed at both ends, having an
inside diameter of 711mm and an inside length of 508mm. The cylinder is
mounted on stub shafts attached to the ends of the cylinder, and mounted in
such a manner that it can be rotated with the axis in a horizontal position. The
machine can be operated at a speed of 30 to 33 rpm for 500 revolutions. The
Los Angeles machine used for the test is shown in Figure 4.7. The Los
Angeles test has been widely used as an indicator of the relative quality or
competence of various sources of aggregate having similar mineral

Dosen Muda Research Report ( 19 )

Dosen Muda Research Report

Figure 4.7. The Los Angeles Machine for measuring

the Degradation of Coarse Aggregate

e. Laboratory Concrete mixer

To make the concrete sample, raw materials such as Portland cement,
Natural sand, Pumice and water as well, were mixed with a concrete mixer.
The concrete mixer is a power driven drum having capacity of about 0.25m3.
The mixer is shown in Figure 4.8.

Figure 4.8. Power Driven Concrete Mixer used for mixing concrete

( 20 )
f. Reusable Cylinder mold
The specimens used in this experimental study were various size of
concrete cylinders. For casting concrete samples, two kinds of molds, steel
and Plastic mold, were used. The steel molds are for casting 150 by 300mm
and 100 by 200mm concrete cylinders. In addition, to obtain samples with
various ratio of h/d, the plastic molds were made by cutting PVC plastic pipe.
The plastic pipes are trade mark of Wavin Duta Jaya with diameter ranging
from 2” to 6”. Some of the molds are simply shown in Figure 4.9 below.

Figure 4.9. Concrete molds used for casting the concrete sample

g. Compression testing machine

This apparatus was used to determine both the compressive and Splitting
tensile strength of concrete cylinder as specified by ASTM C 39-86 and C
496-90. The apparatus is hydraulically operated machine and has capacity of
500kN. In addition, it can be operated at a constant rate of loading of 0.15 to
0.34 MPa/s. The compression machine is shown in Figure 4.10.

Dosen Muda Research Report ( 21 )

Dosen Muda Research Report

Figure 4.10. Hydraulic Compression Test Machine

h. Automatic electric oven

This device was applied to dry up the Natural sand and Pumice samples. The
oven is trade mark of OHAUS and having capability of maintaining a uniform
temperature of 1105C. The electric oven is shown in Figure 4.11 and
conforms to the ASTM standard.

Figure 4.11. An Automatic Electric Oven for drying materials

i. Slump test set

This apparatus was utilized to measure the slump of fresh concrete having
coarse aggregate up to 1 ½” (37.5mm) in size as specified in ASTM C 143-
90a. The slump apparatus is a cone made of 0.045” in thickness metal plate
with the base 8” (203mm) in diameter, the top 4” (102mm) in diameter and
the height 12” (305mm). Slump apparatus is shown in Figure 4.12.

( 22 )
Figure 4.12. Slump Test Set

j. Secondary apparatus
Actually there were many secondary tools used to insure the project run well.
Some of them were shovel, trowel, wrench, pliers, plastic-basin, ruler, mini
trolley and data sheets. Several of the apparatuses are shown in Figure 4.13.

Figure 4.13. Secondary Apparatus for research purpose

k. Water tub
To prevent evaporation of water from unhardened concrete, the specimen was
immediately covered after finishing with impervious plastic. All specimens
were removed from the mold 24 hours after casting and cured by moist curing.
As specified on ASTM C496-90, all concrete specimens were cured by
immersing them in a water tub for 14 days. The water tub used in this research
is shown in Figure 4.14.

Dosen Muda Research Report ( 23 )

Dosen Muda Research Report

Figure 4.14. Water Tub for Curing Cocrete Sample

(Note: some concrete cylinders appear soaked under water)

4.3. Variables considered and design of the research

As mentioned on Chapter 3, this study is to find out the influence of specimen
size and loading type used on testing on the behavior of splitting tensile strength
of normal weight concrete and to recommend the correction factor of the Splitting
tensile strength to that of the ASTM standard concrete cylinder. Therefore, h/d
ratio and size of the concrete cylinder were considered as variables in this study.
In this study all specimens were concrete cylinder as shown in Appendix 1
and the mix proportion used in this research was kept constant 1:2:3 of cement-
sand-coarse aggregate ratio by volume with a constant water-cement ratio of 0.5.
In addition, nominal maximum size of pumice was 20 mm. Cylinder depth to
diameter ratios of the specimens was varied between 1 and 3. More detail
information about the specimen can be referred to Appendix 3.
In order to find easy identification, each concrete specimen is designated
with an alphabet and three numeric pairs separated with hyphens. The letter T
represents concrete cylinder for tension test. Then the number-pairs represent total
height of the cylinder in mm, height-diameter ratio of the cylinder, and t-r† ratio of
the cylinder respectively. For instance, a specimen coded with T85-20-2 is a
concrete cylinder specimen intended for Splitting test with total cylinder height of
85 mm, height-diameter ratio of 2.0 and the t-r ratio of the cylinder of 0.2.

t-r ratio is ratio of an half of contact width to the radius of cylinder, refer to Fig. 1

( 24 )
For more detail information about the specimen identification and definition, it
can be referred to Figure 1.

4.4. Collection and analysis of the data

Along with the data collected by testing then analysis stage can be carried out.
The Tensile strength of concrete can be obtained from equation (1). By comparing
the data collected experimentally with various specimen dimensions and t-r ratio,
then their effect on the Tensile Strength of normal-weight concrete can be
The research results are to be exposed graphically. The graphs are the
relationship of h/d ratio vs. Tensile strength. In addition, the Logarithm graph of
cylinder height vs. Relative strength of the concrete will also be reported.
Furthermore, the Tensile strength correction factors of various h/d ratio of
concrete cylinders to that of the ASTM standard will also be recommended.
Furthermore, the Tensile strength correction factors of various t-r ratio to that of
the ASTM standard are also introduced. The Tensile strength, Correction factors
and some of the graph are wholly presented in Appendix 3.

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Dosen Muda Research Report


5.1. Sand and Crushed stone

Refering to Apendix 1 It is evident that sand used in his study is
appropriate for concretting. The loose bulk density, Bulk specific gravity in SSD
condition and water absorption are 1205 kg/m3, 2.35 and 3.52% respectively.
Broadly the sand is appropriate for concrete material although some grading
beyond the lower limit of ASTM grading requirements.
Additionally, based on testing of resistance to degradation conforming to
ASTM C 131-89, it is obtained that the average ratio of the loss after 100
revolutions to the loss after 500 revolutions is 0.285, therefore the cushed stone
can be classified as uniform hardness aggregate. Then the average total loss of the
pumice is 26.35%. More detailed information related to the materials testing can
be obtained in Appendix 3. According to data observed, it was found that the
crushed stone can be classified as normal aggregate with average absorption of
1.68%. Furthermore the Loose bulk density, average Bulk specific gravity SSD
and the Water absorption were 1205/m3, 2.67 and 1.68% respectively. Referring
to Figure 4.3 it is obvious that the crushed stone is eligible for concrete material
even though its grading almost reaches the upper limit of ASTM requirement. The
testing of material is carried out conforming to the ASTM C 127-88, C 128-88

5.2. Splitting Tensile strength of concrete cylinders with different loading

The tensile test conducted in this study was indirect tensile test, namely
splitting tensile test complying with ASTM C 496-90. All concrete specimens
were various concrete cylinders, and tested at the same age, namely 28 days after
casting. All specimens also found similar curing treatment. The concrete were
immersed under water for 14 days followed by 14 days drying at room
temperature. Note that the Splitting tensile test in this research was performed
with concentrated load and distributed load.

