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Your honorable Judges

Your Honorable Committee

And all of the audience

Assalamualaikum Wr.Wb

Let’s say our thanks to Allah SWT the most beneficent and the most merciful, so we can get
together here in this lovely place.

Our best regard is also given to our prophet and messenger Muhammad SAW who has brought
us from the darkness to the brightness.

Ladies and gentlemen,

Let me introduce myself, my name is Novia Kusumaningtyas. I’m from MAN 5 Bogor. Today I’d
like to deliver my speech about “HOW TO KEEP YOUR HELATHY LIFE STYLE”

People nowadays have a different way of life. Particularly for they who live in a city. They are
busy with their activities without realizing they are doing unhealthy lifestyle. Some people
become ‘passive smoker’ or they get addicted with ‘junk food’. This is happened because they
do not really care about the importance of being healthy.

‘Healthy cost’ this popular expression is totally right. If people want to be rich, they must be
healthy. They do not have to go to the hospital because they are well. In other words, they can
save their money.

There are some ways to maintain your life to be good and healthy. First, everyone should
exercise so they do not gain weight and stay in a good shape. Most traits will improve muscle
strength and decrease health risks, such as cancer, high blood pressure and stroke. It is
recommended for everyone to exercise at least half and hour everyday to make them healthier.

Second, eating healthy food. What does ‘healthy eating’ actually mean? Healthy eating is
different from dieting. It means a variety of food, to maintain your health, such as eating more
fresh fruits, vegetables, cooking meals at home, reducing sugar and refined carbohydrates. So,
eating healthy food can help you live longer, healthier, and happier.

Third, drinking fresh water. The amount of water you consume everyday can keep your body’s
health. The expert has recommended that people should drink water about 8 to 10 glasses in a
day to maintain your good health. We know that water is the main component of human’s
body. It is about 80 percent of our body is including water.
And the last is a good night sleeping. The research has shown that people who take a sleep
about 7 to 8 hours per night can help them look more attractive, concentrated, and better

Ladies and gentlemen,

Health is the main key to live in our life. So let’s do things that makes you stay fit and healthy by
doing some exercise, eating healthy food, drinking fresh water and having a good night

Well, I think that’s all I can say. Thank you for your attention

Wassalamualaikum Wr.Wb

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