( 26 )
Before the test, weight of all concrete cylinders was recorded, and
diameter and length of the specimens were measured as well. The diameter and
length of the concrete cylinder used for calculating the tensile strength of the test
specimens were determined by averaging two diameters measured at right angles
to each other. Maximum load, weight and dimension of the specimens, splitting
tensile strength can be obtained in Appendix 3. The splitting tensile strength is
obtained from equation (2)
Typically, data collected indicates that the splitting tensile strength
increases nonlinearly as the t-r ratio increase. This phenomenon is shown in
Figure 5.1. The splitting tensile strength decrease at first and then increase
nonlinearly as the t-r ratio increase. This trend is slightly different from former
study conducted by Merdana [13] and Tang [17]. The former study showed that
the splitting tensile strength increased as the diameter of cylinder decrease. Note
that the study was conducted his research with lightweight concrete.




h/d=1 h/d=1,5 h/d=2,0

h/d=2,5 h/d=3
0 3/80 3/40 9/80 3/20 3/16 9/40

Figure 5.1. Typical relationship between splitting tensile strength strength and t/r
ratio with various diameter of cylinders

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Dosen Muda Research Report

5.3. Splitting Tensile strength of concrete with various h-d ratio

Based on data observed, it is obvious that the smaller the diameter of the
specimens, the higher the splitting tensile strength. The influence of h/d ratio on
splitting tensile strength of concrete cylinders is shown in Figure 5.2.

ftr (MPa)



0,5 1 1,5 2 2,5 3 3,5
t/r=0 t/r=6/80 t/r=9/80 t/r=12/80 t/r=15/80

Figure 5.2. Typical relationship between splitting tensile strength strength and h/d
ratio with distributed and line loading

From Figure 5.2 it can be stated that the lowest splitting tensile strength is given
by specimen with t/r=0, that is point line load. In addition, the highest splitting
tensile strength is obtained from specimen with t/r=15/80. Typically the wider the
spreader (indicated with higher t/r ratio) the higher the splitting tensile strength of
the concrete. This found agree with former study done by Tang [17]. Simply it can
be declared that when the load applied with wider spreader (higher t/r) it has
tendency to be distributed load.

( 28 )

Based on data observed, here are some conclusions that can be drawn:

1) Typically the wider the spreader (indicated with higher t/r ratio) the higher the
splitting tensile strength of the concrete. The load with wide spreader tends to
be distributed load.
2) Splitting tensile strength increases nonlinearly as the t-r ratio increase

Based on data collected along with analysis and literature survey it is strongly
recommended that this current study to be improved with finite element analysis
so that the behavior of splitting tensile strength of normal concrete can be
disclosed totally.

Dosen Muda Research Report ( 29 )

Dosen Muda Research Report


[1] Alca, N., Alexander, S.D.B., Macgregor, J.G., 1997, Effect of Size on
Flexural Behavior of High-Strength Concrete Beams, ACI Structural
Journal, Vol. 94, No. 1, Pp. 59-67
[2] Anonim, ASTM C39-93a Standard Test Method for Compressive Strength of
Cylindrical Concrete Specimens (Annual Book of ASTM Standard
Vol. 04.02)
[3] Anonim, ASTM C78-90 Standard Test Method for Flexural Strength of
Cylindrical Concrete Specimens (Using Simple Beam with Third Point
Loading) (Annual Book of ASTM Standard Vol. 04.02)
[4] Anonim, ASTM C192-90 Practice for Making and Curing Concrete Test
Specimens in Laboratory (Annual Book of ASTM Standard Vol. 04.02)
(Annual Book of ASTM Standard Vol. 04.02)
[5] Anonim, ASTM C496-90 Standard Test Method for Splitting Tensile
Strength of Cylindrical Concrete Specimens (Annual Book of ASTM
Standard Vol. 04.02) (Annual Book of ASTM Standard Vol. 04.02)
[6] Anonim, ASTM C617-90 Practice for Capping Cylindrical Concrete
Specimens (Annual Book of ASTM Standard Vol. 04.02)
[7] Anonim, ASTM C330-89 Standard Specification for Light-Weight
Aggregates for Structural Concrete (Annual Book of ASTM Standard
Vol. 04.02)
[8] Bazant, Z.P., Planas, J., 1998, Fracture and Size Effect in Concrete and
Other Quasibrittle Materials, CRC Press LLc
[9] Krauthammer, T., Elfahal M.M., Lim, J.H., Ohno, T., Beppu, M., and
Markeset, G., 2002, Size Effect in High Strength Concrete Cylinders
Subject to Axial Impact, Impact Engineering Journal
[10] Kim J., Yi, S., Park, C., and Eo, S., 1999, Size Effect on Compressive
Strength of Plain and Spirally Reinforced Concrete Cylinders, ACI
Structural Journal, Vol. 96, Pp. 88-93
[11] MacGregor, J.G., 1997, Reinforced Concrete Mechanics and Design, 3rd
Edition, Prentice Hall International Inc., USA
[12] Merdana, INyoman, 2006, The Influence of Concrete Cylinder Size on
Mechanical Properties of Semi Lightweight Pumice Concrete,
Rekayasa Journal of Engineering Faculty, University of Mataram
[13] Merdana, I.N., 2006, The Influence of Concrete Cylinder Size on
Mechanical Properties of Semi Lightweight Pumice Concrete, (Dosen
Muda Research Report, Research funded by Directorate General of
Higher Education - Department of National Education under the Letter
of Agreement no: 028 / SP3 / PP / DP2M / II / 2006 on 1st of February
[14] Neville, A.M., Brooks, J.J., 1997, Concrete Technology, Addison Wesley
Longman Limited, Singapore
[15] Neville, A.M., 1996, A General Relation for Strength of Concrete Specimens
of Different Shape and Size, ACI Journal, Proceedings Vol. 63, No. 10,
Pp. 1095-1110

( 30 )
[16] Sabnis, G.M., Mirza, S.M., 1979, Size effect in Model Concrete, Journal of
the Structural Division,, ASCE, Vol 105, No.6, Pp. 163-177
[17] Tang, T., Shah, S.P., Ouyang,C., 1992, Fracture Mechanic and size Effect of
Concrete in Tension, Journal of Structural Engineering, ASCE Vol
118, No 11, Pp.3169-3185, ISSN 0733-9445/92/0011-3169 Paper No.
[18] Zaitsev, Y.V., Kovler, K.L., 1986, Notch sensitivity of Concrete and Size
Effect, Part II: Stress State Effect, Cement and Concrete Research,
Vol.16 No. 1 Pp. 7-16

Dosen Muda Research Report ( 31 )

Dosen Muda Research Report



Origin : Gebong river, Narmada – West Lombok

Nominal maximum size : 5 mm
Location of testing : Structural and Material Laboratory of Civil
Engineering Dept. of Mataram University
Diameter of container : 18.75 cm
Height of container : 18.25 cm
Summary of Density test:
(gram) (kg/m3)
Loose 6070 5039.13 1204.57
Compacted 7225 5039.13 1433.78
Bulk Density : 1205 kg/m3
Compacted Density : 1434 kg/m3


Origin : Gebong river, Narmada – West Lombok

Nominal maximum size : 20 mm
Location of testing : Structural and Material Laboratory of Civil
Engineering Dept. of Mataram University
Diameter of container : 18.75 cm
Height of container : 18.25 cm
Volume of container : 5039.13 cm3
Summary of Density test:
(gram) (kg/m3)
Loose 2014 0.005 1204.57
Compacted 2256 0.005 1433.78
Bulk Density : 1205 kg/m3
Compacted bulk Density : 1434 kg/m3

( 32 )
1 2
Mass of sample of the
saturated and dry A 500 500 500
aggregate (gram)
Mass of vessel with the
sample and topped up with B 960 969 964.5
water (gram)
Mass of oven-dried sample C 484 482 483
Mass of vessel full of
D 677 677 677
water (gram)
Apparent specific gravity,
- 2.41 2.54 2.47
Bulk Specific gravity,
- 2.3 2.4 2.35
SSD, =A/(A-(B-C))
Water absorption (%),
- 3.31 3.73 3.52


Mass of the oven-dried
A 5000 5000 5000
sample (gram),
Mass of sample of the
saturated and dry aggregate, B 5085 5083 5084
Mass of sample weighed
C 3165 3195 3180
under water, (gram)
Bulk specific gravity,
- 2.604 2.648 2.626
Bulk specific gravity, (on
- 2.648 2.692 2.67
SSD condition), =B/(B-C)
Apparent specific gravity,
- 2.72 2.77 2.75
Water absorption (%), =(B-
- 1.7 1.66 1.68

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Dosen Muda Research Report


Origin : Gebong river, Narmada – West Lombok

Nominal maximum size : 5 mm
Reference : ASTMC136-84a
Summary of grading test on Sand
Grading Limit
Mass Cumulative Cumulative
Opening size Retained Passing (ASTM C136-84a)
retained retained passing
(mm) (%) (%) Lower limit Upper limit
(gram) (%) (%)
(%) (%)
9.5 0 0 0 100 100 100 100
4.8 (No.4) 0.00 0.00 0.00 100 100 95 100
2.4 (No.8) 192.50 19.10 19.10 80.90 180.90 80 100
1.2 (No.16) 228.20 22.65 41.75 58.25 239.15 50 85
0.6 (No.30) 291.00 28.88 70.63 29.37 268.52 25 60
0.3 (No.40) 233.20 23.15 93.78 6.22 274.74 10 30
0.15 (No.100) 55.40 5.50 99.28 0.72 275.46 2 10
Lost 7.30 0.72 - - -
Total 1007. 30 100 324.54 275.46 1238.77
Fineness modulus = 324.54/100 = 3.3

( 34 )
Origin : Gebong river, Narmada – West Lombok
Nominal maximum size : 20 mm
Reference : ASTMC136-84a

Grading Limit
Mass Cumulative Cumulative
Opening size Retained Passing (ASTM C136-84a)
retained retained passing
(mm) (%) (%) Lower limit Upper limit
(gram) (%) (%)
(%) (%)
44.4 0 0 0 100 100
19.0 681.0 34.05 34.05 65.95 65.95
9.5 798 39.9 100 100 100 100
4.8 (No.4) 365 0.00 0.00 100 100 95 100
2.4 (No.8) 192.50 19.10 19.10 80.90 180.90 80 100
1.2 (No.16) 228.20 22.65 41.75 58.25 239.15 50 85
0.6 (No.30) 291.00 28.88 70.63 29.37 268.52 25 60
0.3 (No.40) 233.20 23.15 93.78 6.22 274.74 10 30
0.15 (No.100) 55.40 5.50 99.28 0.72 275.46 2 10
Lost 7.30 0.72 - - -
Total 1007. 30 100 324.54 275.46 1238.77
Fineness modulus = 324.54/100 = 3.3

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Dosen Muda Research Report


fication Radius Depth Weight h-d t-r Spreader Number Maks P Splitting Average
silinder ratio ratio Width Length (kN) Tensile
mm mm (gram) (mm) (cm) Strength
29 58 355 1 0 0 0 0 18 3,406
29 58 354 1 0 0 0 14 2,649
C58-10-00 58x58 3,359
29 58 359 1 0 0 0 18 3,406
29 58 349 1 0 0 0 21 3,974
29 87 555 1,5 0 0 22 2,776
C58-15-00 58x87 29 87 540 1,5 0 37 4,668 3,406
29 87 523 1,5 0 0 0 22 2,776
29 87 524 1,5 3/40 26 3,280
C58-15-05 58x87 29 87 517 1,5 3/40 38 4,794 3,785
29 87 529 1,5 3/40 4 10 10 26 3,280
29 87 530 1,5 9/80 10 29,5 3,722
C58-15-10 58x87 29 87 522 1,5 9/80 25 3,154 3,764
29 87 524 1,5 9/80 7 10 35 4,416
29 87 515 1,5 3/20 10 26 3,280
29 87 524 1,5 3/20 32 4,037
C58-15-15 58x87 4,037
29 87 517 1,5 3/20 9 10 35 4,416
29 87 528 1,5 3/20 35 4,416

( 36 )
fication Radius Depth Weight h-d t-r Spreader Number Maks P Splitting Average
silinder ratio ratio Width Length (kN) Tensile
mm mm (gram) (mm) (cm) Strength
29 87 516 1,5 3/16 10 23 2,902
29 87 520 1,5 3/16 30 3,785
C58-15-20 58x87 3,296
29 87 520 1,5 3/16 11 10 23,5 2,965
29 87 515 1,5 3/16 28 3,533
29 116 699 2 0 0 41 3,880
29 116 710 2 0 40 3,785
C58-20-00 58x116 3,572
29 116 675 2 0 0 0 35 3,312
29 116 705 2 0 35 3,312
29 116 713 2 3/40 10 31 2,933
C58-20-05 58x116 29 116 710 2 3/40 43 4,069 3,533
29 116 701 2 3/40 4 15 38 3,596
29 116 685 2 9/80 10 52 4,920
C58x20-10 58x116 29 116 696 2 9/80 38 3,596 4,573
29 116 703 2 9/80 7 15 55 5,204
29 116 706 2 3/20 49 4,636
C58-20-15 58x116 29 116 607 2 3/20 44 4,163 4,542
29 116 699 2 3/20 9 15 51 4,826
29 116 681 2 3/16 10 50 4,731
C58-20-20 58x116 29 116 710 2 3/16 55 5,204 4,731
29 116 712 2 3/16 11 15 45 4,258

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Dosen Muda Research Report

fication Radius Depth Weight h-d t-r Spreader Number Maks P Splitting Average
silinder ratio ratio Width Length (kN) Tensile
mm mm (gram) (mm) (cm) Strength
C58-25-00 58x145 29 145 895 2,5 0 0 56 4,239 3,962
29 145 885 2,5 0 56 4,239
29 145 886 2,5 0 0 0 45 3,406
C58-25-05 58x145 29 145 880 2,5 3/40 10 78 5,904 5,299
29 145 877 2,5 3/40 76 5,753
29 145 878 2,5 3/40 4 15 56 4,239
C58-25-10 58x145 29 145 868 2,5 9/80 10 45 3,406 3,709
29 145 872 2,5 9/80 46 3,482
29 145 914 2,5 9/80 7 15 56 4,239
C58-25-15 58x145 29 145 866 2,5 3/20 10 63 4,769 4,794
29 145 874 2,5 3/20 72 5,450
29 145 898 2,5 3/20 9 15 55 4,163
C58-30-00 58x174 29 174 1061 3 0 0 50 3,154 3,167
29 174 1062 3 0 45 2,839
29 174 1033 3 0 0 0 55 3,469
29 174 1039 3 0 49 3,091
29 174 1051 3 0 52 3,280
C58-30-05 58x174 29 174 1037 3 3/40 10 34 2,145 3,028
29 174 1069 3 3/40 59 3,722
29 174 1046 3 3/40 4 18 51 3,217

( 38 )
fication Radius Depth Weight h-d t-r Spreader Number Maks P Splitting Average
silinder ratio ratio Width Length (kN) Tensile
mm mm (gram) (mm) (cm) Stergth
C58-30-10 58x174 29 174 1039 3 9/80 10 59 3,722 3,827
29 174 1065 3 9/80 46 2,902
29 174 1053 3 9/80 7 18 77 4,857
C58-30-15 58x174 29 174 1062 3 3/20 10 58 3,659 4,226
29 174 1060 3 3/20 9 18 76 4,794
C58-30-20 58x174 29 174 1069 3 3/16 10 76 4,794 4,763
29 174 1049 3 3/16 11 18 75 4,731
C85-10-00 85x85 42,5 85 753 1 0 0 33 2,908 2,908
42,5 85 753 1 0 33 2,908
42,5 85 751 1 0 0 0 34 2,996
42,5 85 756 1 0 29 2,555
42,5 85 767 1 0 36 3,172
C85-10-05 85x85 42,5 85 767 1 3/40 10 35 3,084 3,246
42,5 85 757 1 3/40 35,5 3,128
42,5 85 770 1 3/40 6 10 40 3,525
C85-10-10 85x85 42,5 85 755 1 9/80 10 35 3,084 3,172
42,5 85 747 1 9/80 39 3,436
42,5 85 729 1 9/80 10 10 35 3,084
42,5 85 730 1 9/80 35 3,084

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Dosen Muda Research Report

fication Radius Depth Weight h-d t-r Spreader Number Maks P Splitting Average
silinder ratio ratio Width Length (kN) Tensile
mm mm (gram) (mm) (cm) Strength
42,5 85 780 1 3/20 10 38 3,348
C85-10-15 85x85 42,5 85 754 1 3/20 42 3,701 3,583
42,5 85 797 1 3/20 13 10 42 3,701
42,5 85 730 1 3/16 10 39 3,436
C85-10-20 85x85 42,5 85 763 1 3/16 43 3,789 3,525
42,5 85 750 1 3/16 16 10 38 3,348
42,5 127,5 1126 1,5 0 0 49 2,878
42,5 127,5 1085 1,5 0 36 2,115
C85-15-00 85x128 42,5 127,5 1139 1,5 0 0 0 47 2,761 2,620
42,5 127,5 1135 1,5 0 39 2,291
42,5 127,5 1086 1,5 0 52 3,055
42,5 127,5 1070 1,5 3/40 10 61 3,583
42,5 127,5 1119 1,5 3/40 49 2,878
C85-15-05 85x128 42,5 127,5 1070 1,5 3/40 6 15 60 3,525 3,313
42,5 127,5 1089 1,5 3/40 52 3,055
42,5 127,5 1091 1,5 3/40 60 3,525
42,5 127,5 1070 1,5 9/80 10 51 2,996
42,5 127,5 1088 1,5 9/80 50 2,937
C85-15-10 85x128 42,5 127,5 1132 1,5 9/80 10 15 58 3,407 3,219
42,5 127,5 1110 1,5 9/80 57 3,348
42,5 127,5 1189 1,5 9/80 58 3,407

( 40 )
fication Radius Depth Weight h-d t-r Spreader Number Maks P Splitting Average
silinder ratio ratio Width Length (kN) Tensile
mm mm (gram) (mm) (cm) Strength
C85-15-15 85x128 42,5 127,5 1091 1,5 3/20 10 63 3,701 3,624
42,5 127,5 1100 1,5 3/20 62,5 3,671
42,5 127,5 1080 1,5 3/20 13 15 70 4,112
42,5 127,5 1135 1,5 3/20 58 3,407
42,5 127,5 1138 1,5 3/20 55 3,231
C85-15-20 85x128 42,5 127,5 1030 2 3/16 10 56 3,290 3,589
42,5 127,5 1140 2 3/16 64 3,760
42,5 127,5 1143 2 3/16 16 15 63 3,701
42,5 127,5 1123 2 3/16 63,5 3,730
42,5 127,5 1116 2 3/16 59 3,466
C85-20-00 85x170 42,5 169 1480 2 0 52 2,305 2,496
42,5 170 1517 2 0 0 0 0 61 2,687
C85-20-05 170 42,5 170 1518 2 3/40 69 3,040 2,893
42,5 170 1523 2 3/40 64 2,820
42,5 170 1500 2 3/40 6 18 10 64 2,820
C85-20-10 85x170 42,5 170 1514 2 9/80 70 3,084 3,157
42,5 170 1518 2 9/80 69 3,040
42,5 170 1471 2 9/80 10 18 10 76 3,348
C85-20-15 85x170 42,5 170 1514 2 3/20 79 3,480 3,290
42,5 170 1493 2 3/20 76 3,348
42,5 170 1522 2 3/20 13 18 10 69 3,040

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Dosen Muda Research Report

fication Radius Depth Weight h-d t-r Spreader Number Maks P Splitting Average
silinder ratio ratio Width Length (kN) Tensile
mm mm (gram) (mm) (cm) Strength
C85-20-20 85x170 42,5 170 1506 2 3/16 83 3,657 3,569
42,5 170 1501 2 3/16 80 3,525
42,5 170 1502 2 3/16 16 18 10 80 3,525
C85-25-00 85x170 42,5 212,5 1859 2,5 0 94 3,313 3,003
42,5 212,5 1903 2,5 0 88 3,102
42,5 212,5 1917 2,5 0 0 0 10 107 3,771
42,5 212,5 1903 2,5 0 78 2,749
42,5 212,5 1928 2,5 0 59 2,079
C85-25-05 85x213 42,5 212,5 1895 2,5 3/40 69 2,432 2,136
42,5 212,5 1922 2,5 3/40 51 1,798
42,5 212,5 1902 2,5 3/40 6 22 10 62 2,185
42,5 212,5 1895 2,5 3/40 65 2,291
42,5 212,5 1900 2,5 3/40 56 1,974
C85-25-10 85x213 42,5 212,5 1906 2,5 9/80 88 3,102 3,362
42,5 212,5 1897 2,5 9/80 88 3,102
42,5 212,5 1872 2,5 9/80 10 22 10 111 3,912
42,5 212,5 1924 2,5 9/80 111 3,912
42,5 212,5 1894 2,5 9/80 79 2,784

( 42 )
fication Radius Depth Weight h-d t-r Spreader Number Maks P Splitting Average
silinder ratio ratio Width Length (kN) Tensile
mm mm (gram) (mm) (cm) Strength
42,5 212,5 1876 2,5 3/20 100 3,525
42,5 212,5 1884 2,5 3/20 85 2,996
C85-25-15 85x213 42,5 212,5 1909 2,5 3/20 13 22 10 100 3,525 3,398
42,5 212,5 1944 2,5 3/20 95 3,348
42,5 212,5 1912 2,5 3/20 102 3,595
42,5 212,5 1925 2,5 3/16 99 3,489
42,5 212,5 1920 2,5 3/16 85 2,996
C85-25-20 85x213 3,480
42,5 212,5 1844 2,5 3/16 16 22 10 105 3,701
42,5 212,5 1914 2,5 3/16 106 3,736
42,5 255 2202 3 0 45 1,322
C85-30-00 85x255 42,5 255 2217 3 0 35 1,028 1,273
42,5 255 2243 3 0 0 0 0 50 1,469
42,5 255 2210 3 3/40 45 1,322
42,5 255 2252 3 3/40 35 1,028
C85-30-05 85x255 42,5 255 2226 3 3/40 6 27 10 40 1,175 1,234
42,5 255 2224 3 3/40 40 1,175
42,5 255 2230 3 3/40 50 1,469
42,5 255 2237 3 9/80 65 1,909
42,5 255 2192 3 9/80 75 2,203
C85-30-10 85x255 2,056
42,5 255 2170 3 9/80 10 27 10 80 2,350
42,5 255 2204 3 9/80 60 1,762

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Dosen Muda Research Report

fication Radius Depth Weight h-d t-r Spreader Number Maks P Splitting Average
silinder ratio ratio Width Length (kN) Tensile
mm mm (gram) (mm) (cm) Strength
C85-30-15 85x255 42,5 255 2272 3 3/20 65 1,909 1,713
42,5 255 2250 3 3/20 65 1,909
42,5 255 2253 3 3/20 13 27 10 45 1,322
C85-30-20 85x255 42,5 255 2224 3 3/16 70 2,056 1,909
42,5 255 2178 3 3/16 60 1,762
42,5 255 2211 3 3/16 16 27 10 65 1,909
C109-10-00 109x109 54,5 109 2511 1 0 73 3,912 3,579
54,5 109 2466 1 0 67 3,590
54,5 109 2493 1 0 0 12 0 63 3,376
54,5 109 2501 1 0 68 3,644
54,5 109 2506 1 0 63 3,376
C109-10-05 109x109 54,5 109 2526 1 3/40 70 3,751 4,635
54,5 109 2511 1 3/40 94 5,037
54,5 109 2502 1 3/40 8 12 10 93 4,983
54,5 109 2476 1 3/40 89 4,769
C109-10-10 109x109 54,5 109 2537 1 9/80 93 4,983 4,672
54,5 109 2492 1 9/80 89 4,769
54,5 109 2493 1 9/80 12 12 10 93 4,983
54,5 109 2462 1 9/80 87 4,662
54,5 109 2501 1 9/80 74 3,965

( 44 )
fication Radius Depth Weight h-d t-r Spreader Number Maks P Splitting Average
silinder ratio ratio Width Length (kN) Tensile
mm mm (gram) (mm) (cm) Strength
C109-10-15 109x109 54,5 109 2460 1 3/20 84 4,501 4,689
54,5 109 2484 1 3/20 86 4,608
54,5 109 2474 1 3/20 16 12 10 93 4,983
54,5 109 2490 1 3/20 87 4,662
C109-10-20 109x109 54,5 109 2559 1 3/16 85 4,555 4,962
54,5 109 2544 1 3/16 89 4,769
54,5 109 2454 1 3/16 20 12 10 111 5,948
54,5 109 2476 1 3/16 89 4,769
54,5 109 2478 1 3/16 89 4,769
C109-15-00 109x164 54,5 163,5 3831 1,5 0 75 2,679 2,763
54,5 163,5 3795 1,5 0 0 0 0 74 2,643
54,5 163,5 3832 1,5 0 83 2,965
C109-15-05 109x164 54,5 163,5 3765 1,5 3/40 102 3,644 2,804
54,5 163,5 3765 1,5 3/40 94 3,358
54,5 163,5 3694 1,5 3/40 8 18 10 78 2,786
54,5 163,5 3676 1,5 3/40 40 1,429
C109-15-10 109x164 54,5 163,5 3745 1,5 9/80 40 1,429 1,965
54,5 163,5 3772 1,5 9/80 50 1,786
54,5 163,5 3751 1,5 9/80 12 18 10 60 2,143
54,5 163,5 3766 1,5 9/80 65 2,322
54,5 163,5 3825 1,5 9/80 60 2,143

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fication Radius Depth Weight h-d t-r Spreader Number Maks P Splitting Average
silinder ratio ratio Width Length (kN) Tensile
mm mm (gram) (mm) (cm) Strength
C109-15-15 109x164 54,5 163,5 3781 1,5 3/20 45 1,607 2,072
54,5 163,5 3675 1,5 3/20 40 1,429
54,5 163,5 3748 1,5 3/20 16 18 10 65 2,322
54,5 163,5 3768 1,5 3/20 60 2,143
54,5 163,5 3850 1,5 3/20 80 2,858
C109-15-20 109x164 54,5 163,5 3767 1,5 3/16 60 2,143 2,501
54,5 163,5 3856 1,5 3/16 70 2,501
54,5 163,5 3748 1,5 3/16 20 18 10 80 2,858
54,5 163,5 3877 1,5 3/16 70 2,501
C109-20-00 109x218 54,5 218 5041 2 0 100 2,679 2,076
54,5 218 5058 2 0 70 1,875
54,5 218 4970 2 0 0 23 0 80 2,143
54,5 218 5048 2 0 60 1,607
C109-20-05 109x218 54,5 218 5020 2 3/40 65 1,741 2,411
54,5 218 5096 2 3/40 110 2,947
54,5 218 5141 2 3/40 8 23 10 95 2,545
C109-20-10 109x218 54,5 218 5042 2 9/80 85 2,277 2,713
54,5 218 5032 2 9/80 85 2,277
54,5 218 5073 2 9/80 12 23 10 130 3,483
54,5 218 5072 2 9/80 105 2,813

( 46 )
fication Radius Depth Weight h-d t-r Spreader Number Maks P Splitting Average
silinder ratio ratio Width Length (kN) Tensile
mm mm (gram) (mm) (cm) belah
C109-20-15 109x218 54,5 218 5004 2 3/20 70 1,875 2,277
54,5 218 5057 2 3/20 100 2,679
54,5 218 5031 2 3/20 16 23 10 85 2,277
C109-20-20 109x218 54,5 218 5014 2 3/16 80 2,143 2,768
54,5 218 5055 2 3/16 120 3,215
54,5 218 5092 2 3/16 20 23 10 110 2,947
C109-25-00 109x273 54,5 272,5 6349 2,5 0 135 2,893 2,615
54,5 272,5 6358 2,5 0 95 2,036
54,5 272,5 6374 2,5 0 0 0 0 140 3,001
54,5 272,5 6390 2,5 0 125 2,679
54,5 272,5 6360 2,5 0 115 2,465
C109-25-05 109x273 54,5 272,5 6424 2,5 3/40 125 2,679 2,599
54,5 272,5 6305 2,5 3/40 115 2,465
54,5 272,5 6311 2,5 3/40 8 30 10 130 2,786
54,5 272,5 6306 2,5 3/40 115 2,465
C109-25-10 109x273 54,5 272,5 6328 2,5 9/80 120 2,572 2,518
54,5 272,5 6302 2,5 9/80 130 2,786
54,5 272,5 6304 2,5 9/80 12 30 10 115 2,465
54,5 272,5 6367 2,5 9/80 107,5 2,304
54,5 272,5 6436 2,5 9/80 115 2,465

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fication Radius Depth Weight h-d t-r Spreader Number Maks P Splitting Average
silinder ratio ratio Width Length (kN) Tensile
mm mm (gram) (mm) (cm) Strength
C109-25-15 109x273 54,5 272,5 6425 2,5 3/20 135 2,893 3,001
54,5 272,5 6315 2,5 3/20 160 3,429
54,5 272,5 6364 2,5 3/20 16 30 10 135 2,893
54,5 272,5 6385 2,5 3/20 155 3,322
54,5 272,5 6318 2,5 3/20 115 2,465
C109-25-20 109x273 54,5 272,5 6490 2,5 3/16 175 3,751 3,536
54,5 272,5 6371 2,5 3/16 135 2,893
54,5 272,5 6422 2,5 3/16 20 30 10 180 3,858
54,5 272,5 6301 2,5 3/16 170 3,644
C109-30-00 109x327 54,5 327 7604 3 0 145 2,590 2,255
54,5 327 7411 3 0 125 2,233
54,5 327 7461 3 0 0 0 0 130 2,322
54,5 327 7582 3 0 105 1,875
C109-30-05 109x327 54,5 327 7416 3 3/40 130 2,322 2,789
54,5 327 7447 3 3/40 162 2,893
54,5 327 7501 3 3/40 8 35 10 150 2,679
54,5 327 7595 3 3/40 182,5 3,260
C109-30-10 109x327 54,5 327 7462 3 9/80 120 2,143 2,501
54,5 327 7540 3 9/80 115 2,054
54,5 327 7605 3 9/80 12 35 10 175 3,126
54,5 327 7342 3 9/80 150 2,679

( 48 )
fication Radius Depth Weight h-d t-r Spreader Number Maks P Splitting Average
silinder ratio ratio Width Length (kN) Tensile
mm mm (gram) (mm) (cm) Strength
C109-30-15 109x327 54,5 327 7472 3 3/20 160 2,858 2,888
54,5 327 7413 3 3/20 170 3,036
54,5 327 7655 3 3/20 16 35 10 155 2,768
C109-30-20 109x327 54,5 327 7345 3 3/16 135 2,411 2,917
54,5 327 7635 3 3/16 155 2,768
54,5 327 7349 3 3/16 20 35 10 200 3,572
C150-20-00 150x300 75 300 12642 2 0 195 2,759 2,631
75 300 12844 2 0 200 2,829
75 300 12552 2 0 0 31 0 200 2,829
75 300 12536 2 0 195 2,759
75 300 12461 2 0 140 1,981
C150-20-05 150x300 75 300 12562 2 3/40 175 2,476 2,617
75 300 12572 2 3/40 165 2,334
75 300 12651 2 3/40 11 31 10 185 2,617
75 300 12455 2 3/40 225 3,183
75 300 12534 2 3/40 175 2,476
C150-20-10 astm 75 300 12455 2 9/80 185 2,617 2,928
75 300 12471 2 9/80 205 2,900
75 300 12766 2 9/80 17 31 10 210 2,971
75 300 12679 2 9/80 220 3,112
75 300 12616 2 9/80 215 3,042

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fication Radius Depth Weight h-d t-r Spreader Number Maks P Splitting Average
silinder ratio ratio Width Length (kN) Tensile
mm mm (gram) (mm) (cm) Strength
C150-20-20 150x300 75 300 12529 2 3/16 240 3,395 3,584
75 300 12616 2 3/16 260 3,678
75 300 12575 2 3/16 28 31 10 260 3,678
C100-20-00 100x200 50 200 3750 2 0 55 1,751 1,963
50 200 3662 2 0 50 1,592
50 200 3604 2 0 0 21 0 80 2,546
C100-20-05 100x200 50 200 3708 2 3/40 50 1,592 2,122
50 200 3655 2 3/40 80 2,546
50 200 3662 2 3/40 8 21 10 70 2,228
C100-2--10 ASTM 50 200 3613 2 9/80 85 2,706 2,281
50 200 3622 2 9/80 80 2,546
50 200 3816 2 9/80 11 21 10 50 1,592
C100-20-15 100x200 50 200 3656 2 3/20 60 1,910 2,387
50 200 3615 2 3/20 90 2,865
50 200 3646 2 3/20 15 21 10 75 2,387
C100-20-20 100x200 50 200 3797 2 3/16 110 3,501 3,289
50 200 3627 2 3/16 120 3,820
50 200 3577 2 3/16 19 21 10 80 2,546

( 50 )
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Given some data as follows:

Mix proportion: 1:2:3 of cement-sand-coarse aggregate ratio by volume
Water-cement ratio: 0.50
Portland cement:
Type of cement : Ordinary portland cement
Density of ordinary portland cement : 1500 kg/m3
Specific gravity of portland cement : 3.15

Natural sand:
Origin: Gebong river, Narmada ,West Lombok
Bulk Density of natural sand : 1471 kg/m3
Mean Specific gravity of natural sand, SSD : 2.74
Fineness modulus : -N.A
Mean water absorption : 1.585%

Coarse aggregate:
Origin: Gebong River, Narmada - West Lombok
Type of coarse aggregate : Crushed stone
Maximum nominal size of aggregate : 20mm
Bulk Density of pumice : 1430 kg/m3
Mean Specific gravity of Gravel, SSD : 2.59
Mean water absorption: -N.A

Origin: Reservoir of Structure and Material Laboratory of Civil
Engineering Dept, Eng. Faculty of Mataram University
Density of water: 1000 kg/m3

Based on Gambhir, L.M., 1995, Concrete Technology 2nd Edition,
Tata McGraw-Hill Publishing Company Limited, New Delhi
Dosen Muda Research Report

Other properties:
The percentage of entrained air: 2

Absolute volume Vc:

W C Fa Ca
Vc    
1000 1000Sc 1000 Sf a 1000 Sca

The mix proportions of 1:2:3 by volume can be alternatively in terms of masses as


Water : Cement : Sand : Crushed stone

--- : 1x1500 : 2x1471 : 3x1430
0.50 : 1 : 1.96 : 2.86

The absolute volume of concrete produced by one bag of cement of 50 kg is

0.5  50 1  50 1.96  50 2.86  50
Vc      0.132 m 3
1000 1000  3.15 1000  2.74 1000  2.59

The absolute volume of ingredients in 1 cubic meter of fully compacted fresh

concrete is 1.0-0.02=0.98m3
Cement content per m3 of concrete, C= (0.98/0.132)=7.43 bags or 371.5 kg

Therefore, the ingredients per cubic meter of concrete are:

Cement : =371.5 kg
Natural sand : 1.96x371.5 =728.14 kg
Crushed stone : 2.86x371.5 =1062.49 kg
Water : 0.5x371.5 =185.75 kg

And for 1 bag of cement, the ingredients are:

Cement : =50 kg
Natural sand : 1.96x50 =98 kg
Crushed stone : 2.86x50 =143 kg
Water : 0.5x50 =25 kg

Dosen muda research report

Absolute volume Vc:
W C Fa Ca
Vc    
1000 1000Sc 1000Sfa 1000Sca

The mix proportions of 1:2:3 by volume can be alternatively in terms of masses as

Water : Cement : Sand : Crushed stone
--- : 1x1500 : 2x1471 : 3x1430
0.45 : 1 : 1.96 : 2.86

The absolute volume of concrete produced by one bag of cement of 50 kg is

0.45  50 1  50 1.96  50 2.86  50

Vc      0.1294 m 3
1000 1000  3.15 1000  2.74 1000  2.59

The absolute volume of ingredients in 1 cubic meter of fully compacted fresh

concrete is 1.0-0.02=0.98m3
Cement content per m3 of concrete, C= (0.98/0.1294)=7.58 bags or 378.8 kg

Therefore, the ingredients per cubic meter of concrete are:

Cement : =378.8 kg
Natural sand : 1.96x378.8 =728.14 kg
Crushed stone : 2.86x378.8 =1062.49 kg
Water : 0.45x378.8 =140.76 kg

And for 1 bag of cement, the ingredients are:

Cement : =50 kg
Natural sand : 1.96x50 =98 kg
Crushed stone : 2.86x50 =143 kg
Water : 0.5x50 =22.5 kg

Dosen Muda Research Report

Here are some definition and remarks that are cited, having close
relationship or referred in this report. The term introduced in this section are
extracted from ASTM standard Vol. 04.02.

ASTM C 125-92 Standard terminology relating to concrete and concrete


Aggregate, granular material, such as sand, gravel, crushed stone, or iron blast-
furnace slag, used with a cementing medium to form hydraulic-cement
concrete or mortar.
Bleeding: the Autogenous flow of mixing water within, or its emergence from,
newly placed concrete or mortar caused by the settlement if solid materials
within the mass, also called water gain.
Bulk Specific Gravity (SSD): the ratio of the mass of a volume of a material
including the mass of water within the voids in the material (but excluding
the voids between particles) at a stated temperature to the mass of an equal
volume of distilled water at a stated temperature
Light-weight aggregate: aggregate of low density used to produce light-weight
concrete, including: pumice, scoria, Volcanic cinders, tuff, and diatomite;
expanded or sintered clay, shale, diatomaceous shale, perlite, vermiculite or
slag, and product of coal coke combustion
Maximum size (of aggregate): in specification for, or description of aggregate, the
smallest sieve opening through which the entire amount of aggregate is
required to pass
Nominal maximum size (of aggregate): in specification for, or description of
aggregate, the smallest sieve opening through which the entire amount of
aggregate is permitted to pass
Specific Gravity, Bulk: the ratio of the mass of a volume of a material (including
the permeable and impermeable voids in the material, but excluding the

Dosen muda research report

voids between particles of the material) at a stated temperature of the mass

of an equal volume of distilled water at a stated temperature.
Specific Gravity: the ratio of the mass of a volume of a material at a stated
temperature to the mass of the same volume of distilled water at a stated
Water cement ratio: the ratio of the amount of water exclusive only of that
absorbed by the aggregate, to the amount of cement in a concrete or mortar
mixture; preferably stated as a decimal by weight.

ASTM C 29/C 29-91a

Unit weight is the traditional terminology used to describe the property
determined by this method. Some believe that the proper term is Unit mass, or
Density, or Bulk density but consensus on this alternate terminology has not
been obtained

ASTM E 12-70 (Re-approved 1991) Standard terminology relating to Density

and Specific Gravity of solids, liquids, and Gases

Apparent density (of solids and liquids): the weight in air of a unit volume of a
material at a specified temperature. The unit shall be stated. If the material is a
solid, the volume shall be that of the impermeable portion.
Apparent specific gravity (of solids and liquids): the ratio of the weight in air of a
unit volume of a material at a stated temperature to the weight in air of equal
density of an equal volume of gas-free distilled water at a stated temperature.
If the material is a solid, the volume shall be that of the impermeable portion
Bulk density (of solids): the weight in air of a unit volume of a material (including
both permeable and impermeable voids normal to the material voids normal to
the material) at a stated temperature
Bulk specific gravity (of solids): the ratio of the weight in air of a unit volume of a
permeable material (including both permeable and impermeable voids normal
to the material) at a stated temperature to the weight in air of the equal density
of an equal volume of gas-free distilled water at a stated temperature.

Dosen Muda Research Report

Density (of solid and liquids): the mass of a unit volume of a material at a
specified temperature. The unit shall be stated, such as gram per milliliter,
gram per cubic centimeter, pounds per cubic foot or other. If the material is a
solid, the volume shall be that of the impermeable portion. Note: the term
‘Relative density with the same meaning as Specific gravity is becoming more
widely used.
Specific gravity (of solids and liquids): the ratio of the mass of a unit volume of a
material at a stated temperature to the mass of the same volume of gases-free
distilled water at a stated temperature. If the material is a solid, the volume
shall be that of impermeable portion. (See also ASTM C 125)

Discussion of the definition and relationships to scientific terms:

In scientific terminology, Mass is a measure of the quantity of material in
a body, and is a constant regardless of geographical location, altitude or
atmospheric condition, so long as no material is added or taken away. The weight
is the force with which a body is attracted to the earth, and varies from place to
place with the acceleration of gravity.
For many commercial and industrial processes the rigorous scientific
distinction between Mass, Apparent mass and Weight is no practical consequence
and therefore is ignored. The term Weight in general practice has been accepted as
being the value secured when an object is weighted in air. This “weight” or
“weight in air” is often converted to “Weight in vacuo” by the application of air
buoyancy correction, and is then considered as synonymous with “Mass”
All definition listed above are based on either “Mass” or “Weight in air”.
The distinction being that air buoyancy correction has been applied in the former
case and not in the latter. Density and Specific gravity are based on Mass, and
should be similarly constant. Apparent density, Bulk density, Apparent specific
gravity and Bulk specific gravity are based on “weight in air”, and therefore are
subject to change with atmospheric condition, locality, and altitude. These
changes may be negligible, depending upon the accuracy required for the
particular application.

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Kekuatan beton sangat tergantung pada jenis serta kekuatan dari agregat penyusun
beton itu sendiri, hal ini karena mengingat agregat mengambil porsi sekitar 70%
dari volume beton. Dari sudut pandang ilmu teknik sipil, kegagalan struktur dapat
diklasifikasikan sebagai Serviceability failure dan kegagalan Strength failure.
Kegagalan Serviceabilty meliputi lendutan dan pengaruh lingkungan. Salah satu
kerusakan pada struktur beton yaitu terjadinya pengembangan volume beton
akibat adanya reaksi kimia antara alkali pada semen dan silika pada agregat
(alkali – aggregate reaction). Reaksi silika-agregat ini terjadi bila terdapat tiga
unsur yang terlibat, yaitu adanya kandungan silika aktif pada agregat, terdapatnya
alkali (Na2O dan K2O) dalam jumlah tertentu pada semen serta adanya kadar air
pada beton. Untuk jangka panjang, penelitian ini bertujuan melakukan
inventarisasi berbagai agregat lokal yang menyangkut sifat fisik dan kimiawi dari
agregat tersebut , baik agregat normal ataupun agregat ringan serta memberikan
informasi penting tentang agregat mana saja yang potensial untuk bereaksi dengan
alkali pada semen. Adapun tujuan khusus dari kajian ini yaitu untuk mengetahui
potensi reaktivitas dari agregat lokal untuk bereaksi dengan kandungan alkali pada
semen. Untuk mencapai kedua tujuan tersebut dilakukan dengan kunjungan ke
berbagai lokasi deposit dari agregat agregat tersebut, sedangkan untuk sifat fisik,
kimiawi serta reaktivitas dari berbagai agregat tadi dilakukan di laboratorium
dengan merujuk pada standar ASTM. Khusus untuk mengetahui reaktivitas
agregat tadi dilakukan dengan dua metode yaitu Mortar bad method dan Chemical

Dosen Muda Research Report


Latar Belakang
Beton merupakan bahan bangunan yang paling utama dari semua
pekerjaan sipil. Dapat dikatakan tak ada bangunan sipil yang dibangun tanpa
melibatkan unsur beton. Kondisi ini karena bahan baku pembuat beton tu sangat
mudah untuk diperoleh, selain itu produk beton relatif murah, mudah dalam
perawatan, tahan api, dapat dibuat sesuai dengan kehendak pengguna.
Pada prinsipnya beton merupakan bahan komposit yang tersusun dari
semen, agregat halus, agregat kasar dan air dengan atau tanpa admixture. Apabila
dilihat dari segi proporsi bahan penyusun beton, maka agregat kasar merupakan
bahan yang menempati porsi paling banyak, bahkan sekitar 70% dari volume
beton itu sendiri. Dengan memperhatikan fakta ini dan menyadari bahwa harga
agregat kasar relatif lebih murah dibanding harga bahan yang lainnya, maka pada
umumnya untuk memperoleh beton dengan harga yang relatif lebih murah maka
selalu diusahakan agar volume agregat kasar dalam campuran beton itu sebanyak
mungkin, semakin banyak akan semakin baik. Namun dari segi kekuatan maka
tentunya mutu beton itu akan sangat tergantung pada mutu agregat itu sendiri, hal
ini karena agregat kasar mempunyai porsi yang paling besar dalam campuran.
Agregat yang baik untuk beton mempunyai syarat syarat atau sifat tertentu.
Untuk memproduksi beton yang mempunyai kinerja tinggi, dalam arti kuat
dan durabilitas yang handal maka dibutuhkan material yang baik. Dengan kata
lain, beton tidak saja diproduksi untuk kekuatan yang tinggi namun juga harus
mempunyai durabilitas yang tinggi. Secara umum agregat untuk beton disyaratkan
mempunyai karakteristik seperti kekuatan (Strength) yang tinggi, teksture
permukaan yang kasar, kekerasan (hardness) serta keteguhan (Thoughness) yang
baik. Disamping itu, agregat juga disyaratkan tidak bersifat reaktif terhadap alkali
yang terkandung didalam semen. Bila suatu agregat bersifat reaktif maka beton
yang dihasilkan akan mempunyai durabilitas yang diragukan, terutama untuk
beton yang berhubungan langsung dengan cuaca atau lingkunag basah.Secara fisik
ciri ciri beton yang mengandung agregat reaktif seperti adanya pengembangan
volume serta timbulnya keropos dala m2-3 tahun.

Dosen muda research report

Sampai saat ini belum ada samasekali informasi mengenai sifat sifat fisik
maupun mekanis dari agregat yang ada di lokasi penambangan dipulau Lombok.
Hal ini tentunya perlu mendapat penanganan yang serius. Memperhatikan kondisi
dan fakta tersebut di atas serta menyadari pentingnya peran agregat dalam
produksi beton maka tidaklah berlebihan kiranya bila sifat sifat fisik, mekanis
serta kimiawi dari agregat tersebut untuk diteliti lebih lanjut.

Tujuan khusus
Sebagaimana telah diuraikan di atas secara singkat mengenai peran dan
potensi bahaya yang timbul bila terdapat agregat yang reaktif didalam beton maka
penelitian ini bertujuan untuk: mempelajari sifat mekanis seperti kekuatan
(Strength), kekerasan (Hardness) dan keteguhan (Thoughness) dari agregat yang
adadi lokasi penambangan di pulau Lombok. Lebih lanjut, kajian ini juga untuk
mengetahui tingkat reaktifitas ari agregat yang ada, dan merekomendasikan
tindakan atau langkah apa yang sebaiknya ditempuh bilamana ternyata diketahui
terdapat agregat yang bersifat reaktif.

Telah menjadi persyaratan umum dalam dunia teknik sipil bahwa suatu
konstruksi seharusnya kuat dan awet. Beton yang awet (Durable) membutuhkan
material yang tepat. Mengingat peran agregat sangat vital dalam produksi beton
maka studi ini sangat penting dan mendesak untuk ditindak lanjuti.


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